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Monday, October 26, 2009
The Meaning of Propaganda:
What is it.
Why is it.
When is it.
What uses it.
The SQLD Lie that is being pandered by the stooges of the Statehouse Madams, is that Human Resistance is against the 'democratic process'. This is being said about our response to the present situation of the Real Iowa VS Demo-Iowa.
It is a convenient excuse of theirs, meant to conjure up sympathy for their lies, dirty tricks, and tyranny.
It was no 'democratic process' that queered Iowa, and broke it into the awful Demo-Iowa and the Real Iowa. A process that will not allow the People of Iowa to use their God Given Rights, to vote out the Clientele of the Democrat/Homosexuals, and restore Humanity to Iowa.
Not to mention kicking the 'less-supreme-than-anyone-else' Monkey Judges right out of their whorehouse, across the street from the Statehouse!!!!
The idea that the Homosexual/Democrats have about their 'democratic process', is quite clear to anyone who can still think for themselves. It is simply, "Our Process for Ourselves, and Our Paying Customers. No other processes for anyone else"!
Certainly "No processes for Everyone!" -- such as The Will of the People!
If some trick or deception is:
1. Evil, and is a
2. Lie that works for the Democrat/Homosexuals --
then they call it the 'democratic process'.
If it is Evil and a Lie, that does not work for the Homosexual/Democrats, then they try to use it against Humans anyway. Or twist it, until it does work for them!
If it is a Truth that works against the Democrat/Homosexuals -- they call it "Un-Democratic, Un-American and Against the Democratic Process"!
At this juncture I would normally recall all of the lies and tricks that the Homosexual/Democrats committed during the 2008 RipOff, but there are plenty of Human Resistance websites to explain that to you. You should still remember them anyway!
I am going to make this more of a reference work than a narrative.
The intention here is to expose the lies, cheats, deceits and fakeries of the Democrat/Homosexuals, relative to one of their primary techniques -- Propaganda.
When we oppose the 'Propaganda Process' of the Homosexual/Democrats -- what we Humans are wanting is Freedom from the lies, diseases and vile intentions of the Democrat/Homosexuals.
Towards that goal, I will once again discuss the Propaganda Methods of the SQLD.
This installment is short and un-sweetened, by comparison to my former entries ... because it is about one topic only and that topic is quite bitter ...
I intend to reissue or reference to this piece in the future -- whenever we discuss the lies of the SQLD, so I will keep it as short as possible.
The article in Wikipedia about Propaganda is fairly complete -- so I will use it and explain how the SQLD commit the Crimes Against Humanity that are discussed in that work, all the time.
The article itself is found at:
Please access that website, and SAVE IT!
Wikipedia articles can be changed by the public -- and after this the (Satanic and 'Queer' Lying-Dead) will try to alter and censor that article, to make the Truth about their 'Propaganda Process' disappear.
The SQLD 'Propaganda Process' loses its effectiveness if the Intended Victims KNOW they are being propagandized!
A Wikipedia article that helps everyone KNOW -- is therefore considered Anti-SQLD -- and ‘Against the Democratic Process‘.
One of the biggest problems that Human Resisters have is to be able to accurately describe the SQLD, without seeming to be disseminating propaganda. This happens whenever you have to describe anything that is truly and totally ... ALL BAD, ALL NEGATIVE AND ALL HORRIBLE!
Me (myself), I rarely worry about that problem, and I just call them what they are!
But, for the sake of Your General Knowledge -- I will endeavor here ...
I am going to use a reference way of writing for this -- because we already know most of this anyway.
Some of us just do not remember, or do not want to remember.
Or, want to be soft and gooey and mushy -- and easy to run over -- by Propaganda Machines!
A kind of 'Ho-Humm Suicidal Tendency'.
As you are well aware of by now -- I could easily write this entire work myself. That would lose the Point, however.
The Point being -- [[ knowing what Propaganda is -- such knowing is not exclusive to me -- such knowing is not exclusive to Humans Who Resist! ]]
I will not include the entire article here -- since some of it will not pertain to our situation, as it is a general article.
I know that I am usually too long-winded with these entries, but this one needs studying. So, I will include as much as applies to us.
Be sure to download your own copy of the entire article for yourself, however.
I will emphasis the parts that are most important to us in Italics. Which is to say, if you see it in Italics -- the SQLD use it that way!
As usual we must ask ourselves -- "What the (heck) is he trying to say this time?"
Really, I am not doing the saying -- I am doing the showing.
This stuff exists!
It would never exist, if this was My World!
However, there are some very unsavory creatures in Planet Sinister -- and this is what they do to People.
If I didn't give a (heck), I would not put this information out -- and someone somewhere would never see it -- and understand it -- and become Free because of it -- and I would just be another stupid slave in SinisterLand -- and so would all of you be. If it wasn't for Humans like me.
To begin:
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Propaganda is communication aimed at influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause or position. As opposed to impartially providing information, propaganda in its most basic sense, presents information primarily to influence an audience. Propaganda often presents facts selectively (thus lying by omission) to encourage a particular synthesis, or uses loaded messages to produce an emotional rather than rational response to the information presented. The desired result is a change of the attitude toward the subject in the target audience to further a political agenda.
Propaganda is neutrally defined as a -- systematic form of purposeful persuasion that attempts to influence the emotions, attitudes, opinions, and actions of specified target audiences for ideological, political or commercial purposes through the controlled transmission of one-sided messages (which may or may not be factual) via mass and direct media channels."
—Richard Alan Nelson, A Chronology and Glossary of Propaganda in the United States, 1996
The English term is an 18th century coinage, from the Latin feminine gerund of propagare "to propagate", originally in Congregatio de Propaganda Fide "Congregation for Propagating the Faith," a committee of cardinals established 1622 by Gregory XV. In its turn, the word propagare is related to the word propages, "a slip, a cutting of a vine"[1] and refers to the gardener's practice to disseminate plants by planting shoots. [2]
The term is not pejorative in origin, the political sense dates to World War I.
Defining propaganda has always been a problem. Garth Jowett and Victoria O'Donnell have provided a concise, workable definition of the term: "Propaganda is the deliberate, systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognitions, and direct behavior to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandist" [3]
This definition focuses on the communicative process involved -- more precisely, on the purpose of the process, and allows "propaganda" to be considered as a neutral activity, which can be seen as positive or negative behavior depending on the perspective of the viewer.
Propaganda is generally an appeal to emotion, not intellect. It shares techniques with advertising and public relations, each of which can be thought of as propaganda that promotes a commercial product or shapes the perception of an organization, person or brand,
though in post-World War II usage the word "propaganda" more typically refers to political or nationalist uses of these techniques or to the promotion of a set of ideas, since the term had gained a pejorative meaning, which commercial and government entities could not accept.[citation needed] The refusal phenomenon was eventually to be seen in politics itself by the substitution of ‘political marketing’ and other designations for ‘political propaganda’.
Propaganda was often used to influence opinions and beliefs on religious issues, particularly during the split between the Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant churches.
Propaganda has become more common in political contexts, in particular to refer to certain efforts sponsored by governments, political groups, but also often covert interests. In the early 20th century, propaganda was exemplified in the form of party slogans. Also in the early 20th century the term propaganda was used by the founders of the nascent public relations industry to describe their activities. This usage died out around the time of World War II, as the industry started to avoid the word, given the pejorative connotation it had acquired.
Literally translated from the Latin gerundive as "things that must be disseminated", in some cultures the term is neutral or even positive, while in others the term has acquired a strong negative connotation. The connotations of the term "propaganda" can also vary over time. For example, in Portuguese and some Spanish language speaking countries, particularly in the Southern Cone, the word "propaganda" usually refers to the most common manipulative media — "advertising".
In English, "propaganda" was originally a neutral term used to describe the dissemination of information in favor of any given cause. During the 20th century, however, the term acquired a thoroughly negative meaning in western countries, representing the intentional dissemination of often false, but certainly "compelling" claims to support or justify political actions or ideologies. This redefinition arose because both the Soviet Union and Germany's government under Hitler admitted explicitly to using propaganda favoring, respectively, communism and Nazism, in all forms of public expression. As these ideologies were repugnant to liberal western societies, the negative feelings toward them came to be projected into the word "propaganda" itself.
Propaganda is neutrally defined as a systematic form of purposeful persuasion that attempts to influence the emotions, attitudes, opinions, and actions of specified target audiences for ideological, political or commercial purposes through the controlled transmission of one-sided messages (which may or may not be factual) via mass and direct media channels. A propaganda organization employs propagandists who engage in propagandism—the applied creation and distribution of such forms of persuasion."
—Richard Alan Nelson, A Chronology and Glossary of Propaganda in the United States, 1996
Roderick Hindery argues[4] that propaganda exists on the political left, and right, and in mainstream centrist parties. Hindery further argues that debates about most social issues can be productively revisited in the context of asking "what is or is not propaganda?" Not to be overlooked is the link between propaganda, indoctrination, and terrorism/counterterrorism. He argues that threats to destroy are often as socially disruptive as physical devastation itself.
Propaganda also has much in common with public information campaigns by governments, which are intended to encourage or discourage certain forms of behavior (such as wearing seat belts, not smoking, not littering and so forth). Again, the emphasis is more political in propaganda. Propaganda can take the form of leaflets, posters, TV and radio broadcasts and can also extend to any other medium.
In the case of the United States, there is also an important legal (imposed by law) distinction between advertising (a type of overt propaganda) and what the Government Accountability Office (GAO), an arm of the United States Congress, refers to as "covert propaganda."
[[[[ Kiss that one Goodbye -- everything that comes out of the SQLD Government is Total Propaganda!]]]]
Journalistic theory generally holds that news items should be objective, giving the reader an accurate background and analysis of the subject at hand.
[[[[ Nothing could be further from the Truth these days! SQLD Journalistic Rules demand the constant usage of SQLD Propaganda!]]]]
On the other hand, advertisements evolved from the traditional commercial advertisements to include also a new type in the form of paid articles or broadcasts disguised as news. These generally present an issue in a very subjective and often misleading light, primarily meant to persuade rather than inform. Normally they use only subtle propaganda techniques and not the more obvious ones used in traditional commercial advertisements. If the reader believes that a paid advertisement is in fact a news item, the message the advertiser is trying to communicate will be more easily "believed" or "internalized."
Such advertisements are considered obvious examples of "covert" propaganda because they take on the appearance of objective information rather than the appearance of propaganda, which is misleading. Federal law specifically mandates that any advertisement appearing in the format of a news item must state that the item is in fact a paid advertisement.
The propagandist seeks to change the way people understand an issue or situation for the purpose of changing their actions and expectations in ways that are desirable to the interest group. Propaganda, in this sense, serves as a corollary to censorship in which the same purpose is achieved, not by filling people's minds with approved information, but by preventing people from being confronted with opposing points of view. What sets propaganda apart from other forms of advocacy is the willingness of the propagandist to change people's understanding through deception and confusion rather than persuasion and understanding. The leaders of an organization know the information to be one sided or untrue, but this may not be true for the rank and file members who help to disseminate the propaganda.
[[[[ This next part particularly applies to SQLD-Controlled Areas, such as Demo-Iowa, Demo-Vermont, and MassInsanity.]]]]
Propaganda is a powerful weapon in war; it is used to dehumanize and create hatred toward a supposed enemy, either internal or external, by creating a false image in the mind. This can be done by using derogatory or racist terms, avoiding some words or by making allegations of enemy atrocities. Most propaganda wars require the home population to feel the enemy has inflicted an injustice, which may be fictitious or may be based on facts.
[[[[ Here is an important statement.]]]]
The home population must also decide that the cause of their nation is just.
[[[[ In Demo-Controlled Areas -- the home population does NOT decide. The home population is TOLD what to think. Such as "Humans Oppose The 'Democratic Process!"]]]]
Propaganda is also one of the methods used in psychological warfare, which may also involve false flag operations. The term propaganda may also refer to false information meant to reinforce the mindsets of people who already believe as the propagandist wishes. The assumption is that, if people believe something false, they will constantly be assailed by doubts. Since these doubts are unpleasant (see cognitive dissonance), people will be eager to have them extinguished, and are therefore receptive to the reassurances of those in power. For this reason propaganda is often addressed to people who are already sympathetic to the agenda. This process of reinforcement uses an individual's predisposition to self-select "agreeable" information sources as a mechanism for maintaining control.
[[[[ To this end the SQLD always import as many Homosexual/Democrat agents, dupes, and followers as possible, into any location they intend to use as a Seed Area for their eventual takeover.]]]]
Propaganda can be classified according to the source and nature of the message. White propaganda generally comes from an openly identified source, and is characterized by gentler methods of persuasion, such as standard public relations techniques and one-sided presentation of an argument. Black propaganda is identified as being from one source, but is in fact from another. This is most commonly to disguise the true origins of the propaganda, be it from an enemy country or from an organization with a negative public image. Grey propaganda is propaganda without any identifiable source or author. A major application of grey propaganda is making enemies believe falsehoods using straw arguments: As phase one, to make someone believe "A", one releases as grey propaganda "B", the opposite of "A". In phase two, "B" is discredited using some strawman. The enemy will then assume "A" to be true.
In scale, these different types of propaganda can also be defined by the potential of true and correct information to compete with the propaganda. For example, opposition to white propaganda is often readily found and may slightly discredit the propaganda source. Opposition to grey propaganda, when revealed (often by an inside source), may create some level of public outcry. Opposition to black propaganda is often unavailable and may be dangerous to reveal, because public cognizance of black propaganda tactics and sources would undermine or backfire the very campaign the black propagandist supported.
[[[[ In other words -- Human Resisters who expose the Truth, can be murdered. Or, intimidated by 'Close-enough Murders'.]]]]
Propaganda may be administered in insidious ways. For instance, disparaging disinformation about the history of certain groups or foreign countries may be encouraged or tolerated in the educational system. Since few people actually double-check what they learn at school, such disinformation will be repeated by journalists as well as parents, thus reinforcing the idea that the disinformation item is really a "well-known fact", even though no one repeating the myth is able to point to an authoritative source. The disinformation is then recycled in the media and in the educational system, without the need for direct governmental intervention on the media. Such permeating propaganda may be used for political goals: by giving citizens a false impression of the quality or policies of their country, they may be incited to reject certain proposals or certain remarks or ignore the experience of others. See also: black propaganda, marketing, advertising.
[[[[ This is exactly what the Democrat/Homosexuals are doing in the 'Public Schools'. They are intensely indoctrinating our children to accept each and every perverted sickness and insanity that their Clientele have paid for!]]]]
Common media for transmitting propaganda messages include news reports, government reports, historical revision, junk science, books, leaflets, movies, radio, television, and posters.
Less common nowadays are letterpost envelopes examples of which of survive from the time of the American Civil War. (Connecticut Historical Society; Civil War Collections;Covers(envelopes). (In principle any thing that appears on a poster can be produced on a reduced scale on a pocket-style envelope with corresponding proportions to the poster).
(In) the case of radio and television, propaganda can exist on news, current-affairs or talk-show segments, as advertising or public-service announce "spots" or as long-running advertorials. Propaganda campaigns often follow a strategic transmission pattern to indoctrinate the target group.
This may begin with a simple transmission such as a leaflet dropped from a plane or an advertisement. Generally these messages will contain directions on how to obtain more information, via a web site, hot line, radio program, et cetera (as it is seen also for selling purposes among other goals). The strategy intends to initiate the individual from information recipient to information seeker through reinforcement, and then from information seeker to opinion leader through indoctrination.
A number of techniques based in social psychological research are used to generate propaganda. Many of these same techniques can be found under logical fallacies, since propagandists use arguments that, while sometimes convincing, are not necessarily valid.
[[[[ This next paragraph is very important -- as it describes the subtle dividing line between mere advertising and SQLD Propaganda.]]]]
Some time has been spent analyzing the means by which propaganda messages are transmitted. That work is important, but it is clear that information dissemination strategies become propaganda strategies only when coupled with propagandistic messages. Identifying these messages is a necessary prerequisite to study the methods by which those messages are spread.
[[[[ Note the part that says -- 'it is clear that information dissemination strategies become propaganda strategies only when coupled with propagandistic messages'.]]]]
Below are a number of techniques for generating propaganda:
Ad hominem
A Latin phrase that has come to mean attacking your opponent, as opposed to attacking their arguments.
[[[[ The Homosexual Agenda Manual of the ACLU details how to attack and disable any opponents of their plans. It does not extol any Virtues of its Homosexual/Democrat allies, because there are none. With nothing to argue for, they must resort to attacks.]]]]
Ad nauseam
This argument approach uses tireless repetition of an idea. An idea, especially a simple slogan, that is repeated enough times, may begin to be taken as the truth. This approach works best when media sources are limited and controlled by the propagator.
[[[[ Obvious.]]]]
Appeal to authority
Appeals to authority cite prominent figures to support a position, idea, argument, or course of action.
[[[[ Obvious.]]]]
Appeal to fear
Appeals to fear seek to build support by instilling anxieties and panic in the general population, for example, Joseph Goebbels exploited Theodore Kaufman's Germany Must Perish! to claim that the Allies sought the extermination of the German people.
[[[[ Right now, the Democrat/Homosexual Propaganda Machine is spitting out the line -- Humans are opposed to the 'Democratic Process' -- which is meant to instill fear of Human Resistance against their 'SQLD Process' -- which they demand to be seen as the 'Democratic Process'.]]]]
Appeal to prejudice
Using loaded or emotive terms to attach value or moral goodness to believing the proposition.
[[[[ Obvious.]]]]
Bandwagon and "inevitable-victory" appeals attempt to persuade the target audience to join in and take the course of action that "everyone else is taking."
[[[[ The SQLD TV, FM, and newsrags are the bandwagons of the Homosexual/Democrats.]]]]
Inevitable victory: invites those not already on the bandwagon to join those already on the road to certain victory. Those already or at least partially on the bandwagon are reassured that staying aboard is their best course of action.
Join the crowd: This technique reinforces people's natural desire to be on the winning side. This technique is used to convince the audience that a program is an expression of an irresistible mass movement and that it is in their best interest to join.
Black-and-White fallacy
Presenting only two choices, with the product or idea being propagated as the better choice. (e.g., "You are either with us, or you are with the enemy")
[[[[ Super-Obvious. All SQLD medias praise themselves, their clientele, and their allies -- and villainize Humans with the same breath -- and heap insults upon anyone who Resists!]]]]
Beautiful people
The type of propaganda that deals with famous people or depicts attractive, happy people. This makes other people think that if they buy a product or follow a certain ideology, they too will be happy or successful.
[[[[ The Democrat/Homosexual twist on this is to insist that they (themselves) are the Beautiful People, complete with White Cars, who should be adored and respected and OBEYED.]]]]
Big Lie
The repeated articulation of a complex of events that justify subsequent action. The descriptions of these events have elements of truth, and the "big lie" generalizations merge and eventually supplant the public's accurate perception of the underlying events. After World War I the German Stab in the back explanation of the cause of their defeat became a justification for Nazi re-militarization and revanchist aggression.
[[[[ The SQLD Hoaxes, which I have already exposed, are typical of their Big Lie strategy.]]]]
Common man
The "'plain folks'" or "common man" approach attempts to convince the audience that the propagandist's positions reflect the common sense of the people. It is designed to win the confidence of the audience by communicating in the common manner and style of the target audience.
Propagandists use ordinary language and mannerisms (and clothe their message in face-to-face and audiovisual communications) in attempting to identify their point of view with that of the average person.
For example, a propaganda leaflet may make an argument on a macroeconomic issue, such as unemployment insurance benefits, using everyday terms: "given that the country has little money during this recession, we should stop paying unemployment benefits to those who do not work, because that is like maxing out all your credit cards during a tight period, when you should be tightening your belt."
[[[[ The Homosexual/Democrats use a variation of the 'Common Man' Technique -- by pretending that THEY represent the Will of the Common Man. While refusing to allow any and all possible representation and force of the Will Of the People. It is a -- 'We Block Your Will, With Our Pretend Will' Technique.]]]]
Demonizing the enemy
Making individuals from the opposing nation, from a different ethnic group, or those who support the opposing viewpoint appear to be subhuman (e.g., the Vietnam War-era term "gooks" for National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam aka Vietcong, (or 'VC') soldiers), worthless, or immoral, through suggestion or false accusations.
[[[[ I cannot remember how many different Negative Superlatives have been applied to me, during my Life as a Human Resister, by the Propagandists of the SQLD. I doubt if the SQLD can remember how many different Lies and Defamations, and Demonisms they have conjured up about me, so far.]]]]
Direct order
This technique hopes to simplify the decision making process by using images and words to tell the audience exactly what actions to take, eliminating any other possible choices. Authority figures can be used to give the order, overlapping it with the Appeal to authority technique, but not necessarily. The Uncle Sam "I want you" image is an example of this technique.
[[[[ This is the Monkey Judges Approach. The Worthless Opinion Farts of the 'less-supreme-than-anyone-else' Monkey Judges are immediately proclaimed as 'DIRECT ORDERS', by the Democrat/Homosexual scum who paid for the Farts to begin with.]]]]
The creation or deletion of information from public records, in the purpose of making a false record of an event or the actions of a person or organization, including outright forgery of photographs, motion pictures, broadcasts, and sound recordings as well as printed documents.
The use of an event that generates euphoria or happiness, or using an appealing event to boost morale. Euphoria can be created by declaring a holiday, making luxury items available, or mounting a military parade with marching bands and patriotic messages.
[[[[ When the Unanimous Opinion Fart (for hire) from the Iowa 'less-supreme-than-anyone-else' Monkey Judges was released -- and pretended that perverts can get married -- the SQLD Propaganda Machine released a pre-arranged Euphoria Media Blitz upon Iowa.]]]]
An attempt to justify an action on the grounds that doing so will make one more patriotic, or in some way benefit a group, country, or idea. The feeling of patriotism this technique attempts to inspire may not necessarily diminish or entirely omit one's capability for rational examination of the matter in question.
[[[[ Ancient.]]]]
Glittering generalities
Glittering generalities are emotionally appealing words applied to a product or idea, but which present no concrete argument or analysis. A famous example is the campaign slogan "Ford has a better idea!"
[[[[ 100 Percent of everyday Satan Tube.]]]]
A half-truth is a deceptive statement, which may come in several forms and includes some element of truth. The statement might be partly true, the statement may be totally true but only part of the whole truth, or it may utilize some deceptive element, such as improper punctuation, or double meaning, especially if the intent is to deceive, evade blame or misrepresent the truth.
[[[[ Global Warming In Your Brain.]]]]
Intentional vagueness
Generalities are deliberately vague so that the audience may supply its own interpretations. The intention is to move the audience by use of undefined phrases, without analyzing their validity or attempting to determine their reasonableness or application. The intent is to cause people to draw their own interpretations rather than simply being presented with an explicit idea. In trying to "figure out" the propaganda, the audience forgoes judgment of the ideas presented. Their validity, reasonableness and application may still be considered.
[[[[ Such as the excuses that the Homosexual/Democrats give, for not being 'able to allow' the Will Of The People to be heard -- and not being 'able to allow' the People to Vote. Knowing we would Vote Down the Lies and Schemes and Pretend Marriages of their Paying Customers!!!!]]
A Euphemism is used when the propagandist attempts to increase the perceived quality, credibility, or creedence of a particular ideal. A Dysphemism is used when the intent of the propagandist is to discredit, diminish the perceived quality, or hurt the perceived righteousness of the Mark. By creating a 'label' or 'category' or 'faction' of a population, it is much easier to make an example of these larger bodies, because they can uplift or defame the Mark without actually incuring legal-defamation.
Example: "Liberal" [[or "Conservative"]] is a dysphamsim intended to diminish the perceived credibility of a particular Mark. By taking a displeasing argument presented by a Mark, the propagandist can quote that person, and then attack 'liberals' [[or 'conservatives']] in an attempt to both (1) create a political battle-ax of unaccountable aggression and (2) diminish the quality of the Mark. If the propagandist uses the label on too-many perceivably credible individuals, muddying up the word can be done by broadcasting bad-examples of 'liberals' [[or 'conservatives']] into the media. Labeling can be thought of as a sub-set of Guilt by association, another logical fallacy.
[[[[ The Preferred Labels which the SQLD demand to be used towards them -- under their Law Of Political Correctness -- is what this section is talking about.
The Democrat/Homosexual Duality here, is to demand their Preferred Labels to be used for them. And, only their Preferred Labels.
While ramming the defamations of 'Bigots', 'Racists', 'Homo-phobics', 'Right-Wing Extremists' etc into everyone's brains, about the Humans.]]]]
Propagandists use the name-calling technique to incite fears and arouse prejudices in their hearers in the intent that the bad names will cause hearers to construct a negative opinion about a group or set of beliefs or ideas that the propagandist would wish hearers to denounce. The method is intended to provoke conclusions about a matter apart from impartial examinations of facts. Name-calling is thus a substitute for rational, fact-based arguments against the an idea or belief on its own merits.[7]
[[[[ They never leave home without it.]]]]
Obtain disapproval or Reductio ad Hitlerum
This technique is used to persuade a target audience to disapprove of an action or idea by suggesting that the idea is popular with groups hated, feared, or held in contempt by the target audience. Thus if a group that supports a certain policy is led to believe that undesirable, subversive, or contemptible people support the same policy, then the members of the group may decide to change their original position. This is a form of bad logic, where a is said to include X, and b is said to include X, therefore, a = b.
[[[[ This is just typical Homosexual/Democrat Fear-mongering.]]]]
Favorable generalities are used to provide simple answers to complex social, political, economic, or military problems.
[[[[ Forever in use by the Democrat/Homosexuals. A typical example is when they say, the Governor of Iowa cannot issue an order to allow the People of Iowa to vote on the Homosexual/Democrat pretend marriages. They just say it cannot be done. In Truth, it can be done. And, must be done!!!!]]]]
Quotes out of Context
Selective editing quotes to change meanings—political documentaries designed to discredit an opponent or an opposing political viewpoint often make use of this technique.
[[[[ Standard SQLD TV practice.]]]]
Individuals or groups may use favorable generalities to rationalize questionable acts or beliefs. Vague and pleasant phrases are often used to justify such actions or beliefs.
[[[[ A particularly putrid example of Democrat/Homosexual Rationalization for their Homosexual Agenda Against Humanity -- is to pretend that there are examples of their perverted acts being performed by animals in Nature -- and therefore their perverted acts are "Only Natural".
The Crackheads and Nasty Neuters (CNN) are saying these lies constantly.]]]]
Red herring
Presenting data or issues that, while compelling, are irrelevant to the argument at hand, and then claiming that it validates the argument.
[[[[ A Fancy Feast of just plain lies. Better left to Kitty-Kats.]]]]
This type of propaganda deals with a jingle or word that is repeated over and over again, thus getting it stuck in someone's head, so they can buy the product. The "Repetition" method has been described previously.
[[[[ Super-Obvious. Which does not mean, the Satan Tube does not use it constantly. As I have said before, they have no choice. They must brainwash their victims, or their victims will put them in Asylums.]]]]
Assigning blame to an individual or group, thus alleviating feelings of guilt from responsible parties and/or distracting attention from the need to fix the problem for which blame is being assigned.
[[[[ Common -- often motivated by criminal intent.]]]]
A slogan is a brief, striking phrase that may include labeling and stereotyping. Although slogans may be enlisted to support reasoned ideas, in practice they tend to act only as emotional appeals. Opponents of the US's invasion and occupation of Iraq use the slogan "blood for oil" to suggest that the invasion and its human losses was done to access Iraq's oil riches. On the other hand, "hawks" who argue that the US should continue to fight in Iraq use the slogan "cut and run" to suggest that it would be cowardly or weak to withdraw from Iraq. Similarly, the names of the military campaigns, such as "enduring freedom" or "just cause", may also be regarded to be slogans, devised to influence people.
[[[[ For example -- "2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - What Makes You Think Your Kid's Are Straight?!" A popular Slogan and Chant in the Boston Horrid Zone. The Implication, and Laugh at your Cowardice being -- they have gotten to your kids.]]]]
This technique attempts to arouse prejudices in an audience by labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as something the target audience fears, hates, loathes, or finds undesirable. For instance, reporting on a foreign country or social group may focus on the stereotypical traits that the reader expects, even though they are far from being representative of the whole country or group; such reporting often focuses on the anecdotal. In graphic propaganda, including war posters, this might include portraying enemies with stereotyped racial features.
[[[[ Take myself for example. I oppose anything and everything that is Homosexual/Democrat, especially their Black Puppet Act. According to their propaganda, that opposition is supposed to make me a Racist. I won't include here the books I would have to write about my lifelong loathing of Racism.
Let me just say, I consider that White Vice-Creature, next to the Black Puppet, to be nothing more than a Stuttering Rattlesnake. Thus making the entire routine -- ' The Black Puppet and its White Rattlesnake Show!'
Am I still a Racist?]]]]
Testimonials are quotations, in or out of context, especially cited to support or reject a given policy, action, program, or personality. The reputation or the role (expert, respected public figure, etc.) of the individual giving the statement is exploited. The testimonial places the official sanction of a respected person or authority on a propaganda message. This is done in an effort to cause the target audience to identify itself with the authority or to accept the authority's opinions and beliefs as its own. See also, damaging quotation
[[[[ This happens every time a Democrat/Homosexual opens its (Face).]]]]
Also known as association, this is a technique that involves projecting the positive or negative qualities of one person, entity, object, or value onto another to make the second more acceptable or to discredit it. It evokes an emotional response, which stimulates the target to identify with recognized authorities. Often highly visual, this technique often utilizes symbols superimposed over other visual images. These symbols may be used in place of words; for example, placing swastikas on or around a picture of an opponent to associate the opponent with Naziism.
[[[[ This one is very obvious. Any Human whom opposes the SQLD and their Homosexual Agenda Against Humanity is immediately stuck with the Transfer of 'Bigots', 'Racists', 'Prejudiced', 'Phobic', 'Uneducated', 'Radical' etc.]]]]
Unstated assumption
This technique is used when the propaganda concept that the propagandist intends to transmit would seem less credible if explicitly stated. The concept is instead repeatedly assumed or implied.
[[[[ For instance -- the SQLD TV channels are still calling their Propaganda Sessions -- the 'News'.]]]]
Virtue words
These are words in the value system of the target audience that produce a positive image when attached to a person or issue. Peace, happiness, security, wise leadership, freedom, "The Truth", etc. are virtue words. In countries such as the U.S. religiosity is seen as a virtue, making associations to this quality affectively beneficial. See Transfer.
[[[[ This is how the Homosexual/Democrats infiltrate and pervert Churches. They also demand that their own self-created Identifiers such as 'Democratic Process' be extolled and acclaimed as Their Virtue -- and only theirs!!!!]]
The rest of the article is about Models of Propaganda and Historical Examples of Propaganda Usage. It is interesting reading, and by all means download an entire copy of the article before the SQLD alter it.
For our purposes, I will stop here.
If you want to learn more about the obvious evils of the Homosexual/Democrats read the rest of that article -- and download the following websites.
Black Propaganda Hyperlink:
White Propaganda Hyperlink:
Agenda Setting Theory Hyperlink:
Markel Peters
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
To correct this, I have had to make the chart part of the website's front page. If you view the website at www.voices-of-iowa.blogspot.com
You will see the chart in its original size and clarity.
Thank You for your patience.
Markel Peters
Monday, October 12, 2009
[[That's a Christian Concept -- try it some time -- it works. Of course, it has to be done before God. And, it has to be done -- for Real. Without Reservations.]]
With Certainty, no matter how many Liars (that intend the most violence against us that they can unleash), scream and complain that my Testimony is violent.
As I have indicated, this blog entry is all related to Real Women, and for Real Women. It is also an insight into Male Human Resisters, and how we think. Not that it will help the SQLD to defeat us -- we can only be killed -- never defeated.
You Women are familiar with the concept of 'Potpourri', a mixture of miscellaneous things. This blog entry is like a formatted discussion ,which someone has sprinkled 'potpourri' over. Please do not let that make you lose track of what I am saying here.
As you can tell - I am not one to pamper the Public, or to be soft, gooey and placating to anyone. Even though I am warm and fuzzy and lovable and ...
In all of this Conflict of Human Culture VS Anti-Culture, I do not use the Extended Approach. Wherein, I would say that by this time next decade, we will all be advanced to the point where we can understand that the Satan Tube, and the swine on it, are all lying pieces of Genocidal Death.
Taking the Decades-Long Approach would make everyone feel so much more comfortable and contented.
Instead - we are STARTING at that point!
The lying pieces of dung on the Satan Tube are Genocidal Vermin, intending the extermination of All Real Humanity!
From Here - we move along to more and better realizations - about everything and everyone!
Besides - each and every one of you - regardless of what you are - already knows that I am right about everything I write. Or, I do not bother writing it. You at least know that by now.
You just have never seen such an occurrence before.
If you are SQLD, your Masters demand that you not pay attention to any of this, disbelieve it is happening, and display grotesque amounts of Hate against it -- all at the same time!
What are you to do?
Not listen to me.
For those of you who are already enjoying the Great Freedom that exists, for anyone who frees themselves from the Satan Tube, this is a special treat for you.
I am hoping you can use this work, and the entire collection, to help others become free of the terrible SQLD, and their Tube Tactics!
1. Democrat/Homosexual War Plans, Chicago Thugs, and threats on the Satan Tube.
2. Real Women Must Fight or Exist Terrified.
3. Containerized Existence.
4. TV Letters
5. Notes
6. Addendum
You must also adjust to reading messages from someone, whom you would usually never know, or want to know.
It is the extreme pressures of this War Against Genocide that have brought us so closely together. Being so close to me, you cannot help but share the vibrations and intensities of this War.
And alas -- I am merciless about -- me.
If there was any Mercy in this War, I would just be a violent nutcase, and we could all sleep safe in our little beds tonight, and in the morning it would all be gone.
I know I have a sense of Humor and that tends to make People think less of me. However I do know, what is serious and when, and I know how to take it seriously, and what to do about it.
Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, you are not with a nutcase now. The Heat You Feel -- Is Real.
2010 and Chicago Homosexual/Democrat Thugs!
Yes, the rumors are true. The Madams want to hire thugs and queer enforcers from Chicago to terrorize the Humans of the Real Iowa, during the 2010 Elections!
I have heard Chicago Thugs talking about it, with my own ears!
The intended plans of the Democrat/Homosexuals for 2010 are stupidly repetitive and simple -- because they are forever denied the Truth.
They must once again launch countless attacks of defamation and rebuke against all Humans who resist them, using their Media Weapons; AND pretend to be such sweet little dears who would never hurt a fly; AND bring in terror squads of enforcers to put the muscle and death threats upon their major opponents -- declared and private.
The third part will be done on the sly as much as possible, unless the Human Resistance take pictures, and videos, and tape recordings, and gives testimonies.
Also expect concentrated local intimidation tactics, thieveries, damage to property, and assaults and batteries from the Homosexual/Democrats -- while our backs are turned, or the Police are diverted elsewhere -- and while the Police are watching in the Demo-Iowa counties.
If we stay sharp and report every one of their dirty attempts, including legal and administrative tricks, and we expose them for what they are -- they will be forced to show what they really are!
Then the Democrat/Homosexuals will break out of their pretend clothes and masks, and take to the streets in mobs of violent protestors, during which the enforcers will use the mayhem and noise to eliminate Human Resisters -- who had unfortunate accidents.
But will they wear Brown Shirts -- just to give us that DejaVu effect?
I ask you, where is there a plentitude of Homosexual/Democrat stooges with muscles, no brains, and a lot of blind loyalty to the hands that feed them?
CHICAGO THUGS -- What to look for:
You want to read about some things that are truly despicable?
I was standing behind a table full of those things in Chicago recently (I will not say when), listening to their guttural speech.
Do not ask me how - it's none of your business.
They were trying to talk, and it was all about how there was going to be a War in Iowa.
"That Peders guy wants a War, and he's gointa get it." Actually they said “dit” - because they can't pronounce “it”.
I was in Chicago again, yesterday, and there was a sky plane flying over the city. The plane was pulling behind it an advertisement for ‘Oil changes - $9.99‘ (from some car dealer). It was a big huge sign in the sky, being pulled by a single prop aircraft.
I should hire that pilot to fly a sign over Chicago for me -- with the single word ‘PETERS’ on it. Just so they at least get the name right.
But, I digress.
Or, in Chicago Thugess -- “Dah, I doi-gwess. Hah Hah”
Dey goes on see? Deys sayin ...
I mean -- they went on to talk about the contract "dey was gettin from the Democratics in Iowa".
And how "he was goina get more den he expects ta". (They have been told it is all about me)
Then there were some grunts about (they) were going to get the 'Enemies of the Democratics!'
Those Chicago Thugs are generally 5' 10" to 6' 2" tall, caucasian, have large shoulders and skulls, dark hair, and have a stooped bearing as though the flesh cannot carry such a dead weight. They have non-descript faces, blank to near-blank eyes, talk with slurred or growling speech, and jabber about 'Enemies of Anything Democratic'. They have crushing hands and greater strength than they know, but cannot coordinate all of it, so they are sloppy.
Sort of Frankenstein wannabes. And yet, they consider themselves to be the Mainstream of Chicago. And, ain’t everyone like them?
Ahhh, yous better be! Orrr, yous goin get the treatment! See?
If they had known it was me standing there -- I would have had to kill them all in the ensuing fight.
Do not waste your precious time feeling sorry for them. They have never known anything else, other than their current misery and hate. They are the products of their upbringing -- ‘Short, Simple and Hate‘.
If anyone was going to have sympathy for them it would be me. I understand what has happened to them, and why and how, much more than you do. But, I cannot.
Voluntarily or involuntarily -- knowing or unknowing -- they are the enemies of my Blood -- my Species.
Their gibberish about 'Enemies of Anything Democratic' is the terminology they have been brainwashed with, by their Democrat/Homosexual Masters. It means us, the Humans.
They have been programmed to think (sometimes) that the Homosexual/Democrats are their Gods. They have been told by their Gods that Humans oppose their Gods, so Humans must be Anti-Gods or 'Enemies of Anything Democratic'. They have been taught to KILL the 'Enemies of Anything Democratic', and when the fighting starts they will get out of control. Fatalities will be very possible.
They think they are impervious and immune to bullets.
They have trainers and controllers that look quite different, are generally smaller and slimmer, and can be blond haired; with glasses or sunglasses and wear suits. Phony imitations of Secret Service Agents, who really think they are immune to bullets.
All will be wearing body armor.
Go figure.
They think (sometimes) in terms of blood. Always blood. Only blood and the spilling of it impresses them.
They see and smell and feel the blood of their 'Enemies' as the currency of their worth. Only blood and the shedding of it has any meaning to them.
They have long track records of Killing and Fear-Mongering -- in Chicago.
If any of them attack me, I pray someone gets a video of it. I really love replays. I will put it on my Website as a video lesson. Knowing me, I will probably take a video myself.
As far as dirty murderers like them are concerned -- I rate them at about 10 cents each for their nucleic acids -- if distilled and bottled quickly.
Don't worry about it.
Those things do not read.
They are not allowed to read -- anything Human.
They will never be allowed to read anything I write.
Besides, in their 'world' only smart-ass punks read and write. They have been told that I am just one of those, who happens to live in Iowa. They have never seen a Man who writes -- never.
They only take orders.
And Kill.
They cannot be offended, because they are already offended. They are only 'order takers'. Servants of their Gods, the Democrat/Homosexuals -- who have told them that they are 'Heroes of the Democratics' -- which they believe emphatically.
To them, everything and everyone who is not one of their 'Democratics Gods' is offensive. Existing without the permission of their Gods. Soiling the Planet of Their 'Democratics Gods'!
Only 'Approved' personages, by their Gods (which they sometimes call Bosses), can be non-offensive.
Everything else needs to be grabbed and crushed. Or simply erased.
But, they have been trained to only 'Erase On Orders.'
They are forever merciless fanatics, and unworthy of your pity.
One thing you need to understand.
The Human Policy concerning them is ...
They do not leave Iowa.
They come to Iowa to Kill.
They never leave.
Any Killer that the Homosexual/Democrats buy, Professional or Thug, Tall or Short, Thin or Fat, Well-Dressed or Sloppy, Any Color ...
Never Leaves Iowa.
Iowa, is the 'End of the Road' for them.
The Last Contract.
The Last Hate.
The Last Mistake.
The time has come to put and end to all fear of the Democrat/Homosexuals!!!!
Never back down to Death -- it will Kill you every time.
Your time will be better spent, doing something about the Madams and Old Pieces of Cheese that hire them to begin with.
Getting back to the usual business of what the propaganda puppets on the Satan Tube are reading off the teleprompters these days ...
There is some kind of undercurrent of ‘foamed-fear’, whipped up by more SQLD theatrics, going on.
As you all know, I never watch the Media Weapons of the (Satanic and ‘Queer’ Lying-Dead), but there are always plenty of private and Internet sources that monitor that kind of junk.
If I, (myself) ever heard those threats, which I never do, I would just write them down on Toilet Paper and use them accordingly - especially with my new Newsrag Toilet -- new to (myself) you see.
I have seen the reports of all Satan Tube activity for the past few weeks, and there is nothing except 'Garbage As Usual' (to paraphrase) -- but something SQLD is scaring the Women. I have rechecked and inquired, and the answer is always "Nothing Unusual - It is probably local death threats against you again."
Nothing Unusual means ‘Nothing Unusual For Satanism’.
And, death threats are a Dime-A-Thousand from the Homosexual/Democrats.
Also, we only monitor the Satan Tube because some Humans are still addicted to it, but with the happy news that this addiction is taking a nose-dive, our efforts are focused elsewhere anyway.
You do not watch Heroine, or Cocaine or Methamphetamines, unless you have to. You just get rid of them.
That is what Toilets are for!
And, who has the best toilet in town?
My surmise, is that the SQLD are trotting out some of their 'Balrogs' to shout on the Satan Tube, and scare any Humans (who are addicted and stupid enough to be watching) into submission and obedience to the Homosexual Agenda.
Judging by all of the recent concern on the part of scared women -- for me -- somewhere in it are threats against me.
Here we go again. This is one of those times when most of you have no idea of what I am talking about.
And, if you did not have to know ‘Me’ -- you would never find out.
What is a Balrog?
Answer: So much of the SQLD is ‘Exact-On’ about their descriptions and intentions, as compared to those of the terrible enemies of Middle Earth -- in the book series ‘The Lord of The Rings’ -- that the amazing similarities showed themselves very early on in this War.
I immediately began to identify the various minions and demons of the SQLD, by the descriptions and terms found in the Lord of The Rings.
In the Lord of The Rings, a Balrog is a very big and bad ’humanoid’ creature of loathsome intentions, worse breath, and slaughterous weapons.
A kind of ‘Mindless Blob on Two Legs with Two Horns and a Whip’, held together only by an even more powerful Hate and Violence.
As the saying goes, “He can kill most Men with his breath!” In the case of Balrogs, they can roast most Men with their breath. But, they are not a patch to Godzilla.
Metaphorically speaking, a Balrog is about the last enemy you want to fight. If you live in a Fantasy Book.
Me, (myself) -- if they existed I would eat Balrogs. Fried, with Lemon Pepper.
Well, I cannot find out anything specific, and who gives a damn what is on the Satan Tube anyway. But the Women and Children are afraid, and I can tell the 'Fear' came from the SQLD on the Satan Tube, AND it was done deliberately. That is all I need to know.
Am I worried about my safety, or ‘Public Image’ if I should have to defend myself?
No, of course not. The ones who are the SQLD, always hate me. They always will anyway.
Hate comes with the disease that is killing their brains.
Or, “Entertaining Our Brains!” as they would say.
Everyone else is either in some stage of withdrawal away from the disease, or already Fully Human.
And, the Fully Humans know -- what a cute and fuzzy teddy bear I really am.
Until, I hear the Dinner Bell.
With so many Little Old Ladies From Church listening -- may I politely mention -- that if I were a Chicago Thug ...
I would do anything to avoid crossing the path of Markel Peters.
Not even once.
No amount of Perverted Favors and Old Cheese is worth it.
Enough of them and their kind for now.
And, don't you Women tell me to help them!
You have enough problems of your own, that need help.
You need to get more determined and aggressive about saving as many People from the SQLD and the Satan Tube as you can. Their lives depend upon your efforts!
Those that cannot stop watching the Tube Tactics of the SQLD are being steadily worsened, and are becoming more depraved, by the liars and bottom-feeders on the Satan Tube -- per Democrat/Homosexual plans of course.
You can tell which ones need the most help, and the soonest. Because, they are still brainwashed into thinking that anything that is thrown at them by the SQLD, using the Satan Tube, is something other than Monkey Poo.
The reported efforts of the SQLD to incite mass demonstrations of Hate against all Humans, which I can well believe are happening (especially by the 'Crackheads and Nasty Neuters' -- CNN), are intended to cause Chaos and Riots -- as I have already explained.
All of which will be blamed upon the Human Species, before the smoke has settled!
It will be orchestrated per Homosexual/Democrat plans. The same Tube Tactics that will be used to start the Riots, will be used to blame the Humans for those Riots!
I am not worried about Human Casualties in any Riot or Chaos caused by the Democrat/Homosexuals. We are well armed and practiced.
It is the People, who either cannot get Free or are not allowed to know that they must get Free of the SQLD, that I am concerned about.
Not to mention, not knowing that there is a Human Species they are supposed to belong to. I do not want them hurt.
The SQLD already know that I feel this way, and are all too eager to use the People as Cannon Fodder, if allowed to. They will do anything to test our strengths, abilities and response patterns!
I do not care, nor could I ever care, about SQLD Casualties. But, do you really think that those slimy bastards and bitches will put themselves in Harm's Way? When they have Cannon Fodder Puppets to take the heat for them?
Oh, and let's not forget. Into this 'Test Chaos' will be thrown (like logs on the fire) churches full of demented 'Watchers', that have been sold on the lunacy -- "If it isn't on TV, it is not Real!"
Not even God.
The SQLD want Domination. By any Means. By any Force.
Ultimately, the Monsters of the Black Radicals/Liberals/Democrats/Homosexuals/Feminists et al would rather kill all of the People, than lose their Primary Weapon of Power -- The Satan Tube!
Even if it means that all they have left to Rule, is themselves.
Not a lovely bunch of Coconuts.
As Real Women, you are caught up in the middle of all of this. Either as Intended Victims, or Reluctant Defenders.
It is that Reluctance which you have to drop and forget, like some old worn out shoes, that you cannot wear anymore.
Is it not clear now, that when queer propaganda fails, they resort to their Real Intentions with Death Threats and Terror?
How any of you Real Women can let anything on the Satanic 'Insectoid Networks' (as I call them) frighten you, is beyond me. Their Evil Intentions are beyond the 'obvious'.
Look about you.
People are turning OFF the Satan Tube, more and more!
People are turning OFF the Filthy Monkey Band, more and more!
People are NOT buying the SQLD Newsrags, more and more!
The (Satanic and 'Queer' Lying-Dead) machine of Lies and Intimidations is slowing down!
These are their Mind-Weapons against all Humans, and without them the Homosexual/Democrats (whose Horrid intentions must still be shielded from the Truth), get scared and start to show their Real and Terrible Selves! You know
their fear is starting when they throw threats like Monkey-Poo, at any Human that dares to expose their Lies, to the Truth.
The Democrat/Homosexuals are truly despicable, and so are their rotten mouthpieces on the Crackheads and Nasty Neuters (CNN) ... CBS ... ABC ... NBC ... PBS ... MTV et al.
Is that not obvious now?
The SQLD always have the most vile intentions and always display the most contrived masks and playacting fakeries, until those fail, and then they get Real, which is Murderous, and Evil, and Threatening, and Genocidal!
The veneer of their Fake Humanity is very thin. That is one reason why they want to destroy the Human World and replace it with a Cesspool of Perversions and Madness -- wherein they no longer have to wear their Human Masks (which keep failing).
A Cesspool in which they can show their actual Demonism and Dementia -- freely and without fakery -- where no Humans can react for the sake of Humanity and demand "Put that thing away Little Timmie! This is not Halloween!"
And then, call the Men in the White Coats when they realize that a Real SQLD is loose on the streets!
Like every second, in the Boston Horrid Zone!
The mental disease called Homosexuality has company on the Dark Side. Like the mental diseases of Greed, Power Lust, TV Personality, Political Prostitution, Liars behind Masks -- all of whom thought that the ‘Queers’ were just one more mask added to the 'Awful Show'.
Little did they know that the creatures behind the Queer Masks wanted to be All The Masks. That they intended for All Masks to be Queer Masks too! And, will Kill and Terrorize to make it happen!
And that Ladies, is Who and What you get, IF you vote for Homosexual/Democrats! Each and every time you Vote for Democrat/Homosexuals! Without Exception!
Have they tried the, "I'm an Exception!" excuse on you yet? When they start the lie -- "But, I'm an exception to the Rule about Democrats!' -- then you know they are coming apart and the Truth is winning!
When that happens, stand back and let their Sewer Towers of Pretense fall down. Let it smash into the ground, without getting you filthy too.
You will have to clean up the mess though. They cannot be trusted to Humanize their own mess of Evils and Perversions!
Real Women are hated and feared by the SQLD Hags -- the Feminists/Lesbians/Black Radical Females -- and especially by the Demented White Females (DWC) who are insanely jealous of Real Women -- who can get Real Men -- and they cannot!
Their twisted approach to that is, to Kill It All by becoming the Masters, the Rule Makers, The Law Makers, The Pain Makers, the Revenge Makers!
They want all Real Women to be captured and obedient Insects, for their Insectoid Networks, on which they are glorified. Also, because the Masters of the Insectoid Networks give them what they want -- Ego Satisfaction and Revenge on Real Women! Thus, they have their own reasons for using Real Women to kill Real Men.
Women ...
The womanly qualities of Femininity, Decency, Tenderness, Sweetness, and Kindness are all True Human Values and Virtues. However, they are being mimicked and replaced by the hideous Lesbian/Democrat/Feminists for the furtherment of their overall attack, which includes the 'Homosexual Agenda'!
Their fakery is part of a general attack by the SQLD Fear Campaign, to turn off and disable the Real Women and their Real Powers. It is also designed to turn them against the Real Men, until those poor slobs are destroyed.
After which the masses of Sinister Women, created by the Homosexual/Democrats, will replace all Real Women.
Replaced with the SQLD-designed creatures of the Feminists/Democrats/Lesbians/Black Radical Females!
Important: Female activists of all four hideous diseases Democrats/Homosexuals/Feminists/Black Radical Extremists thought up this form of Genocide by Replacement -- and a critical part of it is to program Human Females to destroy the Human Males -- and then to silence and stifle the Human Females, and their hated Real Virtues and Qualities.
It is crucial therefore, that we Humans Preserve, Protect, and Re-connect the Real Women of the Species with their own Natural Selves -- Free of SQLD Fear and Intimidation.
So they can be allowed to be -- who and what they should be -- and then what they want to be!
With Men!
To keep the Human Women cowed and afraid, and too scared to turn OFF the Satan Tube -- the SQLD threaten and attack Human Resisters such as myself! That is a fear tactic, plain and simple!
And, would any Humans use such fear tactics against Human Women?
Of course not.
I, myself, do not care about Democrat/Homosexual death threats. It is just part of their Tactics of Terror. Brought to you by their Satan Tube, and anyone utterly dumb enough to Vote for Democrat/Homosexuals!
By the way, that is why they do not have their Black Puppet saying the word "Terror" too much. They want to downplay what the word 'Terror' means -- since THEY are using Terror Tactics against the Human Species every day!
What I care about is the Human Women who are being frightened by the Death Threats against me and other Human Resisters!
Of course, THAT is also a Homosexual/Democrat tactic against me -- to make me worry about my Women.
And, I Know It.
And, I Knew It.
If you Human Women want to help Me and all other Human Resisters, and Yourselves --
Laugh in the faces of the Homosexuals/Democrats/Feminists!
Laugh in the faces of the Liberals/Lesbians/Black Radical Females!
Laugh at their threats -- no matter how Nasty, Insane, and Murderous the SQLD get!
Laugh -- and then LOCK AND LOAD!
That will help Human Resistance, Human Women and our Human Species greatly!
At least the War Against Propaganda!
I want you to anyway, because I do not want to be worried about you, while I am fighting these Democrat/Homosexual swine.
Get your Husbands to help if you have to. If you can get them out of their pantyhose long enough.
Why do I say that?
Why are we talking about Women Locking and Loading, if they have Real Husbands.
Or, has the SQLD turned it into -- a Demo-thing.
Ladies, I spit on the very idea of anything Democrat/Homosexual.
To you Women who are afraid for ME -- I say -- THEY are afraid of YOU!
I have defeated those SQLD screaming (bleeps) countless times, and always sent them running for their toilets -- and you have never been told about even one such occasion. That is because, you are supposed to believe that gutless lying pieces of (bleep) with TV cameras are Awesome, Fearsome, and Dominant!
Over you they have placed a Cone of Silence. I scare the lies out of those lunatics daily, but you are never allowed to know about it -- because you are supposed to be defeated, hopeless, and afraid of those Piss Ant Liars, their Thugs, and their Bubble of Lies!
I have allowed the SQLD to get the idea, and promote it, that whenever they get too much political power in a State, I leave and go elsewhere. That has turned into a Satanic Gospel amongst the Homosexual/Democrats -- an actual expectancy by the SQLD and their Dupes.
It has never been True for even one Nanosecond.
Can you see by now what putrid liars they are? They are so immersed in their own lies, they can never see where those lies will lead them.
What empty skulls could Vote for Democrat/Homosexuals?
By the way -- Home schooling is Fighting! Fighting for the Lives and Minds of your Children! Private Home schools, where many families can take their Children for Human Education, are Vital and Necessary for the Continuation and Sanity of our Species!
At first this will not make sense to most females.
But, it is so true and so important that you should read it again until you do understand it. Post it on your walls if you have to, and keep reading it until it sinks in.
Especially on your walls!
Now for the hard part -- having to learn something -- from me!
It is probably not an easy task to learn what I explain, in this blogsite -- so I will try to add some elements to this session that I have not used before.
And, I have decided to put any Hyperlinks to the end of the works from now on, and refer to them in the text. Instead of having them imbedded in the middle of things.
To all Real Women, I must say that I sympathize with all of you, who have to learn anything from me. It must be very difficult. The reason I say that, is because everything which I explain to you, I had to learn about first, with great difficulty.
Parts of this work are a Reprise and Reforming of former materials that I have put out before. Which subsequently got all of the Truth banned from all of the Democrat/Homosexual newsrags in Demo-Iowa.
There are some very important parts here that are new to You -- which is to say -- Old News to Me -- Hot Off the Griddle to You.
As usual, someone or some things will object to these Truths.
Part of the experience of reading the Truth anyway (unknowst and/or unliked by them), is the fact that our enemies do not like the Truth being told about them.
Which is part of why we say the Truth about them.
I don't think they got that.
If they would communicate with us as People, without the usage of any SQLD Weapons of Genocide, such as TV, FM, newsrags, queer magazines etc, they could be told how to get it.
But, having been severed from their SQLD Fix, they would be in catatonic fits anyway, complete with foaming mouths.
They cannot get it.
They never Will.
All that matters to Them,
Are the Orders From Below,
To maintain the Bubble Of Lies,
At all Costs,
With all Snighs!
I'm such a poet.
And, without further ado -- we will happily leave poetry behind.
Well, as I was saying -- you cannot be of Human Service unless you are willing to be Unpopular with the enemies of Humans -- not to mention Fools and Caged Animals!
This section about Containerized Existence is done as a matter of Duty. Duty to the Truth, and Duty to the Human Species. Without provisions for anyone’s Presumed Happiness. The Pretend Happiness of a Society of Containerized Fools and Hopeless Victims, is not of concern or interest to me.
In short, I don't give a Damn who or what does not like this Truth.
Any objections, are all the more reason to do it complete and do it right!
What do I mean by Containerized Existence?
The answer to that needs a Preparatory Explanation.
Oh no, not one of those again!
Have you noticed that all of these factors, and issues and matters and problems seem to be somehow inter-related?
That is because there are such things as Root Causes and Root Problems that underlie all of these more superficial Effects and Situations.
I know, I usually leave behind half of my readership when I dive down into the Depths like this. Just pretend that you are in one of those Tourist Submarines, with the big windows. Safe and insulated from the Depths, but able to see them clearly for the first time. Please, no jokes about the Yellow Submarine.
We need to take a trip down to the basic foundations of our Species, namely some of the essential conditions for our Life on this Planet.
Let me get this started off right.
Please just bear with me, and ride along.
Once Upon A Time:
There was a Man named Frank Frazetta. Briefly, he was (and is) a ‘Groundbreaking Artist’, of exceptional talent, with just the Right Soul and just the Right Vision, at just the Right Time with just the Right Reasons.
Given the chance, and he was, he produced a great assortment of really unique and ‘the-like-thereof-never-seen-before’ artworks. Anyone who knows anything about art, has already seen in their minds many examples of his paintings, just from reading his name -- Frank Frazetta.
Being Real Women, you probably have some grounding in the Arts. Be that as it may, studying the works of Frank Frazetta can be a great starting point for learning the many techniques and styles of Real Human Art -- which the Homosexual/Democrat Art Frauds and Fakers have tried so hard to squelch, discourage and denounce! Preferring their own twisted and lunatic replacements!
For our discussion, for our dive into the Foundations, some of his paintings will be of assistance.
Frank Frazetta could reach into the Depths, and illustrate the Lives of Primitive Man either seriously ...
or with Humor ...
Where this is leading to has nothing to do with paintings.
Do not get the idea that Frazetta is typical of the kind of artwork I like. I have a collection that includes hundreds of Human Artists. Of every Human Art Type.
Cannot be the ‘Son of’ ... what does not exist! In Ames.
Frazetta painted as though he had been raised in a Real Nudist Colony where People have no respect for clothes, and wear them begrudgingly, if at all.
I can relate to that. I was forced to raise myself as a youth, in the middle of the Mojave Desert. The Desert is a place where less clothes are better, and being naked is a good thing, when you can do it. The near-unbearable heat of the Mojave makes even the lightest clothes undesirable, unless you are Trekking. If you are crossing the Desert you want white and loose fitting clothing, to reflect the Star Lux off of you instead of into you, and to trap your moisture within your own mobile environment.
But, I digress.
More than anything else, Frazetta was truly respectful of the Human Body and the Art of Human Bodies, and saw no evil and ugliness in what others would call Nudity.
Please notice the absence of Containers. That absence of ‘Shelter’ is what has led us all to the precipice we now teeter upon. That, and the Female instincts to be ‘Sheltered’. For obvious reasons.
These paintings are something we need. We need to see what they show us. I could have shown them to you, without telling you, who the artist is. But this is no ordinary artist. I deeply respect this artist.
I would show you more of his works, but it will be far better if you find out about this great artist and his works for yourself. I have put a Hyperlink to his website at the end of this work.
All of my life I have known and appreciated the artwork of Frank Frazetta. He is a giant of his genre (Science Fiction and Fantasy Art).
Looking at that brief selection of ‘Primitive Art’, can you tell me what is missing from them? What you would want, if you lived in those Primitive Times?
Try this one, which shows a more recent period, and yet is still considered Primitive.
Did someone mention -- one of these?

You cannot get there from here.
Did someone mention, Shelter?
Protection from the Elements?
Protection from the Lions and Tigers and Thugs?
That could come in all kinds of shapes and sizes, depending upon your level of Technology. From Mud Huts, to Pueblos, to Mansions.
The problems start, when the Communal or Collective Living starts.
Living as a single person or a single family in your own single dwelling is not so bad. But, when your dwelling is smooshed together with others (many others), or there are many individuals or families in one dwelling - then the troubles start. Particularly for Females.
Remember, we are talking at the most basic levels here.
Females have a built-in 'Nesting Need' for Shelter, and do not consider themselves complete or protected without it.
That makes them Static rather than Dynamic. No matter how much they move about within the 'Confines' of their Shelter, they are Static there.
Vulnerable to programming from any source that is stupidly allowed in.
Unmoving and unable to move beyond set limits -- especially away from anything that might be harmful.
There is not supposed to be anything harmful in their own Shelter, but that was in the Ages before the Satan Tube.
Now, there is something that is extremely harmful, terrible and diseased in their Shelters -- an Innocent Television Set (that could have been beneficial) -- that is stupidly connected to an Input From The SQLD!
For now, let's get back to the basics.
The Nature of this Planet gives us Humans few choices. We can live as moving Animals (as opposed to immovable Rocks) at a handful of levels:
From wearing our own Shelter on us at all times, what I call the 'Pine-Cone with Legs-Approach' -- to the 'Complete and Immovable Shelter With Amenities-Approach'. In between, there is the 'Cave With Big Fire Out Front-Approach'; the 'Let's Keep Moving, Martha Bring The Hut-Approach'; and the 'Just The Basic Cabin Will Do Me Fine-Approach'.
Just for the sake of Reference we will look at all five levels from the standpoint of Freedom -- Freedom from the Satanic and 'Queer' Lying-Dead Brainwashing.
1. Pine Cone With Legs-Approach: Crowded if there is any company. Amenities are unknown. Fortunately, it comes apart and reassembles easily for the sake of bodily functions. As it is porous, it allows for many different scents to be applied between rainstorms. Therefore, on some days it will smell like a Coyote. On other days it will smell like a Rose. On other days it will smell like Ice Cream, when the 'I'm Just An Ice Cream Cone' defense is being used. Or like a Skunk, which is a particularly effective defense; hard on the occupant though.
Freedom from Satanic and 'Queer' Lying-Dead Brainwashing: Almost complete, unless ordering at a Fast Food Restaurant.
How to protect one's self from the Satan Tube? Never eat at Fast Food Restaurants.
2. Cave With Big Fire Out Front-Approach: (See 'Quest For Fire'). Crowded to the extent of the Cave, and your tribe’s proliferation. Many smells prevail as the Cave is seldom washed. However ventilation is good. Defense is primarily by fire, spears, and stones.
Freedom from Satanic and 'Queer' Lying-Dead Brainwashing: Once again, almost complete as there is no electricity in the cave. Unless someone gets the munchies, which spreads to everyone, and everybody runs down to the nearest Fast Food restaurant to pig out.
How to protect one's self from the Satan Tube? Club the guy who gets the Munchies Attack.
3. Let's Keep Moving, Martha Bring The Hut-Approach: Crowds are limited due to hut size. Overall population is limited due to feasibilities of tribal size. Smells are usually not a factor, as the smells of livestock obliterate all others. Defenses vary from "Hey - dey ain't here no more!", to hard and fast hitting Cheyenne Dog-Soldiers.
Freedom from Satanic and 'Queer' Lying-Dead Brainwashing: Almost complete, unless they stop at a Fast Food Restaurant or Bar along the trail. There is also the exchange of gossip and stories at Inter-tribal meetings; as other tribes might be less intelligent, and stay too long at the Bars.
How to protect one's self from the Satan Tube? Make new trails that avoid Fast Food Restaurants and Bars. Instigate a new policy -- "The Bull**** Stops At The Door!" -- at all Inter-tribal meetings.
4. Just The Basic Cabin Will Do Me Fine-Approach: It's a cabin. How big can you build a cabin, before it becomes the next category? Population is limited to bed counts.
Smells are by choice and can be plentiful, if the bathroom is well ventilated. Defense is limited to the gunports built into the windows and walls. Forts are better for defense.
Freedom from Satanic and 'Queer' Lying-Dead Brainwashing: Usually not a problem, as cabin living is still primarily Natural. Nature has everything to offer for anyone who wants something good to do. Electricity is available, but the cabin dweller is much more independent and clear-minded. Therefore, able to know that attaching any SQLD source (Cable, Satellite, Antenna) to his or her TV is death.
How to protect one's self from the Satan Tube? It probably won't be there to begin with.
Unless your cabin is in a Fort, or near one, there will not be any 'TV Using Scum' attacking you. Demanding your acceptance and obedience to their mental diseases and egotistical craze to be considered 'normal'. Not to mention Political Whores.
5. Complete and Immovable Shelter With Amenities-Approach: Boom! This is where everything goes to Hell! This can range from one person in one house, to tens of thousands of people living together (either communally or semi-privately) in massive dwelling complexes.
Yes, I used to study all of this stuff.
Smells are virtually unlimited and usually kept within communal limits. Defense varies from ‘sectionalized’ according to private sectoring (as in the case of 'Block War'), to overall defense as in the case of -- "There's this guy at the main gate in a big green suit - says this place was not here last century - why is it here?”
“Calls himself Godzilla."

In Containerized Habitations such as these, the lowest scum Homosexuals/Democrats/Black Radicals/Liberals/Feminists etc want Power -- and have increased access to Power, because the large population they want Power Over -- is Containerized!
They want to use the TV Propaganda Machine for their own purposes, to promote their own ideas, dementias, diseases and make them acceptable; and praised as the 'norm' in such close-order and overpopulated environments.
Overpopulated Containerized Environments!
To those trash, the TV Propaganda Machine is their way to Power and Glory -- Power, over the Mass Population. Glory, in being revered and praised and deferred to, by all of the 'Lesser Inhabitants'. Lesser, because they disabled themselves, by letting the Satan Tube in.
How to protect one's self from the Satan Tube? Cut it off!
If the connection will not come lose, cut the cable! Tear off the antenna!
Only leave the wires from your VCR, DVD player or Computer attached. AND, cut or remove any and all inputs from the SQLD to them too!
That leaves you with -- ?
What else could there BE?
Hummmm - let's see.
Let's take my house for an example. I have two TV sets. Twenty inches each. I have a number of computer screens which can also display movies etc., and the Homosexual/Democrats already know that. There is no Satellite Dish. There is no Cable Input. I cut that off where it enters the house. There is no TV Antenna, outside or inside. I could download videos from SQLD TV on my computers, but I never do, and never will.
Both of my TV sets, and all of my computers, are going constantly, whenever I am there. So, what is there to WATCH?
I want YOU to answer that.
I want YOU to think about it.
I want YOU to look at what is available in YOUR society, and I want YOU to find out what YOU can:
Buy and take home to Watch.
Buy and take home, to create something to watch.
Buy and take with YOU in society, to create something to watch.
Buy and take with you in Nature, to create something to watch.
During all of that, you might try READING something once in a while. Like veggies and vitamins -- it is good for you -- unless it is poison from the SQLD.
YOU will also find that YOUR society does not offer enough for YOU to 'Create To Watch'. YOU will have to CHANGE that!
As the Black Radicals/Feminists/Liberals/Democrats/Homosexuals always say, "Dit's all bout Change!"
The situation for anyone who has to live in a large and closely-packed population is dire to begin with, because of the SQLD Predator/Prostitutes and their Clientele.
For Females, however, it is worse than it is for Males.
Women in particular have allowed themselves to be containerized and programmed by commercialists and retailers -- who have preyed upon all of their inborn nesting instincts, to create a Society where every aspect of Life has been cut off from Nature. Subsequently, the very reasons for the Nesting Instincts to begin with are no longer known or felt.
The Natural Reasons for Nesting have now been replaced by Synthetic and Artificial Reasons, Wants and Demands -- each of which are twisted, contorted and pimped for the financial benefit of the Society Leeches that want a controlled and profitable Containerized Society.
The Natural Needs for Shelter and Nesting which all Females have, is being used hideously against them, as forces to keep them imprisoned in Propaganda Chambers for the SQLD!
Chambers of Horrid Insanity and Dementia -- that should be Human Bedrooms and Living Rooms instead!
A Pseudo-society now exists, that is not even allowed to know where it came from, why it is here, what it's true History is, or where it is supposed to be going -- not to mention where it is supposed to be, by now!
Are you beginning to understand that the SQLD are exactly the kind of Masked Scum that want Humans put in Concentration Camps -- not that most of us are not already containerized somehow. Concentration Camps for those who will not be obedient slaves and submit to replacement!
Genocide by Replacement!
I do hope you Women are starting to understand the gravity of this situation.
Because, it is a lot worse than you think!
For Women the issue of ‘Loneliness and Lack of Love’ is extremely serious, and made all the worse -- because every pervert and propagandist of the Democrat/Homosexuals is trying to capitalize upon the ’Weakest Link’ in the Armor of our Species!
They try to convince Women of two things:
1. Men are really cruel, incapable and unworthy of fulfilling their needs for Love.
2. The deviations that they are advocating, their Hate Mantras Against Men, and their Movements to create a base and degenerate Demotopia -- will give Women the satisfaction and fulfillment that they seek.
All Women have to do, to benefit from the New Order, is to accept the SQLD Perverts (who are paying for it all).
And, learn to Love Genocidal Pieces of Crap! Love Genocidal Monsters as Teachers, Counselors, and most of all -- Benevolent Masters.
Unfortunately, this tactic when combined with all of the Teases and Enticements and Games, of Standard Psychological Warfare (which the SQLD studied from the Nazis and Marxists), works well on the weaker members of the Human Female Population. Turning them into Horrid Reversals of their former Human Selves.
Which is why the Demented White Females (DWC) exist today. Caught by their weakest places -- their Loneliness and Jealousy.
The DWC are the modern (Feminist/Lesbian/Black Radical Female) equivalents of Chairman Mao’s (‘Little Red Book Reading’) Chinese Red Guard. Of the days of the Communist Chinese Experiments.
Because of the Nasty Intentions and Horrid Practices of Femi-Nazis and the Homosexual/Democrats -- which have always been different classifications of the same dementia and hate against Humans -- the awful practice of Mentally Neutering Men (and physically if possible) has been going on for decades. With the blind and stupid help of Females who have been told by the SQLD that only by making Men subservient and inferior can they be used to provide the Love that all Women need.
Again, there are two Big Falsehoods as part of that:
1. Feminized Males do not Love anyone or anything except Insanity, and only go through the motions and say the Propaganda Lines that they are ordered to do and say. Making moves and mouthings that they are trained to believe is acceptable, to their new SQLD Masters.
2. Lesbians/Black Radical Females/Femi-Nazis have no intentions whatsoever of allowing any Males to show Love and Affection to any Females. Besides Real Men would be required for that. And every SQLD wants every Real Man -- Dead!
Their goal is the Death of all Humanity, especially Human Love. Their intention is to Neuter Human Masculinity so it cannot fight and oppose the Diseases in the Brains of the SQLD! They use the Females as unwitting Emasculators and outright Suicidal Fools against their own Species!
The Homosexual/Democrats have their Female Man-Hating Slaves attacking and disabling the very Protectors and Defenders that the Human Species needs to stay alive. Men!
All the while, they obey the Femi-Nazis and Anti-Femininity ‘Feminists’. That use the Satanic TV to control them. Control them to kill for the SQLD what those vermin cannot Kill for themselves -- Human Masculinity!
All of it is done with the Ruse and Pretense that only De-Natured and Feminized Males are of any Value -- and only such Drones can give Females the Love they need. Which has never been, and never will be, a Femi-Nazi/Lesbian/Black Radical Female reason for anything they do.
In fact, Human Love between the Sexes is a Target intended for Death, at All Costs, to the Black Radical Females/Femi-Nazis/Lesbians!
To the SQLD, as unbelievable as it may seem, the Human Female Population is expected to Neutralize and Disable the only Humans that they consider as being able to oppose their terrible Democrat/Homosexual Coalition of Death -- and subsequently save the Human Species -- namely the Human Male Population.
The Satan Tube is the SQLD Weapon to achieve that Genocide!
Yes, it is all Insidious and Awful.
It is SQLD (Satanic and ‘Queer’ Lying-Dead)!
Historically, it seems to be based upon fairly recent Insane Power Structures. Naturally, I have researched such Acts of Terror and Repression. The furthest back I have found examples, of this kind of Thought Control of Populations, (now taken to the horrible extent and intentions of Species Elimination using Genocide by Replacement) -- is the Nationalistic Military Regimes including the Italian Fascists, Japanese of WWII, Nazis, Soviet Communists and Chinese Communists.
Always, such Totalitarian Regimes are anticipated by, followed by, and made worse by low-life ‘bottomfeeders’ -- which I call ‘Monkeys Seeking Judicial Power‘.
They are camp followers always looking for places of political corruption and political deceit. Once found they (in turn), create their own Judicial Illusion of Superiority. This, if stupidly accepted by the oppressed population, allows those Judicial Monkeys to sell their Illusions of Power to the highest bidders -- making their Worthless ’Monkey Fart’ Opinions a valuable commodity in the larger Market of Pretenses and False Demands. A Totalitarian Market where Subservience and Obedience to the Masters (in power by theft, deception, cheating and assassination) is demanded of all citizens. A Totalitarian Regime inside of which the ‘less-supreme-than-anyone-else’ Monkeys operate their profitable Judicial Circus.
Never, do they exist for the People!
Not only will the SQLD not fulfill the Human Female need for Love -- the Democrat/Homosexuals intend to Kill Off the only possible source of such Real Love -- Human Males!
What do Human Females think will become of them, when the Human Males are all dead and destroyed -- and every Human Female is at the Mercy and the Orders of the Homosexuals/Democrats/Femi-Nazis/Black Radical Females/Liberals?
Can we all say “Sex Slaves” everybody?
How about, “Torture Dummies”?
How about, “Pathetic Amusement”?
With just enough brains left to Feel The Pain, and Amuse the SQLD!
On TV!
On the Satan Tube!
The whimpering and cringing Death of the Human Species.
Females that watch the Satan Tube and buy the lies of the SQLD, have been reduced to Puppetage for them -- by being turned into Addicts of the Satanic TV channels.
The basics of it scarcely need repeating:
1. Mesmerize the Target Group
2. Make the Target Group love SQLD Lies
3. Point the Target Group at enemies of the SQLD and shout “Kill!”
4. Laugh while the Target Group does for the SQLD, what they could not do for themselves.
In this case, the elimination of Human Masculinity as an opposition to the Perversions of the Homosexual/Democrats -- and as the Defenders of the Target Species!
Throughout, the cruelest part of it all -- is the False Usage of the ’Need for Love’ that exists within all Human Females -- by the Black Radical Females/Liberals/Feminists/Democrats/Homosexuals!
What are Women to do?
How can they escape being part of this Monstrous Plan of the Democrat/Homosexuals?
Break the Chain Of Evil!
Remember Real Women -- the days of fearing the Homosexuals/Democrats/Liberals/Feminists/Black Radical Extremists -- ARE OVER!!!!
Amongst the TV-Dupes and Couch-Salamanders there is an 'Excuse' going around that I [Me - warm and fuzzy, cute and loveable] - have a Personal Revenge Against TV (their Couch-Friends and Couch-Gods) -- for lies that were said about me on TV, back in Mordor.
This excuse is used to explain to the Couch-Dummies, why I am so vehemently against the TV Mind-Killing Machine.
Well, amongst all the other crap that is flying about from the (Satanic and 'Queer' Lying Dead), this is just a little one. But, to the Couch-Pillows (are they really separable from the Couches?), it is used as some reason to cling to -- a reason to justify their continued addiction to the ‘Boob Tube‘.
And, it does not exist.
I have no idea what the TV Jackals of Mordor said about me in their satanic sewer 'Misbegotten' -- the capital of Mordor. (see Addendum)
I never had a TV, while I was there.
In the first place, no one could care less than me, about anything those pussbags say. I don't commit self-injuries, such as watching TV.
I am not a Couch-Masochist!
SQLD TV is for scum, swine, liars, perverts, satanists and the mind-dead slaves of the aforementioned -- period.
Why would I watch it, for any reason?
The arrival of VCRs, much later, allowed me to tape movies off TV channels -- but that is all.
Knowing that the pukebag 'Personalities' on Homosexual/Democrat TV were (one and all) the worst Liars and Murderers on the Earth -- I naturally chose not to watch a single second of those things.
I set the VCRs to start recording and to stop at the appropriate times, and that was it.
I can remember distinctly, how enjoyable it was to tape all of those movies, the ones that were worth taping. Each time I recorded a movie, it was one more reason for never watching the ‘Insectoid Networks’ again.
Once I had taped all of the available movies that were good enough for a Human to watch, there would never again be any reason to connect any of my TV sets to any of the SQLD inputs. Incidentally, my selection process back then is still 99.99% accurate.
Of course, that was all before DVDs.
Now, I have thousands of movies on tape - with every commercial erased. And, it was all done very easily, without ever watching a satanic liar on TV. Besides, I have always had many other ways of being aware. Aware of what the lies are, that the pukebags on TV say.
In Misbegotten, everything is wall-to-wall Evil and Disease anyway. Always expect the worst in that place. There, what one source of perversion says, amongst all of the other sources of perversion, is insignificant.
The reasons for stopping the hideous enemies to all Humanity, that control and sicken the TV networks -- and turned it all into the TV Mind-Killing Machine, are THEM!
THEY are the reasons WHY!
No Way Around It!
Cannot Lie Their Way Out Of It!
A little Clue, for the Near-Dead Couch-Mushrooms ...
If you want to see how worthless and vile the creatures on TV are -- just turn the sound OFF.
Turn OFF the sound and just watch the ugly faces, playtime stage props, and murderous acts.
See how long it takes before you realize, that you are just looking at worthless crap!
Ladies: the time has arrived when all of you are starting to see what exists beyond the TV Screen 'Veil Of Lies'. The lies of the Homosexuals/Democrats/Black Radicals/Feminists/Liberals/ -- 'Grab-Bag-Of-Death'!
More and more of You are becoming Beacons of Truth!
Welcome, to Human Resistance!
Welcome, to the Real Edge and Taste of (Satanic and 'Queer' Lying-Dead) Hate!
For reference, I will repeat here some of the messages about the Satan Tube, which I put on the Forums of the Iowa Newsrags during the 2008 Non-Election -- and subsequently got all Human Resisters banned from those newsrags.
In some cases entire messages are repeated here, in other cases excerpts and replies to incoming messages are shown.
I will repeat here a lesson which I put out before in a forum that was unfortunately part of an SQLD news rag. That was before the Censorship Vulture at that news rag blocked all attempts to write the Truth in that forum.
So far, this 'forum' has been nothing more than a place for perverts to put their lies in a show-and-tell attempt to convince the political-whores that Humans CAN BE deceived and destroyed for money -- and for Humans to denounce those lies while giving out the TRUTH in response -- whereupon the perverts try out their next menu of lies, based upon the TRUTHS that they got the Humans to say.
Let's step beyond all of that and proceed to the 'How and Why' of stopping all of these lies from the so-called homosexuals, the so-called liberals, the so-called democrats -- all of which are like the letters in the same bowl of alphabet soup. A very disgusting soup indeed.
I agree that keeping the lies down is essential to building 'Walls Of Truth' between us, and those that seek to destroy us. But this daily correction of their lies will not achieve any lasting reduction in their threats against us. Those things are under constant orders to never cease their lies and propagandas against us.
Therefore, the only way to truly reduce their terrible effects against us -- is to reduce their ability to reach us with their lies and propagandas.
And that starts with their number one WEAPON against us -- what is casually called TELEVISION.
Before you say "that is impossible!" -- start with the basics and learn from there.
Start with a television.
Just a television in a box -- brand new -- that has just been purchased -- and is still in the box.
As such -- a TV in a box -- it is only a machine. New in a box it cannot hurt you. New in a box it cannot lie to you. New in a box it is neutral, mindless, meaning no one any harm!
Now take it out of the box. Put it on the floor of your living room, for example.
Now look at it. It is unplugged, not connected to anything. It is just sitting there doing nothing. It has never been turned on. As such it is harmless. It cannot hurt you. Sitting there on the living room floor, it cannot lie to you. Sitting there on the living room floor it is neutral, mindless, meaning no one any harm !
Now put it where you want it to sit, on a shelf, over in the corner, whatever -- depending upon its size and the layout of your living room. DO NOT plug it into anything. Now look at it again. It is just sitting there doing nothing. It has never been turned on. As such it is harmless. It cannot hurt you. Sitting there, wherever you put it, it cannot lie to you. Sitting there, wherever you put it, it is neutral, mindless, meaning no one any harm !
There now sits before you an enormous challenge !!
Namely -- how can you use that machine (the television) without any Satanism and Perversion reaching you THROUGH IT !!
Remember, the so-called homosexuals, so-called liberals, so-called democrats etc. ALL want you to mindlessly allow their filth and propaganda INTO YOUR LIVING ROOM THROUGH THAT TELEVISION !! In that way they can inundate you with their lies and programming -- until you are desensitized to their horrible atrocities, mesmerized by their twisted excuses and threats, and terrified that you will NOT CONFORM TO THEIR EXPECTATIONS !!
YOU !!
And there you are -- with a brand new television -- and WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ??
And here is the challenge !!
How ??
First of all -- ask yourself this. "How can all of that trash, lies, and brain-killing dementia get into my television in the first place ??"
Now plug the electrical cord from the television into the appropriate power socket and turn it on.
Most televisions will go through a setup phase during which they will try to search for channels from an input of some kind.
Tell it to cancel the setup phase.
If it will not, and insists upon searching for signals, let it search -- for nothing -- nothing is plugged into it -- NOT EVEN AN ANTENNA !!
Once it cannot find any 'channels' to memorize, it will drop out of the initial setup. Just turn it off and back on again.
Now you have a television that is turned on, and is GOOD. Because it is not receiving anything Evil, or Perverted, or Demented, or Directed At You To Control You !!
The challenge remains -- how can you use that machine (the television) without any Satanism and Perversion reaching you THROUGH IT !!
You are now at a point where you must choose what are called INPUT SOURCES.
However, before you do so, you must evaluate each INPUT SOURCE.
Satellite Inputs -- saturated with perversion and constant reversals of the TRUTH -- there a few channels that have non-evil 'formats', but they still allow all types of perverted advertisements and the paid-for messages of your enemies.
Cable Inputs -- the same as satellite inputs, but with less non-evil 'formats'.
Over-The-Air Antenna Inputs -- the worst of them all -- almost no non-evil 'formats', constant lies for Satanism and Perversions of all kinds, never-ending lies about the Truth, endless reversals of all decency and Humanity.
Line Inputs -- from VCRs and DVD Players -- the most easily controlled by YOU -- almost no advertising, which eliminates that form of brain-washing you with their lies. YOU can DIRECTLY control the material you watch on that television when you are using the Line Inputs from a VCR or DVD Player.
You can reduce the inputs from so-called homosexuals, so-called liberals, so-called democrats -- indeed ANY EVIL WHATSOEVER from coming into your house through that television -- by using ONLY THE LINE INPUTS from your VCR or DVD Player.
With NO OTHER INPUTS connected to your television -- YOU ARE IN CONTROL !!
If you want news, listen to AM Radio, or read (and untwist) the things that are printed in newspapers.
Face the Reality of this wretched pseudo-society that the forces of Advertising, Satanism, and Perversions together have created. If you let ANY of their inputs into your house THEY WILL USE IT AGAINST YOU !!
They have been using the disguise of 'ENTERTAINMENT' for decades, to turn you all into mindless and willing slaves of their advertisers, and 'whoever or whatever pays for the
And remember -- all they need is to HOOK YOU with ONE of their 'Entertainments' -- and then they have you !! Because THEIR INPUT IS CONNECTED TO YOUR TELEVISION -- AND THAT IS WHAT REALLY
On the other hand -- if you CANCEL ALL OF THEIR INPUTS -- AND USE ONLY INPUTS WHICH YOU HAVE TOTAL CONTROL OVER -- then what happens to their EFFECTS upon YOU ??
And when that happens -- YOU ARE YOUR OWN MASTER !!
Before the Beastley Censorship Vulture of that rag in Des Moines 'banished' the Truth from the so-called forum, which that rag was using to get more people addicted to its continued presence … a presence that should not be continued in any way, shape, or form … I was able to put out this warning (lesson) to the Human species.
Such PRATTLE at this stage is truly self-defeating. This forum is to the point where everyone knows that the liars are lying !! The propagandists are propagandizing !! The MOLES and PLANTED TRAITORS in every Human endeavor are following their orders from the Masters of the so-called homosexuals, and so-called liberals, and so-called democrats --- to shout and scream and freak their lies that THE TRUTH IS NOT THE TRUTH !!
This PATHETIC ATTEMPT to make anyone think for an instant, that there is anything decent and spiritual about the ANTI-CHRIST (AND I MEAN REAL CHRIST HATERS) so-called homosexuals, and so-called liberals, and so-called democrats --- is SO STUPID -- as to be utterly unworthy of this forum and any other kind of discussion -- outside the PLANNING ROOMS of the so-called homosexuals.
Even KKKrenshaw can barely continue with this circus of pretense.
If you watch 'TV' you are programmed.
What do you think those 'programs' on TV are for?
To program the audience!
The procedure of programming the audience is simple and effective. First they have to show you something they think you will like, or think they can make you like. Once they have you 'liking' what they are showing you, they can start to program you.
Your 'liking' what you see (at any time) on their 'Networks' serves as a Window or Portal into your brain, into which they can pour all of their lies, insinuations, subliminal orders and so forth.
The injection of their suggestions, lies, and twisting of the Truth create what I call 'Servant Worms', in the brains of their obedient audience … an audience caught like fish on a simple hook of 'liking' … which is seldom real anyway.
The Servant Worms take the place in the audience brains of 'common sense', 'logic', and 'perspicacity' (perception and learning). With the Servant Worms now occupying those regions of the brains of the audience, that would otherwise reject the lies of the TV SQLD, the creatures of the TV can now operate on those brains.
Brain Surgery Via SQLD TV !
With the Servant Worms telling an audience victim, that he or she should allow the lies and insanities and mental diseases of the SQLD into his or her living-room, bedroom etc. -- the audience victim becomes defenseless. In such a state of defenseless submission a wide-scale variant of the 'Lie Enough Rule' can be applies to the mass audience … the Mass Wormed-Audience !
And any victim that defies the programming and brainwashings of the SQLD TV, will be hurt (from the inside out) by the Servant Worms that are already in his or her brain !
This is where the hideous little Charlie Dictators in their terrible little TV stations get their power of control over the 'Masses'.
The Little Charlie Dictators, in the Little Charlie TV Stations of MassInsanity!
The ‘Little Charlies’ of the MassInsanity Propaganda Stations use the ‘Charlie Episode’ of the original Star Trek series in constant association with Human Resisters.
This one episode is shown constantly and the demand is clear. The viewing slaves are to believe the message, and repeat it, and chant it, and revere the Little Charlie Dictators. Dictators who insist that their STUPID audience believe that anyone who opposes THEIR favorite perversions (and paying pervert clientele) are just nasty little boys with ego trips -- like the Charlie in the Charlie Episode!
It was meant to incite violence, and further alienate the viewing slaves from any Human Resisters.
Instead, it has always revealed the Mind Fornicating intentions of the Station Directors and Owners, and the make-believe powers which those scum really wish they had.
Thus the description -- The Little Charlie Dictators in their Little Charlie TV Stations.
As bad as the situation is on a Planet that is Sinister with its every intent, the problem of television usage is far from hopeless. The solution to the dangers it presents to every Human, because of its dastardly misuse by the little Charlie Dictators in their little TV Stations, and the SQLD, is just a matter of 'Awareness and Control'. That is, you must be 'Aware' of what others will use your television for (and against you), and how you can prevent that from happening … in other words 'Control' your television.
Let me explain to you just how horrible it is to have a Television connected to the SQLD, in your House or Apartment.
To invite a Human into your House or Apartment, in which there is a Satan Tube operating, is Exactly The Same as inviting a Human into your House or Apartment, in which someone is committing Horrible Acts! Use your imagination!
Not just their own Horrible Acts, but the Horrible Acts of vermin and satanic perverts that exist to deliberately force feed their Horrible Acts into the Eyes and Ears and Mouths of everyone they can!
To invite a Human into your House or Apartment for the purpose of watching a Satan Tube, is Exactly The Same as inviting a Human into your House or Apartment, in order to watch the worst Horrors that exist -- the Horrids of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead!
And worse! You are inviting that Human into your House or Apartment with the expectation that the Human will join your Horrid Feast, and will lap up the Horrors of the Democrat/Homosexuals with you!
Such an act is one of the most awful and hideous insults you could ever make towards a member of the Human Species!!!!
Shall I elaborate?
Need I elaborate?
I think not.
At the same identical instant, if you invite a Human into your House or Apartment where someone is using a Television set to watch Human Material - or to watch Human Material with you - that is a thoroughly enjoyable and decent pleasure!
What do you need any TV for?
To know things?
That is wrong!
That is meaningless!
You don't know (bleep) about the Real World by watching SQLD TV.
The things you think you know [from TV] are just refried crap from the SQLD!
The more of that crap you 'know' -- the LESS YOU DO!
Which is exactly what the SQLD want!
They don't want you doing things!
They want you buying their lies and their advertised products!
And voting for their cronies and whores and liars!
Two White Guys and one DWC were in a TV Room watching another 'Watch and Believe' TV Show, in which a Black Extremist Female was pretending to deal out 'Legal' punishment to a White Guy for breaking the Laws of the DWC Society.
The DWC was loving it and could hardly keep from licking the screen -- the two White Guys were afraid and knew somewhere in their murdered brains that they should turn the thing off -- but as usual they were ADDICTS and were sitting there hoping something 'White Guy' would come on the screen. They were too stupid to realize that the DWC would not allow that!
That was a TV Room with three dead bodies in it -- and true to SQLD plans -- all three were still breathing and able to buy the products that the Satan Tube told them to buy!
I saw that entire scene for perhaps five seconds as I walked past, on my way to the Men's room. In five seconds, I knew everything about that room and the three Zombies in it!
Do you realize what that says about the Satan Tube? And, the Watching Zombies -- the Satan Tubers?
Who Made Living-Death Legal?
NOTE: By the way -- it has recently come to my attention that the sewer of SQLD Democrat/Homosexuals in and around the Inversity at Madison, Demo-Wisconsin has already been designated as a ‘Garrison City’ for the Invited Armies from Foreign Sewers -- along with the Inversity at ‘Iowa City’ in Demo-Iowa.
Does that answer the question about where the Horrid Zones are going to be?
If you were in the Human Resistance, you would already know that!
The SQLD always start with the Universities, turn them into ‘Inversities‘, and build downwards towards Hell, from there!
NOTE: Those of you who are Human and think you can watch the Satan Tube, if only to watch it fail and become a worse sewer than it was before -- you are not serving your Species -- and you are certainly not doing yourselves a favor.
I am telling you right now -- any second of time spent looking at the SQLD TV is a second WASTED!
Every second you can use to advance the Human Species, is another matter entirely -- and THAT is what you should be doing!
Even if your contribution is nothing more than getting the Homosexual/Democrat Lies and Brainwashings out of your own head -- that will be of great service to our Species later!
NOTE: You are right -- Greybeard. It IS boring to us Real Men.
Waiting for the backstabbings, lies and tricks, intimidations and assassinations.
NOTE: Incurable Satan Tubers -- what do we do with you?
In the Real World to come, where will Brainwashed Satan Tubers fit in?
Where will we put Satan Tubers that cannot think?
NOTE: The SQLD of Chicago and MassInsanity and Mordor are so alien and demented that their gibberish cannot be understood by anyone Sane, especially by Humans.
You will note, that they make no effort to be understood by Humans. Nothing about them is meant to be understood in 'Human Terms'. That can only mean one of two things.
And, this is crucial to their continued existence!
Either they expect to annihilate and kill all Humans, or those Humans they do not kill will just be the dung under their shoes!
Either way it is clear, that they are not doing anything to be understandable by Humans (in Human Terms). That can only mean they consider themselves to be immensely Superior to anyone and anything Human!
Again, that automatically means they do not consider themselves to be Human.
Therefore, they must consider themselves to be a separate Species!
A Non-Human Species!
Anytime and everytime, any of them refuses to admit that what they are doing is Anti-Human Genocide -- and refuses to stop the lies, lunacies and attacks against us -- it is being part of a Non-Human Species!
It is NOT Human!
Never before has History seen such creatures that openly declare themselves to be Non-Human!
Throughout History opponents in Wars have tried to paint their enemies as Sub-Humans.
Now, we are actually fighting a hoard of enemies that want to be Non-Humans!
From THEM, only Complete Confessions, Complete Cessation, and Unconditional Surrender can be considered as Human Acts!
ANYTHING ELSE is the act of an Alien Species! That considers itself Superior to the Human Species!
I must say, they have made this War amazingly simple.
In this War -- it is -- be Human or you are NOT Human!
The principle idea about Place Names, Proper Names, Titles etc. (as far as the SQLD are concerned), is simple and awful.
First, pervert, alienate and derange all Human Beings that are related to the Original Humans, that created the Names and Titles to begin with.
Second, replace the now Helpless Humans (alienated from their own Roots), with SQLD-Preferred replacements. However, keep the Veneer of continuing Humanity, by keeping the Original Human Names and Titles.
Third -- having removed the Humanity and Human History from the population, and having taken complete Totalitarian Control over the Society, use all manner of lies and deceptions to officially designate the Original Human Names and Titles as obsolete -- and no longer 'appropriate' to the New World Order.
Fourth - replace all Original Human Names and Titles with SQLD Preferred substitutes, that glorify and further the Totalitarian State of the Democrat/Homosexuals, and its Masters.
Simple and Awful.
What I do, is to derail that SQLD Process, by changing the Original Human Names and Titles (which no longer apply due to Homosexual/Democrat Infestation and Murder).
I then give those Places and Positions new Human Names and Titles.
However, the new Human Names and Titles accurately describe the new awful and terrible existence of a Place or Position that was once Human, but is now SQLD Death!
This keeps the SQLD from pulling off their game of Name Change Lies!
This is also why the minions of the SQLD, such as the Demented White Females (DWC), are so vehemently against my new Names and Titles, for the places and things they have killed.
They want to stay with their plan, keep the Original Names and Titles, and replace them with their Own Names and Titles -- at the time that best serves and glorifies their ugly brains, lying schemes, and New World Order.
You know what I mean. The New World Order with International Armies garrisoned in each American State, and patrolling each American Street to ‘Police and Prevent’ American Humans from upsetting the delicate sensitivities of the child-raping perverts that are in Power -- and own the Monkey Judges!!!!
That New World Order.
By giving their targets new Human Names and Titles, I ruin their timetable for ‘Conversion by Perversion‘.
It also has the wonderful and pleasing effect of infuriating the SQLD Planners and Schemers!
Which, is what I am all about.
Fight Frustration -- With Frustration!
You know -- you folks have got to get used to this War.
It’s a War.
And the enemy is dirty, dirty, dirty.
Addendum-Chicago: For those of you who have no clue as to what Chicago is about -- aside from Al Capone and the Chicago Thugs -- I will provide you with a brief description for the sake of your background knowledge.
If this sounds a little unlike myself, it is not. I have a great sympathy for the Disabled (mentally or physically), and the Great Masses (walking forwards normally, or forwards by walking backwards with their heads on backwards).
Every activist of any kind in Chicago is trying to paint the place in their own colors, or pretend that 'God's Bow' (known commonly as the Rainbow) belongs to them, and they are generously bestowing it upon Chicago.
Every activist there presents itself as the real secret to the greatness of Chicago -- and if it can just get 'This Control', and 'That Favor', and ‘This Wealth', and 'That Power' it will shine down upon Chicago with its benevolent light of ... Selfishness.
Except they don't call it -- what it is.
Below the mountains of Propaganda Garbage that the activists of the SQLD spew out (from the anuses under their noses) everyday -- is a Real City of Real People -- which is not unattractive, and not as confusing as 'Outsiders' think it is.
Chicago is a town surrounded by its necessities, and yet it is a necessity to its surroundings. A true 'Primate City' as anthropologists call such places. The term means it is Primary to its geographic area, for providing facilities, manufacturing, warehousing, financial support, transportation and distribution of goods and services that a lesser collection of Humanity could not support and sustain. Other Primate Cities in America are: Saint Louis, New Orleans, Houston, Minneapolis/Saint Paul, Kansas City, Denver, Indianapolis, Oklahoma City just to mention a few. None of them are like Chicago, except in terms of the most fundamental considerations. Such as being Primate Cities.
To a larger degree, than found in most other Primate Cities in America, Chicago is a case study of Growth. Mostly without any overall ideas of the Future in mind, and too often localized. Which is why there are always constant civil engineering projects underway, trying to tie it all together properly.
On the other hand, Americans are so new at Urban Planning, GIS, etc. that if they had tried to build the place according to an overall plan, and built only by that strictly -- the place would run like, look like, smell like and taste like the inside of a Steel Factory.
There is something to be said in favor of the separation which the various towns and villages within the Greater Metropolitan Chicago Area enjoy. The independence of all of those smaller population entities (suburbs, towns, small cities) cannot be underestimated -- and is indeed part of the vital life of the overall Metropolis. 'Sameness' would kill any great city such as Chicago.
As it exists today, the Greater Chicago Metropolitan Area is a vast and varied collection of 'Happen-As-They-Will' communities that were created at their time -- with little thought about the Greater Future. Many plans for the integration of the entire Metropolis, into one coordinated entity of common sense, have been forgotten for decades or centuries. Replaced by whatever is the latest idea that makes the latest planners look good.
There has been a laudable effort done on the Inner Core of the city, though. In it's own way, the Innermost Core of High Rise Buildings is impressive, and under the right lighting and with the right sky backgrounds, can even be surprising and pleasant. And, so temporary.
There are no Mono-Rails. No Above-Surface Mass Transportation Systems. No Bullet Trains from One Quarter to the Next. If ever there was a place that needs a Heavy-Duty Teleportation Transport System, it is here.
As individual units, the suburbs and communities of the area are a combination of 'What-We-Hope-They-Are' and 'Oh-My-God!' The entire range of possibilities, from Affluent and Snooty Suburbs with spit-shined sidewalks, to Destitute and Disintegrating Ghettos with hopeless days and hopeless nights, can be found in the Greater Chicago Metropolitan Area.
In this area, nothing is done half-ass except the city planning, and any feeble attempt to look into the Future.
By that I mean, when a community is Rich, it is really Rich. I avoid Rich anything.
When a community is Poor or Worse, it is really Poor or Worse. I am used to Poor or Worse. I used to live in Poor or Worse.
The level of Political Corruption, supported by Thuggery, in Chicago is World Infamous. What is surprising though, is the level of violence. Or, the lack thereof. The Chicago Thugs that worship the Democrat/Homosexuals, are an exception to the rule of the area -- which is generally peaceful.
There are no Block Wars, Community Battles, or Fortifications and Gateways through which you must pass in order to get from one part of the area to another.
If one does not include whatever Political Murders the Chicago Thugs are performing, on any particular day -- and aside from the usual crimes (within the population) of jealously, envy, necessity and passion that every Primate City suffers from and has to endure -- there is no sign of what I would call 'Killer Hate' or 'Racial Feuding' or 'Blood for Blood's Sake'.
In the Boston Horrid Zone any Human would be insane to walk the streets without being armed to the teeth, and had better be damned ready to Kill in Self Defense! If any Human is stupid enough to be in that Anti-Human Toilet to begin with.
In the Chicago area, there is no such condition. I travel in all parts of Chicago. As a born Geographer (Hard-Wired Geographer), I always investigate and learn what populations are doing, and how they are living -- even when I have to step over dead bodies to get there. I am sort of an Indiana Jones, always after Treasures of Humanity. I find them in what others would think are the most impossible places -- especially from the lips of dying people -- dying of abuse, exposure, hunger.
I am sure muggings and robberies happen in Chicago all the time, and even in the best neighborhoods -- and yet that is part of city living -- and not peculiar to Chicago.
If I had to put a description to the Living Conditions of everyone in Chicago -- in as general terms as possible --
And this takes some thinking --
I would say it is one of "We are Here -- Let's Live and Make The Best Of It!"
Within that generality of course, you have to make room for a lot of individual emotions, such as dislike, envy, love, disappointment, joy, jealousy, desperation, competition and so forth.
Chicago, is not a Mean City as everyone knows Nude Yack to be. I will not even go into Nude Yack, and I never have. The place utterly fails each and every requirement for Human Acceptance. I refuse to ever give that place any shred of Recognition, Credibility, or Accommodation by going into it.
If one had to compare Nude Yack to Chicago, it would be like comparing a Lunatic Little Timmie who carves designs on the face of his baby sister with a hot soldering iron and masturbates while he is doing it -- to the hard-working Police Detective who has to investigate the finding of the body of Little Timmie's sister, in a trash heap at the city dump.
There are Primate Cities, and then there are Monstrosities.
Getting back to Chicago and how it was created, or its creation was attempted -- the many local communities and their differences make the area much richer in Human Wealth than any kind of Mono-Theoretical/Mono-Applied Demographics Experiment or Regime would correspondingly generate.
That is a good thing.
Then again, too much localization (especially of traffic patterns) makes moving about in the place a constant challenge. The Mafia always gets the 'Bum Rap' for the never ending construction projects that are -- neverending. They could have something to do with that. From their point of view it would provide a constant source of income.
That overlooks another important factor however. The population is always on the move and changing its mind. As soon as something is built and finished, such as the new improvements on I294, it will start to become obsolete.
The place is just too big for the construction to stop. That is true -- even if -- there is not one more square foot of expansion of the Metropolis.
The city changes and grows just like a living being would. And, if there is no Greater Authority to decide that the roads will be thus, and the trains will be thus, and the planes will be thus and so forth -- without changing again -- then it will keep on being rebuilt and adjusted.
Chicago needs rebuilding really badly. It needs adjusting to the Present even more badly. There are large areas in Chicago that are falling apart, turning stagnant, and becoming vacant. The money is not available to rebuild and renovate such areas, not to mention the zoning system is far too 'macro' and not enough 'micro'. The facilities infrastructure (sewage, water, electricity etc) is hopelessly nineteenth and early twentieth century, and would not survive all of the improvements that Chicago really needs.
To put it succinctly, everyone in the Greater Chicago Metropolitan Area is part of the Neverending Story of Chicago. Which is -- trying to keep it working and making improvements, while blissfully ignoring the fact that their improvements of twenty and thirty years ago are already falling apart.
I have a news flash for all Chicago Metropolitans --
What you are dealing with now ...
What you are living in now ...
What you are trying to keep repaired now ...
What you are fighting over now ...
What you see and experience everyday ...
Is just the Basement of the Future Chicago.
You need to stop expanding outwards -- and to start looking towards your Future.
Which is Upwards!
I fully expect the Future Chicago to rise thousands of feet above the present Chicago Metropolis.
Those people who make the futuristic movies about huge cities that rise miles high -- are not just playing games and employing their own fantasies. Chicago will be one of those cities. It will be such a place. It has no choice at present.
The population of Chicago in 2004 was estimated to be 2,862,244. That was broken into Whites 42%, Blacks 36.8%, Browns 26%, and Yellows 4.3% -- which equals 109.1 Percent. Is someone trying to tell us something?
As of 2000 the Greater Population of the entire Metro Area was considered to be 9,157,500. The same source tells us that as far as the entire Metro Area is concerned, Blacks comprise one/fifth of the population, and Browns are one/ninth. The percentages of Browns is increasing in the Metro Area, but the Black percentages are steady and unchanging. Meanwhile, the Whites are all on their cell phones, talking about the latest revelations about Chicago Thugs.
Everybody thinks this place will just keep expanding outwards, and not upwards. Wrong!
The only thing that can save Chicago, from becoming a Mammoth Chicago Megalopolis -- the highest points of which (still constantly being built upon) will be miles above the current level of such Basement Alleyways as Interstate 80 -- is the discovery of Faster-Than-Light-Speed Propulsion.
Their highest buildings of today, will be the toadstools of the Future Chicago Mammothopolis.
If the People of Chicago cannot see that Inevitability -- that Sure Future -- then they do not understand themselves at all. They do not see themselves at all.
They do not see themselves as the incessant and endless builders, rearrangers, hagglers, disenchanters, rebuilders, improvers, expanders, never-satisfied-ers that they really are.
Their own mental makeup and proclivities towards expansion and 'betterment' will drive them straight up into the skies, for miles.
Anyone who thinks outwards expansion will be the answer to the incredible population pressures of the Future, has his head on backwards!
The restraining pressures and blockades to outward expansion are being applied more and more forcefully every day.
Just stop and consider. Give yourself a few points here to think about.
1. Further outwards expansion increases 10% and then halts.
2. Population increases continue at Global Rates.
3. Within the Current Footprint of the Today's Chicago Metropolis (+ 10 %) -- will live 30,000,000 People.
4. Where?
5. How?
6. Global Pressure from Peer Metropolis', will shame Chicago into an enormous Global Competition. A race to keep up with its own Peer Group of Cities Worldwide. (Peer Pressure)
7. All attempts at Population Control will fail miserably -- due to the impossible task of trying to make Human Females not have children. China is trying to stop their birth rate increase, however they have a Totalitarian Government and their numbers already exceed 1,300,000,000 inhabitants. India’s population is exceeding 1,200,000,000 as we speak! If you think Population Competition cannot happen here, you are clueless to what so many citizens in one country means -- and the enormous economic power they have -- which is Economic Competition to us! To Chicago!
We will be forced to compete with the Great Populations of the World (and what they can do), with our own Great Population! Our own Great Population!
Do you think building the Greater Chicago Mammothopolis, three times as high as it is today, will be sufficient?
You have spent all of your lives thinking in two-dimensions. When you add the third (Z axis) everything changes!
Try, Three To Ten Times As High As It Is Today!
You have to be able to grasp, with your mind, the Reality of Ten Million Plus Chicago Residents living more than one mile above the surface where the current Interstate Highways are.
I have thought about this, and I have estimated that the minimum height of the Future Chicago (with 30,000,000 inhabitants) would be: Three Footprints equal to the Current Footprint (+ 10%) -- AND the spaces needed between the three levels to service and interconnect them.
If I was stingy, I would make those two Interconnection Layers about two hundred feet thick. If I gave each Living Layer four hundred feet for ventilation and industrial accommodation -- that would bring the roof of the entire mess (and I do mean 'mess') to about 1600 feet above the current level of I294.
I am talking about one solid mass of Chicago Mammothopolis (from Crystal Lake, Illinois to Merrillville, Indiana and from Joliet, Illinois to Waukegan, Illinois) 1600 feet high.
That is the Sardines-In-A-Can Version. This would never happen, because living in that small a space would drive 30,000,000 residents right out of their minds!
Here comes a good one.
For the sakes of 'Comfort' and 'Convenience' and 'Dignity' and 'Recreation' -- ADD three thousand feet!
Now you are at 4600 feet, above the level of I90/94 downtown, at the highest point of the Metro Area. Which will probably be some communications structure. And, there won't be any roof. To put a Dome over all of that, would be as difficult as building the entire Megalopolis itself.
No Roof. No Dome. Plus, all kinds of structures reaching up as far as can be built, for all kinds of reasons. This configuration would end up being more than one mile high in total.
But, this is the Small Version.
I am sure the residents of such Metropolitan Area towns such as Oak Park, Downers Grove, Glendale Heights, Orland Park, Des Plaines, Calumet City, Naperville, Streamwood, and Skokie can not envision (today) living underneath ‘Another Entire Footprint’ of the area, inhabited by millions of Chicago Metropolitans.
I am not worried about their inability to see the Future Chicago, today. The more they think about it, the more they will see it. Just think double and triple the present population.
For the sake of argument, let us say that my critics are right -- it will only be 20,000,000 Metropolitans.
Where do you intend to put the next 11,000,000?
Without outwards expansion you can only build Up or Down. Take my advice in this. Build Up!
If you cannot imagine the Future Chicago today, believe me, the Future Chicago does not and will not care. The Future doesn't care what you envision -- you will not do the Future right anyway -- you never have.
As the People of Chicago build Upwards -- will they be as sloppy, as pretentious and as lacking in foresight as they were when they built the Basement -- that they are living in now?
If so, the Future Chicago will look like 'Godzilla's Junkyard and Emporium'. With Godzilla himself, way up on top in welder's gloves and goggles, welding more junk to the junk on top, with his breath.
If it is built like the Basement was, it will be a hash job of thrown-together-impossibilities, that hitherto were never considered feasible. Which were then built because the space was needed, or the money was there, or the 'Localized Power Struggle' desired it.
For now, it is the Basement that is being fought over. All construction is pitifully inappropriate, to what will be its own Future.
Today, just about the only thing that they are accomplishing, besides living their own lives, is compressing the Earth to such a hardness that it will be able to hold the incredible weight of the Future Chicago.
They need to start looking at the Basement in a new way. "When it is the Basement, will this or that be appropriate? Will it still be here? How will sunlight reach all the way down here?"
Just a poor and misunderstood Guy:
You all probably think I have some link or obsession with Godzilla, since I mention him so often -- but he is just a reference to me -- a measure of magnitude. A bit of a comic character inside the World of Hardships.
The Real Godzilla character is just a Peace loving and Regular -- Mind-his-own-Business -- kind of guy. Who wouldn't bother anyone. Until they bothered him.
Quite easy to understand.
Like me.

Markel Peters
Frank Frazetta Official Website:
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message. Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.
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- Aliens (1)
- Alive (1)
- Aljazeera (2)
- Alleyways (1)
- Allied (1)
- Alligator (1)
- Alligators Do Not Like Rats (1)
- Alta California (1)
- Alzheimer's (1)
- AM (1)
- AM Radio (2)
- AMA (1)
- America (4)
- American (2)
- American Coot (1)
- American Public (1)
- Americans (2)
- Ammunition (4)
- Anal Pornographers (1)
- And (2)
- Angel (1)
- Annihilation (1)
- Answer (1)
- Anti-AI Intelligence (1)
- Anti-Human (1)
- Anti-Life (2)
- Antibiotics (1)
- Antifa (1)
- Antifederalists (1)
- Antivirals (1)
- Anus (3)
- Anxiety (2)
- APA (5)
- Apes (1)
- Apocalyptic (1)
- Apologize (1)
- Apothecary (1)
- Appropriate (3)
- Appropriate Language (1)
- AR15 (1)
- Archives (1)
- Arena (1)
- Arizona (2)
- Arkansas (1)
- Armed (3)
- Army (1)
- Arrow (1)
- Art (1)
- Art of War (1)
- Artificial (3)
- Artificial Intelligence (3)
- Artillery (1)
- Ass (1)
- Assassination (1)
- Assault Insurance (1)
- Asses (2)
- Asshole (5)
- Assholes (3)
- Assumptions (2)
- Asylum (1)
- ATC Line (1)
- Atheist Aims (1)
- Atlanta Braves (1)
- Atlantic (1)
- Atomic Clock (1)
- Attack (2)
- Attacks (3)
- AttackYouWeather (1)
- Attitudes (1)
- ATVs (1)
- Audience Identification (1)
- Audio (2)
- Audio Files (1)
- Aura (1)
- Aurora (1)
- Australia (2)
- Authenticity (1)
- Authoritarian (1)
- Authority (4)
- Autonomous (1)
- Autumn Harvest (1)
- Avant-Garde (1)
- Avian (1)
- Avians (1)
- Awareness (1)
- Awe (1)
- Awful (1)
- Axis (1)
- Babbling World (1)
- Babies (1)
- Backdoor (1)
- Background (1)
- Background Images (1)
- Background Knowledge (1)
- Backgrounds (1)
- Backpack (1)
- Backstabbers (1)
- Bad (2)
- Bad Cops (1)
- Balabolka (1)
- Balcatta (1)
- Bald Faggots (1)
- Bald-headed (2)
- Bananas (1)
- Bang (1)
- Banished (1)
- Banishment (2)
- Bankrupt (1)
- Baptist (1)
- Base (1)
- Bastards (1)
- BatShitCrazy (3)
- Battle (2)
- Battle Tank (1)
- Battlefields (1)
- BBC (1)
- BBWA (1)
- Beanbrains (1)
- Beast (1)
- Beautiful (2)
- Beauty (2)
- Behold (1)
- Belief (3)
- Belief Merchant (Anuses) (1)
- Benson (3)
- Bents (1)
- Berserker (1)
- Berserkers (4)
- Bibles (1)
- Big Brother (1)
- Big Business (3)
- BIG DYKE (1)
- Big Government (1)
- Big Lie (1)
- Big News (1)
- Billionaires (1)
- BINGO (1)
- Biological (1)
- Biology (1)
- BIOS (1)
- Bird Dance (1)
- Bird Populations (1)
- Birds (2)
- Bitch (2)
- Bitches (3)
- Bite! (1)
- BitMeter (1)
- Black (3)
- Black Anus (1)
- Black Babe (1)
- Black Bird (1)
- Black Butterflies (1)
- Black Christians (1)
- Black Cows (1)
- Black Cripples (1)
- Black Folks (1)
- Black Helicopter (1)
- Black Helicopters (1)
- Black Heroes (1)
- Black Hole (1)
- Black Homo-Fascist (1)
- Black Panthers (1)
- Black Radical (1)
- Black Sea (2)
- Black SUVs (1)
- Blacks (3)
- Bladder (1)
- Bladders (3)
- Blatantly Apparent (1)
- Bleachers (1)
- Bleeps (1)
- Blind (1)
- Blindsider Change (1)
- Blitzkrieg (2)
- Blizzard (2)
- Blood (1)
- Blood Of The Innocent (1)
- Blood Soaked (1)
- Blood-Sucking (1)
- Bloodsuckers (1)
- Blowhard (1)
- Blowtorch (1)
- Blue Menace (1)
- Blue Scourge (1)
- Body (1)
- Body Mutilations (1)
- Body Rights (1)
- Body Wave Attacks (1)
- Bolt (1)
- Bombs (1)
- Book (2)
- Boone River (1)
- Booster (1)
- Border Sovereignty (1)
- Born (1)
- Bowels (1)
- Boy Scouts (1)
- Boycott (1)
- Boys (2)
- Brain (4)
- Brain Cells (1)
- Brain Rot (1)
- Brain Scanning (1)
- Brainless (1)
- Brains (2)
- Brainwash (1)
- Brainwashed (1)
- Brainwashing (2)
- Branding (1)
- Branstad (1)
- Brave (1)
- Bread Crumbs (1)
- Bremer (1)
- BREP (1)
- Brexit (1)
- Brian Brown (1)
- Bribery (1)
- Bribes (1)
- Bridge (3)
- Britons (2)
- Bronze Age (1)
- Browser (1)
- Brute Force (1)
- Bubble (2)
- Bubble of Lies (1)
- Buffer Zone (1)
- Bug (3)
- Bug Clumps (1)
- Bugout (1)
- Building (1)
- Bullies (4)
- Bullshit (3)
- Bullying (1)
- Bundy (1)
- Bunkers (1)
- Bunnies (1)
- Burn (1)
- Business (1)
- Business Assholes (1)
- Butchers (1)
- Butler (3)
- Butt (1)
- Buttkiss (1)
- Buttugly (4)
- ButtUgly Windmills (4)
- BUWI (5)
- BUWI driver (1)
- BUWI Termites (1)
- BUWIs (3)
- Cable Box (1)
- Caesars (1)
- Cage (2)
- Cairo (1)
- Calamity (1)
- Calibration (1)
- California (1)
- Caligula (2)
- Caliturdia (1)
- Camera (1)
- Cameras (1)
- Campaign (2)
- Campaigns (1)
- Canada (1)
- Canal (1)
- Canals (1)
- Cannibalism (1)
- Cannon Fodder (1)
- Cannons (1)
- Capital Dispatch (1)
- Captain (1)
- Captives (1)
- Captivity (1)
- Car Mileage (1)
- Carbine (1)
- Carbon (1)
- Carbon Pipelines (1)
- Cartoons (1)
- Cashmere (1)
- Catholic (1)
- Catholic Bishops (1)
- Catholic Hierarchy (1)
- Cattails (1)
- Cattle (4)
- Caucus (2)
- Cavalcades Of Farts (1)
- CDC (1)
- Cedar Falls (2)
- Cedar River (1)
- Ceiling Speakers (1)
- Celebrity (1)
- Cemeteries (1)
- Censors (2)
- Censorship (2)
- Ceremony (1)
- Cerro Gordo (1)
- Certificate (1)
- Certified (1)
- Cesspool (1)
- Change (1)
- Channel (1)
- Chaos (2)
- Charlton Heston (1)
- Chart (1)
- Charts (1)
- Chat (1)
- Cheap Chrome (1)
- Cheeseburger (1)
- Chester (1)
- Chester Dump (1)
- Chicago (3)
- Chicago Thugs (1)
- Chick-Fil-A (2)
- Chickasaw (2)
- Chicken (3)
- Chicken Pox (1)
- Chickens (1)
- Child (1)
- Children (6)
- Chimpanzees (1)
- China (5)
- China's Economy (1)
- Chinese (1)
- Chinese Communism (1)
- Choices (1)
- Choir (1)
- Chorus (1)
- Chris Christie (1)
- Christians (2)
- Christie (2)
- Christmas (1)
- Chronological (1)
- Church (1)
- Churches (2)
- Cinerama (1)
- Circus (2)
- Cisco (1)
- Citizen (1)
- City (3)
- Civil Rights (2)
- Civil Unions (1)
- Civil War (1)
- Civilization (2)
- Civilization Suicide (1)
- Class (2)
- Classical (1)
- Clean and Decent (1)
- Clean Water (1)
- Close Ranks (1)
- Clouds (2)
- CNN (2)
- CNN-type (1)
- Coal to Nuclear (1)
- Coalition (7)
- Coalitions (3)
- Cockroaches (1)
- Code (4)
- Code of Decency (1)
- Coextinction (1)
- Collaborator (1)
- Collapse (1)
- Collective (1)
- Colonel (3)
- Color (1)
- Colorado (2)
- Colorations (1)
- Colors (2)
- Colosseum (1)
- Comedian (1)
- Command (1)
- Commercial (1)
- Commercial Killers (1)
- Commercial Medias (1)
- Commercial Protestors (1)
- Commercialists (1)
- Communicable (1)
- Communications (1)
- Communism (1)
- Communist (1)
- Communist Chinese (1)
- Communists (1)
- Communities (1)
- Community (4)
- Complexity (1)
- Compost Heap (1)
- Comprehension (1)
- Computer (2)
- Computers (1)
- Con-Artists (1)
- Conference (1)
- Confined (2)
- Confinement (1)
- Conflicts (1)
- Confusion (1)
- Congress (1)
- Consequences (1)
- Conservation (2)
- Conservative (1)
- Conservatives (2)
- Conservorats (1)
- Conspiracy Theories (1)
- Constipated (1)
- Consumer Herds (1)
- Consumerism System (1)
- Contempt (1)
- Contests (1)
- Continent (1)
- Contortion (1)
- Contributions (1)
- Control (1)
- Control of Government (1)
- Control Panel (1)
- Convoys (1)
- Convoys Of Killers (1)
- Cops (2)
- Corpse Again (1)
- Corrupt (1)
- Corruption (4)
- Cough Sucker (1)
- Counter Insurgency (1)
- Counter-attacks (1)
- Counterintelligence (1)
- Counties (4)
- Country (5)
- Country Roads (1)
- Countryside (1)
- County (3)
- County Coyotes (3)
- Courage (4)
- Couriers (1)
- Court (1)
- Courts (2)
- Covid19 (1)
- Cow (1)
- Cowardice (3)
- Cowards (3)
- Cowards Are As Cowards Deserve (1)
- Cows (2)
- Coyote’s Eye (1)
- Coyotes (1)
- Crackheads (1)
- Crank Religion (1)
- Crap (1)
- Crapamonia (1)
- Crash (1)
- Crazy (4)
- Creek (1)
- Creeple (1)
- Crime (3)
- Crimes (3)
- Criminal (4)
- Criminal Element (2)
- Criminals (1)
- Crippled (1)
- Crippled Blacks (1)
- Cripples (2)
- Croatia (1)
- Crocodile (1)
- Cronies (1)
- Cronyism (1)
- Crop Duster (1)
- Crow Bait (1)
- Culinary (1)
- Cult (4)
- Cuomo (2)
- Cures (1)
- Curiosity (1)
- Danger (1)
- Dangerous (1)
- Dangers (1)
- Dark Side (1)
- Dash Cams (1)
- David Livingstone (1)
- Day (1)
- Day After (1)
- Dead (4)
- Death (6)
- Debate (1)
- Debauchery (1)
- Debt (1)
- Deceit (1)
- Decency (1)
- Deception (1)
- Decision (2)
- Decision Making (1)
- Decisions (1)
- Deductive (1)
- Deep Throat (1)
- Deer (2)
- Defendant (1)
- Defense (2)
- Defenseless (1)
- Degenerate (2)
- Delivery (1)
- Delta (1)
- Demented (1)
- Demented White Female (1)
- Dementia (1)
- Demo Delight Cupcakes (1)
- DemoCities (1)
- DemoCrap (2)
- Democrap Repellent (1)
- DemoCraps (27)
- Democrat (2)
- Democrat/Homosexuals (1)
- Democrats (10)
- DemoIowa (1)
- Demon (1)
- Demonism (1)
- Demons (1)
- DemoQueers (3)
- DemoRobot (1)
- DemoVermont (1)
- Denial (1)
- Depravity (1)
- Depth-of-Field (1)
- Depuke (1)
- Deranged Artificial Import (1)
- Deranged Murderer's (1)
- Des Aliens (8)
- Des Moines (1)
- Des Moines Rearsniffers (1)
- Desperate (1)
- Despicable (1)
- Despots (1)
- Destroyers (3)
- Destruction (1)
- Destructive (1)
- Detail (1)
- Deviate (2)
- Deviate Bug (1)
- Deviates (22)
- Deviation (1)
- Deviations (1)
- Devil (1)
- Devils (1)
- Diagram (1)
- Diagrams (1)
- Diapers (1)
- Diaspora (1)
- Diaz (1)
- Dick (1)
- Dictator (3)
- Dictatorial (1)
- Dictatorship (4)
- Dictionary (1)
- Dinosaurs (2)
- DIRTY (1)
- Dirty Electricity (1)
- Disable (1)
- Disappointment In Hell (1)
- Disaster (1)
- Discrimination (1)
- Disease (2)
- Diseases (1)
- Disinfectant (1)
- Disobedience (1)
- Dissatisfaction (1)
- Distrust (1)
- Divide and Conquer (1)
- Divine Comedy (1)
- Divorce (1)
- Doctor (1)
- Doctors (1)
- Document (1)
- Documentaries (2)
- Dogma (1)
- Dollars (1)
- Dolts (1)
- DOMA (2)
- Dominate (1)
- Dominoes (1)
- Don't (2)
- Don't Give A Shit (1)
- Don't look just get your guns (1)
- Donald Trump (1)
- Donations (2)
- Doom (2)
- Dose (1)
- DOT (1)
- Double Check (1)
- Double-Negative (1)
- Download (1)
- Downloading (1)
- Downsizing (1)
- DPI (1)
- Dracula (1)
- Dragonfly (1)
- Drain Lines (1)
- Drainpipes (1)
- Dream (6)
- Dreamers (1)
- Dreams (1)
- Dreamscape (1)
- Dresden (1)
- Drivers (1)
- Drof (1)
- Drof Squat (1)
- Drone (1)
- Drones (1)
- Drugs (2)
- Dubai (1)
- Dubuque (1)
- Due-To (1)
- Dumb (1)
- Dummies (3)
- Dump (1)
- Dumpster (1)
- Dumpsters (2)
- Dunce (1)
- Dunce Faggerlick (1)
- Dunced (1)
- Dunces (1)
- Dung Beetle (1)
- Dung Beetles (1)
- Dupes (1)
- Dutch (1)
- DWCs (1)
- Dyke (1)
- Dykes (1)
- Dysfunctions (1)
- Eagle (1)
- Eagle Grove (2)
- Early Morning (1)
- Early Voters (1)
- Earth (5)
- Earth Abides (1)
- East Coast (1)
- Economic Conditions (1)
- Economic Insanity (1)
- Ecstasy (1)
- Effingham (1)
- Effort (1)
- Egomaniacs (1)
- Egyptian (1)
- Eight Points (1)
- Eighteen Years Ago (1)
- Elder (1)
- Elders (1)
- Election (9)
- Election 2012 (1)
- Elections (1)
- Electric (1)
- Elementary School (1)
- Elimination (1)
- Elites (1)
- Elon Musk (2)
- Elucidation (1)
- Emancipation (1)
- Emergency (1)
- Eminent Domain (3)
- Emotions (1)
- Emphasis (1)
- Enculturation (1)
- Encyclopedia (1)
- Enemies (9)
- Enemy (1)
- Energy Companies (1)
- English (2)
- Enjoy (1)
- Enthusiasm (1)
- Environmental (1)
- Environmentalist (3)
- Equality (1)
- Equals (1)
- Escape (1)
- Establishment (4)
- EU/NATO (1)
- Europe (1)
- European Politicians (1)
- European Union (2)
- Eutherian (1)
- Eviction Notice (1)
- Evil (6)
- Evil Intentions (1)
- Evil Minded (1)
- Evil Persons (1)
- Evilness (1)
- Evils (3)
- Exercise (1)
- Expansion (1)
- Expendable (2)
- Expensive (1)
- Experience (1)
- Experiments (1)
- Expert Killers (1)
- Explanations (1)
- Explosions (1)
- Exposure (2)
- Expressions (1)
- Extinction (2)
- Extremists (2)
- Eyewitness Markel (1)
- Fables (1)
- Facebook (2)
- Faces (2)
- Facial (1)
- Facial Anuses (1)
- Fact (1)
- Factory (1)
- Fag (1)
- Faggerlick (1)
- Faggot (1)
- Faggots (4)
- Fags (2)
- FagSny (1)
- Fair (1)
- Fairies (1)
- Faith (1)
- Fake (1)
- Fake Authority (1)
- Fake Corporations (1)
- Fake News (2)
- Fake Revolutionaries (1)
- Fakery (3)
- Fallacies (1)
- False (4)
- False God (1)
- Falsehoods (1)
- Falsely-Colored (1)
- Families (1)
- Fantastic (1)
- Farm (1)
- Farmer (1)
- Farmers (4)
- Farmlands (1)
- Farms (3)
- Fart-Forces (1)
- Fascist (1)
- Fascists (3)
- Fat (1)
- Fat F*ck (1)
- Father (1)
- Favor (1)
- FBI (2)
- Fear (3)
- Fear Merchants (1)
- Federal (2)
- Federal Authority (2)
- Federal Offense (1)
- Federal Sucks (3)
- Federals (1)
- Feel (1)
- Felonies (1)
- Femi-Nazis (1)
- Feminists (1)
- Fiber Optic (1)
- Fiction (1)
- Field Manual (1)
- Fields (1)
- Fifth Columnists (1)
- Fight (2)
- Files (1)
- Film (1)
- Films (1)
- Filth (1)
- Filthy (2)
- Filthy Monkey (1)
- Filthy Monkeys (2)
- Final Death (1)
- Finalize (1)
- Fine Feathered (1)
- Fire (1)
- Fire Ecology (1)
- Fired (1)
- Firefox (1)
- FISA (1)
- Fisher (1)
- Fists (1)
- Five Evils (2)
- Fix (1)
- Flames of Truth (1)
- Fleas (1)
- Flies (1)
- Flogging (1)
- Flooding (1)
- Flop (1)
- Florida (1)
- Florida911 (2)
- Floyd (1)
- Flu (1)
- Fluffball (1)
- FM (2)
- Fodder Items (1)
- Fog-of-War (1)
- Folks (1)
- Followers (1)
- Foods (1)
- Fooled (1)
- Fools (2)
- For (2)
- For Sale (1)
- Forbidden (3)
- Forbidden Knowledge (1)
- Ford (2)
- Ford Reichers (1)
- Forearms (1)
- Foreign Aliens (1)
- Forests (1)
- Forever Perverted (1)
- ForeverLying (1)
- Format (1)
- Formula (1)
- Forrid (2)
- Forrid Abominations (3)
- Forrid Bug (1)
- Forrid Infestation (1)
- Forrids (2)
- Fort (2)
- Fort Dodge (5)
- Fort Dodge People (1)
- Foul (1)
- Four (1)
- Fourth of July (2)
- Fourth Reich (1)
- Franklin (4)
- Franklin County (1)
- Frankly Dead (1)
- Fraud (2)
- Fraudulent (1)
- Frazetta (1)
- Freaks (3)
- Freaks and Creeps (1)
- Free (2)
- Free Justice (1)
- Free Toys (1)
- Freedom (10)
- Freedom Movements (1)
- Freedoms (1)
- Freezing (1)
- French (1)
- French Poodle (1)
- Frog (1)
- Frogs (1)
- Frontline Fighting (1)
- Frozen (2)
- Frugal Queen (1)
- Fuel (1)
- Fundamentals (1)
- Funnel (1)
- Future (2)
- Future People (1)
- Galactic (1)
- Galaxy (3)
- Gallipoli (1)
- Game (5)
- Game of Shames (1)
- Game World (1)
- Gamers (1)
- Games (4)
- Games and Liars (1)
- Gang (2)
- Garden (1)
- Gargoyles (1)
- Gates to Hell (1)
- Gears With Lies (1)
- Gender (2)
- General (1)
- General Public (1)
- Generality (1)
- Genetic Engineers (1)
- Genocide (5)
- Genociders (1)
- Geographical (1)
- Geography (1)
- George Floyd (1)
- Georgia (1)
- Germany (3)
- Ghetto (1)
- Ghettos (1)
- Giant (1)
- Giveaways (1)
- Gladiators (1)
- Glenn Beck (2)
- Glitch (1)
- Global (1)
- Global Pump (1)
- Globe (1)
- Glockenturm (1)
- Glossary (1)
- Goals (1)
- God (6)
- God's Clerk (1)
- God's Will (1)
- Godless Deviates (1)
- Godlings (1)
- Gods (1)
- Godzilla (1)
- Gold (1)
- Golden (1)
- Golden Moments (1)
- Golden Ones (1)
- Golden Pimple (5)
- Good (1)
- Good Riddance (1)
- Goodness (1)
- Google (3)
- Gore (1)
- Gorillas (1)
- Government (11)
- Government For The People By The People (1)
- Government Sucks (1)
- Government That Must Die (1)
- Governor (1)
- GPS Zone (1)
- Grain (1)
- Grand Theft Election (1)
- GrandBugs (1)
- Grandma (1)
- Grease (1)
- Great Improvements (1)
- Great Plains (2)
- Great Unwashed Masses (1)
- Greece (1)
- Greed (4)
- Greedy (3)
- Green (1)
- Greenbelt (2)
- Greenbelts (2)
- Greene (1)
- Greeness (1)
- Grim Reaper (1)
- Grotesque (1)
- Group Think (1)
- Grouping (1)
- Groves (2)
- Growth (1)
- Grubs (1)
- Guaranteed (1)
- Guardian (1)
- Guilty (2)
- Gulag (1)
- Gun Bans (1)
- Gun-Haters (1)
- Guns (5)
- Guzzling (1)
- H1N1 (1)
- Hags Of Endless War (1)
- Hah (1)
- Hah Hah Hah (1)
- Hah! (1)
- Hairball (1)
- Halloween (1)
- Halsey (1)
- Hancock (2)
- Handgun (1)
- Handguns (1)
- Happening (1)
- Happiness (3)
- Happy (1)
- Happy People (1)
- Harassments (1)
- Harbingers (1)
- Hard Core Porno Weather (1)
- Harvester (1)
- Harvesters (2)
- Hate (1)
- Hate of Mankind (2)
- Hate Rally (1)
- Hate Team (1)
- Hatred (5)
- Haw-Haw (1)
- HBHZ (7)
- Heads (1)
- Healing (1)
- Health (1)
- Health Care (1)
- Health Departments (1)
- Health Insurance (1)
- Healthy (1)
- Hearkeneth (1)
- Heat (1)
- Heat Pads (1)
- Heaven (1)
- Heavens (1)
- Hegemony (4)
- Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid (1)
- Helicopters (1)
- Hell (7)
- Hell's Kitchen (1)
- Hellions (1)
- Hellish Contents (1)
- Hellish Triangle (1)
- Helmsman (1)
- Helter-Skelter (1)
- HEPA (1)
- Hercules (1)
- Herd Immunity (1)
- Here (6)
- Hereditary Enemies (1)
- Heron (2)
- Heterophobes (1)
- Heterophobia (1)
- Heterophobic (1)
- High Ground (1)
- High Spirits (1)
- Hijacked (1)
- Hillary (1)
- Hindus (1)
- Hispanic (1)
- Hispanics (2)
- Historians (2)
- Historical (2)
- History (4)
- HO (1)
- Hoax (2)
- Hoaxers (1)
- HObama (16)
- Hocus-Pocus (1)
- Hog Driver (1)
- Hoggers (1)
- Hogs (3)
- HollyQueer (1)
- Holocaust (1)
- Home Town (1)
- Homecoming (1)
- Homeless (1)
- HomeQueer Security (2)
- Homeschooling (1)
- Homo-Fascist (1)
- Homo-Fascists (6)
- HomoNazi (1)
- Homophiles (1)
- Homosexual (2)
- Homosexual Agenda (1)
- Homosexuals (5)
- Hong Kong (1)
- Honour (1)
- Hood (1)
- Horizon Stone (1)
- Horizons (1)
- Horrid (2)
- Horrid Domination (1)
- Horrid Zone (1)
- Horror (1)
- Horrors (1)
- Horses (1)
- Hosts (1)
- Hot (1)
- House (1)
- House Arrest (1)
- Howitzers (1)
- HTTP (1)
- HTTPS (1)
- Hucksters (1)
- Huffing (1)
- Huffingbutt's (1)
- Huffingbutt's Post (1)
- Human (28)
- Human Beings (2)
- Human Body (1)
- Human Candidate (1)
- Human Children (2)
- Human Helping (1)
- Human Information (1)
- Human Laws (1)
- Human Lessons (1)
- Human Life (1)
- Human Marriage (1)
- Human Resistance (4)
- Human Resistance Fighters (1)
- Human Species (3)
- Human Validity (1)
- Human Websites (1)
- Human Wedding (1)
- Human Will (1)
- Human-Haters (1)
- Humanity (1)
- Humanoid (1)
- Humanophobia (1)
- Humans (32)
- Humboldt (1)
- Humboldt County (1)
- Hurt (1)
- Hygiene (1)
- I am working (1)
- I saw the scum myself (1)
- I380 (1)
- I80 (1)
- IBM (1)
- Ice (3)
- Idea (1)
- Idealists (1)
- Identities (1)
- Identity (1)
- Idioot (1)
- Idiot (3)
- Idiot Voters (1)
- Idiots (10)
- Idle (1)
- IIIN (1)
- Il Duce (1)
- Il Duce Branstad (1)
- Ilinois Primary (1)
- Illinois (4)
- Illinois Family Institute (1)
- Illinois Primary (1)
- Illuminati (1)
- Illustration (1)
- Illustrations (2)
- Imagination (1)
- Imbecile (1)
- Imbeciles (2)
- Imitations (1)
- Immaterial (1)
- Imminent Targets (1)
- Immobility (1)
- Immune (1)
- Immunologists (1)
- Impact (1)
- Impala (1)
- Impatience (1)
- Imperial Dementia (1)
- Imperialism (3)
- Imperials (4)
- Imperium (1)
- Impertinent (1)
- Importance (1)
- Important (1)
- Important Aspects (1)
- Impossible (1)
- Improved (1)
- In Knowledge There Is Strength (1)
- Inauguration Day (1)
- Inclusion Demands Exclusion (1)
- Incrazies (2)
- Incrazy Freaks (1)
- Indebtedness (1)
- Independent (1)
- Independent Perverts (1)
- India (2)
- Indian (1)
- Indiana (1)
- Indians (1)
- Indicators (2)
- Indignity (1)
- Inductive (1)
- Industrial (1)
- Industries (1)
- Inevitable (1)
- Infamous (1)
- Infantile (1)
- Infiltrators (1)
- Infinity (1)
- Influenza (2)
- Information (1)
- Injections (1)
- Inner Reality (1)
- Innocent Earth (1)
- Insane (1)
- Insanity (3)
- Institute (1)
- Institutionalized (1)
- Intelligence (2)
- Intelligent (1)
- Intentions (1)
- Interest (1)
- Intermediate (1)
- Internet (8)
- Internet Service Provider (1)
- Interruption (1)
- Intersection (1)
- Intersections (1)
- Intimidation (5)
- Introduction (1)
- Invaders (2)
- Invasion (4)
- Invasion of Privacy (1)
- Investigators (1)
- Involuntary Explosions (1)
- Ionia (1)
- Iowa (26)
- Iowa Caucus (1)
- Iowa City (1)
- Iowa Falls (1)
- Iowa Ranger (1)
- IP Address (1)
- IRA (1)
- Islamophobia (1)
- Island (1)
- Islands (1)
- ISP (1)
- Issues (1)
- IT (1)
- IT Creature (1)
- It's On Their Heads (1)
- ITU (1)
- Jack-knife (1)
- Jackals (3)
- Jackson (1)
- Jeeps (1)
- Jeremiah (1)
- Jesus (2)
- Judge (4)
- Judges (12)
- Jumbo Tweets (1)
- Jumping (1)
- June (4)
- Junipero Serra (1)
- Junk Yard (1)
- Junkyard (1)
- Justice (2)
- Kaleidoscopic (1)
- Kangaroo (1)
- Karl Rove (1)
- Kentucky (1)
- Kenya (1)
- Kick (1)
- Kill (1)
- Killed (1)
- Killer (1)
- Killer AI (2)
- Killer BUWIs (1)
- Killer Queers (1)
- KN95 (1)
- Knife (1)
- Knowing (1)
- Knowledge (3)
- Known Universe (1)
- Kodak (1)
- Kold (1)
- Kum and Go (1)
- Kwik Star (1)
- Ladies of the Plains (1)
- Laminar Flow (1)
- Land of Oz (1)
- Landscape (2)
- Landscapes (1)
- Language (1)
- Last Time (1)
- Laugh (1)
- Laughing Sheep (1)
- Laughter (1)
- Laws (2)
- Lawyer Bitches (1)
- Lawyers (4)
- Leader (1)
- Leaders (3)
- Leadership (2)
- Leaks (1)
- Left Out (1)
- Legal (2)
- Legendary Offense (1)
- Legislation (1)
- Legislators (1)
- Legitimacy (1)
- Leprosy (3)
- Les Miserables (1)
- Lesbians (3)
- Lesie (1)
- lesie-turds (2)
- LESIES (1)
- less-supreme-than-anyone-else (1)
- Let It Go (1)
- Lethal (1)
- Lexapro (1)
- Liars (11)
- Liberals (3)
- Lice (1)
- Licenses (1)
- Lie (1)
- Lie Enough Rule (1)
- Lie Filters (1)
- Lies (25)
- Life (6)
- Lifeforms (1)
- Lightning (1)
- Limbaugh (1)
- Line Survey (1)
- Lions (1)
- Listeners (1)
- Little Brains (1)
- Little-Friend (1)
- Living-Dead (1)
- Loathed (1)
- Loathsome (1)
- Lock Screen (1)
- Logic (2)
- Logistics (1)
- Lonely (1)
- Long Term (1)
- Loonies (1)
- Loot (1)
- Lord (1)
- Losers (2)
- Lottery (1)
- Love (2)
- Love Ones (1)
- Low Earth Orbit (1)
- Lowest (1)
- Lunacy (1)
- Lunatics (1)
- Lunkheads (1)
- Lying (3)
- Lying-Living-Death (1)
- Lyrics (1)
- M1A1 (1)
- Machine (1)
- Machines (1)
- Mad (1)
- Madam Gronstal (2)
- MadFaggot (1)
- Magical Powers (1)
- Magrag (1)
- Malcom (1)
- Malfeasance (1)
- Malicious (2)
- Man (2)
- Man Alone (1)
- Man-haters (1)
- Managers (1)
- Mandatory Response (1)
- Manhattan (1)
- Mankind (1)
- Mannerisms (1)
- Map of Shame (1)
- Maps (1)
- Marble Rock (1)
- Marijuana (2)
- Marktown (2)
- Marriage (17)
- Marriage-Hatred (1)
- Mars (1)
- Marvelous (1)
- Mason's Freaky (1)
- Mass (1)
- Mass Insanity (2)
- Massachusetts (1)
- Massacre (1)
- Masses (1)
- MassInsanity (3)
- Massive Big Business Farmers (1)
- Master Race (1)
- Masters (7)
- Masticate (1)
- Masturbate (1)
- Matt Barber (1)
- Mayor (1)
- McCain (1)
- Mearsheimer (2)
- Media (1)
- Medias (9)
- Medical Specialist (1)
- Medicare (1)
- Medicines (1)
- Meditative (1)
- Meek (1)
- Mega Kudos (1)
- Members (1)
- Memories (1)
- Memory (1)
- Memphis (1)
- Men (3)
- Mens Room (1)
- Mental (3)
- Mental Disease (2)
- Mental Health (2)
- Mephisto (1)
- Merchants (3)
- Message (2)
- Messages (2)
- Metabolic Happiness (1)
- Metaphysically (1)
- Methodist Church (1)
- Methodologists/Propagandists (1)
- Methodology (1)
- Metropolis (1)
- Metropolitan (1)
- Mexican (1)
- Mexico (3)
- Michele Bachmann (2)
- Michelle Bachmann (1)
- MicroPimp (1)
- Microsoft (1)
- Middle-Managers (2)
- Midwest Population (1)
- Mighty (1)
- Military (5)
- Militia (1)
- Milky Way (1)
- Millenniums (1)
- Millionaire (1)
- Mind-fornicating (1)
- Mind-Fornicators (1)
- Mindless (1)
- Mindless Hoards (1)
- Mines (1)
- Mini-Nation (1)
- Miniature (1)
- Minions (1)
- Minister (1)
- Minnesota (2)
- Minnesota Politics (1)
- Minus (1)
- Mirror (1)
- Miscreant (1)
- Miserables (1)
- Missions (1)
- Mississippi (1)
- Mitt (the Rat) Romney (1)
- Mitt Romney (1)
- Mitt Romney Deal (1)
- Mobility (3)
- Mock Revolution (1)
- Model (1)
- Moderate (1)
- Moderates (11)
- Moderation (2)
- Moderna (2)
- ModoRat (1)
- ModoRat Pledge (1)
- Mommies (1)
- Money (3)
- Money for Votes (1)
- Monkey (16)
- Monkey Judge (1)
- Monkey Judges (9)
- Monkey Turds (1)
- Monkey-Judges (1)
- MonkeyPox (1)
- Monkeys (16)
- Monopoly (1)
- Monstrosities (1)
- Montage (1)
- Month (3)
- Month of Human Love (1)
- Months (1)
- Moon (2)
- Moon Rush (1)
- Moose (1)
- Moral High Ground (1)
- Mordor (5)
- More (1)
- Mortal Man (1)
- Mother Killers (1)
- Mother-in-Law (1)
- Mountain (1)
- Movement (1)
- Movie Star (1)
- Movies (1)
- Mower (1)
- Muffle (1)
- Mug (1)
- Multitudes (1)
- Murderer (1)
- Murderers (2)
- Murdering (1)
- Murders (1)
- Muscles (1)
- Music (1)
- Muslims (2)
- Must Work (1)
- Mutants (1)
- Mutual (1)
- Mutual Indebtedness (1)
- Mystery Question (1)
- Naive (1)
- Naked (2)
- Napoleon (1)
- Nascent (1)
- Nasty (2)
- Nation Building (1)
- National (1)
- Nations (1)
- NATO (2)
- Natt (1)
- Natural (1)
- Natural Environment (1)
- Natural Immunization (1)
- Natural Resource Depletion (1)
- Natural World (1)
- Nature (8)
- Nazis (2)
- NBC (1)
- NDAA (1)
- NEA (15)
- Nebraska (2)
- Nefarious (1)
- Neglect (1)
- Nero (1)
- Netherworld (1)
- Network (2)
- Neurons (2)
- Neuters (1)
- Nevada (2)
- Never (1)
- Never Vote (1)
- New (3)
- New Hampshire (1)
- New Hampshire Primary (1)
- New Jersey (1)
- New Years (1)
- New York (1)
- New York Plates (1)
- Newbies (1)
- News (3)
- Newsrag (3)
- newsrags (1)
- Newt Gingrich (1)
- Next Hideous Marriage (1)
- Niche (1)
- Nikon (2)
- NO MERCY (1)
- No Reactions (1)
- No-What (1)
- No-Who (1)
- NOM (3)
- Non-conformity (1)
- Non-Existent (1)
- non-Species (1)
- Nonsense (2)
- Normalized (1)
- North (1)
- North Carolina (1)
- North Carolina Cheerleaders (1)
- North Central Iowa (1)
- North Central Outdoors (1)
- Northeast (1)
- Nose (2)
- Not For Polite Society (1)
- Nothingness (1)
- Novices (1)
- Now (1)
- NPR (1)
- NRA (1)
- NSA (2)
- Nuclear (1)
- Nude Yack (2)
- Nulf (1)
- Nuremberg Rallies (1)
- Nutrition (1)
- Obamacare (1)
- Obeyed (1)
- Obliteration (1)
- Obnoxious (1)
- Observer (1)
- Obtuse (1)
- Odd Happenstance (1)
- Odor Stoppers (1)
- Of (1)
- Offense (1)
- Offenses (1)
- Office (1)
- Official (1)
- Oh Ick (2)
- Oklahoma (1)
- Old West (1)
- Olde (1)
- Olive Oil (1)
- Omicron (2)
- One Ball Of Dung (1)
- One Thousand (1)
- Onions (1)
- Online Storage (1)
- Ooze (1)
- Open Letter (1)
- Opera (1)
- Operating (1)
- Opiate (1)
- Opinions (1)
- Opportunists (4)
- Opposite Politics (1)
- Oppression (2)
- Optimal (1)
- Oral Arguments (1)
- Orangutans (1)
- Organisms (1)
- Organized Crime (1)
- Organized Criminal Religion (1)
- Organized Religion (1)
- Other Earth (1)
- Out (2)
- Out-Of-State (1)
- Outbreak (1)
- Outer Space (1)
- Outhouse (1)
- Outlaw (1)
- Outwards (1)
- Overdose (1)
- Owners (1)
- Oyolia (1)
- P-O-S (1)
- Pablum (1)
- Pachyderm (1)
- Pacific (1)
- Paid-For (1)
- Pains (1)
- Paint (1)
- Pansy Motoring (1)
- Panthers (1)
- Paradise (1)
- Parakeets (1)
- Parallel (1)
- Paraphernalia (1)
- Parking Lot (1)
- Partial List (1)
- Party (3)
- Party Players (1)
- Pastures (1)
- Pathetic (1)
- Patriot (1)
- PC Settings (1)
- Pebers (1)
- Pedophiles (1)
- Pelicans (3)
- Pentagon (1)
- Peons (1)
- People (11)
- People-haters (1)
- Perception (1)
- Perfect (1)
- Performances (1)
- Perpetual Civilization (1)
- Personal (1)
- Personal Health (1)
- Personality (2)
- Perspective (1)
- Perversions (1)
- Pervert (3)
- Perverted (1)
- Perverted Article (1)
- Perverted Campaign (1)
- Perverts (3)
- Perverts Attack Human Woman (2)
- Pestilence (3)
- Peters (1)
- Petition (2)
- Petitions (1)
- Petty Dictators (1)
- Pharmaceutical (1)
- Phasers (1)
- Philosophy (1)
- Phoney (1)
- Phony (4)
- Phony Map (1)
- Phony Marriage (3)
- Photographers (1)
- Photographs (7)
- Photography (1)
- Photos (4)
- Physical (1)
- Physiological Abilities (1)
- Picasa (1)
- Pictures (4)
- Piggies (1)
- Pillage (1)
- Pimp's Faggot White (1)
- Pimple (2)
- Pink Flamingos (1)
- Piss (1)
- Piss Ants (1)
- Pizzazz (1)
- Place (2)
- Plague (1)
- Plains (2)
- Plan B (1)
- Planet (2)
- Planet Sinister (2)
- Planets (1)
- Planned Obsolescence (1)
- Plans (2)
- Plant (1)
- Plastic Agriculture (1)
- Playbook (1)
- Player (1)
- Playtimes (2)
- Plead (1)
- Pleasant Outings (1)
- Plight (1)
- Plus (1)
- Pocahontas (1)
- Podcast (4)
- Podcasts (2)
- Poison (1)
- Poke (1)
- Poland (1)
- Polaris (1)
- Polaris Ranger (1)
- Police (5)
- Political (1)
- Political Correctness (1)
- Political Corruption (1)
- Political Crimes (1)
- Political Gnomes (1)
- Political Lies (1)
- Political Machine (1)
- Politician (1)
- Politicians (16)
- Politico (1)
- Politics (27)
- Politics Game (5)
- Politics Gamers (1)
- Politics Gnomes (1)
- Politics Speak (1)
- Polls (1)
- Poor (2)
- Pope (1)
- Population (1)
- Population Control (1)
- Pornography (2)
- Porta Poddys (1)
- Positive (1)
- Possession (1)
- Post Office (2)
- Potatoes (1)
- Power (3)
- Power Companies (2)
- Powers (1)
- PPPP(-) (2)
- Prairie (2)
- Prayer (1)
- Pre-Queerapsy (1)
- Prepping (1)
- President (2)
- Presidential (2)
- Pressure (1)
- Presumptive (1)
- Pretend (3)
- Pretenders (4)
- Pretty Grotesque (1)
- Prevention (1)
- Price Gouging (1)
- Prices (1)
- Pride (1)
- Prideless (1)
- Principles (2)
- Prison (2)
- Prisoners (1)
- Prisons (1)
- Privacy (1)
- Private. (1)
- Producers (1)
- Production (1)
- Productive (1)
- Profiling (5)
- Progress (1)
- Progressive (1)
- Projected (1)
- Promotion (1)
- Promotions (1)
- Propaganda (31)
- Propaganda Campaigns (1)
- Propagandists (1)
- Proper (1)
- Property (1)
- Prophecy (1)
- Proponents (1)
- Proposals (1)
- Proposition 8 (1)
- Prosperity (1)
- Prostitution (2)
- Protected (1)
- Protection (1)
- Protest Signs (1)
- Protesters (1)
- Protestors (1)
- Proudless (1)
- Proudless Driving (1)
- Proverb 11 (1)
- Proverbs (1)
- Proves (1)
- Prunes (1)
- Pseudo-Socialism (1)
- Psych (1)
- PsychCreatures (1)
- Psychological (1)
- Pterodactyl (1)
- Public (3)
- Public Schools (2)
- Public/Political Schools (1)
- Puddy Tat (1)
- Punishment (1)
- Punk (1)
- Punks (1)
- Puppetry (1)
- Purity (2)
- Purple (1)
- Puss (1)
- Pustules (1)
- Putin (1)
- Putrid Defeat (1)
- Puttzies (1)
- Puzzle (1)
- Pyramid (1)
- Pyramids (1)
- Q-Sick (1)
- Q&AFF (1)
- Q&PMH (1)
- Quality (1)
- Queer (22)
- Queer and Phony Marriage Hatred (1)
- Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred (1)
- Queer Bully (1)
- Queer Calibration (1)
- Queer Coalition (6)
- Queer Coalitions (4)
- Queer Disney (3)
- Queer England (1)
- Queer for (1)
- Queer Godling (1)
- Queer Government (2)
- Queer Governments (1)
- Queer Hoax (1)
- Queer Legal (1)
- Queer Media Stroke (1)
- Queer Medias (8)
- Queer Moderates (1)
- queer newsrags (2)
- Queer Poll (1)
- Queer Propaganda (5)
- Queer Queens (1)
- Queer Romney (1)
- Queer SWATS (1)
- Queer Weather Chow (1)
- Queerapsy (4)
- Queeraptic (1)
- Queers (34)
- Queershit (11)
- QueerSwat (1)
- QueerSwats (1)
- Question (1)
- Questioning (1)
- Quis Quistie (1)
- Quugly (1)
- Rabbit Holes (1)
- Rabble-Rousers (1)
- Rabies (2)
- Rabies Monkeys (1)
- Raccoon (1)
- Raccoons (1)
- Race (1)
- Racial (1)
- Racial Profile (1)
- Racial Profiling (1)
- Racist (1)
- Rack (1)
- Radar (1)
- Radio (3)
- Radio Interference (1)
- Raid (1)
- Rain Cells (1)
- Rallies (1)
- Rampage (1)
- Ranger (1)
- Rape (4)
- Rape of Iowa (1)
- Rapidly-Dying (1)
- Rapists (1)
- Rat (3)
- Rat Romney (2)
- Rats (1)
- Ratshit (1)
- Ratshitters (1)
- Rattlesnake (2)
- Ravine (1)
- Reactions (1)
- Read (1)
- Reader 1 (1)
- Readers (3)
- Reading (1)
- Real (4)
- Real (Living) Iowa (1)
- Real America (1)
- Real Human (1)
- Real Humans (2)
- Real Iowa (4)
- Real Marriage (1)
- Real Men (1)
- Real People (1)
- Real Truth (1)
- Real White Man (1)
- Real Women (3)
- Real World (1)
- Reality (5)
- Realization (1)
- Really Ugly Asshole from Florida (1)
- Rear-Sniffers (1)
- Rearsniffers (1)
- Rearstiffers (1)
- Reasons (1)
- Reavers (1)
- Rebellion (1)
- Rebuild (1)
- Recordings (2)
- Recreation (1)
- Recruits (1)
- Red (1)
- Red-Assed Baboons (1)
- Refurbishment (1)
- Refusal (1)
- Regime (2)
- Regime of Terror (1)
- Regiments (1)
- Regimes (1)
- Regulations (1)
- Reich (1)
- Reid (5)
- Rejection (1)
- Rejoice (1)
- Rejuvenated (1)
- Relativity (1)
- Religion (4)
- Religions (1)
- Religious (1)
- Remagen (1)
- Remedies (1)
- Remnants (1)
- RepoCrap (1)
- RepoCraps (2)
- Representation (1)
- Reptiles (1)
- Repu-Scooper (1)
- Republican (3)
- Republicans (4)
- Republiscams (1)
- RepuCrap (1)
- RepuCraps (11)
- Repugnance (1)
- Research (1)
- Residents (1)
- Resistance (14)
- Resolution (2)
- Resources (1)
- Revenge (1)
- Reversal (1)
- Reverse Bang (1)
- Revolution (11)
- Revolutionaries (2)
- Revolutionary (1)
- Revolutions (1)
- Rhetoric (1)
- Rich (1)
- Richard Egan (1)
- Riches (1)
- Rick Santorum (7)
- Riddle (1)
- Ridge (1)
- Riding (1)
- Rifles (2)
- Right (1)
- Rights (1)
- Ring (1)
- Ringgenberg (1)
- RINOs (2)
- Riot (1)
- Riots (2)
- River (4)
- Rivers (1)
- Road Kill (1)
- Robotic (1)
- Robots (2)
- Rodent (1)
- Rodentia (2)
- Rodents (2)
- Role-Players (1)
- Rolling Hills (3)
- Roman (1)
- Romans (1)
- Romney (7)
- Romney Rat (1)
- Romulan (1)
- Rove (1)
- Royalty (1)
- Rude (1)
- Ruination (2)
- Ruined Franklin County (1)
- Ruinous (1)
- Rule (1)
- Run (2)
- Rural (2)
- Russia (2)
- Russian (1)
- Russian-Style (1)
- Ryan (3)
- Sabetha (1)
- Sadism (1)
- Sales Creatures (2)
- Salt Lake City (1)
- Sam Houston (1)
- Same-Sex (1)
- Sanctuary (1)
- Sane (1)
- Sanity (4)
- Santa Clause (1)
- Sarcasm (1)
- Sargasso (1)
- Sargent-Major (1)
- SAS (1)
- Satan (4)
- Satan Tube (1)
- Satanic (5)
- Satanic Symbols (1)
- Satanism (1)
- Satanism Everywhere (1)
- Satellite Radio (1)
- Saxophone (1)
- Sayeth (1)
- Scale (1)
- Scam (1)
- Scheme (1)
- Science (1)
- Science Priests (1)
- Scissors (1)
- Scorpion (1)
- Scotland (2)
- Scott Lively (1)
- Scourge (1)
- Scream (1)
- Screams (1)
- Screeches (1)
- Screwed (1)
- Scruffy (1)
- Sculpture (1)
- Scum (3)
- Scummies (1)
- Scuzz (2)
- Search Engines (3)
- Season (1)
- Secession (1)
- Secrecy (1)
- Secret (1)
- Seething Hatred (1)
- Self (1)
- Self Defense (1)
- Self-Destruct (1)
- Self-Medicine (1)
- Self-Recrimination (1)
- Senior Centers (1)
- Sense (1)
- Serengeti (1)
- Sergeant Majors (1)
- Sermons (1)
- Servants (1)
- Setup (1)
- Seven Monkey Judges (1)
- Sewage Backups (1)
- Sex (2)
- Sexless (1)
- Sexless Internet Censors (1)
- Sham (2)
- Shame (1)
- Shattered and Gone (1)
- Sheep (2)
- Sheeple (1)
- Sheriff (1)
- Sheriffs (1)
- Shit Grinner's Mask (1)
- Shithead (1)
- Shock (1)
- Shooting (2)
- Shout (1)
- Shrinking (1)
- SHTF (1)
- Shut-Ins (1)
- Side Effect (1)
- Side of Evil (1)
- Side of Light (2)
- Signatures (1)
- Silence (1)
- Sing (1)
- Single Topic (1)
- Sinister (4)
- Sites (1)
- Six (1)
- Six-legged (1)
- Skeletons (1)
- Skies (1)
- Skunk (2)
- Slash (1)
- Slaughter (2)
- Slaughterhouse (1)
- Slaughterhouses (1)
- Slavery (4)
- Slaves (7)
- Slavs (1)
- Sledgehammer (1)
- Sleepyheads (1)
- Slime (3)
- Slither (1)
- Small towns (1)
- Smelltone (1)
- Smelltone John (1)
- Smothered (1)
- Sneaky Cat (1)
- Sneeeeze (1)
- Snow (2)
- Snow Queen (1)
- Snowflake (1)
- Snowplows (1)
- Social Insanity (1)
- Social Norms (1)
- Social Order (1)
- Social Standard (1)
- Socialism (1)
- Socially Prominent (1)
- Society (5)
- Society Country (1)
- Sodom (1)
- Sodomy (1)
- Something (1)
- Song (2)
- Songs (1)
- Sonnet (1)
- Sony (2)
- Soon (1)
- Sorrento (1)
- Sorry (1)
- South (1)
- South Carolina (1)
- South Dakota (1)
- Southwest Wisconsin (1)
- Southwestern (1)
- Southwestern Wisconsin (1)
- Sovereignty (1)
- Space Marine (1)
- Space Marines (1)
- Space X (1)
- Spaghetti (1)
- Spawn (1)
- Speakers (1)
- Spears (1)
- Special Environments (1)
- Species (14)
- Speech (2)
- Spiders (1)
- Spies (3)
- Spirals (1)
- Spirit (1)
- Spirit of Battle (1)
- Spiritual (2)
- Splatter (1)
- Splendiferous (1)
- Spontaneous (1)
- Sport (1)
- Spy (1)
- SQLD (17)
- Square (1)
- SQUIRM (2)
- Squirms (1)
- Squirrel (1)
- SSA Funds (1)
- SSID (1)
- Stab (1)
- Standard of Measurements (1)
- Star (2)
- Star Lux (1)
- Starship (1)
- State (2)
- State Police (1)
- Statehouse (1)
- States (5)
- Statesmanship (1)
- Statistical (1)
- Steel Beauty (1)
- STEM (1)
- STEM Priests (1)
- Stench (2)
- Steve Deace (2)
- Stinking Body Count (1)
- Stooges (2)
- Stoopid (1)
- Storm (1)
- Straight (1)
- Straights (1)
- Strategy (1)
- Straw (1)
- Stream (2)
- Street Cleaning Machines (1)
- Strength (1)
- Stress (1)
- Stupefied (1)
- Stupid (1)
- Sub-Language (1)
- Sub-tongues (1)
- Subjugation (1)
- Subsidies (1)
- Suffer (1)
- Sugar Cube (1)
- Suicide (1)
- Sunrise (1)
- Sunset (2)
- Super Cargo (1)
- Superior (2)
- Supervisors (3)
- Suppository (1)
- Suppression (2)
- Supreme (2)
- Supreme Court (1)
- Surprise (1)
- Surveillance (1)
- Survivalism (1)
- Survive (1)
- Surviving Surviving (1)
- Survivors (1)
- Suspicion (1)
- SUVs (1)
- Swans (1)
- Swine (3)
- Swing (1)
- Symptoms (1)
- Syncretism (1)
- Syndicate (1)
- Synonymous (1)
- Systems (1)
- Taboo (1)
- Tandem (1)
- Target (1)
- Targets (2)
- Taste Tests (1)
- Tax (1)
- Tax Credits (1)
- Tax Monies (1)
- Taxes (2)
- Tea Party (3)
- Teachers (1)
- Teachers Unions (1)
- Teaching (1)
- Tech Giants (1)
- Technologist (1)
- Technology (1)
- Telecom (1)
- Telecommunications (1)
- Teleconferencing (1)
- Telegraph (1)
- Telephone (1)
- Television (1)
- Temporary Zombies (1)
- Tenderloin (2)
- Tennessee (1)
- Termites (1)
- Terrain (1)
- Terrible (1)
- Terrible Amounts of Windmills (1)
- Terror (1)
- Terror-Squads (1)
- Terrorism (4)
- Terrorist (2)
- Terrorist Driving (1)
- Terrorists (6)
- Test (1)
- Texas (2)
- Texas1984 (3)
- Texas1984 Plates (1)
- Textbooks (1)
- Thanks (1)
- Thanksgiving (1)
- The Bridge (1)
- The Hindenburg (1)
- The Rat (1)
- The Train (1)
- Theater (1)
- Them (3)
- Then (1)
- Therapy (1)
- Thieves (1)
- Thing (1)
- Think (3)
- Thinking (4)
- Third Party (1)
- Third-Degree Burns (1)
- Third-world (1)
- This (1)
- Thought Police (1)
- Threat (1)
- Thuggees (1)
- Thugs (1)
- Thunderstorm (1)
- Ticks (1)
- Time (1)
- Timeline (1)
- Timothy (1)
- Tinker Pots (1)
- Titonka (1)
- Toadie (1)
- Togetherness (2)
- Too (1)
- Toolbox Brains (1)
- Toosk (1)
- Topics (1)
- Tornado (1)
- Torture (1)
- TotalForce (1)
- Touch (1)
- Tough History (1)
- Tourists (1)
- Town (2)
- Toy Scouts (1)
- Toys (1)
- Tracking (1)
- Tractors (1)
- Traffic (1)
- Trailers (1)
- Traitors (1)
- TransFreaks (1)
- Transmission Lines (1)
- Transmitter (1)
- Transparency (1)
- Transportation (1)
- TransSlime (2)
- Trap (1)
- Trash (2)
- Trashbender (1)
- Trashblender Medias (1)
- Travel (1)
- Travelers (1)
- Treachery (2)
- Treason (1)
- Trees (2)
- Tribes (1)
- Tribunal (1)
- Trick (2)
- Tricks (1)
- Trip (1)
- Troop (1)
- Troops (1)
- Truck (1)
- Truck Drivers (1)
- Trucks (1)
- Trump (5)
- Trumpers (1)
- Trusteth (1)
- Truth (26)
- Truths (2)
- Turds (1)
- Turn Your Cell Phones OFF -- The Deviates Are Calling All Cell Phones With Gifts Of Queershit. (1)
- Turtle (1)
- TV (18)
- TV Anchor (1)
- TV God (1)
- TV Turds (2)
- TV Watchers (3)
- TV-Ignoring (1)
- TVP World (1)
- Twenty Ways (1)
- Twisted (1)
- Twisted Skulls (1)
- Twisted Species (3)
- Two (1)
- Tylenol (1)
- Type A (1)
- Type B (1)
- Tyranny (3)
- U-boats (1)
- Ublacklist (1)
- Uganda (1)
- Ugliness (2)
- Ugly (1)
- Ugly Cities (1)
- Ugly Looking (1)
- Ukraine (4)
- Unauthorized (1)
- Unauthorized Authority (1)
- Undermine (1)
- Understanding (2)
- Underwear (2)
- Unexpectedly (1)
- UnHuman (1)
- UNI (1)
- Uniforms (1)
- Union (1)
- Unions (1)
- United States (2)
- Universal (1)
- Universal Constant (2)
- Universal Facts (1)
- Universe (2)
- University (1)
- Unlettered (1)
- Unns Gang (1)
- Unsuspecting (1)
- Untimely (1)
- Unvarnished (1)
- Unwashed Masses (1)
- Update (1)
- Upgrade (2)
- Upload (1)
- Upwards (1)
- Urban (1)
- Urgency (1)
- Us (1)
- Useless Cretins (1)
- Utah (2)
- Utility (3)
- Utility Board (2)
- Utility Board Pigs (1)
- Utility Vehicle (1)
- Utility Vehicles (1)
- UTVs (2)
- Vaccinated (1)
- Vaccinations (1)
- Vaccines (2)
- Vagabond (1)
- Vaginas (1)
- Validity (2)
- Values (2)
- Various (1)
- Varmints (1)
- Vaseline (1)
- Vermin (3)
- Verminous (1)
- Vermont (1)
- Very Tiny Brains (1)
- Vice-President (1)
- Victim (1)
- Victims (5)
- Victory (1)
- Video (8)
- Video Links (1)
- Videos (5)
- Videos About Poland (1)
- View (1)
- Villainy (1)
- Violins (1)
- Virginia (2)
- Virus Spreaders (1)
- Virus Times (1)
- Virus War (1)
- Virus-Of-Total-Extermination (1)
- Virus's Delight (1)
- Vistas (1)
- Vitamins (3)
- Voodoo (1)
- Vote (7)
- Voted (1)
- Voter (1)
- Voter ID (1)
- Voters (6)
- Votes (2)
- Voting (10)
- Vulture/Culture (2)
- Wahooo (1)
- Wail (1)
- Walgreens (1)
- Wall Street Journal (1)
- Walls (1)
- Walmart (3)
- Waltham (1)
- War (5)
- War Circus (1)
- War Machines (1)
- Warfare (1)
- Warming (1)
- Warnings (1)
- Wars (2)
- Wash (1)
- Wash This Death City (3)
- Washington (2)
- Water (1)
- Waterloo (1)
- Waverly (1)
- WCIT-12 (1)
- We (1)
- WEAPONS (11)
- Webster City (2)
- Webster County (1)
- Weevils (1)
- Weight Loss (1)
- Wellness (1)
- West Africa (1)
- Whack (1)
- What (1)
- What Is (1)
- What Is Happening (1)
- What Was (1)
- Where (1)
- Whimps (1)
- Whirlwinds (1)
- White (3)
- White Bitch (1)
- White Folks (1)
- White House (1)
- White Lesbian Supremacists (1)
- White Man (1)
- White Niggers (1)
- White Rattlesnake (1)
- White Tiger (1)
- White Trash (2)
- Whites (1)
- Whities (2)
- WHO (2)
- Whopper (1)
- Whores (2)
- Why (2)
- Wide-Open (1)
- Widow (1)
- Wieners (1)
- Wiggins (1)
- Wiki (1)
- Wildcard (1)
- Will (2)
- Will of the People (3)
- Wind (1)
- Windmills (8)
- Windows (1)
- Windows 11 (1)
- Windows Update (1)
- Winter (2)
- Wisconsin (2)
- Wisdom (3)
- Witch Hunt (1)
- With (1)
- Woe (1)
- Woeful (1)
- Wolf Spiders (1)
- Wolves (1)
- Woman (2)
- Women (1)
- Won (1)
- Won't You Please (1)
- Woody Woodpecker (1)
- Word (1)
- Words (1)
- Working (1)
- Working Slave (1)
- World (2)
- World Class (2)
- World Update (1)
- World Videos (1)
- World War II (1)
- Worms (2)
- Worse (1)
- Worst Logos (2)
- Wright (3)
- Wright County (3)
- Write (2)
- Writer (2)
- Writers (2)
- Writing (2)
- Writings (1)
- Wrong (1)
- Wuhan (1)
- Wussy Wrectum (1)
- WWII (1)
- Yeah! (1)
- Yellow Cat (1)
- Yellow Journalism (1)
- Yes! (1)
- You (3)
- Young (2)
- Young Men (1)
- Youngers (1)
- Youth (1)
- YouTube (3)
- Zelensky (1)
- Zero Fidelity (1)
- Zero Information (1)
- Zip (1)
- Zombies (2)
- Zone (1)
- Zorro (1)
- Zyrodartox (2)
Fakery and Fake Fakery

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed
Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!
The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.