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Thursday, October 2, 2014

These Are The Rape Years Of Iowa -- Boycott Des Moines!!!!

The following is not for the 'Meek' that will lose the Earth and inherit Hell, for their cowardice and complete lack of fortitude and awareness.


I am reminded of the huge BUWI He/She/It driver, with the fluorescent t-shirt with a ButtUgly Windmill on it; and a nasty threat to all Iowans printed next to the ButtUgly Windmill.

I had just stopped for fuel at a truckstop in Clinton, and I found that there was a BUWI driver there (with a load of death for Iowa) shouting threats against all Iowans. It strutted about the parking lot and inside the truck stop, farting and wagging its fat and white homo-fascist ass. It was threatening to bury Iowa under ButtUgly Windmills, for not wanting to be queer!

The eight fists and eight forearms of the four sex helpers (that were with Her/Him/It) all applauded and giggled and laughed, with short and clipped snapping sounds. When not all together in the cabin of the truck, with the 'thing' -- doing very pornographic filth -- those scum were driving the 'pilot cars' for the oversized truck that was carrying the fatal parts. Driven, by a (just smart enough to hold a steering wheel) 350 pound fat fuck from the East.

The entire queer assemblage, was bringing more instruments of genocide into Iowa for the BUWI Bastards and Bitches; and had stopped at the truck stop in Clinton with their cargo of death. As it was the first truckstop inside of Iowa, on their route, they took that opportunity to shout threats and make terrorist comments. Those BUWI Queers were openly 'Queer', and announcing their intentions of destroying Iowa. And then, they gave it all away. The It/He/She (shaking its torso with pseudo-feminine anger) said that there would be no place left for “peters to take pictures” without ButtUgly Windmills being in the way.

Logistically, that means that the entire state is to be blanketed with ButtUgly Windmills.





From the mouths of PornoBUWIs (queer to the max) comes the Ultimate Truth of the BUWI intentions.

That, was a very instructive and revealing experience. Minus the pornography of course.

[[What did they do? In the parking lot after I left?]]

That, is the Truth which all Iowans are forbidden to know about the BUWI intentions. That, is the Truth behind the BUWI Propaganda. That, is what is really happening with every piece of BUWI trash that they exhibit at political rallies and conferences.


As the title indicates -- this message is about the Culture of Alienation and State Death that exists in, and controls, Des Moines.

The Des Moines sewer culture of wise-ass, know-it-all, greedy-for-lifestyle, elitists is what has brought these rape years upon Iowa. The people of Des Moines, have failed utterly to keep such self-grooming hogs in check. The only logical choice therefore, is to boycott the entire lot of anti-nature aliens -- as they have proven themselves to be.

Henceforth -- I shall Boycott all relationships and dealings with Des Moines. Known, from now on, by the moniker of its anti-nature -- 'Des Aliens'.

Any neighborhood that demonstrates that it shares our pain, and the disruption and misery of Nature caused by the ButtUgly Windmills -- by installing fifty (50) full-sized ButtUgly Windmills on their properties (over their houses) will have the boycott lifted from their community. Whereupon, I will gladly frequent their community whenever I am in that area. Otherwise, I will only travel through Des Aliens on the Interstate Highways, when necessary.

That is the end of Des Moines for myself and any other Humans who join with me in this permanent and forever Boycott.

Thus begins, 'Des Aliens'.


A general discussion of the awfulness of ButtUgly Windmills is therefore appropriate at this time.

I shall present that information in episodic form.


One of the most obvious and ghastly evidences of the extreme level of political corruption that is involved in the ButtUgly Windmill Industry -- is not where the ButtUgly Windmills are -- but, where they are not.

At these places, there are no ButtUgly Windmills in sight:

Council Bluffs
Des Aliens
Iowa City
Cedar Vapids (formerly Cedar Rapids) -- there is one (1) just south of there, but it cannot be seen from the center of the Vapids.

These are all centers of White Homo Fascism, and queer as a money-laundered three dollar bill. They are infamous holes of anti-Life pestilence and the Queerism Disease.

Not a single ButtUgly Windmill can be seen from those styes of DemoCrapia.

Do you think that is a coincidence?


Remember -- the BUWIs are the same assholes that perpetuated the Global-Warming Hoax, which they had to rename as Climate Change -- when it was revealed by their own emails that there were no such causes and conditions as they claimed were part of the Global Warming Scam.


Where are the flocks of birds? I have never seen a flock of birds of any kind flying near, or around, or through the sewers of Queer Sphincters In The Sky!

Why do phony environmentalists not care about that? Why do phony environmentalists care only about ButtUgly Windmills?

Where are the birds?

Prove I am wrong!

Do not fake it with captured flocks of birds!

[[What should false environmentalists really call themselves? If you stuck the business end of a shotgun into the ear of a BUWI fake environmental token, and said -- “What are you!” -- what would it say? Would it still be lying? Does it know what it really is?
Well, the term 'enviro' would have to be removed, as they do not deserve it. I am thinking of -- 'Crap-in-your Mental'(ists). But, I would like to hear what you come up with.]]


Where is the full disclosure of all phases of the BUWI destruction of America?

How many millions of ButtUgly Windmills do the BUWIs intend to foul the Earth with?


We have already reached such an advanced state of decay and corruption and ugliness because of the BUWIs -- that it is now a 'plus' and a selling point (and a realty advertising benefit) if your town is not attacked by, and loused by, and infested with ButtUgly Windmills -- like the following towns in Iowa are:

Iowa Falls, IA
Pomeroy, IA
Fonda, IA
Adair, IA
Blairsburg, IA
Mount Carmel,IA
Green Mountain,IA
Schaller,IA -- in Schaller the DemoCrap Bosses have put up a sacrificial alter for praying to their ButtUgly Windmill Idols.


To greedy bastards and bitches -- everyone in Iowa was born to be screwed, blued and tattooed with a BUWI ID number.


Designing towns and buildings for pleasing appearances and architecture is now absurd, anywhere within 10 miles of the ButtUgly Windmill graveyards.

This represents a serious demise of rural architecture. I say rural, because the scum that build the ButtUgly Windmills are careful not to put up those Sphincters In The Sky in cities of Greedy Voters -- where they really belong.


Since the ButtUgly Windmills alter the natural migration routes of all birds, wherever they are built, is that not illegal? Is that not harassment and threatening activity against the birds that are affected by the ButtUgly Windmills?

Answer: Most certainly. It is legalized attempted genocide.


Watch this -- next, the BUWIs will train flocks of new birds to fly through their Sphincters In The Sky and then claim that those birds have no difficulty with ButtUgly Windmills during their (fake) migration flights.

Kinda makes you sick -- don't it?

You know what the BUWIs will say -- this was all factored into the environmental impact statement for the ButtUgly Windmills.


One environmental impact statement?

For states smothered by ButtUgly Windmills?

What prostitute piss-ant-for-hire approved that environmental impact statement? You know the answer. I showed you a picture of that fat queer freakshow.

And -- where is that statement?

I cannot find it on the Internet!!!!!

Why do the People of America not have free access to that queer environmental impact statement?

Who or what is hiding it?

And, why do the People of America not have direct access to the next terrible plans of the BUWIs? And the next? And the next?


You see, their atrocious and absurd lies that their ButtUgly Windmills are slender and graceful (like the cracks of their asses, they hope) are why I can describe those ugly machines as ButtUgly all day long.

Assholes are ugly, and if the Truth be known -- assholes are meant to never be seen and seldom heard -- which I know is politically incorrect -- so I guess I will never be on TV.

Gee -- think of all the assholes I will miss.



The only times that the ButtUgly Windmills look half-way acceptable are when they are almost invisible -- such as in white-outs, heavy snow, very dense fog, or moonless nights -- if the lights are off.

At night, anywhere within 10 miles of the ButtUgly Windmills, the skies and the land look like they have been diseased with some kind of flashing red Night Measles. A Night Measles infliction, that makes Iowa look like something out of a demented alien's home-sick landscape. In Reality, it is the result of the -- 'WE DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOU!' attitude of the BUWIs -- which you are never supposed to have enough intelligence to realize is directed against you --
and your children -- and their children -- and their children -- and their children --
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Well, after all -- the BUWIs have a lot of reason to expect none of you to know what they are really doing.

You vote.

BUWIs hide their true identities and their real intentions, like Queer Coalitions try to smother and hide the real states that they pretend to be, and want to replace. And, to all such swine -- as long as you continue to Vote, you must be fooled (successfully) and a dupe of the political games of it all.

Watch TV -- lose all.

Vote -- and you are hopeless. Unless, of course, you are sinister.

Sinister -- in a Sinister World -- on Planet Sinister.


What was the first question that the queer BUWIs asked to each other, about where to put their ButtUgly Windmills?

It should have been -- “Where is there the most wind for our innocent machines?”

Instead, it was -- “Where are the most greedy and stupid people for our (bleep) ugly machines?”


Il Duce Branstad -- Prison Warden:

Hah, the city idiots think they have a right to rape Iowa!

That is the exact same imbecility that their ancestors did to the American Indians -- all of whom are now living on Indian Reservations.

This time, Real Iowans are being targeted as the ignorant and inferior race; and Iowa is being turned into a reservation, to exist for the greed and expediency of the pseudo-environmental (anuses), the ModoRats, and all politicians.

Il Duce Brandstad, is nothing more than a prison warden in charge of the Iowa Reservation/Junk Yard. The indian reservations had indian agents in charge of them. Iowa, has the little Dictator Branstad in charge of it -- entirely for the benefit of the greedy (anuses) outside of Iowa -- while taking advantage of the greedy assholes (oops!) that have been deliberately raised to be such, inside of Iowa.

In the indian wars -- indian tribes were used against all other indians to subdue them, cheat them, rape them and put them on reservations -- then the collaborators too were raped and put on reservations.

Today in Iowa, the stupes and imbeciles of Des Aliens are being used to subdue and enslave the rest of all Iowans -- then, they too will be subdued and put in chains (mental and/or physical).

Finally, Iowa will be a White Slave Reservation -- owned and operated by the greedy bastards and bitches outside of Iowa -- using the greedy hog bastards and hog bitches inside of Iowa.


Why is this country not using nuclear energy to power the growing needs of the nation?


1. A Big Business network of Global-warming frauds (fake environmentalists) that want to get rich over the dead bodies of farmlands across the Midwest.

2. The things inside the Energy Genre (filled with Government Sucks and Global-warming Scammers) are too feeble and puerile and pissant to build and operate safe nuclear power plants.

So, what can be done about that?

Answer: I favor telephone poles myself. Ornamented telephone poles. Christmas early!

The other obvious answer is to hire foreign nations (that are good with all things nuclear) to come to America, and build a lot of nuclear power plants here. At each nuclear power facility, a town for the foreigners would have to be built and given to that nation as their land by treaty agreement. That would create hundreds of islands of foreign lands here in America, each related to a nuclear power plant; but that is the price a nation has to pay for having Perverts run the Energy Departments and 'Alternate' Energy Styes.

Degenerates are, after all, dedicated only to Degeneration. And with Degeneration, comes the Inability to function and maintain -- anything.


Oh, by the way -- do you see all of those RepuCrap political posters along the Iowa highways these days? For Il Duce Branstad and its cronies? That kind of mass advertising/brainwashing is exactly what happens when Mexican and Central American Dictators come up for 're-election'; and all of their past sins, and lies, and crimes against the State must be covered over, and the Idiot Voters must be intimidated one more time.

Welcome to the Dictatorship State. And, we only grow one tator at a time in this State -- thank god.

The lives of every Real Iowan have been diminished, stained, and tarnished by the greedy whoring and political machinations of the Little Duke From Hell; and its alliances with the DemoCraps, Monkey Lawyers and Monkey Judges. And now, signs for its re-election litter the Iowa Landscapes -- paid for by its partners in Crime and the Hot Tub.

And, you know -- those scum would not be spending their money on a campaign for Il Duce if they did not expect that there are enough 'Idiots that have been Lied To' still existing in Iowa to hold at least a minimal election with.

It is no wonder the Hispanics here expect to rule this state within thirty years. Who is going to prevent that? The Wussy Mafia of Polk County?


More later,

Markel Peters

Sunday, September 28, 2014

People -- Now Is The Time To Upgrade -- From Windows 8 to 8.1:

Please read all of this before proceeding.


I was mildly curious when I noticed that a new laptop I had ordered will arrive with Windows 8.1 So ... I said -- “Self. If that one will arrive with Windows 8.1, why have these others using 8? What is the difference?” So, I investigated and decided to upgrade now; before the next laptop arrives.

I was none too happy with Windows 8, and by now most of the planet knows why. I guess a lot of people just have to find out the hard way that something is really bad. I have been telling people about the Five Evils and the Monkey Lawyers and the Monkey Judges (and how horrible it all is) for decades now; and still, many people just do not get the message until it happens to them too. In the case with the Deviates; by then it is too late, and the things are claiming your soul, life, children and possessions.

My problem is -- I cannot in all good conscience allow so many people to be damaged and exposed to such lying perversions -- just to prove a point, and for my messages to be seen as the Truth that they really are.


Windows 8, is surely an example of that. It is too bad that so many people have had to suffer from Windows 8, just to find out that I was right about what I said before -- about the Never-ending Windows Scam.

But, this message is not about scolding Microsoft. What I want to do here, is to urge all of you to upgrade to Windows 8.1 -- and to tell you how to do it.

Yes -- Windows 8.1 -- IS BETTER!

Follow these simple steps. Please do it my way, because I know this works right.


ONE. On the Internet, locate the website at Microsoft that is the download page for Windows 8.1. Mark it. Bookmark it. DO NOT USE IT NOW! Write down the web address if you have to -- you will return to it later.


TWO. Turn off all applications that you are running, and keep on your Internet browser. Put on some innocuous page like the Google homepage; something that will just be there, and not actively cause traffic. Minimize that while it is still on. Get it off your desktop, but still running (so, you are still connected to the Internet).


THREE. Go to your Control Panel. Inside the selections of the Control Panel you will find 'Windows Update'. If it is not there for some reason, you have other issues to correct before you can do all of this.

Open 'Windows Update', and make it search for all possible updates. The results will come in two parts -- Important, and Optional.

To properly upgrade to Windows 8.1 -- you must first update all of the important items for Windows 8 -- which includes an update of the Update Service itself, which you might see first. You may have to restart the computer after that.

Update Windows 8 with all of the available Important Updates for that. This will take time. Hours maybe. You will have to watch over it, while the update process happens. You will want to know if the computer gives you any strange messages or warnings or says something is missing. Usually, the computer will download the Important Updates and then automatically start to install them. The install process, can make the computer restart several times -- sometimes giving you messages that only a percentage has been installed, and then it restarts again. When all of the restarts are done, the update process is finished.

[[You should not have to go through the Log On screen each time, but if for some reason you do -- just do it. This is one reason why you must watch over it.]]

It is very wise for you to leave the Internet on (Hotspot, modem etc) and cycle the computer several times manually after this.

That means, when the computer says it is finished; turn it off. Make things so when you turn the computer on again, it will connect to the Internet automatically (if you can, otherwise you will have to do it manually). When the computer reboots, and you have logged on, and after it has gone back to stasis; invariably it will start to do some more adjustments to the updates that have just been loaded -- PLUS -- a bunch of programs in your computer will start to update themselves via the Internet. You have to let that all happen.

You should have some kind of Internet Monitor like 'BitMeter' to show you what is happening (traffic wise). You MUST also have an operational Internet Firewall on at the same time. The firewall should not interfere with these processes, but it will keep assholes out of your computer. Keeping your computer non-political.

When the computer seems to have gone through all of those updates and is happy -- and BitMeter shows no more Internet Traffic -- shut off the computer again. Repeat this cycling process until the updates no longer occur.

Now -- one more time -- shut off the computer and turn it back on (use cold boots, not restarts for the cycling). Watch what your computer does; if it just starts normally, you are ready to upgrade to Windows 8.1

[[Keep in mind the difference between 'Updates' and 'Upgrades'. You are performing 'Updates' in order to gain an 'Upgrade' to Windows 8.1]]


FOUR. You are ready to upgrade to Windows 8.1

Be on the Internet, and go back to that page that you marked -- the Microsoft one -- where you can upgrade to Windows 8.1

Start the Upgrade Process. Again, the computer will download from Microsoft for a long time; then it will automatically start to install Windows 8.1

This is very similar to the Update Process that you just went through. The computer will restart several times. Keep track of what your computer is doing -- in case you are needed for Log Ons.

When the Upgrade Process is all done (completely, after restarts) -- begin to cold cycle the computer again -- making sure that the Internet connection will come on again too. Once more, the programs in your computer will want to download updates -- let this all happen -- do not shut down the Internet.

When BitMeter (or something like it) says there is no more traffic -- cold cycle the computer again.

When all of the automatic adjusting and downloading by programs is done -- and BitMeter shows that everything is normal. There is one more thing to do.


FIVE. Cold cycle the computer again. When everything is normal -- and you have the Internet on again, with your web browser on ...

go to your Control Panel again. Go back to 'Windows Update'. Make it find more updates -- THIS TIME for Windows 8.1!

Make it download all of the Important Updates for Windows 8.1

For the last time, watch over the download process. Watch the computer restart several times. When all of the Windows 8.1 updates have been installed, cold cycle the computer again (manually) several times. Allow the programs to update again -- readjust.

[[In situations like updates and upgrades, not everything adjusts with one cold cycle. I use the term Cold Cycle, because some people confuse 'Reboot' with 'Restart'.]]

When it is all done -- cold cycle the computer one last time. Turn it off manually. Turn it back on manually. Log on.

You should be looking at a new 'Lock Screen'. Later, you can change that Lock Screen picture to anything else -- by going to 'PC Settings' and then 'Personalization'. In there, you will find the Lock Screen controls.

For now, after you log in -- you will be facing your Desktop. In Window 8, you had to call up the desktop from the Start Tiles screen.

Now, they are gone. You have a Start Tile in your upper right corner (if you are vertical) and when you hit that, it takes you to the tiles.

This makes your computer operations much more coherent than with Windows 8. Windows 8.1 also seems to be quite stable and a bit faster.

Before, in Windows 8, my computers used to flash about. Screens would change for no apparent reason. That is gone now.

You must go to 'PC Settings', and calibrate them to your desires again.

Also -- 'My Computer' is now called 'This PC'. Maybe, to denote that you are now in Windows 8.1

[[Depending upon the condition and speed of your computer, and Internet connections, this whole upgrade could take from two to six hours. I suggest that you have an Internet Traffic Monitor like BitMeter installed before you start all of this.]]

Good Life -- and Happy Upgrading!


Markel Peters

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Break The Brainwashing:

Ok, no sense putting in a link to the concise site; since you will only want to read this one anyway.



Every time I put out a new message, good people look happy the morning of the day after I put out the message. There must be some telekinesis working across the Species, since I doubt if all of them read that message -- even though they should have. If ever there was a website that should be read by all Humans, it is this one. They are probably just reading reports about my messages anyway, they being so busy all the time that there is no chance to read the entire messages. Such is a shame, because these messages really are important and what report can give to you all of what is in an original message?
For instance, one of the two projects that I am working on presently is going to be more than 300 pages (on my word processor) and I will have a hard time keeping it below 400 -- and because of how it is written (structure) it will be impossible to make anything more than a brief report about it. It will have to be read in total, due to being different in hundreds of ways throughout the work.
Reading it will be quite interesting to Humans who can think. Scotland will not be able to read it. Scotland cannot think. Scotland votes instead.
I must say that the ridiculous behavior of Scotland has shown everyone elsewhere just how ludicrous it is to vote. Certainly ludicrous, when the voters are nothing more than media brainwashed hogs in a pre-slaughter confinement building; and what they are voting on is the one thing that their Masters will never allow -- FREEDOM.
Do you think that there is even one Hog Owner of one hog plant that will accept a vote by the hogs for Freedom? Certainly not! That would get him in trouble with the Law. In the case of Brainwashed Scotland, it would get the Owners in trouble with the Queer Laws of Queer England.
The solution for the Idiot Owners in Blighted Scotland is to play the old 'Vote you see it, Vote you do not!' trick on the brainwashed stupes under their control. Deflect their reduced brains! Create a diversion! Divide them with a Voting Game! Then, conquer them with bullshit, by claiming that the entire matter of Freedom From Perversions has been decided by THE OWNER'S VOTING GAME!!!!
I can just imagine how many megatons of Queer Propaganda was dropped on the heads of those People of Scotland -- as soon as they fell for the Voting Game Trick. Which, proved to Queer England that they were stupid enough to believe any lie that the Deviates put out on the Queer Medias over there. In the end they must have voted just to get it over with, and get out from under the Queershit that was being poured on them. Unless, they are too stupid to know when they are being lied to. That would seem to be the case, since they voted. Idiots Vote.
As I said in my last message -- no one votes in a Revolution -- particularly not the next one. What is absolutely required for the next revolution is thinking, non-squeamish, courageous, and determined agreement. Zero Voting. If anyone is so stupid that they believe they have to vote in order to stay alive as a person, and as a Species -- ship them off to Scotland -- the Land of Idiot Voters.
Well, at least we know now, where to send all of the Imbeciles, and the 'Idiots That Have Been Lied To' that are over here -- I was having a problem with that one.
When I saw that Mitt The Rat Romney was elected as the RepuCrap Candidate for Resident in the White Outhouse back in 2012 -- I knew that the Political Machines that rule Planet Sinister would never allow the Human Species to be Free again -- unless those political vermin are all dead.
Freedom for the Human Species demands as a prerequisite, the absolute absence of every political c**ksucker that breathes anywhere near the Human Species. That most certainly applies to all ModoRats who want to be the Owners of our Species; and lead the propaganda campaigns to derail any effort for Human Independence with the Voting Game.
We now know where to send all Imbeciles and 'Idiots That Have Been Lied To' during a Revolution -- Scotland, where stupidity is treasured above all other things.
However, what will we do with the ModoRat C**ksuckers? These are the kinds of decisions that I have to make. Right now, as far as the ModoRats are concerned, I favor feeding them. Their own body parts, starting with their lying murdering killer mouths. Then, making them vote about what part of their vile lying murdering bodies will be cut off next for them to eat. If they do not vote, they die. When they stop voting, they die.
That is about the most fair and equitable means of elimination I can come up with so far, for ModoRats. I have to consider satisfying the Human Species, after all. But, I am still working on it.
By the way, if previous to this news you did not know how horrid the ModoRats are, and what their punishment must be like -- you must have just dropped in from Mars or Saturn.
ModoRats -- are BUWIs.
Voting can only exist as a substitute for Reality, providing enough brainwashing has already been applied to the person, or group, or society that is the target of the voting. Therefore, erasing from their brains all perceptions of the Reality -- the Reality that in this world if a Human wants Freedom, he or she takes it! By any force necessary! In a political world, that has already declared itself to be non-Human and anti-Life to all Humanity.
Voting -- targets the voters. Voting, does nothing for the voters themselves. Instead, it makes them vulnerable to the claims (by the Owners and Masters) that since they voted, they must now pay the consequences -- and remain enslaved, duped, jerked around, and bred for complacency.
Hence, voting is a crippling event. Mental cripples vote. Voting reinforces and sustains the disability. Cripples vote, and they vote to be cripples! Which pleases the dirty rotten ModoRats to no end.
And yet, that cycle of dementia and disability and deception can be broken -- by never voting. The entire Queershit Scam of 'politics' depends entirely upon having enough pre-treated mental cripples available to stage an election with.
Without that, you will suddenly see how rancid and violent and vicious and genocidal all politicians really are. When you take away the games and scams that they need, so they can fool populations of people into elevating scum and sewer dwellers such as themselves to places of elected office, they will turn on you -- they will kill you -- they will order their QueerSwats to terrorize you -- they will order the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid to burn your cities and capture the non-compliant populations -- they will reveal their true selves.
Monsters, that the Queers were counting on; to ride to the top on. To eliminate Humanity with.
And, it all hinges on the brainwashing (from non-Humans) that voting is necessary, and voting is what makes a free society for Humans -- when exactly the opposite is the Truth, and voting only perpetuates the political game of population slavery.
So ... how do you break out? How do you break out of the Voting Prison? Well, how do you break out of any prison? You quit playing by the 'rules', and you get a gun!
Do not even try to think for yourself, and try to escape the Voting Prison, without weapons.
And, never vote again. If you do, you might as well commit suicide; after the slaughter of your own bloodline.
Then you can listen to Glenn Beck -- babbling in Hell.
Do you think the Queer Masters of Queer England would have accepted a vote against them by Scotland? Get real! They would have denounced and refused the vote, and sent their Killer Queers -- the SAS -- to Scotland to exterminate the Independence Leaders and terrorize the country. Ever hear of Northern Ireland, or the Irish Rebellion? Get some kind of grip on Reality, even if it is only with your fingertips. Queer England -- IS QUEER! Duuhhhh ...
Do not feel sympathy for the ModoRats. Those POS know exactly how hideous they are, and how much they want us all dead. Every lie out of their mouths-for-hire, is a bullet in your heart.
Gloating, is a big joy to all ModoRats. If the ModoRats ever get a deathgrip on our Species, all of you will be existing in Concentration Communities; reduced to fighting like naked cats and dogs over your 'Rights' to crap in the dungpits of your choice -- from those allowed to you, by your ModoRat Masters. Whipped, of course. You will always be whipped.
The audience will be Laughing Queers -- and Gloating ModoRats.
Markel Peters

Friday, September 19, 2014

A Concise Message Has Been Sent Out Entitled -- A Scotland Of Cogs:

A concise message has been sent out at ...
entitled 'A Scotland Of Cogs:'

Thank You

Markel Peters




Ok, I will repeat it here for the lazy ones.

Imagine, an entire nation reduced to the poverty of playing the political games of jackals called 'politicians' -- and failing, of course -- as was planned by those politicians. And, now thinking that they have lost their chance and they must remain slaves of Queer England. When all they have to do is to boil the politician liars in oil, and take their independence!!!! Pathetic. Sickening pathetic.
I think it was this Wednesday that I was listening to a radio station briefly, and I heard a trained liar yapping about something. I just listened long enough to identify it as the vermin Glenn Beck, and then I realized it was squealing about how the world was going to die if Scotland declared independence from Queer England. I was about to turn it off, when the vermin mentioned that voting was somehow involved. I laughed, of course, and went about my business.
Today, Thursday, I read that the political machine in Scotland (which is Big and British by the way, and has been for a very long time) had duped the population there (nothing new about that) into thinking that they had been given a chance to be independent -- and they had turned it down. By, of all the absurdities in the universe -- voting!!!!
The one most infamous single act of complete stupidity and obedience to your own destruction that can be committed on this planet. Voting!
I had to laugh. Such dogshit! Another country of fools had swallowed the lie that the political machines that enslave them are all-knowing and all-caring and all-important in their lives. Another country of fools had played the twisted game of the rancid bastards and bitches of history -- politicians -- and had committed population suicide by voting!
This is the kind of twisted and imbecilic 'politics-as-usual' that makes mini-nation builders like Glenn Beck as happy as a whore with two assholes. I did not listen to that pervert today, of course, but you can bet that it was yapping to its mini-nation of brainless listeners that the world has been saved, because the people of Scotland were shit-stupid enough to vote! To vote for something that is theirs already!
When the Queer Masters began to give orders to their minions for the creation of the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone, and the resulting poisoning of this continent, one of the reasons why they said it could be done was because they knew that POS like Glenn Beck were out there; waiting to take advantage of the chaos and the calamities that the Queers would create -- by trying to build their own mini-nations (land-grabbing) out of the turmoil and the confusion. I wouldn't doubt if the so-called Homosexuals have stock in Glenn Beck Inc.
If you are new to this poor planet you may wonder how so many people can be so unbelievably stupid. The answer is simple -- TV, FM, queer newsrags, propaganda, and political machines. If you really are new, I will explain what a political machine is. Most nations begin with good intentions driven by necessity. Most nations are created in order to escape a state of being disorganized and/or enslaved. The 'founding fathers' of such nations are usually pretty smart, and altruistic to the people whom they represent. Once the government is established, however, that is when those people are slated for extermination and replacement; by scum who are not good enough to eat their feces. The scum, have zero regards for the people and want to create a power game of politics that legalizes itself, declares all of its edicts and rules as legal (regardless of what the stupefied people say), and fabricates judicial and administrative regulations that forbid its political machinery (of self-serving purposes, and only self-serving purposes) as inviolable and impossible to remove or replace. It then gives itself the power (in legalese bullshit) to declare war (foreign and domestic) upon any population that opposes its games and its domination and its tyranny and its oppressive rule. In short, gangsters. Thugs with legislation.
And, the key factor in all of it -- that is constantly used by the political chimps to keep the populations mollified and confused and fooled and reduced -- is voting.
Voting, is the ruination of any nation that is dictated by a political machine. Voting, is literally saying -- “I give up. I am inferior. I am a Stupe for the Machine.”
Glenn Beck is another aspiring dictator that wants its own mini-nation, and thus its own Political Machine. Therefore, it is overjoyed to see someone else use a Political Machine to make chumps and retards out of any population. Of course! It, is making chumps and retards out of its listening audience -- which it intends upon making into a mini-nation of its own -- ruled by its own Political Machinery -- of course!
To see any Political Machine make total idiots out of any population anywhere -- just thrills POS like Glenn Beck to your death!!!!
Do you remember what I said about Autonomy?
Autonomy, is the result of Revolution. It was not always that way. There were times in the past when political machines did not rule, and Statesmen really walked the Earth; and voting meant something. In those times, some lands of autonomy were created.
Now, however, the political machines have become so perverse and so dominant and so tyrannical that all such possibilities are gone. Deliberately. For the security of the politicians, and their nasty games.
These days, Autonomy is the result of Revolution.
There is no voting -- in Revolutions.
Revolutions happen when conditions become so horrible, minus the screens of lies and propaganda, that enough Humans get together with their guns and agree to fight. Especially to fight a Queer Government. No one votes. They all agree.
No politician, no matter who or what it is otherwise, wants you to know that. No politician, no matter whose side it says it is on, wants you to know that. No politician, no matter what it looks like or what it says, wants you to know that.
The entire Queershit fakery of Mass Population Control depends upon that one hinge point -- to keep the idiots thinking that voting will somehow achieve something for them. Even to give them perks and make it seem like voting helps them sometimes, but not usually. To keep them addicted to the Voting Carrot, so you can rule them like they were rabbits.
Speaking of livestock, I was driving through Wisconsin today and I saw a herd of brown cattle in a wide grass field. I see such sights all the time in Wisconsin in the summertime -- but at this time I was chuckling about how ridiculous the People of Scotland have been made to be -- voting -- and I noticed that there were a lot of those cattle and the field was not that big (on a slope towards the road). There was no fence to keep them out of the road -- which they might travel down and escape by. Then, I noticed that near the ground were strung two strands of bare electrical wire, one about six inches above the grass and the other about eighteen inches above the grass.
Immediately the parallel hit me. The only thing that is preventing that herd of cattle from leaving that field and romping about the Wisconsin countryside is not a fence, and not a wall, and not guns -- it is two strands of electrified wires that will give the cattle a non-fatal shock if they touch the wires.
The cattle are literally enslaved by the simple threat of electric shocks if they try to escape. Any cow can easily step over the wires and escape, but because they are stupefied and forced to be placid -- they cannot think of what is possible.
Scotland is cattle. Scotland is dumb animals kept in cages by the Queershit Propaganda that they have to vote in order to get anything that they want. They have been bred to stupidity, and are now held in their 'allowed spaces' by devices of the imagination that are completely fabricated, and do not exist in Reality. Such as voting.
They might as well not have genitals, and stop breeding.
To think that millions of them have been reduced to such a miserable condition of servitude to Queer English Propaganda -- supported by every nation building asshole on the planet like Glenn Beck -- is enough to make anyone freak out and scream ...
if you have never seen it happen before.
I have seen it happen dozens of times, and I just laugh.
Markel Peters










I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message.
Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.



























Labels Of All Posted Messages--A Way To Search Through Messages By Labels

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed


This blog exists to inform the People, of the 'Real Truth' about the real enemies of the Human Species. These Truths are not objectionable, as they are Truths. Only the telling of them can be objectionable, to those who wish to hide the Truth. If the Truth is something you HATE and therefore object to - go elsewhere!


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The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.