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Saturday, December 24, 2011


Not the message, that the SQLD in Southern Indiana are waiting for.

Could help a lot of folks in Southern Indiana, though.


This actually happened -- this week.

I had a day off, and I went to an Auto Repair Shop in north central Iowa to get some work done on 'The Cashmere'. It is a decent and middle-sized repair shop, with pleasant people and pleasant attitudes.

At the Auto Shop, which is owned and operated by Real Humans, I had to wait for about a hour to get the work done. The waiting area consisted of a lounge, a service counter and a small waiting room with a TV in it. In the waiting room was a tall and thin caucasian male, of very non-descriptive features, who was reading a magazine. The putrid TV was off, so I went into the room and sat down and started to look at an auto magazine.

However, at the service counter there were three Real Men who were discussing weapons, and were looking over a selection of handguns. Naturally, that was a lot more interesting than reading a magazine in a room with a TV in it, so I walked over and asked about their weapons. One of them handed me a Model 1911 with a laser finder in the grip. They continued to talk about guns, and preachers; and I stood in the middle of the lounge playing with the Model 1911, sighting things on the wall and floor with the laser.

Then -- it happened.

I looked sideways quickly and I saw the other customer, who was still sitting in the TV room, sitting with a magazine on its lap, staring out the door at me with a look of transfixed cowardice on its face.

I instantly knew that it was a bedfellow of the Duke of Wimps -- 'Il Duce Branstad' -- the ModoRat 'Puppet Governor' of DemoIowa.

From that second on, I watched everything it did; while I returned the Model 1911 to its owner and listened to them talk.

Here is a picture of a Model 1911. Just about every handgun maker in the Western Hemisphere produces their own variant of this weapon. The Model 1911 has a huge history as an American Handgun of Combat.

If you have ever seen the excellent film called -- 'The Wild Bunch' -- it is the handgun that William Holden shoots Mapache with, at the final bloodbath. 'The Wild Bunch' is a 'Study'; a film to explain what the Actual Wild West was really like; mercilessly. All ModoRats faint at the thought of 'The Wild Bunch'.

And then, they wish they could stab them all in their backs; and munch cheeseburgers in their faces as they die.

No violence about ModoRats -- Heavens No!

Backstabbing is not Violence -- Is It?


This one is the Ruger version.

This weapon is very effective at keeping knives out of your back.


Let us look at what happened next, in micro perspective. At this point, the Real Men were all at the service counter looking over the handguns. The person in the TV room was sitting in the far corner of the room. He was taller than me and thinner, with a face which screamed "Punch me! So I can have some 'Character'!" But, that did not mean that he could not have come out into the lounge and looked at the handguns with us, like any Real Man would have. They kept on discussing weapons, and I started to watch the 'person'.

If he had resumed reading the magazine and just went about his own independent business, all would have been well. Wimpy, but not Evil.

However, the terrible TV set was dangerously close, and the 'person' was getting really nervous. It now realized that it was not in a 'Neutered Shop'! ModoRats always shop at the 'Neutered Businesses' that they create, with backstabbing and dirty politics and crying temper tantrums. They abhor Reality, Real Conversations, Real Words, Real Writing, Real Writers, Real Men, Real Women and Real Guns.

It began to panic. It dropped the magazine, and reached across the room for the Satan Tube. It turned on the TV and looked for a Wussy Channel to watch. It found one that had a bunch of mindless TV twats on it, that were sputtering gibberish (literally) about starting another daily program of drivel; another wasted program of less-than-stupid talking heads. There was something with the word 'Today' on the wall behind the TV twats, who were chattering like brain dead magpies about 'nothing' -- as usual.

As the twats chattered and thrashed about on the screen, doing 'nothing' and saying 'nothing', they made the typical senseless TV noises that the ModoRat 'person' had obviously been raised on. Now, a stupid smile of programmed contentment came upon its previously ('begging for some damage') face.

I swear to Almighty God, that all of this happened exactly as I am relating it.

The Moderate, then sat back in its chair and picked up the magazine again, and began to play with a cell phone. It did this for the rest of the time that I was there, and never looked outside the TV room again. It had cocooned itself back into the TV Dead World from whence it had come, and was now oblivious to the Real World outside.

The Real World, which says -- 'Watch TV -- Lose All !!!!'


I actually saw that act of suicide happen right before my very eyes. Some people ask how I can dare to be sure, about the topics that I write accounts of. Some people think, if they are still allowed to think, that my usage of such terms as 'brainwashed' and 'mindless' and 'programmed' are exaggerations by me, for rhetorical purposes.

Hell No!

In these messages, I am writing about the Real Thing -- Real Brainwashing! Real Dead Minds! Real Cowardice! Real Moderates!

I had an entirely different message lined up for this time, but I have postponed it because of the amazing suicide that I saw at that Auto Shop!

And, don't give me that 'Bullshit' that it was all my fault, and I allowed the 'person' to commit suicide. What was I supposed to do? Throw a knife on the floor in front of it, and say -- "Take your best stab, asshole!" ?

Besides, it was just freaked out that it was near the backs of Real Men, and could not use its own knife on us.


Let me explain to you, in notation form, what that act of TV Suicide represents to all of us:


Do you know what a 'Moderate' is? A Moderate is one of those 'assholes' that drives like a snail down the road causing traffic to back up behind it for a mile. There is nothing wrong with its car, because every time another car starts to pass it, the 'Moderate' suddenly speeds up and races ahead, hoping it can cause the other driver to have an accident.


Last month, I was in a small department store/radio shack looking for some electronic cables. I was minding my own business, as usual, and thinking about how to patch my main computer bank into the 'all-house' music system, so I can go anywhere on the four floors and hear what the computer bank is saying to me.

Two middle-aged women were standing close to me discussing babies. Nothing unusual about that. But then, one of them said she had some sewing and knitting to do; so she was going to go home and sit down in the living room and sew and knit -- AND "watch TV." It was clear that she did not mean to watch a pre-recorded movie, or a DVD.

I immediately looked at her throat and wrists for signs of previous suicide attempts. Most suicides want to live, but they want to be rescued in the nick of time, and then to be cared for by society. They have no idea of what kinds of Houses of Horrors 'attempted suicides' are put into. Right in, with all of that state's worst lunatics. Few states have the money, nowadays, to put 'attempted suicides' into their own special facilities. And, the Houses of Horror are nothing more than 'holding tanks' in which the permanent fate of a person is decided by monsters of the Anuses, Perverts, and Alchemists (APA).

Such Houses of Horror have only one entrance, and three exits.
1. The exit to the ambulance that takes you, bound to a stretcher, to a permanent life at an Insane Asylum.
2. The seldom used exit back to the Real World, usually as an Out Patient.
3. The exit to the Black SUV, with blackened windows, that takes you to the APA Training Center for Killer Queers, Monkey Lawyers, Assassins, and (if you are really sick-sick-sick, but still functional) to Executive Training.

That woman, spent the rest of that day sitting in a jail cell (that used to be her living-room) sewing and knitting baby clothes while being propagandized and deranged and stupefied by the inheritors of the brainwashing techniques that were refined and polished at Nazi Terror Camps, all over Germany and Poland during World War II.

My question is -- "Did she put on her leg irons, and handcuffs; before she sat down to die from Queer Propaganda on the TV?"


One of the worst maladies and pathetic miseries that anyone in Planet Sinister suffers from, is the involuntary addiction to a machine; that was used by negligent and self-interested parents, to keep their children pre-occupied; so they would not have to be loved and taught how bad their parent's society really is.

And so -- everything got much worse.


What kind of pasty and minor existence can such a creature as a Moderate TV Addict have? How many decades before it is finally placed into a coffin, will it have died?


What is the real worth of any society that has addicted its members to a mandatory obedience to propaganda, for the sake of social control and to enforce an Absence of Realization about what is happening to themselves, and to the society?

Does such a society deserve to become Cosmic, or will it just be 'The Hoard From Outer Space', wherever it goes?


Is the Reduced Intelligence and Reduced Brain Activity of unthinking Voter/Followers, and unthinking Satan Tubers, transported and stamped into their DNA, causing a Continued Mutation of Generational Stupidity -- bred to be stupid and watch TV like dogs?


Since such creatures as Satan Tubers are giving up their lives, sanity, brains and freedoms to the Democrat/Homosexuals and their Queer Medias -- should they not be payed a weekly salary as compensation for their permanent loss of faculties and life and children?

Should they not be paid, to die and lose everything for the Homosexual/Democrats and the Owners and Operators of the Satan Tube Channels?

Why do Labor Unions not pay their slaves for their losses of identity, will, choice, goodness and decency. Is financial compensation not a fair exchange for the destructive insanity that is forced upon members of Labor Unions?


Where will such Milk Toast Creatures hide, when there is a Revolution?

They can only watch TV, fornicate with hand held objects like cell phones and calculators, stab Real Humans in the back, lie about everything that we say, deny Reality habitually and constantly, and push buttons on Weapons of Mass Destruction to kill us all; because they are displeased with anyone who does not think financially and worship their Gods of Economics.

How will they disguise themselves? As cheeseburgers?

We will have to put out orders -- not to eat the cheeseburgers!


Should we Humans, show Human Respect and Human Kindness to people who have bleeding brains and bleeding orifices, from following the Queer Directions and Queer Orders given to them by the Talking Turds on TV; that they have been addicted to since birth?

Does 'Addiction', automatically merit and deserve 'Sympathy' -- in the case of Queer Media Addictions?


Real Men! I ask you. If I was a mushroom, and you were a toadstool, and we were discussing these weighty issues underneath an overhanging rock in a beautiful forest; through which gorgeous and naked wood nymphs regularly passed in the sunlight, tantalizingly close by.

Would we 'give a shit' about all of this?

Answer: Of course we would. We ... (fill in the blank).


If we Humans suddenly start to talk drivel and media nonsense, and we start to make open pretenses that we are also Important Media Personalities -- will Suicidal Satan Tubers start to watch us too? And, follow us around in department stores? And, follow us around in parking lots? And, follow us home? And, claw on our front doors like lost kitty cats? Purring, "I Will Vote For Youuuuu. I Will Vote For Youuuuu."


What is the Technical Term?

What is the Technical Term for Suicide by Queer Medias?

How many variations are there?

Injury Related.

How do you classify the different causes of Suicide by Queer Medias?

Or, does that matter?


All of this leads -- point blank -- to the extremely related topic of 'Anthropomorphism versus Sanity and Humanity.'

For example -- John Wayne movies. Throughout the film career of John Wayne he made both 'personality films' (anthropomorphic), and 'object films' (lessons). Some examples of these are --


The Commancheros
True Grit
Rio Bravo
North To Alaska



The Green Berets
The Searchers
The Alamo


Here are some more movie and film examples of the differences between Anthropomorphism and Lessons.


All James Bond Films
Yellowstone Kelly
Alvarez Kelly
How The West Was Won
The Big Country
Ben Hur
Fail Safe
Kelly's Heroes
The Secret Mission
Dirty Harry
The Guns Of Navarone
The Ten Commandments
The Robe
Planet Of The Apes
Treasure Island
Robin Hood (any)
The Far Horizons
Major Dundee



Medicine Man
Wyatt Earp
Cheyenne Autumn
The Battle Of The Bulge
By Dawn's Early Light
The Bridge At Ramagen
Letters From Iwo Jima
Blood Work
Moby Dick
The Greatest Story Ever Told
The Omega Man
Antony and Cleopatra
A Man For All Seasons
Soylent Green


When you watch these films, look for the differences between a scene or a plot line that is done to teach a lesson, OR to illuminate and showcase a personality. Look behind the scenes, and examine the intentions.


Personality vs Character:

Personality must not be confused with Character; and I do not mean the false and liberal 'Character Substitute' (imitation) that the Queer Teachers in the Democrat/Homosexual Public Schools brainwash children into accepting. Their False Character is really just a Perverted Personality Concept, that is nothing more than a way to make Human Children accept the lies that all forms of perverted and poisonous behaviors (and the 'Queers' that do them) are what should happen to everyone -- and especially to innocent children. And therefore, all children should do whatever queer and perverted acts of death that the Bastards and Bitches of the NEA tell them to do -- inside and outside of the classrooms!!!!

Automatically, you can see that 'Personality' is just a cheap imitation of something that is much stronger and far more real and valuable -- namely Real Character. As well, Real Character is the last thing that the Bastards and Bitches of the queer NEA (teachers) want any Human Child to possess. So, they deliberately do everything that they can to their prisoners (in the schools) to warp and distort and pervert and disable the thinking of Human Children. They would rather kill a Human Child than allow it to grow up into a Real Human with Real Character. If they could get away with it -- they would turn ALL of the schools in this country into Death Camps. Death Camps into which Human Children are forced to go (by queer laws), and from which they never leave alive.

Since that is not yet possible, because DemoTopia does not rule by Totalitarianism yet, they must do the next worst thing -- which is to make sure that no Human Child leaves their schools with a functioning Human Brain.

And NEVER can a Human Child be allowed to develop Real Character in one of their hideous schools!

THAT is why they utterly loath the existence of Home Schools; where Real Human Children are taught by Real Human Adults, to become Real Humans with Real Character.

Real Humans -- with Real Character.

Real Character is a strength -- a deep and permanent strength of Real Humanity. I use the term 'Real Character' because the killing of Human Children, in queer Homosexual/Democrat schools, is not enough for the twisted socialist and demented liberal brains of our enemies. They also try to destroy Real Human Character by pretending that their phony and worthless 'Personalities' (which are paper thin and about as strong and solid as yesterday's dishwater) are the Accepted Normalcy for Character in our society.

It is our society, but the scum of the Queer Medias think that they can kill all of our standards and specifications and experiences and lessons of history -- and replace them with their own clap-trap fakery. They really do expect that by lying often enough, we will allow them to erase from our society all of the original and worthwhile strengths and moralities and purposes of our existence -- and supplant them with trash. Complete and utter trash -- that is nothing more than the drivel and slime from their own sick-sick-sick brains -- which in turn are demented and damaged by the perversions and greeds and avarices that they themselves have been diseased with. So, in order to make themselves feel more comfortable (not to mention Dominant) they are trying to reduce all of Civilization down to the gutter and spittoons of their own wretched existence.

To Achieve That Demands -- No Resistance!!!!

Real Character exists inside of the minds and souls of Real Humans -- all of whom know instinctively that our enemies are the worst possible enemies ever known. Such Real Humans -- Resist!!!!

The SQLD plan, therefore, is to prevent Resistance -- by preventing Character. If they kill any possibility of Human Children developing any Real Character -- they will kill Human Resistance. Or, so they hope.

Actually, 'hope' is too good a word for anything that our enemies do. 'Connive', 'scheme', 'plot', 'conspire' and 'vomit' are much more accurate descriptions of the mental processes of our enemies.

Since this is the Christmas Season, I will not mention Harsh Realities, such as the simple fact that the mental processes of our enemies are actually the neuron equivalencies of defecation.



Politicists demand that Politics must be a showcase for Overbearing Personalities. Politicists like to mold and control 'Personalities'. Such Human Qualities as 'Strength of Character' are forbidden in the Circus of Politically Correct Horrors, that has become American Politics. Instead, the discussion of Human Issues (that we all have about the attempted Genocide of the Human Species in all of its manifested attempts) -- is forbidden, and is deliberately overridden by the application of Overbearing Personalities.

Politics has become a Popularity Contest; a kind of twisted Beauty Contest. In this macabre Beauty Contest, Politicians mainline on showing off their 'Personalities', and just mumble what they have been taught are enough 'Issues Statements' to get by with. For them, the only way out of the Beauty Contest is to either lose outright, or to just flog their own 'Personalities' into a fever pitch of intensity and playacting, to a point where they no longer know what they are really doing -- and somehow it ends with someone being the 'Favorite'.

The 'Favorite' WHAT?

Overbearing Personality hides Character. In fact, it is so pervasive in this society that once the focus is upon 'Personality' -- as the Queer Medias insist that it must be -- any thought of 'Character' is thrown under the stage, to be a prop boy or janitor.


One typical example of the negative effects of 'Personality' is the current Cults of Disappointment, that some of the Voter/Followers of the hideous Homosexual/Democrats have fallen into. These Cults of Losers are subdivided into the three main constituent sources of brainwashing -- Cult of TV Disappointment, Cult of Filthy Monkey Band Disappointment, and Cult of queer newsrag Disappointment.

All of these Cults of Losers have been created by the collapse of what they were brainwashed to think was a 'Noble Cause'; namely the 'Noble Advancement of the Poor and Unfortunate Perverts'; by the Generous and Sympathetic Democrat Angles on Earth.

I know it sounds impossibly stupid, but it has happened. It only goes to show you how unthinkably programmed and fooled some people can be made to be.

The best, and only, advice that I can give to those Losers, is to get out of the War entirely. They are very lucky to still be able to receive any advice from Humans at all. I have thought about this all night, and I am sure of the following things concerning them:
A. The Human Species does not need them in order to win the War, so they can get out of the SQLD and stay out of the War entirely.
B. The longer that they are out of the War, the more they will realize how right the Humans are in this; and what an abyssal mess it is.
C. They were abused and captured by the Demos/Homos/Modos to be the cannon fodder for them. To take the hits and die in Mass Stupidity, so the Modos/Homos/Demos themselves would not have to die.
D. There really is such a thing as a Real Life in a Real World, and it is precious.
E. They are not educated enough in the Real World to be able to make wise decisions about how to live a Real Life; which is why they were fooled by the crap-talking Homos/Demos/Modos.
F. They have been given a chance to live a Real Life, and they had better take it while they can.

Telling them this is, of course, nearly impossible as well. You and I, however, can see quickly how impossible is the application of the term 'Noble Cause' to any deception, game, hoax, or murder that the Democrat/Homosexuals attempt.

1. The word 'Noble' has never been applied to any form of Politics, except as that of a Quality which Politics is totally devoid of.
2. The word 'Cause' is about as hack kneed as the word 'Movement', and is always used as a Media Pasting of a convenient label, onto some event or some organization or some determined group. A label which the Queer Medias always expect to use for control, and to gain power over such bodies; and thus to determine their fates; for money. It is like a toll charge, to travel on a toll highway to phony success.

With so much pretense, slight-of-hand, and Middle-Management-For-Hire going on in Politics; we are constantly forced to clarify matters as much as possible, and as simply as possible. I always prefer to use new terminology to make things more obvious, but in the matter of the motives of the hideous DemoCraps and the gutless ModoRats, any new terms would have to be very negative. It is this usage of the term 'Cause' which I want to address.

We here in America already have a 'Cause' -- namely 'The Survival of the Species' -- from the attacks and genocides of the ModoRats and the DemoCraps. I hesitate to call it a 'True Cause', because that would surrender the term 'Cause' (by itself) to the abyssal usage of every two-bit twisted punk and pissant liar in the country.

Suffice it to say, that before our current Cause (of Escaping Genocide) we have not had a Cause in this nation since the termination of the Second World War. We have had minor battles and blunders such as The Korean War and The Vietnam War respectively; and we have had this ongoing Police-Action in the Middle East for more than a decade now. Our involvement in the affairs of Afghanistan and Iraq could have reached the level of a 'Cause' for our nation, had not the DemoCraps immediately politicized it, and fornicated it for all of the political gains that they could get out if it -- thus turning the entire situation into a shambles of Queered Warfare.

Now, back at the Home Front -- there are three little Cults of Disappointed Media Addicts. They are pissed off about the demise of the 'Noble Cause' of the Plight of the Killer Perverts; whom they were brainwashed into thinking that they were going to save from The Big Bad Humans!

And, how did anyone get to be so stupid?

Answer: Personalities. TV Personalities. Filthy Monkey Personalities. Queer newsrag Personalities. DemoCrap Political Personalities. ModoRat Political Personalities. Public School Personalities.

All of which lied. To people who were raised on lies. To people who thought that finally -- There Was A Lie Worth Killing For!

The insidious Queer Propagandists have been using any kind of Personality that they could create (or that pre-existed for hire), with which to severely hurt, maim, and mutilate as many people as possible into believing that there was a 'Noble Cause' to fight for; and to kill the Human Species for.

It is really that simple. Head-shaking idiocy, yes. But, it happened.

Now, those Cults of Disappointed Idiots are in danger of becoming stubborn about their disappointment, and turning into worse cases of lunatics and homicidal maniacs.

But, that's all right. We will just call them the 'Cults of Assholes', and put them into their appropriate slot in Planet Sinister.

It is because such atrocities can happen, that we of the Human Resistance are so intensely non-Personalized. We shun all mentions of Movements and Causes (in relation to Human Resistance) because of the large amounts of previously-addicted dupes that it might attract -- which we desperately do not need.

Remember how this all works together -- Anthropomorphism is the antithesis of Lessons and Learning -- and Personalities use Anthropomorphism to do the work of brainwashing and causing idolatry -- while Character is strength gained by Lessons, Teachings and Experiences in the Real World; and never by the teachings of the NEA.


"Personality' clouds issues and hides them, thus disabling Lessons and Learning. Strength of 'Character' on the other hand is what turns and/or stops the Wheels of Politics.

That means, 'Character' can control Politics.

Which 'Politics' hates! So, Politicists are always trying to eliminate 'Character' whenever possible.

Strength of 'Character', when exercised by Real People, can control the Wheels of Politics.

Some Wheels need to be started.
Some Wheels needs to be stopped forever.
Some Wheels need to be maintained perpetually.
Some Wheels need to be repaired.

"Personality' can do none of these things. 'Personality' is only good for convincing the foolish and the stupid and the unthinking members of the 'General Public' (which no longer exists) into committing acts of Hatred and Genocide against the Human Species, that would otherwise be clearly unthinkable.

For instance, the crooked and warped Wheel of Political Correctness that turns in the opposite direction of the Wheel of Life; and is greased with the blood and the brains of Humans who were slaughtered under its terrible weight of collective scorn and abuse; that was heaped upon them by the 'Collected Idiots' that were gathered together for just such a purpose -- by what?

Answer: By the 'Force of Personality' that was used to convince so many retards that there was a 'Noble Cause' to kill the Humans for.

The brakes must be applied permanently to that rotten wheel, and to any Politicist or Demo/Modo/Homo that tries to use it. Permanent Brakes. This is why today we hear complaints, and whines, from the Homos/Modos/Demos that we Humans are doing too much against them -- and we Humans should lighten up (moderate) -- and we Humans should give them a chance (to back stab us) -- and so forth.

They want the Reversing Wheel of Political Correctness to turn again, and do their backstabbing for them. We Humans want it gone from existence. So, we just ignore the squeals and worthless gutter sniping remarks of the Modos/Demos/Homos. The brakes on that vile wheel must stay on until the Universe itself no longer exists.


Is it difficult? Is it hard to fight off the Genocide of your Species and bring forth a new future for all of Humanity?

Answer: Yes. However, if you are Sane, and have Character and Human Validity the task is much easier. The Founding Fathers of this country gave you the weapons and the tools with which to fight all enemies -- Foreign, DemoCrap and ModoRat -- those are:

Your Vote.
Your Voice.
Your Guns.
Your Character.
Your Civil Disobedience.
Your Intelligence.

Yes, even 'Your Intelligence' comes from the Founding Fathers -- through the Health, Nutrition, Shelter, Order, Sanity and Freedoms that are provided to you by the country which they founded -- The United States Of America.


Merry Christmas To Humans Everywhere !!!!!!!!!!


Markel Peters

Friday, December 16, 2011


[[ This is not the 'next message' that the 'Queers' of Southern Indiana are waiting for. ]]


Mitt (the Rat) Romney -- The Moderate Plague:

Oh, My God! Someone Poisoned The Waterhole !!!!


Once again, Real Humans are beset with a vile and lying sarcophagus of Moderation and Queer Propaganda, called 'Romney'.

The political pollsters (always Queer to Moderate) are now saying that Mitt (the Rat) Romney is a favorite to win the Iowa Caucuses. That is what they want, of course. They have no intention of allowing any candidate of the Real Humans to win an important election in this country. We all know that, and anyone with a functioning brain knows that Mitt (the Rat) Romney is just what the name implies -- a Queer Rat!!!!

Mitt the Queer Rat, is inside the side that is supposed to represent the Human Species -- the 'Right' side. But, that is not the worst problem that is present in this attempted destruction of the Human Species. The worst of it, is the 10-80-10 rule, which was always a generalization to begin with.

The 10-80-10 rule says that no matter what you do in politics and public life, 10% of anyone who knows about it will love you for it; 10% will hate you for it; and 80% will ignore you for it, or be indifferent about it. That implies that the task of politics is to persuade the 80% over to your side. It is meant to be a kind of comforting explanation of why things do not always go your way in politics.

However, it is a generalization, because the 'Queers' and the Democrat/Homosexuals do not recognize it, or adhere to it. What they do, is to instill into the 80% as many of their mental diseases as they possibly can; in order to permanently enslave and queer as much of the 80% as they possibly can. Permanent Dementia.

The Homosexual/Democrat idea of sharp politics is to kill the brains of as many weak-minded people of the 'General Public' as is possible, with the nasty and unnatural habits of the Masters of the SQLD; and to turn each person who is thus deranged into a programmed addict of the Democrat/Homosexuals, and whatever they are selling at the time.

Mitt (the Rat) Romney is a Homosexual/Democrat. Mitt (the Rat) Romney is assigned to sabotage anything that the 'Right' attempts to do, by existing as a ModoRat in their midst. From the inside, it causes confusions, distractions, false information, and division amongst the Republicans. Meanwhile, the Democrat/Homosexuals enjoy a larger and solid voting block of controlled addicts; who, because of the dementia’s that they now suffer, will always vote for Evil and 'Queers'.

Mitt (the Rat) Romney wants them to vote for the 'Queers', just like Mitt (the Rat) Romney always has; but its primary purpose in politics is to get as many fools and idiots on the 'Right' as it can to vote for it, instead of for any Real Human Candidate. Thus, giving the Homosexual/Democrats two voting blocks to rely upon, and to work with. The hope of Mitt (the Rat) Romney is to persuade the SQLD Masters to allow it to be the next White Puppet in the White House for the SQLD; instead of a Democrat/Homosexual candidate. This is easy to understand, as only puppets and non-Humans are allowed to be Residents in the White House, and to pretend that they are 'Presidents'.

[[ Incidentally, as soon as the queer Little Charlie-Dictator TV stations stop transmitting, the SQLD will no longer have any such power to control this or any other country. ]]

'Wash This Death City' is, after all, a metropolitan cesspool of the worst and most vicious SQLD turds that exist in the Universe. Just look at the pervert known as Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid. That scum is smiling these days. Smiling and happy. Why?

Answer: Queer DemoCrap plans are working and succeeding. Mitt (the Rat) Romney is destroying the Republican Party from within; H.H. Reid's Queer and Armed Fart-Forces are getting bigger (now that many of them are returning from Iraq as brainwashed imbeciles); and the Occupation Forces of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead are causing havoc and mayhem in American Cities, wherever cowardice and moderation rule politics.

H.H. Reid is wearing exactly the same smile on its sphincter face as did the Nazi Generals of World War II, that entered captured allied cities, to claim them for the Third Reich. The capturers of Occupied Warsaw wore that grinning smile on their faces. The capturers of Occupied Prague wore that grinning smile on their faces. The capturers of Occupied Vienna wore that grinning smile on their faces. The capturers of Occupied Paris wore that grinning smile on their faces.

H.H. Reid will wear that smile on its sphincter face if and when Mitt (the Rat) Romney is allowed to become the next White Puppet in the White House, by the Masters of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead.


This is all 'what is'. Every Real Human knows these facts. The main problem therefore, is that of addictions to propaganda and perversions. It is the plight of the 80%, that is killing the Human Species politically. If the 80% were not under the constant bombardment of Queer Propaganda, from the sources of media evil here in America, Mitt (the Rat) Romney would just appear to them as the pathetic and lying pissant that it is (a mere politicist Rat); and not any kind of candidate for any political office anywhere.

Nowhere, within any Sane and Human Society could a political whore like Mitt (the Rat) Romney be given the chance to obtain a position of authority or governance. That would simply, sanely and clearly be impossible.

But, in a society where the concept of 80% of the population being effected in any way by the Forces of satanism and perversion -- (such as the Filthy Monkey Band, the Satan Tube Channels, the Sheep Fornicators Guild, the queer newsrags (et all)) -- is a 'given' idea, and is considered to be the political reality (even though it is not) -- there can be no sanity or decency or the prevailing of Humanity. Instead, all you get is a playtime dung box of crap for perverts and Democrat/Homosexuals to play in; with ModoRats on the side, counting turds with their playtime calculators.

A Moderate/Homosexual is not good enough to spit on.


The Homosexual/Democrats want the myth of the 10-80-10 rule to be in play on the political scene as a blind, as a ruse, and as a deception behind which they will secretly change the percentages, to their overwhelming favor of course. They want a 100% dead voting block that will always vote for their filth, whatever it is at the moment. To achieve that, demands wide-scale and horribly addictive mental diseases, that are pumped into the brains of the 'General Public' every day, of every month, of every year. Which is successful, as you can witness (if you have an iron stomach) what has happened in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone, where any Real Human only survives as long as the ammunition holds out.

From our point of realism it is obvious that, with conditions as they are, the 80% myth must cease to exist. It is already no more than half of that anyway. Half of the 80% have been queered and brainwashed by the Homosexual/Democrats to be a mindless voting block of wormy sheep for the SQLD Masters. That makes the real equation one of 50-40-10 in their favor, and they insist that there must be no variation from that, despite whatever sickness they are prostituting for at any given time.

Democrat/Homosexuals are drug dealers, pimps and whores. Nothing more.

Our task, as Real Humans, is to claim that 'loose 40%' for ourselves. To literally save their uncaring asses from an uncaring death. And, we have one extra advantage working for us in this deck of possibilities; the 40% that are still undiseased by the Homosexual/Democrats are the 'smarter' ones; the more 'Human' ones; which (of course) means the less diseased ones. So, they must be the 'still natural' ones.

The Democrat/Homosexuals want to prevent this, by insisting that everyone who is not under their control, or is not a Real Human, must be a 'Moderate'. They are willing to grant concessions (through fakery) to the ModoRats, including an occasional Mitt (the Rat) Romney; if the ModoRats will keep the 'loose 40%' thinking that they are better off under the 'Moderate' label, of chickenshit pretenses and disguises.

That way -- the Real Humans are only left with 10%.

And, that is DemoCrap Joy!


No one needs to say, that the last thing that any Real Human in the Real Iowa wants, is for a queer-sucking perverted jackal like Mitt (the Rat) Romney to win the Iowa Caucuses. Preventing it is the problem, because Iowa is infested with gutless cowards masquerading as Organized Moderation -- and the Queers and DemoCraps will do everything they can to falsify and queer the Iowa Caucuses in favor of the SQLD candidate -- Mitt (the Rat) Romney.

In every respect, the upcoming Iowa Caucuses are a test of whether, or not, DemoIowa and the 'Queers' have an overwhelming advantage over the Real Iowa, and the Real Humans of Iowa. If Mitt (the Rat) Romney wins the Iowa Caucuses, it will mean that all of the efforts of the 'Religious Right', the Tea Parties, and the 'Conservative Republicans' will have failed miserably to protect the Real Iowa from being dominated by the forces of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead. If Mitt (the Rat) Romney wins the Iowa Caucuses, the future of Iowa (and the entire country) will be extremely bleak indeed. That faggot will be as degenerated and perverted as HObama the Magnificent Pervert is, if it becomes the next Resident in the White House. No doubt. No options.

If the 'loose 40%' of the 'General Public' were all bona fide Humans, and NOT just pathetic sheep, such an ugly fate could never befall our country; and HObama would still be a wannabe punk wandering the queer halls of Queer Houses of Horror in Chicago, begging for handouts.

Reclaiming the 'loose 40%' starts with education.

[[ Hey! I can do that! ]]

The point is, can all Humans do that? Because, they must educate the 'loose 40%' about their own Human Destiny, or see them fall to the 'Queers' and to Hell -- and fall with them.

Hence, the idea of a 'General Public' is obsolete and is now only a DemoCrap hoax. They will only allow chickencrap Moderates to be the so-called 'General Public' anyway. You cannot get more 'generalized' than the non-descriptive brain of a scared Moderate.

Moderation always loses to Demonism and 'Queers', and that is why the 'Queers' want 40% to be Moderates.


Bringing the remaining 40% out of the nothingness and doldrums of being the 'General Public Herd' is actually doing them a huge favor! It is an unhealthy, lice-ridden, stupid and maggoty herd of self-interested, bleating, shoving, and farting bovine excuse-makers. Leaving it, or better yet eliminating it, is a God Blessed Event.

If Mitt (the Rat) Romney wins the Iowa Caucuses it will only be because a 'General Public Herd' was branded as 'Moderates', and stampeded through and over the Iowa Republican Caucuses, by the DemoCraps!

Who is going to prevent that? The phony Republicans at the 'Iowa Repulsiveness'? (formerly republican) The phony neutrals at the Iowa Liberal Fakery? (formerly independent) The Iowa GOP? Who are the most disorganized and dysfunctional bunch of bozos I have ever seen!

No. Only the Real Humans of the Real Iowa, and Human Resistance, provide any hope for the Human Species in this matter.


Mitt (the Rat) Romney is the bastard that sanctioned and authorized the first queer and anti-Human laws against marriage, by allowing the hoax of Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred to be ritualized, in MassInsanity (formerly Massachusetts).

As such, Mitt (the Rat) Romney is directly responsible for the plethora of horrible attacks against the Human Species that have occurred since then, all in the disguise of Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred (Q&P MH).

The Queer Propagandists are using all of their agents, inside and outside the Republicans, to promote the notion that Mitt (the Rat) Romney is the only chance that the GOP has to defeat HObama in the 2012 elections. Judas Iscariot (betrayer of Jesus) could defeat HObama in 2012, and would make a much better Resident in the White House than either Mitt (the Rat) Romney or HObama. Anyday. Every day!

That is the Truth of it. Judas was a traitor. But, he was not a Queer Traitor!

Does anyone Human really think that such a self-interested and political rodent as Mitt (the Rat) Romney will ever lift a claw to help the Human Species rid itself of the so-called Homosexuals of the APA and the ACLU?

Hell No!

So, why is it even being considered as a candidate in a Republican party that is supposed to be Human? And, says it is Human.

Well, for that matter, how did the little 'Il Duce Branstad' get to be the current Puppet Governor of DemoIowa? Because, it sure as hell is not anything in the Real Iowa, except moderate dung.

Answer: that 'loose 40%' that used to be the 'General Public'.

If you want Humanity to continue to exist, you will do everything that you can to prevent Mitt (the Rat) Romney from winning anything at the Iowa Caucuses -- where it should be a DemoCrap candidate openly. Believe me, that bastard is a God-Damned Politician (first and forever), and does not care for one second what terrible deeds it has done in the past, or will do in the future -- or what horrible carnage its past deeds have done to us. It doesn't expect us to vote for it anyway.

So, why would it win anything in Iowa?


"TV, anyone?" That used to be a polite invitation to watch a Human TV program, on a Human TV Channel. These days, it is exactly equal to:

"Sodomy, anyone?"
"Lying Bullshit in your face, anyone?"
"Mitt Romney, anyone?"
"Your Children Being Raped, anyone?"
"Killer Lesbians Defaming White Males, anyone?"
"Mitt Romney, anyone?"
"Death Of Iowa, anyone?"
"Christians Persecuted By Devil Cults, anyone?"
"Mitt Romney, anyone?"
"Brains Dripping From Ears, anyone?"
"Blood Dripping From Rears, anyone?"
"Mitt Romney, anyone?"
"TV, anyone?"

If Mitt (the Rat) Romney wins the Iowa Caucus, it will only be because of the same reason why a TV twat won the election recently in Iowa Senate District 18 -- the Satan Tubers voted for it, the Moderates abstained for it, and the DemoCraps salted the absentee ballots with outside infiltrators. Mitt (the Rat) Romney IS an outside infiltrator.

The entire integrity of the Iowa Caucus system is at stake here. If Mitt (the Rat) Romney wins, the Iowa Caucus will be nothing more than a Queer Joke from now on.


Throughout all of this, there is something that everyone is missing. We Humans, should be having our own elections. Elections that are not, in any way, tainted by any association with the swine of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead. What Human would be crazy enough to want to send other Humans to that shit hole called 'Wash this Death City', to begin with?

We should be electing our own officials. We should be establishing our own governments, since the Constitution belongs to us to begin with; and there is no government here presently that is true to that Constitution. We should be creating our own Laws and Rules of Conduct. We should be thinking of 'Humans Governing Humans'. And, the Heinrich 'Himmler' Reids can clean our toilet bowls with their faces.


Markel Peters

Friday, December 2, 2011



No - No - No - Grandma! Not This One!

Have a grandchild explain it to you.




Did I use the wrong word? You judge.

Do you see that cloud of dust over there, on the left horizon?

That means 'trouble' partner!

It ain't no tornado -- nope. It's them radical critters! A whole herd! And, they's being wrangled right for the Iowa Caucuses.

Don't you mind, that they are running backwards and butt-naked. This here is serious business!

The Iowa Caucuses happen thirty-three days from now.


Can you see it? Thousands of 'Backwards Assholes' trying to keep the Iowa Caucuses from being honest, and truthful, and representative, and straight-forwards. Not to mention properly dressed.

If you can't see it coming, you need to change eyeballs and find a 'Life'; cause them critters is headin right for Iowa! At a gallop!


Here are some websites concerning this situation:












Since we are dealing with lunatic and worthless deviates and radicals in this case, why not brand the Bastards and Bitches for later identification? The best thing to do right now is to start building hundreds of little blacksmith shops, to put outside each Iowa Caucus meeting place -- to brand them Occupy and Anonymous Buttocks when they show up. Won't none of them be 'anonymous' again after they try to mess with our business here in Iowa. 'Brand em, on the Butt! Shops', we'll call them. Or, was that 'Butt Chops?'

We could set up Barbecue Shacks right next door, you know.

Either way, we cannot let them 'disruptors' and Anti-Americans to taint and befoul our next Iowa Caucuses!

The Iowa Caucuses are scheduled for January 3, 2012 ...

So, what are YOU going to do about it?

How are YOU going to get involved and prevent this deliberate outside interference from those BatShitCrazy Bastards and Bitches of the Democrat/Homosexuals?

Does anyone really think that 'Il Duce Branstad - The Neuter Maker' is going to get 'tough' on punks and derelicts from the same Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead sewers that it came from?


Let us all collectively ignore the fact that we now have positive proof that they DO have the asses of Baboons; and proceed forth with a think tank session on how to stop those monkeys from queering OUR POLITICS HERE IN OUR STATE OF IOWA.

[[ By the way -- I think I see Mitt (the Rat) Romney in there. I recognize that 'butt face' from 2008. ]]

I would suggest that everyone in the Real Iowa get their cameras ready and make this next Iowa Caucus the most recorded one in history.

'Queers' and DemoCraps hate having their real filth recorded and photographed. That is why they will be putting on many staged performances for the cameras of the Little Charlie TV Stations, when they attack the Iowa Caucuses.

But, they will not want Real Humans taking Real Photographs of the snidely tricks and deceits and doubtlessly queer activities that they will be doing.

I also suggest assigning photography teams to each and every DemoCrap Politician of DemoIowa, until the 2012 elections are over.

Get every Real Human of Iowa that you know to take part in the Iowa Caucuses.

Demand to see a valid driver's license from Iowa of all Iowa Caucus participants.

Never allow a DemoCrap to participate in the Republican Caucuses. That is their number one idea for sabotaging the Human Selection process, in these Caucuses.

Remember how they queered the special election for Senate District 18, using Satan Tube addicts and absentee ballots to create a false count in their favor. Homosexual/Democrats will resort to any and all schemes and tricks and crimes possible to keep the People of The United States enslaved by a few percentages of violent and radical extremist 'Queers' and Liberals.

Get Real Identities of all Disruptors and Assholes who try to bother our Human Caucus -- you know they will only fake any protests against Homosexual/Democrats -- and put those names and addresses and photographs into a permanent file of Human Enemies. For later purposes.

Bring large quantities of delousing powder to all Caucus Meeting Places, and douse any Disruptors and Assholes that try to interfere with our Human Caucus Meetings.

They also dislike sticky situations, such as being shot with water cannons filled with water and pancake syrup, or water and molasses.

They are also very unhappy with fireworks, under their asses.

Baboons-for-hire, like the ones that will be attacking our Human Caucus Meeting Places, have a built in threshold of pain -- a limit on their acceptance of pain-for-hire -- after which they suddenly start to gyrate and roll their eyes and foam at the mouth and shout -- "Fuck This Shit! This Shit Ain't Worth It!" Make them shout. Make them squirm. Make them try to escape. Remember why so many prisons are located out in the countrysides, where prisoners from the cities are taken to. If the city prisoners do somehow escape, they will have no idea where they are or where anything in the countryside is located. The city prisoners therefore have a built-in disadvantage when it comes to escaping. They are easier to run down that way.

The scum from out of state, that are coming to Iowa to cause problems, will have no idea where they really are, or how to escape.

Bear traps are nice.

I like the idea of identifying those things for later recognition by Humans, wherever they try to peddle their Chaos-For-Hire. Vermin like that, hate being 'known' and 'recognized'. It reduces their commercial value to the Democrat/Homosexuals. I really mean it, when I say that we Iowans should be taking many thousands of photographs of those Bastards and Bitches.

Getting information from them is also a great idea. Like, who hired them? Who trained them? Who pays them? Who they attacked last? Who they expect to attack next? Where were they hired? Where were they trained? Where do they live? What do they call their organization, for real? How violent are they allowed to get, this time? How violent have they been trained to be? Do they know how to handle C4 explosives? Do they know the range of an M72 LAW?

Pool whatever information you get, including the verbatim words of the phony raps that they give you about being non-violent.

Use your noodles. Be inventive and deliberate. Remember that you are supposed to be cowardly. You are supposed to be intimidated by those Bastards and Bitches. The absolute lack of the reactions that they want, on your part, will ruin their first plans and force them to resort to more violent and revealing behaviors. Thus, exposing them for the gutter trash that they really are. Record it all.


In case there are any doubters and skeptics left in my reading audience -- and believe me those two SQLD Analysts and their Uncle's monkeys do not doubt a single word or syllable of what I write -- let me give you a small glimpse into Reality.

Just when you think to yourself -- "Naw, it just must be Peters. Those P-O-S can't really be THAT bad!"


A DemoCrap Takes A Vote:

"we're not going to take it!" (we're guilty!)

"we're not going to take it!" (we're guilty!)

"we're not going to take it anymore!" (we don't care about 'guilty'!)

It was the words from a radical drug-crazed Filthy Monkey song, being repeated on the loudspeakers overhead.

Near me, eight feet too close, was a shit-stupid DemoCrap -- ugly, paunchy, raunchy and the lowest type of truck driver on Earth. It had typical DemoCrap ugly clothing on, and its face looked like it had spent all of its life looking at assholes.

"we're not going to take it!" (we're guilty!)

"we're not going to take it!" (we're guilty!)

"we're not going to take it anymore!" (we don't care about 'guilty'!)

The loudspeakers were tied into a Filthy Monkey Station that was trying to brainwash any listeners into supporting the Occupation Zombies of the SQLD -- which they happen to be also -- of course.

As the music pounded down on the DemoCrap, that was eight feet too near to me, it looked up from the candies it was gazing at, and drooled. Then, a single thought came to its perversion-dulled brain -- "peckers on da drums!"

Then it grinned, like someone it liked had died and gone to Hell. It drooled again, and then looked around sheepishly. As it did so it farted. Big. A big wet messy fart, that obviously filled its dirty underwear.

Part of my mind said -- "That's what they do when they vote for their Queer Masters at the voting places."

"we're not going to take it!" (we're guilty!)

"we're not going to take it!" (we're guilty!)

"we're not going to take it anymore!" (we don't care about 'guilty'!)

It shuffled up and down once, and spread out its legs to adjust to the load in its pants; and it looked up at the loudspeakers with a grin of enjoyment.

It started to think something else, but I blocked the generators, and it came to a stare and a halt. It stared up at the speakers, but could not remember why.

Slowly it walked away down the isle, stopped and grabbed a bag of something, and walked to the counter to pay. At the counter, it looked back at where I had been, with a puzzled expression. Then it paid, and slowly walked out of the truckstop.

"we're not going to take it!" (we're guilty!)

"we're not going to take it!" (we're guilty!)

"we're not going to take it anymore!" (we don't care about 'guilty'!)

I usually avoid this Hell Hole. Tonight, I had to stop here to get supplies. In all of Eastern Indiana, it is the worst truckstop there is, at Remington. I have written about this pestilence before. It used to be a headquarters for Killer Queers. Now, it is just a cesspool for the shittiest drivers on the road. It is just the kind of place that White Radical Extremists would like (such as the KKK), and they probably recruit here. There are two other truckstops downstate (of the same brand) that are quite pleasant, so it is not the company -- it is the place.

There has to be a worst, and this is one of them no doubt. For some reasons, which I know about, Indiana is infested by some of the worst swine and degenerate turds in the world. They make messes of everything and anyone that they can. Southern Indiana, for example, has some of the most god-awful trash on any planet. They are rampant, uncontrolled, deviated, demented, and dangerous. That is because, of course, the Homosexual/Democrats are in control down there. But, there are other places in the Midwest that have the same terrible DemoTopia disease, fueled by the so-called Homosexuals; and (with the exception of Madison, Wisconsin) they are not nearly as foul and vile and homicidal as the White Queer Trash of Southern Indiana.

Like I said, there has to be worst places, and Southern Indiana is one of them. Still, the plain facts of the matter (Homosexual Agenda, DemoCrap Politics, Queer Public Schools, Rampant Labor Unions etc) are not unique to Southern Indiana. That kind of putrid mess can be found in Des Moines at the Rearsniffers cesspool, or in Cedar Rapids at the queer newsrags and the Little Charlie TV station there; or in Omaha where there are some very ghastly and hideous queer newsrags attacking the people daily -- and yet nowhere else in the Great Midwest (with the exception of Madison, Wisconsin) is there such evil and absurdity and low-grade moronic displays of sub-bestiality.

Those Queer White Trash that disease Southern Indiana are not good enough to be categorized as satanic beasts. They are too stupid to be satanic beasts.

So, why are they allowed to run rampant in Southern Indiana?

Answer: It is not the fault of the land. It cannot be the fault of the people who work those lands. It must be an especially virulent virus of Queer Politicians. Nothing else can explain it. Kentucky, which is right across the river, is nowhere close to being so hideous. Kentucky is completely the opposite, and quite Human.

I have learned, from great experience, that there is always only one (and only one) reason why such sickness becomes institutionalized in an area -- but does not effect the areas around it.

Politics. Satanic Politics.

Satanic Politicians need such an environment in which to thrive and build armies of berserkers, to carry out their wicked and anti-Christ plans. Thus, DemoCrap politicians have made out of Southern Indiana a reflection of the horrendous evils and puke-bag perversions that are the every-second-awfulness of 'Wash This Death City', and such grotesque styes of death and stench as the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone. Only this time, it is spread out across a region instead of confined to a city, or cities. A countryside diseased by every kind of lying, scheming, crap-talking scum bag that the DemoCraps could make (out of who was here to begin with), or could import.

That in itself is a terrible crime, as all DemoCraps are terrible criminals. But, there is another crime as well. Southern Indiana was innocent. Southern Indiana did not commit some horrible crime against God and Nature, for which God decided to punish them; and thus God allowed the murdering swine called DemoCraps to take over Southern Indiana. No.

This is entirely the work of evil. Twisted, jive ass, shit-stupid, egomaniac evil. It is a real shame to see such a bad cloud of Filthy Monkey Insanity overcome such an otherwise beautiful land. But, what do Filthy Monkeys care about beauty or nature?

Answer: Nothing.

"we're not going to take it!" (we're guilty!)

"we're not going to take it!" (we're guilty!)

"we're not going to take it anymore!" (we don't care about 'guilty'!)

The orders are out in Southern Indiana to try to bump me off (which is why I have a lock on my pants), but not because of any Righteous Indignation on the part of the Good People of Southern Indiana -- Hell No.

It is because, the Good People of Southern Indiana are starting to wake up to the horrendous crimes that have been committed against them by the scum of politics -- the DemoCraps.

So, what else is not new?


In case anyone is getting the impression that Southern Indiana is a boogeyland full of Zombies and Vampires -- it isn't. It is the 'Queers' and the DemoCraps and the Butt-Ugly Windmills that make boogeylands out of Human Lands.

By the way -- one thing that they do right in Indiana is to put the Butt-Ugly Windmills near interstate highways like I65. The placement of Butt-Ugly Windmills is all important to the beauty of our country. Putting them near and around things that are already ugly (like interstate highways) minimizes the ugliness that comes over any land that is under their oppressive ugliness.

[[ Those things don't eat people too, do they? ]]

It is an ugliness of greed, masquerading as beneficial service. Wherever you see a farm that has Butt-Ugly Windmills on it, you are looking at a place of self-deprecation, scrooge-like greed and total disdain for the land it rests upon, and the country in which it resides.

Only Butt-Ugly Minds love Butt-Ugly Windmills.

The novelty of windmills has been worn off for years now, and everyone can see that they are nothing more than the ugly mechanisms of the big business greed from whence they came. They are already as obsolete and anti-productive as the Governor's Mansion in Iowa -- which hasn't seen a Real Human Governor in decades.




Just to show that my heart is in the right place, I am going to dedicate my next message to the Good People of Southern Iowa.

There are many Good and Decent People left in Southern Indiana, even though the hideous Democrat/Homosexuals obviously think that they own the place 'lock, stock, and barrel'.


But first -- The Dream: (Recently, like yesterday.)

This dream was part of a DreamStream, that previously included many diverse situations and objects such as: piloting the controls of a Boeing 747 over Central Africa (looking for a place to land) -- making a close-order and exhaustive study of front-opening bras, with live ladies of course (a recurring favorite) -- riding the weekly diesel passenger train out of San Bernadino bound for the small towns along the eastern rim of Owens Valley, California and getting off at Black Rock Station (with a loaded Mini-Gun in my hands) -- something about playing cards on top of a moving and very large turtle's back with a cigar smoking Pigeon-Toed Under-Growd One-Eyed One-Horned Flying Purple People Eater, who was more interested in playing rock and roll music through the horn in his head than winning at cards. All of those dreams were clear, but they were not important; so they just drifted along and I drifted through them -- and then ...

I was inside a large building that was crowded and confused. Somehow, I was very much involved in getting a very large group of people, about a boat load, into the right rooms and suites inside a very large Grand Resort Hotel. It was a hotel with many floors and many rooms and many kitchens and many servants, and many guests who had to be shown where to go for some reason.

I do not remember what I was wearing, so it must not have mattered. I do remember that I was wearing a long beard at the time. There were men helping me though, and they were all sterling fellows in formal attire. They were all white, but that had no meaning because everybody there was white; and all that anyone was thinking about was which rooms were theirs, and how could they get from the front desk (very large) to their suites.

[[ The view reminds me of the hotel lobby scene from the Jean-Paul Rappeneau film entitled 'Bon Voyage'. ]]

With an appropriate amount of work and thinking, and a few hours, we managed to get all of the hotel guests into their appropriate rooms. The hotel settled down to a regular routine of guests calling for room service, or guests going back out to their automobiles for more luggage, and so forth.

The interior decor of the hotel's main lobby, where I spent all of my time, was gold and white marble; with gold leaf wallpaper and great white marble columns inside the building that bracketed a great golden staircase, which led up to the floors with rooms above.

I was satisfied, and it was time for me to leave. I put on my brown suit coat (no hat), said goodbye to the hotel staff, and walked out onto the front porch. Instantly, the porch changed from a rustic brick architecture (reminiscent of Old England) to a bright and white look of the 'Old South'.

Huge white pillars appeared along the front and sides of the very large porch, and the front lawn (very large) turned to a deep clover green color. I gave this 'no nevermind', and began to walk down the street to my right. As I was walking on air, I did not notice what the street was made of, but the buildings were a mixture of colorful residence neighborhoods and groups of older brown industrial buildings.

I proceeded for a while, and after a few miles a black child (a young boy) dressed in blue overalls and without shoes came running towards me from the far distance ahead of me. He was running on the atmosphere as easily as I paced along with my timely stride; and as soon as he reached my proximity he pointed down the street and smiled broadly -- "They just got done making a movie down there!"

Where he went after that remains unknown, because suddenly I was sitting in an elaborate and brass-trimmed horse carriage (very walnut and very expensive), to which was attached a very large and beautiful chestnut-colored horse. I was sitting in the driver's seat with the reins in my hands, but I was not concerned with going anywhere at all.

The horse and carriage were situated on top of an elevation (grassy knoll) to the right of the street, which I knew was North. The street was all dirt now, a rich tan and brown colored earth that was hard and showed no wheel ruts. It ran from the east (behind me) to the west (ahead of me); and there ahead of me sat an unusual mixture of buildings and fixtures.

To the south was a row of factory buildings, made of white wood and red bricks, in four pieces; with all of it measuring about two hundred yards in length. Each building had a tall black smoke stack protruding from its roof. Just north of them was a broad and flat area made of the same tan and brown colored earth, and then as the ground proceeded north it sloped upwards about twenty feet to a row of silver silos, six abreast, that ran parallel to the factory buildings.

The sky and backdrop comprised one of those rare sights that look almost as though they were painted. The street continued into invisibility underneath a light yellow colored sky, in which sat a round and orange star with concentric yellow circles radiating out from it. I almost expected to see a spiraling and dark tornado in the distance, and a little girl holding a little dog running up the street towards me saying -- "Where Is Auntie Emm?"

I noticed that something had been changed for the movie, because there were now four smaller and green silos on the ground level, below and near the row of six. They had not been there before, and they were not connected to anything. Clearly, they had been set there as props for the movie set.

All of this however, was just the background view because what really interested me was the many black children that were coming along the street from the far western approaches. They were very happy and very mellow, dressed in all manners of colorful countryside attires -- and the girls were singing songs. They made a loose procession of playing and laughing youths, and a lot of them waved at me as they passed me by. Some of the older girls, about five of them, came up the knoll and said hello to me. I remember that I said hello back to them, and that I was smiling.

Then, quite naturally, I was sitting in a black box that was about five feet long and four feet wide, with sides two feet high. The box had hand rails along its rims and there were four strands of heavy hemp running upwards from the sides, to a pulley above me. A pulley that was attached to a steel wheel, that was riding atop a long golden rope.

I was quite comfortable, and I was still looking south towards the five black girls, who were now smiling very much. They were all pointing northwards at something behind me, so I turned around in my seat and saw that the golden rope (very thick) ran across the span of a wide and deep gorge, which had a white water river at the bottom of it, moving very fast.

Halfway across the gorge there was a knot tied in the golden rope, and when I turned back to the girls they all said -- "It can be a difficult!"

I turned around again, and this time I was sitting facing north. I saw clearly now that the far end of the golden rope ran right into a long and high wall made of great grey stones, on the far embankment. In the side of the wall was a large square opening through which ran the suspended golden rope. Above the large square opening was a broad grey stone, onto which was carved a big lion's face, again of Old English design, with a broad and flattened nose.

Without hesitation, my adventurous spirit getting the better of me, I pulled on a release cord and went zooming down the length of the golden rope. The tramway box moved faster than I thought it would, but there was no bump or jar at the knot in the middle, as I had expected. Somewhere behind me the black girls were laughing merrily, but I was getting within camera range of the big square opening at the far wall.

Now, I had my trusty digital camera in my hands, and as I was zooming along I started to take photographs of the approaching stone structure, and the castle beyond it. I had to shoot pictures quickly, because I was moving along the golden rope very fast.

I only had time for three shots before I, and my airborne box, flashed through the opening and into the forested inner courtyard of the castle. I just had time to see that there were big and leafy trees on either side of me, a lot of green grass below me, and the golden rope was going right into a large open window in the side of the castle.

I burst into the main kitchen of the castle at about forty miles an hour, dressed in a fine grey and silver pin-stripped suit, wearing a rich grey tophat with a golden band around it, spit-shinned black leather shoes and my beard was trimmed considerably.

I made an impossible soft landing in the middle of the kitchen, took off my hat, and bowed immediately to the two ladies present; who were standing at cooking stoves along the far wall. They both turned to greet me, one black and one white, with smiles and an air of my being expected. I quickly noticed that both of their light blue aprons bore the unmistakable symbol of the Chicago Cubs, otherwise their dresses were quite fine -- as though they had taken time out from a formal dance to attend to the cooking.

I was about to introduce myself, though it hardly seemed that such was necessary, when I heard a commotion going on from outside the window. I quickly turned with my new leather shoes, put my hat back on, and stepped to the window that I had just flown through.

Through the open window, I could see back across the steep gorge that I had just traversed. On the far side, up on the knoll where the horse and carriage had been, was a sour lemonade stand with a banner over it that read 'Mass Suicide -- Nasty Buttf**k Club' (MSNBC). In the stand, were too many jive-ass White 'Queers' with microphones stuck in their mouths. They were trying to do a lucrative business in dildos, all of which had the MSNBC label on them. The sour lemonade stand, and its vile inhabitants, now possessed the opposite side of the long golden rope which I and the black box had just run upon.

Next to the overcrowded sour lemonade stand was a 'Model Darkie' wearing a dark blue t-shirt, that had the MSNBC logo on its front. The 'Token Negro' was jibbering and jabbering fiercely. Its constant stream of jive nothingness was laced with the repeated words "and then the GOP ate the pie!" It jumped up and down in place, and waved its arms about like a puppet.

On the rope itself were many white monkeys (filthy, as though they had been playing in a dung heap), all trying to get across the gorge by crossing hand over hand along the golden rope. The rope itself ascended up to the turn wheel on the far side, that I had just left.

Without meaning to bother the ladies in the kitchen, I pulled a .50 caliber BFR (10 inch barrel) out from under my pinstriped suit coat, aimed at the rope on the far turn wheel and fired.

With shrill screams and chatters the many white monkeys dropped hopelessly into the depths of the gorge, never to be seen again. The conflagration of clowns and assholes in the MSNBC sour lemonade stand, just kept on gesticulating and shouting demonic sounds and spitting out meaningless gibberish.

I quickly turned about and bowed to the women in the kitchen -- "It's alright Mamms -- they were from Saint Louis and Southern Indiana. They have a few little plots going."

The two cooking ladies began to applaud and giggle; and I began to say something like -- "My, my, my -- those potatoes and onions do smell delicious!"

But, I woke up instead.



Don't send monkeys to do what no one can do -- just because all you have is monkeys.


Oh and Thank You, 'Queer' at the Walmart in Boonville. You just provided the link. You cannot even know that I was attacked by 'berserkers-for-hire', without being a part of it. I am not supposed to be alive right now. You know that too, don't you.

Too bad for you it didn't work, faggot.

You are just going to love the next message.


Markel Peters











I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message.
Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.



























Labels Of All Posted Messages--A Way To Search Through Messages By Labels

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed


This blog exists to inform the People, of the 'Real Truth' about the real enemies of the Human Species. These Truths are not objectionable, as they are Truths. Only the telling of them can be objectionable, to those who wish to hide the Truth. If the Truth is something you HATE and therefore object to - go elsewhere!


Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!


The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.