Thank You Very Much, South Carolina!
I Was Hoping That Would Happen!
As soon as I heard that it might happen -- I started to hope that it would happen.
I really could not be happier!
Congratulations to Newt Gingrich!
Now, would someone get rid of the Big Rat ?!!!
I am not allowed to eat it, because that might upset some delicate sensitivities.
So, Please -- Remove -- The Big Rat.
This is a swamp with Class, I will have you to know.
My question now is -- "Is there room enough in the heart of Newt Gingrich, for a Vice-President Rick Santorum?"
Because, a Political Ticket of GINGRICH//SANTORUM would be indestructible !!!!
Someone has got to make it clear, that ModoRats are about as welcome in the Real World, as turds are in a swimming pool! A Gingrich//Santorum Republican Ticket will do exactly that!
And please, no more Multiple Choice. Rats feed on the Multiple Choice Pack. Also, this seesaw ride is giving me Jet Lag. The entire matter should have been decided before the Primaries, by the People! The Primaries should just be a formal confirmation of the People's Choice. THAT is how you destroy DemoCraps.
Markel Peters