HObama da Caligula
There are some very powerful fart forces aligned against us ...
this is one of them ...
HObama da Caligula.
Those two Satanic Analysts from the SQLD, and their two monkey's uncles, are not going to like this one.
In the last three weeks, I have heard several occasions of unhappy DemoCrap Faggots belittling Human Women. Any Human Woman is seems, that wants an end to Queer Tyranny.
[[I suspect that there has been more craziness on TV about the latest Truths which I have posted (about Pedophile and Victim Phony Marriage); but that is to be expected, of course. I told everyone what happens. If you know the Truth by listening to Humans, and/or reading the Truth that Humans write; and then you watch the Satan Tube, you WILL go insane!
TV-induced humor is like an laxative to your brain. The results are only pleasant to Queers.
[[A satellite dish or a TV antenna on top of your house, is a sure sign of insanity and servitude to the Queer Masters.]]
Disrespect for Real Women, by the SQLD, is the kind of behavior that I always seek to ameliorate. Therefore, I shall dedicate this message, about HObama da Caligula, to the Real Human Women of my Species. The course of this message has already been set down, so I cannot change it into a lesson for Real Women. But, I will tone it down just for them.
From the outset of this effort, our enemies will utterly loathe every Truth which I present herein. I could not grow fungus in a thimble, with the amount of sweat, concern, and anguish which their hatred causes within my manly being.
Aha! There is another reason for their contempt, however. The Queer Masters of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead have many Real Fears. None as potent, and as strong, as their spitting-hate of Final Death, of course.
One of those Real Fears, is that of a Real Woman who is a Human Leader. A Real Woman, who could (at some appropriate future time period), cause Great Reforms to be carried out in the restitution and repairs of the Human Species. This would, of course, necessitate the diminishing and reduction of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead to a great degree.
The fear of that Real Woman (Human Leader) is very potent to the Queer Masters. Those things go to a lot of effort to swamp the Queer Medias with every kind of Non-Real Scummy-Bitch that they can find or create -- all posing as Real Women. It is all meant to obliterate from existence any possibility that someday there might actually be a Real Woman as the Human Leader of our Species; who will devastate their Bubble Empire of Lies and Perversions.
Just thought I would mention that.
Somewhere out there, in the Present or in the Future, there is a number of Real Human Queens. Real Human Women who are Real Human Queens, and who will be the principle administrators of a Human Country. I am not burdened or crippled by the testicular inflation’s and gonadal preposterousities ...
[[pre pos ter us it tees -- new word -- if you are really absurdly outlandish, you are a 'preposterousity']]
of Macho Egotism, to exclude from my thought processes the very idea of a Future Human Queen.
There is much to be said however, for Macho Egotism. It has kept a lot of us alive up to this point, when nothing else could. We also have a difference in our definitions here; because what is called Male Chauvinism by the Femi-Nazis, is to me just a deliberate mixture of Femi-Nazi lies, Queer Propaganda, Demented White Female (DWC) hatred (otherwise known as 'White Bile') against Real Men; and a lot of Real Men running around being males, and not giving a crap what DemoTopia thinks about any of them.
[[Get it? Need to see a lot of Real Males out of confinements, and running around! Exercise! Propaganda Dies! With Exercise!]]
But, I digress.
A Real Human Queen is a specimen of the Human Species that is priceless to all Humans. All the more so, because of the comparisons between HER and the mob of bow-legged, ugly (inside or out) demented SQLD Bitches that are trying out for HER position, at this very moment.
As far as I can find in written History, there is no mention of any Human Scholar or Human Historian (such as myself) having made any preparations for (or putting any preparations in place for) a Future Human Queen. With us males, it is always about Male Succession; which can have its benefits for all of us -- IF -- the male successors are as good as their predecessors.
However, the saying that "talent skips a generation" is very true! I would take it further by saying that "talent skips a sex", sometimes.
I see something happening in the future. A possibility. Perhaps an opportunity. In Ancient Rome, there was a practice of having two Consuls at the top of the political heap, instead of one figure such as a Caesar or an Emperor. It is a long and involved story, involving Republicanism (509 BC) which replaced the Roman Monarchy with Consulship; that was downgraded to puppets of the Emperors (27 BC --1453 AD), after the Republic failed (30 BC) and became an Empire, and so forth.
The term 'Caesar', was used in the name of an Emperor. In other words, a Roman Emperor had an official 'name' of several words -- one of which was usually 'Caesar'. Such as -- Roman Emperor 'Caesar So-and-So' or 'Caesar Who-the-What'.
Naturally, the Emperors ended up being called 'Caesars' as an alternate title.
The Roman Emperors came about, in part, because that system of two Consuls often failed, or created more problems then it was worth.
Today, on the North American Continent, we can see that there is an enormous failure in the previous American system. The Sewers of the East and the West, now have at the top of their political heap a Swinish and Sickening Puppet Pervert, and a Despicable Lesbian Accomplice; wallowing in a pig sty created by Politicians and Monkey Judges and Monkey Lawyers and Queers. All of which, is a complete degeneration of what was formerly American Politics. Not that American Politics has been anything to boast about over the past two decades, anyway.
What about the idea of two American Consuls? One male and one female? Not related. Never related by blood. Not romantically involved, but respecting each other, even friendly towards each other. And yet, both are totally dedicated to the Human Species.
The two consul system of Ancient Rome always failed when the two Consuls went to war against a common enemy. The practice at battles was for Consuls to lead the Roman Armies every other day; taking turns at being the military leader. That resulted in a lot of massacres of a lot of Roman Legions.
In a male and female two consul system, those problems would not happen. Mars and Venus entirely. The Man handles the Wars, and the Woman handles the Love. And, it is done with the best altruism, because the two consuls are neither related or personally involved with each other. They both have their own responsibilities and duties to the Human Species, and that is where their priorities lie; with their Species, and not with each other.
It is an idea, and I would suggest a thorough investigation of this two Consul, male and female, possibility.
I still foresee Real Human Queens. I do not use the phrase 'Real Woman Human President', because the word 'President' has been totally trashed into intense negativity, since the days of Ronald Reagan.
[[How many 'degenerates' that treated Ronald Reagan like crap when he was in office, wish today that we had a President like him again? The ones that have not died from AIDS by now. Not many, you say? I agree, even if they are still above ground most of them have pea soup for brains, anyway. From advanced TV watching.]]
So, I will use this discussion of HObamass Disgusticus as a primer for Real Human Women, about how bad despotic puppets and dictators can really be.
One of my reasons for doing so, is because of the well-proven fact (far too proven, unfortunately) that females tend to think too emotionally -- which in turn means that they react to, and think about, situations too spontaneously and too briefly. That lack of in-depth analysis, coupled with pre-mature and overbearing responses to problems in Nature and the Galaxy (that require intensive study before decisions about them are rendered), tends to get a lot of people killed, in very painful ways. Successful Queens, down through History, have been the deeper thinkers that have not been shy in finding out what their administrators think, about what they think about.
Plus, it helps to not use incompetent and/or corrupt administrators to begin with, just because a Queen is too shy to get rid of such parasites from former administrations. Also, it helps to not bring on board people to be administrators for the most disastrous of reasons -- such as Love, Friendship, Admiration, Infatuation, Awe etc.
HObamass Pretendus Anal Deploricus -- The First
also known as ...
HObamass Ridiculous Rectumus Disgusticus -- The Foyst
((HO bam ass Rid'y Q lous Rectum us Dis gus ti cus -- da foooy st))
HObamass -- the modern day Caligula.
Lest thou thinkuth that this beust a humorous aside -- thinkuth twice -- nay thrice!
Hail the 'emperor' -- where are the bastard's clothes?
We are indebted, specifically, to an author at World Net Daily (named Ellis Washington) for this message about HObama as Caligula. Other Humans were getting the connection, however Ellis Washington was brave enough to put it on the Internet; and for that I thank him.
Thank You, Mr. Ellis Washington. By the time I read your article, I had already accumulated a large amount of information about the decadence of the Roman Empire, its Caesars, its Emperors. It was a natural flowpattern for me to expand upon your article.
I, Caligula. I, Obama
The writings of Mr. Ellis Washington can be found at his website -- Ellis Washington Report.
He may also be heard on Conservative Black Radio, at Joshua's Trail.
I have been reading books, and articles on the Internet, and some very ancient books from Roman Times, about Caligula for about four weeks now. I am constantly amazed at the identical evils that exist between Caligula and HObama.
Here is a short list of some of the reading material that I have been using:
*The Gladiator, by Alan Baker--2000 AD
*The First Century, by William Klingman--1986 AD
*Spectacle Entertainment of Early Imperial Rome, by Richard Beacham--1999 AD
*Caligula--The Lives of the Twelve Caesars-Volume Four, by Suetonius Tranquillus--121 AD
*The Tragedy of the Caesars-Volume Two, by S. Baring Gould--1892 AD
*The Annals of Tacitus-Book VI, by Cornelius Tacitus~~109 AD
*Roman History-Volume VII--Book 59, by Cassius Dio--211-233 AD
Upon reading all of this, including shorter articles and essays on the Internet, something comes to my attention almost immediately. That is, there are Historians that have written about Caligula who are cowardly, and not to be trusted with the Truth.
The sources I have listed are not cowardly.
I have mentioned before that anyone who watches TV, or listens to the Filthy Monkeys on the FM bands, or reads queer newsrags has a crippled brain; which requires existence within what I call a 'comfort zone'. Actually, nothing more than a private hospital ward, where nothing Real can bother them; while they suck on the Queer Medias that they are addicted to.
It is very obvious, that there are Historians who fall into that low and pathetic category of 'losers'.
[[A condition which I would refer to as -- Sickeningus Patheticus.]]
It is also apparent that there are some who are not, any of the above. As you read the accounts about Caligula (and it is made very clear because of Caligula) you will see what I mean. The losers always discount the worst Truths about Caligula, trying to confuse it with and blame it on the mythical and religious aspects of those Most Truthful Accounts. They are unable to allow their own brains to sort out the Truth of those Most Truthful Accounts, from the obligatory religious statements that Historians of those times were expected to include in their accounts. Not because it is difficult, it is not. Rather, because any acceptance of how grotesque and awful Caligula really was, sets off an immediate chain-effect of having to accept how really bad the Roman Empire was in those days -- which immediately leads to the acceptance that people can actually be so awful -- which instantly smashes in upon them as the Truth about TODAY and the Democrat/Homosexuals, the Homosexual/Moderates, the Liberals, The Queers, the Black Radical Bitches, the Sheep Fornicators wanting marriage licenses; and all of the other hideous scum waiting in the shadows for their place in the Queer Lights of the Socialist Circus.
If those TV watching cowards, sucking remote controls in their cocoons of comfort, admit to themselves that Caligula was really that terrible -- it irrevocably would lead to the admittance that the Roman Empire was that bestial, and that the modern day empire (which I call DemoTopia) is identical in many ways, and plans on being just as dirty, and vicious, and demented, and bestial as its predecessor was thousands of years ago. Deliberately.
If you read the many accounts about Caligula (not listed here), you will see the cowardly denials of the gruesome truths about Caligula. The cowards who make those denials, come in two general categories; total idiots filled with lies and greed; careful idiots filled with lies and greed, who are the first ones to run and hide when they see that the Truth is catching up with their lies and deliberate diversions.
If you inquire today about the Truths, which myself and other Human Writers say, concerning HObama the Magnificent Pervert and the sewage creatures of DemoTopia; you will receive an identical reaction. The cowards will deny it all, farting in misery; while the Real Humans will speak out against the HObama charade and the evils of our enemies.
It is all so similar, that it becomes identical in many places.
Before I go any further -- I would like to say something about the Gladiators.
Jean Leon Gerome-Wikimedia
When cowardly Historians try to deny the Truth about Caligula, they also try to deny the Truth about Ancient Rome; sometimes for commercial reasons; because they want as large a buying readership as they can get. So, for selfish reasons they tone down their treatment of the real events and harsh realities of Ancient Rome. It is usually because they are wimps, that should be cleaning latrines instead of writing Real History, but other reasons occur; such as they might think that any readership that watches TV cannot be told the Truth anyway.
The Gladiators stand together in stark denial of the cowardice of modern day reading. I call it 'reading', for I do not know what else to call it. I refer to the writers, the publishers, the readers and the critics. Modern day 'reading', wants to disavow the terribleness of today's Queer Regimes against the Human Species. One way to do that, is to pretend that the predecessor empire of evil (that the present day DemoTopia is modeled after), was not really that bad or horrible. They know that the exact comparisons between DemoTopia and the corrupt and queer Roman Empire do exist -- so the Queer Propagandists want them to cover over, and reduce, and ignore, and eliminate as much of the Real Truth about the Roman Empire as they can -- to eliminate the glaring warnings that exist -- about DemoTopia today -- because of the Roman Empire of yesterday.
It is all a form of lying, by not telling the Truth, or all of the Truth.
Jean Leon Gerome-Wikimedia
Yet, the Gladiators stand together as a stark contrast against that deliberate subterfuge, and propaganda loss-of-memory.
The Gladiators existed. No one can deny that. How they lived and died happened. No one can deny that.
Everything about the Gladiators points out how and what the real Roman Empire was. The Gladiators do not allow the real Roman Empire to be forgotten. And, if you cannot forget what was Real, you cannot ignore or hide from what is Real today; namely the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead.
Why HObama is like Caligula:
Just after the 2012 election debacle, Rush Limbaugh made this statement -- it includes the entire article --
PALM BEACH, Fla. – Rush Limbaugh, the popular voice of the political right, says he’s genuinely perplexed by the re-election of Barack Obama to the presidency.
“I went to bed last night thinking we’ve lost the country. I don’t know how else you look at this,” Limbaugh said today in his post-race analysis.
“Small things beat big things yesterday. Conservatism in my humble opinion did not lose last night. It’s just very difficult to beat Santa Claus. People are not going to vote against Santa Claus, especially when the alternative is being your own Santa Claus,” he continued. “In a country of children where the option is Santa Claus or work, what wins?”
“Every Obama voter may not be religious, but they believe in Santa Claus. And you know what else they believe about Santa Claus? That Santa Claus doesn’t judge anybody. You’re gonna get your stuff no matter how you behave. You’re gonna get your stuff whether you’re a good guy, bad guy, or a non-entity. Santa Claus isn’t judgmental. In fact, Santa Claus loves you because you have the deck stacked against you.”
Fox News anchor Bill O’Reilly proffered a similar comment Tuesday night when he was asked why the race was so tight between Obama and the Republican nominee, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.
“Because it’s a changing country. The demographics are changing,” O’Reilly said. “It’s not a traditional America anymore. And there are 50 percent of the voting public who want STUFF. They want THINGS. And who is going to give them things? President Obama. He knows it and he ran on it. Whereby 20 years ago, President Obama would have been roundly defeated by an establishment candidate like Mitt Romney. … The voters, many of them, feel that the economic system is stacked against them, and they want STUFF. … People feel that they are entitled to things, and which candidate between the two is going to give them things.”
Limbaugh said there is no rising to responsibility among the majority of the current U.S. populace.
“There’s just a demand that the gravy train to continue, and we have an administration that’s promising an endless gravy train,” he said.
“Until people understand how big government reduces prosperity for all, they’re going to be fooled by little things, by marketing, by smooth talkers, by faux compassion.”
Limbaugh noted conservatives have to face some truths.
“We are outnumbered and we are losing ground. This was not a glitch, this is the trend,” he said.
“We’re four years into tyranny winning. And guess what. No matter what happens, it’s Bush’s fault. Obama’s getting a Mulligan. Obama’s getting a do-over.”
But while some have suggested the Republican Party abandon some of it principles to appeal to a wider audience, Limbaugh disagreed.
“If there’s one option that hasn’t been tried in a long time, it’s called conservatism with a capital C,” he said. “This was not a conservative campaign.”
“We’re gonna have to go back and redefine how prosperity happens in this country. And conservatism and the Constitution are the best way to make it happen.”
Limbaugh also offered praise for Mitt Romney, calling him “one of the best human beings that I’ve ever met.”
((Article by Joe Kovacs--World Net Daily))
I beg to differ about Mitt the Rat Romney. However, what Rush Limbaugh is describing, is exactly [[I get to use the word 'exactly' a lot in this message]] -- exactly what the Ancient Roman Emperor Caligula did with the People of Rome. He offered them games and gold, to keep them in line.
Did someone say -- "Yeah, so what? Who cares about them old folks?"
Old folks? Guess again. What dem old folks did, is being shoved down your throat this very minute! Nothing old about it! It is being Redone, Reduxed, Repeated, and Reprised all over your dumb asses!
If you look at paintings and sculptures from the times of Caligula, or you look at films from Hollywood that include Caligula -- I do not recommend looking at the film called 'Caligula', because it will make you nauseous and you could throw up, just like any real film about HObama would make herds of maggots throw up ...
if you look at how they dressed and how they acted in that 'decadence'; with Queer Emperors and a degenerate and queer Roman society (in which there was indeed very low government, a poor government just like we have now, today) ...
and, that is another parallel, wherever there are Queers and Decadence there is very poor government and huge amounts of debt, enormous amounts of debt ...
but, the thing that I am highlighting here is - the way that they acted, and the way that they dressed, in queer Ancient Rome is very similar and very parallel to the ways that the Queers of DemoCrapia dress and act today. They dressed (and dress) in all kinds of phony colors, pretending that they are not as hideous as they really are. In Ancient Rome, the perverts tried to mask their horribleness with colorful attire, like the Queers of today mask how horrible they are with their Queer Parades that have many colors to them -- the false colors parades -- this color, that color, color balloons, color baboons, colored freaks; it is exactly the same decadence as the Roman Empire when it was Queer. Complete with squirming and lying Republican Weasels. It is also the same reason behind it. They are trying to cover over, and trying to mask over, how horrible they really are; by painting themselves up in colors and putting on colorful costumes and pretending that they are colorful people, the people of many colors.
It is stupid, it is absurd, it is ridiculous, and it never works on anyone who is smarter or braver than the Common ModoRat. But, then again, everything that they do is stupid, and absurd and ridiculous. Reason being, if they become dominant politically, with the help of asswipes like Karl Rove, they do not work worth a crap; government quality dies, countries die, nations die, empires die -- when their filth takes over.
Thus, there is a huge parallel (and chillingly exact) between HObama the Hideous Pervert and all of its decadent, queer associates, its Dyke accomplice, and all of their Queer Parades pretending to be colorful ...
AND ...
what happened to the Roman Empire while Caligula was in power. The huge amount of debt, the taxations, the destruction of government, the destruction of the country and the enormous sewering of all of the principles which those nations were founded upon -- automatically occurs. Not to mention, the enormous stupidity and displays of colored perversion. This has happened enough times in History for us to know that whenever colored perversion dominates, everything else dies.
Now, in a way; in a macabre kind of way this is good news. The answer to all of those people who are wringing their hands and passing their urine at unintended moments, saying -- "Oh, what's happening to America! Oh! what's happening to America!" is -- America is shrinking, not dying off as intended by the so-called Homosexuals.
Places that are being taken over by the colored perversion parades, of the Queer Propagandists, are no longer America. They are no longer the United States of America, they are diseased. Such queered places are cancers, and are like gangrene on the continent. They are rot. They are no longer part of America. They are blue rot. Blue cancer. Blue gangrene. Blue death. Blue insanity. Queer Blue Death.
Not America anymore.
When People, who wring their hands and piddle on themselves, ask -- "Oh, how will America ever survive?" ...
the answer is, that the only way that America can die is if the perverts take over everything. Which, is what the Queer Institution (of Queer Laws and Queer Monkey Judges), intends to make people think has happened.
But, it is not going to happen. The color-abusing perverts, even with the help of HObama the Emperor, as their advocate and their favorite Queer, will not kill off America. America has shrunk, it has decreased; but that does not mean that it has declined as much as the perverts want you to think it has. It has just diminished. It has been made smaller.
For instance, DemoNewYork. DemoNewYork is Queer. The Real New York is Human, and part of America. DemoVermont, DemoVermont is Queer. The Real Vermont is Human, and part of America. That is how it really works. It never works as the Queer Masters intended.
This rot, this Blue Rot, this Blue Disease (this Blue Rabies from the DemoCrap Attorney Generals), is no longer America. Wherever that filth controls anything and rules over any place, that place is no longer America. So, wherever DemoCrapia and the (DemoCrap Attorney Generals with their rabies) control anything, that place is not America! That is what is happening.
For those of you who are a little more dense (or sewered by TV more), I will explain how and why Caligula and HObama are so very similar.
Sick, vicious, rotten Evil -- right down to the cores of their brains.
But, Caligula has an excuse. Caligula actually started out better than the mean-as-a-junkyard-dog sniveling pervert that HObama is; but bad upbringing, really murderous environments, a near-death illness and a whopping amount of revenge all combined to bring Caligula down to the level of a Black Radical Extremist Faggot that wants to be an Emperor.
Does that explain it to you? Probably not. Frankly, the reasons why individuals sink to such low-crawling levels are many, and not always their own fault -- completely. This world produces such horrors as Caligula and HObama, because it is filled with atrocities and atrocious creatures and atrocious misalignments.
The 'world' which I speak of, is of course not the Planet Earth. It is rather, the world of societies -- all of which are 'constructs' and 'heaps' of the layers of past failed attempts to make communities and nations work right. All dumbly and lazily tossed upon the failures of the previous society, with the blind egotism that the next one will be better because 'they' are doing it -- and not 'those' people of the past.
In other words, the results of massive and ridiculous imperfections, piled onto each other. Not that I am a perfectionist, I am not. But, we are not even talking about any semblance of perfection, or even a high order of common sense.
HObama started out doomed, from all accounts. Just like Caligula did.
As you read about Caligula, you will see the many similarities and 'would-happens' -- if HObama could do what Caligula did, and get away with it.
Here is Wikipedia's explanation of the background behind Caligula:
[[At the end of this material about HObama's idol, I have placed a Glossary of Roman Terms.]]
Birth to accession: Guy-us Julius Caesar Germanicus
As Emperor: Guy-us Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus
Born 31 August 12 AD.
Birthplace Antium, Italy.
Died 24 January 41 AD. (aged 28)
Place of death Palatine Hill, Rome.
Buried Mausoleum of Augustus, Rome.
Predecessor Tyberius, great-uncle.
Successor Claudius, uncle.
Consort to Junia Claudilla
Livia Orestilla
Lollia Paulina
Milonia Caesonia
Offspring Julia Drusilla
Tyberius Gemellus (adoptive)
Father Germanicus. [[Enormously popular to the Roman Empire.]]
Mother Agrippina the Elder.
Caligula (Latin: Guy-us Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus; 31 August 12 AD. - 24 January 41 AD.), also known as Guy-us, was Roman Emperor from 37 AD. to 41 AD. Caligula was a member of the house of rulers conventionally known as the Julio-Claudian dynasty. Caligula's father Germanicus, the nephew and adopted son of Emperor Tyberius, was a very successful general and one of Rome's most beloved public figures. The young Guy-us earned the nickname Caligula (meaning "little soldier's boot", the diminutive form of caliga, n. hob-nailed military boot) from his father's soldiers while accompanying him during his campaigns in Germania.
When Germanicus died at Antioch in 19 AD., his wife Agrippina the Elder returned to Rome with her six children where she became entangled in an increasingly bitter feud with Tyberius. This conflict eventually led to the destruction of her family, with Caligula as the sole male survivor. Unscathed by the deadly intrigues, Caligula accepted the invitation to join the emperor on the island of Capri in 31, where Tyberius himself had withdrawn five years earlier. At the death of Tyberius in 37, Caligula succeeded his great-uncle and adoptive grandfather.
There are few surviving sources on Caligula's reign, although he is described as a noble and moderate ruler during the first two years of his rule. After this, the sources focus upon his cruelty, extravagance, and sexual perversity, presenting him as an insane tyrant. While the reliability of these sources has increasingly been called into question, it is known that during his brief reign, Caligula worked to increase the unconstrained personal power of the emperor (as opposed to countervailing powers within the principate). He directed much of his attention to ambitious construction projects and notoriously luxurious dwellings for himself. However, he initiated the construction of two new aqueducts in Rome: the Aqua Claudia and the Anio Novus. During his reign, the Empire annexed the Kingdom of Mauretania and made it into a province.
In early 41 AD., Caligula became the first Roman emperor to be assassinated, the result of a conspiracy involving officers of the Praetorian Guard, as well as members of the Roman Senate and of the imperial court. The conspirators' attempt to use the opportunity to restore the Roman Republic was thwarted: on the same day the Praetorian Guard declared Caligula's uncle Claudius emperor in his place.
Early life:
Caligula was born in Antium, the third of six surviving children born to Germanicus and Germanicus' second cousin Agrippina the Elder. Guy-us's brothers were Nero and Drusus. His sisters were Agrippina the Younger, Julia Drusilla, and Julia Livilla. Guy-us was nephew to Claudius (the future emperor).
Agrippina the Elder was the daughter of Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa and Julia the Elder. She was a granddaughter of Augustus and Scribonia.
Youth and early career:
As a boy of just two or three, Guy-us accompanied his father, Germanicus, on campaigns in the north of Germania. The soldiers were amused that Guy-us was dressed in a miniature soldier's uniform, including boots and armor. He was soon given his nickname Caligula, meaning "little (soldier's) boot" in Latin, after the small boots he wore as part of his uniform. Guy-us, though, reportedly grew to dislike this nickname.
Suetonius claims that Germanicus was poisoned in Syria by an agent of Tyberius, who viewed Germanicus as a political rival.
After the death of his father, Caligula lived with his mother until her relations with Tyberius deteriorated. Tyberius would not allow Agrippina to remarry for fear her husband would be a rival.. Agrippina and Caligula's brother, Nero, were banished in 29 AD.. on charges of treason.
The adolescent Caligula was then sent to live first with his great-grandmother (and Tyberius's mother) Livia. Following Livia's death, he was sent to live with his grandmother Antonia. In 30 AD., his brother, Drusus Caesar, was imprisoned on charges of treason and his brother Nero died in exile from either starvation or suicide. Suetonius writes that after the banishment of his mother and brothers, Caligula and his sisters were nothing more than prisoners of Tyberius under the close watch of soldiers.
In 31 AD., Caligula was remanded to the personal care of Tyberius on Capri, where he lived for six years. To the surprise of many, Caligula was spared by Tyberius. According to historians, Caligula was an excellent natural actor and, recognizing danger, hid all his resentment towards Tyberius. An observer said of Caligula, "Never was there a better servant or a worse master!"
After he became Emperor, Caligula claimed to have planned to kill Tyberius with a dagger in order to avenge his mother and brother: however, having brought the weapon into Tyberius's bedroom he did not kill the Emperor but instead threw the dagger down on the floor. Supposedly Tyberius knew of this but never dared to do anything about it. Suetonius claims that Caligula was already cruel and vicious: he writes that, when Tyberius brought Caligula to Capri, his purpose was to allow Caligula to live in order that he "... prove the ruin of himself and of all men, and that he was rearing a viper for the Roman People and a Phaëton for the world."
In 33 AD., Tyberius gave Caligula an honorary quaestorship, a position he held until his rise to Emperor. Meanwhile, both Caligula's mother and his brother Drusus died in prison. Caligula was briefly married to Junia Claudilla in 33, though she died during childbirth the following year. Caligula spent time befriending the Praetorian Prefect, Naevius Sutorius Macro, an important ally. Macro spoke well of Caligula to Tyberius, attempting to quell any ill will or suspicion the emperor felt towards Caligula.
In 35 AD., Caligula was named joint heir to Tyberius's estate along with Tyberius Gemellus. [[Grandson named Tiberius.]]
When Tyberius died on 16 March 37 AD., his estate and the titles of the Principate were left to Caligula and Tyberius's own grandson, Gemellus, who were to serve as joint heirs. Although Tyberius was 77 and on his death bed, some ancient historians still conjecture that he was murdered. Tacitus writes that the Praetorian Prefect, Macro, smothered Tyberius with a pillow to hasten Caligula's accession, much to the joy of the Roman people, while Suetonius writes that Caligula may have carried out the killing, though this is not recorded by any other ancient historian. Seneca the elder and Philo, who both wrote during Tyberius's reign, as well as Josephus record Tyberius as dying a natural death. Backed by Macro, Caligula had Tyberius' will nullified with regards to Gemellus on grounds of insanity, but otherwise carried out Tyberius' wishes. [[Declared that grandson Tiberius Gemellus was mentally incompetent.]]
Caligula accepted the powers of the Principate as conferred by the Senate and entered Rome on 28 March amid a crowd that hailed him as "our baby" and "our star," among other nicknames. Caligula is described as the first emperor who was admired by everyone in "all the world, from the rising to the setting sun." Caligula was loved by many for being the beloved son of the popular Germanicus, and because he was not Tyberius. It was said by Suetonius that over 160,000 animals were sacrificed during three months of public rejoicing to usher in the new reign. Philo describes the first seven months of Caligula's reign as completely blissful.
Caligula's first acts were said to be generous in spirit, though many were political in nature. To gain support, he granted bonuses to those in the military including the Praetorian Guard, city troops and the army outside Italy. He destroyed Tyberius's treason papers, declared that treason trials were a thing of the past and recalled those who had been sent into exile. He helped those who had been harmed by the Imperial tax system, banished certain sexual deviants, and put on lavish spectacles for the public, such as gladiator battles. Caligula collected and brought back the bones of his mother and of his brothers and deposited their remains in the tomb of Augustus.
Just how bad was Caligula -- will be HObama:
Sometimes I do this. Not often, but once in a while I will compile the writings of other Historians, and show you the results.
What I have done next, is to create something that is hard to find and surely incomplete. I cannot find a chronological sequence of the atrocities of Caligula.
I have looked, but the accounts about Caligula are all topical, and designed to explain his overall cruelty and demagoguery. What I want is a chronology of what happen during his Reign of Terror.
So, I have compiled a chronology out of as many writings about Caligula as I can find that fit together -- always avoiding any writings that could possibly have been written by Revisionists, Cowards, or Opportunists.
What that means is -- as you read this account of Caligula's HObama-like desires, and ill tempers, and atrocities; it will actually be from a number of sources -- all blended together as a 'Timeline'.
The background data for this comes from 'The Lives of the Twelve Caesars', by Suetonius. This is the account that the cowards and opportunists want to ignore, for obvious reasons. You can tell that the help of other Historians is needed, because Suetonius rambles around in his narratives. If I do not identify a section as coming from a particular author -- it was written by Suetonius Tranquillus.
Note: The official name of Caligula was 'Gaius', or 'Caius'.
Note: There were two people named Tiberius in all of this. The first was the previous Emperor Tiberius, who set up Caligula to be his successor; along with the second Tiberius, who was the grandson of Tiberius the Emperor. The grandson Tiberius was wiped out by Caligula. You have to look at the context when you see the name Tiberius. If it is a Tiberius who could do things and had power -- it was Tiberius the Emperor.
Note: The translators were British, obviously, so this is written in UK English.
Note: This begins after the death of Tiberius the Emperor, and Caligula becomes Emperor.
IX. It was to the jokes of the soldiers in the camp that he owed the name of Caligula, he having been brought up among them in the dress of a common soldier. How much his education amongst them recommended him to their favour and affection, was sufficiently apparent in the mutiny upon the death of Augustus, when the mere sight of him appeased their fury, though it had risen to a great height. For they persisted in it, until they observed that he was sent away to a neighbouring city, to secure him against all danger. Then, at last, they began to relent, and, stopping the chariot in which he was conveyed, earnestly deprecated the odium to which such a proceeding would expose them.
X. He likewise attended his father in his expedition to Syria. After his return, he lived first with his mother, and, when she was banished, with his great-grandmother, Livia Augusta, in praise of whom, after her decease, though then only a boy, he pronounced a funeral oration in the Rostra. He was then transferred to the family of his grandmother, Antonia, and afterwards, in the twentieth year of his age, being called by Tiberius to Capri, he in one and the same day assumed the manly habit, and shaved his beard, but without receiving any of the honours which had been paid to his brothers on a similar occasion. While he remained in that island, many insidious artifices were practised, to extort from him complaints against Tiberius, but by his circumspection he avoided falling into the snare . He affected to take no more notice of the ill-treatment of his relations, than if nothing had befallen them. With regard to his own sufferings, he seemed utterly insensible of them, and behaved with such obsequiousness to his grandfather and all about him, that it was justly said of him, "There never was a better servant, nor a worse master."
XI. But he could not even then conceal his natural disposition to cruelty and lewdness. He delighted in witnessing the infliction of punishments, and frequented taverns and bawdy-houses in the night-time, disguised in a periwig and a long coat; and was passionately addicted to the theatrical arts of singing and dancing. All these levities Tiberius readily connived at, in hopes that they might perhaps correct the roughness of his temper, which the sagacious old man so well understood, that he often said, "That Caius was destined to be the ruin of himself and all mankind; and that he was rearing a hydra for the people of Rome, and a Phaeton for all the world."
XII. Not long afterwards, he married Junia Claudilla, the daughter of Marcus Silanus, a man of the highest rank. Being then chosen augur in the room of his brother Drusus, before he could be inaugurated he was advanced to the pontificate, with no small commendation of his dutiful behaviour, and great capacity. The situation of the court likewise was at this time favourable to his fortunes, as it was now left destitute of support, Sejanus being suspected, and soon afterwards taken off; and he was by degrees flattered with the hope of succeeding Tiberius in the empire. In order more effectually to secure this object, upon Junia's dying in child-bed, he engaged in a criminal commerce with Ennia Naevia, the wife of Macro, at that time prefect of the pretorian cohorts; promising to marry her if he became emperor, to which he bound himself, not only by an oath, but by a written obligation under his hand. Having by her means insinuated himself into Macro's favour, some are of opinion that he attempted to poison Tiberius, and ordered his ring to be taken from him, before the breath was out of his body; and that, because he seemed to hold it fast, he caused a pillow to be thrown upon him, squeezing him by the throat, at the same time, with his own hand. One of his freedmen crying out at this horrid barbarity, he was immediately crucified. These circumstances are far from being improbable, as some authors relate that, afterwards, though he did not acknowledge his having a hand in the death of Tiberius, yet he frankly declared that he had formerly entertained such a design; and as a proof of his affection for his relations, he would frequently boast, "That, to revenge the death of his mother and brothers, he had entered the chamber of Tiberius, when he was asleep, with a poniard, but being seized with a fit of compassion, threw it away, and retired; and that Tiberius, though aware of his intention, durst not make any inquiries, or attempt revenge."
From Dio:
1. These are the stories, then, that have been handed down about Tiberius. His successor was Gaius, the son of Germanicus and Agrippina, who was also known, as I have stated, by the names of Germanicus and Caligula. Tiberius, to be sure, had left the empire to his grandson Tiberius as well; but Gaius sent his will to the senate by Macro and caused it to be declared null and void by the consuls and the others with whom he had arranged matters beforehand, on the ground that the testator had not been of sound mind, as shown by the fact that he had permitted a mere boy to rule over them, who did not yet possess the right even to enter the senate. Thus Gaius at the time promptly deprived the lad of the throne, and later, in spite of having adopted him, he put him to death. It availed naught that Tiberius in his will had expressed the same purpose in a number of ways, as if this would lend it some force, nor yet that it had all been read at this time by Macro in the senate. But, of course, no injunction can have any weight against the ingratitude or the might of oneʹs successors. Thus Tiberius suffered the same treatment that he had accorded to his mother, with this difference only, that, whereas he had discharged none of the obligations imposed by her will in the case of anybody, his bequests were paid to all the beneficiaries except his grandson. This, in particular, made it perfectly plain that the whole found with the will had been invented on account of the lad. Gaius, it is true, need not have published it, as he surely was not unacquainted with the contents; but inasmuch as many knew what was in it, and it seemed probable that he himself in the one case or the senate in the other would be blamed for its suppression, he chosen rather to have it overthrown by the senators than to keep it concealed.
2. At the same time, by paying all the bequests of Tiberius, as if they were his own, to every one else, he gained with the multitude a certain reputation for generosity. Thus, in company with the senate, he inspected the Pretorians at drill and distributed to them the money that had been bequeathed them, amounting to a thousand sesterces apiece; and he added as much more on his own account. To the people he paid over the forty-five millions bequeathed to them, and, in addition, the two hundred and forty sesterces apiece which they had failed to receive on the occasion of his receiving the toga virilis, together with interest amount to sixty sesterces. He also paid the bequests to the city troops, to the night-watch, to those of the regular army outside of Italy, and to any other army of citizens that was in the smaller forts, the city guard receiving five hundred sesterces per man, and all the others three hundred. And if he had only spent the rest of the money in a fitting manner, he would have been regarded as a generous and munificent ruler. It was, to be sure, his fear of the people and the soldiers that in some instances led him to make these gifts, but in general they were made on principle; for he paid the bequests not only of Tiberius but also of his great-grandmother, as well those left to private citizens as the public ones. As it was, however, he lavished boundless sums upon actors (whose recall he at once brought about), upon horses, upon gladiators, and everything of the sort; and thus in the briefest space of time he exhausted the large sums of money that had accumulated in the treasury and at the same time convicted himself of having made the earlier gifts, also, as the result of an easy-going temper and lack of judgment. At all events he had found in the treasury 2,300,000,000 or, according to others, 3,300,000,000 sesterces, and yet did not make any part of it last into the third year, but in his very second year found himself in need of vast sums in addition.
3. He went through this same process of deterioration, too, in almost all other respects. Thus, he had seemed at first most democratic, to such a degree, in fact, that he would send no letters either to the people or to the senate nor assume any of the imperial titles; yet he became most autocratic, so that he took in one day all the honours which Augustus had with difficulty been induced to accept, and then only as they were voted to him one at a time during the long extent of his reign, some of which indeed Tiberius had refused to accept at all. Indeed, he postponed none of them except the title of Father, and even that he acquired after no long time. Though he had proved himself the most libidinous of men, had seized one woman at the very moment of her marriage, and had dragged others from their husbands, he afterwards came to hate them all save one; and he would certainly have detested her, had he lived longer. Towards his mother, his sisters, and his grandmother Antonia he conducted himself at first in the most dutiful manner possible. His grandmother he immediately saluted as Augusta, and appointed her to be priestess of Augustus, granting to her at once all the privileges of the Vestal Virgins. To his sisters he assigned these privileges of the Vestal Virgins, also that of witnessing the games in the Circus with him from the imperial seats, and the right to have uttered in their behalf, also, not only the prayers annually offered by the magistrates and priests for his welfare and that of the State, but also the oaths of allegiance that were sworn to his rule. He himself sailed across the sea, and with his own hands collected and brought back the bones of his mother and of his brothers who had died; and wearing the purple-bordered toga and attended by lictors, as at a triumph, he deposited their remains in the tomb of Augustus. He annulled all the measures that had been voted against them, and recalled such as were in exile on their account. Yet, after doing all this, he showed himself the most impious of men toward both his grandmother and his sisters. For he forced the former to seek death by her own hand, because she had rebuked him for something; and as for his sisters, after ravishing them all he confined two of them on an island, the third having already died. He even demanded that Tiberius, whom he called grandfather, should receive from the senate the same honours as Augustus; but when these were not immediately voted (for the senators could not, on the one hand, bring themselves to honour him, nor yet, on the other hand, make bold to dishonour him, because they were not yet clearly acquainted with the character of their young master, and were consequently postponing all action until he should be present), he bestowed upon him no mark of distinction other than a public funeral, after causing the body to be brought into the city by night and laid out at daybreak. And though he delivered a speech over it, he did not say so much in praise of Tiberius as he did to remind the people of Augustus and Germanicus and incidentally to commend himself to them.
4. For Gaius invariably went so by contraries in every matter, that he not only emulated but even surpassed his predecessorʹs licentiousness and bloodthirstiness, for which he used to censure him, whereas of the qualities he praised in the other he imitated not one. Though he had been the first to insult him and the first to abuse him, so that others, thinking to please him in this way, indulged in rather reckless freedom of speech, he later lauded and magnified Tiberius, even going so far as to punish some for what they had said. These, as enemies of the former emperor, he hated for their abusive remarks; and he hated equally those who in any way praised Tiberius, as being the otherʹs friends. Though he put an end to the charges of maiestas, he nevertheless made these the cause of a great many personsʹ downfall. Again, though, according to his own account, he had given up his anger against those who had conspired against his father and mother and brothers, and even burned their letters, he yet put to death great numbers of them on the strength of those letters. He did, it is true, actually destroy some letters, but they were not the originals containing the absolute proof, but rather copies that he had made. Furthermore, though he at first forbade any one to set up images of him, he even went on to manufacture statues himself; and though he once requested the annulment of a decree ordering sacrifices to be offered to his Fortune, and even caused this action of his to be inscribed on a tablet, he afterwards ordered temples to be erected and sacrifices to be offered to himself as to a god. He delighted by turns in vast throngs of men and in solitude; he grew angry if requests were preferred, and again if they were not preferred. He would display the keenest enthusiasm about various projects, and then carry out certain of them in the most indolent fashion. He would spend money most unsparingly, and at the same time show a most sordid spirit in exacting it. He was alike irritated and pleased, both with those who flattered him and with those who spoke their mind frankly. Many who were guilty of great crimes he neglected to punish, and many who had not even incurred any suspicion of wrong-doing he slew. His associates he either flattered to excess or abused to excess. As a result, no one knew either what to say or how to act toward him, but all who met with any success in this respect gained it as the result of chance rather than of shrewd judgment.
5. This was the kind of emperor into whose hands the Romans were then delivered. Hence the deeds of Tiberius, though they were felt to have been very harsh, were nevertheless as far superior to those of Gaius as the deeds of Augustus were to those of his successor. For Tiberius always kept the power in his own hands and used others as agents for carrying out his wishes; whereas Gaius was ruled by the charioteers and gladiators, and was the slave of the actors and others connected with the stage. Indeed, he always kept Apelles, the most famous of the tragedians of that day, with him even in public. Thus he by himself and they by themselves did without let or hindrance all that such persons would naturally dare to do when given power. Everything that pertained to their art he arranged and settled on the slightest pretext in the most lavish manner, and he compelled the praetors and the consuls to do the same, so that almost every day some performance of the kind was sure to be given. At first he was but a spectator and listener at these and would take sides for or against various performers like one of the crowd; and one time, when he was vexed with those of opposing tastes, he did not go to the spectacle. But as time went on, he came to imitate, and to contend in many events, driving chariots, fighting as a gladiator, giving exhibitions of pantomimic dancing, and acting in tragedy. So much for his regular behaviour. And once he sent an urgent summons at night to the leading men of the senate, as if for some important deliberation, and then danced before them.
From Dio's History of Rome.
XIII. Having thus secured the imperial power, he fulfilled by his elevation the wish of the Roman people, I may venture to say, of all mankind; for he had long been the object of expectation and desire to the greater part of the provincials and soldiers, who had known him when a child; and to the whole people of Rome, from their affection for the memory of Germanicus, his father, and compassion for the family almost entirely destroyed. Upon his moving from Misenum, therefore, although he was in mourning, and following the corpse of Tiberius, he had to walk amidst altars, victims, and lighted torches, with prodigious crowds of people everywhere attending him, in transports of joy, and calling him, besides other auspicious names, by those of "their star," "their chick," "their pretty puppet," and "bantling."
XIV. Immediately on his entering the city, by the joint acclamations of the senate, and people, who broke into the senate-house, Tiberius's will was set aside, it having left his other grandson, then a minor, coheir with him, the whole government and administration of affairs was placed in his hands; so much to the joy and satisfaction of the public, that, in less than three months after, above a hundred and sixty thousand victims [[animals]] are said to have been offered in sacrifice. Upon his going, a few days afterwards, to the nearest islands on the coast of Campania, vows were made for his safe return; every person emulously testifying their care and concern for his safety. And when he fell ill, the people hung about the Palatium all night long; some vowed, in public handbills, to risk their lives in the combats of the amphitheatre, and others to lay them down, for his recovery. To this extraordinary love entertained for him by his countrymen, was added an uncommon regard by foreign nations. Even Artabanus, king of the Parthians, who had always manifested hatred and contempt for Tiberius, solicited his friendship; came to hold a conference with his consular lieutenant, and passing the Euphrates, paid the highest honours to the eagles, the Roman standards, and the images of the Caesars.
[[It is this intense illness which Caligula suffered, that is generally blamed for the massive change of character that occured after he recovered. There are some accounts that blame magic potions and barbaric medicines for twisting Caligula's mind out of all former stability. Prior to the illness, he had been beneficial and very popular. After the illness, he became someone so awful that even Adolf Hitler would sic the 'Dogs of War' on him. Bad medicines, the sight of Death, and too much power, combined with a volcanic eruption of revenge and a severe shortage of anyone brave enough to shoot the bastard (arrows), formulated together into a cataclysmic critical mass of bad temper and ill will -- and people started to die like flies wherever Caligula could teach HObama by example. Which was most of the Roman Empire.]]
From S. Baring Gould:
ALMOST from the moment that he arose from his sick-bed, Caius behaved in a manner the reverse of his previous conduct. Some of his actions were certainly those of a madman, but he had intervals of sense, though he never again returned to the amiable mood of the first stage of his imperial career. To describe in a few words the change that took place in him, Suetonius says that at first he acted as a prince, afterwards as a monster.
At the time of his sickness he had drawn up his will, in which he constituted his second sister, Drusilla, to whom he was devotedly attached, heiress of his property and of the empire. He snatched her away from her husband and associated her with himself in a manner that gave rise to scandal. She had been united to Cassius Longinus by Tiberius, but Caius, apparently after his sickness, divorced her from Longinus and married her to a creature of his own, M. Lepidus, and then took her from Lepidus and startled even dissolute Rome by the declaration that he proposed marrying her. This relation even in Rome, not squeamish as to moral scandals was regarded as one crying out to heaven for vengeance.
In the general indignation which found voice, both the person of the prince and the whole imperial house were placed in danger ; and, as formerly Octavia and Livia had made their influence felt in all matters concerning the family welfare, so now did the aged Antonia feel herself called on to interfere in the interests of the throne. At the time when Sejanus was meditating a coup de main she had sent warning to Tiberius of his danger; and when her grandson succeeded, she did not forget her duty as a guardian. On this occasion we cannot doubt that she interfered to remonstrate with the young prince. It is to this interference, almost certainly, that certain passages refer in the biography of Caius by Suetonius. When one day she warned her grandson not to think that he had now no superior over him, he answered contemptuously -- 'Everything is lawful to me, and I may do as I will to any one.' When she entreated for a private conference, he refused to speak with her except in the presence of Macro, the praefect of the guard. Moreover, he threw into prison the Jew, Alexander Lysimachus, her steward, who had been a tried friend to her son, Germanicus, his own father.
When, not long after, Antonia died, all signs of honour were discarded at the funeral, and Caius contemplated from the window of his dining-hall with indifference the pile on which her body was burnt.
It was not surprising that rumours circulated that he had forced his grandmother to commit suicide, or that he had had her poisoned. In all probability the old and virtuous lady's heart was broken by disappointment.
From S. Baring Gould's Tragedy of the Caesars.
From Wikipedia:
But everything changed on October 37 A.D. when Caligula fell seriously ill. He recovered from his illness soon thereafter, but the young emperor was said to have changed into a monster, as he started to kill off or exile those who were close to him or whom he saw as a serious threat. He had his cousin and adopted son Tyberius Gemellus executed - an act that outraged Caligula's and Gemellus's mutual grandmother Antonia Minor. She is said to have committed suicide, although Suetonius hints that Caligula actually poisoned her. He had his father-in-law Marcus Junius Silanus and his brother-in-law Marcus Lepidus executed as well. His uncle Claudius was spared only because Caligula kept him as a laughing stock. His favorite sister Julia Drusilla died in 38 AD. of a fever: his other two sisters, Livilla and Agrippina the Younger, were exiled. He hated the fact that he was the grandson of Agrippa, and slandered Augustus by repeating a falsehood that his mother was actually the result of an incestuous relationship between Augustus and his daughter Julia the Elder.
Philo of Alexandria, Josephus and Seneca state that Caligula was insane, but describe this madness as a personality trait that came through experience. Seneca states that Caligula became arrogant, angry and insulting once becoming emperor and uses his personality flaws as examples his readers can learn from. According to Josephus, power made Caligula incredibly conceited and led him to think he was a god. Philo of Alexandria reports that Caligula became ruthless after nearly dying of an illness in the eighth month of his reign in AD. 37. Juvenal reports he was given a magic potion that drove him insane.
Suetonius said that Caligula suffered from "falling sickness", or epilepsy, when he was young. Modern historians have theorized that Caligula lived with a daily fear of seizures. Despite swimming being a part of imperial education, Caligula could not swim. Epileptics are encouraged not to swim in open waters because unexpected fits in such difficult rescue circumstances can be fatal. Additionally, Caligula reportedly talked to the full moon. Epilepsy was long associated with the moon.
Some modern historians think that Caligula suffered from hyperthyroidism. This diagnosis is mainly attributed to Caligula's irritability and his "stare" as described by Pliny the Elder.
From Wikipedia article on Caligula.
XV. Caligula himself inflamed this devotion, by practising all the arts of popularity. After he had delivered, with floods of tears, a speech in praise of Tiberius, and buried him with the utmost pomp, he immediately hastened over to Pandataria and the Pontian islands, to bring thence the ashes of his mother and brother; and, to testify the great regard he had for their memory, he performed the voyage in a very tempestuous season. He approached their remains with profound veneration, and deposited them in the urns with his own hands. Having brought them in grand solemnity to Ostia, with an ensign flying in the stern of the galley, and thence up the Tiber to Rome, they were borne by persons of the first distinction in the equestrian order, on two biers, into the mausoleum, at noon-day. He appointed yearly offerings to be solemnly and publicly celebrated to their memory, besides Circensian games to that of his mother, and a chariot with her image to be included in the procession. The month of September he called Germanicus, in honour of his father. By a single decree of the senate, he heaped upon his grandmother, Antonia, all the honours which had been ever conferred on the empress Livia. His uncle, Claudius, who till then continued in the equestrian order, he took for his colleague in the consulship. He adopted his brother, Tiberius, on the day he took upon him the manly habit, and conferred upon him the title of "Prince of the Youths." As for his sisters, he ordered these words to be added to the oaths of allegiance to himself: "Nor will I hold myself or my own children more dear than I do Caius and his sisters:" and commanded all resolutions proposed by the consuls in the senate to be prefaced thus: "May what we are going to do, prove fortunate and happy to Caius Caesar and his sisters." With the like popularity he restored all those who had been condemned and banished, and granted an act of indemnity against all impeachments and past offences. To relieve the informers and witnesses against his mother and brothers from all apprehension, he brought the records of their trials into the forum, and there burnt them, calling loudly on the gods to witness that he had not read or handled them. A memorial which was offered him relative to his own security, he would not receive, declaring, "that he had done nothing to make any one his enemy:" and said, at the same time, "he had no ears for informers."
XVI. The Spintriae, those panderers to unnatural lusts, he banished from the city, being prevailed upon not to throw them into the sea, as he had intended. The writings of Titus Labienus, Cordus Cremutius, and Cassius Severus, which had been suppressed by an act of the senate, he permitted to be drawn from obscurity, and universally read; observing, "that it would be for his own advantage to have the transactions of former times delivered to posterity." He published accounts of the proceedings of the government -- a practice which had been introduced by Augustus, but discontinued by Tiberius. He granted the magistrates a full and free jurisdiction, without any appeal to himself. He made a very strict and exact review of the Roman knights, but conducted it with moderation; publicly depriving of his horse every knight who lay under the stigma of any thing base and dishonourable; but passing over the names of those knights who were only guilty of venial faults, in calling over the list of the order. To lighten the labours of the judges, he added a fifth class to the former four. He attempted likewise to restore to the people their ancient right of voting in the choice of magistrates. He paid very honourably, and without any dispute, the legacies left by Tiberius in his will, though it had been set aside; as likewise those left by the will of Livia Augusta, which Tiberius had annulled. He remitted the hundredth penny, due to the government in all auctions throughout Italy. He made up to many their losses sustained by fire; and when he restored their kingdoms to any princes, he likewise allowed them all the arrears of the taxes and revenues which had accrued in the interval; as in the case of Antiochus of Comagene, where the confiscation would have amounted to a hundred millions of sesterces. To prove to the world that he was ready to encourage good examples of every kind, he gave to a freed-woman eighty thousand sesterces, for not discovering a crime committed by her patron, though she had been put to exquisite torture for that purpose. For all these acts of beneficence, amongst other honours, a golden shield was decreed to him, which the colleges of priests were to carry annually, upon a fixed day, into the Capitol, with the senate attending, and the youth of the nobility, of both sexes, celebrating the praise of his virtues in songs. It was likewise ordained, that the day on which he succeeded to the empire should be called Palilia, in token of the city's being at that time, as it were, new founded.
XVII. He held the consulship four times; the first, from the calends [the first] of July for two months: the second, from the calends of January for thirty days; the third, until the ides [the 13th] of January; and the fourth, until the seventh of the same ides [7th January]. Of these, the two last he held successively. The third he assumed by his sole authority at Lyons; not, as some are of opinion, from arrogance or neglect of rules; but because, at that distance, it was impossible for him to know that his colleague had died a little before the beginning of the new year. He twice distributed to the people a bounty of three hundred sesterces a man, and as often gave a splendid feast to the senate and the equestrian order, with their wives and children. In the latter, he presented to the men forensic garments, and to the women and children purple scarfs. To make a perpetual addition to the public joy for ever, he added to the Saturnalia one day, which he called Juvenalis [the juvenile feast].
XVIII. He exhibited some combats of gladiators, either in the amphitheatre of Taurus, or in the Septa, with which he intermingled troops of the best pugilists from Campania and Africa. He did not always preside in person upon those occasions, but sometimes gave a commission to magistrates or friends to supply his place. He frequently entertained the people with stage-plays of various kinds, and in several parts of the city, and sometimes by night, when he caused the whole city to be lighted. He likewise gave various things to be scrambled for among the people, and distributed to every man a basket of bread with other victuals. Upon this occasion, he sent his own share to a Roman knight, who was seated opposite to him, and was enjoying himself by eating heartily. To a senator, who was doing the same, he sent an appointment of praetor-extraordinary. He likewise exhibited a great number of Circensian games from morning until night; intermixed with the hunting of wild beasts from Africa, or the Trojan exhibition. Some of these games were celebrated with peculiar circumstances; the Circus being overspread with vermilion and chrysolite; and none drove in the chariot races who were not of the senatorian order. For some of these he suddenly gave the signal, when, upon his viewing from the Gelotiana the preparations in the Circus, he was asked to do so by a few persons in the neighbouring galleries.
XIX. He invented besides a new kind of spectacle, such as had never been heard of before. For he made a bridge, of about three miles and a half in length, from Baiae to the mole of Puteoli, collecting trading vessels from all quarters, mooring them in two rows by their anchors, and spreading earth upon them to form a viaduct, after the fashion of the Appian Way. This bridge he crossed and recrossed for two days together; the first day mounted on a horse richly caparisoned, wearing on his head a crown of oak leaves, armed with a battle-axe, a Spanish buckler and a sword, and in a cloak made of cloth of gold; the day following, in the habit of a charioteer, standing in a chariot, drawn by two high-bred horses, having with him a young boy, Darius by name, one of the Parthian hostages, with a cohort of the pretorian guards attending him, and a party of his friends in cars of Gaulish make. Most people, I know, are of opinion, that this bridge was designed by Caius, in imitation of Xerxes, who, to the astonishment of the world, laid a bridge over the Hellespont, which is somewhat narrower than the distance betwixt Baiae and Puteoli. Others, however, thought that he did it to strike terror in Germany and Britain, which he was upon the point of invading, by the fame of some prodigious work. But for myself, when I was a boy, I heard my grandfather say, that the reason assigned by some courtiers who were in habits of the greatest intimacy with him, was this; when Tiberius was in some anxiety about the nomination of a successor, and rather inclined to pitch upon his grandson, Thrasyllus the astrologer had assured him, "That Caius would no more be emperor, than he would ride on horseback across the gulf of Baiae."
XX. He likewise exhibited public diversions in Sicily, Grecian games at Syracuse, and Attic plays at Lyons in Gaul besides a contest for pre-eminence in the Grecian and Roman eloquence; in which we are told that such as were baffled bestowed rewards upon the best performers, and were obliged to compose speeches in their praise: but that those who performed the worst, were forced to blot out what they had written with a sponge or their tongue, unless they preferred to be beaten with a rod, or plunged over head and ears into the nearest river.
XXI. He completed the works which were left unfinished by Tiberius, namely, the temple of Augustus, and the theatre of Pompey. He began, likewise, the aqueduct from the neighbourhood of Tibur, and an amphitheatre near the Septa; of which works, one was completed by his successor Claudius, and the other remained as he left it. The walls of Syracuse, which had fallen to decay by length of time, he repaired, as he likewise did the temples of the gods. He formed plans for rebuilding the palace of Polycrates at Samos, finishing the temple of the Didymaean Apollo at Miletus, and building a town on a ridge of the Alps; but, above all, for cutting through the isthmus in Achaia; and even sent a centurion of the first rank to measure out the work.
XXII. Thus far we have spoken of him as a prince. What remains to be said of him, bespeaks him rather a monster than a man. He assumed a variety of titles, such as "Dutiful," "The Pious," "The Child of the Camp, the Father of the Armies," and "The Greatest and Best Caesar." Upon hearing some kings, who came to the city to pay him court, conversing together at supper, about their illustrious descent, he exclaimed,
Eis koiranos eto, eis basileus.
Let there be but one prince, one king.
He was strongly inclined to assume the diadem, and change the form of government, from imperial to regal; but being told that he far exceeded the grandeur of kings and princes, he began to arrogate to himself a divine majesty. He ordered all the images of the gods, which were famous either for their beauty, or the veneration paid them, among which was that of Jupiter Olympius, to be brought from Greece, that he might take the heads off, and put on his own. Having continued part of the Palatium as far as the Forum, and the temple of Castor and Pollux being converted into a kind of vestibule to his house, he often stationed himself between the twin brothers, and so presented himself to be worshipped by all votaries; some of whom saluted him by the name of Jupiter Latialis. He also instituted a temple and priests, with choicest victims, in honour of his own divinity. In his temple stood a statue of gold, the exact image of himself, which was daily dressed in garments corresponding with those he wore himself. The most opulent persons in the city offered themselves as candidates for the honour of being his priests, and purchased it successively at an immense price. The victims were flamingos, peacocks, bustards, guinea-fowls, turkey and pheasant hens, each sacrificed on their respective days. On nights when the moon was full, he was in the constant habit of inviting her to his embraces and his bed. In the day-time he talked in private to Jupiter Capitolinus; one while whispering to him, and another turning his ear to him: sometimes he spoke aloud, and in railing language. For he was overheard to threaten the god thus:
Hae em' anaeir', hae ego se;
Raise thou me up, or I'll—
until being at last prevailed upon by the entreaties of the god, as he said, to take up his abode with him, he built a bridge over the temple of the Deified Augustus, by which he joined the Palatium to the Capitol. Afterwards, that he might be still nearer, he laid the foundations of a new palace in the very court of the Capitol.
XXIII. He was unwilling to be thought or called the grandson of Agrippa, because of the obscurity of his birth; and he was offended if any one, either in prose or verse, ranked him amongst the Caesars. He said that his mother was the fruit of an incestuous commerce, maintained by Augustus with his daughter Julia. And not content with this vile reflection upon the memory of Augustus, he forbad his victories at Actium, and on the coast of Sicily, to be celebrated, as usual; affirming that they had been most pernicious and fatal to the Roman people. He called his grandmother Livia Augusta "Ulysses in a woman's dress," and had the indecency to reflect upon her in a letter to the senate, as of mean birth, and descended, by the mother's side, from a grandfather who was only one of the municipal magistrates of Fondi; whereas it is certain, from the public records, that Aufidius Lurco held high offices at Rome. His grandmother Antonia desiring a private conference with him, he refused to grant it, unless Macro, the prefect of the pretorian guards, were present. Indignities of this kind, and ill usage, were the cause of her death; but some think he also gave her poison. Nor did he pay the smallest respect to her memory after her death, but witnessed the burning from his private apartment. His brother Tiberius, who had no expectation of any violence, was suddenly dispatched by a military tribune sent by his order for that purpose. He forced Silanus, his father-in-law, to kill himself, by cutting his throat with a razor. The pretext he alleged for these murders was, that the latter had not followed him upon his putting to sea in stormy weather, but stayed behind with the view of seizing the city, if he should perish. The other, he said, smelt of an antidote, which he had taken to prevent his being poisoned by him; whereas Silanus was only afraid of being sea-sick, and the disagreeableness of a voyage; and Tiberius had merely taken a medicine for an habitual cough, which was continually growing worse. As for his successor Claudius, he only saved him for a laughing-stock.
From S. Baring Gould:
The question may be asked by the reader, Why are we to trust Suetonius in his statements relative to the cruelty of Caligula and to reject those relative to the cruelty of Tiberius? The statements rest on totally different grounds. The latter gives us no evidence but hearsay of cruelties committed in Capreae, and names but two officers there tried and condemned to death. All the executions that took place in Rome took place by order of the senate, and the majority when Tiberius was not there. With Caius it was otherwise. The narratives of Suetonius and Dio are in full accord with what we know of Caligula from contemporaries, Philo the Jew and Seneca, the latter of whom gives us instances of his cruelty as bad as any story in Suetonius, and not as mere gossip; for he names the sufferers, and distinctly informs us that the executions were ordered by the prince, and were frequently carried out under his own eye.
But that is not all. The accounts we have of Tiberius come to us from a partisan source, they are all tinctured with hatred of the Claudian house. On the other hand, the accounts we have of Caius and the same applies to Nero are furnished us by the men of their party, men who would, if they could, whitewash their memories and condone their acts, for Caius and Nero were of the Julian and not of the Claudian family, and the writers laboured under disappointment at the failure of these representatives, and were not inflamed with party malice against them.
Tiberius at his death left the exchequer well filled. It contained two thousand seven hundred millions of sesterces, amassed by his frugality and prudent administration. All this Caius squandered in less than a twelvemonth. Then, being in want of money, he had recourse to plundering the wealthy - by false accusation and confiscation, and the people generally by taxation, Like a child he did not know the value of money.
Dio says of him that he was always uncertain, and flying from one extreme to another. 'Sometimes he liked to see people, sometimes to be alone. He was vexed when asked a favour, vexed when not asked one. He was energetic in some things, in others dilatory. He spent with limitless prodigality, but he also amassed with the most sordid greed. Sometimes he liked liberties to be taken with him, and flattery; at other times resented both. Sometimes he forgave the gravest faults, sometimes, and more often, put to death those who had committed none. His favourites he loaded with favours, at other times he treated the same men with the utmost contempt; so that no one knew what to say or to do to please him ; and if there were some who kept in his good graces, it was due to accident rather than to their talents.'
Compare with this the testimony of Philo, a contemporary. 'No one could trust his mood. When he had done a favour, he regretted it immediately, and sought means not only to take back what he had given, but to make it to be repaid with usury by the greatest wrongs. Thus, sometimes he delivered from prison certain persons and soon after sent them back again, adding to their former misery the despair of knowing that they could never expect mercy. There were cases where he banished those who were in hourly expectation of sentence of death from so inexorable and cruel a judge. Then, when they were settling into happiness in their exile, and believing they had nothing more to fear, he sent orders for their execution. If he gave a largess to any one, he made that man return it, not as money lent on interest, but he exacted it as a sum of which he had been robbed, and accordingly the unhappy recipient was mulcted of all he had. Those who stood highest in his favour he ruined under the pretext of showing them a kindness, by dragging them about after him in his journeys undertaken capriciously, all of a sudden, at the first freak of his fancy, or by inviting himself to their table and forcing them to spend all they had, and involve themselves in debt to entertain him suitably. Consequently those who were prudent dreaded his favours as traps laid for their destruction.'
Seneca, another contemporary, says : 'He had a number of senators and Roman knights whipped and put to very cruel tortures in his presence, not that he expected to get any information out of them relative to a conspiracy, but simply because it amused him to see them suffer. Once he had some decapitated by torchlight whilst he was walking in a garden alley looking on. His cruelty did not allow him to postpone to the morrow the pleasure of an execution. He was the first to submit senators to torture. But it was a small matter for Caius to put senators to death like slaves, with whips and fires he who daily exercised himself in cruelties, who only lived and thought to shed blood, who indeed once formed the plan to massacre the whole senate, and who wished that the Roman people had but one neck, that he might cut it through at once and so sum into one the crimes he was obliged to commit in detail and in different places.'
There is absolute unanimity in the accounts we have of Caius; those of contemporaries agree in the portrait with which we are presented by the historians who wrote at a much subsequent period. This is not the case with Tiberius. There is not a particle of contemporary evidence against him.
Caius gave orders for executions in Rome, in many cases without a form of trial. In his mad pride he strove to elevate the imperium into an oriental despotism. In the times of Augustus and Tiberius the empire had been disguised under modest forms, but under Caligula absolute power appeared in all its pride and recklessness.
On the Palatine, the seat of the Rome of Romulus, Augustus had possessed a simple dwelling unmarked by splendour, recognisable only by the withered wreath of oak leaves that swung above the door. Tiberius had added his palace beside that of Augustus; it was large but not sumptuous. But Caligula ordered all the houses, in what was one of the finest quarters of Rome, to be levelled, that he might build on their site a splendid palace and temples over against the Capitol. Augustus bought the houses that stood in the way when he desired to extend the forum. Caius seized on the patrimony and ancestral mansions of the nobles because he wanted them, and gave no compensation.
But now, intoxicated with power and elevation, he became convinced of his own deification. That same 'assurance' which a selfrighteous Christian professes, came over the pagan madman. We must not suppose that he and the Romans of his time had a conception of deity such as is ours. With them there was a certain afflatus, an inspiration, an exaltation into a condition of spiritual superiority to other mortals. And this is what Caius professed. Not content with having a temple to himself, in which stood his image of solid gold, he constituted himself his own priest and worshipper, which is what a great many people do practically now, though they have not the means of proclaiming it to all the world as had Caligula. This was a form of oriental extravagance. On some of the monuments of Egypt we see Rameses the king offering his oblations to Rameses the god. The temple of the Dioscuri, the three graceful columns of which now rise above the exhumed forum, served as vestibule to his palace, and Caius would descend into the temple and seat himself between the statues of the divine brothers to receive along with them the adoration of the people.
Philo tells us the line of reason Caius pursued: 'If the shepherds are of a different order from the sheep they pasture, and the bullockdrivers from the cattle under their rods, then I must be distinct and superior in kind to the mortals I rule.' This notion, according to Dio, was put into his head by Herod Agrippa and Antiochus of Commagene.
He professed to be in constant communication with Jupiter Capitolinus, and would mutter as he walked, and pretend he was talking to the god, and hold his ear on one side and twist his brows with attention, and profess at such moments to be listening to the reply of the deity.
He assumed a beard of finely beaten gold thread, and passed along the streets thus adorned to be saluted as Jupiter; then he would appear with wings at his heels and adjusted to his cap, to represent Mercury; then with a bow and a quiver, his head surrounded by flashing rays, as Apollo. It was even said that he attempted to pass himself off, in appropriate costume, as one or other of the goddesses. But he was jealous of the supremacy of Jupiter, and he contrived a machine to rumble like thunder and emit flashes as lightning; then shouting, 'Kill me or I will kill thee !' he shot stones at the sky from a ballista.
The story which if not true 'e ben trovato' is told that a Gaul once seeing him seated on a throne with his gold beard on, burst out laughing. Caius sent for him and asked, 'Do you know who I am ?'
'Most certainly,' replied the barbarian, with homely honesty, 'you are an arrant fool.'
'Who is this man ?' asked Caius. He was told that he was a cobbler. The would-be god waved him away. To take vengeance on a shoemaker was beneath his dignity.
The moon, he declared, was his wife, and when he could not sleep, in his nightly rambles in his porticos, where the white light lay in flakes, or in the garden where it lay in sheets as snow, he looked up at the silver orb, and maintained converse with her.
From S. Baring Gould's Tragedy of the Caesars.
XXIV. He lived in the habit of incest with all his sisters; and at table, when much company was present, he placed each of them in turns below him, whilst his wife reclined above him. It is believed, that he deflowered one of them, Drusilla, before he had assumed the robe of manhood; and was even caught in her embraces by his grandmother Antonia, with whom they were educated together. When she was afterwards married to Cassius Longinus, a man of consular rank, he took her from him, and kept her constantly as if she were his lawful wife. In a fit of sickness, he by his will appointed her heiress both of his estate and the empire. After her death, he ordered a public mourning for her; during which it was capital for any person to laugh, use the bath, or sup with his parents, wife, or children. Being inconsolable under his affliction, he went hastily, and in the night-time, from the City; going through Campania to Syracuse, and then suddenly returned without shaving his beard, or trimming his hair. Nor did he ever afterwards, in matters of the greatest importance, not even in the assemblies of the people or before the soldiers, swear any otherwise, than "By the divinity of Drusilla." The rest of his sisters he did not treat with so much fondness or regard; but frequently prostituted them to his catamites. He therefore the more readily condemned them in the case of Aemilius Lepidus, as guilty of adultery, and privy to that conspiracy against him. Nor did he only divulge their own hand-writing relative to the affair, which he procured by base and lewd means, but likewise consecrated to Mars the Avenger three swords which had been prepared to stab him, with an inscription, setting forth the occasion of their consecration.
XXV. Whether in the marriage of his wives, in repudiating them, or retaining them, he acted with greater infamy, it is difficult to say. Being at the wedding of Caius Piso with Livia Orestilla, he ordered the bride to be carried to his own house, but within a few days divorced her, and two years after banished her; because it was thought, that upon her divorce she returned to the embraces of her former husband. Some say, that being invited to the wedding-supper, he sent a messenger to Piso, who sat opposite to him, in these words: "Do not be too fond with my wife," and that he immediately carried her off. Next day he published a proclamation, importing, "That he had got a wife as Romulus and Augustus had done." Lollia Paulina, who was married to a man of consular rank in command of an army, he suddenly called from the province where she was with her husband, upon mention being made that her grandmother was formerly very beautiful, and married her; but he soon afterwards parted with her, interdicting her from having ever afterwards any commerce with man. He loved with a most passionate and constant affection Caesonia, who was neither handsome nor young; and was besides the mother of three daughters by another man; but a wanton of unbounded lasciviousness. Her he would frequently exhibit to the soldiers, dressed in a military cloak, with shield and helmet, and riding by his side. To his friends he even showed her naked. After she had a child, he honoured her with the title of wife; in one and the same day, declaring himself her husband, and father of the child of which she was delivered. He named it Julia Drusilla, and carrying it round the temples of all the goddesses, laid it on the lap of Minerva; to whom he recommended the care of bringing up and instructing her. He considered her as his own child for no better reason than her savage temper, which was such even in her infancy, that she would attack with her nails the face and eyes of the children at play with her.
XXVI. It would be of little importance, as well as disgusting, to add to all this an account of the manner in which he treated his relations and friends; as Ptolemy, king Juba's son, his cousin (for he was the grandson of Mark Antony by his daughter Selene), and especially Macro himself, and Ennia likewise, by whose assistance he had obtained the empire; all of whom, for their alliance and eminent services, he rewarded with violent deaths. Nor was he more mild or respectful in his behaviour towards the senate. Some who had borne the highest offices in the government, he suffered to run by his litter in their togas for several miles together, and to attend him at supper, sometimes at the head of his couch, sometimes at his feet, with napkins. Others of them, after he had privately put them to death, he nevertheless continued to send for, as if they were still alive, and after a few days pretended that they had laid violent hands upon themselves. The consuls having forgotten to give public notice of his birth-day, he displaced them; and the republic was three days without any one in that high office. A quaestor who was said to be concerned in a conspiracy against him, he scourged severely, having first stripped off his clothes, and spread them under the feet of the soldiers employed in the work, that they might stand the more firm. The other orders likewise he treated with the same insolence and violence. Being disturbed by the noise of people taking their places at midnight in the circus, as they were to have free admission, he drove them all away with clubs. In this tumult, above twenty Roman knights were squeezed to death, with as many matrons, with a great crowd besides. When stage-plays were acted, to occasion disputes between the people and the knights, he distributed the money-tickets sooner than usual, that the seats assigned to the knights might be all occupied by the mob. In the spectacles of gladiators, sometimes, when the sun was violently hot, he would order the curtains, which covered the amphitheatre, to be drawn aside, and forbad any person to be let out; withdrawing at the same time the usual apparatus for the entertainment, and presenting wild beasts almost pined to death, the most sorry gladiators, decrepit with age, and fit only to work the machinery, and decent house-keepers, who were remarkable for some bodily infirmity. Sometimes shutting up the public granaries, he would oblige the people to starve for a while.
Gladiators--Zliten Mosaic--Wikimedia
From Dio:
10. The following acts of his met with the censure of everybody alike. He caused great numbers of men to fight as gladiators, forcing them to contend both singly and in groups drawn up in a kind of battle array. He had asked permission of the senate to do this, so that he was able to do anything he wished even contrary to what was provided by law, and thus put many people to death, among others twenty-six knights, some of whom had devoured their living, while others had merely practised gladiatorial combat. It was not the large number of those who perished that was so serious, though that was serious enough, but his excessive delight in their death and his insatiable desire for the sight of blood. The same trait of cruelty led him once, when there was a shortage of condemned criminals to be given to the wild beasts, to order that some of the mob standing near the benches should be seized and thrown to them; and to prevent the possibility of their making an outcry or uttering any reproaches, he first caused their tongues to be cut out. Moreover he compelled one of the prominent knights to fight in single combat on the charge of having insulted his mother Agrippina, and when the man proved victorious, handed him over to his accusers and caused him to be slain. And the manʹs father, though guilty of no crime, he confined in a cage, as, indeed, he had treated many others, and there put an end to him. He held these contests at first in the Saepta, after excavating the whole site and filling it with water, to enable him to bring in a single ship, but later he transferred them to another place, where he had demolished a great many large buildings and erected wooden stands; for he despised the theatre of Taurus. For all this he was censured, because of the expense and also of the bloodshed involved. He was blamed likewise for compelling Macro together with Ennia to take their own lives, remembering neither the affection of the latter nor the benefits of the former, who had, among other things, assisted him to win the throne for himself alone; nor did the fact that he had appointed Macro to govern Egypt have the slightest influence. He even involved him in a scandal, in which he himself had the greatest share, by bringing against him among other charges that of playing the pander. Thereupon many others were executed, some after being sentenced and some even before being convicted. Nominally they were punished because of the wrongs done to his parents or to his brothers or the others who had perished on their account, but in reality it was because of their property; for the treasury had become exhausted and he never could have enough. Such persons were convicted on the evidence not only the witnesses who appeared against them but also of the papers which he once declared he had burned. Others, again, owed their ruin to the emperorʹs illness of the preceding year and to the death of his sister Drusilla, since, among other things, any one who had entertained or had greeted another, or even had bathed during those days, incurred punishment.
From Dio's History of Rome.
XXVII. He evinced the savage barbarity of his temper chiefly by the following indications. When flesh was only to be had at a high price for feeding his wild beasts reserved for the spectacles, he ordered that criminals should be given them to be devoured; and upon inspecting them in a row, while he stood in the middle of the portico, without troubling himself to examine their cases he ordered them to be dragged away, from "bald-pate to bald-pate." Of one person who had made a vow for his recovery to combat with a gladiator, he exacted its performance; nor would he allow him to desist until he came off conqueror, and after many entreaties. Another, who had vowed to give his life for the same cause, having shrunk from the sacrifice, he delivered, adorned as a victim, with garlands and fillets, to boys, who were to drive him through the streets, calling on him to fulfil his vow, until he was thrown headlong from the ramparts. After disfiguring many persons of honourable rank, by branding them in the face with hot irons, he condemned them to the mines, to work in repairing the high-ways, or to fight with wild beasts; or tying them by the neck and heels, in the manner of beasts carried to slaughter, would shut them up in cages, or saw them asunder. Nor were these severities merely inflicted for crimes of great enormity, but for making remarks on his public games, or for not having sworn by the Genius of the emperor. He compelled parents to be present at the execution of their sons; and to one who excused himself on account of indisposition, he sent his own litter. Another he invited to his table immediately after he had witnessed the spectacle, and coolly challenged him to jest and be merry. He ordered the overseer of the spectacles and wild beasts to be scourged in fetters, during several days successively, in his own presence, and did not put him to death until he was disgusted with the stench of his putrefied brain. He burned alive, in the centre of the arena of the amphitheatre, the writer of a farce, for some witty verse, which had a double meaning. A Roman knight, who had been exposed to the wild beasts, crying out that he was innocent, he called him back, and having had his tongue cut out, remanded him to the arena.

From S. Baring Gould:
One knight, who for some offence had been ordered to be exposed to wild beasts in the arena, cried out that he was innocent. The emperor summoned him to the imperial box, had his tongue cut out, and then sent him back to be finished by the tigers. As a variety to the monotony of the spectacles, he had the writer of a farce burned alive in the midst of the amphitheatre because he suspected that certain lines in the play were levelled at him. He condescended occasionally himself to enter the arena. On one such occasion he contended with a gladiator, who parried all the blows of his assailant and forbore inflicting a wound. When Caius was exhausted and weary, the gladiator knelt to ask his forgiveness. The young ruffian at once seized the opportunity to stab him, and then, flourishing a palm-branch, declared himself the victor in the games. On one occasion, when the number of criminals condemned to fight with beasts was insufficient, he suddenly commanded some of the spectators to be dragged from the benches into the arena and opposed defenceless to the lions.
'When flesh was to be had only at a high price for feeding the wild beasts reserved for the spectacles, he ordered that criminals should be given to them to be devoured, and upon inspecting the accused in a row, whilst he stood in the portico, without troubling himself to examine their cases, he ordered all to be dragged away without distinction. After disfiguring many persons of honourable rank, by branding them in the face with hot irons, he condemned them to the mines, or to work at the repairs of the high roads, or to fight with wild beasts; or else, tying them by the neck and heels, he would shut them up in cages, or saw them asunder. He compelled parents to witness the execution of their sons; and to one who excused himself on the plea of indisposition, he sent his own litter. Another he invited to his table immediately after he had witnessed the spectacle, and coolly challenged him to jest and be merry.'
From S. Baring Gould's Tragedy of the Caesars.
XXVIII. Asking a certain person, whom he recalled after a long exile, how he used to spend his time, he replied, with flattery, "I was always praying the gods for what has happened, that Tiberius might die, and you be emperor." Concluding, therefore, that those he had himself banished also prayed for his death, he sent orders round the islands to have them all put to death. Being very desirous to have a senator torn to pieces, he employed some persons to call him a public enemy, fall upon him as he entered the senate-house, stab him with their styles, and deliver him to the rest to tear asunder. Nor was he satisfied, until he saw the limbs and bowels of the man, after they had been dragged through the streets, piled up in a heap before him.
XXIX. He aggravated his barbarous actions by language equally outrageous. "There is nothing in my nature," said he, "that I commend or approve so much, as my adiatrepsia (inflexible rigour)." Upon his grandmother Antonia's giving him some advice, as if it was a small matter to pay no regard to it, he said to her, "Remember that all things are lawful for me." When about to murder his brother, whom he suspected of taking antidotes against poison, he said, "See then an antidote against Caesar!" And when he banished his sisters, he told them in a menacing tone, that he had not only islands at command, but likewise swords. One of pretorian rank having sent several times from Anticyra, whither he had gone for his health, to have his leave of absence prolonged, he ordered him to be put to death; adding these words "Bleeding is necessary for one that has taken hellebore so long, and found no benefit." It was his custom every tenth day to sign the lists of prisoners appointed for execution; and this he called "clearing his accounts." And having condemned several Gauls and Greeks at one time, he exclaimed in triumph, "I have conquered Gallograecia."
XXX. He generally prolonged the sufferings of his victims by causing them to be inflicted by slight and frequently repeated strokes; this being his well-known and constant order: "Strike so that he may feel himself die." Having punished one person for another, by mistaking his name, he said, "he deserved it quite as much." He had frequently in his mouth these words of the tragedian,
Oderint dum metuant.
I scorn their hatred, if they do but fear me.
He would often inveigh against all the senators without exception, as clients of Sejanus, and informers against his mother and brothers, producing the memorials which he had pretended to burn, and excusing the cruelty of Tiberius as necessary, since it was impossible to question the veracity of such a number of accusers. He continually reproached the whole equestrian order, as devoting themselves to nothing but acting on the stage, and fighting as gladiators. Being incensed at the people's applauding a party at the Circensian games in opposition to him, he exclaimed, "I wish the Roman people had but one neck." When Tetrinius, the highwayman, was denounced, he said his persecutors too were all Tetrinius's. Five Retiarii, in tunics, fighting in a company, yielded without a struggle to the same number of opponents; and being ordered to be slain, one of them taking up his lance again, killed all the conquerors. This he lamented in a proclamation as a most cruel butchery, and cursed all those who had borne the sight of it.
XXXI. He used also to complain aloud of the state of the times, because it was not rendered remarkable by any public calamities; for, while the reign of Augustus had been made memorable to posterity by the disaster of Varus, and that of Tiberius by the fall of the theatre at Fidenae, his was likely to pass into oblivion, from an uninterrupted series of prosperity. And, at times, he wished for some terrible slaughter of his troops, a famine, a pestilence, conflagrations, or an earthquake.
XXXII. Even in the midst of his diversions, while gaming or feasting, this savage ferocity, both in his language and actions, never forsook him. Persons were often put to the torture in his presence, whilst he was dining or carousing. A soldier, who was an adept in the art of beheading, used at such times to take off the heads of prisoners, who were brought in for that purpose. At Puteoli, at the dedication of the bridge which he planned, as already mentioned, he invited a number of people to come to him from the shore, and then suddenly, threw them headlong into the sea; thrusting down with poles and oars those who, to save themselves, had got hold of the rudders of the ships. At Rome, in a public feast, a slave having stolen some thin plates of silver with which the couches were inlaid, he delivered him immediately to an executioner, with orders to cut off his hands, and lead him round the guests, with them hanging from his neck before his breast, and a label, signifying the cause of his punishment. A gladiator who was practising with him, and voluntarily threw himself at his feet, he stabbed with a poniard, and then ran about with a palm branch in his hand, after the manner of those who are victorious in the games. When a victim was to be offered upon an altar, he, clad in the habit of the Popae, and holding the axe aloft for a while, at last, instead of the animal, slaughtered an officer who attended to cut up the sacrifice. And at a sumptuous entertainment, he fell suddenly into a violent fit of laughter, and upon the consuls, who reclined next to him, respectfully asking him the occasion, "Nothing," replied he, "but that, upon a single nod of mine, you might both have your throats cut."
XXXIII. Among many other jests, this was one: As he stood by the statue of Jupiter, he asked Apelles, the tragedian, which of them he thought was biggest? Upon his demurring about it, he lashed him most severely, now and then commending his voice, whilst he entreated for mercy, as being well modulated even when he was venting his grief. As often as he kissed the neck of his wife or mistress, he would say, "So beautiful a throat must be cut whenever I please;" and now and then he would threaten to put his dear Caesonia to the torture, that he might discover why he loved her so passionately.
XXXIV. In his behaviour towards men of almost all ages, he discovered a degree of jealousy and malignity equal to that of his cruelty and pride. He so demolished and dispersed the statues of several illustrious persons, which had been removed by Augustus, for want of room, from the court of the Capitol into the Campus Martius, that it was impossible to set them up again with their inscriptions entire. And, for the future, he forbad any statue whatever to be erected without his knowledge and leave. He had thoughts too of suppressing Homer's poems: "For why," said he, "may not I do what Plato has done before me, who excluded him from his commonwealth?" He was likewise very near banishing the writings and the busts of Virgil and Livy from all libraries; censuring one of them as "a man of no genius and very little learning;" and the other as "a verbose and careless historian." He often talked of the lawyers as if he intended to abolish their profession. "By Hercules!" he would say, "I shall put it out of their power to answer any questions in law, otherwise than by referring to me!"
XXXV. He took from the noblest persons in the city the ancient marks of distinction used by their families; as the collar from Torquatus; from Cincinnatus the curl of hair; and from Cneius Pompey, the surname of Great, belonging to that ancient family. Ptolemy, mentioned before, whom he invited from his kingdom, and received with great honours, he suddenly put to death, for no other reason, but because he observed that upon entering the theatre, at a public exhibition, he attracted the eyes of all the spectators, by the splendour of his purple robe. As often as he met with handsome men, who had fine heads of hair, he would order the back of their heads to be shaved, to make them appear ridiculous. There was one Esius Proculus, the son of a centurion of the first rank, who, for his great stature and fine proportions, was called the Colossal. Him he ordered to be dragged from his seat in the arena, and matched with a gladiator in light armour, and afterwards with another completely armed; and upon his worsting them both, commanded him forthwith to be bound, to be led clothed in rags up and down the streets of the city, and, after being exhibited in that plight to the women, to be then butchered. There was no man of so abject or mean condition, whose excellency in any kind he did not envy. The Rex Nemorensis having many years enjoyed the honour of the priesthood, he procured a still stronger antagonist to oppose him. One Porius, who fought in a chariot, having been victorious in an exhibition, and in his joy given freedom to a slave, was applauded so vehemently, that Caligula rose in such haste from his seat, that, treading upon the hem of his toga, he tumbled down the steps, full of indignation, and crying out, "A people who are masters of the world, pay greater respect to a gladiator for a trifle, than to princes admitted amongst the gods, or to my own majesty here present amongst them."
XXXVI. He never had the least regard either to the chastity of his own person, or that of others. He is said to have been inflamed with an unnatural passion for Marcus Lepidus Mnester, an actor in pantomimes, and for certain hostages; and to have engaged with them in the practice of mutual pollution. Valerius Catullus, a young man of a consular family, bawled aloud in public that he had been exhausted by him in that abominable act. Besides his incest with his sisters, and his notorious passion for Pyrallis, the prostitute, there was hardly any lady of distinction with whom he did not make free. He used commonly to invite them with their husbands to supper, and as they passed by the couch on which he reclined at table, examine them very closely, like those who traffic in slaves; and if any one from modesty held down her face, he raised it up with his hand. Afterwards, as often as he was in the humour, he would quit the room, send for her he liked best, and in a short time return with marks of recent disorder about them. He would then commend or disparage her in the presence of the company, recounting the charms or defects of her person and behaviour in private. To some he sent a divorce in the name of their absent husbands, and ordered it to be registered in the public acts.
XXXVII. In the devices of his profuse expenditure, he surpassed all the prodigals that ever lived; inventing a new kind of bath, with strange dishes and suppers, washing in precious unguents, both warm and cold, drinking pearls of immense value dissolved in vinegar, and serving up for his guests loaves and other victuals modelled in gold; often saying, "that a man ought either to be a good economist or an emperor." Besides, he scattered money to a prodigious amount among the people, from the top of the Julian Basilica, during several days successively. He built two ships with ten banks of oars, after the Liburnian fashion, the poops of which blazed with jewels, and the sails were of various parti-colours. They were fitted up with ample baths, galleries, and saloons, and supplied with a great variety of vines and other fruit-trees. In these he would sail in the day-time along the coast of Campania, feasting amidst dancing and concerts of music. In building his palaces and villas, there was nothing he desired to effect so much, in defiance of all reason, as what was considered impossible. Accordingly, moles were formed in the deep and adverse sea, rocks of the hardest stone cut away, plains raised to the height of mountains with a vast mass of earth, and the tops of mountains levelled by digging; and all these were to be executed with incredible speed, for the least remissness was a capital offence. Not to mention particulars, he spent enormous sums, and the whole treasures which had been amassed by Tiberius Caesar, amounting to two thousand seven hundred millions of sesterces, within less than a year.
XXXVIII. Having therefore quite exhausted these funds, and being in want of money, he had recourse to plundering the people, by every mode of false accusation, confiscation, and taxation, that could be invented. He declared that no one had any right to the freedom of Rome, although their ancestors had acquired it for themselves and their posterity, unless they were sons; for that none beyond that degree ought to be considered as posterity. When the grants of the Divine Julius and Augustus were produced to him, he only said, that he was very sorry they were obsolete and out of date. He also charged all those with making false returns, who, after the taking of the census, had by any means whatever increased their property. He annulled the wills of all who had been centurions of the first rank, as testimonies of their base ingratitude, if from the beginning of Tiberius's reign they had not left either that prince or himself their heir. He also set aside the wills of all others, if any person only pretended to say, that they designed at their death to leave Caesar their heir. The public becoming terrified at this proceeding, he was now appointed joint-heir with their friends, and in the case of parents with their children, by persons unknown to him. Those who lived any considerable time after making such a will, he said, were only making game of him; and accordingly he sent many of them poisoned cakes. He used to try such causes himself; fixing previously the sum he proposed to raise during the sitting, and, after he had secured it, quitting the tribunal. Impatient of the least delay, he condemned by a single sentence forty persons, against whom there were different charges; boasting to Caesonia when she awoke, "how much business he had dispatched while she was taking her mid-day sleep." He exposed to sale by auction, the remains of the apparatus used in the public spectacles; and exacted such biddings, and raised the prices so high, that some of the purchasers were ruined, and bled themselves to death. There is a well-known story told of Aponius Saturninus, who happening to fall asleep as he sat on a bench at the sale, Caius called out to the auctioneer, not to overlook the praetorian personage who nodded to him so often; and accordingly the salesman went on, pretending to take the nods for tokens of assent, until thirteen gladiators were knocked down to him at the sum of nine millions of sesterces, he being in total ignorance of what was doing.
XXXIX. Having also sold in Gaul all the clothes, furniture, slaves, and even freedmen belonging to his sisters, at prodigious prices, after their condemnation, he was so much delighted with his gains, that he sent to Rome for all the furniture of the old palace; pressing for its conveyance all the carriages let to hire in the city, with the horses and mules belonging to the bakers, so that they often wanted bread at Rome; and many who had suits at law in progress, lost their causes, because they could not make their appearance in due time according to their recognizances. In the sale of this furniture, every artifice of fraud and imposition was employed. Sometimes he would rail at the bidders for being niggardly, and ask them "if they were not ashamed to be richer than he was?" at another, he would affect to be sorry that the property of princes should be passing into the hands of private persons. He had found out that a rich provincial had given two hundred thousand sesterces to his chamberlains for an underhand invitation to his table, and he was much pleased to find that honour valued at so high a rate. The day following, as the same person was sitting at the sale, he sent him some bauble, for which he told him he must pay two hundred thousand sesterces, and "that he should sup with Caesar upon his own invitation."
XL. He levied new taxes, and such as were never before known, at first by the publicans, but afterwards, because their profit was enormous, by centurions and tribunes of the pretorian guards; no description of property or persons being exempted from some kind of tax or other. For all eatables brought into the city, a certain excise was exacted: for all law-suits or trials in whatever court, the fortieth part of the sum in dispute; and such as were convicted of compromising litigations, were made liable to a penalty. Out of the daily wages of the porters, he received an eighth, and from the gains of common prostitutes, what they received for one favour granted. There was a clause in the law, that all bawds who kept women for prostitution or sale, should be liable to pay, and that marriage itself should not be exempted.
XLI. These taxes being imposed, but the act by which they were levied never submitted to public inspection, great grievances were experienced from the want of sufficient knowledge of the law. At length, on the urgent demands of the Roman people, he published the law, but it was written in a very small hand, and posted up in a corner, so that no one could make a copy of it. To leave no sort of gain untried, he opened brothels in the Palatium, with a number of cells, furnished suitably to the dignity of the place; in which married women and free-born youths were ready for the reception of visitors. He sent likewise his nomenclators about the forums and courts, to invite people of all ages, the old as well as the young, to his brothel, to come and satisfy their lusts; and he was ready to lend his customers money upon interest; clerks attending to take down their names in public, as persons who contributed to the emperor's revenue. Another method of raising money, which he thought not below his notice, was gaming; which, by the help of lying and perjury, he turned to considerable account. Leaving once the management of his play to his partner in the game, he stepped into the court, and observing two rich Roman knights passing by, he ordered them immediately to be seized, and their estates confiscated. Then returning, in great glee, he boasted that he had never made a better throw in his life.
From Dio:
21. Gaius had now spent practically all the money in Rome and the rest of Italy, gathered from every source from which he could in any way get it, and as no source of revenue in considerable amount or practicable to collect could be found there, and his expenses were pressing him hard, he set out for Gaul, ostensibly because the hostile Germans were stirring up trouble, but in reality with the purpose of exploiting both Gaul with its abounding wealth and Spain also. However, he did not openly announce his expedition beforehand, but went first to one of the suburbs and then suddenly set out on the journey, taking with him many actors, many gladiators, horses, women, and all the other trappings of luxury. When he reached his destination, he did no harm to any of the enemy -- in fact, as soon as he had proceeded a short distance beyond the Rhine, he returned, and then set out as if to conduct a campaign against Britain, but turned back from the oceanʹs edge, showing no little vexation at his lieutenants who won some slight success -- but upon the subject peoples, the allies, and the citizens he inflicted vast and innumerable ills. In the first place, he despoiled those who possessed anything, on any and every excuse; and secondly, both private citizens and cities brought him large gifts voluntarily, as it was made to appear. He murdered some men on the ground that they were rebelling, and others on the ground that they were conspiring against him; but the real complaint was one and the same for the whole people -- the fact that they were rich. By selling their possessions himself, he realized far greater sums than would otherwise have been the case; for everybody was compelled to buy them at any price and for much more than their value, for the reasons I have mentioned. Accordingly, he sent also for the finest and most precious heirlooms of the monarchy and sold them off by auction, selling with them the fame of the persons who had once used them. Thus he would make some comment on each one, such as, ʺthis belonged to my father,ʺ ʺthis to my mother,ʺ ʺthis to my grandfather,ʺ, ʺthis to my great-grandfather,ʺ ʺthis Egyptian piece was Antonyʹs, the prize of victory for Augustus.ʺ At the same time he also explained the necessity of selling them, so that no one could persist in pretending to be poor; and thus he made them buy the reputation of each article along with the thing itself.
22. In spite of all this he did not secure any surplus, but kept up his customary expenditures, not only for other objects that interested him -- exhibiting, for example, some games at Lugdunum -- but especially for the legions. For he had gathered together two hundred thousand troops, or, as some say, two hundred and fifty thousand. He was acclaimed imperator by them seven times, as his whim directed, though he had won no battle and slain no enemy. To be sure, he did once by a ruse seize and bind a few of the foe, whereas he used up a large part of his own force, striking some of them down one at a time and butchering others then masse. Thus, on one occasion, when he saw a crowd of prisoners or some other persons, he gave orders in the famous phrase, that they should all be slain ʺfrom baldhead to baldhead.ʺ At another time he was playing at dice, and finding that he had no money, he called for the census lists of the Gauls and ordered the wealthiest of them to be put to death; then, returning to his fellow-gamesters, he said: ʺHere you are playing for a few denarii, while I have taken in a good one hundred and fifty millions.ʺ So these men perished without any consideration. Indeed, one of them, Julius Sacerdos, who was fairly well off, yet not so extremely wealthy as to become the object of attack on that account, was slain simply because of a similarity of names. This shows how carelessly everything was done. As for the others who perished, there is no need of my naming over most of them, but I will mention those of whom history requires some record. In the first place, then, he put to death Lentulus Gaetulicus, who had an excellent reputation in every way and had been governor of Germany for ten years, for the reason that he was endeared to the soldiers. Another of his victims was Lepidus, that lover and favourite of his, the husband of Drusilla, the man who had together with Gaius maintained improper relations with the emperorʹs other sisters, Agrippina and Julia, the man whom he had allowed to stand for office five years earlier than was permitted by law and whom he kept declaring he would leave as his successor to the throne. To celebrate this manʹs death he gave the soldiers money, as though he had defeated some enemies, and sent three daggers to Mars Ultor in Rome. He deported his sisters to the Pontian Islands because of their relations with Lepidus, having first accused them in a communication to the senate of many impious and immoral actions. Agrippina was given Lepidusʹ bones in an urn and bidden to carry it back to Rome, keeping it in her bosom during the whole journey. Also, since many honours had been voted earlier to his sisters manifestly on his act, he forbade the awarding of other distinctions to any of his relatives.
23. He sent a report about these matters to the senate at the time, just as if had escaped some great plot; for he was always pretending to be in danger and to be leading a miserable existence. The senators, on being apprised of it, voted him an ovation among other things, and they sent envoys to announce their action, choosing some of them by lot, but directly appointing Claudius. This also displeased Gaius, to such an extent that he again forbade the bestowing of anything involving praise or honour upon his relatives; and he felt, besides, that he had not been honoured as he deserved. For that matter, he always counted as naught all the honours that were granted to him. It irritated him to have small distinctions voted, since that implied a slight, and greater distinctions irritated him also, since thus the possibility of further honours seemed to be taken from him. For he did not for a moment wish it to appear that anything that brought him honour was in the power of the senators, since that would imply that they were his superiors and could grant him favours as if he were their inferior. For this reason he frequently found fault with various honours conferred upon him, on the ground that they did not increase his splendour but rather destroyed his power. And yet, though he felt thus, he used to become angry with them if it ever seemed that they had voted to him less than he deserved. So capricious was he; and no one could easily suit him. Accordingly, he would not, for these reasons, receive all the above-mentioned envoys, affecting to mistrust them as spies, but chose a few, and sent the rest back before they reached Gaul. And even those whom he admitted to his presence he did not deign to treat with any respect; indeed, he would have killed Claudius, had he not felt contempt for him, inasmuch as the latter, partly by his nature and partly by deliberate intent, gave the impression of great stupidity. But when another embassy was sent out larger than before (for he had complained among other things of the small size of the first) and brought word that many marks of distinction had been voted to him, he received them gladly, even going forth to meet them, and for this very action he received fresh honours at their hands; but this happened later.
From Dio's History of Rome.
XLII. After the birth of his daughter, complaining of his poverty, and the burdens to which he was subjected, not only as an emperor, but a father, he made a general collection for her maintenance and fortune. He likewise gave public notice, that he would receive new-year's gifts on the calends of January following; and accordingly stood in the vestibule of his house, to clutch the presents which people of all ranks threw down before him by handfuls and lapfuls. At last, being seized with an invincible desire of feeling money, taking off his slippers, he repeatedly walked over great heaps of gold coin spread upon the spacious floor, and then laying himself down, rolled his whole body in gold over and over again.
XLIII. Only once in his life did he take an active part in military affairs, and then not from any set purpose, but during his journey to Mevania, to see the grove and river of Clitumnus. Being recommended to recruit a body of Batavians, who attended him, he resolved upon an expedition into Germany. Immediately he drew together several legions, and auxiliary forces from all quarters, and made every where new levies with the utmost rigour. Collecting supplies of all kinds, such as never had been assembled upon the like occasion, he set forward on his march, and pursued it sometimes with so much haste and precipitation, that the pretorian cohorts were obliged, contrary to custom, to pack their standards on horses or mules, and so follow him. At other times, he would march so slow and luxuriously, that he was carried in a litter by eight men; ordering the roads to be swept by the people of the neighbouring towns, and sprinkled with water to lay the dust.
XLIV. On arriving at the camp, in order to show himself an active general, and severe disciplinarian, he cashiered the lieutenants who came up late with the auxiliary forces from different quarters. In reviewing the army, he deprived of their companies most of the centurions of the first rank, who had now served their legal time in the wars, and some whose time would have expired in a few days; alleging against them their age and infirmity; and railing at the covetous disposition of the rest of them, he reduced the bounty due to those who had served out their time to the sum of six thousand sesterces. Though he only received the submission of Adminius, the son of Cunobeline, a British king, who being driven from his native country by his father, came over to him with a small body of troops, yet, as if the whole island had been surrendered to him, he dispatched magnificent letters to Rome, ordering the bearers to proceed in their carriages directly up to the forum and the senate-house, and not to deliver the letters but to the consuls in the temple of Mars, and in the presence of a full assembly of the senators.
XLV. Soon after this, there being no hostilities, he ordered a few Germans of his guard to be carried over and placed in concealment on the other side of the Rhine, and word to be brought him after dinner, that an enemy was advancing with great impetuosity. This being accordingly done, he immediately threw himself, with his friends, and a party of the pretorian knights, into the adjoining wood, where lopping branches from the trees, and forming trophies of them, he returned by torch-light, upbraiding those who did not follow him, with timorousness and cowardice; but he presented the companions, and sharers of his victory with crowns of a new form, and under a new name, having the sun, moon, and stars represented on them, and which he called Exploratoriae. Again, some hostages were by his order taken from the school, and privately sent off; upon notice of which he immediately rose from table, pursued them with the cavalry, as if they had run away, and coming up with them, brought them back in fetters; proceeding to an extravagant pitch of ostentation likewise in this military comedy. Upon his again sitting down to table, it being reported to him that the troops were all reassembled, he ordered them to sit down as they were, in their armour, animating them in the words of that well-known verse of Virgil:
Durate, et vosmet rebus servate secundis. -- Aen. 1. Bear up, and save yourselves for better days.
In the mean time, he reprimanded the senate and people of Rome in a very severe proclamation, "For revelling and frequenting the diversions of the circus and theatre, and enjoying themselves at their villas, whilst their emperor was fighting, and exposing himself to the greatest dangers."
XLVI. At last, as if resolved to make war in earnest, he drew up his army upon the shore of the ocean, with his balistae and other engines of war, and while no one could imagine what he intended to do, on a sudden commanded them to gather up the sea shells, and fill their helmets, and the folds of their dress with them, calling them "the spoils of the ocean due to the Capitol and the Palatium." As a monument of his success, he raised a lofty tower, upon which, as at Pharos, he ordered lights to be burnt in the night-time, for the direction of ships at sea; and then promising the soldiers a donative of a hundred denarii a man, as if he had surpassed the most eminent examples of generosity, "Go your ways," said he, "and be merry: go, ye are rich."
XLVII. In making preparations for his triumph, besides the prisoners and deserters from the barbarian armies, he picked out the men of greatest stature in all Gaul, such as he said were fittest to grace a triumph, with some of the chiefs, and reserved them to appear in the procession; obliging them not only to dye their hair yellow, and let it grow long, but to learn the German language, and assume the names commonly used in that country. He ordered likewise the gallies in which he had entered the ocean, to be conveyed to Rome a great part of the way by land, and wrote to his comptrollers in the city, "to make proper preparations for a triumph against his arrival, at as small expense as possible; but on a scale such as had never been seen before, since they had full power over the property of every one."
XLVIII. Before he left the province, he formed a design of the most horrid cruelty—to massacre the legions which had mutinied upon the death of Augustus, for seizing and detaining by force his father, Germanicus, their commander, and himself, then an infant, in the camp. Though he was with great difficulty dissuaded from this rash attempt, yet neither the most urgent entreaties nor representations could prevent him from persisting in the design of decimating these legions. Accordingly, he ordered them to assemble unarmed, without so much as their swords; and then surrounded them with armed horse. But finding that many of them, suspecting that violence was intended, were making off, to arm in their own defence, he quitted the assembly as fast as he could, and immediately marched for Rome; bending now all his fury against the senate, whom he publicly threatened, to divert the general attention from the clamour excited by his disgraceful conduct. Amongst other pretexts of offence, he complained that he was defrauded of a triumph, which was justly his due, though he had just before forbidden, upon pain of death, any honour to be decreed him.
XLIX. In his march he was waited upon by deputies from the senatorian order, entreating him to hasten his return. He replied to them, "I will come, I will come, and this with me," striking at the same time the hilt of his sword. He issued likewise this proclamation: "I am coming, but for those only who wish for me, the equestrian order and the people; for I shall no longer treat the senate as their fellow-citizen or prince." He forbad any of the senators to come to meet him; and either abandoning or deferring his triumph, he entered the city in ovation on his birthday. Within four months from this period he was slain, after he had perpetrated enormous crimes, and while he was meditating the execution, if possible, of still greater. He had entertained a design of removing to Antium, and afterwards to Alexandria; having first cut off the flower of the equestrian and senatorian orders. This is placed beyond all question, by two books which were found in his cabinet under different titles; one being called the sword, and the other, the dagger. They both contained private marks, and the names of those who were devoted to death. There was also found a large chest, filled with a variety of poisons which being afterwards thrown into the sea by order of Claudius, are said to have so infected the waters, that the fish were poisoned, and cast dead by the tide upon the neighbouring shores.
L. He was tall, of a pale complexion, ill-shaped, his neck and legs very slender, his eyes and temples hollow, his brows broad and knit, his hair thin, and the crown of the head bald. The other parts of his body were much covered with hair. On this account, it was reckoned a capital crime for any person to look down from above, as he was passing by, or so much as to name a goat. His countenance, which was naturally hideous and frightful, he purposely rendered more so, forming it before a mirror into the most horrible contortions. He was crazy both in body and mind, being subject, when a boy, to the falling sickness. When he arrived at the age of manhood, he endured fatigue tolerably well; but still, occasionally, he was liable to a faintness, during which he remained incapable of any effort. He was not insensible of the disorder of his mind, and sometimes had thoughts of retiring to clear his brain . It is believed that his wife Caesonia administered to him a love potion which threw him into a frenzy. What most of all disordered him, was want of sleep, for he seldom had more than three or four hours' rest in a night; and even then his sleep was not sound, but disturbed by strange dreams; fancying, among other things, that a form representing the ocean spoke to him. Being therefore often weary with lying awake so long, sometimes he sat up in his bed, at others, walked in the longest porticos about the house, and from time to time, invoked and looked out for the approach of day.
LI. To this crazy constitution of his mind may, I think, very justly be ascribed two faults which he had, of a nature directly repugnant one to the other, namely, an excessive confidence and the most abject timidity. For he, who affected so much to despise the gods, was ready to shut his eyes, and wrap up his head in his cloak at the slightest storm of thunder and lightning; and if it was violent, he got up and hid himself under his bed. In his visit to Sicily, after ridiculing many strange objects which that country affords, he ran away suddenly in the night from Messini, terrified by the smoke and rumbling at the summit of Mount Aetna. And though in words he was very valiant against the barbarians, yet upon passing a narrow defile in Germany in his light car, surrounded by a strong body of his troops, some one happening to say, "There would be no small consternation amongst us, if an enemy were to appear," he immediately mounted his horse, and rode towards the bridges in great haste; but finding them blocked up with camp-followers and baggage-waggons, he was in such a hurry, that he caused himself to be carried in men's hands over the heads of the crowd. Soon afterwards, upon hearing that the Germans were again in rebellion, he prepared to quit Rome, and equipped a fleet; comforting himself with this consideration, that if the enemy should prove victorious, and possess themselves of the heights of the Alps, as the Cimbri had done, or of the city, as the Senones formerly did, he should still have in reserve the transmarine provinces. Hence it was, I suppose, that it occurred to his assassins, to invent the story intended to pacify the troops who mutinied at his death, that he had laid violent hands upon himself, in a fit of terror occasioned by the news brought him of the defeat of his army.
LII. In the fashion of his clothes, shoes, and all the rest of his dress, he did not wear what was either national, or properly civic, or peculiar to the male sex, or appropriate to mere mortals. He often appeared abroad in a short coat of stout cloth, richly embroidered and blazing with jewels, in a tunic with sleeves, and with bracelets upon his arms; sometimes all in silks and habited like a woman; at other times in the crepidae or buskins; sometimes in the sort of shoes used by the light-armed soldiers, or in the sock used by women, and commonly with a golden beard fixed to his chin, holding in his hand a thunderbolt, a trident, or a caduceus, marks of distinction belonging to the gods only. Sometimes, too, he appeared in the habit of Venus. He wore very commonly the triumphal ornaments, even before his expedition, and sometimes the breast-plate of Alexander the Great, taken out of his coffin.
LIII. With regard to the liberal sciences, he was little conversant in philology, but applied himself with assiduity to the study of eloquence, being indeed in point of enunciation tolerably elegant and ready; and in his perorations, when he was moved to anger, there was an abundant flow of words and periods. In speaking, his action was vehement, and his voice so strong, that he was heard at a great distance. When winding up an harangue, he threatened to draw "the sword of his lucubration," holding a loose and smooth style in such contempt, that he said Seneca, who was then much admired, "wrote only detached essays," and that "his language was nothing but sand without lime." He often wrote answers to the speeches of successful orators; and employed himself in composing accusations or vindications of eminent persons, who were impeached before the senate; and gave his vote for or against the party accused, according to his success in speaking, inviting the equestrian order, by proclamation, to hear him.
LIV. He also zealously applied himself to the practice of several other arts of different kinds, such as fencing, charioteering, singing, and dancing. In the first of these, he practised with the weapons used in war; and drove the chariot in circuses built in several places. He was so extremely fond of singing and dancing, that he could not refrain in the theatre from singing with the tragedians, and imitating the gestures of the actors, either by way of applause or correction. A night exhibition which he had ordered the day he was slain, was thought to be intended for no other reason, than to take the opportunity afforded by the licentiousness of the season, to make his first appearance upon the stage. Sometimes, also, he danced in the night. Summoning once to the Palatium, in the second watch of the night, three men of consular rank, who feared the words from the message, he placed them on the proscenium of the stage, and then suddenly came bursting out, with a loud noise of flutes and castanets, dressed in a mantle and tunic reaching down to his heels. Having danced out a song, he retired. Yet he who had acquired such dexterity in other exercises, never learnt to swim.
LV. Those for whom he once conceived a regard, he favoured even to madness. He used to kiss Mnester, the pantomimic actor, publicly in the theatre; and if any person made the least noise while he was dancing, he would order him to be dragged from his seat, and scourged him with his own hand. A Roman knight once making some bustle, he sent him, by a centurion, an order to depart forthwith for Ostia, and carry a letter from him to king Ptolemy in Mauritania. The letter was comprised in these words: "Do neither good nor harm to the bearer." He made some gladiators captains of his German guards. He deprived the gladiators called Mirmillones of some of their arms. One Columbus coming off with victory in a combat, but being slightly wounded, he ordered some poison to be infused in the wound, which he thence called Columbinum. For thus it was certainly named with his own hand in a list of other poisons. He was so extravagantly fond of the party of charioteers whose colours were green, that he supped and lodged for some time constantly in the stable where their horses were kept. At a certain revel, he made a present of two millions of sesterces to one Cythicus, a driver of a chariot. The day before the Circensian games, he used to send his soldiers to enjoin silence in the neighbourhood, that the repose of his horse Incitatus might not be disturbed. For this favourite animal, besides a marble stable, an ivory manger, purple housings, and a jewelled frontlet, he appointed a house, with a retinue of slaves, and fine furniture, for the reception of such as were invited in the horse's name to sup with him. It is even said that he intended to make him consul.
From Dio:
13. Gaius now became consul again, and though he prevented the priest of Jupiter from taking the oath in the senate (for at this time they regularly took it individually, as in the days of Tiberius), he himself, both when he entered upon office and when he relinquished it, took the oath like the others from the rostra, which had been enlarged. He held the office for only thirty days, though he allowed his colleague, Lucius Apronius, a term of six months; and he was succeeded by Sanquinius Maximus, who was prefect of the city. During these and the following days many of the foremost men perished in fulfilment of sentences of condemnation (for not a few of those who had been released from prison were punished for the very reasons that had led to their imprisonment by Tiberius) and many others of less prominence in gladiatorial combats. In fact, there was nothing but slaughter; for the emperor no longer showed any favour even to the populace, but opposed absolutely everything they wished, and consequently the people on their part resisted all his desires. The talk and behaviour that might be expected at such a juncture, with an angry ruler on one side, and a hostile people on the other, were plainly in evidence. The contest between them, however, was not an equal one; for the people could do nothing but talk and show something of their feelings by their gestures, whereas Gaius would destroy his opponents, dragging many away even while they were witnessing the games and arresting many more after they had left the theatres. The chief causes of his anger were, first, that they did not show enthusiasm in attending the spectacles (for he himself used to arrive at the theatres now at one hour and now at another, regardless of previous announcement, sometimes coming before dawn and sometimes not until afternoon, so that they became tired and weary waiting for him), and again, that they did not always applaud the performers that pleased him and sometimes even showed honour to those whom he disliked. Furthermore, it vexed him greatly to hear them hail him as ʺyoung Augustusʺ in their efforts to extol him; for he felt that he was not being congratulated upon being emperor while still so young, but was rather being censured for ruling such an empire at his age. He was always doing things of the sort that I have related; and once he said, threatening the whole people: ʺWould that you had but a single neck.ʺ At this time, when he displayed his usual exasperation, the populace in displeasure ceased to watch the show and turned against the informers, for a long time and with loud cries demanding their surrender. Gaius became angry and gave them no answer, but committing to others the conduct of the games, withdrew into Campania. Later he returned to celebrate the birthday of Drusilla, brought her statue into the Circus on a car drawn by elephants, and gave the people a free exhibition for two days. On the first day, besides the horse-races, five hundred bears were slain, and on the second day as many Libyan beasts were accounted for; also athletes competed in the pancratium in many different places at the same time. The populace was feasted and a present was given to the senators and their wives.
14. At the same time that he was perpetrating these murders, apparently because he was in urgent need of funds, he devised another scheme for getting money, as follows. He would sell the survivors in the gladiatorial combats at an excessive valuation to the consuls, praetors, and others, not only to willing purchasers, but also to others who were compelled very much against their will to give such exhibitions at the Circensian games, and in particular he sold them to men specially chosen by lot to have charge of such con tests (for he ordered that two praetors should be chosen by lot to have charge of the gladiatorial games, just as had formerly been the custom); and he himself would sit on the auctioneerʹs platform and keep raising the bids. Many also came from outside to put in rival bids, the more so as he allowed any who so wished to employ a greater number of gladiators than the law permitted and because he frequently visited them himself. So people bought them for large sums, some because they really wanted them, others with the idea of gratifying Gaius, and the majority, consisting of those who had a reputation for wealth, from a desire to take advantage of this excuse to spend some of their substance and thus by becoming poorer save their lives. Yet after doing all this he later put the best and the most famous of these slaves out of the way by poison. He did the same also with the horses and charioteers of the rival factions; for he was strongly attached to the party that wore the frog-green, which from this colour was called also the Party of the Leek. Hence even to-day the place where he used to practise driving the chariots is called the Gaianum after him. One of the horses, which he named Incitatus, he used to invite to dinner, where he would offer him golden barley and drink his health in wine from golden goblets; he swore by the animalʹs life and fortune and even promised to appoint him consul, a promise that he would certainly have carried out if he had lived longer.
15. In order to provide him with funds, it had been voted earlier that all persons still living who had wished to leave anything to Tiberius should at their death bestow the same upon Gaius; for, in order to appear to have the right to accept inheritances and receive such gifts in spite of the laws (inasmuch as he had at this time neither wife nor children), he caused a decree to be issued by the senate. But at the time of which I am speaking he seized for himself, without any decree, absolutely all the property of those who had served as centurions and had after the triumph which his father celebrated left it somebody else than the emperor. When not even this sufficed, he hit upon the following third method of raising money. There was a senator, Gnaeus Domitius Corbulo, who had noticed that the roads during the reign of Tiberius were in bad condition, and was always nagging the highway commissioners about it, and furthermore kept making a nuisance of himself to the senate on the subject. Gaius now took him as an accomplice, and through him attacked all those, alive or dead, who had ever been highway commissioners and had received money for repairing the roads; and he fined both them and the men who had secured contracts from them, on the pretence that they had spent nothing. For his assistance in this matter Corbulo was at the time made consul, but later in the reign of Claudius, he was accused and punished; for Claudius not only failed to demand any sums that were still owed, but, on the contrary, took what had been paid in, partly from the public treasury and partly from Corbulo himself, and returned it to those who had been fined. But this took place later. At the time of my narrative not only the various classes already named, but also practically everybody else in the city, was being despoiled in one manner or another, and no one who possessed anything, whether man or whom, got off unscathed. For even if Gaius did permit some of the older people to live, yet by calling them his fathers, grandfathers, mothers, and grandmothers, he not only milked them while they lived but also inherited their property when they died.
From Dio's History of Rome.
LVI. In this frantic and savage career, numbers had formed designs for cutting him off; but one or two conspiracies being discovered, and others postponed for want of opportunity, at last two men concerted a plan together, and accomplished their purpose; not without the privity of some of the greatest favourites amongst his freedmen, and the prefects of the pretorian guards; because, having been named, though falsely, as concerned in one conspiracy against him, they perceived that they were suspected and become objects of his hatred. For he had immediately endeavoured to render them obnoxious to the soldiery, drawing his sword, and declaring, "That he would kill himself if they thought him worthy of death;" and ever after he was continually accusing them to one another, and setting them all mutually at variance. The conspirators having resolved to fall upon him as he returned at noon from the Palatine games, Cassius Chaerea, tribune of the pretorian guards, claimed the part of making the onset. This Chaerea was now an elderly man, and had been often reproached by Caius for effeminacy. When he came for the watchword, the latter would give "Priapus," or "Venus;" and if on any occasion he returned thanks, would offer him his hand to kiss, making with his fingers an obscene gesture.

Short Glossary of Roman Empire Terms:
Agrippa, Gaius Vipsanius -- also known as Gaius Julius Caesar (20 BC -- 21 February AD 4), most commonly known as Gaius Caesar or Caius Caesar, was the oldest son of Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa and Julia the Elder. He was born between 14 August and 13 September 20 BC or according to other sources in 23 September 20 BC. Originally named Gaius Vipsanius Agrippa, when he was adopted by his maternal grandfather the Roman Emperor, Augustus Caesar, of the Julian gens, his name was accordingly changed to Gaius Julius Caesar.
Agrippina the Elder -- (14 BC -- 17 October 33) was a distinguished and prominent Roman woman of the first century AD. Agrippina was the wife of the general and statesman Germanicus and a relative to the first Roman Emperors.
She was the second granddaughter of the Emperor Augustus, sister-in-law, stepdaughter and daughter-in-law of the Emperor Tiberius, mother of the Emperor Caligula, maternal second cousin and sister-in-law of the Emperor Claudius and the maternal grandmother of the Emperor Nero.
Appian Way -- was one of the earliest and strategically most important Roman roads of the ancient republic. It connected Rome to Brindisi, Apulia, in southeast Italy. Its importance is indicated by its common name, recorded by Statius:
Appia teritur regina longarum viarum
"the Appian way is the queen of the long roads"
The road is named after Appius Claudius Caecus, the Roman censor who began and completed the first section as a military road to the south in 312 BC during the Samnite Wars.
Augustus -- (23 September 63 BC -- 19 August 14 AD) was the founder of the Roman Empire and its first Emperor, ruling from 27 BC until his death in 14 AD.
Caligula -- Gaius, Caius. The two first names are used interchangeably.
Capreae -- Capri Island.
Capri -- is an island in the Tyrrhenian Sea off the Sorrentine Peninsula, on the south side of the Gulf of Naples in the Campania region of Italy. The main town Capri on the island shares the name. It has been a resort since the time of the Roman Republic.
Castor and Pollux -- In Greek and Roman mythology, Castor and Pollux or Polydeuces were twin brothers, together known as the Dioscuri. Their mother was Leda, but Castor was the mortal son of Tyndareus, the king of Sparta, and Pollux the divine son of Zeus, who seduced or raped Leda in the guise of a swan (Greek myths concerning divine sex are often vague on the issue of female consent).
Circus -- Circus Maximus -- is an ancient Roman chariot racing stadium and mass entertainment venue located in Rome, Italy. Situated in the valley between the Aventine and Palatine hills, it was the first and largest stadium in ancient Rome and its later Empire. It measured 621 m (2,037 ft) in length and 118 m (387 ft) in width, and could accommodate about 150,000 spectators. In its fully developed form, it became the model for circuses throughout the Roman Empire. The site is now a public park.
Claudius -- (1 August 10 BC -- 13 October AD 54) was Roman Emperor from 41 to 54. A member of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, he was the son of Drusus and Antonia Minor. He was born at Lugdunum in Gaul and was the first Roman Emperor to be born outside Italy. Because he was afflicted with a limp and slight deafness due to sickness at a young age, his family ostracized him and excluded him from public office until his consulship, shared with his nephew Caligula in 37.
Claudius' infirmity probably saved him from the fate of many other nobles during the purges of Tiberius and Caligula's reigns; potential enemies did not see him as a serious threat. His survival led to his being declared Emperor by the Praetorian Guard after Caligula's assassination, at which point he was the last adult male of his family.
Consul -- Consul (abbrev. cos.; Latin plural consules) was the highest elected office of the Roman Republic and an appointive office under the Empire. The title was also used in other city states and also revived in modern states, notably in the First French Republic.
Diadem -- A diadem is a type of crown, specifically an ornamental headband worn by Eastern monarchs and others as a badge of royalty. The head regalia worn by Roman Emperors, from the time of Diocletian onwards, is described as a diadem in the original sources. It was this object that the Foederatus general Odoacer returned to Emperor Zeno (the Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire) after his expulsion of the usurper Romulus Augustus from Rome in 476 CE.
Dio, Cassius -- (AD 150 -- 235, known in English as Cassius Dio, Dio Cassius, or Dio (Dione. lib), was a Roman consul and noted historian who wrote in Greek. Dio published a history of Rome in 80 volumes, beginning with the legendary arrival of Aeneas in Italy.
Equestrian Order -- (aka "Roman Order of Knights" Latin: ordo equester) constituted the lower of the two aristocratic classes of ancient Rome, ranking below the patricians (patricii), a hereditary caste that monopolized political power during the regal era (to 501 BC) and during the early Republic (to 338 BC). A member of the equestrian order was known as an eques (plural: equites).
Forum -- A forum (Latin, "place outdoors", plural fora; English plural forums or fora) was a public square in a Roman municipium, or any civitas, reserved primarily for the vending of goods; i.e., a marketplace, along with the buildings used for shops and the stoas used for open stalls.
Gaul -- was a region of Western Europe during the Iron Age and Roman era, encompassing present day France, Luxembourg and Belgium, most of Switzerland, Northern Italy, as well as the parts of the Netherlands and Germany on the west bank of the Rhine. The Gauls were the speakers of the Gaulish language (an early variety of Celtic) native to Gaul.
Germanicus -- Germanicus Julius Caesar (24 May 15 BC -- 10 October AD 19), commonly known as Germanicus, was a member of the Julio-Claudian dynasty and a prominent general of the early Roman Empire. Germanicus became immensely popular among the citizens of Rome, who enthusiastically celebrated his military victories. He was also a favourite with Augustus, his great-uncle, who for some time considered him heir to the Empire.
Greeks -- are an ethnic group native to Greece, Cyprus and other regions. They also form a significant diaspora, with Greek communities established around the world.
Greek colonies and communities have been historically established in most corners of the Mediterranean, but Greeks have always been centered around the Aegean Sea, where the Greek language has been spoken since antiquity.
Hellespont -- The Dardanelles, formerly known as Hellespont, is a narrow strait in northwestern Turkey connecting the Aegean Sea to the Sea of Marmara. It is one of the Turkish Straits, along with its counterpart the Bosphorus.
Hercules -- Hercules is the Roman name for the Greek divine hero Heracles, who was the son of Zeus (Roman equivalent Jupiter) and the mortal Alcmene. In classical mythology, Hercules is famous for his strength and for his numerous far-ranging adventures.
Josephus, Titus Flavius -- (37 -- c. 100), also called Joseph ben Matityahu was a scholar who witnessed the sack of Jerusalem, a 1st-century Romano-Jewish historian and hagiographer who was born in Jerusalem - then part of Roman Judea - to a father of priestly descent and a mother who claimed royal ancestry.
Jupiter -- In ancient Roman religion and myth, Jupiter (Latin: Iuppiter) or Jove is the king of the gods and the god of sky and thunder. Jupiter was the chief deity of Roman state religion throughout the Republican and Imperial eras, until the Empire came under Christian rule.
Macro, Naevius Sutorius -- (21 BC -- 38) was a prefect of the Praetorian Guard, from 31 until 38, serving under the Roman Emperors Tiberius and Caligula. Upon falling out of favour, he committed suicide.
Maiestas -- The Law of treason, or lex maiestatis, refers to any one of several ancient Roman laws (leges maiestatis) throughout the republican and Imperial periods dealing with crimes against the Roman people, state, or Emperor.
In Roman law the offences originally falling under the head of treason were almost exclusively those committed in military service.
Minerva -- was the Roman goddess of wisdom and sponsor of arts, trade, and defense. She was born from the godhead of Jupiter with weapons. From the 2nd century BC onwards, the Romans equated her with the Greek goddess Athena. She was the virgin goddess of music, poetry, medicine, wisdom, commerce, weaving, crafts, magic.
Nero (Emperor) -- (5 December 37 -- 9 June 68) was Roman Emperor from 54 to 68, and the last in the Julio-Claudian dynasty. Nero was adopted by his great uncle Claudius to become his heir and successor, and succeeded to the throne in 54 following Claudius' death.
During his reign, Nero focused much of his attention on diplomacy, trade, and enhancing the cultural life of the Empire. He ordered theaters built and promoted athletic games. During his reign, the redoubtable general Corbulo conducted a successful war and negotiated peace with the Parthian Empire. His general Suetonius Paulinus crushed a revolt in Britain and also annexed the Bosporan Kingdom to the Empire, beginning the First Roman–Jewish War.
In 64, most of Rome was destroyed in the Great Fire of Rome, which many Romans believed Nero himself had started in order to clear land for his planned palatial complex, the Domus Aurea. In 68, the rebellion of Vindex in Gaul and later the acclamation of Galba in Hispania drove Nero from the throne. Facing assassination, he committed suicide on 9 June 68.
Palatine Hill -- is the centermost of the Seven Hills of Rome and is one of the most ancient parts of the city. It stands 40 metres above the Forum Romanum, looking down upon it on one side, and upon the Circus Maximus on the other.
Palatium -- The Palatine Hill.
Parthian Empire -- (247 BC -- 224 AD), also known as the Arsacid Empire, was a major Iranian political and cultural power in ancient Iran better known as ancient Persia. Its latter name comes from Arsaces I of Parthia who, as leader of the Parni tribe, founded it in the mid-3rd century BC when he conquered the Parthia region in Iran's northeast, then a satrapy (province) in rebellion against the Seleucid Empire.
Philo -- (20 BCE -- 50 CE), also called Philo Judaeus, was a Hellenistic Jewish philosopher who lived in Alexandria, Egypt during the Roman Empire.
Philo used philosophical allegory to attempt to fuse and harmonize Greek philosophy with Jewish philosophy. His method followed the practices of both Jewish exegesis and Stoic philosophy.
Pompey -- Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, usually known in English as Pompey (29 September 106 BC -- 28 September 48 BC), was a military and political leader of the late Roman Republic. He came from a wealthy Italian provincial background, and his father had been the first to establish the family among the Roman nobility.
Praetorian Guard -- was a force of bodyguards used by Roman Emperors. The title was already used during the Roman Republic for the guards of Roman generals, at least since the rise to prominence of the Scipio family around 275 BC. The Guard was dissolved by Emperor Constantine I in the 4th century.
Principate -- is the first period of the Roman Empire, extending from the beginning of the reign of Augustus Caesar to the Crisis of the Third Century, after which it was replaced with the Dominate. The Principate is characterized by a concerted effort on the part of the Emperors to preserve the illusion of the formal continuance of the Roman Republic.
Quaestor -- was a type of public official in the "cursus honorum" system who supervised financial affairs. In the Roman Republic a quaestor was an elected official, but in the Roman Empire, quaestors came to be simply appointed.
Roman Knight -- of the Roman Equestrian Order
Roman Republic -- was the period of the ancient Roman civilization when the government operated as a republic.
It began with the overthrow of the Roman monarchy, traditionally dated around 509 BC, and its replacement by a government headed by two consuls, elected annually by the citizens and advised by a senate. A complex constitution gradually developed, centered on the principles of a separation of powers and checks and balances. Except in times of dire national emergency, public offices were limited to one year, so that, in theory at least, no single individual could dominate his fellow citizens.
Roman Senate -- was a political institution in ancient Rome. It was one of the most enduring institutions in Roman history, being founded in the first days of the city (traditionally founded in 753 BC). It survived the overthrow of the kings in 509 BC, the fall of the Roman Republic in the 1st century BC, the split of the Roman Empire in 395 AD, the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD, and barbarian rule of Rome in the 5th, 6th, and 7th centuries. The Senate of the West Roman Empire continued to function until 603 AD.
Saturnalia -- was an ancient Roman festival in honour of the deity Saturn held on December 17 of the Julian calendar and later expanded with festivities through December 23. The holiday was celebrated with a sacrifice at the Temple of Saturn in the Roman Forum and a public banquet, followed by private gift-giving, continual partying, and a carnival atmosphere that overturned Roman social norms: gambling was permitted, and masters provided table service for their slaves.
Sejanus -- (20 BC -- October 18, AD 31), commonly known as Sejanus, was an ambitious soldier, friend and confidant of the Roman Emperor Tiberius. An equestrian by birth, Sejanus rose to power as prefect of the Roman imperial bodyguard, known as the Praetorian Guard, of which he was commander from AD 14 until his death in AD 31.
In 31, despite his equestrian rank, Sejanus shared the consulship with Tiberius in absentia, and finally became betrothed to Livilla. Tiberius had not been seen in Rome since 26. Sejanus was de facto ruler of the Roman Empire, and senators and equestrians openly courted his favour as if he were such. His birthday was publicly observed and statues were being erected in his honour. With most of the political opposition crushed, Sejanus felt his position was unassailable.
Through years of crafty intrigues and indispensable service to the emperor, Sejanus had worked himself up to become the most powerful man in the Empire. By the end of 31, he would be arrested, summarily executed and his body unceremoniously cast down the Gemonian stairs. Exactly what caused his sudden downfall is unclear: ancient historians disagree about the nature of his conspiracy, whether it was Tiberius or Sejanus who struck first, and in which order subsequent events transpired. Modern historians consider it unlikely that Sejanus plotted to seize the imperial power for himself and, if he had planned so at all, rather might have aimed at overthrowing Tiberius to serve as a regent to Tiberius Gemellus, son of Drusus, or possibly even Gaius Caligula.
Seneca the Elder -- (ca. 54 BC -- ca. 39 AD), was a Roman rhetorician and writer, born of a wealthy equestrian family of Cordoba, Hispania. Seneca lived through the reigns of three significant emperors; Augustus (ruled 27 BC - 14 AD), Tiberius (ruled 14 AD - 37 AD) and Caligula (ruled 37 AD - 41 AD). He was the father of the stoic philosopher Seneca the Younger who was tutor of Nero.
Sesterces -- was an ancient Roman coin. During the Roman Republic it was a small, silver coin issued only on rare occasions. During the Roman Empire it was a large brass coin.
Suetonius Tranquillus -- Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus, commonly known as Suetonius (c. 69 -- after 122), was a Roman historian belonging to the equestrian order who wrote during the early Imperial era of the Roman Empire.
Testator -- is a person who has written and executed a last will and testament that is in effect at the time of his/her death. It is any "person who makes a will.
Tiberius -- (6 November 42 BC -- 16 March 37 AD) was Roman Emperor from 14 AD to 37 AD. Tiberius was by birth a Claudian, son of Tiberius Claudius Nero and Livia Drusilla. His mother divorced Nero and married Augustus in 39 BC, making him a step-son of Octavian.
Vestal Virgins -- the Vestals or Vestal Virgins (Vestales, singular Vestalis), were priestesses of Vesta, goddess of the hearth. The College of the Vestals and its well-being was regarded as fundamental to the continuance and security of Rome. They cultivated the sacred fire that was not allowed to go out.
The Enemies of Marriage:
A complete list of our enemies, and those that will be responsible for the 'queer decision' by the Monkey Judges. Not in any order of importance.
*Anyone who worships HObama.
*Politicos, that whore for any thing, as long as the money is good.
*Satan Tubers that watch queer TV Turds, and believe their campaign of lies.
*TV turds that will say any lie, whatsoever, for money and orders from TV producers, who are also queer whores.
*Owners and Operators of all TV channels.
*Dyke Accomplice.
*Cowards and dolts that read queer newsrags, and do not protest the queer lies said there.
*The Internet Interruption and Intimidation Network of the Queers.
*The BatShitCrazy Network of the Queers.
*Any company that gives money to the Queers -- UPS, Ford, Home-Depot, General Mills (etc).
*The Monkey Lawyer profession, that breeds hideous Monkey Judges without Humanity.
*HollyQueer perverts, that produce queer and twisted movies for Queers.
*Black Radical Extremists, that want the Whities dead or disabled at any cost.
*The White Homo-Fascists, who promised the Black Radical Extremists that the Queers will disable or kill the Whities.
*The ModoRats.
*Crippled Blacks, that must have any thing Black in the White Outhouse.
*Republican Asswipes.
*Cowards in the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces.
*DemoCrap liars.
*Chief Queer Justice 'Prima Donna' Buttface, with grinning sodomy mask.
*ModoRat queer wannabees, that say they are for Queers.
*Queer Medias that are all Queers.
*Commercial Protestors that caved in to queer intimidation.
*Producers of Commercial Protestors that muzzled Protestors for money and ratings.
*Queer Circus of upcoming scum, to be made superior to all Humans. Pedophiles, sheep-fornicators, serial-killers, masochists, transhumans, incest marriage, Monkey Judge worshipers, all Monkey Lawyers.
*The NEA bastards and bitches, that are rabidly devoted to turning all Human Children into Queers.
*The dumbed-down Hispanics, that to this day are so alien from everyone else, and so alienated from Reality; that they only know what their queered leaders tell them about the real world. They vote for Queers, because their leaders tell them too.
*APA, that took queer money to declare that Queers are not mentally deranged.
*ACLU, that is queer up to its eyeballs, period.
*Madison Avenue ad agencies, that are full of Queers.
*Anyone (anyone at all) who lies about Human Resistance.
*Anyone (anyone at all) who can fight our enemies, but does not; because they prefer their own immediate comforts to the future of our Species.
*Any 'police authorities' that promote Queers, and support the queer infestation of the Human Species; whom they are supposed to protect.
*Any false security or intelligence agency, that promotes Queers and the queer infestation of the societies that they are supposed to protect.
*All Liberals.
*Anyone, who thinks it is too late to save the Human Species; because they (themselves) have watched so much Queer TV that they have no 'thought capacity' left to think with, AND, they have been molded into a 'false sense of queer security' that tells them that they will be safe and comfortable, as long as the Queers get everything that they want.
*Anyone, who for financial reasons or through cowardice, thinks that the Human Country of America still includes MassInsanity, DemoNewYork, DemoVermont, DemoNewHampshire, DemoMaine, DemoIowa, DemoConnecticut, DemoMaryland, DemoWashington and Wash This Death City.
*Anyone, who accepts in any way, shape, or form the queer lie that Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred (anywhere) is 'Queer Legal', and must be respected and obeyed by any Human Beings anywhere in the Universe.
*Anyone, who has been brainwashed so horribly that it now possesses the idea (not necessarily capable of thinking) that 'Queers are people too'.
*Anyone, who still is enslaved by the TV turds, Filthy Monkeys and scum of the queer newsrags; because they could not think of anything else to do; or they were bullied into remaining slaves by queer-hired Middle-Managers.
*All queer-hired Middle-Managers.
*All belief-addicted imbeciles that can only think of what their 'Belief Merchants' told them to think about.
*All 'Belief Merchants'.
*Anyone, who aids or abets our enemies listed above.
These are the 'powerful fart forces' of our enemies, that want the Human Species queered until it is impotent and living-death; thereafter to be replaced. A process known as Genocide by Replacement.
Are we having a hard time reading about 'Queers' all of the time?
Should we use another word instead -- even though the 'Queers' want to be called 'The Queers'?
How about an acronym for the Queers? Like Murdering, Hideous, Perverted, Twisted, Genocidal, Lying, Scheming, Insane, Diseased, Assholes, Awful, and Ugly.
Genocidal, Hideous, Awful, Ugly, Perverted, Twisted, Lying, Insane, Murdering, Assholes, Diseased, and Scheming.
Pronounced- "Gaawpt Ly Mads".
We will use that intermittently (as the Ghauptlimads) in place of the 'Queers', since so many of you have been brain-damaged to think 'nicely' about those creatures that torture and kill you.
Ghauptlimads, are the worst filth from the worst sewers of the worst cities on earth -- and anyone who thinks or tries to make that filth 'Queer Equal' to the Human Species, must be defeated, and kept defeated.
Meanwhile, out of the wreckage so far, we must build a country, a Human Species, and many Human societies; wherein any thing that even pretends to be a Monkey Lawyer, or a Monkey Judge, is immediately rejected and thrown out (bodily) from our country; if not tarred and feathered first.
A country of Humans without either Monkey Lawyers or Monkey Judges. It is very possible, and very do-able; and will take a big bite out of the ranks of all Monkey Whores everywhere. A species that is utterly without the burden and infestation and dementia and jackals and parasites and blood-suckers called lawyers and judges!!!!
Any situation, where an entire species is threatened and seriously wounded by the twisted and demonic brains of a few assholes -- that think they are better than anyone else -- has to be eliminated, instead of us being eliminated!!!!
Never again, can we allow a pack of turds in Wash This Death City to tell us what can, or cannot, be accepted as decent and acceptable behavior in our own country!!!!
This, is one of the main reasons why I say to you that Wash This Death City has nothing to do with our own Human Country. Any idea that Wash This Death City is Human in any way, went over the sides and drowned in a sea of queer perversions long ago. The place is a toilet. The creatures in it, belong in it. Nothing more.
Identities and Addresses of Worst Enemies:
How is it, that you do not know the identities and addresses of our worst enemies?
Why do you not know who owns and operates the Satan Tube channels?
Should that not be public information?
Yes! It must be public information!
So, why did the Queer Medias attack a website recently, which they will not identify; because it told us who our enemies are, and some information about them? Identities and information, that the Queer Masters do not want Humans to know. They will not tell us what the website was. The Queer Medias have sickened the queer FBI onto that website. Proof-positive, that the FBI (in Wash This Death City, of course) is as queer as Wash This Death City, and the Monkey Judges there.
The website is called 'exposed.su' -- and anything accurate that it tells us about the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead is welcome to all Humans anywhere!!!! So, how did Mel Gibson get in there? Me thinks, this is not for the sake of Humanity; but just for the sake of sensationalism.
Too bad.
Website reveals info about our worst enemies-01
Website reveals info about our worst enemies-02
Website reveals info about our worst enemies-03
Website reveals info about our worst enemies-04
Too bad they shut down. Anyone, who reveals any of the Truth about our hideous enemies is a friend of ours. That Truth, is clearly proven by how much the Killer Queers of such Queer Networks as ABC and CBS tried to denounce this website, and refused to help anyone know which website it was.
That is called, the 'denial of information' tactic; and is part of Queer Propaganda.
Humans are Beautiful:
Our Human Species is very beautiful and decent, despite our own individual failings. When allowed to be Natural, we are quite laudable and pleasant. It is unnatural environments and situations such as crowded cities, politics, bombings in sewers, and Ghauptlimads that cause us to be less than we can always be.
If. If we have anything to do with such things.
This 'If' -- logically leads us to deduce, that the less we have to do with any of the horrors of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead, the better we are as Human Beings.
This is true. Yet, we are under constant attack from a merciless foe of grotesque perversions and murderous intentions. Trying to have nothing to do with such monsters is impossible. Those things will not allow it. We are their targets. We must die, so that they can die alive.
War, if between Humans, can debilitate us all. Fortunately, there are no Human characters on the opposite side of this War. Every thing over there is a fake or a turd, of some kind or description. What passes for character on the Queer Side, is variations of berserkers and liars that have not been mentally poddy trained.
Still, as much as we can, we must strive to remove ourselves from any and all contact with that which reduces our Goodness and Decency as Humans. I preface that statement, however, with the insistence that we must fight in every way possible to survive -- AND -- to grow as a Human Species.
Our Species Character, is one of our greatest assets and attributes. We possess a multiplicity of qualities and abilities that makes us truly unique and capable of surviving extremes of hardship -- such as existing on the same continent with hoards of KillerQueers/ModoRats/BestialityAddicts/DemoCraps/Sex-changedFreaks/APA (et all).
Times are hard, and this is a War; but as long as we stay together, and fight together, our Goodness and our Beauty as a Species will remain intact.
[[I almost included the Commercial Protestors in the above group, but did not. They are sorely lacking in Human Spirit and Human Determination. They pretend to support us, and do not. No answers come from them, because solutions would eliminate the problems that they have to have, in order to talk for money.]]
Hence, we Humans must continue to exist by denouncing that which must be denounced -- commending those that deserve commendation -- refusing anything that would degrade or reduce all of us -- casting out any creature that opposes us or threatens us -- and ascending our entire Species to greater heights of Goodness, whenever and wherever we can. All at the same time!
That, requires something. Something big, like our own planet. Planet Sinister is the construct and the refuse of the endless evils of the media swill that oppose us. We deserve better. We deserve better then having to exist inside a vile Planet Sinister of queer making.
We are truly, much and away, far better than the dismal and wretched future that the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead have planned for us.
We are from Planet Earth. It is ours, not theirs. We must make very concerted efforts to reduce our own failings until they vanish, as we stand together against the Ghauptlimads, and protect each other's children, and the future of our Species.
That means caring for each other. The Sewers of the East and the West are bitterly cold and cruel, and insectoid twisted and warped, respectively. What binds them together is their shared diseases, nothing more. There is no Value of Human Life there.
We, on the other hand, are together -- compassionate -- understanding -- friendly -- decent -- and deserving of each other's company and support. We deserve each other. The SQLD have no choice. They were chosen by the diseases that killed them.
This War, is actually making us (Humans) better and more noble than we were before. I do not know if we will ever become as great as the Humans who fought World War II, and won -- but we will certainly win this War -- and in the process we will rise ever higher in our Characters; as Characters of Human Will.
If the un-Human Monkey Judges in Wash This Death City act against our Species, as the Ghauptlimads have paid for, the overall world in which we exist will be different than it was before.
Our enemies will try to make this a Death Blow against all Humanity.
The 'world' will change, but not in any way that the Ghauptlimads expect. Such Evil as their lies and circus of fakery cannot ever stand against our Human Unity, nor withstand the ravages of Time and Truth. Too much Life is required. Life that they denounce and kill with every perverted act.
The endless pressures of Goodness and Humanity will prevail against their deceptions and Bubble of Lies. No amount of Queer Laws and Queer Rules -- imposed upon us by a Foreign Sewer of Despotic Rejects -- will kill off our Humanity. Indeed, we will grow stronger and more powerful with each atrocity that is perpetrated against us!!!!
*Human Children are rejecting the doctrines of the NEA.
*Gun bans are failing.
*Christians are gaining in numbers.
*Catholics are adamant for God.
*No Human gives a (bleep) about the Queer Parades of false colors. Their twisted and mentally disturbed characters, in those parades, are nothing more than a display of their own servitude and slavery; to the Queer Propagandists that make them wear that idiotic junk in the first place.
*A Queer Parade is a sickening display of 'Slavery on the Block' -- a wretched confession of loss of self, and servitude to queer and satanic Masters.
*It is in no way, or remotely anything like, a Human Parade. It has no Validity. It has no Sanity. It has no Decency. It has no reason to it, other than an attempt by Queer Masters to show how many bodies the Queer Disease has already killed.
*It is worse than psycho ward inmates marching in an Easter Parade.
A Queer Parade, is literally a confession of defeat, rather than a celebration of their mental disease, as it is intended.
*All Humans know this.
*All Humans reject them, and that.
*Outside their Bubble of Lies, they are just dead matter.
*I am supremely confident that nothing which the so-called Homosexuals do, will kill our United Species.
*To assure this, we will continue to counterattack all Queers, DemoCraps, ModoRats, Liberals, Satanists, Pedophiles (et all) with the Truth about anything that they do.
*They have chosen this endless treachery and pestilence against our Species. Why should we let them out of it?
Letter from Liberty Council:
I recently received this email from the Liberty Council. It is self-explanatory.
Liberty Counsel
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Common sense and a quick read of the Constitution say there is no such thing as a legal right to same-sex “marriage” in America. Please see my update regarding yesterday’s oral argument on California’s Proposition 8 before the United States Supreme Court – Mat.
Yesterday, the High Court heard the oral argument in Hollingsworth v. Perry on Proposition 8, the California ballot initiative defining marriage as being reserved to being the union of one man and one woman.
Proposition 8 passed by a wide majority of California voters in 2008. In court, a homosexual federal judge in San Francisco declared Proposition 8 unconstitutional, and later, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the judge’s ruling.
This case has the greatest national implications of any case brought before the Supreme Court in many years.
No one can predict how the Court will ultimately rule on the Prop 8 case, but based on the oral arguments that were presented yesterday, it is possible a majority of Justices could rule that the proponents of Prop 8 lack standing and simply dismiss the case.
If that happens, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling would be dismissed, leaving perhaps only the Northern District of California court ruling. This would mean the ruling would apply only to the northern part of California.
It is unwise to lend credence to predictions on how the Court might come down. It is, however, always wise to pray for the Justices’ deliberations!
It is possible the Court could even dismiss the district court ruling and save the issue of same-sex “marriage” for another case a few years down the road.
And, of course, there is always the possibility the Court could issue a limited ruling…or a broad ruling on the matter. No one knows at this point.
The Supreme Court’s credibility is on the line.
If the Court goes the wrong way and rules that there is somehow found to be a “constitutional right to same-sex marriage,” it will become, in my view, an illegitimate arbiter of the rule of law.
In that unfortunate event, the United States Supreme Court will have lost its legitimacy in its entirety, and will have simply morphed into a cog in the “liberal progressive” political machine.
The definition of marriage is not up for reinterpretation!
The natural family is fundamental to our very existence. This institution is a gift from our loving Creator.
Thriving societies need healthy children who grow up into responsible citizens. Healthy children require committed parents who will sacrifice their own desires for the well-being of their children. This is all created within the context of natural marriage between one man and one woman.
Today, the Justices heard the oral argument on the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which defines marriage as being “between one man and one woman.” It is a federal law which passed overwhelmingly in 1996 and was signed into law by then-President Bill Clinton.
President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder have deemed DOMA to be unconstitutional and have openly refused to defend the law. In fact, they used the power of the White House to try to intimidate the Court through briefs asking the Justices to rule in favor of same-sex marriage!
Last month, Liberty Counsel filed two extensive amicus briefs with the Court on this pair of enormously significant marriage cases.
The Supreme Court will rule on both cases before the end of its term in June.
These rulings will be among the most watched and studied holdings in our nation’s history. The rulings will do much to define (or redefine) our nation’s families, culture, and economy. They will also greatly impact religious institutions in our nation.
The social reengineering of our nation.
We are at a pivotal point in our nation’s history. Nothing could do more to shape the future of America than the Supreme Court’s upcoming decisions on the definition of marriage.
Liberty Counsel will never abandon our vigorous defense of natural marriage!
Liberty Counsel has been deeply involved in legal advocacy on both of these crucial cases for many years now. We’ve defended DOMA and the definition of marriage in almost 50 cases in state and federal courts. And our work is far from over, regardless of how the Court rules on these cases!
Marriage is an institution ordained by God to nurture mankind and rightly order procreation through the generations. The natural family is fundamental to our society’s very existence!
That’s why our intense legal advocacy for natural marriage is so important and why Liberty Counsel will never stop fighting for this vital institution!
Let me encourage you to make a special gift to help cover the growing cost of Liberty Counsel’s extensive litigation work and our principled stand in defense of natural marriage.
Please click here to give a substantial gift to help Liberty Counsel stand in defense of the God-given institution of marriage:
Radical social engineers must not be allowed to prevail!
President Obama made it clear in his State of the Union address that he intends to make the acceptance of “gay marriage” in our nation part of his second term agenda.
The fact is, Liberty Counsel cannot take on Barack Obama’s Department of Justice (DOJ) and the powerful lobbyists and attorneys representing radical groups without your help!
We need your help now more than ever to stand against the legal bullies pushing the Left’s radical agenda.
Click here to give your best gift possible as, together, we stand for the God-ordained institution of marriage:
Thank you so much for your prayers and support as we deal with the rising tide of legislative and legal attacks on the God-given institution of marriage in America.
May God bless you!
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
President Obama and his administration have proven to be the most hostile presidency in American history toward marriage and the family. Barack Obama’s radical policies undermine marriage and morality, and ultimately do great harm to children and the society at large.
We must work together to stop the onslaught of radical pro-homosexual activism. For information on the multi-faceted work in which the Liberty Counsel family of ministries engages – or to make comments – please visit our new website: www.libertycounsel.com
Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and family. Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776
A lot of Humans are sending petitions to the (less-supreme-than-anyone-else) Monkey Judges in Wash This Death City, asking them to 'decide' in favor of the Natural Laws of Human Marriage.
I cannot do that. I cannot make myself write anything to such vermin as they are. It would be like an Frenchman writing a letter to the Nazi High Command in 1939, asking them not to invade France.
Such scum, that think they can disobey the Laws of God and Nature, and set themselves up as the Almighty Arbiters of All Life on Earth -- are far beneath my contempt -- no matter how much I loath them.
Also, I reiterate -- they are NOT part of any Human Country!!!!
Nothing about Wash This Death City ...
(a sewer so bad you have to see it for yourself, in the queer darkness behind the show lights, to know what I mean) ...
is Human or part of a Human Country. So, it certainly is not part of My Country! I would rather cut my own hands off than write anything to them. Instead, I will take apart the 'Oral Argument' of the 'Queers', that was presented to those Monkey Judges on March 26, 2013. I will clearly explain what is wrong, and what is wrong, about that 'Oral Argument'.
Coming soon: to a brain that does not like to read so much, near you.
A historical note about Nazis, and Procrastination, and Appeasement:
I think I have mentioned the french film 'Bon Voyage' before. It is one of the best, and its value often lies in its authenticity and faith to what really happened. It was not designed primarily to be about World War II, but it ends up showing all of us 'Non-French' people what happened, when the Nazis rolled over France in World War II.
[[By the way -- the History of Paris -- during World War II is fascinating, and holds many lessons for Humans that live in Real Half-States; that are being held prisoner by Queer Half-States.]]
The ground rules and the machines had changed (since World War I), and the French were caught unawares and unprepared. Their tactics and their equipment were designed for a military preparedness against a foe that possessed a progression of equipment based upon what had existed in World War I.
Instead, the Nazis leapfrogged ahead in technology, weaponry, numbers and strategies. France was poorly prepared. She was forced into a desperate position, and split apart. Two Frances emerged. Procrastination and Appeasement had wrought a terrible damage upon the French, who did not want to fight anyway. What resulted was Absorption of half, and continued Resistance by the other half.
Here is an excerpt from an article about that time:
The failure of the Third Republic ...
[[A wreckage, trying to be a Republic instead of a Monarchy]] ...
to deal effectively with the Depression was accompanied by the collapse of its foreign and military policy. Until 1936 the rise of Nazi Germany caused little controversy in France. The government responded to growing Nazi power by attempting to strengthen ties with France’s central and eastern European allies, establish new agreements with Italy and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), and renew the old entente with Britain. But after the Popular Front government came to power, the right, which portrayed the Popular Front as the prelude to a communist takeover, began to see Hitler as less of a menace than Blum.
[[Leon Blum, leader of the Socialist 'Popular Front']]
The left, torn between its old pacifism and its fears of creeping European fascism, was divided on whether to confront or negotiate with Germany.
Clearly, the majority of the French people wanted to avoid war at almost all costs, and British pressure to do so inclined France toward a policy of appeasement. In 1936 France merely protested Hitler’s remilitarization of the Rhineland, despite the fact that this move violated the treaties of Versailles and Locarno. While the Popular Front was in power, Blum declined to aid the Spanish Republic, which was fighting a brutal civil war against anti-Republican forces led by Franco and supported by Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. Since the right favored Franco, Blum feared a civil war in France if he intervened in the Spanish conflict. In March 1938 France acceded to Germany’s annexation of Austria. At the Munich Conference (see Munich Pact) in September 1938, France violated its own defense treaty with Czechoslovakia by agreeing to German occupation of the Czech Sudetenland. The next March, France stood by while Germany occupied the rest of Czechoslovakia.
Only on September 3, 1939, after Germany invaded Poland, did France and Britain reluctantly declare war. Even then France took little offensive action beyond participating in a naval blockade of Germany, still hoping that something might be worked out. Such paralysis, far from thwarting Nazi aggression against France, only invited it.
***Such paralysis, far from thwarting Nazi aggression against France, only invited it.***
The German attack on France in May 1940 was no repetition of the attack of September 1914, which had stalled out very quickly. Hitler directed his massed tank divisions north of the Maginot Line through the supposedly impenetrable Ardennes forest. France and the rest of the Allied Powers did not lack men and material, but they were unprepared strategically. In six weeks Hitler won the decisive victory that had eluded the Germans in World War I. Seventy years after the Battle of Sedan, France was once again an occupied nation.
Microsoft Encarta
Did you read this part? -- 'Such paralysis, far from thwarting Nazi aggression against France, only invited it'.
'Such paralysis' is what the ModoRats exist for. They ARE the paralysis! They want to be the paralysis! Being the paralysis pays well -- in DemoCrap Dollars!
Learn the lesson children.
There has never been a pervert, that was not made into a pervert, or changed into a pervert by Satanism or Insanity.
And, Do Not Deserve Any Special Status Or Rights!
If either of those queer cases, that are now before the (less-supreme-than-anyone-else) Monkey Judges in Wash This Death City, is 'decided' against the Human Species -- that day will be the most Infamous Day in American History since the Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.
Ghauptlimads have no such thing as pride. Ghauptlimads have nothing like pride at all. What that crap that they call pride is -- is following orders from their Queer Masters to pretend that they are Human. The Queer Masters are smart enough to know that their followers are nothing but Trash, and Rabble, and Scum and even the 'Generalized' Public knows that.
So -- the Queer Masters ordered their Rabble and their Scum (that follow their orders) to pretend that they have Human Qualities. One of which is pride. And, to the very stupid elements of the 'Generalized' public, it works.
I remember, when the Queers at the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone first got the orders to pretend that they had pride. At first, most of the Queers said that it was a ridiculous order, and it would not work to fool the People. But, the Queer Masters insisted, so the Queers started to pretend that they had pride. Immediately, the most stupid elements of the 'Generalized' public started to believe them.
A month before, they were all Trash and Rabble and Scum, and they knew it, and they looked like it. Literally a month before, they were all crawling dung heaps, crawling on each other. And, everybody knew that they were dung heaps. But, the Queer Masters insisted that they all pretend like they had pride.
I was there. I was there in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone when those orders were issued. Orders to pretend that they had pride. And, as soon as they did (true to the tests that the Queer Masters had performed on Human Guinea Pigs), the most stupid, gullible and naive elements of the 'Generalized' public started to scratch their heads and say "Oh, duuhh -- look! Dey have pride!" They stood there and stared at the pretending Queers, and could not understand it.
The pretending Queers saw this, and reported it back to the Queer Masters. And, the Queer Masters said -- "Keep pretending! Keep pretending! Keep pretending! You will convince them! They are too stupid to know any better."
And I mean, I was there. I heard the Ghauptlimads discussing the fact that their Queer Masters told them to keep pretending, because the most stupid 'Generalized' public were too stupid to know any better, and would accept them as having pride. So stupid, that they would be fooled by the pretending of the Ghauptlimads, and would accept that Ghauptlimads have pride.
And, from there it would spread like a disease, like a 'Generalized Idiocy', throughout the entire 'Generalized' Public. I was there, I saw it, I heard it. I am a witness.
THAT, is what happened.
The Ghauptlimads were, and still are, nothing but sewage on two legs -- not born that way -- but made to be that way. Everything that they do is false!!!!
Their Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred is nothing more than following another order, from their hideous Queer Masters, to fool enough idiots so that they can get over on the 'Generalized' public. It is a sham of the worst possible degrees.
If ANY court, is stupid enough to accept ANYTHING that the Ghauptlimads say about themselves, then that court is immediately the most stupid and unnatural court of Lying Monkeys in the Known Universe.
Liars like Liars.
Liars appreciate Liars.
Liars accept Liars.
Liars lie for Liars.
Back to -- HObama da Caligula:
I would say that both HObama, and its Masters, have studied the operations and the techniques of the ancient Roman Caesars (Emperors). The amount of similarities between the reign of HObama, and the actions and cruelties and perversions of the Roman Emperors, is far too similar or identical to be a coincidence.
The twisted goal of today's tyranny may present itself as Socialism, but when you look at what really happens at times such as these days, nothing resembling Socialism will come of all of this. The intended goal of this insanity, which the Queer Masters have ordered HObama to perpetuate, will not happen as they have planned.
They are nothing more than absolutely sick 'sex holes'. Ruination, is all that they will bring. A mixed up social world of ruination and counter-ruination. In other words, a really horrible mess. This fact, and it is a fact, is another extremely important reason for knowing what happened to the Human species during the tyrannical reigns of the Roman Emperors.
If you know what has happened before, you will have a much better chance of understanding what DemoTopia is becoming. The madness and insanity and the hideous perversions that will occur, even more than they are occurring now, will be more understandable.
The terrible DemoTopia, host body to Amorgida (which all of the Ghauptlimads want more than anything else), is already flawed in many ways. One of which is, the HollyQueers. The HollyQueers want to mass-produce queer movies against the Human species; so that all idiots and imbeciles and the very young people (who do not know any better), will be mass brainwashed into believing that the Humans are bad and mean and cruel; because they oppose all of the circus insanity that will be every day life in DemoTopia.
Witness the killing of their own hoards in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone, in a pathetic attempt to declare martial restrictions against the Human Species -- which they desperately want to subdue and cage like undesirable animals.
Anyone related to the Christians will be attacked. Those Christians that are not already queered, or embrace perversions, will be demonized. However, when Hollywood still existed -- before the Communists and the Socialists took over -- they created some very good films and movies about the persecution of the Christians, by the same kind of scum and vermin that are now persecuting the Christians again.
And so, the legacy of the former Hollywood is starting to bite the Queers in the ass. I will give you a short list of such films, for those of you who were raised by the NEA; and were never allowed to know that Human movies have ever been made:
Quo Vadis
The Robe
Ben Hur
Demetrius and the Gladiators
The Fall of the Roman Empire
King of Kings
Constantine and the Cross
Shun TV attempts to present the decadence and the perversions of the Roman Emperors in a 'queer light', which to them is good. Everything that the TV Turds do is queered, and a lie. Recently, one of the queer channels showed a falsified version of the life of the Carthaginian General, Hannibal; a white man. They used a very black actor to pretend it was Hannibal. To the TV Turds all that matters is satisfying the orders of the Queer Masters, and their paying customers.
No state has ever voted for the Ghauptlimads. Only in places that are infested and dominated by DemoCraps, and where the Will of the People is not allowed, has anyone ever voted for the Ghauptlimads. Only Ghauptlimads and DemoCraps, vote for Ghauptlimads. Hence, only where one of two things happens, do the Ghauptlimads and their Queer Phony Laws get approved -- illegally -- as Queer Laws.
1. Where there are so many Queer DemoCraps that they outnumber the Humans, so they vote for the Queers -- which is voting for themselves, of course.
2. Where the DemoCraps control the legislatures, and the People of the State are not allowed to vote on the issue. The People of the State, are not allowed to vote for Humanity, and against the Queers. It is not allowed.
That is what happened in Iowa, where the Madams Murphy and Gronstal did not allow the legislation to vote against the Queers. That is total tyranny, and that is what happened in Iowa. That is what happened in most places where this has happened. In a few places, three states, the Ghauptlimads dominated the populations. There were more Ghauptlimads at those places than there were Humans, and the Ghauptlimads voted for themselves.
But, no State of Human Beings has ever voted for the Ghauptlimads, and never will. It is always the fault of the DemoCraps, aided by the Queer-Sucking, Cheese-burger-loving, chicken-brained DemoModerates. The Moderates, that might as well be DemoCraps; because they are nothing but the same death to all of us.
If you read the lists, that I have included, about all of our enemies and all of the (bleeps) that are guilty of this heinous hoax called Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred being made Queer Legal ...
as you look at the list and you think of the creatures that are on that list, you can see pretty clearly why none of them are Human; and yet they all want to pretend that they are Human.
They all have sickness and insanity and disease of some description. They all have some kind of illness, some kind of very very sick greed, warped ideas, twisted brains, psychopathic results. They are the results of psychopathy -- they are all very sick POS.
They cannot possibly have Humanity, because they don't have any way of knowing what Humanity is. Theirs, has been taken away from them; and they were told that they are now something else, they were turned into something else. Then, when it became advantageous, the scum who turned them into Queers, and freaks, and assholes, decided that they (the Queers, freaks, assholes) should start to advertise themselves as being Humans too. So, now the emphasis of their lies is "Oh, we are Humans too!"
But, it is nothing but lies, on the ground. It is nothing but the lies of the Queer Propagandists. It is nothing more than the 'Lie of the Moment', the 'Lie of this Time' -- the lie that they are using now.
They really have no way of knowing what Humanity is. It has been taken away. They have been warped, raped, and perverted. They are something completely alien and completely different now. Even though they have been ordered (now), to say that they are 'Human Too', and 'People Too' -- they only do it automatically, they only do it by repetition, they only do it according to what they have been told to do, and how they have been told to say it. And, the arguments that they have been told to say.
In Reality, in plain and ordinary and simple Reality, they have no idea of what Humanity is. They could not describe it. They could not define it. They could not explain it, in any way that could be True and accurate. And, that is it. That, really is the way it is. Any True and Accurate and Real description of Humanity CANNOT include them!!!!
If you try to get them to describe Humanity, they will try to say that they are Humans too. No description, no explanation. Automatically, that is the first thing that they will say; and as we all know, they are not. So it is clear, right out of their own mouths, that they have no way of knowing what you are talking about. Not a clue. They haven't the faintest idea of what you are saying, when you ask them what is Humanity.
Getting disgusted?
Do you find that you are knowing more about your murderers, and enjoying less?
Want to do something about it all?
I have explained what Humans can do individually, and in groups, to keep the Ghauptlimads out of their lives.
But, what about the bigger moves? The larger operations?
Well ... they may not be what you expect. There is always War. I like that. Yet, there are many ways to skin a herd of DemoCraps.
I will give you a mental exercise, to show you what I mean.
Link Mountains:
I will not draw you pictures, because I want you to use your Human Imagination. In doing so, you will see what the Ghauptlimads can never see.
The footprint of each mountain is 18 miles long and 6 miles wide, with a granite crown at each end. The crowns are disc shaped, sit atop massive towers of rock and granite, have granite rims, and are 1500 feet higher than the surrounding ground level around the mountain. They are granite adorned crests, not buttes. Inside each crown is an interior of terraced grass-covered planes.
Each crowned end, is elevated above the center area of the mountain by five hundred feet. Not as a promontory, but rather as a height accumulation.
Each crowned end, has a diameter of two miles, holds a large recreation park with a pond (half square mile per side), and an elevated observation building atop the highest part of the granite crown (two hundred yards on a side). Think Big. Build Big. Thinking Big, makes Building Big easier.
A Link Mountain must be of this size to establish a natural equilibrium with itself, and its surroundings.
In the saddle of each mountain is a lake, nature center, and large lodging facilities -- devoid of stupid and junky tourist attractions. The lodging and dining facilities are of National Park Class. No fast food joints, tattoo shops, curio shops, pawn shops (etc) are allowed. This visitor's complex can operate year round, if appropriate. All guests are visitors to the mountain. The only permanent residents are staff for the visitor's complex, maintenance crews for the mountain, law enforcement, and administration.
The crowned end portions of each mountain, are steeply sloped relative to the surrounding terrain; but the middle widths are more gently sloped to the surrounding ground levels. One road links the two crowns with the central lake. One road ascends to the central lake from either side. No other roads exist, save for forest service roads closed to the public.
Each Link Mountain exists in two states. One half of each mountain lies in a different prairie state (such as Colorado and Kansas). The Link Mountains are aligned along the axis of prevalent storm patterns so that precipitation is uniformly distributed along its length.
The Link Mountains bind together the populations of the states they combine, and are considered neutral territory -- even in times of civil war and rebellion and revolution. This is a binding agreement written into the laws of both states.
Off pouring streams are arranged into each mountain, to supply water to catch pockets and ponds in the surrounding lands. In the case of a Link Mountain being built over a pre-existing stream or river; the interior of the Link Mountain is to form an appropriate tunnel in which the original stream, stream banks and immediate corridor are preserved. Using light pipes, photon columns from the top of the mountain will be transmitted as natural lighting down to the stream. On top of the mountain, the tops of the light pipes will not rise higher than the tree growth there. Access to the stream valley, inside the base of the mountain, will be provided by donkey rides along wide tunnel pathways.
Link Mountains, with adequate annual rainfall, may have lighted interior waterfall caverns; hundreds of feet high, lit by light pipes as previously described. Access to those waterfalls and interior pools will also be by donkey rides. Where possible, there may exist a network of donkey pathways that ascend and descend the mountain internally; linking the surrounding ground levels, the upper surface of the mountain, and internal features.
The vegetation and forest cover of each Link Mountain is dependent upon the geo-ecological region in which it stands -- however, it is to have abundant coverage. To be covered abundantly, even if neighboring elevations are not!
Each Link Mountain is also a wildlife refuge, but hiking and horseback riding are allowed.
Hunting is not allowed!!!!
Where possible -- skiing facilities are allowed on north facing slopes (not below crowns), not to exceed three miles in width, total -- and in three subdivisions at most! Skiing facilities may extend outwards onto surrounding grounds.
Where possible -- vineyards for growing wine are suggested on the lower halves of south facing slopes (not below crowns), not to exceed nine miles width, total -- and in three subdivisions at most! Vineyards may extend outwards onto surrounding grounds.
No other uses for slope areas are allowed. Thus, all other slope areas are forested. Forests may extend outwards onto surrounding grounds.
Rock and granite structures underneath crowns may be used for the sport of rock climbing, but nothing can endanger the structural integrity of the crowned ends themselves.
Natural abundance, nature appreciation, family recreation and state bonding is what Link Mountains are all about.
Each Link Mountain will have a park ranger force of appropriate size (no police states or police oppression of any kind!!!!), that may be armed and will have police powers in both states.
The idea and reality of Link Mountains go a long way towards preventing the division of Human states that the enemies of the Human Species wish to divide, sewer, pervert, and destroy piecemeal.
For instance, the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead want to divide Colorado from its neighbors -- Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and Oklahoma; and turn Colorado into a DemoCrap sewer of Queers, and freaks of all kinds. Their idea is to create a queer state, filled with anti-Humans that are completely mind-controlled by the Queer Medias. A state population of dumbed-down potato heads, that will not protest when queer armies (and foreign armies from queered countries) are moved into Colorado; to threaten the surrounding Human states militarily.
Link Mountains, and any other structure that bonds Human states together, will defy the attempts by anti-Human agencies of the DemoCraps (such as HomeQueer Security), to bring about divisions and derisions and conflicts between the Human populations of neighboring states.
Link Mountains -- are Human Security.
This is quite practical, and can be achieved. It is just a matter of Human Willpower. I suggest three or more Link Mountains (or equivalent structures) to bind each pair of two Human states.
Think phenomenology. Think reality. Put the two together.
Remember, there are powerful fart forces working against us. To prevent such attempts at Human unity, is why the SQLD have deliberately brought this continent to the brink of bankruptcy.
Markel Edward Peters -- 2013.
Commercial Protestors:
One of the worst things that the Commercial Protestors do, is to play along with the pretense that HObama is any kind of person that needs to be talked about. HObama is a Puppet and an Actor, it repeats what it is told to repeat, it pretends what it is told to pretend. It does, what it is told to do. It thinks, what it is told to think. But, for the purpose of the Commercial Protestors and their Commercial Interests (to keep their listening audiences tuned in), they pretend that the HObama thing can think. They pretend along with HObama. HObama is a Puppet and Actor that pretends -- everything!!!!
And, in return, the Commercial Protestors pretend everything; they pretend that the HObama thing can think. For itself, which is obviously impossible. They pretend that HObama is a President. They pretend, that there is not something incredibly and horribly wrong! They pretend, that it is only mildly wrong, marginally wrong, just wrong enough for them to comment about it. But, no one has to start a WAR, because that might destroy the radio stations that they depend upon for their livelihood. So, matters cannot be as bad as they really are -- or the audiences cannot be allowed to know it is -- because if the People knew that it was, there would be a War; and the Commercial Protestors would lose their profitable Commercial Protesting jobs.
[[Have you noticed? The 'call screeners' of the Commercial Protestors, never allow any Humans to speak on the Commercial Programs; who will say the Truth and denounce the phony Commercial Protestors.]]
For instance, the Sean Hannity propagandists are now bleating out that there are "One Million Followers of Sean Hannity", on something called Facemook.
Then, on cue, Sean Hannity will come onto the radio and take a caller, who has been lined up for just this purpose. It will be a woman, who decided that she did not want to follow a Fake Jesus anymore; so she tore up her memorabilia about Sean Hannity. But then, other Fake Jesus followers reprimanded her for that. They called the Sean Hannity show to have her repent, and for her to say she was wrong, and she wants Sean Hannity as her Jesus.
Whereupon, Sean Hannity condescends to her, like Jesus would, and tells her that she is forgiven.
That Happened!
On The Radio!
On The Sean Hannity Show!
I Heard It Myself!!!!
If there was a War, such persons as Sean Hannity would have to become War Correspondents, and they are gutless cowards to begin with; and I mean gutless cowards. So, the creatures that are supposed to be Protesting for Real, and describing how bad all of this really is -- are doing no such thing.
Instead, they are pretending, right along with the DemoCraps; that all of this is not as Horrible as it really is. For Commercial Reasons. For the reasons of their own Pockets, their own Paychecks, their own Fame, their own Glorious Following, their own continued longevity as Commercial Protestors.
In the process of lying about the liars, the Commercial Protestors give our enemies 'characters' that they do not have -- for Commercial Reasons. That dunce called the 'Biden White Rattlesnake' (by me) has no character, it is a (bleep)! A glitch.
Queer Harry Reid has no character, it is a (bleep)! Nazi Pelosi has no character, it is a (bleep)! These things are hideous and horrific and terrible monstrosities!
[[I think that means -- they are monsters.]]
Which, your average DemoCrap has been weaned to love.
You know, if it was the children of those Commercial Protestors who were in danger, they would be quite different about this. If it was their children that were in danger from the Ghauptlimads, then they would start to say the Truth.
Then, they would start to say how awful the DemoCraps are. How HObama is nothing more than a Puppet Piece of (Bleep), and so on and so forth. The only one who really seems to be sincere in the whole lot of Commercial Protestors, is Mark Steyn.
The Savage Babbler, which I call 'The Babbage', is a joke!
The Babbage (a Commercial Protestor), is like listening to Ronald MacDonald on the AM radio! I am not going to get into The Babbage right now, but he is a real waste of time, a total waste of time. Any time that idiot comes up with what seems to be a Novel Idea, it is done strictly for the novelty of it all (and the advertising value of it, of course); trying to pull at the emotions of the Human Beings. That makes The Babbage just as bad as the rest of them, if not worse; because he is just playing to the emotions. He is just playing to the fears of everybody, and the angers of everybody.
Babbage does not tell anybody how to do anything. He has no answers, he plays along with the rest of the Commercial Protestors -- pretending that the DemoCrap Pretenders are not really as bad, as they really are. He has already given up on fighting the Queers, because he was attacked by the Queers years ago, and he lost his ratings and he lost some stations; and he was afraid that he was going to lose his AM Radio job; because the Producer/Weasels of AM Radio wanted to dump him for saying the Truth about the Queers. Queers that scared the AM Radio Producer/Weasels (etc etc).
Now, Babbage never talks about the Queers. Now, he condemns anybody who does talk about the Queers, and tries to fight the Queers. He sloughs off the entire War for Humanity as being boring and repetitious. Because, he (Babbage) has already been scared by the Queers; and does not dare to fight against the Genocide by Replacement of the Human Species.
Which shows that he is now a coward. The Babbage is about as cowardly as you can get. He pretends to be angry on the radio, and says nothing. It is a pretended anger. It really is. It is a pretended anger from somebody who is scared to death of our enemies, but wants to be a 'Nice Guy Protestor'.
A 'Nice Guy' -- so Demented White Females (DWC) that have been paid to call him and tell him how nice he is (because he is not "Rude"), will call him and tell him how nice he is -- right on cue.
[[Translation -- Tamed by Queer Threats]]
Even though, it is our enemy that is telling him how 'nice' he is; all that he cares about is that some Fat White Bitch is calling him and saying on the radio waves that he is not 'Rude' and 'Crude'. To Babbage and his Producer/Weasels that means higher ratings, and as you can hear in the rantings of The Babbage, ratings are all that he cares about.
Once in a Blue Bagel, The Babbage will say something that is right. But, then you realize that everyone already knows that, and your hopes are deflated. If you hear that The Babbage said this, or The Babbage said that, it is completely a Heart-surgery on you by The Babbage. For ratings. That is all that it is.
At the other end of the Commercial Protestors' selection, is someone whose name I will withhold, because frankly I think he went insane; the day the HBHZ running dogs were bringing in 'usual suspect' #2 -- which had prior orders to confess anyway.
He ranted and raved, and staged a phony War Correspondent gimmick on his radio program; telling his audience what was happening inside the HBHZ; as he and his radio station were listening to 'police traffic' on scanners about it. He was actually trying to tell us what was happening inside Watertown (inside the HBHZ). Watertown is one of the most God-Awful reverse-flow toilets on any planet. I can tell you true accounts of what goes on in Watertown daily, that would freak you out so bad you might never be sane again. I lived there.
But, foaming at the mouth for ratings, this Commercial Protestor spent hours telling everyone what was happening in some back yard of a house in Watertown, as the running dogs were bringing in 'usual suspect' #2. Then, after the end of that act; the Commercial Protestor praised the running dogs. Praised them, with words that should only be uttered to Human Beings!
I will call him -- 'Bark The Dim'.
Oh, Thank You!
Oh! Thank You!
Oh! Thank You For Treating Us Like Shit!
Oh! You Pigs Are So Wonderful!
Bark The Dim -- Thank The Killer Piggies Of MassInsanity For Terrorizing Us, And Enforcing The Queer Laws Of The SQLD Against Us!
Just Because Their Little Terror Charade Gave You A Ratings Boost, Amongst The Dunced Imbeciles -- That Are Too Stupid To Know That The HBHZ Is The Death Of Us All -- And You Are Just An Opportunity-Seeking Slut On The AM Radio. For That You Betrayed All Of Us?
Oh! Thank You Bark The Dim!
You Sold Us Out On The Queer Slave Block, So Well!
Now, we get to suffer a lifetime of misery for you.
Won't that make you happy?!
Just think of the ratings!
Talk about trashing your own 'base' -- you are never going to fool or double-cross any of us again. Every one of those Wonderful Piggies that you praised -- sucks Queers -- takes Queer Bribes -- and injures, imprisons and kills Innocent Human Beings for the Queers; on the pretext of enforcing Queer Laws and Queer Regulations.
And you! You praised those POS about Anything?
In the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone!!!!
You debased yourself, and us, by praising those animals about anything?!
You must either be on drugs, or you went criminally insane for network ratings.
You should have waited until some al-Qaeda Fanatics attacked a Human City, before you became a whining lap dog for any 'police'.
How do you expect to be forgiven for that detestable display of self-aggrandizement and subservience (including ass kissing), to the running dogs of the hideous Democrat/Homosexuals that rule the HBHZ?
Do you even know what you did wrong?
Now -- the TV Turds and the AM Radio News Networks, such as ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, NPR (et all), are very happy because of those bombings in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone. You can hear the wicked glee and smug satisfaction in their deviled voices.
For the following reasons:
1. They got to put out some Big Lies that label Human Beings as 'right-wing extremists'.
2. They got to exercise some QUEERSWATs, and watch them kill.
3. They got Commercial Protestors to go crazy (literally), and become even more addicted to the SQLD for their Commercial Existence. Now, those idiots are nothing more than something to sic the alligators on.
4. They got to coverup all connections between the bombings and their own HomeQueer Security, and between the bombings and themselves, by blaming al-Qaeda -- after they had already blamed all Humans for it, and that game was not working as expected.
5. They got everyone who is non-Human to listen to them. That is called 'ratings' and 'exposure'.
6. They got to scare Monkey Judges into voting for their Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred.
7. They got to create diversions in the minds of the 'General Public', in an attempt to sneak through a 'bribed decision' in favor of their Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred -- while the public's attention was elsewhere.
8. In their sick brains, they got to make the Queer Cops, that have been hired by them, look 'good' instead of looking like 'private mercenaries' as they really are.
One of the most bothersome things that there is about the Commercial Protestors, is that they offer no answers. They just complain, and/or hold Complaint Rallies and Complaint Meetings that have no answers, but increase their ratings.
They do not tell anybody how good the Species is, they do not describe really what the differences are between us and our enemies. They do not give their listeners any fuel for thought really -- other than to be convinced, that who they are listening to, is a Great Radio Personality.
They just keep fanning the flames of the same dissension, over and over again. And, you can tell how in lockstep they are, into and with all of our enemies. Without all of our enemies, those Radio Personalities would have nothing to say. They do not talk about us at all, and how good we are; they only talk about this bill, and that legislation, and this trip to somewhere, and this thing that this enemy did ((while never once saying to never vote for the DemoCraps or the Republican Asswipes (formerly Establishment)) -- and that thing the enemy did -- and they are helpless and clueless for want for anything to do, unless our enemies do something. And, that is it.
Unless our enemies do something, they have nothing to say. They are so dependent upon our enemies, that they become part of that side sometimes. And, when they are not on that side (over with them), because they are too interested in every evil thing that the DemoCraps do and the ModoRats do -- and they are back on our side -- instead of trying to help us get better and better and better (until we no longer need Commercial Protestors), they stay tunnel-visioned on our enemies, but in the wrong way.
They are focused on our enemies in ways that will gain them Commercial Interest and Commercial Longevity, and Commercial Ratings, and a continued Commercial Audience.
Who wants to be a Commercial Audience? An audience wants to be an audience. People want to listen, because they want to listen to good things and good answers and good advice and good explanations. Not because they want to be a Commercial Audience! Who wants to be a Commercial Audience? Who has a Commercial living-room? Who has a Commercial bedroom? Who has a Commercial kitchen in their house? Who listens to AM Radio in their own Private Commercial Garage?
Answer: Only somebody who owns a Commercial Commercial Garage.
I was just thinking about the Commercial Protestors, and how they deliberately pretend that Humans and Ghauptlimads and Politicians are all the same thing, and that Ghauptlimads and Politicians and the Turds on TV have -- celebrity names?
Celebrity Names?
Such as Chris Assviews, which is a queer turd on TV. Instead of calling it the Queer Turd Assviews, the Commercial Protestors call it -- Chris Assviews. Why?
Answer: The Commercial Protestors cannot say the Truth about what is really going on in this twisted society, because they cannot allow everybody to know how bad it really is, and how horrible the situation really is; because if they do, their audiences will say "Why aren't you doing something about it?"
They do not want to do anything about it. They want to keep talking about it, and making money! They make money by talking. They want to keep talking, and making money. They want to keep talking, and making money. They want to keep talking, and making money. They do not want to get anything done, that's not their goal. That is not their purpose. They do not want to improve anything, that is not their goal. That is not their purpose. Their purpose, is to keep talking and to keep making money.
And, those Commercial Protestors actually pretend that scum like Assviews, and all of the other Turds on TV, have names (like Humans do); and what they say is worth knowing about. And, what they say is worth listening to. And, what they say is worth talking about. Why?
Answer: No Human could give a damn what any Queer Turd on TV says. But, the Commercial Protestors have to keep talking, so they have to have something to talk about. So, they keep pretending that the monsters on TV can actually say something that is worth talking about, by the Commercial Protestors. The Commercial Protestors pretend that the Turds on TV can say things that are worth talking about, and have opinions that are worth talking about. When clearly they do not.
Deranged Pig-Farmers:
Immediately, instantly, the parallel came to my mind (and it is very close) that the Commercial Protestors are like 'deranged pig-farmers'.
Commercial Protestors are very much like 'deranged pig-farmers' would be, if there are any. Pig farmers that have gone insane. Pig farmers that talk to their pigs, and watch TV with their favorite pigs.
Pig farmers that go into the huge hog-confinement buildings, where there are 400 hogs, and they have 400 names for them. One at a time, they talk to each hog. Shake hooves, and ask each hog how their day has been. Which sounds really cute and mushy to any decadent fat blob with a tiny brain that thinks it is a 'sex hole'.
Have you ever smelled an Iowa hog? You do not want to smell an Iowa hog, let alone give 400 of them names.
In Reality, it is insane! The Commercial Protestors that pretend that the Turds on TV have anything to say, that is worth talking about in the Real World (and repeating), are deranged and/or deliberately opportunists of the worst corrupt degrees. Corrupt to the point of trying to enslave a listening audience, and fool a listening audience into believing that those TV Turds are worth discussing, as though they are People. As though, they are People that are saying things that are worth listening to, or worth disagreeing with. But, in Reality we know they are all monsters, they are all scum, and we disagree with everything that they say!
You, (the Commercial Audience), are not supposed to know that; because the Commercial Protestors have to keep talking. Talking is how they make money. Talking is how they make money. They have to keep talking. They have to have things to talk about. All of the raving lunatics on TV are, to the Commercial Protestors on the AM Radio, something to talk about. Some things, that they can talk about. All that matters to them is making money!
But, to make money they have to talk, so they have to have things to talk about. All of the TV Turds are convenient for that purpose. Those things are still flapping their mouths pretending that they are Humans, thinking that they can fool Humans into thinking that they are Humans too; and that gives the AM Commercial Protestors the perfect subject matter to talk about.
So, if the TV Turds talk -- the AM Commercial Protestors can talk. In that way, the Commercial Protestors on the AM Radio can make money. They have to talk to make money. So, they actually personalize those scum on TV as though they were People, as persons who have to be discussed. That, is where they are exactly like deranged pig-farmers!
Law Enforcement in these Times and Conditions:
One of the things that I have noticed, that the Ghauptlimads and the DemoCraps are doing, is to try to enlist law enforcement agencies as preventives of a Human Resistance, and a Human Revolution against the Ghauptlimads and the DemoCraps.
This is being attempted by trying to make everything that the Ghauptlimads and the DemoCraps do, seem to be Queer Legal. Once something is 'Queer Legal', and the Law Enforcement agencies have been queered to believe that Queer Legal is legal -- AND -- their brains have been fornicated until they cannot know any difference between Real Legal and Queer Legal -- AND -- they have been trained to consider anyone who disobeys Queer Laws to be a Criminal (instead of a Human Hero) ...
once the Ghauptlimads and the DemoCraps establish that brainwashing, they can use law enforcement agencies to criminalize anyone who resists the Ghauptlimads and the DemoCraps, and their Queer Laws and their Queer Rules.
But more than that, they want to use the format and the guise (or disguise) of law enforcement; in a pretense to criminalize anyone who resists the Queers and the DemoCraps, and their Queer Laws and their Queer Rules.
The process is to create Queer Laws and Queer Regulations that are not legal, and are certainly not legal, and are always against the Will of the People; and have no legality and were achieved by lies, tricks, backstabbing, deceits, the whole gambit of Queer Propaganda.
All of which, counts as 'wins' (political moves), to the likewise demented brains of the sleazebags and scumbuckets that are supposed to be opposing them. The ModoRats. Moderate/Homosexuals, such as the 'Il Duce Branstad' puppet, that say the queer purchase of seven Monkey Judges in Iowa -- which resulted in all of them 'deciding' against the People of Iowa, and in favor of the Queers and their Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred -- is the law of the land.
At the same time, they appoint and raise up bimbos and idiots that are not half as good as the people that Real Law Enforcement officers used to be; and indoctrinate them and brainwash them (along with the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid), into thinking that the Queer Laws and the Queer Doctrines and the Queer Rules (that the DemoCraps come up with), are Queer Legal.
And, that Queer Legal is the same as Legal!
If you defy, or you resist, the Queer Laws you become a criminal. If you defy, or resist, the Queer Regulations you are a criminal.
They have raised up and appointed cadres of dipshits in law enforcement uniforms; that from day one have no clue that there is a huge difference between Legal, and Queer Legal. That Queer Legal is a fantasy, it is a lie, it is B.S. and worse, it is nothingness, it does not exist, it is a fabrication, it is synthetic, it is imitation, it is not real. It is propaganda.
You do not arrest People for defying propaganda. But, all of the bimbos and retards that have been put into law enforcement uniforms, have been raised and trained to think that any infraction of a Queer Rule or a Queer Law is a criminal act, and must be punished. And anybody, who does not obey Queer Rules and Queer Laws is a criminal! A criminal to be captured, imprisoned, tried in a Queer Court in front of Monkey Judges, and sent to a Queer Prison as a criminal.
In Reality, what they are is Political Prisoners. Political Prisoners of a Queer Regime. Imprisonment, which is a very Soviet Union-like activity. Operating just like Stalin operated during the reign of the Soviet Union. It is almost the same thing, except in this case the figurehead is a Caligula-like puppet from Hell; and the real orders come from the Queer Masters. The HObama/Caligula Puppethead Regime (the Masters behind it) want to imprison anyone who protests against, and opposes, its Queer and Phony Regulations and its Queer and Phony Laws.
So now, what you have in law enforcement uniforms is a bunch of milksops, milktoasts and greedy imbeciles; very greedy because they were chosen for their greed; harassing and attacking and wanting to imprison Real Human Beings, for defying Queer Laws and Queer Regulations.
That, has never been the role of Law Enforcement! Never. Not ever. In fact, the role of Law Enforcement has nothing to do with Civil War or Revolution. It gets caught up in it, like everything else does, but the role of Law Enforcement has never been to prevent Revolutions. It has never been to prevent Civil Wars.
[[Bear in mind that an armed conflict between the Queers Sewers of the East and the West, against our Human Nation, would not be a Civil War. It is not all part of the same country.]]
Dictatorial regimes, that try to prevent Revolutions and Civil Wars, use Terror Squadrons, Terror Troops, Assassination Units, Murderers, Disrupters, Enforcement Brigades, 'Nights of the Long Knives', massacres, poisons, perverts, brainwashed relatives -- but Law Enforcement is not supposed to be part of that. Law Enforcement is supposed to be enforcing the Common Laws of the nation.
This is one of the reasons why the Ghauptlimads are always trying to emphasize their pretense, that every time they come up with a new Queer Law or a new Queer Regulation, it is now the 'Law of the Land' -- it is Common Law -- according to their pretenses and evil intentions.
This is one of the reasons why they say that. Because, they know that Law Enforcement is supposed to enforce the Common Laws. Not Political Rules. Not Political Laws. Not Political Regulations. Not Political Desires. Not What Favors One Class Over Another.
Law Enforcement is supposed to enforce the Common Laws. This is why the Ghauptlimads are saying that every time they commit a crime against a state or a population, it is now a Common Law. That their Queer Laws are Common Law. That their Queer Regulations are Common Regulations.
This is why they say that, and demand that you believe it. It is done with those lies and those demands, so that their lies will be perceived as Truth. Then, they can say to the Law Enforcement Agencies "This is a Common Law. You must enforce it! Those Humans are resisting this Common Law, so you must arrest them! They must be prosecuted! [[in a Monkey Court of course]] They must be put in jail! They must be fined, and put in Jail!"
Which later will become -- "They must be executed!"
[[If you do not realize the Truth in what I just wrote, then you know nothing about the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead. Nothing.]]
Such Queer Travesties, committed against Human Beings, has never been the Role of Law Enforcement. The Role of Law Enforcement is to enforce Common Laws and Common Regulations that are totally impartial, totally unspecific as to class, totally non-political, and totally natural. Queer Laws and Queer Regulations are the opposite of all such Common Laws and Common Regulations.
For instance, the Queer Laws and Queer Regulations that prohibit the Citizens of the United States of America from owning and operating automatic (rapid-fire) weapons are completely unnatural -- not to mention being clearly anti-American and anti-Human.
Especially in the light of the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid possessing automatic weapons, and being 'Sworn to Heinrich' to use those automatic weapons against any and all Humans, whenever the Queer Orders say to.
The 'Goodness', and the 'Decency', and the 'Sanity' in that situation is entirely on the side of the Citizens; and completely lacking (gone) from the side of the Queer Heinrich, and its Queer and Armed Fart-Forces. Absolutely, any and all automatic weapons should be in the possession and control of the Good and Decent and Sane Citizens! And, never in the hands of the Killer Queers of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid.
Do you want Queer Enforcement Squadrons, armed with automatic weapons, attacking your Good and Decent and Sane Neighborhood? Because, the Masters of those Killer Queers hate and despise Non-Queer Neighborhoods, that are Good and Decent and Sane?
[[Get the message. Anything that is Queer -- is anti-Life.]]
Law Enforcement has never had anything to do with Politics. It is not supposed to. And yet, corrupt politicians always try to use Law Enforcement for the purpose of enforcing corrupt regulations, and corrupt laws, and to reinforce their own corrupt regimes. That is when Law Enforcement becomes warped, and distorted, and twisted, and perverted and becomes bad law enforcement. Bad cops. Bad Detectives. Bad police forces. Bad SWATs, and so on.
[[Have you noticed how SWAT team members are chosen for their macabre feeling of joy at being a ten or twelve-legged armored centipede of death? That sick sense of joy has company inside the same insane brain. Sadism.]]
That is how the Law goes bad. That is how the Law gets twisted and perverted. You can be a bad cop in a variety of ways, but some of the main ones are you get twisted politically, like the Ghauptlimads are trying to twist and pervert the law enforcement agencies ...
by pretending that their Phony Laws and their Phony Rules and their Phony Regulations are Common Law. Or, a cop can just become a criminal, in a uniform. And work for the Mob, work for organized crime, work for organized Ghauptlimads, or work for himself as a criminal.
***Of course, the Ghauptlimads are always looking for that kind of police officer. They are always looking for the bad cops, and they hire them to poison and disease and corrupt entire police forces. To turn all of the police bad, force out all of the good officers, and bring in all kinds of trash. To invade the police academies, corrupt and pervert the police academies; indoctrinate or replace the instructors at the police academies; and to make sure that the instructors at the police academies instruct the police cadets that all of the Queer Laws and Queer Regulations are Common Law. In other words, to reinforce the Queer Agenda, and to reinforce the DemoCrapia. That way, they have the police academies telling the recruited trash and imbeciles that Humans are criminals. You have the Ghauptlimads telling the imbecile recruits that Humans are criminals. You have the Politicians telling the imbeciles that the Humans are criminals ...
and the trash and imbeciles end up wearing Law Enforcement Uniforms.
That, is what leads to what this one general said in this recent article, is a Constabulary Force full of grinning shitheads, that think they are really cool killing the big bad Humans. And, giggling about the anal favors they are going to get back at the queered police station, for killing these big bad Humans. Giggling, as they kill the Humans!
Special Forces commander ‘Constabulary force’ coming.
[[A smiling SWAT team -- is a really awful thing to see.
In this modern-day HObama da Caligula decadent empire, there are no lions to throw the Christians to. Today, the Christians will be thrown to the QUEER SWAT teams. Or, the Boars.]]
I call such collections of brainwashed and murderous anti-Humans, molded into many-legged killing machines out of the gutter sweepings that are vicious enough and greedy enough and nasty enough to qualify for Queer Police positions -- per the criteria of the Queer Masters -- QUEER SWATS.
What it is, is a para-military force of perverted law enforcement agencies, that are armed and trained to kill Americans. AND, those killers are armed with automatic weapons that American Citizens are not allowed to have; because the putrid politicians of Wash This Death City always fear an armed uprising of the People of the United States of America (who they do NOT represent and are alien to), against the games of death and greed that they constantly play in that cesspool.
That is it. That is exactly it. The QUEER SWAT trash are not told that is what it is; they are told that they are suppressing terrorists. Which is why, there is another simultaneous campaign of lies going on to officially label (using Queer Reports and the Queer Medias) all Humans who resist the Democrat/Homosexuals and the Homosexual/Moderates as terrorists.
The gutter retards of the QUEER SWAT teams, glorified by the Queer Medias as modern-day knights of justice and humanitarian intelligence, think they are suppressing evil-doers, suppressing criminals.
What it really is, (per the intentions of the Ghauptlimads) is killing all Human Resistance so that the Ghauptlimads may dominate and rule America. Which fails anyway, because instead of being ruled by the Ghauptlimads, America shrinks instead. So, what ends up happening, is that the Ghauptlimads kill America wherever they dominate with their mental disease, and rule in its place.
The Queers call it AMORGIDA -- (A Morgue Ideal) for the Ghauptlimads, the new nation of the Ghauptlimads. Which can only exist under a dictatorship, such as an Oligarchy. An Oligarchy, that can only succeed in a police state.
All of this information, that I am giving you about Caligula, supports what I am writing here. It has been supported all of the way down through History, wherever there has been a Dictator or a dictatorial Oligarchy. All Ghauptlimads and all Dictatorships need Constabulary Forces to oppress the populations, who otherwise would kick the Ghauptlimads into the gutter; and kill the corrupt politicians for what they are, and for what they are doing.
No Free Population would take one quarter of this abuse, that they are getting from the Moderate/Homosexuals and the Homosexual/Democrats, if it was not already oppressed by a Police State.
Police States have to exist for perversion to rule. Police States have to exist for corruption to rule. That is why the Ghauptlimads, and the Politicians, are so worried about the future of their Wash This Death City. They want a Queer Army, and a Queer Air Force, and a Queer Navy that will protect Wash This Death City. Which is where all of the Ghauptlimads and Politicians go, to be corrupt, to be perverted and to rule over the rest of us.
Getting back to my point: the purpose of Law Enforcement has nothing to do with Revolution or Civil War. During a Revolution, the police still operate and carry out the enforcement of the Common Laws -- not Queer Regulations and not Queer Laws -- and during a Civil War it is the same way. Law Enforcement Agencies carry out the operations of enforcing the Common Laws, as much as can be done during a Civil War, but they do not enforce Queer Regulations and they do not enforce Queer Laws.
No! No! No! -- that is NOT a Law Enforcement activity. It is not a Law Enforcement responsibility. It is not part of the purview of Law Enforcement. However, the Ghauptlimads and the DemoCraps would change the rules. They want to change the books. They want to change the manuals. They want to change all of the instructions to say that all of their Queer Laws and Queer Regulations must be enforced by Law Enforcement; and anyone who breaks those Queer Laws and Queer Regulations is a criminal and must be punished.
They have plenty of Monkey Judges and Monkey Lawyers to castrate and castigate the Humans with. This is what is happening to Law Enforcement. Law Enforcement is being perverted. The courts have already been perverted. The courts are already Queer. Look at those seven Monkey Judges in Iowa, that took the Queer Bananas and voted for the Ghauptlimads. Those were seven pieces of (bleep)! Seven Horrors! Seven Whores! Seven dung heap prostitutes! Piss ants in black robes! Those were seven scum bags from the lowest possible order of parasites in all of Planet Sinister -- the Monkey Lawyers. And, they were put there by the Homosexual/Democrats and the Moderate/Homosexuals; so that the courts would be scummy and of the lowest order too.
This criminal activity has happened all across the country. So, what can Law Enforcement do? What can Law Enforcement do about it?
Answer: Ignore and Disobey!!!!
But, Human Law Enforcement is being replaced! Because, it will ignore and disobey Queer Orders from Queer Courts!
Human Law Enforcement, is being taken apart as part of the Genocide Process against the Human Species. Reduced. Laid off. Fired. Not re-elected.
Law Enforcement, is being deliberately sewered and infiltrated by Queer Agents; so that Law Enforcement for the first time can be used as a force of killers and a force of murderers against the Human Species. The very force that is supposed to protect the Human Species, and maintain the Common Laws, is being used against the Human Species; to criminalize, imprison and kill the Human Species.
Once again, everything that the Ghauptlimads say is a lie. Ghauptlimads always say -- "Oh, we're only going to do this. Oh, we're only going to do this, Step A." And, what they always mean to do is Steps A thru Z! A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z!
All the way to Z. Once they have achieved Step A, they immediately go to Step B. Immediately. It never changes with them. They are ALWAYS that way. They ALWAYS lie. Step A is always followed by Step B (more awful). And then, Step C (even worse), and their goal is always Step Z.
[[Who is going to stop them? The Commercial Protestors, who need them for their phony livelihoods?]]
The Ghauptlimads never think in any other terms, but ever-increasing Evils. They always lie to everyone, because People who are not queer are just there to be lied to; as far as the Ghauptlimads are concerned. That is all the People are to the Ghauptlimads, they are just inferior 'Heterosexuals'.
I hear the killer-lesbians at HomeQueer Security have been playing with bombs, over at the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone. Training exercises? Classes in explosives? Why not? Those hags own and operate the HBHZ!
The Queer Medias are blaming the Human Species for whatever crap they performed -- 'over there'. We are being blamed for this, by the Queer Medias. So, I am going to put the blame right back on them. Where 99.99 percent of all violent and anti-American attacks originate from.
Pressure cookers as bombs -- only a Chem Lab at a Queer Government Agency would think that one up. Just the kind of twisted thinking that they would have, expecting that to be indicative of what Humans would do.
Yet, this is interesting, typical and paradoxical. One of the HUGE complaints that all Real Humans had about the '9/11' incident was that the al-Qaeda attacked Nude Yack instead of the HBHZ -- showing us, that all the al-Qaeda wanted to do was to hurt America, not to save America.
And now, bombs are blowing up inside the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone (in the Sewer of the East). Could this be an attempt, by HomeQueer Security, to discredit all Real Americans, and label us as 'Terrorists'? What do you expect from such vermin as them?
The Queer Medias have already tried to blame these explosions on us! That is fact!
Butt! How can I say that our beloved 'Home Land Security' (cute warm fuzzies) would ever want to 'Bomb and Blame' our poor little, subservient, trusting American selves for anything?
Answer: Back up will you?! I'm too close to an Idiot.
The Queers/ModoRats/DemoCraps/Glue-Sniffers (et all) cannot allow their propaganda to admit that what they are -- and what happens to them -- has nothing to do with our Human Country.
They made it this way. But, for financial reasons (they want our money), they do not want it known that the Sewers of the East and the West are no longer Human -- and NOT part of our Human Country.
For instance, why do we know about this? This worthless event happening in the HBHZ, anyway? Who, here in America, could give a damn less about any foot race in the worst shithole in the Known Universe?
Answer: Because, We Do Not Have Our Own Human Medias!!!!
All of the media outlets that we had before, have been infested, taken over, or bought by the Queer Propagandists! Every Queer Media that has infested Our Country has orders (from guess where) to pretend that Our Country is the same country as Their DemoTopia! Why?
Answer: Power, over minds. Control, over lives. Money, for perversions.
Any Human Resistance that opposes that -- must be defamed, degraded, shamed, mislabeled, shunned, and villainized. By, in this case, some really feeble Queer Propaganda! I noticed that the queer and bloody Des Moines Rearsuckers -- famous for making death threats against the Human Species -- has put the most violent picture it could find, of the stuff that happened in the HBHZ, all over the front page of its queer newsrag. Why?
Answer: Two reasons. One -- sensationalism sells toilet paper. Two -- to make Imbeciles think that someone else is more violent then they are. Any time the Killer Queers can pretend that anyone is more violent than they are, they will.
[[Translation: More violent then they have been allowed to be, by Queer Orders, so far.]]
During the few days that have transpired since this latest HomeQueer Security Hoax, which as of this writing is being blamed on the usual suspects (the al-Qaeda), I have been looking at the front pages of newsrags in Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin -- to see how this attempt by the SQLD to portray Humans as dangerous fanatics is being presented. The queer and bloody Des Moines Rearsnatchers is by far the most vile and graphic.
The general reality about newsrags in cases like this is -- the more queer they are, and controlled by the SQLD, the more vile and poisonous is their treatment of any story that can be twisted, to put a bad light on Human Beings.
It should be very obvious from that, and all of the many anti-Human actions that have been committedagainst us by those murderous toads, that such Alien Infestations into our Human Country (as the queer and bloody Des Moines Rearpumpers), exists amongst us for the most malicious and homicidal of reasons.
Two other things are obvious so far:
1. The Satan Tubers are looking scared and shocked. This is surprising. Satan Tubers usually only display weak facial expressions of laughter, in response to the 'laugh machines' and mindless jokes said on the TV programs of the Ghauptlimads. Now, the TV Turds must be trying for a 'fear reaction', on the part of the mindless zombies that watch them.
That is sad. There is a sight of something far far more frightening in the personal existence of every Satan Tuber, than the pictures of a phony terrorist attack in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone.
2. Everyone, who is not a pathetic Satan Tuber, could barely care less what happens in the HBHZ. They know it is a pit of Queers in Hell, and nothing more. The planners at HomeQueer Security will have to stage some bombings here in the Human Country, before these Real People here will care; and start to see the HomeQueers as their 'Saviors'. Gee, I wonder who came up with that idea?
But, that is unlikely. The HBHZ is completely controlled by the Ghauptlimads, and is therefore very easy for them to manipulate and set up. The Human Country is not.
Of course, there is always the ugly building of the Des Moines Rearviewers on the south side of Des Moines! That is completely controlled by the Ghauptlimads, and easy to set up.
Just a suggestion for our loving murderers at HomeQueer Security.
Boy! Trying to label Real Humans as 'terrorists', for genocidal reasons, was really smart! Got my interest!
Of course, then again, this was not staged for my interest. BIG LIES work on 'tiny brains' that watch the Satan Tube, listen to Filthy Monkeys, and read toilet paper!
If you can stop pissing on your own shoes long enough to remember -- Adolph Hitler's excuse for invading Poland was the Big Lie that Polish Military units had attacked Germany.
The Big Lie of Adolph Hitler
DemoCraps and the Big Lie
Get a grip on your learning disabilities. Look at the Queer Timing! The DemoCraps are trying to disarm all Real Humans! A 'Queers Only' sewer gets bombed! Queer Propagandists blame Gun Owners. DemoCraps bleat that Real Human are 'terrorists'. DemoCraps scare Republican Asswipes (formerly Establishment) into voting to take guns away from Innocent Humans -- the opposite of what should happen!
As of this writing, that effort against us seems to have failed in the 'Senate'. Ding Dong, you mean a Senate did not do what an Emperor wanted them to do? A liitle bit of History on the rebound there? Please see notes section -- 'From Iowa Gun Owners'.
I wonder who or what they set up, to take the blame for this HomeQueer Security Hoax? Right now, the story is it is some al-Qaeda bozos.
Can you imagine, the sum total of your life being 'An al-Qaeda Bozo'? For the Ghauptlimads!
We Humans, over here in our own Country, who are only trying to defend ourselves, will get the blame as 'Terrorists', of course. But, I wonder which stooges they set up, to plant the bombs. Knowing them, and I do, they probably used the infamous Cambridge Police Force.
No! No! Don't tell me!
Not -- THE Somerville Police Force!!!!
Not that! Oh! Tell me it ain't so!
Regardless, having failed to intimidate Humans, they will try to pin it on 'confessing terrorists', anyway.
Oh! And look! The HomeQueer Dykes even got some trained 'lesbian weepers' to cry on the sidelines, and make it look like 'People' were hurt by the HomeQueer Security bombs!
How cute! I do appreciate those puppet shows on the side.
[[You can tell, I have been watching Queer Charades for a loooong time!]]
Problem there is -- aside from MassResistance ...
'People' are in the Human Country! 'People' do not live in Queer Sewers. 'People' do not go to Queer Sewers.
Ding Dong. 'People' do not go to the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone for any reason. No excuses.
No excuses.
Thinking of 'what' is inside the HBHZ: the problem that those 'things' in the HBHZ have is not us Humans (over here in our Human Country). Their problem is, they are being sacrificed by their own Queer Masters for political and entertainment reasons. They are now in an Arena of the Dead -- to serve their Masters -- to serve and die for the so-called Homosexual Agenda. In the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone, world famous for its scripted and pre-arranged demonstrations and attacks against Humans; any kind of attack, without limits, is authorized.
So ... why the Hell would any of us give a crap that the Ghauptlimads are blowing each other up in a Totally Queer Shithole like that -- just to give their own Queer Medias and their own HomeQueer Security some phony excuses to attack Humans, and take our weapons away from us????
We already know all of that! We already know how horrid the Ghauptlimads in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone are!
Where is there anything new in any of this? I would like to report that things are getting better, but they are not. Perverts are blowing up other sacrificial perverts (aware of it or not), and blaming us for it.
Nothing about this represents any kind of improvement. This is not even worth five minutes of entertainment to Humans. We do not watch the Satan Tube.
You know, and you do know, the Queers are 'proud' to Die for Queer Lies! Or, kill anyone else for Queer Lies! Those things are the worst and most murderous fanatics in all of History. Why do you think that even the Black Radical Extremist take orders from them?
Now, the villainous Queer Medias are showing pictures of their victims (horrible acts of Sadistic Propaganda), and are trying to get everyone's sympathy. For example, the awful pictures shown by the Des Moines Rearpumpers, directed against Humans. They have quoted HObama the Magnificent Pervert as saying -- "Any time bombs are used to target innocent civilians, it is an act of terror."
[[Freudian slip there? Any time bombs? -- OR -- any Timebombs?]]
Oh, really? It should have thought of that, before it became a Puppet for Terrorists!!!!
Scum like HObama do not fake us out for one second! [[In all likelihood, that bozo did not even say that lie.]] And, how grotesque can it get? A murderer like HObama, pretending that someone else is a terrorist! Killing what they consider to be sacrificial people, in a dirty and desperate attempt to blame violence and terrorism upon Human Beings, instead of themselves!
But -- then again -- is that not what the Queer Propaganda Machine has been doing for years now? Blaming Innocent Humans for their own homicidal and perverted plans and intentions? Of course it is.
HObama just suggested, to the grinning Queer Media scum, that this attack could have been caused by 'Domestic Terrorists'. THAT means, anyone who is NOT Queer! Just being alive and Not Queer makes you a 'terrorist', according to the so-called Homosexuals.
So ...
Welcome to -- 'Scare The Monkeys' TV!!!!
Scare the Monkey Judges into voting for Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred! Give the Monkey Judges in Wash This Death City an excuse to take the Queer Bananas -- and vote for those bomb-chucking Killer Queers -- who will gladly kill off a few idiots inside their own HBHZ sewer, in order to scare and influence Monkey Judges.
Frankly, I am surprised that they did not do this before. But, the Queer Timing is excellent. This will give the queerest Monkey Judges in Wash This Death City the excuse they need to say that Sodomites, Pedophiles, Sheep-Fornicators and Slashers can marry their victims.
Meanwhile, we Humans (over here in Our Country) have been demanding a reason, from the HomeQueer Security Dykes, for why they need 1.6 billion bullets to kill Real Americans with.
Now, those bitches have arranged an excuse to show everyone. But, do you notice? It is an excuse from them -- not a reason from Reality.
Nonetheless, some of you will now hide from the Truth, jump back into your 'Comfort Zones', and chant "Oh! I hope they don't blame me!" That is called -- 'being dunced'. Some of you will do anything to hide from the Truth of how awful and hideous the swine at HomeQueer Security are -- AND -- how ghastly and non-Human the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone really is!!!!
The Queers won the 2012 Election with lies. Now, they intend to kill Human Marriage with fear. And, what are you going to do?
The Real Message About This Trick From The Queers Is:
Get Serious About Your Gun Rights, Human Beings!!!!
The Queers Are Bombing Their Own Styes And Trying To Blame Us For It -- To Take Our Weapons Away From Us!!!!
As of this writing, the story from the Sewer of the East is -- this is just another al-Qaeda attack against America.
What America????!!!!
America is over here!!!!
NOT over there!!!!
I have been busy with the Caligula aspects of this message for all of this week, since the HomeQueers set off those bombs in the HBHZ, just waiting for something else to reveal itself.
That 'something else' being -- the Commercial Protestors.
Oh, my God! What a revolting and disgusting display of Greed and Avarice and Selfishness and Putrid Lies! The Commercial Protestors (who I was just about to be nice to) have destroyed their Human Credibility forever.
Total 'Validity Suicide'.
I can barely write this, it is so unbelievably disgusting and sickening.
What I must now do, is to explain what has finally been proven about the Commercial Protestors. And, it ain't pretty. It ain't even ugly! It is worse than 'worse' was thought to exist.
The Commercial Protestors -- are Commercially Insane.
To such an intense degree, that I shall henceforth refer to them as the 'Commercially Insane Protestors'.
I will try to explain, but it is REALLY WEIRD and REALLY STRANGE.
What a Commercially Insane Protestor is -- comes in two parts -- both working at the same time.
1. A Commercially Insane Protestor, protests what it thinks the Humans and the 'General Public' dislike. Dislike. It does not realize that we loath and despise our enemies. It cannot pretend to represent our Truth anyway, so it has to minimize our emotions and our determination to a playtime level. That playtime level, which it hopes is close enough to what we really feel, is expected to be enough for us Humans (starved for attention) to accept as 'Our Cause'; with the Commercially Insane Protestors as 'Our Voice'.
And, of course, the recipients of 'Our Respect, Adoration, and Money'.
Thus, we are expected to abandon our Real Truth, and downgrade ourselves to the Commercially Insane Protestor's playtime version. It is very similar to being told that your own advanced version of a computer program is unacceptable, because only a much older and weaker and less effective version works for the Commercially Insane Protestors -- so only that much older and lesser version is allowed.
It is like being told that you cannot use Windows 7, or Windows 8 anymore -- because only Windows Millennium (ME) works for the greeds and limited abilities of the Commercially Insane Protestors. So, all Humans must abandon their own advanced programs, all of their advanced operations, all of their advanced writings, all of their advanced productivity -- and reverse themselves down to the much more worthless (and impotent) level that favors the Commercially Insane Protestors.
2. The Commercially Insane Protestors are so caught up in their own fakery, that they do not realize what they have just done. They are blind to their own Colossal Blunder.
They are mouthing their playtime version of our Human Concerns and Human Issues -- and blindly (and with unbelievable stupidity) playing as though the Sewers of the East and the West are still part of our Human Country. A playtime fantasy, which suits only their own Commercial Interests, and befouls and degrades our Human Truth and our Human Values.
This results in a Carnival of Freakshows, in which deranged Commercially Insane Protestors blabber about their playtime version of our Real Human Issues; and apply those playtimes to such Pits of Hell as the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone; pretending (in their blithering idiocy) as though any Human Being considers the HBHZ as a Human place of any description.
It is phenomenally ludicrous to hear. The Commercially Insane Protestors are playing as though the events in that horrid cesspool actually involves Human Police, and Human People, and Human Dramas, and Human Politicians, and Human Victims, and Human Criminals, and on and on.
The atrocity of their Commercial Pretenses strips away the last veils and masks of their horrible con games and shams of phony sincerity.
Aside from MassResistance -- there is NOTHING HUMAN in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone.
Everything, that has happened in that dung heap over the last week is the activities of a Hostile Alien Nation of Genocidal Murderers -- and can only be reported in that way -- as Intelligence Reports about the events occurring in an Enemy State.
But, the Truth is not profitable to the Commercially Insane Protestors. So much so, that their desperate need to play as though the former United States of America still exists, has them saying and reporting everything that happens in the HBHZ as though that gutter of zombies and crazies was in our own backyard. As though they were 'Ours'. Not an awful and alien hoard of humanoid locusts determined to rip us all into pieces -- which they are.
In committing this atrocious display of blithering self-interest, and colossal lying about the Truth of how things really are, the Commercially Insane Protestors have finally performed the ultimate strip-tease of their own Real Intentions. The nakedness of their Greed and Dementia-for-Money and Pretend Humanity is now there for all to see.
It is ugly, and so twisted that it is astonishing. I am attempted to call them the Commercial Contortionists. They have been performing those fakeries and playtimes for so long, that they really do not realize what they are doing any more. Their shrieking panic to achieve what they think is a 'secure income', by trying to force their listening audiences into believing that the Sewers of the East and the West are still parts of America, has driven them over the edge.
You see, anything that happens in those deviant places can only be reported as Intelligence Reports about an atrocious alien spoilage, that threatens all of us Humans; and the Commercially Insane Protestors cannot do that.
They cannot be real. They cannot report Reality as it actually is. They are incapable of being as Real as Reality is.
So, all of us are expected to confine ourselves and reduce ourselves far down, down the drain to the pissant and 'ain't-worth-spit' level of the Commercially Insane Protestors.
The only thing that is vaguely Human about the lies and pretenses of the Commercially Insane Protestors, is that they are speaking English. They are speaking the English language of the Human Species. And that, is all wrong. Only a person who will speak the Truth, should be allowed to speak Human English.
We should demand that all Commercially Insane Protestors speak a gutter language of extreme limitations and huge greeds; that befits their warped brains, not ours. That would solve the problem entirely. Every time a Commercially Insane Protestor opened its mouth, out would come their own guttural language of wildly insane greed and commercial selfishness.
Unintentionally, I am sure, this proves again the parallels between the corrupt governments of such killers as Caligula, who wanted the power of Life and Death over the People of Rome -- and would commit any crime in order to get that power ...
and the corrupt governments of such killers as HObama, who wants the power of Life and Death over the People of America -- and will commit any crime in order to get that power.
Emperor HObama, anyone?
Got to have HObama! Only with HObama as Emperor can we keep the bomb-throwers at HomeQueer Security gainfully employed.
And, keep them from turning on us DemoCraps.
Hummm. That sounds like a DemoCrap problem to me.
Hey! There is something that proves one of my points, in all of that fakery at the HBHZ. Part of the floor show, was the appearance (after the anti-Human propaganda event) of mongrel Killer-Queers, wearing makeup, carrying Automatic Weapons and looking for Innocent Humans to kill!
Killer SWAT Queers, with Automatic Weapons!
What kind of insane and demented cesspool of filthy scum would allow Ghauptlimads to have Automatic Weapons -- while Real Humans are not allowed to have Automatic Weapons!!!!
Answer: Any wasteland where Queers rule!
Oh, excuse me. Ghauptlimads Rule!
It is disgusting to see non-Humans carrying Automatic Weapons, while Innocent Humans are denied their rights to any protection against those Killer Queers at all!
Of course, in the HBHZ that is all irrelevant anyway.
But, you get my point.
Think about it. If this was an act of Foreign Terrorists, and it happened in our Human Country, every Real American should have immediate access to Automatic Weapons, for their own Human Defense!
Do you want to be like the 'things' in the HBHZ? Where you have to wait for the Queer SWAT Killers to put on their makeup, and get their instructions from the Queer TV Camera Crews; before they will step out of their ratholes (carrying deadly anti-Human Automatic Weapons), and parade in the streets to provide the 'public' with Automatic Weapons Defense?
Come to mention it, I haven't seen the Black Radical Bomb Throwers around for the last three weeks. Why are they in hiding?
And, where are the White Radical Extremists these years? I haven't seen any of them in a 'dog's age'.
Yo! Where are those 'Occupation Forces' of the Democrat/Homosexuals? Trained for anarchy!
Why is HomeQueer Security having all of the fun?
Beyond this, I will not comment on the latest terrorist activities of the HomeQueer Security vermin, at the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone. I do not want to do anything that would help a Hostile Alien Nation of Convicted Murderers and Genociders.
Does the name -- 'Rura Penthe' -- mean anything to you?
I am sure that at this juncture in slime, those two SQLD analysts (and their monkey's uncles) are very curious about my own personal feelings concerning their latest fakery.
My response is: Please. I am busy urinating here.
If you do not feel it yet.
You are not close enough yet.
I keep forgetting whether it is 'uncle's monkeys' or 'monkey's uncles'. Is there a difference?
Besides, the freaks at the Crackheads and Nasty Neuters (CNN) say that I do not exist. So, only those four bimbos are reading this anyway.
Uummmm. Ain't Queer Propagandists, smart?
Glenn Beck says: HomeQueer Security claims Christians are 'terrorists', Fundamentalists are 'terrorists', Tea Parties are 'terrorists', Bible readers are 'terrorists', Constitution readers are 'terrorists', Force 'Q' from HomeQueer Security are 'terrorists' ...
oops ...
strike that last one ...
puppy dog trainers are 'terrorists', foreign stamp collectors are 'terrorists', farm tractor mechanics are 'terrorists' ...
well ...
anyone Not Queer is a 'terrorist'!
[[Thank You, Glenn. Now try giving us a few answers. Start off with just a few, or maybe just one answer. A solution to something.]]
You do not have to say that you are against the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead to be on their list. All you have to be, to be put on their list of 'terrorists', is a Real Human of any kind, in any way, in any percentage.
The Queer Mental Disease of the scum at HomeQueer Security sees from the viewpoint of a disease!
Natural Human Antibodies are what our bodies use as a defense against diseases that want to kill us. In the biological wars that are caused within our bodies when diseases attack us -- there is no such thing as ModoRat Compromise, and Commercial Surrender. Both sides fight to the death. One side wins, the other side dies. Nothing in between.
The diseased Lesbians at HomeQueer Security [[A DemoCrap Terrorist Group]] see like a disease sees -- everything else in the Universe is either a victim to be infested, or an enemy to be killed.
And, those Killer Queers operate exactly like a disease in the Body America.
One of the weapons that the swine of HomeQueer Security use against any Anti-Virus Agent, that tries to defend the Body America against the Queer Mental Disease, is propaganda. Propaganda weakens the Body America, so it cannot support its own Natural Defenses. One way of causing the Body America to reject its own 'Anti-Body Defenders' is to lie about them. Propaganda is always a lie, and the favorite Propaganda of the HomeQueer Security bitches is to say that anyone who is Not Queer, or who Opposes Queers, is a Terrorist Threat to the American Body.
***Of course, that is literally a Hideous Disease saying to the Body (that it wants to kill and replace with Queer Rot), that the Body's own Defenders are an evil threat to the Body, and must be shunned, disabled, and prevented from defending the Body. Prevented from defending the Body, from the Hideous Disease that is already killing the Body.***
Those 'Bodies' that die, because they would not allow their own Natural Defenses to save them from the Queer Mental Disease, have died from propaganda. They actually died from Queer Propaganda, before they died from the Queer Mental Disease. Because, they believed the Queer Propaganda, and surrendered to the Queer Mental Disease. The Queer Propaganda says that the American Body must not allow the Real Humans to exist, or resist.
Unlike the Commercial Protestors, I will tell you how to keep the American Body alive.
Defund anything that is part of HomeQueer Security.
Defund anything that supports HomeQueer Security.
Defund anything that can be used by HomeQueer Security.
Defund anything that supplies HomeQueer Security.
[[Defund means -- reduce and take away all financial support. Money!]]
Disable HomeQueer Pariahs and Piranhas, by eliminating any and all politicians who allow the HomeQueer Liars and Perverts to operate.
Replace those Queer Politicians, and replace HomeQueer Security with private Human Security. Make those private Human Security organizations free from any and all regulations, restrictions, and rules from the anti-Americans at HomeQueer Security!!!!
Dismantle and disembowel HomeQueer Security, by taking away its authority to do any harm to Real Americans. Take away its authority to exist as any part of the United States of America!!!!
Private Human Security is quite able to defend this country from the horrible threats against our citizens, like the al-Qaeda, HomeQueer Bombers, etc.
Empower the Humans, and their Security. Disable the Ghauptlimads, and their anti-Human Genocidal Security.
Ghauptlimads. Blowing each other up, to blame it on us. That's a good way to start a War.
Crippled Blacks:
One of the things that I would emphasize to the Crippled Blacks, if they were ever allowed to listen, is that no matter what they have been told and what they have been promised; their success begins at the defeat of the Ghauptlimads.
So many things become so infinitely better when the Ghauptlimads do not control anything, and when they are not killing anything; that the defeat of the Ghauptlimads (any defeat) is good for everybody, including the Crippled Blacks. It is undoubted. It is absolute. It is one of the things that is the most absolute that you can say, at this or any other time.
If perversion loses, everything else wins.
If Perversion Loses, Everything Else Wins.
All of the Black Radical Extremists, who have been telling the Crippled Blacks that the Queers have to win, in order for the Blacks to win -- are lying sacks of black beans. Spoiled beans. Gaseous Beans.
Success for the Real Blacks, begins when the Ghauptlimads lose. Everything, and I mean everything, gets better when the Ghauptlimads lose. When the Ghauptlimads are down and out and over, that is when everyone starts to get better and rejoice. THAT is when it gets better for everyone.
It does not work the other way around. The Ghauptlimads are not any symbol of Equality, or success for any rights. There is no such thing as 'Queer Rights'. They just pretend there is. Like I said, all of that is a lie to get acceptance, and to dumb-down resistance; so that they can do any filthy thing that they want to do. So they can kill anything, or any one. So they can attack.
They do not want Equality, they want total domination. Equality means nothing to them. They could not care less about Equality. Equality is one of those Human things, and they do not want to be Human. They have no desire to be Human. They want control. They want mastery. They want Evil. They want to spread, and spread, and spread their filth.
They don't care who pays for it. The dumber that you are, the less they care that you are paying for their evil. Been to the HBHZ lately? Don't. Do not go to that pit of perversions, not for any reason. I made that clear long ago.
Success for the Black Cripples, means not being crippled anymore. Not being crippled by lies, deceits, deceptions, fat blobs with small brains that will lie about anything in favor of their perversions. All of that filth fails, and is stopped, when the Ghauptlimads lose. Ghauptlimads losing is good for everyone else, including the Crippled Blacks.
One of the things that this all reveals, is that on the Queer/DemoCrap/BlackRadicalExtremist side there is no such thing as 'Equality', and there never was going to be. They do not give a damn about 'Equality'. Maybe, the Original Civil Rights Movement did, but these scum now have absolutely no regard for 'Equality', or any idea of what it could be, if it did exist.
In Reality, it cannot exist. I have already discussed that. But, their way of doing all of this is to pretend. Such that, by pretending they create 'Equality'. Fakery creates 'Equality'. If you pretend enough, and everyone else is pretending -- then everyone is 'Equal In Pretending'. The Black Radical Extremists pretend that they are better than they are, and that they are beneficial (instead of wanting to dominate the world) -- the Queers pretend that they are not scum and trash and filth, and that they are beneficial -- the DemoCraps pretend that they offer a beneficial and wise leadership, instead of being the Turds that they really are -- the TV Turds pretend that they are People, when they are far from being People; they all pretend that they are Humans, when in Reality, they are the most anti-Human slime in the Universe -- it all pretends.
What they really expect, and I mean this, what they really expect is a 'Pretend Equality' -- an 'Equality of Pretending'. Everybody will be pretending. Everybody will be faking it. Everybody will be imitation. Everyone will be synthetic. Everyone will be pretending their asses off, to be what they are not.
And THAT, will be 'The Equality'.
It is exactly what they are trying to do. They are trying to create a world that is nothing more than fakery. Nothing more than pretend, pretend, pretend about everything. Lie about everything. Fake everything.
Then, nothing is real -- so, what does it matter? If nothing is real. What does it matter? If they create a world where nothing is real, and they walk around with Propaganda Bubbles in their brains; Black Radical Extremist Bubbles in their brains, Liberal Bubbles in their brains, Queer Bubbles in their brains, DemoCrap Bubbles in their brains ...
then, all of the Bubbles Are Equal!
They are all 'Bubble Brains'. They are Equal! Bubble Brains Are Equal!
And, if you are not a Bubble Brain -- watch out!
They are sick-sick-sick and twisted elitists. They will only accept other Bubble Brains, period. If, you do not have a Bubble Brain that they will except -- or of a type that has 'paid its dues' to be accepted (like the Pedophiles!) -- watch out! You will be ostracized, you will be treated like refuse, you will be kicked into the gutter, you will be crapped on, stomped, rejected, reduced, impoverished -- and finally -- replaced.
People wonder why the FM Filthy Monkeys support the Ghauptlimads, and there is a very basic reason why. Fakery supports fakery. Phonies support phonies. Think about it. What is an FM disk jockey anyway?
Answer: Just a joker behind a microphone, playing propaganda music. But, its job is to get its audience into some kind of lunatic mindset, that thinks hearing music from that station is better than listening to that music anywhere else -- on another station, or at home, on the car radio, anywhere. So, a Filthy Monkey Disk Jockey pretends. It fakes, it fakes its own voice. It pretends that it is really important. It pretends that you are all with it. It pretends that by listening to it play those songs, you are now really really really where 'it is at'.
All of the stupid monkey chatter that it says about each song is really really really important, so you have got to listen to that station, and you have got to listen to that particular monkey; or you will never enjoy those songs the way they were meant to be enjoyed! By giving that monkey higher ratings! That, is what songs are for! To the monkeys. That is where the fakery and the pretense comes in. They pretend that they are somebody important. They pretend that they are somebody really special. They pretend that listening to those same old songs on their dead FM Radio station is the best thing that you could do in your entire life!!!!
That is fakery. All fakes love all fakes. The Ghauptlimads are as phony as phony can get. Their Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred is completely fake. One hundred percent fake. The Filthy Monkeys of the FM stations are one hundred percent fake. In the twisted world of the Queer Medias, and the Ghauptlimads, and the DemoCraps, the same sickness attracts the same sickness. The same kind of crap attracts the same kind of crap, in the same toilet bowl.
I was up at Plover, Wisconsin recently, at night. There was an FM Radio station playing in the background at the truckstop there. On it, was one of those really sickening slimy punks, pretending that it was really special, and it was going to give you a really special 'listening' of the same old song that has been heard for so long. But, you ain't ever heard it like the monkey was going to let you hear it. On its own special program, on that Filthy Monkey Station.
Fake, and fake, and fake. It was as fake as you could get. If it knocked on your front door, you would sic the cat on it. It was just a fake scumbag.
The next morning, I went back into the truckstop, and the same station was playing Black Cripple songs, to make Black Cripples feel like they is real, and they is free at last!
Same filth, same insanity, same pretense -- Black Cripples pretending that they is free, because there is something Black in the White Outhouse.
Their Bubble of Lies is a world of fake drivel, where the only 'Equality', is an 'Equality of Fakery'.
If at least five of the (less-supreme-than-anyone-else) Monkey Judges in Wash This Death City take the Queer Bananas, and vote for the Ghauptlimads, in either of these so-called Supreme Court cases -- that are happening in Wash This Death City -- a place that is not part of our Human Country ...
the Ghauptlimads, and all of the DemoCraps, and all of the Liberals, and all of the Queer Medias (such as WHO in DemoIowa) will put on a huge 'celebration' -- and will inundate all of your ears and your senses with their hideous gargling that they have won a Great Victory for Freedom and Equality.
The translation is: "We know it is nothing, we know it is all fake and phony, we know it is a fantasy, we know it is a lie. But, you are supposed to be afraid. you are supposed to fear us! You are supposed to be in dreadful fear of us! You are supposed to be in awe of our Queer Majesty and our Queer Power! We will kill each other to make you fear. You must shrivel before us. You must bow down before our Queer Will!!!!
Queer Will Rules!!!!
It is Queer Will that matters!!!!
Not the Will of the People.
It is Queerism that matters!!!!
Not Humanity.
Queers Will Rule!!!!
You will bow, you will scrape, you Humans will be the slaves.
This shows all of you forever that Queer Will is the dominant Will!!!
And, the Will of the People is nothingness. It is nothing more than your imagination.
You People! You are not allowed to have a Will! Only Queers can have a Will and Win!
Victory is for the Queers, and Queer Will!!!!
Perish all thoughts of having a Will of the People.
Give up. Surrender. you cannot possibly win against the Will of the Queers!!!!
Did you feel the Near Death Experience that happened in November of 2012?
Did you hear the bullet whizz past your ears?
Did you feel the poison try to take hold of your veins?
Did you feel the mind crushing depression try to kill you?
That was deliberate murder, attempted against every Human Being by the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead. And you felt it, didn't you? If you were Human, you felt it. If enough Monkey Judges in Wash This Death City take the bananas from the Queers, and pretend that the Queers can be married in any way -- you will feel that Attempted Murder against you again.
You will feel it again.
All of the DemoCraps, the Liberals, the Ghauptlimads, the ModoRats -- will do everything that they can to make you feel that you are doomed, that your fate is sealed, that your plight is hopeless, and that you might as well die. Or, become a sex slave of theirs.
You will feel it again.
Again, you will feel the absolute hatred and loathing of the Ghauptlimads, and the DemoCraps, and the ModoRats, and the Liberals for anything that is alive.
And, because you are stupid enough to think that their pestilence is part of your country -- you will suffer every morsel of pain that they intend towards you.
What we are seeing -- that is being done to the Crippled Blacks, and it is being done to them ...
[[This across-the-boards mutual insanity on the part of the Black Cripples is something that is being done to them. They are being afflicted by it.]]
what it is, is very similar to the results of what Caligula and very similar corrupt Roman Emperors would do to a civilian population. There is definitely a dictatorship involved (even if it is an Oligarchy).
Technically, Caligula was never what the Romans of his time would have called a Dictator, though he was what we Humans of today call a Dictator. To the Ancient Romans, the word 'Dictator' did not have a bad connotation. In fact, the Romans themselves chose their Dictators. In Roman Society a Dictator was a special Roman who was chosen to be a Dictator -- for a limited amount of time -- due to a large crisis, some military crisis, some really dangerous situation that threatened the entire Empire. They would choose some Roman, with special abilities, and make him a Dictator for a certain amount of time -- and they would deliberately follow his orders, and do everything that he wanted them to do. This was done, because the Two Consul system was not adequate at solving such problems, due to the endless rivalries that Consuls had towards each other. In times of great need and great stress upon the empire, the Romans perceived that one leader (free of distractions) was their best chance for survival. So, they created the temporary office of Dictator, to be used only in times of great emergencies.
The Dictator would be the sole ruler for that limited amount of time. Everybody in Rome would follow his orders, and this was done deliberately; to prevent chaos, to prevent dissension, to prevent disunity; and to unify all of the Roman Empire under one leader for a limited amount of time, in order to get all of them out of trouble.
Caligula was never selected to be a Dictator. Caligula was just another Emperor, but it was hoped that he would be a vast improvement to his predecessor, the archetypical Tiberius -- crafty, morose, distrusting, murderous, disinterested, and decadent.
But here in America, the course of History is going just like there was a Dictator here. All of the Crippled Blacks, and all of the stupid Voter/Followers of the DemoCraps, are following the orders of one Dictator. Except, there is no way it is HObama. HObama is just a puppet. HObama is puppet material, and that is it. The Dictator is the Oligarchy of twisted and greedy brains that HObama takes its orders from. It is an Oligarchy that is giving the orders.
Anyone, who follows those orders has been promised all kinds of goodies, and benefits, and superiority over everyone else; including the Hispanics who merely bumble along in life thinking -- "Si, if I vote for the DemoCraps, I will have indoor plumbing. No more cold winter nights out in the outhouse for me! I want that, so I will vote for the DemoCraps!"
Oh boy!
Yes, the Black Slavers look at the Hispanics like we look at idiots. But, the Hispanics are oblivious to that, and are going merrily along thinking -- "Humm, everything goes better with Taco Sauce [[and I agree]] maybe if I vote for more Taco Sauce!" OR "Maybe, I can trade in this old pickup truck for a newer 'old pickup truck'; if I vote the way the Compadres Negros (Black Slavers) want me to."
Meanwhile, the Black Slavers are planning that the Hispanics will be inferior to Black Power, too. However, before that can happen, the Hispanics have got to be fed a lot of tacos; with a lot of Propaganda Poison in those tacos! A lot of poisoned tacos have got to pass across the counter at the Queer Canteena, before they can pull that one off.
Still, the blatant and up-front superiority over all Whities, is first on the Queer Agenda.
Attack? Me?
Actually, I am more afraid of HObama's fairy gladiators, than I am of HObama itself ...
Joelittleho Bendforsoapicus
Harry Dickwithouticus
Nasticus Peebloaticus
Bentson Stupidicus
Il Duce Baffoonicus
Can you see those swell-heads in Gladiator outfits -- fighting me in the Arena?
I wish I could. I would.
Goodbye, Fairy Gladiators.
Have you ever noticed, that whenever the Queers can manage it, they always try to put through a Queer Bill or a Queer Law that does not exempt religious organizations from being controlled and destroyed by their mental disease? That is because, their mental disease wants everything. This is absolute proof-positive that the so-called Homosexuals are completely and absolutely devoted to, and dedicated to, the domination of this entire planet by the disease which has already killed their own Humanity.
They want control of Everything -- at any cost!!!!
They want complete and absolute control, without any exceptions, without any loopholes, without any zones of operation where they do not control everything.
And, as always with those endless liars, they always start out by saying that they only want acceptance, and they only want equality. Everything that those scum say is a lie. Everything from them is a lie. Every time that they say that they only want acceptance and equality what that translates as -- is -- they want you defenseless for their next operation. They want you defenseless for their next attack. They want you brainwashed, mollified, dumbed-down and depressed for their next attack. That, is exactly what it is. There is no such thing as equality in their brains, it is all a lie. Everything about it is a lie!
Everything about it is a lie. They never say the Truth. They want acceptance and equality, as a can opener into your future. That is what their Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred is! That marriage filth of theirs is a weapon against sanity, a weapon against decency, a weapon against Resistance, a weapon against goodness -- it is a can opener to open up society with, so they can pour in all of their diseases!!!!
It is a weapon which they intend to use as an opener, and as a huge excuse, for controlling and dominating everybody. Those perverts want nothing less than total insanity and total evil everywhere. Total evil everywhere. Nothing less is good enough for them. They must have total evil everywhere.
Everything must be Queer. Everything must be Queer.
I spent thirteen years in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone, listening to those things plan this all out, talking constantly about it. This filthy plan comes from the worst and most wretched sewer in the Known Universe, the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone -- the HBHZ.
You do not even want to think of how hideous and horrible it is inside that place, especially after the star above has gone down. The plans that will kill you, and your children, and your Species come from that place. And, I just told you what the plan is.
This is one of the huge reasons why I insist that all of that filth is NOT part of our country. Anywhere, that has been diseased by the Ghauptlimads is not part of our country. You can live in a city block, or in a block of houses in a town, and your house may be Human -- but the next house over may be horribly Queer. It is very much like living next to a Death House, where the dying and condemned are taken for Final Death. It always means that the creatures in the Death House watch the TV Turds.
The house next to you can be horribly diseased, and the only thing keeping those cockroaches-on-two-legs from killing you, and everyone in your house, is your guns and your defenses and your Humanity. That is how bad this disease is. It is like a slow-moving bubonic plague, and it spreads deliberately. The things that are infested with that Queer Insanity spread it deliberately. There is nothing 'by chance' about this. There is nothing natural about this.
This is all deliberate, once those things are sickened and diseased by those insanities and those perversions, and they have committed those perversions, they want everything else to be as hideous and as sick as they now are. It is a disease of crazy, filthy, bloated monstrosities with small brains that think they have 'sex holes' (whether they are supposed to or not). 'Sex holes' of Evil. 'Sex holes' of dementia. 'Sex holes' that want to spread everywhere. And, that is really what it is. I am not making this stuff up, for any reason!
I do not sit around making this stuff up. I never make this stuff up. I never make it up. There is nothing to make up. What is really going on is so horrible, and exists on such a vast and awful scale, that no Human has to make anything up about this. Not on our side. The side of Evil is constantly trying to make up new Evils, but over here? No. We are just explaining what it is. We are not making this stuff up. We are not pretending. In fact, we hold the line against pretending. We do everything we can not to pretend.
[[Which is one reason why Commercially Insane Protestors can only pretend to represent the Human Species. They pretend for a living.]]
We Humans, try to keep any pretending (by anyone) out of this War, as much as we can. Pretending, as described, is a GROSS thing to do. An abomination.
We try to hold down the pretending. We try to hold down the lies. Which is one reason why Sean Hannity, The Babbage (etc) misrepresent us. They have to be against us. Their spiel, shuck and jive, and livelihood depends upon audience worship -- which in turn depends upon them going along with the lies and pretenses of the Ghauptlimads and the DemoCraps -- by doing lying and pretending of their own.
We Humans, try to accent and raise up the Truth. We are not making this stuff up. I am not making anything up. This is what it is. The SQLD are dementia, very dangerous dementia. Understand what dementia is. You do not have to be 90 years old and senile to have dementia!
There are many kinds of dementia. The APA knows this, and spreads dementia! That is why they get along with lawyers so much. Their kind are mind-suckers! Some of the worst things that have ever happened in known History, right next to the Ghauptlimads and the DemoCraps.
And, of course, the ACLU wants to be just as bad. With a different phony premise. It is completely phony. Everything that they do, that is not outright Queer, is done just to make it look like their premise and their cover is real -- which it is not. Everything that they do, that is not Queer Oriented, is being done to give the impression that the ACLU is what it says it is -- but it is not. It never has been. It never will be.
All of those horrible packs of turds are in combination. Yes they are, and they all obey the Queer Masters. And now, you have seen some pictures of the Queer Masters, haven't you? If you followed those links to the Google Search websites, that I put out in my last message about Weapons Bans For Pedophiles, then you have actually seen some of the Queer Masters that are behind all of this.
[[Those pictures will be taken out of Google Search Access as soon as the Queer Propagandists can arrange for their removal.]]
We, are not making this up. The United States of America is not the size that it used to be. Some of its states have been divided by mental disease, even down to the city and town blocks. House by house. Wherever the disease has taken hold. This country has diminished, it is not as big as it used to be. And, there is a horrible cancerous disease that is replacing it! I told you years ago, Genocide by Replacement is their intention.
For myself -- I more than accept that the Real Iowa is my own Country -- and the horrid DemoIowa is not my country.
I accept any place that is not diseased by the Ghauptlimads, DemoCraps, Liberals, ModoRats, Black Radical Bitches (et all) as My Country!
I accept it as so -- as States, as Half-States, as Counties, as Cities, as Towns, as Neighborhoods, as City Blocks, as Town Blocks -- AND -- House by House, Condominium by Condominium, Apartment by Apartment!
I also accept the Real Humans who live in those Real Places as My Species!
For whom all of this, is written for.
From Iowa Gun Owners:
Dear Markel, April 18, 2013
It feels good to win one once in a while, doesn't it?!
Yesterday, after being subjected to 4 months of withering attacks against our character and our way of life, gun owners watched as 7 out of 7 anti-gun amendments went down to defeat in the US Senate!
The assault weapons ban was defeated, the ban on "high cap" magazines was shot down, and the much talked about "Manchin-Toomey" sellout - designed to appeal to nominally pro-gun Senators - was soundly defeated!
Thank you for all of your calls and emails on behalf of your gun rights.
Senator Grassley, who has been sending mixed messages to gun owners for months, was a very vocal defender of the 2nd Amendment today.
As we've been very quick to sound the alarm regarding Senator Grassley's troubling statements of late, we'll be quick to acknowledge his performance today as well.
President Obama, Vice-President Biden, virtually all the national media, millions and millions of special interest money from activists like Mayor Bloomberg - the gun-grabbers threw everything they had against us.
While gun owners can't compete with the money that anti-gunners spent, we have the one thing they lack - grassroots support.
Your calls, emails, and personal visits with Senator Grassley made sure that he didn't yield to the gun-grabbers. And it made the difference all across the nation as in town after town gun owners made their voices heard.
As good as this feels however, this fight is far from over!
In fact, there are still more amendments being voted on today in the Senate!
And just moments after the Senate adjourned yesterday, President Obama held a press conference announcing that he sees this as "just round one."
Just as bad were the comments from Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid who stated: "We are not giving up, and this is not over. I will do everything I can to continue our efforts to pass stronger background checks."
And believe me, Harry Reid has the power to do this- and the moment he gets the votes he needs he'll try this again.
In fact, yesterday, after all that he's done to advance Universal Registration, Senator Reid actually VOTED NO on the bill. This was done on purpose, as now Reid has the procedural right to revisit this bill any time he chooses.
What's more, now that they know how organized gun owners are and how quickly they react to gun-control, you can bet that when Obama and Senator Reid try again they'll move even faster!
Iowa Gun Owners will keep you up to date on these fights as they move forward and we'll alert you to any action needed.
But for today, thank you for all of your financial support over the last few months as IGO worked to defeat state level gun control and keep the pressure on Senator Grassley at the same time!
Without your support the waves of mail, postcards, emails, auto-calls - the entire IGO program - would not have been possible.
But again, let's not make the mistake of assuming that this fight is over.
For Freedom,
Aaron Dorr
Executive Director
Iowa Gun Owners
P.S. After months of planning and millions and millions of dollars spent trying to browbeat pro-gun Senators, all of the President's proposals went down to defeat yesterday in the United States Senate!
They did so for one reason - grassroots pressure from folks like you firing off your emails and making your phone calls.
Gun owners don't have unlimited funds, and we don't get taxpayer monies to lobby with- but we are organized and we don't let up, and that's what carried the day!
However, we can't quit as President Obama made it clear yesterday that this is "just round one." Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid actually voted against the bill yesterday to ensure he has the procedural right to bring this bill up again any time he chooses!
In fact, the Senate is voting this morning on the final two amendments to this bill. So please, stay vigilant and contact your Senators again right now and insist that they vote NO to gun control.
Thank you again for your support in helping us keep the pressure up on Senator Grassley and Harkin - it made a huge difference.
If you want to get involved with Iowa Gun Owners you may join up today but clicking below.
FYI -- the word 'PRESIDENT' comes from the Latin 'prae-sedere' which means -- before to sit -- to sit over others -- or, supreme before others. No DemoCrap, or ModoRat, or Queer-sucker, or Liberal (et all) can ever be a 'President of the United States of America' -- for the simple fact that they are the lowest-crawling lying vermin in the Known Universe.
The motto to the story about the DemoCrap Attorney Generals with Rabies is -- 'If you want to lie about the Human Species -- you pay for it. For Life. If you want to say that Humans have rabies because we oppose you Ghauptlimads, then you have Rabies For Life!'
I have heard criticism from cowards and Moderates who say the people in Human Resistance will destroy anything, rather than allow the (Ghauptlimads) to get what they want. And, they always specify that the Human Resisters will destroy any 'social order', in order to keep the (Ghauptlimads) from getting what they want. Now, this is very interesting because they always talk about 'social order' and pre-existing social concepts like 'states', 'counties', 'countries', 'laws', and so forth -- all of the financial claptrap that they are addicted to -- because they do not think that there is any danger in being addicted to financial stupidity.
They cannot handle anything that they think might be dangerous at all, but they think that 'finances' is safe and comfortable; so they mainline on that. And, it is very interesting too, that they are talking about the very same things that the Queers want to change. They are talking about the 'targets' of the Queers -- 'states', 'counties', 'countries', 'societies', 'institutions', 'laws' -- these are all the targets of the Queer Masters that want to kill everything that pre-existed, and replace it with Queer Filth and Queer Phoniness.
Of course, the DemoCraps want the same things, they want DemoCrapia; they want a DemoTopia everywhere.
So, why are the Human Resisters being blamed for wanting to destroy and change all of these things, to keep the Queers from having what they want? When, to begin with, what the Queers want is to destroy all of those things.
There must be a term for that, besides 'hypocrisy', like ...
But, besides lying, there is another term for that. It is sort of like a double-fakery, a double-pretense. The things that they talk about being changed and destroyed -- 'states', 'counties', 'countries', 'societies', 'institutions', and 'laws' -- have been slated to be changed and destroyed by the Queers that they (the ModoRats) want to join, by the Queers that they want to embrace, by the Queers that the ModoRats are afraid of.
[[Just ask Karl Rove. After, you persuade it to say the Truth.]]
The Queers that the ModoRats giggle about. That the ModoRats would like to be, if they just had the courage to be that sick.
So, why are they blaming all of this upon the Humans? The Humans that they hate. The Humans that they loath, because we say the Truth about them. The Humans that oppose their fetishes and their insanities about finances. The Humans that piss on them from a Great Height, because of their cowardice -- even about the things that they say they are dedicated to. Not to mention their two and three-faced jackal ways.
Can that be why the ModoRats want to blame all of this on the Humans?
The Dream:
I had this dream some time ago. Before November of 2012.
I had been thinking about the many ways in which our enemies -- the SQLD -- will try to kill all of us; for being Humans and for resisting their 'Empire of Anus' in the East and the West.
I have many very powerful dreams, but within them there are sometimes recurring visions. Without explaining the logistics of my many dreams, I will say that anyone who has vivid dreams knows that they may (or may not) make sequential sense. Often dreams are mixtures, like a smorgasbord of visions about various topics, and any attempt to try to make logical sense out their sequence of appearances is ludicrous. Such dreams are merely expressions, appearing randomly without any rhyme or reason. The thing to do is to allow them to happen. It is a kind of release mechanism from the restraints of your conscious mental regimentation’s. It is your neurons flashing about being unrestrained by conscious controls. It is harmless, and has no evil intentions. It is purely cerebral mechanization’s, a kind of neuron stretching exercise. It leads to REMs of course, which is a deeper state of sleep and the most renewing to your brain.
Well anyway, this dream which I am recalling now, was not random; but it did have one element of it that was a recurring vision. I am only going to tell you about two elements of the sequence to which they belonged.
The first one which I will relate, was the recurring one.
I am walking inside of a great building. This is not your usual building, all devoid of real architecture, and composed of the modern pseudo-architecture of graceless buildings and even more lifeless interiors; such as standard office buildings built strictly for function, without any regards for aesthetics.
This building had very copious amount of artistic architecture all about it. Every cubic meter of it was sculpted somehow, and it all flowed together into one vast mosaic of very high intelligence -- somewhat like walking through the many scenes of Michelangelo's Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel -- but without all of the naked people.
You could not look anywhere, without seeing the immediate results of a concerted effort to fuse function with style and art; and inside of this massive labyrinth of artwork, I was walking down a very wide corridor that was brightly lit and made of gold; not shining and garish gold; but more subtle and older pure gold. The floor beneath me was covered in a thick carpet of deep red fabric, laced with golden decorations. You actually walked upon the gold as you strode down the corridor.
I knew where I was going, and I was concerned about a class schedule. I had missed a lesson at a class which I was attending, and I had to make up the loss somehow. This simple problem was my chief concern, as I walked into a wider area that was basically rectangular and supported by Romanesque columns all along its outer perimeter. If you walked through any of the openings between those columns you would enter different rooms, all likewise heavily sculpted for specific purposes. Sculptured rooms.
The forum into which I walked was likewise covered with a thick carpet of red material, laced with gold designs, very expensive designs. In fact, the entire building was very expensive, and very special. I had an intense feeling that I was in an extremely special place. Somewhere, that few living beings know exists.
I was feeling a sense of happiness and real contentment, that I seldom experience in Conscious Life. It is difficult to explain to conscious minds, but I was in a highly special environment that I had been in before, knew well, but visited infrequently. That made being there again all the more important. Just being there, carried with it an immense importance; and I walked through the forum and chose a corridor that led off to the far left; one that opened up into a long passage way that was lighted from above by very long windows set into the ceiling of the corridor. Windows that revealed a light blue sky above that was decorated with wonderful displays of cloud formations. There was no other lighting to the corridor, so the red and gold carpet on the floor was lit down the axis of its length, but the walls and recesses of gold were in shadows.
As I walked along this new direction, I thought again of that class which I had missed -- and I concluded that I would have to really study hard to make up the loss of time.
And, I walked right into a field of tall and very green grasses, grass stalks by the millions. To the right of this wide field, and at the side opposite to me, I could see rows of brush and trees (bordering the field) that I knew were African in origin. To the left side of the field there lay a large silver and blue lake.
Through the millions of grasses, all about waist high to me, a large pack of Siberian Huskies was chasing a herd of Muskrats, all of whom were frantic to reach the safety of the lake. They all ran in front of me, from my right to my left. The Siberians ran and danced as they went. It is a Siberian Husky technique to run for a ways, and then to rise up and dance forwards on the hind legs and look over the grasses at where they are going, set a course correction quickly, and then return to all fours and dash ahead again. This is repeated many times as they run through large fields of tall grass.
Meanwhile, the Muskrats were making tracks for the lake and chirping their high-pitched warnings to each other. Sort of a waste of time, since all of them knew that they were about to be eaten anyway.
I walked into this scene, found it to be as expected, and turned away from it. I checked my uniform and jungle boots, and began to walk through the grasses towards the base camp. I was sure I had my sunglasses on; and yes, I had my revolver strapped to my right side.
I went through the trees of a forest. A blurred kind of passage, but I had the impression of forest depths which I did not have time for, so I appeared on the far side in a hilly terrain and set down upon the ground again. Now, I was walking slowly and feeling satisfied.
I knew what was happening everywhere in this situation, and I was not really trying to control it. I was enjoying being there. I could see the base camp ahead of me, in the hollow of a depression between three hills. Everywhere, the terrain was covered with green grass and/or brushes and trees. I knew I was very far into a countryside environment.
Behind me, I heard the sounds of horses. I turned slowly, and saw a squadron of our horsemen riding across the face of the hill there, through the tall grasses; each carrying an advanced shoulder-mounted RPG in his hands, and riding with style. They were a pleasant sight to see. They were disciplined, and their riding formation was tight and controlled, but they were also having fun and the horses were enjoying it too.
Someone said to me that the mood of the troops was high these days. I agreed, and I turned to look at the voice. The voice hovered before me, and began to give me a report of the army's status and current training activities.
I listened to the voice while I walked past it and looked southwards, through the valley of two of the hills. Off in the distance were many mechanized units performing maneuvers, my maneuvers. I knew they were doing it right, even from where I was standing. I asked the voice if the entire group was engaged in exercises by now. The voice answered 'yes', and there were some complaints from the locals.
I turned to the voice. It hovered next to a large table and looked down at various paperworks as it spoke. It read off a selection of written complaints about locals being disadvantaged by battle maneuvers. I expected that, even though everyone within a thousand miles of where I was standing had approved.
"Show me some of the complainers." I said to the voice, which I knew was a Colonel.
The voice floated away over the grasses, and I went to the table and began to read some of the letters. Soon, two men approached the table where I stood, escorted by rifles with voices. The voice of the Colonel was behind all of them.
One of the men was Gene Hackman, dressed as he appeared in a film called 'The Hoosiers'. The other man was Clint Eastwood, dressed as he appeared in a film called 'The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly'. Hackman was without weapons, but Eastwood wore a Colt 45 in a single holster, under a Mexican poncho which was draped over his frame. He was wearing a black hat, that had seen better days, and he was chewing on an old cigar.
Both of them were quite polite and serious, not really expecting anything. I was civil and shook hands with both of them as they arrived. To me their 'celebrity' status was worth less than an ounce of shoe polish, or donkey spit. But, they were there and they started to voice their concerns. I stood with my legs apart slightly, back straight, head up, hands on my hips (right one on the butt of my 44mag) and listened intently, politely.
Then, I took off my sunglasses. They had finished, and I told them to follow me. They followed behind me as I walked back in the direction from whence I had arrived. Back at the grassy hillside I pointed at the crest of the hill, where a long line of cavalry troops was outlined as they rode northwards.
I explained the nature of their maneuvers, and I reminded them that what they were doing was well within the parameters for these exercises that I had explained previously.
Hackman was trying to tell me, politely, that we were being too aggressive. Eastwood was more reserved, and just watched as we walked back to the table. I told the Colonel Voice to attend to the maneuvers in my place, which it did by floating off in the direction of the command vehicles.
I then told Hackman and Eastwood to stand at the table, which they did. Hackman was still going on about the armies tearing up private lands.
I walked to the other side of the table, and kept walking away from them for about ten feet. Then, I ordered a large structure to appear out of the woods before me. It formulated itself about ten feet from the table and stopped. It was made of dark steel, some twenty feet wide and that much in height. The side that was facing us was slanted, at an angle of about forty-five degrees away from us, not towards us. That side was covered with a thick green canvas.
I said, "Come closer gentlemen." Both Eastwood and Hackman approached, looking curious but not talking.
I pulled aside the curtain of green canvas, and behind the curtain was revealed a slanted tray (probably fifteen feet by fifteen feet) covered in thick sparkling ice, at least a foot thick.
Lying on the ice, were the bodies of two huge and tusked boars. Each boar was more than ten feet long, nearly five feet high at its hump, dark brown and grey, and dressed in an assortment of green battle straps. Their tusks were about eight inches long, but that was not their real menace.
They were armored Battle Boars, racked with automatic weapons and remote controlled sensors. Biological Battle Drones.
Dead as they were, the totality of what they were shocked Hackman and Eastwood, both of whom stepped back involuntarily.
Eastwood then got that expression on his face when he smokes a distasteful cigar. And, Hackman kind of reached forwards as though in disbelief.
I began to explain.
"Battle Boars of the SQLD, gentlemen. Something you have not been briefed about, naturally. These were brought from the battlegrounds in Tennessee, where they are being used by Killer Queers against us. They are being sent out ahead of Berserker Armies to cause havoc and disruptions to our scouting lines, previous to massed attacks."
"I see Benson's vile mind behind these. For instance, the repeating poison dart guns imbedded into their shoulder muscles; arranged to fire through slots in their chest armor. And, the obvious head harnesses, carrying cameras and transceivers of course. The weapons seem to be activated through imbedded control conduits. The boars are cut open, the conduits are laid across their bodies in flexible tracts, and then the boars are sewn up again. They do not trust to wireless controls."
"Inside their mouths are injectors of neurotoxins. If they bite you, they inject you. These boars must be pre-treated with immunity agents to the toxins."
"We looked for explosive devices, none. They are however, much larger than a typical wild boar of the Appalachians, as you can see. They have been force bred for size and intelligence; also surgically enhanced, and stretched, to enable them to run faster and maneuver more quickly. They were loaded with stimulants when they were dispatched by our scouts in Tennessee."
Hackman and Eastwood listened and stared at the big brown and green bodies of the Battle Boars, lying on a sheet of shining ice cubes. The star light from above was hitting the display with full force. You could see each dead strand of hair on their boar faces.
"The head harnesses are permanent. They have tendrils that reach down into the brains of the boars. We believe that the SQLD have worked out a rudimentary control language which they feed into the brains of the boars; a MassInsanity invention, of course. Radio control over a limited set of functions."
"With the cameras and microphones that they carry, they can relay audio and video of what they see. They can also be directed to attack specific targets. We think that they may be capable of eating targets and returning to their masters, whereupon the contents of their stomachs are removed for analysis. These beasts could eat anything and survive long enough to reach a friendly stomach pump. As long as it was not explosive, of course."
"These two, as a team, killed four scouts before they were shot through the sides. They had undigested fingers and brain tissue from Human Children in their stomachs."
There was something about such bestial death machines that was unsettling to my two visitors. They began to turn blue. I asked a voice with a rifle to show them out of the camp. A squad of rifles with voices ushered them away.
I woke up.
Naturally, I call it The Dream of the Battle Boars.
Comments, anyone?
Cringing, anyone?
It's all right. The Queer Doctors in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone -- working on Animal Mutations For Killing Humans -- are cringing for another reason.
There is one thing that is happening now that I have to correct. There is conversation going on, here in the Human Country, about the HomeQueer activities in the HBHZ not being 'his fault'. In other words, I had nothing to do with it.
This business of 'fault' is disgusting. What fault? Who told anyone in the Human Country, that anything that happens in the Queer Sewers of the East and the West are the 'fault' of any Human? Who is saying that lie?
Just because their horrible TV channels are being shown here, in our Human Country, does not mean (in any way) that the TV Turds are part of our Human Country! If those scum say anything is any 'way' -- defy it -- ignore it -- reject it. Those things want your sympathy, your fake guilt, your Money!
Anything that they say, is Alien!
Alien Propaganda from a Hostile Alien Cesspool!
Shun anyone who repeats the propaganda from the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead.
Anyone, in our Human Country, that wants to stupidly, or politically, espouse the twisted lies of the Queer Medias, can leave! And, go to Hell in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone!
Get them out of your Human Houses.
Get them out of your Human Lives.
Markel Peters
I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message. Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OwHSUal4EYVBt2hlDEEdIxNYG3yJ99nx/view?usp=sharingThe original version.
This blog exists to inform the People, of the 'Real Truth' about the real enemies of the Human Species. These Truths are not objectionable, as they are Truths. Only the telling of them can be objectionable, to those who wish to hide the Truth. If the Truth is something you HATE and therefore object to - go elsewhere!
Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!
The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.