To Human Resistance:
is a Human Communications Channel.
is where you will find only facts and explanations -- and absolutely
there a 'Boston'?
said -- is there a 'Boston'?
Absolutely not.
is there instead?
The Hideous Boston Horrid Zone (HBHZ)
there a 'Washington DC'?
said -- is there a 'Washington DC'?
Absolutely not.
is there instead?
Wash This Death City.
there a 'Supreme Court'?
said -- is there a 'Supreme Court'?
Absolutely not.
is there instead?
(less-supreme-than-anyone-else) Queer Monkeys.
there '(g-a-y-s)'?
said -- is there '(g-a-y-s)'?
Absolutely not.
is there instead?
Queers. Deviates. Perverts.
they own you?
said -- do they own you?
On September 28, 2013 I
released the first part of the Fourth Edition of The Awesome, The
Awful, and The Atrocious series. It was shortly after the first time
that Five Naked Monkeys in a cage in Wash This Death City took a shit
in their cage, and expected the Human Species to eat it.
At that time, I suspended
the series for a few reasons. I wanted to prove that the Truth could
be disseminated without a rigid format that some Human Writers find
to be a daunting task. I also wanted to try some new techniques.
Mostly though, there was nothing happening that provided enough raw
material to complete the episode with. War-wise, it was a pretty
boring time. Today, there is plenty to report; and Episode IV can be
fulfilled -- with abundance.
Ya ta taaah -- Ya ta tuuuum ... ah yes!
What topic do we have for today? Huuuum ... ah yes!
'Unauthorized Monkey Judges
With Liar Rabies!' Not a career choice that I would
recommend. It's like a menu entry from Cafe
Oh ye wretched Isolationists -- What
Price Greed?
[[Your True Isolationist is a Happy
Asshole. Problem is, what does it take to make an asshole happy?
I saw two Isolationists this morning. I
was shopping this morning at the 'dollar store', and two mushy-headed
isolationist 'White Pasties' (males) came in (at different times) and
were quite happy with the recent rain of Queershit that has come over
from Wash This Death City.
They wiggled about, buying things, and
then left with their buttocks thrust upwards. Fortunately, there was
only myself and the clerk in the store at the time.
Today is Sunday. What were the
Isolationists doing Saturday Night? If they are not Queers, why are
they Happy Sunday Assholes?]]
The Ultimate Question about the
insanity which is about to be described and explained is ...
Is all of this happening because
Perverts have bigger assholes than Humans do?
Or, is all of this happening because
Perverts are bigger assholes than Humans are?
or both
Sham #4,922 -- the DemoCraps are now
claiming that if Queers and Democrat/Homosexuals are not allowed to
rule this country (jointly) -- they will continue to kill the country
until the United States of America is dead. The sham is ... this is
supposed to be news.
Before you proceed any further -- do
you watch TV?
Do you look at and listen to TV Turds?
If so, put down this message and go
Before you proceed any further -- are
you a Queer?
Do you look at and listen to TV Turds?
If so, put down this message and go
Before you proceed any further -- are
you a Shithead?
Do you look at and listen to TV Turds?
If so, put down this message and go
This one is a little
complicated -- however it explains a lot about the situation that is
going on these days between the Human Species and the Devil's Monkey
Judges. That is -- Monkey Judges that wantonly serve what they
consider to be Satanism. Openly, and for hire.
The BOGUS Court: Black-robed
Oligarchy that is Grotesque Ugly and Sinister:
Yes, I found out what the latest Monkey
Shines from Wash This Death City are. It surely confirms that the
structure and the organization of the current so-called Government is
rotten and obsolete, and a disease upon all of us now. It is so
entirely corroded and decayed, that the whole so-called Government
must be scrapped and trashed and junked -- torn down by bulldozers.
But, not before there are some
Appropriate Adornments of local telephone poles.
Just as surely as there exists the
urgent need for Appropriate Language, and the need for Appropriate
Quarantine, and the need for Appropriate Rejection ...
there absolutely exists the need for
Appropriate Hangings.
I insist. And, anyone who insists on
anything in this sewer -- gets his way. I will not sit at the
back of the bus!
OMG! Do You See What
Is Driving?
I hate to disappoint the analysts and
crows that are waiting for my response -- as everyone is waiting to
find out what I think about the latest spasm of playacting absurdity,
from WTDC. However, I will leave my own personal remarks to the end
of this message. For now -- let us just deal with the facts.
[[For the rest of you -- try to
understand that their psychosis is not only complete -- it is
enforced upon them by the Queer Coalition environment in which they
exist. None of them can realize, to a farthing, that all of their
Crap Combined is nothing more.]]
Queer Coalition and the Voters.
The Facts:
Well, you could not get a less
respected pack of criminals if you tried.
I was looking through some Human
Websites, and I found that once again I was right about the Naked
Monkeys in Wash This Death City. Those scum made another phony
decision (prostitution) -- for the Deviates, and against the Humans.
You know, the emphasis on the part of
those Naked Monkeys is much more Against The Human Species
than it is For The Perverts. They already are Perverts. That
is a done deal. The thing that they want now, is to Eliminate The
Human Species.
I feel really sympathetic towards the
Humans that tried to defend all of us in that Cesspool Court.
Hopefully, we can all find a way(s) to permanently eliminate the need
to ever be involved in such a Staged Sham by the Queers again. It
demeans all Humans to have to be a part of such Universal Fakery. It
also perpetuates that which no longer deserves continuation --
namely, the so-called 'Legal Profession'.
Of course, this will necessitate the
removal of all Monkey Judges and Monkey Lawyers from our lives. NOT
difficult to do at all. After all, what were Judges supposed to do to
begin with? Why were they created? Take away the need
for their existence, and you make them obsolete -- worthless -- too
expensive to maintain -- ridiculous.
Liberals and their 300 pound Faggots:
Truly, I have been watching the entire
spectrum of activity relative to this latest fakery from Wash This
Death City. I have given close attention to what I first described as
the 300 pound hideous Faggots of Mordor. I was boo-hooed and
castigated as a fraud and a liar (by the Queer Propagandists) when I
first mentioned those things years ago. Guess what I have been seeing
all of this time, since the Naked Monkeys repeated their lies on
Friday 26, June 2015?
300 pound faggots, and their
I remember when I left Mordor for the
last time, at the airport in Misbegotten (formerly Missoula). The
Grand Imperial Faggot of Mordor, and its Bought Politicians, were
desperate to keep me in Mordor; so I would not tell the rest of the
world about the big 'Clone Army for the Queers' secret. Which was a
big idea of the Queer Masters at the time. Pathetic is as Pathetic
[[The Super-Stupid population at
Misbegotten is prime cloning material for armies of obedient and
mindless killers. For anyone, actually.]]
At the Misbegotten airport, the Grand
Imperial Faggot tried one last desperate attempt to entice me to stay
in Mordor -- where it still hoped to kill me off. It sent a 300 pound
faggot in tight pants to the airport to wiggle around like a worm --
Queer Bait. Surely, it thought, I could not resist such a fine
I am the father of Human Resistance.
The point is, the 300 pound faggot was
not alone. There was a grinning 'Handler' with it. A 'Minder'. A
'Controller', that told the 300 pound faggot how much to wiggle and
Nothing has changed since that day; all
300 pound faggots are still being controlled by 'Handlers'. Since
June 26, I have been watching the 'Handlers' (all DemoCraps) primping
and pumping the 300 pound faggots with the lie that Queer and Phony
Marriage-Hatred is now a Queer Law everywhere in America. Of course,
that description is too detailed for a 300 pound faggot to
understand. The explanation from the 'Handlers' is done with grunts
and whistles and crude sign language, and pokes in the butt. Mordor
Hence, 300 pound faggots not only do
exist -- the stupid freaks (very fat and big with very tiny brains)
are now walking around with ludicrous smiles on their blank-eyed
faces. They do exist, and they are dully thinking (at one-hundredth
speed) that the 'Law' has decided that they can be as
dirty/sick/nasty as they want to be; and spread their filth as far
and as wide as they want to (are ordered to) -- AND -- the 'Law' is
on their side. They are literally so stupid, that they have no idea
that the Naked Monkeys did this -- deliberately.
I mean that. The 300 pound faggots,
which I have been watching for reactions ...
since I know where they are ...
are so stupid (now that they are
faggots) that they do NOT know that there is no such thing as
'Supreme Court Judges'.
Can you believe that?
I will bet, that there are a lot of
Truths that you are going to believe from now on. The FACT of the 300
pound faggots is one of them.
What a way to have to admit the Truth.
Meanwhile, I have also been watching a
different-sized sick creature, the likes of which are much too
numerous on the Dark Side. They are the brainless Little Bitches.
Chirping and snipping and spitting instead of talking, they are quite
gleeful (as much as brainless Little Bitches can be) about
'Turds-In-Toilet-Bowls' marriages. They are 'all-a-twitter', as the
saying goes.
Do not ask. I could try to make audio
recordings of the senseless noises that they emit, which only other
brainless Little Bitches can fathom -- they do flap their fingers in
the air a lot, like agitated man-eating plants -- but that would
require looking at the things. Too ugly.
Such diminutive blobs of agitated
protoplasm (the diametrical opposite of 300 pound faggots, but
equally brainless) are an available study of existence under the IQ
of 70. It would take some Human, who is Utterly Clinical in
his thinking, to be able to approach such a study -- and for what?
What possible information could be gathered from such an examination?
Totally without any idea that Five
Naked Monkeys are just that, and nothing more, the brainless Little
Bitches represent the other end of the physiological scale of TV
What we can gain from knowing of their
pishogue existence -- regardless of the body type or size -- is that
watching TV (especially since all TV is queer) reduces whatever
intelligence a person was born with.
Supposed IQ Levels before Plague of
Undoubtedly -- the Grim Reality of Year
I hasten to add, that I only use IQ
comparisons because it is a pre-existing measurement used by Queer
Coalitions. My own intelligence cannot be measured, so naturally I
have no respect for IQ anything. Never have had.
The Fight for Your Mind:
This message is not about them, of
course. This is the Awesome IV Part Two -- and it is about Human
Defenders and a Magnificent Idea -- Refusal,
Rejection, and Revilement of Deviate Pretenses at Wash This Death
Getting to the topic of Human Defenders
>> in a Better World, Humans should never have to defend
themselves or Humanity before such a BOGUS Court, ever again. Humans
must live in their Own Societies -- where all forms of Monkeyism
are forbidden. That, is so easy to do, once you have Autonomy (either
physical or mental). After all, what ARE the Monkeys? Look! Learn!
See, what the Monkeys really are -- and do the exact opposite!
Humanity itself is at stake here. It is 'Do Or Die' now.
'Smiley the Blackie Liar' (at
Allsnakes Insurance) has been told that you are dying -- and is
[[Incidentally -- this 'Do Or Die'
status was brought to you by all of the greedy and self-serving
ModoRats (formerly Moderates) that are keeping a very low and guilty
profile these days -- hoping they will wake up tomorrow and all of us
will be dead.
So-called 'Moderation', is three forms
of Extremism blended into one cringing stench:
1. Extreme Greed
2. Extreme Cowardice
3. Extreme Denial]]
By now, even the most isolated or
fantasizing or comfortable Humans must realize that Queer Coalitions
are a disease upon whatever Country or State that they infest! Queer
Coalitions are the Replacement Mechanism for the Deviates, and
for their leaders at The Cult Of The Asshole in the Hideous Boston
Horrid Zone -- that signs the Prostitution Checks for all Monkey
Judges and Monkey Lawyers.
[[Queer Coalitions exist to Kill
Queer Coalitions (with willing moderate
'Republicans') exist to Replace whatever pre-existed before them.
Queer Coalitions Kill. Any Country that
they infest. Any State that they infest.
However -- just like the Monkey Judges
and the Monkey Lawyers -- THEY CAN BE REPLACED!!!!!!!!!!]]
Look--Listen--Learn what the Monkey
Judges are -- and replace them.
Look--Listen--Learn what the Monkey
Lawyers are -- and replace them.
Look--Listen--Learn what the Monkey
Justice is -- and replace it.
Look--Listen--Learn what the Monkey
Politics is -- and replace it.
Look--Listen--Learn what the Monkey
Society is -- and replace it.
Look--Listen--Learn what the Monkey
Coalitions are -- and replace them.
Freedom begins with the desire to be
Whatever your mind considered to be its
environment, is what the Deviates want to destroy. That, will
destroy you in turn, if you do not fight.
[[By now, there cannot be any Humans left that actually fall for the
acts of the Queershit Mannequins; that are hired to pretend to be
Perverts Getting Married. That would mean watching the TVshit. Humans
do not watch TV.
Watching Real Queers do anything, is like watching dung in a toilet
that will not flush. Of course, the things hide behind Disney
Mannequins and Monkeys!
And, do not forget the 'Stupes' that were fooled by the Disney
Mannequins into believing that there really is such a debauched
idiocy as 'same-sex' anything.]]
What the Queer Propagandists did not expect, is that I
recognize some of the Queer Mannequins, as Attack Queers from The
Hideous Boston Horrid Zone; that tried to kill me before. And now,
are pretending to be married in other states -- by orders of course.
If you still do not believe me -- send photographic robots into the
Hideous Boston Horrid Zone to take pictures for you. If the monsters
in there realize what you are doing, they will all have to turn into
Disney Mannequins to make themselves appear to be Humans -- and they
cannot do that. Take enough pictures, and you will see what the
Queers really look like. If you can stand the shock!
Geeeee!!!!!!!!!! TV LIED!!!!!!!!!!
The action word for Human Survival is
-- 'Determination'. You 'determine' (decide) that you (as a Human)
will not take that Queershit anymore.
You, as a Human, decide that you will
live free of Queershit. No matter what kind of Monkey Theaters are
created by the Perverts to perform Magic Acts that say that you 'Must
Indeed, the more that the Queer
Coalitions insist that "Humans Must Obey" ...
And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, creates
What did you learn from that previous
Look! Learn! See, what the Monkeys really are -- and do the exact
Look--Listen--Learn what the Monkey Judges are -- and replace
Look--Listen--Learn what the Monkey Lawyers are -- and replace
Look--Listen--Learn what the Monkey Justice is -- and replace it.
Look--Listen--Learn what the Monkey Politics is -- and replace it.
Look--Listen--Learn what the Monkey Society is -- and replace it.
Look--Listen--Learn what the Monkey Coalitions are -- and replace
Freedom begins with the desire to be free.
your mind considered to be its environment,
is what the Deviates want to destroy. That, will destroy you in turn,
if you do not fight.
Speaking of which, just before the most
recent Stage Play by the (less-supreme-than-anyone-else) Monkey
Judges -- some more Commercial Protesters revealed themselves to be
Queers. The Queer Masters have given orders that their Queer
Coalitions are now so widespread that it is time for more Perverts to
reveal themselves as the Deviates that they really are. For the shock
Shock value. Does that sound
like the acts of beneficial and benevolent masters to you?
But I digress ... do not shed tears for
the 300 pound faggots. Those things are what they were designed to
be, by the so-called 'Lesbians'. Worry instead, about what designs
the so-called 'Lesbians' have on you, and your relations, and your
children, and your communities, and your State?
Getting back to the topic of Monkeys
versus Humans >> You know, if you paid those Monkeys more than
the Queers do -- AND -- shocked them into forgetting the lies of the
Queers -- AND -- you did something for them, that (to them) felt more
evil and nasty and sick than the sodomizing that they get from the
Deviates (in and out of orgies) ...
then you could actually get
them to make phony decisions for the Human Species.
Butt, who would want to go there?
Imagine. Imagine the well-greased, and
10X sized, assholes of those Five Naked Monkeys -- bent over
and staring you in the face.
Does the sight of that, please you?
It pleases the 300 pound Faggots.
It pleases the Perverted Commercial
It pleases the TV Turds.
It pleases the Politicians.
It pleases the
It pleases the Filthy Monkeys on FM.
It pleases the twisted toads in the
queer newsrags.
In fact, it please every thing inside
of the Five Evils.
You ask -- how can that be?
Answer: They all use mirrors. A lot of
Your enemies -- are NOT you.
Your enemies -- are NOT Human.
Your enemies -- want YOU dead.
Your enemies -- require YOUR
comforts and laziness and fear.
Your enemies -- actually think that you
will read their Queershit Decisions -- and believe.
Certainly, I have not read those lies
from that latest episode of 'Queer and Naked Amok'. The NOM websites
explain it quite well, however -- without our having to read such
low-class tripe as the drivel handed out by the Five Naked Monkeys
this time.
[[As a writer, I exist (in part) to
elevate the Fine Art of Writing. Even though, at such times as these,
only Appropriate Language can deal with this subject matter with any
degree of accuracy. Which is why Appropriate Language exists to begin
with. I would never expose my readers to the
filthy gibberish and Misbegotten Schmaltz and Liberal Laxatives and
Demented Drool that passes, in Queer Coalitions, for 'writing'. Nor,
is it my job to do so.]]
Monkeys act like Monkeys
Not the final word
Far from over
The Awesome Idea, and its Environment:
Discussion One:
The sign-up list for people and
churches and organizations who oppose the Naked Monkeys in Wash This
Death City is more important than many think it is. It is literally a
Declaration of Independence, one of many hundreds and thousands that
should be forged and supported and enacted against the SQLD and their
Queer Empire of wretched and twisted falsehoods.
[[All out warfare is inevitable anyway
-- but, the proper way to do that (in this upside-down world) is to
festoon the fields, that will one day be bloody battlegrounds, with
paperworks of intentions and explanations and declarations.]]
Always do the opposite of what the SQLD
really want you to do. This reminds me of the days when I lived in the
Hideous Boston Horrid Zone. Then, the Deviates imported some Attack
Queers from California to live in the same apartment building with me
and the Queen; and ordered those vermin to assault us mentally and
physically and spiritually, as much as they could every day. Endlessly,
every day in an attempt to kill us. That was a deliberate attempt by the
Queers to kill anybody who opposes them.
Have you ever heard of such a thing
being committed by Humans, about the bogus and fraudulent claims of
'equality' by the Perverts? Oh, Hell No!
Murderers, do not bring about
'equality', and are not meant to. The things that hire murderers do not
expect 'equality'. Such things have no use for Queershit Equality,
except as propaganda. 'Equality' is nothing more than a catch phrase,
for Idiots that drool and have been Lied To.
[[Remember the brainless Little Bitches.]]
'Equality' is just a pretense, a slight
of mind, to convince really really really stupid fools that all the
Perverts want is something benign, and would never hurt fools. When in
Reality, every last aspect of what the Deviates want is about
'Equality' is non-existent. Therefore,
it cannot exist within their so-called Homosexual Agenda. 'Equality'
only exists as a fabricated excuse for the terrible things that they do.
The things that hire murderers, do not hire those murderers for
'equality'. Try to understand something that basic and that simple.
Things that hire murderers, and creatures that not only hire murderers
but also commit murders themselves, have nothing to do with any kind of
equalization. Such tactics and such practices are completely about
killing opponents and making whatever is left of the opposite side (the
opposition) -- inferior to their own side. It is all about 'Domination'.
It is always about the elimination of opposition. You could not get
more basic and obvious than that.
I say this, because the many ploys and
the many disguises of this onslaught (from the bowels of Hell) to
dominate as much of any society as will dumbly and mindlessly and
stupidly fall to their games, and fall to their lies, and fall to their
false smiles, and fall to their rhetoric -- are never the actions of
someone who wants some kind of 'equality'. Or leveling. Or parity.
Never, it has never been that way and it never will be that way.
Killing is always about controlling.
Killing, is always about eliminating. Killing, is always about taking
over something; and I remember when we lived in that apartment house (in
the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone). The Deviates there, brought in
specialized Killer Queers from California (that had killed Humans
before) to live in the same apartment building and to kill us in every
way possible.
During that time, the monsters that
hired those killers would visit the apartment of their hired murderers.
Every time they came to that apartment to check up on the killers that
they had imported into the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone (for the purpose
of killing me and the Queen) -- they had a ritual. Before they came into
the apartment building, they would recite Satanic Chants; they would
recite Satanic Mumblings, and then swear to Satan that they would kill
all Humans and especially kill Peters. Then, they would go in and
intimidate and bully the murderers that they had imported to kill us.
And then, when they left, they would do the same thing again; swearing
that they would kill and kill and kill. They would repeat that chant of
'killandkillandkillthepeople' 'killandkillandkillthepeople'
'killandkillandkillthepeople' -- all the way from the apartment building
to their vile little cars. Then they would speed off, driving wildly,
like the Satanists in DePuke do every day (formerly Dubuque) -- back to
their stys in Boston and Cambridge.
As usual, they never looked up. They
were doing all of that ridiculous evil under my kitchen window, which
was open. Out of which I was leaning and listening, to everything that
they were doing. Constantly. With buttered popcorn. I always knew when
they were around, and always knew when they were there.
I was usually listening to their
psychotic little chants and satanic gibberish (from the Monkey Judge
Syndicate Hymnbook) both before and after they came to the apartment
building. I remember what those things were, and are. They are the exact
same things that are now claiming that they want 'equality' through
phony marriage -- and as always, they are using hired murderers and
empty fools to pretend to be married.
They are the exact same things, that
have always been totally dedicated to killing all of Humanity and
anything that is Natural. The exact identical creatures, that are now
spewing out that imbecility for the excuses of the Monkey Judges, for
the benefit of the Monkey Judge Syndicate requirements -- to give the
Monkey Judges an excuse.
The Monkeys, always tell them that they
need massive displays of fakery and excuses, before they can commit the
crimes that the Perverts want them to perform. The Monkey Judges always
tell their clients, that they need large displays of absurdity and
excuses, to commit the crimes that their clients want them to commit.
The excuse, in the case of Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred, is the
phoniness that Deviates want to be married.
Which, as I said, is the same kind of
imbecility as the so-called 'We Are Normal' Queershit that they were
spewing five and ten years ago. All of which, is nothing more than word
games. A 'Rhetoric Disguise' to mask over their naked aggression, their
naked attempts at domination.
They are the exact same Alien Things
that were visiting that apartment building in the Hideous Boston Horrid
Zone, to whip on the killers that they had imported from California to
kill us (and demanding that we be killed as soon as possible). The same
ones that had their Ritual Games before and after they entered the
apartment building; of praising Satan, praising WGBH, praising Evil,
praising WBCN, and psyching themselves up with mumblings while spraying
around something red. They would dip their fingers into some pot of red
ooze and sprinkle it over themselves, before they went into the
apartment building. They would have their little Satanism Ritual, before
they went into the apartment of their Hired Murderers; to intimidate
the imported killers into killing us faster.
They are the same creatures, the very
same identical creatures, except the corpses have probably been changed
by now. The original corpses from those days have probably died of Queer
AIDS by now, and the 'creatures', the sickness in possession, have
transferred to new killer corpses.
[[This is Reality. I never watch monster
movies or horror movies. And, of course, I never watch the Monkey
Syndicate Theater or the TV Horror. Who would? We will learn more about
that to follow.]]
Have no doubt, some of the corpses of
the original killers are probably still functioning, because they were
deliberately isolated from the others to preserve the original Evilness
of it all. Isolated from the others, so they would not get Queer AIDS
and terminate.
Some of those original, really
monstrous, swine probably still exist. If anyone is looking for them:
they were usually very contorted and twisted and ugly in some way --
except for the Fat White Females which could only twist their faces.
They were a combination of (and this is typical for those things) young
and small and thin and twisted white males -- fat and ugly white females
-- middle-aged egomaniac white males (usually under six feet in height)
with doll-like faces (usually short hair or none) suspended in a glazed
over grimace of hatred killing someone -- and tall and thin and
vulture-beaked older white females that even a Woman's Liberation Party
would kick into the gutter as unmanageable trash. That was (and still
is) the Real Combination. From that, you can easily see why they use
Disney Mannequins, when they pretend that Deviates can get married.
That was the combination, nothing
Natural. I was still in the HBHZ when the 'beakers' (the most ugly
lesies) made the decision to start searching for Pornography Addicts
that could be hired to serve the so-called Homosexual Agenda, as
'Showplace Mannequins'. For the purposes of Queer Advertising and for
satisfying the requirements of the Monkey Judge Syndicate; who wanted
substitutes that were presentable on TV (to drooling idiot TV Watchers)
to pretend to marry. In an extremely real sense, it is those Pornography
Addicts (turned into Mannequins for display purposes) that have been
given the Queer Legality to marry -- not the Deviates themselves, which
the so-called Public very seldom see.
In addition to meeting that requirement
from the Monkey Judge Syndicate -- the Lesie-Masters decided to go one
step further, and pay their hired Mannequins to create a 'Fifth Column'
of the most hate-soaked and mindless hags that could be found -- to be
conned and twisted and cajoled into thinking:
1. That they had 'Lesie-tendencies'.
They were being persecuted, because they had 'Lesie-tendencies' --
which they had just started to believe -- not having such tendencies to
begin with.
3. They must join the so-called Homosexual Agenda, and fight for Queerism.
Since they now had 'Lesie-tendencies' -- which they never had before
and still do not have -- they must live together and pretend to be
5. When
ordered to do so, they must put on any public display of their
"Lesie-tendencies' ordered -- which they had to go to classes for --
since they had no such insanity previously.
If ordered to, for the sake of Lesies everywhere (Queer Propaganda)
they must pretend to be 'married', and engage in 'Lesie Marriage
Rituals' before Queer Medias cameras. Not knowing, or caring, that all
such phony events are staged for the benefit of the Monkey Judge
Syndicate that requires large amounts of 'public displays' in support of
any criminal decisions that Monkey Judges are hired to make against the
THAT -- is what it is.
The same formula is used against males
to turn them into faggots, with few modifications. Trickery and
beguilement is everything.
[[Monkey Judges come from Monkey Lawyers. Monkey Judges learn how to be criminals while being Monkey Lawyers.]]
i do not care if you were told something else
i do not care if you were told a thousand other things
anyone who tells you different, is a lying sack of shit
Some of my more intelligent readers will
doubtless be a bit peeved at me, for spending this much time explaining
the super obvious -- but, it has to be done for new readers and
'recently cowards'.
That was the combination. Nothing
Natural, it is not some kind of natural fondness for each other -- oh
no! It was (and always will be) dementia and Shared Evil. Easy to see
where the term 'Demented White Females' (DWC) came from.
And all of it -- one and all -- are the
'Beloved Customers' of the Monkey Judge Syndicate -- who have to strain
really hard to look up high enough to see all of the Deviate Anuses that
give them orders daily. Butt, it wasn't always that way. There was a
day when a Bribed Monkey Judge had real class -- and could look a
customer in the face -- instead of in the ass.
That combination has been preserved, to
some extent, as a plague core of really hideous Evil -- inside the
Hideous Boston Horrid Zone. To, maintain the Evilness; and to have
something to make more evil. Getting other perverts to mimic and repeat
the phony demands for 'equality' and the phony demands for
marriage-hatred is just an expansion; a way of expanding and recruiting
more forces to kill Humans with. Do you remember what I have said in my
writing already? About every successive shift, every successive regime,
of the Perverts has to be more evil than the previous one? I will not
call it 'generations', because there is no procreation involved.
'Procreation', is something else that
they incubate for recruiting purposes. They also steal Human babies in
the disguise of adoption, as a way of recruiting more victims; but I am
not writing about that. I am writing about successive regimes,
successive waves of Perverts, and how each new wave has to be more
terrible than the one before.
Getting more recruits, getting more
Perverts, to repeat the same lies, is not that. That, is not successive
waves -- it is just one wave amplifying and increasing itself. They
still have to have more and more evil with each successive regime that
exists within the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead. To do that, there has to
be something really hideous and evil to begin with, to make more evil.
There has to be some kind of reference. There has to be something that
is pre-existing at a certain level of evil -- that can be made worse and
more evil.
Ding Dong!
And that, is what I am talking about
when I say that some of those original Perverts (that were in the HBHZ
when I was there with the Queen) have been maintained. They had to be
maintained. They had to be isolated from the others so they would not
get Queer AIDS, like the others; and they had to be maintained as that
core of really terrible evil which would successively be increased,
magnified and made more evil. Some of that still exists. They have to
still exist, unless an entirely new successive regime has already taken
their place; and is worse and more horrid and more vile than they were.
In which case, they have already been exterminated; or will be. Soon,
they will be superfluous, or they already are unnecessary. Just like
Humans will be replaced when they are superfluous, when they are no
longer necessary.
I hope you understood all of that. It is
part of the mechanics of how it operates. As I have said often -- none
of that crap should exist.
I invite you to read that again, and realize what it all means.
It should be obvious to anyone who can
read words, and can understand even the most basic explanations, that
there is absolutely no intention on the part of the Deviates to achieve
anything that is even remotely similar to 'equality' and 'marriage'. It
is ridiculous to imagine that Perverts have any clue as to what the
definitions of the words 'equality' and 'marriage' are. They have no
idea, they have no semblance of an idea of what the definitions of
'equality' and 'marriage' are -- and outside of propaganda, they could
not care less. Why would they care? The only ones amongst them that
could possibly want to know what the original definitions of 'equality'
and 'marriage' were, are the ones that have been assigned to eradicate
and annihilate those original definitions.
Otherwise, it is meaningless to the
Perverts. They do not think about equality or marriage. They think about
domination, taking over, suppressing Humans, reducing society,
eliminating Nature. They think of killing, they have always thought of
killing. It is meaningless that they have thousands and thousands and
thousands of the most brainless drones mouthing and repeating the
propaganda dogmas that they have been taught to repeat and shout and
lie. That is not part of the evaluation, that is not a consideration in
this; it is nothing but propaganda. It is nothing but part of the
propaganda campaign. It is a very very minor part of what they are doing
and what their intentions are. Their goal is world domination. Period.
Through the death of everything that was
here before. Including the DemoCraps that gave them their first
attempt, their first chance, to attempt to kill everyone else. It
includes the DemoCraps. Butt, such things as 'equality' 'marriage'
'diversity' 'blah-blah-blah' -- they are nothing more than tools and
weapons -- and that is left to the Deviates that wield those tools and
those weapons. At the core level of the Queers, such things as
'equality' and phony-marriage are not even discussed (between acts of
sodomy) except when the topic of propaganda is discussed. At the core
level of perversion and deviation (where the Queer Masters are)
everything is about politics, and death-tolls, and how much ruination
has been dealt to Nature and Humanity. Such things as 'equality' and
phony-marriage are only part of the weaponry (the propaganda), and that
is the only time such things are discussed.
I am writing all of this, because I am
trying to put everything that is happening into its Proper Place and its
Proper Reference. I am trying to explain what is really going on, as
opposed to all of those lies from the Queer Medias and the TV Turds and
the perverted Commercial Protesters.
Oh! And have you seen the new Queer
Lawyer billboard ads! Gee, they just happened to be put up at the same
time Five Naked Monkeys took a shit.
[[One of the little fiddly-bits of all
of this that I enjoy ... is that the TV Turds try to employ
PsychCreatures to give their analysis of my writing (on and off camera)
and pay them to give me bad reviews and to judge that I am insane
blah-blah-blah ... butt, the PsychCreatures themselves have less than 1%
of my intelligence, and weeds growing out of their mouths from being
watered too much by Faggot Sperm.]]
why aren't we seeing that on the billboards
I hope that makes it a little more
sensible to people who might be told about this, by other people who
read these messages and watch my videos. Frankly, I do not think that
the people who need to be saved from that propaganda of the Perverts,
have the mentality that is required to read my messages or watch my
videos. Anyone who can read my messages, who is not a Pervert trying to
find out what Truth is being said about them, and can read my messages
and can watch my videos, is probably too intelligent to fall for those
very simple lies from the Deviates.
[[And, when the Revolution comes -- there will be that Universal Question...
"Who told you that lie?"
The bullets will seek out the Liars -- instead of the Idiots.
Our bullets are like that.]]
So, it is not them who are being saved.
It is the other people who cannot read my messages and cannot read my
videos, that need to be saved. They do not have the ability, the hope,
the brainpower, the reasoning -- but they are subjected to Queer
Programming through Middle-Managers, and TV Turds, and Filthy Monkeys on
the FM channels and so on. They are being bombarded by the Queer
Propaganda Campaign at the same time. So, they are being attacked by the
Perverts -- but, they are incapable of reading the Truth on my website
-- and, they are incapable of watching my videos.
Those, are the people that the lying
campaigns of Phony Equality and Phony Marriage are directed against. The
Deviates know that anyone who does read my messages (honestly) and does
watch my videos (honestly) is probably too intelligent to even begin to
imagine (or begin to believe) that Queer Propaganda is ever True.
The Queer Propagandists, by now, realize
that part. Their goals, their victims, are the stupes and the idiots
and the fools that cannot read my messages; and cannot watch my videos;
and are at the same time bombarded by queer lies and queer demands and
queer puppet shows and queer skits and one-act plays and melodramas, and
so on and so forth; because they are managed by the Perverts. They are
part of the Managed Herd, that the Deviates have accumulated over the
years (using Middle-Managers-For-Hire) and all forms of deviant agents
-- agents deliberately implanted into the societies to find people like
that. To create people like that. To reduce people until they are that.
So, let us travel higher than that. Let
us travel higher to a more objective point of view, and look at it
again. Any attempt by us to counter the propaganda, about phony equality
and false marriage, is being done for two reasons:
To protect the innocent that have not
yet been corralled and made part of the Queer-operated herd, and at the
same time to try to reduce and diminish that mob of imbeciles which the
Deviates have already created and nurtured over the years as their
intended audience; for every lie and every bit of propaganda.
We are actually counter-attacking the
Perverts, by stating our total objections to their propaganda and their
ploys and their games, which will affect any of their herd of intended
imbeciles that they have collected so far; and might free some of those
people. At the same time, this will protect the innocent from falling
victim to more and more Queer Propaganda.
Those two reasons are enough to make it
worthwhile to do all of this. Trying to reduce the 'Reduced Assemblage'
of the Queer Audience (what else would you call them? they have been
turned into Queer Mummies), and to protect innocent people who cannot
protect themselves -- those are two very good reasons to do all of this.
There are literally hundreds of websites
protesting the latest 'smelly business' from the Naked Monkeys in Wash
This Death City. I cannot include them all here. I will put in 34, in
alphabetical order.
After Obergefell A First Things Symposium
Assemblies of God Lawyer Assures Pastors That They Can Legally Refuse to Conduct Same-Sex Marriages
Catholic couple fined $13,000 for refusing to host same-sex ‘wedding’ at their farm
City Backs Off from Forcing Idaho Pastors to Perform Same-Sex Ceremonies
City threatens to arrest ministers who refuse to perform same-sex weddings
False marriage Supreme Court news update Christian pastors vow civil disobedience campaign if same-sex marriage permitted
Fort Dodge Catholic Church Burned--St Paul Ev. Lutheran Church
Here's What Supreme Court Says about Same-Sex Marriage and Religious Freedom
Houston Lesbian Attacks Pastors--Commentary Supreme Court damaged First Amendment
If fake marriage is about civil rights, Supremes will force pastors. Choose to obey unjust law or obey God
Kentucky Clerk Refuses Monkeys--Ky. county clerk invokes God in denying gay marriage licenses
Neither Left Nor Right, But Catholic--Grave Implications
New Zealand Anglican Pastor Refuses to Bless Same-Sex Marriage and Quits Church with His Congregation
Ohio Judge Who Serves as Church Elder Refuses to ‘Marry’ Lesbians in Courthouse
Oregon Lesbian State--Ore. Judge To Bakers No Free Speech For You
Oregon Lesbian State--Ore. Silences Bakers Who Refused to Make Cake for Lesbians
Oregon Lesbian State--Ore. We ‘refuse to comply’ Christian bakers won’t be bullied by gag order
Oregon Lesbian State--Oregon Couple Who Refused To Bake Cake For Gay Wedding Now Slapped With Gag Order
Oregon Lesbian State--Emails Indicate Possible Government Bias Against Bakery Fined for Refusing Same-Sex Wedding
Oregon Lesbian State--State of Oregon now targeting the home of bakers who refused to make lesbian wedding cake
Pastor Same-sex marriage '... not rocket science'
Pastors We Don't Have To Obey Supreme Court On Gay Marriage
Pastors say 'We Don't have to Obey the Supreme Court on Gay Marriage'
Queer Attacks Will Increase--Hard Decisions for the Church after Obergefell
Queer Report--Meet the Alabama judges who refuse to issue marriage licenses
Queer Report--With Little Fanfare, Mexican Supreme Court Legalizes Fake Marriage
[[This is proof-positive that we are fighting an International Syndicate, and can expect foreign armies from foreign (queered) states to oppose us.
As you can see, the tip of this iceberg
is quite active. Somewhat similar to the top of an ocean volcano rising
up out of the water. When it blows up, there is going to be another
and i want to be there
[[One thing strikes me immediately. The
Internet (as it is now) is wholly inadequate at representing the
responses of the Human Species to this latest attack against us. The
Internet, is inadequate.]]
That Magnificent Idea: It makes perfect
sense for me to do this, because why else do my websites exist? Why else
do I have websites for Human Beings? It is entirely in line with what I
am doing, and I am very happy to see that the People are aligning
themselves against the Monkey Judge Syndicate and signing pledges to
refuse to accept (or perform) Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatreds. I am
very happy to see that a lot of real Christians and real Pastors and
real Churchmen are signing up to defeat the Queer Monkeys in Wash This
Death City. Belief Merchants would never do this. I hope there are no
Belief Merchants involved in this, because nothing is genuine from
Belief Merchants.
Belief Merchants are similar (with
identical intentions) to the Queer Propagandists and their tactics; and
have no qualms about attacking Human Beings just like Queer
Propagandists do. I hope there are no Belief Merchants involved in this
attempt by us -- and that it will be successful wherever it is practiced
with determination. That it will be successful in saving innocent
people from believing (stupidly, so stupidly) anything that the Perverts
say and claim -- and at the same time, counter-attack the chosen
audience of the Deviates. Which is an important part of this -- to
counterattack the accumulated and aggregated and chosen audience of the
Deviates, and reduce that.
[[There is no such thing as a Benign
Audience for the Perverts. Perverts do not gather and/or enslave
audiences for neutral or merely financial reasons. Queered audiences are
brainwashed to attack and destroy any and all Nature and Humanity.]]
All of this is in line with what I do
anyway, it is natural for me to do this. This is not something that is
'spur-of-the-moment' for me, but I must say that I am very glad that it
is happening. I am very glad to see that someone else is completely
defying those Monkey Judges in Wash This Death City. I want to make it
very clear to those People, and Pastors and Churchmen that they cannot
merely oppose Five Monkey Judges in one place, or Seven Monkey Judges in
some other place. They cannot merely oppose one small group of Monkey
Judges -- in a special way -- about a special case. It is not that way.
I am not over here ranting and raving at
all. I do not rant and I do not rave -- I explain, and I explain, and I
explain. It is the entire so-called class of Monkey Judges that must go
down! It is their base from which they are spawned, the Monkey Lawyers,
that must go down. I have very carefully and loudly proclaimed that all
Monkey Judges and all Monkey Lawyers are the worst trash of the trash
world of the Perverts; below all other things in the Known Universe. I
have made that very clear, and I mean every word of it. That has to be
maintained endlessly, for all Time. Across the board, until it is no
longer considered possible by those freaks and greedy scum to present
themselves to the 'Outside World' as anything other than the Worst Scum
that they really are. As anything other than the worst trash that they
actually are.
The price for their complicity with our
worst enemies is their absolute demise, and the downfall of all of their
pretenses. They are the trash-of-the-trash from now on -- and I am
telling all of those Revolutionary People, and Pastors, and Churchmen
that this must be done unilaterally across the entire spectrum of
existence -- against all Monkey Judges and against all Monkey Lawyers.
Let me explain how it works.
See Perverts -- See Place! Reject Place
Forever! Reject Perverts Forever! Any Place That Allows Perverts -- Only
Does So At The Cost Of Eternal Rejection!
which is bad for business
too bad
Do you think I am listening to Deviates on Filthy Monkey stations right now?
At Fort Bird Droppings -- that's 'local
color' for you -- (formerly Fort Drudge) (formerly Fort Dodge) (aka Fort
Smudge) -- there is a putrid pack of squirming worms at a radio station
called The Vulture Mix '92 to shun' on the FM.
Locally, it is a hideous hangout of the
Twisted Twats of Webster County. I heard some of their (always Queer)
speaker crap at an over-priced hardware store in the area, last Sunday.
As expected, one of the Twisted Twats was twisting the meanings of old
rock-and-roll songs into queered meanings; meanings which demanded that
all Human Resistance must fail, and all Humans must be reduced to
slavery and poverty; and (quote) 'That is the way it is. That is the way
it will be.' That dyke, was literally getting away with spewing out
Queer Propaganda against our Species; because the managers of that
hardware store are too shit-stupid to know that '92 to shun' is a QUEER
Duuuuhhhhh. Of course, all of the
workers in that hardware store were brainless and dim-witted bitches,
anyway -- products of NEA schools. That, however, does not justify
exposing customers to awful Queer Propaganda. Such stores, run by public
school products, get little of our business -- and why would they?
Under those conditions? Who wants to hear Queershit, while they are
shopping for too expensive items? $20 for a 3/4 inch drill bit -- that's
Duuuuhhhhh -- who wants to hear Queershit while they are shopping?
The point is -- the bimbo bitches at the
store were too brainless to realize that they were hearing Radio
Programming, and being perverted by it. The Twisted Twat on The Vulture
Mix '92 to shun' had its anus to the microphone, and was playing
musical accompaniments to its output of decades old Queer Lies ...
and as grotesque and repulsive as it really is ...
It Is Better Than Any Monkey Judge or Monkey Lawyer!!!!
That is the Relativity.
[[Oh yes -- I have been informed that a
catholic church was burnt down in Fort Bird Droppings as recently as
1999. How many Queer FM stations have been burnt down since then?]]
A lot of the people who are currently
rejecting and refusing the queer whoring of the Monkey Judges, think
that they presently have Human Lawyers and Human Judges of their own; so
what I am saying cannot happen. Wrong wrong wrong! Those people, who
are doing something good for a change, are saying to themselves -- "We
must exempt our own Lawyers from what Peters says. We must exempt our
own Judges from what Peters says."
No no no! Do they remember what I wrote
about Monkey Destroyers? Lawyer Destroyers. Judge Destroyers. Gnome
Destroyers. I say to the people, who are finally doing something right
-- something called Human Resistance -- by totally rejecting the now
non-existent authority of anything Federal ...
those people who they consider to be
Human Lawyers must be Lawyer Destroyers. Those people that they consider
to be Human Judges must be Judge Destroyers. Humans only use Judge
Destroyers, Lawyer Destroyers, and Gnome Destroyers. We only destroy the
enemy, we do not mimic the enemy. We do not condescend to the pretenses
of the enemy. We do not try to maintain something that the enemy has
now totally filthed and trashed and debased -- no -- negative -- we do
not do that.
We move on. We grow better. We get
better. We ascend. We go higher. We create Destroyers, to destroy that
which has now been turned wicked and twisted and repulsive and
anti-Life. I say to those people -- "Those who you consider to be Human
Lawyers are Lawyer Destroyers, and must recognize themselves as such.
Those persons whom you consider to be Human Judges are Judge Destroyers,
and must be Judge Destroyers, and must recognize themselves as such."
Get with Reality, do not allow
yourselves to be sucked into any tide pools or sewage waves from the
Perverts. Free yourselves of that muck and slime, and realize what must
be; what has to be. What you must do, and the goodness of it; the
cleanliness of it; the sharpness of it; the sanity of it.
Anything Human destroys Evil. Merely to
stay alive. Anything Human, now destroys pretenses and fakeries, merely
to stay alive. Humans do not employ Lawyers; they employ and cultivate
and nurture Destroyers. Destroyers of Lawyers. Destroyers of Judges.
Destroyers of Gnomes. To be a 'Destroyer', is a very high and exalted
position, a very good occupation, the mark of a very good person, a very
good usage of life. A very high aspiration. A very high accomplishment.
We do not maintain Lawyers, and Judges and Gnomes -- that is Death to
us. That would be suicide. Instead, we create and maintain anything that
will annihilate what wants to annihilate us!
It is counter-annihilation. It is
disabling the enemy. Crippling the enemy. Defusing the enemy.
Disallowing the enemy. Stop thinking that you have Lawyers. Start
thinking about Destroyers. I mean that. If anyone is going to do this
(Resistance), if you are going to totally reject that phony authority
from the Federals and the Monkeys -- do it right. Do not pretend, do not
do something half-ass. Do not trip over your own inability to break
with a past that is broken; that was broken by your enemies. Do not trip
over an inability, a disability, a handicap of not being able to break
with a past that was broken.
Discussion Two:
Hey, I just realized something -- a
connection. Why is it whenever you see Black People being rousted and
harassed by White Cops, that are Racial Profiling -- none of the victims
are Big Fat Black Radical Bitches? Never.
Do you think it might be because the
dumb cops watch TV? Big Fat Black Radical Bitches are all over those
palsy TV shows. Lying their fat asses off -- of course.
Are White Cops, that watch TV,
programmed to avoid harassing Big Fat Black Radical Bitches? Has TV
worked against the Black Human Contingent again?
I would like to explain to people who
are willing to 'Resist'! This is the kind of thing that I do. I
calibrate what is going on by making things specific, and I am sure
other Humans do the same thing. But, a lot of the news releases that
they generate are aimed at General Audiences, whereas my messages are
not aimed at General Audiences. Neither are my videos. My messages and
videos are aimed at people who are actively trying to get out of the
lies and the fusillade of insinuations, intimidations, and pretenses
that now everything is Queer, now everything is Twisted, now everything
is Deviated -- and you had better knuckle under, you had better give in,
you had better be enslaved, you had better throw away what you thought
was your life and now March With Their Perversions!
My messages are aimed at people who need
Human Calibration, and are seeking this kind of calibration, and want
to disseminate this kind of calibration -- which is a way of helping
other people. So, I hope that people who want to 'Resist' (and more
politically, the analysts that they employ) get the message that this is
what I do. This is why I do these things. The more that I clarify
everything, the more clear and obvious is the rest of the Universe to
all of us. I understand that at the same time it indicates to the Queer
Propagandists how much they are failing to fool and intimidate all of
us. But, you have to remember -- they only intend to kill us. Any way
they can disarm us, is merely a way to kill us. That goes double for
their Monkey Weapons.
Their immediate targets are the imbeciles that have been lied to ...
the Idiots that have been Lied To, that watch TV ...
the Idiots that have been Lied To, that listen to Filthy Monkeys on the FM...
the Idiots that have been Lied To, that read queer newsrags ...
the Idiots that have been Lied To, that read (Goodbye People/Hello Creeple) magrags.
is their primary audience. That, is what they want to fool, and
buffalo, and that is what they have a track record of achieving --
besides their successful employment of the Monkey Judge Syndicate. We
know this. They have never been able to fool us.
But, getting back to what I was saying
-- if you are on our side, you want me to do these things. You want me
to clarify things. You want me to write this, and you want me to make
these videos. The more of this that I do, the better off all of us are.
And, I do not have to be told that. It is Super Obvious. At the same
time, if you do not get the message, if you do not agree, you are wrong.
Telling you that you are wrong, is part
of my function; part of what I do. I do not mean to embarrass you. I do
not mean to disgrace you. I am telling you, that you are wrong. I am
right. That is what it is.
[[NOT what the dykes on FM say it is.]]
Someone has to be right about all of
this, and I am right about the things that I write, and the things that I
do. That causes stability. Stability. How many of you think of the word
'stability'? Be honest. How many of you, on the Human Side, think of
oh no he's going to remember something again
I remember, years ago, when I first
started to write about 'Validity'. Whoa, was there a huge hatred
generated amongst the Queers by that! Oh! Did they hate that! You were
not around, but they hated me for that. They wanted to kill me for that.
Oh -- Validity! Oh -- they instantly hated 'Validity'! As soon as I
started to write about 'Validity' they instantly hated it.
[[Of course, they are just (bleep) -- so it never mattered what they did, to me. Just like now.]]
Oh Yeah! The Queer Propagandists were
shocked that anyone knew about 'Validity'. They put out an emergency
call to all Deviates and to all Middle-Managers and to all Monkeys of
any description to try to bury 'Validity' under a mountain of Queershit.
Under an avalanche of dissent and hatred.
Which, of course, just made me all the
more happy about what I was writing; and I wrote even more about
'Validity'. You have got to love those reviews. So, I started to write
about 'Validity' on a general basis and in a general way -- mentioning
it again and again from time to time. As with all Truth, the perverts
gave up trying to destroy the Reality of Validity. It is not merely a
construct. It is not merely a concept. It is more than a mental
construction. It is more than a mental explanation.
Validity is something that actually
exists. Anything that is truly alive and natural in this Universe has,
in some way, a 'validity' relative to its own environment, or it would
die. When you lose 'validity' -- you die. It is diametrically the
opposite of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead and those Monkey Lawyers
and Monkey Judges in Wash This Death City.
Validity, would kill them. Lies are what
sustain them. With Humans, the loss of validity means death. With
Queers and Monkeys, the loss of lies means death. The loss of fakery
means death. The loss of pretense means death. The loss of a phony
environment means death. That which is life to Humans -- is death to
anti-Humans. Why do you think they are anti-Humans?
Validity is death to Deviates. And, I
did not invent any of this. I did not create this. I did not make this
happen. This is not me. I explain, I describe, I illustrate, I pass
along what must be known. But, I am not creating this stuff. Validity is
life to Humans, and is death to anti-Humans.
Now, I am talking about 'Stability'.
Stability. You could also use the word 'Clarity'. Clarity. What is the
sense of being alive, if you do not have Stability and Clarity? Why have
Validity, without Stability? Why have Validity, without Clarity? People
who watch TV cannot understand this, because everything is fed to them.
Everything lasts for 15 seconds, and no more to them. Everything, has
to be a one-step process. Two steps is too difficult. So they do not
understand that there is such a thing as a complicated or complex
It is not really that complicated.
Validity needs Stability. Stability is what makes Validity worthwhile.
Clarity is required if you have Stability and Validity. It is Natural.
Of course! These things are that way! Of course! It is that way! Of
course! This is Reality!
Stability is what I help to create throughout our Human Species. Clarity.
This Magnificent Idea of the Rejection
and Refusal of any 'decisions' or 'mandates' or 'rules' that come from
Wash This Death City, has to be viewed as non-political -- neither
DemoCrap or RepuCrap -- nor any kind of political organization. When it
is happening, it has to be kept out of Politics. If you really want to
achieve something, if you really want to Win Win Win; keep Politics out
of it. Keep the People and Humanity foremost in all of it. Deny any
claims by Queer Propagandists that it is Politics.
Refuse to Use political jargon and
political speech. Do not talk political. Why talk political? Politics is
what is being used to try to kill us with.
This Magnificent Idea, has to be
anti-politics. Wake up to what it is. Refusing Queer Decisions made by
Monkey Judges, is refusing Politics. Do not allow yourselves to be
tethered and chained to them, even when you think you are rebelling.
[[Oh, and a big 'Incidentally'! Guess
what is advertising itself across the country right now, with all kinds
of announcements of recruiting meetings in all major cities. The
Queer DemoCraps,
are suddenly advertising for suckers and idiots stupid enough to join
the DemoCrap Hoard. There is a lot of advertising going on, all of a
sudden across the country, by DemoCraps; to recruit shitheads for
DemoCrapia. All because of Five Naked Monkeys that took a shit in a cage
in Wash This Death City!
Which, is a DemoCrap victory to the DemoCraps.
But, wait a minute!
DemoCraps are political! DemoCraps are a political party! That means -- the decision by the Five Naked Monkeys was political!
Which means -- it was a DemoCrap decision!
It was NOT unbiased! That means, it was NOT justice! That means, it was NOT fair! That means, it was NOT Human!
Oh my gosh ...
that means it was QUEER!
Queer decisions. Queer political decisions, have triggered the Queer Party responsible into all kinds of advertising!
To get in more shitheads and more Perverts to join their Queer Party.
in doing so -- like the imbeciles that they are -- they have just
proven that the 'Queer Decision' was queer. NOT unbiased. NOT just. It
was political. It was queer.
A Queer Decision made for politics! NOT for justice.
The DemoCraps just gave it away.
Goodbye Lies/Hello Truth.]]
If you allow yourselves to be tethered
and chained to them, even when you think you are rebelling, you will
merely be following a prescribed path of objection that they
(themselves) have outlined for you. That they expect you to do. That
they have ways to control. That they have ways to reduce, and divert.
You will be doing what they think they can overcome. You will be doing
what they expect you to do.
You have to do what they do not expect.
You have to disassemble and disallow any control over you by them. That
requires complete and total rejection. Not partial. If you use this as a
political football, if you use this as a political package, you will
ruin not only your own lives but a lot of other lives too. Do not be
political, makes this Magnificent Idea anti-political.
To such a degree, that it is not
Politics against Politics. It is not anything political versus anything
else that is political. It is not part of the diorama of all-consuming
all-grabbing all-encompassing Politics. It is literally anti-politics.
Outside of Politics. Caustic to Politics. Toxic to Politics. Destroying
Killing two turds with one stone. Turds only fly, in Queer Coalitions.
Keep that Magnificent Idea completely Human. Do not just say that you refuse. Actually refuse!
I tell you, the news from Texas and
Oklahoma is very encouraging and if the Revolution starts down there, I
am going to be down there with a telephone pole on my back. You figure
that one out.
Queer Propagandists (the QPs) are
unhappy. Their lies roll on, and their next campaign to have
sex-reversed victims (of opposite reversed sexes) marry their pets (of
opposite reversed sexes) is already starting to happen. Butt, the QPs
are not happy. Millions of people are outside in Nature enjoying
themselves and being 'Straight' ... as I write.
Oh! The horror of that forbidden word! ...
and none of them have any respect for Monkey Judges or Monkey Lawyers; or for Queer Mannequins pretending to be married (etc).
Really, that is not too surprising.
Queer Coalitions are just small and nasty Populations of Sticky-Poo. Not
majorities -- never majorities -- not even close! Who gives a shit what
those things say? The People are Pissing on Monkeys and their Owners --
and a lot of people are looking away from the QPs -- for anything from
Revolution to Revelations. That last whore session, by their Naked
Monkeys in Wash This Death City, was a really bad mistake.
Human discussion groups are popping up
all over the place, just as I suggested in one of my recent videos. 'Use
It -- Or Lose It' ... to the Politicians.
There is a general increase across the
board of a general well-being and happiness with the Humans -- many of
which are out and about enjoying the summer weather and talking about US
-- and how we do not have to obey the Deviates and their Monkeys.
Surely, the Queer Medias are trying to
lie low and make the General Public think that nothing criminal has been
attempted against them. Which, is nothing but the calm before the next
atrocious criminal attempt -- to get sex-changed Seniors to marry
sex-changed Infants in Queered Churches.
But -- what no one is realizing (except
me and the QPs) is -- none of the people out here are watching
Shitavision!* None of them are listening to the Fantasy Mongers on the
FM. None of them are buying queer newsrags.
There really is a lot of them. Certainly
more than I have seen since I came to this region. All straight, and so
many of them that the DemoCraps among them (who thought they were going
to celebrate Queerism and bribed Monkeys, by pretending that nothing
has happened, and everything is normal if it is Queer) are looking
puzzled and perplexed; and are turning into sour faces as the days march
If this keeps up, I am going to start laughing out loud.
But wait! I can't do that!
Oh! Bad form! Laughing -- when you're supposed to be dead.
Well -- just for that -- I think I will
order some more Mozart CD Collections. I have been educating my
neighborhood with Mozart Concertos this summer -- to mixed reviews. Some
like it. Some swallow firecrackers and fart loudly.
Butt, you know me -- 'Never Deterred Peters'.
* I was just at a truckstop in
Evansdale, and I was walking back to the Men's room past a 'TV room'
where a young man and his young wife were sitting (while their pizza was
being cooked), and they were watching a Shitavision program on the wall
screen. I stopped and watched them.
programming on the wall screen was about two pretend families (no real
families would allow a Shitavision crew into their house) that were
supposed to be the opposites of each other. The entire programming was a
paid advertisement for sex-changing, using a fabricated parallel of
'wives' of the media families were presented as a Demented White Female
(DWC) with spiked hair and false colors all over it, that produces queer
TV programs for all-queer channels like Bravo and CBS -- and a
normal-looking Black Woman who was religious and supposedly wholesome
(etc). The sex-changing parallel (from the Lesie Planning Council) was
to swap the wives; wife-change the families, and give the wives control
of each others stage families for one week.
It was typical QP crap, like you see on all TV channels. Can anyone complain about burning TV stations anymore? Of course not.
In fact -- I demand the Right Of Free Burning!!!!!!!!!!
thing that caught my interest, was what happened when the young husband
in the TV room said to his young wife that the program was shit, and
went out to the other room to see if the pizza was ready yet. While he
was gone, the young wife in the TV room stared dumbly at a blank wall --
in disbelief that her husband did not accept and bow and scrape before
the Shitavision God on the wall. Not only did he not revere the
Shitavision screen -- he said the programming was shit and left the
The young wife was
stunned. That shithead watches TV. That shithead worships the TV Turds.
That shithead calls other housewife victims, between 1100 and 1500 hours
each weekday (when the worst Queershit is broadcast) and they friggle
and bleat and make obeisance noises of worship to the Shitavision Gods
in their houses -- together over their cell phones. A Shitavision screen
can do no wrong to the young wife in that TV room.
On the other hand -- the young husband knows that Queershit on TV is just that -- crap.
long do you think that marriage is going to last? Will they get
divorced and the young wife will 'marry' a sex-changed mail box?
Someone should tell all such young women -- If It Is On TV, It Is Shitavision.
[[Question: How do you disable one million people (one thousand thousands) with only one thousand assholes?
Answer: Propaganda. Addiction to propaganda.]]
One of the key realities and lessons
about all of this, and it is extremely obvious, is that any of those
Monkeys in Wash This Death City or any Monkey Judges anywhere, or any
Monkey Lawyers anywhere, are NOT a 'civil authority'. They, are a Civil
Menace. They, are a Civil Impediment. They, are anti-Civil. They have
totally negative impacts on anything that is civil or public.
They are like cataracts. They cover over Reality, and make everything look Queer.
Everyone is concerned about the
anti-civil Monkeys in Wash This Death City claiming that Queer and Phony
Marriage-Hatred is a 'civil right'; but that is a found-less worry.
Those Queer Monkeys are not 'civil'; they are anti-civil. Of course,
they are going to say that; because that would kill anything 'civil'.
They will always act against what is 'public' and 'civil' and Human. In
Reality, they do not have the right or the power to do anything for
Human Beings. They will always be anti-civil, always anti-civil and
always against civility and civilian interests. They will always be
against the public and the People; because that is what their syndicate
is! As long as people are afraid, and cowardly; as long as the civil
population will not hang them from telephone poles -- they will stay
that way.
The Magnificent Idea by the People, to
allow any Church or any Human group to disavow any decision made by
Monkey Judges in Wash This Death City -- is not just about a phony
decision made about the phony topic of pretend marriage by Deviates --
decided by Deviates themselves -- and for Deviates Only.
It cannot be just about one specific
item -- one specific topic. It must be for the purpose of disemboweling
all Monkey Judges. Dis-allowing all Monkey Judges. Dis-avowing all
Monkey Judges. Refuse. Refuse. Refuse. Reject. Alienate.
Dis-enfranchise. No more franchise. Dis-enfranchise! Dis-engage. No more
engagement. Dis-engage.
Dis-entangle. No more entanglement.
Dis-entangle. Un-weave. No more weaving. No more mutual weaving.
Un-weave. Un-attach. No more attachment. No more acceptance. Un-attach!
Get out of it! Do not just think that you are getting out of it! Do not
keep one foot in it! Get out of it!!!!
Stay the Hell out of it, start something brand new.
[[Which certainly includes eliminating any and all extremely phony TV Courtshit and TV Judgeshit!!!!!!!!!!]]
Think of the words -- 'brand new'.
I know that anyone who is an adviser for
people like Politicians, will be shocked at what I am saying, and will
shake their heads vigorously and will claim that what I am suggesting
must never be done.
Now, why would they do that? What are
they? What do they do? They are Political Advisers. Political Advisers!
Political Analysts. And, what am I saying to do?
I am saying to get completely out of
Politics, to have nothing more to do with Politics. To Political
Advisers and Political Analysts that sounds like death. That sounds like
To Political Advisers, that sounds like
they are getting rid of their own jobs and putting themselves out of
business. So when they hear this, and when they read this, or they see a
video about this, they immediately do not want to tell the Politicians
about it. They do not want to tell anyone about it, because they see it
as the end of their own slimy existence.
That is not true, that is not the case.
Instead, what it represents is a refinement and a clarity of what their
job was supposed to be to begin with. Their job, is to handle the
interface between Human Leaders and the outside and alien world of
Politics and Politicians. Not to be inside that world, but to be outside
of that world!
Their job, has always been to help the
existence of Real Humans to deal with the un-Human existence of
Politics. If they are False Analysts or False Advisers, what they have
been doing so far is to fool Humans into thinking that ... Everything Is
They do that, to make their own jobs
seem to be more important. Humans do not need those kinds of advisers.
Humans do not need those kinds of Liars. Humans do not need any analyst
that wants Humans to think that Humans are part of Politics. Politics is
NOT greater than Humanity. But, Political Advisers and Political
Analysts will try to make life seem to be that way. To make their own
jobs seem to be more important. To give themselves more Job Security.
Which is a knife in the back of Humanity!!!!
The Reality is -- Politics Is Alien. Politics is NOT Humanity.
The Reality is, Political Analysts and
Political Advisers are only needed when Humanity has to deal with the
ugly existence of a much smaller, and ugly, and twisted Political Game.
That, is all Humans need Political Analysts for. That, is all Humans
need Political Advisers for.
The Truth of our world, is that Human
Beings are much more important, much more numerous, and much larger than
is the insidious world of Politics. I do not care what Political
Analysts and Political Advisers think about that statement. If they do
not like it, they are making themselves into Gnomes. They are literally
declaring that they are Political Gnomes. Pretending to serve Humans.
And -- what do we need to destroy?
Answer: Political Gnomes.
We need Gnome Destroyers. Now, if those
analysts and advisers want to be 'Destroyers' and help Humanity, and
help Human Existence to destroy that much smaller and sick-sick-sick
Politics Game (and the analysts and the advisers inside of that Politics
Game, which are Gnomes) -- then they are 'Gnome Destroyers' -- and we
need that!!!!
We need a lot of Gnome Destroyers.
Humans should not be employing Political Analysts to handle the
interface between Humans and Politics. We should be employing --
'Destroyers' -- 'Gnome Destroyers'. To Hell with the analyst's and
adviser's credo of 'Coexist'. I have already explained in detail that
the 'Coexist' cop-out is nothing more than direct Queer Propaganda.
Entirely perverted.
We Humans need Gnome Destroyers,
Politics Destroyers, Coexist Destroyers, Propaganda Destroyers -- very
intelligent and very good people who destroy the evil of Politics and
Perversion. That is what we should be doing.
Our lives are encrusted with delusions,
both from ourselves and implanted upon us from our enemies. We have got
to clean house. If we are using Political Advisers for the sole purpose
of engaging Humanity into Politics -- submerging us into Politics --
subjecting Humanity to Politics -- making Humanity inferior to the ideas
of Politics -- making the Reality of Humanity quagmired and shackled
and hampered and hindered, inside a fake set of ideas and fake set of
assumptions called Politics ... then we do not need such Political
Advisers; we do not need Political Analysts. They are doing nothing more
that promoting their own existence and their own importance, at the
terrible expense of our Species. They are Parasites! They are enemies
within! Leaches! Predators!
Inside our own ranks. They are
detrimental to us to a terrible degree. They are against us, no matter
what they say. We only need Political Advisers, we only need Political
Analysts to help us deal with that much smaller dipshit and ugly
construct of mind-fornications called 'Politics'.
We do not need any of them, for Humans to handle Humans.
For Humans to deal with Humans; for
Humans to be Humans; you do not need a Political Analyst to tell you how
to be a Human. You do not need a Political Adviser to tell you how to
deal with other Humans. That would be Total Bullshit!
So, Political Anything employed by us,
must have a very limited purpose; a very limited engagement, a very
limited dealing with. And, they must be 'Destroyers'. Do not accept
anything less. Do not go down, do not spiral down, do not decline, do
not condescend to the Queershit that for your 'Political Survival' you
have to dip down to the bottom of the barrel. Do not employ Political
Advisers and Political Analysts. Instead -- use 'Destroyers'. High.
Ascended. Intelligent. Really Human 'Destroyers'. That Destroy Politics.
And particularly, destroy Political
Gnomes. Who would want to be working for you, and convincing you that
all of Humanity must be a subset of, a small part of, the Great World Of
One of the big things to keep
remembering in all of this, so that you do not fall victim to
propaganda, is that Queerism is a mental disease and the affected and
diseased Perverts know it. Prostitution, is greed and avarice; and
'anti' whatever it pretends to be. The Monkey Judges know it. The Monkey
Judge Syndicate is prostitution. The Monkey Judges know they are
whores, for anyone who can pay the price. The Queers know that they are;
and come up with the money to buy the Monkey Judge Syndicate. Only the
most dismal and abysmal of Idiots cannot see that.
Literally, absolutely, no Monkey Judge can decide a 'Civil Matter'.
STOP -- using the Monkey Judges.
STOP -- thinking Monkey Judges are Human.
STOP -- thinking that there is any worth to Monkey Judges.
STOP -- thinking that there is such a thing as Justice wherever Monkey Lawyers and Monkey Judges are concerned.
[[So far, the only scum that I have seen
that were blissfully celebrating the latest crimes of the Naked Monkeys
in Wash This Death City, was a pack of White Pasty Monkey Lawyers in
Brodhead, Wisconsin. They were dressed in their (secretly cute) shorty
shorts, and pretending to be the local Golfing Set (outside the locker
room) -- while giggling about the 'obvious fact' that the scheme had
worked. Remember, those turds always measure success as any crime that
they are not killed for. Does a whore stop whoring as long as it still
They were dressed in
the usual 'sporty' costumes of White Elitist Vermin, and acted just like
the greedy swine that all of their kind are. As such, they were the
obvious and despicable reactions that I expected to see -- but -- they
were the only ones like that.]]
PUT -- the concept of Justice far to the
back of your brain. There is no apparent place that we know of where
Justice actually exists.
Those Magnificent Ideas in Texas and
Arizona, to stop Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred, are applaudable; they
are good, they are great ideas; but they do not constitute Justice.
Justice has to be a very large system of Checks and Balances, Decency,
High Values, High Virtues, and Guidelines to keep the Human Species
clean and unperverted and ascending. That is what Justice is supposed to
do. That is what Justice is supposed to allow. What the Naked Monkeys
in Wash This Death City are doing, is allowing the exact opposite.
For money, they are writing Queer Laws
and Queer Rules that allow degeneracy, de-evolution, perversion,
deviation, homicidal attacks (on any scale) against what Justice is
supposed to be supporting -- against Humans who are ascending and are
decent. Those Monkey Judges, and the Monkey Judge Syndicate, are
operating for the exact opposite of what they are supposed to be
operating for. Instead of operating for Humans, they are operating for
Deviates. Diseased, mentally insane freaks of every deadly intention.
Some of which you haven't even seen yet. But, the Monkey Judges have --
very closely. And, have been offered a lot of money to make all of that
Future Filth happen. My point is, as of years ago (but officially on
June 26, 2013) no Monkey Judge anywhere is any kind of 'civil
authority'. No Monkey Judge anywhere has any kind of 'civil authority'
over Human Beings in a world of Humans. All Monkey Judges are the trash
of the trash world of the Queer Diseased.
STOP -- thinking of Monkey Judges as though they are people.
STOP -- thinking of Monkey Judges as though they are Humans.
-- putting your own Goodness and your own Humanity into their actions
and intentions, by supposing that they must be Human too.
They are NOT. They are depending upon that Idiocy -- to kill you with!
The Monkey Judge Syndicate can only
continue to be whores-for-hire if the fakery continues -- if the facade
holds up -- if the masks do not melt -- if the Monkeys behind the masks
are not revealed. Disguise, fakery, pretense and dependency upon your
stupidity is how they exist.
If you do NOT want them to exist -- get rid of those things:
Dependency upon your stupidity
If you get rid of their masks and their
games, you will find out that beneath every Monkey Face is a Little
Monkey Dictator. If they cannot fool you, which allows them to use the
minimum amount of effort to destroy you, then they will become
[[That, has just happened. With their
masks torn off, the Five Naked Monkeys in a cage in WTDC have just
dictated to all of you that your world (as you built it and knew it) --
is now dead -- by their decree. You, are now the slaves of their
Those turds
are not requesting your obedience -- they are demanding your obedience,
and the subsequent loss of your own Future -- forever.
Do you understand that?]]
They will use henchmen like DAGWR's
(DemoCrap Attorney-Generals With Rabies) and any State Police that are
in a state that is anti-Human because a Queer Coalition has taken over
its capitol -- and they will force you to accept their lies and Queer
Rules and Queer Laws that they have created in their prostitutions for
the Deviates. If they cannot do it in an easy way, by keeping you dumbed
down and fooled, stupefied and watching TV, and listening to Filthy
Monkeys on the FM, and reading queer newsrags, and being inundated by
Queer Propaganda all day long; if they cannot control you, they will
dictate to you. They will force you. They will hurt you, deprive you,
kill you, imprison you -- not necessarily in that order.
You will find that underneath every black robe is a very very evil little dictator turd.
[[When it comes to Human Justice, and the calibration of Monkey Judges -- there is no such thing as going too far.
When there is still so far to go.]]
I would like to emphasize that the total
lack of any 'civil authority' on the part of any Monkey Lawyer or
Monkey Judge is already a fact; and has nothing to do with anything that
the Monkeys have done this year, or plan to do next year, or any year
in the Future.
It is already a done deal. No Monkey
Judge or Monkey Lawyer (or for that matter no Political Gnome) has any
'Civil Authority'. Civil authority is what they want to have, and want
you to think they still possess. Which they lost the right to have, long
long ago. It became official on June 26, 2013 when Five Naked Monkeys
in a cage in Wash This Death City took a shit together and expected the
Human Species to eat it. Those, were Five Naked Turds wearing black
robes; that thought they could do anything that they wanted to, to the
Human Species.
Because, they had everybody fooled, and everybody still believed that those Monkeys still had 'civil authority'.
It is very important to throw off the
shackles and the yokes and the blinders that such Monkey Judges depend
upon. There are no yokes or blinders on them. There are chains and yokes
and blinders on all of you. Any one of you, who thinks for any reason
(regardless of the reason) that Monkey Judges are some kind of 'civil
authority'; and that Monkey Lawyers are some kind of goodness and
benefit to the Human Species -- is yoked, chained and blinded. They are
NOT. These events here in June of 2015 are just reinforcing that Truth
for you. It matters nothing what the Monkey Lawyers and the Monkey
Judges do now.
It means nothing what those Monkey
Judges in Wash This Death City say or do this year, or next year.
Nothing can change the fact that they have lost all validity, they have
lost all authority -- they are now criminals. They are outside the Laws
of Nature and the Laws of Humans and the Laws of Sanity and the Laws of
Health and the Laws of Decency -- they are criminals!
They are very dastardly, evil, and ugly
criminals. Criminals of the lowest kind. They are now the trash
underneath the trash world of the Queers. Every last one of them is now a
robber, a thief, a burglar, a murderer, a rapist, a molester, a
con-artist, a fraud, a charlatan. They are all Total Evil, and the total
evils they work for, from now on.
There is not nine 'Supreme Anything' in Wash This Death City.
There, you have nine Humanoid Crows, dedicated to your death, -- and you had better start to realize it.
IF you are a Real Human Being, you will
certainly want your children to know what I am telling you. However, you
are going to have to translate my use of appropriate language, since
its too appropriate for children to listen to.
Children should not be afraid of the
Truth. Human Beings have to be raised to be fearless. Perverts are
programmed to be malicious, and to appear to be death-defying and
fearless and indestructible and unbeatable. We do not want that for our
children. We simply want children who are fearless and fear nothing in
the Universe, at all. At all, nothing. You name it, we do not fear it. A
'No Fear Human Species'. Which is a very different thing.
Being the history buff that I am -- and I
really am -- I remember very well the lessons about the Japanese during
World War II; and I have mentioned the Japanese on numerous occasions
before. It is because there were so many examples (to take lessons from)
at that time, concerning how the Japanese got into World War II. The
Japanese, inadvertently became a role model for a lot of the propaganda
operations and terror tactics that are practiced by the Satanic and
Queer Lying-Dead here in these days, now.
I have mentioned the propaganda example,
I have mentioned the Thought Police example. There was something else
that I have probably not mentioned. In the beginnings of World War II,
the Japanese put out a great propaganda campaign around the world saying
that the masses of Japanese soldiers were invincible. Indestructible.
Could not be defeated.
Now, that seemed to be the case in a
very basic and elemental way, in a kind of cave man way, that everyone
around the world started to believe (in a kind of cave man way) --
because of the actions of the generals of the Japanese and the admirals
of the Japanese during the first years of the war. They had very good
generals. In the beginning, they had very good admirals. All of that
declined as the war continued, of course. But, in the beginning -- they
had very good military leadership; and they kicked ass on everyone. They
beat the crap out of everyone. Fooled everyone, tricked everyone, found
the weakness of every enemy. Capitalized upon that weakness. Just
annihilated their enemies. Pounded them. Sank their ships, destroyed
entire air forces in one day, captured entire islands and armies in one
day -- they (in a cave man way) started to seem to be invincible.
Indestructible. Now, part of the fault
of this was because people did not read their own history. In those
days, there used to be what was called 'Newspapers'. If you had read
newspaper accounts of the wars and the conflicts between the Japanese
and the Russians, prior to World War II, you would have found that the
Japanese armies were defeated by the Russians. In land battles prior to
World War II.
But, nobody did that. Everybody went
'cave man' and started to believe that the Japanese soldiers and sailors
were totally invincible. Would never surrender. The big thing was -
"The Japanese will never surrender". They will fight to the death. Fight
forever. This was borne out sometimes, when Japanese ships were sunk.
The sailors on those Japanese ships would stand on the decks of the
sinking ships (cruisers, destroyers, even aircraft carriers) that were
sinking, in flames and exploding -- defying death, inviting death. There
would be hundreds of Japanese sailors standing on the decks, shouting
praises to the Japanese Emperor as they sank beneath the waves.
Actually. We even have photographs of it. Literally that happened.
Some Japanese war photographers took
pictures of the events, and somehow those photographs survived the war.
Probably, because the photographers jumped ship and saved the cameras;
knowing how valuable the photographs were. The rest of the crews were
shouting their 'Bonsai' screams and praising their Emperor as they sank
beneath the waves; deliberately chaining themselves to the ship, tying
themselves to the ship, so they would go down with the ship. In the
flames, and the diesel fuel, and beneath the Pacific Ocean.
That kind of action supported the idea
that the Japanese soldiers and the Japanese sailors were invincible;
would never surrender. You would have to annihilate the entire Empire of
Japan in order to force it to surrender.
That kind of tactic, no history and
massive propaganda, is what the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead are using
today in an attempt to portray their faggots and their lesie-turds as
being invincible; and will never surrender. And, it is a fight to the
death for centuries.
Let me tell you something about that,
let me tell you the Truth about that. I have personally forced dozens
and hundreds of Killer Queers to surrender in my own lifetime. The one
thing that they always say -- the one thing that comes out of their
mouths, unilaterally, unanimously, involuntarily -- is -- (quote) "Fuck
This Shit! This Shit Ain't Worth It!"
Or -- "Fuck This Shit! This Shit Isn't Worth It!"
I have heard that dozens and hundreds of
times; while Queers that were assigned to kill me, threw up their hands
and went away and I never saw the bastards again, or the bitches again.
I know for a personal fact, that they can be defeated!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yes! They can be defeated! There is
nothing 'invincible' about the hoards of diseased. There is nothing
about those hoards that will not surrender. The thing is -- do you want
them to surrender? If they are surrendering, they are running away, and
you can no longer use your weapons on them.
To get back to what I was saying --
during World War II the myth about the 'Invincibility' of the Japanese
soldiers and the Japanese sailors was shattered on an island called
Guadalcanal. The more that you know about the 'Battle of Guadalcanal',
in World War II, the more you will realize how it is possible to turn
back a determined enemy; that already has you thinking that they can
never be defeated.
Even though, they have all kinds of
propaganda all over you, trying to smother you, with the bullshit idea
that they cannot be defeated -- because they have all of those props and
syndicates helping them (like the Monkey Judge Syndicate and the Queer
Medias) ...
they can (nevertheless) be defeated and
turned around and sent back on a course of destruction, by a smaller
determined force of Human Beings. The more that you learn about 'Halsey'
and the 'Battle of Guadalcanal', which was both on land and in the air
and on the sea (it was land/air/sea battles) very intense -- the more
that you learn about that, the more you will realize -- it can be done.
There is a parallel here worth pursuing,
a lesson that illuminates our own situation. In WWII neither the
Japanese nor the Americans owned the Island of Guadalcanal. The Japanese
invaded the island as part of their larger overall aggressive strategy.
Put very simply, the Americans counter-invaded it as part of their
defensive strategy of saving Australia and New Zealand:
The island had an airfield that could support long-range bombers.
Whichever side ruled the island could use that airfield.
With long-range bombers, the entire Solomon Islands chain would be ruled.
If Japan ruled the Solomon Islands, they would attack Australia and New Zealand.
The Japanese held the island with a modest number of soldiers at the airfield.
The Americans landed 11,000 US Marines on the island to take it away from the Japanese.
The Japanese landed troops on the island to recapture the airfield and remove the US Marines.
The island itself was very inhospitable to foreigners -- lethal.
The jungle and health conditions on the island started to kill both sides of the conflict.
The battle became one of hot fire fights and supply problems.
island began to kill many soldiers, whichever side could provide their
soldiers with the best supplies (or any supplies at all) would win the
The Americans were
successful at keeping the Japanese fleets from resupplying the Japanese
soldiers with medical equipment, medicines, and reinforcements (etc).
The Americans were just barely able to keep their own soldiers from dying on the island, because of the island.
When battles occurred, even if there were superior numbers of Japanese -- they were less fit to fight because of diseases.
The US Marines (and the island) overwhelmed the Japanese with horrendous losses of life to the Japanese side.
Naval attempts to retake the island by the Japanese were unsuccessful.
It was the first time that the Japanese
spearhead had been stopped in the war. And, it was achieved by smaller
forces of Americans in every way.
One of the reasons why the Japanese
lost, was due to their inability to keep their troops on Guadalcanal
properly equipped and healthy. As it turned out, the Americans were the
'Good Guys' and the Japanese were the 'Bad Guys'.
Our situation is the reverse. We are as
though we are the Japanese, who own the island to begin with, and we are
the 'Good Guys'. The SQLD are as though they are the invaders, and are
the 'Bad Guys'. Because the SQLD have better supplies, and more Ford
money and Disney money and General Mills money and Allsnakes money (etc)
they can overwhelm our defenses to their invasion. They can keep their
troops better supplied than we can, because we do not kiss anyone's ass
-- AND -- we are very uneducated about 'Survival' and 'War'. Therefore,
with more money, they make us ('Good Guys') prisoners on our own island.
Those of us who they allow to live, that is. And, they only need a few
of us anyway.
So, the rest of us are slaughtered and
buried in mass graves in the jungle. Also, in the parallel, is the fact
that in our case -- all of the islands around our island are heavily
populated; and those people could help us if they wanted to. Together,
the 'Bad Guy' invaders could be defeated and crushed. But, the other
island populations are all 'Isolationists'; and very greedy; and very
opportunistic; and all of the islands fight among themselves over stupid
and ridiculous ideas and religious rituals and trade contracts (etc).
The island group, is a house divided. Therefore, it is easy for the 'Bad
Guys' to pick out one island at a time and wipe out its original
Also, the island populations are
superstitious. The 'Bad Guys' know this, and use that weakness to their
advantage. They create a frightening Magic Show, with nine Scary Puppets
in Black Robes, that sail through the air and fly over the heads of the
people and denounce the islanders as backwards and savage and unfit to
own their own islands. This Magic Act is used against the island
populations (by the 'Bad Guys') constantly, until the greedy (and
therefore stupid) islanders believe the magic, and what it says about
Superstition, Isolationism and the
Moderation Greed that causes it -- ends up getting them all killed. The
'Bad Guys' systematically attack one island after another, until in
desperation the remaining islands try to unite and defend themselves
together -- but by then, they are too few in numbers.
The islanders are defeated. All
originality on the islands is annihilated. They become prison islands,
slave camps, work camps, manufacturing facilities using slave labor.
Slaves from many places are brought in, to turn the islands into a large
complex of War Factories, for the takeover of the entire world.
Without such self-weaknesses as
Superstition and Moderation and Isolationism, any original population
can successfully defend itself when it is Good. Nothing evil is
invincible. Nothing, will not surrender if it is evil. The Onus of
surrender is on the evil. The Onus of defeat is on the evil. Not on the
Good. Learn what Onus means.
Onus: That which is one's duty or
responsibility. Responsibility, liability, obligation, duty, weight,
load, charge, mantle, burden.
The Onus of defeat is on Evil. The Onus,
the obligation of surrender, is on Evil. Never on Good. You have to
wake up, you have to realize this.
Be keen to observe any Liar that is
lying to you, and says that future generations of people are becoming
'accustomed to Queers' (sensory deadened) and more accepting of Queers
(unable to think for themselves) and more tolerant of Queers (given no
choice, allowed no choice). Identify the Liar. Memorize the Liar. Know
where to find the Liar.
All such advertisements are public
school brainwashing from the perverted NEA. Any Liar that says that, or
writes that, is depending upon the NEA branch of the same Deviate
organization (that it belongs to) to see to it that Human Children are
demented and deranged and debrained in public schools -- so they do not
know what is Natural, what is Human -- and they cannot oppose and they
cannot resist the assaults of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead.
When you see those lies, or you read
those lies, or you hear those lies -- and some 'thing' says "Well,
future generations are going to be more tolerate of the (Queers)! We
might as well Legalize everything that the (Queers) want!" -- you will
know that you are looking at (or listening to) a Queer Propagandist!
[[Absolutely, that includes all Commercial Protesters.]]
You are looking at (or listening to)
part of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead. No matter what it pretends to
be, no matter what else it wrote, no matter what else it said, no matter
what else it did during that presentation; it gave itself away (as just
another lying turd) when it said -- "Future generations of people will
be more tolerant and understanding of Queers. So, we might as well
Legalize everything that the Queers want!"
That, instantly tells you, that you are
looking at a Queer. That instantly tells you, that you are listening to a
Queer. That instantly tells you, that you are reading a Queer. A
Deviate, that is pretending to be something else. Wake up about that. It
is a Universal Constant.
It makes no difference who you think you know that -- "... is a (bleep) and that person is a (positive reaction)."
'Divide and Conquer' means
>> 'Be Fake And Phony With The Ones That Can Be Fooled --
AND -- Treat The Others Like Absolute Shit -- THEN -- The Ones That Were
Attacked Will Complain To The Others -- AND -- The Others Will Not
Believe Them'.
Thus, dividing the target population into factions, and causing internal strife between them.
Divide and Conquer.
Do you realize what this amounts to? There are so-called 'judges' in this country that are Deviates!
The fact that the Monkey Judges are
Perverts ... including that most reviled queer Monkey Judge out in
California (that tried its worst to decimate California) and tried to
turn California into a giant Queer Coalition ... which failed of course
... means that Queerism is at epidemic proportions. It is a deliberately
spread epidemic of Queer Mental Disease. And, do not forget those
disease-spreaders at the so-called Ninth Circuit Monkey Court.
What Is It Really -- Markel?
HEY! I'm glad you asked that! I've been wanting to tell somebody (anybody!) what it really is.
It is exactly like being robbed and shot
and raped by four Killer Queers -- and when you go to the Police
Station to report the crime ...
So sit there and die while watching TV ... and shut up.
Queerism is operating (being spread) at epidemic proportions. What is called a 'Pandemic'.
Pandemic: Prevalent over a whole country, or the world. Widespread, pervasive, rife, rampant.
It is as bad as a Cholera Epidemic, or a
Cholera Pandemic. It is actually an epidemic of lesie-spawned and
lesie-spread mental disease, riding on the backs (and riding up the
butts) of greed, or corruption, or evil that pre-existed before it
attacked. Then, it takes all of that over and makes it, it's own. The
fact that there are actually Queers pretending to be Judges in this
country, means that Queerism is happening at epidemic and pandemic
proportions. That is how bad this is.
In this case, the victims become
deranged instead of buried (unfortunately) and the disease, and the
Lesie-Culture that depends upon it, actively tries to spread the disease
before they themselves die.
I have recently read a report, that has
been verified several times, that a so-called Republican Politician,
that has previously pretended to be 'conservative' (like so many other
'Republicans' pretend to be 'conservative', living an existence of
fakery forever) has recently said -- when asked about that dipshit male
athlete that was brainwashed into having its genitals removed and having
an artificial vagina installed ...
the pseudo-conservative Politician said
that it was okay with him that the creature involved used to be a Man
and is now a 'woman'; and if the creature (itself) says it is now a
'woman', then to the pseudo-conservative it is really a 'woman', now.
Artificial vagina and plastic boobs included.
Same identical reamed ass. Same identical reamed brain. I hope the stitches pop and it falls apart!
I checked out some perverted websites
about that, expecting to see declarations of shock and leaping
exclamations of Queer Joy that they had opened up a corrupt Republican
Politician, and made it confess. What did I see?
What was the Queer Reaction in the deviated websites?
I quote -- "Oh well, he won't win the Republican Primary anyway."
Meaning many things, of which is the
fact that the Perverts already know who is going to win the so-called
Republican Primary -- since they control it. That was it.
Was there any shock? Fuck No!
Was there any surprise? Fuck No!
Was there any jubilation? Fuck No!
Was there any suggestions about how to use that dipshit? Fuck No!
For their own purposes? Fuck No!
The one and only response across the Deviate websites was -- "Oh well, he won't win the Republican Primary anyway."
So much the worth of collaboration.
I must ask, what does this tell us about
the so-called Republican Politicians -- and the imbecilic Commercial
Protesters like 'Why-Is-His-Asshole-Not-Bleeding Sean Hannity'? and
'Why-Is-His-Asshole-Not-Bleeding Glenn Beck'? Why are the
nation-building Commercial Protesters (as phony as a white-dollar bill)
not bleeding from the ass because of this latest Vote For Queers, By
What does it say about the Republican Party? And, the Commercial Protesters?
The answer is: "Oh well, they won't survive the Revolution anyway."
There is another eye-opener lesson in
all of this. I love eye-opener lessons, because they always shock the
Rejects that watch TV, and believe TV Turds. I like to see their eyes
pop out!
This one is aside from the 300 pound
faggots, and beneath the 'Below 70 IQ' bird-brained bitches. I have been
in six states so far, since the Five Naked Queers in a cage in Wash
This Death City shit for a second time in that cage; and expected Humans
to eat it. I am not seeing the masses of crap-oozing faggots and
screaming lesie-turds -- that will cover the Earth twenty-four hours a
day, seven days a week, when the disease has killed the planet.
Where are they? Where are they hiding?
Answer: They are hiding in their hovels.
The twisted and deviated places that they exist in. Why are they
hiding? Because, they have been ordered to hide. They have been ordered
to hide, to keep a low profile which hired demonstrators pretend to be
them on the streets and in the Queer Medias. Where do you think all of
that Queer Disney and Queer Ford money went to?
Hiding, for now. For political purposes.
For political reasons. For propaganda reasons. The Queer Propagandists
cannot have the Real Queers out on the streets at the same time as the
Hired-Queer-Imitations, that would defeat their propaganda purposes. So
... only the Disney Mannequins must be evident. Only the Disney
Mannequins, hired to pretend that they are the Deviates, will be
visible! Duuuhhhhhh ...
So, they are all hiding as ordered to;
and until the orders are changed. Otherwise, they would have painted the
streets of DePuke with their dung by now. (formerly Dubuque)
how can he say the truth like that
****Important Point****
By what? Ordered by what?
Answer: By 'Masters'. The answer is -- Masters -- Queer Masters.
That means -- Queer Masters EXIST!!!!!!!!!!
And, where there are Queer Masters -- there is GENOCIDE!!!!!!!!!!
Discussion Three:
I saw a perverted website about that
male athlete that the lesie-turds talked into changing its genitals.
They have it pretending that it is a female and trying to look
attractive as a freakmale, which is about the depths of absurdity that
you could ever get to.
Whenever Queer Propagandists advertise
such insanity, they always say that it would be 'savage' and
'insensitive' and insane to Not Be Insane Their Way.
Those Propaganda Turds are always trying
to pervert and twist history, by claiming that Famous People were
actually Queers (like themselves) -- but have 'savagely' repressed their
Queerism for social reasons. That lie, has two reasons for happening --
the second being an attempt to justify the killing of all that was
Natural; in order to create a world in which their Queerism Mental
Disease will not be 'savagely' repressed. Translation >>
their vile mental disease will not be rejected, in reference to the many
exhibits and abundant evidence of Nature and Humanity; which in their
world will no longer exist.
As, it most absolutely no longer exists at Wash This Death City.
does all of that mean? If you are a disease and you want to kill a
population, but the population has reasons for rejecting your disease
and wants to stay alive longer (instead of dying quickly from your
disease) -- then kill the reasons for its rejection of you, and kill its
desire to live longer. Fakery, and play times and puppet shows (and any
other form of diversion) work well for that.
Done properly, propaganda disables the population and they accept the disease, thinking it is something else.
Two things are very obvious because of that perverted website:
1. It (the victim) is not just a passive
drone about this, though it doesn't have drone genitals any more. It
has been programmed to actually try to kill the Human Species; so the
Deviates are showing it (on websites) suggesting ways to make the
so-called Homosexual Agenda more toxic and more awful and more deadly to
the Human Species. Actually!
that it has artificial female-oid genitals -- It Is A Lesie Turd! An
anti-Female! It's a lesie, and like all lesies, it is trying to think of
worse ways to kill Humans. I saw that myself on a queer website!
Well now! How did all of that happen so
fast? From confused and beaten-down male victim >> to evil
and scheming Killer Lesbian.
In A Flash!!!!
Lezboo Crapboo Boom! Instant Killer Lesbian!!!!
Isn't it amazing what modern science can
do these days? Of course, we are supposed to believe that shit. We know
nothing about Queer Plans and Victims and Propaganda Values. We have no
idea that Queer Propaganda Values are immensely more important than
Human Values.
[[Question: How many more freak cases,
like that Freakmale Killer Lesbian and the Five Naked Monkeys, are being
incubated and brainwashed and twisted and bribed and trained to kill
Humans at this very moment? And, will we get to see them all this year?
Or, will we have to wait until next year -- an 'Election Year'?]]
2. Human Resistance has had a big impact
against the Satanic and Queer Lying Dead; since (if it was not for us)
that victim would not be trying to be photogenic, and not be trying to
appear as an attractive artificial female.
Instead, it would be dressed like a
skinny and scrawny witch with raggedy hair, and have a chain of shrunken
heads wrapped around its neck. Plus, it would be carrying a machete and
it would be posing in all kinds of dangerous and threatening and
murderous postures, for the camera. That, is what it would be doing if
Human Resistance did not exist. I would like you to realize that. Thank
If that is not a plot by the lesie-turds
and the Demented White Females (DWC) to degenerate and destroy the Male
sex, which is exactly what it is (that is what the plan is) -- but if
it is not that way, according to them, and 'sex-changing' is the 'In
Thing' to do (no pun intended) -- then why are we not seeing a lot of
Demented White Females (DWC) with big hairy penises skin-grafted to
their necks?
Why are we not seeing a lot of big and
fat and ugly Demented White Females (DWC) with big hairy dicks hanging
from their chins? Sewn onto their ugly bodies. Sewn on under their
chins. If 'sex-changing' is the 'In Thing' to do, why are we not seeing
that? Does that not have any Propaganda Value?
If it is not all merely a plan to kill
the Male sex, why are we not seeing that obvious 'sex-changing' by the
Demented White Females (DWC)?
Yes -- narcissistic, egomaniac,
corrupted-therefore-weak male athletes (programmed by lesie-turds) are
yet more Bright Dung Beetles in the Starry Firmament of Predatory
Queerism. More shining dung beetles in the starry feverment of Queerism.
Aren't we impressed? I wonder if anyone
can ever explain why we are not impressed? I am not impressed. I could
not give a shit less what happens inside Queer Coalitions.
Wait. Just to be 'impartial' and fair about this, I will ask my testicles
---------- no -- they are not impressed.
But, they want more Brass and music by Mozart.
Of course, all of that dementia about mutilating and freaking out male athletes, and turning them into narcissistic monsters, is an in-depth window into the psychosis of Queerism. In particular the psychosis of Demented White Females (DWC) and lesie-turds. Creating freaks like that, is a delicacy to lesie-turds and Demented White Females (DWC). They 'get off' on taking anything that was originally male, and turning it into a psychotic freak. The more freak, the better. The more twisted, the better. The more fooled, the better. The more the victim thinks that it has done something good, the better they like it. They laugh their butts off in private when those victims are not around, and believe me I have seen it many times. As soon as the victims of their sickness walk away or go somewhere else, or they change rooms -- those lesies laugh their butts off. They are as twisted as 'twisted' can be, and it is not funny. I am telling you, when you look at any thing that they have created -- any thing that they have mutilated (like that former male athlete) -- you are looking right into the insanity of Queerism itself. You are seeing how awful it is. You are also seeing (awful seeing) how low and how loathsome the Monkeys will go, to try to maintain their own supposed glory in the world of trash. How low any Monkey will go -- and how high that will later appear to them, after they have been beaten down to their proper place.
Ladies and Gentlemen -- none of it is Human. None of it is part of our world. None of it is from our planet. It is aberration. It is mutilation. It is not Natural.
There is something which I would like to say to all females (real females) at this time. That thing, which the lesies have created at their own Chamber of Lesie Horrors, is not merely crazy like every other product of the Perverts. It has also been trained to kill. To add whatever sickness it can imagine to the overall grossness and grossity of Queerism. It does not deserve your sympathy, so do not say to me (or to anyone else) such idiocy as "if it wants to be a girl it can be".
Wrong wrong wrong! It does not want to be a girl. It wants to be an It, a Thing. It wants to replace -- YOU!
Do you see how dangerous the lesie-turds and such puke rags as (Goodbye People/Hello Creeple) really are? This should be a warning to all male athletes, that have already been twisted by exposure to the Queer Propaganda, and now spend most of their time ogling other male athletes -- to never tell the lesie-turds, or their magrags, about it. Never indicate to the Perverts that their propaganda is affecting you, and getting over on you.
Because -- Look At What They Will Turn You Into!!!!
Look at how horrible are the intentions of all Queer Propaganda.
So far, during my brief stay on this unpleasant Planet Sinister -- I have proven a great many things to be True -- and an even greater amount of lunacies and absurdities to be False. One of the Truths which I have proven, most painfully, is that the female of the Species is highly susceptible to various forms of Mass Insanity. Such wide-spread ailments (all mental) are not without their male counterparts.
The normalcy of it all, is a condition of the males being crazy about something -- generally warfare -- while the females are understanding and patient. When it strikes the females, the same thing cannot be said of the males -- as they are usually running for their lives with an aim at keeping their heads on their shoulders. The point being -- females are much more stricken and affected by Mass Insanity when it happens.
When Mass Insanity overcomes the female sex in epidemic proportions -- by deliberate Evil Design -- the results can be (and are intended to be) catastrophic.
To include the Genocide of the Human Species.
For instance, how
many dim-witted and dunced-down stooges and playthings of the Queer
Coalitions would kill Humans to keep Queer
Disney in
there have been hundreds of thousands of psychopathic hags (too
wretched and unaware to be Demented White Females (DWC)) that have
tried to kill Humanity and Human Resistance because -- (quote) --
"I'd do anything to keep my TV!" "I'd do anything for
television!" "I'd do anything for my TV!"
>> they are addicted to the Shitavision programs on Queer TV --
with the primped and falsified TV dolls, fake families, lying
commentators, laugh machines, big money game shows, orders from
Queers, Nasty News, canned audience reactions, bogus documentaries,
more orders from Queers, Jerkoff Professional Audiences
(mercenaries), utterly pathetic staged interviews/advertisements,
more lying documentaries, endless smiling liars thrilled to be paid
to be on TV (etc).
hags have been trying to sabotage Human Resistance since we began
back in 2009. They are always, without fail, the Minimum Minds of the
Queer Coalitions; and are therefore the least mental and easiest to
turn into killers.
unfortunate news for such dupes, is that TV is being systematically
reduced (for millions of reasons) -- AND -- it is obvious that quite
a lot of people out here are getting into Human Resistance! Which
means -- their own versions of Human Resistance -- and I have always
left it up to the People, anyway.
When I think about the really low and debased and loathsome condition that so many people are in nowadays (and it is loathsome, because it is terrible to see people in such shape and in such conditions, it is horrible to see people that are so stripped of intelligence, so stripped of mental ability) -- I have to think of, and compare it to, what 'brainwashing' really means.
The term 'Brainwashing', began as more or less a joke, a kind of humor; about having your mind erased of everything that was in it originally, and all of your original thinking replaced by the dogma and the psychosis and the demands of a Dictatorship.
Like, the demands of the Dictatorship Thoughts that are pounded into the heads of anyone who watches TV. The TV is a means of Dictatorship, whether it is a singular Dictator or an Oligarchy of Dictators. Television is now nothing more than the avenue, the venue, through which Dictatorial Orders travel.
Everything on TV is some kind of sick and twisted demand (for the imbeciles that watch TV) to be similarly sick and twisted and perverted. But ... getting back to what 'brainwashing' really was to begin with (what the joke of it was to begin with) -- it was as though (in the joke) someone's brain had been taken out of their skull and washed. In a washing machine. All of their original thoughts had been wiped away by the brainwashing. Then, the brain was put back into the skull. At which time it was immediately filled with dogma and orders and rules and regulations from the persons who had washed the brain.
So .. if a Dictator, or an Oligarchy of Dictators, wanted to wash someones brain; they would take it out of the skull, wash it thereby eliminating all of the original thoughts, put it back into the skull and then immediately inject into the empty brain everything that they wanted the brain to think. That is what 'brainwashing' began as, and it was a bit of a joke back then. It was a kind of a comparison. It was a way to try to illustrate how bad it is to be programmed against your will, or against your knowledge.
But now, it is actually happening here in America -- in enormous quantities, using the most ridiculous and repugnant drivel and perverted insanity, that no one fifty years ago could ever have imagined any population would be reduced to, and be brainwashed by. Think of the insult of it!
Not only have their brains been washed, but now they are being insulted by being filled again with the absolute most garbage-like filth, and deviated pap, that has ever existed in the Known Universe. Nothing has ever been this sick and twisted before. That, is what is being put into the brains of the children, and the young adults whose brains have been washed.
Which, explains why we are seeing so many stupefied faces these days. So many dumb faces. So many blank faces, when they realize (somehow, to some degree) that I have absolutely no respect, whatsoever, for anything that they have been taught. I have no respect, whatsoever, for anything that was put into their brains after their brains were washed!
It is really revolting to see. It is revolting to see, it is repugnant to see. It is a terrible terrible crime, that has been perpetrated upon them. They have been so reduced and maimed and crippled mentally, that they have no recall of who they were, and what they were, if they ever knew. They have no recollection, no memory, of what they once thought and what they once knew -- and who they were before. Now, they are locked totally into the brainwashing; namely the filth (and it is absolute filth) that has been injected into their brains after those brains were washed.
Somehow they know about me, and somehow they are gradually coming to the realization (with pain) that someone exists who has absolutely no respect and no regard and no value at all for their brainwashing. For the things that were put into their brains. The sewage that was put into their brains after those brains were washed. Completely rotten and decayed and fetid and evil and awful and anti-Life and anti-Nature and 'anti' anything decent or good. Completely negative.
However, it is as though they are learning it in 'waves'. Instead of learning it all at the same time, which apparently their brains cannot grasp. Apparently, their brains cannot actually understand something that simple, all at the same time! It is so simple! It is so unbelievably simple.
Yet, they cannot understand it, in one thought -- in one motion. So it is hitting them in some kind of wave pattern, wave after wave after wave they are getting bits and pieces of it. Every time they get another bit and another piece, they go 'tharn'. They go mute. They stare dumbly into space. I haven't looked that closely at their mouths, but they might be salivating. This is a measure of the enormity of their crippled state. The extremely simple thought and realization, that anyone who is Human has a complete and absolute disrespect for, and disregard for, the crap that they have been brainwashed with -- is so simple and so basic and so elemental! A ten year old child, who has not been mutilated by the NEA, could understand it in a flash! Completely!
The entire basic simple fact -- in less than a minute. In less than one minute. A ten year old child, who has not been mutilated by the NEA and the Perverts, could understand this simple and so basic fact -- in one minute.
"Oh, the creatures that brainwashed those people -- are shit."
"Oh, the brainwashing that was put into those people's brains -- is shit."
In a brain, it only takes one minute to realize that. If it is a Human brain.
Now look at those creatures that are walking around staring into space, as another wave of miniature realization hits their tiny brains and then realize ...
they cannot understand in a DECADE what a Human Child can understand in a minute.
When you realize that, and you think about their brains, it is completely as though someone has taken out their brains and washed them -- until they are totally empty. Then, put them back into their skulls and injected them with only what the Dictators wanted them to think.
Historians will say that something great has been achieved, because the petrified programming that was put into their brains, has somehow been cracked and shattered; and now all of those semi-dead people know that I exist; know that Human Resistance exists; know that there is such a thing as the Truth; know that the Truth is telling them that everything that they have been brainwashed with is a lie. That is supposed to be a great achievement in its own right.
However, those people have the scale wrong. The scale is completely wrong in such an evaluation. They are considering microscopic achievements, which really do not have any value here in the real world. How many microscopic achievements make up a real achievement? Does anyone know? Mathematically, a 'micro' is one-millionth of something. Which means, it takes one million 'micros' to make 'one' of something.
What they are talking about is not sufficient; it does not add up to anything substantial. There are millions of brainwashed zombies that somehow know about me, and somehow know that the Truth exists now ... somehow ... and they have been lied to before ... and that Truth, and the people who know the Truth, has absolutely no respect for and no regard for ... their Masters.
But -- they cannot understand it all at the same time. Even though a ten year old child can understand it in one minute. For that, they require ten years. During which, they often stare blankly into space with the dumbest looks on their faces that you have ever seen. It is like a continual Carnival of Repugnance. It is beyond and below 'pathetic'.
What do you do with zombies? That is a big logistical question. Not just in 'everyday life', but also in revolutionary terms -- what do you do with zombies?
I will give you an example of a zombie: When the Five Naked Monkeys in Wash This Death City recently made a decision for themselves, being Queers as they are, and declared that all Deviates like themselves can pretend to be married ...
how many people did you see that went 'tharn' and stared blindly into space, and maybe they started to salivate. How many people did you see do that?
There were some. Most of the populations that I saw, could not have cared less what defecations were committed over in Wash This Death City. A lot of them were free like I am, and too intelligent to believe that the so-called 'Federals' have any kind of 'authority'. There were some (less intelligent TV watchers) that were 'Frozen' in their tracks, by the realization of how horrendous a crime had just been committed by assholes far away in the east, that are supposed to be Human Judges -- and are not.
I saw a few in all six states. And yes, they were all of low intelligence. But, that does not necessarily mean that they were born that way. One of the most horrid crimes of the SQLD is that they take away people's intelligence. The brainwashing process kills intelligence. In the population, you have people who have already been murdered mentally; and now they are hearing that >>
The Queers have voted for the Queers
Queers have made decisions for the Queers
Which cannot be a surprise to anyone with a brain
That Monkeys have made decisions for Monkeys
That something entirely to be expected (of a completely vile enemy) has happened ...
and, what is left of their brains stares blindly into space -- not knowing what to think.
but it can't think
Zombies, in some kind of paralyzed shock. A shock that cannot even become real, because the brains that are experiencing it haven't enough active neurons of their own to actually feel a real shock. Therefore, they are trying to feel shocked, but they cannot muster a genuine shock reaction; because they haven't enough operating neurons left in their brains (after the brainwashing) to be able to think that much. Or, feel that much. So, they stare stupidly into space.
What do you do with zombies? In everyday life, and in a revolution? What will zombies be used for, by the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead, against a revolution? What will the Perverts use zombies for, in everyday existence, against you?
I am not trying to put a humorous aspect onto this discussion. I really mean what I am about to write; as the situation is actually this horrible.
I have been thinking about it some more, and it is actually as though those victims of the NEA and the queer programming have had their brains vacuumed out of their skulls -- and worthless and mindless mush has been forced back into their skulls -- as replacements. It is as though their skulls have been vacuumed clean of the brains that they were born with. There is only substitute matter in those skulls, put there by their own enemies.
How else can you describe it? Requiring ten years to understand something that only takes one minute to understand?
How else can you describe it?
When you think about how all of this has happened, and you think about the history of 'television', and how naive and stupidly television was created and used, and how (by the forces of greed and even avarice) television was forced into everyone's households! And the incredible blunder that television is! Not just was, but is. You will start to understand the severity of the situation, and why I wrote what you are about to read.
It was a blunder, and it is a catastrophe now, of never-ending blunders. Think of all of the zombies that now exist because of 'television'. What you are really seeing, is a technological equivalent of Natural Selection. Or, Natural Selection in a technological environment. Even though TV has killed off so many people, leaving them as freakshow zombies -- there are still millions and millions and millions and millions and millions of US (Human Beings) who do not watch Shitavision, and are not zombies.
We do not read the 'Fired' magrag (formerly Wired). We do not read the (Goodbye People/Hello Creeple) magrag. We do not listen to Filthy Monkeys. We do not watch Shitavision. We do not watch any of their filthy HollyQueer movie substitutes. We do not partake of their Queer Medias ...
so ... we have brains. We have minds, and we can think. But a lot of innocent victims have perished by watching TV brainwashing.
Remember, the TV Turds forced television upon everybody. Oh yes! Through insinuations and intimidations, and all kinds of peer pressures that they themselves fabricated, they forced everybody to have a television. They made everybody think -- "If you do not have a television -- you are a complete retard -- and some thing strange -- and a reject!"
They forced everybody to have television, and now millions of innocent victims lie dead before TV sets every day in this country. While, the Owners and Operators of TV, and Satellite, and Cable are soaking up the riches; and pissing on the captive corpses that are paying them. That is why I am so keen upon getting a hold of the Owners and the Operators of the hideous 'Satan Tube'. The Satan Tube channels. Satellite companies. Cable companies. They are exempt from the terrible effects of this invention. They are still using it to kill millions of people, and to serve their own greedy purposes.
They have not succumbed to their evil invention. But, I want them to succumb to us.
In their greed and their avarice and their purposely designed lunacy, they have invoked Natural Selection (quite unwittingly). Natural Selection has created US, many millions of us. And, we want those Bastards! We want those Bitches!
****Gruesome Point****
One of the things which I regard as being one of the strangest aspects of all of this, and there might be a simple explanation for it; is that the zombies have not started to mutate yet.
Those almost completely brainless dullards, and dunces, that are the products of Queer Programming and Queer Medias and NEA schools -- and are now so completely Inhuman and anti-Human -- have not begun to mutate. Technically, there is no reason for them to stay in any kind of Humanoid form; there is no need for it; except as a carry over from a basic survival model that worked before, when their ancestors had brains. They do not have brains now, so that need for such a body is really out the window.
Technically, they do not need to have Humanoid forms if some thing else would work. Some thing more basic, some thing that crawls.
Some thing that might crawl upon the ground. Some body that does not need to stand erect, because why would anything that brainless need to stand erect? And -- I wonder -- why they have not started to mutate yet? Certainly the Queers have ideas and prototypes for mutations. Absolutely that is the case, no doubt about it.
I am wondering why there has not been a kind of general and un-designed and un-initiated mutation on the part of those 'results', those 'products'; of public schools and TV watching. Why have they not started to mutate yet?
It could be too early. The scourge of television has not been around that long. How old is television? Forty years old? Fifty years old? Television may not have been around long enough to cause the mutations that I am thinking about. Simplified mutations. Simplifying reductions.
TV Zombie brains have been completely turned into vacuous sponges that contain almost nothing but air, queer orders, and TV commercials. Why would they possibly need so complex a vehicle as a Human Body -- when the brain is so absent, and so gone?
Requiring ten years? To understand what takes one minute to understand?
[[I highly recommend learning about Human Anatomy and Physiology if you are a Human. I took three semesters of it at University and I am sorely tempted to take it all over again by correspondence or online -- because ...
If you have access to a Real College or a Real University -- that is not smeared over with despicable Liberals and their Mental Feces -- then I highly recommend taking such courses -- without any kind of degree or certificate program -- just those courses.]]
No brain like that, if you could call it a 'brain', could possibly require so complex a biological machine as a Human Body. So, why are they not simplifying? Why are they not starting to break down into simpler forms? Why are they not crawling? Why are they not starting to slither on their bellies? Or, walk by rubbing their asses on the ground? Why are they still walking erect?
It could be, because television has not been around long enough for that response to occur; and there have not been enough 'generations' of continued reduction and duncing down before television, and the associated mandatory brainwashing.
It could also be something that sounds unlikely, but it is just possible that it could be this way >> it could be because they are too stupid to become what they should be. This is something I would have to research further, but the idea of it (and could be the reality of it) is that it could be, that they are so completely brainwashed that the mental resources that mutations might require are no longer there. Who really knows what is happening in a mutation, not even the mutants know.
If there are any kinds of mental resources, and I mean the basic electrical cerebral resources (somehow in some way) required for mutations to happen -- they have certainly been erased along with all of the original thoughts. The brainwashing tortures do not merely erase information. The brainwashing function of the Queerism Disease and the Queer Medias and the NEA schools, cripples the brain. Deactivates the brain. Not just takes away the information, but it also cripples and implodes and reduces the functionality of the brain.
Those TV watchers, might not have the required cerebral functionality any longer to mutate. Leaving them as Human Bodies, with nothing between their ears except Queer Programming.
[[If that is the case, then long-term un-Natural Adaptation -- will turn them into worms.]]
If you want to come up with a 'word' for such creatures -- feel free to do so. I do not want to think of the things enough to give them names.
There is another reason, a quite plausible reason, why I am seeing some really mentally disabled people with blank stares and the dumbest Make-A-Lesie-Happy looks on their faces that you could ever imagine on a face; as they realize a little bit of how horrible the Liberals and the Deviates and the DemoCraps really are. Since, the latest attacks against Humans by the Deviates in Wash This Death City -- using those Five Naked Monkeys.
There is another possibility, another feasible and quite possible excuse for that (though I am not making excuses) and that is -- they did not heed my warning. They did not listen to, they did not read, what I said -- that if you know the Truth from the Humans (if you read Human websites and you know the Truth) and you continue to watch TV -- You Will Go Insane.
What we are seeing could literally be the moments when they go insane.
What we are seeing could literally be the moments when they go insane.
Time to thank your Lucky Stars for any occasion, occupation, preoccupation, situation, or life that keeps you AWAY FROM TV.
Deviates -- Weapons -- Sports --
Let's have an exercise!
A Thought Exercise!
What weapons do the Queers have that
can be destroyed?
Public Schools
Political Parties
(GP/HC) newsmags (Goodbye People/Hello
Queered Police
Senseless Government Drones
Celebrity Deviates
Queered Churches
Illegal Immigrant Voters
Death Companies like Queer Disney
What sports do the Queers have that can
be destroyed?
Telepathic Attacks
Smear Campaigns
Perverting Well-known People
Phony Parades
Sexual Confusion
Cascading Lying
Bullying With Lies
Rumors and False Witness
Burning Churches
Scaring Human Opponents
Diverting Truth
Enforcement Terrorists
Internet Interruption and Intimidation
Network (IIIN)
[[Why are Queer Headquarters never
burnt down? The Satanists love to burn down churches. And, their
Queer Headquarters are never burnt down in return. To the Satanists
-- that is all that matters -- they get to burn -- and they never
get burnt.]]
For example: NOT watching TV. Here are
some websites about NOT watching TV.
In Alphabetical Order:
10 Reasons to Watch Less Television
11 Reasons You Should Stop Watching
Television Now
18 Things People Who Don't Watch TV Are
Tired Of Hearing
Are Young People Watching Less TV
(Updated – Q1 2015 Data)
Area Man Constantly Mentioning He
Doesn't Own A Television
Do Not Just Sit Around and Watch TV -
Improve Your Cerebral and Limbic Skills
Does Anyone Watch Broadcast TV Anymore
Forrester Video And TV Consumption
Getting Rid of Cable TV--19% without
How many people do not watch TV
How Often Do You Watch a Television
Show When It Originally Airs
How Television Affects Your Brain
Chemistry -- And That's Not All!
How to Quit Watching TV (with Pictures)
How TV Affects Your Child--What Is
Quality Programming
How young viewers are abandoning
In Changing News Landscape, Even
Television is Vulnerable
Instead of watching TV this 103-year
old woman reads and listens to the radio
Local TV Audience Declines as Revenue
Bounces Back
Netflix All the successful people I
know don't watch TV - Netflix obviously didn't get the memo
Not Having a TV -- Stuff White People
Out There People Who Live Without TV
People Who Watch Too Much TV Are Twice
As Likely To Die Early
Queer Report--Internet Slowly Replacing
Queer Report--No Queer TV is boring --
Huffingbutt's Post
Queer Report--TV loses have doubled
Taking a Stand Against TV
Top 10 Reasons You Should Stop Watching
TV,video, OTT, cable TV, satellite TV,
Internet TV Communiqué
Unhappy people watch TV, happy people
readsocialize, says study
Want To Be More Innovative Don't Watch
The News
What Kind Of 'I Don't Own A TV' People
Do You Have In Your Life
Why I Don’t Have a Television and
Rarely Go to Movies
Why TV News is a Waste of Human Effort
One Example Worth a Trillion Dollars
Why You Should Stop Watching T.V. and
What to Replace it With
Please look at these websites about
millions of people rejecting TV. It is really happening.
Interestingly, the people who do not
watch TV are sometimes classified as 'Ultra-right Conservatives'. Do
you remember my message about Simplified Identities, for the purpose
of Media Control over populations? This, is exactly what I was
writing about.
Truthfully, I doubt if there really are
any 'Ultra-right Conservatives'. I do not know any, and I doubt if
they would talk to those Liberal Hacks even if they do exist. Thus,
it is virtually impossible if any of those interviewers have ever
seen an 'Ultra-right Conservative'.
i haven't seen one in years
like i said before, they are keeping a
very low profile
You want to know what True Joy is? It
happens when I write something and I know that upon reading it,
the two SQLD Analysts and their two Money's Uncles (it takes
all four) will start to chatter wildly and go running to the Queer
Masters with the news. Having understood nothing.
The Shockers:
In less than six years of VOI
operations, TV addiction and the awful brainwashing from the TV Turds
has been reduced by 2-3 million more households than there were in
2009. However, that is just the estimates from spot polls and
small-scale research. I estimate the real numbers to be 3-4
million more households that have Given The Finger To TV. Also,
that is just the estimates about households; the figures for Young
Humans who do not watch TV -- DESPITE NEA BRAINWASHING -- is in the
dozens of millions and increasing.
TV is a major killing weapon of the
Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead, why should anyone watch it?
But, reports are saying that from
15-18% more Young Humans are turning away from SQLD TV forever --
each year. At this rate, in another ten years it will be all over
for the Owners and Operators of TV. Truly, only Sodomizing Deviates
and Drooling Shitheads will still be 'Watching TV'.
Now for the Shockers: I
estimate that an almost identical number of persons are LEAVING
QUEERISM!!!! That is as much as 3-4 million since 2009 --
possibly twice as many. This is despite all of the efforts of the
Queer Propagandists to recruit as many TV watching 'Black Idiots' as
they possibly can. Also, that is in addition to the ones that are
dying from Queer AIDS.
AND -- the estimates for Young
Humans leaving TV forever match the numbers for How Many Are Leaving
Queer Coalitions. That is as much as 15-18%.
Does that maybe tell you why the TV
Queers want me dead, and the Monkeys like to shit in my direction,
and the Perverts are saying that they are going to kill the entire
country just to kill me?
And the truth.
And why, I ain't dead and I smell like
a -- 'Peters'. I was going to say rose -- gosh.
When Queen Barbara was murdered back in
1991, all of the TV stations and TV manufacturers enjoyed a big surge
in sales -- because all of the Isolationists wanted to see TV
programs about her death -- and the resulting take over of Boston by
the Horrids. It was a most psychotic and ugly reaction, that had the
TV salesmen themselves puking in disgust. Two-legged douche bags, of
many squeezed and mangled descriptions, came out of the stinking
woodworks and bought new televisions as though a 'Great Event' was
about to happen -- and it could only happen on TV. It was a
resurgence of deeply ingrained TV programming, that had been buried
by my refusal to have anything to do with the TV Turds.
[[When I did not kill any thing -- a
lot of them tried to return their TVs for refunds.]]
It was entirely and only about Death,
and the murder of a city by the Deviates. But, in the Trash World of
TVshit, even minute-by-minute temporary gains in overall attendance
(and slaves for advertisers) is worth any amount of murders. At that
time, the Queer Propagandists were very appreciative of all of the
brainwashing that the NEA had done to those douche bags, when they
were children in public schools.
All, just part of the
so-called Homosexual Agenda.
It is too bad that you never knew
Barbara. She was a genius, and very loving of People. When The Cult
Of The Asshole murdered her, they were trying to kill you.
Quote >>>> Exactly how
many people do not watch television is extremely difficult to
determine, a) because the exact number who do is not known and b)
neither is the total exact population of Earth. However the number
would easily be in the multiple billions.
Quote >> Another
interesting statistic from the Consumer Electronics Association is
that only 7% of U.S households get their TV over the air (OTA) by an
antenna directly from a local TV broadcast station. That percentage
of OTA viewers keeps declining each year. A Nielsen study in 2012
indicated 9% OTA down from 16% in 2003. The rabbit ear business has
got to be in real trouble. That is also bad news for the broadcast
networks who receive payment from the cable companies to carry the
broadcast channels. The recent CBS-Time Warner (TW) dispute has CBS
asking more than TW wants to pay so TW drops the channel. This hurts
all parties including the consumer.
Most of this section is about the
conscious removal of an awful scourge from the lives of everyday
people -- Shitavision. There are two other ways that horrid TV is
being removed from our arteries and veins:
Subconscious Withdrawal. This occurs
when the victim unconsciously decides to watch less deviated and less
hideous programming on Shitavision.
Unconscious Withdrawal. This occurs
when the victim chooses other forms of eye-candies and psychotic
inputs (it can never be called 'entertainment') instead of
Shitavision. Thus, the TV channels are not turned on at all.
How to remedy a crime of this
Everything that is happening is because
of upbringing and raising -- either for good or for bad or for
independence. Myself, I was brought up badly; so badly, that I
checked out of the program and raised myself for War instead.
Give some thought to what Democracy
really is. It is obvious to anyone who is sane, that the SQLD have no
intentions of sharing this continent with anyone or anything else.
Just as the Marijuana Junkies will not stop at getting pot legalized,
surely the Deviates will now be promoting all kinds of equally insane
freak cases. That, is what 'equality' really means to their
propaganda -- but not to them -- to themselves they will always be
the superior freaks.
The previous system of two political
parties is more repugnant to the queer-sucking Liberals than it is to
their former opponents the Republicans, which they have now absorbed.
With only lifeless and hollow opposition to their campaign of evil
domination, they now feel free to proceed to far worse atrocities --
and what will oppose them? Such ButtPussy trash as Quis Quisty? The
Faggot Queen of New Jersey? What a laugh!
The point is, Domination and
Dictatorship often requires the continued presence of weak and feeble
and corrupted and rotten Token Resistance. But, only if a facade
of 'democracy' must be maintained for a while. Later, when power
is total, Token Resistance can be eliminated. And if done with
deceit, the Token Resistance can still exist (in name only) with the
toadies and the agents of the Dictatorship for membership, and only
Quis Quisty, and all such so-called
Republicans, are as Democrat/Homosexual as you can get. Greedy,
lying, conniving, twisted, whoring and queer. 'Quisty' is now the
word for 'TRAITOR WITHIN' -- just as certainly as 'Quisling' was (and
is) the singular word for 'TRAITOR WITHIN' during World War II.
Vidkun Quisling - Wiki
Vidkun Quisling, the Norwegian Nazi
Absolutely, the so-called Republicans
are now the Quisling Party here in America -- and should be
identified as such.
Something which the Republican
Quislings do NOT want -- is your memories. Those White Pasties do not
want anyone to remember what they have done to the Human Species --
INCLUDING -- the names and addresses of every thing that they are,
and who supported their traitorism.
{{{Objective Point: It can only be
called 'Traitorism' relative to what they should be.
In Reality, they have never been what they should be. And, they
always use the excuse that they do not have to be what we want them
to be. These days, they are starting to learn that such Isolationism
is suicidal}}}
Therefore, do the exact opposite --
remember each and every one of them as the 'Guilty' and the
'Collaborators' that they are, and always will be.
In France, after WWII, all french
persons who had helped the Nazi Occupation of France during the war,
were severely dealt with. In our case, punishment of all
Collaborators must include the mandatory punishment of 'Permanent
Loss of Wealth and Property' for the duration of their own lives.
Again, I will not visit this punishment upon the children born of
this Millennium. A fact which such Quistys will doubtless try to use
to their advantage, to no avail. Guilty Collaborators must suffer the
loss of the very reasons for their
That! Must be taught to our own
children! Our children may be called upon to exact such punishment on
'Those Old Traitors'.
Loss of all Wealth and Property -- or
-- execution. Take your pick.
[[Speaking of which -- place
enormous importance upon our children and their non-NEA schooling.
Break down the lie that says that all future generations will accept
the criminal Deviates; that so many crimes of the past created and
forced upon everyone, and endless Queer Propaganda insists that we
must all tolerate.
Destroy Propaganda.
Raise generations of
'Propaganda Destroyers'.]]
In the meantime, how do we negate and
reverse this latest Queershit Explosion at Wash This Death City?
Look at a UPS driver. UPS gave the
Deviates a lot of money to use for bribes of Monkey Judges. Every UPS
driver knows that, and likes that. UPS drivers are chosen for their
Cloning Tendencies, Vacuous Brains (obviously), and Brainwashing
Index. UPS drivers are a violent gang of scum that are held by
leashes, for now, until the need arises for gangs of enforcers to be
set upon the populace.
Where do you think such violent gangs
will come from? Not just from the Deviate Hoards -- no. Any worker
drones, in companies that are queer (like Finger Our
Rectums Daily) are already designated for the ranks of
Berserker Armies.
Berserker Hoards, to be used as Forces
for Colonization, and the Subjugation of Original Populations.
Set your sights on any and all clones
and drones that work at Quisling Companies -- such as Allsnakes --
and keep thinking of them as they really are -- targets. That, is
almost how they think of You;
except they think of you as Pathetic Targets.
There is a
massive parallel to all of this Perverted Muck, and a possible
indication of Marxist/Communist long-range planning involved at the
planning hub of the Queers -- The Cult Of The Asshole.
It is called
Did I suggest
learning about China?
Behind all of
the grinning and crooning and lying advertisements from the Quisty
Companies that gave money and support to our attackers -- lie many
sinister and awful intentions ...
[[I will never
buy Coca-Cola or Pepsi products again -- and I suggest that all
Humans do likewise, regardless of how many times both sewers say that
their products are for Humans. A Permanent Boycott.]]
Take a look at
these videos on You Tube. Notice the part about the British using
Opium to pacify the Chinese populations of the Chinese Provinces that
they wanted to plunder and rape.
Opium Wars -
The Opium War - YouTube
Boxer Rebellion 1898-1900
Boxer Rebellion
1900 - Boxer Rebellion - Extracts from
There is an
uncanny similarity between the British using Opium on the Chinese to
make them submissive -- and the Deviates using TV and the Queer
Medias to pacify and neuter the Americans.
[[It is not
enough for myself, alone, to protest. All Humans must protest and be
considered by all Police Forces nationwide as the People You Never
Harass Or Take Money To Fuck Over.]]
By being the 'People That No One Messes
With For Any Reason' ...
by banding together against any and all
Monkeys ...
we will find ways to remove from our
lives any Fake Justice System that includes Monkey Judges and
Monkey Lawyers. In short, we will have a completely separate and
totally Human Justice System that frees our People from any
dependencies upon the forever corrupt and sick-sick-sick Monkey
Judges and Monkey Lawyers. Rabid animals, that are being used by our
worst-ever enemies to commit Genocide By Replacement Against Us.
But, for those successes, we will need
a Definite Degree of Human Autonomy (physical, mental, spiritual)
away from the Network of Queer Coalitions that is attempting to kill
the former United States of America, and take its place.
[[Do you think that removing a Monkey
Judge will merely be a matter of stringing up some cringing and
crapping putz-for-hire? Monkeys bite. Especially the so-called
Federal Monkeys, that are the Elite Killers of the Monkey Judge
Syndicate. While those things use Queershit Legalities against our
Species, they would much rather like officiating over organized
massacres of Innocent Humans. Each one is constantly armed, demented,
dangerous, and surrounds itself with its own pack of hired killers.
Question: What do kind and beneficial
and honest 'judges' need with mercenaries, and loaded guns under
their robes?
Answer: All the better to rob you with!
Of course!]]
There is another aspect of
this tug-of-war that I think some of you are missing out on.
The Perverts know that
anyone can buy any Politician, or Monkey, or Media. That makes such
an avenue for destruction of America accessible to them. Almost all
Medias are now under their hire. All Politicians are now under their
hire. Of course, all Monkeys were hired by them long ago.
However, Churches are a
different matter.
'Government By The People
and For The People' has not existed as such for decades. 'Government'
is now another word for sewage and slop and ruination and corruption.
Not that the 'government' of this nation was always spic and span and
squeaky clean. Of all people, George Armstrong Custer had a fierce
fight with the 'government' of this country while he was alive.
Churches, on the other
hand, are supposed to be closer to the People -- and are physically.
Wash This Death City is stuck over on the far east side of the
country because of history and industrial mass; it should be located
in a much more central location -- but at this time I will not say
exactly where.
That 'government' in Wash
This Death City today is --
1. Alienated from the
2. Despises the People
3. Resents the People
4. Hates the People and
5. Is greedy and filled
with scheming avarice
6. Breeds armies of
Berserkers and Killer Militaries against their own People
Meanwhile -- Real Churches
of the People (as opposed to the Satanic Churches that were once
Human, and have now fallen to the Queer Invaders and Demented White
Females) -- they are still With
The People and Of The People and For The People,
and closely Dependent Upon The Welfare Of The People. Therefore, they
have a much greater vested interest in keeping the People clean.
'Government' has no such
intentions. Government Gnomes work for the day when they will sit on
thrones over all Humans, regardless of how ugly and twisted and
demented and savage they are.
The Point Is ...
Government can be bought.
Real Churches of the
People cannot be bought.
Government can be made to
damage and destroy Humans (and is).
Real Churches cannot be
forced or paid to do so, and would rather die first.
Government has Zero
Fidelity to the Human Species.
Real Churches have Immense
Fidelity towards the Human Species -- even if some of them are being
scared into silence by Queer Propaganda.
All Of That Means
-- The Attack Path Of The Deviates Was Through The Government. If You
Take Away The Government's Ability To Control Some Issue (any issue)
-- The Attack Path Is Ruined -- Stopped -- Prevented -- Halted!!!!
THEN, the Queer
Propagandists have to start all over again; by trying to intimidate
and coerce and scare and frighten and bankrupt tens of thousands of
Human Churches (disregarding the Satanic ones that have already
WHY Will They Start All
Over Again????
WHY Will They Attack In
New Ways And Against New Targets????
WHY Will They Go To So
Much Effort Just To Lie And Pretend And Try To Create More Fakery????
Answer: Disease.
Mental Disease. The
Queerism Disease never allows its victims to stop trying to kill more
and more True Lifeforms. Name a disease that stops on its own. Name a
disease that volunteers to die, rather than kill victims. Name a
disease that does not spread in every way it can.
You have to give into
Reality, about all of this. There is no such
thing as 'good intentions' or 'innocence' or 'right' or 'equality' or
'decency' or 'justice' within the Queer Coalitions, or the Satanic
and Queer Lying-Dead, or The Cult Of The Asshole.
All such things are
'virtues' -- Human Virtues!!!!
Which are scheduled to be
annihilated by the Queerism Disease!!!!
Preserve those Virtues --
Enshrine them -- Promote them -- Take them to their next Natural
Level -- Keep doing that, and the Heart of Humanity will never be
quick ideas on how to eliminate Ill-Legal Monkeys:
Monkey Judges has to happen at their base, the Monkey Lawyers; and at
their customers (once they are Federal Whores above their base) and
'supreme' even over their own base. And, at their syndicate -- the
bogus 'legal profession'. Also, at any organization that supports
Lawyers or Judges, such as periodicals, councils, or social groups.
complicity, that recognizes Lawyers or Judges as any kind of valid
and accepted class, with an accepted role and accepted place in
society and Politics -- must be reversed and disabled.
all connections between Politics and Lawyers. Restructure all laws to
have no further need for Legalism or Lawyers. No legalese -- no
legality structure -- the 'Law' becomes a very minor part of the much
greater Human Existence. Instead of, Humanity existing as a small
part of the Law.
all Human Children from becoming Lawyers, or Paralegals, or Court
Clerks, or Barristers (etc). Force the legal profession to train only
the dreges of the society; and at the same time reduce all legal
professions to a lowest status, akin to non-existence.
off, forever, all legal professions from Human patronage; as the
undesirable plague that they are.
Human Rules that severly punish any trash for trying to use the
trashed legal profession against any Human or Human community.
Utterly denounce and cast out the legal professions, and establish
hard rules against any scum that try to use the courts and the legal
profession against Human Law -- which they are banished from. A War
between Human Law, and all Queer Legal Monkeys!!!!
anyone who is part of the legal professions, or related to the legal
professions -- shun them -- work against them tirelessly, as they lie
and try to hide the fact that they work against us tirelessly.
them out. A permanent General Boycott of all legal professions. To
include, giving them nothing to do except for dealing with trash like
themselves. Forcing them to hire mercenaries, to cause troubles
amongst us; that they insist must be settled in their courts; thereby
perpetuating the Superstition
that Monkey Lawyers and Monkey Judges are necessary.
possible, demand rules and regulations and limitations on the entire
legal profession. Severly limit the number of Queer Judges, Queer
Courts and Queer Law offices.
'Home Rule' and vote for Home Rule under your
own strict supervision,
with the entire voting process watched 'live' by thousands of Human
'Voting Monitors'. Whether you win the vote or not -- do as the
DemoCraps do -- declare victory and pronounce 'Home Rule' as
inevitable and a 'done deal'. Demand immediate acceptance of 'Home
Rule', and proceed to create your own Human 'Home Country'.
forbid Monkey Courts and Monkey Judges from making judgements on
cases involving Humans. Curtail and reduce all Monkey Powers and
any 'Supreme Court'.
any event, severly limit what cases Monkey Judges can decide. And
change all Social
to eliminate any role of Lawyers and Judges that are not certified
(by Humans) as Destroyers. Even then, establish mandatory rules for
Monkey Removal of any Lawyer or Judge that makes decisions against
the Human Species. And, do not be kind about it.
Superstition, and remove the obsolete court system; and install Human
Courts as I have described previously.
your mental and spiritual and religious refusal to accept any
Monkeyism, and to refuse any and all Monkey Decisions -- UNLESS --
they give you more Power
Over Monkeys
-- AND -- were made as appeasements. Here, the key factor is to not
be appeased or fooled or purchased or bribed.
demand More
Appeasements That Reduce Monkey Power.
Make the Monkeys give away all of their Phony Superiority -- just to
stay in existence!!!!
demand appeasements that involve making Queer Monkeys less powerful
directly -- that means the Direct
Aim Of Any Appeasement Is Monkey Reduction.
NOT, Monkey Support or Monkey Approval.
their consent, eliminate any rules or regulations that mandate who
can make binding decisions. Make 'practicing law' a crime and
unacceptable. At the same time pass People's Judgements that Human
Courts are acceptable, and only Human Courts.
the Politics Game to death, by not voting and refusing to recognize
any 'elected official' as a representative of Humans. At the same
time ...
Within Human Communities.
Refuse any law, or statute, or regulation that says that Government
Turds must approve any and all elections, or they are illegal. Refuse
that crap, outright! Choose
Leaders and Elders that have fighting spirit. Declare your refusal of
their courts, and establish the permanent practice of solving all
Human disputes with Human Courts. Declare any statement or judgement
by 'Them', that says your courts are illegal -- as illegal to the
Human Species. Punish any turd that opposes Human Courts as much as
you possibly can.
For Payback Has Arrived.
all Humans out of their jails, and torture chambers, and shrink
chambers -- by investigating and learning the Truth about all of
their setups to frame Humans, and to make them stand trials in Alien
Courts and to be imprisoned in Alien Jails.
financial support from all creatures and businesses that support the
Monkey Legal System.
they respond with murders and raids and spies and massacres and
infiltrators and false imprisonment and hostages and terrorism and
prison camps -- Kill them with a Revolution. Scorch the Earth of
them, their stench, and whatever they owned.
idea, that is a sort of stop-gap measure, but keeps our money out of
the clutches of Monkey Lawyers -- is 'Self-Defense In Court'. Yes, I
prefer flame-throwers in Monkey Courts; but that is not what I meant.
I mean 'Self-Representation' in Monkey Courts -- OR -- with the help
of Judge Destroyers -- OR -- with the help of other Humans
experienced at Human Self-Defense in Monkey Courts.
the way -- how do Monkey Judges get paid? I do not know, but if it is
with taxes, reduce the taxes and starve out the POS. Do whatever you
can to reduce the incomes of Monkey Judges. That will reduce the
financial cover and camoflauge that they have put up to hide the
bribes that they take.
is like fighting an old and dead tree, that has fallen over due to
internal rot. The maggots that still live in that old edice, are
still demanding that they have some kind of 'supremacy' over the
LIVING. Even though, they exist in a dead tree that is filled with
maggots; and make their livings, killing the LIVING.
a few casual thoughts in the right direction. Certainly more later.
Can you hear the ButtPussies? They are
all chanting "Kill! Kill! Kill!" -- off camera.
There is nothing as hateful in this
Universe as Asshole Hatred. For confirmation, just look behind the
masks of the Five Naked Monkeys. Or Nazi Pelosi.
"Kill!" "Kill!"
"Kill!" scream the ButtPussies!
"Now Is Our Chance!"
Doubt for a second that they are saying
that -- and they will be saying it over your grave.
Speaking of which, now would be a
really good time to cut the cable into your house and cancel your
subscription, pull the satellite dish off your house and cancel your
subscription, and tear the TV antenna off your house -- if you have
not done so already -- unless you would like to go Coffin Shopping.
Unless -- you want to die of Queer
Propaganda ... or you already have.
And, this message is being read aloud
to you -- over your grave.
The Horrid Grizzled Dead: Have
you seen the hardcore Homosexual/Democrats that are now grinning
about forcing another Democrat/Homosexual attack upon this nation? Do
you think they know? That they were not Queers when this started?
can they care
Do you remember the many times I
explained the scourge of Revisionist History as a propaganda weapon
against Truth and Reality? Naked Monkeys are propaganda
revisionists -- and their demands to force their lies upon
everyone serves to prove that Revisionist History is indeed nothing
more than part of the so-called Homosexual Agenda; and Genocide by
Replacement is part of the plan. All the more reason to decimate all
Monkeys and scorch the Earth wherever Queer Coalitions prevail. An
idea which gives Isolationists fits. Good.
Remember -- anyone who insists on
anything in this sewer -- gets his way.
Look for attacks against Humans,
incited by Queer Agents, and excused as pre-emptive attacks to
prevent Civil War. Translation >> loss of property, loss of
riches, loss of bogus status -- which the Deviates on TV have
promised they can keep. When the Deviates start a Civil War.
"It's all Politics. No one is
going to care what crimes you committed, ten years from now. Except
the people you fucked, ten years ago."
DemoCrap Dogma
Whenever you hear a lie --
always say the Truth.
A society of Liars intends
to kill this country with their evil intentions.
You would not be reading this, if you did not want to know the Truth about what is going on in this so-called Society Country, these days. Or, historically about what happened during these days. You must already have some kind of mental mechanism allowing you to withstand the Truth about all of this, and allowing you to learn what really happened and why. How it was so terrible, so unprecedentedly terrible. So, perhaps I do not have to repeat this; but I feel that I should.
Only a combination of specific information, lessons about all of it, descriptions, examples, parallels, sometimes dreams, sometimes stories can truly explain what happened here. And even so -- without One Element -- nothing can explain it. That One Element is Appropriate Language. Without Appropriate Language, this psychotic and dying Society Country can never be described. Without Appropriate Language, this situation, this plague, this disease, this epidemic, this War against the epidemic cannot be explained.
No one can explain it by all of the other means alone. There is One Indispensable Element to describing this War and this situation. Without which, no explanations will work. No explanations are possible. No explanations should even be attempted. That One Element is Appropriate Language. Appropriate Language that tells you exactly how horrible, worthless, low, and vile are the actions (and the creatures) that are our enemies. Their actions, and what they really are. Only Appropriate Language can describe it; and if you cannot describe it properly -- why describe it at all?
Why waste your time? Why even make the effort? You must have Appropriate Language throughout any accurate history of this conflict -- or you have no history at all -- you will have nothing except garbage and cowardice and paltry milk-toast fraudulent descriptions.
So, once again, I am saying (and repeating) that Appropriate Language must happen here. I did not make it this way, that is the way it is.
If we were discussing a typical subject matter within the Human Realm, there would be no need for Appropriate Language. However, this subject matter is not within the Human World. This is about Queer Coalitions. This is about a War that is being fought to protect and preserve our Human World from Queer Coalitions.
By things -- that can only be described by Appropriate Language. Doing things, that can only be described by Appropriate Language.
Thank You Very Much
Are Disney Mannequins equal to you -- now that Naked
Monkeys shit so? Well, the real and intended question (by them) is --
are you equal to Disney Mannequins for hire? There is no such thing
as 'equality', just as certainly as there is no Federal authority and
no Justice for Humans in Amorgida. (A MORGue IDeAl)
In this world, you get what you make
happen -- not what you need or what you deserve. For instance, I
recently needed a machine that costs $600; for what I will not say
(DDTP)(Deleted Due To Perverts). However, with my current situation I
could not use the $600 machine as I needed to. I was missing
something in between my current situation and the new $600 machine;
which could be anything from a Lawn Mower to a new Camera or a new
Washing Machine. What I needed, was another machine to make the more
expensive machine work. I tried using cheap machines to make it all
happen, and the results were unsatisfactory. Finally, I spent $200 on
a good machine that would make the $600 machine work exactly as I
wanted. Now, I am Happy.
The SQLD know the same lesson. They
have poured enormous amounts of Ford and General Mills and UPS and
Disney and Warner Brothers money into bribes for corrupt politicians
and queered Monkey Judges. Now, they think they have what they want
-- a Queer Edict, from the queer Monkey Judges, that all Deviates are
superior to all Humans; anywhere, even though that Queershit can
only exist inside of Queer Coalitions.
With this newest propaganda,
the Perverts and Politicians intend to expand and multiply all Queer
Coalitions, until the country is smothered by DemoCrap (literally)
and all manner of Deranged Queerism.
The so-called Financial Conservatives
cannot learn this lesson. They do not realize that in order to
maintain a Real World to live in, they must pay the price -- both in
money, and in humility. They must disavow their idiocy about 'Money
Before Values', and cease being a separate body calling itself
anything to do with Conservatives.
[[Not that 'Conservative' is desirable.
Remember what I said about the Queer Medias employing grossly
simplified 'identifiers', like 'Conservatives', to use as handles on
the populations -- for the sake of Media Control -- for profit -- for
the ability to offer customers a hired handle on large populations.]]
There is also a huge
Quality issue involved here. As it is now -- the Quality level of the
American Public is Dung. The Queers and DemoCraps have committed
every political crime and dirty trick imaginable, to falsely push the
so-called Homosexual Agenda upon the people in the disguise of Queer
Legislations and Judicial Decisions -- thus proving that they always
thought the People are Dung to begin with -- and now, they are making
the People into Dung whether they like it or not.
Already, the Filthy Monkey
vermin are putting on all manners of songs with-twisted meanings;
telling the dunged society to forget about the dirty and nasty crimes
of the past; to forget about being subjugated and made into feces
food for DemoCraps; to forget about the terrors and horrors of the
past -- and to think (blindly) only of tomorrow.
Why? Is it some
humanitarian response towards the pain and suffering of the People.
Answer: SHIT NO!!!!!!!!!!
It is about November
The next Dogshit
All of you are caught in a
machine of never-ending CrapaMonia -- akin to the previous
'Pandamonia', only much much more evil and sinister.
Pandamonia: Wild and noisy
disorder or confusion; uproar. Mayhem, turmoil, tumult, commotion,
confusion, anarchy, furor, chaos, rumpus.
Crapamonia: Ugly and vile
disorder or debauchery committed by DemoCrap Hoards. Nasty,
grotesque, self-revering, ludicrous, imaginary, predatory,
fabricated, destructive, homicidal.
I tell you, aside from the
POS DemoCrap recruiters, the average DemoCrap is looking lost and
confused. They must have been promised something about the Monkey
Judges that did not come true, again. Probably some death.
Also, some of them are
stunned that DemoCrapia is so vicious and evil -- and are now
alienated from what they thought was still the so-called Democrat
Party -- which died under a mountain of faggots and lesie-turds years
ago. For instance, the Fired magrag (formerly Wired) used to be a
decent techno-social magazine. Now, it is so foul and riddled with
queer lice that I would only let our worst enemies wipe their asses
with its pages.
All of this avalanche of
demented shit has taken a lot of former 'Loyal Democrats' by surprise
and disgust.
And why not? Any Human
Civilization would shoot such POS vermin, in any numbers.
Of course -- we are now
seeing exactly, what is a Political Toad's Ideal World. It is endless
vomit, insanity, corruption, greed, perversions, avarice, murder,
genocide, infanticide, and Raw Evil.
government is Death.
You know, despite all of this message, I could not care less
(personally) about those POS twisted freaks and egomaniac monkeys in
Wash This Death City. Their one and only use, in this or any other
world, is to hang from telephone poles. I will write reports about
their evil deeds and how to counter such attacks; but the monkeys
themselves are just gutter trash.
Those Five Naked Monkeys in Wash This
Death City ...
and, all of Wash This Death City ...
and, their Masters in The Cult Of The
Asshole ...
can all Eat My Shit And Die.
That, is My Determination!
I am free of their demands and their
holes and their suck-faces and their Queershit Rhetoric and their
Medias and their Propaganda Lies.
My Eternal Desire is to use all Queer
Faces as toilet bowls. Also, I am writing about the REAL QUEERS --
NOT the phony and hired Disney Mannequins that pretend to be Deviates
for Commercials and Propaganda.
I am not blind, you know. I am quite
aware that there are still many Black Power Radicals out there that
are sworn to decimate the 'White Man', no matter how, no matter what
death of any proportions must occur for the 'White Man' to be reduced
to slavery and pathetic wastage.
In the case of the 'White Pasties' (the
know-it-all ModoRat Greedy Suckers) the effort is hardly worth the
endeavor; as mere money can control the Republicans, any day.
So, my concern is for the non-political
Whites and the Black Human Contingent, and the entirety of the Human
Species; when I see Demented Black Radicals (DBC) [[that I know are
as queer as a black dollar bill]] smiling and singing hate songs
about killing Civilization. All because Five Naked Monkeys (knowing
all of this) deliberately took a repeat shit in a cage in Wash This
Death City; which has all of the Demented Black Radicals chanting --
"Eat It! Eat It Forever!"
Obviously, their approval of Queer
Decisions (made against Humans) is done with the hopes of driving a
wedge of 'disunity' and 'distrust' between the Human Populations and
their own Truthsayers. But, as usual, they never consider the (DDTP)
and the (DDTP), and certainly they are unaware of (DDTP).
The DBC are poor actors -- think no one
can see into them because their skin is black -- and think no one
else knows about the Times of Shaka Zulu. You can always tell when
that dipshit Black Power Crap is being circulated again, anyway. All
of the most stupid 'black' bimbos literally start running around --
just as though commanded to do so by their Queershit Queen 'HObama
Misery's Maggot' -- a most deranged artificial vagina, that is not
good enough to polish the toenails of Shaka Zulu.
At times of high propaganda output,
such as these, the least intelligent 'blacks' start running here and
there like wind-up dolls on Energizer Bunny Overloads. Which achieves
exactly -- nothing. Except, a bunch of 'black' imbeciles get to run
about like Energizer Bunnies on Steroids.
Zip, is achieved by that nonsense, and
it wears off after a few weeks -- but for a while the landscape is
festooned with 'black' Track Shoe Testers scampering all over the
streets and buildings as though the end of the world is about to
arrive. And, after the end -- everyone gets to join hands and fall
into Hell together -- singing Queer Propaganda songs from Smelltone
It is especially evident the closer to
Chicago you get.
Like I said, it wears off like fresh
paint on a rusted metal object. There is no primer. There is no hope.
Just gloss and tinsel and decorations -- temporary decorations.
Which, is all that short-term
propaganda requires -- when it is aimed at short-term Political
At least somebody is getting some
exercise -- which is more than you can say for the White Pasty
Republicans that will fall to their spears.
[[You can bet no Human is going to
shield any God-damned Moderate.]]
Now, is a perfect time to have some fun
with Black Radical Bunnies. If you see one in a store or in a bus --
ask it ...
"Why aren't you outside running on
the grass?"
"Why aren't you outside running in
"Why aren't you outside running on
a tightrope?"
"Why aren't you outside running on
the glass?"
"Why aren't you outside running in
the nude?"
"Why aren't you outside running
after the Road Runner?"
"Why aren't you outside running
after buses?"
"Why aren't you outside running
for tacos?"
"Why aren't you outside running
after your shadow?"
"Why aren't you outside running so
we don't have to see you?"
[[If you live in the Future, and are
reading this hundreds of years from now, I hope there are no such
Queer Coalition absurdities and ridiculous fakeries in your own
Your prudent and sagacious 'Black Man'
of today -- is grumpy. Not satisfied with Results For Perverts or
Tiny Republican Remedies; your intelligent 'Black Man' of today is:
sarcastic within reason,
unsatisfied with society,
not a fan of politics,
searching for universal solutions,
disgusted with all folks,
starting to learn that individuals know
more than groups or parties or medias,
watches too much TV and does not
understand why,
philosophical in dealings with white
likes to explain white men to each
other -- white folks to themselves,
not getting enough opportunities
despite Queershit promises,
really sick of Black Radical Bitches,
goes fishing whenever possible,
is tired of saying "Get your face
out of that tiny TV and listen to me, bitch!",
wishes there was a magic cure for rust
on automobiles,
lives in many neighborhoods at the same
time for purposes of 'rest and relaxation',
thinks 'White Folks Is Crazy' is an
Insufficient Truth,
no longer listening to 'black leaders',
thinks gangs are more important than
ever--but not in the traditional sense,
thinks that wearing tiny telephones on
his ears and talking like a magpie in public places is just too cool
has no need or interest for that
'Rubik's Cube' bullshit,
just cannot get used to having 'White
Folks' kitchens and living room furniture,
often experiences fits of jealousy when
looking into the garages of white men,
by now has learned that there are
limitations and drawbacks to having a bigger penis than 'white
would rather that I do not exist-but
needs the Truth too much,
and gets really pissed off when I say
things like "Black Women are Seeexxxxyyyyyy -- Yeah Baby!"
-- and there's only so far to go
As far as the Twisted Whities are
concerned (DemoCraps) -- the Demented Black Radicals (DBC) can eat
them. Sorry to break up the 'unity' that way, but the barbecue sauce
is irresistible. Plus, it is Justice. DemoCraps eat Children, in
Public Schools.
And Twisted White Meat is the best,
after all. Try the Texas Mad-Armadillo Sauce.
the rest of you, I will explain something about myself and the Black
Human Contingent. Without getting into the details of my own history,
as a child and a young adult I was forced to exist in a social
environment that was extremely awful, murderous, perverted, and
mean-as-rattlesnake-spit. It was 99% White Trash in that place, with
1% 'Blacks' -- Big Blacks that worked in the mines, and could knock a
White Trash unconscious with one blow from either fist.
is a movie, which I believe is available on the Internet, that will
give you an idea of what I am writing about. It is called 'Gold' and
stars Roger Moore, Susannah York, Ray Milland (Panic in Year Zero)
and Bradford Dillman (Escape from the Planet of the Apes). That movie
was about a Gold mine populated mostly by 'blacks'. I was at a real
Borax mine, populated mostly by 'whites'; and the intrigues,
killings, and crimes were far in excess of what you see in 'Gold'.
make this very simple, which it was far from being, the White Trash
there hated and wanted to kill two things >> Anyone who was not
White >> and Me. They were like packs of wild dogs however; and
fell upon each other and any sign of blood -- often. They were also
first generation TV watchers, and therefore they were becoming more
stupid (if that was possible) every day.
survived. I left that pit with a huge interest in anything that those
White Trash hated, or did not know about. And yes -- they were
perverted pre-queer Queers. They are one of the reasons why I know
how really violent and deranged the Deviates behind the 'Disney
Mannequins And Monkeys Show' really are.
now burned in my soul a great fire of concern for people who were not
'White'. That, and the discovery that I am a natural-born geographer,
put me on the track of finding out what 'Black People' are. The
results were disappointing -- grim -- appalling -- confused. But, I
soon learned that all such grief was being caused by Black Slavers
(masquerading as Black Radicals) and White Masters. I knew about the
White Masters from the mines, but the twisted existence of Black
Slavers was bad news to me.
this simple, I saw that there was a great number of Black People who
lived lives of Multiple Misery under Multiple Masters -- all taking
advantages of the misery of the Black Masses.
struck me right through the heart. All of the pains and anguish which
I had already endured, was happening to all of the Black People who
were under the heels of those Awful Opportunists. The same White
Masters of the White Trash that had tried to kill me for years --
Plus -- Black Slavers.
-- get this -- those Black People (like myself) were (and are) really
good and fine and excellent characters. Like I had lived, they were
living in perpetual misery and unwarranted poverty and undeserved
depression -- just because of propaganda and greed and opportunism
and ignorance and no hope. All the more reason to despise such
opportunists like HObama the Magnificent Pervert, that the Deviates
have foisted upon everyone as a Black Savior. Disgustingly
was always looking for Real Humanity anyway, which I was not finding
in the 'Whites', but it existed in abundance in the 'Blacks' -- the
uncontrolled and non-radical Blacks. That was it, as far as I was
concerned -- I fell in love with the so-called Black Race. Which was
inevitable, because I was looking for my own kind -- My Humans.
I have much more to love, because there are many more Humans of all
'races' to love now -- and many more Enemies and Assholes and
Perverts to despise at the same time. All of which want all of us
dead, no matter what the liars on TV say, or what the Audience
Reaction Machines do, or the Jerkoff Professional Audiences sound
... I watch all Black Folks ... which is something new to them. They
are used to being ignored or disrespected by 'Whites', or criticized
by 'Whites', or pimped and pumped and prostituted by White Queers
that want their help to kill the Natural Universe. They are not used
to being looked at by me, inspected, expected to do something Human,
questioned about what they are doing for Humanity. And frankly, it
makes them uncomfortable.
make them uncomfortable. I remind them of what they should be doing.
There is a cure for that discomfort. Turn off Shitavision.
You Believe It?
enough, no sooner did I write about the young couple watching the
Satan Tube at a truckstop at Evansdale, Iowa (which I have explained
elsewhere in this message) then I was passing through there again,
different day, and stopped again. This time for a shower.
This time,
there were several 'whites' (barely), a mexican (maybe), another
'white' mercifully unconscious in a corner, and six of the singularly
and exclusively most stupid 'blacks' I have ever seen, sitting in the
TV playpen. As I have indicated, I have been watching 'black folks'
for decades; but it has been decades since I have seen anything with
black skin THAT stupid.
there were quite a few Real Black Human drivers in there as well --
shopping -- doing business -- and mindfully ignoring the TV playpen.
Which, was rocking like an animal cage on fire; over where I was
standing -- waiting for a shower to be cleaned.
watched the playpen for about fifteen minutes. A very revealing
fifteen minutes:
The channel they were watching was called 'tru'. Right there, you
know something is wrong. Nothing on TV is True. The program that was
on, pretended to show real life events that were 'funny'. Every skit
on it was very obviously a staged performance in a TV studio,
blatantly obvious.
Every fifth playtime on the TV program, had a Queer theme about
lesie-turds doing something related to fake marriages.
The six 'blacks' in the playpen swallowed every bit of it as being
real. No matter how absurd and childishly obvious a lesie-planned
fakery it was, they dumbly stared at it as though they were being
told the Commandments from atop Mount Sinai (that's in Egypt. Moses?
Ten Commandments?)
A commercial came on by that queer-owned insurance company --
Allsnakes. It had a token 'blackie' in it, talking Queershit. All six
of the 'blacks' in the playpen immediately stopped cackling and
looked down at their shoes, and waited. The Allsnakes commercial went
on for a few more seconds (they only last fifteen seconds by Queer
Rules), and then 'Smiley the token Blackie' said a code word from the
Black Radical Bible. Instantly, the six black retards laughed
politely and looked up from their shoes with reverence towards their
could have been more anti-God and more Satanic and more Robotic at
the same time, than those six black shitheads looking up at 'Smiley
the token Blackie' with stone-faced worship chiseled on their skulls.
The Queer Commercial disappeared, and the program with all of the
fake realities came back on -- with a skit by lesies every fifth
time. The riotous duuuhhhing and loud uuugghhhing recommenced, and
the playpen began to rock and shake with their (very excellent)
Chimpanzee imitations.
I continued to watch them, noticing that the 'whites' and the
'mexican' were staring at them and not at the Satan Tube. The sleeper
in the corner had turned over, but was still zonked out. Meanwhile,
many Real Black Drivers passed through the hallway next to the TV
playpen; and either ignored the six black doomed souls, or smirked at
their deranged behaviors.
to god no shit
was getting interested. This was better than I expected.
Unbelievably without reasoning minds, and filled with nothing but
programmed reactions inbred into them by the Lesie-Culture -- they
alternately starred at their TV God on the wall, like it was a
doorway to Lesie-Hell, waiting for the next visual trigger -- and
then, when that trigger happened, they laughed riotously and jumped
up and down in their seats over something too stupid to be absurd.
-- also not real; what was being shown was a garbled and
hacked-to-pieces series of video clips made in TV studios, being
presented as 'Real Funny Events'. Which they were not -- not even
inside the TV studios.
It did not take a genius to realize that I had hit a Jackpot, and six
of the most ridiculous brainwashed products of tortures in NEA public
schools were right in front of me.
In a playpen
ruled by a TV.
thought to myself -- "They must have reduced dashboards in their
trucks. Three gauges at most, instead of the usual 18-20." "They
are seriously mentally impaired by Queer Programming, all six of
them." "Black truck drivers like these, make all of us
worry about highway safety."
There was a Black Human there, near the playpen, who was a custodian
at the Flying J. He was ten times smarter than they were, and ignored
the Satan Tube on the wall. I noticed that he never looked at it.
Then I thought -- "They must drive very slow -- like their
after such a pukebag performance, by those six 'black imbeciles', I
am not affected against the so-called Black Race. Aside from all of
the Real Blacks that ignored them and the TV; the only Black Human
near me and the playpen, cleaned out a shower room for me to use (as
was his job) which I thanked him for -- and was not amongst the six
Special-Ed Blacks when I left. I would not allow black-skinned
idiots (or any idiots from Queer Coalitions) to affect me in any way
-- anyway.
This confirms that because of poverty and no education and Black
Radical demands, far too many people with black skins watch TV --
which is exclusively meant for Queers and Shitheads ONLY.
This shows you
what is inside Queer Coalitions.
have seen that kind of very empty-headed 'black' truck driver before.
I have also noticed, that even the most 'intelligent' of their
destitute kind are still so hopeless that they read the queerest
websites on the Internet. Literally, the worst on the web, such as
the infamous Huffingbutt's Post.
-- not one of them had enough activated neurons left in his head to
rub together to start a fire with. As I said, this
is a window into the inner cesspools of the Queer Coalitions.
Queer Coalitions -- everything is programmed. Every breath and every
word and every reaction and every thought is programmed by the
Coalition Police.!!!!!
is entirely for your education. The truckstop is called 'Flying J',
and is at exit 68 off highway 20 in Evansdale, Iowa. Which is just
east of Waterloo. Go into the truckstop, and make an immediate right
turn, and you will see the playpen with the TV on the wall. Between
1500 and 2100 every weekday a motley assortment of shitheads (who
should not have CDLs)(who do not deserve CDLs)(who are dangerous with
CDLs) that drive trucks, gather there to stare dumbly ('blindly'
would be too merciful) at the TV God on the wall -- spit and cackle
and burp and belly laugh and fart and climb all over each other ...
just like wild monkeys in a cage]] ...
pay homage to their TV Deities.
is like looking into a glass cage. I invite anyone and everyone to go
there between 1500 and 2100 hours any weekday, and watch the pathetic
animals. It is the world's worst petting zoo, and beware of biting
you thought you had problems? Look on the bright side, you could be a
TV watching retard like them. Or worse, you could be them.
-- do you want to lose your lives and children to POS like them?
never occurred to me until after I left the Flying J, that they Vote.
They, are what Voters are.
Point: There is always someone who wants to say
"Whimpy-whimpy-whimpy" about such reports as these. And,
even though they are trying to speak and cannot, they nonetheless
piddle on themselves at the thought that they are now
what is happening somewhere -- which is frightening to them -- to
know the Truth about anything, anywhere.
need to know about such insane asylums, as the one I have just
described; because they are magnified ten thousand times across the
country, wherever TV's bugger brains.
directly represent (and are) the efforts of White Trash to beguile,
and regiment with dementia, large numbers of Black Folks (raised to
watch TV and to continually commit suicide) into a hoard of Voter
Idiots. Using black-skinned jackals on TV, as their weapons. Who,
will say any lie and commit and atrocity in the medias -- for money
and fame within Queer Coalitions.
is not just a bunch of black slaves sitting before their TV Alter,
being mentally fornicated (horribly) in a truckstop in Iowa. It is
typical of thousands of such scenes of horror. The poisoning of minds
-- any minds -- by the TV Deviates.
crime of it is just that -- usury and the killing of minds.
top of that, it is extremely dangerous to all Humans; who are the
targets of such hate sessions for raving lunatics. Raving lunatics,
that may have been far better and possibly sane, at some time far in
the past.
also say this as a warrior. Trained imbeciles, like the ones in that
TV playpen, will one day be killing innocent Human Beings -- with
guns and whatever else they can be trained to use -- as Berserker
are the stuff of 'Berserker Armies' for the Democrat/Homosexuals.
such -- in self-defense and in defense of our Species -- they will
have to be killed.
you had been there, you would know that there is no such thing as
rehabilitating such victims of TV and Queer Propaganda.}}}
brings us to the topic of ... 'military intelligence'.
to make a 'Shitavision Report':
are two ten-hour reporting periods -- 0500-1500 and 1100-2100.
report is entirely a table of numbers, on which the following
questions are tabulated -- a spreadsheet.
of lies per hour/by the hour/and total
of liars per hour/by the hour/and total
of insinuations per hour/by the hour/and total
of blatant demands per hour/by the hour/and total
of denouncements per hour/by the hour/and total
of new puppets and/or whore families per hour/by the hour/and total
of new anus-faced liars per hour/by the hour/and total
of commercials per hour/by the hour/and total
of queer commercials per hour/by the hour/and total
of Laugh Machine usage per hour/by the hour/and total
of Jerkoff Professional Audience noises per hour/by the hour/and
of queer referrals from one Shitavision to another Shitavision per
hour/by the hour/and total
of stupes and idiots turned into Queers on camera per hour/by the
hour/and total
of pay-offs and bribes issued to stupes and idiots on camera per
hour/by the hour/and total
of times that Politics is a subject of discussion per hour/by the
hour/and total
of times that Queerism is promoted per hour/by the hour/and total
of close-ups of anuses (posterior or facial) kissing the camera per
hour/by the hour/and total
is that simple. Nothing more is needed. This simple tabulation tells
you everything that you need to know about Shitavision (formerly TV).
By the way, for those of you who are Humans, and who are concerned about what kind of enemies we will be fighting in a Revolution? The Queer and Armed Fart-Forces are saturated with subservient, programmed, regimented, and completely idiot dupes; like those six unbelievably stupid black truck drivers that I just told you about.
They, are what is in the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid. Quite honestly, and I am honest about all of this, I really do not think you have to worry about who you will have to fight, in the form of flesh and blood. It is all stupefied masses of subservient idiots -- OR -- they would not still be in the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces.
It is not the things in the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces (that have two legs and two arms and two eyes and nothing between their ears) that you have to worry about. It is the weapons. The weapons of mass destruction. The weapons of mass destruction that such lunatics and belligerents will gladly use against any and all Human Beings. That is what you need to be concerned about.
About the Naked Monkeys in Wash This Death City -- you cannot imagine
words and meanings despicable enough to be appropriate for their
villainy and dementia. Suffice it to say that they, and the Monkey
Judge Syndicate that they represent, are the demise and ruination of
all Legal Professions hereafter. Never will any thing, with any
visage of 'legality' to its credentials, be considered higher than
a cockroach's kneecaps after this deliberate assault upon the
Creator, the Natural World and the Human Species.
It is now entirely possible,
and feasible, to establish Human Churches that exist solely to
denounce and destroy all so-called 'Legal Professions'.
Truly, Holy Scriptures should include
messages and letters from these times (now); adding to the bulk of
testaments, the complete denunciation and damnation and cursing of
all so-called 'Legal Professions'. Amendments -- to Holy Scriptures
for that purpose. Necessary additions.
As for the Isolationists, their
cowardly and greedy days are numbered -- no matter what happens.
These are their end days. They will die before my Species dies, I
guarantee it. And, since children are just tools and weapons to be
manipulated by them, those offspring will not be judged and destroyed
as will their guilty parents. For that, I need do nothing but wait
and watch.
You see, no group of 'Isolationists'
has ever survived a World Conflict -- not even Continental Conflicts.
At best, they become absorbed by either or both sides, or enslaved --
as neither side of combatants has any use for such fools.
[[For example -- Quakers are no longer
Isolationists. They were absorbed by the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead
years ago.]]
And, they never know what happens to
them. Sloth, laziness, poor education and Commercial Necessity create
them, and then War cleans house -- time and time again.
Do not shed tears for them -- they
never read messages.
300 pound faggots are the results of
Queer Propaganda -- just as certainly as is 'Jimbo the Jimbole', the
typical Commercial Protester.
'Jimbo' Buttface and Nasty
Monkey Lawyer Propagandist say -- "Five Naked Monkeys Rule!"
Here! Is a classic example
of Commercial Protesters. There I was, just returning from a photo
trip that Monday (06-08-2015) -- and I got home and turned on the AM
radio while I was doing laundry -- which I have not turned on in
months. The 'Jimbo Asshole' show was on. Well, I was busy and I
listened while I worked -- expecting to have to turn it off, since
'Jimbole' is just another asswipe Commercial Protester of the
Putz&Whore variety. Sure enough, true to the Queershit Rules that
all Commercial Protesters live by -- onto that pissant radio show
comes (of all things) a Monkey Lawyer.
Now, at that time, there
existed somewhere in a dirty little radio cell attached by joy wires
to the Will of The Cult Of The Asshole in the Hideous Boston Horrid
Zone -- a Radio Putz (for hire by the way) and a Monkey Lawyer (the
lowest trash of the entire trash world of the Queers). Can you guess
what lies they said -- immediately?
Queer and Phony
Marriage-Hatred Propaganda. Dogmas. Pre-scripted Phrases from the Lie
Enough Rule. All of which say such Queer Propaganda tripe as
'everyone's opinions have changed', and 'Supreme Judges are the Law'
... blah-blah-blah .. real pukebag material ...
and it is the very same
Queershit Lies that the Commercial Protesters have been blabbing for
years. Years of payments from the Deviates. How
can anybody still be listening to such shit?
You know how they do it,
of course. They use the Filthy Monkey Mix
Tactics. They Mix everything together in an
effort (and by demand) to make the shit not smell like shit, when it
is mixed in with everything else.
Butt, I have to ask --
"Jimbo Sweetums! Why is there blood and silver dollars oozing
out of your anus?"
Oh! I am sorry!
That is your face!
tell me toots -- where did you get the
nifty Monkey Liar -- Jimbo Sweetums? We can tell by the effortless
way it spits out the so-called Homosexual Agenda pablum, that it was
raised to be a mind-fornicating Monkey for the Deviates. We know the
tone, the insinuations, and the condescending attitude of ...
"Of course, THIS is
THAT -- everyone knows that
-- so of course you do too!"
"When I repeat it
into your fucked brain -- the Lie Enough Rule shits on your head!
That's what your head is for!"
"I am a Lying Monkey!
You always believe ME!"
"Whatever I say on a
shit radio station like this -- IS LAW TO YOU!"
"And, do I not sound
sooooo educated and sooooo authentic?"
I always love the little
Fiddly-bit Lies that they add to their putrid staged performances
before the microphones -- like -- "and of course anyone who
opposes the (g-a-y spit) these days is just a 'hater', and don't
you wish we could all just Coexist"?
Answer: Not as
long as Queershit like 'Coexist' exists.
[[If you do not know
(somehow) -- 'Coexist' is a Queer Propaganda campaign designed to
disarm and reduce any and all opposition to their intended domination
of this (and every other) society. It would not be the first time
that a Dictatorship or Oligarchy has risen to a position of false
domination over a People, on the backs of a Condescension Campaign of
'Weakening the People'; such as what the 'Coexist' campaign is.]]
It was, and is,
Homo-Fascist radio at its worst. Jimbole is now permanently stained
by the Fascist Brand.
Is there anyone still out
there that does NOT KNOW what squirrel-brained scum like that do? To
try to cover over their Prostitutions for our enemies? To try to
cover over their complicity in every and all attacks against the
Human Species? To try to squirm out of any Real Guilt (which they
have tons of) for aiding and abetting the Satanic and Queer
Living-Dead, and then becoming them?
Does anyone NOT KNOW how
they try to lie their way out of all of their guilt and shame and
The way they try to do it
-- is to always say the same lie -- using the 'Lie Enough Rule' >>
which says that if you repeat the same lie to someone often enough,
they will cease to remember the Truth and will start to believe the
Lies. No matter what the lies are. No matter who or what the lies are
about. Even if the lies are against themselves. Particularly, if they
are Humans and the lies are about them!!!!
(in this type of Homo-Fascist case) is always -- 'everyone's opinions
about the Queers have changed'.
What is that
strange '(g-a-y) gurgle and spit' that they say instead of the word
Lesson: As Soon As The
Monkey Entered The Radio Cell And Began Spilling Out The Collected
Queer Vomit That It Had Swallowed Just Prior To Its Arrival ...
[[you don't think they
really??? Naw ...]]
That Radio Station Should
Have Sounded The National Alert Siren From The
Emergency Broadcast Network -- Followed By A
Message Proclaiming That Lies, Prostitution And Lethal Queershit Was
Being Broadcast By That Station!!!!
That is not so outrageous
as the Deviates will say it is.
1. That would force any
radio station, that re-broadcasts the Queer Propaganda, to blow the
whistle on itself.
2. There should be a one
million dollar per incident fine, that any radio station has to pay
for re-broadcasting such really pathetic and puerile vomit of lies;
petrified from the last decade of 'The-Same-Old-Queershit'.
3. The Emergency Broadcast
Network is a National Defense organization, and any lies from any
Professional Liars (such as 'Jimbole Sweetums' and a Monkey Lawyer)
is an Alien Attack against the United
States of America.
Use the defense mechanisms
that already exist -- and apply them to the Rabies and Enemies and
Lies that are trying to Kill Our Country from the inside!
[[By the way, I would like
to say to 'Jimbole the Buttpussy' -- We all know that those Five
Naked Monkeys are just POS under our shoes. We also know what dung
you are.]]
Being hung from a
telephone pole is not good enough for such worm-chewing liars such as
them, but it will have to serve. They deserve to have telephone poles
shoved up their asses. It is called 'impalement', and has been a
prescribed public punishment for terrible crimes for a very long
time. It is the only other thing that anuses are good for, besides
defecation -- AND -- every Pervert knows it, and knows it deserves
it. Especially, the fat female-oids.
Getting back to Jimbole
and the Lying Monkey Lawyer -- you don't suppose, those lie-sucking
lie-spitting pissants talk that way to each other away from the
microphones -- do you? It is difficult to imagine, but could such
animated feces actually yap at each other using the same imbecilic
assumptions? Off microphone, would they repeat the lies that they
have been programmed to repeat? That would mean that the things sit
around, or flop around, mouthing ridiculous absurdities to each other
all day long. Worse, ritually agree with each other since all of them
are always repeating the same lies constantly. To wretches like them,
agreeing with each other, means that the 'Sameshit' (which is also
coming out of their own mouths) must be worth something after all!
The bimbos and fops of the
Royal Courts of France used to do that kind of stuff, and they were
exterminated -- many impaled or beheaded. Before the Revolution, all
day long, they would repeat to each other the dogmas and banal ritual
recitals that they had been programmed to say. And, they always
agreed with each other -- foppishly of course -- because they were
all saying the same gibberish every day.
Until their heads were cut
off by the French Revolution.
Actually. You don't think
... Naw ... I like hanging.
Oh, and 'Jimbole Sweetums'
Incidentally, this makes
faglicker 'Jimbole' a choice for the Bully Of The Year Award for
2015. Lies -- are Bullying. And yes, we do all know that!
I told you. I have told you for years.
Commercial Protesters are Fake Humans. Now, the things are openly
speaking Queershit on the radio. What does that shock do to your
comfort zone?
Think I am being too harsh to poor
misguided Radio Commentators?
There is something that you have to help me with. Something that you have to help me understand. I wish you could all explain it to me.
Why is it? Why is it -- with Queer Monkeys in a cage in Wash This Death City -- and with all of that manure propaganda being spread around about False Pride and False Truths and False Realities ...
Why Are They Not Showing Us Their ButtPussies?
In the streets. In the banks. In the concert halls. On the White House lawn? On the buses? In the store windows? At Airport Security stations? On boxes of cereal? On Iowa Driver's Licenses?
Ooops. They DO show their assholes on Iowa Driver's Licenses! All new Iowa Driver's Licenses have a picture of a ButtUgly Windmill Sphincter in the background! The 'Official Seal' of Des Aliens. (formerly Des Moines)
Butt -- you know what I mean. Those Monkey Judges! Why are they not lifting up their robes and showing us their Naked Baboon Asses? Why are they not lifting up those black robes, and showing us their Proud-full ButtPussies? Why aren't they showing us what they are supposed to be Proud of?
I demand equal opportunity! I demand equal rights to see those ButtPussies. Why should the Turds on TV be the only ones to see their ButtPussies? I demand, that all of those putrid queer crows in Wash This Death City lift up their black robes and show us their ButtPussies! That they are so proud of. That they vote for! That they want civil equality for. That they pretend there are civil rights for.
Monkeys! Show us what is supposed to have civil rights!!!!
Monkeys! Show us your assholes! Show us what is supposed to have civil rights! Show us ...
The Assholes Of Civil Rights!!!!
I mean, frankly, aren't we all tired of seeing the asshole faces of phony civil rights?
many Black Radicals would a Lesie-Turd Master walk on a leash -- if
Lesie-Turds dare walk Black Radicals on a leash in public?
Eight. More than that, dogs are unmanageable.
right. Truth never ends. Lies only matter to Liars.
I once heard a Union (bleep)sucker at a
metals factory in Indiana (about a year ago) tell a simpering ModoRat
that wanted 'Peters dead!' -- how to hurt me.
Get this!
See if it sounds like anything that I
have written, about how to defeat Queer Propaganda and makes yourself
free from Queer Coalitions.
The queer Union (bleep)sucker said to
the murderous ModoRat -- "You hurt Peters by disappointing him!
By not doing what he wants you to do, to improve yourself."
I Swear Before Almighty God
-- That Is A Direct And Exact Quote!
So, was it merely a faggot teaching a
rat? Or, was it a Middle-Manager trying to keep someone from getting
away from and rejecting Middle-Managers? I say -- to reject and
refuse and shun all Middle-Managers -- and all of the Middle-Managers
say -- not to do what Peters wants you to do to improve yourself.
Gee -- I'm surprised.
doesn't work very well, does it
Butt Gee! I'm surprised.
Yes -- puuuuke! The annual Diseased
Procession of hideous Liberal Assholes is crossing the Real Iowa
again -- from the depths of the anti-Iowa sewage at Des Aliens
(formerly Des Moines).
The Rag's Bye-Bye Disease Train
is riding its Life-Defying pestilence though town's across Iowa as I
write. I am to understand that it is currently assaulting Fort
Bird-Droppings with its message of Eternal Death and Universal
Fakery, as I write.
No worry there. That place is already
dead to the roots beneath the bird baths anyway.
Once a year the worst queer newsrag in
the Midwest -- the Des Aliens Rearsniffers -- a constant source of
the worst and most paltry Queershit, as it drops -- assembles an
assault force of Super-Farts on doomed bicycles -- arranged into a
Transylvania-styled Horror Train -- that then flatulates its way
across the Real Iowa -- advertising their favorite queer rag with
each explosive burst. It is a wretchedly pathetic and Super-Obvious
display of low-crawling Queer Propaganda, disguised as some
odd-ball's idea of outdoor sports -- I mean outdoor farts. I can
understand it, though. Farting space is at a premium in Des Aliens.
And out here -- 'Methane is Methane'.
and yes i have seen those
superstition sucks a liberal bowel train
I've got to get this done and sent out!
I'm having too much fun with this. I was supposed to have this out
days ago.
It's just that every time I look
around, some new ridiculous shit is going on!
One last thing for now. The Filthy
Monkeys are playing a lot of 'Rush' songs recently, with twisted
intentions and twisted implications. It is because those chimps know
that I like that band (Rush) and I play their music at the House That
Justice Wrought.
They are just trying to piss me off by
twisting the songs.
Markel Peters