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Showing posts with label 'Victim'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 'Victim'. Show all posts

Friday, July 12, 2013

The Death Of Authority: 2013-06-26 the Day of Queer Monkey Infamy:

From Earth Abides:

He came upon people now generally by twos and threes. (The isolated molecules were beginning to find one another.) Usually these people were clinging to some little spot that they had known previous to the disaster. As before, not one of them showed any desire to go away with him, but sometimes they invited him to stay. He found the offer no temptation. These people were physically alive, but more and more he realized that they walked about in a kind of emotional death. He had studied enough anthropology to realize that the same phenomenon had been observed on a smaller scale before. Destroy the culture-pattern in which people lived, and often the shock was too great for the individuals. Take away family and job, friends and church, all customary amusements and routines, hope too -- and life became walking death. [Chapter 5]


About 'Shit':

Since there are so many gutless readers out there, that cannot stand having to read the Truth and having to see such words as 'shit' when it is applied appropriately to creatures that are 'shit'.

And, since there are so many readers out there who are so wishy-washy and milk toast-of-constitution; about all conflict that they feel does not effect them urgently (not that they can feel anyway) ...

I have replaced the word 'shit' with the word '(bleep)' -- everywhere in this message below.

Forty times. Just to show everyone, even the most imbecilic cowards and stubborn know-nothings, how ludicrous it is to not call something that is '(bleep)' by its real name.

To not call something that is horribly filthy and vile and sick -- "not something that is horribly filthy and vile and sick" -- is ludicrous.

This message will stand as an example of how ridiculous it is to think that we can use 'societally acceptable wordage', and 'words for polite society'; when we are describing and dealing with the DemoCraps, ModoRats, Republican Asswipes (formerly Establishment), Queers, Monkey Judges and the entire hideous hoard of the Satanic and Queer Lying Dead.

Every time that you see the word '(bleep)' in this message, you will be looking at the Shame of Cowards.

Every time that you see the word '(bleep)' in this message, you are looking at the weakness, the cowardice, the shame, the gutlessness, the timidity, the doom, the resignation to genocide, the acceptance of extermination that possesses all of the assholes that want to read 'socially acceptable written material'.

Oh! How nice!


In any History of the Real Truth about our enemies -- non-graphic language was about as worthless as Christian Resisters. Both, have failed every test. Where is Madam Gronstal right now? Where is it sucking hard? In the Satanic Academy at Yellow Puss, Ohio? Or, in the Statehouse/Pantyhose Emporium in Des Moines?

Graphic language is always the most appropriate, for the context and the highest usages, when one is trying to accurately describe the enemies of the Human Species. I assure you, this is True. Trust me, a Writer-Who-Does-Not-Exist always knows these things.


Well, it would hurt to say -- "I told you so." So ...


Did you hear the audio, of the so called 'Oral Arguments' for those two cases before the Monkey Judges?

Did you hear what that Ginsberg Piece Of (bleep) said? It said that they (the Monkeys) had established that there was such a thing as 'Same-Sex'. And, that there was now such a thing as a 'Same-Sex' Class.

That means, both of those cases were being manufactured in a Factory for Queerism. A factory called a 'Supreme Court'.

And, 'Our Lawyers' were so stupid and self-interested that they actually called those twisted freaks -- 'Judges'.


Now, California is imprisoned by the dictates of a Queer Monkey Judge. Also, the Five Monkeys (in Wash This Death City) want all of this continent to be imprisoned by their queer dictates.

Folks, this is Queer Dictatorship. This is a takeover of America by anti-American and anti-Human perverts. This is Proof Positive that the Queers want to Rule the World. How much more head banging on brick walls can you take -- before you start to accept what I am telling you as the Truth?


There is a perverted 'victim' in the area of Iowa where I live, that has been queer for years; and I was aware of the fact that it was queer as much as seven years ago. Within the last few days, I have heard a relative of the 'victim' talking about how the queered 'victim' had tried to Not-Be-Queer; and had been trying to Not-Be-Queer. But now, according to the relative, that is impossible. Because, of the Monkey Judges in Wash This Death City (WTDC).

And also because, all of the Queers are celebrating and pretending that Queerism is here to stay. Which is the Propaganda Slogan, that they bought those Monkey Judges for in the first place.

[[Remember -- to the Queers, lies are everything! Lies must be maintained at any and all costs! Propaganda Slogans are part of the lies. Thus, Propaganda Slogans are very important to the Queers.]]

Essentially the relative of the 'victim' was blaming the Monkey Judges, and their queer 'decisions', for the fact that the 'victim' will now become a Queer.


Is there a place? Is there a place somewhere? High up and windy and lonely, but so high that if I ask a question from that great height everyone in the world will hear it? Because, I have a really Big Question to ask.

I have to ask everyone -- "If the 'victim' was queer seven years ago, and it was dead seven years ago (the NEA turned it into a Queer seven or more years ago), and it has been watching TV all of this time -- how could it possibly have been trying to Not-Be-Queer?"

Watching TV is a Queer Act.
Watching Queers on TV is a Queer Act.
Watching Television is Queer.
TV is for Queers and (bleep)heads.

How could the 'victim' not be a Queer? How could it have been trying to Not-Be-Queer? How is there any way it was trying to Not-Be-Queer, if it was watching TV? And, if it was listening to Filthy Monkeys? And, if it was reading queer newsrags? How could it be trying to Not-Be-Queer, if the Queer Monkeys in Wash This Death City have any meaning to it other than '(bleep)'?

That, is all a lie. That, is all bull(bleep). Nobody, who was trying to Not-Be-Queer would suddenly become queer (or stay queer) because of the Queer Monkey Judges in WTDC.

If you are trying to Not-Be-Queer, then no matter what the Queers do, you will continue to try to Not-Be-Queer! What does it matter which Queers, do what?

What does it matter which Queers, say what?

What does it matter what kind of Queer, does what?

Queers on TV? Queers on the FM? Queer Monkey Judges? Queer Politicians? Queers at queer newsrags? Queer Middle-Managers? Queers in the streets? What does it matter, which Queer is doing what?

All Queers lie! All Queers propagandize! All Queers are the same (bleep)! If you are trying not to be a Queer, what the Hell does it matter which Queers are doing what?

There is no such thing as -- "Oh, there are Queers that are more important than other Queers!"

"Oh, there are more Supreme Queers than other Queers!"

"Oh, there are some Queers that matter more than other Queers!"

"Oh, there are divine Queers that mean everything."

"Oh, there are Supreme Queers that are the Ultimate Queers."

"There are the most important Queers, that are the Rulers of the Queers."

There are no such things in this Universe. A faggot is a faggot, and a lesie-turd is a lesie-turd. Three lesie-turds and two faggots in WTDC have eaten the Queer Bananas, and have given out queered and false decisions.

So what?

Five Queers in any ghetto can do the same thing. Five Queers in any TV station can do the same thing. Five Queers in a whorehouse can do the same thing. Five Queers in a prison can do the same thing. Five Queers in an abortion clinic can do the same thing. There is no such thing as 'Supreme Queers'. There is no such thing as 'Supreme Monkeys'. There is no such thing as 'some Queers are important'.

No Queers are important! There is no such thing as Queers having Authority. No Queers have Authority! Five Naked Monkeys in a cage in WTDC are not an Authority!

Who cares what 'used to be'?
Who cares 'what used to exist'?
Who cares what Humans used to do in that place?

There are no Humans there any more. It is all Queers and (bleep)heads, politicians, assholes, opportunists, liberals and every kind of dung heap that you can think of. And, a lot of 'horrors' that you have not heard of yet.

Who could care less what happens in that Wash This Death City sewer?

My message here, is that there is no way that anybody would be made queer, because of what the Queer Monkeys in that cage have done. They have no Authority. They are just Queer Monkeys.

No Queers have Authority.
No Queers matter.
No Queers are important.
No Queers have meaning.
No Queers have Truth.
All Queers lie.
Every Queer lies.
Every Queer is a Jackal.
Every Queer is a lying scum.
Every Queer is a killer.

The absurd bull(bleep), that some 'victim' was trying to Not-Be-Queer ...

and now that the Queer Monkeys in WTDC have made their false decisions against Humanity ...

the case for the 'victim' is now hopeless, and it will remain a Queer ...

that is INSANE!!!!

That is ludicrous. That is totally and utterly absurd!

On the basis of what? No Queers have Authority.

No Queers have the Truth.
No Queers are important.
No Queers have the Truth.
No Queers have meaning.
No Queers have the Truth.
No Queers have decency or honor.
No Queers have the Truth.
No Queers are worth listening to.
No Queers have the Truth.
No Queers are worth looking at.
No Queers have the Truth.
No Queers are worth reading.
No Queers have the Truth.
No Queers are worth caring about what they think, say, or do.
No Queers have the Truth.

Only some thing (that is totally queer), could possibly care about what any Queers anywhere say, think, or do. So, there is no way that the 'victim' was trying to Not-Be-Queer!

Not a chance. If that 'victim' was trying to Not-Be-Queer -- absolutely nothing that any Queer does in the Universe would mean anything to that 'victim'. Nothing at all. If any person is trying to Not-Be-Queer, then absolutely nothing that any Queer of any description, in any place, with any appearance, with any jive rhetoric, with any phony authority, with any falsehood rap and falsehood dialog -- can have any meaning, or importance, or value to that person.

To Human Beings, and to anyone who is trying to Not-Be-Queer, everything 'Queer' is Total Negativity. Those Queer Monkey Judges in WTDC are Total Negativity, they are nothingness. They are complete and absolute Death. To all Life.

And, that is it!

This website does not have opinions. This website does not even waste time with opinions. I would not even think an opinion, let alone think of writing an opinion. Let alone write an opinion. I am completely devoid of opinions. This website has no opinions on it at all, unless I am including opinions from somebody else; and then I say that 'this person has an opinion'; and then I describe what the opinion is. Which to me is worthless anyway, because opinions are utterly valueless and nonsensical. I am not sure if I ever have included someone's opinion in this website. I never have opinions of my own, so I probably have never included anyone else's opinions here. Unless, it is the bogus and false opinions of our enemies; who have nothing but opinions.

Queers, are nothing more than opinion-oriented and opinion-crazed freaks, controlled by opinions. They value nothing but opinions, because opinions can be changed and molded to their Queer Propaganda.

They would not know Truth, if it bit their asses off.

But, getting back to the Queer 'Victim'. The Queer 'Victim' is a Queer 'Victim'. There is no way that any thing that is not queer could in any way, shape, or form give a damn what any Queers (of any description) say, think, or do. Especially, someone who is trying to Not-Be-Queer. If, you are trying to not be a Queer then the more filth that the Queers do, and the more fakery that they perform, and the more that they demand that you accept their authority -- the less you are going to do so. The more you are going to piss on them from a great height.

The higher their fakery and their lies, the higher it will make you -- as you resist them. The more that they lie, the more that they pretend to be better than you -- the less they become and the higher you become. So, there is no way that 'victim' was trying to Not-Be-Queer. And, I know for a fact that 'victim' was queer. That 'victim' has never been anything except queer for as long as I have seen it, which was after the NEA had killed it.

I have never seen it once trying to Not-Be-Queer. It has always been queer since I have known of its existence.


Is that over? Can we go on to something else? Because, we always need enjoyment and stimulation and soft and cushy comforts! Our ability to read the Truth is very limited.

Is that over?



Now -- here is how pathetic that situation is. Those persons are so saturated and immersed in DemoCrapia (and the brainwashing from the Queers) -- that to them, watching one hour less of Queers a day on TV might be (to their dim and dunced little brains) an act of trying to Not-Be-Queer.

That, is about as pathetic as a puppy dog run over by a school bus.

That is, 'puppy dog run over by a school bus' pathetic.

Watching Queer Filth on Queer TV for six hours a day, and then saying -- "Well, I think I will be less queer! Maybe, I will try to be a Human Being. So, I will only watch five hours of Queers on TV each day!" To them, that is trying to Not-Be-Queer.

That, is about as 'imbecilic' as imbecilic can get.

I think, that is what is going on in their case. I think, there is actually some ludicrously absurd idea (in the brains of those persons) that if they watch an hour less of Queer TV each day, they will actually and honestly be trying to Not-Be-Queer. I don't know, it is like somebody trying to think that there is any place in Hell that is less hot then the rest of Hell.

In Hell, that 'victim' is described as 'Struggling with its Homosexual Identity'. Which, it never had to begin with, until the NEA Killers targeted it.


What needs to be explained thoroughly here is that there is no such thing as any Queer having Authority over any Human Being. What follows in this message is a more detailed explanation of just how invalid and unjust and non-Human the Queer Monkey Judges and their mob of cronies really are. Just how phony and how bogus everything in WTDC is.


One thing, which the situation with the 'victim' does illustrate, is how false are the comprehension faculties of the people who are already diseased by the Queerism. How ludicrous are their 'thinking assumptions'. How stupid are their ideas. How decayed their brains are. How corroded their brains are. How rotted their brains are. How decrepit their brains are, once they have the disease and once they are saturated by the Queer Society. It shows how lacking in brainpower they are. They cannot even imagine what Reality is. They cannot even imagine what it would take to defy Queerism.

They cannot even imagine what is required to attempt to Not-Be-Queer. Their idea of Not-Be-Queer is to cut down on all of the queer input. By what? Ten percent? They are so hopelessly corrupted, and so hopelessly corroded. Their brains are like battery terminals that get corroded and turn green. It is the same thing. The battery terminals on an automobile battery will get corroded with time, turn green with oxidation, and no longer make electrical contact. It is the same exact thing, except it is happening to the neurons that are between their ears.

[[You really cannot call that stuff between their ears 'brains' anymore.]]

In these very reduced cavities between their ears (that can barely think at all), they have the idea that if they cut down on the Queer Input from TV by 10%, they are resisting being queer -- and they are getting better. There has to be a word for something that is more absurd than 'absurd'. But, I do not know what it is. There has to be a word for something that is more pathetic than 'pathetic'. But, I do not know what it is. There has to be a word for something that is more feeble than 'feeble'. But, I do not know what it is.

However, whatever those words are -- they apply to that situation. Those persons are doing absolutely nothing to break away from Queerism, and to cease being controlled by and diseased by Queers.

Reducing it by 10% is nothingness.

Reducing it by 90% is nothingness.

You either cut it off 100%, or you do nothing! You either drop it entirely (100%), or you are doing nothing! You are still as queer, and still as controlled, and still as ludicrous, and still as ridiculous as you were before you thought that you were 'not being queer anymore'.

It shows how decayed and deactivated the (brains) of those persons are. They hear (somehow), that Human Resistance exists and that it is saying the Truth. They hear (somehow), that it is so much better to be a Human Being. They get this really foggy and faint idea that they are being used and abused and queered by all of the hideous perverts. And, it is not a good thing to be that way. But, they never (not ever) get the real idea.

They either do not read what we say, they do not read what we write, or they do read the Truth and then they watch TV.

As I have said all along, if you learn the Truth from the Human Species and then you watch TV -- you will go insane. If you are not already insane. TV is exclusively for Queers and (bleep)heads. If you learn the Truth by reading it on Human websites, and then you watch TV, you will go insane.

Of course, if you have done that before -- you are already insane. Of course, if you were insane before you read the Truth on a Human website, and then you went back to watching TV -- what have you done? You were insane before, and now you are insane again.

It is the corrosion, it is the decay, it is the rot inside their (brains) that prevents the Truth from reaching them. The Truth, is so different from all of the hideous lies that they have been saturated with since they were children. The Truth about what is going on for real, is so different from all of the lying filth of the NEA, and all of the lying filth of the Queers in the public schools, and all of the lying filth of the Turds on TV (etc). So much so, that the Truth just seems to be a novelty -- a strangeness to them. There is no Humanity left inside of their skulls to be sparked. There is no Humanity left, to realize that they are hearing the Truth. There is not enough Human Essence, or Spark of Life, or Life Itself left in those persons for them to realize (to allow them to realize) that they are actually reading the Truth -- when they read a Human website.

It is extremely important for them to know this Truth, and yet it alludes them forever because there is no 'matter' between their ears that can benefit from the Truth any longer.

Before they went to the Queer Public Schools, there was a lot of Human Matter between their ears.

So now, they just read the Truth like they are reading a comic book, or a part of a newspaper, or part of a newsrag -- like it is just another thing in this overall society. They just cannot imagine that it is not part of the society. They do not have the numbers of neurons required to be able to grasp the Reality that this has nothing to do with the society that killed them. It is not from that society. It is against that society. It is against the (bleep) that they are in. It is not from the (bleep) that they are in -- it is against the (bleep) that they are in!

They do not get that. They think that it is somehow contrived. They think that it is somehow part of the overall crap. It must be part of the same huge bowel movement from the Queers, and the DemoCraps, and the ModoRats. Everything is staged anyway. Everything is phony. Everything is fake, so they think that this is staged too, and this is phony too, and this is fake too. Then, they go back to watching the Turds on TV -- and they go even more insane.

What I am trying to illustrate however, is -- and I mean we are talking about the depths of depraved and pathetic behavior -- persons who actually think that this is some kind of 'social trend'. Or, a social phenomenon. Persons, who think that maybe they should get involved with Humanity. Maybe, there is something to it. Maybe, the Queers are not good for them. Maybe, the Queers are not right for them. Maybe, the Queers are using them. So okay, they are going to struggle to Not-Be-Queer.

Because, isn't that what the 'trend' is? Isn't that what the 'movement' is? Isn't that what this social program is all about?

[[Remember, they can only think in terms of social programming.]]

And then, they actually think that they are doing something beneficial by reducing their watching of the TV Turds by 10%.

Or, one hour a day.

That is like saying -- having 90% of your body covered with third degree burns is not as bad as having 100% of your body covered with third degree burns.

They completely and utterly miss the point. Which is -- No Third Degree Burns!!!!

Zero Third Degree Burns!!!!

If you want to be Burn Free -- you turn the fires off! You get away from the fires, you jump away, you stay away; you put out the fires. You never let the fires back in. You never let the fires turn back on. You never let the fires, that are burning your brains with their sick and twisted lies, reach you again.

Being covered by third degree burns on 90% of your body is not attempting to be Burn Free. Going from 100% burns to 90% burns is not attempting to be Burn Free. It is pathetic drivel to say it is. It is something only a depraved two year old child would think. Even a (bleep)-eating junkyard dog would know better.

You become Burn Free by being out of the fire, and having no burns whatsoever on you. Having no contact with the fire, the flames, the destruction. You get away from the flames. Nothing burns. Zero Burns! You get away from the Queers. You get away from the Propaganda. You get away from the DemoCraps. You get away from the Monkey Judges. You get away from the ModoRats.

Zero Burns!

Zero Queers!

That is how you do it. Not with any psychotic chicken(bleep) of -- "Well, I will watch one hour less of TV a day." (drool)

And then, people are shocked. Shocked, that when the Five Naked Monkeys in a cage in WTDC take the Queer bananas, and make the false decision against the Human Species -- people feel like they must now obey. They are shocked by the fact that they feel that way. They say about each other -- "Well, he or she was trying not to be queer; but now that the Monkey Judges in WTDC have voted for the Queers -- Oh well! They are going to stay queer after all."

Really? What kind of creature would say that? What kind of piranha-brained and barracuda-toothed scum (that feeds upon each other's agonies and pains), would say that about somebody else?

Especially, when there is no Queer of any description, in any place, with any supposed Authority, anywhere in this Universe, that means 'JACK (bleep)' to any Human Being.


What kind of person would say to another person (about a third person) -- "Oh, he's going to be queer now!" -- or -- "Oh, he's going to stay queer now!" -- or -- "It's inevitable now!" -- or -- "He's going to be a Queer now!" -- or -- "We can't get away from the Queers now!"


Said, because of the brain(bleep) of Five Naked Monkeys in a cage in WTDC. Paid. Paid, to make a false decision. Paid, by the enemies of the Human Species, to make a decision against the Human Species. Who, would say that about somebody else?

Who, would pretend to be a friend of that other person, or a relative of that other person; and say such filthy and horrible things about that other person? As though it was humorous and inevitable and could not be avoided, and was going to happen no matter what. Especially, because Five Naked Monkeys in a cage in WTDC are the most corrupt Monkey Judges in all of History. And, have committed the worst judicial crime to ever happen in all of Human History.

Who, would do that to somebody else? And, on top of it, who would at the same time pretend to be a friend or a relative of that other person?

We are talking about Mega Dosages of debauchery here. Mega Dosages of infidelity. That is what it is. 'Infidelity'. Infidelity to friendship. Infidelity to relationship. Infidelity to decency. This, is the kind of thing that Jackals and Hyenas would do. In fact, I think wild dogs would have more respect for kinship, than that exhibit of Infidelity. I think even the lowest of mammals would exhibit better and more faithful kinship to each other, than this exhibits. This is really the lowest of the low.


The Death of Authority:

To begin with, giving any credence (of any kind) to any false and whoring decisions by those Five Naked Monkeys in that cage in WTDC is horrendously ludicrous. And then, too -- to flippantly laugh off the fact that some of your friends or some of your relatives have been mentally butchered and mentally murdered by the same false decisions -- by the same Five Naked Monkeys -- in the same cage -- in Wash This Death City ...

to be flippant about it, to be lazy about it, to be so careless about it, to be casual about it -- that exhibits an Absolute Zero regard for Human Life. A Zero Regard for all Life -- period.

It, is something that only the lowest and the meanest of animals exhibit. A complete and absolute disregard for Life.

Not incidentally, but quite pre-consequentially (and even as a prerequisite) to all of this -- such creatures as those Five Naked Monkeys in that cage in WTDC could not commit the crimes that they commit against all of us (or would like to commit worse crimes against all of us) ...

all of us who are stupid enough to think that those scum can have any Authority over us whatsoever ...

they could not even attempt such GROSS injustices, and I mean the worst possible injustices, against all of us (even against their own minions), if this situation of callous disregard for each other's lives did not already exist.

Some where. Some place, where such things happen. Where such travesties abound as common practice.

There is a total and complete carelessness, for each other's lives, involved in it. Even for lives that are supposed to be related to themselves. They care nothing. They will actually allow lives of their own bloodlines to be killed by that Queer Mental Disease. They will even send their children to Queer Public Schools, knowing that they are going to be Queered and their Humanity is going to be killed!!!!!!!!!!

I am not going to get into how that horrible situation, and that terrible state of this twisted society, came about. But, the Monkey Judges are also (in part) a result of all of that. The Monkey Judges are a part of it, right along with all of the decadent and degenerated society that is underneath them (as far as they are concerned). The society that has been brainwashed to believe that they are underneath the Monkey Judges (as far as the brainwashed are concerned).

Monkeys and minions, minions and monkeys, supremes and inferiors, egomaniacs and lackeys; they are all the simultaneous result of the hideous Queer Propaganda Agenda. They have all been patterned, they have all been shaped, they have all been channeled. All of their evils have been controlled and directed, onto the pathway that the Queers want. They are all to one extent or another (whoring or merely stupid), 'victims' of the Queers. Even the Five Naked Monkeys in the cage in WTDC (that think that they are so smart to take all of those Queer Bananas and to say those Queer Lies against all of Humanity), even they who think that they are so smart, are just dumb pieces of (bleep) for the Queers.

Queered themselves. So stupid, that they are now as queer as the Queers are. How many times have I told you that no one helps the Queers?

Only Queers help Queers.

Those stupid and naked Monkeys (all five of them) in that cage in WTDC are so idiotic and void of intelligence that they think that they have whored and they have prostituted for the Queers, and they have taken the Queer Bananas, and they have gotten ahead in the Queer Society -- BUT -- they themselves are not queer.

Their pretended Authority relies upon everyone else believing that they are not Queers -- that they are just whores. They are not Queers, they are just prostitutes!

They do not even care that we know that they have been paid off! All that they care about, is that everybody should think that they are not Queers, and therefore they have Authority. Because, they know (absolutely) that as soon as anybody realizes that they are just queer turds, making decisions for queer turds, they will have (absolutely) no Authority. No Authority, because their entire 'Judicial Branch' is now a setup, a sham, a crime! Organized Crime.

So, their supposed and phony Authority depends upon everyone thinking that they are not Queers. That they are just doing things for the Queers!

They are just taking Queer Money. They are just taking Queer Bananas. And, that is a different thing! Therefore, they still have their Authority!


OH, NO! They have no Authority. Only Queers help Queers!

They are not apart from the Queers. They are not separate from the Queers.




They, are the Queers.

They, are Five Queer Monkeys in a cage in WTDC. No separation, no difference! No! No! The Queers are not somewhere else! The Queers are right there -- One -- Two -- Three -- Four -- Five!!!!!

Five Queer Naked Monkeys in a cage in Wash This Death City. That is what it is. No Authority. No legitimacy. They are nothing but Queers voting for Queers.

Let us discuss this in further detail. Let me tell you about a few things that are also involved here.


The National Game:

To the assholes in Wash This Death City, all of this politicking and phony arguing (and the pretending to be two parties when there is only one); and the pretending to govern when they do not; and the following of agendas instead of representing the People; and the whoring for the highest bidders -- this is all the 'National Game' to them. It is all a National Sports Game. It is all the game of pretending to run the nation, the game of pretending to administer the nation for the People.

Now, obviously, the players of the National Game have grown tired of pretending to represent the People; and they have decided to rule the People.

Without the Consent of the People.

When there is something corrupted like that; when there is something decadent like the National Game, where it is all a game to the Players to represent the People; it becomes easy for it to be degraded down to a National Game of Ruling the People.

These Players are third and fourth generation assholes, that never took the representation of the People seriously; they never were real representatives of the People; so why should they not devolve down to 'Rulership'? Dictatorship and/or Oligarchy -- instead of Leadership?

Why, would they not reduce themselves to Dictatorship or Oligarchy? Once something is evil (verb) it just gets worse; it gets more Evil (noun). They were evil (verb) to begin with, because they were not representing anybody except themselves; using their National Game of prostituting and whoring.

Once it is evil (verb) it gets worse, it gets more Evil (noun). If they think that they can get away with a level of 'no responsibility at all', and propagate Big Lies for money; then they will take the chance of being more Evil (noun) by being more irresponsible and lying even more. That is how those things operate at WTDC.

So, since they were not representing anybody (except themselves), and they went to Wash This Death City to make money for themselves (not to represent anybody), it is quite simple to understand that they have now grown worse. They are now completely dictatorial in the form of an Oligarchy.

An Oligarchy, that is playing a worse National Game then they were playing before. Which entrenches the mindset of the National Game; making this National Game idea of theirs even worse. It is so bad, to such an extent, that the Players think that anybody who is really complaining about something that they do, is actually wanting a seat at their card game of assholes; their National Game. They cannot understand that there is anyone out here who wants to destroy them. Who wants to burn their game to the ground, and wants to destroy the Players. Utterly, and literally.

They cannot understand that, they do not know what that means. They think that any actions against them are motivated by jealousy, and they always discredit the outrage of those People who they are supposed to be working for; as the grunts of disgruntled minions.

If they do get a hint or glimmer (in their greed-densified brains), that there really is a possibility of their catching a bullet for their crimes -- they start to blab blab blab to each other -- with stupid phrases like "they just want to kill us!" "they just want to kill us!" "they just want to kill us!"

"Oh! They just want to kill us!"

They never, not ever, say -- "They just want to kill us, because we are killing them and we are murdering pieces of (bleep)!" They never say -- "They just want to kill us because we are lying to them constantly and we are killing their country!"

They never say why it is, that they think we want to kill them. That would be admitting the Truth. No, with them it is always -- "they just want to kill us!" "they just want to kill us!" "they just want to kill us!" Without one word being said by them of any reason for it. In fact, they say that there is no reason behind it. They say that the reason is just blind hatred. Which, is exactly what they (themselves) have. They have blind hatred for anything that interferes with their National Game.

So, once again it is a transposition; of their sickness and their twisted hatreds and their guilts and their evils upon anybody who opposes them; as the reason why they are being threatened or destroyed. The reason why they are being brought down. The reason why they will be killed.


Class of Trash:

Something that results immediately from the false decisions of the Queer Monkeys in Wash This Death City, is that by pretending that the Queers are a class of people (and that they have rights above and beyond the rest of us), and dignities and validities that they lack utterly ...

the Queer Monkeys have themselves created (out of themselves) the lowest possible Class of Trash.

Monkey Judges and Monkey Lawyers are now the lowest class of all possible kinds of classes of trash. Not only are they the lowest class, they are the lowest class in all of the 'pretend classes'; like DemoCraps pretend to be a class. Queers pretend to be a class. Sex-offenders pretend to be a class. Every kind of deviated swine and turd that has liberal crap in its brain, pretends to be a class.

Of all of the 'pretend classes', the Monkey Judges and the Monkey Lawyers are now the lowest. And, as we all know, every pretend class and every fake law and every fake regulation and fake rule that the pretend classes use (to make it seem like they are legitimate) -- all of that is nothing more than the dung beneath our feet. Not Human. Not Humanly valid. Not Humanly decent. Not Human in any way, shape, or form. So, theirs is anti-Human classification. It is anti-Humanity classified.

In a strange kind of way, they are doing us a favor; because they are actually classifying for us the various kinds of anti-Humanity. They are creating out of the anti-Humanity sewage, different classifications. Different classes. They are revealing themselves to us, as various pretend and phony classes.

By trying to make the Queers a class of phony assholes in their own pretend world, the Monkey Judges and the Monkey Lawyers have proven themselves (of all things) to be the lowest fake and the lowest pretend class in their Bubble of Lies world. Where nothing is Real, nothing is Human; everything is fake, everything is pretend, and everything has to be bolstered up and propped up and supported by continual lies. Perpetuated by the continual insistence that their lies must be accepted as Reality, and the Truth. A continual advancement of lies, a continual onslaught of lies for the sole purpose of supporting their bogus and dog(bleep) world. The inside of which, they are now revealing to us with classifications of their own. They are creating a class, in their dog(bleep) world, of Queers. In doing so, the Monkey Judges and the Monkey Lawyers have just made themselves the lowest of all phony and pretend and worthless anti-Human classes inside their pretend world.

Which makes it very convenient for us.

Thank You Very Much.

[[I am reminded of a radio broadcast recently, about a court case that is being foisted upon the continent as important, because of the racists in the so-called Justice Department. On the broadcast, a Commercial Protestor (a real whore) was discussing the case with a group of Monkey Lawyers over the phone. The only 'female' Monkey Lawyer in the discussion was a twisted and sinister twat (from lesie-land), whose voice reeked of total hatred for all males. It was supposedly a 'prosecution lawyer'; and the other persons in the discussion were thinking that they were arguing the merits of the case; while the female kept insisting upon the guilt of the defendant (a male).

Only the 'female' (and I) knew that there was just one reason and one desire in that 'female' brain. To kill another 'male'. Any male.]]


No Way Back:

Those false decisions, by those Queer Monkeys in WTDC, are not reversible. I do not want them reversed in ten years, or twenty years, or thirty years, or forty years; by another bunch of Monkeys that say it was all a mistake, and it does not apply anymore, and it really did not turn out right, and so on and so forth. I do not want Future Monkeys to think that they can weasel out of this, and pretend that they can make excuses for it, and then act as though this hideous set of false decisions never happened.

That would just be an attempt to make their false and lowest of all pretend classes seem to be 'not so false'. To seem to be higher than the lowest crap in the crap pile.

This stuff is permanent! Monkey Judges and Monkey Lawyers are now the lowest possible class of all of the phony dog(bleep) world of DemoTopia.

This is permanent!

This is forever!

These things are not done in fifty year increments!

We do not change our minds after fifty years. This is forever. The Monkey Judges and the Monkey Lawyers are ...

FOREVER THE WORST (bleep) -- OF ALL OF THE (bleep)!!!!

It does not change, it does not get better for them; propaganda does not help, advertising does not help. We are going to do everything that we can, so that we never need Monkey Lawyers and Monkey Judges again. I will help my Species to do that.

June 26, 2013 will live forever as the 'Day of Queer Monkey Infamy'.

Monkey Judges and Monkey Lawyers have now made themselves into the worst, most vile, most sickening, dirty, disgusting, whoring class of swine and scum in the entire Known Universe.

They have actually become the servants and the whores for the Queers; and have taken a lesser place beneath the Queers. And, deservedly so. Anyone who helps and aids and abets the Queers becomes their lackeys, becomes their underlings, becomes their servants -- becomes less than the Queers. Thus, begins Queer Domination.

The Queers now dominate all Monkey Lawyers. The Queers now dominate all Monkey Judges. This is permanent, this is forever. This does not change. This will not change in fifty years! No!


The way to deal with this lowest class on Earth -- of Monkey Judges and Monkey Lawyers -- and they must always and henceforth be considered and called the 'Lowest Class of Trash on Earth' -- is to starve them out.

To force them to prey upon their own fake and phony world of assholes. To literally starve them of any Human Meat. To starve them of any Human Opportunities. To starve them of any Human Prey. To starve them of any Human Victims.

That was an attempt by them (on June 26, 2013), to kill many many Human Beings. To victimize every Human Being that exists. But, if you starve them out, and they can never (not ever) judge over Human Beings again; then they will become nothing more than parasites inside their own Bubble of Lies. They will become Jackals and carrion-feeders inside their own dead world. They will become the (bleep)-eating scum that they really are. Openly. Drooling. Slavering. Screeching. With no possibility of faking anything.

To a Human Being at least. The only creatures that they will possibly be able to fake anything to, will have to exist in their own dead world. The scum in their own dead and diseased environment. The murderers, the killers, the fecal matter in their own World of (bleep).

We Human Beings, will never (not ever) accept them as Human Beings again. That is it! It is over! Monkey Judges and Monkey Lawyers are permanently and henceforth classed as Non-Humans. That, is really the way it is. And, it is permanent!

It is not of fifty years duration. It is not of one hundred years duration. It is not of a thousand years duration. It is for all of Time! The word and the term 'Judge', is now one of the most despicable words in the entire Human Language. Despite what language it is; French, Greek, German, Russian, Italian, Japanese, Chinese -- the word 'Judge' is the lowest of the low. The swinish of the swine. As filthy as filth can get.

Our determination is to starve to death those 'Judge' things, so they have to prey upon their own filth. Their own World of (bleep). And, can never prey upon Human Beings again.

Queers reap what Queers sow. And, the harvest is eternal.



Even though I knew it was going to happen, and I said it was going to happen, I am still sickened by what those Monkeys in their Monkey cage have done. I am still sickened by the fact that those five Queer Monkeys, in their little cage, made their false decisions against us. Just as though, monkeys in a zoo could try to judge and rule over the customers, and the guests, and the people who go to the zoo. Just a bunch of monkeys in a cage. It still makes me sick.

Making nooses, makes me feel better though.


Queer-Sucking Yahoo News. Do you know what Yahoo I am talking about? Yahoo is that Queer-Suck site on the Internet, where all of the Queer-Suckers go to. That one. Queer-Sucking Yahoo has a phony news site for Queers only. Today on Queer-Sucking Yahoo it said that in Wash This Death City (that pit from Hell) a lot of Queers were celebrating on the day that the five Monkey Judges whored for them. The 26th of this June. Because, they managed (easily) to bribe those five Whore Monkeys. Five Queer Monkeys took the Queer Bananas, and voted for the Queers.

Well, I was in Minnesota and Iowa that day, and there was absolutely no sign at all (in any way, shape, or form), that anyone knows about or gives a (bleep) about the fact that five Monkeys in a cage somewhere -- just (bleep).

Five Monkeys in a cage in Wash This Death City had just given a simultaneous dump, and to the Monkeys in the cage that is supposed to be really really important. To the Queers looking in at the Monkeys in the cage, it is supposed to be really really important.

But, out here in the Real World in Minnesota and Iowa, I see nothing. No reaction whatsoever. The 'news' has been out of course, it has been on the radio and so forth, and there is no reaction. No one cares what Monkeys in a cage do in Wash This Death City. It means nothing to these People. Monkey (bleep) in a monkey cage happens all of the time; wherever there are Monkeys in a cage. It is meaningless out here. It means nothing to Humans. It is only more Monkey (bleep) in a monkey cage. Those Monkeys will have to clean up their own cages.

These Humans out here have no intention of cleaning up any monkey cages, anywhere. Nobody out here has any intention of cleaning any Monkey cages. I can tell. I can tell that the very idea of the word 'Judge' in the minds of these Humans in Minnesota and Iowa means -- '(bleep)'. 'Judge' is a word for '(bleep)'.

They know it. I mean they do not just think that they know it. They really know it. It is absolutely confirmed to these Humans that the word 'Judge' is defined as '(bleep)'. And the (less-supreme-than-anyone-else) Monkey Judges in Wash This Death City mean nothing to these Humans. Nothing at all. There is no reaction whatsoever. You know that I would be able to spot their reactions, if there were any.

These People could not care less when a bunch of Monkeys (bleep) onto the floor of a monkey cage, in Wash This Death City or anywhere else. There was literally nothing. I mean really. They did not care. They quite obviously have been told the Truth by People who read the Human Truth, to such a great degree now, that they know exactly what is happening.

There is no shock. There is no panic. There is not even despisement. Some Monkeys in a cage in Wash This Death City (bleep) on the floor of their cage. So what?

That is all there is to it. That is as far as it goes. Other then that, they have zero reaction. Nothing has changed. They are operating the same way, they are talking the same way, they are doing their jobs the same way, they look the same way, they act the same way that they always do. I mean there was no difference there. I was in Minnesota and in Iowa that day, and I saw quite a few People. I stopped in at a number of places just to check out what was going on, and nothing was going on. Wash This Death City means nothing to these People.

Why should it. Queer Governments have been giving these People the shaft for many years now. Wash This Death City can eat (bleep) and die, as far as these People are concerned. Monkey Judges are nothing to these People. Just like the Statehouse/Pantyhose Emporium in Des Moines is nothing to me.

Queer Rules and Queer Laws and Queer Regulations are nothing more than that -- it is all fake. These People know that. The fakery at Wash This Death City is constant. It is always happening at Wash This Death City. These People know it, and they are completely unimpressed. That is all there was.

They deny the NEA the chance to kill their children. They deny the APA the chance to kill their minds. They are not watching the Satan Tube. They barely, if ever, listen to the Filthy Monkeys on the FM. And, the sale of queer newsrags is dismal, like it should be. Dismal. Oh, yeah, do you think that I am not watching that? I am always looking at the filthy newsrag racks, and watching the attempts by the Queers to shove their vile newsrags down the throats of customers in convenience stores. They are very seldom sold out. There are megatons of queer newsrags left on the filthy racks at the end of each day.

In the Real World.


June 27th, 'Day Two' and there is still no outward sign of any shock, or misery on the part of the People here in Iowa. That is really bad news for the Queers. That is extremely bad news for the Black Radical Extremists and Faggots in WTDC. It is really disappointing news for the Naked Monkey Judges in the monkey cage, because all of these Human Beings out here are supposed to be crying and weeping and tearing their eyes out and pulling their hair out and feeling depressed and oppressed and hopeless and crushed and defeated and wiped out.

Just like it says it will happen, in the Queer Script that the Five Naked Monkey Judges memorized. Before, they committed their terrible crimes against Humanity on June 26th.

None of it is that way, however. The only thing that is evident, is at truckstops where there are Crippled Blacks (pretending to be truck drivers), and they are walking around like they have won something -- like they have somehow become better overnight, because they are chained to a Black Faggot that says it has won something.

But, even they have it wrong. Because they are not doing it right. They are supposed to be walking around with their naked butts hanging out. Let's get with the 'program' here!

A Faggot has success? HObama the National Faggot says it had success at something queer? Well then, all of those Black Cripples should be walking around these truckstops with naked asses! They should have signs on their backs pointing down to their assholes, with provocative statements.

You see, they are not doing it right. If they are going to be Black Cripples -- chained to anything Black in the White Outhouse -- they have to do it right. Instead, they are just walking around like they won ten bucks at a lottery. Actually, three fucks at a lottery.

The whole thing is going disproportionately. It is not going as the Queers planned. The People are not broken (Queer Failure), the People are not dispirited (Queer Failure), the People are not disjointed (Queer Failure), the People are not crying and grieving (Queer Failure). Instead, the People know that Wash This Death City is a (bleep)hole! They know about the Naked Monkeys in the Monkey Cage!

And, the Crippled Blacks (not the Real Black Humans) -- the Crippled Blacks are not doing it right. They are not walking around with their naked asses hanging out, with provocative signs on their backs. It is just not happening the way the Queer Propagandists wanted it to happen.


Since the queer decisions by the Five Naked Monkeys in a cage in WTDC happened, the only despondent and ugly and bad reactions that I have seen are by Queers and Demented White Females (DWC); that are very upset that the Humans are not dying from their latest purchase of Five Naked Monkeys in a cage somewhere. Isn't that just too bad?


For Your Sake -- Stop And Think:

Well, I am glad that debauched circus of fakery is over. Do you remember that 'decision' that the Monkeys made prior to June 26th about Voting Rights; that seemed to go in our favor? That was a setup. That was their setup to make the impact of their false decisions against us on the Day of Queer Monkey Infamy seem to be less terrible, and less awful. That Monkey Court is a complete sham. It is contrived, prearranged, rehearsed, scripted, and choreographed. Everything there is planned out far ahead of time. They are acting, literally. Nine pantomimes in the same show; like nine actors in the same theater.

How four of them can be Human, and five of them can be Queer is frankly stretching feasibility to the breaking point. What would four Human Judges be doing in a monkey cage with five Queer Monkeys?

Just stop and think about that.

There is a Monkey Cage.

It has nine chairs in it.

Nine somethings have to sit in those chairs. Five of those chairs are occupied by Monkeys. Queer Monkeys. Why would any four Human Beings go into that cage and sit, with those Queer Monkeys, in those four empty seats?

Stop! I mean it! Really stop, and think about it. Don't think that this is just Markel, with another one of his mental exercises. No, it is not. I mean this seriously.

There is a Monkey Cage, in Wash This Death City (WTDC).

There is one in Des Moines, across the street from the queer Statehouse.

About any Monkey Cage, where there are Queer Monkeys, and the Queer Monkeys are allowed to be there, and the Queer Monkeys are accepted as being there -- what does that mean to Human Beings?

What kind of society would have a Monkey Cage with Queer Monkeys in it?

Stop, and think about it. What kind of society would have a Monkey Cage with Queer Monkeys in it, and expect the Monkeys to be in the cage. And, expect them to be queer. And, feed them Queer Bananas. What kind of society would do that?

What kind of society would accept that? What kind of society would go along with that kind of lunacy? It is worse than lunacy -- it is horrid.

So, you have a Monkey Cage in a Horrible Society. A Monkey Cage in a Horrible Society, because only in a Horrible Society can you have a Monkey Cage like that!

You can have monkey cages in zoos, that is common. But, this kind of Monkey Cage kills Human People, it kills the Human Species. Because, in that Monkey Cage are Queer Monkeys. So, you have a Horrible Society with a Monkey Cage in it, that is meant to house and harbor Killer Monkeys. Queer Monkeys, that kill the Human Species.

What Human Being would want to be a part of that?

All Humans are the targets of that. All Humans are the targets of that sick society. All Human Beings are the targets of that cage of monkeys. All Human Beings are the targets of the Queer Monkeys in the cage!

What kind of crazy Human Being would want to be in that cage?

You would have to be a freak. You would have to be insane to want to be in that cage!

Supposing that there is for a minute, such a thing as Human Judges ...

as a conscientious and self-respecting Human Species, how can we allow Human Judges to be in the same cages with Queer Monkeys????

What kind of ludicrous debacle is that? What kind of ludicrous sham and pretense is that? How ridiculous can you get?

Why put a Human in a cage with a monkey?

Think about it. Stop, and think about it!

See in your mind -- a monkey cage.

See in your mind -- a Queer Monkey. In the monkey cage.

See around the monkey cage a sick and twisted society of assholes. Every description of 'asshole' that you can think of. And, do not want to know of.

Now, thinking about the monkey cage with your imagination, how can you justify having any Human Being go into that cage? How can you justify having any Human Being going into a monkey cage where there is a Queer Monkey? Any Queer Monkey!

You cannot justify it. Let alone Five Queer Monkeys. How can you justify any of that?

How can you validate and verify anything that comes out of that Queer Court in Wash This Death City?

When you cannot even justify allowing any Human Being at all to go into a monkey cage with a Queer Monkey? You cannot validate it. You cannot verify it. You cannot authorize it. You cannot justify it. You cannot justify having even one Human Being go into a cage with a Queer Monkey. Period.

So , how can you possibly think that anything which happens inside that Monkey Cage is binding and beholding upon the Human Species? When, no Humans should have anything to do with either the Monkey Cage, the sick and twisted society that created the Monkey Cage, and the Queer Monkeys that were put into the Monkey Cage by the sick-sick-sick society. How can any of that scenario be binding and lawful upon us?

Think about it. Use your imagination and realize. The idea that there are four Human Judges inside that Monkey Cage is completely ludicrous. It is a completely erroneous existence. It is a state of 'falsehood'. They should not be there. If they are really Humans, they should in no way, shape, or form be in that Monkey Cage in that sick-sick-sick society. It is all wrong! Wrong! Wrong!

It is completely wrong. It is 'Way Horrid'! It is 'Way Horrible Wrong'!

And, you cannot justify it. You cannot stand there, or sit there, with all of your imagination, and all of your know-how, and all of your background knowledge and background information -- and in no way can you justify allowing any Human to be in a monkey cage with Queer Monkeys!!!!!!!!!!

It is what it is; and it is criminal to have Humans of any kind (let alone Humans that we consider to be Human Judges) incarcerated and imprisoned in the same monkey cages with Queer Monkeys.

If you really think that those four judges, who voted for us on the Day of Queer Monkey Infamy are Humans, then it behooves you to get them out of that Monkey Judge sewer. It behooves you to get them out of there!

There are no more excuses. There are no more games. There are no more pretenses. There is no more of -- "Well, if we just get one more of this or that." -- "Well, if we just have them in there they might be able to do this or that." -- "Well, they might be able to influence that!" -- "Oh, they might be able to do this, or they might be able to do that."




That (less-supreme-than-anyone-else) court is a monkey cage full of Queers. It is trash! It is from the class of the lowest scum on Earth -- the Monkey Lawyers and the Monkey Judges that have declared themselves (and permanently petrified themselves) into the lowest class of anything, anywhere on the Earth.

Lower than the 'untouchable' class in India.

Lower than serial-killers, child-molesters, lower than anything else. The Monkey Judges and the Monkey Lawyers. If you really are a Human Species, and you value each other ...

and I mean this, think about it ...

do you value each other? Do you as a Human Being value each other? Do you? Because, if you have a sense of value for each other as Human Beings, then you will never allow any Humans of any description to be in a monkey cage in Wash This Death City!

It doesn't work. It doesn't coordinate. It doesn't pass inspection. It doesn't make the muster. It doesn't ring true. It is not right. If you value each other, you must protect each other from our enemies. Do not put them in the same cage with Queer Monkeys!

Start to have a Human Value system, relative to our enemies. Start to have your own Human Courts!

If you want to have Human Lawyers and Human Judges -- have Human Courts! Not that sewage, not that despicable Queer-sucking trash called Monkey Courts. And, realize that any Human Judge is the natural and instantaneous enemy of any Monkey Judge. Any Human Lawyer is the natural and instantaneous enemy of any Monkey Lawyer.

I do not mean 'maybe'. I mean, 'fight to the death' enemies. If I was a Human Lawyer or a Human Judge -- I would be killing Monkey Lawyers and /or Monkey Judges.

Any Human Judge will be willing to fight to the death, against any number of Monkey Judges. Any Human Lawyer will be willing to fight to the death, against any number of Monkey Lawyers.

And, you see it is not that way in the so-called Law Profession; and the so-called Judge Profession nowadays. These days, the Lawyers and the Judges care a lot more about each other, than they care about the clients that they are supposed to represent. They care far more about their own money, and their own reputations and their own status, their own relations with each other; their own game plans with each other (their gaming relations which they call reputations), their status in the overall game of Law, their status in the overall game of Judgment. They care much more about that, then they care about the People that they are supposed to represent; and the cases that they are supposed to be fighting for.

The way it is supposed to be, is not the way it is. Lawyers are supposed to care about clients. Any Lawyer that is good and Human and decent should be willing to destroy any other Lawyer for the sake of his client. Any Judge would be willing to destroy any other Judge for the sake of Justice, for the sake of Truth. Literally, for the sakes of Righteousness and Decency.

Literally. Any Lawyer that is good and Human should be willing to destroy any other Lawyer (and I mean 'destroy'), in order to maintain goodness and the proper application of Human Law for Human Beings.

Any Human Judge should be willing to destroy any other Judge, to maintain Justice and Human Law; over all other Phony Laws. But, it is not that way at all. It has not been that way as far back as I can remember. Which is why this sick and twisted society exists today.

What we need is a small army of decent, Human, and conscientious Judges. Any conscientious Judge, these days, would be trying to destroy every Monkey Judge that exists! If you had a conscientious Lawyer, he would be trying to destroy every Queer Lawyer out there; every Monkey Lawyer that exists. But, it is not that way in the present sick-sick-sick society.

Instead, they have their game that they play. Their Legal Game. Their Law Game. Their Judge Game. And, all that they really care about is their status, and positions, and their prominence, and their reputations inside their Law and Judgment Games. They play for the games. They exist for the games. Whatever they do, is pertaining to the game aspect of it all, and has nothing to do with Justice and the People. They could not care less about Justice and the People.

They could not care less about Human Beings. They could not care less about Justice. They could not care less about Law itself. And, if you have people who you think are real Human Judges, and real Human Lawyers, you should get them out of that game -- pronto!

Get them out of that game as fast as you can. Get them out of that sick and weird and twisted mindset about Law Games and Judgment Games; and all of the twisted psychosis (a lot of psychosis) that goes with it. Get them out of it, because you (a Human) are dying from it.

Five Queer Monkeys just took a Big (bleep) in a Monkey Cage somewhere, and those Five Monkeys (and all of the Queers) now expect that Big (bleep) to be eaten by you.


Before we continue -- may we have an Attitude Check from the Queer Peanut Gallery?

"Ah! Just let it happen. Let it happen. Just let it happen. Just let it happen. Just let it happen. Ah! Just let it happen, let it happen, let it happen. Just let it happen. Ah! Just let it happen, let it happen, let it happen. Just let it happen!"

That is what the Democrat/Whores say.

That's what the Democrat/Whores want!

That is the obedience they want. That is what they tell you --

"Just let it happen, let it happen, let it happen, let it happen. Just let it happen, let it happen, let it happen."

Just let the DemoCraps whore. To the Queers! To kill all of us! Let the Monkey Judges take the Queer Bananas, to kill all of us. Let the Monkey Lawyers train all of themselves to become a vicious and hideous anti-Human force of Death against all of us; until all that they are, is 'enemies of us'. Representing no One, and representing no Justice whatsoever. The original Law Profession -- dead. Shot and bloated like a dead dog in the sun for two months.

"Just let it happen, let it happen, let it happen, let it happen, let it happen, let it happen, let it happen."

That is what they tell their minions, their stooges, their fools, their followers.

"That, is all it takes. It is not harmful. It ain't going to kill nobody. It doesn't take any pain or strain. It's not harmful. Just let it happen, let it happen, let it happen, let it happen, let it happen, let it happen, let it happen, let it happen."

"Ah! Just let it happen, let it happen, let it happen. Just let it happen. Ah! Just let it happen, let it happen, let it happen. Just let it happen!"


What No Authority Leads To:

Truly, all Authority has vanished from Wash This Death City.

Accordingly, any creature or person on this continent who thinks or claims that his or her Validity and Authority (Badge and Police Car) stems from (and results from) any entity, organization, or establishment inside Wash This Death City, is now likewise bereft of and devoid of both -- Validity and Authority.

Hear me now!

Their assumed Authority is now gone!

Which immediately places many many events and situations and occurrences and habits and trends and misdeeds and corruptions and falsehoods and improper practices and injustices into the spotlights of Human Investigation. Humans, now being the sole remaining source of Validity and Authority on the continent.

As a Human Leader -- I therefore act thusly.

I want to, and shall, begin an exposure and investigation into something which is commonly known as -- 'Profiling'.

I know there is a court case going on right now, with racial overtones, and the racists in the False-Justice Department are trying to cause a Race War by forcing the case upon everybody, even though it may have no such merits or importance by itself. Black Radical Extremists always do that. It pays well.

I, however, am talking about something else -- for my own and different reasons.

I am sick of 'Profiling'. I am also very disgusted with, and I abhor, the huge prison population on this continent of Black Male Prisoners.

It is the very definition of 'Injustice', that there are surely thousands of Black Male Prisoners in prisons across the country -- that do not belong there.

Do not belong there.

Studying this Injustice, and getting to the Truth of it, is certainly going to be a difficult task. The kind that few writers can achieve, and for one reason -- there is so much angst and animosity and racism involved.

Trying to find the Truth, in all of the writings and propaganda concerning this issue will be an arduous task. I am sure that I can at least inform everyone of the current state of 'Information versus Misinformation', and expose sources of Disinformation.


As I see it now (and it is too late for anyone to change their presentations concerning this issue), there are 11 possibilities here.

1. This is all just a gentle misunderstanding. No one is really harmed by this. The kind and wonderful Whitie Cops are just doing their kind and wonderful duty. No 'Negroes' are being harmed by their kind and wonderful deeds. The jails are not full of Black Men who do not belong there. And, Markel Peters is a meddlesome fool, who should be Profiled as soon as possible.

2. Markel Peters is Profiling the Whitie Cops.

3. What used to be, died decades ago. Deservedly so. Today's Profiling, is the result of deliberate precautions (largely based upon racism) that were instituted decades ago in an attempt to control 'Blacks', and to suppress the Black Human Contingent from assuming their rightful place in the Corpus Umano (Humanity). Those 'Profiling' precautions and instructions were never valid to begin with, and now even the racism component of their origins has been eroded and replaced by Queerism.

4. There are no Whitie Cops. They are really Martians in disguise, and they see the Black Men as the only force on Earth that can oppose their upcoming Invasion of Earth.

5. The Whitie Cops of today, are Elitists and Segregationists who see the Black Male Population as a potential threat to their dominance within the economic niche of Federal, State, and County Law Enforcement. The pre-existence of the Profiling Injustice, from the bad previous decades, gives them a convenient method with which to keep the Black Male Population suppressed and imprisoned -- and thus no longer a threat to their own economic survival. And, the prison warden and guards of each prison get a monthly stipend for each Black Man's Head that is in their prison.

6. Whitie Cops would never do such a thing.

7. I am Mother Theresa.

8. I am Little Orphan Annie.

9. I really am, a Twelve Foot Alligator.

10. All of the above.

11. None of the above.


What is going to happen now -- is what happens when suddenly the spotlight of Human Investigation falls upon a situation that had no prior warning.

Whatever is happening, has been written, has been lied, has been exaggerated, has been falsified, has been killed and murdered, has been presumed falsely -- and will now be scorched under the intensity of Human Light.

If it is truly all a heap of liars, chewing each other's shoes and ears off, that will be revealed.

I have deliberately not mentioned this topic before, just to let it continue on its own course.

Now, it is too late to change that course, and what is -- is what will be revealed.

I expect the worst.

For one reason, because of this Wikipedia article about "Racial Profiling'.


This is one of the most incoherent and sketchy and poorly written Wikipedia articles that I have ever seen. To make this article readable, I would have to re-write the entire thing from scratch -- which I will end up doing anyway, but in a different format.

This tells me that the subject of Racial Profiling is in one of those Negative Niches (Negative Cracks) (Negative Shadows) where what is really happening is being hidden and suppressed from Public Knowledge; and the people who are opposing Racial Profiling really do not know what they are doing.

Sound familiar?


I would go on, but you just kicked the dog while you were sleep walking.


Markel Peters










I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message.
Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.



























Labels Of All Posted Messages--A Way To Search Through Messages By Labels

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed


This blog exists to inform the People, of the 'Real Truth' about the real enemies of the Human Species. These Truths are not objectionable, as they are Truths. Only the telling of them can be objectionable, to those who wish to hide the Truth. If the Truth is something you HATE and therefore object to - go elsewhere!


Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!


The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.