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Monday, May 30, 2016
Not this month -- sort of: 05-30-2016
Thursday, July 12, 2012
I appreciate that.
Yeah Baby!
We must really be on target.
All of the Negative Barometers are working for us.
The Filthy Monkeys are repeat-playing that doofus song -- "you're out of touch, you're out of time", or something to that effect; which is supposed to make us Humans think that we are wrong, and missing something.
The 'Loser Word' is going to sewer the minds of TV Addicts for another Satan Tube season, on the 'ShowSlime' toilet.
The Hellish Degenerate is still on the Satan Tube, lying to ever-increasingly stupid guests -- it would have monkeys on, but no monkey in its right mind would get near the thing.
The Crackheads and Nasty Neuters (CNN) are still transmitting lies, trying to use camera angels that hide the glue strips on their heads.
We, are supposed to be 'missing' that regurgitation; because we do not watch the Satan Tube.
Yes -- all the indications are positive. We are right on target.
As you know, I have not written much in the last two months.
I have written a lot, in the last two months. You have not seen much of it, but that is almost always the case anyway.
I write every day that I can. Every hour that I can. Of course, I know how to take care of myself and relax from time to time; in order to stay sharp enough, to write well enough, to make common sense enough, to be understood by you enough, for all Humans to survive and grow enough, to throw off the shackles and yokes of our oppressors enough, to be a Free Species at last. Free of the SQLD, and their many sucking-arms of Terrorism and Tyranny against us.
Did I mention -- Genocide?
Now, I find myself addressing the Women of my Species. Which is surely as much a Mandatory Duty, as it is a Pleasure.
I find that I cannot care about certain things, when I am writing to the Women of my Species.
I care for Women dearly, but at the same time I am not going to shave the hairs off my body, and put on pantyhose, and run for election -- to replace the hairless Madame Gronstal of Pantyhose Land -- formerly the Iowa State Senate -- across the street from the Cathouse of the Monkey Judges. In Des Moines.
I am not sure Pottawattamie County would know what to do without a hairless monkey twit for State Senator. But, to replace it, I would have to move there; and I am not leaving Eagle Grove.
On the other hand, there have been very few times in recent history when Real Women have read anything written for them by a Real Man. In the twisted and transvestite sickened pseudo-world of the queer newsrags, and the queer magazine industry -- only piss-ants, eunuchs, and cross-dressers write anything for Women to read. What they write is trash of course; and it lowers and sewers and deranges the minds of any Woman that reads that (bleep).
So, I am not going to pretend to be a 'Wussy', so that I can write at the degenerated level to which most Women have been forced to go -- in order to have anything to read at all.
And, most Women will find that reading what I write is like being at the bottom of a swimming pool. Suddenly, they are under pressure and in danger of becoming another additive to some Queer Masters septic system -- a danger that they have only now realized.
Or, they can swim for it.
Straight up.
Without knowing where the surface is.
Without knowing what is up there waiting for them.
In a very real way, this is the kind of experience that Legal Immigrants go through, when they come to America. They really have no idea what is waiting for them.
But, it helps to have Friends there waiting for them.
In your case Women -- you have Me waiting for you.
This message is for the Women of my Species, who I do not pretend to understand fully, nor do I wish to.
I am hearing news reports these days, which claim that Women have 6 to 8 more emotions than Men do. I can certainly believe it. That makes a lot of sense really. Women (Real Women, not cell phone addicts), have quite a different role in life then Men do -- or at least they should have. However, in this messed up and twisted 'Planet Sinister' society of today, Women are having to do things that they were never intended to do -- as though there was a War on, and the nation was in a Wartime Economy.
In a very real sense, there is a War on -- a War of Greed. Greed and Greedy Masters, that want a society in which everyone has to work and slave for them. A society that is daily ravaged by the absurdities and insanities that are caused by such servitude (knowing or unknowing) to the Greedy Masters. Masters that will cause any kind of filth and disease to rip apart and decimate that society, just as long as such operations will turn a profit for them.
HObama The Magnificent Pervert is a mere puppet and lying mouth for such Masters of Decadence, Trash, and Perversion.
But, getting back to the topic of Women having a higher number of emotions then Men do ...
Here is an excerpt from an article, that I have been reading, about this issue. It gives fundamental reasons why Women can have more types of emotions then Men do.
"Women feel pain more than men despite the popular notion that the opposite is true, according to research.
Scientists investigating gender differences in pain have found that not only do women report more pain throughout the course of their lifetime, they also experience it in more bodily areas, more often and for longer duration when compared to men."
They must not be comparing Women to Truck Drivers.
A few weeks ago, I heard reports on AM radio, about Women having more emotional types (more numbers) then Men do; but I cannot find anything on the Internet that says such things specifically. All of the articles are about Women being more emotional than Men are. Which is a very worn out and thread-bare topic, and seldom regards anything more than the 'intensity' of emotions.
So ... I decided to gather a list of emotions which Human Beings experience (not complete of course) ...
You may recognize some of those Human Emotions as being associated with our worst enemies, and the worst liars in the Known Universe. That is because, you have been FOOLED.
You have been tricked into identifying any Human Emotions with our worst enemies. Our own Identities and Human Values and Human Emotions have been Hijacked and Stolen, for the hideous purposes of those same worst enemies; by the Queer Propagandists of course.
In Reality, they are all 'Human Emotions', and not felt or possessed by our worst enemies, the 'Queers'. That includes the DemoCraps and the ModoRats, of course.
Fakers and Liars and Deceivers are only in the business of Emotions Trading and Emotions Advertising. They are NOT into feeling what they cannot feel anyway.
Their 'Queer Idea' is to disable the Human Species, by claiming as many Human Emotions as they can, as their own exclusive property.
It is a very twisted and sick-sick-sick thing to do.
It is a weapon often used by 'Socialism'.
Some things come to mind when I look at this list:
1. I do not see any emotions listed there, that Men do not experience. Nor, do I see any emotions that Women do not experience.
2. If there are any emotions that Women feel that Men do not -- they must be refined and specialized subsets of some of these more general emotions.
3. Women create Life. Women bear children, Men do not. That by itself, is a huge difference. As it should be forever. It will account for a lot of specialized emotions that Women feel and experience, that Men do not.
4. But likewise, the emotions which the Men of the 3rd, and 4th and 5th Marine Divisions experienced (during the 8 days of the Battle of Iwo Jima); is a huge difference; that will account for a lot of specialized emotions that Men feel, and Women do not. Iwo Jima is an island in the South Pacific, south of the Japanese Mainland.
[[You see, it goes together. Babies are born, so babies can fight, so more babies can be born 'Free'. Without the 'Fight', there is no 'Free'.]]
5. Women. Today which emotions on this list do you identify with, when you think of the topic of 'Self-Defense' -- now -- before you get immersed in the subject. Later, which ones will you associate with the topic of 'Self-Defense', after you have studied and trained with weapons for self-defense. Make lists.
6. Go back to my list of emotions, from time to time, while you read through this message. Try to get a handle on your reactions, by thinking about emotions themselves. I mean that. Learning about self-defense and buying weapons and training with them and modifying them so they are right for you and more training -- it is all going to be an emotional experience for any Woman.
This message is about Personal Defense, and Home Defense; both in and out of Wartime.
I am going to start this message by pissing off and disappointing all of the 'gun experts' in the country. In this message I am going to ignore four calibers of weapons:
1. Anything 22.
3. The .380 auto.
4. The 9mm.
There is a lot of advertising going on for weapons that use the 22lr, these days. I ignore it. My reasons are simple. I do not give a damn about 'trends' (usually caused by manufacturers), and 'opinions'. This message is about showing the Mommies which are the best and most common Weapons for Self-Defense; and not about styles, or preferences, or customs (etc).
Market trends, and media-hyped super tech weapons (manipulated by ammo makers and gun manufacturers) be damned. A super modified $3000 HK 5.56mm AR-15 in the hands of a scared Mommie -- is going to get Mommie dead.
For very small handguns for Mommies, I am advising a minimum of the .32ACP caliber. From there, I jump to the .40S&W.
Reason? The 32ACP is a backup weapon. If a Woman already has a 9mm, she can use that for backup, and does not need the 32ACP. But the problem is, all of the weapons sharks out there, who are trying to sell any weapon that they can, and are lying to every Woman they can lie to -- (about what is or is not appropriate, and when, and where). I do not want 9mm's in the mix, because there is some BS out there that a 9mm is good enough for mainline defense.
A 9mm Uzi -- Yes.
Contrary to the Garbage Ideals of Forced American Consumerism -- the product (in this case) is not supposed to be an object of worship, or idolatry; as the manufacturers want them to be.
The idea is not to give a (bleep) about how wonderful is the weapon that you are using. In a self-defense situation, who will have time to give a thought to such trivialities? Not Scared Mommies -- I assure you!
If there are any Daddies out there reading this -- do you want the Mommy of your children dead on the living room floor of your house? Because, you had your head up your ass, and you insisted that she buy and use a Wonder Weapon that was the Latest Thing. A weapon that was the 'Must Have Weapon of the Decade'. Which was never right for her, she could not handle it, and it failed.
She failed. She is dead.
This message is about Weapons That Work. Every time. Without in-flight adjustments. Without preliminaries. Without sudden and necessary preparations.
Without thinking ... "Oh Goodie! I get to use my $2000 Model 'What-The-(Bleep)', in shining Stainless Steel; with the specially installed front sights and the comfy special grips; to shoot some Queer Bitch that is throwing Molotov cocktails into my windows!"
Besides, the .22 is for plinking and rodents; the .223 is a joke in the defense role; the .380 auto sucks; and the 9mm does not account for drug-induced rage, left-wing extremism, or Queer Propaganda!
My mind is made up. 'Gun Experts', shut up.
Mommies, we shall start with the simple and convenient semi-automatic pistol, and the standard revolver. I prefer that you use a semi-automatic pistol with a 7-8 round magazine; however a six-shot revolver will do nicely. Just don't allow anything to interfere with the turning of the cartridge cylinder. That is why they are called 'Revolvers'.
To start with, I will show you a diagram of a simple pistol. Pistols use magazines, not revolving cartridge cylinders.
As the 'slide' travels forwards, it catches the next bullet in the magazine and lifts it up and into the chamber of the barrel. This is called 'breech-loading', because the gunpowder and bullet did not have to be inserted down the barrel. Thus, it reloads the weapon by inserting a new bullet into the chamber from the back.
This auto-reloading process continues, until the last bullet is fired. At which time the 'slide' remains in the backward position. That is when the 'Slide Stop' is engaged.
The 'Safety' is there to prevent the weapon from firing at all.
The 'Outside Hammer' is really just that. Most semi-automatic pistols have external hammers. A 'hammer' is called such because it is shaped with a forward pointing pin, that you seldom see; or it hammers down upon an inset pin, in the frame of the pistol. When the hammer comes down (spring-loaded) upon the pin, the pin is driven against the back of the bullet.
These pistols are all of the 'center-fire' type. That means the back of the bullet has a 'primer' inserted into it. That 'primer' is a small explosive that explodes forwards into the body of the bullet cartridge.
So ... the hammer comes down because it is attached to a spring, and it hits the center of the bullet base (or causes a pin to do so); and that force of impact causes the 'primer' to explode into the body of the bullet. The back section of the bullet cartridge is filled with gunpowder. The 'primer' explosion sets off a much bigger explosion of all of that gunpowder in the cartridge.
Ordinarily, that explosion would go outwards in all directions. However, it is contained and secured within the breech of the barrel. I call it 'breech', others call it 'chamber' -- whatever. It is the back of the barrel that is reamed out to accept the shape of the bullet. It is exactly the same shape as that caliber of bullet. This is why, there is very little interchanging of bullets in handguns.
By that I mean, you cannot use a 32 Special bullet, in a 32ACP weapon. And, you cannot use a 41 Magnum bullet in a 44 Magnum weapon.
So ... the explosion of all of that gunpowder in the cartridge has only one way to go, forwards. Just forwards of the gunpowder is the bullet itself, crimped into the cartridge -- or rather the cartridge is crimped around it, with some of the bullet showing on top. The force of the forward moving explosion fires the bullet into the barrel, while the cartridge in held in place by the chamber.
Therefore, only the bullet and a lot of explosive energy behind it, goes forwards in the barrel.
This fires the bullet. In the semi-automatic pistol design, part of that force is allowed to move the cartridge backwards (without detracting from the bullet's energy). Thus, the cartridge and some of the explosive gas forces the 'slide' backwards until it stops.
The pistol is designed so that the expended cartridge is ejected out of the pistol, and is therefore not in the way of the next cartridge to be loaded. Just after that, the 'slide' rams forwards, catching the next cartridge off the top of the magazine, and pushes it into the chamber.
Now, a new cartridge (complete with bullet) is seated into the breech of the weapon, and is ready to fire. In a well-designed pistol, the whole thing works quite well, and smoothly.
If the weapon was designed, so that all you had to do was to hold back the trigger with your finger, and it would continue to cycle as described; it would keep on firing automatically, until there were no more bullets left. That kind of weapon is called an 'automatic weapon', and we Humans are not allowed to own such weapons. Only our worst enemies, the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid, and the QUEERSWATS, are allowed to have such weapons.
We are only allowed to have 'semi-automatic' weapons, which require you to pull the trigger again and again, each time you want to fire a bullet.
The magazine capacity of semi-automatic pistols varies between weapons, and is determined by the size of the handle and the caliber. The larger the handle is, the larger a magazine will fit inside the handle; and the smaller the caliber, the more bullet cartridges will fit into the magazine.
So ... you can get 17 rounds into a 32ACP magazine, but to do that with a 45ACP would require a much larger magazine -- and that would require a much larger handle -- and that would require a much larger weapon frame -- and that would require a much larger pistol.
That is really all there is to it. Naturally, the gunsmiths and gun enthusiasts focus on the many pieces and parts and design differences and nuances -- ad nauseum. But, that is really all there is to a semi-automatic pistol.
Until you have to fire it, or clean it.
Wikipedia article on Pistols.
Please feel free to do some deep browsing on the Internet, about all sorts of weapons related keywords. You will soon see, that there is a lot of hype and crass commercialism going on.
There is a barrel, that is attached to a frame. Inside the frame is a cylinder (with cartridges in it), and then there is the rest of the frame with the trigger assembly, and the handle with a grip attached around it. The frame extends from the barrel to the lowest part of the handle as one piece. The cylinder usually detaches from the frame.
Sometimes, the design of a revolver allows the cylinder to swing out from the frame for the reloading of cartridges. Sometimes, the cylinder stays in place, and you eject the cartridges one at a time, and then manually reload them one at a time. For quick reloads, the swing-out cylinder type is much faster.
The revolver is designed so that each time the hammer goes back, the cylinder revolves and places a new cartridge before the firing pin. How this is achieved is the difference between 'single-action' and 'double-action' revolvers.
With a 'single-action' revolver, you have to pull back the hammer to get the cylinder to revolve, and for the weapon to be ready to fire.
About this Wikipedia says -- "In a single-action revolver, the hammer is manually cocked, usually with the thumb of the firing or supporting hand. This action advances the cylinder to the next round and locks the cylinder in place with the chamber aligned with the barrel. The trigger, when pulled, releases the hammer, which fires the round in the chamber."
With a 'double-action' revolver, all you have to do is to pull the trigger and the hammer goes back, the cylinder revolves, and then the hammer strikes, and the bullet is fired.
Wikipedia says -- "In double-action (DA), the stroke of the trigger pull generates three actions: (1) the hammer is pulled back to the cocked position (2) while the cylinder is being indexed to the next round, and then (3) the hammer is released to strike the firing pin."
That is it, for revolvers. Those are the basics. Until you have to fire and clean them.
Wikipedia on Revolvers.
I will repeat some things in the full body of this message, because some things need repetition.
The general rule is -- remember it three times.
Then, wait three minutes.
Then remember it again, three times.
Then, wait three minutes.
Then, remember it three times, again.
That should do it.
You need to remember how this all goes together, as you learn about weapons.
If you want success, or even a chance to succeed, at those 19 other categories -- you need to learn and become proficient in this 1 -- weapons.
With the Mommies, we are talking about ten calibers:
The 32ACP
The 357 Magnum
The 40 Smith and Wesson
The 45 ACP
The 20 Gauge
The 410 Gauge
The House Rifle -- which includes 5.56mm NATO, the 6.8mm SPC, and the 7.62mm Russian.
For Handgun Cartridges, here is a comparison illustration.
Incidentally, ACP stands for Automatic Colt Pistol.
The 32 ACP:
32ACP Available Ammo-- AmmoSeek
The 38 Special:
38 Special Available Ammo-- AmmoSeek
The 357 Magnum: More powerful than the 38 Special.
357 Magnum Available Ammo-- AmmoSeek
The 40 S&W:
Read the part in here about case failures. Learn about cases.
The 45 ACP:
45ACP Available Ammo-- AmmoSeek
The 20 Gauge:
20gauge Available Ammo-- AmmoSeek
The 410 Gauge:
410gauge Available Ammo-- AmmoSeek
The House Rifle Calibers:
5.56mm NATO --
5.56x45mm NATO Available Ammo-- AmmoSeek
One of the things to look for when trying to get 5.56mm NATO ammunition -- is the '193' designation. For example, American Eagle XM-193.
There is also a kind of 5.56mm NATO round out there called XM855. It is a slightly heavier bullet version, and is used mostly for target practice, police work, and plinking. Of course, within 100 yards it will blow away any attacker just as fast as the XM193 will. But, some people have quality issues with the XM855 ammo.
Quality issues with ammunition are constant. Even the finest Winchester or Remington ammunition can not work right in some weapons. And, when there is a weapon//ammo mismatch, "Quality Issues" is usually the first reason given.
Not so.
That is why I emphasize to everyone that they must match their weapons with the right ammunition, in each and every case.
Such quality issues come from the lack of 'Quality Control' in the manufacturing process. For instance, Joe Schmoes's garage factory for XM855's will not have consistently high quality lot runs, but Federal will.
Here is a website that discusses the issues between XM855 and XM193.
Yuku Gun Culture--XM855 vs XM193
There is also an XM856 tracer round.
The following ammunition sites specifically state that they are selling 5.56mm NATO ammunition.
Silver State Armory--NATO Ammunition
American Eagle--5.56mm NATO Ammunition
Brownells--5.56mm NATO Ammunition--Bulk
Brownells--5.56mm NATO Ammunition--Variety
Natchez--5.56mm NATO Ammunition
Widener's--Israeli 5.56mm NATO Ammunition--Bulk
Federal--5.56mm NATO XM855 Ammunition
There are 12 choices of 5.56mm NATO on this webpage. In each case they are clearly marked 5.56 NATO.
Cheaper than Dirt--5.56mm NATO Ammunition
There are 13 choices on this webpage for 5.56mm NATO ammunition. In each case, they all say that they are 5.56 NATO.
Weapons World--5.56mm NATO Ammunition
There are six choices on this webpage that say they are 5.56mm NATO. Mostly all are XM855 from PMC or Federal.
Target Sports USA--5.56mm NATO Ammunition
There are five choices on this webpage for 5.56mm NATO Ammunition. They all say that they are 5.56 NATO ammunition.
The point is -- all of these sites state that the 5.56mm ammo is NATO rounds.
6.8 SPC --
7.62mm x 39mm Russian --
7.62x39mm Available Ammo-- AmmoSeek--look for American
7.62mm caliber in general--Wikipedia
Battle of Bryansk-Wiki
Here is the roundup of the available Pistols and Revolvers that would be easy for Women to carry and use, or to store in their house and get to quickly. By the way, there are many accessories sold for these handguns, including many different styles of grips. You do not have to live with the grips that come with your weapon.
Also, 'Out of Stock' does not mean 'Discontinued' or 'Out of Production'. And, out of stock at one place does not mean out of stock at all places.
Plus, haggle over prices. When an item is out of stock at a few stores, the stores that still have them sometimes raise the prices, and call it a 'hard to find item'. Even if they know a million of them are in production, and are about to flood the market.
All photographs are from the Original Manufacturers.
In this message I am not preferring one brand name over another. However, I am assuming here that you know almost nothing about weapons. I will only be discussing the Best Brands of weapons. Any brand name that is not good enough, will not be mentioned.
You will soon learn that, with the quality being the same, it is the features of the various weapons that make them different; with some being better for some applications than others, because of those features. PLEASE, never forget that an effective defense with firearms requires 2 (TWO) things -- the appropriate weapon -- and the ammunition that works best with it! Fortunately, the choice of ammunition companies here in America is increasing.]]
But first, I have to say this. Stop thinking about 'pretty guns'!
Bad girl! Stop thinking about 'pretty guns'!
Until, everything else is right.
All of my choices have survived standard reasons for elimination -- which can vary, such as ...
'too awkward'
There are a lot more guns on the market than these, but the ones that I have chosen to show to you, are all of very commonly used calibers, without fancy frills for special shooters, and are reliable and rugged, and will give good duty if called upon. Throughout this series one thing remains constant -- I will only show weapons made in the most plentiful and common calibers.
There are many weapons that are not made in the most common calibers, because gun manufacturers and ammunition companies want to promote a special caliber. This has become a sickness within the Arms World, and is only done to increase profits. The idea behind that sickness of greed, is to make really special weapons that use the calibers that their favorite ammunition makers produce, and vice versa.
Hence, there are many nice weapons that should be of value and service to us, but are worthless and ignored here, because they are only offered in weird and selfish calibers; by manufacturers who want to make the shooting public think that THEIR bullets should be THE bullets for such and such, and so and so application.
**32 ACP**: In 'Three's' -- shoot in Three's.
Only available is Glossy Blue.
The .380 auto is shown. The 32ACP is identical.
Walther is a venerable and classical arms manufacturer, now offered in America by Smith and Wesson.
This could be hard to find, but worth ordering.
**38 Special**:
American Derringer--DA38--Double Action--38 Special or 40 S&W--3.3inch-2shot
Shown in Satin Nickel. Chrome, Black, Nickel and six other colors are available.
***Writer's Choice For Mommies***
This model has a grip that is easy to grab onto fast. Short and slim grips can cause fumbling during a crisis. Also, it is strong, short, and basic.
Taurus Model 851SS2UL Ultra-Lite Protector--.38 Special--SS--2inch-5shot
**.357 Magnums**:
The Chiappa Models have a decided intimidation factor, which I like for Mommies. However, they fire from the bottom cylinder, not the top cylinder like American Models do. In Reality, that makes little difference, especially to Mommies who would not know the differences anyway.
This weapon is the Stainless Steel version of the Uberti Bird's Head Old Model in 357 Magnum (number 345490), which is the blued version -- and is also made by Uberti.
***Writer's Choice For Mommies***
Definitely, one of the best handguns.
Also available in Nickel. (Looks like Stainless Steel)
Larger Women will not find this 5.5 inch barrel version to be uncomfortable. Remember about getting the grips that work for you.
Shop grips. This weapon will put a hurt on any attacker.
It is a 'single-action' however, so practice makes perfect.
Consider a wide hammer modification.
[[Ladies. Modify these weapons. No more of the dumb-faced "What is it?" approach. Look at these weapons as machines, that have to be tailored to YOU -- and only then -- are they good enough for YOU!
[[A weapon that is modified to YOU -- is no longer an "OH ICK!" item.]]
At the Main webpage, go to Firearms, then go to Handguns, then go to Revolvers, then go to Bounty Hunter Blue/Ivory. With this company every color combination has a different caliber. Blue/Ivory is all .357 Magnum.
This is a gun for Large Women, and like the Colt above, is it used two-handed. I recommend the 4.5 inch version. You will not be target practicing, when you are defending yourself.
[[Women need fast and quick and sure weapons! To Hell with what a Man would carry!]]
To continue ...
Uberti is another high quality Italian arms manufacturer.
I like the short barrel, and the handgrip should work for most Women. You can always toughen up that grip with 'grip wraps', if you need to. The idea of this weapon is 'basic firepower', and that is exactly what it is. Also, the oversized front sight will help.
**40 S&W**:
Beretta 92FS INOX -- In 40SW--12shot
The addition of a front light is achieved by the use of 'rails' on the weapon. The short 'rail' in the front of the forestock, and below the barrel, is for adding a front light accessory.
'Storm' is the right word for this weapon. This is what I mean by a close-order and in-the-house weapon.
It is sort of like the 'Bullpups', which I have left out of this because they are too specialized. This one, however, is neat and basic.
***Writer's Choice For Mommies***
For Large Mommies. Reliable. 17 rounds. Could add a front light under the barrel if you had to. Probably would last your lifetime. Easy to conceal. Not meant for long range, therefore exists in the niche of close-order self-defense. For which it is quite adequate.
FNH USA Model FNX-40--40S&W--4inch-14shot
S&W Model SW40VE--40SW--4inch-14shot
Stoeger Cougar--40S&W--3.6inch-11shot
Taurus Millennium Pro 140--40S&W--3.25inch-10shot
Taurus Model 100 Stainless--40S&W--5inch-10shot
***Writer's Choice For Mommies***
Despite its 'James Bond look', I would describe this weapon as 'handy'. It will be quick to respond and easy to aim. A solid performer with style. Not too fancy, and the controls are easy to operate.
Taurus PT2011--40S&W--3.2inch-11shot
Colt Defender Series-#O7000D--45ACP--7shot
Colt Model #O1091--1991 Series--45ACP--5inch-7shot
Colt Model #O4860XSE--Lightweight Commander--45ACP--4.25inch-8shot
Glock 30SF--45ACP--3.7inch-10shot
Olympic K45--45 ACP--AR15 Style--16inch-18shot
***Writer's Choice For Mommies***
As you can see, this is an AR type weapon that uses handgun bullets instead of 5.56mm NATO. This one uses 45ACP rounds instead, and that does not mean that it has any accuracy problems. I like the idea of this much firepower in the house. Larger magazines might be possible.
Good for House and Property Defense. 100 yard range.
PARA Light Double Action Companion--45ACP--3.5inch-7shot-Carry
PARA Warthog Stainless--45ACP--3inch-10shot--Defense
***Writer's Choice For Mommies***
This will make a very nice close-order weapon for house defense, or concealed-carry for a Woman. Nifty. Remember 'Nifty'?
This is really a shortened down '1911', with all the goodies. The grip is probably too small for most Men, but Women should have no problems with this weapon.
Rock Island Armory--1911 Commander--45ACP--4inch-8shot
**20 Gauge Slug**:
'Slug' means the use of rifle-barreled shotguns. Barrels with rifling twists grooved into their interior walls. That makes the 'slug' rotate as it leaves the barrel, and makes it more accurate. However, at close range self-defense, it is the fact that you are firing a 'slug' that matters most. 'Slugs' are very deadly. And, whereas 'buckshot' can spread out and maybe hit something else; 'slugs' are accurate and final, with no collateral damage.
Ithaca Deerslayer II Slug Shotgun--20 gauge--24inch--4+1shot
**20 Gauge Buckshot**:
Ithaca Model 37 with Ladies Stock--20 gauge--26inch-4+1shot
Stoeger 20gauge couch gun--single trigger--double barrel
Stoeger 20gauge double barrel couch gun
Stoeger Coach Gun Supreme--20gauge--double barrel
Stoeger Condor Outback--20gauge--over and under double barrel
Stoeger Double Defense Double-Barreled Shotgun--20gauge--over and under
***Writer's Choice For Mommies***
Usually, I do not recommend accessories because they can really cause problems; but this shotgun allows for a front light attachment.
Besides, this is a 'mean machine'. A 'no-nonsense' weapon.
Staying alive -- is no nonsense for Humans.
**410 Gauge**:
Cobra Firearms Derringer--410 Gauge--3.5inch-2shot
Taurus 4510--410--5shot
Taurus Model 4510-3MBCT--410--5shot--Monkey Judges
Olympic Arms K68--6.8mm SPC--SPC AR-15--16inch
Good for House and Property Defense. 100 yard range.
Ruger Mini-Thirty--7.62mm x 39mm (Not 7.62mm NATO)
S&W Model M&P15 Sport--#811036--5.56mm NATO
***Writer's Choice For Mommies***
Compact, sweet, and just right for Mommy. Can take punishment too. Good for House and Property Defense. 200 yard range, with additional scope added to topside rail. Which means, if that 'Farm Mommy' is all alone on the farm, she can pick off Dangerous Critters before they can get closer than the barn. The 5.56mm NATO round makes an announcement that cannot be ignored.
The AR type models that I am showing here, carry suppressors on the front. That is not for noise, it is for recoil suppression.
Stag Model 5--6.8mm SPC--16inch-25shot
***Writer's Choice For Mommies***
Dittos from above, only not as compact, and delivers with more impact. Good for House and Property Defense. 200 yard range, with additional scope added to topside rail. This weapon you could also hunt game with. With or without a scope.
I will try to keep them brief.
One of the main objections that Women have to weapons is the noise that they make. To Women such a loud sound is upsetting and irregular. Which is just exactly what those loud noises are for!
Those loud noises are supposed to be upsetting and irregular -- in situations and during threats that are upsetting and irregular. Such as attacks from anti-Humans, QUEERSWATS, and common criminals like the DemoCraps and ModoRats.
At times like those Ladies -- YOU WANT TO BE MORE UPSETTING AND IRREGULAR than your attackers are!
CLUE -- they do find that to be very upsetting and irregular!
A large part of their Attack Plan is to shock and disable YOU, with their upsetting and irregular attacks. It is very bad for their plans, if instead YOU shock and disable THEM, with your upsetting and irregular defense. A loud and deadly defense!
That is called 'self-defense'!
Women -- you want it to be loud! The louder, the better!
This is another reason why it is ludicrous to promote smaller calibers as a front line self-defense weapon.
I usually ignore anything that is a 22 long rifle, anyway. I can see using 22 magnums for small game, but even the new Hornady 22lr bullet does not impress me.
However -- there is a nice 22 Magnum rifle. It is called the Mitchell Mausers Black Lightning. But, it is for hunting small game, NOT for self defense! I would set mine up as an M-16.
I am seeing articles that are spawned by the deliberate attempt by manufacturers to sell ammo in places, and to situations, that they have no place being in.
Everybody already knows the answer to that question. Against packs of Coyotes (that want your kitty cat), and against herds of Bunny Rabbits (that want your salad fixings) the .223 is the caliber of choice!
Enough said.
I am showing 5.56mm NATO weapons, and not their close civilian cousin, the .223 Remington.
Here is a website about the difference between .223 and 5.56mm NATO rounds.
Comparison of 5.56 vs .223
Essentially, what it says is that even though the two cartridges and bullets are similar and almost physically identical -- the NATO round is packed with a stronger gunpowder, and therefore creates higher Chamber Pressures when they are fired.
That means, it is Dangerous to use 5.56mm NATO rounds in a weapon that is only designed for .223 caliber cartridges; even though the bullets can look identical!
It takes a stronger barrel and chamber to handle the 5.56mm NATO rounds!
At the same time, there are many rifles that are made for .223 Remingtons that are not strong enough to handle the 5.56mm NATO rounds safely. In fact, only barrels that are strong enough are supposed to be stamped with the words -- "5.56mm NATO".
There is a similar problem with two other calibers -- the .308 and the 7.62mm NATO.
After thunking about it for a while, which hurts, I have come up with these four simple rules to solve this problem.
Two. Do NOT use NATO rounds in any rifle that does not say THAT NATO number on the barrel.
Three. Do NOT use 7.62 NATO in a rifle that only says .308 on the barrel.
Four. Do NOT use 5.56 NATO in a rifle that only says .223 on the barrel.
HINT: I am trying to tell you something here. Something that you will want to be doing when the fan starts to turn.
I am 'forever frugal', but not cheap. I cannot spend ridiculous amounts of money on unnecessary equipment, just because said equipment is in vogue; or advertised as sensational, or sponsored by doofus 'nobodies' pretending to be outdoors 'personalities' on the Satan Tube. My top limit for a weapon is $1200 on the street. To go above that limit, a weapon has to be really good and/or special.
To do otherwise, such as to spend $2000 for a shotgun, is an obscenity against Common Reasoning to me.
If you do get a weapon that looks like it will work for you, and then you decide that it is NOT exactly right for you, you are better off changing it to suit you better, and thereafter keeping it in modified form, than to return it or sell it. If it can be of any use to you at all (such as emergencies, back up etc) keep it.
Which is why I say, if you already have a handgun that is smaller than 40 S&W, but is a 32 ACP or bigger (and is not a 380 Auto) ...
gosh, that must be the 9mm ...
keep it. Do not throw it away. It is now your 'backup gun'.
Ladies, if you use smooth barreled 20 gauge shotguns that say they accept 3 inch shells; then use 3 inch 20 gauge buckshot shells; even if you have to order them at a gun shop, which is most likely the case. This is important!
What I am saying here is -- accept no limitations if you have options. Get the ammunition you want! Do NOT just accept what the stores have, because they only carry bland and dumbed-down hunting ammunition!
Get what you want and need!
In the case of all 20 gauge shotguns with smooth barrels, use buckshot in those shotguns -- such as the Stoeger Coach Guns.
I will explain. 'Buckshot' is a shotgun load that is meant to kill deer. It uses the largest shot sizes that will fit into a shell for that size of shotgun; such as 10 gauge, 12 gauge and 20 gauge.
10 Gauge is bigger than 12 Gauge, and 12 Gauge is bigger than 20 Gauge.
The buckshot loads for 20 gauge do not use double-ought (00) sized shot, but the 12 gauge shells do. In the 20 gauge, number 1 or 2 shot is used and the shells are called 'buckshot', or 'heavy game' loads.
I have never seen a 20 gauge shell that uses 00 shot, and if you look at the AmmoSeek site for 20 gauge ammunition, there are none listed.
But, as I said, the 12 gauge can and does have 00 buckshot shells.
00 is bigger than 1 shot, which is bigger than 2 shot.
One of the first things that the Wikipedia article about shotgun shells says, is that rifled barrels are not to be used with shot shells because the flying pattern of shot caused by this will be a "hollow O" shape. What you want with shot shells is a densely packed group of shot pellets -- like a "solid o". Hence, only use shot shells (like double-ought buckshot) with smooth barreled shotguns; and only use slug shells (one large shot piece) with rifled shotgun barrels.
I have taken a lot of the work out of selecting appropriate handguns for the Mommies, and in doing so I have avoided any mention of specialized ammunition, special bullets and reloading. However, for the Daddies it is a different matter, and I encourage them to investigate and become involved in reloading, and brass cartridges, and gunpowder, and bullets.
The 10mm is not shown here, because of its eventual development into the 40 S&W.
Trust no one with your information, when you go shopping. Especially not gun experts and self-defense trainers. They are just in business for themselves. They are greedy like every other secular (bleep). They will train you on how to defend yourself from the Faggots and Killer-Lesbians of HH Reid's Queer and Armed Fart Forces one day -- and then train Faggots and Killer-Lesbians on how to disarm and kill you the next day.
It is all money in the bank to them.
They are just like all of the out-of-state scum, that are killing the beauty of Iowa with Butt-Ugly Windmills; and getting rich doing it. And then, they go back to their own states, where they refuse to allow Buttugly Windmills to be built in their own counties. Jackals and Nature-Killers are all that they are.
They will inform on you, to the Swine in HomeQueer Security, and the DemoFBI just as soon as your back is turned. For money, of course.
Inside the heart of each trainer and weapons expert, is a cold-blooded killer.
Anything that might disrupt their 'comfortable business', like a Revolution, they will betray in the blink of an eye!!!!
Just learn everything you can, until they ask questions for the DemoFBI -- and then pay the bill and leave.
Just walk away, and learn somewhere else. With Human trainers.
Never have just one weapon for Home Defense.
Not ever!
If there are no children in the house, or you can afford a safe box on each floor, then have at least one semi-auto or pump shotgun on each floor. Mandatory! Don't ask questions!
Think about it, and you will get it.
You never know, where the HomeQueer Death Squads are going to attack.
Also, a gas mask for each person in the house is not a bad idea, and not far-fetched. Tear gas is one of the first weapons that mercenaries for the ModoRats will use against any Human Household, regardless of size or location. There is no such thing as a neighborhood that is safe from gangs of Killer-Queers and Bad-Cops-For-Hire.
I have left out lasers from this discussion for two good reasons. I want to emphasize shooting accuracy, that derives from knowing your weapons, instead of crippled accuracy that is dependent upon accessories. Let the QUEERSWATS use lasers, it allows us to know where they are better. Especially if you put any smoke or throw any powder into the air. On the other hand, a good and strong light mounted on your weapon can be very beneficial.
But, there are three provisos about that:
1. It cannot be too heavy, awkward or cumbersome.
A strong light announces your presence, and at home your presence is taken for granted anyway. But in the field, the last thing that you want the enemy to know is where you are.
Ruthless and greedy salespeople at gun shops will always try to sell you any and every accessory that they can, way beyond the point of ridiculous.
Shun and reject such attempts, and keep your accessories to a bare minimum; and any weapon that is not effective without accessories is not worth having at all, anyway.
Also, if you cannot handle, control and shoot a weapon well without accessories -- you are using the wrong weapon, AND you are being lazy and uncaring about your training.
When it comes to handheld flashlights, avoid any type that uses the small button batteries. Stay with types that use AAA, AA, C and D batteries. Those batteries are much more common, can last longer, give more light, and are much easier to replace in the flashlight.
Check out the flashlight sections in gun magazines such as 'Home Defender', but avoid those kinds that use CR123A batteries unless they mount onto weapons.
P+, or +P: There is a kind of 'Extra Ammo' ammunition. It has more powerful gunpowder inside of it. Naturally, this results in greater bullet velocities and harder impacts.
What this means is -- some calibers are offered in more than just their standard gunpowder loads. Some come in Plus loads, which are more powerful. Those Plus loads are called P+ or +P.
Simultaneously, those Plus loads can only be used in weapons that have strong enough chambers to handle Plus loads. So ... weapons nowadays are labeled in their specifications sheets as being P+ or +P -- if they can handle the stronger loads.
All of which means -- if the specifications sheet of a weapon does not say that it can use P+ or +P cartridges -- do not use Plus loads in that weapon.
The .357 Magnum is a Revolver round, so any auto Pistol that says it is a '.357' does NOT use a 357 Magnum Revolver round. Instead they usually use a shorter .357Sig round, which is not the same fire power.
QUEERSWATs always depend upon 'High Intimidation Factors' to terrorize their Human Victims.
Ammunition and Weapons do not get intimidated.
Ammunition and Weapons are tools.
Ammunition and Weapons do their job -- and if you do your job properly -- the QUEERSWATs turn into SILLYPUDDY -- and all of the BULLSHIT INTIMIDATION is gone.
And, SURPRISE SURPRISE -- the QUEERSWATs are gone too.
And, away go all of the most hideous plans of the ACLU/Homosexuals and the DemoCraps and the SQLD Masters.
And, we all get to hear the ModoRats squeal -- "Not Fair! Not Fair! Not Fair!"
One of my obvious (should be obvious) reasons for presenting these weapons (in this order etc.) is to get every Human Reader familiarized with the current weapons market as it is today, to the point that they will start to branch out on their own, and search for even more choices. I leap and jump high to shout out the reminder, to "KEEP THE CALIBERS GENERALIZED!!!!"
That means avoid, like the plague, any special and limited quantity calibers. No Matter What Any Salesman Says!!!!
Do You Want To Lose Your Species, Because Some Sales (Bleep) Wanted To Make A Bigger Paycheck Or Profit????
I Cannot Over Emphasize How Important This Is!!!!
It Is Literally As Important As Having Two Legs, If You Are Going To Engage In An Ass-Kicking Contest!!!!
I have gone over the entire range of possibilities twice, once choosing the weapons which I wanted for my Humans (and ignoring advertisements etc) -- and again by reading reviews of weapons; most of which I still did not choose unless there was a definite advantage to the weapon, such as the price value to quality ratio.
For instance -- the Rock Island (4 inch Commander) 1911 which I did include; and the Para GI Expert 1911 which I did not include (but it led me to include other Paras). Both of which were reviewed in the March/April 2012 edition of American Handgunner magazine.
The article was called 'Beer Budget 1911s', and taught how these 1911's are good and decent versions that are not glamorized. Also, that 1911's are 'persnickety' about what ammunition you use in them. So when you get one, shoot a lot of different ammo through it to find which ones work best in that 1911. The article also mentions how changing the grips on a handgun always helps to match the owner to the weapon. Indeed, I do not expect to keep the original grips on any handgun anyway.
By the way -- the articles that I am reading say that barrel lengths for handguns in Canada have to exceed 4.14inches in length (105mm) -- so you readers in Canada please keep that in mind when ordering handguns.
And, congratulations on your New Freedoms Of Speech!!!!
Keep it that way. Step on Liberal Necks!!!!
Ammunition and Barrel Twist:
The barrel twist that you read about in the specifications of various weapons relates to how much of a spin the barrel puts on the bullet before it enters flight. A shorter spin (1:7) as opposed to a longer spin (1:10) will stabilize a larger bullet in flight. That means, with a 1:10 twist you will have a limit on the bullet weights that you can use accurately.
Answer: Bullets do not grow outwards, they grow upwards. A heavier grain bullet is not fatter, it is longer. It takes more of a spin to stabilize a longer bullet in flight. The stabilization is essential for accuracy.
So -- to use heavier bullets (which must be longer) accurately, you have to spin them enough for them to stabilize in flight.
Usually -- this does not become a big issue, because there are many different weights (lengths) of bullets made for each caliber. And, any weapon has to be tried with as many different brands and types of cartridges as are available -- in order to find the best ones that cycle through your weapon and are accurate. You will usually have three best cartridges per weapon -- Good, Better, Best.
Weapons and cartridges have to be matched. This is not a game of sloppy and haphazard rules. No cartridge will be good for all weapons of that caliber. Likewise, it is rare that one weapon will like all cartridges of that caliber.
It is sort of like cars and tires, only more demanding and less forgiving.
At distances, where long range bullets are required, this matter does become a factor however.
Buying Ammunition:
I have included the main websites for a variety of Ammunition Manufacturers. When you look through these you will see that some of them have 'Home Defense' ammunition that is supposed to be just what you need for defending yourself at Home.
The first thing that you need for Successful Home Defense -- is -- THE RIGHT AMMO FOR THE RIGHT WEAPON!!!!
NOT any kind of ammunition, just because that ammunition maker says it is the right ammunition!!!!
Every ammunition has to be tried and tested (BY YOU) to see which ones works the best with each weapon. Some will fail. Others will be disappointing. Some will work. Others will work really well, and you will find that what the box says on the outside (about being the best defense ammunition) is irrelevant.
This is what target ranges are made for.
H U G E H I N T >>>> there are not enough target ranges.
Make more. Make them enclosed. Make them indoors. Make them wide, really wide. Make them long, really long.
Keep out prying and nasty eyes.
Spend the money.
Pool resources.
Be a Species.
I have gone through the following weapons magazines looking for websites that will pertain to self-defense for Mommies. After checking out hundreds of them, I decided upon these in the following categories.
If you know little or nothing about weapons, read these websites and go to Wikipedia or a trusted friend for explanations. For instance, the AR rifle models are separated into pieces -- the barrel, the forestock, the lower receiver, the upper receiver, and the stock (backstock). In some cases, this allows you to use different calibers for the same rifle by exchanging the upper receiver and the barrel to a different caliber -- at the same time.
This represents several months of selections from each magazine. Please buy or subscribe to these magazines, and continually look for new websites of value to your self-defense.
Magazines Used As Sources Of Weapons Websites:
Gun World -- Home Defender:
I cannot praise this quarterly magazine enough. It should be doubled in length however, with a great deal of 'quarterly' tables and charts and glossaries -- updated quarterly. Also, more extensive sections are needed. For instance, the section about defense weapons for Women was way too small and needs 'how to' illustrations. The section on shooting academies must visit and show academies all over the nation.
Category -- Ammunition:
About Ammunition --
Difference between .308 and 7.62mm NATO ammunition
Ammunition Sources --
Ammo Seek -- Ammunition Guide and Index
Category -- Defense Topics:
Concealed Carry Course for Ladies
Category -- Knives And Tools:
Ladies, small knives are for purses and concealed carry. At home, in the self-defense mode, you are dealing with determined enemies, dangerous scum. Use a big knife.
Strike as hard as you can.
A Typical Self-Defense Knife-01
A Typical Self-Defense Knife-02
A Typical Self-Defense Knife-03
A Typical Self-Defense Knife-04
A Typical Self-Defense Knife-05
Category -- Tasers:
Tasers can kill. The police know that. QUEERSWATS use Tasers.
Why Tasers Sometimes Kill
About Tasers --FAQ--Stop Taser Torture
Heat Ray Guinea Pigs At Sheriff’s Detention Facility In Castaic, California
Taser Torture In Canada
Cops Taser Pregnant Woman--Three Times
A Monkey Judge Liked It. Another Monkey Judge Liked It.
I say, to Hell with Tasers. Just shoot attackers, before they can Taser you. A handgun has a range of at least 50 feet with accuracy. A Taser has a range of 20 feet.
What happens, when a .357 Magnum hollow-point hits a Taser gun head on? I 'll bet the Taser gun goes -- "Booom!"
Category -- Weapon Accessories:
I am including this category for the Mommies, even though the Daddies are the ones that usually get into these things. But, Mommies need to know.
APEX Gun Parts
FYI -- Muzzle Brake-Wikipedia
Category -- Weapon Optics:
Likewise, the Daddies are more into Optics than Women are; but those House Rifles can all work with scopes, and some Mommies might need these websites:
AimPoint Optics
Category -- Weapon Supplies:
Blackhawk Pistol Holsters--All Kinds
Print out this message, Ladies. Keep it for future reference.
I refuse to accept the idea that all Mommies are White, and that all Daddies are White.
This guide is for all Mommies, and for all Daddies, and for all of the Human Species.
Did you read my message about riots?
Riots, anarchy, chaos, looting, pillaging, rape and murder all go together simultaneously and indiscriminately -- no matter what lies the Black and the White extremists crap out, from their lying faces.
All Humans are in danger when DemoCrap sponsored chaos and murder and rioting occurs.
None of which, incidentally, has anything to do with Human Revolution. But, the scum at HomeQueer Security have orders to say that it does.
Very important -- do not -- absolutely do not let a salesman or a saleswoman talk you into buying a gun that is not recommended here, or by a reputable gun magazine, or on a good gun website.
Never buy a gun just because it is on sale, or the one you wanted is not in the store.
Pay money -- pay Full Price if you have to -- order the weapon you want if you have to. If you get any BS at all from any sales people, walk out -- and go to another gun shop!!!!
I must say, it is a joy to read a well done article on weapons, or ammunition, and such. The writers of those works have a true love for, and interest in, what they are writing about. That kind of honest literature is extremely rare these days -- days infested with the constant and vile lies of the queer newsrags.
In as many cases as possible, I have used authentic pictures of the weapons from the actual websites for those weapons; as these usually give the best view of a weapon; as opposed to 'ebay' photos and so on.
One thing is quite apparent with these pictures. some companies get the connection between good photos of their weapons, and the sales of those weapons to Human Beings; and some companies miss the concept entirely. I have bypassed entire gun companies, because their web designers could not photograph their way out of a paper diaper; and the websites reflect that with unviewable, stupidly set and almost totally black pictures. They might as well show the south end of a north facing Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid, for all the good that their web photos do.
Well actually, in the case of HH Reid, that end looks better than the other end -- that lies all the time. It could not look worse anyway.
There is another reason however. I have just finished a continental search for weapons sites, and sites for weapons related material, and ammunition -- covering months of viewing. I am probably the only person to have done so in this way. I have found that in these website categories, and in no other categories that I research, there are sites across the board that have been hacked and crashed by obvious outside saboteurs.
I have not seen anything like this since the days when the Internet Interruption and Suppression Network of the so-called Homosexuals used to attack Human Websites that opposed their Queer Propaganda.
So far in my life, I have been blessed with the love And companionship of 1 Wife (Queen), 1 long-term girlfriend, and 8 hot babes of various durations. Even though I did notice some differences between all of them, it was the Queen that explained to me that there is no such thing as the Standard Female Body Type. She also explained, that Men do have Standard Body Types, three of them.
The Women are, of course, the result of Male Preference.
The Men are, of course, the result of Female Preference.
Just why that ended up with so many different kinds of females, and only a few different kinds of males -- I will not get into. Hopefully, never.
My point is, that I have included some handguns in this selection for Mommies that will be much too big for some Women, and others that are much too small for some Women -- and certainly most of them will not be the right colors, no diamonds, no lace, no perfumed scent and so forth.
Well, first of all Gun Makers would go crazy trying to make weapons that satisfy all of the desires of Women, and still be worth a damn. Secondly, there is a lively industry of Gun Grips that offers more color choices.
But, to get back to my point here -- one handgun does not fit all of the hands of all Women. That is why I have included some weapons here that some Women will think is surely not for them, and they will wonder why they were included at all.
Now, you know.
[[ok--I put in some colors--are you happy now?]]
It's not sexy. Women are sexy. Guns are not sexy. Shooting guns is not sexy. Women shooting guns are not sexy.
The other three are NOT supposed to be sexy!!!!
I really hope you don't start seeing yourself as more glamorous and more beautiful with a gun as a prop -- like so many movies girls and advertising layouts suggest.
Forget trying to look cool or sexy with it.
You can't fool me. I know you. Give you a toad, and you will put a collar and leash on it, and walk it down the Boardwalk trying to look sexy while you're doing it.
That's me -- Markel Peters.
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message. Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.
Labels Of All Posted Messages--A Way To Search Through Messages By Labels
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- Behold (1)
- Belief (3)
- Belief Merchant (Anuses) (1)
- Benson (3)
- Bents (1)
- Berserker (1)
- Berserkers (4)
- Bibles (1)
- Big Brother (1)
- Big Business (3)
- BIG DYKE (1)
- Big Government (1)
- Big Lie (1)
- Big News (1)
- Billionaires (1)
- BINGO (1)
- Biological (1)
- Biology (1)
- BIOS (1)
- Bird Dance (1)
- Bird Populations (1)
- Birds (2)
- Bitch (2)
- Bitches (3)
- Bite! (1)
- BitMeter (1)
- Black (3)
- Black Anus (1)
- Black Babe (1)
- Black Bird (1)
- Black Butterflies (1)
- Black Christians (1)
- Black Cows (1)
- Black Cripples (1)
- Black Folks (1)
- Black Helicopter (1)
- Black Helicopters (1)
- Black Heroes (1)
- Black Hole (1)
- Black Homo-Fascist (1)
- Black Panthers (1)
- Black Radical (1)
- Black Sea (2)
- Black SUVs (1)
- Blacks (3)
- Bladder (1)
- Bladders (3)
- Blatantly Apparent (1)
- Bleachers (1)
- Bleeps (1)
- Blind (1)
- Blindsider Change (1)
- Blitzkrieg (2)
- Blizzard (2)
- Blood (1)
- Blood Of The Innocent (1)
- Blood Soaked (1)
- Blood-Sucking (1)
- Bloodsuckers (1)
- Blowhard (1)
- Blowtorch (1)
- Blue Menace (1)
- Blue Scourge (1)
- Body (1)
- Body Mutilations (1)
- Body Rights (1)
- Body Wave Attacks (1)
- Bolt (1)
- Bombs (1)
- Book (2)
- Boone River (1)
- Booster (1)
- Border Sovereignty (1)
- Born (1)
- Bowels (1)
- Boy Scouts (1)
- Boycott (1)
- Boys (2)
- Brain (4)
- Brain Cells (1)
- Brain Rot (1)
- Brain Scanning (1)
- Brainless (1)
- Brains (2)
- Brainwash (1)
- Brainwashed (1)
- Brainwashing (2)
- Branding (1)
- Branstad (1)
- Brave (1)
- Bread Crumbs (1)
- Bremer (1)
- BREP (1)
- Brexit (1)
- Brian Brown (1)
- Bribery (1)
- Bribes (1)
- Bridge (3)
- Britons (2)
- Bronze Age (1)
- Browser (1)
- Brute Force (1)
- Bubble (2)
- Bubble of Lies (1)
- Buffer Zone (1)
- Bug (3)
- Bug Clumps (1)
- Bugout (1)
- Building (1)
- Bullies (4)
- Bullshit (3)
- Bullying (1)
- Bundy (1)
- Bunkers (1)
- Bunnies (1)
- Burn (1)
- Business (1)
- Business Assholes (1)
- Butchers (1)
- Butler (3)
- Butt (1)
- Buttkiss (1)
- Buttugly (4)
- ButtUgly Windmills (4)
- BUWI (5)
- BUWI driver (1)
- BUWI Termites (1)
- BUWIs (3)
- Cable Box (1)
- Caesars (1)
- Cage (2)
- Cairo (1)
- Calamity (1)
- Calibration (1)
- California (1)
- Caligula (2)
- Caliturdia (1)
- Camera (1)
- Cameras (1)
- Campaign (2)
- Campaigns (1)
- Canada (1)
- Canal (1)
- Canals (1)
- Cannibalism (1)
- Cannon Fodder (1)
- Cannons (1)
- Capital Dispatch (1)
- Captain (1)
- Captives (1)
- Captivity (1)
- Car Mileage (1)
- Carbine (1)
- Carbon (1)
- Carbon Pipelines (1)
- Cartoons (1)
- Cashmere (1)
- Catholic (1)
- Catholic Bishops (1)
- Catholic Hierarchy (1)
- Cattails (1)
- Cattle (4)
- Caucus (2)
- Cavalcades Of Farts (1)
- CDC (1)
- Cedar Falls (2)
- Cedar River (1)
- Ceiling Speakers (1)
- Celebrity (1)
- Cemeteries (1)
- Censors (2)
- Censorship (2)
- Ceremony (1)
- Cerro Gordo (1)
- Certificate (1)
- Certified (1)
- Cesspool (1)
- Change (1)
- Channel (1)
- Chaos (2)
- Charlton Heston (1)
- Chart (1)
- Charts (1)
- Chat (1)
- Cheap Chrome (1)
- Cheeseburger (1)
- Chester (1)
- Chester Dump (1)
- Chicago (3)
- Chicago Thugs (1)
- Chick-Fil-A (2)
- Chickasaw (2)
- Chicken (3)
- Chicken Pox (1)
- Chickens (1)
- Child (1)
- Children (6)
- Chimpanzees (1)
- China (5)
- China's Economy (1)
- Chinese (1)
- Chinese Communism (1)
- Choices (1)
- Choir (1)
- Chorus (1)
- Chris Christie (1)
- Christians (2)
- Christie (2)
- Christmas (1)
- Chronological (1)
- Church (1)
- Churches (2)
- Cinerama (1)
- Circus (2)
- Cisco (1)
- Citizen (1)
- City (3)
- Civil Rights (2)
- Civil Unions (1)
- Civil War (1)
- Civilization (2)
- Civilization Suicide (1)
- Class (2)
- Classical (1)
- Clean and Decent (1)
- Clean Water (1)
- Close Ranks (1)
- Clouds (2)
- CNN (2)
- CNN-type (1)
- Coal to Nuclear (1)
- Coalition (7)
- Coalitions (3)
- Cockroaches (1)
- Code (4)
- Code of Decency (1)
- Coextinction (1)
- Collaborator (1)
- Collapse (1)
- Collective (1)
- Colonel (3)
- Color (1)
- Colorado (2)
- Colorations (1)
- Colors (2)
- Colosseum (1)
- Comedian (1)
- Command (1)
- Commercial (1)
- Commercial Killers (1)
- Commercial Medias (1)
- Commercial Protestors (1)
- Commercialists (1)
- Communicable (1)
- Communications (1)
- Communism (1)
- Communist (1)
- Communist Chinese (1)
- Communists (1)
- Communities (1)
- Community (4)
- Complexity (1)
- Compost Heap (1)
- Comprehension (1)
- Computer (2)
- Computers (1)
- Con-Artists (1)
- Conference (1)
- Confined (2)
- Confinement (1)
- Conflicts (1)
- Confusion (1)
- Congress (1)
- Consequences (1)
- Conservation (2)
- Conservative (1)
- Conservatives (2)
- Conservorats (1)
- Conspiracy Theories (1)
- Constipated (1)
- Consumer Herds (1)
- Consumerism System (1)
- Contempt (1)
- Contests (1)
- Continent (1)
- Contortion (1)
- Contributions (1)
- Control (1)
- Control of Government (1)
- Control Panel (1)
- Convoys (1)
- Convoys Of Killers (1)
- Cops (2)
- Corpse Again (1)
- Corrupt (1)
- Corruption (4)
- Cough Sucker (1)
- Counter Insurgency (1)
- Counter-attacks (1)
- Counterintelligence (1)
- Counties (4)
- Country (5)
- Country Roads (1)
- Countryside (1)
- County (3)
- County Coyotes (3)
- Courage (4)
- Couriers (1)
- Court (1)
- Courts (2)
- Covid19 (1)
- Cow (1)
- Cowardice (3)
- Cowards (3)
- Cowards Are As Cowards Deserve (1)
- Cows (2)
- Coyote’s Eye (1)
- Coyotes (1)
- Crackheads (1)
- Crank Religion (1)
- Crap (1)
- Crapamonia (1)
- Crash (1)
- Crazy (4)
- Creek (1)
- Creeple (1)
- Crime (3)
- Crimes (3)
- Criminal (4)
- Criminal Element (2)
- Criminals (1)
- Crippled (1)
- Crippled Blacks (1)
- Cripples (2)
- Croatia (1)
- Crocodile (1)
- Cronies (1)
- Cronyism (1)
- Crop Duster (1)
- Crow Bait (1)
- Culinary (1)
- Cult (4)
- Cuomo (2)
- Cures (1)
- Curiosity (1)
- Danger (1)
- Dangerous (1)
- Dangers (1)
- Dark Side (1)
- Dash Cams (1)
- David Livingstone (1)
- Day (1)
- Day After (1)
- Dead (4)
- Death (6)
- Debate (1)
- Debauchery (1)
- Debt (1)
- Deceit (1)
- Decency (1)
- Deception (1)
- Decision (2)
- Decision Making (1)
- Decisions (1)
- Deductive (1)
- Deep Throat (1)
- Deer (2)
- Defendant (1)
- Defense (2)
- Defenseless (1)
- Degenerate (2)
- Delivery (1)
- Delta (1)
- Demented (1)
- Demented White Female (1)
- Dementia (1)
- Demo Delight Cupcakes (1)
- DemoCities (1)
- DemoCrap (2)
- Democrap Repellent (1)
- DemoCraps (27)
- Democrat (2)
- Democrat/Homosexuals (1)
- Democrats (10)
- DemoIowa (1)
- Demon (1)
- Demonism (1)
- Demons (1)
- DemoQueers (3)
- DemoRobot (1)
- DemoVermont (1)
- Denial (1)
- Depravity (1)
- Depth-of-Field (1)
- Depuke (1)
- Deranged Artificial Import (1)
- Deranged Murderer's (1)
- Des Aliens (8)
- Des Moines (1)
- Des Moines Rearsniffers (1)
- Desperate (1)
- Despicable (1)
- Despots (1)
- Destroyers (3)
- Destruction (1)
- Destructive (1)
- Detail (1)
- Deviate (2)
- Deviate Bug (1)
- Deviates (22)
- Deviation (1)
- Deviations (1)
- Devil (1)
- Devils (1)
- Diagram (1)
- Diagrams (1)
- Diapers (1)
- Diaspora (1)
- Diaz (1)
- Dick (1)
- Dictator (3)
- Dictatorial (1)
- Dictatorship (4)
- Dictionary (1)
- Dinosaurs (2)
- DIRTY (1)
- Dirty Electricity (1)
- Disable (1)
- Disappointment In Hell (1)
- Disaster (1)
- Discrimination (1)
- Disease (2)
- Diseases (1)
- Disinfectant (1)
- Disobedience (1)
- Dissatisfaction (1)
- Distrust (1)
- Divide and Conquer (1)
- Divine Comedy (1)
- Divorce (1)
- Doctor (1)
- Doctors (1)
- Document (1)
- Documentaries (2)
- Dogma (1)
- Dollars (1)
- Dolts (1)
- DOMA (2)
- Dominate (1)
- Dominoes (1)
- Don't (2)
- Don't Give A Shit (1)
- Don't look just get your guns (1)
- Donald Trump (1)
- Donations (2)
- Doom (2)
- Dose (1)
- DOT (1)
- Double Check (1)
- Double-Negative (1)
- Download (1)
- Downloading (1)
- Downsizing (1)
- DPI (1)
- Dracula (1)
- Dragonfly (1)
- Drain Lines (1)
- Drainpipes (1)
- Dream (6)
- Dreamers (1)
- Dreams (1)
- Dreamscape (1)
- Dresden (1)
- Drivers (1)
- Drof (1)
- Drof Squat (1)
- Drone (1)
- Drones (1)
- Drugs (2)
- Dubai (1)
- Dubuque (1)
- Due-To (1)
- Dumb (1)
- Dummies (3)
- Dump (1)
- Dumpster (1)
- Dumpsters (2)
- Dunce (1)
- Dunce Faggerlick (1)
- Dunced (1)
- Dunces (1)
- Dung Beetle (1)
- Dung Beetles (1)
- Dupes (1)
- Dutch (1)
- DWCs (1)
- Dyke (1)
- Dykes (1)
- Dysfunctions (1)
- Eagle (1)
- Eagle Grove (2)
- Early Morning (1)
- Early Voters (1)
- Earth (5)
- Earth Abides (1)
- East Coast (1)
- Economic Conditions (1)
- Economic Insanity (1)
- Ecstasy (1)
- Effingham (1)
- Effort (1)
- Egomaniacs (1)
- Egyptian (1)
- Eight Points (1)
- Eighteen Years Ago (1)
- Elder (1)
- Elders (1)
- Election (9)
- Election 2012 (1)
- Elections (1)
- Electric (1)
- Elementary School (1)
- Elimination (1)
- Elites (1)
- Elon Musk (2)
- Elucidation (1)
- Emancipation (1)
- Emergency (1)
- Eminent Domain (3)
- Emotions (1)
- Emphasis (1)
- Enculturation (1)
- Encyclopedia (1)
- Enemies (9)
- Enemy (1)
- Energy Companies (1)
- English (2)
- Enjoy (1)
- Enthusiasm (1)
- Environmental (1)
- Environmentalist (3)
- Equality (1)
- Equals (1)
- Escape (1)
- Establishment (4)
- EU/NATO (1)
- Europe (1)
- European Politicians (1)
- European Union (2)
- Eutherian (1)
- Eviction Notice (1)
- Evil (6)
- Evil Intentions (1)
- Evil Minded (1)
- Evil Persons (1)
- Evilness (1)
- Evils (2)
- Exercise (1)
- Expansion (1)
- Expendable (2)
- Expensive (1)
- Experience (1)
- Experiments (1)
- Expert Killers (1)
- Explanations (1)
- Explosions (1)
- Exposure (2)
- Expressions (1)
- Extinction (2)
- Extremists (2)
- Eyewitness Markel (1)
- Fables (1)
- Facebook (2)
- Faces (2)
- Facial (1)
- Facial Anuses (1)
- Factory (1)
- Fag (1)
- Faggerlick (1)
- Faggot (1)
- Faggots (4)
- Fags (2)
- FagSny (1)
- Fair (1)
- Fairies (1)
- Faith (1)
- Fake (1)
- Fake Authority (1)
- Fake Corporations (1)
- Fake News (2)
- Fake Revolutionaries (1)
- Fakery (3)
- Fallacies (1)
- False (4)
- False God (1)
- Falsehoods (1)
- Falsely-Colored (1)
- Families (1)
- Fantastic (1)
- Farm (1)
- Farmer (1)
- Farmers (4)
- Farmlands (1)
- Farms (3)
- Fart-Forces (1)
- Fascist (1)
- Fascists (3)
- Fat (1)
- Fat F*ck (1)
- Father (1)
- Favor (1)
- FBI (2)
- Fear (3)
- Fear Merchants (1)
- Federal (2)
- Federal Authority (2)
- Federal Offense (1)
- Federal Sucks (3)
- Federals (1)
- Feel (1)
- Felonies (1)
- Femi-Nazis (1)
- Feminists (1)
- Fiber Optic (1)
- Fiction (1)
- Field Manual (1)
- Fields (1)
- Fifth Columnists (1)
- Fight (2)
- Files (1)
- Film (1)
- Films (1)
- Filth (1)
- Filthy (2)
- Filthy Monkey (1)
- Filthy Monkeys (2)
- Final Death (1)
- Finalize (1)
- Fine Feathered (1)
- Fire (1)
- Fire Ecology (1)
- Fired (1)
- Firefox (1)
- FISA (1)
- Fisher (1)
- Fists (1)
- Five Evils (2)
- Fix (1)
- Flames of Truth (1)
- Fleas (1)
- Flies (1)
- Flogging (1)
- Flooding (1)
- Flop (1)
- Florida (1)
- Florida911 (2)
- Floyd (1)
- Flu (1)
- Fluffball (1)
- FM (2)
- Fodder Items (1)
- Fog-of-War (1)
- Folks (1)
- Followers (1)
- Foods (1)
- Fooled (1)
- Fools (2)
- For (2)
- For Sale (1)
- Forbidden (3)
- Forbidden Knowledge (1)
- Ford (2)
- Ford Reichers (1)
- Forearms (1)
- Foreign Aliens (1)
- Forests (1)
- Forever Perverted (1)
- ForeverLying (1)
- Format (1)
- Formula (1)
- Forrid (2)
- Forrid Abominations (3)
- Forrid Bug (1)
- Forrid Infestation (1)
- Forrids (2)
- Fort (2)
- Fort Dodge (5)
- Fort Dodge People (1)
- Foul (1)
- Four (1)
- Fourth of July (2)
- Fourth Reich (1)
- Franklin (4)
- Franklin County (1)
- Frankly Dead (1)
- Fraud (2)
- Fraudulent (1)
- Frazetta (1)
- Freaks (3)
- Freaks and Creeps (1)
- Free (2)
- Free Justice (1)
- Free Toys (1)
- Freedom (10)
- Freedom Movements (1)
- Freedoms (1)
- Freezing (1)
- French (1)
- French Poodle (1)
- Frog (1)
- Frogs (1)
- Frontline Fighting (1)
- Frozen (2)
- Frugal Queen (1)
- Fuel (1)
- Fundamentals (1)
- Funnel (1)
- Future (2)
- Future People (1)
- Galactic (1)
- Galaxy (3)
- Gallipoli (1)
- Game (5)
- Game of Shames (1)
- Game World (1)
- Gamers (1)
- Games (4)
- Games and Liars (1)
- Gang (2)
- Garden (1)
- Gargoyles (1)
- Gates to Hell (1)
- Gears With Lies (1)
- Gender (2)
- General (1)
- General Public (1)
- Generality (1)
- Genetic Engineers (1)
- Genocide (5)
- Genociders (1)
- Geographical (1)
- Geography (1)
- George Floyd (1)
- Georgia (1)
- Germany (3)
- Ghetto (1)
- Ghettos (1)
- Giant (1)
- Giveaways (1)
- Gladiators (1)
- Glenn Beck (2)
- Glitch (1)
- Global (1)
- Global Pump (1)
- Globe (1)
- Glockenturm (1)
- Glossary (1)
- Goals (1)
- God (6)
- God's Clerk (1)
- God's Will (1)
- Godless Deviates (1)
- Godlings (1)
- Gods (1)
- Godzilla (1)
- Gold (1)
- Golden (1)
- Golden Moments (1)
- Golden Ones (1)
- Golden Pimple (5)
- Good (1)
- Good Riddance (1)
- Goodness (1)
- Google (3)
- Gore (1)
- Gorillas (1)
- Government (11)
- Government For The People By The People (1)
- Government Sucks (1)
- Government That Must Die (1)
- Governor (1)
- GPS Zone (1)
- Grain (1)
- Grand Theft Election (1)
- GrandBugs (1)
- Grandma (1)
- Grease (1)
- Great Improvements (1)
- Great Plains (2)
- Great Unwashed Masses (1)
- Greece (1)
- Greed (4)
- Greedy (3)
- Green (1)
- Greenbelt (2)
- Greenbelts (2)
- Greene (1)
- Greeness (1)
- Grim Reaper (1)
- Grotesque (1)
- Group Think (1)
- Grouping (1)
- Groves (2)
- Growth (1)
- Grubs (1)
- Guaranteed (1)
- Guardian (1)
- Guilty (2)
- Gulag (1)
- Gun Bans (1)
- Gun-Haters (1)
- Guns (5)
- Guzzling (1)
- H1N1 (1)
- Hags Of Endless War (1)
- Hah (1)
- Hah Hah Hah (1)
- Hah! (1)
- Hairball (1)
- Halloween (1)
- Halsey (1)
- Hancock (2)
- Handgun (1)
- Handguns (1)
- Happening (1)
- Happiness (3)
- Happy (1)
- Happy People (1)
- Harassments (1)
- Harbingers (1)
- Hard Core Porno Weather (1)
- Harvester (1)
- Harvesters (2)
- Hate (1)
- Hate of Mankind (2)
- Hate Rally (1)
- Hate Team (1)
- Hatred (5)
- Haw-Haw (1)
- HBHZ (7)
- Heads (1)
- Healing (1)
- Health (1)
- Health Care (1)
- Health Departments (1)
- Health Insurance (1)
- Healthy (1)
- Hearkeneth (1)
- Heat (1)
- Heat Pads (1)
- Heaven (1)
- Heavens (1)
- Hegemony (4)
- Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid (1)
- Helicopters (1)
- Hell (7)
- Hell's Kitchen (1)
- Hellions (1)
- Hellish Contents (1)
- Hellish Triangle (1)
- Helmsman (1)
- Helter-Skelter (1)
- HEPA (1)
- Hercules (1)
- Herd Immunity (1)
- Here (6)
- Hereditary Enemies (1)
- Heron (2)
- Heterophobes (1)
- Heterophobia (1)
- Heterophobic (1)
- High Ground (1)
- High Spirits (1)
- Hijacked (1)
- Hillary (1)
- Hindus (1)
- Hispanic (1)
- Hispanics (2)
- Historians (2)
- Historical (2)
- History (4)
- HO (1)
- Hoax (2)
- Hoaxers (1)
- HObama (16)
- Hocus-Pocus (1)
- Hog Driver (1)
- Hoggers (1)
- Hogs (3)
- HollyQueer (1)
- Holocaust (1)
- Home Town (1)
- Homecoming (1)
- Homeless (1)
- HomeQueer Security (2)
- Homeschooling (1)
- Homo-Fascist (1)
- Homo-Fascists (6)
- HomoNazi (1)
- Homophiles (1)
- Homosexual (2)
- Homosexual Agenda (1)
- Homosexuals (5)
- Hong Kong (1)
- Honour (1)
- Hood (1)
- Horizon Stone (1)
- Horizons (1)
- Horrid (2)
- Horrid Domination (1)
- Horrid Zone (1)
- Horror (1)
- Horrors (1)
- Horses (1)
- Hosts (1)
- Hot (1)
- House (1)
- House Arrest (1)
- Howitzers (1)
- HTTP (1)
- HTTPS (1)
- Hucksters (1)
- Huffing (1)
- Huffingbutt's (1)
- Huffingbutt's Post (1)
- Human (28)
- Human Beings (2)
- Human Body (1)
- Human Candidate (1)
- Human Children (2)
- Human Helping (1)
- Human Information (1)
- Human Lessons (1)
- Human Life (1)
- Human Marriage (1)
- Human Resistance (4)
- Human Resistance Fighters (1)
- Human Species (3)
- Human Validity (1)
- Human Websites (1)
- Human Wedding (1)
- Human Will (1)
- Human-Haters (1)
- Humanity (1)
- Humanoid (1)
- Humanophobia (1)
- Humans (32)
- Humboldt (1)
- Humboldt County (1)
- Hurt (1)
- Hygiene (1)
- I am working (1)
- I saw the scum myself (1)
- I380 (1)
- I80 (1)
- IBM (1)
- Ice (3)
- Idea (1)
- Idealists (1)
- Identities (1)
- Identity (1)
- Idioot (1)
- Idiot (3)
- Idiot Voters (1)
- Idiots (10)
- Idle (1)
- IIIN (1)
- Il Duce (1)
- Il Duce Branstad (1)
- Ilinois Primary (1)
- Illinois (4)
- Illinois Family Institute (1)
- Illinois Primary (1)
- Illuminati (1)
- Illustration (1)
- Illustrations (2)
- Imagination (1)
- Imbecile (1)
- Imbeciles (2)
- Imitations (1)
- Immaterial (1)
- Imminent Targets (1)
- Immobility (1)
- Immune (1)
- Immunologists (1)
- Impact (1)
- Impala (1)
- Impatience (1)
- Imperial Dementia (1)
- Imperialism (3)
- Imperials (4)
- Imperium (1)
- Impertinent (1)
- Importance (1)
- Important (1)
- Important Aspects (1)
- Impossible (1)
- Improved (1)
- In Knowledge There Is Strength (1)
- Inauguration Day (1)
- Inclusion Demands Exclusion (1)
- Incrazies (2)
- Incrazy Freaks (1)
- Indebtedness (1)
- Independent (1)
- India (2)
- Indian (1)
- Indiana (1)
- Indians (1)
- Indicators (2)
- Indignity (1)
- Inductive (1)
- Industrial (1)
- Industries (1)
- Inevitable (1)
- Infamous (1)
- Infantile (1)
- Infiltrators (1)
- Infinity (1)
- Influenza (2)
- Information (1)
- Injections (1)
- Inner Reality (1)
- Innocent Earth (1)
- Insane (1)
- Insanity (3)
- Institute (1)
- Institutionalized (1)
- Intelligence (2)
- Intelligent (1)
- Intentions (1)
- Interest (1)
- Intermediate (1)
- Internet (8)
- Internet Service Provider (1)
- Interruption (1)
- Intersection (1)
- Intersections (1)
- Intimidation (5)
- Introduction (1)
- Invaders (2)
- Invasion (4)
- Invasion of Privacy (1)
- Investigators (1)
- Involuntary Explosions (1)
- Ionia (1)
- Iowa (26)
- Iowa Caucus (1)
- Iowa City (1)
- Iowa Falls (1)
- Iowa Ranger (1)
- IP Address (1)
- IRA (1)
- Islamophobia (1)
- Island (1)
- Islands (1)
- ISP (1)
- Issues (1)
- IT (1)
- It's On Their Heads (1)
- ITU (1)
- Jack-knife (1)
- Jackals (3)
- Jackson (1)
- Jeeps (1)
- Jeremiah (1)
- Jesus (2)
- Judge (4)
- Judges (12)
- Jumbo Tweets (1)
- Jumping (1)
- June (4)
- Junipero Serra (1)
- Junk Yard (1)
- Junkyard (1)
- Justice (2)
- Kaleidoscopic (1)
- Kangaroo (1)
- Karl Rove (1)
- Kentucky (1)
- Kenya (1)
- Kick (1)
- Kill (1)
- Killed (1)
- Killer (1)
- Killer AI (2)
- Killer BUWIs (1)
- Killer Queers (1)
- KN95 (1)
- Knife (1)
- Knowing (1)
- Knowledge (3)
- Known Universe (1)
- Kodak (1)
- Kold (1)
- Kum and Go (1)
- Kwik Star (1)
- Ladies of the Plains (1)
- Laminar Flow (1)
- Land of Oz (1)
- Landscape (2)
- Landscapes (1)
- Language (1)
- Last Time (1)
- Laugh (1)
- Laughing Sheep (1)
- Laughter (1)
- Laws (2)
- Lawyer Bitches (1)
- Lawyers (4)
- Leader (1)
- Leaders (3)
- Leadership (2)
- Leaks (1)
- Left Out (1)
- Legal (2)
- Legendary Offense (1)
- Legislation (1)
- Legislators (1)
- Legitimacy (1)
- Leprosy (3)
- Les Miserables (1)
- Lesbians (3)
- Lesie (1)
- lesie-turds (2)
- LESIES (1)
- less-supreme-than-anyone-else (1)
- Let It Go (1)
- Lethal (1)
- Lexapro (1)
- Liars (11)
- Liberals (3)
- Lice (1)
- Licenses (1)
- Lie (1)
- Lie Enough Rule (1)
- Lie Filters (1)
- Lies (25)
- Life (6)
- Lifeforms (1)
- Lightning (1)
- Limbaugh (1)
- Line Survey (1)
- Lions (1)
- Listeners (1)
- Little Brains (1)
- Little-Friend (1)
- Living-Dead (1)
- Loathed (1)
- Loathsome (1)
- Lock Screen (1)
- Logic (2)
- Logistics (1)
- Lonely (1)
- Long Term (1)
- Loonies (1)
- Loot (1)
- Lord (1)
- Losers (2)
- Lottery (1)
- Love (2)
- Love Ones (1)
- Low Earth Orbit (1)
- Lunacy (1)
- Lunatics (1)
- Lunkheads (1)
- Lying (3)
- Lying-Living-Death (1)
- Lyrics (1)
- M1A1 (1)
- Machine (1)
- Machines (1)
- Mad (1)
- Madam Gronstal (2)
- MadFaggot (1)
- Magical Powers (1)
- Magrag (1)
- Malcom (1)
- Malfeasance (1)
- Malicious (2)
- Man (2)
- Man Alone (1)
- Man-haters (1)
- Managers (1)
- Mandatory Response (1)
- Manhattan (1)
- Mankind (1)
- Mannerisms (1)
- Map of Shame (1)
- Maps (1)
- Marble Rock (1)
- Marijuana (2)
- Marktown (2)
- Marriage (17)
- Marriage-Hatred (1)
- Mars (1)
- Marvelous (1)
- Mason's Freaky (1)
- Mass (1)
- Mass Insanity (2)
- Massachusetts (1)
- Massacre (1)
- Masses (1)
- MassInsanity (3)
- Massive Big Business Farmers (1)
- Master Race (1)
- Masters (7)
- Masticate (1)
- Masturbate (1)
- Matt Barber (1)
- Mayor (1)
- McCain (1)
- Mearsheimer (2)
- Media (1)
- Medias (9)
- Medical Specialist (1)
- Medicines (1)
- Meditative (1)
- Meek (1)
- Mega Kudos (1)
- Members (1)
- Memories (1)
- Memory (1)
- Memphis (1)
- Men (3)
- Mens Room (1)
- Mental (3)
- Mental Disease (2)
- Mental Health (2)
- Mephisto (1)
- Merchants (3)
- Message (1)
- Messages (2)
- Metabolic Happiness (1)
- Metaphysically (1)
- Methodist Church (1)
- Methodologists/Propagandists (1)
- Methodology (1)
- Metropolis (1)
- Metropolitan (1)
- Mexican (1)
- Mexico (3)
- Michele Bachmann (2)
- Michelle Bachmann (1)
- MicroPimp (1)
- Microsoft (1)
- Middle-Managers (2)
- Midwest Population (1)
- Mighty (1)
- Military (5)
- Militia (1)
- Milky Way (1)
- Millenniums (1)
- Millionaire (1)
- Mind-fornicating (1)
- Mind-Fornicators (1)
- Mindless (1)
- Mindless Hoards (1)
- Mines (1)
- Mini-Nation (1)
- Miniature (1)
- Minions (1)
- Minister (1)
- Minnesota (2)
- Minnesota Politics (1)
- Minus (1)
- Mirror (1)
- Miscreant (1)
- Miserables (1)
- Missions (1)
- Mississippi (1)
- Mitt (the Rat) Romney (1)
- Mitt Romney (1)
- Mitt Romney Deal (1)
- Mobility (3)
- Mock Revolution (1)
- Model (1)
- Moderate (1)
- Moderates (11)
- Moderation (2)
- Moderna (2)
- ModoRat (1)
- ModoRat Pledge (1)
- Mommies (1)
- Money (3)
- Money for Votes (1)
- Monkey (16)
- Monkey Judge (1)
- Monkey Judges (9)
- Monkey Turds (1)
- Monkey-Judges (1)
- MonkeyPox (1)
- Monkeys (16)
- Monopoly (1)
- Monstrosities (1)
- Montage (1)
- Month (3)
- Month of Human Love (1)
- Months (1)
- Moon (2)
- Moon Rush (1)
- Moose (1)
- Moral High Ground (1)
- Mordor (5)
- More (1)
- Mortal Man (1)
- Mother Killers (1)
- Mother-in-Law (1)
- Mountain (1)
- Movement (1)
- Movie Star (1)
- Movies (1)
- Mower (1)
- Muffle (1)
- Mug (1)
- Multitudes (1)
- Murderer (1)
- Murderers (2)
- Murdering (1)
- Murders (1)
- Muscles (1)
- Music (1)
- Muslims (2)
- Must Work (1)
- Mutants (1)
- Mutual (1)
- Mutual Indebtedness (1)
- Mystery Question (1)
- Naive (1)
- Naked (2)
- Napoleon (1)
- Nascent (1)
- Nasty (2)
- Nation Building (1)
- National (1)
- Nations (1)
- NATO (2)
- Natt (1)
- Natural (1)
- Natural Environment (1)
- Natural Immunization (1)
- Natural Resource Depletion (1)
- Natural World (1)
- Nature (8)
- Nazis (2)
- NBC (1)
- NDAA (1)
- NEA (15)
- Nebraska (2)
- Nefarious (1)
- Neglect (1)
- Nero (1)
- Netherworld (1)
- Network (2)
- Neurons (2)
- Neuters (1)
- Nevada (2)
- Never (1)
- Never Vote (1)
- New (3)
- New Hampshire (1)
- New Hampshire Primary (1)
- New Jersey (1)
- New Years (1)
- New York (1)
- New York Plates (1)
- Newbies (1)
- News (3)
- Newsrag (3)
- newsrags (1)
- Newt Gingrich (1)
- Next Hideous Marriage (1)
- Niche (1)
- Nikon (2)
- NO MERCY (1)
- No Reactions (1)
- No-What (1)
- No-Who (1)
- NOM (3)
- Non-conformity (1)
- Non-Existent (1)
- non-Species (1)
- Nonsense (2)
- Normalized (1)
- North (1)
- North Carolina (1)
- North Carolina Cheerleaders (1)
- North Central Iowa (1)
- North Central Outdoors (1)
- Northeast (1)
- Nose (2)
- Not For Polite Society (1)
- Nothingness (1)
- Novices (1)
- Now (1)
- NPR (1)
- NRA (1)
- NSA (2)
- Nuclear (1)
- Nude Yack (2)
- Nulf (1)
- Nuremberg Rallies (1)
- Nutrition (1)
- Obamacare (1)
- Obeyed (1)
- Obliteration (1)
- Obnoxious (1)
- Observer (1)
- Obtuse (1)
- Odd Happenstance (1)
- Odor Stoppers (1)
- Of (1)
- Offense (1)
- Offenses (1)
- Office (1)
- Official (1)
- Oh Ick (2)
- Oklahoma (1)
- Old West (1)
- Olde (1)
- Olive Oil (1)
- Omicron (2)
- One Ball Of Dung (1)
- One Thousand (1)
- Onions (1)
- Online Storage (1)
- Ooze (1)
- Open Letter (1)
- Opera (1)
- Operating (1)
- Opiate (1)
- Opinions (1)
- Opportunists (4)
- Opposite Politics (1)
- Oppression (2)
- Optimal (1)
- Oral Arguments (1)
- Orangutans (1)
- Organisms (1)
- Organized Crime (1)
- Organized Criminal Religion (1)
- Organized Religion (1)
- Other Earth (1)
- Out (2)
- Out-Of-State (1)
- Outbreak (1)
- Outer Space (1)
- Outhouse (1)
- Outlaw (1)
- Outwards (1)
- Overdose (1)
- Owners (1)
- Oyolia (1)
- P-O-S (1)
- Pablum (1)
- Pachyderm (1)
- Pacific (1)
- Paid-For (1)
- Pains (1)
- Paint (1)
- Pansy Motoring (1)
- Panthers (1)
- Paradise (1)
- Parakeets (1)
- Parallel (1)
- Paraphernalia (1)
- Parking Lot (1)
- Partial List (1)
- Party (3)
- Party Players (1)
- Pastures (1)
- Pathetic (1)
- Patriot (1)
- PC Settings (1)
- Pebers (1)
- Pedophiles (1)
- Pelicans (3)
- Pentagon (1)
- Peons (1)
- People (11)
- People-haters (1)
- Perception (1)
- Perfect (1)
- Performances (1)
- Perpetual Civilization (1)
- Personal (1)
- Personal Health (1)
- Personality (2)
- Perversions (1)
- Pervert (3)
- Perverted (1)
- Perverted Article (1)
- Perverted Campaign (1)
- Perverts (3)
- Perverts Attack Human Woman (2)
- Pestilence (3)
- Peters (1)
- Petition (2)
- Petitions (1)
- Petty Dictators (1)
- Pharmaceutical (1)
- Phasers (1)
- Philosophy (1)
- Phoney (1)
- Phony (4)
- Phony Map (1)
- Phony Marriage (3)
- Photographers (1)
- Photographs (7)
- Photography (1)
- Photos (4)
- Physical (1)
- Physiological Abilities (1)
- Picasa (1)
- Pictures (4)
- Piggies (1)
- Pillage (1)
- Pimp's Faggot White (1)
- Pimple (2)
- Pink Flamingos (1)
- Piss (1)
- Piss Ants (1)
- Pizzazz (1)
- Place (2)
- Plague (1)
- Plains (2)
- Plan B (1)
- Planet (2)
- Planet Sinister (2)
- Planets (1)
- Planned Obsolescence (1)
- Plans (2)
- Plant (1)
- Plastic Agriculture (1)
- Playbook (1)
- Player (1)
- Playtimes (2)
- Plead (1)
- Pleasant Outings (1)
- Plight (1)
- Plus (1)
- Pocahontas (1)
- Podcast (3)
- Podcasts (2)
- Poison (1)
- Poke (1)
- Poland (1)
- Polaris (1)
- Polaris Ranger (1)
- Police (5)
- Political (1)
- Political Correctness (1)
- Political Corruption (1)
- Political Crimes (1)
- Political Gnomes (1)
- Political Lies (1)
- Political Machine (1)
- Politician (1)
- Politicians (16)
- Politico (1)
- Politics (27)
- Politics Game (5)
- Politics Gamers (1)
- Politics Gnomes (1)
- Politics Speak (1)
- Polls (1)
- Poor (2)
- Pope (1)
- Population (1)
- Population Control (1)
- Pornography (1)
- Porta Poddys (1)
- Positive (1)
- Possession (1)
- Post Office (2)
- Potatoes (1)
- Power (3)
- Power Companies (2)
- Powers (1)
- PPPP(-) (2)
- Prairie (2)
- Prayer (1)
- Pre-Queerapsy (1)
- Prepping (1)
- President (2)
- Presidential (2)
- Pressure (1)
- Presumptive (1)
- Pretend (3)
- Pretenders (4)
- Pretty Grotesque (1)
- Prevention (1)
- Price Gouging (1)
- Prices (1)
- Pride (1)
- Prideless (1)
- Principles (2)
- Prison (2)
- Prisoners (1)
- Prisons (1)
- Privacy (1)
- Private. (1)
- Producers (1)
- Production (1)
- Productive (1)
- Profiling (5)
- Progress (1)
- Progressive (1)
- Projected (1)
- Promotion (1)
- Promotions (1)
- Propaganda (31)
- Propaganda Campaigns (1)
- Propagandists (1)
- Proper (1)
- Property (1)
- Prophecy (1)
- Proponents (1)
- Proposals (1)
- Proposition 8 (1)
- Prosperity (1)
- Prostitution (2)
- Protected (1)
- Protection (1)
- Protest Signs (1)
- Protesters (1)
- Protestors (1)
- Proudless (1)
- Proudless Driving (1)
- Proverbs (1)
- Proves (1)
- Prunes (1)
- Pseudo-Socialism (1)
- Psych (1)
- PsychCreatures (1)
- Psychological (1)
- Pterodactyl (1)
- Public (3)
- Public Schools (2)
- Public/Political Schools (1)
- Puddy Tat (1)
- Punishment (1)
- Punk (1)
- Punks (1)
- Puppetry (1)
- Purity (2)
- Purple (1)
- Puss (1)
- Pustules (1)
- Putin (1)
- Putrid Defeat (1)
- Puttzies (1)
- Puzzle (1)
- Pyramid (1)
- Pyramids (1)
- Q-Sick (1)
- Q&AFF (1)
- Q&PMH (1)
- Quality (1)
- Queer (22)
- Queer and Phony Marriage Hatred (1)
- Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred (1)
- Queer Bully (1)
- Queer Calibration (1)
- Queer Coalition (6)
- Queer Coalitions (4)
- Queer Disney (3)
- Queer England (1)
- Queer for (1)
- Queer Godling (1)
- Queer Government (2)
- Queer Governments (1)
- Queer Hoax (1)
- Queer Legal (1)
- Queer Media Stroke (1)
- Queer Medias (8)
- Queer Moderates (1)
- queer newsrags (2)
- Queer Poll (1)
- Queer Propaganda (5)
- Queer Queens (1)
- Queer Romney (1)
- Queer SWATS (1)
- Queer Weather Chow (1)
- Queerapsy (4)
- Queeraptic (1)
- Queers (34)
- Queershit (11)
- QueerSwat (1)
- QueerSwats (1)
- Question (1)
- Questioning (1)
- Quis Quistie (1)
- Quugly (1)
- Rabbit Holes (1)
- Rabble-Rousers (1)
- Rabies (2)
- Rabies Monkeys (1)
- Raccoon (1)
- Raccoons (1)
- Race (1)
- Racial (1)
- Racial Profile (1)
- Racial Profiling (1)
- Racist (1)
- Rack (1)
- Radar (1)
- Radio (3)
- Radio Interference (1)
- Raid (1)
- Rain Cells (1)
- Rallies (1)
- Rampage (1)
- Ranger (1)
- Rape (4)
- Rape of Iowa (1)
- Rapidly-Dying (1)
- Rapists (1)
- Rat (3)
- Rat Romney (2)
- Rats (1)
- Ratshit (1)
- Ratshitters (1)
- Rattlesnake (2)
- Ravine (1)
- Reactions (1)
- Read (1)
- Reader 1 (1)
- Readers (3)
- Reading (1)
- Real (4)
- Real (Living) Iowa (1)
- Real America (1)
- Real Human (1)
- Real Humans (2)
- Real Iowa (4)
- Real Marriage (1)
- Real Men (1)
- Real People (1)
- Real Truth (1)
- Real White Man (1)
- Real Women (3)
- Real World (1)
- Reality (5)
- Realization (1)
- Really Ugly Asshole from Florida (1)
- Rear-Sniffers (1)
- Rearsniffers (1)
- Rearstiffers (1)
- Reasons (1)
- Reavers (1)
- Rebellion (1)
- Rebuild (1)
- Recordings (2)
- Recreation (1)
- Recruits (1)
- Red (1)
- Red-Assed Baboons (1)
- Refurbishment (1)
- Refusal (1)
- Regime (2)
- Regime of Terror (1)
- Regiments (1)
- Regimes (1)
- Regulations (1)
- Reich (1)
- Reid (5)
- Rejection (1)
- Rejuvenated (1)
- Relativity (1)
- Religion (4)
- Religions (1)
- Religious (1)
- Remagen (1)
- Remedies (1)
- Remnants (1)
- RepoCrap (1)
- RepoCraps (2)
- Representation (1)
- Reptiles (1)
- Repu-Scooper (1)
- Republican (3)
- Republicans (4)
- Republiscams (1)
- RepuCrap (1)
- RepuCraps (11)
- Repugnance (1)
- Research (1)
- Residents (1)
- Resistance (14)
- Resolution (2)
- Resources (1)
- Revenge (1)
- Reversal (1)
- Reverse Bang (1)
- Revolution (11)
- Revolutionaries (2)
- Revolutionary (1)
- Revolutions (1)
- Rhetoric (1)
- Rich (1)
- Richard Egan (1)
- Riches (1)
- Rick Santorum (7)
- Riddle (1)
- Ridge (1)
- Riding (1)
- Rifles (2)
- Right (1)
- Ring (1)
- Ringgenberg (1)
- RINOs (2)
- Riot (1)
- Riots (2)
- River (4)
- Rivers (1)
- Road Kill (1)
- Robotic (1)
- Robots (2)
- Rodent (1)
- Rodentia (2)
- Rodents (2)
- Role-Players (1)
- Rolling Hills (3)
- Roman (1)
- Romans (1)
- Romney (7)
- Romney Rat (1)
- Romulan (1)
- Rove (1)
- Royalty (1)
- Rude (1)
- Ruination (2)
- Ruined Franklin County (1)
- Ruinous (1)
- Rule (1)
- Run (2)
- Rural (2)
- Russia (2)
- Russian (1)
- Russian-Style (1)
- Ryan (3)
- Sabetha (1)
- Sadism (1)
- Sales Creatures (2)
- Salt Lake City (1)
- Sam Houston (1)
- Same-Sex (1)
- Sanctuary (1)
- Sane (1)
- Sanity (4)
- Santa Clause (1)
- Sarcasm (1)
- Sargasso (1)
- Sargent-Major (1)
- SAS (1)
- Satan (4)
- Satan Tube (1)
- Satanic (5)
- Satanic Symbols (1)
- Satanism (1)
- Satanism Everywhere (1)
- Satellite Radio (1)
- Saxophone (1)
- Sayeth (1)
- Scale (1)
- Scam (1)
- Scheme (1)
- Science (1)
- Science Priests (1)
- Scissors (1)
- Scorpion (1)
- Scotland (2)
- Scott Lively (1)
- Scourge (1)
- Scream (1)
- Screams (1)
- Screeches (1)
- Screwed (1)
- Scruffy (1)
- Sculpture (1)
- Scum (3)
- Scummies (1)
- Scuzz (2)
- Search Engines (3)
- Season (1)
- Secession (1)
- Secrecy (1)
- Secret (1)
- Seething Hatred (1)
- Self (1)
- Self Defense (1)
- Self-Destruct (1)
- Self-Medicine (1)
- Self-Recrimination (1)
- Senior Centers (1)
- Sense (1)
- Serengeti (1)
- Sergeant Majors (1)
- Sermons (1)
- Servants (1)
- Setup (1)
- Seven Monkey Judges (1)
- Sewage Backups (1)
- Sex (2)
- Sexless (1)
- Sexless Internet Censors (1)
- Sham (2)
- Shame (1)
- Shattered and Gone (1)
- Sheep (2)
- Sheeple (1)
- Sheriff (1)
- Sheriffs (1)
- Shit Grinner's Mask (1)
- Shithead (1)
- Shock (1)
- Shooting (2)
- Shout (1)
- Shrinking (1)
- SHTF (1)
- Shut-Ins (1)
- Side Effect (1)
- Side of Evil (1)
- Side of Light (2)
- Signatures (1)
- Silence (1)
- Sing (1)
- Single Topic (1)
- Sinister (4)
- Sites (1)
- Six (1)
- Six-legged (1)
- Skeletons (1)
- Skies (1)
- Skunk (2)
- Slash (1)
- Slaughter (2)
- Slaughterhouse (1)
- Slaughterhouses (1)
- Slavery (4)
- Slaves (7)
- Slavs (1)
- Sledgehammer (1)
- Sleepyheads (1)
- Slime (3)
- Slither (1)
- Small towns (1)
- Smelltone (1)
- Smelltone John (1)
- Smothered (1)
- Sneaky Cat (1)
- Sneeeeze (1)
- Snow (2)
- Snow Queen (1)
- Snowflake (1)
- Snowplows (1)
- Social Insanity (1)
- Social Norms (1)
- Social Order (1)
- Social Standard (1)
- Socialism (1)
- Socially Prominent (1)
- Society (5)
- Society Country (1)
- Sodom (1)
- Sodomy (1)
- Something (1)
- Song (2)
- Songs (1)
- Sonnet (1)
- Sony (2)
- Soon (1)
- Sorrento (1)
- South (1)
- South Carolina (1)
- South Dakota (1)
- Southwest Wisconsin (1)
- Southwestern (1)
- Southwestern Wisconsin (1)
- Sovereignty (1)
- Space Marine (1)
- Space Marines (1)
- Space X (1)
- Spaghetti (1)
- Spawn (1)
- Speakers (1)
- Spears (1)
- Special Environments (1)
- Species (14)
- Speech (2)
- Spiders (1)
- Spies (3)
- Spirals (1)
- Spirit (1)
- Spirit of Battle (1)
- Spiritual (2)
- Splatter (1)
- Splendiferous (1)
- Spontaneous (1)
- Sport (1)
- Spy (1)
- SQLD (17)
- Square (1)
- SQUIRM (2)
- Squirms (1)
- Squirrel (1)
- SSA Funds (1)
- SSID (1)
- Stab (1)
- Standard of Measurements (1)
- Star (2)
- Star Lux (1)
- Starship (1)
- State (2)
- State Police (1)
- Statehouse (1)
- States (5)
- Statesmanship (1)
- Statistical (1)
- Steel Beauty (1)
- STEM (1)
- STEM Priests (1)
- Stench (2)
- Steve Deace (2)
- Stinking Body Count (1)
- Stooges (2)
- Stoopid (1)
- Storm (1)
- Straight (1)
- Straights (1)
- Strategy (1)
- Straw (1)
- Stream (2)
- Street Cleaning Machines (1)
- Strength (1)
- Stress (1)
- Stupefied (1)
- Stupid (1)
- Sub-Language (1)
- Sub-tongues (1)
- Subjugation (1)
- Subsidies (1)
- Suffer (1)
- Sugar Cube (1)
- Suicide (1)
- Sunrise (1)
- Sunset (2)
- Super Cargo (1)
- Superior (2)
- Supervisors (3)
- Suppository (1)
- Suppression (2)
- Supreme (2)
- Supreme Court (1)
- Surprise (1)
- Surveillance (1)
- Survivalism (1)
- Survive (1)
- Surviving Surviving (1)
- Survivors (1)
- Suspicion (1)
- SUVs (1)
- Swans (1)
- Swine (3)
- Swing (1)
- Symptoms (1)
- Syncretism (1)
- Syndicate (1)
- Synonymous (1)
- Taboo (1)
- Tandem (1)
- Target (1)
- Targets (2)
- Taste Tests (1)
- Tax (1)
- Tax Credits (1)
- Tax Monies (1)
- Taxes (2)
- Tea Party (3)
- Teachers (1)
- Teachers Unions (1)
- Teaching (1)
- Tech Giants (1)
- Technologist (1)
- Technology (1)
- Telecom (1)
- Telecommunications (1)
- Teleconferencing (1)
- Telegraph (1)
- Telephone (1)
- Television (1)
- Temporary Zombies (1)
- Tenderloin (2)
- Tennessee (1)
- Termites (1)
- Terrain (1)
- Terrible (1)
- Terrible Amounts of Windmills (1)
- Terror (1)
- Terror-Squads (1)
- Terrorism (4)
- Terrorist (1)
- Terrorist Driving (1)
- Terrorists (6)
- Test (1)
- Texas (2)
- Texas1984 (3)
- Texas1984 Plates (1)
- Textbooks (1)
- Thanks (1)
- Thanksgiving (1)
- The Hindenburg (1)
- The Rat (1)
- The Train (1)
- Theater (1)
- Them (3)
- Then (1)
- Therapy (1)
- Thieves (1)
- Thing (1)
- Think (3)
- Thinking (4)
- Third Party (1)
- Third-Degree Burns (1)
- Third-world (1)
- This (1)
- Thought Police (1)
- Threat (1)
- Thuggees (1)
- Thugs (1)
- Thunderstorm (1)
- Ticks (1)
- Time (1)
- Timeline (1)
- Timothy (1)
- Tinker Pots (1)
- Titonka (1)
- Toadie (1)
- Togetherness (2)
- Too (1)
- Toolbox Brains (1)
- Toosk (1)
- Topics (1)
- Tornado (1)
- Torture (1)
- TotalForce (1)
- Touch (1)
- Tough History (1)
- Tourists (1)
- Town (2)
- Toy Scouts (1)
- Toys (1)
- Tracking (1)
- Tractors (1)
- Traffic (1)
- Trailers (1)
- Traitors (1)
- TransFreaks (1)
- Transmission Lines (1)
- Transmitter (1)
- Transparency (1)
- Transportation (1)
- TransSlime (2)
- Trap (1)
- Trash (2)
- Trashbender (1)
- Trashblender Medias (1)
- Travel (1)
- Travelers (1)
- Treachery (2)
- Treason (1)
- Trees (2)
- Tribes (1)
- Tribunal (1)
- Trick (2)
- Tricks (1)
- Trip (1)
- Troop (1)
- Troops (1)
- Truck (1)
- Truck Drivers (1)
- Trucks (1)
- Trump (4)
- Trumpers (1)
- Trusteth (1)
- Truth (26)
- Truths (2)
- Turds (1)
- Turn Your Cell Phones OFF -- The Deviates Are Calling All Cell Phones With Gifts Of Queershit. (1)
- Turtle (1)
- TV (18)
- TV Anchor (1)
- TV God (1)
- TV Turds (2)
- TV Watchers (3)
- TV-Ignoring (1)
- TVP World (1)
- Twenty Ways (1)
- Twisted (1)
- Twisted Skulls (1)
- Twisted Species (3)
- Two (1)
- Tylenol (1)
- Type A (1)
- Type B (1)
- Tyranny (3)
- U-boats (1)
- Ublacklist (1)
- Uganda (1)
- Ugliness (2)
- Ugly (1)
- Ugly Cities (1)
- Ugly Looking (1)
- Ukraine (4)
- Unauthorized (1)
- Unauthorized Authority (1)
- Undermine (1)
- Understanding (2)
- Underwear (2)
- Unexpectedly (1)
- UnHuman (1)
- UNI (1)
- Uniforms (1)
- Union (1)
- Unions (1)
- United States (2)
- Universal (1)
- Universal Constant (2)
- Universal Facts (1)
- Universe (2)
- University (1)
- Unlettered (1)
- Unns Gang (1)
- Unsuspecting (1)
- Untimely (1)
- Unvarnished (1)
- Unwashed Masses (1)
- Update (1)
- Upgrade (1)
- Upload (1)
- Upwards (1)
- Urban (1)
- Us (1)
- Useless Cretins (1)
- Utah (2)
- Utility (3)
- Utility Board (2)
- Utility Board Pigs (1)
- Utility Vehicle (1)
- Utility Vehicles (1)
- UTVs (2)
- Vaccinated (1)
- Vaccinations (1)
- Vaccines (2)
- Vagabond (1)
- Vaginas (1)
- Validity (2)
- Values (2)
- Various (1)
- Varmints (1)
- Vaseline (1)
- Vermin (3)
- Verminous (1)
- Vermont (1)
- Very Tiny Brains (1)
- Vice-President (1)
- Victim (1)
- Victims (5)
- Victory (1)
- Video (7)
- Video Links (1)
- Videos (5)
- Videos About Poland (1)
- View (1)
- Villainy (1)
- Violins (1)
- Virginia (2)
- Virus Spreaders (1)
- Virus Times (1)
- Virus War (1)
- Virus-Of-Total-Extermination (1)
- Virus's Delight (1)
- Vistas (1)
- Vitamins (3)
- Voodoo (1)
- Vote (7)
- Voted (1)
- Voter (1)
- Voter ID (1)
- Voters (6)
- Votes (2)
- Voting (10)
- Vulture/Culture (2)
- Wahooo (1)
- Wail (1)
- Walgreens (1)
- Wall Street Journal (1)
- Walls (1)
- Walmart (3)
- Waltham (1)
- War (5)
- War Circus (1)
- War Machines (1)
- Warfare (1)
- Warming (1)
- Warnings (1)
- Wars (2)
- Wash (1)
- Wash This Death City (3)
- Washington (2)
- Water (1)
- Waterloo (1)
- Waverly (1)
- WCIT-12 (1)
- We (1)
- WEAPONS (11)
- Webster City (2)
- Webster County (1)
- Weevils (1)
- Weight Loss (1)
- Wellness (1)
- West Africa (1)
- Whack (1)
- What (1)
- What Is (1)
- What Is Happening (1)
- What Was (1)
- Where (1)
- Whimps (1)
- Whirlwinds (1)
- White (3)
- White Bitch (1)
- White Folks (1)
- White House (1)
- White Lesbian Supremacists (1)
- White Man (1)
- White Niggers (1)
- White Rattlesnake (1)
- White Tiger (1)
- White Trash (2)
- Whites (1)
- Whities (2)
- WHO (2)
- Whopper (1)
- Whores (2)
- Why (2)
- Wide-Open (1)
- Widow (1)
- Wieners (1)
- Wiggins (1)
- Wiki (1)
- Wildcard (1)
- Will (2)
- Will of the People (3)
- Wind (1)
- Windmills (8)
- Windows (1)
- Windows 11 (1)
- Windows Update (1)
- Winter (2)
- Wisconsin (2)
- Wisdom (3)
- Witch Hunt (1)
- With (1)
- Woe (1)
- Woeful (1)
- Wolf Spiders (1)
- Wolves (1)
- Woman (2)
- Women (1)
- Won (1)
- Won't You Please (1)
- Woody Woodpecker (1)
- Word (1)
- Words (1)
- Working (1)
- Working Slave (1)
- World (2)
- World Class (2)
- World Update (1)
- World Videos (1)
- World War II (1)
- Worms (2)
- Worse (1)
- Worst Logos (2)
- Wright (3)
- Wright County (3)
- Write (2)
- Writer (2)
- Writers (2)
- Writing (2)
- Writings (1)
- Wrong (1)
- Wuhan (1)
- Wussy Wrectum (1)
- WWII (1)
- Yeah! (1)
- Yellow Cat (1)
- Yellow Journalism (1)
- Yes! (1)
- You (3)
- Young (2)
- Young Men (1)
- Youngers (1)
- Youth (1)
- YouTube (3)
- Zelensky (1)
- Zero Fidelity (1)
- Zero Information (1)
- Zip (1)
- Zombies (2)
- Zone (1)
- Zorro (1)
- Zyrodartox (2)
Fakery and Fake Fakery
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!
The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.