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Blog Archive

Saturday, March 28, 2015

A Concise Message Has Been Sent Out Entitled -- Videos for--More about Hegemony--and some Notes:

A concise message has been sent out at ...

entitled 'Videos for -- More about Hegemony--and some Notes:'

As I explained previously, messages under 50 pages and all dreams will now be posted on the concise website, with links provided here.

Thank You 


Markel Peters



Monday, March 23, 2015

A Concise Message Has Been Sent Out Entitiled -- More about Hegemony--and some Notes:

A concise message has been sent out at ...

entitled 'More about Hegemony -- and some Notes:'

As I explained previously, messages under 50 pages and all dreams will now be posted on the concise website, with links provided here.

Thank You

Markel Peters



Thursday, March 12, 2015

A Queer Coalition Illustration:

As we all know, my abilities at illustrations are not so wonderful -- however, I am sure this one gets the message across as to what a Queer Coalition really is from a diagrammatic point of view.


The HBHZ is typical of all Queer Coalitions in this regard -- the things in that cesspool can never see how Horrid they really are, because no mirror can stand the weight of such ugliness without lying to stay alive. The Queer Coalitions in Des Aliens and Minneapolis are likewise bereft of strong mirrors.


Please add this to your collection. I call it -- 'Queer Coalition and the Voters'


Markel Peters

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

New Videos For -- The 20 Don'ts and Hegemony:

Yo -- I have created three new videos for my last message which was -- 'The 20 Don'ts and Hegemony:

The 20 Don'ts and Hegemony--01--02-28-2015 - YouTube

The 20 Don'ts and Hegemony--02--02-28-2015 - YouTube

The 20 Don'ts and Hegemony--03--02-28-2015 - YouTube

I hope these help you to understand the message better.



Saturday, February 28, 2015

The 20 Don'ts and Hegemony:

The Great Classification:


The following classification system will be referred to during this year's messages:


Beat the bushes, and this is what comes out.


Timeless -- eternal, ethereal, paramount species importance

Ascending --- inventive, spiritual, seeking, learning

Statesmanship/Leadership -- altruistic representation, genuine concern, stewardship, compassion

The great unwashed masses

----- (human minimum) -----

Descending -- downwards spiral, falling down or pulled down

Gutter -- bottomed out, mudded, lowest lifeforms possible, lichen and mold feeders

Subgutter -- beneath all life, in and of this universe -- Queer Coalitions, Owners and Operators of TV, the Five Evils, Pornographers, all Politics and Politicians, every Deviate of every description, HBHZ

Monkeys -- all Monkey Lawyers and Monkey Judges


Translation -- (g-a-y) identity = The sinkhole of lies, and the inversion of Reality. The closer you get to that sinkhole, the more everything is a lie.

In any discussion about your mind and your brain, it is important to know your ground; and the Truth about what really is. The Truth is what you want, why would you want lies? Only Politicians and Monkeys and Deviates (etc) need lies. Even though you were raised with lies, by liars -- why want lies? That is what has been the problem. That is what has been hurting your brain, taking it away, ruining it, reducing it. What you want is the Truth, which is the opposite of lies. This is really basic and axiomatic (self evident). It is so obvious, I am amazed that I have to mention this.

The closer that you get to the Deviates, the more everything is a lie; until at the Deviates everything is one hundred percent lies. Inside the skulls of the Deviates everything is one hundred percent lies. Behind the eyeballs of the Deviates everything is one hundred percent lies. There is no such thing as Truth between the ears of the Deviates. It has been destroyed, if it ever was there.

They try to get at children as early as possible, to queer them at schools as early as possible; so there is no Truth in the brains of those children already. So there is no Truth in the brains of their children victims already. That makes it easier for them; if they pound and pour lies into the brains of those children, killing the Truth that might be in there already. It is hideous. It is Queers.

Everything at the Queers is a lie! The closer you get to the Perverts, the more everything is a lie -- even the air that you breathe there is a lie. The ground that you stand on there is a lie. Everything at the Queers is a lie! Consequently, the further that you get away from them, the further that you get away from the Deviates, the less everything is a lie.
Weslyan University,CT is offering LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM hovels.
This is a typical example of the endless Queershit.
' LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM' is supposed to stand for -- (hold your brain!) -- 'lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, queer, questioning, flexual, asexual, genderfuck, polyamorous, bondage/discipline, dominance/submission, sadism/masochism'.
They should call that shithole in Connecticut -- 'Brainlesslyan Inversity'.
Such lunatic crap is totally psychotic from the LGB beginning -- and is what the so-called Republicans want to embrace and fondle and coddle and suck.

Now, so far I am just writing about this in terms of lies. At some point, the further away from the Deviates and the Politicians and the Five Evils you get -- Truth will start to happen. It could happen in a thousand different ways. Usually unexpected. Truth will just start to appear, outside and inside your brain. Truth will start to happen. As the lies decrease, and the neurons that were holding those lies (as memories in your brain) shut down -- Truth will start to appear. Like I said, it could happen a thousand different ways; but it will happen the more that you get away from the Five Evils, the Queer Medias, TV, FM, queer newsrags, those hideous Magazines of the Perverts (etc). The more you get away from the sickness of the disease, the less and less and less you will be subjected to the lies, the less you will be exposed to the lies. Without constant reinforcement from the Perverts, the neurons that have latched onto those lies (in many cases were forced to do so by the Deviates) will release and ignore and erase those lies. Suddenly, those neurons will have nothing to do. They will start to become scattered, your brain will start to become scattered. You will start to think in scattered ways. You may even think that you are losing your mind, because lies were so much a part of your neurons before that with the lies gone your brain does not know what to do.

That is why Human Resistance exists. We write, we make videos, we try to tell people what they should know -- and what Human Beings are. What Human Beings normally do, how we think, we try to provide a base for people like that, so they have something to go by; because suddenly all of the lies are gone and they are feeling very scattered and they might be afraid. They do not know how to think, they do not know how to handle a brain that is not filled with lies. Their own brains! Well, all they have to do is to start to read Human Websites, and they will find out what is really going on, and what the Truth is.

My point is, it is a linear scale and it is directly related to Deviates and Politicians, Monkey Judges, all of the hideous Five Evils (etc) -- the squirming and swarming Society of Liars. The closer you are to that filth, the more everything is a lie. Everything is a lie! No matter what! Everything is a lie! Everything is either a lie, or it is in service of a lie -- which makes it a lie!

The further away you go, physically and mentally -- the further apart you are from the Deviates and the Five Evils and the Monkey Judges and so on -- the less everything is a lie. The less everything is a lie! Until at one point you will start to encounter the Truth.


The 20 Don'ts:

Because, there is no such thing as (g-a-y) anymore.

Or - how to stop TV programming by Queers, and how to stop thinking about their shit:


This is not a list of Don'ts.

That is something else.

THIS, is something far more important and internal to your brain.

Here, a Don't is a neuron impulse composed of masses of electrical signals combined into a single force to obliterate the dead thoughts that have been forced into your brain -- and subsequently have turned (or are turning) your mind into a stinking lunatic cabbage that the Deviates want between your ears -- instead of what should be between your ears.

It is entirely internal, and no one except you can tell what you are doing. What the APA-trained deviant scanners can detect, is the level of your unnatural brain agitation (which they want) caused by their hideous TV programs, and their mental attacks against you in your sleep, and by their Middle-Managers-For-Hire, and their Filthy Monkeys on the FM radio band, and by any close-proximity to persons who have already been mentally destroyed down to complete lunacy (etc).

[[The deviate scanners can also detect catch phrases and propaganda ideas that have been put into that sponge between your ears.]]

A Don't, is an energy package that you can create and direct against the psychosis (chaos and negativism) that tries to take up lodging in your neurons, after unnatural exposure to the unbelievably crazy mental shit of the Queers.


Assuming 1. that you know nothing about your own brain ...

Assuming 2. that you went to a Homosexual/Democrat public school ...

Assuming 3. that you (somehow) still have at least 250,000,000 active neurons left in your brain that you can call your own ...

Assuming 4. that you do not live in a 'Museum of the Unusual', as a petrified specimen; since it is highly abnormal for anyone to graduate from a Democrat/Homosexual High School in the possession of 250,000,000 of their own 'Neurons-By-Birth' ...

Assuming 5. your own 250,000,000 neurons are not addicted to anything -- especially no-brainer cell phones and hand held trinkets ...

then ... with the right training you can set about cleaning up your own mind.


Nor, is this a hopeless situation like the Charge of the Light Brigade. Though, with only 250,000,000 of your own neurons against tens of billions of neurons (in the same brain) that are paralyzed into gargoyles of Queer Propaganda lies and insinuations and suggestions, and deranged rhetoric, and horrendous advertisements -- all intended to cripple your Humanity and make you incapable of opposing the false ideas and the false claims of Deviates (that can only exist inside false environments) -- you will seem to be outnumbered. However, remember that your own neurons (those that were not killed and crippled by the Perverts) are still ALIVE!!!!

Those remaining neurons which you may call your own, must be trained by you to target areas of your brain that have been invaded by the putrid ideas of the Deviates. You must then generate weapons composed of masses of electrical impulses, and deliver those weapons to the target area. Whereupon, the hideous filth of the Perverts that has deliberately infested your brain will be annihilated! Gone. Zapped!

The prerequisite of this, is to consciously map your brain's thought activities (good, bad, and ugly) and to generate a three-dimensional map, in your own 250,000,000 personal neurons, of where all kinds of thoughts are 'generated' in your brain.

You see, it is the generators AND the associated memories that have been corrupted, which are your targets. It is not sufficient to merely discharge a batch of ruined neurons (that were originally thought generators for you), if you do not also destroy the residual memory of what filth was possessing those generators.

It starts with the basic and simple exercise of spotting 'target thoughts' wherever you can manage to position them temporarily; and leaving them there (temporarily). They will serve as test targets later. Also, by finding out where you can (and cannot) position thoughts of your own [[In your own brain!]] you will also discover what areas of neurons (dormant, dead, or ruins) you can (and cannot) still claim as your own [[Inside your own brain!]]. Got that?

This will happen quite differently between males and females. Females will have a more difficult time doing this, as they are more kindly emotionally, and more soft-hearted. As ridiculous as it sounds, some females may feel pity for the dirty and sick-sick-sick ideas that the Deviates have put into their minds. Males will just want to get that filth out of their brains, and think for themselves again!

Once you have learned to position thought packages in various parts of your brain, forcing local neurons to activate and recognize the existence of those thoughts, you must learn how to intensify the charge of such thought packages (at the launching zone) by applying more current (electrical volume) to those packages (weapons).


Note: According to Domino Sugar, a sugar cube is 1.524 cm on a side -- or 3.539605824 cubic cm in volume.
According to latest medical ideas -- there are 86 billion neurons in an average brain.
Given an average capacity 1200 cubic centimeters -- there are 71,666,666.66666666666666666667 neurons per cubic cm.
Or -- 253,671,750.72 neurons per sugar cube.

That is 253 million too many for the needs of the Queer Propagandists and the NEA/APA/ACLU.

For our purposes however, we will require at least this much -- so, 250,000,000 neurons still alive and at your command is not too much to ask for.


I am far beyond this most basic level, and I first developed this weaponry system (modeled off of US Air Force missile systems) back in 1970. I can now send any description of three-dimensional weapon anywhere in my brain to annihilate (liberate) any area of my brain that I decide is being unnaturally influenced by any 'Politics'.

[[What I do to Politicians in my brain is pure joy to see. Pity not any political swine; the things are swine, you are not.]]

Any injured brain, from TV Turd or Monkey Judge damage (etc), that can still bring together 250,000,000 neurons of its own identity -- for the defense of its own identity -- can embark on such a mission of self-healing. Starting, with bringing those 250,000,000 neurons together as a unified system and then examining every area of the brain -- becoming self-aware of what the damages are.

Do not weep for lost neurons. You can grow replacements, it just hurts a lot.

Fry the wicked, and the liberated will flock to you.

Despair and sorrow only serve the obese and bloated and ego-crazed satanic Owners and Operators of the Satan Tube Channels. And, all Perverts everywhere -- especially the nasty little faggots that drive small red cars at dangerous speeds through heavy traffic situations -- to intimidate Voter Motorists into shock. And then, they break all traffic rules by driving in crazy ways around the Shocked Voters -- who thought Queers were just those harmless and whining 'sympathy puppets' that they see on TV!

The worse you lived with the Queer Medias, the more the damage will be apparent to your Unified 250,000,000 Neurons -- which happen to be all that is left of you. Yes -- the monsters that caused that damage in your brain should be slaughtered like (Bleep)-eating pigs -- but that is not something that you can do in your current condition. Right now, you are as mindless as those scum want all Voters to be. Did you vote? If not, you may have 250,000,000 living neurons to call 'Me' -- perhaps more!

'Flexing' your damaged brain with countless inquiries and demands for 'identity' and 'allegiance' and 'intentions' -- all transmitted by your 'Me' -- will cause your brain to start to exercise again. Which, will foment opposition to your 'Me', from all neurons that are no longer your own -- and are Owned and Operated by bastards and bitches of every description that created all of the lies, and fakeries, and demands, and false assumptions that you have been attacked with by the instruments of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead (SQLD) -- headquartered inside the HBHZ.

[[I once heard a rumor going around, several years ago, among TV Watchers who somehow had heard about the Truth that I write. The rumor-spreaders would shake their heads in a ritualistic way and say to the next TV Watcher something like -- "As crazy as it seems, you have to deal with the fact that Peters is convinced that it all really is the way he says!" After that, I had to explain the huge difference between 'opinions' (which are always worthless and often harmful) and simple Truth based only on facts. I wonder how many 'Idiots that have been Lied To' actually got that meaning?]]

Naturally, plus some anger-fueled determination, the 250,000,000 neurons of your 'Me' will learn how to deal with all of the psychopathic and senseless complaints from neuron packages in your brain. Packages, that will complain about having to be part of your 'Me' (again) instead of being queer additives and queer controllers. Controllers, that were originally your neurons and were then butchered and turned into Frankenstein Keepers of your mentality. The more those stolen neurons complain about returning to 'The Original Owner' -- the more your 250,000,000 Unified Neurons will get very upset indeed with the current State of Damages inside your skull.

You will want to -- KILL ALL INVADERS!!!!!!!!!!

As soon as that happens -- you are ready for these instructions ...

1. -- this is not as simple and common-sense and folksy as some people might say it is.

2. -- do not listen to the 'selves'. Only listen to your own Real Self. Ignore all imitations inside your brain. YOU CAN ALWAYS TELL -- what is really you and what is an implanted Queer Imitation! The rotten imitations will always try to represent perversions -- Politicians, Monkeys and the Five Evils -- instead of you. Do you know a 'PsychCreature' of any description? Or, a Science Priest? Or, a Middle-Manager-Brain-Raper? Or, any Belief Merchant? Ignore and destroy any neuron group that pretends to be you, and says or does anything that the aforementioned scum would like!

3. -- develop a targeting system like an Electrical Eye inside your own brain. Nothing like the dipshit electronics of modern hand held devices. This is 'electric', in the sense of the basic and fundamental biophysics of electric polarities and charges and discharges inside the Human Brain. Connect to this roving eye, under your control, and see through it -- into and at the interior of your electrically charged brain -- somewhat like X-ray astronomy versus Optical astronomy. You will be viewing the discharges and charges of objects, rather than the objects themselves. This is very appropriate, because it is not the neurons themselves that are the criminals. It is the bad charges caused by Queer Propaganda that are the problem.

4. -- meanwhile, follow the electric eye and watch what it is doing; and watch how bad neuron groups react to it. Do this with your 'Mind's Eye', your Eye of Introspection.

5. -- based upon what both eyes see, select targets of the worst and most sick-sick-sick Queershit that has taken over any neuron groups. Tag that group with a neuron beacon, and close in on it with your electric eye.

6. -- capture and commandeer all neural pathways to and from the aberrant neuron group. Block those pathways allowing no traffic to or from the target group. It will complain.

7. -- KILL IT. Hit it with streams of energy that are tuned (by you) to the exact opposite charge composition of whatever composition it exists as. Counter-composition it, and obliterate it with massive pulses of energy using every pathway connected to it -- which you previously commandeered.

8. -- do not listen to it. It has already proven to be a brainwashing spawn of our enemies, or it would not have been targeted to begin with. Nothing in your brain is to operate by Queer Rules anymore -- and never again. Do not just make this declaration and expect compliance from alien thought impulses that have invaded your brain. Annihilate them all! With each elimination, will come waves of renewed thoughts, mental powers and even revelations about your True Self and who and what you are -- and what you should really be doing. Fight for that renewal! Annihilate the effects of the enemy.

This is easier than it seems, because each time you delouse a bad neuron group the liberated neurons will flock to your 'Me' -- making it stronger and more numerous.


What is -- a Don't Bomb?
20 Don't Bombs eliminate even the most vile and harmful lesie-turd infestations!!!!!!!!!!

A Don't Bomb is a pulse concentration of your best energies -- synchronized to your Best Self -- that impacts upon an already infested neuron group (anywhere within the skull) and literally obliterate whatever shit charge was there -- replacing it with the Best You. It is not just a case of 'Urban Renewal' -- it is an act of complete replacement with the Highest Quality of yourself. The local neuron environment is always stunned by this -- and that amounts to absolutely nothing. The slightest twitch or false tick and they too will be annihilated -- with ease! With happiness! Without mercy!


Alien is alien.

You are you.

The two do not mix.

Only Horrids would want them to mix -- and then their alien shit to dominate the world.


20 Don'ts are nice and handy to have on hand for any occasion. Usually the severe impact of just one Don't is enough to destroy any Queer Propaganda lie. I obliterated the Hellish Degenerate on TV with a single Don't -- forever.

I also annihilated the false and queer mutilation of the word (g-a-y) with a single Don't -- forever.


For all of you, that is more easily said than done. Let me help you with some examples:

It is no joke, when I say that the horrid world of Planet Sinister is deliberately designed to make you think what you do not want to think, using every tactic of deception and slight-of-mind that they can possibly contrive. I was just at a truckstop for most of a Monday due to a breakdown, and I had to wait in a driver's lounge again with a ghastly TV on and the graveyard sight of several brainless drivers watching a TV program; literally whatever came on without the ability to touch the remote control, which was there but they could not reach for it.

Fortunately, the lounge had two rooms in it -- so I could sit in the other room and work on reading the manual for my new Nikon D3200. From the other room, where the TV machine is, I could hear that a different TV slime had come on -- at the top of the hour -- and it had a lot of token blacks in it. Immediately, several things became obvious:
1. It was one of those scams where a bunch of token blacks pretend to be cute and lovable like White Homo Fascists want to think of them as being (this happened at one of the worst White Homo Fascist ghettos in the Midwest -- Cedar Rapids).
2. The token blacks were screaming and gyrating on an average of once every four minutes according to the situation formula that they had been trained with -- really ugly and offensive gibberish that is an insult to the entire Black Human Contingent.
3. All of the token black 'cuteness' was being staged in order to get the interest of the Imbeciles that were watching the TV -- who otherwise would not have watched the scam -- because the real intention of the TV slime was to show a White Faggot that was pretending to be pregnant ...

[[In the same way, perverts are now having their bodies mutilated to look like they have both male and female genitals in order to perpetuate the latest Queer Propaganda Myth of the existence of so-called Transsexuals. Which, we all know are nothing more than freak cases of genetic accidents (extremely rare) and the other 99.999999% are deviates that have undergone deliberate body mutilations for their so-called Homosexual Agenda. That is an absolute fact; Nature is NOT producing hoards of so-called Transsexual freak cases. That filth is the fabrication of the Pornographers and the Queer Propagandists. Many of which will have genitals hanging from their armpits, before they tire of that insanity and create another.]]

... thereby revealing (to anyone with a brain) that the only reason for that particular TV slime to be produced was for the Queer Propaganda purpose of implanting into the dulled minds of Imbeciles, who were watching the shithead TV absurdity, that faggots can get pregnant. That, was the entire reason for the existence of the TV slime that they were watching. I went into that room several times, during the assault upon their brains, and memorized their appearances and body language. The next hour, a different TV slime came on (which I ignored totally) -- but the appearances and the body language of the Imbeciles that had just suffered the last hour of brainwashing, was identical. Frozen Mindless Dead.

[[Obviously, the Queer Coalition plan behind such crazed programming using Black Demented Females (BDC) and their nasty fakery in all of this is to make stupid 'Blacks' think that Perverts and Blacks are common folk, with everything in common blah-blah-blah-puke!]]

Such intentional injections of Queer Propaganda into the near vacuous brains of TV Watchers is happening constantly.

What I am writing about here (20 Don'ts), is a technique for getting such dirty filth out of your mind -- IF -- you are not a TV Watcher (for whom there is no hope) -- AND -- if you have only suffered medium or less exposure to the filthy programming from the eternally vile Queer Medias. The filth and insanity of the Deviates that control all media programming is insidious -- as you probably know, or you would not be reading this. With the 20 Don'ts, I am addressing the terrible tactic of Queer Propagandists to impose their rancid thoughts and ideas and practices into your thinking; on the backs of other thoughts which they think you will accept. Their hope being, that while you accept the crap that they expect you to accept, you will also accept the filthy junk of their own that they have piggy-backed onto the other stuff.

They expect that this will at least inject into your brain the 'existence' of their trash and dementias -- which they then expect will dig itself further and further into your mind and thinking, the more that you think that you reject them. Until, such insanity has burrowed itself into your conscious streams of thought as though they had been real all along -- instead of just vicious and despised mind-attacks from our worst enemies. After which, you are supposed to be unable to differentiate between your own thoughts, and Reality, and their brainwashing messages.

It is killing from within. It is killing Humans by fornicating their brains from the inside out. Which is why it is so impermissible to expose any Human Being to any of their awful medias.

That extends to creatures that are known to be infested with such TV and FM and queer newsrag and Middle-Manager dung. For instance, I would not speak to the TV-watching drivers that watched that TV slime, which I have just described. If they tripped and fell down the stairs, on their way to the service counter (downstairs), and broke their necks -- I would just step over their festering puss-bag bodies as I left. Without saying a word.

As it was -- I left the Imbeciles drooling before the eighth hour of TV slime. This time the scam included 'Canned Audience Reactions'. This entails droll and lifeless conversations spit at each other by hired hacks and brain assassins, that are (according to the expectations of the TV Turds that produce such crap) supposed to be 'funny to degrees' in different places of the so-called dialog. At those 'funny' places, the soundtrack (before you get to hear it) is injected with overtracks of Canned Audience Reactions that sound like the laughter and chuckles and burbles and giggles that the TV Turds wish real audiences would sound like. It is entirely fake, and grotesque, and horrendously fiendish. So ... it is TV.

The dirty idea behind it, is to intimidate the viewing audience into laughing along with the machine. It is a machine. They put the sounds of the machine over the original sounds of the worthless dialog, to intimidate the viewing audience into thinking that there really is something funny and acceptable about whatever Queer Propaganda is the real reason for the dialog to begin with. To intimidate audiences (in their own homes) into feeling left out and inferior if they do not laugh at the mindless 'funny places' too.

Unwittingly, the TV Turds have created a sure-fire Intelligence Test.

It works like this ...
A. In the most terrible of living conditions (a room with a TV Turd set in it) place the subject that is to be tested.

B. If the subject protests against being in the same room with a TV Turd set that is on, and wants to leave -- he or she automatically passes the test. Allow the subject to leave the TV Turd room -- or put a bullet into the TV Turd set.

C. If the subject does not protest and starts to watch a TV Turd program which uses the Audience Reaction Machine -- watch what he or she does while looking at the TV Turd set. If, at any time during the TV Turd program the subject laughs with the Canned Audience Reactions -- the subject fails the test -- the subject has no Intelligence.

D. If the subject is Intelligent, he or she will not laugh at all during the Canned Audience Reactions and will leave the room before the TV Turd program is finished. Expect 'appropriate language'.


When I left, it was like leaving a mausoleum. A truck repair center turned into a crackhouse that only a burbling/gurgling turd like Smelltone John would appreciate. By the way, is there anyone out there dumb enough to think that Smelltone John just happened to change from a Folk Singer to a burbling/gurgling Flaming Faggot for queer reasons?

Hell no! That thing was scripted and programmed, from day one of its sellout to the PsychSocialists that wanted to kill America -- to do everything it did to promote the queer decadence and queer decay of America -- up to a point. Remember -- the hideous pseudo Marxist/Socialist scum (not good enough to eat the shoes of a Real Socialist like Albert Einstein) that started all of the promotion of the Deviates from a pack of gutter swimming turds to 'HObama The Magnificent Pervert' of today -- lost control of the process decades ago. The Deviates themselves took over control (and the pseudo Marxist/Socialists who are now their bitches) long ago. The dipshit playtime routine of Smelltone John becoming a Queer was just part of the original plan.


TV documentary fakery, and lies and misinformation is endemic to the culture of bastard and bitch filmmakers that infest HollyQueer, own Queer Warner Brothers and Queer Disney, and saturate TV Turdland and simultaneously are (as insane as this sounds!) the 'standard' and the references by which Commercial Protesters operate. Thereby, buying into that genre of Organized Fakes and Liars. Hence, such gas bags as Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck are operating by standards of deception and rules of imitation and procedures of con artists just like the rest of the Queer Media sewer is. Now you know another reason why 'Hannity and Beck' should be the name of a national chain of funeral parlors with casinos attached to them -- instead of absurd liars pretending to be Human Conservatives.


Another example -- Farts Illustrated (formerly Sports Fornicated) Queershit about sexual preference. I had the misfortune recently to see a Farts Illustrated article that claimed the existence of the Queershit Myth -- 'sexual preference'. Translation -- another attempt at vile thought injection, by assuming that just because Queer Coalition liars want to pretend that sexual preference exists -- then it really must exist -- which it does NOT.

This kind of explains why NBA players today look like cunt models for Queer Disney Fairy Puppets. (cute?)

I wonder what the butt(bleeps) at Farts Illustrated think of my new and improved penis? Do you think Verizon did not tell them? Is there no honesty among Pieces Of Psychopathic Shit? (POPS)

I specifically told the Verizon faggots to tell the rest of the faggots that this is the worst news that worms like them have ever heard!!!!

Did your local faggots tell you about it?

What a sewer world of scum!!!!!!!!!!

Hah Hah Ho Ho's and away they goes, to the funny farm -- where basket weavers sit and twiddle their thumbs and toes -- and they're coming to take them away Hah Hah Ho Ho's!

Some people wonder why I do not allow comments on my website.


Another example -- comes from Creeple magrag (formerly People) -- henceforth to be known as the 'Creeple magrag'. I saw another reason for the 20 Don'ts to be used, on the magazine stands recently. The queer newsrags and the perverted magrags (including Creeple) are flaunting one of their latest hideous experiments and horrid show-and-tell episodes, -- about some athlete that they have surgically turned into a female impersonator. It is about some male athlete that they sent to a death camp in Mexico to have its genitals removed, and to have a plastic vagina sewn into its living-death corpse. As hideous as that is, they are putting its twisted pseudo-female face (which they designed) on the covers of all of their awful queer magrags. The captions are that now it is 'happy'.

Oh, really? How about -- they are happy -- to have another guinea pig to show on the covers of their magrags? I say to you now -- those media terrorists get their shits and kicks from doing such things to weak-brained and confused people -- whenever they can! I know this for a fact! They talked it into doing such lunacy to begin with (never believe a word of their lies and stories). It is a product of their Queer Brainwashing -- and now those hideous vermin have the audacity to say (the atrocious horror to actually claim) that now the thing is happy. We are below the bottom of the barrel now. The bottom of the barrel of smut and scum looks like Heaven to anyone who reads such terrible and queer magrags. That, is terrorism. They, are terrorists.

And, just like terrorists everywhere -- they are trying to counter the Truth about themselves with false advertising and a Terror-On & Terror-Off cycle of what they put out. Collections of horrors and terrors like them should be shot and dumped in a landfill. Pretending that a former male athlete is now a female? Once again -- this is a terror attack against the Human Species, using lunatic assumptions from within the Queer Coalitions to pretend that Reality can be changed for (and by) pieces of two-legged chicken droppings like themselves.

Their entire fabricated excuse is a sure candidate for the Putzlicker Prize. (formerly Pulitzer)


How bad that is should be obvious to anyone who has 250,000,000 neurons of their own in their skull (or more) and therefore has some kind of objective way of seeing what is really going on. It is unspeakable. We do not have the words for it in our languages. It is unspeakable how low those hideous and perverted creatures (that Own and Operate the queer magrags and the newsrags and the queer medias) will go; how horrible they will get, to try to create an audience of addicts that are addicted to such filthy and monstrous and demented perversions. They are trying to drag down the entire reading audience, and addict them at the same time to their kinds of warped and perverted habits. To addict that demented and lowered audience to what they themselves are!

What, do you think is publishing those newsrags and magrags? Creatures that pretend to be what they were not born to be. Creatures that pretend that there is such a thing as 'sexual preference'. Creatures that pretend anything and everything, so that they can create a pretend world (Queer Coalitions) in which their 'Pretense-of-the-Day' is comfortable.

The closer you get to the Queers, the more everything is a lie! Even the air you breathe there, is a lie. This is a perfect example of what I am writing about. A perfect example of how to use the 20 Don'ts. Those rag scum, that make those queer newsrags and those queer magrags, want to put those twisted and horrible ideas into our brains. Killing off our decent neurons and our natural Human contents, and replacing those natural Human contents with the grotesque (grotesque!) images of their own kind -- like a male that has been butchered and turned into a psychotic pseudo-female. And, to put those images and those Queer Lies into our brains! Instead of, the natural born contents that were there to begin with. This, is what they are doing!

This, is how utterly low and loathsome such monstrosities are!

Without a Revolution to kill it all -- what will stop it. What will bring such dementia to an end?

The new Pansy Pope? Sweetheart of the queer newsrags and the queer magrags? Have you seen how the same despised newsrags and magrags fondle that punk, and pretend that it is now their own private Pansy Pope?

Well, one of the answers is -- the 20 Don'ts. Learn how to Don't the filth that tries to come into your brain, before it can even take a hold of your neurons. Before, it can kill off some of your own neurons and take their place. Don't the God-damned things to death! Don't them to death! It is the killing of Killers, before they can kill You. Hit them with Don't Bombs. Don't bomb those incoming lies to death, before they can take place in your brain! It is your brain, keep it clean!

Use Don't Bombs like you would use any other insect repellent, or germicide. What do you think happens when something is disinfected? Something dies! What do you think happens when 'cleanliness' is maintained? Something dies! What do you think happens as the result of 'Good Hygiene'? Something dies! What dies? Disease, filth, infestation, invading microbes, invading micro-thoughts! Invading suggestions! Invading images!

What always happens when you clean your body? You kill infestations! You kill disease germs that are trying to kill you. What happens when you clean your mind? You kill infestations. You kill disease thoughts that want to germinate in your brain! And that, keeps your brain clean. You kill those things. That is what you kill when you clean your brain -- germ thoughts, invading and awful images and suggestions and ideas that you do not want. Alien things, that you were told you should want -- because the promotion of such things pays the Politicians that support their demands. Because, they rely upon the medias that hit you with all of those demands. Those are the things that you kill when you clean your brain.

What happens when you clean something? Something else dies! That is a fact of Life. That is a fact of the Universe. If you want to stay clean, inside and out, you have to kill! Do not give me any twisted or sick wailing stupidity, pretending to be liberalism! Do not gnash your teeth and pull your hair and bug your eyes in phony liberal response to what I just wrote!

To stay clean in this Universe, inside and out, you have to kill!

You kill on the outside anything that attacks you, and you must kill on the inside anything that attacks you! Period. I am giving you one of the weapons to use inside of your own brain.

The Don't Bomb. Learn how to make them. Learn how to target them -- you targets of the SQLD -- and use them! Otherwise, you might as well start smearing (Bleep) all over your bodies. And, I mean this exactly. Why have (Bleep) in your brain, if it is not on your body? Why have (Bleep) from queer monstrosities in your brain, and not on your body? If you are going to allow (Bleep) to be put into your brain -- you might as well start to smear (Bleep) of all descriptions all over your body and your clothes! That is a fact. That is common sense! That is Universal Sense!


What possible sense does it make to allow anybody (for any reason) to smear their propaganda crap all over your brain, and not all over your person and all over your body? We are not talking about slogans and colors and pictures that you can put on T-shirts, we are not talking about that. We are not talking about the fakery and the phoniness and the pretend appearance of all of their sewage. We are not talking about the pretend appearance and the pretend contents and the pretend images, nor the pretense that all of that filth is good in any way, shape, or form. We are talking about what it really is. It is really mind-to-mind feces.

If, you are going to allow those monstrosities to smear their (Bleep) all over your brain -- why not smear (Bleep) all over you. Why not start to wear (Bleep) all over your clothing? Why not start to smell like (Bleep) on the outside, as well as on the inside? Why not wear (Bleep) shoes? And, a (Bleep) hat? Why not wear (Bleep) clothes?

You allow (Bleep) inside your brain to turn you into a Voter! To turn you into a stupid imbecile that watches TV! An imbecile that listens to FM radio, and reads (of all things) queer newsrags and putrid magrags -- like that Creeple magazine (formerly People). You allow that hideousness into your brain, without cleaning it out! So, why pretend to all of us that you are clean inside????

I want to see on the outside, what you really are inside! And, not what the Queer Propaganda tells you to look like on the outside -- while on the inside you look like a compost heap!

Start smearing (Bleep) of any queer description all over your bodies and your faces, in your hair and in your eyes! Start smearing (Bleep) wherever you go. Once you smear yourself totally with (Bleep) -- start smearing everything else with (Bleep)!


[[If anyone thinks I should be nicey-nice about all of this -- they can kiss the dead butts of Human Victims that have been slaughtered by Queer Propaganda -- wherever Idiots Vote.]]

i love this bleep stuff


Come back to your senses -- take two Don't Bombs -- and continue to learn:

It all illustrates how enormously mentally weak an entire population can become after only a few decades of liberal programming over medias that the population was deliberately addicted to. It is entirely the prison camp results of prison camp tortures -- leaving nothing more than dolts and idiots that are just too stupid to have to be imprisoned any more.


One of the key things to remember about the 20 Don'ts, is to apply them as preventive medicine. Don't Prevention >>>> preventive medicine for your brain, from your brain. In other words, do not think about the things that you do not want to think about! Do not think about the evil, that you do not want to think about. Do not wait until it happens, and then hit it with 20 Don't Bombs.

Don't it, before it happens. Don't the very idea of thinking about queer filth and Queer Propaganda before it happens. Completely, do not accept and completely reject Queer Propaganda! That includes, queer lies of all kinds, Politicians, political lies of all kinds, Monkey Judges, and monkey lies of all kinds. Completely deny such filth to have a place in your mind. Do not just wait for it to happen. Do not let it come into your brain, and store itself in your memories, and then happen at the worst times when it can have the worst effects against you! Which is how it works. It waits for a chance to screw with your brain. To twist and warp and pervert your brain to its sick ideas and its sick will. Do not wait for that. Don't that stuff before it can actually get into your memories. Do not wait for it to appear in your thoughts, and then Don't Bomb it. That means you have already let it into your memories. Do not let that propaganda into your memories. That, is where the Deviates want their propaganda, in your memory cells! Do not let that happen. Don't that stuff before it can get there. Don't that stuff in a preventative way. Use Don't Bombs as preventive medicine for your own mind.

At the same time I am telling you that, there is something else that you have to do. Just because you are not going to let in evil, deviated ideas and lies, perverted suggestions and demand, does not mean that you cannot let anything into your brain. Because you were attacked, because you were lied to, because of the subterfuge, because of all of their evilness -- why not let in something GOOD each time all of the Deviates try to put something bad inside your brain?

Every time you use Don't Preventive Medicine, and you keep out something that would have been very harmful to you, and you keep out of your memory cells something that would have been awful -- why not put in something that would be really good instead? If the perverts want to activate your memory cells with their lies, turn the tables on them. Take the same memory space that they were going to put their lies into, and put in something good and Human. Look for Humanity, look for good things, Human Values, Human Virtues, Human Decency -- and put that into your memory cells instead. Each and every time, that the enemy tries to put their filthy lies into your brain!

Beware of one thing, however. The Queer Medias always try to squeeze their propaganda in between other programs that they think you will really like. Do not mistake anything that comes from a source of perversions as being Human. NO source of deviations and Politics will ever give you anything Human, unless it is to addict you and fool you into watching their lies. Always look elsewhere for Humanity and Goodness.


China and Hegemony:

Second topic -- is something that you may not have heard of before. It is called -- 'Hegemony'. It is somewhat complicated to understand, primarily because it really does not exist. Hegemony is a 'Political Construct' that is believed to be real by Politicians -- who therefore try to turn it into Reality by ruining the Earth, according to their understandings of their Hegemony Idea.

China is the so-called 'Rising Hegemony' in their netherworld of fantasies. Hence, we must study China for a while.

To that end, I have linked you to six documentaries that will explain China and Hegemony.

This is not as difficult as it may sound. Just watch the videos and then read my notes for that video.

As we dig further into this -- you will start to realize some Awful Truths that you were blinded to before. Politicians -- really are (Bleeps).


We start with a four part series from Aljazeera about China. This is of a much higher quality than Commercial Protesters want you to think Aljazeera is capable of.

Part One: The Dramatic Rise
China Rising-Part One

*Tienanmen square is already forgotten in China--it is taboo to mention what happened there -- this is due to government censorship.
*Who controls the medias in China? Answer -- the Socialist government. Government medias have erased the memory of Tienanmen square.
*Western dress patterns are taking over China -- how different are they from traditional Chinese clothing, and is such Chinese clothing available to the world? I ask this for everyone's sake, not my own. In my house, I wear my Teddy Roosevelt Rough Rider outfit (with Saint Bernard Slippers), and outside my house I wear trucking gear or very plain apparel.
*How many young people have any idea what the 'Great Leap Forward' was?

The Maoist View.

*The atrocities of the 'cultural revolution' in China are very similar to the atrocities being committed by the Perverts and their Monkeys and their political parties, against Humans in America today.

[[There is a sparseness of information about the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution on the Internet that I suspect is the work of the Communist Chinese. It would not surprise me to find that they have been wiping out websites that give bad reviews to those two topics.]]

*The inculcated desire of each new generation to ignore the deeds and events of previous generations ((because that allows for the sales of more and newer worthless products for each successive generation of Idiots -- and allows for the commercialization of Living-Death (spit upon by older generations) to new generations of Idiots that only exist for commercial purposes anyway)) ... is also apparent in modern China.
*The 'income gap' between the political masters and their stooges (Voters) and Real Humans who are non-political (never vote) is designed to widen [[by the political masters]] so that non-voting Humans will become an impoverished fourth-rate subclass of 'social rejects' and 'losers' -- shunned by Voter stooges and shamed and denigrated by all medias.
*If you were riding in a jetliner (eg Airbus A380-800 with 500 passengers) and the route went over the Himalayan mountains -- and the plane crashed in an extremely remote mountain valley -- and only you and twenty socially elite Chinese people of the rich class survived -- what would you do?
1. commit suicide?
2. send them all for help at the same time?
3. say you are going for help alone, and leave asap?
4. put a number on the forehead of each one, and dotted lines for the best cuts?
5. teach them (and any curious Yetis) that rousing song of 'row row row your boat'?
6. have them form a human pyramid and stand on top looking for the nearest vending machine?
7. take a poll of what is not their favorite airlines today?
8. teach them the pantomime game of 'twenty questions' and while they are thrilled with such a bourgeois sport -- sneak off to Shanghai? [[but I digress]]

[[Look for Republican C**ks**kers to enlist fat Chinese to add to their hate campaign against me. That would be like shoving a stick of dynamite up their asses and daring me to shoot it off.]]

*Although video and written messages are both important for communicating to the Human Species -- writing and reading are far more important than video and viewing. Writing and reading take much more time, plus the comprehension of what has been read takes much longer. During that time, many opportunities exist for cognitive thoughts to occur which can cross the current learning with other learning from the past and create amalgamations of understandings which can lead to accumulative revelations. Longer time episodes of learning are always far better for the mind than short-term abridged versions of the same thing. EG -- the liar documentaries on TV.
*Notice the dedication of the middle class Chinese parents to their children. They send their children to public schools. Are their children subjected to Queer Propaganda, APA brainwashings, and NEA tortures like American children are?
*Where are the ButtUgly windmills over the heads of the poor people in the Chinese countrysides? Do the Chinese not know the rules of Iowa Politicians? All poor people in rural settings are supposed to have ButtUgly sphincters in the sky over their heads, as a constant reminder that 'Rich Queers Rule!!!!'
*When will the rules of queer Iowa Politicians be applied universally, and all ghettos and all homeless villages and all poverty camps have ButtUgly windmills installed over them. The universal symbol, that what lies below is worthless to Perverts.
*What do you do with monomaniacal and greed-stained bug-eyed lie-spitting Politicians? After the rope chokes off their shrieks of hate for all Truth. For example -- the belly-crawling DemoCraps of Vermont. 'Bury them' is the wrong answer.
*Do not miss all of the references to Socialism. The Socialism which they are talking about in China is light-years apart from the deviated and anal mental disease of the Cult of the Asshole in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone -- which is the rule book for all actions of the Democrat/Homosexuals here in America and in England. In fact, the Socialism in China is unlike anything that has existed before or anywhere else.


Part Two: Power and People
China Rising-Part Two

*The National People's Congress has 3000 delegates from all over China. Here in America, there are only a few hundred, and they are all (Bleeps), and they are all in Wash This Death City.
*In China, the National People's Congress represents the People, but they are subservient to the Communist Chinese Party -- which is the equivalent to the combined anuses stuffed at Wash This Death City. Here in America, there is no National People's Congress -- just Queer Propaganda and the scum of the Five Evils. Who would want to be subservient to hundreds of lying (Bleeps) anyway?
*Five Autonomous Chinese Regions? Does that mean there are no DemoCraps or RepuCraps there? What does it mean?

'Autonomy' is a very big subject to Human Beings who have to live with Queer Coalitions, and masses of Queer Coalition Sucks that vote.
*Notice the irony -- the dancing lady representative (Communist) rejects any demands for independence by any ethnic group (such as the Riga in her province of Xinjiang) while standing under a big KFC sign showing her favorite slave owner -- Colonel Fried Sanders. Perception being everything, and she is one of the 'cultural elite' -- rebels threaten her 'culture', and therefore threaten the continued existence of her 'elitism'. Actually, I doubt if the Colonel ever owned slaves. All of the slave owners are in the HBHZ.
*Listen to that Minister of Foreign Affairs -- he's a lying cheese.
*Did you get the part about the government owns all of the land -- Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid style? The farmers have the right to farm on the land until the government wants to sell it to commercial interests for a lot of money for Politicians. That is massive institutionalized Eminent Domain over the People which is starting to become popular with municipalities here in America. Municipalities, officed by supposedly non-political and unbiased representatives. Such lies and corruption provide the soiled and rotten environments in which mental diseases such as Queerism spread. By the way -- such abusive eminent domain policies lead to rebellions, which pampered female elitists call 'just trouble makers'.
*Forced relocation for forced progress is no joke, and certainly not confined to China. Wait until the "harmless" BUWIs of today are the masters of your lands tomorrow, and their SWAT teams are forcing you off of those lands that they want for their latest money-grubbing schemes -- providing substantial kickbacks for corrupt political (bleeps) like 'Il Duce' Branstad, of course -- and you will fail to see the humor in it.
*Replay that part about the Medias pandering to special interest groups and using phony sensationalism to boost profits. Ripe sewage for a Deviate Takeover.
*You will like the part about the Internet being used to put the Truth out there in China. I feel a kinship with all of the people in China that are struggling to keep the Internet free of political control and free of the Internet Interruption and Intimidation Network (IIIN) of the Deviates.
*All of this Truth coming from Aljazeera makes you wonder -- is the Truth why the commercial protester punks (Hannity and Beck) hate Aljazeera?
*Looking ahead into the Future -- in these days of strife against such vile political regimes such as HObama's so-called administration, and the perverts at Verizon, and the dweebs at the NSA, and the punks at HomeQueer Security (etc) ... such efforts by people to keep the Internet free and to keep the Vital Flow of Truth moving among the peoples of the world is both romantic and properly placed in History. Now -- it makes sense and it is alive with honor. However, once the fight is won -- what will happen to the Internet then? Will the Internet become the sewage lands of such vicious and hideous scum as the Deviates and their IIIN network? Will Electronic Rot and Decay set in? Will 'Rornography' (RepuCrap Pornography) flourish? If the Internet becomes fake and synthetic and imitation and false -- then such fakery-based filth such as Rornography WILL flourish and poison every page on the Internet!!!!
*Build A Hollywood From Scratch. Gee -- if anyone did that here in North America, it might put HollyQueer out of business. What a great idea. The problem is -- the murderous invasion of such efforts by Movie Death Houses such as Queer Warner Brothers and Queer Disney.
*There is a very important point made here about the conflict of interest between hard copy books and electronic books. Hard copy books have one distinct advantage -- if they are printed using acid-free paper (alkaline) and stored properly, they can last for hundreds of years.

The current perception that hard copy books will fade away and rot is no longer necessarily the case. Electronic books, on the other hand, seem to be free of that problem and offer much more portability and the ability to create many copies freely. Except -- there are some problems with that ...
1. It perpetuates the addiction of the weaker minded 'General Public' to hand-held devices -- thus perpetuating their addiction to mindless eye candies; which prevents their minds from developing to maturity; which keeps them stupid and addicted to eye candies.
2. Data Rot. There is a deliberate built-in obsolescence in all electronic medias. It is a minute fraction of the hundreds of years that acid-free books are good for. As the frenzy of false-acceleration (which is fueled by the bullshit economics of greed and the idiocy of ever-increasing profits year to year) continues -- no claims of permanency for any data format will be honored. Anyone who complains that the data formats that they are using today and that they were told would last for hundreds of years, will be crapped on and swept into the nearest gutter.
3. Hard copy books are much more portable than the weaker minded 'General Public' has been led to believe. That myth was deliberately spread to increase ebooks sales and the sales of electronic devices.


Part Three: The Fire Inside
China Rising-Part Three

*Looking at these Chinese women, I remember when there was a big bugaboo here in America about oriental faces; and how they were all supposed to be ugly and untrustworthy and shifty and diabolical and insidious. Exactly the awful negative dogma that the Deviates now cultivate as a deliberate part of their propaganda campaign against all natural lifeforms in the Universe.

[[If you do not know what I am talking about, do not worry about it -- you must be dead.]]

Anyway, for decades the 'oriental image' was one of great evil and ugly faces -- for two reasons -- 1. the oriental eyelids and nose structures and cheekbone structures are different from those of Caucasians -- and 2. World War II. The Japanese were violent enemies of American Caucasians during World War II.

[[And steadfast friends of Germanic Caucasians at the same time.]]

For decades after World War II in America, all orientals were considered to be shifty and devious and murdering Japanese; despite the fact that there were many more Chinese, and China was a big ally of the Americans during World War II. Today, I seriously hope that American Caucasians can look at films about the Chinese people and see that they are quite Human and often very pleasing to look at.
*Are hot chicks on motor scooters a common sight in Shanghai?
*In rural Iowa, suicide happens because of males without females; who all leave town after they graduate high school to go to big cities and become mindless addicts for hand held eye candy devices. Remember -- Real Men (in rural Iowa) are a danger to the so-called Homosexual Agenda, by which all creatures in such sewers as Des Aliens exist. Certainly, all twisted city scum want Real Men in rural areas to commit suicide. The so-called Joe Biden Agenda mandates the elimination of all real life forms anyway.
*It is a pleasure to see a discussion about a real Human Rights issue such as Women's Rights in China -- instead of seeing video feces and hearing despicable lies on TV pretending that anti-life Deviates (that want all Real Humans dead) are Human and should have the right to annihilate all natural lifeforms in the Known Universe.
*I see through something here. They mention that the loss of collective rural populations is a reason for the cause of female suicide in China. Who caused that massive collectivism to happen to begin with? Who dissolved that massive collectivism in order to further their economic goal of big super cities, instead of massive rural agrarian populations? Answer -- the Communists/Socialists.
*Notice that the Communist Politician says "People needed family planning and birth control". That is a lie. The Communist Party needed family planning and birth control, because the Chinese system has such a berserk history of governmental incompetence and malfeasance and corruption that they have no clue as to how to manage a society of normal Human Beings. That liar is the Chinese Government counterpart to the Planned Parenthood (bleeps) here in America. That liar even blames the 'One Child Communist Plan' (to create smaller families that are easier to control and intimidate), on the people themselves; who he says demanded Communist Birth Control over their own families. Bullshit. Communist Middle-Managers-For-The-State coerced and threatened and brainwashed Chinese Families into accepting the destruction of the Strong Chinese Family Unit which threatened Communism corruption and incompetence and greed. Have no doubt -- the RepuCraps here (formerly greedy Republican (bleeps)) would attack American Families with identical slavery policies if they thought they could get away with it -- and if American Families did not have the Right To Bear Arms and defend themselves.
*Send this blog to China.
*I am not going to get into the debate about Gender Equality here -- for one reason, in Iowa the 'New Gender' is Republican NuttsPussy.

[[Creatures with one tiny gopher ball on either side of an artificial pussy. A New Jersey phenomena with pictures on Google Images.]]

NuttsPussy, is all that 'Il Duce' Branstad's Queer Coalition allows to be discussed -- and secondly because there is no such thing as 'Equality'. The so-called 'equality' that the Deviates always yap about, is nothing more than a cesspool of Rornographic Transsexual Queershit -- which RepuCraps secretly love and adore.

and squeeze

The entire 'equality' usage here in America is nothing more than a bitter blend of Bullshit and Cowpies.
*That woman's idea about having only one child can change in a Revelation Heartbeat. Any traumatic or near-death experience could change her mind, if she is not really brainwashed. You do not have to be Revolutionary to be a Revelation.
*One thing is glaringly obvious from these videos -- there are no Demented Yellow Females (DYC) to be seen anywhere. In any documentary about America, Demented White Females (DWC) would be smeared like bug juice all over it, and in the production of it.
*'Higher Education' at Universities is mentioned here. I wish America still had Universities. Instead, America is diseased (like Small Pox) with Inversities that are nothing more than Advanced Deviate Indoctrination Centers (ADDICTS) that are designed by liberals to turn NEA tortured young wrecks into productive and successful liars, propagandists, and killers of the Human Species.
*The sign for the College of Civil Engineering includes the following departments -- Department of Building Engineering -- Department of Geotechnical Engineering -- Department of Bridge Engineering -- Department of Surveying and Geo-informatics Engineering -- Institute of Structural Engineering and Disaster Reduction -- Department of Hydraulic Engineering

It is the College of Civil Engineering at Tongji University in Shanghai. Shanghai city is located as shown on the map below.


*It is appalling to see that these bright young Human students in China have no idea whatsoever that all Universities in America are decadent wastage. Some of them want to come here for more education -- which is throwing their entire lives away to become more dead fodder for the Queer Coalitions. They have obviously been propagandized by the Deviates that control the Universities here.


Part Four: Made In China
China Rising-Part Four

*The BUWIs have invaded China! Not surprising. Notice how they discuss environmental damage in this video. Do they mention the environmental and spiritual damage caused to any countryside that is invaded by the damned BUWIs? (and I have damned them all to Hell)
*Hangzhou city is located as shown on the map below.


*Interestingly, the environmentalist there in China are talking about the so-called government environmental authorities (there) having under-the-table connections with factories that pollute China. Here, the same thing is happening. The BUWIs have strong financial connections with the corrupt Politicians of Iowa, and they have their own running dogs (that pretend to be environmentalists) who will lie for them. Rummy-dummies, that will say that ButtUgly Windmills do not ruin the land and damage the Spirit of Iowa -- which is the exact opposite from the Truth. At the same time -- how can defiled and debased creatures such as BUWIs and their stooges know anything about the Spiritual and Mental Health of Iowa? The BUWIs, have hacks and psychcreature stooges (from the Insurance Medicine Factories in West Des Aliens) to make false statements and bogus reports about such things -- in their favor of course -- for substantial financial rewards. Enviro-Whores.
*Pay attention to their explanation of typical Iowa Politicians -- "In China, an official's career depends on the production in his region. If it's too low, he loses his job. And, industries that pollute contribute to production. So, industries which cause pollution are protected. It's very common."
Does that sound familiar? The BUWIs here are continuing that practice, which used to be the sole domain of the oil and coal companies. Of course, the BUWIs claim that they oppose the oil and coal companies. Really? How many stockholders of BUWI companies own stock in all three? How heavily invested are each of the three in each other's scams and campaigns of lies? How would you know? If you watch TV -- you know nothing.
*Motor scooters are really big in China. That stems from their previous enormous usage of bicycles, which in turn stemmed from their poverty and unwillingness to walk everywhere.
*The factory mentioned here is owned by a national Politician -- one of the National People's Congress.
*The environmentalist that is mentioned in this part of the video is named Chen Faqing (time 4:20). Here are some websites about him ...


*In this video about China, we see a village that is surrounded by large industrial complexes that pollute and foul the land and the air. Quite by chance -- I recently found such a place here in America. I was delivering a load to the Gary, Indiana region one night; and it was hell to get into there and do the job and get back out in one piece. The place was a vast maze of small streets and huge buildings and bright lights everywhere in a chaos. Later, the next morning, I looked at that place on Google Maps; and I was surprised to find that in the middle of that huge industrial area there was a little town -- completely surrounded by oil refineries.

It is called Marktown Park, and the residents there are fighting an ongoing battle with BP for their town, which BP wants to buy and literally turn into a parking lot. Yes -- I said a parking lot. BP says it will take a long term approach to obliterating this small town; expecting greed and isolation to undermine the courage of the inhabitants.

BP has already bought some properties of the town for parking spaces. The town was originally built in 1917, before all of those oil refineries came in and made the area the world's largest concentration of oil refineries.

From CitiLab.com

Here are some more websites about the plight of Marktown Park:

Google Maps site for Marktown Park, IN

Google Images site for Marktown Park

This town in America is in definite dire straights in their fight for survival against a massive corporation filled with Corporate Drones that could not care less about Human Life.


Meanwhile ...
I was looking over photographs online about Marktown Park and I came across this photography website ...

I particularly like this associated site about Chicago ...

In the process of looking at that site, I came upon another associated website ...

And Here!!!! There Is A Fantastic Video About Another Neighborhood In The Chicago Area Being Annihilated By Another Massive Corporation Of Drones ... WATCH THIS VIDEO!!!!

It is also available at this website ...

This community is literally being torn apart by worker drones for master drones who care zip for the values of Human Life. Obviously, this problem is not isolated to China. Wherever there are Big Business Assholes (Bleeps) like the BUWIs (ButtUgly Windmill Industry) you will have the annihilation of Human Values, and Human Virtues, and the Value of Human Life. Is it any wonder then, that the Deviates thrive in such corporations and that such vile businesses make the Deviates rich?

*At times 12:58 and 13:10 we see an environmentalist (very rare here in America) taking pictures of a polluted water canal with a dead fish in it. He is using a Canon camera. I use Sony and Nikon. I will probably stay with Sony and Nikon. Canon works for him and that is good. I just bought another Nikon, this time a D3200. As you know, I had a D3100. I was going to get a D3300, but it was too thin and cheaply made. It was too light and toy-like. The D3200 was strong however, like the D3100. Perhaps next time I will buy a Sony. If any of you want to take pictures for your blogs, I suggest the better Nikon and Sony models. Look for cameras that have interchangeable lenses and large electronic sensors; and yet have uncomplicated controls. The Sony cameras that I use are so simple that they were condemned by online photo bloggers as being unworthy. You have already seen hundreds of photographs (of very high quality) that they have taken. They did not have enough features to satisfy the photo bloggers, however. So what? Blogger and Blogspot never show the original sizes of photographs anyway. One thing you should look for in a camera, besides the interchangeable lenses, is how good the automatic modes and the landscape modes and the nighttime modes are. Also, get cameras that have both eyepieces and LCD screens -- AND -- you can take pictures either way -- HOWEVER -- you must know that if you take a picture of an scene looking through the viewfinder and then looking at the back LCD screen, the two pictures will look different even though you did not change the settings and the scene lighting did not change. The reason is because -- when you look through the viewfinder your eye is blocking any light from entering the camera through the viewfinder -- HOWEVER -- when you take the same picture looking at the back LCD screen your eye is not at the viewfinder -- in which case a lot of light enters the camera through the viewfinder and changes the sensor settings inside the camera. Each of these cameras (that has both a viewfinder and a back LCD screen) comes with a viewfinder blocker. It is a small piece of black plastic that fits over the viewfinder when you are using the back LCD screen. Otherwise, you will have to block the viewfinder with your thumb or something that you made for that purpose.
Get a camera like the one you see the man in this video is using. They are called DSLR -- Digital Single Lens Reflex. I can recommend the Nikon D3200 or the 3100, but not the D3300. If you do get a Nikon, get a kit with a basic lens -- BUT -- make sure that it is a VR lens. A VR lens changes inside the lens to eliminate shaking. Also, get a good UV filter lens for outdoor shooting, and as many extra batteries as you can afford (3+).


*This man with the camera is named Ma Jun. The discussion here is about the depletion of water resources due to the heavy demands for water by China's new cities, which people are migrating to for jobs; which is the Chinese plan to begin with. The 'plan', is ruining the original depositories of the water, such as lakes and ponds. To make matters worse, there does not seem to be the most basic sewage treatment facilities in these cities. There must be some treatment plants, but the video shows that a lot of sewage is being dumped directly into rivers.
Let me tell you what that would be like. The Des Moines River starts far north of the present day Des Aliens. It flows through Des Aliens, and then continues in a southeasterly direction to the Mississippi River. About 21 miles southeast of Des Aliens, the Des Moines River widens out into a lake (created by a man-made dam) called Redrocks Reservoir.
If, Des Aliens was like the areas of Beijing that are shown in this video; the waste of Des Aliens would all be flushed directly into the Des Moines River. All of that would then be swept along with the river to accumulate and befoul Redrocks Reservoir. In which would be found -- and smelled:
All (nasties) from Des Aliens, with some from Atheist Aims too
All used pantyhose from the Statehouse/Pantyhose Emporium
All urine and chemical waste
All used dildos from the Monkey Judge Syndicate across the street from the Statehouse/Pantyhose Emporium
All biological and toxic waste
All properly used pages of the Des Aliens Rearsniffers toilet rag
All body parts from Queer Coalition orgies
All chicken blood refuse from the satanic rituals of RepuCraps -- too chickenshit to write Executive Orders to stop Deviate Insanity.
Suffice it to say that Redrocks Reservoir would reek of the stench of Des Aliens, and with the prevailing winds being northeasterly it would probably fall upon Northern Illinois and Chicago as acid rain.
*At time 18:14 Ma Jun mentions that "... most of the local government officials still put GDP growth rate ahead of environmental protection, as a result many companies chose to pay fines year after year without solving the problem; because the cost of violation is actually lower than the cost of compliance."
What is GDP? Answer: GDP is Gross Domestic Product. Investopedia defines GDP as -- GDP is commonly used as an indicator of the economic health of a country, as well as to gauge a country's standard of living. Critics of using GDP as an economic measure say the statistic does not take into account the underground economy - transactions that, for whatever reason, are not reported to the government. Others say that GDP is not intended to gauge material well-being, but serves as a measure of a nation's productivity, which is unrelated. GDP is commonly used as an indicator of the economic health of a country, as well as to gauge a country's standard of living. Critics of using GDP as an economic measure say the statistic does not take into account the underground economy - transactions that, for whatever reason, are not reported to the government. Others say that GDP is not intended to gauge material well-being, but serves as a measure of a nation's productivity, which is unrelated.
*Caution -- there are many Ma Jun names in China. One of them is the Director-general and research fellow of the Enterprise Research Institute, Development Research Center of the State Council (DRC). A government official. NOT, the same Ma Jun that we are talking about. But, they look similar.
*Here are some websites about our Ma Jun ...

*The video changes to the topic of solar energy. This is interesting, but not very detailed. Solar energy installations are much more preferable to ButtUgly Windmills. For one reason, everyone can get into the act -- and is likely to, if given the right incentives. I have already boycotted Des Aliens (formerly Des Moines) because of their cowardice in allowing the scum at the Statehouse/Pantyhose Emporium to sanction the ruination of the Iowa Countrysides with the machines of BUWI Imperialism -- which paid the Politicians very well, you can bet on that. Any neighborhood in Des Aliens that installs fifty full-sized ButtUgly Windmills over their own heads will get my patronage, and I will represent them here on this website. But, they are city drones and unlikely to know what that can mean. Instead, it is much more likely to get most of them to retrofit their homes and houses with solar energy panels -- WHEN the prices of such installations drop to the point where taxes can pay for the bulk of the expenses. Except for one thing -- BUWI greed. Whenever a household provides for its own electrical and heating needs using a solar energy installation -- that is less energy that the BUWIs get to sell -- and never believe their propaganda! The BUWIs are in the same business as the Cell Phone industries. Both industries can only survive by selling as many units as possible per day. For the BUWIs -- it is units of electricity. For the Cell Phones companies -- it is airtime minutes. Both industries are totally dependent upon unit sales.
*What the last half of Episode 4 is all about, is something I would categorize as Elitistshit -- being entirely about the Global Economy from the prescribed viewpoints of the elitists (bleeps) that created it and operate it. Elitistshit, is one of the primary reasons why the well-to-do set want to silence me and this website so badly. Not only do I criticize their Elitism constantly -- but they are so deranged by Elitistshit that they can never understand what I am writing about, the Truth, or how twisted and awful they really are. Due to skulls filled with Elitistshit -- they are forever alienated from Reality -- and therefore from themselves.
*Notice that they talk about exports a lot. They mention that China creates the most exports of any country in the world. That means that China is selling things to the world more than any other country.
*The narrator mentions that there is so much construction going on and so much creation going on in China (fabrication, manufacturing etc) that they literally do not have the energy that they need to keep up with what they are doing. China itself does not have enough energy resources to keep up with the amount of energy that is required for them to do everything that they are doing. This is similar to the same situation that America is in. America is consuming so much petroleum, that it cannot possibly supply its own needs. With all of that energy being expended and not recoverable, it is going to cause a real crash in the world's economic structure when energy starts to run out -- because it was wasted so badly. Squandered. The word for it is 'squandered' -- by everyone -- everyone who will not have to live in a future with much less energy available.
[[It is not just the oil refineries that are burning far too much electricity at night for lighting. The attempts so far to reduce energy usage for lighting and heating are minor compared to what is actually needed. The elimination of incandescent light bulbs IS mandatory. Unfortunately, such spiders as the Demented White Females (DWC) always attach themselves to such facts, in an attempt to make themselves appear to be right all of the time -- which must mean that they are also right about sponsoring and being Perverts too! Right?]]
That upcoming energy dilemma provides the niche, the rationalization, the excuse for monsters like the BUWIs (Butt Ugly Windmill Industry) to annihilate entire countrysides and entire states with their ButtUgly Windmills.
Every generation thinks -- "Well, it was really terrible what this generation did to the Earth. But, the next generation will be better!" -- and it never happens that way. Never.
It keeps getting worse and worse, and in each generation there are scum like the BUWIs that want to uglify and ruin everything, using false justifications and false claims and false excuses.
Another reason why China needs so much energy, is because they are expanding outwards into the rest of the world; which the greedy RepuCraps do not like, you can bet on that.
The video talks about China dealing with African countries such as Mozambique. How many of you know where Mozambique is? How many of you watch those documentaries on the Internet, and have absolutely no idea of what they are talking about? The persons who make those documentaries depend upon you having no idea of what they are talking about. In a lot of cases, with those documentaries that end up being shown on the Internet (some of which actually came from TV channels) if you actually try to find out what really happened, and where things really are, and what things really do -- you will find that the TV channel lied. The TV documentary lied! The TV documentary falsified information!
The TV documentary, screwed with and twisted the facts. The TV documentary says that such-and-such a thing happened during the course of a situation, and in Reality that never happened at all! Something else did happen, but for some sick and internal reason the scum at the TV channels wanted to say it differently. It must have benefited them some other way. They always lie for benefits. They always lie for profits. They expect you to just sit there and watch the TV, and not know what they are talking about. They expect you to trust that they are experts about what they are saying, and accept everything that they say on all of those 'documentaries'.
Last January I checked out several documentaries that were supposedly from TV channels in America, and in Australia -- and I checked the facts and the actual true history against the TV documentary renditions of what is supposedly History -- what they are telling you is History.
It turns out, they all lied. They did not lie once -- they lied five, six, seven, eight times in each documentary. They not only omitted the Truth, they completely falsified the Truth! Left out large facts. They played, like sick inmates at a psycho ward, with the real facts of History; and created a documentary that was very vaguely historical -- contained the same characters and the same places, and usually never contained the same sequences, the same events as they happened; or why they happened. Many many events were just flat left out, for some stupid TV reason.
It would be like TV making a documentary of your life, and leaving out every other year. No matter what happened in that year, every other year is left out. Then, the years that they do mention, they jumble up, they take them out of chronological order and they lie about what actually happened in your life. They Queershit your personal history, leaving out one half of it to begin with, no matter what happened in that half. That is what TV documentaries do!
I checked it out during January. I knew it was that way, anyway. I checked it out ten years ago and twenty years ago, and it was the same way. A few weeks ago I checked it out again, and sure as Hell they are doing the very same lying! The same falsification, the same absurd abridgment and modifying of the true stories.
It is happening in documentaries that you would think (to yourself) "Why would anybody do that about this topic? Why would anybody falsify and jumble up and omit and warp and twist this information, about this history? What could they possibly benefit from it?"
You are not getting the point. You are missing what I was saying about everything Queer Is A Lie! The things that make those TV documentaries are perverted. The studios are filled with perverts! They are in close proximity to Deviates at all times. Many of them are Deviates, and anything that is Queer -- Is A Lie!
The closer you get to the Queers -- the more that lies saturate everything! Until -- everything is a lie when you get to the Queers!
Everything! Not just about themselves -- but everything! Everything, is a lie with the Deviates! Deviates lie, period. Deviates make TV documentaries. They lie about everything, whether they have to or not. So, when the Deviates make a TV documentary -- what is going to be in it? Lies! And, lies. And lies. And more lies.
It is right there in front of you! Pick a TV documentary (that you can stomach to look at because a lot of them are just video pap) and then find out the Real History of what really happened. You will be amazed. The TV documentary is full of misinformation, omissions, lies, reversals; and it is all glossed over, it is all put in a glossy and cheap and shiny saran-wrap kind of format as 'eye candy' for stupid people. It makes you realize that the scum that make TV documentaries know that only Queers and Shitheads watch TV!
*Getting back to what I said about Mozambique -- do not just sit and look at those documentaries and say 'duuuhh' 'da-da-duuhh'. Look up Mozambique.


Do you know where China is?

Look up China in an atlas. How many of you actually have an atlas at home? That is a good question. Believe it or not, that is a good question. Every house should have a good world atlas. Every apartment, every bungalow, every condominium should have a world atlas. That way, you can easily find where every place is around the world! I will bet you that less than one percent of the 'households' in America have a world atlas (in book form) in their house. The reason to have one, and to not use the Internet for that, is because it is 'super-convenient' to have a book rendition of a world atlas; and there is a hands-on interactivity that you can have with a printed world atlas. I go to bookstores to buy books, and I see that the world atlases are always on clearance sale. It is very difficult to get a world atlas to move through a book store. They go on the shelves, and then they sit there, and then they are still there next year, and they are there next year. The bookstore owners are always wondering how they can get rid of those things. So, the bookstore owners clear them out on a regular basis. And there they are -- world atlases in tall stacks -- not moving through the bookstores, because people just do not realize the fantastic need to know where everything is, and where everybody is! You watch these documentaries about China, and you will start to wonder where China is.


But, I am not writing about China at this moment -- I am writing about Mozambique. Where is Mozambique? Get out your book rendition of the world atlas and find out where Mozambique is!


*This documentary then mentions the so-called European Union, which is like bringing a syphilitic flea-ridden whore into the conversation. The Politicians of the European Union are 100% queer. They are Deviates of the lowest, most slimy, scurrilous, three-faced, three-tongued, lying (bleep) types that you could ever think of -- in European Form. That kind of trash exists in Wash This Death City (WTDC) as well, of course. It certainly exists in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone (HBHZ). But, it also exists as the so-called government of the European Union, and it is very much against the Human Species. Keep that in mind, when you listen to what they are talking about.
They are not mentioning anything about morality and Humanity in any of these documentaries anyway. The closest that they get to mentioning Humanity is about housing projects, water pollution, how farmers are poor and such things. The materials contained in these documentaries are about economics and finances. It is the pseudo-world of the ModoRats (otherwise known as the RepuCraps) -- that love this kind of thing. If you listen to these documentaries, you will find out that all six are saying that the RepuCraps are so obsessed with their sex-toys and their cheeseburgers and with going queer (to get more voters) that they are literally losing out in the world market situation!
They are losing, big time, in the competition for world economies and world markets and world trade. Listen to these documentaries, and you will hear it between the lines.
Having said that, look at who they have talking to them -- in the Aljazeera documentaries about the European Union (EU). It is a German Christian Democrat, which has nothing to do with the faggot and lesie-turd 'DemoCraps' in America. It is a German Christian representative at the EU. That, is who they talk to. They do not talk to the slime bags, they talk to the Christian German representative. He is the one who explains how messed up everything is.
By the way, notice how well they treat each other at those cultural centers for elitists. Look at how wonderful they think they are. It is a little bit surprising to see them in the same set of documentaries by Aljazeera, because in the other episodes we have seen some very non-elite people telling us what is really going on in China. Now at the end of Episode 4 we see the elitists themselves.
The next two documentaries that we are going into will be an exploration of what people think of China from the western point of view, and we are going to have one former Communist and one critic of capitalism/dissident giving us warnings about China. It is really good to know what is in these first four documentaries before you see the next two, as things will click in for you.
Just in the course of six documentaries about China, a variety of things will become obvious to us as we read between the lines and as we connect the information. As we connect the dots, more information about China will become available to us -- just from these six documentaries.
*Before we go to those next two documentaries, I want to clue you in on something. You will find that I am talking about things that are racial and national that will go back to the first four documentaries called 'China Rising'.
Something else, is that we are going to see (in the way that these people talk) the effect of Queer Medias. We are going to see that the Queer Medias are telling the world endless lies about America. Such that, the external view of America is completely the opposite of what it really is here inside of America. For instance, HObama the Magnificent Bunghole is considered an actual celebrity 'out there', because the only viewpoint that those people 'out there' have of America is through the Queer Medias -- the Deviates and the Perverts and the Worse. You will see this when the next two speakers talk about America. The America that they are describing to you, does not exist. There is no America in the ways that they speak about it. It is not really there. The Real America, is far different from what the world thinks it is; and it is a far worse situation than anyone 'out there' realizes that it is. There are not as many Americans left, compared to what the world thinks America is. More and more every day, more Deviates and Perverts kill more Human children and prevent Americans from existing. That is very simple -- it is genocide -- it is what I fight.
Listen to those people, and listen to how they use the word America. You will realize that they are accepting the perverted and warped and twisted offerings from the perverted medias, for what America is. They will say the 'Americans want this!' -- the 'Americans want that!' -- the 'Americans do this!' -- the 'Americans do that!' -- and none of it is American. It is all about RepuCraps, Democrat/Homosexuals, the Deviates, the Five Evils -- none of it is American. It makes you realize that 'out there' the world does not have any idea who is American! And, what it takes to be a Real American. You will notice something else, there are no documentaries like these being made about America. Any Human film crew that came to America and started to find out what is going on here would shock the world. The Truth about what is actually happening in this country, would ruin all of the Queer Propaganda.
The Perverts cannot have that! The Deviates cannot allow film crews coming to America to make documentaries about what is really going on here. The next documentary that I am going to show you, is about a lecture given at the University of Melbourne (Australia) by a former communist. Listen to how he talks about the Tea Party. His entire assumption, and his entire context and reference about Tea Parties, is pulled (like a unwilling turd) out of the worst perverted orifices like Huffingbutt's Post, and those sick newsrags on the east coast that lie about everything constantly. His entire understanding about the Tea Party is a complete lie. If he was told that, he would probably not give a damn. Watch and see what I am writing about. Listen to how they speak about America. What they are talking about does not exist.
Such a deliberate misrepresentation of America and reversal of the Truth literally constitutes a Crime Against Humanity equal to that of Mass Genocide. If there really were such a thing as a 'United Human Nations' instead of the paltry and worthless UN of today -- warrants for the arrest and seizure of all Queer Propagandists would already be issued. No TV channels would be operating today, as all Owners and Operators of the Satan Tube would be on the run from the laws of the United Human Nations.


When China Rules The World
When China Rules The World

*This fifth documentary is called 'When China Rules The World' and is from a lecture at the University of Melbourne in Melbourne, Australia. When you listen to this documentary and the next one, part of the benefit is that they talk about issues in China (and about China) that you may not have any information about. You may not know about these things, therefore it is probably all news to you. The pitfall is, if this is all that you have in your brain about that news, then you are in an extremely vulnerable situation.
If you just learn this and nothing more about China, or you are stupid enough to listen to any Politicians and their propaganda hacks lie to you about China, you must be labeled (and you must be considered to be) 'gullible' -- or at least abysmally uninterested. You could be so incredibly specialized that it just does not mean anything to you (yet). I am trying to think of an example of someone who is that specialized; probably Microprocessor Designers and Neurosurgeons. Considering how China is branching out into everything in the world, and building a lot of microprocessors (etc) -- even Microprocessor Designers might not be immune to the Chinese situation and the existence of China on this Earth; and what it is doing to the rest of the Earth. [[China is always a 'situation'.]]
You do not want to merely listen to these six documentaries and assume that you now know it all about China. You do not want to assume that this speaker and the next speaker have explained the situation very well, and you do not want to think that you need not look for more information about China. No. As a matter of fact, the more that you find out -- the more you will realize that these speakers are glossing over things to make points of their own. These are not unbiased accounts of China. Neither one. Neither speaker is unbiased and giving you a tutorial about China. What you need is a tutorial about China that is completely unbiased. The Aljazeera four part series approaches that ideal. The fifth and sixth documentaries here, do not do that in any way. They are not idealistic, they are not tutorials -- they are rhetoric, they are arguments. The speaker in the sixth documentary is more open about that, and more honest about it. For instance the speaker in the fifth documentary ('When China Rules The World') uses a variety of charts to back up what he is saying. I do that myself, and I realize when I do it that you cannot just throw out a chart and say -- "Blah blah blah from here-and-there made this chart, and we are going to believe this!" That sounds like something out of a childrens story.
In fact, one of the charts that this speaker shows is actually from Harvard's Queer -- some scumbag at Harvard's Queer made it -- inside the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone! No Human is going to give a damn about, no Human is going to give any value or credibility to, anything from the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone!
But, obviously outside of America all of those liberals are operating with all of those lies coming out of such places as Harvard's Queer; and they are getting away with it every time. Because, anybody outside of America who looks at America to see what is going on there -- can only see Queer TV! All they can see is Deviate newsrags! Deviate magrags! All they can see is perverted lies about what is happening inside of America! So, all kinds of falsehoods are floating around out there about America, and what is happening inside here. Which is supported by the blackout of information caused by the Deviates, and the Homosexual/Democrats and the RepuCraps!
Oh yes! It is a 'Blackout'!
What it is -- is a 'Queerout'! It is a Queerout of the Truth -- a total campaign of lies! It is a Queerout of information. It is a Queerout of what is really happening! If you live in Africa, or China, or South America you have no idea of what is going on in this country.
*In this fifth documentary, pay attention to what he says about the Han Dynasty. Find out what the Han Dynasty was.


Do not be a slug with clear vinyl tubes feeding into your skull, from a computer or a television or an FM radio, or from heaps of vile newsrags that can only be used with authenticity for wiping your own ass. Do not be some 'thing' on a couch that gets pumped with words and lies and suppositions and falsehoods.
[[Do not be an afternoon audience for Television! Probably the worst audience abuse committed by the satanic channels on TV happens in late morning and early afternoon. The worst and most queer programs, completely twisted out of any semblance of Humanity, occur the most in the late morning and early afternoon hours.]]
Do not be a slug on a couch, that is the perfect and ideal audience for such Inversity of Mordor Schmaltz, and lies, and pre-formed aberrations which amount to nothing more than the endless cascading and piling up of the wordage of lies. They do not even get the sequence and the contexts right any more, and it does not matter any more.
The late morning and early afternoon slugs are so brain dead now, all that those TV programs have to do is to say the words (in any order in any sequence) and the effect will be the same. No plot, no dialog per se, no planned conversations that a Human would recognize as speech -- nothing like that. No reason to exist as programs other than to repeat the wordage of Queer Propaganda.
Creatures that actually sit and watch that, are mindless slugs. I am saying do not be a mindless slug. I am saying do not do that to yourself. Get out of that, at all costs! Find out about the Han Dynasty -- find out what it was (is today). As you listen to this speaker in this fifth documentary, he will mention that ninety percent of the Chinese population (which could be an exaggeration) identify themselves as being Han.
The reason why I got into these documentaries to begin with is because I was tracking Racial Profiling. I was tracking a thread of Racial Profiling which led to the Chinese (Han) situation with two ethnic groups in their western areas. I am still looking at that from the context of Racial Profiling.
This speaker in this fifth documentary will tell you that 90% of the Chinese are Han, and he will go to great lengths to explain why they think they are Han.
[[This has always been the darkness in the clouds of Liberalism. There are no silver linings. The darkness, is the drudgery and the shame of what happens to intelligent people who are taken over and spoiled and decayed and corroded by the sickness of Liberalism. This speaker would be a very successful Human (with his intelligence) -- but instead he is a wastrel and a loser of catastrophic proportions, because his basic tenants and accepted fundamentals are all Liberalshit.]]
What we need to do is to go back to the Aljazeera documentaries and look at the one where they were talking about the dissident groups in China; and both of the people who were shown (who supposedly represented China) told us in that documentary that the 'small ethnic groups' that are in rebellion are nothing to worry about; and are not a problem for China and should be ignored.

Do you think they said those lies merely because they were Chinese officials? Do you think it was merely because they are elites? Do you think it was merely because they are used to lying? Or, do you think that the fact that they are both Han has something to do with it? Han versus other races. Racial Profiling. This could be an actual example of real Racial Profiling. We could find real examples of actual Racial Profiling in China, in this situation -- which is how we got here to begin with -- because it is how I got here.
*I have been at a lot of lectures like this in Universities, which are now Inversities -- they are now inverted, they are the opposite of a University -- and if you look at the audience at this Melbourne University it is very typical of that kind of pseudo-intellectual and liberalized clientele. To wit: many of them are falling asleep. They are so 'fat', so pampered, so elite, so 'well-to-do', so 'fat', so pampered, so elite, so 'well-to-do' that they can fall asleep in lectures. They do not have to grovel for a living. They do not have to drive a taxicab or a bus for a living. They do not have to cook meals at a diner for a living. They do not have to repair roads and bridges for a living. They do not have to do construction work for a living. They do not have to work for their living, and few of them ever will. They will go into the world of mind-games and make their money that way; in the world of mind-games. Watch that audience fall asleep while he is trying to tell them about China. He sees it, and he accepts it, he expects it.
*Something that I notice about this speaker in the fifth documentary, is that he completely discredits what happened at Tienanmen Square, and the aftereffects of what happened there in 1989.

[[Notice the mention of 'enforced amnesia' in the article from Spiegel. That is the tactic being attempted by the idiots that do planning for the RepuCraps and the Deviates and DemoCraps (etc), to erase the perceived need for Human Resistance -- and therefore to erase the memory of Human Resistance. While, I might add, I am erasing the perceived need for them.]]
He is not really talking about the modernization of China, during which all of the aftereffects of Tienanmen Square will become manifested. Instead, he is telling us that today in China, Mao Tse-tung is more popular than any other Chinese leader in China's history. That is the Mao Tse-tung that allegedly killed 30,000,000 Chinese people -- with the Great Leap Forward which starved to death uncounted millions of Chinese People.
[[In fact, the estimates rely upon the 'who was here before and who is still alive now' method to give us numbers. A very crude method.]]
What is really ironic about this -- look at time 17:30 of this fifth documentary. Look around that time 17-18, look at the pictures of the audience, look at the ones sleeping, look at their attitudes. They are so 'fat' and pampered that they are bored.
The huge irony about this, is that the speaker is telling them that the most revered person in Chinese History is Mao Tse-tung (according to Chinese Government History, of course). What did Mao Tse-tung do to people like that audience in Melbourne, Australia? Find out. The question is -- what did Mao Tse-tung do to the 'fat', pampered intellectuals of China who would fit right in with that audience at the University of Melbourne -- who are sleeping and bored to tears while they are listening about Mao Tse-tung -- who would have done what? To that audience? What would Mao Tse-tung have done to that audience if they had been Chinese during the Chinese Revolution? Find out. If you are going to 'live' on this planet at all -- find that out. Or, get the Hell off the planet.
*There is something humorous about this. Later on, when he is telling the audience about the Chinese language, and he starts to insinuate that they have to learn Chinese -- the camera shows the audience again, and the audience is doing its best to look like a herd of Walruses on some rocky beach in the Antarctic. Who, are bored with the latest Penguin pantomime show of the day. It is the Walrus-imitating audience. Actually, that is an insult to the Walruses. They are more intelligent than that audience. Look at them, and their slouched attitudes and their slouched postures and their 'we-don't-want-to-hear-that-shit' response in their body language to him telling them that the people of Australia will have to have a mandatory second language of Chinese. They are now in that situation, it will happen. Every student in every school in Australia will have to learn Chinese. That is happening.
Here in America, the Perverts want every last person to learn Queerism, mandatory Queerism. Every child in every public school is being forced to learn mandatory Queerism -- wherever there is a Politician and a Cowardly Parent near you. The Queerism of all Deviates, that want to rule the country.
In Australia, there are Perverts; but it is not Queerism that must be learned -- it is Chinese. Due to the enormous proximity of an enormous China that is having an enormous effect upon their country.
Here in America, it is a mental disease that is invading everyone through the medias and through the Politicians and the hideous Five Evils.
In Australia, it is the mere fact that China is there, and China is buying up everything that it possibly can from Australia. So, Australia will have to have a mandatory second language of Chinese.
The comparison is absolute. Look at that audience -- they are doomed.
* Incidentally, I am not going to do a study of China for you.
[[Everybody can breathe easier now.]]
I am not going to weed out all of the misinformation and tell you what is actually going on there. If you are in my readership, you have seen enough examples of how to do that so that any of you can embark on a mission of finding out the Truth about China. Bearing in mind that our worst enemies are also reading this. Those things are also learning what I am writing, and those creeps have a very huge interest in blockading the Truth at the American borders. They have media blockades set up at the electronic borders of America, information borders, airspace borders, immigration borders. Such that, the Truth about what is happening in America is never known outside of this country. Vice verse -- they do not want the Truth about the world known by us here inside of America. They want Queer Control. It is ugly, it is horrible, it is perverted. It is jail. It is a prison. It is a massive concentration of Human victims.
You must break through it. You must break it down. You need to do this yourself. I have been studying China for decades, so I was grandfathered into the Truth; because I knew the Truth before the Queer Blockade.
*Look at the chart that he is showing around the time 40:50 -- it is entitled 'Relatively or Extremely Satisfied with Government'. That chart seems to show that the Chinese population is very happy with the Chinese government. That chart assumes that no one has seen the four part Aljazeera series that we have just seen. It also assumes that people in China are extremely stupid, and it may have used misleading questions. It may have been done exclusively among the Han, and Chinese people who consciously identify themselves as the Han. Led by a Han government. So you have to learn how those things are set up, relative to each other. Do not take any of that as gospel and the almighty Truth about China. You can get a hundred different renditions about China.
For instance, all of it talks about corruption. All six documentaries talk about Chinese corruption in different ways, or by denying it. This fifth one, with the speaker who is a former Communist, is trying to tell us that there is a highly efficient Chinese government. Communist government. Former Communist.
What did the other ones say about corruption in the Chinese government?
[[Why is no one talking around the world about the horrendous corruption in Wash This Death City?]]
In the other documentaries, the narrative is the exact opposite. All five of them say that Chinese corruption in government is really bad. This one here, the fifth one, is saying that Chinese government is not very corrupt -- but -- Indian government is very corrupt. This is what I mean. If you want to find out about China, you just cannot listen to one or ten sources. If you really want to know what your future is for your own country -- which itself is at war -- you must find out about China. You do not have a choice any more than the Australians do. The one benefit that you have, is that you will not have to learn Chinese. The Australians will have to learn Chinese.
Another bit of evidence about this speaker's alienation (about what is really happening in America), is how he says that in western countries and western democracies we do not talk a lot about government incompetence, and the disabilities of government. It is impossible to understand how he could possibly think that way -- unless he is on the outside of a Queer Blockade. He seems to have no idea of what is going on inside of America.
[[Or knows, and is part of the blockade.]]
Inside America, everything is about the incompetence and the perversions of government. Everything, is about the lack of authority of all Monkey Judges and Monkey Lawyers and all Queer Laws. Everything is about how bad government is. But, there he is (outside) saying that in the western democracies we hardly ever chastise or comment about government incompetence. He has to be living in a vacuum. Probably, a vacuum that is his own fault for being a Liberal. We already know that all Liberals live in Bubbles of Lies. This guy obviously lives in a Bubble of Lies to some extent. At the same time he is trying to tell us the Truth about China. It all makes it very difficult to believe anything that he says.
China is not the 'Land of Panda Bears and Teapots' that you have been told it is.
Look at this fifth discussion around time 1:17:00 -- they are discussing the possibilities of warfare in that Japanese-Chinese-Philippine area and listen to how this speaker talks about America and the United States. What United States? What America? This guy is apparently unaware of what is happening here, or is a deliberate liberal hack who wants to perpetuate the pretense that there is such a thing as a Unified States of America, and we are not besieged by (and being attacked by) a hideous mental disease called Queerism -- RepuCraps -- Monkey Judges -- Five Evils -- APA/ACLU/NEA and so forth.
The entire rhetoric in this documentary bandies about the terms 'America' and the 'United States' like they still existed. Like those people have any idea of what it really is. Like they have any clue as to what is happening inside of America; and they speak as though 'America is doing this' and the 'United States wants that' and 'America wants this' and the 'United States is doing that' -- and it is not that way at all. It is the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead (SQLD) that are doing it all. It is the hideous Politicians. It is the Perverts. It is the Owners and Operators of TV stations. It is the media giants. It is the Commercial Protesters. It is the liars. It is the Fabrication Factory. It is the Puppet Shows. It is not the people. It is not the Americans doing any of that.
*In the fifth documentary, at time 1:24:00 - 1:25:00 we hear this speaker say that America is in decline, the United States is in decline as a military power -- as a world power. Listen and re-listen to what he says about the United States in decline. Where is the mandatory mention of why?
Where is the mandatory mention of perversion and Politics and backstabbing and double-dealing and triple-lying and Five Evils and Monkey Judges and Monkey Lawyers? Where is the mandatory explanation, even in a couple of paragraphs, about why the United States is in decline? Can it be, that person does not know why? Can it be, that person is one of the reasons why?
*Will those people who say that America is in decline, take any responsibility for it? Will they admit that their awful liberalism and their TV watching has contributed greatly to the decline of America, and civilization in general?
We can say the Truth all we want to, and when it comes time to make accounts for what happened and why everything failed -- whatever scum are the latest Politicians at that time will just sluff off all of the Truth that we have been saying for decades as -- "Oh yes, we know about that, but ..." -- and then they will say what their favorite promotional line for their own personal interests will be. They will say a reason for it happening, that will make themselves look good and smart. They will sluff off all of the real Truth that we have been saying for decades as -- "Oh yes, we know about all of that, but what was really the problem was this!" -- And what this is, is something that can be twisted and turned to their benefit; and will make themselves look innocent and heroic at the same time. To promote them, to benefit them, to make them better (in the decay), more powerful (in the decay), richer (in the decay), and more prominent in the decayed political circus.
That, is what you get when you Vote. When you vote for Politicians, that is the kind of crap that you get. When you vote for Politicians you get *(!#!^~¿-!¥
Forever. So why do you vote?
[[I have had it. I am officially creating the new word 'sluff' -- which is defined as 'To brush off or discard with indignity'. It is in the dictionary as an alternate to 'slough' anyway.]]


Why China Cannot Rise Peacefully
Why China Cannot Rise Peacefully

*HERE -- is the second meat to this message!
The 20 Don'ts was the first.
Hegemony -- is something that turns out to be very important to all Human Beings -- because it is a window into how freaks such as Politicians squirm between their ears.
This next documentary is about why China cannot rise peacefully; and though it is proposed with much glee by this speaker, it is nevertheless a potential threat that must be examined. Which is why this speaker has cornered that market with this kettle of fish, and knows it. This speaker's name is John Mearsheimer, and he has written a book recently (among others) called 'Why Leaders Lie. The Truth About Lying In International Politics'.
I will show you some of the reviews of that book which I found on the Internet:
"Entertaining and well-written...this is a short and punchy book with a lot of lists and observations.... On its own terms, this book is an attempt to start a conversation about how lying operates in international Politics. In that respect, it succeeds admirably, and contains a number of important avenues for future research."
--International Affairs

"Mearsheimer is one of the most prominent, productive and imaginative scholars in the realist school of international relations. In this brief, highly instructive volume he discusses how and why leaders have used deception, dissembling and outright lying in pursuit of foreign policy goals."
--The RUSI Journal

"Myth-makers beware! Writing with verve and economy, John Mearsheimer breaks new ground in exposing this hot-button issue to systematic scrutiny."
--Jack Snyder, Professor of International Relations, Columbia University

"Is lying in international Politics a shameful behavior or a useful tool of statecraft? When is it good for leaders to lie to their own people? Is there too much--or too little--lying in international Politics? John Mearsheimer answers these and other similarly explosive questions with the boldness and originality for which he is so well known. This is an insightful essay by one of the world's most provocative thinkers. A fascinating read."
--Moisés Naím, Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and former Editor-in-Chief, Foreign Policy

"This path-breaking study of lying in international Politics is full of surprises. World leaders can lie to each other without suffering grave consequences, but they do it far less often than we might suppose. However, when leaders lie to their own publics about foreign policy conduct, significant damage can result--particularly in democracies. John Mearsheimer categorizes the various types of lies and weighs the risks of undertaking them in this insightful analysis that is so relevant to our times."
--James F. Hoge, Jr., Chairman, Human Rights Watch, and former Editor, Foreign Affairs

"In this fascinating little book, John J. Mearsheimer argues that lying about foreign policy is an intrinsic part of the democratic way of life. This is an important message for those members of democratic publics who wish to avoid being bamboozled by their leaders."
--Robert O. Keohane, Professor of Public and International Affairs, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University

About Mearsheimer himself we find:
John J. Mearsheimer is the R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science and the co-director of the Program on International Security Policy at the University of Chicago. His books include The Tragedy of Great Power Politics, which won the Joseph Lepgold Book Prize, and New York Times bestseller The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, which has been translated into twenty-one languages.

*I think his assumption about the Chinese economy continuing to increase over the next thirty years is pretty accurate. Right at about fifty years I think it will start to flat line, unless a war gives it an artificial boost. You see, there is a precedent. We are discussing a great amount of building and construction and population movement. Something on that scale has already happened, and quickly. It was the rebuilding of Europe and Germany after World War II. That, took about forty years and was comparable to what China is trying to do today.
There is so much that is changing right now, and so many more changes that are being planned, that even after the majority of the major plans have been completed there will be necessary adjustment changes, because of those changes. China is going to be changing for a hundred years, in response to these changes anyway. Until some new equilibrium is found. So, I think it is a pretty good assumption of his that the Chinese economy will continue to rise for another thirty years, for a variety of reasons; not just in competition against America. His point about the future leaders of China, and who it will be, is very relevant to us, as it is how our enemies plan everything. Our enemies here in America, plan to create a sickness and mental dementia across the board throughout all possible candidates that could be future leaders of our country. That is why the NEA tries to queer all children in public schools. They are trying to saturate anyone who happens to be a child at the moment, or young adult, who could end up being a so-called political leader of America in the future, with all of the perversions and dementias and insanities and propaganda that they can pound into their brains -- killing their brains at the same time -- so that whoever it is (that is a future political leader of America) they will be raised in sickness and sewage and queer urination up to their eyeballs. They will know nothing else. They will have no concept, and no clue as to what the Truth is. They will be pre-set, pre-arranged, psychotic lunatics at the 'default setting'. At the 'default setting', they will be so queered that they will think perversions and deviations are normal. And, lying is how you exist on this planet.
He is providing us with a very good example of what the SQLD are trying to do here in America. The Chinese government is setting up a structure for enormous urbanization of China, and a massive economy. Here in America, the SQLD are setting up a structure of mandatory insanity, mandatory subservience to all perversions, mandatory phoniness called 'tolerance' (which is actually cowardice in the face of all Human enemies) and a mandatory idea that all real Human Beings are somehow sick and twisted, filled with hate, and deserve to be replaced, and should no longer exist on this planet. That structure of falsehoods is what the SQLD is trying to build, and their model for that is the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone (HBHZ); which is so awful I would not even send a sentient herd of maggots to that place to investigate it.
Taken in its totality and seen objectively -- it is obvious that all SQLD goals are spawned by a deeply insane hatred of all natural life in this Universe.
*He makes a good point about marriage, and how you cannot tell between a Man and a Woman (or it is not marriage) if one of them will become maligned against the other at some time in the future. You can only hope it doesn't happen, and there are always wonderful stories of men and women who have been married for fifty years or forty years; and we like to see that.
This brings up the point, that in the hideous Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred (in the phony sickness that pretends to be marriage between perverts) everything is maligned to begin with. Those things are maligned corpses of what they were to begin with. They have been maligned and have been forced to think in maligned ways, and have been forced to pursue a maligned existence compared to what they were to begin with; compared to what they should be. Everything about perverts pretending to be married is maligned to begin with, absolutely. There is no such thing as a 'Maligned Deviate' or a 'Non-maligned Deviate'. Therefore, instantaneously any fakery by those perverts that pretends to be marriage is saturated with misalignment; it is maligned from the get-go, it is maligned from the instant the orders are given out to pretend to be married. Everything about a Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred is misalignment, and the entire sick phenomena of it is a deliberate misalignment against the genuine and real Human Marriage. I am glad he brought that point up.
*He immediately goes on to say, that the primary goal of states is survival. There is another way of putting that, and what he really means is the number one priority, the number one desire, the number one interest of Politicians (which are not in any way Statesmen) is to be re-elected. To continue their sick and twisted political game. To perpetuate the Game of Politics in which they exist, which they depend upon; and to perpetuate their own particular twisted brand of Politics, which is called a 'party'. It is absolutely the case that the number one thing, far more important to them than any other thing to all Politicians, is to continue to be Politicians in the same sick and twisted political environment. An environment that sickos like themselves (years and years ago) created for sickos like themselves. All of which pretend to be our leaders, and to rule over the rest of us. Who are not sick, unless we follow them.
*Pay particular attention to what he says about regional Hegemony. Find out what it is, it is not a minor topic. He knows what he is talking about. If you look at that kind of political theory, and you realize that it is the kind of thinking that was going on during the expansion of America -- the 'Winning of the West', the 'Mexican Wars' (etc) and even both World Wars -- then you start to understand the ideas behind the filth that took over 'Statesmanship'. The insanity, that replaced 'Statesmanship'. Politics, is not what was intended to exist here in this country. Politics, is what creates theories of possession and world domination like Hegemony. Politics which is forever paranoid, Politics which is forever greedy, Politics which is forever an anxiety disorder, Politics which is forever trying to expand itself and influence everything around it in order to preserve its own existence. Politics is just like a disease.
*Do you get the connection between the rising Chinese economy and what he is saying about China having to be the most powerful nation in Asia? That has to be militarily, not just economically. Not just commercial, it has to be military as well. But, to have an enormous military they have to have a gigantic and booming economy. That is a very big reason why they are doing this. You will hear all kinds of liberals telling you that China is doing it for humane reasons. That is just a side show to them. That is just to keep everybody happy as much as possible, and to keep the machinery operating, and to keep the economy operating as much as possible so the enormous military can be created, manufactured, grown, installed -- and China can become a regional Hegemony and the equal of America; while is not even realizing that the America that they are describing is dead. The America and the United States that they are talking about (out there) has all been queered, it has all been perverted. 'Republicans' are now Queers, by their own desires. Perverts are everywhere in Politics. DemoCraps have been totally perverted for decades. The stupidity level has risen to high overflowing. The intelligence level of Politics in this so-called country has declined to almost non-existence -- and deviations dominate everything. The America and the United States that they are talking about is a myth, it's a shadow, it's a ghost. It is not even there anymore.
*He mentions something here about the DemoCrap's butt(bleep)/puppet 'HObama' -- pivoting. Something about 'pivoting', another Queer Media jargon. I am wondering if that means a change of pillows. Does that mean a change of pillows, or just a change of position?
*To put this report and all discussions about Politics in the proper perspective, we have to remember that they are all talking about something that should no longer exist. They are all talking about Politics, which is doomed, which is death rampant. And, has proved to be completely inhuman and incompatible with the future of Humanity. Deliberately so, it has not only proven to be that way, it has gone out of it's way to be anti-Life, and anti-Future. Politics has to cease to exist. Everything that he is talking about is political. Everything that he is talking about has to cease to exist. Politics has to go, cannot remain, cannot be allowed, cannot be tolerated, cannot be put up with -- it is the sewage, the kind of dung-soaked syrup that lubricates the gears of Queer Coalitions! It has no place whatsoever in the Human Existence. Politicians and Politics must cease to exist. Most importantly -- that requires the annihilation of the lice and bugs that are causing all of this horrible pain to our world -- the Political Gnomes -- otherwise known as 'Politicos' -- the crawling creatures behind and under the scenes of Politics.
That reality will, of course, affect all of the Commercial Protesters right into oblivion. It only affects such Truth-sayers as Steve Deace and Mark Steyn to the extent that they will have to withdraw from any interests that they had in manipulating or changing Politics.
[[There will still be a massive need for their Truth.]]
Instead, their much-much better usage of resources is to affect the disappearance of Politics, and facilitate the ensuing (simultaneous) rise of Statesmanship.
The speaker in this sixth documentary does not seem to understand that. He does not seem to grasp the doom of Politics -- cannot see the mushrooms in a future controlled by Politics. Of course, that speaker makes his living inside the wreckage, inside that sewage; trying to explain it to the rest of us, so he cannot be altruistic; he is dependent upon the continued existence of Politics and Politicians. Which, we are not! We, are not dependent upon those jerks for any reason whatsoever. The sooner we get rid of them everywhere, forever, the better.
I only write this website because of their horrific threat to all Life in the Universe. If someone was to come along tomorrow who could do this better than I can, and would be read around the world -- I would start writing books for the fun of it. You would never read another message of mine again.
*Another dead giveaway of this speaker's total dependence upon the continuation of Politics, and the necessary acceptance of political Queershit that comes with that dependency -- is that he cannot call HObama the Magnificent Pervert what it really is. He keeps referring to HObama the Magnificent Pervert as some thing that does not exist. He keeps calling it weird names that have no application to the HObama hole; like -- the 'president', or 'O-bama' -- weird things like that. He cannot speak outside of the confines of the demands for assumption that come with being a political creature.
*It is interesting what he says about nationalism, and how it is difficult to conquer a country that has nationalism. Try to relate that to 'autonomy'. Think of how once you have gained autonomy, once you have autonomy, once you are stately separate from the political system that was bringing you down and enslaving and trying to replace you with perverts -- then it becomes very hard for the aggressor nation (which would be the SQLD and all of the Politicians) to destroy you. Once you have achieved autonomy, and you have your own separate armed forces, and your own separate constitution, and your own separate laws -- it makes it very difficult for the aggressor nation (Queer Coalitions) to bring you down. It is then hard for them to achieve their goals of turning you into their slaves, and thereafter replacing you. Listen to what he says about nationalism. We all know that too much nationalism is a bad thing, but it takes a huge amount of aggressive nationalism to be bad. On the other hand, enough nationalism (which Queer Socialists hate) is a good thing. Look at the website that I have included in the notes about Queer Socialists -- if you have a strong stomach. You will see what I mean.
*In regards to the Hegemony that he is talking about, and I will give you some Internet links so you can understand what it is ...





think of what Hegemony means, and what this speaker is saying in this documentary; and then think about Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid and think about the death of the United States Armed Forces; followed by the creation of the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid. Think of why the so-called military has to be queered and perverted and controlled so horribly -- because it is going to be called upon to do terrible terrible things (both outside of the country and inside the country) against Human Beings (out there) and Human Beings like You (in here) -- and then think about those scum that the military say are heroes. Heroes of nationalism, heroes of Hegemony, heroes of world domination -- start to see the world as it really is. Start to see that the so-called 'America' (out there) is not America (in here). It, is not you and me -- it is the Deviates! The Homosexual/Democrats, the Republican/Homosexuals, the Elite, the Vested Interests, the Socialites, the Classified -- start seeing what it all really is. Use this to put that together in your brain.
*There is something else about Hegemony that is important, if you understand what he is saying about Hegemony. I am getting verification of what he is saying from other sources, particularly when I study the causes of WWI. Hegemony works only for one power in one area at a time. In the case of the world, it was recently the United States.
The United States Thing (whatever that is) -- the facade, the empty shell that is called the United States (out there) -- actually began to have Hegemony when there really was a United States. Hegemony was established when there actually was a real America, and it meant that in our own hemisphere there was no security threat; we had no problems, no opposition, no one was going to invade us. Due to that, we could go anywhere in the world and get involved in anything. Poke our noses into anything. Be intrusive, be objectionable, make our will known anywhere. Because, at home in North America we had no enemies.
How that relates to the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead is primarily by propaganda. The SQLD want a propaganda and a perception Hegemony around the world. Where, their propaganda and their lies and their fakeries and their pretenses (like all of those puppet phonies pretending to be married), all of their fakes, all of their pig-faced Politicians for hire, all of their terrible Monkey Judges and Monkey Lawyers (etc) -- where all of that is uncontested! Allowed to run rampant. No Truth is said about it. Everyone is intimidated. Everyone is intimidated by the lies and the threats. No one has the courage to say the Truth about it, and to expose it, and reveal just how pathetic and putrid it really is -- especially when you take the shells off and you take the masks off -- and all you see beneath is death and puss and sewage. It is horribly hideous and rotten inside. It is a rotten edifice, except from the outside which they keep painted and smiling.
The whole thing, is an attempt to make a Queer Propaganda Hegemony around the world. That, is not opposed by any Truth or any Humans. Which means, as with all Hegemonies, the Perverts can go anywhere and attack anyone! The Perverts can invade anything. The Deviates can take over any place that they want to --
intimidate and threaten anyone -- call anyone their own hideous names -- blame anyone falsely -- falsely accuse anyone -- mislabel and misinform anyone, and everyone. Attack Attack Attack all Nature and all Humanity with no problems, because they have Propaganda and Information Hegemony around the world. Nothing opposes them!
Once they achieve Propaganda and Information Hegemony, by controlling the Internet and all medias, and especially queer magrags like Fired (formerly Wired) and Newsqueek and Creeple (formerly People) -- once they use all of those weapons against us to achieve Propaganda and Information Hegemony, they can then control every aspect of life everywhere in the world. Everywhere in the world -- a disease's dream come true. From Yak herders to whale hunters, they can invade every country, every culture, every People in the world -- and sewer their brains, lie about everything that they were (before the Queers), blame them for not be Deviates and take them over! Using the worst Politicians and the worst Monkey Judges at every society and every culture, turning them against their own people like was done here in America. Using corrupt Politicians and corrupt Monkeys to dumb down and enslave the populations. They want that Propaganda and Information Hegemony, so they can attack the entire Human Species around the world; with impunity, at will, in any way they want, with any insanity, with any deviation.
That putrid Transsexual sickness, where they mutilate their own bodies so they look like both sexes, is just the tip of the Queerberg that they want to freeze everybody to death with. They want all opposition and all Truth FROZEN to death! So, they can do anything anywhere -- to anybody -- and literally rule a dead planet. A planet that is ideal for them. That, is how Hegemony applies to the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead. It is also one of the very most important reasons for the existence of Human Resistance, Human Truth, and Human Opposition. Anyone who opposes them is thereby justified!
Talk about a huge justification! Their own sick intentions, their own desires to have Propaganda and Information Hegemony around the world, so that they can subsequently attack the world and take it over -- that provides anybody who opposes them with a huge justification for fighting them. Stopping them. Pissing on them. Spitting on them. Breaking them. Tearing down what they do. Ripping them apart. Tearing off the masks, breaking the shells.
*If you think the word Hegemony does not apply to what the Deviates are doing (by controlling the DemoCraps and the RepuCraps), take a look at the article from Wikipedia about Hegemony, shown previously.
Look for the following things -- 'a group or regime which exerts undue influence within a society' -- 'the geopolitical and cultural predominance of one country (or group of Queer Coalitions) over others' -- 'the idea that the ruling class can manipulate the value system and mores of a society, so that their view (the view of the ruling class) becomes the world view' -- 'the ways in which a governing power wins consent to its rule, from those it subjugates'.
Subjugates. Makes inferior. Replaces. Enslaves and then replaces.
Sound Queer?
'In cultural imperialism (which has a lot to do with Hegemony) the leader state dictates the internal politics and the societal character of the subordinate states that constitute the Hegemonic sphere of influence. Either by an internal sponsored government, or by an external installed government'.
Let us look at that again -- 'either by an internal sponsored government (internal government sponsored from the outside) inside each subordinate state; put into those states and supported by the main Hegemonic body (state). [[Like, Queer Coalitions in every state pretending to be a state. Queer Coalitions supported by the SQLD in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone, and Queer Disney, and Queer Warner Brothers, and HomeQueer Security, and all of the scum in Wash This Death City. Separate Queer Coalitions, put into each state to control those states, and supported by the main body of disease]] -- or by an external installed government'. Which, is flat out dictatorship. Which is, the HObama puppet -- or whatever replaces HObama.
Again -- 'The leader state dictates the internal politics and the societal character of the subordinate states that constitute the Hegemonic sphere of influence, either by an internal sponsored government or by an external installed government'.
Check out those historical examples, both Before Christ Everywhere (BCE) and after Christ Everywhere (CE).
Does anyone notice any connection between the ButtUgly Windmill Industries and Hegemony? Take notice of the revelation it has here, for some of you, about the Napoleonic Wars. The simple story about the Napoleonic Wars is that Napoleon opposed all European Royalty. He was born in revolutionary circumstances, he actually brought the French Revolution under control by becoming the Emperor of France, but you will notice here the paragraph about Napoleon and French Hegemony and British Hegemony, which is what the wars were all about.
Quote -- 'After the exile and defeat of Napoleon, hegemony largely passed to the British Empire, which became the largest empire in history, with Queen Victoria (1837-1901)(Christ Everywhere) ruling over one-quarter of the world's land and population at its zenith'.
[[Buried therein, are many tales of woe and misery and hegemonic egotism. Not least of which is the life of Mohandas Gandhi.]]
This is saying, by the way, that for a period of time both America and Britain were Hegemonic powers.
It goes on to say -- 'Like the Dutch, the British Empire was primarily seaborne; many British possessions were located around the rim of the Indian Ocean, as well as numerous islands in the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. Britain also controlled the Indian subcontinent and large portions of Africa'. That, made it a bigger Hegemony than the United States was at the time. This Hegemony thing (a political beast) goes way back. I wonder if Hegemony had something to do with our own Revolutionary War against the British? It was certainly a reason for the War of 1812. The British, still want this continent by the way. Who would not want it? Just kick out the pansies and take it over!
Do not listen to opportunists and (bleeps) on political medias and political websites, that try to stick your nose into instantaneous and temporary crap to get your attention and to get your subscriptions! Piss and spit on that. Look at 'long ago'. Long range Politics, look at the enormous similarities between Politics over the last ten centuries; even since the recorded history of Man. Do not accept instantaneous pap about today's latest crop of piggies, as all you need to know about Politics! I do not even want to write about those things. Talk about temporary and trivial trash! That stuff sails to the dumpster over everybody's heads.
By the way, if you are anywhere near a big truckstop like Pilot or Love's look for a DVD video set that they sell there called 'WWI The War To End All Wars -- a unique ten part comprehensive look at the war that shaped the twentieth century'. It is a three disk set, seven and a half hours long. This documentary series has a very good way of explaining in the very first section how the whole war got started. You will see that minor events and an assassination fed into the plans of the German leaders to create a European Hegemony, and thus they fueled the flames into WWI. They were looking for an excuse to start a war anyway, so they could establish a Germanic Hegemony by kicking ass on France and Russia, and then basking in the Hegemonic Sun in Europe. Thereafter, going around the world acting really cool and smart and know-it-all just like the Americans were. Just like Vladimir Putin wants for Russia today.
This also explains why the Deviates can so easily take over the DemoCraps and the RepuCraps. The perverts learned how to talk the same political language of Hegemony and really bad Politics, to make themselves seem to be players on the board of rot and filth and lies and cheese and political baggage -- which in the very stupid minds of the DemoCraps and the RepuCraps made all of the perverts look like Fellow Politicians!
Oh gee! Look! They are Politicians -- too!
Oh, they want Hegemony -- too!
Only ... it wasn't exactly the same Hegemony.
*Notice the part in that Wikipedia article about Hegemony -- where it tries to explains that Hegemony is a fundamental foundation of Imperialism.
A simple explanation of Imperialism.

The Wikipedia article is indicating that Hegemony leads to Imperialism. Just like I told you that all of the Deviate lies about Equality will lead to Domination.
There is no such thing as Equality. Does not exist in this Universe. It is a Political Sham, Political Queershit. It is useful to fool Idiots that have been Lied To. And, keep them voting.
To continue with the Wikipedia article about Hegemony -- 'In the historical writing of the 19th century, the denotation of hegemony extended to describe the predominance of one country upon other countries; and, by extension, hegemonism denoted the Great Power politics (c. 1880s – 1914) for establishing hegemony (indirect imperial rule), that then leads to a definition of imperialism (direct foreign rule).' Direct foreign rule. Hegemony is indirect imperial rule, which leads to a definition (depending upon where you are -- sort of conditional) of Imperialism as it can exist in that place. Direct foreign rule. Hegemony leads to Imperialism.
Hegemonism today, is what I call Queerism because it is the Deviates doing it, Are you starting to understand me?
Oh, and get this one -- here is the vindication of Steve Deace! Here is the vindication of all of the things that Steve Deace has been warning us about, telling us how Marxist all of the Perverts and the DemoCraps are -- and now the RepuCraps are jumping into the same sty ...
same article by Wikipedia -- 'In the early 20th century, in the field of international relations, the Italian Marxist philosopher Antonio Gramsci developed the theory of cultural domination (an analysis of economic class) to include social class ...' Social Class, that is what the Deviates pay the DemoCraps to pretend that sickos are (in that 'legislation stuff'). That gang, always tries to turn the Perverts into a 'social class' every time a Queer Coalition attacks a state, and pretends to be that state. When it is time for a Queer Coalition to attack a state -- like the Queer Coalition in Minneapolis pretends to be Minnesota -- the first thing that they try to do is legalistically turn the Deviates (wherever they happen to be crawling and perverting at the time) into a 'social class' -- for political mechanisms, for political mechanization. The proper term for it is 'Machination', which means 'intrigue, plotting and devising secrets, conniving complicated plans and schemes'.
Political expediency, political requirements -- both are for some weird reason needed inside the Queer Coalitions these days. Not in the future. In the future, once they have Propaganda and Information Hegemony, they will just take what they want. Who is to stop them? Not Voters! Voters cannot stop anything, they are afraid.
To continue -- '... the Italian Marxist philosopher Antonio Gramsci developed the theory of cultural domination (an analysis of economic class) to include social class; hence, the philosophic and sociologic theory of cultural hegemony analysed the social norms ...' -- as in Human Values and Human Virtues and Human Morality (the social norms) -- '... that established the social structures (social and economic classes) with which the ruling class establish and exert cultural dominance to impose their (world view)—justifying the social, political, and economic status quo—as natural, inevitable, and beneficial to every social class ...'
Where have we heard that Queershit before! Ohhh .. Queers are natural! Queers are inevitable! Natural, inevitable and beneficial to every social class!
Where have we heard that Queershit before???? Queers are natural! Queers are inevitable! Queers are beneficial to every social class! Where have we heard that Queershit before?
Where do Queers get those lies?
You don't think -- they got it from those Hegemony Guys -- do you?
'... rather than as artificial social constructs beneficial solely to the ruling class'.
That's a hell of a paragraph! It explains so much.
Let's look at it again --
'In the early 20th century, in the field of international relations, the Italian Marxist philosopher Antonio Gramsci developed the theory of cultural domination (an analysis of economic class) to include social class; hence, the philosophic and sociologic theory of cultural hegemony analysed the social norms that established the social structures (social and economic classes) with which the ruling class establish and exert cultural dominance to impose their (world view)—justifying the social, political, and economic status quo—as natural, inevitable, and beneficial to every social class, rather than as artificial social constructs beneficial solely to the ruling class'.
In all of that, substitute 'ruling class' with Deviates!
Now, you are starting to learn where all of the Deviates learned all of this political stuff. Gee, I'm not impressed. I do not like 'political science' anymore than you do. What the hell is 'political' -- 'science'?
It is all Bullshit and Queershit, in a very bad combination, as far as I am concerned. I do not like this anymore than you do, however our future existence depends upon us realizing how all of this filth began. How all of this sickness got its roots. Where all of the Perverts got their ideas from. Who do you think helped the Perverts?
Oh, it couldn't have been 'Political Scientists' -- that do this shit all day long! Could it?
*With this discussion about Hegemony, what we are really doing is repeating a lot of the things we have said before, but not using their own language. What we are doing, is we are getting into the weirdness and really strange stuff of political thinking. There are a couple of things about that which you should consider:

One is, political thinking or political philosophy is really alien to the rest of us -- alien to natural life -- alien to good and common sense -- alien to anyone who just wants to be left alone and enjoy life, and try to live their life. It is alien, therefore, to freedom; and the desire for freedom. Even though, the constructs inside Hegemony (the states) may declare that they are a free state and their people are free -- in Reality since this weird political thinking overlaps and overlays everything -- it takes away your freedom. It denies you the freedom that the states claim that you have. The more twisted Politicians realize this, they know this, so they have no qualms about taking your freedoms away! Your freedoms are nebulous and conditional anyway. Entirely dependent upon the needs of their Hegemony.
Two is, everything is spiraling down into decadence and perversion and insanity. What we are talking about, and what Mearsheimer was talking about, is fading away. What is being increased at the same time is Media Hegemony, Perversion Hegemony, the 'Sick-Sick-Sick' taking over and gaining Hegemony -- by doing exactly what they want to do to the entire Human Species -- by doing what they have already done inside their Queer Coalitions -- they want to reduce and enslave the Human Species and replace it. They have already done that inside the Queer Coalitions, which were originally a kind of Hegemonies. Self-centered, selfish, ego maniacal, specialized and elitist Class Hegemonies that, like I wrote, were fooled by the Perverts into thinking that those things were also Political Players and (after a lot of money had changed hands) thought that they could be controlled; so why not give them part of the political scenery? Why not give them a chair at the table -- which they have now totally taken over. Thus, when we look at Hegemony -- the principles of it, how it works and how it is supposed to work according to political theories (and it is really more than theories, because they are actually doing that stuff like theory worshipers, as weird as it is) we see that the idea of Politicians doing it in the future is very improbable. While, the possibility of Deviates and psychopaths and freaks of every type doing it in the future, is highly probable. When we talk about it now, learning about it -- we think about the models, the examples, the basics of Hegemony and how it is supposed to operate according to those political theories. The Reality, to whatever degree of actual application was achieved in regards to those political theories, is that it is all slowly going down the drain. How can they possibly have Political Hegemony in the future when they themselves have been slated to be replaced by the Perverts, that they allowed to have a chair at the table?
The new and upcoming Hegemonies are Media Hegemony, Twisted Liberal Hegemony, and Every-Kind-Of-Perversion-Imaginable Hegemony. Period. Exclusively.
Exclusivity. That is the only goal of those freaks. Dominance. Control. All of the former Hegemonies, which we have been studying, are on the way out. We are at a point where there is a transition occurring between the departure of the original Political Hegemonies (according to the models and the explanations) -- and the regurgitation and revolting foamation (something terribly vomitous) of lunatics, freaks and psychopaths of every type (tutored constantly by the APA, fondled by the ACLU, and created by the NEA) and their Hegemony.
I wrote five years ago that this was going to happen. Now, we are actually seeing the fundamentals of it -- how it works -- from a viewpoint inside the political sewage itself. You can see why it was doomed to failure, you can see why it became perverted and sick and twisted. What credibility did it have? What value did it have? What was Hegemony?
For us to say that the Perverts will have Hegemony in the future is not really accurate -- what is going to happen is, Hegemony (as practiced by Politicians) is going to suffer a slow and ignominious death and be replaced by out-and-out Hideousness. Out-and-out horrific and terrible and monstrous mandatory death -- wherever Queer Coalitions control any society or any population. Within the Queer Coalitions, and this is why it is so important to separate us from them, existence conditions (I will not call it 'living conditions') are going to become unimaginably awful. RepuCrap cowardice and greed insures that.
So, what do you call what replaces Hegemony? Horror? Stark raving mad horror? That is not strong enough, that is not enough. It will be worse than stark raving mad horror. You will have to find out in your own brain what you can call it, if you can think of something that bad.
Like I said before in my writing, they rely upon being so terrible that you cannot think of how terrible they are. There is that zone of incredibility and discomfort where you do not want to go in your thinking, because you would have to think about terrible things that are not comfortable for you to think about, and so you avoid thinking in that area -- and that area is where they operate. They operate 'beyond the pale'. They operate beyond the worst and most insidious terrible things that you can think of, or want to think of.
They exist and operate beyond your comfort zone, beyond which you do not want to go -- therefore, you never realize what they really are. You do not realize what they really are, because you do not want to go (in your mind) where you have to go to realize how bad they are. They take advantage of that, and they operate in that area.
But, to get back to Hegemony itself -- which is fading fast in this hemisphere -- what was Hegemony? As we have seen, it leads to Imperialism which is the desire to dominate all of your neighbors, all other states, possibly the entire world. So, what was Hegemony? Politicians discuss it as though it is to be taken for granted, it is a wonderful thing, a building block of their Lego set and they need it; it is a fact of life and so on and so forth. They say that, because it is part of their political card game, it is a card in their deck and they are very jealous about that stuff. They are very dependent upon whatever they can create out of that deck of cards. Take a card away, and they do not like it at all. But -- what is Hegemony? What was Hegemony?
You have to think of it in very basic terms, I am not writing about all of the intricacies. The more that you try to make something like this complicated and complex, the more you are really justifying your own obsession with it. Trying to facilitate it, so it works better for you, to make it your pocket knife, to make it your Swiss Army knife and not someone elses. So you can use it more, the more you identify it with your terminologies. The more you think you own it, the more it will work for you; better than the next person. So, you try to complicate it in such ways that only you know the complications. That is typical political thinking.
In very simple terms, the beginnings of it must have stemmed from the necessary desire of leaders of a state or a group or a tribe to protect the tribe, to secure the nation. But, it is like a basic necessity turned into a fetish, turned into an opportunity, and specially designed to control others. Oppress others. Disable others. Brainwash others. Control others.
It is like the lazy man's security. The lazy man, the liberal, wants a simple time for his habits and his hobbies of dominance over the world. He wants dominance, but he wants it with comfort -- he wants it to be easy. He is willing to kill to get that. He is willing to destroy to get that. So, he is willing to kill and maim and mutilate and burn and rape and loot and sack cities and destroy states so that his own state (or whatever construct it is) has Hegemony. And, all of the neighbors around his state (or social body) are scared to death, or brainwashed to be brain dead. Either way works, giving him (in his state or social block) Hegemony! Control. To such a point that he can remain fat and happy and comfortable and still rule. He has either unleashed enough armies and enough terror upon his neighbors to completely disable them, or to terrify them into submission.
Whereupon, he can go back to being fat and happy. And then, being malignant as he is, he will start to dabble around the world in mind control of various other cultures -- that he wants something from. They must have something that he wants to begin with. Otherwise, he ignores them. If they have something that he wants, he will start to screw with their society and fornicate everything that they do -- intruding himself upon them. Invading them, being very intrusive, being very belligerent and forward. Constantly assuming that everyone else is inferior and they must give in, they must collapse, they must condescend to his wishes. It may have taken a little bit of effort to begin with (rape and pillage is hard work) and a lot of people (elsewhere) were killed -- but liberals love to kill anyway so that part was enjoyable -- and now the fat liberal gets to reap the rewards of his terrible deeds by sitting back and enjoying his Hegemony and sending out all kinds of invasive and toxic agents around the world to do his dirty work, and screw with everybody that he wants something from.
To freak them out, to change their brains, to brainwash them the way he brainwashed his neighbors. So, what do you call Hegemony?
Me -- I would call it the 'Stuff of Assholes'. I would call it the kind of 'PsychoThink' and Lunatic Babble that the worst (bleeps) on the planet have constructed in order to justify (in their twisted brains) all of the terrible things that they do. But, since they have formatted it, and have explained it on paper, and even have diagrams of it, and give lectures about it -- they think all of that makes it legal and acceptable and cool, and they can continue to rip apart the rest of the world for their own selfish ends, and selfish means to ends. Or, just out of pure malice, pure evil. After all, no one really likes RepuCraps and they know it.
They have no qualms about doing it, because it is now 'the accepted thing'. They have documented it, therefore it must exist. It must be acceptable. Even though, they did the documentation themselves. Even though, everything is singular and everything is from them. Especially, if no one else agrees. But then, a true Hegemony would not allow dissension. No matter how you go at it, no matter how many times you go around it, it ends up being the dictatorial ways of the worst scum types on the planet. No matter who calls it what.
I am trying to go deeper than that. I am trying to actually find out what exactly is fueling it, what makes it happen. Or, made it happen. We know what makes the replacement of it happen. Hegemony is going down the toilet, and it is being replaced by the Dictatorship of Perverts. We know what fuels that, it is a mental disease. A very viral, horrific anti-Life mental disease that deliberately kills anyone it can and turns them into itself.
But, what fueled Hegemony? What was actually behind it? As I have indicated, fatness and sloth and laziness definitely had a part in it; because after the hard work is done, the people who are the beneficiaries of Hegemony can sit back for decades and be fat and happy and comfortable and literally rule large portions of the Earth by proxy. So, that is definitely one of the incentives, one of the reasons behind it.
I am thinking -- all of the things that created the creatures that do that -- they are responsible. The average good decent Human Being would never do that. The average decent good Human Being would never even entertain the thought of wanting to rule the world and rule foreign states and screw with people's lives and pervert entire societies -- just for the hideous terrible evil of it. No ordinary person would do that. Those are not extraordinary persons who are doing it, they are sub-normal sub-ordinary things that are doing that. What creates those things? I am not going to tell you the answer. But, I am telling you the direction to go in.
Ordinary Human Beings do not do Hegemony.
Sick and twisted and low and loathsome and vile and cunning and evil POS do Hegemony.
What created them? What created those things? What created those creatures? How did they come to exist? How do Politicos exist? What creates a Politico? A Politico Gnome, the little scavengers and bugs that create Politicians, and tell Politicians what to do. Decide, what Politicians can do what. Primp, and puppetize Politicians. The Political Gnomes that you never see. If you saw one, you would not even look at it twice, because they have very nondescript features; nondescript faces and really evil brains. What creates those?
The forces, the evils, the terrors that create those things and the Politician Puppets and the Monkey Judge Syndicate -- those horrible horrible forces, causes -- those are the things behind Hegemony.
There is nothing pristine and ascending about Hegemony. It is not a high concept. It is not a wonderful thing. It is not manna from Heaven. It is not given to us by the Angels. It is not a revelation. It is not some great accident of discovery, that we have all benefited from. Nobody benefits from it except the political scum.
It comes from the lowest possible sources, the same things that created Politicians, Monkey Judges, and Political Gnomes. That is what I am writing about. I want you to think about what those things are, how low and awful they really are. That is what Hegemony is, it is the product of those things -- just like Politicians are a product, Political Gnomes are a product, Monkey Lawyers are a product, NEA teachers are a product, so-called Senators and Legislators are a product, Residents in the White Outhouse are a product, liars at newsrags are a product, butt-ugly liars on TV are a product, psychopathic sick freaks on the FM band are a product -- and so is Hegemony.
So -- who would use Hegemony?



I just thought of something that is entirely unrelated to all of this political stuff. Computers are very difficult to figure out while you are working on them, because you seldom know what they are doing. I use 'task manager' a lot with all of my computers, as this shows me what the processes are doing. Another easy way to tell if your computer is working too hard, and why it has slowed down, is the 'hard drive' light (LED). I watch those hard drive LEDs constantly. They really show you that the hard drive in the computer is working. Which may not seem right, because at the time you may not be doing anything that requires the hard drive to be working very much -- and yet the LED for the hard drive is flashing constantly.

It pays to watch that LED. If it is flashing, and you do not know why -- it behooves you to go to 'task manager' (in all Windows machines) and look at the details or the processes. This will show you a list of what is running at the time. Click on 'CPU' at the top of the screen so that the little arrow points downwards. Then, the list will show you what processes are running that are using the central processor, and by how many percentages. Always use 'show processes from all users' if that option is available. Under normal circumstances -- the top item in the list should be called 'System Idle Process', and it should have a very high percentage -- above 90%. Below that, you will see a changing display of other processes that are running at that moment. Here, is where you look for things that should not be running, such as a program you stopped an hour ago, but for some reason it is stuck and will not shut down -- or a process that should not be there to begin with. In each case, you can go to the Internet and question what that process title is, to find out if it should be in your computer or not. This helps, to keep undesirable programs from running on your machine.

My point is, however, the hard drive LED is a dead giveaway that your hard drive is working more than you think it is -- or the opposite, it is not working when you think it should be working. When the hard drive LED is not showing what you expect, then you go to 'task manager' to find out what is really happening. If you have an indexing program or a scheduled maintenance event going on at that time, that will explain why the hard drive LED is on. Otherwise, you could have an alien program happening, or at least a process happening that you started but do not know about. Keeping your processes in order, keeps your computer operating faster and better.

But -- one light is not enough. And, some laptop manufacturers are putting the hard drive LED on the side where it is hard to see. That LED should be four times as big as it is, and right up front where you cannot miss it -- preferably up on top of the screen holder of any laptop.

More lights are needed. Two lights to show wireless transmission rates (receiving and transmitting). Two lights to show LAN network transmission rates (receiving and transmitting), which is usually put right into the LAN (ethernet) connector itself on the side of the laptop. And, a light to show CPU (central processor unit) activity. That is six lights, and they are mandatory as far as I am concerned. Otherwise, you have to have separate processes running that show you little windows on your taskbar; and that takes up processor % -- whereas if that was all hardwired, those indications would not drag down your CPU time.

I could get really philosophical about this -- like anyone who does not know what his or her computer is doing is not the User -- the computer is the User.

Suffice it to say, if it is your computer, and you use it a lot -- learning what the lights are saying to you -- and when -- and why -- and how -- really connects you to your machine as it was meant to be. A well-tuned machine is supposed to aid and augment and assist and enhance the User -- not deceive and puzzle and confuse. You will learn what the lights are telling you -- by living with them and learning -- experience. All that the manufacturers have to do is to standardize the sensitivities of the sensors that trip off the lights, so that all computers respond with light flashes to the same stimulus.

One more step towards Mind over Matter.


Our enemies always attack pre-existing weaknesses and take them over -- like inner city blindness where no inner city creature can focus on and distinguish an object more than one hundred feet away. Such persons are victims (blind mice) of endless confinement and imprisonment within walls within walls within walls. They never look down streets, even if it is possible. They never climb onto roofs and look over everything. They avoid shorelines, and if they do go there they cannot look out to sea more than a hundred feet.


Shiteye 5 -- the worst and most grotesque and most queer TV station in the known universe -- located inside the Queer Coalition at the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone -- of course, where every thing has a queer eye between its butt cheeks. QueerSty 5 is one of the most awful mind-fornicating TV Turd stations in the Known Universe.
Think Don't.


NuttsPussy -- a new Queery phenomena -- coming to a political party near you! Secretly, it began in the experimental laboratories of DemoVermont, where every Demo Thing is the mere animated feces of something else that had been born Human.


Sex Education means -- 'No Queers!'

Disease Prevention means -- 'No Queers'

There is nothing in this Universe that means -- 'Yes Queers' -- except the Dead.


If Albert Einstein had been a truck driver, you would all be in deep shit right now.


During this research I came across an interesting article that applies to such despots as 'Il Duce' Branstad here in Iowa, and HObama and the White Rattlesnake in Wash This Death City.


Liars Always Call Anyone Who Will Not Listen To Lies -- 'Terrorists'.

The term 'terrorists', is now days nothing more than a hack phrase and commercial sound bite for the TV Turds, and their vile ilk.

When you know the real definition of 'terrorists', you realize why the SQLD and the Queer Propagandists do not want anyone to know why and what real 'terrorism' is. Terrorism is a branch of Psychological Warfare. All of the SQLD and the Five Evils (and even the slimy Monkeys) are forever immersed in (and obsessed by) their Psychological Warfare against the Natural Universe, which some of them are still calling the 'Homosexual Agenda' -- even though the real evils behind that scam are coming forwards now.

I will give you an example of what real 'terrorism' is.

State -- Wowzers
City -- Bowzers
Mall -- Howzers Central

The Howzers Central Mall is situated in the affluent west-side district of Bowzers City, the county seat of Nowzers County, in the state of Wowzers -- which happens to be located on the southernmost continent of the planet Xowzers. Not too far away from this very rock.

All of the better classes of Cowzers and Dowzers (females and males) shop at this mall. Bowzers City, is a favorite of the continent -- with many amenities and production facilities there that can not be found anywhere else. Bowzers City, is therefore a Primate City for a large region of the continent. Of the many malls, Howzers Central is the largest and the most popular.
In times of war and regional conflicts, the worst types of intelligent lifeforms in that star neighborhood -- the Boe Jidens (animated pigs really) -- always think of ways that they can terrorize the Cowzers and Dowzers of the planet Xowzers.
You see, it is a matter of pure hatred. Decades ago the Cowzers and the Dowzers told the Boe Jidens to 'Fuck Off!' -- and kicked their asses off of planet Xowzers. Now, the Boe Jidens thirst for revenge -- and of course a return to the dictatorship that they enjoyed over the Cowzers and Dowzers -- who were their slaves at that time.
One day, the Howzers Mall is attacked by forty armed Boe Jidens. It is a big shopping day, because a storm of Lowzer locusts is
approaching the Bowzers area. Lowzer locusts raid all grocery stores and suck all gas and diesel tanks dry wherever they go -- so everyone has to stock up before the storm arrives. Therefore, the mall is full of Cowzers and Dowzers buying things that they really do not need -- but the frenzy is upon them and they cannot think properly.

Into this crowded scene drop forty heavily armed hogs -- the Boe Jidens! Their mission: cause havoc and chaos and wreck revenge upon the Cowzers and Dowzers for not being their slaves any longer!

Now -- here is where we differentiate between generalized destruction for the generalized purposes of Psychological Warfare -- and the specialized Terrorism branch of Psychological Warfare, which is always designed to cause maximum mental damage to an enemy (not necessarily tactical or logistical damage).

Given the circumstances, with the Bowzer Fire Brigades rushing to the scene (piggies hate baths) -- three possible outcomes can be had from this situation.

1. All of the Boe Jidens (being pansies anyway) decide to visit the 'Boutique for Frilly and Stupid Things' that airhead females always shop at. They get lost in there, and when arrested and threatened with despised baths, they all look like flaming faggots with short curly tails. They are arrested, but allowed to take their newly purchased trinkets with them to prison. They are happy. Deranged -- but think they are happy.

2. They blast the security guards inside the mall and declare that the entire complex will be destroyed! In a mad panic all of the Cowzers and Dowzers rush out of the mall -- grabbing everything that they wanted to buy without paying for it. Soon, the mall is empty except for the forty Boe Jidens, who set about to demolish all of the stores and set them on fire until the entire mall is a blazing inferno. In the central corridor, where the flames have not reached yet, the Boe Jidens make their last stand. For them, this was a one way trip anyway. The mission was to make the Xowzers politically fear a return of the Boe Jidens. The Cowzers and Dowzers decide against any attacks, and prefer to let the Boe Jidens roast instead. Afterwards -- everyone has an Hawaiian Luau in their honor, since they are now the main dish anyway.

3. The Boe Jidens are a savage lot. They thirst for revenge upon these former slaves, who reduced their moderation profits greatly when they rebelled and kicked all piggies off the planet.
While most of the Cowzers and Dowzers run for their camels parked in the camel lot (much of the continent is desert) the Boe Jidens gather a hundred Cowzers and Dowzers into a group in the very middle of the mall. They torch the extreme ends of the mall, but leave the central area intact.
When the Fire Brigades arrive, threatening baths, the Boe Jidens begin to cut off the heads of the Cowzers and Dowzers that they have captured. In random order, they cut off a head once an hour and throw it out the door at the waiting Fire Brigade crews.
A standoff ensues -- which was the intention of the Boe Jidens. The Boe Jidens are there to cause maximum mental damage, not to achieve any material goal. As more and more airborne CameraBees arrive, to broadcast the scene all over Xowzers (like the Boe Jidens expected), they become more ceremonious every time they throw a severed head out the door. They try to throw the heads higher and higher each hour.

Three things are happening here. One is the inevitable result of watching TV Turds. One is Terrorism. One is generalized Psychological Warfare. Do you know which is which?


"It's a heady thing being more than a nothing!"
That was a widely spoken sentiment during my youth, and it reflected every man's desire to 'be somebody'.

Now days, as a measure of how horrible the society has become, the struggle is not 'to be somebody'; because you are only supposed to be what the Perverts and the Politicians want you to be. Today, on Planet Sinister, you are not supposed to be a 'somebody'. Now, the struggle is to be who you could have been -- if you had not been attacked by the TV Turd assortment of trash -- without being a 'somebody'. Today, 'somebodies' get noticed and assaulted by the hounds of the Deviate Hegemony.


Well, that was interesting. You wouldn't believe the things that I have been learning in the last five weeks. Not just learning, I also ran through a few projects and the results range from foreboding to incredible. We are entering a new phase in these websites -- mandated by what is going to happen and the widening scope of our future. Which is to say, the scope that we view must be widened.

There will be videos involved in this year's messages. Be sure that you have a fast computer system -- fast, clear, and as bright as you can afford. As much as possible, it will be in HD.

A large amount of education has to be released -- which is good for anyone who is forced to go to public schools or Inversities. Being tortured by such factories of Lies and Fabrications and Lunatics is enough to turn anyone off to education, period. We must remedy that problem this year. There will be no consideration given to the complainers that want shorter messages, this year. I am just going to put out what must happen.

I suggest a high contrast screen, and that you download VideoLAN VLC Media Player into your computer.

Also have Quicktime up to date, and Windows Media Player.

A high end laptop computer, with a fast quad processor, more than 4gigs of RAM, and a big high contrast screen will serve well for what is coming.


If you are Human you are NOT hated by everybody -- you are only hated by the demented and diseased POS inside the Queer Coalitions that PRETEND TO BE EVERYBODY. Those hate-soaked haters always want to magnify their own hatred (of Goodness) by infesting others with their mental disease -- and at the same time they always try to magnify the effects of their limited Queer Coalition hatred by making Humans paranoid -- which increases the perception of their hatred. While all the time -- falsely labeling all of us Humans as 'haters'. Watch those POS when their reversals fail -- watch them retreat (in their twisted brains) to 'backup lies'. Watch them get agitated and anxious about their screen of lies being penetrated and turned off. Watch them panic and squirm for new lies.

Have NO PITY for such monstrosities!

Remember -- those things have burning agitations in their anuses that rule their hideous brains. They were made that way ...



And you were not, and do not.


Who do you want to fight for? Humans and therefore yourself? Or Scabs and Turds like the Homosexual/Republicans and the Democrat/Homosexuals? If you have 250,000,000 neurons of your own between your ears you will have to fight -- there is only one way out of being alive and that is Death; otherwise known as the SQLD.


Have you pissed and spit on a Liberal today? Liberal Activist Turds make it a point to attack all Human Decency and Human Virtues and Human Morality on a daily basis -- using pre-scripted attack formulas. Have you made your daily reply, and appropriate response to their harassment against us? Are you pissing and spitting on Liberals daily?


Did I hear someone from the dark side say that they do not care if the Masters want everyone to dislike me? They like me anyway!


Apparently, the Queer Coalitions are fragmented into vicious and scheming scum on one side (who do not care how much they lie and murder) -- and persons who do not want all of that Queerism and deception and anti-Life filth in their lives.


The most obvious way to prevent Deviate Hegemony from taking over the former Capitalist Hegemony (as intended) is to deny the Perverts the dominance and Queer Rule that they want. That requires an exacting and equal counter-force to oppose them. A counter-culture. Counter-lies, and what is contrary to lies? Truth! A culture of Truth would deny the Deviates the media and legal and social Hegemony that they need to spread their mental disease with.

And! That already exists! It is called the Human Species!

NOT -- the so-called Republicans. No form of mealy-mouthed cowardice is capable of saving anyone from anything, unless profits are involved -- and who wants to be saved for profits?

Pounding the Perverts with the Truth as Human Resistance does -- is what it is all about. Every day new people are appearing on the landscape. People who last week were still addicted to the mindless Droll Drivel of TV and the queer medias -- and have now broken out of that death mold and are seeking the Truth.


If you are new to the Truth, perhaps you need to see how grotesque and ridiculous Queers and Socialists really are.
This is really sick-sick-sick stuff -- so only look at this if you have a strong constitution. No joke, it is puke. How often do you stick your nose into puke?
Proof That TransQueers Are Socialist Assholes


Another important point about Hegemony:

For a society and its planners who intend to create an Hegemony -- like the America of 1776-1946 CE (Christ Everywhere) -- the 'getting there' is all of the fun. Becoming an Hegemony State, is grandiose and magnificent and thrilling and overpowering; not just for the poor bastards who were crushed in the making of the Hegemony State, but also for the Hegemony Makers themselves.

Then, as soon as it is achieved (and all other rivals to Hegemony are wiped out) the whole thing starts to deteriorate. Rivals, were the sustaining influence upon the Hegemonists. Rivals, kept them vital and activated and inventive and happy. Once all rivals are gone, however, the entire house of cards is no longer supported as it was before. It all starts to crumble. With Greed Satisfied, comes Paradise Lost.

Crumble -- means decay. Decay -- means opportunity for Perverts. As soon as the Hegemony State starts to decline, the rats and the cockroaches start to take over from within. Deviate Hegemony starts to overcome the rotting Hegemony State.

The rise of a Chinese Hegemony State would actually help America, by presenting to it a rival again and forcing it to revitalize and stay alive -- thus renewing the flesh. However, in today's Reality, much of the former America is already dead to diseases such as the Perverts and the Monkey Judge Syndicate and the RepuCrap Scourge. What is called 'America' these days -- is not good enough to kiss the boots of the Real America of 1945.

Likewise, if a Chinese Hegemony does occur (despite the efforts of the pansies who pretend to be America) and if that Hegemony destroys the hollow Pissant Hegemony that calls itself America -- then it too will start to corrode and decay -- falling victim to internal diseases such as greedy and conniving political gnomes of all descriptions.

This sets up a disastrous see-saw effect of two wannabee Hegemonies feeding upon the decay of each other. As the new Chinese Hegemony decays, the former American Hegemony will try to prevail and dominate. Once it is dominant, it will start to degenerate and the Chinese Hegemony will try to dominate -- and so on. The worst part of all of it -- is that at no time and in no case does either Hegemony regain its former strength and validity as a Human State. With each decline from dominance, the parasites and perverts will thrive; causing that Hegemony to never regain its former self. The longer this destructive cycle of Hegemony Competition continues -- the more each Hegemony will devolve into Queer Sewage. Until all that will remain are Dung Beatles At War.


Another reason for not posting a message for seven weeks is to allow all of the cowards and self-interests to come out of their foxholes -- thinking that the shelling has stopped. Of course, being greedy and gutless they did nothing but hide while the shelling was happening. It is the shelling, and the destruction of fortifications of lies that create changes. If you are out there in the constructive bombardment you will benefit from it. If you are a self-centered so-called Republican, you will not benefit even though you think things are better now that the shelling has stopped (temporarily). One of the many pathetic things about the so-called Republicans is that they are coming out of their foxholes expecting that everything is the way that it was before they panicked and went underground.

Well -- they ARE stupid -- maybe they are too dumb to realize that changes have been made. Remember, so-called Republicans are extremely narrow of vision and everything for them is a dildo made of hundred dollar bills. They care nothing about any Human Values or Human Virtues or Human Mores -- having none themselves. To them, all that matters is the shelling has stopped (they think) and they can shove money into every orifice of their bodies.

Ghastly? Of course. Politics? Of course.

War resumes, and the GOP will go underground. It is easier to use hand puppets from down there.

Meanwhile, the hard-core DemoCraps are getting nervous fits. They have had enough time now to realize that their shitty game of 'using the fairies for political goals' has failed miserably, and their political fortune cookies all read 'Marginalized' -- with the Deviates and RepuCraps controlling Politics for the foreseeable future. They, are literally starting to foam at the mouth, and their anuses yearn for tickles and perks again.

It breaks down into two categories of males -- the Real Females are too intelligent to think I will not send out more years of messages.

One type is a stupid, thuggish, foul-mouthed DemoDung that yaps at the heels of anyone better than themselves anyway. They have started to bark at me again, because they never (not ever) read any of the Truth -- and their handlers have told them all that they need to know -- that there have been no more messages for seven weeks, so Peters must be beaten somehow.

The other type is the young white follower male who has been raised by the Five Evils to fit into a niche that they have authorized the existence of; in this case on the RepuCrap side of Politics. That type does not read the Truth either. What it goes by, is the misinformation that it gets from whoever (or whatever) controls it. Again, a lack of messages is translated as cessation somehow. This type is going about the townscapes thinking their situation is getting better. In a way, from the twisted views inside the Queer Coalitions, their brand of scum is going to get more goodies in the next political round than their competition will (the likewise perverted DemoCraps).

[[But, they are too young and too blinded to know that it is only part of the damned political cycles that plague this country.]]

To very small brains like theirs, twisted things will 'get better' -- however, anything about my writings is not a part of all of that -- even though they have been led to believe so.

[[None of them will read this message or any others. They are twisted away from the Truth.]]

Fortunately, or unfortunately depending upon who and where you are, the RepuCraps have installed a 'Warping Dodge' between themselves and the Truth. The 'Warping Dodge' is a propaganda tool. Whenever the Truth is released (about them or not) the Truth is seized by their RepuCrap rendition of the Queer Propagandists and warped into the opposite of what it was. Plus, a few twists towards their own interests are added. Then, that maligned and false rendition is fed to their devoted Voter/Followers -- who have been suckled on false nutrition all of their lives anyway.

You see, The DemoCraps do not have to feed their Voter/Followers anything from the Truth -- as they are totally evil and against all Reality anyway. Even warped renditions of the Truth would harm their interests if released to their Voter/Followers.

The RepuCraps, on the other hand, use a propaganda of replacement, which makes them pretend to be 'human' and 'conservative' (in a hugely vague and phony way). As the Truth is known generally to be against their enemies the DemoCraps (while they bob and weave to avoid being recognized as just another pack of perverts themselves) -- and the Truth is known to be a Magnum Opus out there in the distance where their so-called 'conservatism' is supposed to be heading to -- they have to feed their Voter/Followers something that can be said to be the 'Truth from the Opus'.

That is why the RepuCraps use their 'Warping Dodge' to reverse the Truth and twist it in their favor. That refuse, which they feed to their Voter/Followers, is designed to sound vaguely similar to the Truth and is only given out in limited quantities anyway. It is enough to feed the pasty-brained imbeciles who follow them, and keep such wrecks thinking that they are being 'Conservative -- the Repu Way'.

So, it is no wonder that such white and pasty-brained dorks are coming out of the wood works now -- thinking the shelling is over.

It is actually fun to watch, in a macabre sort of way. And all because, I'm too busy to be bothered with them right now. Can you imagine what would happen if I just stopped writing messages for a year, and wrote books instead?

Have no doubt about the snickering egomania of money-grubbing RepuCraps. They think (dully) that all Human Existence is trivial, misguided, irrelevant, and inferior to their own glorious and pristine Moderation and practical pursuits of money. They must be looking at pictures of themselves ten years ago -- before they decided to profit by going queer. I have seen a lot of trash like them before. Everyone benefits, when any of them gets kicked in the teeth.


Hah! Angst and Anxiety In High Hegemony Society!

My (Bleeps) longer, because I eat Kennel Ration -- my (Bleeps) longer than yooouurs!

Heterophobia and Hegemony in Liberal Academia:

Don't know! We bought ours at the Piggly Wiggly. Sounds like a Politician don't it?

I saw a Demented White Female (DWC) once. That was enough.

A Twit A Twat A Witch A What -- A Snit A Twist Well Mitt Your Fist -- At Political Conventions.

What is black with big titties, bug eyes, the Grand Canyon for a mouth, and an Acorn for a brain?

How many Armadillos does it take to barbecue a Demented White Female (DWC)?

How many years of brain activity have you lost to TV?

Stink Stank Stunk -- Yo Bidens a Punk.

Ah Yes! Give to Space Alien what is Space Alien's -- and give to Caesar what is Caesar's. And say "Baaaah!" twenty times.

[[Just trying out a few message titles ...]]


Videos soon.


Markel Peters











I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message.
Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.



























Labels Of All Posted Messages--A Way To Search Through Messages By Labels

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed


This blog exists to inform the People, of the 'Real Truth' about the real enemies of the Human Species. These Truths are not objectionable, as they are Truths. Only the telling of them can be objectionable, to those who wish to hide the Truth. If the Truth is something you HATE and therefore object to - go elsewhere!


Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!


The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.