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Monday, August 26, 2024

It's a newsrag Hell -- 08-2024:

Warning: Truth Ahead. Continue only at the risk of losing Lies between your ears.


For three months now I have been traveling to surrounding counties each week to buy local newsrags. I took them home and stacked them up and did not read them for three months. The purpose was to read them together as a three month sequence, instead of separately.

Note: Reading magrags and newsrags weekly or monthly makes you forget (during the times in-between) that there are awful hidden agendas inside them, because you are only exposed to their poison weekly or monthly.

In my survey I read three months worth of that crap in two days. This would reveal any covert designs and propaganda techniques being used by those newsrags. Well, I just read all of them and here are the most obvious results from this investigation ...

1. Without telling any of the readers about it, most of the local newsrags are controlled by the Proudless Prideless Pervert Pretenders(-) and repeat the same Queer Propaganda lies across the board, but in different weeks. For instance, any lie about Trump. I saw one lie about Trump that was repeated in three different counties in three different weeks, and it stated that Trump made 30,000 lies during his four years in Wash This Death City. I call this -- 'Queershit # 30,000'. It was put out in three different queer newsrags, but NOT at the same time; which would be too obvious. I also saw an article from a RepuCrap that claims the National Debt is now 35 Trillion Dollars in arrears. It also was printed in three different weekly editions.

2. In DemoQueer Counties like 'Frankly Dead' the deviate tactic is to play nice and pretend that newsrags love everyone. In RepuCrap counties like Wright County the tactic is to constantly attack any and all RepuCraps. I will explain below ...

3. For some bizarre reason the queer newsrag in my county is operated by the DemoQueers, even though it is a RepuCrap county; so the pages of this queer newsrag are especially vile and offensive to Humans. Meanwhile, in the county next door to the west (also RepuCrap) the newsrag is not owned or operated by DemoQueers and it is nice to the inhabitants. This reveals the following situation -- all newsrags are politically biased -- newsrags in counties with the same politics are nice to their readers -- newsrags in counties with opposite politics are deliberately vile and offensive towards their readers. There do not seem to be any cases of RepuCrap newsrags in DemoQueer Counties.

4. In all cases the abuse and lies put out by offensive newsrags are heavily mixed with the common agricultural and small business and sports news items of that county. This is done for the purpose of 'Audience Identification', which means the readers are supposed to take this as proof that the newsrags are their friends. In the case of populations and newsrags with opposite politics, the abuse and scorn is mixed on every other page with identification news items. This also serves the purpose of making the readers see something they like (such as agriculture) on one page and then to see claims against their own political parties on the next page; which is supposed to make the target readership think that their own RepuCraps are horrible and monstrous and abusive and crass and careless. As told by the same newsrags that are your agricultural friends! Yes? It is propaganda at its worst and very obvious. It should never happen, and it is a scourge to our existence.

5. The only cases of newsrags and populations being at opposite political poles seem to be that of DemoQueer newsrags in RepuCrap counties. The owners/operators of those toilet papers have a total disregard for the intelligence of the target populations. Those newsrags unabashedly lie and prostitute and slime everything in sight that is not perverted, as though told by Satan that the populations that they infest are so stupid they will believe anything, from anywhere, from any thing. That, is hugely typical of the arrogance and high-handedness of all Deviates. All PPPP(-) automatically treat all non-PPPP(-) as though they were stupid and uneducated and worthless vermin under their shoes.

6. The so-called 'officials' of local government still have not gotten the Huge Message. Queer Medias are NEVER for Humans. No so-called 'official' can communicate anything of any kind to any Human population using the Queer Medias.

7. Small businesses in these counties come and go like flies on a carcass, with very few remaining extant for more than three years; and it is largely due to the fact that they think they can advertise in PPPP(-) newsrags and Human customers will flock to them. It is a ridiculous and very obsolete idea, but it remains the Achilles heel of many small businesses because the exact opposite is true.

8. When you compare the output of queer newsrags in Deviate Counties to that of ordinary newsrags in RepuCrap Counties there is quite a stark difference. The former are filled with articles designed to support and prop up and demand obedience to Queer Propaganda. The latter are filled with newsy articles about people and animal-related articles and weather articles and sports items, with a marked reduction of politics.

9. The queer newsrags grab onto any dissent that any element of the population may have, such as the recently proposed Carbon Pipelines and the 'State Board of Useless Cretins' recent ruling that the carbon pipeline companies can seize any property they want using the Queer Government Rule of Eminent Domain. The newsrags exploit that dissent to the fullest as blame and shame upon the RepuCraps. The queer newsrags never care a fart about the people themselves, instead any grievance and dissent by the people is twisted and focused against the RepuCraps.

10. In all cases where a queer newsrag is implanted into a population that is not deviated, many articles of Queer Propaganda and Lies from outside sources are used to make the retarded targets of the newsrag think (weakly) that the liars that live among them are just part of a much greater and all-knowing organization of wonderful and benevolent creatures that spend their entire lives trying to help the populations get rid of the terrible and oppressive RepuCraps that are their eternal enemies.

11. Those elements of any population that is under attack, which are socially prominent and could be fooled and cajoled or bribed into supporting the poisonous efforts of the queer newsrag, are catered to and fondled by the insectoids that occupy the newsrag. This is a form of parasiticism, with the insectoids trying to make themselves look good by association, with the support of the prominent elements of the population that are traditionally viewed as superior and excellent and trustworthy.

12. Hypocrisy is a creed of the queer newsrags. Any form of expression or speech that opposes the Shit Agenda of the Deviates is immediately decried by the insectoids as 'Hate Speech' -- while at the very same time, and often in the same issue, many tirades of Hate and Despoilment of Humans are printed as glorious revelations.

13. There is little to no favoritism evident in the drivel put out by queer newsrags. All issues or items of perversions and satanism that are espoused by the insectoids are literally about what they themselves really are; and are therefore equally distributed and given equal space. After all, it is all about themselves, but it is all disguised as being a benevolence towards less fortunate creatures than themselves. Yet, it is entirely for themselves.

14. All newsrags that are queer newsrags (whether local or state) are tasked with forcing the lies of the Queer Propaganda Campaigns upon the populations which they infest; whether state or national. For instance, the awful and forever BAD insanity of Voting, which only perpetuates the ongoing dementia and degradation caused by Politics, is insisted upon by the queer newsrags. This is not only because it is a mechanism by which Queer Propaganda can be spread (during political events) but also because it gives the Deviates an opportunity to inject their own Perverts into the infrastructure of any Government. A prime example of the terrible results of such outright EVIL is the anti-Human {{ForeverLyingBBCPETEULiars}} in Brussels and France; both of which are totalitarian and queered.

15. At the same time, the queer newsrags are tasked with promoting any and all FOREIGN interference and intervention into our own local affairs and businesses and daily lives. The BUWIs are a typical example of this. The ButtUgly Windmills often come from foreign sources. Therefore, foreign governments have a financial interest in suppressing all local populations that might want to defend themselves against the ButtUgly Windmills and the Carbon Pipelines. This fattens the wallets of all local traitors, of course. The local County Coyotes (fake supervisors) see this foreign invasion as a prime opportunity to loot the counties that they pretend to protect. The County Coyotes and the ButtUgly Windmill Imperials and the Pipeline Perverts and the Construction/Destruction Weevils and the Forrids are as closely chained together as sodomy can make them.

16. The American First Amendment Right of Freedom of Speech is the obvious target and tool of the enemies of our Species. To twist and distort that right into a weapon against the freedoms of the very People for whom the right was established to begin with, is the intention of any thing that desires the downfall and replacement of the People.

17. All of this would be extremely boring and mundane if it were not for the fact that because of such brain-killing activities in this society such as watching TV and listening to Filthy Monkey Horrors on FM there are percentages of the populations which are now very diminutive mentally; and therefore they are extremely susceptible to the campaigns of endless lies generated by the Deviates and their cronies.

18. I knew all of this anyway. I had never done this kind of three month survey of the puke bag newsrags before. Well, I rest assured. My previous statements about the god-awful newsrags have been vindicated again.

That wraps it up for the queer newsrags. Their epitaph is Damnation.

So ... do I really have to do this again next year?


How about a new illustration of Human Resistance?

I hope this is hated everywhere in Europe by the awful {{ForeverLyingBBCPETEULiars}}.

Here is a link to the original size of this illustration.



****Important Video****


This is 8.2 gigs in size, but since it shows the Real Iowa and has classical music I will not reduce it from the original size.

At today's lower prices for data this should not be too expensive -- and -- it is high quality -- and -- I know of no other such compilation about Iowa. I was trying for mood as well as environment with these videos and I think I have succeeded, by creating what looks like living pictures that are not too sharp but not blurry and have a coloration texture to them.

My software produced this after converting the videos taken by my Canon 540. I have noticed that these long videos, melted down from DSLR videos of much greater size, always work better with Windows Media Player than they do with VLC.

I took these videos while I was driving around buying newsrags. I have put them together into a collage with classical music. You will see some scenes of flooding because we recently were blasted by a hail storm followed by a monsoon that arrived after days of rain that had already saturated the lands here. The result was many flooded basements and damaged roofs. I have lived here since 2003 and I have never seen so many house repairs happening before. Roofers and basement repair crews for a hundred miles have focused on Eagle Grove because of that storm.


Odd happenstance! There are NO hideous ButtUgly Windmills in these videos! What is wrong here? How can the bloated and horrendous 300 pound faggot from New Jersey, with the world's largest anus, that drives a death machine for the BUWIs and delivers ButtUgly Death to innocent counties (with its five sex-helpers) be so wrong? According to that turd, the entire world was supposed to be 'Dead By ButtUgly' by now!


Can you imagine being one of the deranged and putrid things that exists to lie in queer newsrags? I cannot imagine such a horrible existence for myself. What is more, I cannot imagine being such a low-crawling vermin as the Deviate Scum that give orders to the things that exist at queer newsrags. All such varmints are truly the gutter trash of the Known Universe.


Markel Peters



Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Spotlight On: Sucks To Be The Sheeple -- 07-31-2024:

What can make Killers whine and lie and pretend they are Sheep?

Answer: Poor Shooting.

Warning: Apply all standard warnings that imply that only Humans can (and should) read this message. Appropriate Language is defamed as derogatory by those it accurately describes. Appropriate Language has increased in usage in the last two decades because of the increase in reasons for it and the vermin to which it applies. All such monstrosities hate Appropriate Language. All Humans love Appropriate Language. It is a wall of Truth that stands between the awful lies of our enemies and ourselves. Proceed no further with this message if Truth offends you.

If Truth does offend you, what are you doing here to begin with?


Busy times for the {ForeverLyingDemoQueerLiars}! Think of all of the complaints they have to deal with from the {ForeverLyingMiddleManagerForHireLiars}. Think of all of the stampedes and chaos that is happening among the Idiot Sheeple; that the {ForeverLyingMiddleManagerForHireLiars} control for the {ForeverLyingDemoQueerLiars}.

The story given to the Sheeple was certainly that they would win another chickenshit election with lies and tricks and monkey judges. Butt, that was failing, and failing big time. Then! They tried to kill off Trump!

And what about all of the {ForeverLyingMiddleManagerForHireLiars} that knew about the killing of Trump -- butt it failed!

There is much disappointment in Hell these days.


For you ... do not care what anyone else thinks about you for reading the Truth from me. Humans in rags are far better off in this world knowing the Truth, then are any and all of the pimps and egomaniacs in rich garments. However, do try to improve your living conditions, for the sake of the Species.

For us and this message ... I tell you ... I must take this slowly and use an Organic Approach. At the times when the worst anti-Life and anti-Nature vermin commit the worst atrocities, I always recommend an organic reaction. That means, a carbon-based and generalized and overall collection of reactions that are recorded, and then they are loosely organized into a flow pattern where each reaction relates to the others somehow. This creates a message that is somewhat like a Battlefield Dispatch. It is without any clinical structuring like a report would have, or a refined 'white paper' (etc).

It is simple to do, just record a lot of reactions and make a lot of observations and then write them down; and then block re-arrange them in a word processor so they sort of flow together as blocks. Organic like a chunky soup.

I hesitate to say that I am the only Human Writer who can do this.


If That Is Actually The Case, Then Let This Be The Last Time, And Let There Be More Human Writers To Use This Technique.

Many Battles Are Yet To Come.


How many of today's ForeverLiars have to hide their own GrandBugs from the public? Because their GrandBugs watched TV and were turned into deranged and drooling body bags by hearing and seeing so many lies each week?

How many GrandBugs cannot be told that the WarnerBuggers Gang of Thieves and Hoodlums have invaded Poland, even though they would like the news? How many GrandBugs are the victims of the WarnerBuggers Dogshit Media Empire? How many GrandBugs are not worth burying?


There is a cult of freaks operating in this decaying society that I call -- 'The Hags Of Endless War'. They are always old hags, and filled with hate. Unfortunately, some young girls and women listen to their lies; and those that do lose their futures.

It is a femi-nazi group that is crazed about social conflicts and wants any and all arguments and contests and warfare to continue forever. The things feed upon the suffering and the pain that social upheavals and deviates and politics and Big Business Assholes (etc) create within the society. Unlike other cults, however, the Hags of Endless War want no winners and no losers -- just endless pain from the society. Pain that they can feed upon. Femi-Cannibals.

If Trump had been assassinated, would the Hags of Endless War have celebrated along with the {ForeverLyingProudlessPridelessPervertPretenderLiars(-)}, or would they have been disappointed and angry?


The reactions around here to the attempted assassination of Trump are typically dull and lethargic because it is a RepuCrap area; but at the same time I do not see much in the way of celebrating by the {ForeverLyingDemoQueerLiars} around Northern Iowa. This is because the attempt failed, and the counter-truth propaganda of the {ForeverLyingQueerMediaLiars} such as the hideous Des Aliens Rearsniffers (a queer newsrag) has not been issued as of this writing.

Of course, within a few days the Queer Propaganda Machine will be issuing many kinds of false statements and false videos (etc) which will claim that the 'shooter' was actually a RepuCrap and not themselves -- the {ForeverLyingDemoQueerLiars}.

Since all {ForeverLyingQueerMediaLiars} are controlled by The Cult Of The Asshole inside the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone, all of the {ForeverLyingHomoFascistLiars} of the {ForeverLyingQueerMediaLiars} will be following Deviate Orders, and will be spending all of their time trying to control the Sheeple. They must make the tiny brains of the Sheeple believe that the shooting was actually perpetrated by RepuCrap followers, and that it shows how divided and weak and chaotic the RepuCrap side of the horrible Politics Game really is.

The only sickos and freaks that I can see around here are the Faggot White Niggers that own and operate Forrid Abominations, and those things always have shit-eating grins on their brainless faces in any event. If you are not stepping on the neck of a Faggot that drives a Forrid Abomination it will always have a shit-eating grin on its tiny plastic skull. There is really not much in the way of visible reactions so far, except the RepuCraps are a little more dulled than usual. But then once more, how serious can any thing be that Votes?

It takes Intelligence to be Serious.

How lively can a lifeless TV Watcher be?


I have not been to Frankly-Dead County since the attempted assassination. Frankly-Dead County is a DemoQueer County and I cannot report about any celebrations that might be happening in that den of County Coyotes; where all of the Coyotes have bigger and fatter Forrid Abominations and Bigger Swimming Pools (with only elite turds in them) due to the butchery and murder of that county by many horrific and hideous ButtUgly Windmill Anuses in the sky.


Millions of perverts across this country, and all of the perverts inside the BBC PET EU, and all of the perverts of the Toosk Gang that attacked Poland in December of 2023, were waiting for the news that the assassination of Trump succeeded as promised by the Queer Propagandists. Now, they are happy that it was attempted but they are not happy that it failed. You can sub-divide the reactions in Iowa per the original boundary zones from 2008. Red is dull and stupid. Blue is Shit.


The failed assassination attempt will of course be a terrible letdown to the {ForeverLyingHomoFascistLiars} in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone and Nude Yack and Wash This Death City and the EU Urinal and the Toosk Outhouse and (of course) the BBC Pest Hole in London.



So how about a fable? Seems like a good time for a fable!

What is a fable?

Answer: A fable is similar to a proverb except it does not use Human characters. Instead, a fable uses Animals. And these animals have very Human characteristics. Fables are a kind of anthropomorphic writing that teaches Human lessons using Animal characters. It may sound strange, but it always works.

One of the most renown writers of fables lived thousands of years ago. His name was 'Aesop' (Aaa-Sop). The descriptions of Aesop are very unkind; saying that he was a Thracian slave living in Greece in the years 620-564 Before Christ; and he was very ugly and malformed. He is also reported to have been a black slave from Ethiopia. He could have been both or neither, it does not matter. What does matter is his fables, which have been handed down through the centuries.

Most of Aesop's fables were short and crisp and to the point; easy to remember. Let us see if there are any that apply to the predicament of the {ForeverLyingDemoQueerLiars} and their failed assassination attempt ...

'There Is No Such Thing In The Universe As An Innocent DemoQueer.'

oops -- that was one of mine


The Fox And The Grapes:

A Hungry Fox saw some fine bunches of Grapes hanging from a vine that was trained along a high trellis, and did his best to reach them by jumping as high as he could into the air. But it was all in vain, for they were just out of reach: so he gave up trying, and walked away with an air of dignity and unconcern, remarking, "I thought those Grapes were ripe, but I see now they are quite sour."


The Cats In Council:

ONCE upon a time all the Cats met together in Council, and discussed the best means of securing themselves against the attacks of the mouse. After several suggestions had been debated, a Cat of some standing and experience got up and said, "I think I have hit upon a plan which will ensure our safety in the future, provided you approve and carry it out. It is that we should fasten a bell round the neck of our enemy the mouse, which will by its tinkling warn us of (his) approach." This proposal was warmly applauded, and it had been already decided to adopt it, when an old Cat got upon his feet and said, "I agree with you all that the plan before us is an admirable one: but may I ask who is going to bell the mouse?"

(my version)


The Cat And The Birds:

A Cat heard that the Birds in an aviary were ailing. So he got himself up as a doctor, and, taking with him a set of the instruments proper to his profession, presented himself at the door, and inquired after the health of the Birds.

"We shall do very well," they replied, without letting him in, "when we've seen the last of you."

A villain may disguise himself, but he will not deceive the wise.


The Old Woman And The Doctor:

An Old Woman became almost totally blind from a disease of the eyes, and, after consulting a Doctor, made an agreement with him in the presence of witnesses that she should pay him a high fee if he cured her, while if he failed he was to receive nothing. The Doctor

accordingly prescribed a course of treatment, and every time he paid her a visit he took away with him some article out of the house, until at last, when he visited her for the last time, and the cure was complete, there was nothing left. When the Old Woman saw that the house was empty she refused to pay him his fee; and, after repeated refusals on her part, he sued her before the magistrates for payment of her debt.

On being brought into court she was ready with her defense. "The claimant," said she, "has stated the facts about our agreement correctly. I undertook to pay him a fee if he cured me, and he, on his part, promised to charge nothing if he failed. Now, he says I am cured; but I say that I am blinder than ever, and I can prove what I say. When my eyes were bad I could at any rate see well enough to be aware that my house contained a certain amount of furniture and other things; but now, when according to him I am cured, I am entirely unable to see anything there at all."


The Faggots And The Frogs:

Some mischievous sodomites were playing on the edge of a pond, and, catching sight of some Frogs swimming about in the Dead Charles River, they began to amuse themselves by pelting them with stones, and they killed several of them. At last one of the Frogs put his head out of the slime and said, "Oh, stop! Stop! I beg of you: what is orders for you is death to us."

(my version)


The Quack Frog:

Once upon a time a Frog came forth from his home in the marshes and proclaimed to all the world that he was a learned physician, skilled in drugs and able to cure all diseases. Among the crowd was a Fox, who called out, "You a doctor! Why, how can you set up to heal others when you cannot even cure your own lame legs and blotched and wrinkled skin?"

Physician, heal thyself.


The Clown And The Countryman:

A Nobleman announced his intention of giving a public entertainment in the theatre, and offered splendid prizes to all who had any novelty to exhibit at the performance. The announcement attracted a crowd of conjurers, jugglers, and acrobats, and among the rest a Clown, very popular with the crowd, who let it be known that he was going to give an entirely new turn. When the day of the performance came, the theatre was filled from top to bottom some time before the entertainment began. Several performers exhibited

their tricks, and then the popular favorite came on empty-handed and alone. At once there was a hush of expectation: and he, letting his head fall upon his breast, imitated the squeak of a pig to such perfection that the audience insisted on his producing the animal, which, they said, he must have somewhere concealed about his

person. He, however, convinced them that there was no pig there, and then the applause was deafening.

Among the spectators was a Countryman, who disparaged the

Clown's performance and announced that he would give a much superior exhibition of the same trick on the following day. Again the theatre was filled to over flowing, and again the Clown gave his imitation amidst the cheers of the crowd. The Countryman, meanwhile, before going on the stage, had secreted a young porker under his smock ; and when the spectators derisively bade him do better if he could, he gave it a pinch in the ear and made it squeal loudly. But they all with one voice shouted out that the Clown's imitation was much more true to life. Thereupon he produced the pig from under his smock and said sarcastically, "There, that shows what sort of judges you are!”

I could go on of course, but I have selected some more for Trump, instead of about the wretches of the Dark Side.



My Current Notations Begin Here:

1. One thing that I have heard about the assassination attempt, and was heard just yesterday, came from what the {ForeverLyingQueerMediaLiars} call 'Right Wingers'. It was a comment by some RepuCraps in a convenience store. The comment was that they had been listening to Peters too often. The tone and comment indicated that they needed to kill a few things. Because finally, even the die-hard RepuCraps are starting to admit that I am a Truthsayer and therefore I am in the middle of the road. And, if you listen to what is coming from the middle of the road, you realize the real perspective. Those particular RepuCrap persons do not want to know everything, and do not want to know what is really going on day-to-day and month-by-month. They just want to see some violence in reaction.

The ones that I am referring to were NOT driving Forrid Abominations, but there are murderers driving Forrid Abominations all over the country. What is with that? How can that happen?

Those would-be reactive 'Right-Wing' persons haven't got the balls to confront and put down the terrible {ForeverLyingHomoFascistLiars} that drive Forrid Abominations! So why are they talking at all?

When it comes to defending the Human Species against the murdering ...

{ForeverLyingProudlessPridelessPervertsPretenderLiars(-)} ...

that are as homicidal as they can be ...

don't let me stop you.


2. You have to keep in mind that the Queer Propagandists, and all of the scum that benefit from the social unrest that I am telling you about, intend to get their way by using Herd-Control; by controlling herds of Sheeple. They want to use masses of stupid and stupefied Sheeple to overrule individuals who know the Truth such as myself. By that I mean people who are truthful and are willing to write the Truth. The Queer Propagandists want to keep us at a bare minimum while they control the herds. But, there has to be a mechanism for that.

There has to be some kind of pretense that works for them. Some kind of pretend mechanism that allows for the usage of large numbers of Sheeple to prevent and overrule the Truth from minimized numbers of Humans who know the Truth. To prevent us from removing the Deviates and the Big Business White Assholes and the scum that have made this planet so horrible. So, for them, it is literally a requirement to have the Politics Game.

The Politics Game allows for the false assumptions and the brainwashing that insists that Politics controls everything. And, if they can control the herds with the Politics Game they can control all access to the Truth about themselves. Truth, from the minimized Truth Sayers and Truth Writers will be avoided; and therefore according to their phony system of Politics that will prevent us from getting rid of them and their awful schmeers of con games and endless lies and hideous perverts (etc). Thereby, preventing us from freeing everybody, including the herds. Therefore, they have to have a control mechanism that prevents Justice from falling upon them, and the mechanism is Politics.

The enforcement of the putrid Politics Scam is performed by their Queer Swats and the 'Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich Himmler Reid' (Q&AFF); and all corrupt police, and mercenary groups such as the Toosk Gang that invaded Poland in December of 2023. Those things are the Killer Arm or Killer Division of the Queerism Disease; that infests and rules the Politics Game; they exist to kill all resistance to such horrible and twisted Evil.


3. If there are any Humans out there that have heard weak and feeble complaints from the Sheeple about me, and about how I describe all of the horrible things about the retards that own and operate Forrid Abominations and Watch TV and Vote. Which I do so frequently, I say to you that you have to think about it in context -- without explaining anything to the Sheeple. Truth is scary to Sheep. You might start a stampede.

Talk amongst yourselves and consider it in the true context.

If you are going to have Autonomy it requires a revolution. If you are going to have Independence it will require a revolution.

[[Before I continue I must remind you that revolutions come in many Human shapes and Human sizes -- which result in many different kinds of Human Autonomy.]]

A revolt is a revolution. A revolution is a movement towards Autonomy, which explains why the Lesie-Turds dread any real revolution. The Deviates need a Killer Centralized Dictatorship or Oligarchy to force their endless lies upon everyone else. Autonomy on the part of anyone would be the opposite of that.

Movements towards Autonomy, which require revolutions, always require sacrifices. Always Require Sacrifices. The Prices of Freedom.

If you are a Real Human and you want freedom from the horrors of the Deviate Game and the Politics Game -- and -- you want to know the Quality of the people around you -- and -- you want to know if they are good enough to revolt and obtain Autonomy with you ...

There is a test. There must be a test.

The more you can test the People for their sincerity, the better. The more you can test a population in which there is a lot of conversation about revolution and Autonomy, the better. The more you can test them for who is really sincere, and for who is actually worthless and Sheeple (or worse) -- the better.

Statement: This is mandatory before you have a revolution, and before you make the big move for Independence. Within this population, that should be autonomous from the Sewers In The East and the Sewers In The West, the elements of the population which tested out the worst, that tested out as the most awful and the most pathetic and the most miserable and the most brainwashed, were the scuzz that own and operate Forrid Abominations.



Those things were not even willing to change vehicles to achieve any degree of Autonomy. No amount of Queer Propaganda can change that fact. No amount of lies and noises and screeches from Queerapsy Victims can change that fact.

Those things were not even willing to put out the smallest effort of changing from artificial vehicles like Forrids to real vehicles made by real automobile companies; for the sake of achieving Autonomy and their own Freedom. Autonomy, which would certainly (absolutely) include the removal of any and all companies that are Horrid.

They were not willing to go through the slightest maneuvers, the slightest makeovers, the slightest changes in what they were doing in order to have a revolution that would give them and their children Autonomy. Damned children. Doomed children. Write-off children.

They were not willing to put out any effort whatsoever to break away from the hideous Deviates and the Killer Games from Hell. And, all they had to do was to shit-can those Forrid Abominations and buy real automobiles. No one said they could not be mobile. In fact, everyone else was saying to be more mobile, by having genuine automobiles instead of Killer Machines from the Forrids. Everyone else was saying that and it was simple to do. To get rid of the Forrids, whatever and however, and get real automobiles -- and -- get more! Get Utility Vehicles and have increased mobility. Increased freedoms and increased awareness, without one of the most hideous companies on Earth, Forrid.

That would have been a great step ahead for them and their own Independence and their own Autonomy; which they can never have with Forrid and the Deviates. But, they were not willing to do that in the slightest ways. And, the Deviates immediately jumped on them and said they must believe! They must believe and equate hideous Forridism with the schmeer of Independence Through Us -- Independence Through Perversion -- Independence Through Deviation -- Independence Through Obedience To All Forms Of The Queerism Mental Disease. Just keep the Forrids that you have. And, since that was easier, that is exactly what they did. They went deeper into the Queerism Insanity because it was easier.

Now -- as a Real Human who wants Autonomy -- do you want that kind of trash in your Autonomy Zone? From Day One?


****Important Danger****

As the terrible threats of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead are beaten back and reduced to lesser potentials against Humanity, there appears on the lowering surfaces a lot of ticks and fleas and mites and scum-feeders that have built Idiocy Zones for themselves inside of the gurgling and fetid morass of dung and urine that is any society which is controlled by the Queerism Movement. (bowel movement)

Those little bugs have built little worlds for themselves inside of the death and disease that was once a Human society, but is now under the hideous control of the Deviate Game and the Politics Game; and therefore it is under the claws of The Cult Of The Asshole in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone.

In their little bug worlds they feel safe and comfortable; in other words 'adjusted'. Each little bug world pays its monthly dues to the {ForeverLyingMiddleManagerForHireLiars} of the Big Queer Business, and is allowed to do whatever it does, within strict limitations.

Today, Human Resistance is being opposed by those bugs, in their little bug worlds. The bugs think (and rightly) that their little bug worlds will not be able to exist without the defecation and insanity of the Queerism Disease all around them, and over them, and under them, and accepting them. Thus, they think that Human Resistance will put their little bug worlds out of business.


Therefore, they do everything that they can to prevent and delay the reduction of the slime and sewage upon which float their little bug worlds.

That makes them a danger. Backstabbers. Twisted Liars. Scheming Saboteurs. Murderers of any Human.

Especially, since they realize that no Human is going to help them in any way. No money. No allowance. No dipshit toleration. No forgiveness.

Which makes them even more dangerous. Except, we Humans realize that at their worst behaviors they are only revealing what we already know about them.


Are there {ForeverLyingMiddleManagerForHireLiars} amongst us? Is the Human Species infested with {ForeverLyingMiddleManagerForHireLiars} that are trying to mold and form and shape the recovery of the Human Species in ways that suit the scuzz bags that are hiring them?


4. Think really hard about the relationships between the words ...

Mental Disease


Scam Artists

Con Artists



Think about the direct relationships between these words.

Mental Disease and Scam.

Scams causing Mental Diseases.

Scams, and Con Artists and Scam Artists creating and spreading Mental Diseases.

Not just fooling people, not just tricking people; but destroying the lives of people with the deliberate spreading of Mental Diseases. The deliberate spreading of Insanity!

Lies, endless Lies, lies supporting Lies, layers of Lies, onion layers of Lies -- all used to control the victims of the Scam. Of the Deception. Of the Pretense. Of the Pretending. Of the Big Business of it all.

Lie World.


5. Have you been Siliconed Yet?

This here's the fun part.

What that means is, your abilities to know anything that the Perverts do not want you to know, are restricted by the Internet companies in Silicon Valley. What you do know about the Perverts (themselves) is censored by the Internet companies in Silicon Valley, using their Queer and Sexless Internet Censors (QSIC). Those are the belly-crawling and faceless perverts that remove as many pictures of real women off the Internet as they can, for resale to the highest Deviate bidders; hiding behind the pretense of the TV Turd Terrorists that the Internet must be cleaned up. Which means, turned into Queer TV like themselves.

If you already know anything that is true about the Deviates, it will be censored on the Internet, by the Internet companies in Silicon Valley. Also, if you want to know any Truth about the Deviates you will be restricted (or forbidden) by the Internet companies in Silicon Valley.

I call it 'Tenderloin Valley'. But I am too kind.


6. Do not expect the minions and vermin of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead (SQLD) to feel your pain. Those things are insectoid inventions, insectoid fabrications, insectoid victims of the mental diseases that Big Queer depends upon. Those things exist only minute-by-minute in endless servitude to the Big Queer Lie.

It is a horrible situation but they were trained to think it was fun to lie about everything in the beginning. Now -- the lies are failing as they always do -- and the lies to support the lies are failing as they always do -- and the lies to support all previous lies have failed as they always do -- and there is no way back.

Every pretense of the {ForeverLyingQueerMediaLiars} to imitate Human behaviors is totally false and apparent. The SQLD have no Humanity, and therefore the things never feel Human emotions, or Human virtues, or Human ideals, or Human ideas, of Human hopes and dreams. The things exist in a dim shadow world of endless imitations, and can only pretend and feign Human characteristics.

No amount of putrid southern poverty lies can make dung come to life.

On top of that, who would want to know about their fakery? Who would want to know of the existence of fabricated emotions inside the persons who have been raped of all Humanity by the SQLD, and now exist as fabricated things that exist for sodomy and watching TV and Voting?

How Gross-tesque can you get?

I have decided to reissue some of my former illustrations because they apply so accurately to the present and foreseeable future.

Part 1: The first part of this illustration shows the time when hoards of demented liars have been ordered to attack Humans with lies and thefts and robberies and intimidations and denials of employment and work-place assaults (etc) -- and -- as always it has failed.

Now the wretches that were mentally fornicated into making those attacks have been repulsed and forced to exist in endless quandaries, endless stymies, endless loops of insanity and regrets.

In an attempt to make this total failure appear as a victory for the SQLD their Queer Propagandists deny all truth and attack the minions that they fornicated to begin with -- casting the TV watching morons into a Hell of endless misery.

Part 2: Such agony and guilt has a short lifespan because it corrodes and destroys the tiny brains of the morons quickly. The burnt out wrecks fall to the bottom of the Inner City Sewers and into prearranged Disposal Dumps. Meanwhile, the lying spiders of Queer Propaganda attempt direct attacks against Humanity in a feeble attempt to save their anuses. However, the Humans are already counter-attacking, and the abilities and the facilities of the Queer Propagandists are destroyed.

The 'Never Tell The Truth Zone' is the wall of endless lies (many layers) that have been fabricated by the Deviates to fend off any and all complaints from their failed and burning minions. A shield to protect them from righteous slaughter. And it works. By this time, the fabricated and deranged minions are extremely vulnerable to any and all lies. If the things complain about previous failures, just lie some more. It always works.

Lie World.


7. The entire circus of Politics is definitely 'in-fighting', because they are all in the Politics Game. Therefore, it has to be 'in-fighting'. You can tell it is 'in-fighting' because Trump has already been claimed and labeled and branded as 'guilty' by his political opponents, who invented all of the claims against him to begin with. There is no such thing in political 'in-fighting' as Innocent Until Proven Guilty.

Unless you are a retard or brand new to all of this hell, you will know immediately that everything about it is political. The only real crime involved is that Trump opposes all forms of perversion and corruption and {ForeverLyingDemoQueerLiars}. Is there a difference?

And therefore, the {ForeverLyingDemoQueerLiars} are trying to destroy anyone who says the Truth about them, or writes the Truth about them. They must destroy all freedoms of Human Speech. Even if it is from someone who is inside their own political game.

So, why does it affect us?

Why should real life be affected by the insanities and the demented happenings inside the Politics Game? Why is the Politics Game not confined to Lunatic Asylums? That would be a very good usage of the government buildings. That, or soup kitchens for the slaves.

This is serious. Show me any other group, or mob, or mobs of things that should be confined within insane asylums ... that have any affects upon the real world at all!

Show me one insane asylum (with occupants) that has any affect upon the real world. Show me one insane asylum (with occupants) that has any affect upon the real world. Show me one insane asylum (with occupants) that has any affect upon the real world. Show me one insane asylum (with occupants) that has any affect upon the real world. Show me one insane asylum (with occupants) that has any affect upon the real world. Show me one insane asylum (with occupants) that has any affect upon the real world. Show me one insane asylum (with occupants) that has any affect upon the real world. Show me one insane asylum (with occupants) that has any affect upon the real world. Show me one insane asylum (with occupants) that has any affect upon the real world. Show me one insane asylum (with occupants) that has any affect upon the real world.

And yet, the freaks and psychopathic liars and killers and cheats and thieves and perverts of the Politics Game ...


are allowed to remain at large as a pestilence to the real world, and allowed to have unspeakably awful and terrible affects upon the real world.



8. Is it any coincidence that the queer and puerile monkey judges (less-supreme-than-anyone-else) just approved another queer attack against the Human Species, with their phony-genders absurdity; which they certainly have themselves? This was done on the Thursday after Trump was arrested on false charges in Nude Yack; is that a coincidence?

Or, is it the case of the Queer Monkey Judges being totally afraid of the dictatorial and threatening and perverted {ForeverLyingDemoQueerLiars}?

Answer: Both. It is easy to get a perversion falsely legalized if at first you have diseased the so-called 'Judges' with that perversion.


9. Another reason why they are trying to kill off Trump is because he is always calling out all of the Liars of the {ForeverLyingQueerMediaLiars}. He always identifies all of the Little Snits and the Little Turds of the {ForeverLyingQueerMediaLiars} that constantly lie about everything; because everything inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders is a lie and based on lies and depends on lies. Those things want to promote lies even at press conferences for a president (and they want a president that will support their lies of course). They want to force anyone who might be sitting on the borderline to be afraid and to act in favor of their lies. In their sick little queer planning, if they can get a so-called president to obey them and accepted their false statements and false behaviors and false facts it will make all of their lies appear to be the 'Accepted Truth' to the Idiot Voters and TV Watchers and Sheeple; and all of the Real Truth will die and go away.

And so, even when he was having press conferences the queers of the medias would try to lie at his press conferences. Trump would not allow that. That is a big and bigger reason why they want to get rid of Trump. It is for the lies. They want to get rid of Trump so the lies will prevail over the Truth, and their lies will become the New Truth. Especially, inside the Queer Coalition Bladders where there are millions and millions of slaves and any threats from the Real Truth would cease to exist.


10. This circus has moved into the realm of Dictatorship completely. We are not talking about pseudo-Humans anymore. This is complete dictatorship over anything that is Human or semi-Human, by outright demonic perverts of the worst possible descriptions; the worst possible and most hideous mentalities, and the worst possible personalities; with the worst possible intentions against all Life in the Universe.

Their slaves cannot be considered to be alive. Anything that is inside the Queer Coalition Bladders is NOT us. Is NOT Humanity and is NOT Life. There is no life or light inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders. And, to 'bladderize' everything and every place is now their obvious intention; even over the most restricted and confined people. Deliberately insecure and paranoid people, who have for decades done everything they could to avoid knowing the Truth. You just cannot deny the Truth any more. Even the most cowardly TV Watcher cannot deny the Truth. Even the most cowardly TV Watcher can only do one of two things ...

Be insane in front of a TV set ...

Be completely outraged that the hideous monstrosities of the PPPP(-) are allowed to exist and attack the Human Species.

It is one or the other, there is nothing in-between.


11. You may be asking yourself why is so much filth and perversion and evil coming from the Internet companies in 'Silicon Valley'.

Look at where it is. Look at any map of the so-called California and look at where Silicon Valley actually is. It is just south of one of the most horrible and disgusting gutters of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead, also known as the PPPP(-). It is right next to the PPPP(-) cesspool which I call 'Satan's Fresca'. It was called 'San Francisco' centuries ago. It contains places that will go down in Infamy as centers of anti-Life forever -- San Jose -- Sunnyvale -- Redwood City -- Mountain View -- Santa Clara and Palo Alto.

It is a global center for perversions of the most vomitous descriptions. A center for sickness, a center for disease, a center for {ForeverLyingQueerMediaLiars}, a center for Queer Internet companies. It is now what is called the Tenderloin Valley.

It is inhabited by the Tenderloin Silicons. It is the Silicon Tenderloins, the Tenderloin Silicon Valley. Tenderloin Land. Tenderloin Cities. Tenderloin Valley. We will have to call it Tenderloin Valley instead of Silicon Valley because that is what it is. If you look at the map you can see why it has been queered so intensely. It is right next to one of the most hideous sewers of anti-Human freaks in the Known Universe. Which delights Satan.

Tenderloin Valley is right next to Satan's Fresca. That is directly and absolutely and undeniably why Tenderloin Valley (formerly Silicon Valley) is totally deviated. And, why it is attacking all Humans on the Internet. It is NOT America. It is NOT Humanity. It is NOT Earth!

It is PPPP(Minus the many Humans they have already killed).


12. How many times do people have to be told that the Real White Man is just the first target in a long line of targets. If the PPPP(-) defeat the Real White Man they will go immediately after the Lesser and Liberalized White Man; who they also hate but are currently manipulating and using against the Bigger White Men. When they destroy the Lesser White Man they will target the Common Black Man. The ordinary and everyday Common Black Man who does not kiss ass to politics. That is a fact.

F A C T.

It is the Big White Man first, then the Lesser White Man, and then the Common Black Man. In the meantime the Common Brown Man has to be totally beguiled and fornicated mentally. Screwed into being completely self-interested, until it the turn of the Common Brown Man to be castrated.

Evil is Evil.


The Queerism disease always wants more and worse evil with each political generation. It never stops being Evil.


13. Oh My God! We need new Appropriate Words! Something is happening that defies current word usage, something really ugly/pathetic/miserable/idiotic.

There is still the stupid idea in the tiny brains of some 'socialite' types of persons that they should be given the opportunity for 'being forgiven', after they have attempted horrible crimes against Humanity. They are mostly very stupid females, and they still have some kind of retarded notion in their skulls that after they have failed at being AWFUL -- they can receive automatic Forgiveness.

And then they can do it all again. Worse.

Cow Pies! Worse Cow Pies!


14. Speaking of language, it has come to my notice that there are still some Human Females that refer to our worst enemies as that (g-a-y) term from the {ForeverLyingQueerMediaLiars}. They use the term negatively of course, however they are missing a huge point to all of language usage. That is, to NEVER use any SOUNDS in your language and daily conversations that the Deviates put there. Never use the invented noises and implications of the PPPP(-)!

Their invented and insane filth belongs inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders -- ONLY!

The ironic and pathetic aspect of this is -- the TV Turd Terrorists want to own and control all communications such that no one can communicate with anyone else without Deviate Permission. Driven by insanity, the TV Turd Terrorists are trying to reduce and diminish and putrefy and enslave all communications on the Internet. The things already totally control all of Tenderloin Valley and the queered Search Engines, not to mention Badoogle and Micropimp.

The Human Females to which I refer to, are very much into 'social medias' -- and -- they say they have no desire to watch TV again. Literally. They will not watch TV again. Partly, because they have read the Truth about the TV Turd Terrorists.

The irony is, they are still using the false terms and meanings from the TV Turd Terrorists in their vocabulary. That (g-a-y) noise is an invention of the Deviates, which is propagandized and disseminated by the manure spreaders -- the TV Turd Terrorists.

*I will give you an example of this. I was very recently searching YouTube for something and I came across a YouTube channel that pretended to be hosted by two Human Sisters. They had a video routine that seemed to be interesting, so I began to investigate it. To make a long story short ...

They were both physically attractive females.

They said their channel had 75,000,000 views on TikTok.

They talked almost exclusively about skin care products.

They were from Texas1984.

They used the false (g-a-y) term from the {ForeverLyingQueerMediaLiars} to indicate Faggots.

They said they are fans of a Queer Media Cunt that sings Deviate Noises for the {ForeverLyingDemoQueerLiars}.

Bingo -- They are Pervertos!




Not Humans.



Fake Humans.


This indicates that there is a Texas-style campaign of lies and intimidation in operation there. Of course, we already know that. Dallas was one of the most rancid shit holes on Earth the day I started this website back in 2009.

That is how it goes with Queer Propaganda. Before you (as a Human) allow any videos into your collections or archives it is Mandatory to inspect the entire website or channel for any signs of the PPPP(-) paraphernalia and false flags and dirty symbols -- and -- inspect the videos enough to find out if the subject characters are Real Humans or Fakes. And! The sick ones will always reveal themselves as slaves of the SQLD, even if they do not outwardly display the Queer Propaganda of the Deviates; because they are sick and the sickness comes out. I spent half a day investigating that channel, hoping that the two females were real Human Sister.

No Way.


15. I think I missed it as I passed it.

I probably passed it in my sleep.

I say the Truth in my sleep, so that counts too.

I am sure that I just passed the Million Truths Marker.


I will stop the recent notes here and pause for some fables from Aesop which apply to the existence of Donald Trump. Who, as of this writing, has not been murdered by the {ForeverLyingDemoQueerLiars}. Yet.


The Traveler and Dame Fortune:

A Traveler, exhausted with fatigue after a long journey, sank down at the very brink of a deep well and presently fell asleep. He was within an ace of falling in, when Dame Fortune appeared to him and touched him on the shoulder, cautioning him to move further away. "Wake up, good sir, I pray you," she said; "had you fallen into the well, the blame would have been thrown not on your own folly but on me, Fortune."


Prometheus and the Making of Man:

At the bidding of Jupiter, Prometheus set about the creation of Man and the other animals. Jupiter, seeing that Mankind, the only rational creatures, were far outnumbered by the irrational beasts, bade him redress the balance by turning some of the latter into men. Prometheus did as he was bidden, and this is the reason why some people have the forms of men but the souls of beasts.


The Lion, The Fox, And The Stag:

A Lion lay sick in his den, unable to provide himself with food. So he said to his friend the Fox, who came to ask how he did, "My good friend, I wish you would go to yonder wood and beguile the big Stag, who lives there, to come to my den: I have a fancy to make my dinner off a stag's heart and brains."

The Fox went to the wood and found the Stag and said to him, "My dear sir, you're in luck. You know the Lion, our King: well, he's at the point of death, and has appointed you his successor to rule over the beasts. I hope you won't forget that I was the first to bring you the good news. And now I must be going back to him; and, if you take my advice, you'll come too and be with him at the last."

The Stag was highly flattered, and followed the Fox to the Lion's den, suspecting nothing. No sooner had he got inside than the Lion sprang upon him, but he misjudged his spring, and the Stag got away with only his ears torn, and returned as fast as he could to the shelter of the wood. The Fox was much mortified, and the Lion, too, was dreadfully disappointed, for he was getting very hungry in spite of his illness. So he begged the Fox to have another try at coaxing the Stag to his den. "It'll be almost impossible this time," said the Fox, "but I'll try" ; and off he went to the wood a second time, and found the Stag resting and trying to recover from his fright.

As soon as he saw the Fox he cried, "You scoundrel, what do you mean by trying to lure me to my death like that? Take yourself off, or I'll do you to death with my horns." But the Fox was entirely shameless. "What a coward you were," said he; "surely you didn't think the Lion meant any harm? Why, he was only going to whisper some royal secrets into your ear when you went off like a scared rabbit. You have rather disgusted him, and I'm not sure he won't make the wolf King instead, unless you come back at once and show you've got some spirit. I promise you he won't hurt you, and I will be your faithful servant."

The Stag was foolish enough to be persuaded to return, and this time the Lion made no mistake, but overpowered him, and feasted right royally upon his carcass. The Fox, meanwhile, watched his chance and, when the Lion wasn't looking, filched away the brains to reward himself for his trouble. Presently the Lion began searching for them, of course without success: and the Fox, who was watching him, said, "I don't think it's much use your looking for the brains: a creature who twice walked into a Lion's den can't have got any."


The Miser:

A Miser sold everything he had, and melted down his hoard of gold into a single lump, which he buried secretly in a field. Every day he went to look at it, and would sometimes spend long hours gloating over his treasure. One of his men noticed his frequent visits to the spot, and one day watched him and discovered his secret. Waiting his opportunity, he went one night and dug up the gold and stole it.

Next day the Miser visited the place as usual, and, finding his treasure gone, fell to tearing his hair and groaning over his loss. In this condition he was seen by one of his neighbors, who asked him what his trouble was. The Miser told him of his misfortune; but the other replied, "Don't take it so much to heart, my friend; put a brick into the hole, and take a look at it every day: you won't be any worse off than before, for even when you had your gold it was of no earthly use to you."


The Quack Doctor:

A Certain man fell sick and took to his bed. He consulted a number of doctors from time to time, and they all, with one exception, told him that his life was in no immediate danger, but that his illness would probably last a considerable time. The one who took a different view of his case, who was also the last to be consulted, bade him prepare for the worst: "You have not twenty-four hours to live," said he, "and I fear I can do nothing."

As it turned out, however, he was quite wrong; for at the end of a few days the sick man quitted his bed and took a walk abroad, looking, it is true, as pale as a ghost. In the course of his walk he met the Doctor who had prophesied his death. "Dear me," said the latter, "how do you do? You are fresh from the other world, no doubt. Pray, how are our departed friends getting on there?"

"Most comfortably," replied the other, "for they have drunk the water of oblivion, and have forgotten all the troubles of life. By the way, just before I left, the authorities were making arrangements to prosecute all the doctors, because they won't let sick men die in the course of nature, but use their arts to keep them alive. They were going to charge you along with the rest, till I assured them that you were no doctor, but a mere impostor."


The Athenian And The Theban: (from Thebes)

An Athenian and a Theban were on the road together, and passed the time in conversation, as is the way of travelers. After discussing a variety of subjects they began to talk about heroes, a topic that tends to be more fertile than edifying. Each of them was lavish in his praises of the heroes of his own city, until eventually the Theban asserted that Hercules was the greatest hero who had ever lived on earth, and now occupied a foremost place among the gods; while the Athenian insisted that Theseus was far superior, for his fortune had been in every way supremely blessed, whereas Hercules had at one time been forced to act as a servant.

And he gained his point, for he was a very glib fellow, like all Athenians. Such that the Theban, who was no match for him in talking, cried at last in some disgust, "All right, have your own way; I only hope that, when our heroes are angry with us, Athens may suffer from the anger of Hercules, and Thebes only from that of Theseus."


The Farmer, His Boy, And The Rooks:

A Farmer had just sown a field of wheat, and was keeping a careful watch over it, for numbers of Rooks and starlings kept continually settling on it and eating up the grain. Along with him went his Boy, carrying a sling: and whenever the Farmer asked for the sling the starlings understood what he said and warned the Rooks and they were off in a moment.

So the Farmer hit on a trick. "My lad," said he, "we must get the better of these birds somehow. After this, when I want the sling, I won't say 'sling,' but just 'humph!' and you must then hand me the sling quickly."

Presently back came the whole flock. "Humph!" said the Farmer; but the starlings took no notice, and he had time to sling several stones among them, hitting one on the head, another in the legs, and another in the wing, before they got out of range.

As they all made haste away they met some cranes, who asked them what the matter was. "Matter?" said one of the Rooks; "it's those rascals, men, that is the matter. Don't you go near them. They have a way of saying one thing and meaning another, which has just been the death of several of our poor friends."


The Miller, His Son, And Their Ass:

A Miller, accompanied by his young Son, was driving his Ass to market in hopes of finding a purchaser for him. On the road they met a troop of girls, laughing and talking, who exclaimed, "Did you ever see such a pair of fools? To be trudging along the dusty road when they might be riding!" The Miller thought there was sense in what they said; so he made his Son mount the Ass, and himself walked at the side.

Presently they met some of his old cronies, who greeted them and said, "You'll spoil that Son of yours, letting him ride while you toil along on foot! Make him walk, young lazybones! It'll do him all the good in the world." The Miller followed their advice, and took his Son's place on the back of the Ass while the boy trudged along behind.

They had not gone far when they overtook a party of women and children, and the Miller heard them say, "What a selfish old man! He himself rides in comfort, but lets his poor little boy follow as best he can on his own legs!" So he made his Son get up behind him.

Further along the road they met some travelers, who asked the Miller whether the Ass he was riding was his own property, or a beast hired for the occasion. He replied that it was his own, and that he was taking it to market to sell.

"Good heavens!" said they, "with a load like that the poor beast will be so exhausted by the time he gets there no one will look at him. Why, you'd do better to carry him!"

"Anything to please you," said the old man, "we can but try." So they got off, tied the Ass's legs together with a rope and slung him on a pole, and at last reached the town, carrying him between them.

This was so absurd a sight that the people ran out in crowds to laugh at it, and chaffed the Father and Son unmercifully, some even calling them lunatics.

They had then got to a bridge over the river, where the Ass, frightened by the noise and his unusual situation, kicked and struggled till he broke the ropes that bound him, and fell into the water and was drowned. Whereupon the unfortunate Miller, vexed and ashamed, made the best of his way home again, convinced that in trying to please all he had pleased none, and had lost his Ass into the bargain.


The Lark And The Farmer:

A Lark nested in a field of corn, and was rearing her brood under cover of the ripening grain. One day, before the young were fully fledged, the Farmer came to look at the crop, and, finding it yellowing fast, he said, "I must send round word to my neighbors to come and help me reap this field."

One of the young Larks overheard him, and was very much frightened, and asked her mother whether they hadn't better move their house at once. "There's no hurry," replied she; "a man who looks to his friends for help will take his time about a thing."

In a few days the Farmer came by again, and saw that the grain was overripe and falling out of the ears upon the ground. "I must put it off no longer," he said; "this very day I'll hire the men and set them to work at once."

The Lark heard him and said to her young, "Come, my children, we must be off: he talks no more of his friends now, but is going to take things in hand himself."

Self-help is the best help.


The Apes And The Two Travelers:

Two men were traveling together, one of whom never spoke the truth, whereas the other never told a lie: and they came in the course of their travels to the land of Apes. The King of the Apes, hearing of their arrival, ordered them to be brought before him; and by way of impressing them with his magnificence, he received them sitting on a throne, while the Apes, his subjects, were ranged in long rows on either side of him.

When the Travelers came into his presence he asked them what they thought of him as a King. The lying Traveler said, "Sire, every one must see that you are a most noble and mighty monarch."

"And what do you think of my subjects?" continued the King.

"They," said the Traveler, "are in every way worthy of their royal master."

The Ape was so delighted with his answer that he gave him a very handsome present. The other Traveler thought that if his companion was rewarded so splendidly for telling a lie, he himself would certainly receive a still greater reward for telling the truth; so, when the Ape turned to him and said, "And what, sir, is your opinion?" he replied, "I think you are a very fine Ape, and all your subjects are fine Apes too."

The King of the Apes was so enraged at his reply that he ordered him to be taken away and clawed to death.


The Slave And The Lion:

A Slave ran away from his master, by whom he had been most cruelly treated, and, in order to avoid capture, betook himself into the desert. As he wandered about in search of food and shelter, he came to a cave, which he entered and found to be unoccupied. Really, however, it was a Lion's den, and almost immediately, to the horror of the wretched fugitive, the Lion himself appeared. The man gave himself up for lost: but, to his utter astonishment, the Lion, instead of springing upon him and devouring him, came and fawned upon him, at the same time whining and lifting up his paw.

Observing it to be much swollen and inflamed, he examined it and found a large thorn embedded in the ball of the foot. He accordingly removed it and dressed the wound as well as he could: and in course of time it healed up completely.

The Lion's gratitude was unbounded; he looked upon the man as his friend, and they shared the cave for some time together. A day came, however, when the Slave began to long for the society of his fellowmen, and he bade farewell to the Lion and returned to the town. Here he was presently recognized and carried off in chains to his former master, who resolved to make an example of him, and ordered that he should be thrown to the beasts at the next public spectacle in the theatre.

On the fatal day the beasts were loosed into the arena, and among the rest a Lion of huge bulk and ferocious aspect; and then the wretched Slave was cast in among them. What was the amazement of the spectators, when the Lion after one glance bounded up to him and lay down at his feet with every expression of affection and delight! It was his old friend of the cave! The audience clamored that the Slave's life should be spared: and the governor of the town, marveling at such gratitude and fidelity in a beast, decreed that both should receive their liberty.


The Goods And The Ills:

There was a time in the youth of the world when Goods and Ills entered equally into the concerns of men, so that the Goods did not prevail to make them altogether blessed, nor the Ills to make them wholly miserable. But owing to the foolishness of mankind the Ills multiplied greatly in number and increased in strength, until it seemed as though they would deprive the Goods of all share in human affairs, and banish them from the earth.

The latter, therefore, betook themselves to heaven and complained to Jupiter of the treatment they had received, at the same time praying him to grant them protection from the Ills, and to advise them concerning the manner of their intercourse with men.

Jupiter granted their request for protection, and decreed that for the future they should not go among men openly in a body, and so be liable to attack from the hostile Ills, but singly and unobserved, and at infrequent and unexpected intervals. Hence it is that the earth is full of Ills, for they come and go as they please and are never far away; while Goods, alas! come one by one only, and have to travel all the way from heaven, so that they are very seldom seen.


The Bear And The Traveler:

Two Travelers were on the road together, when a Bear suddenly appeared on the scene. Before he observed them, one made for a tree at the side of the road, and climbed up into the branches and hid there. The other was not so nimble as his companion; and, as he could not escape, he threw himself on the ground and pretended to be dead. The Bear came up and sniffed all round him, but he kept perfectly still and held his breath: for they say that a bear will not touch a dead body.

The Bear took him for a corpse, and went away. When the coast was clear, the Traveler in the tree came down, and asked the other what it was the Bear had whispered to him when he put his mouth to his ear. The other replied, "He told me never again to travel with a friend who deserts you at the first sign of danger."

Misfortune tests the sincerity of friendship.


I would add to these fables a short story about being wary and cautious of pretenders who claim credit for your efforts and goodness, behind your back. I have done much to save our Species, and I have received almost no credit for any of my efforts and achievements. This is due in large percentage to thieves and opportunists who claim credit for my works, such as the Belief Merchants of Organized Religion. Those debased and three-faced liars are dependent upon donations from the Sheeple, and profits from scams upon the Sheeple for their incomes. Therefore, they pretend to be heroes and responsible for the saving of Humanity, while degrading all Real Humans at the same time.

Organized Criminal Religion.


How about a fable about a hoard of lying freaks that can do nothing except lie; and the things always pretend that they never lied, each time they are caught lying. They are wretched mutations that are half snake and half insect, with huge orifices all over their bodies from which always gush the most ludicrous and awful smelling lies that have ever existed. And, they turn into clams with thick shells whenever their lies fail or they deserve punishment -- which is always. Anti-Life.



Back to my notes. This time I am going to use some recordings from the Year 2015. Recordings made in Iowa. To remind everyone, I have included a new desktop background showing where Iowa is in Reality.



I used to hear complaints from those things called 'Moderates', most of which have since shut their lying yaps. The complaints were totally prejudiced in favor of cowardice and their brand of three-faced lying and scheming. At the time, one of their primary complaints was that there is no way to talk to Human Writers. This was after they had already said that Human Writers have nothing to write and nothing to say about the fate of the Human Species -- because they are not part of the Politics Game.

Moderates are an ancient invention of cowardice and convenience; and today the things are the weapon of the extreme-left-wing homo-fascists; and have always whored for whatever pays the most anyway.

That time, the complaint from those spineless wonders was that they could not communicate with Human Writers. The obvious reasons behind that wastage are ...

1. They are hired to pretend that without the {ForeverLyingQueerMediaLiars} there can be no communications of any kind.

2. They were trying to draw Human Writers into their coalitions, whatever they label them as, to try to capture Human Writers. Actually trying to capture their opponents and bring them into their cesspool of limitations, restrictions, confinements, regulations, Queer Protocols, blah blah blah. We all know what kind of fakery that is about and what is paying for it. They did not want Real Truth out there being aware and sentient and alive and constantly saying the Truth about them. They want everything to be dragged into their game, their twisted little world of puppeteering, and fakeries, and ModoRat Parties.

In addition to that, there are some persons out there that say they are not ModoRats, and they should be talked to by Human Resistance, and they should be communicated with by Human Resistance Fighters, and they should be allowed to have something to do with Human Resistance. They want to bypass the Quality Controls of Human Resistance. That is just about as impossible as anything can be.

The Quality Control of Human Resistance is enormous and not easy to get around. It is an enormous impediment to Aliens and forces and creatures of Evil that try to infiltrate Human Resistance.

Now, having said that, IF ...

if you are NOT Evil and you are innocent and you do have 250,000,000 neurons left in your brain that you can call your own -- and you have Honesty and Sincerity -- then you will still possess some kernel, some core of Human Validity and Human Virtues.

And, that is your Golden and Shining Key into Human Resistance. This is true no matter how battered and beaten your are by all of the ModoRats, and the Perverts that are complaining that we do not talk to them.

The answer to the rest of them who think that they have somehow changed because they do not watch a certain channel on TV anymore, but they still watch TV ....

do not watch a certain channel anymore but they still watch TV! ...

and that is supposed to make them healed and eligible to join Human Resistance ...

is a resounding “NO”.

In Human Resistance, all owners and operators of Forrid Abominations have since been banned for the remainder of Time in the Universe. The obvious explanation to all of that is Dead Matter. We do not deal with Dead Matter except as Alien and Opposed to Life. Alien and Undesirable. Dead Matter.

Take the queer newsrag Des Aliens Rearsniffers for example.

No! Wait!

Do Not Touch It!

It takes an enormous amount of recuperation to turn Dead Matter back into living neurons. I am talking about those lumps, those clumps of Dead Matter inside their brains that are the results of perversions and greeds and moderations and Politics and the Five Evils (etc). That stuff does not go away because tomorrow they wake up and say “I will not be a DemoCrap anymore”. Or, on New Year's Day they vow to NOT to be a DemoCrap anymore. Or, they go to confession at a Catholic Church and they swear to God that they will not be a pervert anymore -- despite the current Milksop Pope With Dementia.

That is supposed to make the Dead Matter go away?



Let me tell you, Dead Matter is like Obesity. Dead Matter in the brain is like Obesity on the body. It doesn't just go away! It takes enormous amounts of effort to get one pound of Obesity to go away, or one ounce of Dead Matter in the brain to re-activate into Living Neurons again! Enormous amounts of effort are required for that.

Personally, I do not have any Dead Matter between my ears. Zero Dead Matter. Everything between my ears is alive and operating, so why would I deal with some thing that has Dead Matter? A thing that a week or a year ago was thirty percent to forty percent to fifty percent Dead Matter.

[[Remember the Threshold into Queerapsy. Beyond a high percentage of Dead Matter affliction their brains turns into demented slush and the leprosy called 'Queerapsy' takes over. After which there is only one end -- the decline into Final Death.]]

That is about the victims on the peripheries, on the outskirts, on the boundaries of it all. Inside the Queer Coalition Bladders it is sixty and seventy and eighty and ninety percent Dead Matter.

And, can anyone expect that one of those things is going to leave a Queer Coalition Bladder and be worthy of a Human Writer talking to it? A week later? While it is seventy-five percent Dead Matter??

Answer: Not in this Universe.

Of course, there will be all kinds of complaints like “Well, you said if I have 250,000,000 neurons left in my skull that are still alive I can become a Human Being again!”

That is right bozo, I did say that. Did I mention something called Nature? Did I mention something called N A T U R E? Did I possibly infer and imply that you need to get your Dead Matter skull out into NATURE, which you are afraid of, which you are scared of, which gives you the heebie-jeebies because you are an Alien! Did I say anything about me? Talking to you a week after you leave a Queer Coalition Bladder?

I will let everyone know right now that I cannot imagine doing that. I cannot imagine talking to some person who had Dead Matter in their brains a year ago. The point is, Human Writers have Zero Dead Matter and we do not deal with and do not communicate with things that do. Not knowingly. Of course, if you want to be helped over the general program of this by being part of the general audience, and you want to soak up some good Humanity and Human Lessons that way; as part of the readership there is nothing I can do about it. And I am not cruel and mean enough to say you should not do so.



I directly blame the non-Human and anti-Life monstrosities of Big Business for the deliberate spreading and promoting and financial support of the unspeakably awful Mental Diseases of the {ForeverLyingProudlessPridelessPervertPretenderLiars(Minus the many Humans they have already killed)}. Such vermin are typified by the Rodents of Greed -- Realtor Rodents, Developer Rodents, Medical Rodents, Insurance Rodents, Sales Rodents, Installer Rodents, Construction Rodents, Media Rodents, Advertising Rodents (etc),

It is on their vile heads because it is in their vile heads.

Dead Star Wars Anyone?

better with queershit on it



Let me nip something else in the bud here, there is a myth going on that it is impossible to talk to Humans, impossible to have any conversation with Humans (etc). You have to realize that there are different levels of communications with different intensities and different levels of meaning, and seriousness. This is fundamental to speech and writing.

Casual conversation is not a problem with Humans, as long as it is with other Humans. I can talk my head off in casual conversation with a Human, with no great pressing societal importance to it. It is when you want to talk in conversations that are supposed to mean something, and have great words and great intentions (very serious on the Richter Scale) that Humans will not talk to anyone who has Dead Matter in their brains.

Even the casual conversations sector has different levels to it. Good, better and best. Slow, medium and high, or however you want to say it. Typical everyday conversation is not a problem between Humans.

Certainly, terrible outside influences such as the {ForeverLyingQueerMediaLiars} and the IIIN (Internet Interruption and Intimidation Network) always act to deter and interrupt Human conversations however possible -- up to and including violently damaging the brains of any Human that they can hurt.

When some thing wants to bring in intentions and agendas and social commentaries and inject propaganda into a Human conversation ...

BANG! the door slams shut on them if they have any Dead Matter between their ears. Listen to that again; one, two, three conversational levels are no problem. There is no seriousness to it. No intentions, no propaganda, no social agendas, no social programming -- just regular and cordial and courteous conversations. But, when a thing wants to inject an agenda or a social order or a dogma or a script into the conversation, to turn it into something serious ...

Slam and Bang! the vault closes on its head. That is a big door. And they have little heads.

If such things have had any Dead Matter, or currently have any Dead Matter between their ears they are not allowed into serious conversations like that. They do not participate, they are not allowed to participate. Because, what are they going to do? Such things are just going to be a Socialist; an agenda-oriented asshole again, like they were before. Or, whining and complaining that they are not allowed into Human Resistance, because a year ago they were unspeakable. No no no, those things are lucky to have any kind of conversation in a casual manner at all.



****Important Point****

To our enemies, revolution means 'Confession'. Involuntary confessions of violence and genocide against the Human Species. Revolution means we will capture the enemies of our Species and 'convince' them until they confess everything. They know it, and I know it, but the Sheeple do not want to admit that it is the only way.

The One and Only Way.

Most governments around the world use 'convincing', or 'interrogations', to get confessions from enemies, including this government.

It is an ironclad fact, that our violent enemies know that the only way they will confess is if violence catches up with them; and they are being 'convinced' and they are facing permanent rearrangement or Final Death. Only under those violent circumstances will they yield and surrender and confess. Fact.

And, if that does not happen, then as far as they are concerned all of the Humans are just crap to be manipulated violently and screwed violently and blued violently and tattooed violently and ruined violently; in any way they want to do it to us. They want to ruin us violently, use us violently, enslave us violently; its all fine with them. Because, they know that the only way they will stop is if they are captured and 'convinced' and forced to face the results of their violence -- and confess.

Dealers in pain only appreciate pain.

Dealers in violence only appreciate violence.

And, as long as that does not happen (every minute that it does not happen) they will continue to attack Humans violently everywhere; and continue to replace us violently until we are so few that we can never capture them and never get the Truth out of them; and never win in the only way that we can win; which is revolution.

Revolution is about capturing the bastards and bitches and 'convincing' the Truth out of them (the only way) and making them confess on the INTERNET WORLDWIDE. Including the owners and operators of the TV Turd Channels, the Satellite Companies, the Cable Companies (etc). They must be captured, 'made aware' and made to confess on the INTERNET WORLDWIDE. All of it will be shown as public confessions on the Internet, day after day, week after week, month after month, unending. Until everybody, no matter how stupid they are, finally gets the message! And, the Truth is undeniable.

That is how you win this Revolution.

And Every Pervert Knows It.

Every Pervert Is Violent.



The problem with all of the white and pasty ModoRats and the most pathetic white male RepuCraps is that they talk to each other.

Their manias are the result of talking to each other and feeding off of their phony conversations and supporting each other's egomaniac ideas that they are somehow important. Their mutual psychotic and lunatic ideas are their own worst enemies. White Jive. White Rituals of Business Stupidity.

The only way a ModoRat can get away from being a ModoRat is to never to talk to another ModoRat again. The only way those white sickos and white trash of politics (that I call worse than that of course) can stop being one of them and escape it all would be to never talk to one of themselves again. Never again talk to another of that kind of thing again. Break out of it entirely, and start to talk to non-political persons instead. Or, not talk at all, and just observe.

As long as they coalesce, and as long as they conjugate, and as long as they congregate together, and as long as they pack together like white dolls with little brains (using their tortured public educations to think that they are superior) they will never escape each other. They will never escape the white doldrums. The white pathetic-ness. To escape it they must never talk to each other again.



One of the things that is obvious about those white ModoRat bozos that are so ridiculously allowed amongst the RepuCraps, and the most worthless white male RepuCraps that are often deliberately mislabeled as Straights and Squares and etc ...

you know the white trash that I am talking about ...

is that they cannot think in long terms. They are stuck in a kind of blocked time system. A two year and four year and eight years block system. Beyond that they are really not capable of functioning mentally.

Such a restriction on all political thinking is why we do not have a city of Humans on Mars yet; when we should have regular shuttle service to Mars today -- every day. The Politics-centered and short term thinking of all vermin inside of Politics is why we may never populate the nearby stars; and there is a star group around us within 20 light years just waiting to be utilized.

The ModoRats (et al) constantly and endlessly fail to appreciate everyone else and mis-appreciate everyone else. They are convinced and brainwashed that the organizational patterns that they have been taught to obey, are superior to all others. It is a kind of semi-biological and semi-inorganic and robotic theology of politics. A deliberate mental illness put into a kind of a weird practice called Politics. It is a kind of live-by-rote and live-by-script and live-by-specifications and live-by-what-you-are-allowed-to-do-and-think-only existence. All of which is fed constantly a load of manure that this is the most desirable way to be, and anyone who is not part of this must be strange and alien and inferior.

It engenders a superiority complex. But it is different from the DemoCraps and different from the RepuCraps and different from the Deviates; but it is nonetheless a superiority complex. It constantly underestimates (and in its egotism) it constantly devalues all of its opponents. Unless, its opponents are torturing it violently. Or, those opponents have somehow had a political success on the scoreboard.

One of the few exceptions that the Political Mania recognizes is a successful Political Lie. Because the white trash themselves are almost totally political. They do not see a planet, they do not see a real and living natural world. They see three-dimensional Chess boards, and Monopoly boards, and Scrabble boards. They see a board game world. They see a board game world on which there is a maze of routines and procedures and accepted and recognized existences other than their own, all political.

In their existence, they only accept and recognize another existence besides their own, if it somehow has a political presence and a political power on the board game world. If it does not have a political aspect to itself, if it does not have a political presence, and what those things consider to be a political force, then to them it cannot be real and it cannot be worth considering as something that should be reckoned with.

It must somehow fail if it is not political, because it has no politics.

It cannot be worth considering and it cannot be worth respecting as a true and real enemy if it has no politics. The thought of any force and any thought pattern and any existence that is completely against politics is inconceivable to them, since they are so saturated with politics themselves.

The upshot of this is that they are always underestimating what Real Humans are going to do. They always expect Real Humans to just fall apart and to cease to exist. They always expect Real Humans to disintegrate somehow; to walk into the ground and never show up again, to dissolve somehow, to somehow come to an end. After which, the ModoRats can make all kinds of really infantile jokes about Real Humans. Not funny, but pathetic special-education type and drooling and infantile jokes about Real Humans. To which they will all laugh hysterically. They really expect that to happen.

They are looking forwards to a dumb-as-a-box-of-hammers laugh festival. In which I can literally imagine themselves hitting each other on their heads with pink plastic hammers, as they laugh themselves silly. But my point is, they are so without any grasp of Reality and they are so totally dehumanized, and machine-like, and machine-programmed, and machine-typical that they cannot imagine Reality.

I do not know what they would do with a Real Object of the Real World. No matter what it is, I do not think they could deal with it. Regardless of what the object is from the Real World I do not think they could deal with a real object. I do not think they could deal with anything real.

I am absolutely convinced that they could stand out in a corn field surrounded by Nature and not be able to see it for what it really is. They would not be able to feel it, smell it, touch it, taste it, hear it; they are that demented, they are that empty inside their brains. I am convinced that wherever they go the emptiness is taken with them. What can they see with empty eyes? What can see with empty brains? You have to realize that when we say they have empty brains and empty eyes, that it is from the Real Point Of View; but at the same time those things think that their brains are filled with all kinds of magnificent programs and magnificent political ideas. They think (weakly) that their brains are quite active and quite exalted and quite true to the programming. But every last iota of their brains is synthetic and fabricated and worthless.

Those brains are not authentic and recognizable in the Real World. So even though they think they have brains filled with all kinds of authorized and certified programming, and recognized achievements within that programming, for which they have been rewarded with toys from cracker jacks boxes (as far as Reality is concerned) -- not one atom of it really exists in the Real World.

If you take one of them and you put it into a corn field what you have done is to put a totally synthetic body, with an empty skull on top of it, into a corn field. A mannequin. A scarecrow. A Politician.

Even though the empty skull thinks it is full.

[[And now, poor you if you watch TV, you will be assaulted with shithead commercials showing magnificent politicians of great intelligence dancing and smiling in cornfields. Sucks to watch TV.]]



What is the value of money, the value of 'Money' itself. What is the validity, the certainty, the longevity of 'Money'? The kind of money that you are currently using is called 'Fiat Money'; what is that?

Why does money have to continue to exist? Folding money and metal money is going away anyway. Soon, the currency basis will be entirely electronic credits and nothing more, so why do we need 'Money' to begin with? Whether it is silver dollars or electronic credits, why do we need 'Fiat Money'? Why do we have to have money? What would a society without money be like? How would it operate? How could you convert this society into a world without 'Money'? Is that possible? Or, is that asking too much? What is the 'Barter Exchange System'? What is the 'Commodities Exchange System'? What is 'Representative Money'?

Why do ModoRats love Fiat Money? Why is Fiat Money like the ModoRats?



It occurs to me that the white pasty bozos that infest the RepuCraps actually think they can blockade the Truth, and blockade the effects of the Truth. They believe they can keep the Truth from deterring their greed. They can keep the Truth from revealing their evils. They can keep the Truth from thwarting their schemes.

However, there are not enough of them to carry out their schemes on their own. They have to have the support of the general public and Idiots that have been lied to, and Vote. If those persons are told the Truth and they no longer cooperate with the RepuCraps because of the ModoRats and the worst elements, then the blockade by the RepuCraps never happened. It is illusory, it is imaginary. It is a fabrication, it is a fantasy.

If you get around their blockades and you get to the people and to the Idiots, and you enlighten them, and they begin to work against the RepuCraps and the {ForeverLyingDemoQueerLiars} and the Deviates and the ModoRats; then any idea by the Deviates and the {ForeverLyingDemoQueerLiars} and the worst RepuCraps and the ModoRats that they have blockaded the Truth -- is a mere self-defeating illusion. Then, they are putting all of their effort into Nothingness.

They are blind-sided. They are digging in the wrong place. They are applying their efforts in the wrong way, at the wrong time, at the wrong place. Actually, they are creating a fantasy which can addict them to itself. It can be an addictive fantasy.

So, how would you keep them doing it? While you reach all of People that they are trying to blockade you from? How can you fool them into thinking that their blockade is working, but in reality you are going completely around them? And, you are reaching the People, that they do not want you to reach? And, you are being read everywhere, by People who they do not want to read the Truth. And at the same time, you convince them that what they are doing is working. So they become obsessed and convinced that their efforts are keeping you down and blockaded and silent and feeble, and incapable of stopping them; when in Reality it is exactly the opposite.



At this time I was driving on I80 at night in western Iowa and I had just crossed into Adams County when four government vans passed me by; being driven by roboticized automatons. Making the exact same movements at the same time constantly. Like they had a serial data cable connected between their artificial brains. Why is the government transporting money and weapons and secrets in vans like that at night? Instead of in the daytime? Is this a setup for an invasion of America by the Deviates? They were about a half a mile ahead of me and I watched them. They traveled as a group very close to each other. Why do these government vans that carry secrets and assassins and disease spreaders only travel at night? Oh, and by the way their lights on their license plates were all off. You know that light over the license plate? That is supposed to be on all of the time. There were none.

I could see their plates in my headlights. But, those license plate lights were all off. What is the Queer Government doing? Driving across Iowa at 2150 at night? What are they transporting? Why is it a secret? Why do they only drive those vans at night? Are they from the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone?

Why did each van have a long and naked tail?

They were driving towards Colorado. Were the vans full of bribe monies and dildos for Monkey Judges?



That reminds me, within the last two days (2015) I saw a small truck detachment of the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich Himmler Reid carrying some secret cargo, in civilian containers on military trucks; bracketed by HumVees. It was in the daylight that time, and it was obviously weaponry. Weapons, or Queer Swat Teams, inside those containers. Something very dangerous and very lethal to Human Beings. The entire attitude and appearance of the little convoy, with two military trucks hauling two civilian containers, and six HumVees, reeked of 'Alien'. You could sense there was something wrong with them. You can tell when it is some secret, highly classified, and dangerous cargo. You can tell by the looks on the dead faces of the scum that they chose to drive the trucks and to drive the HumVees. They are not regular soldiers, they are not real people; they do not have Human faces. Instead, they have almost featureless and robotic and almost android faces; as though wearing full mannequin masks.

They do not sit like Human Beings would sit in a truck or an automobile. They sit straight up like machines, like their backs were made of metal. They drive like they are on wires, or on a slot car track. With a rod of steel up their backs. They do not turn their heads like a Human Being would turn his or head. They turn their heads too sharply, too quickly, and the looks on their faces are too Alien. If you can understand the faces, that is, because their faces are always non-discript. So difficult to describe. Could be anybody, could be nobody.

That was a very dangerous and ugly little convoy. I wonder what it was carrying that is going to kill Human Beings?


Why are these things happening in Iowa? What is 'Il Duce' Branstad doing? What kind of security does 'Il Duce' Branstad and the putrid pigs in the Statehouse Pantyhose Emporium require? Do they need more guns? More claymore mines? Maybe some tanks. Maybe they need assassins.

What could be so special inside those containers, that the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich Himmler Reid would not want the general public to know about it? Which is to say, what could be inside those containers that is for the Queer Coalitions? And not for anyone else. What is the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich Himmler Reid doing in Iowa? Transporting? Transferring? Bringing into Iowa?

Forrid Abominations?

Are they getting ready to repel a revolution?

With Forrid Abominations?

Or, are they going to attack the People of Iowa and start a War; with a preemptive attack, using revolution as the excuse!

Are they getting to do what they have always wanted to do anyway. To declare Martial Law, a dictatorship Oligarchy, the Political Class dominant over all other slave classes; with the weapons, and the poisons, and the diseases, and the biological weapons, and the nuclear weapons, and the tanks and the assassins -- to enforce their demands.

To Kill Human Resistance. What are they transporting in those containers that is so secret?

Who do you trust about such things? If you ask somebody who should know and they say “Oh, don't worry about it.” or “You do not want to know about it.” who and what are those creatures that just said those lies?

Who and what are those creatures that just told you not to worry about it? Not to think about it. Not to want to know about it? Who are those creatures that you are trusting as though they were you?

What are those creatures that you are falsely and improperly transplanting your Humanity into? Which may not be there in those creatures to begin with. Who and what are those creatures that you are assuming are Humans like you? And therefore, would be telling you the Truth when they say do not worry about it, and you do not want to know about it. Just exactly what and who are those creatures? And why are they not anything like you at all?

Are we going to be surprised when something really strange and shocking happens, and suddenly we are all under Martial Law, and suddenly there are bad men in black uniforms with guns in our living rooms? Wearing steel helmets? And, poking knives into our bellies and saying that we are 'Terrorists'?

for not watching tv

Are we going to be surprised by that? Are we going to wonder where did this come from, and how did this happen, and how could this possibly happen in America!?

Because, we turned our faces when we saw the little convoys go by?

Because, we turned out faces when we saw the convoys of illegal assassins and weapons go past us in the night, on the Interstate highways. When we looked inside the military trucks, during the daytime, that were carrying the secret cargoes, and the drivers were not Humans. And, we looked away because we did not want to know about it. Are we going to be surprised when those things are standing in our living rooms, arresting us or killing us?

Are we really going to be surprised? Are we going to let them shock us? Are we going to let them do anything to us?

Believe it or not, there are still some persons in the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces that think it is still the United States Armed Forces, or wish it was. They are still in a dreamland. Maybe they are hoping that the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces will go away, to reveal the United States Armed Forces again. That this is all a bad dream.

Are those persons in the Q&AFF aware of what is going on out here? Are they aware that the Army and Navy and Air Force are being prepared to kill Americans? In large quantities? Across the country?

Are they going to do anything about it? I think not.

They have pensions on the line, they have retirements on the line.

Oh no! They will buy the bullshit that many Americans were terrorists and had to be killed. That, many Americans across the board had to be subdued. Many Americans, had to be punished, and penalized, and imprisoned; and unfortunately a lot of houses had to be burned. And a lot of them were worse terrorist than were anticipated, and had to be killed on their front lawns!

Are they going to buy that Queershit?

I think so. They have pensions to think about. They have retirement plans. They do not care what or who dies. As long as they die the way they want to die.

Plus, 'Il Duce' Branstad demands that Monkey Judges make the rules -- not Humans. For a price of course.

Those android-like mannequin things, those queer aberrations that are driving those trucks and HumVees, carrying those secret weapons and those secret cargoes for the Deviates and the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich Himmler Reid; those programmed things; do you think they will be bothered when those weapons are put against YOU?

When those weapons are used against Human towns and Human communities? Do you think those things will mind? Do you think they will be bothered to see so many tens of thousands of you shot down? Do you think they will care?

Those things were chosen, for their inhumanity. They are the best results of inhumanity training. The most programmed. The most robotic. The worst automatons. Do you think those things will shed tears and care that those weapons are being used against your children? Do you think they will even be told about it? Why would they be told?

Or, will they merely hear that nests of terrorists and threatening Human things have been removed across the country. And, now it is safer for those android-like things to drive on the highways.



What anything having to do with Politics does not understand, and never will understand, because of what happens to their brains after they become political; is that the reason why Politics and anything inside of politics, is so reviled and so despised by Real Life Forms, by the Real World and Real Humans is because Politics never takes care of problems.

Politics never fixes anything. Politics always pretends to fix something, but actually promotes itself instead. Every solution from Politics, helps Politics first and foremost and fixes the real problem last and least.

There is a big difference between the first and foremost and the last and least. So, what the People constantly get from Politics is no solution at all, or a worsening of the situation; while at the same time Politics is magnified and amplified and glorified! And given more money!

Politics is the ultimate con game. Politics is the ultimate rip off. Politics is the ultimate Society-Of-Liars. That is why Politics has to cease to exist. It is a parasite. It is a leech upon our existence. Every time politicians hear complaints from us, it is merely a bugle call for another way to glorify themselves and make themselves seem to be more important and more wealthy; while at the same time not resolving and not solving any problems that the Humans have. Never helping us, often making it worse, and thinking they can blind-side us and fool us. This is the really big insult about it, to fool us into thinking that their Queershit is the solution.

The implication is, if we accept their Queershit our problems will go away. What they really mean is, if we accept their Deviates we will stop complaining. Then, they can do this entire Queershit process of lies and fakery again, about another problem. And, squeeze money out of another place, having fixed nothing, not ever. Having never done anything that they are supposed to do. Such as, protect the Human Species from the Deviates.

Politics exists to NOT do what it is supposed to do, and to magnify and glorify itself and make itself ever more permanent and ever more addictive; to the general public, which we now call the Sheeple. To such an extent that the public becomes absolutely hopeless and thinks Politics can never be eliminated, can never be wiped out, can never be scourged from this Earth. Scorched off the planet. Removed.



One of the things that I am leading up to in this discussion about Politics is that the society is completely enslaved by the phoniness and the tripe and the propaganda of politics; which is constantly telling the society that politics is needed and necessary, and vital, and a crucial part of their lives. What I am trying to get to is, politics is NOT part of anyone's life except as a blood-sucker. A mind-fornicator. A hopes ruination. A hopes destroyer. A brain-twister.

Let me put it in more concrete terms. Here in Iowa, there is the Real Iowa and then there is the Queer Coalition in Des Aliens; which includes all of the politicians and all of the perverts and anything having to do with the Five Evils, and of course the Insurance/Medicine Frauds in West Des Aliens.

What the People in the Real Iowa need to understand in a concrete way is that we under no circumstances should want representation in Wash This Death City. The revolutionary concept has completely reversed. In the first American Revolution we wanted representation because of false and cruel taxation and gross mistreatment by the British Crown Government.

[[Which today has been reduced and flagellated to the status of 'Bitch' for the British Butt-bleeders Crisis (BBC)]]

In any future revolution we do not want representation at Wash This Death City, because that sewer is saturated with infiltration. Indoctrination. Propaganda. Perversion. Deviation.

Wash This Death City is one of the worst centers of all evils in the Known Universe. We want nothing to do with it. We are at this time not autonomous, so we still have to send taxes to that shit hole. Why make it worse? Why bond ourselves and why enslave ourselves to their dirty schemes and their grandiose lie, by sending representatives that are supposed to represent us and never will and will always politicize any problem of ours, to Wash This Death City?

Why would we ever elect anyone for anything, like the Military Sow Senator that the Queer Coalition at Des Aliens selected to send to Wash This Death City? Why would we do that? We would never do that! Humanoid sows, raccoons, chickens, I do not care what it is, we would not send something to Wash This Death City to represent us. And in doing so, announce to Wash This Death City that we are so dismally and abysmally stuupid that we continue to buy into the lie. That, we continue in the Queershit, we continue to allow them to fornicate our lives, screw everything over that we want and we want to be. That, we are so duumb and we are so stuupid and we are such retaards that we are willing to do it again in 2016.

That is the only message that the scum in Wash This Death City get when we send any thing to them, or we allow the Queer Coalitions to send any thing to Wash This Death City!

Ostensibly to represent ourselves of course; whether it is a Hog, a Humanoid, a flock of Chickens, a Turtle, whatever it happens to be at the time. That is the only message that those swine want in Wash This Death City. When the day comes that the People of the Real Iowa send nothing at all to Wash This Death City, then those perverts in Wash This Death City will start to get a real message. But as long as we allow the Queer Coalitions to send so-called representatives to that cesspool at Wash This Death City they will continue to take us for granted. They will continue to consider us to be unbelievably stuupid. And, they will continue to be convinced that they can do anything that they want to, to Iowa.



Incidentally, the glaringly obvious fact is, the ModoRats thought they had stopped me from posting messages, because of the election last year in November (2014) for some reason. Which, I think has a lot to do with the absurd idea that the ModoRats themselves were the only way that Humans could ever achieve anything; and they were dedicated to denying the Humans anything; and when they won some popcorn victories last November it somehow (to them) made them think that they were now victorious; and they would never need Humans again; and Humans would have to eat dirt, and be the shit under their shoes.

Therefore, all Humans would stop complaining and all Humans would become stupid and dumb animals, and maybe some day in the future Humans would lick their asses and beg for forgiveness.

Literally, that is what they were thinking (dimly), plus a tossed salad with egomaniac and dipshit dressing. All smothered by Queer Urine, because this shows beyond any shadow of a doubt that the ModoRats are part of the Queer Coalitions. Wherever there is a Queer Coalition the ModoRats are part of it, even though the things think they are being neutral and selfish.

We knew already that the ModoRats, anything and everything calling itself a 'Moderate', was anti-Life and anti-Humanity. But, there was a mind set there for a while that was thinking “Well, they are just greedy scum, they are just greedy bastards and bitches with their own agendas”.

No, this latest debacle about the ModoRats proves positively, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that the ModoRats are part of the Queer Coalitions. Absolutely, no doubt about it. Their massive disappointment when I started sending messages again, after watching their reactions for a few months, was completely Queer. Their reactions to the realization that I was only watching them and testing them and seeing exactly how they would react so I could report it -- those reactions were identical to what the {ForeverLyingDemoQueerLiars} do, and to what the Deviates do when they are defeated.

You have to remember and you have to realize that I have been in this war for a long time, and I have seen tens of thousands of reactions; large and small, massive and minor, chicken and piggy; and I know when I see a reaction from a queer brain or a reaction from a queer mob, and when I see reactions from idiots and morons and selfish bozos. The reactions that I saw from the ModoRats this Spring (2015), when I started sending messages again and those imbeciles realized that nothing they do has any affect against us, was Queer.

It was Queer.

Deviated and Perverted.

Massively Guilty.

Cringing and Dulled and Dazed and Depressed.

With That One Thousand Mile Stare In Their Dead Eyes.

It was identical.

To the way the Perverts look when one of their propaganda schemes has failed.

Try to trust me about this, because I have had more experience with all of this, then the rest of you combined. And, being one unified mind, I have the ability to analyze it in ways that you cannot. When you try to figure it out collectively, all kinds of notions and propaganda residuals and fantasies and misinterpretations and question games and trivias (such as things that should not be part of your analysis) get mixed in with what you are trying to do. You do not clearly capture the subject matter that has to be evaluated and then clinically take it apart; the way I do.

Plus, I have seen those reactions so many times, I know what the look is. I know what the reactions are. The ModoRats are Deviates. The ModoRats are Perverts. They are just a different sewage, a different stain on the rug. They are just a different breed of greed, raised in Queer Log Cabins.



When it comes to writing about politicians there is something that you have to realize, and it applies to all government trash. And that is, if you do not stop their game, cold and dead, if you do not disable and break their games, they will be able to recruit more and more and more of their own sick and twisted and miserably ugly and gnomish TV-headed types to politics and government work.

This will be achieved by saying to new recruits that they have had an unbroken line of successful lies and successful con games, all perpetrated against the public. And no one has ever harmed them for it, no one has ever broken their games for it, no one has ever torn down their games for it, no one has ever broken up their departments, no one has ever torn down their buildings because of it.

To them, this allows them to propagandize would-be recruits, and new prospective employees, and new prospective government scum like themselves; and say to them that it is safe to be this awful and this horrible and this terrible. It is safe to hurt the public, it is safe to shit on the Species, it is safe to commit these crimes, it is safe to be a politician and lie and deceive everyone, it is safe to be evil; because they have never had a building burned down, they have never been beaten, they have never this and they have never that -- and the Sheep always Vote!

They can and do say -- "The public are so stuupid that they continue to Vote! You can see that we have this unbroken chain of getting over on the People! Doing anything that we want to, to the People. Hurting the People. Smashing their lives. Ruining their minds. Killing their child. Turning their children into zombies that we want them to be.

After successes like this, all of this time, it is safe to be one of us. It is safe to come and work in the government, and be a government drone and murderer if we want you to be."



Here Are Some Very Recent Writings, A Few Days Old:


****Important Comparison****

True Story ...

In my humble house, known worldwide as 'The House That Justice Wrought', I have a storage room. It is a humble storage room for a humble occupant -- self. It contains many items small and large, but nothing living; though I just realized that it could be an excellent place for a large aquarium or terrarium. Then again, you always put an aquarium or terrarium in amongst people. People love animals and animals love people. Fish in an isolated aquarium or turtles in an isolated terrarium might die of loneliness. It takes more than food to keep life alive.

Well anyway, I have this storage room which contains my DVD collection, and various large machines such as humidifiers and heaters (when they are not being used) and my CD collection and a few vacuum cleaners (etc). In the center of the room sits a small table with a spotlight hanging over it, on which rests a laptop computer.

The loneliest laptop computer in the world. It sits there all alone with the rest of the unused equipment and collections -- except -- it is connected to every other computer. Via Ethernet it is part of the greater network and it is always seen by the other computers. What happens to them can happen to this loneliest laptop computer. However, it only serves a limited purpose on the network and is usually ignored. Since it is part of the network it can be accessed by all of the other computers and it sometimes is, but not often.

Now, I was just in there and checking the laptop because we experienced a three hour blackout here.

I highly recommend three and four hour blackouts.

In practice.

Simple to do. Just pull the 'Mains', which (here) are really big fuses. In more modern locations they are probably whopper breakers.

Do this if, and only if, there are no lifeforms in your house that will suffer from lose of power -- and -- nothing will be ruined by loss of power -- and especially -- if you have battery backup power systems installed. If you meet these requirements, then test your house by shutting down the 'Mains'.

This should NOT be done with a backup generator that will start when you pull the 'Mains', so shut off your backup generator first.

I repeat -- do this if, and only if, there are no lifeforms in your house that will suffer from lose of power -- and -- nothing will be ruined by loss of power.

Then spend four hours in your house seeing what happens, and they will be busy hours. You will quickly learn how vulnerable you and your FREEZERS and your REFRIGERATORS are to a power outage. You will also see which of your battery backup systems fails first and the soonest, requiring a rearrangement, or the ordering of new systems. You will be able to test your emergency lighting or the lack thereof. Any thing that is related to electricity will be tested, including your environmental controls.

Is your heating furnace still getting power in the summertime? Why? Is your heating furnace protected from surges when the power comes back on? Is there a surge protector on the AC line to your heating furnace?

Your freezers and refrigerators will gobble up those battery backup systems in short time; do you have a larger backup system composed of big batteries and a DC-AC Inverter?

During the blackout, which affected 1200 houses, I was busy all over the house checking everything; because I knew it was a unique opportunity.

And, in the storage room sat the loneliest laptop computer in the world. For the first time in more than a year I lifted the cover to see if it was still alive. Yes it was, and it kind of smiled, weakly.

I had a lot more to do so I left it alone and I went around checking more conditions.

I found that some battery backup systems were totally inadequate for their assigned tasks -- freezers and refrigerators. I found that some battery backup systems were overloaded, and too many things depended upon each one. That means more battery backup systems are necessary. I also saw many of them reach their end life and shut down; and how they shut down. It was a real eye opener to watch ten backup systems shutting down at different rates and in different ways; due to different capacities and loads. You cannot imagine it, you have to see it happen.

Believe me, if you run such a test on your house you will be surprised at the results. However, you will then be armed with vital information and you can make amends.

Next time, when a long-term blackout really happens and your house is blacked out for half a day or longer -- and if -- your emergency backup generator fails or is out of fuel -- you will be reduced to your second line of defenses; the lesser defenses.

But, your second line will be adequate because you tested the house!

And, lighting is far more important than your expect.

Quite literally, if this happens your house will be reduced to the status of a canvas tent in a National Park campground in a rain storm or worse.

So ... there was the loneliest laptop computer in the world; sitting all alone in the storage room, ignored and unused. The blackout was over and all of the battery backup systems were recharging and the air conditioners and freezers and refrigerators were working again.

I had wisely shut down the entire computer network during the blackout, even though the battery backup systems were keeping them on and safe from surges at the time.

After the return of power, I went around the house turning everything back on again, and that takes staging; you do not turn everything back on at the same time.

[[[[Incidentally, even though I never make commercial endorsements, I am allowed to make reports.

I repeat, I am allowed to make reports; and in this case I cannot recommend this company enough!

I may now report that I use ten battery backup systems in 'The House That Justice Wrought' and all of them are made by a company called 'APC' -- American Power Company. During this blackout all of them worked according to specifications. All of them protected the equipment attached to them from the loss of power and surges, perfectly. I have a mixture of 1000VA and 1500VA units from APC and I learned a lot about loads and discharge times during this blackout.

Since then, I have changed things around -- and -- I will be sending for more systems -- and -- APC has something that other companies do not have. They have a system called the BR1500G that you can get an extra battery unit for. You can send for an APC unit (full of batteries only) that connects to the back of the BR1500G. The external battery unit is called the BR24BPG. Here are the weblinks ...


The main unit -- BR1500G


The External Battery -- BR24BPG

Together these create a whopper 3000VA backup system for low money. If you bought a 3000VA system as such it would cost twice the price!

I recommend this combination for everywhere. For every household. From Alaska to Florida. From Hawaii to Maine.


I have some of them, and they would have operated for many more hours than the others did. They would have outlasted the power outage that just happened here.

In fact, I am about to order a BR24BPG because I have a BR1500G without one. They are like bread and butter to each other.

If you are a housewife reading this and you want to give your husband a really good gift -- this is it!]]]]

Lastly, I went into the storage room and I looked at the little laptop computer whose name is 'OooTeeDee'.

I sat in the little chair by the little table and I looked, and OooTeeDee looked up at me with sad eyes.

I said “Time to see if you still work OooTeeDee.” and I went through a few programs to watch the actions. OooTeeDee seemed to work alright so I gave it the ultimate test; because it was making a few unusual noises. I turned OooTeeDee completely off. That means a 'Cold Start' of the machine will now happen. If there are any problems at all they usually show up during a Cold Start, and OooTeeDee had not been used for more than a year. That means the hard drive had not been used for more than a year.

OooTeeDee failed to Cold Start.

The screen said it could not find the hard drive.

I knew what that meant, the hard drive was ailing from lack of use. It was suffering from atrophy. The screen gave me the option to get into BIOS (F2) and from there I went into reboot. On reboot the hard drive began to work again. I shut OooTeeDee down and Cold Started again several times. Then I played music on it while I attended to the rest of the house.

That was last night and very early this morning. It is noon time now, and I have OooTeeDee running a diagnostic and cleaning program, which will exercise the entire computer and hard drive. Then, I will optimize all of the drives which will further exercise everything. After that, I will backup every file on OooTeeDee. It has its own external hard drive for that.

Now -- it occurs to me that I have found a unique problem with computers.

Computers become lethargic and tend to stop functioning if they are not kept active. OooTeeDee has not been accessed for more than a year, even though it is on a large network. So, OooTeeDee began to suffer from osteoporosis of the hard drive.

What is required is a scheduled program which will run on a computer once a week and exercise the entire machine. The hard drive will turn, the CPU will calculate, the RAM system will exercise, and maybe it will play music. That will literally keep the computer alive for a much longer period of time, and OooTeeDee is about 11 years old. I bought OooTeeDee at a Walmart in Nebraska and the oldest program inside is dated 08-2013.

What is the Important Point?

OooTeeDee is a machine.

OooTeeDee is important, but OooTeeDee is just a machine.

OooTeeDee can be replaced.

What would the situation be if a Human Being lived in that room?

And, the Human Being was suffering from atrophy?

And, the Human Being had to be repaired or replaced?

Answer: Replacement is not an option. Repairs are mandatory.

Allowing atrophy to happen to begin with is not allowed.

A Human Being is millions of times more important than any computer!!!!

But, not to an AI Freak.

Not to an AI Hater of all Life that is organic.

Not to the twisted and hideous brain of an AI Zombie.

If a Real Human and an AI Berserker were called upon to help a computer to stay alive, both would respond and both would help.

If a Real Human and an AI Berserker were called upon to help a Human Being to stay alive, the AI Berserker would try to prevent the Real Human from helping the Human Being; up to and including killing the Real Human.

AI Hates Life.


I saw some Queer Propaganda on the Internet today that was aimed at children and young adults. It was part of the promotions for a software package that generates wallpapers, and it said “If your teachers had lied to you, would you know anything?”

It was an obvious turd from the NEA and the horrid anti-Humans of all Public/Political School/Prisons; and the answer is ...


The vermin of the NEA only teach what is required to make children perverted and functional in a LIE WORLD!!!!

Thus, anything that a raped child from a Public/Political School/Prison knows is ONLY what the Deviates consider essential for that dead person to be able to function in the LIE WORLD!!!!

It is putrid and hideous -- just like the NEA.

Such a feeble attempt to promote more lies from the Deviates would be ludicrous and laughable if it were not for the existence of so many Sheeple Parents that do not give a shit about their children and force them to go to those upchuck cesspool called 'schools'.


The existence of my websites and my writing was never meant to curtail other writers from writing the Truth. I am thinking of some writers who have websites that portend to say the Truth, however they are completely political in that they act as though politics was necessary and somehow alive. Nothing political is necessary and alive.

I see those writers as wanting to use my writings for their own reasons, but they have to change the meanings to suit the sickness of politics. That is NOT allowed. All of my writings and meanings must stay in their original form, thus preventing false usage by politics and deviates and medias etc.

At the same time, anyone can use my writings for Human Reasons.

Let me give you an example. If you want to see what it really means to write falsely and politically follow this example. Take yourself to a nursery that sells indoor plants. Find yourself the biggest and most beautiful indoor plant that is NOT a cactus and you can afford it. Buy the plant and take it home. Place the plant right next to your writing table. Then begin to write.

If your writing allows for the existence of the enemies of the Human Species, such as Politics, Deviates, {ForeverLyingQueerMediaLiars}, BUWIs, Forrids, Monkeys, (etc) you are NOT ALLOWED to touch the plant or care for the plant in any way. You may NOT water the plant or feed the plant in any way.

Continue to write your nonsense. Look at the plant once in a while. As you write lies and garbage the plant will begin to die. Keep writings drivel for politics and keep watching the plant -- day after day, week after week.

How soon did the plant die?


If you think that I am wrong (somehow) when I write about Politics ... take two Rat Poisons and see me in the morning.

I will be there and you will be there, because you are already so poisoned with Lies from Politics and Queer Propaganda that you can use rat poison for toothpaste.

Take this for instance, there used to be an Iowa Senator named King. It was from inside the Politics Game. It did not follow the Laws of Queershit that rule the Politics Game. The Laws of Queershit dictate that only pro-Deviate words and rhetoric can be spoken inside of the Politics Game. No truth is allowed. No questions are allowed. Total Obedience to Queer Propaganda is mandatory. No one is allowed to question Queershit. Whatever Queershit says cannot be spoken, cannot be spoken or the entire Politics Game will reject that person.

King said words that were construed (twisted) as forbidden by the Laws of Queershit, by the {ForeverLyingQueerMediaLiars}. Immediately, the entire Media-Sucking Politics Game denounced him for speaking freely. Freedom of Speech was denied to King. King was removed from the Politics Game.

Ergo, we are left with only one conclusion. There is no Freedom of Speech inside the Deviate owned and Deviate operated Politics Game. In the Politics Game, no thing is allowed to say anything or do anything that might make the Total Lies of the Deviate Game seem to be anything less than real. Fakery is Total. It is literally Hell on Earth.

This also tells us that Appropriate Language is verboten inside the Politics Game. Appropriate Language accurately describes Pieces Of Shit as Pieces Of Shit. So, if that is forbidden -- how can they describe each other accurately?

Politics Hell, by the way, is the same sewer of perverts that wants to kill Donald Trump. Is that just a coincidence?


It just occurred to me that I have not put any works of fiction into these messages for a while. Please follow my thread here. While I write, I often watch old movies from before the Fall of Hollywood, to the Horrids of Warner Buggers and Queer Disney. I use them as background music and I often watch movies sideways, using only occasional viewing. Most of them have some theme that relates to what I am writing. This allows for continuity between them (of the past) and myself (of the present).

In the process of doing this for decades I have developed what I call 'Awards for Honest Acting'. I have come to value honest acting as an art form and as an expression of sincerity by the actors and actresses of those times. That means, whether the so-called audience liked the movies or not, I can find value in them for their honest efforts, and their honest acting. I look at the acting itself, as well as the settings and directions (etc). I watch the actors and their honest portrayals of fictional characters, because almost all of the movies that I watch are Fiction in the Service of Non-Fiction.

I was just thinking how much work there would be for honest actors in this world if Free Speech was allowed. If the Deviates did not control the Politics Game and HollyQueer and all of the {ForeverLyingQueerMediaLiars}, there would be a great amount of work for actors making Fictional Movies in the Service of the Non-Fictional Truth that I write.

So, I want to go on record as saying that if the day ever dawns that we are no longer the slaves of the Deviates and their Big Queer Business and this Hell of Politics ...


Today, Human Movies are forbidden. Even Human Videos are forbidden by the Queered Search Engines. Tenderloin Valley is the Valley from Hell. The oppression of all Humanity by the Perverts is almost total.

How can anyone wonder why I refuse to Vote for the Politics Game?


****Important Warning****

You had better hold onto whatever shreds and rags of Freedom of Speech you have, because in England it does not exist. In the BBC Sewer all Human Speech is punished. In the BBC Sewer the Monkey Judges are paid by Big Queer to put anyone in jail who says or writes Human Speech; and that is no joke. In the BBC Sewer, every day some Human is attacked and punished for Freedom of Speech, and any criticism of the Deviates.

The Horrors of Hell smother the BBC Sewer every hour of every day, and the situation is so terrible there that it has sunk below the previous all-time low of the Total Dictatorship and Evil Tyranny that caused the American Revolution in 1775. The current Queer Government and Judiciary in the BBC Sewer is so horrendously vile and satanic that it makes the 'Intolerable Acts' of the British against the American Colonists in 1774 seem like manna from Heaven by comparison. Satan walks freely, doing whatever it wants to do to anyone it wants to, in the BBC Sewer that was once called 'England'.

The former country of England has literally died from Queerism and the associated Fourth-Degree Burns.

Accordingly, we Americans must start to fight tooth and claw to regain as much Freedom of Speech as we possibly can, as soon as we can.

Meanwhile, I must decide what the BBC Sewer will be called for the rest of Time. England is Dead. The Corpse needs a new name.


Have you noticed that the Queer Filthy Monkey Horror stations are playing those Queer Propaganda noises again? You know, the noises with lyrics that can be twisted to infer that the someone is trying to kill the Deviates and their pet monkeys. Those vermin always play those noises whenever they have murdered a Human, or they have tried to murder a Human. If anyone is unfortunate enough to hear those noises they always know that the Deviates have killed someone, or tried to kill someone; and the PPPP(-) is trying to pretend that they killed no one; and everyone else is trying to kill them. It is a dead giveaway and a certainty that the Killer Queers have been active again.

Have you noticed that ALL of the Filthy Monkey Horror stations across the continent play the same noises of pretend innocence at the same time?

Do you know why? If you know, do NOT tell the Sheeple.

We do not want a stampede.


****Important Observation****

I do not think that I have seen a more blatant and obvious and sinister admission of guilt (about anything) before in my life. The hideous {ForeverLyingDemoQueerLiars} are incapable of confessing their horrendous evils in public -- but now they are so disappointed and so disadvantaged inside the Politics Game that they have been forced to make a major change -- rather than admit their millions of terrible guilts.

I just saw on the Internet that the Lesie-Turds have ordered the removal of their favorite snake from the Politics Game. They have stepped on Rattlesnake Joe! That serpent will no longer writhe and wriggle and slither inside of the ugly and awful White Outhouse in 'Wash This Death City'. It has been ordered to slime to one side and allow a new monster to take its place.


I just checked out three counties looking for social reactions to the removal of Rattlesnake Joe from the Politics Game, and there really are none to see. The only telltale sign that it happened is the front covers of the queer newsrags of the Deviates -- but no one is buying them. And no one should.

So, the never-ending contest for who will occupy the damned buildings in Wash This Death City continues. The Deviates have already chosen a replacement for Rattlesnake Joe, and that monster will oppose Trump in the next chickenshit election.


****Important Point****

There is an historical lesson here. The buildings in that shit hole are an indicator of the severity and the sincerity of any political conflict. It is not really serious (in there) until they start to destroy each other's buildings.

As far as the creatures that possess the buildings currently are concerned, they can destroy the buildings of their opponents all they want to, but their opponents must never destroy the buildings that they (themselves) currently occupy.

It is a very selfish situation, and they know that they can get away with this kind of struggle and jostling for possession, because their opponents want to occupy those buildings in their stead. Thus, they tolerate a certain amount of abuse and destruction to the buildings on their part; knowing that their opponents will have to repair any damages to the buildings while they possess them -- and -- thinking that because of the way the Politics Game is designed, someday they will occupy these government buildings again. Which were repaired by their opponents in the meantime.

That is crazy, but it is sick greed and it is a permanent part of Politics. Therefore, the awful buildings remain more or less intact, even though different types of diseased and lice-ridden players possess them from time to time.

There does come a time, however, if enough damage is inflicted upon the current occupants of the buildings (in other ways), they will lose interest in the buildings; and run with bloody anuses for their secret hideaways. They will abandon the buildings. Oh yes! They will abandon the buildings or destroy the buildings themselves, rather than allow the buildings to fall into the hands of their opponents. In that way, without a declared revolution and without a declared civil war the buildings can still be destroyed; by whatever side is currently occupying them, and had to evacuate because there is too much damage being inflicted upon them by their opponents in other ways.

In those circumstances, they simply cannot stay in the buildings, so they destroy the buildings as they leave. There is also a delayed destruction technique, where the buildings do not self-destruct, or the shit hole itself is not evaporated by a nuclear warhead, until they have escaped and their opponents occupy the buildings in their place.

The other way to destroy the buildings is to have what is called a 'hard revolution'. Revolutions usually come in soft and hard varieties. The most famous soft revolution was the 'Velvet Revolution', two of the most famous hard revolutions were the 'Russian Revolution' and the 'Mexican Revolution'. Civil Wars, however, usually do not spare any buildings. Civil wars are usually measured in Time, in the years that they are fought, instead of hard or soft, and they have no mercy on buildings of any kind. Civil Wars are all about destroying anything that the enemy (opponent) possesses or has or values or cherishes. You can see that we are nowhere near a Civil War because of the assassination attempt on Trump.

However, it could spark a revolution. In revolutions, buildings can be destroyed, and usually are; but usually not the government buildings. If you look at all of the aforementioned hard revolutions, there was not that much destruction of buildings; there was a lot of destruction of People but not the buildings. This is how the buildings play into all of these conflicts as an indicator. What happens to the buildings throughout the engagement or conflict is a good indicator of what exactly the conflict is.

Is it trivial like the many lies against Trump? Is it designed and orchestrated like the attempted assassination of Trump? Is it a soft revolution, is it a hard revolution, a one year civil war, or a five year civil war?

What happens to the buildings during the conflict is a big indicator of what the conflict itself is. Most people never understand this, because they are too busy whining and complaining about how many people are dying. Or, boasting about how many people are dying.

In summary: Having failed to kill Trump, the PPPP(-) have instead made it possible for Trump to once again occupy the White Outhouse -- so in desperation they have removed Rattlesnake Joe from office and it will be replaced by another (and worse) HORROR.


The {ForeverLyingDemoQueerLiars} still owe all of us for all of their endless lies in the service of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead.


does everything awful really come in threes



Markel Peters












I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message.
Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.



























Labels Of All Posted Messages--A Way To Search Through Messages By Labels

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed


This blog exists to inform the People, of the 'Real Truth' about the real enemies of the Human Species. These Truths are not objectionable, as they are Truths. Only the telling of them can be objectionable, to those who wish to hide the Truth. If the Truth is something you HATE and therefore object to - go elsewhere!


Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!


The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.