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Showing posts with label Environmental. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Environmental. Show all posts

Sunday, March 30, 2014

A New Blogsite Is Beginning For Human Boys -- Now. Here Is The Adult Version:

That Blogsite, which I said I would start for the Boys of America, is now started at --


The Better Boys Of America site will contain the child's version of the messages.

The bigger site -- Voices-Of-Iowa -- will contain the adult version of the messages.

The two are to remain separate. I do not want the children reading the Voices-Of-Iowa site.


FIRST LESSON -- 03-29-2014:

Lesson 1:

Let me start out by saying that I was born as the perfect baby -- but that did not last for very long -- and that is enough said about that.

I could have grown up to be the perfect adult, but that is not worth being. Because most absolutely, the perfect adult is far far less than what that child, boy or girl, could have become; if it had not been for how they were treated as children. The recent death of the so-called Boy Scouts is an example of what I am talking about. Now, all of those children in the so-called Boy Scouts will never grow up to be what they could have become. They will be brainwashed and reduced into being worthless drones (dummies) for a society that has gone into total collapse due to perversion.

Any child that does 'endure and reject' the horrible treatments thrown at it by the so-called Boy Scouts (instead of becoming a sick boy as the so-called Boy Scouts want him to be), will have a much better chance of growing up towards 'Who' he really could have been. If, as a child he can learn to ignore and refuse to accept all of the bad lies and bad teachings thrown at him by the so-called Boy Scouts -- and such awful persons as any NEA teacher (which most teachers in public schools are). In other words, to learn only the bare minimum of lessons from the teachers that boys need to learn to be able to graduate from a public High School -- and to escape those public death houses (by graduation) and to survive. To teach themselves everything else; and every time a teacher gives them an opinion or says something is right or something is wrong, to ignore it!

[[It is exactly like listening to a radio and when a Liberal Commercial Protestor (pretending to be Human and Conservative) comes on the air -- either turn it off or think (for every second as you hear the lies of the liberal on the radio) that you are being lied to, and those are the lies for today from the Liberal Commercial Protestors.]]

And then, to find out for themselves what really is right and what really is wrong. Because, anything that is a part of the NEA will constantly lie 100% of the time, all day long and all night long, seven days a week.


As a boy, one of the hardest things that there is to learn, and it is very difficult to learn, is that even though all of the adults are telling you to grow up to be like them -- the last thing on Earth that you want to do is to grow up and be like them. You see, the adults have already been through the brainwashing and the programming of the NEA. Because of that, they are now far lower persons than they could have been without all of that mistreatment, and that abuse. And, it is abuse. It is abuse and mistreatment that is justified by the adults as necessary training, so that you children will become 'Productive Members of Society'.

This is a big saying with them -- 'Productive Members of Society'. The adults call it 'Productive Members of Society', but what they really mean is -- you will not change things back to the way they should be, or change things to the way they should have been to begin with. If you children do not make everything better, then the wasted lives of the adults will not seem to be such of a train wreck, and such of a total waste of time as they really are.

By not making anything better or changing anything to be as good as it should be -- you will make them feel better about their own miserable lives. Of course, that means that you children must become as victimized and as dumbed-down and as reduced and as enslaved (as slaves) as the adults are. In other words, they want you to become far less than you could be, to make themselves feel good about what happened to them. That bad way of lying is called 'selfishness'. They are horribly 'selfish', even onto their own children. They are so selfish and self-centered that they will even sacrifice the happiness and possibilities of their own children, just to make their own wretched lives seem to be worth something.

[[Like the RepuCarrion that are trying to fight the DemoCraps over positions in Dead Political Offices that are permanently worthless.]]

And, seem to be worth continuing (keep happening). Continuing, by making you children into the same kinds of ruined persons that they were turned into, by the NEA and the so-called Boy Scouts.

[[There is no worse example of this, than the twitching and stinking corpse of the Republican Party that is trying to raise new generations of liars and cowards and money-grabbing Queer-suckers to carry on the stench and the fakery of the deceased Republican Party.]]

As a boy, one of the hardest things that there is to learn, and it is very difficult and very hard to learn, is that even though all of the adults are telling you to grow up to be like them -- the last thing on Earth that you want to do is to grow up and to be like them.

[[This message is especially important to all young people who are being lied to, and misled to think that there is such a thing as a New Republican Party that will grow (like a raising of the Living Dead) from the rotting corpse of the former putrid Republican Party. A Party that died of a Cowardice Overdose on August 16, 2013. Young people who are being told to join in on the march of the New Political Dead, by such Liberal Asswipes as Sean Hannity (a Liberal Commercial Protestor pretending to be Conservative and Human). You can always tell when you are listening to a Liberal, since it refers to HObama the Magnificent Sucker as a 'president'.]]

You see, the adults have already gone through the brainwashing and the programming. They are today, far less than they could have been without all of that mistreatment, and that abuse. And, it is abuse! It is abuse and mistreatment against young children, that is justified by the adults as necessary training so that you children will become 'Productive Members of Society'.

But, what that means -- depends upon who or what is controlling (in charge of) the Society at any time.

[[Which to the RepuCarrion, means that you will be fooled into thinking that there is anything important about the 'Politics of Lies and Liars' which they are forever enslaved to and immersed in -- which has replaced the original structure of 'Government by Statesmanship' that our country was blessed with in the beginning.]]

'Productive Members of Society' is a big phrase with adults. 'Productive Members of Society', really means you will not change the ways of Society back to how it should have stayed as. Or, to grow up to be Humans; that the adults should have been raised to be, to begin with.

Instead, you will be raised to be ruined and controlled and lied to every day -- like the adults have been raised to be.

[[The continual supply of 'Idiots that have been Lied To' is as important to the RepuCarrion as it is to the DemoCraps and the Queers!]]


From a boy's point of view, the only thing that you can do to become as much of a Human Being as you can be -- is to realize that all of the adults that are training you and teaching you and supposedly are raising you, are lying to you!

You may not understand why they are lying to you. Their reasons are called 'motives' for lying. Most of their reasons for lying to you, which are called 'motives', are reasons which you really do not want to know about! Their reasons are bad, poor, and pathetic -- which means 'really stupid and unable to become smarter' -- and are noxious (smell bad), but will have to be learned by you anyway.

In the situation that you are in, if you are not forced to become one of the so-called Boy Scouts (which is about the worst thing that could happen to you next to being raised by perverts to be a pervert too) ...

being a so-called Boy Scout will force you to become a pervert anyway ...

about the only thing that a boy can do in such a bad situation -- if you can do anything -- is to try to find out what is really True about everything.

But, where do you find the Truth; when you are surrounded by Bad Adults? How do you find out what is the Real Truth, and not what the Bad Adults are telling you is the Truth?

[[Right now, all of the RepuCarrion Adults (and such despised liberal lying assholes as Sean Hannity), are trying to make anyone who is stupid enough to have a brain that cannot think -- believe that there is a New Republican Truth growing inside the corpse of the Republican Party, that died of a Cowardice Overdose on August 16, 2013. The new pack of squirming liars inside that corpse (pretending to be the Republican Living-Dead) claim that they will raise up the corpse of the Republican Party and walk it into as many political offices as they can possibly squeeze its putrid flesh. All others must see that awful sight, and believe that to be the Truth. The Truth, despite the stench of the dead, and the reeking acidic offense that comes from total cowardice, and the horrors of the political prostitution of corpses. As one of the Rules of Mordor states -- 'Once A Queer, Always A Queer!]]

In a world where all of the adults lie to each other all of the time, and they even have professions and jobs that are dedicated to lying for money -- like Lawyers and Judges that lie all day long, every day, without fail -- in a world that is dedicated to lying to each other, how do you find out the Truth?

Well, one of the ways that you can use to do this -- is very difficult; it is probably the best way to do it, but it is not easy to do. It is to learn how the adults lie. It is a 'process of elimination'. Try out all conceivable reasons for any adult to lie in any situation, until you find the real reason -- which can be caused by Adult Dementia, and does not seem to be possible.

A 'process of elimination' means that if you are given seven choices of what could be the Truth -- about anything or any situation or any statement by NEA teachers or any statement by Judges -- and you think that one of them is True (and it is possible that all seven choices are lies anyway) -- then you must test and kick and punch and turn upside-down each choice, one at a time. Every time that a choice is found out by you to be a lie, it is thrown away -- it is eliminated. You must keep on doing this 'process' until you find the True Choice -- IF there is a True Choice at all. The entire effort of doing this is called a 'process of elimination'.

Learn how the adults lie. Do not care about why they lie, because their brains are twisted. Learn instead, how they lie. What a lie sounds like from adults. What a lie looks like from adults. What a lie looks like in writing. What a lie looks like in action.

[[Action -- such as any pretense (on any scale, anywhere) that there is any one or any thing still inside the Corpse of the Republican Party that is Alive and Human. Action -- such as the twitching and gyrating muscle spasms of the Republican Party Corpse, trying to pretend that it is still alive and able to lie to the masses -- on the Liberal Sean Hannity Show.]]

Anything on TV is a lie, so if you watch TV you will immediately see lies constantly, endlessly, ceaselessly (all of the time). As everything on TV is a lie of some kind.

[[You will also learn that anything that is shown on TV, that pretends that TV is for everyone and not just for Queers and Shitheads, is a lie.]]

If a program is shown on TV, it is either a lie outright (which means it was meant to be a lie from its beginning) -- or it is a lie that is a 'Half-Truth' (half a lie, and half pretending to be Truth). Any 'Half-Truth' is being shown to you on TV for the purpose of supporting (and making you believe) a Total Lie that is being shown somewhere else on TV.

[[Such as the Queershit that any one or any thing is born Queer.]]

Everything on TV is based upon lies. It was not always that way on TV, but it is now.

Now ordinarily, in an ordinary and natural world, you children would not want to know about lies -- well as a boy, if you do not know about lies and what they look like and what they sound like, then how will you defend yourself against lies? How will you keep people from taking advantage of you and ruining your life with their lies? If you do not know what a lie sounds like, and what a lie looks like, and how lies happen, then how can you protect yourself from them?

Lies can come in pieces. Not just all at once, but one piece at a time. A piece of a lie, and then another piece, and then another piece, and another part, and another part -- until the entire lie has been delivered against you -- but all along you thought you were being told the Truth.

[[Such as the Progressive Lie that there is any difference, to the Human Species and the Real Universe of Life, between the Queer-sucking DemoCraps and the Queer-sucking RepuCarrion.]]

And instead, it was just one long lie presented to you in pieces!

You have two choices about this as a boy. As a boy, you have two choices about this. You can either ignore the lies, by learning what the lies are and ignoring them (forgetting them because they are not for you) -- and then learn how to think for yourself, not wondering what the Truth is but just thinking for yourself about anything in a way that is opposite to the lies that you hear and that you see and that you are told by the adults -- but not deliberately looking for the Truth ...

OR ...

you can learn about the lies, and learn how to recognize lies that are told to you, or are written. Look for lies that are perpetrated against you and are delivered in pieces (or all at once). Deliberately (be sure to) try to find out what the Truth is about everything. Now, I have done both of those choices as a child. I have gone in both directions. I did the first one, first. I recognized what all of the lies were and I decided to raise myself instead of allowing adults to raise me. I went along with all of their adult lies and ignored everything that they did; and every last chance I could, I did the exact opposite of what they wanted me to do -- and I just thought for myself. I did not deliberately try to find the Truth. I learned, by raising myself in that way, that I ended up naturally (without trying to) looking for the Truth. Just by being the opposite of all of their lies, and doing the opposite of what they wanted, I ended up knowing the Truth which they were trying to hide. The Truth that they were trying to destroy. The Truth that they were trying to kill. And, the more that I learned the Truth, the more I realized that the Truth is just like me.

They were trying to kill me, and they were trying to kill the Truth -- and the Truth is identical to me (the same as me). For some reason, I am the Truth. Because, the same adults that try to kill me, also try to kill the Truth.

So, I became very interested in what is really the Truth about this world. And naturally so, because everything and every situation and every attack against me turned out (as a result) to be that I was the Truth. For some reason, I was the Truth and they wanted to kill me because I am the Truth -- even as a child.

That is when I started to learn that the Truth is more than just writing and words. It is actually something alive. It is actually something that exists. So, by taking the first choice which was to ignore the lies of the adults and to do the opposite of what they wanted (and to think for myself) I ended up doing the second choice -- which was to ignore the lies of the adults and deliberately look for the Truth. To know what it was that the adults were lying about.

This is very applicable (is about you) to any boy who has to go through the tortures and the terrible terrible lies and mistreatment that happen to him in a public school.

If you are being 'Home Schooled' that is not necessarily the case, because those adults have less reasons to lie to you. They will still lie to you, because they still have a mania in their brains (crazy) about turning you into one of them. Even though they think that they are the improved adults, they are nowhere near what they could have been if they had not been mistreated and lied to as children (when they were children) -- so they are not as good as they could have become, and they still have the mania (crazy) of turning you boys into what they are.

They also fear the unknown. They are afraid to let you boys become what nature wants you to be, because they do not know the unknown; and they can only imagine you becoming something terrible, like the perverted spawn of the public schools.

What they are, is certainly a lot less terrible than the teachers of the NEA in the public schools, but they are still not nearly as good as you boys can be -- if you become as good as you can be without being lied to. And, by finding out the Truth for yourselves.

That is the best way (in this situation) to become as much as you can possibly be as a Man. You are a boy now, but when you are a Man you will want to be the best Man that you possibly can be. The only way to do that is the very difficult way of finding out the Truth about every lie that is told to you.

So, even if you are not in a public school, the adults that you are exposed to (with) will still have their own selfish reasons for trying to make you into their own image. To make you become something that they would want you to be. To make you become one of them. When at this time, they are not as good as you can be, if you are not lied to, and if you are not held down and stupefied (made thoughtless) and reduced. Reduced (made smaller), so that you will be a Good Little Worker in a stupid little working job. So that you will pay the Masters of Society the monies that they want, and you will vote for the Liars that you are told to vote for. But, in the doing of that, you will have been turned into an 'Idiot that has been Lied To'.


As a boy, one of the most difficult things to learn is that no matter which way you go about this, you will end up wanting to know the Truth about everything. You will want to know the Truth about everything that you do and everything that tries to affect you (change you); and has some kind of impact upon you (changes you); and changes you in any way. You will want to know the Truth about it all. It is very difficult to do (hard to do), because when you find out what the Truth is and you compare it to the Lies about the same thing (see what they both are) you will be very disappointed about adults (no longer like them). You will be very disappointed about how they lie, and how they tell you that they must lie.

You will start to see adults as being sick in their heads -- mentally sick (sick thinking). And, the ones that say that you are sick for knowing the Truth, are the sickest adults of all. The sickest adults, will always lie until the Truth is so obvious (clear) that they can not lie any longer. Then, they will replace their former lies with new lies -- to keep everyone from being angry about their former lies (past lies). Revealing which adults are the sickest liars is called 'Taking Out The Trash', by us Humans. Those baddest adults never get back into the Human Species again.

[[For example, the phony christians at a hack organization called World Vision (another pack of Belief Merchants) have just revealed publicly that they are queer up to their eyeballs. However, before this announcement, they certainly denounced anyone (who accused them of being nothing more than a Belief Factory for Idiots and Queers) as being wrong and sick and untrusting and haters of their Belief Scams.]]

The adults that say that you are sick and you are wrong to know the Truth, are the sickest and most greedy adults, of all adults. The more that you learn about the Truth, the more disappointed you will be in all of the adults. This is very true because the NEA still exists.

Do you see adults destroying the NEA? No.

The NEA exists to brainwash children like you, and to turn children into 'Good Little Zombies' (worse than Rug Rats) and 'Good Little Perverts' (worse than Zombies). That is done to children, by the NEA and Phony Preachers and Phony Priests and Bad Adults, for the paying customers of the NEA and Bad Churches -- that pay them to do that to children. Now, do you see the adults destroying the NEA and the Bad Churches and saving you? No.

Do you see adults destroying the NEA and the Bad Churches and their paying customers, to save your life?

No. You do not see that. So, they are all guilty. All of the adults are guilty of the same crimes against you. They are all guilty of the same crimes that are being committed against you.

To lie against you, or to lie to you, is a crime! It is 'Bullying'! It is worse than that -- it is 'Brainwashing' -- which means the Real You and your Real Identity (You) is forced to die, because of their threats and their lies and their mistreatment of you. Then, your brain (between your ears) is forced to think only what the Bad Adults and the Bad Preachers and the Bad Judges and the Bad TV Faces say you are allowed to think. Your own thoughts are ruined and forced to hide, and their thoughts are all that you are allowed to know and say and repeat and live by. That, is called 'Brainwashing'.

It is the taking away of your life, and replacing it with their own greed and their own desires and their own hatreds of the Truth. The Truth about them. They could not care less what you want. You are only children! You are supposed to do what they want you to do, the way they were supposed to do what their parents wanted them to do.

But, it gets worse. You are going to have to get used to that phrase -- "It gets worse." Because, the more that you learn about the Truth and this Society (all of the persons together) that you have been born into -- the more that you are going to have to realize that you (yourself) will never be as good a Man as you could have been. Even I, am not as good a Man as I could have been. That is because I have chosen to fight all of those Bad Adults (and almost all of them are bad in some way) in order to save you -- the children -- and the Human Species.

But, doing this is not as Good I could have been. I could have been much better than this, but I chose to turn around and fight everything that was lying to me and trying to kill me, because I was Good in any way.

I was always too Good for the adults. I was always too Good for the children of the adults that had been 'brainwashed' and ruined by them. Children, that were told to try to kill me for the adults. For a number of reasons, I have always been too Good for the Society (all of the persons together) that I was in -- too Good for the adults that were around me -- even after I became an adult myself I was still too Good for all of the children that had now become adults, and were my age (about as old as I am).

I found myself in a world that was literally Hell. I call it Planet Sinister. What I try to do today, is to prevent children of the Human Species from becoming trapped and victimized (hurt very bad) by this Society (all of the persons together) that all of the adults lie about. For their many different reasons. Adults that try to make you a part of their Society for many different reasons. Even the ones that say that they are the Good and the Best and say they are trying to help you; they still have their own selfish reasons (for them only). And, in a Society like this one, in a World like this (that I call Planet Sinister) the really bad news (the thing that is worse) is the fact that you boys will never grow up to be as Good (as Men) as you could have been. It will never happen. There will be moments when you will be far better than you usually are, there could even be weeks and months when you are much better than you usually are -- and you could be trying to be as Good as you can be all of the time -- and you still will not reach that height (goodness) that you could have been if you had never gone to a public school. That, is because of the many bad ways that Planet Sinister is. Because, of the Masters that created Planet Sinister. Because, of what are called 'Environmental Impacts' upon you -- many of which are done by the Masters against everyone in the Society (all of the persons together).

[[Queer-sucking Masters, that are the Ultimate Deities of all Queer-sucking RepuCarrion. All of whom hope that some day their own leprous bodies will sit on those Master's Thrones.]]

The things that are done against you by adults, and the children who obey adults, and the happenings that you have to deal with and the difficulties (hard times) that you have to work with -- AND -- the limitations that you suffer from because of the environment that you are raised in (where you are born, where you are raised, what is at those places, who is at those places) -- all of that affects you (changes you) for Good or Bad -- and all of that together is called 'Environmental Impacts' upon you.

Most children never have any idea at all that they are being changed for Good or Bad by the places and the persons (environments) that they are raised in.

Now, some children run away from Home. Some children run away from Home trying to find a better environment. At the moment, trying to find a better environment is very hard to do, since most of the Society is Planet Sinister. Children who run away from Home really do not know where they are running to. I know how desperate it can feel for a boy, I have felt such pains myself many times. Every time that I ran away, I always ended up back where I was before -- but because I was back where I had started from I became even more determined to get out of the environment that I was trapped in (unable to escape) -- and even more determined to learn what is True about everything!

I would try to get away from it and think for myself, and I would end up knowing all of the Truth about all of their lies. I would end up back at the same place, but I had learned what is really going on (what is Good and what is Bad). By this time, I despised it all much more (not liking it in any way), and I became more determined to live a Life that was not ruined by all of this (Society and the Masters).

When you do that, you are trying to counter and reverse all of the 'Environmental Impacts' that have been done to you. In some cases, you can achieve that and you can succeed (make it happen). You can reverse the Bad things that have been done to you. But, I want you boys to know that there is such a thing as 'Too Much Reversal'. Over-doing it. Reversing it all too much. Going too far in the opposite direction. Being overly reactive (too much bad feelings) against the Lies. You can get lost in Over-reaction. You can get lost in the 'Opposite of the Bad'. You can get lost in being the opposite of what they want you to be.

Boys -- at your age -- how will you know where to go to, when you are being 'Opposite of the Bad'? The Real Opposite of the Bad -- is the Good. Do you know where the Good is?

I am saying that it is right for you to get away from the Bad -- but where will you go? I am telling you boys that doing the opposite of what 'Environmental Impacts' want you to do (especially the Bad Ones) is itself an 'Environmental Impact'.

The rejection (refusal) of any 'Environmental Impact' is another 'Environmental Impact'. The refusal of an impact upon you, by your environment, is also an impact of your environment -- this time caused by you (done by you).

Turning your back on an 'Environmental Impact', and going away from it, is another 'Environmental Impact'; because that reaction (second action) was caused by the first action (impact). You rejected (refused) something -- and your rejection was caused by that something'. Together, it is all 'Environmental Impacts' -- except now, some of them are being controlled by YOU! Some of them are your reactions (second actions). Where your reactions lead you to -- hopefully controlled by you carefully -- will decide where you end up in your Life.

Once the environment hits you, Good or Bad or Ugly, you will feel an impact. There will be an impact, even if the final result (final impact) is for you to turn away from the first impact and reject it -- that is still an 'Environmental Impact'. They all add up to keep you from being as Good a Man as you could have been.

The trick of it all, the plan for you, is to do whatever you can to make sure that all impacts (actions and reactions) will lead you to as Good a Life and as Opposite a Life as you can possibly get in this Society (all of the persons together).

I am a living example of what I am writing about. I know, and I have known for decades (tens of years), that I should have been a Doctor who wrote about Medicine. I should have been a Doctor who healed People, and wrote about it for the World. I should have been a 'General Practitioner' (General Helper), which is a Family Doctor who takes care of People from the day that they are born until the day that they die. I should have been a Doctor. I would have been a much better Man as a Doctor and Writer than I am as a Revolutionary and a Writer -- but because of the Environmental Impacts and the limitations (walls) that I was born into, I never became a Doctor. It never happened. Instead, I took a very torturous (hurting) and blood-stained road to where I am now. I am now a Revolutionary, I am a Writer, and I am trying to help as many People as I can by teaching them everything that I have learned.

[[By People, I obviously do not (by any stretch of the imagination) include our enemies -- the RepuCarrion. As you can easily see for yourself, the RepuCarrion are a Closed Society of Elitists. They are extremely self-interested assholes that only care about their own ultimate goals -- no matter what they have to suck to get there.]]

Boys, the way that I am now -- is not as Good as I could have been if we did not have so many enemies against us. Environmental Impacts had a lot to do with that. Environmental Impacts prevented me from being as Good as I could be.

I am hoping that someday all of those limitations (walls) that are caused by politicians and greedy persons and perverts and teachers and Lawyers and Judges and TV Faces will be gone, and children will grow up to be as Good as they can be. That is what I am working towards (to get), but right now the boys who listen to me these days must know that they will never be as Good as they could be -- none of us are.

The best of us, work for a Day and work for a Society and work for a World in which the idea of children growing up to be the best that they can be, will be possible. And, a child can be born and grow up to be the best that He or She can possibly be.

[[Watch It! Watch the Turds of Propaganda! Watch the Media Assholes and the NEA Teachers and the ACLU/Homosexuals start to advertise that their 'Way' is the 'Best Way' for all children. Watch their lies increase, and the smiles drool, and their fangs show.]]

But, right now that is not possible; even though many many many liars will tell you that you can become the Best you can be -- if only you do what THEY tell YOU to do. They are lying adults. It is not possible. It is absolutely not possible in Planet Sinister. I want you to know this to begin with.


The Tricycle:

When I was a very young child, before I was in Kindergarten, and I was four or five years old -- I realized that there was something really wrong with the Society. But, I expected someone to make it Good. I expected adults to make Good whatever was Bad.

I was still very interested in the fun things in life: like ice cream, and tricycles, and pretty girls, and puppy dogs, and chestnut trees, and clouds, and the big star, and snow on my face, and shoelaces, and mass spectroscopy, and why a ball bounces, and why some dogs get angry, and how can goldfish breathe, and why barber polls go around and around, and why I cannot sit on the horsies at the merry-go-round, and why cows moo, and why do I have to sit in the back seat all of the time, and why do I have to hold everybody's hand all of the time. And, I always expected the adults to fix it all. But they never did.

But, things were not right. There were other worlds, and the adults acted as though nothing else existed except their own stuff.

[[Today, known as Bullshit.]]

Today, I understand how I could have known that at the age of four or five years old. At the time, I could not even think about such things as -- "I am only five years old. How do I know these things?" Now, I am in my Sixties and I understand very well how I knew (and know) that something was not right. But, I was only four and five years old then and yet I knew it, I felt it, I understood that something was not right -- but the adults did not know about it.

Well, there were a very few exceptions.

When something was not right, I immediately knew it. I would get away from it, I would stay away from it. I would avoid it. And, you know I was only five years old, so my remedy was to get on my tricycle and ride away from it. That is literally the Truth, and one of my earliest memories. I have more memories than you could imagine, and one of my earliest memories (and I look through my memories to find the earliest ones) -- one of my earliest memories was about riding my tricycle, and I was probably five years old. I was having a hard time with that tricycle.

The tricycle did not move very well, because I did not know how to ride it very well, and I kept falling off. It would not move for me very well, I could not get the pedals to work right with my feet -- and a lot of time I ended up walking the tricycle. I was only five years old, so that was a little bit difficult to do on flat ground -- but if there was any kind of hill, then I was in big trouble; because I had this tricycle that was about as heavy as I was, and I had to walk it up a hill. I could not ride it much, because I could not get it to work right.

Well, one day -- and this is when the memory happened -- I remember the problems that I had with the tricycle, but this one problem or incident which I had went like this: I was riding my tricycle and I was in some kind of park, some kind of area where there were sidewalks that went through big fields of grass. Not the sidewalk of a street, it was more like a city park where you would find a half-shell and a swimming pool and a lot of grass. There were walkways made of concrete, even though I did not know what concrete is, and I was on a walkway with grass all around me. I was on my tricycle, and I got it to move and I was slowly riding my tricycle because I could only get it to do about ten feet a minute -- and I happened to look up over the handlebars. Usually, I was looking down at the concrete and panting and puffing and trying to see where the tires were going, as I had not learned to look forwards and up to see where I am going. Which is why I knocked into a lot of things -- dogs, frogs, fire hydrants, things that were there at the same time. But, this one time I looked up and there were some adults walking towards me on the walkway.

Something in my brain told me that there was something very Bad about them. I did not have enough vocabulary in my brain, to be able to think as simple as -- 'Those are Bad People', or 'Those are Communists', or 'Those are Bank Robbers and they are going to rob the bank across the street', or 'Those are murderers', or 'Those are kidnappers, and they want to kidnap me'. I did not have that vocabulary in my brain, so I could not think such things -- instead what I had was a feeling and an understanding in my brain that they were really Bad. There was something really wrong about them.

For the first time in my life, I turned the tricycle around. I kid you not, I turned around the tricycle. Which amazed me. I had never done that before. It turned around? I was used to making forty-five degree turns, slow turns as I was having a real hard time with that tricycle; and all of a sudden I made a 180 degree turn and started peddling as fast as I could in the opposite direction, at a blistering forty feet a minute!

My memory fades after that. Somehow, I peddled to safety. Somehow, I got away from them. There is a grey car in that memory. There is a big grey car that I peddled to, and somehow it meant safety. I remember that much, but at that time my memory was fading; beyond that I do not remember the rest of it.

What I am illustrating here, what I am telling you about here is -- things like that happened all through my childhood. I would somehow know that something was wrong. Naturally, when that happens to you it makes you wonder. It could make you afraid, it could you make you afraid of Life itself, but in my case it just made me wonder "What is all of this?" "Why is it happening?" "Why am I being told that something is wrong, when I know that wrong is right?" "Where is this coming from?" "How do I know this?" "What is really wrong?"

So, at a very young age I started to wonder why is this wrong, why is that wrong, why is right being called wrong? Why is wrong being called right? Why is it, that when I feel that something is wrong, and every time I know that something is wrong (and I look into it) I find out that it really is wrong. And, I find out why. Sometimes, it is very simple. Sometimes, the reasons are benign (not very harmful), but the wrong is there anyway. At other times, what I find is far worse than I thought it was. But in each case, all through my life, every time that I think something is wrong -- or I feel that something is wrong -- it really is wrong.

Of course, there is a scale of 'Wrong' from 1 to 10. The 10's are unbelievably wrong. Horribly wrong. The 1's are just silly and stupid. Everything in-between is on some kind of scale, I have a scale in my head. I just know from experience what the scale is, because I have seen so much that is wrong. When you live on a planet that has so much wrong going on all of the time, and where many bad things are accepted by the Society and even integrated into the Society (even though the Society knows it is wrong) -- then you grow up wanting to change things. You grow up wanting to make things better than they really are. This is what happens when you know what should be, as opposed to what is not supposed to be. This is what happens, when you know what the Truth is, and you also know what the lies are; but you do not accept the lies by watching TV.

It is a Human Function, it is part of Humanity. It is Human Beings, and it is the way we are. We want things to be right. We want the Truth to prevail over the Wrong, and over the Lies. Even though the entire Society has fallen into an acceptance of Lies and the Society hates Truth, we do no accept that. We do not want that.

[[We do not want Republicans! We do not want Democrats! We do not want Queers! We do not want Lawyers! We do not want Murderers! We do not want Judges! They are all Evil, and they are all Liars. But, the Society that we live in has been brainwashed by TV to accept them, and has made them a part of the Society!]]

So, what has to happen to the Society?

It has to change. It has to be different. Or, it has to come down completely, and a New Society has to be built to replace it. These are the Natural Results of finding out what is the Truth.

Every adult in the Society, that lives by lies and says lies and lives in the lies and accepts the lies, wants to keep those changes from happening.

Those adults, have put all of their money and all of their time into a Society of Liars, that is completely wrong. If you change that Society, they think that you will be taking away their money and their possessions (things) and their places in Society. They think that you will be taking away their comfort. They accept all of the lies, and they are now comfortable with them. They are comfortable with accepting all of the lies. If you change the Society, so that the lies are thrown out, those adults believe that their comfort will be destroyed.

They believe that their Happiness with the Lies will be destroyed. So, they will try to prevent (stop) anybody from knowing the Truth. They will try to prevent anyone from making the Society into something called 'Truthful'. They will try to prevent anyone from making this Society into a True Society, based upon Truth instead of Lies.

Even parents will do that to their own children.

A very typical example of this, is that many parents are addicted to the filthy and lying TV Faces. Those TV Faces have to go out. The TV has to be removed. TV has no place in the future of the Human Species. It has completely disqualified itself (lied and cheated) from being part of the Human Species -- by endlessly lying to us, by endlessly trying to make us stupid, by endlessly trying to make us far less than we could have become as adults, by trying to make us do what the owners of the TV stations want us to do. TV is out!

But, many parents cannot live without TV. They are addicted to TV. They have a kind of insanity (crazy), they have a kind of dementia (bad brain) -- it is called 'addiction' and it means that they cannot do without the lies that they hear and see on TV. They cannot live from day to day without seeing and hearing lies on TV every day. They are addicted to the lies that come from TV.

But, TV has no future with the Human Species, so what will happen to all of those parents?

And, how will those parents react and what will those parents do when they hear that TV must go away?

Answer: They will react badly. They will fight against that. They will say that there must be TV. Because, they are addicted to it. They must have the lies, and they must see the lies on TV every day; because they are addicted to the lies of the Bad Faces on TV. So, when a boy like you learns the Truth about everything, and you learn the Truth that TV is not necessary (must be off), and you learn that the lies that you see on TV are very bad for you, and you learn that TV is something that should be turned OFF ...

and you understand that TV sets should be used for computers and DVD players (HDMI) and not for watching TV channels ...

when you learn the Truth about all of that, the adults that are addicted to TV and must have the lies of TV will try to tell you that you are wrong.

What you are doing, in such a situation (event) is knowing the Truth about a lie. You are knowing the Truth about something. The Truth about TV Channels is that they are all bad for the Humans, and they must go away.

But, even though you know that this is the Truth about TV -- you will be told that you are wrong, by parents and adults. You will be told that it is Bad to want to get rid of TV, and you are a Bad Boy, and you are a Bad Child to know the Truth about TV.

The adults will say to you -- "How dare you say that TV is Bad!" -- "Do you not realize that your parents have to see the lies on TV every day? Or, they cannot live from day to day!" -- "How could you be so cruel a boy?" -- "How could you be so Bad a boy, that you would take away the lies told on TV; that your parents and the adults have to have every day? Because, they are addicted to it! How dare you be such a Bad Boy?"

Absolutely (surely) that will happen. There is no doubt in the Universe (everything) that as soon as you learn the Truth about TV, and you say to any parent (or to any adult) that they should not watch that TV, it is bad, there are lies on TV -- they will turn against you, and they will attack you, and they will say that you are a Bad Boy. "Bad Boy!"

They will try to punish you, and they will threaten you. They will warn you that if you say that again, they will punish you.

Oh Yes!

Planet Sinister, is what I call it.

This is one of the reasons why I say that you will never grow up to be as Good a Man as you could have been. The adults do not want you to be as Good a Man as you could be. The adults want you to become liars and TV addicts like they are.


Under these circumstances (the way it is) in Planet Sinister, the most that a boy can hope for -- the most that a boy can do for himself and for his Species -- is to learn and learn and learn what is Real, and what is not. The thing to do is to learn the Real Truth, until you are an adult yourself, and you can leave the parents. When you are 18 years old, you can leave the parents and nobody can tell you what to do -- no matter how much they think that they have ruined your life and made you to be addicts and liars like they are.

The day that you leave home, and you leave all of the TV addicts behind you, is a huge day of freedom for you. It is not the Ultimate Freedom (best freedom), but it is a big improvement (much better).

In the meantime, from now until that day of escape, the only thing that you can do as a boy is to learn everything you can about what really is True, what the Truth really is, and what the Lies are. That is very hard to do. It is really hard to do. It hurts a lot. I am telling you right now that it hurts a lot. I have gone through it, and it is very painful. The more that you realize how bad Planet Sinister is and how bad the adults are -- the more painful it is. I have suffered it all, so I know.

The only thing that you can do, up to the day when you get that freedom and you can do what you want to do, is to learn every last thing that you can about what the Lies are, and about what the Real Truth is. What is the Real Truth? All of the teachers lie to you, because all of the teachers of the NEA have a horrible plan to turn all children into perverts. They want to turn all children into perverts that can be controlled and used by the customers of the teachers.

The 'customers', are Bad Persons who pay the teachers to do that to the children. You must learn about all of that. You must learn the terrible Truth about that. You must learn that those teachers that smile to you, and lie at the same time, are really demons (awful things). They really are horrible monsters. They are not what they look like at all. They are not what they sound like at all. They are as Bad as Bad can be.

You have to learn this as a child, and not allow all of it to keep you from getting a High School Diploma. You have to feel the pain from them, until you can get away from them at the age of 18. You must get that High School Diploma. You must get that High School Diploma!

There is no way around that part, you must have a High School Diploma or the 'Equivalent'. Actually, the Equivalent may be better for you, because it may not have grades. The Equivalent may be graded as Pass or Fail. At a High School, that allows NEA teachers to work there, you will be given the lowest possible passing grade if the teachers find out that you know the Truth about them -- BUT -- for some reason they cannot fail you and keep you from getting that High School Diploma.

There is a 'GED' Equivalent, and there may be a Home Schooling Equivalent as well. But, you must have a High School Diploma or the Equivalent -- or all of the suffering and all of the pain that you went through, because of the adults and the parents and the teachers, was nothing more than >>> 'How you died in school'. All of the pain was just how you died as a child in school.

Get that High School Equivalent, or the High School Diploma itself, or you might as well be dead in this Society.

The one thing that I wanted to tell you, even though I have told you a number of things already, is that I wanted to tell you >>> when you are looking for the Truth, learn about the adults that say the Truth, or write about the Truth.

As you look for the Truth about a lie (for instance a grinning and smiling NEA teacher tells you a lie) and you decide that you are sick of being lied to by teachers, and you say that you are going to find out the Truth about the lie from the NEA teacher ...

as you look for the Truth, look at what kinds of adults are saying things about that topic or subject matter. The worst adults will say the lies about it. The better adults will say some Truth about it, not all of the Truth, but some of the Truth about it. So, in your search for the Truth -- try to find the writings and the sayings and the videos and the recordings from adults who have nothing to gain for themselves by either lying or saying the Truth about that subject or topic (what it is).

Look for writings and videos and recordings from adults who are 'objective'. That means, they are not personally involved with the subject. Look for adults who are 'objective' to the subject matter, and have no reason to lie about the subject matter in order to further a Lie of the Moment, or an Agenda of Planet Sinister, or a plan by Evil Persons here in Planet Sinister. Plans to further (make better) their own lies and to make their own group of Liars rule over all other groups of People -- by lying about everything, and twisting the Truth about everything to make their own group seem to be better than all others. To make their own group seem to be right, and to make every other group seem to be wrong.

Look for the writings and the videos and the recordings from the Human Beings whose motivation (reason) is to say the Truth about something or anything -- adults without an agenda who do not try to advance any particular group of People.

[[Like Democrat/Homosexuals, Homosexual/RepuCarrions, Lawyers, Judges, Politicians, One-Eyed Shit-Eating Dogs (etc).]]

As boys, try to find the works (I call the writings and the videos and the recordings as 'Works') of People who are trying to say the Truth for no other reason than to be writing and saying the Truth, and for the advancement of Truth itself, and for the defeat (failure) of Lies. For the reduction (make less) of lying. There are People out there that are doing that. It is hard to find the Truth, it is hard to find people who are writing the Truth and saying the Truth and making videos about the Truth.

Otherwise (also), many of the adults have 'Ulterior Motives' (hidden reasons). So, many adults have other reasons for saying what they are saying or writing. They are not really saying or writing the Truth, just to say or write the Truth. What you will get from persons like them will be half of the Truth, part of the Truth -- only what they will want you to know.


Boys, stay boys as long as you can. The last thing you want to do is to lose your Youth in Planet Sinister.


Markel Peters










I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message.
Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.



























Labels Of All Posted Messages--A Way To Search Through Messages By Labels

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed


This blog exists to inform the People, of the 'Real Truth' about the real enemies of the Human Species. These Truths are not objectionable, as they are Truths. Only the telling of them can be objectionable, to those who wish to hide the Truth. If the Truth is something you HATE and therefore object to - go elsewhere!


Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!


The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.