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Showing posts with label Lifeforms. Show all posts

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Age and Wisdom. Or, why everyone else will be waiting forever: Part 2

OH ICK! Appropriate language ahead!

As you will see, it is unavoidable.


To begin Part 2 of this message -- I would like to repeat the comparison between people who want to be Revolutionaries, which any Natural Human Being would want to be once they are free and can really see what is going on, and the people who actually are Revolutionaries. This is essential as there are many Politicians with plastic vaginas these days that are pretending to be Revolutionaries.

And, who wants Plastic Revolutionaries?

Most wannabees, are too weak to be.

Most wannabees, are too self-interested to be.

Most wannabees, are too side-tracked by Deviate Diversions to be.

None of them know Where to be. Or, How to be. Or, When to be. Or, Why to be.

Anywhere. Fight Evil. All of the Time. For all of Humanity, without which you would not exist.

Anywhere fight Evil all of the Time for all of Humanity.

Especially if you look at those Political Gnomes. Well -- do not look at the Political Gnomes on the TV tube.

[[I am seeing reports of Political Gnomes getting 'Makeovers' and appearing on TV Turd talk shows. Apparently, they are pretending to explain the necessity of their mental disease to hired audiences, and are making excuses as to why Politics must continue to poison our world. The Political Gnomes are 'Going HollyQueer' as the saying goes.]]

If you see a Political Gnome in public, it is hideous enough to be automatically repulsive. However, they are usually hiding in closets and TV studios (same difference) so only Queers and Shitheads that watch TV ever see the things.

[[Which means that they are getting those 'Makeovers' for Shitheads and Queers ... and not for us.]]

Search for images of the things on the Internet, but whatever you do ...


TV is Death, and I do not want to kill anyone (or any quantity of their neurons) by telling them to look at pictures of Political Gnomes on TV. That is too horrific an experience.

We have many people around the world who are essentially Children To The Truth -- Children To Revolution. Truth and Revolution go together of course. As they fight for freedom, they are opposing third and fourth and even fifth generation inculcated slave-mastering Deviate Assholes; called ModoRats, DemoCraps, Monkey Judges, Monkey Lawyers, S.Q.U.I.R.M. (Satanic and Queer Union of International Rabies Monkeys), SQLD (Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead), the Five Evils including the NEA/APA/ACLU (etc). All of those Horrid Filth are third and fourth generation (and sometimes fifth generation) dirt bags that were raised by assholes who were raised to raise assholes that are worse than they are. That is the 'Devil Coalitions'. That is what we are fighting.

Pay attention to the word 'Fighting'. Some of you are getting wrong ideas about 'Fighting', and about what I called 'The Fight'.


There is something that I want to mention to you about the 'Fight'. I mentioned the fight in one of the videos that I did last year. I may do more videos for you this year, but right now I am shooting videos of the Midwest as it is before the BUWIs kill it all. The 'Fight' is the struggle for the survival of the Human Species. The fight against the Five Evils that we know are so terrible and so horrible.

To be 'in-the-fight', all that you have to do is to start to be a Real Human Being, and to denounce the Five Evils. You must stop watching the Queer Medias, listening to the lies, and reading the lies. Like I said in Part 1 of this message, it does not mean that you are a full-blown Revolutionary; your Age (as far as background knowledge and wisdom are concerned) begins when you drop all of our enemy's holds and influences over you. Technically the 'Fight' for you begins at the same time. Technically, you start to become a 'fighter' at the same time.

Of course, you are fighting for yourself to begin with; and you might fight for other people as an example to others of how to be a 'fighter'; and how to get out of all of that terrible filth. You will develop hopefully, by helping other people directly. Which lo and behold will make you a teacher, which could lead to your becoming a Human Leader. One of the 'One Hundred Thousand'.

[[As I write this, the Queer Regime at Wash This Death City is using any false or insignificant pretext that it can find (or create) to bomb anyone, anywhere else on the planet -- IF -- it can then claim that 'Leaders' were killed. The over-the-top UberIntention of that Queer Death (murder) is to scare anyone on the planet (especially on the same continent as themselves) out of the idea of becoming any kind of 'Leader' that is not Pervert Approved. This shows the open anus of HObama the Magnificent Pervert. There are Killers in there.
Well -- Gee Golly -- tell me when there has not been Killer Queers in there!
The Masters of The Cult Of The Asshole have declared a War Of Genocide against any living being on the Planet Earth that could become a 'Leader' that is not approved by them, sucks them, bends over for them, worships them, and follows their horrid orders.
They are using United States Bombs to kill anyone who could become a 'Leader' -- wherever they can get away with it.
Whoever overthrows that Queer Regime -- BE MERCILESS!!!!]]

The 'Fight' is there already. As soon as you shun the SQLD that owns HObama -- as soon as you break off from the Queer Programming and the Queer Propaganda that rules HObama -- you are 'In the Fight'.

My point is >>>> once you have declared yourself "Free of the SQLD" -- AND -- you actually cut all of them out of your life ...

You Are Free Already!!!! Fighting Free.

There is a misunderstanding going around that the revolution is the 'Fight'.

The revolution, when it happens, will be part of the overall 'Fight'.

The 'Fight' is BIGGER than the revolution. The 'Fight' (for survival) is HUGE. Widespread. Every country. Every continent. All ethnic groups. Every 'color'. All Human Beings. The 'Fight' is MASSIVE. It occurs worldwide, and it occurs individually. It begins, technically, for every person once He or She puts down the lies of our enemies; such as any vomit that comes out of the face of the HObama puppet.

For those of you who are that free and clear of all ghastly lies from the SQLD (Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead) -- you are 'In the Fight' anyway. You cannot 'Join the Fight' once you have already been 'In the Fight'. Try to understand what that means.

When you throw down the enemy and their influences upon you and their programming, you are 'In the Fight'! You are there, you are up to your eyeballs in it! There is no 'Joining' again. There is no Fight Inside The Fight. There are greater levels, there will be revolution. And yet, the 'Fight' itself is very very BIG, and can be very INDIVIDUAL.
Of course, it can also include entire cities, counties, states, and countries. Entire continents. I think the only person who can say -- "I am going to join the Fight" is someone who is contemplating cutting off all of those lies from the SQLD and the Perverts. That is really the only kind of person who can say -- "I am thinking of joining the Fight", or "I am going to join the Fight". If that person succeeds and shuts down all TV, FM, queer newsrags, queer magrags, all of the liars, all of the Middle-Managers, all of the Monkeys and so forth, then that person has joined the 'Fight'.
You cannot join twice. You cannot join the 'Fight', and then join the 'Fight'. This is not a technicality malfunction. I am not arguing over wordage and meanings. This is not an argument. I am telling you what it is. I hope you understand that Truth. In whatever language you speak, in whatever country you live in, on whatever continent you live on. I will write it again because it is an important point.

You do not join the 'Fight' twice. You join the 'Fight' when you drop the enemies. When you cut off the enemies. When you spit in their faces and you kick them in the genitals and you make them go away from you. You throw them away, you rebuke them, you repulse them, and you reject them; that is when you join the 'Fight'.
You do NOT need orders to join the 'Fight'. You do not join the 'Fight', and then join the 'Fight' later. You do not join the 'Fight' and then say to yourself -- "I am going to join the 'Fight' eventually".
You are already in the 'Fight'. Once you leave the enemy, once you leave the Queer Coalitions, once you drop all of their insanity and their presumptions and their demands upon you, once you are no longer their mental slave -- you are in the 'Fight'. You are there! There is no more joining it. You have already arrived.
As you learn, as you Age with your experience, as your background knowledge accumulates and gets bigger and bolder and older in that freedom, there will be more and more that you can do. There will be revolution, and you will be a part of it.
However, you are not going to join a 'Fight' when you are already in that 'Fight'.

I want to make it clear that what I said in that video last year, about fighting and to "Stay with the Fight", was about the entire planet. I was talking about the entire planet. I was talking about everyone who is NOT a slave, or a minion, or a voter of our enemies. It is much more general than you think it is, and it is much more personal than you think it is. When you think about it, and I hope you do think about it, it is much easier to do than it appears to be to anyone who is not already in the 'Fight'. To people who are not already here and in the fighting, it appears to be very difficult and illusive and mysterious and even mystical. Maybe illusory. Maybe delusional. Maybe you do not get it, you do not understand it, what can it be?

Well -- it is a State of Being and you have to get into it, you have to reach that, you have to be ...

You Without Them.

You have to be You. Male or Female you have to be -- You Without Them. You Yourself Without Their Lies Without Their Falsehoods Without Their TransInsanity Without Their Medias Without Their Voting Without Their Monkey Lawyers And Monkey Judges Without Any Of Their Politics And Games Without Any Of Their Hooks In You -- Their Hooks In Your Flesh Their Hooks In Your Brain.

You have to be You -- that is the 'Fight'.

This can be confusing, because I know there is someone out there who is going to say -- "That sounds so difficult to me. It is a fight to me just to reach being in the Fight". In that case you will have to call that part something else, a 'struggle', an 'endeavor', 'an achievement' -- you Struggle To Be In The Fight.

You struggle to be free of THEM. Once you are free -- you are in the 'Fight'.

Welcome To The Fight.


A lot of you only have first and second and third Year Old Brains; because you only stopped watching the TV Turds, and stopped listening to the Filthy Monkeys on the FM, and stopped reading the queer lies in the queer magrags, and stopped reading the queer lies in the queer newsrags one or two or three years ago. A lot of you only have first and second and third Year Old Brains, first or second or third Year Experience In The Truth In The Real World. That, is a Handicap. No doubt about it, that is a handicap.

Meanwhile, there is something that fifth and sixth year Humans can do to make the entire overall situation better for everyone, if they can do anything at all about it ...

and like I said First and Second Year Humans usually can only handle themselves and take care of themselves ...

and that is to stop the input of Queer Propaganda such as TV, FM, newsrags, magrags, Internet Interruption and Intimidation Network (IIIN), and all of their outlets of Queer Propaganda and Deviate Lies such as the Ministry For Misinformation the 'Queer Factory Huffingbutt's Post'.

[[Incidentally, that requires an Act Of Refusal which is forbidden inside of Queer Coalitions. Inside such lunatic societies everyone is mandated to buy and lick and worship and submit to the vile newsrags that are forced upon customers at the checkout counters of any store that is eyeball-popping crazy enough to allow such written bathroom tissue into their buildings to begin with.]]

In stopping the input of Queer Propaganda, they need to get as many people as they can out of that! Away from that! Free of that! To create as many First Year Humans as they can. More and more and more, by the millions and by the millions and by the millions. Millions and millions and millions of First Year Humans.

[[You will find out, in your fourth and fifth year, what it is like to be a Real Human like me. What it is like to be someone who knows so much more about Reality than a First Year Human knows.]]

Something substantial that fifth and sixth year Humans can do, is to Depopulate The Slaves Of The SQLD. Depopulate the ranks of the slaves of the Satanic and Queer Lying Dead. Change (free) as many as can be changed into Real Human Beings (with the process of years).

Now having written that, I am not sure that I should have written that. It is almost impossible anyway, and it is very very rare to find anything inside the ranks of the SQLD (or inside the Queer Coalitions) that can be saved. You would have to be well along in the advanced stages of Human Freedom yourself to even try to save anyone inside the ranks of the SQLD, or inside the Queer Coalitions. I am sure that you will have a lot more success if instead you try to keep as many people who are NOT inside the ranks of the SQLD or NOT inside the Queer Coalitions at this time, from falling into them. Look for people who are NOT diseased. Save the people who are NOT diseased, from ever being diseased. Even if they do not become First Year Humans, at least they will not fall into that Death.

If you really want to be a Hero, and you are a Sixth or a Seventh Year Human Being (Age and Wisdom From Experience Outside The SQLD) you might want to try dismantling some of the cells of the Queer Coalitions. Start to disassemble the Queer Coalitions. Take apart and disable some of the cells of the Queer Coalitions, by kicking the stuffings out of Middle-Managers-For-Hire and thereby disabling Middle-Managers-For-Hire. It is not hard to scare off a Middle-Manager-For-Hire. They are rats, they are cowards, they are parasites, they are leeches. They fight and scare people like rats, but once they are RESISTED (and they realize that their game is over) they will leave. They will go crawling off into a corner, or into the shadows, and Hate You Hate You Hate You. Then, they will emerge again to try to take over a different group -- OR -- come at you again with reinforcements. But by that time, it will be too late. You will have liberated the bunch of Idiots that they were preying upon before. You will have liberated the slaves that they were controlling for the Deviates.

[[Try it out at the Madison Asshole of Wisconsin, or the Iowa City Asshole of Des Aliens. Those pits are crawling with Queer Cells.]]

It takes a lot to do that, and it requires a lot of quick and fast education of the Idiots so they will no longer be dupes and stupes and slaves. However, if you can do it -- absolutely go ahead and do it. Part of that fast and quick education will be to share your experiences with all of them.

Likewise, all of you Real Humans with over three years of Age and Wisdom should be sharing your experiences with every other Real Human.

Which is why the Freedom of Human Assembly is so despised and hated by Politicians, Monkeys, Gnomes, Perverts (etc). Which is also why every greedy and malicious thing out there wants to stage fake assemblies of Science or Religion or Gaming or Social Medias to capture the Human Need for Assembly and put it to their own selfish purposes.

There is No Human Assembly like Real Human Assembly. Accept no substitutes. At any Real Human Assembly the one and only topic is the Survival of the Human Species.


I was just in a truckstop north of Milwaukee, and there was a woman in there at the counter (a clerk) and she was talking to someone else who looked like he worked there. From the one-sided conversation both apparently watch the Satan Tube, and she was comparing something or some act that some scum had done on TV to what you would normally see on another TV show. She named some TV show (like who could give one iota about a TV show), but apparently that person watches TV, so she mentioned a TV show in reference to what someone had done on that show was like what you would usually see on the other TV show. She was comparing the crap of two TV shows.

The other person, a male drone, was just bobbing its head and listening dumbly with the same dead-looking eyes and the same ill health and the same pale complexion and the same body degeneracy that happens to all TV watchers.

As usual, I only saw that sad scene for less than a minute; however the conclusions were quite obvious -- AND -- as usual I always try to get a lesson for us out of such tragedy. In that case, it occurred to me that those two people have 'Zero Years'. They have 'Zero Years' of background knowledge. They could not be Revolutionaries for anything in the Universe. They have 'Zero Years' of background knowledge. They have NOTHING. They have absolutely nothing that is required to be a Revolutionary, or alive for that matter. They have not started anything. They have absolutely Zero Information. And, of course, Zero Knowledge of what it takes to be a Revolutionary.

Read that again until you get it, and then proceed.

****Important Point****
However, they are extremely dangerous because if a revolution happens (a large revolution that is not totally controlled by people who do have a lot of education about revolutions) then people like them will be cutting off heads. People like that will be killing and committing acts of mayhem and macabre murders, thinking that they are acting in a revolutionary way (or taking advantage thereof). They are the ones that the FBI should be watching -- NOT -- the Real Revolutionaries.


There has to be a revolution. It is mandatory; a mandatory cleansing required for proper national hygiene and proper national health. Have you ever heard of removing lice, fleas and mites with sweet talk and smiles? There has to be a revolution to stop the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead (SQLD), to gut out and decimate the Politicians, to annihilate Politics and return the power over the country to the sane people who live here.

That can never include persons with Zero Years and Zero Knowledge who watch TV, listen to Filthy Monkeys, read queer newsrags, read queer magrags (etc). I will not write any cliches about it, or slogans. Anyone with any intelligence knows what I am talking about. It is a mandatory thing, but how do you manage it and how does it happen?

I have already said in past messages that there only needs to be as much violence as is necessary in a revolution. That, means what it says. Realize that I am dealing with core issues here of our continued existence on this planet against terrible enemies, that exist (as planned) to be the death of everything that was here before their dementia.

It is a basic nature of this world that violence tends to become an ingredient in just about everything that happens here; often for evil purposes such as the violence of Queer Bullies and the Killer Queers of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid.

[[Nail a so-called Marine Corps Recruiter to a barn door (literally), build a nice fire around its feet, and give it five hot minutes to confess before the irreparable damage reaches its knees. Record the confession, while you puke. Then, have the courage to admit that the Q&AFF are actually that monstrous.
Also, record the Queer Propagandist Monkeys in the background as they beat their fists on tables and walls and rant and rave that you should never defend yourself or know the Truth.]]

To put down such monkey violence and the evil-doers who thrive upon violence (and lying) often requires more violence. And, there is Swift Justice. I would gladly hang a thousand Monkey Judges myself, to avenge even one Human killed by their hideous brains of anti-Life -- any Human. Also, to prevent their killing any more Humans -- any Humans. I know that it is absolutely necessary. Nothing else will stop S.Q.U.I.R.M. S.Q.U.I.R.M. from Hell.

Anyone who does not realize how utterly low and vile and perverted and dangerous the Monkey Legal Profession is to all life on Earth, will certainly join the 'Oh Ickers' when they cry about that. So what? Revolutions are either haphazard and spontaneous -- or they are well-planned and organized -- AND -- the first way is far more violent than the second. Far more violent, and even so the second way will necessitate the hanging of many Monkeys.

What a testimony that is to the Huge Stupidity and the Huge Arrogance and the Huge Infidelity and the Huge Greed and the Huge Perversity of the entire Monkey Legal Profession. Those vermin are just another dismal and wretched result of a degenerate downwards spiral of deliberate decay. Deliberate. So deliberate that within it all, references to Reality are forgotten and/or removed; to the point where the lowest possible dirtiness and debauchery is prized as the ultimate achievement -- however short lived. Rot does not last long. It turns into mush. It never stops to disintegrate until it is completely gone. With them, they would take the entire world into dissolution.

How bad are they? Do you see any of them repenting their evil ways? Do you see any of them saying the Truth about themselves? Never! Instead, they all pretend. They all make excuses out of their asses. They all lie. Which is what they do, they lie. Always.

Do you see the Monkey Legal Profession castigating and removing from office the Five Naked Monkeys in the cage at Wash This Death City? The ones that took a shit in that cage on June 26, 2013 and expected the Human Species to eat it? Never!

So they all pay the price -- AND -- do not for one moment think that they did not know what they were doing against Life on Earth when they joined that Monkey Legal Profession. They knew, and they know now what they deserve.

Me and telephone poles.

[[If you have an alternative idea, that will completely disable, scatter and ruin the Monkey Legal Profession during the revolution -- in such a way that the swine will never regroup and become a lethal enemy of Humanity again -- let's hear it!]]

To get back to what I was writing, about those unorganized persons of violence. Getting those people who have Zero Knowledge of what is going on, and Zero Brainpower and Zero Background Knowledge about anything at all involved in a revolution can only happen in one of two ways ...

1. Either they are stacked up in the front lines of the Dark Side, the SQLD side, to absorb our bullets and to waste our ammunition ...

or ...

2. They run amok inside the revolution, claiming that they are Revolutionaries, and hacking off heads and causing all kinds of carnage and bloodshed and indiscriminate killings and so forth. Which cannot in any way, shape or form be blamed on the revolution -- which must happen anyway. The revolution is mandatory! The revolution is absolutely required! It must happen! Period.

There is no so-called federal authority any longer on this continent. It is done. June 26, 2013. June 26, 2015. It is over. We do not eat shit for Monkeys.

It is as simple as that. There must be a revolution. You cannot blame the actions of those Zero Background Knowledge would-be murderers on a revolution. You can only blame their actions on the TV Turds and their queer and hideous filth -- that the revolution will fight and bring to an end. What I am saying is, those persons are extremely dangerous; and it is entirely the fault of the SQLD and the Deviates that they exist.


If 'Law Enforcement' wants a part of this revolution, and I just put out in a message (again), that Law Enforcement should be a part of the revolution ... duuhh ...

[[Law Enforcement should be a part of the revolution ... duuhh!]]

then they had better start reading my words in earnest, instead of driving around in their whoopee cars day-dreaming of doughnut holes and their tiny dicks.

If you know any bald-headed cops with tiny brains that do not get my message -- hog tie them. Knock them to the ground, hog-tie them, and then with a black marker write on their bald shiny heads -- "Law Enforcement with the Revolution!" Not against it. Real Law Enforcement (very rare these days without any authority anywhere) is needed by revolution.


Answer: WTF was I just writing about? Zero Knowledge would-be murderers. Still watching TV for some lunatic reason. Still listening to the Filthy Monkeys on the FM band for some lunatic reason. Still reading queer newsrags and queer magrags for some unbelievably ridiculous reason. Then, when a revolution breaks out they will pick up their axes, their knives, their scissors, their shears and their butcher knives and they will start to hack to pieces whoever they do not like.

If you can fit all of that onto the top of a bald cops shiny head (who does not get the message) do so.


I know that there are people who will say to themselves -- "He just does not understand me. He just does not understand my abilities. He just does not understand my dedication. He just does not understand how good I am. He just does not understand that I only watch TV, instead of believe it."

Bullshit. I have yet to find anyone who just watches TV, but there could be someone out there saying that to themselves. Let me make it really easy for all of you to understand what I mean by 'Age and Wisdom'. What are you 'Aged' in? Do not tell me -- tell yourself. Answer the question. What do you have 'Age' in? How are you 'Aged'? How are you experienced? What do you have years of experience doing? How are you 'Aged'?

Of course, if you watch TV you have NO 'Age', just declination into senility (usually pre-mature senility). Which is no great loss, because who is going to miss a senile dunce that watched TV? If you watch TV, you exist by fifteen minute and fifteen second intervals. Fifteen minutes of programming (maybe only ten) followed by a barrage of fifteen second advertisements. The accumulative effect of which is high on dementia and high on loss of awareness and high on obedience to TV Turds -- and NIL for sanity and NIL for Humanity. Hence, you accumulate nothing for your self, for your personality, for your Humanity >>>> you do not 'Age' due to experience. There is nothing growing in your brain. As a TV Watcher -- you are at 'Nowhere', doing 'Nothing'.

Other than that, and the Filthy Monkeys and the newsrags and the magrags and so on, what are you 'Aged' in? How are you 'Aged'? What do you have great experience in? Think about it personally. Tell no one else. At this time it is no one else's business. This is just you talking about you. This is you thinking about you. What do you have 'Age' in? How are you 'Aged'? What do you have 'Wisdom' about? Wisdom comes from Age. As you can tell we are not talking about 'body age'; that is almost totally irrelevant to this discussion. It is not even there. It is not even a consideration or a factor. We are discussing 'Age of 'Information', 'Age of Experience'. Which brings on 'Wisdom'. What do you have 'Age' in? What do you have 'Age' in, that has given you 'Wisdom' about something? How are you 'wise'? Think about that. Make a list if you have to. Make a chart. How are you 'wise'?

Work on the question. Think about it. Doodle around, draw here and draw there. Come up with some kind of final illustration that satisfies you -- of how you are wise. Of how you have Aged in certain topics and certain subject matters and certain activities, and it has all given you 'Wisdom'. Do that first. It could take three months but get it done. This is for you, so do it. Do something right. Put it all together and figure yourself out.

When you get it all together, and it is right there in front of you and you have illustrated it as much as you can -- made as many notations as you can -- and you think you have put on paper enough material that it actually represents the Truth about you ...

[[It could be ten pages, or a hundred pages. It is entirely up to you and how much you want to write. However, it must not get away from you. It must not become so large that you forget what you put somewhere. That you forget what you said over there. That you forget what you put over here. That you lose things. That you forget what page 34 said. No, you must keep it together and know it all. It is called 'Groking'.
You have probably never heard of that before. To "grok' something is to completely surround something with your brain and understand it; and to be one with that subject matter. To know it completely.
We are discussing yourself, so we are writing about knowing yourself entirely. All at the same time. You do not have to reference page 41 to find that out about yourself, because you remember it anyway. Page 41 is vivid in your memory. The entire illustration/explanation of yourself is right in the foreground of your thinking. Plus, you put it on paper, you charted it out, you made illustrations, you wrote about it -- which is great.]]

once you get that done, and none of it is hidden in any corners anywhere, none of it is in shadows anywhere, it is all right there in your brain fresh and alive -- then answer one question for me. What about you would help the Human Revolution?


A typical example of how a lack of Age and experience and a lack of Wisdom can keep you dead is that 'Feast of Dung' movie. It is an 'F Class' movie by some BentFaggot director that was given some HollyQueer reward for Deviate Malfeasance. Trash films like that are deliberately designed to keep you screwed in the brain the way they want you to be. 'Morgan's NoMan' is the chief liar in that F Class movie, and the trash is entirely and completely setup as Queer Propaganda from the first second to the last second. From the first second of that F Class trash to the last second of that F Class trash, it is entirely a setup to make Deviate Hate Teams of Rats and Idiots (that pretend to be married) seem to be part of an overall scenario of decadence, disease, stupidity, and lunatic pornographic occurrences the like of which you would find in the old Cities of Hell from the Ancient Bible -- Sodom and Gomorrah.

It is Queer Propaganda smeared onto film, that tries to portray the Deviate Hate Teams of Rats and Idiots (where there is one Rat and one Idiot in each pretend marriage) as just a part of a larger overall scene of psychosis and stupidity that occurs everywhere in America.

Except, it is directly identical to the Anal Fantasies of all HollyQueer Directors, and gets all of its situations and lies from the ultra-twisted HollyQueer Society. Oh, and by the way, to make the Demented White Females (DWC) happy -- the main chimpanzee in the entire trash film (the one that is highlighted as the Idiot) is a 'White Man'. A 'White Man' who is supposed to be a Real White Man, and like all Real White Men is supposed to be a 'shithead', because he does not understand what it is all about inside the assholes of the Queer Coalitions. Therefore, he is an 'Idiot'. So, the theoretically Real White Man in that F Class movie is portrayed as the Bumbling Idiot; just like all Demented White Females (DWC) want them to be.

[[I am sure that amongst themselves all DWC are saying -- "We get to have our movies too! Yeah! Hate those dicks!"]]

Objectively speaking, that F Class trash is as though someone put a camera over a bathroom sink and then the director had hundreds of Queers vomit into that bathroom sink; while the camera is pointed down at the sink. In turn, according to the script, they go up to the bathroom sink and throw up their guts into the communal pool. All of which is filmed and then chopped together into an F Class movie; and presented as the Real Truth about Queer Hate Teams. In which, in each case, there is one Rat and one Idiot in each Hate Team; and they are ordered to pretend that they are married. The banal excuse behind the trash is -- "It is all part of a larger scene of dung that is happening everywhere anyway -- so why get upset about this particular kind of dung?"

What it does achieve is to reveal forever that Morgan's NoMan has all of this time been nothing more than just another mangy and slimy Black Homo-Fascist.

It also reveals that 'Twentieth Century Fox' and 'Metro Goldwyn Meyer' (that financed that F Class movie) are permanently part of HollyQueer. Sick up to their eyeballs. You do not want to see 'Feast of Dung' -- it is really horrible -- but these three things are shown in that trash movie ...

1. Morgan's NoMan is nothing more than a Black Homo Fascist.
2. Twentieth Century Fox and Metro Goldwyn Meyer have been reduced to being nothing more than Queer Factories. Sewers of HollyQueer. Gone. Done. Over with. Not Human.
3. It does however provide us with a good opportunity. A good opportunity to demonstrate to ourselves how easy it is to get rid of lying Pieces Of Shit. In this case, lying Sacks of Shit (SOS).

All that you have to do, to get rid of that crap is to look in your movie collection or your film library for anything that has Morgan's AllAsshole in it -- and -- take it out of your library and trash it. If you have a trash compactor, throw it in your trash compactor. I favor using them as targets at Human Rifle Ranges. You could also take a hammer to them, the things fall apart so easily. The instruments of Queer Propaganda smash so easily under a hammer, and it is SO SATISFYING!

Once you have done that, then all of the movies that Morgan's NoMan was in ...

pretending to be what it is not ...

which has been revealed in 'Feast of Dung' ...

to wit is -- it is just another sick and twisted and lying Black Homo-Fascist ...


The feeling of satisfaction gained from having destroyed anything that Morgan's AllAsshole was in, and sneaked into your video library, wormed into your video library while Morgan's AllAsshole was pretending not to be a Black Homo Fascist ...

a fakery that subsequently has been revealed by 'Feast of Dung' ...

is now gone. That deliberate worming of such filth into your video library has now been removed.

That is a very good feeling! That is an excellent feeling! That is one of the best feelings that you can have. When you find that some SOS (Sack of Shit) from HollyQueer has all of this time been a Deviate to begin with, but was pretending to be other things in other movies, just to get itself into your video library (and brain) ...

such that when it finally reveals that it is only a Pervert in a trash movie like 'Feast of Dung' ...

you will feel like you can NOT get rid of it!

You will feel like -- "Well, well, well that person is in my video library! That thing is in my video library already -- so I must accept now all of the LIES that that Sack of Shit is saying in this Queer Propaganda Movie!!!! Because that turd is already in my video library."

THAT, you dummies, is the QUEER IDEA!!!!!!!!!!

However -- all that you have to do is to grab that junk out of your video library and take a hammer to it!


To feel very wonderful. To feel free again. If it is in 'Digital' -- erase the Bad Data. Make a ceremony about it, and erase the trash. Erase it! Destroy it! Annihilate it! Believe you me -- you will feel so much better!

I am not making all of this up. You will feel so much better, it is hard to describe. If it is the first time that you have removed Deviate Dung from your life, you will sit there in a kind of a mild shock (having gone from pathetic slave to master of your own life in one leap) and say to yourself -- "I actually fought Perversion! I actually fought Perversion, and I am not dead! I am not bleeding! I am not hurt! I fought Perversion, and I am still all right! I took that video filth out of my library and I took a hammer to it! I went into my video libraries in my computers, and my cloud, and I found all of the movies where Morgan's NoMan was pretending to not be the lying Black Homo-Fascist that IT IS ...
in order to worm its way into my video library ...
and I have erased them! They no longer exist anywhere in my data banks. It is all gone! Annihilated! Instead of myself being destroyed by them!"

The first time that you do that, you will be in a kind of a numb shock; and you will be looking at yourself in the mirror and saying -- "Look! I'm NOT dead! Ah Ah Ah! Satan has NOT stricken me down! Ah Ah Ah the TV Turds have NOT called my name and defamed me in public! Ah Ah Ah what happened?"

Well, what happened is -- you were Human for a change. You did something Human. Which the Queers cannot stop!!!!

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!


I have actually heard a Black Homo-Fascist negotiating a contract with a Queer Master over a cell phone to assassinate me. Yes, no doubt about it. It was a pathetic mongrel of killer breeds, black-skinned, thin, tall, wearing all black clothing and a black plastic cowboy hat (at a truckstop in north central Iowa on I35 at around 10:30 at night on this April 19th). It thought that I had parked there for the night (not true) and it had called SQLD Assassination Control to report that, and to check the latest prices.

While I was standing on the other side of a rack of products -- seven feet away from it. I actually heard it negotiating an assassination deal and arguing over prices with Queers, as to how much it was going to get for killing me. Thank you very much, I am so flattered.

I heard that with my own ears, and I saw the Black-In-Skin-Only assassin with my own eyes. A business thing really, to which Black Homo-Fascist are only customers; perhaps special clients. Of course, I have seen this sort of treachery before -- often. I have also seen the grinning White Homo-Fascist males that sit next to the Queer Masters that talk to the assassins on their cell phones. You should see the faces of those White Homo-Fascists as they day-dream of killing any Human. You would never vote again after seeing those political killers.

What my point here is -- there is a kind of doldrum, a kind of stupidity, a malaise going on (deliberately fostered by play-acting Perverts everywhere) in the general public -- that is sort of an "Oh Ick! We want to be comfortable so we will not have to think about Reality!" stupor. A thought going on in the minds of the general public (sponsored by guilty scum everywhere) that is saying to the 'Oh Icker Cowards' (the gutless and selfish many)(especially Ford owners) that such things are NOT happening.

That is Queershit, of course, from the Queer Propagandists; but at the same time they do not want to know the Truth anyhow. They want to think "It's all over!" because they are so guilty of cowardice and complicity with the Killer Queers that they too want everybody to think "It's all over!", and such things are NOT happening anymore. (A Coward's Fantasy)

I just heard a Black Homo-Fascist negotiating a money deal on a cell phone with a Queer Master to assassinate me. And who else? And who else already? And who else tomorrow? Literally. Absolutely. It IS happening. I saw it and heard it myself.

Question: How many 'Oh Ickers' want Revolutionaries to die?

We know why.

Can you say -- M a l i c i o u s ?

Ohhh Yeah!


I would like to emphasize to you how casual and cold-blooded the assassins of the Human Extermination Industry (backed by Queer Disney monies of course) are. That assassin was negotiating a deal to assassinate me like it was running a credit card transaction with a friendly ATM machine. Completely soulless. Completely without soul. Completely without any conscious feelings, or any kind of a living personality. Just a cold, deviated, calculating killer. In other words, any Queer. Almost totally emotionless and totally dedicated to self-interest.


Writing of Black Homo Fascists brings to mind (again) just how worthless skin colors are. As I have often indicated, I just do not have any neurons in my head that value skin color as such. I recognize skin colors, but aside from identification purposes (which is not of my choosing) there is no value to me for skin colors. I like skin colors aesthetically, but overall we are nothing compared to the incredible beauties of Nature and this Galaxy -- nothing. One has to completely ignore that fact, before one can begin to think that any of us are beautiful (etc). I place no special value on skin colors. In fact, I ignore skin colors as such. Skin colors are out there, but I do not think of them. To me, they are mere identifiers; and not in any way a deciding factor about any person. It the the rest of the person that formulates its own identification. The skin color just goes along for the ride.

All of which is abhorrent and diametrically the opposite of the bizarre and twisted thinking of 'Skin-Color-Radicals'. [[Similar to 'Federal Authority Radicals', but limited to the single mania of skin-color obsession. All radicals are obsessed about something.]]

[[I hope this does not wander about too much. There are quite a few vectors at this discussion crossroads.]]

'Skin-Color-Radicals' are retards, deliberately or by birth, that have had their brains squeezed too tight. So tight, in fact, that they can only think of a very limited number of things -- all worthless and artificial and meaningless to anyone except -- the assholes who squeezed their brains too tight.

Personal appearance is a hard thing to define, even if static. In a crazed society of hopeless voters, everything is constantly shifting according to the demands of the vermin that cause large societal spasms and contortions and mass insanities -- for their own gains. Therefore, personal appearances are constantly shifting and what is 'acceptable' is constantly changing.

Even so, there are limitations and generalizations that we all learn about each other. The so-called White Folks have their own collection (selection) of body types and facial appearances -- which when combined with their selection of mannerisms -- combine to create the overall choices (smorgasbord) of Dem White Folks. Choices.

Likewise -- the so-called Black Folks have their own collection (selection) of body types and facial appearances -- which when combined with their selection of mannerisms -- combine to create the overall choices (smorgasbord) of Dem Black Folks. Choices.

IF, that is ... it is all left alone and unmolested and allowed to balance itself out -- IF -- it is not attacked and manipulated by greedy assholes who see People as Power -- IF -- controlled.

Hold your breath -- and try to see it from a greedy pervert's point of stench. Each Power Pervert reduces all of society to the level of a board game. Off to the side of the board game, it has cutout figures of all of the different (available) appearance types of folks, all colors. Choices. Color Choices. Choices Within Colors. Mannerism Choices. Habit Choices. Demented Choices. Dangerous Choices. Desirable Choices. Enemy Choices. From that pool it picks the types that it wants on its side of the board game. Then it picks out the types that it considers to be its enemies, and puts them on the opposite side of the board. That leaves the 'Leftovers' -- to be fooled, programmed, brainwashed by the NEA and used later. When the Power Pervert looks at the figures of its enemies on the opposite side of the board game, it only thinks of how to cripple them, and destroy them, and how to get them to destroy each other. On its own side of the board game, it looks at the figures that please it; and it thinks of how to make them worse, and more evil, and more horrible, and more dependent upon the Power Pervert.

Without any of that horror -- the Personal Appearances of all People would balance out and stabilize. Even so, even after it had all stabilized and each of us had learned all of the choices -- each of us would dislike some and like others. Respect some, and disrespect others. Entirely because of their appearances and mannerisms, which I have explained are seldom in their control or of their own choosing.

Name the person in all of Human History who chose his own face, or body, or blood type, or brain. Each of us is unique -- IF -- allowed to become what Nature made us to become. IF -- ever allowed to become what we could have been. Still, in a cruel world each of us will be liked by some and disliked by others and accepted as unavoidable by the rest. And, the ten percent who like us and the ten percent who hate us are never of our choosing.

Even so, that is immensely better than being reduced to Monkey Fodder for the queered Monkey Judges of S.Q.U.I.R.M. -- and all of the Five Evils that exist above the toilet bowls that all lead to S.Q.U.I.R.M. Headquarters. As Monkey Fodder, we are all as much afflicted and reduced and mutilated down to 'Sameness Dullards' as the Deviates can force this generation to become.

Mannerisms play a large part in our overall appearance and acceptance by others -- for better or for worse -- for deliberate reasons or by dumb chance. Mannerisms are often the results of environmental impacts, and as such may NOT be within the power of a person to control and define and refine. We all think that we are in control of our own destinies and appearances. What we should actually be thinking is we are doing the best that we can under the circumstances. A lot of us do not care that much about our appearances anyway, and the rest of us fool ourselves into thinking that we are as good as we can ever be -- so why try harder. Therefore, our overall appearances range from 'Don't give a Damn' to 'Ain't I Grand?!' -- and everything in between. It would be wonderful if we could just leave it that way, and close the discussion. However, every fake and phony bottom-feeder out there tries to use the Mannerisms and Appearances Game to influence others. That is called 'Politics' and 'Propaganda'.

The conclusion of this is -- Dem White Folks have a certain range of appearances and mannerisms, only partly under their own control -- and Dem Black Folks have a certain range of appearances and mannerisms, only partly under their own control.

Immediately, it becomes apparent that no one should be offended by what anyone else says about their appearance -- and should take all criticism in stride as constructive feedback. If I take a magnifying glass to anyone on this planet, believe me I can find plenty of faults in everyone. Faults that they did not even know they had.

But, when it comes to Homo-Fascists, binoculars and telescopes are called for. No one who is sane wants to get close enough to any Homo-Fascists to see any part of it with a magnifying glass.

I will continue about Mannerisms, however I want to dwell upon the physical appearance aspect of all of this first.

Symmetry Range: Symmetry of appearance is what results in our 'cultured eyes'; identifying some person as beautiful or handsome versus shabby or brutish. The symmetry of our faces, skulls, shoulders, chests, arms, torso, hips, legs (etc) all add up to the Instantaneous Sighting and the Dwelled-Upon Sighting of a person by someone else. The Instantaneous Appraisal and the Dwelled-Upon Appraisal. I have written about this before.

Homo-Fascists are always trying to appear as synthetically symmetrical as they can, while demanding that they be appreciated for their ugliness instead. To the point of insisting that their ugliness (lack of symmetry further contorted by inner evil) be accepted as the social norm for 'beauty'.

Which is made more ridiculous by the overriding general fault of judging a person to begin with by their Plenitude of Symmetry or their Absence of Symmetry.

Do you understand what I am writing here? The Appearances Concept (based upon Symmetry of Bodily Forms) happens automatically, and always will. However, in a commercialized society such as ours -- with Destructive Advertising erasing our common sense and substituting their own commercial demands and slogans and concepts in the place of our common sense -- we (far and away) over emphasize the importance of Bodily Forms. In fact, we outright accept or condemn others merely by the appearance of their Bodily Forms. Which is the shallow and brainless ways of living that all Destructive Advertising wants us to be reduced to (managed at).

Look at this yourself. Put some 3D diagrams together in your noodle and see.

1. Automatic Symmetry Evaluation. (Natural)
2. Mannerisms, or Forced Mannerisms (Natural or Environmental Impacts)
3. Commercial UberEmphasis (Greed and Economics Bullshit)
4. Disabled Common Sense (Hospital Case)
5. Politics and Propaganda False Symmetry and False Mannerisms. (Requirement for Political Gaming)
6. Real Uglies Pretending. (Homo-Fascists)
7. Goodbye Human Values and Sanity. (Replaced)
8. True Identity Destruction. (No one is ever appreciated for who or what they really are.)
9. Political and Perversion Values Dominate. (All persons are JUDGED politically and by amounts of deviations.)

Literally, that means ...
and it should be written as ...
L I T E R A L L Y T H A T M E A N S ! ! ! ! ...

there could be someone on this planet who is a Natural Genius and has just the right answers to all of our worldly problems -- AND -- wants to tell us what those answers are -- AND ...

looks like a five foot tall mushroom with two legs and two arms and two eyes -- ears not visible -- and instead of saving all of us -- is sweeping and mopping floors in an elementary school in Northwest New Mexico every weeknight for a living. He or She does not have any bodily symmetry of any kind (political or perverted) that this world has been brainwashed to automatically require before it attributes any value and importance to the words or writings of that janitor; no matter how earth-shaking. So ... He or She is forever ignored.

Therefore, all of us will never know the answers to our problems. Instead, those of us who are free will always create solutions that are designed to keep us free from the Deviates. While the slaves of the Deviates will only be allowed to have solutions that keep them enslaved to the Deviates.

That fire hydrant that your dog just pissed on, could be smarter than your dog. Given a chance, it could be smarter than you.

Is that saying too much?

Mannerisms are where Homo-Fascists fail utterly, and mannerisms are what reveal their inner sickness, and mannerisms are what make them so offensive, and mannerisms are what reveal their insanity, and mannerisms are what cause their insanity. And as always -- outside environmental conditions often directly affect and warp and destroy their brains, and hence their appearances. No matter how hard a Black Homo-Fascist tries to avoid being seen for the dope and retard and violent lunatic that it is -- its inner horror shows through.

Likewise -- no matter how hard a White Homo-Fascist tries to avoid being seen for the dope and retard and violent lunatic that it is -- its inner horror shows through.

Both colors of Homo-Fascists are so ugly and obvious that they can only love each other universally. Everyone else either ignores them, spits on them, or kicks their butts out of the way.

One of their dilemmas is that they truly are so distorted and demented that they can only love each other -- butt -- instead they only help each other politically while thinking that they will some day rule the others, and the rest of the world, when their separate plans hatch to maturity. Like a Ripe Compost Heap.

Try as they can, they just cannot love each other. Their hate is too great. Their greed is too great. Their inculcated hate responses cannot override their inbred manias for same-culture singularity.

They can plot and plan and scheme together from morning to night -- but when the lights go off they only sleep with their own kind.

And whisper in the dark about how weird and dangerous and stupid the other kinds of Homo-Fascists are. Which, of course, means that when this war is all over (and the Humans are all dead) they will have to take control and dominate the Queer Coalitions. Every thing else is just a temporary and crazy necessity.

Outwardly, the so-called Left and Liberal side of Politics pretends to be united and unified and lock-stepped towards the future destruction of what was once America. Inwardly -- it is all subdivided into branches of Fascism.

Black Homo-Fascists, caught in the midst of all of this, are like a dog that was chained to the back of a mini-van and then the owner drove off quickly, because he realized that he was late for work -- dog forgotten. They are a study in the Outer Manifestations of Inner Evils, with bloody stumps and poor attitudes. Bark about Frustration!

Bolstered by lingering bloody ideas that they still have legs, Black Homo-Fascists are totally dedicated to the absolute destruction of the White Folks Drivers -- by any and all means that are available or can be contrived. Thus, the Black Homo-Fascists try to use every other kind of fascists (including White Homo-Fascists) against all forms of Sanity and Decency in this society -- WHILE -- simultaneously trying to present themselves as the Solutions, and the Alternates, and the Should-Be-Superiors, and the Final Choice for every aspect of social management. Despite their new, shorter, stature.

For them, it is an all-out assault (at all levels) against what the Black Homo-Fascists see as a White Society. In their crazed rabies they will employ any horror, any monster, any danger, any death that has four good legs in order to cripple and/or destroy the so-called White Society.

THAT, is where the Queers Riding Queers come in.

I write these next words without any qualms or inkling of doubt >>>> The Black Homo-Fascists Would (And Will) Loose Upon This World Any Pandemic Disease Of Any Description, Singularly Or In Combinations, To Kill All Humanoid Lifeforms On This Planet Other Than Their Own Chosen Kinds -- If And To The Extent That -- Those Same Pandemic Diseases Will Not Kill Their Own Numbers And Their Own Chosen Kinds Down To A Point Of Extinction. They Are Willing To Suffer Terrible Collateral Damage If It Means All Other Humanoid Lifeforms On The Planet Are Exterminated -- AND -- Enough Of Their Own Numbers Still Exist To Continue Their 'Race'.


That, is the ugliness that writhes inside of all Black Homo-Fascists. On the other hand, only demented perversion and greed motivate the White Homo-Fascists; who think that they will control the swarms and the sewers when the Humans are all dead. The Black Homo-Fascists do not want the swarms and the sewers. The Black Homo-Fascists only want -- Black Homo-Fascists.

Now -- which is the more stupid? White? Or, Black?


That makes Morgan's NoMan a Queer Bully. In fact the entire hideous F Class movie 'Feast of Dung' is a Bully Movie. Lying is bullying! Lying about anything and insisting that the lies be accepted as the Truth, is 'bullying'. That is literally what bullying is. Lies are not just about intimidation, not just about psychological warfare, lies are bullying! That makes Morgan's NoMan a bully. A Queer Bully. That makes the entire F Class movie 'Feast of Dung' a movie made by Queer Bullies.

What is always the intention, what is always the goal behind Queer Bullies? To kill Human Beings, by killing the Truth. That is attempted murder. That is attempted Homicide. That makes Morgan's NoMan and all of the things that were in that F Rated F Class filthy movie -- would-be murderers. Not just wannabee murderers, but things that have actually attempted murder. Have attempted the murder of the Human Species. Guilty of Attempted Homicide. Mass Murder. Attempted Mass Murder. THAT, is what Queer Bullying is. Queer Bullying is Attempted Mass Murder. Period.

Morgan's NoMan is liable to end up as the recipient of the Queer Bully of the Year Award for 2016, but it is too early in the year to tell.


Continuing with the topic of Age and Wisdom:

I was recently at a truckstop in Wisconsin, that I frequent, and there are usually five or six people working in there. This time there was a female in there, that had sort of a nice body and a nice face; and under normal circumstances (in the Real World) she would have been sort-of-hot and worth knowing intimately for a few weeks or a few months.

And then ...


she said to one of the other females -- "My favorite TV show is blah-blah-blah!"

It was as though she had suddenly turned into a Tarantula. I almost tossed my cookies when I heard that. I was looking her over, and I was thinking that she would be some fun to know -- and then she said something AWFUL like she suddenly threw up a week's worth of defecation out of her mouth. She said -- "My favorite TV show is blah-blah-blah!" Some unrecognizable crap.

I damn near threw up. If I had been holding any cookies, I would have thrown them in the air. Such a horrible waste of a possibly really good Human female -- should be criminal -- should be outlawed. But, there it was. She was so brain dead that she did not realize that there was blood dripping out of her ears and nose, and her eyes were dead; and she is so unbelievably stupid that she actually thinks (dimly) that she has a 'favorite TV show'.

Can you imagine that? I know it is hard to believe, but the stupid bitch actually has a 'favorite TV show'. She is so dense and lost that she actually thinks she has a 'favorite TV show'. She is so stupid that she actually thinks that she can choose amongst TV shows and decide that one is more favorite than the others!!!! As though it has any say in it at all. As though it has any choice at all. As though it has a brain at all. Can you believe that?

Those things are all around us. Lunatics like that are everywhere. They have NO AGE, they have no brains, they have no intelligence, they have no mind power, they have no will power, they have no self. They have no 'themselves'. They have no 'Personage'. They are simply part of the ...


Making Blob Sounds -- to each other. While they exist day-by-day as part of the TV WATCHING BLOB.

And, they wonder why I do not want to get closer to them. How could I know which ones are which? Anything that would watch TV would be so awful -- I would never want to touch it. However, that is not the point here. The point is, the things are so abysmally stupid that they do not even know what has happened to them!!!!

What they are. What their fate will be. What their doom already is.


I have noticed something since I put out Part 1 of this message. There is an idea amongst the White Homo-Fascists that because you cannot start to have any Age and Wisdom until the day that you stop watching the Satan Tube, and stop listening to the Filthy Monkeys, and stop reading the queer newsrags, and stop reading the queer magrags and so forth ...

you cannot start to have an Age of Wisdom, you cannot start to have accumulated background knowledge until the day that you drop all of that dung ...

and, get this - the White Homo-Fascist are actually thinking this way -- they think that means that there will never be a revolution, because -- "No one will ever do that"...

because of that, the White Homo-Fascist think that all they have to do to prevent any Real Revolution is to create more synthetic and imitation programs on TV that they hope will appeal to would-be Revolutionaries (because those imitation programs pretend to be revolutionary) (just like all of the Queer Politicians are pretending to be Revolutionaries at this very moment).

The Owners and Operators of the Queer Medias think that if they do the same fakeries as the Queer Politicians do (and all of them have the same orders from The Cult Of The Asshole) then no one will ever stop watching TV and their Horror ...

no one will ever start to accumulate background knowledge ...

and therefore no one will ever accumulate an Age of Wisdom ...

and therefore there will never be a Real Revolution.

Like I said before in my notations, I actually heard a White Homo-Fascist at a truck stop in Cedar Vapids say that same lie to a Black Homo-Fascist. It repeated what I have explained (before the BHF said he was crazy and they both sat down in front of a vile TV set and began to bleed on the seats again) ...

that because you cannot even start to be a Revolutionary until you drop all of their Queershit ...

that it was good for 'their guys'. That made it good for their side, because all that 'their guys' have to do to win, is to keep people from dropping the Queershit. By doing so, no one will ever have an Age, no one will ever have an accumulation of experience, no one will ever know what is really going on and therefore no one will ever be a Revolutionary.

I actually heard that. Yes, I actually heard that at the truckstop at White Homo-Fascist Cedar Vapids. And then, I swear to God, both of them sat down in front of their TV God and went dead before the TV panel. I saw that, I was there, I am NOT joking, it actually happened. That deranged behavior is actually happening!


I have also noticed, at another truckstop where there was a despicable motorized detachment of the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid, that the monstrosities inside the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces (faggots and lesie-turds) have been told the same lie -- undoubtedly by those Fed-Sucking cocksuckers that pass for so-called 'officers' inside the Q&AFF. They have been told the same ludicrous lie that there will never be a revolution, because no one can be a Revolutionary, because no one can stop watching TV.

[[I am getting reports (and I have seen myself) that DemoCrap Berserkers are riding with the motorized convoys of the Q&AFF. Civilian para-military Berserkers, hired and trained by the SQLD, are now in the convoys (on your roads) of Queer and Armed Fart-Forces Killers. Also, civilian para-military Berserkers are being financed by the DemoCraps and the Queer Government, and are now driving their own Black Vehicles and Black Vans and Black Buses on your roads. Nice of you to make it so convenient for them to kill you -- wherever.]]

You have to realize what I am saying. Not just read the words, but maybe repeat them to yourself out loud. Somehow, you have to understand that this is extremely important to you. The White Homo-Fascists and the smug and drooling killers inside the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid actually think that there will never be a revolution because ...
1. There can never be any Revolutionaries because ...
2. You have to stop watching TV to become a Revolutionary and ...
3. No one can stop watching TV.
Think about what it says about them. Not one of them knows anyone who can stop watching TV, and they have orders to never allow anyone that they know to stop watching TV. Not one of those Q&AFF retards knows anyone, or allows anyone, who can stop listening to the Filthy Monkeys on the FM band. Not one of them knows (or allows) personally any thing that can stop reading the queer newsrags or the queer magrags. Not one of them knows (or allows) in its own terrible existence any other thing that can stop being a Deviate. So, the very idea that someone can be a Revolutionary is completely impossible (and forbidden) to them. They believe that dementia, and they are happy because of it.

They are happy because they actually believe (with all ten neurons) that the lies that made them what they are today are Angels from their TV God. They have been turned into the results of those lies, and nothing more. Now, as the results of the lies, they believe the lies so much that they think they are successful as what they were turned into!

That is all that matters to them. I am not sure how to describe it. It is a kind of 'Synthetic Bliss' or 'Imitation Happiness' that can only exist when the neurons between the ears are unimaginably missing.


What it actually is, is that each one of those psychopaths in those army vehicles has a 'favorite TV show'. Therefore, it has the 'favorite TV show' psychosis. And, it is sure that the 'favorite TV show' psychosis is its friend, and loves it, and will never die. There has to be, somehow in the packaging, something to feed the 'sameness' psychosis that they are paid to kill Humans for, since the two psychoses are so similar.

There will always be some program, each year, year after year, that they will be told is their new 'favorite TV show'; that will perpetuate the 'favorite TV show' psychosis. They have been trained to like the idea that there is such a thing as a 'favorite TV show'. So what it is -- is -- a psychosis inside of a psychosis. It is a psychosis inside of a psychotic brainwashing framework. The smaller psychosis (of the lunatic idea that there is such a thing as a 'favorite TV show') is also accompanied by a sick addiction to the idea that there is such a thing as a 'favorite TV show'. Those things that drive around in the huge Q&AFF killing machines (that are made to be able to drive through your American Home like it was made of cardboard, killing everyone inside of course), are so completely inbred with SQLD programming and the psychotic results of that programming (directed by the PsychCreatures that work for the Queer Medias) that they have a falsely induced and falsely implanted crazed addiction to the non-existent idea that there is such a thing as a 'favorite TV show'.

They have actually been bred to think, in very limited and dim ways, that it is good for them (somehow and in some way) to have a 'favorite TV show'. Also, they are always led to that TV show. They never choose it themselves. They are always told which one it is, by the Queer Advertising on the Satan Channels and by the corresponding Middle-Managers-For-Hire (male or female) that have been paid to enforce the Queer Advertising on the ground, by making the victims believe that they have a 'favorite TV show'. They are always told which one it is, each year, by the Middle-Managers that control them.

As a Human Being, who is outside of all of that Queer Coalition insanity, think of who would possibly benefit from having so many millions of psychotic killers addicted to the idea that there is such a thing as a 'favorite TV show'. When we know that absolutely no one should be watching TV to begin with. If you were a TV Turd, a TV Owner or Operator, that wanted to kill millions and millions and millions of People with an addiction to your TV channels that you own or operate -- a slavery to your TV stations or your TV network that you own or operate -- and you know that no one should be addicted to TV to begin with (and all Owners and Operators know that and will never admit it publicly) -- if you are one of those TV Turds and you know that you are one of the most criminal and horrible scum that has ever existed -- and you are trying to addict millions and millions of People to your TV network for the benefit of your money and your riches and your power -- and you know that no one at all should be watching your TV network to begin with -- and the Propaganda Assholes on Madison Avenue (that you hire to help you brainwash those millions of victims) say to you -- "We will get around that fact. We will get around the fact that no one should be watching this TV network to begin with; by brainwashing your victims even further into thinking that there can be such a thing as a 'favorite TV show'. That they cannot live without. Thereby setting up a false competition amongst the victims. And, we will convince them that your TV network offers them THAT TV show!"

Would you turn down that idea if you were an Owner or Operator of a TV network that is dedicated to killing the lives of tens of millions of victims, in order that they will be too dead to refuse the addiction to your TV network? Would you turn down such a terrible idea, being already horrible yourself? The answer is 'No'. In fact what happens is, the competing TV networks try to compete for the successful brainwashing of the competing victims; who are now competing with each other to have what is considered to be (that year) the 'favorite TV show'.

[[You may now puke.]]

[[Just like maggots on a dead thing, isn't it?]

The TV networks try to compete by saying that the 'favorite TV show' in the nation is on their network. Or, the favorite kind of TV show for This-or-That kind of person is on their network, or the 'favorite TV show' for that kind of imbecile is on their network, or if you are that kind of person (who they fabricated to begin with and is a complete imitation of Real Life) then your 'favorite TV show' must be on their network.

As a Human Being it becomes painfully obvious that the addiction to the idea of a 'favorite TV show' is death inside of death. The victims of TV are not merely allowed to die. They have to roll over on command.


Unless you are someone who is enormously authorized to find out about such things ... you cannot know that any particular debauchery or defamation that the Deviates are doing (other than in the general sense) is horrible -- unless you are too close to the horror. In which case, you do not escape it. I hear from time to time persons saying -- "Oh well, it's another one of those shit things; another shit from the Deviates or Queers and so on and so forth ..." and I look at those persons and I know that they are not authorized. What those persons do not understand is they are not even supposed to know what the Perverts are doing, or saying, or lying. They are not supposed to know what the latest Queer Lies are, to be able to say -- "Well, that lie is shit." (quote)


[[Oh Ickers are happy now. I used a (bleep).]]

Those persons who are saying -- "Oh, that Queer Lie is shit and that other Queer Lie is shit too" (quote) do not realize that they are being hurt by those lies. They are being ruined by those lies, they are caught in the web of those lies! It does not do them any good to just say -- "Aw, that Queer Lie is shit!" (quote)

If you are not authorized to investigate Queer Lies and report it, in person or on the Internet, and you know that such-and-such a lie is dirty and so-and-so is a lying bitch -- as though any lie from the Deviates could not be a terrorist act -- then all that you are doing is wiggling around inside their web. All you are doing is wiggling around inside their Maze of Queershit, that you are caught in.

It is ALL SHIT!!!!!!!!!! HObama the Magnificent Rabies speaks terrorist lies every time it opens its mouth. There is no singular or 'in particular' lie from the Perverts that is more true than the rest. None of them are true.

It is ALL SHIT!!!!!!!!!! Every word and syllable of it. If you are in a situation where you actually say to someone else -- "Such-and-such Queer Lie is shit!" and you are not authorized to even know about that lie, then I have real bad news for you -- you are in a Queer Coalition.

You are supposed to be out here with the Humans working your ass off to advance and protect the Human Species, and instead you are in a Queer Coalition talking about Queershit. Let me tell you about Queer Coalitions. Last week I was going through Madison (the asshole of Wisconsin) again, which now has as many California license plates as it has foreign assholes, and I saw a typical fat-faced black-haired lesie-turd in a small blue car that was plastered with queer signs. On a side window it had a sign that said -- 'Coexist' -- and you know what that means >>>> 'Let Us Dominate You!'. When you see one of those signs you instantly know that the driver is a Pervert no matter what else is on the vehicle, or what the vehicle is. Instantly, you know that you are looking at a vehicle that is owned and operated by a Deviate. It is as automatic as knowing that all TV channels are owned and operated by Deviates. It is immediate. At the Speed of Light you know (instantly) that it is a vehicle that is owned and operated by one of the Queers.

And ...

it was sucking its thumb in pure immaturity. I was driving next to it for about three miles, and all of the time it kept sucking on its left thumb and rolling its eyes; probably to keep the foam from spilling. It looked lost, like some lie had failed. It was looking around with a lost look on its face, and sucking on its left thumb.


It was sucking its left thumb for three miles and looking very lost, like some Humans had not died on schedule. What is it lost in?

Answer: A Queer Coalition.

Where is it not allowed to be lost?

Answer: In your neighborhood! Keep it out of your neighborhood.




Is it surprising? I care more about the bird poop that I find on the hood of my car in the morning than I care about all of the Politics worldwide. I respect those bird droppings more than I respect all of Politics worldwide. I care more about the bird shit on the hood of my car, that I find there in the morning, than I care about all of Politics worldwide combined. Why should I care? Since they are all owned and operated by the Deviates anyway, and they are all in league up to their butt holes with S.Q.U.I.R.M. (Satanic and Queer Union of International Rabies Monkeys). Who the hell could care about Politicians?


In fact, it is time to start telling my readers that Politics and the burbles and spasms and contortions inside of the Queer Coalitions (which is all that Politics can ever be) is so immensely uninteresting and irrelevant -- that in May, June, and July I think I will reduce my messages and work on something else. I have better things to write, and I am not going to be jerked around by dogshit/bullshit/queershit combined called 'Politics'. They are so-so-so unacceptably low on the Universal Scale, that an orgasm to them would be to kiss my ass. So why should I write about those turds? Why should I write about those scum that want to be 'Names In Politics'? I would rather write something much larger that they will not like at all.

And, everyone else will.


To lapdogs like Politicians, kissing my ass would be orgasmic. A dream of a dream come true. The highest Heaven that they could ever imagine. Kissing my lilly-white hairy butt.



Strange Weirdlings seen and observed! In public places! Public danger index is high! Strange Weirdlings that mouth and foam blithering idiocies. Such as -- federal authority still exists!

Such Strange Weirdlings have been seen in public locations! Public danger index is high! Danger American Citizens! Danger! Call Human Police if such Strange Weirdlings are seen! Call Human Police! Call Human Authorities -- that know there is no such thing as 'federal authority'. Call Human Authorities!


The time has come to tell my readers (in this message and in the next few that follow) that I am going to stop sending out smaller messages that are merely reactions to the putrid lies and attacks from our enemies.

Any Human can write the standard reactions to the grotesque evil acts of the Deviates and the Queer Propagandists and the vermin of Politics and the minions of the Five Evils. And should! And should do so all over the Internet.

Meanwhile, I am going for the larger messages and works; which could mean that I might put out only one smaller message a month. To that would be added much larger works as they are finished.

In some cases the smaller messages have only amounted to automatic reactions to the sicknesses of our enemies, anyway. There could be notations that I will put out, but in the main I am going to do something else instead. Something that all Ford Pickup Imperial Assholes will not like (the Indicator Anuses of the Highways); or any other things of the SQLD. The larger works will be something else that my readers will enjoy, something that will help the Human Species a lot more.

I would also like to mention that I have heard comments on the Human side, from our People, that I should be doing more to save the Human Species; I should be doing more than mere reactionary messages (reactionary as opposed to revolutionary). So, I will do so and I have been wanting to do so for years anyway.

I have heard, often enough that I know it is going around, that if I do greater things they will take care of the smaller (reactionary) problems. But, I do not see that happening. I have been reluctant to do this because I do not see the lesser problems going away. I do not see the Queerism Disease going away. For example, the god-awful QFHP (Queer Factory Huffingbutt's Post) still exists. I do not see the TransAnusBrained TransInsanity going away. I do not see the Monkey Judges and the Monkey Lawyers going away.

I do see that the TV Turds are going away, slowly and surely. However the basic requirement for our Species (in that case) is that all TV Turd channels of the Satan Tube be terminated. No TV channels. No TV channels from Queer Cable, or Queer Satellite, or Queer Broadcast Stations, or Queer Internet Clones. Zero TV Turds.

I do see the Filthy Monkeys going away, slowly and surely. I do see the queer newsrags and queer magrags going away, slowly and surely. That is a very good result for our Species, but it is not enough. There must be much much more freedom for our Species. I have written and written and written about what it takes to get away from the Queer Medias and Queer Propaganda, and to get away from (and even out of) the Queer Coalitions -- if you are not a total zombie for them. How to quarantine and ostracize Queer Coalitions. How to never have the TV Turds in your house. How to never have the Filthy Monkeys in your house. How to never buy a queer newsrag. How to never buy a queer magrag. I have explained it all many times, but I am not seeing it happen enough. If you want me to do greater works you have to fill in the gaps. If the Species and my readers want me to do greater things they have to fill in the vacancies. They have got to stop the Insanity. They have got to make less Perverts. They have got to make less Monkey Judges. They have got to make less Monkey Lawyers. They have got to make less scum bags pretending that there is such a thing as 'federal authority'. They have got to make less 'government'. They have got to make much less Politics. No Politics. Zero Politics. Less Voting. No Voting.

Just talking about it does not get it done.


I am seeing a lot of Queer Government license plates in Iowa and Wisconsin these days, and they are always some silver or tan colored Queer Fuck Ford with a US Government license plate and a White Homo-Fascist driving it. It is always the same combination, silver or tan colored Queer Fuck Ford with a US Government license plate and a White Homo-Fascist inside of it -- that has the same-sized smaller and gelatinous skull that all Ford Fuckup Drivers have. They are always driving from one Queer Shithole to another Queer Shithole, such as between Des Aliens and DuPuke, or Des Aliens and Council Snuffs; some place where hideous so-called 'Liberals' are; where Queer-sucking Liberals and Deviates are in large numbers. Always going between two points like that. Never going to a Human Point, always going from a Queer Liberal Point to another Queer Liberal Point. What else the fact that this is happening does -- is to also reveal to us the aftereffects of the Queer Deal that was made between Queer Ford and the Queer Government!

[[Everyone who is neither a Pervert nor a Federal Suck has a lot to complain about concerning the Queer Deal that was made between Queer Ford and the Queer Government.]]

Do you remember that time, years ago, when a lot of car manufacturers were having problems (real or forced upon them by the government) and the government was trying to take over the car manufacturers? The one that the Queer Government did not try to take over was the deviated one -- Fornicate Obamas Rectum Daily (FORD). The one that they did not try to take over BECAUSE THEY DID NOT HAVE TO TAKE IT OVER IT WAS ALREADY QUEER was the Deviate ONE -- Ford. Now -- all of the new Deviate Government vehicles are Fords!

Does that explain a few things to you?

That, is direct evidence that the Deviate Deal happened! That Ford is the Deviates. Ford is as Queer as the government is. Ford is the Queer Government. The Queer Government is Ford. And here is the result, all of those White Homo-Fascists here in Iowa and Wisconsin are driving Queer Fords with Queer Government license plates -- driven by White Homo-Fascists with the smaller gelatinous skulls that all Ford Fuckup Drivers have. You could not ask for more evidence.

[[What Ford Fuckup Drivers do not understand is that an asshole is an asshole and everyone else knows it. Just because their assholes are on sideways -- does not mean that they are not assholes!]]


It used to be in the old and old days, when Hollywood still existed before the Perverts took it over (and it is now completely taken over by Deviates) -- when Hollywood used to exist even though it was corrupt (remember the Queers always attack where there is the most corruption in any structure, government, or society) -- even though Hollywood already had elements of evil throughout, it was NOT Hideous Queer yet ...

back in those days there was an idea in the writing community of America that one of the ultimate achievements of a writer of a novel would be to have His or Her novel put into a film version.

[[That idea was probably also connived by the Hollywood Studios as propaganda for the necessity of movie studios.]]

To have your novel turned into a movie by Hollywood, used to be an idea back in the 50's and the 60's, that was very prevalent in the writing community at that time. Now, of course, it would be like giving your writing to a herd of cockroaches that would sprinkle anthrax on it and eat it while cluster fucking. However, back in those days it was a big big thing for a writer if his written works were put into movie versions. It was even better if the original writer got to write a screenplay related to that novel as well. That was a big plum for them, that was a big achievement for a writer in the 50's and 60's.

That was 60 years ago, and Hollywood is now 'HollyQueer' and deviated up to the follicles of the crap on top of their heads -- completely horrible, completely anti-Life and completely anti-Human. What is more -- completely anti-writer! Completely anti-HumanWriter! HollyQueer is completely anti-HumanWriting and anti-HumanWords. It is against Human Writing, it is against Human Words, Human Values, Human Decency, Human Sanity -- in fact it is against Sanity and any form of Decency. Period.

As a result, there no longer exists anywhere (and I mean NOT anywhere) any compulsion or any reasoning or any motivation for Human Writers to write and then to have their works turned into movies by any thing or things in HollyQueer!

In fact, it is the exact opposite now. I banish HollyQueer and all Deviates, and all Deviate-Associated organizations, and all Deviate-Associated film companies (or recording companies of any kind) to ever make any production of my written works, or my life, or my history, or my Species, or our history, or our lives -- for all of Eternity. I banish HollyQueer and any thing that has any association with HollyQueer, and all Deviates and any thing that has any association with any Deviates, from ever making any kind of production whatsoever about my written works, or my life, or my history, or my Species, or our history, or our lives -- my novels, our novels, my works of non-fiction that I write against them, and our works of non-fiction that we write against them. I banish them and forbid them in all ways from committing any of those crimes.

They are the enemies of my Species. They are the enemies of my Blood. My words and our words are there to destroy them. And, only destroy them. That is the way it must be for all Human Writers.

[[Remember -- any writing that enhances and bolsters and entertains and enlightens and fortifies our Species -- is instantly against our enemies.]]


This does NOT change.

NOT this year.

NOT next century.

NOT next Millennium.

NOT ten thousand years from now.


I would like to take this opportunity to mention that no matter where you are, it is quite obvious that if you go into a convenience store or a truckstop where a TV is playing, and it is showing the SQLD channels (the Satan Channels, Broadcast Television, Cable TV, Satellite TV any of that) -- it is suddenly like going into a Porta-Poddy to buy food.

When you go into a store like that to buy products, expecting a clean and descent Human environment; and instead there is a Satan Tube in the place, and there are TV Turds being shown on the Satan Tube ...

with a TV connected to the Queer Channels, and there are literally TV Turds on the screen ...

which immediately fouls and sewers the entire consumer environment, the entire interior of the store, and your shopping experience ...

suddenly it is as though you have literally walked into a shit-piled Porta Poddy in order to buy food.

Welcome to DemoTopia.


It is important to emphasize that anyone who wants Life, wants to enjoy Life, wants to have a Life to enjoy, wants to have a Life that is Real instead of synthetic and plastic and putrid and oppressed -- MUST get the Queer Medias out of their lives. Once the queer newsrags, the queer magrags, the TV Turds and the Filthy Monkeys are OUT of their lives -- then their lives really begin.

If they want Life -- they have to get rid of the Death. If they want Life, they have to Extract and Remove the Death from their lives. They cannot have the Life, until they are free of the Death. They cannot have any Life that they should have, until they no longer watch TV Turds, listen to Filthy Monkeys, read queer newsrags, or read queer magrags -- OR -- have anything to do with Middle-Managers -- OR -- associate with Deviates.

They MUST free themselves of that FILTH, that clinging and crawling and grabbing and greedy and twisting and sickening and perverting FILTH -- or they are not alive.

They need Life, and the only way to get it, is to be alive. You are NOT alive, if any of that is in your existence. You are NOT alive if any of their lies are in your existence -- period. If you want Life, live Life -- which can never include their filth, their dementia, their lies.


Those of my readers who are younger, in their teens, and twenties and thirties and even in their forties, and I know there is a wide age group reading these messages, or getting them relayed (hopefully intact and complete) ...

[[I do not write for just one age group incidentally. I write for all age groups.]]

to those of you who are younger, I must tell you that I cannot imagine what it must be like (in fact it is probably impossible to imagine what it must be like) to be sixty years old persons and have No Age and No Wisdom. To be sixty years old and to have no accumulated knowledge, no background knowledge, no experience, no understanding of the Real World -- because they listened to the Filthy Monkeys on the FM band -- or they read the queer lying trash in the queer newsrags -- or they read the queer lying trash in the queer magrags -- or they watched TV Turds. Therefore, they have No Age and No Wisdom and no accumulation of experience and no background knowledge -- NOTHING. They are devoid of Reality and the Real World. They Know Nothing. They are nothing but drones, slaves, and deadheads for the Queer Medias -- AT THE AGE OF SIXTY!

Sixty years old physically, and with absolutely No Age at all mentally. That is something that ordinarily only happens to retarded people. In fact, it does not even happen to retarded people. What I just described -- which is a sixty year old deadhead that watches TV and is a victim of the Queer Medias -- is pathetically beneath the 'officially retarded people'. And, who is to say what that is 'officially'? Since, all so-called Judges are just Monkeys. A retarded person is a genius compared to one of them. I am not going to explain that, because I do not want all of the Queers attacking people who are retarded; people who are mentally disabled and mentally retarded.

The Deviates WOULD attack retarded people if they thought they could cause pain. They would attack anything if they thought they could cause pain.

I am saying -- a sixty year old deadhead that watches TV is as dumb as a box of steel washers compared to an 'officially retarded person'. It is literally impossible for me to imagine what such a dead person must be like -- except -- it is probably involved in Politics in some way, and is used by perversion, and votes. That still does not tell us what it is really like, and we are bumping our heads against a wall of impossibility here; because it is probably impossible for such a deadhead to be like anything that is alive.

Sixty years old and it listens to Filthy Monkeys? Sixty years old and it reads queer magrags? Sixty years old and it watches TV Turds? Sixty years old and it reads queer newsrags? There cannot be anything there (between its ears) for us to say -- "That, is what it is like." It cannot be like anything, because it cannot be anything. It has No Mind. It has No Age.

As I said, I am not writing about mentally disabled people. They, are geniuses compared to any sixty year old deadhead as I just described. In all of the conversations, in all of the messages that I have put out in the last six and seven years, this has to be one of the impossible things that I have encountered in my writings, and in my thinking.

The reason why is very obvious. There is nothing there to think about. It is impossible for any sixty year old deadhead, that is a victim of the Queer Medias, to be like anything; because there cannot be anything there to be like anything else. There is nothing there but emptiness. Rote memory, programmed muscle responses, just enough numbers of neurons to perform some stupid and menial job (with Union supervision and excuses). Yet, you cannot say it is like anything else because there is nothing there. It cannot be anything, because it is not anything.

It is sixty years old and it watches TV Turds. End of story. It is impossible to think what it must be like, because it cannot be like anything else. It cannot be anything.

I say to all of you younger people -- do you want to be that way when you are sixty years old?

Do you want that to be you, when you are sixty years old?

Do you want to find yourself sixty years old, and you know NOTHING?

Sixty years old -- with Zero Age -- Zero Wisdom -- Zero Background Knowledge -- Zero Experience -- Zero Understanding -- because you watched Queershit on TV. You listened to Queershit on the Filthy Monkey Band. You read Queershit in queer newsrags. You read Queershit in queer magrags; and then all-of-a-sudden you are sixty years old (and you have done all of that self-defeating mind destruction to yourself) and now you cannot do anything, and you cannot be anything. You are just nothing.

You younger people who are reading this, do you want that to be you?

Do you want to be like that, when you are sixty years old? All of you probably think that what I have been writing about only applies to revolution. But, revolution is Life. I am writing about Life. Do you want to be a sixty year old Lifeless Deadhead?


Something that could be added to A-E (the immutable facts that all Queer Medias lie about), which is why no one listens to Queer Medias about anything -- is that -- Men Do Not Have Husbands -- and -- Women Do Not Have Wives!!!!!!!!!!

Butt -- Shit Has Shit -- And -- Wants More Of It.


I would like to make a technical definition. I would like to make another technical specification more apparent. I am hearing Black Homo-Fascists saying -- "Well, if he doesn't like this nation why doesn't he go to another?" The response always is, from anyone who is around -- "He already has. He already has gone to another nation."

That, is complete foolery. That, is complete fakery. It is complete tom-foolery. It is completely Wrong Wrong Wrong. NOT a joke. NOT funny. NOT a cliche. Inverted thinking. Yes, inverted thinking.

I have NOT left the United States of America -- it is still alive -- right where I am. Wherever I am -- that is the United States of America.

The Homo-Fascist psychotic dictatorship that those Black Homo-Fascists are part of -- is NOT this country. It is their Homo-Fascism. They are lying when they say that question! It is a Propaganda Question. A Propaganda Question designed to elicit responses that will allow propaganda to be used to attack anyone who responds in a way that they do not like. It is a Propaganda Question, NOT a real question. Homo-Fascism is NOT the United States of America. Homo-Fascism is NOT a nation. It is a disease, an infestation.

What they are actually saying is -- "If he does not like this infestation why doesn't he go away to some other place?" Well -- that 'some other place' is the United States of America. The 'some other place' is America. Because Homo-Fascists are NOT American! Black Power Racism is NOT American. Chickenshit Queer Propaganda is NOT American. Queer Coalitions are NOT Americans!

They are all a disease. An invasion. An infestation. Every time a Black Homo-Fascist says -- "Why doesn't he go to another nation?" -- what the Black Homo-Fascist is actually saying is -- "He rejects our infestation, he rejects our disease, why doesn't he go somewhere else where the disease is not happening? And, let us have these victims here!"

So, what the Black Homo-Fascists are actually saying is -- "Why doesn't he go somewhere else, where our disease is not happening? He is just an Antibody to our disease, and we want NO RESISTANCE!"

I do not have to go somewhere else, because I am the Real America.

They are Professional Liars.


It is important to emphasize that no amount of infestation or disease or a deviated regime or a society based upon total lying, total falsehood, total ingenuous and filthy behavior is a nation in any regard other than name. It can be called a 'nation', even by me, like a 'Nation of Perverts' or a 'Nation of Insects' (no disrespect to the insects intended) or a 'Nation of Cockroaches' -- but it is NOT really a nation. It is all nomenclature. I can call it 'nation-of-this' and 'nations-of-that' when I am trying to be (sniffle sniffle) an 'Oh Icker' (sniffle sniffle) -- which I can never really achieve, not surprisingly -- but it is actually an infestation and a disease. A swarm. A swarm of anuses. A swarm of mutually self-serving anal lying bastards and bitches! That is about the technical specification of it.

What the Black Homo-Fascists are doing is repeating Queer Propaganda that they were told over cell phones, or read on the Internet from sites that are part of the Internet Interruption and Intimidation Network; or they read that filth on the Queer Factory Huffingbutt's Post toilet-site-in-your-face on the Internet. They are repeating that propaganda. What that propaganda is saying is this >>>> "Any thing that wants to pile together enough turds to reach a critical mass of defecation is entitled to call itself a 'nation', and to say about anyone who does not like the stench and the stink and the smell -- "Well, why doesn't he go get his own nation?" Or -- "Why doesn't he go to another nation?" "

You see, such critical mass dung heaps exist to destroy everything that existed and everything that lived before -- in that location. I am from what was here to begin with. Before, they heaped together enough feces to reach a critical mass that they call a 'nation'. But, it is NOT a nation. There was a nation here before -- the United States of America.

Not their critical mass, deviated, perverted, monkeyed, bag of fodder -- with millions of ears and millions of noses and millions of eyeballs.


I want to warn everybody that this is NOT becoming 'racial'. The Queer Propagandists (which look like, sound like, smell like, and think like a pack of maggots) want to turn this into anything that will advantage their lies. Racism is something that they like to use to try to promote their lies. Still, this is NOT racism. I write about Black Homo-Fascists often, but I also write about White Homo-Fascists often. What is not getting talked about, and perhaps it should be written about equally, are Real Black Human Beings. What is not getting talked about often, and maybe that is because I do not want them hurt, is the Black Human Contingent. The Black Human Contingent is that part of the Human Species that happens to have black skin; as I have Beige-With-An-Oh-So-Effervescent-Shade-Of-Orange skin. Which I think looks rather well. I happen to have the Beige With Orange skin. Hence -- I am the Beige With Orange Contingent. I am worried about the Black Contingent that has the black skin, because the Black Homo Fascists are very twisted. Very evil. Evil. Any thing that can think that the road to their domination of the world can be made easier and paved for them by Deviates, Perverts, and Queers killing the Real World has got to be horrifically evil. There is no way around it, that is what it is.

This is NOT racism. I am just not writing much about the Black Human Contingent.


The upshot of which is, Queer Coalitions are NOT nations. Queer Coalitions are puss sacks of infestation, cancerous sores, boils, and worse than imperfections. Imperfections would seem like a Heavenly Present compared to a Queer Coalition. They are whirlpools of death, inside a living body. A Queer Coalition is exactly that -- NOT a nation -- instead it is just a collection or conglomeration or combination or gluing together with shared evil of all kinds of scum and vermin and trash and lunatics and liars and berserkers and killers! And killers! And more killers! And more killers! And more killers! And more killers! A place like a Queer Coalition has ZERO value for Human Life.

And, of course, those things want to replace everything that existed before them which was Natural. They themselves being absolutely dedicated and sworn to being Un-natural. So, they call themselves a nation and then they try to solidify that, and make it a permanent lie, by saying -- "Well anybody who does not like it can go to another nation."

That is like the Politics Swine of Des Aliens saying -- "Well, if you don't like it -- you can go to another city." Those Des Aliens douche bags actually think that their Alien Cesspool is 'Iowa' -- and the Real Iowa is just a playground for them to chop up and maim and mutilate for money. The definition of Imperial Dictators.

Just because there is a Queer Coalition around does NOT mean that this nation is dead. This nation is NOT dead. It has an infestation. There is a disease here! The Queers. The Monkey Judges. The Monkey Lawyers. The Politicians. The APA PsychCreatures. The TransMonstrosities. The BUWIs. The Vermin. The Terror. The Horror. That is here-- packaged inside of Queer Coalitions!

Which are NOT a nation. They are a network of linked Queer Coalitions. They are NOT a nation, and they never will be. Des Aliens is NOT a city. It is a Network of Queered Greed.

They want to be a nation. They want to kill everything that is not in their network. If they cannot outright kill it, because they need it, they will enslave it -- and then they will call everything their nation. But, the Reality is that they are NOT a nation! They are a network. A Disease Network. Understand the difference. A nation is NOT a network. A network is NOT a nation.


Remember, when and only when your brain shrinks and your asshole expands to the point where your brain gets sucked up your ass -- then and only then are you a hot crapper, dangerous, to be worshiped, Ford Fuckup Driver. Ford Fuckhead Driver.

[[Yes -- everyone who does not obey Queer Ford and the Queer Government has a lot to complain about there.]]


In this two part message about Age and Wisdom -- I am writing about Genuine versus Ingenuous Revolutionaries. I have noticed the appearance, the development, of a different kind of Pseudo-Revolutionary. Essentially, what we are talking about here is the difference between Real and Pseudo-Revolutionaries (that want to be Revolutionaries, and pretend that they are Revolutionaries) and why they cannot be Real Revolutionaries -- because they have No Age and they have No Wisdom in anything.

They watch TV, so they have Zero Age. They listen to Filthy Monkeys, so they have Zero Age. They read queer newsrags or queer magrags, so they have Zero Age. Without Age you cannot have Wisdom. Without Wisdom you cannot have a Great Revolution.

The Pseudo-Revolutionaries that I am writing about now watch TV, and think that they will be part of the Revolution, and are actually planning what they will do when the Revolution happens -- and who they will kill, and what they will take over. However, they reveal themselves completely for how feeble they are. Of how really essentially worthless they are. In their crazed brains, and they are crazy because they watch TV, they think there is such a thing as 'News' from TV. When some crap that is thrown at the public as 'News' from the Queer Medias occurs, they think that somehow I will either react -- or ignore it -- or be quiet about it.

Try to think about what that means. They are too insane to realize that nothing that the Queer Medias say is 'News'. Nothing that the Queer Medias say is possible. Nothing that the Queer Medias say actually happened that way.

All of the Queer Medias lie about A-E.

Therefore, F-Z are permanently lies. Whatever they say, whatever it is, it is a lie somehow and in some way. We of course never react to it, because we never react to what the Queer Medias do. The Queer Medias are a compost heap. We do not stick our fingers in the compost heap.

You can tell who those Pseudo-Revolutionaries are, because they will jabber together and say -- "This news is being ignored by Peters. That news, Peters is being quiet about. This news, Peters should say something about." All of which reveals to anyone with a brain, and reveals to anyone who is a Real Revolutionary, that those people are insane. Those people are crazy!

They are as crazy as Magpies with Rabies. Magpies with Rabies! All Queer Medias lie about A-E. Do you remember what A-E is? Therefore, anything that the Queer Medias say is Queershit. We do not react to Queershit. That is a basic fact. You know it. I know it. Those Pseudo-Revolutionaries do NOT know it, and they cannot know it. Try to realize how sad this is. They cannot know the Truth that I just wrote. They cannot know the Truth that you know. You know what they cannot know. They cannot know, because they are insane. They are insane, because they are trying to pretend that they can do both at the same time. They are trying to pretend that they can know the Truth from Human Beings and from Human websites, and listen to the lies of the Queer Medias at the same time -- and not go insane.

So, they are insane while refusing to admit that they are insane -- to the point where they are completely lost in the Insanity. That does not mean that you want to save them. You just want to know that they are lost in their Insanity, and they cannot know what you know. This is a very good example of what I mean by Zero Age and Zero Wisdom.


We will call that Magic Moment when any Ford Fuckup Driver commits a stupid driving antic and swerves at high speed through and around traffic like a possessed demon -- with absolute contempt for everyone else on the planet -- and the gelatinous brain of the Ford Fuckup Driver quickly shrinks to match the rapidly expanding size of its own asshole -- and is immediately sucked up the tube to its final destiny -- as 'The Ford Fit'. The Perfect Fit of diminishing brain and increasing asshole. The Ford Fit. You can see the Ford Fit happening every time you see some grotesque and tiny-brained, pretentious, dangerous, wise-ass, stupid Ford Fuckhead in a Ford Fuckup Truck act like it owns the road. You can see that it is having an EgoSpasm which causes its brain to shrink and its asshole to expand!

A Dementia Spasm. A Ford Fit. We will call it 'The Ford Fit' from now on.

Start looking at them yourself. Wake Up! Watch those Ford Fuckup Drivers!!!!!!!!!! This is not Road Rage and/or Road Domination as usual. Get your head out of your Road Ass!

Ford Fuckup Drivers are a reason to have a revolution -- not a cure for anything. They are not Counter-revolutionaries. They are nothing more than one of the many bad results that occur when a society becomes based solely on lies and deceptions and graft and corruption and perversion. Plus -- it is the Ford Fuckup Drivers that have the Ford Fit complex. No other pickup drivers act that way, not even remotely. For every 100 Ford Fuckup Drivers out there you might see one Chevy Pickup Driver act vaguely similar -- but not with malice and despisement of others.

The connection to revolution is -- we do not want a revolution without the People knowing what and why it is all about. However, the People have been stripped of their own Will and have been dunced down by misinformation and/or no information. In the midst of which, are scum like the Ford Fuckup Drivers that will do anything to anyone -- just to keep their Ford Fuckups.

Really stupid persons might be fooled by Ford Fuckup Drivers into thinking that it is they -- the Ford Fuckheads -- that are the Revolutionaries. When in Reality, those Ford Retard Drivers are so greedy, and spit on everyone else, to the point that they will do anything to prevent a revolution -- just to keep their toys and perks and status as the Domineering Assholes of the Roads.

Like I said -- start looking at them yourself. Wake Up! Watch those Ford Fuckup Drivers!!!!!!!!!! Are you so buried in bad drivers that you think the Ford Fuckup Drivers are just more assholes on the Road? Look again. They are the Worst Assholes On The Road! They glorify and gloat over and take advantage of (with shrinking brains and expanding asses) the bad driving conditions in any situation. They perpetuate all bad driving conditions. EXACTLY -- like all Deviates perpetuate any and all bad conditions anywhere!!!!!!!!!!

Can you not see that Ford Fuckup Drivers are perfect candidates for Terrorists? By a government that is Terrorist? By a Terrorist Regime?

Are you one of the Idiots that reads queer magrags that glorify the so-called Special Forces of the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid? That glorify all of the anti-Human Technology that the Q&AFF are getting from the P.I.T. inside the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone; and from other Military Industrial Complexes that could not care less who or what they sell their weapons to? To kill you with? Do you think that those things are not Ford Fuckup Drivers?

If it ever came to a choice between you and a Ford Fuckup Driver -- if it ever came to a confrontation between you and a Ford Fuckup Driver -- who do you think the Bad Cops would shoot first?

NOT the Ford Fuckup Driver! Are you one of those Idiots that thinks that because Queer Ford and the Queer Government are Perverts together in the same Queer Hot Tub, and all of the Bad Cops are driving Queer Ford vehicles -- that it means that there is something better about Ford?

Do you think that those Ford vehicles are better than your vehicle? Do you think that those Ford drivers are better than you are? Do you think that those Ford Fuckup Drivers have a 'Right' to treat you like dirt on the roads? Do you think that those Ford Fuckup Drivers do not know what they are doing? That they do not realize that they are part of a Queer Regime? That they do not realize, that when it comes down to who is going to be shot first by Bad Cops (or the Q&AFF) that it will NOT be them? Because, the Queered Police know that Ford is part of the Queer Regime that they obey?

Where is your sensibility? You had better get your head out of your stupor. Remember, I am the one who is out here seeing all of this. I am the one who is seeing what is really happening. All that you do is to sit in your little cave or your 'allowed playbox space' and get dumped on by Queer Propaganda every day.

You had better start to look outside of your cage, and your box, and your cave -- and whatever hole you are hiding in -- and start to travel. The Deviates of the Queer Government are traveling (in government vehicles) all over the country, spreading Queer Monies from Queer Disney and orders for your destruction.

You had better start to travel, and to see what is really going on in your own country. You had better get a map out and draw rings around your box -- One Mile Ring -- Ten Mile Ring -- Fifty Mile Ring -- Hundred Mile Ring -- Three Hundred Mile Ring -- Five Hundred Mile Ring.

[[The outer rings are by far the more important. However, what you find inside of each ring space will show you the differences by comparison.]]

Using Louisville, Kentucky as a center.

At least have that many rings; and travel deliberately inside of the spaces of those rings -- looking -- examining -- realizing -- what is going on inside of those rings. Forget travel for recreation. The differences that you see (outside of your jail box) will be recreation enough. Travel and look for what I am talking about. No one else out here is acting like Ford Fuckheads, like Ford Fuckup Drivers. Nobody else! Nobody else is acting like Ford Fuckup Drivers. That is because no one else is driving pickup trucks that are part of the Queer Deal between Queer Ford and the Queer Government.

You had better understand that those Bad Cops, a lot of whom are joining the un-authorized Federal Sucks deliberately (for more perks, and more kisses up their butts, and more pretended status -- no matter what excuses they give you) are nothing more than Law Enforcement Dogs. And -- they are dogs! Dogs going to the kennel that offers them the most candies and kisses up their butts. Those Kennel Dogs will shoot you before they will shoot a Ford Fuckup Driver. No matter how obvious it is that the Ford Fuckup Driver is a homicidal maniac. In fact, all the more reason to shoot you and cover up for the Ford Fuckup Driver homicidal maniac!

Have you never heard of Bad Cops, Corrupt Cops, Evil Cops? Queer Cops. Non-Cop Cops. Believe me, they will shoot you before they will shoot a Ford Fuckup Driver. Because they owe their perks, and their pensions, and their kisses up their butts to the Non-Authorized Federal Queer Regime. And, Ford is part of that. Ford is part of the Queer Government. Ford is a Queer Government Appendage. Which those Bad Cops are also a part of.

You had better stop being Idiots.

One way or another -- some day there will be no more Idiots.

Getting shot instead of a Ford Fuckup Driver -- is one way.


****Grotesque Event****
Prepare for a 'Gross Out'.
No sooner did I get the writing done for this posting, than this happened. Remember, I had already written the rest of this message.
I drove into a truckstop on Iowa 80 in eastern Iowa, on Tuesday April 26th. Totally by chance. Without ANY pre-meditations. I parked in a fuel lane, and got out of the truck, and walked to the truckstop building, and walked into the Mens Room, and choose a stall and sat down -- and two stalls away was a Black Homo-Fascist talking loudly and with a stupid slur to its speech ...

to the turds that were coming out of its ass.

As I am a keen student of all things 'enemy' I knew immediately, from its voice and it gyrations on the toilet seat, that it was another brainless, over-weight, cup-cake-faced, dull-eyed, face-screwed-by-contortions-from-within, product of Black Power Programming and Queer-Suggested Behaviors. A typical crazed Black Homo-Fascist. It talked and raved and thanked each turd; and said how happy it was to know them.
I sat there in disbelief. It did everything except give each turd a name -- and refused to flush them -- and after several minutes of that (which it was already doing when I came in) it got up and babbled its way out of the Mens Room, saying how happy it was to make their acquaintance.

I haven't seen or heard anything that vile since I inadvertently saw the cover of a Des Aliens Rearsniffers newrag a few months ago. I stayed in there until I was sure that it had left the building. I did not want my eyes to see it, because I had already seen the same face on thousands of Black Homo-Fascists.

I only hope that ten thousand years from now, Historians will realize that ten thousand years ago we Humans were fighting Homo-Fascists that talked to their own shit. There was NO 'Noble Enemy' ten thousand years ago.

[[I hate to lay that one on you -- however, this IS what IS happening in DemoTopia. Don't anyone say -- "It's a cultural thing." Because then I will say -- "Then that explains the Queers!"]]

[[You know what is just as bad as that? Passing a Homo-QueerPoo Orange Box Store, and seeing the dildo-mobiles of dozens of Deviates in the parking lot.]]


Markel Peters










I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message.
Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.



























Labels Of All Posted Messages--A Way To Search Through Messages By Labels

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed


This blog exists to inform the People, of the 'Real Truth' about the real enemies of the Human Species. These Truths are not objectionable, as they are Truths. Only the telling of them can be objectionable, to those who wish to hide the Truth. If the Truth is something you HATE and therefore object to - go elsewhere!


Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!


The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.