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Showing posts with label Politics Gnomes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Politics Gnomes. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Part 2 -- Another Fine Visit to Fort Dodge. And what are the Hucksters?



Main Theme:

The Deviates and Demented White Females (DWC) are very unhappy that there are any cities that now have happy populations of alive and awake People who might begin to have a Will Of Their Own.

That ruins the mandatory sewage in which the Shit Agenda must exist.

It is also very hard on the Hucksters.


The Hucksters:

What is a Huckster?

With a few examples.

0. Hucksters are Liars. Liars are Bullies. Bullies are Murderers.

1. Any Jive-Ass Pimp running Forrid Punks. As I said before, many of the Pissants that watched TV and therefore expected the Human Species to die on June 26, 2013 are now recruited by the Deviates to drive Forrid Abominations. Stupid is always Stupid and is no loss to the Species.

2. DWCs pushing Queer Propaganda onto customers at Quickie convenience stores. Their stupid punks (that drive Forrid Abominations) are literally the death of their vile bowel movement being flogged into Living-Death. Abominations in Abominations.

3. Any thing on TV Turd Terrorist channels.

4. Radio talk show producers.

5. Ministry for Queer Propaganda -- the Huffingbutt's Post.

6. Any thing at a Forrid Sewership.

7. Politics Gnomes that own and operate Politician Puppets. Remember them?

8. Hideous anal creatures at S.Q.U.I.R.M. -- that give orders to all Monkey Judges. (Satanic and Queer Union of International Rabies Monkeys) (aka Democrap Attorney General of Connecticut Rabies)

9. The Cult Of The Asshole at the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone. Masters and inventors of much of the depravity and insanity of the SQLD. (Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead)

10. The 'IT Creature' at Queer Headquarters, in Wash This Death City. (WTDC)

11. Any NEA/APA/ACLU Teacher Turd in any Public/Political School.

12. Any so-called 'Social Worker' for any so-called 'Government'.

13. Any 'Middle-Bastard-For-Hire'. (Formerly Middle-Managers-For-Hire).

[[Remember -- these are types and examples of 'Hucksters' in existence in these years.]]

14. Any old and jive ass White Nigger driving a Forrid Abomination, and knows it is a 'Huckster'; with that Sodomy Trainer's grin on its face.

15. Any Abortionist that says it only kills babies for money -- not Sport.

16. Any Developer Rodent that says it only kills the Earth for mankind -- not for pleasure.

17. Any Politics Puppet that says it represents any 'People' of any description.

18. Any Pervert with 3 or 4 brain cells, that gives orders to Forrid drivers with 1or2 brain cells.

19. Any punk White Nigger Faggot driving a Forrid (usually 'Pimp's Faggot White) that tells its 'Girl Friend' that it loves her.

Incidentally, many of the 'Girl Friends' are getting sick of their Faggot Boy Friends.

20. Any Serial Killer that tells its victims that it is all their fault.

21. Any manager of any store that tells the customers that the ceiling speakers are there for their convenience, and not for Queer Propaganda.

22. Any thing that sucks government paychecks and tells anyone that it is not wasting the taxpayer's money.

23. Any anal pornographer at any queer newsrag that pretends to write.

24. Any thing that works for any so-called 'Election Process'.

25. Any Government Suck that pretends that 'Conservatives' and 'Liberals' ever existed.

26. Any Media Hack that pretends that the medias have anything to do with the 'News'.

27. Any commercial thing that lives by the commercial rule of 'Continued Annual Growth'.

28. Any Big Business White Asshole (BBWA) that says the natural resources of the planet are not being depleted rapidly.

29. Queer Disney.

30. Warner Buggers.

31. HollyQueer.

32. Entire Queer Legal Profession.

33. Insectoid Bitches at the cell phone store that steal your unlimited data plans.

34. Any food producer that claims that artificial ingredients are as good for you as Nature's own creations (Organic).

35. The Massaturds Lottery.

36. Democraps or Repucraps -- toss a coin.

37. Any sales slime ball that says one thing is better than another, when all it cares about is a bigger sales commission for the other.

38. Any thing that watches TV and tells its 2 surviving brain cells that watching TV is for the good of everybody in that skull. Whereupon one brain cell dies.

39. Any thing that says it only helps Perverts because it sympathizes with the things.

40. Clearance sales of brand new used refurbished like-new recycled remanufactured gum drops.

41. Any thing that says the Filthy Monkey Horror Band is 'Radio'.

42. Any thing that says that 'Federal Government' is necessary.

43. Any thing that says so-called 'Sexual Orientation' exists.

44. Any thing that says the (g-a-y crap) exists.

45. Any thing that says 'Homophobia' exists.

46. Any liar that says the 'United States Armed Forces' still exist.

47. Complete objectivity and total lack of political bias by Utility Board members.

48. Their Mommas wear Army boots.

49. Any thing that says ButtUgly Windmills are for the 'People', and not for the big city slave populations addicted to blood electricity.

50. Cardboard fiber particles in the meat loaf at the Quickie convenience stores. Look for yourself. Cardboard is cellulose. Cellulose is used in Fiber Supplements. This is one step away from 'Soylent Green' fillers.

51. A dozen hairs from a Yetti boiled in Bat's urine and drunk with two breaths of the London Fog Monster will cure Influenza. (aka Pharmaceuticals)

52. Queer Government Vaccines will prevent Queer Government Viruses; for Humanitarian reasons. Not for population control by fear.

53. Government-authorized anything is the best anything.

54. To have a bald perverted head is to shine like a star in the Heavens; at the whorehouse under the sheets.

55. You find only the 'Best People' at the whorehouse under the sheets. In the closet.

56. The only things that take their slaves to 'Smelltone John' concerts; in chains of course.

57. Any thing that says any thing is equal to any other thing -- unless all such things come from the same Media Orifice.

58. Keepsake Super Absorbent Sanitary Seat Cushions with Forrid labels.

59. Your own Squeeze-to-Death Demented-White-Female teddy bears, complete with sharp little teeth and voracious appetites.

60. Enough dish soap and elbow grease will get those pesky turds off all of those Forrid windshields. The insides of the windshields. Everything else is hopeless.

61. Fake songs commissioned by Filthy Monkey Horrors, that sing the false praises of Queer Propaganda. To make it appear as though Human Freedom is not desirable; unless it is a Deviate-approved slavery that requires the continued existence of the Filthy Monkey Horrors.

62. As seen on TV ... Joe Biden 'Lasts Forever' exclusive and elite White House toilet paper. Use once and never throw away. The new Democrap Badge of Courage.

63. Before you stopped watching TV, how many hundreds of times did you see phony advertisements for worthless and psychotic diet plans? Do you remember the many lying faces offering ridiculous fakery at discount prices if you turned your life history and your account data over to the Hucksters?

64. Before you stopped watching TV, how many hundreds of times did you see phony advertisements for worthless and psychotic exercise plans? Do you remember the many lying faces offering ridiculous fakery at discount prices if you turned your life history and your account data over to the Hucksters?

65. Before you stopped watching TV, how many hundreds of times did you see phony advertisements for worthless and psychotic credit plans? Do you remember the many lying faces offering ridiculous fakery at discount prices if you turned your life history and your account data over to the Hucksters?

66. Before you stopped watching TV, how many hundreds of times did you see phony advertisements for worthless and psychotic technology plans? Every kind of weird and unnecessary machine possible; presented as the answer to all of your imaginary problems. Do you remember the many lying faces offering ridiculous fakery at discount prices if you turned your life history and your account data over to the Hucksters?

67. Before you stopped watching TV, how many hundreds of times did you see phony advertisements for worthless and psychotic social media plans? Do you remember the many lying faces offering ridiculous fakery at discount prices if you turned your life history and your account data over to the Hucksters?

68. Before you stopped watching TV, how many hundreds of times did you see phony advertisements for worthless and psychotic Internet sites? Do you remember the many lying faces offering ridiculous fakery at discount prices if you turned your life history and your account data over to the Hucksters?

69. Before you stopped watching TV, how many hundreds of times did you see phony advertisements for Internet censorship, insisting that your TV-World requires that all of the bad things on the Internet be erased and destroyed for your own well being and comfort zone?

Did you have the brains to at least record all of their lies about the Internet, so you could share that information laterally amongst the Species?

70. Do you know simple mathematics?

Do you calculate sales prices versus volumes when you shop?

For instance, shelled pistachio nuts sell at a truckstop in 6 ounce and 16 ounce bags for $8.00 and $16.00 respectively.

The 6 ounce bags are not selling well, and that does not satisfy the 'Huckster Bug' in the district manager's tiny brain; so he sells the 6 ounce bags at 2 for $15.00.

A big sales sign goes with the offer.

Originally, the 6 ounce bags sold at $1.33 an ounce. With the sale, the 6 ounce bags sell at $1.25 an ounce. Meanwhile, the 16 ounce bag continues to sell at $1.00 an ounce like it always has.

What are you going to buy?

Answer: The 16 ounce bag.

What does the Huckster want you to buy?

Answer: Whatever gives the Huckster the most money (return) for the least merchandise (expense).

71. Following that Truth, a commercial axiom is revealed. It is to try to get as much money from the People for the least that you have to give to the People for that money. Hence was born the saying -- 'As much as the market will bear'. Which means, charge the highest prices that the customers will pay for each and every item. And reprice everything each month because what they will pay may vary each month.

Now do you understand why they could not care less what pisses on your head from the ceiling speakers?

72. Q&AFF recruiters, always looking for homicidal maniacs and Killer Perverts to be trained to kill and suppress Real Americans. These are very dangerous Hucksters. (Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid)

73. Tax collectors. Enough said. Synonymous with heartless cruelty and cold-blooded destruction of People's lives. Killer Hucksters.

74. Money lenders and Bankers on commission; will always rip off their customers for the most money while giving the least possible interest in return. Those things always lead customers to the lowest interest yield policies, even though higher interest deals are on the books and available.

75. AMA and Insurance Medicine Quacks of West Des Moines!!!! I have written about that trash many times before. Lethal parasites.

76. Pharmaceutical companies and epidemics for profit. No atrocity or bloodshed or Genocide is out-of-bounds for these Jackals.

77. Energy companies that lie about their intentions at all times. Blood Electricity Merchants, as awful as Belief Merchants or Science Priests of the STEM Religion.

78. Any thing that dimly thinks it has the right to criticize or opinionate about Human Resistance when it knows virtually nothing (NOTHING) about Us, or the SQLD, or the Real World; because it has always been a victim of the Queer Medias and the Public/Political Schools for its entire life. And, it cannot learn the Truth about anyone or anything because it is not allowed to ask questions of Human Beings -- and -- it is not allowed to ask questions at Human Websites because of the Internet Interruption and Intimidation Network of the Deviates. (IIIN)


[[Have you noticed that the Forrids are under orders to always be the first employees to arrive at workplaces every morning? The twisted intention is to take control of all work environments by being the first things on the job every day.

It is a serious and dangerous attack against all Real People. And it works wherever employers are greedy and inhuman.]]


What to look for as Enemies:







Hired punks with generic young faces of stupid White Nigger appearances, to drive Forrid advertisements and look generically young; but always avoid photographs and identification. That, would ruin their value to the Forrids. They must remain anonymous to be paid.


Pleasant trip to Fort Dodge:

With the Hucksters in mind -- let us look at my trip to Fort Dodge; very recently a sewer of Democrapia.

I toured the city before stopping anywhere, looking for Evil and Perverts and Forrids as usual; same things different labels. It was very disappointing to see that there were Demented White Faggots in the streets confessing their 'Sins-For-Cunts' by having other DWFs drive over their prostrate bodies with 'Pimp's Faggot White' Forrid Abominations. But alas! Here at Fort Dodge the perverts obviously have not heard of the tactic of the 'Evansville Unions' which says -- The way to hurt Peters is to disappoint Peters!'.

At Walmart: Service and environment was excellent, even though they are remodeling the entire store. Happy People were everywhere. No longer under the Forrid and Deviate Empire. No wonder the scum of that Dog and Pony Empire are filled with hate! The danger of a Horrid Reich here in Iowa was very real. I bought a few items, my intention was more observation than shopping.

Aldis: Excellent environment and I noticed new brand names (new to me) which I have never heard of before. An excellent store for shopping for freezer items, and many products have 'freeze by date' labels instead of expiration labels.

West Side Hardware: Browsed for ammunition and information about weapons. Always like to keep up-to-date about Self-Defense, and the latest change in Gun Carry Laws here in Iowa.

Something brought my shopping to a halt right about then, and it was the realization that I had seen many really beautiful young women during my visit so far. I thought to myself and wondered if there were any young men in Fort Dodge for those beautiful young women. For that, they would have to have a Natural Appreciation for the Opposite Sex; and that is forbidden by the Teacher Turds in the Public/Political Schools.

No wonder the Forrid Faggots are trying to wave Queer Bait Machines in my face.

I had other business elsewhere, so I left Fort Dodge for another day.


As I left, I remarked that all day long, as I enjoyed being in Fort Dodge -- I could hear gurgles and noises from the sewer drains where far away Queers were singing ...

Monkeys! Monkeys! Monkeys! We like to be the Punkies -- Punkies -- Punkies!

We are the Punkies! Punkies! Punkies!

Full of Junkies! Junkies! Junkies!

We like to live in Shit -- in Shit -- in Shit!

Cause we always talk the Shit -- the Shit -- the Shit!

So we just talk it! Just talk it!

And we eat it -- just eat it.

We love to eat it -- eat it --eat it!

Yes we eat it -- eat it -- eat it!

Oh yeah! All Monkeys eat it -- eat it -- eat it!

Queer Monkeys eat it -- eat it -- eat it!

We just love to eat it -- eat it -- eat it! Yes we eat it -- eat it -- eat it!

So we just eat it. Just eat it!

We eat it. We eat it!

We have to eat it! So we eat it!

So eat it! Just eat it!

Like we eat it. Just eat it!

So eat it. Just eat it”


It was a typical noise from the Filthy Monkey Horrors. Can you tell me what Queer Monkeys those things could have been?


And, I did not see or smell a single Utility Board bloodsucking spider all day long. The things must be the Guest Anuses of Dishonor at the Sodomy Sunday Rally at Janesville.


I have another very important reason for explaining 'Hucksters' and Con-Artists and Puppeteers to you, besides setting the Deviate and Politics Games in their proper perspectives.

The Cockroach and Rat Empire of the SQLD is built solely on the mechanism of Endless Lies. But, the Queer Hucksters never really understood what 'Endless' means. Those idiots thought they could build a Castle of Sand and then sit on it and be glorified and admired for it. The BUWIs of today have the same dementia.

Not so. Not ever.

Anything based upon lies has to be re-based and rebuilt constantly, by the 'Endless' repetition of the Lies. And all Lies fade away quickly and cannot carry weight and wash away with each day's tides. Thus are the minions and dependents and addicts of that Empire of Sand forced to re-pile and rebuild and re-pound their Lies back into the shape of a Glorious Dogshit Empire day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day ... until they die.

That is the fate of all Hucksters. The smart Hucksters know that the only thing permanent that they have to live for is the Huckstering.

The only thing permanent that the minions of the SQLD have to live for is the Queershit. It is a life of 'Endless' Suicide.


The Meanwhile Report:

The circle of shameful Hucksters must be dispossessed of all possibilities to falsely claim mastery over anyone, or any place, anywhere. Who wants to look up at ceiling speakers and be pissed on by Lesbian Liars????


Diagram and associated podcast.

Here is a diagram of our strengths -- in a circle of eight points. Clockwise they are ...

1. Human Messages (any and all)

2. Human Training Videos And Podcasts

3. Health And Well Being

4. Autonomy And Separation From Blue Scourge

5. Mutual Helping (Assistance)

6. Weapons And Exercises

7. Human Education

8. No Deviation -- No Abortion


The podcast is very important for the understanding of the diagram.


'Poke-and-Haunt-Us' County now looks as ugly as the grinning anus face of the BUWI Abomination of New Jersey with its half dozen sex helpers. That thing wants to kill every county in Iowa for not giving it a fist up rating.


Queer and BBWA courier combinations of Forrids and Kias are becoming common, especially on 4-lane highways between Blue Cesspools of the Scourge. Its getting so bad that Real People cannot go motoring anymore without the fear of being run over by those Faggots driving 85-90+ mph. Of course, Deviate Courier activity has increased since they lost Dubuque and Fort Dodge and since the Real People no longer fear their Sexless Queershit.

Do you see such combinations in your town? If the answer is 'Yes', then your town is being set up for a combined perversion attack from Perverts Inside and Perverts Outside.

An example of this is the Queer Bait Attacks against me recently (in Eagle Grove and Fort Dodge) by Forrid Faggots supported by more perverts in Kias. With the help of Local Perverts, and Hispanic Bigots that want to take over anywhere -- everywhere.

The Local BBWA and the Local Demented White Females and the Local Democraps have been importing Forrid Queers and Inner City Faggots from outside Wright County in an attempt to silence Human Resistance.

Of course, any attack against me is an attack against our Species and all Human readers. And -- who has been under attack by the Deviates for decades?

Answer: US.

I expect attacks by the Society of Liars and their demented Faggots and Incrazies and Freaks, but the Hispanic Bigots bring shame upon all Hispanics here in Iowa -- most of which are completely innocent of such crimes.

As usual -- it has failed miserably, and you do not find out about it until it is all over.

And -- I have another nice scrapbook to add to my collection.

Meanwhile, the overall effort against the SQLD and Homo-Fascism here in the Midwest marches on; with the Chevy/Dodge/GMC/RAM/Nissan/Toyota Team kicking Forrid Ass all over the field.

We use Kias for toothpicks.

Man! Do I wish I was the War Announcer for this One! But alas! Instead, I am at the front lines as usual. By the way -- the Jeeps are looking better and better these days. I am seeing some really cool looking Jeeps lately, rigged for Prepper Purposes. But, as I indicated before -- there is no place left to Prepper To. You must all Prepare For Autonomy instead!!!!

prep for auto control

Also, the efforts of the Honda Drivers to help stop any Queer Government Spawned Fascist Movement in the Midwest -- To Cripple Autonomy -- has NOT gone unnoticed.


For those of you who want to fight for Goodness and Humanity, I have a lesson.

When you write or talk about a geographical area of inhabitants, such as a neighborhood or a town (etc) -- if you do not specifically identify the person or persons that you are writing about (and using as examples) the entire town will think that you are writing about them!

Honest to God -- they will all become defensive and guilty down to their big toes.


Answer: Because all of them truly are guilty of crimes and evils and discourtesies and blasphemies against their fellow Mankind; and guilty of sins against God. None of them are Angels, and would be struck down by Angels if they were ever stupid enough to get near one.

Now -- as the Truthsayer -- you are in a position to relieve the anxieties and guilt of many of them by merely identifying the real guilty parties.

Will you do so?

My answer is -- “What For? What Good would that do?”

They all Watch TV. Under normal circumstances, that is a worse crime than whatever else is on the table at the time.

Why should you help things that exist week by week just to learn new Lies from the Huffingbutt's Post?

TV and the Queer Medias are for addicts and mental defectives and perverts -- regardless of how they became that way.

It is long past the time when everyone should have realized that whatever I say - it is real. Now, their lack of comprehension (retardedness) is causing them pain.

Technically, that should not happen due to their media addictions. They should be too addicted to the lunacy of the Queer Medias to feel anything.

So much more the agony, therefore, when what is really causing them pain is the Lies from the Queer Propagandists that are losing to Human Resistance. Now, they are being ordered to feel pain (by the Queer Medias) in order to fuel hatred and violence and insanity towards Human Resistance.

Thus, the complicity of the Forrid scum with the DWC is a brand upon their foreheads forever ... 'QUEER BAIT'.

And -- let us not forget that it is their God-Given Right to look like absolute rectumation if they choose to do so. Or was that Rectum Nation?

is there a difference


The Horrids ...

Are looking worried.

What happened to the Reich of Wise Asses? Where are the Faggots in the Bugs-Bunny-Blue Forrid Bugs? Where are the giggling Democrap Masters? Where are the Middle-Bastards-For-Hire in the Forrid Deplorables?

Answer: All on the run, trying to look dangerous and sexy at the same time. Anal bleeding abounds!


The time has come to show to you the Queer Forrid Equation. It is a simple formula, however it explains much about the constant aberrant behaviors of mentally deranged Forrid drivers -- and -- why the things are that way.

False Acceleration (equals) [[Sum of (Beat of the Ass (x) Anal Bleeding (x) Number of Queer Orders being followed at the moment)]] (minus) Number of Brain Cells (1or2).

FA = [[(BA x AB x #QO)]] - #BC (1or2)

Where 'FA' is False Acceleration or Forrid Anus.

To explain further: If either BA or AB or QO increase, the false acceleration increases. Correspondingly, if any of them decrease the false acceleration decreases.

If there are no Queer Orders to be obeyed, then QO is zero. Any number multiplied by zero equals zero, and therefore false acceleration ceases to exist.

The number of brain cells (1or2) makes little difference, except in the case of no Queer Orders to follow. Then it will cause an actual deceleration.

The preferred number for Forrid drivers is two tiny brain cells, so that one can serve as a 'Sub-Conscious Memory' that can be brainwashed with Queer Orders.

all in all an excellent equation


You know -- I'm trying to find a 'Dodge' hat to wear but there aren't any to be found. I will have to order some.


Speaking of Iowa ... just because they have to wear children's sunglasses on their tiny skulls is no excuse to be so childish and gullible; as to perpetuate the rape game by owning and/or operating Forrid 'Punkination Abominations' for the Killer Queers to hide amongst.


Driving on any road with Forrids is horrible; as awful as driving in any of the hundreds of sewer pipes that criss-cross the Senate Chambers inside the Golden Pimple; with or without bribes.


You can always see model Faggots driving Forrid 'Punkination Abomination's around in traffic -- but those are either rolling Billboards for Forrid or decoys for the SQLD. The Real Enemies to be concerned about are the NEA/ACLU/APA Perverts in the Public/Political Schools, and the Twisted Wormatoids in the Golden Pimples, and the Puppet Phonies on the TV Turd Terrorist Channels, and the Invisible Horrors of the FM bands, and the Killer Clones in the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich (Himmler) Reid.

Please remember that.


The Big Bad Faggots driving Forrid 'Punkination Abomination's are hiding their big bad scary faces from my Dashcams!!!!

This tells us the entire Deviate Game is falling down!!!!

And -- the overall percentage averages of Real People in real vehicles to psychotic punks in Forrid imitations is increasing everywhere against the Forrids/Deviates/Politics game.

As far as the stoopes are concerned (that actually paid money to drive Abominations when Forrid would have paid them to drive Abominations) -- if and when those Retards realize what has been done to them by the Gamers of Deviation and Politics -- there will be such a shock in their tiny heads as to cause the greatest explosion of Imbecil Excrement ever to be seen and smelled upon this planet!!!!


Perverts in Pimp's Faggot White Forrid 'Punkination Abomination's (sewer duty versions) are escorting Perverts in Q&AFF military trucks (mostly flatbeds) on Rt 20 and Rt 151. This indicates that Berserkers of the Politics Game work with and command the Q&AFF!

Why would Berserkers not drive Forrid 'Punkination Abomination's? That means Queer Mercenaries and the Q&AFF are working together against the People.

All such occurrences that I have seen are either in SW Wisconsin already, or heading to SW Wisconsin; where the BUWI Perverts want to kill those counties of the People.


Aspect: Brand new perversions by Democraps in Forrids -- that are thirty years old. There is nothing like Refried Perverts driving punk machines like they have been for thirty years to give you that brand new feeling.


Obviously, many victims of Public/Political Schools could not resist the offer from the Democraps to drive God-Awful looking 'Punkination Abominations' and become Democrap Stooges, paying for the privilege of wasting their money for the Deviate and Politics Games.

Kind of like driving your own Hearse to your own funeral.


What is a 'Faggot for Attention'?

Answer: A delirious punk, that commits all sorts of absurd atrocities to get public attention for the Shit Agenda of the Democraps/Deviates/Forrids/BUWIs/NEA/Medias/APA/Monkey Judges (etc) -- and ...

if it thinks it has succeeded it will do more of the same atrocities since it always wants to commit as many atrocities as it can per week!

That is exactly what the Queer Medias and the Queer Forrids and the Queer NEA do -- every week.

The turds will commit as many atrocities as they can each week -- and the more so wherever they think they can get the most attention. For example, Parades of Perverts driving Forrid 'Punkination Abominations' on four-lane highways, on Thursdays in the daytime.

And, it is totally on their heads because it is in their heads. Sick heads.


How pathetic can it get? Now the Punkination drivers are trying to grow hairs on their naked asses in a futile effort to look masculine. Don't tell them they would look better without noses and tiny eyeballs.


The queer communications network that the MBFH have installed into all Forrids constitutes a Queer Media; but the Forrids are so awful together that the Forrid machines themselves must now be classified as a Queer Media -- aside from already being owned and operated by the circle jerks of the Circle of Vermin.

Want more proof?

Ordinarily I would reject such a request, because you have already been provided with boatloads of evidence ...

But, there is so much evidence that all you have to do is to get out of your house with your eyes open to see more. There are so many scenes of Perverts in Forrid vehicles plotting and planning and financing the destruction of entire states of Humans, that our highways have been turned into sewer pipes because of them. It is all about the consolidation of finances, guns, poisons, diseases, Incrazies, Berserkers and Bribed Officials -- under direct Deviate orders. No excuses. None of them can say that it thought it was just a cult member of Forrid Freaks.

Look and see for yourself, I am done with the 'Proof Stage'.


Unable to kill innocent Humans as ordered by the turds at the Huffingbutt's Post (Ministry of Queer Propaganda) the homicide-trained scum that drive Forrid Abominations are resorting to an attempt to dominate Blood Sports; in an anal anxiety to satisfy their programming to rend and rape and mutilate soft fleshy things.

I am personally seeing caravans of Killer Abomination machines filled with homicidal maniacs going to any sporting event that promises Death and Dismemberment -- such as no-rules Demolition Derbies. They hope to rule over Blood Sports events, and perhaps that will scare some more cowards into wasting money by giving it to the Forrid War Machine.


When I write or say military information it is not conjecture and it is not debatable. You may argue as to how the information matters to you, but the information itself is already complete and finished. No amount of lies or excuses or complaints can change the information. It is what it is, and to ignore it (or not accept it) will get you Extinct.

Of course, you can always ...

Co-Extinct with Co-Exist.

[[P.S. The Forrid attacks against Blood Sports events are being closely controlled by MBFH.]]


Meanwhile, a lot of the less-deranged and less-fascist 'persons' who happened to own and operate Forrids before June 26, 2013 -- have gone back to bumbling.

And mumbling.

And stumbling.

And fumbling.

And crumbling from old age.

Let them.

They are best positioned out of the war. I want them out of the war, so we can have a clear field of view. But, do not trust them for one second! They are completely untrustworthy -- and -- a lot of MBFH pretend to be harmless old duffers and grandfathers. And, Village Elders.

[['Clear Field of View' is important on any battlefield, which is one of the reasons why the perverts are also driving 'Kias' -- to muddy the waters.]]


Independence is Great, and Independent owners and operators of Forrids (however THAT came to be) have the option of performing Forridism Removal Rituals. That is the rejection of the Fascist Forridism brand of the Deviates and Politics Games. As truly, any logo or symbol from within the Queer Coalition Bladders is death -- outside the bladders where their minds should be.

Of course, follow through is also extremely important; and no further monies should ever be given to the Horrids.


Typical Horrid Vermin on the roads:

2021-06-13 ...

Texas1984 pervert in a Forrid

Forrids from South Dakota following it

Then a pervert from Massaturds

Then Forrid Abominations in Pimp's Faggot White

Followed by Florida911

Followed by Queer New Jersey

Followed by more Texas1984 and Florida911

This was a convoy on I80 Westbound at mile marker 95, going to South Dakota to kill South Dakota.

The things usually use Rts 61 to 163 to 80 to 29 to murder South Dakota.

Face it, that Horrid combination in so short a time means only one thing -- a Convoy to Hell. And Hell is spelled 'South Dakota'. I have been on I80 in Iowa since 2003, and I know what is and what is not real traffic.

Why are the TV Turd Terrorist Channels not showing these convoys of killers?

Answer: You are not supposed to know about them. You are only supposed to be brainwashed to worship the Big Business White Assholes killing the Earth as glorified on TV!

All TV Turd Terrorists exist to glorify Death and Perverts!!!!




As far as the Forrids are concerned, however appropriate I do not accept the excuse that their skulls are too small to realize the nature and extent of their crimes. There is no excuse for perpetuating the rape of the country by doing what the rapists want you to do.


Latest Forrid retarded colors ...

Shiny Baboon's Red

Pimp's Faggot White

Greasy Groveler's Gray

Fool's Forrid Gold

Oreo Cookie Black

Bugs Bunny Blue


Forrid White Trash are not part of the White Race and the White Tribe. They are Earth-raping Perverts. Insectoids.


Are there Hispanic Slaves here in America? It is the act of slaves to obey White Nigger orders and buy only White-Trash-Approved Forrid imitation cars. Take a closer look at the Hispanics. I am seeing clear indications of different classes of Hispanics here in the Midwest. The highest class (most wealthy) follows the orders of their White Slaver Masters and buy Forrids -- thus earning more money from their White Vermin Masters that own and sell Forrids. That is 'Indentured Servitude'.


Meanwhile, Abominations are still being used by scuzz bags to transport all sorts of worthless items for White Niggers, because the real automobile companies cannot get off the pot and build real trucks that make F350s their bitches; which is what drives such crap to begin with.


Forrid Perverts must be made to respect our roads and our Human Decency (even though they have none) and keep their rolling feces off our roads and highways -- which become sewer pipes if Forrid Abominations or bugs are on them.

Scrap a Forrid an hour should be their motto. It would turn their meager existence as ludicrous puppets into real lives.

not the whores and horrors of course


A new phenomena ... mercenary punks with fuzzy hairdos driving Forrid Propaganda machines ... a ludicrous attempt to fake bigger skull sizes.




The following section is written at the everyday sewer level of the Filthy Monkey Horrors and their dummies -- the construction Weevils.

The White Nigger mania continues at the White Nigger Heaven (swarming with construction Weevils and Forrid Horrids from Hell) formerly known as Grimes. Which is no longer visible. See it yourself. See the gluttony of Killer Queers destroying the Earth. Go there yourself and see the White Nigger trash heaps that all banished Aliens intend to replace the Earth with. That worthless sewage is their intended replacement of every field of every description, until their constant diets of cannibalism render them so weak and deranged that the Weevils can no longer cut down trees and bulldoze fields; instead of the Filthy Monkey Horror stations that should be destroyed.

And -- every second of it is done to the raving screeches and demented cheers of the Filthy Monkey Horrors.


This provides an excellent opportunity to photograph real White Niggers in their raw and insane environments, killing the Earth for the sake of the lunatic egos of their Queer Masters. Satanic egos, which have been transplanted into the toad-filled skulls of their dummies, the construction Weevils.

That is one of the reasons why the rape of Iowa is on their heads. It is in their heads!

Transplanted and dead in their heads. Now, the things can only think of making everything and every place as dead as the rot in their own skulls.

They are a sick and shabby looking hoard of despicable and brainless killers, with skulls filled with a hideous hatred of Nature that is so nasty that lesbian urine from ceiling speakers fries on contact with their tiny and twisted heads.

A future of being Whipping Toys for Filthy Monkey Horrors is too good for such Serial Killers!

It is their Universal Constant -- and of course it explains why no toy is safe within 25 miles of a so-called Technical College!!!!

Of course, you could call it a community service. After the things make another White Nigger building they always treat each other as sex toys -- don't they?

Weren't they all in the 'Boy Sex Toys of America' petting zoo?

Get out your cameras and capture as many pictures as you can of those murderers. It is all part of the Queer Rape of Iowa.

While you are at it, remember that there are two things that such swarms of greased Forrid asses fear ...

Final Death For Themselves


Never Voting.

think suckers should keep their shit to themselves maybe




There are still convoys of Killer Queers in Forrids at places like Cedar Falls and Sioux City and Dyersville and Des Aliens, trying to keep the citizens intimidated. It is Interruption and Intimidation, just like IIIN and the Sexless Internet Censors (SIC).

While the mindless crowds of moronish Forrid drivers complain that there is no connection between the crap that they are driving and the Killers from Satan -- the Killers from Satan drive Forrids -- Deliberately -- with Forrid approval.

So much for morons. Various languages have appropriate terms for such imbeciles that drive Forrids and pretend that they are not being horrifically evil by doing so ...

Los Estupidos -- Spanish

Die Dummen -- German

Les Stupides -- French

Iziwula -- Zulu

Orokana Mono -- Japanese

Die Onnoseles -- Afrikaans

Wajinga -- Swahili

Stulti -- Latin

Bevakooph -- Hindi

Gli Stupidi -- Italian

From now on that is what any idiot is that drives a Forrid and pretends that it is not being Satanic.

have no mercy


Herding behaviors of Forrid bugs are becoming evident. Mindless Forrid drones are being herded together on the roads in a desperate attempt to force the public to either buy awful Forrids or not drive at all!

This terrible presence of Forrid feces is what turns our roads and highways into sewer pipes.

Packs of Queeraptic victims of endless Queer Propaganda are now littering the highways in Forrid bugs, trudging along like clumps of turds unable to think or know what they are doing except to follow the latest lies.

As I have said before, the Queerism Disease demands worse and worse evils with each successive political generation of brain dead TV Watchers. Finger Painting at 11.

As a test, I have driven amongst such Forrid herds without and with Dashcams. Without Dashcams, the zombies heap together before me and bug along like dung beetles on parade. With Dashcams, they quickly dissipate down various exit ramps.

I hope the rest of you learn a lesson from this. It really does kill your brain to go into a store where the owners and/or operators hate the customers; and Lesie-Turds urinate on your head from the ceiling speakers.


It is essential to the understanding of the Truth that you realize that such accounts from Humans (such as this) about the many lunacies and homicidal tendencies of the SQLD are what those swine hate most; but are not the cause of SQLD behaviors.

The Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead will kill whatever they can anyway. What is different now, is that Humans such as myself are revealing to the World what the SQLD killers are doing. Such murderers, as the construction dummies, will kill anything that is Natural anyway; because it is in their tiny heads to do so. There is not much room in such tiny skulls and what there is has been injected with Hate against all real forms of life.


Sioux Falls is swarming with Faggots driving artificial vaginas nailed to the front of very ugly pieces of metal junk. It has become a world of fakery and imitations and Killer Apes that worship the Anus of Smelltone John.


This is a huge reason for (and justification of) creating a Natural Preservation Area in North and South Dakota that is very large. As large (proportionally) as the extremeness of the artificial insanity and the anti-life dementia that is now driving Forrid symbols of Artificial Vagina all over Sioux Falls -- thus making Sioux Falls a sewer of Perverts and Democraps and anything Unnatural. Outside of there, South Dakota is the exact opposite.

All of it is very much approved by the BBWA and the BUWIs. There is a BUWI factory at Sioux Falls!

bad pussy on its side everywhere

Every thing that drives a Forrid symbol of Artificial Vagina is not only a dupe -- it is a dupe that has been clipped, tricked and double-dicked!

Welcome to Voting and Conformity.


Just because they drive like they have ants in their pants doesn't mean the rest of us could care or want to share their misery.


Today's word for Human Defense:

Don't sell the Forrids ...

Burn the Forrids!

Each burnt bug inside is worth ten points.


This is all goodness, it is the saving of the Human culture while the fake and gross-tesque and hideous Society of Liars dies instead. Our enemies intended the worst possible oblivion for all of us.

There is not one single cell of pity in my body for them.

Their noise is like ants insisting that they own your back yard.

ah the rewards of lying


Criminal Queer Gangs of Genocider Fascists.

Perverts in Forrid Abominations are ganging up on the motoring public in an attempt to frighten everyone into submission to Forrid fake authority.

I See I Know.

I Know It.

I Knew It.

They gang up on 4-Wheelers because anything not used and abused and approved by the DWC Lesies must be made inferior and enslaved with fear.

Oh! That's right! They still insist they are 'Liberals'.

Queers pretending they are not Queers is like dung without stink or a house with neither a toilet or an outhouse.

But, the scum are afraid of Chevy and Dodge trucks!!!!


Never fear Buttholes.

300 pounds or whatever.


Forrids are nothing but turds on everybody's windshields..

Just like the scummy gangs of Fascists in Mordor and the HBHZ!!!!

Queers all! And, with no way of lying out of it because their constant anal bleeding is called 'Queer Pride' and 'They Got's Da Hobama!!!!'


See the new 'Faggot's-Anal-Bleeding-Red' Forrid Abominations being stuck in your driving faces to demand that you buy imitation vehicles from Forrid! It's the new 'Model-Year-Of-Queers' at Forrid! The World's Worst Corporation. The only maker of artificial automobiles on the planet and Flaming Faggots; as is always the case wherever fakery and lies are ever-present. Now, pandering the newest 'Buy-This-And-You-Are-A-Shithead-For-Life' models.


Most Opposition-To-The-Truth-About-Forrids is mindless anal offerings which any Real Man will reject. Yesterday, I saw a Forrid Abomination with a steel dildo up its hitch and three steel balls hanging out its butt. Now, that is downright Rude and Crude and Lude! And -- I am not imagining these atrocities.

nobody else does that


Just like the Queer Medias -- anal bleeding has no meaning. This, of course,explains all of the anal bleeding on our highways. Always check for anal bleeding to quickly identify any vehicle as a real brand name or a Forrid. And break out the Sanitary Napkins!



One of the funniest and most zoned out aspects of this conflict is something that the Horrids do to each other on the highways. This also indicates how incredibly stupid TV Watchers are ...

Ruthless and greedy Horrids frighten timid and stupid Horrids into believing that it is not safe to drive the roads and highways of Iowa and Illinois and Nebraska (etc) without a ...



To keep away all of those terrible Humans who are so bad and so mad at us ... just because we tried to kill them all.

Well -- I mean -- afterall! Isn't that what they are for?

And the nerve of them now! Wanting to get back at us for all of those 'necessary removals' of Pesky Humans!

Now we have to hire a Protective Forrid Rolling-On-The-Highways Diaper Changing Service just to go from one Hate Rally to another! As though we were common criminals!


I would tell you about their ...


OR THE ...


but you simply would not believe it.

which is why they get away with it


Sexless DWC and Faggots on TV want the Internet to be as hideous and artificial and sterile as they are. Next time, burn TV stations and protect the Churches.


The DWC and Monkeys of all kinds want Iowa to be the sexless dried-up Udder of the Midwest.


Meanwhile, it is “Smell Markel's (Bleep!) Day Every Thursday At The Madison Asshole Of Wisconsin.” Which I had the bowels to travel through recently on a Wednesday and the following Thursday. Wednesday -- almost no Forrids of any description in sight. Thursday -- gangs of Forrids befouling the highways trying to smell Markel's (Bleep!).

beboweling the highways


All of their plastic worlds of lies fall APArt so fast. That's what happens to slaves when the MBFH fail.

Where did all of the crap-eating grins go to, on the horrid faces of the MBFH? (Middle-Bastards-For-Hire)

Answer: They have been neutered. Their anuses were always their own worst enemies. Misuse your ass and you will be doomed to wander the Halls of Hell forever.


How can 'Rule of Law' coexist with Queer Government of NO Authority and a Queer Legal Profession?


Bad and selfish persons who plan attacks against Human Resistance for their own selfish reasons only help the Shit Agenda -- and -- all Perverts lie at all times anyway.

Therefore, all Perverts want those selfish opportunists to attack Human Resistance for bogus and bizarre reasons that the Perverts fooled them into believing. It is 'Recruitment of the Blind' -- or deliberate 'Blind Intemperance'. It is always fostered by the Queer Propagandists to keep their Shit Agenda alive. It is a favorite ploy and game of the DWC, who like to fool fools. Deaf Mutes, that never ask questions so they never know anything. Nor do they read, nor do they listen to podcasts. They just attack who and what they are told to attack -- or not attack. Deaf and Blind means Illiterate.


There Is A Change In The Lineup For Sunday Morning Sodomy Rallies At Janesville. The Overall Attendance Has Fallen Sharply Due To Non-Attendance By Many Perverts That Drive Forrid Abominations. The Horrids Are Trying To Make Up For The Loss With Pansy Ponies, Butt It Is Of No Use. Hopeless. A Waste Of Artificial Advertising By Artificial Vaginas Driving Artificial Vehicles.


Meanwhile, we are seeing Forrid Deplorables (formerly Explorables) being driven by Aliens and Demons in Iowa and South Dakota. Really sick-sick-sick Freaks.

And -- Queer Baits are driving to Eagle Grove in attempts to cause diversions. The things are driving Deplorables, Confusions, and some Forrid crap called a 'TurdUs'.


Are the State Police against truck drivers?

Are State Police ignoring or helping BUWIs and BBWA and White Niggers that always break the traffic laws?

Are State Police trying to intimidate and muzzle truck drivers that see the State Police help Deviates and BUWIs?

It sure looks like it at Sioux City 06-16-2021. This could prove the evil complicity of Forrid-Sucking State Police! Of course, anything that sucks a government paycheck is evil and knows it is evil.

This causes MORE alienation between 4-wheelers and truck drivers. Queer Medias Never Matter, so no 4-wheeler has the faintest idea of how to drive on the same roads with large trucks.

Question: What are Alienating Government Paycheck Suckers?


Such a nationwide program is hugely needed and decades late.

where are those superhighways for truckers that were promised


We have the right to protest! The Forrids are bleeding all over the highways! Come on, get a sense of decency!


I will now extend the banishment of Des Aliens and its hosts of Killer Queers to include any cess pool of White Nigger buildings that are thrown up by the Developer Rodent vermin and their dummies, the Construction Weevils. For example, the now dead Grimes.

I will not shop there nor frequent any such place unless fifty horrendous ButtUgly Windmills are installed down the center line of their White Nigger four-lane sewer roads -- to show that they empathize with the plight of all counties that have been destroyed by the hoards of ButtUgly Windmills from the Butt Ugly Windmill Imperials. (BUWIs)

the only good weevil has regulation tread marks etched across its face


I will share with you something that the Queer Nasties already know about me. I will not enter a private building that has a TV antenna on the roof or any Forrid imitation automobile parked outside; unless it is an emergency. It has been that way since the beginning of this war, when the TV Turd Terrorists and the Horrid Forrids attacked the Human Species in an attempt to kill us for the Shit Agenda.

that actually happened


Which scenario is the most lethal and fatal?

A. A TV room in a truckstop with No Covid19 Virus?

B. A TV room in a truckstop with the Covid19 Virus?

Answer: A. Without the Virus present, Idiots will sit and watch the TV Turd Terrorists and their brains will rot until they are dead.


If you want to help, remind everyone that I have seen the BBWA carnage in the East and I am trying to minimize such destruction here!!!!


Another Universal Constant:

Wherever the Democraps swarm like Maggots ...

The Forrids swarm like Faggots ...

And Monkey Judges shit in their cages.


There is really no need to banish Grimes, the place banished itself. Now, Alien Grimes (appropriately named) is a cesspool of White Niggerism -- and -- as it is with Des Aliens -- I will neither go there nor shop there until they install fifty ButtUgly Windmills in fifty of their front yards to show that they sympathize with the awful pains that the rural counties are suffering; while being raped by the horrid intentions of the Deviates to kill the Earth with energy companies.



The time has come to announce the Alien-ness of the Deviate/Forrid/Politics/Horrids/FM/NEA/APA/ACLU/Medias/Criminals/Aliens Schmeer.

Announcement: The photographic evidence is overwhelmingly conclusive as such ...

The Alienness of the scum that work for the SQLD Schmeer is so outstanding and obvious that the origins of such Aliens has become a mote matter -- insignificant.

Whether from outside this Earth or from the bowels of Hell or from the pressure cooker interiors of the Queer Coalition Bladders, the result is the same -- complete anti-Nature in all respects and in all regards!

Literally -- the things are anti-Human Aliens whether from an alien planet or an alien society of liars on this planet.

To such an extent, that any publicized arrival of so-called 'Extraterrestrials' is now a joke. An absurdity. A ridiculous farce.

This planet has so many anti-Life Aliens on it already that we can sell them to the rest of the Galaxy in six packs or by the train car load.

Their bug-like faces aside -- their actions and stupidities and senseless bug-like actions cannot be explained away as blind obedience to orders from retarded masters and deranged gamesters.

From whatever depth of dementia or external weirdism -- there are now real anti-Life Aliens on this planet -- in quantities that can only please Queers and Democraps and BUWIs.

politics has actually stooped that low


In South Central Wisconsin (South and East of the hole) you cannot go into a Quickie store without hearing a Man-Hating Bitch trying to spread Queer Propaganda against the Repucraps -- as though everything in the Politics Game is not the queerest filth imaginable already.

Who wants to hear Queer Propaganda with their food selections????

No wonder the food in the Quickie stores is becoming trash and tasteless and fake. By the way, isn't it a crime to politicize and spread Queer Propaganda while you are supposed to be working for someone else? You know those Hags are being paid by the Deviates to spread Queer Propaganda while they work at other jobs. That certainly includes the manager criminals and the district manager criminals!


There are many bad reports about the Dickinson, North Dakota area. Many bad reports about it. Many descriptions of a Satan's Playground. Many horrible vehicles are going there on I94; Florida911, Texas1984, Government Scum, Tennessee, Oklahoma -- many Forrid Bugs with these evil plates. It is on their heads because it is in their heads to be evil. Many Forrid Abominations.

What is really happening there?

How awful is the damage?

This is what the BBWA would do to any place that they want to rape for resources.

Hugely evil vibrations increase the closer to Dickinson you get. West of Valley City, the spiritual levels dive into the negatives -- and -- for some reason GPS systems fail and lose contact with satellites.

Is there a 'DICKINSON'S TRIANGLE OF EVIL' there -- created by the BBWA? They are satanic! Two points of the triangle would be Dickinson and 'Rapidly Dying City', where the Developer Rodents are allowed to run rampant.

My suggestion to all Dodge and RAM owners of North Dakota is to turn the volume of those mufflers back up. The Forrids there are particularly bug-like with sheep's brains.


I know who is innocent.

I know what is NOT.


Markel Peters












I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message.
Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.



























Labels Of All Posted Messages--A Way To Search Through Messages By Labels

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed


This blog exists to inform the People, of the 'Real Truth' about the real enemies of the Human Species. These Truths are not objectionable, as they are Truths. Only the telling of them can be objectionable, to those who wish to hide the Truth. If the Truth is something you HATE and therefore object to - go elsewhere!


Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!


The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.