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Showing posts with label Voting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Voting. Show all posts

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Spotlight On: Calibration Is Not Thought Control. It Is A Thought Skill. Thought Ability. Thought Power.

Oh Ick. Appropriate language has to be used again! For some reason the Scum that can only be described with Appropriate Language -- still exist.


Calibration Example 1:

“He doesn't care what they say about him. That is why we listen to him.”

Wrong. Here we have an ideal example of the need for calibration. The above statement is often said by people who are talking to other persons who are either Illiterates or TV Watchers (same thing) or Idiot Voters (same things) and who are yacking (between doggie biscuits) something negative about 'Peters'.

I appreciate the efforts of my readers and anyone else who tries to defend the Truth before persons who are lame-brained from exposure to Queer Propaganda; but don't you think it would be better to go into the details a little more? What harm can it do? TV Watchers and Idiot Voters have less memory cells between their ears than a $10 pocket calculator; and will forget what you said to them as soon as they have walked ten steps away from you. And yet! Truth will have been better served with calibration!

The calibration in this case is ... The Turds of Queer Propaganda are so hideous and anti-Human that no Human listens to any feces that spits forth from their anal faces. Henceforth, no Human has the faintest idea of what that feces is. It doesn't matter, because the turds do not matter. Therefore, no Human is ignoring or 'not caring' that any such feces may purportedly be about them -- in any sub-language or sub-gutterance. We do not 'not care' what the turds of Queer Propaganda are saying about us -- because we have no idea that the turds could be trying to say anything about us. And, to change a turd of Queer Propaganda from what it is today into some kind of thing that could actually say something (in some language) would require so many decades of brain surgeries and subsequent lessons [starting with Reader 1] that everyone would have forgotten what the reasons were for the operations within a few years.

Thinking that Humans could 'not care' about what Queer Propaganda is saying about them, is like implying that Humans could 'not care' what the toilet bowls in Hell are saying right now.


Calibration Example 2:

“We will bring civilization and law and order to the Galaxy. When we finally get there, that is.” So said the Politician.

Bullshit. It is all about economics and more customers, even if they never wanted anything from us and we have to enslave them to sell them anything.


Calibration Example 3:

“Abortion is all about the Body Rights of Women” So said the Lesie-Turd.

Cow Pies. It is all about mind control and Big Queer Business, even though no woman has ever wanted anything from them and has to be brainwashed to buy anything from them. No matter how awful.


Calibration Example 4:

Universe and Universal.

What does 'Universe' mean?

What do we call the 'Universe'?

Is it 'Universal'?

What is 'Universal'?

As you read these explanations from other sources, keep in mind the dismal reality of today; the Politics Game is forever corrupt and senseless and a plague upon the lives of all Humans. That is a Universal Fact and a Universal Constant. Until the voting stops and the game either collapses or voting is made mandatory and Dictatorial Oligarchies become the main competitors in a new and very violent Politics Game. In which, Humans will be treated as temporary cattle, fit only for worshiping the Filthy Monkeys of the FM Band.


The terms 'Universe' and 'Universal' are defined as follows:


Universe -- 1. The aggregate of all existing things; the whole creation; in restricted sense, the Earth.___2. Human Beings collectively; mankind.___3. All objects, collectively, that are the subjects of consideration at once.

Universal -- 1. Relating to the entire Universe; of or pertaining to persons or things regarded collectively or distributively; belonging to the whole Earth or to all Human Beings; all embracing; unlimited; general.___2. Common to all in any specific group.___3. Regarded or existing as a whole; entire.___4. Suited to all purposes and conditions.___5. (Logic) Including all of a logical class. [1] Predicable of all the individuals of an ideal class of which the existence is assumed but not known. [2] Predicable of all the individuals of a class the consists of a limited aggregation of individuals, as of all the individuals of a biological species, genus, family, or other group similarly aggregated; opposed to particular; as, a universal proposition.

(Philosophy) A universal concept; that which may be predicated of many particular things or persons.

Practical Standard Dictionary of the English Language

Funk & Wagnalls [1926]


Universe -- 1. All existing things, including the earth, the heavens, the galaxies, and all therein, regarded as a whole.___2a. The earth together with all its creatures.___2b. All mankind.___3. A distinct sphere or realm, as of the imagination, that exists as an independent unit. (Logic) The universe of discourse.

Universal -- 1. Including, extending to, or affecting the entire world or all within the world: WORLDWIDE <a universal drought> <universal hunger>___2. Relating to, involving, or affecting all the members of a class or group <the universal concerns of parenthood>___3. Applicable or common to all uses, situations, or conditions <a universal language>___4. Of or relating to the universe or cosmos: COSMIC___5. Comprehensively broad in subject matter.

(Logic) A universal proposition. A general or abstract concept or term considered absolute or axiomatic.

(Logic) A general or widely held principle, concept, or notion.

(Logic) A trait or pattern of behavior, characteristic of all the members of a particular culture or of all Human Beings.

New Riverside University Dictionary [1984]


Universal -- (Philosophy) A metaphysical entity characterized by repeatability and unchanging nature through a series of changing relations, as substance.

New World Dictionary of American English. 3rd Edition. [1988]


Universals -- (excerpts from The Encyclopedia of Philosophy 1967)

The following is forbidden knowledge and banned from all Queer Medias.

Volume Eight. Page 194.

The word 'universal,' used as a noun, has belonged to the vocabulary of English-writing philosophers since the sixteenth century, but the concepts of universals, and the problems raised by it, has a far longer history. It goes back through the universalia of medieval philosophy to Aristotle and Plato. Indeed, Plato may be taken to be the father of this perennial topic of philosophy, for it is in his dialogues that we find the first arguments for universals and the first discussion of the difficulties they raise. Plato believed that the existence of universals was required not only ontologically, [[metaphysically]] to explain the nature of the world which as sentient and reflective beings we experience, but also epistemologically, [[philosophically]] to explain the nature of our experience of it. He proposed a solution to his problem, but he also recognized the objections to his particular solution. Ever since, except for intervals of neglect, philosophers have been worrying about the nature and status of universals. No account has yet been propounded which has come near to receiving universal acceptance; this reflects not merely disagreement on the answers to be offered but also, and perhaps more importantly, disagreement on exactly what the questions are that we are, or should be, trying to answer.

That in some sense or other there are universals, and that in some sense or other they are abstract objects --that is, objects of thought rather than sense perception--no philosopher would wish to dispute; the difficulties begin when we try to be more precise. They may be indicated (although not defined) by the abstract nouns which we use when we think about, for example, beauty, justice, courage, and goodness and, again, by the adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and prepositions which we use in talking of individual objects, to refer to their qualities and to the relations between them. In saying of two or more objects that each is a table, or square, or brown, or made of wood we are saying that there is something common to the objects, which may be shared by many others and in virtue of which the objects may be classified into kinds. Not merely is such classification possible, for scientific and other purposes; it is unavoidable: all experience is of things as belonging to kinds, however vague and inarticulate the classification may be. Whatever we see (to take sight as an example) we see as a something -- that is, as an object of a certain kind, as having certain qualities, and as standing in certain relations to other objects -- and although every individual object is unique, in that it is numerically distinct from all others, its features are general, in that they are (or might be) repeated in other objects.

Even if there were only one red object in the world, we would know what it would be like for there to be others, and we would be able to recognize another if we were to meet with it.

Generality is an essential feature of the objects of experience, recognition of generality is an essential feature of experience itself, and reflection of this generality is shown in vocabulary of any language, all the words of which (with the exception of proper names) are general.

Universals are, by tradition, contrasted with particulars, the general contrasted with the numerically unique, and differing theories of universals are differing accounts of what is involved in this generality and in our experience of it. The leading theories of universals--realism, conceptualism, nominalism, and resemblance theories--can best be explained by an examination of the doctrines of the main exponents.








If you read these websites you will get a beginner's idea of what 'Universals' is about.


As for myself, I have created another video for you to watch (if you will) that explains again how totally uncaring I am about anything that happens within the horrible Politics Game. This video cannot be watched by non-Humans (and should not be) so do not worry about any reactions about it from the Scuzz. All that those Voting Mindless Idiots can do is to complain about whatever their owners and operators tell them to complain about. They cannot know what they are really complaining about.


This video is 1280x720p and is 5 Gigabytes. I tried to make a smaller (576p) version but the sound sync will not work at that resolution.


I was going to end this there, but I am thinking about the concept of 'added value'. I should add something that will help you in times like this -- such as websites about the futility of voting ...









'After increasing for many decades, there has been a trend of decreasing voter turnout in most established democracies since the 1980s. In general, low turnout is attributed to disillusionment, indifference, or a sense of futility (the perception that ones vote wont make any difference).'






At this time the scum on the Queer Medias are pretending that there are huge voter turnouts for this episode of Worthless Elections. Do you believe them? Have they ever said anything that can be believed?


Markel Peters



Saturday, April 30, 2022

Spotlight on: The Enemies of Anxiety:

Before I get into this topic, there is something else which I want to say -- and it relates to Anxiety.

Considering the recent years of global carnage and ruination caused by Voting and Politics and Diseases and Wars (is there a difference?) I have determined that our Species needs a massive transfusion of Hope and Happiness and Dignity and Determination. All of which can be found in Classical Music.

There still exists a large reservoir of Classical Recordings, but it is getting dusty and forgotten. However, that is not what I am talking about. I propose a New Classical Era; starting where the last one dropped off. This will entail more than the training of many new Classical Composers. It will also require the wide-scale education of all Human Populations to the original collection of 'Classical Music' -- which is primarily European and Japanese and Chinese and African -- and the rejuvenation of each culture's own Musical Heritage.


The Enemies of Anxiety:

Modern Falsehoods, Fallacies and Lies are being palmed off and forced upon the Idiots that Watch TV as 'Modern Families'. I have seen such lies myself. I am currently monitoring some of the least awful Queer Media channels personally (as much as I can stomach without vomiting) and I have seen such horrendous fakery and lies being promoted by the TV-Turd Terrorists.

Those lies and deceptions and pretenses cause anxiety in Real People; if they are somehow criminally forced to view such video filth.

It is exactly what I said in one of my recent podcasts; anxiety is being used as a weapon against the Human Species. Subsequently, anything that reduces anxiety or shields our Species from anxiety or cures anxiety is hugely beneficial to the Human Species.

Incidentally, as I write this, there are a lot of angry men in Russia who are threatening to start a Nuclear War if they do not get the toys and ice cream that they want. Did someone promise them something? Do we all have to die because they cannot get their way with foreign nations?


Aside from soothing and light classical music ...

The enemies of anxiety that I refer to now are ...



Weight Loss



Heat Pads

**********Important Podcast**********

In MP3 Format


In MP3 Format -- 344 MBytes -- No Viruses.

In this podcast I have given a beginning review of these six ways to defeat Anxiety. Please listen to the podcast carefully. At the end I have added some Anxiety-Free music from unknown artists -- who must remain unknown because of the Enemies of our Species.



An exercise in Dream Thinking. Try imagining this dream.


The Stagecoach and the Lady:

Naked lady, that is. A Raving Beauty from Italy.

[[Caution -- there is some female nudity in this dream. If that bothers you then do not read it.]]

It happened like this -- I was somehow doing three things at once in a late morning deep sleep. I was very comfy and warm and toasty and happy with this dream (REM). I found it interesting. The setting for the entire dream was a very large and white salt flats area that was so big you could not see the sides of it; so the borders of it had to be at least fifteen miles away in all directions. It must have been the bottom of an ancient ocean, but now there were no elevations on it at all. The base was made of hard salt and very flat.

At the center was myself (in amorphous form) and a large stagecoach made of shining redwood; which was embedded with genuine gold trims and had gold hardware all over it and golden wheels. A coach for royalty, and quite impressive in size.

In front of the stagecoach there lay the tongue of the coach, a long metal tube of various shapes with six harnesses connected to it, three by two. Strap in six large horses to the tongue and away you go, except this tongue was not connected to anything; it just lay in the sand before the coach.

It was a cloudless day but not too hot and the visibility was about ten miles. The air was very clear and everything that I saw was in sharp focus.

My first concern in the dream was to help the driver of the coach to prepare it for connection to the tongue. In the lower front of the coach was a mounting space with swivels and connection hardware; and a tall and thin stagecoach driver (wearing a typical Australian Outback hat) was laboring to fit a large oaken board sideways into a slot on the front of the coach. I did not know what this would do for the problem but it became imperative (in the dream) that I help him get that oak board inserted properly into that slot and hammered in with large spikes.

I was quite happy with the work and I was close on the job. We were nailing something to the front of the coach, when I was suddenly turned about and looking outwards at the great salt flats in front of us. About thirty yards away I saw a large white mattress lying on the salt plain. On the rich white mattress lay a naked Italian Babe of splendid proportions (most are). She had excellent everything (most do) and she was on her left side facing me. Her marvelous breasts and face and long dark black hair were very important to me. She was asleep, or mostly.

The work continued and I had to help the driver lift the heavy oak board and we started to place it into the slot, sideways. I heard a loud noise over our heads and suddenly I was in an large apartment building that was placed on the salt flats about a hundred yards behind us. I was in an apartment up on the fourth floor. It was very standard in appearance and it had about five rooms, one of which was a large bedroom with four single beds in it, along the right-hand wall. In each bed was a naked woman sitting up in bed with a blanket pulled up to her chin. The place was cold and there was something wrong with the heating system. There was a thermostat on the far wall and I tried to get it to work, but to no avail. I left the bedroom and went into the living room to find that many things were scattered about in no particular order. The apartment had an outside deck and I went out and looked away to the stagecoach.

Suddenly, I was back at the stagecoach and we had just inserted the big oak board into the front of the coach when we heard a dissenting voice from above us. We were both looking down when we heard it, and when we leaned backwards and looked up we saw the big head of a very large horse looking down at us. The horse lowered his head down to touch the board with his nose and then snorted loudly and shook his head vigorously from side to side. He was very large for a fast stagecoach horse; chestnut colored with big ears, a long golden mane, a white flash on his forehead, a streak of white across his chest, white socks and a long golden tail. He stomped on the salt with a large hoof and complained again.

We both stopped what we were doing and looked at the board again. Sure enough, it was cracked and would have broken easily in service. Now I somehow pulled the board out of the slot and handed it to the driver who threw it away and grabbed a new oak board out of thin air -- and we began the entire process again. The big horse stood closer and watched over us.

Then, I was back at the apartment again. The furniture was scattered about and on its sides, the drapes were torn, and the rug was ripped in places. I walked through it to the bedroom with the four beds. The four naked women were still in their beds with their four blankets pulled up to their chins and they were all frowning. I went over to the thermostat again and it showed 54 degrees and it would not work. I put my right fist through the wall to the right of the thermostat and then pulled out a section of the wall to reveal the wires which were connected to the back of the thermostat. They were cut, but they were showing bare wires; as though they has been taped together and later separated. I spent some time in the dream connecting the two wires together again so the thermostat would operate the furnace; then I set it for 72 degrees. I looked to my right at the four women, and they were all frowning and looking at me. I walked away from them saying “Sorry ladies, that's all. No commercials.”

Then, I was out on the balcony again from where I could see the delectable Italian Women lying on her white mattress, turning from side to side slowly, tantalizingly.

I flew down to the stagecoach and helped the driver place the good oaken board into the slot on the front of the coach. The horse above us nodded approvingly, but I wanted to see the naked Italian Woman on her rich white mattress again. So I turned that way and looked, only to see five more horses looking back at me. Now, between myself and the naked Italian Beauty there stood the other five chestnut colored horses, each similar to the first, standing in a semi-circle looking at our work on the coach and nodding their heads variously.

I said to the driver to give me the bad board and he pulled it out of mid-air and handed it to me. I threw it to the five horses and they all stepped forwards and put their noses on it. I quickly leaped up onto the coach and looked over them. The ravaging Italian Babe was now lying on her other side facing away from me and gesturing to me to join her with her left arm. I studied her excellent form for several minutes, then I had to return to the work at hand. After several maneuvers, which I enjoyed working at, we got the tongue attached properly to the coach. By now, the horses had arranged themselves three on a side next to the tongue and their harnesses, and they were all looking at us with expectation.

I, on the other hand, was looking at the bare backside of the incredible Italian Beauty with the beautiful black hair and magnificent ass -- and then at the horses -- and then at the stagecoach -- and then at the great ass of the Italian Beauty -- and then at the horses -- and then at the stagecoach ...

And then I woke up damn it!


Do not waste your time wondering what the dream could have meant. Instead, imagine what it could have become. And do not tell me that I have to go to Russia to be appreciated.



The weather here has not been good enough for me to make a video in the Polaris Ranger this month. As soon as I can I will make that video and send it out, no matter what time of month it is. In the video I will mention the outcome of what I was saying about Mobility and Curiosity.

This diagram is very simple (my artistic talents are very simple) but it shows what I was going to say in the video. Mobility leads to Curiosity which leads to Thinking which leads to Questioning which leads to Control of Government.



Markel Peters



Thursday, November 5, 2020

Repugnance -- 11-05-2020:








noisome nausea

authoritarian squirrel

waste of time and space

unlettered uncouth eutherian

presumptive proletarian proboscis



Markel Peters




did i mention militant mutant

malicious mammalian

miscreant meanderer

miniature mole


voter varmints

telecom maggots

dictatorial dunsels

rectal retarded rejects


this is fun

i mean repugnant


confused chumps

challenged chimps

confessed crackheads

Sunday, June 30, 2019


Seven Facts that you already know:
Only Shitheads and Queers watch the TV Turd Terrorists.
Only Shitheads and Queers listen to Filthy Monkey Horrors.
Only Shitheads and Queers read queer newsrags.
Only Shitheads and Queers read queer magrags.
Only Shitheads and Queers obey the Deviates.
Only Shitheads and Queers work at the NSA.
Only Shitheads and Queers Vote.

As simple and as obvious as these things are ... the ramifications of so much malfeasance and decay and debauchery are not always obvious. In fact, many of the results of these extreme and sinister evils are often deliberately hidden and covered over and disguised by the perpetrators.

Likewise, the way to combat such double-dealings and falsehoods and pretenses is to shake up and expose them for what they are.

I said I was NOT listening. To them. And who would? Which is to say, I am NEVER listening to their medias. I have turned OFF all medias of any kind, including the Internet sources and rumor mills. You will find out why, soon enough.

I am listening to YOU -- Real Young Men in real life. I am always watching Real Young Men and listening. As to the enemy -- I ignore their media acts. Instead I see them for what they really are. At the same time, I am not going to listen to any organization which pretends to be on our side and is so bogus that it cannot even talk to me in real life. Are you forgetting all of the so-called 'Conservatives' on AM radio? Those fakes and phonies are deeply immersed in the Dark Side. Their existence depends upon the continued existence of the Dark Side.

Did it ever occur to you that there are false organizations pretending to be Human Men, but they never intend to talk to me or any other Real Man? They exist to make stupid men think that Real Men do not care about young men of any color. They pretend to represent young men and their interests, for the sole purpose of blocking access to Older Real Men. They will never do anything that matters, and they will never allow Real Young Men to have communications with Older Real Men. They are Queers!

Especially in Sioux City which is loaded with Deviates.

In other words -- it is not "The way it is." so stop saying that. That is a feeble excuse. Instead it is -- "The way we have been fooled."

Look around you. Do you see any of the (older-than-young) White Men that have been giving you advice? Are they smiling and smug and content?

Do you know why?

YOU are why. Your confusion and sense of hopelessness is why. They expect to fornicate you into Voting next November.

Your isolation from each other and between your generations is going to be your downfall. True, we must always be on our guard against the Heterophobic Devil Fags, but that is no excuse to live in isolation.

For instance, when I was there, the vermin in the HBHZ used to say that the vermin in Mordor were sick; whenever the Maggots of Mordor opened their insane mouths about me. Other the hand, I used to tell the vermin in the HBHZ -- "Who are you to say the Orcs of Mordor are sick?! This shit hole is swarming with vicious lunatic Lesie-turds and their Killer Faggots! And you will not do anything about it!" They were the kinds of cowards that are never worthy of your efforts to help them, but the same scum that you want to help will heap insults and wounds upon you any chance they get. Because you are better than they are. And they know it and do not want you to know it! To them, the way to depress you and thereby make themselves look better because you are no longer in sight; is to keep all of you separated and divided and dis-organized, and thinking you need one leader. I have already told you that you need one hundred thousand leaders, and Unity. Such creatures as I just described are just another faction of freaks that have weird and selfish reasons to want you dead.

Meanwhile -- I am over here! I am doing something entirely different. What have I been doing? Well, I have wanted to expose the horrid evils of the Demented White Females, one of our worst enemy groups, for years. That has been achieved.

It is the older versions of the same pack of bitches that are teasing you today, about following someone who you cannot even talk to. That is how they want you to think of it, because they want you dead -- or slaves, which is worse.

What is wrong with you? Why do you listen to those bitches? You don't know where those mouths have been!!!! If this is a learning curve for you, you are making it a climb up Mount Everest by caring what any of our enemies say about it. Ignore the God-damned Pieces Of Shit!

Of course they do not want you to talk to anyone who can help you. They do not want you to talk to each other! They are hideous, no matter what they look like or act like. Quit being so naive. Quit listening to them and making excuses for anything. Anything that you do is just to destroy them anyway, and they know it. They are the enemy, and they know it.

Who did you think the enemy was?

Know your enemies. Never Vote.

You cannot be timid and survive in Planet Sinister.

Explanation follows ... and after this I am not going to mention it again.


I have to word this properly because it is complicated and covered by deceptions on the part of our enemies. First of all, I am NOT watching (or listening to) any form of Medias; not even on the Internet. I AM watching and listening to our own People ((including Real Young Men)) and our enemies as they exist in their bladders. I am forever beyond any possible reason to watch or listen to all of that Queershit called 'The News'.

'The News' never tells 'The Truth' -- when the Deviates failed to kill the Human Species on June 26th of 2013, the Masters of those vermin ordered an about face and a 180 degree course change -- and -- a complete regrouping and reassembly of all neutered short-haired bladder-faggots back into the stys.


The intended and huge Satan's Ceremony was called off -- and -- all faggots were ordered to return to their former guises as short-haired bladder dummies. The Demented White Females were tasked with that order. It became their job to corral all of their faggots and put them back into holding pens; with short hair of course.



The reason why I am not attending meetings and gatherings (etc) is not just because no one invites me and the presence of Deviate Spies. You must think of me as a Man In A Workshop who is always in there tinkering at his trade. Which in my case is writing the Truth about our enemies. If you want something from me you have to visit the workshop and say something. In other words -- SPEAK!
How else can it happen?
At the same time, in the very same instant, I will never believe that anyone is a Human in any PLACE that is infested with the Queerism Mental Disease. For instance, at this very moment I am at a truck repair shop in Omaha. The sickos that operate this repair shop have a God-Awful TV on, in the customer lounge. I saw what was on that POS Machine for a few seconds and it was instantly obvious to me that the screen was filled with one fat and ugly Lesie-turd that was pumping a Fuck-faced Faggot to talk Queershit on TV. Verbal sewage, that was filled with all of the terms and assumptions and false information that is part of the so-called Homosexual Agenda. All TVs show such filth at all times.
My point is -- the PLACE IS CONTAMINATED!!!!!!!!!!
The place was large enough inside to hold a high school marching band -- and -- if the marching band from 'We-Are-Real-Humans-Homeschool' was inside that place and playing the National Anthem all day long ...
And why not? As soon as you go into that place you are assaulted with the horrible sights of a Lesie-turd and a Sucking Faggot crapping Queer Propaganda from its face.
Jesus Christ himself could reappear (at last) in that repair shop while I was standing there -- and -- I would ignore him just like I ignore everything and every one else in such a shit hole.
Do NOT reappear in shit holes.
Do NOT appear in shit holes.
Do NOT work in shit holes where the TV Turd Terrorists exist.
Do NOT work in shit holes where the 'HR Department' is full of Queers.
At the same time, I am fully aware of the many treacherous enemies that are trying to neuter and genocide all Young White Men. That was Deviate Order Number Two, after June 26 2013. However -- to accomplish that goal all Older White Men must first be eliminated or made ineffectual. Hence, all of the attempted character assassinations against myself and any other Older White Man that dares to say or write the Truth.
This includes the lies of the Deflated White Toys of the Lesie-turds. Such toys are (older-than-young) White Boys that had delusions of grandeur when they were young, and are now disappointed. They are under orders to genocide Real Young White Men by keeping them away from the Truth and Older White Men.


Such attacks from inside your own ranks are even more insidious than the assaults on factories (of Democrap-ruled workers) by Incrazy Dykes; that are tasked to give twisted seminars and conduct twisted meetings with entire work crews and brainwash them into becoming homicidal maniacs. Thereafter, to attack each other. The Incrazy Outcome supposedly being the firing of all Humans in the factories. As Gross-tesque as those horrible lies and molestations are, they are not as bad as having an (older-than-young) White Boy standing next to you and telling you that the Older White Men are worthless and out-of-date and fools and out-of-touch with what is happening ... blah blah blah. Such lies are just more feces gushing out of queer faces; but very dangerous because they are so close.

[[By the way -- all of the workers at that repair shop are miserable. They have to be -- the so-called management is exposed to TV.]]


From such phony labels and media control handles as 'Significant Others' to Hate-Teams-Pretending-To-Be-Married to Synthetic Genders -- it is all part of the APA War against the Real Human Species. Psychological Warfare, using the Queer Medias and a catalog of Queer Fakeries. The creation and fostering of the Ford Reich of Stupid White Imbeciles (with the smallest possible craniums) is just another of their attempts to thin out the ranks of Real Young White Men.

Just as I suspected: When I recently put into writing that I was NOT listening to anything based in the Medias -- the Demented White Females immediately cheered. Those douche bags took it to mean that I do not care about Real Young White Men. In their fevered and tiny brains they took it to say there will be no revolution. A week later, those Hags started to pretend that they like me -- a little.


An undeniable evidence of their latest setup against us.

Those monsters have put all of their short-haired faggots back into the bladders -- and -- that makes them vulnerable to attack. Attack from their victims, the Real Young White Men. They will do anything now to cripple the minds and intentions of the Real Young White Men.


For my part, a little likeness from such swine causes a lot of vomit on my side. But, it is over and I got the evidence I wanted.

Now, this may sound trivial to some of you, however the reality of it is quite serious. What does it really mean to the SQLD?
Answer: In the bladders nothing and no thing has any importance except the so-called Homosexual Agenda. Which we Humans know is forever Queershit, because there is no such thing as 'Sexual Orientation'. There is Man and Woman. Done, and more than enough. One of the most essential plans to kill off all of Humanity centers upon the male sex -- starting with the White Man and then rolling on to decimate the Black Man.
The Demented White Females will jump at any chance to complete their mission of destroying the Male Sex and reducing all males to helpless drones. This test has proven that the Demented White Females are still as horrible and as vicious as the things were in the past. Nothing has improved in the Dark Side -- all else is lies. Every little bitch that teases you, is one of them.

To keep track of the Dark Side, the entire ugly mess has to be tested often.

What is the outcome of this test?

The treacheries and the uglies and the evils of Demented White Females ...
and their trained lapdogs the pathetic short-haired bladder-faggots ...
are made obvious as a continuous and vile attempt to thin the ranks of Real Young White Men.

i keep explaining this stuff which can be really boring


and they hate anyone who likes them

[[You have to realize that one of our many victories so far in this war is the forcing of the enemy to accept that we know the Truth about the things, and we are going to say and write the Truth about the things, and we do NOT have to care what they want, and we do NOT have to care what they think about anything or any thing or any one.]]


When I saw what the Deviate Orders were after June 26th 2013, I knew it was time to grow my hair long again. Especially when I heard the order to reassemble all of their white male dupes into their former herds of short-haired sheep. I do not expect that most of you knew about that. I am always more informed about what is really happening. I have been playing head games with the Demented White Females ever since I heard that order. Which is exactly like playing with someone else's rock collection.

For this, the Demented White Females really hate me to an extreme, and constantly mouth the same words of hate no matter where they are -- "He Ruined Our Beautiful Evil Movement!"

GOOD!!!!     LET'S DO IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!


Think about how horrid the Queershit World is. Those things are locked into the rut of forever having to lie to keep their Queershit World inflated with their nasty breaths.

And -- they are starting to admit it to each other. During the first week of this month I was in a large convenience store in Fort Drudge looking for orange juice and angus dogs. I was quite happy with my thoughts of eating the dogs and drinking the juice when all of a sudden an ugly and skinny and contorted and middle-aged Lesie-turd (common in Fort Drudge) walked past me squawking on a cell phone. Instantly I was not sure whether the noise was coming from the cell phone or the dyke. It spoke again and I knew the noise was coming from the thing holding the thing. I was walking in one direction along a line of tall glass coolers full of drinks and then ice creams and the thing walked parallel to me and faster; such that I caught its words and the replies (noises) from the cell phone. The thing holding the thing said it was too bad -- a growl and it was his fault -- the sweetness of success was gone -- a sad growl -- now there was just his damn wall -- then noises from the phone saying iick what can they doos -- the reply was they will have to keep up the charade (spoken as cherr-aade) -- the phone said it was a horrible expense so muchy so muchy -- the thing holding the thing said if they did not keep up the cherr-aade the millions of their subjects would turn on them and become extremely violent -- so the entire month must be forced upon them again -- however did so many lies have so little effect on the others -- hisss -- and then something about those damned bladders of -- hiss ... fade out. It disappeared into the female's room.

I stuck my head into a tall cooler for relief and began to laugh. "Aha!" I said to myself, looking point blank at a large tub of Green Sherbet -- "They know about the bladders!" What a sight I must have made standing there laughing at the Ice Cream.

i live for such little slices of joy


Let me give you some advice ...

With the NSA now admitting that they are all Queers -- and thus the Entire Government -- there is no such thing as an American Nation wherever any Queer Government is concerned or present or allowed to interfere. The American Nation is now the American Humans -- and Only The American Humans.


There is a HUGE PARALLEL to all of this. The schmeer and slime of the SQLD dependency upon endless lies for their fake existence, depends upon the ingrained and installed stupidity of the Unwashed Masses. Washed Masses are NOT allowed. Any intelligent life form is expressly forbidden. The Masters and Sub-Masters and Middle-Managers-For-Hire operate the Unwashed Masses exactly like a corrupt Casino Owner and its hired lackeys run evil Gambling Casinos. Unwashed and stupid gamblers are their meat and potatoes; their preferred clientele. Professional card players that are well versed in the mathematics and mechanics of all forms of gambling are the last thing that they want to allow through the casino doors. The parallel is the casino scammers and their hatred of professional gamblers who can see through all of their crimes and scams and fakeries -- paralleled by -- the SQLD Masters and their hatred of Real Young White Men who have the potential to see through all of their crimes and scams and fakeries.

If you did not understand that -- AND -- you are a Real Young White Man ...
then read that paragraph over again and again. Write it on the wall of your bedroom. Get permanent markers and write that paragraph on some apparel of yours that you see every day. Never forget that parallel. Never allow anyone or any thing to dissuade you from knowing what that parallel is.



More films and documentaries for you.

Why would the education stop, just because little bitches make fun of you for not knowing they are little assholes?

The Train.
I think I have mentioned this one before. I said during a recent message that the Russian films "White Tiger' and 'The Island' were spiritual. This is true, but it needs further examples. The Train is a War Classic from Burt Lancaster and John Frankenheimer about a side of warfare that is always ignored and erased by propaganda -- the real motives for what happens in War. In 'The Train' the motives are clearly spiritual and this makes it a better example.

The Hindenburg.
This is also spiritual and a good view into the motives of what people do in War. However, when it came out the reactions from the Hollywood critics was one of the most bizarre that I have ever heard of in my life. The comments from the critics were as though they had all packed off together to the beaches of Malibu to get stoned and drunk and watch weird hippies perform strange dances around beach bonfires -- whereupon they all drove back to their offices in Hollywood and complained about the music and the laughter and the lack of comic punch lines. If you read their reviews of 'The Hindenburg' you will think they were all breathing opium fumes in plastic bubble helmets while they were typing. Their so-called comments are as far-out and bizarre as possible. They would be more accurate describing the far side of the Moon. A very puzzling reaction, unless you realize that none of those bastards and bitches watched 'The Hindenburg' to begin with. They were typical movie critics. I wonder what they thought 'Hindenburg' meant. I doubt if they ever watched it later.
Regardless, 'The Hindenburg' is one of the better done and best orchestrated and superbly acted films of its period. The ending is stunning and very realistic.

The Collapse of the Bronze Age. Back to school. This is a fine example of an explanation of History, done as a single production without big studios full of opium fumes and egomaniacs.


Speaking of parallels -- a parallel is a similarity, a likewise example, a situation or a person who well could have been yours (or you) save for the Grace of God, an objective lesson. Within parallels we can see ourselves and/or similar conditions and environments. We learn from the successes or failures of the persons who actually exist(ed) within those parallels.

I do not care at all what our enemies do inside of their Government Bladders to attempt to make Idiot Voters think (dimly) that the Government themselves are the Real World and they themselves have decided that all forms of Gross-tesque perversions are OK with the Real World ...

when all of the time they are the Deviates themselves approving of their own Gross-tesque and hideous evil nastiness that they themselves do every day.

The Government IS the Deviates. There is no such thing as a 'Human Politician'.

About that I have already explained enough for now. What I care about today is all of the Real Young Humans (White or Any Color) who are vulnerable to the Lies and Pretenses that the Deviates attack them with. Vulnerable for all of the reasons which I have stated -- and -- because of the absence of experience with comes with Youth. An absence that is deliberately forced upon all Young Humans by all Liars everywhere that fear an ...


I am offering the following example in an attempt to explain myself to all of you as well as to explain all of you to you.

I am very much above the Queershit.

Read this. I do not expect you to understand it to begin with, you have very little knowledge of such matters. There are literally thousands of such situations and theaters that hold essential and intriguing lessons for all of you -- if you only knew where to find them. That place is called 'Human History', and is under attack by the Deviates every day.

These excerpts are from the beginning of one of those many hundreds of thousands of banned books that the Deviates do not want you to read, or to even know about. It is an explanation of a kind of Young White Men who existed within a totally different world from yours -- and yet what happened to them bears many comparisons to your own lives and problems. Their environment was World War One, which they called 'The Great War', having no idea that there would be a Second World War.

Their task was to hunt U-boats in Q-ships. U-boats against Q-ships. Their method was to sail in ships that did not appear to be warships, and were not so originally. Their ships were newly armed and equipped to fight U-boats, surprised U-boats, U-boats that thought they were the predators and not the prey. Often, the U-boats that fought these Q-ships did so in desperate actions on the high seas with the outcomes in great contest and the fighting fierce and hot. The group of ships involved was called the 'Q-ships' or simply 'the mystery ships'. Not only did they sink U-boats but they also put into great doubt the wisdom of attacking merchant vessels in a submarine, because any merchant vessel could turn out to be a mystery ship with large guns. Think of the general topic of large populations of Young White Men while you read this. Young White Men. Groups of Young White Men. Many a Young White Man sailed on those ships and fought those U-boats. They were led by officers who were still Young White Men at heart.


The hour and the need.

All Warfare is merely a contest. In any struggle you see the clashing of will and will, of force against force, of brain against brain. For the impersonal reader it is this contest which has a never-ending interest. A neutral is just as keenly entertained as the playgoer who sits watching the swaying fortunes of the hero in the struggle of the drama. No human being endowed with sympathetic interest, who himself has had to contend with difficulties, fails to be moved by the success or disaster of the contestants in a struggle of which the spectator has no part or lot. If this were not so, neutral newspapers would cease to chronicle the wars of other nations, novels would cease to be published, and plays to be produced.

Human nature, then, being what it is, man loves to watch his fellow-man fighting, struggling against men or fate or circumstances. The harder the fight and the nearer he is to losing, so much the more is the spectator thrilled. This instinct is developed most clearly in youth: hence juvenile fiction is one mass of struggles, adventures, and narrow escapes. But the instinct never dies, and how few of us can resist the temptation to read the exciting experiences of some entirely fictional character who rushes from one perilous situation to another? Is there a human being who, going along the street, would not stop to watch a burglar being chased over roofs and chimney pots by police? If you have once become interested in a certain trial at the law courts, are you not eager to know whether the prisoner has been acquitted or convicted? You despise him for his character, yet you are fascinated by his adventures, his struggles, his share in the particular drama, his fight against heavy odds; and, contrary to your own inherent sense of justice, you almost hope he will be acquitted. In a word, then, we delight in having before us the adventures of our fellow humanity, partly for the exciting pleasure which these arouse in us, but partly also because they make us wonder what we should have done in a similar set of circumstances. In such vital, critical moments should we have played the hero, or should we have fallen somehow a little short?

The following pages are an attempt to place before the reader a series of sea struggles which are unique, in that they had no precedent in naval history. If you consider all the major and minor sea fights from the earliest times to the present day; if you think of fleet actions, and single-ship contests, you cannot surpass the golden story of the Q-ships. As long as people take any interest in the untamed sea, so will these exploits live, not rivalling but surpassing the greatest deeds of even the Elizabethan seamen. During the late war their exploits were, for very necessary reasons, withheld from the knowledge of the public. The need for secrecy has long since passed, and it is high time that a complete account of these so-called 'mystery ships' should be published, not merely for the perpetuation of their wonderful achievements, but for the inspiration of the new race of seamen whose duty it will be to hand on the great tradition of the sea. For, be it remembered, the Q-ship service was representative of every species of seamen. There were officers and men of the Royal Navy both active and retired, of the Royal Naval Reserve, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, and men from the Royal Fleet Reserve. From warship, barracks, office, colony, pleasure yacht, fishing vessel, liner, sailing ship, tramp steamer, and elsewhere these seafarers went forth in unarmoured, slow-moving, lightly-armed vessels to perform the desperate adventure of acting as live-bait for a merciless enemy. It was an exploit calling for supreme bravery, combined with great fighting skill, sound seamanship, and a highly developed imagination. The successes which were attained were brought about by just this combination, so that the officers, especially the commanding officers, and the men had to be hand-picked. The slow-reasoning, hesitating type of being was useless in a Q-ship ; equally out of place would have been the wild, hare-brained, dashing individual whose excess of gallantry would simply mean the loss of ship and lives. In the ideal Q-ship captain was found something of the virtues of the cleverest angler, the most patient stalker, the most enterprising big-game hunter, together with the attributes of a cool unperturbed seaman, the imagination of a sensational novelist, and the plain horse-sense of a hard business man. In two words, the necessary endowment was brains and bravery. It was easy enough to find at least one of these in hundreds of officers, but it was difficult to find among the many volunteers a plucky fighter with a brilliant intellect. It is, of course, one of the happy results of sea training that officer or man learns to think and act quickly without doing foolish things. The handling of a ship in bad weather, or in crowded channels, or a strong tideway, or in going alongside a quay or other ship -- all this practice makes a sailor of the man, makes him do the one and only right thing at the right second. But it needed 'something plus' in the Q-ship service. For six months, for a year, she might have wandered up and down the Atlantic, all over the submarine zone, with never a sight of the enemy, and then, all of a sudden, a torpedo is seen rushing straight for the ship. The look-out man has reported it, and the officer of the watch has caused the man at the wheel to port his helm just in time to allow the torpedo to pass harmlessly under the ship's counter. It was the never ceasing vigilance and the cool appreciation of the situation which had saved the ship.

But the incident is only beginning. The next stage is to lure the enemy on, to entice him, using your own ship as the bait. It may be one hour or one day later, perhaps at dusk, or when the moon gets up, or at dawn, but it is very probable that the submarine will invisibly follow you and attack at the most awkward time. The hours of suspense are trying; watch has succeeded watch, yet nothing happens. The weather changes from good to bad; it comes on thick, it clears up again, and the clouds cease to obliterate the sun. Then, apparently from nowhere, shells come whizzing by, and begin to hit. At last in the distance you see the low-lying enemy engaging you with both his guns, firing rapidly, and keeping discreetly out of your own guns' range. Already some of your men have been knocked out; the ship has a couple of bad holes below the waterline, and the sea is pouring through. To add to the anxiety a fire is reported in the forecastle, and the next shell has made rather a mess of the funnel. What are you going to do? Are you going to keep on the bluff of pretending you are an innocent merchantman, or are you going to run up the white ensign, let down the bulwarks, and fire your guns the moment the enemy comes within range and bearing? How much longer is it possible to play with him in the hope that he will be fooled into doing just what you would like him to do? If your ship is sinking, will she keep afloat just long enough to enable you to give the knock-out blow as the inquiring enemy comes alongside? These are the crucial questions which have to be answered by that one man in command of the ship, who all the time finds his bridge being steadily smashed to pieces by the enemy's fire.

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting . . .

Then, one may definitely assert, you have in you much that goes to the making of an ideal Q-ship captain and a brave warrior. As such you might make a first-class commanding officer of a destroyer, a light cruiser, or even a battleship; but something more is required. The enemy is artful; you must be super-artful. You must be able to look across the tumbling sea into his mind behind the conning tower. What are his intentions? What will be his next move? Take in by a quick mental calculation the conditions of wind, wave, and sun. Pretend to run away from him, so that you get these just right. Put your ship head on to sea, so that the enemy with his sparse freeboard is being badly washed down and his guns' crews are thinking more of their wet feet and legs than of accurate shooting. Then, when you see him submerging, alter course quickly, reckon his probable position by the time you have steadied your ship on her course, and drop a series of depth charges over his track. If you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds worth of distance, run; if you have acted with true seamanship and sound imagination, you will presently see bits of broken wreckage, the boil of water, quantities of oil, perhaps a couple of corpses ; and yours is the U-boat below, my son, and a D.S.O.; and a thousand pounds in cash to be divided amongst the crew; and you're a man, my son!

That, in a few phrases, is the kind of work, and shows the circumstances of the Q-ship in her busiest period. As we set forth her wonderful story, so gallant, so sad, so victorious, and yet so nerve-trying, we shall see all manner of types engaged in this great adventure; but we cannot appreciate either the successes or losses until we have seen the birth and growth of the Q-ship idea. As this volume is the first effort to present the subject historically, we shall begin at the beginning by showing the causes which created the Q-ship. We shall see the consecutive stages of development and improvement, the evolution of new methods, and, indeed we may at once say it, of a new type of super-seamen. How did it all begin?

Turn your attention back to the Autumn of 1914. It was the sinking of the three Cressys (cruisers) on September 22 by U9 that taught Germany what a wonderful weapon of offence she had in the submarine.

[[Three British cruisers sunk by one German U-boat in one day at the same place in the same battle.]]

Five days later the first German submarine penetrated the Dover Straits. This was U18, who actually attacked the light cruiser Attentive. But it was not until October 20 that the first merchant ship, the British S.S. Glitra in the north sea, was sunk by a submarine. Six days later the French S.S. Amiral Ganteaume, with Belgian refugees, was attacked by a German submarine. A month passed, and on November 23 the S.S. Malachite was attacked by U21, and after being on fire sank. Three days later the S.S. Primo was sunk also by U21. It was thus perfectly clear that we had before us a most difficult submarine campaign to contend with, and that merchant ships would not be immune. On the last day of October H.M.S. Hermes was torpedoed off Calais, and on November 11 H.M.S. Niger had a similar fate near Deal.

What was to be done? The creation of what eventually became known as the Auxiliary Patrol, with its ever increasing force of armed yachts, trawlers, drifters, and motor craft; the use of destroyers and our own submarines formed part of the scheme. But even at this early stage the Q-ship idea came into being, though not actually under that name. Officially she was a Special-Service Ship, whose goings and comings were so mysterious that even among service men such craft were spoken of in great secrecy as mystery ships. This first mystery ship was the S.S.Vittoria, who was commissioned on November 29, 1914. She had all the appearance of an ordinary merchant ship, but she was armed, and went on patrol in the area where submarines had been reported. It was an entirely novel idea, and very few people knew anything about her. She never had any luck, and was paid off early in January, 1915, without ever having so much as sighted a submarine. The idea of decoy ships suggested itself to various naval officers during December 1914, and their suggestions reached the Admiralty. The basic plan was for the Admiralty to take up a number of merchantmen and fishing craft, arm them with a few light quick-firing guns, and then send them forth to cruise in likely submarine areas, flying neutral colours. This was perfectly legitimate under international law, provided that before opening fire on the enemy the neutral colours were lowered and the white ensign was hoisted. Seeing that the enemy was determined to sink merchantmen, the obvious reply was to send against them armed merchantmen, properly commissioned and armed, but outwardly resembling anything but a warship. Thus it came about that on January 27, 1915, the second decoy ship was commissioned. This was the Great Eastern Railway S.S. Antwerp (originally called Vienna) which operated in the English Channel. She was placed under the command of Lieut. Commander Godfrey Herbert, R.N., one of the most experienced and able officers of our submarine service. The choice was a happy one, for a submarine officer would naturally in his stalking be able to realize at once the limitations and possibilities of his opponent. It was a most difficult task, for the U-boats at this time were still very shy, and only took on certainties. Neither in boats nor in personnel had Germany yet any to spare, and there were periods when the submarine campaign fluctuated. Thus, day after day, week after week, went by, and Antwerp never had any chance. The enemy was now beginning to operate further afield, and at the end of January 1915, for the first time, a U-boat made its way up the Irish Sea as far as off Liverpool, and then, on February 18, was inaugurated the German Submarine Blockade. Shipping began to be sunk in various places, but the western end of the English Channel was now a favourite zone, especially in the neighbourhood of the Scillies; and it was with the hope of being taken for a merchant ship that Antwerp had come out from Falmouth and made her way westward. Thus, on March 12, we see her, about three o'clock in the afternoon, twelve miles north of the bishop rock lighthouse. A submarine was sighted steering in a northerly direction for a steamer on the horizon. Here, at length, was a chance. Twenty minutes later, Antwerp came up to a sailing ship, and found she had on board the officers and crew of the Ellerman liner Andalusian, which had been captured and scuttled 25 miles W.N.W. of the bishop rock. Antwerp continued her chase, and got within four miles of the Andalusian, still afloat, but then the submarine dived and was never sighted again. So Antwerp was never able to sink a submarine, and she was paid off on April 5, 1915 ...

Although the enemy made off and was not sunk, yet it showed that it was possible to fool German submarines by this disguise. The decoy-ship idea was not merely sound in principle, but it was practicable and was capable of being used as a valuable offensive weapon. Most of a year had passed since the beginning of war, and there were no decoy ship results to show except those which had been obtained by British submarines working in conjunction with, disguised trawlers. However, just as the seaman often finds the dawn preceded by a calm and followed by a breeze, so it was to be with the decoy ships ...

The dawn of a new period was about to take place, and this was followed by such a wind of events that if anyone had dared to doubt the value of this specialized naval warfare it was not long before such hesitation vanished. Disguised trawlers had in the meantime been further successful, but there were obviously greater possibilities for the disguised merchant ship, the collier and tramp types especially. But this all depended on three things : first, the right type of ship had to be selected very carefully and with regard to the trade route on which she would normally in the present conditions be likely to be found. For instance, it would have been utterly foolish to have sent a P. and O. liner to cruise up and down the waters of the Irish channel or an Atlantic liner up and down the north sea. Secondly, having once selected the right ship, much depended on the dockyard authorities responsible for seeing that she was fitted out adequately as to her fighting capabilities, yet externally never losing any of her essential mercantile appearance. This meant much clever designing, much engineering and constructive skill, and absolute secrecy. Thirdly, the right type of keen, subtle, patient, tough officer had to be found, full of initiative, full of resource, with a live, eager crew. Slackers, 'grousers,' and 'king's-hard-bargains' were useless ...

Who can avoid a feeling of intense admiration for the men who, year after year, were willing and eager to roll about the sea in a small sailing ship looking for the enemy, well knowing that the enemy had all the advantage of speed, handiness, and armament ...

These Q-ship sailing men deserve much for what they voluntarily endured. Quite apart from the bad weather, the uncomfortable quarters on board, the constant trimming of sheets and alteration of course off an unlit coast, there was always the possibility that some U-boat's crew would, after sinking the schooner, cut the throats of these British seamen. The Q-ship crews knew this, and on certain occasions when U-boat prisoners were taken by our ships the Germans did not conceal this fact. Life in these sailing craft was something quite different from that in a battleship with its wardroom, its cheery society, and a comfortable cabin to turn into. In the latter, with powerful turbines and all the latest navigational instruments, bad weather meant little inconvenience. After all it is the human element which is the deciding factor, and the Q-ship service certainly wore out officers and men at a great pace. It is indeed difficult to imagine any kind of seafaring more exacting both physically and nervously. But the navy pressed into its use also sailing smacks, and sent them out to sea. This began at Lowestoft in August 1915. In that neighbourhood submarines had been doing a great deal of damage to the local fishing ketches, so it was decided to commission four of these smacks, arm them, strengthen their fishing crew with a few active service ratings for working the gun, and let the craft resume their fishing among the other smacks. With any luck at all a German submarine should come along, and then would follow the surprise. The original fishermen crews were only too delighted to have an opportunity of getting their own back, and these excellent fellows certainly were afforded some good sport. So well did the idea work that within a very few days the smacks G. and E. engaged one submarine, and the Inverlyon sank U4. During the same month the smack Pet fought a submarine, and on September 7 Inverlyon had a fight with another.

And still the Admiralty were not over optimistic as to the capabilities of the decoy ship, and had to be convinced of the real worth of this novel idea. However, an incident happened on August 19 which was so successful and so significant that it entirely changed the official mind, and all kinds of craft were suggested as suitable decoys. Some thought that oil tankers would have made ideal bait: so they would, but such ships were few in number and too valuable. Others suggested yachts, and actually these were used for intelligence work in the Bay of Biscay. Many other schemes, too, were brought forward, but they were not always practicable, or had to be discarded for particular reasons.

In March 1915, the Admiralty had taken up the S.S. Baralong, a typical 'three-island' tramp, as a decoy. For nearly six months she had been cruising about and had already steamed 12,000 miles, but during the afternoon of August 19 she was at last to have her chance. This was an historic day in the submarine campaign, for in that area between the south-west coast of Ireland and the western end of the English Channel eight British steamers were sunk, including the 15,801-ton White Star Liner Arabic. It is quite certain that there was more than one submarine operating, and they had reaped a good harvest on the 17th. In the hope of falling in with one of these U-boats, the Baralong found herself in Lat. 50.22 n., Long. 8.7 w. (that is, about a hundred miles south of Queenstown), steering on an easterly course. She was disguised as a United States cargo ship with American colours painted on boards on her sides. These boards were made so that they could be hauled in, and the ensign staff would fall away as soon as the ship should go into action with the white ensign hoisted. At three in the afternoon Baralong sighted a steamer manoeuvring rather strangely, and almost immediately picked up a wireless S.O.S. signal from her. Baralong therefore now altered course towards her, and the two ships were soon steering so that they would presently meet. Then a submarine was sighted about seven miles off heading towards the steamer, whom she was shelling. By this time the crew of the steamer, which was the Leyland liner Nicosian, were rowing about in the ship's boats, and towards these the Baralong was seen to be approaching, but the submarine U27, which had a 22-pounder forward of the high conning-tower, and a similar gun aft, steered so as to come along Nicosians port side and towards the latter's boats, apparently to prevent Baralong rescuing the men. One who was present told me the full story, and I made notes and a sketch at the time. This is what happened:

As soon as the submarine was blanketed by Nicosian, the Baralong who was now roughly parallel with the other two craft, struck her American colours, hoisted the White Ensign, and trained her guns ready for the moment when the submarine should show herself ahead of Nicosian's bows. In a few seconds U27 came along, and had the greatest of all surprises. Range was only 100 yards, and 12-pounder shells, accompanied by rifle fire, came hurtling along, penetrating the craft on the waterline below the conning-tower before the enemy could reply. The conning-tower went up in the air, panic stricken Germans jumped into the sea, the submarine heeled over, and in about another minute sank for good and all. The whole incident had happened so quickly that Nicosian's people were as surprised as they were amused. The whole of Baralong's tactics had been so simple yet so clever and effective; deliverance from the enemy had followed the sudden attack so dramatically, that it was not easy to realize quite all that had happened. Nicosian had been holed by the German shells, but Baralong took her in tow and headed for Avonmouth. She was down by the head and the tow-rope parted during the night, but she managed to get to port all right. The sinking of this U27 was a most useful piece of work, for her captain, Lieut.-Commander Wegener, was one of Germany's best submarine commanders; she had left Germany a fortnight before. This incident, with many of its details, reached Germany via the U.S.A.; for Nicosian was carrying a cargo of mules from across the Atlantic to be used by our army, and some of the muleteers were American citizens.

The book is entitled -- Q-Ships and their story.
Written by E. Keble Chatterton

I find many passages in History that remind me of the Young White Men of today -- constantly lied to and constantly expected to eat it up and be stupid and obedient -- and then called upon to be heroes by the same societies that treated them like dogs last year.


Incidentally, I was very unhappy with the Badoogle version of that last VOI cover which I uploaded. I have since put it into my drive at Badoogle and here is the link ...


Markel Peters










I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message.
Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.



























Labels Of All Posted Messages--A Way To Search Through Messages By Labels

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed


This blog exists to inform the People, of the 'Real Truth' about the real enemies of the Human Species. These Truths are not objectionable, as they are Truths. Only the telling of them can be objectionable, to those who wish to hide the Truth. If the Truth is something you HATE and therefore object to - go elsewhere!


Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!


The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.