For those of you who do not
know what this is about. The background to this is that there has been another
horrible political debacle that has taken place on the North American
Continent, involving the same worthless prostitutes -- the Republicans. Except,
this time the United States of America has perished as we knew it. The
continent is now divided between a group of Still-Human States, and the two
divisions of the DemoCrap Union -- one on the 'west coast', and one on the
'east coast'.
It is a Country Divided. No
longer, America.
Those people who want this
to remain America are trying to get out of the DemoCrap Union legally -- so
far. The perverts (of many descriptions) that want the chaos and the
perversions and the lies and the opportunities that this all brings; are still
calling their DemoCrap Union -- "America".
Everyone else, knows it is a
lie. Just another lie. But, that does not matter to the creatures of the
DemoCrap Union, which I call -- DemoTopia.
One of the favorite songs of
DemoTopia these days is a meaning-twisted number that keeps repeating the
phrase -- "I'm getting closer to my world!"
A much more accurate phrase
for them would be -- "I'm getting closer to your Doom!" And, other
more appropriate wording -- but I no longer use graphic language on this site.
Inside of DemoTopia, such
Human Principles as 'Human Validity' are either completely unknown, or a joke.
Hence, it will not be surprising when any Human that is still stupid enough to
live in a totally DemoCrap State, will be made an indentured servant or a slave
of the DemoCraps and the ModoRats that rule it. Same vermin -- same ingredients
-- two different labels.
In the midst of all of this
deviltry and criminality of DemoTopia, is a Brown Population that up until this
time lived in the grace of being the Brown Human Contingent -- the Hispanics.
What has happened to them,
is both ghastly and awful -- and they have no idea of what has happened to
them. Like all other 'inhabitants' on this Continent, they are so overburdened
with a much bloated egotism, that they think the Truth and the Realities of
this planet have to come to them, to be accepted.
A tragic error in judgment.
"It cannot be
stupidity. Anyone that stupid would have donuts for brains!" -- Markel
I remember the day, when I
was shopping in a Dollar store in Northern Iowa; and I saw on the shelves a new
kind of drink, in bottles and cans. It was from Mexico, and I have always had
an interest in Mexico. I surmised, from the labels, that it might be something
good to drink -- and I knew that it had to be clean due to American Standards
(at the time) -- so I bought some.
I am not trying to
compliment the Mexicans, and they do not read this website anyway; but the
drinks were good. A delightful change from the ordinary sodas.
Later, I went back to the
same store and bought some more. While I was checking out, the white guy at the
counter asked me -- "Is that stuff any good?" It was in the same
store as he was, but he had never tasted it.
That means, there is a wall
in his head between himself and anything Hispanic.
It is that way all
throughout the White Contingent of the Human Species. For various reasons. One
of which is, all of the illegal immigration that has been going on, while at
the same time no one on the White Side really understands what is behind it.
Namely, Socialism.
Not what the White Folks
think it is. Not just the poverty in Mexico. Socialism.
Now, with the Socialist Goal
of flooding America with millions of Mexicans having been achieved ...
the Queen of Socialism in
the DemoCrap Union ( HObama the National Queer), will legalize all of those
millions of Mexicans as new Socialists.
Neat plan. Well done. Easy
to do.
White Folks Is Idiots! They
listen to Republicans!
I remember something else.
And, this is pertinent to any discussion of the 'separation of the races'.
When the film called The
Planet Of The Apes was being shot, for months on locations, something very
strange happened to the crew and the cast.
The film is about three
Human Astronauts, landing on an Alien Planet and finding that the dominant species
on the planet is Apes -- or rather -- Orangutans, Chimpanzees, and Gorillas. It
is a fantastic film. It had massive impacts throughout the American Society
when it came out.
In the film, Charlton Heston
is the hero and the only Astronaut to survive. He, as it turns out, must
represent and defend all of the Human Species before the really hostile
attitudes of The Planet Of The Apes.
However! The Apes themselves
are divided! The Orangutans rule the society. The Chimpanzees are the thinkers
and the scientists. The Gorillas are the workers and the soldiers. There is a
lot of internal tension; because the entire planet is divided along class
lines, complete with a very different social status for each class.
Charlton Heston is able to
use that division in the Ape Society to his advantage, and to survive.
The really interesting thing
that happened though, is what occurred off screen. The makeup process for the
actors in that film took hours to achieve, and then the actors would stay in
costume all day long. That meant, once the makeup process was done, all of the
actors spent all day with each other in their costumes; as Orangutans,
Chimpanzees and Gorillas. Only, it did not happen that way.
For weeks, the cast of the
film, automatically segregated into three different groups. They were all White
underneath the costumes, but none-the-less the Orangutans all got together and
would not talk to anyone else. The Chimpanzees all got together and would not
talk to anyone else. The Gorillas all got together and would not talk to anyone
else. It stayed that way until the shooting of the film ended, and everyone
took off their costumes and went home.
Ah! But, what does it mean?
It means, that you have already
read too far for your Grade Level -- and you need to hurry up -- and go stick
your head in a bucket of coffee.
Well, that blows that out of
the water. The myth that the Hispanics in this country are Catholic or
Christian and family oriented and decent Human Beings just got annihilated. No
thing, or no one, could vote for a DemoCrap (let alone HObama the Magnificent
Pervert) if it possessed any of the aforementioned virtues.
Man! Have the Hispanics just
taken a dung bath en mass!
It is repulsive to see what
they have done to themselves!!!!
Even their secret reasons
cannot warrant voting for the 'Queers' like that, even if they are in collusion
with those monstrosities.
I cannot look at a Hispanic
now without seeing an absolute lunatic!!!!
Way to go Hispanics! Build
that wall higher, between yourselves and Reality and Nature!
Of course, we know the Truth
-- don't we?
You Hispanics and me -- we
know what you really are.
Today. But I know, that you
do NOT know what you were, or what you are supposed to be.
Hispanics have placed this
country firmly into a Caligula Mode, where all of the debased and degenerated
and demented activities and atrocities of the fallen Roman Empire will now hold
sway over this nation. That means, enormous opportunities for those that are
willing to attack with forces of arms. Especially, if the Current Caligula
approves of the idea.
You cannot blame it entirely
upon the Crippled Blacks -- they are deranged. They are over-the-top crazed for
security and any crap that will present itself to them as some kind of security
No, it was the
dumb-as-a-rock Hispanics, who live like they are rocks in a wall -- a wall
between themselves and the rest of the World.
The ancient idea that the
Hispanics do not care what is going on politically in this country, is as
obsolete as the White Man is going to be -- at this rate.
I ask you this. Have you
ever seen any Hispanic try to be friendly with a non-Hispanic, that is also not
Have you ever seen that?
And, don't tell me -- "Oh! It's just you! You (bleep)!" I see what is
going on. I watch. I know where the walls are. I also know that the twisted
Hispanic activists are behind those walls, building them higher and higher.
You thought I was not
watching, huh?
I've been watching the
Hispanics all of the time, waiting for them to chose between Christ and
Humanity, or HObama and Hell.
Way to go, Hispanics!
You made your choice, live
with it. And, you fully intend to.
Don't worry about it White
Folks, they cannot read this anyway -- the only English word that they know how
to write is 'executed' on your toe tag. You have something else to worry about.
One of the other ludicrous
things about this situation (and there are many) is that the White Folks have
little or no idea of what is going on behind that wall between themselves and
the Hispanics.
The Crippled Blacks are over
there, on the other side. The Crippled Blacks, whipped on by their constant
fear of being inferior, are enlisting the Hispanics into their efforts to take
over this country.
If you Dumb White Folks
think that this is all about 'equality' -- I have some prime swamp land in the
Sahara desert to sell to you -- you and only you -- today and only today -- for
a great discount price!
The Crippled Blacks are not
just a mass of scared idiots (don't get me started on how that came to be) --
they are also slaves for the very same Slavers that I told them about, three
years ago. They are still the slaves of Black Slavers; and now the Black
Slavers have them organized to recruit every Hispanic that they can (behind
that wall that you Whities cannot see through).
The purpose is NOT equality,
or anything to do with peace.
The purpose is Control By
The purpose is Armed
Takeover, and Race War.
All they need to carry it
off, are enough of what they are told are their own black and brown leaders, in
positions of 'power' in Wash This Death City.
Whether they will succeed or
not is not debatable. They will certainly swamp over the brainwashed idiots of
the New England States, that voted for the 'Queers' (and their Queer and Phony
Marriage Hatred). That is a given. Once they control New England, they will use
all of those seaports to import more armies from other Queered Nations -- and
then it will be Civil War.
Which, is really good for
them. They really like that idea.
Because, They Are The
Crippled Blacks And The Dumbed-Down Hispanics!!!!
Come on! Get with it!
What are the Whities of New
England going to do about it? All that they can do is to try to defend those
counties that are not Queer Blue. In Vermont for instance, when the Crippled
Blacks and Dumbed-Down Hispanics come for the homes and farms and livestock of
the Vermont People -- the Queer DemoCraps [[a pox on all of their houses]] will
help the takeover by saying ...
"It's all right! It's
all right! Just give up! This is their property now! We got paid really good
for this, so let them have it! We also got sodomized a lot for this, so be nice
and just move out! We have camps for you up in the Northern Kingdom!"
the walls -- a lot of the Hispanics listen to the crackhead raps of the
Crippled Blacks -- and as you know -- some of the Whitie Youth (too stupid to
know what 'Doom' means) are also listening to the crackhead raps of the
Crippled Blacks ...
thus the entire hoard of Satanists (all sucking hard on Queer Anuses) is
abyssmally happy in decline, stench, chaos, and most importantly to them ...
that is anti-White.
naturally there is not a peep or a sound that they listen to that comes from
anything or any one that they identify as White.
-- is just supposed to pay for the welfare checks.
DemoCraps won the 2012 election with lies, just like they won the 2008 election
with lies. Consequently, there is a hoard of Crippled Blacks and Dumbed-Down
Hispanics that are living inside the 'Bubble of Lies' of the DemoCraps. And,
are so stupid that they have no idea of what has happened to them.
have been trained to either (not think), or to (only think) about the immediate
pleasures and egotisms that the DemoCrap lies bring to them.
I knew that the entire
campaign strategy of the DemoCraps for the 2012 election was going to be --
lies. Lies. Only lies. Nothing but lies. Just to lie. Lie, and nothing else.
I knew that, back in June of
I told no one about it,
Why, would I tell anyone
outside of the Human Leadership about it?
Why, would I tell the
Republican Establishment about it? How can anyone tell those greedy bastards
Why, would I tell commercial
protestors about it?
Every DemoCrap that exists
in this Universe today -- knows that the orders for that election were to lie.
To lie about everything. To lie to anyone about anything. No matter who got
hurt. No matter who got killed. No matter who got queered. No matter what
damage was done to the United States. No matter if the country itself dies.
Lie. Lie. Lie about everything.
Every DemoCrap knows this.
You see -- the DemoCraps
have known for a long time that the United States of America does NOT have to
exist. And, they do not intend for it to exist. They just want all of their
enemies to be existing within the confines of a decayed and defenseless concept
of 'America' -- when they kill it -- and enslave their helpless and nation-less
I see many smiling Hispanic faces because of the DemoCrap lies; and it is
literally as though the Hispanics have given up their own heads and replaced
them with pumpkin heads -- smiling pumpkin heads.
pumpkin heads.
Hispanics ...
can only think of the next hurt and injury and murder that they can inflict on
the White Man.
do you see the Demented White Females (DWC) -- who have always hated the White
Man for not having sex with their ugly bodies and their uglier brains -- complaining
about it? Of course not!!!!
is REVENGE TIME for the Demented White Females (DWC).
War means killing. And, the
Colored Hoard will feel much more secure when they are killing White Folks.
This is why I say it is much
more probable that the Crippled Blacks (with the help of the Hispanics) will
start a race war.
After all, any state of the
DemoCrap Union is already ripe for their takeover. Forget what the nasty lies
of the Democrats and the gutless Moderates say about it.
When those Hispanics voted
for HObama, they voted for their Queer Masters -- and for War.
Now, the shocked Whities are
jumping around saying stupid things like -- "Oh, we must reach out to the
Hispanics more!"
More? More of what?
You Whities have NO CLUE
about what is going on in this country.
The wall is there for a
really good reason -- to keep you White Imbeciles from knowing what the
Hispanics and the Queers and the Crippled Blacks are cooking up.
YOU !!!!!!!!!!
You are the main item on the
menu !!!!!!!!!!
You are Pathetic.
You idiots do not listen to
the Hispanics, and I do. Their radio stations are being used by Black
Advertisers all of the time. NOT Whities. The Crippled Blacks are moving into
the Hispanic Culture, just like the Japanese Militarists in World War II tried
to take over all of the cultures of the Pacific Theater.
The Propaganda now -- is
exactly the same as it was then -- "The White People of America do not
care about the Peoples of Color around the World"!
Same Propaganda.
Same Socialistic Approach.
Food stamps my ass.
This is about Mass Mind
But, the stupid Commercial
Protestors say the Election of 2012 was about DemoCrap lies and food stamps. It
was achieved by lies -- but it is about Socialism.
What will Commercial
Protestors do when the Crippled Blacks launch a War? I will tell you, they will
throw up their arms and say that they are innocent. Until they are shot down.
The crafty ones, will turn
over their radio stations to the Colored Hoards -- and hope for mercy.
But, then again -- this
could all be a process of Natural Selection. Because, any thing or any one that
thinks that America is still alive, and there is no DemoCrap Union, and the
Republican Establishment is not the death of all Whities everywhere ...
needs to be exterminated.
Hey, you want to talk about
the Muslims too?
Who Do You Think We Are
Talking About?
Every fifth grinning black
killer's face out here, that voted for HObama the National Queer, is a Muslim.
That is about twenty percent of them, according to my own observations. The
Muslims want the Queers to break down this Christian Society into chaotic,
cringing, moderated, and afraid groups and isolated factions.
Man, oh Man! You Whities are
just starting to realize what the Demented White Females (DWC) and the 'Queers'
have done to you.
Those things said they
wanted you dead. Those things wrote that they wanted you dead. Now, state by
state, they are killing you.
And, it's all right to you.
Pass the TV Guide, please.
You are in such Deep Do-Doo
it is utterly disgusting to see.
You will note that
throughout all of this -- there is not a shred of Altruism For The Truth. No
one gravitates towards what is the True Principles of all of this, not even the
fractured Conservative Side.
On the Dark Side, every
motive is governed by selfish self-interest and orders from the Queer Masters
-- who manipulate that selfish self-interest. The fact that everything inside
the DemoCrap Union is evil to the core, is ignored. Just like the Truth about
all of this, and themselves, is ignored.
Now, the Hispanics have
dived into this maelstrom of liars and perverts and deceivers with all of their
clothes on. The Hispanics have made a colossal error in judgment by going to
the Dark Side. The hideous Queer Masters will destroy anything in its original
and pure and natural form, like a green slime that swarms over and under
anything. The Hispanics that are now inside the DemoCrap Union have condemned
themselves to the same putrid fate that the Queers wanted to impose upon all
Humans -- namely those of Us who piss on any mention of the DemoCrap Union and
spit on any idea that the DemoCraps rule Us, and can tell Us what to do.
[[Mind the spit now. I spit
in the direction of Wash This Death City five times a day!]]
Like idiot lambs to the
slaughter, the Hispanics have flocked to the lies and the toys and the freebies
that the DemoCraps have offered them ... and lost their Immortal Souls in the
Now, we will see playtime
games of show-and-tell with Hispanic Puppets being promoted to 'prominent'
positions inside of DemoTopia; to please the idiot masses of Hispanics that are
now trapped inside of DemoTopia. The fact that all of those positions are 'bent
over' -- will not bother the 'power-crazed' and 'recognition-crazed' Hispanics
inside that sewer.
For them, it is now
DemoTopia or nothing. The futile and pathetic attempts of the Whities to win
them over to the 'Republican Establishment' will just be another stupid 'public
masturbation' by the gutless and cowardly Whities that just cannot realize --
duuuhhhhh -- that this is a WAR.
The Whities will waste
millions of dollars doing nothing for White-Brown relationships -- the
Hispanics will remain queered and greedy inside of DemoTopia -- the Whities
will continue to make less and less babies -- the Hispanics will continue to
make more and more Socialist Babies -- and soon enough -- Civil War.
Do the Muslims really think
that I am not going to say the Truth about all of this? If they do, there is a
Lilly-White Ass heading for their lips, and I am following it.
the way, have some soup -- it could be your last. Do you like this road so far?
Killers kill White Men in groups. Three to five Hispanic Killers on one White
Man. They go for the legs and the arms. One Hispanic Killer on each arm and
each leg (if they can), and then the fifth Hispanic Killer shoots the White Man
dead, or cuts his throat.
won't have anyone murdered by Illegal Hispanic Criminals -- made legal for the
benefit of Political Whores.
Markel Peters