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Showing posts with label HOME DEENSE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HOME DEENSE. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

PRELUDE TO DEFENSE -- 06/26/2012:

Celebrate what?

The Perverts are still lying.

The Species is still dying.


Black, White, Yellow, Green, Blue with Orange Stripes!

Come one! Come all!

Hear Ye! Hear Me!


Please activate your Graphic Language Filters.

And, return your tray tables to their upright positions.

Barf bags are under your seat.

We are now entering Socialist Airspace.

Thank Ye.


First, however -- an unusual request.

If you are a slow reader, or a shy reader, this work can upset your tummy. I say to you, however, that there are times in everyone's lives when a little upset is necessary.

I cannot hold back the Graphic Language, because it is truly the only appropriate language in these circumstances.

And yet, what is contained in this work is so important, that I implore you to either read it, and have your tummy upset -- or -- have someone else read it to you, and paraphrase or skip over the Graphics.

In any case, you must learn everything that is here. That includes reading all of the websites.

Your life, and the life of this country can (and probably does), depend upon your knowing these things.


The 'Queers' want your Playtime Approval and Access to your Homes, especially in Minneapolis where the Humans are about to make the banishment of Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred a Reality.

They are pretending to open their homes to you, if only you will open your homes and children to THEM, later.

Are you surprised? Are you fooled?

After all, it is just a coincidence that this is an 'Election Year'. Right?

After all, you are not supposed to remember the last forty years of endless attacks against you, by the very same 'Queers'.

Really now. Won't you please be fooled. At least until after you have been brainwashed to vote for HObama, Their Magnificent Pervert -- in November.

Until then, you can play in their hideous houses, which they have spent all year cleaning and remaking to look Human!

That should convince you that they are Good and Descent 'Superior Beings', that you should naturally cower before and obey!

At least until after the election.


In the meantime, the rest of us will continue with what is called 'The Human Species'.


This is 'Gayboy Mitt'.

[[Not good enough to shine the shoes of Ronald Reagan.]]

This idiot actually thinks that 'Queers' have houses, instead of Centers of Perversion.

Gayboy Mitt has been a very bad boy.

But, Gayboy Mitt thinks that is 'A-OK'; because Gayboy Mitt does not want to remember that no one escapes the guilt of attacking The Human Species.

As you will see in this message, the so-called Homosexuality Disease, which Gayboy Mitt (the Rat) authorized and endorsed in MassInsanity, is getting worse and worse; and is trying to kill off all forms of Human Speech. As surely all forms of Human Speech are always Natural and Human, and are therefore illegal and must be punished according to DemoCrapia Law.

The Putrid Center of all DemoCrapia Law is the Spittoon known as The Hideous Boston Horrid Zone -- created by the so-called Homosexuals and Mitt (the Rat) Romney.

From that sewer came the Tactics and Perverts that are attacking Maryland and Our Nation today.

'Survival' of those attacks requires more than just knowledge and awareness. It requires defense equipment and defense tools, and the willingness to use them.


In self-defense, it does not matter at all who or what you are defending yourself, and your family, against -- just as long as it is self-defense.

That, of course, is the exact opposite of the imbecilic belief systems of the SQLD and their minions; who refuse to remember that they are the worst monstrosities that have ever existed on this planet.


'Moderation' never fails to start a War. And then, why keep Moderates alive?

Who would want something that stupid? That slimy.


'Moderation' is an EXTREMELY NASTY AND VILE word -- far worse than any four-lettered word that has ever been invented or spoken.

'Moderate' is worse than:


'Carrion Feeder'

'Baby Killer'

'Man Burner'




'Meth Addict'


'Serial Killer'

'Base Coward'

'Squirming Liar'

How about -- 'Assumes-that-only-idiots-are-watching'

or -- 'Assumes-that-only-idiots-are-listening'.

[[In fact, I take a 'Moderation' several times a day. But, I am good about it. I use toilet paper, not microphones.]]

If you see or hear a politician using either 'moderate' or 'moderation' in its speeches -- you are looking at or listening to SOMEBODY'S BITCH; that has been taught by the little politicist gnomes that operate it, to think (with its really small brain) that those extremely nasty words have been used upon the 'voting public' so much and so often that the Voters no longer realize that they are being extremely insulted. Insulted by that political whore's usage of the extremely nasty and vile words -- 'moderation' and 'moderate'.

If and when you hear vile 'Moderates' lying to anyone, and saying that they are in any way 'Conservative' or 'People' or 'Human' -- you are in extreme danger ...

you have a Domestic Problem ...

you have an acute case of 'Talking Turds In Your Toilet'!!!!




With this fresh in mind -- it is easy to understand why any 'Moderate' win, in any election, is NOT a Human victory of any kind.

It is ACTUALLY just more SQLD crap -- from head to foot.


Now, 'Idiot Walker' of Wisconsin has no sooner gotten himself re-elected, than he insults everyone's intelligence with the extremely nasty 'Moderation' word.

I think the overwhelming issue of this election -- people say it’s about jobs, it’s really about freedom and prosperity,” said Walker. “What I mean by that is, moderation and frugality in governing is something we defined in our Constitution. Moderation and frugality in government leads to freedom and prosperity for our people."


'Moderation' is as bad a word as 'Genocide', and means the same thing, of course.


Let me ask you Humans this. Would you trust the defense of your Homes and your Families to a 'Moderate'?

Look at GayBoy Mitt again. Would you trust YOUR self-defense to THAT????


Defense of our Homes and Families, from all anti-Human enemies, automatically includes all forms of fakers and perverts and political liars. Therefore, it automatically includes the 'Moderates'.

If it was only the 'Moderates', that we had to defend ourselves from, the task would be rather easy. However, due to the Democrat/Homosexuals, we now are threatened by a Putrid HomeQueer Security force of Left-Wing Radical Extremists, AND an armed force of brainwashed killers (the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces).

The mindset that the 'Military' is our military, and therefore is made up of US -- is long gone and obsolete.

Per the orders of the Queer Masters of the SQLD, the Queen of the Sinners (Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid) has killed that idea, when it killed the United States Armed Forces.

Today, the Queer and Armed Fart Forces are our worst enemies, AND would-be executioners.


So. What kind of Defense Scenarios am I talking about.

Well, the least imaginary, most realistic, and therefore the 'most-likely' are as follows:


What happens when 'Moderation' fails? As it always does. What do Homosexual/Moderates do when the House of Lies in their brains collapses.

Answer: Attack Your House. No longer even marginally sane (in a pre-arranged matrix put upon them by the Democrat/Homosexuals), what is to keep them from breaking into Your House, frothing in panic, bug-eyed, and screaming "Why? Why? Why?"

When this happens, and the crazed and scared 'Moderates' come breaking through your windows screaming "Why? It wasn't supposed to be this way!" --- Pull The Trigger Three Times -- and the "Why's" will go away. Aim first, of course.


When those 'Queer Things' from Minneapolis try to march their 'Prideless Parade' into your House or your School, and demand the Queer Right to queer your children (with their brainwashing and their Faggotshit Regime of queer hoax programming) -- what will you have to defend Yourself and Your Human Children with?

They are stupid.

They have 'DemoCrap Attorney-General Rabies'!

They are berserk and dangerous.

They are at the level of 'Lesbian-Controlled Worst'.

The 'Lesbian Worst' are at the windows!

What do you do?


When the Demented White Females (DWC) are breaking down your doors -- after emptying a magazine through them -- and are in your House, demanding to know why you do not bow down before their WICKED MAJESTY, and offer up your children to their hideous Demented White Female Agenda!

What do you do?


When the Union-Trained SQLD Middle-Managers come busting through your kitchen door with slavering attack dogs -- shouting ...

"How dare you possess firearms????

That inhibit our Killer-Queers!!!!

How dare you resist the Homosexual Agenda????

And, inhibit our possession of your children!!!!

Who told you that you could own firearms!!!!

How dare you resist these dogs tearing out your Human jugular vein????

You are guilty of Hate Crimes against the Divine 'Queers'!!!!"

What do you do?

Answer: Waste the pups -- then shoot for the knees, then the nuts.


When the depraved 'Moderates' are at your back door -- driven over the edge because they were Neutered For Nothing -- which means that they somehow realize that Moderation Is Nothingness -- and they are pounding on your back door -- breaking in -- foaming -- screaming "Why?!" -- screaming "Why?!" --- "I Could Have Been A Real Person!!" -- looking for their lost genitals, and their lost brains!!!!

Breaking in!!!!

Quick! What do you do?

Do you run outside to escape, like DemoCrap Attorney Generals demand?

Into the clutches of waiting DemoDemons?

Or, stand your ground and fight for your life?

Answer: I prefer the latter choice, if you don't mind. And, DemoCrap Attorney Generals have the 'Queer Rabies'.


In these Bad Times of DemoTopia Tyranny, attackers against your person, children or home will come in a variety of noxious and lethal forms.

Thieves will be armed with crowbars and knives and handguns. QUEERSWATS will be armed with shotguns and tear gas and automatic anti-Human weapons; and a Certification Letter from H.H. Reid which says that they are certified protectors of all 'Queers' everywhere. And, aforesaid protection demands this 'Pre-emptive Strike' against your Non-Compliant and Non-Queered Household!!!!

Remember how the queer rules work -- a Faggot in Phoenix can say that a Human in Cincinnati is thinking un-queer thoughts about the Faggot in Phoenix; and the QUEERSWATS will terrorize and brutalize and decimate the Humans of Cincinnati, until one of them confesses to having un-queer thoughts about the Faggot in Phoenix.

If you think that is a joke, you are Dead Wrong.

And, as soon as it happens -- it is a Mitt Romney Deal!!!!




If it has a Democrat/Homosexual or a Homosexual/Moderate in it ...

or, it obeys the orders of any Homosexual/Democrat or Moderate/Homosexual ...





When the 'Queer Brainwashers' in your neighborhood (that have been trying to body snatch your nervous system and queer your identity since the day they moved into your neighborhood), come screaming into your living room -- blood gushing from their chiseled teeth -- and demand to know why you have not accepted their reverse identity for you -- that they have been attacking your nervous cells with for months -- and they run at your children shrieking "New brains!!!! New brains!!!! New fun for us!!!!"

Will you know what to shoot? Will you know how fast to shoot? Will you remember to shoot them all?

Have you seen 'The Manchurian Candidate'?

Will you be playing Solitaire, when they break into your house?

Will you obey them?

You could be Their Candidate of the neighborhood.

Do not tell me, that you do not know what I am talking about.

I could point out the 'Queer Brainwashers' of Fort Dodge this very day, and their victims.


And then, there is always the age-old question of what to do when a clump of Satan Tubers knocks down your front door with a doghouse, and starts to enter your house (on all fours) panting --

"You! You are guilty!

The Correctness Angels on TV said you are!

Pant - Pant - Pant.

Hate Criminals!

How dare you deny your eleven year old child our brainwashing!

Hate Criminals!

Pant - Pant - Pant.

If TV doesn't love you -- You Must Be Hate Criminals!

Where are your eleven year olds?


Bear in mind -- those four-legged TV watchers are 'Big Dyke Approved', and have the authority of HomeQueer Security behind them.

Well, at least up their behinds.

HObama Style!!!!


How about -- lunatic Lesbian Pretend-gers climbing into the windows of your children's room -- screeching --


"Whhyyyy? Did I watch the Hellish Degenerate on TV??"

"I could have been a Woman!"


You want that touching your kids?


When the 'Gay Bullies', driving their black and mean-looking Termination Cars, attack Human Children in your neighborhood School or in your back yard; for not bowing before the neighborhood 'Queers' and offering to be their Free Sex Toys ...

[[The same 'Queers' that were put into your neighborhood school for this purpose. By the same 'Queers' that own and operate the 'Gay Bullies'.]]

and they are accused of refusing to lick the anuses of the 'Divine Queer Kids' of the neighborhood, whom the Gay Bullies made into 'Queers' to begin with ...

and the Gay Bullies arrive at your House to arrest your Human Children for 'Non-Compliance' to the queer demands of the Queer Bastards and Bitches of the NEA (that control your school and want to control your house) ...

and they demand possession of your children because -- "Said children are accused of Human Behaviors in as much as they failed to fondle and embrace and lick our chosen 'Divine Queer Kids'; and they did refuse to bow and scrape before us 'The Gay Bully Police' as we passed them in the streets in our 'Bully Patrol' car! Aforesaid children must By Divine Queer Law be confiscated and 'Brain-trained' at our downtown 'Queer-making Facility'.

Duuhhhh -- we mean -- 'Correctional Facility'."

What do you do?

The Gay Bullies are trying to get into your house, and are threatening to ram your house with their black and menacing Bully Patrol assault cars -- which bear their motto on the side doors 'STOP -- LISTEN -- OBEY'.

What do you do?

Call the 'Queer'-sucking State Police? Who are watching it all from the background, and enjoying it?

When the 'Gay Bullies' attack your Home and your Children (demanding that you vote for the HObama Puppet and the Homosexual Agenda) ...

Will you know what to shoot?

Will you be ready for those Left-Wing Radical Terrorists, with 'I Love Big Dyke' tattooed on their butts????

Will you be ready -- for Forced Obedience To Homosexual Lies????


Also, the question arises -- should we post signs on our Human Properties that say -- "No Gay Bullies Allowed?" and "All Gay Attackers Will Be Removed Or Shot".

How about a sign that says -- "Think 'Sexual Orientation' Is Real -- LOSE ALL!!!!"


Starting to feel uncertain about 'Reality'?

It gets worse.

It is a pathetic joke upon you, if you think those 'Queers' in your neighborhood are unarmed and innocent.

What do you think those queer convoys on the highways are carrying? Besides money and orders from the Queer Masters.

Answer: Automatic weapons from the Q&AFF!!!!


The idea of Lesbian Convoys carrying automatic weapons from Q&AFF weapons depots, to Killer Queer attack groups across the country, should not be surprising to any Human.

I have seen Queer Convoys from New England to Denver, and exposure of such anti-Human gun running activities is mandatory for our security.

Oh, and be sure to ask those Harmless Queers (that want to invite you into their remodeled hovels), about the Queer Convoys.

Can you hear the stupid dykes deny it, when questioned?

Can you hear the same stupid dykes shout approval, when it is proven?


Meanwhile, do you think that the State Police Patrols are going to stop Lesbian Convoys from delivering automatic weapons to Killer-Queer Squads around the country?

Hah! What a joke!

Have you seen those State Retards?

All that they are good for, is for making Monkey's Asses out of themselves; by driving around recklessly in their new supercharged Chargers; looking like idiot schoolboys who have stolen their dad's cop car and are out on the highways making all kinds of menacing and dangerous maneuvers; showing off their new muscle cars, terrorizing motorists, and acting like bad-ass V8 cowboys.

The thought of doing something Human, like protecting the people from Lesbian Gunrunners, NEVER occurs to them! Even though the Queer Convoys always drive faster than the speed limit. Why would it occur to them? They work for Faggots and Lesbians!

They get their paychecks from Faggots and Lesbians!

Oh! Excuse me! I meant to say Democrats and Moderates.


Even if they did bust a queer convoy of gunrunners and money couriers, the queer newsrags would never print it, and the Satan Tube Channels would never show it, and the Filthy Monkeys would never admit it!

Therefore, there is no 'Public Relations' value to it. So, to the mercenaries and revenuers in State Police uniforms, protecting the Human Species has no value.

Gosh. That means that you Humans are going to have to protect yourselves.

What a new idea!


This upcoming series of four messages is not about the Hunting Aspects of Survival. I am doing this deliberately, because you will need help with the former (Hunting), but you should do your own research about the latter (Survival). To help you with that research, I have spent the last month evaluating all of the tools and equipment for Self-Defense that are available to Humans here in America. I have done a lot of the choosing and categorizing for you.

Also, I am more interested in getting you prepared for the time when that hideous HomeQueer DemoBitch kicks in your front door; wearing body armor, carrying a shotgun, waving a phony report in your face, and screaming at you in a shrill voice -- "You fit the profile for a Right Wing (Non-Democrat) Radical Extremist!!!! You must die!!!!"

When that happens, I want you to know where to shoot -- and what to shoot with.


When the Zombies and Middle-Managers break down your front door with a pickup truck (that reeks of Methamphetamine’s and Vaseline), and start to ooze into your house spitting maggots at you ...

Who are you going to turn to?


Hell No!

You can only turn to --



Women must toughen up.

I find it necessary to lecture the female sex on the topics of 'Determination' and 'Perseverance' -- and not along any Lesbian paths of dementia.

Both qualities are necessary for self-defense. Both qualities are needed in order for Women to be able to think and react properly in any self-defense situation -- without becoming disabled by feminine shyness or squeamish thoughts of what happens when bullets hit attackers.

Believe me. By the time you have to fire bullets at attackers, it is far too late to give a damn what happens at the receiving end; as long as the desired results are achieved.

Which is always the death of the attackers.


A hideous and awful mental disease of the worst possible kind has tried to take over this planet and kill its original inhabitants -- the Human Species -- with the vile and whoring help of the worst trash in the known universe (the Democrat/Homosexuals and the Homosexual/Moderates).

With that happening, why would the same hideous killer mental disease not try to take over your house and your family, and steal your children? With the grotesque and dirty assistance of the worst trash in the known universe (the Homosexual/Democrats and the Moderate/Homosexuals)?

So .. what stops such a concoction of vermin and villainous scum?

Answer: Determination and Perseverance. And, their Tools.


In 'Concealed Carry Handguns' magazine -- in the Spring 2012 edition article called 'The Right To Live' -- the editor named Jerry Ahern writes "It's not Conspiracy Theory to suggest that, at least in some cases, those who beat the anti-gun drum the loudest are not merely good-natured people who misunderstand firearms, but do in fact see an armed populace as an impediment to this or that social agenda."

You know, he is being nice about it. You know, he is being good-natured about it. You know, there is no such thing as 'good-natured people' on the side of our enemies. Any creatures over there that are too stupid to know about the Conspiracies that are using them -- are also far too stupid to be 'good-natured people'!!!!

In the same issue it says that there are 6,200,000 people who are licensed to carry concealed handguns in this country. That needs to change -- to 62,000,000 Human Americans who are licensed to carry concealed handguns, and are armed to the teeth with weapons on a daily basis.



Close your eyes, and think.

Besides me, what are the worst creatures on the planet that you can think of?

DWC anybody? Among others.

The Demented White Females (DWC) are not only butt-ugly, they are also highly socialized as an elite and exclusive sickness of Asshole/*unts; that expect to be worshiped and obeyed because they have an organization of 'Assholes', and are therefore 'Organized'.

While everyone else is not, in their elite opinion, and therefore everyone else should follow their orders and (of course) also like the dementia’s that they like -- like sex changes -- Q&PMH -- child pornography -- self-adoration -- defamation of Christians -- Killer-Queers in the military -- masturbation -- and so forth.

They have not (in their collective piggie-wisdom) condoned the theory and practice of Mommies owning weapons -- for the obvious reason that such well-armed Mommies are difficult to steal children from.

So -- the Demented White Females (DWC) will certainly condemn my writings here about weapons for Humans.


My question is -- where are the DWC Targets for our target ranges? Target images of attacking DWC should be sold in every gun shop in America.

How do you show your Determination and Perseverance on a target range?


What grinning skulls of death (like Madam Gronstal) cannot understand about Humans is -- a People who will not lose, cannot lose!

That has been proven by several wars in Afghanistan.

If ever there was a stalwart example of a Determined People, it is the Afghans. I refer to the good ones, of course.


Are you listening to the Queer Propaganda?

Are you watching 'Queers' on TV.

Are you losing your Determination?

Are the Queer Propagandists telling you that you are losing?

Guess again.

Books written about the 'Queers', before Human Resistance, painted the things as wonderful additions to everyone's life, and worthy of obedience and worship.

Now, after the advent of Human Resistance, the scum and their evil plans are being exposed daily; and many former embracers are retreating from the SQLD as fast as they can.

There seems to be a lack of Determination and Perseverance there.

Does that mean that the former supporters and stooges of the SQLD are no longer evil, and opportunists for Evil?

The QUEERSWATS that attack us today -- when confronted by our Unbreakable Determination and Perseverance -- will make excuses and retreat as fast as possible when our defenses start to overwhelm them. Does that mean we will forgive and forget, and allow them amongst us later?

Hell No!

And, they know it.

When they attack, they know it is Forever.

So ... we must defend ourselves on an equally Forever basis.


But! Isn't that futile?

The Lesbians on TV say it is!

Answer: A permanent defense, born of permanent determination for Human Freedom can and does have excellent results.

Good Riddance To Section 13 -- Canada's Muzzle Law

Victims Of Section 13

Section 13 -- Canadian Laws

Stain On Canada Removed

Section 13 -- How Bad It Really Was

Canadian Humans used to suffer under a Queer-Muzzle Order. That Queer-Muzzle Order (made legal by political prostitutes) punished any Human in Canada for saying or thinking the Truth about the Hideous and Murderous so-called Homosexuals.

It was identical to the Faggot in Phoenix example, that I explained above.

Now it is repealed. Gone. Dead.

But, what about the Perpetrators Of That Crime Against Humanity!!!!

Where are the legal provisions for their arrests and imprisonments????

Determination and Perseverance -- go all the way.


The Queer Game wants to rule all other games, by queering the children of all other games.

Irish Games

Jewish Games

Negro Games

British Games

Mexican Games

Oriental Games

Canadian Games ...

all the games that used to be cultures, but are now just greedy and empty shells -- will be enslaved and absorbed into the Homosexual Agenda and the Queer Empire.

There is nothing 'Freedom' about it.

That is the ACLU/Homosexual Plan.

Uncentered and unprotected cultures, already becoming vacuous and empty inside, when placed under Queer-Muzzle Orders quickly become dead shells of their former selves.

Even though they were mesmerized with media lies (by media liars) to think that they were somehow going to gain some vague notion of 'Freedom'.

That is the SQLD plan.

But only, as soon as (and not before) the children of those empty 'races' are turned queer by all of the Political-Whores and Judges and Teachers and Child Molesters and Queer Propagandists and Traitors (like Il Duce Branstad - the Neuter Maker) and Militant Faggots like Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid.

[['Freedom' is a commodity to Politicians. To be sold, bartered, abused or taken away.]]

Each of those games-playing (and doomed to be muzzled) cultures has to be degraded and dismantled, by Socialism and the Owners and Operators of TV -- to the point that all of them are dysfunctional and unable to protect their own children.

[[As in Defense of the very Future of the Species itself.]]

While believing, of course, that they were sending their children to a better future where there is more 'Freedom', the future of 'Socialism'. A Socialism, which demands the cessation of Individual Freedoms in order to regulate and control the masses for the wealth and prosperity of the ruling Socialist Elite Class.

[[If you think that I am exaggerating -- just keep reading.]]

Those children are for sale, by the Democrat/Homosexuals and the Homosexual/Moderates to the highest bidders ...

the 'Queers'.

For sale, by the scum who run the schools, the TV, the FM, the queer newsrags, the video games etc.


Do you think that this kind of treachery and social sickness has not happened before?

Answer: HOLD IT!!!!

BEFORE we go any further -- and before you read what follows -- let me say this. What you are about to read actually happened.

It never could have happened, to any nation with a well-armed and well-trained Human Population.

Such a population, would not only be well-armed, and know how to use those arms, they would also have a High Spirit and a Low Tolerance for the Political Dogshit that is the everyday fare and currency of Socialists, and the DemoCraps, and the ModoRats.

Enough said. Read on.


In Romania, there used to be a Socialist Ruler named Nicolae Ceausescu. (1965-1989)

That name is pronounced -- 'chow chEHs kyoo'.

This is about Romania, not Czechoslovakia. Romania is not Czechoslovakia.

Here is the Wikipedia article about him.

You really should read this article.

The more that I read about this man, the worse it gets.

As you read these articles about him, notice the mention of his experiments with the Socialist Engineering of the Romanian Society; to extremes that only a Big Dyke or a HObama could love.

The parallels between Ceausescu and 'HObama The Magnificent Pervert' are striking. Both, were (and are) Socialist Wannabees with miserable organizational skills, brutality, twisted and torqued ideas of what they really were, God-Complexes, and both demanded (and demand) worship from their subjugates. Their stories are that of continually inept government and blundering stupidity, blended into a cocktail of extreme Narcissism.

Reading the history of Ceausescu, is like reading about one of HObama's Idols and Heroes of Socialism. Ceausescu's usage and control of the medias of Romania, was the stereotypical example by which the SQLD control the medias of America today.

The censorship of written materials and persecutions of dissident authors is the basis for the now defunct Section 13, that damn-near killed Humanity in Canada.

Note also, that Cultural Autonomy such as the Romanian Social Identity itself, was outlawed and suppressed by Ceausescu; in favor of his own ideas of what Socialism and Communism should be.

All of which is exactly parallel to the HObama, and its bullshit ideas about what a Socialist America should be.

The most astounding common stupidity between Ceausescu and HObama, however, is their abyssal lack of any financial wisdom. Both of them borrowed money from foreign sources, until the economies of their countries were ruined.

What happened to Romania and the Romanian People, after their financial collapse, is a textbook lesson and step-by-step choreography of what is going to happen in America; if the Homosexual/Moderates and Democrat/Homosexuals are not removed from power.

In fact, Ceausescu's Regime was (and is) a blueprint for how the Homosexual/Democrats and Moderate/Homosexuals operate today.

Ceausescu's Socialism, by the way, failed miserably; just like the Bastard Socialism of the DemoCraps and HObama will fail miserably.

The Wikipedia article about Ceausescu is almost laughable in how many things went wrong with that idiot, while the exact same things have gone wrong with the HObama egomaniac.

No Love For Ceausescu

Ceausescu's Children of Devastation--2002

Ceausescu's Fall--The Bloody Timeline

Ceausescu-Behind the Facade

Ceausescu-How to kill a Country
This really happened.

The Closed Town-Wiki

The Nobles Discuss Systemisation

The Goal of Systemisation
Ludicrous, but it happened.
A House only Socialism would build.



Speaking of Prospective Futures:

At Indy, at a large warehouse a few weeks ago, I was sitting in the truck (behind the wheel) peacefully working on my paperwork. I had already dropped the trailer that I was delivering, and I was parked off in an empty area.

It was evening time, and I still had to drive to a nearby truckstop for the night. The weather was calm and a little cool. I had the driver's window down, because the breeze was refreshing, and I was listening to a CD of some waltzes by Richard Strauss -- when all of a sudden -- a shag driver came roaring up next to me, out of nowhere, in a white shag tractor. He stopped right next to my window, tires sliding on the pavement.

One glance told me that he was one of those excitable 'Ectomorphs' that can eat an entire double-layered chocolate cake, and not gain an ounce. His hair was short and grey and wind blown. He had a short grey beard, chiseled face and a deep suntan.

Without waiting for his tires to stop laying rubber, he spit out a toothpick and looked at me, and quickly told me that the 'Pacers' were on a Radio Station. He then said the dial number twice, and then said "Just in case you're Inter Ested!"

I said "Thank You", not quite sure what he was.

He then spun off for God Knows Where, and I went back to my paperwork and began to muse.

And so -- what are the 'Pacers'?

Are they Humans? Do they own firearms? Do they know how to use them?

Those three things go together you know -- it is ...


or no Humans ...

or no 'Pacers' -- whatever they are.

They sound like horses -- can they eat oats and fire AR-15s at the same time?

Because if they cannot, they are -- 'Dead Meat In DemoTopia'!

That means -- 'No Future'.

[[Just between you and me -- I think they are a soccer team from South Carolina -- but that doesn't matter. Anyone who cannot kick their way out of the Satan Tube is a loser anyway.]]


Determination and Perseverance.


You know, those three seem to go together. Quite well, I might add.

So well in fact, that a strong Defense (Well Equipped) at the service of Determination and Perseverance, can prevent just about anything from happening; that a People of Determination and Perseverance wish not to happen.

Things, such as The Hideous DemoTopia Zone. Everything, will be the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone in DemoTopia. The DemoCraps and ModoRats are far too stupid to stop it from happening.

And thus, everywhere that DemoTopia exists, those horrible threats and ghastly Horrids of diseased death (sanctioned by the Democrat/Homosexuals and the Homosexual/Moderates originally) will exist and prevail and control. Control, the original SQLD and ACLU purposes of the Genocide of the Human Species.

And, what of the ACLU and SQLD?

Will the Homosexual Agenda need them anymore?



Have I ever told you of the -- "Fuck this shit! This shit ain't worth it!" reaction?

Whenever, a Determined and Perseverant Defense is mounted by a Human Being against the vile treacheries and attacks of the many minions of the SQLD (serving the purposes of the Homosexual Agenda), a point is reached where the counter-pain caused to those minions, by the Human Defense, becomes too much for their sick-sick-sick and greedy tiny brains.

When that happens -- they always ejaculate out of their mouths -- "Fuck this shit! This shit ain't worth it!"

Whereupon, they drop their attacks and withdraw as far as they can.

Remember that.

I have gone through a lot of pain, to bring this to you.


As you read my next messages, I would like to invite you to listen to that lilting melody of gutless liars -- who can only exist as long as they have you fooled. The 'ModoRats'.

"Wahhh! We don't like weapons! Wahhhh!

We whining and backstabbing cocks****rs don't like weapons!

Wahhh Wahhh Wahhh!

Unless, we can kill you with them while your back is turned towards us!

Unless, we can hire mercenaries and Killer-Queers to do our killing for us!!!!

Wahhh Wahhh Wahhh -- we don't like weapons!


The sphincter holes under our noses!

Our lying sphincters! That we use as weapons all the time!!!!

Wahhh Wahhh Wahhh!

Real weapons will shut our Sphincter Weapons!!!!

[[ permanently ]]

Wahhh Wahhh Wahhh!


Hey! It's a 'Bottom 40 Liberal Tune'!

You can't get lower than that!


I recently read an article in Shotgun News which mentioned that HomeQueer Security is buying more than a hundred and forty million rounds of new .40 S&W caliber ammunition. At five hundred rounds per weapon, that comes to about 280,000 handguns.

The only thing that makes sense about HomeQueer Security having such large amounts of guns and ammo, is that they are supplying both the New Black Panthers, and the Aryan Nation.

It is a very old tactic, of using the radical extremes against your real enemies, the middle-of-the-road Humans; who (once fed up) will Revolt. It is a way to prevent Revolutions.

HomeQueer Security only exists for Queer Security, per the orders of the Queer Masters, even though the DemoCraps think that they are being protected too. Only the highest bidders get protected in a Revolution.

HomeQueer Security bitches care nothing about the People of this country; they have already announced that, with their attacks against all Real Humans in this country.

Stop and think. Think of what you would do, if you were a hideous Killer-Queer (besides drool at dildos); and you were in control of a government department that was armed and dangerous; and you were under orders to oppress the People of a nation (under the guise of being their police protection); and you were paid very well by 'Queers' and Demos and Modos (all trying to be the highest bidder); all of whom are threatened by a Human Revolution, and in need of trained killers of all types and kinds.

Trained killers ...

not just wanna-be street trash, recruited for their criminal tendencies; and psychoward belligerents that the Bitches think they can control enough to use, to infiltrate Human Resistance groups.

They think such freak cases are like us, and will fit right into our organizations.

Freak cases can only imagine freak cases.

[[Of course, all of that would change if we had a Human President and a Human Government. But, that cannot happen before 2016; actually January of 2017.]]

The Bitches at HomeQueer Security would LOVE a Race War. That would give them just the excuse that they need, to instigate nationwide totalitarianism, under either ModoRat or DemoCrap control. With all Real Humans deliberately and intensely attacked, killed, terrorized, jailed or enslaved.

To get a 'believable' Race War started, the Bitches at HomeQueer Security need the cooperation of the Extreme Groups of the Races.

Any Race War will work very well for the so-called Homosexual Agenda.

Any Race War will work very well for the so-called Homosexual Agenda.

Any Race War will work very well for the so-called Homosexual Agenda.

Queers like to put on phony faces, and pretend to be nice. A well planned Race War Setup will make the 'Queers' look very good ...

to imbeciles with one ounce brains.

For those of you who are motorcycles enthusiasts -- that is '1cc brains' -- one cubic centimeter.


I have hammers you know -- seven of them in a big wooden box -- when I want to know what the Demos/Homos are going to do next, I go to the box and shake it a lot -- and then I look at where the hammers lie.

The operative word in all of that is 'lie'.


When you think of the basics of self-defense, before you get to the point of discussing tools and equipment, you have to think of all of the places where Humans must defend themselves. And, you must think of the many ways that the 'Queers' attack us. Such as wherever we Humans naturally go to, and work, and shop, and enjoy ourselves -- in Malls, in Stores, in Schools, in Universities, in Libraries, in Apartment Buildings, in Neighborhoods, in Factories, in Offices, in Airports, in Conferences, in Rallies, in Theaters.

And, who do the SQLD use to make those attacks against us?

Answer: Every kind of asshole that they can find and bribe. Devil Cults, Telepathic Assassins, Queer Enforcement Squads, Filthy Monkeys, Maggot-Mouthed ModoRats, Union Bosses, Middle-Managers, Queered Teachers for the NEA, TV Turds, Liars at queer newsrags, and (the dung on top of the shit pile) the Politicians and Monkey Judges.

Yes indeed -- the target of our self-defense can be any of those vermin -- or all of them.

By the way -- that reminds me -- where is that Queer Old Cheese FartKin? Playing pantyhose games with the Queer Madam Gronstal no doubt. While they kill the 'Will Of The People Of Iowa'.


In all of this, there are no Old and Extinguished Hates on their side -- all of this is still happening and still rampant and still sick-sick-sick. It is the continuation of the same Old Hates that they used against us for as far back as this began.


What follows now is a series of Shopping Guides and Explanations.

As you will see, there is a great confusion and illusion going on in the business of Self-Defense.

I have cut out all of that, with explanations, and boiled it all down for its blubber -- which I threw away. Leaving, only the Real Tools and Equipment that we Humans need to OWN AND USE, for the defense of ourselves, our homes, our children and our Species.

I have spent weeks now, eliminating all of the Blubber and Bullshit from this category of Human Activities.

The results will be, I hope, deceptively simple and short. I do not intend to elaborate much.

It will be as simple and straight-forward as I can make it.

I hope you saved your money.


Markel Peters










I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message.
Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.



























Labels Of All Posted Messages--A Way To Search Through Messages By Labels

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed


This blog exists to inform the People, of the 'Real Truth' about the real enemies of the Human Species. These Truths are not objectionable, as they are Truths. Only the telling of them can be objectionable, to those who wish to hide the Truth. If the Truth is something you HATE and therefore object to - go elsewhere!


Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!


The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.