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Blog Archive

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Notes for -- 'What is an Environmentalist?' -- with Audio Podcast and a new Diagram:

This is the link to the latest audio podcast -- What is an Environmentalist?

I am including here, for your benefit, some written notes about this audio broadcast. I hope this clarifies things for you. The more clarity you have in this insane Planet Sinister, the better off you are.



Obviously, anything or anyone who is real in Planet Sinister is in grave danger of extermination and/or Genocide by Replacement. Which also endangers all of our possibilities to perceive the Real Universe as it actually exists. The mere existence of a Society of Liars (with such demented imbeciles in it as the Incrazies) jeopardizes all of our abilities to know and understand what is actually going on in the Real World. Such jeopardy is the deliberate intention of all Queer Propaganda in the first place -- of course!

No Pervert cares about anything other than being a Pervert.


Definition of 'Exclusivity': The doctrine or regulation that only one system out of many is acceptable, or that a system is preferable to any non-systematic existence that does not satisfy the needs and greeds of the Exclusive Beholder.


You can prove to yourself that Planet Earth is still quite attractive anywhere in the Real World, wherever there are no ButtUgly Windmills within ten miles of you -- AND -- there are no houses of the BUWIs or hovels of BUWI Death Drivers or doghouses of BUWI Pilot Car Drivers or Roach Motels of the Termites of the Secret Electricity Brotherhood -- within ten miles of you.

Sooner or later, the more you question the lies from the enemies of All Life, the more you are going to become uncomfortable with any association of those enemies. If anything is inevitable in this world, the certain downfall of a Society of Liars is bound to happen. I say to you, cut your losses and just say “Fuck Evil!” and leave it. Take the first Giant Step towards the Real Universe by shutting out all Queer Propaganda from your life and going out into Real Nature. Any Real Nature.

Speaking of Nature >>>>

[[ALERT! Snakes from the State Rapists based in Florida are here again! Their snake vehicles have been sighted in Dumpster County and Pocahontas and Calhoun Counties. Expect more intimidations and briberies of the most mindless and greedy farmers by those alien snakes, as they steal lands to put their ButtUgly Windmills on!!!!

It is literally Vermin Infestation from Florida.]]


IF -- there are any designated 'Nature Areas' near where you live, that are preservations of what the Earth has already grown successfully in your area -- there you will find examples of the types and species of plants that grow in your environment. If you follow my advice, and set aside parts of your property in which to grow what the Earth itself would naturally grow there -- based upon what grows in those 'Nature Areas', you will have an obvious selection to choose from.


Incrazies are what happens to the victims of Public/Political Schools, that are fooled into enrolling in the Queer Propaganda courses of Hate Speech and Attack Tactics. And then, are warmed up again in microwave ovens and unleashed like MAD DOGS on the real people of the Real World. Hypnotic brainwashing is always used to make the things believe that they are alive again. The overall desired Queer Effect is to create battalions of the Death Rampant; the kind of deranged and mindless attack drones that only Queer Propagandists and Filthy Monkey Horrors can appreciate.

Incrazies, are the realization of the Deviate's attempt to create zombies from Real Life. Of course, they are just the beginning and will become the victims of their own far worse replacements; which is always the Queer Way.

You can always tell what thing is an Incrazy. They all shit the same lies and stupid lunacies from their mouths, while they try to enlist Idiots to join their attacks against Humans -- for being sane, of course. To warmed-up death like the Incrazies, sanity is a terrible crime against all perversions. Which, is exactly what they were told to think (dimly) at the Hate Speech and Attack Tactics classes of the Deviates.

[[Which of your local community colleges gives classes in Hate Speech and Attacks Tactics?]]

And YES! All Incrazies do have an Anal Infatuation with the mouths of all Filthy Monkey Horrors. Which explains why all Filthy Monkey Horrors have two sets of buttocks -- upper and lower.

you cant always eat the shit you waaant
you cant always eat the shit you waaant
butt if you try real hard
donkey shit is always freeeee

What each town and city in this country needs now are Incrazy Control Officers. Mad Incrazy Removal Personnel, that are identical to Animal Control Officers. There really is a huge public health issue about allowing Incrazies to be loose and biting the real people of the Real World.

You can do something about that problem:

1. Cease to listen to any and all Filthy Monkey Horrors on the FM.
2. Cease all viewing of TV Turds.
3. Cease buying any and all queer newsrags.
4. Cease buying any and all queer magrags.

All of the above, actively fund and depend upon the grotesque schools of Hate Speech and Attack Tactics of the Deviates.

Really. Only the 'Brainwashed' and the 'Scared Shitless' would watch TV or listen to Filthy Monkey Horrors or read queered trash. That is a fact!

Incrazies, are the queer poster brats of the Deviate's planned Identity Crisis and Reversal Campaign; which they fully intend to smother all of Reality with. Inside the Queer Coalition Bladders, of course. National Geographic was killed that way. It's replacement, the 'NastyAllQueragraphix' monstrosity, is a typical example of identity death and reversal.

You may ask -- “Why are the Incrazies not put into lunatic asylums?”

Answer: How? The Incrazies are the devil's spawn of the APA. The APA is the part of the Deviate's Game that operates the lunatic asylums. Do you think the APA scum are going to admit to their crimes against humanity, and put their own Incrazies into their own lunatic asylums -- which -- they too must be locked up in????

Oh! And don't forget that a lot of money is being spent by the APA and ACLU and NEA (etc) at the treacherous local college in your area; as part of the ongoing campaign of endless lies and liars that are duped and dedicated to turning the world into their own private shit hole of Satanism. Such false colleges have entire courses in applied Satanism to offer to the local Incrazy talents that have been chosen as aspiring assholes. Soon to be 'Certified Assholes', after completing such anti-divine courses as:

*Applied Police Mind Fucking 101 and 202.
*How To Queer Your Neighbors As Bad As You Are Queered 101 and 202.
*How To Please Shit-Eating Monkey Judges Three Times A Day 101 and 202.

[[All of which explains why I would never (not ever) go to bed with any female that has been educated to the feminism scourge. Any thing infested with Feminism would try to cut my cock off while I sleep.]]


This brings us to the ageless and important question of -- “What is a classic shit eating Deviate?”

Answer: One that is somehow no longer able to crap new lies out of its putrid face -- AND -- cannot hide from the Truth at the same time. Thus, it is forced to eat all of the Queer Propaganda that it has repeated for its Masters in the past.


Fakery And Fake Fakery--05--Enhanced

About the diagram: It is quite self-explanatory to anyone who has not suffered mental tortures in DemoCrap Public/Political Schools. Tortures, that were intended to kill within their brains any and all abilities to deduce and realize that Truths can be self-evident.

Of the three hexagons, which one would you rather be in? The choices are: Fakery for its own sake, Fakery to call others fake, and Truth accused of fakery. The answer depends upon the degree of comforts programming that you have suffered as a victim of Queer Propaganda.

Everyone is a victim of Queer Propaganda.

In which of the Blue Evil Hexagons do you think the Voters are cowering and cringing and following orders to watch the TV Turds?

Why do TV Turds always 'dunce down' anyone stupid enough to watch them? How does that benefit the TV Turds?

What can you add to this diagram? Copy the entire diagram and paste it into a much larger 'Paint' field of white, so that this diagram is surrounded by larger areas of white background. First, create a white field in 'Paint' that is 3000 wide by 2000 high, then paste this diagram into the middle of that white field. Using [A]lphabetics, add your own text to the overall diagram, and/or add your own drawings.


If you lock out a lock out that has locked out your lock out of its lock out which you have already locked out -- who or what is locked out?


Here are a few examples of the types of video cameras that I am recommending to you:

Canon XC15 at Canon. Can be found for $2200.

JVC GY-HM170UA at JVC. Can be found for $1300.

JVC GY-HM200 at JVC. Can be found for $1600.

Panasonic AG-UX90 at Panasonic. Can be found for $2100.

Panasonic AG-UX180 at Panasonic. Can be found for $3500.

Sony HXR-NX100 at Sony. Can be found for $1700.

Sony PXW-X70 at Sony. Can be found for $1800.

You will notice that they all have the top mounted microphone assemblies. That is mandatory. Two other considerations are mandatory. All of the above shoot in 1920 x 1080 by 60 Progressive frames a second (60P). You must have at least that much. Plus -- the megapixel rating of the sensor must be at least 8 megapixels. All of the above models have that.

Prices have come down considerably since I bought my Sony Jungle Cam. Here are some add-on microphones that are worth considering:

JVC QAN0067-003 Microphone at JVC. Can be found for $90.

Marantz Professional Audio Scope SG-9P microphone at Marantz. Can be found for $130.

MXL FR-330M Shotgun Microphone at MXL. Can be found for $160.

Sony ECMMS2 Stereo Microphone at Sony. Can be found for $375.

Marantz offers some really nice digital recorders. Too good for me, but you should get them if you can >>>>

Marantz PMD561 at Marantz. $400

Marantz PMD661MKII at Marantz. $580

Marantz PMD-706 at Marantz. $300


I will briefly explain all that you really need to know about 1920 x 1080 60P:

There are five screen resolutions that you need to know about.

1280 x 720 30P
1366 x 768 no P
1920 x 1080 60P

1280 x 720 30P is the resolution that I often use to post videos on the Internet. It uses much less data than 1920 x 1080 60P, but it looks decent enough when all you are watching is me. For videos of Nature, it is not detailed enough.

1366 x 768 no P is the best screen resolution of most laptop computers. Do NOT shoot in this mode, even if it is possible with the video camera you are using. It is nothing more than the screen resolution of your laptop computer, NOT good for taking videos.

1920 x 1080 60P is the current standard for common video cameras. Even now, most video cameras offer this resolution as their top quality. This is what I always shoot videos in. If there is more than just myself in a video, I should put them on the Internet in 1080 60P. If there is only a closeup of myself, I convert them down to 720 30P in a video editor; since I am the only thing in the video anyway. Expect more 720 30P from me than 1080 60P. 30P is technically called 29P or 29.9P

2K is a slightly larger screen size than 1080 60P. For normal purposes, you do not need to care about 2K.

4K is not necessary for home videos. It is larger and more detailed than 1080 60P -- however -- how important is that to home video making, when 1080 60P is quite adequate? You will hear sales creeps give you all kinds of excuses for buying a 4K video camera, but it is far from required and often a case of overkill.

Some of the cameras that I am linking you to are 4K models. I am NOT recommending them for that. They all do 1080 60P very well, which is why they are being recommended. Compare the data size of a one hour video of 4K to an hour of 1080 60P and an hour of 720 30P -- then consider that you have to pay for every megabyte of data which you upload to the Internet -- and then you will see why the Frugal Choices are 1080 60P and 720 30P.

HINT: It is easy to put a 1080 60P file into a video editor and convert it down to 720 30P, and adjust its settings at the same time.

YOU CANNOT up convert from 720 30P to 1080 60P and keep the same quality.

Therefore, shoot in 1080 60P. Then down convert to 720 30P for uploading to the Internet.



Forced Insanity:

I am seeing evidence that the queer media scum are still trying to confuse everyone's Identities and Thoughts. Those things are still injecting Queershit into anyone's brain who they can still mess with.

Their technique is both insidious and unworthy of being on this planet. Unworthy of existing anywhere outside of Hell itself.

By, controlling all media discussions, and causing all discussions to use only queer media accepted terms and assumptions -- those brainwashing Spawn of Hell claim that the mind fucked results (their victims) have experienced a 'Change in Attitudes'!

A 'Change of Attitudes' on the part of the VICTIMS that were just subjected to such Mind Slavery and Abuse.

They calmly claim that it just happened that way when the queer media scum asked them questions; because everyone now agrees with the Queer Propaganda demands for their lies to be truth.

The Queershit Terminology used in such techniques is -- 'Change of Attitudes'.

Translation: Complete and painful evacuation of the brain by vacuum torturing -- and refilling it with Queer Propaganda and dumb obedience. Plus, fear of being shouted at by Incrazy Intimidators. Such successful Intimidation and Speech Control is lauded by the Queer Medias as a 'Change of Attitudes'.


Markel Peters


Friday, January 5, 2018

An Audio for Hurt Humans -- 2018-01-05:

This Audio File is for healing purposes. As we all know, the Human Species is under constant attack from the stinking emanations and the gargoyles and the freaks that either escape the Queer Coalition Bladders, or are sent out on missions to intimidate and destroy all Natural Enemies -- which happens to include all of Nature.

In this audio file I address some of those hurts and pains and issues that are caused by such attacks.


By the way, those intimidation tactics that Humans are attacked with when they are fired by the Deviates -- and -- those twisted Queershit Seances that the Dykes try to use to infest the thinking of any sleeping and defenseless Human Being with -- that they can get close enough to ...

are all practiced and/or performed with the worst Dyke (the 'Intimidator' or the 'Transmitter') with its face stuck up the asshole of the worst Faggot available. That, is why their lies are so vile and atrocious when they fire a Human Being from a Queer-infested work site. It is also why Humans see terrible visions of anus-faced Filthy Monkey Horrors in their nightmares. Which is not far from the Truth about what Filthy Monkey Horrors actually look like.

Except for one thing. All Filthy Monkey Horrors have four foot long plastic dicks attached to their noses. Bolted to their noses. The procedure is called 'The Bolt' within Queer Circles.

You have to be within that circle to think you can appreciate such ornamentation. That bent circle is sort of like a Grotesque Halloween Show 24/7. Which also explains why those nightmares (caused by the Transmitter Dykes) are so hideous.

Now -- you know what killed the brains of your Local Police Force.


Markel Peters

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Audios and Videos for Writers--2017-12-23:

I can only hope that my appearance is as unpleasing to every one of our enemies in the Universe, as their own is to ours.

Not that I am trying to look good anyway. I must say, however, that this very simple format and setting is much easier for me to use; as opposed to the other studio. Here, all that I have to do is to sit down and start to say the Truth -- with forbidden expressions.

As I mention several times in these recordings, it is good to see someone use facial expressions and speech patterns that are forbidden by the Deviates and all of their phony cronies such as the Monkey Judges and Monkey Lawyers and the BUWIs (etc).

I have shown the videos for that reason alone. The tactical emphasis is upon the voice parts of these sessions. The overall emphasis, is to benefit Humans (regardless of age) who either are writers, or want to be writers. Which instantly means that they will be breaking the forbidden TABOOS of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead (SQLD) by writing. All Humans write the Truth, or at least try to write the Truth, or they are NOT Humans.

The Truth, is expressly forbidden. No Truth is allowed in the Society of Liars. When you think of it, who would want anything True inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders anyway?


The Order of Viewing for these files is as follows:

*1--Audios and Videos for Writers--2017-11-19--01--720 29P 12000K H264 Main

*2--Audios and Videos for Writers--2017-11-19--02--720 29P 12000K H264 Main

*3--Audios and Videos for Writers--2017-11-19--03--720 29P 12000K H264 Main

*4--Audios and Videos for Writers--2017-11-19--04--Audio Track of 01-03

Already scanned for viruses by me before uploaded. I always triple scan everything.

You can download this without viruses, unless Google let one get over the fence from their side. Otherwise, use FreeCorder and make an audio copy instead of downloading. For your security, I have already downloaded these audio files and scanned them for viruses. There are none.

*5--Audios and Videos for Writers--2017-11-19--05--Additional Audio Track on 2017-12-19--320K

Already scanned for viruses by me before uploaded. I always triple scan everything.

You can download this without viruses, unless Google let one get over the fence from their side. Otherwise, use FreeCorder and make an audio copy instead of downloading. For your security, I have already downloaded these audio files and scanned them for viruses. There are none.

*6--Audios and Videos for Writers--2017-12-21--01--720 29P 12000K H264 MAIN

The videos were all calibrated to Windows Media Player in Windows 10 with default settings about all display controls -- so you may have to punch up the video settings on your display to see them like you want them. The higher resolutions do look better. I have noticed that the Google Video Player that they use on the Internet seems to be too light, too much brightness. Ignore that, and just download them so you can see them on your own Video Player.


This is a complete set that goes together as such. The total size of the Google versions of these files at maximum resolution (720P) is 11.75 Gigs -- 11,750,000,000 bytes. With the 'Handling Bytes' I would say about 15 Gigs, depending upon your service. Takes about one night to download.

I urge every Human who views these files to download them at the highest resolutions offered and to keep them for prosperity. Any Human who says the Truth anywhere in this country is a TABOO and FORBIDDEN PERSON to the scum and vermin that want our Species replaced. If there is any way that the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead can erase these files and keep them from the Species, they will do so.

And -- you will need them in the future. Guaranteed.


To Be Continued ...


Thank You and Good Writing

Markel Peters


Thursday, October 26, 2017

About Security Certificate -- What Is Wrong

I think I know what is wrong with the security certificate.

It was originally issued before Google went over to the HTTPS system. So, it was issued for ...


which works ... however ... Google told all of us Blogspot Writers to change over to HTTPS. We were told to make control changes on our website panels to accomodate the changeover from HTTP to HTTPS.

However -- that did not work for updating the security certificate to the new address, which now starts with HTTPS instead of HTTP.

If you try to access the HTTP address it goes through to the real website without any problems. However, the address that shows up is the HTTPS one. So, it is automatically making the conversion for you, and it will take you to my HTTPS main website (IF) you use the HTTP address in your search. Otherwise you get the dumb security certificate message when you try to use ...


This is a glitch in the system and a lot of users have probably encountered it. I will check around and see what the fix is.

For now -- just use ...


and you will go right to the main website without any problems.

I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.


Otherwise, I am in a wrestling match with the 'One Thousand Page Crocodile'. Twice now, I have reached one thousand pages in this next message, and then backed it off to 900 with editing, and it grows back to one thousand and I cut it back to 900 again ... and on and on ... and I have not started the dictation transcriptions and appendices yet ... and I have several sections that only contain titles and they have to be completely filled in (with links and maybe diagrams) ... so ... it looks like the 'One Thousand Page Crocodile' is going to win big time and the next message will be well past that mark.

Not that this is a bad thing. It is just in the 'large category' (not XL or XXL) and it takes time to do such works properly. For comprehension.


Meanwhile, I wish all of you Humans a Good Life and Good Thinking.


Markel Peters

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

HERE -- 07-04-2017:

Well, I have some good news, and I have some bad news -- and all of it is Real News:

It has come to my attention that there is a dubious and weird element here in North Central Iowa, probably political and definitely unnatural and obviously criminal, that becomes afraid (for some reason) every time I travel around Iowa taking pictures of the landscape. They have a code phrase “He's out again!” and whichever of that group of rejects sees me taking pictures in the countrysides, rushes to the nearest phone or Internet link to notify (warn) the others.

There are NO Good People of Iowa involved in this.

They react exactly like a Criminal Element that is afraid of a Police Detective. I have something to say about that. Only Bad Farmers and Hoggers and BUWIs and County Supervisor/Rapists and the Politics Gamers have something to fear from photographs that might reveal their illegal and immoral and unethical and unnatural activities in a countryside setting that they think is just for machines, and trash and the corpses of dead victims (assassinations) and then -- maybe -- some agriculture to leech upon and get rich from.

Well -- I was not looking for criminal activity anyway. But, there is no accounting for guilt-driven paranoia. On the other hand (the guiltless hand) a lot of Good Farmers look forward to being in my pictures! Most farms here in the Real Iowa try to be well ordered and attractive and photogenic -- which does not apply to any BUWI-Ruined farm, of course.

The unnatural and paranoid criminal element, must be committing crimes in rural areas. That would account for why they do not want anyone driving around in the countrysides taking pictures. Pictures, which the Good Farmers have no reason to fear.

Besides, before this I have not taken any closeup pictures of Iowa Farms because I do not want the Deviates and the Democraps to attack those Farmers -- Democraps and Deviates will kill anyone for any deranged reason.

[[Also, I am just photographing what really exists out there. What is really there in the Real Iowa has become second-rate in appearance and well-kept order to the Farms and Farmlands of Southern Wisconsin in any event; before the BUWIs attacked, because of the Hoggers. Now, with the Butt-Ugly Windmills, large areas of the Real Iowa look like Special Education Wreck Rooms for Berserk and Retarded and Violent Children. Especially when compared to Southern Wisconsin. The Hoggers and BUWIs that are raping Iowa today, should have NUKED Southern Wisconsin BEFORE they set about raping Iowa. Now, the comparison shows, and it is UUUGLYYYY!!!!]]

[[Incidentally, the BUWI scum claim that 36% of Iowa is powered by their Butt-Ugly Windmills, which is a crock of shit if I ever saw any. However, it does reveal something about their crazed thinking. They apparently have the lunatic notion that Polk County is 36% of the State of Iowa, just because it is the ugliest county in the state -- and -- the county where the BUWIs and the Monkey Lawyers and the Monkey Judges all exist. Stink. Lie. Connive. Plan. Recruit Mercenaries. Manufacture Deviates.]]

The criminal element who says “He's out again!” and rushes to warn their criminal network, are part of the Numb Nuts Network (NNN) here in Iowa -- that also say “We will all be happy when he is Dead”. They are the bad 10% of the 80%. 8% overall.


Recall the General Formula that invariably applies to Dumb American Living: Eighty Percent of any audience of any event will remain dumb and unresponsive to it, unless they have no choice. Given no choice, they will always take the 'Path of Least Resistance' back to being dumb and uncaring. Meanwhilst, ten percent will Absolutely Love the event, and cherish it forever -- whilst -- the other ten percent of the audience will Absolutely Hate the event and everything about it, forever. The amazing thing about the General Formula for Dumb American Living is that it applies to all audiences of all events on all days of all activities in all places -- IF -- the audience has enough active neurons left between their ears to have reactions to external stimuli at all. Day after day. Hour after hour.

I have been watching the Dumb And Wannabee Dumb Eighty Percent (of the original 100%) closely. So far, during the War Against Genocide By Replacement, 80% of the Dumb And Wannabee Dumb 80% (of the original 100%) have changed from a state of not knowing what is happening and fear of whatever is happening, to a state of not caring; because the Anal Reaming that 'The Cult Of The Asshole' intended for every Non-Queer person in the country (by the Monkey-Approved and Victorious Perverts) did not happen.

So now, they do not care about anything (again) and they do not care who or what saved them. Which is very typical of any Mob of Dolts that are so stupid they can be ordered to Vote.

Meanwhilst, the Good 10% of the Dumb And Wannabee Dumb 80% want out of the D.A.W.D.80% and want to be Revolutionaries -- while the Bad 10% of the D.A.W.D.80% want to kill all Humans and force the 80% of the Dumb And Wannabee Dumb 80% to hate all Real Revolutionaries. Per anal instructions, of course.

Got that?

80% of 100%Prime is 80%Secondary.

80% of 80%Secondary is 64% of the original 100%Prime.

10% of the 80%Secondary is 8% of the original 100%Prime.

That puts 18% of the original 100%Prime on the Good side (Revolutionaries); and 64%Prime only care that they did not get Queered and Ruined up their asses (and care about nothing else); and 18%Prime are Deviates and Queers and Criminals.

The Bad 10% of the 80%Secondary are the kind of criminal assholes that are in the Numb Nuts Network of Iowa, and are afraid that I will photograph some of their criminal activities out in the 'Waste Disposal Lands'.

As if I ever cared. Whatever was happening between the Farmers and the Government is meaningless to me, except I would favor the Farmers 1000 to 1. Unless, it hurt the land somehow.

That sentiment does NOT include the BUWIs and the Hoggers, of course. So, who do you think fills the ranks of the NNN?


It is formulaic, and America is fraught with such formulas -- such as 'The Shithead Formula' which is more of an Axiom than a Formula unless statistics are important. The Shithead Formula says that there must be Shitheads present and malfunctioning everywhere and in any place in America (of any description) or that part of America will not be smoothly and properly dysfunctional.

I am not going to get into an explanation of The Shithead Formula except to say that it exists everywhere in Dysfunctional America; and is considered to be a vital necessity for all Idiot Existence; and is so important to the stupor and daily retardation of everyday activities that if no Actual Shitheads are available at any location in America, people will volunteer to be the 'Shithead For A Day' -- OR -- some poor bastard will be bludgeoned and turned into a 'Shithead On The Spot'! Then, the newly arrived Shithead will be allowed to flop and flap about in loud agony -- making everything just 'All Right' and 'A-OK!' once again. Everyone talking about “Cannot let a Shithead Shortage happen here again! What would the neighbors think?”

Americans love Formulas.


Incidentally ...

The traditional emphasis here in Iowa of Farm Houses and Farmlands being of the most importance, has never pleased the Politics Vermin in Des Aliens (or their Masters at Wash This Death City) -- and has now been changed by the Politics Gamers. Farmlands and Farm Houses are now ninth class structures (waiting to be plowed under and replaced by machines) -- after:

First Class -- Butt-Ugly Windmills
Second Class -- Hogger Plants and Slaughterhouses
Third Class -- Government Buildings and Facilities
Fourth Class -- County Supervisor's Real Estate
Fifth Class -- Support Facilities for the first four classes
Sixth Class -- Slum Tenements for workers at the above five classes
Sixth Class -- Agricultural buildings for production logistics
Seventh Class – Political Cities
Eighth Class – Political Towns
Ninth Class -- Farm Houses and Farmlands
No Class – Nature



The days of Farms having any importance here in Iowa are gone forever!!!!!!!!!! And of course, no land with Butt-Ugly Windmills on it is someone's farm any longer.

Butt -- the Queer Propagandists say it is all for the 'Sake Of Change' and of course “That's Politics!”

too bad for everyone else

Young Farmers of the Midwest need to realize what this means to their futures. The Government-Sucking Farming Leeches that pretend to advocate for farmers, and publish all kinds of 'farm related' propaganda magazines, and yap on 'Ag Business' talk shows on radio, are nothing more than the shills and the Middle-Managers-For-Hire that are being paid by the Politics Gamers to overthrow and control any demographic group that threatens to hold the Politics Gamers accountable for their perversions and crimes and greed and the destruction of the American Way of Life. In favor of their own Politics Way of Death and Greed. To the Political Gnomes, the Farmers have been a threat to their greed and proliferation and power for far too long. Now the opportunity has come for the Politics Game to destroy and rule the Farming Game forever, with new Players and new Rules. Using greed and propaganda and suspicion and division as their weapons.

The greed dividers are the alien and grotesque Butt-Ugly Windmill Imperials, and the Texas Invasion of greedy Big Business White Assholes (look for the license plates), and the Pseudo-Farming Unnecessary-Technology Marketeers, and the Shit-Talking Government-Sucking Farming Advocates/Back-Stabbers. The ROOTs of many Evils. And -- totally Anti-Human and Anti-Revolutionary.


another ...

There is no such thing as the Queer Medias saying the Truth about anything. With the demise of the National Geographic and its replacement by the Nastyall Queragraphix this should be obvious to everyone who can think.
There is no such thing as the Queer Medias saying the News about anything. EVERYTHING THAT COMES FROM THE QUEER MEDIAS IS LIES AND PROPAGANDA!!!!!!!!!!
It is therefore imperative to the health and continuation of the Human Species that ...
A. No Human Being ever watches or listens to or reads anything whatsoever that is put out by the Queer Medias.
B. The Queer Medias are not to be allowed to know and gather and twist and pervert any Real News of any description.
C. The Queer Medias are strictly restricted to eating and puking out the sewage contents inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders -- AND NOTHING ELSE IN THE UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!!!

Our Enemies, Which Certainly Include All Queer Medias, Are Not Authorized By Us (The Human Species) To Gather And Disseminate Anything. Not One Thing. Nothing Of Any Substance, Or Of Any Material Existence, Or Of Any Imagined Existence, Or Of Any Creation Of Intelligence, Or (Especially) Any Information Of Any Description.
They Are Furthermore Not Authorized By The Human Species To Act Upon Any Material Or Information. And -- They Are Expressly Forbidden To Pretend To Disseminate Any Material Or Information (In Any Way Or Shape Or Form) To The Human Species.
In Short, They Are Not Allowed To Gather Information And Present It In Any Twisted And Queered Way, As Any Form Of Information That We Humans Should Be Interested In, And Want To Know About.
Which Means -- No News Is Good News Where The Queer Medias Are Concerned. The Queer Medias Are The Absolute Last Place In The Known Universe That Any Human Would Want To Hear From Or See Anything From. Not Even The Time Of Day Or The Weather Radar.
Absolutely Nothing.


Which reminds me of something that happened recently. Someone, whom I see from time to time, mentioned that (the person) had just gone to some event in Des Aliens (formerly Des Moines) that was called a 'ComiCon'? -- some kind of Comics Convention where all kinds of people (who need escapism from reality) flock to, to pretend to be other creatures than they already are.

When I left the building, I started to laugh. That kind of appeasement and diversionary tactic is so typical of Queer and Corrupt Governments. GOVERNMENTS THAT MUST DIE, always try to protect themselves by drawing to their vicinity droves and herds of crazed and selfish and unthinking persons, who are so shallow and so hopeless in their own misery that they seek any escapism and any diversion and any perks and any lies of encouragement (from anywhere). GOVERNMENTS THAT MUST DIE always try to surround themselves with 'Droves Of Dupes' that are more interested in pursuing their own desperate needs for escapism and temporary loss of Reality than they are in anything else.


The Queer Government, maybe?

That so-called 'ComiCon' playtime (that was staged in Des Aliens) is sooooo typical of the kinds of diversionary and illusionary and addictive-to-slavery pseudo-events that GOVERNMENTS THAT MUST DIE always sponsor and always put on and always spend money for -- when the very existence of the GOVERNMENTS THAT MUST DIE is at stake, and only then.

For Christ's Sake – what do you think tax monies are for?

For Christs Sake -- do you not remember what the foul and horridly decadent Governments of Ancient Rome did to try to stay alive in their filth and their greed and their slavery of their own People?


Now, that same GOVERNMENT THAT MUST DIE is trying to get as many retards and careless idiots as it can, to forget (and forget that they ever knew) that their ALL IMPORTANT AND ETERNALLY PRECIOUS 'WILL OF THE PEOPLE' has been stripped from them. To such a heinous extent, that the People who fall for such trinkets and playtime events are not supposed to ever remember that their 'Will' was in any way opposed to the 'Demands' of the Prostitution Business of the GOVERNMENT THAT MUST DIE in Des Aliens.
The persons that go to such 'Staged Zones Of Forgetfulness' as the bogus playtimes held at Des Aliens, are never supposed to remember that they have been horribly ruined and crippled by the same GOVERNMENT THAT MUST DIE; that secretly sponsors such gatherings as that so-called 'ComiCon'.
Do you see that 'ComiCon' stuff happening in a Human city?
Do you see that 'ComiCon' stuff happening in a Human Convention Center in any Human Country?
Instead, the GOVERNMENT THAT MUST DIE is using that kind of diversionary tactic and many others to:
1. Surround itself with self-aggrandizing and desperate victims of its own making.
2. Try to use the Queer Medias to make itself appear to be beneficial and good for the citizens.
3. Remove from the Human Species a percentage of the overall population which could one day be firing howitzers at their Statehouse/Pantyhose Emporium -- and -- at that Cathouse of the Monkey Judges across the street. Up on that Whore's Hill in Des Aliens.

Which brings up another important point.

If you are a GOVERNMENT THAT MUST DIE, your number one priority is to discredit and destroy any People who oppose you for your misdeeds and selfish crimes. People, who you were supposed to be representing all along, and who you stabbed in the back, and who you have been deliberately working against from the very second you became Politicians.
To the point that enough victims of your crimes, who you have now mollified with goodies and mummified with perks and pats on the butt and 'Staged Zones Of Forgetfulness' (like that 'ComiCon' thing) can be persuaded to oppose the revenge and the righteous indignation of the People who oppose you for your misdeeds and selfish crimes. People who you have ripped off and abused and robbed of their 'Will Of The People'.
By creating -- Pseudo-Law. Queer Law. That says that you are the one-and-only, and indispensable, and forever-required GOVERNMENT OF THE GREEDY AND PERVERTED ASSHOLES!!!!
I meant to say -- the wonderful and benevolent and ass-kissing and back-stabbing and child-raping and life-destroying and state-raping and beautiful and divine and glorious and to-be-worshipped ...

This has serious repercussions where revolution is concerned. I have mentioned before, that the Deviates will try to start a Mock War or a Phony War in the hopes of blaming it all on the Real Revolutionaries.

If successful, many FODDER ITEMS will be needed to die (from Deviate Bullets and back-stabbings and tricks); while the entire thing would be staged to appear (via the Queer Medias) as a failed Human Rebellion or a minor and pathetic Human Revolution. Immediately, the Real Revolutionaries, which were attacked by the Deviate FODDER ITEMS and were forced to defend themselves, will be blamed (by the Queer Medias) as the instigators and the guilty radicals that started the entire affair.

And -- 'Affair' is all that it will amount to -- because its only goals will be to kill enough FODDER ITEMS to shock and to appall and to scare other FODDER ITEMS into hating Real Revolutionaries -- AND -- to give their Mad Dogs of Fort McCoy a Media Excuse to carry out many pre-planned and pre-arranged (with Local Politicians) attacks against Known Real Revolutionaries. Therefore, hopefully exterminating the part of the Human Species that they have always wanted to eliminate to begin with. THE PART OF THE PEOPLE THAT DEMANDS REAL REPRESENTATION FROM REAL LEADERS!!!!!!!!

That part of the People -- must die for the Politics Game to continue.

'Representation'? What is that? A joke?

[[Have you ever noticed that the words 'over' and 'ment' are within the word 'Government'? When Evil and diseased and corrupted -- as is the sewage at Des Aliens -- all that is left of 'Government' is 'Overment'. An Overment. A monstrosity that can only rule by fear and trickery and deceptions and lies.]]

Let me try to explain to you just how pathetic and childish and ridiculous these antics and schemes and Queershit Exhibitions of the Government Scum of Des Aliens (and their pissant imitations at the county levels) really are. It is difficult, but I will try. I thought of laughing into a microphone for an hour, and then putting that on the Internet; but to what avail? Anyone with a brain is already laughing at the Politics Game here in Iowa.

And then -- into this wretched scene of Putrid Politics rides -- of all People -- Roy Rogers. I have been watching old black-and-white movies with Roy Rogers as the hero and a litany of character actors as the villains. The acting in Roy Rogers movies is always honestly portrayed and tries to be humorous when possible. The Bad Guys are acted out for real, and their sinister intentions are very well shown. Even so, they seem to be second-class movies from the old days to us today because they are in black-and-white. Maybe, if they were colorized with a Supercomputer the public would take them more seriously.

Roy Rogers movies are NOT second class. I remember what Roy Rogers and Dale Evans really looked like, and they were magnificent in color. Those movies are having a resurgence of importance that their creators probably never expected. It goes like this:
I: The current evil deeds of the sick-sick-sick Politicians and Government Sucks here in Iowa are horrific and vile and anti-life to a severe extreme.
II: It is all being perpetrated by absolute rejects that hold Political or Government-Suck positions, and refuse to accept that they are no longer good enough to hold positions of fakery in the classic sense. All of them have fallen into Deviate-Approved decadence and anti-Humanity, to the point where they cannot even pretend to be 'Classic Corrupt Politicians' any longer. As though Classic Corrupt Politicians were ever accepted somehow.
III. They have fallen into a kind of stupefied role-playing idiocy that is almost exactly like the acts and actions of the Bad Guys in the old Roy Rogers movies!!!! To a 'Tee'.
IV: Now -- if you watch a Roy Rogers movie, you will see Villains and Bandits and Robbers and Cheats and Liars and Thieves and Murderers and Corrupt Crime Bosses that are almost exactly like the Scum Politicians at Des Aliens, and their Scum-Suckers in the counties; their 'County Coyotes'.
V: To such a vivid and incredible similarity, that to watch a Roy Rogers movie today is to laugh your ass off at the Politics Vermin of Des Aliens; even though you are watching representations of old-time Bad Guys.

That means -- Today's 'Shithead Guys' in Des Aliens are nothing more than dismal and blind fools acting out someone's crazy ideas of modern Roy Rogers movies.

And -- they can only get away with it (on a few people) if no one watches Roy Rogers movies.

You call THIS -- LIFE????

What Mindless Nonsense.


Proof of what I am writing?

Absolute. It is called 'ComiCon', and it just happened in the last place on Earth where anything like that should occur. Des Aliens, the center of the worst assholes in the entire MidWest.

From such 'Staged Zones Of Forgetfulness' will come the FODDER ITEMS that will be sacrificed during the Mock and Phony War that the Deviates (and the Politicians) intend to stage.

Sucks to be a Comics Fan these days. Downright fatal.

[[You can download Roy Rogers movies at the Internet Archive.]]


again ...

Something else occurred to me recently. I was reading some Chinese History about Li and Yue (music) and ancient Chinese temples, and I took a break to do some laundry. While I was loading the washing machine I suddenly wondered to myself where the Capital Building of Iowa was.

“Where is the Capital Building of Iowa?” I thought.

I thought about it for a while and studied some more Chinese History and came to the conclusion that there is NO Capital Building in Iowa. There IS the Cathouse of the Naked Monkeys on a hilltop at Des Aliens, and there IS the Statehouse/Pantyhose Emporium across the street from that open-pit latrine; but there is NO Capital Building about the People of Iowa. A Capital Building for the People of a state would be dedicated to preserving those People and assuring their Human Rights; and would be dedicated to insuring and promoting the Will of the People, and never allowing the Will of the People to be attacked and perverted and denatured by Deviates and Politics. A Capital Building would be a living monument to the Will of the People of that state.

Iowa has no such building. Then, I thought about that dumpster in Wash This Death City called the 'Capital Building'. What was in it? I have never been inside that heap of shit before, but I have seen pictures of it, and if my memory is correct the thing has two sides to it. On one side, are all of the Lesser Queers that meet to kill Nature, and on the other side (of that shithouse duplex) are the Bigger Queers that meet to kill Nature. Nowhere in that place is there the forbiddance of Politics and the Affirmation Of The Supremacy Of The Will of the People; as any Capital Building Of The People would contain.

I then realized that all of the 51 Capital Buildings are just Factories for Politics, and were never intended to serve the People -- just to serve the Politics Game.

Then, I realized that this was a huge flaw in the Politics Scam, and it could only be kept from bringing down the Politics Scheme if the People were (and are) kept ignorant and stupid and mentally crippled and too afraid to fight the tyranny of Politicians.

Then, I realized that it is the perfect reason (among so many other reasons) why Wash This Death City cannot be the Capital of a Human Nation. There is no Human Capital Building for Human People there!!!!!!!!!!

Think about it. No such Capital Building or dedicated memorial building for the Human Species exists there; and certainly not in the BUWI rathole called Des Aliens.

The void which this creates, and the obvious Anti-Human reasons for it, are also the Perfect Reason why a Real Human Capital has to be built somewhere else in the Country -- probably centrally located away from the worst dead zones of Politics and Perverts.

Likewise, there is the urgent need for a Real Human State Capital in Iowa, where a Real Capital Building dedicated to the Real Humans of Iowa will exist -- WITHOUT A SINGLE POLITICIAN IN IT!!!!!!!!!!

A Real Human Capital would not have Politicians in it anyway, because Politicians are Anti-Life to all Real Lifeforms.

[[Think I am being unduly critical of Des Aliens Politicians? If you can stomach talking to such endless liars, ask those scum what all of the Texas Piggies are doing at their Des Aliens offices and backyard parties. There are many (MANY) reavers and rapists from Texas 1984, driving up to Des Aliens to bribe and program and finger the Putrid Politicians at the ever-corrupt Statehouse/Pantyhose Emporium in Des Aliens. I see them every week with my own eyes! And, I know criminals when I see them.]]


These are some things to think about while you look at these photographs of Iowa taken in the Spring of 2017 -- 450 pictures.

I cannot think of any reason why we Humans should not photograph and enjoy and partake of our own countrysides.

Who gives a damn what the Elitist Class of Big Business Assholes wants? Like forgetfulness.

I started this photo session with two plans. One, to take pictures of long fences and hedge rows and tree lines that went from the immediate foreground to the far distance, thus giving a sense of the depth and the vastness of the Real Iowa. Two, to photograph 'One' along the travel pattern shown below.

The idea was to photograph along vectors:
A. From the furthest Northeast corner of Wright County and proceeding as due eastwards as possible in one day.
B. From the furthest Southeast corner of Wright County and proceeding as due southwards as possible in one day.
C. From the furthest Southwest corner of Wright County and proceeding as due westwards as possible in one day.
D. From the furthest Northwest corner of Wright County and proceeding as due northwards as possible in one day.

It is a sampling technique that can have interesting values and results.


It is perfectly all right to look at these pictures. They are meant for Humans anyway. Do not worry what our enemies think about them. They don't. They never see them. They just repeat what they are ordered to say about them.


It has been more than five years since I first began to put pictures of the Real Iowa on the Internet. From the beginning, I have tried to explain to my readers that these photographs are not meant for any spectacular or sensational reasons. Subsequently:

1. Some readers who live in congested and ugly cities are very impressed by these pictures, no matter what I say.
2. Other readers in the same predicaments try to ignore these photographs with a sort of maligned masochism, pretending that they do not need them. Which is to say, they do not need what the Real World looks like, any of it.
3. A lot of People (from unexpected sources) like these pictures, but wish that I would spend my time taking pictures of People. For some reason, they want to see the People who live around here.
4. Speaking of which, the Elitist Class of Big Business Assholes in Des Aliens (and their little County Coyotes) hate these photographs; because they show the land as it was before they ruined it, and destroyed it for their own pretzeled and illogical and very greedy reasons.
5. And some, just wish I would show something more jazzy and peachy-keen and sophisticated.

You do not want to know what I think of the word 'sophisticated'. Encarta says that 'Sophisticated' means “Knowledgeable and Cultured. Knowledgeable about the ways of the world, self-confident, and not easily deceived. Appealing to or frequented by sophisticated People. Complex, advanced and very up-to-date.”

Well ... that is one definition that has completely outlived its applications. Today, 'sophisticated' has nothing but negative connotations and the worst of implications. It now applies only to the existence and actions and airs of slimy and squirming and conniving and lying and cheating and back-stabbing enemies of the Known Universe; for their own purposes, of course.

And no, this is not just something that “Markel thinks.” Markel has the uncanny ability (compared to a Public Education) of being able to know the Truth when he sees and hears it -- or realizes it.


Some of these pictures may seem to be repetitious. Actually, they are different variations of the same settings. I look for details in my photographs. I hope you do too.

It is not an exaggeration to say that 99.9999% of the People who will see these pictures, will Not see Iowa in their own lifetimes. For one billion viewers that is 999,999,000 People who will never see the Real Iowa for themselves. One thousand will see Iowa, for some reason, having seen these pictures.

Therefore, as I have always said, it is of paramount importance to show what this land really looks like.


First Day of four, 02-15-2017.
This time around, I had the idea to adapt a pre-existing Ecological Survey method to the art of photography. Simple to do. Just walk in a straight line and count everything that you encounter as you travel, for a specified distance, looking for specified species. Of course, you have to be able to walk in a straight line, and that was (is) patently impossible where photography is concerned -- if -- one of your specifications is to take pictures that are interesting.
This is the farthest Northeast point of Wright County. The idea now is to proceed eastwards on as straight a course as is possible, considering that detours are necessary to find pictures worth taking. The result is a randomized zig-zag eastwards.

As I indicated, the number 'One' idea is to take pictures of scenes that show the vastness and beauty of Iowa when it is unspoiled by Hoggers and BUWIs; which are a mindless plague of humanoid locusts upon this land.
I think it is possible that this has never been done before (as simple as it is), which does not surprise me as I am always breaking into new frontiers of thought. I prefer to think that this has been done previously, and the entire idea has simply been lost in the psycho-frenzy of false-acceleration and skimpy thinking that has been forced upon the populations by the Big Business Assholes and their advertisers.

Whenever possible, I will take pictures of line items that extend from the immediate foreground to the far distance; showing the distances that exist here -- where -- there are no concrete walls to block and blind the view, as in the ugly cities that the Hoggers and BUWIs aspire to own and control.
However, whenever I see something that might be interesting to any viewer -- whether in Russia or China or Argentina -- I will take a detour.
Iowa has a lot of these old buildings lying about. They are leftover from the 'Great Consolidation' which occurred in the 1980's. Some of them are still being used, I doubt if this one is. Now, they make good habitat for wildlife.

Bear in mind, I have to think with the 'Generic Human' in mind when I look for pictures to take; regardless of where they live.
There is still snow on the ground. Fields are unplanted around this very typical small farm.

A Redtail watching me. Very typical. I am always being watched closely by the Wildlife out here. I must look like a Butt-Ugly Windmill Imperial for some reason. I must teach the Hawks the art of precision aerial bombardment.

This is what I am talking about. Does this look simple to you? The idea is not simplicity. The idea is depth of perception, called 'Depth of Field'. Depth of Perception and Depth of Field are two capabilities that no one in the 'General Public' is allowed to possess and exercise -- according to the so-called Homosexual Agenda.
Do you have any idea of how much money the land that you are looking at would cost if it was for sale? You would be surprised.

Why do I take pictures like this? Why not? This is NOT a convenient landscape for the edification of Realtors and BUWIs and Hoggers, who would want a completely dead and sterile and lifeless playing surface on which to put their factories and slaughterhouses and Anti-Crosses.

Now you see what I mean. Singular lines stretching out into the far distance, tying the foreground to the background and displaying the distances involved. If you cannot understand it, just look at it until some of your neurons get it. They will tell you what it is all about. Later.

I35. Have to cross this superhighway to get to the east counties.

I took this to show the road and the distance and the ground. Just to get the point across, I am liable to create an entire 'Here' episode taking close photographs of dirt. Seems to be that some people do not appreciate dirt, soil, the Real Earth. Must be aliens. Looking east.

Once again, a line leading into the distance. This time with foreground material and a middle ground subject. Looking north.

Clean and productive countryside, quite attractive without Butt-Ugly Windmills from the Pit of Pestilence, Polk County.

Still moving eastwards, this time the subject is in the background.

It's always good to have a polite audience. Hey, some of them are asleep.

Still looking north. This and the next photo are at the same location.

Looking south.

Looking north, still going east. When the corn is tall, it will be impossible to see that farm from here.

The tracks on the west side of Sheffield in Franklin County. Almost due east of the starting point. These tracks are still in service, notice how clean they are.

Part of northern Sheffield. I only stopped at Sheffield for liquids and then kept moving.

A short ways east of Sheffield, the West Fork of the Cedar River. Looking south.

Close by and looking north.

A short distance further, looking south.

On the way to Dougherty, shifting northwards as I go. All looking north.

In an earlier episode of the 'Here' series I showed this stream in the middle of summer with a muskrat swimming in it. Same exact spot. It was much greener and lush at that time.

One of my 'the way it really is' shots.

Here, I find myself just south of Marble Rock, still on an eastwards vector. I decided to go there and look at the dam on the Shell Rock River, which I have shown pictures of before.

And what a surprise! I have not seen any river in Iowa doing this before. This is right in Marble Rock, but the river channel is deep enough to prevent flooding of the town.

The sound of this erases all others. It is massive, and you feel as though you will be drafted into the wave. One wrong step and you will disappear into it. You would never survive the ride down the river. The Shell ROCK river, has many rocks in it to bust your skull on.

I continued on towards Nashua and Chickasaw County.

Nashua. Here, I turned back and began to zigzag southwestwards towards Greene.

Towards the sunset.

Away from the sunset.

Towards sunset again.

In Greene.

Driving into the sunset.


Second Day of four, 03-07-2017. This is the extreme Southeast corner of Wright County, facing south.

A different type of day from the first one, not as hazy and more blue. It was a day of good cloud formations which always enhance landscape photography. Which brings up a point, and I am not making this up. The scum who work for the BUWIs have no idea what 'landscape' is. I know this for a fact. Those murderers think that 'landscape' is something that soft-minded and deluded People just think exists; and of course only such retards can value such a non-existent thing as a 'landscape'.
The BUWI vermin that think that way see nothing and know nothing except their own greed and paychecks. Is it any wonder that they are Anti-Life to all real lifeforms? They do not even respect the planet they are on -- while at the same time -- ruining the chances of anyone ever building another planet on which Humans can live.

Bear in mind that our line of march is due south now. Looking east.









West. Still going south.

On the Edge of Ugliness. The scene is not ugly, there are Butt-Ugly Windmills on the far horizon. Over there, all is Godless Ugliness.

I am showing seven variations of this view to illustrate the simple fact that on days like this out here, all you have to do to get a different look to any scenery is to wait a few minutes. This is why you want to stop at scenes and shoot dozens of shots before leaving. Which of course takes time. Yet, it creates the difference between 'tourista' quickie photos and real landscape photography.

Further south, a familiar looking railroad track. I parked on top of it and shot this looking east. This could be one of the last photographs taken of the Real Iowa as it should be -- without Butt-Ugly Windmills everywhere, and Hogger buildings under foot everywhere. The time can come (easily) when the only things left in the Real Iowa that are beautiful are the clouds.

Same direction, same tracks, using higher power. The Total Bullshit that 85% of Iowa is lands for agriculture (a lie most recently used by the Hoggers) is so full of Hogshit that even a hog would not eat it. It ranks as one of the All-Time-Worst 'Big Lies' ever promoted by 'Mass Propaganda'.

Want a good laugh? Ask a Hogger (not a promotions puppet) why the amount of agricultural lands in Iowa has declined so drastically and so much over the last forty years (when the 85% Bullshit was started) -- and then -- have a good laugh while the Hogger shits out of its face and demands that you eat it.

Same tracks, looking in the opposite direction, west. What town is that there?

A closeup of that town. From here I do not recognize it. Seems odd for a town to be over here. Of course, it could be from a side I am not familiar with.

I backtracked a short ways north and took this picture of where the car had been sitting. Looking south. Good clouds.

I decided to find out what town that was.

Well, by jingles its Williams! Which I have seen many times from this side, the west side.

Just to the west of where those pictures were taken is this busy intersection with two motels and two truck stops and a lot of traffic every day, called 'The Boondocks'. As usual when you are out in the middle of everything, you are supposed to be in the middle of nowhere. With Butt-Ugly Windmills nearby, this place could be called 'Ugly and Godless Nowhere'.

Very close to 'The Boondocks' is Big Twenty, and I was now offtrack to the west, so I got onto Big Twenty and headed east to the next exit. This is taken from the overpass looking west.

I think this is on the same road that was the overpass on Big Twenty, just to the south as I was still on a southwards vector. I was looking for landscape scenes when I suddenly noticed a very unusual sky formation shaped like an upwards vortex opening out into an umbrella.

I have included eight pictures of it here, in case no one has seen anything like it before. I have never seen anything like this before.

I returned to my mission of taking shots of landscape with features that show distance. Looking east.

Proceeding right along here, the clouds which I saw from the overpass (which were moving easterly) sailed over my head and behind them came a linear storm cell moving due east, south and parallel to Big Twenty. I had to redirect east and then look north to get these pictures.

I ended up at this pond next to Tipton Creek, and then I began to ramble southwards again.

 Going south, looking east. The storm is still moving quickly eastwards.

I spent some time getting shots of these trees against the storm background. Two, turned out as I wanted them.

Here, I hooked into the hardtop Rt S27, and started to move more quickly southwards.

At Radcliffe, now dead due to BUWI Proximity.

More of 'BIG BUWIs' death machines. These are the 'Anti-Crosses' that any Anti-Christ would (and does) sew into the land to corrupt and divide and destroy all Decency and Human Values and Human Hope.
Do you imagine that the scum that deliver the pieces of those death machines do not know what horrors they are bringing upon the Planet Earth? Not so. Each delivery of a piece of this ugliness is directly 'Middle-Managed' by the Deviates. Each shipment has two elements to it -- a dumb and greedy pig driver of the big vehicle -- and two 'Idiot Controllers' in two escort vehicles; all out-of-state. Throughout each trip from Hell to the Earth, the Idiot Controllers are constantly talking to the dumb and greedy pig driver over radios, and telling it what to think and what to feel and how to obey 'BIG BUWI'. How to be a correct and obedient criminal for the Greater Agenda. It is the Deviate drivers in the escort vehicles that run the entire delivery, and maintain propaganda control over the dumb and greedy pig driver in the big delivery vehicle.
I have seen this many times with my own eyes. I know for a fact that the escort drivers are Deviates.

Off S27 now, and trying to keep on a due southwards course. As you can see, there are many interesting cloud formations out here on this day. A natural expression of freedom that Big Business Science Priests have actually tried to get government approval to destroy.

After drifting eastwards a little I came upon this hidden paradise.

Colo. Here, I stopped again for some liquids and then kept on.

I then entered the triangular area created by Rts 30 and 330 and 65.

Time to head back home, but first I wanted to know what that tower was.


Third Day of four, 03-26-2017. This is the far southern border of Wright County on Rt 17. From here I traveled west to ...

the farthest Southwestern corner of Wright County, facing west. Now we will proceed on a westwards vector.

But first, we will have to pass completely over Hog Heaven -- otherwise known as 'Dumpster County'. Without question, the ugliest county in North Central Iowa. This picture is taken beyond 'Dumpster County', near the border of Calhoun and Pocahontas Counties.

This is Lizard Creek in Pocahontas County. I have shown a group of pictures from this location before. Now we see it in early Spring.

This is not part of the Lizard Creek area.

It was an overcast day, and when the Real Iowa is blue it is really blue; and when it is grey it is really grey; but I did not relent and began to seek out ponds and bridge works to photograph.

Looking north, going west.

This and the next seven photos are taken at the same pond.

Just a duck. Must be fun to be just a duck.

There are thousands of ponds like this all over the Midwest, all different and all essential to Life.

I came to this tee in the road and turned south. From here I began to zigzag westwards.

It pays not to expect anything when you go out on trips like this. As long as you have your equipment and your skills together, and a good vehicle, and munchies and drinks, you should be able to handle whatever you find. Of course, all that you see and hear is Nature. There are no distractions.

Another attempt at some distance shooting to show what Iowa is supposed to look like.

This is a 'Mood Picture'. I colorized it to match the feelings of the place and weather and time of day.

I came upon this swamp.

A choice natural setting during both migration periods.

Why did I take this photograph? The line of telephone poles.
With the light going down, I turned north and began to return to Eagle Grove by a more northerly route. Looking west.



Now turning eastwards and staying on that course.

Believe it or not -- in quite a few cities around the Planet Sinister, to persons imprisoned in such mazes, a scene like this looks like an Invitation From Heaven; compared to the gruesome existence that they have to endure each day, surrounded by millions of aberrations and transfreaks and demented perverts and generic assholes.

An overcast day overall, but these pictures still serve their purpose. Given a few more decades, the rancid BUWIs and the Hoggers will have reduced this land of Iowa to such a trash heap and junk yard that scenes like this will become a rarity, rather than the rule. Their Absurd Propaganda Bullshit that 85% of Iowa is still comprised of lands for the growing of crops, is an indication of what Evil and Wretched Liars they all are.

Don't blame the equipment, blame the Users. This can be a very helpful tool out here, given a decent occupation that does not destroy and mutilate the land.

Classic Composition.

Eventually, after several stops that proved to be unworthy of pictures, I came to Rolfe; from the south side.

Also at Rolfe.

Still going eastwards.

More pastoral scenery. If you study this series of pictures about Iowa, it will do you good to see what this area looks like in all sorts of lighting and weather conditions. By the way, deer are quite prevalent out here at all times except January thru March. These pictures were taken in March. This winter was light compared to most, and the deer and the wildlife were quick to take advantage of the warm temperatures.

By now, you should know why I took this picture.

Finally, I ended the day at Hardy, which I keep calling 'Harvey' for some reason. As good a place as any. This looks like it is over-colored and has too much grain; and it is. I edited this to make it into a desktop background, but first I had to bring out the details and lighten it up. A lot of the grain is caused by the fact that it was a dark photograph.


Fourth Day of four, 03-28-2017.
This is the furthest Northwest corner of Wright County, looking north. I am sitting on Rt 17. A much brighter day than the last one.

As always, you can never anticipate what you will find as you journey across the state. So why worry about it? The only thing that you can choose is the general type of day that you go out into; and even then (and even in January) you can never know what sorts of situations and activities you will encounter.
I began to zigzag northwards bearing westwards.

I really like these distance shots. Next time I might do macro work and very close up to Nature.

I created this effect and appearance from a very standard photo. I wanted another 'Mood Picture' that tries to show the feelings and ambiance of the moment. Look up the word 'ambiance' if you do not know it. This is looking east.

How many uses can you think of for telephone poles? Starting with Hanging Monkeys. Such a Pleasant Ambiance!

I reached St. Benedict again, up on the edge of the Crystal Rim. How wonderful it is, that this town has not been butchered like Crystal Lake has been butchered; by unspeakably ugly Anti-Crosses from the BUWIs. Crystal Lake looks like a House of Horrors now, and is surrounded by Butt-Ugly Windmills.

Now, I am up on top of the Crystal Rim where the water is more plentiful.

Still bearing northwards, in Kossuth County now. Until I hit the border at Rake, I remain in Kossuth County.

Still moving generally north towards the border. I over-edited this one to show more details.

At this canal I came upon an animal. Can you tell what it is? Blissfully enjoying itself in the water.

Another 'Mood Picture'. I did not have to create this one, it just happened. I kept going north.

I overemphasized this one for a desktop picture. This is Classic Real Iowa.

The town of Titonka, looking east. You can tell it is Titonka by the large grain silos on the east side.

I went towards the town on Rt B14, to get this shot looking northeast; and then backtracked to 200th Avenue and went a very short ways north to the Buffalo Creek; where I took the next three pictures.

This is the Buffalo Creek in Kossuth County.

Overemphasized for a desktop.

One of many such cemeteries out here.

The landscape begins to become more scenic.

Then, I happened upon this canal; and found it to be an excellent opportunity to try out my 300mm telephoto lens.

All of these shots are about the clean and clear water that is coming out of that tile pipe.

I enlarged eighteen of the dozens of pictures that I took of the place where the water fell into the canal, also clear. The format size of the enlargements is 2081 x 1169, or as close as I could maintain.

These closeups are intended as backgrounds for desktops, and they work well for that.

It is quite amazing what the Real World looks like close up. Of course, you are NOT supposed to know about such things. This does not benefit the Deviates or the Big Business Assholes. This does not pay them dividends or perks or benefits.

These eighteen enlargements can be used as a changing sequence of desktop backgrounds at three minute or five minute intervals.

Continuing northwards, looking west.

By now, I know I am getting close to the border.


At last I reached the northern border at the town of Rake, in Winnebago County. Here, I took a few pictures and turned back westwards and then looped south, back towards home.

Just west of Rake.

Right on the borderline, right north of Rake.

These pictures of Rake should be of interest to the Iowans down at Lineville. Lineville is the southern border town.

West of Rake again, going west, looking south.

Two versions of the same picture. Looking south.

A stand of Norway Spruce. One of thousands here in Iowa.

Going south now, the light is fading fast.

I ended the day at the town of Wesley, back south in Kossuth County.

One last shot. There is always one last shot.


Well ... that was done ... but I happened to have some more photographs which I had taken since that project was completed. I had gone out again on two half-days to just amble about. I took hundreds of pictures, but I will show you a few of interest. These shots are NOT part of the vector technique which you have just seen.

Entirely inside Wright County. A look at a busy wetlands on the eastern border near Dows, and then a surprising look at some Great White American Pelicans close up, at another location. I have never been able to get this close to them before. As usual, if there is anything in focus in these pictures I keep them.


Taken in the area between Goldfield and Kanawha. Another session at a tile pipe outlet close up, then looking down at a stream bed overflow (it has been a rainy Spring), then Kanawha.
Then to a Hancock County conservation area; where I found a pair of Geese with many babies going down the Iowa River. I forged ahead of them and waited for them to float past me, which they never did. While I was waiting, I took some pictures of the river; then I went upstream again to find where they had doubled back. After that, I took pictures of items on the bottom of streams that led into the lake; with the intention of making backgrounds out of them. I ended it all by taking a picture of a tractor with a seed-planting implement.


By the way, it is confirmed again, during the latest too-short national holiday -- Ford Fuckup Drivers, Definitely Have The Smallest Craniums Of All Drivers On The American Roads!!!!

And -- in shiny white Ford Fuckups that are the same color as 'Their Master's Asshole'. Isn't that cute Ladies and Gentlemen? Isn't that Divine?

How would they know?

Wishful Worship?

do we really want to know


The Queer Medias are not good enough to be medias, of any information dissemination. Not good enough (by light-years) to tell anyone the 'news', or to pretend to be important to our Species in any way.

So, why would they be important enough to tell us (propagandize to us) who or what is important in our lives? Any thing that the Queer Medias say or pretend is important, immediately becomes Null and Void; and of NO interest to us whatsoever.


It is with pleasure that I may report some Real News, which is >>>> the Real Women of Wisconsin are still the most beautiful and vivacious and drop-dead sexy babes in the Midwest!!!!

The Mad Cow League of Wisconsin (also known as the MooCow Wild Bunch) is infuriated about that, of course. It is counter to all of the edicts and demands of those twisted Femi-Nazis. To those scum, females are not supposed to look and feel and be sexy. Especially NOT to Real Men!!!!

Well, that load of cow manure has failed completely in Wisconsin. I truly enjoy traveling in Wisconsin (except on the Queer Road 151) and seeing and speaking to the sexy babes of that state. In Wisconsin, they can talk! Of course, this excludes the Madison Asshole.


This is a Google Search for EDMOND O'BRIEN 1984 MOVIE

This is the Edmond O'Brien version of '1984' -- the now immortal novel of warnings that some day such Automatonic and Dehumanized and Monstrous Bureaucracies of Governmental Totalitarianism as the D.O.T. would some day exist. Edmond O'Brien was always a good actor of his period and looks a bit like myself without the mustache and beard -- if I say so myself. This is a good film version of several that have been done. This YouTube copy, is inferior to what you should see. Below is a weblink to buying the film for a much better copy.


If you have never heard of the book called '1984' -- some Government Dictator must want it that way.

Take a good long look into what this book is all about, and watch the film versions.

For Hogs and Chickens and Voters in Iowa -- Every Year Is 1984.

Love Six-Time Incest Pest!!!!

Remember, for you -- the 'Two Minute Haste'.

For your grandchildren -- the 'Two Minute Hate'!

love big incest and big incest will love you


When will the ambulance arrive for the Real Iowa?

Answer: Never. The perverts at the Statehouse/Pantyhose Emporium at Des Aliens want a DOA STATE, to bleed to death for its riches.

there is something about creatures that consider your blood to be a currency that makes you want to vote for them again


For those of you who are True Readers of my messages because you realize that the Truth of Our Species is far larger than what you can find here -- and -- you know that we Humans, as a Species, have already experienced far too many course deviations from our True Path ...

I have good news, and a video. The good news is -- the Filthy Monkeys have been permanently crippled and disabled. One no longer need care what trash comes out of the ceiling speakers, which can now be completely ignored as mere noise; because all of it from now on is mindless gibberish (100%). Permanently fried. That cancels out 25% of the Queer Medias.

!!!!Please watch this video and listen to it closely. It is unlike any that you are likely to have seen before. Those of you with real intelligence will understand the correlations!!!!


About Geography:

Anything, no matter what it was or pretended to be, that supports and advertises (spreads) and promotes the Queerism Disease -- IS -- the Queerism Disease. From eyeball to eyeball, from head to hoof, from anus to mouth, from dipshit excuses to shovel of lies in hand -- it IS the Queerism Disease.

National Geographic has been killed.

All that remains now is the putrid Nastyall Queragraphix, a cesspool of Deviates of all descriptions. Which, in a way, is excellent timing. The Filthy Monkeys have just been fried until crispy, inside their own bladders, and will never be believed again or needed again for any reason in the Universe. That means, we can turn our attentions against the Queer Magrags.

I will start by explaining why our Species now needs our own Geographical Service and why that is important to us. Naturally, the False and Phony Government-Of-No-Authority is of no consequence or benefit to our Species. Any thing that such a twisted and rotten sewage as that Government-Of-No-Authority claims is a geographical service -- is NOT.

So, why Geography? What is Geography all about? Why was it ever important to begin with? Why did the National Geographic die? Was it the fault of Geography? Was there a geographical reason for the death of the National Geographic?

To start with -- decades ago, before the corruptions of False Government (and the Deviates) began to infiltrate into the ranks of the National Geographic, that magazine was of some worth and service to our Species.

The crawling vermin that now occupy the chambers of the Nastyall Queragraphix will try to pretend that they still are of some value and service to us -- by pretending to produce articles that their twisted craniums think will be of any interest to Humans -- and -- we should forgive and forget that they have promoted and advertised ABSOLUTE INSANITY to the General Public -- and -- have promoted and given aid to the Genocide of the Human Species by Replacement. That changes nothing. They are the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead from now on.



Geography is not dead!!!! Geography is far from dead!!!! And -- Geography is almost totally unknown and unrecognized by such trash as the scum that infest the queer magrags. Geography has never been aware of the existence of any queer magrags to begin with. Geography would not know a queer magrag from a toilet bowl -- which is where all queer magrags belong. Shredded first, of course.

Geography is a construct, a mental explanation, a mental composition of Human Thinking. Human thinking, as I have just written, likes formulas. That is in keeping with the Human tendency to try to organize the Real World into packages of thought and comprehension that we can handle with our limited brains. One such package is the study of the Natural World from the viewpoint of Macro Phenomenology. In other words, where is everything relative to everything else, and why is it, and what happens when it is?

Why is Africa where it is, and not on the other side of the world? What is the composition of Africa? What are its features, its dimensions, its altitudes, its climates, its inhabitants both plant and animal? Likewise, all of the other continents; and why are there continents? Likewise, the Oceans and their islands? Likewise, the Polar Icecaps? Geography usually confines itself to the Living World and the underlying Geophysical Foundations on which the Living World thrives. For now, Geography does not get involved with matters outside of the Living Ecosphere of Planet Earth very much, except to say what is known to be out there so far; which is very little. In a way, Geography is a sort of 'homey' and 'localized' and 'comfy' and 'satisfying' and a 'self-interested' pursuit of knowledge. Self-interested in that we Humans are always self-interested with our own Species anyway; and these days we have to be that way just to stay alive. What was a luxury before the War, is now a Dire Necessity!

Why care about the Real World? Well -- for one reason, it is obvious that the queer magrags do not want you to care about the Real World and all of the Real People in this Real World. Instead, they want you to know and think about nothing other than the perverted drool and drivel and visual horrors that they are promoting for money. The swine at the Nastyall Queragraphix could not care less about the Real World, except to destroy and control it, and somehow use it as another excuse for why you should buy their crap ideas and their vile lies and their fabricated monstrosities -- in the pretext that all of that sewage and trash is the Real World which they represent.

Far from it. Geography and the Real World do not even know that such gutter-snipes as the Nastyall Queragraphix exists; nor could they care. Thus, the queer magrags need contrived and fabricated and duped numbers of forced-readers to believe that they need to continue to buy the false and putrid habits and rejects and transfreaks and self-debaucheries of the so-called Homosexual Agenda -- herein disguised as 'Geography'. A phony and synthetic audience for phony and synthetic merchandise -- namely Queer Propaganda.

Forget that trash, and we will discuss Geography as it really is.

Geography is much more than the mere statistics of how many flat-bottomed steamers ply up and down the Nile River on a daily basis, or how many kangaroos are shot in Queensland every day. For the clinicians and the accounting types out there, I have the sad duty of explaining that Geography is not (and never will be) their cup of tea. Nor, is it in their purview. Nor is it the territory of Deviates trying to use yet another ploy of a pre-existing edifice of acceptability (now thoroughly trashed and perverted) to use as another outlet for their Queer Propaganda.

Geography is possibly one of the few exceptions to the rule that Man's constructs and pre-packaged approaches (sciences) towards the Real Universe are generally and cruelly misguided and self-absorbed and doomed from the outset to result in naught more than the attainment of societal goals. Rather than the preferred altruism of actually saying something as what it is -- instead of what will appeal to idiots and pre-packaged morons who have been trained (like circus chimps) to buy what they are told is needed by them -- when they have not really known what they really need for decades -- possibly for their entire lives.

Geography can (and should) get closer to the Truth of what the Real World is than all of the other so-called 'Arts and Sciences' with the exceptions of True Sculpture, True Poetry, True Portraiture, and True Divination (discernment).

[[Hint: Discernment is akin to Detection, which is one of my own strong points.]]

Geography can be -- and should be -- labeled and considered and treated as an Organic Study Structure. An Organic Intensity of Concern, and the Search for Truth that results therefrom. Concern for more than one's mere self. Concern for one's fellows and neighbors and community and nation and continent and world and Species.

For most People, who are not captives and slaves within the Queer Coalition Bladders, that is still a far stretch to realize as an existing option and a course of endeavor. Yet, when the call sounds to learn more about one's own self and roots and origins and existence amongst a great mass of fellow Humans -- Geography is the one and ONLY 'Field Of Study' that accurately and honestly answers the questions that arise.




Geography must NOT be polluted by the foul and sordid likes of the vermin that crawl up and down every hallway at the hideous so-called National Geographic -- now -- the awful Nastyall Queragraphix.

When any Human wants to know more about His or Her world, and origins, and Validity (forbidden by Queer Propaganda) and Values their first resort for information is the study of Geography. NOT Religion. Never Queer Medias. Absolutely Never Government.

Our Human Geographical Service must be as 'organic' and as devoted to Humanity as the vile enemies of our Species are dedicated (programmed) to erase us all from their path to Agenda Domination. An Agenda of Death that they do not understand, and which will eliminate them and their kinds in the process. Our Human Geographical Service must be as un-programmed as is possible, spontaneous within our Species, never attempt to control our Species, highly explanatory, and always open to inputs from our own People.

And there is no reason why it should be a magazine. The optimal way to have a Human Species Geographical Service is to make it a permanent part of every Human's Daily Awareness. More than a 'Household Word'. A living and supporting part of everyday Human Existence. Integrated into the fabric of Human Communications. It is a parallel to what I said about Humans traveling as far and as wide as they can afford to, in order to see and feel for themselves what is happening in other parts of their own continents.

It must remain organized, but stay organic and universal -- without any Queer Media props and pretenses and personalities like shithead celebrities and commercial talking heads. In fact, and of course, it will have to be one of those Human Values and Human Virtues that everyone realizes should never be commercialized.

And still, it is NOT the Real World which it seeks to explain. Geography is a study format and appreciation of the Real World. A way of thinking about the Real World in non-opportunistic and non-harmful ways. Non-Political. Non-Deviated. Non-Governmental. Non-Societal.

What we really need, is a lot more of what Geography tries to understand and explain:
1. The Planet Earth
2. The Natural Inhabitants
3. The Human Species
4. Human Organization
5. Planetary Possibilities
6. Natural Status
7. Human Future

Where all of the above mentioned failures went wrong was in trying to invent new and non-existent pieces and components of the Real World, when the Real World is quite capable of creating its own new elements. But, not on the time schedule that the Queer Medias demand. Therefore the above mentioned failures invented imaginary and worthless elements of a non-existent Real World, and palmed them off on us as something real which Geography explains to us. Thus, giving them something to satisfy the demands of the false acceleration of the Queer Medias with.

THAT, created Corruption. And, what do the Deviates always attack and turn to their own favor and obeisance?

Answer: Corruption.

In throwing aside the Real World and creating a phony existence to present to audiences on the Queer Medias as 'Geography', all of the above mentioned fell into corruption and Hell. And likewise, were consumed by the creatures of that Hell -- the Deviates. Now, they are mere minions and slaves and sex-toys of the Deviates -- and -- everything that they pretend is 'Geography' is Their Shit.

This has always been one of the worst problems with medias in general, and how the Deviates took over the medias to begin with. They had the insane idea that they must show something new all of the time, to their dunced and retarded audiences; because old lies wear out fast and new lies can be used to reshape the voting habits of the idiot audiences, if needs be. Henceforth, a false demand for new material to show to an already debrained audience existed, and there was not enough Real News and Real Material to find and record and show to an audience at that speed. So, the quality standards of what was shown were reduced and reduced and reduced until anything (no matter how foul) was used to fill in the time requirements.

THAT, is Corruption.

That, is how the Deviates took over the medias. It was their Dung Opportunity to infiltrate and take over the Corrupted Medias and turn them into the Queer Medias.

That, is how the above mentioned artifices of Geographical Information went to Hell in a Handbag, and no longer exist in the Real World or in the realm of Real Geography. Which is just as well for us! What do we want a corrupted and decadent and decayed Pseudo-Geography of the Medias and Deviates and Government for?

Remember -- there is no such thing as that (g-a-y) crap. So, what would that (g-a-y) crap know about G-e-o-g-r-a-p-h-y?

Answer: Their (Bleep). Oh Ick!


One of the best ways to describe Real Geography is 'Best Wishes'. Best Wishes to the Human Species, and not necessarily is that sentiment dependent upon readership as a qualification. One of the best ways to describe what we NEVER want in Geography is 'Big Business' -- of any kind. This is sort of like having everyone distill their own alcoholic spirits or grow their own food in gardens or manufacture their own automobiles from kits.

Kit-Mobiles (or Trucks) would include:
1. Generic Body Kit from a choice of twenty; wheels, tires, and suspension set already installed.
2. One motor and transmission from the possible choices for the body style chosen, pre-installed.
3. One dashboard and on board navigation system (plug in) from the choices available for that body style, pre-installed.
4. One interior design with seating, chosen from the available choices, and pre-installed.
5. One accessories package, not pre-installed.
6. One radar and communications package, not pre-installed.
7. One voucher for a final paint job and undercarriage coating, at your local body shop.

You would take delivery of the kit set, and finish the assembly yourself. Then trot on over to the local body shop and get your own custom paint job, special designs extra. THEN -- you would see some real creativity on American highways. Giraffe Mobiles. Apple Mobiles. Fire-Hydrant Mobiles. Row-Boat Mobiles. Train-Crossing Mobiles. Rhinoceros Mobiles. Lingerie Mobiles. Lemonade Stand Mobiles. Machine-Shop Mobiles. Cosmetics and Feminine Products Mobiles. Little Rascals Mobiles. Hippopotamus Mobiles. 'Spaceship to Mars' Mobiles. Orange Mobiles. Garden Party Mobiles. Weather Vane Mobiles. Radar Dome Mobiles. Beer Can Mobiles. Bread Loaf Mobiles. Martini Mobiles. Elephant Mobiles. Dollar Day Mobiles. Lost and Found Mobiles. Peach Mobiles. Water Mobiles. Men at Work Mobiles. Breast Polishing and Alignment Mobiles (my personal favorite). Robinson Crusoe Mobiles. Salt Tablet Mobiles. Kitty Litter Vacuum Mobiles. Astronaut Mobiles. Shoe Shine Mobiles.

but i digress

The point is -- to take Geography to the personal level like a Kit-Mobile would. To have Geography, in its many forms, as part of every Human's everyday life and speech and thinking. Then, Humans will be thinking more about Humans -- than they think about or care about our enemies.


Thank You,

Markel Peters










I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message.
Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.



























Labels Of All Posted Messages--A Way To Search Through Messages By Labels

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed


This blog exists to inform the People, of the 'Real Truth' about the real enemies of the Human Species. These Truths are not objectionable, as they are Truths. Only the telling of them can be objectionable, to those who wish to hide the Truth. If the Truth is something you HATE and therefore object to - go elsewhere!


Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!


The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.