Warning: Mandatory and Appropriate
Redux Language ahead! Words that you have been brainwashed to never
use where and when they must be used, are used here to
describe what and where and when deserves to be described only in
these terms.
I tell you -- you cannot find more
'Contempt Per Cubic Meter' than you find with Me for the PPPP (-)
(Minus the many Humans that they have already killed)
A complete copy of this message may be
found at the following weblink, in .doc format.
Into the fires of Mount Doom shall thee
throw the false god of the Artificials -- 'Drof' the forever forrid
aberration. But slowly, by ropes, by its twisted neck, until its
awful feet feel the reality and it screams its confessions.
This confession ...
Three A.I.s for the Elven-kings under
the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their
halls of stone,
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows
One A.I. to rule them all, One A.I. to
find them, One A.I. to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
I would like to re-start this message
with some words of endearment and great appreciation for those Humans
who have taken it upon themselves to read these writings and to
honestly council all other Humans about the many Truths and Facts
that are explained on this website. You are performing a great
service to Mankind by sharing your insights with everyone. I never
expected to be an all-knowing and exclusive Lawgiver for my People.
At best, I hoped to find a means to share my knowledge with my People
and to stimulate thinking across the board with an aim towards Human
Survival. Fortunately, that is being achieved and with the invaluable
assistance of my many readers. Mega Kudos to them and all of my Love.
Thank You.
Upon reflection, I have decided that
the message of December 2022 was (and is) far too important to post
just once. Therefore, I have created this redux version with a few
adjustments and some additional material that is very germane to the
threads of thinking that were originally enclosed herein.
Killers at Satan's Fresca:
PPPP (-) == Proudless Prideless Pervert
Pretenders (Minus the many Humans that they have already
killed)(while driving Forrid Abominations)
Is their fascination with 'Artificial
Intelligence' also linked to their hatred of Nature? Is this why all
Killer Queers drive Forrids?
Answer: Of course it is. Any thing that
those scum might pervert to be used against their worst enemy
(Nature) is some thing that they will want to promote and control and
use against that enemy (Nature).
And -- of course -- such Killers and
the Turds of AI are already soaked in anti-natural technical urines,
and were raised to be totally Satanic and Non-Organic.
But! Elon Musk is also involved in
'Artificial Intelligence' -- and as he did with Twitter, he might
clean up the Artificial Intelligence schmeer of the STEM Priests. For
which they fear and loath him. Incidentally, all Scum of the Planet
Sinister universally hate Elon Musk for cleaning up Twitter.
Take the Turds of 'Satan's Fresca' as
an example. Recently, those scum have unleashed killer robots upon
Satan's Fresca to kill any Humans of 'Human Resistance' that they
want eliminated -- under the super thin disguise that the killer
robots are “police replacements”.
San Francisco Killer Robots--The Scary
Reality of Death By Police Robots
San Francisco Killer Robots--Will
killer robots save us or destroy humanity
San Francisco--Killer Robots WILL BE
Used by Police (Not Joking)
San Francisco--Killer Robot Plan
Killed. For Now.
THAT! Is exactly the kind of perverted
plans and actions of the enemies of Humanity that Science Fiction
writers have been warning us about for decades!
I wonder why some deviate groups
objected to the Killer Robots. Competition?
It used to be Donald Trump. The PPPP
(-) used to hate Trump because he had a lot of money and he
threatened to De-Queer the worst shithole of the Politics Game --
'Wash This Death City'. You could easily see this whenever Trump held
a so-called 'press conference' for the slinking and crawling slime
snakes of the Queer Medias. Their hatred of all things unlike their
own demented filth was always hugely obvious in such encounters.
Indeed anyone who does not want to live
a Lying-Living-Death inside of the putrid Queer Coalition Bladders of
the Deviates is instantly hated by and attacked by the snakes of such
cesspools. I told you long ago that the creatures of the SQLD are so
awful that they would crucify Jesus Christ again if he returned to
one of their AI Cities. HOWEVER!!!! Those scum would crucify Jesus
almost to the brink of death many times -- each time reviving Jesus
between crucifixions so that he was conscious again for the next
It has all been explained before here
in these messages ...
so we will go back to their hatred of
Elon Musk (et all).
Elon Musk:
Here are some links to websites on
YouTube that give a non-hatred view (or explanation) of what Elon
Musk is doing and who he is.
AI Is attacking your Spirituality!
Don't smirk. A lot of what she is
saying is right on.
Artificial Intelligence--Reality vs
Elon Musk Announced Disturbing Message
I Tried To Warn You--Elon Musk
Is AI at the forefront of a new Cold
TED Talk1--Elon Musk- A future worth
getting excited about
TED Talk2--Elon Musk talks Twitter,
Tesla and how his brain works
This intense AI anger is exactly what
experts warned of--with Elon Musk
As always -- copy these as soon as you
can because the Turds of AI will have these videos removed from
YouTube as soon as they can. Anything that reveals the Truth about
themselves is never allowed.
Scum of Forrid and AI:
Besides being the Hate Children of
Haters, what are the scum of Forrid and AI?
*A. Non-standard and non-common rejects
of their own Queer Medias. The Queer Medias are the vermin that
invented the false 'Speech Handles' such as 'Liberals' and
'Conservatives' etc. The Queer Medias are the vermin that invented
the false and commercial precepts and perceptions of what is
'Acceptable' and 'Normal', for their own purposes of graft and
corruption and greed; thus programming their slaves (TV Watchers) to
think that only Queer Media definitions are the Acceptable Norm.
The Freaks of AI began as a pack of
'Non-Acceptables' (socially) that existed to be contrary to such
Artificial Norms. They instilled into the future AI generations a
hatred of all things Natural -- being so stupid and unnatural
themselves that they accepted the definitions of the Queer Medias
(that they hated) of what was (and is) Nature. Therefore they are
deliberately opposing such phony propaganda -- not realizing that it
was all fakery to begin with.
They really were warped by social
pressures and not very smart to begin with. Thus, they became
addicted to and sworn to the same Forces of Darkness that own and
operate the Queer Medias; while thinking that they were opposing the
Queer Medias and the Mutual Satan. In other words, they were Abysmal
Idiots. In fact -- they are Artificial Idiots devoted to Artificial
Stupidity disguised as 'Artificial Intelligence'.
Turds that will not flush.
*B. So ... a question within a question
-- is their worst enemy really 'Nature' or rather the False
Perceptions put out by the Queer Medias of what Nature is and does?
Answer: There does not exist a single
specimen of the AI Dementia that has the smallest or most feeble idea
or dimmest imagination of what the Real Nature is. What the AI scum
are sworn to hate and oppose is nothing more than the false
propaganda of the Queer Medias; that come from the same Satanic Anus
that they themselves came from.
It is all nothing more than the
'internal politics' of the 'Deviate Game'. However, if anyone in the
real world allows the Deviate Game and/or the Politics Game to affect
their lives -- their lives will become demented and deranged and
unnaturally altered by the sicknesses within those games. In that
way, the AI Freaks are as much of a danger to all Life in the
Universe as are the PPPP (-) and the Queer Medias!!!!
*C. With all true descriptions of the
Real Nature being forbidden by the Queer Medias ... which created the
false perceptions that the original AI Freaks opposed to begin with
(being left out and rejected) ... can the AI Dementia kill the Real
Nature or just kill the retards and Idiot Voters and TV Watchers that
are the slaves of the PPPP (-)?
Answer: Both and all. To the extent
that Queer Governments can touch and maim and mutilate and kill
components of the Real Nature, the AI Scourge will manipulate those
components to kill. Queer Government is already a Circus of Lunatics
without the deathly influences of AI. After the introduction of AI
into Politics as controls and replacements, the Queer Government will
literally exist as the Satanic Government of the Unnatural. Far worse
than the Horror Movies of the 50's and the 60's suggest. Dracula's
and Frankenstein's will be annihilated as meaningless and bothersome
aliens from the Forbidden Organics.
*D. Can Idiot Voters prevent their own
destruction by the AI Scourge if they vote against it in political
Answer: WTF would an Organic Referendum
mean to the Inorganic Freaks of AI? The AI Freaks would just install
Inorganic Law upon the populations of rebellious Idiot Voters
(Organics), and begin the process of the removal of all bothersome
Organics from the herds of Idiot Voters; until the Organic Idiots are
eliminated and replaced by dutiful and obedient Inorganic Units --
Machines. Hence the complete transition from Idiots to Machines --
Organics to Inorganics.
Do not think for one microsecond that
any AI Freaks will ever shed a single tear over the loss of anything
or anyone who is Organic. (Non-Machine)
*E. What can be done to stop the AI
In the first place, find out where the
Forrids and the AI Freaks intend to retreat to when the Wars Against
Organics begin; their own wars against the Human Species. Find those
places and destroy them. Replace everything that is Organic at those
places with Killer Machines that destroy any and all traces of AI
The AI Freaks are Organics. They
despise and loath all other Organics, but they themselves are
Organics -- Insane Organics. By turning their hideaways into killing
zones where any and all AI Organics are immediately slaughtered and
disintegrated, the AI Freaks will have nowhere to run to and hide
when their War Against Organics begins. Thus, they themselves will be
annihilated; the more gruesomely the better. In their own self-caused
War Against Organics they will be erased from the Universe.
It will be a Mutually-Assured
Destruction, even if the Killer Machines that are waiting for them at
their chosen hideaways are our own machines.
If they start to replace Humans with AI
Machines (which will require a war) the instigators of the genocide
will be destroyed by the very weapons of genocide that they created.
Complete Justice at last.
Make sure that they are killed by
Machines only.
*F. What forces and schemes and
creatures of the Dark Side are working in conjunction with the AI
Freaks to reduce and sterilize and neuter the Human Species?
Answer: Is it not obvious? The Queer
and Sexless Internet Censors, of course!
The QSIC. (Q-Sick) (Queer is NOT
Plus, any petty mob of trash such as
the Demented White Females (DWC) that are also dedicated to the
reduction of all Humans to machine-like and sexless slaves. But, I do
not have to tell you all of this. All you have to do (to know this)
is to lie in bed by yourself and think.
Think about what creatures and aliens
will benefit from the absolute removal of Human Beings. Then accept
the Truth. All of those things are working together!
*G. Your children's children are going
to live in Hell. And all because you were cowards and would not get
rid of Politics and Deviates.
*H. 'H' stands for 'How'. How many
Humans today work for machines? How many Humans today obey Machine
*I. When will there be the first AI
*J. When will there be the first AI
*K. When will there be the first AI
*L. Will AI machines want their own
societies? Or, will they want dictatorship over vast herds of weak
and stupid TV Watching Humans?
*M. How soon in the process of Genocide
will the turds that created the AI monsters be eliminated -- by the
AI monsters -- for the unholy Good of AI, of course.
*N. Will the Return to Programming that
is being caused by the advent of such small project computers (today)
as the Orange Pi 5 and the Asus Tinker and the Libre AML and the
Odroid N2+ and the Udoo X86 II and the Huawei HiKey 960 (to mention a
few) bring about enough species awareness about the sterility and
alienness of programming (often called coding) to prevent the
subjugation of the Human Species to the horrors of machine domination
by AI?
*O. Will the truths of this message be
made universal throughout the Human Species? Especially the fact that
(as it goes today) the 'Users' of the Future will be the AI Machines
(with Forrid slaves), and the cogs of the machinery will be the
Humans. This has already happened in a Human-Human relationship
because of the so-called Industrial Revolution. Will it be allowed to
happen again (permanently) in a future AI Takeover?
*P. What would I do if I were King?
Answer: Put a bounty on the heads of
all deranged AI Freaks. Today!
Only Total Human Control can insure the
Future of the Human Species!!!!!!!!!!
Let one Non-Human get a tentacle or
power cord in the door, and the whole thing will be doomed.
*Q. Do I like making predictions like
Answer: What predictions?
*R. Look at the long and sad history of
dumb and stupid regressions and failures and declines of the Human
Species at the hands of greedy and warlike Humans. We are prone to
the degradation and slavery of each other. That makes us extremely
vulnerable to being dominated by others. In this case, the 'Others'
will be the AI Monsters created by the AI Freaks of Universal Hatred
Against Mankind. And, I mean they are exactly what I say they are
... Sniveling/Slovenly Vicious Turds.
It wouldn't be the first time that
demented monkeys caused mass slavery and ruination of entire worlds;
only with AI Monsters there will be no end to it.
*S. So ... what is an obvious solution
to this problem, for the Protection and Security of the Human
Answer: Step in their shit. Put Army
Boots on and step in their game. Take it over! Keep it minimized
and Human! Prevent any action or tendency or move towards the
domination of Human Beings by AI Monsters! Overthrow their Petty
Empire of Wannabee Machine Dictators, before it can rule over a
single Human.
Or, does it already rule over Humans?
What is the answer to 'H' above? Are
Humans already being ruled by AI machines? To the cheerful glee and
snidely applause of the AI Whiplashes?
For Gods Sake! You cannot be stupid
enough to think that this AI Dementia is harmless! Unless, you are a
TV Watcher or Idiot Voter. In which case you are not reading this to
begin with.
[[Where is Dudley Do-Right today? Great
Heavens, where is that boy?]]
*T. Truth. The AI Freaks hate Human
Truth. One of the first things to be done against us by those petty
dictators will be to destroy Human Truth and replace it with Queered
Truth -- Machine Truth -- bought and paid for using the eternal greed
of Politicians.
Has that not already begun?
*U. Universal Constants demand that
Universal Constraints be placed upon all threats to the Human
*V. In a world filled with horrific
threats to our Species -- allowed by TV Watchers and Idiot Voters --
the only Victory possible is the barest survival.
However! I Have Something To Say About
I Know That Comes As A Surprise
****Important Reminder****
You are the first generation of Humans
to have to directly fight Satan and all forms of Satanism. You
are the first generation of Humans who knows that Humans should never
fight each other.
Why is this true? Because, we are beset
by and besieged by queer and satanic turds like Nazi Pelosi and all
of the Demented White Females (DWC) and etc. You are the first Human
generation to ever directly fight Satan itself, instead of
each other motivated and controlled by Satan.
So ... you are going to make mistakes,
you are going to have hesitations, you are going to have confusions,
you are going to have misgivings, you are going to feel hopeless, so
on and so forth. But, you will win.
At this stage of the war, winning is
surviving. You will survive and therefore you will win by surviving.
And, future generations of Humans can take up the war with the
advantage of not having to worry about surviving! You must
collect together, you must fortify each other, you must support each
other, and you must survive as the Human Species. So that the future
generations never have to worry about basic survival. They will never
have to worry about the basic survival of our Species that has been
so terribly threatened by Queers, Lesie-turds, BUWIs, Big Business
White Assholes, Nazi Pelosi and its sex helpers, etc etc.
At this stage of the war, winning is
survival insurance. Insuring survival. Demanding and making survival
insurance happen. Creating insurance of survival for the Species.
Make sure the Species never has to worry about basic survival again!
The threats were really terrible but
you won, you are still there, you are still surviving -- and -- you
are actually a better Human Species than you were before, because of
the war. Future generations will not have to worry about what you had
to worry about. Horrors such as the Mass Insanity of the Demented
White Females (DWC) which we all know for what it really is now, will
never threaten future Human generations.
Instead of worrying, future generations
of Humans can Attack! Attack! Attack! the PPPP(-). They can Attack!
Attack! Attack! the Proudless Prideless Pervert Pretenders (Minus the
many Humans they have already killed)
They can Attack! Attack! Attack! and
Win Back! Win Back! Win Back! Human Territories and a Human Planet.
*W. Wealth. Pull out the funding for
the AI Scourge! Only allow funding for projects that will insure the
Total Safety and Security and Eternal Longevity of the Human Species.
*X. SpaceX is a reality maker. SpaceX
is a cold bucket of water in the face. SpaceX makes us realize that
there is such a thing outside of this beleaguered planet as Reality
and a Universe. We are becoming completely quagmired in our own
self-created lunacies and self-destroying freak shows. It is no
wonder that any Observing Aliens will not announce themselves. Who
would want to export anything (or anyone) to Earth?
*Y. Why. Ask 'Why' often enough (all
day if necessary) and your brain will start to think in terms of
answers. You must start to ask questions and get answers. You
cannot remain docile and sheepish. You must ask questions and get
answers even if you were never trained to do so. This is hugely
important for all of you.
*Z. I hope we will all meet together at
the end of this peril and be able to appreciate each other and
celebrate our continued existence. A happy ending will be the
existence of a Human Ending, instead of the disappearance of
AAII -- Anti 'Artificial Intelligence'
Worldwide Local Environments and
As anyone reads this message do they
think only of themselves and their own local environment? Let me
throw out some local environments as comparisons ...
>>South Chicago:
>>Eugene, Oregon:
>>Tampa, Florida:
>>Tierra Del Fuego:
>>Pretoria, South Africa:
>>Perth, Australia:
>>Puerto Rico: When was the last
time anyone heard about Puerto Rico?
>>Reykjavik, Iceland:
>>Shenzhen, China: Have you seen
what happened at Shenzhen? 'Made in China' now means Shenzhen --
>>Timbuktu, Mali: When was it
founded? Who are the 'Tuaregs'?
>>Khartoum, Sudan: Famous for
bloody battles. Who was 'Gordon of Khartoum'? Why is Khartoum
important, and to whom?
>>The Island of Trinidad: Why is
this strategically important?
>>Chattanooga, Tennessee:
>>San Diego, California: What is
the naval history of San Diego?
>>Valparaiso; Chile: Have there
ever been any Human Rights abuses in Chile? Sponsored by the White
Niggers in America?
>>Brasilia, Brazil:
>>Vladivostok, Russia:
>>Archangel, Russia: Sister City
to Portland, Maine. Where is the White Sea? Why is it important,
besides being a convenient place to drown Polish Prisoners of War?
>>Auckland, New Zealand: 'Tamaki
Makaurau' in the Maori language -- which means 'the maiden sought by
a hundred lovers'. What is the current population total, and what is
the composition of that population? Which nationality comprises the
largest percentage of foreign-born immigrants?
>>Prague, Czech Republic:
>>Tel Aviv, Israel:
>>Moscow, Russia: Do you know
where Moscow is? You hear about it because of the most recent war. Do
you know where it is?
>>Mexico City, Mexico: Do you
know where Mexico City is in Mexico?
>>Ethiopia: Do you know where
Ethiopia is?
[[In all of these places do you know
what their standards of living are? You have never heard about such
things from the Queer Medias like the MonkeyPox News. Do they live in
filth? Or, do they live in hygiene? Or, are they filthy rich? And, do
you know where Dubai is? Do you know where Shanghai is? What is the
difference between Shanghai and Singapore? Is there a difference
between Johannesburg and Cairo? Do you know where Urbana, Illinois
is? Do you know where Uzbekistan is? Do you know the difference
between Urbana, Illinois and Uzbekistan?
We are beyond caring whether you
care or not.
Do you know these things?]]
>>Nome, Alaska: Who lives there?
How do they live there?
>>Narvik, Norway: Where is
Norway? Where is Narvik? Why is Narvik famous? What happened during
World War II at Narvik? Why do people live at Narvik? How do they
live at Narvik? What do they think at Narvik? Do they want to be
owned and operated by Artificial Intelligence at Narvik?
>>Yemen: Where is Yemen? Besides
assassinations, what is Yemen famous for? Do the people of Yemen want
to be owned and operated by the assholes that invent Artificial
>>Osaka, Japan: Osaka is famous
for its organic foods. What is life like at Osaka, with its many
suburban neighborhoods? What does Artificial Intelligence intend to
do to Osaka? All regimes and all dictatorships and all psychotic
fascists rule by subverting and mutilating and destroying
pre-existing cultures; and then forcing them to be what the petty
dictators want them to be. Will Osaka be crushed and brainwashed into
an ideal Artificial Intelligence playground for the petty creators of
[[Why do the petty creators of AI
still have legs to play with?]]
>>Goa, India: This used to be a
Portuguese Colony. Where is Goa? Does Goa want to be an Artificial
Intelligence Slave Camp? Do they want to obey machines?
>>Ghana, Africa: Where is Ghana?
Is Ghana a poor country? How is Ghana rated economically? Why is
Ghana important to the rest of the world? Why is Ghana ranked as 7th
in the world for Cyber Warfare, Cyber Terrorism, Cyber Crime and
Internet Crime? How did Ghana come to possess enough enriched Uranium
to build several high yield nuclear weapons? With Berserker Rodents
building new Rodent Holes at break-neck speeds in Ghana, and foreign
nations choosing to bend-fold-mutilate Ghanese culture into work
forces that suit their purposes; can the people of Ghana resist the
orders of the AI petty dictators when the time comes for Ghana to
become an AI slave camp? With Ghana already becoming a center for
runaway technologies and post-cyber pollution's, will the vermin of
the Future Artificial Empire of AI chose Ghana as an ideal fortress
for AI slavery over the Organics?
This is Gruesome. Did you ever wonder
where it all goes to die?
Ghana is where it all goes to die.
>>Guadalcanal: Made famous during
World War II. What is life like at Guadalcanal? Is it feeble and
servile and obedient to all evil foreign powers? Are the people of
Guadalcanal ripe for takeover by the forever-lying shitfaces of the
AI Salesmen? Do the people at Guadalcanal want to be the world's
first Artificial Intelligence Island, full of false promises and
vacationing AI Salesmen laughing at them and taking their pictures?
>>Isles of Crozet, France: Why do
the French islands of Crozet have nothing to fear from the AI
[[Why is it possible that a large
percentage of the organic population at Shenzhen, China may already
be owned and operated by Artificial Intelligence machines? Define
'Ownership'. Define 'Operation'. In terms of Human Freedom.]]
>>Central African Republic:
Ranked 179th out of 187 countries surveyed for Human Rights Values.
The CAR has a long history of bloody violence and intense Human
Rights Abuses. Is such a place a perfect setting for the development
of Artificial Intelligence Weapons and/or Armies, to be used by
Inhuman Governments of the Future? For the repression and destruction
of Human Resistance and Human Liberties and Human Values? Sponsored
by the AI/BBC.
>>Bermuda, UK: A playground and
training camp for militant Deviates. Queer as a Three Dollar Bill.
Are the Deviates at Bermuda conducting AI experiments on Human
Victims already; like they are doing so in the Hideous Boston Horrid
Zone? (HBHZ) Why is the HBHZ synonymous with the Genocide by
Replacement of the Human Species -- and -- a stinking breeding ground
for AI Fascists? Why do the two insanities go together so well?
Wherever allowed.
>>Baffin Island, Canada: Does
anyone live there? What are the standards of living at Baffin Island?
It can never be as horrible as that of Bermuda. If anyone lives
there, do they want to be ruled by AI Anal Laws and Rules? Do they
want to embrace Genocide Machines and the scum who invent Genocide
>>Malta: Where is it? Why is it
famous? Why does it have a very long history of Warfare? Why is it
important? Who lives there? Do they want to be controlled by
Artificial Intelligence Salesmen? Do they want to sell their futures,
and their children's futures to Artificial Intelligence Salesmen? Why
do Deviates and Artificial Intelligence always choose the worst and
most-lying assholes to be their Salesmen?
>>Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: Where
is Dar es Salaam? False sexuality is forbidden in Tanzania.
Deviates are not welcome. The PPPP (-) hate Tanzania. The UK Deviates
(BBC) despise Tanzania for being a Human Country. What can the scum
of Artificial Intelligence do to take over and pervert and enslave
the People of Tanzania, if they themselves are not accepted there?
Will Tanzania be the last place on Earth to be putrefied and enslaved
by the AI/BBC/PPPP (-)?
(Minus the many Humans that they have
already killed)
[[Crews and Officers of Submarines
in the navies of the world live by the Rules of Machines; the
technological rules and the technological requirements of machines.
However, Human Designers made those Rules. Would they obey the Rules
of Machine Designers?]]
>>Samarkand, Uzbekistan: We are
back to Samarkand. Where is it? Why is it? What is their History? Why
do people live there? What do they think there? What do those Human
Beings want in their Human Futures? Do they want Machine Intelligence
Deviates dominating their futures, using 'Artificial Intelligence?
[[Why do the Sales Creatures of
Artificial Intelligence always lie? Why is every breath drawn by a
lying asshole of Artificial Intelligence always a lie? Where do you
think they get it from? What else on this planet would like to
exterminate the Human Species? And lies constantly!]]
It's on their sewer heads because it is
in their sewer brains:
Why are Repucraps silent about the
Deviates--can it be that they are Deviates? What else could never say
“Queers are Shit”?
Belief Merchants
Forrid Horrids
Science Priests
Idiot Voters
TV Watchers
Teachers (all Queers)
Slaves of Queers
Why would anyone have anything to do
with endless liars? If money did not exist there would be no
Repucraps; only DemoQueers would exist in politics.
The DemoQueers are worse than crap, the
things proved that in December 2022. Why vote when there are only
perverts to vote for? Deviates are never 'Diversity'. If the Earth
were to reflect how evil this society is -- what color would it be.
Why do 'Conservative' pretenders talk to the monkeys at QueerPox
News? Are they all Log Cabin Repucraps? Inside a tenderloin or inside
an anus or inside a log cabin, killing is still killing. Why
are Killer Queers afraid of Killer Robots? Killing is killing. Why do
Killer Queers not want to fornicate with Killer Robots--or do they?
Why are Repucrap perverts being jailed
for obeying orders? After pretending to occupy the Golden
Pimple in the 'Hell On Earth' (HOE) instead of destroying it utterly;
as all queer buildings should be destroyed.
Do you smell some insanity in the air?
[[[[Believe it! The Deviates know
the value of destroying the buildings of their enemies. The Deviates
(including both games) know that if they destroy the buildings of
their enemies (who say the Truth about them) they will disable their
enemies (us) and they will disable the communications of the Truth.
Which is why they burn churches. They burn churches to the ground
because Real Priests are diminished by that, and Chickenshit Priests
(phonies) are scared crapless by it and then allow Queers into their
churches. So ... the enemies of God know the value of destroying the
buildings of anyone who says the Truth about them. Why will the Real
Humans and the Chickenshit Priests not accept the undeniable value of
burning to the ground the buildings of the Politics Game and the
Deviate Game? Such as courthouses, filthy monkey horror stations,
newsrag buildings, queer and false churches, any building that houses
weapons and killers for the Deviates, any buildings that house
mercenaries for the Deviates -- so on and so forth. Do not forget the
horrible BUWIs. Burning down buildings really works!]]]]
The HOE (Hell On Earth) of today is the
result of the continued decay and decline and sewerage of what was
already a shithole of gross-tesque filth and rampant insanity --
'Wash This Death City'. Known in ancient times as WDC, the meaning of
which has been lost to history.
Let us talk for a moment about
Relativity/Validity/Humanity and Nuclear War. There are definite
Universal Constants applicable to any such discussion. They are ...
*1. Humans must never make war against
*2. Humans must defend themselves
against all forms of threats against their Species.
*3. In all conflicts with alien
lifeforms, Humans must prevail such that Human Security and Health
and Permanence is Assured.
*4. Any thing or collection of things
that does not possess (or no longer possesses) Human Virtues and
Human Validity is an Alien.
*5. Any alien that can be informed (and
is informed) that it is a threat to the Human Species, and knowingly
continues to pose a threat to our Species, must be corrected such
that any parameters about it that pose a threat to our Species are
*6. Any and all aliens that cannot be
communicated with (for any reason) and pose any threat to our Species
must be removed from Human Territories and/or eradicated.
You probably do not realize it, but I
just gave you the reasons for the destruction of the Twisted Species
of Politics and for the future existence of a Human Star Fleet.
To put it mildly, the Queer Government
inside of the hideous Hell On Earth is not Human.
Is the Government of Russia also
IF, any Non-Human things (or collection
of such things) poses a threat to Humans, and those Humans defend
themselves against the Non-Humans, then the Humans have obeyed the
Universal Constants for Continued Existence. The Non-Human things
have no rights in the matter.
That means that as long as the Politics
Game continues to exist here in this country -- and the Deviates rule
over all populations -- any Human nation may defend itself against
this perverted country -- and thereby obey the Universal Constants
for the Continued Existence of the Human Species.
Which means, if you are inside this
country you are potential french fries because of the Deviates. And,
whoever fries you will be in the right.
Have A Nice Fry.
Did you Vote? Did you vote in 2022? If
so, I suggest you cut off the hand that you used to vote with. Try to
stay alive after that, so you can enjoy the barbecue.
What is the sum of our fears about the
dangers of AI? Are they justified? In the Worst Case Scenario what
would be the effects against the Human Species if the Science Priests
of STEM are allowed to use AI against their sworn enemies, which are
any and all Humans who do not worship STEM and the Priests of STEM?
an extremely hideous bunch
i have seen the scum in their hbhz
Here is a short list of items and
things and materials and topics that will no longer be valued or
needed or allowed in a STEM future of fat priests and witches that
use AI to hate Human Beings with.
Welcome to the World of STEM Hatred
against Mankind. This scenario takes place after the need to program
AI machines to pretend to be Humans is long gone; and the STEM
Priests are in complete control -- or so they think. This is before
the last suicidal maniac makes it possible for the machines to kill
any and all organic entities, including STEM Priests that will
transplant themselves into machines to escape extermination.
If any of these seems wrong to you,
think again. Part of this is to calibrate your perception to how
horrible an All-STEM World would really be; where Human Herds are
used for the most menial labors only. Not at all unlike the plight of
the Israelite Slaves of Egypt under the rule of the Egyptian
Pharaohs, except much worse. The Slave Drivers will be robots, and
the forever-lying AI Salesmen will be Local Dictators. By this time,
Queer Government would no longer be needed by the glorified STEM
[[[[How devoid of Wisdom can you
Answer: Read On.
God-made Man is hated by the STEM
Religion Priests.
Total STEM Hate equals Total War
Against Mankind.
STEM hates the intelligence of
Man because Man does NOT worship STEM (only shitheads do) so Man must
be enslaved and/or destroyed.]]]]
AAII -- Anti 'Artificial Intelligence'
Intelligence--both Digital and Organic Weaponry. What is Digital
Abdominal Wall Muscle Group ...
External Oblique, Internal Oblique, Quadratus Lumborum, Rectus
Abdominis, Transversus Abdominis
Air Conditioners for Humans
Airplanes for Humans
Alcohol for Humans
Alligator Shoes and Luggage
Arm (Humerus) Muscle Group ...
Coracobrachialis, Deltoid, Infraspinatus, Latissimus Dorsi,
Pectoralis, Subscapularis
Atheists--believe in STEM or die.
Baby Formula for non-STEM families.
Bald Heads and Barber Shops
Bandages--wounds and infections keep
the slave populations stable.
Basketball Teams
Bathtubs for Humans
Beauty Shops for Humans
Blueberries and Cranberries for Humans
Blue Jeans for Humans
Brassieres for Humans
Bus Drivers
Cairo, Egypt--sustained herding of
slaves is unprofitable there.
Cajun Food
Camels--what would a machine need a
camel for?
Ceiling Fans for Humans
Cell Phones for Humans
Chinese Food
Chinese Fools--patsies and greedy
retards always have a limited duration of usage. Their expiration
dates are on the wall.
Chocolate Chip Cookies for Humans
Cigars for Humans
Cities--only concentration camps are
required for Humans. STEM Priests will live in Holy AI Temples. And
bloat. And gloat. And float in glory.
Clothing Fashions
Coffee or Tea for Humans
Coffins and Burial Sites
Communism--no match for Boolean Logic.
Condiments for Humans
Convenience Stores
Cowboys and Indians
Criminals--make tasty Soylent Green for
Customs and Cultures--STEM is
Dance Shoes
Deviates--a slave is a
slave--especially shitheads.
Disney Land--STEM Priests have ButtUgly
Distilled Water
Doctors and Nurses for Humans
Dogs and Cats and Parakeets
Dreams for Humans
Dubai, Qatar--sustained herding of
slaves is unprofitable there.
Emergency Medical Technicians
Environmental Sciences
Facial Expression Muscle Group ...
Buccinator, Corrugator Supercilii, Frontalis, Mentalis, Orbicularis
Oculi, Zygomaticus Major
Fake Governments
False Eyelashes and Fingernails and
Farmers (Human)
Farmer's Almanacs
Food for Human Health
Foot and Toes Muscle Groups ...
Abductor Hallucis, Dorsal Interossei, Extensor Digitorum Longus,
Flexor Hallucis Longus, Gastrocnemius, Lumbricals, Peroneus Longus
Free Will--slaves are just slaves.
Gas Stations and Recharge
Stations--only STEM get to drive.
[[Do Not Waste Your Time Pretending
That This Will Not Happen If Demented STEM Females (DSTEMC) Get Their
General Motors
Glass for Humans
God--replaced by Dr. Josef Mengele.
Golden Pimples--no Politicians no
Grand Prix Racing
Grass and Lawn Mowers
Greece and Greek Philosophy
Grizzly Bears
Groundhog Day
Hair Combs
Hardware Stores
Hawks and Mice
Head Muscle Group ... Longissimus
Capitis, Semispinalis Capitis, Splenius Capitis, Sternocleidomastoid
Health Food Stores
Heating Furnaces for Humans
High-Heeled Shoes
High Schools
Hindus and Muslims
Honey for Humans
Hong Kong
Hospitals for Humans
Human Art
Human Conferences
Human Speech
Hydrogen Peroxide
Ice Cream
Ice Skating Rinks
Insane Asylums--defective slaves are
rendered for essential lubricating oils, not pandered.
Insurance--Life, Automobile, House,
Medical. Obedience to STEM is your life. Believe in STEM.
Intelligence--replaced by machine
programming masquerading as Intelligence.
Internet Access for Humans
Isopropyl Alcohol
Japanese People
Jewelry--for STEM only.
Kitchens for Humans
Kohls and Lowes
Knowledge of Algebra and Higher
Land Fills
Left Forearms without HBHZ brand burned
into them.
Life Expectancy for Humans
Lipstick and cosmetics--except for STEM
Log Cabins
Lower Jaw Muscle Group ... Lateral
Pterygoid, Masseter, Medial Pterygoid, Temporalis
MacDonalds--cardboard burgers will be
standard fodder for Humans. Beef will be for STEM priests and
worshipers only.
Mardi Gras and New Orleans
Marine Life
Mars--reminds STEM Priests of anal
Memorials to past Humans
Microscopes and Telescopes
Milk for Humans
Mirrors for Humans
Mixed Nuts or Pistachios
Moonshine Whiskey
Money (currencies)
Motion Pictures
Music Systems--only HBHZ-type
loudspeakers will exist.
National Flags
National Parks
National Sports
Nature Remedies
New Zealand--sustained herding of
slaves is unprofitable there.
Non-Blood Sports
Nuclear Warheads
Obi-Wan Kenobi--or anyone like him.
Ocean Liners for Humans
Optical Muscle Group (Eye) ... Inferior
Oblique, Inferior Rectus, Lateral Rectus, Medial Rectus, Superior
Oral Cavity Muscle Group ... Digastric,
Geniohyoid, Mylohyoid, Stylohyoid
Orchestras and Operas
Organic Armies
Organic Presidents and Prime Ministers
Pantyhose--pigs don't use pantyhose.
Paper Towels and Toilet Paper
Peanut Butter for People
Peanuts--only for throwing at Humans by
Pencils, Pens, Paper.
Personal Computers--all free time must
be spent worshiping STEM Bastards and Bitches.
Personal Domiciles
Personal Property
Pharmaceuticals for Humans
Photography for Humans
Picture Frames
Precious Metals--for STEM only.
Private Vehicles for Humans
Races--slaves do not need races, or
toilet paper.
Radio Channels
Railroad Engineers
Railroad Passenger Cars
Rain Forests
Rappers and Rap Music
Reading Materials that do not please
STEM Priests.
Reggae Music
Religions for Humans
Religious Symbols other than 'STEM the
Remote Controls
Roller Skates
Rosary Beads
Rhythm and Blues
Salesmen--STEM issue orders, not
Science Fiction
Sewing Machines for Humans
Shoulder (Pectoral) Muscle Group ...
Levator Scapulae, Pectoralis,
Rhomboideus, Serratus Anterior,
Shuffle Dancing
Ski Resorts
Snow Mobiles
Snow Shovels
Space Exploration--AI is anti-Nature.
States, Provinces, Territories
Stethoscopes for Humans
Straw for the bricks.
Survival Kits
Tampons--only for slaves that serve the
Tangerines for Humans
Taxi Cabs
Telephone Polls that STEM should hang
The Moon--STEM wants worship, not
Thigh (Femur) Muscle Group ... Adductor
Magnus, Gluteus Maximus, Inferior Gemellus, Obturator Internus,
Pectineus, Tensor Fasciac Latae
Toaster Ovens
Trash Cans
Truck Stops
TV Channels--slaves being worked to
death have no time for more lies.
TV Turd Terrorists--all trash is
eventually dumped.
Ulan Bator, Mongolia--sustained herding
of slaves is unprofitable there.
Underwear for Humans
United Nations
Utility Vehicles
Vaginas--already forbidden by
Lesie-Turds, unless branded.
Vertical Column Muscle Group ...
Anterior Scalene, Iliocostalis Thoracis, Interspinales, Longissimus
Capitis, Multifidus, Semispinalis Capitis, Splenius Cervicis
Vitamins for Humans
Washing Machines for Humans
Waste Treatment Plants
Weapons for Humans
West Texas Armadillos
World Music
Wrist Watches
Zoos for animals.
So simple. So easy. So obvious. So
right. IF -- you know the Science Priests and the AI Freaks for what
they really are.
You will notice that in this Redux
version of the original December 2022 message, muscle groups of the
Human body have been added to the list. Those muscle groups will
simply degenerate into nothingness (atrophy) and reabsorb into the
body as mere flesh. All physical strength of the standard humanoid
body will cease to exist, except in the case of slaves that are
forced to perform hard menial labor; the slaves that are chosen to
perform hard menial tasks. Those slaves will be allowed to have
developed muscle groups to achieve the hard menial labor -- but no
more than that. They will NOT be allowed to develop muscle groups
that are not related to the hard menial tasks that they have been
chosen for.
The Man Alone:
Look! They done poisoned the Water
Look! They done watered their Poison
This picture is about as close as I can
imagine to the inside of Satan's Anus. I must tell you that I
am absolutely certain that it is an embarrassment to any hard-working
turd anywhere in the Known Universe.
What in the Name of Christ has happened
Those things are the worst objects
known to exist. Those things should be howling in pain and begging
repentance. Those things should be slicing their naked faces and
their naked bodies with sharp knives, while they plead for mercy and
forgiveness from the first Real Man to enter that shithole in
decades. Forgiveness for their horrid attempts to queer every Human
Child in their Public/Political Schools by the age of thirteen.
Slicing themselves to death and shrieking pleas for forgiveness for
having killed the young brains of tens of thousands of innocent Human
Children, by making them become vomitous perverts in the God-Damned
Public/Political Schools; which made they (themselves) the repugnant
trash that they are today.
How could such an Atrocity as they ever
How did a Man get into that shithole?
Why would any Man get into that
Why isn't that sewer to Hell not
destroyed yet?
How can we ever live down this shame?
How can anyone go to such a den of
deranged vermin and think that such turds as those represent any
Humans anywhere in the Universe?
This, is one of the all-time worst
disgraces that our Species has ever suffered!
This is a picture of the inside
defecation of any Lesie-turd's skull.
Is there any Human out there who could
possibly think that I am being too harsh a 'critic' of our enemies
after seeing this awful picture?
Answer: No. It is not mathematically
possible for a Human Being to be that stupid.
Have you heard their latest lie? It is
a repeat of a lie from twenty years ago, when the Lesie-turds
declared that they were getting tired of not being dominant and in
control of society. At the time, the scum called it "tired of
not being tolerated". Now, using their lies, the lesie scuzz
dominate all of the Deviate and Politics Games. And again, the vermin
are using the same lie to claim that FemiNazis are "tired of not
being tolerated".
My question is, what is there left for
the FemiNazis to dominate?
Since all of those bitches are the same
sewage -- they must want to take over and control another Game. What
Why is the center of the road, and the
road itself, eleven miles to the right of the horrible place in this
picture? Why is everything in the picture except 'The Man Alone' a
queer Piece Of Shit (POS)? And we know it!
And he knows it. Why is The Man Alone
so unbelievably desperate? This is one of the most shameful
incidences in the history of the World. It is a terrible and
unbelievably horrible shame that Zelensky would come to America and
all of those turds in that room would pretend to represent us while
he is there. That is an unforgivable crime. An incident that is a
Universal Constant in its own right. A horrible and horrible event
that universally and constantly will always be a 'Horrible Event' for
the rest of Time.
This picture is truly a vision of
Hell's Kitchen. Those cockroaches must think that Zelensky owns the
kitchen. Butt, aren't they supposed to be running from the light?
This is another all-time example of "It
is on their heads because it is in their heads!"
Humans = 1
Deviates = Hundreds
This shows you how unthinkably awful
the Twisted Species of Politics really is. Those maggots in that
picture, that are surrounding Zelensky, actually think that what is
in that sewer is the Entire World. They think Zelensky has come to
the real world to honor them. They think that dung heap in the
picture is the real world. They represent themselves and their dung
heap and nothing else, but they can never be told that. So destroy
their compost heaps.
Zelensky can read and write. Everything
else in that picture is an illiterate coughsucker. Everything else in
the photograph is an illiterate coughsucker for the biggest
penis-like items they can find.
An outstanding example, an enormous
example, a huge example of the way to stop the Twisted Species of the
Politics Game is to destroy their buildings. Level their buildings.
If those scuzz have no false edifices to be Deviates in they cannot
be Deviates. They will not no where to be Deviates. Except closets.
Any closet anywhere. But they want, and they love to have, their own
Deviate Buildings. For mass rallies of Twisted Deviations such as
what you see in this photograph. Get rid of the queer buildings and
you will greatly reduce the Deviates!
This shows clearly that there have been
no changes there in the last fifty years. Everything there is still
as filthy and as horrible as I said it was twenty years ago. I
described all of that sickness twenty years ago. It is a hideous,
awful, terrible and rancid pseudo-society of Liars. The Twisted
Species. The Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead. Nothing there has changed,
they are just as horrible today as they were twenty years ago.
Everything that I have said against those things in the last twenty
years is completely true; and still works and is still true.
[[Four score and seven years ago our
fathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation, conceived in
liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all Real Men are
created equal.
That goes true for Zelensky, no
matter what his first name is.]]
This brings up an important point and
an important reality. That photograph was NOT taken in America!
That photograph does not have a single
American in it. It is a picture of a shithole that is totally alien
to the United States of America. That photograph is of a sewer filled
with Deviates and Perverts that are as anti-American as anything
could possibly be; getting over on the citizenry using a choking
campaign of fear and bribes, many bribes.
With the exception of Zelensky, every
thing in that picture is a queer Piece Of Shit. (or it would not be
there) (condemned forever)
Without exception. No exceptions and no
excuses. It is a photograph of the Antithesis of America.
Anti-America. Totally anti-America, except for Zelensky. Zelensky is
not anti-American, but every thing else in the picture is
anti-American or it would not be there. It is anti-Human, it is
anti-Reality, it is anti-Nature. Anti-God, anti everything that is
decent and real. It is a photograph of a Man who has been thrown into
the identical situation of a Saint, yet to be martyred. It is a
picture of a Man who has been thrown into desperate acts, and has
been forced to literally enter Hell in order to save his own People.
This is an horrendous shame upon our country!
It is an horrendous and terrible crime.
I do not think that we Americans can ever apologize enough to
Zelensky and the People of the Ukraine for this awful and awful and
sickening event, in which so many perverts and deviates and shitbags
actually pretended that they represent the People of the United
States of America.
And Zelensky had to put up with that
shit just to save his own People. Because the Queers have all of our
The scum and vermin such as the turds
in the 'Man Alone' picture (and of course all Queers and Politicians
and Media Things) are definitely an example of pseudo-life imitating
dogshit. The Queer Medias, the Deviates, the Politicians want
brainless pseudo-persons (mindless obedient pseudo-human voters) for
their slaves, and that is exactly what they are getting. To the point
where their replacements are pseudo-versions of themselves. Which
will also want pseudo-versions of themselves for slaves and voters.
And they will end up being replaced by pseudo-versions of their
pseudo-selves which were pseudo-humans.
History of Destroying Buildings:
The history of having to destroy
buildings in order to obtain freedom, actually goes back quite a
ways. Probably to the beginning of Human Beings living in caves; and
for one tribe to be free of another tribe's influence they had to
destroy the caves that the other tribe was living in. If you had a
tribe 'Q' and a tribe 'H', and tribe 'Q' was bad and evil and was
oppressive and was trying to kill tribe 'H' for whatever reason, one
of the best ways for tribe 'H' to defend itself and to obtain freedom
from tribe 'Q' was to destroy the caves of tribe 'Q'.
And of course, it has been that way
ever since; and the evil ones, the bad tribes (the bad twisted
species like the politics vermin of today) always think that their
hideous enclosures (in which they carry out their hideous games and
make their terrible plans against everyone else) should be sacrosanct
and inviolable and sacred and permanent and glorified.
Such evil things always get totally
lost in that delusion. Always. They always get totally lost in the
delusion that the enclosures in which they torture their enemies and
plan to commit horrendous acts of genocide, and even the death of the
entire Human Species (which is what the Queers and the DemoQueers are
doing now) is somehow wonderful and splendid and glorious and certain
to succeed. And, the buildings in which it is all perpetrated should
be sacred.
But simultaneously, and I mean
instantaneously simultaneously, everyone else wants those buildings
destroyed. Anyone else who does NOT want those buildings destroyed is
Inside their Queer Coalition Bladders
they can play all kinds of psychopathic games, pretending they have
different colors and different ideas and different sides and
different arguments -- blah blah blah. But, they always give
themselves away as the same filthy shit if they do not want to
destroy the buildings.
If instead, they want to occupy the
buildings, then they are the same turds! The same twisted filth. The
same hideous evil. They are all inside the same Queer Coalition
Bladders, pretending that they are different inside the same sewage.
Smelling the same filth. Eating the same filth. Being the same filth.
Pretending that they are different from each other. You can always
tell what things are part of the same hideous PPPP (-) filth because
they will not want to destroy the buildings.
They will want to take over the
buildings, have the buildings for themselves, glorify their egos in
the buildings. Cursing the wretched slime that previously occupied
the buildings, as being unworthy of occupying the buildings; whereas
they themselves (the newest occupants) are the true intended
residents, the true intended owners, the true intended 'Deserved
Ones' for which the buildings were made to begin with.
It is nothing but Queershit, of course.
It is nothing but endless lies, from endless Liars. Pretending that
they are not all the same liars. And outside of the Queer Coalition
Bladders, outside of the hideous Wash This Death City and the Hideous
Boston Horrid Zone and the hideous BBC, everyone who is not part of
that insanity can see truly that the buildings have to go!
It has been that way for a very long
time, and it is time to get rid of those buildings anyway. They are
old and obsolete and usually decaying and crumbling under many coats
of paint, and they could be easily replaced with much more efficient
and much better buildings. Far better and far higher buildings, much
bigger buildings.
But the sickos do not want to do that,
they just want to take possession of those old rotten and almost
worthless buildings; and with the 'Man Alone' picture you can see how
ugly they are inside, after so many political generations of housing
scum and demons. Those things just want to take possession away from
each other. It is a game of moving chairs. Moving chairs around a
They are sick to say the least,
sick-sick-sick. Horribly sick and demented.
What I am thinking of is the pain in
the People who are not part of that sickness, who have had to endure
the presence of such a terrible circus of sick swine, because of
Vermin that Vote. Idiot Voters. That perpetuate the Politics Game.
Think of how painful it is for all of
the People who are the children and the grandchildren of American
Veterans who fought during World War II and were directed to destroy
the buildings of our enemies. Which is exactly what they did in
massive quantities, they destroyed the buildings of the Japanese and
the Germans and the Italians (the Axis Powers) -- which was the side
of the enemy. They blew the crap out of those buildings! They just
leveled entire cities to stop their enemies, many times.
AND! All of the time they were thinking
that their own buildings and whatever 'Wash This Death City' used to
be called (whatever it was) that those buildings were sacrosanct.
Their own buildings were sacred, their own buildings were precious,
their own buildings were righteous. Their own buildings were the
'Good Buildings' and the Nazi Buildings were the 'Bad Buildings' etc.
Their own buildings were Good and the Axis buildings were the Bad.
Their own buildings were the Good Buildings and the Axis buildings
were the Bad Buildings.
TODAY! The children and the
grandchildren of those American Veterans have to level the very same
buildings just to stay alive!
Just to remain alive and NOT slaves of
the Deviates.
All of those buildings are 100% dead
from the Queerism Disease.
Completely infested by Deviates, and
must be destroyed.
Because from within those buildings the
Deviates plan the death of the entire Human Species.
So now the children and the
grandchildren of the American Veterans who thought that their own
buildings were great and wonderful and symbolic of Democracy and
Freedom, have to destroy the same buildings just to stay alive! Just
to stay alive. And not be killed and not enslaved by Deviates.
There is no argument.
These are before and after photographs
of the infamous bombing of Dresden during World War II, which was
committed by the Allied Air Forces to cause chaos amongst the
civilian populations that were fleeing the advance of Soviet Armies
and to placate the demands of Joseph Stalin.
50 Year Projects:
50 year projects are best for Space
A 25 year old Human (organic) can start
a project and finish it by the age of 75 -- and -- the project will
not be corrupted by committees or successors or opportunists.
In (5) ten year increments this will
work. Teams dissipate after ten years due to continued lack of
interest or enthusiasm. (5) ten year teams can achieve great
advancements in Space.
(5) fifty year projects can build a
Galactic Starship -- and I do NOT mean the Star Trek variety -- I
mean the Galactic Colony type.
Lord of the Rings:
Inside perverts poisoned the LOTR
movement just like they hijacked the Civil Rights Movement -- for the
sake of a money-making bowel movement that would take over the
politics game -- 'Big Queer'. They deliberately queered the LOTR
movement into a sham and fakery for Queer Propaganda, just like the
perverts of today are poisoning the Cosplay movement into a sham and
fakery for Queer Propaganda! Now, only poisoned film productions
filled with perverts may be made of any Human novels.
Need proof? Look at YandyAnus.
One look at the YandyAnus of false
colors will do two things for you ...
1. Send your last meal to the floor.
2. Convince you that I write the Truth.
Sick Evil is NOT equal to anything.
Sick-sick-sick and evil filth is NOT equal to anything. It is just
hideous and rancid and putrid filth from the damned and hideous and
twisted brains of the Lesie-turds such as the Nazi-Pelosi vermin.
Those Douche Bags should have their douche shoved back down their
throats. Sick Evil is NOT equal to anything.
Defund it. Defund them. Defund the
damned. Defund and keep your money elsewhere.
The 'BBC Dead' are the results of
rampant runaway perversions caused by successful attacks against
Human Children by queer teachers in Public/Political Schools --
unregulated and unpoliced by Humans -- children sent to their deaths
by TV-watching parents that do not give a shit about their children.
Does anyone think of the cost in lives
the BBC Plague will cause? The time to worry about loss of life was
when shitheads watched TV and were turned into mindless Queers. That
was the time to stop the spread of DemoCrapia and Queerism. For
decades TV has been nothing more than a recruiting device for 'Big
Queer' Inc. And now, those TV Turd Terrorists want to destroy the
Internet so that no Humans can use the Internet to write or say the
Truth about the TV Turd Terrorists and their Queer Masters. The worst
part of it is the control over the so-called search engines by the
Deviates -- now blatantly obvious. This is done by the Deviates so
that no search will link to any websites that say the Truth. Thus
making all search engines into Searches For Lies Only. The so-called
search engines are now @Deviate Property@, and hence are the same
anti-Nature filth as TV.
Why do the TV Turd Terrorists always
want to neuter and destroy the Internet? Well, they have to preserve
their fakery and lies. The Internet, or any other place that is a
source of Truth, must be destroyed. They exist to lie and to fake
everything. They are nothing more than commercial swine. Scuzz Bags.
They are the Scuzz! And, if Truth exists in the lives of People then
how can their fakery and lies exist in the same lives of those
People? Those TV Turds realize that they must dominate the minds of
their victims, and their victims must have no Truth in their brains.
The Internet is full of Truth about the Queers, which is what they
are. The Internet is full of Truth about the sick-sick-sick
perversions that they are. And the TV Turd Terrorists therefore
cannot control as many slaves as they otherwise would if there was no
Truth in the brains of their slaves. So they must neuter and destroy
the Internet. This is why they created and control the IIIN (Internet
Interruption and Intimidation Network). Now, they want to reduce and
destroy all Real Sex on the Internet, or any mention or any display
of Real Sex on the Internet, in favor of their queer fakery and their
phony and false sex, which is all that they ever do, which is all
that they ever are. All that they can be without real genitals. They
want to pretend, and they want all of their slaves to believe, that
Queerism is sex. The only sex. And, of course, it is NOT. It is just
deviate trash. It is just perversion. It is NOT sex of any kind. So,
they must destroy any sight or sound or mention of Real Sex wherever
it may be found. Wherever it may be. Wherever their slaves might find
As always the Deviates (all) attack any
weakness or blindness or corruption point or time span when a
pre-existing society is most vulnerable. The now-vile BBC was once
Human as was Yandy. Now, they are forever dung and trash, media
whorehouses of the worst perversions; a stain and scourge; the return
of the plagues. Death traps.
None of those former British places or
things that have been plagued by the BBC are still British; just as
certainly as there is utterly nothing within the 'Wash This Death
City' area that is still American. All such places grovel and lie
under a bed sheet of false colors and have only Death and Queerism
for their daily sustenance. A sick-sick-sick wastage. Replacement
conscripts for the Dirty Deranged Perverts that were replacement
conscripts for the Dirty Deranged Perverts that were replacement
conscripts for the Dirty Deranged Perverts that were created by such
pukebags as The Cult Of The Asshole that controls the Hideous Boston
Horrid Zone (HBHZ). Those pathetic corpses in shallow graves and the
bottom of forgotten ditches were the TV-killed brain dead victims
that were directed to become Queers by the Lesie-turds at
Public/Political Schools and their MMFH -- to be replaced every
political generation by more unfortunate shitheads that were also
forced to become Queers and say lies and pretend that they were born
as Queers.

When the Russians say that the British
are devils and evil, they of course refer to the BBC scum, and they
are right! The EU at Brussels has been perverted for decades. Now the
Brexit movement is trying to get England away from that -- and -- the
putrid vermin at the BBC wants to hurt all Englanders for that -- so
-- the BBC has increased its Queerism Campaigns against Humanity and
the People of England. Do the orders come from the 'IT' Creatures at
Wash This Death City?
Before the end of all Government
Authority on June 26, 2013 bitch-turds here were heard to spread the
lie that Mass Insanity was already in England and Queer and Phony
Marriage-Hatred (QPMH) was already “accepted” in England (a total
lie) -- and -- it was not a problem there. Hopefully all such lying
bitch-turds are dead by now -- slaughtered by the Queerapsy that
kills all Queered brains. Or, they are in the BBC (same thing). As
you probably know, another cause of Queerapsy (brain-leprosy) is the
Bait and Switch Queer Propaganda of such Queer Medias as the BBC.
This involves the injection of Queer Propaganda into all
documentaries or media reports about anything else. Forcing all
listeners and viewers to swallow Queershit while they try to learn
about anything else, no matter what it is.
Meanwhile back at the TV set -- the
Queer and Sexless Internet Censors (QSIC) always Bait and Switch
viewers from Sex to Sexless and Hopeless Slavery. They are twisted
monsters that HATE Real Genitals and what Real Genitals can do. They
can only exist in the Sexless Sewers of TV. Queers are NOT Sex and
never have been.
Does British Government work? Not very
good. It keeps forgetting its own sexless identity and it
always smells like asshole. There, the Politics Game is nothing less
than a queer and deliberate attempt to kill off what remains of the
former British People ...... Three Prime Ministers, Two Queens, the
anti-Brexit bowel movement, the Big Business White Assholes financing
any thing in an attempt to stop Brexit and save Big Queer and pick
clean the bones of the English People ...... all intended to melt
down the former British Identity.
[[It is Forever On Their Heads Because
It Is Forever In Their Heads.]] such tiny spaces
Queer is NOT Sex. There are only two
sexes and 'Sex' can only occur between those two. Anything else is
insanity and/or deliberate evil. The things that now control Queerism
want to turn enough children into perverts that the sickness that the
Lesie-turds create will be accepted by the TV Watchers by sheer
numbers of numbed brains; all of which will dimly think that there
are too many Queers to stop.
This is what happens when scum succeed
at degrading governments into chaos and internal warfare and then
take advantage of the sick-sick-sick society that results.
The current nomenclature for the BBC
('B Bullshit C') is really a misnomer. There isn't a bull in the
entire place.
This link is to a Folder -- not
a single file. It will present to you the contents of the folder and
you can choose what you want to read and download -- free -- no
viruses. The contents are various pdf files showing the results of
searches that should reveal hundreds of websites that condemn the BBC
and tell the truth about that cesspool. Instead, the search
engines have been programmed by the perverts at the BBC to never
show websites that say the truth about them. In that sense, these
results prove that the Deviates are dictators and liars and fakes and
phonies and totally evil. The obvious truth revealed by the above
weblinks shows that the so-called search engines are permanently
anti-Human and perverted and sexless and 'TV Queer'. There is really
no reason to call them 'search engines' anymore.
Do NOT pass by this section. This is
an enormously important section.
How do you stop a scourge such as the
BBC? Well, the first thing that you do is to identify anything that
the BBC touches, or is associated with. Anything associated with the
BBC is permanently stained by Queerism. The BBC is the queerest place
in all of England. The worst place in all of England. The most
hideous place in all of England. It is literally where all dung and
feces in England goes to in the sewer pipes. It is a microscopic
version of the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone, and we know here in
America that everything associated with the HBHZ is literally
anti-Life and anti-Nature and anti-Universe. It is anti-Matter. That
is now what the BBC is in England. So, whatever is touching it and
whatever has been touched by it and whatever is associated with it is
anti-Matter. So the first thing to do to get rid of the BBC Plague is
to identify the anti-Matter. The second thing to do is to build up
and reinforce everything that is NOT anti-Matter. To support and
encourage everything that is NOT the BBC filth. The BBC shit. The BBC
stain. The BBC disease of England. Especially to reinforce anything
or anyone who is the opposite of the BBC. Anyone who is truly Human,
truly positive and truly natural should be reinforced and reproduced
and multiplied. And multiplied and multiplied and multiplied ...
Human Compendium:
Now, a Communications Compendium for
Humans is necessary. It must be a constantly updated listing of all
Human weblinks and their descriptions; complete with active weblinks.
It would not have links to separate messages at first. For example,
my site has hundreds of messages on it, but at first only the main
links would show in the Compendium. However, it would be cataloged in
the 'Human Defense' and 'Human Future' sections.
The Internet is now crippled and
hampered by Deviate-controlled search engines, which must now be
quarantined; just like you would quarantine Covid or Small pox or
Bubonic Plague.
Anything that will not show the Truth
about the Deviates, and tries to make our Species sexless IS THE
Here are some British terms for the
absurdity and the vomit that is being put out by the Queer BBC ...
You Go Too Far
Need more? Read my messages.
Just a few casual observations ...
Oh hideous messy puke on the rug!
Perverts are pretending to be a race that is endangered! I am happy
to say that the huge majority of YouTube videos do not have the evil
rag of the Deviates in them.
YouTube advisory -- always look in the
background of a YouTube video for any signs of the Queer's false flag
of pretended colors. Despise any that do. Rainbows are Good and OK,
because they are from God, not from the Deviates.
How to legally get rid of any pervert:
Make it sign legal papers saying it
will cease to exist if it ever lies again.
5 seconds later any thing or anyone can
kill it legally.
The average Queer breathes every 5
I do not want to smell Lesie-turd Ass
wherever I go. I do not want to smell the stench of lying lesie ass
wherever I go. I do not want to smell the stench of lesie lying ass
in the supermarkets. I do not want to smell the stench of lesie lying
ass in the hardware stores. I do not want to smell the stench of
lesie lying ass on the highways. Or in the Walmarts. Or in the
convenience stores. I do not want to smell the stench of lesie lying
ass. As an American Real Man I have the right to say and write that.
And I have the right to live a life free of the stench of lying lesie
Is the Elon Musk channel on YouTube
legitimate? Finding real videos on YouTube is very difficult.
On YouTube -- if the video label uses
the word 'Terrifying' ignore it.
10 minutes of searching for anything on
YouTube will show you why I stopped putting my videos there. It is a
morass of illegitimate and phony information. A pervert's paradise.
In such a rotten web, the Deviates can easily launch a misinformation
campaign against Elon Musk.
Much of what is on YouTube is bad
enough to qualify as Digital Feces -- oops -- I mean Queerpox News.
AI History can be given with one line
'Thunk by anus. Spawned by anus. Punked
by anus'.
AI is a form of hate. Hate for Mankind.
By deranged and deficient and disastrous malcontents and isolated
freaks and slaves raised to kill mankind, by assholes who hate
For instance -- will AI stop the
endless Queer Propaganda and enhance the Human Species by protecting
and increasing our Human Will; which is already forbidden by the
Deviates and considered an 'Outlaw Element' of their controlled
Answer: No, of course not. However,
Anti 'Artificial Intelligence' Intelligence (both Organic and
Digital) can and will stop Hate AI from killing us off. (AAII)
Those monsters that most deserve to
die, and have already killed Humans in many horrible ways (and
deserve to die for it) are the AI scum that are most involved in
Killer Robots and Killer AI. Their singular goal is to kill all
Humans who have the right to kill them!!!!!!!!!!
This is why all of the AI vermin of the
Hideous Boston Horrid Zone are focused on homicidal robotics.
It will rapidly reach a point where
every Human will need organic and digital AAII defenses to remain
Free and Human and Independent and Mobile. Even so, the hoards of
Killer AI machines will be used to herd Humans into 'Reservations'.
Therefore, two things are of paramount importance for the Future of
*1. Very efficient methods of
annihilating large masses of Killer AI machines.
*2. Very painful ways to find and
execute the designers and builders of Killer AI machines.
I hope the 'Eighteen Million' get this
message. The eighteen million permanently disappointed fools that
voted in 2020; that voted RepuCrap in 2020. Not realizing and not
accepting the glaring fact that there is NO DIFFERENCE between
DemoQueers and RepuCraps. In fact, some of the things in that
shithole surrounding The Man Alone were RepuCraps. And they are total
Deviates. I hope the Eighteen Million read this message.
Any mention of the enemy such as the
Queer Medias, and the Twisted Species of Politics, and the
Lesie-turds (is there a difference?) should be called the 'Tiny Queer
Medias' and the 'Tiny Twisted Species' and the 'Tiny Lesie-turds'
because THEY ARE A TINY PERCENTAGE of the overall population. And the
question remains -- 'How could such a tiny and dipshit and ugly and
Satanic percentage of the overall population control so many Idiot
Voters and control so many shithead TV Watchers? How can the tiny and
dirty and evil Little Shits control large percentages of stupefied
shithead populations that were made that way in queer
Public/Political Schools? Well, the questions answer themselves. The
large percentages were turned into shitheads that obey the tiny
percentages by the Tiny Queer Teachers in the Tiny Public/Political
Schools, that are a tiny percentage of the overall population. But,
because of Queer Laws the Tiny Queer Teachers were given access to
generations of innocent children that they turned into brain-dead
large percentages of the population; that can only watch Queer TV and
Vote. That is how it happened.
Today -- the Lesie-turds are in a
dilemma. The lesies cannot stop their filthy activities, they cannot
stop their terrible insanities against everything that is Natural in
the Universe. For one reason, the Queerism disease will not allow
them to stop. Another reason is, they have not yet turned all of
their victims into totally brain-dead and mindless zombies. Mindless
zombies that are completely destroyed by Queerapsy, which is brain
leprosy caused by endless Queershit. The lesies are afraid that their
own victims will turn on them and kill them if they stop destroying
the Universe. If they stop killing the Universe, the lesies are
afraid that their own victims will turn on them and kill them.
Even though, it has already reached a
point where the Lesie-turds themselves cannot stand the sight of the
things that they have created for Satan. A lot of the lesies cannot
stand the sight of the hideous monstrosities that they have created
for Satan and for Nazi Pelosi and for the IT Creature in Wash This
Death City. They cannot stand the sight of the shit, but they have no
choice. And, they have to keep creating worse and worse shit, or the
shit will kill them.
And who is going to care?
Is this Truth that I say and write
about the SQLD [now the PPPP(-)] such as the vermin in the 'Man
Alone' photograph; is this a socially-embarrassing incident for those
creatures? Is the revealing of the Truth about their hideous
existence, and what they really are, a socially-embarrassing incident
for those lying scum?
Well, the answer is another question.
How can you have a socially-embarrassing incident for
socially-embarrassing incidences? How can you socially embarrass a
socially-embarrassing incident? How can you embarrass something that
is embarrassing? How can you cause any negativity to something that
is already totally negative? They are Anti-Life. Anti-Matter.
Anti-Humanity. They are Complete Negativity. So how could you have
anything negative affect them? Indeed, to negatively affect Total
Negativity such as the Nazi Pelosi 'Hund-from-Hell' -- would
create a Positive! Two negatives equals a positive. If you affect
something that is Totally Negative negatively you are doing something
The 'Man Alone' photograph undoubtedly
shows the lowest point in the life of anyone. Not just for Zelensky,
but for anyone. I cannot even imagine any Human Being existing inside
of Wash This Death City, except as a prisoner or as a slave. I cannot
even imagine any Human Being having to go into such an unspeakably
vile and hideous place such as that Chamber of the Dead (Chamber of
Horrors) where everything is Queer. Where every thing is absolutely
Queer. Zelensky did so because of total desperation, but it is the
low point of his life. It is the lowest point of his entire
existence. The only way it could get worse for Zelensky is if
Zelensky has to entertain the Nazi Pelosi creature in a closet in
Pelosi's hovel -- house of horrors -- whatever. If Zelensky had to
entertain that unspeakably vile bitch Nazi Pelosi in a closet, that
might be worse than what we see in the 'Man Alone' picture.
Of course, if he brought a live grenade
with him, he would be resolved totally and welcomed into Heaven.
Welcomed into Heaven with a standing ovation!
Speaking of People's attitudes and the
appreciation or lack of appreciation of the Truth, I recently heard
one young man in Webster City say to another that it should be enough
for me (Peters) just to have him reading my messages. All of the
efforts which I go through, all of the blood and sweat and tears that
I go through, to find out the Truth and to write the Truth and to
make videos of the Truth and to put out the Truth every month should
be amply rewarded just by the fact that People like him read my
Think of what that means. Think of the
callous and unthinking attitude which that represents. Think of the
incredible inflated egotism of such a person. Think of how such a
person must have the deranged belief that the effort which he must
exert to read my messages should make it all worth while.
Without any word of does he
understand it? Does he value the Truth?
Is this his extent? Is this the extent
of his values? The fact that he reads it, as though it were just
another newspaper? As though it were just another blob or blurb on
the Internet that he looks at? As though it were just another item in
a sidewalk window? In a shop window?
Think about how superficial that
attitude, that kind of attitude, is. And, how hugely overinflated
that person's thoughts about the importance of himself must be.
That person must think that he is a
Royal Sovereign or an exalted Angel from the Heavens. Or the most
valuable person on Earth.
And, to merely look at the messages is
a great recognition on his part. Without any intention of
understanding any of it.
Human Colors Background:
This is the non-Deviated and non-Queer
background for any Human illustration of any kind, and it has nothing
to do with the Queer Game or the Politics Game, and it has nothing to
do with those perverts at all; except it opposes all of them always.
Human Nature is still quite alive, no
thanks to the turds in the 'Man Alone' picture. No thanks to those
vermin that shame our country. I am very pleased to announce that
Human Nature is still very much alive -- and increases every time a
Human does NOT use a Queered Search Engine.
Can you believe it? In the past I have
known people who thought I was crazy to write about the Truth. My
words were forbidden by Deviate Brainwashing Regulations, so they
thought I was crazy.
Of course, they are all dead or slaves
Rhyme of the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone
fry lie die sny try to escape
try to escape while to mordor
they have taken you
once demented once deranged once
estranged once to blame
no more shall we take you
to mordor they will take you
not for thee shall we forsake
to mordor they will take you
imbeciles bedded with the damned
forever to blame
to mordor they will take you
not for thee shall will forsake
the sane
to mordor they will keep you
and good riddance to thee oh
Markel Peters