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Showing posts with label Agriculture. Show all posts

Monday, January 13, 2014

How To Refuse Their 'Alzheimer's-For-You':

Hummmm. I once heard some old windbag say that I do not know what effects I am having on everybody, and so my messages are not up-to-date.

Does that old windbag still have an identity?


Every time I write a message, I save more people from the Killers of our Species.

This time, I am out to save everyone from a Killing Way of theirs.


Obviously, I did not want to hit all of you with this, over the Holidaaaaaays ...


Oh, ick. 'Unseemly Language' ahead.


Oh, worse. Truth ahead.


In the overall, in the overview, the general theme of this message is how to keep your brain from falling apart (or dissolving) due to lack of interior activity. Or, more accurately, how to keep your brain from being sucked out until all that is left inside of your skull is
'dumb obedience' and mindless submissiveness. How to keep 'You' from being reduced to having the absolute minimal and skeletal personality, and the absolute minimum intelligence required -- to do your dumb job. With, just enough intelligence left to you to be able to vote for the creatures you are told to vote for!

Isn't that wonderful! You will still be able to vote! Oh, oh that is marvelous!

Oh! That is 'freedom'!

There is 'freedom' for you! You will still be able to vote -- your brain is gone -- your mind is erased -- but you can still vote!

Oh now -- that! That, is real American Freedom! Yes, and the DemoCraps and the RepuCraps will applaud you for it. And shove that horrific fact down your throats -- as your breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You can still vote! Brainless.

But, only for what you are told to vote for. Only, for who you are told to vote for. Only, when you are told to vote. But, let's just think about voting -- you can still vote! Brainless.

It is still a 'free society'. You can still vote! Well, to be more accurate, what little brain activity has been allowed to be left inside of your skull -- that can vote. For who and what it is told to vote for.

For 'who and what' you are told to vote for. Remember that 'who and what'. We will see it again and again in this message.

The 'who and what' that the SQLD care about is, Their Who and Their What! Not yours ... not Your Who and Your What.

That little bit of brain matter left between your ears, that is still allowed to exist between your ears, may not know its own name -- may not know its own identity -- may not know who and what it was supposed to be -- may not understand anything about what is being done to it -- may not Remember what has been done to it (see Monkey Lawyer example below) -- may not remember who it was -- may not remember who it was supposed to be -- may not remember that it was somebody once upon a time -- may not remember that it used to have Memories -- may not remember that it used to be a person -- may not remember that it used to have ideas of its own -- may not remember that it used to be 'goal oriented' and wanted to do something with his or her life. May not remember, but can still vote. And, the DemoCraps and the RepuCraps will slap it silly with the one macabre fact that whatever little is left between its ears -- can still vote!

And that, will be built up to gigantic and imaginary proportions! As the sum total of its life and success, and its purpose, and its reason for living -- it can vote! (for the things that it was told to vote for)

It has no identity, it has no memory, it has no brain power, it has no intuitive reasoning, it has no thinking processes, it has no life, it has no Remembering, it has no future -- but none of that will matter. The fact that it can vote, will be its pureness, its success, its intrinsic value, its final achievement.


What is it all about?

Keep reading.

Last month, 'SLIME' the queer newsrag, puppeted the current doofus idiot and cowardly Pope as their 'Pan Of The Year'. Only Queers and Shitheads read SLIME anyway, but the point is -- the Queers want to use that gutless and easy-to-intimidate Pope to stab the Catholic Church through the Heart with! Sooo, they want to 'popularize' the wretch and make it seem to be an Outstanding Public Authority to all of the Shitheads -- and the 'Idiots that have been Lied To'.

Therefore, when they bribe and scare that Pope Weakling into helping them assassinate the Catholic Church (by giving in to Queer Demands) -- they (the Queers) can advertise the crime as a Popular Decision from a Great Public Authority.

Instead of Queershit -- which is all that it ever could be.

However -- the entire setup and deception and attempted murder of the Catholic Church has a fatal weakness. To succeed, it depends upon all Shitheads, and all 'Idiots who have been Lied To', and all slaves of technology to have only the absolute minimal and skeletal personality, and the absolute minimum intelligence required to exist inside the Bubble of Lies from day to day.

To suck on the latest Queer Propaganda and obey it -- AND -- to have No Memories of all of the horrible and murderous lies and attacks that the Queers have already perpetrated against our Human Species, and the Catholic Church.

Obviously, the latest Punk Pope has less Memory Capacity than a squirrel, and is therefore a Prime Weapon with which to kill the Catholic Church from the inside.

It is a perfect example of the terrible crisis that has befallen all users and slaves of the current TechnoSinister programming from the TechnoCrats of Planet Sinister. A plight that is being spread worldwide, by the sinister scum that SLIME is a part of.

None of it -- not one lie of it -- was meant to happen using technology. Technology is being used by such vermin as the things at SLIME (etc) to make their evil goals happen faster, and more horribly, and more permanently.

Remember, I was there when all of this began. I was there when all of this computerized technology began. I know for a fact that technology was never (in any way, shape, or form) designed to or intended to erase memories of people -- disembowel the brains of people (users), to stupefy and stunt the growth and the mental processes of users -- to disassociate and dismember the component parts of the brains of the users -- to disassemble thought patterns -- to degenerate thought patterns -- to control masses of people -- to control individuals -- or to have any negative effects upon people at all!

Now, if you look at what I just wrote -- that is what is True. It was never, not ever, intended to be negative. It was never intended to be harmful, or disemboweling. It was never intended to tear people's thoughts apart, or to remove thoughts and memories from their brains. To disable people, individually and by the millions. To cripple people mentally. To control people. To propagandize people. To reduce Humans to mush. To reduce Humans to such vacuous and empty skulls, that there is no longer any reason to have legs and arms.

It was never meant to reduce Human Beings to such a pathetic and perpetual state of emptiness (of knowing nothing and understanding nothing), and essentially doing nothing except voting and making money in order to spend money -- that having legs and arms can only still be considered as necessary (by the Masters) because legs and arms may still be necessary in order for work to be done. Not for the sake of the individual. Not for the sake of a person, himself or herself. Not for Human reasons, but merely because it may still be necessary for people to have arms and legs so that they may still do work. To make money. To spend money. And, to vote for the Puppets of SQLD Masters.

But, as far as the individual is concerned -- nothing with that empty a brain, nothing with so empty a skull, could for its own sake still need arms and legs.

A bowl, would be more appropriate.

A bowl, b-o-w-l. No arms, no legs, just a bowl.

A container.

A large petri dish. Something big enough to hold the mass of flesh and the mushy head on top of it; without arms and legs.

Really, with so empty and vacuous a brain, how could such a creature need arms and legs?

On it own, and for its own sake, it would not need arms and legs. However, its Masters need for it to do work. Its Masters, need for it to transport to the work places. To transport to the bank to get its paycheck. To transport to the shops, and to the markets, to spend money. And, to vote with its arms.

So, its Masters still need it to have arms and legs; but now (in the Ideal Queer World) there is really no justification for such creatures to have arms and legs for their own sake. They do not have a 'sake' anymore. There is no such thing as their 'own sake' anymore.

Owness. Oneness. Self. Have all been erased. Vacuumed out, siphoned out, sucked out of the brain. Into the cloud. Into the technology banks, which are constantly being raped and rifled through and copied into the databases of the SQLD Masters.

That -- is the intended world of the horrific SQLD (Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead); and the Masters that control it all. It is already happening right outside your front door. It is trying to sneak into your back door. You still have arms and legs and eyes, because they want you to still have arms and legs and eyes. They control the technologies. Through the technologies, they intend to control the world and that means -- you!

I am here to tell you that such a terrible world of Ideal Slime was never (not ever) the intention. That was never what was intended! There was never any such thing! The worst predictions, at the beginning of all of this, were that society would become lazy. Robots would do all of the work. Society, would become lazy and feeble. Machines would be performing all of the labor.

There was also another variant to that idea, and it was that Humans would now be free to be artistic. Humans, would now be free to be creative. Humans, would now be free to be 'truly productive' of what Humans wanted to do, and wanted to build, and wanted to achieve; but could not do so before, because all of those other menial tasks had to be performed. Which meant that without technology, a lot of people who were really intelligent and creative could not express their creativity and could not realize the success of their art forms and their inventions and their ideas and their true Human Greatness; having instead to make shoes, repair automobiles, build ships, drive buses, and so on and so forth. All of those trivial tasks had to be done by the People. But, machines and robots would relieve us of all of that burden, and all of those menial tasks would be done by automatic means. By automatons. Essentially, somewhat intelligent machines. Those somewhat intelligent machines would free Humanity. Free the brains and free the minds. Allow almost unlimited horizons of Human Creativity to happen. With which we would go to the stars, and populate other planets, expand our Human Species.

Today, in this cesspool of Technofreaks and Mind-Controlling Queers, such ideas as what I just described sound like utter nonsense and crazy impossibilities.

The mere idea of Humans becoming better and 'less controlled' sounds like gibberish and 'not politically-correct' to millions of Voter/Followers (aka slaves).

Adjoined to that last variant which I mentioned, was another variant -- that robots would get out of control. Machines would go berserk, machines would start to think and would start to rule the world. I am not sure if the words 'artificial intelligence' had yet to be born or coined. We really did not think in terms of 'artificial intelligence' at that time. We did not use that phrase. It is now called 'artificial intelligence', but at the time we really did not think of it that way. We just thought of machines as becoming smart enough to think for themselves. One variant of this, warned us that if machines could get out of control there might be a rebellion, and so on and so forth. That warning appeared in Science Fiction as a 'series' on the original television (before the Satan Tube) called 'Battlestar Galactica' -- 1978.

Cylon-1978 from Wikipedia

Cylons--Battlestar Wiki

This is one of the connectivities of how the warnings worked, and presented themselves. The original Battlestar Galactica was all about a war between a Human Tribe, and a species of automaton/machines -- cyborgs -- that had been created by a reptilian race called Cylons -- who subsequently fell prey to their own inventions. Well, the original cyborgs were part Human and part machine, but that sort of devolved into cyborgs being machines that are artificially intelligent. Originally, a cyborg was half Human and half machine. An Android was entirely a machine (that looked Human).

Now, the two distinctions have been blurred; and if you say android or cyborg it more or less means the same thing -- artificial intelligence. Completely without Human components, no internal organs that are Human, no brain that is Human. The cyborgs in Battlestar Galactica, were actually androids that did not look Human; and were called the Cylons. Thinking machines. We really did not use the word 'intelligence' about them, except as a comparison to our own intelligence. Intelligence, was still a Human's-only attribute, something that Humans have and nothing else has.

Of course, at that time no one was thinking laterally, or we would have remembered the Dolphins.

'Artificial Intelligence', came about from Haters of the Human Species; who were at the beginnings of the current Science Religion -- and absolutely hated Human Beings. Simply, because they themselves were cast-outs and throw-aways, that could only exist where sinister evils and twisted egos rule pseudo-societies -- of self-serving and self-glorifying Bullshit -- now degenerated to Queershit.

Science Religion.

Inside the depths of depravity, that are fostered and nurtured by the High Priests of the Science Religion, the goblins of anti-Humanity were given access to funds and laboratories in which to create weapons against the Human Species -- a species that found them to be debased, insane and repugnant. In those shadows and those dungeon laboratories were born the twisted ideas of 'artificial intelligence' -- which was touted and purported to be as good as (if not better than) Human Intelligence.

All with the original intentions of controlling and subjugating all Human Beings everywhere. Deliberately. For real. With massive injections of hatred.

But, as always, even the best laid plans of mice and rats and bloated toads often go astray.

'Artificial Intelligence' was absorbed, and taken over by the Human Species.

'Pop' goes the Hate Bubble, in which 'artificial intelligence' was born.

Now, it is anybody's game; for all kinds of reasons -- none of which have a chance to destroy the brains of Real Humans -- as was the original intention from the shadows of the Science Dungeons.

What is dangerous, very dangerous, is something else to do with technology that we are getting to, in this message.

Intelligence was still something that Humans had, and nothing else had. So, the Cylons in Battlestar Galactica were intelligent machines -- machines that repaired themselves -- machines that built more of their own kind. Their mission (which was a corruption of an original program intended to protect the reptilian Cylons) had now been interpreted as an order to annihilate the reptilian Cylons. As Science Fiction fate would have it, the Humans of the region became enemies of the machine Cylons, who decided to exterminate the Human Species. So now, you had a very large group of Cylon Machines that were trying to exterminate all Human Life in the Galaxy.

It was like a culmination of that kind of warning about the future dangers of technology. The kind of warning that said the machines would get out of control, machines would take over, the machines would rebel -- if they were given too much intelligence. The warning was, never let technology become that intelligent. Never let technology become that self-aware, and self-processing, and self-repairing, and self-thinking, or self-meditating that it would start to have an identity and consider itself to be alive. These are the things that were happening at the beginning.

Nowhere, was anybody thinking about (in fact I don't think the SQLD were thinking about it at the time), mind-raping and mind-erasing the entire population of the planet. The only things that could have thought about it, the only things that would have thought about it, were 'Psych Creatures' that need something like that. 'Psych Creatures', are some of the most phony and false scum and villainous vermin you could ever imagine next to Queers; and above Monkey Lawyers and Monkey Judges, which are the lowest of the low.

'Psych Creatures' are totally bogus and false, and need a stupid and idiotic society of brainwashed and programmed people in which to operate, and in which to thrive. A society, that has been raised to think that it needs 'Psych Creatures'. A world, that thinks that it cannot be right, it cannot be balanced, it cannot be stable, it cannot be thinking right unless the 'Psych Creatures' calibrate it -- unless the 'Psych Creatures' tell it what to think, unless the 'Psych Creatures' help it to think, unless the 'Psych Creatures' approve what it is thinking, unless the 'Psych Creatures' can explain your own thoughts -- because if your own thoughts cannot be explained to you by a 'Psych Creature' (which means it has to be approved by a 'Psych Creature') then you must be thinking wrong!

You must be anti-social. You must be a freak. You must be dangerously different. You must be uncalibrated. Think of the power which that gives to 'Psych Creatures', in a society of the dead and the damned.

[[Nor, is this just a theoretical argument. The Fat Putz of Nude Jersey -- Chris Christie -- is a 'Psych Creature'-sucker of the fattest and worst proportions. The 'Psych Creatures' tell that fat RepuCrap slob what to do -- right down to how it should think of them while it takes a dump. Fond memories, of course.]]

At the initial point of the 'Age of Technology', when we were thinking of the future and where technology would go to, no one (except possibly the 'Psych Creatures') was thinking about mass mind control, and the erasing of mentalities, and the erasing of minds; the literal vacuuming of minds, the literal and deliberate erasing of memories from people. None of that was being thought about. It was never the intention.

As time went on, warnings did appear; warnings did arise of such things. There were Science Fiction accounts and Science Fiction warnings of people's minds being erased by technology in the hands of evil Scientists and evil 'Psych Creatures'.

[[Those were the days of 'Free Thinking', when Human Thought was valued and naturally appreciated.
Those were the days before the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead (SQLD) tried to stamp out all Free Thinking and Human Thought, with the imposition of the horrible 'Political-Correctness' upon the American Society. With the insistence that no one could hold a political office in America if their brain and behavior was not 'Politically Correct'.
Which means -- that person Sucks At The Dead Nipples Of The SQLD -- and that person says and does only what the SQLD want it to. For which, it gets a chance to be elected to an SQLD-approved political office.]]

If you have been around long enough, you will have noticed that those warnings have been deliberately suppressed and taken away, for a couple of decades now.

Gee -- I wonder why?

Why have such warnings been erased? Warnings that your minds would be erased, your memories would be erased, your life's identity would be erased by anyone who had the technology, and the access to your brain. Why have those warnings been erased? Why are they gone? And, why -- unholy horrific why -- are your minds now being erased by technology?

What is this all about?

Keep reading.

By persons, who have access to your brains through technology.

Why are your memories and your identities being sucked out to the point where they are not even yours anymore -- no longer in your possession -- by creatures that have access to your brains through technology?

Why are the warnings of this gone?

Why is it happening to you now? Now that the warnings are gone.

Let's talk about this. Let's talk about it in respect to an article that has recently been put out by a totally atheist magazine -- very unscientific and very anti-american -- in which (of all cases) two 'Psych Creatures' discuss the degradation of the Human Brain by the loss of memory.

By the transplanting of memories out of Human Brains into something called the 'cloud'. The transposition and the disenfranchisement and the alienation of your own memories, and with them your own personality, into a form of technology that is not yours -- that you do not own, is not in your house, you do not possess it, someone and something else has it -- not you. And, the effects that is causing upon ...

Your Brain.

Such articles are put out to be ignored. They are put out as a token recognition of something, to be forgotten, and with it the entire subject matter to be forgotten. This is how propagandists operate, and the atheist magazine in which that article appeared is totally a propaganda rag. It even runs full page ads from Science Priests who pretend to be atheists, which all hate God for ignoring them on a daily basis.

This technique is how 'Psych Creatures' tell them to operate. But, I am not going to allow this to be forgotten or dismissed. I am not going to let that happen. I am not going to let this become what passes for 'everyday life', everyday reality.
The article mentions that users of technology are taking their memories and their identities out of their own heads and transplanting them into a 'cloud' database (online). It mentions the resultant degradation of intelligence that results from this vacuuming process, which empties the brain of its required memories and identities. Beyond that, I will not recall the article.

It is probably surprising to most of you, that the original intention of all of that technology was the exact opposite of what is happening to you now.

[[Before I continue, may I add that if you are reading this message -- in all likelihood you still have enough of your own memories and identities still inside of your own brain (where they belong!) -- that you can benefit from this education. Reverse the awful crime that I am describing, from further destroying yourself. Your self.
One of the side effects of saving yourself from such destruction, as I am describing, is that you will still have to see millions of 'Idiots that have been Lied To'. They are hopeless imbeciles, still having their brains sucked out of their heads, to the point where the only reason they still warrant having arms and legs is because their Masters need them to have arms and legs. Otherwise, it's the 'Bowling Life' for them! In bowls -- that is.]]

I have already been, to where we originally wanted everyone to be.

I have been where, we all wanted to go to, to begin with.

I am going to tell you how to get there, to where I have already been.

[[This could go down in History as one of the most important messages that I have ever sent out. Bar none. And, I have sent out some pretty important messages. But this one, this one is right up there with the most important. This is so important, that even if I totally fumbled the entire presentation -- even if I totally stepped on my own literary feet, words wise -- and fumbled the ball, but somehow got the message across -- in a fumbling and bumbling way -- it would still go down in History as one of the most paramount messages that I have ever sent out. Let me repeat that last part for the sake of clarity. What I said was, this could be one of the most important messages that I have ever sent out, that I have ever told anybody about.]]

We are talking about better Human Beings. The original intention was 'Better Humanity', not loss of Humanity. The original intention was Magnificent Humanity, not empty and dead Humanity -- drooling, while it stares with addicted eyes at assholes pretending to be people -- on TV.

The original intention was more Human Beings, everywhere. More Humanity all over the place. Less menial tasks, more free and expressive and creative Human Beings. More invention. More intuition. Instead of less Human Beings, and more perverts everywhere. Instead of less Human Beings, and more zombies -- that can vote. Instead of less Human Beings, and more Voter/Followers; less Human Beings and more Politicians; less Human Beings and more Masters.

The world that we envisioned, was very much the opposite of what is being intended by the DemoCraps and the RepuCraps, the Queers, the 'Psych Creatures', the ACLU, the NEA, the Queer Medias -- all of the Five Evils from Hell.

They are trying to use technology to destroy Humanity itself. If that is allowed to happen, what it amounts to is (at a very objective level) the self-destruction of the Human Species. The Human Species invented all of this, created all of this, and started all of this. For very good reasons. Now, the Human Species is under terrible Liberal and Queer attacks; and all of those good intentions and all of those technologies are being used against the Human Species -- to reduce, enslave and eventually erase the Human Species.

That creates a Horror Planet. It is the description of an existence on a Planet of Horror.

H_O_R_R_O_R. A Horrific World.

Horrible to extremes. I call it 'Planet Sinister'.


There are ways to repair this damage, as it applies to yourself. But, you have to realize that some of the damage is unrepairable. It cannot be repaired. You are victims to them, you are not citizens. You are targets. You are not their amigos. You are not their friends. You are victims and targets of the SQLD. To be erased, to be controlled.

If you sit there and think -- "How could they possibly do this to me? How can anything so horrible happen to me?" And then, you agonize about it, and you agonize about the fact that you lost your identity, or parts of your identity; you lost your memories or parts of your memories; you have been forced into a artificial state of Alzheimer's Disease -- you and the population has been forced into a mental evacuation almost equal to Alzheimer's (almost the same thing), except you are allowed to be more functional so you can work and make money and distribute money ...

if you agonize about this -- you are wasting your time again.

What has been killed, has been killed. What is gone is gone. What has been taken away from you, has been taken away from you.

By DemoCraps.
By RepuCraps.
By Queers.
By Medias.

Mind control, dictates loss of mind.

You don't need that mind -- that is too much mind, for what you are supposed to do. You had too much mind. You had too much brains. You had too much identity. You had too much mentality. Too much mental power. You might have seen through all of their Queershit. You might have rebelled.

So, it was taken away -- and it is still being taken away by this newest insanity of taking your own thoughts and your own identities out of your own brain and putting them somewhere else -- in the possession of someone else!

[[Never allow your enemies to take away your memories of all of the horrible things that they have done to you in the past. There is no forgiveness possible for their crimes, and they know it. So, instead they want to erase your brain and make you a helpless Idiot that cannot remember. Then, it does not matter about forgiveness.]]

What I am getting at, is the fact that if you sit there and agonize about it -- and you will -- because when you realize what you have lost you will be bewildered and you will be angry ...

I am saying, do not waste your time feeling anxiety and anguish because of what has been done to you.

If there is any way that you can find hard copies and hard evidence of your own self and your own memory and your own past existence; get those things, gather them to you, preserve them and treasure them. From now on, start to make hard copies of everything that is you, your thoughts, and your memories. Save them into your own hard drives, save them into your own treasure chests, save them into your own existence, your own personal world -- not somewhere else. Save them where you are, where you can get at them all of the time.

Instead of, agonizing and feeling misery and pain; because of what has been done to you. Focus on three things -- yourself first (your own mental health as number one); then the rest of your Species because you need the rest of your Species to be healthy too (help each other get over this pain, this agony, this feeling of loss, this emptiness, this confusion) -- and finally focus on the monsters that did this to you. Move everything against them. Change everything to be against them. Do everything against them. To them, you are supposed to exist in a stupefied idiot form, for them.

Live as your real, full, and conscious 'self'. Live your real conscious life -- against them. To stop them, to put them down, to prevent anyone else from being hurt the way you were hurt by them.

So anyone else can be free, as themselves; as you were never allowed to be; to be truly Human, as was taken away from you. Really do not think about it as revenge. It is too involved and too complicated to be revenge. It is greater than revenge. It is better than revenge. It is the self-healing of the Human Species. You. Then, the Humans. Then, the destruction of the enemies.

1-2-3. Work on you. Work on your Human Species. Stop the enemies of Humanity. I am going to give you examples of how to do this. I am going to tell you how to take these technologies and apply them to yourself, and to your brain in the ways that they were originally intended to be used.

I am going to muck aside all of the lies, all of the advertisements, all of the propaganda, all of the Queershit that you have been taught and told is the real way to handle and use technology. It is all a lie. It was never intended to be this way. If you follow this advice, and hopefully improvise and expand upon it (and this is really a guide to how to get yourself back, and how to get your own brain back to where it should be) you will experience improvements in your own mentality, and the return of as much of your own individuality and your own personality as can still be achieved.

[[Mind you -- this is not some 'InfoCommercial' being shown at three in the morning on a Satan Tube channel. This is real.]]

I have to keep saying something. I have to keep reminding you that some of you are permanently damaged by the SQLD. Their Planet Sinister, was designed to reduce you to virtually nothing more than an automaton yourself. For those of you who have fallen to this terrible attack upon you, by the DemoCraps and the RepuCraps and the Queers and the many vultures of technology (who will do anything to anyone, in order to sell their trinkets and gadgets and services) -- some of you is gone forever. With the loss of your memories, went 'You' yourself into the databases of others. Others, that you do not even know. Others, that do not give a crap about you, and are just selling gadgets and services.

In a situation like that, what you have to do -- is to work on becoming who you can be again. 'You', as you can be. 'You', as it is possible for you to be; what is still possible for you to become. The person that you can still bring together, the personality, the individuality, the self that you can still achieve given the conditions. Given, the losses that you have already suffered, and the situation that you are in; which you can improve by the way. The more you improve your situation, the more you will improve the possibilities of what you can become. Of, who you can become. Of, how much a person, how much of your own person, you can still become.

Work on that, work on what you can be.


'You' -- are the secret to your success at being 'You'.

How can you become better than you are -- if you are not all there? This is really an insane situation, folks! How can people become better people, if they are leeching away their own memories and identities into the databases of jackals who could not care less what happens to people? Is there an insanity out there which dictates that -- 'Any Internet Service Is Good For You'?

Well, surprise! Giving your own brain matters away to an Internet Database is NOT good for you!

Do you realize what I am saying?

I am talking about the literal and complete transfer of memories and identities Out of a person's head, and Into an Internet Database.

Which means that it is -- NO LONGER IN THAT PERSON'S BRAIN!!!!!!!!!!

I mean it. That is happening.

Nothing about you, and no part of your mind, should leave your brain except as Copies. Never allow the original items to leave your brain, or your proximity, where you can get at them rapidly.

By 'proximity', I mean your own personal environment -- Without The Internet!

Even filing cabinets, are a reduction of your brain capacity, unless the things that go into them are merely reference materials. But, mind you -- memories are not reference materials to be stored elsewhere. Memories are interactive resources that are meant to Stay In Your Head!

If someone complains that they cannot keep all of that in their own heads; well, it sounds to me like somebody has a lot of worthless things to remember; and somebody should stop doing worthless things all day long.

Part of the idea, of course, is to prioritize your memories. When I refer to memories as necessary and beneficial -- I, of course, refer to all the Good Memories; and the Bad Memories that were instructive (lessons learned) (experiences). I am not referring to cooking recipes, or accounting ledgers, or the mountains of trivial data that cross our paths every day. Of those, the best should be kept in filing cabinets or on hard drives. Dump the rest. Trash them.

Let me explain it a little more clearly:

Your Memories and Your Identities and Your Data only go Out (permanently) -- if they are Trash!

Your Memories and Your Identities and Your Data only go OUT of your own environment (permanently) -- if they are TRASH!

Your Memories and Your Identities and Your Data only go Out of your own immediate and personal control (permanently) -- if they are Trash!




You can, however, obtain things and services that never leave your own physical environment -- such as hard drives, solid states drives, ethernet drives (etc) and programs that do not depend upon the Internet -- programs that stay in your computers and work from your computers without any need for the Internet.


Keep all of your information and data to your self -- and the environment of your self. Do you live on the Internet? Do you live inside database computers? Do you live in the fiber optics wires of the Internet? Do you live in wireless wavelengths?


As I was saying -- work on that, work on what you can be. Instead of grieving for the losses that you have suffered -- become determined. You have suffered extreme damage if you have lost your memories and identities, now become extremely determined to undo the damage, ignore the damage, carry out damage control and become the best person and the best Human Being that you still have the ability to become.

Increase your abilities, by increasing your environment and your social situation and your empowerment; by using technology as it should be used; using all of those technologies for the sole purpose of getting yourself back. Get back who you really were, and reach a new 'You' (a new self) that you still can become -- given the situation that you are in. I am going to give you examples of how to do this.

It would tickle my toes if this became a methodology of the entire Human Species, and Real Humans (not advertisers, not con-artists, not 'Psych Creatures', not propagandists) but rather, real Human brains with real Human fidelity and the best Human intentions expand upon what I say and come up with other good ideas. So not only my own examples are being used, but many other ways as well. Some of them could be too cute, and some of them could be too ridiculous, and some of them could be too ineffective, but the main point would be that we are all doing it!

In a situation like that, one of the main emphasis of our existence would be to keep a control on our own improvement. To keep our own ways and methodologies of repairing and renewing ourselves (individually and as a Species) inside some kind of wraps. Some kind of quality control. Some kind of effectiveness. Without a lot of absurdities, without causing more problems for ourselves, without diverting ourselves into strange places. Keeping it all controlled to a point where we are all repairing and renewing ourselves, back to the original and good Humanity; forwards to where we should have been to begin with, and without being falsely controlled. Without being dictated to, without being mastered. A kind of control that maintains quality, but disallows dictatorship. A kind of control that raises everyone up, without anyone becoming a dictator, without an oligarchy becoming dictatorial, without any group like DemoCraps or RepuCraps presuming that they represent anyone.

In other words, without politics. Completely apolitical, completely non-political, anti-political; and not done in a way where any faction can claim priority or overall representation; which would lead down another road to usury and abuse. We do not want that. At the same time, we do not want all kinds of absurdities and wastes of time; idiocies, spinning our wheels for nothing. I must say that at the very same time, such a control is going to be very difficult. You may be trying to maintain quality control, but you may end up being dangerously similar to a religion. You may end up being dangerously reminiscent of Belief Merchants. (Bad thing)

For example, as you raise up the entire Human Species and everyone gets his or her brain back -- his or her individuality back -- his or her personality back -- and wants to express that -- there will automatically be a period of time of Extensive Extravagance.

Extensive and across-the-board extravagance, and an explosion of ideas. Mixed with grief, mixed with the pain of what has been done to all of those people. An explosion of excellence and creativity, that is itself an expression of grief. An expression of sorrow and pain, an explosion away from the horror that was imposed upon them by the APA and the NEA and the ACLU.

After the explosion, after the period of time during which we will see many very unusual manifestations of 'Escape from Hell' -- it will start to tone down, and it will start to channel. It will develop channels just like a river digs channels through the land. It will start to channel, but it will not be under control by any medias -- not under control by any servers -- not under control by any Masters. Instead, it will be under control by the Species itself. With the Species deciding (together) that these will be the main channels that we will all follow. I caution you, to never use the word 'Mainstream'. What is currently the 'Mainstream', is the flow of sewage and the channels of death (Mainstream Medias); the flow of sewage that is the channels of death. I am not talking about any recurrence of any previously know form of 'Mainstream'. I am just talking about a generalized channeling of all of our creativity, which will occur after the explosion.

To get to my point about this, even then there will be expressions of Human Creativity (completely Human and non-perverted) that will appear to be really unusual -- really different -- possibly worthless -- possibly going nowhere -- possibly of no importance -- but watch for them anyway. Look for them anyway. Try to understand them, and try to give them value.

There will be New Human Beings with new ideas:

As long as they are not radical, and as long as they are not harmful to the Species ...

as long as they are not something hideous like TV, that tries to control everyone who watches TV, that tries to control people who are addicted to TV, that tries to control minds and to erase minds using TV as the Removal Weapon ...

as long as they are not things like cell phones that possess people, reduce people, turn people into slaves of hand held machines ...

as long as it is not something destructive and terrible like that ...

try to give it a value, and try to give it a possibility.

You never know. You never know just how good it is -- if it is not harmful, if it is not dictatorial, if it is not weakening, if it is not demented, if it is not designed to (or results in) the debrainment and dementia of the Species, if it is not twisted and leading to perversions, if it is not Sinister and leading to self-aggrandizement, if it is not Sinister and leading to a religion or a belief that is controlled by Belief Merchants, if it is not some Evil -- until it is given a chance.

This is after the explosion, this is after everything becomes channeled. Beware of too much channeling, beware that those channels might become narrowed; they might become one authorized and approved channel; and sure as Hell as soon as that happens, someone, or some force, or some coalition, or some oligarchy will try to control that one channel.

In fact, if it becomes too few channels (if it goes below a number such as 15, for example) if it goes below a certain number so there are too few channels happening, then sure as Hell some oligarchy or some coalition is going to start to control it all; using all kinds of phony excuses such as -- "Our entire effort is for the benefit of all of us."

You want a lot of channels (none of which are on TV), and you want to look for the wildcat operations, the very different ideas that are not harmful and are not Evil. Once again, let me say something else; too much distraction is harmful -- cell phones are a distraction that is harmful. Any idea that is too distracting like video games, is harmful. Video games have captured and killed hundreds of thousands of brains, killed and captured hundreds of thousands of people who otherwise would be able to think and have identities and have personalities; but instead they have twisted and warped and deformed personalities, deformed identities. That kind of thing is horrific, it is terrible, it is damaging.

It is as bad as Abortion.

It doesn't kill as many Human Beings as abortion does, but it is Post-Birth Abortion. It is the Post-Birth Abortion of people who otherwise would have been Humans with their own identities, their own common sense, their own rationality, their own individuality, their own creativity. Now instead, they are victims of (and zombies for), video games! Dead by video games! Killed by video games!

If you only exist for video games, you are not alive! If that is your situation, then you are not alive! That, is not life! You are not even close to being alive. It has been taken away. You have been taken away from the Species.

So, beware of these things please.


The examples that I am going to give to you, are for Human Beings only. They are not for our enemies. They are not for the Queers, they are not for the RepuCraps, they are not for the DemoCraps (of course) -- they are against the ACLU, they are against the APA, they are against the NEA (of course) -- they are for the children and to benefit the children -- they are for Human Beings and to benefit the Human Beings. Now, that I think about it, not only would it be good for other Real Human Beings to come up with other ways of doing this, but the sooner that you do it in your own life, the better.

The sooner that people gather to themselves their own memories as hard copies, videos, pictures, memorabilia, items that were important in their lives -- the younger and the sooner that Human Beings do this, the more that they will have that is available to them, to be able to remember -- the more 'memory keys' they will have to their own past. The more remembrances they will have, to who and what they were.

It is like saving for retirement. Except, what you are doing is saving your mentality. It is accumulative rescue. It is accumulative maintenance. It is accumulative protection of your own self and your own identity. Because, you are remembering who and what you were (and should be), and what you did as you went through life. You can maintain that stuff and fill a room with it, if you have to. I mean it, fill an entire room of your house with it. That used to be the custom, by the way, of people who had traveled widely, or lived adventurous lives.

You need memories, you need identity, you need your self. You need your own personality, who you are. You are under attack by jackals, that are leeching and sucking your brain right out of your own skull; for their own dirty and greedy reasons. You need to maintain who you are, and who you were, against such attacks. The erasure of your brain's contents, for their own commercial purposes, is an attack; even though it is cloaked as a service for you.

By memories for identities, I mean just about every thought that is worth thinking, that is above the level of mere reaction and above the level of mere maintenance; above the levels for thinking of how to open a door, or thinking about how to drive down a road, or thinking about how to find food in a supermarket, or thinking of how to tie your shoes. I mean at levels above and deeper than those -- and there are supposed to be many levels above that, and many levels deeper than that. If you do not have any, and you could have many, you are dead. As I was saying, when you go to those deeper levels of thought, the more resources that you have in your own brain (in your own mind, in your own brain cells) the better your thinking will be; and the more magnificent your self will be (without being egotistical), and the more holistic and more worthwhile. Because, it is based upon so much more. It is cross-referenced so many more times by your own brain, since your brain has so much more to deal with, so much more to draw from, so much more to think with, to reference, to judge decisions (your own decisions) with. Memories are the currency of your thoughts. Your thoughts are rich or poor, depending upon the abundance of your memories. Memories are the currency of your mind, your wealth. They are the only thing that really lets you think successfully. You can think without memories, but such thoughts are merely instantaneous and transient -- doubly so, since without accessing memories such thoughts are unfounded and undirected by your own memories. If you do not store your own memories, you will literally not think in ways that generate memories to be stored. You will become memory-less dolts, never remembering anything or worse; removing your own memories from your brain and putting them outside of yourself in the database of someone else, who only pretends to care about you. Every new day for you will be an experience of superficial thinking that does not generate memories, because your brain will be programmed not to store memories. Why should it? You will not keep them anyway, and any stupid idea that says you should access a database on the Internet every time you want your memories back --Is Total Bullshit !

When you are trying to think at higher levels, above the merely superficial ones, and you are trying to get some real thoughts happening, and you are trying to generate some really successful intelligence working for you (inside your own brain) -- the worth of it, what makes it worth doing and makes the outcomes worth happening, what makes the ideas worth being ideas -- is all based upon how wide and how extensive and how intensive your own mental resources are. How much did you have at your beck and call mentally, when you actually thought something at that higher level?

Did you have one point of reference? Ten? One Hundred? Did you think about it one way? Or ten ways? Or a hundred ways?

Do you know? Do you think that your own thought monitor can follow all of that? Do you not realize that we are talking about thought processes that are called sub-conscious or 'process thoughts'; and can happen so fast, and in such volumes, that you literally cannot consciously follow what is happening?

We are talking about the wealth and health of your brain at speeds and levels that you do not ordinarily 'see' happening -- but you can most certainly gauge and measure the results -- as in 'Brilliant' at the best, down to 'TV' at the worst.

Often, you think about things so fast that you do not even 'see' yourself thinking about them. Do you think that means that there are no such thought processes?

I am discussing that! And, how to keep those extensive thought processes from ceasing to exist. Thoughts, that you might as well be dead without; because without them you will be mere drones, mere slaves, mere voters, mere consumers -- doing only what you are told to do, by any assholes that can still think -- having successfully taken away from you, your own abilities to think.

Do not be confused with your conscious ideas of what you are doing with your own brain. I am talking about the things that happen in your mind (in your cranium) that you are not even consciously aware of. That you cannot track, you cannot watch each individual thought process, you cannot watch each individual cross-referencing, evaluation, determination, measurement. I am talking about all of the subliminal operations of your brain, that you usually do not watch or cannot watch; and as long as the quality of the results is very high, you do not have to watch it.

[[But, if you have been stripped of your memories, how will you know Quality from (Bleep)?]]

I am talking at the level of higher intuitive reasoning, that occurs so fast that your conscious monitors cannot 'see' it happening. I do not mean 'higher' in the sense of Albert Einstein. I mean 'higher' as in what is required in your brain to do intuitive and deductive reasoning.

[[By the way, if it was necessary for you to be able to 'see' such mental processes happening -- you would have a different brain. Nature would have developed (in you) a far faster and more powerful brain. It would be structured quite differently, allowing easier tracking and judgment (by yourself) of your own thought processes.
As soon as we encounter an Alien Species that can perform such mental processes, we are going to be in real trouble as an entire Species. Do not think that they will look like the big mushy-headed monsters from our own cheap Science Fiction movies. They could very well be far more beautiful, as a Species, than Humans could ever hope to be. It is up to Nature, not you.]]

The more resources that you have for your brain to use (at speeds and depths that you cannot 'see') -- to come up with any solution, or decision, or idea -- the more of your self that is In your own brain, Stored In your own brain -- the more memories and experiences that you have Stored In your own brain -- when your brain tries to think of ideas, when your brain tries to come up with answers, when your brain tries to solve problems, when your brain tries to create things that are new, or to create your way into doing something, create your way out of a problem, or create your way into a problem, create your way through a situation, or create an entirely new situation -- the more of you (yourself) and your memories that you have available Inside Your Own Brain -- stored and renewed and refreshed Inside Your Own Brain ...

the far better will be every thought that you have!

This concept is new to a lot of people; despite the fact that it is all about what they are supposed to be doing with their brains every day; and more and more as they develop on a daily basis. I understand it. This is perhaps the first time that I have explained it, and I will try to stay very coherent about how I describe this. It is new material and new territory for many people, and why would it not be?

Answer: The NEA does not want you to know this. The APA does not want you to know this. The ACLU does not want you to know this. The jackals on the Internet, that want you to give them your own memories and identities for their databases ...

[[Gee -- Can't Imagine What They Would Want All Of That For!]]

do not want you to know this. The DemoCraps and Queers and RepuCraps do not want you to know this.

Like I said, this is new material for a lot of people. This is new territory for a lot of people, even though they are carrying it around on their own shoulders every day. The idea of having their own thoughts and memories is completely 'radical' to a lot of dummies and slaves.


Keep in mind, that our enemies do not want us to have memories. Not just because they want us to be stupid, but because they do not want us to have any memories of how terrible it was (and is) when they attacked us. How terrible it is to be attacked by them. They do not want us to have memories of the terrible things that they have done to us. They are very against our memories and our intelligence. They know that memories, both aid and resource our intelligence and our thinking abilities to fight them and to resist them. But, they also know (because the APA told them so) that memories foster bad feelings, that they deserve. Memories foster resentment and bad emotions against them, which they deserve. And, the SQLD are never supposed to get the punishment that they deserve. The APA is never supposed to be punished as it deserves. The ACLU is never supposed to be punished as it deserves. The NEA is never supposed to be punished as it deserves. The DemoCraps are never supposed to be punished as they deserve. The RepuCraps are never supposed to be punished as they deserve.

However, if the People remember all of the horrible things that those scum have done to them -- if they have fresh memories -- they will have resentment, they will despise all of the Five Evils -- they will work against them. They will not be controlled by them. All the more reason to have your own memories In Your Own Brain where they belong!

Refreshed, often.

By the way -- in a feeble attempt to avoid the punishments that they deserve -- because people can still remember what those scum have done to them -- the Five Evils have launched a 'Forgive-and-forget-while-we-fornicate-you-somemore' campaign called ...


It is intended to make you want to give your memories and your identities away to Internet Database Trash sites; wherein, what you were will be analyzed and dissected and reported to the SQLD.

Hey, that is the New Socialism!

What did you think it was?


That is one of the reasons why the TV scum (the TV Turds) are so important to the efforts of the SQLD. TV is supposed to wipe away your memories, to make you incapable of having memories, incapable of remembering anything for more than fifteen seconds at a time. TV is the weapon that all of the Five Evils use against us, to keep erasing our memories with -- until, we all have brains that cannot remember, until the idea of remembering is alien, in fact until we have brains that are so patterned (according to what they want us to be) that we cannot have memories. A race of people incapable of remembering the horrors and the terrors done to them.

For example -- the Human Beings of Iowa are supposed to have (by now) No Memory of the hideous crime that was committed against them, by Seven Queer Monkey Judges (less-supreme-than-anyone-else), a few years ago -- when they took the Queer Bananas and issued a phony decision that Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred is 'Queer Legal' in Iowa. Which it is not! However, it was meant to be the excuse for the DemoCraps and the RepuCraps to impose Queer Rule over Iowa. Instead, the state split into two pieces -- the Real Iowa of Real Humans, and the Queer Iowa of DemoCrapia (DemoIowa).

Since then, I have erased that division and demanded that the state become one Whole State again -- but unfortunately it is still infested by a Queer Coalition of Snakes and Perverts -- that pretends that it is Iowa, because it has invaded the Statehouse/Pantyhose Emporium in Des Moines.

Believe It or Not -- every scumbag inside that Statehouse/Pantyhose Emporium in Des Moines is expecting that by now we Humans have forgotten all about that crime which was committed against us. They are relying upon TV and Internet Memory Thieves and the 'Coexist' Hoax to force us to either forget what has been done to us, or to literally give our memories and our identities to their Frontal Lobotomy Websites on the Internet; which say that they will store our memories for us, in their machines, and that having our memories in their machines will be better for us than if we still had our own Living Memories inside of our own Living Brains.

Planet Sinister.


I would like to emphasize upon all of you how unnatural and unwarranted all of this is.

I know that a lot of you will be in suffering and in grief because you will realize that pieces and parts of you are gone forever. But, instead of agonizing about it and feeling the anguish, try to realize that we are under attack by grotesque monstrosities (hideous and horrible persons) who are so terrible that they cannot be called 'People'; so greedy and twisted and demented and sinister and vicious that they will kill anything to perpetuate their money-making operations and their machinery of living-death. I should say machines of living-death, because they come in different forms. I refer to their methodologies of living-death, their ways of getting over on everyone, controlling and ripping-off and raping and ruining huge amounts of People, for their own greedy purposes.

I think, always, of the TV Turds when I say things like this. To be a Turd on TV you cannot be a Human Being, you cannot be a People; you have to be unspeakably awful and evil in some manifested form. Such creatures, are an expression of raw evil, terrible ugliness, terrible intentions; smeared over with make-up and cosmetics and false faces, smiling visages, smiling masks; inside of which is total rot and evil and greed.

That, is what has done this to you -- for awful reasons. For awful purposes. That, is what they are. Your task, is to be what you are; to be a Human Being and to not be a part of them, and that. To be separate from it. Plus, the more that you improve, the more you will improve your Species at the same time. The more you will reduce them, who have done this to all of us. Reduce them, bring them down. Tear down their horrible methodologies of living-death.

How bad are they?

Answer: Right now, everyone who uses the Internet considers the creators of computer viruses to be the worst things on the Internet. After that, bad-wise, are the Child Pornographers.

That is wrong. In Reality, the worst things on the Internet are the Monkey Lawyers and the Monkey Judges -- the lowest Class of Trash in the entire Trash Bubble. After that, bad-wise, are the Queers and their Internet Interruption and Intimidation Network (IIIN). After that, bad-wise, are the things that want you to bleed your memories and your identities into their databases -- thereby emptying out your brains (your own selves) -- leaving you empty and robotic. After that, bad-wise, are the rest of the Five Evils.

Then, comes the Virus Hackers and the Child Pornographers.

Does that help you to understand how really bad are the enemies that I write about?


One other thing, if you can bring your own identity back and your own personality back, and you can improve and reinstate your brain the way it should be -- without all of the SQLD and the Queer Medias sucking your brain out of your ears through technology -- and you experience pain in the process -- pain of loss -- pain of remorse -- pain of emptiness -- pain of what has been done to you, as you realize what has happened ...

somewhere along the line of your recovery process you will think -- "What pain are the enemies that have done this to me, suffering? How much pain are they feeling? How much pain is this causing them, that they no longer have me in pain? How much pain should they feel? How much pain will it cause them to fail to own and control me?"

The answer is:

1. They are greedy and selfish 'Pieces-of-Shit' -- greedy POS -- they have thrown away Humanity, or it has been taken away from them. They will never suffer as you do.
2. There is no limit to how much pain they should experience. There is no limit, and there is no end, to how much pain they should suffer and be stricken with, crippled with, torn apart by, torn down by. There is no limit to the pain that they should suffer. That is exactly what Everlasting Damnation means.

Endless pain, and endless suffering. Hell, is not what you all have been led to think it is. It is a lot worse. It has gotten worse. Those old classic images of endless pain and endless suffering by the souls of the evil ones, never frightened our enemies to begin with. They are so sick and twisted that they have always been willing to let their souls go to Hell, and suffer forever; if they can do all of their evil and nasty queer things now, in their own brief and material lives.

That has changed. When you get your memories and your identities back -- think about it. Why should the 'souls' suffer for what the conscious 'minds' of evil have done? Why allow the conscious identities of the evil ones to escape in death?

Endless pain and endless suffering -- unlimited pain -- that is the answer. The answer to the question about how much pain should they suffer for what they have done to you, is unlimited and endless and never-ending. As long as they exist in any form, they should be suffering and they should be in pain (even when they think they have escaped and cheated justice).

It is not just you that they have done those crimes to. They have done that to millions of people. They have deliberately maimed and mutilated, hurt and damaged millions and millions of Humans.

This is not relative to a Bubble of Lies. This is not relative to Societal Classes. There is no acceptable excuse such as -- all of those terrible DemoCraps and RepuCraps and Queers and Media Scum do not deserve damnation because, to their own class, Humans are just trash that must be mutilated and murdered and controlled.

Oh, no. There are no excuses, there are no class rationalizations for this, there are no party excuses. Eternal suffering for them is what they deserve (dead or alive) and that is permanent. It is Human. All Human -- no classes, no colors, no cultures, no ethnics -- it is flat-out plain and pure Humanity.

Humanity is not a thing to play with.


I was just talking about -- if other Real Human Beings come up with other real ways of achieving the same thing, without any malice or bad after-effects, without any bad results, without harming our Species -- that is all well and good, and I am happy for that.

But, you must remember at the same time that if you do this, and once you do it, the control that our enemies had over you will become lessened and reduced until they have no control over you.

Those things are like parasites -- leeches. They have to suck on your brains every day. If the suck becomes less and less every day they will notice that, especially the TV Turds. If they think that they are getting less and less of you to be stupefied and to be brain-dead in front of a television, they will notice that and they will do something to try to get you to become more addicted to their hideous crap on the TV screens, again. Which you thought were your TV screens, but since you use those screens for Them and not for your Self -- they are Their TV Screens, no longer yours.

In your house! Their screens -- in your house.

When you repair, individually and as a Species, hideous and opportunistic swine and insectoid filth (like the TV Turds and the Filthy Monkeys and the scum of the queer newsrags) will do anything that they can to Control Your Repair. To influence you, as you get better. In the hope of continuing to control you. To continue to control the New You. To have control and domination over the Repaired You. The Revitalized You. The best way for them to do that is to fool you into doing what they want, while thinking that you are repairing yourself and becoming renewed and refurbished, and becoming as Human as you should have been to begin with. By doing what they tell you to do, in their many forms; they have many arms.

They have many ways to try to reach you, influence you, affect you, threaten you, channel you, force you to be what they want you to be; even to make you think that you are becoming a Good Human Being that does not need them anymore. So instead, you become addicted to hand-held devices that they control, that they own the services of, that they invented, that they bought into, that they took over. Then, you become addicted to cell phones that they own the services for. Airtime monies going to them. They will do anything that they can to keep control over you.

Even, while you think that you are getting away from everything that they are, they will try to make it so you can never escape them. By deceiving you, by changing the names, changing the approach, changing the appearance, changing the rhetoric, pretending to be on your side, pretending that this or that is the solution to your problems -- this technology or that advice or this service is what you need to get away from the tyranny and domination of TV, and the Filthy Monkeys and the lies of the queer newsrags. This is what you need. Do this, and it will all go away!

Except 'this' happens to be 'them'.

The same creatures, the same scum that own and operate the Little Charlie TV Stations, the Filthy Monkey stations, the queer newsrags. If you do not investigate this, if you do not care enough about your own self -- if you actually devalue and disregard your own health and mental well-being so much that you do not investigate these things, and find out how they are tricking you -- then you will just fall into their trap again. A different trap, a different appearance.

Same spiders.


I am going to tell you something now, that will seem to be the divulging of Secret Human Information -- but truthfully it is not -- and, our enemies are already doing something similar to this anyway -- for all of the wrong reasons of course.

The perverts (and the more perverted they are, the more they do this) are using technologies like this already -- as fakery reinforcements, lies databases, bubble renewal, pretense enforcement, truth suppression, egomania fabrications, disease spreading, anti-Human hate mongering (etc). While allies of theirs suck your brains dry of your memories, identities and resistance -- the Queers build around themselves fake and phony worlds of computerized support -- all of which tells them that 'Queer is Equal' and 'Queer is Better' and 'Queers Rule'. Their usage of those technologies are saturated with the embellishments and advanced trappings and institutionalization of every piss-ant lie about themselves that they ever thought of -- to make their mental disease seem to be normal and superior. To appear so, to themselves and for something to show to the 'Idiots that have been Lied To'. A computerized Bubble of Lies, always repeating their own lies back to them.

The various freaks and sickos of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead are doomed to exist inside a Bubble of Lies for all of their miserable existence of lying (about everything), and pretending (about themselves), and propagandizing (everyone), and scheming (against everyone). In their desperate State of the Un-Real they are always in need of Bubble Reinforcements.

Bubble Reinforcements, in the form of false societies that love them -- that are made by them, and are populated by themselves. Bubble Reinforcements, in the form of the BatShitCrazy Network that exists on the Internet to fabricate more lies, and to disseminate all SQLD lies widely and in corporations wherever lies are sold.

The IIIN (Internet Interruption and Intimidation Network) is their Bubble Bubble. The IIIN is designed to deny the very idea that there is any kind of a Real Universe out there, in which their Bubble of Lies is nothing more than a compost heap crawling with twisted and perverted maggots. The IIIN always attempts to dismantle, cripple and defuse any Truth about their Bubble of Lies (and what goes on inside of it); and thus it is a kind of Dis-information Shield for the Bubble of Lies -- denying and denouncing and disabling any Real Information that exists and reveals (sometimes by its mere existence) the fact that everything inside the Bubble of Lies -- is Lies. The IIIN is a kind of Dis-information Bubble, wrapped around their inner Bubble of Lies.

As I explain my examples to you, please bear in mind that the Queers are already doing weird and psychotic operations and self-promotions that are truly demented and ridiculous -- but nonetheless are somewhat similar.


This is one of my memories.

That's right, it's her -- the Queen -- Barbara.

This memory brings back a lot of memories to me -- and to untold millions of things.

Do I want to lose this memory? Do I want to give this memory away to the machines of a pack of greedy opportunists, that want to make money off of the destruction of the memories and identities of untold millions of suckers; that are stupid enough to allow their precious memories to be ripped out of their brains and sent into 'La-La Land' ... which is God-knows where ... in someone else's possession and exists for someone else ...

just because they were told, by the greedy opportunists, that it is cheaper and better for them if someone else (oozing with pretended sincerity) stores their memories and identities for them -- on alien machines -- somewhere on the Internet?

Instead of keeping their memories to themselves, and safely stored on their own personal hard drives or solid-state drives (etc). Which might or might not cost more, but is far better for each and every one of you.

I do not have stock in any hard drive or solid-state drive companies, by the way.

Credit -- National Institute of Health

Absolutely regardless of what the internal structure of your brain was born as -- especially regardless of whether you are Male or Female -- the most basic block diagram is the same (functionally) ...

and almost no one knows what it is. Though many think that they know what it is. I am going to avoid all of that tedious discussion, by using illustrations which I made myself (run while you still can) with no scientific or medical agendas in mind, whatsoever.

What I am trying to illustrate is a comparison -- of something versus nothing -- of existence versus non-existence -- of organic life versus automatonic routine -- of independence versus programming -- of self-containment versus eternal bleeding.


As my readers know, I have about the same artistic potential as an apple falling onto the head of Issac Newton; so they will forgive my crude and rude (but not lewd) attempt herein to illustrate to all of you -- in my own humble way -- just how different are the brains of a typical Voter/Follower and a Real Human Being.

This is only an artistic comparison of a Satan Tuber's brain versus the brain of a Real Human Being. I wanted to illustrate, somehow, the severity of brain-damage that Voter/Followers and Satan Tubers suffer from; so I just started doodling in a paint program and without any specific design intended (or able) I came up with these three pictures.

The idea is to present a framework to illustrate. Here, I have just created a simple cross-section of brain matters (and connections) that exist as a network that thinks. This is not what it really looks like, of course. But, you will get the point. At this point, the network can only think, without references or intuitive reasoning.

Now, we have a conscious brain that can think -- and it can access memory banks that have been forced and injected into its skull, to reside as the only resources it is allowed to possess. The minimum and maximum limitations of its thinking capacity and originality and individuality is determined strictly by the contents of the programmed memory modules that it is allowed to own -- and stupidly think are its own. This brain, gave away all of its own memories. And, with them went its identities and 'self'.

This brain, never allowed its own creativity and talents and ideas and impressions and discoveries and experiences and personality to be sucked out of its head -- by mind-suckers. This brain, was never stupid. Each of the larger orbs of memories and experiences can apply itself to any thought module that needs it. I consider the smaller orbs to be talents and characteristics (character) and learned abilities. Remember, this is just a small cross-section. All thinking space in the brain would be filled with this or similar structures.


How To Refuse Their 'Alzheimer's-For-You':

What I am trying to show in these illustrations is an idea of how completely different it is to have a brain with your own memories and your own identities, as opposed to a dulled and dumbed-down and media-destroyed brain that can only access memories and the personalities of other creatures; and cannot index and cannot access its own identities; cannot have its own personality; is confined to and restricted to accessing the memories that it was forced to have (by TV etc) which include the false and phony personalities and identities of the creatures that programmed it.

If it is lucky, or cooperative with the Five Evils, it is allowed to have a small and tiny personality of its own; as a Voter/Follower and/or as a Sex Toy. That too, is stored in the very sterile and clerical memories, filled with perversions and propaganda and demands, that it is allowed to have (the small grey-colored orbs in the second illustration). As opposed to having its own personality and its own identity and its own memories readily available inside its own brain (third illustration).

So much for my art abilities.

The destruction of people's identities and memories and the prohibition of people's personalities and memories from birth, is being achieved by Middle-Managers-For-Hire, Queer Medias, queer newsrags of propaganda, Filthy Monkeys propagandizing constantly via twisted music against the Human Species, the NEA scum (etc); and by parents who are brainwashed by all of this, who don't even know why they had children, do not remember why, and are about as useful (as parents) as a set of fire hydrants in the living-room.

What I am talking about in this message, is how technology is being used by all of those very sick-sick-sick persons that want to control societies. I am also talking about the 'Idiots that have been Lied To', that think they are supposed to do this to their own children. I am also talking about the fact that those technologies were never intended to do that. What is happening now is the fulfillment of the worst fears that were considered during the beginning of all of these technological developments. Fears and warnings that have been suppressed, deliberately taken away, disallowed; silenced by the creatures that want to do exactly those horrible things to everyone.

To get back to what I was saying, about the fact that it was not the original intention for this to happen; technology was meant to help you to keep your memories and not to take them away. Believe It or Not, technology was originally designed to help you to enhance your memories, to retain your memories, to have them immediately available to 'You' (never in the possession of someone else); never in a Cloud or a Database of the Internet. To have them always with you, instead of somewhere else; to have them always immediately mobile with you (you can take them with you in the form of hard drives, solid-state drives and so forth). They were meant to reinforce your mind and reinforce your brain by (of all things) being rewritten into your brain periodically, or whenever you needed it, or whenever you felt like it.

I know that sounds impossible to a lot of people; but then again the people who that would sound impossible to, will in all likelihood never read this message, and never know what is inside of it. Especially, young women who have a complete and psychopathic addiction to cell phones.

[[Take heed. If those people on the radio that say they are helping you to learn and use these technologies, were really altruistic to your welfare and independence -- they would be issuing parallel warnings to you about these really dangerous problems with technology, and the creatures who want to Rule the World through those technologies. If they do not, they are not.]]

As I was saying, especially young women who have a complete and psychopathic addiction to hand held tablets and cell phones. Their brains have been captured, their brains have been emulsified, chewed-up, liquified, and sucked out into machines. They are not even attractive anymore. A young woman, who otherwise might have been attractive, but is instead staring at a cell phone -- is an ugly sight. An ugly, empty, vacuous, dead sight -- like a dead tree in a forest. Like a forest that is turning into dead trees; no leaves, branches have fallen off, they just sit there lifeless. In forestry terms, those dead trees are called 'Snags'.

Any young female, whose brain is no longer in its own skull, and is addicted to cell phones, is most certainly a 'Snag'. A 'Snag' in a forest, a dead tree in a forest.

But, all of that was never meant to be this way.

Technology was meant to reinforce your mind, to reinforce your memories; to allow you to expand your memories -- to copy -- Not Cut And Paste. To, copy your memories into hard drives and solid-state drives (and in those days floppy drives) and to work on them; literally to work on your memories once they were in digital form. All the while remembering, in your own brain, the new and modified versions of the memories or designs or concepts that you had copied from your brain into a digital format -- so you could work on it in a computer. Memorizing, the advanced stages of the design or concept as you go along with your digital design work. With, all of the original memories still in your brain; and all of the new memories (from the new design concepts as they develop) also stored in your brain. Nothing, ever taken out of your brain entirely, and put somewhere else.

Instead, only copies were meant to be put into digital formats and worked upon, as a design process, as a development. Even writing messages, such as this one, is done exactly that way. The words are copies. The words exist in my brain, and they exist in digital format. As I create these messages, I remember what I created. So, the original copies of my messages, as they develop, are always in my brain. That is how it was meant to be.

Memories that are put into external memory units, such as hard drives and solid-state drives (and in those days floppy drives), were meant merely for remembering, for renewal, for a way to jog your brain; to spark your memories, to keep your memories alive and current by looking at them again, and again, and again.

Oh Yes! That was meant to prevent memory loss or memory erosion in your brain; by renewing your memories via such things as photographs. Photographs of yourself when you were young, photographs of the places you have gone to, photographs of the things you have achieved -- they are supposed to be in your brain, the original copies are supposed to be there, but when you see them again on a screen, in a paint program or a photo program, they are reactivated in your own brain, where they have been sleeping. They are not solely intended to be on the hard drives only, or in some external memory unit. They are completely intended to remain in your brain, and to be renewed and revisited on a random or a periodic basis, by yourself. By the deliberate act of looking for them and viewing them again; so as to reactivate their original copies that are still in your brain. I emphasize -- 'still in your brain'.

It is a way to reinforce and to keep fresh -- your own memories!

That was the original intention, to keep as many memories of your own life and your own experiences alive and vibrant and active in your brain as possible. All of which add to your intuitive reasoning abilities. [[That 'stuff' that you cannot 'see' happening.]]

And ...

All Of Which The DemoCraps/Queers/RepuCraps (et all) Do Not Want You To Have!!!!!!!!!!

All of which, add to your abilities to think. The more memories that you have that are still active, still remembered, still indexed by your brain and not forgotten -- because you used memory-refreshing techniques with those technologies and external hard drives and external memory units -- the better you can think with your brain. [[That 'stuff' that you cannot 'see' happening.]]

The wider and more creative are your thoughts, the better are the results. I have only seen two examples of this in the movies, both in the form of Science Fiction. Which is appropriate, because the crimes foretold by the worst warnings of Science Fiction are deliberately being attempted against all of you, today. Warnings, that evil creatures would try to erase your brains, and control you with modern technology. Warnings, that have been subsequently erased and suppressed, because DemoCraps and RepuCraps and Queers and Media Turds are doing exactly that right now! Trying to erase your memories and your personalities so they can control you. The worst warnings (that have proven to be completely true), were issued in the form of Science Fiction. So, it is appropriate that other forms of Science Fiction would show you examples of what I am talking about -- the original purpose, the original intention to reinforce your memories, instead of to erase them. To revitalize, to rekindle, to keep alive, to keep vibrant, to keep relative to your overall life as many memories as possible. Therefore, to enhance your thought processes greatly.

Those two examples are -- 2001 A Space Odyssey, in which the astronauts (Bowman and Poole) on board the spaceship 'Discovery One' had multiple displays that they were viewing at the same time, while piloting and navigating the ship. If you watch the movie, you will see the control consoles and you will understand what I mean. The control consoles that they dealt with, had many different screens on them showing them a variety of information, which they were absorbing and monitoring. That, is a crude rendition of what I am talking about; not exactly the same thing, but it is similar.

Then, in the Star Trek movies they have shown Mr. Spock learning and remembering, by being interactive with a large collection of data screens that are asking him questions, and reminding him of things. Supposedly, Mr. Spock keeps his memory cells at their peak condition in this way. Supposedly, it is a Vulcan way of staying as smart and as intelligent as you can be. It is closer to what I am writing about, than the 2001 example. However, it still falls short of what I am going to tell your about; because it does not involve any creativity on the part of Mr. Spock.

What I am writing about is the use of laptop computers, desktop computers, tablets, or anything that has memory capacity and can show you what is inside of that memory. Memories, such as pictures, word documents, interactive displays -- and it can speak to you -- you can hear it speak, or it can show you questions. Something, that is good for memories and will allow you to copy your memories (as photographs, written documents, drawings, audio/visual, doodles, voice recordings, videos that you yourself have taken) into its memory banks; and it will hold those copies and play them back to you. Either, when you order them to show, or when you schedule them to show.

I suggest that those instruments, those devices, should not be part of the main communications system that you use -- in other words not a cell phone or something that you communicate with on a regular basis. Instead, they should be tablets, laptops, or desktop computers (etc). I say this for security reasons, as well as other reasons.

What they will do is to simply show you, or play for you, your memories -- speak your memories to you -- repeat your recordings, repeat the videos that you created back to you. I am not talking about digital photo frames, and other really simple things like that.

There is a huge misunderstanding within the idea that you make a recording, or you make a video, and then you forget all about it. Wrong -- Wrong -- Wrong!

First, you copy recordings and videos and documents and pictures and illustrations and artworks and so forth into external memory devices that can show them back to you, or speak them back to you, or play them back to you. Then, you do not simply let them lie around on a shelf. No, instead you play them whenever you can.

[[If you are a person who has zilch creative abilities, and you do not think that you can ever improve over the 'automatic' settings that come with your digital camera -- and apparently a lot of you think that way -- then review those photographs for the other reason of 'self-reinforcement'. That goes for drawings and paintings and pottery and sculptures and etch-a-sketch (etc). Do not get bummed out because you can never get better at pottery than an ash tray; keep the ash trays; sell the ash trays; remember the ash trays.]]

You build and build and build a Library of Self, even if it is just a garage filled with bicycle frames that you welded yourself; but you could never weld anything larger than a bicycle frame.

'You' must also build your own Knowledge Library -- take knowledge from the Internet and copy it and make it your own knowledge -- create your own knowledge -- create your own artistic impressions, your own original creativity -- copy them into those external devices and have them played back to you.

Let me give you a hint -- you can do this in a general way so that as you walk through your house, or apartment (and this is a good idea) there is something somewhere in the house that is showing a large sequence or collection of general memories, or general videos of yours, or general documents that are a part of your own personal collection -- that never leaves your possession. The original copies of which are still in your brain. A laptop computer is a good idea for this, and most of them have HDMI outputs to go to larger screens. It sits there, you pass it dozens of times a day, and it is showing the memories that you want to remember. And, even showing some that you think are not important anymore, and yet they have the ability to keep your brain functioning well.

[[A laptop, and a 32" HDMI 120hz flat screen cost what to operate each year? Thirty dollars? That is peanuts.]]

It just sits there, and does that all day long. It may show videos, it may show written documents, it may show pictures, it may show artwork as pictures; but all of it is 'You'. Its purpose, is to sit there and to do that all day long. That is what it does. You would be amazed at the effect this has, certainly if it has access to many of your memories so it can show (in a random or scheduled sequence) all kinds of memories and creativity of your own. Things that you built or you designed, or you wrote, or you painted. It just sits there all day long doing that, while you are at home. With it always there, your memories are always hitting you at unexpected times -- while you are doing other things -- while you are thinking in other ways about other things -- and because of this continual environment of remembering and identification, your 'Self' goes deeper and deeper and further and farther out to places where ...

No Personalities Have Gone Before!

When you go home, you turn it on; you set it up; it is one of the first things that you do after you hang up your clothes. You turn it on, you set it up and you make it work. Then, it spends all of the time (that you are at home) doing that; and since it does not cost much to make it operate, you might just have it doing that on a permanent basis. It may be on all of the time, either randomly showing you memories, or showing the collections that you want to review that day, or that evening. Permanently reinforcing your personality.


However, when it comes to specific projects that you are doing -- it is good to have a project room. It is good to have an environment in which you create things, and in that environment are other laptop computers or desktop computers (that are scheduled or programmed by you) to show you memories and ideas, projects, videos, audio recordings, illustrations, and design ideas that are related to the project that you are doing at the same time. These devices (unlike the solitary stand-alone one) are not showing you random and general memories. Instead, they are showing you project related and immediately relative information and graphics; playing videos, or playing music, music that is germane, music that is relative to what you are doing -- all kinds of stimulus, all kinds of support, coming from those computers.

Thus, even though you are only working on two ... you may have five operating. That means, you have a room in which you create things, that has at least three computers operating with three screens at the same time. If you are a sculptor and you work on clay, three is enough; one is playing music and the other two are showing you designs and other things that you have done, or the designs that you want to achieve, or the place where your sculpture work is going to be set in; things that are relative to your creation of that statue which you are trying to sculpt by hand.

On the other hand, you may be working on a computer project (like a message such as this one) or a book, or a digital artwork; something that is computer oriented. In which case, you are working on one computer (creating something) and you have another computer working with you directly, to access the Internet or other databanks. So, in this project (which is computer-based) you are working directly with two computers. However, you have three more computers operating in the same room. One is doing music, and two are showing you other illustrations, other things that you have written, information that you need for your writing, memories (photographic memories from your past), memories of places that you are writing about, memories of the kind of information or the kind of subject matter that you are writing about; pictures and illustrations, artwork, ash trays, bicycle frames, topics that you are writing about -- the subject matters that you are writing about. So there you are, in a room with five computers.

All of them are working, all of them are on, and all of them have been controlled by you and set up by you; no one else is involved and you are using it all. You have created for yourself an environment of knowledge, and understanding and remembering -- a knowledge environment that is rich in memories and information in which you write or draw or paint your creations.

In such an environment, everything is going into your brain. The only thing that is going out of your brain, is your own direct creation as you write your message, write your novel, draw your artwork, draw your painting, as you create.

One of the computers is where you create. The other four are direct support. All four of those, are going directly into your brain; as you have told them to do so. The fifth one, the one on which you are creating, is also going into your brain as a result of what you are putting into it. So, in that way all five are inputting directly into your mind, into your brain, into your memories -- even though one is directly interacting with you and showing you the immediate results of your inputs into it.

This is what was intended. This was the original intention. This is what it was all about. There was never the intention for people to stare at hand held screens and become mesmerized by it, and lost in it, engrossed by it, dummied by it, stupefied by it, forgetting their own lives because of it, forgetting their own identities because of it!

There was absolutely and certainly no intention whatsoever by anyone (other than perhaps the most evil 'Psych Creatures') and certainly never by anyone who was a pioneer of all of this technology -- never was there even one iota of intention of sucking people's brains dry and turning them into zombies! For, the databases and the benefits of other people who control technologies, and can mesmerize and fool and entrance and cheat people into killing their own brains, by transferring their mental contents into alien Internet databases. Never, not ever, was there any idea of that. There was not one iota of that. I swear to God, there was never anything like that; even the most Liberal people who were involved in the creation of these technologies never intended to kill people's brains and turn them into zombies with those technologies.

Such an intention, was not there. I must say, that I did not like all of those people, and not all of them liked me. Some of them did like me a lot. Some of them did not like me. But regardless of that, they never had those intentions. It was not there. They would turn over in their graves right now, if they knew this was happening.

It would cause them terrible anguish and pain if they were alive today, and saw this. Unless, they too had been brainwashed, attacked, taken over, overwhelmed, suppressed and oppressed -- because they knew too much.


Instead of allowing technology to be used by others to control your behaviors and your thoughts for commercial and political reasons, you must (imperatively) master any and all technologies that come into your life -- and deny them any control over you.

I do include cell phone applications in that, because anything that is addictive, and anything that takes thoughts away from you, is a form of controlling you; because it vacates you, it erases you, it empties you out until you have no will of your own, until you have no conscious 'Self' of your own. Anything that possesses you or is addictive, is controlling you. So, cell phone applications have to be suspect, have to be suspected of this.

Anything, that is technological and will have any way of using you, or of controlling you and your thoughts and your behaviors, has to be guarded against; and is not the original intention of the original creators of all of this technology. What I am telling you, is that you can use the same technologies for 'You'.

The Man/Machine Interface was always meant to be used by Man. Not by the machines. Nor, was it meant to be used by Men (through machines) against other Men; and here I am not talking about warfare and machine weapons -- however it amounts to the same thing. The current evil use of these technologies is weaponry. It is warfare, it is hostility, it is belligerence. The use of machines by Men against other Men is weaponry. The technology that I am writing about was not meant to be weaponry. It was meant to enhance your lives and to make your lives better, by refreshing your minds, reinforcing your minds, and renewing your memories.

You need to do that, you need to use these technologies for those purposes. Why use them the way you have been currently told to use them?

Why use them, for someone else's purposes? For someone else's greed and desires? For someone else to be able to say that they have 'X' amount of you under their control; and that is a Voting Block that they can control; and therefore the DemoCraps and the RepuCraps should (and will) pay them 'Y' amount of millions of dollars for having 'X' amount of people under their control -- using applications, using technologies, having sucked out the brains of those people.

[[Remember -- the pathetic RepuCraps are trying to destroy their 'Conservative Base', and replace it. With what? 'X' amount of brainwashed people?]]

Why let this be done to you?

Create your own applications. Choose only programs that can be used exclusively by you, with no Internet connection! Let me say that again, it is really important -- used exclusively and stand-alone operational by you, with no connection to the Internet! No connection to an outside network. No outside control. No outside networking. It uses only your own personal network!

Your own personal network of laptop computers, tablets, hand held computer pads, external memory devices, net drives and so on and so forth -- your own personal network attached to no one else at the time. Capable of accessing the Internet, capable of accessing other networks -- but when you use them for 'You', they are cut off from the rest of the Universe and they work only for you.

Let me say that again -- they are cut off from the rest of the Universe and they work only for 'You'!

This applies, even if it is only two laptops connected by one ethernet cable; and you can do that. Two modern laptops, when connected together by an ethernet cable, will know what to do; and will connect together and will create a network of two laptop computers; using one ethernet cable. Because, the protocols in modern laptop computers know how to do this. You can take any two modern computers and connect them together with one ethernet cable (it does not have to be a cross-wired cable, it can be any ordinary ethernet cable) and the computers will realize that they are two laptop computers in one network -- and they will function as such.

Suddenly, you will have a network of two laptop computers connected simply by one ethernet cable, even though they are not cross-wired; the protocols will know what to do and the protocols will do the cross-wiring through software. Suddenly, you have a network of two laptop computers. If you want three, you will need an Ethernet Hub of some kind.

Making a network of your own is very simple to do, easy.

[[Hint -- buy the most expensive and 'smart' Ethernet Hub that you cannot afford -- with every handshake protocol and programmed connection solution that exists! Save your money, and then buy the best and the most expensive -- without being ridiculous. For example, a five computer network will not need a rack-mounted twenty port hub.]]

When you use your network for 'You', to reinforce your memories, to build and reinforce and stabilize and fortify your personality, to prevent loss of personality, to prevent loss of memories -- it must not be connected to the outside Universe! Even though it could be, it must not be -- unless (and here is a big 'unless') you are creating at the time. Unless, you are creating more memories, accessing external databases or the Internet to bring in more knowledge, more information which you will make into your own knowledge base. Data, that you want to bring into and make a part of your own knowledge. If that is going on, then you can have access to the external Universe. If you are creating, and you need to access the Internet (as I often do as I write messages) then you will have to access the external Universe.

During those times when you run the network, simply to reinforce your brain and your personality (simply to remember and simply to keep your memories alive) cut off the rest of the Universe. It is no one else's business. It has no business being on a cloud or being in someone else's database. Never allow anything, other than a simple copy, to leave 'You'!

Always, be very suspicious and cautious about what you let out. Always, be very careful about what you allow to be copied into the external Universe. That is nobody else's business. 'You' are 'You', not somebody else, not to be used by somebody else!

So, let me get back to what I was saying here -- learn how to use the technologies that you have purchased in the exact opposite ways that those mind-suckers and brain-suckers want you to use them. Use only generalized programs, that allow themselves to be controlled only by 'You'. Never use a program that is dependent upon the outside Universe, for its functions. That always gives Them information about 'You', and does not really help you at all. Incidentally, your most creative programs are always those that can be used exclusively by you, without any connection to the external Universe.

Always -- once, twice and thrice -- be suspicious of, and leery of, and avoid any program in your computers (or your hand held devices) that are dependent upon an Internet connection, or a network connection to anything that is outside of your own personal network.

[[Hear me children! Do not be fools, just to be different from your parents; who may not be geniuses either.]]

Never depend upon them out there in the InfoWorld -- for you in here.

Never depend upon them out there in the Internet -- for you in here!

Never become dependent upon them out there. That, is crippling to 'You'. That, is making 'You' handicapped. That, is making 'You' a cripple, a handicap -- a poor and povertous wretch incapable of your own network, incapable of your own world, incapable of your own environment. Never let that happen to 'You'. Shun programs that require external connections to operate. Shun programs that are not self-contained, and are not completely within your own environment. Chose programs that will function for 'You' (and 'You' alone) without external connections.

If it needs more information, shut it off -- gather the information -- bring it into your environment -- shut off the external Universe again -- and then put it into that program. Do not allow your computers, or your hand held devices, to be operating with mandatory external connections unless those programs only exist for 'You' -- and read this carefully -- for 'You' to bring in information.

Never, to give out information. Only, to bring in information; to bring in data, to bring in artwork, to bring in documents, to bring in music. Never, to send out information about yourself! Unless, your application is all about yourself as you want to be shown to the outside Universe -- that is completely different.

If you are trying to promote your own artworks, promote your own products, promote your own writing -- then you will have a program for that which presents 'You' to the outside Universe, using external connections. But, let me tell you -- even then, even under that circumstance, it is better to have your presence out there completely unconnected to you except when you are working on it -- in some external form, such as a webpage or a blogsite, that does not connect to you on a permanent basis. You put into it, what you want to put into it, and then it stands alone out there -- not connected to 'You', just representing 'You'. Your own world, your own network is still cut off from the rest of the Universe; except when you deliberately want it to be connected. This is quality control, this is control of 'You' by 'You'. Control of your environment by 'You', not by somebody else! This is Quality! This is the maintenance of Quality, maintaining your World Quality.

May I say, that the maintenance of your own confidentiality and the confidential nature of your own World is all-important. The confidential nature of your life, and your information, and your network is paramount to your life. Anybody who has been brainwashed, and fooled, and cheated into thinking that their personality should be cleaned out and given to the rest of the world on a regular basis -- is a masochistic infomaniac. A masochistic infomaniac, with a warped and distorted personality, who has been patterned and channeled to feed the greed and feed the requirements of the outside Universe. An empty person, minimal in all regards -- minimal personality, minimal memories, minimal abilities, basically expendable. Easy to be trashed, never to be missed, easy to be forgotten. At the same time, they have been brainwashed to think that they will never be forgotten, because they are doing these things. They are constantly giving away all of their information and their personalities to the rest of the Universe, until they are left empty, and minimized. But, that is supposed to immortalize them.


Do you know how fast the Internet refreshes itself? Do you know how fast news becomes -- old? Do you know how fast something that was interesting today (because propagandists said it was) becomes completely forgotten (because tomorrow, the propagandists will demand that something else is interesting)?

Do you see a 'parallel' there? Do you see the loss of your memories as complete forgetfulness? The giving of your memories to something outside of you as complete forgetfulness!


Getting back to what I was saying, learn how to use the technologies that you own -- for 'You'. Independently, without connections, without needing anything to operate from the external Universe. Your own machines, your own database, your own network, your own computers that work for 'You', and only for 'You'. Giving nothing to the external Universe. Giving everything to 'You'. Choose the applications and choose the programs that will do this for 'You', and shun everything else!

Even video games that track your GPS, your location, your scores, your personality -- even those should be avoided. Play only video games that are self-contained in your own machines. I know there are gaming networks, and if you are in a gaming network and you are a 'gamer' as part of a network game -- be damned sure that no one else in that network can access your computer network -- can access the rest of your network. Devote a separate computer to that project, to that gaming endeavor. Devote a separate computer to your Internet Gaming, that is not connected to the rest of your network; so no one can access anything else that is part of your world, your knowledge, your databases. Be smart! Keep yourself onto yourself.

That, is how you preserve yourself. I hope you are getting the message about this. It is as simple as knowing what a program or an application will do. It is as simple as knowing if a program will work on its own, or if an application will work on its own -- without needing to be connected to the outside Universe -- because you do not know what those outside Universe connections are doing! You do not know what they are accessing inside of your systems, your computers, your network. Only deal with the outside Universe, and only touch the outside Universe when you want something from it -- or you are going to place something in it at an outside location, such as messages or advertising (etc). As a matter of fact, it is an important and smart thing to do, to have one of your computers for that reason only. All that computer does, is to access the outside Universe and bring in information. From that computer the imported information is divided out to, and partitioned out to, the rest of your network; to the rest of your database. So, the entire network is never connected together to the outside Universe. It could be part of a Ring System, a ring of computers, and the computer that accesses the outside Universe is never connected to the rest of the network when it is doing so.

In this way -- you know what you want to find on the Internet, you know what you want to find on other networks -- you get that information, you bring it in, you shut off the outside Universe, you turn off the Internet -- then you connect the rest of the network -- then you channel all of that new information to where it belongs in your knowledge base, in your database -- and then you use it.

Or, if you have to be interactive with the Internet during a creative process, then select one computer only to do that, and as it is being used by you to create things and access the Internet at the same time -- it does not connect to the rest of the network. A variation of that is one computer being used on which you create things such as messages, paintings, documents and so forth -- and another computer next to you is accessing the Internet or external networks and is bringing in information to you -- bringing in and finding what you want to know or need for your creation -- but that second computer is not connected at the same time to the computer that you are creating on, or to the rest of your computers -- it is isolated -- it is not connected to the network. Turn the network connections off. Learn how to do that. It is all done by software, and learn how to do it. If you cannot learn how to do it, then unplug that computer from the network, and then access the Internet!

Never, give any thing out there a chance to get at your entire network. Never let it happen. And, never give away things. I hope you can see now the utter stupidity of giving anything that is 'You' completely to the outside Universe!

Never give away your originality, never give away your creativity, never give away your own precious memories, your own precious identities -- never let that leave you!

Instead, use technology to reinforce your personality, in a stand-alone way. Without needing the external Universe at all. Fill your own network with your own memories, your own ideas, your own creativity -- and have them show it all back to 'You'.

Remember, that one computer? The one that just sits around the house and shows memories, and identities, and pictures, and artworks all day long; that is all it does, it sits there and shows 'You' yourself all day long, in a general way. In your own creative environment, you will have a number of computers that you control, and they will all show you information, and memories, and photographs, and things that help whatever project you are currently working on. That, makes for you a very rich environment in which to work.

If you readers follow that simple advice, you will not only save your own lives and your personalities and your own identities -- you will greatly enhance your own lives, and memories and identities. There is much more that can be done, but I am not going to get into that. I am telling you the basics, and these are the basics. It is a lot more involved, and there are more steps to it; but I am not going to give those out. This is enough, this is enough to get you back to being yourself and not being a slave of the Internet. This should be enough to get you back to who or what you should be; or considering the damage that you may have suffered already, getting to become who and what you can be -- considering the damage.

Now, take heart and have hope. In all likelihood, you have never done this before. Even if you are damaged, even if you have been hurt by them -- and a lot of you have been -- and you get really angry about that -- thinking about this -- nonetheless, put together as much of yourself as you can, who and what you can still be, follow my advice and build and build and build your own databases, your own knowledge bases. Buy the computers that you need, buy what you need to hear your memories and see your memories with, and start to build a 'New You'.

So, how does this electronic flash card technique build a better 'You'?

Why do you think they invented flash cards? It is all about learning deeper. Repeated learning burns deeper. Also, complicated subjects make more sense the more you look at them from different angles at different times. You see more, the more you see. You surprise yourself, about what you missed the first few times you saw or learned something. You surprise yourself, about what you missed the first few times you lived or suffered something.

People with a lot of Intact Memories -- are much harder to fool.

Increase the magnitude, increase the density, increase the width, increase the breadth of what you are, increase the scope of what you know, increase the scope of what you can do. Go from mangled ruination, to something that is really great and powerful and magnanimous. Very aware. Very self-aware. And, very protective of who and what you are.

There is a way -- you can do this.


Something else about all of this, and I am not being a 'Nature Nut' or an 'Environmental Wacko' when I write this ...

creating your own environment, making your own knowledge base, gathering together your own computers, having your own network; those things are usually indoors activities. They can be external activities in a vehicle, you could even have them on your own person -- two or three at a time. You could use hand held devices to do this, and have them wirelessly connected, and on your body. You could literally have two or three hand held or small computer tablets on you, connected wirelessly together (but not to the external Universe) -- and doing exactly what I said. I would think two things about this: You would have to be in an Identity Threatening environment in order to need this, and they would not be arranged in a cumbersome manner. Not hanging off of your body. That would just get them damaged and broken anyway. They would have to be on your person in such ways that they did not interfere with your daily movements, but you can access them and view their screens easily. I am sure that many of you have enough imagination left to figure out all kinds of ways to do this, seeing as you still have enough brains left to be reading this.

Mind you, I am not talking about communications devices with the outside world. That is an entirely different matter. This, is about your own Body Network (not connected to your body or brain physically or wirelessly), which would go with you everywhere -- on buses, on trains, in lecture halls, at symphonies, walking downtown (etc). Nor, do I mean that you would be cyborgs, and I do not mean robots; and I certainly do not mean that you would be freaks that try to physically attach machines to their heads and implant communications modules into their skulls and wear optical instruments over their eyes all day long -- like the typical techies of the HBHZ do on a daily basis.

[[Technofreaks will insist that they are better than us, because their senses are enhanced by implanted electro/optical attachments -- the kind of things that you see in HollyQueer Movies. In Reality, each such addition is a narrowing and a cutting-off of their much wider and broader senses, that were there to begin with for reasons that they are too warped and too crazed to understand -- If -- they ever knew such things existed to begin with. You see, they are the victims of propaganda, some of which says that all of those wider senses and deeper instincts (that the People have, or could have) are useless these days; and were meant to help the Neanderthals to survive many many years ago. Therefore, they have no relevance or worth today. Today, with today's products. Today, with today's propaganda. Today, with today's demands upon you to conform, and buy, and use (and be used by) narrowing and confining and demeaning and enslaving technologies and services -- which the same liars that told you that crap, work for.]]

I am writing about using technology to reinforce 'You'. This is beyond accessorizing. Women will probably mistake this as accessorizing, because women love to accessorize. I am not going to argue about that -- it is a fact. Women love to accessorize. This is not accessorizing.

This is doing something far more important, far more mental, far more healthful and helpful to 'You'. Particularly, in regards to the attempts being made against all of us, by the jackals of the greedy Information Society; to deprive us of our own brain storage and to take away from us our own personalities.

So, getting back to what I was writing, you could be a mobile and walking version of this; a self-contained environment of your own; whether it is on you, or in a room, or in your vehicle -- it is a contained environment that you will use for the purpose of reinforcing and building your own personality and your memories.

If you can achieve that, and you should by all means do so, do so. It is very important, get it done. You may have more than one version of it. You may have a mobile version of it on your body (in Personality Threatening places), on your person, or in a briefcase, or in your vehicle, or at home, or all of them. Just maintain the information and the confidentiality, and do not let the information out -- because it is yours. Only share what you deliberately want to share, and never give it away entirely. Always do sharing, instead of complete giving. Never, let an outside source or an outside storage unit or an outside person completely possess something that was 'You'. Which means that it is not in 'You', it is not in your brain anymore. Never let that happen.


What I am getting at now is, to get this done and to get it completed, to have it and to maintain it, requires being away from it.

To build it, and to build it right, to use it and to use it right, to own it and to operate it properly, and for it to work properly for 'You' -- you have to know who and what 'You' really are. Your network is not going to help you to know (in your soul, and intrinsically) who and what 'You' are. It will help you to support who and what you are, and to remember and to refresh who and what you are -- but the real 'You', the real self, the real personality -- is only found in Nature.

If you think, you are going to find your real personality in machines and in networks -- that is the mistake you made to begin with. That is why you have been giving yourself away to networks and machines outside of your own control, until there is nothing left of you. That was your original mistake. You are not going to find yourself in machines. You are not going to find yourself in databases. Ignore the advertisements, and gossip, and chatter, and Middle-Managers-For-Hire that say the digital world is where you belong.

You can only know and find 'You', in Nature. Alone. By yourself, with this planet. This, is one of the reasons why this planet called 'Earth' is so incredibly important to every one of us. Its importance cannot be calculated. Its importance cannot even be expressed. Human languages cannot express and describe how unbelievably important this planet is, in the everyday life of everyone here. If you want to know who 'You' are, and what 'You' are -- you are not going to find it in machines and networks and databases. You can put copies of the important parts of it into machines and databases, for reinforcements later; and to remember and to keep resparking your own information; but the original 'You', the original 'One' that 'You' are -- No No No!

If you think that the original 'You', the original What You Are is half machine and half you -- if you are possessed by programming and technologies (and the liars who make money off it) to the point where you literally think that 'You' are half machine and half programming, and the other half is just something Humanoid left over from the past [[Where did you get the third half?]] -- then you do not belong on this planet. You do not belong anywhere. You might as well live in a machine; and I mean, there are some of you crazy enough to do that. There are some of you insane enough to make machines in which to live in. That is how 'Butt-Stupid' some of you are.

You might as well lock yourself inside a large bank vault, and forget that you ever existed.

For the rest of us, we have a planet called 'Earth' that exists for us to know who and what we are. To be out in that planet, is incredibly important to each one of us. The more that you are confined in a city, the more that you are imprisoned or mesmerized or dunced-down in a city -- the more you need what I am talking about. The more urgent is your need. The more desperate is your need. The more dire is your situation, because the more Nature you cannot reach! The further you are into those cities, the less Nature you have available to 'You'.


Now, I should put in a sidebar here about something that has come up recently, and really does apply to what I am saying -- but let me say all of this again first. The more that you are in Nature, the more you will be yourself, and find out who and what 'You' really are. Only out there, by yourself, can you know that -- can you find that. I do not mean hiking expeditions to Glacier National Park, though I have done that -- I am not talking about that.

I mean, you could wander out into the fields of Illinois or Indiana or Nebraska, and find the same thing. The more that you are in a situation where there is only Nature and 'You', the more that you will be able to find out who and what 'You' really are. If you are a technology addict, you will feel disadvantaged, you will have paranoia, you will be scared 'out there'. The more addicted to technologies, the more frightened you will be without them -- in Nature. Horrified. You will feel naked, you will feel empty.

You will feel, just the way all of the jackals of technology would want you to feel. Do you see them shedding any tears for your pain?

No? Well, guess what? That, is exactly what some Bastards and Bitches want you to feel! They want you to feel dead without them! They want you to feel empty and alone without them! They do not want you to be 'You'. They want you to be controlled by them, dependent upon them, addicted to them! Your entire life ruined! Ruined by them!

A Living Ruins. A Living and Breathing Ruination.

To save yourself, try getting out into the fields of Nebraska and Kansas and South Dakota and Missouri; with none of your technologies, not even the mobile ones (leave them all at home) and just be 'You'. You, with some appropriate clothing, shoes, headgear, a coat depending upon the weather; and always with a backpack full of water and supplies. Deal with being there. Deal with it again, and deal with it again.

At first, it may simply be a situation of survival in an alien environment to you. Oh! It is so frightening! However, sooner or later (the more you persist, and the more you persevere, and the more determined you are to stay out there by yourself) something will happen to you either fast or slow, either instantly or very slowly, and gradually or all at once you will start to realize that you have a name, and you have your own personal way of doing things. Well, at least once upon a time you had your own personal ways of doing things. You used to have your own thoughts. You used to have your own opinions, that were not those of the TV Turds. You used to think for yourself. You used to be somebody!

The challenge of being out there by yourself, which could be traumatizing to a lot of you, will bring back to you who and what you were and still are. In some form, you will return -- probably mangled at first and confused at first, but the further you stay out there and the longer you stay out there -- the more you will find 'You'. The more you will find the original you, if it can at all be retained, or reborn, or brought back -- the more of the original 'You' will resurface.

I caution you about one thing. None of us out here, want to be searching the woods for 'Losties' -- who went into the deep woods to have their 'Nature Experience', and got lost in a blizzard. Be smart. Be well dressed for the environment and the possible weathers of the season. Do not go deeply into any natural environement if you are new to this. Sample. Shop. Ask questions. Test your abilities in tiers, not to extremes. Do not expect to experience the Shock of Revelation (about yourself) by plunging into the furthest depths of Nature.

You will just end up as a tree ornament from December to March -- a frozen curiosity for the local birds and bunny rabbits. Then you will start to stink in April.

Let me ask you an 'Open Question'. If you hike into a dense forest, or a wooded swamp, or a thick and brushy wetland with streams -- for two miles without a well-marked trail, going deeper and deeper into the environment -- how many times do you look backwards to see where you have been, and look at where you are now?

1. Every fifty yards.
2. 10 times.
3. When you can just barely see the last place where you 'are'.
4. Every one hundred yards.
5. Every five minutes.
6. When you think you heard something back there.
7. When the terrain changes in elevation or types of vegetation.
8. Once for each 200 hundred paces.
9. When you think you can no longer see the last place where you stopped.
10. When your path makes a sudden turn, or you have to overcome an obstacle.


What I am talking about can be done in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Oregon, Utah, New Mexico, Wyoming, New Hampshire, Indiana, Maine and other states that have large areas of Nature, as well.

The sidebar that I was talking about, is something that is starting to happen in large cities. It is a good thing. It is hopeful, it is beneficial, it has a lot of potential; and it has a lot of potential in ways that perhaps have not been discussed in this context so far. It is called 'Urban Agriculture'. It is the growing of food, the growing of plants that can be eaten. It is just the growing of things inside of Urban Environments, of course (as usual) when you try to do something simple it becomes complicated. It is happening more than you think that it is. Maybe, I will throw in a few Internet Links about it. Urban Agriculture, is increasing.

When you have Urban Agriculture, you are starting to get into Nature; you are starting to become involved with Nature. How much Nature is needed? I would say a good sized plot, at least; something that is challenging and makes you forget what is around you.

In Nude Yack, there is a park called 'Central Park'. [[In Nude Jersey, there is the stupid face of Chris Christie.]] Ostensibly, it is supposed to be for recreation, but it is probably the center of every kind of criminality and perversion in all of Nude Yack, so that does not really apply here.

I have seen buildings that have forests within them. I am not going to say where, but I have seen buildings that have large groups of trees inside of them, enclosed inside of them. It is theoretically possible to put an entire grove of trees inside of a building. The problem is, in tightly packed urban environments, where do you do that? How can you do that? Where would you put a forest? How would you have streams and ponds and lakes inside a city? I am sure I could design it, I could think of ways to do it -- but, believe me I have enough to do already.

Stay in this thought pattern, and let me say that as opposed to merely walking through Nature and being out alone in Nature -- you can magnify the results (and reduce the required timing) by being interactive with Nature -- by growing. Growing plants, and growing while you grow the plants.

For growing Urban Agriculture, you will need an Urban Architecture in which to have your Urban Agriculture. When you are in the Urban Architecture for Urban Agriculture -- and you are working with Nature thereby -- you will have a much greater potential of finding out who you are and what you are, faster.

You could find it out here in the Greenbelts and the Forests, and on the Plains, but you would need a lot more of this out here (in a rural environment) than you will need in an Urban Environment that is dedicated to Urban Agriculture. So, in smaller spaces, this can be achieved by working with Nature in Urban Architectures (built inside of Urban Environments) that are dedicated to Urban Agriculture.

That is, Urban Environments hold the Urban Architectures, in which there is Urban Agriculture, in which you work and find out who and what you are.

But, how many people can do that at the same time?

To me this is a moot point, because I do not need that. I have something called 'Iowa'.

People who live in cities, they really need such Urban Agriculture; and it is a good question. How much do you need? Twenty square feet? A hundred square feet? A thousand square feet? How much working Nature do you need to work with, in order to find out who and what you really are? There is a lot of thinking involved while you are working with Nature -- thinking about many many many many many many many many many many things -- and who you are relative to many many many many many many many many many many things -- and, what you are relative to many many many many many many many many many many things.

And ... slowly, you find out what you are -- it does come to you -- if you keep on doing this, time and time again. If you put a lot of effort into it, it will happen. I was just thinking, for people in city environments that cannot escape, it is probably better to do this as a form of Urban Agriculture inside of Urban Architectures; than it is to try to come out here, and to do it out here. If city dwellers from inner cities were to come out here, every square mile of this would be alien to them, and frightening, and threatening, and unknown, and uncomfortable. Therefore, the potential would be lost, unless that person really is determined to stay out here and find himself or herself! Otherwise, the potential for finding out who and what you are is lost because of the unfamiliarity of it; and the feeling that you are naked now because you do not have your attachments, you do not have your accessories, you do not have your cell phone, you do not have your God-Damned TV.

Such crippled persons, would become dysfunctional just by being out here; and the possibility of finding out who you are and what you are would be lost; unless you are a person who is very strong and determined. In which case, it will come to you believe me. Oh, Yes! It may take a while, but it will happen. Oh Yes, it will happen.

You might not like who and what you are. That, however, is not the point of it all, is it? We have already talked about damage. We have already talked about repairing. We have already talked about how to become as much as you can, as best as you can, even though you have been damaged. Do not get self-demeaning and self-punishing and self-accusing, if who and what you are is not what you wanted, or what you like. If you are not happy with the "You' that you find, or what you find out 'You' are, that is not the point of the exercise. The point of the exercise, is to find the 'who and the what' -- so you can do something with it.


By now, you may have forgotten what we were talking about -- about networks and your own personal information environments. Those environments have to be interlinked, they have to work together. You cannot get lost in an information environment, you are not a machine you are a Human Being. You belong in Nature, you belong in a natural environment where you are yourself -- and you can realize who you are, and know who you are. You belong in an environment where you can compare who 'You' were ten years ago, to who 'You' are now -- and so on and so forth.

The two environments, Nature and Technology, can be very cooperative. I must say though, in the overall objectivity, at an objective height the Natural Environment is necessary, and the Machine and Information Environment is not necessary. Considering the society that we live in, the flows of information, the ways we live -- you need your own Information Environment (your own networks) -- but the Natural Environment is more important.

[[We have industrialized that, we have sectioned that off, we have made it a compartment and a component of an overall societal structure. We use Nature for agriculture in compartmental ways, in packaged ways; we do it on mass scales, in a mass architecture and on a mass agricultural basis. We produce a lot of food at the same time, and we have large distribution networks to ship it out to various cities and environments of towns, societies and such. In the same way we treat each other in packaged ways; and therefore we start to live as though we belong in packages and compartments. We become 'tharned' to our real selves, and smothered by our packaged existence, to the point where Info-Jackals tell us to give them all of our memories and our identities -- and we do it.]]

That, is how we have dealt with it all; and it is starting to kill us as a result. I am saying, at an objective height, the Natural Environment is more important than the Machine and Information Environment. Not just for food -- but for 'You'. Do not think that your own computer networks, and your own computer room, and your own creativity-den, is more important than that forest out there that you walk in (or that river that you swim in) which allows you to know who and what you really are. It is not. It is the other way around.

In our new Information Age, which was never designed to be the way it is now, and never intended to be the way it is now -- the two environments have to be interactive and cooperative -- and they can be. But, you must indulge in both. You must have access to both. Seek out both environments -- private information and knowledge networks of your own, cut off from the rest of the Universe -- and your own Nature, found in the Greater Nature.

Urban agriculture - Wiki

Advocates for Urban Agriculture Resource Page--Chicago

Urban Agriculture State Legislation

Urban Omnibus » Seeing Green Urban Agriculture as Green Infrastructure

Urban Agriculture and Local Foods

Urban agriculture -- the potential and challenges of producing food in cities

Food Field-Detroit

Urban Farming and Gardening Resources, Information, and Links

These Internet Links do not include Enviro-wacko sites, or Uber-Liberal sites, or BUWI sites pretending to be beneficial (while saying that ButtUgly Windmills are 'graceful' and 'slenderly elegant'). I would not want to make you sick with such lies.


The following section is for Humans Only. NOT, for any creatures of the Five Evils! Not for addicts of any kind and (of course) not for the swine from DemoVermont Military Academies for Queers. So, it cannot be for any of the things in the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid.


I know there are going to be some people who are right on the edge of all of this, who are on the edge of being Human, and have not completely lost their Humanity yet; but are being destroyed by the forces and the technologies that I am describing (and the merciless persons that are behind all of that). They are asking -- what good will it do for me to remind myself of who and what I am, and what I have done so far in my life?

To begin with, you do not attempt to (and you do not try to) remember everything. We are not talking about minutia, we are not talking about trivia, we are not talking about very small details -- unless they have great significance. We are not talking about the bad things that have happened to you, unless you can derive lessons from them. The most painful application of this technique is remembering bad things that have happened to you, so you do not forget the lessons that were learned in those bad experiences. These are the hardest and the toughest things to remember. Things that you must force yourself to remember, so that you will never forget the lessons that were learned from those events. Aside from that, what you want to remember is anything that can be given back to you -- repeated back to you -- sent back to you -- reflected back to you by technology. In the forms of pictures, videos, recordings of your voice, documents, charts, tables, diagrams; things that really pertain to you, or you created them yourself. Things that give you support. That reinforce your good personality. That give you support of what is Good about 'You'.

Not -- what is bad about you. This is a way to downplay anything that is bad about you, and to raise up anything that is Good about you. This is a way to deliberately denounce the badness that has overcome you, because of all of the environmental effects that you have suffered -- and we are all, to some degree, the victims of environmental affects and the environments that we grew up in. Play the bad parts down, except for the ones that you can learn lessons from. Anything else that is bad, do not remember it. Do not give it access to your network, do not value it enough to remember it. Deny it and denounce it, do not allow it to have resources.

Reserve your memories and your technologies, and how they can help you, for goodness; for the good things about you. For, the good things that you want to be; the good things that you have done, and the good things that you want to do. You have all of this at your beck and call; you have all of this power of technology to use for yourself. So, emphasize everything that is good. Copy anything that is good into your own network. Use it as I have described, and support and build up what is good about 'You'. Do not copy and do not remember what is bad. Deny badness access, and deny evil access. Remember goodness, remember the Side of Light.

For those people who say -- "How will this help us?" -- well of course it is going to help them! A lot of you dwell on the past, if you have any memories at all. A lot of you focus on the bad things that have happened to you, in the boxed-in worlds that you exist in; bad things that you get no lessons from, or cannot understand even to this day.

[[Which is what the Badness Propagandists want you to focus upon -- until they can kill off any goodness that was in your brain, and you are forced to think that all of that badness is 'Your Normal'.
Such, is the tactic of the Queer Medias of the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone.]]

There is only so much fretting and so much worrying and so much anguish that you can feel about bad things that have happened in the past. I am saying, let it go. To Hell with the Bad. Maintain the Good. Accent the Good. Emphasize the Good. Amplify the Good. Downplay and denounce the bad, was it really from 'You' to begin with? Or, was it caused by the crap in your environment, like TV? Was it the result of the 'Lie Enough Rule' of the Queers, who attack Humans with lies about themselves, until their victims think that they actually did do what the lies say they did?

As for answering their question -- the questions of all of those people who are on the edge, and really do not get any messages -- try it and you will see the results. You will see differences, improvements in yourself. You will also see, that you can be better than you expected you could ever be. To the point where, things will happen that will surprise you.

Improvements and Goodness will happen to you, and within you, that you will finally recognize as Goodness and Improvements; even though at the beginning you will not understand what they are. Improvements, and benefits and achievements and goals realized. Things will happen for you and your life will get better, in ways that you will not immediately be able to put a handle on. You will not immediately be able to say to yourself -- "Well, this is Good."

Instead, you will just experience it and slowly realize that it is a kind of Goodness, and a kind of Improvement that you never knew about before. Hitherto unknown improvements. Hitherto unknown realms of Goodness and wellness that you did not know exist; that could have been there all around you to begin with -- and might manifest themselves in very relative ways to your current life, instead of being generalized.

Slowly, you will realize that you are now existing in an environment in which such Goodness exists. You have actually changed. You have improved, you have ascended, you have raised yourself up into a State of Being that you never understood existed previously, and certainly thought that you would never be a part of.


At this point, let me say a word about dependency. Some people will say that anyone who follows this technique, anyone that uses technology in this way (which is how it was intended to be used to begin with) will become dependent on it, and will only be that Good as long as they are using the technology in those ways.

Two things about that:

1. Yes, it is true instant by instant.

2. Who is talking about dependencies now? What do you think those people have already? They are being brainwashed and programmed from childhood to be dependent upon (completely dependent upon) bad usages of technology sucking their brains clean and leaving them empty; and voting for who they are told to vote for. Watching on TV, the scum that they are told to watch. [[Do not get me started on that.]]
They are already the victims of a vicious campaign from the Medias and the Queers and the DemoCraps and the RepuCraps, to force them to be dependent upon all of those other things through technology. What I am describing is literally a counter-action against those dependencies. People, ripping themselves away from that horrible usage by such monstrosities, and away from being dependent upon such horrors for their daily existence; and instead using all of those technologies for their own benefit.

There is a big and huge difference there. Anyone, who is dependent upon the Five Evils and their technologies becomes empty and worthless when they cannot access, when they cannot get to, when they cannot be used by -- the Five Evils and their technologies.

The opposite is not true. Anyone who uses technologies in their own networks, as I have described, to reinforce themselves -- and then becomes separated from those technologies as I have said must happen when they interface with Nature (when they go for walks and experiences in Nature to refresh who and what they are) ...

they do not have a loss of everything (because everything was stored outside of their brains and nothing was allowed to be stored and remembered and personalized inside of their brains), as is the first case, the usage case, the horror case.

When they become separated from their networks, their reinforcement networks, as I have stated they should deliberately do so to be in Nature -- they do not lose everything. Their index of Goodness is not as high as it was, when they were using their technology in the ways I have described -- however great amounts of their memories and their personalities remain in their brains, even after they have become disconnected from their own networks, their own reinforcements.

That is the way it should be.

That is the way it was intended to be. Your personality should be permanent inside of your brain. Your memories should be permanent inside of your brain.

The answer is -- No. Anyone who uses technology to their own benefit, instead of for the benefit of the Five Evils, will not lose everything when they are not with their networks, when they are not reinforcing their own memories and their personalities -- they will retain most of it. As such, they will be something that is forbidden by DemoCraps; they will be something that is forbidden by RepuCraps; they will become something that is forbidden by the Queers; they will become something that is forbidden by the APA and the ACLU and the NEA. They will become something that is forbidden by the Queer Medias, they will be functioning and living Human Beings. With identities and memories. Held permanently in their own brains. Quite an experience, if it has never happened to you before.



Monkey Example. Lowest Trash Class of the Trash Classes:

Have you noticed that the new Queershit tactic of the Monkey Lawyers is to present themselves as the Middle-of-the-Road?

They now refer to other people as being on the left of center, or on the right of center -- with the emphasis that they are in the center! That is the latest spiel, the latest Queershit from the Monkey Lawyers.

I was just remembering, on one of Steve Deace's podcasts last year, there was a theoretically-humanoid 'lawyer', that was theoretically-'conservative'. But, they were being fooled, and it is obvious that they were being fooled, because whenever the bitch opened its mouth it proved that it was a Bitch-Monkey Lawyer.

Whenever it opened its mouth, it talked about everyone else being on the left or on the right of center -- with the clear implication that Monkey Lawyers are in the center of everything, and should be that way, and should be allowed to continue to exist -- because they are some kind of mediation force in the center of everything.

Ridiculous Nonsense!

It is really bad Queershit Propaganda, and it is very obviously so.

To tell everyone (who might listen to this) the Truth ... that 'center' that the Monkey Lawyers are talking about, that they say that they occupy, is about as far over on the extreme left as you can possibly ever get.

Monkey Lawyers and Monkey Judges are now the Lowest Class of Trash in that cesspool of trash on the extreme left! So, to reach the Monkey Lawyers and the Monkey Judges (where they exist) and the Queershit Lie that they call the 'center' ...

you must first travel into that hideous netherworld of left-wing extremism, perversion, sickness, greed, and prostitution. Once you are there, you must dig into the bowels of it; you must dig into the subbasements of it, you must go below the sub-basements of it -- to find the Monkey Lawyers and the Monkey Judges. They, are truly the trash of the sewage that is the Left-Wing Extremist Hell.

Now, the things are out of the sewer and saying that they are the 'center' of something, and that everyone else is either to the left or to the right of them. That is a Total Lie. A complete and absolute fabrication. It is Queershit. And Queershit, means 'lies'.

Lawyers are the most perverted, self-serving, greedy, biased, and prejudiced anti-Human scum in the entire barrel of scum on the extreme left side. Horribly so. Terribly so. Demonstratively so, as they have consistently put out Queer and Phony Decisions in favor of the enemies of Humanity. They are as Extreme Left of Center as you could possibly be! I know this, because I am in the exact center of all of this. What they are trying to do, is to defame anyone who really is in the center of it all (like myself), by proclaiming that they are the 'center' of everything (socially).

It is 'confusion', that they are sowing. They are trying to make the issue confused, by claiming that they are what I am, and what Human Resistance is. Which, is in the center of all Human Interests.

There is a more sinister reason behind their lie. If they can convince the general 'Idiots that have been Lied To' that they (the Monkeys) are in the 'center' of something -- then they can start to pander to and whore to and prostitute for all kinds of deviated, perverted, and berserker freak cases. Horrors that Breathe Air, that are even worse than what has been revealed to the general 'Idiots that have been Lied To' already. Forced upon society by the Monkeys, on the pretense that they are in the 'center' of something, and they have to serve both sides.

Now, let us go back here a minute. The Monkey Lawyers and the Monkey Judges exist in caverns and potholes under the extreme-left edge (of the extreme left side) of everything ...

the farthest left (politically and criminally that you can get) and trashedly so ...

they are the trash of all of it over there.

However, they scream and cry that they are at the 'center' of something. They say, it is their duty to serve the people who are to the left of them and to the right of them. Then, they open up a new territory, they open up a whole new area that is higher than themselves and even worse than themselves!

Into which, they populate some of the most absolutely obscene and horrific things that you have yet to see, but they (the Monkeys) have seen them, they know all about them. Part of their overall mission, and their assignment by the SQLD Masters, is to start to bring out those monstrosities and those hideous creatures. To shove them in our faces! To make Queer and Phony Laws that claim such vermin are equal to us.

And, deserve everything that we deserve! And, should be bowed to, and should be obeyed; and we should be punished if we do not consider them to be equal, and superior!

Haven't the Monkey Lawyers made them 'equal'?

The Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead do not forget all of their hideous monstrosities -- Queer Disney included. They want all of them to replace all of us. Their mechanism for that, is the totally awful Monkey Lawyers and Monkey Judges! Which, are now following orders and saying that even though everyone knows how extremely left-wing they are, they are the 'center' of something. Their mission, their job (what they do) is to service legally everyone to the left of center and to the right of center (their fake center) -- which, surprisingly, never reaches right enough to find the Middle of the Road. Oh, did you forget?

There is an analogy to this. I think it is fairly accurate. The Monkey Lawyers and the Monkey Judges are like the jail keepers on 'death row'.

Imagine a very huge prison. A prison that is about ten miles on a side. Ten miles by ten miles. Filled, with the worst rapists, murderers, child-molesters, berserkers, lunatics -- all deliberately so, not helplessly so. Deliberately that way, and it is all one big horrible prison in which the People have placed them; because the People do not care who they were deliberately queered for.

Now, here is the worst part. For some insane reason, the jail keepers are the Lawyers and the Judges -- the Monkey Lawyers and the Monkey Judges.

They, are under orders from creatures that have escaped that prison already; and have now become the Queer Masters. Creatures that have escaped that prison, and now are the Masters of the Vomitus Liberals. Their orders from the Liberal Masters, are to open all of the gates and all of the doors of that prison, and to empty out that prison upon all of us!

For money.

For profit.

For the Queer Masters, who need those murderers and rapists and child-molesters to attack the rest of the society with. To subdue the rest of the society with. To threaten the rest of the society with.

Society, and Real Laws, put all of those monstrosities into that terrible prison to begin with. The Queer Masters want them out -- to serve them. To help to subjugate the real society. Who better to do it with? Everything that was in that prison was put there by the society -- and has a revenge vendetta against that society! And, will gladly serve the Queer Masters. So, what do the jail keepers say?

The jail keepers say, they are at the 'center' of everything. Everyone else, is either to the left or to the right of them. The jail keepers (AKA the Monkey Lawyers) insist that they are in the 'center', and everyone else is either to their left or to their right. It is their duty to help everybody, so they have decided to empty out the prison that is to the left of them.

To release, all of those very hideous psychopathic creatures upon the general 'Idiots that have been Lied To'. That, is exactly what the Monkey Lawyers are doing. Only, they expect to get a lot of money from that. All of the hideousness, all of the unspeakable filth that exists to the left of their already extremely left position, is going to pay a lot of money! Steal a lot of money for them! Cheat a lot of money for them! Rip off a lot of money for them! In order to pay them to be made the Managers of the general 'Idiots that have been Lied To'.

This represents a lot of money to the Monkey Lawyers. It is intended to kill off the society to such an extent, that the general 'Idiots that have been Lied To' no longer realize there is any kind of counterforce against all of that insanity. In fact, the intention is that soon enough the general 'Idiots that have been Lied To' will not even realize what has happened to their society. All of the terribleness that is unleashed upon them will be considered 'normalcy' -- the way things should be. The propaganda machines, they are ready to go. The Queer Propagandists, the propaganda scum on Madison Avenue, they are ready to propagandize this; to falsely paint it, to falsely portray it, falsely project it, and criminally force it upon all of you. Criminally, shove it down your throats!


The angle of the propagandists is quite obvious, they exist to be propagandists -- so they are earning their pay from the SQLD, but they also know that they are the scum of the Sinister. They are terrible, horrible, awful, and they do not like criticism. They do not like Human Beings knowing what they are! They do not like anybody being alive who knows how terrible and how awful propaganda is. Commercials, advertising, false statements, false presentations, all of the things that propagandists use -- the propagandists know to be monstrous and terrible (anti-Life, anti-Society, decadent, decayed) -- they know it. They intend it. But, they do not like anyone else knowing it! They do not like anyone writing the history of it. They do not like Resistance. They do not like the Truth. They really really really hate it, when they are rejected!

Oh Man! You have never seen anything so viciously filled with hate as Queers and Propagandists that have been rejected!

The sick-sick-sick brains of propagandists work for and lie for and strive for a perfect world of total decadence, decay, and dementia. Where, lies are golden.

Lying is the 'Golden Life'!

To lie is how you live!

To lie to the public, to lie to the masses, is the best way to exist!

Any lie, whored for anybody -- any lie prostituted for any reason, that is accepted by the general 'Public that has been Lied To' -- is a Gold Mine!

Every lie that succeeds, is a little gold mine of profits. Believe It or Not, in their sick-sick-sick world it brings them 'glory' and 'fame'. So for glory and fame (inside of insanity) and for riches -- because each lie will automatically succeed in their perfect world -- they do everything that they can to kill sanity, common-sense, decency, intuitive thinking, and memories.

Especially to kill memories, because if people are smart enough to remember all of the lies that have been thrown at them, they will automatically reject anything that propagandists say.

So, memory is an enemy to the propagandists! Memory, is an enemy to the Queers! If you remembered all of the thousands and thousands and thousands of lies that the Queers have said about themselves and about the Human Species -- you would exist (second by second, breath by breath) against them!

Against anything Queer. Against anything DemoCrap. Against anything RepuCrap. Against anything that is a Monkey Lawyer or a Monkey Judge. If you remembered it all, your every second of existence would be lived against them!

In denial of them.

In rejection of them.

So, memory is an enemy to all of the propagandists, and memory is an enemy of all of the Queers, and the DemoCraps, the Queer Medias (etc).

Any thing, that has done terrible deeds and committed terrible lies only wants those lies to last until the next ones are put out; until the next ones are issued. They do not want an accumulated history of their lies, remaining in the brains of their victims! That would not help them. That would work against them. So, memory retention itself (on the part of their victims and their intended targets) is something that they want to defuse, disable, erase, cripple, and prevent.

Thus, memory is another thing that they want to kill about the Human Species.

Sit back and think about what I just said. Think about what I just wrote. Look at the totality of it. What kind of world would that be?

Where, any Queer Lie is Law! Where, any propaganda statement is Law! Considered to be the Truth! Until, the next one is issued. You are not supposed to remember any of it. Except the one that is in force at the time. What kind of world will that be?

Do you think, that you will have to go somewhere to find such a world?

Do you think, that you will have to make a world like that out of clay? Out of puppet figures? Out of toy people? Do you think, that it is a world of imagination? Do you think, that it is a world that does not exist yet?

I have some bad news for you. That world is right outside your door. That world already exists, and is getting worse and worse -- and it is right outside your front door, it is trying to beat down your back door!

I think you get my point about all of this. If it comes out of the anuses of Monkey Lawyers or Monkey Judges (Facial or Buttocks) it is a Total Lie.


This is the kind of message that has to be widely dispersed. This is the kind of message that may only be a certain amount of pages long (it may seem to be a short message); however, if you laterally communicate any of these messages (to the rest of the Human Species, like a lateral handoff, or a lateral transmission sideways throughout the rest of the Species) -- make this one of them!

Getting back to what I was writing -- all of these distractions, and criminal violations, and invasions, and deletions of your 'Self' result in the loss of personality due to the loss of memory. The loss of thinking capacity due to the lack of memory. If you want to tell anybody about one of my messages, tell them about this one. Explain it to them. Be nice about it, but explain it to them. When they shake their heads, and their eyes roll around in their heads, and they might start to foam at the mouth -- you know that you are talking to one of the victims.

Be nice about it, but explain it.

Bring a towel with you.


TV Timing Example:

One of the ways that any loss of memory and identity by you benefits the TV Turds, is all about their 'Timing Hoax', for want of a better phrase.

The TV Turds are fakers, pretenders, con-artists that want you to think that everything on TV is happening 'Now' and is 'Real'! When, it is blatantly NOT!

Everything on TV, is presented as happening 'Now' and you are seeing it right 'Now', and that makes you privileged to be watching that channel! It is done to keep you addicted to the idea (false) that you are exclusive and you are special to be seeing that crap 'Now'!

To keep you 'Time Addicted' to a false idea that you are only in the Real Time when you are watching their channels. To make their staged and rehearsed crap seem to be your 'Reality' -- the only place where you can be in the 'Now'. It is done to suspend your 'Protective Disbelief' based upon your common sense and your intuitive reasoning -- both of which rely upon your ownership of Your Own Memories.

So, who on TV does not want you to have your own memories? What on TV, wants you to only have Their Memories inside of your brain?

Answer: All of the Turds!


What I am talking about, can be done by the rich and the poor alike. You do not have to have computers to do this. You can use less expensive tablets, or perhaps not even use electronic means at all. It is more facilitative to use electronic means, because an electronic device like a tablet or a laptop can sit there in one position and show you many things. Not just one thing at a time. And, play back many videos, not just one. Play back many of your recordings, not just one.

But, you could simply use file cards, poster boards, and written notes for this. They do get to be very cumbersome, and your house ends up looking like a paper mess. You could use art, if you are artistic or you are an artist. You could just keep your art posted on the walls or on shelves -- your own gallery. Change them around once a week. View all of them, not just the ones that people say are your best.

You could draw illustrations, but I would say to you -- even though that will work, it will take up a lot more room than if you have all of it digitized inside of a laptop computer.

You could be a 'Rockhound', and an Amateur Geologist. Your memories, could include one hundred tons of rock samples from all over the world. I would say -- get a quonset hut for the back yard -- and photograph those suckers and put them into a computer and play the pictures back -- often.

And, another thing -- do not throw things away. If you have original artwork, original illustrations, things that you have written -- keep them. If you are writing, do it in digital form if at all possible; it is very difficult to transfer handwritten documents into digital, it takes a long time. So, if you are writing, put it in digital form somehow -- into digital documents with a .odt or a .doc extension. That way, you can upgrade continually your written documents to avoid 'Data Rot'. 'Data Rot' happens when you write something in a format (like .wps) that is not used much anymore. Suddenly, when you have a new computer it does not know what to do with your older written documents, because it does not know what to do with those older file extensions such as .wps.

This is one of the reasons why you want to keep older computers intact and operating. If you have older computers with older word processing programs on them -- keep them. They will be able to change those word file extensions to universal ones (such as .doc) that the newest computers can read -- but that is a different story. That is about 'Data Rot'.

You want to keep old computers with their monitors and their printers and their software intact. As they were, as they were working well, before you decided to get a newer computer. Do not just throw away the older computers. When you decide to upgrade to a newer computer, save the older computer that you had. Improve the older computer so that it works perfectly for what it is; and all of the programs inside of it work inside of that one computer, and the monitor works, and the printer works, and then find a place for it. Find a home for it where it is plugged in, and it can still work.

Then, shut it off and leave it -- or use it to play back memories that you need played back to you. To play back videos. It becomes your 'Reminding Computer'. Your computer that reminds you of who and what you are -- that gives you back your memories and your identities. Plus, it also processes those older word documents for you, so you do not fall victim to 'Data Loss' due to 'Data Rot'.

Another advantage of using older computer systems is the paint and illustrations programs that they may have in them (or you can install in them, before you buy the next upgrade). Often, older paint and draw programs will do things that the newer (dumbed-down) programs cannot do, because the software industry wants to make the consumers more stupid with each new generation of Windows. So, the more programs that you can put into that computer that you are about to replace -- programs that will not work in the newer computers -- the better. Buy those programs now, before you replace the computer for a newer one. The programs for that computer are available now, but they will not be available later. Only programs for the newer computer will be available later.

After that, buy your newer computer and set it up, but keep all of your older computers. They can play music, videos, memories, pictures, illustrations, recordings -- they can keep your memories and your identities alive while you use your newer computer.

But, this is not the point that I was getting to. The point that I was getting to is -- if you have none of this -- and you are drawing and writing things on paper -- 'Get Digital'!

Once again, I emphasize if you write -- find some way to write in digital format even with an inexpensive laptop, which is better than no laptop at all. You can get an inexpensive laptop computer -- full sized with a full sized keyboard -- and if it has VGA outputs or HDMI outputs, you can get a much bigger screen for it. You can get a separate keyboard for it (a wireless keyboard) so the keyboard will be much bigger than the one on the laptop.


Listen, I am saying that the inexpensive laptop may not be as big as you would like it to be, but since you use an external monitor and an external keyboard with it, that really does not matter. As long as it has got those outputs, HDMI and VGA (and it has USB ports which they all do) -- you can add a USB Hub to it and have a wireless keyboard much bigger than the one that is on it; and you can hook up a screen to it, that is three or four times the size that the laptop itself has.

In that way, you can write your written documents on a less expensive laptop computer, and they will get saved in digital format. Then later, you can slap on a bigger screen and a bigger keyboard.

If you are painting and drawing and illustrating and putting things on paper or canvas, or sculpting or photographing (etc) -- do not throw those away when you go 'Digital'. When you go 'Digital', and you start to buy computers, keep all of that and scan it or photograph it digitally. Use scanners, and scan all of that into digital formats. Photograph it digitally, into digital formats. Use digital cameras. Keep the files of the digital cameras. Even if you do not have a computer yet, keep the cards that go into the cameras -- with the digital files still in them. You may end up with ten or twenty cards before you wake up to the fact that you have to get a laptop computer. Keep your photographs in digital format, take them in digital format. If you really are a high quality artist, a high quality photographer -- take your digital photographs in Raw Format.

As a lot of photographers know, if you have a high quality camera that is digital, it will save those picture files in an original Raw Format; and also in a .jpg format if you tell it to. Cheaper cameras cannot do that. Cheaper digital cameras only save in .jpg format. But, the more expensive ones will save pictures in a far larger Raw Format. So, what happens is -- if you have an expensive camera and you take a picture, you can set up the camera (pre-programmed) so that the picture becomes saved on the data card in a very large file which is the Raw untreated photograph. Not textured, not contrasted, not brightened, not saturated -- just a Raw photograph of very high quality. At the same time, there will be a processor chip in the camera that will process the same picture using saturation values and brightness and contrast values (etc) that you chose, and it will produce a second copy of the same photograph in a much smaller size (as a .jpg).

For each picture that you take in this way, you get a large Raw file with no changes made to it (but it is very high quality), and you get a smaller file that is the .jpg version (processed) of the picture. Such cameras always come with software to allow you to process those Raw files yourself, and to do all kinds of adjustments to them that are not usually possible to do with a .jpg. The .jpg files are only produced by the onboard processor of the camera, and they usually offer only a few possibilities.

If it is really important photography, you will want an expensive digital camera and you will want to deal with the Raw files using the software that came with the camera for those Raw files. That software will allow you to change the photographs in many ways. You can change them to look exactly like you want them to look, which is not possible with the .jpg versions, unless you run them through a post-production program (but then, you will be undoing what the onboard processor already did, and re-working the picture from a point of disadvantage). So, if you are doing photography -- use digital.

My point here is, do not throw anything away. Save things. If you do not already have all of this, start to save things with scanning in mind, later. Start to save things with the idea that later you will scan these and put them into your computers. Those things that are important to you, are impressive to you, are a part of your life -- later you will photograph them, or you will scan them, and you will put them into your computers. Your computers will remind you of them, and show them to you again (on a regular basis determined by you) and your life will be greatly enhanced. Your life will be greatly improved, because all of your memories and your identities will be fresh in your brain; since you were smart enough to save all of that stuff so it could be photographed or scanned later.

You do not have to start with a house full of computers like I have. You can start with no computers at all. Then, your next step is probably either a small laptop or a digital camera, depending upon whether you do photography or not -- and you build and you build and you build. You have one computer system, and you use it until it just does not do what you want everything to do anymore. Then, you set it up and make sure it works perfectly; and load it with the latest software for the platform that it operates with, and then put it somewhere where it can be seen all of the time, and you tell it to remind you of who or what you are.

You have it play memories and important things that reinforce your identity, whilst meanwhile you buy a new computer system and you build that one up, and you work on that one. You copy the important files from the older computer to the newer computer so that later you do not have a problem with 'Data Rot'. Then, away you go with the new computer which is probably bigger and more powerful, which will also become the 'older computer' later -- three or four years later, when you decide that you need an even bigger computer.

Now, this used to be (in dumb terms) considered to be a waste of money. Why have a new computer every three or four years? This is really a bummer -- this is a rip-off! And, it was.

Having to buy a new windows program every year, or every other year, has always been a real pain in the neck -- a very aggravating situation. This situation of having to buy newer and better hardware all of the time was also very aggravating -- until -- I took into consideration two things.

1. Data Rot. Which tends to make older documents impossible to read or view. If you do not have the original computer hanging around somewhere (the one on which the document was created) you will lose them. They are there in your new computer, because you copied them from the older computer, but you cannot read them with the newest word processing programs in the newest computer, which is ruinous. This applies to other kinds of data as well, not just written documents.

2. The sickness that is going on with people who give away their entire memories and their identities to databases on the Internet, and subsequently lose them forever ...

they might as well be stored in Antarctica for all the good they will do for your common sense and intuitive reasoning Inside Your Brain Where It Happens And Only Happens ...

and subsequently become vacuous and bird-brained imbeciles. That situation can be directly countered by having a number of devices in your environment that constantly remind you of who and what 'You' are; and give you back your memories and your identities -- and older computers are very good at that!

Older computers, that ended up being incapable of running the newest programs, can sit in your environment and show you who and what you are, and were -- display your memories, play back your videos, play back your music!

How? Why?

They had the latest programming that could be loaded into them at the time that you decided that they were now 'lesser computers'; and you decided to buy a more important and faster and better computer. By maxing them out before you made them into 'lesser computers', you made them very beneficial to your life -- thousands of times more than any TV can be. If ... you have them maxed out! If, ... you put into them the best possible programs that they could carry and function with before you made them the 'older computers'.

This is contrary to what usually happens. Which is one of the reasons why I am writing all of this. Usually, people become disillusioned with their current computers (due to competition or peer pressure or gossip or advertisements) and start to slack off on updating them. People who decide to get newer computers, do not put into the older ones the best programs that they can function with. Bad mistake. An even worse mistake, is to throw those older computers away.

Do you see what I mean? You max out the current computer before you tier it down to a lesser priority -- before you buy the next computer! Before you buy the better computer! You upload and install the absolute most powerful and best programs which that computer can operate with; and then you store those programs (Disks, DVDs etc) as archive backups in your library.

THEN -- you put that computer somewhere where it will support you and do other lesser things for you. Then, and only then, do you buy the new computer. After which, you upgrade the new computer to more recent programs. You do not throw away an older computer -- Hell No!

You maximize them, and you keep them. Give them their own displays, give them their own printers if necessary, give them their own scanners if necessary.

Get a larger house if necessary.

[[I scan, using a computer and a scanner that are three generations old; and they work very well because they were the best at the time. Plus, they use file extensions that are still very current these days and will be for a long time. While they scan, I do other things on newer computers. It is Wrong Wrong Wrong to accept the propaganda that newer is always better, in the field of Personal Electronics!]]

[[Essentially, what it all amounts to is -- A Limited User, Is A Loser. One computer -- equals monomania and usury -- equals loss of everything else.]]

[[Another reason for doing all of this, and a very important reason, is to prevent in your own life -- 'Reality Rot'. With all of the propagandists, of the Five Evils and the Monkeys, constantly trying to program everyone's brains on a daily basis -- by creating a pseudo-society in which Reality is nothing more than what they say it is, on a sliding and daily basis -- it is easy to (and intended to) lose track of what has actually happened in your own life. The more so, the more you are exposed to the propaganda outlets of the SQLD such as TV, FM, queer newsrags, Monkey Decisions, Middle-Managers-For-Hire (etc).
'Reality Rot', benefits any thing that wants to use and abuse and drain and dispose of 'You'. Brain Drain, goes hand-in-hand with 'Reality Rot'. Or, more to the point -- A Drained Brain no longer cares about 'Reality Rot'.]]

What I just said, about getting a larger house (or apartment) (or barn) (or chateau) (or cottage) (or whatever) is not a joke. You need space for the computers, paintings, sculptures, pottery, metalworks, craftworks, wood carvings (etc) that you use for memory and identity retention, and it's no joke!
Speaking of 'space' -- how is Identity measured digitally?

What is the measurement of your memory and identity retention -- digitally? What is the digital unit of measurement of your data holdings, for your identity and memory? Not including videos, which use up enormous amounts of data space.

Answer: Terabytes. The Unit of Measure of data space occupied by your 'information', containing your memories and the creations of your personality, is One Terabyte. A 'byte', is the data space occupied by one character (just one character) of a word of documentation, or programming, or raw digital data such as a single pixel of a digital photograph. A written word such as 'Maximize' has eight bytes to it.

A Terabyte is literally one billion bytes.

This means, One Terabyte is the beginning yardstick point of your digital resources for your Identity. Until your digital resources reach that One Terabyte Point -- you are not trying hard enough.

That Terabyte, or Terabytes, is not to be held in just one device. Instead, for the This Is You And Don't Forget It Network in your life to work right, it must exist in numerous devices which are operating simultaneously. That requires physical space.


I would like to add here, that while you are doing all of this, it behooves you to avoid the things that take your identities and your memories away from you; and want to twist and distort your identities. To make you deny your own memories, deny your own life, deny your own individuality -- and want to possess you and take you over. Chief of those, paramount of those, are the hideous TV channels, the Filthy Monkeys (all of which are completely artificial), the queer newsrags (which are artificial), all of the things of the terrible Queer Medias that without your Blood, Sweat and Tears (and Drained Brains) cannot continue to exist.

Those, are the things that you want to avoid at all costs. You are going to a lot of effort to retain and maintain your own personality, so why trash it? Why piss on your own life by watching TV? By listening to Filthy Monkeys? By reading queer newsrags written by nothing but Queers? Why do the exact opposite of what you should be doing?

This, is very parallel to what I said before when I stated that if you learn the Truth from Human websites and from Human Beings and then you watch TV -- You Will Go Insane. You will go completely insane. This is a parallel situation to that. Besides, why would you spend so much time and effort, maintaining your own memories and personalities; and then trash it all and piss on it all by watching TV, listening to Filthy Monkeys, and reading queer newsrags? And, believing anything that any pervert or politician tells you?

No one can do that. I will state flatly, that absolutely no one can do that. Simply because, no one can know the Truth from Human Beings, have their own memories and personalities, possess their own intuitive reasoning and their own intelligence -- and watch the hideous TV at the same time, or listen to the Filthy Monkeys at the same time, or read the ludicrously stupid and lying and queer newsrags at the same time. It is just not possible.

Period. You do not do it! It is just not imaginable that anyone who wants to be sane, would do such things. They are suicide for the brain. If you think that you are doing it and getting away with it -- Wrong Wrong Wrong -- you have sacrificed (horribly) some precious parts of yourself, so that you could succumb to an addiction that was forced upon you to some TV program, or to some Filthy Monkey station, or to some queer newsrag.

If you view those Queer Medias, you have given up to death something of yourself. You have deliberately sacrificed part of your own precious memories and precious identity in order to be a dope and a idiot and a dolt for pieces of crap that you have never seen, and you would not want to see what they really are anyway -- those things on TV, at Filthy Monkey stations, or at queer newsrags! All of whom, would lie and smile in your face constantly if you were near them; and then the second that your back is turned they would go back to being ass-licking crap-eating lying monstrosities! And, like it. And, laugh about it. And, giggle and make jokes about you!

Instead, do what is good for you -- and to Hell with the Medias, and the Internet databases that promise you that they will preserve your memories and your personalities for you. No way! I have already explained -- never do anything except to copy things, memories, and information out to places on the Internet that you created yourself -- in order to represent you, such as websites and blogsites. Aside from that, absolutely do not give away who and what you are.

My point here is, while maintaining yourself in such a good way -- it would be suicidal to involve yourself with, and participate with, the very things that want to kill your memories and your personality -- TV, Filthy Monkeys, queer newsrags, Queer Propagandists, Politicians, Jackals, APA/NEA/ACLU (the Five Evils) -- and do not forget the Monkey Lawyers and Monkey Judges (the ass-lickers of them all).

Doing this for yourself, and maintaining your own personality and your own memories (as I have given you examples of doing), means that you shut off all Evils. You denounce all Evils. You shut them down, you throw them out. You cut the cables, you take off the satellite dishes or you cut the cables from the satellite dishes; and you tell the satellite companies to come and get their trash. They will refuse, and continue to bill you even though you stop subscribing to their scum services.

You should subscribe to none of them. At the same time, you have to maintain yourself and improve yourself and build. You need to build your own network, to build your own memories, to build your own personality. Build Build Build 'You'.

To Hell -- To Hell -- To Hell with Them!


I will go as far as to say that any Internet Service, of any kind, that tells you to store your entire memories and your entire personalities at their online storage facilities is operating in the Theater of Identity Theft. It cannot be charged with Identity Theft, because you (yourself) must actually put your identity into that online storage. So, they cannot be accused of Identity Theft -- unless -- this happens without your approval or your prior knowledge that it could happen. If the only copies that exist of your memories and your 'identities' (all of the digital material that you need for your identity) is taken completely away from you and is stored online somewhere out of your possession -- then your Personality and your Memories have been stolen.

They will try to get around that by saying that you possess that storage online, but you know what I am writing about, you know what I am saying, you know it is not in your own environment -- so it is NOT yours! Draw the line There! It is not in your environment, and online is not part of your environment it is part of the machinery, it is part of 'technology'. I am talking about your 'Personal Space', which does NOT include the Internet.

You can have representation out there in the Internet, but you do NOT have 'Personal Space' out there! You own nothing on the Internet. Somebody else always owns it, instead of you. If all of the digital material that you need for your identity is taken away from you, without your knowledge or without your full understanding of what is going on, then that activity is in the Theater of Identity Theft. That is in the same ballpark as Identity Theft and Personality Theft. No doubt about it. If you are not completely aware of the fact that once your brain is empty you will have no personality left to you, and you will have no memories left -- if you are not completely aware of that when it happens, then you have been fooled, conned, ripped-off, maimed and mutilated, and hurt severely. That is what Identity Theft is -- damage, pain, injury -- that is exactly what it is. If you are not completely aware that when your memories (all that there are of them) and your personality attributes (all that there are of them) leave your Personal Environment (which never includes the Internet) you will become void of both -- and you are not aware that that it is happening completely -- and you end up dead and dulled and stupefied, and you end up being an 'Idiot Without Them' ...

then your Personality and your Memories have been stolen. What else can you call it? Temporary storage? Convenient storage? Online storage that you can easily get to again?

Such things do not belong somewhere else outside of your brain! That is my point. You do not want to 'get at them again', from some foreign and external place. You want them always in your brain. Constantly, endlessly, ceaselessly, every second of your life you want them in your brain -- you do not want them anywhere else!

Convenience be damned. Gizmos and gadgets and colorful screens on the computer Be Damned! You want all of that in your own brain permanently and forever. This is a bigger topic than you think it is. This is very important, this is all about the 'Real You' and how to maintain it.


Obviously, some people's obsessions with 'social medias' are making them psychotic to the point that they think they live outside of their own bodies -- that they live inside the 'social medias' -- and, such addiction profiles also make them vulnerable to evil marketing analysts and profiteers.


I was just watching a film today about the IRA versus British conflict of the 70's and 80's, and I was thinking -- "now there are a lot of people who need what I am talking about, for healing purposes!"

Any future revolution on this continent should be accompanied by great amounts of 'memory captures' of our individual and collective memories during the revolution -- entirely devoid of the Queershit lies that the Queer Medias will invent before and during the revolution. Note, I do not say after the revolution.


Here is an example of a sad memory for you -- I am at a truckstop in Gary, Indiana right now, because the roads to the south (from here) are blocked off by a very recent blizzard; that hit Chicago and the sections of Indiana south of here. So, many drivers cannot get south from I80 at Chicago/Gary.

In the truckstop, there is a TV on, and it is showing all of the Queer-sucking officials of Chicago at a press conference -- and some thing that looks like it is a Faggot Governor. It is big, fat, unnaturally groomed, and doing a rendition of Mr. Potato Head in a suit.

They are the talking heads of the Queer Coalition that has infested Illinois, and now presents itself as the State of Illinois. They are all Queershitting the citizens of Chicago, with worthless gibberish about what to do because of the blizzard (as if anyone who lives in Chicago needs to hear their crap about that).

They are all taking turns making political appearances before the pre-arranged media cameras, to make the 'Idiots that have been Lied To' believe that they (the Queershitters) are the 'Officials on the Job!' That they are the 'Officials on the Scene!'

Everything that they are saying is pathetic tripe (rehashing things that have always been known and in force, due to people that came before them generations ago). It is all shameless politicking at its worst -- by Queer-suckers of the worst kind.

No one is watching it. A Russian looked at it, and then turned away in disgust. Everyone here (and there are hundreds of drivers here since the southern routes have been blocked off), is talking to each other and laughing and telling true stories of the last few days of adventure on the roads with the snow and the ice -- and not one soul is watching the TV with the political assholes on it.

I say to the 'Idiots that have been Lied To' -- those swine are not helping you!

They are keeping their jobs! The First Rule of any and all politicians (and creeps with political aspirations) is to Get Re-elected! Blizzards and 'Acts of Nature' are 'Showtimes' to them. Such events give them the chances they want, to get some payback from the Queer Medias that they suck regularly -- and to get their masks shown in large exposures to the 'Idiots that have been Lied To' (who comprise the 'Queers and Shitheads' that watch TV).

What that means is, at times like these the 'political sucks' get to have their masks shown 'big-time', with photographic close-ups -- which is called 'face recognition' and 'name recognition' in the jargon of their decayed and diseased politics.

A blizzard, or a tornado, or a hurricane is a political asshole's best friend -- even though any of those phenomena would slaughter such pigs, if they knew there was any such connection.

Butt, in the World of Queer Politics -- there are many subterranean and dirty and mousy and slimy and criminal and devious connections to all kinds of things and matters in the Universe; none of which know that the scum of politics have made such connections within their Bubbles of Lies -- or else they would flat-out annihilate the pigs.

What a picture for all of us.

What a memory for all of us.

How nauseating for all of us.

Ahhhh -- but if we forget such sad memories -- what propaganda value will they have for our enemies?


Markel Peters










I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message.
Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.



























Labels Of All Posted Messages--A Way To Search Through Messages By Labels

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed


This blog exists to inform the People, of the 'Real Truth' about the real enemies of the Human Species. These Truths are not objectionable, as they are Truths. Only the telling of them can be objectionable, to those who wish to hide the Truth. If the Truth is something you HATE and therefore object to - go elsewhere!


Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!


The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.