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Showing posts with label Dysfunctions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dysfunctions. Show all posts

Saturday, December 31, 2011


And since you know you cannot see yourself,
so well as by reflection, I, your glass,
will modestly discover to yourself,
that of yourself which you yet know not of.

William Shakespeare


You should have been smart, DemoCraps. You should have lost that last election. The Servants of Satan can only win, by losing.

Markel Peters


In these days of syrupy and lie-laced propaganda from such common sources of perversions as the Des Moines Rearsniffers, the Fort Drudge Messenger, and all of the queer newsrags in DemoIowa; that want us all to think that the name of the Real Revolution in American Politics is Ron Paul -- their Mitt (the Rat) Romney alternative ...

let us look at the Truth behind the False Scenes that are always shoved in our faces by the never-ending liars of the Queer Medias.



I am not writing this because I receive the same amount of hatred and loathing and backstabbing, from the swine who are infested with Satanism, as Peter and Paul and the disciples experienced when they were spreading the Truth of Jesus before a totally pagan world. I am writing this because it is the Truth.

There IS such a thing in this world as 'Goodness'; and it is very 'Valid', and very 'Right', and very Christian. I am aware of this, and I respect this Reality; even though Christian Music will never make it into my Music Library, and Organized Religion (as such) is a mere shadow of what it was supposed to be.

[[ The key to understanding Goodness is found in the examination of why the Christians (Real) have become synonymous with the concepts of Goodness. Why them? Why not left-handed muffler wrenches? Or, one-eyed binoculars? Or, one-legged men in ass kicking contests? ]]

We are living in 'Times' that so closely parallel the conditions in which the Disciples of Jesus found themselves, that it is Hugely Disturbing to realize that the forces of such scum as the ACLU/Homosexuals (etc) could deliberately degrade and degenerate entire populations (Senate District 18 in DemoIowa) into becoming walking and squawking brainless imbeciles. Imbeciles, heavily burdened with Queer Minders that herd them and order them about like mindless sheep. Sheep for the Pagan Rituals. Sheep for the Pagan Alters called TV, FM, and the queer newsrags.

I know already, that many parallels have been made between myself (and other Human Writers), and the Disciples of Jesus; but I am just telling the Truth. And believe me, the SQLD and the Middle-Managers-For-Hire hate that to the extreme! They do not admit it, because that would be admitting what we write about them is the Truth -- but they Totally Hate us for saying who and what they really are.

Their motives are all about Money and Power, of course.

[[ You haven't seen Hatred, until you see Homosexual/Moderates whose selfish motives have been thwarted. ]]

They would be well advised to lose this War. There is a great advantage for them built into what is called 'Unconditional Surrender'. But, they can never realize what it is. Anyone who surrenders to them unconditionally will suffer such horrors of sodomy and pornography and Degenerate TV shows that it is forever astronomically more preferable to die fighting.

The opposite is true for those who surrender unconditionally to the Humans. Not to me. I do not take prisoners. Those creatures of the SQLD who genuinely surrender (No Bullshit) to the Human Species in Unconditional Surrender -- become the wards and responsibilities of those Humans. As such, they have to be taken care of, protected, fed, sheltered, clothed, educated, cured, healed, and allowed to live renewed lives. They also have to tell the Human Species everything that they know (No Bullshit) about the SQLD.

Which is why the SQLD would rather kill them, than allow them to surrender. The Masters of the SQLD would rather have a Bloody War, and throw all of the 'Possible Confessors' into the front lines to be slaughtered.

But, surrenders and such, are all the business of the Species. My business (my meat) is the monstrosities. The Monsters of the SQLD, and the Masters of the SQLD are mine.

Remember that. All captured Masters are for me to interrogate.


However ...

That is not what I am here to write about today. Today, I want to explain to all of you what something called 'Christian Charity and Christian Kindness' is all about.




Thousands of 'Twisted Readers' just turned this message off.

Twisted Readers want to read vulgarity and hatred and anger and angst and complaints. They do NOT want to read about such things as Goodness and Kindness and Christian Love. Well, they can run but they cannot hide. I will pursue them with these messages about Goodness and Kindness and Christian Love until they can no longer run.

It is better to just stay, and learn. But, Pagans are infested. Pagans are ungrounded and unfounded in God, and morals and principles; which are really good things to have. Really!

They have a kind of distemper of the mind that is constantly telling them to scratch and claw and dig and rend and tear and hurt everything around them, in order to survive and dominate. They see, with blood-filled eyes, a world of hellish parts and pieces and clowns and hounds and masters and mice, that they have to somehow control. They sense that they have to hurt the outside world as much as it hurts them, or they cannot survive in it. They even allow themselves to be Middle-Managed and perverted, in order to become more successful, or so they are led to believe. It never occurs to them to use all of that effort to change the World to make it a better place for everyone.

The closest they get to doing that is a very far and distant fakery of protests, which they have been trained and ordered to commit by their Masters. Fakery such as the SQLD Occupation Forces, which are trying to terrorize cities all over America into electing the DemoCraps and ModoRats again, in the upcoming 2012 Elections. Having thoroughly buffaloed and fooled and investigated (from the inside) all of the Tea Parties, who do not have the courage and independence required to Revolt against the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead; the SQLD Masters have now put up their own Revolt Fakery which is directly designed to replace and bury the Tea Party. A Naive Party, who allowed the agents of the SQLD Satan Tube Channels into their meetings.

Pagans are caught up in such absurdities as Occupation Forces, because the SQLD Masters always follow the examples of the worst Roman Caesars: Entertain the disgruntled and stupid masses (which you created to begin with) by giving them Games. Games in the Arenas. Games in the Streets. Games in the Minds. Distract the masses of voters with Games and Delusions and Promises -- always -- and forever. Never let them know the Truth about anything.

The Twisted Readers are caught up in such orchestrated and daily insanities. It is a large part of their daily lives, whether they say that they are for it, or against it. Reading about such seemingly unrelated and benign and docile topics as Goodness and Kindness and Christian Love, automatically causes their mental addictions (to chaos and paganism) to shriek in protest, and turn off the message.

This also includes the Slackers and Disbelievers who constantly read, but constantly deny, what I write. Such as the White Females that just cannot get the message that the only Good TV Station is the one that Does Not Transmit. There is yet to be a Human TV Station, and all currently existing ones are very far away from ever being Human! Watching what you think is 'Better TV', is just mental masturbation with the same addiction.

Too bad, for them. Addiction is a Bitch, and so is Laziness. If you are too lazy to generate your own Video, or too stupid to buy a collection of Human Video -- then do not have Video!

Thought Concepts such as -- 'No TV Stations!' and 'No DemoCraps!" -- are just too Real and Human for White Female Addicts of DemoTopia to understand.

Addiction has them by the brain, and no amount of explaining about how wonderful Life is without the hideous Little Charlie TV Stations, or the anti-Human DemoCraps, can help them.

But, they cannot escape. They can only fake. And, Reality is Relentless.


One of the basic reasons why the General Masses have become so TV Degenerate and slovenly and low-minded, that putrid acts of horror and terrorism such as the Queer and Phony Marriage Hatred are allowed to exist -- even though only the hideous DemoCraps and ModoRats rule with twisted lies and twisted politics everywhere such atrocities happen -- is because of the Degeneration of the Human Foundations of the Family.

Dysfunctional Families lead to Corrupted Families. Corruption is the playground of the 'Queers'. Perverts always attack wherever there is 'Corruption' and 'Cowardice'. Respectively, that equates to the Democrat/Homosexuals and the Homosexual/Moderates.

I have seen the 'Dysfunctional Family Syndrome' in many places, and in many forms, and in many sizes. It effects not only one Man and one Woman and one Child; it also effects entire Churches, and Corporations and Governments that attempt to operate like a Family, or a Community.

It attacks Corporations and Governments in parallel ways to how it attacks Human Children of Human Families. In Corporations and Governments the Agents of Perversion always attack at the most vulnerable and usually the most stupid and cowardly and unnecessary points of weakness -- the so-called 'Human Resource Departments'.

They worm their way into positions of 'officialdom' in those useless departments, and then start to spread their poisonous propaganda everywhere within the body. Since most Corporate and Government board members are only concerned with appearing to be 'Media Acceptable' and 'Politically Correct', when it comes to any issue dealings with the workforces, they blindly or deliberately accept the promotion of any and all evils that have been labeled as 'Politically Correct' by the Queer Medias. That makes the mission of the Queer Agents (that have infiltrated their 'Human Resource Departments'), that much more easy, deadly and genocidal. Thus, the so-called Homosexuals capitalize upon the pre-existing Dysfunction that so many Corporations and Governments already have -- namely 'Human Resource Departments' that are utterly Liberal and anti-Human to begin with; and they make them ten times worse, and outright murderous to all of Humanity. That, is Fatal Parasitism.



dysfunction -- dysfunctions:

1. failure to perform its function properly: a disturbance in the usual pattern of activity or behavior -- a characteristic of petty officialdom.
2. failure to function normally: an irregularity in the functioning of an organ or other part or system of the body.
Microsoft Encarta Dictionary 2007


Websites about Dysfunctional Families:

Note the part in this article that mentions untreated mental illnesses. A pre-existing mental illness makes any person a Prime Target for the 'Queers'. Especially, if that mentally ill person can still vote. A mentally ill Monkey Lawyer, is the perfect candidate to become a Queer Monkey Judge. You will not find any Monkeys denying these facts. They just throw 'poo' at whoever speaks or writes about it.






http://www.ask.com/web?l=sem&ifr=1&qsrc=999&q=dysfunctional family&siteid=13747&o=13747&ar_uid=A19637E6-5ED5-4E68-9D14-9B0FFB9546D1&click_id=D700E701-87FC-49CD-A220-636B8BB99E2F






I had hoped for more websites about Dysfunctional Families, but there are many Vulture Sites on the web that are trying to rip off the 'General Public', by pretending to offer essays on the subject; when in Reality they want money before they will download an essay which you have no idea about, content wise, and there is no way to prove that such sites own those essays -- which they probably do not.

Such Vulture Sites have the word 'essay' as part of their web address. Consequently, a lot of web listing space (that should go to legitimate websites about 'Dysfunctional Families'), is taken up by the Vulture Sites instead.

There are also a lot of phony sites from 'psych' creatures trying to convince people, who are part of Dysfunctional Families, to go to the monsters of the Anuses, Perverts and Alchemists (APA) for 'treatment'.

Translation of -- 'treatment by psych creatures' -- Money Sucking And Blood Sucking Of The Disabled, Who Cannot Protect Themselves From The APA !

Because there is so much cannibalism on the Internet, feeding upon injured people of Dysfunctional Families that are seeking help -- I am forced to show you websites that offer Real Books for Real Money about this topic. I almost never do this, but I want people in need to get something to help them with.


Websites with Real Books about Dysfunctional Families:





Dysfunction is NOT what happens when the awful plans of Killer Queers fail. Those scum just shrug off their failures, and start to plan some more villainies and evils. Their mental disease does not know what 'failure' means, until it is dead.

There are examples of 'Dysfunction' all over this society, and I do not mean the 'slack', or the 'give and take', or the 'flexibility' that exists in all social systems. I mean outright 'Dysfunction', such as they way people drive on the streets and highways of this country. As a trucker, I get to see (unwillingly) many more idiocies on the highways than any 'four wheeler' ever does.

I can tell you, unequivocally, that if the people of the Wild Wild West had driven their horses and their wagons in the ways that 'four wheelers' drive on the roads today, there would have been a far higher mortality rate in those days; of drivers and horses -- shot by other drivers.


Examples of Dysfunctions:

That ice cream cone. The one that you should not eat, because it will make you fat; or keep you fat.
That order of bacon. That you should not eat with breakfast, because it will eventually kill you dead.
That extra-marital sex. That you should not get into because you are already married to a loving and deserving spouse.
That lying toilet-paper newsrag. That puts eye-candy words on its front pages, to get you to read their latest propaganda.
That Queer Principle. The one that wants to punish your Human Child for not accepting and embracing their pet 'Queers', that they have deliberately infested your child's public school with.
That store advertising. That promises you a great deal on an item that you have been wanting for some time; but when you get there that item is 'out of stock', and you can spend more money on a substitute.
That Queer Maker. That tells you many lies and fantasy’s, and gives you a lot of dope and alcohol so you will submit to its NEA teachings. And then, when you are sober again (or undrugged), and you realize what has been done to you -- its laughs and tells you it is too late! You are now a 'Queer' forever!!!!
That Queer Teacher. At the DemoCrap public school. That tells your child to write an essay about Life. And then, it sees that the Queer Propaganda does not show in every word that your child writes; and it calls the Queer Maker, and gives the Queer Maker your child's name and address!

These are all directly, or indirectly, the results of Dysfunctional (and therefore cowardly and defenseless) Families, Churches, and Governments.



Dysfunctional Families are the hunting grounds of the 'Queers'. Dysfunctional Families allow their own family members to be perverted. The SQLD know this. They also know that ...



And knowing that, they also know that they must make what they want. They must make the 'Queers' that they want and desire and need. That is why they took over the TV Channels, and turned them into Queer Factories. That is why they changed the hiring process of all FM station personnel, and made the FM band a sewer of crazed and demented perverts. Likewise, that is why they phased out and rejected all True Journalists from the newspapers, and hired only twisted and vicious liars and perverts as replacements -- thus creating the queer newsrags.

All of it -- is meant to make 'Queers'. 'Queers' for the Masters. But, where can they get so many perverts?

Answer: Dysfunctional Human Families, and DemoCrap Public Schools. Children. Human Children, is where they get their victims from.


Christians help eliminate the making of 'Queers' or Modos or Demos out of innocent children.


Answer: By interceding into the routines and structures and bad habits of families; with healthy sanity, advice, prayer and wholesome teachings of the Principles of Christianity -- which contain just about every solution for every problem of Dysfunctions that exists in Families -- from Care Packages to Exorcisms.

Since, it is those very same problems that Queer Makers, Middle-Managers-For-Hire, Queer Propagandists, Monkey Judges, APA Scum, Political Prostitutes and Racial Extremists (et all) depend upon for the leverage that they need to invade Human Families and tear them apart (and queer the results) -- the many minions of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead want to disable all of Christianity; by diseasing, raping, and taking over as many Christian Churches and Christian Organizations as they can.

As I have explained before, there were already (in existence) enough fake and crazed and milk-toast bunches of sheep, collected into Side-Show Churches, for the so-called Homosexuals to invade and easily twist and distort and queer into False Christianity -- to the point (and numbers) where the Queer Propagandists can now claim that they are taking over Christianity.

Nothing, could be further from the Truth.

There are even Specialized Churches in DemoIowa that mainline on Rituals of Hate about myself and Human Resistance, having been defrocked and exposed by the Truth, and losing any Real Human followers.
BUT, there is a terrible shortage of beds in lunatic asylums in this Country ...
AND, if they ever prayed, it would all be for Satan's ears only ...
AND, there are a few things about Satan that they are far too 'box-of-rocks' stupid to ever have the faintest idea of ...
WHICH, if known by them would deflate their skulls like leaky balloons.

So ...

That Circus aside -- Real Christians March Onwards, Forever Onwards -- AND in the process, try to help as many people as they can with their Dysfunctions. In Battles Against Dysfunctions such as:

Christians versus Queer Propaganda.
Christians versus DemoCrap Public Schools.
Christians versus Corrupt Government and Monkey Judges.
Christians versus Animal Bestiality.
Christians versus Schizophrenia.
Christians versus Queer and Phony Marriage Hatred.
Christians versus Alcoholism and Methamphetamine’s.
Christians versus Mental Diseases and APA Usury.
Christians versus Physical Disabilities and Infirmity.
Christians versus Hunger and Starvation.
Christians versus False Idolatry of 'Personalities'.
Christians versus TV Addictions and Video Game Loss of Identity.
Christians versus Suicide Cults.
Christians versus Labor Unions and Economic Decimation’s.
Christians versus Socialism and Queer Makers.
Christians versus Devil Cults.
Christians versus Middle-Managers and all forms of Rape.
Christians versus False Churches that embrace Killer 'Queers'.


Dysfunction always results from imbalance and the lack of leadership; from chaotic and conflicting desires on the parts of the family members, and a lack of respected organization (leaders) that can regulate and disseminate enough guidance to assure that everyone in the family is working together (instead of against each other), towards a common set of goals that accommodate everyone's perceptions of what has to be done. Note: I do not say 'wants to be done'.

'Has to be done', comes before 'Wants to be done'.

This is why the choice of Bob Vander Platts (the 'Man Who Should Be The Governor Of Iowa') for the role of 'leader' of the christian group in the Real Iowa called 'The Family Leader', is so appropriate and wise. With Bob Vander Platts at the helm of The Family Leader, everyone who is in that Christian Family of organizations will be functional, and coordinated, and coherent, and together.

[[ What the vicious ModoRats -- who now look at me with faces of intense and queer hatred -- exposed faces in front of exposed brains -- do not understand (and cannot allow themselves to understand) is that Bob Vander Platts is (at this very moment) supposed to be the Real Human Governor of the Real Human Iowa.

Not, their ModoRat/Pissant imitation -- 'Il Duce Branstad'-The Neuter Maker.]]

{{ Believe me, I did not put the 'Ugly' on those Hating Faces. It was already there, on the inside. They were just pretending, before. And, they can all eat 'post-digested' beans in Massachusetts, as far as I am concerned.}}

The coherency, sanity and order which Bob Vander Platts gives to Christianity, here in the Real Iowa, is exactly what the Madams Gronstal and Murphy (in their Statehouse Boutique) hate the most. Those piggies rule over a gaggle of greedy and devious and vicious 'assholes', by fear. Which is literally, Rule By Fear. Not to mention, with free passes to their State Senate Pantyhose Emporium and Peep Show.

In the Statehouse, across the street from the Cathouse of the Four Monkey Judges. With ModoRats as steady customers on both sides of the street.


Rule By Fear and Rule By Deceit, cannot defeat Human Leadership, such as that given by Bob Vander Platts.

So ... they avoid that by treachery and backstabbing and propaganda; and most importantly by never allowing the People of any state that they enslave to ever have (or even remember) their Will Of The People; which is their God Given right to have, as Human Beings of the Human Nation called America. Such Truth and Thoughts and Leadership are FORBIDDEN in DemoTopia. As are Human Beings, since DemoTopia is meant to consume all lands, states and governments. And, since Human Beings are forbidden there, the Humans will have to be replaced.


But, just complicated enough to be impossible for Satan Tubers to understand. Which keeps them soft, and mushy, and malleable, and controllable.


As I explained in the last message -- against Christianity and Sanity the Demos/Homos/Modos have positioned Overbearing Personalities and the Circus of Fan Worship. All of which, is typically designed to distract their Voter/Followers with Games in the Arenas.
The Arena of 'Care-Not'.
The Arena of 'Get Yours!'
The Arena of 'Get Over!'
The Arena of 'Cheat Fate!'
The Arena of 'Blind Them!'
The Arena of 'Bind Them!'
The Arena of 'Rape Them!'
The Arena of 'Deny Truth.'
The Arena of 'Fake Truth.'
The Arena of 'Fake Yourself!'
The Arena of 'Self-Importance.'
The Arena of 'Self-Satisfaction'.
The Arena of 'Self-Annihilation.'

During which, all Voter/Followers haven't the faintest idea that today's 'Popularity', and 'Personality', doesn't mean crap to all of the Human Generations yet to be born.



Let me tell you about this Christian Fighter's Attitude: All of the Satan Tubers, that are addicted to the vile faces and mindless drivel that is put into their brains by the Queer Medias of the Satanic TV Channels, want me dead.

All of the Brain Dead Idiots that listen to the song warping propaganda of the Queer FM Stations, want me dead.

All of the Piss Ants and Killer Queers that read the brainwashing lies of the queer newsrags, like the hideous Des Moines Rearsniffers and USAQUEERDAY, want me dead.

And, I am glad they want me dead.

I revel in their drooling hatred.

I bathe in the vicious and jaw-snapping curses that spit out from their zombie faces.

And, I never vote for DemoCraps, or ModoRats.

Those Mind Fornicators do not Occupy me.



Talk about the Mind Fornicating 'Zombie-Controllers' of the SQLD, and their miserable slaves of the Occupation Forces of Socialism --

Talk about justification for the existence of Judge Dredd! The stupid 'attention diversions' of the Demo/Homos (using swarms of gutter trash to attack institutions of capitalism) -- in a vain attempt to keep the 'General Public' (no longer extant) from knowing that their futures have been screwed, blued and tattooed by the Homosexual Agenda -- have released into the streets thousands of sewer rats that want Chaos and Anarchy (and nothing else). Thus, generating a Carnival of the Macabre, the sight of which the SQLD truly hopes will make the 'General Public' (no longer extant) squeal for Socialist Reforms.

Instead -- what they are likely to get is Judge Dredd!

Thousands and thousands of them.

Here is a short explanation about 'The Dredd'.

Dredd is an American law enforcement officer in a violent city of the future where uniformed Judges combine the powers of police, judge, jury and executioner. Dredd and his fellow Judges are empowered to arrest, sentence and even execute criminals on the spot.

So great is the character's name recognition that his name is sometimes invoked over similar issues to those explored by the comic series, such as the police state, authoritarianism and the rule of law. Judge Dredd was named the seventh greatest comic character by the British magazine Empire.

Joseph Dredd is the most famous of the elite corps of Street Judges that run Mega-City One with the power not only to enforce the law, but also to instantly convict and sentence offenders – and occasionally execute them. Dredd is armed with a "Lawgiver" pistol (programmed to recognise his palm-print alone and capable of firing six types of ammunition), a daystick, a knife, and stun/gas grenades. His helmet obscures all of his face except for his mouth and jaw. He rides a large "Lawmaster" motorbike, which has machineguns, a powerful laser cannon, and full artificial intelligence capable of responding to orders from the Judge and of driving itself.

Senior Judge Joseph Dredd and his brother Rico Dredd were cloned from the DNA of Chief Judge Fargo, the first chief judge, in 2066. Their growth was artificially accelerated so that they emerged with an apparent physiological age of 5, with all the appropriate knowledge for their age electronically implanted in their brains by computer during gestation. The name Dredd was chosen by the genetic scientist who created them, Morton Judd, to "instil fear in the population."

In 2070, they saw action for the first time during the Atomic Wars, when as cadets they were temporarily assigned the rank of full judge and sent to restore order to the panic-stricken streets.

Distinguishing themselves, they were chosen to take part in assaulting the White House when the Justice Department deposed President Booth. They were fast-tracked through the Academy of Law, Joe graduating second in his class in 2079 (Rico came first). Later that year Joe was forced to arrest Rico for murder and corruption.

Joe Dredd excelled as a judge, rapidly gaining promotion to the rank of senior judge. Offered the opportunity to become chief judge in 2101, he declined, preferring to serve on the streets enforcing the law. On several different occasions he saved his city from conquest or complete destruction by powerful enemies, and in 2114, he almost single-handedly saved the world from being destroyed during the Fourth World War.

Although Dredd puts his duty to uphold the law above everything, this devotion is not blind loyalty. On two occasions (in 2099 and 2112), Dredd resigned from the force on points of principle, but both times, he returned to the fold. In 2113, Dredd insisted that the Justice Department gamble its very existence on a referendum to prove its legitimacy as a form of government. In 2116, he risked 20 years' imprisonment with hard labour when he challenged the policy of a chief judge which he was unable to support. In 2129, he threatened to resign to persuade another chief judge to change the city's harsh anti-mutant laws. In 2132, Dredd was appointed to the Council of Five, Mega-City One's highest governing body.





Most people know about the story of Judge Dredd, so I will not elaborate upon it. Except to say, that things do not always develop because of why you are told they develop. Most certainly, not in this Hell called DemoTopia.

Sometimes, the 'Complainers', are the 'Instigators'.


Christians stand for and represent the unity and functionality and love of the Species. They provide the coherence and cohesion that binds the Human Species together.

They are not a physical fighting force in their natural state. They fight on the Spiritual and Emotional levels. This is NOT to say that Christians cannot and will not fight in a Bloody Revolution. It just means that in a Bloody Correction, to free America from the tyranny of such scum as the ACLU/Homosexuals, George Soros Inc., Mitt (the Rat) Romney, and the Super Queer HObama -- they will be fighting as American Humans first and foremost -- and as Christians later.

False priests and false preachers will try to deter Christians from going to war against the SQLD, because that would break down and reveal their own economical dependencies upon the false practice of making their followers merely believe that God exists (for financial gains); rather than to know that God truly exists. False priests and false preachers have a huge investment in keeping Christians docile and obedient and donating to their wallets.

Nevertheless, when it happens, Christians will go to fight in the Bloody Repair. Christians have proven themselves to be very capable fighters for such good reasons as crushing pits of pestilence and evil like the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone; and for stomping on the vile DemoTopia (from Hell) that is the goal and intention of all ModoRat/Homosexuals, and the Homosexual/Democrats.

But, in a Bloody Refusal To Die they will be fighting for Human Freedoms under Human Leaders (civil and military), and NOT under Religious Leaders. World History has already proven (ad nauseum) that wars fought by Religious Leaders are horrible bloodbaths of unnecessary carnage.

A Bloody Surgery has as its goals the elimination of all forms of disease (and diseased creatures) that seek the Genocide (in any form) of the Human Species. As such, a Bloody Rejection Of Tyranny only seeks to shed (drain out) the diseased blood of diseased creatures that are a part of, or support in any way, the Queer/DemoCrap/ModoRat forces of the Satanic and Queer Living-Dead.

There is NO religious purpose or goal to it. It is the Naked Survival of the Human Species against an unspeakably horrible, forever lying, and fatal disease. Obviously, that being the so-called Homosexuals of the SQLD, ACLU, APA, Unions, Modos, Demos, Opportunists, Murderers, Berserkers (et all).

Just look at HObama, or Nazi Pelosi, or H.H. Reid and then look at the millions of their brain dead Voter/Followers (that were once Human Children), and you will see what this is all about.

Do you remember one of my recent messages about -- 'Perception Is Not Reality. Perspicacity Is Reality.' ? This is where you put that Truth into Practice. Ignore anything that comes out of the Facial Sphincters of Nazi Pelosi, H.H. Reid, or HObama; and look at (and evaluate) the awful and queer acts of Demonism and anti-Humanity that they have already committed. Also, investigate the planned atrocities that they intend to do.

Plans of HObama the Super Queer.


Secular people always misunderstand Christians -- always -- it never fails -- they always equate Christians with those bogus and worthless TV evangelists who are full of Bullshit up to their eyeballs; are already the enemies of the Human Species (leeches and parasites are enemies); and are going to collaborate with (do collaborate with) the SQLD; and had better fight on the side of the damned Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead since they are going to suffer the same fate anyway.

Your common and Human religious leader, pastor, priest, or preacher of Christianity is nothing like those TV False Christians, and must NOT be treated as though they were (or are) collaborators with the SQLD. I am not speaking, of course, about any church that has succumbed to the mental disease of the so-called Homosexuals; or is affiliated with Demos/Modos/Atheists or Satanists -- of course not.

Secular people have the impression that Christians are worthless in a fight, and will only get in the way during a Bloody Salvation of our Species.

Such is not the case. Christian warriors are very good and capable
fighters. They just prefer to fight at the Spiritual and Emotional levels. I do not expect Christian (spiritual) leaders to fight in a Bloody Escape of our Species from the Genocide that H.H. Reid and the Rats of Las Vegas intend for all of us (H.H. is from Nevada).

They are spiritual leaders, and (as I have mentioned) they have about as much unity, cohesion, and togetherness (between churches) as a bag of Glass Marbles. If there is anyone in this country who can unite the many churches, that have not been infested with ever-lying perverts, into a Unified Force For God, it is Bob Vander Platts who is President of The Family Leader in Des Moines, Iowa.


Christian People are courageous through devotion to God and Jesus Christ; and as I have indicated, Species (under God) comes before all other matters and considerations.

And now, just when everyone expects a lecture on Christian Warriors and Christian Armies -- I will give you instead, a lesson on Real Christian Leadership.



We are talking about Christians, Human Leadership and Dysfunctions all together at the same time. David Livingstone was all of those.

He is a good, and unexpected example of what works and what does not work in Human Leadership.

You may have heard of the catch-phrase -- "Doctor Livingstone, I Presume!" We are discussing that Livingstone, the Real One.


From time to time, in these writings, I insert the works of other people who are good at explaining things. That is done to widen the scope of these Histories, by allowing other Humans to have the podium and deliver lessons with their own wordings and images. It is a healthy process, and I do it to provide a kind of triangulation upon a subject; an offering of a different position from which to see and understand the same matters, but using different insights.

In the case of David Livingstone, any such attempt would result in at least a hundred pages of excerpts. I cannot burden my readers with that much work in the body of this message.

So ... I will have to do this myself, and give you the website connections where you can read the descriptions about David Livingstone. They are well worth the effort to read.


David Livingstone was not a preacher, and could not preach his way out of a paper diaper with the help of the Jaws Of Life. This early failure, in his intended life as a Missionary, inevitably led him to become one of the greatest explorers who has ever lived. Even so, throughout his life he was criticized for inadequate management skills and failures to achieve his goals. Sometimes his goals were so unexpected, and seemingly impossible, that his sanity was questioned. He was not, however, in a position to achieve many of the goals that were expected of him; and much of what he was doing was not only in the realm of ground-breaking discoveries, but also impossible to predict based upon the information’s which were available to him.

All in all, Livingstone did a remarkable job of field jumping and puddle hopping over obstacles and impediments that would have flattened any lesser man into an early grave. As it was, they did put him into a later grave.

He displayed an amazing dexterity at being able to modify his goals and expectations, as more and more of the true nature of Africa became known to him. Sometimes, he was in a desperate survival situation, just a spear's length away from being the main course of a tribe's lunch menu. He was constantly surrounded by dangers and complications and betrayals from all sides, and such conditions only became worse the further into the Dark Continent he traveled.

At the same time, he made up for his total failure as a preacher, by being an intensely convincing guest to many Central African Tribes. His abilities at charm and magnetic positivity, coupled with his many daring feats and narrow escapes, and his advent of modern medicine for the tribes wherever he went -- soon gave him the status of Great Chief of the White Queen (Victoria), and Great Wizard of the Medicines.

Underneath it all, burned a Great Desire to help his fellow Mankind, and he went to impossible lengths to achieve an alleviation (for the tribes that were cooperative), from the dark depressions and diseases and wars that ravaged Africa at the time. His struggles to end Slavery throughout Africa are now legendary (literally); and its final demise is directly related to his life, even though it occurred after his death.

He ranks with Gandhi as a Great Spirit of the Human Species -- even though his efforts were focused upon Africa and its problems -- whereas Gandhi tackled the British Empire (which Livingstone served), and wrestled all India from its grasp.

No two men could be more dissimilar in form than David Livingstone and Mohandas Gandhi. And yet, inside of both roared the fires of Determination, sparked by a recognition of gross injustices and unacceptable living conditions, on the part of great numbers of people. Both attacked the Plight of Great Peoples. Both died for it.

Both men are remembered to this day. Livingstone has sections and places and a city in Africa named after him.

But, how did it become so? He began life as a Pauper. How did he become a Prince of Humanity?

The story of the life of David Livingstone is one that everyone wishes could really happen, but never does. Until it happens.

The progression of his life is so improbable, and against all odds of happening, that when we read about it we are somewhat suspicious that this is not merely a story or a fable that was made up by the Brothers Grimm, or an expansion of one of Aesop's Fables.

The tendency to think that this is merely a 'Robin Hood' type fabrication persists for a while, until the weight of the many facts and accounts about Livingstone take their toll. From then on, the reader is just fascinated that Reality could have ever included this Man, and his deeds.

The best short account of his life that I can find is at this website.

The Personal Life of David Livingstone.

Wikipedia Article about David Livingstone.


If you are really interested in the life of this Great Christian Missionary, you can read more about him at these websites.
He is indicative of all Christian Missionaries.

Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa--by Livingstone.

Worldwide Missions of David Livingstone.

Expedition to the Zambezi.

Last Journals of David Livingstone--Volume 1.

Last Journals of David Livingstone--Volume 2.


The reason why the life and purpose of David Livingstone is so important to us today, is because he exemplified perfectly what I am talking about when I say -- 'The Christians versus The Dysfunctions'.

Africa, in the days of Livingstone, was a raw, uncharted, unaware, people-eating, savage, and sometimes peaceful, beautiful, and always magnificent continent. It existed on a planet that was already functioning, continent by continent, and was starting to wake up to the necessity for a Global Functionality. Africa's own internal affairs were both chaotic and very personalized, with tribal warfare rife across the jungles.

Throughout all of it, the villains of an already functioning continent (the Arabians) preyed upon the weaknesses, divisions, and total ignorance’s of the inhabitants of Africa -- with a vicious Slave Trade in Black Africans.

THAT -- is Continental Dysfunction. An entire continent at the mercy of the worst criminals of the rest of the planet, that is already functioning at a level which the Black Africans have not even heard of yet.

Thus, out of greed and opportunism, and Black Ignorance, was spawned the Hell of Black Slavery. And, since the Black Africans were already very subdivided, they turned upon each other and became each other's Slavers -- under Arabian guidance.

As you will see, the Europeans first became involved in Black Slavery via the Portuguese Empire; whom Livingstone fought constantly. It was only a matter of time before the rest of the More Functional World came to think of the Black Africans as nothing more than an inferior peoples, suitable only for slave labor.

All of this trend, to forever degrade the Black Contingent into Permanent Bondage, was fought with desperation, cunning and public relation talents by Livingstone. His final victory, at convincing the British Empire to abolish Slavery, and to enforce the abandonment of slave practices in Africa, imbues the story of his life with an immensity of importance which makes one think of him as a Supra-Normal Man.

He was no Superman, and it all killed him eventually. His body is buried at Westminster Abbey in England; a place for England's Best and only the Best.

His heart is buried in Africa.



Perverts and Politicians always lie.

Lies cause Dysfunctions. Enough lies create a maelstrom of Chaos, confusion and bizarre insanity inside which only the original liars (that created the turmoil and world of pseudo-existence to begin with), will really know what is going on and why -- and are therefore the Queer Masters of it all -- wherever it is -- as far as it goes.

For instance: Moderates exist to make Conservatives lose. Moderates exist to make Humans lose. Moderates exist to be the Grinning Knife in our backs. They are a deliberate Dysfunction of what the Queer Medias call the Right Wing of Politics. Put more simply, they are mindless and greedy saboteurs of the Human Species.

Constantly, time after time, the ModoRats do everything they can do (learned from the Masters) to thwart and short-circuit the attempts of the Human Species to protect itself, and remain intact as a Decent Human Species. How many times does this same thing have to happen before we will all learn?

Whenever the Homosexual/Moderates are in control -- the Human Species loses!!!!


Every Time!!!!

Of course. Moderate/Homosexuals do not care about any Species, or Future (not even that of their own children), or of any Decency (etc) -- they exist for Money!

Any Money They Can Get!!

From Anywhere!

Their rank and file followers are abysmally stupid, greedy and cowardly. Chosen for just those negative-qualities. They exist to be a buffer of squirming, complaining and gutless cattle and sheep between the Human Species and our goals of Freedom and Security. They are, simply, an obstacle of imbeciles and liars. That is their function. Their rank and file does not know this, of course, because they are not supposed to know anything other than the talking points and mandatory thoughts that they have been programmed to think.

If I were to draw a comparison between the Homosexual/Moderates and a Food Group -- I would have to choose Celery. It has no nutritional value, it is meant to be filling but provides no energy, and it makes people crap. Given enough ModoRats, the Human Species will be permanently crippled by diarrhea.

'Dumb' is barely the word for the Voter/Followers of the ModoRats. They would not understand the word any way. For instance, the way to get a babbling ModoRat scumbag to shut up, is to say -- “You should pay more taxes than We do, because you support the 'Queers'! -- 'Queers' should pay more taxes than We do, since they own Your ass!”

They won't get what it means for a few days, but those will be days of blissful silence.


The Voter/Followers of the ModoRats are so programmed that during their 'forbidden times' when they are alone, and they think that they are not being observed; they try to think thoughts, that they themselves created. But, it always comes out as a weak and pasty kind of toilet issue. Such as ...

"Don't bother me about this, or about what I say ...

The last time, I didn't have the brains to know what I was doing, so I didn't have the brains to know I wasn't doing it.

This time, I don't have the brains to know what I am doing, so I don't have the brains to know I’m not doing it.

Next time, I won't have the brains to know what I am doing, so I won't have the brains to know I won't be doing it.

But That Doesn't Mean -- I Can't Be A 'Moderate'!

Duuuuuhhhhhhh ..."


Oh well. It's alright. It is all in line with the ModoRat's Philosophy which says -- 'When you are Neutered, you can’t go any faster than Neutral!'


Sneaking and crawling amongst the rocks and moss and dirt of the sewage called SQLD Politics, are creatures of low profile and slimy stench and slippery manners. The 'Politicists'.

Politicists are creatures that exist within the netherworld of political structures. They are usually small, ugly, twisted and scheming jackals flattened by the tires of a school bus -- deliberately -- to give themselves a lower silhouette, and access into low places where Humans never go.

They survive by sucking up whatever money and mesmerization they can squeeze and cajole out of politicians. They often pretend to be the servants and facilitators of politicians. Their highest form is the campaign gargoyles called 'managers'. A truly Gross-tesque aberration of lying greed and prostitution (balled up into a sarcophagus that is considered to be 'publicly presentable'), by the unpresentable masses of politicists beneath them.

I remember when. In a suburb of the Boston Horrid Zone I once went to a town meeting at which the 'mayor' was going to give a speech. This really happened. The town hall had a large meeting room in it where there was assembled the 'audience'. In those days, of carelessness and ignorance, Real People seldom went to such events. Thus, the audience was comprised of the 'social elements' of the town. In other words, the Idiots.

In the front of the room was a large podium. The room itself was somewhat grandiose, and built with adornments and furnishings of heavy and elegant woods, polished and shining. It was like a court chamber, except lighter in tone and better illuminated. This suburb had money to spend on such furnishings, as it possessed a large industrial area along Rt 128 for tax incomes.

Behind the front wall of the meeting room, in which sat about 100 sheep, was another room of less lavish dressings. That room had two doors. One led to the meeting room, the other was on the opposite side and open. It was open because I was standing in it (leaning on it) doing my best 'James Dean Imitation'. And, trying not to laugh out loud.

Inside the 'preparatory room' were five creatures. One, surrounded by four. The one in the center stood about 6 foot 2, weighed about 240, and was a burly male with greying hair and a standard politician's mask-like face.

Around it were four much smaller creatures, all thin and about five foot eight. They were unanimously mousey and ugly and sinister. They were the politicist jackals. They were primping the 'mayor'.

Fussing over him and his appearance and his clothes, they kept telling him what to say.

They kept telling him what to say.

This could have been a group of tailors, dressing a Duke or Prince. But, tailors do not tell Dukes what to say to 'The People'.

After half an hour of this, the 'mayor' could take no more and went into the meeting room holding a sheave of papers in his hand. Leaving behind four giggling and very self-satisfied politicists.

I sauntered over to the meeting room, and sat in the back. After the polite applause (this was back in the days of carelessness and ignorance) the 'mayor' put his papers on the podium and began to speak.

Ten minutes later, I was gone.

However, I did endure nine minutes of worthless bahhs, and wahhs, and mooos, and something that sounded like a bass fiddle gargling. For nine minutes I strained to recognize a single constructive sentence with purpose and meaning. There were none.

To our premature deaths, that horrid scene is being duplicated wherever there is an 'establishment politician' in this country.
DemoIowa is saturated with such vermin.

Vermin, where there should be Real Human Leaders. That travesty, of what IS versus what should BE, is a Dysfunction. A Dysfunction that breeds countless more careless Dysfunctions.


Real Humans and their Real Human Candidates do not use politicists and primping jackals, and subsequently do not get used by (and owned by) them in return. Which is one reason why politicists hate and loath the Tea Parties! Thus, every ‘politician’ and ‘media hack’ that is used by politicians, is screaming out hate and derision against those Real Humans who threaten the power and bank accounts of their Political Masters. Namely, the Tea Party Humans. This, makes the infiltration of those Tea Parties all the more imperative to the SQLD.


Think of it. How can you not have a Dysfunctional Society when one of the selection criteria for Government Leaders is 'Popularity'. Popularity is the instant hot drink of Establishment Politicians, just add the hot fluid of your choice. Beneath that Popularity is a rotten sickness of the heart and mind that is best expressed as the Establishment Motto: "Screw The Future -- Be Popular Today!"


Well, there goes my career in politics. For my next trick -- I’m going to pretend that I give a damn.



Inside the horrible dead body of the awful MassInsanity, the corpse of the former Massachusetts, there still exists a stalwart Band of Humans who are fighting the worst Queer Slimes of all the Known Universe.

They are -- Mass Resistance. Their mission is to fight and prevent Dysfunctions of the 'society' within MassInsanity, and to prevent the spread of the hideous schemes and horrid plans of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead to the rest of this Earth.


Always Speak Out For The Truth!

Rabbis Reject so-called Homosexuality.

Mitt (the Rat) Romney declares support for all so-called Homosexuals, and the Homosexual Agenda.

Democrat/Homosexuals of MassInsanity Force Through Transgender Bill, Against The Rules.

Immediately, Human Children Are Sex-Changed.

RINO/Homosexuals Seize Control Of MassInsanity GOP. This is what happens when you allow Media Queers to attend your Tea Parties. Vote was 51-21 for the RINO/Homosexuals.

'Occupy Queers' Attack Christian Ministry in MassInsanity.

The Real Truth About Occupation Forces Of Socialism.

Next, Lesbian/Transgender/Faggots Want Your Children -- After You Are Dead.

Scott Brown is Log Cabin Customer.

Mitt (the Rat) Romney's Queer Deception.

Queer Police Attack Pro-Lifer.

THIS -- is what Unchecked Democrapia Does!!!!

THIS -- is what Every 'Queer' Has Sworn To Satan To Do To The Human Species!!!!

IF -- the Madams Gronstal and Murphy ever have their way with this state -- EXACTLY THE SAME THINGS WILL HAPPEN HERE!!!!

THESE -- are the Intentions behind all Queer Medias, all Little Charlie TV Stations, all Filthy Monkeys, all queer newsrags, all Monkey Judges, all ModoRats, all Mitt Romneys, all BatShitCrazy Networks, all Queer Police, all Queer and Armed Fart-Forces, all DemoCraps, all Liberals, all Black Radical Extremists, and all Political Prostitutes.

The ONLY reason why you hear any Queer Politicians, like Mitt (the Rat) Romney, say -- "Duhhh, states should decide for themselves about ('Queers')" -- is because so many states have already told the 'Queers' to take their Queer and Phony Marriage Hatred and "Go To Hell!!!!"

Otherwise, each of those Queer Politicians would be shoving all of the Filth of the HBHZ, Down Your Throats As 'Law', Right Now!!!!

Their Law!!!!

There is NOTHING Human about Queer Politicians like Mitt (the Rat) Romney!!!! Even now, that faggot is saying that any dirty trick and illegal operation, which the 'Queers' and DemoCraps pull off politically, is 'The Law Of The Land' and should not be reversed.


Mass Resistance Donation Page. I know that Christmas just ended, but when you can, please donate to this Human Outpost of Human Warriors, who are literally surrounded by Killer Queers and Terror Police.
Keep in mind -- that the horrible perversions and insanities that are being made into Queer Laws in MassInsanity -- are on the 'Queer Things To Do' list of the Democrat/Homosexuals here in Iowa!!!!

There is an enormous link between what atrocities happen in MassInsanity, and what atrocities are planned by Madams Gronstal and Murphy here in Iowa!!!! That link is called -- 'Queer Intentions'.

Incidentally, none of the vile doings of the so-called Homosexuals in MassInsanity are done with any pretense of benevolence and Humanity. That is just their TV front. In the streets, in Reality, they are extremely grotesque and vile and violent.

Someday, the Queer Madams of DemoIowa hope to be in control of their own grotesque, vile and violent army of Killer Queers.



Many people amongst the 'General Public' want to stop the 'Queers', and the hideous Homosexual Agenda, but they say to each other that they have no leaders. They say that the only ones fighting so far are the religious types, and they are not very good leaders. Certainly, when you see church leaders smiling at and shaking hands with such despotic demigods as 'Il Duce Branstad', you have to agree. Only a Complete Idiot, Middle Manager, or hopeless Voter/Follower would ever smile at, or speak to, any Political Puppet. And, Idiots make very poor leaders. However, misguided Idiots are not indicative of the whole of Real Christianity, which does not exist for political purposes.

The answer to their plight is, of course, themselves. The people who want this horrendous carnage against Humanity to stop, MUST band together (into groups of any size) and choose leaders -- AND support those leaders, as those leaders learn how to be effective and successful -- for all of Humanity and NOT for themselves. That is taking a big step in the right direction.

Everyone who complains about there being a lack of Human Leadership MUST find everyone else who has the same complaint! Get together, and choose leaders. Leaders that they will support, and help become the leaders that Humanity must have.

Have City Human Leaders.
Have Block Human Leaders.
Have Town Human Leaders.
Have Village Human Leaders.
Have Community Human Leaders.
Have Neighborhood Human Leaders.

Let me tell you like it is. If three (or more) Human Beings find each other having the same complaints and concerns, about the Genocide that is being thrown at us, and under us, and all around us -- those three (or more) should choose 'One', as their Leader! And, for the sake of the Species, they should do what they can to build that 'One' into a better Human, and a better Leader.


I am far from deaf and blind to the complaints of many Humans, that there are (as of yet) no leaders that they can trust. The obvious stupidities of the Tea Party leaders, in allowing their own worst enemies and the Satan Tube swine into their meetings, has turned off a lot of Real Humans. They are really fed-up with the continual sewer-living that always accompanies the lies, and propaganda’s, and filthy tricks, and deceptions (such as the SQLD Occupation Forces) -- that is the way of existence at any place that has to suffer under the smiling and grinning fakeries, and false laws, and monkey antics of the ModoRats, and the Homosexual/Democrats. They are learning the Truth of how miserable any existence is, beneath the nastiness and dementias of the so-called Homosexual Agenda -- but they cannot find any Human Leaders to help them organize against such a vile disease.

Well, the answer lies within themselves.

One of the tactics of the SQLD is to constantly keep all Real Humans divided, and mistrusting and suspicious of each other. This is achieved through Queer Propaganda, addictions to the medias, and through the deliberate infiltration of the Human Ranks by many tens of thousands of Queer Agents. The act of groups of Humans, of any size, choosing leaders for themselves directly defeats that foul intention and battle tactic of the SQLD Masters.

To Hell with what the SQLD want. Do not be intimidated. Collect together and organize in spite of their Queer Agents. Do not invite such serpents into your meetings, but do not fear their surveillance. Do however, identify those snakes and record them and put them into the database.

Let all Humans collect together into groups, large or small, and freely choose leaders from amongst their numbers. In complete despisement and loathing of our enemies. From your overall selection of local, area, and regional Human Leaders you can choose (without fear) the best, most determined, most wise and intelligent leaders. To Hades with what any of our enemies, HomeQueer Security, or the media vermin say about it.

The selection process of Higher Leaders is not really difficult. And what are the SQLD going to do about it when it is happening everywhere? They are too busy primping their Occupation Forces for more absurd playtimes, pumping up their Queer and Armed Fart-Forces with air hoses, and insisting that the Bitches at HomeQueer Security denounce all of us as Dangerous Radicals and Terrorists.

Just what the (heck) is Las Vegas going to do about it? Huh?

The second they attack with force, Bloody Revolution will break out across this continent like an unstoppable heat rash, that will consume everything. Nothing will cool it. Nothing will stop it.

[[ For Your Information -- the scabs and scum of the Homosexual/Democrats, some of which are only in their twenties and were raised for this by the KKK, are saying to each other that they want a War. We are seeing the appearance of new young White Extremists amongst the DemoCraps these days. You can bet that they are trained in the arts of killing Humans.
The Democrat/Homosexuals are carrion feeders and prey upon all manners of low-life death, with the intention of getting their votes, and then ignoring them. The DemoCrap group called ACORN is currently trying to mount a campaign to dig through all of the ghettos and sewers, from Mordor to MassInsanity, and find anything alive that resembles a person -- and then to get it to vote for them with petty bribes. That kind of trash is saying that they want a War! With us! ]]


It is all up to the Real Humans. And after all, this is Nature. This is how a Species stays alive. If this exact process, which I have described, is not done and on a regular basis, there will be no Species. It has always been this way. Failure occurs when individuals decide to rule or dominate others without their consent. We are not talking about that here.

Don't make the mistake that the Tea Parties made, by allowing TV turds to attend meetings and be guest speakers -- only to learn the strengths and weaknesses of the Tea Parties -- and then sell that information to George Soros and the SQLD -- so they can plan a counter tea-party circus of Queer Occupation Forces; advertised by the Queer Medias and backed up by the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid.

It's called 'infiltration', and the 'Queers' do it all the time.

Avoid that.


Concerning the choosing of Higher Human Leaders from the many local, area and regional leaders -- you will have the Mandatory Set of Requirements with which to assist your selection process.

1. Absolutely no contact with, cooperation with, or acceptance of:
A. Satan Tube Creatures or Satan Tubers
B. Filthy Monkey Scum or Listeners
C. queer newsrags or readers
D. DemoCraps or Voter/Followers
E. ModoRats or Voter/Followers
F. Anything else that is 'Queer'.

2. No qualms or reservations about engaging in, and winning, a Revolution.

3. Sworn and molecular allegiance to the Human Species over all other considerations such as Country, Politics, 'Movements', 'Causes', 'Ideologies', Family, Church, State, Color, Sex, Age, or any former construct of Officialdom.

4. Leadership Abilities, well tutored in Military and Cultural Histories Worldwide.

5. Keen awareness’s and capable usages of all forms of Strategy and Tactics.

6. Innate sense of (and ability to destroy) all nastiness, dirty tricks, lies, physical and character assassinations by the SQLD.

7. Understanding of Worldwide infestation of other countries, by the 'Queers' and Queer Propaganda. No respect whatsoever for any 'Foreign Assholes'. Remember, the Real Humans in foreign countries are themselves under duress from the 'Queers', and will not be interfering with our Human Affairs here.

8. Excellent organizational skills to choose other leaders and subordinates, to keep the continent functioning as properly as possible during and after a Revolution.

9. Total commitment to return the Continent to a Democratic Republic -- Of The People, By The People, and For The People after the Revolution. [[ Emphasis upon much greater involvement in Government by each and every one of the People. ]]

10. Don't worry about God. He is already way ahead of you.



Now the 'Queers', that have paid out so much money for the assassinations of Human Resisters, have realized that the murders that they wanted have not happened! So, now those punks are rubbing their anuses up against the legs of their Middle Managers and squealing -- "Butt, we want it! Make the Masters know how much we want it! We want him (them) dead! Waaaaaaahhhhhhh! We want them dead!!!"

It is a case of classical lunatic Dysfunction, classified and institutionalized as a 'normalcy' (for hire and dirty tricks), by the evil and sinister Masters of Planet Sinister; who are always in need of henchmen, thugs, thieves, addicts, spies, rats, weasels and 'Queers' to do their nasty work for them.

'Queers' want to celebrate the death of myself, and Human Resistance, in the twisted and fetid streets of the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone; and then declare victory over Humanity, Nature and Sanity -- transparently disguised as Equality For Disease.

However, being diseased they cannot know (and are not supposed to know) that there is no end of Human Resistance. Just being a Real Human, IS a state of Humanity that naturally resists all forces of anti-Humanity; no matter how much those forces grin and squirm, and rub their anuses up against your leg.

There is only ONE relief from the mental disease called Homosexuality -- DO NOT BE ONE ANYMORE !!!!!!!!!!

And, I have already mentioned a cure.



On the other Hand, Christians try to Love everybody; sometimes to their own Doom, and then they cannot help anyone any more. They are well advised not to poison themselves by trying to love anything from the SQLD. One does not love one's own executioners.

There are so many Christian Family websites, that the best way to find one, that will be of help to you, is to use search words and then to find the website of a Christian organization near you.

Search words such as:

Christian Family
Christian Family Charities
Christian Family Outreach
Christian Family Counseling
Christian Family Relationships
Christian Family Values
Christian Family Fellowship
Christian Family Care
Christian Family Resources
Christian Family Challenges
Christian Family Fun
Christian Family Missions
Christian Family Retreats
Christian Family Help
Christian Family Parenting
Christian Family Advice
Christian Family Function
Christian Family Rescue
Christian Family Radio

Really. Do you think I would write fifty pages of advice such as these, if there was not a Real and Substantial Benefit to you involved in all of this?

Don't be a Pagan Prude, and suppose that nothing from the Christians can help you with your Dysfunctions. Check this out.



For anyone who somehow still does not get it -- sewers are NOT supposed to back up -- toilets are not supposed to back up -- sewage like the mentally diseased 'Queers' and scum like the opportunist Liberals are not supposed to have a 'party' -- especially not a 'party' that is already Dung with a Paranoia of the Toilet that is their Destiny. While instead, it wants to turn the entire world into a dung heap for itself to play in.

None of that is supposed to exist.




It is erroneous for the Democrat/Homosexuals to try to make the argument that all of this hideous and grotesque Queer Evil is justifiable under the premise that Good and Evil must coexist, and exist simultaneously in the same time and space.

Nothing could be further from the Truth. There is not, and there never has been, any viable or believable argument put forward for such a lunatic coexistence.

Such false and misconstrued arguments are just a leeching parasitism. A leeching off, of arguments that do apply to other matters but not to this one; and are twisted out of context, and then applied (in a dastardly manner) to support the 'always false' claims that Queerism is just a natural evil; that must be tolerated because Good and Evil are meant to coexist.

Nothing in Nature or the Real Universe supports such a claim.

Just because a million flies are insistent -- does not mean that shit tastes good.


"Can she get an autographed picture of you?"

Ladies, Real Heroes and real 'Leaping Knowns' never look as good (symmetrical) as the actors and actresses that portray them in the movies.
Yes lady, Arnold Palmer is an exception.
So was Roy Rogers, but his horse looked better than he did.
Ronald Reagan was an exception -- but there we are speaking of Greatness, and sometimes God allows the 'Great Ones' to be symmetrical too.
But, any picture of me would just be a frightening and asymmetrical study of alligator teeth -- so give that idea up.
Thank You Very Much.


I don't know what it is Man. Every time I tell someone who I am. They act like I'm a twelve foot alligator, or something.


Have any of you Humans ever wondered what we look like to the 'Queers' and the Owners and Operators of TV (etc)?

Answer: Don't waste your time about such worthless ideas. They all see through Dead Eyes, never hear or read the Truth, and only follow the orders of their Masters; while thinking that they are the Masters. They are nothing more than the employers and users of Union Bosses, Middle-Managers-For-Hire, DemoCrap Howlers, and Gross Puppet Makers; like the thing that made 'Il Duce Branstad' - the Neuter Maker doll.


Want an example of Tea Party Dysfunctions?

Well, we got it right here:

Headline: Montana Tea Party Is Totally Dysfunctional And Homosexual/Democrat -- Pretending To Be Human!!!!

Headline: Montana Homosexual Fakery Reveals Itself As Propagandists Of The SQLD!!!!

Headline: Fires Human For Zip!!!! Nothing!!!! Not even enough to qualify as their own 'Political Correctness' Propaganda.

Headline: Uses Opportunity To Pretend Laramie Hoax Is Real -- And To Get Rid Of A Human Resister At The Same Time.

Headline: Anti-Human Bigots Contrive Firing Of Tea Party Leader!

This is an article from a Mordor newsrag, repeating the absurd and totally Pro-'Queer' comments of a creature of Mordor. You see here why that sewer is called 'Mordor'.

The Hetero-phobic drivel that is used to justify this 'Act of Human Genocide', is nothing more than a bogus excuse to get rid of a Human Resister; AND announce that the 'Mordor' Tea Party is OPEN for bribes and pay-offs, and any prostitution activities with the Homosexual/Democrats.


The false and genocidal entity calling itself the 'Big Sky Tea Party Association' is Not A Tea Party Association of any kind, shape or form. It is clearly, and most demonstratively, a petty play group of the Democrat/Homosexuals, and the Homosexual/Moderates. Nothing more.

All Real Tea Party Organizations Take Heed!

This Is A Typical 'False and Substitute Organization', With Which Our Worst Enemies Intend To Derail And Make Impotent All Of Our Genuine Human Efforts Against The SQLD!

Accept No Substitutes!

Banish Those Pretenders And Fakes -- Back To The Sewers Of The so-called Homosexuals That They Came From.

Take a look at their entire statement that this Human Resister is supposed to have said against the Masters of the Big Sky Tea Party. Do you see any reference to perverts anywhere? Of course not. There are none required. When the so-called Homosexuals target a Human Resister, they first turn and pervert the people who are supposed to be on his or her side -- and then they twist and pervert and fabricate any pretext whatsoever to create a situation. A situation that their co-conspirators around the Human Resister can use to get rid of him, degrade him, and abuse him.

The only thing which that Human Resister did wrong -- was to apologize! If he really did apologize!

This is now a Matter of Human Record.

The false creatures that have committed this crime against Humanity, are now a Matter of Human Record.


How insidious is the SQLD, and their Queer Propaganda?

The underlying technique of the so-called Homosexuals is to change all thinking, until all thinking is 'Queer'. That means, that any time that anyone has a thought in their head, and reference that thought to their pre-existing background knowledge and assumptions -- that knowledge and those assumptions will have been 'Queered', so that they only contain the lies and fakeries of the so-called Homosexuals.

Therefore, any thought (every thought) becomes based upon, and approved or disapproved, according to Queered Knowledge and Queered Assumptions.

THAT, is Total Mind Control. It is being done to the entire population of MassInsanity, while we speak -- thanks to Mitt (the Rat) Romney. It has already been done to the populations of the most infested cities in DemoIowa, such as Iowa City, Fort Madison, Mason City, Cedar Rapids, Council Bluffs, Fort Dodge, Dubuque, and Bettendorf. The youth of those cities were raised on the lies and brain washings of the Demos/Homos/Modos. Now, their background knowledge, and their assumptions based upon that knowledge, are Totally Queered.

To them, anything and anyone who is normal, sane, natural and Human is seen as a completely unacceptable Alien Lifeform!!!!

They will fight to kill the Human Species, and to preserve the Anus Power of their Homo/Modo/Demo Masters.

The underlying technique is simple. Against all people (who you cannot brainwash as children), smother them in the constant repetition of Queer Propaganda’s -- until all that they can remember is Queer Propaganda. That wipes away all of their Original Humanity, and replaces it with Queered Knowledge and Queer Assumptions. This mental murder, is accomplished by programming as many people as are stupid enough to be defenseless; using the Anus Powers of TV, FM, and the queer newsrags.

Presto! Change-o!

No more Human Minds, and therefore, no more Human Species.

It is Awful Insidious, and as I have explained before, we all have the Pre-World War II Japanese Mind Police to thank for it. Before them, propaganda did exist, but it was never so vile as to deliberately infest people's brains; kill off all pre-existing Truths and Knowledge, and replace everything with its own lies and false reactions (assumptions).

Now, the technique of wiping out entire minds, and replacing them with injections of pre-programmed media lies, has become the everyday normalcy for DemoTopia.

THAT, is murder.

THAT, is suicide if it is an addiction. Daily suicide.


Hey. I don't care who doesn't like the Truth.


To round this all off, with a final flourish, and in the interest of the many millions of people who do not live here; I know that there is a growing interest in the Real Iowa, so I will show some more photographs of this state.

These are from the North Central Region where I live. In the future, I will be showing you other regions, and those areas look different from the North Central, as you will see. I do not take pictures of cities, as most of them are infested; so this will be your chance to see the Real Iowa country.

For those of you who are from the cities, or are used to Personal Photography, these are the kind of photographs that are meant to be looked at for more than a few seconds; and more than once. Stare at them, if you have to, until you start to see what is really there. All of it.

Incidentally, these pictures were taken on a very windy day; about 40 degree temps, with ground speeds of 30-40 mph.

In Iowa, there are many trails such as this, built upon old railway beds. They wander across the Plains, and are not as desolate as you would imagine. 'Edge Ecology' is everywhere in Iowa. That is the places where different kinds of vegetation grow, such as corn fields next to forests, or soybean fields next to grasslands; forming an edge between the two. Such edges are favorite places for wildlife. Ergo, the more edge ecology you have, the more wildlife you will have.

Now that the Harvest is over, you can see from Horizon to Horizon again. However, just before the Harvest the roads are lined with high walls of corn fields and people have to slow down at the intersections, because you simply cannot see in any direction.

Farms like this are everywhere on the 'Factory Floor'. Iowa is the largest Food Production Factory in the World, but because it is so big, it still retains a lot of its original atmosphere of the Plains. ButtUgly Windmills are killing that off, however.

Notice, there are no ButtUgly Windmills in these scenes. That allows the land to retain its distance and sense of openness, which it should always have. But, DemoCraps cannot care about anything Natural such as the Plains. All across the state are small groups of grain storage buildings such as these.

At this time of year, the skies overhead become an endlessly changing tapestry of artworks.

This shot is taken looking northwest. The long cloud is stretched out by the prevailing winds, which usually flow from southwest to northeast. I took this to show the different layering of the clouds that occurs. The clouds over Iowa are almost always different. The only common cloud appearances would be complete overcasts, total rainfalls, total snowfalls, or the complete absence of clouds. The majority, however, are some mixture that never repeats itself. This mixture ranges from light and puffy wisps, to enormous Thunderhead Columns (miles tall) that literally march across the plains (sometimes three abreast) throwing unbelievable amounts of lightning beneath them, as they sweep across Iowa.

Notice how tall the trees are here. It is not always this way on the Plains. The wind intensities keep some areas of trees shorter than this.

This is a study of contrasts and remoteness, as you can see. This openness and natural serenity is the first victim of ButtUgly DemoCrap Windmills.

Again, no ButtUgly DemoCrap Windmills. I was chasing a young Red-tailed Hawk over a hill, when I saw this sight.

Many are the remote homesteads across the Great Plains. Out here, where city folks think all is nothingness, exists a peace of mind and an atmospheric beauty that only ButtUgly Windmills can kill.

There is actually a house in there. In Iowa, Homestead Islands such as this always have trees protecting them against the winds from the west and north. In Illinois, this is not so.
Of this group, this is my favorite picture. Can you folks in the cities see why? Which one would be your favorite?

Notice the layout of the Homestead Island on the right. This shot is taken looking due east, so the trees are arrayed to stop the western and northern winds. The ice cold Canadian Winds come down across the Dakotas and run through Iowa in the wintertime, but not through Illinois. Well, not enough for them to have Homestead Islands; or they would have as many as we do, and they have few. In Illinois, the farms are just there, and not bordered by rows of trees on two sides.


See you, at the Iowa Caucus!


Markel Peters










I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message.
Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.



























Labels Of All Posted Messages--A Way To Search Through Messages By Labels

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed


This blog exists to inform the People, of the 'Real Truth' about the real enemies of the Human Species. These Truths are not objectionable, as they are Truths. Only the telling of them can be objectionable, to those who wish to hide the Truth. If the Truth is something you HATE and therefore object to - go elsewhere!


Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!


The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.