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Showing posts with label Idiot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Idiot. Show all posts

Thursday, January 31, 2019

'Twisteds' Alert -- Twisteds Repellent Quick! -- Twisted Petitions Loose And About:

Warning: There is some medium level Appropriate Language included in this message. As always, it is necessary for the proper descriptions of extremely grotesque enemies.

I saw that. Three Young White Men working at the same convenience store -- all by themselves -- comfortable -- in charge -- NOT Deviates -- NOT Slaves -- NOT Aware -- AND -- snickering about my hairball imitation (with two legs) and asking themselves -- what do they do with me?

What do they do with me?
What am I? A Grandfather Clock?

Do they have any notion of how impossible they were twenty years ago? Twenty years ago, three Young White Men out of chains and speaking freely about anything or anyone was absolutely forbidden! Twenty years ago, the horrible SQLD had all Young White Men slated for extermination -- AND -- those Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead actually thought they could get all Young White Men to accept their own extermination by pretending that whatever the SQLD say to do is Absolute Law and Orders From The Gods.

Not a fabrication!
That (Bleep!) actually happened!

What kind of creature would fall in with and join and promote and except success with the extermination of entire types and categories of Human Beings?
What must such things be to begin with?
I am talking about millions of humanoids that must have been pre-deranged towards the proclivity to kill innocent people in great numbers.
Where did they come from?
Answer: That former 'Liberal' sickness -- now the 'Queers'.
As I have written before, the things are 'Assholes raised by Assholes who were raised by Assholes to raise Assholes that would kill the World'. For that you could substitute -- 'Mindless Zombies raised by Mindless Zombies who were raised by Mindless Zombies to raise Mindless Zombies that would kill the World'. However -- you could NOT substitute -- 'Any-Form-Of-Monsters raised by Any-Form-Of-Monsters who were raised by Any-Form-Of-Monsters to raise Any-Form-Of-Monsters that would kill the World'. Because, even Monsters are smart enough to know that if the World dies, they and their kind will die too.
Which brings me to a kind of question that I ask myself. Where is that blending point of just enough severe Truth (for the sake of accuracy) and just enough pissing (for distance) and just enough explanations (to prove that this is not mere commentary) -- while not presenting a message degraded by too much Appropriate Language. Is there such a thing as too much Appropriate Language????
Answer: Yes, when it clouds your own judgment or reduces the accuracy of your descriptions. Which is what our enemies want. The things have always wanted us to be obsessed about how awful they are.


Are you comfortable? Comfy? Have a light beer. Sit back and relax. We are winning you know. What we have here is an Alert. The enemy is always crawling at our feet, and some of their crawlings pose a threat. Which is what pesticides are for.

What we also have here is some accurate accounting of these Times.

What we also have here is the opportunity to watch new readers of the Truth turn green while reading that same Truth.

....and thats all the warning they gets


It is the Petitions Season of the 'Twisteds' and their Politics Game again. What do you think the Twisted Species would do if we all petitioned them for the end of the Politics Scourge? Their Politics Game, their Politics Scourge, their Politics Sham, their Politics Scam; the only thing they can do. Right now, they have sent out all sorts of perverted petitioners to try to get as many Idiot Voters as possible to denounce non-voting and to set up a Queer Legal scheme to make Human Resistance illegal -- which is designed to lead to mandatory voting of course. Absolutely of course! Just like I told you it would happen.

The Queer Politicians (all without exception) and the Monkey Judges use Petitions as weapons and as justifications for the suppression and elimination of any and all resistance to their horrid evils.

It is all part of the self-appreciating and self-perpetuating ways of the Politics Gamers -- who must keep the Politics Game going because they can never work in the Real World -- and -- they have already been trained to view the Real World as an enemy state that must be enslaved and/or destroyed.

Warning: all Human groups and organizations be on the alert for false and phony Petitions being circulated with the intentions of causing Queer Legal attacks against them by Politics Gamers and Monkey Judges!

Petitions are designed to justify in deceitful ways the undercutting of Human Defenses, by making defensive actions against the Politics Game illegal -- or -- by making the Human community and our defenses crippled -- or -- by making it illegal to gather into politically-unauthorized groups -- or -- to brand any anti-political activity as 'terrorism' -- or -- to divide our ranks by inserting Queer Legal wedges between us.

Look for all forms of political backstabbing and political confusion and political infiltration and political crippling of ordinary Human activities. Meanwhile, expect increased Queer Propaganda injected into the blubber brains of the general Idiot Voter herds, all designed to intensify hatred of Real Humans.

I told you before, this is how the Monkey Judges pretend to justify their bribe-takings from the Deviates and their phony creations of Queer Laws and Queer Regulations against all Real Humans. It is oppression, justified by False Petitions as evidence. It is punishment, justified by False Petitions as evidence. It is slavery, justified by False Petitions as evidence.

An aware and strong defense will keep the Deviates from ruining you somehow with their Political Petitions.

The Politics Terrorists always recruit the most benign-looking and sweet-sounding Lying Maggots that they can find to carry Petitions to and from enclaves of known Idiot Voters (per registration lists); and then to get as many signatures as possible, always lying about what the Idiots are signing -- unless -- they know that an Idiot Voter has been programmed to hate Truth and Reality. In which case, the Idiot Voter gets to sign several times using false identities. The names mean nothing to the Politics Gamers; they only care about the numbers of signatures supporting the next plan to keep the Masses neutered and to make all Human Resistance appear to be Queer Illegal.


How about these Petitions? Do you think we can get any Idiot Voter signatures for these? If you live in a big city, try this. The next time you are driving in rush hour traffic and you are stopped in a traffic jam look around you. Look for Idiot Voters. If you see one, ask yourself if it would sign one of these ...

A* Burn down all Filthy Monkey stations instead of Churches.
B* Send all politics petitioners to a deserted island where they can petition each other to death.
....they are all death anyway
C* Force all petitioners to lie to Idiot Voters with their tongues extended out of their mouths as far as they can go, and with their eyes bulging, and with blood dripping from their noses -- no matter how sweet they looked back at the Politics Makeup Shop.
D* Create a non-political tradition amongst the Public Masses of free speech petitioning that is absolutely without Politics or political intentions -- wherein -- soapbox orations and open-air theaters are used to announce and promote non-political ideas and suggestions. Non-political Petitions are then issued for signatures. The final tallied Petitions are displayed, and announced, and then promoted.
For what?
What purpose could be served by doing all of that without Politics? Is the entire structure of it not political?
Come up with a good non-political usage for Petitions, and I would be interested. Off hand, I think size matters. Up to a certain number of participants (all non-voters) Petitions could be useful for promoting non-political ideas. In fact, Petitions could be educational, and God knows the Public Masses need education! To sign a Petition, there should be required reading with illustrations and diagrams anyway. This is where Real and Human Petitions differ greatly from Political Petitions! Political Petitions rarely involve the Idiot Voter reading anything. Instead, makeup dolls who pretend to be sweet and innocent, talk rubbish and gibberish to the Idiot Voters (which is all they have ever heard anyway). The dolls Queershit the Idiots (speak dirty lies) into signing the Petition at least once, or more depending upon hate levels.
Political Petitions are recruiting devices and phone number collecting methods for political purposes. On the contrary, Human Petitions should include at least eight pages of information and diagrams/illustrations as handouts -- and the Petition that is to be signed will match the contents of the handout exactly. Plus, there can be no Politics whatsoever to a Human Petition. Which means signatures would not be necessary!
As a means of education, the Human Petition would disseminate useful knowledge and give a tally of how many people have learned that lesson; with no future political purposes intended.
For non-political commercial reasons such Human Petitions could serve the purpose of predetermination; as to whether a commercial business of some type is viable in a particular community or county or state.
The problem is: Politics is a Twisted Insect. The Politics Gamers are a hoard of squirming vermin that want everything under their control, and everything working to perpetuate their Politics Game. At the same time, Petitions are very vulnerable to manipulation and hijacking and usury by foreign forces. Almost every Petition is political, and that makes them anti-Human and not worth the toilet paper that they are written on.
However, over and beyond a certain number of participants the whole thing becomes political; which is its undoing.
E* Your Momma is calling you! You get home and stop that Politics nonsense!
F* Why is there a reptile riding on your head?
....oh thats your hat i thought it might be your political intentions
G* Are you two married? I knew an Idiot once, married its own (WTF).
....of course that was at a filthy monkey ceremony in mordor
....wtfs are so important if you are misbegotten
H* Why not use edible Petitions? They taste like chewing gum and are self-evacuating for voter spectacles!
....sensationalism wins votes
I* Fun with Petitions! Tie each Petition to a hydrogen balloon and send it aloft, with a note to mail back to sender upon finding and exploding.
....but that would not serve the politics frenzy

Oh well, I digress ...


A typical target of such phony Petitions is Human homeschooling, and/or any Human activity that prevents access to Human Children by Deviates with NEA Needles full of Queer Propaganda. Another intention of phony Petitions is the mandatory acceptance of Deviate fondling and molesting of Human Children. The early murder of Human Minds is included in all False Petitions, somehow and in some way. Add to that any plan to decrease or diminish the class standings and privileges of their enemies -- the Humans.

What the Politics Gamers need is the social castration and outlawing of all anti-political activities. Can't run an empire of dung beetles with a vacuum cleaner up your ass.

In this Alert, I am not talking about ghosts or rumors or my imagination. I have seen the Petitions. I have seen the phony bitches trying to get signatures. I have seen Idiot Voters signing the Petitions. I have seen Black Power Homo-Fascists telling White Nigger Homo-Fascists that the Petitions are really to -- “Fuck up daa Humans prevendners”(quote)

I have also seen Idiot Voters wondering about what they just signed. This is only the first of several waves of political weapons planned to be used against the mandatory demise of the Politics Scourge. The Politics Game has to die, and it knows it. Phony Petitions are one of their methods to keep their scourge killing the planet. No Petition is Human. No Politics is Human. That is a proven fact. Many many times proven.

[[While the things were proving that I am right, the things laughed and made jokes and dreamed up lethal plans against us. Now, the plans are failures. Now, there is panic and confusion and hatred -- but no regret. To those things, we must die or be their slaves.]]

Remember -- to the Politics Gamers the 'Rule of the Majority' means the highest percentage of Idiot Voters that voted as ordered, in any one way.

....about the twisteds of course

Anything that is Politics operating outside of the Queer Coalition Bladders, is Evil and anti-Life, and deserves an alert. I suggest that you break out the camcorders again, and keep them with you always.

I Will Be Watching. I Will Keep You Informed.

....have you noticed they no longer molest each others signs
....the masks have been pulled off all of them
....the faces are the same
....now the entire game of liars is in jeopardy
....for them its stink together or sink together


One of the best ways to destroy Political Petitions is to be there when the lying happens. The frauds and punks-for-hire that get paid to lie to the Idiot Voters (and get signatures on phony petitions) absolutely hate the Truth being said about what the things are doing. If a Human is there, saying the Truth about their lies, their efforts fall to pieces. They hate the Truth and will bunch together into Political Gangs that force Idiot Voters to sign phony petitions. They will also sell Political Insurance policies to the Idiot Voters, to keep them from having to hear the Truth. They will use gang violence against any single Human that says the Truth near Queer Petitioners that lie to the Idiot Voters. They will call it 'Protection Insurance', disguised as a friendly service with a price; otherwise known as a Protection Racket. However, against a large and well armed group of Humans they will curse and run to Fort McCoy for reinforcements.



Notes. Everybody loves notes. Notes are like parfaits. Everybody loves a parfait.


The 'Twisteds' are the Twisted Politics Species. Forever unable to naturally and freely reproduce with the Human Species; for which the things have total contempt and hatred anyway.


I heard that. An Hispanic woman visiting my neighborhood was told by another Hispanic woman from my neighborhood that my messages are good for all Humans; whereupon the first woman said that she refused to believe that, because to him (me) everything is 'shit'. (otherwise known as 'Bleep!')

I am so glad she said that. Just what I needed. Another example to reinforce previous lessons.

Class ... put down your fears and pay attention.

What are the two operative words in her speech? The two words that reveal her limitations and her dilemma?
Answer: 'believe' and 'everything'. Why are these two words so wrong?

1. We Humans are not in the Belief Game. We do not deal in 'Beliefs'. That is for the con-artists of the Organized Religion Game, and the preoccupations of such invalid trash as the Queer Medias and their Queer Propaganda. We Humans do not 'believe' anything. Nor do we care who or what 'believes' anything. We certainly do not care what our enemies 'believe'.
[[There is no such thing as thinking that you are Human if you know what the lies of Queer Propaganda are -- unless -- you are a Designated Researcher for our Species, and it is your job to know what their lies are. Otherwise, to know what lies Queer Propaganda is saying -- is to be either a Shithead or a Queer. Do I have to tell you what a 'Shithead' is?]]

2. 'everything' (to persons who refuse to accept the Truth) is a very limited and confined and enclosed and imprisoned and dunced-down and reduced and stunted and blinded and incoherent bag of hopelessness.
Not necessarily in the shape of a bag.
But, It Is Their Bag Of Hopelessness! Their World Of Grief And Deceptions And Pains And Hopeless Acceptance. Possession Is Nine Parts Of Their Misery.
In other words -- to them 'everything' is nothing more than the pitiful existence that they have been forced to live out their lives in. When they say that Peters thinks that 'everything' is 'shit' (direct quote) -- they can only think as far as the walls that force them to stay inside of the miserable lives that they are suffering. Their 'everything' is all that they are allowed to possess and the confines of their existence and the sum total of whatever actions and speech they are allowed; and nothing more. As such, it is microscopic compared to the Real Everything. I know this, therefore I am never bothered when I hear such comments. The persons who say such things are pitiful.
And (oh that tired word 'and' again) they think that their own existence is 'shit' somehow anyway -- thus -- they resent my saying it is. Which I am not. However, their guilt thinks I am. But I could not care less. But they have nothing else. But I know some of it is. But that is too much for them to admit. But I demand improvements. But they are helpless. But I persist. But they curse me and say -- “Oh Ick!” Which I detest. But they persist.

Did you understand that? After so many years in a Prison Existence, such persons as the Hispanic woman who said that she refused to believe that my messages are good for all Humans because to him (me) everything is 'shit' -- 'everything' is nothing more than her Prison Existence. Her 'everything' does not extend beyond the walls of her Prison Existence.

This Happens Constantly And Across The Boards.

I could praise and shower compliments upon something or someone standing right next to her, and if it is not something or someone who she has been trained to think of as being a part of her Prison Existence -- she would completely miss the event. In fact, she would not even know it happened.

As a Real Human, you have to understand that this happens all of the time in a Rubik's Cube World.


For instance ...

Kudos go out to the drivers and crews of all snowplow trucks of the Iowa Department of Transportation.

For years now the snowplows of the Iowa D.O.T. have been working hard to get their reputation out of the ice and mud where the putrid Democraps put it. Under the sick-sick-sick domination of the Queer Democraps, the Iowa D.O.T. was a pathetic and worthless and dangerous joke, a calamity, a pathetic pretense. This became very apparent every winter when the roads and highways of the Real Iowa were literally ignored by the Iowa D.O.T., and every motorist who traveled on the roads of the Real Iowa in the wintertime literally did so at his or her own peril.

Today, the Politics Game at Des Aliens has changed hands and the last time I looked the Democraps did not dominate the game down in the twisted Des Aliens. It does not matter one spit who or what dominates that catastrophe now, the Golden Pimple is forever an anti-Life sewer. What does matter, is that the Iowa D.O.T. can now function as it is supposed to. These winter days, the snowplows of the Iowa D.O.T. (many of which are new) are out on the roads of the Real Iowa busy at work keeping the pathways safe and navigable for all motorists. That never happened while the Democraps ruled the game.

Many years of sloth and ignorance and carelessness, because of the Democraps, gave the Iowa D.O.T. a very very bad name. I would like to be on record for saying that those days are over for the Iowa D.O.T.

The Iowa D.O.T. is now carrying its weight and responsibilities on a par with the standard bearers of all Midwest D.O.T.s -- the Illinois D.O.T. The Illinois D.O.T. is still setting the bar for winter operations by a Midwest Department of Transportation, but they have been doing so for so long they make it seem to be effortless.
For some reason, the Illinois D.O.T. has always escaped the horrors of political domination; probably because the center of population (Chicago) is not the center of government (Springfield). In a state where the centers of population and government are at the same place, you always get far worse conditions for everyone.

Kudos to the Iowa Department of Transportation!!!!

You Men of the Iowa D.O.T. are in a scramble with the Wisconsin D.O.T. and the Minnesota D.O.T. for second place, and they are biting your butts like bulldogs. They are really good, they are fierce competitors, and they know their business. The D.O.T.s of the Dakotas are NOT in the equation. They are in their own world, where you do not want to go.

NOW! Having said that -- do you think the Hispanic woman (who says that Peters thinks that 'everything' is 'shit') will know about this? Of course not, and this happens all of the time. I say a lot of things are good and worthy and Human; it just never happens in her Prison Existence. Which says volumes about her Prison Existence.


Back to notes about the Politics Game ...

I want this on my tombstone forever:

'The Peters Scare' -- that time long ago, when the Human Species almost learned that the Politics Game is the mass propaganda pseudo-world of the 'Twisted Species'. But failed the lesson, because no one read his messages. Much to the relief of the world's dominant species -- the 'Twisteds'.


Dawdle Time is downtime.
Doodle Time is uptime.

What would happen if no perverts lied about me?
Answer: I would be left out of the Society of Liars, rejected, abandoned, alone. I want to be somebody! In the Society of Liars, you ain't nobody unless somebody lies about you. So I needs da lies I does ...


Something just came to my attention that is so crazy it defies belief. The Big Business White Assholes are telling some of the Masses that the way to get rid of the Deviates (themselves) is to build more stores and businesses and factories and warehouses -- and -- some of the Mass Idiots that vote are actually believing such lies. Which is absolutely crazy.

On the other hand, some of you are getting the Truth about not voting and you are refusing to perpetuate the Politics Game by voting. That is sensational! Really and truly wonderful. Even marvelous, and I applaud all of your efforts for not voting and thereby stopping the Politics Game.

So, on one hand we have total retards that believe the lies of the Big Business White Assholes and think more Big Business White Asshole Buildings (to kill the land with) is a good thing and will get rid of the Deviates (Big Business White Assholes). (same things) (absolute morons)

On the other hand, we have the new non-voters who see clearly that the Politics Game (and the Big Business White Assholes) must come to a screeching halt -- and -- they are refusing to vote. Marvelous! Wonderful! You are to be congratulated.

So -- how do we clean this hand full of (Bleep!)


The filthy rats of the Politics Game are trying to use media sympathy tactics to keep their Politics sewer churning and in business (what a terrible word); by putting a huge emphasis upon voting for issues that they think will be the most heart rendering and cutesy and tender to the imbeciles that vote. It is an advertising campaign sure to get everyone's attention with huge anal billboards oozing plastic blood. Another so-called 'Humanitarian' blood-soaked sacrificial issue brought to everyone's attention by those Good Old Whities of the Politics Game. Butt, only if you vote! It is a simple lie tactic of Mass Propaganda using a simple formula ... A + B = Ultimatum.

A. Invent a sympathetic social issue full of bleeding-heart potential.
Plus ...
B. Make it only available with the hideous word 'Vote' attached to it. Smothering it. Bullying it. Diseasing it. Dominating it. Ruining it with the demand that you (Yes You) will be an awful monster if you do not vote!!!!!!!!!!

Equals Ultimatum == You had better vote about everything else on the ballot you idiot! These are orders dummy!

Oh, and by the way there is a cute and tender and yummy sympathy prize for you, if you do vote. All retarded voters can take their cutesy sympathy consolation dolls home with them, to remind them of how good it is to follow the huge orders on the billboards.

My response? How about a hundred thousand huge billboards saying -- 'Vote Yes For Guillotine! Every Monkey Should Get One.'

[[The word 'business' is at least one thousand times worse than the word '(Bleep!)'.]]


Deviates and Queers and Politics Gamers like to kill their enemies by exploiting and manipulating the weaknesses of their enemies -- and making it appear as though it was the weakness of an enemy that killed him or her -- and not their deliberate actions to cause those weaknesses to become fatal. All such tactics are recommended by Monkey Lawyers.

For example: Causing an enemy to have a heart attack when otherwise that person would not have one, however he or she is vulnerable to heart attacks.
Or, by exploiting a gaff or weak link in your security and causing your own precautions to ruin and/or kill you. They love to pretend that they have infiltrated your network and/or security net and broken into your most precious secrets -- when in Reality they have never gotten near your private data or facilities. Butt! They want to watch you squirm in the agony of doubt and self-recrimination. Until! You actually do fall apart and they can easily murder you. They are totally evil assholes, and they are the reason why the word 'asshole' was invented.

'Asshole' -- equals -- Deviates and Queers and Politics and Medias.

....did i forget anybody


What is the fatal weakness of the Deviates and the Queers (formerly 'Liberals')?
Answer: The Politics Game.

[[Soft underbelly. Every dragon has one. Every pig has one. Every Deviate has one.]]




[[Do not read this section if you have problems with the Truth.]]

120 seconds of grotesque Monkey Horror as follows:

\Driver's room found empty.
\TV left on.
\Three Queers pretending to be beautiful Monkey Judges on the TV.
\The one male monkey was petrified and needed a blowtorch up its nose.
\Victims were dressed and made up as disheveled and distraught poverty cases missing teeth and good nutrition and hating each other.
\The Three Actors were dressed and made up as Monkey Gods, far more supreme than the victims or audience.
[[aren't all monkey judges the beautiful people?]]
\The Three Horrors were disseminating TV Turd Terrorism Judgments to the quarreling lower masses, in a vile sewer of a studio created for the purpose of making Killer Monkeys look like magnificent benefactors of the poor masses.
\It was such an unbelievable Absurdity-In-Video-Form that I stopped and watched the grotesque spectacle and sham and crime of it for 60 seconds. It was like walking into a room and finding an ensemble of stinking dog turds dancing and singing together on a table.
\I burst out laughing for another 60 seconds, during which I found the remote control and turned off the TV machine and threw the remote control in the trash can.
\I left laughing about the sick-sick-sick insanity of it all, but it does bring up a point. If there is any thing in this Universe with a beating heart that watches that TV Terrorism it must be ...

1. Chained in front of the TV Terrorism Tube and forced to watch.
2. A mental vegetable.
3. Deaf and blind.
4. Reversed by brain surgery to think feces is edible and yummy.
5. Below the age of eight (8).
6. A visiting Martian.
7. All of the above.
8. A teddy bear with a pacemaker strapped to it.

Like I have always said, only Former Liberals and Shitheads watch TV. You know, Deviates on their own are not smart enough to create such hellish video as that puke on TV. Big Business White Assholes are definitely responsible for the continuation of such upchuck of Raw Hell. They are the same BBWA that are killing the Earth and replacing it with Hell, wherever the Dead Vote.

....could there be a connection there


New descriptive term -- Lesie-Anushaa Swine.

New descriptive sympathy -- Rubber Vagina Inserts, for the anuses of Filthy Monkey Horrors. Yes, we have all been touched by the hilarious plight of the Queer Propagandists and their Filthy Monkey Hacks! Much laughter gushes forth towards the imbeciles of the Queer Medias over their -- LOST GENDERS!!!!

I, however, have the solution to their brainwashing implosions. Too many lies have resulted in the plight and flight of their genders from them -- in a desperate attempt to stay alive (anywhere) on the part of their genders. Now, they are the poor souls without genders -- so sad.

Enter Stage Right! Markel's Compassionate Solution -- Rubber Vagina Inserts!!!!

....nothing is real there anyway


The Trail of Horrid Lies:

}Crappa-The-Twats assault Humans using Incrazy Attackers.
}Incrazies implant nightmares of being sodomized into innocent Human neighbors while they sleep.
}Queer Propaganda claims -- 'Once a Queer always a Queer!'
}Queers claim anyone who has felt sodomy is now one of them and those nighttime invasions of injected sodomy memories are now the real memories of the victims.
}Middle-Managers-For-Hire corral and herd Human victims and get rich.
}Middle-Managers-For-Hire lie profusely and say that the Truth is Scary and not for their prisoner's ears. The lying Middle-Managers-For-Hire insist that the Scary Truth (about what has happened to their victims) is really lies from the Humans -- “Trying to ruin our beliefs” -- which the victims are now imprisoned in and never wanted.
}Therefore, it is revealed that the Scary Truth frees the innocent, while the Middle-Managers-For-Hire try to keep it away from their prisoners -- after -- they have been sodomy-attacked in their sleep by Incrazies working for Crappa-The-Twats.

That is one way that it works -- the Des Aliens/Atheist Aims version -- cloned from the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone.

Fact. Not opinion. Not belief. Fact!

In Hamilton and Wright Counties look for a twisted and ugly and fat old hunk of Crappa riding in a Golden Throne Mobile driven by an Incrazy Bitch; going from Incrazies to Incrazies with orders to assault Humans. Look for dykes like the Incrazy Bag-Of-Douche with baseball cap on backwards; code named the 'You You Banshee Freak'. Look for crawly Alien White Faggot Telepathers from The Cult Of The Asshole extension in the Des Aliens/Atheist Aims Bladder. Look for deranged and rabid Filthy Monkey Horrors from Fort Drudge, trying to orchestrate the attacks. Look for tiny heads driving Ford Fuckups and chanting -- “Da Fuckup Fucks Dem Up!” “Da Fuckup Fucks Dem Up!” “Da Fuckup Fucks Dem Up!”

What is it all about? (da dumb sheriff asks)
Answer: More power of imagination in your brain threatens the Deviate's Agenda. With enough imagination power, you might figure out their Deviate's Game. So the more imagination you have, the more they will attack you; to destroy your brain and to own your imagination. All of this FM Horror is based upon the results of illegal experimentations on Human prisoners at the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone (HBHZ) and is approved by the monsters that sponsored the experiments -- the Psychcreatures of the APA, and the Queers of the NEA, and the Monkey Dung of the ACLU -- and -- every Filthy Monkey Horror on the FM bands.
....don't forget the political gnomes

They are Aliens, trying to figure out Human minds. The better to kill them with. Body snatching and mind fornicating to go with your morning coffee?

Were you body-snatched in your sleep last night?

Try shields of aluminum foil (very many layers) and negative ionization sprays from room air filter machines. Most air filter machines offer negative ionization sprays. Both of these methods really work against The Cult Of The Asshole and their deranged Incrazies. Do your basic research about 'negative ionization'. It is not harmful, and in these cases it is very helpful. Especially if you have one or more operating in your bedroom while you sleep. Of course, different brands offer different negative ionizations; so try several brands.
Also -- an excellent physical hormone balance wards off Former Liberal bodywave attacks. This especially applies to Men who usually ignore their own biochemistry. In addition, your caffeine levels are your enemies. Caffeine forces your brain off of its central position for the purposes of false acceleration. Any telepathic attacker tries to take advantage of that imbalance, which is susceptible to injections of alien thoughts and feelings and sickness since it has been forced out of contact with its own central identity by the caffeine.

It is all a Population-Controlling Monkey Industry for hire; as I have explained before in my messages. Those Scary Truth messages that Comfortable Citizens are so mortified to read. Messages from the bad days of the 'Peters Scare', when some Idiots stopped voting to perpetuate the Politics Game.

What we need are Monkey Hunters. Under-The-Toilets Monkey Judge Extractors.


I call my new Rubber Vagina Inserts -- the 'Filthy Monkey Genderizers'. They are for the anuses of Filthy Monkeys and for those TV Watchers and Idiot Voters that think they have lost their genders because of Queer Propaganda.

They are quite simple: Rubber Vagina Inserts for the assholes of Freaks and Queers (formerly Liberals) who believe that they have lost their genders; because they watched the TV Turd Terrorists, and/or were pissed on by the Filthy Monkey Horrors from ceiling speakers, and/or were the worst Idiots in Walmart and bought the anal pornographic scribbles in queer magrags.

The instructions explain that the new users now have a gender again. And for Idiots -- any gender any where will do. From now on, they are speaking to you with rubber vaginas shoved into one of their orifices. They used to use replicas of my big (Wowzer!) there; butt then they lost their genders because of their own lies, and forgot what Wowzers do.

Gender by replacement anyone?

Genocide By Replacement anyone?

My! My! My! It's True! What goes around -- comes around.

You can oppose such atrocities by joining the banishment of the Des Aliens/Atheist Aims Bladder, and all other extensions of the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone. (HBHZ)

....i never rubberized to begin with        because i never lost anything


Results are in: the big majority of Queer stores that have TV Turd Terrorists showing their plastic faces while customers shop are ...
A. Owned or operated by extremely greedy bitches (female genitals).
B. Employees are very dulled and twisted dummies, chosen for their functional stupidity.
C. Only the most retarded customers look at the TV Turd Terrorists on the screens.
D. The owner/manager cunts have total disdain for customers, and wear plastic smiley faces.
E. Dummy employees have no say about having to watch TV Turd Terrorists all day, and are too mentally disabled to know what is happening to them.
F. Owners/managers have memorized many excuses and diverting statements when questioned about the presence of horrid TVs in their businesses.
G. Owners/managers enjoy seeing the most stupid customers watch TV Turd Terrorists and automatically forget their names and sexual identities.
H. Only the worst of the worst commercial stores show TV Turd Terrorists in them. In such places the quality of life is absent -- replaced by the daily horror shows.
I. Owners/managers expect Idiot Customers (that look at the TV Turd Terrorists) to lose their minds and then buy more items at the store than they intended to upon entering that dead zone.
J. There is zero value for Human life in such cesspools.


I repeat something which I have said often before ...

Which Politics Queers win which Queer Politics crap offices -- is completely irrelevant to all Real Life in this Universe. It is all (all of it) nothing more than the 'Twisted Species' of queer anti-Life, pretending with each other that their different brands of lies and excuses and deviations are important -- hence assuming that the entire Politics Game is important.

Not even close. Far off beam. Out beyond left field. In the corner with the mice and the monkeys. Shucking and jiving and fighting for peanuts.


Freedom from the terrible psychosis and deranged gibberish of a gender-less and gender-lost existence (as forced upon Idiot Voters by the Queer Medias) comes only from Nature and the united stance against such depravities by the Human Species.

Rubber Vagina Inserts -- as used up the asses of gender-less and gender-lost perverts like the Filthy Monkey Horrors (and any thing that works for or with them) -- is NOT the answer for anyone who is Alive and has a Real Identity.

Especially, in a Society of Liars that is dominated by a hoard of Deviates and the Twisted Species of Politics; with its own neutered Politics Gender. I will not be surprised when the time comes that all persons who seek to enter any Golden Pimple of the Politics Game must surrender their genders at the door to enter. Substitute Politics Genders will be sold inside. All visitors must wear Politics Gender Rubbers or they cannot shop at the Dildo and Pantyhose factories inside.

Expected Fact.


Andre Deluxe -- Austin Spy Shop
Only Buy The Deluxe Model

Andre Deluxe -- REI

Andre Deluxe Announcement

Andre Deluxe Brochure--Get only Deluxe Model

Andre Deluxe Near-field Detection Receiver
Andres Are Expensive
Shop-Around-Shop-Around-Shop-Around For Best Deals

Counter Surveillance Equipment-Bug Detectors-GPS Detectors

Counter Surveillance-MiniGadgets

Eavesdropping Detection Equipment-ComSec LLC

KJB--DD1216 iProtect 3-Band RF Detector
Better than the 1206.

KJB--Household Surveillance Devices

KJB--iProtect Digital RF Detector - DD1206

Spy Matrix Pro Sweep-SpyAssociates.com

Wolfhound Pro-Cell Phone Tracker

Yellow Fin LTE 4G Analyzer

If you know nothing about Counter-Surveillance -- get a book, get two books, get three books. I recently saw and heard a really ugly and evil WNMMFH in a store in Western Iowa (White Nigger Middle-Manager-For-Hire) trying to talk an Idiot Voter into spying on a Human Resistance Family with wireless cameras in their house. The WNMMFH had ugly guilt and hatred written all over its face. The Idiot Voter had stupidity written all over its face. They both drove away in a 'TV and Appliance' repair truck, white of course.


Speaking of Fun -- I worked up some quick Human Resistance pictures for you, in four days so don't expect much ...

A Truth Arrives

At The Beyond

Getting Acquainted With Reality

Idiot Voter Brain Reads Truth

Idiot Voter Brain Reads Truth--No Ford

Liars Bite

 Long Distance Human Resistance

No Way Out For DemoCrap

Resistance Coming At You--10

Resistance Coming At You--11

Resistance Into The Unknown--1

Resistance Into The Unknown--2

Resistance Into The Unknown--3
Resistance Solo Flight--1

Resistance Solo Flight--2

Resistance Tsunami

Resistance Vortex

What Can Make A Filthy Monkey Horror Scream

Be sure to view these pictures with your browser at 100% view, and your display at default.

If I am not happy with the job that Badoogle does with converting these images, I will include their original files at individual web addresses in a message soon.


This alert is not about the Sunday-Go-To-Sodomy Pansy Parade of Tiny-Brained Ford Fuckup Drivers that occurs every Sunday out on Route 20 at Fort Smudge, for our amusement. Keep your Sunday cameras handy for the steamy windows of those nasty Ford Fuckups!

....of course if youve seen one punk fuckup
....youve seen them all fuckup


One More Nail In Their Coffins ...

Markel Peters










I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message.
Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.



























Labels Of All Posted Messages--A Way To Search Through Messages By Labels

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed


This blog exists to inform the People, of the 'Real Truth' about the real enemies of the Human Species. These Truths are not objectionable, as they are Truths. Only the telling of them can be objectionable, to those who wish to hide the Truth. If the Truth is something you HATE and therefore object to - go elsewhere!


Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!


The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.