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Showing posts with label Cattle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cattle. Show all posts

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Virus Times--Part II--More Treachery From Our Enemies:

Warning: I Have Recently Heard Myself Described As A Creator Of 'Rude Messages'. This Was In North Dakota, And It Was The First Time I Have Ever Heard That Description Of Myself. It Is Untrue. I Write Accurate Descriptions Of What Is Happening In This Society Of Liars And Cattle, During My Own Lifetime. I Believe One Of The Best Description Of My Writing Is 'The Unvarnished Truth'.

I Use Appropriate Language To Describe The Enemies Of My Human Species, And This Message Is No Exception To That Rule. It Is The Nefarious And Verminous Bastards And Bitches To Which The Appropriate Language Clings Like A Shroud Of Death, That Are At Fault Here -- Not Me.


The 'Forrid Fuckup':

A Death Machine Used By The Enemies Of The Human Species For The Intimidation And Oppression And Subjugation Of The People. Vaguely Similar To A General Class Of Vehicle Known As The 'Pickup'; Except Driven By Psychopaths, Faggots, Mindless Dolts And Anti-Human Berserkers. Dangerous. Constantly Engaged In Anti-Human Activities. A Favorite Vehicle Of Utility Termites And Construction Weevils That Kill The Planet Earth For A Living. The Singular Most Despicable Vehicle Type In History. No Other Vehicle Type Is One/Twentieth As Odious And Nauseating And Evil As The 'Forrid Fuckup'; Not Even The 'Prius' Or The 'Yugo'. All Self-Respecting Animals Avoid Being Run Over By The 'Forrid Fuckups'.


MP3 version -- 291 Megs

About 30-40% of the audio in this podcast was never intended for your ears. It is a series of mono recordings spoken as notations to myself. I have taken the unusual measure of including them in a finalized podcast because of their contents, which cannot be duplicated. That makes for a rough listening experience, but it can be instructive to people who wish to make their own podcasts -- which I highly recommend. I used two digital recorders in this effort, one of which is a simple mono notation recorder; the other being a higher quality stereo recorder. This combination, plus the sound customizing involved to get the best out of the mono recordings, took five days to compose and edit.


MP3 version -- 291 Megs

About the contents ...

most of this is quite self-explanatory, so I have only one section to expound upon ...

About Their Evilness:

*Are Their Activities Happening While The Great Unwashed Herd Has Been Put Under House Arrest By The Queer Government?
Answer: Yes.

*Did Such Activities Occur Prior To The So-Called 'Outbreak' Of The Deviate Bug?
Answer: No.

*What Is The Activity?
Answer: As Never Before, Many New Forrid Fuckups (Usually White) Are Hauling Small Enclosed Trailers (Always White) That Generally Measure (At Most) Six Feet Long And Four Feet Wide And Four To Six Feet Tall And Only Open At The Back -- Without Ramps. The Appearance Of These Trailers Is Across The Board And Too Sudden To Be Anything Other Than A Pre-Meditated And Pre-Supplied Scheme. One Day They Are Not There, The Next Day They Are Everywhere. Pre-Arranged.

*Does This Pose A Threat To The People?
Answer: Of Course It Does! Anything That Deviates Do Is An Enormous Danger To The People And All Natural Lifeforms!

*What Is Most Likely To Be In Those Trailers?
Answer: Evilness. Machines Or Lifeforms Dedicated To The Destruction Of The United States Of America.

Anything Dangerous -- From Biological And Chemical Weapons To Far More Lethal Monkey Judges With The Toilet Bowls Of Lesie-Turds Stuck On Their Heads.

A Really Lethal Load Would Be Boxes Of New Ceiling Speakers, To Be Installed In Stores That Do Not Already Have Direct Inputs From Lesie-Turds; That Want To Piss On The Heads Of Normal People Everywhere.

Also, Any Lesie-Turd In Its 'Harpie' Form (With Wings And Claws) Would Fit Into One Of Those Trailers.

Killer Drones Armed With Anti-Personnel Weapons Would Also Fit Inside, With Controlling Equipment.

Four Killer Berserkers From Fort McCoy Would Fit Into One Such Trailer -- In Circle-Jerk Formation.

One Trailer Is Just Big Enough To House The Bloated And Syphilitic Foaming-Mouth Of A Filthy Monkey Horror.

No Such Trailer Could Hold The Enormously Out-Sized Egotism Of A Billionaire Faggot.

Of Course, There Are Always The Standard Looney Tune Loads Of -- Blood Monies, Or Illegal Weapons, Or Do-It-Yourself Torture Racks, Or Ammunition, Or Killer Zombies Covered In Maggots, Or Cases Of Exploding Teddy Bears, Or Over-Sized Wall Pictures (In Frames) Of The Favorite Toilet Bowl Brush Of The Democraps (Nazi Pelosi), Or Boxes Of Bull Whips For Public/Political Schools, Or Enemy Agents From Foreign Nations That Are Controlled By The Forrids ...

Or Worst Of All ...

Nylon Mickey Mouse Suits Of Many Sizes.

*What Else Is Suspicious About This?
Answer: At No Time Is The Bed Of The Vehicle Occupied By Anything. That Would Expose The Load To Observation. Many Loads That Would Fit Into Such A Trailer Would Also Fit Into The Back Of A Forrid Fuckup, And Yet This Is Never The Case. Something Is Being Hidden From View.

*What Is Driving?
Answer: Forrid Fuckups Are Only Driven By White Perverts, Such As Stock Issue White Fascists That Watch TV.

*What Times Of Day Does This Occur?
Answer: Only During Daylight Hours.

This Fact Hints At The Possibility That It Is Some Kind Of Advertising Scam. All Advertising Tactics Previously Described Only Occur During Daylight Hours, When They Can Be Seen By Gullible And Stupid Voters; Who Can Be Coerced Into Buying Evil Forrid Machines. When The Star Light Goes Out, The Forrid Advertisements Return To Their Cages.

However, This New Activity Is Occurring While All Of The Gullible And Stupid Voters Are Hiding In Their Rabbit Holes.

*Where Does This Occur?
Answer: Only On Large Highways Where There Is No Law Enforcement Supervision.

*Is Any Other Brand Name Of Vehicle Doing This?
Answer: No, Not At All. As Always, The Evil Is Confined To Forrid.

*What Can We Do About It?
Answer: Many Things -- But Nothing From Inside A Rabbit Hole.

*Are We Certain That They Are Evil?
Answer: Absolutely! There Is No Such Thing As Sexual Orientation! That Is A Queershit Fabrication From Perverts Of Past Centuries That Pretended To Be Psychologists!

*Can It Be For Humanitarian Purposes?
Answer: There Are No Humans Involved. Unless, They Are Carrying Cook Stoves To Roast Revolutionaries With.

*Why Do These Terrible Things Have To Happen?
Answer: Satanism.

*Will Life Ever Be Free Of Such Vile Scum?
Answer: That Would Require A Revolution.

*What Will The Forrid Fuckup Drivers Say About This?
Answer: Nothing. Queer Propagandists Only Use Trained Monkeys.

*How Can I Help?
Answer: Leave Your Rabbit Hole. Wipe Any Previous Forrid Existence Out Of Your Life. Buy Non-Forrid Brands Forever. Own Weapons. Train With Those Weapons. Become A Personal Expert At Self Defense. Demand The Return Of The Eight Gauge Double-Barreled Shotgun. Demand That All State Laws Allow Personal Grenade Launchers For Self-Defense ... From Underbarrel Grenade Launchers (40MM) To Shoulder-Mounted Grenade Launchers (46-53MM)!!!!!!!!!!

No Psychotic Forrid Driver Wants To Be Blown To Hell In Its Own Over-Chromed Coffin.

MP3 version -- 291 Megs


Markel Peters

Thursday, June 9, 2016

To Quote Hans Solo -- "Who's Scruffy Looking?"

News Flash! Right Wing Extremists Break Year's-Long Silence!

Peters Called -- 'The Sheep Herder' and "too much stench to stand near to".

And -- that from a Right Wing Extremist Hog Driver at a truckstop in Western Iowa! Who obviously has never smelled the truckstops in Western Iowa before.

I am being called such indignities because I am trying to help the 'Masses' and Retards and Idiots and Lost Souls and Victims of the SQLD -- some of which are about to be given the 'Heave Ho' anyway -- all of which are just 'Sheep For The Slaughter' to that Hog-Driving Right Wing Extremist.

This is particularly un-dignify-able coming from a Hog Driver. I could understand it coming from a Cattle Driver, seeing as how their rigs can literally be smelled half a mile away, behind you at sixty miles an hour -- and -- they are always keen to blame any aromatic irregularities on other people -- plus -- them Cattle People have never liked sheep to begin with.

But, this here is a Political Indignity being heaped upon me by an otherwise smelly Hog Driver who thinks that all of you are nothing more than Queer Bait for the slaughterhouses that his kind intend to build for you when the time arrives.

OR ...

they will just modify the pre-existing slaughterhouses.

OR ...

they already have.

OR ...

all slaughterhouses built in the last eight years have been multipurpose anyway.

Well -- getting back to the 'Indignity' (for which I am truly grateful) -- this gives me the opportunity to palaver about how unappreciated I am in my current role as a Truth Sayer for my Species.


Before I continue -- isn't that strange? The County Waste Disposal Plants across the country are still showing old Target signs out in front of their dung mixers. Well, I suppose (in a way) all County Waste Disposal Plants are 'Targets' -- of a sort -- if your brain is tiny and shit like theirs. I had so much fun last week driving around in the Waste Disposal parking lot at Fort 'Wow! There's Actually A Blonde Babe In This Town!' (formerly Fort Drudge).

With my windows down, I was singing the Barf-It Song (formerly the Target dipshit noises) -- and watching the Cattle and Idiots and Queers squirm in and out of the Waste.

Question: What squirms in and out of Waste?

Answer: Maggots, Flies, Weevils -- and -- Deviates shopping at their Waste Disposal Plant. Maybe the Queers will wise up and replace those obsolete Target signs with pictures of their Favorite Assholes. Won't that look good in your town? That's Progress!!!! (Shithead kind.)

I don't know, what do you think? That old Target sign always did look like a Politician's Asshole -- didn't it? Can you imagine going into the County Waste Disposal Plant to buy curtains for your house and clothes for your children? Liberal Asswipes can!

By the way -- I am '100% Available' to help any Human/Revolution Communications effort that tries to free our People from the scourge of the TV Turds and such grotesque vermin as the maggots that work at and shop at the 'Barf-Its' (formerly Targets). (Still targets) [[Just let me know and I will help.]]

This verifies just how deranged and crazed the scum inside of the Queer Coalitions really are. Only lunatics that are addicted to endless lies would go through all of this absurd ruination of their own lives just to accommodate a pack of Perverted Pretenders. They do so because those Perverted Pretenders are part of the same society of liars that they are a part of. It is the perpetuation of Permanent Perverted Pretenses that they are trying to achieve -- in the hopes that such institutional psychosis will bolster and support their entire society of liars -- which is always in danger from the Truth. In fact, a lot of the lies and deceptions carried out by other parties of the Queer Coalitions for the Deviates are committed because of the necessity to sustain and keep inflated their balloon of lies which all of them exist in -- and is not just because the Deviates now rule all Queer Coalitions.


Ironic isn't it?

I get called a sheep herder at the same time that the waste disposal plants are opened up to two-way traffic for all cattle and maggots and various dung samples.

I must be living right, because I know (totally) that I never have to go into one of those waste disposal plants again for as long as I live -- and never -- not ever -- miss a thing!!!! Never suffer!!!! Never regret anything!!!! Those places are now nothing more than Queer Coalition Horror Houses -- which only brain dead cattle are stupid enough to walk into, and only perverts can enjoy the sickness found inside.

Being called a sheep herder is what I get from the Right Wing Extremists for caring about the 'Masses'. From a narrow viewpoint that might seem to be justified, since I am only supposed to be caring for the Human Species to begin with.

That is too close and narrow a view of what Human Resistance is all about. It is also the environment in which the Human Species lives that I must make better for all Humans -- and that is where I get accused of being a sheep herder.

However -- just as surely as we must forget the faces and crimes of all of the trash and vermin that tried to kill our Species before now -- relegating those creatures to the dung heaps that will burn in the revolution -- we must personally ignore and merely analyze such warped extremists as that Hog Driver who just committed such a scurrilous act of inperpetuitous speech against me.

That's 'Inperpetuitous Speech' -- meaning >>>> temporary, unjust, scandalous, political, untidy, forgettable, disreputable, and provocative speech. My own invention duly appointed.

If I wanted to, I could remember the faces and crimes of thousands of POS that have deliberately tried to stop me from saving my Species in the past -- but that would please those Pieces-Of-Crow-Bait (POCB) and detract from my efforts to get a real revolution going in this country -- instead of a pathetic and fake and 'anti-revolution political maneuver' which all SQLD intend to use to prevent a real revolution -- and thereby preserve the horrible politics game that is killing all of us.

Really -- why care about such scum of the past, to which the rest of their life is just an unused fart.


Today -- use what I am talking about as an exercise in what to ignore. Forget that Hog Driver and the Jackals with foul tongues that bark noises at us, for wanting to get rid of the world of trash and creeps and liars that all Jackals need. Need to feel important within or without -- either inside it -- or outside and in juxtaposition to it. Jackals that would be disadvantaged when (and if) such a world of compost was removed.

Instead -- think higher -- much higher and look down at all of this ....



and realize that the country has been enslaved by a rotten big business called 'politics'. Centuries ago the current form of government was valid, and in fact it was so new that it was revolutionary for its time. Now, however, that form (or format) of democratic government has become so obsolete and corroded and rotten (due to the fiendish alterations and deliberate malfunctions committed against it by the queer-sucking political gnomes) that it cannot be allowed to continue to exist. The current format of democratic government that is being used here today -- in a terribly maligned and twisted way -- must be replaced by a completely new format of democratic government.

Likewise all of the agents of corruption and corrosion that killed off the 1776 version of democratic government must be removed and cast out of any position or association with government in any way.

A real revolution would have as one of its primary objectives, the creation of a new and modern format of government which would address and eliminate all of the causes of the demise of the former government format -- such as Monkey Judges, Monkey Lawyers, Deviates and Perverts of all kinds, Extremists both left and right, Greedy Merchants of all specialized beliefs, Science Priests and Embedded Lobbyists of all ilks or diseases, Military Sucks and Puppets that so easily went queer in the latest rotten form of government -- in short, the entire Five Evils being cast down and out and smashed back into the gutters from whence they came.

Five Evils: RepuCraps(ModoRats)--Queers--DemoCraps--Medias--APA/ACLU/NEA Pack.

That is just one of the great values of any real Revolutionary. Revolutionaries seek renewal of societies. Revolutionaries seek the removal of corruption and decay and greedy self interests at the government level, where there must not be such misrepresentation of the People, nor misuse of government level authority.

Which is precisely why the current demented format of government must be destroyed. On June 26th of 2015 all so-called federal authority ceased to exist. So corroded and ruined had the current format of government become at that time, actual crazed monkeys were (and still are) pretending to be Supreme Judges over hundreds of millions of Homo Sapiens -- a totally different and sane species called Human Beings. 'Sapiens' literally means -- those that are 'Sapient' >>>> Capable of sound and wise judgment.


Revolutionaries are not Rabble-Rousers. Rabble-Rousers only occur when the status quo of a society is targeted for corruption and destruction by greedy miscreants that are not good enough to shine the shoes of real leaders with their faces. When such trash try to reduce and degenerate and overthrow a much superior society than their own grotesque selves, the mis-alignment and chaos generating abilities of organized rabble-rousing becomes valuable. Thus herds of organized Rabble-Rousers become a viable tool and weapon for such deceivers, and Queer Propagandists. Rabble-rousing is a criminal act that Queer Bullies use to intimidate a society into submission. Submission to the Queershit Lies of the Deviates -- such as the fakery that there is such a thing as 'sexual orientation'.

Instead -- what Revolutionaries do is to establish order and solutions to the real and wretched problems that were killing the society to begin with. Amongst which, are the Rabble-Rousers and the Middle-Managers-For-Hire, in the service of the very same forces that caused the society to deteriorate to begin with.

Think of it. Would a society that is based upon Truth have room within itself for criminal elements that exist only to destroy stable and truthful societies?

Of course not. So criminal minds use propaganda and middle-managing liars and bullying Rabble-Rousers to destabilize any truth-based society, and degrade it into as chaotic and despondent a mess of disjointed and disunited victims as is possible. Inside of which, their kinds of deviated and criminal manure spreaders can operate freely. Hence, their brand of evil eventually rules over a gutted and poisoned society. A society addicted to lying and liars. Which the Queer Coalitions are a classic example of. Modeled on previous classic sadistic and evil regimes of the past.

Revolutionaries are enemies of such deliberate debauchery and subterfuge and malicious intentions.

As I have written before, we are the anti-bodies of our Species' immune system, and our job is to fight disease and evil -- especially when they are in the form of obsolete and inverted governments. Equal only to their own kinds of evils. It is not surprising that the Deviates and their diseases are trying to imitate us; in a vain attempt to disable our purpose of protecting our Species -- while using their imitations to further reinforce their own vile interests at the same time. Which just about makes Real Revolutionaries the most valuable people in the country.


Please listen to the following dialog of my grief and perturbation over my plight as a Messenger of the Truth in these Times of War. Maybe.

This is the Wave version at 48K. 48,000 x 16 bit depth. I could use 64,000 x 32 bits, but the files are too big.

This is the MP3 version at 320K.

Over big speakers the Wave 48K versions sound better.

Any time that you want to hear the text of one of my messages read to you, just copy the text off my webpage and paste it into Balabolka; and then choose the 'David Desktop' voice.


Markel Peters

Friday, September 19, 2014

A Concise Message Has Been Sent Out Entitled -- A Scotland Of Cogs:

A concise message has been sent out at ...
entitled 'A Scotland Of Cogs:'

Thank You

Markel Peters




Ok, I will repeat it here for the lazy ones.

Imagine, an entire nation reduced to the poverty of playing the political games of jackals called 'politicians' -- and failing, of course -- as was planned by those politicians. And, now thinking that they have lost their chance and they must remain slaves of Queer England. When all they have to do is to boil the politician liars in oil, and take their independence!!!! Pathetic. Sickening pathetic.
I think it was this Wednesday that I was listening to a radio station briefly, and I heard a trained liar yapping about something. I just listened long enough to identify it as the vermin Glenn Beck, and then I realized it was squealing about how the world was going to die if Scotland declared independence from Queer England. I was about to turn it off, when the vermin mentioned that voting was somehow involved. I laughed, of course, and went about my business.
Today, Thursday, I read that the political machine in Scotland (which is Big and British by the way, and has been for a very long time) had duped the population there (nothing new about that) into thinking that they had been given a chance to be independent -- and they had turned it down. By, of all the absurdities in the universe -- voting!!!!
The one most infamous single act of complete stupidity and obedience to your own destruction that can be committed on this planet. Voting!
I had to laugh. Such dogshit! Another country of fools had swallowed the lie that the political machines that enslave them are all-knowing and all-caring and all-important in their lives. Another country of fools had played the twisted game of the rancid bastards and bitches of history -- politicians -- and had committed population suicide by voting!
This is the kind of twisted and imbecilic 'politics-as-usual' that makes mini-nation builders like Glenn Beck as happy as a whore with two assholes. I did not listen to that pervert today, of course, but you can bet that it was yapping to its mini-nation of brainless listeners that the world has been saved, because the people of Scotland were shit-stupid enough to vote! To vote for something that is theirs already!
When the Queer Masters began to give orders to their minions for the creation of the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone, and the resulting poisoning of this continent, one of the reasons why they said it could be done was because they knew that POS like Glenn Beck were out there; waiting to take advantage of the chaos and the calamities that the Queers would create -- by trying to build their own mini-nations (land-grabbing) out of the turmoil and the confusion. I wouldn't doubt if the so-called Homosexuals have stock in Glenn Beck Inc.
If you are new to this poor planet you may wonder how so many people can be so unbelievably stupid. The answer is simple -- TV, FM, queer newsrags, propaganda, and political machines. If you really are new, I will explain what a political machine is. Most nations begin with good intentions driven by necessity. Most nations are created in order to escape a state of being disorganized and/or enslaved. The 'founding fathers' of such nations are usually pretty smart, and altruistic to the people whom they represent. Once the government is established, however, that is when those people are slated for extermination and replacement; by scum who are not good enough to eat their feces. The scum, have zero regards for the people and want to create a power game of politics that legalizes itself, declares all of its edicts and rules as legal (regardless of what the stupefied people say), and fabricates judicial and administrative regulations that forbid its political machinery (of self-serving purposes, and only self-serving purposes) as inviolable and impossible to remove or replace. It then gives itself the power (in legalese bullshit) to declare war (foreign and domestic) upon any population that opposes its games and its domination and its tyranny and its oppressive rule. In short, gangsters. Thugs with legislation.
And, the key factor in all of it -- that is constantly used by the political chimps to keep the populations mollified and confused and fooled and reduced -- is voting.
Voting, is the ruination of any nation that is dictated by a political machine. Voting, is literally saying -- “I give up. I am inferior. I am a Stupe for the Machine.”
Glenn Beck is another aspiring dictator that wants its own mini-nation, and thus its own Political Machine. Therefore, it is overjoyed to see someone else use a Political Machine to make chumps and retards out of any population. Of course! It, is making chumps and retards out of its listening audience -- which it intends upon making into a mini-nation of its own -- ruled by its own Political Machinery -- of course!
To see any Political Machine make total idiots out of any population anywhere -- just thrills POS like Glenn Beck to your death!!!!
Do you remember what I said about Autonomy?
Autonomy, is the result of Revolution. It was not always that way. There were times in the past when political machines did not rule, and Statesmen really walked the Earth; and voting meant something. In those times, some lands of autonomy were created.
Now, however, the political machines have become so perverse and so dominant and so tyrannical that all such possibilities are gone. Deliberately. For the security of the politicians, and their nasty games.
These days, Autonomy is the result of Revolution.
There is no voting -- in Revolutions.
Revolutions happen when conditions become so horrible, minus the screens of lies and propaganda, that enough Humans get together with their guns and agree to fight. Especially to fight a Queer Government. No one votes. They all agree.
No politician, no matter who or what it is otherwise, wants you to know that. No politician, no matter whose side it says it is on, wants you to know that. No politician, no matter what it looks like or what it says, wants you to know that.
The entire Queershit fakery of Mass Population Control depends upon that one hinge point -- to keep the idiots thinking that voting will somehow achieve something for them. Even to give them perks and make it seem like voting helps them sometimes, but not usually. To keep them addicted to the Voting Carrot, so you can rule them like they were rabbits.
Speaking of livestock, I was driving through Wisconsin today and I saw a herd of brown cattle in a wide grass field. I see such sights all the time in Wisconsin in the summertime -- but at this time I was chuckling about how ridiculous the People of Scotland have been made to be -- voting -- and I noticed that there were a lot of those cattle and the field was not that big (on a slope towards the road). There was no fence to keep them out of the road -- which they might travel down and escape by. Then, I noticed that near the ground were strung two strands of bare electrical wire, one about six inches above the grass and the other about eighteen inches above the grass.
Immediately the parallel hit me. The only thing that is preventing that herd of cattle from leaving that field and romping about the Wisconsin countryside is not a fence, and not a wall, and not guns -- it is two strands of electrified wires that will give the cattle a non-fatal shock if they touch the wires.
The cattle are literally enslaved by the simple threat of electric shocks if they try to escape. Any cow can easily step over the wires and escape, but because they are stupefied and forced to be placid -- they cannot think of what is possible.
Scotland is cattle. Scotland is dumb animals kept in cages by the Queershit Propaganda that they have to vote in order to get anything that they want. They have been bred to stupidity, and are now held in their 'allowed spaces' by devices of the imagination that are completely fabricated, and do not exist in Reality. Such as voting.
They might as well not have genitals, and stop breeding.
To think that millions of them have been reduced to such a miserable condition of servitude to Queer English Propaganda -- supported by every nation building asshole on the planet like Glenn Beck -- is enough to make anyone freak out and scream ...
if you have never seen it happen before.
I have seen it happen dozens of times, and I just laugh.
Markel Peters

Monday, March 10, 2014

HERE -- 03-07-2014:

This time there are 32 photographs, and they are taken in subzero weather at Wright and Hancock counties. The general idea is to illustrate what Iowa really looks like in these conditions, and what is going on out there at such times. Truly, most people here just shut themselves up in their islands during January, February and March of each year. However, on the hard-top roads I did see some traffic happening all day long; even though I was seldom on those roads myself, I could see them in the distance. 'Some traffic' is about one car in sight every fifteen minutes; for a radius of fifteen miles.

I stayed with the county roads, the dirt and gravel roads; because I wanted to see the non-tourist views of Iowa with fast winds and a wind chill of around -30 degrees. The wind cannot be seen in these pictures, and has been blowing here for so many days that there is no longer any free snow to be blown about and drifted. Thus, you cannot see the wind which was whipping all around the Cashmere whenever I stopped to take a picture. For Iowa this is somewhat rare, because wind with such a velocity is usually accompanied by clouds of drifting snow.

The effects of the cold can be seen in the pictures themselves. The first dozen or so pictures were shot with the Nikon as cold as the wind itself; and that turned the pictures blue along the windward side -- the left side. Later, I put the Nikon up on the dashboard by the defroster vents (between shots) and let it heat up; then the pictures started to look more evenly colored.


I am finding that as of today (it seems to change) you can get the best copies of these photographs using Firefox; left click on a picture, when the picture viewer appears expand the picture and save the picture to your computer.


This sight is what usually stops most people from proceeding any further. It is a Siberian-like expanse of endless snow, already drifted, with very cold linear winds from the northeast. This, however, is where you have to start.

The expanses of snow look foreboding, but the roads have been plowed -- which hints at a reason for that. Why would the counties be plowing roads way out here?

This is a 'set piece' shot, showing the only lifeforms that are naturally suited to stand in these conditions. The pictures that you see are usually one out of five, because the conditions are so cold that any shot has to be taken five times in the hopes that at least one will work right. Any more than five is hazardous to your health, because to prevent photo distortion due to heat waves I had to turn off the heater and open all of the windows of the Impala each time I stopped to take a picture. The interior was immediately vacated of all warm air. So, the interior began to freeze immediately, and you can only take that for about five minutes before you have to shut the windows again and turn the heater back on. Therefore, your operations window is five minutes flat. As you can see in these beginning pictures, the Nikon started to freeze up and discolor the pictures towards blue.

This picture is taken at the same position as the last one, in the opposite direction. Now, we are seeing some activity. Four trucks passed in view here before I could get a picture. Work is being done, even out here in these cold extremes.

 A classic road sign off R33 (a hard top).

On the dirt roads again, and heading east. I took a counterclockwise route this day, and now I am at the bottom of the clock. I take pictures like this, because this is what it really is. This is what is really out here. The groups of trees that you see in the backgrounds of these shots, almost always contain a house or farm buildings.

A patchwork of irrigation pipes. Can you see the farm in the background, inside an island of trees?

On an ordinary winter's day out here the snow would be blowing so thick, in a wind like this, that you would not see a grain hauler like this until it was right on you. It would suddenly appear out of the clouds of snow. Today, however, all of the loose snow has been blown eastwards to the DemoCrap sewer called DePuke.

Visibility today is about four miles, once you get out into it. Of course, maintenance crews are working out here also. What stops most people from coming out here on days like this ...

if I got out of the Impala and poured a cup of water on the hood none of it would escape from being instantly frozen. I would have a frozen splash pattern on the hood formed in the direction that the freezing wind is moving ...

is the shock of leaving the warmer island temperatures and being instantly battered by the freezing winds. Small trips from island to island are okay, if the roads are clear and it is daylight; but after sunset only people who have to travel to work are out in their cars, and always on the hard tops. On a winter night the county dirt roads are empty, even though many farm houses can only be reached by those roads.

A typical farm example of what I mean. This is the warm time of the day, so the cows are out. I hope you can get large versions of these photographs; the backgrounds are sometimes informative. For instance, the road that I am on runs east-west, but behind the cows you can see another road next to the farm running north-south. There must be an intersection just to the right of this picture. Is there a plow in the picture?

This is one of many small lakes here in Iowa, which become more plentiful as you travel further north towards Minnesota. There is someone out there pulling a sled. He is either going ice fishing, or looking for a place to get rid of his mother-in-law.

The lake we just saw is to the right of this picture. The houses along the lakes here are not necessarily abandoned and empty during the winter months. Snowmobiling and ice fishing are popular activities in the coldest temperatures. And, since the houses are occupied the support systems must be maintained.

Wright county and Hancock county share the rollings hills region that comes down from the Crystal Rim and tracks southeastwards; like everything in Iowa that is east of the divide tracks to the southeast, including the clouds of migrating birds. All throughout the rolling hills the amount of wetlands, ponds, lakes and wildlife is increased. The lake you just saw is part of the rolling hills watershed.

How many branches can you see in this picture?
Don't answer that.

How many footprints can you see in this picture?

The RR crossings are not the same. I took these last three photos for completion, and because these are typical scenes out here. Remember the first picture? Did you know this was beyond it? The town in the background is Belmond.

More pictures of the rolling hills region. We are traveling northwards now. Notice the grazing cattle in the background of one picture. Like I said, this is the warm time of the day out here.

I take pictures of intersections.

A grain hauler parked next to a farm on a north-south road.

Another road intersection shot.

Two islands close together.

That is the town of Britt in the background. This was the coldest time of the entire day, -40 degrees at least and blowing ice. I spent about fifteen minutes trying to get this photo, with the windows down and the engine off to reduce vibrations. The wind was shaking the Impala bad enough as it was.

On the opposite side (west) of Britt now, near hard top 18. Once again, I am showing typical structures that exist out here. It is not as cold on this side of Britt (-20); that happens.

Another grain storage facility, just west of the last one and on the same rail spur. From here, I turn south towards Corwith and food.

In the summertime this canal will be green and filled with reeds, water, and blackbirds. Can you see the bunny rabbit tracks?

Yes, I take pictures of bridges. Not the grandiose kind, but rather the small and neglected working bridges.

Corwith. One small grocery store. Food. End of photo journey.
The next day the wind was gone and the skies were clear, and the temperatures were well above freezing +32.


Markel Peters










I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message.
Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.



























Labels Of All Posted Messages--A Way To Search Through Messages By Labels

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed


This blog exists to inform the People, of the 'Real Truth' about the real enemies of the Human Species. These Truths are not objectionable, as they are Truths. Only the telling of them can be objectionable, to those who wish to hide the Truth. If the Truth is something you HATE and therefore object to - go elsewhere!


Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!


The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.