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Sunday, October 31, 2010
Can you believe that any person as foul as a Homosexual/Democrat, and as filled with hate as an SQLD can get, would dare to advertise that it is 'BIPARTISAN'?
What does this tell us about what is going on inside the
Democrat/Homosexuals of Iowa?
That's right -- they are scared. And, like all scared and bad creeps and bullies, when it comes time to pay for their crimes -- they try to lie their way out of it.
Do we want such noxious liars and cowards, as state officials?
Answer: If you think 'yes' -- then you are either one of them, or those scum owe you some serious favors.
For the rest of us, the sewage that is being put on the medias by the Homosexual/Democrats is truly grisly, shocking and upsetting.
SO ...
I have a better idea.
We know, that we are going to win many just and deserved victories, because of this election cycle.
So. While the Democrat/Homosexuals squirm and twist and try to lie their way out of Justice, let us look at some of the Human Values and Virtues that the Homosexual/Democrats tried to kill.
Remember, according to the SQLD Timetable, by now these factors of Humanity, and the Humans themselves, are all supposed to be either totally reduced to bondage and paranoid servitude -- or dead.
It has been so long since the topic of Human Values and Virtues has been discussed, outside this blogsite and those of other Humans, that it is appropriate at this time to ask -- “Do you know what the Human Virtues are?” “What is a Human Value?” “Were you ever taught that such things exist?”
I already know that Human Virtues and Values are not allowed to be talked about, in the Democrat/Homosexual schools; and that in those schools anything that resembles a Virtue is attached to Mandatory Acceptance of Perversions. It is then advertised as a (Queer) Value and Virtue, by the scum that pass for teachers these days. In the Planet Sinister of the SQLD, the only things of Value are the directives of the Masters.
I have searched the Internet to see if there are any mentions of Human Values and Virtues, and possibly any lists of them. I found five lists.
1. kindness, generosity, sincerity, faithfulness, care, sympathy, love, diligence, patience, bravery, beauty, respectfulness, responsibility, confidence, positive thinking. (Healthinforum)
2. truth, peace, happiness, pleasantness, patience, silence, wisdom, prudence, boldness, early breakfast, charity, hospitality, benevolence, sacrifice. (Ancient Jewish Texts)
3. drive, discipline, responsibility, accountability, ambition, honor, integrity, flexibility, creativity, discipline, learning, determination, training, winning, dependability, bearing, courage, decisiveness, endurance, enthusiasm, initiative, integrity, judgment, justice, knowledge, tact, unselfishness, loyalty. (US Navy SEALS)
4. prudence, justice, fortitude, temperance. (The Cardinal Virtues)
5. Here is a generalized list from Wikipedia: ability, acceptance, altruism, assertiveness, attention,focus, autonomy, awareness, balance, benevolence, candor, caring, caution, charity, chastity, citizenship, cleanliness, commitment, compassion, confidence, conscientiousness, consideration, cooperativeness, courage, courteousness, creativity, curiosity, dependability, determination, diligence, discernment, ethical, empathy, encouragement, endurance, enthusiasm, equanimity, fairness, faithfulness, fidelity, flexibility, foresight, forgiveness, fortitude, friendliness, generosity, gentleness, goodness, gratitude, appreciation, helpfulness, honesty, honor, hopefulness, hospitality, humility, humor, impartiality, independence, individualism, industriousness, integrity, intuition, inventiveness, justice, kindness, knowledge, logic, lovingness, loyalty, meekness, mercy, moderation, modesty, morality, nonviolence, nurturing, obedience, openness, optimism, order, patience, peacefulness, perseverance, piety, potential, poverty, prudence, purity, purposefulness, reason, readiness, remembrance, resilience, respectfulness, responsibility, restraint, reverence, self control, self-awareness, self-confidence, self-discipline, self-reliance, self-respect, sensitivity, service, sharing, sincerity, spirituality, strength, sympathy, tactfulness, temperance, tenacity, thankfulness, thoughtfulness, trustworthiness, truthfulness, understanding, unity, unselfishness, vigilance, wisdom, wit,
These are lists of Human Values and Virtues. They apply between Humans. That is to say, from Humans to Humans.
For one reason, because they were Created/Developed/Realized by the Human Species, as we improved over the millenniums.
For another reason, because not one of these Values or Virtues has anything to do with (in any way, shape or form) any of the SQLD whatsoever !!!!
Except as Targets, for their Hate and Genocidal Intentions.
These lists are what the SQLD WANT DEAD !!!!
There is not a single Democrat/Homosexual that possesses any of those Values and Virtues. There is not a single Homosexual/Democrat that does not insist, that it is the paragon of such Values and Virtues. There is not a single Democrat/Homosexual that ever says the Truth.
Always looking for weaknesses and ways to deceive and fool and destroy Humans, which of these Human Values and Human Virtues do you think the SQLD will try to use against us?
Which ones do you think the Homosexual/Democrats will think they can twist and exploit to their own purposes?
We are beginning the process of returning American Government to its intended and best existence, and practices.
So, what is that like?
Answer: Put simply, it is the process of preventing all of the SQLD dementias and evils which are not on these lists, from attacking and destroying the Human Values and Virtues that are on these lists.
Before we can have them back in place, and functioning properly again.
I do not accept in any way the puerile and feeble idea that political corruption and deliberate decay will always be the Rule and Settled Law for American Government.
I have never accepted such an idea, and I am not about to start now.
I hasten to add (just as quickly as cynics jump to decry any improvements as being impossible), that I am not an idealist in these matters.
They do not want Humans to know, that the return of these Values and Virtues is both possible and practical.
My question to all of you Humans is. “What do you think are the Human Values and Virtues?”
This, is the time. We are now in a position to bring back all of those important factors, of Everyday Human Life on the Planet Earth.
Now, is the time to think about these things.
V O T E - N O - O N - J U D G E - R E T E N T I O N !!!!
I T'S - H O W - Y O U - S T A Y - A L I V E !!!!
There is no Life -- under Seven Monkey Judges.
And certainly, no Values or Virtues.
Markel Peters
Saturday, October 30, 2010
I was just watching a film called Quo Vadis. A film that the Homosexuals/Democrats/Monkeys/Moderates/Black Radical Extremists/Demented White Females/Liberals (et al) would rather keep buried, and forgotten forever.
I will give you two websites to read, which will tell you the story of Quo Vadis. This is worth reading. You might also want to research the background of the term ‘Quo Vadis Domine?’
If you ever get the chance to see Quo Vadis, you will see that it is a study of Tyranny, run rampant. It revolves around the 'Awakening' of a Roman Commander (General) Marcus Vinicius (Robert Taylor); whose prior ideals of Militarism and Glory are shattered by the events leading up to, and including, the Burning of Rome.
He becomes an unwilling Hero, caught in the throes of a Reality that mercilessly smashes down upon him -- wiping out all of his former world. Robert Taylor is perfection manifest, as the main character. I would say, it is time for a ‘Remake’, but Hollywood is so much like Ancient and Perverted Rome, that those scum would never make a ‘Real Remake’ of Quo Vadis. Right now, only Ridley Scott and Russell Crowe could do justice to Quo Vadis, and they would need a lot of time and $400,000,000 to get the job done.
I would call it a Revelation Film, as the former life of Vinicius is ripped to shreds, and revealed as the emptiness that it was. Forcing the main character to ‘strip down’ to the basic goodness of Humanity, and fight for the People instead of for Honor and False Gods.
Our concern here, as a study, is the depictions of political corruptions which are shown in this film. Such ideas were not made up for this 1951 film. No one in the writing staff of this picture went berserk, and said "Let's show something that has never happened before. Let's show an awfully decadent and crazy political hierarchy -- that goes to horrible extremes to make themselves Gods -- and burns Rome to the ground, in order to create their own world -- dominated by them."
If there is any place on this planet today, that knows exactly how real and terrible such DemiGods are -- it is Iowa.
We are beset by and oppressed by a little gang of punks, thieves and monkeys who have infested and putrefied our Statehouse, and set themselves up as Rulers and Dictators - literally.
In fact, Madam Gronstal has even said that the answer to any Will from the People of Iowa is “NO!”. That ‘Would-Be-Nero’ of its own Rancid Empire, actually intends to queer and corrupt and dehumanize Iowa -- until only the most Gross-tesque scum of Planet Sinister will find it fit to live in.
And, it thinks it can get away with it -- BECAUSE IT OWNS SEVEN MONKEYS JUDGES !!!!
Or, so was the plan. An unbelievably stupid and arrogant scheme, actually attempted in the Twenty-First Century.
But, as History would have it -- there is always someone (or some ones) who the glazed and maniac minds of Petty Dictators overlook.
If ever there has been a more classic example of such a confrontation -- it has not occurred since World War II.
World War II was the Clean War, the Just War. It really was a global conflict against runaway Dictatorships, and greedy Oligarchies.
Democracy (Not Democrats) won that War. Democracy (Not Democrats) will win this War.
If I fly high enough, I can get to an Far Objective Point where I can finally turn and look back at all of this, and no longer shake my head in disbelief.
I never really thought, I would ever be a part of such a Tremendous Classic. A War - yes. But, an Eternal Classic like this - no.
I was ready for a lot more War than this, and I still am ready. But, I expected an Ultra-Violent War of Dirty Death and Disease -- like any activity inside that sewer called ‘The Boston Horrid Zone‘.
That can still happen, of course. But right now, the Light is showing the differences and complexions of the entire Theatre of Operations. And, the stark openness and appearance of the contrasts of Good against Evil, are unexpected.
Everything the enemy does, just makes the view of their wickedness and disastrous dementia more vivid and apparent.
For example, the Black Puppet has actually appeared for the first time without its pretense of being a ‘Real Boy’. It has read a speech (prepared for it by the Masters), in which it pretends to be conciliatory about the coming ‘wipe-out’ -- and says ‘We Should All Live Together’. When I heard about that, I burst out laughing !!!!
So Much Puppetry -- So Obvious -- So Sinister -- So False.
The real clarities and definitions of this conflict are apparent to anyone who is not sick-in-the-mind from watching the Satan Tube, or from listening to Filthy Monkeys on the radio, or from reading the SQLD newsrags. Escape and avoid those pits of perversion and propaganda -- and the Actual Picture of it all comes to you.
The ‘too-stupid-for-words’ SQLD have actually brought into being, a Real Life and Honest-To-God War. A War for the History Books, between Striking Goodness and Virtue on our side, and Gross-tesque Evil and Perversions on their side.
It is almost Too Real to be True. I sometimes wonder if God has somehow planned all of this for my benefit. I am the Historian.
Or, is this all a Refresher Course, on how to Whoop-Ass On Satanism?
From the ‘Far Objective Point’, things are much clearer.
This is all caused by the mental disease called ‘Homosexuality’, and the twisted and vile creatures of every other evil and dementia that sponsor it, want to benefit from it, spread it, and expect to control it.
History lessons. We are living in one, so we might as well look at some others.
What does some ‘Old French Dude’ have to do with today’s conflicts?
What makes you think the basics of these struggles are new?
The rampant perversions are new, but the overall structure, decay, decrepitude and deviltry of the SQLD is far from new.
One of the notable quotes from this ‘Old French Dude‘-- which seems to be impossible to find on the Internet -- goes like this:
“Fortune’s wheel makes strange revolutions, it must be confessed; but for the term revolution to be applicable, the turn of the wheel should be complete. You are today as high as you can be. Very well. I envy not your good fortune, for mine is better still. I am as low in the career of ambition as a man can well descend; so that, let this capricious dame, fortune, turn her wheel ever so little -- I must necessarily mount, for the same reason that you must descend.
I make not this remark to cause you any uneasiness, but rather to bring you that consolation which I shall feel when you arrive at the same point where I now am -- yes! At the same point where I now am. You will inhabit this same prison -- why not [you] as well as I? I no more thought of such a thing, than you do at present, before I was actually shut up in it.”
The piece is a perfect reflection upon Monkey Judges and their Opinions-For-Hire. It applies with perfection to the fate of those that shall deny and imprison the Will of the People, for their own wealth and fortunes.
Having attempted to imprison the People of Iowa, for purely political purposes and per SQLD orders, those unbelievably criminal persons (in supposedly high offices of Justice) are about to find out what that quote from Rousseau really means.
They are not the first traitors to the Trust of the Human Species, that History has seen. How they thought they could have done such a misdeed of immense evil, and somehow get away with it -- that is an astonishing aspect of all of this.
As I have said before, the Infamy of this is going to follow those Monkeys to their Graves.
The higher they pretend to be, and pretend to deserve, the harder will be the crash at the end.
V O T E - N O - O N - J U D G E - R E T E N T I O N !!!!
I T'S - H O W - Y O U - S T A Y - A L I V E !!!!
There is no Life -- under Seven Monkey Judges.
There never has been.
Markel Peters
Friday, October 29, 2010
That has a great deal to do with this entire situation.
Just after the Seven Monkeys farted for bananas, many Real Humans went to the Statehouse to protest. That was when the two Madams, Gronstal and Murphy, ordered their stooges (the less-supreme-than-anyone-else Judges) to give out a unanimous opinion, in favor of the best paying clientele of the Democrat/Homosexuals.
The Humans that went to the Statehouse, to protest this most obvious injustice and flagrant travesty of Judicial Corruption, might as well have walked off the Edge of the Earth, for all the good it did them.
The Senator Cuties, in their pantyhose, refused to see them or discuss anything with them. I know, I was there. The experience of being in the ‘Statehouse’ was new to almost every Human that was there that day. Most, did not know which side was which -- House or Senate. Confusion was obvious, because there was no one there to greet them. Since nobody (political creatures) gives a damn what any Real Human says, thinks or wants -- there was no welcome of any kind. In fact, the exact opposite was true. Hundreds of Real Humans were about to find out what it is like to be the crap under the shoes of politicians.
The Humans searched about for anyone to listen to them, but no 'politico', or politicist, or legislator would talk to them.
I found the punks (all ‘males’) in a sitting room on an upper floor, about twenty of them, giggling and comparing cute items like lipstick and fingernail polish and each others latest hairdos. They had left the hallway door open, and I stood there for at least five minutes, without being noticed. They were all laughing, and looking furtive and afraid at the same time. All were either fat and dumpy, or thin and slimy, and out of shape. They looked like someone had roasted the dumplings too hard. Their attention kept going back and forth between snorkeling about their favorite goodies and fancies, and casting quick glances out the door, to see if the Humans were on that floor. For five minutes this went on, and for some reason they did not see me. To this day, I am not sure why they did not see me. Then I moved, and they saw me.
Ask those pissants if they remember the big man, wearing a hat with an American Flag on it -- looking in at their pajama party.
The ones closest to me farted and oinked. Then, they all saw me and cringed. The oinkers, shut the door quick.
Throughout the entire day, all ‘Representatives’ and ‘Senators’ ignored all Humans. Now, if the situation had been different -- if one syphilitic faggot whore in drag, oozing mucus and disease from its anus, had been heard by them crying in the Rotunda -- and whined with a single phony complaint, that some Human looked at it and did not bow and scrape before it -- all of those Senator/Hussies would have rushed down and invited it into their inner chambers, and treated it like a Queen. As is their ‘tradition’. Their kind of Queen.
Iowa Senators love their ‘traditions’. Which is good, because they are about to choke on them.
Outside in the Rotunda, hundreds of Humans continued to mill about, looking for Senators to complain to. None appeared. The Will Of The People Means Nothing To Political Creatures.
Slowly, and with deep disgust the Humans realized that no one cared about them. Slowly, and sometimes crying, they gave up and left in small groups.
A Black Day For The Iowa Statehouse.
Now the next election cycle is here, and every Chicken-hearted Incumbent Politician Punk (that refused to talk to Humans) is wearing its best plastic face. Those faces are spewing out cooing sounds of false goodness, such as “I’m just like you, folks!” “Depend on me, I’m a Conservative too!” “Re-elect me! I am a Friend of the People!” “I’m honest and reliable!” Truly one of the Horror Spectacles of Planet Sinister.
So. How do Humans get Justice? How do Humans get things right again?
Answer: Dunk the Punks! Trash them -- instead of them trashing you!
That is supposed to be what voting is all about!
It is too late for political ads to change things now. What can have an effect, in this last week before the elections, is you. Real Humans (and I mean those that know they are) need to get out and talk and explain and convince as many people as possible, that this topic really is as important as we say it is. I have the blogging sector covered in this regard, but I sure wish there were more blogs from Real Humans here in Iowa. I am doing my best to give the Real History of this (in Blog Form), but I would really appreciate a lot of Human Bloggers pitching in to help. By that I mean, extensive help done as a Work. Not just comments.
[[Otherwise, we run the dangers of having Historians call the Truth, just a monotonous and singular view of an otherwise very complicated situation.]]
It is out in the streets, and in the homes and gardens that the word has to be told.
Do not forget to mention the overall perspective of this situation. If we get 100 victories out of this election nationwide, including getting rid of Monkeys, replacing corrupt Legislators at all levels, and electing Human Governors -- that will be a great step in the Human Direction !!!!
If anyone tells you they think all of the Monkeys are the same, so what is the use to getting rid of three of the worst ones that have ever existed -- ask them why they would want to keep the worst of anything?
Also, their replacements will be forever aware and cautious about any suggestion, from any politician, to make Opinions Against The Human Species.
Instead of us fearing and worshiping them -- which is what all Monkey Judges want -- from now on it will be them fearing and respecting the People !
I do not care who says what, about that. That, is exactly the way it is supposed to be. Government By The People For The People Under God.
Now -- the latest and confirmed report, is that two of the Three (less-supreme-than-anyone-else) Monkey Judges have ceased trying to get Retained !!!!
We even know that the Iowa Liberal Fakery (formerly Independent) refused to write an article on this, because it is the Truth of course. That is far from surprising. The Iowa Liberal Fakery is one of the worst Democrat/Homosexual Propaganda Sites on the Internet. Every page is devoted to Genocide Against The Human Species. Which is why everything it posts, is written to fool and lie to six years old children, who have no idea that Truth exists.
Of course, the Des Moines Rear Sniffer knows the same facts, and refused to print the story. The disease never accepts the Truth about its failures.
Search both websites, and see if you can find any mention of this latest news.
If you want to know what the scale of those failures by the Democrat/Homosexuals is going to be, listen to the October 27, 2010 podcast ‘Inside Politics’, with Steve Deace and Wes Enos.
The 10-27-10 podcast.
For those Humans outside Iowa, who want to get briefed on just what is happening in the Iowa elections -- because what happens in Iowa does effect all Humans everywhere (and we in Iowa know that) -- just go to these two websites and indulge.
There are two reasons why both of these sites are from WHO Radio:
1. There are no other radio stations in Iowa that know anything about Objective Reporting, and they are almost non-existent in the Political Scene.
2. In Iowa the SQLD use newsrags, Satan Tube stations and Internet sites disguised as neutral news sites, (such as the Iowa Liberal Fakery formerly Independent) for their propaganda. Their propaganda is infantile, nasty, twisted as a corkscrew, and funded by the national subgroups of the SQLD.
Therefore, in Iowa there is: The SQLD which operates all of its typical venues of brainwashing here; then there is WHO; and then there are a few Internet sites that truly are neutral such as Radio Iowa.
There are also a few small newspapers across the state, but anything large enough to draw the attention of the Homosexual/Democrats (who think they can use it) has already been infiltrated and slaughtered-from-within, so it is now just a mouthpiece for evil.
Every politicist and demon of the SQLD is hoping that with victory so close, we Humans will somehow slack off and let it slip through our fingers.
This is the time to put your heads down, and charge!
V O T E - N O - O N - J U D G E - R E T E N T I O N !!!!
I T'S - H O W - Y O U - S T A Y - A L I V E !!!!
There is no Life -- under Seven Monkey Judges.
Just the Outhouse.
Markel Peters
Thursday, October 28, 2010
To begin with, from the Satan Tubers I hear nothing. Literally nothing. I see some of them watching the tube these days, always by themselves and looking totally forlorn, because they somehow realize that they are the only idiot within ten miles of where they sit.
At times I see small groups of people that are doing something else entirely, but the Satan Tube is playing in the background. That, by the way, is a disgusting practice which is done because many retail stores and restaurants think their clientele will be more comfortable with a TV operating in the background. In reality, it just assures the SQLD that their propaganda messages will get through, at least subliminally.
From the Monkey Judges there is either silence, while they hold their breaths -- or chanting in public "I do believe in Bananas. I do believe in Bananas. I do believe in Bananas!"
From the Filthy Monkey (FM) Band there is a deluge of songs promoting phony attitudes like -- 'Let's all get along.' (for this election cycle), and 'We is so sweet and harmless.' (until they win something).
From the underlings and low level scuff of the Democrat/Homosexuals, there is a great deal of ‘rabble-rousing-for-attention‘. It is their intention to make themselves appear as a hoard of rouges and 'men-in-tights'. Scoundrels, who have a 'Spanky and our Gang' mentality, and shouldn't be taken too seriously. Common people who thought they were doing good (in their inimitable and greedy schemes). And besides, they was "Just followin arders". The message being, "Like us - we ain't so bad." And, "Vote for our Masters; with minions like us, how can our bosses be bad?"
It is a street level Theatre of the Stupid. But, it has always worked on the stupid -- before.
From the ‘Moderates’, there is the incessant clicking of calculator keys and the munching of Cheeseburgers in fast food restaurants; accompanied by snide and sneering looks of cold hatred towards any Real Human.
They are waiting, and calculating.
They dream of the days when they can have their own calculator brain implants -- and everyone will have to call THEM ‘superior’.
From the Black Radical Extremists -- there is a planned and orchestrated fever of vocalizing about the virtues of Puppetry. Their Black Puppet is the 'highest' they have ever achieved. Standing on their heads, as they is.
From the Liberals -- there is a low moaning that almost reaches a wailing sound sometimes. Those pathetic wretches, and their 'Slop-For-Ideals', brought most of this upon everyone. They opened the doors to Hell upon all of us. They are sure that they will only be secure, if the awful dementia continues and they have some margin of control. That margin is about to disappear. They moan about it.
From the so-called Homosexuals -- there is nothing new. Just the same old lies and contrived nonsense as usual. They are truly the most boring items in that barrel of rotten fruit. Most of their weapons of intimidation, telepathic invasion, endless brainwashing, and death threats now lie in ruins -- like the broken toys in the back yard of a demented and very nasty child -- or any Little Charlie Dictator and its Little Charlie TV Station.
From the Demented White Females (DWC) -- there is almost total silence. Which by itself is a question. I suspect there will be a resurgence in the form of a nationwide mutual orgasm of flailing arms, kicking legs, splattered hairdos, screaming mascara, and writhing voices; all wailing objections to anything Masculine or Human. Mixed with a goodly portion of obeisance and worship to a select group of 'Symbolic White Harpies', chosen for the purpose of serving as priestesses to the ‘Temple of White Bitches' -- which they will declare exists in the hearts of all True Feminists!
From the SQLD Masters -- drums. Drums in the Deep.
With a tone of fear.
From the Humans -- there is a great enthusiasm mixed with surprise and disbelief.
Can it be true? Can this really be happening? Are we really going to win?
What does winning feel like?
Well, they are about to find out.
Any victory for Human Beings anywhere in the World -- is a victory for all Human Beings everywhere in the World.
V O T E - N O - O N - J U D G E - R E T E N T I O N !!!!
I T'S - H O W - Y O U - S T A Y - A L I V E !!!!
There is no Life -- under Seven Monkey Judges.
And now -- we close the curtain on that absurd mess -- for a message.
From myself, to a contingent of the Human Species which I am concerned about.
Black Youth in America, and Education:
I realize that having to go to a swinish Democrat/Homosexual ‘school’ is both horrible and very depressing. Particularly when the children realize that every word that comes out of the faces of the Homosexual/Democrat Bastards and Bitches (who pretend to be ‘teachers’) is a lie and a mouthful of worms!!!!
But, together with their parents (if their parents are worth a crap) the very negative effects of the NEA ‘teacher activists’ can be reduced and neutered by the students.
That is very essential -- even MANDATORY !!!!
When all else fails -- HOME SCHOOL !!!!
What I want to discuss with Black Children, here in this message, is ‘Education’ itself. Aside from, and regardless of, the B&B activist teachers.
Black Youth think they have no need for Education, because it will get them nowhere.
Street learning is what they think they need.
All youth (regardless of color) do not realize what an education is for -- ‘Opportunities’ and ‘Options’.
You know you are dead, when you run out of Options.
All youth do not understand that.
It is like gathering knowledge in a basket, so later in life you can pull out what you need, and trade it for Options. You only get one chance to fill your basket with as much knowledge and truth as you can; before you have to start using what’s in the basket to survive.
Most youth hate school. That is a given. With the B&B activist teachers of today, the situation is much worse.
I hated school, until I got far enough in the grades to discover that there were some things that I am a 'natural' about -- like Physics, Mathematics, Geology and most importantly for me, Geography.
But, until I found out there were such things, I hated school.
And, I mean I hated it!
I wanted to play in the desert and chase Gila Monsters (Heloderma suspectum) who are really slow, but poisonous and mean tempered;
It was really gruesome to be a kid in that Hell Hole.
In hindsight, however, I got one of the last Human educations that happened, before the NEA Activist Perverts started to turn schools into brainwashing centers.
[[NEA is not the National Endowment for the Arts.]]
Where I went to school, if you did not become Mature well ahead of your years -- you never became Mature at all.
Because you got dead.
Now, as an Adult I am still far ahead of my ‘years’ in Maturity. So far in fact, that I like to play with Maturity -- shifting it back and forth in Time like the scale on a slide rule. Everyone, has to have their little joys in Life.
I am also extremely aware of the massive influence getting a ‘proper education’ had on me. Even though I quickly decided to educate myself, I made sure to absorb everything that I was being taught -- with the intention of forgetting most of it as soon as possible.
Well children, you do forget the trivialities and the knowledge’s that end up never being used, or activated by the Life you live thereafter. In my case, however, that turned out to be scarce little of what I was taught.
I hated school, but as long as I had to be there -- I learned. I hated tests. I loathed tests. I outright spat on tests. So, I deliberately failed as many tests as possible, and quickly became a ‘problem child’. I knew the material, and a lot more that I was studying on my own. But, when it came to tests -- I rebelled.
I became to subject of examinations. I was tested. I was inspected. I was expected to obey. I failed expectations.
I was finally declared a ‘day-dreamer’, who would have to be kept a close watch on, so I would not miss my lessons.
This label was attached to me because one day, while a teacher was spouting out some lessons on politics -- I was sitting over at the far windows looking out at the desert. I was gazing north, at a place several miles away where I had met a scruffy and rapscallion Desert Burro, the previous weekend.
We met while I was walking east, and he was walking west. Just before I saw him, a fast moving Jackrabbit passed me by, going west at a good clip. Then the Burro appeared. He decided he wanted my white shirt. I passed him and kept going, but he followed me and began to chew at my shirt. I shooed him away, but he kept following me. His tracks showed that he had been following the Jackrabbit. I stopped and told him to go away. He gave me a very long and loud Burro’s Complaint -- which you have to see to believe.
I then ran away. He tried to follow, but I went around and around, and over and around, and got him so confused he gave up. He returned to the tracks of the Jackrabbit, and continued westwards.
I was looking out the window and remembering that incident, when the teacher shouted my name and told me to go to the Principal’s office. After that, they decided the tests proved that I was a ‘daydreamer’.
I began to really hate school.
I realize that most children have no choice of who is going to teach them. And today, that is a horrible problem considering the terrible activist teachers that infest the Democrat/Homosexual schools.
But, Education itself is not to blame.
There is ‘Education’. And, there is ‘how Education is taught.’ The two are very different, and if education is not taught well (or is twisted for political programming purposes); then Education itself seems to be worthless and worse than worthless. It seems to be a drain on your life, and a total negativity.
Under those conditions children become sluggish, unresponsive, depressed, neurotic and finally one of two things happens -- 1. They die inside. Unable to rebel or realize that there IS ‘Life After Rebellion’, many of them implode and start to die inside. 2. They rebel. They refuse. They retreat. They leave. They run away. They are never seen again.
The SQLD want the first reaction. They want dead zombies to control. They want dutiful and obedient Voter/Followers who will do what they are told to do, work, spend money on what TV tells them to buy -- and otherwise not exist at all.
I took the second choice.
Most did not. Some of those, became Monkey-Judges-For-Hire.
Generally speaking, Education is like a currency. It is like a wealth. Education is like mental money. If you have enough, you can spend it to get things in this society that you want. If you are not a Voter/Follower, or a Satan Tuber.
If you get a good education, AND you avoid and refuse the brainwashings of the activist teachers -- you will then have a ‘Wealth of Education’ which you can use later to get more and more of what you want.
But first, you have to help others get what they want. Or, get those things together. That is called ‘Working’.
Your education allows you to work, which allows you to earn money, which allows you to get what you want.
More education allows you to get more work, which allows you to get more money, which allows you to get more of what you want.
The basics are that simple.
Something called Opportunity comes into play when you try to use your education to get work. Not everyone has the same Opportunity to get the same things, or in the same quantities.
That is literally the way Reality is. Opportunity is subject to all kinds of variables, and conditions, and restrictions, and directions. No Opportunity, is just an ‘Opportunity’. Everything has ‘conditions’. Every Opportunity comes with a corresponding set of conditions, that have to be manipulated, satisfied and energized for you; or you do not get to use that Opportunity. And, there are so many kinds of Opportunities that it is often hard to decide which Opportunity you want for you.
All of that is where Education comes into play. The more Education you have, the more you can decide which Opportunities you want for yourself; and the better you can satisfy or ‘work the conditions’ to get those Opportunities for you.
Do it right, because you got the Education, and you get the Work you want. Which gives you the money you need, to get the things you need and want.
So, Education is not enough. Opportunity is vital. You use your Education, to get the Opportunity you need. Because Opportunity leads to Work.
Education is the key to it all, but not just by itself; because during the getting of the Education you learned how to THINK ! How to solve problems. How to understand all of the variables and problems and solutions that exist in society.
‘Street Smarts’ only go as far as the streets go. How far do your streets go -- before they become somebody else’s streets?
Whenever I am in ‘Black Neighborhoods’ I see the same thing just after school gets out. A lot of children go walking home looking really disgusted, dragged out, aimless, depressed, and on the breaking point. Many will succumb to #1 -- Brain Death. But, I can see the ones that will take my route -- #2 Rebellion. They are already acting different, and expressing dissatisfaction. Prime candidates for Gangs and street violence.
To both of you I say this. Do whatever you can do as children to avoid #1. Do not let the activist teachers and the horrible schools get you down. Help each other stay positive, so you can get through it. Take the tests, and get the high school diplomas.
I barely got my high school diploma, because I hated tests right up to the bitter end. Now, my education level is so far beyond those teachers -- there is no comparison to speak of. I have options by the thousands, because I have that much knowledge.
Most of my knowledge, came to me after high school.
But first, I had to get free. I had to get free of the Education Machine; the Education Requirements for all children.
The SQLD want to make conditions in schools so terrible, that they do not let you out of the Education Machine unless you become as perverted and as sick as they are.
Tell your parents. Get help from friends. Go to Home Schools. Transfer schools. Get your parents to move!
Get that High School Diploma, and leave.
Then, comes the dilemma.
You have escaped the machine and the activist teachers -- but what do you know?
Did you forget the KNOWLEDGE?
Did you forget to scoop up and learn as much Knowledge as you could while you were still in the school?
To achieve that means, you have to fight and learn!
Which is exactly what I did!
In today’s really bad and Anti-Human society, that is the way it is.
It is really tough on children. Super tough.
But the alternative -- is to become one of those idiots at a truckstop, sitting all alone, watching the Satan Tube and wondering where everyone else is.
And, not having a clue.
Markel Peters
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
I see some pretty fine days ahead for the Human Species.
The more that the Homosexual/Democrats and their Monkey Judges lose -- the more the Human Species thrives and prospers -- and subsequently, the more of a Future I see for our Species.
The trick is to avoid the traps -- the Concentration Camps. The trick to avoiding the Concentration Camps -- is to know where and when they are being planned by the SQLD.
If, every time the SQLD hold a 'Concentration Camp Party' only their idiot Voter/Followers show up ...
Who Is In The Concentration Camp?
Answer: NOT HUMANS !!!!
We are getting much better at knowing ahead of time which Queer Lies and which Queer Politicians, go with which Queer Plans. Not to mention, which Monkeys are prostitutes, and where and when.
That does not make the sight of it any better, of course.
As I look across this year’s political scene, I see the following:
Nationwide: The Tea Party Unexpectancy is shaking up both Political Establishments. But, it is nowhere near what they can achieve with hard work in the Future.
The Establishment Piggies are scared right out of their pig pens, about the Tea Parties. They are trying to use that old and hackneyed reaction that says, if they emulate and buy off any kind of political idea (that threatens their Oligarchy of Monopolies) -- then the Real Threats of Human Intervention and Human Prevention to their self-serving and very greedy little plans -- will be absorbed, smothered and eliminated.
After which, they will go right back to being the Political DemiGods that they were before -- instead of being an American Government by the People and for the People.
The days of the Political Machines ruling falsely over the People are coming to an end. The programming tactics are crumbling and dissolving. The Mind-Hold that the Political Establishments had over the Unsuspecting Public (too busy to know better), has been shattered by the so-called Homosexuals, and their attempted Genocide Against Humanity.
The Political Establishments truly became the Twisted Piggies, that they so closely resemble. They actually thought they were in Total Control. Being thus self-deluded, they tried to force the Species to become Queer, and hence to become more chaotic and sick and manageable (by themselves).
That was their worst mistake yet.
Their Black Puppet Show is typical and exemplary of how deluded and psychopathic the brains of the Homosexual/Democrats are.
Oblivious to its own Monstrosity (being just a Puppet for just Lunatics), and acting like a Frankenstein out of a cheap B Picture from the old days of black and white Horror Movies -- 'HObama the Magnificent Pervert' is puppeting around that cesspool called 'Wash This Death City' -- turning everything it touches into a Horrid Queer of some kind.
HELL NO !!!!
Meanwhile, the entire Snide Sewer (of Trial Lawyers, 'Prosecutors', and every 'Judge' of any description) is getting very nervous and afraid of Justice.
Usually, during election cycles, those 'Monkeys In The Judiciary Jungle' are so comfortable in their Established Edifices of Pretend Supremacy, that they barely advertise when it comes time to be 'Re-Elected'. Their re-election posters are normally about 2 x 3 feet, and scattered about. So sure of their 'Superiority' were they, that they felt no need to stress themselves and their budgets with any serious advertising. Most barely ran for Re-Election at all.
Now, with the Human Species waking up and taking charge -- the entire Legal Machine Sewer is traumatized and really apprehensive.
I drive through all of the Midwest, and everywhere that there is a Legal Machine of any kind up for re-election, the signs are 6 x 10 feet in size (or larger). With smiling plastic faces grinning out, like pickled monkeys smiling at the customers in a meat market.
It is a Gross-tesque sight to see. Un-Human.
Now, their signs are situated at the busiest intersections and the most visible places. And always, the biggest signs are from the Incumbent Legal Monkeys. Does that tell you anything?
Each propaganda sign is complete with a cute and innocuous little slogan -- all of which translates as -- "Please Forgive Me." ("They told me, you would never wake up!"
Until, the day after the elections. Then the signs come down, and the chimps get hungry again! And, nastier than ever!
You know what makes it all the more humorous?
The only way for those scum to escape our Wrath -- is to not be Re-Elected!
They have been told they will be safe, if they are re-elected. By their Politician Clientele. Being stupid, they believe those lies. What they are not being told is ...
for obvious baboons like them, it is like volunteering for the MONKEY ROAST.
The fires of retribution are just beginning, folks. Each of those buffoons is going to pay full price.
If not this time -- then the next time -- or the next time ...
and each time -- the price gets worse and worse.
These are fires that will never go out.
Well. It's nice of them to show us which Monkeys NOT - TO - VOTE - FOR !!!!
On the Iowa Scene, there is:
The Ugly Governors Race:
Which is despicable.
It is quite obvious that the SQLD has finished with the Culver Puppet, and is now putting its money behind the Little Duke from Hell -- 'Il Duce Branstad'.
You Humans had better hope and pray and vote, to get rid of as many Monkey Judges as possible, before the SQLD change puppets !!!!
'Il Duce Branstad' is completely mesmerized by the riches and pseudo-authority of the Seven Whores in their Cathouse across the street from the Statehouse; and by the Legal Machine behind them. It is a twisted and greedy little opportunist at the same time. The Mussolini Scenario all over again.
That is a horrific combination, which will be far worse than when Quiver-the-Lilly-Liver was in office.
Just like elsewhere, most of the Slaves of Supremacy in DemoIowa think that keeping the Monkey Judges where they are, is the way to 'Acceptance' and 'Domination' for the Evils that possess them, and have already dominated them.
The perverts, that can only think of evil anyway, want to crush and destroy anything that will not share their perversions, and become the 'Dead' with them. They would rather slaughter Humans than vote. But, their Masters say that voting for the SQLD Monkey Judges will serve the same purpose, eventually. So, they all vote for the chimps. The Internet sites that support that ‘Seven-Headed Barrel of Nasty Intentions’ are saturated with endorsements and phony authorizations from every two-bit tripe-spitting pervert group that has ever made a website. Literally.
And -- I also see a danger that might be overlooked.
Voting itself is dubious, and in peril.
Does you vote count in Demo-Iowa?
If the creatures of Demo-Iowa get their claws on your ballot -- and they know you are a Human -- will your vote ever be counted? Or, will it be used as toilet paper; or for the bottom lining of parakeet cages?
In any election where the Democrat/Homosexual Machine is threatened -- ALL FORMS OF VOTER FRAUD MUST BE EXPECTED !!!!
So, how safe is your vote?
If you give your ballot to an enemy to be counted -- will it be counted?
What I see when I look at our enemies, I then have to describe and explain. That is where I constantly encounter a problem.
I am always searching for ways to describe how terrible our enemies are. In doing so, I have encountered a phenomenon that I believe no one else may be aware of.
That is not new for me, as I have been at this War for decades and in the fighting I have encountered countless new, and strange and sometimes fantastic creatures, and places and realities. I speak here, however, of a fact. A reality.
The Human Languages (English and its associated languages) have been outpaced and out stretched and left drowning in the blood and muck and mire, which the SQLD leave behind them.
There is no known language, to me, that possesses words with meanings that are foul and vile and hideous enough to explain and describe the ghastly realities of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead.
I realize, that I may have to create those new words myself. You would think, that would be no problem for me; as I virtually write in my own wordage anyway -- like Truckstop for Truck Stop.
But, I am reluctant to do so for two reasons. 1. I intend to eliminate the SQLD as surely as they intend to erase me and my Species. 2. It takes time. I would have to study the lexicons and etymologies of all existing English words that approach a real description of the SQLD, and then push their logical development to new levels -- to describe worse filth, dementias, and atrocities.
I could do that. And, maybe I will.
If I do so, the Proper Names of our worst enemies shall be incorporated into those wordage’s forever. So their crimes against us will never be forgotten nor forgiven, because their very existence is unforgivable.
AND -- I see -- Things Admirable! I see a lot of Human Beings for whom the superlative wordage’s of the English Language are falling short, in their ability to praise and do justice to such fine People.
There are some very admirable efforts going on to free the People of Iowa from the obvious and just-awful Political and Judicial Tyranny, that we are all being subjected to.
I will mention some of their websites here -- for you to see:
IFPC -- Iowa Family Policy Center:
These are five of the organizations that are helping ‘Iowa For Freedom’ combat and take out of power the corrupt and tyrannical Judicial Lackeys, that are being used to authorize and legitimize the SQLD takeover of Iowa.
Tomorrow, some of the things I am hearing.
V O T E - N O - O N - J U D G E - R E T E N T I O N !!!!
I T'S - H O W - Y O U - S T A Y - A L I V E !!!!
There is no Life -- under Seven Monkey Judges.
Markel Peters
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
They do not want to acknowledge the ‘Activist’ in the Monkey Judges. They do not want to admit the ‘Prostitution’ in their so-called Profession. This is exactly like Common Thieves not wanting to admit that Bank Robbers exist -- the height of their so-called Profession.
Do any of you understand the gibberish of ‘Legalese‘?
Why not?
Do you think ‘Legalese’ was invented because Law is so complicated?
Wake up!
‘Legalese’ was created deliberately, to make it near impossible for anyone, who is not a lawyer, to understand what is happening to them. Thus, putting them at the MERCY of the lawyers, in a pseudo-world of legality. In which, the real people are considered to be the ‘uninitiated’ and unfortunately-necessary dummies, victims and knockabouts.
Do you know of any other so-called profession that does that? Is it a profession that explains everything to you in one way -- and then does something else -- and ends up doing what it wants to do (to preserve and promote itself). And, you get run over and destroyed in the process. After which, you owe them money?
Cut the head off the snake, and it won't speak ‘snake’
You would think, the trial lawyers would be eager to see some Monkey Judges fall into deserved disgrace -- it would give them opportunities that they crave. But, instead of being a 'turnover', this is a 'decapitation' of their Totem Pole from Hell. It threatens the entire snake pit, so they oppose it.
And besides, a lot of those Bloodsuckers are also hoping to become Corrupt Politicians someday. Corrupt Politicians that will need Corrupt Monkeys, in high places! So, the Institution of Corruption, and its working parts, are very important to them.
Within this despotic and Gross-tesque wasteland of evil and sinister intentions -- what shall we call ourselves?
What shall we call ourselves in these times?
All of us who are the underlings, and the patsies, and the slaves, and the fodder for the Legal Machine? A machine which, by the way, was never supposed to exist. The Judicial Branch of ‘Government’ has always been intended to be the weakest branch of all. Deliberately. Since the Founding Fathers of our Country -- made this Country.
By the Founding Fathers -- to preserve this Country.
What are the traditional terms for People under Tyranny -- such as ourselves?
Answer: This is a big answer:
Despite the Internet and the new found Freedom of Humans everywhere to say the Truth -- in the face of the Lying and Satanic Democrat/Homosexuals -- we are still threatened by an ‘Attempted Dark Age of DemoTopia’, and the Tyranny that goes with it.
Just look at the Coup d’etat, that the Homosexual/Democrats of DemoIowa have persecuted the People of Iowa with-- completely disemboweling and disregarding the Will of the People of the State of Iowa.
There is indeed a very real danger of a New Dark Age of Totalitarian Tyranny, happening right here in America.
Read carefully what a Dark Age is. It is denial. Denial of Information, Learning and Will. As you will learn, the lack of Freedom of Information, Learning and the Will of the People did not always mean the People were Stupid and Barbaric and Undeserving of having a Will -- as the Moderate/Homosexuals demand is the case. To those swine, the sooner all Non-Moderates are Dead -- the better!
Sutton Hoo
[[Or so say, the Propagandists and Senators in Drag. You know who I mean. The Promisers, that Monkey Judges believe.]]
Perhaps one of the most repulsive aspects of this conflict against Judicial Tyranny, is the horrific egotism and arrogance of the Bastards and Bitches that are fighting the People. They are literally the products of a secretive and elitist society of persons who, without their self-created world of assumed importance and twisted lies (having taken the original structure of American Government and mutilating it to suit their own purposes), -- would not be anything more than ridiculous and pathetic maniacs. Idiots in the streets, demanding and expecting servitude and obedience from everyone else. And, getting their asses kicked up around their ears every time they opened their mouths.
Being overruled, denied, spat upon, diminished, and enslaved by such Demigods, that should be the dregs of society instead, is an atrocious and terrible condition for any society to be in.
It has to stop.
Or, the very core reasons for having a society to begin with will cease to exist.
And, when that happens there is far worse than Revolution.
V O T E - N O - O N - J U D G E - R E T E N T I O N !!!!
I T'S - H O W - Y O U - S T A Y - A L I V E !!!!
There is no Life -- under Seven Monkey Judges.
Markel Peters
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message. Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.
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- Certified (1)
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- Change (1)
- Channel (1)
- Chaos (2)
- Charlton Heston (1)
- Chart (1)
- Charts (1)
- Chat (1)
- Cheap Chrome (1)
- Cheeseburger (1)
- Chester (1)
- Chester Dump (1)
- Chicago (3)
- Chicago Thugs (1)
- Chick-Fil-A (2)
- Chickasaw (2)
- Chicken (3)
- Chicken Pox (1)
- Chickens (1)
- Child (1)
- Children (6)
- Chimpanzees (1)
- China (5)
- China's Economy (1)
- Chinese (1)
- Chinese Communism (1)
- Choices (1)
- Choir (1)
- Chorus (1)
- Chris Christie (1)
- Christians (2)
- Christie (2)
- Christmas (1)
- Chronological (1)
- Church (1)
- Churches (2)
- Cinerama (1)
- Circus (2)
- Cisco (1)
- Citizen (1)
- City (3)
- Civil Rights (2)
- Civil Unions (1)
- Civil War (1)
- Civilization (2)
- Civilization Suicide (1)
- Class (2)
- Classical (1)
- Clean and Decent (1)
- Clean Water (1)
- Close Ranks (1)
- Clouds (2)
- CNN (2)
- CNN-type (1)
- Coal to Nuclear (1)
- Coalition (7)
- Coalitions (3)
- Cockroaches (1)
- Code (4)
- Code of Decency (1)
- Coextinction (1)
- Collaborator (1)
- Collapse (1)
- Collective (1)
- Colonel (3)
- Color (1)
- Colorado (2)
- Colorations (1)
- Colors (2)
- Colosseum (1)
- Comedian (1)
- Command (1)
- Commercial (1)
- Commercial Killers (1)
- Commercial Medias (1)
- Commercial Protestors (1)
- Commercialists (1)
- Communicable (1)
- Communications (1)
- Communism (1)
- Communist (1)
- Communist Chinese (1)
- Communists (1)
- Communities (1)
- Community (4)
- Complexity (1)
- Compost Heap (1)
- Comprehension (1)
- Computer (2)
- Computers (1)
- Con-Artists (1)
- Conference (1)
- Confined (2)
- Confinement (1)
- Conflicts (1)
- Confusion (1)
- Congress (1)
- Consequences (1)
- Conservation (2)
- Conservative (1)
- Conservatives (2)
- Conservorats (1)
- Conspiracy Theories (1)
- Constipated (1)
- Consumer Herds (1)
- Consumerism System (1)
- Contempt (1)
- Contests (1)
- Continent (1)
- Contortion (1)
- Contributions (1)
- Control (1)
- Control of Government (1)
- Control Panel (1)
- Convoys (1)
- Convoys Of Killers (1)
- Cops (2)
- Corpse Again (1)
- Corrupt (1)
- Corruption (4)
- Cough Sucker (1)
- Counter Insurgency (1)
- Counter-attacks (1)
- Counterintelligence (1)
- Counties (4)
- Country (5)
- Country Roads (1)
- Countryside (1)
- County (3)
- County Coyotes (3)
- Courage (4)
- Couriers (1)
- Court (1)
- Courts (2)
- Covid19 (1)
- Cow (1)
- Cowardice (3)
- Cowards (3)
- Cowards Are As Cowards Deserve (1)
- Cows (2)
- Coyote’s Eye (1)
- Coyotes (1)
- Crackheads (1)
- Crank Religion (1)
- Crap (1)
- Crapamonia (1)
- Crash (1)
- Crazy (4)
- Creek (1)
- Creeple (1)
- Crime (3)
- Crimes (3)
- Criminal (4)
- Criminal Element (2)
- Criminals (1)
- Crippled (1)
- Crippled Blacks (1)
- Cripples (2)
- Croatia (1)
- Crocodile (1)
- Cronies (1)
- Cronyism (1)
- Crop Duster (1)
- Crow Bait (1)
- Culinary (1)
- Cult (4)
- Cuomo (2)
- Cures (1)
- Curiosity (1)
- Danger (1)
- Dangerous (1)
- Dangers (1)
- Dark Side (1)
- Dash Cams (1)
- David Livingstone (1)
- Day (1)
- Day After (1)
- Dead (4)
- Death (6)
- Debate (1)
- Debauchery (1)
- Debt (1)
- Deceit (1)
- Decency (1)
- Deception (1)
- Decision (2)
- Decision Making (1)
- Decisions (1)
- Deductive (1)
- Deep Throat (1)
- Deer (2)
- Defendant (1)
- Defense (2)
- Defenseless (1)
- Degenerate (2)
- Delivery (1)
- Delta (1)
- Demented (1)
- Demented White Female (1)
- Dementia (1)
- Demo Delight Cupcakes (1)
- DemoCities (1)
- DemoCrap (2)
- Democrap Repellent (1)
- DemoCraps (27)
- Democrat (2)
- Democrat/Homosexuals (1)
- Democrats (10)
- DemoIowa (1)
- Demon (1)
- Demonism (1)
- Demons (1)
- DemoQueers (3)
- DemoRobot (1)
- DemoVermont (1)
- Denial (1)
- Depravity (1)
- Depth-of-Field (1)
- Depuke (1)
- Deranged Artificial Import (1)
- Deranged Murderer's (1)
- Des Aliens (8)
- Des Moines (1)
- Des Moines Rearsniffers (1)
- Desperate (1)
- Despicable (1)
- Despots (1)
- Destroyers (3)
- Destruction (1)
- Destructive (1)
- Detail (1)
- Deviate (2)
- Deviate Bug (1)
- Deviates (22)
- Deviation (1)
- Deviations (1)
- Devil (1)
- Devils (1)
- Diagram (1)
- Diagrams (1)
- Diapers (1)
- Diaspora (1)
- Diaz (1)
- Dick (1)
- Dictator (3)
- Dictatorial (1)
- Dictatorship (4)
- Dictionary (1)
- Dinosaurs (2)
- DIRTY (1)
- Dirty Electricity (1)
- Disable (1)
- Disappointment In Hell (1)
- Disaster (1)
- Discrimination (1)
- Disease (2)
- Diseases (1)
- Disinfectant (1)
- Disobedience (1)
- Dissatisfaction (1)
- Distrust (1)
- Divide and Conquer (1)
- Divine Comedy (1)
- Divorce (1)
- Doctor (1)
- Doctors (1)
- Document (1)
- Documentaries (2)
- Dogma (1)
- Dollars (1)
- Dolts (1)
- DOMA (2)
- Dominate (1)
- Dominoes (1)
- Don't (2)
- Don't Give A Shit (1)
- Don't look just get your guns (1)
- Donald Trump (1)
- Donations (2)
- Doom (2)
- Dose (1)
- DOT (1)
- Double Check (1)
- Double-Negative (1)
- Download (1)
- Downloading (1)
- Downsizing (1)
- DPI (1)
- Dracula (1)
- Dragonfly (1)
- Drain Lines (1)
- Drainpipes (1)
- Dream (6)
- Dreamers (1)
- Dreams (1)
- Dreamscape (1)
- Dresden (1)
- Drivers (1)
- Drof (1)
- Drof Squat (1)
- Drone (1)
- Drones (1)
- Drugs (2)
- Dubai (1)
- Dubuque (1)
- Due-To (1)
- Dumb (1)
- Dummies (3)
- Dump (1)
- Dumpster (1)
- Dumpsters (2)
- Dunce (1)
- Dunce Faggerlick (1)
- Dunced (1)
- Dunces (1)
- Dung Beetle (1)
- Dung Beetles (1)
- Dupes (1)
- Dutch (1)
- DWCs (1)
- Dyke (1)
- Dykes (1)
- Dysfunctions (1)
- Eagle (1)
- Eagle Grove (2)
- Early Morning (1)
- Early Voters (1)
- Earth (5)
- Earth Abides (1)
- East Coast (1)
- Economic Conditions (1)
- Economic Insanity (1)
- Ecstasy (1)
- Effingham (1)
- Effort (1)
- Egomaniacs (1)
- Egyptian (1)
- Eight Points (1)
- Eighteen Years Ago (1)
- Elder (1)
- Elders (1)
- Election (9)
- Election 2012 (1)
- Elections (1)
- Electric (1)
- Elementary School (1)
- Elimination (1)
- Elites (1)
- Elon Musk (2)
- Elucidation (1)
- Emancipation (1)
- Emergency (1)
- Eminent Domain (3)
- Emotions (1)
- Emphasis (1)
- Enculturation (1)
- Encyclopedia (1)
- Enemies (9)
- Enemy (1)
- Energy Companies (1)
- English (2)
- Enjoy (1)
- Enthusiasm (1)
- Environmental (1)
- Environmentalist (3)
- Equality (1)
- Equals (1)
- Escape (1)
- Establishment (4)
- EU/NATO (1)
- Europe (1)
- European Politicians (1)
- European Union (2)
- Eutherian (1)
- Eviction Notice (1)
- Evil (6)
- Evil Intentions (1)
- Evil Minded (1)
- Evil Persons (1)
- Evilness (1)
- Evils (2)
- Exercise (1)
- Expansion (1)
- Expendable (2)
- Expensive (1)
- Experience (1)
- Experiments (1)
- Expert Killers (1)
- Explanations (1)
- Explosions (1)
- Exposure (2)
- Expressions (1)
- Extinction (2)
- Extremists (2)
- Eyewitness Markel (1)
- Fables (1)
- Facebook (2)
- Faces (2)
- Facial (1)
- Facial Anuses (1)
- Factory (1)
- Fag (1)
- Faggerlick (1)
- Faggot (1)
- Faggots (4)
- Fags (2)
- FagSny (1)
- Fair (1)
- Fairies (1)
- Faith (1)
- Fake (1)
- Fake Authority (1)
- Fake Corporations (1)
- Fake News (2)
- Fake Revolutionaries (1)
- Fakery (3)
- Fallacies (1)
- False (4)
- False God (1)
- Falsehoods (1)
- Falsely-Colored (1)
- Families (1)
- Fantastic (1)
- Farm (1)
- Farmer (1)
- Farmers (4)
- Farmlands (1)
- Farms (3)
- Fart-Forces (1)
- Fascist (1)
- Fascists (3)
- Fat (1)
- Fat F*ck (1)
- Father (1)
- Favor (1)
- FBI (2)
- Fear (3)
- Fear Merchants (1)
- Federal (2)
- Federal Authority (2)
- Federal Offense (1)
- Federal Sucks (3)
- Federals (1)
- Feel (1)
- Felonies (1)
- Femi-Nazis (1)
- Feminists (1)
- Fiber Optic (1)
- Fiction (1)
- Field Manual (1)
- Fields (1)
- Fifth Columnists (1)
- Fight (2)
- Files (1)
- Film (1)
- Films (1)
- Filth (1)
- Filthy (2)
- Filthy Monkey (1)
- Filthy Monkeys (2)
- Final Death (1)
- Finalize (1)
- Fine Feathered (1)
- Fire (1)
- Fire Ecology (1)
- Fired (1)
- Firefox (1)
- FISA (1)
- Fisher (1)
- Fists (1)
- Five Evils (2)
- Fix (1)
- Flames of Truth (1)
- Fleas (1)
- Flies (1)
- Flogging (1)
- Flooding (1)
- Flop (1)
- Florida (1)
- Florida911 (2)
- Floyd (1)
- Flu (1)
- Fluffball (1)
- FM (2)
- Fodder Items (1)
- Fog-of-War (1)
- Folks (1)
- Followers (1)
- Foods (1)
- Fooled (1)
- Fools (2)
- For (2)
- For Sale (1)
- Forbidden (3)
- Forbidden Knowledge (1)
- Ford (2)
- Ford Reichers (1)
- Forearms (1)
- Foreign Aliens (1)
- Forests (1)
- Forever Perverted (1)
- ForeverLying (1)
- Format (1)
- Formula (1)
- Forrid (2)
- Forrid Abominations (3)
- Forrid Bug (1)
- Forrid Infestation (1)
- Forrids (2)
- Fort (2)
- Fort Dodge (5)
- Fort Dodge People (1)
- Foul (1)
- Four (1)
- Fourth of July (2)
- Fourth Reich (1)
- Franklin (4)
- Franklin County (1)
- Frankly Dead (1)
- Fraud (2)
- Fraudulent (1)
- Frazetta (1)
- Freaks (3)
- Freaks and Creeps (1)
- Free (2)
- Free Justice (1)
- Free Toys (1)
- Freedom (10)
- Freedom Movements (1)
- Freedoms (1)
- Freezing (1)
- French (1)
- French Poodle (1)
- Frog (1)
- Frogs (1)
- Frontline Fighting (1)
- Frozen (2)
- Frugal Queen (1)
- Fuel (1)
- Fundamentals (1)
- Funnel (1)
- Future (2)
- Future People (1)
- Galactic (1)
- Galaxy (3)
- Gallipoli (1)
- Game (5)
- Game of Shames (1)
- Game World (1)
- Gamers (1)
- Games (4)
- Games and Liars (1)
- Gang (2)
- Garden (1)
- Gargoyles (1)
- Gates to Hell (1)
- Gears With Lies (1)
- Gender (2)
- General (1)
- General Public (1)
- Generality (1)
- Genetic Engineers (1)
- Genocide (5)
- Genociders (1)
- Geographical (1)
- Geography (1)
- George Floyd (1)
- Georgia (1)
- Germany (3)
- Ghetto (1)
- Ghettos (1)
- Giant (1)
- Giveaways (1)
- Gladiators (1)
- Glenn Beck (2)
- Glitch (1)
- Global (1)
- Global Pump (1)
- Globe (1)
- Glockenturm (1)
- Glossary (1)
- Goals (1)
- God (6)
- God's Clerk (1)
- God's Will (1)
- Godless Deviates (1)
- Godlings (1)
- Gods (1)
- Godzilla (1)
- Gold (1)
- Golden (1)
- Golden Moments (1)
- Golden Ones (1)
- Golden Pimple (5)
- Good (1)
- Good Riddance (1)
- Goodness (1)
- Google (3)
- Gore (1)
- Gorillas (1)
- Government (11)
- Government For The People By The People (1)
- Government Sucks (1)
- Government That Must Die (1)
- Governor (1)
- GPS Zone (1)
- Grain (1)
- Grand Theft Election (1)
- GrandBugs (1)
- Grandma (1)
- Grease (1)
- Great Improvements (1)
- Great Plains (2)
- Great Unwashed Masses (1)
- Greece (1)
- Greed (4)
- Greedy (3)
- Green (1)
- Greenbelt (2)
- Greenbelts (2)
- Greene (1)
- Greeness (1)
- Grim Reaper (1)
- Grotesque (1)
- Group Think (1)
- Grouping (1)
- Groves (2)
- Growth (1)
- Grubs (1)
- Guaranteed (1)
- Guardian (1)
- Guilty (2)
- Gulag (1)
- Gun Bans (1)
- Gun-Haters (1)
- Guns (5)
- Guzzling (1)
- H1N1 (1)
- Hags Of Endless War (1)
- Hah (1)
- Hah Hah Hah (1)
- Hah! (1)
- Hairball (1)
- Halloween (1)
- Halsey (1)
- Hancock (2)
- Handgun (1)
- Handguns (1)
- Happening (1)
- Happiness (3)
- Happy (1)
- Happy People (1)
- Harassments (1)
- Harbingers (1)
- Hard Core Porno Weather (1)
- Harvester (1)
- Harvesters (2)
- Hate (1)
- Hate of Mankind (2)
- Hate Rally (1)
- Hate Team (1)
- Hatred (5)
- Haw-Haw (1)
- HBHZ (7)
- Heads (1)
- Healing (1)
- Health (1)
- Health Care (1)
- Health Departments (1)
- Health Insurance (1)
- Healthy (1)
- Hearkeneth (1)
- Heat (1)
- Heat Pads (1)
- Heaven (1)
- Heavens (1)
- Hegemony (4)
- Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid (1)
- Helicopters (1)
- Hell (7)
- Hell's Kitchen (1)
- Hellions (1)
- Hellish Contents (1)
- Hellish Triangle (1)
- Helmsman (1)
- Helter-Skelter (1)
- HEPA (1)
- Hercules (1)
- Herd Immunity (1)
- Here (6)
- Hereditary Enemies (1)
- Heron (2)
- Heterophobes (1)
- Heterophobia (1)
- Heterophobic (1)
- High Ground (1)
- High Spirits (1)
- Hijacked (1)
- Hillary (1)
- Hindus (1)
- Hispanic (1)
- Hispanics (2)
- Historians (2)
- Historical (2)
- History (4)
- HO (1)
- Hoax (2)
- Hoaxers (1)
- HObama (16)
- Hocus-Pocus (1)
- Hog Driver (1)
- Hoggers (1)
- Hogs (3)
- HollyQueer (1)
- Holocaust (1)
- Home Town (1)
- Homecoming (1)
- Homeless (1)
- HomeQueer Security (2)
- Homeschooling (1)
- Homo-Fascist (1)
- Homo-Fascists (6)
- HomoNazi (1)
- Homophiles (1)
- Homosexual (2)
- Homosexual Agenda (1)
- Homosexuals (5)
- Hong Kong (1)
- Honour (1)
- Hood (1)
- Horizon Stone (1)
- Horizons (1)
- Horrid (2)
- Horrid Domination (1)
- Horrid Zone (1)
- Horror (1)
- Horrors (1)
- Horses (1)
- Hosts (1)
- Hot (1)
- House (1)
- House Arrest (1)
- Howitzers (1)
- HTTP (1)
- HTTPS (1)
- Hucksters (1)
- Huffing (1)
- Huffingbutt's (1)
- Huffingbutt's Post (1)
- Human (28)
- Human Beings (2)
- Human Body (1)
- Human Candidate (1)
- Human Children (2)
- Human Helping (1)
- Human Information (1)
- Human Lessons (1)
- Human Life (1)
- Human Marriage (1)
- Human Resistance (4)
- Human Resistance Fighters (1)
- Human Species (3)
- Human Validity (1)
- Human Websites (1)
- Human Wedding (1)
- Human Will (1)
- Human-Haters (1)
- Humanity (1)
- Humanoid (1)
- Humanophobia (1)
- Humans (32)
- Humboldt (1)
- Humboldt County (1)
- Hurt (1)
- Hygiene (1)
- I am working (1)
- I saw the scum myself (1)
- I380 (1)
- I80 (1)
- IBM (1)
- Ice (3)
- Idea (1)
- Idealists (1)
- Identities (1)
- Identity (1)
- Idioot (1)
- Idiot (3)
- Idiot Voters (1)
- Idiots (10)
- Idle (1)
- IIIN (1)
- Il Duce (1)
- Il Duce Branstad (1)
- Ilinois Primary (1)
- Illinois (4)
- Illinois Family Institute (1)
- Illinois Primary (1)
- Illuminati (1)
- Illustration (1)
- Illustrations (2)
- Imagination (1)
- Imbecile (1)
- Imbeciles (2)
- Imitations (1)
- Immaterial (1)
- Imminent Targets (1)
- Immobility (1)
- Immune (1)
- Immunologists (1)
- Impact (1)
- Impala (1)
- Impatience (1)
- Imperial Dementia (1)
- Imperialism (3)
- Imperials (4)
- Imperium (1)
- Impertinent (1)
- Importance (1)
- Important (1)
- Important Aspects (1)
- Impossible (1)
- Improved (1)
- In Knowledge There Is Strength (1)
- Inauguration Day (1)
- Inclusion Demands Exclusion (1)
- Incrazies (2)
- Incrazy Freaks (1)
- Indebtedness (1)
- Independent (1)
- India (2)
- Indian (1)
- Indiana (1)
- Indians (1)
- Indicators (2)
- Indignity (1)
- Inductive (1)
- Industrial (1)
- Industries (1)
- Inevitable (1)
- Infamous (1)
- Infantile (1)
- Infiltrators (1)
- Infinity (1)
- Influenza (2)
- Information (1)
- Injections (1)
- Inner Reality (1)
- Innocent Earth (1)
- Insane (1)
- Insanity (3)
- Institute (1)
- Institutionalized (1)
- Intelligence (2)
- Intelligent (1)
- Intentions (1)
- Interest (1)
- Intermediate (1)
- Internet (8)
- Internet Service Provider (1)
- Interruption (1)
- Intersection (1)
- Intersections (1)
- Intimidation (5)
- Introduction (1)
- Invaders (2)
- Invasion (4)
- Invasion of Privacy (1)
- Investigators (1)
- Involuntary Explosions (1)
- Ionia (1)
- Iowa (26)
- Iowa Caucus (1)
- Iowa City (1)
- Iowa Falls (1)
- Iowa Ranger (1)
- IP Address (1)
- IRA (1)
- Islamophobia (1)
- Island (1)
- Islands (1)
- ISP (1)
- Issues (1)
- IT (1)
- It's On Their Heads (1)
- ITU (1)
- Jack-knife (1)
- Jackals (3)
- Jackson (1)
- Jeeps (1)
- Jeremiah (1)
- Jesus (2)
- Judge (4)
- Judges (12)
- Jumbo Tweets (1)
- Jumping (1)
- June (4)
- Junipero Serra (1)
- Junk Yard (1)
- Junkyard (1)
- Justice (2)
- Kaleidoscopic (1)
- Kangaroo (1)
- Karl Rove (1)
- Kentucky (1)
- Kenya (1)
- Kick (1)
- Kill (1)
- Killed (1)
- Killer (1)
- Killer AI (2)
- Killer BUWIs (1)
- Killer Queers (1)
- KN95 (1)
- Knife (1)
- Knowing (1)
- Knowledge (3)
- Known Universe (1)
- Kodak (1)
- Kold (1)
- Kum and Go (1)
- Kwik Star (1)
- Ladies of the Plains (1)
- Laminar Flow (1)
- Land of Oz (1)
- Landscape (2)
- Landscapes (1)
- Language (1)
- Last Time (1)
- Laugh (1)
- Laughing Sheep (1)
- Laughter (1)
- Laws (2)
- Lawyer Bitches (1)
- Lawyers (4)
- Leader (1)
- Leaders (3)
- Leadership (2)
- Leaks (1)
- Left Out (1)
- Legal (2)
- Legendary Offense (1)
- Legislation (1)
- Legislators (1)
- Legitimacy (1)
- Leprosy (3)
- Les Miserables (1)
- Lesbians (3)
- Lesie (1)
- lesie-turds (2)
- LESIES (1)
- less-supreme-than-anyone-else (1)
- Let It Go (1)
- Lethal (1)
- Lexapro (1)
- Liars (11)
- Liberals (3)
- Lice (1)
- Licenses (1)
- Lie (1)
- Lie Enough Rule (1)
- Lie Filters (1)
- Lies (25)
- Life (6)
- Lifeforms (1)
- Lightning (1)
- Limbaugh (1)
- Line Survey (1)
- Lions (1)
- Listeners (1)
- Little Brains (1)
- Little-Friend (1)
- Living-Dead (1)
- Loathed (1)
- Loathsome (1)
- Lock Screen (1)
- Logic (2)
- Logistics (1)
- Lonely (1)
- Long Term (1)
- Loonies (1)
- Loot (1)
- Lord (1)
- Losers (2)
- Lottery (1)
- Love (2)
- Love Ones (1)
- Low Earth Orbit (1)
- Lunacy (1)
- Lunatics (1)
- Lunkheads (1)
- Lying (3)
- Lying-Living-Death (1)
- Lyrics (1)
- M1A1 (1)
- Machine (1)
- Machines (1)
- Mad (1)
- Madam Gronstal (2)
- MadFaggot (1)
- Magical Powers (1)
- Magrag (1)
- Malcom (1)
- Malfeasance (1)
- Malicious (2)
- Man (2)
- Man Alone (1)
- Man-haters (1)
- Managers (1)
- Mandatory Response (1)
- Manhattan (1)
- Mankind (1)
- Mannerisms (1)
- Map of Shame (1)
- Maps (1)
- Marble Rock (1)
- Marijuana (2)
- Marktown (2)
- Marriage (17)
- Marriage-Hatred (1)
- Mars (1)
- Marvelous (1)
- Mason's Freaky (1)
- Mass (1)
- Mass Insanity (2)
- Massachusetts (1)
- Massacre (1)
- Masses (1)
- MassInsanity (3)
- Massive Big Business Farmers (1)
- Master Race (1)
- Masters (7)
- Masticate (1)
- Masturbate (1)
- Matt Barber (1)
- Mayor (1)
- McCain (1)
- Mearsheimer (2)
- Media (1)
- Medias (9)
- Medical Specialist (1)
- Medicines (1)
- Meditative (1)
- Meek (1)
- Mega Kudos (1)
- Members (1)
- Memories (1)
- Memory (1)
- Memphis (1)
- Men (3)
- Mens Room (1)
- Mental (3)
- Mental Disease (2)
- Mental Health (2)
- Mephisto (1)
- Merchants (3)
- Message (1)
- Messages (2)
- Metabolic Happiness (1)
- Metaphysically (1)
- Methodist Church (1)
- Methodologists/Propagandists (1)
- Methodology (1)
- Metropolis (1)
- Metropolitan (1)
- Mexican (1)
- Mexico (3)
- Michele Bachmann (2)
- Michelle Bachmann (1)
- MicroPimp (1)
- Microsoft (1)
- Middle-Managers (2)
- Midwest Population (1)
- Mighty (1)
- Military (5)
- Militia (1)
- Milky Way (1)
- Millenniums (1)
- Millionaire (1)
- Mind-fornicating (1)
- Mind-Fornicators (1)
- Mindless (1)
- Mindless Hoards (1)
- Mines (1)
- Mini-Nation (1)
- Miniature (1)
- Minions (1)
- Minister (1)
- Minnesota (2)
- Minnesota Politics (1)
- Minus (1)
- Mirror (1)
- Miscreant (1)
- Miserables (1)
- Missions (1)
- Mississippi (1)
- Mitt (the Rat) Romney (1)
- Mitt Romney (1)
- Mitt Romney Deal (1)
- Mobility (3)
- Mock Revolution (1)
- Model (1)
- Moderate (1)
- Moderates (11)
- Moderation (2)
- Moderna (2)
- ModoRat (1)
- ModoRat Pledge (1)
- Mommies (1)
- Money (3)
- Money for Votes (1)
- Monkey (16)
- Monkey Judge (1)
- Monkey Judges (9)
- Monkey Turds (1)
- Monkey-Judges (1)
- MonkeyPox (1)
- Monkeys (16)
- Monopoly (1)
- Monstrosities (1)
- Montage (1)
- Month (3)
- Month of Human Love (1)
- Months (1)
- Moon (2)
- Moon Rush (1)
- Moose (1)
- Moral High Ground (1)
- Mordor (5)
- More (1)
- Mortal Man (1)
- Mother Killers (1)
- Mother-in-Law (1)
- Mountain (1)
- Movement (1)
- Movie Star (1)
- Movies (1)
- Mower (1)
- Muffle (1)
- Mug (1)
- Multitudes (1)
- Murderer (1)
- Murderers (2)
- Murdering (1)
- Murders (1)
- Muscles (1)
- Music (1)
- Muslims (2)
- Must Work (1)
- Mutants (1)
- Mutual (1)
- Mutual Indebtedness (1)
- Mystery Question (1)
- Naive (1)
- Naked (2)
- Napoleon (1)
- Nascent (1)
- Nasty (2)
- Nation Building (1)
- National (1)
- Nations (1)
- NATO (2)
- Natt (1)
- Natural (1)
- Natural Environment (1)
- Natural Immunization (1)
- Natural Resource Depletion (1)
- Natural World (1)
- Nature (8)
- Nazis (2)
- NBC (1)
- NDAA (1)
- NEA (15)
- Nebraska (2)
- Nefarious (1)
- Neglect (1)
- Nero (1)
- Netherworld (1)
- Network (2)
- Neurons (2)
- Neuters (1)
- Nevada (2)
- Never (1)
- Never Vote (1)
- New (3)
- New Hampshire (1)
- New Hampshire Primary (1)
- New Jersey (1)
- New Years (1)
- New York (1)
- New York Plates (1)
- Newbies (1)
- News (3)
- Newsrag (3)
- newsrags (1)
- Newt Gingrich (1)
- Next Hideous Marriage (1)
- Niche (1)
- Nikon (2)
- NO MERCY (1)
- No Reactions (1)
- No-What (1)
- No-Who (1)
- NOM (3)
- Non-conformity (1)
- Non-Existent (1)
- non-Species (1)
- Nonsense (2)
- Normalized (1)
- North (1)
- North Carolina (1)
- North Carolina Cheerleaders (1)
- North Central Iowa (1)
- North Central Outdoors (1)
- Northeast (1)
- Nose (2)
- Not For Polite Society (1)
- Nothingness (1)
- Novices (1)
- Now (1)
- NPR (1)
- NRA (1)
- NSA (2)
- Nuclear (1)
- Nude Yack (2)
- Nulf (1)
- Nuremberg Rallies (1)
- Nutrition (1)
- Obamacare (1)
- Obeyed (1)
- Obliteration (1)
- Obnoxious (1)
- Observer (1)
- Obtuse (1)
- Odd Happenstance (1)
- Odor Stoppers (1)
- Of (1)
- Offense (1)
- Offenses (1)
- Office (1)
- Official (1)
- Oh Ick (2)
- Oklahoma (1)
- Old West (1)
- Olde (1)
- Olive Oil (1)
- Omicron (2)
- One Ball Of Dung (1)
- One Thousand (1)
- Onions (1)
- Online Storage (1)
- Ooze (1)
- Open Letter (1)
- Opera (1)
- Operating (1)
- Opiate (1)
- Opinions (1)
- Opportunists (4)
- Opposite Politics (1)
- Oppression (2)
- Optimal (1)
- Oral Arguments (1)
- Orangutans (1)
- Organisms (1)
- Organized Crime (1)
- Organized Criminal Religion (1)
- Organized Religion (1)
- Other Earth (1)
- Out (2)
- Out-Of-State (1)
- Outbreak (1)
- Outer Space (1)
- Outhouse (1)
- Outlaw (1)
- Outwards (1)
- Overdose (1)
- Owners (1)
- Oyolia (1)
- P-O-S (1)
- Pablum (1)
- Pachyderm (1)
- Pacific (1)
- Paid-For (1)
- Pains (1)
- Paint (1)
- Pansy Motoring (1)
- Panthers (1)
- Paradise (1)
- Parakeets (1)
- Parallel (1)
- Paraphernalia (1)
- Parking Lot (1)
- Partial List (1)
- Party (3)
- Party Players (1)
- Pastures (1)
- Pathetic (1)
- Patriot (1)
- PC Settings (1)
- Pebers (1)
- Pedophiles (1)
- Pelicans (3)
- Pentagon (1)
- Peons (1)
- People (11)
- People-haters (1)
- Perception (1)
- Perfect (1)
- Performances (1)
- Perpetual Civilization (1)
- Personal (1)
- Personal Health (1)
- Personality (2)
- Perversions (1)
- Pervert (3)
- Perverted (1)
- Perverted Article (1)
- Perverted Campaign (1)
- Perverts (3)
- Perverts Attack Human Woman (2)
- Pestilence (3)
- Peters (1)
- Petition (2)
- Petitions (1)
- Petty Dictators (1)
- Pharmaceutical (1)
- Phasers (1)
- Philosophy (1)
- Phoney (1)
- Phony (4)
- Phony Map (1)
- Phony Marriage (3)
- Photographers (1)
- Photographs (7)
- Photography (1)
- Photos (4)
- Physical (1)
- Physiological Abilities (1)
- Picasa (1)
- Pictures (4)
- Piggies (1)
- Pillage (1)
- Pimp's Faggot White (1)
- Pimple (2)
- Pink Flamingos (1)
- Piss (1)
- Piss Ants (1)
- Pizzazz (1)
- Place (2)
- Plague (1)
- Plains (2)
- Plan B (1)
- Planet (2)
- Planet Sinister (2)
- Planets (1)
- Planned Obsolescence (1)
- Plans (2)
- Plant (1)
- Plastic Agriculture (1)
- Playbook (1)
- Player (1)
- Playtimes (2)
- Plead (1)
- Pleasant Outings (1)
- Plight (1)
- Plus (1)
- Pocahontas (1)
- Podcast (3)
- Podcasts (2)
- Poison (1)
- Poke (1)
- Poland (1)
- Polaris (1)
- Polaris Ranger (1)
- Police (5)
- Political (1)
- Political Correctness (1)
- Political Corruption (1)
- Political Crimes (1)
- Political Gnomes (1)
- Political Lies (1)
- Political Machine (1)
- Politician (1)
- Politicians (16)
- Politico (1)
- Politics (27)
- Politics Game (5)
- Politics Gamers (1)
- Politics Gnomes (1)
- Politics Speak (1)
- Polls (1)
- Poor (2)
- Pope (1)
- Population (1)
- Population Control (1)
- Pornography (1)
- Porta Poddys (1)
- Positive (1)
- Possession (1)
- Post Office (2)
- Potatoes (1)
- Power (3)
- Power Companies (2)
- Powers (1)
- PPPP(-) (2)
- Prairie (2)
- Prayer (1)
- Pre-Queerapsy (1)
- Prepping (1)
- President (2)
- Presidential (2)
- Pressure (1)
- Presumptive (1)
- Pretend (3)
- Pretenders (4)
- Pretty Grotesque (1)
- Prevention (1)
- Price Gouging (1)
- Prices (1)
- Pride (1)
- Prideless (1)
- Principles (2)
- Prison (2)
- Prisoners (1)
- Prisons (1)
- Privacy (1)
- Private. (1)
- Producers (1)
- Production (1)
- Productive (1)
- Profiling (5)
- Progress (1)
- Progressive (1)
- Projected (1)
- Promotion (1)
- Promotions (1)
- Propaganda (31)
- Propaganda Campaigns (1)
- Propagandists (1)
- Proper (1)
- Property (1)
- Prophecy (1)
- Proponents (1)
- Proposals (1)
- Proposition 8 (1)
- Prosperity (1)
- Prostitution (2)
- Protected (1)
- Protection (1)
- Protest Signs (1)
- Protesters (1)
- Protestors (1)
- Proudless (1)
- Proudless Driving (1)
- Proverbs (1)
- Proves (1)
- Prunes (1)
- Pseudo-Socialism (1)
- Psych (1)
- PsychCreatures (1)
- Psychological (1)
- Pterodactyl (1)
- Public (3)
- Public Schools (2)
- Public/Political Schools (1)
- Puddy Tat (1)
- Punishment (1)
- Punk (1)
- Punks (1)
- Puppetry (1)
- Purity (2)
- Purple (1)
- Puss (1)
- Pustules (1)
- Putin (1)
- Putrid Defeat (1)
- Puttzies (1)
- Puzzle (1)
- Pyramid (1)
- Pyramids (1)
- Q-Sick (1)
- Q&AFF (1)
- Q&PMH (1)
- Quality (1)
- Queer (22)
- Queer and Phony Marriage Hatred (1)
- Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred (1)
- Queer Bully (1)
- Queer Calibration (1)
- Queer Coalition (6)
- Queer Coalitions (4)
- Queer Disney (3)
- Queer England (1)
- Queer for (1)
- Queer Godling (1)
- Queer Government (2)
- Queer Governments (1)
- Queer Hoax (1)
- Queer Legal (1)
- Queer Media Stroke (1)
- Queer Medias (8)
- Queer Moderates (1)
- queer newsrags (2)
- Queer Poll (1)
- Queer Propaganda (5)
- Queer Queens (1)
- Queer Romney (1)
- Queer SWATS (1)
- Queer Weather Chow (1)
- Queerapsy (4)
- Queeraptic (1)
- Queers (34)
- Queershit (11)
- QueerSwat (1)
- QueerSwats (1)
- Question (1)
- Questioning (1)
- Quis Quistie (1)
- Quugly (1)
- Rabbit Holes (1)
- Rabble-Rousers (1)
- Rabies (2)
- Rabies Monkeys (1)
- Raccoon (1)
- Raccoons (1)
- Race (1)
- Racial (1)
- Racial Profile (1)
- Racial Profiling (1)
- Racist (1)
- Rack (1)
- Radar (1)
- Radio (3)
- Radio Interference (1)
- Raid (1)
- Rain Cells (1)
- Rallies (1)
- Rampage (1)
- Ranger (1)
- Rape (4)
- Rape of Iowa (1)
- Rapidly-Dying (1)
- Rapists (1)
- Rat (3)
- Rat Romney (2)
- Rats (1)
- Ratshit (1)
- Ratshitters (1)
- Rattlesnake (2)
- Ravine (1)
- Reactions (1)
- Read (1)
- Reader 1 (1)
- Readers (3)
- Reading (1)
- Real (4)
- Real (Living) Iowa (1)
- Real America (1)
- Real Human (1)
- Real Humans (2)
- Real Iowa (4)
- Real Marriage (1)
- Real Men (1)
- Real People (1)
- Real Truth (1)
- Real White Man (1)
- Real Women (3)
- Real World (1)
- Reality (5)
- Realization (1)
- Really Ugly Asshole from Florida (1)
- Rear-Sniffers (1)
- Rearsniffers (1)
- Rearstiffers (1)
- Reasons (1)
- Reavers (1)
- Rebellion (1)
- Rebuild (1)
- Recordings (2)
- Recreation (1)
- Recruits (1)
- Red (1)
- Red-Assed Baboons (1)
- Refurbishment (1)
- Refusal (1)
- Regime (2)
- Regime of Terror (1)
- Regiments (1)
- Regimes (1)
- Regulations (1)
- Reich (1)
- Reid (5)
- Rejection (1)
- Rejuvenated (1)
- Relativity (1)
- Religion (4)
- Religions (1)
- Religious (1)
- Remagen (1)
- Remedies (1)
- Remnants (1)
- RepoCrap (1)
- RepoCraps (2)
- Representation (1)
- Reptiles (1)
- Repu-Scooper (1)
- Republican (3)
- Republicans (4)
- Republiscams (1)
- RepuCrap (1)
- RepuCraps (11)
- Repugnance (1)
- Research (1)
- Residents (1)
- Resistance (14)
- Resolution (2)
- Resources (1)
- Revenge (1)
- Reversal (1)
- Reverse Bang (1)
- Revolution (11)
- Revolutionaries (2)
- Revolutionary (1)
- Revolutions (1)
- Rhetoric (1)
- Rich (1)
- Richard Egan (1)
- Riches (1)
- Rick Santorum (7)
- Riddle (1)
- Ridge (1)
- Riding (1)
- Rifles (2)
- Right (1)
- Ring (1)
- Ringgenberg (1)
- RINOs (2)
- Riot (1)
- Riots (2)
- River (4)
- Rivers (1)
- Road Kill (1)
- Robotic (1)
- Robots (2)
- Rodent (1)
- Rodentia (2)
- Rodents (2)
- Role-Players (1)
- Rolling Hills (3)
- Roman (1)
- Romans (1)
- Romney (7)
- Romney Rat (1)
- Romulan (1)
- Rove (1)
- Royalty (1)
- Rude (1)
- Ruination (2)
- Ruined Franklin County (1)
- Ruinous (1)
- Rule (1)
- Run (2)
- Rural (2)
- Russia (2)
- Russian (1)
- Russian-Style (1)
- Ryan (3)
- Sabetha (1)
- Sadism (1)
- Sales Creatures (2)
- Salt Lake City (1)
- Sam Houston (1)
- Same-Sex (1)
- Sanctuary (1)
- Sane (1)
- Sanity (4)
- Santa Clause (1)
- Sarcasm (1)
- Sargasso (1)
- Sargent-Major (1)
- SAS (1)
- Satan (4)
- Satan Tube (1)
- Satanic (5)
- Satanic Symbols (1)
- Satanism (1)
- Satanism Everywhere (1)
- Satellite Radio (1)
- Saxophone (1)
- Sayeth (1)
- Scale (1)
- Scam (1)
- Scheme (1)
- Science (1)
- Science Priests (1)
- Scissors (1)
- Scorpion (1)
- Scotland (2)
- Scott Lively (1)
- Scourge (1)
- Scream (1)
- Screams (1)
- Screeches (1)
- Screwed (1)
- Scruffy (1)
- Sculpture (1)
- Scum (3)
- Scummies (1)
- Scuzz (2)
- Search Engines (3)
- Season (1)
- Secession (1)
- Secrecy (1)
- Secret (1)
- Seething Hatred (1)
- Self (1)
- Self Defense (1)
- Self-Destruct (1)
- Self-Medicine (1)
- Self-Recrimination (1)
- Senior Centers (1)
- Sense (1)
- Serengeti (1)
- Sergeant Majors (1)
- Sermons (1)
- Servants (1)
- Setup (1)
- Seven Monkey Judges (1)
- Sewage Backups (1)
- Sex (2)
- Sexless (1)
- Sexless Internet Censors (1)
- Sham (2)
- Shame (1)
- Shattered and Gone (1)
- Sheep (2)
- Sheeple (1)
- Sheriff (1)
- Sheriffs (1)
- Shit Grinner's Mask (1)
- Shithead (1)
- Shock (1)
- Shooting (2)
- Shout (1)
- Shrinking (1)
- SHTF (1)
- Shut-Ins (1)
- Side Effect (1)
- Side of Evil (1)
- Side of Light (2)
- Signatures (1)
- Silence (1)
- Sing (1)
- Single Topic (1)
- Sinister (4)
- Sites (1)
- Six (1)
- Six-legged (1)
- Skeletons (1)
- Skies (1)
- Skunk (2)
- Slash (1)
- Slaughter (2)
- Slaughterhouse (1)
- Slaughterhouses (1)
- Slavery (4)
- Slaves (7)
- Slavs (1)
- Sledgehammer (1)
- Sleepyheads (1)
- Slime (3)
- Slither (1)
- Small towns (1)
- Smelltone (1)
- Smelltone John (1)
- Smothered (1)
- Sneaky Cat (1)
- Sneeeeze (1)
- Snow (2)
- Snow Queen (1)
- Snowflake (1)
- Snowplows (1)
- Social Insanity (1)
- Social Norms (1)
- Social Order (1)
- Social Standard (1)
- Socialism (1)
- Socially Prominent (1)
- Society (5)
- Society Country (1)
- Sodom (1)
- Sodomy (1)
- Something (1)
- Song (2)
- Songs (1)
- Sonnet (1)
- Sony (2)
- Soon (1)
- Sorrento (1)
- South (1)
- South Carolina (1)
- South Dakota (1)
- Southwest Wisconsin (1)
- Southwestern (1)
- Southwestern Wisconsin (1)
- Sovereignty (1)
- Space Marine (1)
- Space Marines (1)
- Space X (1)
- Spaghetti (1)
- Spawn (1)
- Speakers (1)
- Spears (1)
- Special Environments (1)
- Species (14)
- Speech (2)
- Spiders (1)
- Spies (3)
- Spirals (1)
- Spirit (1)
- Spirit of Battle (1)
- Spiritual (2)
- Splatter (1)
- Splendiferous (1)
- Spontaneous (1)
- Sport (1)
- Spy (1)
- SQLD (17)
- Square (1)
- SQUIRM (2)
- Squirms (1)
- Squirrel (1)
- SSA Funds (1)
- SSID (1)
- Stab (1)
- Standard of Measurements (1)
- Star (2)
- Star Lux (1)
- Starship (1)
- State (2)
- State Police (1)
- Statehouse (1)
- States (5)
- Statesmanship (1)
- Statistical (1)
- Steel Beauty (1)
- STEM (1)
- STEM Priests (1)
- Stench (2)
- Steve Deace (2)
- Stinking Body Count (1)
- Stooges (2)
- Stoopid (1)
- Storm (1)
- Straight (1)
- Straights (1)
- Strategy (1)
- Straw (1)
- Stream (2)
- Street Cleaning Machines (1)
- Strength (1)
- Stress (1)
- Stupefied (1)
- Stupid (1)
- Sub-Language (1)
- Sub-tongues (1)
- Subjugation (1)
- Subsidies (1)
- Suffer (1)
- Sugar Cube (1)
- Suicide (1)
- Sunrise (1)
- Sunset (2)
- Super Cargo (1)
- Superior (2)
- Supervisors (3)
- Suppository (1)
- Suppression (2)
- Supreme (2)
- Supreme Court (1)
- Surprise (1)
- Surveillance (1)
- Survivalism (1)
- Survive (1)
- Surviving Surviving (1)
- Survivors (1)
- Suspicion (1)
- SUVs (1)
- Swans (1)
- Swine (3)
- Swing (1)
- Symptoms (1)
- Syncretism (1)
- Syndicate (1)
- Synonymous (1)
- Taboo (1)
- Tandem (1)
- Target (1)
- Targets (2)
- Taste Tests (1)
- Tax (1)
- Tax Credits (1)
- Tax Monies (1)
- Taxes (2)
- Tea Party (3)
- Teachers (1)
- Teachers Unions (1)
- Teaching (1)
- Tech Giants (1)
- Technologist (1)
- Technology (1)
- Telecom (1)
- Telecommunications (1)
- Teleconferencing (1)
- Telegraph (1)
- Telephone (1)
- Television (1)
- Temporary Zombies (1)
- Tenderloin (2)
- Tennessee (1)
- Termites (1)
- Terrain (1)
- Terrible (1)
- Terrible Amounts of Windmills (1)
- Terror (1)
- Terror-Squads (1)
- Terrorism (4)
- Terrorist (1)
- Terrorist Driving (1)
- Terrorists (6)
- Test (1)
- Texas (2)
- Texas1984 (3)
- Texas1984 Plates (1)
- Textbooks (1)
- Thanks (1)
- Thanksgiving (1)
- The Hindenburg (1)
- The Rat (1)
- The Train (1)
- Theater (1)
- Them (3)
- Then (1)
- Therapy (1)
- Thieves (1)
- Thing (1)
- Think (3)
- Thinking (4)
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- Third-Degree Burns (1)
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- Tricks (1)
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- Troop (1)
- Troops (1)
- Truck (1)
- Truck Drivers (1)
- Trucks (1)
- Trump (4)
- Trumpers (1)
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- Turn Your Cell Phones OFF -- The Deviates Are Calling All Cell Phones With Gifts Of Queershit. (1)
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- Unauthorized Authority (1)
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- Unions (1)
- United States (2)
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- Universal Facts (1)
- Universe (2)
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- Unns Gang (1)
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- Unwashed Masses (1)
- Update (1)
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- Useless Cretins (1)
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- Utility Vehicles (1)
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- Vaccinations (1)
- Vaccines (2)
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- Verminous (1)
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- Voter (1)
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- Voters (6)
- Votes (2)
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- Wars (2)
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- What Is Happening (1)
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- Whirlwinds (1)
- White (3)
- White Bitch (1)
- White Folks (1)
- White House (1)
- White Lesbian Supremacists (1)
- White Man (1)
- White Niggers (1)
- White Rattlesnake (1)
- White Tiger (1)
- White Trash (2)
- Whites (1)
- Whities (2)
- WHO (2)
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- Woe (1)
- Woeful (1)
- Wolf Spiders (1)
- Wolves (1)
- Woman (2)
- Women (1)
- Won (1)
- Won't You Please (1)
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- Words (1)
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- Working Slave (1)
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- Writer (2)
- Writers (2)
- Writing (2)
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- Wussy Wrectum (1)
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Fakery and Fake Fakery
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!
The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.