There ain't no way I can get anything done with only 140 characters. So ... let's see what can happen with 560. Call them 'Jumbo Tweets' or 'Jumbo Treats'.
Anyone who only supports Trump for Politics and to get a puppet in the White Outhouse is no good, not genuine, a liability later, a traitor waiting for a bribe. I could never be one of you. I could not care less about who or what is where or how in Politics.
If all of you are together just to get one of you into the White Outhouse then you are no better than the DemoQueers. You have here a golden opportunity to band together and rise forever above Politics. Become a force outside of Politics!
The Queer Medias are doing everything possible (inside their crap world) to discredit Trump, and make him appear as crazy and erratic. The European Politicians want this. All European Politicians are afraid of Trump. Trump will want economic transparency. Right now the Europeans have a corpse that cannot ask questions.
The War Circus in Europe is a gold mine to the Twisted politicians of the EU. Trump is a threat to that gold mine. They will try to turn the 2024 election against Trump. They already are trying to undermine Trump for 2024 by painting him as crazy.
Do not underestimate how desperate the European Politicians are to stop Trump from stopping the War in Ukraine. Trump threatens their game plans. They will pay big money to stop Trump. Weapons makers here will pay big money to stop Trump.
The Repucraps are addicts of the Queer Medias and will toady for those scum if they are assured a place at the Table of Death later. Trust no Repucrap. Why do the Repucraps own the so-called Republican Party? Trump is the only being in the Known Universe to oppose all of the Twisted Species of Politics at the same time. If he is not a trick.
As an Indicator of the Truth, if Trump is genuine, then he is above all Politics and Games and Queer Medias and Deviates forever. No amount of contrived and phony charges of wrong doing can change that. 'Federal' is whatever the worst politicians say it is, and does their bidding.
You must learn to keep the Flames of Truth controlled to a dull roar so as not to scare the many millions of chickenshit voters. Plus, all media scuzz are claiming that Trump makes crazy and dangerous statements. This scares chickenshit voters. It makes them piddle their fleece.
How can such low-crawling filth as DemoQueers pretend to charge anyone else with crimes when they are the worst criminals known to exist anywhere? It is a huge Double-Negative Don't You See That?!
If a Negative says anything else is a 'Negative' then that anything else MUST BE POSITIVE!!!!!!!!!! Period.
Everything depends upon the sincerity and genuine truth of Trump's Humanity. If Trump is Real, then everything good should happen for him -- and -- if it does not it (itself) is Sinister and Evil. That is how pivotal and important an Indicator is. Trump in the White Outhouse for four years will pave the way for better candidates later.
European medias are saying Trump is dangerous and wild, they are very self-interested, they are very invested in the War Circus, they depend upon the War now, they fear Trump will stop all of it by defunding Ukraine. Even though they treat Zelensky as an outsider.
You must close ranks and control all media exposure, attack the medias not tolerate the turds, make your case, fight for your truth, gather the meek and timid to you, stop fake news, generate a flood of positive reviews, challenge all negative reports, appear strong to the weak. Sheep always seek shelter. With the Repucraps they will get sheared instead.
European Reporters will take any opportunity to put Trump into a crazy light, a kaleidoscope, under a cloud of doubt and fear, portrayed as a selfish and self-centered fool. From that will flow billions of dollars to stop Trump. Two billion spent in America to stop Trump will reap dozens of billions in Europe, by keeping the War Circus in operation there.
European reporters say that Repucraps will try to stop Trump because he can only be a puppet for four years and they want an eight-year stooge in the White Outhouse. That is because the Repucraps fear the concept of getting rid of the Queer Medias. The things fear that Trump will break the Queer Dictatorship of the Deviates, by exposing the Truth about the Queer Medias. The Repucraps are addicted to medias.
Throughout all of it -- the only altruistic value to any of this is to destroy Politics forever. To break out of all molds and prisons. To boldly go where no nation has gone before -- without politics.
Do not look for me to vote. Not a chance. Never. At the same time I acknowledge that (if true) Trump is the first of a long line of Indicators that will make Politics bleed from every orifice every minute of every day, for being such trash. Such tripe. Such dog meat. Such a shame disease.
Look at each other. Anyone who does not like this message is Death to all Life. Convoluted. Warped. Lowered. Debased. Debauched. Just the way the Deviates want it to be. And every thing that fears Truth and an end to Evil will screech that I am crazy for saying so. Tough shit.
The underlying root dementia of monetary greed (in capitalist societies) will force many things that vote to turn against Trump in favor of convenience and monetary gain. If they defeat Trump they will re-invest more heavily and pounce upon the opportunity to increase their wealth. In other words, they were already invested in bad actions and bad creations that would have been reduced or halted by Trump.
Remember, the Twisted Species cannot do work. That is why they have military services to kill dissenters with. The War in Ukraine is an excellent opportunity for the Twisted Species to test the killing capacities of their armies, for use later against any and all Revolutionaries that want freedom from a prison camp society -- from them. Trump threatens all of that, by posing a threat to the war itself.
Repucraps made a huge error in judgment by stopping the forgiveness of millions of student loans. That was a catastrophic failure. Now, it may not be possible for any Non-DemoQueer to win a chickenshit election for twenty years. A colossal imbecility of greed by money worshiping pigs. So, why do you want Trump associated with those idiots?
Do you have to climb a mountain and look down to see that Politics is an insane asylum with no walls? Why do you want Trump in the White Outhouse if you are not part of the insane asylum? The White Outhouse is far inside the insane asylum.
The Deviates think they own all of you anyway. The purpose of their phony words for themselves such as that (g-a-y crap) was to make you the slaves of their words. To own and control everyone possible by making anyone accept their own false terms for their hideous selves and their awful actions. How can anyone oppose the Deviates using the fake terms and the false identities of the Deviates against them? You cannot say that you oppose the (g-a-y vermin) because there are no such things. You can only oppose what is real -- the Deviates.
I remember talking to sheep after 2020. In sheep language they all said Trump said the right things but too much and caused too many enemies to get angry. Where did the 'too many enemies' come from? Answer: Sheep Herding is Big Business.
A Queer Media win against Trump now can take all truth out of Politics until the Collapse, with dozens of Jackals howling that they give the truth until then. If Trump loses to the Liars then Politics is revealed as Forever Perverted. A Cemetery. The Land of the Living Dead. A Liar's Haven. Endless Damned.
You should keep all Trump-like spirits of Independence going with an Eternal Flame no matter what happens in any election. If you do not, then you did not have it to begin with.
Where your enemies are concerned, learn that if you do it -- it matters. If the DemoQueers do it -- it doesn't mean shit. Walk over them. Talk over them. Piss over them.
Trump can be the leader of a third political party much more powerful than Libertarians or Greenies. Get Trump to teach you how to become millionaires. Group your money. Crush the Liars. Use their own scum against them.
As you can tell I have condemned Wash This Death City as a forever-queer dung heap. I do not want it improved. Who would want a neater cleaner dung heap?
In Europe Trump is seen as a real threat to the EU/NATO game. It was partly responsible for starting War in Ukraine. EU bloodsuckers have many plans that depend upon US Dollars given to them by the Twisted Species. Our Dollars.
At the same time that we know about the War Circus, Ukraine must not be abandoned -- even though Queer EU is not worth saving or losing one life for. Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, Moldavia, Georgia, Germany, Turkey all need US help. How can you do that without going to the circus?
Trump has no choice about Ukraine. Trump does have a choice about bloodsuckers. Trump can help but not go to circus. European medias will defame Trump whatever he does.
Now! Is the time for Trump to reassure Ukraine of his support. For all of you Ukraine is so important it might as well be attached to Florida offshore with chains.
For whatever it is worth I made this picture showing America and Ukraine. The proportions are accurate.
Trump can offer prioritized support for Ukraine and eliminate bottom feeders in Queer EU, by direct deliveries and direct services. No middle circus. Ukraine will not refuse such aid, cannot refuse.
Youtube is a ghetto. Every Youtube jackal hates Trump and will try to block anything he does with false videos. Today, 90% of all Youtube videos about Ukraine are CNN-type Queershit. And/or berserkers and vultures and lowest liars. Youtube has fallen. If I owned Youtube I would shut it down -- erase all content -- start again. Blaming berserkers and vultures and lowest liars.
Which lies are the DemoQueers using this week to scare TV watching sheep? What do sheep hear from Queer Propaganda today? Have they tried “Trump will start WWIII” yet? Have they put angel's wings on White Outhouse Reporters yet? Have they indicted Trump for being religious yet? Not too far away. Deviates hate any Sheep Church they cannot own and control.
What happens if Trump is ousted by Repucraps but does not go away? Queer Medias will try to ignore Trump. What if the People shut off Queer Medias? Cancel subscriptions. Tear down satellite dishes. Cut incoming cables. Demand Internet Only services -- without Queer Medias. Media services will have to agree or lose millions of subscriptions. Why should CNN exist without Trump?
Laughing sheep are a very bad sign. Laughing sheep are comfortable, stupid, fat, full of shit, mindless, greedy, selfish, and chew their tongues if displeased. Sheep always go to the most money and/or comforting lies. What they have to eat to get the money no longer matters.
These attacks against Trump can happen to any Human and are not surprising. They can only matter if you are a slave in the shit world of the attackers. This is a case of the Masters of the Shit Agenda trying to persuade their victims of the Shit Agenda that a life in shit is not so bad after all. In the Queer Coalition Bladders, attacking innocent Humans is supposed to be entertainment.
Never, not ever, feel reluctant to say the awful truth about brainwashed black homo-fascists if you are not black yourself -- you are not saying the truth about real black people.
I don't suppose it has occurred to any of you that the flag of false colors is the flag of the nation that the Deviates intend to replace America with. They have already threatened to kill America if they cannot rule. By defeating the Deviates and their DemoQueers you will save America from a terrible death. Any Repucrap that does not agree is a DemoQueer. Period.
You Trumpers failed last time. After 2020 you took down those Trump signs. They should still be out there -- everywhere -- if you really see Trump as a bringer of freedom from Genocide.
Markel Peters