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Tuesday, July 26, 2011
the same dirty tricks against, and filthy sabotage of, our Human Defenses continues unabated. And, as is usual with the Commercial Protestors, the 'Sidekick Wieners' are letting us down again.
I refer to the idiocy and weakness that some Sidekicks (otherwise known as Fill-Ins or Stand-Ins) exhibit when it is their turn at the Commercial Microphone.
[[ This discussion does NOT include Mark Steyn, who is quite steadfast and determined, as all Humans should be. Kudos to Mark Steyn! ]]
I am talking about a Sidekick Wiener for Glenn Beck, who debased himself by exhibiting a disgusting lack of Spinal Strength and Human Fortitude, recently. Apparently, Glenn Beck was elsewhere, and the orders of the day were to appeal to as many listeners as possible; because the Satanic Medias have been attacking Glenn Beck with vicious delight for months now -- particularly any Queer Media Creatures associated with Yahoo.
The intention of that Sidekick Wiener, whose name I really do not remember, was to improve Glenn Beck's 'General Public Image' by pandering to the General 80, because Glenn Beck is being defamed and ridiculed by the Evil 10. This was done with senseless stupidity, when instead the thing to do would have been to stay 'Straight with the Truth' and to remain True to the Good 10, which always results in the self-destruction of the Evil 10.
Sound simple? Nada.
But, before we examine this, let me go over that again. The '10-80-10 Rule' says that in 'Public Life' (if you can call it that), whatever you do (such as a performance, or an action, or a demonstration, or a lecture, or a correction) will be seen with Hate and Loathing by ten percent of the audience. Eighty percent will be more or less mushy and hesitant to react. However, ten percent will be wild and crazy about what you have just done, and will love you for it.
That much sounds simple, and the goal of all Political and Commercial Ventures is to sway the 80 Percent to your side (and to your Votes) as much as possible. If you pull more, of the 80 percent, to you than your enemies do -- and you win the votes -- you win the Political Game -- or the Commercial Game -- whichever. In both Games, the unwritten rule is to allow anything and everything, not short of murder.
Our Human intention, is to defy and refuse such rules. We are cleaning up the Playing Fields of Commercial and Political Contests. That means, we do not pander to the '10-80-10 Rule', and we do not allow dirty tricks and fatalities, either towards us, or by us.
I am not talking about Revolution, nor Civil War.
The '10-80-10 Rule' is deliberately kept simple in theory, because it is more useful and more persuasive in its most basic form. Reality, is far more complex however.
For instance, if you are engaged in a 'Public Display or Lecture' that has four parts to it; by the time that you have completed the entire effort you will have a Composite Overlay of five separate '10-80-10 Reactions' before you. If you are unaware of that, you will just float along with a simple idea of your successes and failures. If you really care about how the audience reacted, you will add things up. You have to know People very well to do this, but it is possible. It does not have a complicated formula.
I perform such calculations at the Neuron Velocity, which is more cerebral than Word or Concept Formulations; but if I had to explain it in words ...
Part 1 had a reaction by 10 percent who loved what you said or explained.
Part 2 had a reaction by a different 10 percent who loved what you said or explained -- 2 percent were not in any previous 10 percent.
Part 3 had a reaction by a different 10 percent who loved what you said or explained -- 3 percent were not in any previous 10 percent.
Part 4 had a reaction by a different 10 percent who loved what you said or explained -- 1 percent was not in any previous 10 percent.
The total event, had a reaction by a different and final 10 percent who loved what you said or explained -- 2 percent were not in any previous 10 percent, which means they were reserving their judgment, and 2 percent finally decided they do not love you, totally.
Add the percentages. 10 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 2 = 18 percent loved you, at some time.
So far, so good. Now fluctuations begin to threaten your 18 percent. Distractions and enemies attack all of the audience, and try to wrench those 18 percent away from you. For their sakes, and yours, you must step in and defend that 18 percent, and yourself! And, try to increase your Love Percentage at the same time.
You are no longer in a static situation, such as a debate or a display. Now, the '10-80-10 Rule' becomes almost plasmic, and does become plastic (as in plasticity). Suddenly, you are caught in an environment that resembles being a Mouse that is caught in a Huge Slinky; a Huge Slinky that is turning and weaving and swerving and vibrating in many directions. All around you are many more 'Mouses', and they are all talking and arguing and demonstrating and gyrating. All of their activities are causing the Huge Slinky (in which all of you are passengers), to wobble and bounce and roll. In such a fluidic environment the '10-80-10 Rule' is still functioning, but it is changing with each movement of the Huge Slinky. It is sometimes referred to as 'The Roller Coaster Ride'.
It is possible to keep up with all of it, and in fact you can stop the Huge Slinky -- but I am indifferent to all of that. It is called Politics, and I am not a whore, so I am not interested in IT. Which means that I can never be a 'Politicist' -- a very low and foul form of sublife creature.
Getting back to the oblivious Sidekick Wieners -- the one that was filling in for Glenn Beck displayed a horrendous amount of stupidity in its efforts to explain to the General 80 that Glenn Beck is really just a cute and loveable teddy bear (etc). It indicated that it was moderate and silly, and that Glenn Beck was also that way; and therefore both were loveable (and should be listened to). A very stupid mistake. Immediately, a Queer Propagandist called the Sidekick Wiener.
The Queer Propagandist, schooled in intense lying and deceptions, first said how it liked the silly talk that the Sidekick Wiener was saying. Then, it went on to proselytize about how everyone should be moderate and silly and indecisive. The Sidekick Wiener (eager to follow its orders to appeal to the General 80) immediately agreed with a mouthful of gibberish about how we should all love one another (etc) -- real third grade sandbox garbage. The Queer Propagandist coaxed and manipulated the Sidekick Wiener some more, until the dope was eating out of the Homosexual Agenda 'Bag of Tricks'. I turned the radio off in disgust.
Worse, dangerous. Because of this, that Sidekick Wiener is a Marked Dog. It will be successively and successfully controlled and maneuvered by Queer Propagandists (as Callers) step-by-step and call-by-call, until it has assumed the Queer Position and has every Vile Perversion in the Queer Playbook shoved up its ass so far, that they are coming out of its mouth. I do not like to have to explain it that way, however you know I do not mince words about how bad things are. I cannot shrink from saying the Truth.
Such deceptions, committed against Sidekick Wieners, are victories for the SQLD Propaganda Corps. Exactly, as planned. Apparently, most Sidekick Wieners have no idea that they are speaking into a microphone that is situated under a very large and dead tree -- a Dead Tree of the Damned which is filled with Vultures, all of which are looking down on the pathetic Sidekick Wiener, and just waiting for their chance.
There is an urgent need for the Calibration and Training of all Sidekick Wieners.
The Wieners will get us killed.
Witness the stinking lies of the Democrat/Homosexuals in the 'Debt Crisis' Hoax. Those scum blame everyone except themselves, label any Resistance as 'Murder', and whine and plead for 'Moderation' and 'Compromise' -- anything to wriggle off the Hook of Guilt.
Sidekick Wieners that have been properly stupefied and beguiled by Queer Propagandist Callers, serve as a weapon against Human Resistance, and hence against our Human Resolve to defend America against these Marxist and Socialist schemes.
[[ Bear in mind that the riff-raff that call themselves Marxists and Socialists today, are pathetic wastrels and camp dogs compared to the Original Genuine Articles.]]
This is a key and crucial point that I am making, and it must not be ignored or left unrepaired.
Answer: At this time in each election cycle the lying Homosexual/Democrats always come out with their worst lies and pretenses. The intention, of course, is to hide their Crimes and Genocide against us -- and they have Horrible Crimes to hide ...
Queer DemoNewYork, created by Queer and Phony Marriage Hatred.
Queer Armed Forces, being mobbed by every kind of pervert that Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid can find.
Queer 'Hobama The Magnificent Pervert' -- Resident in the White House.
Queer Enormous Debt, deliberately sown to create a National Crisis.
Queer and deliberate spreading of AIDS to as many Humans as possible, to solicit AIDS Money for the SQLD Warchest.
Queer Mitt Romney -- self explanatory.
Queer and Phony Marriage Hatred attacks against Humanity wherever possible.
Queer Attacks against the Human Constitution of the United States of America.
Queer Labeling of all Humans as Dangerous and Undesirable Terrorists.
Queer DemoCare Health Plan Prison.
Queer Reduction of Respect for America everywhere in the World.
Queer Attacks against the witless AM Radio Sidekick Wieners.
Queer Propaganda Medias -- owned and operated by lying Prison Guards.
Queer Denial and deliberate destruction of the Will of the People.
Queer Lies about, and degenerations of, any expression of Human Independence, such as Tea Parties.
Queer Insistence that no one can say the Truth about them, because any Resistance is against their Codes and Rules, and therefore all Resisters are flawed and guilty of Non-compliance, Intolerance, Bigotry and Humanity.
Queer Following of the orders of the worst monstrosities that can be found amongst themselves; chosen to be the Queer Masters exactly because they are the worst and most guilty criminals, murderers, and perverts.
Queer Simultaneous demands that no one listen to the Truth about themselves, because the Codes of the SQLD say -- 'Everyone is Queer underneath it all!' and '2-4-6-8 How do you know your Kids are Straight!' and 'Resistance to the Queer Agenda is Bigotry and Criminal' and 'No one is perfect'! (especially after the Democrat/Homosexuals get their lies all over them)
Queer and Deliberate perverting and corrupting of anyone who might someday oppose them, so they can shout "He (or She) has no right to oppose us and tell us what to do! He (or She) is Queer and Criminal too!"
This last part shows 4 things immediately ...
1. A stupid confession that they ARE Queer and Criminal.
2. Their deliberate double-talk game of -- "A queered opposition (by us) must not be allowed to oppose us!"
3. Hide all traces and evidences of our queer attacks against those opponents -- which we ourselves turned 'Queer' -- which we now demand are 'Queer' like us, and therefore cannot criticize or oppose us!
4. Filth and dirty everything and everyone deliberately -- so no one and nothing is clean anymore -- so we can claim that nothing and no one is good enough to resist us!
This is all done, of course, because it works very well on 2 groups of the 'General Public' -- the Very Stupid and the Very Guilty -- whom are correspondingly stupid and guilty because of what the Homosexual/Democrats did to them to begin with; and as such are nothing more than the crops and harvest of thousands of lies sown by Democrat/Homosexuals.
The AM Radio Talk Show Hosts (and Sidekicks Wieners) are supposed to be preventing and blocking such campaigns of Homosexual/Democrat lies. But instead, because they suffer from the parallel disease of 'Commercial Necessity', they allow themselves to be reduced and twisted and beguiled down to mere apologists and punching bags for the very same lying vermin that they should be shouting the Truth about.
Sickening Truth.
They are the same lying vermin that get violent, belligerent, super nasty and over-the-top demented when their Game of 'Queer the Resistance so it cannot Resist Queers.' -- Fails. There is nothing more ugly than a failed Democrat/Homosexual!
What is perhaps the worst of it all is -- the liars and attackers of the Homosexual/Democrats always slough off any complaints and blames of guilt for Their Own Crimes, and the damages that they deliberately cause as -- "That's just Politics!"
Until they fail -- and then they scream and shout and nash their teeth and threaten and defame and attack Humans again. The worst liars, are always the worst losers!
Can I give an example of such attacks?
Answer: USA QUEERDAY, which utterly loathes Humanity and anything Natural, is back at it again with another terrible hoaxing (and hosing) of the General Public. Now it is promoting 'Arizona Queers' that want to defile and putrefy public offices in Arizona; all the time spitting out the same old rotten lies that "no one really cares about our sexuality!"
Do you see the assumption of your ignorance and brain death, that is contained in such a lie?
Answer: There is no sexuality involved with the 'Queers'! Just hideous dementia and mental disease. No one in their right minds would want a mentally diseased and viciously lying 'Queer' in any public office. I would not even let a 'Queer' be a social worker in MassInsanity! And, that is about the lowest public office you can get in this Galaxy!
The article which I refer to was printed on the 07-20-2011 Toilet Roll of the USA QUEERDAY.
Such asswipe of twisted lies can only be for, and are deliberately for, the mindless imbeciles that read the Queer Newsrags, such as the Des Moines RearSniffers, and the ugly USA QUEERDAY.
What makes it more pathetic, is the fact that most of the idiots that read Queer Newsrags, are only doing so because they have been told to do so. Which begs the question -- what kind of low-grade moron could be so foul as to buy a pad of that USA QUEERDAY toilet rag, for anything other than to wipe its ass with?
Answer: The lost and mindless fodder and slaves of the SQLD (Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead). Persons who know no better, because they were never allowed to know anything Real and Human anyway. To them, such trash filled with lies (as the Queer Newsrags are) is what they are supposed to read and obey! That is what their controllers told them to do!
Can you give an example of that?
Answer: I was recently in a truckstop in Southern Indianapolis, in the midday hours, going about my business as usual -- when I saw that there were three corpses in the 'TV Room'. I stopped and watched the corpses for about ten minutes.
This is what I saw and heard:
One of them was an older and thin driver, who was typical of the unhealthy and unknowing ones; who are doomed to die before their Natural Time expires; because they only eat truckstop junk food, and have no clue as to how to keep themselves healthy. He was obviously overworked, over taxed, over regulated (as we all are), and exhausted. That kind of driver goes to the 'TV Room' to sleep, with the idiocy of the SQLD Propaganda as a background noise. He was sound asleep in a chair in the corner.
The second driver was fat and sloppy, and sitting along the back row. He was a younger (and much more pasty) rollable ball of fat, resembling the big white Michelin Tire Man. He was stupid, affable, accepting of any conversation, and comfortably so -- because there was nothing between his ears to understand anything with, anyway. A very easy person to get to agree with anything.
The third driver, was an aggressive and twisted Democrat/Homosexual -- in its thirties, about 5 foot ten inches tall, medium build, shortish brown hair, blockish kind of Middle Manager face and mannerisms (contorted into a Jack-in-the-Box mask by years of fakery); it prefaced every sentence with a phony chuckle or short laugh, and had obviously been schooled in the Art of Stupid Propaganda -- of Stupid Victims. It was clearly desperate to get the Michelin Tire Man to agree with it that the programs on the Satan Tube Channels were wonderful, and beneficial, and healthy for everyone -- and that everyone should watch TV as much as they possibly can, wherever, whenever they can!
It went on for ten minutes about how smart and wise and truthful the programs were. The Michelin Tire Man just sat there, in semi-repose clutching to the arms of the chair so it would not fall off and roll away, and stupidly smiled and nodded its head from time to time.
I was surprised the Queer Propagandists did not lick the ass of the Michelin Tire Man right there, and then say -- "See, wasn't that fun? That is what you get with TV!"
It was truly a horrible sight and occurrence. The Democrat/Homosexual was so intense in its recruiting efforts towards the Michelin Tire Man, that neither one of them saw that I was standing there a few feet away (leaning against the wall on one leg). I was debating as to whether I should break this up by pissing on the Queer Propagandist, or just leave them to their Hellish Fates.
I had just left the Mens Room, so I was out of urine anyway.
That is just one of many examples of Queer Propagandists at work, every day here in America. The terrible fate of the Michelin Tire Man (if there is enough brain matter there to be programmed), is what happens when supposedly Conservative Announcers and Broadcasters allow themselves to be whittled down to impotent, gutless, confused and reversed 'Talk Monkeys for Profit'. Their brains become nothing more than depositories for whatever is the Programming of the Day. And that, can be bought and paid for by anyone with enough money. However, the Queer Propagandists are so good at fooling imbeciles such as Sidekick Wieners, that they can reprogram and utilize (for their own evils) any Sidekick. Certainly, if that Sidekick is stupid enough to assume that whoever he is talking to (on the Call-In Phone Line), is on its side and well intended; especially if the Caller strokes his ego at the beginning of the conversation.
Pathetic, and dangerous.
Have you ever seen a 'Queer' of the Queer Newsrags in its actual state? When it is not primped and prepped for phony display and trained to smile and lie? It is a ghastly and horrible sight! I was in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone (the mecca for all diseased swine on this continent) for thirteen years, and I saw what those scum really look like, every day -- and it is unbelievably awful!!!!
If that Sidekick Wiener could have seen what was calling him, it would have freaked out immediately, and thrown the phone against the wall.
Here is a little test about your own Programmability.
1. If you are driving out of a Walmart, and the lot is empty of other cars, and the exit is off to your left, and you are on the right side of the lot -- do you drive along the yellow lines to the exit road at the end of the lot, and then turn left and drive to the exit? Or, do you cross the yellow lines and drive straight towards the exit, since there are no other cars around, and no pedestrians?
2. If you are driving across the Great Plains, and you see a stop sign ahead at the crossing of two dirt roads; and you can see that there are no other cars or people around for at least two miles -- do you stop at the stop sign, and then proceed?
3. Do you get out of the shower to take a piss?
If you said 'Yes' to any of these questions -- you are a Prime Target for the filthy lies that are written in such Queer Newsrags as USA QUEERDAY. You are already programmed to a nauseating and pukebag degree, so when the Queer Propagandists say to each other -- "Why should that idiot not be programmed for us Queers?" -- are they not correct?
It's just a simple matter of, reading lies in USA QUEERDAY.
Or, listening to Sidekick Wieners on AM Radio Talk Shows get fornicated and tattooed by their worst enemies, over the radio, and being so abysmally stupid that they do not even realize it is happening.
Indulge in such a Circus of Horrors, and suddenly you too are paying to support the Genocide of the Human Species, by Replacement.
You are also -- 'Dead Before Your Time'.
Our enemies are so deeply steeped in lies, that none of them can even imagine what it would be like to say the Truth -- and would not know how to do so anyway -- but they are sure that they should control society. Because, from what they can see (the DemoCraps, the ModeRats, and the Logged Republicans that have taken a trip to the Log Cabin) everything indicates that only liars are successful -- and no one, or nothing, lies as much as 'Queers' do!!!!!!!!!!
The whole mess is a plague of Perverts, Bastards, Monkey Judges, Bitches, Greedy Prostitutes and Professional Liars. No amount of phony news stories in 'Queer' owned, and 'Queer' controlled, toiletpapers is going to change the Truth about what it is.
It is the Plague of the Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries.
I call it -- Planet Sinister.
Human Commentators should be desirous of saying and writing the Truth -- and resistant to any attempts to erode and decay their Goodness and Clarity.
I will not say that they should be proud to say and write the Truth, because the word 'Pride' has been shoved under the nasty asses of every 'Queer' in Planet Sinister and crapped on -- so that word is completely dead now.
And, like I said long ago -- "The only Real Pride is Human Pride." -- anyway.
Let me give you an Illustration of what I mean. Use your imagination for this.
Dung beetles move dung balls by pushing them backwards with their hind legs, while standing on their noses with their front legs. That is how they get around. That is how they move their merchandise and possessions.
As the 'Debt Crisis' Hoax gets worse, with the deliberate intention of undermining and destroying America -- thus giving the wicked forces of Socialism and Marxism their Golden Opportunities -- we should all see ourselves as the Dung Beetles that we are being turned into, by the SQLD Masters. Rolling backwards is all that we are doing as a society that is based upon the lies and propaganda’s of the Democrats/Sheep Fanciers/Homosexuals/Serial Masturbators/Moderates/Cattle Mutilators/Demented White Females/Sadists/Black Radical Extremists (et al).
Historically speaking -- we have to break the suffocating structure of their lies and propaganda’s in order to know what was Real (whatever that was); in order to know the Truth about the Present (whatever that is); so we can know what to do for Real in the Future (whatever that should be).
Above it all, there still floats the Reality of what is Right, and what is not.
Can you give us an example of what is NOT Right?
Answer: For instance, considering the hideous acts of the Madame Gronstal, and its lies and stalling tactics to prevent the Human Will of the People of Iowa -- and its efforts to kill off the Human Species ...
and, considering the foul acts that it has committed against Humanity, to include the fact that it inhabits (foully) a position of office that was meant for a Real Human ...
the thing has no right to lecture to us about anything whatsoever -- it has no right to judge or officiate anything in any way -- it has no right to hold any office or to even vote about issues which effect all Humans everywhere. It certainly has no right to tell us what to think, and to tell us what to do!!!!
Because of monstrosities such as the Madam Gronstal, some of the most guilty and worst perverts and slaves of the SQLD will die from never knowing the Truth. They are forbidden to read Human Channels of Communications, such as this by myself. They will never be told that the Truth exists, and that it is destroying the lies that they have been mentally infested with. They will die in a sewer of filth called DemoTopia, with sewered brains filled with whatever lying trash the Homosexual/Democrats dumped into them; during their awful existence as the Voter/Followers of the SQLD. And, even if there was something that could be done about it -- I will not.
Such permanently brain-damaged freaks are just the casualties of War, as far as I am concerned. They are on the Dark Side anyway, so my sympathies do not reach to them.
We all know by now (those of us who can still think and feel and be Humans) that there is nothing in the Universe that will ever make us watch the venues of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead again. Gone forever are the 'Satan Tube', the 'Filthy Monkey Band', the 'Queer Newsrags', the 'Middle Managers For Profits' (et al). No one with a functioning brain would ever go back to those cesspools of so-called Homosexual Propaganda again.
The Bitter Truth of it is -- by this stage in the proceedings -- the Living are the Living in the Real World -- the Dead are the Dead in the DemoCrapia Land -- and the 'General Public' is constantly being whipped and cajoled and deceived into remaining Cowards and wasting their lives, for the Homosexual Moderates.
In War, many such Dead are given a Final Death, and many such Cowards and Wasted Lives are given a very short time to either Get Alive, or Perish.
My suggestion is -- let the Dead die. We Humans should focus our energies upon ourselves and the 'General Public'. But, not to the idiotic and mistaken levels of the Sidekick Wieners.
There are Dead creatures in my own neighborhood, that are permanently scarred and savaged by the hideous lies of the so-called Homosexual Agenda. Even the children of their twisted houses are defiled and made insane by the Queer Lies, because the sickness that festers in the perverted brains of their 'Demo Parents' has been deliberately spread to the children -- like Anthrax.
There is no hope for such prisoners of the Democrat/Homosexuals. They are the Lost and the Doomed. Instead of feeling sad about that, I have learned to accept the tragedy of such family catastrophes. And, as is the case here, these idiots happen to be in a Devil Cult up to their eyeballs, anyway. So, pity and compassion has little place there. The prison status of such creatures is such that they can never read the Truth that we Humans write. They are always told, by the Middle Managers that control them (for the SQLD), that the Humans are saying this or that new lie, and they are not to worry about it; because only what the Queer Masters say can be the Truth.
I have never lived in a neighborhood in this country where there was not at least one household that was Totally Possessed by the SQLD. They truly are 'Write-Offs'. And, all the more so because the hideous DemoCraps want us Humans to waste our efforts on reforming and repairing such Houses of Insanity; because they are in our own neighborhoods -- rather than fight for our Species and directly defeat the DemoCraps themselves.
Don't worry about them. They will never survive, and are not meant to survive by the DemoCraps either. They are just 'Homo Fodder'. The Middle Managers that control them are paid to make them present as much of a hideous distraction as they can to Human Resistance; but they end up being nothing more than the Barking Dogs of DemoCrap Futility. They are forbidden to read anything which we write, hear anything which we say, and know any Truth anyway.
The lesson which we can derive from their awful Living-Death -- is to never go there. Never allow ourselves to be mangled and crippled and demented like they were, by the Homosexual/Democrats.
So horrid is the Homosexual/Democrats that we should stop calling such monsters by any previous forms of Human Descriptions. So far, the most accurate title that I have come up with is the 'Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead', but that applies to the entire mass of squirming and lying and putrefying swine, that serve and operate the Dark Side -- and pant and whistle and drool at the mere suggestion that they should all become a different Species, from the Humans.
We are going to have to create new descriptions for the Homosexual/Democrats, which will properly suit their unspeakably horrible and dangerous existence.
A description which makes it apparent that this is truly -- Species War.
Markel Peters
Sunday, July 3, 2011
DemoCrap Is Thy Name -- Criminality Is Thy Shame:
I was just crossing the Mississippi River, on a bridge that connects Wisconsin to Minnesota. I was driving along on one of my customary routes that crosses that river, and I was pleased to see that many thousands of Humans were out and about enjoying themselves and the river, which had far more boats on it than it usually does.
I stopped in that river town and walked around making a casual inspection of all the activities ...
And -- !Presto-Inspect-O! -- sure enough, I could tell the Humans from the DemoCraps immediately.
There were twenty times as many Humans out enjoying themselves, as there were Criminals.
The Criminals were all:
Driving too fast, and not stopping to enjoy anything,
Just looking around and making bad comments,
Walking in the crowds with ugly looks on their faces -- showing the Criminals inside,
Standing about looking disgusted,
Shuffling from one place to another, looking confused and insecure -- because there are no Flaming Faggots dancing about like lunatic monkeys in the streets.
The Criminals are not happy. The Criminals are not appreciative of this Fourth of July. By now, the Humans are supposed to be disheveled, and demoralized and ruined in spirit.
Instead, everywhere the Humans are quite happy.
Truth and Decency brings such Happiness.
This has the Dirty Criminals (DemoCraps) very unhappy and miserable. Contrary to what the Humans are feeling -- the Criminal DemoCraps and the so-called Homosexuals -- Equally Criminal -- deserve nothing whatsoever. Not one scream or whimper of celebration for them.
For they are truly the Criminals of Criminals.
And, here is more proof of that.
I have put on a few websites here for you. They explain the Criminal Activities that occurred in the New York Statehouse, which led to the Criminal Deception that perverts can be 'married', inside the filthy confines of DemoNewYork.
Read this carefully.
Also, try some word searches, like:
Democrats change rules
Democrats violate procedures
Democrats commit crimes
Democrats break rules
In response, you will get many sites about the Crimes of the DemoCraps.
This all tells you, how the rules and procedures of government are changed by the Criminal DemoCraps, in blatantly criminal ways, to suit their momentary ambitions -- to satisfy their highest paying customers -- with Criminal Decisions which lead to Criminal Laws and Criminal Assumptions -- that lunatic perverts can be 'married'. Even though we all know it is really just the Hoax of Criminal Queer&Phony Marriage Hatred.
This is almost a carbon copy of the Criminal Acts that the DemoCraps perpetrated in Massachusetts and Vermont -- to create Criminal Decisions and Criminal Assumptions that their Q&P MH had been legally recognized and entered into law.
Each time, the DemoCraps made last minute spot-changes and alterations to the Rules and Procedures of the House and Senate, to catch the Republicans off guard, and to allow them the temporary chance to make phony decisions and take phony votes on the Queer Demand, that they have been paid to make a Queer Law for.
This changing of rules and regulations and procedures, at tactical times, to suit the demands of their paying customers, is not only bad government in the extreme -- it is not government at all!
It is openly and blatantly Criminal. But worse, it is Criminality that expects to get away with being so foul, because all Medias that would be expected to expose such evil doings, are themselves totally evil and want such Criminals Acts to be the ways of government.
This is what they want government to be, wherever they control the brainless masses that watch the Satan Tube, listen to the Filthy Monkeys, and read the Queer Newsrags.
To put it very obviously and clearly -- it is not the acts and deeds and occurrences of America.
It is the Sinister Crimes of DemoTopia.
DemoCraps are not Americans!
By now, you all know why the Republican Establishment is unable to prevent such Criminal Acts from being committed in Statehouses where the DemoCraps exist. Their greed makes them feeble and corrupted, and easily infiltrated by DemoCrap agents like the four moles in DemoNewYork --
James S. Alesi (55th District)
Roy J. McDonald (43rd District)
Stephen M. Saland (41st District)
Mark J. Grisanti (60th District)
The so-called Homosexuals have a Dung Rule #1 which they always follow ... "Strike and attack at the punks of greatest corruption, and turn them into Criminal Dupes for us!" Considering the corruption and greed that is rife in the Republican Establishment, it is no wonder that they are such poor opposition, when the DemoCraps commit Criminal Changes in the procedures and rules of government.
The sickening act of Debauchery and Crime that has been committed in DemoNewYork by the Vile Cuomo Whore, and its associated brothel partners, is Human Evidence #6 of the permanent evil and mental criminality that is everything which calls itself a 'Democrat'!
Our America, is a nation with a horrible cancer that is trying to eat away at our bodies, and our minds, and our children, and our future. It is a malignant and consciously malicious criminal organization called 'The Democrats'.
If we do not kill it...
It will kill us!
From what I have seen here today -- we Humans are very far from dead. In fact, we do not look like we are dying at all! There are decent and healthy Human families all over this place, having a great time!
And, the few Dumb DemoCraps (that were stupid enough to leave their sewers today and are out here with all of us Humans), are really suffering from Truth Shock!
The Humans know the Truth!
The Humans are not Afraid!
The Humans are having Fun!
The Humans know they will defeat the Cancer!
What a shock! For disappointed perverts.
Markel Peters
Thursday, June 30, 2011
By the way, that was a setup job (as always) where four moles, which were infiltrated into the Republican party for purposes such as this -- pretended to be RINOs-on-the-take. They pretended to be bought off by Cuomo and the DemoCraps of DemoNewYork. The supposed deal being that the four whores (dressed in RINO-Drag) were to be bribed to vote for Q&P MH in New York. The treachery hinged upon Cuomo guaranteeing them, that there would be enough Queer Republican Establishment money given to them, so that all four of them would be re-elected.
A Democrat Establishment swine, guaranteeing the use and control of Republican Establishment monies.
Does that tell you anything?
It is a lot of money
Queer money.
Where do you think that Queer Money will come from?
Is anyone out there smart enough to realize that it was a Rigged and False Decision?
Not a Human Decision. Not an Honest Decision. Not a People's Decision. Not the 'Will' of anyone, except the Masters of the SQLD -- who pay lots of money to any political prostitute that will play along with them, such as the four rats of DemoNewYork --
James S. Alesi (55th District)
Roy J. McDonald (43rd District)
Stephen M. Saland (41st District)
Mark J. Grisanti (60th District)
It's political corruption -- SQLD style. Coming to your kitchen and living room, as soon as possible. Just as soon as they can kill a family member of yours.
Meanwhile, back in the stench of the senate chambers in the Iowa Statehouse -- where the pantyhose business is still flourishing -- Madam Gronstal (or 'Little Miss Wussy Gron-stall', as it is being called out here) is existing in deep fear of losing the pantyhose franchise next year, in 2012.
The Queer Masters have ordered a new wave of attacks against all points of Human Resistance, because their punks at the Anuses, Perverts, and Alchemists (APA) have told them that the news of the killing of New York, by the 'Queers', will depress and demoralize all Humans -- who in 'professional life' they pretend to heal -- having ordered their victimization and depression to begin with. In a state of frustration and hopelessness, all Humans are supposed to be vulnerable now, to a massive nationwide assault.
At the same time, Madam Gron-stall is getting really nervous about losing its control over the Political Prostitution Business, that the DemoCraps have set up in the State Capitol building. It is a Private Business, which is why no Citizens are allowed into the Business Chambers, and no Whores in the chambers will ever talk to Mere Citizens.
I mean after all -- the Cathouse of the Four Monkeys across the street, used to be the Cathouse of the Seven Monkeys.
Three Monkey Judges are missing from the Business Center for Political Prostitution, at the State Capitol.
That has the Nasty Madam from Pottawattamie County, worried.
So .. with boring redundancy, the order has gone out from Madam Gron-stall to "treat every Human you can like shit" -- and -- "to get what you want, you have to attack the Humans!".
Of course, especially 'yours truly'.
ain't i special. gee.
I have heard the order myself, and what it does not say, says more than what the order does say.
"to get what you want" translates directly as: "no one gets anything until our best paying customers (the 'Queers') get control of DemoTopia" (duhhh, but we're too stupid to know dat)
"you must see any Resistance against the 'Homosexual Agenda' as Resistance against what You want and what You need -- which is what WE TOLD YOU IT IS to begin with. Which we never intend to give to you anyway, otherwise why would we be killing you? By killing off the 'Will of the People'?" (which you are supposedly too numb too realize)
"Wahhhh -- I might lose my position of status and power! (inside a living hell of political perversions and prostitutes) I might not be re-elected, if I cannot make every 'dumb ass' out there believe that it is the Humans that are their enemies -- and not BLOODSUCKING ME!!!!"
Is anyone out there experiencing a feeling of Deja-Vu?
Feeling like you have been here before?
Feeling like this has all happened before?
And, it was a disaster!
Well folks -- the disaster is Madam Gron-stall!
The DemoCraps help no one, except themselves to your money. DemoCraps only cater to paying customers, but with so many Idiots out there that were raised to be DemoCrap Fodder, there is still an audience of Imbeciles for even the most senile and puerile lies from the Madams of the Homosexual/Democrats.
If Madam Gron-stall thinks that I, or any other Human Resister, will be too merciful to pound the snot out of one (or ten) of its Idiots, and then have them give a full confession before Human Witnesses -- it is a very mistaken whore.
Dat fag is goin down!
Nasty Business is not what it used to be anymore.
Humans, do not want such filth and disease and dementia in their Statehouse, nor in their Government -- anywhere!
If it takes a Rundown and Roundup of bleating and braahhing stooges and 'dummies-for-the-democrats', until we have rounded up a herd of them -- and we have to drive them all to the lye pits for delousing -- then that is what will have to happen.
Or -- was that the 'Lie Pits' for deprogramming?
There is no hiding. The 'idiots-for-the-democraps' are the stupidest looking beasts in the farmyard. They cannot hide being that brainless. It shows all over them. At any meeting or gathering, just look for any piles of nasty dung on the rug; that are grinning, and saying "But, Mike said ..."
To make matters worse for them, they stupidly continue to watch the Satan Tube, listen to the Filthy Monkey Band, and read the crap-lies in the Queer Newsrags. And then, they expect us Humans to bail them out, shoot their TV sets for them (since they are too stupid to cut the cable and dump the satellite), and raise them all over again (as if from a Rebirth) to be the Human Beings that they should have become to begin with.
Before the DemoCraps and 'Queers' crapped in their brains.
They really are hopeless.
I, resist any feelings of pity for them.
I am not going to do it!
When I say "I Resist!" -- I mean it.
In particular, I am not going to spend a lot of time and effort repairing or raising millions of TV Zombies to be Humans, just to have them go back to watching the 'Boob Tube', like a bunch of Dunces and Dopes!
Which brings me to another topic.
Here in North America, the 'Sick-Sick-Sick' are getting sicker; and the 'What-the-Shock!' are getting more shocked (as more mud washes off the windshield); and the 'God Damn! That's Crap!' are getting more with God.
But, it is not happening in the ways that the SQLD intended. The Masters wanted (and need) a successful 'Divide and Conquer' technique, with which to destroy American Society from within.
It is simple. It is propaganda. Paint the Humans as Shit -- paint the 'Queers' as colorful Underdogs -- paint the DemoCraps as beneficial and wise Saviors-- paint the Moderates as 'Cheesburgers', useful for distracting and derailing Human Resistance ... and Vowallah!
Or, is that 'Vuu-Wallaah!' ?
"!Presto - Change-o!" The DemoCraps commit dirty tricks at the political level -- and suddenly we have a queered society of 'things' -- to be controlled by, and used to death by the Masters of the SQLD. (generation after generation)
however ...
Human Resistance.
Now, the two Planets are moving in opposite directions, fast.
The Dupes, Dopes and Dipshits are moving more and more into the dark depths of selfish depravity; having been told that they will find solace and success in their local Democrat Controller. (where the sun never shines)
The Humans are moving more and more towards the Light of Truth.
The very afraid 'Realizers', are realizing more and more just how awful this all is. In their panic and confusion, some of them become recruited by the swinish lies of the Dark Side. The rest are trying to become Humans.
The fabric is tearing.
The curtains are ripping apart.
The sign is on the wall
'Prelude to War!'
And, society is still intermixed -- far too much!
All of them are living amongst each other. The Masters want to use that fact, in order to get at and destroy the Humans, with the weapons of obedient slaves (to the SQLD), who still exist amongst the Human Populations.
But, it will not work, and a mandatory purging of the creatures of the DemoCraps and so-called Homosexuals from the Human populations will have to happen.
There has not been any such thing as 'harmless neighbors', in any DemoCrap or Homosexual/Moderate neighborhood, town, or city for decades now.
If it is a Homosexual/Democrat or a Moderate/Homosexual -- it wants you dead! As dead as it is!
So ... it is easy to see why the Mad Madam of Pottawattamie County thinks it can give out orders for the terrorizing of any and all Real Humans of the Real Iowa, who live within reach of its dutiful and homicidal slaves.
It worked in MassInsanity!
It worked in Vermont!
It tried to work in Iowa!
It wants to work everywhere it can!
With mottoes like "a lot of lies become the truth!" -- and -- "once a queer, always a queer!" -- no self-hating DemoCrap functionary or propagandist thinks it can be in a losing position.
What do I mean? Position!
I mean position of Power / Usury / Deception / Financial Success / Acclaim / Beautification / Worshiped / Adored / Obeyed.
Whatever it takes! Whatever it costs!
Most certainly, at the expense of those unwanted and miserable Humans.
One hundred and forty-six years ago, when Real Humans were fighting for Real Freedoms in the First Civil War of America -- words such as those which I have written here so far (and their true meanings) would have caused a world wide panic.
The mere thought that there would ever be, somewhere in the future, an enemy of mankind that is so grotesque and so vile and so murderous that it wants to exterminate the Human Species, after it has used it and bled it to death -- leaving in its place a world of monstrosities, controlled by hideous perverts -- would have scared and terrified the entire Planet Earth of 1865.
Today, that horrendous fate is being denied and refused by the Human Species, but conditions are increasing to a 'Separation Point'; where no Human will want to (or should have to) live anywhere near Demo-creatures that want Themselves, and their Children, and all Humans dead and gone forever.
Queer Lies -- don't work anymore.
The 'Sick-Sick-Sick' are getting sicker; and the 'What-the-Shock!' are getting more shocked (as more mud washes off the windshield); and the 'God Damn! That's Crap!' are getting more with God.
As before, the same Human Denial Tactics are now called for. Which are quite different from the lying denials of guilt, on the part of our enemies.
DENY -- any family member that instigates any attempt or grouping of family members against you for not being 'Queer', because you either escaped the queer programming of the queer pretend-teachers in the DemoCrap Schools, or you have a brain that will not die for the so-called Homosexuals.
DENY -- any pervert or perverts at the place where you work, the opportunity to conspire with fellow workers and/or managers in any attempt to degrade you, ridicule you, or replace you.
DENY -- any DemoCrap or DemoCraps at the place of business that you own, to conspire with fellow workers and/or managers in any attempt to degrade you, ridicule you, or replace you.
DENY -- anyone who claims to be your friend (but is really just a queer phony), any chance of using any perceived weakness of yours as leverage to confuse you, set you up, and eliminate you.
DENY -- any 'public official' any chance to pretend that it has any supposed or assumed right to harass you, harm you, or imprison you, because you do not comply with the demands of the Queered Society Assholes (civic leaders) that sign their paychecks.
DENY -- anyone the second breath to lie to you, and propagandize you with any form of queer indoctrinations and threats of reprisals, for your non-compliance with the demands of the so-called Homosexuals (civic leaders).
DENY -- any queer medias any opportunity to 'Shit In Your Brain' with any suggestion or implication that you deserve to be attacked and defamed and debrained (all under the guise of political correction), because you are a Horrible Resister ("bigot") against their favorite perversions and insanities.
And then -- Improvise!
Do what no minion of the SQLD can do.
Think, and be Creative.
Use Teamwork, and Collective Resistance.
You know, I heard a really good comment last month. It was in a conversation with some Resisters, and one of them just casually mentioned that the Madams and their lap dogs are complaining. Apparently, they have never suffered from so much Truth heaped upon their stinking lies before. It was just part of a statement about the twisted brains of the typical Democrat/Homosexuals, and the Human saying it was trying to make a different point, but it was absurdly true and funny. At first I laughed out loud, but the more I thought of it -- the idea of Homosexual/Democrat Liars complaining about the Truth -- the more I realized how sad a statement that really is.
The lesson here is -- Shut Your God-Damned Face Madam.
Markel Peters
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message. Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.
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- Cronies (1)
- Cronyism (1)
- Crop Duster (1)
- Crow Bait (1)
- Culinary (1)
- Cult (4)
- Cuomo (2)
- Cures (1)
- Curiosity (1)
- Danger (1)
- Dangerous (1)
- Dangers (1)
- Dark Side (1)
- Dash Cams (1)
- David Livingstone (1)
- Day (1)
- Day After (1)
- Dead (4)
- Death (6)
- Debate (1)
- Debauchery (1)
- Debt (1)
- Deceit (1)
- Decency (1)
- Deception (1)
- Decision (2)
- Decision Making (1)
- Decisions (1)
- Deductive (1)
- Deep Throat (1)
- Deer (2)
- Defendant (1)
- Defense (2)
- Defenseless (1)
- Degenerate (2)
- Delivery (1)
- Delta (1)
- Demented (1)
- Demented White Female (1)
- Dementia (1)
- Demo Delight Cupcakes (1)
- DemoCities (1)
- DemoCrap (2)
- Democrap Repellent (1)
- DemoCraps (27)
- Democrat (2)
- Democrat/Homosexuals (1)
- Democrats (10)
- DemoIowa (1)
- Demon (1)
- Demonism (1)
- Demons (1)
- DemoQueers (3)
- DemoRobot (1)
- DemoVermont (1)
- Denial (1)
- Depravity (1)
- Depth-of-Field (1)
- Depuke (1)
- Deranged Artificial Import (1)
- Deranged Murderer's (1)
- Des Aliens (8)
- Des Moines (1)
- Des Moines Rearsniffers (1)
- Desperate (1)
- Despicable (1)
- Despots (1)
- Destroyers (3)
- Destruction (1)
- Destructive (1)
- Detail (1)
- Deviate (2)
- Deviate Bug (1)
- Deviates (22)
- Deviation (1)
- Deviations (1)
- Devil (1)
- Devils (1)
- Diagram (1)
- Diagrams (1)
- Diapers (1)
- Diaspora (1)
- Diaz (1)
- Dick (1)
- Dictator (3)
- Dictatorial (1)
- Dictatorship (4)
- Dictionary (1)
- Dinosaurs (2)
- DIRTY (1)
- Dirty Electricity (1)
- Disable (1)
- Disappointment In Hell (1)
- Disaster (1)
- Discrimination (1)
- Disease (2)
- Diseases (1)
- Disinfectant (1)
- Disobedience (1)
- Dissatisfaction (1)
- Distrust (1)
- Divide and Conquer (1)
- Divine Comedy (1)
- Divorce (1)
- Doctor (1)
- Doctors (1)
- Document (1)
- Documentaries (2)
- Dogma (1)
- Dollars (1)
- Dolts (1)
- DOMA (2)
- Dominate (1)
- Dominoes (1)
- Don't (2)
- Don't Give A Shit (1)
- Don't look just get your guns (1)
- Donald Trump (1)
- Donations (2)
- Doom (2)
- Dose (1)
- DOT (1)
- Double Check (1)
- Double-Negative (1)
- Download (1)
- Downloading (1)
- Downsizing (1)
- DPI (1)
- Dracula (1)
- Dragonfly (1)
- Drain Lines (1)
- Drainpipes (1)
- Dream (6)
- Dreamers (1)
- Dreams (1)
- Dreamscape (1)
- Dresden (1)
- Drivers (1)
- Drof (1)
- Drof Squat (1)
- Drone (1)
- Drones (1)
- Drugs (2)
- Dubai (1)
- Dubuque (1)
- Due-To (1)
- Dumb (1)
- Dummies (3)
- Dump (1)
- Dumpster (1)
- Dumpsters (2)
- Dunce (1)
- Dunce Faggerlick (1)
- Dunced (1)
- Dunces (1)
- Dung Beetle (1)
- Dung Beetles (1)
- Dupes (1)
- Dutch (1)
- DWCs (1)
- Dyke (1)
- Dykes (1)
- Dysfunctions (1)
- Eagle (1)
- Eagle Grove (2)
- Early Morning (1)
- Early Voters (1)
- Earth (5)
- Earth Abides (1)
- East Coast (1)
- Economic Conditions (1)
- Economic Insanity (1)
- Ecstasy (1)
- Effingham (1)
- Effort (1)
- Egomaniacs (1)
- Egyptian (1)
- Eight Points (1)
- Eighteen Years Ago (1)
- Elder (1)
- Elders (1)
- Election (9)
- Election 2012 (1)
- Elections (1)
- Electric (1)
- Elementary School (1)
- Elimination (1)
- Elites (1)
- Elon Musk (2)
- Elucidation (1)
- Emancipation (1)
- Emergency (1)
- Eminent Domain (3)
- Emotions (1)
- Emphasis (1)
- Enculturation (1)
- Encyclopedia (1)
- Enemies (9)
- Enemy (1)
- Energy Companies (1)
- English (2)
- Enjoy (1)
- Enthusiasm (1)
- Environmental (1)
- Environmentalist (3)
- Equality (1)
- Equals (1)
- Escape (1)
- Establishment (4)
- EU/NATO (1)
- Europe (1)
- European Politicians (1)
- European Union (2)
- Eutherian (1)
- Eviction Notice (1)
- Evil (6)
- Evil Intentions (1)
- Evil Minded (1)
- Evil Persons (1)
- Evilness (1)
- Evils (2)
- Exercise (1)
- Expansion (1)
- Expendable (2)
- Expensive (1)
- Experience (1)
- Experiments (1)
- Expert Killers (1)
- Explanations (1)
- Explosions (1)
- Exposure (2)
- Expressions (1)
- Extinction (2)
- Extremists (2)
- Eyewitness Markel (1)
- Fables (1)
- Facebook (2)
- Faces (2)
- Facial (1)
- Facial Anuses (1)
- Factory (1)
- Fag (1)
- Faggerlick (1)
- Faggot (1)
- Faggots (4)
- Fags (2)
- FagSny (1)
- Fair (1)
- Fairies (1)
- Faith (1)
- Fake (1)
- Fake Authority (1)
- Fake Corporations (1)
- Fake News (2)
- Fake Revolutionaries (1)
- Fakery (3)
- Fallacies (1)
- False (4)
- False God (1)
- Falsehoods (1)
- Falsely-Colored (1)
- Families (1)
- Fantastic (1)
- Farm (1)
- Farmer (1)
- Farmers (4)
- Farmlands (1)
- Farms (3)
- Fart-Forces (1)
- Fascist (1)
- Fascists (3)
- Fat (1)
- Fat F*ck (1)
- Father (1)
- Favor (1)
- FBI (2)
- Fear (3)
- Fear Merchants (1)
- Federal (2)
- Federal Authority (2)
- Federal Offense (1)
- Federal Sucks (3)
- Federals (1)
- Feel (1)
- Felonies (1)
- Femi-Nazis (1)
- Feminists (1)
- Fiber Optic (1)
- Fiction (1)
- Field Manual (1)
- Fields (1)
- Fifth Columnists (1)
- Fight (2)
- Files (1)
- Film (1)
- Films (1)
- Filth (1)
- Filthy (2)
- Filthy Monkey (1)
- Filthy Monkeys (2)
- Final Death (1)
- Finalize (1)
- Fine Feathered (1)
- Fire (1)
- Fire Ecology (1)
- Fired (1)
- Firefox (1)
- FISA (1)
- Fisher (1)
- Fists (1)
- Five Evils (2)
- Fix (1)
- Flames of Truth (1)
- Fleas (1)
- Flies (1)
- Flogging (1)
- Flooding (1)
- Flop (1)
- Florida (1)
- Florida911 (2)
- Floyd (1)
- Flu (1)
- Fluffball (1)
- FM (2)
- Fodder Items (1)
- Fog-of-War (1)
- Folks (1)
- Followers (1)
- Foods (1)
- Fooled (1)
- Fools (2)
- For (2)
- For Sale (1)
- Forbidden (3)
- Forbidden Knowledge (1)
- Ford (2)
- Ford Reichers (1)
- Forearms (1)
- Foreign Aliens (1)
- Forests (1)
- Forever Perverted (1)
- ForeverLying (1)
- Format (1)
- Formula (1)
- Forrid (2)
- Forrid Abominations (3)
- Forrid Bug (1)
- Forrid Infestation (1)
- Forrids (2)
- Fort (2)
- Fort Dodge (5)
- Fort Dodge People (1)
- Foul (1)
- Four (1)
- Fourth of July (2)
- Fourth Reich (1)
- Franklin (4)
- Franklin County (1)
- Frankly Dead (1)
- Fraud (2)
- Fraudulent (1)
- Frazetta (1)
- Freaks (3)
- Freaks and Creeps (1)
- Free (2)
- Free Justice (1)
- Free Toys (1)
- Freedom (10)
- Freedom Movements (1)
- Freedoms (1)
- Freezing (1)
- French (1)
- French Poodle (1)
- Frog (1)
- Frogs (1)
- Frontline Fighting (1)
- Frozen (2)
- Frugal Queen (1)
- Fuel (1)
- Fundamentals (1)
- Funnel (1)
- Future (2)
- Future People (1)
- Galactic (1)
- Galaxy (3)
- Gallipoli (1)
- Game (5)
- Game of Shames (1)
- Game World (1)
- Gamers (1)
- Games (4)
- Games and Liars (1)
- Gang (2)
- Garden (1)
- Gargoyles (1)
- Gates to Hell (1)
- Gears With Lies (1)
- Gender (2)
- General (1)
- General Public (1)
- Generality (1)
- Genetic Engineers (1)
- Genocide (5)
- Genociders (1)
- Geographical (1)
- Geography (1)
- George Floyd (1)
- Georgia (1)
- Germany (3)
- Ghetto (1)
- Ghettos (1)
- Giant (1)
- Giveaways (1)
- Gladiators (1)
- Glenn Beck (2)
- Glitch (1)
- Global (1)
- Global Pump (1)
- Globe (1)
- Glockenturm (1)
- Glossary (1)
- Goals (1)
- God (6)
- God's Clerk (1)
- God's Will (1)
- Godless Deviates (1)
- Godlings (1)
- Gods (1)
- Godzilla (1)
- Gold (1)
- Golden (1)
- Golden Moments (1)
- Golden Ones (1)
- Golden Pimple (5)
- Good (1)
- Good Riddance (1)
- Goodness (1)
- Google (3)
- Gore (1)
- Gorillas (1)
- Government (11)
- Government For The People By The People (1)
- Government Sucks (1)
- Government That Must Die (1)
- Governor (1)
- GPS Zone (1)
- Grain (1)
- Grand Theft Election (1)
- GrandBugs (1)
- Grandma (1)
- Grease (1)
- Great Improvements (1)
- Great Plains (2)
- Great Unwashed Masses (1)
- Greece (1)
- Greed (4)
- Greedy (3)
- Green (1)
- Greenbelt (2)
- Greenbelts (2)
- Greene (1)
- Greeness (1)
- Grim Reaper (1)
- Grotesque (1)
- Group Think (1)
- Grouping (1)
- Groves (2)
- Growth (1)
- Grubs (1)
- Guaranteed (1)
- Guardian (1)
- Guilty (2)
- Gulag (1)
- Gun Bans (1)
- Gun-Haters (1)
- Guns (5)
- Guzzling (1)
- H1N1 (1)
- Hags Of Endless War (1)
- Hah (1)
- Hah Hah Hah (1)
- Hah! (1)
- Hairball (1)
- Halloween (1)
- Halsey (1)
- Hancock (2)
- Handgun (1)
- Handguns (1)
- Happening (1)
- Happiness (3)
- Happy (1)
- Happy People (1)
- Harassments (1)
- Harbingers (1)
- Hard Core Porno Weather (1)
- Harvester (1)
- Harvesters (2)
- Hate (1)
- Hate of Mankind (2)
- Hate Rally (1)
- Hate Team (1)
- Hatred (5)
- Haw-Haw (1)
- HBHZ (7)
- Heads (1)
- Healing (1)
- Health (1)
- Health Care (1)
- Health Departments (1)
- Health Insurance (1)
- Healthy (1)
- Hearkeneth (1)
- Heat (1)
- Heat Pads (1)
- Heaven (1)
- Heavens (1)
- Hegemony (4)
- Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid (1)
- Helicopters (1)
- Hell (7)
- Hell's Kitchen (1)
- Hellions (1)
- Hellish Contents (1)
- Hellish Triangle (1)
- Helmsman (1)
- Helter-Skelter (1)
- HEPA (1)
- Hercules (1)
- Herd Immunity (1)
- Here (6)
- Hereditary Enemies (1)
- Heron (2)
- Heterophobes (1)
- Heterophobia (1)
- Heterophobic (1)
- High Ground (1)
- High Spirits (1)
- Hijacked (1)
- Hillary (1)
- Hindus (1)
- Hispanic (1)
- Hispanics (2)
- Historians (2)
- Historical (2)
- History (4)
- HO (1)
- Hoax (2)
- Hoaxers (1)
- HObama (16)
- Hocus-Pocus (1)
- Hog Driver (1)
- Hoggers (1)
- Hogs (3)
- HollyQueer (1)
- Holocaust (1)
- Home Town (1)
- Homecoming (1)
- Homeless (1)
- HomeQueer Security (2)
- Homeschooling (1)
- Homo-Fascist (1)
- Homo-Fascists (6)
- HomoNazi (1)
- Homophiles (1)
- Homosexual (2)
- Homosexual Agenda (1)
- Homosexuals (5)
- Hong Kong (1)
- Honour (1)
- Hood (1)
- Horizon Stone (1)
- Horizons (1)
- Horrid (2)
- Horrid Domination (1)
- Horrid Zone (1)
- Horror (1)
- Horrors (1)
- Horses (1)
- Hosts (1)
- Hot (1)
- House (1)
- House Arrest (1)
- Howitzers (1)
- HTTP (1)
- HTTPS (1)
- Hucksters (1)
- Huffing (1)
- Huffingbutt's (1)
- Huffingbutt's Post (1)
- Human (28)
- Human Beings (2)
- Human Body (1)
- Human Candidate (1)
- Human Children (2)
- Human Helping (1)
- Human Information (1)
- Human Lessons (1)
- Human Life (1)
- Human Marriage (1)
- Human Resistance (4)
- Human Resistance Fighters (1)
- Human Species (3)
- Human Validity (1)
- Human Websites (1)
- Human Wedding (1)
- Human Will (1)
- Human-Haters (1)
- Humanity (1)
- Humanoid (1)
- Humanophobia (1)
- Humans (32)
- Humboldt (1)
- Humboldt County (1)
- Hurt (1)
- Hygiene (1)
- I am working (1)
- I saw the scum myself (1)
- I380 (1)
- I80 (1)
- IBM (1)
- Ice (3)
- Idea (1)
- Idealists (1)
- Identities (1)
- Identity (1)
- Idioot (1)
- Idiot (3)
- Idiot Voters (1)
- Idiots (10)
- Idle (1)
- IIIN (1)
- Il Duce (1)
- Il Duce Branstad (1)
- Ilinois Primary (1)
- Illinois (4)
- Illinois Family Institute (1)
- Illinois Primary (1)
- Illuminati (1)
- Illustration (1)
- Illustrations (2)
- Imagination (1)
- Imbecile (1)
- Imbeciles (2)
- Imitations (1)
- Immaterial (1)
- Imminent Targets (1)
- Immobility (1)
- Immune (1)
- Immunologists (1)
- Impact (1)
- Impala (1)
- Impatience (1)
- Imperial Dementia (1)
- Imperialism (3)
- Imperials (4)
- Imperium (1)
- Impertinent (1)
- Importance (1)
- Important (1)
- Important Aspects (1)
- Impossible (1)
- Improved (1)
- In Knowledge There Is Strength (1)
- Inauguration Day (1)
- Inclusion Demands Exclusion (1)
- Incrazies (2)
- Incrazy Freaks (1)
- Indebtedness (1)
- Independent (1)
- India (2)
- Indian (1)
- Indiana (1)
- Indians (1)
- Indicators (2)
- Indignity (1)
- Inductive (1)
- Industrial (1)
- Industries (1)
- Inevitable (1)
- Infamous (1)
- Infantile (1)
- Infiltrators (1)
- Infinity (1)
- Influenza (2)
- Information (1)
- Injections (1)
- Inner Reality (1)
- Innocent Earth (1)
- Insane (1)
- Insanity (3)
- Institute (1)
- Institutionalized (1)
- Intelligence (2)
- Intelligent (1)
- Intentions (1)
- Interest (1)
- Intermediate (1)
- Internet (8)
- Internet Service Provider (1)
- Interruption (1)
- Intersection (1)
- Intersections (1)
- Intimidation (5)
- Introduction (1)
- Invaders (2)
- Invasion (4)
- Invasion of Privacy (1)
- Investigators (1)
- Involuntary Explosions (1)
- Ionia (1)
- Iowa (26)
- Iowa Caucus (1)
- Iowa City (1)
- Iowa Falls (1)
- Iowa Ranger (1)
- IP Address (1)
- IRA (1)
- Islamophobia (1)
- Island (1)
- Islands (1)
- ISP (1)
- Issues (1)
- IT (1)
- It's On Their Heads (1)
- ITU (1)
- Jack-knife (1)
- Jackals (3)
- Jackson (1)
- Jeeps (1)
- Jeremiah (1)
- Jesus (2)
- Judge (4)
- Judges (12)
- Jumbo Tweets (1)
- Jumping (1)
- June (4)
- Junipero Serra (1)
- Junk Yard (1)
- Junkyard (1)
- Justice (2)
- Kaleidoscopic (1)
- Kangaroo (1)
- Karl Rove (1)
- Kentucky (1)
- Kenya (1)
- Kick (1)
- Kill (1)
- Killed (1)
- Killer (1)
- Killer AI (2)
- Killer BUWIs (1)
- Killer Queers (1)
- KN95 (1)
- Knife (1)
- Knowing (1)
- Knowledge (3)
- Known Universe (1)
- Kodak (1)
- Kold (1)
- Kum and Go (1)
- Kwik Star (1)
- Ladies of the Plains (1)
- Laminar Flow (1)
- Land of Oz (1)
- Landscape (2)
- Landscapes (1)
- Language (1)
- Last Time (1)
- Laugh (1)
- Laughing Sheep (1)
- Laughter (1)
- Laws (2)
- Lawyer Bitches (1)
- Lawyers (4)
- Leader (1)
- Leaders (3)
- Leadership (2)
- Leaks (1)
- Left Out (1)
- Legal (2)
- Legendary Offense (1)
- Legislation (1)
- Legislators (1)
- Legitimacy (1)
- Leprosy (3)
- Les Miserables (1)
- Lesbians (3)
- Lesie (1)
- lesie-turds (2)
- LESIES (1)
- less-supreme-than-anyone-else (1)
- Let It Go (1)
- Lethal (1)
- Lexapro (1)
- Liars (11)
- Liberals (3)
- Lice (1)
- Licenses (1)
- Lie (1)
- Lie Enough Rule (1)
- Lie Filters (1)
- Lies (25)
- Life (6)
- Lifeforms (1)
- Lightning (1)
- Limbaugh (1)
- Line Survey (1)
- Lions (1)
- Listeners (1)
- Little Brains (1)
- Little-Friend (1)
- Living-Dead (1)
- Loathed (1)
- Loathsome (1)
- Lock Screen (1)
- Logic (2)
- Logistics (1)
- Lonely (1)
- Long Term (1)
- Loonies (1)
- Loot (1)
- Lord (1)
- Losers (2)
- Lottery (1)
- Love (2)
- Love Ones (1)
- Low Earth Orbit (1)
- Lunacy (1)
- Lunatics (1)
- Lunkheads (1)
- Lying (3)
- Lying-Living-Death (1)
- Lyrics (1)
- M1A1 (1)
- Machine (1)
- Machines (1)
- Mad (1)
- Madam Gronstal (2)
- MadFaggot (1)
- Magical Powers (1)
- Magrag (1)
- Malcom (1)
- Malfeasance (1)
- Malicious (2)
- Man (2)
- Man Alone (1)
- Man-haters (1)
- Managers (1)
- Mandatory Response (1)
- Manhattan (1)
- Mankind (1)
- Mannerisms (1)
- Map of Shame (1)
- Maps (1)
- Marble Rock (1)
- Marijuana (2)
- Marktown (2)
- Marriage (17)
- Marriage-Hatred (1)
- Mars (1)
- Marvelous (1)
- Mason's Freaky (1)
- Mass (1)
- Mass Insanity (2)
- Massachusetts (1)
- Massacre (1)
- Masses (1)
- MassInsanity (3)
- Massive Big Business Farmers (1)
- Master Race (1)
- Masters (7)
- Masticate (1)
- Masturbate (1)
- Matt Barber (1)
- Mayor (1)
- McCain (1)
- Mearsheimer (2)
- Media (1)
- Medias (9)
- Medical Specialist (1)
- Medicines (1)
- Meditative (1)
- Meek (1)
- Mega Kudos (1)
- Members (1)
- Memories (1)
- Memory (1)
- Memphis (1)
- Men (3)
- Mens Room (1)
- Mental (3)
- Mental Disease (2)
- Mental Health (2)
- Mephisto (1)
- Merchants (3)
- Message (1)
- Messages (2)
- Metabolic Happiness (1)
- Metaphysically (1)
- Methodist Church (1)
- Methodologists/Propagandists (1)
- Methodology (1)
- Metropolis (1)
- Metropolitan (1)
- Mexican (1)
- Mexico (3)
- Michele Bachmann (2)
- Michelle Bachmann (1)
- MicroPimp (1)
- Microsoft (1)
- Middle-Managers (2)
- Midwest Population (1)
- Mighty (1)
- Military (5)
- Militia (1)
- Milky Way (1)
- Millenniums (1)
- Millionaire (1)
- Mind-fornicating (1)
- Mind-Fornicators (1)
- Mindless (1)
- Mindless Hoards (1)
- Mines (1)
- Mini-Nation (1)
- Miniature (1)
- Minions (1)
- Minister (1)
- Minnesota (2)
- Minnesota Politics (1)
- Minus (1)
- Mirror (1)
- Miscreant (1)
- Miserables (1)
- Missions (1)
- Mississippi (1)
- Mitt (the Rat) Romney (1)
- Mitt Romney (1)
- Mitt Romney Deal (1)
- Mobility (3)
- Mock Revolution (1)
- Model (1)
- Moderate (1)
- Moderates (11)
- Moderation (2)
- Moderna (2)
- ModoRat (1)
- ModoRat Pledge (1)
- Mommies (1)
- Money (3)
- Money for Votes (1)
- Monkey (16)
- Monkey Judge (1)
- Monkey Judges (9)
- Monkey Turds (1)
- Monkey-Judges (1)
- MonkeyPox (1)
- Monkeys (16)
- Monopoly (1)
- Monstrosities (1)
- Montage (1)
- Month (3)
- Month of Human Love (1)
- Months (1)
- Moon (2)
- Moon Rush (1)
- Moose (1)
- Moral High Ground (1)
- Mordor (5)
- More (1)
- Mortal Man (1)
- Mother Killers (1)
- Mother-in-Law (1)
- Mountain (1)
- Movement (1)
- Movie Star (1)
- Movies (1)
- Mower (1)
- Muffle (1)
- Mug (1)
- Multitudes (1)
- Murderer (1)
- Murderers (2)
- Murdering (1)
- Murders (1)
- Muscles (1)
- Music (1)
- Muslims (2)
- Must Work (1)
- Mutants (1)
- Mutual (1)
- Mutual Indebtedness (1)
- Mystery Question (1)
- Naive (1)
- Naked (2)
- Napoleon (1)
- Nascent (1)
- Nasty (2)
- Nation Building (1)
- National (1)
- Nations (1)
- NATO (2)
- Natt (1)
- Natural (1)
- Natural Environment (1)
- Natural Immunization (1)
- Natural Resource Depletion (1)
- Natural World (1)
- Nature (8)
- Nazis (2)
- NBC (1)
- NDAA (1)
- NEA (15)
- Nebraska (2)
- Nefarious (1)
- Neglect (1)
- Nero (1)
- Netherworld (1)
- Network (2)
- Neurons (2)
- Neuters (1)
- Nevada (2)
- Never (1)
- Never Vote (1)
- New (3)
- New Hampshire (1)
- New Hampshire Primary (1)
- New Jersey (1)
- New Years (1)
- New York (1)
- New York Plates (1)
- Newbies (1)
- News (3)
- Newsrag (3)
- newsrags (1)
- Newt Gingrich (1)
- Next Hideous Marriage (1)
- Niche (1)
- Nikon (2)
- NO MERCY (1)
- No Reactions (1)
- No-What (1)
- No-Who (1)
- NOM (3)
- Non-conformity (1)
- Non-Existent (1)
- non-Species (1)
- Nonsense (2)
- Normalized (1)
- North (1)
- North Carolina (1)
- North Carolina Cheerleaders (1)
- North Central Iowa (1)
- North Central Outdoors (1)
- Northeast (1)
- Nose (2)
- Not For Polite Society (1)
- Nothingness (1)
- Novices (1)
- Now (1)
- NPR (1)
- NRA (1)
- NSA (2)
- Nuclear (1)
- Nude Yack (2)
- Nulf (1)
- Nuremberg Rallies (1)
- Nutrition (1)
- Obamacare (1)
- Obeyed (1)
- Obliteration (1)
- Obnoxious (1)
- Observer (1)
- Obtuse (1)
- Odd Happenstance (1)
- Odor Stoppers (1)
- Of (1)
- Offense (1)
- Offenses (1)
- Office (1)
- Official (1)
- Oh Ick (2)
- Oklahoma (1)
- Old West (1)
- Olde (1)
- Olive Oil (1)
- Omicron (2)
- One Ball Of Dung (1)
- One Thousand (1)
- Onions (1)
- Online Storage (1)
- Ooze (1)
- Open Letter (1)
- Opera (1)
- Operating (1)
- Opiate (1)
- Opinions (1)
- Opportunists (4)
- Opposite Politics (1)
- Oppression (2)
- Optimal (1)
- Oral Arguments (1)
- Orangutans (1)
- Organisms (1)
- Organized Crime (1)
- Organized Criminal Religion (1)
- Organized Religion (1)
- Other Earth (1)
- Out (2)
- Out-Of-State (1)
- Outbreak (1)
- Outer Space (1)
- Outhouse (1)
- Outlaw (1)
- Outwards (1)
- Overdose (1)
- Owners (1)
- Oyolia (1)
- P-O-S (1)
- Pablum (1)
- Pachyderm (1)
- Pacific (1)
- Paid-For (1)
- Pains (1)
- Paint (1)
- Pansy Motoring (1)
- Panthers (1)
- Paradise (1)
- Parakeets (1)
- Parallel (1)
- Paraphernalia (1)
- Parking Lot (1)
- Partial List (1)
- Party (3)
- Party Players (1)
- Pastures (1)
- Pathetic (1)
- Patriot (1)
- PC Settings (1)
- Pebers (1)
- Pedophiles (1)
- Pelicans (3)
- Pentagon (1)
- Peons (1)
- People (11)
- People-haters (1)
- Perception (1)
- Perfect (1)
- Performances (1)
- Perpetual Civilization (1)
- Personal (1)
- Personal Health (1)
- Personality (2)
- Perversions (1)
- Pervert (3)
- Perverted (1)
- Perverted Article (1)
- Perverted Campaign (1)
- Perverts (3)
- Perverts Attack Human Woman (2)
- Pestilence (3)
- Peters (1)
- Petition (2)
- Petitions (1)
- Petty Dictators (1)
- Pharmaceutical (1)
- Phasers (1)
- Philosophy (1)
- Phoney (1)
- Phony (4)
- Phony Map (1)
- Phony Marriage (3)
- Photographers (1)
- Photographs (7)
- Photography (1)
- Photos (4)
- Physical (1)
- Physiological Abilities (1)
- Picasa (1)
- Pictures (4)
- Piggies (1)
- Pillage (1)
- Pimp's Faggot White (1)
- Pimple (2)
- Pink Flamingos (1)
- Piss (1)
- Piss Ants (1)
- Pizzazz (1)
- Place (2)
- Plague (1)
- Plains (2)
- Plan B (1)
- Planet (2)
- Planet Sinister (2)
- Planets (1)
- Planned Obsolescence (1)
- Plans (2)
- Plant (1)
- Plastic Agriculture (1)
- Playbook (1)
- Player (1)
- Playtimes (2)
- Plead (1)
- Pleasant Outings (1)
- Plight (1)
- Plus (1)
- Pocahontas (1)
- Podcast (3)
- Podcasts (2)
- Poison (1)
- Poke (1)
- Poland (1)
- Polaris (1)
- Polaris Ranger (1)
- Police (5)
- Political (1)
- Political Correctness (1)
- Political Corruption (1)
- Political Crimes (1)
- Political Gnomes (1)
- Political Lies (1)
- Political Machine (1)
- Politician (1)
- Politicians (16)
- Politico (1)
- Politics (27)
- Politics Game (5)
- Politics Gamers (1)
- Politics Gnomes (1)
- Politics Speak (1)
- Polls (1)
- Poor (2)
- Pope (1)
- Population (1)
- Population Control (1)
- Pornography (1)
- Porta Poddys (1)
- Positive (1)
- Possession (1)
- Post Office (2)
- Potatoes (1)
- Power (3)
- Power Companies (2)
- Powers (1)
- PPPP(-) (2)
- Prairie (2)
- Prayer (1)
- Pre-Queerapsy (1)
- Prepping (1)
- President (2)
- Presidential (2)
- Pressure (1)
- Presumptive (1)
- Pretend (3)
- Pretenders (4)
- Pretty Grotesque (1)
- Prevention (1)
- Price Gouging (1)
- Prices (1)
- Pride (1)
- Prideless (1)
- Principles (2)
- Prison (2)
- Prisoners (1)
- Prisons (1)
- Privacy (1)
- Private. (1)
- Producers (1)
- Production (1)
- Productive (1)
- Profiling (5)
- Progress (1)
- Progressive (1)
- Projected (1)
- Promotion (1)
- Promotions (1)
- Propaganda (31)
- Propaganda Campaigns (1)
- Propagandists (1)
- Proper (1)
- Property (1)
- Prophecy (1)
- Proponents (1)
- Proposals (1)
- Proposition 8 (1)
- Prosperity (1)
- Prostitution (2)
- Protected (1)
- Protection (1)
- Protest Signs (1)
- Protesters (1)
- Protestors (1)
- Proudless (1)
- Proudless Driving (1)
- Proverbs (1)
- Proves (1)
- Prunes (1)
- Pseudo-Socialism (1)
- Psych (1)
- PsychCreatures (1)
- Psychological (1)
- Pterodactyl (1)
- Public (3)
- Public Schools (2)
- Public/Political Schools (1)
- Puddy Tat (1)
- Punishment (1)
- Punk (1)
- Punks (1)
- Puppetry (1)
- Purity (2)
- Purple (1)
- Puss (1)
- Pustules (1)
- Putin (1)
- Putrid Defeat (1)
- Puttzies (1)
- Puzzle (1)
- Pyramid (1)
- Pyramids (1)
- Q-Sick (1)
- Q&AFF (1)
- Q&PMH (1)
- Quality (1)
- Queer (22)
- Queer and Phony Marriage Hatred (1)
- Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred (1)
- Queer Bully (1)
- Queer Calibration (1)
- Queer Coalition (6)
- Queer Coalitions (4)
- Queer Disney (3)
- Queer England (1)
- Queer for (1)
- Queer Godling (1)
- Queer Government (2)
- Queer Governments (1)
- Queer Hoax (1)
- Queer Legal (1)
- Queer Media Stroke (1)
- Queer Medias (8)
- Queer Moderates (1)
- queer newsrags (2)
- Queer Poll (1)
- Queer Propaganda (5)
- Queer Queens (1)
- Queer Romney (1)
- Queer SWATS (1)
- Queer Weather Chow (1)
- Queerapsy (4)
- Queeraptic (1)
- Queers (34)
- Queershit (11)
- QueerSwat (1)
- QueerSwats (1)
- Question (1)
- Questioning (1)
- Quis Quistie (1)
- Quugly (1)
- Rabbit Holes (1)
- Rabble-Rousers (1)
- Rabies (2)
- Rabies Monkeys (1)
- Raccoon (1)
- Raccoons (1)
- Race (1)
- Racial (1)
- Racial Profile (1)
- Racial Profiling (1)
- Racist (1)
- Rack (1)
- Radar (1)
- Radio (3)
- Radio Interference (1)
- Raid (1)
- Rain Cells (1)
- Rallies (1)
- Rampage (1)
- Ranger (1)
- Rape (4)
- Rape of Iowa (1)
- Rapidly-Dying (1)
- Rapists (1)
- Rat (3)
- Rat Romney (2)
- Rats (1)
- Ratshit (1)
- Ratshitters (1)
- Rattlesnake (2)
- Ravine (1)
- Reactions (1)
- Read (1)
- Reader 1 (1)
- Readers (3)
- Reading (1)
- Real (4)
- Real (Living) Iowa (1)
- Real America (1)
- Real Human (1)
- Real Humans (2)
- Real Iowa (4)
- Real Marriage (1)
- Real Men (1)
- Real People (1)
- Real Truth (1)
- Real White Man (1)
- Real Women (3)
- Real World (1)
- Reality (5)
- Realization (1)
- Really Ugly Asshole from Florida (1)
- Rear-Sniffers (1)
- Rearsniffers (1)
- Rearstiffers (1)
- Reasons (1)
- Reavers (1)
- Rebellion (1)
- Rebuild (1)
- Recordings (2)
- Recreation (1)
- Recruits (1)
- Red (1)
- Red-Assed Baboons (1)
- Refurbishment (1)
- Refusal (1)
- Regime (2)
- Regime of Terror (1)
- Regiments (1)
- Regimes (1)
- Regulations (1)
- Reich (1)
- Reid (5)
- Rejection (1)
- Rejuvenated (1)
- Relativity (1)
- Religion (4)
- Religions (1)
- Religious (1)
- Remagen (1)
- Remedies (1)
- Remnants (1)
- RepoCrap (1)
- RepoCraps (2)
- Representation (1)
- Reptiles (1)
- Repu-Scooper (1)
- Republican (3)
- Republicans (4)
- Republiscams (1)
- RepuCrap (1)
- RepuCraps (11)
- Repugnance (1)
- Research (1)
- Residents (1)
- Resistance (14)
- Resolution (2)
- Resources (1)
- Revenge (1)
- Reversal (1)
- Reverse Bang (1)
- Revolution (11)
- Revolutionaries (2)
- Revolutionary (1)
- Revolutions (1)
- Rhetoric (1)
- Rich (1)
- Richard Egan (1)
- Riches (1)
- Rick Santorum (7)
- Riddle (1)
- Ridge (1)
- Riding (1)
- Rifles (2)
- Right (1)
- Ring (1)
- Ringgenberg (1)
- RINOs (2)
- Riot (1)
- Riots (2)
- River (4)
- Rivers (1)
- Road Kill (1)
- Robotic (1)
- Robots (2)
- Rodent (1)
- Rodentia (2)
- Rodents (2)
- Role-Players (1)
- Rolling Hills (3)
- Roman (1)
- Romans (1)
- Romney (7)
- Romney Rat (1)
- Romulan (1)
- Rove (1)
- Royalty (1)
- Rude (1)
- Ruination (2)
- Ruined Franklin County (1)
- Ruinous (1)
- Rule (1)
- Run (2)
- Rural (2)
- Russia (2)
- Russian (1)
- Russian-Style (1)
- Ryan (3)
- Sabetha (1)
- Sadism (1)
- Sales Creatures (2)
- Salt Lake City (1)
- Sam Houston (1)
- Same-Sex (1)
- Sanctuary (1)
- Sane (1)
- Sanity (4)
- Santa Clause (1)
- Sarcasm (1)
- Sargasso (1)
- Sargent-Major (1)
- SAS (1)
- Satan (4)
- Satan Tube (1)
- Satanic (5)
- Satanic Symbols (1)
- Satanism (1)
- Satanism Everywhere (1)
- Satellite Radio (1)
- Saxophone (1)
- Sayeth (1)
- Scale (1)
- Scam (1)
- Scheme (1)
- Science (1)
- Science Priests (1)
- Scissors (1)
- Scorpion (1)
- Scotland (2)
- Scott Lively (1)
- Scourge (1)
- Scream (1)
- Screams (1)
- Screeches (1)
- Screwed (1)
- Scruffy (1)
- Sculpture (1)
- Scum (3)
- Scummies (1)
- Scuzz (2)
- Search Engines (3)
- Season (1)
- Secession (1)
- Secrecy (1)
- Secret (1)
- Seething Hatred (1)
- Self (1)
- Self Defense (1)
- Self-Destruct (1)
- Self-Medicine (1)
- Self-Recrimination (1)
- Senior Centers (1)
- Sense (1)
- Serengeti (1)
- Sergeant Majors (1)
- Sermons (1)
- Servants (1)
- Setup (1)
- Seven Monkey Judges (1)
- Sewage Backups (1)
- Sex (2)
- Sexless (1)
- Sexless Internet Censors (1)
- Sham (2)
- Shame (1)
- Shattered and Gone (1)
- Sheep (2)
- Sheeple (1)
- Sheriff (1)
- Sheriffs (1)
- Shit Grinner's Mask (1)
- Shithead (1)
- Shock (1)
- Shooting (2)
- Shout (1)
- Shrinking (1)
- SHTF (1)
- Shut-Ins (1)
- Side Effect (1)
- Side of Evil (1)
- Side of Light (2)
- Signatures (1)
- Silence (1)
- Sing (1)
- Single Topic (1)
- Sinister (4)
- Sites (1)
- Six (1)
- Six-legged (1)
- Skeletons (1)
- Skies (1)
- Skunk (2)
- Slash (1)
- Slaughter (2)
- Slaughterhouse (1)
- Slaughterhouses (1)
- Slavery (4)
- Slaves (7)
- Slavs (1)
- Sledgehammer (1)
- Sleepyheads (1)
- Slime (3)
- Slither (1)
- Small towns (1)
- Smelltone (1)
- Smelltone John (1)
- Smothered (1)
- Sneaky Cat (1)
- Sneeeeze (1)
- Snow (2)
- Snow Queen (1)
- Snowflake (1)
- Snowplows (1)
- Social Insanity (1)
- Social Norms (1)
- Social Order (1)
- Social Standard (1)
- Socialism (1)
- Socially Prominent (1)
- Society (5)
- Society Country (1)
- Sodom (1)
- Sodomy (1)
- Something (1)
- Song (2)
- Songs (1)
- Sonnet (1)
- Sony (2)
- Soon (1)
- Sorrento (1)
- South (1)
- South Carolina (1)
- South Dakota (1)
- Southwest Wisconsin (1)
- Southwestern (1)
- Southwestern Wisconsin (1)
- Sovereignty (1)
- Space Marine (1)
- Space Marines (1)
- Space X (1)
- Spaghetti (1)
- Spawn (1)
- Speakers (1)
- Spears (1)
- Special Environments (1)
- Species (14)
- Speech (2)
- Spiders (1)
- Spies (3)
- Spirals (1)
- Spirit (1)
- Spirit of Battle (1)
- Spiritual (2)
- Splatter (1)
- Splendiferous (1)
- Spontaneous (1)
- Sport (1)
- Spy (1)
- SQLD (17)
- Square (1)
- SQUIRM (2)
- Squirms (1)
- Squirrel (1)
- SSA Funds (1)
- SSID (1)
- Stab (1)
- Standard of Measurements (1)
- Star (2)
- Star Lux (1)
- Starship (1)
- State (2)
- State Police (1)
- Statehouse (1)
- States (5)
- Statesmanship (1)
- Statistical (1)
- Steel Beauty (1)
- STEM (1)
- STEM Priests (1)
- Stench (2)
- Steve Deace (2)
- Stinking Body Count (1)
- Stooges (2)
- Stoopid (1)
- Storm (1)
- Straight (1)
- Straights (1)
- Strategy (1)
- Straw (1)
- Stream (2)
- Street Cleaning Machines (1)
- Strength (1)
- Stress (1)
- Stupefied (1)
- Stupid (1)
- Sub-Language (1)
- Sub-tongues (1)
- Subjugation (1)
- Subsidies (1)
- Suffer (1)
- Sugar Cube (1)
- Suicide (1)
- Sunrise (1)
- Sunset (2)
- Super Cargo (1)
- Superior (2)
- Supervisors (3)
- Suppository (1)
- Suppression (2)
- Supreme (2)
- Supreme Court (1)
- Surprise (1)
- Surveillance (1)
- Survivalism (1)
- Survive (1)
- Surviving Surviving (1)
- Survivors (1)
- Suspicion (1)
- SUVs (1)
- Swans (1)
- Swine (3)
- Swing (1)
- Symptoms (1)
- Syncretism (1)
- Syndicate (1)
- Synonymous (1)
- Taboo (1)
- Tandem (1)
- Target (1)
- Targets (2)
- Taste Tests (1)
- Tax (1)
- Tax Credits (1)
- Tax Monies (1)
- Taxes (2)
- Tea Party (3)
- Teachers (1)
- Teachers Unions (1)
- Teaching (1)
- Tech Giants (1)
- Technologist (1)
- Technology (1)
- Telecom (1)
- Telecommunications (1)
- Teleconferencing (1)
- Telegraph (1)
- Telephone (1)
- Television (1)
- Temporary Zombies (1)
- Tenderloin (2)
- Tennessee (1)
- Termites (1)
- Terrain (1)
- Terrible (1)
- Terrible Amounts of Windmills (1)
- Terror (1)
- Terror-Squads (1)
- Terrorism (4)
- Terrorist (1)
- Terrorist Driving (1)
- Terrorists (6)
- Test (1)
- Texas (2)
- Texas1984 (3)
- Texas1984 Plates (1)
- Textbooks (1)
- Thanks (1)
- Thanksgiving (1)
- The Hindenburg (1)
- The Rat (1)
- The Train (1)
- Theater (1)
- Them (3)
- Then (1)
- Therapy (1)
- Thieves (1)
- Thing (1)
- Think (3)
- Thinking (4)
- Third Party (1)
- Third-Degree Burns (1)
- Third-world (1)
- This (1)
- Thought Police (1)
- Threat (1)
- Thuggees (1)
- Thugs (1)
- Thunderstorm (1)
- Ticks (1)
- Time (1)
- Timeline (1)
- Timothy (1)
- Tinker Pots (1)
- Titonka (1)
- Toadie (1)
- Togetherness (2)
- Too (1)
- Toolbox Brains (1)
- Toosk (1)
- Topics (1)
- Tornado (1)
- Torture (1)
- TotalForce (1)
- Touch (1)
- Tough History (1)
- Tourists (1)
- Town (2)
- Toy Scouts (1)
- Toys (1)
- Tracking (1)
- Tractors (1)
- Traffic (1)
- Trailers (1)
- Traitors (1)
- TransFreaks (1)
- Transmission Lines (1)
- Transmitter (1)
- Transparency (1)
- Transportation (1)
- TransSlime (2)
- Trap (1)
- Trash (2)
- Trashbender (1)
- Trashblender Medias (1)
- Travel (1)
- Travelers (1)
- Treachery (2)
- Treason (1)
- Trees (2)
- Tribes (1)
- Tribunal (1)
- Trick (2)
- Tricks (1)
- Trip (1)
- Troop (1)
- Troops (1)
- Truck (1)
- Truck Drivers (1)
- Trucks (1)
- Trump (4)
- Trumpers (1)
- Trusteth (1)
- Truth (26)
- Truths (2)
- Turds (1)
- Turn Your Cell Phones OFF -- The Deviates Are Calling All Cell Phones With Gifts Of Queershit. (1)
- Turtle (1)
- TV (18)
- TV Anchor (1)
- TV God (1)
- TV Turds (2)
- TV Watchers (3)
- TV-Ignoring (1)
- TVP World (1)
- Twenty Ways (1)
- Twisted (1)
- Twisted Skulls (1)
- Twisted Species (3)
- Two (1)
- Tylenol (1)
- Type A (1)
- Type B (1)
- Tyranny (3)
- U-boats (1)
- Ublacklist (1)
- Uganda (1)
- Ugliness (2)
- Ugly (1)
- Ugly Cities (1)
- Ugly Looking (1)
- Ukraine (4)
- Unauthorized (1)
- Unauthorized Authority (1)
- Undermine (1)
- Understanding (2)
- Underwear (2)
- Unexpectedly (1)
- UnHuman (1)
- UNI (1)
- Uniforms (1)
- Union (1)
- Unions (1)
- United States (2)
- Universal (1)
- Universal Constant (2)
- Universal Facts (1)
- Universe (2)
- University (1)
- Unlettered (1)
- Unns Gang (1)
- Unsuspecting (1)
- Untimely (1)
- Unvarnished (1)
- Unwashed Masses (1)
- Update (1)
- Upgrade (1)
- Upload (1)
- Upwards (1)
- Urban (1)
- Us (1)
- Useless Cretins (1)
- Utah (2)
- Utility (3)
- Utility Board (2)
- Utility Board Pigs (1)
- Utility Vehicle (1)
- Utility Vehicles (1)
- UTVs (2)
- Vaccinated (1)
- Vaccinations (1)
- Vaccines (2)
- Vagabond (1)
- Vaginas (1)
- Validity (2)
- Values (2)
- Various (1)
- Varmints (1)
- Vaseline (1)
- Vermin (3)
- Verminous (1)
- Vermont (1)
- Very Tiny Brains (1)
- Vice-President (1)
- Victim (1)
- Victims (5)
- Victory (1)
- Video (7)
- Video Links (1)
- Videos (5)
- Videos About Poland (1)
- View (1)
- Villainy (1)
- Violins (1)
- Virginia (2)
- Virus Spreaders (1)
- Virus Times (1)
- Virus War (1)
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Fakery and Fake Fakery
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!
The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.