Have your granddaughters explain it to you.
REAL WOMEN -- This is of particular interest to you. If you have survived reading about the Hungarian Revolution, then you are ready to read this. Both the Hungarian Revolution and the Chernobyl Nuclear Accident were instrumental in the downfall of the Soviet Empire.
In many ways, the Chernobyl Accident was a political meltdown of the Soviet Union, just as the National Debt Accident is a political meltdown of the Homosexual/Democrats.
Ladies, this account is not pretty. It cannot be done in Reality, and be so. The following contains Real Pictures, all of which were available at the time that this report was made.
You Real Women vote. Not always wisely, not always objectively; but that is because -- You Seldom Know What The Hell Is Really Going On In The World. If you watch the Satan Tube, you will never know anything that those swine do not want you to know -- and then, only through their twisted and perverted viewpoints.
Voting -- counts once. One 'Atta Girl!'
Voting wisely -- counts twice. Two 'Atta Girls!'
Voting wisely, and for the Human Species -- counts thrice. Three 'Atta Girls!'
So listen and learn. Even though the going will get rough.
When this report was made, I looked upon Chernobyl as a Great Warning. I did not, however, consider it to be a conclusive condemnation of Nuclear Energy. The aftermath of Chernobyl was horrific, but self-made horrors are what this world is famous for.
Now, with the catastrophe at Fukushima, the door is starting to close on the future of Nuclear Energy.
I will put it in salty colloquial terms. Which I just learned yesterday, by the way.
Nuclear Energy is a -- "No one can have his head up his ass, or we are all dead!" -- technology.
When you look at the maps of Fukushima, which I have included here, look at the details of the floor, and shelf of the Pacific Ocean. You will notice that just off the coast from Fukushima, the elevation of the floor of the Pacific Ocean drops dramatically. That is where the continental shelf (an area near the coast that is not too deep), ends and the real depths of the ocean begin. Along that line is a world famous earthquake fault line.
Here is a map of the global earthquake epicenters.
Japan cannot even be seen on this map, because it is completely buried underneath earthquake epicenters.
Here is a location map of the Nuclear Reactors that are within range of the March 11, 2011 Earthquake.
The point is -- the location of those nuclear reactors is far from ideal. They are an accident waiting to happen.
I will give you a boost here about how to understand seismic events. Go to these websites --
These two sites are constant monitors about seismic activities.
This one, tells you how to use the IRIS site and the USGS sites above.
For more about seismic events, see the Notes section below.
As the 'Satan Tubers' are forbidden to read any Truth, or look at Real Pictures, there is no worry about this account driving any of them over the brink from Insanity into Berserker status.
There is no 'Satan Tube' fakery, or schmaltz (from the 'creative writing' department at the Inversity of Mordor) in this report -- therefore the lunatics that think they can know the Truth, and still watch TV, should beware.
This is the report which the SQLD Masters have not wanted anyone, other than the class that saw it, to ever know about. The file date is May 12, 1999. It is obviously the work of a Serious Man -- and according to the Malicious Manifestos of the Demented White Females (DWC) -- which includes Any Democrap Female -- there are not supposed to be any Real Men left alive or out-of-prison on this Planet!!!!
Especially, not one that opposes the SQLD. Satan Forbid!
That is why the Vilesack Bitch wants to get rid of Steve King, here in the Real Iowa ...
Anything Real -- is forbidden by those who deal in Political Charades and Political Circuses. Especially, as Reality always puts the Lie to their deceptions, and falsehoods, and hoaxes.
Map of Fukushima radiation, as of 04-11-2011.
I have put the latest map of Fukushima radiation, as of 04-26-2011, on the cover of this website.
In my final year at the University, I had to take a class on making presentations. To this day, no one except myself knows why I went to that University, and got that Environmental Sciences degree.
No one, except myself, could see the future.
This future.
I chose the topic of the Nuclear Accident at Chernobyl. The rest of the class chose Satan Tube topics, showing that they were totally brainwashed. I had to struggle mightily to stay awake during their presentations. And then, I gave my presentation. I tried to be nice about it, but it is so grotesque to see Satan Tubers when Reality hits them in the face.
Watching those TV Zombies react, while I told them what really happened at Chernobyl, was one of my worst experiences at that University.
The information and photographs, which are in this report, came from the Internet, magazines and book sources that existed at the time this report was made. I doubt if any of those sources still exist. The Socialist Masters, of such scum as HObama The Black Terror Puppet, will have destroyed or killed those sources by now. This is what I mean, when I say that all Humans must save as much Human Information as they can -- whenever they can.
This report was made as a moving presentation, with pictures and words moving across the screen, as I explained many different things that were not included in the wording. You will see the final images, the results of all of the moving paragraphs and pictures. In this way, there are 56 images to be discussed.
If you have a weak constitution, like the US Constitution after the Queer DemoCraps are through with it, you had better stop reading -- here.
To me, this is just Reality. Existing for 13 minutes in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone is far worse than spending a lifetime with the Victims Of Chernobyl.
I lived in the HBHZ for thirteen years. By the way the Horrids there, are trying to put an openly Queer Monkey onto the (less-supreme-than-anyone-else) Court of MassInsanity, at this very moment.
It is a very good thing that we got rid of three of those Queer Monkeys, here in Iowa. Just in time.
I will explain these frames, one-by-one. In the process the story will be told.
At the time, this was the most prevalent symbol about Radiation Hazards on the Internet. I added the clouds and sky blue background to reinforce the idea that deadly radiation, from nuclear power plant accidents, is most widely spread as an airborne contaminant. The choice of the Laplanders, as examples of the destruction caused by the accident, was not one of convenience. A single source mentioned that their herds had been decimated. At the time there was little information about their plight, and the indexing systems of the Internet were not as well tuned as they are today. Often I had to try circuitous methods to uncover information about the Laplanders, and the effects of Chernobyl upon them. The information about this context was often buried within other accounts, and not indexed as such.
2 - 4.
These are just the Table of Contents. As each line appeared on the screen, I gave a brief introduction to that topic.
This is 'The Man' -- Grigori Medvedev. This story, as with many true stories, has a Hero. Unlike some true stories, except for war stories, this story accumulates more Heroes -- as they die.
This frame reads -- "Ten years before the accident, he tried to publish a book called 'The Expert Opinion' to warn the world about the Chernobyl type of Russian reactors. After considerable hardship he finally persuaded the KBG to allow him to publish the book and it was put to press in April of 1986 -- the month of the Chernobyl Accident."
7 - 8.
For about five minutes I explained what Glasnost and Perestroika are, and how they pertained to the book by Medvedev.
Here are some brief explanations about Perestroika and Glasnost. For those of you who are too young to remember these events, it was really big stuff in those days. I suppose most of us knew that the Soviet Union would have to fall, sooner or later. They did a really good job of keeping up an offensive front, and they were brutal enough to crush any internal oppositions that might have upset their applecart. But, the Soviet Union was internally imbalanced and decaying badly. The dream of a 'Worker's Soviet' had never reached fruition. It was systematically replaced, and never allowed to occur, by every kind of corruption and cruelty that should not have happened. Chernobyl was just an inevitable tombstone, which the Soviet Union was destined to lay alongside of.
perestroika - an economic policy adopted in the former Soviet Union; intended to increase automation and labor efficiency but it led eventually to the end of central planning in the Russian economy.
economic policy - a government policy for maintaining economic growth and tax revenues.
(the freedictionary.com)
glasnost - a policy of the Soviet government allowing freer discussion of social problems.
social policy - a policy for dealing with social issues.
Moscow - After decades of Soviet despotism and lack of freedom, Mikhail Gorbachev launched an historic reform agenda shortly after becoming general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) in 1985.
His policies of "glasnost" (openness) and "perestroika" (restructuring) were aimed at preserving and invigorating the moribund Soviet economic and political systems. He granted more freedoms to Soviet citizens, who were used to rigid government control, and broke numerous taboos.
With a candour the Kremlin had never known before, Gorbachev laid crimes committed under Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin bare, particularly the executions in 1940 of thousands of Polish military officers in Katyn Forest in western Russia.
He disclosed a secret protocol to the 1939 German-Soviet non-aggression pact that divided Northern and Eastern Europe into German and Soviet spheres of influence. And in 1988 he ordered the withdrawal of Soviet forces from Afghanistan after a decade-long war.
Gorbachev allowed members of the Warsaw Pact, the military alliance then linking the Soviet Union and six communist states in Eastern Europe, to determine their form of government themselves.
Previous reform movements there had been bloodily suppressed, most notably the "Prague Spring" in Czechoslovakia in 1968 and the revolt in Hungary in 1956. The new freedoms brought the Cold War to an end and, in 1990, German reunification.
While honoured abroad for his courageous initiatives - in 1990 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize - Gorbachev came under increasing fire at home.
Among his controversial moves was an anti-alcohol campaign. He was also severely rebuked around the world for being slow to publicly acknowledge the gravity of the 1986 accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Many Russians still view Gorbachev as a ditherer who plunged the country into chaos.
The dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 also spelled the end of the Gorbachev era.
(Posted by Earth Times Staff)
As perestroika was failing, the two policies designed to promote it, glasnost and demokratizatsiya , were moving out of control. To mobilize the populace in support of perestroika , Gorbachev and his aide Aleksandr Yakovlev introduced glasnost , a policy of liberalized information flow aimed at publicizing the corruption and inefficiency of Brezhnev's policies and colleagues -- qualities that the Russian public long had recognized and accepted in its leadership, but that had never been acknowledged by the Kremlin. Like perestroika , this policy had unintended results. Gorbachev had meant to shape the new information emanating from his government in a way that would encourage political participation in support of his economic and social programs. Instead, the process of calling into question the whole Stalinist system inevitably led to questions about the wisdom of Lenin, the man who had allowed Stalin to rise in the first place. Because Lenin was the undisputed founder of the Soviet Union, the process then moved even farther as open questioning signified that somehow the Soviet Union, supposedly immune to such doubts, had lost its raison d'être. [[ Reason for existence ]]
The official announcement of glasnost, scheduled for mid-1986, was overtaken by an event that lent new meaning to the term. In April 1986, a reactor explosion at the Chernobyl' Nuclear Power Station, located in northern Ukraine, covered Belorussia, the Baltics, parts of Russia, and Scandinavia with a cloud of radioactive dust. The efforts to contain the accident and its attendant publicity were handled with exceptional ineptitude, setting glasnost back by six months as official news sources scrambled to control the flow of information to the public.
Despite the clumsy reaction of the Soviet government to the Chernobyl episode, Gorbachev turned the accident in his favor by citing it as an example of the need for economic perestroika . Taking their cue from Gorbachev, throughout the Soviet Union the news media reported numerous examples of mismanagement of resources, waste, ecological damage, and the effects of this damage on public health. In the Soviet republics, these revelations had the unintended effect of accelerating the formation of popular fronts pushing for autonomy or independence.
The officially controlled phase of glasnost began the examination of "blank pages" in Soviet history. Literary journals filled up with long-suppressed works by writers such as Anna Akhmatova, Joseph Brodsky, Mikhail Bulgakov, Boris Pasternak, and Andrey Platonov. Newspapers and magazines carried stories of Stalin-era acts of repression, concentration camps, and mass graves. The works of Marxist theoretician Nikolay Bukharin, shot in 1938 for alleged rightist deviation, appeared. By revealing communist party crimes against the Soviet peoples, and the peasants in particular, glasnost further undermined Soviet federalism and contributed to the breakup of the Soviet Union.
The books by Medvedev were not available to me when the Chernobyl report was written (1999 A.D.)
The Truth About Chernobyl (1991 A.D.)
>>>>>Amazon Review<<<<< This dramatic, minute-by-minute account of the Chernobyl meltdown and its aftermath provides a detailed analysis of the causes of the disaster at the Soviet power station which became a "gigantic nuclear volcano" in April 1986, spewing out radioactivity. Former deputy chief engineer at Chernobyl, Medvedev cites design flaws that could spell catastrophe for similarly built plants. He also blames the accident on plant operators' faulty decision-making, made worse by flagrant safety violations; arrogant, careless managers; the "sheer insanity" of the plant's administrative system; and negligence at the highest levels of the Soviet energy bureaucracy. Interweaving the jolting testimony of eyewitnesses, participants and victims, this volume is invaluable.
No Breathing Room (1994 A.D.) 224 pages
>>>>>Amazon Review<<<<< Medvedev, who presented a shocking eyewitness account of the 1986 nuclear plant disaster in The Truth About Chernobyl , here describes his efforts during the 1970s and '80s to publicize nuclear hazards. A nuclear engineer in the former Soviet Union who was treated for radiation sickness in 1971, he fought the censors, mostly in vain, to publish articles about official cover-ups of nuclear accidents, radioactive contamination of large areas of land and the increasing contamination of air, food and water. Medvedev describes his battle against bureaucracy and censorship in often tedious detail. A stinging indictment of the secrecy, corruption and incompetence that led to the Chernobyl meltdown, this book includes an extensive introduction in which Marples ( The Social Impact of the Chernobyl Disaster ) warns of the dangers of nuclear energy in the post-Soviet world.
Bronzage Nucleaire (1995 A.D.) 228 pages
Subject headings: Ukraine / Ecology, Environment, Nuclear Disaster, Pollution, Russia, USSR, Russia (Federation) / Nuclear accidents, Soil pollution, Air Pollution.
It sounds like a re-issue of Truth About Chernobyl. I cannot find any versions other than French.
The early books by Medvedev are not mentioned on the Internet.
Grigori Medvedev cannot be found in Wikipedia.
Similar to Fukushima, Chernobyl had four reactors together on one site. Unlike Fukushima, Chernobyl was not operated with sufficient intelligence. In both cases, the accident was not directly due to the design of the reactors. Medvedev however, reveals that the design of Chernobyl was an accident waiting to happen -- given a close enough proximity to a 'Critical Mass' of Idiots.
This photo shows the Chernobyl site after the accident.
This is a model of what the Chernobyl site looked like before the accident.
This frame reads -- "In the Ukraine, the Soviet goal was to have sixty percent of the country powered by nuclear energy by the year 2000." This presents a picture of the Russian planners as being very naive and inept -- very sure that Communism can achieve anything!
A diagram of the Chernobyl reactor. As Medvedev said, the control rods were too short, but they did not cause the accident. They did, however, make any accident more difficult to control.
14 - 15.
Control rods are long rods of material, that when inserted into the nuclear reactor chamber, oppose the radioactive reaction that is happening there. The more they are involved in the chamber, the less the reaction occurs.
This frame reads -- "The Chernobyl reactor was situated on the Pripyat river so its wastewater fed down to the reservoir for the city of Kiev. From there the reservoir emptied out into the main artery of the Dnieper river -- a major Asia waterway."
As you can imagine -- the potential for ecological disaster due to any radioactive runoff from Chernobyl was great.
This frame reads -- "In the Soviet Union each reactor had its own support community. The town for Chernobyl was called 'Pripyat'. It had a population of more than 40,000 -- and the median age of the town was in the mid-twenties. The town is now a complete wasteland -- unoccupied and dead."
This frame reads -- "The Chernobyl accident occurred on the eve of the May Day Celebrations which were going to be held in the city of Kiev -- 140 kilometers to the south of the reactor."
May Day is a somewhat ambiguous celebration, which had its origins in ancient cultures, but for political reasons (especially labor parties) it has been resurrected as a time to demand shorter daily working hours. It usually occurs on the first day of May.
As you might expect, in DemoTopia it has been invaded by every psychopathic and perverted disease-group that exists, to the point of becoming a stench in the streets, instead of a Human celebration of anything.
I am also including here a map showing a larger area around Chernobyl.
This frame reads -- "At Chernobyl the engineers tried an experiment -- they wanted to see if the cooling system could get its electrical power while it was 'coasting' down to a sleep state -- even if the outside power grid was shut off and the backup generators were shut off -- normally the cooling system does not use power from the reactor once it begins to 'coast'."
The power plant managers were worried about a one minute gap in power for the cooling system, which would occur if there was a Power Grid shutdown while the backup generators were off. So they tried to simulate such an event, to see if they could use the reactor itself to power the cooling system during that one minute period.

The Coastdown of a reactor is officially described by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission as -- "An action that permits the reactor power level to decrease gradually as the fuel in the core is depleted."
To put the accident in 'layman's terms' -- the experiment proved one thing -- as the reactor at Chernobyl 'coasted' to a sleep state, it could not provide enough electrical power to run the cooling system. But, in the process of trying to simulate a Power Grid shutdown, with the backup generators off, they performed a ludicrous series of blunders that literally put the reactor into catatonic fits. It began to superheat instead, because the cooling system had already made it cold enough to slide down into a sleep state, and they had allowed it to almost go comatose, and then jacked its power back up for the experiment to work. A procedure that was way out of acceptable practices. At that moment, the cooling system became useless and the reactor began to ramp up to 'meltdown temperatures'. The sources for electricity to restart the cooling system had been deliberately disconnected -- the backup generators and the main power grid -- but even if they had been immediately available the accident was starting and it progressed by seconds, not by minutes. There was no time to reverse the effect. Someone, now dead, tried to manually SCRAM the reactor to save the situation, but no one knows who. Chernobyl raged quickly into a Nuclear Meltdown and explosion.
Abyssal recklessness. The very definition of 'Reckless Behavior'.
The explanation found at the Wikipedia website below, tries to make matters more clear, but it is still complicated; and there is missing information due to fatalities. This report is also hamstrung by the secrecy surrounding the real death tolls. It does explain how a later Soviet investigation of the accident placed the blame on the short control rods (as Mikhail had warned), and tried to exonerate the Soviet operators of the plant. In that report the blame is placed on the reactor for not responding to its controls, as was expected. That is clearly a case of elephant herders, not knowing what end of the elephant they are at. Or, how an elephant reacts.
If there is any validity to their report, Chernobyl was a wild white elephant from the day it was built, with none of its operators educated enough to control it, once they had unleashed it. If it could be controlled.
As we must all know, Soviets can do no wrong. So ... who made the control rods too short? Santa Clause?
These are photos of the control rooms at Chernobyl.
As you can see from this map, Chernobyl was situated between the Ukraine and Belarus. Except for Kiev, the area was rural. Which is where most countries put their nuclear reactors. I have yet to see a nuclear reactor situated next to a Capital Building, anywhere.
This frame reads -- "With the intensity of a volcano the reactor's core shot upwards spreading radiation as high as nine kilometers into the atmosphere. A conservative estimate is that forty times as much radiation was released by Chernobyl as was dispersed by both the Nagasaki and Hiroshima nuclear explosions of World War II."
This is one of the stock photos of the Victims Of Chernobyl; a child born with radiation-caused birth defects.
This frame reads -- "That morning no one warned the town of Pripyat or the City of Kiev. Everyone in Pripyat went about their usual business -- saturated in radioactive Iodine and Cesium -- until the town was evacuated forty hours later. On April 28, 1986 the TASS News Agency gave out a two-line statement that said there had been an accident. On April 30, 1986 the Soviet press was allowed to report that there was an accident, but only a small one. By now hundreds of fire fighters and coal miners were fighting the volcano that had once been Reactor #4."
This is a photo showing the blown out sides of the Chernobyl reactor. "A small accident."
This frame reads -- "On May 1, 1986 the May Day Parade went ahead as schedualed in Kiev -- the city was soaked in deadly radiation. On May 2, 1986 two Politburo officials visited the reactor and Pripyat -- they ordered an evacuation of all people within a thirty kilometer radius. The evacuees were forced to retreat along a path that ran directly under the Fallout Cloud -- which was moving due northwest into the neighboring country of Belarus. By May 5, 1986 the Iodine 131 fallout from the accident had reached Japan and America. Four hundred and fifty types of radiation were thrown into the upper atmosphere by the explosion."
This map shows some of the Radiation Hot Spots that existed in Russia, Belarus and the Ukraine due to the Chernobyl accident.
This frame reads -- "On May 14, 1986 Mikhail Gorbachev reports the accident but says there are only 31 dead and 299 victims hospitalized. In August 1986 the Soviets send a man named Legasov to tell the IAEA in Vienna that the accident was the result of an incredible series of blunders. Belarus (just north of Chernobyl) has a population of ten million -- all are radiated -- their southern farming region of Gomel gets hit the worst. Terrible amounts of Iodine 131 fall on Gomel causing horrendous genetic deformities in new born children and many deaths from radiation poisoning."
These maps show the radiation fallout patterns from the Chernobyl Accident, both in Europe and Worldwide.
This frame reads -- "By 1990 5,772 construction workers, coal miners, and fire fighters are dead from radiation poisoning. Of the reserve army units that are ordered into the evacuated zones to secure the area, 7000 are either dead or expected to die from radiation poisoning. The real 'official death list' is "stolen", and the death count remains officially at 31. In 1987 Gorbachev launches his major campaign of Glasnost and Perestroika for the world to see and admire. To his surprise the Soviet Union promptly begins to dissolve into separate nations -- all of which condemn Communism."
[[ Remember the Hungarian Revolution? ]]
These are more of the stock photos about the Victims Of Chernobyl. I am sure that there are some 'Cheeseburger-molesting Moderates' that will say that these pictures are awful -- but they are nothing. Nothing when compared to the Horrid sights that are put out by the SQLD medias these days; to mollify and condition the dead brains of the TV Watchers; to dull their senses and program their thinking so as not to be shocked; shocked at the hideous sights of media creatures parading in the dead streets of dead cities.
The awful sight of an innocent Human Baby being held in the claws of a Faggot Rock Star, with its Faggot Accomplice grinning like Tim Gill next to it (both pretending to be Adopters), is far more horrible than anything which these pictures show.
This frame reads -- "As the Soviet Union disintegrates in 1988 the government has still not admitted to the effects of the Chernobyl accident. A wave of 'National Alienation' sweeps across the remnants of Soviet Identity. On April 27, 1988 Legasov (sickened by the Soviet denials and the extent of the damage to civilians of the Ukraine and Belarus) commits suicide. By 1990 the Soviet government has 700,000 radiation victims in hospitals. In 1991 the mortality rate in the Ukraine exceeds the birth rate -- sending shock waves everywhere."
[[ Everywhere it is allowed to be known. ]]
[[ Remember, at this time the Soviet Union was in an advanced state of Communist Corruption and Decay -- a horrible national condition -- which is very similar to the advanced state of Socialist Corruption and Decay which the Homosexual/Democrats want here in America. DemoTopia. ]]
Valery Legasov. Quote -- "It is easy to imagine the enemy is the nuclear reactor, but the enemy is not technology," he said. "I have come to the paradoxical conclusion that technology must be protected from man."
This report gives a more realistic summary of the cost in Human lives of the accident -- "There is no consensus over the death toll. After the initial explosion 28 people died, mostly fire-fighters, from radiation or thermal burns, another 60 or so died in the years that followed. A 2005 UN health agency report estimated that about 9,300 people will die from cancers caused by Chernobyl's radiation. Some groups, such as Greenpeace, say the toll has been grossly underestimated. Their report, based on Belarus national cancer statistics, predicts 270,000 cancers and 93,000 fatal cancer cases directly attributable to the nuclear explosion. Radiation has had a devastating effect on survivors; damaging immune and endocrine systems, leading to accelerated aging, cardiovascular and blood illnesses. With the temporary sarcophagus likely to leak for its remaining five years of existence, the total death toll could reach over 200,000."
More pictures of the Victims Of Chernobyl, children with radiation caused birth defects, mostly from Belarus and the Ukraine.
This frame reads -- "In 1991 both Belarus and the Ukraine revolt against the Soviets and declare their independence, partly on the back of the Chernobyl Ghost. To more than one billion Europeans and Asians the word 'Chernobyl' means 'Death' -- man-made 'Death' -- the two words are used interchangeably, constantly. On April 13, 1995 the Ukraine president states that Chernobyl will be closed forever by the year 2000. The embryonic 'environmental movement' in the new Russia catapults to the status of a major power block as news leaks out of the immense damage done to Europe and Russia by the Chernobyl accident."
[[ And why? Why did the people not know about these facts already? Answer: Because they were watching 'State Run TV'. Just like the Zombies here in America watch 'Queer Run TV'. ]]
This frame reads -- "Back at Chernobyl the entire forest for a 30 kilometers radius around the reactor and Pripyat is uprooted and buried enmass. Across the Hemisphere -- from Greece to Norway and from Spain to Siberia -- hundreds of thousands of babies are deliberately aborted by mothers who fear giving birth to deformed children."
To put it simply, radiation causes the deformation of the DNA chains of embryos. There is no way of telling what the effects will be, until the child is born.
[[ I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever -- that if the Anuses, Perverts and Alchemists (APA) could find a way to cause Predictable Mutations -- they would use radiation treatments (or any other kind of tortures or alterations possible) to produce an army of Queers. They would then plant those mutated children all over society, carry out a false study with those children in it, and then declare to the World that "Babies ARE Born Queer!" ]]
[[ And, you want those monsters touching your mind???? ]]
This frame reads -- "As Boris Yeltsin takes control of the new Russia and Mikhail Gorbachev leaves his position as head of the Communist Party -- the world has experienced the worst man-made disaster in known history. No age group is immune. The devastation is 'Species Total'. 600 million Europeans and Asians have been directly effected by the Chernobyl accident. Four million nine hundred thousand Russians have been directly poisoned and deformed by the fallout from Chernobyl. 130,000 square kilometers of Russia and Belarus are considered too hot for Human inhabitation."
There is not too much information available about the Laplanders. This excerpt is from 'thefreedictionary.com' --
Region of Europe within the Arctic Circle in Norway, Sweden, Finland, and the Kola Peninsula of northwest Russia, without political definition. Its chief resources are chromium, copper, iron, timber, hydroelectric power, and tourism. The indigenous population are the Saami (formerly known as Lapps), 10% of whom are nomadic, the remainder living mostly in coastal settlements. Lapland has low temperatures, with two months of continuous daylight in summer and two months of continuous darkness in winter. There is summer agriculture.
The Saami (or Lapp)
The Saami number over 60,000 (1996 est). They tend large reindeer herds which move from region to region depending on the season, and which provide meat, milk, and skins; horn and bone are used in the souvenir industry. Linguistically related to the Finno-Ugrian peoples, the Saami are short in stature with high cheekbones, wide mouths, small, elongated eyes, snub noses and dark hair. They were originally nomadic, roaming the Scandinavian and Kola peninsulas, but by the 1990s only 10% of the Sammi were estimated to follow a nomadic way of life. There are various groups including the Lule, Northern, Pite, Southern, and Ume Saami. The use of the Saami language in schools is encouraged.
The Saami are believed to have come originally either from Siberia or from central Europe. They have declined in numbers in Lapland as the numbers of Norwegian, Swedish, and Finnish settlers have increased, and from the 13th to 17th centuries the Saami were in a state of subservience to the Swedish adventurers, the Birkarlians. They now form only a small proportion of the population of Lapland. Many of them live by hunting, fishing, reindeer herding, and handicrafts, though in coastal settlements there is more scope for cultivation and trade.
These maps show the Fallout Cloud patterns from Chernobyl of April 26 to May 6, 1986. It starts by dosing Belarus and Scandinavia with radiation, but by May 6 it is flowing southeast towards Turkey, having sprayed Central Europe and Russia in the process.
Here is a brief description of the Reindeer species being discussed. They are also called Caribou.
A highly nomadic species, caribou may travel 5,000 km / 3,000 miles in a year, the longest documented movements of any terrestrial mammal. In addition, most populations undertake extensive migrations in the spring and fall, travelling. During these migrations, herds move at a rate of 19-55 kilometers / 11-33 miles per day. The caribou's maximum running speed is 60-80 kmph / 36-48 mph. When walking, a tendon in the foot slips over a bone producing a clicking sound. Amplified due to numbers, a migrating herd of caribou sounds like a bunch of castanets gone crazy! Caribou are excellent swimmers, and will readily cross large rivers or lakes. When swimming, adults can maintain a speed of 6.5 kmph / 4 mph, and when pressed can swim at 10 kmph / 6 mph. The sense of smell is the most heavily relied upon to find food and located danger, as the senses of sight and hearing are not well developed. During winter, caribou paw through the snow to reach the vegetation hidden beneath. Vocalizations include an alarmed snort, a bawl, and a grunting roar (made by rutting males). Population densities are very sparse - generally 0.5 animals per square kilometer of suitable habitat. However, during the migration period, concentrations may exceed 19,000 animals per square kilometer!
This frame reads -- "The entire economy and lifestyle of the Laplander Peoples is linked to their Reindeer. Their problem comes from the fact that lichen (the main food of Reindeer) absorbs all forms of radiation and does not store it away in the roots -- out of the food chain. Instead, the radioactive matter stays in the upper lichen material. This transfers the radioactivity to the Reindeer -- causing their radiation levels to exceed the allowable minimum standards by very large percentages."
This frame shows the lichen food of the Reindeers, the disposition of Cesium fallout from Chernobyl over Scandinavia, and a Laplander before Chernobyl.
This frame reads -- "On April 26, 1986 the Laplanders had their herds up in the mountain pastures getting fat. When they were brought down for slaughter in the Autumn -- the word was out that Chernobyl had spread fallout across Europe. The Reindeer slaughtered that year were measured for Cesium and exceeded the maximum levels by as much as 13,300 percent. Of the 21,000 Reindeer slaughtered for meat that year -- only 5000 were fit to eat. The remainder were destroyed or fed to mink farms."
These are some more pictures of the Laplanders and their Reindeer.
This frame reads -- "Affected forever by a dead empire -- their lives permanently changed for the worse by the stupidities and greeds of another people -- the Laplanders must now exist from day to day without the major source of their daily food and clothing -- Reindeer. The Swedish government originally vowed to help their own Laplanders to the tune of $20,000,000 annually. That promise has been withdrawn."
More photographs of Chernobyl, and the Children. The deformed child on the lower left was born, screamed, and died.
[[ Unknownst to the audience, I did bring a supply of barf bags and smelling-salt ampule with me to the class, in case anyone needed first aid. Instead however, they all went into 'Satan Tuber Shock' (STS), and froze up. Their breathing became shallow, their eyes became alive for the first time in decades, and they all turned several shades more pale. It was really ugly. That always happens whenever a Satan Tuber sees something Real. ]]
This frame reads -- "As the continent is ravaged by radiation diseases and mutants are born alive only to scream to death within an hour -- as thousands of doomed children fill the hospitals of the Ukraine and Western Russia far beyond capacity -- the Laplanders must look to their own genetic endangerment. The Cesium 137 which threatens the actual genocide of the Laplander peoples must be stopped at all costs -- no herd is spared."
A typical herd of Laplander Reindeer.
This frame reads -- "With a half-life of 30 years the Cesium 137 which the Reindeer now carry will still be at dangerous levels for more than a decade after the Chernobyl accident. This means that most of the Reindeer will be impossible to slaughter for as long as it takes for their Cesium levels to drop below maximum allowable levels. Many will actually die of old age rather than the slaughterhouses -- something new for Lapland. The economy of the Laplanders is thus severely altered by the loss of the Reindeer from the market."
51 - 52.
These frames read -- "Before the accident the Laplanders sold large portions of their yearly slaughters to the southern Scandinavians. This brought them a good income and allowed them to keep up with the rest of Europe technologically -- as much as they wanted to, of course. Now that export market is wiped out and the fortunes of the Laplanders have taken a drastic turn for the worse. Radiation is not the only enemy of the Laplanders."
A deformed calf, Chernobyl style, and some pictures of Reindeers and Laplanders.
This frame reads -- "With the lichen absorbing any radiation which they receive from the rains, the Reindeers and the Laplanders are amongst the most radiated peoples of the Earth. Whereas on a farm in the temperate zones -- those plants store radioactive elements in their roots and take them out of the food chain. Lichen absorb anything they can get and leave it in the food chain. Therefore they have been accumulating the radiation they have received from all of the nuclear weapons tests to date."
The message of this symbol, is too keep the radiation in the uranium (in the ground) where it should be.
The national flags of six of the countries affected by the Chernobyl Nuclear Accident.
I was only allowed one hour for a presentation, so I had to shorten the ending. I gave an 80 minute presentation anyway.
Another website about Chernobyl:
Anyone who thinks that the Fukushima Catastrophe will not effect them negatively in one way or the other, must either be listening to the Filthy Monkey Band, or blinded by the Satan Tube Spittle, or not even know what happened at Fukushima.
What happens to Japan -- happens to us all.
I have included some websites where you can download explanations about earthquakes and tsunamis.
Three websites which give you the basics of the Earthquake and Tsunami that occurred recently in Japan.
Here you can read about some of the ways to approach the aftermath of earthquakes.
This site gives you some instructions on how to be more Earthquake Resistant.
General Info for You --
A pdf file is an improvement over the older text files which my generation was raised with, or in my case, raised myself with.
What a pdf does is to create a virtual image of the original document, complete with any and all illustrations. We used to have the text files and the image files separate. Then along came pdf, and put it all together. So, when you look at a pdf file of a book or article -- you will see the actual original image of the work, as though you had it in your hands.
Access to pdf files is done for free, by downloading the 'Adobe Acrobat' program. You do not have to buy anything, or get any extra programs with it. Just download the latest Adobe Acrobat Reader at --
This is not a product endorsement. Adobe is it. If you want to view pdf -- and you do -- download the Adobe Reader. At this time, it is called 'Adobe Reader X'.
There is another reason. When you activate the Adobe Reader plugin in your Internet Browser, and then you download a pdf from the Internet, it will show you the file -- but it may not let you keep it as a saved file.
To remedy this -- first download and install the Adobe Acrobat Reader. Then, go into your browser controls, and tell it to use your separate Adobe Reader X for all downloads of all pdfs. In most browsers, you have to go to an 'Applications' control panel; and then change anything that says 'Adobe Acrobat ...' to use the Adobe Reader, instead of the Adobe Plugin.
From then on, whenever you open a pdf file online, your browser will open the external Adobe Reader X program first, and then display the pdf file. This allows you to save it separately into your computer directories.
By the way, there is a malware virus that is hitting the Internet pretty badly right now. It calls itself many names, usually with the word 'antivirus' inside of it, but it always ends with the extensions 'cc.cz'. Which means it is from Czechoslovakia. It will tell you that your computer has been infested by a virus, and you must run that program to get rid of it.
If this happens to you, at first do nothing -- touch nothing.
Write down the web address of the site it is coming from.
Write down the addresses of the sites that you were already looking at. Then say 'No' or 'Close' to everything -- and immediately shut down your Internet Browser.
That should keep it out of your computer, but to be sure, run an antivirus check of your machine, and all hard drives.
If you saw the message from that malware site, you did not have an antivirus program working for you at the time, or it was not up to date.
Get one. Spend money. Get a Good One. Update it! Use it!
There are some really good antivirus programs out there. I will just name a few, such as -- AdAware, Avast, AVG, Kaspersky, Norton's, Trend Micro, and Zone Alarm. I do not like Macafee, because it tries to take too much control of your computer.
My AV programs shout in unison when that Czech program tries to get into my computer. So, all I do is say "Thank You", and continue with my work.
For those of you who are not savvy about computer protections, I am not talking about the Firewall. The Firewall is literally that -- a wall. It only allows YOUR traffic and YOUR chosen connections to go to and from your computer. All other bugs and beasties are kept out. A good Firewall will keep a track of the Unwanted Attempts that have been made to get into your computer, by the Outside Zoo. Read that log some time, you will be surprised.
Markel Peters