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Showing posts with label Queerapsy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Queerapsy. Show all posts

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Spotlight On: Forrid Bug Clumps.

What Is Their Secret?

How Will They Kill The Nation With It?

Will There Be Anyone Left Of Us To Slave For Their Crank 'Drof' Religion?

Does Drof Eat Human Flesh? It Is, After All, A Monster Of A Very Sick And Awful Collective 'Id'.

What Diabolical Plan From Such Tiny Skulls Will Defeat The Entire Universe And Force All Lifeforms To Bow And Scrape Before Their Terrible 'Drof' God?


Well, Whatever Stupid Drivel It Is -- The Real People Of America Are Getting Fed Up With It And Are Beginning To Run It Over. I Am Seeing Increasing Anger By American Motorists At The Ludicrous Forrid 'Bug Clumps' That Waddle Along Our Highways Getting In Everyone's Ways And Often Congesting And Impeding The Fast Lanes.

And Rightfully So. It Can Only Be Death. Mass Death. Nothing Else Would Interest Those Tiny Twisted Skulls.

Bear In Mind, The Politics Game Just Killed 90,000+ Idiot Voters Just To Perpetrate The Grand Theft Election Of 2020. It Could Have Been 90,000,000 And The Forrid Scum Would Not Care If They Themselves Survived And 'Drof' Was Satisfied. The American People Are Starting To Realize How Noxious And Insane The Forrid Perverts Are, And They Do Not Like It At All.

I Am Repeatedly Seeing Bug Clumps (Composed Of Various Forrid Imitation Vehicles) Being Broken Up And Scattered By Everyday Motorists That Are Sick Of The Sight Of Forrids.

The Counts Show That Deviates In Forrids Are Accounting For Less And Less Of The Percentage Of Vehicles On Our Roads And Highways. For Instance, I Was On I80 This Week And I Traveled Completely Across Iowa; And The Ratio Of Forrid Imitations To Real Automobiles Was 1 To 19. (1) Forrid For Every (19) Automobiles; And That Was With Four Or Five Bug Clumps.

More Recently I Traveled Through Chicago And To (And Through) Madison And To (And Through) Minneapolis/Saint Paul Where The Counts Were ...

*(1) Forrid For Every (10) Automobiles In Chicago

*(1) Forrid For Every (13) Automobiles Between Chicago And The Madison Asshole

*(1) Forrid For Every (8) Automobiles In The Madison Anus

*(1) Forrid For Every (20) Automobiles

Between The Madison Hole and Minneapolis

*(1) Forrid For Every (16.17 Average) Automobiles In Minneapolis /Saint Paul.

With A Higher Percentage Of Anus-Hearses At The Madison Dump. The Counts (17 Of Them) At Minneapolis/Saint Paul Were Especially Human.


If We Were To Be Clinical About The Freaks In The Bug Clumps We Would Want To Know Two Things About Them ...

1. How Many Media Turds Are Floating Around In Their Skulls? Is There A Minimum Number Required Or Is One Enough?

2. How Close To Its 'Queerapsy Date' Is Each One Of The Things? Do They Have To Be Within One Year Of Queerapsy Brain Rot To Toddle Along In A Forrid Bug Clump?

3. Do They Speak Ratshit? Queershit? Or Dumbshit?

hey dats tree

Its Alright. Those Things Are So Full Of Shit They Will Never Know I Have Reported Them.


Forrids Are Truly Nauseous To Look At Anyway, But What Makes It So Much Worse (To Have The Things Around) Is What Kinds Of Foul Garbage Are Inside Them -- And -- The Seething Hatred Of All Things Non-Forrid Coming Out Of Their Imitation Tail Pipes.

You Would Have To Be Blind Not To Notice That The Motoring Public Is Getting Sick Of Forrid Abominations And Forrid Anus-Hearses Hogging The Fast Lanes Like Spoiled Faggots? Oh Yes! And! Those Greased Turds Deliberately Inject Themselves Into A Fast Lane And Then Slow Down And Cause Huge Backups Of Non-Worshipers. If You Do Not Worship 'Drof' You Do Not Deserve To Be In The Fast Lane!!!!

The Little Punks In Those Forrids Were Never Told That 'Artificial' Equals 'Expendable'.


My Suggestion -- Destroy It Utterly. There Is No Need To Even Know What The Secret Was. If It Came From The Horrids -- Annihilate It Automatically.

There Is A Precedent For This. During WWII There Was A Mad Doctor On The Axis Side In Europe Named 'Mengele'. Mengele Was A Monster Of An Awful Collective Id; In Many Ways Identical To The Awful Collective Id Of The Forrids And Their Recently Attempted Forrid Reich. He Was A Nazi Doctor During WWII Who Specialized In Human Experiments Of Terrible Descriptions, With The Intention Of Finding A Biological Method Of Making The Nazi Aryan Race Superior To All Others. Literally A Race Of Supermen. As Aryans Are Caucasians, His Victims Had To Be Caucasians. He Experimented On As Many Caucasian Slaves And Prisoners As He Could Gather At His Concentration Camp/Medical Hospital. He Amassed A Large Volume Of Medical Data (Based Upon The Experiments) To Support His Theories And The Creatures Which He Created (Carved) Out Of Human Beings.

It Was All Destroyed After The War.

Or, At Least That Is What We Were Told.


Whatever Acorn-Sized Brain Thought Up The 'Bug Clumps', Its Primary Motivation Had To Be Population Control By Fear And The Desire For Financial Profit. Population Control Of Its Own Minions, That Is. Bug Clumps Control Nothing And No One. Instead, They Are The Result Of Fear Controlling The Shitheads Of The Shit Agenda.

Fear Of Disobedience. Fear To Disobey Orders.

Every Bug Clump Is A Chain Of Greased Turds Of The Shit Agenda, And The People Are Getting Sick Of The Stench.

True, Some Bug Clumps Are Used As Pathetic Attempts At Diverting Attention Away From The Vehicles Of The BUWI Scum From Florida911 And Texas1984 That Carry Planet Killers; But Usually Its Just A Clump Of Forrid Imitations Bugging Along In The Fast Lane Looking Stupid And Carrying Their Terrible Secret.

The Secret Of Where Their Brains Went Without Them.

Like I Said -- Just Obliterate Whatever It Is.


I Emphasize That All Forms Of Perverts Exist In Dead Worlds Of Endless Fakery And Illusions Caused By The Queer Medias. For Instance, Just Because Sick Punks In Forrid Bugs Drive Like Faggots Doesn't Mean That They Are Not Flaming Faggots. Especially On I55 Going Into Chicago From I80! -- On Faggot Fridays. Not Worth Pictures At 11. Those Punks Are Exactly The Kind Of Berserk Faggots In Forrids That The Motoring Public Is Getting Sick Of. ('Droffers' Otherwise Known As 'Drof Squat')

Ergo -- It Follows That Sickos Buy Forrids To Be Sick On Our Highways And Make Everyone Else Sick Too.

Sick Of What?

Answer: In Their Twisted Brains Everyone Else Should Be Sick Of Disobeying Drof The God Of The Forrids And Not Acquiescing To All Forrid Bugs (Blessed By Drof) On Our Highways. They Want Obedience And Fear And Queer Respect -- For The Shit That They Are.

Once Again -- This Is Coming To You From 'Eyewitness Markel' -- At Your Service As Always.


Completely And Separately Of All Other Considerations, I Have Noticed That Whenever I Have To Deal With Any Thing Of The Forrid/Democrap Or Democrap/Forrid Variety -- It Always Lies About Something. If Questioned About The Lie It Will Make Up Another Lie To Cover The First Lie. The Truth Is Non-Existent To Any Such Thing. It Exists In A Sewer Of Lies And Endless Falsehoods And It Has No Ability To Either Know The Truth Or To Say The Truth.

It Is Anti-Truth.

Thus, Forrids Are The Artificial Alternative To Real Driving -- Because Lying Is The Artificial Alternative To Real Living.

It Is Therefore No Surprise That I Call The Large SUV Forrids -- The Anus Hearses. Especially In Pimp's-Faggot White. The Things Are Actually Over-Chromed And Over-Pimped To Serve As Hearses For The Anuses Of Chromed Pimps.


Meanwhile, You Can Always Tell Which Females Are Pawns Of The Shit Agenda. They Will Always Say Whatever They Can To Denounce Me, Find Fault With Human Resistance, And Diminish The Importance Of Our Efforts. Any Such Imitation Female Will Try To Keep Any Human From Reading This Message Or Knowing Its Contents.


You Know I Will Never Vote. I Hope That You Will Never Vote. I Also Hope And Pray That If There Is Voting In Georgia -- It Will Never Be For The Democraps!!!!!!!!!!

Pray With Me About That!!!!!!!!!!


This Has Been Another Episode In The Continuing 'Spotlight Series' About The Good And Bad And Horrid Things And Events Which I Encounter In My Travels Around The Midwest.


The Masks Are Off! The Horrids Are Horrid.

Markel Peters



Sunday, January 19, 2020

New Changes To This Website, And A Message For Yee -- 01-19-2020:

I Just Changed The Home Page Of This Website To Include The Two Following Panels ...






I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)

Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message. Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.

Thank You
Markel Peters

The original version.


The Rest Of This Message Follows ...

Well Now -- How The Hells Bells Are All Of Ye? I Thought I Would Turn This Into A Message While I Am At It. Nice Weather We Are Having! I'm In My First Blizzard Of The Season, And As Usual It Is In North-East Nebraska. I Am Staying The Night Over Here Because All Of Southern Iowa Is Shut Down At This Time.

I Would Like To Tell You That Just Because There Are All Kinds Of Maggot Faggots Reading This At The Ministry Of Queer Propaganda -- In The Hopes Of Using It Against Me -- There Is No Reason Whatsoever For Everyone Else To Ignore These Messages.

Or, To Have Any Fear Of Them Whatsoever. I Put These Messages Out To The So-Called 'Public', Which Is A Term Used To Mean That Anyone Or Any Thing Can Read Them.

I Only Think Of You -- The Humans -- When I Write Them. It May Seem As Though I Am Writing These Messages To Be Read By Our Enemies, But In Truth They Can All Eat (fillintheblank) And Die, As Far As I Am Concerned.



The Rape Of Iowa Continues At Alexander And Latimer, Iowa By The Buttugly Windmill Imperials (BUWIS).

The Worst Power Companies On Earth Continue To Destroy The Real Iowa For The Edification Of The Politics Pustules In The Golden Pimple At Des-Compost-Aliens. (AKA Des Alien Abominations) (Anciently Des Moines)

If This Upsets You And You Wish To Fight Back, Check Out These Websites ...

Saving Rural Iowa -- Many Photos and Documents.

NoATC Lawsuits Against BUWIs.

We Care South Dakota--Victors In The Fight.

Stop These Things--Global Website.

Also Check Out Your State Websites For Wildlife Federations, To See If They Oppose The BUWIs. The Iowa Wildlife Federation Does Not Seem To Know That The Outside World Exists, And Focuses Only On Biological Issues. Change That!


A Quick Guide To Better Living:

What Do The Horrids Like? (Genociders)
What Do The Buttugly Windmill Imperials Like? (BUWIs)
What Do The Politics Pustules In The Golden Pimple Like? (Murderers)
*Find Out -- And Banish Whatever It Is From Your Life Forever. Shun And Repel And Reject All Of It From Your Lives Forever. Cast It Out And Throw It Back In Their Faces Forever.
*Start With Voting! Never Vote!
*Break Up The Politics Game!
*Realize That No Thing Of Politics Was Ever Respectful To Begin With -- So -- Disrespect The Scum At All Opportunities!!!!
*Shatter The Illusion That The Politics Pustules Are Human!!!!
*Free Yourself From The Curtains And Veils And Chains And Hooks Of Queer Propaganda.
*Never Buy Any Thing Or Lie That Your Enemies Want You To Buy, No Matter What It Is.
*Identify What Your Enemies Want You To Be, And Never Be What They Want You To Be.
*Never Agree With Your Enemies About Anything.
*Disenfranchise All Ideas And Demands Of Your Enemies From Your Life.
*Teach All Human Children That Our Enemies Are The Permanent Enemies Of All Humans Everywhere.
*Do Not Squabble Among Yourselves. Find All Possible Mutual Agreements.
*Support Each Other Against Our Common Enemies.
*Do Not Allow Our Enemies To Confuse Or Divide Our Resistance.
*Be A Better Human, In Human Terms Only.
*Cut Off All Inputs From Queer Medias And Queer Propaganda.
*Stop Being Nice To Your Enemies. They Deserve Early Graves, Not Smiles. They Want A Society Of Lapdogs And Whimpering Slaves And Forrid Drivers.
*Be Nicer To Each Other.
*Exchange All Possible Information Without Government Surveillance.
*See And Understand The Differences Between Real Humans And The Creatures Of The Twisted Species. Ignore All Queer Propaganda. Shun All Creatures That Lack Our Humanity. Reverse All Twisted Actions Of Our Enemies.
*Incidentally, All Real Humans Are Welcome In The Real Iowa. That Includes Real Humans From Texas And Florida And New Jersey. What We Do Not Want Is More Vermin Like The Queer BUWIs. We Do Not Want More Scum From The 'Vermination Nation'.

we already have midamericansucks


Did I Tell You About Caffeine?

Gather About Boys And Girls! Sit Down And Listen While I Tell You A Truest Story!

Yes! Tis Another Miraculous Cure For Them Common Ailments Of Humanity, From Markel Peters Himself, As It Be.

Now ... I Have Learned From Long Experience That The Caffeine Molecule Is One Of The Worst In The Known Universe. That Be The Big Place Out There Beyond The Skies, Boys And Girls.

It Has Learned Me That The Caffeine Molecule Causes Horrendous Damages To Our Bodies, By Exacerbating And Increasing Any Physical Damages That We Do To Ourselves.

I Will Explain ... So Listen You Little Crumb Crunchers ... And Don't Ye Fidget!
*Aa. You Hurt Something. You Wrench A Tendon Or Stress A Muscle Or Causes An Infliction Of The Inflammations, By Repetitive Actions With Limited Motions. Did I Say That Right? Inflammations Of The Afflictions So It Be.
*Bee. The First Thing You Should Do In Such Cases ... Is To Relax And Take All Of The Stresses Off Of The Body Part. Stop The Activity That Causes It.
*Cee. How Some Ever ... Because Of Economic Or Social Reasons (Which Have Made Ye One Of Them Thar Voting Idiots) You Continue To Use The Injured Body Parts And You Masks The Pain With Brain Killers.
*Dee. Then, You Does The Awful Thing -- Ye Drinks Caffeine.
*Ee. All Day Longs The Caffeine Increases Yer Body Pain At The Injured Areas, And Disallows Your Body To Carry Away Any Repairs. You See, The Caffeine Is Blocking Your Body's Efforts To Reduce Them In-juries.
*Eff. Consee-quently, The Injury Becomes Worser And Worser And Worsest. This Becoming Very Noticeable, As It Were, With Wrist Damages And Lower Back Pains And The Knee Injuries And Them Foot&Ankle Injuries. Tis The Caffeine What Makes The Situation Worse And Worse And Worsest.
*Gee. The Pathetic Victim Of Caffeine Is Too Dumb To Realize That Social Programming Has Caused Him Or Her To Fall Poorly Into Such A Downward Spiral Of Caffeine-Induced Self Destruction. Aaar!
And Thems That Dies Will Be The Lucky Ones!
*Ache. Them Insurance Medicine Frauds Over At West Des Aliens Is Always Ready To Proscribe All Kinds Of 'Placebos-For-Profits' And 'Drugs-For-Dopes' To Their Hapless And Programmed Victims. Them's Be You!
*Eye. It's The Beginning Of The End, And The Grim Reaper Has You On His List, That Be Sure. The Victim's Life Steadily Declines In Health And Activities; Whilst He Or She Continues To Guzzle Them Socially Expected Dosages Of That Awful Caffeine Molecule ... Which Is Killing Them.
*Jay. Them Insurance Medicine Undertakers (A Lean Lot And No Mistake) Prepares A Resting Place For The Poor Victims ... Pre-ferably In Cast Iron Pots For Ashes ... To Saves The Open Spaces For More Insurance Medicine Buildings.
*Kay. Kick The Bucket As You Leave, To Be Sure.


Caffeine Is An Acid Molecule, You Are Drinking Acid. In Organic Chemistry, The Opposite Of An Acid Is An Alkaline. So What Should You Be Drinking Instead Of Caffeine?
Answer: Alkaline Drinks Such As Milk, Or Protein Drinks, Or Eating Sour Cream, Or Eating Cottage Cheese, Or Eating Ice Cream; Goodly Portions Of Expensive Mexican Beers On Your Days Off (The More Expensive The Better). It Relaxes The Damaged Areas!
And ... Salt!!!!
I Do Not Mean To Eat A Lot Of Common Salt, However There Are Salt Products Based Upon Sea Salt And Iodized Salt With 33% Less Sodium. Walmart Sells These In Smaller Containers In Their Salt Section. Look For Them And Buy And Use Them, But Not In Large Daily Quantities -- And Yet -- Not In Small Quantities Either. Your Body Will Tell You What Is Too Much.

You Will Feel The Difference That This Salt Makes. Your Muscles Will Soak It Up And Feel Much Better. This Salt And The Alkaline Drinks Will Allow Your Body To Relax Its Tensions At Your Wounded Areas, And Natural Healing Will Ensue -- Or At Least As Much As Can Be Expected If You Continue To Injure The Body.

We Are Talking About Never Drinking Any Caffeinated Liquid Again; Tea, Coffee, Sodas Etc.


Healing Can Occur Much More Rapidly If You Halt All Caffeine Inputs For Life, Including Dark And Brown Chocolates, And Teas, And Sodas That Contain Caffeine. Fill Your Stomach With Neutral Drinks Such As Water, Or Alkaline Drinks Such As Milk, And Eat Dairy Products. Good Meats Will Not Harm Your Injured Areas, And If Salted As Mentioned Your Muscles Will Repair More Quickly.

It Takes About A Month To Flush Out All Of The Caffeine From Your System, But The Great Effects Of Stopping All Caffeine Inputs Forever Are Noticed Within Days, Even Hours. Your Body Parts Will Adjust To The Differences -- If You Have Not Damaged Them Beyond Repair With Caffeine.

Those Of You Who Have Lower Back Pains And You Suspect Nerve Damage -- You Are Right! You Have Caffeine Damage!!!!

Stop Drinking And Eating That Worst Molecule In The Known Universe, And See What Happens.

Now, There Is Something That You Must Know. If You Have Been Hurting For A Long Time Because Of Caffeine -- Your Body Will Think That It Is Still Hurting After You Stop The Caffeine, Because It Has Been Hurting For So Long It Knows Nothing Else. In These Cases, It Can Take Days For You To Realize That The Real Pain Is Gone -- And There Is A Mental Trick To This. Your Brain Can Create False Pains To Replace The Original Pain After The Caffeine Is Shut Off. You Must Control Your Own Brain, And Make It Stop Producing False Pain Signals. False Pains Can Become An Obsessive Scourge Upon Your Life. You Must Control Your Own Brain. Mind Control Over Brain Malfunctions!

Even Lightly Acidic Drinks Like Orange Juice Will Counter The Bad Effects Of The Caffeine Molecule, So Start To Experiment With All Sorts Of Drinks And Foods That Contain No Caffeine. You Will Quickly Gather Together A Collection Of Foods And Drinks That Make You Feel So Much Better, Because They Aid Your Body's Efforts At Self Repairs.

At This Point You Are No Longer Able To Demand What Tastes Good To You. You Must Now Drink And Eat Only What Is Really Good For You.

Decaffeinated Coffees Have Caffeine Acids In Them!!!! Don't Believe That Bullshit About 'Decaf' Having No Caffeine. Just Stop The God-Damned Coffee -- Period!

Well, There You Have It. That There Is My Lecture For Today.



Now For A Lesson On How To Create Web Page Cover Arts -- My Style.

Start With A Photograph That Has Definitive Lines That You Intend To Utilize As The Underlying Foundation.

Then Apply Color Fill In Strokes That Conform To The Pre-Existing Lines.

Once You See The Way In Which The Picture Will Form, You Decide If It Is Appropriate Or Not; Then Begin To Change And Enhance The Fill Ins.

Until It Starts To Look Like Something Worth Keeping.

This Is Very Similar To Sculpture Or Canvas Art In That Regard.

The Weblink For This Work Is At ...
It Takes At Least Two Computers To Get It To This Point, Because No Single Paint Program Is Capable Of All Of The Functions That Are Necessary. By That I Mean, This Picture Required Three Computers Using Three Different Generations Of Paint Programs Which Were Based On Windows XP and 8 and 10. The Final Computer That Was Used To Send This Out On The Internet Is Calibrated For The Final Color Scheme.


Markel Peters

Thursday, October 31, 2019

The 'Queeraptic':

I am on vacation.

I should not have to write this.


There is Appropriate Language in this message.
There are Accurate Descriptions in this message.

The recent and undeniable appearance of the Brain Leprosy, which I have given the title of 'Queerapsy' to, must be documented and explained further. I will repeat the definition from one of my recent messages.

Queerapsy (queer-apsee)-- the Leprosy of queered brains (falling apart) which causes blindness and double-vision and the replacement of Reality with propaganda dementia. It subdivides and isolates sections of infected brains from each other, replacing any real sensory inputs with propaganda dementia and false inputs. It is an advanced stage of psychotic death while the body still functions and is able to Vote. It is an idealized goal of the Politics Gamers, to have as many lunatics as possible on their leash at one time obeying their orders -- no matter what state of decay and semi-death those slaves are in.
Queerapsy is an advanced state of bladder decrepitude and insanity. Not the same as the 'Incrazies'. Not the same as 'Ford Anus-Face'. Not the same as BUWI Death Driver 'Shit-Grinner's Mask'. However, all are terminated by the inevitable Queerapsy. In the case of BUWI Death Drivers, many are already afflicted with Queerapsy and can only deliver death sticks to innocent counties, and Vote.
Queerapsy is NOT the same as Mass Insanity. Queerapsy is Brain Rot. The transformation of a population into a compost heap. A decaying process, an internal rot of the brain caused by prolonged exposure to the evils of Deviation. It is a sloth-like delusional state of false security and imagined superiority, which results from the last brain cells that could be sane and rational having died of the rot of Queerism. It leaves alive only the brain cells used constantly by repetitious work tasks and the need to obey weekly Queer Propaganda.


I would like to mention that the arrival of Queerapsy in large quantities appears to verify what others have been calling 'The Zombies' for quite a while now; however that is not quite true. Queerapsy involves the death of so much brain matter and thought abilities, from continued exposure to the horrors of the Queer Medias and their endless lies, that the mind can only continue to function in the most rudimentary of ways -- repeating ingrained work habits and deeply memorized repetitious actions such as walking and sitting and slurping applesauce (etc). Given physical support, the Queeraptic Victim can vote ten times in an election as ordered; but is basically worthless until the next election.

The Zombies, on the other hand, are loosely regimented and bonded together with like interests and similar desires to wreck havoc upon the so-called 'Living'. That requires a degree of brain activity which is not present (nor ever will be) in the advanced victims of Queer Media Propaganda Campaigns -- the 'Queeraptic'. Queerapsy Victims are essentially Living-Dead Body Bags, without minds for anything more than following the orders of the agents of the Deviates such as the infamous Middle-Managers-For-Hire.

To put it simply, the difference is ...

a victim of the Queer Medias with Queerapsy can walk into a rancid voting center and vote ten times, if some Democrap works its arms for it ten times.

A Zombie, will walk into a voting center unassisted, rape everyone, slit their throats, gargle their blood and walk out -- immediately forgetting where it has been.

Obviously, for voting purposes, the scum of the Politics Game greatly prefer the Queerapsy Victims over the Zombies. However, all of that special ammunition which is being manufactured for the efficient elimination of 'The Zombies' will work quite well on 'The Queeraptic'. With the difference that a shot Zombie will drop in its tracks -- and -- a shot Queeraptic will continue to walk a few blocks and try to operate an imaginary TV remote control as it finally drops dead.

Nauseating, but true.


Before I get into more details about Queerapsy -- let us lift above all of this and answer a few objective questions.

*A. Is this plague of Media Murdered Victims unexpected?
Answer: Not by the Queer Medias. Not by Human Resistance.

*B. Can Queerapsy Victims work in the Queer Medias?
Answer: Yes! And often! All audiences in all Queer Media studios contain Queerapsy Victims and their Democrap Minders; which manipulate the arms of the victims for them and prick their butts to elicit screams that sound like 'Joyous Noise' to TV Degenerates.

*C. What does this mean to the Future of the Society of Liars and Cattle?
Answer: Institutionalized Recycling of Queerapsy Victims -- primarily for their body parts. As a Queerapsy Victim (or any TV Watcher) is today sitting on a couch watching and hearing endless Queershit Propaganda -- there really is no person sitting there. No life form sitting there. No awareness sitting there. Instead, there is a Body Bag. In the bag are body parts, which will be valuable to the Big Business White Assholes and the Insurance Medicine Frauds of West Des Aliens -- IF -- it turns out that Queerapsy does NOT cause a likewise degeneration of the victim's body parts. That is unlikely, because the advanced brain rot in a Queerapsy Victim removes all considerations for its own health. Queerapsy will cause a complete failure of self-maintenance unless the victim is tortured into memorizing some basic hygiene habits, by Democrap Minders, before the onset of Queerapsy is complete. Even so, there will be a definite reduction in the health of the body of the victim, which from the viewpoint of Insurance Medicine Frauds in West Des Aliens will be associated with a loss of the monetary value of the body parts inside any TV-Watching Body Bag.
Thus, the Post-Queerapsy Industry will have to resort to preemptive slaughters of TV-Watchers (etc) that are doomed to be terminal Queerapsy Victims anyway -- for the preservation of their body parts while they are still fresh. Slaughterhouses.

*D. Will this Filthy Monkey Horror -- of so many Queerapsy Victims with lesie-turd urine dripping from their heads from ceiling speakers -- shock the Cattle into a revolt?
Answer: Not likely. The extremely limited tonal vocabulary of cattle does not include an equivalent for either 'revolt' or 'revolution'.
However -- it does include -- 'S T A M P E D E ! ! ! !'
The next best thing.
Can you imagine a stampede of one hundred thousand head of Queerapsy Victims? Mooing and milling and being herded down Pennsylvania Avenue in Wash This Death City? That's enough to feed that pest hole full of Twisted Species Vermin for a week.

*E. What does this mean to Real Human Beings?
Answer: Personally, very little -- unless they are somehow (and very wrongly) still associated with relatives that are prisoners inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders where Queerapsy strikes.
However, if it somehow comes out that the Queerapsy Victims are too numerous and spontaneous to destroy quietly -- someone will have to be blamed for what the Queer Medias have done. The Everyday Scapegoat for any crime committed by the Deviates is always -- the Real Human Beings.

*F. What would Bugs Bunny think of all of this?
Answer: Bugs Bunny moved out to greener pastures when the hideous Insurance Medicine Body Snatchers moved in. Followed quickly (at a run) by the entire host of Looney Tunes characters.
It was a stampede, with the 'Road Runner' in the lead and 'Marvin the Martian' as rear guard in his flying saucer.

*G. Will the spread of the Queerapsy Disease increase in the future?
Answer: It has to. All operations of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead are solely and enormously dependent upon the perpetuation of all forms of Queer Media Games and the Politics Game and the Deviate's Game (etc).
All Games are likewise utterly dependent upon endless lying.
Endless lying results in Queerapsy among the herds of slaves inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders.

*H. Is there a way to reduce the horror of Queerapsy Victims.
Answer: Yes. Reduce the amount of Queerapsy Victims by reducing the Queer Coalition Bladders.


By the way, who rejoiced when John Lennon was assassinated?
Answer: All BBWA that did not have a piece of the Beatles Financial Pie. To those scuzz bags, John Lennon was dangerous. He might have caused a stampede.


Back to the details ...

I took some time to record a podcast about Queerapsy and some associated causes and effects ...

The section in this podcast about 'Shrinking Counties' requires an illustration ...

I hope this makes the catastrophe of 'Shrinking Counties' more obvious. In this illustration all counties are square shaped and in Reality most are not, but the ever-shrinking new borders caused by unchecked destruction by the Big Business White Assholes will NOT follow the original contours of the county borders anyway.


You and I are lucky. Somehow we had the Natural Sense and Intelligence to avoid capture by the many Recruiters/Hunters/Rapists of the SQLD. Circumstances in our lives were not terrible enough to force us into an endless existence of obedience to (and worship of) such ghastly asshole-faced scuzz bags as Nazi Pelosi and RattlesButt Biden, and all other such Politics Trash Demigods.

You and I are the lucky ones. Of course, we had to work at it a lot, and fight a great deal against the insidious lies and schemes and disguises and pretenses of all sorts of Evil Brains.

I saw some retards downtown today. A stupid faggot that thought it was an enviable 'Model White Business Asshole' and a shriveled old hag that thought it was a gorgeous 'Model White Business Asshole's Wife'. They were downtown laughing. They are the kind of retards that you and I would NOT consider to be Real Retards. No, they are the exact opposite and much less intelligent. Those two social retards had just slithered out of a new cherry-red Ford Fuckup, and they thought they owned the sidewalks. I was hunting FBI SSIDs and slimy Democrap Foot Messengers at the moment, and I did not have the time to stop and watch those retards; but it doesn't take more than a few seconds to realize that you are watching blithering idiots that are seriously in self-denial that they are blithering idiots. The point is, Queerapsy will erase from their tiny brains every memory of who and what they ever thought they were. Soon enough, their urgent fakeries will begin to wither and crumble. They will be shocked and appalled at the careless way their Minders will treat them as they disintegrate. Too late, they will try to run and escape, but by then they will no longer possess enough brain power to think their way out of the Queer Coalition Bladders. The word for such persons is 'Doomed'.

If we were to advocate for such pathetic White Trash for five minutes, what would we have them do?

Think about it. Should they trash the Ford Fuckup immediately? Or would that tip off their Minders that they have gotten wise to their prison? Should they cease pretending to be Superior White Niggers that own entire sidewalks? Or would that tip off their Minders that they have gotten wise to their prison? Should they pack up and move out of Des Aliens Land? Or would that tip off their Minders that they have gotten wise to their prison? Should they stop laughing and see Death following their every footstep? Or would that tip off their Minders that they have gotten wise to their prison? Should they start to self-educate themselves, in an attempt to increase their allotment of Restricted Brain Matter? Or would that tip off their Minders that they have gotten wise to their prison? Should they ask people (who they have never talked to before) questions about what is really going on in this society? Or would that tip off their Minders that they have gotten wise to their prison? Should they start to read Human Websites like this one? Or would that tip off their Minders that they have gotten wise to their prison? Think about it.


Sanity is a Precious Illegality in this society, which tends to make anyone who has it become too personal about Resistance. I know this and I deliberately form my lessons to be as Universal as possible; knowing that our enemies try to divide us by playing upon our language differences. You will NOTICE that I call any 'XXXX' an 'XXXX', regardless of where or when or what it comes from. Universally.

Do you know how many languages there are on this planet?
Answer: Some estimates go as high as 7,000; on one planet, which is sheer madness anywhere else. Such a number brings up an ...

The 7,000 languages include those that are spoken by less than 1,000,000 People.
If 7,000 languages were each spoken by 1,000,000 People there would be about 7,000,000,000 People on this planet. Close but no prize.
The mixture has to be, and is, one of Mass Languages spoken by many millions -- Regional Languages spoken by millions -- District Languages spoken by a million or less -- and smaller languages spoken by everyone else -- and -- in many cases the smaller languages are also spoken by the other three categories making for many multi-lingual people on this planet.
But why so many?
Answer: The planet. This planet is just large enough and difficult enough to live on (and survive) that it has led our populations into many isolated situations, in which separate languages develop. At the same time we are small. So small that we are easily driven into different living environments by the many changes of Nature.
Plus, we are not the sharpest tools in the shed. We took a very long time to develop mentally, which prolonged our separate isolations and thus created more separate languages. To make it worse, we have a very bad habit of treating each other like foreign dung heaps; which further separates our tribes or races. For instance -- is there one Negroid Race, or many? The traditional answer is a rating of five separate 'Negroid' races -- African, Khoisan (South African), Melanesian, Negrito (Southeast Asian), and Australoid (Southeast Asia-Australia-Melanesia-South Asia). Some studies classify the Australoids as their own race, which is not surprising as everything about Australia that is not white is unique. This is an explanation of what is, what has become, and what now exists after so many millenniums. For instance, the Mongoloid Race is classed in ten different ways -- American Red, Eskimo Brown, Micronesian Tan, Chinese/Indonesian Yellow, Mongolian Light Yellow, Tibetan Light Yellow, Polynesian Dark Tan, Japanese/Korean Yellow/YellowGreen, Malay Brown, Maori New Zealand/Polynesia Red.
The modern day Hispanics are nowhere mentioned, and are their own race now; having been derived from the mixture of the American Red and the Spanish Caucasian White.
You can follow up on this if you wish, but expect to spend a long time trying to unravel it all.
What seems to be the top factor in all of it is size, the size of the planet. Followed by Nature, in many forms and forces. That separated everyone like coins through a counting machine; pennies, dimes, quarters, half dollars, silver dollars (etc). It also spread everyone out, and once spread out a lot of cultures just stayed where they landed; creating their own languages. Then, apparently, once the languages were finalized they decided to make moves for more territory; Wars became common and expected.
Having your own languages was -- and still is -- quite in vogue and popular; which makes Global Coherency and Understanding a very difficult proposition. This however, is not difficult enough for the Human Species. We have to further complicate whatever is already complicated. We do not know when to leave some things alone and do something else. For instance, the Hispanic languages spoken in the Americas are now cross-bred with more 'loanwords' from another language, than any other language. The other language is 'English' of course. This also happens in the Dutch languages (in Europe) where a lot of 'Americanisms' from World War II have been fused into the language.

I have to think about these things often when I write messages. Just as surely as this Truth is forbidden by our enemies to be known by anyone -- it must be known by everyone -- regardless of languages. Seven thousand ways to know the same Truth.


I am already hearing references to the outbreak of Queerapsy (in the herds of Queer Media addicts) as the 'Comedy of the Century'. In each case, the people saying this are ...
*1. Non-White
*2. Non-Fascist
*3. Non-Queer
*4. Not Insane
*5. Not Queer Media Addicts

The idea of so many Ford Reich Whities thinking that they will someday rule the world, is quite amusing to all sane persons. But, I remind you -- the freaks in Misbegotten Mordor once thought they would sweep out of Montana and save the nation from perverts, and be made our rulers by a grateful nation with sore assholes. Then, once ensconced in power, they would reveal their true queer sickness; too late for the rest of us poor decadent fools to do anything about it.


An example of Duncery versus Queerapsy:

Three DemoDunces at a table, at a truckstop near Depuke. They were yapping about how they are going to destroy the current 'Resident' in the White Outhouse in Wash This Death City; for bragging about something. They also are wondering what will be the next First Bitch in the White Outhouse.

Is that evidence of Queerapsy?
Answer: Here the question requires examination. It sounds like Queerapsy, but the strict definition of Queerapsy is victimization by Queer Medias to the advanced point of brain degradation, which results in blithering imbecility; which in turn wipes out all former programming by Queer Propaganda.

The three DemoDunces at the table (all White Trash) were still thinking of obeying queer programming by pretending that anything whatsoever that is shat outwards by the Queer Medias is somehow real and important. They are still lying. They are still pretending. They are still playacting roles given to them by their Queer Masters. Of course, they are on the brink of Queerapsy; it does not take much to push such brains (diminished by endless lies) over the edge -- from lunatic and twisted political servitude and obsession, to the oblivion of Queerapsy.

If I were to give a parallel to this ... In the beginning third of the film called 'Treasure Island' (with Charlton Heston and Oliver Reed) the young man Jim Hawkins played by Christian Bale is sent to a tavern in Bristol to find a man called 'Long John Silver'; played by Charlton Heston. Hawkins goes into the tavern to find Long John Silver and instead he finds a pack of bilge rats (pirates down on their luck) sitting around tables feeling depressed and drinking rum and yapping about such toasty topics as being hung by the laws or being keelhauled at sea by cruel captains. Dunces, not yet debrained completely. The three dunces at the table I just saw would fit into that tavern of thieves and cutthroats perfectly.

This version of 'Treasure Island' is still available ...

You know it has to be great -- the anal pornographers at the Washington Post hate it. All anals hate Charlton.

Speaking of anals ...

Beware the Post-Queershit Bullshitters. They think lower than a snake's hips. They are carrion feeders. They will try to lunch on your pain (caused by something else) whether the previous attack worked or not. Not necessarily Queers, but definitely Jackals-of-Opportunity. The easiest way to deal with their mealy-mouthed lies is to throw them overboard. Or, simply hangup on the Scuzz Bags. They are the same things that pick at your wounds while you are still bleeding. Lower than flies, because flies are not pre-meditated. Equivalent to leeches and bed bugs and ticks and lice. They always try to twist your pain or your defensive posture to their advantage.
Whenever this happens, reassess your defenses to include keeping their trash out too. Then continue to ignore the Deviates and the Jackals.
The intention of the Jackals-of-Opportunity is to sideline you while you are distracted from your central purpose by something else -- anything else. They want to corral you into their schmeer. To detour your life into their web of self-interests. It is called 'sidelining'.
For examples:
*Playing with naked little boys is just sidelining to the Queer Anals at the Washington Post. They really want the naked little boys to play with them.
*The results of Lesie Urine on the heads of unsuspecting customers has the sidelining effect of rotting their brains with the putrid noises from the Filthy Monkey Horrors; and making them more obedient and addicted to any lie committed by them.
*Election circuses are designed to fool voters away from realizing that perpetuating the Politics Game is mass suicide. Satanic orgies soaked in chicken blood are just sidelines (and requirements) for all TV Turd Terrorists. (etc)
*Sidelining you is some Jackal's mainline attempt (primary activity) to drag you into their mainline power and money-making enterprise. It is Big Business White Assholery on a smaller scale.
*The Commercial Jackals that tell you to use your tax refunds to buy their commercial toys and trinkets.
*Assholes with Smiling Teeth, that loan money at extravagant interest rates and pre-possess your entire paychecks for months or years.
*Politicians that make promises that they never intend to honor and only want your nameless votes.

A recent example of their 'Sideline-and-Capture' technique is something that is going on inside of the bladder at Wash This Death City, right now. I was perusing through the Internet recently looking for something and I was suddenly looking at a report from some very dubious big media site, I think it was MSN. I looked at it for about 30 seconds and then kept going. The reason I looked at it for so long was the surprising sight of old POS' that I thought had died years ago.

I saw three Politics Gargoyles. One was the old hag 'Nazi Pelosi', still looking like the business end of a toilet plunger. Another was the old bleepsucker 'Rattlesnake Joe' Biden. Both were moving, which was amazing. The Democrap undertakers must be using some really hard drugs on those corpses to keep them in motion.

The third was old frumpy 'Chicken Dump', the current Resident in the White Outhouse at Wash This Death City. All three were dolled up to look alive, at long range; and from what I scanned of the report it was all about the bi-annual 'Scalp the Resident' ritual.

That disgusting muck rake always happens every two years inside of the bladder at Wash This Death City, where everything is muck anyway. Whatever thing is the current Resident at the White Outhouse, it is always accused of devious and treacherous Queershit activities (as opposed to standard and acceptable Queershit activities) by the twisted party that the current Resident does not come from.

Every two years this happens. Especially in-between big elections. Now, I knew automatically what it was. However, the intentions of the Queer Propagandists that stage such Circuses of the Absurd every two years, are to sideline tens of thousands of innocent people and capture them. Once captured, the victims will be forced to think that anything that happens inside of any Queer Coalition Bladder is the most important thing in their entire universe.

Subsequently, those victims (never allowed to be free again) can be squeezed to vote during the next big election -- many times each. This is what I am talking about. It is the deliberate Interference with and Interruption of your life -- sidelining you into their sewage world -- for their purposes. They have dozens of lies perfected to keep their victims dunced down and fornicated for life.

I would include a picture of a Jackal here; however the things I am writing about are nowhere near as good as Real Jackals are. One other thing about sidelining ... how did those scum bags know that you were ignoring all of their lies and Queershit and Politics and Medias????

How did they know that you were attacked for not paying attention to the Queershit, to begin with? If they have no connections with your original attackers, how did they know you were attacked at all?

Find out. Look for the unexpected. For instance, do you know the difference between littering the highways with trash and putting garish and super-bright electronic billboard signs right next to the road? There is no difference. It is all littering. It is all unsightly and ugly crap. Someone's trash!

Who put that there?!
Who put Des Aliens next to the road?!

My point is -- they are all in the same business together; with different raps and appearances and lies. They cross-feed. They carrion feed on each other's leavings. If one type fails, another type moves in -- expecting a weakened prey.

[[Remember -- the louder the Jackals whine the better are your defenses.]]


To help you keep your objectivity about this really awful situation ... please be aware that the Standard of Measurements of all factors involved (each one) exists from outside the Society of Liars and Cattle -- NEVER from the inside -- NEVER from the Deviates inside.


An example of things causing Queerapsy that I have already mentioned, but needs reminding of -- Democrap Hispanic Bitch Activists that are particularly evil and venomous. They are the opposite of most Hispanic Women and must be treated as Neutered Demons. Anyone with eyes can see in public that the Queer Ford Reichers are recruiting more Queer Activists within the Hispanic Populations. Queers are always Queers anyway (Law of Mordor). This is terrible for the Hispanic Human Contingent which is still mute. At the same time, Queer Hispanic Activists are quite liable to pretend to be perverts in order to get the Ford Reichers to think that they are obeying the 'It Creature', and then stab the Ford Reichers in the back later.

The Deviates are constantly using Queered Hispanic Activists to stir up hatred of all Real White Men anyway -- as part of their current Biannual Attack Campaign against whatever the RepuCraps are doing. In this case against Chicken Dump.

The awful effects of all of this upon innocent Hispanics (that are trapped within hearing range of Queer Hispanic Activist Bitches) will reduce them to Politics-Sucking Rabble -- destined for Queerapsy. Which works for the Politics Gamers as rioting and looting and burning 10X Voters frighten all other Idiot Voters into Voting Suicide. This is ordered by all Politics Gamers that want votes, and therefore need persons to obey media orders to think that Politics is the most important part of their lives. When in Reality it is the least important.


Another typical example of the causes of Queerapsy -- is Des Aliens Public Radio. That compost heap is among the worst in the Known Universe. Incrazy. Insane and Satanic from the continued stench of perfumed buttholes talking into microphones. So-called 'Public Radio' is an endless septic wound upon the People, unless removed entirely ...
*1. Satanists Gone
*2. Perverts Gone
*3. Politicians Gone
*4. Call Letters Gone
*5. Registration Gone

If exorcised and fumigated and deloused, the building may remain; only if exorcised by a Real Catholic Priest. (virtually unknown) Thereafter, the building may remain empty until claimed by the People. With one caveat ... over the front door forever shall be the words .. 'No More Insanity. No More Chicken Blood. No More Absurdity. No More Queered Blood.'

Note: Beware of booby traps, biological and chemical and explosive.


I am on vacation, so I think I will add something here to this message that is unrelated to Queerapsy -- and -- directly related to having an un-rotten brain.

I have mentioned before that the Real Young White Men are the first targets of the 'Shit-N-Takeover' Agenda of the SQLD. In response, the SQLD are trying to badger and fool and force as many Young White Men as possible to become subservient slaves and dolts and morons for their wretched schemes and plans of World Conquest.

It is the Inner Bladder Existence of putrid flesh and feces which they refer to as “I'm getting closer to my world.”

With complete disregard for Human Life, they are doing their best to brainwash as many Young White Men to commit overt acts of Perversion and Demonism (such as buying or driving Ford Fuckups) as they can. This is very obvious from the trails of Jive Jelly left behind their Queer Ford tails -- trails. The ridiculous looks on their dumb faces do not necessarily result entirely from the horrid act of driving machines which symbolize Total Evil, but rather from the terrible tortures which their minds have already suffered in having to die enough to think that those bald and wise-assed bleepsuckers that drive new Ford Fuckups (and act like they own the World) really do own the World.

In the warped skulls of the Queer Propagandists, forever the worst of all Evils, their plan includes the expectation that Real White Men will be stupid enough to be disheartened and depressed by such Gross-tesque displays of Politics-As-Usual as I have just mentioned. Thereafter, becoming easier targets to find and destroy. Destroyed, while bald and wise-assed bleepsuckers in new Ford Fuckups watch and report to their Queer Masters. Bald and wise-assed bleepsuckers that are White Niggers From Hell. (Accurate Description).

Young Ford Frankensteins:
The good news is, that kind of treacherous tactic against our Species is doomed to fail, and is already failing. Nonetheless, it has created a minor annoyance of 'Young Ford Frankensteins' under our feet. Want to be a Young Ford Frankenstein? Well, it is an easy thing to do, if you do not value your sanity or your life. Just run over to a Ford Sewer and read the sign -- 'Lick doorknob before entry. After 5 PM slip brains through slot in door.'

I have emphasized to all Real Young White Men how perilous their situation is, in this degenerating and decaying Society of Liars and Cattle. Let me give you another overview ...

from the Pre-SQLD state of affairs decades ago; when the so-called 'Liberals' (now all Queers) were trying to contort and mis-shape and reverse society into a hellish den of a thousand evils, thus creating a Perfect World in which 'Liberalism' could wallow and squirm and squeal and oink; to the present state of dementia and decay wherein all former 'Liberals' are now the Queer Sluts and Whores of the Deviates >>>> the preferred phase change would have been a sudden Crash-and-Burn.

If they had all fallen that precipitous distance from their former state of envy and scheming hatred -- to -- their current state of belly-crawling slavery and obeisance to the worst filth imaginable (The Huffingbutt's Post) the Crash would have killed at least half of them. Leaving the rest motionless and crippled and trash to be removed. No longer of any value to the Queer Masters or the vermin of the Queer Medias.

If that had happened, not only would some of our overpopulation problems have been relieved, the Deviates would not have so many mindless Addicts-to-Propaganda to manipulate in their favor today; such as Idiot Voters. Everything would be better off for the Human Species -- and -- worse for the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead. (SQLD)

Their planners, the same ones that are creating Young Ford Frankensteins today, knew that. They deliberately used their Queer Medias (and their endless campaigns of lies) to cause this society to spiral downwards -- around and around and around and around -- to provide for themselves a 'soft landing' at this present low point of TV-Induced hysteria and brain rot. With the current result of millions of freaks addicted to their Queer Medias, that would otherwise have died in the Crash. Freaks that can be used today as satanically as is required, to kill the Real Human Species with.

From our Human point of view, a sudden and deep and fatal Crash-and-Burn would have been so much better for the Future of Mankind.

Now -- Thanks To Our Perseverance And Determination To Escape Genocide At The Claws Of The Deviates -- This War Has Gone On For So Long, Forcing The Deviates To Use So Many Campaigns Of Lies And Changes In Their Queer Propaganda (Each Time Rotting The Brains Of Their Minions More And More) That So Much Brain Decay Has Been Dealt To Those Millions Of Dupes And Imbeciles (That Obey Queer Propaganda) That The Permanent And Abysmal Death Of 'Queerapsy' Has Arrived Amongst Them. Hoards Of Those Queer Media Slaves Are Now Either Forever 'Queeraptic' Or About To Be.

And They Are All Expendable To The Deviates -- If -- The Human Species Can Be Destroyed Too.

Perhaps, this will give some of you Real Young White Men a better understanding of how awful the Society of Liars and Cattle really is.

!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!


One last thing. Why is the SSID FBI Headquarters for Iowa located across the street from the House That Justice Wrought?
I don't get it.
Where is their lemonade stand and sunglasses kiosk and Government Car Wash?
I walked around it ten times spreading bread crumbs and not one cockroach taker.


Markel Peters










I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message.
Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.



























Labels Of All Posted Messages--A Way To Search Through Messages By Labels

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed


This blog exists to inform the People, of the 'Real Truth' about the real enemies of the Human Species. These Truths are not objectionable, as they are Truths. Only the telling of them can be objectionable, to those who wish to hide the Truth. If the Truth is something you HATE and therefore object to - go elsewhere!


Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!


The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.