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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Queer Coalitions Are For Plucking Like Chickens:

They are certainly not for being intimidated by. In fact, they are such trash and self-deluded vermin that lampooning them and telling the Truth about them can be quite enjoyable for everyone -- who is Human.


Degenerates pull chain on implanted dirty monkey. Dirty monkey craps on cue:

Queer Monkey and HObama Shill, Robert Shelby, tries to kill Utah.

NOM's Utah site -- please read through this for the latest information. The good news is, the dirty trick with the monkey has been put on hold. The bad news is, as soon as the dirty monkey did its trick, a pack of Queer Pretenders (helped by Monkey Attorneys) pretended to get married; in an effort to make it harder for the Humans of Utah to put down their dirty monkey hoax.


NOM petition for Marriage Amendment for Humans.
Remember, HObama and the Putz Justice Department are totally queer, and against all forms of Humanity.


From NOM:

The initial decision by Obama-appointed District Judge Robert Shelby was passed down just a few days before Christmas. Shelby ludicrously claimed that the U.S. Supreme Court's Windsor decision this past summer had set a clear and inevitable path toward a constitutional right to same-sex 'marriage' when in fact Windsor found specifically that states have the right to define marriage. To add insult to injury, Shelby refused to stay his flawed decision even though the State of Utah was certain to appeal, and a flurry of same-sex 'marriages' began taking place throughout Utah.

But now the Supreme Court has indicated that the State of Utah's case to uphold its marriage law, passed by decisive majorities of both the legislature and the citizenry, is meritorious and their order reinstates marriage in Utah. The state can now appeal Shelby's decision to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals in an orderly fashion.

Utah is being attacked this time.


There are not going to be any Queer Victories because of Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred, and Paid-For Monkey Judges put into positions by the SQLD to make Queer Decisions (for large amounts of money and queer fame). Put there by (you guessed it) the Queers themselves. It is not going to happen. The monkeyshit that is going on in Utah is not going to divide Utah, it is not going to divide Oklahoma, it is not going to divide Kansas, it is not going to divide Wyoming or any other state. We Humans refuse to have states divided. It is not going to happen.

The latest attack against us in Utah, is being perpetrated by a sick and twisted collection of very filthy insectoid brains that are pretending (and hoaxing everyone stupid enough to listen to them) that they represent a state, and that they are a state. Therefore, according to them (and only them) whatever they say goes for that state; whatever they want goes for that state.

That is a Lie!!!! A complete and absolute lie. We do not accept that lie, and we never will. There will be no Queer Victories from this latest attack against us in Utah.

Indeed, that fact is so standard and so permanent now -- the Degenerates might as well give up trying to defeat us -- by trying to create in our brains a stupid acceptance of their hoaxes that can never be created, no matter how many Queer Actors and Queer Scripts and Queer Play Times and Queer Puppet Shows are performed by them.

Everybody knows, that anything that they do is strictly for their own filthy and queer selves, and anyone whom they can rape, or enslave, or dumb-down, or fool, or trick or lie to; anyone that they can suck into their Bubble of Lies.

Anything and everything that they do, is strictly and only for their Bubble of Lies and their Queer Coalitions. That is fact. Nothing that they do is for the states, no way! No matter how many protestors and how many supporters they bus in to one of their staged events (from other Queer Coalitions that are pretending to be other states) it is meaningless. That is permanent. That is forever. It is eternal.

The Degenerates exist as other than what they really are, only in their own Bubbles of Lies and inside of their Queer Coalitions (which are based inside their Bubbles of Lies). Queer Coalitions, will never be states. That is fact. That is permanent. That is done. They might as well give up trying their monkeyshit tricks on everyone. They might as well give up lying. They might as well give up all of their Queershit Lies!

The phony pretense that what they do with their nasty lies, and their nasty judges and their nasty tricks and their nasty crimes and their nasty politics applies for entire states -- that is gone! That is permanently and forever shot in the head, and gone. It is away! Completely exposed, completely put down as the lie that it is, completely revealed as a Hoax. Nothing that they do, is for anything other than the filth inside of their own hideous Bubbles of Lies, their own Queer Coalitions. And, that is the way it is! Flat out.

I never have to say that again as long as I live.

Degenerates have not, and will not, win anything at all. Queers are murdered losers, organized in an attempt to elevate some of them to the status of Masters of Planet Sinister -- riding the asses of the 'Idiot Queer Masses' all the way.

I ignore the little games of the Queer Coalitions for attention and propaganda value. Their words are empty with lies. Their claims are empty with deceit. Their victories are non-existent with falsehood. They are only what they are. Queer Coalitions are for plucking like Chickens.

And, nothing more.


What the RepuCraps do not understand is that we do not consider a change from total insanity and total perversion, under the DemoCraps, to partial insanity and partial perversion under themselves, as any kind of improvement.

That baffles and threatens the RepuCraps, especially in Iowa. A little more is being done in Iowa (under the RepuCraps) to improve matters.

[[Except, where any Degenerates pay a lot of money to keep things horrid.]]

To the RepuCraps, a 'little better' is everything. Can't the Humans see the huge and incredible improvements that the RepuCraps have made (a 'little bit' and no further)? Don't the Humans appreciate anything? How can the Humans be so selfish, and self-centered? How can the Humans want real improvements -- especially no Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred in Iowa?

How can the Humans here, want things to be done properly -- isn't this 'Iowa'? Isn't this the staging point for bigger and greater personal political riches? How can the Humans want everything to be Human in Iowa?

Queers pay a lot of money. How about -- partial perversion?

Queers pay a lot of money. How about -- partial corrupt politics?

Queers pay a lot of money. How about -- partial Queer Control of everything?

Queers pay a lot of money. How about -- partial 'You', and partial 'Queer You'?

You see, the RepuCraps have no grasp of Reality. They have only their own Shit Society that they aspired to -- and for them, that was the top of their ladder. The top of their ladder was to be in the 'Republican Party', no matter how sick and perverted and dunced-down and feeble and worthless it became. To be an active player in the 'Republican Party' was the top of their ladder, and those that have 'made it' think that they are on the top of the world; no matter how puerile and swinish and pathetic the 'Party' has become. The 'Republican Party' is in the shitcan, but as long as they are on top of it -- they think that they are on top of the world.

They just do not get it. They are still inside the trash can.


If the Queer Coalitions are attacking Utah in an attempt to impress me, or the Human Species -- it is utterly impossible. To attempt to give them an idea of the impossible scale of it all -- it is utterly, totally, completely, one hundred percently impossible to impress me with perversion. That would be like having turds in a Porta Potty shouting at me and degrading me and deriding me and demanding that the real world is down there (inside the Porta Potty); and not up here where I am.

That, ain't ever going to happen! Not in a Quadrillion Centuries is that ever going to happen. I hope the Degenerates (disobeying their Masters) look up 'Quadrillion' and look up 'Centuries' and try to put them together -- duuuhhhhh.

[[Get away perverts, you bother me. I have more important things to do for my Species, than to constantly repeat what scum you are, what malicious plans you have, how vile and low you are, and to report your every belly-crawling move. I serve the Human Species, not your sick and twisted masochism.]]

There is a 'stand-up comedian' in Minnesota, which is popular with the ass-licking liberal whiners up there, that is constantly belittling the Human Species and Heterosexuals. It is always demanding that 'Queers' be integrated into the New Queer Society -- and it says exactly that -- it says that Queers should be integrated into the New Queer Society. Its role, in the stink of things, is to be the kind of jackal and scumbag that is always getting richer and richer off of any disease that spreads anywhere; and off of any Queer Coalition that claims that they have killed or queered anyone, or anyplace.

It is a jackal for jackals, lying and squirming and flatulating out of its mouth, in a theater for jackals and Degenerates. Such things always take credit for more and more Queer Things. There are a lot of jackals out there pretending to be comedians and media personalities and media celebrities doing exactly the same thing -- SHILLING.

They shill for the highest paying bidders.

Of course, all of it is dedicated to the goal of Queer Propaganda -- which is to constantly bombard the 'General Idiots that have been Lied To' (using TV, FM, queer newsrags, Middle Managers etc) with so many lies and so much Queershit about the Planet Sinister World and the perverts in it ...

that any and all 'General Idiots' will start to think that Queershit is Truth -- and Degenerates are Normal -- and Queers should be in charge -- and Queers should bask in glorious superiority.

After all, don't the Supreme Monkey Judges love them too?

For enough money.

Now for those who are interested, in a macabre way, let me try to explain to you what a conversation would be like between myself and any of those scumbag comedians from the SQLD:

On one side, you would have me -- talking. Asking questions, and waiting for answers.

On the other side you would have -- a twisted gargoyle kind of creature -- bent over -- flatulating constantly -- drooling -- urinating on the floor -- and making noises like it is licking boots. And, mumbling and babbling catch phrases and propaganda phrases of the Degenerates. As though it was in a bubble -- a comedian's bubble.

That, is as far as it goes.

You just saw it. That was it. Nothing else. No other combination. That was it.

I am on one side, outside the bubble, talking and asking questions and getting no answers. And, inside the bubble, is a mutant freakcase, drooling, farting, bent over, pissing, and making licking sounds. Between gurgles, it would be mouthing (in a depraved way) propaganda statements from the Queer Propagandists.

That is the entire encounter. That is it, complete.

I am telling you this so you will realize, if you do not already, how absolutely without value is anything that a Queer Coalition does -- any statement -- any declaration -- any assumed victory -- any hoax -- any Queer Law -- any dirty and lying trick from a Monkey Judge or a Monkey Lawyer -- anything at all that happens inside the Queer Coalitions is completely without value to me and my Species.


You cannot go anywhere in the Known Universe and find a place where anything that happens inside of the Queer Coalitions has any value or any meaning (other than military intelligence about the enemy) to Human Beings.

That is it, flat out. That, by the way, is the perfect environment for contempt. Total contempt. I live in contempt of all Monkey Lawyers. I live in contempt of all Monkey Judges! I live in complete contempt of all Queer Coalitions, pretending to be states. I live in complete contempt for all Degenerate Propaganda. I live in complete loathing and contempt of all so-called Homosexuals, and DemoCraps, and RepuCraps, and the Five Evils.

Who makes that perfect environment in which I may loathe and have total contempt for my enemies?

Answer: My enemies.


All creatures of the SQLD may consider this to be my final word on the topic of the Impossible Coexistence of Humans and Anti-Humans; even though everyone will hear much more about it in the future from me. It will never get better than Impossible. Complete loathing, contempt, and rejection. Period.

I know their little games, I see their little games; and little hoaxes and little lies which mean nothing to us. I know what I have to do, and I know what they can never do.

The twisted and warped a demented game that all Queers are playing, like children that have been deranged by the NEA deliberately -- by some terrible and horrible queering force ...

Gee -- that sounds like the NEA ...

is no longer a secret wrapped up in a mystery cloaked as a prostitute.

The Degenerates, are like child victims that have been made into Queers, that are now rabid and insanely crazed for attention -- they want media attention and societal attention; they crave and demand attention to their berserk habits and their ridiculous Queershit ideas -- and that is exactly what they are not going to get from us. They are like spoiled psychotics ...

Gee -- who would create psychotics and then spoil them rotten?

The APA maybe?

raised to be spoiled psychotics, that are addicted to constantly doing terrible and nasty and hideous things in order to be seen doing terrible and nasty and hideous things -- and not being punished for it. Which, of course, degrades and degenerates the society each time that happens. They love doing terrible and nasty and hideous things that get them attention and get them noticed and get them commented about -- but not punished! The lack of punishment then immediately spreads the mental disease that is in their brains.

That is being stopped. The Human Species does not play that game. They want -- they do not get. They demand -- they do not get. They plead for -- they do not get. They riot for -- they do not get. They lie for -- they do not get. They kill for -- they do not get.

They want attention -- they can go to Hell.

A lot of people are surprised when they see that Degenerates turn violent immediately, when they cannot get what they want. There is really no surprise to it, however. Queers are psychotics! Queers are insane! Neurotic! Psychotic! Freak-cases! Brain-washed! Programmed, by NEA scum to be a force of killers for anything and everything Liberal! Trained, by NEA scum to be a poison pill for any faction or factor of society that opposes the hideous liberalism behind the NEA. Trained to pretend, trained to smile, trained to repeat lies, trained to spread propaganda -- but being psychotics as they are, when all of that fails they instantly turn vicious and queer -- they turn psychotically homicidal. Homicidal.

There is probably some 'Idiot' out there wondering why I liken the Queers to Serial-Killers and Berserkers. The answer to that is, they are serial-killers! They spread the serial-killing mental disease! They are berserkers! Fail to do what a Queer wants you to do someday, and you will find out what it does.

Yes, it will be trained to lie again, and lie again, and lie again -- but when all of the lies fail repeatedly, and it cannot get to a Middle Manager or to a Queer Master that will pump its ass and reassure it, and puppet it up again and ego support it -- you watch that Queer -- you watch what happens! It will become violent and viciously hideous, right in your face. Right in your face! The insectoid insanity that controls its brain will 'Come Out', and like a Praying Mantis it will want to kill you. It will want to kill.

Those things crave attention -- and they can suck eggs as far as I am concerned. No attention for them.

[[Degenerates -- do not think that you will ever defeat me. You will have to kill me like you killed them. And, that will not be defeating me. Likewise, you will never defeat the Human Species. You have to kill them, like you kill me. And still, you will not defeat them.]]

As far as the perverts are concerned, I have about as much respect and as much fear of them as I would have for a herd of cross-eyed egg-sucking mules. Considering their scumbag associations, they probably know what a cross-eyed egg-sucking mule looks like, and smells like from the anus up.


Is Illinois queer because of the Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred of the Queer Coalition there?


Is Iowa queer because of the Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred contained within the Queer Coalition there?


Is any state queered because there is a Queer Coalition inside of it? Infesting it, and diseasing it? And, inside that Queer Coalition there are Queer Laws that pretend that Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred is real?


The situation is strictly and completely that of a disease, an invasion, an infestation, a cancerous growth inside of each state -- and that cancerous growth is a Queer Coalition -- and inside that Queer Coalition (and only inside that Queer Coalition) there such a thing as Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred with pretend legalities that have no authority and no basis in Reality; and are achieved falsely by every twisted and dirty and lying and criminal and cheating and conniving way that the most corrupt bastards and bitches in Planet Sinister can come up with. Which is typical for every last thing inside of the Queer Coalitions.

The point is -- the states are not queer and the states are not going queer. The states are infested by degenerates in isolated, sick, twisted pseudo-societies formulated and based upon Queer Coalitions -- that pretend to be the states -- and nothing more.

Nor, can you attribute the cowardice about (and squirming done) for the Degenerates, by the DemoCraps and the RepuCraps, as some kind of sick and macabre attachment to Evil, and to something that says it is 'different' -- some kind of pathetic attachments to anything that is not like everything else. It is not that way. What it actually is, is prostitution and whoring.

Voter/Followers, who are caught in those Bubbles of Lies, who are caught in those Coalitions of Degenerates, because they have a macabre and sick and twisted attachments to all of that sickness and perversion -- have got to get themselves out of it at all costs. It is not going anywhere except -- 'Inside The Bubble'!

The only thing that the Queers can try to do, is to expand the Bubble of their Lies, to expand their Degenerate Coalitions -- killing and killing and killing more people, more land, more cities in all directions.

That, is not Life. That, is not an attachment to anything Decent or Alive or Civilized. That, is Insanity! An attachment to that -- is Insanity Itself!

Queers, are NOT lost little puppy dogs.

Queers, are NOT well-meaning Degenerates who give away free presents and free monies and free cars on Degenerate TV Shows. No! All of that TV Turd activity, is nothing more than pathetic attempts to 'Buy The Crowds'.

Degenerates, are not innocent things to which you grow an attachment. Queers are not stray cats, to which you grow an attachment. DemoCraps are not a weird art form, to which you grow an attachment. RepuCraps are not a macabre theater or a twisted puppet show, to which you grow an attachment. Even though all of the things are always putting on perverted theaters and puppet shows.

Perverts are mind-fornicators -- mind snatchers -- body snatchers -- consumers -- they will take you over. They will sucker you in, with what they think interests you -- and then they will surround you with their filth, and tell you that you have no way out!

Now, all of you suckers who have been sucked in -- I am telling you to get out while you can! This entire Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred is nothing more than the sickness inside of their Pervert Coalitions. Not one state is queer because of this. However, they want every state to think that because of this, all states will be Queer. Because of their Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred.

They want domination, they want destruction, they want annihilation of everything that came before them. And, it is NOT going to happen.


"But Markel! What about all of those debrained freaks that want to be everything to everyone? They want to think that they have bigger penises than every other male -- AND -- at the same time they want to think that they have bigger anuses than every female vagina? Coexist!"

That's right! The lesie-turds brainwashed them to want to have anuses bigger than vaginas!

That's right out of the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone! And, I saw it for more than ten years. I was in that sewer for thirteen years. Every lesie-turd in there was doing everything that it could to convince every male (that it had turned into a faggot) to want to have an anus bigger than a vagina!

That! Is what is pretending to be Married!

That! Is what is pretending that it loves each other!

Brain-drained, brain-washed psychopaths -- the leavings and the droppings of brainwashing lesie-turds! That! Is what is pretending to be Married! And, the lesie-turds themselves, selecting from amongst themselves the most advertising-capable scum that they can find (with 'Media Faces') are pretending that they are married to.

It is sewage and deceit, pretending to marry sewage and deceit. It is devious filth (deliberate murderers), pretending to marry devious filth (deliberate murderers).

[[OMG -- You didn't think the lesies were making all of those faggots, so the faggots would be more attractive to the lesies -- did you? No one can be that stupid!]]


Queer Coalitions exist in their own sick netherworld bubbles, completely turned upside-down. As though they walk on their fingertips, with their toes in the air, and see the entire world from one eye -- stuck up their ass.

They exist to be torn apart. Going through existence, walking on their fingertips, with their toes high in the air, looking at everybody out of their assholes, with their One Anal Eye ...

it makes you wonder where they talk from?

Well, in the case of lesie-turds we know where they talk from.

Those Coalition Things, those sick and upside-down products of hideous lesie-turd intentions, exist only to be taken apart, plucked like chickens, dissected, inspected and revealed as the terrible evil that they are.

Flat out, that is it.

They are not something to join, because somebody feels a weird attachment towards them, or their fakery. Wrong Wrong Wrong.

Have no sympathy whatsoever for such monstrosities! Never sympathize with a monster! That would be sick and ludicrous and romantic nonsense. It is not even romantic. It is a berserk and a bizarre twisting of actual romanticism. There is nothing romantic about those monsters. There is nothing romantic about vampires. There is nothing romantic about meth-addicts. There is nothing romantic about serial-killers. There is nothing romantic about Queers! There never has been, and there never will be! It is all, entirely, screwed brains screwed by the most sickening and hideous freaks that have ever existed -- the terrible so-called lesbians!

Oh! And, don't forget the APA!

Oh! And, don't forget about the ACLU!

Oh! Did we mention the NEA maggots?

Oh! And, the Monkey Lawyers and the Monkey Judges! Let's not forget about them!

Let us not forget about the Industry of Queerism!!!!


Take the 'k' out of the word 'Monkey' -- and what do you get?


DemoCraps and RepuCraps and Queer Medias like to push phony and skewed and biased and queered surveys on us -- in attempts to justify all of their perverted lies, and their twisted nasty acts, and the existence of their Bubbles of Lies.

Well -- I have a question for them -- a one question survey which can never be asked, because I would never condemn anybody to going into a Bubble of Lies to ask faggots this question. The question would be -- 'Do you believe TV Advertising?'

[[Another one would be -- do you sodomize for the Rolling Cronies? Butt, the faggots would just giggle about that.]]

'Do you believe TV Advertising?' That sounds like a simple question, but it is also very revealing. 'Do you believe TV Advertising?' Remember, we are talking about things that have been debrained and/or brainwashed and/or programmed. Their brains (if they still have any) are completely forced into a reversed and inside-out configuration -- a twisted and lesbian-designed horror between their ears. So, for those things it is a big question.

'Do you believe TV Advertising?' If we had some kind of magic dart, we could hit them with a dart that would inject a serum into them to make them tell the Truth immediately -- and they would start to babble and grimace and cackle that they believe everything on television. There would have to be translations and decipherings of the gibberish that comes out of their mouths, since that is what they really are -- gibberish. Gibberish, that has been trained to sound like us, but when they are not trying to deliberately sound like us, they really are gibberish and insanity. So, they would start to imitate Jibba Jabba, and foam at the mouth, and all kinds of freaky and weird nonsense would come out of their faces; and we would have to translate it. Butt, it would translate as -- they believe everything on TV.

That kind of brain (if there is any) which can be trained to be gullible, naive and stupid, is why they were chosen to be faggots to begin with.



Children are chosen by the NEA and the Queers and the ACLU and the APA for their weaknesses -- to be attacked with queer brainwashing and queer programming -- to be turned into Degenerates.

Being stupid enough to believe advertisements on TV, is one of the things that got them chosen to be victims of the Queers.

I just told you how it happens. That is one of the ways it happens. You have been told.


Markel Peters

Monday, January 27, 2014

The Closest Thing To A Mexican Dictator -- North Of The Border:

Very recently, many of us Humans here in Iowa were accosted by a grotesque front page of the state's worst roll of toilet paper -- the Des Moines Rearsniffers -- on which was printed the picture of 'El Grande Duce Branstad', and a pack of its favorite henchmen, descending the Grand Staircase in the Statehouse/Pantyhose Emporium in Des Moines.

The supposed occasion was the 'Royal Betrayal of the Screwed' address. The real purpose was to bullshit the 'Idiots that have been Lied To', and to garner photographs and videos showing a benevolent Dictator -- which did not exactly work out that way.

Proceed to this website at your own risk. It is the website of the worst queer newsrag in DemoIowa. It is the video that I want you to see -- but you can easily do without it -- as all Humans can always do without the Des Moines Rearsniffers.

If you ever have the misfortune of seeing that picture (or the video), you will immediately notice the identical appearance (of what it shows) to a procession by any punk dictator from Mexico or Central America, with its chosen bully boys. It is a shockingly ugly photograph (and video), with shockingly ugly assholes on parade. It is literally a procession of a Puppet-Dictator and its favorite thugs.

[[Oh -- and did you know, that only in Iowa do the queers of the newsrags force all shops and stores to put their filthy rags on the counters of the stores; where anyone who wants to buy something has to see that trash, just to check out of the store? I personally know that it is not being done to customers in Illinois, Minnesota, Indiana, Kentucky, South Dakota, Kansas, Missouri, Wisconsin, or Nebraska. Only in Iowa, where the Truth is known about the scum at the queer newsrags, are their toilet papers being forced upon customers.]]


Remember -- in Iowa there is no police authority at the State or Federal Level. On July 26, 2013 five naked monkeys took a shit in a cage in Wash This Death City -- that was the end of all Federal Authority. Authority itself, immediately defaulted to the state levels -- whereby any state that harbors and abets any Queer Laws (such as the pretense that Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred is legal) also becomes void of Authority (at the state level) -- leaving the state police of any such state dunced, dunged, demented, disabled, damned and dirty.

'Il Duce Branstad' (now parading as 'El Grande Duce Branstad') -- puppet always and whore foremost -- sided with the Queers and the Monkey Lawyers and the Monkey Judges when it tricked its way into the Puppet Governorship, back in 2010. It mouthed the words it was told to say, namely that whatever queer-sucking Monkey Judges want to do to the People of Iowa (for riches and queer fame) -- is fine by it.

Hence, Iowa is a state where there is no Federal or State Authority -- which means Authority itself (in Iowa) now defaults to the county levels -- the Sheriffs -- the last line of defense.

The photograph I am referring to (one of the most vile, for its raw ugliness, ever taken) and the associated video, immediately reminded me of Don Porfirio Diaz of Mexico, and his thugs.

Just like Diaz and his regime of terror -- those 'Scum on the Stairs' rule over a prison-camp society, in which the Will Of The People is crapped upon daily by all of them, and all of their kind.

I will explain.


Enter now, the world of a 'world-long-ago', with fresh memories and identical problems to those of our own today. Only this time the setting is 'Old Mexico', which has reached the end of its fuse and is about to explode.

Don Porfirio Diaz, was a dictator with a flare for mimicry and theater. He was adept at presenting himself to the rest of the world as a modernist, and as a progressive boon to the international community. He promised and carried out numerous programs that forced Mexico into the New Economic World; bonding Mexico economically to the Industrial Age that was ravaging the rest of the world.

Don Porfirio Diaz

Facts: Diaz was in power in Mexico during the years 1876-1911.
The Industrial Age spanned the years from 1760 To 1969 (Internet was created in 1969, starting the Information Age).
The Japanese Empire, previously very shut off from the outside world (and for huge reasons), was forced to join the Industrial Age in 1854.

That was not enough for the industrialists. All resources had to be seized. Therefore, Mexico became another Industrial Target.

The 'Industrial World', was in need of precious resources for their Machine Age (1880 to 1945), as it was to be called. Those resources existed in primitive states such as Mexico (and Iowa). Therefore, to open up those states and rape them of their resources for pennies on the dollar (and to defile them with ButtUgly Windmills) political regimes that were supplicant to the riches of the Industrial Nations had to be installed and kept in power. That is where Diaz (and the Little Duke From Hell) found his niche on the world stage.

By crushing the People of Mexico under his boots, and simultaneously giving the greedy bastards and bitches outside Mexico (and Iowa) what they wanted -- he was lionized and glorified in the 'world press', the precursor to today's queer newsrags.

However, to make a long and bloody story short, Evil finally succumbed to Honesty and Reality.

That, is when the 'Shit Hit The Fan' in Mexico. That, is what caused all of the situations seen in movies about Mexico, ever since.

Hear this! I just told you why all of that chaos and mayhem and revolution and civil war started in Mexico. You now know.


Excerpt from -- The Collapse of the Diaz Legend by William Archer:
McClure Magazine.
Written in the year 1911.

[[I will give you a link to this article. If the link does not work -- search for it. This is an important article. I must say so, and I do mean it.]]

But, while the material prosperity of the country was unquestionable, the contentment of the mass of the people began to seem much more dubious. Ugly whispers got abroad to the effect that the Diaz dictatorship was not only unconstitutional, but unscrupulous and brutal. The whispers swelled into shouts; but, for various reasons, they were little regarded. They proceeded, it was said, from non -Mexican Socialists, in league with Mexican malcontents, such as every strong government necessarily begets. In some cases they were manifestly inspired by an almost frantic hatred of the Dictator. When a writer gravely attempted to prove that Diaz, the indomitable guerrilla leader, the De Wet of the French war, was a personal coward, the absurdity necessarily discounted all his other statements. Moreover, Mexico is so large a country that it was easy to find many foreign residents who declared, quite sincerely, that they had never seen anything of the atrocities alleged: just as a Frenchman who had lived for ten years in New Hampshire might make affidavit that he never saw a single case of lynching in the United States. Altogether, people were inclined to rest on the conclusion that the abuses had been grossly exaggerated. President Diaz — to put it paradoxically — was acquitted with extenuating circumstances. He did not do most of what was alleged, and what he did do he could not help. This large-minded verdict was freely indorsed by those foreigners in Mexico who had profited by the Diaz order of things and hoped to profit by its continuance. They were naturally unwilling to have it thought that they were accomplices in tyranny.

Then came the sudden disillusionment. In 1909 the almost octogenarian President allowed it to be given out to the world that he would not seek reelection in the following year. There are various theories as to his motive in making this announcement. Some think he believed himself so overwhelmingly popular that the nation would rise as one man and implore him to remain at his post. Others hold that he wanted to see what candidates announced themselves for his succession, in order that he might crush them in time. The only theory that finds no partizans is that to which I personally incline — namely, that he may have been sincere. If so, he certainly changed his mind. Not only did he have himself "unanimously" reelected, but he imprisoned a rival candidate, Francisco I. Madero, and insisted on the reelection to the Vice-Presidency of Ramón Corral, a man wholly inacceptable to the nation. This was more than even Mexican human nature could endure. The momentary promise of liberty, however faintly believed in, had whetted people's appetite, and the oft-repeated farce of the reelection exasperated them beyond endurance. A revolt broke out — as a trifling affair that would easily be put down in a few days or a few weeks. But the days and the weeks passed, and peace was no nearer. On the contrary, independent movements of revolt broke out on every hand, until scarcely a State remained unaffected; and the government was powerless to crush them.

Francisco Ignacio Madero González (30 October 1873‒22 February 1913) was a Mexican statesman, writer, and revolutionary who served as the 33rd president of Mexico from 1911 until his assassination in 1913. An advocate for social justice and democracy, Madero was instrumental in creating the revolutionary movement that began in 1910 and led to the fall of the dictatorship of then-president, Porfirio Diaz. Wikipedia.

The article:
This article, by William Harvey in McClures Magazine (August 1911), is one of the last remaining examples of real journalism left in existence today. All of the worms at the Des Moines Rearsniffers combined, could not create such a Human Article as this -- and when they claim to do so, it will have been imported from somewhere else.

Harvey's article tells the story to a sufficient depth for our purposes here. I highly recommend this article as a must read for understanding Corrupt and Dictatorial Iowa Politics. And, for understanding ModoRats in general.


Another excerpt from this article ...

President Taft, at the historic meeting of October 16, 1909, expressed: "In the name of the people of the United States, their profound admiration and high esteem for the great, illustrious, and patriotic President of the Republic of Mexico." Sr. Jose F. Godoy, of the Mexican diplomatic service, has collected in his book, "The Master Builder of a Great Commonwealth," the testimonies of more than a hundred eminent men — ambassadors, governors, senators, judges, millionaires, etc. — to the transcendent merits of the Grand Old Man of Mexico. "One of the greatest rulers in the world," "One of the greatest men now living," "Will rank in history with Washington and Lincoln," — such are the eulogies piled upon his head.

Humm ... ambassadors, governors, senators, judges, millionaires. All Of Whom Were Dead Wrong About Don Porfirio Diaz.

Hummm ... there is something interesting here!


Look at the combination, the association ... ambassadors, governors, senators, judges, millionaires. Does that tell you something about the Corrupt and Dictatorial Iowa Politics?

Does it tell you something about the ButtUgly Windmills?

Does it tell you something about the Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred, of the Queer Coalition in Des Moines that pretends to be Iowa?

El Grande Duce Branstad--notorious shyster and clown for the medias. Either put a Dictator's Hat on it -- or a bib and blankey.
Credit Gage Skidmore

Let's continue looking at this article about Diaz and his henchmen.


Excerpt ...

On all hands it was admitted; indeed, that the Republic was a republic only in name; that there was no reality either in the State or in the Federal elections;

[['no reality', means that it is a futile and worthless gesture to vote -- as all candidates are part of the same political machinery of corruption.]]

that the governors of the States, the members of Congress, and the local jefes politicos were all, directly or indirectly, nominated by the President, who practically "ran" the country with despotic power. If these facts aroused momentary qualms, all sorts of good reasons were forthcoming to allay them. The general case of the Latin-American, always prone to revolution, was in Mexico complicated by the special intermixture of a particular brand of Indian blood. Less than twenty per cent of the population were white, and the remainder were either half-breeds or pure Indians. Now, the Mexican Indian and the mestizo [[combined European and Native American descent]] were proclaimed to be congenitally and utterly incapable of responsible citizenship. It was not yet four hundred years since their ancestors had been man-eaters; and though science does not say definitely how long it takes for a cannibal to develop into a voter, four centuries were assumed to be too short a time. Moreover, the tribes of Anahuac [[Aztecs]] were gravely suspected of being of Asiatic origin; and the Asiatic, as every one knows, is born to political servitude as the sparks fly upward. The evidence of Asiatic origin is very flimsy, but it enables the defenders of the dictatorship to write down the Mexicans as "Orientals," predestined to bow their necks beneath the yoke. The fact that Benito Juarez, the great statesman and patriot, was, by this reasoning, a full-blooded "Oriental" does not seem to embarrass the theorists. General Diaz himself, indeed, is partly "Oriental" — a quarter of him was a cannibal four hundred years ago.

Look closely at the phrase -- four centuries were assumed to be too short a time.

For those of you who are regular readers of mine, do you remember what I wrote about the goals of the SQLD being to reduce the Human Species into servitude, slavery, third-rate existence, and assumed inferiority beneath all forms of Perverts?

Here, is what I am talking about. Once a population is reduced and labeled as inferior, and that insistence is accepted by the 'General Public' (that is now composed of the SQLD and the 'Idiots that have been Lied To'), it is almost impossible for that population to throw off the yoke and confinement and damnation of such false claims and accusations.

Once they have their boots on your necks, they never intend to let you stand as People again.


Excerpt ...

Presently the amazed world saw the government going, hat in hand, to the rebel chief (who was not even a soldier!), begging for an armistice and a discussion of terms. It tried, at first, to assume a haughty air and pretend that the one thing excluded from all possible discussion was the resignation of Diaz. But, day by day, rebellion crept nearer the capital, and, day by day, it became clearer that the government could not cope with it.

Do you think that the Queer Coalition in Des Moines, that pretends to be Iowa, can deal with an all-out revolution here in Iowa?

Of course not. That is one of the principal reasons why the original United States Armed Forces was gutted and destroyed from within; to make the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid. To crush Rebellions and Revolutions-by-the-People.

People, who by political design and queer demands, are never supposed to have a Will of the People.

Why do you think those scumbags in Wash This Death City are still ordering more battle tanks for their Queer and Armed Fart-Forces?



But it was just here that, as I read the story, Diaz broke down. Just as the legend of his greatness was beginning to crystallize, he was entering upon the course of action which proved his littleness. He broke down partly for lack of economic knowledge, but mainly from defect of character. He has been called the Moses of the Mexican people, and it is true that he led them through the Red Sea of civil war and anarchy; but, arrived on dry land, he at once proceeded to bow down and worship the Golden Calf, and thereby undid in great measure the service he had rendered his countrymen.

[[This is identical to the situation of El Grande Duce Branstad. It should have stayed in retirement and remained revered by Idiots. Now, it has come out to prove that it was a 'Closet Queen' all along, and an anus-licker of all Monkey Judges.]]

This is a figurative way of stating the simple psychological fact that Diaz was hypnotized by the idea of material prosperity. He eagerly followed, not a pillar of fire, but an ever-growing column of figures. He mistook the wealth of the country for its well being. With all his unlimited power, he encouraged the exploitation of its resources, both by foreigners and by a narrow circle of wealthy natives; and he did absolutely nothing for the welfare of the masses of the people.

[[Again, the situation is identical to El Grande Duce Branstad, who does little for the People, much for the Elite, anything for the Queers, and would like some Tartar Sauce to go with all of those Monkey Judges.]]

Meanwhile, he persuaded himself, rightly or wrongly, that his unbroken tenure of power was indispensable to the continuance of the "leaps and bounds" of prosperity; wherefore he shrank from no measure that tended to consolidate his reign or to free him from dangerous rivalry. Far from educating his countrymen for real democracy, he crushed every attempt at the manifestation of political free will. Thus his despotism has been beneficent only on paper. Measured by the one true standard, that of human well being and worth, it has been rather a curse than a blessing to the country.

Not only is El Grande Duce Branstad a curse upon Iowa, the entire political sewage of Iowa is it's worst curse. No RepuCrap is a non-Democrat. There is no third party in sight. The SQLD run the government, which (as I have said before) has been reduced to a Queer Coalition that pretends to be Iowa. By the real measurements of Humanity, the state is slowly sinking further and further into the pig shit.



The truth is that he came into power just when the time was ripe for the industrialization of the country. He found capital and enterprise ready and waiting to flow in: all he had to do was to open the flood-gates. Did he take any pains to consider how far it was politic, for the sake of rapid development, to alienate the public domain?

[[Does anyone think that El Grande Duce Branstad gives a fig about the Natural Beauty of Iowa? What do you think the Little Duke From Hell would love more -- a hundred ButtUgly Windmills or a hundred acres of forest?]]

[[Poor you, now you have to suffer political commercials saying that the Little Duke From Hell loves and hugs the trees of Iowa.]]

On the contrary, he scattered with both hands, to capitalists who had gained his favor, privileges and franchises of incalculable value. I have heard the holder of a perpetual concession, such as no wise statesman would ever have granted, tell in the most matter-of-fact way how he shows his gratitude by making a large "rake-off" in his yearly return of profits for purposes of taxation. "Everybody does it," he said; and, whether that be true or not, it is certain that he and his class think, and have been encouraged by Porfirio Diaz to think, that Mexico exists simply for their enrichment.

'exists simply for their enrichment' -- I have explained to all of my readers, several times before, that the RepuCraps and the DemoCraps (etc) see Iowa as nothing more than a money-making proposition; which by itself cannot generate enough money for their greedy and twisted needs. So, they whore it out to any and all interests for more money -- and do not care whatsoever about the damaging and ruining effects that their prostitution has upon the State of Iowa. This is fact.



[[Behold! A preview of the Future Iowa -- under the shadows of the ButtUgly Windmills, and under the heels of whatever atrocities have been planned for it next -- by the likes of El Grande Duce Branstad.]]

No one can spend twenty-four hours in Mexico without seeing more abject poverty than he would see in as many days in — I will not say the well-to-do countries of Europe, but Ireland, or Italy, or Spain. Nowhere in the Western world have I seen anything like the utter destitution that meets one on every hand in Mexico. I am not speaking of beggars: it did not seem to me that actual mendicancy was more common than in southern Europe. I am referring to the working, wage-earning populace, or the people who carry on small trades and industries. Never in any country have I seen such rags; never in any country so much unintentionally bare human flesh; never such miserable makeshifts doing duty for human habitations. I have seen families housed beneath three or four strips of corrugated iron balanced against an adobe wall; or crouching in a wigwam made of old railway ties stuck up against a tree; or literally burrowing in a cliff of sand, with a sheet of canvas or corrugated iron to serve as a front wall to the cave. In some seasons, no doubt, and in some parts of the country, the climate renders such penury more endurable than it would be elsewhere; but the winter climate of the plateau of Anahuac is anything but genial. The conditions in the mesons or bunk-houses of the cities are, it is said, indescribably bad. It is evident that none of the boasted wealth of the country filters down to the lowest social level.



The cheapness of human life is an ancient tradition in Mexico. You see it again in the primitive plows and other implements with which regiments of peons scratch at the endless fields of the great haciendas. Diaz, it is certain, did not create these conditions of life and labor. But what has he done to amend them? Absolutely nothing. He did not create the slavery which exists in many parts of Mexico. But what has he done to check it? Absolutely nothing.

[[Keep in mind that in our situation, slavery is considered to be our 'one and best future' -- by the elite scum of the Queer Coalition in Des Moines, that calls itself Iowa. To those bastards and bitches, we are good-for-nothing-else.]]

Mexican Slavery

As to the fact that men are enslaved for debt, and are treated as marketable merchandise, there is not the least shadow of doubt. Those who set forth to deny it do not in reality do so, but admit, explain, and palliate it. One favorite line of defense is to point to the so-called "peonage" of the Southern United States, and suggest that those who live in glass houses should not throw stones. Peonage (the very word comes from Mexico) is, indeed, indefensible; but it is not carried on under the aegis of a benevolent despot whose untiring solicitude for the welfare of his people we are called upon to admire. It is, moreover, a sporadic evil, a local abuse. Whole communities are not thrust into it at the bayonet's point, nor is it recruited by processes of systematic fraud and kidnapping. If conditions in the Southern States were as bad as those in Mexico, that would be no defense for Porfirio Diaz; and, as a matter of fact, there is no reason to believe that they are nearly as bad.

[[In Iowa, peonage IS being planned using systematic fraud! Peons, are the poor workers of the land for the rich owners; who hold debts over them; debts that the peons did not cause, and will never be able to work off. What will the intended class of 'Iowa Peons' look like? In your mirror.]]

The Mexican Constitution absolutely prohibits slavery of any sort. "No one," it says, "can be obliged to render personal service without a fair remuneration and without his full consent, save as to labor imposed as a penalty by the judicial authority." And again, "The -State can not permit the consummation of any contract or agreement having for its object the curtailment, loss, or irrevocable sacrifice of the liberty of the individual." But the State, under President Diaz, not only permitted, but enforced through its police and gendarmery, thousands of such "contracts," if so they can be called. There is conflict of evidence, and there is room for doubt, as to the amount of actual cruelty practised under this system. But two unquestionable facts may in this connection be pointed out. It would be nothing short of a miracle if a people with the ancestry, the history, and the traditions of the Mexicans were constitutionally humane. Neither their Spanish nor their Indian forefathers were particularly squeamish as to torture or massacre; and to this day their favorite sports are cock-fighting and bull-fighting. I would not for a moment imply that all Mexicans are cruel; what I mean is that there is nothing in their antecedents to render it probable that they have any special power of resisting the temptations to cruelty which slavery inevitably presents. For—this is the second fact to which attention must be called —when a man receives no wages or other reward for his labor, there is no argument by which he can be induced to work, save pain or the fear of pain. In this respect the slave is exactly in the position of a horse or other beast of burden.



Long and complicated has been the feud between the Mexican government and this hapless tribe.[[The Yaquis. (Ya-kees)]] The government has published an elaborate history, in three hundred and fifty folio pages, with the purpose of showing that, from 1529 onwards, each successive authority has been at war with the irrepressible Yaqui, except during the eighty-five years between 1740 and 1825. The author of this volume, under the date of April 2, 1903 (the Porfirist fiesta, by the way), declared that there remained only three courses open to the government: (1) A war of extermination; (2) The deportation of the whole tribe, and its dispersion over distant parts of the national territory; (3) The colonization of the Yaqui Valley. I do not know precisely what "colonization" means in this context; nor does it greatly matter, for it was the second course, not the third, that was adopted.

Now, the Yaqui Indians are declared by all impartial observers to be a very fine race of people. The great ethnologist, Dr. Karl Lumholtz, speaks of them in the highest terms. Their intelligence is as remarkable as their physical endurance. They have, what is rare among aboriginal tribes, a good deal of mechanical aptitude. They are an agricultural people, inhabiting the rich valley of the river in Sonora which is called by their name. Probably it is the desirability of their territory that has been their ruin. That they have committed murders and depredations is not denied: the question is, how far they have been badgered and harried into outlawry. It is also a question whether any possible crime or series of crimes could have merited the punishment meted out to them —that of wholesale deportation and practical enslavement. In droves of hundreds at a time,—men, women, and children,—they were transported, with the utmost brutality of treatment, from one extremity of the Republic to the other, and into a climate — that of Yucatan —known to be rapidly fatal to them. Twenty-five million dollars, says Francisco Madero, has been lavished upon this war; and he pertinently asks what might not have been accomplished by the expenditure of such a sum on works of pacification. But there were interests to be served by deportation; and the people who profited by the scandal are well known. At last the country became so depopulated that in the surrounding region no harvesters were to be had; whereupon the landowners remonstrated with the Dictator. As a result, the decree of deportation was suspended, but with the proviso that for every crime committed by a Yaqui 500 of his people should be deported. Such is the justice of the Strong Hand.

According to the genocide plan -- where will the Real Humans of Iowa be dispersed to? What concentration camps are waiting for us? You know, they dare not send us everywhere. Like the Yaquis, they will have to send us to far away places of slavery, concentrated in large numbers. Well, at least we will be with each other for a change; and not mixed up with all kind of assholes.


I intended for this to be a short message, so please follow through and read the entire article -- it is worth reading and very revealing about Corrupt and Dictatorial Iowa Politics -- the parallels are an eye-opener.


Markel Peters

Saturday, January 25, 2014

A Concise Message Has Been Sent Out Entitled--Concise--2014-01-25--Where Have All The Voices Gone?

A concise message has been sent out at ...


entitled 'Concise--2014-01-25--Where Have All The Voices Gone?'

It is related to the last message which I sent out on this website at ...



Markel Peters











I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message.
Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.



























Labels Of All Posted Messages--A Way To Search Through Messages By Labels

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed


This blog exists to inform the People, of the 'Real Truth' about the real enemies of the Human Species. These Truths are not objectionable, as they are Truths. Only the telling of them can be objectionable, to those who wish to hide the Truth. If the Truth is something you HATE and therefore object to - go elsewhere!


Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!


The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.