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Showing posts with label Vitamins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vitamins. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Such A Pleasant Visit To Webster City -- And Podcasts for September 2021:

Can you say “Queer Medias”?

If you cannot say “Queer Medias” ...

Leave this place.


Warning: Appropriate Language Ahead.



Such A Pleasant Visit To Webster City:

I Was A Bit Apprehensive. The Satan Cult In Webster City Usually Tries To Get My Attention By Attacking My Impala With Their Greased Anuses, But Not Today. Perhaps It Was Because Of The Pimped-Up White Nigger Faggot In The Pimp's-Faggot-White Forrid Bug.

That Punk (For The Big Business White Assholes) Travels From Store To Store In Webster City Trying To Foment Hatred Against Human Resistance; And To Recruit Spies Amongst The Clerk/Slaves There.

Stupidly However, The Rat Looks Exactly Like A Slightly Plump, Too Clean, Dipshit-Sweater-With-Tiny-Alligator, Whimpering 40's Bitch For The 300 Pound Faggots, Thinks It Is Succeeding, Avoids Being Seen By Real People When Possible -- Rat That Only Other Rats Listen To.

Which Gives Me The Tipoff As To What Is Human And What Is Not Human In Webster City. Of Course It Drives An Over-Chromed Twisted-Looking 'Pimp's Faggot White' Forrid Bug.

I Looked For That Turd, Butt To No Avail. It Must Have Been Out At A BUWI Site, Sucking At Every Opportunity. And, Its Little Cell Phone Is So Cute On Its Fat Hips.


True Value ...

Very Well Stocked And Without The White Nigger Collaborator At The 'Other' Hardware Store. I Had A Pleasant Conversation With The Fine People There, About Wolf Spiders. Wolf Spiders Are Notorious Here In The Real Iowa, For Making A Mess Out Of Anything They Can Build A Spider Web On. The Fine People At True Value Advised Spraying The House With Anti-Bug Spray, Right Onto The House Itself. I Asked If That Would Stain The House Siding, But They Said It Would Not. So, We Will See.

Hy-Vee ...

Hasn't Changed For As Long As I Have Been Here (2003) And Looked A Little Thinner Today For Some Reason. Maybe It Was Because The Workers There Were Constantly Jumping Around In The Isles, Trying To Avoid The Monkey Turds That Were Dropping From The Ceiling Speakers.

Odd Happenstance. Each Little Falling Monkey Turd Was Screeching 'BITE!' 'BITE!' 'BITE!'

Well, I Used To Work In Fort Dodge So I Am Used To Such Sights. Today, I Was Looking For Vitamins. I Always Find Some Interesting Vitamin Combinations At Hy-Vee, Which Is A Grocery Chain. So I Left With Some New Vitamin Items At Huge Prices. I Seldom Go To Hy-Vee Because Of The Prices. I Also Grabbed Some Milk And Orange Juice And Other Items, To The Point Where I Did Not Have To Continue Shopping For Such Things At The Fareway Chain Across The Street.

Dollar General ...

Cannot Miss A Chance To Visit A Dollar General. Without Dollar General Stores The Midwest Would Come To A Screeching Halt. This Store Is Quite Well Organized And The Staff Are Friendly.

'Downtown' Chinese Restaurant ...

I Stopped In For Some 'Takeout' Egg Rolls And To Get A Menu. Very Nice Place, And Quiet. Apparently The Satanists Do Not Terrorize The Main Street Of Businesses In Webster City. Which Of Course Indicates That The Satanists Are Democrap-Based And Supported By Big Business White Assholes. And, The Local Democrapia queer newsrag Is Located On The Main Business Street.

Chevy Dealer ...

I Stepped In To Get Some Replacement Switches Which Had To Be Ordered.

Town Tour ...

I Casually Toured The Downtown Area And A Few Neighborhoods, Looking For Discrepancies And Indications Of Forrid Fanaticism; But I Found None.

Old Electrolux Site ...

On The Way Out, I Slowly Passed The Very Large Empty Field Where An Electrolux Factory Once Existed. Years Ago, Before The Factory Closed, I Used To Haul Washing Machines And Driers From This Factory To Chicago To Be Tested. When The Factory Closed, A Lot Of People In Webster City Thought It Was The End, But The City Still Thrives. It Thrives Because Electrolux Was Full Of Democraps, Most Of Which Are Now Gone.


Without Forrid Freaks And Queer Propaganda Vermin, Webster City Is One Of The Nicest Towns In The Midwest. How Do I Know?

Answer: This One Might Surprise You. But Before I Answer, I Must Explain That In These Terrible Days Of Continued Politics And Continued Forridism And Continued Perversions, The Only Way To See Anything (And Appreciate Anything) Is To Either Ignore Or Filter Out The Terrible Sights; Such As Dirty Fat Rats In Pimp's-Faggot-White Forrid Bugs, And Despicable Democraps That Are Dirtier Than The Trash Forrids That They Drive. So, What I Tell You About Webster City (Or Anywhere) Is Without The Vile NEA/Forrid/Queer/Politics Infestations.

The Answer Is -- You Can Tell What A Town In The Midwest Is Like (And What Its Quality Is) By Its Alleyways.

Not By Its Main Streets.

Not By It Pretenses.

Not By Its Advertising.

Not By It Fakeries And Presumptive Airs.


In Fact, So Clean And Decent Is Webster City (Without The Infestations) That I Did Not See A Single Forrid 'Snakehead' As Long As I Was There. 'Snakeheads' Are A Kind Of Forrid Trash That Look Exactly Like The Severed Head Of A Snake Mounted On Four Wheels. Each Is A Kind Of Rolling Satanic Church And Alter For The Forrid Religion That Worships 'Drof' -- The Satanic God Of The Queers/APA/Democraps/Forrids/Serial Killers. Each Driver Of A 'Snakehead' Is A Satanic Priest Of The 'Drof' Religion.

However! None Today! Which Is So Wonderful!




Podcasts about Stupidity--September 2021--01


Podcasts about Stupidity--September 2021--02

These podcasts are about the deleterious and stupidizing effects of the Queer Medias -- with Cheese Pizza.

There are two of them and I was not too elaborate with these, because I wanted to do something else and visit the Parkersburg area.


The Forridism Filthy Constant:

There is no such thing as respecting that which cannot be respected by Man nor Beast.


The Good News is two-fold:

1. When you stop any one of the Core Perversions of the SQLD, such as the APA/Medias/Forrids/Monkey Judges/NEA/Democraps/ACLU/Facebook/Covid19/S.Q.U.I.R.M./CNN/Conservatives/Cult of the Asshole/Queer Unions/Berserkers/Middle-Bastards-For-Hire ... you diminish all of them.

2. The average of Forrid Infestation to Human Traffic on the Interstate Highways of Iowa, Nebraska, Wisconsin, Missouri, Illinois, South Dakota and North Dakota has declined to one out of ten; which means for every greased turd from Forrid there are nine Human Vehicles.

That means it is safe for Humans to drive on their own Interstate Highways again!!!!

There are still 'bug clumps' of Forrids out here trying to advertise that pathetic brand name, but they are instantly ignorable.

On some Interstates the ratio is one to sixteen in favor of the Humans.


In Iowa and Wisconsin and Nebraska and South Dakota we are finally getting down to the core of the matter with the Forrid Horrids. The dummies that were duped into buying Forrid Abominations (and serving as Queer Bait for the Democraps and Deviates) have lost the ability to pretend that they are Humans, and are leaving the Dark Side in droves.

On the highways and roads, this leaves only the hired queer mercenaries and the worst killer queers to make the rolling advertisements for the Forrid Money-Making Machine of the Deviates -- and -- those things are always violent and nasty and grotesque anyway. They are the spawn and the hired lackeys of the Demented White Female Fascists (DWCF) that swore to kill America if it will not become a World-Of-Lies for the Queer Masters.

Consequently, with so many dupes and lackeys out of the way we are now seeing what the Perverts behind Forrid really look like; and they are typically evil and horrendous.

Scum and vermin such as them were going to be the Herd Masters of your populations when the queer takeover of the country happened on June 26th of 2013.

If -- it had succeeded.

Take a good look at those Pieces Of Shit. You would have become their cattle, and the Demented White Female Fanatics (DWCF) would have become the witches that own you.

If -- Human Resistance had not succeeded.

This is happening here, in America. It is an internal pestilence trying to kill the country from within. Sponsored by every piece of White Nigger Filth and Deviate Trash that the Blue Scourge can invent.

I have placed a curse of Eternal Damnation upon all of it. The entire sewage of Blue Democrapia is damned to Hell by me. But, not just any old Hell. New Hells have been requested for their particular crimes against the Universe. And new ways of burning in Hell have been recommended just for those twisted and deranged Scuzz.

Which -- you would expect -- should make the things very happy. However, the Death that programmed and killed their brains in Public/Political Schools, also made them think that they are Angels and Gods and Goddesses and the 'Divine Elite'. The 'Divine Elite' of some sewage which even they cannot define outside of Queer Propaganda. They have been taught to expect some kind of Democrap-and-Deviate Heaven as their final reward for killing the Universe.

Instead -- they will boil in Hell's Urine forever.

And, the horrific and godless Satanism that committed such crimes against them (and turned them into the monsters they are today) exists here -- in America -- wherever the Blue Scourge exists.

Can the things stop this insanity?

Answer: Not without being dead first.

I told you many times, the Queerism Disease demands worse and worse monstrosities and evils from each successive political generation of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead (SQLD). By this time, by this generation, the things that will replace the Demented White Female Fascists will be completely Non-Human aliens. TV fodder. FM slaves. Raised to kill all that came before them. Raving lunatics in Forrids.

Jackal Droppings County in Wisconsin is a typical example of such drooling and mindless insanity. Take a close look at the freaks and psychopaths that infest Jackal Droppings County; which has the highest ratio of Demented White Female Fanatics (DWCF) and Middle-Bastards-For-Hire (MBFH) to living Human Beings in the Midwest.

Only the presence of unmitigated and unchecked Satanism can account for such Writhing Sewage. Its position between the Madison Asshole and Milwaukee is just a small factor contributing to its intense lunacy. The Hideous Boston Horrid Zone (HBHZ) has chosen Jackal Droppings County for its own. Which means Jackal Droppings County is now an Abortion.

And, I have constantly warned all of you that the Deviates always strike first at the targets (and locations) where the factors of corruption and social insanity are already the worst in any area!!!!!!!!!!

I should request a special Hell just for Jackal Droppings County -- but on second thought, Jackal Droppings County is Hell.

abortion is hell


Just as certainly as the Queer Medias are worthless -- the Forrid extension of the Queer Medias and the Shit Agenda is worthless.


What I am about to explain is based upon great amounts of information available across the board. For instance, across the country many Forrid Sewerships are now changing into multi-brand dealerships because the stain of the Forrid Religion is too noxious for many customers.

Do the 'locals' know that?

Answer: Of course not. Locals only know what they are shown locally.

Such information is not available on a local basis, and the lack of local awareness of the larger realities accounts for why some of the Least Intelligent 'local' People are being fooled into buying Forrid machines.

Overall, there are many attacks being made by Queers in Forrids against Real Humans in Iowa and the Midwest; which includes fooling the Least Intelligent People into giving money to Forrid in order to finance further attacks and lies, and for fooling more of the Least Intelligent People.

This illustrates that Forrid is central to the current efforts of the Shit Agenda, which has lost heavily in the last few years due to Human Resistance.

The Deviates and Democraps (Is there a difference?) have always used Forrids to attack Society and Nature with; that goes back for decades. Previously, it was no big secret; but apparently many Less Intelligent People did not realize the connections between the Deviates and the Queers-in-Forrids.

Today, the BUWIs and the Construction Weevils are just an example of the continuous usage of Forrids to rend and rape the Earth with. Now, by taking over the World's Worst Corporation (instead of merely using the things) which were psychos to begin with; the Deviates have again made a huge mistake. Because the SQLD have heavily invested Forridism into their tactical approach, if you break down the Forrid Scourge you will cripple all Shit Agenda efforts.

Look at the 'Final Breakdown Of Horrid Forrid Levels' (below) and you will see that a 'Forrid Breakdown' will disable all SQLD efforts to hide behind the Forrid Scourge and to use the Forrid Scourge as a diversion and as a propaganda weapon. Using a pack of tiny-skulled psychopaths as an organized religion against the Human Species and as a 'Psycho Card' will undo much of the Shit Agenda, when the Forridism Scourge falls apart. No amount of ace bandages can make a tiny skull bigger. It just holds in the megalomania.

You must realize what 'Rejection' really means. For example, anything and everything that happens in Wash This Death City is instantly rejected by the Human Species. That Shithole is for Queers and Deviates and Democraps only. (Is there a difference?)

As a 'Human Investigator', look at any picture of the insides of Wash This Death City -- or any 'place' where Politics is happening. Every thing in the picture is Queer. Absolutely Queer!

No matter what it pretends to be, or what the Queer Medias say it is -- unless it is a Human prisoner held against His or Her will -- every thing in the picture is Queer. Absolutely!

Without doubt.

Every thing in the Politics Game is Queer. Forridism is in the Politics Game.


Final Breakdown Of Horrid Forrid Levels:

In order of descending importance to Satan ...

1. Snake Priests Of 'Drof' In Snakehead Machines.

2. Perverts And Asshole-Variety-Pack In Abominations.

3. Psycho-Safari Assholes (Mercenaries).

4. Propaganda Advertisement Exhibitionist Faggots.

5. Pawns And Dupes For Demented White Female Fascists (DWCF) And Queer Medias.

6. Shitheads In Forrids With Less Intelligence Than On Board Computer.

7. Pretenders, Of The Take-The-Kiddies-To-Pizza-Hut Variety, And Never Tell Them What Brainwashing Is.

8. Democraps at the top of the bottom as usual.

9. Monkey Judges get to ride in the trunk.

10. Filthy Monkey Horrors get to lick the hub caps.


A Ghetto Class House with a new Forrid in the driveway is just a Shithead's Shack.

What watches TV, buys Forrids, sends innocent children to Public/Political Schools to be butchered and Votes?

Answer: Shitheads for Queers.


By the way -- why is the perverted Forrid Queer Media the same Queer Media as the Queer Media?


The existence of the queer 'Drof' Religion of the Forrid Fascists is enough to cause the creation of any number of opposition religions from the Human Species.

Whatever the Forrid Fascists consider to be their central deity, is meaningless. I have put up the most likely candidate as their central 'Drof' deity, and it is a Mechanical Snakehead. This is very much justified by the fact that only Forrid makes an imitation automobile that looks like a snake's head.

The existence of the Forrid religion of 'Drof' and the whacko religion of the Filthy Monkey Horrors is more than enough to start a religious war against such demented trash. And, it probably will.

Incidentally, the photographic evidence shows that the Crappa-the-Twats are heavily involved in the Forrid religion of 'Drof'. Many insanity displays of Forrid trash on our roads and highways are supervised by Crappas in the parades.

This is the Truth, no matter what lies exist anywhere, or in any fool's tiny brain.


I repeat that Forrid-owning perverts are not allowed to read Human websites and are condemned to sucking up to the putrid websites of the IIIN!!!! So they cannot read this message because of the same brainwashing that forces them to suck up to IIIN sites!!!!


No Democrap is clean. No Democrap is Human. No Democrap does anything without being a Deviate.

One of the great achievements of our species is to force the Democraps to admit that any thing that helps the Deviates to attempt our genocide is itself a Deviate!!!!!!!!!!

The Democraps cannot have it their own way. They cannot even have Democrapia their own way. Those vermin thought they would help the Deviates to destroy Humanity and then they would rule over the Deviates and the wreckage.


Every Democrap is now ruled by the Deviates and is a Deviate. In fact, every Democrap is smothered under a mountain of Queershit. They have their own psychotic greed to thank for that.

However, it is part of their insanity to falsely believe that they can still have it their own way, even though they are enormously perverted forever now. So, they insist upon pretending that they are not Queers.

As ludicrous as that sounds, the Democraps are that crazy. So anytime you want to crush a Democrap, just remind it that it is as Queer as a Three Dollar Bill. It will go into fits of dementia and denials, and you can putt through.


The depths of insanity which grip all Democraps from Hell is so deep and dismal that the things are constantly obsessed with the pretense that they are normal and their lunacies are sane.

To reinforce that pretense -- they will kill anything that opposes the pretense -- including the Real Universe.

As impossible as that sounds -- that is the overriding insanity of all Democraps; to kill anything or anyone who opposes their lies.

Therefore, it follows that their threat to kill America, if America will not be their queer Dogshit Empire, is very real.

The 'Politics Game' is a fatal mental disease.

Right now, the Democraps rule the Politics Game here.

That Politics Game (and the Democraps) should be rotting in a mass grave right now.


The Meanwhile Report:

On September 26, 2021 I drove over to the Parkersburg area to once again look at all of the signs of Resistance that have been put up along the roads and highways there. These are specifically signs against the further expansion of the BUWI Cemetery that currently ruins the west end of Beaver Creek Valley. The BUWIs have erected another killer transmission line down the entire length of the valley, and their twisted brains always want to kill all areas (that are invaded by such lines) with their ButtUgly Windmills.

So far, that has only been done on the west end of the valley. Parkersburg and its area are in the east end of the valley. I want to draw your attention to the plight of the Humans in Beaver Creek Valley and remind you that the Humans of Southwest Wisconsin will face an identical invasion of ButtUgly Windmills if the ATC Line is allowed to despoil their lands.

The first six pictures were taken at the BUWI Cemetery in Hamilton County, to show you just how awful Democrapia can get.

The second six pictures show the Blood Electricity Line that runs down the length of Beaver Creek Valley, and some of the ButtUgly Windmills on the west end.

There were so many 'NO WIND FARM' signs in that area that I do not have space here to show them all to you -- or even a minority of them -- so I made a line sample. One route that zig zagged through. I had to stop because of darkness.


This is the place in any message where I have to say something profound and everlasting and meaningful -- so instead I will merely remind you of what antonyms are. An 'antonym' is the opposite of a meaning. For instance, if the word 'happiness' has the similar meaning to the word 'joy' -- then the antonyms would be 'unhappiness' and 'sadness'.

Truth and Lies are antonyms of each other. But more than that -- Truth and Lies have the affects on 'Civilization' of 'Bonding' and 'Dissolution' respectively. Truth cements a Civilization together. Lies dissolve a Civilization into pieces and Chaos.


Markel Peters



Wednesday, June 30, 2021



What Does Your Immune System Need--And Why--Part 1


What Does Your Immune System Need--And Why--Part 2







What Does Your Immune System Need--And Why--Part 1


What Does Your Immune System Need--And Why--Part 2



Mitochondrion is Number 10.





Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Do We Need A Religion Of Sanity?

Great News To Begin With:

My security certificate problems are solved.

I complained to Google Help and got the situation repaired -- in a weird sort of way. It is now easy to reach either of my websites by merely eliminating the WWW from the addresses. You may reach my websites by using any of the following addresses:


They will all work without security certificate warnings.

In celebration I would like to offer a few of my own illustrations about Human Resistance ...

This last picture is called 'In A Sane World'. Here, Human Resistance is no longer necessary.

Which do you prefer ...
Insanity Crushing Sanity?
Insanity-Crushing Sanity?


Warning: Appropriate Language ahead.


In this loony bin you can only have one or the other. In this sandbox full of lice and lunatics every kind of evil bug and retard and politician is trying to get inside your underwear, and you must either succumb to their twisted demands or burn the bastards and bitches out of your own pubic hairs.

Which brings up the topic -- Do We Need A Religion Of Sanity?

[[Please take notice that I am really serious about this, regardless of how I may mention other side topics while I discuss this.]]

I remember when I left the real U.S. Army back in 1972, I had the choice of staying in Germany and becoming a German Citizen or returning to the United States. Bavaria was (and is) beautiful and I loved it dearly, however for several reasons I chose to return to America to fight in the Revolution. At the time, none of the soldiers from America told me of how awful America had become while I was gone. I got back to find that the TV Turds and all of the Queer Medias had launched a 'Queer America To Death' campaign against my country.

Everywhere I went nothing was as it should have been. Not that I liked the way it was to begin with -- with Big Business White Assholes killing the Earth and the Politics Game forcing every citizen into obedient slavery and obsession with whatever the Politics Game wanted them to be obsessed about -- obedient about -- and scared about. Which was (and is) exactly why we needed a Revolution.

On all TV channels, sick White Niggers and dirty White Trash posing as so-called 'Liberals' (now defunct and working at queer newsrags as asscandy) were pretending that any and all forms of Deviation were the new wave of the future, and anyone who was opposed to such filth were themselves monsters and unfeeling beasts. It was the beginning of the Times of Queer Intolerance, wherein all Real Humans would be attacked just for being natural and for not being Sick-Sick-Sick like the perverts that were being promoted by the liberal TV Turds.

[[TV is nothing more than a propaganda showcase of how the Deviates expect everyone to act and look and lie and march to their orders. A video rendition of how the things want everyone else to be.]]

I did not realize at the time that the Deviates (including all of the Queers in the Medias and all of the now-defunct Liberals) had attacked the corruptions of the Politics Game and had taken them over completely; thereby possessing it all and giving the orders to every Politics scumbag in America.

I had left the sanity and peacefulness of post-war Germany to return to a boiling pot of dung which was pretending that it was still America -- which it had supplanted and smeared over with falsehoods, such as the sexual orientation lie. I went from Sanity (when I left America) to an America of Berserk Insanity when I returned. It was not to be the first time that I was exposed to absolute lunacy cloaked in the disguise of a so-called Homosexual Agenda.

Today, many insanities later, much of the orchestrated and choreographed explosions of insanity that are happening here are coming from the Queer Coalition Bladders (where I have confined much of the dementia) and are aimed at myself. Consequently, I am still seeing many absurd demonstrations and examples of craziness that are so weird (even for lunatics to perform) that I have been forced to create a new word in the English Language to describe it -- the 'Incrazies'. Which means some thing that is so totally insane (and psychotic at the same time) that it is 'Insane Beyond Crazy' -- hence the 'Incrazies'.

Sanity, is completely unknown within the Queer Coalition Bladders. I doubt if any thing inside of the Bladders knows of the existence of Sanity. If the things are never allowed to know the Truth, how can they know of Sanity?

In there, every thing and every action and every breath is based upon a pile of lies and the forced acceptance of those lies. Inside of the Bladders, Sanity is unheard of. Never known. Not imagined can exist.

I expect that to happen inside of the Bladders. Quite to the contrary, I expect Absolute Sanity outside of the Bladders where the People live.

[[You know that has to be True, or I would not be writing these messages and all of your lives would be an endless horror.]]

Apparently, and deliberately, the Queer Propagandists want the stench of their lies to pervade the nostrils of everyone on Earth. That noxious reek is supposed to queer the thinking of everyone everywhere, not just inside of the Bladders where it comes from.

Because of this, Sanity must continually be taught and exercised out here, where the Deviates are nothing more than the dung under our shoes while they plan and scheme to make us the slaves under their hooves. Just as all Politicians are nothing more than the nuisances under our shoes; and all of their Queer Political Laws and Queer Political Regulations are nothing more than the chains around our ankles.

Sanity + Nature + Logic + Goodness = No Queers


But, try to get it done. Done everywhere. Done and in place, as a defensive mechanism against all of the treacheries and the lies of the Deviates and their Politicians and their Monkey Lawyers and their Monkey Judges. A defense which the Deviates call (falsely) -- 'Homo-Phobia'. That being another of their lies which was created, in part, to try to divert everyone's attention away from the real phobias that are happening. Namely, 'Hetero-Phobia' and 'Sanity-Phobia' (otherwise known as Common Sense). Also, to reinforce their lies this time, the Deviates are trying to kill what was really common (Natural) and replace it with their schmeers of Agenda Assumptions and Demands. To remove the 'common' from everyday life and to replace it with their own putrid and nasty and dirty filth. Anti-Nature.

All the more reason to reinforce the equation ...

Sanity + Nature + Logic + Goodness = No Queers

[[I really am the 'Good Guy' in this war. Did I mention that? Do I have to repeat that? Plus! I am poorly understood by persons who put too much of their time and lives into worthless pursuits and bad habits and the false beliefs that the Deviates prescribed for them. Now, those false activities are locked up in the bladders with the Deviates, and the persons that they fooled are angry at me for that. Some persons are thus permanently ruined by the Deviates, and were programmed to like it. Those persons think very poorly of me.
Whenever they can get their brains off the toilet.]]


About Religion:

The question is -- Do We Need A Religion Of Sanity? Bear in mind as you answer this that we are talking about an unnatural Society of Liars that is diseased by many Queer Rules and Queer Regulations that are both Anti-Nature and designed to kill all Natural Tendencies in everyone -- and -- to replace them with perverted and sick little anti-life tendencies that favor such unnatural vermin as the Demented White Females (DWC). Sad and twisted blobs of hate, that utterly loathe Nature because of the bodies and faces they were given by Nature. Bodies and faces, that were never meant to be aesthetically pleasing in a society of ugly assholes; where only skin-deep cosmetic appearances are prized and appreciated.

Well, to begin with -- what is a Religion?
Answer: What it used to be has little to do with this War. Religion used to be a Human Institution that dealt solely with Human Problems. Today, few churches are Human, very few. Almost all of them are now Satanic and deranged and turned inside-out. Des Aliens is wallpapered with the corpses of former churches that are now just the hiding places of cowards and persons gone mad, those that are not downright under the tyranny of Queer Lies and march to Queer Orders. It sucks just to see that pesthole, and you may already know I have banished the place from all of Humanity. That modern day Sodom and Gomorrah is under the smothering dirt and filth of Deviate Politics and Deviate Bladders, and is now Anti-Human. Dead, to all intents and purposes. There is even a place on Interstate 80, that passes through Des Aliens, I call the 'Queer Corner'. It is the northwest bend of I80 (on the west side of Des Aliens) where it turns south for a few miles before turning west again. At that location there are two hideous Deviate command posts and propaganda centers -- a HomoQueerPoo orange fagware store, and a 'Barf It' queer propaganda outlet. Both are totally vile, and totally perverted and totally Heterophobic.

[[Butt! You can buy lies there!]]

Actual Human Religion is a thing of the past in such trash heaps as Des Aliens, which I would never go into except to pass through it at 65mph.

What is a 'Religion' anyway? It used to be the organized worship of religious ideas and religious beliefs; so of course it had to die wherever the Deviates are. Wherever the Deviates control a population, only Queer Propaganda is allowed and accepted; by force and by demand and by threats and by Thought Police.


To be more basic about it, a religion is an organized collection of like-minded believers or like-minded survivors. Christianity began as a collection of like-minded survivors, who explained their actions as those of like-minded believers. In those days, the scourge that everyone was trying to be free of was the Tyranny of the Roman Empire.

Today, the scourge that everyone is trying to be free of is the Tyranny of the Deviate Empire -- the Imperial BUWIs included of course. Religion has therefore become so inculcated into the cultures of many societies (later to be queered to kill those same societies) that most society constitutions insure the 'Freedom of Religious Beliefs'. That shortfall was their undoing. They should have mentioned that all religious beliefs have to honor God and Nature and Reality.

Sanity + Nature + Logic + Goodness = No Queers

A huge amount of churches would still be alive today, instead of animated corpses, if those constitutions had demanded religious adherence to this formula ...

Sanity + Nature + Logic + Goodness = No Queers

Of course, all Satanic organizations would shout and complain that such an exclusion of their Evils would be unfair and undemocratic and biased against Evil.



Adherence to such a formula as this ...

Sanity + Nature + Logic + Goodness = No Queers

would keep the Government out of the Religion Business, and thus the Satanists and the Deviates would not be able to own the Politics Game in its entirety, as they do now. Today, all of the Politics Game is deeply and satanically religious. Totally Evil. Religiously Evil. As was planned when the Politics Priests pretended to separate the State from the Church decades ago. That was done to create a void in the Politics Game which all of the Deviates and the Satanists could fill. Thus, the Politics Game and the Deviates Game and the Satanism Game are now one and the same; inside the filth of their own doings called the Queer Coalition Bladders.

Shoot any of the three, and you instantly shoot the other two. They are a three-headed monstrosity. June 26th, 2015 proved that beyond a shadow of a doubt. On that Day of Infamy five satanic and naked monkeys in a cage at Wash This Death City took a shit in their cage and expected the Human Species to eat it. On that day, no Monkey Judge or Monkey Lawyer was surprised. All monkeys knew what was going to happen, and approved of it. It was time to make the Mere People realize who were the Bosses of the Sewers. It was monkey-designed to crush all Human Spirits and to raise themselves truly above the crowds as the glorious masters of the stench and the flowing sewer pipes of Queer Progress. Monkey Rule.

Every Monkey Judge and every Monkey Lawyer was a part of that hideous plot, no matter what they said or how they pretended. Now, Perversion and Evil disguised as victims of injustice and religions of the oppressed are in complete control of the Government.

Obviously, such religions are NOT what we are talking about -- but are the opposite contrast of our own intentions. They are the fakery and the treachery and the perversions that all churches must oppose, without exception.

What we Humans need is a collecting of all Humanity into a Union against all Evil. Does that require a Church Religion? Must we create a Religion of Sanity to oppose and disarm all of the putrid lies and assumptions and demands and Thought Police of the backed up toilet at the Huffingbutt's Post? Their Ministry of Queer Propaganda.

Is a Religion of Sanity required? Certainly some kind of organized resistance against the swamp of lies and deceptions and playtimes of the Deviates is required. No sensible person would allow some overflowing and septic swamp full of squirming varmints to overrun their property and house and relatives without putting up a fight against it. At which point they would turn to the Government for support -- only to find out to their HORROR that the Government Is The Swamp!!!!

At the very same time, that Government of Vermin has a weakness. There are still written into the Legacy Laws (which all Perverts intend to destroy) many provisions for what they call 'Religious Freedom'.

You could start and maintain a Religion of Sanity and the douche bags of the Government would have to allow it to exist. That is a huge loophole in the Queer Laws and the Queer Regulations that they will certainly try to close up by demanding a full measure of kiss-ass servitude to all forms of Government Perversions, and the immediate acceptance of all forms of twisted and grotesque Horrids into all Religions.

In other words -- Tyranny.
Tyrannical Government.
This Government.
Queer Government.

It would be fun to create a Religion of Sanity inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders; but who could stand the smell in there, and the rancid air and the gutter faces and the crawling orgies and the Incrazy Rules and the psychobabble?

You could have a Human Religion outside of the Queer Coalition Bladders that never depended upon the Queer Government for anything except attacks and attempts to destroy them. To destroy them for another reason as well; remember what I said about the fact that all of Politics wants to control all of Society? Whenever anything happens outside of Politics that becomes a power onto itself (without Politics) all of the Politics Game tries to reach out and strangle it and drag it into their sewer. To possess it. To make it comply to the Politics Game, so there will be no powers outside of the Politics Game. A Human Religion of Sanity would represent a Human Union of People who automatically piss and spit upon all of Politics. Therefore, the Politics Gamers would try to destroy any Human Church of Sanity.

All the more reason to have one, and make it HUGE!!!! And, to maintain it.

The topic of Unity (or Union) is an important one for our Species, and of course it has nothing to do with the vile and grotesque so-called 'Unions' of the putrid Democraps. Our need for Unity is evidenced by the retarded Hispanic populations that cower and cringe in various localities here in America, where they can find jobs that Caucasians do not want to do, and they can stupidly watch the TV Turds and listen to the slimy lies of the Filthy Monkeys; and then cower and cringe in dark places where they think the non-existent Big Bad Humans will not find them.
What are the Big Bad Humans?
[[Warning. Appropriate Language.]]
Answer: The Big Bad Humans are turds. Turds pulled out of the assholes of Queer Propagandists and painted and dressed to look like people. They are then pushed into the faces of the shitheads that watch TV.
Such imbeciles are told that those dolled up heaps of lies are the Big Bad Humans that are everywhere! And, such monsters are too brutish and ugly and stupid to watch TV. The Big Bad Humans like to hurt anyone who does watch that glorious and magnificent and oh-so-beneficial bunch of TV Turds! They are dangerous! They are to be killed whenever possible as an act of self-defense!
It is a puppet show put on TV daily, to keep the shitheads that watch TV agitated with (and at odds with) all Real Humans. It is a daily Propaganda Show designed to reinforce all Queer Lies and keep the TV-watching losers from ever hearing the Truth about the TV Turds.
The fact that they have to use clumps of their own Queer Propaganda feces for the dolls in their puppet shows is irrelevant. No TV watcher has enough brains to know that it is looking at animated feces, or it would not be watching the TV Turds to begin with.
There are many TV-watching Hispanic Retards that are currently disabled and mentally crippled by such Queer Propaganda puppet shows. They cower and hide from Real Humans because they have been deranged and stricken by the 'Big Bad Human' Hoax of the Queer Propagandists.
Which the Deviates hope will prevent the Unity and Union of the various Human Contingents into one combined fighting force.
It is a scare tactic, and it is especially effective upon Illegal Mexicans that vote repeatedly at elections; and upon the entire Hispanic Population that suffers from a collateral fear syndrome given to them by the Illegals in their midst. It is collateral damage that is cruelly and perversely manipulated by the Anti-Human Deviates to keep as many Hispanics as possible out of the Human Unity -- otherwise known as the Human Species.
It is a True Hispanic Dilemma here in America.

Behind it all, is the ancient and completely obsolete brainwashing program that says People must learn about other People only through the Medias. That propaganda piece says the only way for People to know about each other is by watching the TV Turds, and by listening to the Radio News, and by reading the queer newsrags (etc). That false supposition has been a brainwashing and programming tactic of the Television Industry since its beginnings. Officially, the Television Industry began in the year 1939. That was twenty-four years after the invention of Mass Propaganda during World War One.(1) For the Television Industry, the usage of Mass Propaganda tactics to force the People to watch TV was absolutely necessary -- otherwise who in their right mind would sit on their dead butts for hours and look at a BOX????

There was never anything good enough on those boxes that was worth spending hours of time being completely inactive and growing fat and stupid just to watch something on a box. So ... the Little Charlie Dictators of the Little Charlie TV Stations had to come up with a way to force people to watch those worthless TV Boxes. The solution to their industrial problem was to create entire populations of stooges and idiots that were raised to think (dimly) that they must have the TV Turds in their lives to tell them what to do and what to think and what is true about each other and what is true about the world.


Consequently, it gave the Little Charlie Dictators an unprecedented and unofficial and illegal and horrid power over the large masses of victims that had been tortured in their Public/Political Schools.

Realizing the many technical illegalities of it all, and wanting more and more power, the Little Charlie Dictators bought the Queer Legal profession and enlisted the willing aid of the insane and egotistical psychcreatures to institutionalize TV into the American Society. They created a phony TV Culture, which by then was insisting that it was the Real and Only America. This was successful, and it gave the Queer Medias the false status of being the Official Medias of America, and hence the central outlets of any information and news that was worthy of being known by the mass populations.

Total control. Sponsored by the Queer Medias themselves using their advertising revenues and sanctioned by their privately owned Queer Legal profession.

Against which stands only Human Resistance and the Truth.


You know, if I am wrong about all of this, then why does the cult of obnoxious, egotistical, tiny-brained Ford Fuckup Fruitcakes want me to shut up?

I call them the 'Ford Fuckup Cherries'. Ain't they cute? Got to have an ass made of candy to drive it! Not that their asses are cherry any longer. In Ford Fuckups, quite the opposite! I guess there's nothing better than being a half-ass plastic vagina in a Ford Fuckup Cherry to make a faggot think it's a virgin.

[[Sickening ain't they? More sickening yet are the lying faggots that sell Ford Fuckups to stupid faggots.]]


With such an awful background, is it any surprise that insanity is running rampant and epidemic across this country; and wherever else the Queer Propaganda is allowed to disease a population of People?

[[A Disease Known Is Half Cured.]]
[[A Disease Only Half Delivered Claims Only Half As Many Victims.]]

Back to the question: Do We Need A Religion Of Sanity? I want to dwell upon the basics of this question. Certainly we need Human Unity and a comprehensive organization of Sane Humans that are dedicated not only to the many forms and varieties and nuances of Sanity, but are also fervently (not radically) dedicated to the maintenance and protection of all Sanities. To protect all versions of Sanity, and to protect all Humans who are sane and exercise their God-given rights to act and be Sane, and to promote Sanity everywhere. Even to invade the Queer Coalition Bladders with Sanity.

Sounds like your typical 'Holy Rollers' approach to spreading religious beliefs, except for six huge differences ...
1. There are NO beliefs involved.
2. The main objective of the organization is to promote and preserve a state of being and a reference standard relative to the results of Creation.
3. It is NOT a God-worshiping Religion directly. It is a religion that is determined to keep its parent species Sane and free of malfunctions caused by the lies and propaganda and the misinformation attacks of the enemies of the parent species.
4. It promotes Sanity and the exercise of Sanity; how to be Sane in a world infested with ridiculous sewers of insanity like Des Aliens and reverse-flow toilets of lies and misinformation like the Huffingbutt's Post.
5. By teaching Sanity, all real things in the Real Universe can be freed for learning; for without Sanity what sense is there to Knowledge?
6. A Religion of Sanity could not, and would not, demand adherence to Sanity. Sanity is its own reward, a huge reward. Sanity is an unbelievable phenomenon to those who have never experienced it before. It promotes itself. It is incredibly convincing once it is understood and exercised. It is like learning how to breathe air on land, to fish from the swamps and the sewers of the Queer Coalitions. From denizens of the Deep Dung to air-breathing mammals in the light of day, who (due to Sanity) can understand everything that they have never seen before. After one learning curve.


I have just heard an unsolicited narrative from a young man who recently traveled through Mordor, formerly Western Montana. He was talking to a woman at a truckstop in Western Iowa about his travels, and he had no idea that I was there and listening to him. He exactly said that there were more Pieces Of Shit in Misbegotten (formerly Missoula) than in the rest of Mordor combined. He said Misbegotten was way out there in the sticks and that was a good thing.

Bad for the sticks, good for all of us. He also said that Billings was a nice place to be in, which makes sense because Billings is outside of Mordor. Butte Hole is inside of Mordor, as is Boze Hole, and both smell and act like it. This leads to another ...

Young Woman 'W' is attracted to Young Man 'M' and sees him at a place 'P'. She wants him to know that she likes him, and she performs a series of mindless and alien 'signals' around him while they are both at place 'P'. Such 'signals' are meaningless fabrications by crazed females that have been dunced down by the FemiNazis, so they can never make love to Men. But, that is not why the Young Man 'M' totally ignores her. The Young Man 'M' knows something that the Young Woman 'W' cannot know because she has been brainwashed by the Queer Medias.
The place that they are both in ('P') is a Queer Pesthole. Place 'P' is owned or managed by Queers that allow Lesbian Urine to drip out of the ceiling speakers while faggots screech noises onto the heads of innocent customers from those speakers. The ceiling speakers are connected to a Filthy Monkey station on FM or Satellite. That makes place 'P' a complete sewer.
Not that Young Man 'M' would know what Young Woman 'W' is trying to do anyway. That 'signals' crap is the demented fabrications of prisoners trapped in the Society of Liars.
My point is -- no thing can be what it seems to be if it is part of a PLACE that is reversed by Deviates and evil with Monkeys.
Many Human Actions that would be completely natural outside of the Queer Coalition Bladders, are totally unheard of and unexpected and unheeded and utterly inappropriate inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders. So even if Young Woman 'W' were to say to Young Man 'M' that she wants to make love all night with him, starting as soon as they can get to her bed -- it would be meaningless gibberish in a PLACE that is a Deviate Pesthole.
A case in point -- throughout the year 2017 I tested a group of 'local' stores and establishments which I knew were inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders. Each such place ('P') had either ceiling speakers with Queershit coming out of them -- or -- employed Deviates with uncontrolled mouths spitting out Queershit constantly. During 2017 I sent a message that explained how awful such Queer Propaganda is, and how it should never be allowed where Public People shop. Some of those places ('P') got the message and ceased allowing Queer Propaganda to exist inside of their stores. The places that did not heed my message are now BANISHED from my life forever -- including the local hardware store where Lesbian Urine pours out of the ceiling speakers constantly.


A dead place, is fit only for the Dead.

To expect Human Activities and Human Responses and Human Recognition inside of a Slaughterhouse of Humanity is ludicrous and absolutely insane.

Many people still do not get that message. That Truth escapes them. They suffer accordingly. Anyone who goes to a pit like Misbegotten in Mordor and does not expect to be immersed in Queershit and surrounded by Berserk Assholes of many weird and horrific descriptions, has no realization of what PLACE is all about. That Misbegotten place, is a cesspool full of animated turds with eyeballs. So what kind of retard would expect any kind of Human Normalcy or Human Activity in such a compost heap?

PLACE -- is a very huge consideration in this life. Any PLACE that has been infested by our enemies, or is owned or operated by our enemies, is forever a forbidden zone of Anti-Humanity to us. I will never go into that local hardware store again. You could not pay me enough to go in there again. Nowhere, where a PLACE is already judged as Anti-Human, can you expect Human Activities to happen or to be recognized. Indeed, to attempt Human Activities in such a PLACE of Pestilence is to be stupid and senseless.

And -- sensibility is what it is all about. No Human Activity carried out in a PLACE of Pestilence is acceptable. Who wants tarnished goods? Who trusts anything that happens in a Deviate Pesthole?

How does this apply to the topic of Sanity?

Answer: No one who is Sane would expect Sanity and Sane Behavior in a PLACE of Perversion. Perhaps it takes a Religion of Sanity to get that Truth into the brains (if there are any) of our citizenry.


Take the complete absence of TV Turd filth as an example of freedom and the resulting increase in Sanity, or at least a substantial decrease of Insanity.

A steady diet of Truth from a Religion of Sanity, instead of total lies from the Queer Medias, is bound to bring great increases in Social Order (not compliance or regimentation) due to such increased abilities to understand each other as persons and to understand all of our many (and real) interactions with each other.

[[Warning. Ugly Truth]]

But the results are hard to look at. Two weeks ago I saw a person at a Walmart in Wisconsin that was only half alive. It was a male which had only half-stopped watching the TV Turds. It has already been molded and formed into a medium average of every possible description. Every feature of it was dunced down to be average in appearance and stature and expression and physical abilities. It had the same face as millions of TV watching dead. It was a perfect averaged drone fit only for voting and watching TV. It was a product of a Public/Political school. However, somehow it had come to hear about Human Resistance -- and -- it was trying to escape its own Horrid-Designed fate.

It was complaining to a woman (who obviously did not watch TV) that the TV Turds cannot give up trying to pretend that Peters used to be one of them. Which is news to me. I never knew the Deviates had sunk to such hopeless depths of ludicrous depravity. But, it is good news! That means the Queer Propagandists have truly run out of new lies to throw into everyone's faces.

Anyway -- the thing was only half formed above the neckline. Like an electro-shocked glob of protoplasm, it was slowly changing from a dead dummy face with lifeless TV-watching eyes and a pasty dough-person complexion, to the real features of a Human Face with eyes that can see instead of gaze at the TV Turds without thinking. Obviously, it has stopped watching TV to such an extent that it is losing that dead flesh and dead eyes appearance that all TV watchers have. However! It is only halfway towards becoming a real person again; so its face is only halfway recovered.

That! Is a really weird sight to see, believe me! I was surprised by it because I have seldom seen any thing that is only partially recovered from being a dead TV watcher.

Nonetheless, that person is escaping the perversions and insanity of the Queer Coalition Bladders, however slowly. Which is not the way to do it. The cold turkey approach works much better because it builds fortitude and resolve and character. But it probably hurts a lot.


[[Warning. Ludicrous Imbeciles.]]

The Deviate/Ford/Monkey Fascism:

A wrinkle in the butt of Queer Proctology. Typified and symbolized by the grand and splendid Golden Pimple on the Butt of Iowa, on the chickenshit hill at Des Aliens, where all of the Politics Fleas crawl.

Also, by all of the {too-stupid-to-be-wise-asses} drones with tiny skulls that drive new and shiny and red (not to mention bloated) Ford Fuckups. Have you seen that collection of flaming failures? It's a steaming circus of scheming retards that think they are serving the Deviate/Ford/Monkey cause by acting like menacing thugs (in superior machines) towards everyone else. The bad news for such goose-stepping morons is the simple fact that they are NOT driving superior machines and they would NOT know how to drive superior machines if any were given to them.

Such things look like bloated four-day-old corpses driving little red wagons to their own funerals. They are a new kind of pathetic asswipe breed of miniature lapdog. Wannabee Nazis from the mid-1930's, with shiny red Ford Fuckups instead of brown jackets and brown pants and brown boots and black swastikas.

For those of you who have just tuned in -- here are a few websites about the Invasion of Poland which occurred in 1939, the same year that TV was unleashed upon the world. Besides being satanic and no coincidence, the Invasion of Poland in 1939 was important to you. It not only heralded the beginning of World War II, the aftermath of which you are still living in, it also brought into the spotlight a lot of things that are always wrong about Politics. Always.

You know how I despise Mass Propaganda. Why is it that almost no Americans or Britons or French or Germans know about the conversation revealed in this website? Mass Propaganda says that Hitler was an over-aggressive Dictator. This webpage (and the three associated with it) seem to indicate otherwise. If Mass Propaganda is right about Hitler, why was this information never revealed to the masses?

What I find to be amazing about this speech is that Hitler mentions the British Hegemony (Economic Dictatorship) on that side of the world as one of the reasons why he invaded Poland. Very interesting, considering that we have already studied Hegemony in regards to America versus China. We have also seen how Hegemony has caused wars in the past, including the American Civil War and the Korean War.

In every case of Hegemony-caused war, the almost total lack of any Truth on the part of the civilian populations is a huge contributing factor to their eventual decimation.


Them boring morons in the Candyass Ford Fuckups must dream of turning those red hunks of scrap into Panzer IVs to kill all of Human Resistance with.

Panzer IV at Wikipedia

Unlike the National Socialists of Germany (nicknamed the Nazis), the Deviate/Ford/Monkey Fascists are about as organized as a coalition of the East Side Kids, the Dead End Kids, the Bowery Boys and the Little Tough Guys would be. With the help of the Keystone Cops, and the Democrap League of Compassionate Attorney-General Rabies Carriers. (manure spreading for free)

ALL OF WHICH >>>> is yet another prime example of noisome and repellent Deviate Loony Tunes pretending to be Human Operas and Waltzes. Total Insanity. The kind of really dismal and bug-eyed, blithering and menacing, bungling and atrocious thuggery that the former Liberals were famous for. Now down the river of gruesome frivolity as the Forever Queers Gang.

Would a Religion of Sanity solve that problem?

Answer: No. Those imbeciles are permanently insane. What a Religion of Sanity would achieve is a reduction in the numbers of such Cement Heads.


An organized approach to the constant dissemination of Sanity is paramount to the survival of this country, the future of which is very much in doubt. A real revolution would insure the continued existence of America for another century; but if the Big Business White Assholes are allowed to continue to exist, I doubt if America will continue for more than another Century. For one reason, because it will not be alive after another century of Big Business Butchery. The more Sanity is prevalent and pre-existent across the country the better the revolution will be -- and -- the more the results will have eliminated such Horrid threats as the Deviates, the Liars, the Monkeys and the Big Business White Assholes like the BUWIs. (Butt-Ugly Windmill Imperials)

However -- the structure and nature of that organization is still in question. Do we need a Religion? Soccer Team? Navy? Sanity Stamps? Sanity Aerosol? Sanity Sauce? Sanity Diapers? Sanity Pickup Trucks? Sanity Vitamins? Sanity Parakeets? Sanity Soup? Sanity Slogans? A Sanity Society?

Whatever it will be, it is desperately needed if this planet is not to fall into an Obtuse Craziness that is so baseless and mangled and truly chaotic that our Species will never inhabit the Galaxy. Worms do not fly well.


Perhaps we can tell what we should have for an organization of Sanity by deciding what we do NOT want. Such as ....

*General Mail Facility like the 'Grotesque Malfunctioning Freakhouse' in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone.
*TV channel full of turds.
*Bars full of drunken, drooling, TV-watching, beer-nuts-munching, garlic-farting, crap-mouthed Utility Termites paid to rat on anyone who even whispers the word 'Autonomy' in earnest.
*queer magrag buildings full of 'Queer Editor's Squeezy Sex Pumps'.
*State lunatic asylums where poor and empty used faggots and lesie-turds are sent to clatter and scream and vomit on the walls and defecate in the wheelchairs. All of which provides a poignant object lesson to rebellious perverts that want to leave the Queer Coalition Bladders; and are consequently chained and dragged into such rubberized madhouses. Then, are shackled to the big steel TV Idol in the middle of the room for days; to be molested and chewed upon until they become more amenable to their chosen destiny as playthings for the Masters of the Boy Sex Toys League of Amorgida.
*A party at the backyard swimming pool of any Big Business White Doughnut Hole.
*An unwilling and captured delegation at any Democrap Party Convention; on the other side of the wall from the rubberized madhouse.

I have seen all of those things and I know that they are all part of the same sickness and swarm of Evil which I call Planet Sinister.



If you are Sane and you number in the ...

*Ones -- enforce upon yourselves a rule that you will never consider yourselves free to meet in public or to gather together in public. Remain as unseen by the horrid spies of the Deviates as much as you can. Remove spies before they have you killed, by the Killer Queers of such camps of murderers as Fort McCoy; and your murder is put on TV as the necessary elimination of a non-compliant and unprogrammed Dangerous Free Radical. Know that all pissants that drive Ford Fuckups are your absolute worse enemies, and want to be. Learn to identify all forms of spies and all of their habits and techniques. Enforce a code of non-public gathering upon yourselves, before the Deviates can outlaw all public assembly of three or more people. Remember that the Deviates and the entire Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead schmeer are always paranoid of your disapproval. Their existence can only continue in a world of absolute lies that are accepted by the slaves of that world. A revolution to those things would be a wide-spread refusal to put up with their insane Queershit any longer, and to shut down their Queer Medias, and to banish all of the Queer Legal Profession from the Human Species forever -- AND -- to stop voting in support of their ruinous Politics Game.


*Tens -- flock together as groups of tens. Bunch together without the Deviates and their cronies (the Queer Politicians) knowing what you are doing. Foster more and more groups of Human Tens.

*Hundreds -- you must work as hard as you can to remain anonymous and unidentified by the Queer Government that will kill any organized resistance to its inculcated perversions. While at the same time recruiting as many loose Humans as you can to the Unity of our Species. Be prepared to explain our Species in great detail without giving away our identities to spies.

*Thousands -- you can now identify the reality of your Species, as you can now see that there are quite a few different kinds of Real Humans. However, you all share the same concerns about our enemies, because you all share the freedoms of real thinking that only Humans can achieve. Build upon the strength of your varieties, and establish Common Goals and Common Minimum Autonomy Conditions for all of you.

[[Speaking of all of you -- at this level a Negative Universal Axiom appears, along with characters to act it out. Right now, it is showing up frequently among the Hispanic populations. It appears in all isolated populations.
In those populations, any thing that is greedy and selfish and wants riches or fame always tries to spread the idea that no one should care about what (Peters) thinks or says or does. They always try to paint me as a Big Bad Human. They never mention that I am saying the Truth. One Truth in particular, that the Human Species MUST be United regardless of skin colors or ethnic cultures.
Such liars and schemers want to be financially successful inside of one culture or skin color that is at odds with, and in conflict with, all other cultures and skin colors.]]

*Tens of thousands -- you are now getting somewhere. You need to concentrate your energies on the real people who are free thinkers. By 'Free Thinkers' I refer to Humans who can understand that even though there are many kinds of Humans, they can all work together to become more and more numerous and with numbers comes freedom. Sharpen your skills and demands and specifications for Human Autonomy. Build your numerical and physical and weaponry strength.

*Hundreds of thousands -- you should be seriously fighting the Unauthorized Queer Government for your own Autonomous lands where your rules are what matter -- NOT -- their unauthorized Queer Laws and Queer Rules. We demand Sane Rule for us, which is the modern equivalent of Home Rule.

'Home Rule' is one of the most selfishly used and misused phrases of all time. It does NOT apply to the kind of Human Autonomy we need. As you will see from these websites, it is being used politically as another playing card in the Politics Game. What we want is Real Autonomy, so we can tell the Deviates to go to Hell.

This is a general discussion of Michigan county structures. How they relate to the State.

Home Rule in limited forms in Colorado.

Annexation and Home Rule in Texas. Eminent Domain.

Another form of Home Rule. This time in Illinois. You will note that most 'Home Rule' ideas so far are just declarations of intentions to be financially independent. They lack any quality of life and/or Human provisions that would help us stop the Deviates. That is because all Politicians see the Deviates as both Masters and necessary Idiot Voters.

This website says that the above mentioned Home Rule law in Illinois is bad for the taxpayers. Again, it is all about money -- not Humanity. In other words, it is all about Politics.

This time it is a county in Washington that wants Home Rule. Unfortunately, these forms of Home Rule do not curtail or restrict Eminent Domain crimes committed by local politicians. In fact, these financial bullshit forms of Home Rule can be used as excuses for committing Eminent Domain crimes.

This time it is Georgia. Again, it is all about economics.

Sedona, Arizona. Here they do not even hint at Home Rule for the purposes of Humanity. Their idea of Home Rule is all about taxes.

Boulder county, Colorado. This time there is more involved than economics -- “Cities or counties that enact home rule have, ostensibly, more ability to decide matters of local importance that are currently influenced or governed by state laws — things like water quality, fracking, farming, social issues and more.”

Very simple explanation of Irish Freedom Efforts. The Irish success at removing itself from the British Empire is much more the kind of Home Rule that we are needing.

10 point simple lesson about Irish Freedom Efforts.

That is enough about their ideas of Home Rule. Our intentions for Home Rule must be (always) to allow us to revoke and reject all Government and all Politics from our lives. And consequently, to remove all vestiges of the Queer Legal Profession from our lives. Which will allow us to throw out the Queers.


Look up for yourself the track record of Vladimir Putin versus Home Rule and Autonomy in Russia. You will find that he has been reducing the Autonomy powers of Russian Autonomy Zones while increasing his own federal powers. Those are not the actions of anyone who cares about Humanity. Obviously, Putin cares more about Centralized Authority that the Independent Humanity of the People. That is so typical of all Politicians. It is also why the Military exists. The Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid exist to suppress all internal dissension within America, and to prevent any and all attempts at Human Home Rule; which would throw off the inculcated perversions that saturate the Politics Game.

Do you believe for one second that the Deviates and Politicians in Wash This Death City have not collaborated with the Communists in Moscow to suppress Autonomy and Political Independence worldwide? Of course they have, and do, and will continue to.

And, there is no James Bond to stop them.


Getting back to the fundamentals, there is an old saying that -- “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” which is supposed to mean that clean living is conducive to living in the graces and favors of God. The same cannot be said about Sanity. The correct statement about the relationship of Sanity to Godliness would be -- “Without Sanity Forget And Regret Godliness”. In other words, no sanity means no godliness.

Sanity must be distributed around the World as widely as possible -- without packaging and commercialization. Sanity is not a product to be sold or a mental disease to be spread like Queerism. Nor is it a Media Campaign like the lies of Queer Propaganda. On the other hand, it is very much like vitamins and exercising for good health. At this time, 2018, the insanity index of this Society of Liars is so high that the thought of Sanity Parks similar to our National Park System sounds like a good idea. But who would operate those Sanity Parks? The scum who caused all of the insanity? Such as the APA, the ACLU, the AMA, the NEA, the Insurance Medicine Quacks of West Des Moines? The TV Turds?

Who is Human enough and sane enough to manage a system of National Sanity Parks (strictly non-government) and heal so many people of so many Queer Lies?


Ditch the Bitch:

In many drone and voter households in Planet Sinister the internal insanity index is so high that the entire future of all family members is at terrible risk -- and -- the family member that is the Insanity Carrier and the Manure Spreader of the family is the ridiculous TV-watching Bitch. That mindless dummy for the Queer Medias actually has been brainwashed into believing that the TV Turds are part of its immediate family -- for real! That lunatic TV-watching bitch is an extreme danger to the rest of the family ...





Get rid of it. Throw it out. Cast it out. Dump it into a dumpster at a TV station!

Do you say that you cannot do that? Oh wrong! Oh Yes you can! TV watching is grounds for divorce and/or being sent to a mental institution.

Do you say that you would rather treat its mental illness? Where? How? By sending it to the Queer Propaganda Outlets?

Of course, if a system of National Sanity Parks existed (Non Queer) you could send the TV-watching bitch to one of them. It might come out Sane. It certainly cannot come out any worse than it was when it went in.

As matters are today, however, the TV-watching bitch in the family is so sick from Queer Propaganda that it enjoys torturing other family members with lies that it hears on TV. It is a pariah to its own family. It no longer deserves a family. Cast it out, and let it spend the rest of its crazy days licking TV screens.

and all it takes all it ever took was to cut out the Queer Medias and this would not have happened


I return again to the question of what structure would a global dissemination and teaching of Sanity have? Would it be a worldwide religion? Most religious structures such as churches have been bought out and bribed by the Deviates. The others have been intensely attacked and threatened by Killer Queers. Organized Religion has collapsed from the onslaught of Queer Propaganda + Threats of Violence + Church Burnings + Bribery.

I would say that any Religion of Sanity would have to exist in all ways the opposite of (and opposed to) all prior forms of Organized Religion.

On the other hand, you cannot sell Sanity at street corner lemonade stands. The local Politics Piggies would want their cut of the profits, and when they find out that you are selling Sanity they will shut you down. Sanity destroys Politics.

Sanity also destroys the Queer Propaganda on TV. TV watchers are so insane and stupid that they do not even know if they have not been sodomized. TV Turds say everyone has been sodomized and always are being sodomized, so idiot TV watchers think they have been sodomized too, even if they never have been. Queer Propaganda demands that everyone think they have been perverted too, so everyone will vote for the Deviates; while thinking that they are voting for themselves.

Obviously, it is not enough to just disseminate the Truth and teach people how to be Sane. With reverse-flow toilets like the Queer Medias constantly spewing out lies and causing insanity wherever possible, if anyone is taught how to be sane and becomes sane and is then exposed to the lies of Queer Propaganda again, they may very well suffer a worse level of insanity than they experienced before they were cured and learned to be sane.

So ... the Queer Medias must be permanently eliminated from the lives of all people who are repaired to Sanity. That must be an extremely important part of the curing process and achievement of Sanity. Therefore, the removal of all sources of Queer Propaganda is a mandatory requirement for the dissemination of Sanity worldwide.

Something more active than a mere sedentary religion is required to 'Put The Lights Out!' in the asses of Queer Propagandists and such terrors as the Queer Media hacks. No unauthorized and forever fraudulent government (since June 26th 2015) can ever imagine doing so and risk the chance of losing any votes. We have to do it, ourselves.


Are you still suffering from delusions of normalcy? Do you still believe that all of this Planet Sinister sewage is normal? Is there a sick bitch in your family telling you that the TV Turds are 'Nice People'? Need another example of insanity?

Have you seen 'Hell's Kitchen' in Carlisle?

Carlisle is part of the Des Aliens cesspool (formerly Des Moines). In it is a huge General Spills processing plant -- and -- hundreds of pieces of BUWI death machines brought into Iowa by the Billionaire Faggot in Omaha (et all) to kill the Real Iowa with.

Right next to each other. You can spit from the General Spills dung heap and hit part of a death machine of the BUWIs. Look for yourself. Pieces of BUWI death surround the General Spills pit at Carlisle.

General Spills has gone out of its way to demand that everyone inside of Planet Sinister must know that General Spills is QUEER!!!!!!!!!!

The vermin at General Spills demand that you know that they are all QUEER!!!!!!!!!!

The death of America is coming from them. They and the BUWIs are welded together hip and thigh by mutual Evil. Just look at Hell's Kitchen in Carlisle to see what I mean. IF! You have the courage to do so.


And, there it is for the viewing. A General Spills perverted heap of evil surrounded by more and more evil in the forms of hundreds of parts and pieces of BUWI death machines. To be used to kill more of the Real Iowa for Faggot Billionaires and their lackeys.

You could not get better proof of what I have been saying about the BUWIs than this. It is a shocking and awful and horrible sight to see.

Speaking of which -- since you are in a Paralysis of Denial (with a TV watching bitch in the house) -- take a look at this simple photograph.
NASA Earth Observatory image by Robert Simmon, using Suomi NPP VIIRS data provided courtesy of Chris Elvidge (NOAA National Geophysical Data Center).

This picture was taken from 'Outer Space'. It shows the continent of North America. It was taken at night. All of the major centers of the Society of Liars are clearly visible in this photograph as spots of light. Light from light bulbs. Lights from industry. Lights from cities full of Idiot Voters.

Now look at the dark areas. There are no concentrations of assholes in the dark areas. There are no concentrations of light being used in the dark areas.

The dark areas are where the BUWIs are killing the Earth with ButtUgly Windmills.

The light areas are where the electricity from the ButtUgly Windmills is going to.



But -- the BUWIs say that all of the electricity is going to the dark areas. Because the dark areas are being slaughtered to feed electricity to the light areas!!!!!!!!!! Duuhhh!!!!!!!!!! The BUWIs do not want a revolution to stop them.

Where the Hell do you expect the electricity to go to? Why do you think the BUWIs are building so many long transmission lines from the dark areas to the light areas?

Anyone who believes the Queer Propaganda of the BUWIs is a total retard. Those areas of light are huge soaks of electricity and can never get enough. All of the electricity stolen from the dark areas is going to the light areas where the masses of Idiot Voters are.

That is what it is all about. Ripping off the dark areas to feed electricity to the light areas where the Deviates and Idiot Voters are.

Try to get at least half of your brain working today. And tell the bitch to either shut up, or get out.

Need more proof? Scared? In denial? Hoping it ain't so? Go to the Iowa State Fairgrounds.

At the Iowa State Fairgrounds the Politics Perverts and the BUWIs have put up a life-sized ButtUgly Windmill. What is it there for? Think about that for a minute.

Happy? Have you decided it is there for nice reasons? I said wake up at least half of your brain today!


After which, they too will be revered and worshiped by all Idiot Voters -- just like all ButtUgly Windmills are worshiped and adored and respected and obeyed out in the dark areas. They hope.

It shows the Politics scum that their glorious sphincters can be raised as high as the Machine Sphincters of the BUWI death machines!!!!

Then truly, all Politicians will be obeyed without question!!!!!!!!!!

It is the sight of Political Godhood.

Which explains a lot of things ... like ... the Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred play acting of the Deviates. With their assholes that high in the sky, why would any Politician care what kinds of Queer Laws the Monkeys down there make?

in case you missed it politicians are death

like i told you before they can only be politicians


Bad News For The Grumpy Dopes: That have been burnt by Queer Media propaganda.

I overheard two White Male Dunces in Southwestern Wisconsin today talking about me. I will keep this short, as it is only a correction of a stupidity. Their programmed complaint, now that they have failed at lying about me for so many years, went like this -- “Now we are supposed to be like (Peters)?”

*1. No one could be like me anyway, so why try?
*2. The idea of being 'like him' is all wrong and has never been suggested by Humans.
*3. What has repeatedly been written in my messages is to be 'better than him'.
*4. Which first requires that you must be 'as good as him'.
*5. None of that is known or understandable to mindless dopes ruled by the Queer Medias, who are so full of nonsense between their ears that they think that they are on 'his side' -- having recently failed completely to kill me and all of Humanity with their blithering idiocy of lies.
*6. They are exactly the kinds of White Trash that I say we must cut out of our lives.
*7. Have you ever seen a fish die out of water? Let those weasel-brained bastards die out of lies.

and good riddance to bad rubbish

butt they were somebody's babies once

too long ago


Saying that you have to have a Ford Fuckup is like saying that you have to have an Enema. Driving a Ford Fuckup is like having a constant rolling enema.

Ford always has a Queer Idea.


Speaking of Deep Insanity ...

I am very keen to assure all of the Humans who read these messages hundreds and thousands of years from now, that the ruination of the Earth was not done by accident or by mistake. The Rapists and the Reevers and the Deviates and the Jackals and the Politicians and the BUWIs were all extremely sick, mentally. They were all totally evil and self-deceiving and programmed to kill. They were the worst scum that have ever existed on this planet, along with the Monkeys. Not one of them was innocent of anything.

They were shit.

here the only way to build is up not out

in time the only direction to go is out to the stars

not up each other's asses


Also, Deviate couriers in typical black vehicles exceeding all speed laws have been seen on Route 20 between DePuke and Fort Drudge. The things have been seen going to Queer Pestholes in Fort Drudge. Such murderers always transport illegal monies for briberies of Monkey Officials, and secret orders from The Cult Of The Asshole, and Queer Assassins, and weapons of mass destruction. They are in Fort Drudge right now with MassInsanity license plates.

AND! Those big bad secret Government Buses (thinly disguised) full of Government Assholes and Berserkers are still out on Route 20 going to Deviate Military Camps at 0500 in the morning, while all of their Voter Slaves are still asleep in their coffins.

Not one of the POS in those secret buses could possibly understand that Government is not supposed to be bribed to do anything!

Tyranny with your toast?


[[Warning. Spectacle of Damnation.]]

Also, it looks like the Fagsny Parade of Anuses is on the bowel movement again! (pretending to be a bicycle race)

I just drove through a herd of the turds at Denison. The entire swarm of dung beetles is oozing eastwards along Rt 30, so if you live east of Denison sniff westwards. The things look like a World War II convoy of refugees that have been trying to escape the Nazis for seventy years, and still have not found their way out of the Third Reich. Which makes sense, as they come from that fascist Rearsniffers Rotbox in Des Aliens. The stench of the Des Aliens Rearsniffers can be detected sixteen miles away, and that Queershit newsrag is the sponsor of this cavalcade of sodomites each year. At least you can get an hours warning if the wind is out of the west.

i forgot those dipshits existed


Having considered the question for several weeks now, my decision is that we need every possible expression of, and implementation of, Sanity in this quite insane 'Society of Liars and Monkeys of Many Descriptions'.

Yes! We need a Religion of Sanity and much more.


Some websites about Mass Propaganda. This is must reading for anyone who is new to the Truth.

Edward Bernays. Mass Propagandist.

Quotations by Edward Bernays.

Nstarzone about what happens when TV-watchers die in front of TVs.

About Media Bias and lack of thinking.

More about TV and the usage of Mass Propaganda.


Do you feel sympathy for those poor Lying Politicians? Don't. Such scum are vicious and desperate Evil. Only the worst kinds of Evil would continue to lie and scheme and queer everything right up to the moment a gun barrel is stuck up their asses.


Markel Peters










I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message.
Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.



























Labels Of All Posted Messages--A Way To Search Through Messages By Labels

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed


This blog exists to inform the People, of the 'Real Truth' about the real enemies of the Human Species. These Truths are not objectionable, as they are Truths. Only the telling of them can be objectionable, to those who wish to hide the Truth. If the Truth is something you HATE and therefore object to - go elsewhere!


Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!


The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.