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Showing posts with label Cult. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cult. Show all posts

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Choose Your Failed Revolution Carefully:

If you are ready for decades of war, have a failed revolution now; and get the entire process of a Great Revolution started. Historically, a smaller failed revolution has a less-than-even chance of leading to a Great Revolution, and therefore can be productive, if costly. However, all previous failed revolutions were between Humans on both sides. Any revolution in this country will be between Human Revolutionaries and the Killer Queers of The Cult Of The Asshole -- that controls the so-called 'Northeast' and Wash This Death City. If your failed revolution does lead to greater events, eventually after decades of oppression and torture, you could win. Eventually, the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead (SQLD) would be annihilated -- by successive attempts. However, you must first have an enormous determination to be free of the SQLD.

Undoubted Timeline:

*Failed First Revolution.
*Massive Murders of Humans -- to re-establish terror of Wash This Death City.
*Martial Law -- only after murders have achieved terrorism goals.
*Gelding of every third non-Queer male -- to make terror permanent.
*Increased Dictatorship by Increased Government Insectoids.
*Every First Born Human Child to be Sex Changed -- to satisfy Deviates of the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone.
*Queer Factory Huffingbutt's Post -- made official Ministry of Propaganda.
*First IIIN Reich Party established as rulers of all Internet Traffic.
*Every Second Born Human Child Lobotomized -- to satisfy the APA.
*All Human Children given 'Oh Ick!' as new middle name -- to satisfy the ACLU.
*All Humans forced to preface all speech with "Heil Gay!" -- to satisfy the TV Turds.
*All Humans re-classified as non-citizens, and only allowed to vote as ordered -- to satisfy all Political Gnomes.
*All Human weapons confiscated, and pathetic non-standardized calibers reissued under enormous restrictions -- to satisfy Gun and Ammunition manufacturers.
*The 'Open Anus of Piece' made the new National Seal -- to satisfy The Cult of the Asshole in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone.
*All Human name prefixes to be changed to 'Monkey' or 'Monkeyess' -- to identify dangerous Humans and to force all Humans to submit to the completely unnecessary existence and dominance of Monkey Judges and Monkey Lawyers.
*All Human finances confiscated at Tank-Point and severely reduced (stolen) for the betterment of Perverts everywhere.
*Cloning of Killer Queers proclaimed the National Destiny and compared to the Space Race to the Moon in importance.
*All Human fetuses injected with biological toxins to insure that all Human children will be born retarded -- and thus conform to the horrible rules of the Joe Biden Gay Security Memorial Measure as written into Queer Law.
*Second Attempted Revolution. With what? Dish rags and doggie bones? Add baby bottles! Oh, I'm impressed!

Think I am exaggerating? Let me explain something to you. The 'Oh Ickers' do not act squeamish because of my descriptions -- of what the Perverts want to do to us. They do have an automatic 'Oh Ick' reaction to any discomfort, but where my descriptions are concerned the 'Oh Icks!' spit out for another reason. It is not the descriptions that make them say 'Oh Ick'. It is the fact that they KNOW what I am writing is the Truth. They are such worthless cowards, they do not want to think of it. The Truth. Not only can they not defend themselves against their own horrible dilemma as slaves -- they do not want anyone to try to free them from their slavery -- because that will make them think of how horrible their slavery really is. So, they will attack and try to disable anyone who tries to make them Free People, because such an effort would make them think of how horrible their pathetic lives are to begin with.

[[Man! Is that ridiculous! Ridiculous. Ridic Uless. Ridi Cue Less. Ridi Clue Less.]]

My advice to non-'Oh Ickers' is to travel. Get out of your rut and go see what the Deviates are doing. Those swine have already sworn to kill the United States of America, for the sole reason that the Truth about themselves is known by the People of this country.

[[Hah! Have you seen the Hate Team Exhibitions? The phony Hate Teams that are pretending to be 'married', are touring the states for propaganda purposes -- scrubbed -- groomed -- acting nice -- pretending this -- pretending that -- pretending without their fangs -- pretending without their sex-toys-little-boys -- pretending to be model Hate Teams -- and most ridiculous of all >>>> pretending that everyone does not immediately see that One is a Rat and The Other is an Idiot. On tour. Rats and Idiots coming to your town soon. And always surrounded by slimes of the Five Evils, and all pretending that dung in the streets and dung in the marketplaces is normal. Sound coordinated maybe?

Sounds like TV Turds to me.


During your First Failed Revolution, I will take pictures of the 'Oh Ickers' sleeping in their beds with smiles on their faces -- while Queer M1A1 tanks demolish your houses.

I will take pictures of Queer M1A1 tanks firing directly into the bedroom windows of Human households only -- with every queered house in the neighborhood displaying the Deviate Smears Flag in their windows. While jackals-in-uniforms (from the Total Force compost heap at Fort Mccoy in Wisconsin) dance for joy in the streets. And, in the background the thought police of the Queer&Armed Fart Forces (of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid) congratulate each other on another 'Rousting-Roasting' well done.

Me and my camera will be busy. But, if you have the determination such minor setbacks should not deter you.

Choose your actions wisely, you could get your neighborhood killed -- by eager and willing killers. Your current position is that of no strength and such disorganization that you cannot force the Gun and Ammunition manufacturers to standardize calibers. Meanwhile, the NRA thinks that they have you thinking that they really do think that all of you think you are Good Buddies. So of course you are going to buy their T shirts and Bullshit.


Revolution Double Check:

In an ideal world -- non-Radical and non-Fascist Black Humans can and will provide a vital and mandatory Double Check for the plans of any Tentative Revolution. However, any Black Humans who are asked to Double Check the feasibility of any Tentative Revolution MUST NOT be part of the Central Planning Group -- even though other Black Humans should be in the Central Planning Group.

[[Mind you -- I am not writing about anything 'black' that you see on TV. All of those 'black' things on TV are Black Homo-Fascists.]]

Anyone who is part of any Central Planning Group is too close to the plans to be able to provide an acceptable level of Reviews and Double Checks. The reviewers must be 'Black Humans' of the Black Human Contingent, not members of the Central Planning Group, and utterly trustworthy and would rather Die Than Rat.

Beware of Black Homo-Fascists pretending to be Black Humans. You have already been fooled by them; especially if you watch ESPN for any insane reason. The SQLD are doing everything evil possible to confuse anyone with 'black' skin into thinking they belong on the side of Death and Deviation. They have been told that Deviate Death is the wave of the future, and the 'blacks' only hope. Many 'blacks' are in doubt, because they are kept in isolation inside the Queer Coalitions that captured them. Plus -- they are being herded and brainwashed daily by Black Middle-Managers-For-Hire that consider the Queer Factory Huffingbutt's Post to be their gospel and their path to profits.

Meanwhile, I would not trust any Hispanics in this as far as I could throw them. If the Hispanics in Fort Smudge are any indication, they are playing everyone else for suckers and retards. Laughing at all of us behind our backs has become their National Pastime. Alienation is their way.


Deviates -- the Indicator Disease:

In a living ecosystem there is a way, a cardinal method, to measure the health and vibrancy of the ecosystem in a fast and easy way. That is to look at the status and the state of health of the system's dominant life form. At Lake Champlain that species was the Harbor Seal (Phoca vitulina) -- now extinct from the region because of hunters. Lake Champlain is now without an Indicator Species population, and will remain so because of a herd of fat walruses that have an annual fishing derby on the lake and want all seals dead and gone -- because seals eat fish.

[[Ask 'Ducks Unlimited' how important ducks are to their ecosystem.]]

Eliminating the seals of Lake Champlain is like killing all of the ducks in a region, because the pheasant hunters think the elimination of all ducks will help their pheasant hunting for some psychopathic reason.

In any political/evil system there is an Indicator Evil that (when analyzed) indicates the state of decay and corruption and evil that is epidemic to that political/evil system. That Indicator Evil used to be the so-called 'Liberals'. Then the Liberals unleashed the Queerism Disease upon the world, spreading lesbians and faggots everywhere they thought such perverts would disable their political opponents. Now, of course, we know the terrible results of that attack against the world. Today, the Deviates have completely taken over all terrible liberalism, and are the Indicator Evil of the world's political/evil systems.

In the putrid realm of political evil, one kind of sick-sick-sick behavior and dementia stands out far more than all others -- and rightfully so because it literally invades laterally and at all times; ceaselessly poisoning anything else and then claiming the corpses for its own purposes. Queerism.

The Deviate Disease (Queerism) is so invasive and destructive that it operates, owns or bribes almost all known evils -- thereby revealing what they are and how they are evil. The Deviate mental disease is absolutely The Single Indicator Disease in the entire Five Evils Socio/Psycho/Pathic system. All others are mere aberrations and quite incomplete viewpoints teetering on obsolescence, and only still extant because they somehow serve the purposes of the Perverts.

[['Purposes of Perverts'. How would you like that to be the reason for your life and continued existence?]]

This fact, in opposition to the customary ideas, is why so many people (who were raised to think that one of those other problems or other maladies is so crucial and essential to fight) often regard me as a wastrel or a mountebank or a scoundrel or a 'Single Topic Maniac'. While they themselves are sitting on their own single-topic egg.

Well ... they are truly and absolutely wrong -- and -- selfish. They were raised to be selfish. They were trained to be selfish. They were made to be myopic, by the people who recruited them for that one topic -- which those people use to get rich.

[['Myopic for one Topic'.]]

Hence there is no unified front against the Five Evils -- and -- the only possible unified front would be attacking the Deviates Disease (Queerism) -- instead of some isolated topic or small piece of the jigsaw puzzle. A jigsaw puzzle created by the Queers out of a number of puzzles that predated them.

So ... the entire mess is like a big barn fire, that people are trying to put out by standing around it and spitting on it.


CBs versus defunct Federal Authority:

The Federal Monkeys (stripped of all authority as of June 26, 2013) hate truck drivers. Not just a little bit. Yes -- there is a real hatred burning in the tiny brain of all Federal Monkeys for all Real Truck Drivers. Let us count the 'Whys':

A. Real Truck Drivers speak their minds and are NOT afraid to think.

B. Real Truck Drivers speak their minds and are NOT afraid to think.

C. Real Truck Drivers speak their minds and are NOT afraid to think.

D. All of the above.

E. Being able to think, truck drivers know how un-authorized and un-authentic and totally evil anything 'Federal' is. And -- they tell others. That Truth about the non-existent Federal Authority must be silenced -- according to the Federal Sucks.

There is always a terrible Federal Persecution of Truck Drivers occurring in this country. The enormous amount of unnecessary Rules and Regulations that burden and oppress American Truck Drivers every day are so stupid and worthless, and often ridiculous and horrendous, that such grief and misery should only happen to Federal Sucks. So, of course it comes from Federal Sucks that want all People everywhere to be as miserable and mentally fornicated as they themselves always are.

To make matters worse, the CB traffic between truck drivers has fallen off badly. Obviously Federal Sucks, paid by the 'Feds' to drive trucks for them, have trash talked on the CB channels as much as possible in an attempt to interfere with and destroy inter-trucker communications. And, it is working. CB traffic between truckers is at a low ebb, and that sick condition makes the victim (truck drivers) more vulnerable to dis-organization, dis-unity, and division. To the point of being nothing more than a Feeble Truth against the Federal Sucks. It is a classic 'Divide and Conquer' tactic using the method of halted communications to cause the division.

There is a Deviate Factor involved. The horribly twisted Homo-Fascists and Perverts that had invaded trucking and were trying to use the CB channels for whoring and propaganda, were kicked off the CB channels by Human Truck Drivers. In their twisted revenge they helped the Federal Sucks to spread the idea throughout the truck driver population that talking on the CB radio was no longer acceptable or the right thing to do. They fooled the truck drivers into falling down on their duties to communicate over the CB radio -- thus causing them to fall apart as an Intelligent Human Community.

Also, a divided and disrupted community is much more vulnerable to the implantation of enemy agents, foreign elements, and imitation replacements. The Queer Suck and Federal Suck goals being to destroy a demographic population that knows the Truth about them and is always willing to say the Truth to anyone.


The obvious solution to this problem is to reverse the process. From my own observations, CB radio usage has declined over the last five years dramatically. So, what will replace it? The cross-talk between Real Truck Drivers is a mandatory necessity for the health and security of the Trucking Community -- against all Federal Suck and Queer Suck attempts against them.


You think I am making this up?
You think truckers are not being watched and persecuted for knowing the Truth about Federal Sucks?

Look at this >>>>

This is a screen save of what my laptop computer picked up for signals at a truckstop in Northern Missouri on the night of 01-14-2016. Simple as that. Just tell your laptop to show you the list of all available wireless connections.

Are you forgetting? All DemoCrap invaders of Missouri have already labeled every non-DemoCrap in Missouri as a 'terrorist'. If you live in Missouri and you are not a DemoCrap, then you are a non-DemoCrap Terrorist. You are a 'dangerous criminal type' and you must be prevented from having the Freedom of Speech, the Right to Bear Arms, and forbidden to have Freedom of Assembly! That, has already happened in Missouri.

And -- Golly Gee! Wireless companies also have surveillance vans that prowl through towns and neighborhoods logging SSIDs and trying to listen to traffic. Wonder why? Wonder who they suck for? If you cut one of those wireless snoops open, what did it have for breakfast? 'Missouri Is Da Terrorists' Corn Flakes?


The whining excuse of all 'Killers Caught Killing' -- Coexist! Coexist!

Do you really think an FBI Surveillance Van is going to look like an FBI Surveillance Van? No, it will be disguised as anything else -- except some obviously Queer vehicle with 'Coexist' stickers on it.

However, if we caught some disguised Federal Sucks in a disguised FBI Surveillance Van spying on the wireless traffic of an entire truck stop at night -- and we grabbed the Sucks and began to beat the shit out of them -- they would scream "Coexist! Coexist!" and show us their Coexist Tattoos on their ugly naked buttocks.


Typical Black Radical Extremist:

"It like he got them hypnotized and all that!" said the mesmerized hypnotized glamorized dutified suit-the-perverts-fied Black Radical Homo-Fascist from the Northeast. About the complete lack of faggots fingering each other's (bleeps) in the lobby of a truckstop on Iowa80. And, about the deplorable absence of the Mandatory Sodomy Position -- by all truck drivers when refueling their trucks or paying for fuel at the diesel counter.

To see people who are thinking is apparently a surprise to things that cannot.

Description: About 5' 10", unkempt, dreadlocks, funky polar bear hat, wireless headset under hat, hidden cell phone, backpack of necessary drugs and stimulants, fat coat on fat torso bloated with lies, jabbering on a headset, stupid face around stupid eyes blurred by endless deceptions, speech jived by too many hypnotism restructuring classes.

I am not surprised to hear such brainwashed droppings come from the facial orifice of a Black Homo-Fascist. After all, the Truth is seen as competition propaganda by the Queer Propagandists -- AND -- you can bet that some Black Radical like him never wakes up in the morning, and goes into a trance immediately thereafter, without first consulting the Queer Factory Huffingbutt's Post.

I love to watch Black Radical Extremists shuck and jive with each other on their headsets, while the rest of the world sticks a probe up their asses -- don't you? There is something hiding there. There is something unseen behind the anal rhetoric. Which is what all of their propaganda is. Are we not sick of their anal sickness by now?

It is a hidden and fervent desire, that the Truth really is just competition programming, and can therefore be deprogrammed. All Homo-Fascists are searching for ways to reverse the Truth or at least divert attention away from the Truth. However -- there is something else more urgent and immediate to their twisted brains, that is driving them to discredit or destroy the Truth. That is, the dim realization that if the Truth cannot be destroyed -- then the Lies in their own brains must be destroyed!

And that will hurt! It will also displease The Cult Of The Asshole -- their Masters. What will happen to them, and the imitation empire of the SQLD, if the Lies must be reversed -- and not the Truth?

Of course they want to see the Truth as hypnotism. How do you think they got to be Homo-Fascists? By hypnotism -- of course! Certainly, any lack of their Shuck & Sodomy jive insanity is seen by them as inactivity and a malfunction.



A society of Real Humans who know the Truth and who are in charge of their own minds, and who can use all of their talents and faculties for Humanity -- must be seen as a hypnotism nightmare to all hypnotized Homo-Fascists. And -- in direct violation of the so-called Homo-Sexual Hypnotism Agenda.

[[How many Monkey Judges and Monkey Lawyers does that Black Homo-Fascist know? Personally. Very personally. I bet -- none. It is just a Homo-Fascist Drone ordered to report on the success (or failure) of the spreading of the Queerism Disease. It never knows the Masters of The Cult Of The Asshole that it slaves for. And would be frightened out of its skin if it ever actually saw them as they really are.]]

That hypnotized fascist loser is actually jealous, of what it has been told is a Greater Hypnotism than their own ACLU version.

If it had said that the herds of drones in the Northeast are nothing more than the listless cattle of a hypnotizing regime of Northeast Ratshitters -- I would immediately agree.

"It like he got them hypnotized and all that!" It is a very odd statement isn't it? Or is it? It could mean something very terrible. A scumbag from the SQLD sewers thinks the rotten political environment in Iowa (which we know is horribly corrupted and perverted) is tame and inactive compared to the horrors that it is used to seeing every day. What does it intend for Iowa?

Apparently the BUWI shop of horrors called Des Moines is not bad enough for it.

I wonder if it will certify the 'Oh Ickers' here. Certainly it will approve of those things.


Sugar Cubes like me.

In the midst of all kinds of name-calling, by every self-interested special interest group, aimed at degrading and villainizing me ...

all Human Sugar Cubes like me.

That quantity of neurons in anyone's head that they can call their own, and is not a slave of the Five Evils, and will not obey orders to hate me, and is equal or exceeds the size of a sugar cube -- likes me.

and i just wuv dem


Markel Peters

Sunday, May 31, 2015

The Thirteenth Commandment: 'Thou Shalt Never Racial Profile'

Eleventh Commandment: Thou Shalt Never Give Human Beings Any Shit.

Twelfth Commandment: Thou Shalt Never Be A Queer.


What are the Deviates doing -- saying they know anything about Racial Profiling? Other than using it to tell their Middle-Managers where to attack?


As expected, did I not say so? -- the Queer Propagandists have jumped out of the pillow factories and rushed to put out an Internet Smoke Screen with the intent of making really stupid people think that they (the Deviates) can actually care about anything other than the orders from The Cult of the Asshole. To that anus -- I mean 'end' -- they have greatly increased the search results on Google for the words Racial Profiling. However, again as expected, it is nothing more than their Internet Interruption and Intimidation Network (IIIN) -- at work again.

I have copied the first five pages of search results that showed up when I 'Googled' Racial+Profiling. Let us look at them one by one.


Racial profiling--google search results--page 1--01

Racial profiling--google search results--page 1--02

Racial profiling--google search results--page 2--01

Racial profiling--google search results--page 2--02

Racial profiling--google search results--page 3--01

Racial profiling--google search results--page 3--02

Racial profiling--google search results--page 4--01

Racial profiling--google search results--page 4--02

Racial profiling--google search results--page 5--01

Racial profiling--google search results--page 5--02


June 10, 2013 -- YouTube.

This is a YouTube video that shows an altercation between a White Walmart Worker and a Black Man.

That, is about as far as I get with this video. I do not see any Earth-shaking Racial Profiling in this video -- and remember -- I am the dude that is looking for the causes of Racial Profiling -- which personally I despise and loath -- which at the same time forces me to be as objective as I can be about it -- unless I am putting big bumps on someone's dumb head about it -- which I am not supposed to do -- unless, it is an entire Police Department at the same time -- but, I am not supposed to upset my digestion -- but, it really works up an appetite to kick some Racial Profiling Ass -- but, I digress ...

Look at this video, and if you can -- write down what is said and in what order.

Now, decide who must die.

I said -- 'decide who must die'. Who in this video must die. Who in this video must be publicly executed.

What? What did you say?

Did you say something like -- "I don't sees nos reasons to axe somebadys!"

Really. Where does it say that? Where is the sign that says 'For Educational Purposes Only'.

I say -- let's kill somebody! But first, decide who is the guilty party in this video.

Is it the outraged White Employee? Or, the outraged Black Customer?

What does the evidence say?

Evidence >>>> Black Customer has a camera. Black Customer starts by making threats. White Employee counters with fearless attitude. Black Customer continues to record video with camera and antagonizes White Employee with enticing jive commentaries. White Customer replies with enticing jive commentaries and rushes off to get her own camera. A duel of cameras ensues, with Dumb-As-An-Oxe sub-manager trying to defuse this very well acted playtime. Dumb Black Sidekick interjects false information into the one-act play, by stating that White Employee is exhibiting Racial Profiling. Black Customer exclaims that this has never happened to him before -- with only one camera available. The rest is too dumb for comment. WTF happened before the video started? Was the video edited to NOT show leading material?

Who dies?

Come on! Get with the program! Who dies?



That is the kind of asswipe propaganda that no one needs cluttering up this kind of investigation. You are NOT seeing Racial Profiling in that video.

IF -- there are no extenuating circumstances, and in the entire Blind History of the Universe only that 7minute 11seconds event happened and needs to be considered -- then what you are seeing is Cold and Pre-Meditated Prejudice -- ON BOTH SIDES. A playwright could not have scripted that one act scene better.

Talk about Mutual Antagonism and Ready-For-Action! Did anyone say "Action!" before they began?

And, don't you love the lighting? And, in HD too! How thoughtful!

I would give this one, a 'B' for Pre-Meditated Photography, a 'C' for Spontaneous Dialog, and an 'A' for Script Execution to the White Employee -- the Black Camera Man blew the whole thing at the very end by indicating that he had filmed something of 'High Value' and was quite happy.

Really, this kind of 'shenanigans' is what muddles up and clouds over issues such as this. You 'Black Dudes' are just too cool for your own believe-ability.

And, if you say that this is just how you all treat each other, every day anyway -- I WILL SCREAM!

Can we get on with this now?


Look at this video. This one makes a lot more sense, and is presented with sensibility.

'Driving While Black' is one of the books that I am using for this research.

There is an assortment of videos on YouTube that profess to be about Racial Profiling. I will give you web links here that will take you right to them, all more than twenty minutes long. When you view these, keep one thing in mind -- the kind of encounter that we saw in the first video helps no one -- zip. Even, if it actually happened that way, it is worthless.

I love you -- listen to me -- if the Archangel Michael came down out of the Heavens and threw all of those participants (in the first video) into separate pots, and boiled each of them down for their essence (and he would, never mess with that SOB) -- and then examined the distilled results (where do you think I get my lessons from?) -- and then he refined those 'essences' into written texts -- what would we find out about all of those people?

For one thing, was anyone deliberate and pre-meditated? What do you look for in such a video?

Answer: Certainly NOT the surface contents. NEVER trust the surface appeal and rhetoric and presentation. ALWAYS watch it for worth, and then if there is any worth, watch it repeatedly until you have dissected all of the events and comments, and you have 'delved' the intentions of every participant.

If you do not watch videos for understanding them, and just get off on surface happenings and thrills -- I have a new one for you -- stop watching YouTube, and take up sucking doorknobs.


It all began with slavery.

It all began with escaped or escaping slaves. It all began with the desire of Slave Masters to contain and control the slaves that they bought from the Black Slavers -- who captured Black Natives from Africa, stuffed them into slave ships, and brought them to Jamaica and America for sale.

It all began as Prison Keeping.

What do the words 'Prison Keeping' do to your thinking?

Why is there such an inordinate amount (and percentage) of Black Men in prisons across America?

Big Question >>>> How can a Prison Keeping mentality be happening in what is considered to be an 'Open Society'? In a prison, a Prison Keeping mindset is expected, and I am sure it is there. However, it is Also Out Here!

Is this a deliberate or unconscious extension (transplanting) of the Prison Keeping thought pattern, from the prisons of society to the society itself as a whole?

More than that, how much of everyday life -- between the so-called classes and races and professions and genres and trades and sectors and neighborhoods is actually Prison Keeping? Are some or all aspects of Prison Keeping to be found everywhere in Society?

Is the treatment given to the White Employee in the first video an act of Prison Keeping? Was she engaged in Prison Keeping? Was the Black Man's intentions Counter-Prison Keeping?

Is Law Not Prison Keeping?


In regards to Racial Profiling -- I would like to clear up something about 'authority', especially in regards to law enforcement -- and who has and who does not have 'authority'. As I have written before a number of times -- 'federal authority' died on June 26 of the year 2013! That was the day that Five Naked Monkeys in a cage in Wash This Death City took a shit together and then expected the Human Species to eat it!

Five naked monkeys in a cage in Wash This Death City that thought somehow -- that they were 'Supreme'. And, we would eat their shit. Typical monkey thinking. It was the last day of 'federal authority' -- forever. Period. No matter what. Done. Gone. You would have to have an entirely different country and government for any thing to have authority at that kind of level again.

Now, when this breaks down to State by State authority -- the way it operates is: any State that is infested with a Queer Coalition to such a lethal degree that the Queer Coalition can pretend to be the State, and can pretend to be the People of the State, and can pretend to be the Government of the State; and that Queer Coalition pretends that Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred (Q&PMH) between Perverts is 'Queer Legal' by Queer Laws or Queer Decisions -- that is the end of 'state authority' in that State. Gonzo! No more 'state authority' there.

In such a case -- you have no 'federal authority' of any kind. Period. Gone. It is just gone! And, you have no 'state authority'.

Iowa, is infested by a Queer Coalition, which includes 'Il Duce' Branstad and its cronies and Gnome Masters. There is no 'federal authority' as of June 26, 2013. On August 16th of the year 2013, the RepuCrap Party died! And, in the Queer Coalition that pretends to be Iowa, Perverts can pretend to be married. Which negates and vaporizes any pretenses that there is such a thing as 'state authority' in Iowa. Which explains one of the reasons why the State Police are out on I80 all of the time, pretending that they are 'Hot Shit'. If you have not noticed it, start looking at them. They are out there doing everything they can to be obnoxious, domineering, in-everybody's-face, acting exactly like a secret police force would operate on the surface -- worthless, mean and cruel, intrusive and pretentious so you will not look behind-the-scenes to see that now they really are without 'authority' and are a secret police for the Deviates -- each of them either becoming such a secret police or already is. Their phoniness always demands (per a script) that if they have secret terror groups and secret terror organizations inside their State Police -- on the surface, they will be mean 'motherfuckers'! Demonstrating all of the time that they are in control and they are 'The Police State'!

Which you are supposed to Fear/Worship and spit shine the boots of, with your Blood and Sweat and Tears. Militant. Demanding. Not just 'discourteous', but outright hostile. Boastful. Prancing. Show-offs. And, mean as Rattlesnake Spit at the same time.

All of which is supposed to blind you to the fact that they are operating a secret police organization for the Deviates that now sign their paychecks.

That explains why you are seeing what you see on I80 and on I35 in regards to the 'State Police', that are truly just like the state police were of Pre-WWII Japan, and Fascist Italy before WWII. Do you think the Fascism of the Italians started in WWII? Oh no, Fascism had an established history in Italy before WWII. Secret police organizations were rife throughout Italy's pre-war history.

But, this discussion is about 'Counties'. It is entirely possible that a County Police Force, a County Sheriff Organization, a County Sheriff's Department can have no authority whatsoever. IF -- the County Officials (per se and so-called) voluntarily join that county to the Queer Coalition that pretends to be the State and pretends to be the People of that State; and they willingly go along with the fakery that Perverts can pretend to be married ...

[[Which we all know is nothing more than Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred.]]

if the county officials (so-called) willingly go along with that, and condemn their county to being inside the Queer Coalition that pretends to be the State Government and the People of that State (as Polk County is condemned in Iowa) -- then that county loses authority as well. In such a case, the County Sheriffs have no authority. Now, you have a Triple Queerism, a Triple Terrorism, a Triple Malfunction. 'Federal authority' is gone. 'State authority' is gone. And, 'county authority' is gone. In which case, where does the 'Authority' lie? The answer can only be one thing -- the Individuals of the Human Species!

Every Real Man and every Real Woman has 'Authority'. They have the 'Authority' over anything 'county', over anything 'state', and over anything 'federal'. The Real Man and the Real Woman have the 'authority'. All political structures have malfunctioned, have broken down, have short-circuited -- as the Germans would say "Das ist Kaputt!" or "Das ist das Ende!"

It is gone, totaled! Scrap heap it. It is now a Junk Government that should be scrapped, and I mean scrapped! Just like you would scrap an old car. If there is a Triple Malfunction, the 'Authority' now rests with the Individual Man and the Individual Woman who are Human. They have the 'Authority' over everything -- County, State, and Federal -- over everything! The Real Man and the Real Woman, they have the 'Authority'.

That, almost happened here in Iowa.

I am sure it is probably the case in New Jersey, in MassInsanity, in New Hampshire and places like that. Like I said, it almost happened in Iowa -- except for one thing. I want you to understand how all of this works, so please pay attention.

When those Seven Naked Monkeys in Des Aliens (less-supreme-than-anyone-else) took the Queer Bananas and made the phony decision in favor of the Perverts -- allowing the Deviates to pretend to be married in the Queer Coalition there (that pretends to be the State and the People of Iowa) -- many county officials rebelled against that obvious scam and injustice, did not want to go along with that, and some of them refused to do it.

At that time, there was a DemoCrap Puppet Governor. At that time, there was a DemoCrap Attorney General. Please pay attention to how this operates. That DemoCrap Attorney General had 'DemoCrap Attorney-General Rabies'. It had the rabies that all such phony attorney generals have. In its rabies state, and following queer orders -- it ordered all of the County Officials of the State (the Real County Officials in the Real State outside of the Queer Coalition) to issue phony marriage licenses to Perverts!

It -- had the Inhuman Rabies that makes all of those DemoCrap Attorney Generals worse than any Werewolf, and it had orders straight from the Queer Masters (or should I say queer from the Queer Masters) to order all of the County Officials in the Real Iowa to comply with the fakery and the bribery of the Seven Monkeys in Des Aliens (formerly Des Moines), and to comply with their Queer Decision which every one of them has pretended is a Queer Law ever since.

When that happened, and the Real County Officials in the Real Iowa were forced and intimidated and terrorized into pretending that Perverts can be married -- that Absented the Counties from the downfall of the former Federal and State Authorities. That excluded the Counties from the same demise and the same reduction and the same destruction of authority.

The BULLYING of the counties by the Queer DemoCraps and the Queer Masters, using that DemoCrap Attorney General filled with Rabies -- actually preserved the 'authority' of the counties!!!! They did NOT voluntarily go along with that hideous filthy game and anti-Human activity. THAT, preserved the Counties and their 'authority' due to the coercive nature of the Queer Monkey Dictatorship which was in power at that time -- since reduced by three monkeys.

Naturally, the Queer Masters and the Queer DemoCraps and the whining and wimpy ModoRats could not have realized what they were doing when that happened. When they terrorized the County officials in the Real Iowa, they thought they were overcoming and overthrowing a Human Institution -- destroying Humanity.

Killing all Heterosexuality and all Nature.

For Queerism, and for profit, depending upon whether you are a DemoCrap or a RepuCrap. Well, they are stupid -- greedy -- sick -- ugly -- twisted -- contorted -- and more stupid. What it really did was to maintain and preserve the authentication of the Counties of the Real Iowa. The 'authentication', the validity. Thereby, preserving their 'Authority'.

The exact opposite of what the swine DemoCrap Attorney General and the swine Governor and the swine in the Statehouse/Pantyhose Emporium expected would happen.

As a sidebar to this, you can see (quite obviously) how stupid and illegitimate anything that is Politics and political really is. This shows you what really happens, as opposed to what Politicians expect to happen. It shows you an inside view and gives you a measurement of how corrupt and how evil and how dirty and nasty and low-down any Politician is. And of course, the Political Gnomes are always there; causing more inflammation, more festering, more rot to exist within the Political System -- because they are creatures that love rot. They are part of the Insectoid Network that I have not talked about in a long time.

The upshot of this is -- in Iowa, the County Sheriffs still have 'Authority'. The County Sheriffs are still legal. The County Sheriffs are from Counties that are still 'authentic', 'valid', and 'legitimate'. The Counties, and their sanctity (literally their Human Value and Worth) -- have been preserved by an incredible, greedy and twisted blunder of the Perverts and the DemoCraps.

All that the Perverts and DemoCraps cared about (at that time) was to force Real Human Beings to buckle under and cower before THE GREAT MAGNIFICENT QUEERISM!!!!

To force Human Beings to hurt, and suffer, and agonize and feel pain -- for not being Queer -- and for not praying to Queer Deities -- for not treating all Perverts as their 'SUPERIORS'.

That, was the intention. The effect was the exact opposite.

Now, in Iowa, County Sheriffs are legitimate. County Sheriffs are Real Law Enforcement Officers. State Police are NOT! And, the State Police and their secret departments know it. And, they are all over the place trying to showoff and pretend that they are mean and bad, so that you will not know how secret and ugly they are. And, you will be afraid! You will not remember that they no longer have 'authority'.

Of course, the 'federal authority' is as dead as a door nail anyway. That is gone forever. Gone. Forever.

In a State where that did not happen -- and where some Counties (through their decadent, greedy, deviated officials) were sold into Queer Coalitions that pretended to be that State, and pretended to be the People of that State -- whereas on the other hand, some county officials did not go along with that fakery and that scam ...

then and there you have a 'Mixed Bag'; you have a combination of some counties that still have authority, and some counties that have joined the Queer Coalitions and have 'none'.

The County Sheriffs of the Counties that refused and resisted the sickness of the Perverts and the Queer Coalitions (that pretend to be that State and that State's People) -- they still have 'Authority' and 'Goodness' and 'Validity'. But, in the counties that went along with the scam and the scheme and the playtime of the Deviates and the DemoCraps -- they lost everything. All of their 'authority' and all of their 'authenticity' is gone, it is wiped out. In a State like that, you have a real problem. In one county, you may have Real County Sheriffs; in the county next to it, you may have nothing but Bullies and Thugs and 'Butt(bleep) Queens' pretending to be law officers. I can imagine that California is probably like that.

That would be pure Hell. One of the reasons why I say that it would be pure Hell in such a state, is because it is like a 'misfire', in both directions. The scum that own and operate the Queer Coalitions in such a State (that pretends to be the State Government and pretends to be the State People) they cannot entirely fool and terrorize and frighten all of the counties of that State into going along with their devious deceptions. So now, in that State, some counties have validity and some do not. Some Sheriffs are Real, and some 'Sheriffs' are just Male Pantyhose Models.

The reason why this is the worst possible case scenario, is because it does not allow for an Across-The-Board authentication of the Individual Real Man and the Individual Real Woman as the figures of 'Authority' in that State. In a county where the officials resisted the Queer Coalition, the Sheriffs still have authority; and it has not fallen to the Individual Real Man or the Individual Real Woman. However, in the same State where some county officials were typically corrupted rodents, and ate the Queer Cheese, and forced their counties into the Queer Coalition (that pretends to be that State and pretends to be the People of that State) -- the 'Authority' has fallen to the Individual Real Man and the Individual Real Woman. In such counties, the Sheriffs are out! They have no authority. They work for worms! They work for pure assholes!

[[In this case -- purity is not a virtue.]]

They are now 'un-authorized', just like the State Police are 'un-authorized', just like the so-called 'federal authorities' are no longer 'authorities' -- they are 'un-authorized' as well.

So there, you have a mixed bag of some Sheriffs with Real Authority (because their officials were Humans and refused the Queershit of the Queer Coalition that has infested their state) -- and some Sheriffs have 'Zip' for authority, because the officials of those counties were sucking rodents with their paws out for favors and bribe monies, and sold their counties cheap and took the Queer Cheese, and joined the Queer Coalitions. That kind of mixture -- is the worst possible.

In another state, where all of the counties (for some un-Godly and unimaginable reason, and this may not have happened) volunteered to be part of the Queer Coalition (that pretends to be that State and pretends to be the People of that State) -- then every county in that State lost its 'authority' and its 'authenticity'. No County Sheriff in such a State has any authority, or the blessings of Goodness and God. No State Police in such a State, has 'authority' or the righteousness of Honest Law. Of course, the 'feds' have no authority -- forever. They are just 'The Deads'.

In such a State, all 'authority' falls to the Individual Real Men and the Individual Real Women in each county, and across the state. That is a better condition than the 'mixed bag' one that I just wrote about.

I hope you understand all of that. That is how it really works. That is how it operates. That is what Reality is. That is what the Queer Coalitions never want you to know about, or even have the intelligence to realize, while wondering how to escape being Victims of the Deviates. Never want you to realize. Never want you to discover.

And, are actually so stupid themselves -- that they did not think of it either.

Anything else is nothing more than Rodentshit.


I am seeing Racial Profiling happening again on the Interstate highways! Obviously, the state-piggies-for-hire bought the Repushit that Human Resistance was somehow finished. THIS, solidly ties the Republican/Homosexuals to the criminal and deliberate practices of harassing the Black Human Contingent by Racial Profiling!!!!

Proof Positive.

Man -- the RepuCraps are crapping on themselves all over the place!

Racial Profiling is starting to happen again. I have seen about six cases so far, and each and every time the People who were driving the vehicle (that is being searched and torn apart by the state piggies) -- are 'Black'. I never see it with 'White Folks', even though the Whites are behind all of the Marijuana Junkie Movements. It is always 'Black' folks that get searched. Black Human Beings being rousted and harassed by State Police. How do the 'State Police' expect to explain that?

Why are White Junkies not stopped for being White and carrying luggage and equipment in their vehicles? Why are they not taken apart, and inspected? Why are they not forced to stand in the Public View -- being harassed and embarrassed at the same time? Why is this not happening to the White Pot Smokers? Why am I only seeing it happen to the 'Black Folks'?


You know, this is a pretty damning condemnation of the 'State Police' of a lot of States. Think about it. We all know that Racial Profiling is wrong. We think we know the reasons why it happens. And, it is still happening. The 'State Police' do not seem to understand what this means about them. It means that they are not the Knights in Shining Armor that they want to be seen as. They are NOT the 'Sterling Characters' and the 'Wonderful People' and the 'Defenders of the State' that they want to be seen as.

Their twisted Racial Profiling, reduces them to the level of Revenuers, Scavengers, Criminals. How many times do those 'State Police' deliberately plant evidence in one of those vehicles that they search?

How many times have 'Black People' been falsely arrested, for just riding down the road with some luggage in the back seat -- and then they are profiled and stopped by the State Police who plant some Marijuana or some Heroine in the floor of their car, and then say they found it in that vehicle!

How many times is that happening? You can bet it is often. Why can we bet that it is often? Because Racial Profiling is happening. THAT, is why we can bet that it is happening often! Because, of what Racial Profiling says about State Police. It reduces any State Police to the level of Criminals and Revenuers, Organized Crime, Thugs, and Bullies.

What this tells all of us is -- we need a 'State Police'!

Because, we do not have it right now. What pretends to be the 'State Police' in many of those States, cannot qualify. Does not qualify -- because Racial Profiling is happening. Any body or any organization that participates in Racial Profiling loses its VALIDITY. Loses its AUTHENTICITY. Loses its AUTHORITY.

Those 'State Police' forces that engage in Racial Profiling -- and they are doing it all over the place out here -- they are losing their AUTHORITY.

What we need, are Real State Police.

Because, what we do NOT have is Real State Police.

The things that are pretending to be 'State Police' now, are doing Racial Profiling. Which, DISQUALIFIES them and takes away their AUTHORITY.

They are NOT 'State Police'.

They are Imitations, Pretenders, Synthetic State Police.

What we need is Real State Police with a Real Authority, that would never do Racial Profiling -- AND -- Can Arrest All Of Those Fake State Police Out There That Are Doing Racial Profiling.


Something else that Racial Profiling does, is to indicate that there is a High Level of Corruption in the Political Arena (the so-called Government) of whatever State has Racial Profiling happening in it. Sometimes, even if there are statutes and laws forbidding it in those States. If there is Corruption (and of course, Perversion) in the Government of that State then it does not matter what laws exist -- everything there is bogus and pretense anyway. When you see Racial Profiling happening on the highways of America, it means the Government of the State where you see it happening -- is corrupted, is malfunctioning, is Perverted. It is an undeniable indicator. It is a fact. And, it correlates too. Look at what States Racial Profiling is happening in, and then look at those State Governments and all you will see is Corruption. Whether it is DemoCraps or RepuCraps, all you will see is Deviation and Corruption and Graft and Greed and Malfeasance.


Another very important point about this, is that when you see Racial Profiling happening on the highways, it is an immediate indicator that the Government of that State is run by Politicians. There, Politicians have played their political scam, their schemes, their games on the population of that State -- and are now pretending to be a Government. Which of course they are not, since Politicians never represent anyone except Politicians. It is invariably the case, that if you see Racial Profiling happening in a State, that Government must be controlled by Politicians. Politicians are always corrupt, always negligent, always lying, always devious, and must always be eliminated and disabled from ever pretending to be a Government.

I just saw Racial Profiling happening on I65 in Indiana. I do not even have to wonder what the Government of Indiana is; whether it is RepuCraps or Democrat/Homosexuals -- ModoRat/Homosexuals or DemoCraps -- it does not matter. When I see Racial Profiling on the sides of highways -- the Government of that State is automatically forfeit. Not Authorized. Loses its Authority.

In Indiana, I do not think that they have a Queer Coalition which allows Deviates to pretend to be married inside of that Queer Coalition (that pretends to be the State, and pretends to be the People of that State). But, there is more than one way to lose your Authority as a Police Force.

We all know that the Federal Government no longer has any authority. We all know that if a State is politically dominated by a Queer Coalition, and that Queer Coalition allows Perverts to pretend to be married inside of that Coalition -- then the State itself loses authority. Meaning, that those State Police have no Authority any more, they have no Legitimacy, they have no Validity. It can go down to the county level as well. I do not think that is happening in Indiana -- but every State is under attack by The Cult Of The Asshole, at the core of the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone.

However, because of Racial Profiling -- the same thing happens. Due to Racial Profiling, a State Police can lose its Authority and its Legitimacy. Which can only come from the People, NOT from the Government. Validity and Legitimacy and Authority can only come from the People -- NEVER from a Government. NEVER from a Governor, or any legislative body. NEVER from Politicians. NOT EVER can Authority and Legitimacy originate from Politicians. That is impossible in this, or any other, Universe.

Period. Flat out. It cannot happen.

So, when you see Racial Profiling happening in a State -- you are seeing the Death Of State Authority. You are seeing the Termination of State Authority. Just as though, and just as bad as if, there was a Queer Coalition at that Capital pretending to be the Government of that State; and allowing Deviates to pretend to be married inside of that Coalition.

Racial Profiling is definitely another way to lose Authority, Legitimacy, Status, Authenticity -- and whatever those 'state police' piggies thought they were.

[[Oh! Oh! Did I call them 'piggies'? Gee -- what do you call them?
Frankly, I think 'piggies' is nice, comparatively.]]

[[Did you ever notice how it seems like a lot of Assholes are spending an enormous amount of Anal Effort, to get me to shut up?]]

and i'm such a nice guy - too


Iowa, once again, is a perfect example of what I was just saying -- because in Iowa there is a Queer Coalition of Politicians that have seized control of the so-called State Infrastructure and are pretending to be the People of Iowa. That Queer Coalition allows Deviates to pretend to be married inside of that Queer Coalition. Hence, Iowa has no State Authority. The State Police of Iowa have no Authority, they have no Legitimacy -- they have no Trust, and they have no Value. They are completely a negative existence, completely negative -- because there is no State Authority -- and, of course, there is no federal authority any longer.

Iowa is an example, a textbook example, of what I am writing about. Racial Profiling is happening on the highways of Iowa. The 'Government' of Iowa is a Queer Coalition. That Queer Coalition allows Perverts to be married inside the Queer Coalition. Henceforth, there is no State Authority in Iowa. There is no Legitimate Government in Des Aliens.

A = B
B = C
A = C

Racial Profiling is happening on the highways of Iowa, I have seen it for myself; so the so-called State Government has no Authority. Vice Verse, the State Government itself has no Authority because it is a Queer Coalition in which Perverts are allowed to pretend to be married.

Therefore >>>> you see Racial Profiling happening on the highways of Iowa. Either way you look at it, it all correlates -- it all corresponds to what it is. It is what it is. Wherever there is Racial Profiling, there are undeniably Politicians of some kind operating the Government of that State -- and the State has no Authority any longer.

Racial Profiling erases and terminates State Authority.


I have no doubt that some of the 'State Police' that are doing those Racial Profiling harassments on the highways, are justifying it to the Black People that they are harassing -- as the laws on the books -- which say that in such and such a case (if there is any reasonable suspicion that there could be drugs or contraband or illegal substances present in the vehicle) -- then the vehicle must be searched.

Well, 'reasonable suspicion' is often the result of Alienation. Not because of what actually is happening, in most cases.

I mean, if they pull over some Black Man and he is smoking a joint and he is telling them to "F- off", and then he drives away and they have to chase him for twenty miles at a hundred miles an hour -- then there is some 'reasonable suspicion'. Because of the actual facts of the Black Guy smoking a joint, and he just drove away from the police at a hundred miles an hour. That is 'reasonable suspicion'. It is not what is happening out there on the highways today. It is not what I saw today in Indiana.

That 'reasonable suspicion' bullshit is another way of trying to explain Alienation. Trying to put a good face on Alienation. Trying to give a good label to Alienation. Do you remember what I just wrote in a message entitled 'Undesirable Aliens'?

Do you remember what I wrote about Simplified Identities -- so that propagandists can control people? The words 'reasonable suspicion' are just exactly that. A convenient nomenclature, to avoid having to explain all of the complexities of Alienation. The complexities that are caused by Alienation. The bad results of Alienation: The bad occurrences, the pull-overs of Black Families and their luggage; tearing their cars apart while they have to stand on the side of the road and be embarrassed and be shocked. That is all the result of Alienation. And, it is given a dumbed-down good face. It is given a dumbed-down simple and slough-off identity of 'reasonable suspicion'; which gives the officer who is committing the harassment a label and a terminology; a way of shutting up the Black Folks who are being harassed; and a way of explaining to anyone else (who is inquiring about the harassment) why it is happening.

'Reasonable Suspicion'. But, it is actually Alienation. It is truly Alienation. And, Alienation is caused by separation. The Blacks live in their own neighborhoods, the Whites live in their own neighborhoods, the Hispanics live in their neighborhoods -- and so on and so forth. Even if they all live in the same neighborhood, they rarely speak to each other.

Alienation from something that is horrible and evil like Satan Cults, and the Deviates, and the Politicians -- keeping them away from Human Beings -- is very desirable. It is good to be alienated from Politicians.

I haven't the faintest idea what drivel and ridiculous folderol, trivia, imbecility, and ludicrous noise is going on in the brains of the Politicians in Des Aliens right now. I have no idea what is going on inside of those sick and twisted skulls, and I could not care less! I am very comfortably alienated from those monstrosities! They are in Des Aliens, I am out here! Keep it that way, for Eternity. If I have to go into Des Aliens, they will have to leave.


One idea that I like -- about how to cure States of Racial Profiling, and how to cure States of having Politics (which always allows Racial Profiling) -- is an Even Trade.

For instance, if a Black Family is driving down the road and they are stopped by felonious State Police (Racial Profilers) and they are harassed and rousted about for two hours, and their vehicle is torn apart and nothing illegal is found; because the cops did not plant anything in the car (they probably ran out of Marijuana, or Opium or Cocaine and forgot to bring some from the station) -- then we have an Even Trade situation!

For two hours, the Black Family gets to tear apart the police car of the State Police! Rip it to shreds! Throw out the radio, throw out the computers! Take off the steering wheel. Jack it up, and take off the wheels. If they have a tire iron, they can take the tires off the wheels and put the wheels back on! And, take the tires with them to the Police Station. For two hours the Black Family gets to tear apart the nice shiny Police Cruiser, now lying on the side of the road in pieces with the doors off.

I like that idea a lot. I am sure many Black Humans have had the same idea! I also like -- Racial Profiling at houses, and at homes. Racial Profiling at home, with a legal and lawful agreement that when nothing illegal is found (or planted) -- the owners of the house get to tear apart the Police Station!

Love it. What a fine idea.

Take the windows out of the casings. Take the doors off the hinges. Take the chains off the elevators. Take the tiles off the floors. Take the drywall off the walls. Carry out the furniture. Dump the whole mess in the parking lot!

Oh yes! I love it.

It is called -- 'Reciprocation'. I love reciprocation.

Don't you?


Political Backgrounds:

Me, I am going back to discussing the Environment of Racial Profiling.

By that I mean, nothing in that society stands alone or is unaffected by the Social Environment. The 'Social Environment' SUCKS!

I am doing this deliberately, because I know some of you want to harp on your dislike of each other, and you want me to condemn 'the others'.

Well -- there is plenty to be condemned -- oh yes! However, why condemn each individual 'other', when larger systems and parties and plans and intentions are responsible for so much of our everyday agony and turmoil and dislikes and misunderstandings?

I want to gut the big bags of shit.


The Piss is never far from the Shit when it comes to Politics, and Perverts and BUWIs. Those things are all in the same nasty bed of orgies that has not had the linen changed for decades.

Naturally, this means that any oppositions that you have to any of those three cesspools, you may operate and voice against any of the other two. They are intertwined, they are interconnected in all kinds of hideous and grotesque ways. If you piss on one, you piss on them all. You cannot help but piss on them all. They are all right there.


'Il Duce' Branstad is not the Chief Executive of anything. Instead, it is the 'Chief Expletive' that needs to be deleted. 'Expletive Deleted'. It is a 'Chief Expletive' looking to be deleted.


The problem with all of the White and Pasty ModoRats and really pathetic White Male RepuCraps, is that they talk to each other; in post NEA Gutterish, of course. They are the result of talking to each other and feeding off of and supporting each other's egomanias, psychotic lunatic ideas, White Jive, White Rituals of Business Stupidity. The only way there is for a ModoRat to get away from being a ModoRat, is to never talk to another ModoRat again. The only way those White Sickos (White Trash, I call them worse than that) ...

[[You know what I mean; the things that generally populate the Republican Establishment Party.]]

the only way one of those things could stop being one of them, and escape it, would be to never talk to one of them again. Never again talk to another of that kind again. Break out of it entirely, and to start to talk to Humans like us. Or, not talk at all and just observe. But, as long as they coalesce, as long as they congregate, as long as they pack together like White Dolls in a bucket with little brains, using their tortured Public Education, they will never escape each other. They will never escape the White Doldrums. The White Pathetic-ness. To escape it, they must never talk to each other again.


One of the things that is obvious about those White ModoBozos (that are so 'Ridiculously Republican') and are often mislabeled as 'Straights' and 'Squares' and such ...

[[You know, the White Trash that I am talking about. That fortunately are not breeding.]]

is that they cannot think in long terms. They are stuck in a kind of block time system, in two year and four year and eight year blocks. Beyond that, they are really not capable of functioning. They also, constantly and endlessly, fail to appreciate (mis-appreciate) everyone else. They are convinced, and mutually brainwashed, that the organizational pattern that they have been taught is superior to all others.

[[This partially explains BUWI thinking.]]

It is a kind of semi-biological, semi-machine robotic theology -- put into a kind of weird practice called 'Republicans'. It is a kind of 'Live by Rote. Live by Script. Live by Specifications. Live by what you are allowed to do and think. Existence.'

All of which is fed, constantly, a load of manure that 'This is the most desirable way to be, and anyone who is not part of this must be strange and alien and inferior'.

[[When 'Il Duce' Branstad came out of its grandiose retirement, and ran for the Puppet Governor seat a fifth time (back in 2010) ... the current leaders of the conservatives in Iowa had a meeting with He/She/It and asked it what it was going to do to stop the payments it was receiving from the Deviates. They thought they were asking it to help them to stop the Deviates. He/She/It looked at them like they were bugs under its underwear, and avoided answering the question. NOT because of the Pervert Bribe Monies it was receiving from their enemies. No. It was because of the RepuCrap Rule that says -- 'This is the most desirable way to be, and anyone who is not part of this must be strange and alien and inferior'.]]

Such a motto, engenders a Superiority Complex, but it is a different kind from that of the DemoCraps, and a different kind from that of the Deviates -- but it is, nonetheless, a Superiority Complex and it constantly underestimates and it constantly (in its egotism) devalues all of its opponents. Unless, those opponents have somehow had Political Success. One of the few exceptions that it recognizes, is Politics. Because, those White Bozos (themselves) are almost totally political. They do not 'see' a Planet. They do not 'see' a Real Living Natural World.

[[Have you ever seen the shithole chambers that they lie and cheat and steal and fornicate in? Inside the Statehouse/Pantyhose Emporium? Two utterly lifeless and ugly and literally rotting shit buckets for pigs like themselves!]]

They 'see' three-dimensional chessboards, and Monopoly boards, and Scrabble boards. They 'see' board games. They 'see' a maze of routines and procedures and accepted and recognized 'existences' other than their own.

[[It is that maze, which they have manipulated to cheat each other with and deceive the People with, that they referred to when they told the People of Iowa that the Deviates could not be stopped from creating a Queer Coalition (and swarm over and consume Des Aliens, formerly Des Moines) -- because of 'Senatorial Procedures and Customs'.]]

They only accept and recognize 'another existence' besides their own if it somehow has a Political Presence and a Political Power -- and pays for the acceptance. If it does not have the Politics Aspect of something (and the money), if it does not have a Political Presence (and the money), and what those things consider to be a Political Force (Violence) (and the money) -- then, to them it cannot be real and it cannot be worth considering as something that should be reckoned with. It must somehow fail, because it has no Politics. It cannot be worth considering, it cannot be worth respecting as a true and real enemy if it has no Politics.

The thought of any force, of any thought pattern, any existence that is completely against Politics is inconceivable to them; since they are so saturated with Politics themselves. The upshot is that they are always underestimating what Real Humans are going to do. They always expect Real Humans to just fall apart and cease to exist. They always expect Real Humans to disintegrate somehow, to walk into the ground and never show up again, to dissolve somehow. To somehow come to an end, after which they can make all sorts of really infantile jokes (not funny, but pathetic special-education drooling-infantile jokes) -- to which they will all laugh hysterically.

They really expect that to happen. They are really looking forward to a 'dumb-as-a-box-of-hammers' laugh festival. In which, I can actually and literally imagine them hitting themselves over the head with hammers as they laugh themselves silly.

But, my point is -- they are so without any grasp of Reality and they are so totally mechanized (Politically) -- machine oriented and machine programmed and machine-like -- that they cannot imagine Reality.

I do not know what they would do with a Real Object of the Real World. No matter what it is, I do not think they could deal with it. Regardless of what the Real Object is from the Real World, I do not think they could deal with a Real Object. I do not think they could deal with anything real. I am absolutely convinced that they could stand out in a corn field, surrounded by Nature, and not be able to see it for what it really is. Not be able to feel it, smell it, touch it, taste it or hear it -- they are that droll, they are that empty inside their brains. Wherever they go, the emptiness is taken with them.

What can they see with empty eyes? What can they see with empty brains? You have to realize that when we say that they have empty brains and empty eyes, that is from the real point of view; but at the same time those things think that their brains are filled to capacity with all kinds of magnificent programs and magnificent political ideas. That their brains are quite active and quite exalted; and quite true to the programming. However, every last iota of it is synthetic and fabricated and worthless; and is not authentic and recognizable in the Real World. So, even though they think they have brains filled with all kinds of authorized and certified programming and recognized achievements within that programming (for which they have been rewarded with toys from political cracker jacks boxes) -- not one atom of it really exists in the Real World. If you take one of them and put it into a corn field, what you have done is to put an almost totally synthetic supportive body (with an empty skull on top of it) into a cornfield. Even though the empty skull thinks it is full.

Perhaps, this could be the beginning of a new fashion of scarecrows.


It occurs to me that the White Pasty Bozos of the RepuCraps actually think that they can blockade the Truth, and that they can blockade the effects of the Truth. They think that they can keep the Truth from deterring their greed, they can keep the Truth from revealing their evils, they can keep the Truth from thwarting their schemes. But, there are not enough of them to carry out their schemes on their own. They have to have the support of the General Public and the 'Idiots that have been Lied To'. If those People are told the Truth and they no longer cooperate with the RepuCraps, then the blockade by the RepuCraps never happens.

It is illusory, it is imaginary -- it is a fabrication, it is a fantasy. If you get around their blockades, and get to the People and get to the Idiots and you enlighten them -- and they work against the RepuCraps and the DemoCraps and the Deviates -- then any idea by the Deviates and the DemoCraps and the RepuCraps that they have blockaded the Truth, is a mere self-defeating illusion. They are putting all of their effort into 'nothingness'. They are blind sighted. They are digging in the wrong place. They are applying their efforts in the wrong way, in the wrong time, in the wrong place. Actually creating a fantasy. It can be an addictive fantasy.

So, how would you keep them doing it, while you reach all of the People that they are trying to blockade you from?

How can you fool them into thinking that their blockade is working, when in Reality you are going completely around them; and reaching the People that they do not want you to reach? And, being read everywhere by People who they do not want reading the Truth. And at the same time, you convince them that what they are doing IS working -- so they become obsessed and convinced that their efforts are keeping you down and blockaded and silent and feeble, and incapable of stopping them -- when in Reality, it is exactly the opposite.


What any thing having to do with Politics does not understand, and never will understand, because of what happens to their brains after they become Political -- is that the reason why Politics and any thing inside of Politics is so reviled and so despised by Real Life Forms, by the Real World and by Real Humans is because ...

Those Turd Sucking Pigs Never Actually Read The Truth About Themselves. Instead, They Hire Twits And Twats Called 'Analysts' -- That Are Given The Task Of Reading The Truth About Them -- And Then Give Them Reports About Which Truth Is Being Written About Them And How Much. At The Same Time -- The Twits and Twats Are Never Told Just How Vile And Guilty And Anti-Life The Politicians Are. In That Way, The Twits And Twats Just Issue Reports That Explain (In Political Gutterish) What Exact Truth Is Being Told. Leaving The Political Pigs To Decide What The Damage Is.

Thus, any thing Political -- is allergic to the Real World, and the Real Truth about themselves. THAT, literally means that any thing that is Political -- is an Anti-Life Form to the Real World. Despised by Real Life Forms, by the Real World and by Real Humans.

Hence, Politics never takes care of Real Problems. Politics never fixes anything. Politics always pretends to fix something, but actually promotes itself instead. Every 'solution' from Politics helps Politics first and foremost, and fixes the Real Problem last and least. There is a big difference between 'First and Foremost' and 'Last and Least'.

So, what the People constantly get from Politics is no solution at all, or a worsening of the situation; while at the same time Politics is magnified, amplified, and glorified -- and given more money. Politics is the ultimate Con-Game. Politics is the ultimate Rip-Off, the ultimate Society of Liars. That is why Politics has to cease to exist!

It is a parasite. It is a leech upon our existence. Every time Politicians hear complaints from us, it is merely a bugle call to them for another way to glorify themselves, and make themselves seem to be more important (and more wealthy) -- while at the same time, not resolving and not solving any problem that the Humans have.

A cute trick to that, is for the Politicians to set up and stage phonies and cronies to pretend to have problems (that the Politicians invented) which the Magic Politicians then solve -- with great propaganda fanfare! Cute. Ancient. Been done for centuries.

Thus, never helping US. Often making it worse (whatever it was) and thinking that they can blindside us and fool us. The really big insult about it is -- they think they can fool us into thinking that their Queershit is a solution! If we accept their Queershit, our problems will go away.

What they really mean is -- if we accept their Queershit, we will stop complaining, and they can do this entire Queershit process of lies and fakery again -- about another problem -- and squeeze more money out of another place. Having fixed nothing -- ever. Having never done anything that they are supposed to do. Politics exists to NOT do what it is supposed to do, and to magnify and glorify itself, and to make itself ever-more permanent and ever-more addictive to the General Public. To such an extent, that the General Public becomes absolutely hopeless and thinks Politics can never be eliminated, can never be wiped out, can never be scourged from this Earth. Scorched. Removed.


One of the things that I am leading up to, in this discussion about Politics, is that the society is completely enslaved by the phoniness and the tripe and the propaganda of Politics -- which is constantly telling them that Politics is needed and necessary and vital and a crucial and critical part of their life. What I am trying to get to is -- Politics is NOT a part of anyone's life except as a Bloodsucker, a Mind-Fornicator, A Hopes Ruination, A Hopes Destroyer, A Brain Twister.

Let me put it into more concrete terms -- here in Iowa there is the Real Iowa and then there is the Queer Coalition in Des Aliens (and other stys) which includes all of the Politicians and all of the Perverts and anything having to do with the Five Evils, and of course the Insurance Medicine Frauds in West Des Aliens (formerly Des Moines). What the People in the Real Iowa need to understand in a concrete way is that they (under no circumstances) should want representation in Wash This Death City!!!!

The Revolutionary Concept has completely reversed.

In the First Revolution, we wanted 'Representation Because Of Taxation'. [[We were being taxed by the British, without being represented in Parliament. (etc)]]

In any Future Revolution, we do NOT want representation -- because of Infiltration, Indoctrination, Propaganda, Perversion, and Deviation. Wash This Death City (WTDC) is one of the worst centers of all evils in the Known Universe. We want nothing to do with it. We are at this time 'Not-Autonomous', so we still have to send taxes to that shithole. But, why make it worse? Why bond ourselves, why enslave ourselves to their dirty schemes and their grandiose lies by sending 'Representatives' (that are supposed to represent us and never will, and will always politicize any problem of ours) to Wash This Death City?

Why would we ever elect anyone or any thing (like the Sow Senator that the Queer Coalition elected recently) and send it to the Wash This Death City 'Senate'? Why would we do that? We would NOT do that!

Humanoids! Sows! Raccoons! Chickens! I do not care what it IS ... we would not send something to Wash This Death City to represent us, and in doing so -- Announce To Wash This Death City That We Are So Dismally And Abysmally Stupid, That We Continue To Buy Into The Lie -- We Continue To Buy Into The Queershit -- We Continue To Allow Them To Fornicate Our Lives, Screw Over Everything That We Want (And We Want To Be) -- And We Are So Dumb, And We Are So Stupid, And We Are Such Retards That We Are Willing To Do It Again In 2016!

That, is the ONLY message that the scum in Wash This Death City get when we allow the Queer Coalition in Des Aliens to send any thing to Wash This Death City -- ostensibly to represent the People of Iowa.

Whether it is an Escaped Hog, a Humanoid, a Flock of Chickens, a Turtle -- whatever it happens to be at the time -- that is the only message that those swine get from it, in Wash This Death City.

When the day comes that the People of Iowa send NOTHING at all to Wash This Death City (having disabled the Queer Coalition in Des Aliens) -- then those Perverts in Wash This Death City will start to get our message. But, as long as we allow the Queer Coalition to send livestock as so-called 'Representatives' to that cesspool in Wash This Death City, they will continue to take us for granted. Continue to consider us to be unbelievably stupid. And, continue to be convinced that they can do anything that they want to -- to Iowa.


By the way, about the glaringly obvious fact that the RepuCraps thought they had stopped me from posting messages (RepuCrap Voodoo?) -- because of the election last year in November ...


for some reason, was it something they hacked up in a bad dream? Or, maybe they tried to think (bad idea) that the RepuCraps themselves were the only way that Humans could ever achieve anything, and they were dedicated to denying the Humans anything ...

and when they won some popcorn victories last November, it somehow (to them) made them think that they were now 'victorious', and they would never need Humans to suck again, and Humans would now have to eat dirt and be the shit under their shoes ...

and therefore all Humans would stop complaining, and all Humans would become stupid and dumb animals ...

and maybe someday in the future, Humans would lick their asses and beg for forgiveness!

It is all rather vague, like chickenshit always is ... but apparently that is what those shitheads were thinking, plus a tossed salad of egomaniac dipshit.

All smothered in Queer Urine of course. The new Preferred Drink of Modern ModoRats everywhere ... because ...

this shows, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that the RepuCraps are part of the Queer Coalitions!!!!

Wherever there is a Queer Coalition, the RepuCraps are part of it.

We knew already that the RepuCraps (anything and everything calling itself a 'Republican') were anti-Life and anti-Humanity. But, there was a mindset for a while that was thinking -- "Well, they are just greedy scum, they are just greedy bastards and bitches, with their own agendas."

No, this latest test and debacle about the 'Republicans' (RepuCraps) proves positively and beyond any doubt that the RepuCraps are part of the Queer Coalitions. Absolutely. No doubt about it. Their massive disappointment when I started sending messages again, after watching their reactions for a few months, was completely 'Queer'.

Their reactions to the realization that I was only watching them and testing them and seeing exactly how they would act (so I could report it) -- coupled with the mandatory Savage Fucking Punishment (for failure) that the assholes of their Asshole Leaders had to suffer (because they disappointed the Queer Masters of The Cult Of The Asshole) -- the combination was identical -- identical to what happens to Failed DemoCraps and to Failed Queers!!!! When those things are defeated.

You have to remember, and you have to realize that I have been in this War for a long time, and I have seen many thousands of reactions -- large and small, massive and minor -- and I know when I see a reaction from a Queer Brain or a reaction from a Queer Mob versus when I see reactions from Idiots and Morons and Selfish Bozos.

The reactions that I saw from the RepuCraps this Spring, when I started to send out messages again (and those Deviates realized that nothing that they do has any effect against us) -- was Queer!

It was Queer! Deviated. Perverted. Massively Guilty. Cringing. Dulled. Dazed. Depressed. With that 'One Thousand Mile Stare' in their dead eyes. It was identical, to the way that the Perverts look when one of their propaganda schemes fail.

[[Are these indications (from the RepuCraps) that existence inside the Queer Coalitions is NOT what they thought it would be? Who or what told them how it would be?]]

Try to trust me about this, since I have had more experience with all of this than the rest of you combined. Being one unified mind, gives me the ability to analyze it in ways that you cannot. For instance -- 'Republican' means 'Selfish Chickenshit'. That is a simple fact, but no TV Watcher can think enough to know such a simple fact.

[[It was a fatal death blow to all Republican pretenses to order 'Il Duce' Branstad to NOT issue an Executive Order banning all Deviates in Iowa from pretending that they are married here.]]

When you try to figure it out, collectively, all kinds of notions and propaganda residuals and fantasies and misinterpretations, question games, trivia and things that should not be a part of your analysis get mixed in with what you are trying to do. You do not clearly capture the subject matter that has to be evaluated, and then clinically take it apart (without emotions) the way I do.

[[Emotions are an ingredient of analysis only when Humans are evaluating Humans -- or when Deviates are hating Humans.]]

Plus, I have seen those reactions so many times before. I know what the look is. I know what the reaction is. The RepuCraps are Deviates. The RepuCraps are Perverts. They are just a different sewage, a different stain on the rug.

They are just a different breed of greed.

You can stop listening to all of those mis-directed songs on the Filthy Monkey Stations about 'Republicans are Strange'. They are just more Perverts.


When it comes to talking about Politicians, there is something that you have to realize ...

[[Besides the fact that they are all wearing masks.]]

and this applies to all Government Trash ...

and that is -- if you do not stop their game cold and dead, if you do not disable and break their games, they will be able to recruit more and more and more of their own sick and twisted and miserably ugly Gnomish and Deviated types to Politics and to Government work. By saying to those recruits ,that they have an unbroken line of successful lies, successful scams and successful con-games -- all perpetrated against the public. And, no one has ever harmed them for it. No one has ever broken their games for it. No one has ever torn down their games for it. No one has ever broken up their departments. No one has ever torn down their buildings because of it.

To them, that allows them to propagandize would-be recruits (new prospective employees, new prospective Government Scum like themselves) and say to them -- "It is safe to be this awful, this horrible, this terrible. It is safe to hurt the public. It is safe to shit on the Species. It is safe to commit these crimes. It is safe to be a Politician, and lie to and deceive everyone. It is safe to be evil, because we have never had a building burnt down; we have never had the shit beaten out of us; we have never this, we have never that -- the Idiots always vote! They are so stupid, that they continue to vote! You see, we have this unbroken chain of getting over on the People! Doing anything that we want to, to the People! Hurting them. Smashing their lives. Ruining their minds. Killing their children. Turning their children into the Zombies that we want them to be! We have been successful at this, all of this time. So, it is safe to be one of us. It is safe to come and work in the Government, and be a Government Drone, and a murderer if we want you to be."


There is something else that has to be considered in all of this. It is rather unpleasant, but it is happening I am sure -- and it is what you would call a conditional traitorism. It is a percentage of people who on the outside profess to be Humans, say they want to be Humans, say they are Humans, act as though they are Humans, talk as though they are supporting Humanity; but in Reality, they thought that if the RepuCraps won elections without the help of Humans and without the help of Human Resistance then all of their PENSIONS would be safe. All of their PERKS would be safe. All of the BENEFITS would be safe. All of their SAVINGS, their MONEY MARKET SCHEMES, their DIVIDENDS blah-blah-blah would be safe.

So, they voted for Republican/Homosexuals.

With the deliberate intention that the Humans would lose big time, if the Homosexual/Log-Cabin-Biting/Republicans won. And that, would eliminate the threat to their WALL STREET SCHEMES, their STOCKS and BONDS and so on and so forth.

THEY, only think of their own financial situation. THEY, care nothing about a Species and a World and a Galaxy. THEY, are very closed-in to a narrow existence. THEY, only pretend to be Human -- but, in Reality they are the products of the NEA, of the Public Schools, of the TVs, of the Queer Programming.

Right now, they have gone back to pretending that they are Human -- and they like the fact that Human Resistance is totally alive and totally active. That the Human Species is better off now than we were at this time last year.

They are pretending that this is a good thing to them. But, in November of last year -- they tried to kill the Human Species. For their own financial benefits -- by voting 'Republican'. Because, the RepuCraps promised that if they were elected the Humans would all die.



Black Helicopters Over Wright County

‎Tuesday, ‎May ‎19, ‎2015, ‏‎9:53:28 PM: Dictation.

I am on I80 right now, going east, and I am in the western part of Iowa and I just crossed into Adams County. Four Government Vans just passed me, being driven by robotic automatons making the same movements at the same time, like they had a data cable connected between their brains.

Why is the 'Government' (unauthorized federal) transporting money and weapons and secrets in vans like that at night, instead of in the daytime?
They are about a mile ahead of me now, and I am watching them. They travel as a group close to each other, close together. Why do those (unauthorized government) vans, carrying secrets and assassins only travel at night? Oh, and by the way -- their lights on their license plates were off. You know, that light on the license plate that is supposed to be on all of the time -- there were none. I could see their plates in my headlights. But those lights were off.

What is the Queer Government doing driving across Iowa at 2150 at night? What are they transporting? Why is it a secret? Why do they only drive at night? Are they going to the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone? Or, are they from the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone?

Is there a BUWI connection to this late night activity, that is too grotesque and abhorrent to be seen in the daylight?

That reminds me, within the last few days I have seen a small truck detachment of the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces carrying some secret cargo, in civilian containers loaded onto the backs of Military Trucks -- bracketed by Humvees. It was in the daylight that time, on an Interstate highway. It was very obviously weaponry. Weapons or QueerSwat teams, inside of those containers. Something very dangerous [[however there were NO Hazmat placards or signs anywhere]] and very lethal to Human Beings. The entire attitude of the little convoy, with two Military Trucks hauling two civilian Intermodal-type containers, and there were six Humvees with them ... was alien and far from 'American'.

You can tell when there is something wrong. You can tell when it is some secret, highly-classified and dangerous cargo. You can tell by the looks on the faces of the scum that they choose to drive the trucks, to drive the Humvees. They are NOT regular soldiers. They are NOT regular People. They do not have regular Human faces. Instead, they have almost featureless robotic (almost android) faces. They do not sit like Human Beings would sit in a truck or a car. They sit straight up, like their backs were made of metal. They drive like they are on wires, with a rod of steel up their back. They do not turn their heads like a Human Being would turn his or her head. They turn their heads too sharply, too quickly. And, the looks on their faces are too alien -- if you can understand the faces -- because the faces are always nondescript -- so difficult to describe, could be anybody, could be nobody. That was a very dangerous and ugly little convoy. I wonder what it was carrying that is going to kill Human Beings.

[[It was not one of those National Guard convoys that we see on the highways. It was a Special Mission and Political convoy.]]

Why are these happening in Iowa? What is 'Il Duce' Branstad doing? What kind of security does 'Il Duce' Branstad and the putrid pigs in the Statehouse/Pantyhose Emporium require? Do they need more guns? More claymore mines? Maybe some tanks! Maybe they need assassins.

What could be so special inside of those containers that the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid would not want the General Public to know about? Which is to say -- what could be in those containers that is for the Queer Coalitions! And NOT for anybody else?

What is the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid doing? Transporting? Transferring? Bringing into Iowa? Are they getting ready for a Revolution? Or, are they going to attack us and start a War? A preemptive attack, with Revolution as the excuse! Thus, getting to do what they have always wanted to do anyway!

Declare Martial Law -- a Dictatorship of Oligarchy -- the Political Class dominant over all other Slave Classes -- with the weapons and the poisons, the biological weapons, the nuclear weapons, the tanks, and the assassins -- to enforce their demands!

To Kill Human Resistance.

What are they transporting in those containers that is sooooo ... secret?

Who do you trust about that?

If you ask someone who should know -- and they say "Oh, don't worry about it!" or "You do not want to know about it!" Who and what are those creatures that just said such things?

Who and what are those creatures that just told you not to worry about it? Not to think about it? Not to want to know about it? Who are those creatures that you are trusting as though they were -- you?

What are those creatures that you are falsely and improperly transplanting your Humanity into? Humanity, which may not be there inside of them at all?

Who and what are those creatures that you are assuming are Human like you?

And, therefore would be telling you the Truth when they say -- "Don't worry about it." and "You do not want to know about it."

Just exactly what and who are those creatures?

And, why are they not anything like you at all?

[[Why are you so stupid?]]

Are we going to be surprised when something really strange and shocking happens, and suddenly we are all under Martial Law, and suddenly there are bad men in black uniforms with guns in our living-rooms -- wearing black steel helmets -- and poking knives into our bellies and saying that we are 'Terrorists'!

Are we going to be surprised by that Queershit?

Are we going to wonder -- "Where did this come from?" and "How did this happen?" and "How could this possibly happen in America?"

Because we turned our faces when we saw the Little Convoys go by. Because we turned our faces when we saw the Convoys of Illegal Assassins and Weapons go past us in the night, on the Interstates. When we looked inside the Military Trucks, in the daytime, that were carrying the secret cargoes -- and the drivers were NOT Humans -- and we looked away because we did not want to know about it ...

are we going to be surprised when those things are standing in our living-rooms arresting us or killing us?

Are we really going to be surprised? Are we going to let them shock us? Are we going to let them do anything to us?

Believe it or not -- there are still some People in the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces that think it is still the United States Armed Forces -- or wish it was. Are still in a dreamland. Maybe they are hoping that the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces will go away, to reveal the United States Armed Forces again. That it is all a bad dream!

Are those people in there, aware of what is going on out here?

Are they aware, that the army and navy and air force are being prepared to KILL AMERICANS? In large quantities. Across the country?

Are they going to do anything about it? I think not. They have PENSIONS on the line! They have RETIREMENT on the line!

Oh No! They will buy the Queershit that so many Americans were 'Terrorists'! That many Americans across the board had to be subdued -- had to be punished -- penalized -- imprisoned -- oh, and unfortunately a lot of houses had to be burned! And a lot of them were worse 'Terrorists' than was anticipated -- and had to be killed in their houses!

Are they going to buy that Queershit? I think so! They have PENSIONS to think of. They have RETIREMENT PLANS! They do not care what or who dies.

As long as they get to die the way they want to.

Those android-like mannequin things -- those Queer Aberrations that are driving those Military Trucks, that are carrying those secret weapons and those secret cargoes -- for the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid -- those programmed things ...

do you think they will be bothered when those weapons are put against you?

When those weapons are used against Human Towns and Human Communities? Do you think they will mind? Do you think they will be bothered? Do you think they will care?

Those things were chosen -- for their Inhumanity!

They are the best results of Inhumanity Training. The most programmed. The most robotic. The worst Automatons. Do you think that those things will care that those weapons are being used against your children?

Do you think they will even be told about it? Or, will they merely hear that 'Nests of Terrorist Threats' have been removed across the country. And now, it is safer for those android-like things to drive on the highways.

The so-called elected officials -- the State Senators and US Senators and State Legislators and US Legislators in all likelihood know what is inside of those containers -- and have approved of what is inside of those containers -- even though what is inside of those containers will be used against the People. The very same People that they are supposed to represent.

What is inside of those containers is for the security of the Political Class!

Not for the People.

It is for the preservation and the domination of the Political Class. Over the People. Not for the People. There are NOT any Senators for the People. There are NOT any Legislators for the People.

The existence of thousands of ButtUgly Windmills in Iowa proves that without a shadow of a doubt.

Which brings about the topic again -- that there is no such thing as a School For Politicians.

I have mentioned this before. There is no training for Politicians. Any thing that is evil enough, filthy enough, sick enough, and twisted enough to get into the Political Game and damage enough opponents, kill enough opponents, scare enough opponents; and scare enough People to get votes, and lie to enough People to get votes -- is considered to be qualified for 'The Game' -- the Politics Game.

If the things are elected, they immediately go into the 'Politics' and then the Rules of the Game are explained to them. Prior to that, they know nothing except that they are evil, they are nasty, they are vicious, they are vile, they are mean, and they want power and they are greedy. That is what they know. They know nothing about Politics, until they get into the game. And then, the Politics Game is explained to them by the scum who are operating it already.

That is the opposite of what must happen. That is the opposite of how to have leaders in 'Government'. The way to do it, is to first choose candidates for Leadership Schools. I do not mean the phony 'Queer Pride Leadership Networks'. They, are nothing more than Propaganda Schools, literally Propaganda Academies!

I mean, the Public (the General Public) chooses who will go to Official, Public-supervised, Public-monitored, and Public-authorized (or un-authorized and removed) schools of leadership. Whereupon those that are chosen, will go to those schools and upon graduation may qualify for running in another election to actually be chosen as leaders.

Choose the candidates for the schools first, then choose the graduates of those schools for the actual leaders.

The General Public, the People, will determine the curriculum of those schools. The People will decide what the candidates will learn. The People will decide what leadership abilities they are taught. They will have to pass Public Inspection in school, and as graduates of the schools, before they can qualify to be candidates for actual office. All of which is publicly monitored, and publicly analyzed, inspected, and investigated. All of it must be done in the 'Public Eye' -- and strictly without any usage of the Queer Medias. Nothing secret, nothing 'Party', nothing confidential, nothing below the table, nothing in the closets! No closets!



Look -- she is not White!

She knows what a Man is!

She is not a Feminist!

[[Thinking of a fabulous, buxom and gorgeous Senorita that I met recently in Milwaukee.]]


It occurs to me that the voltage output of one of those ButtUgly Windmills (when it is going at a nominal speed) could be enough to provide the power for an electric chair. Like the ones in San Quentin prison. That kind of electric chair. When the Revolution comes, a lot of anti-Humans are going to have to die. Oh! And how strange it will be -- they were supposed to be killing us!!!!!!!!!!

And suddenly -- they are dying?

How strange! That was not in the 'Script'!

With an electric chair mounted at the base of every ButtUgly Windmill, we will have an endless supply of disposal facilities.


I keep hearing bullshit complaints from milk toast ModoRats, complaining that there is no way to talk to me and no way to communicate. Well, we all know what that means. They are trying to draw me into their Coalitions (whatever they label them as). They are trying to capture me, actually. They are trying to capture their opponents and bring them into their cesspool of limitations, restrictions, confinements, regulations, Queer Protocols, blah-blah-blah. We all know what kind of fakery that is about. They do not want Real Truth out here being aware and sentient and alive, and constantly saying the Truth about them. They want everything dragged into their game, their twisted little World of Puppeteering, fakeries, and ModoRat Parties.

In addition to that, there are some of them out there who say that they are not ModoRats, and they should be talked to by Human Resistance; that they should be communicated to by Human Resistance, they should be allowed to have something to do with Human Resistance. Which means that they want to bypass the Quality Control of Human Resistance. That is just about as impossible as anything can be, the Quality Control of Human Resistance is enormous (compared to the General Malaise which is super easy to become trapped in) -- and is (at the same time) quite easy to get around.

It is an enormous impediment to aliens and forces and creatures of Evil that are trying to infiltrate Human Resistance -- BUT -- if you are not Evil and you are Innocent and you do have 250,000,000 neurons left inside of your brain that you can call your own-- AND -- you have honesty and sincerity -- THEN -- you will still possess some kernel, some core of Human Validity and Human Virtues -- AND -- that is your golden and shining key into Human Resistance. No matter how battered and beaten you are by all of the ModoRats and Perverts (that are complaining that we do not talk to them!)

The answer to the rest of them, that think that they have somehow changed because they no longer watch a certain channel on TV anymore (but they still watch TV) -- they do not watch a certain channel on TV any longer BUT THEY STILL WATCH TV!!!! -- which is supposed to make them healed and eligible now to join Human Resistance -- the obvious answer to that is, DEAD MATTER.

We do not deal with Dead Matter, except as alien and opposed to us. Alien and undesirable. Dead Matter. It takes an enormous amount of recuperation to turn Dead Matter back into Living Neurons. I am talking about those lumps, those clumps of Dead Matter inside of their brains that are the result of perversions, and greeds, and moderations, and politics and the Five Evils (etc).

That stuff does not go away because yesterday you woke up and said "I won't be a Republican any more!" Or, on New Years Day you vowed to never be a DemoCrap again. Or, you went to confession at a Catholic Church and you swore to God that you will not be a pervert anymore.

And -- that is supposed to make the Dead Matter go away?

You terribly underestimate the Killing Power of Queer TV!

Let me tell you, Dead Matter is like Obesity. Dead Matter in the brain, is like Obesity on the body. It does not just go away. It takes enormous amounts of effort to get one pound of Obesity to go away, or one ounce of Dead Matter to activate into Living Neurons again. Enormous amounts of effort are required for that!

Personally, I do not have any Dead Matter between my ears. Zero Dead Matter. Everything between my ears is alive and operating naturally. Why would I deal with something that has Dead Matter? That a week or a year ago was 30-40-50% Dead Matter? That, is just the victims on the peripherals and the outskirts and the outer boundaries of it all.

Inside the Queer Coalitions it is 60-70-80-90% Dead Matter! And one of those things is going to leave a Queer Coalition? And be worthy of Me talking to it? A week later? And it is 75% Dead Matter? And the other 25% is still filled with the twisted and grotesque lies of hideous lesbians?

Of course, there will be all kinds of critical complaints like -- "Well, you said if I've got 250,000,000 neurons left -- ah, I can become a Human Being again!" That is right, Bozo -- I did say that. Did I mention something called Nature? Did I possibly infer and imply that you need to get your Dead Matter brain out into Nature?


Nature -- which you are afraid of anyway. Which you are scared of anyway. Which gives you the Heebie Jeebies, because you are Alien! Did I say anything about Me? Talking to you? A week after you leave a Queer Coalition?

I will say right now that I cannot even imagine doing that. I cannot even imagine talking to somebody who had Dead Matter in their brain a year ago.

The point is -- I have Zero Dead Matter and I do not deal with and I do not communicate with things that do. Not knowingly. Of course, if you want to be helped over the general program of this -- by being part of the general audience (Readership), and you want to soak up and absorb some good Humanity and Human Lessons that way ...

[[Strictly against the orders of the Lesie Masters.]]

as part of the Readership -- there is nothing I will do about it. And, I am not cruel or mean enough to say that you should not do so.


Let me nip something else in the bud here -- there is a myth going on that it is impossible to talk to me, impossible to have any conversation with me -- so on and so forth. You have to realize that there are different levels of communications, with different intensities and different levels of meaning, and seriousness. Casual conversation is not a problem with me, and never has been. I could talk my head off in casual conversation, with no great pressing societal importance to it. It is when you want to talk in conversations that are supposed to mean something and have worth and great intentions (very serious on the Richter Scale), that is when I will not talk to anybody who has Dead Matter in their brains.

Even the casual conversation sector has different levels to it -- Good, Better and Best -- 1, 2, 3 -- Low, Medium, High -- however you want to say it -- simple everyday conversation is not a problem, for Humans.

Butt, Deviates never have conversations at any level without the serious and homicidal intentions of killing innocent victims with the mental disease of Queerism that has already killed them.

Butt, when someone or some thing wants to bring intentions and agendas and social commentary and inject propaganda into a conversation -- BANG! -- the door slams shut on them -- IF -- they have any Dead Matter between their ears.

Read that again -- 1,2,3 conversational levels -- no problem as long as there is no seriousness to it, no intentions, no propaganda, no social intentions, no social programming, just regular and cordial and courteous conversation. But, when one of you wants to inject an agenda, or a social order, or a dogma or a script into the conversation to turn it into something serious -- SLAM AND BANG -- the vault closes on your head. That is a big door and you have a little head.

If you had any Dead Matter, or have any Dead Matter between your ears you do not get into conversations like that. You do not participate, you are not allowed to participate. Because what are you going to do? You are just going to be a Socialist Agenda oriented asshole again, like you were before! Whining and complaining that you are not in Human Resistance because a year ago you were unspeakable.

No No No -- you are lucky to be having any kind of conversation in a casual manner at all.


By the way, I heard those women talking about the fact that I spent thousands of dollars on video cameras and a video studio and only used it once. Well, I am going to use it again in an unexpected way because it can continuously record 1080 at 60P for hours at a time, and I have a good application for that. It is not going to be a loss of time and money. What it does mean, is that I am willing to invest thousands of dollars in long-term investments -- that are longer than you can think of -- ladies.


Revolution means confession by our enemies. Revolution means that you capture the enemies of our Species and beat the crap out of them -- until they confess everything.


They know it. I know it. But, the 'General Public' and the Readership does not want to admit that that is the only way. Our enemies know that the only way that they will confess is if they are being tortured, and they are facing Final Death. Only under those circumstances will they yield and surrender and confess. If that does not happen to them -- then as far as they are concerned all of us are just crap to be manipulated, and screwed, and blued and tattooed and ruined -- however they want to do it to us. However they want to ruin us, use us, enslave us -- it's fine. Because the only way that they will stop is if they are captured and tortured and forced to confess.

As long as that does not happen -- every minute that it does not happen --- they will continue to attack us and replace us until we can never capture them, never torture the Truth out of them, and never Win In The Only Way That We Can Win -- which is Revolution.

Revolution, is capturing the bastards and torturing the Truth out of them and making them confess on TV -- Worldwide. Including the Owners and Operators of the TV Channels, the Satellite Companies, the Cable Companies. Captured, tortured, and confessing on Television. All of it -- Public Confessions -- day after day -- week after week -- month after month -- unending. Until everybody, no matter how stupid they are, finally gets the message.

That is how you win Revolutions.

And then, you shut down TV -- forever.


What is the value of money? The value of money itself? What is the validity, the certainty, the longevity of money? Why does money have to continue to exist? Folding money and metal money is going away anyway, soon it will be a matter of electronic credits and nothing more. But, why do we need that to begin with? Whether it is Silver Dollars or Electronic Credits, why do we need money? Why do we have to have money? What would a society without money be like? How would it operate? How could you convert this society into a world without money? Is that possible? Or, is that asking too much?

Either way, the vermin that covet money must be removed from it -- and Politics must die!


I did not put those things here. I did not create Politicians or Feh BUWIs from the horrific Perverted Institute of Terror in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone (formerly MIT).

Oh yes! The leader of the BUWIs in Des Aliens is from that God-Awful PIT of Deviates (wall to wall and basement to ceiling) in the HBHZ!!!!!!!!!!

You did not know that connection between the Perverts and the BUWIs?

As I was saying -- I did not create Politicians, Perverts, Deviates, DemoCraps, ModoRats, RepuCraps, Judges -- I did not create all of that stuff, I am not responsible for it being here. My job is to say the Truth about all of it, and help us get rid of them. Even more so, I am not responsible for perpetuating their con-artist games and their shill games and their shell games and their organized crime.

I -- do not vote.

I do not contribute to their scams, their shams, the circuses. I do not perpetuate the fakery that they must have in order to get over on everybody -- in order to pretend that they are dominant -- and to be paid money. Not just salaries, but money -- a lot of money, from Perverts, from the Five Evils, from Imbeciles that Lobby in Wash This Death City and in Des Aliens, from lunatic lobbyists from every cheesy third-class business asshole that wants to buy a Politician. That is where most of their money comes from. That is crime. That is crime at your expense. Crime, which you cannot truly complain about if you were stupid enough (in 2014) to vote for their crimes.

I told you last year that I did not vote at all. I am done, I will never vote again except in a country of my own. I will never again, not ever, contribute in any way to the continuation of their perpetual schemes. And, I say again to you -- they cannot continue with those games, they cannot continue with that Casino-At-Your-Expense if no one plays the game.

Casinos cannot operate without players. No card game can operate without players. No game can operate without players. The Politics Casino would go bankrupt overnight if no one played the games. No Customers -- No Casino. In Politics that relates to No Idiots That Vote -- No Politics.


Do you know what one of the #1 complaints is, of all of the Deviates that have ever lied about me? One of the #1 complaints (at various times) of all of the Queers across the board -- of all of the Perverts that have ever lied about me -- is ...


They were not paid enough money and given enough favors and enough 'nasties' to pay for all of this. They were not told this would happen. They were not told the Truth would come out, they were not told what I would do, they were not told what I could do, they were not told what I was bound to do -- they were just lied to and given far too little money and favors and 'nasties'.

That is one of their recurring #1 complaints.


A World of Meat Eaters that want Monkey Meat -- that is what we need. We need Judge Destroyers, Lawyer Destroyers and Gnome Destroyers.

You will notice that there is a huge weakness on the evil side. That weakness, is that they cannot admit to themselves that everything that I do, and everything that I teach other people to do, is totally dedicated to destroying them.

They just cannot accept that. They are so full of their own Queershit lies that they have lost Reality and lost touch with the actual understanding, if they ever had it, that everything Humans do is to destroy them.

[[IGNORE -- what pissant Commercial Protestors say! The only way to stop Killers with DemoCrap Attorney General Rabies -- is to destroy them.]]

Their entire attempt at Genocide of the Human Species by Replacement -- has completely reversed. We had no intentions of killing anybody or any thing, but the Insane Leaders of the Turds (now called Deviates) told those scum that the Human Species must die!!!! And then, we were massively attacked by the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead.

Now -- we intend to destroy everybody -- who is not Human.

So -- like I said -- what we need are Meat Eaters.

A World of Meat Eaters -- that want Monkey Meat.


What I am writing about -- Politicians being eliminated, and replaced by actual Human Leaders that have gone through training to be Human Leaders -- is similar to the situation between trucks and automobiles on the highways in this country. In regards to -- all of those people who are driving cars have taken tests to get their licenses, but the tests were completely done with little mention of trucks, and how to drive on the same roads with them. How to get out of the way of trucks. How to pass trucks.


How to not drive in the blind spot of trucks. How to deal with trucks in the proper way out there on the highways.

The training that they did take was strictly four-wheeled in orientation, four-wheeled in its intentions; and had very little to do with trucks whatsoever. There might have been a question about -- if trucks are making a right hand turn where do you not put your vehicle, so you will not get crushed by the truck making the right hand turn.

Many many things have been left out of those tests relative to four-wheelers driving on the same highways with 18-wheeled vehicles. I would say, that another 25-30 questions are needed in those examinations for driver's licenses -- all about 4-wheelers versus 18-wheelers -- and Bogus 4-Wheeler Attitudes!


More questions are needed in those Driver's License Examinations about how to drive around and relative to trucks. It should be obvious that the education of all of the '4-wheelers' out there is lacking.

Just like Monkey Training should have taught -- Never Give Shit To Human Beings, No Amount Of Bribes And False Sex Is Worth It.

Grossly lacking training -- and you can tell (if you are a truck driver) that those people out there in 4-wheeled vehicles have no idea of what they are doing, relative to trucks. And how to not get in our way, and how to not cause accidents with trucks, or how to not follow us (etc - I could go on all day).

That is sort of parallel to what I am talking about. Incomplete or total lack of training. The way Politicians learn how to be Politicians is very similar to the way that '4-wheelers' learn how to drive with trucks. Worse. It is like '4-wheelers' taking incomplete and inadequate training to learn how to drive 4-wheeled vehicles >>>> and then being given 18-wheeled trucks to drive.

They are thrown into a situation that demands Human Leadership, but they are Greedy Escaped Hogs, and they are there to get Rich and Famous in Piggy Town -- so they have to learn on the run (hard for hogs) to make the world think that they are Humans -- and still pump the situation for Glory and Riches at the same time.

A completely untenable arrangement -- called Perpetual Politics -- until such time as the conditions of the world can no longer tolerate such shit.

Like right now.


As you improve individually, and as you improve the Species, as everything gets better like it should get better -- do not forget how horribly you are hated by all of those falsely-colored trash mongers in the streets of Queered Cities. All working for The Cult Of The Asshole (TCOTA).

There is nothing as terrible and as vicious and as vile a hatred on this planet as -- ASSHOLE HATRED.

The hatred put out by Assholes. The hatred that Assholes have for anything decent and good and Human. It is worse than you could ever possibly imagine. It is the worst hatred in the entire Known Universe.

Asshole Hatred is by far the most sickening, twisted, deviated and murderous hatred known to exist in this Universe.

And -- it hates you. The hate from The Cult Of The Asshole, hates you! For getting better, and for helping your Species get better.

The hate of The Cult Of The Asshole will do almost anything it can to stop you, and to kill you.

Never forget that.


Something else about that hatred from The Cult Of The Asshole. We are Grown Ups, we are Adults, we can deal with such hatred against us -- but we must make sure that the hatred from The Cult Of The Asshole (with all of its false colors and fakery) and the hatred from all things that writhe in the Liberal Dung -- is greatly reduced and greatly diminished and greatly shot down in our own generation.

Do you want Human Babies to have to feel that hatred? From The Cult Of The Asshole? Do you want Human Children to feel that hatred? Hatred of Human Beings -- from The Cult Of The Asshole?

Do you want that hideous hatred to effect future generations of the Humans that are children and babies at this time? Do you want them condemned to being hated by a sewage in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone? [[Where the BUWIs come from.]]

A sewage that orders phony parades and issues endless lying propaganda and kills any Human it can, anywhere it can, any way it can -- called The Cult Of The Asshole!

I say -- "NO!" I say we reduce it. We destroy it. Now.

Now. The Adult Humans must put down that Hatred Against Humans -- Now. It goes down now.


Markel Peters










I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message.
Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.



























Labels Of All Posted Messages--A Way To Search Through Messages By Labels

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed


This blog exists to inform the People, of the 'Real Truth' about the real enemies of the Human Species. These Truths are not objectionable, as they are Truths. Only the telling of them can be objectionable, to those who wish to hide the Truth. If the Truth is something you HATE and therefore object to - go elsewhere!


Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!


The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.