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Showing posts with label Bladders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bladders. Show all posts

Friday, March 31, 2023

Spotlight On: False Representation is the Opiate of the Masses--03-31-2023.

Not just because it always happens, but also because it is the 'Expected Birthright' (Mark of Slavery) of all persons who are born into this Queered Society. At least, that is the expectation about it by all of the worms and squirms and swine and slime that make a 'living' by preying upon the masses -- assuming that the masses are still abysmally stupid and unaware of what is really going on in their own environments. For instance, Marijuana Potheads will not even notice that they are being falsely represented, because they have no idea of what is happening anywhere anyway. I mean those words!!!!!!!!!!

Some people have globes of the world in their homes. Usually any library will have a globe of the world. Public/Political Schools have Queered Globes that they stick into the faces of any child that does not want to become a Queer. The foul teachers shout at the reluctant child. The horrid teachers point at the ugly globe (that looks like a huge prune because it is a huge prune) and they say that the whole world is now Accepting and Embracing 'Perversions', and how dare that child be different and stupid and bad! A bad child!

It is the endless litany of the Horrid Anthem of the PPPP(-).

Entitled -- '101 Prunes for Accepted Listening' -- without violins.

Meanwhile, the family globe of a Marijuana Pothead looks like, and smells like, and feels like the cloud of marijuana smoke in the living room. And they know nothing outside of it.

Then, videos like this one come along.


Title--Discussion about BUWIs and County Coyotes while I drive--03-07-2023--720P--30F--H264 High--12000K--44K--128K--01

This video is in 720p and weighs in at 4.5 gigabytes. It has been scanned for viruses. There is a bigger version in 1080p but it is unnecessary.

I talk about False Representation in this video, and it is good to remember that one of the primary ways in which False Representatives get away with being false and fraudulent is to prime and bribe and threaten percentages of the masses into saying that the False Representatives do represent them, and to say it loudly. Usually, 10% of the masses is enough to buy and bribe and threaten -- if that 10% will lie loudly. The other 90% are usually too stupid and too brainwashed to think that the whole thing might be contrived and bogus and to their own detriment.

Besides, they watch TV and have no personal identities of their own any more -- if they were ever allowed to have personal identities by the perverts in the Public/Political Schools.

Thus, False Representation is an art form that is performed upon the Idiot Voters like brain surgery. It has a long and bloody and terrible history of success against the Truth and the Natural Futures of Human populations. False Representation is taught inside the hideous world of Politics.

Real People that live outside of the Queer Coalition Bladders can see clearly that False Representation is nothing more than a low-grade circus performance that is always used against any rumblings of discontent from the Idiot Voting Masses. And it does not require much. With all of the Idiot Voters being likewise Idiot Watchers of TV, their brains are feeble and their self-identities (of their self-interests) are almost non-existent.

This is a short message, but I will throw in a few weblinks to Human websites that explain what False Representation is all about -- IF -- I can find any. The queered search engines are now under the control of the Huffingbutt's Post -- the Ministry for Queer Propaganda. So every kind of low-crawling vermin from serial killers of babies to Queer and Sick Internet Censors (QSIC) are now telling the search engines what they can and cannot do.

Please view these sites and print them out and download them...


01--Synonyms for False representation


02--If a representation is false in a material point


03--KNP warns against false representation Southern & East African Tourism


04A--False representation definition and meaning--Collins


04B--Browse all dictionaries--Collins English Dictionary


05--Fair Trading Act 1986 No 121--New Zealand Example


06--Investigation finds massive wrongdoing by prosecutor in case against ex-Missouri governor


07--Negligent Misrepresentation


08--Difference between Fraud and Misrepresentation--India Example


09--Difference between Coercion and Undue Influence--India Example


10--Trials of War Criminals before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals--No Escape for the BBWA


11--Representation vs. Representative the difference - CompareWords


12--Representation Introduction--Founding of America


13--Founders' Constitution Table of Content--Founding of America


14--The Oligarchs--Dirty Politics In Ukraine 2014--Al Jazeera


15--Horrid--Is seeing still believing The deepfake challenge to truth in politics

Now! Is the time to check all current Iowa State Laws and Regulations for False Items that support the efforts of the Big Business White Assholes and the Butt-Ugly Windmill Imperials -- AGAINST -- the God-given rights of the People of Iowa -- WHO -- the pustules in the Golden Pimple have always despised, and sought to strip of their own 'Will of the People'.


I was not going to do this.

Then I was going to do this.

Then I was not going to do this.

Then I was going to do this.

Then I was unsure.

So I will do this, and err in the favor of the People.

I have been doodling with some visualizations and I have five of them almost finished. They are finished to a point where any of you can top them off and learn in the doing.

Here they are ...



Folder ...


This folder can be downloaded and it contains the original .bmp versions of these five illustrations -- for you to finish.

[[[[Incidentally -- do not be surprised in the future if I throw more unfinished art works and writings to you -- to finish. THAT! Is a very effective teaching method that is no longer used, because in the Public/Political Schools all lessons are about Mandatory Acceptance of Any Perversion and are kept short and horrible and threatening and lying in all ways. You have to have substance and volume and depth before you can have anything that can be 'finished'.]]]]


'Conservation' does NOT include Butt-Ugly Windmills, and never has.

'Conservation' does include Solar Energy Panels, wherever they can be installed naturally; which brings up an extremely important problem about the usage of solar panels. That will be explained in the next message.


Markel Peters



Friday, January 5, 2018

An Audio for Hurt Humans -- 2018-01-05:

This Audio File is for healing purposes. As we all know, the Human Species is under constant attack from the stinking emanations and the gargoyles and the freaks that either escape the Queer Coalition Bladders, or are sent out on missions to intimidate and destroy all Natural Enemies -- which happens to include all of Nature.

In this audio file I address some of those hurts and pains and issues that are caused by such attacks.


By the way, those intimidation tactics that Humans are attacked with when they are fired by the Deviates -- and -- those twisted Queershit Seances that the Dykes try to use to infest the thinking of any sleeping and defenseless Human Being with -- that they can get close enough to ...

are all practiced and/or performed with the worst Dyke (the 'Intimidator' or the 'Transmitter') with its face stuck up the asshole of the worst Faggot available. That, is why their lies are so vile and atrocious when they fire a Human Being from a Queer-infested work site. It is also why Humans see terrible visions of anus-faced Filthy Monkey Horrors in their nightmares. Which is not far from the Truth about what Filthy Monkey Horrors actually look like.

Except for one thing. All Filthy Monkey Horrors have four foot long plastic dicks attached to their noses. Bolted to their noses. The procedure is called 'The Bolt' within Queer Circles.

You have to be within that circle to think you can appreciate such ornamentation. That bent circle is sort of like a Grotesque Halloween Show 24/7. Which also explains why those nightmares (caused by the Transmitter Dykes) are so hideous.

Now -- you know what killed the brains of your Local Police Force.


Markel Peters

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Part One -- Whooo Dumped This Here? -- 11-30-2016:

Caution >>>> Appropriate Descriptions Ahead.


Whose Dump Is This!!!!


I Want To Make It Amazingly And Blazingly Clear To Every Human Who Opposes Abortions, That I Am Not Trying To Burst Your Bubble. Our Differences Are More Minor Than You Think, And I Wish You Success.

However -- I Do Not Want You To Be Blindsided, Cheapened, Ripped Off, Fornicated, And Conned By Political Creatures That Are Obviously Not Good Enough To Clean Your Shoes With Their Tongues.

What I Write Here About The ModoRats (AKA RepuCraps Aka Republicans) Is The God's Honest Truth!!!!

What I Describe Here -- Is All That You Can Expect For Help In Your Fight Against Abortions.

Fat Chance -- And You Will Need A Lot More Than Good Luck. To Get Those Vermin To Do Anything Good Will Require More Money Than You Can Afford, And Divine Intervention On A Biblical Scale.

[[Why would they want you to have any money left? You might do this again.]]

Snake Stick: A Straight Pole Or Stick About Ten Feet Long With A Forked End. The Forks Are Four To Six Inches Long. Snakes Are Pinned Down To The Ground By The Forked End, And Then Grabbed Tightly By The Neck Just Behind The Hissing Political Loudspeaker.

[[You think that I am wrong? Then answer this. Why are Politicians more afraid of Deviates that own and operate AM radio stations, than they are of you? Why is an AM radio station full of vermin, more important to them than all of you?]]


First however, let me discuss my complete lack of caring and respect for whatever psycho event occurred inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders at the beginning of this month.


During this message try to use Reverse Pyramidal Analysis while you are reading. We will discuss matters that occur at the base regions of a pyramidal structure of Pure Evil. While we do so, try to imagine how much more awful and grotesque and vile the higher levels of those 'Pyramids of Unjoyous Evil' actually are.

As Never Shown On TV.


Well done Revolutionaries! You forced the Queershitters to change their game.

I am not saying that whatever just happened in those Queer Coalition Bladders amounts to a hill of flycrap to us. What I am saying does matter is >>>> this has been an excellent lesson for showing everyone (including yourselves) just how cowardly and sick and twisted are the Political Gnomes inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders. How they will do anything to stay alive. Anything, that they think will add to their security; and prevent us from getting our hands on their necks.

What has happened inside the Queer Coalition Bladders does not amount to buttkiss to us. What does matter -- is what we have forced them to do. We have proven to anyone with intelligence that you can make them do what you want them to do inside those Bladders.


This is a wonderful Revolutionary Victory and applied lesson, applied learning on-the-job, for all Revolutionaries. It is crystal clear and so easy to see that because of the Revolutionaries and the potential for a Real Revolution (the presence of revolution and Revolutionaries) and because of the presence of so many Human Beings who refuse to Vote; the Political Gnomes that run the Politics Game (Queershit and Queershit and some more Queershit) had to abandon one idea and were forced backwards to another standard mode of operations. They had the idea of getting that dyke bitch (whatever its name was) elected inside the Queer Coalition Bladders, and then promoting the DemoCraps some more; and they would have, if it was not for the presence of the Revolutionaries.

If it was not for the People who refused to Vote -- if it was not for the Real People in the World ...

and by the way they are already complaining about it on the radio (after the psycho event) and are calling us the 'Rural Populations' ...

they are already complaining about us -- OH YES!!!! -- I heard it on an AM radio station that carries a lot of so-called commentators and talk shows ...

they (the Queers) (formerly Liberals) are complaining about the 'Unfathomable Rural Populations' and why we would Vote against them (revealing that they are the Out-Queer Arm of the SQLD) ...

which must be a complaint about why we would NOT Vote (which they cannot admit publicly) because those (Bleep)heads are so stupid they think there is a chance that we would have Voted ...

that is how stupid they are, they do not get it at all, being afraid to anyway ...

but they are all Minions inside of the Bladders and they are NOT supposed to get any Truth ...

however YOU ARE supposed to get it, you are outside of the Bladders and you are supposed to get the Truth.

The Political Gnomes that run the Politics Game would have allowed that dyke bitch (whatever its name was) to become the next Resident at the White Outhouse in that Queer Coalition Bladder over at Wash This Death City -- IF -- there had been no such presence (and a Big Presence) on the outside of the Bladders, of so many Revolutionaries. So many People who refused to Vote. So many People who know what is really going on.

You see -- all of the information which Human Websites put out does lead to Enlightenment. Which puts real and big pressure on the Political Gnomes inside of the Queer Coalitions.

They know -- that we know -- what they are doing in there.

They know that we are not going to put up with their endless perversions and corruptions and genocide. They know that there could be a revolution if they allowed that dyke bitch to become the next Resident in the White Outhouse.

Because of US OUT HERE -- they were forced to revert back to the old game plan of eight years for each so-called Party; with each Party getting to have a Resident in the White Outhouse for eight years at a time. And, since they have put HObama the Magnificent Aardvark in there for the last eight years, they must now allow the other so-called Party (the RepuCraps aka ModoRats) to have their (whatever its name is) (I will call it Chester Dump) to be the next Resident in the White Outhouse for another eight years.

That was one of their options anyway, having been used often before, and they knew that it might have to happen that way. Now, pressure from outside of the Bladders made it happen that way. And that pressure is YOU. Real Revolutionaries, the Real People, the People who know the Truth! You are the ones that made them give up their idea of handing the Residency at the White Outhouse over to that dyke bitch (whatever its name was). You forced them to allow the RepuCraps (aka ModoRats) to have eight years in the White Outhouse.

[[Do you remember that just a few years ago those Political Gnomes and the Queer Propagandists were demanding that HObama the Magnificent Facial Anus be given a lifetime Residency and possibly a Crown of Dung?]]

They are forced back to using the old style eight-years-by-eight-years (block after block) fashion. YOU made them revert to that plan. You forced them to do that. Your very existence as Revolutionaries, and knowing the Truth about it all, forced them to do that.

THAT! Is what has happened!!!!

I really hope that you do not feel sorry for any of those insect-brained little dipshits inside the Bladders, who think that they are 'Republicans' and they have won something. Do not even think of thinking such an absurd idea or such absurd thoughts. Have some ice cream and enjoy Real Life instead. You have really pulled off something. You have forced the Politics Game to change plans inside the Bladders. To change their ideas. You have pressured and forced the Political Gnomes inside of those Queer Coalitions to change their goals, to back off from one of their plans, and to retrograde back to something that was really not what they wanted. But they have to, or they are going to get the snot kicked out of them. They would get their asses kicked up around their ears.

Now, they have Chicken Dump in there and they will be wooing and ordering (a sick kind of foreplay) the Chicken Dump Puppet (and crowd) to protect them! From the big and bad Revolutionaries. Whose mere presence outside of the Bladders forced them to allow Chester Dump to become the next Resident Elect in the White Outhouse. Which they firmly consider to be their outhouse.


Meanwhile, the Postmortem Queer Propagandists for the RepuCraps, on the ModoRat side, (between cheeseburgers) ...

[[You have to remember that we are talking about the Eternally Greedy Chicken ModoRat Backstabbers ... this is all about ModoRats ....]]

the ModoRats have been allowed to have another eight years of so-called Political Power in the hopes that they will stop the revolution. Whereupon, the Politics Chicken and Sewage Game will be able to continue.

The Post Operation Queer Propagandists for the ModoRats, which now have a stooge to pretend to be the next Resident in the White Outhouse, are saying ...

get this !!!! ...

are saying that it is the beginning of a return to 'Family Values', and the way that people really want to live. And we are talking about Lying Faggot Cock(Bleepers) that would not recognize the genitals of the opposite sex (female) if it was shoved in their faces.

You can take any number of genitals still attached (of course) to real members of the female sex and shove it in their faces, and they would not even know what it is. They do not even know what Real Sex is, or that it exists. It is unimaginable to their little tiny lying pee-brains. But, they are out there squawking that the recent dipshit event inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders heralds a return to 'Family Values', and the way that People really want to live.

Which is total Queershit!!!! Those ModoRats will help the Deviates kill us more and more. Oh Yes! Because it is part of the program. It is part of being inside of the Bladders. It is part of being inside of the Queer Coalitions. They have to, they have no choice. They will whimp out, chicken out, excuse themselves, and excuse themselves, and blame their crimes on anything else, just like all Politicians do.

There is not going to be any return to 'Family Values' because asswipes like that do not even know what Human Families are. They do not have the faintest idea of what a Real Family is. Nothing shown by the TV Turds, or on any Queer Medias, has ever been a Real Human Family. Never will be. The ModoRats do not even know what 'Sex' is. They do not even know how children are created. They do not even know where children come from.

They are just Lying Assholes. Two-Assholed and Three-Assholed Lying Pieces Of Shit (POS). Since we do not listen to any of their bunk -- we do not have to hear it.

[[Some AM talk show commentators that are part of the Queer Media Scams and use Queer Propaganda labels for themselves -- such as 'Conservatives -- have just revealed what part of the TV Turd Schemes they have always been in to begin with. In a Deviate attempt to draw more Idiots into the Queer Coalition Bladders, they are going to start (per Queer Schedule) a TV Turd Channel for Stupes and Brain-Bashed Rejects INSIDE the Queer Coalition Bladders. A channel to attract slugs, that have been brainwashed to think that there ever were such things as 'Liberals' and 'Conservatives', into the Queer Coalition Bladders.
The Deviates want it called 'Conservative TV' -- of course.
Is that not typical of the Deviates? To fabricate and promote what does NOT exist?]]


At this time I think it is appropriate for all Real Human Beings in the World to have a Moment of Silence in recognition of the Unbelievable Pain and Grief and Increased Stupidity (inside of the Bladders) that any shithead and slave combination is experiencing now, and for the weeks to come, while it thinks that something has come its way and something has worked for it and it has won something!!!!!!!!!!

That it has won a place in the Outhouse!!!!!!!!!! It has won something.

While all of that bloodletting is going on, all of that unbelievable stupidity is happening, we will not hear it and we will not see it. We are not stupid enough to look at it. Now, I think we should have a Moment of Silence in recognition of the fact that if we were not Humans and we were not Revolutionaries -- that wreckage would be US!!!!!!!!!!

If we were not out here in the Real World, with real brains, real thought capacities, and real minds -- that twisted and absurd fakery (inside the Bladders) called 'Republicans' would be us. That crap would be us. You can see all kinds of lunatic dippy anal-gyrations from those freaks inside the Bladders -- if you look.

Do NOT look. It is going to be messy in there. They like to smear their Bladder Filth everywhere that they can. It will be messy in there, with all of those freaked-out lunatic and psychopathic and totally depraved so-called 'Republicans' gyrating here and there and everywhere inside of the Bladders. Thinking that "Something Has Changed! Something has improved! There is a new stench in the Bladders!"


Depending upon how close you are to a Queer Coalition Bladder, inside of which everything is Queer whether it is pretending to be a DemoCrap or a RepuCrap (aka ModoRat) or anything of any description inside the Bladders; if you are close enough you will actually see all kinds of weird apparitions and weird behaviors and crawling and squirming and affiliation-changes. Changes of affiliations, changes of attitudes, changes of approach and attitudes towards how they exist inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders. Remember, just about all of them are stuck in there. Very very very few have the faintest idea of how to get out of a Bladder; of how to get out of a Queer Coalition Bladder.

Most of them are permanent sewage inside of those Bladders. Those Bladders are like Septic Systems. They are where the drain pipes go to; and they are stuck in that dung. The Gnomes have changed back to the standard eight-year-by-eight-year block approach to the Politics Game and they had no choice; they are threatened by all of us out here. They have allowed the ModoRats to have eight years of whatever that junk is called inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders.

Which will allow them to suck up to the ModoRats, and to try to convince the ModoRats to protect them from us out here. Knowing that the ModoRats already hate us; and have committed the unspeakable crime of resurrecting the Dead Incest Pest of Iowa and forcing its corpse to gyrate about at Des Aliens pretending to be alive again.

That so-called change is going to have many harmonics to it, many ripple effects to it, and you are going to see a lot of puckering changes of anal-affiliations. If you look inside of the Bladders you are going to see such changes; you may even see something as completely unimaginable as Ford-Fit Assholes ...

that drive Ford Fuckups and experience the Ford Fit that occurs when they accelerate dangerously in traffic and treat everyone else on the road like the dirt under their tires; which causes their brains to shrink and their assholes to expand until they match -- and -- guess where the tiny brain goes ...

you might actually see some of those Ford Fit Assholes, that drive Ford Fuckups, claiming to have new affiliations and new ideas and new realizations. Whence, they now think that Chester Dump is not such a bad Chicken.

Well, Chester Dump IS a Bad Chicken. Chester Dump always will be a Bad Chicken. Only we can see that -- from out here.

Yes -- It's Chester Dump -- The Perfect Fried Chicken -- If You Are A Chicken. A Chicken's Chicken.

For Chester -- to Cluck or Not to Cluck -- that is the question.


I must say that there is one thing happening that is cause for alarm, and possibly earthquakes and hurricanes -- inside -- the Queer Coalition Bladders. Fortunately, it will have no effect upon any of us out here. Butt, there is (from all accounts and appearances) a radical change occurring with the ModoRat RepuCraps!

They seem to have forsaken their favorite and sacred ...


To which they were so thoroughly and completely devoted, and addicted. They certainly seem to be wanting to replace ...

Cheeseburgers With Fried Chicken!

An enormous change inside of the Queer Coalitions, and possibly of earthquake magnitude -- in the Queer Coalitions.


Well, if you are Human like I am, at least you are far ahead of anything that happens inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders. And, you did not just spend God-Knows how many wasted hours by the hundreds watching the TV Turds, and their play times, and their pretenses, and all of their pathetic and sick three-ring circuses about Politics. You did not have to see that, which is very good because it was probably very grotesque.

The thing to do, the thing to watch, is the reports about what ModoRat scum like Chicken Dump do once they get into the Queered White Outhouse. What you want to do is to focus on the fact that they will do nothing to punish the Five Naked Monkey Judges in Wash This Death City; and they will do nothing to arrest those Five Naked Monkeys In A Cage in Wash This Death City; and they will do nothing to revoke the Queer Psychodrama and the Queer Playacting of 'Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred' (Q&PMH).

What they will do instead, is to set up their own Money-Making Regime.

This particular pack of scum bags, being ModoRats, is really into making money for themselves. It is the primary reason why they are there. The only reason they want a Resident of their own in the White Outhouse is for monetary reasons. Of course, they are pressured by our presence out here to still say pseudo-revolutionary lies like 'We want to return to Family Values' and other worthless drivel like that; which they cannot possibly mean because they cannot possibly know what it means. What you will see is a Militant Money-Making Machine.

It will become more militarized with the more money it makes, and with the more entrenched into the money-making infrastructure they become, and with the more control that they gain over the money-making infrastructure. The more that such things occur, the more militant they will become. ModoRats have always been Killers. ModoRats have always been Murderers. ModoRats will kill and murder anything, and anyone, that gets in the way of their greed. Moderation can only Coexist with Greed, even though the entire sickness becomes queered.

'Moderation' is all about themselves, themselves, themselves -- completely chicken, completely unable to deal with the Real problems of the Real World -- except from the level of the barn yard floor. They are nothing more than Excuse Artists. Diversionaries. Escapists. Rearranging, at every opportunity, what they want the Public to think about anything; until there are so many re-arrangements made by them that their greed and their cowardice and their hatred of all Humanity (which is very much a jealousy) is considered to be a 'Normalcy'.

If you pay attention to the reports that are put out by Humans (NOT AM radio 'Conservatives') about what happens inside of those Queer Coalition Bladders, you will see what I am writing about.

Do NOT watch the TV Turds. Of course, you will NOT watch the TV Turds -- you want to be alive and Human.

Do NOT listen to the Filthy Monkeys. Of course, you will NOT listen to the Filthy Monkeys -- you want to be alive and Human.

Do NOT read the queer magrags or the queer newsrags. Of course, you will NOT read the queer magrags or the queer newsrags -- you want to be alive and Human.

Like I have written often before, there are many Human websites on the Internet that will tell you what is really going on. They are assigned to find out what is happening inside of the Queer Coalitions, and to tell you about anything in there that might be of danger to Human Beings out here. As you read those reports you will see undeniably that this is nothing more than a planned operation by the Queer Political Gnomes, to allow the ever-greedy ModoRats to have their way for eight years, and get richer for eight years -- IF -- they will militarize and if they will oppose any Real Revolution that would threaten all of Politics, all Political Gnomes, all Perverts.

Even an eight year old child could see that there is not a single solitary Human Being involved with the ModoRats! There are no Human Beings there! There never have been! They are ModoRats! RepuCraps! They are another sucking-arm of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead (SQLD). They are now being used to save the entire Political Game, to save the entire Political Circus, the entire cesspool of Politics and Perversion. They are going to be allowed to gain a lot of riches -- if and only if -- they become militarized and they protect the entire hideous Politics Sewer from the Real Human Beings and the Revolutionaries.

However, and this should be obvious, you have just seen how your mere presence as Revolutionaries can affect the plans and the schemes of the vermin inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders. You have just seen how your mere existence as Non-Voters and Revolutionaries has made them change their activities. Has made them change their plans. Made them do what they least wanted to do. Made them allow the ModoRats to take over for eight years -- IF -- the ModoRats will militarize and protect them from the Revolutionaries. You made that happen. Because you are out here with me.


Another sure sign that the ModoRats are nothing more than I say they are -- is that you are going to see posturing and strutting and confiscations and appropriations and commandeerings and affrontries against Yourselves and against Common Decency. Attacks against Sanity and the Real World on the part of those absolutely berserk Republican Dupes from inside the Queer Coalition Bladders. Assuming that anywhere and everywhere is now their territory and their property -- their domain -- their realm -- part of their Regime. That is all part of 'militarism', to intimidate, to possess, to unlawfully and unrightfully take away what is yours from you. Under the supposition that they themselves are so Superior and So Much More Deserving Of It -- WITH EMINENT DOMAIN AS THEIR WEAPON -- that you no longer deserve to have it and you no longer should have it in all rights -- because they have the rights, and you do not.


Which they invented. They are better than you. They are the New ModoRats. The New ModoRat Elite. You are not. They won an 'election', they think, and they will say that. They were allowed to win an election, and most of those chumps and monkeys and chimpanzees of the Queered Republican Party will not have the faintest ideas of what the actual deals were. But, they were allowed to win because they are supposed to act just like they will act. They are now supposed to make all kinds of trouble for everyone else who is outside of the Queer Coalition Bladders ...


That, protects Queer Political Gnomes.

These Republican Pussheads are nothing more than attack dogs being unleashed. Killer Chimpanzees being unleashed. You will see their berserk and lunatic behaviors.

[[I am already seeing it in department stores.]]

The only thing to do about it is to kick them in the teeth. Bullwhip them if you have a whip. Hit them on the side of the head if you have a baseball bat. Shoot out their tires. Kick in the windows of their automobiles. Break their knee caps. Just beat the crap right out of them -- because -- they ARE ModoRats!!!!!!!!!!

Chicken-Livered, Gutless, Greedy Pieces of Shit (POS) -- unleashed upon us by the Politics Game in a desperate attempt to save itself from the Penalty of Death that it deserves. Enormously deserves. There is nothing Superior about those 'Republicans'. There never has been. There never will be. Not one of them has the courage to Not Vote. Not one of them has the courage to OPPOSE THE DEVIATES.

They are all cowards. If they can kill you sideways, if they can kill you to your back, if they can kill you by trickery and fakery, if they can kill you and you cannot defend yourself -- they will absolutely do so for the sakes of their own Greed and their own Profits and their own Power.

If you stand up to them, and you spit in their faces and you beat the crap out of them (and I mean kick them hard) they will crumble like cookies. They will cry -- and they will leave.

I would say -- store up some Urine -- or your favorite foul-smelling liquid. Which you will not smell, since it is enclosed in a quart jar. I would say, always have a quart of Fresh Urine on hand.
Remember -- I actually lived in that death trap called the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone for thirteen years. Amongst the Deviates and the Dead and the Zombies,
When they crumble like cookies, and they cry, and they say you should not have done that, and you should have let them kill you -- you will have a quart of Fresh Urine on hand to throw in their faces. Throw it right in their faces.

Throw your own Urine right in their faces ...


Like The Swine From Hell That They Are. And watch them crawl away -- crawl away!

So Much For The Myth Of ModoRat Invincibility.

And, ModoRat Supremacy.

And, ModoRat Superiority.

Drowned in Urine.

ModoRats do NOT oppose Deviates.
ModoRats do NOT oppose Abortions.
ModoRats do NOT oppose HObamaCare Insurance Medicine Frauds
ModoRats do NOT oppose Queer and Armed Fart-Forces
ModoRats do NOT oppose Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred
ModoRats do NOT oppose Attacks against Human Values
ModoRats do NOT oppose Punishments for being Humans
ModoRats do NOT oppose Deviate Controls of Internet Freedoms
ModoRats do NOT oppose Attacks against Freedom of Speech

ModoRats only oppose -- what they are forced to oppose.

ModoRats are the epitome of GROSS-TESQUE two-faced and three-faced 'backstabbing-to-your-face-because-you-must-be-that-stupid' treacherous dogs. ModoRats are the Lying Hyenas of the Politics Game. There is so very little difference between the so-called GOP and the so-called ModoRats and the so-called 'New Republicans' that the gaps have to be measured in millionths of meters -- otherwise known as 'Microns'.

Do you know that they talk to each other, in the same rooms?

All of them are Shitheads that watch TV. What more proof do you need? They are all TV Watchers; and only Queers and Shitheads watch TV; and they are both.


There are usually some Doubting Thomas's who want to doubt what I say about the ModoRats, and in particular what I write about those Post-Operation Queer Propagandists of the ModoRats that are claiming that Chester Dump and Coop represent a 'Return to Family Values'. If you do not want to ignore them, or turn them off, or not listen to their bunk to begin with; if you want to argue with them, then make them tell you (without any gibberish or mumbling or any mushmouth) about Truths A through E -- that they have been lying about all of their lives. A, B, C, D and E Truths that all Deviates lie about; used by the Deviates in their attempt to ...


Ask them if they know what the Five Lies are that these Five Truths say the Truth about. Truths A,B, C, D and E. Ask those lying so-called New Republicans if they know what the Five Lies are (that all Queers use, and there are no Liberals anymore, never were any) in an attempt to ...


They will NOT -- repeat NOT -- say the Five Truths about the Five Lies. Why is that? Why will they NOT tell you about the Five Lies?

Answer: Simple, once you know what the worst Five Lies of the Queers are, by knowing that you get a really good idea of what ...


The Queer Propagandists for Chicken Dump, and all of the ModoRats, do not want you to know what Real Family Values Are! They just want to pretend!

All Family Values are reflected by, and integrated with, Truths A through E. But, that does not help any Politicians to get rich. Instead, they want to make up Their Own Queershit and call that dirty self-serving filth -- 'Family Values'.

Such lies, and their unwillingness to admit the Truths -- creates an 800 Pound Deviate in the very middle of each and every Politician's Game.

Having their own Specialized and Political Family Values immediately serves their demands for greed satisfaction and power. They do not want to know anything about Real Family Values, and they most certainly do not want any Idiot Voter Followers to know anything about Real Family Values. They will never allow discussions about Real Family Values. If they did allow anyone to have any idea of what Real Family Values are, it would result in a Political Catastrophe.

If they do not admit to the existence of the Five Worst Lies Of The Queers (and the existence of the Five Truths About Those Lies, A through E) that will indicate to anyone who can think what Real Family Values are! Certainly no Politicians will admit what Real Family Values are -- and by that omission they admit what Real Family Values are.

You can delineate what Real Family Values are, in opposition to the lies being said about Real Family Values -- and in opposition to the Imitation Family Values that Politicians want to talk about -- by knowing the lies. By knowing the lies of all Politicians and of all Imitation Family Values Propagandists, you can determine what the Real Truth is.

Obviously, Politicians do not want Voter Followers to know what the Truth is. They want to invent their own Convenient Family Values. They want Fabricated Family Values, that help the never-ending greed of the Politics Game in which they exist; and on which they depend for riches and power. Fabrications that help the 'ModoRat Society'. So, they will not discuss or tell you what those Five Lies really are.

Not even after a well-deserved shower of your Favorite Urine. That is strictly for Politician Repellent purposes anyway.

I am showing you the Five Truths now ...

but you will not get those ModoRat Propagandists and their Middle-Managers-For-Hire, or any ModoRat Politicians to tell you what Truths A through E are; let alone to eliminate the Five Lies that they are about. That would be telling you what the Real Family Values are, that they must avoid all mention of; and which they fully intend to replace with their own synthetic imitations. This is easy to test. If you think that I am wrong, ask them. Find out for yourself.


Remember that every claim that the ModoRats (aka RepuCraps) are making, saying that they will do this and that for the People, and claims that they will bring back the goodness of the country and the decency of the country -- soaked in our Favorite Urine if they do not -- is all Institutionalized Political Fakery, and no such claims have ever been proven to be true. Not once, has a single RepuCrap ever expended one bead of sweat to save the Human Species from our enemies. It has never -- not ever -- happened. No RepuCrap in history has ever done anything except to try to be as powerful and as rich as it can be. They have unified in that mutual greed to the point where they are now the RepuCraps (aka ModoRats) -- stupidly and absurdly called the 'Republicans'.

It is such a cacophony of Idiots and Fools, who still think they are in the Cub Scouts earning points for free glasses of cool-aid, that there are literally tens of thousands of persons inside the Queer Coalition Bladders that think they are something called 'Republicans'. There has not been a Real Living Republican in this country for decades -- just selfish party goers. Definitely, no one who has the courage or the selfless devotion to Humanity to fight the Scourge of these times -- the Deviates.

It is a dead name -- 'Republicans'. It is a hollow name. It is a ghost name. 'Republicans' do NOT exist. There are no 'Republicans' any more. They have all been GROSS-ED out! It is a ghost name, that is only used for Queer Political Purposes. The things that use that name these days are ModoRats -- and -- fools that somehow think that the ModoRats will ever do anything that the Human Species needs doing. This could be very disappointing for the Fools, if they are allowed to know what is happening.

They are going to be thrown tidbits and table scraps and told that they are receiving angel food cakes and lavish banquets. They have been so brainwashed and so beaten down and they are so hopeless, that they will gobble up the scraps and jump on the tidbits and the leavings of the Real Banquets which they were not important enough to go to (ModoRat Elites Only) -- and from that they will think that they too are having banquets.

That is really really sad. If you read the reports about the Queer Coalition Bladders, and what goes on inside of them, you will experience that sadness for yourself. In a separate and hopefully very alien way. The more alien you are from this the better for you.


That Great Space between this Barrel-of-Monkeys class of events (that is going on inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders) is one of the reasons why I have been counseling all Revolutionaries and Human Beings the way I have been. That Great Space, that distance, allows immediate objectivity and immediate insight into just how ridiculous and lunatic all of this is. It used to be, that one of the worst things that you could ever be (and still is) is a DemoCrap. Today, the RepuCraps are actually giving the DemoCraps a brisk contest at the Toilet-Bowl-Bobbing Contests, for the dubious distinction of being the most ridiculous pawns in Gutter Politics that have ever existed.

I cannot even imagine what it must be like inside of the skull of some imbecile that thinks He or She is a 'Republican' -- and -- the 'Republicans' have just won something. The inside of that skull must be as foul and as putrid as a propane tank, or a tank full of butane lighter fluid; something toxic, some thing somehow in which must be imprisoned some glob of neurons that even in so toxic and caustic an environment still has the ability to think that it thinks. Never able to really think in any real form, in any true form, not knowing Truth or Reality in any dimension to any extent anyway. Like a thing that is not allowed to die even though it should have died long ago, it still twitches and spasms and vomits and urinates on itself, and thinks that it is thinking -- and therefore is still alive. Surrounded in a completely lethal environment within the same skull.

Such a thing absurdly thinks that it is something called a 'Republican', and that the things collectively called 'Republicans' have just won something.

To keep you from suffering the same GROSS-TESQUE fate, if fact to keep you from suffering from the sight of so GROSS-TESQUE a thing (a true monstrosity) is one of the reasons why I keep insisting upon throwing out anybody who is stupid enough to think that we Humans have anything to do with that, or care about it. As though we would ever want to be something that dead, and that hopeless, and that twisted, and that tortured.

I keep insisting that you keep your distance from them, and I am going to keep on doing so, because I know that I am saving anyone who heeds my words. I am also giving you the ability to instantly see how GROSS-TESQUE and gruesome is what is happening inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders. Do not ever expect me to think or to say or to write that we should have anything to do whatsoever with ModoRats (aka RepuCraps) except as the most awful and dire enemies.

Which they truly are, and you will learn that (if you have to) as the years go by. Believe me -- they are rodents.


There is one trick that all Revolutionaries and all Humans must avoid, that the Queer Propagandists for the RepuCraps (aka ModoRats) (aka Republicans) use, just like the DemoCraps think they can use them, and the Deviates use the same trick; it is the trick of Pretended Spectacle. It is the trick of Pretended Greatness. It is the trick of Pretended Importance. The trick of Pretended Assumption which amounts to a demand for attention to some contrivance, some playtime, some theater performance that they have orchestrated and put together; and are not just offering but demanding to be watched, viewed, believed, and obeyed. It is a trick of trying to look important. A trick of trying to be the most important thing you could possibly know about. They try to reinforce it by assuming all kinds of false attitudes and false airs of indignity and outrage if you do not fall for the trick. Indignity and outrage that you do not accept the greatness of their chicken play times. That you do not believe that something new has happened as they insist it has. When in Reality, it is the same old Political PortaPoddy and it's a new day on the same old Political PortaPoddy. With the same old lies and the same old trick.

It is the same old trick, demanding attention. It is the same old trick, demanding adherence to and obedience to itself. It is the same old trick, demanding that it is "New!" "A World Of Great And Scintillating And Awe Inspiring And All-Knowing New Opportunities For Everyone. To Be Enjoyed." But only -- if you agree.


In a way, this promises to be great fun. By now we know so much about the lying techniques and the lying tactics of Politicians -- all of which are our worst enemies -- and the Deviates which are our worst enemies -- that in a macabre way it is going to be sort of instructive and educational to see how those monkeys actually try to fool us; actually try to propagandize us. I think that they will resort to outright bribery. What else do they have left? We know all of their lies. We know how they disseminate all of their lies. They are just like the Deviates that taught them how to do it. We know their fakeries, we know their imitations. We know their play times and their puppetry. We know their Middle-Managers. We know their Queer Media Outlets. We know everything about how they lie, and we know how their campaigns of lies operate.

By now, they know that we know. So they have to resort to something new. They have to resort to something that they think no one can resist; and that is probably bribery; which has worked so well on all Monkey Judges everywhere. Of course, there are always good old threat tactics and running over American houses with Battle Tanks; which they would gladly do if they thought it would work. I think they will try various forms of direct coercion and threats.

Remember, the ModoRats always try to disarm Human Beings, while in the very same second grow as many armies of their own thugs and Berserkers as they possibly can. It is not just the Deviates who have thugs and perverted Berserkers and trained killers. The ModoRats have them too, and the ModoRats that are as queer as the phony Liberals, want to kill anyone or any thing (especially if it is a Principle that cannot defend itself) that interferes with or blocks their path towards self-edification and self-aggrandizement and wealth and riches and power inside the Bladders.

The ModoRats are just as vile and as violent as the DemoCraps, which is why they are called the 'RepuCraps' (among other reasons). It is going to be interesting to watch what kinds of coercions and threats they try to put out in order to establish themselves as the New Regime of Terror in Wash This Death City. You are all separate from that -- you are not part of that -- you are deliberately distanced from that and you can understand it quite completely because you are not inside of it. You will be able to remember that all of their stuff is Queershit.

Tell All Future Generations.

Those two puppets that were pretending to be opponents in that Queer Election, will gladly cooperate with each other in any attempt to kill the Real Human Species and Real Revolutionaries. They are addicts, they are addicted to, they are hopelessly overwhelmed by the Politics Queer Game; that they pretend to manipulate and control. Which controls them entirely. They are completely dependent upon it. They cannot exist without it. This is part of what I am trying to explain to you. Desperation, is now gripping the Political Gnomes inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders. They must do whatever is necessary to try to protect themselves from being outright annihilated in a Real Revolution; as they know (absolutely know) they should be. That desperation will grip all of them, no matter what they say they are, no matter what they pretend to be -- the more powerful the revolution and the Revolutionaries become.

Since they are all in the same game, there is nothing (nothing at all) that says they cannot collaborate against the People of the Earth. There is absolutely nothing that says that they cannot collaborate and conspire together against the Peoples of the Earth. The hoards of Idiot Followers that follow puppets like them, mean nothing to them -- never have and never will. The continued existence of the Politics Game is what matters to them, NOT the Imbeciles that follow them. That means that the Political Gnomes are reaching such a state of desperation, which they are trying to keep carefully concealed from everyone, that they will literally reach a point where they will openly not care about their Idiot Followers. Which need a new name, because anything that would follow a puppet like that and a Queer Political Party like the DemoCraps or the RepuCraps is so stupid -- that it needs a new name for 'Stupid'.

When the desperation seizes the ever-lying brains of those Political Gnomes, believe me no matter how many Idiot Followers are involved, they will be immediately ignored. Whatever the Political Gnomes think is necessary to stay in power and to stay alive feeding off of the pain of everyone else in the World -- they will do that!

No amount of Idiot Followers will matter to them at that time, and the loss of any amount of Idiot Followers will mean nothing to them if it achieves the Security from Revolutionaries that they want. Every Idiot Follower out there is a sacrifice waiting to happen. Every Idiot Follower out there is a sacrifice that the Political Gnomes are quite willing to spend and exhaust and have destroyed and have killed -- and (of course) the Idiot Followers have nothing to say about it.

The Idiot Followers exist for the Political Gnomes. The Idiot Followers exist for the Politics Game. Idiot Followers are Voters, and Voters mean nothing. Voters are worthless when it comes to Political Gnome Survival.

So, getting back to what I was saying -- I expect that the Political Gnomes will try to get their puppets to perform all kinds of direct coercions, in order to keep any Dissident Followers from rebelling; and to at least (at a bare minimum) make the Monsters and the Slaves inside of the Bladders think that the Real People out here are not nearly as important or as free as we really are.

The ModoRats may not have the courage or the resources, they may not have enough Berserkers to attack us outright. I would be glad to kill any amount of Berserkers myself, and I am sure that any other Real Man feels the same way.

[[Which is why the lesie-turds wanted all Real Men dead by this time. Buried in shallow graves, which lesie-turds ritually poured their Nasty Urine on; for fun and ceremonies and cemetery parties.]]

They may not have the resources or the willing Berserkers to throw at us, to try to force their will upon us. They may try some Sham Battles, they may try some Exhibitions in order to convince the dismal and abyssal Slaves (inside of the Bladders) that they have Mastery outside of the Bladders. I want you to watch this, or at least watch for it.

[[Remington makes a nice handling 20 gauge pump shotgun called the Model 870 Combo. It comes with two interchangeable barrels. One barrel is smooth inside and is used for shot shells. The other barrel is grooved inside (rifled) and is used for slug shells. Remington also makes slug shells called Buck Hammers that hit very hard. Using the rifled barrel, and Buck Hammer slug shells, any Black Woman (with goodly practice) can put up a defense that no pack of Berserkers wants to face. And would not survive.
Ladies, use cushions on the butts of the stocks (sold everywhere) and lean into each shot.]]

I never say to look inside the Queer Coalition Bladders, because who would want to? I certainly would not want to be responsible for anybody looking inside a Queer Coalition Bladder and seeing the filth that happens inside of it.

But, I think that is going to come out. I think it is going to ooze and seep and burst and piss out of the Bladders in an attempt to try to force us to accept whatever ugliness is inside the Bladders as Our Existence and Our Reality too.

Nothing could be further from the Truth. But I expect such things to happen.


As always the Queer Medias are trying to make something out of this that will benefit their own perversions -- which they think are now impervious to decay and deterioration and destruction, with their owning so many Monkey Judges. But so far, in the Real World, I have not seen anything which indicates that anything has happened. I have not seen any reactions from anyone, any changes in attitudes that could be called demonstrative, any celebrating or disappointed looks. I haven't seen anything whatsoever that indicates that anyone knows that there was such a thing as a Queershit Election inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders.

So far, it is just not there, I am not seeing it. Perhaps in the Northeast, the Northeast Ratshitters are showing more Hatred and Evil reactions. I see the cover pieces for queer newsrag toilet rolls, but I do not see anything in Real Life. There is a variety of evil and twisted and sick-sick-sick cover photos on the newsrag toilet rolls (showing masses of Hate Orifices) but I do not see anything at all from the People themselves to indicate that it even happened.

[[Later -- I started to see more seething Hatred and Absolute Whacko Tongue-Chewing on the part of the Black Homo-Fascist Zombies; that just do not know how to keep their mouths shut.
You have to keep in mind that Black Homo-Fascists ARE Deviates, that have left the Black Human Contingent (if they were ever part of them to begin with) either voluntarily or by coercion. They have become the Anal Embodiments of the 'Hate Whitie Mania' that all Black Slavers need their Black Slaves to be obsessed with.
It is not bad enough that Black Slavers enslave and abuse and pervert large groups of persons with black skins (pretending to be their beneficial saviors) -- but -- they have also forced them to become Tied-Up Dogs that bark constantly with foaming mouths. Mouths that spit out hatred against whatever the Black Slavers consider to be obstacles to their so-called 'Black Power'. Which is nothing more than 'Butt-Pussy Pansy Power' compared to the original 'Black Power' of the 60's and 70's.
Looking at a Black Homo-Fascist today, is to literally look at the Walking Dead. Hear me. Even the deranged White Homo-Fascists are having a hard time looking at what the Black Homo-Fascists have become.
Have you ever seen a Black Homo-Fascists in Real Life?
Answer. No, you have not. They are NOT alive.
And -- it is ALL because of the Queerism Disease. A Mental Disease.]]


You have to bear in mind that each and every scum bag of the Queer Medias has already tried to kill you. With their lies, with their schemes, with their campaigns of lies, with their defamations, with their dirty tricks -- they have already tried to kill all of us -- seriously -- many times. Now, the 'Powers-That-Be' inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders have decided that they are going to give the ModoRats eight years of money and riches in exchange for creating whatever Zombie Armies (labeled 'Armies of Conservatives') the ModoRats can come up with to prevent a revolution. Knowing that a revolution will kill all of the Politics Game.

[[I doubt if the DemoCraps will, at this time, share their own Zombie Armies with the RepuCraps. Things are not that bad for the Politics Game yet.]]

It really does not matter to them what the Voter Followers think about it. The Hacks on the AM radio are portraying the Voter Followers in all kinds of sick and twisted ways anyway, and they are especially ignoring and avoiding having to mention that so many millions of People did not Vote at all, and they are starting to say (out loud) that the so-called 'Rural Populations' are responsible for all of their failures. They are trying to do anything that they can to divert the impact of it away from their own filth and their own evil intentions. By doing so they are just revealing, once again as they always do, their own selfish motives and their own selfish intentions. What do you expect from things with big flapping mouths, that really do not exist -- like 'Conservatives' and 'Liberals'?

To me -- this is NOT interesting. I should add the caveat that this is very uninteresting to me. This is so uninteresting, this is like describing a Jackass taking a Dump on a diving board over a swimming pool of Political Urine.

This is so uninteresting to me! I mean, you could not get more uninteresting to me if you had to; because I have seen this pathetic and putrid and perverted hogwash happening hundreds of times before. How many times does anyone have to listen to the lying Facial Anuses on some scum bags before you finally realize that they are Lying Scum Bags????

I am commenting and I am reporting about it because some People just do not get the message. Some People lose the message after watching TV Commercials for sixty seconds. This is really really boring stuff. For instance, every Asswipe Opportunist that thinks it can gain some popularity and broker that popularity into some kind of money (for itself of course) is already claiming all kinds of credits for whatever the hell happened in the Queershit Elections. Which was a decision by the Queer Political Gnomes for self-preservation -- and nothing more. And yet, there are all kinds of Opportunists that are saying that whatever happened is their doing (blah-blah-blah).

[[Grill them! Ask them! Demand from Them! Can they tell you what the Five Truths are (A through E) -- and what the Five Lies are (A through E) that the Truths are about? Will they?]]

Then, you have all of the Sacrificial Commentators, the ones that are on the side that was sacrificed for the safety and the benefit of the Political Gnomes; scratching the butts (that used to be their chins) and saying "Well -- this must be a real shock to such-and-such! This must be a real shock to the dyke bitch! And, I'm pretty shocked about it myself! And -- duuhhh!"

It is such a sewage of sounds that never should have happened. A sewage of sounds that should never have origins. I have heard that bunk so many times before, that it is just an Abomination! All of this false and phony reaction on the Queer Medias, the noise making about that Queershit Election in the Queershit Bladders, is nothing more than an Abomination! The election thing itself was an Abomination, and all of those awful and worthless sounds and noises (that are supposed to be reactions) are also an Abomination. The whole hideous thing was (and is) an Abomination. It is an Abomination Event inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders. Even the reactions that happen inside the Bladders are also Abominations.

All of which, if seen from where you should be -- which is far and away outside of the Queer Coalition Bladders -- should show you one more time just how GROSS-TESQUE and awful (absolutely awful) the World has become, because of the Politics Scourge. How terrible and ugly and vile and really really unworthy of existing, anything and anyone is who has anything to do with Politics. Politics is a Disease. Politics is a Scourge. Politics is a self-perpetuating Con-Game that has absolutely no regard for the Human Species or for Carbon-Based Life Forms. It only cares about itself and its own existence. It is a parasite upon all of us.

Look up the word 'Parasite'. Those Queershit Elections are NOT funny. They are NOT exciting. They are NOT surprising. They are NOT awesome. They are NOT interesting. They are NOT eventful. They are NOT something to promote. They are NOT something to be interested in. They are NOT to even know about or care about. They are a Parasite upon our lives! Parasitism. Nothing but Parasites, that have to constantly try to fool everyone else into believing that they should exist as well, and run everything. They should exist at our expense. They should exist to suck our brains and our blood. They should exist to suck our lives from us.

We should not even think of opposing it, even though because of it much about our lives is ruined.


My writings may seem cruel to some people, but some Human Beings are still young and growing up to be Human Beings; they have to be taught all of this as well. It has to be explained to them too. One of the Big Lessons of what is going to happen is to point out and illustrate and explain to young children and to young Human adults what happens to anyone who is stupid enough and foolish enough to think that any Political Regime, especially since they are all controlled by Deviates, is going to do what they hope it will do.

There is no such thing as getting Good done by Politicians. It does not happen. Any time that Politicians seem to be responding to requests or demands from the People, it is only because the Political Gnomes have ordered them to make a play time presentation of ingenuous sincerity (about something that Politicians never think about anyway). There is so much fakery and shadow play and imitation and puppetry involved, that the People never realize that what is really happening has nothing to do with what they were requesting. Nor, are they allowed to continue to think of what they were requesting. Politicians are Opportunists, they always look for ways of taking complaints from the People and turning them to their own advantages, by seeming to respond with new laws and new regulations.

If you really look at those new laws and those new regulations, you will find that they are written to make the Politicians more powerful and more wealthy and more secure in their positions; and more necessary and more irreplaceable to any society that is Idiotic enough to Vote. This is going to happen to a lot of people. A lot of people are going to think that the Chicken Dump is going to help them.

[[Of course, those Idiot Voter Followers were long ago turned away from what they really wanted done, and from what they really needed to happen; and were forced to suck on Imitation Wants and Imitation Needs that their Middle-Managers-For-Hire preferred for them. That help Middle-Managers and Quack Leaders. Neither of which gives a cluck for the people.]]

Chester Dump is not going to help anybody except Chicken Dump, and the ModoRats. Anything that they do will only be in some form of twisted and maligned filth that will help the ModoRats, but will have a Propaganda Face that will seem to please the People who are complaining about something. Some thing that seems to the People to be what they were asking for, for what they were requesting.

[[However, the People have long ago forgotten what they were supposed to want and need. Now, everything is being done for the 'Powers-That-Be', from the Middle-Managers to the Quack Leaders upon the Dung Heap Of Powers.]]

This is going to happen again and again and again, because that is what Politicians like Chester Dump do. That is what Political Parties like the ModoRats do, they only care about themselves. They do not give a damn about anybody else. They never have, and they never will. Period. Flat out. They do not give a Shit about anybody except for themselves. Get It?

They know how dog-eat-dog the World is -- wherever there is Politics. They know how Idealists are so easy to fool, and have already been fooled into wanting False Ideologies. You are going to see that. However, it is going to have to be pointed out and explained to young children, and to young Human adults, and to those fools who think that Chicken Dump is going to help them in any way or shape or form. How such imbeciles will lap up the tidbits and scraps that are thrown to them and feel satiated and satisfied and superior.

When in Reality, all that the ModoRats want to do is to molest the country for more riches and for more political power. Any Idiot who can be of help in that, will get scraps.

Everyone else -- can bugger off and starve.

Be sure to explain to the children and young adults, what Chicken Dump and Company actually do; as opposed to what they were asked to do. As opposed to what they should have been demanded to do. Which is now forced out of the picture by Quack Leaders who would not have gained from those original demands.

By the way, it is the ModoRats too who do not want a Human Website in every county of the country. Just as much as the Deviates do not. The ModoRats do not want the Humans to have 100,000 Leaders. Just like the Deviates do not.

Even though BOTH employ at least 100,000 Middle-Managers-For-Hire. What does that tell you about the ModoRats aka the RepuCraps. What does that tell you about their motivations, about their schemes, about their plans, about their goals? About what they think of Human Beings?


When I created that simple diagram called 'Truth About Queer Lies A thru E', that all Deviate and Queer Propagandists are guilty of, and all the Queer Medias are guilty of; and are trying to foist upon the entire World's populations; I was just doing it to illustrate the five worst lies of the Queers. There are no 'Liberals' any more, there never were. I was just trying to illustrate and put into print the five worst lies of the Queers. But, it has become something more than a simple diagram, and the fact that the five worst lies of the Deviates have been printed out and shown, has become more of an event than I originally intended it to be. It is actually now, the sure-fire way of knowing if someone is Queershitting you or not. Especially, when it comes to Political Parties. Particularly, when it comes to any Politician.

What Politician do you know that can acknowledge the fact that those Lies A thru E (the worst five lies of the Deviates) actually exist? Do you think that Chicken Dump is actually going to admit in public that there is no such thing as the (g-a-y) propaganda crap? Of course not. Do you think that Chester Dump is going to admit in public, and state in public, that the current Resident in the White Outhouse knows that there is no such thing as 'Sexual Orientation'? Of course not. Chicken Dump is a Politician, a puppet.

Consequently, that simple diagram that I created about Lies A thru E, which was to illustrate something at the time, has become the Proof Positive of how fake and how ingenuous all Politicians are. Any Human Being can readily admit that Lies A thru E are the worst five lies of the Deviates, of our Queer Enemies. No Politician can. Not even the puppet that is now the Resident in the White Outhouse, and is going to depart soon, and has nothing to lose by admitting the Truth. You will never hear the Truth from Chester Dump, it will never happen.

Why? Because Politics does not care about the Truth. Politics does not give a damn about the Truth. Politics only gives a damn about Politics. For Politics to be happy, everything outside of Politics has to be twisted, warped and contorted to fit the needs of Politics. Politics does not give a damn about any Truth. Lies are favored over Truth by Politics, all of the time. Lies have a greater potential for being used by Political Gnomes to promote Politics.


Some people might somehow feel sorry for the Idiot Voter Followers who somehow think that they will get something Human out of that new queer regime of ModoRats, and might actually be stupid enough themselves to feel pity for those lost Idiot Voter Followers, and want to help them. I am not really sure that is possible, or feasible; and I would never want to see any Idiot Voter Followers anyway. You have to look at the basic facts about that. Voting only happens inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders. Voting only happens according to pre-determined Queer Rules. Voting is NOT a Human Endeavor anymore. In the unlikely possibility, extremely unlikely, that there will ever be a Human country here again -- if there is a revolution to create one -- there may be such a thing as Human Voting again. That is a long ways down the road, unless there is a Corrective Revolution. Voting will not get for us a Human Country. Only revolution will get a Human Country for us again. The persons who Vote today are Addicts, or Hopeless Slaves, or they are addicted to the lunacy of Voting. They do not understand that the only way to stop the Politics Game, which has not been stopped now at all, is to stop Voting.

If there is no more voting mechanism of the Voting System, Politicians will have to force everyone to Vote at gunpoint. Believe me, they would if they could. Whatever has happened inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders, with Chicken Dump now going to be the next Resident in the White Outhouse, means absolutely nothing to the Human Species. It is all happening inside of the putrid Queer Coalition Bladders. It is part of a Game inside of the Bladders. It is Perversion, Deviation, Queers, Politics, Greed, Lies, Corruption and Corruption and Corruption. Once again, there is a new crop of Idiot Voter Followers that Voted and they actually think that something good for them is going to happen. Having been told what to think is good for them by their Quack Leaders.

The Retards that Voted for HObama the Magnificent Bunghole back in 2008 -- it took them FIVE TO SIX YEARS to realize that they had been ripped off and jerked off, conned, stolen from, cheated, and lied to. They were that dense.

Back in 2014, I started to hear them complain how nothing good for them came from their Voting for HObama the Magnificent Orifice. It took them six years to realize that!

How many years will it take for the Idiot Voter Followers of 2016 to realize that they are NOT going to get anything that they wanted back in 2016????

[[They will NEVER realize that what they wanted in 2016, were just Imitation Wants and Needs that would only have helped their Quack Leaders -- and not them.]]

How long will it take for them to realize that they are not going to get anything that they originally wanted out of Chester Dump? It is just not going to happen. They are only going to get what they are told they want. They are going to get what they are told they have been wanting all of this time; which has nothing to do with what they had once wanted -- long ago before the Quack Leaders arrived.

As far as the Politicians are considered, it is all just a tweaking and a refinement of the programming that was dealt out to the Idiot Voter Followers years ago. The final version, is whatever works best for the Political Gnomes today. The older version that was given to the Idiot Voter Followers years ago to get them to Vote, was kind of a placebo and an embryonic version, very much malleable and changeable, of what is going to actually happen for the Political Gnomes; designed to cause confusion amongst the Idiot Voter Followers and Memory Loss.

Memory Loss among the Idiot Voter Followers is VERY DESIRABLE to the Political Gnomes, and Deviates. It is going to happen again. You are going to see it all over again! Six years from now, when Chester Dump is still the Resident in the White Outhouse, all kinds of Idiot Voter Followers that Voted this time for Chicken Dump in 2016, will be saying in 2022 that they are really disappointed, and nothing happened for them, and they got ripped off -- and "blah-blah-blah". The same things that the Idiot Voter Followers of 2008 (that Voted for HObama the Magnificent Fornicated-One) were saying about HObama in 2014 -- six years later.

That six year lag always happens. It is wearisome and monotonous. It is really boring. It is really monotonous! It is never going to change. It is always going to be that way. This message will create a minor fury of panicked attempts to make themselves look much better than (of course) they possibly are or ever could be ...

but nothing is going to change the fact that six years from now the Idiot Voter Followers of 2016 will be complaining and scratching their butts and blowing their noses and shaking their heads and saying -- "Blahhhhh -- Chicken Dump didn't do anything for uussss like we thought it would!"


That is all that matters to the Political Gnomes that own and operate Chester Dump. It does not matter what the Voters want. They will get over on the Idiots for six years, before the Idiots realize that they have been ripped off again. And, it further does not matter because their puppet is now in its Second Term!!!!


Believe It or Not -- and I mean this -- I just learned that Chester Dump used to be a TV Turd. I never watch TV, so I was not aware of such an ugly fact about it. Is it still a TV Turd? Remember what one of the Mottoes of Mordor (formerly Montana) is >>>> "Once A Queer -- Always A Queer!" The Deviates in Mordor use that motto to keep their victims from trying to leave the Queer Coalitions there.

Is Chicken Dump still a TV Turd? How could it not be?

[[By the way -- is this a Randolph Scott Western? I am starting to feel like Randolph Scott, who always fought for Truth and Justice.]]

I also found out that Chester Dump used to advertise for the Wireless Service Provider that we just busted -- permanently. No Humans will ever think that their Internet traffic is safe and secure using that provider again.

So -- is it not apparent now? The Political Gnomes have exchanged the raving lunatic HObama for a thieving, lying and slimy Opportunist TV Chicken.

TV dinners anyone?

You know, that is a good description of your future as a nation, with Chester Dump as your Cluck-Cluck Leader. TV dinners and cheapest wine. While the Rapists and Reevers dig up your own back yard for oil.


Speak of Opportunists on TV:

You know, the only things within the Queer Coalition Bladders that will benefit at all from whatever happened in there (whatever goes on inside of Queer Coalition Bladders) are the Opportunists that try to get the most out of the next Six Bogus Years. Years Seven and Eight are basically worthless, because the programming is going to shift back to the DemoCrap Brand of Deviates, instead of the ModoRat Brand. Unless something majorly wrong goes on outside of the Queer Coalition Bladders.

What happens outside of the Queer Coalition Bladders is very determinant of what happens inside. You can see that for yourself now, with what we have caused and with what we have forced the Political Gnomes inside of the Bladders to do in 2016; forcing them to give it over to the ModoRats for eight years, in a vain attempt to protect themselves from the Revolutionaries.

Inside the Bladders, the only thing that makes sense ...

not that it really makes sense, because nothing in there makes Human Sense -- it is like an inside-out upside-down world in there -- twisted, perverted, psychopathic, lunatic, soaked in Urine -- which is why there is no problem with throwing Urine on any Deviate, or ModoRat, or DemoCrap that comes to your door and threatens you or lies to you in any way ...

the only thing in that twisted-twisted-twisted filth inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders that makes sense is >>>> any Opportunists that has a Six Year Agenda.

In Year Six of this new pathetic regime of frauds, in the Year 2022, all of the grumbling and the complaining will start again. 2022 is actually the sixth year for Chester Dump -- 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022. The Six Year Agenda Opportunists must have their goals reached by the Year 2022, inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders. In the Year 2022, it will all start to unravel. Therefore, to be successful they must have Six Year Agendas, six year goals, operating inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders for whatever perks and riches and fame and glories and twisted money is available inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders. At the end of six years, which will be 2022, they will have to shut down their operations and wait. Wait for the next lunatic Queer Election, and then start up a new Six Year Agenda. By 2023 at the latest, the Six Year Opportunists inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders have to have their operations completed. Then they have to wait, and enjoy the fruits of their evils, until the next Queershit Election inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders.

After that, they will start it all up again for another six years. Until that pack of liars, that bunch of Queershit (whatever it is) starts to unravel, because it takes Idiot Voter Followers six years to realize that they have been jerked off and fornicated and castrated and mugged and raped all at the same time -- again. Then the Six Year Opportunists will have to shut down that operation and wait for the next Queershit Election. After the next none-event in the Bladders they will start up another Six Year Operation, and on and on and on. That is the only thing inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders that any thing inside of the Bladders could do that would make any sense. Once you put the sick-sick-sick template over it and you translate it all -- into Human.

I reiterate that it is perfectly alright to throw your Favorite Urine into the faces of enemies that come to anyone's door and demand obedience to the New Queer Rules from inside the Queer Coalition Bladders, or any Queer laws, or anything that Queer Monkey Judges and Queer Monkey Lawyers do inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders.

Also, the punishment for anyone who dares to try to get a Human Being into an apartment or a house or a condominium (etc) that has TV Turds on a TV set being shown inside -- should be soaked in Urine -- if not outright slaughtered. It is a terrible and horrible insult to invite a Human Being into any place where there are TV Turds operating.

[[I have written that before.]]

To be invited into any place where there are TV Turds smearing their filth all over TV screens, is a horrible insult -- one of the worst affronts to a Human Being. Anyone who does so should (at least) be immediately soaked in Human Urine. Slap it right in their face, and I mean hit them hard.

Certainly, everything inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders -- whether they are DemoCraps or ModoRats (aka RepuCraps) or just Idiots or just Deviates vilifies Human Beings and vilifies Revolutionaries -- and does everything that they can to magnify in each others brains how dangerous we really are. And, how unloved and unappreciated they themselves are. Boo-hoo.

Well, again -- lo and behold -- it has backfired right in their faces. It has backfired completely, and now thanks in part to their amplification in their Queer Propaganda, we are responsible for them having to change Regimes. They have now been forced to allow the ModoRats to have eight years of riches and whatever doofus glory happens inside of the Bladders. In part because of their own stupid propaganda. Bear that in mind, it does not take much to set off Queer Propagandists and have them amplify whatever we do, and make it seem to be twice or thrice as dangerous to whatever squirms inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders.

Watch them. Urine Desserts will be just one example.


I was listening to the AM radio a couple of weeks ago and they were playing sound clips from the reactions to the non-event, apparently it happened on the eighth, and I swear I heard a clip of the alien dyke bitch saying (in its best third-language english) that there are 'Deep Divisions' in America!


Can you believe that?

It said, there are 'Deep Divisions' in America (which it caused) that have to be healed. Can you imagine such a wormy-brained rat like that daring to say such a lie? After it has spent its entire life dumping on this country to the tunes of Deviate Applause? After it has spent its entire life pissing, and spitting on America!!!!!!!!!!

Trying its worst to turn America into a cesspool of Deviate-Demented Sewage and lunatic rancid behaviors everywhere, with every kind of twisted and filthy orgy imaginable committed on every street corner, to satisfy its Horror Brain, to suit its own twisted and demented and crazed ideas of what Luxury Living is.

To some thing like that, Luxury is swimming in the Piss and the Shit that it created. But now -- someone has pulled the plug on its swimming pool!!!! Its Urine Pool!!!!

Well -- you know, those things are so schizophrenic -- they have so many personalities in one skull -- that it is absolutely and entirely possible that the bitch turd knew about the outcome of the Queershit Election to begin with; and is going along with the orders that it has been given -- and is just complaining about it. Or, has been ordered to complain about it. Virtually everything that it says has been ordered by Queer Propagandists anyway.


If there is anyone out there dumb enough to ask the question -- "Why does it not matter to you which Queer-Sucking Queer-Generating Queer Coalition Party is supposedly in power inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders, at any time?"

The answer is quite simple. One sucking arm has been assigned to promote the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead blatantly -- while the other sucking arm (due to its limitations and self-distractions) has been assigned to pretend to oppose such things ...

while deliberately allowing such Queerism to fester and rot away the country. Why do you think everything is happening in eight year blocks? The Political Gnomes would rather keep the DemoCrap sucking arm in power, and kill the entire country faster -- but being forced to revert to the eight year blocks method still allows them to keep on killing and maiming and mutilating and perverting. It is one of their methodologies. The Deviates would rather outright kill us all, faster; but with the presence of so many Revolutionaries outside, for safety they have to stay with the eight year blocks model.

The way that operates is -- for eight years they queer the country openly -- and then for eight years they put greedy Bastards and Bitches in power that are paid to do nothing about the Queer Damage that was done during the previous eight years. So, the damages and the crimes that were done by The Deviates (during the previous eight years) are allowed to fester and institutionalize; while the greedy ModoRats complain that there is nothing that they can do about it.

Thus, the damage and the Queerism gets slowly worse, while the ModoRats give Chickencrap Excuse after Chickendump Excuse after Chickenshit Excuse. Then, after eight years of that puke, it is all given back to the Mainline Queers (the DemoCraps) so they can create worse crimes against the People and America again, and kill the country some more. After those eight years of savage insanity upon the country -- if the eight year blocks model is followed -- there will be another eight years of ModoRats giving Chicken Excuses, saying that they cannot undo the horrors and the terrorist attacks that were committed against the People and America by the DemoCraps during the previous eight year block. And, back and forth it goes.

It is an older model, but they have been forced to go back to that model because of the presence of Revolutionaries outside of the Queer Coalition Bladders.

Everything that I am saying is quite easy for you to prove. All that you have to do is to show those Truths A thru E (about their Lies A thru E) to anyone who says that they are really Human, and says they are fighting for Humans.

You will find that the ModoRats will not be able to repeat the Truths about those Lies, they will not be able to say the Truth about those Lies. They are NOT Real Humans. Show any of those Lies, or all of them, to someone who says they are Human (or represent Humans) and say to them -- "What is the Truth about those Lies?" If they are not Real Humans, they will not be able to say to you what the Truth is about those Lies!

Have no problems in your mind about casting dispersions upon the wonderful and innocent and people-loving planet-loving really good-guy 'Republicans' who deserve to be treated so much better. Their middle name is -- "Dispersions'. Their middle name is -- 'Assholes'. Their middle name is -- 'Liars'. Their middle name is 'BACKSTABBERS'.

With 'Republicans', you are dealing with BackStabbers. There are no Real Republicans any longer anyway. The things that call themselves 'Republicans' these days are a BackStabbing Pack of Weasels. Have no qualms, have no fears about casting dispersions upon their lying heads. 'Dispersions For Backstabbers' are their middle names; and as long as they get to stay rich -- they do not care.

Have no qualms about mis-treating so-called 'Republicans'. You cannot mis-treat a 'Republican'. For one thing, there are probably no Real Republicans left anywhere. The things that are stupid enough to think that they are 'Republicans' could not be 'Republicans' if they had to be. The substance is just NOT there any longer. There has been too much rot under the bridge for it to stand any longer. That bridge collapsed decades ago due to absolute neglect. Cowardice always equates as neglect and decay. They could not be 'Republicans' any longer -- even if they had to be. And, who says they have to be?

This is the Time of Fakeries. Nothing Real is important these days. If anyone has any idea that Reality will regain its worth and its meanings again -- in this no-account Society of Liars -- they are either completely insane, without a mind, Idiot Voter Followers (slaves), or hopelessly deluded. All of which amounts to the same thing. They are too perverted, too pathetic, and they have watched too many TV Turds. Period.

You can bet your bippy that the Idiot Voter Followers of the so-called 'Republicans' that are sane, are only doing it because of Issues. Which means they are just Opportunists. Most of those Issues are fabrications. They only Vote for 'Republicans' because of Opportunity Issues. Issues and Opportunities -- that is all -- they do not really like ModoRats they do not really like DemoCraps -- they like Issues of Opportunities. That is how Political Parties operate. They operate as cesspools and septic tanks for all kinds of weird Issues that someone thinks will be an Opportunity. Strange Issues. Strange Opportunities. Psychotic Issues. Psychotic Opportunities. Crazy Issues. Crazy Opportunities. Those Voters are what are called 'Issues Voters'. Even the most insane Deviates, even the most blood-thirsty Berserkers have no love for the DemoCraps, and there are no Real Democrats either, anyway.

Even that asshole cunt that just lost (whatever it was) inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders is NOT a Democrat. 'Democrats', 'Republicans', 'Liberals', 'Conservatives' -- they are all handles from the Queer Medias -- intended for the Queer Medias. They are all logos and fictional and fictitious titles. They always have been. None of them is an actual description. Long ago, there were such things as Philosophical Political Parties. There were 'Whigs' and 'Federalists' (etc) and they had Philosophies of Politics. That's right! Political Philosophies!!!!

Completely unheard of these days, Political Philosophies. There have not been any Political Philosophies for decades, and for a very good reason; they are no longer necessary; and they are impossible to exist in the brains of the things that pass for Politicians these days.

Besides, with the intentional stupification of the Voting Public, and the Institutional Destruction of children's brains in NEA Public Schools (per Deviate orders), and the domination of Queer Propagandists in all matters -- the very existence of a Political Philosophy is impossible to imagine -- and forbidden!!!!

I think that the last we ever saw of a Political Philosophy in action was Ronald Reagan. It was a very personal Political Philosophy, and it was basically the end of Political Philosophies on this continent. Like the way that the Spaghetti Westerns from Italy were the end of the Real Western movies -- the modern day, dead-inside, hollow, empty and vacuous Political Party is the death of Political Philosophies. Actually, they exist as the lack of Political Philosophies. They are what happens when there are no Political Philosophies.

RepuCraps and DemoCraps could not come up with a Political Philosophy if their wallets were on fire and Political Philosophies were the only water in sight. Expecting DemoCraps or RepuCraps to have Political Philosophies is like expecting Ants to have Credit Cards. It is just not possible. They haven't got the Neurons for it. All they have is greedy feces between their ears. You cannot get a Political Philosophy from refuse, and crap cannot think.

So it has all denigrated and devolved and declined and spiraled down to collections of psychopathic and lunatic issues. One collection of crazy issues versus another collection of crazy issues -- all determined for the Idiot Voter Followers (without their knowledge) by the Quack Leaders that own them. That is what Political Parties are today. That is what passes, in slimy misery, for Political Parties.

Have no compunctions about treating so-called 'Republicans' like garbage. Throw any crap that you want to at them, they will probably not even feel it. How many sensory neurons can they have left anyway? All of their sensibilities are queered to the tasks of self-aggrandizement and riches and power. Or, they will think that you are being so kind to them. They might ask you what flavor are these cookies?

Take the topics of Abortions and Internet Freedoms for example. The RepuCraps (aka ModoRats) will only allow those topics into their Game as long as it is strictly under their terms, and they cannot get rid of the topics in any other way. Helping anyone other than themselves is strictly out-of-the-question; they could not even conceive of helping anyone other than themselves. Thus, whatever they do (minimally) about either topic, must be to their benefit and the perpetuation of their Political Party. Otherwise -- forget it!


Wait a minute! Wait a minute!

Nope -- I could not think of anything good to write about Politics.

Wait a minute!

No, it is hopeless!


All of you Good People who did NOT Vote, since you are not part of the Queer Coalition Bladders, think about this -- when you are driving in a large area like a city, and you look at all of that traffic out there (especially at night when you see all of those headlights by the hundreds and thousands and tens of thousands) -- I am telling you right now that some of those persons behind those headlights wish they had not Voted. Some of those persons wish they had not Voted and wasted their time. In fact, it is going to creep up on the Idiots that Voted for the RepuCraps (aka ModoRats) and they too will wish that they had not Voted. There are a lot of persons out there right now that wish that they had not Voted in that stupid (whatever it was) inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders. That is going to increase, and increase, and increase over the next six years until they start squealing like stuck pigs that they wasted their time and they wasted their vote and they got nothing out of this -- "Blah-blah-blah". It will happen just like I told you it will happen. I mean it, it will happen. There are already persons out there that wish that they had not Voted.


What do you think the 'GOP' was? The corrupt and Queer-sucking 'GOP", what do you think that was? That, was criminals. That was the Classic Assholes. Wall-to-wall Piggies. Really really really uncaring about the People and uncaring about the Land and uncaring about the Welfare of the Society and uncaring about the Will of the People. Singularly-interested con artists and hucksters and jivers and Liars. They had a Big Scam going. They took over the Republican Party, killed all of the original Republicans or drove them out; hijacked their name, hijacked their party format and called themselves 'The Republicans'; the 'GOP' as their Queer Medias called them. What do you think they were? They were just trash. They were not any better than the trash that replaced them. And, the trash that replaced them is not any better than they were.

This is competition between Gangs. This is Gang Warfare. This is Gangland Warfare, at a high pseudo-sophisticated level. A high so-called society level, except for this to happen the society has to be full of Liars. It has to be decayed, corroded, and a corrupted society or this kind of dementia could not happen, this kind of corruption on this level could NOT happen. They are competing Gangs of Gangsters. Monsters, criminals, Liars, extremely selfish, extremely greedy, and do not care about the People. That is all that it is.

You are looking at Gang Rivalry. You are looking at Gangland Warfare and Rivalry, and all of the stupid crap that happens when such things occur. You are looking right into the Queer Coalition Bladders in which, and only in which, they can happen. That absurd stuff could not happen out here in the Real World. No way, there is no way it could happen out here in the Real World. They know that, and you should know that.

But, they thrive in their sickness inside of their really bad environments because of imbeciles that want to push and promote Single Issues. That want to push and promote This Issue, That Issue and to get their Issue to dominate another Issue. So Politicians become a kind of warehouse and a kind of clearinghouse and a kind of artificial battleground for those psychotic freak case issues to fight each other on. Politicians make money doing it. They call that 'Power'. It is 'brokering'. It is the power of brokering nonsense issues.


Some descriptions that apply to Chester Dump:
Federal Patronage -- only if you win elections, and therefore you become a player on the board of the Politics Game. Otherwise, you are just an Idiot Voter like every other Idiot.
Counterfeit Sensibilities -- these are the watchwords for Pseudo-Revolutionaries. No real altruism, no real emotions, no real feelings or convictions for the People and revolution -- just Counterfeit Sensibilities.
Fatuous Non-entity -- a watchword when choosing Political Puppets. Fatuous Non-entity. After all, that is what a Resident in the White Outhouse is. A puppet. A Multi-dextrous, multi-tasking and interactive puppet. A Fatuous Non-entity.
To be Charitable About it -- To be Charitable about it -- To be Charitable about it -- the ModoRats are slimy conniving Idiots. To be Charitable about it -- the ModoRats are slimy slimy conniving Idiots.

Not to mention backstabbing Sacks of Shit (SOS). To be Charitable about it -- Backstabbers. Backstabbers in Charity.

It is actually a futile thing to say that RepuCraps can die and go to Hell as far as I am concerned, when they are so clearly in Hell anyway. What should be said is that RepuCraps can die and go to Queer Coalition Bladders -- but -- they are already in there!

You see, that is really (really completely) separate from Human Life, and any Natural Life on this planet. That is the RepuCraps; now think about the DemoCraps! The DemoCraps are so full of death that they have been brainwashed and programmed to say -- "Oh! There must be Big Divisions inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders! We are going to have to work on that!" Cannot you see that such drivel is just an excuse? Cannot you see that it is nothing except an excuse, a cover-up for allowing the ModoRats to have eight years of 'power', in the hopes that they will kill the Revolutionaries; and they will protect the entire Politics Game from the Big Bad Revolutionaries! From all of those Big Bad People who NEVER Vote! Oh Yeah!

You see, we are something that is Unmanageable to the Queer Propagandists. We are something that is Unmanageable to the Political Gnomes, and they know it. But instead of admitting it, they say (within the Bladders) that they have found a way to manage us -- relative to the RepuCraps. They always try to leverage us with the RepuCraps. They always try to say that they can manage Revolutionaries, and they can manage Truth Sayers like me, using the RepuCraps. But, the RepuCraps are not supposed to admit that. The RepuCraps (meanwhile) are saying to themselves -- "We know how to manage the Revolutionaries. We know how to manage Truth Sayers like Peters. We are going to do this (bleep) and that (bleep), and this is going to happen and that is going to happen!"

Can you see their double-talks inside of their double-talks? Can you see that the rank and file Imbeciles that call themselves part of the RepuCrap or Republican Party can only say what they are told to say? Can only say what the Middle-Managers allow them to say. The Middle-Managers are in the Republican Party. Working for the douche bags that think they run the Republican Party, but take orders from the DemoCraps anyway.

They actually speak to each other in the same rooms.

Of course the RepuCraps use Middle-Managers. Doesn't everybody?

So identical, with different faces, are they that it is boring and pathetic. Every thing inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders thinks that they know how to control the 'Outside World'. The Cult Of The Asshole has every thing inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders thinking (in their own different ways) that they know how to leverage and manipulate and control and use and rule the Real Outside World -- 'Outer Space' to them. Where those strange Humans are.

In Reality -- they have all just been used by us.


The day after the psychotic event inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders, I listened to an AM station from Waterloo/Cedar Falls that plays the dirtiest talk shows; and I listened to all of the various excuses and claims and fakeries being started, propaganda routines being started, charlatans claiming credit for victories, frauds claiming that there will be a return to 'Family Values' -- frauds who would not know a 'Family Value' if it literally sawed off one of their buttocks! I listened to claims of surprise, claims of grief -- a really sick and psychopathic journey into a lunatic asylum on radio.

The only thing that I could take away from it was, how really awful it is, how really terrible it is, to be on a Planet where all of this fakery and lying is going on!

A Planet where all of that intentional, staged, scripted, malignant and malicious lying is going on. Everywhere that you look inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders, lying is going on. Accusations are going on, pretenses are going on, bullshit, queershit, chickenshit -- it is all inside the Bladders. Why do we have to have a Planet with such horrible filth on it? Why do we have to have a Planet where such terrible things happen? Why can we not get rid of this, this sickness? Get rid of the insanity. Get rid of the greed? Get rid of the Perversions, the Deviations, the Politics? Why can it not be gotten rid of? Why does it have to exist, and why do we have to suffer its existence? Why do we have to suffer its existence!!!! In our lives!!!!


There is something that you must always keep in mind about all of this -- and that is Wash This Death City. What is it all about? It is about the Capitol of the Deviates -- the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone -- and its puppet capitol which I call Wash This Death City. The Queershit Election was about the puppet zone -- Wash This Death City. That has nothing to do with us. Never has been, and never could have been, and never would. And now, there is NO Federal Authority! It is over, Federal Authority is gone! June 26, 2013 and June 26, 2015 -- twice Five Naked Monkeys in a Cage in Wash This Death City took a collective dump and expected our Species to eat it!

As soon as that happened, their so-called 'Authority' ceased to exist!!!!!!!!!!

Federal Authority is gone! What Human Being could possibly give a darn about what Sack of Trash (SOT) could want to be in control of the Non-existent Federal Authority? In of all places, Wash This Death City? That is ludicrous! It is absolutely ridiculous to think that we could care what kind of trash are in there, manipulating that filth now. It is absolutely absurd to think that we could care or would want to contribute. We do not! They are all enemies.

Incidentally, a lot of them want to be our enemies.

If you think that it would be a step forwards, or a good thing to have any of those Imbeciles (that participate in the psycho-dyko elections) to admit that there is something about what I am writing, that there is something truthful about what I am writing; and that I have a good point here or a good point there; or I have a good idea here or I have a new idea there -- I implore you to discourage that kind of thinking if you can, amongst them. It is alright if you Humans think about it. It is alright if you think such things, because you are Human Beings. It is very bad news if THEY start thinking (dully) things like that.

I do not want them to think things like that. I just want them to be in their cesspools and out of our lives. To be in their Bladders and out of our lives! I do not want them thinking that I have a good point here or I am right about this or I have the Truth about that. It is none of their business. It is all about them, and it is none of their damned business. It is about them and it is none of their business. That is their problem. This is all about them and it is none of their damned business. That is their problem, not ours.


The day after the freak show event in the Queer Coalition Bladders, I listened to AM radio for a few hours (the station with the most evil commentators in Waterloo/Cedar Falls) and I listened to all of the complainers and the screamers and the squealers and the threateners and the false prophets (etc). I was literally listening to a range of con-artists and bogey men and usurpers and propaganda stooges -- some thinking that they were propaganda masters -- in a range from the ones that were bemoaning 'The Loss' and feeling so sorry for the twisted cunt, to the ones that were guaranteeing the World that a new dawn had arrived and there would be a 'Return To Family Values' -- which they know NOTHING about at all. And, it never occurred to any of them (get this), it never occurred to any of them how Naked they were. Every one of them was Stark Raving Naked -- and Mad!

Stupid beyond belief. Each one of them acted and pretended like it was sincere and it was honestly feeling something. Not one of them could have been sincere or serious or could have felt a real emotion. Not one of them. None of them. For hours I listened on the AM radio to dozens of deranged gargoyles ranting and raving, and not one of them realized that it was immediately and obviously Full-Of-Shit!!!!

Up to their eyeballs. Not one of them realized, not even slightly, how completely Naked its falsehood was. How completely Naked its insincerity was. How completely Naked its false credentials are! How completely Naked its lies were. So absolutely blithering-stupid were they, that not one of them realized that they were telling an Intelligent Species -- that lives in the Milky Way Galaxy -- that they are such brainwashed and stupefied and queered shitheads that THEY WATCHED TV when that psycho-dyko event happened inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders. Not one of them realized that it was admitting that it had WATCHED THE TV TURDS.

Not one of them got it. They were so deranged and in a panic to say their lies, that not one of them realized that it was admitting that IT WATCHES TV.


Let me ask you a question. Do you know (unfortunately and unintentionally) any of the Idiot Voter Followers that Voted for the psychotic event inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders? Do you know of any of them? I know it is not a clean thing to talk about, it is an ugly thing to talk about, and the less that you know of such things -- the better. Do you know any of them? Or, do you have the means to observe any of them? And, hear what they say. I am not saying to go out and look for those things, because that would be like exposing yourself to Genuine Evil -- even if they are just brain dead and possessed, they are still possessed by Evil. If you happen to know of any of those things that Voted for the RepuCraps aka ModoRats -- or -- you happen to be in a position where you can observe any of those things that Voted for the ModoRats aka RepuCraps -- I have a question.

Were any of them promoted or given raises the day after the psychotic event inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders? Were any of them promoted or promised promotions? Or, were any of them given raises or salary increases? Hourly wage increases? Or, were they promised that they would get raises and hourly rate increases? Did that happen?

The RepuCraps aka ModoRats have TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS.

Did they give out some of that wealth, in thanks to their robotic Idiot Voter Followers? Did they reward their robotic Idiot Voter Followers with increased wages or promotions?

I can almost guarantee you that no one or no thing anywhere (outside of the RepuCrap Core itself) received a single promotion or a single raise, or a single wage increase.

That, is exactly what happened back in 2008! When the Queer DemoCraps won that psychotic event inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders in 2008, nobody got anything from it for Voting for those Pieces of Shit (POS). All of them thought they were going to get Maserati's and Lamborghinis. Hundreds of thousands of lunatic Black Homo-Fascists thought that HObama the Magnificent CockSmoker would get for them Faeries and Lamborghinis and expensive sports cars. [[They have no idea what a 'Ferrari' is.]] Once the thing was the Resident in the White Outhouse, they literally thought that would happen. They literally were told that would happen.

It never happened.

Not once.

Outside of the sick-sick-sick core of the DemoCrap sewage, nobody got anything for Voting for HObama the Magnificent Pervert. A lot of promises. A lot of Bullshit. A lot of Queershit. Nothing else. What do you think is going to happen with the ModoRats? Has anyone gotten anything at all from the RepuCraps? Even freebies as bribes? Free toys? Free joys? Or, just more promises, Bullshit, Queershit, and hard work.


Faces And Reactions:

During the days after the lunatic event inside the Queer Coalition Bladders, I did not see anything different anywhere. There was no raving in the streets, there was no false acceleration, there was very little changing of faces that I could see. I have looked in Queer Places where I have always known Deviates and their Idiots to be and work; and the reactions are very minimal to non-existent.

So far the only lies that I have seen are from the queer newsrags. The Deviate Editors of the most queer newsrags are putting Terrorist Pictures on the front pages of their toilet rolls that show Unhappy Queers. Unhappy Queers -- like that is a problem? Queers are supposed to be unhappy! In fact, they are NOT supposed to exist!!!!!!!!!! Period! Flat out! Queers are the products of the Deviate Masters, the APA, the ACLU, and the Five Evils. They are NOT supposed to be happy! They are not supposed to exist! But, the Deviate Editors of the most queer newsrags are trying to scare somebody!

Trying to scare somebody! Ohhhhh -- Whoopie Shit! Trying to scare somebody with Terrorist Pictures of unhappy faces! That are going to get Revenge! Going to get Revenge! For Queershit that happened inside of Queershit Coalitions! Ohhhhh -- Scary Shit!

I don't know about you -- but I like to see disappointed faces on KILLER QUEERS!!!!

I like to see the things that tried to kill the Human Species and kill Nature and kill the Earth -- unhappy and disappointed. But, I do not see any of that out here. I only see such things on the front pages of toilet paper rolls, from the terrorist queer newsrags; staged, prepared, dipshit faces. Out here in the Real World, I am NOT seeing that.

One of the things that I want to emphasize is the fact that this is NOT a new enemy that we are facing. This is NOT a new enemy that has suddenly sprung up out of the compost heap, and is now spitting out lies at us with new intentions and new demands against us. This is the ModoRats -- slimy, cheeseburger hoarding, extremely selfish, greedy, backstabbing, double-backstabbing, triple-backstabbing Sects of Greedy Craps that I labeled as the ModoRats years ago. It is the ModoRats -- the other sucking-arm of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead (SQLD). Nothing new, there is nothing new about it whatsoever.

There is NOT anything new about those God-Damned Deviate Organizations of Organized Criminals. They just use different puppet faces from time to time, that is all. Different lies, and different campaigns of lies; but it is always the same queer-sucking arms and the same Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead. The same scum bags. Really, scum is scum. Politics is Politics. Deviates are Deviates. Cowards are Cowards. Voters are Voters.

I know it sounds like I am doing everything that I can to boo-hoo and belittle the so-called new and revitalized and refurbished 'Republicans' (and frankly nothing could be more boring) but I am not doing that. Even though they are extremely boring because they are the same old ModoRats. There is nothing new, or revisioned, or refurbished about a compost heap. However, I wanted to go on record as saying that I wish there was. It would be a very minor improvement in the overall scenario, but it would be something. I wish there was such a thing. But, it is not there, and for God's Sake I hope you do not have to suffer for SIX YEARS before you finally realize that you have been ripped off again by Politics.

I am trying to save as many Individuals as possible from the horrible scourge of Politics. Any Politics with any faces. With any titles, any labels, any names, any Bullshit, any Queershit. That is what I am doing, and I want you to understand that. There is nothing refurbished, and there is nothing revisioned, and there is nothing renewed. If it takes you SIX YEARS to realize that, then your life is lost, your life is ruined! Do you want your life to be ruined? What kind of life could you have in which it takes you SIX YEARS to realize that you have been totally ripped off again?

Like you were -- how many years ago -- eight years ago? If that is your plight and that is your condition, then you do NOT have a life.


Look at the Politics Game inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders from a more objective point of view. It is all about two 'Parties', DemoCraps and RepuCraps, which is the way that it has been for so long. That is the way the Game is structured, that is the way the Game is set up. That is the way that the Political Gnomes want to keep it. That is the way that The Cult Of The Asshole wants it to be. It is more simple and it is more easy to control that way. To the Political Gnomes, there is not supposed to be a third, or fourth, or fifth political party -- and I have no intention of starting one either.

I can state with ease that this country would be much better off with a Five Party Political System, in which all five parties maintained large percentages of representation of the People. Not just five parties -- but each party actually lacking the selfish greed of the DemoCraps and the RepuCraps.

Every time that the Two-Party System of the Deviates is threatened -- the Deviates reshape and remold one of the parties to make it look more attractive to whoever is complaining. Then, they Bullshit and Queershit the 'Complainers' into thinking that they are going to get to take over a party, and it is going to be 'Their Party'. It is such a crock of crocodiles that it is pathetic. It is pathetic to see People fall for that.

It is like having two large masses of Globular Jello -- one DemoCrap and one RepuCrap -- and every four years the Political Gnomes reshape the Globs (just a little bit) to make it look (to Idiots) like they are responding to the whines of some Complainers of some description.

At the same time they send Agents and Middle-Managers to the Complainers, to convince them that such-and-such Globular Jello is changing, and will be 'Their Political Party'. Therefore, the Complainers will get their way. The Complainers will get what they want, from that particular Globular Party.

The Suckers always fall for it. One of the reasons why they always fall for it, is because there are always Opportunists in every Schmeer. There are always Opportunists in every pretense, in every so-called Complaining Group. Each such group has Opportunists in it, that pretend to be part of the group, when in Reality they are just very Privateering Bastards and Bitches that are looking for a way to get rich and powerful -- somewhere, anywhere. Those Opportunists steer the Complainers right back into the Two-Party Politics Game because they get rewards for that. How many Complaining Groups have actually and altruistically been represented from within their own groups?

It behooves those Opportunists, in each Complaining Group, to go on with the Politics Game of the Two-Party System; to perpetuate it, and to present the new Globular Warped and Distorted and Mutated Party (which any particular Complaining Group thinks they can take over) as being the answer to their problems. The 'Solution'. It will now be 'Their Party'.

In Reality, it is all Bullshit and Queershit. What has happened is -- the same rotten, twisted, deviated and devious Two-Party Political Circus has survived again; has been perpetuated again, still exists and is still intact and is still as evil as it was before.

You know, if I described those Idiot Voter Followers and those Special Interest Groups, and the Opportunists inside of them, and the psychotic queer election events inside of the Queer Coalitions -- to anyone who had never heard of it before, they would think that I am describing to them Perpetual Knee-Walking Drunks. Chronic Alcoholics. Chronic Drug Users. Chronic Functionally Insane Persons. Actually they are functional and insane to a point, and then they become the 'Functionally Insane' in a different way.

Crazy People in a Crazy Place. If I tried to describe all of this to someone who had never heard of it before, they would think that I am giving them a description of the inside of an Insane Asylum. They would look at me and say -- "Well Markel, how long were you inside that Insane Asylum?"

You know they say it is good to be needed, and I suppose that is true up to a point, but every time something like this happens I realize how incredibly needed and necessary I am to try to keep a thread of Sanity going through all of this. Without someone like me doing this, the whole thing would become absolutely delirious and maniacal and would probably ruin the Planet. The Planet is going to be ruined anyway. The lifespan of this Planet is not going to be anywhere near as long as they say it will be; because of the insane actions of the Politicians and the Perverts. The BUWIs are just a continuation of the downfall of the Planet.

No Planet can survive this death for very long. They will never build a Second Planet, because they are far too gutless to do so; and it does not serve the purposes of Politics to have a Second Planet. No way! Their goal is to have a controlled Planet that they own and operate. A Planet that suits their specifications.

To have a Second Planet, a Second Earth, full of Human Beings would NOT serve their greedy purposes whatsoever!!!!

ModoRats are amongst the most ardent opposition to creating a Second Planet, or finding a Second Planet to live on. Even though they will now lie about that. It would not suit their purposes at all. They are Total Scum, and they want a Planet on which they can be Total Scum. They want no threats to that Planet, like the existence of a Second Earth.

Anyway, it is times like these that remind me of how essential is my own existence to whatever it is out there.

I think if I described all of this Insanity to someone who knew nothing about it beforehand, the best that they could suggest for an explanation of what it is -- is that it is some kind of psychotic and completely deranged sporting event. We all know what sports is about. Sports is about making people feel like they are winners, or they could have been winners. That is what sports is. It is a diversion away from real bloodshed and real violence, and real conclusions. Sports never has conclusions, it just has awards, it just has winners, it just has losers. 'Sports', is about the closest analogy that anyone could offer to us; after we described this absolutely berserk and retarded situation to them. They -- having nothing to do with it -- and they knowing nothing about it beforehand.


Well -- gross me right out. I was just on the Internet and I saw a picture of Chester Dump shaking appendages with HObama the Magnificent Lying Cheese. That is frigging unimaginable, that anyone would actually be in the same room with that Piece of Shit (POS); let alone shake an appendage with it. That is GROSS-TESQUE. As the French say -- "It is Gauche!"

Having said that, there are always some Bimbos and Bozos and Gorillas that will say -- "Well, Peters just does not understand. They really hate each other! They really do not want to be in the same room with each other. They really hate each other!"

Really? Then why can't they do it properly? In a locked closet with grenades?


There are so many crimes in Politics that it is really hard to enumerate all of them. Because of that, you have to focus upon some of the worst crimes that Politics commits, and what I am going to use as an example is truly a crime that is committed by all Politicians and all Political Parties and Political Campaigns. The creatures that commit these crimes will never admit that they are crimes. They will never say that it is a crime. Instead, they will merely say that it is the nature of Politics. That is lies. They are crimes.

One of those crimes is the fact that nearly all newly elected Political Entities (regardless of description) always claim that they are the end of Bad Politics; they represent a New Life, a New Day, a New Dawn, the Newness that everyone has been waiting for; the Rising Sun that so many People have been waiting for and hoping for, for so many years. Such Pap and Pablum should be outright outlawed. Any thing that says such a lie should be hit in the head with a steel baseball bat. The crime goes on because nobody does that, nobody punishes those freaks for their Politics Lies, and their Politics Circus, and their Politics Game. So, they keep on committing those lies, which are crimes.

It is a crime to Lie. Bullying, is Lying. Lying, is Bullying. It is not just evil deception, it is Bullying. It is really sickening and GROSS-TESQUE, but I have already written that. It is a crime for them to claim in any way that they are not the same old death upon us -- in a new day. It is also a crime for them to put on play times, and pretenses, and theatrical performances intended to dazzle the small brains and the dead eyes of Imbeciles Who Watch TV anyway, and are therefore brainless. We all know that only Queers and Shitheads Watch TV.

Well, for those 'New Speaking' same old lying con-artists, all that they think they have to do is to dazzle (for fifteen seconds, maybe an entire minute) the Shitheads and Queers that Watch TV -- and they are 'In Free', they are 'Over The Finish Line'. They are over the hump, they are over the hill, they have made it. Then they can go about being the same criminal and deceiving and lying and squirming and Queer-Sucking Politicians that they were before. Nothing new, nothing changed; just a different brand of greed. You will see their greed played out in different ways, between different sucking-arms of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead (SQLD).

That is all that you are going to see, different manifestations of different ideas of their 'Ideal Heaven' where grow the Money Trees. What I am saying is, it is an outright lie -- and an outright crime to say that lie -- to say that they are better, to pretend that they are better than anything that came before them. To pretend that they will do anything good and decent. To pretend that they are anyone's dream come true -- except to their own kind of Greedy Filth.

They always exist to pander to, and to feed, their own kind of Greedy Filth. That is it, that is their base. They only care about their own Greedy Base and about fulfilling the dreams and the demands of their own Greedy Kind. That is it, that is the extent of it. That is the limitation of it, but they will lie and they will say that they are 'This' and they are 'That' and they are 'Wonderful and New' and 'Spectacular' and 'Promising' and should be followed and should be DONATED TO. Emphasize donated to, because they want money from any source -- and -- that is one of the worst lies that they commit.

They continue the ruination of a lot of lives that way. It is hard to say (technically) that they are always 'starting to ruin' a lot of lives that way, because the lives of Idiot Voter Followers are already ruined; already destroyed, already as good as dead. Worthless, they Watch TV. Any thing that Watches TV can be counted out, it is NOT a lifeform.


There is another way to explain the Politics Game and how it perpetuates itself. It panders to persons who want to make investments in Political Fakery and Political Circuses. It needs persons who want to make investments in Political Fakery and Political Circuses, for the mere spectacle of it. In other words, to dazzle investors. All Political Parties operate like investment schemes, con-artist investment schemes.

I am reminded of the early days of the Western Union and the Central Pacific Railroads. About all of the illegal operations and crimes that happened (at the top) when both of those railroads were begun. If you ever look at the History of the American Railroads, you will find that it was fraught with all kinds of cheating, bribery, deceiving, thefts, swindles, and embezzlements; with Political Monkeys up-the-wazoo. Political Crimes happened that you just cannot believe, but they actually happened for and against the Railroads and between the Railroads.

It is the same thing with Political Parties today. They survive by enticing and attracting the most greedy and smallest-brained investors. Opportunists, who think that they will get a sufficient monetary return if they back a Political Party. Remember, I already told you about the ones who have Six Year Plans; those are the smartest ones.

The Idiot Investors of any Political Party or Political Campaign or any Political Monstrosity are therefore used by Political Gnomes and the Politicians. Not so much by the Straw Politicians, because they are the stupidest things in the entire scenario; the Straw Men of the whole thing, the Straw Men up on the props. They are the least aware of what is going on. The Political Gnomes and the Movers and the Shakers try to attract as many Idiot Investors as possible to their Political Entity -- and in turn set down conditions (orders) that those Idiot Investors must try to dupe and fool and buffalo as many Idiot Voter Followers (and as many Plain Idiots) as is possible into Voting for that Political Entity. As a matter of investments, as a matter of business. As a matter of, this is what you do in the Business of Politics, this is how the store operates. This is how the business operates. The business of Politics and Political Circuses operates by having the Idiot Investors pay X and Y and Z amounts of monies to Middle-Managers; to control and fool and propagandize and threaten as many imbeciles as is possible; and to turn them into Idiot Voter Followers for that Political Entity.

Whether they want to, or not. Whether they know what they are Voting for, or not. Whether they know anything, or not; as long as they go to a voting booth and vote for that Political Entity. It is usually totally illegal. I cannot think of anything that would be legal about it in a Human World. In the process, any amount of crimes committed are fair play because it is all done in the 'Name of Politics'. The Political Propagandists have put out a Schmeer that "Politics gets away with all kinds of things -- because it is Politics." "Politics can do this crime." "Politics can get away with this atrocity and that atrocity because it is Politics."

It is to be forgiven by the stupefied and de-brained populations, because it is Politics -- and Politics is above the Public Interests. Even though the Public has to Vote for it, or it cannot continue to happen. Politics is still above the Public, and can still commit all such crimes -- because it is Politics and that is the way that Politics is.

Ironically, at the same time, all of the Political Propagandists and the Political Gnomes howl and scream and gnash their teeth and beat their faces and bleed like stuck lambs, because 'Bloggers' on the Internet get to say exactly what they are.

Because, that is the Internet.

Politics and Politicians should be considered to be other words for Evil and Evil-Doers, and should be used so interchangeably. They should be redefined in all dictionaries in all languages. Politics and Politicians being synonymous with the most Satanic Evils.


Let me give you a 'for instance' example of how those things (that supposedly just won some kind of freak show) are nothing more than ModoRats aka RepuCraps. Ask them to make the BUWIs show everyone the Grand Strategy Map for wallpapering America with ButtUgly Windmills.

Tell them, that you want them to force and demand that the BUWIs show everyone in America the Grand Strategy Map (already created--nothing new) for destroying America with ButtUgly Windmills. Showing where all of those ButtUgly Windmills will be, when they are done Queering America.

Demand, of the new and elite scumbags that have just won something (demand of Chicken Dump) that the Grand Strategy Map of the BUWIs (as it already is--nothing new) be released. I mean, the real map, not one that shows only one-tenth of the ButtUgly Windmills that they intend to build. The actual and final Grand Strategy Map of the ButtUgly Windmill Imperials! With millions of hideous and ButtUgly Windmills smeared across America. Make Chester Dump demand of the BUWIs, that they make that map and that strategy plan Public Knowledge!

Instead of killing us one year at a time, one state at a time. We want to see just how GROSS-TESQUE their plans really are. Make Chicken Dump force the BUWIs to reveal the Real and Final Grand Strategy Map of the BUWIs. And, see what happens. See for yourself what happens.

Go ahead! Don't you have any Courage? Don't you want to know? Go ahead, find out! See if Chester Dump will do anything for you. See what kind of Queershit they respond with. What kind of phony maps they throw at you. What kind of lame-chicken excuses they give you. Find out for yourself.


I am not sure if I have ever written out the following explanation the way that I am going to write it now, but it is True. The only way to live, the best possible type of life in such a terrible place as anywhere that the Society of Liars is (otherwise known as the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead) is to live as free of all Deviations and Politicians and Medias and Freakcases and TransAssholes and every other kind of absurd lunacy as you possibly can.

That does include Marijuana, unless you just cannot live without it, period. I mean unless you really really really just cannot medically live without Marijuana, like you will die without it. Otherwise, live free of that too. Live free of anything that has your brain by the nose. You want to be free of anything that has your brain by the nose.

Otherwise, you might as well start to wear rings in your nose like cattle; and start telling us, who uses each ring in your nose, and what each ring stands for. I mean it. To have one of those insane and lunatic absurdities, organized and institutionalized, seize your brain by your nose -- is NOT living. That is NOT a Real Life. It is mere existence, it is NOT happiness, it is NOT Real Genuine Living. Instead, it is existing inside of someone else's framework. Someone else's lunacy, someone else's self-aggrandizement. Someone else's aggrandizement using you as props, and fuel, and revenue, and resources. That is NOT you living for you, that is you only existing. Merely existing for some thing or someone else.

Like I said, if that is what your lot is, that is what your plight is, you might as well start to wear rings in your nose -- with labels on them.

"This ring is for the DemoCrapic Party."
"This ring is for the Faggots."
"This ring is for Ford, because I own a Fuckup truck."

That kind of thing. What I am doing is telling you that the only way to have a Free Life is to be as free of all of that as you possibly can be. Voting is NOT freedom. It used to be long long ago, when we were denied the ability to Vote, by an oppressive Foreign Power.

Today, the only thing to do is to NOT Vote.

Until, you have a country of your own, a Real Human Country, to Vote in. Which you do NOT, which you most certainly and absolutely do NOT. That is what this is all about. How to be a living and Real Person. Which demands that you be as free of all of that insanity and absurdity as is possible. You should make an art form of being free of all of it. An art form of getting rid of it. An art form of discarding it, rejecting it, throwing it away, throwing it out, opposing it, and resisting it.

Oh my! That sounds like -- Resistance. Human Resistance.


I tell you, I feel great. I just had the Lingering Crud Virus of the Midwest in 2016, which was miserable -- and I had a tooth pulled which hurt a lot -- but otherwise I feel great. I feel wonderful, because I had nothing to do with that crazy, play-babies, immature, vulgar, corrupt and criminal Game that recently happened inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders. That the dead call -- 'An Election'.

That they can shove up their dead butts. And, I feel great!


I have some sympathy for anyone who thinks that the so-called 'New Republicans' are going to do anything good. Someone like that must be really limited mentally, and they have our sympathies; but they have to realize that any group of things with bulbous heads on top of their shoulders (with ears and eyeballs) are not necessarily Humans.

Any such group that does not accept the Truth and does not adhere to the Truth (A thru E in particular, as they have become such indicators of whether you say the Truth or you Lie) is merely playing a game, their own game. It is like they need you for some reason, so they can play their foursome through eighteen holes of golf.

But, you are not one of the foursome, so you are NOT invited to play along. You cannot even play through. You may be told what happened at each hole; but that is it. They intend to do their own thing of greed and corruption, and leave such matters as (A thru E) to someone else.

To us. It is kind of like the archaic division between Church and State. The Church is supposed to do what little the Church is allowed to do. The State is supposed to do much more than Law and Decency allow for. That is the idea, that is the theory. If they do NOT adhere to (A thru E) then everything else that they do is a Lie.

They are leaving the Truth and Reality of (A thru E) -- in other words all Real Life -- to those who know the Truth of (A thru E). Those people they call -- 'Revolutionaries'. So now, we have a division between State and Revolutionaries -- if by default for no other reason -- but with many many more reasons to boot.

Revolutionaries are now entrusted (El Defacto) to the safekeeping of (A thru E) and all other Real Truths in the Real World. While the Politicians pursue their own greedy goals.

Therefore, when the revolution happens, the Politicians must be expected to stand aside. When the revolution happens, they must be expected to leave the Playing Field. To leave the Battlefield until it is all over. This is how you get back to the way that it should be. Nothing that the Politicians or the Hacks on Queer AM stations say -- is Real. Everything that they say is Queershit. The only real way to get back to ...

'The Way America Should Be!' ...

is to allow the Revolutionaries to return the nation to the way it should be. Then the Politicians can play their Games again, in the toilet stalls of the bus station at Bumb Fuck, Egypt.

Continuity, Continuity, Continuity -- that is what the Real America must have. Except the Politicians will NOT like the Real America. Which is why 'Bumb Fuck' exists, way out there in the sands of Egypt. Where the Egyptians never go. And, the bus has no tires.

So -- who has the problem? The Revolutionaries? Or, the Politicians? Who has to squirm, to try to keep four balls in the air at the same time?

It means that the Politicians must continue to fake it, and fake it, and fake it -- while never admitting to the existence of Truths like (A thru E). They must try to divert and divert and divert anyone's stupid attention (and anyone who would listen to them is truly stupid) away from (A thru E); and constantly try to pretend that 'They' have 'Their Own' (A thru E). That they have their own most important things, which must be everyone else's most important things too!

They will declare that their (A thru E) or (A-Negative thru E-Negative) is the Actual Truth -- the only things that really matter -- and that is what everyone should be thinking about! It is pure diversionary tactics, to create a false set of (A-Negative thru E-Negative) but they have to. They must at all costs avoid the Real Truth. Which is -- they are nothing but Hucksters, Jivers, Con-Artists, Liars, Queershitters, Greedy Bastards and Bitches -- and they just want a nation to rape -- for their own benefits.


This is what is called -- 'Holding their noses to the grinding stone'. It is so easy for us to maintain the Truth, and to keep positive no matter how many negatives they throw at us; no matter how many times they insist that their package of Lies is the most important thing. No matter how many times they say that the Real Truth has no meaning Politically -- or the Real Truth is someone else's business.

They may try to pawn it off on the Churches, making the Real Truth the domain of the Belief Merchants. Anything to avoid admitting that the Real Truth is the domain and the sovereign province of Real Revolutionaries. They will avoid that like the plague. They will avoid that like a Vote of No Confidence.

For us it is very simple and easy. There is A thru E. That begins all Truths. That is it. Any thing or anyone or any group who does not admit that those Five Truths (A thru E) exist, and must be the ruling factors for any Society that is going 'anywhere' in any decent way or shape or form in a Real Universe, is a Lying Sack of Cheese. You are looking at Rotten Meat. You are looking at shredded, spoiled, reeking HogPoo.

More sick, twisted, ruinous Politics as usual. Period. That is it!

It is no big deal for us to just stay with the Truth. You see, all Liars have boxed themselves in. They have painted themselves into a corner now. They cannot get out. They are surrounded and confined in their corner of greed and graft and corruption, by their never-ending Lies and their never-ending greed and their self-serving campaigns of diversions, false recreations, Political Slogans, partying and so on and so forth. All designed to get as many Idiots as possible to forget that the Real Truth exists, and to play along with their stupid and greedy and selfish Games.

Vermin such as RepuCraps aka ModoRats aka the 'New Revolutionary Republicans' -- get a load of that Triple Chickenshit -- have excuses for why they do that to their Followers and Voters. It is truly as cruel as you can imagine it is. Do not try to attribute more Lofty Lies to them, or more Lofty Evil Intentions to their plans and schemes. Their reasons are basic and cruel and mean-spirited and ugly. Just like you expect they are, but do not want to think they are. One of them is simply, that anyone who is stupid enough to follow them or stupid enough to Vote for them deserves to be turned into whatever they want those Followers and Voters to be.

To be used as they want to use those Voters and Followers. Voting for them, and following them, is an admission to them of complete and utter failure at your own Life. That you have no Life, and you want to be part of 'Their Party' and 'Their Game' and 'Their Scheme' and 'Their Group' and 'Their Plan'.

Because alone you are nothing, and you are admitting that you are nothing because you Voted for them, and you follow them, and you believe any bit or morsel of their Queershit.

That, is a real excuse that they have in their brains for why they do the Lies to you that they do. And will continue to do, and will keep on doing (in perpetuity) because there are enough psychopathic losers that continue to Vote.

Voting perpetuates the machinery of Lies and Schemes and Games and Politicking. To the point where if no one did Vote, the Politicians would break out their Berserker Armies and their Queer and Armed Fart-Forces and force the People to Vote at gunpoint. It is that mean, it is that cruel, there are no loftier goals or ideas or sick and twisted (but higher) reasons for what they are doing. It IS that guttural, it IS that bestial, it IS that basic.

I think one of the reasons why a lot of Idiot Voter Followers do not realize how ugly the Politicians and the Political Gnomes (that are pulling their strings) really are, is because they never see them except at Rallies, where everything is 100% fakery, and on the Queer TV Tube, and things like that.

Instead, they have to contend with the Rings of Pretenders and Con-Artists that surround the Politicians and the Political Gnomes. It is a Ring of the Talking Heads, the Gopher Heads, the Trained Professional Liars that will be diverting everyone's demands for real action and real improvements and a return to the Truth. Using all kinds of excuses and pretenses and false claims. They will find and use Religious Gopher Heads to claim that there will be a return to 'Family Values'. Which will mean 'Families That Donate Money To Their Political Party'. Families that follow the Schmeer and the Spiel and the Lies of their Campaign of Fakery, which the Propagandists for that Party have determined all of those 'Families' will live by.

Oh, by the way! That does not include (A thru E). But it certainly will include (A-Negative thru E-Negative). Seldom, if ever, will you see a Politician or a Political Gnome. Instead, you will see the Gopher Heads. In this case, a lot of Pseudo-Religious Gopher Heads, claiming a 'Return To Family Values'.

Which happen to start with (A-Negative thru E-Negative) for some strange reason that you are not supposed to think about.


Part Two will be released soon and is entitled -- The Psycho Blues.


Markel Peters










I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message.
Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.



























Labels Of All Posted Messages--A Way To Search Through Messages By Labels

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed


This blog exists to inform the People, of the 'Real Truth' about the real enemies of the Human Species. These Truths are not objectionable, as they are Truths. Only the telling of them can be objectionable, to those who wish to hide the Truth. If the Truth is something you HATE and therefore object to - go elsewhere!


Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!


The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.