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Monday, October 26, 2009

The Meaning of Propaganda:


What is it.
Why is it.
When is it.
What uses it.


The SQLD Lie that is being pandered by the stooges of the Statehouse Madams, is that Human Resistance is against the 'democratic process'. This is being said about our response to the present situation of the Real Iowa VS Demo-Iowa.

It is a convenient excuse of theirs, meant to conjure up sympathy for their lies, dirty tricks, and tyranny.

It was no 'democratic process' that queered Iowa, and broke it into the awful Demo-Iowa and the Real Iowa. A process that will not allow the People of Iowa to use their God Given Rights, to vote out the Clientele of the Democrat/Homosexuals, and restore Humanity to Iowa.

Not to mention kicking the 'less-supreme-than-anyone-else' Monkey Judges right out of their whorehouse, across the street from the Statehouse!!!!


The idea that the Homosexual/Democrats have about their 'democratic process', is quite clear to anyone who can still think for themselves. It is simply, "Our Process for Ourselves, and Our Paying Customers. No other processes for anyone else"!
Certainly "No processes for Everyone!" -- such as The Will of the People!


If some trick or deception is:
1. Evil, and is a
2. Lie that works for the Democrat/Homosexuals --
then they call it the 'democratic process'.

If it is Evil and a Lie, that does not work for the Homosexual/Democrats, then they try to use it against Humans anyway. Or twist it, until it does work for them!

If it is a Truth that works against the Democrat/Homosexuals -- they call it "Un-Democratic, Un-American and Against the Democratic Process"!


At this juncture I would normally recall all of the lies and tricks that the Homosexual/Democrats committed during the 2008 RipOff, but there are plenty of Human Resistance websites to explain that to you. You should still remember them anyway!

I am going to make this more of a reference work than a narrative.


The intention here is to expose the lies, cheats, deceits and fakeries of the Democrat/Homosexuals, relative to one of their primary techniques -- Propaganda.

When we oppose the 'Propaganda Process' of the Homosexual/Democrats -- what we Humans are wanting is Freedom from the lies, diseases and vile intentions of the Democrat/Homosexuals.

Towards that goal, I will once again discuss the Propaganda Methods of the SQLD.


This installment is short and un-sweetened, by comparison to my former entries ... because it is about one topic only and that topic is quite bitter ...


I intend to reissue or reference to this piece in the future -- whenever we discuss the lies of the SQLD, so I will keep it as short as possible.

The article in Wikipedia about Propaganda is fairly complete -- so I will use it and explain how the SQLD commit the Crimes Against Humanity that are discussed in that work, all the time.

The article itself is found at:

Please access that website, and SAVE IT!

Wikipedia articles can be changed by the public -- and after this the (Satanic and 'Queer' Lying-Dead) will try to alter and censor that article, to make the Truth about their 'Propaganda Process' disappear.

The SQLD 'Propaganda Process' loses its effectiveness if the Intended Victims KNOW they are being propagandized!
A Wikipedia article that helps everyone KNOW -- is therefore considered Anti-SQLD -- and ‘Against the Democratic Process‘.


One of the biggest problems that Human Resisters have is to be able to accurately describe the SQLD, without seeming to be disseminating propaganda. This happens whenever you have to describe anything that is truly and totally ... ALL BAD, ALL NEGATIVE AND ALL HORRIBLE!

Me (myself), I rarely worry about that problem, and I just call them what they are!

But, for the sake of Your General Knowledge -- I will endeavor here ...


I am going to use a reference way of writing for this -- because we already know most of this anyway.

Some of us just do not remember, or do not want to remember.

Or, want to be soft and gooey and mushy -- and easy to run over -- by Propaganda Machines!

A kind of 'Ho-Humm Suicidal Tendency'.


As you are well aware of by now -- I could easily write this entire work myself. That would lose the Point, however.

The Point being -- [[ knowing what Propaganda is -- such knowing is not exclusive to me -- such knowing is not exclusive to Humans Who Resist! ]]


I will not include the entire article here -- since some of it will not pertain to our situation, as it is a general article.

I know that I am usually too long-winded with these entries, but this one needs studying. So, I will include as much as applies to us.

Be sure to download your own copy of the entire article for yourself, however.

I will emphasis the parts that are most important to us in Italics. Which is to say, if you see it in Italics -- the SQLD use it that way!


As usual we must ask ourselves -- "What the (heck) is he trying to say this time?"

Really, I am not doing the saying -- I am doing the showing.

This stuff exists!

It would never exist, if this was My World!

However, there are some very unsavory creatures in Planet Sinister -- and this is what they do to People.

If I didn't give a (heck), I would not put this information out -- and someone somewhere would never see it -- and understand it -- and become Free because of it -- and I would just be another stupid slave in SinisterLand -- and so would all of you be. If it wasn't for Humans like me.


To begin:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Propaganda is communication aimed at influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause or position. As opposed to impartially providing information, propaganda in its most basic sense, presents information primarily to influence an audience. Propaganda often presents facts selectively (thus lying by omission) to encourage a particular synthesis, or uses loaded messages to produce an emotional rather than rational response to the information presented. The desired result is a change of the attitude toward the subject in the target audience to further a political agenda.

Propaganda is neutrally defined as a -- systematic form of purposeful persuasion that attempts to influence the emotions, attitudes, opinions, and actions of specified target audiences for ideological, political or commercial purposes through the controlled transmission of one-sided messages (which may or may not be factual) via mass and direct media channels."
—Richard Alan Nelson, A Chronology and Glossary of Propaganda in the United States, 1996

The English term is an 18th century coinage, from the Latin feminine gerund of propagare "to propagate", originally in
Congregatio de Propaganda Fide "Congregation for Propagating the Faith," a committee of cardinals established 1622 by Gregory XV. In its turn, the word propagare is related to the word propages, "a slip, a cutting of a vine"[1] and refers to the gardener's practice to disseminate plants by planting shoots. [2]
The term is not pejorative in origin, the political sense dates to World War I.



Defining propaganda has always been a problem. Garth Jowett and Victoria O'Donnell have provided a concise, workable definition of the term: "Propaganda is the deliberate, systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognitions, and direct behavior to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandist"

This definition focuses on the communicative process involved -- more precisely, on the purpose of the process, and allows "propaganda" to be considered as a neutral activity, which can be seen as positive or negative behavior depending on the perspective of the viewer.

Propaganda is generally an appeal to emotion, not intellect. It shares techniques with
advertising and public relations, each of which can be thought of as propaganda that promotes a commercial product or shapes the perception of an organization, person or brand,

though in post-World War II usage the word "propaganda" more typically refers to political or
nationalist uses of these techniques or to the promotion of a set of ideas, since the term had gained a pejorative meaning, which commercial and government entities could not accept.[citation needed] The refusal phenomenon was eventually to be seen in politics itself by the substitution of ‘political marketing’ and other designations for ‘political propaganda’.
Propaganda was often used to influence opinions and beliefs on religious issues, particularly during the split between the
Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant churches.

Propaganda has become more common in
political contexts, in particular to refer to certain efforts sponsored by governments, political groups, but also often covert interests. In the early 20th century, propaganda was exemplified in the form of party slogans. Also in the early 20th century the term propaganda was used by the founders of the nascent public relations industry to describe their activities. This usage died out around the time of World War II, as the industry started to avoid the word, given the pejorative connotation it had acquired.

Literally translated from the Latin gerundive as "things that must be disseminated", in some cultures the term is neutral or even positive, while in others the term has acquired a strong negative connotation. The connotations of the term "propaganda" can also vary over time. For example, in Portuguese and some Spanish language speaking countries, particularly in the Southern Cone, the word "propaganda" usually refers to the most common manipulative media — "advertising".

In English, "propaganda" was originally a neutral term used to describe the dissemination of information in favor of any given cause. During the 20th century, however, the term acquired a thoroughly negative meaning in western countries, representing the intentional dissemination of often false, but certainly "compelling" claims to support or justify political actions or ideologies. This redefinition arose because both the
Soviet Union and Germany's government under Hitler admitted explicitly to using propaganda favoring, respectively, communism and Nazism, in all forms of public expression. As these ideologies were repugnant to liberal western societies, the negative feelings toward them came to be projected into the word "propaganda" itself.

Propaganda is neutrally defined as a systematic form of purposeful persuasion that attempts to influence the emotions, attitudes, opinions, and actions of specified target audiences for ideological, political or commercial purposes through the controlled transmission of one-sided messages (which may or may not be factual) via mass and direct media channels. A propaganda organization employs propagandists who engage in propagandism—the applied creation and distribution of such forms of persuasion."
—Richard Alan Nelson, A Chronology and Glossary of Propaganda in the United States, 1996

Roderick Hindery argues
[4] that propaganda exists on the political left, and right, and in mainstream centrist parties. Hindery further argues that debates about most social issues can be productively revisited in the context of asking "what is or is not propaganda?" Not to be overlooked is the link between propaganda, indoctrination, and terrorism/counterterrorism. He argues that threats to destroy are often as socially disruptive as physical devastation itself.
Propaganda also has much in common with
public information campaigns by governments, which are intended to encourage or discourage certain forms of behavior (such as wearing seat belts, not smoking, not littering and so forth). Again, the emphasis is more political in propaganda. Propaganda can take the form of leaflets, posters, TV and radio broadcasts and can also extend to any other medium.

In the case of the United States, there is also an important legal (imposed by law) distinction between advertising (a type of overt propaganda) and what the Government Accountability Office (GAO), an arm of the United States Congress, refers to as "covert propaganda."

[[[[ Kiss that one Goodbye -- everything that comes out of the SQLD Government is Total Propaganda!]]]]

Journalistic theory generally holds that news items should be objective, giving the reader an accurate background and analysis of the subject at hand.

[[[[ Nothing could be further from the Truth these days! SQLD Journalistic Rules demand the constant usage of SQLD Propaganda!]]]]

On the other hand,
advertisements evolved from the traditional commercial advertisements to include also a new type in the form of paid articles or broadcasts disguised as news. These generally present an issue in a very subjective and often misleading light, primarily meant to persuade rather than inform. Normally they use only subtle propaganda techniques and not the more obvious ones used in traditional commercial advertisements. If the reader believes that a paid advertisement is in fact a news item, the message the advertiser is trying to communicate will be more easily "believed" or "internalized."
Such advertisements are considered obvious examples of "covert" propaganda because they take on the appearance of objective information rather than the appearance of propaganda, which is misleading.
Federal law specifically mandates that any advertisement appearing in the format of a news item must state that the item is in fact a paid advertisement.

The propagandist seeks to change the way people understand an issue or situation for the purpose of changing their actions and expectations in ways that are desirable to the interest group. Propaganda, in this sense, serves as a corollary to censorship in which the same purpose is achieved, not by filling people's minds with approved information, but by preventing people from being confronted with opposing points of view. What sets propaganda apart from other forms of advocacy is the willingness of the propagandist to change people's understanding through deception and confusion rather than persuasion and understanding. The leaders of an organization know the information to be one sided or untrue, but this may not be true for the rank and file members who help to disseminate the propaganda.

[[[[ This next part particularly applies to SQLD-Controlled Areas, such as Demo-Iowa, Demo-Vermont, and MassInsanity.]]]]

Propaganda is a powerful weapon in war; it is used to dehumanize and create hatred toward a supposed enemy, either internal or external, by creating a false image in the mind. This can be done by using derogatory or racist terms, avoiding some words or by making allegations of enemy atrocities. Most propaganda wars require the home population to feel the enemy has inflicted an injustice, which may be fictitious or may be based on facts.


[[[[ Here is an important statement.]]]]

The home population must also decide that the cause of their nation is just.

[[[[ In Demo-Controlled Areas -- the home population does NOT decide. The home population is TOLD what to think. Such as "Humans Oppose The 'Democratic Process!"]]]]

Propaganda is also one of the methods used in
psychological warfare, which may also involve false flag operations. The term propaganda may also refer to false information meant to reinforce the mindsets of people who already believe as the propagandist wishes. The assumption is that, if people believe something false, they will constantly be assailed by doubts. Since these doubts are unpleasant (see cognitive dissonance), people will be eager to have them extinguished, and are therefore receptive to the reassurances of those in power. For this reason propaganda is often addressed to people who are already sympathetic to the agenda. This process of reinforcement uses an individual's predisposition to self-select "agreeable" information sources as a mechanism for maintaining control.

[[[[ To this end the SQLD always import as many Homosexual/Democrat agents, dupes, and followers as possible, into any location they intend to use as a Seed Area for their eventual takeover.]]]]

Propaganda can be classified according to the source and nature of the message.
White propaganda generally comes from an openly identified source, and is characterized by gentler methods of persuasion, such as standard public relations techniques and one-sided presentation of an argument. Black propaganda is identified as being from one source, but is in fact from another. This is most commonly to disguise the true origins of the propaganda, be it from an enemy country or from an organization with a negative public image. Grey propaganda is propaganda without any identifiable source or author. A major application of grey propaganda is making enemies believe falsehoods using straw arguments: As phase one, to make someone believe "A", one releases as grey propaganda "B", the opposite of "A". In phase two, "B" is discredited using some strawman. The enemy will then assume "A" to be true.

In scale, these different types of propaganda can also be defined by the potential of true and correct information to compete with the propaganda. For example, opposition to white propaganda is often readily found and may slightly discredit the propaganda source. Opposition to grey propaganda, when revealed (often by an inside source), may create some level of public outcry. Opposition to black propaganda is often unavailable and may be dangerous to reveal, because public cognizance of black propaganda tactics and sources would undermine or backfire the very campaign the black propagandist supported.

[[[[ In other words -- Human Resisters who expose the Truth, can be murdered. Or, intimidated by 'Close-enough Murders'.]]]]

Propaganda may be administered in insidious ways. For instance, disparaging
disinformation about the history of certain groups or foreign countries may be encouraged or tolerated in the educational system. Since few people actually double-check what they learn at school, such disinformation will be repeated by journalists as well as parents, thus reinforcing the idea that the disinformation item is really a "well-known fact", even though no one repeating the myth is able to point to an authoritative source. The disinformation is then recycled in the media and in the educational system, without the need for direct governmental intervention on the media. Such permeating propaganda may be used for political goals: by giving citizens a false impression of the quality or policies of their country, they may be incited to reject certain proposals or certain remarks or ignore the experience of others. See also: black propaganda, marketing, advertising.

[[[[ This is exactly what the Democrat/Homosexuals are doing in the 'Public Schools'. They are intensely indoctrinating our children to accept each and every perverted sickness and insanity that their Clientele have paid for!]]]]

Common media for transmitting propaganda messages include news reports, government reports, historical revision,
junk science, books, leaflets, movies, radio, television, and posters.

Less common nowadays are letterpost
envelopes examples of which of survive from the time of the American Civil War. (Connecticut Historical Society; Civil War Collections;Covers(envelopes). (In principle any thing that appears on a poster can be produced on a reduced scale on a pocket-style envelope with corresponding proportions to the poster).

(In) the case of radio and television, propaganda can exist on news, current-affairs or talk-show segments, as advertising or public-service announce "spots" or as long-running advertorials. Propaganda campaigns often follow a strategic transmission pattern to indoctrinate the target group.

This may begin with a simple transmission such as a leaflet dropped from a plane or an advertisement. Generally these messages will contain directions on how to obtain more information, via a web site, hot line, radio program, et cetera (as it is seen also for selling purposes among other goals). The strategy intends to initiate the individual from information recipient to information seeker through reinforcement, and then from information seeker to
opinion leader through indoctrination.

A number of techniques based in
social psychological research are used to generate propaganda. Many of these same techniques can be found under logical fallacies, since propagandists use arguments that, while sometimes convincing, are not necessarily valid.

[[[[ This next paragraph is very important -- as it describes the subtle dividing line between mere advertising and SQLD Propaganda.]]]]

Some time has been spent analyzing the means by which propaganda messages are transmitted. That work is important, but it is clear that information dissemination strategies become propaganda strategies only when coupled with propagandistic messages. Identifying these messages is a necessary prerequisite to study the methods by which those messages are spread.

[[[[ Note the part that says -- 'it is clear that information dissemination strategies become propaganda strategies only when coupled with propagandistic messages'.]]]]


Below are a number of techniques for generating propaganda:

Ad hominem
A Latin phrase that has come to mean attacking your opponent, as opposed to attacking their arguments.

[[[[ The Homosexual Agenda Manual of the ACLU details how to attack and disable any opponents of their plans. It does not extol any Virtues of its Homosexual/Democrat allies, because there are none. With nothing to argue for, they must resort to attacks.]]]]

Ad nauseam
This argument approach uses tireless repetition of an idea. An idea, especially a simple slogan, that is repeated enough times, may begin to be taken as the truth. This approach works best when media sources are limited and controlled by the propagator.

[[[[ Obvious.]]]]

Appeal to authority
Appeals to authority cite prominent figures to support a position, idea, argument, or course of action.

[[[[ Obvious.]]]]

Appeal to fear
Appeals to fear seek to build support by instilling anxieties and panic in the general population, for example,
Joseph Goebbels exploited Theodore Kaufman's Germany Must Perish! to claim that the Allies sought the extermination of the German people.

[[[[ Right now, the Democrat/Homosexual Propaganda Machine is spitting out the line -- Humans are opposed to the 'Democratic Process' -- which is meant to instill fear of Human Resistance against their 'SQLD Process' -- which they demand to be seen as the 'Democratic Process'.]]]]

Appeal to prejudice
Using loaded or emotive terms to attach value or moral goodness to believing the proposition.

[[[[ Obvious.]]]]

Bandwagon and "inevitable-victory" appeals attempt to persuade the target audience to join in and take the course of action that "everyone else is taking."

[[[[ The SQLD TV, FM, and newsrags are the bandwagons of the Homosexual/Democrats.]]]]

Inevitable victory: invites those not already on the bandwagon to join those already on the road to certain victory. Those already or at least partially on the bandwagon are reassured that staying aboard is their best course of action.

Join the crowd: This technique reinforces people's natural desire to be on the winning side. This technique is used to convince the audience that a program is an expression of an irresistible mass movement and that it is in their best interest to join.

Black-and-White fallacy
Presenting only two choices, with the product or idea being propagated as the better choice. (e.g., "You are either with us, or you are with the enemy")

[[[[ Super-Obvious. All SQLD medias praise themselves, their clientele, and their allies -- and villainize Humans with the same breath -- and heap insults upon anyone who Resists!]]]]

Beautiful people
The type of propaganda that deals with
famous people or depicts attractive, happy people. This makes other people think that if they buy a product or follow a certain ideology, they too will be happy or successful.

[[[[ The Democrat/Homosexual twist on this is to insist that they (themselves) are the Beautiful People, complete with White Cars, who should be adored and respected and OBEYED.]]]]
Big Lie
The repeated articulation of a complex of events that justify subsequent action. The descriptions of these events have elements of truth, and the "big lie" generalizations merge and eventually supplant the public's accurate perception of the underlying events. After World War I the German
Stab in the back explanation of the cause of their defeat became a justification for Nazi re-militarization and revanchist aggression.

[[[[ The SQLD Hoaxes, which I have already exposed, are typical of their Big Lie strategy.]]]]

Common man
The "'plain folks'" or "common man" approach attempts to convince the audience that the propagandist's positions reflect the common sense of the people. It is designed to win the confidence of the audience by communicating in the common manner and style of the target audience.

Propagandists use ordinary language and mannerisms (and clothe their message in face-to-face and audiovisual communications) in attempting to identify their point of view with that of the average person.

For example, a propaganda leaflet may make an argument on a macroeconomic issue, such as unemployment insurance benefits, using everyday terms: "given that the country has little money during this recession, we should stop paying unemployment benefits to those who do not work, because that is like maxing out all your credit cards during a tight period, when you should be tightening your belt."

[[[[ The Homosexual/Democrats use a variation of the 'Common Man' Technique -- by pretending that THEY represent the Will of the Common Man. While refusing to allow any and all possible representation and force of the Will Of the People. It is a -- 'We Block Your Will, With Our Pretend Will' Technique.]]]]

Demonizing the enemy
Making individuals from the opposing nation, from a different ethnic group, or those who support the opposing viewpoint appear to be subhuman (e.g., the
Vietnam War-era term "gooks" for National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam aka Vietcong, (or 'VC') soldiers), worthless, or immoral, through suggestion or false accusations.

[[[[ I cannot remember how many different Negative Superlatives have been applied to me, during my Life as a Human Resister, by the Propagandists of the SQLD. I doubt if the SQLD can remember how many different Lies and Defamations, and Demonisms they have conjured up about me, so far.]]]]

Direct order
This technique hopes to simplify the decision making process by using images and words to tell the audience exactly what actions to take, eliminating any other possible choices. Authority figures can be used to give the order, overlapping it with the
Appeal to authority technique, but not necessarily. The Uncle Sam "I want you" image is an example of this technique.

[[[[ This is the Monkey Judges Approach. The Worthless Opinion Farts of the 'less-supreme-than-anyone-else' Monkey Judges are immediately proclaimed as 'DIRECT ORDERS', by the Democrat/Homosexual scum who paid for the Farts to begin with.]]]]

The creation or deletion of information from public records, in the purpose of making a false record of an event or the actions of a person or organization, including outright
forgery of photographs, motion pictures, broadcasts, and sound recordings as well as printed documents.


The use of an event that generates euphoria or happiness, or using an appealing event to boost morale. Euphoria can be created by declaring a holiday, making luxury items available, or mounting a military parade with marching bands and patriotic messages.

[[[[ When the Unanimous Opinion Fart (for hire) from the Iowa 'less-supreme-than-anyone-else' Monkey Judges was released -- and pretended that perverts can get married -- the SQLD Propaganda Machine released a pre-arranged Euphoria Media Blitz upon Iowa.]]]]

An attempt to justify an action on the grounds that doing so will make one more patriotic, or in some way benefit a group, country, or idea. The feeling of patriotism this technique attempts to inspire may not necessarily diminish or entirely omit one's capability for rational examination of the matter in question.

[[[[ Ancient.]]]]

Glittering generalities
Glittering generalities are emotionally appealing words applied to a product or idea, but which present no concrete argument or analysis. A famous example is the campaign slogan "Ford has a better idea!"

[[[[ 100 Percent of everyday Satan Tube.]]]]

A half-truth is a deceptive statement, which may come in several forms and includes some element of truth. The statement might be partly true, the statement may be totally true but only part of the whole truth, or it may utilize some deceptive element, such as improper punctuation, or double meaning, especially if the intent is to deceive, evade blame or misrepresent the truth.

[[[[ Global Warming In Your Brain.]]]]

Intentional vagueness
Generalities are deliberately vague so that the audience may supply its own interpretations. The intention is to move the audience by use of undefined phrases, without analyzing their validity or attempting to determine their reasonableness or application. The intent is to cause people to draw their own interpretations rather than simply being presented with an explicit idea. In trying to "figure out" the propaganda, the audience forgoes judgment of the ideas presented. Their validity, reasonableness and application may still be considered.

[[[[ Such as the excuses that the Homosexual/Democrats give, for not being 'able to allow' the Will Of The People to be heard -- and not being 'able to allow' the People to Vote. Knowing we would Vote Down the Lies and Schemes and Pretend Marriages of their Paying Customers!!!!]]

Euphemism is used when the propagandist attempts to increase the perceived quality, credibility, or creedence of a particular ideal. A Dysphemism is used when the intent of the propagandist is to discredit, diminish the perceived quality, or hurt the perceived righteousness of the Mark. By creating a 'label' or 'category' or 'faction' of a population, it is much easier to make an example of these larger bodies, because they can uplift or defame the Mark without actually incuring legal-defamation.

Example: "Liberal" [[or "Conservative"]] is a dysphamsim intended to diminish the perceived credibility of a particular Mark. By taking a displeasing argument presented by a Mark, the propagandist can quote that person, and then attack 'liberals' [[or 'conservatives']] in an attempt to both (1) create a political battle-ax of unaccountable aggression and (2) diminish the quality of the Mark. If the propagandist uses the label on too-many perceivably credible individuals, muddying up the word can be done by broadcasting bad-examples of 'liberals' [[or 'conservatives']] into the media.
Labeling can be thought of as a sub-set of Guilt by association, another logical fallacy.

[[[[ The Preferred Labels which the SQLD demand to be used towards them -- under their Law Of Political Correctness -- is what this section is talking about.
The Democrat/Homosexual Duality here, is to demand their Preferred Labels to be used for them. And, only their Preferred Labels.
While ramming the defamations of 'Bigots', 'Racists', 'Homo-phobics', 'Right-Wing Extremists' etc into everyone's brains, about the Humans.]]]]

Propagandists use the name-calling technique to incite fears and arouse prejudices in their hearers in the intent that the bad names will cause hearers to construct a negative opinion about a group or set of beliefs or ideas that the propagandist would wish hearers to denounce. The method is intended to provoke conclusions about a matter apart from impartial examinations of facts. Name-calling is thus a substitute for rational, fact-based arguments against the an idea or belief on its own merits.

[[[[ They never leave home without it.]]]]

Obtain disapproval or Reductio ad Hitlerum
This technique is used to persuade a target audience to disapprove of an action or idea by suggesting that the idea is popular with groups hated, feared, or held in contempt by the target audience. Thus if a group that supports a certain policy is led to believe that undesirable, subversive, or contemptible people support the same policy, then the members of the group may decide to change their original position. This is a form of bad logic, where a is said to include X, and b is said to include X, therefore, a = b.

[[[[ This is just typical Homosexual/Democrat Fear-mongering.]]]]

Favorable generalities are used to provide simple answers to complex social, political, economic, or military problems.

[[[[ Forever in use by the Democrat/Homosexuals. A typical example is when they say, the Governor of Iowa cannot issue an order to allow the People of Iowa to vote on the Homosexual/Democrat pretend marriages. They just say it cannot be done. In Truth, it can be done. And, must be done!!!!]]]]

Quotes out of Context
Selective editing quotes to change meanings—political documentaries designed to discredit an opponent or an opposing political viewpoint often make use of this technique.

[[[[ Standard SQLD TV practice.]]]]

Individuals or groups may use favorable generalities to rationalize questionable acts or beliefs. Vague and pleasant phrases are often used to justify such actions or beliefs.

[[[[ A particularly putrid example of Democrat/Homosexual Rationalization for their Homosexual Agenda Against Humanity -- is to pretend that there are examples of their perverted acts being performed by animals in Nature -- and therefore their perverted acts are "Only Natural".
The Crackheads and Nasty Neuters (CNN) are saying these lies constantly.]]]]

Red herring
Presenting data or issues that, while compelling, are irrelevant to the argument at hand, and then claiming that it validates the argument.

[[[[ A Fancy Feast of just plain lies. Better left to Kitty-Kats.]]]]

This type of propaganda deals with a jingle or word that is repeated over and over again, thus getting it stuck in someone's head, so they can buy the product. The "Repetition" method has been described previously.

[[[[ Super-Obvious. Which does not mean, the Satan Tube does not use it constantly. As I have said before, they have no choice. They must brainwash their victims, or their victims will put them in Asylums.]]]]

Assigning blame to an individual or group, thus alleviating feelings of guilt from responsible parties and/or distracting attention from the need to fix the problem for which blame is being assigned.

[[[[ Common -- often motivated by criminal intent.]]]]

A slogan is a brief, striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Although slogans may be enlisted to support reasoned ideas, in practice they tend to act only as emotional appeals. Opponents of the US's invasion and occupation of Iraq use the slogan "blood for oil" to suggest that the invasion and its human losses was done to access Iraq's oil riches. On the other hand, "hawks" who argue that the US should continue to fight in Iraq use the slogan "cut and run" to suggest that it would be cowardly or weak to withdraw from Iraq. Similarly, the names of the military campaigns, such as "enduring freedom" or "just cause", may also be regarded to be slogans, devised to influence people.

[[[[ For example -- "2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - What Makes You Think Your Kid's Are Straight?!" A popular Slogan and Chant in the Boston Horrid Zone. The Implication, and Laugh at your Cowardice being -- they have gotten to your kids.]]]]

This technique attempts to arouse prejudices in an audience by labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as something the target audience fears, hates, loathes, or finds undesirable. For instance, reporting on a foreign country or social group may focus on the stereotypical traits that the reader expects, even though they are far from being representative of the whole country or group; such reporting often focuses on the
anecdotal. In graphic propaganda, including war posters, this might include portraying enemies with stereotyped racial features.

[[[[ Take myself for example. I oppose anything and everything that is Homosexual/Democrat, especially their Black Puppet Act. According to their propaganda, that opposition is supposed to make me a Racist. I won't include here the books I would have to write about my lifelong loathing of Racism.

Let me just say, I consider that White Vice-Creature, next to the Black Puppet, to be nothing more than a Stuttering Rattlesnake. Thus making the entire routine -- ' The Black Puppet and its White Rattlesnake Show!'

Am I still a Racist?]]]]

Testimonials are quotations, in or out of context, especially cited to support or reject a given policy, action, program, or personality. The reputation or the role (expert, respected public figure, etc.) of the individual giving the statement is exploited. The testimonial places the official sanction of a respected person or authority on a propaganda message. This is done in an effort to cause the target audience to identify itself with the authority or to accept the authority's opinions and beliefs as its own. See also,
damaging quotation

[[[[ This happens every time a Democrat/Homosexual opens its (Face).]]]]

Also known as association, this is a technique that involves projecting the positive or negative qualities of one person, entity, object, or value onto another to make the second more acceptable or to discredit it. It evokes an emotional response, which stimulates the target to identify with recognized authorities. Often highly visual, this technique often utilizes symbols superimposed over other visual images. These symbols may be used in place of words; for example, placing swastikas on or around a picture of an opponent to associate the opponent with Naziism.

[[[[ This one is very obvious. Any Human whom opposes the SQLD and their Homosexual Agenda Against Humanity is immediately stuck with the Transfer of 'Bigots', 'Racists', 'Prejudiced', 'Phobic', 'Uneducated', 'Radical' etc.]]]]

Unstated assumption
This technique is used when the propaganda concept that the propagandist intends to transmit would seem less credible if explicitly stated. The concept is instead repeatedly assumed or implied.

[[[[ For instance -- the SQLD TV channels are still calling their Propaganda Sessions -- the 'News'.]]]]

Virtue words
These are words in the value system of the target audience that produce a positive image when attached to a person or issue. Peace, happiness, security, wise leadership, freedom, "The Truth", etc. are virtue words. In countries such as the U.S. religiosity is seen as a virtue, making associations to this quality affectively beneficial. See

[[[[ This is how the Homosexual/Democrats infiltrate and pervert Churches. They also demand that their own self-created Identifiers such as 'Democratic Process' be extolled and acclaimed as Their Virtue -- and only theirs!!!!]]


The rest of the article is about Models of Propaganda and Historical Examples of Propaganda Usage. It is interesting reading, and by all means download an entire copy of the article before the SQLD alter it.

For our purposes, I will stop here.

If you want to learn more about the obvious evils of the Homosexual/Democrats read the rest of that article -- and download the following websites.


Black Propaganda Hyperlink:


White Propaganda Hyperlink:


Agenda Setting Theory Hyperlink:


Markel Peters










I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message.
Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.



























Labels Of All Posted Messages--A Way To Search Through Messages By Labels

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed


This blog exists to inform the People, of the 'Real Truth' about the real enemies of the Human Species. These Truths are not objectionable, as they are Truths. Only the telling of them can be objectionable, to those who wish to hide the Truth. If the Truth is something you HATE and therefore object to - go elsewhere!


Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!


The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.