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Showing posts with label Fart-Forces. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fart-Forces. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 11, 2015


If it needs to be propagandized -- it cannot be Real.
Markel Peters 2015


Go to the store Honey, but don't forget to take a shower before you come back. I don't want any Monkey Shit in this house!
Common Saying 2015


I swear -- this was only supposed to be 10 pages. A one day message.




If you are unlucky enough, you will know that all of the sick puke-bag Filthy Monkeys are trying to play Love Songs with twisted meanings, wherever they can, in any speaker in any ceiling that they can. Twisted Love Songs, all pretending that they come from Deviates. Which is supposed to mean that Deviates like Love Songs. Well Gee! Wait a minute! Filthy Monkeys -- ARE Queers! So, the Love Songs ARE coming from the Queers!

Butt ...

they are NOT Love Songs anymore! They have been twisted. They have been perverted. Their contexts and meanings have been altered, and reversed. BECAUSE THEY COME FROM THE FILTHY MONKEYS -- WHICH MEANS THEY COME FROM DEVIATES!!!!!!!!!!

Thus -- Deviates are playing Human Love Songs, for Deviate Purposes.

Is That New????

Apparently not. I think it has been going on for decades. It IS what twisted Deviates do. The Big and Bigger Lie, in this regard, is that somehow Love is connected with Them.

They are using Human Love Songs -- and -- they are Ripping Them Off!


They are ripping off the meanings of Human Love Songs, and placing those meanings upon themselves.

Like Post-It Notes. Like Stick-Um Notes. Like some kind of synthetic and plastic and temporary and gooey label attached to their shirts and their foreheads and their teeth (etc).

we will not elaborate about the teeth

we all know where the teeth have been

That is supposed to make Imbeciles&Idiots [[is that a new brand name?]] believe that Love somehow has something to do with Deviates. At the moment, I can only postulate that slaves, forced to work in any store or restaurant where there are such speakers in ceilings playing such putrid and twisted noises, can even remotely believe any of the Queershit coming from the Filthy Monkeys. However, even remotely is too much. And, due to reduced brain functions, they can only remotely think that the Filthy Monkeys want to somehow ascribe and attribute Love to Perversion and Deviation.

You see, the duncing-down process disables itself, when the victims are too stupid to get the intended messages any more.

[[By the way -- there is no need for speakers in the ceilings of stores and restaurants and public buildings anyway. Zero need. And now, zero desirability due to the Filthy Monkeys.]]


I do have many concerns about the future of the Human Species, of course, naturally. Any member of a Species that is being attacked by a virulent disease like we are, would have concerns.

Virulent -- Manifesting or partaking of the nature of virus, exceedingly noxious. Very bitter in enmity, malignant.
Funk and Wagnalls 1926

In this message, one of my primary concerns is about Brain Cancer. I write a lot about the mental disease of Queerism that is being deliberately spread, and I write a lot about how it kills the brain and reduces the brain, and so on. I do not know if I ever discussed this next aspect of it before. The time has arrived to do this. Queerism in the brain is like a cancer. Cancers eat their hosts.

Encarta says -- 'Cancer usually develops gradually over many years, the result of a complex mix of environmental, nutritional, behavioral, and hereditary factors.'

Sounds like the description of the DemoCraps.

Cancers are aberrations (queerisms) that turn on their own hosts and start to eat them; and cause them to dysfunction, and malfunction until finally the host itself cannot survive -- it cannot carry out its natural functions anymore -- and it dies. When it dies, the cancer dies too. The example is quite accurate, because the cancer kills the body that it began with. Kills the body that it occurred in. I do not know of any cancer that can be contagious. I have never heard of that.

Encarta -- Cancer begins in genes, bits of biochemical instructions composed of individual segments of the long, coiled deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) ... in a cancerous cell, permanent gene alterations, or cell mutations, cause the cell to malfunction. For a cell to become cancerous, usually three to seven different mutations must occur in a single cell. These genetic mutations may take many years to accumulate, but the convergence of mutations enables the cell to become cancerous.

What we are dealing with in this discussion, is an overall phenomenon that involves a disease, and a resulting cancer. A mental disease that is deliberately spread by the things that are diseased by it; and once it is in the victim's brain it starts to act like a cancer. It eats out that brain. In a Natural Cancer, the cancer is generated within the host body, usually by some aberration; and then it starts to eat away the host, until the host simply cannot live anymore. That is the natural sequence. What we are fighting, is an unnatural sequence; in many ways worse than a natural cancer. The Queerism disease creates a cancer inside the brain of the victim, that does eventually kill it; but tries to sustain it at a reduced state for as long as possible. That cancer, eats away the brain, and eats away the soul, and eats away the values, and eats away the virtues, and eats away the personality; with the intention (and lesie-turd guidance) of leaving a barely functioning, minimally capable, android kind of (robotic) self-less creature. Only fit to take orders, and to vote for what it is told to vote for.

The idea that propels the cancer, the idea from the disease that created the cancer, (if it were to be implemented ideally) would be to sustain the victim, in a much reduced state, for as long as possible. Or, desirable. To have the victim continue to support the overall disease, and to vote for other diseased creatures; other diseased things. For, as long as the body can continue to function with such a reduced brain. Until, finally it suffers a very miserable and pathetic and horrible kind of death. A death that can only be described as a mental leprosy. The terminus of a life that was terribly reduced, terrorized, brainwashed and then forced to continue to exist at a far deficient level -- hovering just above Death.

Buying what it is told to buy -- lying the lies it is told to lie -- and voting for the Perverts it is told to vote for. Until, the body just cannot do it anymore. Then it slides, into a horrible death. It does not crash and burn. It does not spiral down. It is already too low to do any of that. Instead, it sort of slides into the ooze, into the muck; it just dies off.

If allowed to. However, that kind of slow agonizing death (which in many ways is muted by the fact that the brain is so desensitized by Queerism) is usually spared. It usually does not happen that way. The death act that such creatures suffer, is usually much quicker; and in an unintentional way, it is much more merciful. This occurs, since they have to be mucked aside and removed from existence anyway; to make way for new Perverts. They have to be shit-kicked into the gutters, and forced to die more quickly. Forced disposal. To make way for new Perverts. There being limited resources as there are.

It is that brain cancer that I am so concerned about, in this message. Obviously, such a cancer would be facilitated and increased by a total lack of Love amongst Humans.

With the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead trying to pretend that the playacting of their puppets and mannequins is actually Love; they must (at the same time) rob something, to be something else. They must rob and steal, in order to pretend that they have Love; when in Reality it is nothing more than organized dementia and lunacy.

Where are they going to get that Love from? Where are they going to get that Love, and twist it and pervert it and kill it -- and then wear it on their sleeves? Pretending, that it is theirs. Who are they going to steal the Love from?

Answer: Obvious, the only places that have Love in this war -- are Human Beings. So, they have to steal Love from the Humans (individually or collectively), kill it, regenerate it as Living-Death, and then wear it.

Wear it, and pretend that it is original; and it is their Love.

Taking Love away from Human Beings, would make them weak; would make them vulnerable to more lies, more de-spiriting lies, more degenerating lies, more disillusionment, more incapacitating lies. It is one of the reasons why there is so much importance to insisting upon the Truth. Truth, which is that only Human Beings have Love in this conflict; the animal kingdom is not involved.

In this war, it is between Humans on one side, and Perverts and Politicians and Monkeys and Medias and the Five Evils on the other side. In all of this war, only one thing has Love; and that is the Human Beings.

The opposition -- the other side -- the so-called 'Dark Side' [[too romantic a term anymore]] -- wants to steal Love. To kill it, as it cannot stay alive without Humans; and then zap it, crap on it, and kick it until it starts to move again as a Living-Death -- and then wear it -- as their Love.

While, pretending that they have had it all of the time.

Demanding that what they have, IS Love. Which means that what the Humans had -- could not have been Love.

Because, it had to die first -- in order to be their Love.

As implausible and deranged as that sounds -- THAT is WHAT -- is in their brains.

Which is a Quantity, that they do not want Humans to have. They do not want Humans to have even that little Quantity of thought processes in their brains.

What serves that intention? Brain Cancer!

Caused by propaganda. Caused by lies. Caused by brainwashing. Caused by the mental disease. That, is what I am concerned about in this message. In this message, I am trying to keep Love where it belongs, and reserved and alive; instead of dead and tortured and ripped to pieces and then resuscitated into a pseudo-life, a Pseudo-Love. I am also trying to prevent as many people as is possible from having that Brain Cancer.

Caused by brainwashing. Which comes from the speakers in the ceilings that are controlled by the Filthy Monkeys. The goal of every Filthy Monkey, and every Queer Media scumbag, is Brain-Cancer-In-The-Minds-Of-Their-Victims.


The rest of us know that such Love-Snatching is totally and completely impossible, in this or in any other Universe. However, this is a crazed world of twisted perceptions and Perception Makers. All that the SQLD require is Pseudo-Love, wrapped in the demands of acceptance as something real.

For those poor and dunced down slaves in the stores, who are constantly bombarded by Monkey Shit from the speakers in the ceilings, I will explain to them ... Love.

Love, is how the Human Species still exists. Nothing Deviated. Nothing Queer. Nothing Perverted. Nothing Political. Nothing Media. Nothing 'Five Evils'. Love has nothing to do with anything on the 'Malicious Side'.

Malicious -- Harboring malice, ill will, or enmity; spiteful. Bitter, evil-disposed, evil-minded, hostile, ill-disposed, ill-natured, invidious, malevolent, malign, malignant, rancorous, venomous, virulent.
Funk and Wagnalls 1926

Which explains why the entire Malicious Side wants to pretend. No matter how much the Malicious Side tries to rip off Love, and paste Phony Love all over themselves -- it can never be. It can never exist. Love, is an exclusive Anthropomorphic Quality. And I say 'anthropomorphic', because all Natural Anthropomorphic Species (such as Real Chimpanzees and Real Gorillas) have Love.

Everything else on this planet, that is feigns 'anthropomorphic', is NOT.

All such Pseudo-Anthropomorphics do not have Love, just as surely as they are not Natural Anthropomorphics. By which I refer to, the Natural Family of Anthropomorphics; which YOU are not supposed to know about. Or, are supposed to think are Perverts too. Such, is the depths of depravity of Queer Lies.

Flat out.

The Impostors -- have Hate, Deviation, Cunning, Scheming, Planning, Murdering, Vile Intentions, Nastiest Goals, and Most Horrible Agendas. That is what they have -- that is what they are -- that is what is immediately under the surface -- beneath all of the phony love stickers that the Perverts are pasting all over themselves.

Love is an Anthropomorphic Trait, applicable in this situation only as an Exclusive Human Quality. It is also an Animal Trait, as it exists in many Natural Species as well. Deviates, Perverts, Queers, Filthy Monkeys, Monkey Judges, Monkey Lawyers, Politicians, Gnomes, Media Scum, TV Turds (etc) are forever alien to, and forbidden to, Love. Love is alien to them. They are alien to Love. Deviates, Perverts, the Five Evils, the Gnomes, the Minions, the Middle-Managers, and every thing that is part of the Queer Coalitions (or serves the Queer Coalitions) is devoid of Love in any form.

Even, ironically, the Love of what they think (snidely) they cherish -- like money, possessions, and social power within the Queer Coalitions. Even that, is only greed, and avarice, and self-aggrandizement. It is NOT Love. So, even the Love that they think they possess -- as opposed to the Love that they can only pretend to possess, is NOT Love either.

Love, is a far too pristine and pure quality, pristine and pure value, natural reaction between members of the opposite sex, to ever have anything to do with horrific Deviates and Perverts and so-called Homosexual Agendas and Queer Propaganda Campaigns. Therefore, none of it exists -- 'over there'.

In that regard, that is a blessing. It means that Love itself is not being shanghaied or kidnapped and taken to the Malicious Side. No. That is not happening. Love is completely 'over here' on the Side of Light, on the side of Humans, on the side of all Natural Species. Love itself, is not being maimed and mutilated over there on the Malicious Side.

It is being imitated.

Pretend and artificial versions of Love, are being promoted on the Malicious Side, on the Queer Side, on the side of the Five Evils. Everything over there is Imitation and Queershit anyway. So, what would you expect?

The kicker to this, which makes it so permanently this way, is the obviousness of it -- the apparency of it -- the total and complete evidence of it as anti-Matter and anti-Life on the side of all perversions.

Perversion is anti-Life, it is a disease. Perversion is anti-Matter to anything that is Human, and Natural and Original on this Earth. Any thing that Perversion comes up with, is instantly anti-Matter some thing, or anti-Life some thing. Nothing that Deviates do is done without the immediate prefix of anti-Life or anti-Matter. Anti-Life XXX, or anti-Matter XXX. Anti-Life some thing, or anti-Matter some thing. You can throw in anti-Nature and anti-Humanity too.

'Anti-' is the first name, of all Perverts. Whatever its name pretends to be; because no pervert deserves to have a Human name any longer. Its first name -- is 'Anti-'. As in 'Mr. Human' or 'Mrs. Human' or 'Miss Human' or 'Sir Human' or 'Lady Human' -- every Deviate is correspondingly 'anti-This' or 'anti-That' regardless of sex-oid identity, regardless of pretended sex. Every Deviate is 'anti-'So and So, 'anti-'Such and Such, 'anti-'This and That, 'anti-'That and This. 'Anti-' is the first word, the first letters a-n-t-i, of the identification of any Pervert. Plus, anything that a Pervert does, or says. Such, is obvious. It is enormously apparent. Which means, that what the things are actually trying to promote ...

by imitating Love and pretending, and insisting, that they somehow have Love blah-blah-blah ...

and by ripping off Love from every Human Love Song that they can get their hands on (literally ripping it off) literally trying to shanghai Love ...

is to promote 'anti-'Love.

If the Public and the People and the Humans saw what
anti-'Love really is, they would instantly wretch and vomit and reject it; freak out and try to destroy it and erase it from the world and erase it from the planet. 'Anti-'Love -- is horrific!

'Anti-'Love is Pure Hatred. It is one of the worst forms of hatred in the entire Universe. Hatred, in the form of 'anti-'Love with the purpose of destroying Real Love. That IS genuine Total Hatred (as in Total War) -- and that is what the Filthy Monkeys are promoting, on their sick speakers in the ceilings. They are trying to promote 'anti-'Love by smearing it, covering it, coating it with Real Human Love; ripped off from Real Human Love Songs. It is that simple and that obvious.

[[What else? No Human would do such things, or even imagine such things being done. THIS, is a class in Deviate-Dissection. More specifically, Deviate Intentions-Dissection. What did you think the insides of a Filthy Monkey would look like?]]

I mean, it is really apparent. You could not get more obvious if you had to. You could not try to get more obvious if you had to!

As with all Matter and anti-Matter relationships, Love immediately goes in the opposite direction of all Deviation and Perversion. Only anti-Love (otherwise known in this Universe as Hatred) would have anything to do with Perverts and Deviates -- and only anti-Love can Coexist in the same proximity with Perverts and Deviates.

so what do the coexist scum want you to be

Queers can only have anti-Love -- because anti-Love is the only thing that will have Queers. Hatred is the only thing that Deviates can have -- because hatred is the only thing that would have Deviates.

In this regard, I would like to use an analogy such as Fire & Water to describe the relationship between Love and anti-Love; but that does not work, and that is not justifiable, and not valid because both Fire & Water are Natural Elements. Which exist in different forms and different phases, but they are still both Natural. I cannot use that comparison. The actual appropriate example, is the situation itself. There are not too many other examples known to be as pathetic and as violent and as poisonous as the juxtaposition of anti-Love (which is Hatred) to Actual Love. Anti-Love, being Deviate Hatred of all Natural Life in the Universe. And Love, being that which has sustained the Human Species and all other Natural Species (at some level) throughout our Collective Time; even in the face of many adversities, adverse conditions, and adverse environments.

Which brings up a point -- and proves what I am saying -- the Queer Propagandists and the Queer Masters are trying to imitate Love (which has sustained Humanity for so long) with Queer Organization, and the queer so-called Homosexual Agenda, and Shared Hatred and Shared Evil. What has sustained the Human Species for so long has been Love, and mutual respect between Human Beings, as Human Beings. At a basic animal level, which is also shared by many animal species. The Five Evils, the Deviates, the TV Turds, and the Monkeys can never have such a thing. They can never have such Love, they can never have such cohesion, they can never have such binding energy and respect and mutual greatness amongst themselves. They are the trash, of insanity in many forms. They cannot have Love, so they must have something else to bind them together; and they do all of the time -- they have Shared Evil. They share their worst secrets and their worst crimes with each other. They share their hatreds with each other. They share their evil intentions against all Nature in the Universe, together. They have Shared Evil, Shared Hatred. They know it. I know it. Anyone intelligent knows it.

What you are hearing, from those speakers in the ceilings, is Queershit pretending that there is such a thing as 'Love' on the side of the monstrosities of the Five Evils. For the purpose of masking anti-Love, so Idiots in the Public cannot see what it really is. Also, for hoping to cause chaos and confusion where there Really Is Love ...

and thus to diminish True Love. To divide True Love. To reduce True Love. To fragment and confuse True Love. Which, can only exist on the side of the Humans, and Natural Species and the Natural Universe. There is that second intention. By having anti-Love, by having such hatred, by having such evil intentions, by having such demands (with force) ...

that all Real Love must die; and all of the twisted filth from the Filthy Monkeys on the Satellite Radio stations and the FM stations be used to replace Real Love ...

they also attempt to kill (by diffusion) the actual genuine article of Real Human Love.

That, Ladies and Gentlemen, is the situation where Love is concerned; in all of this war. Love, is totally on the side of Humanity and Nature; and is being intimidated and imitated by anti-Love (also known as Hatred) over there on the side of all Deviates and the Five Evils. Collectively, known as the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead.

Thank You.



I recently drove down to Atheist Aims (formerly Ames) on a Sunday, the 26th of July, and I have some observations from that trip. One is, the Filthy Monkeys are now playing songs that insinuate that we have no idea of who they are, or what they are. Which, can only mean that they are scrambling to put their masks back on. More importantly, they are scrambling to put the blinders back on anyone who reads the Truth from Human websites!

Human websites, are breaking down all of their masks; and breaking down all of their camouflage. You are starting to see what they really are. What the things actually and really are. Which is, desperate. They are desperate now, to have all of you blinded and have all of you in doubt. In the hope that if they can keep you all doubtful about what is really going on, they can get over on all of you.

So now, they are putting out songs on the Filthy Monkey stations that insinuate that you have no idea of "who I am" and "you have no idea of what I am" blah-blah-blah. That is patently impossible. Ludicrously ridiculous, because all of them are an open book before us.

Everything that they do, is a component part of what is called 'Ugly' 'Sickening' 'Sick-Sick-Sick' 'Putrid' 'Vile' 'Perverted' and so on and so forth. However, they think that we cannot put together the pieces. Somehow, and in some way, they think they have their pieces spread out and mixed in with so much other stuff, that we cannot pick out what is them and what is not them. What they want us to think, is absurdly impossible for any Human to think. Even an eight year old child can pick apart the pieces of all of their junk parts, that they have spread out before us, and put those pieces together to reassemble and recreate one of them as they actually are -- or all of them as they actually are. They are all so deusedly 'same sickness', they are all so deusedly 'same idiocy', so deusedly 'same vile-bile'.

Deuce, Deusedly -- The Devil: used with or without the article in exclamation, signifying disgust or surprise at an unpleasant occurrence. Devilish; confounded; exceeding; often used adverbially.
Funk and Wagnalls 1926

Butt, they have insertions (I mean instructions) from the Queer Masters; to mix what they really are, in with everything else; for the reasons of camouflaging and confusing the sight of themselves; the understanding of themselves; the realization of themselves adverse everything else. At the same time, to smear their sickness, smear their nastiness, smear their awful perversions upon everything else.

To stain and soil the mix. To sustain a soiled mix. To reduce and befoul the mix. While, being so stupid they actually believe those screaming faggots in Minneapolis; (that pretend to be stage comedians) when the things tell them that we (the Humans) cannot pick apart the pieces, and build together from those pieces any of them, or all of them!

No, I am not joking; they really think that. They really have it in their little tiny brains, that if they take all of their animosity and all of their viciousness and all of their ugliness and all of their lies, and mix them in with everything else, we will not have enough brains to pick apart what is them and what is not them.

So, they are playing dipshit songs about 'you do not know what I am' and 'you do not know who I am'; to reinforce (in a way, with wishful thinking) that all of us are so unbelievably dumb now that even the most elemental and basic of us (even the most uninterested of us) cannot tear apart the mix and simply pick out all of the dung. Whereupon, to throw it all into a box, and shake it up, and 'Presto! Sicko!' you've got a Filthy Monkey with a microphone stuck up its ass!

With beady little eyes, and anuses all over it.

The other thing that I noticed, is that some losers are walking around that can best be described as Halflings -- half Human and half ModoRat -- which must be really really painful -- to be a 'HalfHuman' and then a 'HalfModoRat' (how can you do that?). It must be some thing that is extremely transitory, and it phases. It phases from reluctant Moderation, to a hybrid of some kind. Unable to sustain itself for very long, before it phases back into a reluctant ModoRat.

Well, I saw some of those at a department store in Atheist Aims, and they were speaking a kind of a sub-language. What was of notice about them, was what they were saying. They were saying that they cannot fight -- and -- "Peters is Himself." Which is a way of saying (through me as a representative) that they cannot fight; and courage is too much for them. They cannot fight, bravery is beyond them. They cannot fight, intelligence is too much for them. They cannot fight, resistance is beyond their means; beyond their mental capabilities; beyond their spirit level; beyond their energy level. They cannot fight, they must grovel. They cannot fight, they must cringe. They cannot fight, they must bow and cower before the enemy, squirm. They cannot fight, they must bow and cower before the Monkey Judge Syndicate. They cannot fight, but they can piddle their pants, and grovel before Monkeys.

The other thing that I noticed during my trip, is that minions and programmed drones for corporations, do not like it if you put merchandise back on the shelf. In the minds of those corporate drones, those retail robots, those automatons of retail stores; there is some kind of screw jawed brain fart (floating around between their ears) that says -- if you are a customer in that store -- you cannot put merchandise back once you have touched it. You cannot put merchandise into your shopping cart and then change your mind and put it back on the shelf.

To them, that is a huge 'No No'; and they will mob all over you if you do that. They will watch you. They will stare at you from over the shelves. They will stare at you from between the shelves. They will stare at you from underneath the merchandise. They will follow you around the store. If you dare to put something into your shopping cart, and then you dare to have the audacity and the temerity to put anything that you had in your shopping cart back on the shelf ...

even if it is at the same place where you found it ...

which I did deliberately, while I was in there (with eight different things to see what would happen) ...

they freak out!!!!

They flip out, they call out the dogs, they empty out the back rooms, and they watch everything that you do. Then, they stare at you when you go to the checkout counter, as a criminal. Stare at you, as an alien being. Stare at you, as an outlaw; a forbidden subject; a forbidden irregular citizen. How dare you be in their store?

Of course, you have not anything that is illegal -- until the retailers shove enough money up the asses of the Monkey Judge Syndicate to get a Queer Decision that says it is illegal ...

so, you simply checkout and you leave.


One of the nicest things, that you could ever say to anyone who works in a store, such as a grocery store, or a hardware store, where the management is comprised of shitheads and the speakers in the ceiling are spewing out Queer Propaganda from lesie-turds and faggots at Filthy Monkey stations (FM or Satellite) ...

one of the nicest things that you can say to them, and just about the only thing that you can say to them is -- "Why are your ears full of shit?" -- "Sir! Why are your ears full of shit?" -- "Mam! Why are your ears full of shit?"

It is the only way to get across the message that they are being brainwashed by some of the most despicable (which means 'despise-able') pieces of drooling and dragging asswipe in Planet Sinister.

Every second that they are being exposed to that crap on the ceiling, coming from the speakers in the ceiling, they are being killed and brain-reduced and brain-drained and mollified -- and the Public doesn't want to hear it either. It is nothing other than a sickening schmeer of twisted songs, with perverted meanings insinuated onto them -- always trying to say that anything good and anything decent has to be linked to Perverts and Deviates -- which is the Monumental Lie of all of it. Perverts and Deviates are the exact opposite of anything good and decent and Love, and so on and so forth; they are the exact opposite of that. Period.

It's -- a classic 'Big Lie'. And, as Hitler proved, 'Big Lies' work on tiny brains. 'Big Lies' work on tiny brains, and the only way to shake up a tiny brain is to go up to it and say -- "Mam, why are your ears full of shit?"


As you know, I look for indicators of what is going on inside the populations; and inside the ranks of our enemies -- the DemoCraps, the ModoRats (aka RepuCraps), the Deviates (aka Queers) -- and I have noticed that an interesting thing is going on amongst the DemoCraps. The DemoCraps, are bantering about a code phrase, a code saying, which amongst the DemoCraps means "Now is the time to apply pressure. Now is the time to apply organized 'Soft Terrorism'."

A kind of soft terrorism in the form of propaganda with force. The current code phrase is -- 'Now is the time for muscles.' 'Now is the time for some muscles.' 'Now is the time to show some muscles.' It is DemoCrap phraseology. A DemoCrap saying, with a secondary meaning, and it has nothing to do with people needing muscles. It has everything to do with applying pressure and applying propaganda with direct force. Insisting, that Queer Propaganda be believed. Insisting, that Queer DemoCrapia be enforced, and forced into people's houses, into their ears, into their eyeballs, into their brains -- to apply force (code named 'muscle') to the propaganda.

To smash people with muscular propaganda. That sounds absurd, but we are talking about DemoCraps. We are discussing the dregs of Planet Sinister, under which are the Monkeys; and over which are the Deviates, since they rule DemoCraps without a doubt.

Queers are vicious. Deviates are violent. Perverts are terrorists right down to their claws. So, when any of them start talking about 'muscles', or applying 'muscles', or that the 'people need muscles' -- what they are really saying is "the people must be smashed, with force" "the people need to have their brains hit, with propaganda muscles, with force and propaganda".

Not just the same dumb and dull lies again and again and again, but now make it hurt; now break something; now bend something; now twist something; now permanently deform the minds of the targets of Queer Propaganda!

"Use force." That is happening right now. Which is why I am telling you about it. I know those propagandists on sight. I know immediately when I am seeing Middle-Managers for the Perverts and for the DemoCraps, talking about applying the lies with muscles this time.

The ironic thing about it is, and it is quite a paradox actually -- we Human Beings need muscles. We, the Human populations, we are the ones who need muscles. We need militia training. We need strength exercises. We need to get our bodies in shape. We need to shake off all Queer Propaganda, we need to shake off all lies that say only Deviates from West Des Aliens (formerly west des moines) can ride bicycles and be in shape!

We need to shake off all attacks from the Middle-Managers-For-Hire. We need to slough off and repel and reject all of that vile pack of lies from the propagandists -- now being applied against us with force. Plus, at the same time get ourselves in shape and grow some muscles of our own. Which apparently the Queer Propagandists have no idea that we are capable of doing. It is quite obvious, or they would not use that code phrase about 'muscles'.

They know we are listening, they know that I am constantly listening to their lies and their jargon and their messages to each other; their sub-languages. They know that I am going to report about it. Therefore -- they must think that the Human populations are incapable of having Muscular Men and Athletic Women -- all Real and Natural -- none freaked or aberrant or artificial.

Being constantly 'Pornography-Based' (and thus debased), the Deviates always think in terms of surface features and synthetic beauty and artificial sex organs (etc). Real Human strength and agility and physical prowess (non-sexual) is beyond their understanding.

They must think that the Human Populations are incapable of getting in shape, organizing into militias, and fighting. Really, they must think that. They must think that the Human populations still believe the TV Turds. Any TV Turds.

[[This is born out by the continued practice, by the Filthy Monkeys, of lying over the speakers in any place where shitheads are managers. Of course, there has not been a Real DJ on radio for decades; and now only faggots and lesie-turds operate FM stations; and they can only lie. Hence, all that you ever hear from them are lies of some description.]]

Any lie, in any way. There is not a TV Turd (anywhere) that I cannot take apart with a dung-fork. Think about that statement. There is not a TV Turd, of any description anywhere, that I cannot take apart with a dung-fork. Do you know what a 'dung-fork' is? Find out. I keep one in the house. Sharp.

To get back to my point, we all need to shape up! I have been watching the 'Vacationers'.

The Paunchy Vacationers.
The Rotund Vacationers.
The Bouncy Vacationers.
The Slow Vacationers.
The Surprised-To-Be-Out-Of-The-City Vacationers.
The Smart-Ass Vacationers.
The Over-burdened With Children And Paraphernalia Vacationers.
The Hurried Vacationers.
The Quick-Enjoy-It-Before-We-Have-To-Go-Back Vacationers.
The Is-This-Wisconsin-Or-Kansas? Vacationers.
The Tire-Blowout-Ruined-My-Vacation Vacationers.
The Let-The-Dog-Out-And-Drive-Quickly Vacationers.
The Would-You-Like-To-Buy-Some-Kids? Vacationers.
The Wait-A-Minute-This-Isn't-My-Car! Vacationers.
The Is-This-Police-Harrassment-Officer? How-Dare-You! Vacationers.

And -- they are all out of shape.

True, at the moment they are NOT watching TV.

Butt ............ it is no wonder that those thinner assholes on bicycles, from West Des Aliens, think that they are so superior!


Many things about this war are contradictory. Many things about this war happen in opposite ways. Many of the things that our enemies intend to happen, usually never happen; but they cause other things to happen.

[[I am not writing about the Easy Operations such as buying the Queer Services of already queered Monkey Judges.]]

This is one of those times. When they start blabbing their code phrases about applying 'muscle' to the same stupid lies that they have been yapping for decades. At the same time, they are effectively telling Human Beings to grow muscles!!!! As I have said so many times before, always do the opposite of what Liberals and Perverts and Politicians want you to do. Always look for motives. Always check a Liberal or a Politician or a Pervert (or anyone who is trying to sell you anything) for what their motives are.

[[Their motives can always be found with flashlights.]]

If they are blind motives, if they are motives that are simple and basic and greedy (with no subterfuge, and no double-turning) then just do the opposite. Do the opposite of what they want. When anyone who has greedy intentions (no matter how much they smile to you and pat you on the head) wants you to do something for them, do the opposite of it. If they have a double-meaning, if they have a twisted turn mixed in there, if they are trying to get you to -- Do Something By Having You Do The Opposite Of Something Else -- then just keep doing what you were doing to begin with.

If they are trying to get you to do something, as the opposite reaction to what they say they want you to do; a couple of lies put together, a double-lie; attempting to fool you into having an 'opposite reaction' that is really what they wanted you to do to begin with -- then do nothing. In that case, just keep on doing what you were doing. This is simple. If you are doing something that does not benefit them and they want you to do something else, but they know that you are wise to their game -- then, they will try to tell you to do something that is diametrically the opposite of what you are going to do in reaction to it. The final idea being to coerce you into doing what they want you to do, as an opposite reaction.

It is a kind of maneuvering, of your reactions. What they are doing is maneuvering the conversation, maneuvering the reactions; so that when you do the opposite of their 'stated and greedy and supposed intentions' you will actually be doing what they want you to do to begin with.

All of it falls under the heading of Psychological Warfare; which you have not taken classes in, but they have.

It is a sad and ugly situation, and the intended result is a sad and ugly world. Oddly enough, the various corrosive and diseased elements that are causing it -- have different names for it -- such as 'Amorgida', 'DemoTopia', 'Liberal Utopia', 'Free Shit', 'Where Everything Is Shit Man!', 'Doper's Paradise', 'No More America Shit', 'Ready For Communism'.

Which brings up a good point. In none of it, does there float (in the planning) any vision of real benefits to Mankind such as ...

A Good 10 Cent Cup Of Coffee
Decent Underwear For A Buck
Five Minutes In A Car Wash For 1 Dollar
Good Dime Donuts
Round Trip Bus Ticket From Anywhere To Anywhere In The Country For Fuel Share And A Penny A Mile (all one class)
Free Public Showers Free Of Perverts
Two Dollar Per Gallon Grade A Milk
A Long-Lasting Pair Of 20 Dollar Shoes
A Non-Political Healthcare Plan
A Real Car That Won't Fall Apart After Five Years For 10 Thousand Dollars (New)

Nothing like that is planned, because all changes to the economic system can only be Queershit changes for Queer Propaganda -- and no Deviate wants to help Mankind except as subterfuge.

[[I would design that $10,000 automobile myself, if asked to. Easily. $2500 for the engine and A/C. $1000 for the transmission. $1000 for instrumentation. $3500 for the frame, suspension, body and axles (front-wheel drive of course). And, $2000 for labor.
Now, don't laugh.
The customers provide their own wheels (standard pattern), their own tires, and their own radios -- from separate sources.
This would be done, because wheels, tires and radios are by far the most customized items about an automobile. If each car comes with those standard items, most of them would be thrown away or scrapped or never serve out their possible lifespans -- causing waste of resources.
Of course, for convenience, the entire buying process would be centralized; and you could choose from a wide range of sources for wheels, tires, and radios. (All sources not associated financially)
Standard models, simply would not exist, except as display models.
Display lots would not exist. Every vehicle would be ordered direct from the factory. Twenty factories would exist across the continent. A variety of 'extras' and 'improvements' could be ordered, at the point of purchase only. Delivery costs would be kept at a minimum because only bulk orders (six vehicles) would be shipped at a time.
It would be easy to design and build, except never at the prices of materials and labor today. All of which are far too expensive (today) due to one thing -- Unions.]]

oh excuse me i meant to say queer unions

It is a sad and ugly situation, and the intended result is a sad and ugly world, if you are not stupid.

You have to realize that the general public society -- what I call the 'Society Country' -- is designed for Idiots. Intentional Idiots. Intended Idiots. Politicians want Idiots. Commercial Advertisers want Idiots. Propagandists want Idiots. Anyone who wants to manipulate large populations for profit, wants Idiots. The preferred status, the preferred state of existence in Planet Sinister, is to either be a Master, or a worker for the Masters, or an Idiot -- in a 1:10000:10000000 ratio, ideally.

Even though the Idiots will outnumber the workers, and the Masters, at a thousand to one -- they are nonetheless -- Idiots. Easily propagandized and addicted to Medias.

If you are aware of that, if you are intelligent enough to be an individual, and in a Human community of individuals; then you can discuss this amongst each other, and formulate ways to break out of it; to have Autonomy.

Who wants to be a drone if they have intelligence? Who wants to be a minion if they have a brain? Who wants to be part of a herd, or a hoard, if they have individuality and personality? You are going to hear a lot about personality in the future. Personality, is forbidden by the Deviates. Personality is independence. Personality can only exist if it conforms to the interests of the so-called Homosexual Agenda. Which means, any personality has to be approved by the Deviates, or it is not considered to be (authorized to be) a Real Personality.

That is classic population control, through thought control.

But, to get back to my point here: remember what I wrote about the propagandists and the politicians wanting to forbid Human Assembly and Human Conversations and Human Culture​? Well, the only way to really do that is to outright kill Human Culture and Human Conversations To make it illegal to have Human Assemblies of three or more people anywhere. Which is outright and blatant Tyranny. The second best way, is to make Human Conversations and Human Assemblies impotent, ineffective, incapable of any Human Attributes, incapable of any Human Value; incapable of sustaining Humanity against this onslaught of liberal perversions, liberal dementias, liberal mental sewage that is being spread about and smeared about as much as possible. To, make all Liberals comfortable in a world of dung of their own production.

One of the ways to do that, is to manipulate your conversations, to try to lead the ideology, to try to stipulate and specify what can be discussed and what cannot be discussed. What is suitable conversation, and what is not suitable. What is allowed to make sense, and what is not allowed to make sense. By stating, as much as possible, to the less intelligent of us that certain ideas such as independence or autonomy or a separate state of Human Beings is ridiculous, is financially impossible, militarily can never be achieved. All of which means -- "Would take money out of our pockets, and would reduce our power drastically, so we want to prevent you from doing so!"

"If we can no longer control you, we would have to deal with you as equals!"

"That is very difficult for us, and much less desirable because we already have you suppressed. We have you beaten, we have you down-and-under, we have you as slaves! Why would we want you as equals, when we have you as slaves? Why have to go through all of that? It is easier to suppress you, since you are already slaves. It is easier to guide your conversations and specify to you what you are allowed to say, and what you are allowed to think, and what you are allowed to discuss -- in order to prevent you from becoming a separate autonomous population that we have to deal with as equals."

"A separate autonomous population that might, in the future, decide to destroy us because we are a 'State Of Shit'. We are a 'State Of Assholes'. And, who wants to live in the same place with Assholes?"

"Ooops! What, are we saying?"

So, they will do whatever they can to manipulate your conversations. You must stay aware of that as you organize.



Getting back to my point here, the Democrat/Homosexuals are using their code phraseology about applying muscle to the same old lies to deaden our minds, to bludgeon our minds, to beat the Humanity out of our brains; and to force us to live every second of every day under the weight of (and under the tyranny of) their Lying Regime; their regime of liars. You have to try to understand it from the twisted and wicked viewpoints of Perverts and Politicians and Monkeys. They think (assume) that because of their latest playacting at Wash This Death City, with Five Naked Monkeys, they now have a Pressure Point on all of your brains. They hope, they now have a way to apply direct pressure to all of your minds; and ruin what was in there before; and replace it with the same lies and the same monotonous toxic drool that they have been trying to slap you around with for decades. They think, they have an opportunity here. They assume, they have an opportunity here.

To their twisted and squirming brains now is the time to attack. Now, is the time to add force, which they have not applied for a while, to the same Dogma.

Now, you are understanding what 'Dogma' means. Dogma, is the same lies said over and over again. Dogma, is a package of lies. Dogma, is what they are forcing upon you now. They want to 'muscle' you with the Dogma. Let me give you an example of 'Dogma'. I want you to understand what Dogma is all about.

Every queer and twisted FM station out there, puts out twisted sounds and twisted noises, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, that used to be songs and used to be 'music' with very simple meanings. Songs, that have since been twisted by the Filthy Monkeys to support Queer Propaganda. Nowadays, the QPs (Queer Propagandists) have their own bands and collections of perverted noise makers (I would not call them musicians), and generate their own propaganda songs; that the Filthy Monkey use often and the Satellite Filthy Monkeys use a lot; over what are called 'Muzak' channels. They are the channels that you hear quite often in the stores that are managed by shitheads, that allow their employees and allow their customers to be bombarded by Queer Propaganda from the speakers in the ceilings. It used to be called 'elevator muzak'. I call it 'Propaganda Muzak' or 'Deviate Muzak'. You could use the word 'Abuzak' -- it is abuse. You could call it 'Abuzak', because it is certainly no longer 'music'. It was at one time, originally music. More and more nowadays, what is heard from the speakers in the ceilings is not anything that was originally music. Instead, it is the deliberate propaganda noises from the Deviates. There are, however, Filthy Monkey stations that pretend to play 'oldies' -- but only with twisted and new queer meanings and insinuations. The perverted Satellite Radio channels and the Filthy Monkeys channels are constantly putting out all of that 'Queer Muzak'.

I am getting to my example here: the so-called Monkey Jockeys at those places (the Filthy Monkey Jockeys at the Queer FM stations and at the Queer Satellite channels) are NOT putting that crap together constantly. That takes too much effort. That requires too much thinking. Instead, what they have (and if you traveled around like I do you would realize this) instead what they have are packages of muzak to support their Dogma. They have Dogma Noises. Pre-packaged; one hour at a time, two hours at a time, three hours at a time sequences of muzak noises that they sell.

They not only put it out from their queer Satellite Radio channels and the queer Filthy Monkey stations that they own -- they also sell it. They sell it as packages. That has the benefit to them of spreading their packages of Dogma Noise as far and as wide as possible. Anybody who buys one of those noise packages, and plays it on a Filthy Monkey station (for one hour or two hours or three hours) is spreading the subliminal brainwashing, the subliminal programming that Deviates depend upon. Depend upon, to reinforce that lie from many years ago that they are somehow 'normal', and to reinforce the Queershit Lie (these days) that they are somehow 'equal'. And, at the same time, to reduce the mental activity and the intelligence levels of the listeners. Thus, when it comes time for the Next Lie -- that says 'Queers Dominate' and 'Perverts Rule' -- who is going to oppose that?

No one, who is stupid enough to listen to that Skata' (Greek for Crap) coming out of speakers in the ceilings of those stores, owned or operated by shitheads, is going to have the brains to oppose being dominated by Deviates. That is a fact. And, the Perverts know it.

To get back to this point: those packages of twenty queered songs, forty queered songs, a hundred queered songs (that used to be Human) that are now twisted into perverted contexts in sequence deliberately -- those packages of noises are sold as DOGMA.


That is what 'Dogma' is. The same lies, the same evils, the same deviations -- organized and spread as far and as wide as possible -- with force if that is also possible.



August, the sixth, I was in Tomah, WI -- which has a truckstop that is sometimes soiled and filthed by slime bag units of the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid.

I watch such bands of murderers, as they stop their vehicles at the truckstop (thinking they own it) and get out and wiggle and strut, and gloat and fondle each other -- and squirm to the noises of queer orders reverberating in their empty little Killer Skulls. I watch their obvious aberrant behaviors. I judge them, as only a Judge Destroyer can.

On that day, a pack of Killer Queers, in army uniforms and driving a dozen Humvees and a dozen trucks, showed up and once again fouled the landscape with their squirming robotic wiggles and their pathetic arrogant attitudes. I noticed that this particular pack of turds was more obnoxious and threatening to the General Public than most of the ones that I have seen at that truckstop. They acted irregular for such drones. They acted as though they were really hot shit, somehow. So, I did a little research about them.

Remember, at this time the QPs are defecating a mass media campaign of repeating every lie that the Deviates have ever said about themselves.


Sure as heck! It was a Queer Propaganda Unit from the 353rd Civil Attack Command. Itself a pack of dogs for the so-called Queer and Armed Fart-Forces Civil Attack and Psychological Operations Command -- based at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

Dead on. Just as I expected. Not that I am happy to be right so often.

The Psychological Warfare Command of the Queer Army!!!! That was one of their Psychological Warfare Units!!!!

No kidding. A pack of Militant Queer Propagandists. And, what were they doing?

Answer: Reverberating -- and -- the after effects. Inside of their chickenshit skulls, were all kinds of Queer Propagandas; telling them that because Five Naked Monkeys in a cage in Wash This Death City had taken a Second Shit (and were expecting the Human Species to eat it) -- VoooWallaa!!!!

America is now dead! Queerism Rules! Propaganda has won a Great Victory! Deviate's Rule! Pervert Politicians are Supreme! Monkeys obey Orders! Queer Psychological Warfare Wins!

What kind of militant unit was it?

Answer: A Q&AFF Psychological Warfare Unit, specializing in Queershit Propaganda; and based in Wisconsin for population suppression.

[[Do we all remember when? When, the Democrat/Homosexuals tried everything that they could to cripple and ruin the United States Armed Forces after '911'?
At that time, and until a Queer won a national election, the Homosexual/Democrats tried to sabotage and terrorize the United States Armed Forces as much as they could. To prevent the United States Armed Forces from waging a war against 'terrorism'.
Then, when a DemoCrap Fuck took residence in the White Outhouse, the Democrat/Homosexuals immediately changed their policies and their propaganda -- and began to support the military -- using the excuse "Well, its OUR military now!"
Which meant -- "It is going to be OUR Queer and Armed Fart-Forces from now on!"]]

The twisted little pack of PsychDogs that I am describing here -- ARE part of the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces that the Homosexual/Democrats deliberately replaced the United States Armed Forces with.

Were the faggots happy?

Answer: Not just happy -- Superior! Dominant! Great! Impressive! In Charge! To Be Obeyed! To Be Afraid Of! Killer Propagandists Aching For A Chance To Kill Humans!

but we know it so much for the element of surprise

They strutted. They wiggled. They sneered. They giggled. They parted the crowds before them like Moses at the Red Sea.

Only -- nobody moved.

Nobody cared.

The truckstop was jam packed with Humans on vacation. Not one of them could give a shit what pissant faggots in the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces do. This is vacation time, Man!!!!

The Superior Faggies in uniform -- had to wait in lines like everybody else. They had to wait in the hall for toilet spaces, like everyone else. OMG! They had to pay money for merchandise like everyone else. The merchandise and the customers did not leap into their waiting arms, like all grotesque White Homo-Fascists do!

of course it is a long ways to the madison asshole

This caused some bewilderment on their faggy faces, and the grins left them. The smirks on their white pasty faces, dissolved. They hit the truckstop as a death convoy of scary Conquering Queers -- and left with sullen looks and airs of discontent. Which quickly vanished in the parking lot, as the reverberations in their skulls began again -- spurned on by Middle-Managers-For-Hire inside of their own unit.

Really. Reverberating again, they got back into their vehicles and sped off to Hell-Knows-Where (and no one gives a shit -- or that they were there at all). A babbling pack of programmed egomaniacs.

Aren't these new Monkey Gland Injections marvelous?

And fatal.

All of their Humvees were equipped with machine gun mounts on the tops.

What do kindly Civil Brainwash and Suppression Units, of the 353rd Civil Attack Command, need with Humvees with machine gun mounts on the roofs?

What do machine guns do?

"Oh wait! The Army would never do that?"

The Hell you say!

Well! I never knew THAT! You must be right, of course. I must be wrong, and unfair, and unthinking, and prejudiced! I must be an unfair and scurrilous knave! I feel sooooo embarrassed! What is wrong with me? Why can't I see how nice and good and wonderful all of those cute soldiers really are? Have I no appreciation for the feelings of other people? How can I be so 'insensitive'?

My Bad! Markel wrong! Markel -- Bad Man! Markel uninformed! Markel out-of-touch! Markel should be punished! Markel must be punished!

Butt, before we do that ... why is there a Queer Advertisement Dildo shoved up your ass? There -- next to the TV Remote Control. A 'Complementary Gesture'? Or, do they actually function in there?

you do feel that don't you

Oh! I get it! They're the 'Army Versions'!

trying to be impressed help me here

Ahhhh! Someone noticed. I just heard someone say -- "That's History Markel! Well done."

Well -- not yet. You see (and I should have taken pictures) the Vermin-In-Uniform that I am telling you about, are all Middle-Managers-For-Hire ...

to control Berserker Armies with.

you know the things that will rape your children and burn your house down upon their bodies


What price -- cowardice and voting?


Disguised in civilian clothing, such jerkoffs as the bastards in that Psychological Warfare Unit, teach many willing faggots how to gather information about Humans, and to report that information to them. That information is then processed according to the Expectation Formulas of the so-called Homosexual Agenda.

To counter that Act of War against us ...


Give a greater attention to Human Resistance; but only talk about us and Humanity amongst yourselves. And, know who yourselves really are.

There are many reasons why such snooping dogs, such as that Psychological Warfare Unit, are so pleased with themselves.

aside from the boxes of new dildos they just received from the government


PsychCreatures, from Q&AFF Psychological Warfare Units.
What do they look like? Find out. Investigate. The faces do not matter except to themselves, and then only for acting purposes. The faces are all for hire anyway.

Quick Lesson: Such Psychological Warfare snoopers (akin to snipers) have many hard-wired phrases (phraseology) burned into their brains. Raps and jargon and attack phrases, which are supposed to help them defeat all arguments against their acts of traitorism; and to help them force innocent people into confessing things that they never did (etc).

However, you can identify them by those hard-wired reactions. One of which is a sore point with all of them -- and that is 'disrespect'. They are touchy about being 'disrespected' -- because they think they have to be respected, in order to lie successfully, and to coerce people into following their orders and joining their Social Task Groups.

[[What? Did he say -- Social Task Groups?]]

Social Task Groups -- ARE -- collections of fooled and purchased and diverted and possessed persons, whom such Psychological Warfare Units have browbeaten, and showered with beans and candies, and talked into working against the interests of the Human Species. Whom, they always identify as malcontents, and rebels, and aliens, and radicals, and non-conformists, and bad neighbors, and bad for the community, and criminals.

IF -- they can frame those Humans and make them appear to be criminals and dangerous.

HOWEVER -- in their little Psychological Warfare Brains, they think that they must be respected by their victims; before they can victimize their victims; and force them into their planned Social Task Groups.

THAT -- is because at some stage of operations -- 'muscles' may not be called for across the board, or in that neighborhood, or in that town.

LATER -- at a more aggressive stage -- the same victims in the same Social Task Groups will be 'muscled' into training as Militia.

TRAINING -- as Militia.

SOME -- (the more aggressive ones) are already being given weapons and training -- against Humans.

AT THIS STAGE -- however -- they still rely upon being 'respected' by their targets (aka victims).

IF -- you do not respond to their programming and Queershit yapping, and their undercutting emotional pleas, and their staged examples of Human abuses -- they will get angry. They will start to change their words. They will start to claim that you 'disrespect them'.

THAT -- is when you will know that they are PsychCreatures for the Deviates -- paid and trained and organized.

THE -- proper response to such Pieces Of Shit (if you cannot simply walk away) is -- "You were never respected here to begin with you Piece Of Shit! So, how can you be 'disrespected' now?"

"Fuck Off!"

[[The obvious solution, is to have all Psychological Warfare Units permanently stationed outside of North America. Only Petty Tyrants and Wannabee Dictators (and all Perverts) would want such things here, on this continent.]]


I know what the PsychCreatures have been ordered to do. That, will never happen. They are going to have to tell Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid that IT will have to be satisfied with little peckers. Their pathetic little peckers.

That's Right -- 'Homo-Erotica' is for Turds!!!!!!!!!!


One thing that is very clear from all of this, is the no-brainer Truth that every false claim by Monkey Lawyers and Monkey Judges and QPs, that the attitudes of the General Public are changing about the Deviates (and becoming more acceptable), is in direct relationship to the Media Programming and the Media Brainwashing that is being put out by the Queer TV and the Queer FM and the Queer magrags and the Queer newsrag outlets -- AND -- is actually orders.

Orders, from the Deviates and their Monkeys and their Propagandists. It is not enough to just inundate the 'Idiots that have been Lied To' with twisted meanings and false bids for sympathy and endless Queershit. The reason for all of it, has to be told to the Idiots.

That reason, is what all of the Perverts and Monkeys are saying. They are saying (Ordering) that all of the attitudes of the General Public towards the Queers (that are killing their brains) -- Must Change And Conform To Queer Expectations And Demands And Programming.

THAT -- is what each one of those Liars is doing when it spits out the same Deviate Dogshit that the attitudes of the General Public are changing in favor of themselves (which they try to keep everyone from knowing is actually themselves).

THAT -- is Psychological Warfare.

Question: Why warfare?

Answer: IT is Disease.


The smiling and grinning scum of that Psychological Warfare Unit at Tomah, is a definite indicator that the entire command of which that unit is a part of -- is at war with Humans. The fact that they are reacting exactly like Queer Propagandists, indicates that they are active at this time. They are not in a foreign country -- but they ARE in a foreign country, mentally. They are part of the Queer Coalitions, and they are at war at this time. They are not units that are waiting to go to foreign countries, and operate there as Psychological Warfare Units.

From what I can tell, they were taking Civilian Attack training at a fort west of Tomah, that is infamous for tyranny exercises -- which they label as 'TotalForce'.

dumb their little fort of killer stick soldiers is now on our radar


Interesting. They are supposed to be Psychology Warfare Assholes. What are they doing training with weapons at a 'TotalForce' training center? Can we hear their pathetic lies and excuses, please? POS!

Are they not -- OUR FRIENDS?

Are they not -- JUST GOING TO TALK?

Are they not -- OUR BUDDIES?

at war with us

They are operating right now, as Psychological Warfare Units against the People of this country. Everything about their existence, reeks of evidence to that! Or, they would not be happy right now. The only time that you see some thing in uniform (these days) that is happy, is that way because someone good and Human is dying. Or, some Human Value or some Human Virtue is dying. The reactions of all Queer Propagandists are identical.

The reactions of all PsychCreatures are part of Queer Propaganda. All PsychCreatures -- ARE -- part of Queer Propaganda. There is no such thing as a 'Separate PsychCreature'. The entire profession is dominated and ruled by the APA. The APA is a unit of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead; stuck right up the ass of The Cult Of The Asshole.

They all react the same way. All PsychCreatures are part of the same propaganda. If you see a Psychological Warfare Unit in any place in America, and it is happy -- something about America is dying. It is killing America somehow; perverting it; queering it; turning it into filth -- because they are filth, or they would not be in a Psychological Warfare Unit of the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces. Period.

To stay with the main point -- they are happy here, and now. That means that something here, and now, is dying. They are celebrating the fakery and the performances inside of the Queer Coalitions; using the Five Naked Monkeys in Wash This Death City. That is what has them happy. That is what has all Queer Propagandists happy. Not the fact that they performed another trick inside of their Queer Coalitions, no.

What it is all about -- is Expectation and Anticipation.

An expectation, that the Queershit inside of their Queer Coalition at Wash This Death City, will be accepted by anyone outside of the Queer Coalitions -- as binding upon them. That, is what they are celebrating. They are celebrating in anticipation. It is an anticipatory happiness. A happiness resulting from anticipation that anybody outside of Queer Coalitions will be reduced and dunced and destroyed by this latest playacting; their latest chickenshit puppet show, using the Five Naked Monkeys again. That, is what has them happy. They are happy, in anticipation of hurting more People, more Public; and forcing more of the Public to accept their lies and their Queershit.

They have something to do now. They have Psychological Ammunition now. They think. They think, they have been handed more Psychological Ammunition to use against the People of America. That has them happy. That is the only thing that could have them happy. Because, the only way to have one of them behave properly in Human Existence, is to have it crawling on the ground, eating mud 24/7. If you see one of those things, and it is not crawling on the ground and eating mud, something is very very wrong!

This indicates beyond any shadow of a doubt, to such a point that it is 'Obvious Evidence', that the queer Psychological Warfare Unit at Tomah, Wisconsin was celebrating the arrival of more Psychological Ammunition for them to use against the Public. Which, in their little Bamboo-Baboon Brains is more glory for them, more power.

Psychopaths with very little expectations, and psychopaths with reduced mental facilities -- that will see very small events as big achievements -- are the vermin that are selected for Psychological Warfare Units.

[[I wish I had taken pictures. You would be shocked by the sight.]]

Little egomaniacs, little petty dictators on a miniature scale, little miniature dictators -- are the kind of scum that are chosen for Psychological Warfare Units.

However, to get to a main point here -- that Psychological Warfare Unit is actively operating at war against the People of this country. Otherwise, they would have zip and zilch and buttkiss to be happy about. Their stupid buffoonery, in showing how happy they are with the latest Queershit from Wash This Death City, has given them away. But, ask if they care.

They think they have been given new Psychological Weaponry to use against the People of the United States of America (something they loath) -- resulting from the Five Naked Monkeys taking a shit in the same old cage at WTDC, with the demand that Humans eat it again. All of that is seen by those retards as Psychological Ammunition for Psychological Warfare Units -- if they are working against Humans. If they are working against the People of this country.

Otherwise, it is a terrible thing. Otherwise, it is a horrible event; another horrific display of filth and shithead stupidity from the Queer Coalitions. That is all that it is -- which is why I said to ignore it.

But, if you are a PsychCreature, employed actively against the Human Species and the People of this country -- and you are part of that swill -- and you are part of that dementia, that fog of lunacy -- then to you, it is new ammunition to be used against the People.

That, is cause for happiness. That, is cause for celebration. Now, you know why they are happy.

So -- know this. If that unit is at war against the People -- then the entire Command is at war against the People.

The entire overall Command, of which they are just one unit, is at war against the People.

Step by step -- if that Command is at war against the people -- all associated Commands like it, within the structure of that Queer Satanic Government, are now actively at war against our People and the Human Species. That means -- they have secretly declared war -- already. It is already done, they are secretly at war against the People of the United States of America, and against the Human Species. It is flat 'out-there' and obvious! You could not get something more obvious if you had to.

So -- since we are at war -- a declared war -- and war has been declared against us -- why are we not declaring war against them?


One of the key points of this is an Object Lesson. Which is, if the enemy is happy -- then somebody is dying. If the enemy is happy about something, something just got killed. If the enemy is happy about something, some Goodness, some Decency, some Human Values, some Human Virtues have been destroyed or are being destroyed -- OR -- will be destroyed if the Human Beings actually believe some Queershit. In this case, it is the latter. Something will be destroyed, if the Human Beings and the General Public actually believe some Queershit Propaganda and Playtime that has taken place inside of the Queer Coalitions.

In this case, they fully expect that the Human Beings and the General Public will fall for the Queershit. Will, somehow think that Queershit is real -- and thus another demand by the Deviates will be foisted upon the Human Species; will be rammed down the throats of the Public -- and become a 'Defacto Standard'. A 'Defacto Normality'. A something, that doesn't really exist, and never really was approved, was never made legal, and was never actually True -- but, enough games and enough Queershit was applied to it (plus a lot of propaganda) to perceptionally push aside Reality (what was original) and to replace it with Queershit, Monkey Fabrication, and Pervert Imitation.

That, is considered to be a victory by Queer Propagandists and Deviates everywhere. That is what their expectation is, and that is why they are happy. They are happy, with an expectation. They are happy, in the expectation that the completely worthless and stupid charade of theirs (inside their Queer Coalitions) will somehow be seen as binding to anybody outside of the Queer Coalitions. That stupid and absurd expectation alone, is why they are happy.

To repeat what I was saying, whenever you see a thing in uniform -- and it looks happy somehow, it looks happy and is pretending to be happy, or it thinks that it is happy -- something is terribly wrong! No thing would be in uniform these days unless it wants to be part of the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces. Nothing, would be in uniform these days, unless it wants to be a stooge and a killer for Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid, and the Homosexual/Democrats. That is a fact!

So -- if you see some thing in uniform, and it is happy -- you had better start to think about what just died. Look around yourself, and see if something is dying. Check yourself out, to see if you are dying somehow. That would make it very happy. Especially, if You are not a DemoCrap or a RepuCrap, a Pervert, a Deviate, part of the Five Evils -- and You are dying. In that case, it will be happy. So, check yourself out too.

Think of what it could be. What could it be, that would make such a monster as 'any-damned-thing-in-a-uniform-these-days' think that it is happy.


All of which brings up an illustrated point, illustrated by all of this. Which is -- it is so good to be outside of Queer Coalitions!!!!

And, it is so bad for the shitheads and Queers inside Queer Coalitions, if You are outside of Queer Coalitions. That, is intolerable to the diseased maniacs inside of Queer Coalitions. They will do anything, including declare war against the People of the United States of America, to prevent anybody being outside of the Queer Coalitions.

Man! If you cannot see that now -- just give it up and die somehow. Just give it up, and end it all. Just give it up. Go away. Don't come back. Just leave. Check out. If you cannot understand all of this by now, leave the planet. I don't care how you do it.

As far as the rest of us are concerned -- it is good not to be inside a Queer Coalition -- because that pisses off every thing inside a Queer Coalition -- to the point where they will now employ queer Psychological Warfare Units inside the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces against us.

An act of war, an act of war that is obvious. The fact that they have declared war against us is obvious. It also illustrates how much the things (that are inside those Queer Coalitions) hate, and despise, and loath anyone who is outside of the Queer Coalitions.

Thus, when they can come up with any fakery and any pretense that they can use against anybody outside the Queer Coalitions, and make them suffer somehow, and make them feel inferior somehow, and make them dance and march to phony orders on phony authority from phony scum (such as Five Naked Monkeys in Wash This Death City) ...

utilizing all of the Queer Propaganda ...

utilizing all of the queer Psychological Warfare Units such as the one I saw at Tomah ...

if they can do that -- Man! That makes them happy!

That is happiness -- to Deviates. But, only if they can get away with it. They have to be able to get away with it. It has to work! There have to be enough stupid people out there to actually believe that there is such a thing as a 'Supreme Court' anywhere on this continent -- which is patently impossible; completely impossible now. There has to be enough Stupes and 'Retards' and 'Morons' floating around somewhere; to be tricked that way, to be fooled that way, to be lied to that way. For the self-gratification of turds in Psychological Warfare Units. Or, the whole thing falls apart. The whole thing falls down. The whole thing goes crash and boom -- because it is just Monkey Shit anyway.

Obviously, the Psychology Warfare Units and their Masters at the Psychology Warfare Commands (that are actively at war against this country) think that there are still enough fools and retards out here in the Public to make all of those anticipations and expectations worth the effort. They must think that there are still enough Imbeciles out here in the General Public to make stupid and infantile playtime shit like theirs -- actually get over on the People and be accepted by Idiots and by Imbeciles as some kind of law. That is also another aspect of this. That is also another obvious conclusion from this.

It must be really terrible these days, to be stupid. Look what will happen to you, if you are stupid! But, for the rest of us -- it is good not to be inside a Queer Coalition. It is also good to have Psychological Warfare Turds, like the ones I saw in Tomah, think that they are going to get over on you.



This does relate to Dogma, of course. I should emphasize that.

Because -- that is what we are talking about. Acceptance of Political Dogma. That is why those PsychCreatures and the Queer Propagandists are happy right now. It is because they think that they have another way (because of the Five Naked Monkeys in Wash This Death City) to push their Dogma over on people. To force Imbeciles and Idiots to believe the Dogma. It is all about 'Dogma Acceptance'. It is all about -- 'Dogma Rules!'

The rule over the People, by Political (and in this case Perverted) Dogma. Dogma that is paid for. Dogma that is repeated now, ad nauseam. Since, they are really not capable of coming up with anything else. Which is a little surprising, and a little disappointing in a way; since they have run out of lies about the same crap. They just keep repeating the same stupid, idiotic Queershit lies.

But -- I am digressing here. It is all about Dogma, because Dogma is what they are trying to push. Dogma is what they are trying to force stupid people to accept. Dogma, is what they are trying to turn into law. They are trying to turn Dogma, which is nothing more than their twisted nasty little habits, and twisted little nasty aggrandizement, and aggressiveness against everything that is Nature and Natural (nothing but their own sick and twisted filth) -- packaged into a 'Dogma'. They are trying to get their Dogma, to replace 'Sensibility'. They are trying to get their Dogma, to replace deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning, and any kind of understanding of what is really supposed to be. The way the world really should be. And, the way Nature is. And, the way any Natural Species would be.

All of that has to die, because it cannot co-exist in the same space with their anti-Life and anti-Matter Queershit. So, it IS all about Dogma. It is about Replacing Life, with Dogma. It is about Replacing Truth, with Dogma. It is about Replacing Reality, with Dogma. It is about Replacing You, with Dogma. It is about Replacing Humans, with Dogmatized things.

Like I said in my last message, the Awesome Four-Part Two, they are things that really do not deserve to have Human bodies. Ironically, it turns out in sort of an unexpected way, ignoring them is just as hateful to them as if you have not been captured and zapped and electrocuted and brainwashed by them already.

It infuriates the things inside Queer Coalitions to think that there is anything outside of the Queer Coalitions. It also infuriates them to think that they can perform all of those stupid and lunatic playtime acts of theirs inside of their Queer Coalitions (using any amount of Monkey Judges) and anybody will ignore it!

A few weeks ago I sent out a message saying 'Who Gives A Shit' -- what Five Naked Monkeys in Wash This Death City do in a cage? Why should we care? Boy, they hated that. Ummm!


Dogma -- is ALL they have!

If you do not care about Dogma -- what do they have? Everyone is supposed to care about Dogma. This is a bigger and bigger event, a bigger force being applied to the whole schmeer --- the concept that everybody should care about Dogma, so that any Dogma can become Reality. Any Dogma can replace Reality. Any Dogma can become rule. Any Dogma can become law.

But -- if you do not care about Dogma ...

it is all shit.

So, there is a bigger problem that they have to face. And that is, what do they do about people who do not care about Dogma? If you have a population that does not care about anyone's Political or Queer Dogma, that is a cause for intense hatred on the part of any thing inside a Queer Coalition. It is also another worry, another problem, another hurdle. It is another barrier to their domination over the population. All of those people who do not care about Dogma to begin with, are a natural kind of buffer, a natural kind of resistance against any trash that wants to promote Political or Queer Dogma onto the people. Into their brains. Forcing them to accept it, even though it is unnatural. Forcing them to accept it as law, even though it can never be law.

Clearly, Dogma is very critical in all of this. Dogma is key to everything about this. Dogma is right at the center of it, because Dogma is all they have.


I would like to propose a marriage that I think is quite appropriate -- a marriage made in Hell, between things that on one side are Pure Hell, and on the other side is quite innocent, but somewhat appropriate. I would like to see a marriage, completely without Love, because Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred is completely Without Love At All!

Because Love has to be Real, and no Disney Mannequin and no Queer Stupe-for-lesie-turds has the faintest idea of what Love is -- they are Completely Love-less.

I propose another Completely Love-less Marriage, and this one should really happen, this one should really take place ...


I would like to marry the faces of all of the Filthy Monkeys on all of the Filthy Monkey stations and all of the Filthy Monkey channels on Queer Satellite Radio -- to all of the assholes of all of the spiders of the world.


And, there can be no Love, because Queers do not know what Love is. And, spiders do not know what Love is. The only problem in all of that is ...


At the same time, it is an elevation of all Filthy Monkeys on all Satellite Radio channels and all Filthy Monkey stations. It is an elevation of them. They can only dream of being as 'high' as the asshole of a spider; so for them, it is quite a 'trip' upwards.

Butt, to the spiders of the world -- it is a terrible insult.

Butt, so is Queerism. So are -- DemoCraps. So are -- Five Naked Monkeys taking a shit in a cage in Wash This Death City. So is -- a tyrannical government. It is all a terrible insult. It is a terrible insult to our intelligence, for Filthy Monkeys on the Filthy Monkey stations or on the Satellite Radio channels to propose (for an instant) that any Human Being is going to believe their phony Queershit -- like Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred. Which is never going to be recognized, never going to be accepted, and will always be the Queer and Phony crap that it is!

My proposal, is No Less Atrocious and no less crazy than every Filthy Monkey on every FM station and every Filthy Monkey on every Satellite Radio channel. It is very appropriate, and it is exactly at their level -- so let's go over it again ...


That is exactly what it is. Faces to Assholes. Nor can you deny it! You cannot say it cannot happen. You cannot refuse ...

because it has already happened! It has already happened! For the Filthy Monkeys -- it is a Second Marriage. For the Filthy Monkeys, it is the second time that their faces have been married to assholes.

Now. Can you think of which Assholes those are?


I mean really -- as the song says ...

"Without Lies -- Where Would Queers Be Right Now?"
"Without Liiees -- Where Would Queers Be Right Now?"
"Without Liiieees -- Where Would Queers Be Right Now?"
"Without Liiiieeees -- Where Would Queers Be Right Now?"


Oh, and of course ...

"Without Dung -- Where Would Queers Be Right Now?"
"Without Duung -- Where Would Queers Be Right Now?"
"Without Duuung -- Where Would Queers Be Right Now?"
"Without Duuuung -- Where Would Queers Be Right Now?"


However -- in my never-ending quest for Appropriate Writing ...

"Without Dung -- Where Would Monkeys Be Right Now?"
"Without Duung -- Where Would Monkeys Be Right Now?"
"Without Duuung -- Where Would Monkeys Be Right Now?"
"Without Duuuung -- Where Would Monkeys Be Right Now?"
where would monkeys be now


Any death by Queerism of a state or a nation, diminishes all Humanity, and our enemies know it. Likewise, any crap from a Monkey Judge diminishes us by insult and insinuation. And That -- is Psychological Warfare -- never Justice. How can it be Justice? It is not Human!


do you know which killer lesie-turds started this war

they were on tv where are they now


I am not going to edit this one more than once. If there are any typos, they will just have to be. It really was only supposed to be 10 pages.

Markel Peters










I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message.
Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.



























Labels Of All Posted Messages--A Way To Search Through Messages By Labels

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed


This blog exists to inform the People, of the 'Real Truth' about the real enemies of the Human Species. These Truths are not objectionable, as they are Truths. Only the telling of them can be objectionable, to those who wish to hide the Truth. If the Truth is something you HATE and therefore object to - go elsewhere!


Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!


The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.