Warning: Truth.
That is the results of an impromptu survey which I recently made of Real Humans driving Real Pickup Trucks, versus Pissant Faggots driving Forrid Abominations in North Central Iowa. This came after I saw two Drag Queens from Logo (both driving Forrid Abominations) making bird kisses to each other in a convenience store here in North Central Iowa.
They were pretending -- ain't that cute?
They were pretending -- ain't that typical?
They were pretending -- ain't that Proudless Prideless Pervert Pretenders(Minus the many Humans they have already killed)?
Two Big and Fat and Stupid and Stupid-Looking Forrid Drag Queens pretending they were sweet on each other.
Must have been TV Watchers.
So, I drove around North Central Iowa for a few hours counting the numbers of Real Human Drivers in Real Trucks versus Drag Queens in Forrid Abominations. The result after four hours was 312 Humans versus 52 Faggots. Do the math -- the PPPP(-) make up only 14.28571428%.
Ridiculous ain't it? The 14% think they can rule the world in Forrid Abominations. What is NOT funny is those scum are killing the world in Forrid Abominations.
I must ask the question -- why does such a small percentage of scum think their loud sucking mouths will rule over all of us????
It gets worse.
There seems to be no end to the stupidity and imbecility of the PPPP(-). Of course, what can you expect from things that exist in Queer Coalition Bladders?
The week before the very recent Deviate Sighting that I just described, I was in another convenience store (of the same general brand) here in Eagle Grove and I heard a conversation that was right out of the Twilight Zone. Two Bladder Slaves came into the store while I was waiting in line to check out. Both were dressed in obvious disguises meant to fool us dumb 'hicks-in-the-sticks'. One was tall and thin, the other short and fat.
The tall one said to the short one -- “The result is, if you bother any of these people they will come after you for interfering with their lives, forever. It is an unforgivable crime to try to use them for your advertising. They will deliberately try to destroy you forever, for trying to use them for your movement.”
The short fat one replied -- “This is a problem for advertising our shit. This is making people unsuitable for our needs.”
The tall one then said -- “This is forcing us to use only those inner city victims that we have already ...” I think the next word was 'used' but they were out of my hearing range by then.
And, there I was waiting in line to pay for my coffee. That is all I was doing. It happens that way. When you least expect it to happen -- bingo bongo -- proof positive walks in the door.
The freaks did not even see me, they never do.
So ... what do you think the things were talking about?
Look at it again ...
The result is, if you bother any of these people they will come after you for interfering with their lives, forever. It is an unforgivable crime to try to use them for your advertising. They will deliberately try to destroy you forever, for trying to use them for your movement.
This is a problem for advertising our shit. This is making people unsuitable for our needs.
This is forcing us to use only those inner city victims that we have already ... (used) ...
You may ask what such trash are doing in Eagle Grove to begin with. Answer: Queer Medias.
Why would the PPPP(-) stop trying to kill Real Humans with their big lying mouths just because Trump is now in the White Outhouse? Why would any PPPP(-), embedded into any Human neighborhood, stop trying to kill all of the Real Humans in that neighborhood just because the political party that they own is no longer dominant at Wash This Death City?
Real Humans know the answer, but if you ask a Sheeple “Why do all of the Lying Mouths sound the same?” you will cause such a fright that surely a stampede will arise. And, how do you direct a Sheeple Stampede? If a Sheeple Stampede was constructive and destroyed any part of the Big Queer Machine of the SQLD then it would be well worth the effort to simply ask any Sheeple -- “Why do all of the Lying Mouths sound the same?”
Why do the Lying Turds of the ButtUgly Windmill Imperials sound the same as ...
[[when the things say that only a small lunatic fringe of people dislike their ButtUgly Windmills]]
the Lying Mouths that say that only a lunatic fringe of the People dislike the Proudless Prideless Pervert Pretenders(-)?
Answer: Same turds. Same lies. Same paychecks. Same Masters. The BUWIs and the PPPP(-) are exactly the same things!
What do you think ordered the Rape of Iowa by the ButtUgly Windmill Imperials?
Answer: The Lesie-Turds.
There are entire companies of Jackals and Worst-case Assholes that make money lying for any (and all) Satanic Bowel Movements.
Of course they sound the same. They are the same.
And now, they are lying to the Sheeple about Covid 19, and the Sheeple are falling for it.
As usual their lies can (and will) get many persons killed.
Do you imagine that for one second any of those Lying Mouths could ever care about the body count caused by their lies?
Answer: Now is not a time for Hilarious Laughter.
I saw such a Lying Mouth in a Walmart last month. It was pretending to be an inspector of the self-checkout isles. You can tell that type of Lying Mouth by the bloated body, the deranged leer, the small piggy eyes, the arrogant attitude, the expectation to be worshiped like a Goddess. It was pretending that Trump had not been elected, that the PPPP(-) were victorious, that the Humans are inferior to all dykes, and its huge power over the helpless customers is its reward for being a scheming and conniving cunt that destroys all Humans who try to work at Walmart.
That kind of scuzz is telling the Sheeple that Covid19 is over.
Another Lying Mouth.
As of this moment, as I write this message, the following statistics apply to the Covid 19 Invasion. By the time you read this message many counts will be worse, of course.
01-05-2025 ....
World Death Count -- 7,083,246
World Infected Count -- 777,310,393
Worst Hit Nation Deaths -- DDS -- 1,212,060
(Diseased and Disunited States)
DDS Covid 19 Death Count--01-05-2025--Final
DDS VA Seasonal Disease Review--as of 01-25-2025--Final
Covid 19 World Map--Cases as of 01-05-2025--WHO--Final
Covid 19 World Map--Deaths as of 01-05-2025--WHO--Final
Current Epidemic Trends--01-21-2025--Final
What is Long Covid long of?
A lot of people have no memory of what Covid19 looks like, and/or never knew what the variations have been so far. Here are some illustrations of the Covid Variants for your educational needs...
A schematic representation of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern (VOCs)--MDPI--Final
SARS-CoV-2 variants--MDPI--Final
Mutations and clinical characteristics of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 variants of concern--Spandidos--Final
Control the Spread of COVID19 and new Variants--WHO--Final
Two branches of the immune system activated during viral infection--followed by the development of viral immunity--Frontiers in Immunology--Final
Links For Further Reading: (Seriously For Your Information)
Just so you realize that I am NOT making any of this up.
By This Time -- if you are one of my Readers -- you must know that the websites which I link you to, are important enough to share with all English-Speaking Humans.
In alphabetical order ...
!Long COVID--Brain Changes and Cognitive Impact 2 Years Later--01--!!!!
!Long COVID--Brain Changes and Cognitive Impact 2 Years Later--02--!!!!
5 years later, COVID is still alive and kicking - The Journal
7 Things to Know About the New COVID Vaccines
Beyond the Virus--Long COVID’s Neurological Toll
COVID-19 cases--WHO COVID-19 dashboard
Current Epidemic Trends (Based on Rt) for States--CDC
FYI--Heal the Vagus Nerve Naturally--Effective Tips and Techniques--Could Help Cure Long Covid
FYI--How Human-AI feedback loops alter human perceptual, emotional and social judgments--Nature
Here’s What It’s Actually Like Living With Long COVID
Long COVID Basics--COVID-19--CDC
Long COVID’s Impact on the Brain--Specifically Cognitive Function
Long Haulers--Symptoms, Treatments & Understanding After Effects of COVID
New Data on Long COVID Prevalence and Impact--CDC Report
Seeking Answers to Long COVID
The Long COVID Patient Journey--A Complex and Unpredictable Experience
Understanding Long COVID--Symptoms and Recovery Tips
What is Long COVID
Whole-Health-System-Approach-to-Long-COVID--VA--this downloads Pdf
NONE of this information is to be shared with the Enemies of Man, such as any thing in a Forrid Abomination.
And then, there is the podcast ...
Under The Umbrella Of Evil -- One -- with Music for Women
Some conversation here about Truth and Reality.
Again I am making recordings while I am on the roads.
You would be wise to listen to this one.
I have included some Music for Women, and 'Yes' I have listened to it all and even I am at a loss for words.
There is a confusion about the true identity of the orchestra movement that comprises the last half of the Music for Women, so I will not try.
Good Advice:
Always identify and stop the Lying Mouths. MONITOR the crap out of the PPPP(-), twice as much as you monitor Covid 19. Log it all down. Get videos. Get witnesses. Get military information. Get hard evidence.
Get Data.
Got Data?
Markel Peters