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Showing posts with label Black Hole. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black Hole. Show all posts

Sunday, March 31, 2019

The Grove Men and Grove Women -- Part II:

Table Of Contents:
Main Text
Time Traveler Beware
Dirty Motives
Rodent Infestation
Sayeth The Utility Termite
Never Vote


I did not make any illustrations for this message. The activity here is reading and going to the weblinks, which include interesting videos for you to watch.



About the variety: It is all interrelated. Give up expecting separations into various messages. Spread my messages as far and as wide as you can. Translate into as many languages as possible. The scourge of the Politics Game is everywhere -- spread by the Queer Medias. It is the soft underbelly of the Deviate's Game.


Okay, someone asked -- "Whaat isst aaah gwooov?"

I expected that. And That! Is what I am here for.

Shall we start with ...

Grove Classifications:

Think of landscapes and countryside views and inner city vacant lots and quarries and urban buffer zones and asshole-ugly Developer Rodents. Do you know how I can tell that the Developer Rodents do not care about anyone else except themselves?
Answer: Look at all of the Rodent Holes that they are building for shitheads that have bought too many materialistic products to fit into their hovels and caves -- as they were ordered to by the advertising medias and the Middle-Managers-For-Hire of the Commercialists.

The Rodent Developers call their Rodent Holes -- 'Storage Units'.
When this Gas Bag Society of Liars collapses (as intended by the escaping BBWA) and all of the Bloated Banker Hogs grab up every loose mortgage that they can, and then steal as many houses as they can that are already paid off (in a feeding frenzy spawned by the greedy hope that the collapse will work for them somehow) -- those Storage Units will become the Living Quarters for tens of millions of displaced and homeless Americans.

None of them are insulated. None of them are near a water source. None of them have sewage hookups. None of them have windows. They are just metal caves with doors and floors.


From smallest to largest. Here is where you turn your imagination on ...

Buried Grove:
Buried by Big Business White Assholes (BBWA).
No longer visible. Smothered. Surrounded and choked, or crudely covered over. Relegated to being a trash dump. Usually exists under some form of political refuse, if alive at all, and may show a few tell-tale signs of green here or there. Not murdered by a parking lot, but essentially out of sight -- however -- enough light and rain reaches it such that it still lives by means of a very widespread rooting system that reaches outwards beyond the Man Poison that is smothering it. Here Life is in extreme duress due to the horrible presence of SQLD elements such as Politicians and Monkey Judges and BUWIs and Queer Photographers for queer newsrags (etc).

Sometimes Grove:
Sometimes a wasteland, depending upon weather. Sometimes this is a Buried Grove that was freed of the horrors of the BBWA because those assholes lost interest in the place or went bankrupt, and the structures that were killing the Buried Grove have been removed or have fallen down or have been blown away by storms. Otherwise, Nature (or disinterest by Developer Rodents) may have brought about a situation where seasonal changes, or changes caused by long term weather fluctuations, force this grove to fluctuate between being a wasteland or a flourishing grove; and it experiences the intermediate stages as well. Infrequently, a Sometimes Grove may experience sudden changes between seasonal norms, so only very hardy species can survive there. If you are a long range traveler like I am and you return to locations after months or years of absence, you will notice that there are such places where what you saw there before is no longer. Instead, a different scheme of Nature is there, due to changed conditions. It is infrequent, but it can happen and usually in places where you would not expect Nature to be operating anyway. It is important to know that this kind of Natural Behavior happens if you intend to populate the Galaxy.

Sometimes Groves are also used as examples of 'Worthless Lands' by Developer Rodents. The rodents use these lands as examples, but actually want to kill other lands instead. Since Politics Piggies are immensely stupid and greedy, once the things have been show one parcel of land all of the others look the same to them, and they accept that all lands are worthless without Man Poison on them that pays taxes. Then, huge and ugly Man Poison can be built anywhere.

Scattered Grove:
Clumpy and disjointed and randomly gathered. Usually a remnant of a previous larger grove. This happens when a forest is raped. For example, when Realtor Rodents and Developer Rodents gut out a forest and build a tract of ugly stick houses in the emptiness that they have created, they leave the outer shell of the forest intact as a sight buffer for the housing project within, and as decorations. Yes, they would rather kill all of the trees and build huge walls around the housing project, upon which are plastered giant pictures of their glorious Big Business White Assholes -- butt -- for some strange reason, they cannot sell cheap houses that way.

Splattered Grove:
Damaged into pieces. Fragmented by Man Poison. Chopped up by greedy rodents. A very frequent situation, where rodents build what they can where they can and ignore everywhere else; which leaves small and isolated groves in very strange and weird places.

There is another type of Splattered Grove. Rodents use maps and building plans to determine how many cheap structures they can cram into how small a space. At its worst, this method has nothing green about it except the colors of the shacks, and front yards that are not big enough to park a Yugo on. Back yards are just big enough to accommodate a Yeti in a sleeping bag.

Larger schemes allow for some green vegetation other than tiny yards. Very weird trees are planted. What looks like trees to rodents, that is.

Around the projects (and as buffers between projects) some real trees are planted, and these are Splattered Groves. Seen from above, the splatter effect is obvious; and they are all isolated from each other. The rodent excuse for this intentional isolation of small groves is that birds can fly so they are somehow interconnected. This rationale is most peculiar. It is real rodents and other four-legged animals that connect groves to each other. The Developer Rodents should know better than to use this ploy and argument -- none of them have wings, no matter how delirious their egos are. Can they fly from tree to tree, or grove to grove? All of this is obvious if you watch the video about Chongqing that is linked below.

[[Incidentally, Chongqing is Economically Autonomous from the Central Government of China. Self-regulation at Chongqing has resulted in less government regulations and therefore many Vulture Corporations from the 'West' have built cheap factories at Chongqing that take advantage of the low labor costs there; Queer Ford and Hewlett Packturd are among the flocks of deviate carrion feeders that have invaded Chongqing.]]

Slimline Grove:
Normally, these are linear boundary markers. Seen everywhere and unseen. Ignored. Expected. Few people know why they exist. Is it tradition? Did they just appear?
Answer: Sometimes Yes. Slimline Groves can occur because a long linear section of land is neither used or abused by Commercialists -- and/or -- are the result of the ever-present uncaring planning of Developer Rodents. In such cases, opportunistic tree species take hold and grow quickly; creating groves of their kinds.

Otherwise, they are the remnants of former forests -- or -- once upon a time some Human Being planted a row of trees (or many rows of trees) there; knowing that they would not be molested by greedy rodents that were too busy killing other places. Such Humans took their secrets to Heaven with them, and their bodies now lie in unmarked places where vengeful Realtor Rodents cannot piss on their graves.

Scabby Grove:
Accidental or the result of Man's destruction of Nature. This place is trying to be a real grove, but there are restrictions and choke holds upon it by Man Poison. Here, each flower sings in a tiny voice -- "They love me. They love me not. They love me. They love me not. They love me. They love me not." Its future is extremely fluid and uncertain. Mere chance will decide. Rodent Dozers or To Be Ignored. Death or Life.

If this grove exists as an accident of Nature -- and -- it escapes the notice or reach of Developer Rodents, it can survive until the next accident of Nature wipes it out.

Sucky Grove:
Unattended, unclean, trashy, junk yard variety; but forgotten enough by the Developer Rodents to be growing independently. This grove type has the chance to be the nomad of the varieties of groves, without going anywhere. Another way of saying it is -- the 'Balloon Way Of Life' which to a balloonist is the "The Only Way To Fly".

Stationary, but unobserved by its arch enemies, this grove can (and will) expand as much as it possibly can; until its outwards growth is limited by Nature or Man Poison; such as roads or canals or airport runways or the fumes of Ford Fuckups. But, it will hop over these if it can and continue its expansion. Eventually it will become limited again, and then it will either qualify for the next largest category, or it will shrink down in size due to the lack of resources and/or weather conditions.

Thus, it will begin a long-term cycle of addition and subtraction, moving constantly but getting nowhere; which is to say 'everywhere' for a grove.

Coherent unit with some togetherness. Considering the rapacious greed and violence of Developer Rodents and Realtor Rodents, there must be Human Intervention on the part of this grove -- or it could never exist in this size. This size of undeveloped lands is hateful to Developers and Realtors. They would rather burn it down than look at it.

Planned, maintained, protected from government perverts and commercial rats and business locusts. It is beyond the reach of the rodents due to Human demands. The Queer Government is now the enemy. It may be expanded whenever possible.

Success Grove:
Defended successfully by Humans from theft and ruination attempts by Eminent-Domain-Wielding Government Cockroaches. Large and getting larger. The sight of this size of undeveloped lands (and the corresponding loss of tax revenues) causes anal bleeding everywhere on the Dark Side.

Strong Grove:
Too large and well organized and defended for the Queer Government to steal legally. Still susceptible to Queer Government criminal assault and battery. Vulnerable to assassination. Queer Government preference is to assassinate the Human Protectors and then the grove will have an unfortunate accident.

Superior Grove:
Immune to all government attacks of any description. Expands due to Human Consensus. A permanent fixture of the Human Species. Considered essential and very valuable by the Human Species in perpetuity (forever). Hated by Developers and Realtors; but out-of-reach of their long-term plans to cause future Government Seizures of these lands using the Eminent Domain Criminal Tactic.

Supreme Grove:
Queer Government Vermin avoid these groves at all costs, and avert their eyes from them. Visions of these Supreme Groves come at them in their nightmares, singing massive death songs for all governments in the winds. Unforgiving. The memory of millions of their kind murdered, remains forever.

Super Grove:
Replaces government pest holes. Covers and smothers government evil intentions. Breaks and tears to pieces the ugly boxes and stys and edifices of Queer Government. Literally, reduces former government buildings to rubble and smothers them whole. A miracle actually. Any mammal would have to crap out the remains of those government outhouses somewhere.

Human treasure. Priceless.

Expanding Forest:
Human business, the business of preservation. Human enterprise, the enterprise of out-thinking enemies. Human calibration.

Forest Ecosystem -- managed:
Human heritage. Galactic class heirlooms. By managed, I mean the prevention of any exploitation such as lumbering or mining or bus tours or soda machines or hotels or greasy spoon diners or storage units (etc).

Wild Forest -- preferred minimum standard:
Planet savers if left alone.

Worth more than a Fort Knox treasury.

This size of forest lands is the minimum unit quantity on any planet in which the so-called Dominant Intelligent Species is attuned to the Nature of its host. Therefore, overpopulation cannot exist on this planet -- or -- either Nature or they themselves eradicate excessive overgrowth periodically. Which is very possible Galactically, and not surprising or horrible if encountered.

Wilderness Ecosystem:
Beyond Human valuation. I have lived in Wildernesses, and they are possible if the needs and requirements of Man allow them to exist -- or -- they are beyond the reach of Greed and Hate. This is the exact Opposite Counterpart to that abyss of greed and planet killing known as 'Wall Street'.

Area Biome -- wilderness collection: ('Major Life Zone') in Europe.
Minimum indicator of a healthy planet.

Quote -- Largest geographic biotic unit, a major community of plants and animals with similar requirements of environmental conditions. It includes various communities and developmental stages of communities and is named for the dominant type of vegetation, such as grasslands or coniferous forest. Several similar biomes constitute a biome type; for example, the temperate deciduous forest biome type includes the deciduous forest biomes of Asia, Europe and North America.
Encyclopedia Britannica

Regional Autonomy -- untouched Nature:
Preservation of an original geographic region before Man. Smaller than a continent.

Conserved Continent -- unmanaged/unexploited:
No rodents or commercial cockroaches -- no towns or cities -- no mining -- no energy exploitation -- no presence by Man other than the most benign research. No experimentation allowed about anything. No prisons. No landing zones. No docks. No Man Poison.

Managed Planet -- with conserved continents:
The ideal situation. On Earth -- Antarctica, Africa and North America should have been conserved continents.

Conservation Planet:
Essentially a No-Touch Planet except where special recreation zones have been established, with the co-purpose of maintaining communications with intelligent species of the planet -- or -- providing essential services to lesser species in need. Absolutely no exploitation or development is allowed. All recreation areas are primitive. Pack out your trash.

Pristine Planet:
No Man -- no intelligent species -- no civilization -- no exploitation.

Around this planet exists a veritable Wall of China through which no one is allowed. Simple and strict rules apply to this planet ...

A. No one enters for any reason. No one leaves for any reason.

B. No one causes harm to this planet in any way or shape or form.
To do so will get your genitals shoved down your mouth.

C. Anything (regardless of description) that falls onto that planet or lands there for any reason -- is there forever. Absolutely nothing leaves the planet, not even the Caretaker. The Creator may do as he pleases.


Soooo ... what does all of this mean to your average chump or chimp living in an ugly metropolis?
Answer: Surprisingly, it can mean a lot -- very much indeed. Once you get your brain around these standard (and often painful) units of measure for Groves -- you can do two things ...

1. Clean them all up. Remove the Man Poison from all of them.

2. Install their kinds of groves wherever you can find the room (in various sizes). Force their existence upon all metropolitan areas by eliminating the places where wastage has taken over and slums and ghettos now exist.


At the same time, search for and seize every acre of free land that you can and plant a grove of trees and bushes and grasses there. That will result in a massive and global upgrading of the Quality of Life everywhere on the Planet Earth. It may actually cripple Planet Sinister.

[[By the way -- not just any old trees and bushes and grasses will do. Do NOT throw random species of trees and bushes and grasses together and make a grove out of them. They will go to war against each other immediately. The grove will fail.
You MUST combine together species that are chemically compatible with each other!!!!
I have twelve trees on my property of four different species, but they are separated from each other. Seven Norway Spruce trees live next to each other in harmony. The others are separated by distance from each other because they grew to large sizes and their planters knew they would. Otherwise, they would not grow next to each other chemically. They have to be separated by distance. If I want to add bushes, I must make sure they are chemically compatible with the nearest trees.
Research this.]]


Some helpful advice for metropolitan areas:

Establish standard sizes. Wherever you can build very small additions of trees by all means do so. Wherever there is soil (or soil can be added) and there is adequate light, plant trees. Otherwise, add groves to your metropolis in size classes.

I have lived in Nature for a long time, so I can state what the class sizes should be. Your basic unit of measure is the 'acre', which is 1/640th of a square mile -- or 43,560 square feet -- which is 208.71 feet on each side -- 9/10ths of an American football field. This is your smallest class size.

Class One (Inner City) -- one acre -- 208.71 x 208.71 feet.

Class Two (Inner City) -- four acres -- 417.42 x 417.42.

Class Three (Suburbs) -- 160 acres -- quarter square mile.

Class Four (Urban) -- 1000 acres -- irregular configuration.

Class Five (County) -- 64,000 acres -- 100 square miles irregular.

Class Six (Providence or State) -- 320,000 acres -- 500 square miles irregular -- in unity or linked chains.


I am keeping my personal feelings out of this, such things are for the poets and songwriters of Nature. I am also trying to keep the spiritual aspects (which are many) out of this. That leaves logic, and in logical terms the groves and forests and wildernesses that I am describing to you are (truly) Logic Indicators of the health of this planet -- and thereby indicate the health and sanity of the so-called dominant species of this planet. You will notice that I avoid mentioning intelligence in this regard. How intelligent can Mankind be if it allows a Twisted Species to rule over it with games and lies and perversions, and then Votes every other November to remain the Idiot Slaves of that Twisted Species? Any voting perpetuates Idiot Slavery.

[[The deliberate de-braining and deranging and putrefying of the society has now made all acts of Voting null and void as there is no longer any Human intelligence present in the act. Without intelligence and common sense and Human values and an inherent goodness towards each other, all that was good about the tool of argumentation called 'Voting' is now broken. Today, voting is nothing more than a twisted weapon in the hands of twisted minds, that can only vote for the twisted freaks of a Twisted Species anyway.]]

A Logic Indicator for the health and sanity of Mankind could have been anything that is an active part of the existence of Mankind, including the boots that I am wearing now or your nose or the paint job on your automobile. Whatever it could have been, it logically indicates what is the health or illness and the sanity or insanity of the so-called dominant species on the Earth. As expected, it is a collection of lifeforms and as such is the exact opposite of its worst enemies -- the various forms of death in the Queer Coalition Bladders. Groves and forests and wildernesses are Natural Collectives of Life, the interaction of which determines the measure of the wellness and mental health of the so-called dominant species that rules over such collectives. The more healthy and plentiful are the interactions of the denizens of groves and forests and wildernesses, the more obvious is the stability and the good mental health of the dominant species -- otherwise there would be no health or happiness anywhere, and the perverted and artificial joys spawned by evil medias would pass for normalcy.

That literally means that the actual measure of the goodness and sanity of the dominant species is the health and welfare and plenitude of its corresponding Logic Indicators; and NOT anything having to do with the dominant species itself. On this planet, such Logic Indicators are the well-being and the flourishing of the groves and forests and wildernesses of the planet; which the dominant species claims to control and manage, thereby becoming measured by the very things that it claims to master.

Sadly, in the case of Planet Earth, the dominant species has its head stuck permanently up its greedy and lunatic ass. Subsequently, these Logic Indicators of the health of that dominant species are dying in misery and pain and horror; literally shrinking on the vine. As such, there is only a few descriptive terms that can be applied to any dominant species that is this insane -- 'Catastrophic Disease' or 'Extinction Level Event' or 'Worm Rot' or 'Mindless Execution' or 'Berserk Executioners' or 'Planet Rapers' or simply the 'Politics Game'.

With these Logic Indicators of the dominant species in complete decline and rotting in their diminishing places -- the real Truth about the associated dominant species becomes obvious. It is a destroyer of the planet it infests. All Logic Indicators verify that conclusion.

This awful situation has not improved in a hundred years of steady decline, now made ever worse by the Queershit and Horrors of the terrible ButtUgly Windmill con artists -- the BUWIs.


As usual, there are some people who can never understand anything unless they have a video to watch while they sit on a rug and chew on their toes and drool.

Here are links to forbidden films about the Real World that are supposed to be buried and forgotten, and will certainly be denounced by BBP (Big Business Propaganda) as outdated and no longer relevant, having been in coffins for so long. In Reality, nothing could be further from the Truth. Plus, these videos reveal that the BBWA have never cared about anything other than their own slime since the beginning of crime. Some of these videos are from the 60's and 70's and are even more true today than they were when they were filmed. You are not supposed to know any of this. Any increase in the Common Knowledge is considered to be very dangerous; and makes killing less comfortable and more difficult for the BBWA.

Some mixed goodies in alphabetical order ...

Bears and Man -- Chief George

Cave Dwellers of the Old Stone Age

Cosmic Zoom

Gymnosperms (seeds)

Population Ecology -- VERY IMPORTANT!

Pre-historic Man In Europe

The Last Rhino

The Last Tasmanian Extinction

The Mosses

100 % Bullshit Video from the Government, which at this time was systematically destroying the Navajo Culture and training all Navajo children to be slaves.


Where the Bay Becomes the Sea

Who is Who in the Oceans

Every one of these videos needs to be remade in digital with new Humans and the Absolute Truth, without any propaganda.


Problems Of Conservation Wildlife

You will notice that the narration of this video is political, and does not have the courage to say that Man is a killer of this planet -- and operates by Planeticidal Rules -- for the benefit of the Death Masters (aka the BBWA and the BBYA). I will recount some of the points mentioned in this video:

A. Man is the only animal on Earth who knows that entire species can be exterminated by the Big Business White Assholes (BBWA).

B. The BBWA use up the natural resources of the Earth as though they are inexhaustible.

C. Wherever there is an increase in the presence of the BBWA, the populations of wildlife there decrease drastically.

D. Pathetic results of government conservation scams are touted as great success stories.

E. What is not explained is the reason why a ban on hunting deer caused eventual starvation of deer populations. The extreme limitation of available feeding grounds by the Man Poison of the Developer and Realtor Rodents, was soon maximized by increasing deer populations. And, a deer cannot eat a parking lot.

F. The walking catfish is still an invasive species in Florida.

G. At least they had the courage to mention 'Predatory Economics'.

Incidentally, the end music of this video is hard to hear because the recording is warbled. It is the last half of the third movement of the Pines of Rome. I have given you two weblinks to much better versions of this work, one of the greats by Respighi.


In China -- you may apply BBYA instead of BBWA. Big Business Yellow Assholes instead of Big Business White Assholes.

Video about unknown Chongqing, China

What do you expect from a city with 500,000 security cameras in it?

And look at the environment there; if the planners of Chongqing do not get rid of that smog, the place is going to continue to look as ugly as the anus face of a Politician. The smog is so heavy at Chongqing, they need 500,000 security cameras just to see where they are going. I am surprised the People there do not wear infrared visors 24/7.

The planners there can make cute models and brilliant artistic illustrations of what their Future Chongqing is going to look like, until they are blue in the face; but if the smog remains it will all look like an opium den 24/7/365. Compare pictures of Chongqing to pictures of Istanbul.

Bing search -- smoggy chongqing

Check out these pictures of the smog at Chongqing. This is the images page at Bing. Now replace smoggy chongqing with the word -- istanbul -- and hit 'enter'. This will show you the comparison between Chongqing and Istanbul. Notice the environmental differences.

Do you think I have something against the People of Chongqing? I wish I did, it would break up some of the monotony. In Reality, what bothers me is the Loss of Quality of Life in such huge settings. You can find showoff babes with perfect asses and busty titties and perfect teeth to take pictures of in any metropolis outside of this dying country; but that does not mean that the average Quality of Life is good enough there, or even present and accounted for. Speaking of piggies, the Politics Gamers (that could not care less about the Quality of Life of anyone else) all make it so easy to oppose them. They are so evil, and no one with a brain believes mass propaganda anymore.


Never believe the BBWA or BBYA lie that they will clean it all up after they are through building more white marble mansions and golden high rises for themselves to play in, and more crappy clone towers for their slaves to live in. There is not one minute of their plans devoted to Nature and natural environments. All of their plans are about an endless chain of destruction of the planet, nothing else. With all Queer Governments getting fat kickbacks from every new destruction of the Earth -- who is going to stop them?


I repeat what I wrote recently -- the soft underbelly of the Deviates Game and the BBWA Game is the Politics Game. The liars and schemers and killers and perverts of the Politics Game directly feel everything that you do to oppose their Horror Mastery over society -- and they try to never show that they are being affected by any opposition until they can no longer help themselves.

Anything that you do against the Politics Game works -- so keep on doing it and do more and more and more and more and more ...


Kifaru -- The Black Rhinoceros

I will recount some of the many things said and implied in these two videos.

1. Black Rhinos do not roll well.

2. Black Rhinos do not do drugs well.

3. How many men does it take to tip over a Black Rhino?

4. How many men does it take to tip up a Black Rhino?

5. How big are Black Rhino dental instruments?

6. Ngorongoro is the world's largest inactive volcanic crater, located in the Crater Highlands of Tanzania.

7. Aerial census taking is nowhere near accurate in Eastern Africa.

8. A Black Rhino can smell a person one mile away; BBWAs one hundred miles away.

9. Black Rhinos are identified using distinctive physical markings in the same way that Humpback Whales are identified.

10. Number 40 should get a medal for that.


One word of advice about what to do with the Groves themselves ...

When it comes to boys with girls in Groves ...

It is biology and for that the violins play.


Conservation of the land and the air and the water (including the oceans) is literally the determination of life or death for the planet. Which means all life on the planet too. Every time the Big Business White Assholes destroy more of the planet, they always call the new ruination a 'sustainable environment' for the future. No one who is stupid enough to vote can know that more of the planet has been destroyed by them anyway. Each destruction leaves less Nature in its wake, and a smaller planet for non-sodomists to live on. This makes all assholes happy.

White Trash always try to put a happy face on their greedy murders. They have a lot of experience at putting happy faces on their buttocks and naked lies. Such killers as the White Termites, that kill for the BUWIs, only care about the toys and the perks and the promises of wealth that an existence as falsely accelerated trash offers. They can only think of the excuses for the destruction of the Earth that they were told to say as excuses for the murders that they commit. And, hope that there are never enough Humans in one place to hang them for what they are doing. The dirty electricity termites are a classic example of this. When was the last time that you saw any electricity termites near any group of Real Humans? Liars-for-hire, yes. Actors-for-murders, yes? But, never actual BUWI Termites.


All Real Humans need and want Nature and very natural places in which to meditate and be with Nature. There are two huge problems to that.

One is -- the queer governments are trying to gobble up all remaining natural lands for themselves. They are making rules and regulations that will allow them to 'officially' shut off all government lands and keep all unauthorized citizens out. In other words -- Private Politics Games Lands, to include Private Politics Counties.

Two -- Real Humans seek such places and need such contact with Nature as the alternative to an existence of mindless obedience inside the dead zones of the growing 'cyber world', with its machines spawned by the sick-sick-sick intentions of the artificial intelligence egotists that have sworn to kill all of Nature and turn this planet into a machine world of their wicked revenge; for not being recognized as the Masters of the World that they have always considered themselves to be. And yes, I have seen the movie version of 'I Robot'. I read the original book decades ago, and I was immediately struck by the anthropomorphic fallacies and totally wrong premise of the work. Getting emotional about machines is ludicrous.

I had completely forgotten about 'I Robot', having relegated its existence to the libraries of ArtificialShit that all douche bags of the 'Artificial Intelligence Haters of Life' cherish; in their laboratories of lunacy. Government financed lunacy.

Then, back in November of 2018, I grabbed a DVD copy of a film called 'Reddick' at a truckstop; to watch during the next shutdown in an ice storm. There was no 'Reddick' inside. Instead, there was 'I Robot'. I have never seen that happen before. Do you think someone is trying to tell me something? If you ever see that movie, which I only recommend as military information about the enemy, you will understand what I mean when I coin such a phrase as 'Artificial emotions about Artificial Intelligence will put you in your artificial grave'. All of us! So in this regard, the failures and absurdities of any of us (by pretending that any level of machine functionality is real life) will get us all killed!!!!

I repeat -- the failures and absurdities of any of us (by pretending that any level of machine functionality is real life) will get us all killed!!!!!!!!

I reiterate -- the failures and absurdities of any of us (by pretending that any level of machine functionality is real life) will get us all killed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was building robots before most of you were born. A robot -- is just a robot! And any computer -- is just a computer -- including this one. I will never shake the hand of a robot or a computer. I will flip all of them off, any time.

When you flip off a robot or a computer, what are you really flipping off?
Answer: The flesh and blood Idiots of the Artificial Intelligence Hatred against Nature that created those robots and computers.
Do you want this matter to worsen to the point where when you flip off a robot or a computer you are really flipping off the robots and computers that created them?
If that ever happens -- you had better be killing every robot and computer in sight already. Or, you can bend over and kiss your living ass goodbye.

duhhh da science priests say dat will never happin

da same egotists said the american civil war would never happin



I hope you are a regular reader of this website. If you are, then you are not one of the billions of losers that will suffer and die on this planet without this knowledge. I know, and you know, how important all of this information really is. So important in fact, that even we cannot estimate the enormous extent of its prolonged impact against the enemies of the Human Species; except to say that it is (and will be) great.

So why do I write it in this way? Why do I break it up into pieces and sections that do not seem to be related to each other -- to some people?
Answer: Why do 'maps' exist? What is the value of aerial photography? Why do we need directions from point A to point B? Does not the 'Government' know everything and regulate everything for us? Does not the 'Government' watch over us from cradle to coffin, and always take good care of us so we never have to worry about anything? Isn't everything just happening on its own, and by itself, and just existing in its own way for its own reasons?
Answer: If the Queer Government is controlling everything, how can any thing or anyone just happen on its own? By itself? And just exist in its own way for its own reasons? All of these topics are interrelated to each other. They are all gravitationally linked to the same common core of evils, as exposed by the existence and crimes of the Indicator Evil -- the Deviates.

Example -- only Queers and Shitheads believe Queer Media Lies and follow BBWA orders and watch the TVTT (TV Turd Terrorists) and think they owe the BUWIs anything and want Government Control and Vote. How can it be otherwise in a Society of Liars where everyone is a prisoner of the so-called Powers-That-Be? As always, the prisoners of deviation are much too close to their own misery to realize what is being done to them. For instance, the low-crawling trash that buy new Ford Fuckups (the 'Choice of White Clone Males' per orders from Ford -- home of the Queer Ideas) because of the Queer Propaganda that they are exposed to daily. Those abysmal imbeciles have no idea of what has happened to them. Their spongy skulls are filled with the lies and Queershit of propaganda. They are nothing more than Propaganda Victims -- chained to the monuments of their misery, Ford Fuckups. They might as well be buried in those twisted machines, rather than in coffins. Outside of their sickening existence, their plight and horrible fate is very obvious.

Any of you Young White Males that want to throw your Humanity and Lives away at an early age -- just buy a new Ford Fuckup. BINGO -- INSTANT WHITE PISSANT!!!!!!!!!!
To their everlasting shame, those faggots do have their own Cult Of The White Turds (AKA Cult Of The White Illiterates)(AKA Cult Of The White Clones), full of white pansies that are so brainwashed they have no idea that I am writing the Truth about them; which by now everyone else knows. To join their circle jerk you have to buy a new Ford Fuckup (preferably white) and grin at everybody else on the road; and think that no one else knows that you think your shit is white.
Am I exaggerating this? Of course not, The Cult Of The White Clones is a hand-me-down douche of old and failed propaganda tactics that were previously used by Petty-Politicians-For-Hire, outside of the central death camps (capitals) where the Golden Pimples are located.
It is merely the latest satanic incarnation of a propaganda tactic of the Twisted Species, who used to think they could fool Idiot Voters into believing that Politicians were Superior Beings; because they all drove white SUVs. After I exposed that Queershit on this website the practice died out -- to be revived with the creation of The Cult Of The White Illiterates; a veritable cluster fuck of the most stupid white shitheads driving ugly white fuckups -- and thinking nothing that we would recognize as thoughts.
This undoubtedly proves the horrid sameness of all of the criminal Politics Game and the Ford Genociders. They are one and the same thing. The Verdict Is 'Guilty' -- Case Closed.

[[Now you know why so many Real Men are removing the ugly Ford assholes from their old ford fuckups -- and NOT buying new ones!!!! Who wants to drive a white turd?]]

[[Do you think I should ask permission of those White Niggers to write the Truth about them?
If your answer is "Yes." Take your shoes and socks off.
Look down at your toes.
Do you count ten toes?
Only because they cannot leave, are they still attached to someone as stupid as you.]]

[[Do you think I am wasting your time by repeating facts that have already been written and said before?
Really? Who was John Muir? Who was Theodore Roosevelt?
Why are you supposed to forget they ever existed?
What turds want you to forget?]]

As if blessed with all of the evidence I could ever ask for -- from the BBWA themselves ...
the unbelievably STUPID BBWA have just given me the proof that I needed to show everyone how foul and retarded and twisted they are. Totally unbidden and unwanted, butt useful nonetheless.
I came home recently to find in my post office box a large propaganda brochure from the BBWA and the Politics Gamers at the Golden Pimple on the butt of Iowa in Des Aliens. It is comprised of typical voting advertisements and Queer Propaganda from the Deviates; this time declaring that the Hoggers are beloved members of the Queer Coalition Bladder at Des Aliens.
[[Try to get a copy if you can. File it under Military Information/Ridiculous Fiction.]]
The disguise to it, is a thin attempt to promote the Hoggers of Des Aliens as God-sent benefactors and saviors of the poor and uninitiated Masses; who just do not realize that they are owned. Possessed. Bonded. Needy. Hopeless. In need of saving by a beneficial Mother Government and their cute little angels -- the 300 pound Hoggers.
I paged through the thing. It was like separating leaves of rotten cabbage -- GovernmentShit -- and you know the Queer Government only craps for you if it has no other choice.
Besides the garish propaganda stench to it, my first thought was -- "proves their total insincerity!"


The Hoggers and Government Sucks must be having internal problems in their Queer Coalition Bladder, or the things would not be resorting to mass mailings of such obvious trash; worse than a Kmart sales ad.

Any Human (and therefore benevolent) corporation would have released ten times this amount of information to the public, eighteen months ago and without lies or propaganda. Now -- this trash! It is printed on glossy paper so I cannot even wipe my ass with it.

Besides those obvious reactions, all that I care to add is ...

A. What a terrible world this is with such God-awful BBWA in it.

B. Just the kind of twisted advertising you would expect from a reverse-flow funeral home.

C. Such insults to our intelligence are only created for political purposes and due to recruiting desperation.

D. It is not intended to reassure the People, just fool the stupid ones.

E. Being the boring and typical politics tripe that it is, it is entirely oriented towards the promotion of the Twisted Species.

F. Rival Hoggers are already trying to ruin these Hoggers by enticing employees away using billboard advertisements that promise better wages elsewhere.

G. This proves that the Hoggers in this state are skin-grafted to the Politics Gamers in Des Aliens, like two-headed monsters skin-grafted to each other at their buttocks.


keep this kind of crap out of my post office box


In the darkness of such absurd behaviors by the pathetic White Trash of the Society of Liars, I offer instead some Light and Recognition of our Human Achievements against the SQLD. I have been working on this, off and on, for two years. I have finally settled upon an eleven level system of Honors for the Workers and Fighters of our Species. It is based loosely upon the Honours System of Old England. Take a look at it and you will see its merits. The more you think about it, the more you will find a need for it. My only hesitation about it is, how are we to implement this without Politics?

Awards and Honors for Conspicuous Service and Gallantry against the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead (SQLD):

Hero or Heroine of Planet Earth (HPE)

Guardian of the Truth (GTM or GTF))(Male or Female)

Hero for the People (HPM or HPF)(Male or Female)

Knight or Dame for the People (KP or DP)(Diamonds)

Commander for the People (CPM or CPF)(Male or Female)(Emeralds and Rubies and Gold)

Distinguished Gallantry Order (DGO)(Gold)

Distinguished Service Order (DSO)(Gold)

Distinguished Gallantry Cross (DGC)(Silver)

Distinguished Service Cross (DSC)(Silver)

Conspicuous Gallantry Medal (CGM)(Bronze)

Conspicuous Service Medal (CSM)(Bronze)

I am most probably the only person of our Species who is qualified to create this Honors System for Humanity, as I have already earned all of the male versions of these awards. Without Politics, such an awards system could be very useful.

Let me explain this further, for those of you who have no idea of what this is. I am a person who would never accept awards such as these for myself. I know there could be quite a few Humans who would decline such awards. If these honors were only for the gratification and prestige of the recipients, they would be greatly diminished in value. If instead, they were for the People, then their importance would be paramount and essential for the welfare of the People. How so? It is a little bit difficult to explain ...

*The awards are for the People.
*The more awards the People have, the happier and more stable they are.
*Someone has to bear the awards.
*It would be bogus to simply manufacture awards and delegate persons to wear them for the People to see.
*The People want these awards to be worn by persons who earn them. In that way the People have heroes, but more importantly the population has persons who are good enough to earn such honors within it. The People want persons of such quality and merit amongst their population. Such persons should perform great acts of service and gallantry for their People, and the People should reward them for it.
*It may sound dumb to some of you -- however it is very fundamental and very important for any real society.
*I would not accept any of them for myself. I have already earned all of them.
*This creates what is called a 'Mexican Standoff'.
*Except, I would wear them for the People. For the People, I would wear these medals.
*Hopefully, that takes the Politics out of this Honors System.


Enter Stage Right: Bittacus the Polyphonic Polly, an intrepid Time Traveler made all the more so because he is the most intelligent parrot yet to live on Planet Earth. His origins are not of interest in this account, except to say that he is the escaped survivor of horrible experiments which are routinely performed upon innocent animals by the lunatic 'artificial intelligence' freaks of pseudo-science.

Having narrowly escaped the fate of being turned into a Frankenstein Parrot (complete with electrodes and substitute artificial brain) Bittacus wandered over the heads of Humans for weeks, crapping as often as possible, and occasionally roosting on the outstretched arms of traffic lights -- always looking for a shadows or a back alley or a social niche into which he could fit and blend and disappear. Then one day, while he was flying over a congested scene of pedestrians in Tropical Toledo, a haven of palm trees and lush undergrowth where all birds feel welcome, he espied a troop of clowns making their way through the masses and in haste. His natural curiosity got the better of him and he slowly followed their rapid course through downtown Toledo, and then across the river, and then through the southern suburbs where archaeological digs were uncovering many ancient industries which had previously befouled the Earth -- until the clowns came to a stop at an old railroad marshaling yard out in the countryside that was now densely populated by circuses; a veritable Circus City.

For years thereafter, Bittacus lived in a bright orange boxcar (new and clean fortunately) disguising himself as a common talking parrot. From this city of clowns and acrobats and very unusual Humans, various circuses traveled across the country in great loops that always led them back to their original City of Circuses. In this way, Bittacus traveled with the Humans from state to state in an eternal quest to find someone with whom he could really talk and have a conversation; all the while increasing his knowledge of Human Speech. Often hearkened as the World's Largest Parrot, by the circus people who kept him around for profits, Bittacus was indeed growing larger by the month. Which was a side effect of the experiments that had been performed upon him by the artificial intelligence nasties at 'Alternative Intelligence R Us' -- a subsidiary group of 'Deviates Incorporated'.

Eventually, Bittacus became too large to perform circus tricks or to be displayed as anything other than a curiosity or circus monster, and he lost all means of his former employment. Besides, he did not want to ride the elephants and jump for peanuts. Sad and dejected, he left the circus life at Benson, Arizona after biting the tiny balls off an abusive and drunk used ford fuckup dealer; and wandered aimlessly over Arizona and New Mexico scaring the crap out of ranchers and Eagles and flocks of Vultures. Until one day a tornado caught him up and deposited him onto a lake in Central Iowa. There, he was rescued by the naturalists at Ain't Atheist Astronomers Incorporated; a non-religious group of natural philosophers dedicated to the study of celestial objects that might someday collide with Earth (hopefully). Of which there were seven such objects in prominence at that time.

His new home was a vast astronomical observatory built on the ruined remains of the former Atheist Aims ghetto (a suburb of the infamous Des Aliens Site of Unnatural Pestilence). There he was much happier and he did what he could to help the naturalists with their telescopes and instruments, being very precise and excellent with the cleaning of the lenses and the adjustments of the guidance systems. He lived in useful tranquility and peacefulness, and developed an interest in the subject of Time; which plays a very important part in all astronomical calculations and considerations.

During his stay at the observatory, Bittacus and his new Human friends built for him an array of wingtip prosthetic devices that enabled Bittacus to work better with the many instruments at the facility. In this way, he became as adept at mechanics as any Human technician, and he took on the new habit of reading since he could now handle books and keyboards. Six years after his arrival at 'Celestial Aims' (as it was now called) Bittacus read on the Internet about the recent archaeological find in the deserts of Old New Jersey (where all of Nature had been denuded by raving and lunatic fat robots with windmills sticking out of their butts) of an ancient city composed of boxes for living quarters. According to the evidence uncovered at that site, it seemed that whoever had previously inhabited the ancient city had been small and diminutive persons that lived in box-like cages.

Bittacus, being a curious and typically curious type of parrot, who is never satisfied with the bourgeois explanations that he gets from the 'educated people' about anything that interests him (and apparently fails to interest anyone else) wanted to know how such archaeological ruins as those, that had recently been dug up in the deserts of Old New Jersey, could have existed to begin with. The common explanation was that Old New Jersey had been inhabited by a strange race of dwarves and midgets that had become feeble and pathetic because they had invented huge windmills to rule over them. The dwarves and midgets had lived in small box-like houses and chambers, and had somehow received their daily nutrition from little machines with screens on them. Such little machines were very important to the midgets of Old New Jersey, and were placed at prominent feeding stations inside of the small boxes that the midgets lived in. It was a weird and stunted race, that history records as ceasing to exist due to a slow and gradual mass suicide many thousands of years ago -- in the dawning years of written history when the evil demi-gods known as the 'Medias' tried to prevent the Human Species from reading, and therefore reaching and populating the Stars.

Bittacus did not accept this bland and vague explanation, so he invented a working Time Machine made out of many parts and pieces and lenses and mechanisms of old telescopes. With this incredible invention he intended to travel through Time -- backwards. Parrots are not long range travelers as a rule, however Bittacus found that he was instinctively fond of the idea of traveling for long distances through Time. The mere thought of it gave him the impression of species fulfillment; as though this was the proof that Parrots have a place in the New Galaxy. Which is the same Old Galaxy that it was yesterday, and getting older all of the time -- but don't rain of his parade!

He intended to travel back in Time to the days when Old New Jersey was a green and forested paradise populated by strange dwarves that lived in boxes and sucked nourishment from little boxes with screens, and were ruled by noisy and ugly windmills over their boxes. A voyage of discovery if ever there was one! Except, not all voyages end in glory. What do you think Bittacus would find if he traveled back in Time, many thousands of years, to Old New Jersey in the Year 2016?

Tell the Truth. Bittacus would find a containerized society of Liars and their victims, that never communicated without Satanism as the protocol of all conversations ...

In bars ...
In churches ...
In TV Terror Land ...
In Filthy Monkey Horror Land as scripted ...
In the worst truckstops ...
In Politics ...
In casinos ...
In the Queer Legal Profession ...
In all advertising ...
In unions ...
In city halls ...
In Ford Dealerships ...
In Golden Pimples ...
In Human Zoos ...
In Police Forces ...
In the worst convenience stores ...
In all Military Forces ...

Any Time Traveler that came from the Future to such awful times as these would find no one talking to anyone else except as prescribed and demanded by Queer Propaganda.

They would all be 'communications disabled' and programmed to only speak with the permission of Satanism and Queerism, and then only within the confines of Deviate-Approved Speech. Otherwise known as 'Government Speak'.

Any Time Traveler that came from the Future to warn these people about anything, would find it impossible to get their attention. Even if he got their attention somehow, they would not listen and they would only understand his existence within the incredibly limited duncery of their lives as stooges for Queer Propaganda. Even if they heard his warnings, they would never understand them.

For instance, a few days ago I was at the truckstop in Elk Run Heights which I told you about years ago, where so many hopeless and mindless Black Homo Fascists lose their lives before the hideous TV Gods of Queerism every night. I usually use the other truckstop there, but on this day I needed something at that truckstop. For the first time in years I went there and while I was shopping I looked into the infamous TV room -- and -- two semi-dead Black Homo-Fascists were sitting there (before the TV God) losing their minds and bubbling to each other. Bubbling. Like drowning frogs.

JESUS H. CHRIST !!!!!!!!!!
How pathetic and doomed can you get?

Damned in boxes. Doomed in boxes. Abandoned in boxes. Slaves in boxes, staring at Liars spewing out mindless gibberish on screens. The TV Turd Terrorists should be slaughtered just to free the Black Man all over again.

Except, they ain't Black Men no more. Now, they are just black-skinned Homo-Fascists on the eternal suck for endless lies from Queer Propaganda. Into this Gross-tesque world of freaks and lunatics and perverts Bittacus would arrive in his Time Machine -- looking for dwarves. Instead, he would find full-sized Humanoids that have been pressed and depressed and compressed down into sub-Human lifestyles inside of holding boxes where they were forced to worship and suck on TV Turd Screens all of their lives. The Living-Dead.

Voters. Idiots in herds, that Voted.

It is enough to make a parrot weep, even if he does not like Humans to begin with. Consequently, the more that I think of it the less I like the idea of Time Travel. So far, our ideas about Time Travel assume that the only movement which the machine can perform is forwards or backwards inside of the dimension of Time. Any Time on this planet is fucked up somehow! So why go there? The only kind of time traveling machine that I would be interested in would be a Time Vacuuming Machine. One that automatically went back in Time and vacuumed up (and disintegrated) the assholes that caused all of the horrors on this planet to happen later; such as Deviations, Politics, Medias, Monkeys, PsychCreatures (etc). Think of it! Just set the dial for the 'Queer Legal Profession' and send the Time Vacuuming Machine back one hundred years. Wait ten minutes to cool and suddenly Poof! No Monkey Lawyers or Monkey Judges anywhere. And S.Q.U.I.R.M. would be gone! What a wonderful thing that would be, truly. Worth every penny.



So there I was, minding my own business and looking for fried chicken. I pulled into a truckstop in Eastern Iowa where I remembered they had a big glass counter of fried chicken around noontime, but this time there was no fried chicken. There was no big glass counter. The truckstop had been simplified and reduced to about two-thirds of its original stock and equipment. I left without getting anything. As I was driving away I remembered the last time that I had been there. A large road construction had just been carried out which changed the intersection there, considerably. Before, to get to the store you simply turned off the four-lane highway near to the store and drove a short distance to it. After the changes, that intersection had been erased and a new intersection had been built west of that point with an overpass over the highway. These days, to get to the truckstop you have to get off at the western overpass and drive along the new frontage road about a quarter of a mile to the store. It was the beginning of the end for the truckstop. While it was good for the businesses that were situated along the frontage road, it was the end of regular truck traffic to the store. I thought that would be the result, and the last time I was there I asked the women working there what would happen with the number of trucks stopping there being diminished by the new changes. One of the women denied that there would be any negative effect upon the store. She was obviously afraid of losing workers. She did not want the other women to think. Now, they are all gone and the store is reduced in all ways.

So why did that woman lie?
Answer: Dirty motives. She did not want the Truth told in the presence of the other women. She did not want any of the other women to quit and get jobs somewhere else.

Dirty motives are epidemic in the Society of Liars, and are a secondary scourge caused by the more gross and awful epidemics of Politics and Perversions and Government.

Here are some further examples of what I am identifying as Dirty Motives:

*The NSA denies keeping records and wire taps and illegally gathered information on all Americans. However, the NSA tries to investigate every American that lives; because the NSA is tasked by Queer Government to perpetuate and protect Queer Government, and nothing else. So when questioned, NSA spokes-perverts say lies about NSA operations and motives and deny that they spy on everyone -- for dirty reasons.

*Kmart died, decades late. The scum cunt that managed the Kmart store told me lies about why Kmart died -- decades late. The thing blamed it on Sears and claimed that they were punished for being rescuing angels and saving Sears from bankruptcy. Queershit! We all know why Kmart died -- decades late. Why did that dirty bitch lie to me?
Answer: Dirty motives!!!! Greed. Guilt. Vile habits. Rotten minds. Formerly called 'Liberals'.

[[And I mean so rotten you can smell them on sight.]]

*Why do rotten sales scum sell rotten products to Idiot Voters, knowing that the retards cannot help themselves and have to buy the rotten merchandise because they were raised to be obedient slaves that can only play games between elections?
Answer: Dirty motives.

*All Queers (formerly Liberals) deny that there is a problem with being controlled by Deviate Masters and being forced to do whatever the Deviate Masters tell them to do. Why do they lie, when confession might actually get someone to help them escape?
Answer: Dirty motives. They are afraid that someone will discover the crimes that they have committed while they were slaves of the Deviate Masters.

When someone tries to clean up this world and make it better for all Humans, he or she is always hampered and back-stabbed by bastards and bitches of all guilty and selfish descriptions. For Dirty motives. What has traditionally been done in such cases is to offer amnesty and forgiveness to the petty criminals that are getting in the way of improvements due to Dirty motives.

That is the nice way. History is full of not-so-nice ways. I know all of them, I study them. I strongly suggest that all Humans accept the fact that vermin are vermin and must be stepped on. When it comes to Us relative to the Twisted Species: A nice Human Species is doomed; and a not-so-nice Human Species will hunt them down everywhere in the Galaxy. Study the benefits of being not-so-nice.



The concept of (and values of) putting large tracts of land aside to never be touched or molested by Man is something that the Society of Liars cannot possibly understand. Instead, the SOL is entirely based upon the Greed for Power and Perversions and Politics as is typified by the astronomically berserk and crazy axiom of capitalist economics that demands 'Increased Growth Every Year'. Which is actually a war of bloated boasts and bloated numbers and the feverish frenzy to become an Almighty Corporation (translate as 'separate nation') by eating up and spitting out as many little companies and competing corporations as is possible. It is a lunacy within the insane confines of box-like living, where only urchins and perverts and rats and bugs and TV Watchers and monkeys and slaves and voters and economists crawl -- can crawl. If it was confined properly to the boundaries of the Queer Coalition Bladders in which all such things creep and slither, the Real World would be free of many of their awful negative effects; such as the murdering of entire countrysides in the Real World with ButtUgly Windmills (brought to you by the Vile Lots of Texas White Niggers) just to create dirty electricity for the crawling and vomiting masses inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders.

Now do you understand why the ButtUgly Windmills (brought to you by the Vile Lots of Texas White Niggers) must be stopped? It is not only to save the Real World, it is to stop the worst threats to the Real World -- the Queer Coalition Bladders.

Along these very same lines, the stopping of the building of huge and grotesque power transmission lines is an exact example of what I am writing about -- both to save the Real World and to stop the enemies of all Real Life. No dirty transmission lines equals no dirty electricity equals no ButtUgly Windmills!!!! (brought to you by the Vile Lots of Texas White Niggers)

In Southern Wisconsin there is a group of Real People who are fighting some really anal BBWAs and BUWIs that want to perpetuate Queer Coalition Bladders in the big cities by putting up thousands of huge ButtUgly Windmills (brought to you by the Vile Lots of Texas White Niggers) all over the farmlands and valleys and ridges that make Southern Wisconsin a recreations wonderland -- as it is now -- without the ButtUgly Windmills. The BBWAs and the BUWIs need an ugly transmission line to be strung across the most beautiful parts of Southern Wisconsin before they can annihilate that entire countryside with thousands of ButtUgly Windmills (brought to you by the Vile Lots of Texas White Niggers). The proposed snake is called the ATC.

No ATC.com the central website for this Resistance.

Some supporting websites from this group:


Western dane preservation campaign



Here are weblinks about two other such efforts that have defeated the ButtUgly Windmill Imperials and the Big Business White Assholes and their Deviate Masters ...



Both of these efforts have stopped the BUWIs and BBWAs, despite the Politics Game.

This kind of success is very possible in Southern Wisconsin as well. Of course, I must ask that anyone and everyone who can in any way help the people of Southern Wisconsin prevent the building of the dreaded ATC line -- please do so as soon as possible.

Speaking of snakes, elite and government snakes (like the vermin that control and operate The Cult Of The White Turds) are very narrow minded and stupid. When they attack a Human to make him or her submissive to their demands, they have a very stupid and narrow idea of how they want that Human to react and exist after it has been attacked. If the Human victim does not look and act as their stupid ideas demand, the snakes will try two more times to bludgeon and harass the Human victim into looking and acting as their dirty ideas demand. If, after three attacks, any Human is not completely wrecked and reshaped into the snake's idea of what a successfully ruined Human should look like -- THEY WILL TRY TO KILL THE HUMAN.
Absolute Fact.
Also, the reason why we must have an Open Hunting Season on Snakes.

who will step on these snakes after i am gone



Developer Rodents love expropriation, calling it 'Eminent Domain'.

Expropriation: Definition.
To deprive of property; to dispossess of ownership.
This word is used especially of land taken out of private ownership for public use. The action of expropriating is expropriation, and one who expropriates is an expropriator.
Waverley Pictorial

Why do Developer Rodents get a pass from the Society of Liars?
Answer: Cowardice mixed with Greed mixed with Insanity mixed with Timidity mixed with Brainwashing. In other words -- a Public/Political School education and the subsequent dreary lifestyles of Acceptable Conduct -- according to the expectations of the Vermin that killed everyone with Public/Political Schools. The resulting Developer Rodent Infestation (without opposition) is now wholly out-of-control and threatens the existence of Nature on the Planet Earth.


Developed land is dead land.

When a Developer Turd looks at a living parcel of land it hates the sight. There are no toilet bowls there for it to swim in. It doesn't want to swim in lakes or streams or ponds, it wants toilet bowls. It wants to swim with its own kind. This is quite true, but what makes it all even more raunchy and repugnant is the lunatic idea that some Developer Turds have the crazed idea that society is somehow supposed to respect them and defer to them for killing the planet. It is absurdity blended with guilt as toppings for Greed Pizza.

The Twisted Species could not be more alien than if Mars attacked and turned out to be them, the advance invasion force.


Ask the Anal White Squirrels that make the rodent holes. Rodent holes are the most important things in the world! You have to have rodent holes! For the rodents to put their rodent junk in -- in the rodent society ruled by rodent consumerism!!!!

Every rodent needs a hole to hide rodent treasures in.

If you have squirrels in your neighborhood then you know what rodent behavior is like.

The farmer in the dell
The farmer in the dell
Hi ho the dairy-o the farmer in the dell

The rodents they do swell
The rodents they do swell
Hi ho the fairy-o the rodents they do swell

In holes they go to hell
In holes they send all to hell
Hi ho the faggot-o in holes we go to hell

Today we go to hell
Today we go to hell
So the rodents can have their greedy holes
We all do go to hell

The farmer in the dell
The farmer in the dell
Shoot those crazy varmints before they send us all to hell
Shoot those crazy varmints before we all roast in hell



Where do the BUWIs stash their dead propellers?
Democrap Fort Smudge -- where else?

Look and you will find them.


A BBWA machine world demands conformity to stupefied technologies -- greatly reducing the possibilities of non-technical people finding each other and reproducing. Natural people need to be eliminated for the success of a plastic machine world. The BBWAs need a slave population of techno-addicts -- not -- natural people who do not understand machines and do not want to understand machines.

IN FACT! The BBWAs cannot understand (nor tolerate) the existence of People who do not want to understand machines. They need machine-operating slaves by the millions.

Me -- I know how to operate many different kinds of machines. I have loads of technology in my life, and most of it malfunctions constantly and is over complicated and almost always non-intuitive. Because, intuitive abilities are natural and the BBWA view all natural talents and natural abilities and natural instincts as forbidden and taboo; and to be exterminated for the sake of their goal of masses of fooled and hopelessly trapped (and therefore obedient) slaves, that are permanently dependent upon the unnecessary technologies of the BBWA. Technologies, that are now necessary for all slaves of the BBWA, but never necessary for natural living.


Need proof? Look! Look at what kinds of things work for the BUWIs. The BUWIs only hire dirt bags that are too greedy and too stupid to have a conscience. Those low-lifes cannot feel the guilt that comes with their crimes. Greed and stupidity are always two of the major factors of the Big Business White Man's destruction of this planet; which is no longer 'The White Man's Planet', as they no longer deserve to have a planet.

No one in Human Resistance cares for fakery. No one in Human Resistance cares about anyone's acceptance of fakery. The Society of Liars is full of fakeries, to such an extent that there now exist industries of fakery such as pornography, queer newsrags, mass propaganda, perverted art, politics, so-called conservatives, organized religion merchants, and products dedicated to the worship of the Deviate Masters.


The Big Business White Assholes did not make anything. They did not make the world. They broke everything!


The Deviates are deathly afraid of more of the 'Peters Kind' of opposition -- that is, any more Real Men who can write the Truth. Well, you know what the BBWA say -- "There is nothing worse than a properly guided prophet, or a prophet that cannot be bought."

who could guide a prophet


Creeping famine keeps pace with the creeping developments of Big Business White Assholes. The linkage is obvious and increasing.


“What do you not understand ...?” Have you had to use these words yet? When some debrained idiot of the voting scam asks you some dumb question like -- “Why don't yous Resistance advertise? Da purverts doooo!”

Really? What do you not understand? The perverts advertise with perverts. What do you not understand about ...

TV Turd Terrorists
Filthy Monkey Horrors
Anal Pornography queer newsrags
Anal-sucking queer magrags
Monkey Lawyer Chimps from Hell
Monkey Judge Perverts from Hell
County Coyotes
Con Artists

I never like to tell you what to think -- however, I know for a fact that a solid wall of Truth (such as the above) is impenetrable to the Deviates that force Queer Propaganda upon the masses. The mass idiots, that the Deviates lie to, cannot get over that wall.

Are we the only ones who put up walls to keep Idiots out?
Answer: No, of course not. The BUWIs and all Big Business White Assholes (Ford etc) are constantly putting up walls of non-information or dis-information to prevent anyone in the 'voting masses' from knowing where they will kill the Earth next -- and -- what their intended 'Anal Machine World' will look like when they are finished killing the real planet. Have they revealed to you what the Dead Earth will look like when it is just a corpse? No, of course not. That might boil the frog too quickly. And, scare the tiny-brained Ford Fuckup drivers.



BUWIs have all of the artistic abilities and aesthetic sensibilities of vampire bats. I am surprised that they do not hang upside-down from their own dirty electricity lines in the daytime, and then suck Filthy Monkey blood at FM stations all night.


The BUWI minions are always comprised of the lowest forms of trash that have absolutely no morals or consciences or caring for the Earth, but can still do meager jobs of killing and raping and murdering the Earth. It is a practice that is straight out of the BBWA playbook, and exposes the BUWIs as the BBWAs.

Look for yourself, look at the things that work for the BUWI companies. They are all toads. Stupid minds in fogs of egomania and queer orders. Not one of them cares about what it is doing to this planet, but they are just smart enough to know that they are killing it and to know that they do not care because they will not be alive to see it die. Big and fat or thin and small and everything in between -- if it is BUWI curse its name forever.

Do you understand me? I am talking about BUWI/BBWA trash that should be crawling on their bellies everywhere they go, begging for forgiveness every yard of slime they lay down.


BUWIs see and fear all signs of protest from the People whose lives they are destroying. They pretend to laugh at all protests because the mere People are supposed to be mere slaves without the proper education (brainwashing). But, underneath their Queershit lies they fear all opposition to their rape of the Earth.


Hypocrisy: BBWAs have no respect for the land or anyone's property whatsoever -- but they put up barbed wire and electric fences to protect their invasions of the land at substations. They are building new and ugly substations out in the Real World that look like thick steel cages with high metal walls and electrified fences that are so strong they could imprison out-of-control M1A1 Abrams tanks, with crazy artificial intelligence crystal balls for brains. What is their criminal excuse for that hypocrisy?

In Fact!!!! Now That I Think Of It, They Look Exactly Like Prisons! Those Places Would Make Fine Prison Camps For Politicians And BUWIs And The BBWA After The Revolution!!!!

OMG! Another Great Idea!

I Should Get Another Medal For This One!

Besides, one mortar could take out any of those substations. They would work better as electrocution chambers for Texas 1984 White Niggers, and serve nicely as prison camps for Politicians. When you see one, you will immediately know what I mean.



Sayeth the utility termite -- “...until armed assistance arrives!”:

This is a direct quote from Utility Termites that work for the Hogger Invaders that want to own Wright County; heard at a store in Fort Drudge; heard by myself directly.

Utility Termite 1: “What do we do if that county of (bleeps) won't give up?”

Utility Termite 2: “Just keep our heads down until armed assistance arrives!”

There was also mention of assassinating me, but such plans are a dime-a-million so they can be ignored. Very obviously, those were two out of state poachers. Planet wreckers. Most of the Utility Termites involved in the Rape Years of Iowa are out of state poachers. Armed assistance for what? A military takeover of Wright County? With the hot and eager and greedy assistance of the local Politicians and Elitist Assholes, of course.


The same level of lowness and evil is shared by Planet Rapists and Deviates and Monkey Judges and Politics Gamers and Incrazies and Serial Killers and Government Sucks and West Des Aliens Insurance Medicine Quacks and Demento Lesi-turds of the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone and BBWAs and Queer Media Hacks and Berserkers and Filthy Monkey Horrors and BUWIs.


Why are the Utility Termites waiting for “armed assistance to arrive” at the new slaughterhouse? (direct quote heard by me) Who told those Utility Termites that armed assistance is going to arrive to suppress and control the people of Wright County? Why are the Utility Termites that shop at Fort Drudge, and work at the Hogger's Hell, saying “we have to wait for armed assistance to arrive”?

And, in what form?
1. Ku Klux Clan?
2. Neo Nazis?
3. Chicago Hitmen?
4. Killer Swats for Deviates?
5. Queer Government Enforcers?
6. Private Mercenaries?
7. Brainwashed National Guard?
8. Fat Black Radical Females from TV?
9. Death-spewing Filthy Monkey Horrors?
10. Derr Momma?
11. NO! IT CAN'T BE!
      NOT-- F E M A !!!!

Who or what is evil and vile enough to attack the county population here, to whip and scare them into acceptance of our new Masters; their Masters. And then -- how many of us will be forced to accept Hogger Sodomy and Virulent Dependency Diseases to keep us quiet? A Dependency Disease means that only the Hoggers have the antidote, which they will administer in small quantities; laced with more Dependency Diseases.

[[Queerism is a Dependency Disease.]]

Meanwhile, the County Elite will have new and bigger swimming pools installed in their backyards. And, nothing that looks like a common turd will be allowed in. Elite turds sometimes.



The BBWAs do not care what their slaves know or think about what the BBWAs do against the Earth and against Humanity. They have paid their dues to the scum players of the Politics Game; who promise to keep the People suppressed and depressed and fooled and confused, even if military force is required.

[[It is the Politics Players that fear the People. The Politics Players need Idiot Voters to perpetuate their Politics Game.]]

The BBWAs always bribe whatever Politics Players are needed to keep public dissension and resistance disabled. That is just 'Good Business Practice'! You must stand against all of that political gaming in your own country! No one who thinks -- votes!


I saw last week on the Internet that the Queer Government Game is shut down. Did we recycle the buildings? Have all Deviate Buildings of the Horrid Government been demolished and recycled? What do the citizens plan to build where those outhouses were?

Remember, by rights those lands belong to the People and NOT to the Twisted Species that represents no one except themselves. At this time, there are thousands of Alien Buildings built by the Twisted Species on the lands of the People. Those lands must be repatriated to the People by the complete removal of those Alien Buildings.

Has the process of their destruction begun?


What is the psychotic wonderment about the Politics Puppet Shows on the TV Monstrosity? Who could care what the perverts do to each other on TV Game Shows? Why is anyone interested? Why would anyone watch such deliberate puppet shows from the Politics Game? Planned for the sole purpose of fooling Idiots into thinking that Politics is still important and must be watched.


A few days after Part 1 of this message was put out, I began to notice a dichotomy of reactions to it. The general splatter of the reactions seems to be moving in four de-centralized directions towards four distinctly different reactions:

1. The more stupid and hopeless a person is due to slavery -- which means the person is immersed in the hopeless plight of minion workers in huge corporations that have already been poisoned and stained by unfettered Queer Propaganda being forced upon the employees -- the more that person says that my messages are weird and strange and meaningless. Of course, none of them know a tree. If by accident there are trees on their rental properties -- they ignore them and curse them when they have to rake the leaves.
2. Fetish Pseudo-Revolutionaries.
3. Big Business White Assholes.
4. Black Homo-Fascists in a funk from being ignored and rejected.


The new Hogger Death Camp is seen by every greedy asshole within a one hundred mile radius as the 'Big Stink of the Future'! Which is what little stinks live for.

It is so lonely being a little stink without a Big Stink to blame for every huff and puff.

And after all, an ass must be an ass must be an ass must be an ass ...


The Twisted Species: Definition.
Includes all creatures of (and adherent to) the Politics Game. Unable to reproduce with Real Humans due to the utter contempt of their putrid insides felt by all sentient and thinking life forms.
One of the 'Most Foul Class' of semi-sentient and rapacious disease species.
Extremely dangerous and genocidal wherever allowed to attack the Universe.
Exterminate on sight.


To Young White Men:

I really bleed for you guys. The perverts of The Cult Of The White Clones makes all of you look really bad to the Idiot Masses, which is mostly comprised of Idiot Voters. Your Public Image is being defamed by the Queer Propagandists at BBWA companies, who give orders to the flaming faggots of The Cult Of The White Turds.

Meanwhile, the second line of defense of all Masculinity on this Planet is the Young Black Men, and they are being decimated by our enemies. Behind your backs and over your heads!!!!

The hideous Lesie-turds are lobbing mortar shells over your heads, while you are preoccupied with allowing faggots in new Ford Fuckups to pretend to be the Young White Men -- YOU!

They are hitting the Young Black Men with pussy bombs! The Young Black Men have a terrible weakness for hot young White Sluts. The Lesie-turds are using that weakness against them, to addict them to pornography, and to accuse them of rape whenever possible and send them to jails where they do not deserve to go! The enemy is decimating the second line of defense using Young White Sluts that know no better, and were trained to hate Young Black Men and to get them imprisoned by using sex to trap them into prisons.

You know what I mean. The Young Black Men have a real weakness for Young White Females. Plus -- there are two other things occurring at the same time. There is a dementia going on in the ranks of the Black Power Males, that says that they can get even for being dominated by the White Folks by fucking as many Young White Chicks as they can -- thereby addicting those Young White Chicks to sex with Black Men. Which the chicks will not get again unless they obey the rules of Black Power. Otherwise, they are used and made addicted to sex with Black Men, and then they are never allowed to have sex with Black Males again.

At the same time, there is a hatred of Black Power Males on the part of Older White Females, for doing that to them when they were young. Now, the Older White Females are using Young White Females to trap Young Black Men into situations where they can be accused of rape and jailed. This is not as impossible as its sounds, in fact it is prevalent and happens often; thus generating an industry of cheap labor in prison factories where the slaves are Young Black Men, who were falsely accused (set up and hopeless).

Who do you think profits by that prison labor?
Answer: All of the BBWAs and the Government Scum.

This is happening in this country.

Thus, the second line of defense for all Masculinity on Earth is being destroyed by our enemies, using the weapons of Lust and Hatred and the Queer Monkey Judges.

Be aware of this. Do you want to be the only line of defense?


So-called 'Conservatives' on the Queer Medias are con-artists and pretenders and Deviates and Thieves-of-Your-Minds. They are just a large scam in a sick-sick-sick world of scams and mass propaganda. A scam inside scams. And, they are dependent entirely upon the continued scams and games that must be eliminated from our lives. So, do you think those punks that call themselves 'Conservatives' are going to help us to get rid of the lies and liars and games that are killing us? Or -- perpetuate the lies and the Liars and the games that are killing us?

In Reality (and in all real effects) the phony so-called 'Conservatives' are the cheerleaders and the organ-grinders and the peanuts&popcorn vendors for the Politics Game. They are permanently a part of the Twisted Species of Politics.

Their stupid audience is exactly what you would expect it to be. Only Shitheads and Queers watch TV, or listen to FM or read anal pornography in queer newsrags and queer magrags. That is never going to change.


If you get more spies you get more lies.
If you get more lies you get more spies.
What could be more natural in an unnatural world?


The scum of the Politics Game will never understand why the things must cease to exist: All ass looks and smells like ass, no matter how you paint it. All evil looks and smells like evil, no matter how you paint it. All greed looks and smells like greed, no matter how you paint it. All business looks and smells like planet-killing maggots, no matter how you paint them.

And what do maggots know?
Answer: Eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap, eat and crap ...


Dealing with any population of Idiot Voters is like dealing with a herd of simpletons that took the mandatory spoonful of brain killer at every lunchtime in Public/Political school. Labeled as 'Teacher Preferred Yummy Juice', of course.

Surprised? You shouldn't be, there exists in this country a small army of Bitch-Whipped Neutered White Males that have taken the mandatory spoonful of 'We's stoooopid juice'; and now think they exist as a counter-revolutionary force that will keep all of the poor and defenseless bitches from being hurt by the Big Bad Revolutionaries that want to kill 'The American Way'. Which happens to be whatever Queer Propaganda says it is this week. Look for mindless and Bitch-Whipped White Niggers in your local supermarket. Look for mindless and Bitch-Whipped White Niggers driving Ford Fuckups in your local supermarket.


The Twisted Species of the Politics Game: The reason why lessons about the evils and horrors of Politics have no effect upon Politics Gamers is because they are not part of the Human Species. No sane Human would reproduce with a Politics Gamer. I call the things 'The Twisted Species', with brains like mounds of spaghetti.

A Twisted Species that can only exist on our planet if our Species is constantly lied to and fooled and beaten down by their Politics Game. Forced domination. Domination by force of lies and deceptions and false realities and mental attacks of all kinds. An invasion by subterfuge.


Speaking of what is allowed and perpetuated by the cowardly act of Voting ... do Idiot Voters know what they are voting for? Are they aware that the Ford Nazis depend upon voting? Do they have any idea that Rodents of all descriptions rely heavily upon the existence of greedy Politics Gamers as tools and weapons against the Truth and against the Human Species, and even against their own slaves?

For example -- why do Developer Rodents want to build more and more parking lots to smother the Earth with?
A. Parking lots allow strip malls and shopping plazas and shopping centers to be built.
B. That creates many more places for cheap Chinese merchandise (from hugely over-developed places like Chongqing) to be sold to the rodentized slaves of the Deviate Masters.
C. Here in America, the Developer Rodents get an Annual Percentage Of The Profits from the retail companies that sell cheap Chinese merchandise, using the mall spaces that they lease from the Developer Rodents.
D. In this way the Developer's World of 'Rodentia' is sustained and perpetuated. Thus assuring a steady and gluttonous income for all Developer and Realtor Rodents.
E. The cost of all of this is negligible to the Rodents, and is only measured in the wasted lives of slaves.



As you can easily see, the propaganda tactic of Population Overthrow By Assimilation And Then Domination is being applied by the Government Hoggers, who stupidly think they can control Wright County for the scum at the Golden Pimple.

So far, ordinary County Coyote Control And Deception has not been enough to silence Humanity at Wright County. I Am Not Dead.

Remember, all of the Known Queers that are part of the Queer Coalition Bladder at Des Aliens are supporting the Government Hoggers (Government Owners).

What is 'Assimilation'?
Assimilation: Definition from the BBWA Bible.


About Queer Tokenism Extremism: This pertains to Black Male Whores that are hired to do all manner of queer activities in an effort to pretend that Queerism is a Freedom from racism, instead of the mental disease that we all know it to be. Example -- Black Male Whores singing White Homo-Fascist songs. Black Male Whores pretending to be White Historical Figures in modern HollyQueer movies. Black Male Whores pretending to be White Truth Sayers on TV (etc).

It does NOT include the Gender-Demented Filthy Monkey Horrors pretending that sexual orientation exists and both genders are "fluid" and interchangeable at Filthy Monkey Stations -- for a fee of course. This is a case of vile opportunism and incorporated dementia. The New Gender Menu at the Filthy Monkey Stations reads as follows:

Queerism Spasms are standard with all insanities.
You may choose as many as three rotating pretenses ...


And, that is just page one of the FM Hit Parade. There is no learning curve there because you just heard it all.



Feel like leaving Human Resistance?
Are you tempted to ignore your own Species now that there is no danger of Mass Genocide?
Think again. To our enemies, all of you are just 'one-of-something' that is in the way of their anal victory over all real life forms. I know this very well. All throughout this war, the worst killers of the SQLD have been demanding that I be killed off (murdered), and they have been insisting that it is ridiculous to let me stay alive. After all, I am just 'one-of-something' to the Deviates. During the thirteen years that I was fighting the SQLD in the HBHZ, there were Killer Faggots constantly demanding that I be assassinated for the so-called 'Agenda'.
And, it is all because of the mass needs and the mass dementias and the mass requirements and the mass fever of Queer Propaganda.
I will explain again: the Queerism Disease demands the death of all natural life forms -- and -- each operational generation of servants and minions and killers for the Agenda of the disease are to be replaced by more horrible perverts with worse killer tendencies.
That is all being impeded and blocked by Human Resistance. So ... the Killers want me dead. They want Human Resistance dead. Even though it means that they themselves will be deactivated and replaced by even worse operational perverts.
It includes all of you. To any disease, each of you is just 'one-of-something'.
Get familiar with two new phrases that hugely apply to you ... 'one-of-something' and 'all-of-which'.
To any disease each of you is just 'one-of-something'. 'All-of-which' must serve the disease as hosts until dead.
To the Queerism Disease, you are all hosts that must be killed off in any way possible until there simply are no more of you.
Wander away from Human Resistance and your own Species, and you immediately become a tempting 'one-of-something' target again.


HollyQueer false acceleration:

There they go! The false dreamers in their false worlds of TV Watching, driving at false acceleration to the 'Land of the stupid face'. The stupid face on their own skulls ,where they will have to say -- “duhhh! How did I kill somebody? How did dat happin? Duhhh!”

Blasting along the highways like lunatic TV Junkies on steroids to their own demented destinies -- where they will stand next to dead bodies and say -- “duhhh! How did I kill somebody? How did dat happin? Duhhh!”

Driving like mad dreamers to their own stupid fate ... waiting for them where they least expect it. False acceleration kills more than one at a time.


Remember the trucker who said he reads these messages because they are so outrageous. He is now either dead -- or -- writing this way himself.

What is the Truth, is the Truth. Never to be taught in Public/Political schools or to be allowed in polite 'Oh Ick' society.

In other words, this is life without the blindness of cowardice and dumb acceptance and voting.


I want to ask my readers a question:

Are you seeing and hearing persons who look and act as though they are Real Humans, however they are saying that they are going to walk away from “Those people” (Human Resistance) because we are not going to help anything? Do you hear them telling you to “Walk away from (Human Resistance). It is worthless. You will waste your life with them.”

TRANSLATION -- “We are hopelessly fornicated between our ears! Our brains are fucked up forever! We think that the Medias are Truth Sayers and all-important to our future. We vote, and we expect Politics to continue forever. Also, we need the Deviates and the Politics Game to achieve our financial goals. We are dependents of both games, the Deviate Game (aka shit agenda) and the Politics Game. We oppose all Human Resistance in any form. We are shameless slaves.”

Those shameless slaves are playing games with you:
1. As Humans you are naturally having meetings and conferences about the topic of Species survival against the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead (SQLD). I have the best wishes for all such Humans, and I hope you succeed.
2. Those meetings threaten the SQLD. Inside of the SQLD are many games such as the Deviate's Game and the Politics Game and the 'Fly the flag at half-mast game'. Also, the hidden game of 'Lower the flag and surrender our assholes at the first sign of Foreign Invasion' game; which they do not tell you about.
3. In an effort to prevent your meetings from having any lasting effect against themselves and the games that they are part of, they always try to infiltrate your meetings with saboteurs. Such spies try to become friendly with as many of you as they can. Once they think they have some of you fooled into believing that they are your friends -- they try to denounce and 'boo-hoo' the idea of Human Resistance. They attempt to lead away from Humanity anyone who is stupid enough to listen to their Queer Propaganda.
4. That! Is what you are seeing and hearing! That, is who the persons are, who look and act as though they are Real Humans -- however they are saying that they are going to walk away from “Those people” (Human Resistance) because we are not going to help anything.
5. Such spies and infiltrators look at all of you with the eyes of Vultures. They see a 'Plate of Des Aliens Crap' on your vehicle (where a real license plate should be) and they know you are vulnerable and easily fooled. They see that you accept the Queershit of flying our flags at half mast, for Queershit reasons that only the Deviates and the Politicians know about and care about. To them, there are many little signs of your acceptance of foreign rule and alien domination by the Deviates and the Politics Gamers.

In other words -- they think you are easy targets.

When they try to be your friends, act in self defense; unless you want to go to the places where you can see dead persons whose eyes are blinking but seeing nothing. Stay aware. Stay alive. Kick them in their 'Genitals this Week'.

genitals that weak


I am completely aware of the lies of the Deviate Gamers and the Politics Gamers that want to prevent the destruction of those games; in regards to their comparing Human Resistance to the soap box orators and public square speakers that exist in England and France and other European countries. What they are not telling you is that they hope to apply the 'Lie Enough Rule' to the true identity of Human Resistance, in the hope of fooling us into believing that we are in the same category as those soap box orators and public square speakers of Europe. As chicken-brained as that sounds, it is just the kind of ridiculous propaganda ploy that the Queer Medias would attempt.

Answer: The Deviates and the Politics Gamers of England have already told the Deviates and Politics Gamers at Wash This Death City some (if not all) of their tactics for disarming and confusing and denouncing and imprisoning the soap box orators and public square speakers in the country of England that they infest. The Gamers that infest this country, want to apply those lies and terror tactics against Human Resistance here in America. However -- before that is possible they must fool everyone (who is a revolutionary in America) into believing that they are only soap box orators and public square speakers of minor importance, and they will always have great vulnerability and no social power whatsoever.

If the Deviates can use their 'Lie Enough Rule' against us, and get us to fall out of the Truth about ourselves -- then -- they can attack us with all of the methods of suppression and torture and illegal imprisonment that their countercraps in England taught them. This is just another reason for them to attempt to infiltrate our ranks and try to divide us from within.


I am also quite aware of their lies about my appearance and their attempts to present me as a totally unsuitable person for 'The Public Mainstream'. Besides, my appearance is partly an attempt to play with their pretenses and fakeries and lies -- and there are a few other natural reasons for the way I look. Those scum know that, so they lie about my appearance. I could not care less.

I know that some of you want me to make videos to counter the absurd four-color brochures and propaganda leaflets of the Deviates. You should be far beyond that by now. Think about what I am saying. If you have a Post Office Box, you are very used to 'Throwing Out The Trash'. If you have your own mail box out at the street, you should have a metal trash can next to it for such trash as Queer Propaganda mailings and Queer Government advertisements. Put six bricks in the bottom of the metal trash can so it will not spill over and use plastic bag liners. Dispose of such garbage as soon as you see it.


Writing is so enormously important to any intelligent species that I am not worried or bothered by those people who are shaking their heads and saying to themselves that they cannot believe that Peters only intends his messages for his readers. That is how they see this. They are not readers, and they were never trained in the arts of reading; which must exist and are extremely important. I am a writer, so I automatically have the abilities to read, only more so than the average person.

Aside from the scabs and freaks and imbeciles that I have already thrown out of my readership (and the Species), the People who think that these written messages are only for my readers are blinded to Reality. The terrible prolonged exposure to lies and mass propaganda that they have already suffered, has disabled them to the point where they can only equate the dissemination of information as what happens on TV or FM or in the queer newsrags. We already know that none of those Queer Medias ever disseminates information; they always (and only) spew out Queer Propaganda, minute by minute and hour by hour. I should be disappointed with the head-shaking media addicts that cannot understand anything other than the simple lies that they are told to repeat by the Huffingbutt's Post (Ministry of Queer Propaganda). I am not really angry about them, I just want all of you to know that I am quite aware of them and their plight.

A lot of fools are going to go down with the Ship of Queers.


Dumbest truckstop in the Midwest award:

This goes to the psychotic truckstop in Waupun, Wisconsin at the top of Queer Road 151. Three abysmally stupid clerks looking at a TV Terrorism tube and watching a TV Dyke say something as if it was somehow important. End of truckstop, now a pest hole. Not one sound or sight from the TV Turd Terrorists is real. Everything on TV is a lie, without exception. TV Turd Terrorism is the most negative and hideous collection of Liars swimming in lies that exists in the Known Universe; a horrid TV Black Hole on Earth. No living life form watches the TV Turd Terrorists unless ordered to do so, or collecting military information. There are no excuses, and there is no such thing as 'Temporary Death while watching TV followed by Rejuvenation to Life again' when the eyes close. No such convenience and metamorphosis exists. TV watchers are the Living-Dead and God-Damn -- Do They Ever Look Dead!


The assholes of today that drive automobiles like they were born with the right to do so, do not care one iota about the People of the Future. They have not one micron or microgram of consideration or care about what the lives of Future People will be like -- nothing. To them People of the Future are just the Ghosts of the Future that they do not want to be responsible for; and whatever happens to them is their problem. Meanwhile, they drive fat cars with fat fingers and fat bellies and fat faces and fat brains and never care about the future or about each other -- unless there is an accident, and they have to lie more than the other driver lies.

As I told the People of the Future -- they were shit.


Need a typical example? Of Queershit slogans designed to promote forgetfulness so the next wave of attacks and genocides against the Human Species can be started?

One of the latest advertisement slogans being used against the masses is -- 'Forgiveness Brings Freedom.'
My response: Dog Splatter and Horse Pucky!!!! Talk about 'Political Necessity' and the desperate need for Forgetfulness by the Masses! That is it! Such tripe. Such pablum for the masses! Such brainwashing should be illegal.

Another Queershit excuse is -- "Oh, you don't understand the complexities and the necessities of Our City!" -- And/Or -- "You don't understand our financial and social needs here in Xxxxx County!" Just before they shut off the cameras for a rousing social coyote howl.

Filthy propaganda like that is also intended to excuse the awful crimes of Developer Rodents and Realtor Rodents like the Scum Squirrels that are ruining Rapid City, South Dakota (Rapidly-Dying City) as I write. It is all lies from the hell-bound personalities that should never have been born. This is exactly the kind of ugly self-promotion and self-approval by evil assholes that happened at Wash This Death City on June 26, 2013. When five naked monkeys in a cage (less-supreme-than-anyone-else) took a dump in their cage and expected the Human Species to eat it. [[Now, more than five years later, that crap has fossilized in their cage -- uneaten.]]


Wherever White Niggers are perpetrating horrendous crimes against God and Nature and the Human Species -- you will see their over-sized and raunchy billboard lies and graphic slogans designed to stupefy Idiots and convince lamed brains that nothing is wrong; and to insist that 'White Nigger Crimes' are always acceptable and forgivable in any Niggerized Society (otherwise known as 'Nigger-Rigged Whities').

dem white folks aint crazy
dem white folks is rigged

What is happening at Rapidly-Dying City is just another reason to preserve all of South Dakota as a 'World Wonders Parkland' as soon as possible, before the White Squirrels ruin it forever. No White Nigger cares about government rules, unless those rules allow that White Nigger to be a successful White Nigger.


it is truly a madness


Question: How much of a billboard do you accept?

By that I mean, after you see a billboard and you say to yourself -- "How can we get rid of those intrusions upon our daily eyesight?" is there a part of your brain that says -- "Oh Ick, well I guess there is no getting rid of that stuff." ?

That is acceptance of their twisted intrusions into your daily life.

The acceptance rate should be ZERO PERCENT.

I am writing about Personalized and Personality Billboards ... the greedy and commercial and unwanted eyesores. Drive on Interstate 90 in South Dakota and you will see what I mean.

Don't Get Me Wrong -- Billboard Directories Of Services Ahead Are Extremely Essential!!!! Mandatory!!!!!!!!!!

What has to go is all of that greedy commercialization of our country's highways, which is never satisfied because of the ...


Get it now?


I apologize to my readers. I might have written June 26, 2013 as June 26, 2015 in some of my latest messages. Not because I am slowing down, but because anything that those monkeys do means nothing to me to begin with. That crap has been sitting on the floor of that cage since June 26, 2013.


Speaking of fertilizer! Here are some last minute weblinks about how to plant a garden. Tis the season, and please get outdoors and do some gardening and/or trimming and/or grove making.

Attracting Hummingbirds

Australia Interactive Plant Hardiness Zone Map

Butterflies and Moths of North America

China Interactive Plant Hardiness Zone Map

Companion Planting--Urban Farmer Seeds

Garden Planting Guide--Urban Farmer Seeds

Germany Interactive Plant Hardiness Zone Map

Grow Guide Plant Index

Growing Zones--Urban Farmer Seeds


Home Vegetable Gardening In Kentucky

Introduction to Perennial Garden Design

Italy Interactive Plant Hardiness Zone Map

Lowe's How To Library--Gardening

My First Garden--A Children's Guide

Native American Seed--Wildflowers and Native Prairie Grasses

Native Plant Database--Grow Native!

Plant Information--Chicago Botanic Garden

Planting Instructions--Reimer Seeds

Quiet CornerGarden Ideas Archives--Quiet Corner

Russia Interactive Plant Hardiness Zone Map

South Africa Interactive Plant Hardiness Zone Map

United Kingdom Interactive Plant Hardiness Zone Map


Markel Peters










I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message.
Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.



























Labels Of All Posted Messages--A Way To Search Through Messages By Labels

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed


This blog exists to inform the People, of the 'Real Truth' about the real enemies of the Human Species. These Truths are not objectionable, as they are Truths. Only the telling of them can be objectionable, to those who wish to hide the Truth. If the Truth is something you HATE and therefore object to - go elsewhere!


Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!


The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.