So, now they are whining over the loss of Judicial Prostitution as an INDEPENDENT INCOME. I hear them complaining about the loss of Perversion-for-Hire, and the new restrictions on their Scam Art; all of which they used (with malice of forethought) to deny the Will of the People !!!!
Such tripe trash throw-aways!
Have you noticed how rotten and diseased the lies of the SQLD Media hacks are these days? Look at those pathetic losers. They were losers before November 2, 2010. Now, instead of being repentant and trying to be good, they just act more miserable. Just like they have been told to act.
We Humans, are now going to witness the "PITY US AND PAMPER US" routine, from the Voter/Followers of the Democrat/Homosexuals. It is intended to wear down and disable our resolve to get rid of the hideous filth that is killing their brains, and threatening us with Genocide.
But, their own lies are falling apart, before those worm-brained maggots even have time to write them, or say them!
Well, we expected such weak and feeble complaints and pissing about, for the lack of any decent toilet that will accept their wastage.
We have been watching and listening, of course. Nothing new, so far, has come about. This truly does illustrate the limitations of the SQLD – whose Grand Strategies depended heavily upon NO WILL OF THE PEOPLE, and NO HUMAN RESISTANCE !!!!
Does this tell you anything? Like our enemies do not want the Humans to have a united and cohesive structure, and a coordinated organization?
They want to fragment Human Civilization into small and greedy and corrupt pieces – which they can manipulate and disease – one by one! To fall, one by one, for their pathetic 'Pity Routine'.
The middle managers/slavers/liars/perverters are now telling their most confused and helpless Voter/Followers that the only way to stop Human Resistance is to kill me off. Yes, it's the same old case of middle managers in the field telling stupefied and brain-dead followers (zombies) that we Humans are their enemies. That we will eat them alive if we win, we will kill and eat their babies, burn down their houses, and shoot their pets – if we win anything.
Well, I will not reveal any information. However, it is simplistic to realize that the disease will always say any lie in order to keep itself on the offensive – killing anything and anyone it can. It is also very obvious, that the fate of SQLD middle managers is not going to be pretty.
The SQLD middle managers are getting frantic, while trying to appear calm. The destruction of Human Resistance, and the assassinations of any Human Resisters, has to be done now – before the Democraps lose any more slaves, and before the Will of the People becomes solid and tangible. Before Reality dawns in enough brains that The People become a real force. A force that can fight and erase the propaganda hold that the SQLD have upon the ‘general public’.
I am far from surprised. Are you? Of course not.
Throughout the entire History of Conflict on this planet there has always been two opposing factors – one on the Good Side (The Side of Light), and an opposite factor on the Dark Side. I am speaking of CLARITY.
All through History, Good has won by defining and making apparent what are the differences and comparisons between Good and Evil – and Evil has always won by smearing the two together in an attempt to make it seem that there is no such thing as Good versus Evil.
This current War against Genocide is a classic example of what I am talking about. Genocide of the Human Species can only be achieved if our Species does not know what it is. Anything that disassociates, and alienates ourselves from each other, such as the lies, and whimpers and propagandas of their Voter/Followers (on cue and on time) makes us weaker and our enemies stronger.
Any blurring and warping and distorting of our Core Human Values and Virtues and Principles automatically disables us, and enables the SQLD.
If you look back on all of the falsehoods, and deliberate pretenses and in-your-face lies of the Homosexual/Democrat/Moderats (et al) you will 'clearly see' that it has all been a massive campaign of deceptions to prevent you from 'clearly seeing'.
For instance, the Moderat/Homosexuals want desperately to blur everyone's vision and common sense, by pretending to be any kind of Human and Conservative. In Clarity, those scum are just another sucking branch of the SQLD, trying to capitalize on the reduction of another sucking branch of the SQLD – the Democrat/Homosexuals.
Both sucking branches want what their Masters say they must want – the DEATH OF ALL HUMANS AND CONSERVATIVES !!!!
These days the pansies and calculator-dipsticks of the Homosexual/Moderats are trying to confuse and deceive and 'un-clarify' everything political; by mouthing such lies as "Now the Humans and Conservatives will come together, under the MODERAT RULES, and defeat the Liberals (et al)!" – blah blah blah.
Guess what? The Punks and Pissants that are saying those lies are the same faggots that were over on the Democrat/Homosexual branch (just a few months ago), saying that all people will unite under HOMOSEXUAL/DEMOCRAT RULE. They have literally changed clothes, names, pretend backgrounds and now are trying to make money as propagandists and 'people controllers' (shakers), on the Moderat/Homosexual Branch. I have seen this with my own eyes.
There are no Calculator-Molester/Moderats out there, in any numbers, that are not as cowardly and queer as it can get! They will help the SQLD in any way possible, to include reducing the Democrat/Homosexual arm of the SQLD, in order to make themselves more powerful. Whereupon it will be their GROSS duty to attack and finish off all Human Resistance and Humanity.
Except, it ain't going to work like that!
If you cannot see what the enemy really is (how foul and evil they are), and you are constantly bombarded with messages that insist that YOU are bad and evil -- until you have lost any Clarity you might have had about yourself -- then the very same vulture-heads on the Satan Tube can insist that you have no right to oppose their premeditated murder of Your Species. Which includes you. Except you no longer know it. You are no longer supposed to know it.
The Doug Gross Vulture of Demo-Iowa Politics, is a prime example of what I am talking about. With its puppet 'Il Duce Branstad' firmly on hand, it will now perform (for SQLD Riches) whatever slight-of-hand, and slight-of-puppet, the SQLD Masters will order. Unless it is ordered to create another Gross Puppet, elsewhere.
Moderation is the new Old Mask of all perversions, greeds and slithering deceptions. Bringing with it a new Old Collection of deceits and false values, and GROSS Stupidities.
Stupid, because they think we Humans really are deceived and fooled. They cannot admit that we can see, with Clarity, that the Moderat/Homosexuals come from, and are attached to, the same GROSS-tesque blotted corpse that is the main body of the SQLD !!!!
The Homosexual/Moderats want to keep us from that Clarity, by pretending to be us.
Well folks, I (disrespect) all Moderat/Homosexuals from a great height !!!!
Would I (disrespect) Humans ????
Would I (disrespect) Conservatives ????
HELL NO !!!!
Think of it logically. Clarity is the instantaneous enemy of all fakeries and slight-of-mind trickeries. A trickster and genocider like Doug Gross, depends upon preprogrammed fuzzy and disabled thinking, on the part of those that it intends to trick out of their wealth, trick out of their properties, trick out of their children, trick out of their minds !!!!
Also, Clarity leads to the Realization of Truth, which (when combined with courage) leads to Decisive Action. Action and Civil-Disobedience, and Revolution. Action against any lack of Clarity, and against the USERS OF THE MISTS AND SMOKES OF ILLUSION.
Something else that is revealed when you place this conflict under the Lens of Clarity, is the cowardice and backstabbing treachery of a Rich SQLD leadership; who know they cannot win a War against the Human Species outright, in open combat. A Human Revolution can sweep those scum right out of existence. In fact, so powerful is a Clarified and United Humanity, that we can actually choose how we want this conflict to happen, and what results we want.
I want Revolution – Imprisonment of the SQLD – Confessions before Everyone – and Punishments.
Punishments are famous for making things very Clear – to everyone who was being Deceived by the Punished.
When any Human has enough Clarity of Mind to think straight about all of this, and realizes what was at stake here (such as the entire Human Future), that Human will realize how appropriate is any Punishment of the SQLD, and their Moderat/Democrat/Homosexuals.
I am very proud of Humans these days!
This election cycle has been, and IS, a Victory for the Human Species !!!!
Everywhere I have gone, since Nov 3, I have seen Real Humans standing their ground and being firm – with a common Human Resolve – to defend the ousting of those three Monkey Judges. In fact, they are all laughing in the faces of the whimpering Voter/Followers of Demotopia.
The whimpering and hang-dog-faced Voter/Followers, who were promised a piece of the Mastery over Humans by the Democrat/Homosexuals, are very displeased and gloomy these days. All the more so because -- THEY HAVE BEEN ORDERED TO ACT HURT AND VICTIMIZED AND IN NEED OF SYMPATHY -- BY THEIR MASTERS !!!!
Personally, I cannot have pity on any SQLD, or SQLD lackey. I cannot imagine ever wanting to be the Master of someone else. Such ideas are both alien and unnatural to Humans. Which is one reason why we had such a hard time coming to grips with the fact, that there are so many low-life Bastards and Bitches out there, that want to rule over us.
And yet, it does happen. Would-be Masters, happen.
On the levels of respect, I place them somewhere under the village dung heap. They are an awful and sickening spectacle of rancid hatred and demented greed.
And – they truly did attempt the Genocide of the Human Species.
Now, I see them whimpering and dragging their tongues over anyone who will give them sympathy. Memorizing the taste of their next stupid victim.
I also see fear and nervousness in the faces of so-called 'minorities' who were told , by the Homosexual/Democrats, that they were not equal to Humans; and the only way to gain that phony equality (which the Democrat/Homosexuals always hold out on the end of a dung-pole), is to vote for the Homosexual/Democrats.
That was always a lie.
What the 'racial minorities' do not understand is they have been led down the wrong road, into a deep depression where all sewage, and only sewage, collects. A cesspool of voters, for the cesspool called Demotopia.
For example, to a high caste Hindu it would equate to being made into an 'Untouchable', for the sake of one Vote.
What do the Democrat/Homosexuals want with a high caste Hindu? Or a Muslim? Or, any 'Hindu' or 'Muslim'?
Homosexual/Democrats want votes – and the best way to get that – according to the SQLD Master Plan and the Homosexual Agenda, is to sewerize everyone down to the same crap and blindness and greed and acceptance of perversions – thus insuring the Democrat/Homosexuals of a uniform, equally dung, and obedient Voter Pool of degenerated and demented Followers.
The 'minorities' which the medias allude to constantly, are only numerical minorities, and not Human minorities. To Humans, numbers do not count. Humanity counts. Quality. Validity. Clarity. Determination. Fidelity. Character.
Numbers do not count as a great importance, because no Human is less important than the rest of us.
I should address another point about this.
So far, I have not seen any 'kind' of Human, or 'type' of Human, or 'color' of Human degrading any other kind of Human due to our victories.
The days of Humans living to settle scores with other Humans must pass, and join the Edsels and the IBM 360's in failure and obsolescence.
Of course, with me around everyone is always on their best behavior, which is seldom their real best (which even they do not know about yet).
What I am saying is, I have not seen any racial or ethnic cross attacks, or cross snides, or cross defamations between Humans of different kinds.
That is good, keep it that way.
I do see, everywhere, whining Liberals (being deprived of whatever insane ego support they thought they had before), and the diseased so-called Homosexuals (not able to satisfy the insatiable and hideous demands of the mental disease that has killed their Humanity) -- cringing and complaining to any Human in sight. Complaining about how wrong it is for the Humans to be a Species; and how wrong it is for the Humans to dare to survive and actually fight against Genocide; and how wrong it is for the Humans to fight for Truth and Freedom. Those cringing, backstabbing, and lying pieces of (bleep) are everywhere – being as deliberately public as they can be.
And, wherever a Real Human is drooled upon, and whimpered at, by those dirty losers – there I see a Real Man or a Real Woman standing firm, shaking their heads, and retorting against all of the pre-arranged howls and yips and snarls of the Voter/Followers of the SQLD.
I am very proud of that. I am proud of them, for them. They should be proud of them, for them. You know. Like Government of the People, for the People.
I would be very un-proud and unhappy, if I were to hear that any color or kind of Humans was denigrating and ridiculing any other kind of Humans.
We have all seen how awful the Republican Establishment Piggies were, when they thought they would take advantage of this Human Resistance and Human Resurgence, to ride it into political offices.
I say to you, all of my fellow Humans, only jackals and hyenas of opportunity and greed (with no redeeming qualities whatsoever) would try to take advantage over Humans, or other kinds of Humans, due to these Victories.
Generally speaking, since November 2, 2010 there appears to be a greater sense of happiness and well-being amongst the White Humans, than there is amongst Black Humans. I attribute this to the factors of lingering doubts, MISERABLE LIVING SITUATIONS, and the actions of Black Radical Extremists. Oh yes, I hear them. One cannot be in or around Chicago, without hearing and seeing their theatrics.
And yet, it is quite clear and obvious that the Real Black Humans are confident and assured in their Humanity. Of course, they are improving their living situations, and they do not listen to Black Extremists.
Hint: Playing a waiting game will be your ruination if you are any kind of a Racial Extremist. I mean that.
If you are a Racial Extremist of any color, or an Ethnic Extremist of any culture -- NOW is the time to make yourself known, and expressed, and vocal, and out-in-the-open with your complaints. And in doing so – GET THE EXTREMISM OUT OF YOUR BRAIN !!!!
The secret to this is – don't just blab out your stupid rap!
Get out here (or up here) with the rest of us GREAT UNWASHED HUMANS, and join the conflagration.
Here I go again – another parallel:
Let us say, for example, that you are a Radical 'Anything'.
For instance, an 'Activist' who is a one-armed, one-eyed (opposite sides), four-toed (on each foot), Diesel Locomotive Inspector for the Human Specific Railroad. The 'lifetime' chip on your shoulder is that your job, and the existence of diesel power on the rails, is coming to an end. What you fear is what happened to the Steam Locomotive Railmen when the diesels took over. They were unceremoniously dumped, en masse, on the rail sides in favor of the new Diesel Railmen. To my knowledge none of them were retrained for the diesels – instead they were all 'retired'.
Now, let us say that yet another wave of 'Modernization' is about to hit the rails. And like before, the manpower required to 'Run the Railroad' will be much less. The common diesels are going to be replaced by high speed Magnetic-Levitation Bullet Trains, and Atomic-Electric Freights. The technologies of these new trains are much more sophisticated and self-maintaining. Even though there are some similarities in the systems, there is a lot of talk about all of the Diesel Railmen being retired, instead of retrained. There will be only half as many job positions available in the new system, anyway.
That has you teed, right off your feed!
But, what do you do?
Now for the parallel –
Be a bee. But, do not lie. Or, you will get stung. Badly!
When a bee has some news or comments or directions to give to all of his fellow bees, what does he do?
Answer: he flies back to the bee hive and makes an absolute nuisance out of himself, by dancing. He get inside the hive, gets everyone's attention and then dances around in geometrical patterns that only trigonometric-navigation-equation-speaking honey bees can understand.

We are approaching bee-hive conditions and crowding in some of our larger cities, the Primate Cities, and that is not good for us. Living in a bee hive is perfectly natural and desirable to honey bees, but not to Humans.
But, that is not the point here. The point is, if you are a HUMAN, and you have a MESSAGE, now is the time to do your Dance and make your Stance and take your Chance, to get your problems solved. Or, at the very minimum, to have it put on the 'To-Do List of the Species'.
Which will help you -- GET THE EXTREMISM OUT OF YOUR BRAIN !!!!

Grumbling, and growling, and nervous twitches and furtive glances and shy insecurity will get you nowhere.
Get your answers while the answers are flowing and pouring out of the Species.
Do not, under any circumstances, think you will manipulate anybody. That is how you get stung !

Any uncertainty or hesitation or timidity will just make you rancorous and unhappy with your Humanity and Humans – and that will be seen by the Genocidal Democrat/Homosexuals as a weakness that they can attack and exploit and twist to their purposes!
Killing your Humanity in the process.
But, they don't give a crap about your Humanity.
Humanity is (bleep) to them !!!!
I mean really! They hire poo-throwing opinion-farting Monkey Judges to kill us with!
How can they possibly give a (bleep!) what happens to us?
From this impressive beginning and show of Human Independence and Human Togetherness, can and will come results in the Security and the Permanency of the Human Species. But, not without more struggle and more enemies to be vanquished.
Such as:
Bogus Senate Traditions, wrapped in smelly and unwashed Pantyhose. Senate Traditions are FOUL. Partly because there is no hygiene for them.
Cowards and Opportunists – oh my! I must mean the 'Moderats'!
Anything Democrat/Homosexual/Democrat.
Highly specialized, narrow focused, and mono-maniacal INTEREST GROUPS. The members of which are clueless about the Real World, and brain-dead to what Humanity and the SQLD are. 'Special Interest Flamers' that will endorse and support anyone or anything, as long as their small little minds think it will benefit their SMALL LITTLE CAUSE AND GOAL !!!! Little Minds Have Little Joys. And, Make Little Noise. When Run Over. TAX FREE !!!!
Laziness, Distraction, and False-Satisfaction. The Three Jokers in this deck of Political Cards. Each of which will get us exterminated, by allowing the SQLD to own our Future again.
(drumroll please)
N O N – P A R T I C I P A T I O N ! ! ! !
By Non-Participation I mean:
Chaff and Clutter
Bad Work Habits
Bad Citizen Habits
Bad Humanity Defense
Naturally, I can go on and on about these matters.
However –
Drumroll For Emphasis Please ...
The Point Is You! You Can Go On And On About These Matters! And, You Must Go On And On About These Matters !!!!
Or, Fall Back Into Dismal Failure And Genocide Again.
Each of You who can fight – must fight. Like it or not, each of You is the Species Ancestral Representative of thousands of Human Children, yet to be born.
Look into the faces of those thousands of children, each of You with your own thousands, and You will 'See With Clarity' what I mean.
Some Websites about Clarity. A few of these are about writing with Clarity – unfortunately for all of us – it is too late to teach me such things.
Achieve Clarity-01
Achieve Clarity-02
Achieve Clarity-03
Achieve Clarity-04
Achieve Clarity-05-WIKI
Achieve Clarity-06
Achieve Clarity-07-Clarity Type Blogsite
Achieve Clarity-08-Wallpaper
History of Railroads-01-Chicago Encyclopedia
History of Railroads-02-Modern Decline
The Dance of the Bees-01
The Dance of the Bees-02
The Dance of the Bees-03
The Dance of the Bees-04
I don't know what that is over there on the Horizon, but it sure looks Awesome.
Markel Peters