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Saturday, June 7, 2014

Frozen's--'Let It Go'--Backfires: -- Reprinted from Voices-Of-Iowa-Concise

If that song and video called 'Let It Go' (from the Queer Disney movie called 'Frozen') was meant to promotes Queerism, like some evangelists are saying it does, it fails to do so miserably.

Naturally, after Disney has announced (on so many occasions) that it is infested up to its eyeballs with perverts -- all evangelists will assume that everything that Queer Disney does has a queer motive.

However, if you look at the video of that song called 'Let It Go' -- it fails to show anything Queer, or to suggest anything Queer.

Instead, it shows a 'Queen' of magical powers (powers that Queers can only lick the boots of, and wish that they could possess) who has been suppressed from being as magical (and frozen) as she can really be -- and has decided to throw off the shackles of confinement that society has placed upon her -- because that society considers such powers as dangerous.

I fail to see how magical powers (which do not exist anyway) can be paralleled to the Cult of The Asshole, and all of their belly-crawling shiteaters.

What is Far More Parallel to that imaginary scenario (in the song 'Let It Go') is the everyday imprisonment of Human Children who are stupidly sent to Queer Public Schools (by careless parents) -- where they are crushed by the pressures of NEA Queerism Indoctrination.

The parallel between 'Let It Go', and that of any Human Child who survives the awful mistreatment and brainwashings of the NEA in the Public Queer Schools, is Immensely More Relevant than anything else.

After all, the video shows a Living Queen -- and nothing Queer is Alive.

At the same time -- in real life, the Human Children that somehow survive the hideous attacks that the NEA heap upon them (in the DemoCrap Public Schools) -- are still Alive. Though barely. And, each one of those Human Children is screaming and tearing to get out of the constraints and the confinements and the propaganda of the Queers At School.

The parallel between that Snow Queen, in the film 'Frozen', and any Human Child who has escaped the NEA Gulag of Tortures (in any way) is very strong and appropriate.

In the video, there are no visible or audible parallels between the Snow Queen and psychopathic perverts, or Queer Propaganda. Remember, in any objective analysis, Queer Propaganda has to be discounted automatically in any case. Queer Propagandists will twist and warp and lie about any thing in existence, in order to pretend that it promotes Queerism. So, Queer Propaganda is the first thing to be trashed, and the last thing to be considered under normal circumstances.

This, is where the rub is. Queer Disney is 'Queer-In-Your-Face', and dedicated to spewing out Queer Propaganda whenever possible. Also, Queer Disney is a brainwashing mechanism for the Queer Propagandists. It is highly possible that (using the movie 'Frozen') Queer Disney has created a neutered presentation of 'freedom from confinement', to be used as a setup by the NEA.

Whereupon, the vermin of the NEA will deliberately misconstrue the meanings of the movie, and present it to Human Children in anti-Human ways; and in favor of their sick-sick-sick lie that Queerism is Normal -- and not the mental disease that it is.

That means, Queer Disney is making fodder movies of neutral content, that they expect the NEA to turn into mechanisms for Queer Propaganda and Queer Brainwashing.

Brainwashing, is always intended (by the brainwashers) to have future consequences in their favor. Which means, as insane as it sounds, the SQLD will make use of such brainwashing to incite grown up dummies (from NEA schools) to kill Humans in any war that occurs. Because, Humans are the enemies of the Snow Queen of 'Frozen'. Because, Humans are the enemies of whatever other brainwashing constructs have been placed inside of the minds of those former Human Children.

Murdered Human Children from NEA schools -- killing Real Human Beings -- for the NEA.

So, the question really is -- Did Queer Disney try to imply Queerism Insanity is a good thing, in the movie 'Frozen; or just make a neutral setup for the NEA Queers to use in the Public Schools from Hell?

If the things at Queer Disney did try to addle children's minds with Queerism, using that movie -- then without the added poison of NEA lying faces, they have failed.

Second question -- was it a failure, or just the beginning of a ramp down to total perversions in all Queer Disney storylines?

By the way, the animation in that movie sucks.

And, I can write better storylines in my sleep.


Markel Peters

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Was Supposed To Be Concise: Queers Stink They Are In Charge -- The Political Way: So Much For That 'Equality' Queershit.

Uuhhhh! I'm impressed!


Yeah! Queers Rule! Queers are in charge of states -- using the RepuCraps and the Monkey Judge Whores. Queers are in charge of the Medias, using the Filthy Monkey Band. Queers are in charge of the brothels, and the whorehouses, and the statehouses, and the circuses of dirty tricks using the DemoCraps. Queers are 'In Charge' in 2014! Using all of their patsies, all of their dupes, all of their puppets, all of their greedy doughnut-holes -- and I will start with the RepuCraps.


The RepuCraps are trying to do everything that they can to stop the Tea Party and anyone who thinks that it is possible to renew the Republican Party Corpse (which is completely impossible anyway). The Tea Party should not even be messing with the Republican Corpse, but anyway I want to confine this to twenty pages -- I want to make this an exercise in how to do the most with only twenty pages. I know that sounds really small -- so -- maybe thirty pages. I know that sounds really really small -- ummm -- maybe forty pages. I know that sounds really really really small -- but it cannot be more than forty pages! I am putting a forty page limit on these concise messages! I hope.


Queers Stink They Are In Charge -- the Political Way -- so much for that Equality Queershit!

This message is to highlight how the RepuCraps are trying to use as much money as they can suck, to keep alive their ideals which led to the death of the former Republican Party. Which are, that money is what matters, money is what talks -- lack of money walks -- MORALS MEAN NOTHING! -- business means everything.

That is the Truth, and it is a bitter reality. The more that you learn about the ModoRats, the more you want your own planet to live on -- away from such mental-mutants.

For example -- all of those advertisements on radio by all of those 'business types' that are running for congress in Iowa. In that state, all kinds of business assholes are farting for a 'US Senate' seat (something queer and ugly like that) that is supposed to be for Iowa.

[[The Queer Old Cheese is retiring -- so now, many chisel-toothed vampires want to drink blood in its place.]]

There is now a place in the compost at Wash This Death City that is supposed to be for the greediest toad in Iowa (only creatures of awful avarice and greed would go to that sewer anyway), and that position will soon be empty. Most of the greedy bastards and bitches in the Queer Coalition here, that pretends to be Iowa, want to get elected to that place; to get richer and more satanic (more famous in Queer Coalitions).

Unfortunately, there are some people who are hopelessly politically-minded (but they are also Human), and they think a Human Being should take that place in the Compost City. Steve Deace was trying to convince Bob Vander Platts to run for that place, the last I heard -- and now, I think Vander Platts has endorsed some guy named Clover or Clovus for that doom -- and none of them have the vision to know manure when they see it.

The psychosis that there is anything worth while, to Humans, about Wash This Death City is apparently very damaging and debilitating to some Humans. They just cannot think for themselves. They are caught, trapped, hopeless.

Everything is about the light at the end of the tunnel for them.

For that problem I have one word -- 'Dynamite'.

It would be a miracle if a Human became a 'US Senator' anyway. And, here is where the fork in the road is. If a Human was elected to be a 'US Senator from Iowa', that would be one of the best things that has ever happened in the History of Iowa ...

BUT ...

do you see the road? The road forks there -- one going left -- one going right. The right choice, for those of you who are blind, is gone -- shut down -- blocked -- impossible. Only the left choice is open, and do you notice how it twists and turns and smells like sulfur? Want to guess where that goes to? Let me give you a clue -- it goes to where there is No Congress of the United States of America!

It goes to Hell.

So -- just what good would such a miracle do for us anyway?

Sending a Human to Wash This Death City would be to expose that person to all kinds of hideous, and filthy monstrosities. I would not send any Human to Wash This Death City without his (or her) own personal armed regiment of Humans. I would not send any Human from Iowa, to be the 'Senator from Iowa', at an awful place where there is No Congress of the United States of America to begin with -- without the accompaniment of his own personal regiment of armed Human Beings.

Preferably Marines.

Flat out. Why send any Human Being to a dungpot like Wash This Death City to die alone? Why send a small group of Humans, like ten of them, to Wash This Death City to die alone?

[[Let's get some Value for Human Life going here!]]

Why send Human Beings from Iowa to Wash This Death City to die? In that crap? In that festering cesspool?

The answer is - No No No! Send a regiment!

I would hire the French Foreign Legion if I could, and have them protect any Human every second that he (or she) is in Wash This Death City! That place IS Horrible.

****[[Just look at What is comfortable, inside of Wash This Death City. Investigate What is comfortable, inside of Wash This Death City -- and Why.]]****

Horrible. I mean, you are just reading my words, you are not feeling or seeing what it really is -- under the window dressings and behind the facades. By the time that you are in that place, without a tour bus pulling a dozen porta-pottys behind it -- it is too late!

Like I said, it would be a miracle if a Human was elected to be a US Senator from Iowa -- IF, there was still such a thing in existence as a Congress of the United States of America. If it happens, I know what will happen next (knowing the penchant of Iowans to think that everywhere is as nice as the Real Iowa). They will put him (or her) in a big diaper, and put a big baby bonnet on his or her head (blue or pink), and wrap a big yellow ribbon around his or her tummy -- and ship him or her off to Wash This Death City all alone -- to be raped. To be shit on and then raped, by every thing in WTDC.

It just will not work. You cannot send a lone Human (or even ten of them) there. Instead, you have to mob the place.

"Humans Are Here!"
"Iowa Humans Are Here!"
"The Shit That Was Here Before Was Not Iowan!"
"Iowa Is Here Now! This Is The Real Iowa!"
"We Are Not Bringing Any New Eunuch Jokes With Us, To Make You Feel Comfortable!"

Oh, and by the way -- we sent a thousand of us!
Not that we don't trust you for some reason.

One thousand of us -- one thousand of us Real Humans from Iowa! And a million of us, are supporting us being here -- in this Neutered Alien Asylum.

That, is how you send a Human Being to Wash This Death City.

by Jim Burns

by Halo Wars, cannot find artist

by Warhammer, cannot find artist

This is what a Human Being goes to Wash This Death City with. No less than 1,000 if the mission is supposedly peaceful.
Millions otherwise.
This is how you talk to vermin like Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid.

But, to get back to politics -- I was listening to a newscast over the weekend (and I listen to a lot of different newscasts on the radio, I even listen to Glenn Beck). I have all of my own sources of course, but I listen to the radio too; and one of the things that was mentioned on a Fox Radio show ...

which is far from being fair and balanced like they say it is, it is biased towards the perverts, and they will not even talk about those deviates, they are scared to death to talk about the Queers ...

there is no such thing as 'gays' ...

and, on that Fox Radio program they started to talk about some dirtbags called the United States Chamber Of Commerce. It is a group that is doing everything that it can to get as much money together as it can -- to put as many Queer-Suckers as it can find into political offices, to win elections for the RepuCraps. Its special target is RepuCrap primary elections, using the lie that the things that they promote are electable.

Read this article carefully. That so-called-homosexual Chamber Of Commerce is a Pseudo Government. It is an Imitation Government. It is a contrived and made-up government. And, as we all know ...





[[Ever see a Chamber of Commerce blob without the 'progress drool' in its mouth?]]

The Queershit (QS) lie from the dirtbags at the United States Chamber Of Commerce is that the faggots that they support in RepuCrap Primaries are 'electable' -- and this is where they reveal themselves as perverts.
The punks at the United States Chamber Of Commerce say that the sucks that they support for political offices are 'electable' (and not any Tea Party candidates) -- and if you do not know already (which is very good for you, and I hate to ruin your day) but if you do not know already -- one of the grandiose lies of the former Republican Party (which is now a corpse) was about what those things call 'electability'.

[[However, it was not the Original Republican Party which said that.]]

To them, a candidate has to be electable to the lowest masses. Which means that a candidate has to be 'fornicatable', a prostitute, a whore, and has to pander to the lowest possible elements. Taking into account and anticipating the Queers, as they denigrate and degenerate the society more and more and more. An electable candidate has to bend over, it has to get on its knees, it has to get on its belly and lick the lowest asses; and if you do that per the orders of the dirtbags at the USCOC, then you too can get elected.

'Electability', to the vermin at the USCOC, means lick the asses of the low low low trash created by the Deviates and the DemoCraps and the TV Turds and the Monkeys and all of the Five Evils -- and accept that terrible damage to our country as the status quo and the new normalcy and lick its asses -- so that you too can be elected.

In other words -- anyone who wants to kill America in any way -- will get the cooperation of the United States Chamber Of Commerce with their Lips-to-Asses Program -- fast.

Of course, the prima-donna and the buttpussy of all of that is Chris Christie, the whore of whores -- a whore's whore, that got re-elected because it did exactly that. It kissed every thing's ass in New Jersey; no matter how vile and how vulgar and how queer, and it got re-elected; so it literally is a Celebrity Ass-Kisser for the RepuCraps now.

That fat putz, is now the Poster-Bunns for that Queershit Lie from the ModoRats (who literally killed the Republican Party on August 16, 2013). The Chris Christie Grand Canyon, is now the Poster Hole for the ModoRats that say that 'electability' is everything! "You must be electable, to the lowest scum; you must pander to the lowest denominator; you must squirm and whore and salivate for the lowest trash created by the SQLD. Squirm on your belly and kiss them all! You will get elected, because getting elected is all that matters to our social club! Our club of social elites!"

Ummmm -- what happened to elitism? Rich asses that are elite, kissing the asses of Queers? What happened to elitism? Where has elitism gone to? Rich and societal butts, in their own private club (that is now the corpse of the Republican Party), kissing asses to the lowest and vilest perverts in the nation -- just to be elected?

Is this something new?

Tell me this is something new! Why is it, that I do not think that this is something new?

Why is it, that I think that every two and four years those fat piggies from hell prostrate themselves at the feet of the worst pieces of crap on Planet Sinister, just to get re-elected. Then, just as soon as they do, and they get into any kind of elected office; they immediately forget what they just did to get elected!

They immediately forget what acts of debauchery they just committed, what crimes and what shame they just committed in order to get elected; because their monomania is -- 'electability'. Their contribution to the overall QS collection is their 'electability' monomania (which was probably injected into their tiny brains by the DemoCraps to begin with -- or at least cloned from them).

Do whatever it takes to get elected -- that is one of the biggest credos of the ModoRats. Squirm and crawl to get elected, and the second you are elected forget that you ever squirmed and crawled; and start acting like you are a rich and fat piggy elite again. I mean, it is sick to see!

Ladies and Gentlemen, it is sick to see those POS do that. It is already an awful Planet Sinister, but that makes it worse.


As I have written often, the greedy and slimy and backstabbing and undercutting ModoRats (as exemplified by the USCOC) are a throwback to the past -- to something that I call the 'GA' (greedy assholes).

I am trying to think of a comparison, of what I can compare the things to, for illustrating how bad they are -- but in all sincerity and Truth, there is really not anything else that is that false and that bad in that way. Just read the Wikipedia article about the USCOC, and you will see that there are no Human Criteria or Human Issues or Human Values supported by that Fake Government.

They ARE the example. They are the Penultimate Evil of their type and kind. There is really nothing else to compare them to. The ModoRats (aka RepuCraps) are a singular worst sickness of their own sewer. They are, themselves, a 'worst example' that other things are compared to. There is nothing worse than they are to compare them to -- they are as bad as it gets -- they are ModoRats. They are that worst negativity to which other things are compared to.


While I am on the subject of deviates using RepuCraps (aka ModoRats) to control the corpse of the Republican Party; I would like to dispel one of the QS lies about all of this. The ModoRats have organized a lot of little dead brain cells, inside of the Republican Corpse, to cry and complain that their Republican Party is being attacked by, and infested by, something called the Tea Party.

In case you do not know already, the 'Tea Party' (circa 2010's) are the People who are moral and Human and want the Republican Party to be what it used to be. They want the Republican Party to fight for Humanity, and to represent the actual Human Values and Human Virtues that a political party is supposed to represent. In other words, they want it to be Human like it should be.

However, the ModoRats have orchestrated a lot of dead little brain cells inside of the Republican Corpse to all mouth and whine and 'whaaahhh' the same lie. Which is, that IT is their party; their party of greed and selfishness and business and financial avarice and snidely and snickering and bickering QS.

THAT, is what the Republican Party really is (according to them). It is all about economies (their own), finances (their own), riches (their own), and has nothing to do whatsoever with the People.

All of the strange and weird people, called the Tea Party, that want the Republican Party to be moral and to fight for moral issues and Human Values and Human Virtues -- well, those people are just terrible! Those people are just awful! The Republican Party actually belongs to all of the dead little brain cells that were orchestrated to say that Queershit; it is their party and not the People's Party -- and certainly has nothing to do with such minor functionaries as The People.

Until those few months, every two or four years, when they must belly-crawl and kiss any thing's ass that might vote for them -- immediately thereafter, deliberately forgetting that they ever saw so many millions of assholes at point-blank range. Forgetting, that they ever possessed any shame whatsoever, and forgetting that they really are amongst the lowest of the lowest scum on Planet Sinister (inside their pompous buildings of their Fake Government).

However! They are still above -- can you guess? -- the Monkey Lawyers and the Monkey Judges!

Immediately, and prominently, displaying their renewed superiority as 'Rich Elites'. People excluded, with trivial and worthless matters such as morality being forever beneath their piggy hooves.

[[Really now -- how can such belly-crawling kiss-asses care about such things as ethics, decency, and morality?]]

I would like to dispel that QS that the Republican Party (that is now dead as a mackerel), ever used to belong to them. The moral-less money-maniacal freaks, known as the ModoRats, invaded the Republican Party long ago; with their greeds and their selfishness and their monomanias about business advancement and financial advantages for their social elite club; having taken over the body of the Republican Party to begin with.

[[The Original Republican Party was truly a bunch of fat cats with a love for money, but along with that came a respect for Humanity and for Human Virtues and Human Values. Take that respect away, and all that is left is squirming and slavering greed -- raw and untasty.]]

They are the invaders. They are the ones that bodysnatched the Original Republican Party, not the Tea Party. The Tea Party is trying to put the 'respect' back into the Republican Party -- but, they are unwilling to admit that they cannot resuscitate the dead.

The 'little brain cells' (ModoRat drones) are the ones that have been told to claim the RepuCorpse as their own. If they could just free themselves of all of that original stuff that has the very unpleasant and awful aftertaste (and after-effect) of coming back and wanting its own body back! Of wanting its own original party again, like it used to be before they invaded it! If they could just get rid of all of that 'People Stuff', and that 'Human Stuff', and that 'Morality Stuff'; then they could permanently claim that they killed the Original Republican Party. But, they would not say it that way.

They will say -- "Finally, we have freed our wonderful Republican Party of all of those noisome and nuisance People! Duuhhhh -- that is, the 'troublemakers'! Now, the Republican Party is truly the way it should be, and you can tell because it is now 'electable'."

[[At every kiss-ass level.]]

"Please close your eyes during July, August, September and October every two years. And, do not see us belly-crawling and licking the lowest anuses that we can find to suck on. No No No -- that is just a political necessity. Listen to us, after we win anything in November every two years. Listen to us, as we proclaim that our wonderful Republican Party is now cleansed; as it should be again, and is in our total control. Now, sanctimonious. Purified. Splendiferous. And, excuse us -- we have to suck Queers now!"


Getting back to what I was saying about the RepuCraps, and the corpse of the Republican Party, and the fight over it -- I would say to the Tea Party people "Stop trying to take over the Republican Party, and instead create your own Real and Human Party; and at the same time disable and mangle and mutilate the Republican Party as much as you possibly can. Just tear it down, and cripple it; cut its legs off, cut its ears off, cut its long piggy nose off; ruin the so-called Republican Party as much as you can -- because it is indeed a corpse, and it is indeed dead, and who wants a Zombie Party to exist anywhere?

Answer: Only Zombies and ModoRats. Recall that ModoRats are Zombies-For-Money. ModoRats are the living-dead for money. What motivates the ModoRat-Living-Dead (the ModoRat Zombies) is money. And, their own class and their own society.

Why, have that in existence at all? Mangle it, mutilate it, sabotage it as much as you possibly can -- but have no intentions whatsoever of being the Republican Party -- That Would Be Crazy!!!!

Let me tell you how crazy that would be. When I think of the so-called Homosexuals, and the RepuCraps and the DemoCraps and the Monkey Lawyers -- when I think of the Five Evils including the APA and the NEA and the ACLU -- I think of hogs in dumpsters.

Hogs in dumpsters. If you live in Iowa, and you travel in the countryside like I do, you drive past a lot of what are called 'Hog Plants'. They are big buildings filled with hogs, some of those buildings have chickens in them, but a lot of them have hogs in them. Sometimes, outside of those 'hog plants' are big dumpsters filled with the bodies of dead hogs. Bloated corpses of hogs, and that is what I think of when I think of politics. Bloated piggy corpses in dumpsters. Piled and thrown into dumpsters.

Why would anyone want to be a part of that, and why would anyone think that there is such a thing as resuscitating and reviving one of those bloated dead hogs in the dumpster?

What does it matter that the dumpster is called the United States Chamber Of Commerce?

What kind of Insanity Beyond Lunacy is all of that?

Why are people so mired by this, why are they so swamped by this, why are they so buried by this insanity? How did they get buried inside of that compost heap of freaks and idiots and greedy opportunists and psychopaths of every description? What happened to them, why do they think that there is any value to it? Why can they not understand that we need a new government structure?

We need a new way of doing all of this. This form of Democracy has failed. It's long-term returns are complete failures. I am not saying that the basic and most fundamental principles of Democracy are null and void, however there may be such a thing as a time limit to their application. After which, something else may have to be applied, so that there is enough difference (for long enough) that the original Democracy can be re-applied again, for another finite period of time. In the long run, for the form of Democracy that has occurred here in America -- it has died a horrible death -- it has been replaced by the same compost heap that I just mentioned.

In its original Democratic form, which has nothing to do with the DemoCraps at all, it lasted for a certain amount of time. You can argue all day long as to when it finally ceased to be what it was originally intended to be -- but the fact remains that it is gone -- it is not what it was meant to be, it is not what it was designed to be; its original intentions have been wrecked and ruined. There is now nothing but a trainwreck left of it.

To say that it is ultimately a failure, in its original form as envisioned by the Founding Fathers, is to say that the overall experience, including the raping and the death of it, was a failure. It is debatable as to whether the rapists thought about, or cared, that the results of their actions would prove to be absolutely impossible to sustain.

If you could figure out when in time the rape occurred, and you could say to yourself -- "Well, the original form of Democracy envisioned by our Founding Fathers is good up to X amount of years" -- and you can determine that solidly and permanently -- then you could actually design your society to change its political format after X amount of years. By then, you have gotten the good X amount of years out of this form of Democracy. Now, you will change to a different form of Democracy, or some kind of Parliamentary Procedure, for another Y amount of years as long as it is still good ...

[[The parliamentary structures of England and Canada have already failed and gone Queer-Over-Ass into Hell. Deviates own and control both bodies now, for the same reasons I am explaining to you. England, has been turned into an Island From Hell; which the Queer Propagandists here, claim is now a Role Model for their Intended Dead America!]]

after which, you will go back to the original Democracy of the Founding Fathers. As long as it is all generally Democratic in the universal sense of the word (having nothing to do with DemoCraps) then it is all good.

But, you have got to see it for what it is -- you have got to see what happened. You have to see that it was killed. What took it over has completely failed, as all murders ultimately fail. You have to get smart about this, and do not give up about Democracy, but get smart about it. The very opposite of that, has to be said about the Tea Party. They have to give up on the Republican Corpse, and create something brand new.

Now, it sounds like a really complicated mess. But, that is because the explaining of it necessitates having to dive into it. When you dive into that mess, things get complicated even in the explanations.

You need to know all about it, but at the same time you need to learn how to escape it and to be above all of it. That is something that the players inside of that compost heap do not want you to do. They do not want you to find your own explanations and your own realities about all of it. They most certainly, do not want you to tell us what they are. To create websites, and to say what you see is True; to say what you know is the Truth.

Getting back to what I was saying in my analogy -- the failed former Democracy, now in its murdered form, reminds me of the bloated corpses of dead hogs in a political dumpster at any statehouse. You cannot resuscitate them, and you cannot revive them; they are gone and they are done. You have to create something new, and cease trying to bring back the dead. Give it up! If I thought that there was any reason to keep on voting I would do so, but there is no reason whatsoever and who is going to vote for dumpster dumps?

Only the 'Cult of The Asshole' would vote for such things; and I will be telling you about the Cult of The Asshole soon enough. Only the Cult of The Asshole would vote for death, and do. Only their minions and stupes and their slaves vote for nothingness. Quit being mired, quit being bogged down, quit being confused, quit being covered over by all of this lunacy and absurdity. Get free, escape, and get above it all.

Only then, can you realize that the overall structure has got to be changed. Not small little changes inside of the dumpsters, but the entire pack of corpses, the entire heap of death has got to be mucked out (like cleaning out old hog plants). New life has to be brought in, a new way of doing things. New. New Democracy. New democratic order. Having nothing to do with the DemoCraps, because they will never be Democratic. You keep trying to get what was started in 1776 to stay alive, and it is already DEAD!


A Fait Accompli:

I have a question about the RepuCrap rhetoric. About the scumbag moderates that are trying to keep the Republican Corpse alive; or at least keep up the appearance, and are trying to feebly and sickeningly muster and actually whip people into believing once again (for the thousandth time) that the Republican Corpse is worth something; and worth donating to, and worth giving time to ...

I am wondering why those things, that are trying to pump up the Republican Corpse (by saying that now is the ideal time to back the Republicans because of all of the failed and bad policies of the DemoCraps), never mention the Deviates? Why do they never mention perversion? Why do they never mention Monkey Judges? Why do they never mention the crimes of the DemoCraps?

Answer: To both mobs of hogs, once a crime is committed by either side against the People, it is considered to be a Fait Accompli; a done deal; a successful political game move. They have a mutual agreement to that effect. Of course, the devastation caused to the People by those political crimes is meaningless to the hogs.

This might help you to understand why the only things that the moderates talk about, and the only things that they mention, are financial -- business -- banking -- and economics. That is what they are interested in, and the only things that they are interested in. Why is everything that they talk about only about themselves? Why is everything that they talk about only going to benefit them?

Besides the mutual game agreements, they are completely immoral themselves; they are not interested in morality. They are not interested in stopping sick and devious perversions. In fact, they rely upon them. In fact, they obey it.

For instance: Why is it, that when they give their political speeches (excuses), and they say that the DemoCraps are in a very weak position because of their failed and bad policies -- they never give perversions as an example. In fact, they never even give abortion as an example. They give nothing having to do with Human Values and Human Virtues as an example. Their examples, are only about what they care about. Their examples, are only about their pocketbooks; their bank accounts, their greed, their selfishness, what they want more of! They never mention the dead hogs in the dumpsters.

They are so narrow-minded, they are so tunnel-visioned, that they actually think that everyone is as greedy (and as sick about selfishness, and getting as much as you can as soon as you can) as they are. To hell with the future, to hell with future generations; get what you can get here and now -- and they actually think that everyone else is as sick about this as they are.

Now, such an assumption on their part is not altogether erroneous; because they foster the maintenance of a society that is totally greed oriented, selfishness oriented, instant thrills oriented, immediate self-aggrandizement oriented, self-gratitude and self-gains oriented -- give-me give-me give-me -- freebies freebies freebies! They are as bad about it as the DemoCraps are, they are just a different brand of greedy society; and they foster and they promote TV Turds just like the DemoCraps do.

So, they think that their programming (of as many people as they can entice into being as selfish as they are), will work in their favor -- and all that they have to do is to pull on the strings of greed. Thus, they will get all of the people who have fallen into their kind of selfishness and self-aggrandizement about money -- to vote for them. They do not have to talk about morality, they do not have to talk about Human Issues, they do not have to talk about anything except greed and money and finances and business.

That, is what they have been building up in the minds of as many Idiots as they could get ahold of; as being the most important things in the world. So, now they want to cash in on their own propaganda. They are sure that there are a lot of greedy people out there now, primarily because of their efforts, to whom their constant talk of finances and economies and 'business-this' and 'business-that' and 'money-this' and 'money-that' will resonate enough (with enough Idiots) to get them elected over the DemoCraps. The DemoCraps, the other socially elite club. The competition club.

So, since the ModoRats have spent so much time trying to make morality and Human Values and Human Virtues a dead issue anyway; they want to carry on with that, and nail that down, and make it permanent by winning about 'money alone'. They want to win elections with a combination of talking about what they care about only, which is finances and business and money, and a form of belly-crawling kiss-ass extravaganza where for four months (before the elections) they crawl on their bellies and kiss the lowest asses that they can find anywhere -- of any description, of any place, of any perversion. That combination, of their own immediate greeds and desires and literal lust for money and money-power (the power that money brings), and their four month extravaganza of belly-crawling and kiss-assing is expected (by them) to actually carry them through. To win the 2014 elections, and to defeat their eternal opponents -- the opposing social club, the DemoCraps.

That is something that the Original Republican Party would never do, but we are not talking about the Republican Party. We are talking about a herd of greedy assholes that killed the Republican Party, and now claim to be the Republican Party. A party of dead hogs in dumpsters, that are now accusing the Tea Party People of intending to (and wanting to) do to the corpse of the Republican Party what they themselves have already done.

****[[At this point -- clarify things in your mind. Greedy hogs killed the Original Republican Party. Republican Party now exists in dumpster. Dead hogs inside dumpster claim to be Republican Party. Dead hogs now accuse Tea Party of intending to kill Republican Party, and put it in dumpster. Dead Republican Party is already in dumpster.]]****

They, themselves, have already bought out, forced out, scared out, leveraged out, killed out, and terminated out the original Republicans. Replacing them with their own greedy society, their own rancid social club. Which, they now claim is the Republican Party.

Which, they now claim is being attacked by a new social club; a new social club, which calls itself the Tea Party. This is like a bunch of very nasty little people fighting imaginary enemies, and at the same time, fighting the return of the original people that they themselves deposed. There is a certain element of revenge in all of this. Oh yes. There is a certain amount of 'what goes around, comes around' to all of this.

Let me try to put this in block diagrams for you. In words. In a word block diagram.

There is an original body of People. Body 'O'. 'O' for original.

It has popularity originally, with a large group of people -- amongst which is another smaller block of very sinister and greedy things. We will call them the 'GA's, (the greedy assholes).

The original party 'O', is successful to the point where it becomes a National Party. One of the two major parties in the country. Up to that point, everybody helps each other inside the original block 'O'.

Then, the 'GA's (the greedy assholes), in collusion with the POS from the other side (the DemoCraps), set up a political and legal system where there can only be two political parties in the country. Not a third. Not a fourth. Just two. The DemoCraps and the small block of 'GA's lock that down, legally and politically.

While, fooling everybody else in the party 'O' (the original party) as to the real intentions of that move. Then, once they have locked down and made permanent the existence of party 'O' (the original party), they begin to systematically destroy everyone else inside party 'O'.

The 'GA's (the greedy assholes), have locked down the permanent existence of the Republican Party -- no matter what it is, no matter what is in it, no matter what has occupied it, no matter what has filled it up to the eyeballs, no matter how putrid it has become. Now, the 'GA's begin to systematically destroy everything else that is inside party 'O', the original group -- group 'O'.

This is done, until all that is left inside is 'GA's (greedy assholes). Nothing but greedy assholes. 100% greedy assholes, and it does not matter to anyone in politics. There is no remorse. It does not matter, that all originality is gone. It does not matter, that all original goodness and original validity is gone; and it has all been killed or stabbed or kicked out.

It does not matter, the legal and political system has been established and locked down -- such that, no matter what occupies the so-called Republican Party, the Republican Party is permanent and will always exist. It will always be given a certain percentage of power, sometimes even in charge. This was the original idea, before the Queers. As we know, the Queers now stink that they are in charge; but before the Queers, this is the criminal setup that was committed.

Party 'O' was decimated, from the inside out, by the 'GA's (the greedy assholes) and turned into 100% greedy assholes. Then, the DemoCraps (being the slime bags that they are) opened the political doors to the Queers. Which, immediately rushed in and took over the DemoCraps and set about to take over the 'GA's too -- which by that time were existing in a decaying Republican Party.

If that had not happened, the situation nowadays would be that of a perpetually sick pack of turds (called DemoCraps) and a perpetually greedy pack of turds (called the RepuCraps) play fighting with each other, with no Queers at all. No Queers anywhere.

The so-called Republican Party would be wall-to-wall 100% 'GA's. On the other side, the DemoCraps would be wall-to-wall 100% sick and psychotic freaks, horrors, prostitutes willing to do anything (anything at all no matter how bad) to defeat the opposing social club, the RepuCraps. Not being better than the RepuCraps, because they too are greedy assholes. It would just a matter of competition between greedy assholes, different clubs of greedy assholes. This is how it would be right now, if it was not for the Queers.

The perverts threaten the existence, and the continued existence, of the entire Human Species. Everything, all Life, is now intentionally threatened by the deviates; dastardly so, hideously-dangerously so, because ...




And, they are made to be killers.

So these days, you have in desperation, political groups of people who are trying to save everything; and save the Human Species by making the Republican Party what it used to be. To save it all, by trying to bring back Party 'O'; which was replaced by the 'GA's (the greedy assholes). What you are seeing now, are new generations of People who are trying to bring back the originality of the 'O' -- and it is questionable as to how many of the original party still live anyway, and are helping those new people. You do not hear about that much, not that I listen to politics anyway. You do not hear the Tea Party saying that they have the original people with them, who want to bring back the Original Republican Party. Of course, they could be shouting it from the rooftops and the Queer Medias would never report it.

There is no Human Communications Network to report it.

Such people, from the original party 'O', should be saying openly that the liars of today that are saying "We are the Republican Party and we want our party back! We want to protect our party from the Tea Party!" are all liars. That it is all lies. That it is all dirty and nasty lies, and pretenses and QS.

But, getting back to my point -- look at it yourself, listen for yourself. Listen to the lying ModoRats, listen to how they never mention Human Values, Human Virtues, or Human Morality. Listen to how they never talk about the horrible Queers. Listen to how they always talk about only what interests them, only what is interesting to them, only what is their own greedy interests. Interests, that they have inculcated and brainwashed into as many people as they can; with themselves as the brainwashing leaders, the monetary leaders. Listen to how they are appealing to the brainwashing.

****They are actually appealing to, and trying to activate, the brainwashing that they themselves have put into as many people's minds as they can. They are not even speaking to the People. They are speaking to the brainwashing, in the brains of the People.****

However, they only do that four months of the year, when they crawl on their bellies and suck the most degenerate anuses that they can find for votes. If you listen to their dirty lies and their dirty advertisements on the radio, you will hear it. They only talk about themselves, with the presumption that all listeners are brainwashed by them already, and want only what they want, and only want to hear what they are willing to say. They assume that their pretenses (that everyone accepts their playtimes, and agrees that only what they talk about are the most important issues for all of us) -- work, and everyone buys that QS. Thus, the only acceptable issues are what they have forced upon other people as the most important things in the world.

They are actually talking to their own brainwashing, and they know it.

Think of what that means, to any of you who are politically brainwashed by any of them.


One thing, that is really standing in good for the Tea Party (and is providing them with a great recommendation to all of us), is that the USAQUEERDAY newsrag hates their guts and wants to stop them no matter what. I would not put it past the faggots and the lesie-turds, at USAQUEERDAY, to try to assassinate some key members of the Tea Parties -- while setting it up to look like they were the results of internal arguments -- some kind of slight of hand and double-cross. I would not put it past those vermin at USAQUEERDAY to hire assassins to kill key members of the Tea Party. There is a huge amount of venom and hatred on the part of the perverts at the USAQUEERDAY newsrag for any form of Natural Life, and what the medias call 'straight'.

That, is a very good recommendation for the Tea Party, to all of us Humans. The USAQUEERDAY hatred, is all about the Tea Party trying to take over the corpse of the Republican Party. Like I said, that is not a good idea; but apparently the Tea Party thinks that if they do not take over the corpse of the Republican Party -- the animated corpse (with Karl Rove still inside of it) will be a barrier to the creation of a Real Human Political Party.

That is a possibility, it is not good to have a lot of Zombies on the battlefield -- in this case, there would be a lot of ModoRat Zombies eating money on the battlefield; and it would create a lot of obstacles out there; a lot of things that you would have to go around. Unless, you could stake them down and shove time-delayed incendiary grenades up their asses -- then, after dark, they would all light up the battlefield for you! Neat!

Good idea. Good usage of otherwise worthless ModoRats.

But, I digress.

They would be things that you would have to run over, go around, burn; and it doesn't really pay to shoot them because, you know, they are Zombies. You would have to just tear them apart. The Tea Party might have a good idea about this (and I am starting to see an idea) but, I do not think that that is exactly what the Tea Party is doing. The idea should be to animate the corpse of the Republican Party long enough, to get it to move off of the battlefield, and then burn it. Get the corpse of the Republican Party off the battlefield.

Leave the ModoRats, the horrifically greedy and backstabbing chisel-toothed ModoRats, naked on the battlefield. With no Republican Zombie corpse around them, to hide them and to protect them. Strip the ModoRats naked, and throw them out onto the battlefield as the naked rats that they are. Meanwhile, activate the corpse of the Republican Party enough to get it off the battlefield (with Karl Rove and John McCain still inside) -- and burn it. Burn that corpse. Dismember that corpse. Tear it to pieces, burn it to ashes. Then, create a Real Human Political Party.

I hesitate to call it 'political'. In fact, it has to be something else because I would really not want to call it a political party. One thing that I agree with Glenn Beck about, is that using the word 'party' for the Tea Party was a good temporary idea; but now it is not working. It never was supposed to be a party, like the DemoCraps and the RepuCraps. Who would want to be like that crap? It is supposed to be much better than them. It should not have really been the Tea Party as such -- but at the time, the memory of the original tea party (at the old boston harbor) that opposed British Tyranny was the rallying memory behind the push to throw off the rule of the corrupt and queered RepuCraps and DemoCraps.

Therefore, the memory became the name 'Tea Party'. Perhaps the 'Tea Reformation' would have been better, or the 'Tea Project', or the 'Tea Movement', or the 'Tea Patriot Movement', which is longer in longevity; in other words, it is ongoing and it is always fresh. The name 'Party', is synonymous with evil and decay and rot and decadence and disintegration; and short-term cowardice like the ModoRats crawling on their bellies for four months each year, kissing the lowest possible asses that they can find for any votes. Then, immediately saying "Well, that never happened, and we are Superior! We are the elite! We are the wonderful!"

The word 'Party', is synonymous with all kinds of filthy activities and vile greedy habits like that. 'Tea Patriot Movement', 'Tea Patriot Project' -- the Glenn Beck people are right about that; more longevity is needed. 'Tea Party Calibration'? 'Tea Patriot Consortium'?

We cannot use 'Tea Party Coalition', because that is terribly synonymous with the Cult of The Asshole, and all Monkey Judges.

[[Think that the Cult of The Asshole does not exist? Investigate it. The closer you get to the actual Cult of The Asshole, that owns and operates all Monkey Judges, the more you will encounter excuses and fakeries and pretenses about the right for it to exist.
At this very moment, the Des Moines Rearsniffers are trying to make everyone in Iowa think that Satanism should be legalized as part of school curriculums; and allowed to be a dress code in their public schools. The schools ravaged by the NEA/Homosexuals.
The Cult of The Asshole, is surrounded by a twisted buffer zone of dipshit explanations that a six year old Human Child would not believe. By the time you actually find the Cult of The Asshole, in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone, you will be surrounded by millions of raving lunatic freaks that worship assholes -- and demand the right to do so. Along with the right to commit hideous crimes, the horrors of which would send Adolph Hitler running over the hill screaming for his Mama!]]

How about 'Tea Patriot Advantage'? 'Tea Patriot Truth'? The 'Shining Tea Patriots'! Of course, I want there to be a 'Tea Patriot Militia', on a permanent basis. How about, the 'Annual Tea Patriot Symposium'? I wonder, if 'Tea Patriot League' would be feasible; if that would be a good thing to try? I mean, there is a basketball league, and a baseball league, and a football league -- but a 'Tea Patriot League'? That might sound too sportsy, that might not work well.

I do not think of the word 'league' very much, because I have almost nothing to do with 'sports', as it is shown on TV. You could always have something like 'Tea Patriots Triumphant', but then they would always have to be triumphant. How about 'Tea Patriots Today, and Tomorrow, and Forever'? You could have 'Tea Patriot Airlines' -- that might actually work if you had the airline.

* 'Tea Patriot Tours'
* 'Tea Patriot Cruise Lines'
* 'Tea Patriot Railroad'
* 'Tea Patriot Express'
* 'Tea Patriot Freightlines'
* 'Tea Patriot Passenger Service'
* 'Tea Patriot Truth Deliver Service'
* 'Get-You-Righteous Tea Patriot Service' (sort of like a tidy-diaper service)
* 'Cannonball Tea Patriots'
* 'Shoor-Is-Nice-Out-Here-Without-No-DemoCraps -- Tea Patriot Territory'
* 'Tea Patriot Country'
* 'If-The-Shoe-Fits-Wear-It -- Tea Patriot Factory'
* 'Take-A-Tea-Patriot-To-Lunch -- Tea Patriot Catering Service'
* 'Scratch-A-Tea-Patriot-And-You-Will-Find-A-Guard-Dog -- Tea Patriot Escort Service'
* 'Two-Shows-On-Fridays -- Tea Patriot Theater' ...

but, I digress.

The point is, the Tea Patriots are bound and determined to do something with that corpse of the Republican Party; and I think it is a really huge mistake to try to re-animate that corpse like Lazarus, and try to get it to work again -- that is just No No No. Think of the stench. Think of the history of stench.

It is a Zombie, and it is always going to be a Zombie. The corpse of the Republican Party (dead as a mackerel), is still more Human than all of the DemoCraps combined -- but it is still a corpse. The corpse of the Republican Party will be, at best, a Zombie. Get it off the battlefield, strip the ModoRats naked, and throw them out onto the battlefield showing the entire world what they are (and showing their tails for the first time), and get that Zombie corpse onto the sideline -- cut it to pieces, and burn it.

Then, have yourselves as the 'Tea Patriot Symposium', or the 'Tea Patriot Humans Of Truth', or something that is much more permanent than a political party. Tell everyone -- "We are not in this for politics." That is very important, since all of those perverts at USAQUEERDAY are trying to portray the Tea Party as being political and a kind of sickness within politics.

[[We have already discussed double-negatives. Two negatives make a positive. So, when some pack of sick frumps, like the scum at USAQUEERDAY, say that something else is sick -- what must it really be?]]

Which, immediately assumes and asserts to the 'Idiots that have been Lied To' that -- 1. Politics is very good because it is Queer. -- 2. Anything Human in politics is bad and evil since it is not Queer. -- 3. Buy USAQUEERDAY to read all of the latest Queer Propaganda that now owns your brain.

So, they are trying to paint the Tea Party as thoroughly bad Human Beings, who are infesting the Nice and Wonderful and Deviate World of Politics.


The Deviates and the DemoCraps:

The first thing that I have to say about the DemoCraps being controlled by the deviates, with the perverts in charge of the DemoCraps, is that this is very murky and very difficult to define -- because most of the DemoCraps that I have ever seen in my life are as Queer-As-Queer-Can-Get -- and/or so hideously and insidiously evil and greedy (in a demented way, not for money but for power), that you cannot really tell offhand a Queer from a DemoCrap.

The motivation of the DemoCraps, is some sickness about being 'In Charge' and 'Being In Control', and ruining everyone else except themselves. The idea being, to promote their own twisted and rancid political party, while ruining and tearing down anything else. Which of course, means anything else that does not cooperate with their filth and their insanity and lies; anything that is not a customer of theirs. It is a kind of Guild of Murderers, that will only allow you to stay alive if you are either -- 1. A paying customer. -- 2. A slave that they can use. -- 3. Someone they must manipulate for now.

It is God-awful, it is horrible, it is hideous, and it is often so poisonous and warped that it is impossible to tell the genuine Queers from the genuine DemoCraps. Now, the genuine DemoCraps (being part of that political guild of theirs), insist that they are different from the genuine Queers. That is because they have about ten neurons to think with, and they do not see what they are. They do not see what they are, and they do not understand that 'warped is warped', 'perverted is perverted', 'sick is sick', 'shit is shit' -- to all of us. They think that there are different kinds of 'twisted'. They think that there are different kinds of crap. They think that there are different kinds of worthless and horrible monstrosities. They think that there are different colors and brands and shapes of monsters.

Well, this is not some dipshit animated movie; this is the real genuine world we are discussing. I am talking about DemoCraps; and DemoCraps are so very awful and very ugly that even a Frankenstein would want to kill them. Even a Frankenstein, that had just been put back together and reanimated by electricity, would want to kill a DemoCrap on sight. A DemoCrap, is immensely more terrible than some poor Frankenstein; who never wanted to come back to this Freak World to begin with.

from Dr. Macro

Any Frankenstein, would have infinitely more Humanity still left inside of it than any DemoCrap today. DemoCraps are anti-Humans, anti-Life, anti-Galaxy, anti-Universe -- and that is exactly what the deviates are! So, what is the big difference? The only difference, is the stupid ideas of the DemoCraps and the Queers, down there in the compost heap of anti-Life and politics. That is where the distinctions are made, by the participants of the genocide against all of us. Inside the genocidal forces against our Species, such distinctions are made. And, only there. So, when we talk about the Queers stink they are in charge of the DemoCraps -- it is not like it is with the RepuCraps.

The RepuCraps, know that they are being controlled by the perverts. The RepuCraps, are naked rats of greed, shamelessly greedy, and do not care really who is controlling them and who is the Master of things; as long as they get that small and narrow set of requirements that they must have -- like junk addicts, like dope addicts -- which is money and social position and their big cars and their big houses and blah blah blah.

As long as they get the things that matter to them, it does not matter to them who is in charge. They would all like to be deviates themselves anyway, since the perverts have more money than they do.

ModoRats, just do not have the courage to be that hideous. Well, of course, there is no courage involved to that -- but to ModoRats, the Holy Grail is always about having the courage to do something (anything). They were whipped into their current gutless existence long ago, and for them courage is both alien and a pee-on-yourself dream-come-true Queer Disney Moment -- if only for a moment.

When I say that, you have to understand that ModoRats have no idea what Deviates really are. ModoRats know about the Cult of The Asshole (the ModoRats of the HBHZ support them), but since people are only urchins and munchkins and dirty-necessities to them anyway-- who cares what any Cult of Queer Masters does to them?

Particularly, if that Cult is rich; with the squeezed rip-offs of their slaves and victims and murdered benefactors (willing or unwilling). That just makes it more 'Business-As-Usual' to the ModoRats. That is something which they can understand.

ModoRats, are just greedy cheeseburger-gobbling psychopaths. That is one of the many things about Planet Sinister that has been revealed by the inclusion of the Queers into politics; and who and what helped that invasion. They actually think that it takes courage to be a pervert -- since they think it takes courage to do anything other than the stupid and feeble and miserly imbecilities that they always do. They do not realize (or they hide from the fact that) ...



Would it matter to them if they knew anyway?

Who cares what rats know?



Deviates are former Humans, that have been made, butchered, mutilated, demented, degenerated, murdered, damaged severely, twisted, warped and perverted into being Queers.


Perverts, are technically victims of perverts. There is nothing courageous about it, there never has been, there never will be. But, the Naked ModoRats (being psychotic themselves) think that it must be an act of courage and devotion to be a Queer; because that is what the Queer Makers told them it is.

Even though, they know about the Cult of The Asshole, which they hide from the Truth about.

It does not interest them anyway, because what they want is money, social power, position, status -- their little bag of cracked marbles. That, is what they care about. They know that there is a difference between Naked ModoRats and Deviates, and they do not care who is in charge.

The DemoCraps, on the other hand, do care. The DemoCraps, think that they will be in charge. The DemoCraps, think that they will control it all. The DemoCraps, insist that the Queers are just customers. The DemoCraps think -- "We are in charge, or at least we will eventually be in charge. And, we will control the world. So for a while, we will let our customers think that they are in charge."

Customers being the Deviates.
"It is all right to let the Queers think that they are in charge for a while, because ultimately we will be in charge. We will control it all."

The DemoCraps want that ultimate control, that ultimate rule over the world. You can see what the awful pressures of greed and avarice have done to them. Look at those things, that are saying that they are DemoCrap leaders. Look at their twisted bodies, and their twisted faces. Look at the ugliness that just oozes out of their ears, and their eyeballs and their noses. Look at those oozing puss-sacks -- yapping into your face on (CNN). Look at those DemoCraps, look around the many synthetic dummy faces that they fabricate to block your view of what they really look like. Look at those DemoCraps, look at what that terrible pressure of greed and hatred has done to them. It is not just one day of it, or one month of it, or one year of it; they have been in that sickness for a long long time. What they look like is the result of a long-term pestilence, a long-term ravaging disease upon them; called DemoCrapia. The pressures, the anti-Nature, the anti-Life forces of DemoCrapia have turned them into what they are.

Fortunately, it is killing most of them. Fortunately, it is reducing the life spans of all of them. It is certainly shortening the existence of all of them, which is a great thing. It is a 'greatness' that it does that, it is a kind of self-defeating plague. It takes over creatures like Nazi-Pelosi and Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid, shortens their existence here, promises them riches, twists their features, turns them into gargoyles that only a Shithead or a Queer would listen to; and then eliminates them sooner than they would have naturally died. Which is a good thing, it is one silver lining to that plague.

But, getting back to my point here -- it is a murky subject. It is a difficult subject to define and delineate, when it comes to the Queers In Charge, the DemoCrap Way.

It is like trying to pick out different kinds of hair from a huge hairball.

Let us say that you are presented with a hairball, that is about one hundred miles wide.

you are looking at a marvel of my artistic abilities, which ain't much

A roughly spherical hairball, that is about a hundred miles in diameter. You are told, that it has two kinds of hairs in there; and you are supposed to separate the hairs. One kind of hair may have ripples, and one kind of hair may have ridges. One kind may smell like ass, the other kind may smell like toe jam. Something is different about the two kinds of hairs, and you have to separate it all. So, you should end up with two piles of different kinds of hairs. Are you really going to do that?

Are you really going to go through the effort of doing that? You see, the DemoCraps and the Deviates think you will. The DemoCraps and the Deviates think that the separation is already there anyway, they do not realize what it is. They cannot see outside of it, they cannot see that it is nothing but one giant hairball.

It is just ugly, and worthless, and it is sickening, and it is garbage, and nobody wants it -- burn it! Burn the thing!

But, the DemoCraps and the Deviates (inside of the hairball) think that everything is separated and everything is working the way it should, and all of the ones with ripples are doing it right and are separate from all of the ones with ridges, who are also separate and doing it right according to the rules. They actually think, that they are somehow separate inside of that hairball.

But, to the rest of the Universe, it is just one big ball of worthless junk and mayhem; meaningless, worthless, smothering all of us, and it oozes and emanates anti-Life! It reeks of Death. It is as ugly as Sin, and it is having a terrible negative effect upon all of us. It is the Hairball Black-Hole!

It is sucking the Life out of our Universe. It is the Evil Hairball From Hell. And, all that we want to do is to burn it down. But, all of those wormy hairs inside that hairball (the Queers and the DemoCraps) think that it is all separated into two different camps, and clearly it must be that way to everyone else. So, in Reality what you have is a contest within that gargoylish mangled hairball, for who controls the hairball! At the center of which, is that dead place called Wash This Death City. Which, according to the Rules of the Hairball, has some kind of weird and strange and lunatic control over this country.

Which, it does not deserve to have. But, that is part of the assumptions and the lies of anything involved with Wash This Death City; which is that it somehow controls all of us out here! When we can clearly see that it is nothing but a hairball of worms, with a dead place in the middle of it.

But, anyway getting back to what I was writing -- the contest within the hairball is for who controls the squirming and the writhing and the pulsating and the slinky movements (by the millions) inside the hairball -- in the middle of which is Wash This Death City. That is supposed to determine the outcome of the Universe!


Meanwhilst, all of us Humans out here are looking at it and we are not happy with it; and we want it dead. I mean, give me a blow torch and I will burn it. Give me a flame thrower! Better yet, give me one really big acetylene torch (really huge) that burns at 5500 degrees Fahrenheit; and let me loose on that hairball! Let me loose of that place.

But, at the moment, we are trying to analyze what the hell is going on inside of that ball of misery; and at the moment, the weird and psychotic strangeness inside of that hairball is that >>>> the Queers stink they are in charge, and they are manipulating the DemoCraps -- who are convinced that it is only temporary, because they will ultimately rule -- like they are somehow different from the Deviates.

I have to tell you, just as a reference -- that orb, that sphere of absolute negativity, that acts like a Black Hole killing anything that is 'Light' and killing anything that is Life in the Universe that it can touch, and control, and influence -- is so bad that any decent group of Human Beings like the Addams Family, or the Munsters, would run for their lives from it.

Dracula would run from it. The Werewolf would run from it. Frankenstein would probably try to attack it, to save Humanity. Any decent monster would either run from it, or try to kill it for the sake of everyone else in the Universe.

I am trying to analyze it, and trying to explain to you what is actually going on inside of that massive and huge and twisted configuration of greedy and demented DemoCraps, and diseased murderous Deviates.

It is not easy. It is really difficult, it is not obvious (because of the Medias); and it is not simplified like it is with the RepuCraps. They are two very intertwined and intertangled sets of Pure Evil -- the Deviates and the DemoCraps. Right now, the Queers stink they are in charge. Right now, the DemoCraps think that is alright because ultimately they will be in charge.


To Dream Perchance To Freedom:

For people who have to exist inside of the range of influence of such creatures as RepuCraps, I want to give you some really good advice -- some really really good advice -- I hope you can achieve this advice ...

Start to dream, while you sleep, of being above all of this Insanity. Start in your dreams, and dream of being above all of this Insanity. Dream of being above all of this lunacy. Above that dungheap, that hairball of political worms. Dream of being above it, and free of it.

In your dreams, many different manifestations of how you can do that will come to your mind. At the same time, hopelessness will come to your mind. Despair will come to your mind; the belief that it is impossible will come to your mind. Start the process of being free of all of those lies, and all of that usury of you; and deliberate perversions of you for selfish reasons (for party reasons) -- for Queershit reasons, whether it is RepuCrap or DemoCrap or Monkeys or Medias or Belief Merchants (etc).

Start the process of being free of all of that, in your dreams. Dream of being out of it. Use your own internal resources, and start to dream of being free of all of that. When you do so, all of the parts of your brain that are hopeless and lost and forlorn and reduced and enslaved to all of that abuse (by political parties and Monkey Judges and perverts etc) will complain. Those parts of your brain, will try to tell you (even in your dreams) that it cannot be done. Even in your dreams, those parts of your brain that have given in, or have been brainwashed from birth to accept that slavery -- will tell you that it cannot be done.

Do not listen to that, do not believe that, do not accept that. It is completely wrong, it is completely a lie. You can, and you will, find ways to be free. If your soul is still alive, and not mangled and mutilated to death, or crippled, then you will find a way to be free in your dreams. From your dreams, you will find ways to be free in real life, in life while you are conscious and awake. You are in Life while you dream, remember that. You are alive while you dream.

Even if you live near Deviates that are trying to use their hideous Satanism to control you in your sleep, this can be achieved. Just get the Queers away from where you live, or get yourself away from those things. Use police, use law, use photographs, use recordings, use testimonies -- use anything, to get the Deviates away from you while you sleep!

Attacking Humans in their sleep, is what those things always do in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone -- where Queers are always attacking any Human Beings that are stupid enough to still be there. Where, Queers always try to queer people in their dreams while they are asleep. Which, is a form of mind-snatching and body-snatching, because they use bodywaves against Human Beings to try to possess their bodies while they sleep; and then they transfer all of their terrible and evil habits, and Satanism, and perverted feelings into the innocent bodies of those Human Beings that are their unknowing victims -- and into the innocent brains of those Human Beings while they sleep.

That, is done constantly in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone to any Human Being that is still there and stupid enough to be unprotected from such attacks. If you are free of that, and you do not have Queers attacking you in your sleep, you will still have to deal with all of those parts of your brain from your awake life (your conscious life) that have been beaten down and defeated and brainwashed to accept all of the perversions that all of the perverts want to be accepted by all of you. That all of the Queer Bullies have hurt you with, and threatened to hurt you again, if you did not accept their Queershit -- so they can be in charge!

Remember, this message is all about them stinking that they are in charge; which is what the Queers have always been about.

That 'Equality Queershit' was just for Idiots. It has never been about anything else other than Deviate Domination, and the Genocide by Replacement of the Human Species.

Use your life, as you dream without interference, to dream about how you can be above all of those political crimes and those insanities and those perversions. In your living dreams, dream of ways to be above it all, to be out of it, to be free of it. Then, in your waking life (your life of consciousness) remember what you dreamt.

Remember the best ideas that you dreamed about. Try those ideas out while you are awake. See if they work for you, you may be very surprised that they do. You may find out that your dreams of life are capable of coming up with answers that your conscious life is too hopeless to imagine. Try it, work on it. Start with your dreams, remember your dreams, disregard and ignore all of the parts of your brain that say to you that it is impossible; and keep on trying in your sleeping life, in your dreaming life.

Recall the ideas that you came up with. Recall the solutions, recall the feelings, recall the experiences of your dreaming life. Especially ways in your dreaming life where you found freedom, the ways that you escaped while you were asleep; the ways that your dreams found for escape, and objectivity, and to be above all of the political filth of the ModoRats and the Queers and the DemoCraps and the APA and the NEA and the ACLU and all of the Five Evils -- and of course the awful Monkey Lawyers and Monkey Judges.

Remember the ways to freedom that your dreaming life found. See if you can apply those ways to your conscious life. See if they will work for you while you are awake. Try it, build on it, recall the ways, use them while you are awake.

Get above and beyond the queer newsrag filth, from such toilet paper outlets as the Des Moines Rearsniffers and the USAQUEERDAY; and all forms of printed Queer Propaganda. Get yourself above that trash, that absolute Insanity Beyond Lunacy.

And then -- look at the RepuCraps! And then -- look at the DemoCraps! And then -- look at the Queers! And then -- see what they really look like without any of their lying faces in your face; without any of their slogans in your ears; without any of their propaganda in your brain; then look at them! Then -- you will see them like I see them. You will see them for what they really are.

There is one more thing about this that really interests me, and that is Human Variety and Human Creativity. I will be very interested to find out all of the different ways that real Human Beings find to be above and beyond all of that (queer newsrag sponsored) horror which has been infiltrated into our society, and has infested our country.

I am really interested in finding out all of the different ways that Human Beings will create to escape that dementia caused by such toilet papers as USAQUEERDAY, and to be above it. I am very particularly interested in Human Websites that Human Beings build and create -- having escaped and having become far above all of our enemies; and their treacheries, and their insinuations, and their assumptions, and their presumptions, and their lies.

A certain percentage of those that escape will create websites, and will start to say on those websites what they really see about this. That is gold to us. That is pure gold for our Species. That is a gold mine in each case. And, I want that gold for our Species.

I want a thousand, and ten thousand, and a hundred thousand gold mines for our Species! Gold mines of Truth, by Human Beings that have escaped the TV filth; have escaped the larceny and the criminality, and are now above all of our enemies, and are quite frankly horrified by what they see.

Well, that is alright -- just write what you see. If it is horrible, then write that it is horrible, and how it is horrible, and archive what you write. Write, what it is. If you are a Human Being, and you have escaped at all, and you are now above most of it -- make a website about it.

To Hell with anyone who says that you cannot do so. I am now in my SIXTH YEAR of doing exactly that! I am now in my sixth year, I am building on my sixth year, of telling exactly what is True about all of that God-Awful Madness. God-Awful Badness.

And, you Humans can do it too.

There is nothing stopping you, yet.

And, may I ask one thing of you? May I ask one favor from those of you who do this? I ask it for the Species in general. I ask one favor of all of you Human Beings who start a website, and start to tell the Truth about everything that you see.

Keep one eye on Internet Freedom. Keep one eye on the Freedom of the Internet, worldwide. A lot of world tyrants and world regimes and world oligarchies want to shut down, and slam down, the Internet with confinements and restrictions and prohibitions against Human Freedom.

Now, of course, that will allow horrible queer networks like the BatShitCrazyNetwork and the ThinkShitNetwork (TSN) to continue to exist, since they are paying the world demigods. The scum that want to shut down the Internet, only want to shut down Free Human Speech -- not the ThinkShitNetwork -- not the BatShitCrazyNetwork -- they want to shut down Humans (who do not pay them a penny).

They want to shut down Human Free Speech, and Human Free Writing, so that their terrible greeds and selfishness and criminal perversions will not be revealed as Truth. However, all of that will continue to exist as the Internet Business that it is. You see, those world monsters only want Internet Activity that is sanctioned by them -- for a price!!!!

It is Internet Business -- as in ModoRat Business. At the time, Human websites do not pay a penny to those POS around the world, that want to choke off any writing and any voice that does not pay.

With such a control over the Internet, they reason that they can then get away with all of their dirty and nasty tricks, and putrefy the world until it is nothing but one large cash corpse; like the Republican Party. You have got to fight for the Human Freedom of the Internet!

Do not think to yourself -- "Well, by doing this I am also fighting for our enemies!"

No No No -- those things are going to be able to say all of the lies that they want to say anyway -- they pay! They are behind all of those world tyrants, anyway. They suck all of those oligarchies. They pervert, for all of those dirty and selfish world leaders. Especially, the EU.

The administration of the European Union, is one of the most vile and horrible and queer oligarchies of anal bastards and bitches that have ever existed! Those things want to control the Internet and keep it locked down from Human Speech; to keep it as their own business network and media and venue. Those things, will try to prohibit Humans from using the Internet wherever and whenever possible.

Every goal of that administration of the EU, is anti-Human and very pro-Queer. Literally, flat out, they are as deviated as Deviates can get. They are definitely big-time enemies of all Free Human Speech; and right now, Human Speech is relying very heavily on the Internet.

There is no Human Communications Network.

Glenn Beck does not hack it. Anything that has any cooperation with, or any aspirations towards, being part of the TV Turds is not good enough. I listen to Glenn Beck on the radio, to know where that group is coming from. I sort of like the evangelizing stuff that Glenn Beck is trying to do, but it sometimes smacks of cornball. Then, he mistreats his friends with threats; and you forget that he was serious for a few minutes. It is a show, it is entertainment with occasional truths. We need much better than that for a Human Communications Network.

Right now, so much is depending upon the Freedom of the Internet (so Humans can say the Truth about what is really happening), and it is a very critical time these days. We read about such terrible times as this in history books, and think -- "Oh well, it cannot happen in Modern Times."

What Modern Times? This, is the same horrors, revisited. They are the same tyrants, revisited! The only new twist to it all is the so-called Homosexual Agenda. That, is the new twist to it all. Monkey Judges, that are queer and corrupt, are not new; they are a revisitation. They are a revisiting sadness, a revisiting badness. They are a revisitation from the past.

Political corruption, is a revisitation from the past. Propaganda, is a revisitation from the past. The only thing that is new, is the twisted perverts that are happening this time. Look at the scum ModoRats -- ModoRats are not new, they are a revisitation; greedy, selfish, slimy, backstabbing, undercutting, violent (as in hiring mercenaries to do their killing for them), and at the same time gutless chickenshits straight from Hell's asshole! That, is what every ModoRats is! (Double for the USCOC)

Except, when it is done in a complete fantasy of self delusion -- with a double cheeseburger in each hand.

If you are going to be a Human Writer, and you are going to write the Truth on the Internet -- and we desperately need you to do so -- because I am not enough -- do not believe that I am enough -- only the ones that want us to lose, want you to think that I am writing enough Truth to save our Species ...

if you are going to be a Human Being, who writes the Truth on the Internet, please keep one eye on Internet Freedom of Speech. Please do this for our Species.



The Arkansas Family Council is the reason why I am not worried about the latest crime committed by the Queer Coalition that pretends to be the State of Arkansas. As you probably know, the Queer Coalition that pretends to be Arkansas recently bought a Queer Decision from a Monkey Judge named Chris Piazza in Pulaski County, Arkansas. A phony decision, that kills the Will of the People of Arkansas, and pretends that Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred (Q&PMH) is now Queer Legal in Arkansas.

That crime, is intended to split the state into a sewer called DemoArkansas, and the Real Arkansas. That, will never happen! The Arkansas Family Council is the reason why Arkansas will remain a United and Human State of America -- regardless of the Queerism Infestation that is attacking it.


Modorats have rat-sized brains in big fat skulls.

Eat crap! A million Chris Christies can't be wrong!

June 26, 2013 -- five naked monkeys in a cage, in Wash This Death City, took a shit and expected the Human Species to eat it.

August 16, 2013 -- last cowardly act, RepuCraps cave in to DemoCraps -- Republican Party dies.

February 26, 2014 -- Arizona hag fires bullet into corpse of Republican Party -- definition of Political Debauchery is any actions of Republican Political Zombies -- existence of class of political zombies is established as all shitheads involved with corpse of Republican Party.

Every suck of a pervert, is a suck of the Cult of The Asshole.


Memorial Weekend:

From the field:

Yo! Here I am in Illinois and Kentucky and Missouri and Indiana, and it is memorial weekend -- and every place is mobbed with tourists and travelers and the roads are very busy with traffic and there is not a Queer Coalition in sight anywhere! What must the Cult of The Asshole be thinking?
No one out here is hideously paranoid about anyone else, or exhibiting twisted and psychotic behaviors like the Cult of The Asshole at the HBHZ 'Equally Demands'! No one is crying and writhing in pain, and talking constantly of anuses, like the Cult of The Asshole demands that EVERYONE give Equality to The Asshole!
In fact, not one single person out here is thinking about any assholes!
How awful that must be for the 'Equality for The Asshole' assholes!
The Queer Masters in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone must be furious, in their special chairs with automated fingers shoving their anuses at high speeds. The Queer Masters of the Cult of The Asshole (in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone) must be out of their minds with hatred and violent anger that no one out here could give a shit less about the Anal Psychosis of the Cult of The Asshole -- that was going to rule the world!
[[By the way, during the entire three-day weekend, during which I traveled constantly, the only roads where I saw 'Dirty Driving' by careless piss-ants, were at Iowa City (that wants to be the HBHZ of the midwest) and the White Homo-Fascist Zoo called Cedar Rapids. Saint Louis drivers were quite well mannered. Even the Quad Cities drivers were well mannered. Honestly, I had to come back to Iowa City and Cedar Rapids to see careless driving.]]
For the entire thirteen years that I was fighting the SQLD in their capital (the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone), those POS constantly announced on their loudspeakers everywhere ...
[[They used FM radios as loudspeakers, with all FM stations broadcasting Queer Propaganda 24/7.]]
that the Reign of the Cult of The Asshole was inevitable, and would sweep over the country, and devour all opposition. All mere persons, would throttle their own assholes in ritual obedience to the Queer Masters of the so-called Homosexuals. THAT was (and is) their singular objective, with which they fully intend to control all populations of all peoples!!!!!!!!!!
The last time I was in the HBHZ, was back in 1992. Since then, I have been fighting the vermin of the Cult of The Asshole everywhere I have gone; and always the things are devoted to that one goal of Anal Domination of the World.
So ... where is it?
They own Monkey Judges in Arkansas, that have just spent the Memorial Weekend pumping their own assholes with everything that they can find (that will fit such slop), and praising the Queer Masters of the Cult of The Asshole for all of the bribe monies ...
but, where is all of that in the Real World?
Where are all of those hideous acts being performed out here with the Real Humans?
Are they waiting for the next regurgitation of their QS Colors, which they call parades?
What I am saying is, there is no sign or sight whatsoever of the Queers and the Cult of The Asshole out here in the Real Memorial Weekend. And, that is exactly as it should be.
How agonizing that must be to the Diseased Beyond Demented Queer Masters!!!!!!!!!!
And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, is the death of Queer Inevitability.
Like I said, what happens inside of the Freaked Beyond Perversion brains, inside of the Queer Coalitions, has to be kept inside of those Bubbles of Stys. None of it belongs in the Real World.
How many RepuCrap vultures are priests of the Cult of The Asshole, based in the HBHZ? Remember, it was RepuCraps that killed Massachusetts for the Deviates; even though the DemoCraps now control it again.
What happened in the HBHZ, proved that at the center of the Republican Corpse was nothing but perverts anyway (the 'GA's); greedy assholes turned queer.
'Gay Boy Smelled', a RepuCrap Queer-Sucker, was the puppet governor of Massachusetts when it was killed.


A Personal Message:

Shiteaters, want Peters to eat their shit -- oh really?

Does a menu come with that?

Which shit tasties do they recommend?

What, are their personal favorites? Can we eat together? Is there a supper ritual? Do we all pray to Chris Christie before we start? Is there a table and dinnerware -- or just a circle of shiteaters? Is there a video crew? Or, just the Crackheads and Nasty Neuters with their cell phones? Do we all vote for DemoCraps when we are done? Well, of course!


Butt -- it is all inevitable Markel! Right, and so is dogshit. Only dogs don't advertise.


I wonder if those Queer Masters realize by now -- while moving from chair to chair -- that they will never get rid of me?

You know -- they never allow themselves to think that it is the Truth.


Markel Peters

54 pages -- I'm hopeless










I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message.
Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.



























Labels Of All Posted Messages--A Way To Search Through Messages By Labels

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed


This blog exists to inform the People, of the 'Real Truth' about the real enemies of the Human Species. These Truths are not objectionable, as they are Truths. Only the telling of them can be objectionable, to those who wish to hide the Truth. If the Truth is something you HATE and therefore object to - go elsewhere!


Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!


The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.