Warning: Truth is something that should
be cherished and treasured. However, those Lowest Grades that must
hide from Truth always hate it and despise its existence.
Accordingly, they like to complain about Appropriate Language which
is the Voice of the Truth. The following message uses Appropriate
Language and is therefore not suited for the Lowest Grades that
deserve it.
Table of Contents:
Clean Up The Search Engines Now
The Invasion of Poland by Queer Medias
Weblinks to Pirate News
Weblinks to World News
Music for Poland
Clean Up The Search Engines Now:
Tired and sick of the horrible Queer
Tired of encountering Queer Weeds with
every Internet search?
Fed up with search results that only
show Queer Media sites?
Cheer Up!!!! I have found a way to get
rid of the Queer Medias in search results.
It is called 'Ublacklist' and it is an
extension for search engines.
I have installed it as an extension to
my search engines and it works. The controls are very simple, but it
is quite effective.
So far I have blocked 94 Deviate
Websites from showing up in search results. I have included a TXT
file of the list here ...
Here is the list itself ...
Ublacklist must be added as an
extension to each browser. Be sure to activate this in your browser.
Also, Ublacklist adds a line under each search result that says
'Block this site'. Hit that and the site itself is blocked from
search results, unless you unblock it from within Ublacklist.
****This reveals how whore-based
the search engines are.
Searches without Queer Results are
thinner and reduced because search engines are deviated and are
biased towards Deviates and away from the rest of the Universe.
With Ublacklist in your browser and
activated the IIIN is crippled. (Internet Interruption and
Intimidation Network)
It proves beyond doubt that
search engines are NOT the way to find anything on the Internet!!!!
Now, whenever I search for anything
those terrible pervert sites do NOT show up in the results. Instead,
I get everyone else. Which is wonderful! Those are the websites that
were being smothered and depressed and censored by the Queer Sites.
You can paste this list directly into
one of the screens of Ublacklist and it works. If you add any of your
own sites to this list just be sure to follow the protocol and
separate the items by an 'enter' key instead of being crammed
together. I would keep it all in alphabetical order if I was you.
This is truly wonderful news for the
Human Species, and of course the hideous perverts will try to get
around it by banning 'Ublacklist' and other Human Extensions. That is
up to you to prevent!!!!!!!!!!
Banish and ban any search
engine that does not allow 'Ublacklist' and other Human
The blacklisting vermin that have
blacklisted all Human Websites and all Humans are now themselves
blacklisted by US!!!!!!!!!!
Elsewhere in the World, no other news
gets anywhere near to being this important. In fact, all of it
combined is not as important as this is.
The Invasion of Poland by Queer Medias:
I always love it when turds try to
pretend that they are not turds. They always try to dress like white
angels with pimped smiles on their faces. Being stupid, they do not
realize that each of their faces is pasted with a 'Shit-Eating Grin'.
Before we continue my brothers and
sisters, let us lift our voices in song, and sing a falsetto tribute
to the latest Invasion of Poland ...
I call it “Blitzkrieg Is A Many
Splendored Thing' and it is sung to the tune of 'love is a many
splendored thing' ... which in turn is based upon Madama Butterfly by
Puccini ...
Please sing with me ...
Blitzkrieg! Is a many splendored
It's the killer rose that only grows in the early
It's the Anal way of giving away any reason to be free,
Blitzkrieg is a many splendored thing.
Blitzkrieg! Is a many splendored
Its the golden frown that makes a
clown into a king.
When the anus touch is given to the
They always die before spring,
Oh Blitzkrieg is a many splendored
Lost in a low and perverted pit,
the morning mist two assholes spit,
And the world starts to stink again.
Then their lies spew out and all
And all corpses begin to twitch,
Oh Blitzkrieg is a many splendored
Ukraine? Where is that?
The War in Ukraine has been totally
overshadowed by the Queer Invasion of Poland by the Queer Medias. For
those of you who remain skeptical or afraid of the Truth I will show
you some revealing information about what is behind this invasion.
The initial target of the Invasion
of Poland was a public media outlet called TVP Info, which
operated an english-speaking channel called TVP World. Since then
many Human organizations in Poland have been attacked and closed down
by the so-called Homosexuals.
Follow the numbers ...
1. On TVP World there was a program
called 'How They Lie'. It was about a Queer Media TV channel in
Poland called TVN. TVN is owned by WARNER BUGGERS!!!!
2. TVP World headquarters was attacked
and overrun by thugs working for the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead.
The Humans were illegally extracted and thrown out. TVP World
headquarters was invaded and taken over by the EU and US Deviates in
December 2023.
3. Now, a false and fake TVP World has
started to transmit again under Queer Control.
4. All former programs that said the
Truth about the Queer Medias and WARNER BUGGERS have been removed.
Here are screen shots from
Disgustipedia confirming this ...
I have already banned the awful
HollyQueer Gang from our Species. This of course includes Queer
Disney and Queer Warner Buggers, at the top of the list. I
hope that now even the most retarded readers will realize how
important such a ban is. Banish Queer Disney and Queer Warner Buggers
before they banish you!!!!
****This puts the permanent label of
'LIE' to the Queer Propaganda attempt to label the Exclusion Of
All Truth With Forced Replacement By Lies and Liars
as something called 'Inclusion'. Inclusion is just another
word for killing the Truth about themselves whenever and wherever
Compared to those turds, Vladimir is
looking better and better every minute.
Once again I am proven correct beyond
all doubt.
When I say that the 'Tusk' thing is the
'Anus That Ate Poland' it is true. It is a faggot for the Deviates,
nothing more.
You see in the Invasion of Poland the
tactics of Queer Dictatorship, and their stooges and their faggots
and their shills and their thugs and their criminals and their terror
campaigns and their Queer Propaganda at work.
You also see how important it is to
the Shit Agenda that no truth about the Shit Agenda be allowed to
reach the public. This is what would happen here in America if there
was a TV Channel here which told the Truth about the Queer Medias.
this for yourself and realize how bogus and incorrect
are the lies of the deviate politicians about anyone who opposed the
chickenshit elections of 2020 here. All deviate politicians are
trained in these terror tactics.
Do not waste
your time saying “How dare they do such terrible things?”
They are the
third and fourth generation perverts that were ...
Raised To Be The Assholes That
Will Kill The World, By Assholes Who Were Raised By Assholes To Raise
Assholes That Will Kill The World.
Here are some websites about those
awful events in Poland. As you listen to these videos remember that
the Humans are called 'Law and Justice'. The Deviates are called
'Rule Of Law', which means dictatorship.
2023-12-08--Ukrainian troops train in
Poland for harsh winter warfare
2023-12-20--Poland’s revolution gets
real as government reclaims control of public media -- evasive
2023-12-20--Rock Rachon is Off
Air--Invasion of Poland Begins
2023-12-22--After attacks on media,
opposition wants culture minister to resign
2023-12-23--Empty TV Newsroom that Tusk
shut down TVP Media--Invasion of Poland continues--Rock Rachon
2023-12-27--MEP Tarczynski warns
dictatorship might come to Poland--EU Deviates will Kill
Make no mistake about it. Unchecked
Deviates without transparency and accountability will kill anything
that is not Deviate if they can.
2023-12-28--Inside the Controversial
Decision to Liquidate Public Media in Poland
2023-12-28--Tusk Anus wants to abolish
the Church Fund--Polish Catholics are shocked
2024-01-03--Rock Rachon is back--Human
Media Shutdown--Putins biggest terrorist attack on Ukrainian cities
yet--Invasion of Poland continues
2024-01-08--Ukraine--The White House is
not serious about victory its all rhetoric--Rock Rachon
2024-01-11--Huge Protest in Poland
Against Media Reform--Exministers Imprisonment--Other Changes
2024-02-01--Ukraine sinks a Russian
warship again--Uncertain future of the US aid package for
Ukraine--Rock Rachon
2024-02-04--Saving People on the Front
Line--War Is Algebra
2024-02-06--They Want To Watch Poland
Burn--Invasion of Poland continues
2024-02-24--The dark side of French
democracy and the struggle against police brutality--typical EU
2024-03-03--How Germanys Problems Can
Bring PreWW2 Misery (Wiemar Republic)
2024-03-06--Farmers demands rejected by
ruling coalition while protest in Warsaw violently pacified by police
2024-03-19--liberal Anus That Ate
Poland causes chaos--releases 20000 criminals from prisons
2024-03-19--Poland challenges NATO
countries--3 percent of GDP for defense or the alliance will soon
fight Putin--Rock Rachon
2024-03-20--Ukrainian artillery--War is
2024-03-21--Tusk Deviate risks ECB
brawl after move to put Polish bank boss on trial
2024-03-25--Fate of EUs Nature
Restoration Plan amid Hungarys Withdrawal of Support for
Bill--Communist era violence returns
2024-03-26--Secret Service Agents raid
former Justice Ministers house seizing childrens tablets and mobile
phones--He is an enemy of Anus That Ate Poland
As expected the Deviate Medias
throughout Europe are behind this invasion of Poland and are
orchestrated to ignore it. This proves beyond any doubt the deep
treachery and the intense evil that motivates all Queer Medias.
Tell Zhni Apolodoris -- To Zeus From
Apolodoris -- Not By Ignoring Evil Does One Overcome It -- But By
Going To Meet It
Podcast: A Podcast from me. I usually
leave these to the end.
Warning -- The Following Podcast Is
Full Strength Truth. If You Are Not A Real Human With A Desire To
Know The Truth Do Not Listen To This Podcast. Historical Facts Are
Contained In This Podcast And As Such Are Forbidden By The Satanic
And Queer Lying-Dead. Also, Sheeple And Cowards Are Not Supposed To
Be Reading This Message Anyway.
Bad Sheeple!
Obviously, I do not care at all about
how much rat blood is spilled.
This is important information for all
Humans everywhere. It illustrates how Queer Propaganda works on the
decreased and reduced brains of Media Addicts and Idiot Voters.
For Real Humans I will explain further
... obviously such truth cannot be spoken or written where the
terrible DemoQueers rule with fear tactics and intimidation and
propaganda -- such as anywhere in Poland. It is a big rule of
propaganda to stop and prevent any truth being said or written about
that propaganda; because propaganda always hides terrible truths.
Here in Iowa I can say and write the truth because the god-damned
DemoQueers do NOT rule Iowa. If I were in MassInsanity I would
be arrested and tortured to death for this podcast. For verification
of that ask any Human who has escaped MassInsanity or Poland.
Accordingly, I recommend the State
of Iowa (when it is not under awful DemoQueer tyranny) as a
suitable home for any Real Human who has the Truth to tell, write, or
represent with any media; especially if that Truth reveals the True
Horrors of DemoCrapia.
As for this podcast, I have in the past
used the phrase 'Fiction in the service of Non-Fiction'. This is the
Weblinks to Pirate News:
Not as complete as I wished, but I got
sidetracked with giving the Roto-Rooter treatment to the Internet.
2022-12-22--Pirates vs Big Oil--Kidnap
and Ransom for Africa's Oil Wells--Environment and Trade Documentary
Explains piracy as counter-attacks
against Big Oil. Notice the boat called 'Utai 17', really cool.
Explains why French EU Deviates (Big Queer) are being thrown out of
Africa. Explains strategic importance of Somali piracy.
2023-11-17--Somali pirates attack the
wrong ship
Obviously the official media package.
Many cool scenes. Listen instead of watch to understand better.
Mentions historical war against Barbary Pirates fought by young US
Navy in 1801 and 1815. Reminds me of the 'Small Boat Navy' of the War
in Vietnam.
2024-02-06--US Navy role in Middle East
Explains the resulting perils of
allowing marijuana junkies from Colorado and black Homo-Fascists from
Nude Yack and corpses sitting in the White Outhouse to reduce the US
Navy to slavery for perverts and far too few ships.
2024-02-20--Who are these Sea Pirates
Pro-EU Deviates promotional video,
pretending the EU scum are responsible for Norwegian Navy efficiency.
??See any fake flags of Queer EU False
Colors anywhere??
Shows some of the Somali pirates
themselves. Pirates blame piracy on desperation caused by Foreign
Looters of their resources. Shows corruption and lies in the handling
of captured pirates.
2024-03-18--India fights Somali
pirates--World News--Gravitas
Indian Medias are always promoting
anything Indian and this is no exception. This time the glory goes to
the Indian Navy. Then more world news from Indian viewpoint. Did
anyone not know that Vladimir would win by a landslide?
****Important Point****
'Piracy' is happening big time on
YouTube, by Queer Media Fifth-Column Channels.
They are Deviate channels that mix
documentaries like these with Queer Propaganda videos, in an attempt
to pretend that Deviates are just another expression of revolution
and insurgency and freedom. That is a hijacking process and it
is the Piracy of the YouTube.
I found two of these videos (shown
here) on several Fifth-Column Channels where they were associated
with videos promoting the endless lies of Big Queer.
Those Fifth-Column Channels were
heavily pro-EU Deviates and very anti-Poland. Making YouTube a
propaganda vehicle under pirate control.
Weblinks to World News:
2022-07-31--Pelosi's human right to
travel--Russia invites UN to POW camp--UK steals Venezuela gold
2023-05-28--Tsar Bomba Destruction in
2023-11-12--War is Hell--Elon Musk
2023-11-27--It's remarkable what humans
are capable of, if they're fed falsehoods--Elon Musk in Jerusalem
2023-11-28--Aziz Orujov--Executive
Director of Azerbaijan’s TV channel Kanal13 is slandered and
arrested by politicians
2024-01-12--US & UK strike
Yemen--Biden pushes $300B asset seize--Anus Tusk vs Poland
Duda--Elensky No 5
2024-01-14--Taiwan elections--Cameron
mastermind behind Yemen--Poland Morawiecki--Russia outflanked us
2024-01-27--Cholera Outbreaks--Africa
2024-02-01--State of West Africa--Mali
and Niger and Burkina Faso leave ECOWAS
2024-02-01--World News Outside
Africa--Biden Is Clueless--Social Media Impact on Children
2024-02-01--You Won't See This
Anywhere--Ride Around Kyiv--Walking Tour--Good
2024-02-08--Bayer and Ford massively
lay off employees in China--Bosses flee with funds--Worker protests
sweep across China
2024-02-10--China's Economic Crisis--A
Ticking Time Bomb--Brain Chips
2024-02-10--China's Shoe King Is
Doomed--Wild Consumption and Rebound
2024-02-10--US and China in a Scramble
for Antarctica--WION
2024-02-13--Nigeria's Economy-Illegal
Ivory Trade-Drug Shortage-and Security News
2024-02-15--Military Info--Brink of
WWIII--Pox News Monster--Are we at risk of another global war
2024-02-17--DR Congo Conflict--Africa
2024-02-17--Farming Protests--China
Government Europe
2024-03-15--Macron says Russia must
lose--Trump will lose--no red lines--Kharkov buffer zone--Pope in
Josep's garden
This certainly explains it for me. I do
not have to make this explanation. Tax monies in America must be used
by DemoQueers and EU to buy the next chickenshit election. No money
for Ukraine.
By the way, I have to go through a
grueling process of scanning YouTube for these videos -- looking for
anything that is sane and Human -- and there is very little of that
on YouTube. In fact, it is so bad that I feel as though I have to
soak my fingers in Triple Antibiotics before and after I use the
keyboard to search through YouTube for anything that is acceptable to
People. So freaked and weird and loony are the videos on YouTube that
it has become a digital compost heap.
In such a tepid environment of fakery
and deceptions there are horrible sites pretending that the Lowest
Grade Butt Terrorists are the hapless victims of
Polish Right-Wing Extremists.
Such video drivel is the Awful
Fake-News. It also reveals the cause for the Invasion of Poland.
Poland is predominantly Human, and therefore must be queered to
Incidentally, the queer videos which I
refer to were made before the invasion of Poland in December 2023.
Now, they are being released to support the invasion by the BBC PET
EU Deviates. Can this be a coincidence? Can the 'Anus That Ate
Poland' be a mere coincidence? Can it all be unplanned and
Music for Poland:
Last year I was feeling sad for the
Ukrainians. I decided to put together a classical music session for
the People of Ukraine in the hope that it would make them feel
better. Then the Huge and Tusked Anus attacked Poland! Now, it is the
People of Poland who need this music.
This is from old recordings in my
archives. So old that the tracks still have eight digit titles from
Windows 98. I have no idea where this all came from, but there is a
lot more of it on archive.org if you look for it.
I have also made a new illustration of
Human Resistance that is Pro-Poland Resistance to the BBC PET EU.
Thank You for your continued
readership. I wanted more for this message but I have been busy with
other matters. For one thing, I hit a truck in a blizzard last
January. I am alright but my Chevrolet Impala ('Cashmere') got banged
up. A semi-truck was jackknifed across the highway and I could not
see it because I was in a whiteout. Now the front fenders and bumper
and hood are smashed out of shape. The impact stopped at the front
firewall just behind the right headlight. Mechanically, the Impala
works fine and if I took off the front fenders and bumper and hood I
could drive it across the continent, without headlights.
I drove it home and left it under wraps
for the rest of the winter. Now that it is much warmer, I have
discovered that there is only surface damage. I will have to replace
the body parts this Spring. Fortunately, I have found that you can
order the body parts pre-painted to your color code 'Cashmere'. So, I
will be busy with body work on the Cashmere this Spring.
I have recently purchased one of the
smartphone devices, for technical reasons. I seldom use it and it
sits on a remote shelf. It is a kind of backup device for a special
purpose. It occurs to me that I can use it to see what my websites
look like on those devices. So, I might be making some format changes
in the future because of this.
I remember what I heard on the AM radio
stations after I was injured back in the Winter of 21-22. The queer
stations were spewing out propaganda that I was dead and/or crippled,
and therefore no longer a threat to their Shit Agenda. Meanwhile, the
non-queer stations were saying 'Peters was good for this
(whatever)' or 'Peters was good for that (whatever)'. They were all
in a rush to minimize my previous existence. And, they all assumed
(hoped) that I would die soon.
This was caused by their dependency
upon (and addiction to) the Politics Game, which I oppose completely.
I was seen as a blockage to the many vile propagandas of Their Game.
After hearing that I placed a ten year
ban on all AM radio broadcasts.
Blacklist Is As Blacklist Does
Markel Peters The Blacklisted Writer Of