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Showing posts with label Establishment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Establishment. Show all posts

Monday, April 20, 2015


The attempt to mask and remove Nature from our Species, using the propaganda term 'straight':


There is an important point at the end of this message.


This is about Human Beings being natural as opposed to being something that medias can identify as 'straight'.

Propagandists and media scum always try to label everything in such a way that it will work for propaganda -- it will work for advertising -- it will work for politics -- it will work for manipulating minds and controlling people's lives. Thus, the Natural Human Beings on this planet end up being called 'straights'. As opposed to 'bent', 'twisted', 'warped' psychopathic scum (like the propagandists themselves) that come up with all of that terminology. Bogus hairballs out of their asses -- designed to facilitate their scheme, their genre, their habit, their existence of lying.

What I am explaining is -- the term 'straight' is as much of a lie as the (g-a-y) term, or 'bent' or 'twisted' -- in the ways that they use those words. They (themselves) are bent and twisted, but they are far worse; they are actually a disease. That Truth, is not something that propagandists can use; because it includes themselves. So they always opt out for some kind of nomenclature, some kind of 'verbal handle', that they can use to their own propaganda benefit. That is how this terminology, this usage, of words like 'bent' and 'twisted' and (g-a-y) and 'straight' came to be. One of the words that is used in reference to our enemies in this War which is actually valid and accurate, is 'queer'. What is 'queer' is actually queer. It is a pre-existing word in the language (and in all languages) that actually applies to the Deviates/Perverts/Propagandists.
You can see that from the anal viewpoint of propagandists, the existence of a word in usage that actually applies to them and the Deviates that they support (and are) was a danger to them. So, they had to create all kinds of supplemental terminology and all kinds of supplementary words to confuse the issue -- to cover over what really is -- while at the same time openly calling each other 'Queers' as though that word is a joke -- when in Reality, it is the exact description of the results of the mental disease that infests all of them.

'Disease' and 'queer', both truly apply to them and their sewer world. That, is not good for propaganda purposes. Having all of the people realize what they (their evil selves) really are? Oh no! Propaganda could never survive -- propaganda could never thrive -- in an environment where everything is Real and True. The Real Reality -- the Truth of all of it -- must be covered over, confused, mixed, and scrambled.

Since they are word users anyway, since they are dependent upon the twisted and reversed usage of any word they can adopt or hijack, they had to come up with a plethora of 'alternate terminology'. A large assortment of words that they could constantly banter about and form and mold to their purposes; thereby avoiding the two words that really do apply to them -- which are 'disease' and 'queer'. This is why there is so much usage now in popular culture about 'straight', (g-a-y), 'bent', 'twisted', 'alternate', 'alternative'; and they are even calling their sickness a 'lifestyle'. All for the purpose of avoiding the two really true words that apply to them -- which are 'disease' and 'queer'.

What I am getting to is, Humans are not what we are portrayed to be by the medias and by the propagandists. What those things call 'straight' is NOT us. We are all natural (as in Hetero), but the false usage of 'straight' is intended to do more than just diminish 'Hetero'.


One of the big reasons for propagandists to create all of those false identities and descriptions (and they do insist that you accept their falsehoods as real identities which they constantly remold and reshape during every election cycle to whatever their needs are at the moment) is to have control over populations and to decrease what they do not like and to increase what they are! What they sponsor, what they advocate.

The Human Beings, which they have falsely labeled as 'straights', are constantly being denigrated and diminished by the propagandists -- while the (g-a-y) and any perverted things and any deviated things and political lunatics and all political greed and avarice (which pays very well) is constantly being promoted and advocated and amplified, and jacked up to enormously false proportions and importance.

Anyone who accepts their handles and accepts their false claims upon themselves (you) -- claiming that you are what they say you are ('straight', (g-a-y), whatever) ...

anyone who accepts those false claims upon you, that possession of you, likewise becomes manipulated by them and becomes either diminished or increased for the generalized social viewpoint; which they promote with their medias, their TV Turds, FMs, queer newsrags and so on. In that twisted Queer Coalition system existence, and the ridiculous existence of voters, those handles and controls and tags put upon people actually work -- if they are accepted (by you).

If you accept that you are a so-called 'straight', then you will be diminished and reduced by them accordingly. If you accept that you are one of the (g-a-y)s that they identify as such [[which is not the case here, because none of those things are allowed to read this]] then you will be increased and magnified and glorified by them; because that is what they (themselves) are anyway.

It is all mind manipulation. In the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone they call it 'mind fornication'. It is the twisted pastime of the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone, they do it to every thing there including themselves -- constantly -- endlessly. As part of the overall plan of their wickedness ...

and it is the true definition of 'wickedness' which itself is pawned off to the media watchers as something cool and neat and elite and interesting and everyone should get into the wickedness ...

part of their wickedness is to insist that one of their labels (and all to whom that applies) is worthless to the general public and anyone who is weak-minded and has had a public education should want nothing to do with ...

'straight' ...

while everything else that is sick and vile and contorted by themselves (and with their greedy approval) is proclaimed to be filled with variety and differentiation and diversity and wonderfulness ...

and it is just a great thing to do, to be twisted this way and sick that way and demented this way and deviated that way; and isn't it a fine and wonderful gumball machine full of lunatic psychotics? All run by, and all paying, them.

They get a lot of money from any special interest sickness and any special interest group, that wants that gumball machine to rock their way. The propagandists make a lot of money doing that.

Meanwhilst -- the one label and the one identity that they denigrate and urinate on daily (which they made for that purpose) is called 'straight'; which is supposed to signify and apply to all Human Beings. It is supposed to typify a narrow-minded, dull, un-interesting, stupid, unseeing, unfeeling, selfish and psychotic freak -- that should be locked up for everyone's benefit, and not be allowed to walk about in public without a keeper and a leash.

That just so happens to be a perfect description of the so-called Republican Establishment ...

[['establishment' being another identity tag for idiots]]

AND, every Politician on the planet. It is not, in any way or shape or form an accurate description of Human Beings. Who, in the stupefied brains of the so-called General Public [[more identity tags for idiots]] are identified as the 'straights'.

What I am trying to get rid of here, is the tag, the label, the falsehood that Human Beings are what the Perverts and the Propagandists call 'straights'. And, as I have just mentioned, they are using that word 'straight' in complete and malicious and vicious intent to destroy whatever they can tag with that label.

Do you know anything about dairy farming?

If you do, you will know that every dairy cow out there has an ear tag. Just about everything bigger than a hog, and shorter than a horse, around here gets an ear tag ...

[[which makes me wonder --- why do Politicians and Monkey Judges not get ear tags, too? Answer -- because they are lower than the hogs.]]

which is for statistical purposes, identification, and is probably a regulation. Also, there is always the underlying threat of anthrax (a bovine version of politics) such that if a herd got anthrax and had to be slaughtered, those ear tags would come in very handy for making sure that the right cows are killed; instead of poor innocent cows with mistaken identities from the other side of the hill.

[[Why are voters not slaughtered after elections?]]

That, is a very benign and non-malicious example of what I am talking about. If the propagandists and Queers could make every Human Being wear an ear tag that had a number on it and also said -- 'This person is a piece of shit -- piss on it and spit on it at all times' -- that is exactly what they would do. It would have a number, and then it would read 'Straight -- this is a piece of shit -- piss on it and spit on it at all times!'

All Humans would have to wear such an ear tag. That, is their usage of the word 'straight'. That, is what I am getting rid of. I am throwing away the ear tags, the false labels, the Queershit.

I want you to understand that I want you to remove the word 'straight' as it is used by 'them' -- from our Species. I want to remove that false usage of the word and label 'straight' (as used by the propagandists that are our worst enemies) from our Species -- from the existence of our Species.

Break their Word Chains! I do not want us bound to their Anus-eyed view of Existence!

Of course, we are always going to be 'Hetero' -- that is just another word for Nature. However, I do not want us labeled and tagged by 'straight' anymore, and their usage of it has never been right anyway. How could any propagandists even begin to know what Human Life is all about? Or care? There is no anus-sucking deviate-fornicating propagandist turd in the Universe, that has the slightest idea of what Humanity and Humans are like; what Humanity and Humans are. They do not want to know; they do not see that as an efficient use of Killing Time -- they are in this to make money, and big money! To take over an entire field of money making opportunities and make it there own -- and labels work for that. Ear tags work for that. False descriptions work for that. They are working constantly to dump upon anything and anyone who is identified (using their system) as 'straight'.

But, identified by who? Answer: The identifying is being done by them, for the purpose of their achievement of vicious greed. What matters in their sick Queer Coalition existence are squirming sick habits, and perks and benefits and comforts and glory and power. That kind of 'Victory by False Identity' has to be defused. It has to be deactivated. It has to be taken apart and thrown away and nullified and erased and neutralized -- and the only way that you can do that is to bring out the real identity of Human Beings -- which is Nature. Natural.

Every Deviate and Pervert and Propagandist and Politician in this Universe -- HATES NATURE!!!! Loathes Nature. Despises Nature. Would kill Nature gruesomely, with a grim death, if they thought they could. Look at the Feh BUWIs, the ButtUgly Windmill fags! They could not care less about this planet. That death of this planet is big money and big bucks for them. It is a horrible scam and they have been planning it for decades. Now, they are killing the planet with their scam, their scum, their twisted sphincters of Hell in the sky. And, they have no intention of stopping.


In and amongst all of that, which amounts to a continual and perpetual attack against Humanity, is the constant insistence by our enemies (the propagandists and the politicians) that to be a Human Being is to be a 'straight' -- and therefore to be stupid, limited, narrow-minded, almost without a culture of any kind, worthless and dull; and of course to be demented. Because, with all of that sick and twisted 'variety' available (inside their coalitions) Humans will still have nothing to do with it; which means that they will not play the propaganda game.

Anyone who does not play the propaganda game (and do as the propagandists demand and insist) and therefore does not join the scams and the games created by the propagandists -- must be demented, according to them. Such Humans must be furthermore reduced, as punishment for their lack of compliance to the demands, games, schemes, suggestions and insinuations of the TV Turds, and the Filthy Monkeys on FM, and the sick and twisted pigs in the queer newsrags (etc). And, do not forget the political gnomes, the political circus, the political existence which is part and parcel of that; and demands compliance and voting.


Let me illustrate this by explaining one aspect of the pseudo-nature, the synthetic and imitation nature, of the Deviates and the propagandists. If Human Beings fight hard enough to force Reality and the Truth upon the World, which shows them in their real light (their real description) and their real greatness; and we insist that the Truth be recognized around the World; to wit all of the variety and all of the differentiation and all of the diversity and all of the goodness and all of the opportunities are on the Human side, and NOT on the side of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead -- not on the side of the Queer Coalitions, not on the side of the Five Evils -- but are instead on the Human side ...

guess what the propagandists will do.

They will begrudgingly say Queershit like -- "Okay, you have diversity too. You have some differentiation and some opportunities too." [["Now that we cannot stop it and prevent it." Which they will not say openly.]]

"We are admitting publicly that you have some abilities and some credibility and worth too. Not as much as ourselves! Of course! But, you have something which we really do not want to know about."

[["But if we do that, we will miss an opportunity! If we completely ignore it, we will miss an opportunity because we can present it as a new thing! To the General Sludge that watch TV -- the General Voters -- the General Dopes. We can present it as a new phenomenon which we are guiding, and representing, and unifying, and explaining to an unbelieving world. We can be the arbiters and the promoters of this new phenomenon! And, make money! And, retain our queer sick status inside the Queer Coalitions -- retain our importance to the General Idiocy. Covering over instantaneously, and forever, the fact that we could not kill it! We did everything we could to drown Humanity in an ocean of Queershit Lies. But, they just won't die. So, now that we cannot kill them and they are insisting upon the Truth, we have to begrudgingly (in our medias) accept their continued existence (as low as it is) as having some value and we have to do what we can, as pretend Humanitarians, to try to promote their poor meager existence; and try to explain to the unbelieving General Idiocy the immensely absurd claims coming from those 'Humans'."]]

That, is how they would deal with it.

Given no choice, that is what they would do. Then -- what you do is to jump on that! You use the same combat boots, and you step on that!


I hope I am getting through to some of you, to the point where you are seeing that the existence of the Queer Coalitions and the propaganda medias and the Five Evils is a completely unwanted, unwarranted, and unneeded intrusion upon our natural World. They are Planet Sinister. It is a construct, an artifact, a complication of lunacies all trying to exist in an artificial stew of their own creation -- even fighting each other for the stew, and for supremacy in the stew. All at the same time trying to create a false universe in which such sickness and twisted-ness (as the typical DemoCrap Politician) can exist and pretend that it belongs there. Pretend, it belongs in existence, it belongs as an elitist, it belongs as a liar, it belongs as a con-artist, it belongs as a purveyor of perversions, it belongs as a procurer for medias, it belongs in the Universe -- but only in the Universe it creates for itself, never in the Real Universe.

The endless existence of the Real Universe is a constant threat to that phoniness, that fakery. I hope some of you are seeing how all of that has to be gotten rid of. All of it has to be eliminated. It cannot be allowed to continue to exist here, or on any other planet! On any continent, in any nation -- it is entirely composed of fabricated lies, is self-serving, self reassuring, and self reinforcing at the expense of the Natural Universe. It IS a disease! It is a disease that wants to kill and replace everything that was here before it. The fact that it has not done so, and is not doing so, has it completely pissed off!

The internal elements, the little cells of Hell inside the Queer Coalitions, are in extreme agitation about the fact that they cannot kill the Real Universe and the Real Human Species. They are livid about it. Completely filled with hatred and malice against us, because we will not die and we will not allow the Real Universe to die either. They put out every kind of whining complaint that they can, to try to get us to go along with our own genocide -- and it means nothing to us. We know, solidly and permanently, that all such filth as themselves should not exist. Here, or on any other planet. In this Galaxy or any other Galaxy, in any way or shape or form. It is a Galactic Disease that is starting here on this planet, and it must stop here!

On this planet.


I am not trying to deliberately make all Human Beings feel better, by having them realize that it is a huge effort, and it is War, and it has enormous consequences, and it is more important than anything else known to Man. There is really nothing more important than our own natural environment in which we are natural Human Beings. Everything about that, including us, is in dire threat from that hideous Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead threat -- at the center of which is The Cult Of The Asshole. Which, is so horrific it defies description, but I am going to describe it anyway. I have something coming up to help that. I am not trying to make Human Beings feel more toasty and comfortable and cozy as part of a huge effort to save the Galaxy -- that is just what it is!

I would not suggest trying to be comfy or cozy or comfortable, because you will lose. It's a War. The Galaxy and everything else is at stake. The stakes are the highest that exist. Trying to make you feel comfortable and happy about that, to me seems to be the wrong thing to do. It requires a lot of activity, a lot of learning, a lot of raising of natural children, a lot of fighting, acquiring and maintaining a fighting attitude, a fighting spirit throughout the Species -- forever. The intention being to keep this kind of insanity from ever appearing again. Requiring, considerable effort by every Human Being.

[[Think of what losing this War would mean: mandatory sodomy of all Human Children by age eight -- compulsory voting -- mandatory watching of TV by quotas -- no natural and real sex -- wholesale creation of babies by incubation -- compulsory worship of the Gods (Masters) of The Master Race (Deviates) -- life limit of 50 for working classes -- abject slavery of all 'throwbacks', all sports replaced by queer orgies and spiced with ritual infant murders ...
shall I continue?
Just think -- The Cult Of The Asshole.
Then -- think of Branstad smiling.]]

Even the ones that cannot physically join the fighting, can spiritually fight Evil. Evil, has many negative spiritual components -- all of which want us dead -- all of which are so maligned and so awful -- and at the same time are so feeble. Feeble, against a real Human Resistance! Feeble, against a real and solid Human Understanding and Truth that does not waiver and does not cower before it, and does not fear it. Evil, can sense fear in any prey from far away, but is feeble and powerless before a determined Human Existence. Even the Humans that cannot physically fight, can fight in other dimensions -- in other ways. I hope you understand what I am saying, this is not some kind of pep rally to make everybody feel like they are on a football team. This is the Truth and the Real World. Football teams would evaporate and vaporize in this War environment.


If you understand all of the preceding, which is pretty obvious, then it is not hard to understand another feature, another aspect of all of it -- and that is the Belief Merchants. The Belief Merchants -- who claim that anything natural about Humans, or anything approaching what they call 'Natural Man', is undesirable and must be avoided -- or you will lose all the benefits of being within the graces of their 'God Alien'.

Oh yes, their 'God Prop' -- that is what it actually is -- because the Real God is nowhere around them and would not be caught dead in the same county with one of them. Neither would the 'Jesus Prop' -- who is deeply disinterested in being used in such ways, I am sure.

According to the raving Belief Merchants ...

contenders for mastery over the same roiling rabies that infests all DemoCrap Attorney Generals (DemoCrap Attorney General Rabies) ...

if you try to be what you really are supposed to be, as a natural Human Being endowed with natural understandings and abilities and intuitive reasoning and deductive common sense, you thereby automatically void yourself from receiving any gains which you might have gotten by worshiping their God Alien or their Jesus Alien -- which are their Number One and Number Two props and artifacts.

That is the way it is in their Religion Circus (their Belief Merchant Business). If you think it is not a business, you had better back off and look at it again. If you think Belief Merchandising is not big business and big money (and it is just honest religion) -- you must have your nose stuck up the ass of some Belief Merchant from Misbegotten, Mordor! I mean, you must be blind. Of course, in that position you would be. If you are that bad off, you might as well cash your brain in at the nearest pawn shop and replace it with whatever the Belief Merchants desire. Whatever, they consider to be the perfect filler for the skulls of their followers.

My point here is -- they also dump on any idea that Humans are natural and have any variety, have opportunities, and have abilities, artistic virtues, artistic values, and are magnificent creatures. They too, dump on that and deny it and act against Nature; because it does not serve their 'God-Prop-Dependent' big business world of Pseudo-Religion.

So, what is happening to those churches?

Answer: They are being turned Queer.

The very same haters of Nature and Humanity (pretending to be true to us, but in reality being a huge big business of Organized Religion) are being taken over by Queers/Deviates/Perverts, Five Evils, and Propagandists. All of which, look for weaknesses. All of which look for corruption. All of which look for any place (like Mordor) that is lying in order to stay in existence.

The Queers consider that "kind of shit" to be their territory, their province, their power base, and their proper supremacy. Therefore, anyone (anywhere) who is living a lie, anyone (anywhere) who is living in a false existence relative to Humans and Nature, is supposed to be dominated by them! Supposed to be subservient to them! Supposed to be part of their organization, not a separate organization. Is supposed to be part of their Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead (SQLD) -- and not their own independent and private eddy pool of psychopaths and sickos and money! There is a lot of money in Belief Merchandising.

Oh no! All of it, that is synthetic and artificial and fake, has to be under one dominion -- one Hegemony -- the Hegemony of Perverts. The Hegemony of Deviates. That is why they attack those bogus churches full force, and are taking over many of them, easily. It is all the same sickness anyway. It is all the same lack of Truth and Reality. It is all phony. It is all fake. It is not real. It's everyday existence depends upon not being real, relative to the Universe!

Anything like that, to the Queers, must be ruled by the Queers!

Therefore with ease they are taking over all of those phony establishments of Space-Alien-Worshiping imbeciles -- led by very greedy Belief Merchants. Certainly! What do you think I have been writing about? Belief Merchants!

That kind of merchandising, that kind of Human Trafficking, is the bailiwick of the Deviates. It is the presumed dominion of the worst Queers. Add to that assumption (demand), the fact that all Politicians are for hire and will sell out anyone or any place that they supposedly represent and administer -- and you can easily see why such dung heaps as Misbegotten, Mordor came into existence -- as the animated corpse of a previously Human community. Indeed, the more Human the prior community was, the more the Perverts relish turning it into a Satanic cesspool for The Cult Of The Asshole. And, the richer the Politicians become that sanctioned the demise of the Humanity there. Big business.

Deviates demand that anything or any place that they deem should be part of their dominion, will be brought into it! Controlled by them. Thus, they deliberately infiltrate every church that they can. Interrogate it. Analyze it. Investigate it. Take it over. The Belief Merchants of those churches do not have to know they are being taken over. The Belief Merchants, do not have to know what is going on in the churches they merchandise, or what is being done to themselves. However, in each and every case the time will come when those revenues, those monies squeezed out of idiot followers, will start to channel to the Queers. Those that have not already done so, will do so. They will have no choice. By then, they will be so deep inside the Queer Coalitions that there will be no alternative.


Let us not forget all of the attempts by the propagandists like the Crackheads and Nasty Neuters (CNN) to try to portray Nature as Queer like themselves. Do you remember that? They spent years lying on their hideous TV channel, and saying that animals are Queers like themselves. One of their more outstanding lies was "Pink Flamingos are Queers!" (like them)

Pink Flamingos -- don't even know what 'pink' is!

Pink Flamingos -- don't even know what 'flamingos' are!

Pink Flamingos -- don't know what 'Queers' are! To the anger of all Deviates.

Pink Flamingos -- don't know what 'Liars' are!

That was a big and favorite lie of the Crackheads and Nasty Neuters -- "Pink Flamingos (in 'England') are Queers." (like they are)
Which means, there is a bunch of Pink Flamingos in Queer England surrounded by a Queer Coalition, being treated as Queers -- by Queers -- and then being claimed as Queers -- by Queers.

Sound familiar? Has that happened to you? Or, to someone you know?

Proclaimed as Queer, by Queers -- for the setup of it all. To portray Nature as 'Queer Friendly' and 'Deviate Friendly' and deviated itself! As portrayed by the Crackheads and Nasty Neuters -- Nature is full of deviates. (like them)

That lie alone -- deserves their being hung.

Telephone poles -- anyone?


Part of what I am writing, and interconnected to it (like everything is interconnected in this War and this situation, but not always in good ways) is a definite and ironclad reality (you could call it a rule, but it is more like a reality) that anyone who is not specially trained by Humans to monitor and report about the Satan Tube ...

and like I said long ago, we do not do that any longer; because to monitor that filth is meaningless and a complete waste of time ...

anyone who is not specially trained to monitor and report about the Five Evils, and reads the Truth from us, and knows the Truth from Human websites -- and watches TV, or listens to the Filthy Monkeys on the FM, or reads anything in the queer newsrags, or listens to or watches anything having to do with the Queer Media propagandists and the Five Evils at the same time -- will go insane.

You cannot know the Truth, told to you by the Humans through Human websites and through conversations with Humans -- and watch TV or listen to the Filthy Monkeys or read queer newsrags or have any association with Monkey Judges or Monkey Lawyers or be involved in Politics in any way, shape or form -- and remain sane.

No matter who you are, if you are not highly trained by Human Beings to monitor and report about the Five Evils and their terrible medias and their propaganda -- and you watch TV and you know the Truth from Human websites at the same time -- or you listen to the Filthy Monkeys and you know the Truth from Human websites at the same time -- or you read queer newsrags and you know the Truth from Human websites at the same time -- or you participate in Political Parties and you know the Truth from Human websites at the same time ...

and you do not have that very special training, and you are not actively involved in reporting all of the evil filth and lies that you see and hear from those terrible places -- then you will go insane.

If that applies to you, you are technically insane no matter what you think. No matter what you think you are. If you have not been trained to a high degree by us, to observe all of those terrible things and report about them -- to wit you may have your own Human website filled with commentaries and the Truth about those terrible things and those terrible sources of evils and lies -- then technically you are insane.


I will even go further ...

I will even say that you may be self-trained. We are putting out so much Human Information, defining so many Human Virtues and Values and describing the actual matrix of Humanity through our websites, that it is now possible that as a Human Being on your own -- you could self train and self educate to be a Human writer of the Truth.

[[This is one of the reasons why it is feasible to expect a Human website that works for the Truth in every county in America.]]

That is now possible. Mind you, we are discussing here a separate issue of creating Human websites, and we are not discussing the Surety Of Insanity as before. So much Truth is coming out, so much Truth has been put out by the Human Species now, that a Human Being on his own (or on her own) can conceivably train himself (or herself) to be a Human writer of the Truth.

This is already being done by the fakes and the phonies. It is already being done by the Queer Propagandists in an effort to mask over the real Human websites. This is being done by the Deviates, the Politicians, the DemoCraps, the RepuCraps and so on -- to try to mask over and hide the actual Human websites with a shitload of phony sites, all pretending to be Human Truth.

So, anyone who tries to do this (and is a real Human Being) has to run the gauntlet of making his way (or her way) via the website, through all of the Queershit -- in order to be recognized as a real Human website that is saying the real Truth.

Do not worry about having to say what we say. That is in no way mandatory. It is Spirit, it is Direction, it is Flow Patterns, it is Intentions, it is Goodness that matters -- your Goodness, your Humanity coming forth -- that is what matters. That, is what we exist for anyway. In your new website, in your new burgeoning attempt to express your Humanity, I expect you to make a lot of mistakes anyway. It takes a while to calibrate what you are doing to the general direction and general flow of what we are doing. But, you will catch on. You will maintain your variety, you will maintain your difference, you will maintain your individuality; but you will catch the flow of it all, and toddle along with the rest of us -- literally to the stars.

I am not playing games with this -- literally to the stars is where we are going. We are not going to let that disease kill this planet, we are not going to allow it to spread to any other planet. We will live in this Galaxy as a free and decent Human Species. You can come right along with us, no problem. You are welcome. However, at this stage you may be concerned that you cannot write the way we write, and you cannot say exactly what we are saying.

Do not worry about that. Do not have any fears about that. Reaching out and trying to create a Human website is nine points of the effort. It is nine points of possession. The ancient saying is -- 'Possession is nine points of the Law.' Possessing a Human website and attempting to say the Truth -- that is nine points of the entire effort.

It is that last and tenth point that is so difficult -- keeping and operating the website and keeping it calibrated to the rest of the Species -- even though you are being individualistic.

You may be talking every day or writing every day about things that we would never talk about or write about, because we are mainlining down this course to the stars. You can go along with everything else, and you can still be part of that 'variance', that 'variety', and that 'Human differentiation' -- which is the true diversity that the Dark Side and the SQLD can only squawk about, and pretend is theirs; and demand that they own the franchise on, and say they have a copyright on, and they own it all.

When in Reality, they have no diversity -- they have nothing but lies and dipshit parades of clowns in false colors -- inside of twisted Queer Coalitions. We Humans have the diversity. We Humans have the differentiation. We have all of the colors, all of the ethnicities, all of the languages, all of the facial expressions, all of the body language. We have all of the various skeletal forms, and facial formats of the Humanoid population of this planet. It all belongs to us.

To get back to what I was writing, if you are a Human Being and you are starting a Human website (or you would like to, but you are afraid that you cannot reach this kind of intensity) -- OR -- you would not know how to operate within the main flow of what we are doing ...

stop worrying about that! Just do it!

Just start a Human website -- and head in the same general direction!

You do not have to be in the main body of all of this -- you can be on the outskirts -- you can be an outrider. That is fine.

One note of caution: the jackals and the hyenas are out there where you will be, and they will try to pick you off. They will try to attack you, derange you, warp you, accuse you falsely, villainize you, attach you, and intimidate you because they think that you are easy pickings.

[[Some years ago I came across a website that was on Youtube and consisted of some guys in New England that reviewed (on video) different compositions of alcoholic drinks. They bubbled around and joked and drank and were fun to watch, but as time went by it became apparent that there was a vicious lesie-turd in the same room with them -- behind the camera. Episode after episode, the monster interfered with what they were trying to do, and kept trying to get them to start advocating Deviates. I waited and watched, and sure enough those weak-minded alcoholics started to babble catch-phrases and propaganda terms in favor of the Perverts.
Goodbye Forever.
I immediately canceled the website from Humanity.]]
There is another important reason. By having a Human Variety Show website, you are showing the World that the real diversity and the real differentiation and the real variety belongs on the Human side.

You are putting the lie to all of their propaganda inside of their Queer Coalitions. For that reason alone they will want you dead. For that reason alone, they will try to execute you any way they can. The smarter ones amongst the Queer Propagandists will try to turn you into a Pervert, so that you actually are against us and you are friction against our motion. So you will be friction against the flow of the Human Species. Plus, they will be able to point at you and say "Look! That (which is now twisted to our desires) is the Real Humanity -- is the real Human website".

It began as you and your website, and then they attacked you and distorted you and twisted you and perverted you -- whereupon they immediately brought you to the attention of everyone, claiming that you (in your now twisted form) are the real Human website!

Well -- that is what you could suffer if you are an outrider. But, I am not going to stop you. I want you to try. I want you to open a website. I want you to begin something. I want you to write as a Human Being what you really want to write, and what you really feel like.

We will hope for the best. That is all that we can do, we will hope for the best. If you are attacked, you can always report the details to any of the major Human websites like WND.com, NOMBLOG.com, AFA.net, ACLJ.org, and LC.org -- and take videos and pictures!!!!

Deviates hate the Truth on video or in pictures!!!!

It will help, if you constantly read what us 'mainliners' are doing. So you will be attuned to our entire flow pattern, which believe you me is going straight up. Straight up into the stars!

The more that you know about us, and what we are writing, the better chance that you will have of not being picked off by the jackals and the hyenas.


You cannot do two extremely opposite things at the same time, and remain sane, unless you have been especially trained to do so. There is a way of doing it. If you have not been selected already, do not look for the way (it may find you). Just do not do to yourself that which makes you insane. Do not commit suicide in that way. Do not read and look at the Truth from Human websites -- and watch TV and listen to FM radio and read queer newsrags at the same time.

[[The Filthy Monkeys on FM are just as vile and perverted and warped and diseased as they always were. That was recently proven in one of our studies. The things are still promoting every Deviate and deviation possible. And, of course, because they themselves are Perverts.]]

Without that very special training you will go insane. If you are doing that right now, no matter what you think you are doing, technically you are insane. You really are.

I got sidetracked in that last notation about people starting their own Human websites. What I was trying to say is: you can escape that insanity -- if (and this is a big 'if') you are not already permanently insane. By permanently insane I mean, you no longer have that sugar-cube-worth of neurons that you can call your own. (250,000,000 neurons minimum) Which would fit into the space of a sugar cube. If you do not have at least that much of your own self left inside of your skull, then you are hopeless.

Someone somewhere will say -- "Oh well! Rejuvenation! Rejuvenate them! There must be recuperative abilities! Apply recuperative powers! Rejuvenate them! Apply this Magic Elixir!"

[[Ignore the fact that it says on the back of the bottle -- 'Cure for snake bite only'. Apply that liberally (six teaspoons a day) and neurons will return to the possession of their original owners!]]

I am not going to get into all of that hokus-pokus. For that kind of chickenshit -- go to downtown Misbegotten, Mordor. It is a moot point anyway, because really if you do not have 250,000,000 neurons between your ears that are your own (right now!) -- you cannot be reading me anyway.

No, I mean it. Seriously. Without that many neurons left in your brain that are your own (and identified as your own personality) the only way that you can be reading this is if someone nailed your hands to a table and forced you to read this message, or hear them read it to you.

Encasing the lower half of your body in cement, and then forcing you to hear a recitation of this message over earphones or a loudspeaker -- that would also work.

But, to what purpose? Without 250,000,000 neurons of 'Your Own' -- united into your own identity -- there is no way that you can understand what this message is saying anyway. No way!

Without your own identity, all of my messages must be alien and weird and strange and undesirable; because it is not coming from a TV, or an FM radio; it is not being written and put into a queer newsrag. It is not being pounded into your head by Middle-Managers-For-Hire. It is not being lied to you by Politicians! Anyone who does not have their own identity can only respond to those evil sources!

So, unless they are forced to hear this message or read it -- no creature that does not have it's own identity will know about these contents anyway. Which means, if you are reading this right now (or listening to a recitation) and your hands are not nailed to a table, or you are not encased in concrete -- and you are freely listening to me on your own -- HEY! -- you must have your own identity. Whether you realize it or not, you have to have at least 250,000,000 neurons still alive in that brain to be combined into an identity and a personality. Soon, we are going to hear a lot about 'Personalities'. Get used to the thinking of 'Personalities'. It is going to be a bigger word to you, soon enough. One of the 'big words'.

What I was trying to explain is -- if you stop watching the TV Turds, if you stop listening to the Filthy Monkeys on the FM bands, if you stop reading the queer newsrags, if you shut off all inputs from The Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead (at the center of which is The Cult Of The Asshole, in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone) if you shut it all off -- AND -- you still have a sugar cube of neurons between your ears that is your own (and your own identity) -- then, the healing process away from insanity will begin immediately.


It may fail within twenty-four hours, which means that within a day you will die again. Or a week later, you will die again because you watched the TV Turds again, or you read a queer newsrag again (remember, you are not trained to do that) or you listened to the Filthy Monkeys on the FM band again. Since you are not trained to do that -- BANG! -- you die again.

You have to start the entire process all over again!

That, is not something that you want to keep on doing. It is a kind of existence, though. You can fall into a rut of constantly being 'In Repair'. You could fall into a groove of 'Always Escaping Insanity -- but falling back into it'. That could be so gruesome, being caught in such a cycle, that you would end up envying the brainless idiots that watch TV.

Let me explain to you -- if you stay the course, if you shut off everything from the Queers/Deviates/Politicians/Disney/Monkey Judges/queer newsrags and you only let in Human new sources and Human variety and Human reality and Nature ...

big Human amounts of Nature, mega dosages of Nature; you search out Nature, love it, make the tree-huggers jealous of how much you love Nature ...

if you do all of that and you stay the course -- after about nine or ten months you will start to see a lot of light all around you. The light at the end of the tunnel will start to be all around you. After about a year, you will be out of the insanity -- shaking your head because everything will be different then. You will be shaking your head. You will be looking at everything differently.

Colors! Colors will be much deeper, thicker and brighter to you. The real colors of the World and the Universe will be much more magnanimous to you. You will not want to be inside the big ugly cities. You will not want to be confined by walls, and rooms, and streets that are nothing more than canyons of concrete buildings -- hindering your view. You will learn (by then) how valuable it is to have horizons. If you have ever read what I wrote about 'horizon stones' you will know how worthy that is. You will be seeking out your own 'horizon stones' -- places that give you long unhindered views, across oceans, across valleys, across mountain tops -- just to have the distance to see forever. To see whatever the horizon is. Like I said before, it changes with your elevation. At ground level it is about sixteen miles if you have nothing in the way of your vision, like a Queer Disney TV.

The higher up you get over a horizontal plane, the farther away your horizon becomes. Out here in the Midwest, there are no mountains and the furthest that you can see clearly is 21-22 miles.

What I am getting at is -- after a year of no Deviate inputs, no TV Turds, no Filthy Monkeys, no Queer Disney, no queer newsrags (etc), no Monkey Lawyers sucking your blood, no Monkey Judges demanding your obedience and your worship -- you will start to see the entire Universe as it really is.

You will want to see horizons, because everything will look better. Colors will be fresher and more vibrant. The color saturation will increase, because your brain functions will be increased. For twelve months you will have been growing more awareness. Technically, what that means is more and more banks of neurons will have ceased being possessed by our enemies, and will become part of your identity instead.

That has automatic repercussions throughout your brain, one of which is that you see everything better and more clearly. The colors will seem to be thicker and brighter and more apparent to you. Everything will be in better focus. However, it has always been that way. Before, as a drone of the SQLD, your brain was unable to perceive such clarity and magnitude, and you could only watch Queer Disney Propaganda.

You will be shaking your head. You will be in a kind of disbelief that the World is actually like this. At the same time, there is a bitter side to it all. You will have to grin and bear the fact that with all of the gold and silver linings to being free and having your own brain back again (if you ever had it to begin with) there is a dark cloud to it all. That is, you will see how bad Queer Coalitions are. You will see how bad the MassInsanity is. You will see how bad TV Watchers are. How bad followers of Belief Merchants in phony religions are. How bad Idiot Voters, that have been lied to, are. You will see large masses of cattle-like and sheep-like people, all around you -- watching Disney Crap and dead from the neck up -- carrying on in programmed ways! It will tend to make you sick at the sight of it.

It is all the result of Politics, which beget Corruption, which beget Perverts, which beget Doom.

The more compassionate ones of you, will try to feel sympathy for them and will try to do something for them. No! No! No!

Refrain from that! You (yourself) just got out of that. Maybe, five years from now you will be in a position and a situation and a state of mind where you can help them somehow. But, having only 250,000,000 of your own neurons only a year ago, and now maybe possessing a billion of your own neurons; that is nowhere near enough to take on a campaign of helping all of those idiots and losers out there that have fallen into all of those social traps.

You (yourself) are not free enough of it with only a billion neurons to call your own! Grow yourself! Be yourself. Activate more and more neurons to your identity. Which is to say -- kick out the obsessions, kick out the possessions, kick out the foreign elements, kick out the Queershit lies, kick out the falsehoods and the lies and the deviations, kick out the demands from the perverts, kick out all of the twisted filth from the Belief Merchants and the Politicians. Claim large amounts of neurons for you, and your identity. The Battleground -- is you. You will not be in any shape (after only a year of freedom) to start fighting in the War yet. The Battleground is between your ears at this stage. You have to win that fight, before you can help anyone else.

I should pare that down better, I should slice that finer; and I think I have before in my writing. The Battleground is between your ears, and you are not in any way, shape or form to help those who are not like yourself. You are not in any condition where you can start to help the General Masses -- otherwise known as the 'Great Unwashed Masses' -- the ones that have fallen into all kinds of ruts and grooves and imbecilities and limitations.

However, at the same time, and I know I have written about this before -- if you can somehow network with new Human Beings who are growing new Human Identities (like you are) and who are like yourself in that -- who are learning how to be themselves perhaps for the first time, and are growing more and more of their own identity and personality constantly, and are fighting the same battle between their ears to reclaim as many millions of neurons to their own identity as they possibly can ...

then, you have someone to help and you have someone to help you. That is the one exception, and I am sure that I have written about that before. You must get away from all of the Satanism, and the Satanic Medias -- particularly by pissing on and kicking in the teeth the Middle-Managers-For-Hire. I mean they must be kicked in the teeth, or they will not stop demanding that you adhere to their demands, and orders, and that you obey them, and insisting that you are obedient to what they say that you must conform to (etc). Unless they get kicked in the teeth or get hit over the head, which is not conducive to their business ...

[[by the way, baseball bats are very good for that]]

they will not cease to be the death inside of your own life. They cannot lie and hurt at the same time. It is very easy to get rid of Middle Managers. Get yourself a baseball bat. Truckstops always sell really nice 18inch aluminum baseball bats, which truckers use to test tires with (and beat each others trucks with for metal sports).

After a year of no Queershit, you will be at a stage of renewal where you are shaking your head, and seeing everything better, and thinking that this is wonderful and you really like that. Since you will be in Nature a lot more than you ever were before, you will be really enjoying that and feeling wonderful about that -- but there will be a dark cloud to it all. The terrible perception will remain of just how awful the masses are. How brainwashed and programmed they are. How seemingly hopeless they are. You will want to speak to them. You will want to reach out.

Do not do so, until you have been out of that for at least five years. Because, you cannot take it if they really do reach out to you. They will clutch onto you like steel claws on a mouse. They will grab onto you with a steel grip, and they will drag you right back down into the shit. After only a year, you are not strong enough to hold up yourself and one of them at the same time. After five years, it is different. If you have been out of the misery and dementia for five years, then (maybe) you can stand up and remain buoyant and keep floating and still support one of them.

Otherwise, the only exception is that you can team with and network with other Real Humans that are leaving the insanity. They might also be one or two years out of it, and you can help each other. Three or four of you, five or six of you, eight or ten of you -- a dozen works well -- turn yourself into Human units, squads, platoons, companies. Start thinking that way.

We are all labeled as 'terrorists' and 'dangerous persons' anyway! We refuse the rules and the Queershit of the Politicians! We have already been labeled as 'terrorists' by the White Homo-Fascists anyway!

There is nothing wrong with Human organization in the Real World. There is no law against Human Resistance, and even if there was such a law would only come from the Queer Coalitions, Queer Disney, the Monkey Judges, General Spills, the Politicians, Ford (etc). Which in turn makes it all the more desirable to do so, all the more relevant, and all the more urgent to accomplish!

Something else, do not get the idea that a bunch of you together can save the Unwashed and the Idiots and the Followers -- before any of you have been out of the cesspool for five years. No! No! No!

Stay together and as a unit -- a squad, a platoon, a battalion or whatever -- a regiment, a brigade -- together reach that five year mark of freedom. Reach that five year goal, then as a unit you can turn around and start to help other people. You can start to get them out of the Politics, and they too can form units. Units of people who are leaving the SQLD; leaving it together in a mutual way and helping each other. They too can form squads, platoons, companies, battalions, regiments, brigades (etc). Every bit of which will infuriate that twisted jackal 'Short-brained Benson' of the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid. That thing that wants to turn the M1A1 Abrams Battle Tanks on all of us!

For non-compliance.

And, kill all of us.

Because, we threaten the Queer Coalitions. We threaten Deviate Hegemony. That thing literally wants us dead by the millions.

Doing what I just said will infuriate that thing. It will cause it to rupture and start to suffer. Wonderful suffering. Splendid and beautiful suffering!

But, hopefully when the Revolution happens -- it will still be around and moving without a rocket stuck up its ass.

Because -- I want that thing myself.

If you capture it in the Revolution -- remember! I want it.

Wrap it up, and bring it to me.


To get back to what I was saying, and what is the main thread of all of this: when I write 'Straight as Nature' I mean what they call 'straight' is really Nature. I refer to the Human Species which is natural. The attempt to call us 'straights' relative to all of that (g-a-y) deviant and perverted stuff is just another attempt to make us conform to (and to reduce us down to) a comparative level to such insane vermin as the so-called Homosexuals and RepuCraps and the DemoCraps, all Politicians, all Monkey Judges (etc).

I will never allow that. The Human Species is far better than all of them combined -- way way far and away much better than all of that filth combined. No Monkey Judge is good enough to eat the shoe leather of a Human Being -- unless it is in the form of a kick in the teeth.

All of the Queer Coalitions combined are not as good as any single Human Being. All of the Queer Coalitions combined, and all of the lunatics, and conniving deviants, and egomaniacs and scum inside of those coalitions are not as good as a single Human Being.

They know that.

Especially the propagandists know that. In an attempt to defy the Truth and refuse that Reality (which would otherwise ruin their plans for world disease) they try to label us as 'straights'. Out of their toy box of names and idioms and logos and icons they want to pull out a label and apply it to us -- something they can manage -- something that they can grab us with, and reduce us with.

It's not going to happen! I could not care less if they started to call us 'Angels', it's not going to happen. Whatever they call us, is meaningless to us! Irrelevant to us! The mouthings of maggots to us!

I apologize to all real maggots. It's such an embarrassment, to be compared to Deviates.

The second thing is -- once you cut off all inputs from that evil (those medias) you will start to heal, if you have enough neurons left to call your own at the time of the cutoff. (minimum 250,000,000)

From 250,000,000 you need to grow billions, many billions of your own neurons -- and the way to do that is to 'de-possess' those neuron banks in your brain that are already taken over by propaganda -- that are already controlled by and infested by the Deviates, and the Politicians, and the Middle Managers, and the Bad Relatives, and the Twisted Friends that lie about you behind your back and use you to your face, expecting you to be too stupid to realize what is happening.

You need to grow many billions of your own neurons which means ...


You must decline and refuse ownership of your neurons by anyone else, or by any thing else, other than your self. Claim them for you, your identity, your personality -- and kill anything else in your brain.

Mercilessly, without mercy, annihilate any thing else that is in your brain. Without compunctions without passion, without compassion without mercy -- without sympathy -- without ears to hear. Accept no excuses.

Once you cut off all of those awful sources of evils and lies and propaganda -- this process begins. You must make it maintain. You must keep on doing it. You do not want to fall into a cycle of doing it over and over again, just because after a month or two you started to watch TV again like an idiot; and then you died down to only a sugar cube left of your own brain cells, again. And, now you have to do it all over again!

Once you start to watch those lies on TV again, you will slam back down to Point Zero again! Back to the beginning again! Back to Idiocy again! Back to Stupidity again! Back to Retardation again!

You go back to being Nothing.

Then, you have to start all over -- just because you did not have the willpower to tell the Middle Managers to fuck off, or to tell your friends and relatives to mind their own sugar cubes.

Believe me -- you will get tired of that Nowhere Cycle really fast. See it through to the end, and like I said after a year you will be shaking your head and seeing the World with new eyes. Even though you will have to see the darkness of the many millions of mass idiots and mass followers and mass voters -- and their mass addictions to Belief Merchants, Perversions, Voting, Politicians and all of the horrendous evils.


I would like to remind everyone that in exactly the way that the word 'straight' is misused, and intended to confuse the real identity of the Human Species -- to cover it over, to disguise it, to demean it, to make it something far less than it really is and to make it manageable for propagandists ...

the other identifier, the other phony word, the other fakery called 'conservative' is the same kind of word tool and word attack used against Human Beings.

'Conservative', 'Liberal', blah-blah-blah, it is all media jargon and media handcuffs and leg irons intended to contain and imprison the Reality of the Human Species. Such that, it will never be known by the 'General Public'; which the propagandists still depend upon and still rely upon.

Take for instance the Repugnant Republicans. The back-stabbing mealy-mouthed excuse-making greedy sacks of crap called 'Republicans'. Those things are constantly trying to pawn themselves off as 'conservatives' -- when there is no such thing!

'Conservatives', is a media construct. 'Conservatives' is a propaganda tool, a word prop; there is no such thing. It is a convenience for the media scum, the Queer Propagandists. It is a tool, a money-making device. It is part of their money tree, there is no such thing as 'conservatives'.

Instead, what there really is are Human Beings and Non-Human Beings -- Humanity and anti-Humanity -- Nature and anti-Nature. The very instant that you hear some Politician, or some so-called celebrity, say to you (or to an audience) that they are 'conservative' -- you are looking at a lying POS! You are looking at someone's turd. You are looking at a turd with artificial legs and artificial arms and a turd head and button eyes and a lying hole in its face. You are looking at a Piece of Shit!

There is no such thing as 'conservatives' -- it is phoniness, it is fakery, it is as artificial as the propagandists that created that usage of the word.

As a matter of fact, have you ever heard the word 'conservatives' used in any other way? Have you ever heard the word 'conservatives' used in any other way -- in any other fashion, in any other manner? Have you ever heard it used in any other way? Think about it -- 'conservatives' -- have you ever heard it used in any other way except as part of the 'political game'? The political genre of propaganda? As part of the political ploy, the political playtime, the political assumptions, the political demands that you accept their nomenclature and adhere to their rules? And, vote!

Even though voting gets you nothing -- they still must have you vote!

Have you ever heard the word 'conservatives' used in any other way?

For that matter, how many other ways have you ever heard the word 'conservative' used? The entire concept of 'conservative' is grossly misused and misrepresented; so why would the fabricated word 'conservatives' not be automatically abused and misused and misunderstood? And instantly -- become anti-Truth and anti-Nature and anti-Human? You see it all falls together, it all leads from each other.

Realize: if you did not have a completely bogus false interpretation (deliberate false definition and false usage) of the word 'conservative' -- you could not have the totally fake and artificial word 'conservatives'! Which of course suits the fakery and the pretending of Politicians to no end. But, at the same time it hangs around their necks like a millstone. At the same time, it's complete and one-hundred percent fakery and phoniness hangs around the neck of every Politician -- labeling all Politicians as complete frauds! Utterly synthetic scum that we do not want on this planet.


The Marriage Connection:

You may have noticed, if you live on this planet, that the Queer Propagandists, and the media scum, and the Politicians, and the Monkey Judges, and the Monkey Lawyers, (etc) have tried to do to another word the same thing that they have done to the words 'straight' and 'conservative' -- and that word is 'marriage'. They have tried to do the same thing to that word. They have tried to re-label and re-identify marriage and turn it into a label, a moniker, and a handle that they can use to control and diminish the actual and genuine and authentic event between a Man and a Woman. To create in its place all kinds of sick aberrations, psychosis, fakeries, and perverted dementias for their paying customers. Like I said, the propagandists are all perverted anyway so they are doing it for their own twisted selves as well.

But! It did not work with the word 'marriage'.

It did not work on the word 'marriage', because marriage is really Human and Human-Only. In a wide scale response to that attempt to denigrate and disease everything about marriage, the Human Species around the World is identifying marriage as strictly between a Human Man and a Human Woman. Period. That is all there is to it.

That is it! Everything else is synthetic and imitation. In the case of the word 'marriage' the attempt did not work, it failed. For some reason, that propaganda ploy did not fail with 'straight', and it did not fail with 'conservative' -- probably because such false usages of those words did not previously exist. The queer usage of the words 'straight' and 'conservative' were completely phony (and there was nothing there to begin with) so those attempts worked. However, the word 'marriage' (and its concepts) already existed before the Queer Propagandists tried to mutilate it and twist it and warp it -- to include every dung-soaked insanity in their vile brains. So, by pre-existence the word marriage was un-pervertable -- could not be destroyed and replaced with the bowel movements of lesie-turds.

That propaganda technique has to be made to fail with the words 'straight' and 'conservative' as well. It has to fail in those ways. Humans are Nature, Humans are Natural -- that straight stuff is a queer construct. Humans are what they are, decent, and imbued with Human Virtues. They are not anything 'conservative'! That, is another queer construct! That is another Political Media aberration! Deliberately foisted upon the 'General Public'.

In the ways that marriage (and all of its meanings) was preserved by the Human Species -- the 'straight' and 'conservative' Queershit has got to be put down, taken away, reduced, ignored, refused.

Always refuse what your enemy calls you.

The only good enemy is one that is either dead, or has surrendered unconditionally and cannot speak.


What that amounts to is the precursor to the earliest renditions of Identity Theft -- on a massive scale.

It is an attempt by the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead and the hideous swine of the medias, to steal the Human Identity and replace it. To thieve the Human Identity, and in its place to put a phony imitation. Like stealing jewels and putting glass paste in their place. To steal the Human Identity and the Human Personality -- the very wide collection of Human Personalities. To totally destroy the very many kinds of Human Personalities, and force it all down to one subjugated and suppressed and subservient Queershit Identity called 'straights' or 'conservatives'.

[[Notice -- that kind of fatal reduction and life bleeding is what (less-supreme-than-anyone-else) Monkey Judges are used for, by the Perverts.]]

For the glorious benefit of the propagandists! It is a huge Identity Theft, it is a huge case of Mass Identity Theft. In the case of 'marriage' it did not work -- but it has worked in a lot of ways using the words 'straight' and 'conservatives'.

Because, Idiots are just watching TV, instead of minding their own identities. Idiots are listening to Filthy Monkeys, instead of minding their own identities. Idiots are reading queer newsrags, instead of minding their own identities. Which means they should be guarding and protecting their identities. Which, if you are Human, is connected to (eternally connected to) the Species Identity of the Humans.

Steal one, and they steal the other. Replace one, and they replace the other. Replace all of the individual ones, and they replace the overall Species Identity. Or -- if they replace the overall Species Identity, they replace all of the individual ones.

It is definitely Identity Theft. That is a good way to look at it. By the way, when was the last time that you ever heard of a thief giving back what it has stolen? When was the last time that you ever heard of a thief giving back what it took from you? What it stole from anyone?

No -- with those things it is Finders/Keepers -- Thieves and Losers.


Part of what I would like to achieve here, part of what I am hoping I can get to happen here, is to restrict the usage of this phony 'straight' word, and the phony 'conservatives' word. To confine such usage to the interior bloat and fecal happenings of the Queer Coalitions from whence they came. They came from the creatures that now make up the Queer Coalitions anyway. From the propagandists and from the perverts inside of the Queer Coalitions. To be more exact -- from the sewage that preceded the Queer Coalitions. I want to keep it in there, and not out here. I want the phony 'straight' word, and the phony 'conservatives' word to be used only inside the Queer Coalitions; and to only pertain to the delusions and the absurdities and the lunacies inside Queer Coalitions.

For instance, take a look at one of the other sick usage of language -- the (g-a-y) word. In the Queer Coalitions, they actually try to put them together -- (g-a-y)/'straight'. Inside those dung heaps, they actually have such an absurd fakery, based around the psychosis that there really is such a thing as (g-a-y).

[[When we all know it is a total fabrication for propaganda purposes.]]

From that demanded assumption, they extend it with many tendrils of creeping mental disease -- one of which they call (g-a-y)/'straight'.

That right there, tells you that the whole thing is nothing more than Queershit in the service of the scheming of the lunatics inside the Queer Coalitions! It came from inside the Queer Coalitions, they mutilate it in the Queer Coalitions, they try to foist it upon everyone else from inside the Queer Coalitions ...

so, why not push it back?! Into the Queer Coalitions from whence it came?! They can have all of their psychotic (g-a-y)/'straight' imbecility, fantasy, lunacy piled upon dementia -- if it only effects and kills themselves!

The way to make that happen, is to force it back into them. Shove it back down their mouths! Smash it back into their own brains! Make them use it against themselves!

And -- abolish it's usage out here!

[[While keeping every Human Child possible, out of their Queer Coalitions.]]


There is another nuance to this, and it is called 'typing'. If you allow your identity to be taken, to be stolen, and replaced by words like 'straight' and 'conservatives' -- monkey shit like that, monkey words like that -- you fall into 'typing', you fall into classification. False classification. You end up saying things like --- "Gee, why did you vote for them?" And, the answer is -- "Well, you know what they say. The enemy of my enemies, is my friend at election time."

Well, that is the classification (at a really reduced and low level), that is the result of allowing the propagandists to hijack everybody's identity; and to start the kind of rolling chaos of ...

this kind of person, that kind of person, he is that kind of person, she is that kind of person -- not even thinking of personalities or identities. That 'kinding', that 'typing', typecasting, or kind casting is rampant because the Humanity is gone in those cases. The sense of Species is gone. It has all been reduced to the drudgery and the doldrums that are manipulated by the propagandists, now that they have cast everybody down by dragging them down with false identities; like 'straight' and 'conservatives and the (g-a-y) crap -- which they themselves are.

So, you get that kind of saying like -- "I thought you did not like his kind of person!" or "I thought you did not like her kind of person!" And, the answer is -- "Well, you know what they say -- the enemies of my enemies must be my friends at election time. I do not really like that kind of person, but they are against the same enemies."

Well, that bunk about kinds of people is a ridiculous and rampant result of what the perverts have done to everybody by taking away the Real Identities and the Real Personalities of the Human Species; and replacing it all with the lunatic stupidity of one or two identities. One or two monikers. One or two labels like 'straights' and 'conservatives'.

Then, you get the people (who are the victims of that) saying there is a certain kind-of-straight here, there is a certain kind-of-straight there, there is a certain kind-of-conservative here, there is a certain kind-of-conservative there and so forth. They start to subdivide those two simple and false identities (the 'straights' and the 'conservatives') into lesser 'straights' and lesser 'conservatives'.

When the entire thing is Queershit to begin with.

The entire thing is ridiculously stupid drool, in a bowl of applesauce.


It was pointed out to me today, by someone who was laughing his ass off, that the un-royal little putz of the Queer Coalition in Des Aliens (formerly Des Moines) -- which I refer to as 'Il Duce' Branstad (the Little Duke from Hell) -- and is America's equivalent to a decrepit Mexican Dictator -- is saying that it is the 'Chief Executive' of something.

'Puppet on stage at this time', is a much more accurate description of it. But, it is calling itself the 'Chief Executive'; in relation to shutting down a couple of insane asylums in Iowa.

You have to understand what is happening in the Des Aliens area, in the political arena down there, to realize what this really means. There is a very heavy medical insurance and medical fraud industry going on in Des Aliens. The more that those thieves and fraudsters can control anyone's health care, the better it is for them. I am not going to get into this really big, but they are trying to shut down insane asylums so they can force those people to be taken care of by their own perverted and corrupt medical system.

It is just another putrid medical thing that they are doing in West Des Aliens, and I am not going to get into it here. What is funny, is that Branstad (being the puppet) has to publicly announce such frauds -- and in doing so, it is calling itself the 'Chief Executive'.

It was described to me as something far different from that, this morning. I would call it the 'Chief (bleep)sucker of Des Aliens', and that is all that it is.
It is a BUWI (bleep)sucker.
It is a Queer (bleep)sucker.
It is a ModoRat (bleep)sucker.
It is an Anyone-Who-Has-Money (bleep)sucker.

Believe me 'Prosperity'. Believe me 'Future'. Branstad, is nothing but a wormy-brained (bleep)sucker.

And (bleep), can be whatever you want it to be -- as long as you pay Republican Wages.


When you learn what that means to Real Men, you will get the idea of how loathsome 'Il Duce' Branstad is.

[[Have you ever wondered where a pink punk like Branstad sits in the Establishment Gang? The RepuCrap Establishment Gang is comprised of political gangsters, each of which operates its own gang of petty thieves and enforcers in the territory it claims as it's own -- whether that be a section of a large metropolis or an entire state like Iowa. Each member of the Establishment Gang wears three faces -- that of a puppet for the Queer Masters (the public face), that of a board member of the council (establishment) leadership, and that of a narcissistic and threatening gang leader at the local level.
All three, are the faces of criminals.
By the way -- that makes any stooge that obeys Branstad's orders, guilty of 'gang violence'.]]


I just saw another queer newsrag using the same propaganda technique, and calling people who are in Actual Religions (as opposed to Belief Factories) that worship God and are not run by Belief Merchants -- as 'Religious Traditionalists'. Which, is an attempt to make them sound like they are obsolete and old-fashioned and 'no-longer-part-of-what-must-be' or 'what-should-rule' or 'what-should-become-the-new-normalcy'. It is more Queer Propaganda, and this time it came from the queer 'Atlantic' magrag, notoriously slimy and perverted.


Likewise, I was doing some more research on Racial Profiling, and I came upon some bogus websites that were using the same media propaganda technique that we are discussing here. Of trying to reduce all of Reality down to one handle, or one tag, or one monicker, or one pressure point -- one lift point. Or, one depression point, depending upon what they want to do. This one was using the false application of the word 'discrimination'.

As I have explained already, 'discrimination' is universal, exists in everything, is everywhere, and is absolutely essential to the Universe. Without 'discrimination', everything would instantly freeze; everything would instantly stop in this Universe. Nothing would happen. Absolutely nothing would happen.

Philosophers would argue that that alone is also 'discrimination', so the Universe would instantly start to operate again.

The point is -- 'discrimination' has absolutely nothing to do with Racism (etc). It has absolutely nothing to do with perversions and deviations -- even though it is constantly being falsely used by those same Deviates. What they are really talking about -- is what they do not want you to know about -- is 'prejudice'.

No. They want those tags, those handles, on everybody's brains. Just imagine yourself with a stainless steel handle bolted onto the side of your head -- and you get the idea. That is what the word 'discrimination' is used for.

In Reality (in the Real Universe) 'discrimination' is unbelievably essential everywhere in the Universe. Without it, nothing could happen. Without it, nothing could function. Everything would be trying to do everything at the same time. Without 'discrimination', no reaction of any kind could happen, no action could ever happen -- because nothing would know what to do.

No choices would be made. No decisions would happen. No paths would be taken. No futures would exist, even down to the microscopic scale.

But, Queer Propagandists need to have that handle on the side of your brain.

Tell me.

Did you vote?


Another one of the propaganda words that I am encountering in my research about Racial Profiling is the word 'stereotype'. Once again, it is another mind-numbing mind-reducing label.

Do you remember what Dynamo Labels were? Do they still exist? I used to use those things all of the time; a lot of people did for labeling cans of stuff. They were plastic strips which you punched white letters into by stamping letters into the plastic. I do not know if they still exist, but they came with a little machine that you held in your hand. You put a little blue tape or a little red tape into it and then you dialed the letter that you wanted, and then you squeezed (click-click) and it created a letter in the tape, which created a label once you put in enough letters.

A label came out the other side -- such as Acme Soap, or Pegasus Shoes, or something like that. Or -- 'close refrigerator!' -- something like that.

This is exactly the same kind of thing, that I am writing about. I am describing media propaganda, a media labeling technique to take something that is too complicated for them to manipulate, and in which they are very guilty and complicit of evils, and to reduce it all down to one label -- click click -- while squeezing out of it the evidence of their own guilt. Click click. Click click, and they have created a label. This label is called 'stereotype'. It is a way of reducing and actually eliminating Reality, in favor of something that they created and is very useful and profitable to them (now guilt free) -- there is always money and guilt behind it.

It is always about the guilt and the money. As the guy in the Die Hard movies always says -- it is always about the money. I was just wondering (but I won't write anything) -- I wonder if I have been labeled with a 'stereotype'? I wonder if I have broken any 'stereotypes' by enlarging a certain part of my body.

Would that put me in a new 'stereotype'?

What kind of short blue label would they click-click for me now?

They being short as usual.


Another one of the handles, that they want to rivet to the side of your skull, is called 'bullying'. Once again, it is exactly what they did with everything else. They take a very wide and diversified situation with many nuances to it, and they identify a very very small part of it -- magnify that very very small part until it is the size of the original overall issue -- and label it as something that they can control.

In this case they are calling (whatever it is, they never tell you what it is) 'bullying'. But, now that they have got the handle; now that they have the label, they can try to beat you over the head with it. Actually, what they are doing is -- they are holding onto someone else's head with their handle, and they are beating your head with that other head.

Believe it or not, that is actually a good analogy; because once they have a handle on someone, they can beat you with that someone. Once they have control over someone, once they have a handle bolted to the side of someone's head, they can make that head and that person do anything that they want. Intimidating them, making them feel guilty, making them feel stupid if they do not allow it to happen. And then, they will try to beat you to death with that person's head!

That is really close -- really close -- to what it really is!

In fact, it is a way of looking at it -- that is what it is.


Sure enough, while I am doing my research about Racial Profiling, I came across another phony label, another phony recognition kind of pseudo-nomenclature and recognition sound bite -- the kind of sound bite, written bite, or writing bite that is supposed to facilitate all forms of Perverts which are (of course) the owners and the operators of all of the propaganda! This one is called -- 'tolerance'.

This newest addition to our discussion (it is not new, and is really the result of a hijacking of that word, and a raping of it's original meaning) is now Total Queershit. That Total Queershit, is another perfect example of what I mean when I say that the word 'straight' is so falsely applied to the Human Species; and the word 'conservatives' does not exist; and so on and so forth.

The 'tolerance' term, is used to mask and hide all forms of cowardice and decadence and deviated and twisted wickedness; and is used also at the same time to demand from the public that all forms of the Five Evils be accepted and allowed to exist; and to kill your children, and to kill those children, and to kill those children over there, and to kill (well, of course!) the neighborhood next door!

'Tolerance'! Oh yes, another one of those kinds of words.

Add to that list of Queershit words, used deliberately in very violent and vicious phony ways -- the word 'terrorist', which is used to eliminate Reality such as espionage, counter-intelligence (etc). Which is too much for TV Watchers to know about!


Another result of the labeling system by the Queer Medias, like 'straight' and 'conservatives' and (g-a-y) and 'moderates' and all of that absurd reduction of complexity down to nothingness identities and nothingness labels, is that stupid people fall for it. They are raised to think that way, and to use that system to say to themselves and to say to each other -- "Well, that does not include 'me', that does not concern 'me', I am this 'other thing'! That, is about those (very simple and stupid labels) and I am another (very simple and stupid label)! So, that does not concern 'me'! I will not get involved!"

It is used by every coward out there, male and female, to avoid having to fight for the Human Species -- thinking that they can live and exist without us.

Those furnaces we are marching to, do not really smell like burning flesh! It's all just about those other (very simple and stupid labels!)

As far as the enemy is concerned, such cowards are us. They are just being lied to and coddled and fondled by the Queers, for a reason. The Deviates consider them to be part of us, not themselves. They have all of those Idiot Cowards saying to themselves -- "Well, the War does not include us! It is about that (very simple and stupid label) and false identity. It is not our simple and stupid and false identity that the War is about! So, we are not going to get involved, and we are just walking to the furnaces as tourists!"

That is a very bad result of Queer Propaganda. It is also one that benefits the propagandists.


When you realize that all of this is happening, which is hard for some of you to do because you watch TV ...

and to realize more than one small and tiny thing at a time is difficult for you since you are only supposed to realize fifteen seconds of commercials at a time ...

so for you to start to understand and learn how complicated all of this is (here in the Real World) is difficult for some of you ...

while the rest of you have already run away from Reality, back to TV ...

when those of you who are still trying to be Human and are still trying to understand what is really going on -- and want to live, want to really live ...

realize that it is because these things compound themselves and cascade together (and realizations lead one onto the other) ...

then the conclusion hits you that those simple stupid identifiers which the Queer Medias use such as 'straight', 'conservatives', (g-a-y), (etc) are dependent upon how stupid you are.

Dependent upon how stupid you are!

You have to be stupid enough to accept such false control, such handles, such simplistic stress points, and idiot points for it all to work for them -- and actually it was your parents who were that stupid. They became alienated from Reality. They became separated from the complexities of the Real World, and the meanings of it all, and the reasons for it all; and the values of it all, and the worth of it all. To the point that nothing had value, and nothing had worth anymore. They were without anchors, they were without stabilization. In that condition, they were easy to dumb down, they were easy to beat over the head with stupid and simple identities like 'straight this' and 'bent that' and '(g-a-y) this' and 'conservatives that' and 'liberals this' and blah-blah-blah. They were easy to browbeat into submission, into accepting this stupid (more infantile than babyish) gibberish labeling.

However -- guess what?

>>>>Important Point:

Once such a regime of Idiot Nomenclature and Idiot Terminology is established, it can only be maintained if the population that it was intended to downgrade and down-convert into something far more stupid and something far more manageable -- remains as stupid as the words themselves require. As the Idiot Identities themselves require!

If the population itself rises above that level, then the Idiot Identifiers such as 'straight', 'conservatives', 'moderates' (etc) become obsolete, untenable, unusable, and ineffective because they no longer control your thinking. New identities will have to be created (by the Deviates) that are more complicated, because the population (which is you) has become more complicated -- because you are thinking -- and learning -- and understanding -- and not accepting the Queershit!

That is a very important point. If you keep increasing and advancing and improving -- what will happen to the Queer Propagandists?



What! The DemoCraps want to pretend that a burnt-out scabby old perverted witch is a 'woman'? And -- put it in the White Outhouse?

I say ...


It's high time we had a Turnip for Resident!

Turnip Power!


Videos soon.


Markel Peters


I had this done, wrapped; and then ... the dream. This one requires intelligence.


I was pounding bricks and it was raining. I was working in a large dirt lot, somewhere at an elevation as though it was part way up the side of a mountain. The lot was longer than it was wide, and shaped in a curve along the side of an arm of the mountain. The skies above were light blue, and in the middle of the lot was a tall maple tree with great branches; beneath which lay many new red bricks in heaps.

All over the lot, red bricks were scattered without order. I was wielding a long handled sledge and my concern was to break up all of the bricks into small pieces, without causing damage to the maple tree. While I was working, many young adults appeared out of the air across the lot, and began to help me by picking up all of the scattered red bricks and bringing them to me. I instructed them to make piles of the red bricks under the tree, and to either side of me.

I told the young adults that the red bricks were their prison chains. Each one was a link on the chains. They kept working, but they looked at me in disbelief.

Then, I was driving a truck. I was driving a very large 18-wheeled rig with a heavy cargo of (I do not know what). I was driving up a forested road that went curving up a hill. I was looking for a truck garage, because I had something wrong with the lights on the truck, and it required a shop to fix them.

As I drove up the hill, it soon became apparent that this was just the beginning of a tall mountain; near the top of which I could see a truck garage building, situated at the end of a long and winding road.

Then, I was sitting in a classroom with the same young adults, with a seat in the class. A teacher (of some treacherous description) was talking gibberish propaganda at them, and fussing about with an hypnotic slinky of queer colors; with which it sought to hypnotize the class. It kept mumbling and burbling dumb sounds like unformed words, and I quickly deduced that the creature was trying to make the class of young adults think that the stupid babbling was a language.

In the truck again, I reached the garage at the top of the mountain (which was quite a bit higher than I had thought it was) -- only to find that between the road and the garage was a huge parking lot with trucks in it that were constantly driving around randomly, and on three levels -- two in the air over the lot. It was a three-leveled swarm of constantly moving 'big rigs', which kept moving and turning and always looking for the door to the garage.

I drove into the swirling maze of trucks and began to make many slow turns and stops and turns again, because every truck was moving slowly inside and over the parking lot, always trying to get to the bay doors of the garage.

I stood up in the classroom and started to talk. I spoke in Real English and with sharp syllables and meanings. I asked if the young adults wanted to know a real Human language, or become drooling drones for a shit like that teacher. All of the young adults looked at me with dumbfounded faces.

In the truck, I found the garage door and drove into the big garage interior; which was well lit by there being huge openings in the roof. The walls and equipment were partially covered with cobwebs, and chickens scattered as I drove in and stopped the rig with a clamor of air brakes. Immediately a passel of long-bearded diesel mechanics came running out of a back room and stared at me and the truck, many aghast. One of them, with a red beard and a bald head, asked how did I get here? I jumped out of the truck and shouted "Fix the truck! Do you sell Canadian cigarettes? Where's the Coca-cola machine? Buy a chicken from ya!" At that, they all jumped onto the truck with wrenches.

I walked to the garage door and looked out at the swirling mass of trucks on three levels -- all of them, came for repairs years ago and never made it to the garage door.

Then, I was back at the dirt lot again, pounding bricks with a long handled sledge. The piles of red bricks surrounded the eighty foot tall maple tree, and its branches stuck out over my head; but I could still raise the sledge over my head without hitting the tree. I was careful, to not damage the tree when the bricks broke. The sky was still light blue over me and the maple tree.

The rain stopped, and a young man from the class appeared and stood a few yards away and talked with me. I continued to pound bricks while we talked. He was somewhat handsome with black hair down to his shoulders in a Spanish style, and he was built well enough to be a sportsman, and he was dressed well enough to be from upper middle-class breeding; in another century he would have had character written on his face and a style of mannerisms and a personality. But, he could barely put together sentences, and his eyes were empty.

The garage mechanics were done with the truck! Quickly, they all piled up outside the door on top of each other, until they looked like a huge lump of overalls with many feet and heads.

I looked at them, and deduced that this meant that the truck was repaired. Giving the garage one last look, I winked at the collected chickens (watching me attentively) and got into the truck, and drove out of the garage.

The lump of mechanics rolled to one side to let me pass. Some hands appeared out of the mass of mechanics, and pointed to the right. A small sign appeared before me at ground level, pointing right and saying 'X-IT'. I calmly drove right, around the garage, not wanting to get x-ited; and found a road leading away and around the mountain peak.

Then, I was at the school cafeteria, sitting at a very long table, and the same young man was bringing me a bundle of mail and documents to read. I took the items and began to un-bundle them, to see what they all were. Meanwhile, I spoke to him about teachers and lies and credibility.

Suddenly, the young man reached into the papers and took back a small golden envelope. I asked him what it was, and I told him to let me read it.

It was a letter from the class, and in a robotic font it said -- 'no playee you no mork - wes fwaid u mean'

I looked up at him, and he had a contorted face. He was trying to look apologetic, but such a facial expression was forbidden at school, so he could not make the expression because he was afraid to; but he could not show fear either and it all puzzled him, but he could not show puzzlement either -- so his face kept changing in contortions, not knowing what to look like.

I said to him "You are high school seniors, and this is how you write?"

I was now driving along the road, and it led through a pass of granite cliffs, after which it started to decline in a straight line. I realized that I was now on the opposite side of the mountain, and this road must lead down to the Columbia river and the border with Washington state. The road continued to decline, but I could not see the length of it until it was going so steeply downhill that there was no turning back.

Now, the same young man was sitting in the passenger seat. He had a dazed look on his face, and our speed was increasing because the decline was endless. I could now see fifteen miles down the steep angle, and I was surprised to see a variety of traffic coming up the long and straight road in the other lane, including dump trucks. Driving intently, I asked the young man if he really believed the crap that teachers say in schools?

We went back to the school cafeteria again, and both of us were sitting at the very long table. I grabbed a big box of cereal with only cardboard sides and no printed cover, and held it up before him. I asked him "If the maker of those corn flakes wrote on that box that these are the best corn flakes in the world, would he believe that bullshit?"

He just stared at me unable to answer, and looking as though he felt sympathy for me. "Well, at least he found a facial expression for that skull of his." I thought.

We were suddenly back in the truck, and plummeting down the steep highway; which was now paved and had wide shoulders, and the occasional overhead lights -- but was still fifteen miles long. The diesel engine of the truck was making higher-toned sounds as our revs increased, even though I had the engine brakes on. I asked the same question -- would he believe that bullshit? Then, I asked if he believed everything he was told.

Our speed was now 120 mph and slowly increasing. Our 18 brakes were starting to put out blue smoke and I asked -- do you believe something on a label, or do you doubt labels? He said he believed poison labels. I said, that is because there is danger. But, what if someone put a poison label on you?

We were now at 140 mph and all of the brakes were on fire. Fortunately, there was no traffic on our side of the road. I asked, do you know what signs to trust and which ones are bullshit? He looked at me with a pale face and shook his head weakly. I asked -- can you understand real words? That teacher was talking baby drool to all of you! He nodded his head weakly.

We were now doing 160 mph and all 18 wheels were completely on fire. The background, as seen out the passenger's window, was just a blur of colored streaks of oscillating paint, that I somehow knew were forests.

"I want a real answer from you!" I said, and I released the brakes. The truck leapt up to 200 mph, and we hurtled down the steep highway completely without a hope. I began to see something far away at the end of the road. "Looks like the road T's down there at a big building." The young man looked out the windshield and recoiled at the sight. "Tell me!" I demanded, "Do you believe all of those labels?"

The young man could not speak. He was mute from confusion, not fear. He was required to think, but he had gone to school -- so he could not think.

"And, that does it for today" I put the chalk away and pointed at the diagram. "As you can see gentlemen, this will confound Gerry and his outposts to such an extent that Tirpitz will remain in harbor, rather than risk the channel exit. That means (if all goes well) we shall have placed a cork in that bottle, leaving Narvick defended only by destroyers."

I looked across the room and glanced at the abundance of dark blue uniform sleeves weighted down with gold braids, and said "Certainly both Hipper and Scharnhorst will descend upon the battle from the northern channels once the action starts. That is what we have the American's Baltimore and Alaska for. They know they will be fighting solitary battles and the importance of those actions."

All faces were turned towards me, reflecting deep thoughts and controlled emotions of anxiety and determination. "Home fleet will mob up the surface ships at Narvick piecemeal, while Alaska and Baltimore fight their actions much further north. I know it sounds a bit optimistic, but I see this as the beginning of the end of Nazi occupation of Norway. I shouldn't be surprised if we liberate Norway before Saint Crispin's day. Thank you, gentlemen. Oh Mills! Stay will you? I want a word with you."

Twenty royal navy officers, including a Commodore, made their way out of the briefing room; which was made of solid walnut and chalkboards and strong black metal chairs and a thick red carpeted floor.

First Lieutenant John Mills (Above Us The Waves, We Dive At Dawn, Mr. Denning Drives North) remained, standing. I stepped off the raised platform at the chalk boards and smiled reassuringly.

Rank Organization

Senior naval officers have a liking for First Lieutenants for two reasons -- 1. They were that young themselves once, and they take a Grandfather's view towards the survival of First Lieutenants. 2. First Lieutenants have already climbed the ladder from fourth class to first class, and are full of ambition to prove themselves. "Now, don't take this badly Mills, you are out of this parade."

He recoiled as if struck in the face, and said "Oh no! You cannot be serious Admiral! I have one of the best boats and crews in the North Sea!"

"Yes, undoubtedly Mills!" I began to pace to and fro before him, sometimes looking at the map of Scandinavia on the chalk boards, sometimes looking down at the red carpet, with my hands behind my back. "It's a matter of the World, Mills. This operation to free Norway is all well and good, but it will only lead to the liberation of Scandinavia. There will still be Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia to free up across the Baltic Sea, and they are much more heavily occupied by Wehrmacht armies."

"Yes sir, but I have already broken into the Baltic once. Surely ..."

"Let me finish. At present, Norway's economy is in seizure. When we free that up, what shape will it be in? I mean, where are the Norwegian whaling fleets and their precious cargoes of whale oil?"

Mills looked up at the drawing of Scandinavia and then began to turn white "What? They are captured! They are all down at ... Ahhh, bloody Hell!"

"I have been requested to free the Norwegian whaling fleets now imprisoned in their own ships ... on the Antarctic ocean."

"With one P class boat, sir?'

"Rubbish, of course not! I am promoting you Commander, full and permanent, Mills. You should appreciate that." I stopped and looked at him. John Mills was never a tall man, but always strong (if thin) and active, quite energetic. He had a face full of strong character, intelligent looking, he now straightened to his full height and nodded.

"You are quite spry for a man of forty Mills, and you know how I loathe half ranks! Be a full Commander and take a bigger boat! Pull this off, and I wouldn't be surprised if you are a Captain Standard by this time next year! But, you will do it from the deck of a T class boat of our newest release. T44 is just back from sea trials. Dock your P61 next to her over at section C, and transfer everything and every one. Take your entire crew and every scrap of documents, logs, code books etc. I will send an adjutant for the official logs and code books."

Mills pulled a snuff box out of his pants pocket and asked "May I chew?"

"No. Pay attention."

Mills put the snuff box back in his pocket and said "May I scratch?"

"Above the waist only."

Whereupon, he began to vigorously scratch his right sideburn and his left armpit, in turns, with an expression of great relief.

"What were you before the war Mills?" I asked while still pacing to and fro before him.

"Vaudeville, Sir!"

I smacked my own forehead, and continued undaunted -- "That T44 is three times the boat Mills. Get over to Labor and find volunteers to size up your new crew. Don't forget divers. And, get yourself ten of those new Thompson Sub-machine guns. Just have QM call me about it."

I looked over at him and then back at the red carpet. "Athlete's foot powder! That's what you need. A bath of the stuff!"

"Quite, Sir!" Mills was getting the better of it now, and scratching less.

"On your way south, stop at Portsmouth and select a fuel and stores tanker. Load her up and sail together to the Falklands. She will be your own exclusive petrol station and market. Report to Smithers at Stanley, and explain your mission only to him."

"Smothers, Sir."

"Smothers?" I stopped and stared right at him.

"Smithers died of tuberculosis last January. Smothers is now base commander, Sir."



I had a sudden vision of ordinary seaman Mills sitting in a kitchen deep in the belly of an old WWI dreadnought, peeling potatoes. I looked back down at the red carpet and began to pace to and fro again. "Down there and back within three months. Then down again, you should be back with the Norwegian fleet within five months, the lot. Norway should be done by then, and you can return to hunting in the Baltic."

"Sir. You want us to sail down to the Antarctic, sink all Germans there, and bring home the Norwegian whaling fleet -- with one submarine?"

"Not quite. If you brought them home two months from now -- there would be no home to go to. I do not expect to push out the Germans for four months hence. I want you to come back with an appreciation of things down there within three months, Mills!"

I became more demonstrative as I paced to and fro again, looking up at the ceiling now. "Take a surface squadron with you the second round. For now -- investigate. Sneak about. Choose forty of the best divers here at Scapa Flow and add them to your crew. Load down with Arctic diving gear. Take on rubber boats. Get down there and pop up next to the Norwegians and get their views. Find out their status. Sneak diver teams into that U-boat base the Nazis have down there. Investigate. Appreciate the situation. I want you to knock about and pop about and sneak all over the place."

I looked at John Mills. He was standing at ease, almost at attention, and listening to me intently while looking at the chalkboards. He began to shimmer. He began to warble and warp out of view.

"I say -- can you hear me Mills?

"Oh, yes sir!" his voice reverberated with a slight echo effect. I was losing him.

"I say Mills! Before you leave, one more thing. At exactly 60 degrees south and 15 degrees west there is a tiny floating island attached to a huge anchor. On the island is a huge sign. On it are 10 painted penguins all pointing west, and the words "To Antarctica!"

"Ignore it."

I woke up, grumbling something about 'authenticity'.

Naturally, I have called this one -- 'Mr. Mills drives South.'










I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message.
Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.



























Labels Of All Posted Messages--A Way To Search Through Messages By Labels

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed


This blog exists to inform the People, of the 'Real Truth' about the real enemies of the Human Species. These Truths are not objectionable, as they are Truths. Only the telling of them can be objectionable, to those who wish to hide the Truth. If the Truth is something you HATE and therefore object to - go elsewhere!


Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!


The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.