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Showing posts with label Moderate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moderate. Show all posts

Saturday, September 28, 2013


Initially, this message began life as 'A Primer For Human Resistance--Parts 1 & 2', which were going to be released starting in mid-September. They became more involved than mere primers would be, which just goes to prove my point.




Strengths, and how to know your enemy:

Four kinds of readers:

An example of how to save Human Data and why:

Perspective and Human Resistance:

The 'Blow This' Killer BUWI Example:
Another case in point of telling the Truth -- Whitey Bulger:

Prime Example of Human Resistance being attacked: Mass Resistance Preacher.

Black Human Resistance:



The Dream:



To some (delicate) people, this issue of the A-A-A Series may seem to be harshly done; and too hard a lesson for comfort. There are no graphics whatsoever, Part 2 will have those. Also, there are very few Internet Links, Part 2 will have those. However, I refer to the 'Graphic Truth' that this writing contains.

Do I look like I am here to make you comfortable? Really. Do I?

In Wars Where Genocide Is Involved -- 'Hard Lessons' Are What Other People Learn -- About What Happened To You.

This is a mild lesson. Really.


Besides, as the Fossilized Lesie-Turd Of 'Misbegotten', Mordor once said -- "It's just schmaltz! It's just worthless!"

Of course, I agree. It's not SQLD!


I want to talk for a few minutes to the People who do not understand what this is all about, and do not want to understand what this is all about. You have the Freedom to ignore all of this, turn away from it, and live out your lives trying to adapt to the changes and improvements that will result from what the rest of us are doing.

You will have to do that in any case. You cannot escape. Believe me, I know. There is no escape. I tried to escape all of this mess several times, all to no avail. I also tried, really hard, to escape my own role in the future of our species.

There is no escape.

You can, however, isolate yourself inside of your own kind of mobile cocoon – and just allow yourself to be knocked about by the tides of War and Reparations – while you keep everything inside your cocoon as much about 'You', and the way 'You' want the world to be, as you can.

Being thus trapped inside your own self-made world, you may grow content with the way things are; and the way things look inside your own world, from inside your own world. That is, as long as you can keep the conditions of the environment around your cocoon (all of us) from destroying your dream world.

If you can manage such a feat, by all means go ahead.

I am sorry to have to tell you, though, that you will (in all likelihood) have to interact with (all of us) to such a point that you will never be able to self-exist in your own custom-made isolation, with any degree of true satisfaction. Even if you are independently wealthy, and well landed – the tides will find you.

All of this means, that it will be better for yourself if you decide to participate to some extent with what we are doing, and to get involved, if only marginally. Enough so, that when big things happen -- that will rock and overturn your cocoon --you will not be catastrophically shaken and traumatized. Because, you were paying attention enough to what is happening outside your own comfy/cozy world.

Alas, there is still an air of Internet Uniqueness and Exclusivity to all of this. As though it is an 'Internet Phenomenon', and nothing more.
This misperception is fostered by, and fueled by, our enemies the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead, of course. They work really hard to make everyone, who they can influence and lie to, believe that Human Resistance (and indeed the very concept of a Human Species) is merely a temporary Internet Phenomenon; and nothing more than a 'Cyber Cult' of whackos and derelicts and right-wing extremists, blah-blah-blah.

That misunderstanding is not a primary target of what is about to happen. But, it will certainly be a casualty of what is about to happen.

I am concerned about those of you who are trying to avoid and dodge the current events of these times. Not only is your quest for peace and tranquility, or just plain selfishness, doomed to failure -- but you are also trying to avoid and be left out of a very exciting and historical time in the life of our Species.

This is not the time to be a recluse and an isolationist! Believe me!

For anyone who likes things 'medium; I'm sorry, but you will have to wait for the next train of thought, which is not coming. I am tempted to elaborate upon all of this, but there is a better way. A harder and tougher way. For a harder and tougher future Species.

I am going to write this work, in the way it should be written. Not in the way others would like for it to be written. Nor, in any way that would make anyone more comfortable with how it is written. And, without any regard whatsoever for my own 'popularity' -- which has never been a priority to me, anyway.

Remember, the SQLD newsrags have been addicting all of you to their eighth-grade level of written drivel and 'programming-for-idiots', ever since you were taught how to read. Just the feat of reading something at a higher level, of any kind, will be stressing to some of you from the outset.

It is time to take the chains off 'Restraint', and release 'Resistance'.


You might want to snuggle up with Godzilla, for this. Just read it aloud to him. You will feel safer, because he is there. He will be happier, because he never could read the little words.



Strengths, and how to know your enemy:

One of the strengths of Human Resistance is that we go out into society, and we learn what is really going on in the Real World. We will go to almost anywhere (Queer Whore Houses and Boy Sex-Toys Meetings excluded), and we listen and we watch and we see what is going on. Then, we tell the world about it! And, we tell the world why it is wrong.

Remember, we do not use opinions. We know what is Truth, and we know what is right. So, we say what is wrong according to what is right. We do not go in for 'opinionization'. Opinionization is worthless, completely and totally worthless, and I have said this before; and I will say it again. You will just degrade and nullify the validity of your own website if you use opinions.

[[For instance, there is a huge difference between saying the Truth that some creature is a '(Bleep-bleeper)', because it aids and abets Queers (which is a fact, because any thing that aids and abets the APA Spawns is guilty of all Queer Horrors) -- and opinions such as -- 'so and so' is a '(Bleep-bleeper)' for reasons unrelated to the ACLU and Genocide.]]

You can report the opinions of others, you can report the opinions that you hear; you can report false opinions, and most opinions are completely false and based upon no information anyway; and come from 'no information idiots'. But, for anyone in Human Resistance to use opinions for any reason (no matter what the reason) -- that is erroneous, that is circumventing your own worth as a website for Human Resistance. By using opinions, you are just reducing yourself.

Truly, any DemoCrap or ModoRat is a Political (Bleep-bleeper) -- and truly because any thing that aids and abets the so-called Homosexuals is equally guilty of all Queer Horrors, and all Queer Crimes. The perverts of the SQLD, are trying very hard to invade any and all aspects of Human Existence, and poison and destroy those Humanities, until only Queer Death remains -- so, the scope of Queer Horrors and Queer Crimes is wide and hideous. All DemoCraps and ModoRats are guilty of each and every one of those Queer Horrors and Queer Crimes. That is a fact, not an opinion.

An opinion, would be to say that all DemoCraps and ModoRats are guilty of the daily activities and fluctuations of our Local Star; otherwise known as Sol.

Such an assertion is quite off-the-wall and without proof; so it can only be an opinion.

The horrible complicity of the ModoRats and the DemoCraps with the so-called Homosexuals is voluminous (evidence by the millions), and therefore it is a fact that all ModoRats and all DemoCraps are Political (Bleep-bleepers).

Especially in Des Moines.


Getting back to what I was saying -- about going out in the Real World and reporting what is really going on -- quite recently I was at a truck stop in Nebraska. It is a large truckstop that is on a large Interstate highway, and truck drivers from all over the country pass through that area, and undoubtedly stop at that truck stop. It has a small TV room, and on this day there were six persons in the room (I would not call them People) who were truck drivers (lowest possible types of course).

They were watching some perverted news program, on one of the Satan Tube Channels. As I stood along the wall of the TV room and watched them, two of them immediately identified themselves as Democrat/Homosexuals.


When you go out into the field, you have to listen to what is being said. Listen to the conversations, listen to what they are complaining about. All six of those 'truck drivers' were complaining about trucking issues and government regulations. Two of them, complaining along with the rest of them, immediately identified themselves as Queer DemoCraps.

[[By the way, they were also complaining about some healthcare thing, the healthcare DemoCrapia, the DemoCrap healthcare hoax. They all seemed to be complaining about the DemoCrap's healthcare plan to dominate the country through healthcare.]]

Even so, two of them identified themselves as Homosexual/Democrats.

So, their complaints could not have been real. Their complaints had to be bogus and phony. You have to learn how this works. You have to watch and see how Democrat/Homosexuals operate inside of groups. They will try to lead conversations, away from the Truth. They will try to lead conversations away from what is really going on.

If, they get into a small group like that, they will try to lead that group away from coming to any conclusions against the Homosexual/Democrats. That is what those DemoCraps in that group of six truck drivers were doing. You can sit there and listen to them for ten or fifteen minutes, and figure out for yourself that two of them are trying to lead the other four to 'Non-Conclusions', to 'No-Decisions', to 'No-Reality' and 'No-Information'. So, those four will never vote against the DemoCraps.

Or, you can listen to what they actually say; as they identify themselves as propagandists for perverts.

And, here is what I mean:
One of them said, that there is such a creature as a 'Joe Biden'. The other one said, that there is such a creature as 'The President'. We Humans know, from the Truth (and everything that is Real in this Universe), that this country has no 'president'. It has a 'Queer F**k' HObama Puppet, that is pretending to be the shill and the mouthpiece and the front-barker for all of the Queers; and is the 'Traffic Controller' for the Queer Bus.

It is at best, an unwanted 'resident' in the White Outhouse.

[[Stay with the facts, do not let your opinions get in the way when you describe such things. The Truth about them is bad enough without your mixing opinions into it.]]

There is no 'president'. Period. Flat. Nothing.

There is no 'president', but one of those DemoCraps used the term 'the president'. That is 'Identification Speech'. That immediately identified that person as a pervert propagandist. The other one was talking about some 747 Jumbo Jet, and said -- "Joe Biden is in that jet".

There is no such thing as a 'Joe Biden'. Politics kills all former identities -- of course -- because Greed and Avarice and Evil kill all former substances, all former existence.



And, after the APA-approved disease has killed -- the victim's former substance is gone forever -- replaced by 'The Substitute'.

There is no such thing (anymore) as a 'Joe Biden'. There is now, the White Rattlesnake Biden of the Killer Queers and the Killer DemoCraps -- a raving lunatic 'F**k from Hell' -- but, there is no such thing as a 'Joe Biden'.

So once again, the other DemoCrap identified what it is, quickly and for us easily, with its own 'Identification Speech'.

When you Humans of Human Resistance are out in the field, and you are doing research and you are listening to what is going on out there (no matter where you go) -- listen to that 'Identification Speech'.

No sane Human Being would ever call HObama -- 'the president'. No sane Human Being would ever call that White Rattlesnake Biden -- 'Joe Biden'. And, maybe you did not understand what I said. So, I will repeat it for you ...

N o  s a n e  H u m a n  B e i n g   w o u l d  e v e r  c a l l ...

H O b a m a  t h e  M a g n i f i c e n t  P e r v e r t  --   't h e  p r e s i d e n t'.

Not ever.

N o  s a n e  H u m a n   B e i n g  w o u l d  e v e r  c a l l ...

t h a t  W h i t e  R a t t l e s n a k e  B i d e n   --  'J o e  B i d e n'.

Never. Not ever. Those things are the dung heaps that they are; and they are to be called exactly what they are.

Flat out.


There is no excuse for not doing so. None whatsoever. And, when you Human Resisters are out there doing your research, those identifications from their speech help you enormously.

For instance, if you go to a large group of twenty people, and you are trying to find out what that group is doing, and are they concerned with anything; or are they just stupid Satan Tubers that watch the TV Turds, and have no brains and therefore cannot be concerned about anything. And, you find that they are concerned about something; then, if what they are concerned about interests you, and you want to report about it to the rest of the world -- you will have to sit there for 10 - 20 minutes, and listen to all of their conversations.

You cannot report about what they said, if you do not stop and listen, to find out exactly what they are thinking and what they are saying; and if they have any intentions that are Good or Bad or Ugly.

If you are new to this, you may actually sit there for 20-30 minutes and listen to everybody in the group and not realize what is going on. Not realize, if somebody is leading the conversation deliberately. Not realize, that some person is deliberately trying to distort the entire communications experience, and nullify that group of people from knowing what is Real and True in the Universe -- and keeping them stupid -- and keeping them confused -- and keeping them 'dumbed-down', and without any True Information. So, they will vote for Queers and vote for DemoCraps and vote for Monkey Judges and vote for Monkey Lawyers.

One of the techniques that shortens the research process for Human Resistance Investigators, and facilitates your analysis of a group (any group), is to listen to the 'Speech Identifiers'. The 'Speech Identifiers' will indicate to you which persons in a group are the 'manipulators', are the Queers, are the DemoCraps, are trying to control the others.

They will invariably use propaganda terms like -- 'the president' -- 'Joe Biden' -- the 'g a y' word etc. All of it, is propaganda terms and propaganda words that are part of their arsenal of rhetoric against the Human Species; and are literally weapons that they use in their speech to kill the minds of other persons with. Look for their 'Speech Indicators', the lies, and the propaganda. When you hear them, look right at that person; and see if that person actually meant to say that propaganda, or is saying that somebody else said that. Did that person mean to say that propaganda, or is it saying that propaganda as though it is a common speech, a common pattern, it is commonly said. If a person who said those 'Speech Identifiers', who said those lies such as 'the president' or 'Joe Biden', were actually saying that out of their own brains ...

what is left of their brains after TV ...

then, they are in most likelihood (about 99%) Middle-Managers.

Middle-Managers, that are trying to manage a crowd, trying to manage an audience, or manage a group for the sake of making them stupid, and for the sake of making them idiots with 'no information'. For the sake of promoting the never-ending lies of the so-called Homosexuals, and the never-ending lies of the DemoCraps. Remember, perverts and DemoCraps can only survive inside an environment of Lies and Liars, and the Idiots that have been Lied To.

Lies, Liars, and the Idiots that have been Lied To.

[[Example: I was just in a town in Northern Iowa where I have never stopped at before, even though I have passed through it many times. At the only convenience store in town, there was a large-screen Satan Tube operating on the far left wall, on which was the swirling and foaming cesspool of the 'Crackheads and Nasty Neuters' (CNN). That is a rare insanity for the areas of the Real Iowa. It is something that you would expect to see in the Queer Monkey Brothel across the street from the Statehouse/Panty Hose Emporium of Madame Gronstal, in Des Moines.
Seeing that, I checked the 'second indicator' of Horror -- the racks of the queer newsrags. What few copies had been delivered that morning were all gone.
Proof Positive -- it is a Slaughtered Town of the Homosexual/DemoCraps.
That containment sewer, now goes on the 'Shit List'.]]

Lies, Liars, and the Idiots that have been Lied To.

That is the required environment of all perverts, and the DemoCraps. They must have it, without it they are nothing but crap, they are nothing but the lowest matter. They are nothing but lying, twisted, belly-crawling scum from Hell.

With Lies, Liars and Idiots that have been Lied To (like that town of imbeciles in Northern Iowa), they can create a false world in which they are supreme and superior; that they can rule, and in which they can control everything.


Staying with our lesson here -- Liars must use the terminology that Liars use. DemoCraps and pervert-sucking Middle-Managers must use the phrases and terms and phony language that they have been taught to use. Terms and language, that has worked in the past on Idiots. So, they will use those words, they will lie in a group, they will lie inside groups of people, they will propagandize groups of people. They will use their lying terms and their propaganda phrases, and in doing so they will reveal themselves (to you) as what they really are. They are implants into society, for the purpose of controlling society.

They are put there by the DemoCraps and the APA-called Homosexuals, to keep it all sick, twisted, confused, filthy, demented and insane. Because, insanity is the True Best Environment for DemoCraps, and their customers.


That has been proven so enormously, that it does not even have to be supported. There are mountains of pre-existing supporting evidence for that. So, I do not have to try to support that statement.

Another part of this -- is that we never use what is called a 'premise'. A premise, is an assumption that is used to begin a propaganda session. A premise, is just a propaganda term or a propaganda idea (an opinion) that the liar (or liars) want to promote, by assuming that the premise is valid somehow. Human Resistance does not engage in such subterfuge. We deal only in facts, and facts that have been proven enormously by our own stupid enemies.

[[Pay attention please. I am telling you how the (Bleep-bleepers) and the DemoCraps rot and corrupt such things as the US Military, from the inside out; and turn them into anti-Human things like the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid.
Do you want B-2 Stealth Bombers attacking your Human Community, because perverted Monkey Judges said they could do so; and Liars propagandized them with the lies that killing Humans is a good thing to do?]]

There is another way that DemoCraps & Customers try to control groups, and try to control crowds, and try to keep them stupid and devoid of Truth and devoid of Information; and therefore susceptible to any and all propaganda. Not to mention, voting for any filth that the DemoCraps & Company want them to vote for. That other way is through their responses to questions, and mumblings, and the mouthings of the people in the crowds; who really do not know what is going on; but there is a general idea that there is something to complain about.

Remember, the intention of Middle-Managers, which is to say Middle-Managers that are working for the APA-called Homosexuals for money and working for the DemoCraps for money, is to twist and distort and pervert everyone's thinking to what their customers want those people to think. Deviates, want people to think in the ways that Deviates want people to think! And, no other way! DemoCraps want people to think in the ways that DemoCraps want people to think, and in no other way.

[[They confer and agree upon what people must think, so that there is no conflict of interests between Queer, and DemoCrap and ModoRat brainwashing. They hope.]]

All groups pay a lot of money [[a lot of which comes from that 'Asshole at Amabunns' (formerly Amazon)]], to pay those Middle-Manager Liars, those Middle-Manager Controllers, to control any group or any small meeting or any small assemblage of people; and achieve one of two things -- one or the other:

1. Mold their opinions and mold their thinking by how the programmers respond to their questions, by the answers that the programmers give to them, by the answers that the Middle-Managers provide; by the propaganda terms that they use; to the thinking that their customers want! The thinking that the APA 'Psych Creatures' want, or the thinking that the DemoCraps want.

2. The second choice, for the Middle-Managers if they cannot achieve the first one, is to nullify and confuse the group; to make it ineffectual, uncertain, undetermined, and having no 'Will' of its own. To make it stupid, to make it lost in its thinking, and to make it unable to come to a decision; because it is confused. And, this is when the Middle-Managers, and the Lying Queers, and the Lying DemoCraps in those groups use that 'Identification Speech' (that I told you about), the most.
They want all of those catch phrases and those lies bouncing around inside the brains of the people that they programmed. Especially, if they could not convince them that Degeneracy and DemoCrapia is the way that they should die.
If they do not want to die by Dementia, if they do not want to die by DemoCrapia, then it behooves the Middle-Managers to at least keep them at a 'No Information' level, and confused. For that purpose, the Middle-Managers-For-Hire put out all kinds of propaganda terminology (which is their stock-in-trade, their weapons). All kinds of phrases, all kinds of lies; to keep everyone in that group (except for themselves) befuddled, unaware that they are being manipulated, and ripe to be used later -- because they have propaganda lies and propaganda terms like that 'g a y' word, and 'the president', and the 'Joe Biden' in their brains. They, were unfortunate enough to be in a group of people that was discussing something, and in that group was a Middle-Manager for the APA Spawns, or a Middle-Manager for the DemoCraps.
Or, two Middle-Managers for the ModoRats, or two Middle-Managers for the 'APA Spawns'. So now, they have that filth in their brains, and to the Middle-Managers and to the Queers, and the DemoCraps, and the ModoRats, and the BUWIs, and the Monkey Lawyers and the Monkey Judges -- that means that those brains can later on be turned and twisted and confused and frightened into voting for them.
So, the second process is actually a poisoning process; poisoning the brains of the people in that group, if they cannot be killed with Queerism; if they cannot be killed with DemoCrapia.
At least, poison them with the lies and the propaganda terms. For later. For a later event, for a later time, a later election.
This is done, as I was saying, not just with the propaganda terms but with their responses to what is being said by the group. This is your Second Indicator, your second way of realizing that there are perverts and Middle-Managers (or both) in any group. This is how they respond to the confusion of the group, how they respond to the questions of the group, how they try to twist the thread of thoughts of the group (like the BUWIs do); away from inquiry and away from criticism against the perverts, and away from criticism against the BUWIs, and away from criticism against the ModoRats (etc). This is how they put out their excuses, their mine fields of excuses sewn with mines of propaganda. This is how they disseminate excuses and circles of confusion, and false explanations, and stories of lies that have absolutely no Truth and no Reality. This is how they put out false questions; questioning the people in the group, challenging their right to have questions, challenging their right to be concerned about their own lives, challenging their right to be critical of Queers, challenging their right to be critical of the BUWI scum, challenging their right to be critical of the DemoCraps.

This is how they debase groups of People; confusing them, and disarming their criticisms. They do this with responses and questions, and with insinuations and attacks against the group; to put the group on the defensive, to make the group incapable of coming to a Real Human decision. This is done, once they realize that they cannot kill the group with mental disease and they cannot kill the group with BUWI greed and they cannot kill the group with DemoCrapia!

They then, do everything that they can to disable the group; and if it will not be disabled, they attack the group. They assault the group. They throw at the group every kind of lie and propaganda phraseology that they can. They pretend that the lies and the propaganda are the 'truth'. They automatically operate on the assumption that all lies from all customers are absolute and pure 'truth'. And, how dare anybody question such things? You will see it in how they respond to the conversations in the groups; whether it is six people or sixty people or six hundred. You will see them for what they are.


Since you are there to analyze what is going on and to report about it, this is very valuable to you. For you to know how Middle-Manager, and BUWI liars and ACLU/Homosexuals and any kind of lying scum for the ModoRats and the Extremists operate; and to quickly identify them as what they are, greatly facilitates your analysis of the entire experience.

Do not waste this long explanation by not reading it twice. Read this again. Understand what I am saying. They have to do this! They have to control the crowd. They have to control any group. They must control. They must spread the lies.

Only Lies, Liars and the Idiots that have been Lied To -- are a proper environment for perverts and BUWIs and DemoCraps! That false and phony environment, which I call the 'Bubble of Lies' has to be maintained. It must be maintained, because Natural Forces and Human Reasoning will come to the top of any confusion and subterfuge and deny them, deny their lies, and want to know the Truth. So, they must continually subjugate and oppress real Human Reasoning and Real Truth. In other words, they must deny the Reality of the Universe.

They have no choice, they must do so, they have to! They haven't got any alternative. So far. When they set up concentration camps, and they start wearing side arms and weapons, and they start carrying tranquillizer guns and poison dart guns, and they start anesthetizing and killing and burying anybody who possesses Human Reasoning -- then they will no longer need to lie.

They will no longer need to control groups, they will just kill groups; or tranquilize groups and send them to concentration camps. Tranquilize anybody who does not want to die twice; tranquilize anybody who does not want ButtUgly Windmills on their land; tranquilize anybody who does not want to die as a DemoCrap; and send them to prison camps, and concentration camps, and work camps!!!!

However, they are not at that point yet. Humans still have weapons!

At the same time, what good are weapons if there are no brains to use them?

What good are weapons, if there is no brainpower that is capable of using the weapons?

Weapons are useless in the hands of dummies. Weapons are useless in the hands of Idiots that have been Lied To; and are Idiots because they have been Lied To. Weapons, in the hands of dummies and Idiots, are just props for Queer Propaganda performances.

Our enemies are not at the point yet of achieving an overt and outwardly armed suppression, and armed totalitarianism, over the public (over groups of people like I mentioned before). Therefore, for the time being, they must lie. They must twist the conversations of the groups! They must try to control the conversations of the groups!!!! They must try to keep as many people as possible stupid and without any information. Confused, and at the same time seeded in their brains with the lying terms of the Queers, and the lying excuses of the BUWIs, and the lying regurgitations of the DemoCraps. All to the music of the backstabbing whimpers of the ModoRats. Seeded with the lying pretenses of the 'g a y' terms, the 'Joe Biden' lie, the 'president' lie, and so on and so forth.

So far, they have not dumbed-down and stupefied the public to the point where they can literally take the guns away from the People, and force them at gunpoint (with their own guns) to think what they want the People to think. That State of Dictatorship and Totalitarianism is not here yet. So for now, they must lie. They must jive. They must gyrate, in the conversations of the groups that they want to control. Any group that they can find.


Human Resistance, is their worst possible enemy.

Human Resistance is the worst thing that could ever happen to those Pieces Of Shit.


In this same vein, there is the requirement (and very important prerequisite) -- if you are going to have a Human website that fights for the Human Species -- that you do not at any time use Queer Propaganda words and terms, as Queer Propaganda is meant to be used according to the Queers.

For instance, that hideous and completely bogus usage of the 'g a y' word; which was killed from its Human Meanings, which was killed in its Human Origins and perverted, which was twisted and is now in chains to the Queers and the DemoCraps. That 'g a y' word, which is used against all Human Beings everywhere; and is now one of the most horrible words that exists in their Speech Arsenal and Written Arsenal against us. A Human Word, now murdered and turned against us -- with the tongue-dragging support of the Queer Medias -- that is being used by websites that are supposedly on our own side. Used, in ways that hurt us, diminish the Human Species, and attack us, and cause us pain, and reduction.

There was a Human website recently that put a picture of a hideous faggot on the front cover of its magazine, and put words on the cover such as "g a y s gone wild." or 'g a y s go wild." or something like that.

How can that website be on our side -- when there is no such thing as 'g a y s'?

How can that website be on our side, when it is not telling the Truth?

It lies to all of us. It has actually performed acts of traitorism against us. That is a traitorous act against us. There are no such things as 'g a y s'. It is a fabrication, it is a lie, it is a propaganda term of the APA-tutored Homosexuals. Now, if that website had written on the front of its magazine -- "Queers gone Crazy." that would have worked perfectly. Yes, very true. Yes, that is good -- very good.

Or -- "Queers gone Insane." or "Queers are Crazy." or "Queers are Demented." -- anything that is the Truth about perverts would have been very good for the cover of its magazine. But instead, what did it do?

It committed an Act of Atrocity against the Human Species!!!!

It used a Queer Propaganda word, in exactly the way that the Queer Propagandists want it to be used!!!!

Human Resistance sites must never do that. Remember, that you have a lot of People depending upon you. You have a lot of Human Readers who really want to read the Truth. They want the Truth! Those readers that go to your website because they want to read the Truth -- they do not want to read Queer Propaganda terms! Used in Queer Ways!

They do not want to see that. There is no justification for that!

To use any propaganda from our enemies, in ways that our enemies want it to be used, is an Act of Aggression against us; an Act of Traitorism against the Human Species!

They might as well kill us with a Queer Bullet.

You have to be mindful of this, you have to watch out for that. Do not accept it from the websites that say that they are for the Human Species. If a website does that -- chastise them, and tell them that they are wrong and do not source your readers to their websites for information. Put down a penalty period, and do not outsource to their website from your website for the duration of that penalty period.

Make it very clear to those people that nobody uses Queer Propaganda about the Queers, in any ways that the Queers want it used, and then tries to be a Human Website at the same time. Not a chance! No way, between Heaven and Hell does that happen. No one gets away with that.


There is one, amongst many, advantages to being in Human Resistance. Your enemies will never know how to stop you. Not accurately, not definitely. They will never understand you. They are diseased, their minds are sick, their minds are twisted, their minds are perverted. They will never be able to understand you, even though they will try to attack you constantly. They will charge your defenses, until those defenses have proven to be so great that any further attacks are both a complete waste of time, AND the perverts themselves are damaged and hurt every time that they attack you. And, it all gets them in trouble.

When your defenses not only prove that their attacks are a waste of time, but also turn their attacks into injuries against them -- so that every time that they do try to attack you they just injure themselves -- then they will start to back off. They will still look for any way that they can find to stop you, but they will start to write off certain ways of attacking you. In the overall context, they will never understand you -- they have a hideous disease fever of sickness -- they have 'DemoCrap Attorney General Rabies' in their sick-sick-sick brains. That 'DemoCrap Attorney General Rabies', in their sick-sick-sick brains, keeps them thinking that you are somehow like them; and therefore you can be crushed, destroyed, disheartened, discouraged, beaten, bought, paid-for, solicited, and purchased -- just like they can be.

All of their sickness is based, in part, upon the complete conviction (in their twisted brains) that everything else is as twisted as they are. They are convinced, and brainwashed, that everyone is as sick as they are. They can only accept that everyone is as sick as they are, because to be able to understand and grasp that Real Human Beings do exist (and that there really is something this good out here) -- would cause immense and perhaps fatal shock to their twisted, perverted and mutilated brains. And, remorse because they themselves have lost that goodness. They, themselves, have been perverted.



Which means, children are raped and turned into Queers.

For them to accept that there is still something good out here (such as the Human Species is), would immediately and instantly bring grief and remorse to them -- that this is what they have lost -- and they cannot understand it. This is what was raped away from them, and they cannot understand it.

AND -- Every DemoCrap Attorney General is directly, and hideously, and greedily responsible for that loss of their Humanity.

For DemoCrap Profits.

We, are the Human Beings that they could have been, but it was taken away from them (by the NEA, and the APA, and the ACLU of course). So, they do not dare to allow themselves to know what you are like. In the same process, in the same doing, they become incapable of truly destroying you. Incapable of being able to predict what you are going to do. Incapable of being able to stop you on a permanent basis. And, incapable of realizing just how determined Human Resistance really is -- because that would mean that they would have to realize (at the same moment) how horrible they themselves have been turned into, by the Queer Masters.

That does not mean, by any stretch of the imagination, that any member of Human Resistance is going to have any mercy upon those creatures, or have any sympathy for them. That is like have sympathy for, and mercy upon, a bottle of poison that someone is trying to force down your throat.


If you do get involved in Human Resistance, keep in mind that the enemies of the Species are your enemies. I cannot say that often enough. It is really not like you can choose your own enemies. You can choose which enemies you want to fight at any one time, under normal circumstances, and even under abnormal circumstances you can choose which enemies you want to fight and when you want to fight them. But, the list of your enemies is already there.

I just recently issued a partial list of the many things that Human Resistance deals with. It is a list of the many topics and subjects that Human Resistance must grapple with, and explain. I do not think that I included those hideous 'Psych Creatures', at the awful APA, in that list.

Let us look again at that list:

So-called Homosexuals
Verus Veritas -- Real Truth
Future Of Humans
Secundae Planeta -- Second Planet
Black Cripples, At The End Of The Queer Bus
Christians versus Belief Merchants
Who Fights? Humans Fight!
Home Schooling versus Public Death Camps
Dumbed-Down Hispanics
Repugnantia -- Resistance
Liberal Liars
Butt Ugly Windmill Industry
Monkey Judges and False Laws
Queer Medias
Goodness Of Human Species
Civilibus Circulatio -- Civil Revolution
Republican Establishment
Bullshit Hunters
Mean, Mean, Who Are The Meanies?
White Homo-Fascists
Scientiae Religio Aliquantus Moribus -- Science Religion
Demented White Females (DWC)
Isolated Humans
Queer Masters
Liars, Liars, Who Are The Liars?
Human Defense Tactics
Queer And Armed Fart Forces (of Heinrich Himmler Reid)
Inhonestus Boston Horridus Zona (HBHZ)
NEA and Queer Schools
Racial Profiling
Stella Erratica Truculentus -- Planet Sinister
Black Radical Extremists
Decadent Political Whores
Adsequela -- Succession
Human Films
Abortion -- Loved by Lesbians
Paullum Senex Dominae Ex Pasadena -- Little Old Lady from Pasadena
Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred
Pedophile and Victim Marriage-Hatred
Toilet And Feces Marriage-Hatred
DemoCrap Lies And Tyranny
Civilibus Inobedientiam -- Civil Disobedience
Thought Police
Devil Cults
Foreign Mercenaries For Queers
TV Turds
Socialism Rot
Unjustly Imprisoned 'Blacks'
Heterophobia and Heterophobes
Homophiles and Homophilia
HomeQueer Security
Drones for Queers
Black Clowns -- eg HObama
Black Slavers -- eg Jibba Jabba
Queer Ad Agencies
Queer Propagandists
White Radical Extremists, Where Are You?
Internet Freedom
Internet Interruption And Intimidation Network
Batshit Crazy Network
Selfishness And Greed
White Lesbian Superiority-Extremists
Queer Mental Disease
Simius Judicius -- Monkey Judges
Simius Legisperitus -- Monkey Lawyers
Voluntatem Populi -- Will Of The People
Real Love
Bullying of Humans, Violence Against Humans
Hispanic Radical Extremists
Politically-Corrupt Police
GROSS Political Pimps
What is War?
Commercial Protestors
Feminism versus Femininity
Milky Way Galaxy
Human Leadership
What Is Religion?
Why Me?
Why You?
Why Us?
Marvelous Mouse
Alien Sewers
Alien Invasions
Hostile Aliens
Black Jivers
White Numbnuts
What 'General Public'?
Wash This Death City
Union Complicities With Evils
Scenic Iowa
Corrupt Iowa Politics
Human States
Queer Ghettos
Light-Speed Travel
Gordon And The Mahdi
George Custer and Sitting Bull
Westward Expansion
Velvet Revolution
Forests And Groves
Human Cultures
Human Spirituality
Nature Photography
Science Fiction
Human Anatomy And Physiology
Geology And Time
Censorship And Political Correctness
Satan Tubers
No-Information Cattle
Worthless Currency
Black Jungle Ways
Benito Mussolini
Hitler And The Big Lie
Left-Handed Monkey Wrench
The Lie Enough Rule
Belief Insanity
Non Simplicitas -- Not Simple
Left-Handed Brain Wrench
The Bubble Of Lies
Sacro Est Nimium Expedius -- Doom Is Too Easy
Boys Much Better Than Scouts
Photograph Your State
Human Communications

No, the rancid APA is not there (yet); those monsters that have pseudo-professions with the letters 'p s y c h' at the beginning of their professional titles (the descriptions of their professions). Those 'Psych' creatures from Hell, that are an Abomination. They are the profession and the definition of 'Abomination'! They are so ghastly and so horrible; so grotesque, so fake, so incapable of doing anything that they pretend to be doing (that they claim to be doing), that their entire class of professional falsehood should be cast down and stricken from existence!

So horrible are their effects against our Species. Such horrors and prostitutes they are, for anything that has money. Willing to lie incessantly, and forever, for paying customers on any scale; regardless of the Holocausts of Dementia that their lies cause.

No matter how despicable, and putrid and anti-Life it is, 'psych creatures' will whore for it; they will prostitute for it, if it has money. The APA creatures, the 'Psych' creatures from Hell, are one of the most dire enemies (rabid and scheming and twisted and greedy and lying enemies) of our entire Species. They are so very awful, that they are almost as bad as the Monkey Lawyers and the Monkey Judges, which are now the lowest class of Trash in the Universe.

Of course -- Monkeys and 'Psychs' get along swimmingly together.

In the foaming cesspool.



Four kinds of readers:

When you are in Human Resistance, and you are writing a Human Website (as part of Human Resistance), you will have a variety of attendees to that website; people who read it for various reasons.

First: Some will be good and Human, and will want to know what you think and how you see the Truth; and they will want to learn what you have learned about what is going on.

Second: There will be people who go to your website simply because the search engines brought them to your website.

[[You will want to enable the search engines, so that people who are browsing for certain topics and keywords will be directed to your website.]]

Those people will not know what your website is about until they see it. So, it has to have a certain appearance. You also have to explain up front, just exactly what you are doing. You are not a General Purpose website; you are a website dedicated to the continued existence of the Human Species. Your website fights against the Genocide of the Human Species. Which immediately means that it is against the APA Spawns, the DemoCraps, the ModoRats, the Black Radical Extremists, the Hispanic Radical Extremists, the Serial Killers, the Pedophiles, the Monkey Judges, the Monkey Lawyers, and the entire sewage inside their Bubbles of Lies. You have to explain that. (THIS) -- is what this website is all about, and you say so.

Follow my example, try to have nice illustrations for them to look at when they first go to the website. Whenever possible, use a lot of illustrations, use a lot of pictures; abide by the Common Usage Laws of the Internet, and use your own graphics and pictures as much as possible. In this message (this one here), I am not using any pictures or illustrations. That is because I am talking now, I am discussing now, and I am in a word flow that does not require pictures, and creates its own graphic images. I do not feel like using any visuals for this message. In Part 2, I will.

[[You know, I could write ten thousand pages without any attached visual images. None of my novels use pictures, only maps. On the other hand, outlines use a great deal of images. The tendency of writers to write, is why 'Illustrators' exist. 'Illustrators', allow the writer to 'Just Write'; without having to worry about such things as pictures for the readers. The profession of 'Illustrators' is almost dead these days, unfortunately. Nowadays, if there are pictures inset into written books, they are mostly graphic images from computers, or photographs. When was the last time that you saw an 'Illustrated Edition' of a book?]]

In the Internet website world, you will soon find that you have to be somewhat of a video artist, somewhat of a visual artist. You will want to keep up a steady giving to the public, of interesting illustrations and pictures that mean something to them; and are illustrative of what is going on inside your website; and are good enough for them to keep and to download to their computers.

[[Would it not be wonderful? If, somehow, someone told the World of Human Internet Website Owners that they should create a 'Pool of Human Illustrators' who create illustrations for all sorts of Human Websites? I am not refering to the CGI and Computer Graphics companies that already exist. I am talking about Paint. Paint. You know, the stuff that goes on Canvas!?]]

So, you will end up being a visual artist of sorts. To do that, you must gather software, video and art software, and you will need a number of computers. Fast computers, that are networked together so that one computer can create an illustration and transfer it over to another computer that will actually put that illustration onto your website and send it out. Seldom, will you be able to do everything with just one computer.

If you have to do everything on just one laptop computer, make sure it has an I5 processor (or faster) with at least 8gigaBytes of RAM and a 1teraByte hard drive. I5 processors have four computing cores (quad cores) inside of them, and you will want one that runs at 2gigaHertz speed or better -- which means that the entire motherboard inside is also running at a fast speed just to keep up with the processor. The overall result, is that all of your computing tasks are done faster, including reading from and writing to hard drives.

A laptop like that will be able to process your video edits and video rendering for you. It will not be as fast as a dedicated desktop computer at home with a fast video card(s), but it will allow you to be mobile and still get everything done. Of course, it will be the same machine that you write your messages on, and the same machine that you transmit your messages to the Internet from.


Getting back to 'your audience', so far I have mentioned the Human Beings who are reading your website because they want to, and the people who are browsing on the Internet and are led to your website by search engines.

Third: There is a third category, such as the Queers and the DemoCraps who have hired analysts to read what you say on your website. Their intention is to try to disable you, and to disable your website, by getting Sodomites and DemoCraps and ModoRats around you (and even in your own family) to work against you. To steal your computer, to steal your information, to sabotage your computer, to sabotage your information; to shout at you and lie at you and scream at you and lie at you and attack you and lie at you -- with propaganda and insinuations and abuses and threats. They will attempt any way that they can to stop you, using anybody that they can use, no matter who it is.

They do not care at all (not at all) what happens to the creatures that they get to attack you.

Let me repeat that, they do not care at all! They are, the APA/Queers and the DemoCraps, the Queer Masters, the Queer Propagandists, the TV Turds, the ModoRats (greedy forever), the Republican Asswipes (formerly McCain Establishment) -- all of the scum of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead -- that hire creatures and propagandize creatures and pay creatures to attack You. They, could not care less what happens to the creatures that they persuade to attack You -- Humans of Human Resistance!

They could not care less. You could not pay them to care less, because they actually cannot care less. What happens to those creatures, because of your retaliations and your counter-attacks means nothing. It is meaningless to them. Anyone, who is stupid enough to take their money or to follow their orders, to take their suggestions and turn upon you and attack you (even family members) are automatically dead as far as they are concerned. Expendable. Use once and throw away. They could not care less, whatever you do to it. Could not care less at all!

They will be expecting to replace it, if you destroy what they attack you with, with more attackers. Because ...

A l l   t h a t  t h e y  c a r e  a b o u t   a r e ...

L i e s,  L i a r s,  a n d   I d i o t s  t h a t  h a v e  b e e n   L i e d  T o!

All that they care about, is the twisted and sick, boiling and foaming environment of disease in which they thrive. That is all that they care about. They will use, abuse, expend, exhaust and ruin anyone in any attempt to stop your Human Resistance. To stop your website of Human Resistance. To stop You -- Human.

They will not care at all what you do in retaliation against those attackers. All that they care about is, that you are too busy defending yourself to be able to say the Truth about them. You are too busy defending yourself to be able to write the Truth, and to show the Truth, and to explain the Truth about their twisted filth, on your Internet Website.

That, is the only thing that they care about. There is nothing else that they care about! And, they will whine and they will scream and they will complain and they will suggest and they will excuse, and they will say -- "Oh, there are all of these other things, and all of these other reasons, why we want you to stop!" There are all of those other considerations, all of those other threats, why they want you to stop.

You -- Human -- are this, you are that, you are bad, you are intolerant, you are horrible, you are terrible, you are mean, you are a monster. You -- Human -- are this and that; this is bad for us, that is bad for us; you are doing this, you are doing that; you are causing this to happen, you are causing that to happen; you are terrible -- you should be stopped! You should feel ashamed of yourself!

Coming from creatures that have absolutely no shame whatsoever!

Shame is non-existent in their putrid Bubble of Lies. Shame does not even exist at the atomic level inside the Bubble of Lies. There is no such thing as 'Shame', in the world of the APA/NEA/ACLU and the DemoCraps and the ModoRats.

However, they think that there is 'Shame' in your world, and they think 'Shame' is something that they can use (from your world) against You -- Human. Anything from your world that they think can be turned and twisted and manipulated so that it stops you, delays you, retards you and your progress; they will try to use against you.

Why? What matters to them?

Answer: Lies, Liars and the Idiots that they Lie To.

The Bubble of Lies. The sewer, the foaming cesspool of their filthy perverted habits. Their twisted brains. Their evil and vile and greedy thoughts. Their horror. That is what they want. That is all that matters to them.

So ... there will be a third kind of creature that will be watching your website. It will be 'analysts', that whore for the Sodomites and whore for the DemoCraps and even whore for the ModoRats. They will be reading your website and looking for ways to stop you; feeding information to your worst enemies in the hope that it will help your worst enemies to figure out ways to stop you. And, if your worst enemies (with the help of the whores) can put some thing(s) to live near you, like in the apartment next to you, or the house next to you that will report on your daily activities and your daily routines and your daily habits; they will do so.

[[The ModoRats, Disease, and DemoCraps will certainly try to queer your life and your brain -- by putting trained Spies and Molesters as close as they can to where you live -- and to put on daily displays of nauseating queer behavior -- and to try to invade your brain with their queer thoughts (in an attempt to queer your thoughts forever) sent against you, as brain and bodywave attacks against you by collectives of queers situated as close to your physical presence as is possible. It is hideous. It is horrid. It is why they are not of the Human Species.]]

Anything, that they can know about you, they will try to use against you. To stop you. To line up attackers against you. To prepare for assaults to stop you, or to slow you down. To intimidate You -- Human.

Why? Why all of that effort? What matters to them?

Answer: Lies, Liars and the Idiots that have been Lied To!

That have been turned into Idiots by their Lies. The foaming cesspool of their putrid existence, without which they cannot exist. AND, the constant fact that the Real Universe wants nothing to do with them. The constant fact that the Real Universe despises them, loathes them, and destroys them at every chance it gets. Grows over them, grows under them, tears them apart, disables them, disintegrates them, and erases the fact that they ever existed.

Arrayed against them are: the Reality of the Real World, the Reality of the Real Universe, and the Spark of Life and the Spark of Humanity in all real Human Beings (that BUWIs can never experience or possess), that responds to those Realities; and is a part of those Realities. Human Power. Human Common Sense. Human Perspicacity. Human Understanding. Human Strength. Human Logic. Where do you think Logic came from? Do you think we just developed Logic?

Hell No! Logic is an explanation of ourselves as well as it is an explanation of the Universe around us. Logic explains us (thinking), and the Universe (thinking).

All of these things are anti-Queer to their anti-Life! In other words, we are the Life and they are the anti-Life. We are the way it should be. We are the society, we are the culture, we are the Species that should exist; and they know that they are the exact opposite, and that they should not exist. They know that they should not exist, and can only continue to exist inside their false and filthy environment of ...

Lies, Liars and the Idiots that have been Lied To.

Human Resistance breaks that down! Human Resistance destroys their Lies, reduces their Liars, and turns Idiots into Real People again. [[If there is a brain left to save.]]

Oh! Oh -- Satan! Oh -- Atheist Satan! How can that ever happen?

The destruction of Lies? The reduction of Liars? Turning Idiots into People again? Oh! Atheist Satan! How could that ever happen?

Oh -- terrible days for Queers!

Oh! Atheist Satan! How could that ever happen?

Oh -- terrible days for DemoCraps!

Oh! Atheist Satan! How could that ever happen?

Oh -- terrible days for ModoRats!

Oh! Atheist Satan! How could that ever happen?

Oh! How can that 'Horrible Humanity' ever continue to exist?

[[Haven't we killed their lands with ButtUgly Windmills? How can they continue to exist? They should have died off by now, and left us BUWIs in possession of their properties!]]

Oh! How can that 'Horrible Humanity' ever continue to exist? Despite the terrible attacks that we have hit them with for decades and decades, why does Humanity still exist?


Fourth: Before I leave this topic however, there is a Fourth Kind of reader that you might encounter, that you can expect to be out there. There is a borderline kind of creature that is part ModoRat and part Human. It is a kind of creature caught in a trap, in a cycle; a vicious cycle of cowardice and simultaneous desire to be courageous. There are now about seven billion people on this planet, which is five billion too much if we do not expand beyond this planet and make a Second Earth -- and a Third -- and a Fourth -- and a Fifth, and so on. Without going into exact numbers, let us assume that at least one billion of them have access to the Internet; and therefore one billion of them will have access to your website -- IF -- the Internet is kept free of APA/ACLU/NSA and Socialist controls. The Socialists and NEA/Queers/Monkeys will certainly try to ban Human websites from Internet Access in any country that they control.

Amongst those one billion people who have free access to the Internet, there are these kinds of victims that I am talking about (your Fourth Kind of readers), that are half of one thing and half of another. Caught in a Twilight Zone of agony and pain and remorse and fear -- part Queer -- part not-Queer -- part DemoCrap -- part not-DemoCrap -- part ModoRat -- part not-ModoRat. Part of something evil, and at the same time part of the opposite of what that evil is. Part of something evil and horrible, and at the same time also part of not being evil and not being horrible in that way.

[[I know that I have said in the past that if some thing is SQLD -- it is SQLD period. That is true. But, you know what I mean by that. In those cases, I am talking about possession, propaganda, brain damage, and irreparable dementia; which leads to deliberate and selfish creatures that have consciously acted against us.
In this case, I am not talking about that level of destruction, or conscious deviltry. In this case, death is not a sure thing; not a done deal.]]

They could be creatures that were not completely killed by the Sodomites, and not completely propagandized by the DemoCraps. People, who were not completely destroyed in the NEA Public Schools, by the Queer NEA teachers. They were partially maimed and they were partially mutilated; and they are very injured, very damaged, hurting and in pain. I mean, they are in pain every day; and they have heard somehow about Human Resistance, and they have heard somehow about your website, or they have stumbled across it, and when they read your website both parts of them react.

When they read your words, and your words are against evil of course, and you are not using opinions (which would terribly weaken your website and anything that you say) and you are only speaking the Truth; the evil that they have been hurt with reacts against your words and against your website. And, tells them not to watch this, not to read this, to shun it, to go away from it, to banish it!

However, all of the rest of them wants to read it, wants to read your Truth, wants your illustrations, wants any diagram or any picture that you can put out there; wants anything that you can give to them to help them; to help them against that evil inside their brain that is hurting them and telling them not to read what you write. And, not to look at your website.

Such persons as that are out there. They will inevitably and invariably become part of your reading audience, even if they can only read your messages in secret; hidden from the evil scum around them. They may end up being dependent upon you to help them get rid of the terrible evils (such as DemoCrapia and Queerism and ModoRation) that they have been inflicted with, damaged by, injured by, and wounded by. They may need your website, horribly horribly and terribly terribly desperately; as though it were the only way that they can continue to live.

[[I realized this years ago, when I took the beginning idea of Mass Resistance, and expanded it into Human Resistance. I was studying various Revolutions at the time, and I was trying out a number of labels for the Pro-Human effort that I was involved in. However, none of them were nearly so brave and Human and outright heroic as 'Mass Resistance'. I was keenly aware of the complete meaning of Mass Resistance, as I had fought the same hideous enemies for thirteen years, myself. To praise and hail the Spirit of Mass Resistance (which is truly the greatest of all Human efforts to save our Species), and to ignite that spirit on a larger basis, I decided to call my own network -- Human Resistance.]]

There is only one way to handle this situation of a Fourth Kind of reader -- you must be strong, for them. You must be strong and determined and unyielding and unswerving in your dedication to your Species. For your Species and for those Fourth People, that so desperately need what you are writing, and what you are saying; you must write for them, you must create art for them, you must take pictures for them ...

You Are Keeping Them Alive.

I mean, they are really wounded and really injured; and they are in environments where everything is DemoCrapia or everything is Sodomy, and therefore everything is about the Lies, and everything is about the Liars, and everything is about the Idiots that have been Lied To; and have been turned into Idiots and Liars, by the Lies.

So, they have nowhere else to turn to, but for some reason the programming did not work on this Fourth Kind of reader. It did not kill them entirely. It did not turn them into Liars and Idiots entirely. It did not brainwash them entirely. They are not completely destroyed, they are partially destroyed. They are hanging onto Life by their fingers, and they have a death grip on your website, and they need your website.

There is only one way to deal with this, and that is to be strong and always say the Truth. Say it with strength. Say the Truth, strongly. Say the Truth with power. Say the Truth and be unswerving. Do not mince words, and do not allow any whimpering politicos to deter you from saying all of the Truth. Do not let it happen.

I recently put out a message where I chastised all of the whimpering Satan Tubers for not accepting the fact that the word 'shit' has to be applied universally to any thing and every thing that has anything to do with the ModoRats, and the DemoCraps and the Queers. I chastised them by replacing the word 'shit' in that message forty times with the word 'bleep', thus illustrating for the entire world how stupid it is to try to bleep out the only word in the English Language that really applies to Queers and DemoCraps and ModoRats.

Or, any word that applies to ModoRats and Sodomites and DemoCraps. Of course, they are all Sodomites; or they would not be 'over there'.

In that case it was the descriptive word 'shit'. I really do not know what everybody's got a problem with -- those things are shit and that is it! Why do you think the word 'shit' exists?

Of course, as you will learn, we only apply that word where it must absolutely be applied. Now, when I am talking about, or writing about, Racial Profiling I never use the word. It does not apply there, unless Disease and ModoRats and DemoCraps are involved somehow. There are many topics of Human Resistance where such words are simply not appropriate. In those writings they are not the words to use. But, wherever you are writing about Perverts and ModoRats and DemoCraps those words apply, and they are the only words that are True and give justice to any explanation of those creatures and their evils, and their evil deeds and their evil doings.


As a Human Resister who has to write the Truth about this really awful society of the SQLD, you have to deal with the fact that a large number of the so-called population will never read what you write and never hear what you say. It is due to the fact that they are caught up in, in fact they were raised into, the sickness of DemoTopia. In there, inside that sickness, nothing is permanent -- nothing is supposed to be permanent. Everything in there, is supposed to be bent and warped and conformed to the 'Propaganda of the Moment'. Everything is supposed to be 'The Lie of the Day'. Everything is supposed to be regulated and ruled by propaganda and lies.

Truth, which is a permanent thing, is the 'Antithesis' of the filth that they are swimming in; the filth that they are drowning in on a daily basis. They are raised like animals, to have no appreciation of Truth or any idea of a permanence of anything over Time. They are not raised with the concept that 'A Fact', or 'A Situation', or 'A Reality', or 'A Philosophy', or 'A Principle' can have longevity; can have length of time; can be long lasting.

They cannot conceive of, or think of, anything being 'long lasting'. And, of course, how could they? That entire QueerShit Society is built upon (and dependent upon) 'Built-In Obsolescence' -- a manufacturing philosophy that demands that there is never any product that has longevity; therefore all products MUST break, MUST malfunction, MUST wear out -- as fast as possible without causing alarm and anger by the customers. It is a QueerShit Society based upon the false needs (programmed from birth) for 'Instant Pleasures' that must constantly be refilled, and retanked, and reinjected, and renewed, and refreshed, and repaid, and constantly satisfied -- for money -- for the gains of others. In such a sick-sick-sick and nauseating junk pile (masquerading as a society) how can any of the minions and drones of the society conceive of, or think of, anything being 'long lasting'?

Therefore, 'Eternity' and 'Permanence' are forever beyond their reach, forever beyond their understanding.

IF, things remain as bad as they presently are.

As a member of Human Resistance, you have to contend with that fact, the fact that large amounts of the population are almost totally hopeless (as is), and were never supposed to have 'Hope' to begin with. They were raised to be totally dependent upon the Belief Merchants and the panderers of temporary and false hopes. Temporary and false ideas. Temporary and false constructs, social programs, Lies of the Moment, Lies of the Day, Lies of the Month, Lies that only exist until the next Lies are fabricated.

As a member of Human Resistance, you have to deal with this. If you tried to gain all of those lost people as your audience, you would be faced with the monumental task of 'Raising Them A Second Time'. But, it is worse than that. You would have to tear down the original and terrible programming and brainwashing that they have suffered from (NEA injected and ACLU approved and APA designed). Then, you would have to retrain them again. You would have to raise them again as children again -- but the problem is, most of them have permanent brain damage (per APA intentions). You will not be dealing with Natural Children (not after the NEA has killed their minds). You will not be dealing with children that have talents, and abilities, and energy and Nature and Humanity.

You will instead, be dealing with a mutilated, maligned, maimed, crippled and tortured population (ACLU approved).

Even if you got the programming out of their heads, what would be left in there?


Something else, that I would not hesitate to add to this -- who is going to write the history of all of this?

Who is going to write the History of Human Resistance, which is basically never ending. Who is going to chronicle, collect and sort out and document the History of Human Resistance?

Human Resistance is just beginning, it is not ending -- if they assassinate me, it is just one step in Human Resistance -- the next step will be even stronger. And, the next step will be even stronger. But, who is going to document it all, and explain it all?

Who could actually do that? Human Resistance is directly tied to the Spirit of Humanity itself, and the continued existence of all of the Human Species, and the Reality of the Universe. What is really here, what is really important, what is really Good. Versus, what is really Bad. It is literally tied to, and involved with, every part of the Known Universe as is exemplified by this planet. As is manifested by this planet.

People who do not live in the Real World, and cannot think in Real Ways, do not realize that this planet is far more than what it appears to be. It is like a window into the Universe. Think about it. Chemistry alone tells us such.

This planet exists, the Real Planet really exists. I do not mean the phony filth of DemoTopia, I do not mean Planet Sinister, I do not mean the SQLD Bubble of Lies -- I mean the Real Planet Earth. Without, all of the filth from twisted societies. I mean, the stuff you never read about in queer newsrags -- I mean the Real Planet itself.

The Real Planet, that the Queer BUWIs most certainly intend to spoil and degrade and foul with their ButtUgly Sphincters in the Sky -- for money, not National Interest. Those swine could not care less about National Interest. That is just a propaganda ploy for them.

People who can think about it, people who can see it, people who can live in it; are faced with the fact that this planet exists, and it is a statement about the Universe itself. It is particularly a statement about this Galaxy. What does this planet say about this Galaxy? Try to think of the planet, in terms of the Galaxy. Try to think of how this Planet Earth reflects this Galaxy. What kind of Galaxy is it, that this Earth can exist within it? The two are tied together inextricably. What does this planet say about this Galaxy? What does this Galaxy have to be, for this planet to exist? All of this is subject matter (thought matter) that no APA-called Homosexual, and no ModoRat, and no DemoCrap can ever imagine thinking about. Unless ordered to do so, in a propaganda effort to make Idiots think that they do.

This is a Human Exercise. This is for Humans to think about. What does this planet say about this Galaxy? What kind of Galaxy could host and create an environment for this kind of planet? How many Galaxies could actually house a planet like this? What does it say about the Galaxy, that must exist? What must exist here in this Galaxy, for this planet Earth to exist?

What lessons about this Galaxy can we learn from this planet? What lessons about this Galaxy are we losing, because we are denaturing and denaturalizing the planet? What are we losing by destroying the natural planet? What clues? What advice? What evidence? What guidelines? What lessons are we losing about the Galaxy as we destroy the planet?

These are the kinds of things that Human Resistance gets into. And, who is going to chronicle all of this? Who is going to write it all? Who could?

Well, it has to be journalized, it has to be logged. When you make a website, you have to preserve the website. You have to download the website. At blogspot you can download the entire website as one file. I go beyond that, I download each individual page as a webpage and as a Pdf. The reason that I say this, is because there is something else involved. As you get into Human Resistance, you will learn that these complexities almost never end; there is almost always something more to the complexity of it all. Try to understand what I am about to say ...

writing the History of Human Resistance will be very difficult for anyone who is not very very intelligent. Also, it must be done without any thoughts for self-aggrandizement; without any thoughts for monetary gain, without any compromises in quality being made to suit an audience or to influence an audience, or to even gain an audience. It cannot be popularized, it cannot be stylized to make it more acceptable to any audience for the sake of monetary return. It has to be written very carefully so that the Truth is always (always and completely) explained. It is very difficult to explain a Truth completely, so the History of Human Resistance will (at least) be the size of an Encyclopedia.

They do not sell the Encyclopedia Britannica anymore, however the History of Human Resistance will be at least that large, if it is printed out.

[[It covers and consumes and involves a vast amount of Human Existence, and the lives of all Humans as they are being attacked with Genocide by Replacement -- by the DemoCraps, Queers and ModoRats (et all).]]

Now, here is the complexity that I am talking about. At this time, it is too early to write the History of Human Resistance. It is just beginning. However, at this time, there is nobody on the planet who can write it. Except, me.

I am too busy making the history, to write it all. I am too busy making the history by living the history and writing the history -- to write the 'History'.

Someone, has got to come along who can write the entire History of it, at a point where enough of it has happened for a History to be written about it. Now, the complexity of it is -- I am the only person that I have ever heard of, or can imagine, who can write the History of Human Resistance -- but it is too early to do so -- and the time to do so will not occur until after I am out of this mortal form. We are talking about decades and decades from now. My name will be in the History Ledgers of Human Resistance before the time occurs when it is appropriate to write the History of Human Resistance.

Who will be able to write it? Who could write the History of Human Resistance? How will someone like that exist? Where will somebody like that come from? How will some one like that be educated? How will somebody like that be so Human, and so excellent, and so intelligent and so wise? How will a person like that exist?

How can such a person be alive, when the NEA and the APA and the ACLU and all Political Whores, and all Extremists and all Queers will be looking for any Human Child that might grow up to be such a Great Human, and write the History of Human Resistance ...


For the SQLD, just killing off the Humanity of a Human Child Suspect (and turning it into a Sodomite like themselves) will not be enough. Something might go wrong with the programming.

No. If those turds find any Human Child (that they can get their murdering hands on) who they think might become a Great Human Leader, or a Great Human Writer ...


How will a person like that exist?

The Answer is: Human Resistance. Literally, Human Resistance will create (probably from unexpected sources and from unexpected places in unexpected ways) the Historian of its own existence. The overall, generalized, and enormous effects of Human Resistance will somehow free up the Human Species; allow it to grow naturally, allow generations of Human Beings to be raised (outside of NEA Death Schools) as Real Humans -- in such a way that there will be Real Human Grandfathers and Grandmothers, Real Human Parents and Real Human Children!

That, is something that is unheard of nowadays! Three generations of Real Humans alive at the same time? That is unheard of! That is Un-Liberal! That is Un-DemoCrapic! That is Un-ModoRatic! That is Un-Queered! That is Un-TV'd!

That is -- Not Allowed!

A time will come, because of Human Resistance, when three generations of Real Humans will exist again in Human Families -- Grandparents, Parents, and Children. When that happens, and like I said probably from an unexpected direction in an unexpected form, a very intelligent and wise and real Human will appear, who can write the real and factual and accurate History of Human Resistance.

But, only because of Human Resistance.

That is why anyone who tries to be a biographer of mine, or a biographer of the resistance movement so far, and is not a third-generation Real Human, is a completely bogus fraud. A fakery, utterly incapable of writing Human History. Now, I am sure someone is sarcastic enough to say --

"If it is that way for historians, if it is that way for biographers, if you have to be a Third-Generation Human Being to be a biographer of the Human Resistance -- which in complete reality is to be a biographer of the Human Species and its survival -- then how can people like Markel Peters be writing Human History?"

That is a valid question. My Grandparents were completely and entirely Human, but the things that I came from were anti-Human, non-Human. If they had known that they were creating a Human, they would have killed me in the cradle. So, there is a huge gap there. There is a huge break in the chain there.

It is that way with any child that lives in such dung heaps as Iowa City these days, the sewer that wants to be the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone of the Midwest. A cesspool where the 'Parents' are demented and hideous DemoCraps, of the worst possible evil intentions.

Now, I could use the excuse (and it is true) that talent skips a generation, that somehow Humanity leapfrogged from my Grandparents to me. There is some truth in that, there has to be. But, that is not what really causes it.

What causes Humanity to ignore a generation of rejects and reappear with full power in the next generation -- is War. War and Survival.

Warfare and Survival, exert a tremendous pressure upon a generation; a tremendous converting force, that squeezes out all of the Lies, squeezes out all of the Pretenses, squeezes out all of the Falsehoods that were put upon Human Children by the NEA and Horrid Parents.

If it is possible at all, if somehow those children retained their Humanity and they were not killed off by the NEA and TV and Queer Propaganda -- then when the War hits, and the pressure is exerted, all of the DemoCrap Phoniness (for power and money for the parents) and the Queer Fakery (for the satisfaction of the Masters) is forced right out of their brains!

Right out of their blood. It is like every cell of their body is being mashed by a tremendous energy. The experience of it, accompanied by Tidal Waves of revelations about the Truth, converts them, changes them, transforms them by divesting them of all of the Fakery and all of the 'Ill Will' and all of the Illness and all of the Bad and Evil Spirituality that was being poured into those children by the Queered Parents and the NEA.

It is all forced out of them, like a reverse-osmosis. The pressure literally ejects all of that badness out of Human Children (who are still Human) like unwanted perspiration, like it was pouring off of their bodies. It is like squeezing a grape, and it feels like it too. What is left, is the Core Nucleic Humanity of what those children came from; of the bloodline that they came from.

That is why I will fight for the name 'Peters', even though I came from a very bad segment of that bloodline. That is now immaterial. That has been squeezed out, that has been forced away, that has been trashed like it deserved to be trashed; and what is left is the nucleic goodness of that Peters bloodline; the Good Humanity of it, and that I will fight to the death for.

That I will defend forever, because (if I do say so myself) it is very good, and very admirable, and I am proud of it. I will fight for that name, and the bloodline 'Peters', until I die.

What I am trying to explain is -- in this situation, in this generation, in this first wave of frontline warriors for Human Resistance, we do not need a continuous chain of Humanity. Even though later, for anyone to be good enough to be our historians, that will be necessary.

[[There is a caveat to that. If the Species is still at War against the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead when the time to write the History of Human Resistance arrives -- a Great Human (made so by the Crucible of War alone) may qualify to write that history. It is unlikely to happen, but then again -- so was I.]]

Right now, however, in the crux and crucible of it all (the Crucible of War) the forces are different, the situations are different, the energies are different, the reactions and the outcomes are different, the results are different and many of the frontline Human Warriors of this time (now) do not have completely solid and unbroken Human backgrounds. They could be one or two generations removed from the last really decent Human Examples of their bloodlines.

War, and strife, and stress, and grief, and pain and agony and determination and fidelity and loyalty to their Species, will all combine in a very Great and Terrible Fire; to eliminate the bad effects (and lies) of the bad generations that they may have come from, and may have been exposed to. It will leave, only the nucleic goodness of their Human bloodlines for them to draw upon (directly), and to build upon.

Despite the Homicidal Hatred of the bad generations.



An example of how to save Human Data, and why:

This section may sound off the wall, and from 'left field' in a baseball context -- but it is really not, the more that you think about it.

Copy this website data to your memory banks, your permanent memory banks. Do this with all websites that you encounter, that contain meaningful information or graphics. Do this incessantly, regardless of how much hard drive space it chews up. Buy more and larger hard drives.

Later, when you do keyword searches of your entire data network -- you will be amazed at what information is stored in your system. Keyword searches can show you every file in your system that either has that keyword in its title, or in its interior data. Such a search feature is priceless, and the more so as your data reserve grows and grows.

Websites go away, for a variety of natural reasons, and Human websites are attacked and destroyed by the AmaBunns (formerly Amazon) sponsored Internet Intimidation and Interruption Network of the APA Spawns. So, when you are at such websites -- copy them as HTML (complete pages), and as Pdfs.

Get a program that will copy any webpage, no matter what the size, no matter if it has pictures in it or whatever -- to your computer as a Pdf file. The great thing about Pdf files, and they are very common, is that they show a document as it originally is. I have said this before, and I will use the same example. If you are looking at a Pdf rendition of a National Geographic Magazine (any volume at page 100) and you have that actual volume in printed form -- if you bring up the page (page 100) on your computer as the Pdf file, when you hold them next to each other you will see no difference. The Pdf rendition will look exactly like the real printed copy. That is why it exists. That is the beauty of it. That is the value of it. It may not be interactive like an HTML file is (the new versions do have active weblinks), but it does capture the entire original webpage or the entire original document. For all time. Never to be destroyed as a printed copy could be.

Because, you protect your database. Because, your database is a Human Database. Because, the QUEERNSA wants to destroy your database, after they invade it and copy it.

Most Pdf printer programs represent themselves as 'Pdf Printer' options, when you attempt to print out a webpage. Along with the choices of the real printers that you have in your network, you will also see the choice of the Pdf Printing Program; probably shown simply as 'Pdf Printer'. If you choose that option, the webpage will be turned into a Pdf file in the directory of your choosing. Your real printers will not print out anything when you do this. However, if you call up that new Pdf file using a Pdf Reader like Adobe, from there you can print out a real paper copy with your printer(s). This is great for scrap-booking, it is great for your collection of information about your enemies.


There is a reason for saving webpages as HTML files that are 'complete pages', instead of as 'single files' -- HTML files are not always reliable. HTML files are not flawless, they can download into your computer in ways that you did not expect. In fact, I would say that possibly one out of every four times, as much as twenty-five percent of the time, those HTML files do not download the way you thought they would.

When you download those files, by going to 'save page' in your web browser and then saving it as an HTML file, or as an HTM file, (complete not as a single file but complete) -- you are expecting that when you call it back up again, it will look exactly like you remembered the page on the Internet looked like. Not so. About one out of every four times it will not look similar to what you saw on the screen; it will be some simplified version, it may even be unrecognizable. This is one of the reasons for downloading only complete webpages.

Let me explain this. If you download a webpage as a complete page, it will create two things -- the lead file, and the directory that is attached (associated) to the lead file -- you can call it a 'folder'. So, it will create two things, the lead file with the right name on it, and the folder that is associated to that lead file and has the same name as the lead file -- however it ends with -- 'underscore files' -- (_files). The folder title will have the name you gave to the webpage, and the (_files) on the end of it. In that folder, are all of the pictures, tables, graphs (and things like that) which the lead file calls upon to fill in the picture spaces, and the column spaces.

Quite often, what you are saving webpages for is the graphics, the tables, the charts and so forth. If you save a webpage as a single page, all of that becomes imbedded into one file, and cannot be found independently by your searches; it is inextricable and all goes into one file. If (as a single file) it downloads in a way that you do not like, or it downloads as a corrupted file and it will not call back up again -- and what you wanted was the pictures and the charts and the illustrations (videos download separately) -- you are out of luck.

It's gone, and when you go back to the Internet to find it, it may be gone forever. Erased or Hacked or Disabled or Intimidated by the ACLU/Homosexuals. Now, it is lost for all time. It was not allowed to exist by the Masters that have their fists up the asses of every political puppet in Wash This Death City. The pictures, and graphics that you needed are now gone, they are no longer available to you, and you can search in vain -- it is all gone.

However, if you remember what I said, and you remembered my advice and you downloaded it into your data banks as a 'complete page' ...

and you check to make sure that a folder that is associated with the lead file is created ...

when you open that folder, you will find the illustrations and the pictures and the graphs and the charts. Now, they are there forever. You can call them up and use them (without the lead file). And, if something is really that important about a picture or a chart (etc), load it down separately anyway.

Let me give you a hint. In your computer(s), in the region where you store information related to your website, you should create directories called 'BMPs', 'JPGs', 'PNGs', and 'GIFs'. Naturally, you will want to store your .bmp files (pictures) in your 'BMPs' folder; and store your .jpg files (pictures) in your 'JPGs' folder, and likewise with the PNGs and the GIFs.

Remember, you are in the Human Resistance now. You have more serious uses for picture files; so you do not store them all together in one directory called 'Cutesy Boopsy Warmy and Cuddly Friendwees' (etc rot). You are not a civilian anymore. Shape Up!

PNGs are becoming more and more popular because of their size, and file size is one of the great dividers of picture file usage. Smaller files are easier to deal with, if the quality does not suffer.

For instance, I have a music file on my computer that exists in two formats -- WAV which is uncompressed, and MP3 which is compressed at the highest quality rating for that format (320K). Any MP3 player will play a 320K MP3 file.

Sound wise, they are so identical that there is virtually no difference at all. Logistically, always keep the original WAV file of a song because it has lost nothing due to algorithmic compression; and from it, compressed copies can be made in various music formats -- leaving the original WAV version unaltered, of course.

Size wise -- the WAV version is 1,071,425,140 bytes (more than 1 billion bytes). The MP3 version, only compressed once, is 223,214,551 bytes (a little more than 223 million bytes); which is 20.833% the size of the WAV version. That makes any uploading or downloading of MP3 files much preferable to WAV versions -- unfortunately corrupted websites like Amabunns (formerly Amazon) do not give you the high quality 320K downloads of the MP3s that you buy from them.

Picture files operate the same way, using different algorithms; and of course music file compression is destined for D/A converters and picture file compression is not. The only thing 'analog' about a picture would be a physically printed copy.

The thinking here, is to organize your picture files in a way that makes Internet Functional Sense.

Certainly, you will have illustrations and photos that are not part of Human Resistance, that are for your own personal use. Those will always be categorized by events, times, places etc. So, you will have the four directories in your website region (BMP, JPG, PNG and GIF) -- and you will have your own personal directories for pictures. Add to this, four more directories (BMP, JPG, PNG, and GIF) inside of a larger directory such as 'General Pictures'.

Into this 'General Pictures' directory, goes all of the graphics and photos that you download from the Internet, or get from friends, or photograph yourself that are not special enough to warrant having their own special folder; such as 'My trip to Mother-In-Law' -- or -- 'My Disastrous Trip to Mother-In-Law'.

After you have organized your graphics files in this way for a few years, when you go back into those General Directories it is like a reflection of your own life. It is like a reflection of your interests. Your personal directories aside, what else in this world interests you? What do you think of it? What was important enough for you to collect graphics about it, and put into a General Pictures folder?

This shows you, what you are doing, and what you have been thinking. This is entirely Human, of course. In the case of APA Spawns, all of their directories would include only the most horrific pornography, assholes, genitals, favorite DemoCrap Faces, favorite DemoCrap Assholes, and their own personal collection of Outhouse Pictures, each stamped with a 'knife, fork, and spoon' symbol. Oh, and don't forget propaganda, and phony parades, and TV Turds, and Monkey Judges, and Monkey Lawyers, Sneering ModoRats, Black Radical Extremists (Slavers), and nothing more.

As I was saying, this is entirely Human. Humans have reasoning and Humans have sensibility. In the case of a Human Being, where you have sensibility, and a Real Brain, and a Real Soul, and a Real Life, and Real Humanity -- it shows you what you have been thinking, what you thought was important enough to download, and important enough to keep and preserve over the years that you made the collection. It is quite interesting, and satisfying, and explanatory. It tells you a lot about yourself.

To get back to my main point about this, you cannot depend upon the downloads that you get from the Internet to be exactly what you expected them to be. You will be disappointed about one out of every four times, and when you are doing research you have to operate quickly. You simply do not have time to double-check all of the downloads. If you make a Pdf backup, a Pdf printing of a webpage, it is going to look like the original webpage looked, so the information will be preserved in its original form.

A lot of times, what you want out of a webpage is the graphics. If you are concerned about what is written on a webpage, download it as 'text only'. Save the page as 'text', and it will save the text of the webpage. Some pages are almost entirely text, and you can download the pages as the words themselves.

Always try to use a secondary download method. I do not know how to emphasize this enough. It is a very major thing to do.

You will learn how to decide about your 'backing up', and your secondary downloads. You will get to a point where you think you have it controlled. When you get to that point, increase it. Do not be satisfied with what you think is good enough. Remember, you are a Human Being and your information may become invaluable to the entire Human Species. Do not short-change us, do not cripple us and handicap us with too little information. If you have any glimmer or any indication that the rest of us might need to know this, download it in a secondary way as a text file, or as a Pdf. And, always download the primaries as 'complete page'; so that extra folder is created where all of the graphics are stored for the associated lead file; and can be independently retrieved later.

Getting back to the (BMP, JPG, PNG, GIF) folders in the 'General Pictures' directory, they will hold about 5-10% of all of the pictures and graphics that are in your computers. So, the question is -- where did all of the other graphics files go to?

Well, the common sense approach is that the graphics files go to the folders of their related subject matter. This is what Humans do, we put the graphics with the subject matter. If you have 100 subject matters, you are going to have 100 groups of graphics that are collected into the same directories as those 100 subject matters; each of which has its own directory. By the way, we are talking about thousands of directories. If you get into Human Resistance, you will end up having thousands of directories of information. Tens of thousands. You will have so many directories that you will not be able to keep count of them. That is not how you organize them anyway. You do not organize them numerically. You organize them by their titles and their chronologies. Once again, this is just general organization; nothing to get excited about.

I can imagine all kinds of dipshit faggot analysts reaching for their dildos in 'twisted joy', that they have learned something incredible about 'Human Organization', their enemies. No, there is nothing special about it. No, there is nothing incredible about it. It is the most basic and common organization. Very simple, the directories are organized by large groupings, titles, and chronologies. Could not get more simple if you had to, and still be organized.

I have another point that I want to talk about. It is related, and I just mentioned that 95% of your graphics will be spread out across your databases, in the directories of the subjects that they are related to. Now, this may seem to be confusing or self-defeating or limiting to some people. Some people might think that this is not a good thing to do. Some people might say -- "But, if I put it in there I might never see it again! Because, I may never use that subject again." There is some legitimate concern about that, since some graphics may be usable and applicable to later messages and other subjects; even though you do not realize it at the time.

There is a very simple thing to do about that, so simple.

[>[>[>When you put a graphic (graphic file aka pictures, charts, tables etc) onto your webpage, do not access it from the directory of that subject. Do not take that chance. There may be a tracker in the Internet system that will trace the origin of that file back to the directory that you drew that 'graphic' out of, when you posted it on the Internet. You want the Internet to know as little about your computer as is Humanly possible, as is 'perversely possible' as far as our enemies are concerned.
So what you do is, you go to the 'C' drive of your computer, every computer has a 'C' drive. Let me dazzle you with my computer knowledge. There used to be 'A' drives. There used to be 'B' drives. And then, there were 'C' drives, which were the most rudimentary hard drives; 100 megabytes used to be a "big hard drive". If you look at some of the early 'McGyver' episodes, you will see computers being used in which there were 'A', 'B', and rudimentary 'C' drives.
'A' and 'B' drives were 'floppy drives' that used 'floppy disks', and had 1+ megabytes of storage; and that is all there was. A lot of computers had identical floppy drives called 'A' and 'B'. Then, the 'C' drives came out, and it was "big stuff" in those days, as most people were doing their own programming. 100 megabytes was a lot of room to make programs in. It was very fascinating, and a little frustrating, but I'm not going to tell you anything more about it.
Nowadays, every computer out there has a 'C' drive. It is the first and most basic drive of a computer (these days) on which the operations software resides. All of the organizational directories exist on that hard drive. It is the simplest and the most basic hard drive (or Solid State Drive) in your collection of hard drives -- it is the 'C' drive. The 'A' and 'B' drives were 'floppies', and used magnetic 'floppy' disks. USB drives, and USB Sticks and data cards such as SD Cards replaced the floppies; so nowadays computers are not made with 'floppy drives' -- they are made with USB ports instead.
On your 'C' drive, make a separate directory so that the path to that directory is nothing more than -- C/directory. Into that directory, put your collection of all of the graphics that you use in your messages that you post on the Internet. So that, every time you are in your webpage, and you are making a new message, and you are uploading your graphics to that server on the Internet (that hosts your webpage) -- it is coming out of that C/directory.
When you finalize a message, and you have it in draft form, and you have all of the written text finalized; and it is polished and it has been edited ...
and by the way, edit your messages at least four times. I edit my messages about six times, because you have to polish these messages and make them more coherent and flowing and understandable ...
when you have that all done, you will have a collection of JPGs and BMPs and PNGs (etc) that are a part of that message. I personally like to convert all graphics to JPGs, before I upload them to the Internet. It is better for the Internet, it is faster for the uploading. If it is all in one final graphics format it is easier to deal with.
There is a good software package from Australia that does many wonderful things (thank you Australia), and if you get that Audio/Video media editing package from Australia it will do wonderful things for you. They have a large overall suite of software, but the smaller component packages can be downloaded separately. Their audio packages are especially good. I use much more expensive programs for video rendering and editing, but their audio and graphics software (to change waveforms and to convert formats) is just about the best out there, very accurate and converts all kinds of things. Know the distinction between Video formats -- Graphics formats -- and Audio formats.
However, most graphics programs will do this for you anyway. Every operating system comes with a graphics viewer (often called picture viewers or pictures galleries etc) and they will do conversions for you. That is, from BMPs to JPGs, or PNGs to JPGs, or GIFs to JPGs and so on, very simply. If you are given the option of choosing a quality level of the conversion -- always choose the highest possible quality. Human Beings may be looking at your graphics files millenniums from now. It could be very important to them. As technology improves, data will become contained inside memory modules that will last for eons, we are just not to that stage of development yet. When we get there, you will be able to write all of your data into those Eon Memory Modules.
An 'Eon' is --
1. vast amount of time: a length of time that is too long to measure
2. longest unit of geologic time: a division of geologic time comprising two or more 'eras'
(from Encarta)
An 'Era' is --
4. geology division of Earth's history: a division of geologic time comprising several 'periods'
(from Encarta)
A 'Period' is --
7. geology unit of geologic time: a division of geologic time shorter than an 'era' and longer than an 'epoch'
(from Encarta)
What is an 'Epoch'?
Who gives a damn? They are all terms of Geological Time, and the only state of Time longer than 'Geological' is 'Universal'.
Converting graphics or audio formats is not really a huge process. It is not really difficult. It is not a matter of losing something because of the difference of formats -- unless you convert twice, or you do not choose the highest quality conversions.
Do this. Get together as much audio and graphics and video software as you can possibly afford to buy (real software -- nothing mickey mouse). Put it all onto your fastest laptop and your fastest desktop computer. Then, spend days (literally days) making conversions. Start with audio.
Use a very high quality WAV file (uncompressed) that has a lot of sound spectrum (not heavy metal etc) as your basic sample. From that, convert it into copies that have different audio formats (always using the highest quality conversions). Using high quality speakers, listen to and compare the results. Know what your systems can do with audio files. You will learn that some programs perform audio conversions better than others. Write down which programs do what, and what the results are.
Likewise, use a very high quality BMP file (uncompressed) that has a lot of color variation and a sharp focus and a lot of 'depth of field'. From that, convert it into copies that have different graphics formats (always using the highest quality conversions). Using a high quality monitor, look at and compare the results. Know what your systems can do with graphics files. Write down which programs do what, and what the results are.
Finally, use a very high quality AVCHD video file (uncompressed) that has a lot of color variation and a sharp focus and 'depth of field' and very fluid motion, in the highest and largest HD format. From that, convert it into copies that have different video formats (always using the highest quality conversions). Using a high quality HD monitor, look at and compare the results. Be particularly keen to judge motion smoothness and focus. Know what your systems can do with video files. Write down which programs do what, and what the results are.
Soon, you will see why JPGs and MP3s and MPGs are the best formats to use for Internet uploading (in their highest qualities). This is also true, because the Internet is geared for these formats.
Something else you will find, is that to get your best possible results you will often use more than one program to create a final image or a final sound or a final video presentation. Rarely, does one program do everything; and those that try to do so, often do not do it all as well as will a combination of programs.
This is so commonplace, as a matter of fact, that almost any program that deals with audio, video, or graphics includes a built in conversion system. If you are a professional about this, you will want to make the tests (that I mentioned above) to see how many programs really do a good job, and how good a job they do. I have already done this, of course, and I have eliminated any program (literally erased any program) that will in any way, shape, or form NOT DO a very high quality conversion. There is no time to worry about which program might reduce the quality of my material. I need a first class job done, no matter what the process is. So, any program that will not do a 100% top-rated job of conversions has been completely eliminated. Thrown out in the trash.
This is also because of the following fact -- conversion algorithms are a measure of the quality of a program. There are many kinds of conversion algorithms out there. Conversion subroutines are very basic to a program's performance -- a benchmark of their quality. A poor conversion subroutine means that the entire program is virtually worthless. And, out it goes! It gets uninstalled from all computers, and destroyed physically.
Do not lament the loss of money. Just trash it!
You do not want that stuff in your computers anymore.<]<]<]


As I was saying before -- some people might think that this is not a good thing to do. Some people might say -- "But, if I put it in there I might never see it again! Because, I may never use that subject again."

That could be true, you might be the kind of person who will totally forget where you put things. No matter how well you label your directories, you might forget what is inside of them; and the more you create and the more complex is your database -- the more this is likely to be the case. There is however, a solution.

There is a way to find (search) all of the graphics files in your computer (or in any large directory). This works especially well if you have been downloading all of those webpages as 'complete pages' instead of 'single page'.

I will give you an example of that solution. I have been studying something (which I will not identify) for many years. For the last three years I have intensified that study, probably more than I realize, and I have been collecting a lot of information about it.

I do this with many things; but I am thinking about one thing in particular that is really important to me, and super important to the Human Species. In all likelihood, no one in the Universe will ever know what it is, or why. I have been collecting information about it to the point where I have many directories about it, many sub-directories, many folders -- I have a Data Mountain of information about this topic.

It is all spread out into its own sub-directories and sub-subjects, individualized topics all related to each other. And, I could be talking about anything; it could be a study of sub-atomic particles or a study of the cooking recipes of the Reindeer People of Northern Norway. The point is, it is a very large effort, it is a large directory with many many Gigabytes of data -- and it looks like it is going to need its own Tera Drive.

Some people have a mentality that causes them to try to doubt the integrity of my instructions; and they feel this is a security issue, because if they doubt things they feel better about those things ...

so, they are 'Doubting Thomas’s' or 'Doubting Thomasinas' and they want answers! They want answers! They want answers now!

Well, listen carefully -- I know that I have in that 'Mystery Directory' literally tens of thousands of pictures. Tens of thousands of illustrations. How do I know that?

Well ... it occurred to me one night -- "You know, there's a lot to this. You know Markel, there is a lot to this. In fact, I don't know how much there is to this. There is so much to this, that I have lost track of it all. How much of this is there!?"

Well ... it's pretty hard to do a word count, because as far as I know there is no program that will read all of your documents (in a directory) and tell you what the word count is for all of the documents in there. In my wanderings and my travels, in my travels and my sojourns through the world of the Internet, I have never encountered such a thing.

What I do know, and is very possible, is to find out how many files of a certain extension you have inside any directory. Now, some people may think -- "Oh, my God! This is so boring, and so common! Do I have to listen to this?"

If you are a genius and a master of all of this -- of course not. I am sorry I bothered you. Otherwise, let's talk about this. Any file extension can be searched for, as a file extension. In your 'Windows Explorer' program inside of windows (not 'Internet Explorer'), or whatever program you use to find the files in your computer, there will be a search feature. If you want to find all of the files in a hard drive or a directory that are text files and end with the extension .txt that is very simple to do. Go to the search panel in your 'files finding program' and type in -- *.txt

* in computer programming means 'anything'.

*.txt tells that program to look for -- anything.txt

Then, let the program do its job and it will come up with a list, short or medium or long, of all of the files that have the extension .txt

It will show you all of the files in that space or drive that have the extension .txt

If you do a general search and you just type in txt -- without the * or the . -- depending upon the search program, it can possibly show you any file that has txt in its label, title, or interior text. Anything, even a word in a file, that has the letters txt (in that sequence) inside of it, will trigger a search result.

That can be confusing, and since your purpose is to find any file with the extension .txt avoid that confusion, avoid that kind of result. Search for instead -- *.txt

The program will then show you all of the files, no matter what their names are, that have the extension .txt

Now, you will see all of the files in that drive (or directory) that are text files. Our concern was not about text files, however, it was about picture files. Lost picture files, picture files that haven't been seen in years. If you get into Human Resistance, you will get to the point where you will think to yourself -- "Oh my God! I have a lot of pictures. Do I even remember what they all were?"

Do yourself a favor, and go to the hard drives that hold all of your directories. You probably will have ten hard drives, or solid state drives, at least. You will have four to six hard drives that you use all of the time, and maybe twenty more. Once again, this is very simple and obvious and anybody would know this. Go to one of those drives that has a lot of your database information in it; where there would be graphics and audio and video files that you think you have not seen in a long time, and you might want to use them again.

Go to the letter of that drive -- C, D, E, F, G, H, I whatever. Let us say that you have a 'Z' drive, as an example. At your computer, plug in the 'Z' drive, let them handshake, and then the 'Z' drive will become an extension of the computer -- it will become the 'Z' drive of that computer. Access the root directory of the 'Z' drive, then go to your search and type in -- *.jpg

Start the search, and then go make some popcorn; or go do some laundry; or go to the shoe store and buy some shoes; or go to the supermarket and get some groceries. Do something, because this will take a while (if you did it right). If you are any kind of collector of data, hours later your computer will indicate that it has stopped searching, and it will say that you have tens of thousands of results.

Maybe more. You may have six digits of results. You may have seven digits of results. That tells you something right there. You can access any of those files from that search panel. By the way, use the 'details' mode -- don't use the 'thumbnails' ...


don't use the 'icons', don't use the 'contents' ...

use the 'details' mode instead -- BEFORE you start the search!

If you use the 'extra large' thumbnails -- it could take all day.

Before you start the search, change the appearance of the file searching program so that it only shows 'details'; no pictures, no icons and no thumbnails. Because, if you have it set for thumbnails or icons it will not stop searching until it has completely created the space for the thumbnails or icons for each file, and that could take many hours more.

And, all you are trying to do is to find the identity of the files anyway. So, before you start the search set the screen for 'details' only. You want the file name and the details, and that is all you want.

On your search page, there are columns of results (in 'details' mode). It is very good to NOT use the 'Date' column, but instead to USE the 'date modified' column. If you want to search by chronology of creation, use 'date modified' -- not 'date'. All of this has to be set before you search.

You will also need the 'type' and the 'size' columns. You really do not need much more. If you are dealing with audio files, you will need the 'length' of the audio in real time. Other than that, nothing more. Keep it simple. All of this has to be set before you search -- you are designing the search page to show you the results in a way that you can use those results best.

When you come back from jogging around the track at the local high school, you will find tens of thousands of results. File names that you do not even recall, but you created them, five and ten years ago. Graphics, that you barely remember.

One more key point, you are doing this to see how many there are; and, you are doing this to draw them out. To bring them out of their individual folders. What you are trying to do is to create master folders of all of your JPGs, BMPs, PNGs, GIFs (etc) that you want to use, and that you want access to, without having to go to all of those separate subject folders, and subject directories that you created over the years. You do not want to go through all of that hassle.

[[There is a very important point to this. The search program will go into ANY folder looking for what you want. It will go into every folder that is associated with a lead file. It will find graphics that you are searching for, that you never dreamed existed. They are graphics files, in the folders that hold such files for the use of lead files. When this happens you will see things that you never knew were inside of your computer, because for some reason (any reason) you never used that lead file (from a webpage) in that way. Therefore, you will get surprising results from this.]]

This is a simple way to extract them; this is a simple way to get them out of all of those individual folders that you have not seen in years. Do a search for them!

One more thing about this, BEFORE you start the search, and after you have changed the search page to show results as 'details', set the priority of the results to 'size'. By default, it will show everything by descending 'name'; with numbers at the top, and then 'A's, and then the alphabet down to 'Z's at the bottom.

If you click on the word 'size', you will see that the screen will change. If it is showing any files at all, and not just directories, the screen will change. If it is showing a number of files, and not just directories, the screen will change. It will organize the screen by 'size' of files. It will not do that to the folders, because they are not rated by size.

[[This is all about Windows XP, 7, and 8.]]

If you have a screen that is showing directories and files, you will notice that the files will organize themselves by size, with the smallest on top and the biggest on the bottom (or visa-verse). Set the screen so that the sizes increase from smallest on the top to the largest on the bottom of the screen.

Now, your screen is set up to show 'details', and to order the results by 'size'. Now, do your search -- such as *.JPG

And then, go wash the dog. Let the parakeets out into the house for a while. Go mow the lawns, do something that will take hours. When you come back hours later, you will find a long list of all of the JPG files in your drive or directory (without the thumbnails), and they will be arranged by their size -- smallest on top and largest on the bottom. The reason I do this in this way, is because there are very few JPG files that I want in my general collection that are smaller than 25K (25000 bytes). You will find many resulting files (JPGs and PNGs) that are smaller than 25K.

Many of those files you will not remember using or seeing before. That is because, they were the small pictures on webpages. All of this time, you have been downloading webpages as 'complete pages' (following my advice). When you did that, you created all of those separate folders that are associated to the lead files of the webpages. Inside of those folders, is where all of the graphics files went to; not only the big ones, but the smaller thumbnail images as well (usually 25k or less in size).

The connection is -- when you did that search, the 'search feature' (subroutine) went through the entire drive or directory. It went into every sub-directory and folder, because you told it to do so. It went everywhere that it might find a JPG file of any size, and it went into those folders that are associated to the webpage lead files.

It went into all of those folders and found all of those JPG graphics files, and it brought them out as part of the search results. And, there they are! Most of the time the thumbnail types are pretty small, less than 25K in size. That explains why you are seeing so many small JPGs in your search results.

You, as a rule, do not deal with such small pictures. You do not put them on your own website. But, you have been seeing them all of this time; they are those small pictures on the webpages that you have been looking at for all of these years.

Getting back to our purpose here -- we are trying to search out all of the JPGs that are worth seeing and putting them into one master JPG folder. Not, the 'General JPG' folder that I was talking about before. Those 'general' folders are for a different purpose, and they are in a different place in your database; they store pictures that you like, but were never really categorized specifically.

You are creating a master JPG directory, so that you will have all of these JPG files at your immediate access, and not buried inside of subject folders. You have made a wide search for JPGs, and the search feature is showing you all of the JPGs on your drive (or in your directory) according to 'size'. As a general rule, take all of them that are 25K or larger and copy them into that master JPG directory.

[[You may have to do this in stages, because you may have a lot of results; and your computer may not be able to copy that many files to somewhere else at one time.]]

Important Note -- Inside of that search result, you may find the same file listed four or five or even ten times, together in a clump. Do not worry about that. The same file was spread out into different places on your drive, or inside of your directory. The copy subroutine will ask you -- "Do you want to copy over this?" because what it found was ten copies of the same thing, at the same sizes, in ten different places.

It copied the first instance of this file to your master JPG directory, but now you have nine more of the same file to be copied. But, it is the same file; so it asks you "do you want me to copy these too -- over each other, nine more times?" Well, in this case you just mark the little box in the lower left corner of that window which says -- "do this for all files"; and then tell it to 'not copy', 'do not copy'.

Then, it will ignore the extra copies of any file that has more than one of itself in the drive, or in the directory.

All you have to worry about is to copy everything that is 25K or larger into that master JPG directory. Keeping in mind that you have not even seen them yet, that comes later.

During this process, you have extracted every JPG graphics file (the most popular type) in your 'Z' drive (or inside of your directory), to a master JPG directory -- that was 25K in size or larger.

And, you are in for a surprise. I will not say anything more about it; but, if you have any kind of a computer system that is worthwhile, and you have been collecting data and webpages like I said to (downloading and installing programs to any degree) -- when you make a search like this, and you copy the results into master directories -- and then you go back into those master directories (for JPGs, BMPs, PNGs, or GIFs) and you look in them, you will be surprised at what you see.

Even the programs that you have been using often, will have graphics inside of them that you have never seen before, but have now extracted.

One last thing about this. After all of this is done, inside of the master directories, start at the smallest results (size), and delete those that are of no use to you. Hard drive space is precious.



Perspective and Human Resistance:

Perspective and the Truth, are extremely important to Human Resistance. Maintaining that perspective, maintaining the perspective from the Truth, is done by insisting that everything should be seen as what it really is. This, is all important to Human Resistance, and I will give you an example.

In California, there is a cancerous disease called the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead (SQLD), the part of the SQLD that infests California. I call the scum that are part of the SQLD there -- 'CallitTurds'. And, that is all that they are; turds, disease modules, and disease pustules inside of California. Those things, are continually trying to increase the Bubble of Lies that they have created in California.

I refuse to give up California. I refuse to allow it to be broken up into Half-States. Especially, after so much fighting was done for the Human Species, by all of the Humans in California. The APA Spawns and the DemoCraps are trying to increase their Bubble of Lies there -- which I have named 'CallitTurds'.

But, outside of California, there seems to be a prevalent impression (by people who do not read Human Resistance, and do not know the Truth) that it is California's fault that those terrible things are happening there.

It is the system's fault, that this is happening. It is the DemoCrap System, that is at fault and is to blame for all of this. It is NOT the fault of the People of California.

It is the Sodomites' fault, because they want such filth to happen.

It is the DemoCrap's fault, because they want such filth to happen.

It is NOT the fault of the People of California.

For instance, recently a (Bleep-bleeper) DemoCrap in CallitTurds named 'Jerry Brown', signed a Queer Bill into Queer Law that says that Human Children in California no longer have a sex. They may now choose (by the demands of the perverts around them) what sex they want to be. I have already written in one of my messages that such dementia is all NEA-approved and NEA-sponsored; so that the Killer Queer teachers in the NEA schools in California can legally kill and sex-change any child that they have access to in those Horrid Schools -- and devastate the Human Children in the NEA Public Schools in California. That is what that Queer Law is for.

I have already written and warned that this is happening, and that it is a terrible terrible danger to the Human Species. Outside of California, anyone who knows the Truth realizes that it is the Hideous DemoCraps and the Hideous Sodomites of CallitTurds (the Bubble of Lies that infests California) that is causing this.

It is CallitTurd's attempt to kill California. The original Human California must die, so that the (Bleep-bleepers) can dominate what is left. This is part of their attack. Part of their attempt to kill California. So, why would anybody blame California for this?

Why would anybody who knows the Truth, blame California for this?

And yet, that is what is happening out here. People are saying that California is sick, California is twisted, California is crap, California should break off and fall into the Pacific Ocean, we wish California no longer existed, we pray that California dies (etc.)

It is NOT California that is doing that!

It is the CallitTurd's Bubble of Liars that is doing that!

Likewise, many people inside and outside of Minnesota are saying that Minnesota is really sick and demented, because the hideous DemoCraps and Disease made up a Queer Law that says perverts can pretend to be married -- in the Bubble of Lies that is trying to kill Minnesota.

California and Minnesota are being blamed for these Queer Atrocities.

California and Minnesota are NOT GUILTY of those atrocities!!!!

It is the vile DemoCraps, the ACLU/Homosexuals and the chickenshit ModoRats that are the blame for those horrendous Queer Laws being foisted upon the People of those States.



Even in Washington, where a Queer Vote was used to make a Queer Law that says 'Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred' is now Queer Legal in Washington -- the People of Washington were NOT to blame.

More (Bleep-bleepers) and DemoCraps and ModoRats voted for the Queer Law there -- than there were People in the State of Washington. There were literally more Voting Turds in Washington, than there were Voting People in Washington!

And yet, people outside of those states blame the States for those murders and evils.

It is the creatures inside of, and enslaved by, the Bubbles of Lies in those places -- DemoCraps, ModoRats, Perverts and the Idiots that believe their Lies (Idiots that are turned into Idiots by their Lies) -- that are to blame.

So, it is Imbeciles, Queers, Idiots, DemoCraps, and greedy ModoRats that are to blame for the terrors that are being 'legalized' in those states. Oh, and let's not forget Black Radical Extremists, and let's get some Hispanic Extremists in there too. Each Bubble of Lies is a boiling and foaming cesspool of assholes.

Not one of which, has only one asshole.

About half of them have two assholes, and the other half of them have three assholes.

They are the worst crap in the Universe -- and they are NOT California. They are NOT Minnesota! They are NOT Washington!


Human Resistance knows this, and we must maintain the Truth. So, we must say right out front -- it is NOT California that is doing all of those terrible things in California! It is NOT Minnesota that is doing all of those terrible things in Minnesota! It is NOT Washington that is doing all of those terrible things in Washington!

It is the ModoRats, the so-called Homosexuals, the DemoCraps; it is the disease that is trying to kill California and Minnesota and Washington, that is responsible for all of that. It is NOT California and Minnesota and Washington. So, why would we go along with the people outside of California and Minnesota and Washington that blame them for this; and join in the blame game, and blame the People of California and the People of Minnesota and the People of Washington for these crimes?

And say -- 'Oh! California is terrible. California should die." "Oh! Minnesota is terrible. Minnesota should die." "Oh! Washington is terrible. Washington should die."

When our worst enemies, the NEA and the DemoCraps, are trying to kill California and Minnesota and Washington!

This is what I am talking about, when I say that Human Resistance must maintain the Truth. Must keep putting out what is Real and what is Right; the actual True Perspective and insist upon it, and explain it. I think that I have already mentioned that 'confusion' is an ally of the DemoCraps and any SQLD. Why would we want confusion to continue out here, about what is going on in California and Minnesota and Washington?

We do not. If you are going to have a website that is part of Human Resistance, you must consider 'confusion' and 'lack of information' and 'lies' and 'Middle-Managers' (that entire ball of dung) as a worst enemy. You must write against it. Video against it. Illustrate against it. Create your artwork against it. It is part and parcel of Human Resistance to fight and destroy that 'confusion' of communications.

Destroy that 'confusion', and what you get in return is Real Communications. Real Crosstalk. Real Conversations. When you monitor those group meetings, and you see those Middle-Managers trying to control those meetings with lies, propaganda terms, stories, and pretended assumptions that anything Queer is Right and anything DemoCrap is Right, and to be assumed as Law ...

and everything else is evil and wrong -- when you start to analyze those groups and you see what I am talking about, you will realize just how important it is that anything that causes 'confusion' (and 'confusion' itself) must constantly be taken apart, destroyed, dismantled, and disabled for the sake of Humanity -- and for Human Resistance to exist.

Anti-Resistance -- is 'Confusion'.


Getting back to the reasons for having Human Resistance, and how important Human Resistance really is; you have to remember that the DemoCraps and the (Bleep-bleepers) are trying to pervert everything that they possibly can; knowing that sooner or later they will not be in power anymore. They will not be able to kill anymore. They will not be able to destroy anymore. They will not be able to mangle and mutilate the Laws, and supplant Human Laws with Queer Laws. They will lose that opportunity, even though they now own and operate the Republican Asswipes (formerly the McCain Establishment).

They know that there is a good chance that Humanity (not the Republican Asswipes) will take over again. When that happens, Humanity will start to dismantle all of their perversions, tear down all of their phony lies and phony regulations, destroy all of their fakery and realign everything back to the way it should be.

*****But, how will anybody know how it should be?*****

How will anyone have any idea of 'what should be'?

Will anybody remember? Or, will everybody try to improvise and try to take advantage of the situation and screw up everything again; until what we have is not a return to the original goodness (a return to the original Goodness of Humanity), but instead we get another tangled mess of stupidities and greeds and personal self-aggrandizements (McCain style); and personal wants and opportunism and movements and extremism that benefits somebody else other than the DemoCraps and the Sodomites. Instead of, a return to a general (across the boards) decent and good Humanity.

How will anybody know what decent and good Humanity was? How will anybody know what the Next Leaders are doing? The Next Leaders will say, and you can bet your ass they will say -- "We are returning the World to the way it should be!"

Nine out of ten times, they will be lying to your face. If there is no such thing as Human Resistance that is recording this terrible war, and the attempt to destroy everything that was originally good, and therefore there is no database about what 'should be' again ...

then it never will 'be' again.

How can it be again? Without knowing what 'should be', how can you go back to what 'should be'; and then increase what 'should be' until you reach a point where you have finally achieved the advances in goodness and Humanity that 'should have been achieved by now' (today)?

*****This is extremely important -- the advances in Goodness and Humanity that we should have reached by now [[all of which are diametrically the opposite of any filth and insanity that the Demented White Females (DWC) want]] must be reached, and surpassed, and carried along with us as we move into the Real Future.*****

All of that Goodness and Humanity, is being deliberately buried and supplanted and deliberately ignored by every (Bleep-bleeper) Piece Of Death on Planet Sinister. All of that does not benefit DemoCrapia. It does not benefit Queerism. It does not benefit the hideous Liberalism of filth and dementia.

In Human Goodness and Human Decency such things are trash, such things are worms. Filth. Demented and worthless dung heaps. And now, the demented and worthless dung heaps control Wash This Death City, and the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone, and San Francisco (which I call Satan's Fresca). They are deliberately trying to turn the entire world into their kind of foaming cesspool, filled with every perversion possible.

To get to the point of this -- they are trying to create so many terrible Queer Regulations and Queer Laws and Queer Legislation that when Humans do control things again, it will never be possible to bring the World back to where it 'should be'.

Their intention is that we can never be 'where we should be' again. If we were, we could progress again forwards and double-quick (at double-time), and reach the great levels of advancement that we should have already reached.

Which worms and (Bleep-bleepers) never want to happen. They were already the trash of the Universe, before they attempted this; realizing in their dirty queer brains that if Human Goodness and Human Advances really did happen, they would become even worse trash compared to the rest of the Universe.

They would become even worse worms compared to the rest of the Universe. They would become even worse 'Bugs in the Rug' compared to the rest of the Universe.

If the Universe got better, then correspondingly, and by comparison, they would get immensely worse -- because they are nothing but crap. Endless and lying crap on two legs. So, they had to putrefy the entire world so that would not happen.

That is exactly what they have tried to do, wherever there is a Bubble of Lies, such as at Sacramento. What we Humans have to do is to return everything to where it 'should be', or somehow reach those high levels of Human Advancement at which we should already be.

Once you are there, and I am there, you will see very very clearly (as in fantastically clearly) just how horrible the DemoCraps, ModoRats, Extremists, McCain-bleepers, Liberal Freaks (et all) really and truly are. You see that they are creatures that should not even exist. Anywhere for any reason. For any reason! They would not even serve a useful purpose as 'decomposition agents' in compost piles!

There is no natural place in the Universe for them.


Flat out.

No place in the Universe for those sick and twisted and diseased scum. Disease kills, remember?

Disease can only exist if it kills what should exist.

Disease kills what is supposed to exist, so that it may exist artificially.

When, what it is killing, no longer exists -- it must either mutate and start to kill itself -- or it too will cease to exist.


Getting back to my message here, what the APA Spawns and the DemoCraps are trying to do, is to create such awful sewers in such places as the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone, and 'CallitTurds', that they can never be repaired. The Satanic Hope, is that such putrid tumors on the body of the world will prevent Humanity from ever reaching the advanced levels that it should reach, and thereafter continue to advance; because all of that would constantly and increasingly show everyone how despicably awful the ModoRats, and the Queers, and the DemoCraps and the Extremists really are.

Who is going to say what 'should have been'? Who is going to say 'what we were'? Who is going to say, and who is going to document, how good things in this world used to be? How good things were to begin with? What was originally good, and what was originally bad?

You cannot have the Good without some of the Bad, because there are always mistakes. How is anybody going to know what originally 'was', and what Goodness 'used to be' -- before such atrocities as Jerry Brown the (Bleep-bleeper) began to smear its feces onto everybody?

This is the task of Human Resistance. This is one of the things that we do.

MassResistance is providing all of us with many fine examples of this.

Not only do we document and collect information about how good things 'used to be', and the ways that things were, plus the bad things that were going on like slavery of the 'Blacks' ...

bad things, which were in the process of being remedied ...

that was literally being remedied before the APA-approved Homosexuals hijacked the Civil Rights Movement for their own White Supremacist Queer reasons ...

not only do we document and collect information about how good things used to be -- we have to document all of this, and collect all of it so that we know what it was ...

we (Human Resistance) also have to extrapolate into the Future and determine 'where' we should have been by now ...

and 'what' we should have been by now.

What is the Good, what is the Decency, what are the Advancements that we should have achieved by now? Where should we have been by now?

When you think about it, it is a task for Human Resistance and no one else.

The Punk Medias would never do it, but they would pretend to have it under control and to have all of the answers. Answers, deliberately designed to lead everyone up their assholes, instead of to the Real Future.

[[You may have noticed that I know what Media turds really are. So do their peers, junk yard dogs and maggots.]]

Even National Geographic would never do it. The Punk Medias would pretend to do it, but would lie about it, and skew it, and twist it, and spin it to the advantage of their own Queer Agendas.

National Geographic would not do it, because they have become Liberalized and weak and soft, and almost useless.

Scientific American would never do it, because they are just the servants of Science Priests. And, most certainly, Science Priests would never do it. Anything, that comes from the Science Priests is all about their Science Religion, anyway. Their monotheism of Scientific Rulings, Scientific Explanations of everything will not allow them to say the Truth. Science Religion is truly sickening, but to stay with my point here ...

we people of Human Resistance are the ones who can project into the Future, and determine where are the points that we should be at by now; what points of advancement in all fields should we have reached by now -- as opposed to what is happening instead -- because what are called 'advancements' now are warped, skewed, and twisted by all of the perverted events and the perverted sicknesses that are killing the societies. The plain and obvious fact is, at present we (the Species) do not know where 'where we should be', should be by now.


Only Human Resistance can put that together, and determine for all Human Beings what we as Human Beings 'should be doing' by now.

The DemoCraps and the ModoRats and every McCain-type greedy scum in the world, and especially the (Bleep-bleepers), will absolutely Loath, Despise, and Scream about this!


1. It represents to them, a return of the Goodness that they wanted to kill, because when compared to that Goodness they are vermin. Compared to that Goodness, they are the Dung of the Universe.

2. It is advancing the Goodness that they tried to kill to begin with. It is actually the 'Antithesis' of what they want. They are diseased, they are demented -- they want sewage, they want trash, they want anarchy -- not even the Original Anarchy, they want chaotic anarchy -- they want chaos and anarchy in a blend that suits their twisted perversions, and their pornography, and their dementia, and their decadence, and their degeneration, and their degenerates.

The last thing that they want, is for Real Human Goodness to return in any form. Worse to them, that Human Goodness might be expounded upon and supported and increased and magnified and made better. Thus, creating even more Goodness, and even better Goodness.

You must keep in mind that those scum, those vermin, want nothing to be good whatsoever. They want Zero Goodness. We are talking about 'Zero Goodness'!

They want an existence and a world where they can literally sic the cockroaches on anything that is Good -- because they can talk to cockroaches.



The 'Blow This' Killer BUWI example:

This is another example of the value of Real World reporting:

Do Dirty Scum know that they are Dirty Scum?

Do Dirty Rats know that they are Dirty Rats?

You decide.

Hundreds of more ButtUgly Windmills (Sphincters in the Dead Skies) are being brought into Iowa to kill it more and more and more.

Greed has no boundaries, and will use any Death that it can get away with.

The drivers of the Wagons of Death, that are bringing the ButtUgly Windmills into Iowa (from out of state), are wearing bright green t-shirts that say "Blow This!" on the back, with a silhouette of a ButtUgly Windmill next to the words. Goodbye, any pretense at innocence and fakery to disguise homicide.

But, how can I say that?

Drivers of the ButtUgly Windmill pieces, delivered in pieces and assembled at the sites of death, are beneficial and love everybody!


Wrong! The drivers of those Death Deliveries have a 'Kill Iowa' attitude, and nothing less. I have heard it, and seen it for myself. Those 'Turds Behind The Wheel' want to destroy Iowa for resisting their Killer Greed. I have heard this, and seen this.

The actions of exhibiting a -- Kill You Whether You Like It Or Not Attitude -- is that of a criminal and a political murderer -- that wants to get its criminal way. That wants to get its criminal goal, and wants to get over on its political victims -- no matter what those victims say about it!!!!

"Blow This ButtUgly Windmill" means -- "We are killing your state, and there is nothing you can do about it; because we OWN the political (Bleep-bleepers) that are running your state!!!!"

"So, you idiot chumps have to live with the Death that we install in your state (slated for Queer Death), and eat whatever dung we throw at you!!!!"

"After all, you elected those turds to be your political leaders in the first place!!!!"


So, that message on the backs of the scum who are driving those Wagons Of Death into Iowa is really quite appropriate. It is obvious to all now, that the Queer BUWIs think that the People of Iowa (outside of the SQLD sewers) are only good for a few things at most:

1. To be greedy, to the point of allowing BUWIs to kill the land that they occupy.

2. To blow ButtUgly Windmills, to keep them turning despite what the natural wind is doing, or not doing.

3. To believe the dogshit propaganda of the Moderate/Homosexuals and the Democrat/Homosexuals -- and instantly agree to the next atrocity to be put upon them by the Sodomites.

4. To be so demented, by greed and avarice against each other, that they feverishly want to see Iowa become more and more ugly and ruined and insane.

A BUWI-Presto and a BUWI-Chango -- and what do you get?

A perfect environment for the turds of Wash This Death City to play in, and spoil, and ravage, and destroy for their own purposes.

All that you need to achieve such destruction -- are twin sewers in Des Moines -- filled with Political Cockroaches and Monkey Judges.

The BUWIs are the DemoCraps and the ModoRats. The DemoCraps and the ModoRats own the twin sewers in Des Moines, that were once called the 'Statehouse' and the 'Supreme Court Building'. From those sewers, they prostitute the State of Iowa for their own profits, and there is nothing that the People of Iowa can do about it!!!!

Especially, after the supreme test of the Suppression of the People was carried out successfully, proving that the so-called People of Iowa are chicken to the core; and will not fight against the tyranny and corruptions that constantly occur in those twin sewers in Des Moines.

In the Queer Illusion that is called DemoCrap/ModoRat Iowa -- Queers can pretend to be Married!!!!

That was foisted upon the state, by the political whores and Monkey Judges of the twin sewers in Des Moines -- and it worked.

After that ultimate test of just how awful and horrible the APA Spawns of the twin sewers in Des Moines can hurt and injure and maim and mutilate the State of Iowa -- anything evil and terrible can be done to this state!!!!

The People of Iowa will not rebel and punish the wrong doers in the twin sewers in Des Moines!!!!

That is how those turds think. Try to think.

Who can say that they are wrong?

Ladies and Gentlemen of Iowa, the BUWIs know that they are ruining Iowa; and they don't give a damn! The vermin that infest Iowa, and brought in the BUWIs to kill Iowa, and cooperate with the BUWIs by allowing BUWI Sphincters to be erected in the skies over the land that they infest -- know that they are killing Iowa, and they do not give a damn! About Iowa, or about You!

You are just old refuse to be junked, and paved over, to them.

All Life is worthless to the BUWIs -- except their own.

As far as the BUWIs are concerned, the killing of Iowa is Legalized Murder -- and no one can do anything about it.

It is the Perfect Murder. It is the Perfect Crime.

The main reason why Iowa has been chosen to die for BUWI greed, is not because of the wind. Hell No! It is because the twin sewers in Des Moines are controlled by ModoRats and DemoCraps.


Which came first? The Horrors of the BUWIs, or the Q&PMH of the Queers?

Answer: A few ButtUgly Windmills were put in first, as a test of 'Public Reaction'. Then, the Q&PMH attack was launched and the Seven Monkey Judges were bought, to see how dumb and stupid the People of Iowa really are. Then, more money was offered to Demo/Farmers who allowed ButtUgly Windmills to spoil Iowa's Beauty -- then the BUWI Horror was launched.

The BUWI Horror, is against the People and the Land and the Spirit of Iowa. Like it -- or 'Blow This!'

[[Incidentally, this is how you vett the enemy. Nothing gets vetted on Sodomy TV, or by the Commercial Protestors.]]


LOOK at the guilty faces of the Out-Of-State killers --

that are driving the Trucks of Death --

that are bringing MORE BUTTUGLY WINDMILLS into Iowa --

to kill more counties of Iowa --

LOOK at the shameful and hating faces. LOOK at the despisement of Iowa in their faces.

Never expect our enemies to be anything other than the worst and most greedy bastards and bitches that they can be.

Many pieces of the ButtUgly Windmills themselves, are from out of state, and are being sneaked into Iowa on Highways 11 and 151 through DePuke, and then into Iowa. Sodo-DePuke is considered to be a 'Squeezy (friendly) Orifice of Entry' into Iowa -- by the BUWIs. The DemoCraps in DePuke will blow anything.


DemoCraps and ModoRats want to keep Iowa in slavery to Wash This Death City. Instead of allowing Iowa to be independent economically, like Texas is, the ModoRats and the DemoCraps in Des Moines want Iowa to be totally dependent upon Wash This Death City. Not just because of the farmers, some of whom are greedy. Some of the farmers are horrific, and are consciously anti-Iowan and anti-Nature; and have allowed ButtUgly Windmills to be fornicated upon their property -- so now on their properties there are really bad 'Sphincters In The Sky' from the ButtUgly Windmill Industry (BUWI), butt it is more than that.

There is a tradition of farmers depending upon the so-called Federal Government for reliefs, and perks, and stipends, and benefits -- but that could be changed with creative economic means.

Of course, you would first have to get rid of all phonies and cronies such as 'Il Duce Branstad'. Political Bozos like that are touted as saviors of the Iowa Economy -- which is a laugh, because that pig only exists to maintain the 'Iowan Economic Slavery/Dependency' upon Wash This Death City.

What the Republican Asswipes (formerly McCain Establishment) call economic progress is exactly the opposite of what Iowa wants and needs -- namely Economic Independence from Wash This Death City ... where the Five Naked Monkeys in a Cage are.

It is not the farmers that are causing Iowa to be financially dependent upon Wash This Death City. It is the greedy (Bleep-bleepers) of the Pantyhose Emporium/Statehouse in Des Moines that are the blame for this. It is the DemoCraps and the ModoRats that want to be loyal to the insanities and the perversions of Wash This Death City -- and want all of the resulting benefits for themselves, from Wash This Death City, that they can get.

Iowa itself cannot give those greedy creatures all of the money and benefits and perks that they want. They want more. They are greedy. They want Federal Money in their accounts, their own personal accounts. They want Federal Money, they want Federal Benefits, they want Federal Advantages on a personal basis. They do not see Iowa as being rich enough and the kind of State that would give them the personal self-aggrandizement that they want. So, they want and plan and scheme to use Iowa as a means of getting Federal Benefits and Federal Personal Gains for themselves. In fact, that is the only reason they got into 'Political Whoring' to begin with.

They want to use Iowa. As a conduit between the Federal Coffers and their own bank accounts.
And, their own new garage.
And, their own repainted houses.
And, their own landscaped properties -- without windmills.
And, their own new cars.
(ad nauseum)


Another example of how we clarify everything as it is -- is the BUWIs. The ButtUgly Windmill Industries have absolutely no understanding and no appreciation of the Natural Beauty of any land. What the BUWIs think (and what they want everyone else to think), is what looks pretty (their idea of pretty) is their ButtUgly Windmills; and everything else is incidental.

They even have a single propeller from a ButtUgly Windmill erected at a rest area on I80 (in one of the worst damaged areas of Western Iowa), to represent their dildo-deity 'BUWI FUKI'; and to demand worship from all who stop at that rest area. It is literally an alter to the BUWI's religion of Total Selfishness and Greed.

To those freaks, with their greedy sponge-like brains, no place is complete until it has their ButtUgly Windmills on it. It is the ButtUgly Windmills that make a place look good!

To them, it is the ButtUgly Windmills that make a place look neat, and groovy, and modern. It is the ButtUgly Windmills, that are important! It is the ButtUgly Windmills, that make a place look scenic! It is the ButtUgly Windmills, that are the 'Attraction'. It is the ButtUgly Windmills, that make a place worthwhile!

Everything else is mere background. Everything else is just there. Everything else is -- "Oh well. It was there before. We cannot get rid of it all."

To the BUWIs, everything is their ButtUgly Windmills and that criminal programming that they force upon everyone's brains, that says -- 'What was there before, was just a mistake'.

Butt, it's all right now! The ButtUgly Windmills are here!


Getting back to what I was saying about the ModoRats and the DemoCraps of the Iowa Pantyhose Emporium not wanting any independence from Wash This Death City ...

they want complete dependence upon Wash This Death City by all of Iowa; because they want their benefits and their extra perks and their extra money from Wash This Death City -- Iowa not being rich enough to feed their greeds, and their desires for wealth.

What plays into that is -- the BUWIs, and their ButtUgly Windmills. The Homosexual/Democrats and the Homosexual/Moderates in Des Moines want to please the scum of Wash This Death City -- in this case by destroying Iowa with ButtUgly Windmills -- to show how obedient and subservient Iowa is to Wash This Death City. To show how Iowa obeys the commands and the desires of Wash This Death City. How Iowa is obedient, and a loyal slave of Wash This Death City.

And, to please their Masters in Wash This Death City!

Each one of those ButtUgly Windmills, that the Federal Government wants built in Iowa -- that the ModoRats and the DemoCraps are offering to build in Iowa -- is a stake through the Heart of Iowa. It is a nail in the coffin of Iowa.

[[Mark My Words -- this is just the beginning of the Decimation of Iowa. Only 'Resistance', can prevent such a catastrophe.]]


Its intention, is to permanently enslave Iowa to the filth and the hideous death of Wash This Death City; and to make sure that Iowa is never independent.

[>[>[>How do I know how bad their intentions are? I made another one of my Famous Tests recently, in one of my messages. I asked my 1, 2, and 4 kinds of readers if they had felt the 'Near Death Experience', and its horrible homicidal effects; of the HObama Puppet being re-infested into the White Outhouse in 2012.
For weeks thereafter, every murdering swine of the SQLD that I saw, was gloating and grinning and openly saying how they were so happy that they had really hurt those Humans badly. You should have seen how grotesque and murderous they were.
It was a trap.
There was no 'Near Death Experience'.
Instead, there was an overwhelming realization, that the Commercial Protestors (that pretend to be Human), are nothing more than Blood-sucking Liars, sucking on the blood of the Human Species like Leeches.
The Voter/Followers of the SQLD, however, took the bait and began to gloat like fattened hogs. They squealed and squirted and squatted and squeezed, like the Happiest Pigs You Have Ever Seen.<]<]<]

How can Iowa be independent with those filthy things feeding electricity to the demands and the needs of Wash This Death City? That electricity does not go to Iowa. Check on it, you will find out. Check on how much of that electricity goes to Iowa, for real. Not what they say it is! But, what really goes to Iowa.

You will find out that the filthy ButtUgly Windmill trashing of Iowa is not being done for Iowa. It is being done for all of the huge and perverted cities where the Queers and the DemoCraps and the ModoRats rule. It is the DemoCraps, the Queers, and the ModoRats that want the ButtUgly Windmills.

Who wants the ButtUgly Windmills?

Look at it that simply. Who wants the ButtUgly Windmills?

Who wants those ButtUgly Windmills brought to Iowa to trash Iowa?

Is it the People of Iowa? No. I do not count the greedy and twisted and sick farmers (far more DemoCrap than farmers) that allow that filth to be put up on their land -- as People of Iowa. Do the People of Iowa want those ButtUgly Windmills?

No. Who wants the ButtUgly Windmills?

The ModoRats want the ButtUgly Windmills.
The Queers want the ButtUgly Windmills.
The DemoCraps want the Buttugly Windmills -- so they have enough electricity for their perversions across the nation -- so they have enough electricity for their schemes and their plans.

So they have enough electricity for their Followers and their Voters. So they have enough electricity for their factories, choked with Queer Middle-Managers -- their Deviate Mills from Hell -- their terrible Queer Cities -- their cesspool called DemoTopia.

They want to take the land of Real Human Beings, putrefy it, raise sacrileges of anti-Nature upon it, and send that electricity to their twisted and dirty cities.


What a Joke that is!

What a Joke that is, on the Human Beings!

What a Huge Joke that is, on all of the Human Beings of Iowa; that their own lands (falsely 'owned' by horrific and greedy farmers) and their own State is being used -- and blown off by the Sodomites -- for electricity.

What a Tremendous Joke that is, on any idea that Human Beings can be independent; that Human Beings can have their own country. That Human Beings can be their own Species (even though they already are). What a Huge Joke that is, upon the Human Species.

That Human Beings can live on their own, and cannot be ruled and will not be ruled, by the swine of Wash this Death City -- is just a Huge Joke to the SQLD Masters.

[[Monkey Lawyers and Monkey Judges are very fond of that joke! Very fond of it. Really.]]

That profane containment building, called Wash This Death City, with all of the really twisted and fat hogs in it (that think they rule the world from that containment sewer) -- is rocking with laughter about that Huge Joke on the Human Beings.

What a Joke it is upon the Human Beings! Their own lands are being used to raise up ButtUgly Windmills to generate electricity -- not for themselves -- but for the sewers of the Queers -- their worst enemies.


What the Disease and the DemoCraps and the ModoRats cannot stand, and completely loath, is Planet Earth -- a Terrible Inconvenience.

And, Nature. And, the way things 'should be'. And, what is Good as opposed to what is Bad and Horrible and Evil -- and that THEY are all of those nasty things.

[>[>[>Why do you think they have all of their 'Weather Bastards' and 'Weather Bitches' constantly degrading and insulting and defaming the Weather as -- "Nasty"?
It is to take the onus of 'Nasty', off of their own Nasty Selves and the Nasty Turds of TV. Those 'Weather Bastards' and 'Weather Bitches' are as anti-Nature as any things can be; and prove it constantly by never telling the People to change how they live in this land (so they will not be so damaged by the 'Weather'). Instead, they feed upon (and depend upon) the spectacular events that happen when a dumbed-down and dunced population is not prepared for the natural effects of this planet.
To prove what I am saying even further -- the 'Weather Bastards' and the 'Weather Bitches' promote the ButtUgly Windmills on their Sodo-Weather programs, on the Satan Tube Channels.
This is glaringly obvious stuff that I am telling you.
The SodoMental Disease, is the worst of all mental diseases; and this Truth is what those things just cannot stand in their twisted egotism. There is a huge amount of egotism involved. They think, that if they start to lie together, and they create a regime of lies (a campaign of lies) that portrays this planet to be a dung-infested sewer, a cesspool of their own making, in which they should rule and command all other creatures ...
then it will happen!
They have been trained by the 'Psych Creatures', to believe that if they all lie together and they all lie enough, the whole place will turn into a pit of perversions to their liking. The World, will be their environment of horrid filth, in which they will be the Demigods.
But, it does not happen; and they hate that. They despise that. The 'Nasty' Natural World still exists. How can that happen? They put one of their own identities -- 'Nasty' -- and smeared it all over the Real Nature -- using 'Weather Bastards' and 'Weather Bitches' as their propagandists ...
so, how can the Real Nature still exist?<]<]<]

Natural Iowa still exists, and they hate all of that. One of the reasons why they want to put ButtUgly Windmills onto Iowa is to de-Nature it, to kill it off by stamping it with their Evil. To infest it with their sickness. To take the Nature away from it, and to turn it solely into a production facility for them and their greed; for their self-aggrandizement and their Queershit World of lies.

But, it doesn't happen. The Natural World is still here, and they hate that, they despise it. They literally want to kill it. If they could get their food some other way, they would completely pave over Iowa with concrete, and turn it into a factory for sex devices, television sets, dildo cellphones -- anything that fancies, anything that fits their sickness.

If they could get their food in some other way, they would obliterate the Nature of Iowa, and pave it over with concrete and pavement and turn it into one huge factory for whatever their sick-sick-sick brains come up with, and want.

That is how un-Natural they are. That is how absolutely anti-Nature they are. They care nothing at all, whatsoever, for this planet. They care nothing at all, whatsoever, for these croplands out here, the forests, the streams, and the fields. They will bleat, and they will yap that they do care, because it has been revealed that they do not care. For propaganda purposes they will lie, and lie, and lie and they will bring forth Environmental Faggots (in their pay) that will whine and crone that they care about Nature.

It is all a lie. They care Absolutely Nothing about the Natural World. They only care about the SodoMental Disease and DemoCrapia, and whatever filth the ModoRats would like to have. Which would have to include a lot of Cheeseburgers.



Another case in point of telling the Truth -- Whitey Bulger:

Making sure that everyone understands the real perspective of what goes on in this War, requires explaining hoaxes and debacles such as the Whitey Bulger insanity, that is going on in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone.

There is no 'authority' left to the SQLD. On June 26, 2013 five Naked Monkeys took a crap in a cage, in Wash This Death City, and expected the Human Species to eat it!

That marked the end of all Authority for the so-called Federal Government, leaving only the possibility of State Authorities. Butt, the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone is not a State -- it is a Horrid Zone. So, it does not have its own 'authority' either. So, without Federal Authority which no longer exists, and without State Authority because it is a Horrid Zone -- by what 'authority' do those (Bleep-bleepers) in the HBHZ sentence and condemn one of their own Queers?

By what 'authority' do they sentence and condemn that Whitey Bulger creature? It has been convicted there of a number of murders, in a place where every Killer Queer is a murderer!

Every Disease is the result of a murder.



Humans are killed, and Sodomites are created!

Out of the refuse.

Out of the remains.

Murder is the creed of all Sodomites. Murder is the creed of the HBHZ.

[[Murder is the creed of the Filthy Monkeys in Saint Louis, that idolize and emulate the HBHZ.]]

So, how can those perverts inside the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone try and condemn the Whitey Bulger thing?

When they, themselves, are Killer Queers? When they are guilty of Death. When they are guilty of the attempted murder of the Human Species?

The pretense, that they have the right to convict and condemn that Whitey Bulger scum bag (and it is one of the worst scumbags that ever existed), is ludicrous. It is a hoax. The entire trial is a hoax. That Whitey Bulger killer deserves to be executed, to have its head chopped off -- as a final act. Various parts should be cut off first, then when we are bored with hearing its screams -- cut off its head and ship it to the Killer Queers at the Des Moines Rearsniffers -- they just love hoaxes!

[[The swine at the Des Moines Rearsniffers love to threaten us with the same surprise packages. But, they can all go fornicate themselves, as far as I am concerned!]]

But, that is besides the point; completely besides the point -- and here is where Human Resistance has to stay in perspective and not allow false perspectives to dominate Human Communications.

The Truth of the matter is, that Whitey Bulger is a murderer. The Truth of the matter is also that -- every thing in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone is also a murderer -- with the exception of Human Resistance fighters that are there -- such as the Great Humans of Mass Resistance.

So, why do we have to know about this?

Why, is it being presented to us as a -- 'Communications, that Justice is being done' -- when Justice is IMPOSSIBLE inside the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone!!!!!!!!!!

It is completely impossible. If 'Massachusetts' is re-instated by Human Resistance, and by Human efforts to support Real Human Marriage -- the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone will still remain non-Human, 'Nasty', and a foaming cesspool of Death. There is no way out, and there is no way back for the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone.

There is no way out, and there is no way back for the hideous and terrible Wash This Death City. Those places are anti-Human, and they are not part of the United States of America. They never will be. That is permanent.

So, why is Human Communications (or channels that pretend to be Human), telling us about this Absurdity with Whitey Bulger, inside of the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone? Why, are we even being told this? There can really only be one real reason, one true reason for it, and that is -- it is a continuation of the attempts and the efforts by false communicators to pretend that the Human Audience is wider and bigger than it seems to be.

That, we somehow want to know about these things inside the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone, because somehow the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone is part of us. Part of the audience, and that is completely false. We are the Humans, and THAT is the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone!

We do not want to know about that. Is it Military Information? Is it presented as Military Information? If not, then we do not need to know about it. If it was presented militarily, as intelligence information about the enemy, and what is going on inside the hovels and the sewers and the cesspools and the demented zones of Evil of the enemy ...

then I could see learning about it and understanding what is going on. Then, it would be presented as another sick and twisted event going on in a cesspool. It would be presented as Military Intelligence, but that is not what is happening. Instead, it is being falsely presented, as though this is some kind of Act of Justice.

It cannot be an Act of Justice. It is impossible for it to be an Act of Justice. It is happening inside of the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone, where there is no Justice. There never will be Justice in the HBHZ again. Justice is gone from that Hell. It is the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone -- therefore, there cannot be Justice in there.

Not only is it that bad inside the HBHZ, but also Five Naked Monkeys in a cage in Wash This Death City (pretending to be Judges) took a dump and expected the Human Species to eat their crap -- on June 26, 2013. That killed all of the supposed Federal Authority of Wash This Death City, forever.

So, at the HBHZ there is no Federal Authority, and there is no State, so there is no State Authority. There is no Human State there at the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone -- it is -- the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone!

So, doubly there is no 'authority' there; therefore, it cannot be carrying out any Act of Justice concerning the Whitey Bulger case. That is totally impossible.

And yet, there are Pseudo-Human Channels of Communications that are presenting that hoax, involving the Whitey Bulger murderer, as a 'Justice Story'! -- where there is a Court, and there are Judges, and there are Convictions and so on and so forth -- and all of that is ...


This is what Human Resistance does for Human Communications. We keep communications clean and sane and right. Accurate. Unconfused. That keeps our Species the same way -- Right, Accurate, Unconfused. Strong. We do not allow lies and deceptions and false information to continue. We do not allow such hoaxes and pretenses to prevail.

[[I am thinking, right now, of a Real Human Newspaper (A Marvel of Rarity) that is published in Eau Clair, Wisconsin. It is called the 'US/Eau Clair Journal'. I always buy a copy when I am in that area, and it is not only a Real Newspaper (Amazing!), it is also a prime example of what I am discussing here. Buy a copy if you can, or see their website at --
They are worth subscribing to by snail mail.]]

Human Resistance is always looking for hoaxes and pretenses, by anybody or any thing. Human Resistance is always writing and talking and creating videos and creating art against that confusion, against those lies, and against those pretenses. Against, any fakery that tries to use Disease and DemoCrap assumptions as a basis for any lies and operations; knowing that if they can get away with one application of their Disease Lying Assumptions, they can get away with another application of their Disease Lying Assumptions -- and another and another.

Until -- Disease Lying Assumptions -- become Law.

Become the Commonality, and what is considered to be -- the Way Things Are.



Prime Example of Human Resistance being attacked: MassResistance Preacher

Mass Resistance Preacher is being attacked by QueerJustice Department and Uganda (Bleep-bleepers) and DemoCrap Monkey Judges.

In the very same Awfulness, that pretended to be the 'Authority' that tried and convicted Whitey Bulger -- the same pack of Hell Hounds is trying to harass and disable a Human Resister that opposes them.

Talk about revealing themselves as the Death that they are!

It is a case of -- from one extreme to another.

They have 'Zero Authority' to try and convict anyone, let alone a real murderer like Whitey Bulger.

Then, in their arrogance and their hatred of all things Human, they turn upon a member of Human Resistance, who openly opposes them, and knows them to be the Killer Queers that they really are.


Just to shut up one opponent?

Of course not.

It is a fear tactic.

It is supposed to strike fear into the hearts of all Humans.

That is spelled --  'F e a r   T a c t i c'.

It is also, a prime example of Human Resistance being attacked.

To understand it, you have to understand the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone.

True Story: Many years ago, the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead chose Boston to be the first large American City that they would kill (from the inside out), and turn into a ghetto for their own usage and purposes. The reason for this choice was the simple fact that the worst political assholes on the planet were (and are) in Boston -- the Boston DemoCraps.

After decades of twisted rule by the Boston DemoCraps, all that had originally been Decent and Human in Boston was corroded and corrupted beyond recognition; with the help of Whitey Bulger in no small way. It was (and is) a pest hole of wretchedly greedy and backstabbing jackals, interested in only two things -- personal power and money.

It was (and is) the worst place on Earth, and the most corrupted.

Rule Number One of the Queers -- always attack where there is the most corruption. That is where the disease can spread quickly and kill without mercy, bringing many more dead into the SQLD fold.

In Boston, with the help of the Boston DemoCraps, it worked very well. Today, any Boston DemoCrap is barely worth the price of a bullet to fire down its throat to stop its endless lies. I mean that. It would be like shooting a canvas bag full of worms.

Never let a Boston DemoCrap get within a hundred feet of you. Lice and cockroaches cannot jump a hundred feet.

Out here, in the Midwest, many people joke about how the DemoCraps in Chicago are so corrupt and pathetic. A Chicago DemoCrap is a paragon of virtue and cleanliness, when compared to any Boston DemoCrap.

I marvel that they still have only two legs.

Death rampant, and layers upon layers of pretending and phony constructs of Queer Assumptions has created a Pseudo-World there, that is Totally Queer. The (Bleep-bleepers) there, pretend openly that they rule the world, and they are constantly putting together phony committees and bogus tribunals and false departments and playtime advocacy groups that declare that -- 'Resistance Is Futile'.

Now really. How can anybody resist such a Cavalcade of Farts?

All pretending to be the Rulers of the World -- who need dozens and dozens of committees and organizations just to support the enormous weight of their bloated and queer egos?

You cannot walk down a sidewalk anywhere in the HBHZ without running into a Committee of Queers, insisting that you are not obeying some Queer Law or some Queer Rule, simply because you failed to shout 'Hiel Gays' as you passed them.

The place is worse than a Hitler Nightmare.

And, what angers and enrages those phony dictators the most -- is the fact that there are Real Humans still living in and around the HBHZ -- members of Mass Resistance -- who know exactly how feeble and fake and fetid is the House of Farts which the Queers have built there. Which, in their queer brains, is larger than the buildings of the HBHZ itself.

All Bubbles of Lies are supposed to be the biggest thing around, consuming everything, buildings included.

This would all seem to be nothing more than a lunatic asylum for really strange and crazy zombies, which a few armored divisions could clear out in a few weeks -- but in the meantime -- it is very deadly and very dangerous. Those Queers kill Humans.

Those Queers kill Humans in any way, shape, or form that they can.

They are as murderous as Jack the Ripper, or any serial killer that you can think of.

This all results in a Dungopolis -- that is constantly warped, derailed, schizoid, filled with ranting and raving psychopaths; celebrating the latest dogshit propaganda that is meant to keep them all in line, sinister, greedy, hopeless, afraid to be hopeless, afraid to say the word 'hopeless', and very very low. Lowness, to the breaking point.

Inside that maze of lunacies, there is opportunity; for some really unusual and non-Human creatures; things that could not exist elsewhere, because anywhere else the Humans would sic the dogs on them. Also, any enemy of the United States of America is a welcome guest at the HBHZ. You name it, if it hates America and needs a place in which to organize attacks against America -- the HBHZ is the place for them.

Who is going to stop them?

In that shithole? Don't make me laugh.

Consequently, the HBHZ is an all-around general-purpose easy-to-get-along-with Ant Pile, that just loves to pretend that it is the Capital of all ants everywhere.

You guessed it. No ant in the Universe would deliberately go there. It is a good thing that the ants that are there, have no idea of where they are.

If it has more than two arms and two legs, or one of any, or three of any -- including eyeballs -- it will be at home in the dark recesses and shadows that serve as Main Street and Broadway in the HBHZ. If, there are any aliens from any other planet -- here on this planet -- planning and preparing for the upcoming 'Attack on Mankind' -- the HBHZ is the perfect cover for them.

It is not funny. The place is hideously lethal and plague infested.

All of which, suits the Queers and the DemoCraps of the HBHZ just fine. Both thinking that when the time comes, they will exert Mastery over the entire boiling pot of Evil.

Both will get boiled alive, but that is their concern, not ours. In the meantime, in their delirium that they Rule the World from their Hovels of Hell (and from the nonexistent and massive structure of their pretenses) -- they think they can do anything that they want to. Including, attacking and destroying any pesky Humans who are still around and reminding them (just by being there) that everything that they say, think and do is nothing but brainless filth.

The Boston DemoCraps there are part of that sickness, right up to their hair follicles, and they control the wormy political structure of the HBHZ. So, whenever the (Bleep-bleepers) feel that their Bubble of Lies is in jeopardy of being exposed and revealed as nothing more than fabrications and smoke, they get the Boston DemoCraps to attack whatever (or whoever) is the source of that potential Truth about them.

Enter Stage Right -- a Man named Scott Lively.


When you try to research Scott Lively on the Internet, the first thing that you run into is the putrid and smothering cloak of lies from the Queer's Internet Interruption and Intimidation Network -- AND -- the Queer's Batshit Crazy Network. The search pages are covered with the twisted and rancid propaganda of such Disease Outlets as ...

huffingbutt's post

And, that is just from the first page of search results. The list just happens to be, by mere coincidence, a list of the most grotesque and lying scum to ever exist. Each and every one of those sites is a card-carrying member of the Sodomites' Internet Intimidation and Interruption Network.

So -- Scott Lively must be doing something -- Really Good!!

Wait, until you find out 'what' is suing him -- then you will know that he is doing REALLY GOOD!!!!


Let us take a look at what the Human Internet sites say about Scott Lively.

Scott Douglas Lively is an American author, attorney and activist, noted for his opposition to perversion and his involvement in the ex-gay movement. He is the president of Abiding Truth Ministries, a conservative Christian organization located in Temecula, California, and the former state director of the California branch of the American Family Association. Lively has called for the criminalization of "the public advocacy of homosexuality" as far back as 2007, and is allegedly involved in pending anti-perversion legislation in Uganda.
Lively formed Watchmen on the Walls, an evangelical ministry, in Riga, Latvia.
According to January 2011 propaganda, Lively "has not changed his view that gays are 'agents of America’s moral decline', but has refocused his approach to fit his flock in Springfield, Massachusetts" and "is toning down his antigay rhetoric and shifting his focus to helping the downtrodden."
On August 14, 2013 a Queer Monkey Judge ruled that the case against Scott Lively, by the Center for Perverted Hoaxes (CCR) on behalf of (SMUG), a Uganda-based coalition of LGBTI rights and advocacy groups, can move forward against him. This is a first-of-its kind case in which the lawsuit alleges that Lively’s actions over the past decade, in collaboration with certain Ugandan government officials and Ugandan religious leaders, are responsible for depriving LGBTI Ugandans of their fundamental human rights based solely on their identity, which is the definition of persecution under international law and is deemed a crime against humanity. This effort resulted, most notably, in the introduction of the notorious Anti-Homosexuality Bill -- widely known as the “We's Afraid Of Final Death” bill -- which Lively allegedly helped engineer."

In short, Killer Queers are supposed to do all of the killing -- not the other way around. The Killer Queers in Uganda, in collusion with the Killer Queers here, are trying to frighten the Human Species back into submission.
We are easier to kill that way. Our children are easier to murder and turn into Sodomites that way.


Liberal Clinton-appointed judge allows case to proceed.

Folks, our friend and culture war hero Scott Lively sent out the following Alert yesterday regarding the outrageous “Crimes Against Humanity” lawsuit against him. (We’ve have added emphasis and a few web links to the original.) For more information on the “Center for Perverted Hoaxes” (CCR), the far-left group that Lively labels as “Cultural Marxists,” see this excellent report by the conservative Capital Research Center.
And yet somehow, Grove City College Assistant Professor and pro-family-advocate-turned-homosexuality-defender Warren Throckmorton -- who finds time to stringently critique various conservatives like David Barton and Lively -- curiously describes CCR as a rights group.
Please pray for Scott Lively and support his group, Defend the Family International. – Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH


Capital Research Report on Queer CCR

America’s barbaric terrorist enemies have a friend in the Center for Perverted Hoaxes (CCR), an ultraleftist public interest law firm that for four decades has protected the supposed constitutional rights of those who would destroy the United States. From its founding in the tumultuous 1960s, CCR has used what it calls “innovative impact litigation” to aggressively attack U.S. anti-Communist policy, the war on Islamist terror, and American
businesses. CCR lawyers agree with Islamic Fascists’ critique of American society and ritualistically denounce the U.S. for its supposed hegemony and imperialism, denying that America has a right to defend itself and regulate its borders. CCR inhabits a paranoid, nightmarish parallel universe.

CCR sues to make political statements. The Center litigated ad nauseam for Attica State Prison inmates after their violent 1971 uprising. It has sued to protect abortion rights, loitering by homeless people, and affirmative action programs. CCR has challenged in court the privatization of public hospitals and how women are depicted on television. It supports a proposal that the U.S. pay out slavery reparations even though the U.S. abolished slavery well over a century ago and no former slaves remain alive to collect any potential damages that might be awarded.

The current head of CCR, Michael Ratner, is an adjunct law professor at Columbia University and served as special counsel to
Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, a Marxist who was overthrown in 2004. Ratner’s family controls Forest City Enterprises, Inc., a nearly $8 billion real estate development
company that has been accused of eminent domain abuse. His brother, Bruce, is the owner of the New Jersey Nets. Ratner is an avid Communist sympathizer and is especially fond of Fidel Castro and Ernesto “Che” Guevara. Cuba’s “accomplishments”
under Castro have been “great,” Ratner said on CCR’s radio show, “Law and Disorder,” last month when Castro fell ill. Ratner denounced the U.S. “onslaught against the Cuban Revolution,” and the prosecution of the Cuban Five, spies convicted in Miami in 2001.

You will have to read the entire report to get the full stench of how putrid the CCR is.


Media Owes Scott Lively An Apology.

By Bryan Fischer
In Uganda, a leading homosexual activist, David Kato, was murdered last Wednesday, beaten with a hammer in his home and dying on his way to the hospital. Scott Lively, author of a well-researched and heavily documented book, The Pink Swastika, has been blamed for his death.
Even while admitting that the murder was “still being investigated,” the Boston Globe was quick to lay the blame at Lively’s doorstep, who, along with other pro-family experts, visited Uganda in the spring of 2009 to raise awareness of the many social and health pathologies associated with homosexual behavior.
The New York Times, the BBC and NPR all interviewed Lively in recent weeks, trying to blame him for what they believe is a rising tide of homicidal anti-gay fervor in Uganda.
Last Friday, the Globe quoted the leader of one of Uganda’s leading homosexual activist groups: “David’s death is a result of the hatred planted in Uganda by U.S. evangelicals in 2009. The Ugandan government and the so-called U.S. evangelicals must take responsibility for David’s blood.”
And it turns out that the Globe, the New York Times, the BBC and NPR are not alone in fingering Lively as an accomplice. Google “David Kato murder, Scott Lively” this morning, and you will get 17,200 hits. Almost all of this scapegoating was done, mind you, before police had any idea who had swung the hammer.
Well, it turns out that Lively had absolutely nothing, nada, zip, zilch to do with any part of this gruesome killing.

The innocence of Scott Lively has nothing to do with the endless attacks by the APA Spawns against the Human Species. To the Queer Propagandists, any dissemination of the Truth is intolerable and must be crushed.



We couldn't agree more. Sobering, enlightening and true. Take time to watch this very important video and get educated on what we have been saying for almost five years. Homosexuality is satan’s weapon of choice against the true church.
Homosexual activists no doubt were behind the bogus Youtube “hate speech” accusation which removed Pastor Scott Lively’s phenomenal video teaching “The global threat of homosexuality”.
The Lord would not have us ignorant of the devil’s tactics. May your eyes be opened to the schemes and plots of the enemy against God’s people.

Apparently the video has been removed by the Queer's Internet Interruption and Intimidation Network.


MassResistance page about latest attacks against Scott Lively.

This unprecedented lawsuit is based on pro-family speeches and writings critical of homosexuality by Pastor Lively at conferences in Uganda and in the United States. CCR is claiming that Lively's opinions were the direct cause of about a dozen minor incidents of harassment in Uganda over a period of ten years, which they consider "crimes against humanity." They offer no evidence that the perpetrators of these incidents had ever communicated with Lively, or had even read or heard anything by him! Instead, they make the preposterous charge that somehow Lively's few speeches and writings created a "virulently hostile environment" in the entire country of Uganda, and thus he is responsible.


As you can quickly see by looking at these websites, the so-called Homosexuals are using another Monkey Judge-for-hire to implement their latest attack against this member of Human Resistance. That, nails it down as to what it really is -- of course. This attack against Scott Lively, is another in a long line of absurd and ridiculous assaults against anyone who opposes the dogmas and the propagandas of the APA Spawns. Not to mention the Monkey Judges.

This is an attempted perfect crime -- a perfect crime is a travesty committed against Humans where there is no Justice, and Sodomites rule over the DemoCraps, that rule over the Followers. The presence of a DemoCrap Monkey Judge in this case, proves what I have just said.

More about this later.

Scott Lively Ministries



Black Human Resistance:

I would like nothing better than to have 'Black People' (Black Human Beings) writing websites of Human Resistance; to have Real Humans who have black skin to write websites of Human Resistance. It means nothing to me that they have black skin; they are Humans.

All Humans can write websites of Human Resistance, if they abide by the actual spirit and goodness of Human Resistance. Which means, you do it right. You do not shame Human Resistance. You do not twist or distort Human Resistance. You do it as a genuine effort with Truth, and no opinions. I would love it, if 'Blacks' would do that -- because what matters is the Truth. Not Black, White, Orange, Yellow or Blue. Some 'Blacks' would say to themselves and to each other -- "We could never do that. It would be impossible to do that. There is so much pressure from other 'Blacks' to follow the dictates of the Black Radical Extremists; to follow the dictates of 'Black Power', to follow the dictates of 'Black Whatever' ..."

In other words, to do 'Black' and nothing else. Even though, without 'Humanity' -- 'Black' is nothing. Because, Black Power is Black Wealth for Black Masters.

I know that some 'Blacks' will say -- "No. It is impossible. You will never have a 'Black' create and maintain a Human Resistance website. It is just too difficult. It is just impossible."

"There would be too much hatred against you, by the rest of the 'Blacks'. For doing something other than 'Black'. For doing something more important than 'Black'. Which is -- 'Humanity'."

"You are only supposed to think of 'Black', if you are black skinned. You are not supposed to be 'Human', you are supposed to be what Black Masters want you to be; you are supposed to believe in them, and nothing else."


Well, it is not as impossible, and it is not as difficult as it would originally seem to be. It is not as arduous, and simply beyond reach and too dangerous. I use myself as an example, since I have had 'White Queers' trying to kill me for decades. Killer Queers, White Killer Queers, White Faggots and White Lesie-Turds trying to kill me for decades. And, I still created a Human Resistance website.

We are talking about millions of Killer Queers, all White, that have wanted me dead for many years. Raised to hate me, and raised to want to kill me. Part of the 'Queering Process' -- wherein their Humanity was killed -- was to be turned into perverted haters, sworn to hate me. Despite all of that, I still did not miss any dinners (I burp quite regularly, thank you), and I still created a Human Resistance website; which is working quite well.

Take it from me, any 'Black Person' who wants to create a Human Resistance website may do so. It is not impossible, and it is not too dangerous. Especially, when all of the other so-called 'Black People' (because they have black skin) -- who keep getting those programs from the Black Masters that they have to think 'Black' 'Black' 'Black' -- start to get it into their brains that there is something beyond 'Black', and beyond 'White', and beyond 'Orange', and beyond 'Green', and 'Silver' and whatever.

That 'something', is called Humanity; and it is more important than all of those colors. That, is what You are working for. As a member of Human Resistance, you are working for the Human Species, which is all of us.

You must see beyond and around all of the 'Color Failings' -- all of the problems and bad examples of any 'color', that all of the other 'colors' point at, and decry as foul and inferior and dangerous. Work for everyone. Work for all Humans.

Then, you will start to get some 'Space' of your own. Grudgingly, with a lot of malice -- the shallow 'black persons' will start to give you some leeway (as Reality starts to seep into their brains), and levity and balance. Partly, because you are not going to stop, you refuse to stop, and you insist upon being good for the entire Human Species. You must insist upon being more than just 'Black'; like I insist upon being more than just 'White'.

Getting back to those examples that I was telling you about; about how we always tell the Truth, and we always put everything in its proper perspective.

Something, which I am going to talk about -- because I am getting into the subject of Racial Profiling, and Black Cripples vs Black Humans vs Black Slavery etc -- is something called The Red Ball Express. I am a truck driver, and I see Black Truck Drivers every day. That is Natural, it is Good, there is nothing wrong with it -- like I said, most of the Disease is White, anyway.

Take that any way you want to -- I don't give a damn.

I see Black Truck Drivers all of the time, and I never have problems with Black Truck Drivers. Of course, I understand them a lot more than they think I understand them -- even though they insist upon saying (to each other) that I do not understand them. I am way beyond what they think I am. I understand them quite well, so I give them space and their own room, and I never bother them because I am not the kind of person who bothers anybody.

But, it is undeniable (from thousands of observations of Black Truck Drivers) that most of them have no clue, not a hint of a clue, that they have a complete and absolute right to be Truck Drivers, historically.

They do not get it, they do not understand it, they have never heard of it. That right, stems from their great experience as Truck Drivers here in America; and something called The Red Ball Express.

For now, I will leave that as a mystery. I will say to any 'Blacks', that want to get into Human Resistance -- you should find out what the Red Ball Express is all about. It is all about 'Blacks'; Black Truck Drivers. Find out what it is about. There is a lot of Truth to be said, by Human Resistance, about Black Human Beings; a lot of calibration, a lot of focusing, a lot of reduction of the chaos, reduction of the jive rap, reduction of the Black Master Crap, reduction of Slavery -- via applications of Truth. The Truth about what is really going on. There is a huge and enormous need for what is essentially 'Black-Skinned Human Resistance'. I keep saying 'Black-Skinned', because that is basically all that it is, just skin. What matters is Humans.

Do not give me any of that -- "Loss of the Black Culture" routine. Human cultures are very important, but I do not deal at that level. I deal at the survival level of the entire Species. Dutch cultures, Indian cultures, Tasmanian cultures, Cantonese cultures, Nigerian cultures -- they are there and they have their place and they are important -- but I seldom deal with them (except as examples or illustrations) because I deal at the Species level.

What makes for a Good Human Being?

Answer: What makes for a Good Human Being is a Human Being who knows who He or She really is, relative to the Reality of the Universe. So, if you do tell other 'Blacks' (you being black-skinned, which really doesn't matter like I said) -- if you tell other 'Blacks' what the Red Ball Express is -- what are you really doing? Are you helping the 'black-skinned persons', or are you helping Humanity? Or, are you helping 'black-skinned persons' to realize who and what they are, so they can take their rightful and complete place in Humanity?

The answer is 'all of the above'.

There is an enormous need, and a lot of space ready and waiting, for Human Resistance to be carried out and performed by Human Beings that have black skin. And, I really don't have any other way of saying it. Saying anything, in any way that the grotesque Demented White Females (DWC) would like, would make me vomit instead.

'Human Beings who have black skin' -- that is really the only way to say it. Not 'Black This' or 'Black That' who sometimes 'think' they are Humans; but they have been trained to think only 'Black' 'Black' 'Black' 'Black' 'Black' 'Black' 'Black', because that gives Black Masters a lot of money.

No, I do not say it that way; because that is not the way it should be.

Human Beings -- who happen to have black skin. Who are dedicated to being Human Beings. Not 'black anything'. Not 'green anything'. Not 'magenta with purple stripes' anything. Simply, and goodly, and decently, and rightly 'Human Beings who happen to have black skin'.

Of course, they will write as Black Human Beings write. The same way that I write like 'White Human Beings write'. I write the way 'White Human Beings write for all Human Beings'.

Let me say it again -- it is really important. I write like a 'White Human Being writes, for all Human Beings'.

I am really looking forwards to Black Human Beings writing as 'Black Human Beings write, for all Human Beings'. And, Red Human Beings writing like 'Red Human Beings write, for all Human Beings'. And, Yellow Human Beings writing like 'Yellow Human Beings write, for all Human Beings'. And, Brown Human Beings writing like 'Brown Human Beings write (and they write very well by the way), for all Human Beings'.

It is not impossible. It is not as dangerous as you think it is. And, there is an enormous need for black-skinned Human Beings writing for Human Resistance! Let us not think that there is not, because there is!


A question for potential Black Human Resisters:

I see and hear a lot.

I have seen this Truth -- a White Middle-Manager tells a 'Black Voter/Follower' that the Disease is only going to continue their attacks against everybody until they can say that they are 'Married', everywhere.

The 'Black Fool' nods its head, and says "If dat's all it is -- I vote that way."

One of them is a 'Ni**er'!

Which one of them is the 'Ni**er'?

Answer: The White Lying (Bleep-bleeper) -- Is The 'Ni**er'!

The White Lying (Bleep-bleeper) Hates!

Idiots -- are just Idiots.

Both, serve the World Takeover Plans of the so-called Homosexuals.

The Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead have one (and only one) goal to their existence -- Complete World Domination.

This is supposed to be achieved, by the Replacement of the Human Species -- Black, Yellow, Brown, White, and Red.

Every scumbag, and rotten organization that thinks it can benefit by our destruction, wants a piece of the Genocide Pie.

That includes the NAACP, and all organizations such as the Totally Delirious New Black Panthers.



Only, it ain't going to get done.


As a member of Human Resistance, and a Human who has 'black skin', you already have a loathing of the 'N' word. That loathing comes from an obsession about it. An obsession, that your enemies want you to have.

If you hold onto that hatred (and the false identity that surrounds it); and you do not see around it, you will fail as a member of Human Resistance.

You will fail, as a member of 'Human Resistance'.

Do you think, that I do not know what it is like to be Lied about?

Our enemies always -- and I mean always -- call us Humans by their own worst names.

I wrote -- 'their own worst names'.

I Swear, Before Almighty God that the SQLD always (unfailingly) try to demean and defame and debase any Human who resists them -- by calling that Human the own worst names of the SQLD -- that apply to themselves -- and derive from their own sick world -- and are always said about each other.

That has been the fault, and the fallacy, of all 'Haters' since the beginning of speech.

So, as a black member of Human Resistance -- what does that tell you?

Where do you think the 'N' word came from?

Do you know?

More importantly, where did the Hater impulse and the Hater psychosis of calling enemies by the own worst names and identities of the Haters, come from?

Think of hate. I have been called every dirty and vile name that the SQLD are, and call themselves on a regular basis.

Why? What was it supposed to achieve?

Answer: The answer is unbelievably simple, and stupid. Haters, such as Demented White Females (DWC) and Sodomites, think that if they call something (or someone) that they do not like, a 'bad word' long enough and enough times -- the poor target of their hatred will start to think that it really is what the Haters are calling it. Then, the Haters will have a handle on it -- a control over it! Mastery!

Once the target is possessed by the 'insult', and always thinks of it, the target becomes much more manageable.

Except, not one of them is smart enough to come up with any Original Insult -- and -- they always call their enemies by their own family names!

So -- where did the 'N' word come from?

Who, or what invented the 'N' word -- and what color skin did that Hater have?

What color of skin did the Original Slavers have?

Answer: I will give you the answer to all Hater-speech. Haters have always called Humans (who they fear) by their own identifiers. These days, with the advent of Queer Propagandists, the Hate Campaigns against us go beyond calling us their own names. It tries to utilize what they think exists within the World of Humans -- against the World of Humans.
I have already explained that, but I will go over it again. There is no such thing as 'Shame' in the Bubble of Lies. However, the Queer Propagandists think that there is 'Shame' in the Human World -- in a particular form. In a form, that can be used to their advantage. In Reality, there could be XX number of 'Shames' in the Human World -- or very few. Regardless, the Queer Propagandists will try to ignite and activate any kind of Human Shame that they think exists, and can be turned against all Humans. Whether that kind of Shame really exists, or not. Always, the 'Contrived Shame' is based upon degrading Humans; and making the Haters superior to everyone. Without fail.

The 'Contrived Shame' is based upon expected weaknesses in the Humans.

The 'Contrived Shame' spoken as the 'N' word -- is based upon expected weaknesses in the Black Human Contingent.

As a black member of Human Resistance, it is part of your duty to explain what all of that means to every Black Human.

Personally, I grieve about all of it; in my own slow-burning ways. The Black Human Contingent is so nice, and admirable, and decent, and really deserving of respect and love and the warmth that all Humans should feel -- when they think of "That Species, That I Am A Part Of" ...

that when I see them abused and degraded -- I see War.

When I see them fooled and degraded -- I see Worse.




'Awesome' is the Power of Humanity. It is expressed in Human Children, it is expressed by the birth of Human Children, it carries through in the birth process -- it comes from Humanity itself. It comes from all of the Ancient Roots and the Ancient Powers and the Ancient Strengths of the Human Species. It actually comes through the birth process into all modern Human Children. It is very powerful, very strong, very Good, and very Decent, and very energetic.

As such, it is extremely dangerous to the DemoCraps, ModoRats and Queers that want to be the only 'powers' on this planet. They see the actual Natural Powers and the Natural Energies of the Human Species as a direct enemy, as a terrible threat to their greeds and their perversions and their goals of ruling us, commanding us, and being worshiped by us.

They want their filthy Oligarchy of Assholes to be the only 'powers' on the planet. Of course, I have already explained in detail how they can only exist in a sewer of Lies, Liars and the Idiots that have been Lied To. Inside a sewer like, that they can control the Voter/Followers, the Middle-Managers, and the entire sickening mess that they created to begin with -- in order to control it. Inside that, and only inside that, can they be 'rulers'. Therefore, they see the awesome power of the Human Species (as it really is) as a terrible threat to their plans, and to their megalomania. That Awesome Power is inherent in Humanity itself. It comes through the birth process into all new children, in many different forms of course; but it is all Humanity.



That is a simple and basic fact. It is many more times more horrible than you think it is -- that all of that good and wonderful energy and Humanity, that comes through the birth process into all new Human Children, is so unspeakably and horribly maimed, killed, twisted and perverted into the psychopathic children of the NEA, the psychopathic children of the Queers, the psychopathic children of the DemoCraps, and the psychopathic children of the ModoRats. I have written many times that it is murder to make a Human Child into a Queer. It is murder to make a Human Child into a ModoRat. It is murder to make a Human Child into a DemoCrap.

I have not been overstating the situation. There is still a Campaign of Lies being promoted by the Queer Propagandists -- with the help of all Liberal Swine -- that the propaganda fakery of the APA-approved Homosexuals (which says that there is such a thing as 'sexual orientation'), is the reality of their Bubble of Lies; and must be accepted as fact, by all Slaves and Idiots that suffer under the oppression and delusions of the SQLD.

That lie is still happening.

I have not been overstating the situation, it is literally murder.

All the more so, when you consider how really Awesome the Human Species is, and is meant to be. How really awesome new Human Children really are. Human Children are an incredible power, an incredible energy force. Fortunately, it is happening all of the time. Unfortunately, horrible political groups like the NEA have access to these new Human Children, and their agenda is to queer them, and distort them, and degenerate them, into what their 'customers' want them to become. That is possibly one of the most Awful crimes in the Known Universe.

Some day -- the NEA will all be dead.
Some day -- the ModoRats will all be dead.
Some day -- the Queers will all be dead.
Some day -- the DemoCraps will all be dead.

The Human Birth Process will still be happening. Who then, will be trying to convert and pervert and distort and twist all of the new Human Children into something for their own benefit? For the benefit of the New Rulers?

What I am getting at is -- how can this possibly be allowed to happen? How can People have so little appreciation of their own children? How can People have so little understanding of their own children? How can anybody allow their child to be molested by the NEA? How can anybody allow Queers into the 'Public Schools'? How can anybody allow DemoCraps to lie to their children? How can anybody allow ModoRats to lie to their children? How can anybody have so little understanding of this magnificent Human Force, this Awesome Presence, this Awesome Energy -- which is Human Children?

How can anybody create Human Children, and have no idea whatsoever of what they have created?

The public schools of the terrible DemoCrapia Society are slaughterhouses. Slaughterhouses in which newly energized, and magnificent, and Awesome Human Children are literally butchered and killed and turned into the 'products' that DemoCraps, and ModoRats, and Queers want. How can that be tolerated? How can that be allowed?

In any sane society, in any decent and sane society that respected the awesomeness of its new children, such monsters would be killed. Such monsters would be executed, if they even tried to touch or get near new Human Children. They would be butchered like Rabid Dogs, they would be 'put down'. How grotesque and ugly and evil this society of the DemoTopia is, that actually allows Human Children to be killed and mutilated and distorted into what the evil pseudo-leaders of the society want them to be.

Keeping Human Children out of the terrible public schools is not merely an act of keeping them alive and preserving their original identities, which is very important and is something that is very important to do ...

to preserve their original Human Identities and to preserve their original Human Talents which is also very important to do ...

their original Human Talents which the NEA always ignore, and suppress and oppress and replace with synthetic talents that their Queer Masters desire. It is not just a matter of maintaining their talents and their identities; to keep Human Children out of the terrible NEA public schools. It is also a matter of preserving Humanity itself. Of preserving the Awesomeness of Humanity, which has the ability to see Evil for what it really is.

Being a Human Being, that has not been molested and destroyed in a public school, allows that Human Being to see Evil for what it really is; and to fight Evil as it should be fought. All of the powers and talents and instincts that are required for that are part of the Human Package -- the Awesome Human Package -- which all new Human Children receive. It is there, and will be there, if it is allowed to grow naturally. It is there, and will be there, if it is allowed to live naturally. It is there, and will be there, if it is allowed to develop and become Real, Vibrant and Alive.

By NEA public schools.

Not agendized.
Not traumatized.
Not propagandized.
By the worst enemies of the Human Species.

That Awesome Power, that Awesome Ability, is the result of an equally awesome set of Human traits and characteristics -- and yes, even decencies and common sense -- that I apply the general term of 'Humanity' to.

Most people, who have been distorted and tortured out of what they should be, and can now only think in ways that the Oligarchy of Perverts that control DemoCrapia want them to think in; can only think in the ways that those pseudo-leaders want. Those people question what I am talking about, they do not understand what I mean when I say -- 'Humanity'. They do not get the message, they do not understand it. It has been taken away from them, so they have nothing to base their understanding upon. They should have a huge wealth of Human Experience as Human Beings by now; but that has been taken away from them, so they have no experience as Human Beings. Their only experience is as drones and robots and insectoids for the queered pseudo-leaders. They can only think inside the confines of what they have been allowed to think; how they have been dumbed-down and turned into Idiots by the NEA, and the Middle-Managers and all of the Queer Propagandists.

So, when I speak of Humanity and all of the Inherent Powers therefore and thereof, they have not the faintest idea of what I am talking about. For one reason, they cannot see it. They cannot hear it. They cannot itemize it. They cannot count it. They cannot package it. They do not see it before them like a 'card file', or a shelf of books, or a file cabinet full of files. They cannot see it. They cannot see it in any form, that is similar to all of the forms that they have been brainwashed to deal with, and to accept, in order to be good little workers for the DemoCrapia Society.

They cannot see it (Humanity and Inherent Powers), in terms of anything that is DemoCrap or ModoRat or Queer; and that is all that they have been allowed to deal with and know. They cannot see Humanity. They cannot see Common Sense. They cannot see Instincts. They cannot even see Understanding. They cannot even see the Powers of Understanding. They cannot see Truth. They cannot see the Power of Truth. All of the great things that make Humans great -- all of our instincts, powers, and abilities are invisible to many people of the DemoTopia Society. All of whom, are the hopeless drones and the hopeless slaves of the twisted and awful DemoCrapia Society. They doubt everything that I say, because they cannot see what I am talking about.

Believe me -- they fear it. They fear it very much. Not only do their Masters fear it, and hate it -- and tell them to shun it and destroy it in their own children -- but they themselves fear it, because it is 'unknown'.

It is 'something', that they have a slight idea and a small comprehension of; and they have the idea that they could have had that (something)-- but it was taken away from them. It is 'something' that they could have been, they could have possessed those powers, they could have had those abilities -- but it was taken away.

To have to deal with it now, in the form of Human Children who have not been killed by the NEA schools -- to have to deal with it now, in the form of Real Human beings, who have not been butchered and brainwashed by DemoCraps and Queers and ModoRats -- to have to deal with it now, before actual Humanity -- doubly frightens them.

Because, they have to re-live the torture process and the murder process that they went through -- that they have been brainwashed to forget! That, they have been hypnotized to never remember.

When they have to deal with a Real Human Being, all of that comes back to them. The brainwashing breaks down. The programming breaks down, and it is replaced by fear and pain and a distrust of the 'unknown'. It really gives them the shakes, it really freaks them out. In many many cases they fall back upon the orders of the Masters who destroy Human Beings, and all opportunities. They have been patterned to be comfortable as the extremely tortured, butchered, and limited (very limited) creatures that they are now, compared to a Real Human Being, an Awesome Human Being.

That set of limited patterns has become their new comfort, their new addiction. It is all that they know, the entire world that they are allowed. Due to that pain and uncertainty which stems from having no real understanding of Human Beings, they gladly go along with the orders to destroy Human Beings. To shun them , to fear them, to act against them.

Think of how it actually is in Reality. A Real Human Being is an Awesome Being, capable of and possessing a myriad of talents and instincts and abilities that operate so well, and so fast, that they do not even require thought. The foundations of Humanity are so powerful, that when 'thinking' does occur, it is literally an Awesome Event. Fantastic things result from Human Thinking. Nothing results from Drone Thinking. Nothing results from Slave Thinking. Nothing results from Idiot Thinking. Nothing results from the thinking of Voter/Followers, it is not supposed to. There is not supposed to be one second of thinking being done by any thing that works for and is enslaved by the DemoCrap Masters, the ModoRat Masters, the Queer Masters.

Realize how extremely different the two are. Think of how Awesome a living and thinking Human Being is -- and how GROSSLY pathetic any minion of the SQLD is. The Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead do not require any thinking servants, they never have, they never will. Think of the enormous difference between the two opposites. The difference alone is Awesome, but not in a good way.

It is an Awesome Terribleness. It is terrible, that such minions for the SQLD exist; knowing that each one of them began as a Human Child!


The answer to this problem, of course, is to take all Human Children out of 'public schools'. To literally destroy the 'public school system'; that is permanently perverted by the Queer Agendas, the NEA vermin, the DemoCraps and their agendas, the ModoRats and their agendas -- all of the terrible political agendas. Those political slaughterhouses have to be shut down! Who cares what the 'teachers' think? The 'teachers' are the killers! The so-called 'teachers' are the murderers! Who cares what they think about it?

The solution is to get every Human Child possible out of the terrible public schools. To get them out of there, and to get them into 'Home Schooling'; into schooling by Human Beings! Not by the exact opposite, not by the enemies of the Human Species!

What intelligent and sentient species would give its own children over to the very same creatures that want to exterminate that species?

What kind of 'Madhouse' is this?

What kind of 'Lunatic Bin' is this?

This is so terrible, it is not even an 'Insane Asylum'. There is nothing 'Asylum' about it. This is Rampant Insanity! To allow Human Children to go to 'public schools' is complete and absolute lunacy!!!!

There is no possible way that anyone can even begin to say that 'public schools' are in any way, shape, or form good for Human Children!!!!

That is gone forever. There is no way, shape or form that anybody can honestly and truthfully say such a thing.

And, anyone who does -- is an 'Asshole for an Agenda'.

Let me say that again -- anyone who does say that public schools are good for Human Children -- is an 'Asshole for an Agenda'.

And, nothing more. Such persons, such creatures should have absolutely no influence at all upon any Human Children. Anyone, who says that public schools are good for Human Children should never be given access to Human Children; and should never have any power over Human Children whatsoever! They should have no say in the future, and the disposition, of Human Children at all!

Anywhere. For any reason.

Because -- they are nothing more than 'Assholes for an Agenda'! The lowest of the lowest propagandists. Opportunists. Backstabbers. Liars. Twisters. Con-artists. Criminals. It is horrifically criminal to take a Human Child and turn it into a DemoCrap, to turn it into a Queer, or to turn it into a ModoRat. That is one of the most awful crimes anywhere in the Known Universe.

Anyone, who says that public schools are good for Human Children -- is an 'Asshole for an Agenda'! And, nothing more.


[[In case you are having trouble understanding what the urgency is, about this issue -- I am writing about 'The Holocaust of the Human Children in the Twenty-First Century'.]]

1. destruction of human life: wholesale or mass destruction, especially of human life -- a nuclear holocaust
2. complete destruction by fire: complete consumption by fire, especially of a large number of human beings or animals
3.burnt offering: a religious sacrifice that is totally consumed by fire

[13th century. < Old French holocauste < Greek holokaustos "burned whole" < kaiein "burn"]
Holocaust was originally used in English for a "burnt offering," a "sacrifice completely consumed by fire" (Mark 12:33, "more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices" in the King James Version of the Bible).
Encarta Dictionary 2007

[[What I am writing about can also be called -- 'The Holocaust of the Human Spirit in the Twenty-First Century']]


Once again, the solution is to keep Human Children out of those monstrous public schools. Keep children out of those torture chambers. Keep them out of the hands of the terrible NEA, and the DemoCraps, and the ModoRats, and the APA scum, and the ACLU dykes -- keep them out of the hands and the reach of those terrible monsters.

Demand 'Home Schooling'. Literally, demand 'Home Schooling'. Accept nothing less -- never accept public 'anything'. Demand Human Education of Human Children. I have said this before, and it cannot be said enough. It has to be constantly demanded that Human Children are raised by Human Beings.

A lot of this, is the fault of the Science Priests.

The Science Priests that become Medical Priests, 'Psych' Priests, 'Accounting Priests', 'Clinical Priests', 'Sterile Priests'. No one is ever taught the Truth of Humanity; no one is taught what it really is. Everyone focuses -- because of the Science Priests -- on something called the DNA Helix, the Chromosomes. There is a huge emphasis put upon DNA and Chromosomes, and the idea that all of our talents and our abilities are locked up into some kind of genetic code -- and we can do what the genetic codes allow -- and nothing more. We can do some of the variations that different combinations of the genetic codes allow, and these express themselves as 'talents'. That, is as far as it goes; that is all there is. There is nothing more, there is the DNA Helix! Everything that we are, comes from that.

Which, is very convenient for Science Priests and Medical Priests. If they can sterilize everyone and compartmentalize everyone and shrink everyone down to the utterly stupid stupor of thinking that all that they can be is what their DNA Helix says that they can be -- then all of those people are much more manageable. Much more liable to worship Science Priests, and worship Medical Priests.

Isn't that cute?

Think about it, if you can think -- if you are allowed to think, and ask yourself -- where is this DNA Helix?

Ask each other -- "Where is the DNA Helix?"

Where is it? What are Chromosomes, what are they really? Where are they? How many of you can tell me where a DNA Helix lives?

I am asking this, because this illustrates just how unbelievably limited all of you have been forced to be, by the Queer Propaganda. You have been forced to focus upon something called the DNA Helix, and most of you have no idea where it is, or what it is. You have no idea of what else exists in the Human Body. How many internal organs can you name? How many different parts of the Human Body can you name?

Write it down, do not look for references, just write down what you know. When you look at that list, that you wrote down, can you explain what they do? Can you explain what those body parts do? Those internal organs, can you explain what they do?

Can you tell me which one of them has the DNA Helix?

Which internal body organ carries the DNA Helix? Can you answer that question? Why, in all of this time that you have been brainwashed about DNA Helixes, has nothing else been mentioned about the Human Body? Why have you never been told where the DNA Helix is?

Have you ever seen it? Where does it hide? If it exists, it must be supported somehow by the Human Body. How is the DNA Helix supported by the Human Body?

Most of you, are so completely traumatized and mesmerized by that very vicious technocratic programming of the Planet Sinister Society -- that I actually question if you know how many arms and legs you have. I wonder if you actually know how many fingers and toes you have. You must understand that you have a 'head' with a nose, and eyes, and ears (if you think about it), but I have to even wonder about that. Beyond that, do you know anything about what is inside of your body? How your body is working every day, how it is functioning? Do you think all of that is an accident? Do you think all of that came from the DNA Helix alone? Do you think that the DNA Helix is responsible for everything? Do you think that Humanity is inside the DNA Helix?

The Science Priests, will scream and fart, and urinate and defecate, and shuck and jive, and gyrate and look like Baboons-in-an-Electric-Chair -- and shriek, as they insist and demand of you, that you think what they want you to think! That, Humanity only exists inside the DNA Helix, comes from the DNA Helix, and can exist nowhere else!

If you do not understand, that this is the demands of Religious Fanatics, who insist that you worship their False Symbols of Deity ...

then you truly are an Idiot.

You have accomplished something in your miserable life -- you are an Idiot.

In that case, if that is the case, then you truly are so stupid that you should not even be reading my messages. If you cannot understand that the demands of those Science Priests, that you believe when they tell you that Humanity comes from the DNA Helix, is nothing more than a demand that you worship one of their Symbols of Deity and Godhood, one of their Symbols of Power and Control over you, one of their Symbols of their control over your thinking and your mentality, one of their Symbols and Tools of owning and operating you -- then you truly are as stupid as they want you to be!!!!

In that case, if that is the case, then you really are an Idiot that has been Lied To.


At this point in this discussion, I am faced with the situation where if I explain Humanity any further, if I explain it with details I will be actually telling our worst enemies information that they will (and you can bet your life on it) they will do everything that they possibly can to use it against the Human Species -- and to kill Humanity, as the Incredible and Awesome Force that it is -- and is meant to be.

I talk about the DemoCraps, and the NEA, and the ModoRats and the Queers all attacking Human Children; but, what do you think their weapons arsenal of murder against our children is? Besides the scum of the Anuses, Perverts and Alchemists (APA), and the ACLU/Homosexuals; besides the Monkey Lawyers and the Monkey Judges; besides the TV Turds, and the Filthy Monkeys on the FM Band, and the Queers at the queer newsrags -- name me another weapon in their arsenal against our children.

Berserk Science.

Berserk Science. The insanity of Science Priests, that think that the entire Universe (even a large part of it) can be explained by their dipshit ideas and their dipshit methodologies. Have you ever looked at a Scientist? At a real Science Thing, when it is not pimped and setup to look abnormally decent? At a real Science Thing, that is not chosen to be a Poster Freak for the so-called Science Community?

Have you ever listened to one of the Science Things, when it does not know that you are listening? Have you ever seen a Science Thing in all of its raw ugliness? I am amazed that they still have two arms, and two legs, and two eyes.

We know for a fact that all of them have at least two assholes. They are some of the stupidest Bastards and Bitches that have ever existed on this planet. Self-serving, and believing in a 'Methodology' which is a Deity to them. Worse than a Dogma to them. It is their Code of Existence, and if you threaten it, doubt it, endanger it, prove it to be nothing but QueerShit -- they will do anything that they can to destroy you.

They can hate, at the turn of a dime. They can go from 'smiling and grinning pretenders of being beneficial', to some of the worst killers that you have ever seen in your whole life -- immediately, if you threaten their Science Religion. They will butcher, maim, and mutilate anything or any one that they think threatens their Science Religion.

Socially, they are 'Rabid-Dogs-For-Hire', and as such they become a weapon for our enemies. A weapon of the Queers, a weapon of the DemoCraps, a weapon of the ModoRats etc.

Therefore, if I start to go into the details of what Humanity truly is -- Humanity being a threat to the Science Religion -- and how Humanity transfers through the Birth Process to new Human Children ...

who do you think will be reading what I write here, besides you?

Who do you think, will be reading this for clues to what I am talking about; and not for wonderful reasons. Not for, Awesome Reasons. Not for, good and beneficial reasons. Not for, the spirit of -- "Oh, let us learn more about that, so that we can help it to exist. So that, we can help it to be more plentiful. So that, we can help Humanity become more manifest and enjoyable and more prevalent around the World."

Such ideas of goodness are 'Freakshow Different', from the way that the Science Priests would receive anything that I write about Humanity. Any information that I give to you about the details of Humanity, would be like a new cadaver (corpse) on one of their examination tables for them to have at with their kitchen knives, their butcher knives, their scalpels and their straight-razors. They would chop it up, mix it up, grind it up, and try to squeeze some kind of information out of it that they could use to kill Humanity with.

If any of you out there right now, are thinking to yourself (as you read this), that this world has gone to Hell -- well, you are not as stupid as you thought you were.


So, why is it this way?

Why is there such a Planet Sinister as this?

Why is it here, why is it happening? Why is it so twisted and psychotic? Why is it so bad-bad-bad? Why is it so sick-sick-sick? Why is it so agendized-agendized-agendized?

Think about it. I am not going to tell you why.

I want you to think about it. Go back through all of the messages that I have written. Go through the archives, and look at what I have already written. The more that you realize how hellish and terrible Planet Sinister is, the more I want you to answer the question -- 'Why is it this way?'

I am not going to tell you the answer. For one reason, I have already told you the answer a hundred times in my messages. But, I want you to think about it. Here is a great difference, again. Here is another great difference between Human Resistance and our enemies, the propagandists.

The propagandists would tell you what to think, and they would insist that you think what they want you to think. They would implicate, they would imply, they would suggest that you think what they want you to think. They would lead you, force you, prod you, and demand that you think along the very confined threads of thought that they want you to have. I am not doing so. I am telling you to think for yourself. You put it together yourself.

After you have done that, and you have come up with a lot of conclusions, and a lot of evidence, and a lot of verifications -- let me say that again -- a lot of conclusions, a lot of evidence, and a lot of verifications -- I want you (if it is at all possible to do so) to start a website on the Internet, and get into Human Resistance.

You do not have to call it 'Human Resistance'. You can call it 'Joe's Lemonade Stand and Talking Zone'. You can call it 'Emily's Makeup Shop and Chatting Parlor'. You can call it -- 'Stan's Model Railroad Land and Discussion Emporium'; I do not care what you call it, but write the Truth in it.

Write what you understand. Write the conclusions and the verifications that you have realized. You do not have to be as organized as I am. You do not have to write about as many different things as I write about. As you already know, I have repeated in this message that list of Human Resistance subject matters which I put into a message weeks ago. I tell you now, if you write about only one of them; that is enough. That is certainly enough. I am not saying that you have to choose a dozen of them, and write about them. I will say that, if you start to write about any one of them, in all likelihood you will find that it is associated with other topics on the same list. Very naturally, without being forced to do so, you will find yourself writing about various subjects on that list. Just because, that is the way that they are interconnected. That is the way that they work together.

So, if you write about one thing, and you write about it well and completely, you will end up writing about other things; that are associated to the one thing that you chose to write about. You will end up writing about a group, a shot group, a collection. You will end up writing about a situation, a phenomenon which has different components to it. A phenomenon of Reality, that has different ingredients. You will be writing about all of those ingredients. You will not be told what to write.

If you find out for yourself, and you verify and use all of these references that I have given to you, and you check it out for yourself -- you will certainly come to your own conclusions, your own ways of thinking about it, your own ways of expressing it. That is extremely important. It is vital Humanity!

We need it, we need you to say those things, we need you to write those things in your own ways, from your own perspective. It is alright if you do not get it completely right to begin with. I mean, you yourself will realize, as your website continues, that there is much more to be written about; and you are not exactly correct about everything (yet). And, you are getting more and more accurate as you go along.

You must take that first step, you must take that first initiative and start a website; and start to write and post what you know, and what you verify, and what you think about all of this. If you choose any one topic, believe me you will end up writing about what you think about all of it. All of this is interconnected.

I would like to emphasize one word of caution, however. You remember what I just said about the Science Priests? What they would do with any information about our Humanity, if they could get ahold of it? If they could get it onto their operating table, what they would do to it? Keep that in mind, keep that word of caution in mind when you write, and when you speak. There are many many details to Humanity and what it is, what it really is. But, is that something that we want to share with our enemies?

Do we want our enemies to know what Humanity really is, so they can prevent it? So they can abort it? So they can pervert it? So they can train it? Enslave it? Deform it? Mold it into what they want?

You decide. With your abilities that you have now, and the powers of thinking that you have now -- would you want to lose that? Would you want that taken away from you? Would you give the secrets of your own thought processes to your worst enemy? Knowing that your worst enemy would put you on an operating table, and perform brain surgery on you, to remove those powers of thinking that you have?


Since the beginning of my writings, I have been criticized for being too generalized about some topics. Especially, about Humanity and what it is. Now, you are learning why I will not explain some things. I will explain the effects of some things. I will explain the results of the existence of Humanity. I will explain some of the powers (without details). I will explain the specifications of the Goodness, the Decency. But, I am not going to explain the details of the inside workings of it. Now, you are understanding why I do not. If you get into Human Resistance, you will find out for yourself how important it is to keep the inner workings of the Human Species to ourselves.

We, are truly Awesome. What we do, is Awesome. How we do it, is Awesome. How it happens, is Awesome; and in some cases it is so Awesome that even we ourselves have difficulty understanding how we do it. At such times, it is just better to do it; then it is to wonder about it. I do not constantly think to myself -- "How can I be writing all of this, how can I put out so much information, how can I know all of this, how can I formulate it into written formats and present it in writing, and so on?" I do not belabor myself with such questions.

I am always thinking about how I think anyway, but why get into morbid and unnecessary avenues of inquiry about things that are not necessary to know about?

And, in many cases they are so Humanly Magical that they defy understanding anyway.


I almost let that test remain, but I am not going to. (laughter)

I mentioned the word 'Magical' just now, and I could have left that as a test; but I will not do so. I will explain what I mean. Some of the most superstitious assholes, in the entire world of DemoTopia, are Science Priests. Science Priests are immersed in the occult, and in such things as Alchemy and Superstition and Witchcraft, and any Dark Art that you can think of, or ever heard of -- the Science Priests are into that stuff up to their eyeballs!

I have seen it for years and years and years, and I know exactly what I am talking about. Science Priests are some of the most two-faced, lying, snake-brained Liberals imaginable; and they are into every kind of superstition and every kind of voodoo and black magic and psycho-crap and delusional garbage -- that you have never even heard of.

You have not even heard of some of the twisted aberrations of their thinking, always in the quest for and in the pursuit of more power. More power. More power. More power than they can control, more power than they can explain with their stupid 'science methodologies'; and more personal power for them to make everybody bow to their religion, to obey their religion, to respect their Science Religion, to worship their Deities.

They are into that Magic crap up to their hair follicles. The unspeakable freaks at the Perverted Institute of Terror (PIT) on the Dead Charles river -- deep inside the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone -- is a prime example of what I am talking about.

And -- that would have been a good test. That would have been a good test to see their greedy reactions; their knee-jerk evil reactions.

Frankly however, they are not worth testing. They are not worth testing, they are a closed box. They are constantly thinking that they are progressing, while they are constantly regressing into the Jaws of Set. Regressing into the Doldrums, and the twisted misalignments of their own religion. They are constantly professing to be expanding and increasing, and instead they are just becoming less and less worthwhile, in any way, shape or form.

They actually confess their hapless plight with such self-appointed descriptions as 'Straight and Queer', 'Good but Evil', 'Smart and Demented', 'Fast and Bent', 'The Best Worst' and so on. They exist with their brains up their asses, and they promote themselves as such. You would have to see it to believe how awful it is.

They are making themselves obsolete. In more ways than one, and I am not going to explain that because I am not going to give them any clues as to what is happening to them.


Getting back to you Human Beings, born with an Awesome Ability, an Awesome self-contained universe of abilities -- how much do you want it to continue? Are you selfish? Or, do you want that Awesomeness to remain, and to thrive as a continuing Human Species? Try to grasp what Awesomeness is. Answer my question, start a website, and start to write about one of the Topics. Start to write about anything that you think is important to Human Beings, and like I said you will end up writing about a lot of related subjects.

The more that you write about us, think about how Awesome we are. Think about how important it is to be the Humans that we are, that we truly can be. Then, think about how important -- how extremely important are the Human Children. Think about how Awesome the Human Children are, how they are the result of all of the Greatness that the Human Species is, biologically and spiritually.

And, put the Real Awesome Value upon the Human Children that they deserve. Put that Awesome Value on the Human Children, the containers of the Human Awesomeness. Quit discarding them, quit throwing them to the Disease. Quit throwing them to our enemies!

Respect them for what they really are. Teach them yourself. Do not let the Damned NEA get at them! Do not let the Damned DemoCraps get at them! Teach them yourselves, and appreciate what Awesomeness is. I mean really appreciate Human Awesomeness. If you are still a Human Being -- you have it! You are Awesome.

But, what is it? Appreciate what it is, by knowing what it is. Put the highest possible value upon it. Transfer that highest possible value to the Human Children.

For Humanity's Sake, keep them away from the public schools!

Keep them out of the hands of those terrible monsters in the public schools.


When you think of all of those horrible 'agendized' teachers in those public schools, that murder Humanity in order to conform children into the agendas that they serve themselves; what is really happening there?

Answer: Those Human Children are being killed by the Victims of Murder. Victims, who were killed by other Victims of Murder. Victim-Victims, that were killed by more Victims of Murder. Which, were killed by even more Victims of Murder; in an endless chain of Death and Psychosis ...

Screwed, Blued and Tattooed.

Serving the dementias of the Masters, and the requirement that the slaughter continue.
The butchery continue.
The propaganda continue.

Do you want to give Awesome Human Children to that?




[[Remember. Anything is possible, with complete contempt.]]


There is no stench quite so bad as that of an open Fanus on a hot summer's day, within a twenty-five mile radius of Putrid Madison, Wisconsin -- unless the whining 'Smelltone John' is on your side of the planet.

It's not so bad when the things have one hand up their butt anus and the other hand down their face anus (Fanus); it's when they switch hands that the stink hits you like a Queer Advertisement on Queer TV!

And, since they vote for Queers, they are very stupid -- so it takes a long time for them to lick all of their fingers, and then switch hands. Meanwhile, the rest of us vomit from the stench and the sight of their twisted Liberal Fanuses.

Expect that, if you travel within a twenty-five mile radius of The Douche of Madison ...

too putrid to be part of Human Wisconsin.


Speaking of Putrid Madison, does anyone on our side realize how horrible are the creatures inside a car or van that has a HObama sticker on it? Only a pile of dung would drive or sit in a car or van with a HObama sticker on it. If you want to keep track of which creatures of Planet Sinister are the absolute worst, and the most grotesque, and the more horrid, and the most homicidal against the Human Species -- keep track of the cars and vans that have HObama stickers on them.

Keep track of license plates, time and place of sightings, and what things were inside the vehicle. All of that, is Public Information available to everyone. Those monsters want to flaunt their Genocidal Plans against the Human Species in our faces, by putting HObama stickers of their vehicles. So, keep track of everything that you see about them. Log it all down. Keep records. It is legal to do so.

Expect gushes of feces from the facial anuses of those hideous vermin, when you do so!!!!

Keep track of them all.


This month, I saw something that is impossible, and extremely illegal.

After I left a convenience store near Iowa City, where there were Demented White Females (DWC) with HObama stickers on their cars, and they were assuring each other that Human Resistance will never spread; and that He (me) is just a sick and silly fool who is dizzy with 'popularity', and is just imagining that there will be such a thing as an organized resistance to their filth and horrific evils -- and get this! -- I am too 'dizzy' to be writing these days ...

I drove down to Fort Madison -- another cesspool of (Bleep-bleepers).

I went to a factory there, on the south side where the BUWI Death Factory is. The factory I went to, is immensely more decent; but it was filled with DemoCrap drones working for a mere pittance, and for the privilege of serving the Great Disease Masters.

I had been there before, and I knew where the cafeteria was. I wanted some munchies, so I went to the cafeteria. At the cafeteria, were at least 40 (at least) DemoCrap drones sitting at tables and eating gruel.

On the wall of the cafeteria was a very large TV screen, and on that screen were the two-dimensional images and sounds of a faggot at the Crackheads and Nasty Neuters (CNN) interviewing the worst of all Republican Asswipes (the McCain Asswipe) about something, that of course is none of their business. This time I think it was about Syria.

The shock was -- no one was watching!

None of the drones were watching the TV Turds!

The Queer Law says, that all DemoCrap drones must sit upright in their cafeteria chairs and glue their eyeballs to the Master TV, all through their lunchtime. They must then, spend their lunch half-hour watching and listening to the grotesque CNN Queer Programming; while blindly and automatically spooning gruel into their mouths. They must never look their gruel, that is not allowed. They are, by Queer Law, supposed to watch, listen to, and obey whatever is said on the queer CNN Control Panel until their lunch half-hour is over. Then, they are to return to work and vote for APA Spawns and DemoCraps at their earliest convenience.

No one was looking at the TV Turds. Most of them had their backs to the Queer Control Panel. All of them were talking, looking at their gruel, and ignoring the TV Turds utterly.

I ordered a pack of Chocolate Chips cookies in celebration.

And, left.


Talk about adding Insult to Injury -- I just went to the County Seat to have my CDL License renewed. I really do not like those 'license photos' to begin with, but nowadays (due to huge greeds) all of the Iowa Driver's Licenses have the propaganda symbol of a ButtUgly Windmill on them. Right next to your ugly photograph, is the symbol of a ButtUgly Sphincter in the Sky; proclaiming (they hope) that the ModoRats and the DemoCraps and the Disease of Dirty Des Moines own Iowa.

If you are from Iowa, and you have one of those driver's licenses -- look at it. In your hand is the Proof-Positive of the tiny-brained greeds of the scum that infest the Statehouse/Pantyhose Emporium in Des Moines.

Seriously, only tiny brains would stoop to such a stupid and greedy act of putting the symbol of their avarice and greed (against the People of Iowa) on the Iowa Driver's Licenses. This is genuine 'Communist-Grade' propaganda at its most sickening.

For God's Sake -- how piss-ant can you get?

This, is so demented. Now, every time that any of us see any of those Statehouse Assholes -- anywhere for any reason -- and they are lying to us and trying to feed us some more QueerShit -- all we have to do (to 'Know The Truth') is to pull out our driver's license, and look at the twisted symbol of their greed and hatred of us, on the license ...

the ButtUgly Windmill of their anal desires.

The politicians of the wretched Statehouse/Pantyhose Emporium in Des Moines are such a classic bunch of petty bureaucrats!

Living in Iowa, with those assholes infesting Des Moines, is exactly like living in an Eastern European Third-World Country, before the Coca-Cola machines, the Foster Grant sunglasses and the Tourists arrive.

I am surprised that we do not talk and write some obscure and doomed-to-be-forgotten dialect of 'Barnyard ChickenScratch' in this state.

It is no wonder the 'Greedy Industrialists' think that Iowa is a perfect place for their money-making schemes.

We might as well call Iowa -- The Island of Greed.


The diseased brains of the (Bleep-bleepers), forced to obey the demands of the disease to spread, are desperate to convince themselves that everyone else is as sick and filled with crap as they are -- so spreading the disease is still seen as a possibility to them.

That means, if they can only get rid of such anomalies and impossibilities as Human Resistance, everyone else will be a ripe sitting duck for the same disease which has killed them.

To achieve our destruction, they want to 'profile' Human Resisters and look for weaknesses and traits and habits that they can use to kill us with, disable us, and cripple us -- just the way that they do to each other -- and the way they disable the Republican Asswipes (formerly McCain Establishment).

They cannot allow themselves to realize, they cannot allow themselves to accept that we are nothing like them whatsoever -- and anything that they do to try to 'profile' us, and to figure us out, is meaningless. It is worthless, socially.

The only thing that they can do, is to try set us up for murder. And, that is exactly what it is. Their brains are sick, twisted, demented and diseased. They can never understand a Human Being. They can never try to outsmart us, or out-argue us, fight us on a one-to-one level, that is patently impossible.

So, what they must be doing (whether they realize it or not) is to try to 'profile' us for assassinations, for murders. There is now way that they could possibly win an argument with one of us. There is no way that a million of them could win an argument with one of us. So, they must be trying to set us up for assassinations. There is no other explanation.

There is literally no other practical application to any information that they gather about us, assuming that our Security Defenses are Human Quality. Unable to steal from us, mug us, rape us, invade our homes etc -- the one and only practical application to any information that they put together about us, is strictly murder.

They can only be gathering information for the sake of murdering Humans of Human Resistance. And, that is it. There are no excuses. There are no playtimes. There are no Puppet Shows. There are pantomimes -- nothing else. The single and solitary application to gathering information about us, by them, has to be to kill us.

It would not be that way with other Human Beings, but it has to be that way with them. Without a doubt. Without exception. There is no way out of it. There is nothing else that they can do with the information that they gather, because they are diseased, they are demented, they are (Bleep-bleepers) and we are Human Beings. They cannot out-argue us, or out-think us, and so on. They must try to set us up, trick us, trap us, and kill us. That is the one and only possible usage of any information that they gather about us.

Strictly and solely for the sake of murder.

Assuming, that our Security Defenses are Human Quality.


"That Guy Died."

The DemoCraps have already decided what they are going to say, if and when they can achieve my death, if and when they can assassinate me. Their only response, after decades of lies and trying to kill me, and placing so much emphasis upon destroying the Truth , destroying Human Resistance and killing me -- their only response, and the only thing that they are going to say is ...

"That Guy Died."

Then, they will immediately start to lie about something else. They will choose someone else to lie about. They will continue their TV Turd Holocaust against the minds of everyone who lives on this planet. They will continue their DemoCrapia obsession with every perversion possible -- to create a DemoTopia sewer.

They will continue on and on, to propagandize and propagandize, and for each and every victim that dies -- all that they will say about it is ... "That Guy Died."

That is all that they care about, that is all that they want anyone to think about. In other words, don't think about it. Do not think about it. Do not care about it. Do not even be inquisitive or curious as to what that person was doing, and what that person was saying. The only allowed response by the ModoRats and the Queers and the DemoCraps will be ...

"That Guy Died." End of story. Think nothing more about it!

Have absolutely no thoughts about that person. Or, anything that person did.

"That Guy Died." It is over.

Think about -- This Next Guy, and the lies that we are saying about this guy!


By the way, if you are in Human Resistance or you aspire to do so, be aware that the NSA has a lot of faggots driving around in obscure and ordinary looking vehicles, trying to track Human Beings who they suspect (or know) are in Human Resistance.

I am sure of this.

They are trying to find out what the identity of our wireless transceivers are, so they can hack into them. For instance, if you have a wireless transceiver in your vehicle that connects you to the Internet, and works off of cell phone towers of course -- it has an identity and you probably have given it a name. Well, they are trying to capture those names and device identities. They are trying to find out what you are using to connect to the Internet with. Those things are called Hotspots, Jet Packs, Wifi's, MyFi's and things like that.

I know for a fact that those faggots are out there, in those cars, following Human Beings and trying to find out the identities of their wireless transceivers. They are not only after Identity Theft, they are not only trying to steal your identity -- they are trying to follow you, track you, trace you and if they can (if they think they have the universal codes for your type of Hotspot) -- and IF your computer is connected at the time -- they will try to break in.

They do not have to have much to do that. All that they have to have, is a device that will keep on sending codes to your WiFi or your MyFi that are supposed related to that transceiver.

If you have not changed your default code, to something much more complicated and unique, they will break in. Once they have broken into your HotSpot or your JetPack, you cannot imagine that they will not go further and try to break into your computer.

They are out there. I know they are out there. I have seen them out there doing that. So be aware that this is happening. It is all the QUEERNSA do this.


Human Resistance changes the way things change. If 'change' is inevitable, which it is not, then where is 'change' going to?

Down, into the anus-smeared gutters of 'HObama's Delight'?

Or, upwards into the Human Ascendency?

All of the forces of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead want the gutters to be the Future for us all -- deliberately.

Human Resistance exists to disable those forces, and to prevent us from falling into their 'most-desired world of (Bleep)'.


Do you realize, that you cannot get a college or university degree in any SQLD fake-college or fake-university -- IF the Queers there know that you are in Human Resistance?

Do you realize, that you cannot get into any of the 'Armed Services' of the SQLD -- admitted into the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid -- IF the Queers there know that you are in Human Resistance?

Does that tell you something about their 'Public Intentions'?


Latest gem of DemoCrap Wisdom -- “You think you’re smart eh -- you (bleep)!” -- Central Illinois.

Really, so what now? You think you will find a smart anus for me to fornicate? You just don’t get it, do you anus?

N O    A N U S E S    --   S T U P I D ! ! ! !


It’s probably because I mentioned Albert. It doesn’t seem to matter what you might be reading from Einstein, the name is so synonymous with ‘Genius’ that people who do not read his works always think that somehow the people who do read his works are smart.

I was just reading his name -- ‘Albert Einstein’. Does that make me smart?


“He’s losing it.”

“Oh-oh. He’s losing it. Well, don’t tell him about it.”


"His popularity!"

His popularity? What? What do they think this is? A game shown on the Satan Tube? They can take 'popularity', eat it, choke on it and die!


This is about -- Principles!!!!

And -- People!!!!

Versus -- Perverts!!!!

So far, this has been a very healthy process. We have exposed (weeded out of hiding) many hidden jackals and snakes like the Moderate/Homosexuals, and the Republican Establishment Piggies. The price of this process has been expensive; DemoIowa remains the cesspool it was, except now the Disease will be controlling it through the Puppets of the RINO Establishment.

DemoIowa has shrunk. The State is Human again. Humans here, fight for Real Human Marriage.


Judicial Independence by Monkey Judges is exactly what we are here to prevent. Judicial Independence, is just another term for the present state of usury and reduction of the 'Government by the People and for the People' which the judiciary branches have been whoring and conniving and cheating to achieve for decades.

Those Monkeys want Supremacy.

Those Monkeys cannot stand the fact that the judicial branch was never intended to control or dominate anything.

They are, in a word, egomaniacs.

They are selfish, greedy, sneering, lying Bastards and Bitches of the worst kind. They are also the fetid results of a vile internal hatred and competition within the so called legal profession, which is a classic case of Monkey on the Mountain -- over all other stinking legal monkeys.


Some of you like blood sports.
Some of you are sports fanatics.
Some of you are blood sports insane.
Some of you think that this "argument' between scumbags such as the Masters of the Democrat/Homosexuals and decent Human Leaders of the Human Resistance such as myself is an amusing blood sport.
I can see your intentions.
I can see your intentions.
I will remember.


These days, everything goes too fast.

It is not as though our brains are capable of thinking faster. But rather, we are being whipped into False Acceleration by anyone and everyone who thinks (falsely) that they can profit by Falsely Accelerating any number of the People; until such a time and into such a state that they can no longer make rational decisions and 'Think' -- as 'Thinking' is meant to be done. Thus, becoming the targets of and the dupes of such 'Mind Raping For Profit' as consumerization, political voter/following, perverted acts of insanity, or being turned into a Democrat -- and thus being injected with the belief that you are "Born To Rule."

So falsely accelerated and 'mind-fornicated' are the victims of this deliberate destabilization of the 'General Public', that not only is Common Sense utterly lost and forgotten (if it was ever known) but even the most basic instincts of survival and "just being sane" become non-existent.

Do you know what 'Non-Existence' means?
It means to not exist. To no longer exist. But, does it exist?
If Existence is Real, and it is -- is Non-Existence Real?
Does Non-Existence -- exist?
Do objects of matter, that formerly existed with two or four or six or eight legs, still exist once they cease to exist -- and become "Non-Existent'?
Do fools that play blood sports with Existence, still exist when they become 'Non-Existent'?
Where is this Non-Existence?
Where do blood sports fanatics go -- to cease to exist?

Answer: To me.
I will remember.
I always remember.
There are many ways – to no longer exist.

Movies and Films and Music these days are all heavily warped and distorted by False Acceleration.
I mean Distorted!

Consequently, those 'persons' who write such works (that can be easily destroyed by False Acceleration) such as Scripts, Screenplays, Commercials, Teleplays (etc.) fall victim easily to the twisted opposites of Common Sense, such as Producers and Directors. And of course, the scum that own and operate the Satan Tube.

I am not being overbearing or exaggerating when I say that in these Un-Natural Times, when Common Sense and Real Thinking is forbidden, it behooves any Real Writer to fight.

To fight any and all attempts to shorten, abridge, truncate, accelerate or fornicate any Real Human Writing.
As you can see, I Resist.

I do what has to be done. Not out of Hatred for those other writers.

But instead, for their Freedom.

And, I will remember.




The Dream:

In your own website of Human Resistance, you will (and should) from time to time share with your readers of Kinds 1, 2 and 4 some personal information about yourself. Be aware, of course, that whatever you write will be used by Kind 3 (your enemies) to try to kill you off -- and I mean that literally. Killer Queers are Killer Maggots, with maggots-on-the-brain.

I, in my humble and warm and fuzzy Teddy Bear way, share some of my dreams with my Readers 1, 2 and 4. My dreams are always in Color (just like the APA Devils say cannot happen), and my dreams are always interesting. Humanly interesting. Naturally, I do not have time to share many of my dreams with all of you.

You see, I have the capacity to work inside of my dreams while they are occurring. I have always had that ability, and it is this capacity to be inside of my own brain (and monitor it with my mind while it is dreaming and sleeping), that allows me to detect any Satanic and Queer Intruders that are trying to infiltrate and poison my brain, with their own unspeakably horrible crappy skulls.

And, I mean 'horrible' is too weak a description for how ghastly is the filth between their ears.

But, that is another matter. When I wake up after sleeping, I review the log of my dreams. Those dreams that are worth keeping, I remember and put into long term storage. Those permanently stored dreams have, of course, their own categories to make it easier to recall them when needed. They are also cross-indexed by my daily thought processes, so they are part and parcel of my background knowledge. All of that is a simple matter to understand.

There are dreams, however, that need no introduction, or logs, or cataloging, or remembering -- for the simple fact that they are impossible to forget. They are the Super Dreams.

It is a pleasant circumstance to me, that I have very few nightmares (any that try to occur are destroyed as aliens). I take keen pleasure and immense sustenance from killing (horribly) any nightmares that try to occur. I can slaughter a nightmare mercilessly in ways that would terrify Jack the Ripper, and then enjoy a blissful sleep replaying the death of that nightmare in my mind for hours at a time -- during which I smile and smile and sleep and sleep.

Thus, I have a very rich and vast freedom of Goodness in which to dream.

That is right -- I said Goodness. Real Goodness. The kind that results from annihilating Badness.

Any thing or any one, who says that Goodness cannot exist without Badness -- had better keep their brains as far away from mine as they possibly can. I mean -- screaming and spitting and crawling backwards as fast as they can into the deepest recesses they can find anywhere -- and hoping (while defecating) that I do not find them. Because, there is no evil brain that I will not butcher (brain-to-brain) without mercy -- and make it watch its own disembrainment.

But, I digress.


As I was saying -- in my famously humble and warm and fuzzy Teddy Bear way -- I have, as a result of this, a very rich field of good neurons in which dreams may operate -- under my watchful eye.

Some dreams, subsequently, reach very dense states of Reality. To reach intense Reality, they must ascend to a sufficient height while constantly being monitored for Goodness, which always happens of course. Most dreams reach a plateau, and carry along merrily at that level.

Sometimes, however, there is no such plateau. Instead, there is a bursting upwards of tremendous energy that achieves Unlimited Thought. Thresholds between the mundane dream lands and intense Reality must be breached, to reach as high as Unlimited Thought. Beyond that, I will not describe the mechanics of it; except to say that once a dream is there, all monitoring is turned off (deliberately) and incredible things happen. That can never be forgotten.

It is then, that what I dream becomes part of the Nature around us.

Nature itself, shares.


The dream just before this, was on a much lower plateau and was one of those 'doing things' dreams. Those things that you do during your daily life (that seem to be so mundane and droll to your conscious mind as you do them), hold a secret pleasure for your Soul and for your Sense of Well Being.

So ... when your conscious fuddy-duddy brain turns off at night ... your Soul and your Wellness turns on .. and you dream happily about the things that matter so much to them.

Like washing your hands, in warm water with that dish soap that you like the smell of.

Browsing the dollar store shelves for garden items such as Bird Houses and Lawn Ornaments, that you think will look good on your lawn -- but you are too cheap to allow yourself to buy.

Clamping the head of an axe into a bench vise, and spending a long time sharpening it with a rotary grinder, slowly -- thinking of your enemies.

Driving along a road in a countryside that you have never seen before, in an old and grey Plymouth with really big front windows, that are so close that you do not even notice them anymore -- and seeing the sun come out from behind a large bank of dark clouds and shining down upon a country scene that is amazingly fresh and clean in appearance -- and you drive into it -- and you drive into it -- across the fields -- through the houses -- after the horses -- along the tall fences -- through the barns -- down the long lanes covered by bridges of trees -- next to a fast freight train.

Talking to people who you have never met in your life, but you would like them if you did, and they have problems that you can easily help them with -- and they appreciate that, so they line up one after the other to be helped by you -- and you get to smile at each of them, and greet each of them, and help him (or her) with their problem (which always works) -- and you look out and you see that the line reaches all the way back to the train station at Kansas City -- and then they all become passengers in a very long train that slowly passes your lemonade stand.

Those are plateau dreams. Your Soul and Wellness want them. Your brain is too stupid to want them, but it is turned off.

The dream just before this, had something to do with walking down a corridor in a Blue Suit. I think it was an airport.

Then, I started to make some food. I was at an island, a kitchen island. It was big, with a shiny black marble surface; and it had many food ingredients on it, in many differently shaped and colored containers; which I was happily browsing amongst, picking out my favorite delicacies for my ultimate munchy salad -- that I was looking forwards to.

But, my feeling of impending culinary satisfaction was being countered by a growing uneasiness. Something else was trying to intrude upon my dream, and take it away from me. I wanted my ultimate munchy salad!

Something else wanted all of my neurons instead. We struggled, and the salad was tossed.

I began to run down the hallway of a very large building, quite modern, a lot of steel inside the walls, wall lockers along parts of the hallway, a lot of colorful marble in the walls, the hallway became wider the further I ran -- then there were large doors made of heavy copper frames edged with stainless steel, and thick glass filled the frames. They swung easily on precise bearings, and I flung one of them open to run out onto the great stone balcony.

A middle-aged woman, in a woman's beige-colored suit and looking like a former cheerleader now turned housewife, was on the balcony already having climbed a stone stairway in the distance. She was walking towards the doors, doing something (anything) and not seeing my approach. I realized that she represented my unconcern for what anyone thinks when I do this -- and after taking five or six large leaps out onto the balcony, I flew away, and did not look back.

Well, I soared -- technically.

I kind of pointed myself upwards and to the left, and flew.

I remember seeing Superman fly, on the old original televisions.

I never fly that way. Plus, I usually pack a lunch.

There has to be lunch.

Lunch consists of flying on my back, like an Otter sails the waves, and breaking large goblets of delicious goodies onto my tummy. Each time a goblet breaks, some delectable munchies come rolling out; which I eagerly devour, while keeping one eye glued on where I am going. Don't ask about that.

But, I digress. I fly with style, sort of like a seal. I have been known to sail past the Franklin Mint upon occasion, standing on the prow of a cloud much like George Washington crossing the Potomac.

But, I digress. Flying is all about vortexes and the tunnel through the air that you make as you fly. You create your own slip-wake or slipstream as you sail through the air, and it effects where you go and how easily or how difficulty you can turn and maneuver. With practice, you learn how to anticipate the effects of every move that you make in the air, and to know instinctively what is possible according to what you just did.

So, your entire body moves -- like a seal swims through the Antarctic Ocean.

Superman, on television, just layed out like he was on an Ironing Board and flew -- like he was an Ironing Board. He would move his hands, sometimes.

In Reality, you are always moving -- all of you. And, every movement has an effect. The idea, of course, is to have the right overall accumulative effect, of what you are doing as a total body movement.

So, if you have a fat ass -- stay out of the air. Fat asses are a drag. You will not be able to out-fly your own fat ass. It will keep you too low to have any fun, and when you fall -- it will not be onto your fat ass.

Turning and swerving and swooping and swinging and pivoting and reaching and shifting and climbing and diving -- these are all the things that work in the air, and in combinations too. Plus, there are moves that really work well that are parts of one thing and parts of another.

But, I digress.

I was far above the balcony in a matter of seconds, and I was testing the flight for a ceiling. Due to my sense of 'dream time', and my resources, I usually encounter a ceiling to my flights. Other dreams may be waiting. So, I make the most of what I can do.

Not this time. There was nothing. There was nothing else. There was so much energy available that the meters did not even register. Time did not exist. Mentally, I braced myself.

Critical Ascent hit like a fast elevator that was drawing me upwards. I was being taken upwards, without flying. Those openings in the clouds that allow large sunbeams to shine through, and are so convenient as balconies, cracked open the clouds above me and towards one I sped upwards. It was bright, of course, but it opened onto a seashore that looked vaguely familiar. The water looked like an ocean, but I got the sense that it was a vast lake instead. It was very blue, royal blue, and I could not see any other shore to it; but I was not really looking for one, because the mainland below had my attention. All of the land was covered by brown grasses, white sand dunes, dark seashore brushes, but no trees. It was a seashore, not a lake shore. Lake shores never look like that, and it was vast. I realized that it was a large land dome, quite wide and not too high, that had a large body of water along its shores.

I swooped down to look at it closer. I wanted to hover for a while at various places and sample the flora, until I had satisfied myself of what kind of land it was.

The closer to the surface I came, however, the more I noticed that the water was very choppy and white capped. I was not concerned with the lake, and I tried to descend to a patch of brushes up on the side of the dome, but the water kept acting up. I looked again at the lake, and then I noticed that the skies overhead were swirling. Far above me, the sky was covered with a massive rotating disk of clouds, all turning counter-clockwise like a great wheel or gear, as I looked straight up from my flying position. Between myself and that cloud formation, there ran many lower streams and collections of fast moving white clouds; all closer to me and flying fast off to my left. I began to feel a pull by the wind currents that grew stronger, until I was being carried by the winds out over the lake. With some struggle I was able to stabilize in a direction that went along with the faster movement of streams of clouds just above me. But, where were they going to? And, where had they come from?

Instinctively, I turned to look behind me; for I was now flying (with the lower winds) at left angles to my previous course.

Behind me, right behind me, was an enormous Water Tornado of intensely clear and yet pure blue water. It reached from the lake's surface, which it was ripping apart and drawing upwards in unheard of volumes, to the great gear of clouds far overheard. The tornado was easily three miles high and a mile across -- and swirling and swirling -- very tightly for its great girth -- its energy was immense and it knew it -- and exhibiting every kind of formation and reflection and texture and clarity and movement that water molecules are capable of -- many of which ordinary people never see in their lifetimes.

The molecules of it, lived in their own niche of the Universe now; and they followed Laws of Physics that only existed there. They moved together in tremendous numbers, and swirled and danced and swooped and spun and dove and recovered and rippled and shuffled and cascaded in directions and in ways no Human has ever seen before. Not just one, but many such water forces moved through the tornado simultaneously. The tornado was a living world of water molecules that were now existing apart from the rest of the Universe, and obeyed only three things -- gravity, centrifugal force and their own Will.

It was on my course, and moving faster than I was. Of course! It was drawing at me too. I was a good five thousand feet above the surface of the lake, and I was trying very hard to ascend up to the great gear of clouds in the skies above me -- for I felt I would be more able to deal with that, than this enormous funnel of water coming at me. But, the Water Tornado would have none of that, and it drew at me and closed the distance between us rapidly.

There was nothing for it, and I was fearless of my own Nature anyway, so I stopped trying to fly away from it and dove towards its center instead.

As soon as I was inside the gigantic column of moving water, I began to stand and walk, instead of fly. I was immersed in water, a sea of fast moving water that moved around me instead of carrying me with it; like I was some immovable barrier that it merely went around. I was in the cyclone of water itself, not in the center. I was so far inside however, that there was no seeing to the outside. For as far as I could see everything was water, moving, turning, churning, splashing, waving, revolving -- yes, revolving more than anything else -- revolving in a huge formation that I could only see the closest part of, but nonetheless could feel the presence of the rest of it.

The sidewards forces of it would have torn a battleship to shreds; but I felt nothing of it, for it was my Nature anyway.

Wherever I went inside the tornado, this remained the fact. And wherever I went, in whatever manner I was standing or leaning, my little water compound friends would stop and pay their respects.

They liked my outstretched arms more than anything else, but they would also settle on my shoulders and my knees. In crisp and tidy compound formations they would alight onto my arms, and light up.

One second they were not there, then out of the incredible revolving sea around me they would zoom and zip onto my arms and stop. Always in an orderly formation, and much like water birds on a high power wire. They would bob. They did not move left or right, but they bobbed up and down on my arms, and lit up like little light bulbs of water; they all had pointed bodies, like pointed light bulbs.

All of each compound would light up so much that it fairly oozed light, and then it would go out instantly, and then it would repeat. They all did this, but not together, so the appearance was that of an amazing dazzle of water lights. Then, something would happen within the tornado, that no Human would recognize, and they would quickly fly off of my arms and flash back into the great revolving water column.

Soon, it would happen again; but each time the water compounds were different. Just as friendly, but the colors and the lights were different; even though they all bobbed and never weaved.

Now, the dream began to densify. All substances took on a sharper and more solid weight and form. I realized that I was changing as well, because no Human can experience such pressures and immersion into the world of water. I was becoming the water, the tornado, the cavalcade, the processions and the vastly changing flow patterns. I was becoming all of it, and part of it, and it began to reveal to me what it really was -- as opposed to just a phenomenon witnessed.

I, had become the water equivalent of myself; or rather, myself as water. I was now in liquid form, held together into my original appearance and shape by cohesive forces which even I could not contemplate. I was the liquid version of my own former self; and whenever I moved, I flowed rather than displaced. I left a trail of water behind my every movement, without losing any of my true self.

As such, I could now intermingle with and participate with the tornado's molecules at a much closer distance, and I began to see intricacies of their movements (always in massive formations and always moving) that no Human eyes had ever seen before. Instead of seeing just a huge rotating quantity of water like the inside of a vortex, I saw many slower moving layers that were operating independently from the overall rotation, even though they were part of the operation. Whereas, the overall tornado was rotating counter-clockwise, within that rotation many molecule formations were dropping downwards, or sheeting at diagonals, or streaming in threads one after the other in trails. And, all of them were exceedingly three-dimensional.

For a brief moment I saw myself. I was standing inside the rotation, going along with it now, and I was reaching out in many directions trying to touch the layers. Whenever I swung my arm in any direction, it left water images of itself behind in a trail of movements. I looked like myself, but I was denser and more real and most of all I was very much at home in this highly charged and very powerful environment. I belonged here. I was in one of my elements, and I knew how to handle myself. I decided to fly again.

I began to rise up through the torrent itself, through the layers rather than through the much more calm center of the tornado. Still, the water was entirely clean and blue and often crystal-like in vision, parts of it becoming so clear that shafts of light came into the rotation from the outside world.

The higher I rose, the faster I ascended, and the more air I encountered. The rotation became saturated with millions and billions of air bubbles, all intermixed into the various layers as they carried out their individual movements. I knew that I was starting to break out of the mass of the water funnel, but it would take a lot of effort. The more effort I exerted, the brighter my surroundings became and the higher the air content became. I knew that I was moving upwards, and outwards as well ...

when someone said -- "There are 51 of them, that we can count so far."

Without as much as batting an eyelash, I was standing in one of the streets of a large city at the entrance to a store. The store front was constructed of heavy wooden structures of highest and dark qualities, and the doorway (composed of two large doors of wood and glass) was open. The entire place was decorated in brass ornaments and brass fixtures and brass fittings. It had an expensive look to it. It was a gun shop, in the downtown area of a large city.

Several men were going into the gun shop quickly, and looking at assault rifles. I was to understand, from their conversation and from the generalized panic in the streets, that a nearby shopping complex (a downtown mall of similar architecture and many floors) had been attacked by a large force of Islamic Terrorists. That, is what a lot of the civilians were calling them; of course I knew that this had to be a genuine military attack carried out by regular Commandos from a foreign state. None-the-less, I felt the urgency of the situation as there was reportedly many hostages being held inside of the shopping complex, perhaps dozens.

I joined the men, and started to look through the available assault rifles that were in the gun shop, displayed in gun racks of course. I chose a short-barreled M1A rifle in 7.62x51mm. That model is basically an M14 with a shorter 16 inch barrel -- a carbine version of the M14 rifle, with a 20 round magazine.

At this point, the dream began to phase or leapfrog from one scenario to another; all tied together by invisible mechanizations of my mind that were not apparent to me. Somewhere, somehow, they all flowed together and I was given the impression that my involvement was deliberately periodic, such that I lived through choice sections of the entire event, but not all of it.

At the first point, I had chosen my weapon and I felt the urgency to join the civilian militia, that was forming to counter-attack the foreign Commandos that had seized the downtown shopping complex. America was at war, and it was the Real Americans that were going to fight.

My next vision was from a height and distance overlooking a large city square. At my end, the area was open and free of buildings, but at the opposite end stood a large entrance to the shopping center. The entrance was several stories high and made of ornate wooden works and pillars. The walls of the shopping center, at street level, were composed of brick structures, interlaid with large windows twenty feet high. On either side of the square, were other buildings (nondescript) such that the square was a three-sided enclosure, covered with colorful and flat cobblestones. I would say it measured the size of two football fields side-by-side, which is large but the buildings next to it were much larger, so it had a smaller feel to it.

The enemy Commandos were all over the shopping complex, I was given this to know, and at the entrance (which I could see from my vantage point) there was a group of them posted, rifle barrels pointing out of broken door windows at the square. Negotiations were going on between city officials and the Commandos, negotiations for the release of hostages.

All along the other two sides of the square many dozens of SWAT-type units were assembled, all in black with black helmets and black rifles pointing towards the entrance to the shopping center. From my view, the shopping complex appeared to be at least ten stories high, with much larger buildings in the background and on all sides -- so we really were in the downtown section of a large city.

Negotiations were getting nowhere between the SWATs and the Commandos -- and then from beneath my viewpoint a civilian walked up to the entrance. He was dressed in a grey suit with a matching grey overcoat. He was in his fifties, and apparently an official of the city. He was the Mayor of the City, and he offered himself as a hostage in exchange for a release of children held captive by the Commandos.

Two things happened simultaneously. First, I realized that this had to be a Human City, because no Queer-Sucking DemoCrap F**k ever to exist would sacrifice its own vile and twisted and greedy self in any exchange for any People in danger. Second, the Commandos accepted the offer and immediately released three children and their mother from the building -- all of whom ran as fast as they could down the square to crowds of civilians, who ran forwards to grab them and hurry them out of sight.

Nowhere, I recall, were there any TV Turds, Nowhere. But, I could hear civilians (all armed) saying that this was a brave thing for the Mayor to do; and while they were praising his bravery another event occurred which no DemoCrap in its best insane and greedy brain would ever dream of doing.

The Chief of Police emerged from the crowds below me, and walked to the entrance where the Commando leaders were. Naturally, the SWATs got really uptight about this -- but he waved them off and was seen talking to the Commandos at the entrance to the shopping center. His reception was not so friendly, and he got knocked down and kicked several times, until he assured them that it was not a trick. He was hauled into the building, and disappeared. Shortly thereafter, there was a lot of shouting heard, and then four more children were thrown out of the building. They too, went scurrying across the square into the arms of many waiting civilians with guns and assault rifles.

With them, came the news that there were hundreds of Islamic Commandos in the shopping complex; and there were many hostages, perhaps hundreds.

That news 'Let Slip The Dogs Of War' -- as the saying goes.

Everything changed again, as I was whisked forwards in time. I was given to know that the SWATs were basically useless (probably HomeQueer Security Sucks); and many civilian militiamen had counter-attacked the Commandos.

I was instantly immersed in a fire fight. I was side-stepping through the lobby of a large downtown bank (which must have been part of the shopping center); and I was firing bursts of rounds over clerk counters and out through broken windows into a very large corridor (well lit from above) of the shopping building. At the receiving end, was a group of Commandos who were dodging my bullets, and trying to fire back at me. The sounds hit me like a hammer. There were explosions happening further down the corridor, as more civilian militia were using grenades against the Commandos; and I was firing rounds so I heard that, and incoming rounds were whizzing around me, and I had just shot some Commando who decided to die very loudly -- while he was falling backwards into the corridor by breaking through a very large window.

Then, I changed times again. I was suddenly running up a staircase lined in white marble tiles. It was so wide that it had no handrails on the sides, and as I ascended to the next platform with my M14 carbine I saw a clustered group of civilian militiamen crouched on the flat space there; pointing their assault rifles upwards along the angle of the next stairs, and also at much sharper angles. All were firing upwards at Commandos.

They were as mixed a group of men as you can find, all with different attires, all of different heights and builds and colors -- about eight of them -- and they were very apprehensive and very determined. They were talking and supporting each other with words and directions. They kept up a steady fire, and bodies of Commandos began to fall down the open space between the stairs. Showers of blood fell from above, and then one of the militia was hit, killed and smashed against a far wall all at the same time.

A grenade was tossed from above, but it hit an obstacle and fell down the stairway shaft to explode beneath us. We all hugged the stairs as the building around us shook from the explosion. I was still moving upwards, apprehensive step after apprehensive step, and I could not bring my barrel to bear on any enemy yet -- but the militia on the platform above me could, and they started up again.

One of them was dressed in a tweed suit. Very white, very bulldog-like in appearance, long blond hair combed straight back on his head, with a brown pipe clenched in his teeth. He fired upwards in ratta-tat-tats, and whenever he hit an enemy he muttered -- "there you bastard!" through his clenched teeth.

I moved through time again, and now I was running along a balcony far above a corridor in which more fire fights were hammering away. I could hear shouting in two languages from far below, and a Commando was running along the same balcony; only on the far side, in the opposite direction of myself. I knew he was going to shoot down upon American Militiamen, I knew it. He ran while he took up his rifle, and put the barrel over the rail that he ran next to. He was going to stop soon, and fire. Then, he saw me. We were both running, in opposite directions, about eighty feet apart. In front of both of us, was a glassed-in barrier topped by a stainless steel railing at mid-chest height. Next to these we had to run, and shoot over; and as we ran we targeted each other and began to fire. He hit low and behind me as I ran. I fired a trail of bullets at him in an arc, and it caught him in the chest. He suddenly lurched backwards in the opposite direction of his running.

I shifted forwards again, and downwards to the ground level. I was in a side corridor now, with smaller and more specialized shops all around me. The building was definitely on fire. I could hear the fire storm. It was above me, and to my left. The air in the corridor was being rapidly sucked upwards by the inferno above. Probably the top floors of a quarter of the building was set on fire by the Commandos. I was given the impression that the tide of battle was turning against the enemy. There was enough open space over my head for me to hear many sounds of battle, as they occurred in the floors above.

I heard a charge. I could not see it, but I could hear Americans charging a Commando strong point, probably six floors above me. Then, I heard grenade rifles firing. I braced myself, and a loud and heavy series of shocks warped through the building from above. Walls buckled and floors gave way. Ceilings collapsed, and outer walls smashed outwards into the surrounding city. Men ran over barriers with screams, and there was heavy fighting and much small arms fire.

I did a fast 360 degree sweep to check my own surroundings. I used the barrel of my M14 carbine as a pointer, but there were no Commandos in sight. I said to myself that I have to get myself back into the action, so I started looking for some stairs to climb. I was interrupted by a sniper round that barely missed me, and shattered a plexiglass window behind me. More sniper rounds came in, from a mannequin display of a store front further towards the center of the building. I hit the floor, and fired a 20 round clip from a prone position into all of the mannequins. A Commando sniper abruptly appeared, bleeding, clutched a mannequin for support and then they both fell into the corridor.

I snapped up and back-peddled into the nearest store, while changing ammo clips. I had some kind of fuzzy idea of finding an outside stairway, and I kept backing into the store. I hit up against the back wall of the store with my back, and I was naturally rebounding and just about to set off in a run towards the sounds of fighting far above -- when I saw something move in my peripheral vision to my left. I swung around, slammed a cartridge into the breech, and aimed.

Hiding behind a sales counter were four people from that store. Not hostages, because they were unseen. They had lined up racks of clothes in front of the counter to hide themselves, and the counter. The Commandos had missed them, but now I was stuck. I was out of the fighting, and I knew it.

I could not leave civilians unprotected in a Battle Zone. I had no idea of what the composition of the battle was at that time, so I knew nothing of the whereabouts of the enemy. I had no recourse. I told them all to get down lower on the floor, and I held my ground.

Time began to flash again. I had a brief impression of a Commando coming at me from the far left. I believe he ran through a wall from the next store. He was dressed like all of the other Commandos, black special-ops gear with Israeli-type helmets and black-ops assault rifles. This one had a night-seeker on his helmet visor, but it was raised up so I could see his face. He saw me, when I saw him. I was faster, and he died.

Now -- I was outside, on the ground at the far end of the square. I had just delivered the four salespeople over to the civilians; and I turned back to see that the shopping complex was truly on fire. Most of its upper five floors were in flames, bright orange and yellow flames that reached up very high over everyone. Inside, the fighting had ended. Fire fighting units were arriving in the area, their sirens could be heard on the far side of the shopping complex.

The square was empty, no worthless SWATs anywhere. Smoke poured from broken windows of the shopping center, from the fourth floor upwards. I did not see anyone going into the building, to see who was still alive.

What a propaganda coup for the enemy this is, I thought to myself.

I stood there, sweating and bleeding, holding my M14 carbine in my right hand and just looked at the dream.

I was thankfully ignored by everyone around me.

I saw myself. I saw what I looked like, from several yards off to my right side. I was wearing a Desert Storm Recon outfit, all beige and tan camoflauge, with no hat. I was splattered with red blood.

I was given to know that 282 Islamic Commandos had attacked the city, mission unknown. 418 American Militia had perished in the fighting. Death count for the Commandos was still rising at 192. Only in the later stages of the fighting did the militia bother to take prisoners.

I woke up.

I have no name for this dream.


What is a (Bleep-bleeper)?

Ask the scumbag that owns AmaBunns (formerly Amazon).


Markel Peters










I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message.
Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.



























Labels Of All Posted Messages--A Way To Search Through Messages By Labels

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed


This blog exists to inform the People, of the 'Real Truth' about the real enemies of the Human Species. These Truths are not objectionable, as they are Truths. Only the telling of them can be objectionable, to those who wish to hide the Truth. If the Truth is something you HATE and therefore object to - go elsewhere!


Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!


The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.