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Friday, October 28, 2011


This one could have been done sooner -- but I am always researching other things, besides what I am writing about at the time.


Per - spi - cacity.

Pers - pi - cacity.

Pers - picacity.

Now, Say It Real Fast -- Perspicacity!


Real Women and Black Humans, Hear Me!

Hear Ye -- Hear Ye!

This One Is Especially For You.

Specifically -- What Real Women Do Not Want To Be -- And What Black Children Want To Do.




For anyone who might be reading one of my messages for the first time, my name is Markel Peters. I write messages on this blogsite for the Human Species to read and learn from. However, it ends up getting read by a wide variety of readers that range from Evangelical Christians to Down-and-Nasty Devil Worshipers; and everything in between. Also, I am proud to count two SQLD Analysts, and their Uncle's Monkeys, amongst my readership.

I write from the heart and from the brain, and it is not always easy to tell which one I am writing from -- from page to page. I will let all of you in on a little secret. I write from both at the same time. It is the percentages that change, not the heart, and not the brain.

I write to reach out to, and help, Humans. I try to reach as far as I can into the Realm of Human Misery, and heal the worst wounds. I use lessons, raw truth, uncompromising reality, examples, reminders, exposures, cross-correlations, diagrams, pictures, references, and a bit of humor -- to heal the wounds with.

I try to get as many Humans as is possible back onto the Tracks, to ReHealth and ReVitalization and ReSpect and ReAwareness as I can -- helping each other as they themselves get better.

There is no place that I will not go to, with my writing (or with myself if I can), to help Humans survive the terrible dangers which are attacking them everyday -- either singly, or by the billions.

What you are reading here, is another message which is a continuation of the message which I just put out; concerning the liars of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead (Demos/Homos/Modos) that have been trying to queer the upcoming election of 2012.

I could blast and ridicule those scumbags for a hundred pages here (and believe me -- I can do it), but the wounds are what I am the most focused upon.

Here and now, I suppose I should explain something more about myself. I would have made a Great Doctor. Yes. No boasting about it. Being a Great Doctor is very hard work. I would have made a very good 'Great Doctor'.

But, it was not meant to be. Everything was against me, and such a fate, from day one. Also, even in a decent environment (which I seldom had as a youth) if I had not been directed into the Medical Profession, I would have missed it by a light-year's length.

For, in my youth I wanted to be an Airline Pilot. I grew up around Edwards Air Force Base in California, with X-15's and B-70's roaring over the town I lived in, on a daily basis. Aeronautics and Missile Technology were everywhere around me in my youth, even though I was stuck in a Living-Hell.

Consequently, what I always really wanted to do was to be the Pilot of an Airliner. Or, maybe someday (in a different life) the Pilot of a Spaceship. That was far from a dream in those days.

But, it was not meant to be. The Living-Hell prevented it.

I ended up taking a far different journey through Time and Space -- straight into War. War Against The Worst Possible Evils.

However, I never lost my interest in Aeronautics and Outer Space. You will see evidence of that later in this message. My view of it though, was never political. I was a child in the Edwards AFB area during the years of the Mercury Astronauts. That was a time when the absolutely unknown Reality of Outer Space was incredibly real and sharp and dangerous. Outer Space? We did not even know what was between us and the Moon!

The Mercury Astronauts, and the Soviet Cosmonauts, took those first steps for us. I knew some of them. I saw them fly. I sat through it all. Every time another Mercury Astronaut went up, our entire school would shut down and sit together in the auditorium and watch pictures of it all; on little black and white TV sets, and listen to the words of it all over the loud speakers.

Project Mercury Astronauts

[[ Click on all pictures for an expanded view. ]]

Four Soviet Cosmonauts. There were a lot more.

[[ All of my pictures are edited on high contrast HDMI monitors, so your screens may not show them in the same contrast and color depth. Just boost the contrast on your screens.]]

Project Mercury was our part of a 'Space Race', motivated by International Politics and International Competition. But, it was also the 'First Steps Beyond Earth'. How many of you have ever heard of them? I am serious. Make a little poll amongst yourselves, and find out. How many flights into Space did they make? What was the name of the next Project?

There should be a National Museum in our country to those men of Project Mercury. The Cosmonauts have their own Museum of Cosmonautics in Moscow.

So ... if you have no idea of the times that I am talking about, how can you really understand me. I am from those times. Ironically, I am also leading the way into the Future -- now.

As I said, from the hot sands of the Mojave Desert next to Edwards Air Force Base -- I ended up taking a far different journey through Time and Space -- straight into War. War Against The Worst Possible Evils.

There are many 'occupations' inside of War. Ask a Warrior. I am the Man at the Front Lines who shouts at the Warriors -- "Shoot Straight God-Damnit!" and "Make Every Shot Count!" and "Concentrate Yourrr Fire!" and "Watch Your Flanks!" (etc).

I am also the Man who orders up more reinforcements, and makes sure the supplies are coming, and that everyone knows who is at his right elbow, and who is at his left elbow, and where the Hell we are charging to.

It is the role of an Inspector General -- and as fate would have its way -- I actually was an 'Inspector General' at one time -- but we called it 'The Field Captain'.


I can either write from the Front Lines, or write from the Base Camp, or write from the University -- as I am doing so now. When I write from this position, I am thinking of the pains and the confusions and the damages that have been done to my Species, by our enemies -- whether they are two-faced ModeRats like Mitt (the Rat) Romney, or the hideous Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid, or anything in-between.

Therefore, this message is meant for healing purposes. Not blasting purposes. If you have been a consistent readers of mine, you will certainly know the difference.


A thought occurred to me recently, while driving through Des Moines, that some of my readers might need each others help; to understand all of the things which I explain in these messages.

All of a sudden, I started thinking as I would if I were explaining the meanings of the lessons to someone who could not understand. The words 'Truth Buddy' came to my mind. In my imagination, I was saying to the person (a Man from Nebraska) "Get yourself a Truth Buddy of the Opposite Sex! She will help you through this. Help each other."

Truth Buddies Of The Opposite Sex.


I am sure it would, and will, work that way. It can be entirely Platonic and not physically sexual. Or not.

Hummm -- Truth Buddy Babies. That's a concept.

Groups and meetings about what I write, are fine and serve to glue the Species together. But, what about the loners and the semi-lost and the oppressed Humans?

Think about it.


Perception is Reality -- only where Reality does not exist -- such as the Lie Zones of the SQLD. Namely, TV and the Filthy Monkey Band, and the queer newsrags, and the BatShitCrazy Network on the Internet.

Only where Reality is forbidden and considered to be a terrible inconvenience, can any pack of Liars create their own False Reality; and then claim that the 'Perceptions' which they allow in their Phony World (and only the 'Perceptions' that they allow) are 'Reality'.

It only works in the Cruel World of their sick-sick-sick brains. It only works on the victims and addicts of their Cruel World. Addicts such as the women who cannot live from day to day without "My Soap" -- which translates as "My soap box opera brain injection for the day." This is such an infamous example of TV brainwashing that I hardly need to describe it. It is one of the prime examples of TV Serial Murder. Once a helpless and hopeless woman is addicted to the never ending moaning-and-groaning, crying-and-weeping, back-stabbing and sneaking story line of a 'Soap Box Opera', she is lost to herself and to the Human Species. She becomes nothing more than a 'Consumer', 'Watcher', and 'Voter/Follower' for the scum that have addicted her to this form of horrible TV Cruelty and TV Living-Death.


What this article does not tell you, is that Soap Operas were created deliberately by Soap Manufacturers to capture an audience of lonely daytime housewives, and expose them to the advertising propaganda commercials of the same Soap Manufacturers.

You are not supposed to know that.

The housewives are not supposed to know that.

It is Planet Sinister.


Is it not obvious? If there is already a society of dupes and programmed Soap Opera Watchers following one set of instructions -- all that the Queer Propagandists have to do is to use the same media and feed the dupes a different message -- in small doses until the entire message is accepted. And, suddenly the so-called Homosexuals have a built-in and automatic percentage of the 'General Public' feeding from their Propaganda Tubes, and mouthing their slogans and rhetoric, and voting for their disease whenever and wherever possible. How do you think the brain-dead Demented White Females (DWC) got started?

It is Planet Sinister -- for the 'Queers'.


It is an example of the deliberate addiction to medias that the Owners and Operators of the Satan Tube rely upon for a constant audience of fools and losers. It is ghastly. It is murder.

It is Planet Sinister.

Video Games are no less horrible. Anything that is a media addiction of some kind takes away from the person who is addicted, his or her freedom to live life without such an addiction. The makers and sellers of such Video Game Addictions could not care less about the lives of the people who become addicted to their phony images and bogus lifestyle.

The horrible existence of Planet Sinister, outside the stupor and delirium of their video games, just makes the act of escapism into those video games that much more vital and necessary, to anyone who has been led to believe that there is no other way to cope with being trapped inside Planet Sinister. Trapped with the Killer Queers/Cattle Mutilators/Moderates/Child Molesters/Black Radical Females/Socialist Dementos/Meth Addicts/DemoCraps (et all).

Making the society of Planet Sinister as vile as is possible, serves the purposes of any scum that want to create, for their products, a Captive Audience of Consumer/Followers. Consumer/Followers who can no longer see a way through life without the products or games or soap operas or political slogans or Queer Hoaxes that they have fallen into -- and are now captured by -- and are now addicted to.

Planet Sinister is for population control. Planet Sinister controls populations through Addictions, Lies, Queer Propaganda, and Middle-Managers-For-Hire; created by the Queer Masters of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead.

When I speak of Human Replacement, and the Genocide of the Human Species by Replacement; I am speaking of something that is not at all difficult. Where the Soap Opera Losers are concerned, it only entails the replacement of unknowing and unthinking idiots and fools, who are addicts for the SQLD (but could be real and functioning Humans otherwise). To be replaced by creatures that can never be Real and Functioning Human Beings and know it, and want it that way, and see their entire existence as what they are raised to be. Namely, conduits of Money and Voting Power for the Owners and Operators of the Satan Tube. Thus, giving those Little Charlie Dictators the 'Prostitution Abilities' which they need, in order to offer their Whoring Services to anyone who has enough money to pay for it.

It is simple, and I have explained it before. The Humanoid Replacements will exist as obedient slaves who will give their monies and their votes to the Clientele of the Satan Tube Owners and Operators. Who in turn will use the addictions that they have created amongst the Humanoid Replacements to tell all of them, in unison, what to buy and who to vote for. Thus, controlling society.

The Satan Tube Owners and Operators fully intend to be the Power Brokers for Planet Sinister.

Merchants of Decisions and Death.

And, what those Merchants need most is a "Mush People Society' that is constantly denatured and dehumanized by the Queer Propagandists who work for their Homosexual Agenda, and lend their services to the Owners and Operators of the Satan Tube.

For now.

As long as they still need the Owners and Operators.

The future of such soap opera addicts and video game addicts, who are nothing more than the propaganda-fodder of Planet Sinister, is bleak indeed.

Especially, when you consider that the preferred inhabitants of the future Planet Sinister are the totally denatured and dehumanized 'transhumans' of a future TechnologyTopia (or TechnoTopia). Transhumans, who will obey all orders to buy. Obey all orders to replace their natural parts with technical replacements, that require constant subscriptions for constant maintenance, updates and software renewals. Obey all orders to vote for the latest (and more horrible) anti-Human Masters.

Transhumans, who will soon enough drop the term 'humans'. Leaving no Humans left to object, complain, or resist.

It will be DemoTopia become TechnoTopia -- for Planet Sinister.

Which will be just beginning to flex its Sinister Dementias and Sinister Hatreds upon an unsuspecting Universe.


But -- that's all right. Just watch those soap operas and vote for the DemoCraps and the ModeRats.

But, don't wish your children a Good Night.


Limits Of Reality:

Just alone in our natural state, we Humans are cut off from the full impact of Reality anyway. By that I mean, the full searching awareness (Perspicacity) of what everything is doing in this Universe.

[[ per-spi-cac-i-ty -- noun -- acute perception: acuteness of discernment or perception -- Encarta ]]

What that is trying to say is that Perspicacity is the active and dynamic pursuit of accurate Perceptions of Reality. Perspicacity is the effort, and the art, and the style, and the energy, and the search for the Act Of Perceiving Reality, as it really is. Thus, reaping for the Perceiver, the True Perceptions of Reality. Not the Deliberately False Perceptions of the anti-life Queer Medias and Politico Prostitutes.

The effort and determination it takes to always look for the Truest Perceptions of the Real Reality -- THAT is Reality -- and that is Perspicacity.


Think of some of the most common obstacles to our awareness’s of Reality, such as Blindness, Deafness, Nerve Damage, Autism, Dyslexia and so forth.

Those are bad enough to begin with. But, to them add the confusions and angers and arguments and discords that are caused by the Forced Obstacles to our Perspicacity of Reality -- such as TV, FM, newsrags, Soap Operas, Politics, Propaganda, Whining 'Queers', Liars, Commercials, Regulations-For-Hire, Monkey Judges, Laws-For-Hire (etc); and it is easy to see how much we are all hindered and restricted and blinded to having even as much Awareness of this Universe as we can have -- given our already existing Human Limitations.


As if that was not bad enough, the conditions which exist within societies (without Sinister Intent) limit our perceptions and abilities and freedoms. Just being in a society, automatically creates for each of us a False Reality in which we must live and move about in -- literally taking our False Reality with us wherever we go in that society.

What the Masters of Planet Sinister do, is to make those social limitations work for them, for the sake of Population Control -- and for all of the riches that come with being the Controllers, or the Whores of Control.

For instance, Trillions of Dollars.

A 'Trillion' is a Million 'Millions'.

A Million of 'Millions of Something'.


How the Hell did we get Trillions of something as stupid as Money?

Answer: More money in circulation gives the Controllers more flexibility and greater control over the Consumers and the Voter/Followers. Especially, if most of that Extra Currency is printed just to go into the War Chests of the Homosexual/Democrats and the Moderate/Homosexuals. Who are constantly fighting over it.


If dollars were bullets -- and each of those bullets was coming in at each of us here in America -- how many bullets would be 'incoming' at each American?

How many bullets would be 'incoming' at each American Child?

That is -- 14,000,000,000,000 bullets -- for a population of 312,258,650 (the count when I looked).

That means there are 44,834.626 Liberal Bullets coming in at each of your little heads -- and I do mean 'little heads'. Because, only 'little heads' would vote for Democrat/Homosexuals or Homosexual/Moderates.

If you have children, take a look at them. Then, look at them again with those 44,834 incoming bullets -- about to blast their little bodies into that 'Voter's Splash' -- which all Politicians love so much.

And, lie about so much.

Clue: The Socialist Bullets follow the Children, wherever they go.


Sometimes ...

Sometimes, I say to my Readers (whose works I am also reading), to give special attention to what I am about to say.

Like now.

Let us watch Markel ...

Let us watch Markel wake up on a Sunday afternoon -- after sleeping late as usual -- and grumble and growl while he stumbles into the shower, and turns on the hot water.

Which is too cold, because he forgot to turn up the temperature on the hot water heater. So, dripping like an angry alligator, he flops down the stairs and assaults the hot water heater with undeserved verbal abuse, and turns up the thermostat.

Now, he plods back up the stairs and wraps himself in two pairs of pajamas and a big furry bath robe; designed for such events.

After twenty minutes of sitting on the edge of the bathtub and reading old copies of the National Geographic, he realizes that the hot water is now warm enough for a shower. So, he goes back downstairs and brews up a hot cup of tea, which he takes back up to the shower with him.

Twenty more minutes later, he is quite warm and well showered and thinking of where he is going to go today -- out there.

Two hours later, he is 'out there'.


'Out there' in Iowa, it is easy to be alone with Reality.

Let us make this example as simple as is possible. Markel drives to one of his favorite places in Iowa, gets out of 'The Cashmere', locks it up, and hikes several miles to one of his designated Horizon Stones; from where he can see a large overview of the hills and farmlands of Iowa.

Now, he stands on the Horizon Stone and becomes one with the Universe.


Standing there, what are the Reality connections that Markel has with the Universe? That are not Classified.

Answer: Earth Below, Wind All Around, Rain, Light, Smells From Everything, Sounds of Migrating Geese, Snow and Ice, Wild Life Watching, Lightning, Curious Turtles, Solar Energy, Clouds of Black Birds, Oceans of Corn and Soybeans, Pretentious Raccoons, Really Clean Air, Passing of the Moon overhead, Sounds of Country Shotguns, Changing Colors of Leaves, Cries of Wild Life Arguments, Galaxies Overhead At Night, Colors Green In Summer -- Gold In Winter, Distance Clear To The Horizons, Hummingbird Combats, Butterfly Referees ...

There is a great deal of the Real Universe just outside your door, in the Real Iowa of the Real Humans.

However, laterally the Horizons are the limits of these Real Perceptions -- which are being obtained by Perspicacity.

What is going on in Hong Kong, or in Saint Louis, or in Baghdad, or at Antarctica, or in Lake Baikal is not apparent from Rural Iowa. And, that is where the Queer Medias try to control you and fool you and mold your perceptions and understandings.

They are a mold all right. Like the green mold in an old outhouse. As I have mentioned before, the Queer Medias only allow you to see 'The Rest Of The World' through their twisted and malicious eyes and Homosexual Agenda. But, that is not bad enough for them. They are such malicious prostitutes and mind-fornicators that they want to control your every sensation and awareness -- of yourself and your own environment.

Horizon Stones are forbidden inside DemoTopia, and on Planet Sinister. Any chance for you to experience the Real World without the perverted and warped and lying usage of their Queer Medias is forbidden. You are all supposed to be their Enslaved and Obedient Mutants. Permanently lashed to, welded to, prosthetically attached to, locked onto, and never again free from, the machines that carry their Queer Propaganda.

Your every perception is supposed to be generated by their huge Propaganda Corporations, filled with twisted little faggots and lesie-harpies -- triple-dipped in Hell's own dung heaps.

You are to know only what they tell you to know. You are to believe, that what they allow you to perceive, is Your Perception. And, You Must Believe ... "Perception Is Reality".

You are never supposed to know that the Real Reality contains anywhere or anything that is not under their direct control.

Such as the Real Iowa.

Such as ...


Spiral Galaxies:

It must be a terrible existence to work for the Queer Medias. Only terrible creatures are allowed to work for the Queer Medias; no matter what they look like on the outside. In fact, the better they look on the outside (while the worse they are twisted and ugly on the inside), the better it is to the swinish brains of the Little Charlie Dictators, in their Little Charlie TV Stations. Being horrible inside and looking good enough on the outside (to fake out anybody) gives the smiling liars of the Queer Medias a psychological advantage; when it comes to making ugly lies and Queer Propaganda seem to be good and beneficial; to a superficial audience of Satan Tubers. Satan Tubers that are trained to believe only what they are told to believe, and can see only what the Queer Propagandists put on the outside covers of their falsehoods.

In a prison environment, such as Watching the Satanic Networks, Reality is only what exists within the limitations of that environment. The more devious and deliberately restricted the environment, the more limited is the Reality within it.

Outside of the stifling and nauseating wretchedness of the Prison Tube there is an Enormous Reality -- literally Huge and difficult to realize even for Real Living People. I want to give you an example of that Vast Reality; an example that is so large and so far away, from our present reach, that an entirely different set of restrictions precludes our realizing its Reality. And yet -- it is a very large part of the Real Universe.

Spiral Galaxy NGC4945 - APOD

NGC4945 is more real than all of the scum on TV can ever be. Unfortunately, its hard to reach, while the TV anuses are right in your face -- if you let them be.

NGC4945 is a prime example of what is called a Spiral Galaxy. It is about 11.7 million light years away from Earth and reachable only by Real Humans. Satan Tubers can only reach as far as the remote control for their TV, while the other hand reaches for something to masturbate. By the way, they eat 'As Seen On TV' snacks and munchies, with the same hand at the same time.

11.7 million light years is the limit of what is called 'The Closest Galaxies To Earth', as is explained at the following website.


There are a variety of Galaxy Types, as shown in the following diagram; but the Spirals are by far the most beautiful.


We, by the Grace of God, are situated on the outer edge of a Spiral Galaxy where we can get a good view of the rest of the Universe.

Where Is Earth Located?

Our own Galaxy, which we call the Milky Way, is an Sbc class Galaxy of the Barred Spiral Type.


If we were located deep within a Galaxy, our view and hence our awareness and our grasp of Reality would be much more limited. For instance, deep within a Globular Cluster (which orbit around the cores of Galaxies) our view would be primarily that of our neighboring stars, and our neighbors of course.

A Globular Cluster.

Galaxies were not made for their aesthetic appeal. Gravity makes Galaxies. Just like it was designed to.

NGC4945 - ESO

[[And, you thought this was going to be another boring lecture.]]

You know you are dead, when you can look at a Galaxy like this and not wonder who and what is really there.


This Spiral Galaxy' has the official designation of NGC4945.

[[Pay attention. This is not Rocket Science. Even Rocket Science cannot get you from here to there. This is about Real Reality, and its component parts.]]

NGC stands for New General Catalog (of Stars), and was released by J.L.E. Dreyer in 1888. It is still very much in use, having been updated.





Here is a brief description of NGC4945 from the ESO.

website for ESO


NGC 4945: The Milky Way's not-so-distant cousin
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

NGC4945 - ESO

Seen edge-on, observations of NGC 4945 suggest that this hive of stars is a spiral galaxy much like our own Milky Way, with swirling, luminous arms and a bar-shaped center. Sites of active star formation, known as H II regions, are seen prominently in the image, appearing bright pink. These resemblances aside, NGC 4945 has a brighter center that likely harbors a supermassive black hole, which is devouring reams of matter and blasting energy out into space. NGC 4945 is about 13 million light-years away in the constellation of Centaurus (the Centaur) and is beautifully revealed in this image taken with data in five bands (B, V, R, H-alpha and S II) with the 2.2-m MPG/ESO telescope at La Silla. The field of view is 30 x 30 arc minutes. North is up, east is to the left.

As NGC 4945 is only about 13 million light-years away in the constellation of Centaurus (the Centaur), a modest telescope is sufficient for skygazers to spot this remarkable galaxy. NGC 4945's designation comes from its entry number in the New General Catalogue compiled by the Danish–Irish astronomer John Louis Emil Dreyer in the 1880s. James Dunlop, a Scottish astronomer, is credited with originally discovering NGC 4945 in 1826 from Australia.

Today's new portrait of NGC 4945 comes courtesy of the Wide Field Imager (WFI) instrument at the 2.2-metre MPG/ESO telescope at the La Silla Observatory in Chile. NGC 4945 appears cigar-shaped from our perspective on Earth, but the galaxy is actually a disc many times wider than it is thick, with bands of stars and glowing gas spiralling around its centre. With the use of special optical filters to isolate the colour of light emitted by heated gases such as hydrogen, the image displays sharp contrasts in NGC 4945 that indicate areas of star formation.

Other observations have revealed that NGC 4945 has an active galactic nucleus, meaning its central bulge emits far more energy than calmer galaxies like the Milky Way. Scientists classify NGC 4945 as a Seyfert galaxy after the American astronomer Carl K. Seyfert, who wrote a study in 1943 describing the odd light signatures emanating from some galactic cores. Since then, astronomers have come to suspect that supermassive black holes cause the turmoil in the centre of Seyfert galaxies. Black holes gravitationally draw gas and dust into them, accelerating and heating this attracted matter until it emits high-energy radiation, including X-rays and ultraviolet light. Most large, spiral galaxies, including the Milky Way, host a black hole in their centres, though many of these dark monsters no longer actively "feed" at this stage in galactic development.


All of this talk about Galaxies seems to be a long ways away from the election of 2012 down here on this small planet -- and it is -- and that is part of the point to this. Reality is both very close and very far away, and in either case should be beyond the confines of the Satan Tube, and beyond the rancid reach of the Queer Propagandists and their BatShitCrazy Network.

Now, consider the lowly grasshopper.

I said -- 'grasshopper'.

That's right; it's a grasshopper.


Last month, I was walking around a pond that was owned by a big grey heron, in Wright County. He was sitting out there in the middle of the pond, like a Lord Of The Pond, surveying his domain. I was doing my best to imitate a Human Being; knowing that the sight of a twelve foot long Alligator would scare the bejiggers out of him, and he would be gone in a slow flash. Herons never do anything fast.

So, I pretended to be one of those pesky Humans who walks around aimlessly, holding funny looking boxes up to things. And, I took these pictures. The fields around the pond were teeming with grasshoppers. I wasn't there to do a plot count, but there was probably four hundred grasshoppers between me and the Cashmere Impala, a quarter mile away.

If you consider that space between myself and The Cashmere to be five degrees of arch; then within a 360 degree quarter mile radius from me were about 28,800 grasshoppers. That is about right. That is what it looked like. However, the conservation area around that pond was much larger, and since the vegetation was growing quite well, the insect population was booming.

I had a hard time getting shots of those grasshoppers. They would jump away at the slightest movement. However, I did get two willing subjects to pose for photographs.

Hundreds of these Dragonflies.

Dozens of these little pond frogs. You could fit one of these in the palm of your hand.

My point to this is -- Life.

On a productive and congenial planet to Life -- (Earth) -- at just one pond out of (how many ponds are there in Iowa?) hundreds? -- there was a very large and active ecology of 'pond life' stirring about and Living Reality For What It Really Is!!!!

Which is incredibly more than can be said for any Satan Tuber that is addicted to the Queer Medias -- that brainwash all of their victims with such mental garbage as -- 'Perception Is Reality'.

Credit -- Don Goldman

How many ponds are there, teeming with 'pond life' in the NGC7331 Galaxy?


NGC7331 is about 132, 341 light years across.
Our Milky Way Galaxy is about 100,00 light years across, 10,000 light years thick at the center, and is supposed to contain at least 400 billion star systems.
That is 400,000,000,000 star systems.
Because NGC7331 is larger, it could potentially have more star systems than our own Galaxy has.

Bigger ponds ecologies -- have more grasshoppers.

Someone named Frank Drake (an American Astronomer) once came up with an equation for the probability of 'Communicating Civilizations' in our Galaxy.

[[ This is not Rocket Science. This is simple mathematics. ]]

The equation is -- N = (R*) times (fp) times (ne) times (fl) times (fi) times (ft) times (L).

N is the number of 'Communicating Civilizations' trying to talk to the rest of the universe.
(R*) is the Rate of formation of suitable stars, in the Galaxy.
(fp) is the Fraction of those stars that have planets.
(ne) is the average Number of planets suitable for Life, around a star.
(fl) is the Fraction of those planets that develop Life.
(fi) is the Fraction of those planets with Intelligent Life.
(ft) is the Fraction of such planets with a Civilization that tries to Communicate.
(L) is the average Lifetime of such a Civilization.

It is what is called an Exobiology Equation. Which means Biologists who think about Life in the Universe all day long use equations like this.

For my purposes, I will replace (R*) with the total number of stars in a Galaxy (#t). In the case of NGC7331, we will use the number 475,000,000,000. I will replace (L) with (fc), which stands for the percentage of those stars that do have planets, and are at a point in their life cycle where Life is possible on one of their planets. Not does have Life, but could have Life.

I will apply the following fractions and numbers:

(#t - 475,000,000,000) times (fp - 1% ) times (fc - 10%) times (ne - 1) times (fl - 50%) times (fi - 50%) times (ft - 50%).

That is -- N now equals ...

(#t)) total number of stars. -- 475,000,000,000
(fp) Fraction of those stars that have planets. -- (.01)
(fc) Fraction of stars at suitable Life cycle. -- (.1)
(ne) average Number of suitable planets around a star. -- (1)
(fl) Fraction of those planets that develop Life. -- (.5)
(fi) Fraction of those planets with Intelligent Life. -- (.5)
(ft) Fraction of such planets with a Civilization that Communicates. -- (.5)

The final equation is N = 475,000,000,000 X (.01) X (.1) X (1) X (.5) X (.5) X (.5) which equals -- 59,375,000 planets in NGC7331.

This says,that there are 59,375,000 planets in NGC7331 that have Intelligent Lifeforms on them, all of whom are trying to talk to the rest of the Universe.

Certainly some astronomers will say that my ideas about the Development of Life Factor, and the Intelligent Life Factor and the Communicating Life Factor (all 50%) are too generous. Well, even with those numbers at 25% we get 7,421,000 planets in NGC7331 that are trying to Communicate with the rest of the Universe; and may be doing so as we speak.

Let us stay with the 25% idea, but take away the last two factors. This will give us what I have been talking about, namely planets with Life. Not necessarily Intelligent or Communicating. Then again, we are no experts on Intelligence and Communicating, or we would not have the Satan Tube and the Queer Medias.

When we run that equation, which is Just Life = 475,000,000,000 X (.01) X (.1) X (1) X (.5)

Just Life equals =
(#t)) total number of stars. 475,000,000,000
(fp) Fraction of those stars that have planets. -- (.01)
(fc) Fraction of stars at suitable Life cycle. -- (.1)
(ne) average Number of suitable planets around a star. -- (1)
(fl) Fraction of those planets that develop Life. -- (.5)

which equals -- 237,500,000 planets in NGC7331 with Lifeforms. Life never lives alone, so there must be 237,500,000 planetary ecologies too.

Let us say to ourselves that it is really hard to grow Life in NGC7331, for some unknown reason, and the (fc) is only 1% (.01) and (fl) is only 25% (.25). That gives us a total number of planets in NGC7331 with Just Life = 11,875,000.

That is Eleven Million Eight Hundred Seventy Five Thousand Planets with Life Ecologies on them, in the Galaxy we call NGC7331.

Now, let's see ... how many grasshoppers would that be?

How many twelve foot alligators would that be?

The point is, regardless of how many grasshoppers and alligators (or things like them) are out there in that Living Galaxy (NGC7331) ---- Each And Every One Of Them Is Alive And Real, And None Of Them Are Doing So With The Permission And Approval Of The Democrat/Homosexuals, or the Homosexual/Moderates !!!!

Which really pisses them off !!!!

I won't even go into how many Lifeforms have lived on those planets, during the time periods at which those planets could support and sustain ecologies. But, you can bet your ass -- not one of them ever watched the Satan Tube.


'Life'? Without the TV Anus Faces?

Butt! The TV said -- "If It Isn't On TV, It Isn't Real!"

Have We Been Lied To?


[[ The intention of the Politically Correct Propagandists is to permanently alienate and cut off their victims from all forms of Real Reality, and all other forms of Real Life; no matter what it is. Since most of them are queered up to their eyeballs, they especially do not want their Voter/Followers knowing about (or thinking about) anything Natural. ]]


Three topics make themselves known at this point.

1. Do we want this Planet Sinister filth to multiply?

2. How do we build another Planet?

3. How do we keep Planet Sinister from spreading to our new Planet?


One: Do we want this Planet Sinister filth to multiply?

Answer: Ask yourself this.

Do I want this Planet Sinister of sickness and evil to spread to the rest of the Universe?

Do I want there to be a thousand Planet Sinisters?

Ten thousand Planet Sinisters?

If you keep on believing all of the lies and propagandas which the Moderate/Homosexuals and Homosexual/Democrats feed to you, the awful boiling cauldron of greeds and perversions which I call 'Planet Sinister' will spread itself to wherever it can reach, and infest, and disease and kill.

Forget your worries. Forget your cares and troubles. Forget your self and your personal enemies. And ask yourself, do I want this insane perversion to go any farther than it already is? Do I want ten thousand totally-stupid and eternally-evil Planet Sinisters, infesting and purifying everything that they can touch and attack?

Think around your pain. Think through your pain. God Damn your pain -- and think straight!!!!


Two: How do we build another Planet?

Answer: For all of those children who are reading this -- or it is being explained to you (honestly) -- do you children remember what I said, or were you told about what I said, concerning the Human Species has to create its own planets on which to live?

I meant that.

Right now, the only plans which anyone has to solve our HUGE overpopulation problem is to possibly terraform the planet Mars. The process is expected to take 900 to1000 years.

That won't amount to 'buttkiss', in our efforts to become a stabilized and sane Cosmic Species. Also, is anyone seriously assuming that we are going to wait around, on this one little planet for 900 years, until Mars is suitable for a billion Human inhabitants?

Give Me A Break Here!

[[ Incidentally, the reasons why we are not already colonizing Mars are all political. The Demos/Homos/Modos do not want a space free population. Those scum want a contained and controlled and stressed and near crazy and deluded population, for themselves to suck on. ]]

Wikipedia Article

AstroBiology Article

Terraformation will take 950 years

Discovery Article

Red Colony Article


My idea is to build planets. I will explain my reasoning.

It means Work. That means Jobs. That means Dynamic and Involved Economies dedicated to getting this done. A lot of Jobs! A lot of Economies!

There would be no sitting around on our Fat Butts, watching our Fat Butts grow Fatter -- while Mars percolates and comes up with a breathable atmosphere, 900 years from now. Meanwhile, we will be so jam packed together on this one small planet, that every time you eat a sandwich, the guy to your immediate right will do the digesting, and the guy to your immediate left will pay the bill.

You Might As Well Have Three Heads -- For Christ's Sake!

The Martian Terraformers are looking at a millennium of work to get just the planet Mars into a livable shape, for how many people? One billion?

I say, that much time would be better spent making a planet to suit your needs. Also, if you make one, it may turn out that you can get it up to a liveable climate and ecosphere faster than it would take to Terraform Mars.

Once our Species decides to do something, even though we are not sure of how to get it done, we always come up with amazing solutions. The key point is, to get the Species aimed in the right direction AND to get all of that 'Thinking Power' turned on. Onto the problems that are involved in getting us to where we need to go.

There are few Insurmountable Problems in existence between ourselves and our Future as a Cosmic Species. Our 'Thinking Power' has the ability (usually) of perceiving solutions to problems that seem to be insolvable at first sight.

And, here again we are talking about Perceptions and Solutions. Any Species that is not allowed to Perceive Reality as it really is, and is enslaved by a pack of scum such as the SQLD (who want to control us and breed us and milk us for every dollar we have) -- cannot have the 'Powers of Perception' that will be required to solve the problems and riddles and limitations that we will encounter -- as we improve from our present wretched condition to being a Cosmic Species.


About Terraforming and making Planets -- to Hell with the social ideas and environmental policies that pertain to the living planet Earth. Mars is dead. To heck with the 'fascination', Mars is dead. The Outer Planets are dead. Venus and Mercury are dead.

The 'environmentalists', who would want us to preserve the other planets as they are now, already oppose their own planet -- by trying to control society and promote the Science Religion over all other religions -- using their bogus 'global warming hoax'. A hoax, which they have now altered (after being caught as hoaxers) to a 'climate change' funds-raising hoax; for their continued fat salaries, of course.

Anyone who would want us to 'preserve' those Dead Planets as Dead Monuments, is already killing this planet by collaborating with the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead.


Whatever it takes, make a Second Earth.

Here, not there. Right here, in this same star system.

Population size, and the necessity of obtaining the building materials required to build our own planets, is a recurring theme with my writings; because it is a recurring Real Reality for the Human Species!

It is an Inescapable Reality.

Do you know what that means?

The 'environmental concerns' that apply to this living planet called Earth, do NOT apply to those dead planets out there!

Tear them apart.

Rearrange them.

Consolidate them into larger planets.

Do Gravity's Work.

[[ Or crawl. Crawl on your bellies to a hugely over populated Living-Death. ]]


Like I just said, problems that seem to be insurmountable usually go away and dissolve, when our 'Species Thinking Power' is applied to them. We get really good at solving new problems in new environments, really fast. That is because by doing so, we are 'Doing in Reality' as I said. This gives us that extra boost of incentive, ingenuity, and sharpness of perception that our Species is really good at.

One of my ideas, which sounds like it is impossible, is to strip several planets down to their cores; and then to build a core for a big planet out of them. Onto that new core build the outer layers of a complete planet.

Make it ten percent bigger than Earth. With ten percent more Gravity.

We need Bigger Humans. The efforts to populate this area of this Galaxy will need bigger and stronger Humans.

And yes, it certainly IS Human Breeding; but on a massive scale without genetic manipulations. The extra ten percent Gravity will do the work of creating Bigger Humans over four generations, without the extremely dubious contributions of genetic engineers.

Build Earth Two -- or Tierra Dos -- Terre Deux -- or Terra Due --or whatever you call it.

And, put at least four billion Humans on it. By then, the over population here on Tierra Uno will be at least twenty billion, and that is with extreme controls on population growth in force.

Controlling population growth is a very difficult matter, aside from the ground level problems, because the needs of the Species will be changing. There will be times when we will need more population in order to get huge projects completed. And then, there will be times when we will need to cut back on our overall population size because we are running out of resources. But, if we find more resources (or reach more resources) we may want to take on more huge projects, which may require a larger overall population. However, after those huge projects are completed, we may end up with far too many people for a sustained quality of life.

This dilemma, of not planning our population size relative to our goals and achievements, is what keeps pushing us outwards to find or build new worlds.

As of now, we desperately need another habitable world for our Species to live on. We had better get started creating it now. That is why I am mentioning it now.

Now. Put your brains to it now. Not tomorrow. By tomorrow you may be a three-headed slave, jam packed into a Planet Sinister that is so over crowded with three headed idiots, that each of us has to go by three names.

The immediate alternative to beginning our planning and preparations for building a new planet, is to accept confinement and imprisonment inside the putrid DemoTopia of the lying (bleeps) of the Homosexual/Democrats and the Moderate/Homosexuals. That means, Genocide by Replacement of the Captured Human Species.

Which in turn means, after we Humans are gone the entire God Damned DemoCrap Mess won't matter anymore, anyway.


"But, how?" you might ask. "How can we build a planet?"

Answer: Huge Machines.

Not Cyborgs. Not Bicentennial Man. Not Androids. Not TransHumans. Not Genetic Engineering. Not Cylons.

Huge Machines, built by Biggest Machines, that were built by Humans. With no HAL 9000 series computers anywhere.

No Artificial Intelligence doing any thinking at all for us Humans.

Human Thought, and Human Ideas, and Human Reasoning from wall to wall, and from beginning to end.


Develop and perfect the technologies of using machines to build and perfect larger machines. With us Humans as the controllers, as we should be.

Start as Big as you can.
Build a place in Solar Orbit that is always close to Earth.
It will be a place where you can build Big Machines and Big Spacecraft.
Using the Big Machines, and the Big Spacecraft, you will then build another place in Solar Orbit that is always close to Earth (a little further away).
It will be a place where you can build Bigger Machines and Bigger Spacecraft.
Using the Bigger Machines, and the Bigger Spacecraft, you will then build another place in Solar Orbit that is always close to Earth (a little further away).
It will be a place where you can build Biggest Machines and Biggest Spacecraft.
Using the Biggest Machines, and the Biggest Spacecraft, you will then build another place in Solar Orbit that is always close to Earth (a little further away).
It will be a place where you can build Huge Machines and Huge Spacecraft.
Using the Huge Machines, and the Huge Spacecraft, you will then rip apart the existing Star System and build a Second Earth from the pieces.

Keep going. Do not stop. Recycle as you go.

It will take the concentrated effort of generations of Humans, just to build up to the 'Huge' scale that will be needed. And, do not expect those machines and spacecraft to look like anything that you can imagine now. They will be made of Technologies and Mechanics that do not even exist today.

Also, you will be using the entire output of the Human Species to get this done. Expectations will be very high, because the population size will be very high.

You will have to do it right, the first time. And, you will barely have time to catch your collective breath, before you will have to start building another.



Getting there is possible. Tierra Dos is possible. If we had the ability to see as God sees his Universe and his Time -- we would see that from Point A (where we are now) to the Real Reality of this Point B (Tierra Dos), as I have described it, IS possible.

In fact, there are more ways to achieve it than even I am aware of. I know it can be done, and it must be done. I am sure that what I just said about Big, Bigger, Biggest, Huge is the way to go. The ingenuity of Man can easily design those machines and those spaceships, so the Big can be folded and molded into the Bigger, which can be folded and molded to make the Biggest -- and so forth.

Nothing need be wasted in this effort. For instance, once the Big Machines and Big Spacecraft are built (and are busy building the Bigger Space Dock, in which will be built the Bigger Machines and Bigger Spacecraft) -- the Big Space Dock can be used to build all of the support ships and auxiliary craft that will be needed for later projects.

By the time the Bigger Space Dock has done its work, and the Bigger Machines, and the Bigger Spacecraft, are busy building the Biggest Space Dock (in which will be built the Biggest Machines and Biggest Spacecraft) -- The Bigger Space Dock can be used to build Space Colonies for Tierra Uno.

Conservation of resources is most essential in such an effort. Because, an intensive obstacle to the entire idea is limited resources. In fact, we may have to mine and deconstruct nearby star systems to get the component elements and materials that we need for all of the planets that we will eventually require.

For a small planet, that is a tough order. For two small planets, it is a much more do-able order. For three small planets, it is just a matter of time.

I will not go any further into this right now, because I want to stay on track. But, I have many ideas about this.


[[ Should I grow a big white beard now, and have a picture taken of me; dressed in a suit, and sitting before a studio backdrop? That's a terrible thing to do to an Alligator. ]]

If you think this is a wild and crazy idea -- think again.

AND ...

Check the World Population Clock website for the latest count. As of this writing it is 6,970,033,156. Almost seven billion.


You will notice that I did not mention a 'Ringworld'.

A 'Ringworld' would not need core material, but the construction of one is (at best) an 'Advanced Project'. The kind of project that 'Worlds' attempt.

But first, you must have the 'Worlds', and the resources required.

If, and when, the Human population reaches fifty billion, AND we have a half dozen Terra Planets to live on, AND we find enough resources somewhere else (I emphasize 'somewhere else'), then we will be able to take on a 'Ringworld Project'.

A Vision of Larry Niven's 'Ring World'.


Three: How do we keep Planet Sinister from spreading to our new Planet?

Answer: That is what this War is all about. Start by Stopping. Stop all of the Monkey Lawyers and the Monkey Judges from killing Humanity, with Queer-Laws-For-Hire.

A perverted and sick-sick-sick population of enslaved Mush People, who are addicted to the lies and tricks and filths of their Queer Masters, cannot build its way out of a paper diaper -- with the help of a Tidy Diaper Service.


Why do you think I just put out a message about Logic?

Logic is what tells you that there is an Enormous Reality in Existence -- and NOT the putrid little Fake Reality of the Medias and the vile BatShitCrazy Network (Internet Interruption and Intimidation Network).

Try to see it.

Try to understand, how Logic and Spiral Galaxies go together.

Try to see Reality.

Without the Crystal Balls, and the Rainbow Unicorns.


You see, the phonies and pretenders inside the Bubble of Lies, that want all of you to be confined within their jargon and rhetoric and Demanded Assumptions (such as 'Perception Is Reality'), are actually very vulnerable and as fragile as the glass bubble around their lies.

Especially, when the crushing weight of a Spiral Galaxy is placed against it.

There isn't a Spiral Galaxy in the Universe, including our own, that could give a damn less about all of the Queer Propagandists and Media Anuses combined. They all need to be crushed and splattered with equal carelessness.

I could have chosen any of the Spiral Galaxies that are really out there in the Universe, and NGC4945 and 7331 are not my favorites (of all that I know about), but they will certainly do to obliterate the absurd audacity of the Queer Propagandists and their 'Perception Is Reality' tripe.


For more about Spiral Galaxies, see the Astronomy section at the end of this message. Incidentally, there is a drastic and urgent need for a Big, Illustrated, Diagrammatic and Explanatory (lots of reading) Astronomy Textbook That Weighs At Least Forty Pounds. To be sold everywhere, not just at Colleges and Universities. WITHOUT The Usual Science Religion Drivel About 'The Big Crap Theory'!!!!

All that the Science Religion Dingbat Priests know about 'Creation', is that everything in the Universe seems to be moving away from one area in Space. What that Space is, or where it came from, or what created it, or what is beyond it -- is totally unknown to them. But -- since they are in competition with all of the Organized Religion Priests for everyone's money; and since their income of grant monies depends upon the Politicians believing that their Science Religion is of a greater value than any other Religion ...

[[ Which is why they launched that Political Campaign to separate the 'Church' from the 'State', to cut off the other Religions from access to 'State Monies' and 'State Money Dispensers' (politicians). ]]

they must insist that they are 'All Knowing', and that their doofus theory about 'The Big Crap' as the beginning of the Universe must be accepted as 'The Gospel Truth;' by all Politicians and the Voter/Followers of their Religion.

And we, the General Public, are supposed to lick up that papp, as soon as they spit it out.

Same (bleep).
Different Religion.
New Day.

We need a Forty Pound Astronomy Textbook (for the General Public) that does not play at teaching about the Universe, and does not include the Religious Dogmas of the Science Religion. One that just states the facts, as Astronomers truly think they are, without any of the Imbecile Theories that infest Cosmology.

If you are going to do it -- do it right. And, ignore all of the Science Religion Bullcrap. God knows, there is plenty of Astronomy to fill a Forty Pound Astronomy Textbook with -- without the Sciencecrap.


Look at the Universe as what it IS. IS TODAY.

In fact, whenever I think of the Universe I never think of Science Fiction such as Star Wars, The Big Crap Theory, and Star Trek. Never. Not Ever.

It just does not happen; because those things have nothing to do with the Real Universe. They may cause an interest in some people to inquire about the Real Universe, but they have absolutely nothing to do with the Real Universe. We are just supposed to think that they do, so egomaniacs who cannot get a Real Job in the Real Universe can live off of 'State Monies', and concoct more and more Sciencecrap Theories, to keep the money rolling in.


Just to piss off those Science Religion Priests, who cannot find a Real Job in the Real Universe, because they cannot DO a Real Job in the Real Universe -- I am going to name a Galaxy after myself.

It will henceforth (and forever after) be known as 'Markel's Galaxy'.

Something Good -- not too pretentious -- healthy colors -- good attitude -- big enough around -- well built -- long eyelashes -- giggles nice ...

How about? NGC 300.


Just the place, where a twelve foot long Alligator like me can frolic, and flourish.

Since Markel's Galaxy is Gravitationally Bound to the nearby Galaxy NGC 55 -- I have named that Galaxy after the Queen -- Varvara. It will henceforth (and forever after) be known as 'Varvara's Galaxy'.

NGC 55 - ESO


They are not my favorites by any means, but they will serve for discussions about Reality and the Universe in the future. And, they are close enough to make those queer Science Priests at 'Harvard's Queer' really happy.

Or, not.


Scary, scary -- who's really scary?

The Queer Propagandists want to be the Masters of Perception, and by that to control all who are their victims, inside their phony world of BatShitCrazies.

Using their continual dogma, that 'Perception is Reality', they intend to smear and ridicule and defame any Real Humans who dare to defy them and their Oligarchy of Satanism. Michele Bachmann is a case in point of a Real Human who is constantly being lied about and characterized falsely -- indeed opposite from herself, and closely alike to the Queer Propagandists themselves.


Oh, and by the way -- the Demented White Females (DWC) are saying that you Humans who read my messages and the messages of other Humans, are scary.

You know too much.

As usual, I hear this at convenience stores and truckstops in Southern Indiana -- the land that just cannot keep its mouth shut.

So ... the murderers who were absolutely sure that they were going to Queer Everyone To Death Just Five Years Ago -- are now saying that all of You who read these messages (and the websites of other Human Writers), and Know The Truth ...

You Are Now Scary.


How can that be?

We are all supposed to be -- DOOMED BY NOW!!!!

S L A V E S B Y N O W ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


That's right.

We are not supposed to remember.


One recent Demented White Female (DWC) which I caught saying such lies was of a different type than you would expect. This one was well-built, instead of fat and bulgy. This one had a great body (36D's) and what would have been a beautiful face with blond hair -- if another brain had been inside its skull. This one was young, and aggressive and had a male drone.

The drone was a wimpy and thin punk, that will never become a Man; which catered to her every order. It looked to her for everything, just the way the Demented White Female (DWC) wanted it to. The male was so happy to have a 'girlfriend', who was so well built and good-looking, that he was readily her slave. Which is why she chose him.

Instantly, you could see that her brains were much bigger than his. To put it politely. This was no 'Romeo and Juliet'. This was 'Crap and Crapped'.

She chose him for utilitarian reasons, right down to what he is supposed to say to the Humans that he is supposed to betray; and kill if possible.

He thinks she likes him, and is thrilled to be able to be in bed with such a 'hot-chick'. I understand that there is a choice of tastes in Women, but that one is pure poison.

She will outlive him by about 300%, because he is being brainwashed by her to be an agent of the SQLD.

She will train him to be a Spy, or a Snitch, or even send the poor bastard out to fight Human Beings in combat (not a good idea); and we will catch the idiot in the act, or on the battlefield.

She is killing him. She is too stupid and brainwashed herself to know it. And, I don't think she would care even if she did know it. The Demented White Females (DWC) are desperate to get DemoTopia shoved down the throats of everyone until all Humans are Slaves Slated For Replacement.

That goal is failing. That hatred of all Humanity and Masculinity is falling down from its own dead weight.

But, the Demented White Females (DWC) are fanning the hatred in each others brains, in a futile attempt to frighten each other into worse acts of Terrorism and Genocide against us. The setup of her male drone to be slaughtered while attacking us, is just one small example of this.

The Demented White Females (DWC) are characterizing us (to each other) as scary monsters -- brainless savages -- obsolete miscreants -- overdue for replacement -- carry overs from a dead past (murdered by them) that are no longer necessary -- violent retards -- twisted aberrations -- and uncontrolled radicals.

THAT -- is a perfect description of the BatShitCrazy Network -- our worst enemies -- and the leaders for and inspirations of -- guess who?

Answer: The Demented White Females (DWC).

Yes. As always. The enemy always tries to plaster us with the identities of their own insanity and evils.

It is the classic flip-flop and reversal of Perceptions -- that the Queer Medias and their drooling slaves, such as the Demented White Females (DWC), always try to do to the 'General Public'. This latest scare tactic is meant to frighten each other into worse attempts to control the 'General Public' with their lies and Perception Injections.

It must be Real Hell to be part of the 'General Public'.

I cannot even imagine what it is like to be so stupid and mindless that I would subject myself to lies and Perversion Injections from a propaganda machine called Television; or to allow myself to be talked at and lied at by Demented White Females (DWC).

It must be truly Hell On Earth, and it would be, if it were not on Planet Sinister instead.

The Plight of the General Public -- the 80% of the 10-80-10 equation -- is what Political Campaigns are all about. The recent Paranoid Rash of the Demented White Females (DWC) is nothing more than part of a Political Campaign to fool their targets (the General Public) into voting for the Democrat/Homosexuals and the Homosexual/Moderates in the 2012 elections.

They are whipping each other up into a campaign frenzy, in an attempt to get as many Demented White Females (DWC) as possible to campaign for the Homosexual/Democrats and the Moderate/Homosexuals. This is necessary, because many Demented White Females (DWC) are presently disillusioned and disenchanted with the 'Kill All Males' propaganda and orientation of the recent past -- which has failed totally.

In case this does not tell you something -- I will spell it out for you.

Now, is the time for all Humans who are aware of their Humanity and what it means to be a Human Being -- to kick out all of the stops and blast ahead at full force -- to assert their Humanity and Sanity over all things that come from the SQLD -- and are therefore anti-Human and anti-General Public.

Planet Sinister is falling apart.

It is trying to pretend that it is dangerous, with a rash of pre-arranged and staged protests and demonstrations (against itself) -- but now is the time to tear it down -- fake protestors and all.


I wonder why it is? Why did the Demented White Females (DWC) never tell anyone?

The More Scared The Demented White Females (DWC) Are --



The more you learn about Reality, and the more accustomed you become to Reality (the Good, the Bad, the Ugly) the more you will want to know why the SQLD, and the 'Queers', never told you about Reality -- and the more your anger will speak for you.

The answer is simple: To control you. To harvest you as sources of money. To get as much money as those scum can get their hands on.

And, it worked! The election of 2008 put HObama the Magnificent Pervert (and all associated maggots) into the White House. Now those perverts and genociders are 14 Trillion dollars richer. And, you are 14 Trillion dollars in the poor house; because they will demand that you pay THEIR DEBTS!!!!

That such a Theft and Outright Rip-off of an entire nation's population could be perpetrated right before their stupid 'TV watching' eyes, is truly a scary phenomenon.

The Nazi-like 'Big Lie' concept of it all -- is really Nazi-like scary.

But, only if you can think, which most of the 'General Public' cannot. But -- they can still watch TV.

How about that!

Isn't that great?


I remember when I was in the MassGrave of the HBHZ -- I saw 'Queers' going everywhere in the Zone, tearing down all signs and symbols of Christians and Christianity. They burnt down everything they could find that was Christian. It was a deliberate attempt to control the eyesight, and thus the perceptions, of all walking-dead within the MassGrave.

The 'Perception Is Reality' Hoax is what is behind such actions.

Out of sight -- Out of Perception. It was, and is, part of their Propaganda Campaign to saturate all Medias and every square inch of advertising space within the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone with the lies and demands of the Homosexual Agenda.

The 'Neutering of WHO' in Des Moines (now a eunuchs playground) is just another small part of the same Queer Propaganda Campaign; aimed at controlling Perceptions and then calling those Forced Perceptions -- Your Reality.

The attempted (still attempting) castration of the Real Iowa by the HBHZ Puppet -- 'Il Duce Branstad - The Neuter Maker' (ain't no noodle maker) is just another example of jackals and vermin following SQLD orders, and getting well paid for it.

14 Trillion Dollars buys a lot of Puppet Politicians.

Puppets that will 'Neuter The Audience' for anyone who pays well enough.


Black Children and Telescopes:

I was standing outside of a prison in Kansas, just after I released that message about the BatShitCrazy Network. Inside the fence were eight black prisoners exercising and discussing me.

[[ Remember, I'm supposed to share. Right? ]]

They were all of young adult age, and during their talking one of them commented that (I) will never get a reaction to one of my messages again, like what happened about the BatShitCrazy Network.

I would like to comment about that statement.

I have heard that same thing said about me, and my efforts to save the Human Species, for decades now. I cannot even remember half of them. And, you had better hope that I keep on doing the saving around here young man. Young Black Man. Young Man of the Black Contingent. Because, this is all for You.

You do not live in a underground concrete bunker do you?

You are not a prisoner on another planet, are you?

Then, that which is for the Human Species, is also for You!

You had better hope like heck for the success of my lessons to all of you. And that, Young Black Human, means that you had better hope for the success of all Humans -- regardless of what they look like on the outside. And, regardless of what they think of You on the outside.

By the way, you are a lot better off inside that Prison, than are a lot of Satan Tubers outside. The Satan Tubers out here are in a deep trench of denial about their addictions and slavery to the Queer Medias of the SQLD. You would not believe me if I told you how looney many of them have become out here; everywhere, at any time of day.

Before -- they were mesmerized and anesthetized. Now -- they are squirming and babbling and protestating blobs of 'half-life'; trying to get mesmerized and anesthetized again. But, it doesn't work twice.

The Satan Tubers are the least intelligent of the population anyway, but if they had exhibited such behaviors as children, they would have spent the rest of their lives in permanent Special Education classes.

The lid is off about the Queer Disease now, and as the World wakes up out of the stupor which the so-called Homosexuals tried to kill them with -- the pressure for treatment and the cure is increasing.


Meanwhile ...

I am particularly keen on having all of the children of the Black Human Contingent learn and understand what I am saying in this entire message.

If anyone is going to demand anything around here, it is me.

I demand that all children everywhere be fully briefed and tutored about the Real Reality of our existence.

That includes everything from Grasshoppers to Spiral Galaxies, and everything in between.

No more of this -- 'Political Correctness Is Reality' -- Bull(bleep)!


Black Children of America, ask yourselves and each other -- "What is the Hubble Telescope?"

I write about the Astronomy of Reality from time to time, partly because I used to be the President of an Astronomy Club at a college (little college, little club), and mostly because we have a really serious problem here -- too many people, too small a planet.

US Population Clock

World Population Clock

In the Real Reality, PC stands for 'Population Clock'.

Only in the bogus world of Unreal Political Prostitutes, is there such an aberration as Political Correctness.

Children of the Black Contingent, I will explain telescopes to you; and why they are the worst enemies of our worst enemies; those Nasty TV People.

You know who I mean. The ones that say "Nasty is Normal." and "Nasty should get Married."

Those Nasties.

Recently, an organization which was supposed to be helping you, has been revealed (by their own greed) as nothing more that an organization of Black Slavers, dedicated to helping themselves -- to whatever they can get from the 'American Blacks'. I refer to the NAACP, that has just gone 'As Queer As A Three Dollar Bill'.

I have already explained about the Black Slavers and their devious tricks and their two-faced playtimes. Certainly, Black Children cannot get any True Education from the likes of the NAACP. Enough of them for now.

If I must teach the 'Black Contingent' of the Human Species what is going on, I will. Besides, I always look forward to any chance of explaining things to them. ANY chance that I get to tear aside the lies and slaver prisons that hold the 'Black Contingent' hostage, is welcome to me.

Since I am always thinking of all Humans, I do not always get the chance to help the 'Black Contingent' specifically. Needless to say, I want the Black Humans out there to be on the front lines, with everyone else who is at the front lines of the exploration of our Galaxy -- AND the massive construction projects that are ahead of us in our Future.

One Problema However.

Will they be there because they deserve to be there, AND earned the right to be there -- OR -- will they be there because of that Worthless Liberal Propaganda called 'Political Correctness' ???? !!!!

There is an enormous difference between a Real Black Man exploring Space for the entire Species ---- and a Pampered and Primped and 'Politically Correct' Model Negro (for Political Credits), Playing Show and Tell Games in Outer Space; for the greedy satisfaction of, and reelection of, Political Prostitutes.


Imitation and Politics are old bedfellows, and that is not a good thing. It works like this: to get a population group (AAA) to vote for a politician ('ClapTrapCrap'), a time worn (and time wormed) method is for the politician ('ClapTrapCrap') to buy the services of a group of whores (WWW) that look like, sound like and act like the people in population group (AAA).

The (WWW) group then infiltrates the population (AAA), and begins to propagandize for the politician ('ClapTrapCrap'). They try to turn every conversation and event and meeting and public venue into a chance to spread propaganda in favor of the politician who hired them ('ClapTrapCrap').

In the case of the Model Negros, every Politician/Whore wants one. Or, two or three or more. Imitation Blacks that are groomed to be Model Negros are actually nothing more than Mannequins-for-Hire to the highest bidders. They would be Traitors to the Black Contingent -- IF they had ever been Black Humans to begin with. Which they have never been. From Day One, those Model Negros have been trained to be Political Pawns by the Black Radical Extremists and the Democrat/Homosexuals.

The strategy of the Black Radical Slavers is to nurture the idea of Black Oppression and Social Slavery, and then to exploit those ideas (which they themselves foster) into a Sellable Commodity -- such as Model Negros. Their success at selling HObama The Magnificent Pervert to the Masters of the SQLD brought huge profits to the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead.

14 Trillion Dollars of pocket cash, stashed bundles, hidden treasuries, pay offs, bribes, phony civic projects, propaganda payments, monies to SQLD companies (etc).

The Nation-Destroying Homosexual/Democrats are very satisfied with their purchase of HObama. That is HO - bama (as in Ala-bama).

The Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid are filled with Plastic Blacks -- serving the Homosexual Agenda as Model Negros for the Political Whores of the government. All of which is seen as success by the New Black Panthers, and the 'Don't Know They Were Replaced Long Ago' Black Power fools.

'Imitation' and 'Replacement' and 'Fakery' and 'Use Themselves Against Themselves' -- these are the operative words of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead when it comes to ANY contingent of the Human Species.

What I want are Real Humans of all contingents, exploring Outer Space and building the facilities and planets that are necessary for the Outwards Expansion of the Human Species -- without being controlled in any way by our worst enemies the Homosexual/Moderates and the Democrat/Homosexuals.


Back to what I was saying to the Real Black Children.

Children ... a long time ago (centuries ago) people who lived in towns and everyone else (who lived outside the towns) used to be able to see -- with their own eyes -- this sight ...

The Milky Way Galaxy - APOD.

This was possible, because the electric light bulb had not been invented yet; and cities were not so huge and bright that they actually blocked out the sight of our own Galaxy overhead.

In those centuries, Humans could look up at the Stars in the Universe each and every night (unless the clouds got in the way). This constant vision, of something which many of you have never seen in your young lives, brought with it a lot of curiosity. Mankind naturally was curious about the skies and the stars above, and to make the skies seem to be more friendly (and manageable) they decided to make imaginary figures across the night canopy of stars; with certain stars incorporated into the forms of those imaginary images.

They called those imaginary images, the Constellations.

The Constellations.

That made the nighttime skies seem to be more -- Human -- and in keeping with the many legends and popular stories of those centuries. It laid claim, by Mankind, to the Milky Way Galaxy; and thus our Galaxy became less frightening and less foreboding and less unknown.

This, naturally led to some Humans trying to invent ways to actually see what is out there, more closely and in greater detail.

That effort led to the invention of the telescope, and the Religious Wars between Science and Spirituality, that are still going on today.

Dumb Planets -- Have Dumb Wars.


Today, the telescope is seen as an enemy and as a competitor; by the Owners and Operators of the Satan Tube. For two reasons:
1. Every minute that you spend looking through a telescope at the stars in the night skies, is a minute which they want! They want you, and your brain, and your obedience and your money -- when you are old enough to be employed and make money. They want you to watch their brainwashing crap on TV (that they produce), so later on you will be controllable and programmable -- and willing to give them your money.
2. That is the Real Reality up there in the Stars. Reality is forbidden! Reality is only supposed to be what they say it is! You are always supposed to look to them, and their lying faces, for all of Your Reality! Your Reality, is only supposed to be what they tell you it is. And, Reality is always supposed to include the Mandatory Watching of their worthless TV garbage and mind-numbing drivel.

Oh! And, don't forget! The Voting Orders.


I will include for you here, some excerpts from the Wikipedia article on the History of the Telescope.

History of the telescope

The earliest known working telescopes appeared in 1608 and are credited to Hans Lippershey. Among many others who claimed to have made the discovery were Zacharias Janssen, a spectacle-maker in Middelburg, and Jacob Metius of Alkmaar. The design of these early refracting telescopes consisted of a convex objective lens and a concave eyepiece. Galileo used this design the following year. In 1611, Johannes Kepler described how a telescope could be made with a convex objective lens and a convex eyepiece lens and by 1655 astronomers such as Christiaan Huygens were building powerful but unwieldy Keplerian telescopes with compound eyepieces. Hans Lippershey is the earliest person documented to have applied for a patent for the device.

Isaac Newton is credited with building the first "practical" reflector in 1668[citation needed] with a design that incorporated a small flat diagonal mirror to reflect the light to an eyepiece mounted on the side of the telescope. Laurent Cassegrain in 1672 described the design of a reflector with a small convex secondary mirror to reflect light through a central hole in the main mirror.

The achromatic lens, which greatly reduced color aberrations in objective lenses and allowed for shorter and more functional telescopes, first appeared in a 1733 telescope made by Chester Moore Hall, who did not publicize it. John Dollond independently developed achromatic lenses and produced telescopes using them in commercial quantities, starting in 1758.

Important developments in reflecting telescopes were John Hadley's production of larger paraboloidal mirrors in 1721; the process of silvering glass mirrors introduced by Léon Foucault in 1857; and the adoption of long lasting aluminized coatings on reflector mirrors in 1932. Almost all of the large optical research telescopes used today are reflectors.

The era of radio telescopes (along with radio astronomy) was born with Karl Guthe Jansky's serendipitous discovery of an astronomical radio source in 1931. Many types of telescopes were developed in the 20th century for a wide range of wavelengths from radio to gamma-rays.

Lenses and their properties were known well before the invention of the optical telescope; simple lenses made from rock crystal have been known from before recorded history. Ptolemy (in his work Optics written in the 2nd century AD) wrote about the properties of light including reflection, refraction, and color. During the 10th century, the Persian scholar Ibn Sahl, was to make some of the most refined descriptions in respect to optics at the time.

It was approximately from the 12th century in Europe that 'reading stones' (magnifying lenses placed on the reading material) were well documented—as well as the use of lenses as burning glasses. It is generally considered that spectacles for correcting long sightedness with convex lenses were invented in Northern Italy in the late 13th to early 14th century, and the invention of the use of concave lenses to correct near-sightedness is ascribed to Nicholas of Cusa in 1451. Thus, early knowledge of lenses and the availability of lenses for spectacles from the 13th century onwards through the 16th century means that it was possible for many individuals to discover the principles of a telescope using a combination of concave or concave and convex lenses ...

There is some documentary evidence, but no surviving designs or physical evidence, that the principles of telescopes were known in the late 16th century.

In Italy, Giambattista della Porta also described a possible telescope as early as 1586 when he wrote in a letter,"...to make glasses that can recognize a man several miles away." In his Natural Magic published in 1589 he wrote:

"With a Concave lens you shall see small things afar off very clearly. With a Convex lens, things nearer to be greater, but more obscurely. If you know how to fit them both together, you shall see both things afar off, and things near hand, both greater and clearly."

The practical exploitation of the instrument was certainly achieved and came to public attention in the Netherlands at about 1608, but the credit of the original invention has been claimed on behalf of three individuals: Hans Lippershey and Sacharias Jansen—spectacle-makers in Middelburg, and Jacob Metius of Alkmaar (also known as Jacob Adriaanszoon).

The original Dutch telescopes were composed of a convex and a concave lens—telescopes that are constructed this way do not invert the image. Lippershey's original design had only 3x magnification. Telescopes seem to have been made in the Netherlands in considerable numbers soon after the date of their invention, and rapidly found their way all over Europe.

Galileo happened to be in Venice in June 1609 and there heard of the "Dutch perspective glass" by means of which distant objects appeared nearer and larger. Galileo states that he solved the problem of the construction of a telescope the first night after his return to Padua from Venice and made his first telescope the next day by fitting a convex lens in one extremity of a leaden tube and a concave lens in the other one.

A few days afterwards, having succeeded in making a better telescope than the first, he took it to Venice where he communicated the details of his invention to the public and presented the instrument itself to the doge Leonardo Donato, who was sitting in full council. The senate in return settled him for life in his lectureship at Padua and doubled his salary. Galileo may thus claim to have invented the telescope independently, but not until he had heard that others had done so.

Galileo devoted his time to improving and perfecting the telescope and soon succeeded in producing telescopes of greatly increased power. His first telescope magnified three diameters, but he soon made instruments which magnified eight diameters and finally, one that magnified thirty-three diameters. With this last instrument, he discovered in 1610 the satellites of Jupiter and soon afterwards the spots on the sun, the phases of Venus, and the hills and valleys on the Moon. In this last achievement he now appears to have been preceded by Thomas Harriot who made the first drawings of the moon with the aid of a telescope in July 1609.

Galileo demonstrated the revolution of the satellites of Jupiter around the planet and gave rough predictions of their configurations, proved the rotation of the Sun on its axis, established the general truth of the Copernican system as compared with that of Ptolemy, and fairly routed the fanciful dogmas of the philosophers. Galileo's instrument was the first to be given the name "telescope". The name was invented by the Greek poet/theologian Giovanni Demisiani at a banquet held on April 14, 1611 by Prince Federico Cesi to make Galileo Galilei a member of the Accademia dei Lincei. The word was created from the Greek tele = 'far' and skopein = 'to look or see'; teleskopos = 'far-seeing'.

These brilliant achievements, together with Galileo's immense improvement of the instrument, overshadowed to a great degree the credit due to the original inventor, and led to the universal adoption of the name of the Galilean telescope for the form of the instrument invented by Lippershey.

Johannes Kepler first explained the theory and some of the practical advantages of a telescope constructed of two convex lenses in his Catoptrics (1611). The first person who actually constructed a telescope of this form was the Jesuit Christoph Scheiner who gives a description of it in his Rosa Ursina (1630).

It was not till about the middle of the 17th century that Kepler's telescope came into general use: not so much because of the advantages pointed out by Gascoigne, but because its field of view was much larger than in the Galilean telescope.

The first powerful telescopes of Keplerian construction were made by Christiaan Huygens after much labor—in which his brother assisted him. With one of these: an objective diameter of 2.24 inches (57mm) and a 12 ft (3.7 m) focal length, he discovered the brightest of Saturn's satellites (Titan) in 1655; in 1659, he published his "Systema Saturnium" which, for the first time, gave a true explanation of Saturn's ring—founded on observations made with the same instrument.

The sharpness of the image in Kepler's telescope was limited by the chromatic aberration introduced by the non-uniform refractive properties of the objective lens. The only way to overcome this limitation at high magnifying powers was to create objectives with very long focal lengths.

The ability of a curved mirror to form an image may have been known since the time of Euclid and had been extensively studied by Alhazen in the 11th century. Galileo, Giovanni Francesco Sagredo, and others, spurred on by their knowledge that curved mirrors had similar properties to lenses, discussed the idea of building a telescope using a mirror as the image forming objective. Niccolò Zucchi, an Italian Jesuit astronomer and physicist, wrote in his book Optica pilosophia of 1652 that he tried replacing the lens of a refracting telescope with a bronze concave mirror in 1616. Zucchi tried looking into the mirror with a hand held concave lens but did not get a satisfactory image, possibly due to the poor quality of the mirror, the angle it was tilted at, or the fact that his head partially obstructed the image.

About the year 1774 Herschel (then a teacher of music in Bath) began to occupy his leisure hours with the construction of reflector telescope mirrors and finally devoted himself entirely to their construction and use. In 1778, he selected a 6¼ inch (16 cm) reflector mirror (the best of some 400 telescope mirrors which he had made) and with it, built a 7 foot (2.1 m) focal length telescope.

Using this telescope, he made his early brilliant astronomical discoveries. In 1783, Herschel completed a reflector of approximately 18 inches (46 cm) in diameter and 20 ft (6 m) focal length. He observed the heavens with this telescope for some twenty years, replacing the mirror several times.

From the time of the invention of the first refracting telescopes it was generally supposed that chromatic errors seen in lenses simply arose from errors in the spherical figure of their surfaces. Opticians tried to construct lenses of varying forms of curvature to correct these errors.

Isaac Newton discovered in 1666 that chromatic colors actually arose from the un-even refraction of light as it passed through the glass medium. This led opticians to experiment with lenses constructed of more than one type of glass in an attempt to canceling the errors produced by each type of glass. It was hoped that this would create an "achromatic lens"; a lens that would focus all colors to a single point, and produce instruments of much shorter focal length.

The difficulty of procuring disks of glass (especially of flint glass) of suitable purity and homogeneity limited the diameter and light gathering power of the lenses found in the achromatic telescope. It was in vain that the French Academy of Sciences offered prizes for large perfect disks of optical flint glass. Not until 1866 did refracting telescopes reach 18 inches (45 cm) in aperture.

The first giant reflecting telescope can be said to be William Herschel's great reflector with a mirror of 49 inches (124 cm) and a focal length of 40 ft (12 m) built in 1789. To cut down on the light loss from the poor reflectivity of the speculum mirrors of that day, Herschel eliminated the small diagonal mirror from his design and tilted his primary mirror so he could view the formed image directly. This design has come to be called the Herschelian telescope.

The telescope suffered from other problems of scale that were not altogether solved in Herschel's century. This was followed in 1845 by Lord Rosse's 72 inch (183 cm) Newtonian reflector called the "Leviathan of Parsonstown" with which he discovered the spiral form of the galaxies. Both telescopes suffered from the poor reflectivity and fast tarnishing nature of their speculum metal mirrors. This meant the mirrors had to be frequently removed and re-polished. This could change the curve of the mirror so it usually had to be "re-figured" to the correct shape.

The development of the achromatic lenses and the difficulties with the impractical metal mirrors of reflectors led to a boom in the construction of large refracting telescopes culminating in the Great refractors of the mid to late 19th century. In 1897, the refractor reached its maximum practical limit in a research telescope with the construction of the Yerkes Observatorys' 40 inch (101.6 cm) refractor (although a larger refractor Great Paris Exhibition Telescope of 1900 with an objective of 49.2 inch (1.25 m) diameter was temporarily exhibited at the Paris 1900 Exposition).

In 1856-57, Karl August von Steinheil and Léon Foucault introduced a process of depositing a layer of silver on glass telescope mirrors. The silver layer was not only much more reflective and longer lasting than the finish on speculum mirrors, it had the advantage of being able to be removed and re-deposited without changing the shape of the glass substrate.

The rise of 1948 saw the completion of the 200 inch (508 cm) Hale reflector at Mount Palomar which was the largest telescope in the world up until the completion of the massive 605 cm (238 in) BTA-6 in Russia seventeen years later. The arrival of substantially larger telescopes had to await the introduction of methods other than the rigidity of glass to maintain the proper shape of the mirror.

The 1990s saw a new generation of giant telescopes appear, beginning with the construction of the first of the two 10 m (394 in) Keck telescopes in 1993. Other giant telescopes built since then include: the two Gemini telescopes, the four separate telescopes of the Very Large Telescope, and the Large Binocular Telescope.

These telescopes all depend on adaptive optics (AO), the latest technology used to improve the performance of telescopes. It reduces the effects of rapidly changing optical distortion due to the motion of air currents in the Earth's atmosphere.

The twentieth century saw the construction of telescopes which could produce images using wavelengths other than visible light starting in 1931 when Karl Jansky discovered astronomical objects gave off radio emissions; this prompted a new era of observational astronomy after World War II, with telescopes being developed for other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum from radio to gamma-rays.

Radio astronomy began in 1931 when Karl Jansky discovered that the Milky Way was a source of radio emission while doing research on terrestrial static with a direction antenna. Building on Jansky's work, Grote Reber built a more sophisticated purpose-built radio telescope in 1937, with a 31.4 feet (9.6 m) dish; using this, he discovered various unexplained radio sources in the sky. Interest in radio astronomy grew after the Second World War when much larger dishes were built including: the 250 feet (76 m) Jodrell bank telescope (1957), the 300 feet (91 m) Green Bank Telescope (1962), and the 100 metres (330 ft) Effelsberg telescope (1971). The huge 1,000 feet (300 m) Arecibo telescope (1963) is so large that it is fixed into a natural depression in the ground; the central antenna can be steered to allow the telescope to study objects up to twenty degrees from the zenith.


The more Humans used the telescope, the less the Universe seemed to work in the ways that the Idiots, who had invaded Christianity, said it worked. You will remember, that Jesus Christ never gave out lessons in Astronomy. So, how did 'Christianity' become populated by Idiots who thought they could say how the Universe operated. Just because they were parasites within Christianity, the Authority of Christianity over Spiritual Matters was expected to validate and make their ideas (about the Material Universe) the Official and Authorized Wisdom (laws) about all such matters.

It was a very bad time for Christianity, because such violent and absurd leeches were not Christians; but they had stolen the shroud and validity of Christianity, and by militant means they had set themselves up as the True Christianity.

Getting back to the topic of the telescope, which was involuntarily involved in all kinds of warfare between the militant forces of False Christianity versus the militant forces of Science ...

they never worked very well anyway. The atmosphere kept getting in the way. The layers of atmosphere above us distort our view (the details) of what things really look like out there. For a very long time, Astronomers lived their entire lives and passed away having never seen what the stars and nebulae and galaxies of the Universe really looked like.

Until a defective telescope was launched into orbit, above the defracting effects of the atmosphere. It was built wrong, but the idea was right; and the voices of centuries of waiting for this thing to work, said -- "Fix It!"

So, Mankind got really busy and sent out some Astronauts to fix it. That worked, and WOW !!!! The pictures from that telescope out there in orbit are INCREDIBLE !!!!

And, really awesome. As in -- "What The Heck?" Awesome. So awesome in fact, if we had seen before what the Universe really looks like, we may have stayed in our caves forever; because it is Super Serious Awesome, Unforgiving, Terrific and Titanic, and Constantly Changing. It likes to Blow Up a lot, and very big things are Born and Die violently out there, a lot.

Fortunately for us Humans, we are in a very stable area; away from all of the explosions and destructions and creations. A bit too fortunate, not to be deliberate.

The Hubble Telescope.


The Hubble Telescope was the first Extraterrestrial Telescope that our Species could use to see clearly and look very far into the Universe. Its usage immediately cleared away a lot of erroneous ideas of what is really out there, and flooded us with many new perspectives that have started us thinking in many new ways about Reality -- now that we can really see it.


Creating the Hubble Telescope was the Pursuit of Perspicacity. Creating the Hubble Telescope was (and is) Reality. The Hubble Telescope itself is just the product of Reality. Creating it and using it and understanding (without the Science Religion) what it is showing us -- all of that is Reality.

Reality is doing. Doing in Reality. Otherwise you are not Reality itself. Otherwise, you are just a part, a piece, a result, a reject, a throw away, a slave, a pawn, a king, a politician, a TV face, a dupe, a 'queer', a fraud, or a master. Even Dreamers are better off than all of them.

Of course, Dreamers do not need the SQLD, and their medias, to dream with.


Case In Point -- Q & P MH:

A case in point of what I mean about the hideous consequences of the Political Correctness Hoax, that says 'Perception Is Reality':

The phony scum inside the Bubble of Lies need a poster cause, and a poster subject, for their playtime dementias. Something that will make it all seem Real and True. Something that they can push and inject into everyone's minds as good and deserving of news laws -- and subsequently point at later as an example of why all of the psychotic filth (which they have yet to spring upon an Unsuspecting World) should also be accepted and made into law.

That phony Poster Cause is the so-called Homosexual Agenda; and its in-your-face puppet shows, called 'Queer and Phony Marriage Hatred'. Acts of hatred that are fueled by an intense and sniveling loathing of all things Natural. Especially, hatred for Real Marriage between a Man and a Woman.

In the Preferable DemoTopia, of every Moderate's and every Democrat's dreams, everything and everyone will be 'Controllably Insane'. All insanities and perversions that are allowed, will only be permitted by the Graces and the Licenses of the Democrats and the Moderates. In other words, everyone will have to be identified and certified by the SQLD Empire.

Without exceptions, all Humanoid forms on Planet Sinister will obey and owe their continued existence to the DemoTopia Social Machinery. There will be no Tierra Dos, because no more planets will be desired by the Masters -- unless they can find a means to totally control the construction of, the population migrations to, and the everyday existence of every Humanoid on the next planet.

That goes double, for any and all Military Forces.

Now, the hideous Homosexual/Democrats and whimpering Moderate/Homosexuals have focused their efforts on creating a Horrid Armed Forces, out of the former United States Armed Forces.

The death blow of the original Armed Forces is to force all branches of the services to put so-called Homosexuals in charge of all operations, and in all high offices (starting with the Navy, which is already infested with Model Negro puppets of the Democrat/Homosexuals), and to force all branches of the services to perform Queer Hoax Rituals -- of Queer and Phony Marriage Hatred.

'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' was a gutless example of the Political Correctness Hoax to begin with. That cowardly alternative to throwing all 'Queers' out of the military just ended; and now all of the queer puppets are dancing and marching in queer tune to the orders from their Wash-This-Death-City Headquarters. Orders which say, put on your best mask and pretend to be loving each other and getting married. It is another In-Your-Face Hoax, and everyone knows it. The only reason that they are doing so to begin with (damn what they parrot the reasons are) is a mutual vicious hatred of all things Natural and Human.

In fact, as I write this, the so-called Homosexuals of the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone are 'suing' the US government for superior recognition and superior status of their Queer and Phony Marriage Hatred inside the military. What A Joke!!!! That Is Literally The Queer Haters Of Human Marriage -- Suing The Queer Government Of Queer HObama -- For Official Superior Status Of All Queers -- In The Queer And Armed Fart Forces Of Queer Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid !!!!!!!!!!

Special Favors + Special Rules + Special Status + Special Payoffs + Special Intimidation = Superiority.

Thank You, Mitt (the Rat) Romney. ModeRats love that kind of lying crap -- because it is so cheeeesy. It's enough to make the little 'Il Duce Branstad - The Neuter Maker' giggle and fart at the same time. We should rename it -- 'LittleTerryFart - The Giggle Maker'.

By the way, they are all the readers of the BatShitCrazy Network -- so you can easily call theirs -- The BatShitCrazy Marriages!!!!

Do Bats get married?

Why would Bats get married?

Why would BatShirtCrazies get married?

Answer: To hurt and kill their sworn enemies -- the Human Species.

And, who helps them?

Who whores and prostitutes for them? Who makes phony laws and phony rules for them? Who promotes their hideous attacks against the Human Species?

In DemoIowa, it is 'Il Duce Branstad- The Neuter Maker' (ain't no noodle maker), and all of the Moderate/Homosexuals.

Nation wide, it is HObama the Magnificent Pervert, and all of the Homosexual/Democrats.

AND, every kind of squirrely and twisted dregs of every gutter in-between those two sucking-arms of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead.

What occupies the Dead Zone between them?

Answer: The Owners and Operators of the Satan Tube Channels, the Filthy Monkey stations, the queer newsrags and the Middle-Managers-For-Profit.

Planet Sinister. Sewage for sale. You had better buy what they are selling, or you will be branded as a 'Bigot', and be cast down and reduced and defamed.

There is not a single pervert in this Universe that is actually 'married' to another pervert. Why?

Answer: Because Perversion Kills Love And Spirituality. Real Marriage is all about the Spirituality and Love between the Opposite Sexes. AND, ONLY BETWEEN THE OPPOSITE SEXES!!!!



All else is the Poster Trash of Planet Sinister.


This symbol of the BatShitCrazy Network is for the Human Species to use. Humans can do whatever they want to with it, and distribute it as much as they wish with the following stipulation. It is to be applied only to the websites of the SQLD that are the Worst and Craziest and most Malicious Liars against us -- all of which are quite obvious, so you will know one when you see it. When you do, save that web page, save the link to it and put it into your own listing of the BatShitCrazy Network as evidence, and as History.

Here are some categories for your file directories -- under the title 'SQLD'.

BatShitCrazy Marriages
BatShitCrazy Agenda
BatShitCrazy Readers
BatShitCrazy Voters
BatShitCrazy Pride
BatShitCrazy Writers
BatShitCrazy Medias
BatShitCrazy Political Policies
BatShitCrazy Party
BatShitCrazy Commenters
BatShitCrazy Websites




Queer newsrags are promoting the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid, with news stories about 'Queers' declaring themselves as 'Queers' in National Guard Units.


How can it be News?

How can any Newspaper know, or care about, what some faggots are doing? Anywhere? For any reason?


Answer: Because, there is no 'News' to it at all!

It is a Setup!!!!

It is PREARRANGED, between the Faggots and the Cross-Brained Lesbians, and the perverted owners and operators of the queer newsrags.

All of which are Owned, Operated and Staffed by ... ?

You Guessed It! Cross-Brained Lesbians and Faggots.



And, it's goal is DEATH TO THE HUMAN SPECIES!!!!




Only -- It Ain't Going To Get Done.


American Interstate System:

Another example of why Perception is not Reality, and of the contrast between Reality and the Prison called the Satan Tube, is the American Interstate System.

American Interstate System.

One of the best Generals who ever lived, at any time or in any place, was Dwight D. Eisenhower. Eisenhower was a Republican, before the cowardly hysteria of Moderates, like Mitt (the Rat) Romney, became popular to the SQLD's 'Mush People'. However, I am not saying this about Eisenhower because he was a Republican.

As an American, I have a Huge Respect for President Franklin D. Roosevelt, one of the last Democrat Presidents before the death of the Democrat Party by the 'Queers'. From now on, anything that is one of the hideous Democrat/Homosexuals, and somehow worms its way into the White House, is nothing but crap under our shoes; a mere 'Resident' to be scrapped off and removed as soon as possible.

President Roosevelt was also instrumental in the original planning of a nationwide road system. I know the Republicans are always knocking him down for his ideas about his 'New Deals', and so forth. But, as an American and as a Veteran, I have great respect for the memory of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Don't knock Franklin D. Roosevelt around me.

Dwight D. Eisenhower is usually remembered as the Supreme Allied Commander of all Allied Forces in Europe, during World War II. A man in a chair, behind a desk, who made big decisions from the safety of his office at headquarters. Nothing could be further from the Truth. Eisenhower was the Supreme Allied Commander because he was everywhere, doing everything, and had been out there doing everything for so long, that he knew everything that could be known by a Supreme Allied Commander.

To make a long story short, in 1919 Eisenhower was a Lieutenant Colonel in the army and was involved as an observer in the military convoy that traveled across the country that year. The mission was to find out how long it took to cross the nation by motor vehicle.

The 1919 Motor Transport Corps convoy was a "Truck Train" (convoy) of the US Army Motor Transport Corps that drove over 3,000 mi (4,800 km) from Washington, D.C., to Oakland, California, and ferried to San Francisco. In addition to 230 road incidents (stops for adjustments, extrications, breakdowns, & accidents) resulting in 9 vehicles retiring, the convoy of "24 expeditionary officers, 15 War Department staff observation officers, and 258 enlisted men" ((e.g., Bvt Lt Col Dwight D. Eisenhower of the Tank Corps) had 21 injured en route who did not complete the trip. Although some "were really competent drivers" by the end, the majority of soldiers were "raw recruits with little or no military training"; and except for the Motor Supply Company E commander (1st Lt Daniel H. Martin), troop officers had "meager knowledge" of "handling men in the field".
The convoy broke and repaired 88 wooden bridges:(14 in Wyoming), and "practically" all roadways were unpaved from Illinois through Nevada. The convoy logged 3,250 mi (5,230 km) logged miles in 573.5 hours, and 6 rest days without convoy travel were used.


After the war, Eisenhower went on to become the 34th President of the United States. Having seen how the Autobahn system in Germany helped the Germans to mobilize their forces in defense against his troops during the war -- and having used those same roads himself to defeat the Nazis -- and having seen for himself how difficult it was to cross his own nation by automobile -- Eisenhower decided that America needed its own network of Interstate Highways.

Today, after 35 years of construction, there are more than 46,000 miles of Interstate Highways here in America.


But, there are questions today about its usage:

Why do the Owners and Operators of the Satan Tube Channels not want you to use them?

Why is the freedom of movement not more available?

Why are gasoline prices so high?

Why is government trying to force people to stay at home and watch TV?

Why is a TV watching society more manageable and controllable?

Why do most of the General Public have no idea what freedoms of movement are really possible due to the Interstate System?

Why is the Interstate System being mentally curtailed and diminished down to mere conduits for transportation of goods and services?

Why are TV faces demanding that the General Public WATCH and WATCH and WATCH the Satan Tube, instead of traveling across the country and seeing for themselves what Reality actually is?

What are TV faces afraid of?

What do they not want the General Public to find out? Out there.

Answer: Freedom. The Guilt of the TV faces. Both.


What is out there on the American Interstate System that the Owners and Operators of the Satan Tube Channels do not want you to see and know about?

Answer: Anything. Anything that is not confined to and presented by their phony little TV boxes, filled with their Queer Propaganda and their Queer Advertisements.

Anything that is Non-SQLD.

That, includes the entire Universe.

'Perception Is Reality' only works when the victim is caught and trapped and forced to WATCH the medias and the lying heads that say such propaganda drivel.

You cannot be a TV Victim, if you are free to travel the American Interstate System without a God-damned TV.

Without a God-damned TV -- 'Perception Is Reality' is just a dirty and murderous lie.


Erwin Rommel -- The Desert Fox:

Erwin Rommel

As if there are not already enough examples of the deliberate cover-up of Reality by the Queer Medias ... they have to go and try to queer History with their rabies-brained Revisionist Historians.

That is 'Revisionist' -- translation -- "The Real History shows us as the Dirtbags and Refuse that we really are, so we must rewrite History; and make ourselves look like the natural result of, and inheritors of, all History. And thus, all shall bow before our Supremacy and Righteousness, and Entitlement to Rule."

Erwin Rommel was a Human Enemy of ours, from World War II.

A Human Enemy. Very unlike the God-Awful Anti-Human Enemies from the Queer Medias, that are trying to kill all of us today.

Rommel, however, was an enigma of World War II. Revered by his own enemies, highly respected by his armies, distrusted by his superiors, and finally suspected of trying to kill off Hitler and forced to commit suicide; so his family would not be decimated by the Nazi Leadership.

We already know what happened in the life and times of Erwin Rommel. It is part of our Human History.

But, Human History is the target of the Revisionist Historians who are mostly Liberals, mostly unworthy of ever making History themselves, mostly Greedy, mostly Whores-for-Hire, and mostly pissed off at Real Historians like me.

In their never-ending lunacy to defame and rewrite ALL of Human History, they have targeted Erwin Rommel, The Desert Fox.

Mind you, this is a man who was (and still is) much admired and respected by his own enemies (the Allies); who were responsible for elevating him to a high degree in Human History.

That too, is a reason for the Queer Propagandists to order his defamation, reduction, slandering, and vilification ...

as (of all things) one of the Nazi Fanatics that he resisted and who forced him to commit suicide.

Erwin Rommel


Here is a brief synopsis of the life of Erwin Rommel, taken from Wikipedia.

At age 14, Rommel and a friend built a full-scale glider that was able to fly short distances. Rommel even considered becoming an engineer and throughout his life displayed extraordinary technical aptitude. Acceding to his father's wishes, Rommel instead joined the local 124th Württemberg Infantry Regiment as an officer cadet in 1910 and was sent to the Officer Cadet School in Danzig. He graduated on 15 November 1911 and was commissioned as a lieutenant in January 1912.

While at Cadet School, Rommel met his future wife, 17-year-old Lucia Maria Mollin (commonly called Lucie). They married on 27 November 1916 in Danzig and on 24 December 1928 had a son, Manfred Rommel, who later became the Mayor of Stuttgart. Some historians believe Rommel also had a relationship with Walburga Stemmer in 1913, which allegedly produced a daughter, Gertrud.

During World War I, Rommel fought in France as well as in Romania (see: Romanian Campaign) and Italy (see: Italian Campaign), first in the 6th Württemberg Infantry Regiment, but through most of the war in the Württemberg Mountain Battalion of the elite Alpenkorps. He gained a reputation for great courage, making quick tactical decisions and taking advantage of enemy confusion. He was wounded three times and awarded the Iron Cross, First and Second Class. Rommel also received Prussia's highest award, the order of Pour le Mérite, after fighting in the Battles of the Isonzo in the north-eastern Alps on the Isonzo river front. The award was for the Battle of Longarone and the capture of Mount Matajur and its Italian defenders, which totalled 150 officers, 9,000 men, and 81 artillery pieces. In contrast, Rommel's detachment suffered only 6 dead and 30 wounded during the two engagements, a remarkable achievement.

Ghost Division:
7 Panzer-Division was later nicknamed Gespenster-Division (the "Ghost Division"), because of the speed and surprise it was consistently able to achieve, to the point that even the German High Command at times lost track of its whereabouts. It also set the record for the longest thrust in one day by tanks up to that point, covering nearly 200 miles (320 km).

Rommel received both praise and criticism for his tactics during the French campaign. Many, such as General Georg Stumme, who had previously commanded 7th Panzer Division, were impressed with the speed and success of Rommel's drive; however, others were more reserved, some out of envy, others because they felt Rommel took unnecessary risks. Hermann Hoth publicly expressed praise for Rommel's achievements but had private reservations, saying in a confidential report that Rommel should not be given command over a corps unless he gained "greater experience and a better sense of judgment." Hoth also accused Rommel of an unwillingness to acknowledge the contributions of others to his victories.

The Fourth Army commander, General Günther von Kluge, also criticised Rommel for falsely claiming all the glory for his achievements. Rommel did not, Kluge felt, acknowledge the contribution of the Luftwaffe, and Rommel's manuscript describing his campaign in France misrepresented the advances of neighbouring units to elevate the achievements of his own dazzling advances. Kluge also cited the complaint by General Hartlieb that Rommel had misappropriated 5th Panzer's bridging tackle on 14 May after his own supplies had run out in order to cross the Meuse, delaying 5th Panzer for several hours. Rommel had repeated this procedure on 27 May at the River Scarpe crossing.

North Africa 1941–1943:
Rommel's reward for his success was to be promoted and appointed commander of the 5th Light Division (later reorganised and redesignated 21 Panzer-Division) and of the 15 Panzer-Division which, as the Deutsches Afrikakorps, were sent to Libya in early 1941 in Operation Sonnenblume to aid the demoralised Italian troops which had suffered a heavy defeat from British Commonwealth forces in Operation Compass. It was in Africa where Rommel achieved his greatest fame as a commander.


Second Battle of El Alamein:
In September British raiding parties attacked important harbours and supply points. The flow of supplies successfully ferried across the Mediterranean had fallen to a dismal level. Some two-thirds of the supplies embarked for Africa were destroyed at sea. In addition, Rommel's health was failing and he took sick leave in Italy and Germany from late September. Thus he was not present when the Second Battle of El Alamein began on 23 October 1942. Although he returned immediately, it took him two vital days to reach his HQ in Africa. The defensive plan at El Alamein was more static in nature than Rommel preferred, but with shortages of motorized units and fuel, he had felt it was the only possible plan. The defensive line had strong fortifications and was protected with a large minefield which in turn was covered with machine guns and artillery. This, Rommel hoped, would allow his infantry to hold the line at any point until motorized and armoured units in reserve could move up and counterattack any Allied breaches.

General Georg Stumme was in command in Rommel's absence but during the initial fighting he died of a heart attack. This paralyzed the German HQ until General Ritter von Thoma took command. After returning, Rommel learned that the fuel supply situation, critical when he left in September, was now disastrous.

Counterattacks by the 15th and 21st Panzer Divisions on 24 October and 25 October had incurred heavy tank losses due to the intensity of the British artillery and air attack. Rommel's main concern was to counterattack in full force and throw the British out of the defensive lines, which was in his view the only chance the Axis had of avoiding defeat. The counterattack was launched early on 26 October but the British units that had penetrated the defensive line held fast on Kidney Ridge. The Allies continued pushing hard with armoured units to force the breakthrough, but the defenders' fire destroyed many tanks, leading to doubts among the officers in the British armoured brigades about the chances of clearing a breach.

Montgomery, seeing his armoured brigades losing tanks at an alarming rate, stopped major attacks until 2 November when he launched Operation Supercharge and achieved a 4 kilometres (2.5 mi) penetration of the line. Rommel immediately counterattacked with what tanks he had available in an attempt to encircle the pocket during 2 November, but the heavy Allied fire stopped the attempt. By this time Panzer Army Africa had only one-third of its initial strength remaining, with only 35 tanks left operational, virtually no fuel or ammunition and with the British in complete command of the air, yet the British armour had been fought to a standstill, having taken murderous losses with some armoured brigades reporting losses of 75%.

Rommel's retreat:
On 3 November Montgomery found it impossible to renew his attack, and he had to wait for more reinforcements to be brought up. This lull was what Rommel needed for his withdrawal, which had been planned since 29 October, when Rommel determined the situation hopeless. At midday, however, Rommel received the infamous "victory or death" stand-fast order from Hitler. Although this order demanded the impossible and virtually ensured the destruction of Panzer Army Africa, Rommel could not bring himself to disobey a direct order from his Führer. The Axis forces held on desperately.

On 4 November Montgomery renewed the attack with fresh forces, and with almost 500 tanks against the 20 or so remaining to Rommel. By midday the Italian XX Motorized Corps was surrounded, and several hours later was completely destroyed. This left a 20 km gap in Rommel's line, with British armoured and motorized units pouring through, threatening the entire Panzer Army Africa with encirclement. At this point Rommel could no longer uphold the no-retreat order and ordered a general retreat. Early on 5 November he received authorization by Hitler to withdraw, 12 hours after his decision to do so—but it was far too late, with only remnants of his army streaming westward. Most of his unmotorized forces (the bulk of the army) were caught.

Part of the Panzer Army Africa escaped from El Alamein, but this remnant took heavy losses from constant air attacks. Despite urgings from Hitler and Mussolini, the Panzer Army did not turn to fight, except for brief holding actions, but withdrew under Allied pressure all the way to Tunisia. However, the retreat was conducted most skilfully, employing scorched earth tactics and leaving behind booby traps, making the task of the pursuers very difficult. The Allied forces had great numerical superiority and air supremacy, while most of Rommel's remaining divisions were reduced to combat groups.

France 1943–1944:
The inglorious end of the North African campaign meshed poorly with the Nazi propaganda machine's relentless portrayal of Rommel as an unbeatable military genius. This opened in Berlin the awkward question of precisely what use now to make of the erstwhile Desert Fox. Back in Germany he was for some time virtually "unemployed".

On 23 July 1943 he moved to Greece as commander of Army Group E to defend the Greek coast against a possible Allied landing that never happened, and which the Germans were led to expect due to the elaborate British deception plan known as "Operation Mincemeat"—only to return to Germany two days later upon the overthrow of Mussolini. On 17 August 1943 Rommel moved his headquarters from Munich to Lake Garda as commander of a new Army Group B created to defend northern Italy.

After Hitler gave Kesselring sole Italian command, on 21 November, Rommel moved Army Group B to Normandy in France with responsibility for defending the French coast against the long anticipated Allied invasion. He was dismayed by the lack of completed works and the slow building pace and feared he had just months before an invasion. Rommel reinvigorated the fortification effort along the Atlantic coast. The Commander-in-Chief West, Gerd von Rundstedt, expected the Allies to invade in the Pas-de-Calais because it was the shortest crossing point from Britain, its port facilities were essential to supplying a large invasion force, and the distance from Calais to Germany was relatively short. Hitler's HQ, although agreeing with this assessment, also considered a landing at Normandy as a possibility.

Rommel, believing that Normandy was indeed a likely landing ground, argued that it did not matter to the Allies where they landed, just that the landing was successful. He therefore toured the Normandy defenses extensively in January and February 1944. He ordered millions of mines laid and thousands of tank traps and obstacles set up on beaches and throughout the countryside, including in fields suitable for glider aircraft landings, the so-called Rommelspargel ("Rommel's asparagus").

After his experience with Allied air superiority at the end of the North Africa campaign, Rommel concluded that future Allied offensives would also enjoy overwhelming Allied air superiority, exposing any German armoured counter movements to severe punishment from above. He argued that the tank forces should be dispersed in small units and kept in heavily fortified positions as close to the front as possible. In doing so they would not have to move far and en masse when the invasion started.

He felt their best chance was to confront the invading force immediately and drive it into the sea. However, von Rundstedt felt that there was no way to stop the invasion near the beaches due to the equally overwhelming firepower of the Allied navies. He felt the German armour should be held in reserve well inland near Paris where they could be used to counter attack in force in a more traditional military doctrine. The allies could even be allowed to extend themselves deep into France, exposing their flanks for a pincer movement to cut off the supplies and retreat of the Allied troops. This notion of defending France was supported by other officers, most notably Heinz Guderian and Panzer Group West commander Geyr von Schweppenburg, who strongly disagreed with Rommel and wanted the armour placed far inland.

Plot against Hitler:
There had always been opposition to Hitler in conservative circles and in the Army, the Schwarze Kapelle (Black Orchestra), but Hitler's dazzling successes in 1938–1941 had stifled it. However, after the Russian campaign failed, and the Axis suffered more defeats, this opposition underwent a revival.

Early in 1944, three of Rommel's closest friends—, the Oberbürgermeister of Stuttgart, SA Brigadeführer Karl Strölin (who had served with Rommel in the First World War), Alexander von Falkenhausen and Carl Heinrich von Stülpnagel—began efforts to bring Rommel into the conspiracy. They felt that as by far the most popular officer in Germany, he would lend their cause badly needed credibility with the populace. Additionally, the conspirators felt they needed the support of a field marshal on active duty. Erwin von Witzleben, who would have become commander-in-chief of the Wehrmacht if Hitler had been overthrown, was a field marshal, but had not been on active duty since 1942. Sometime in February, Rommel agreed to lend his support to the conspiracy in order to, as he put it, "come to the rescue of Germany."

Rommel, however, opposed assassinating Hitler. After the war, his widow—among others—maintained that Rommel believed an assassination attempt would spark civil war in Germany and Austria and Hitler would have become a martyr for a lasting cause. Instead, Rommel insisted that Hitler be arrested and brought to trial for his crimes. By the time of his head injuries, Rommel had made up his mind to do his part to get rid of Hitler.

After the failed bomb attack of 20 July, many conspirators were arrested and the dragnet expanded to anyone even suspected of participating. Rommel was fairly perturbed at this development, telling Hans Speidel that Hitler's behavior after the attack proved that the dictator had "gone completely mad." It did not take long, however, for Rommel's involvement to come to light. His name was first mentioned when Stülpnagel blurted it out after a botched suicide attempt. Later, another conspirator, Caesar von Hofacker, admitted under particularly severe Gestapo torture that Rommel was actively involved.

Additionally, Carl Goerdeler, the main civilian leader of the Resistance, wrote on several letters and other documents that Rommel was a potential supporter and an acceptable military leader to be placed in a position of responsibility should their coup succeed. Nazi party officials in France reported that Rommel extensively and scornfully criticised Nazi incompetence and crimes.

Rommel's death:
The "Court of Military Honour"—a drumhead court-martial convened to decide the fate of officers involved in the conspiracy—included two men with whom Rommel had crossed swords before: Heinz Guderian and Gerd von Rundstedt. The Court decided that Rommel should be expelled from the Army in disgrace and brought before Roland Freisler's People's Court, a kangaroo court that always decided in favour of the prosecution. However, Hitler knew that having Rommel branded as a traitor would severely damage morale on the home front. He and Keitel thus decided to offer Rommel a chance to commit suicide.

Rommel was approached at his home by Wilhelm Burgdorf and Ernst Maisel, two generals from Hitler's headquarters, on 14 October 1944. Burgdorf informed him of the charges and offered him a choice: he could face the People's Court or choose to commit suicide quietly.

In the former case, his staff would have been arrested and his family would suffer even before the all-but-certain conviction and execution. In the latter case, the government would assure his family full pension payments and a state funeral claiming he had died a hero. Burgdorf had brought a capsule of cyanide for the occasion.

After a few minutes' thought alone, Rommel announced that he chose to end his own life and explained his decision to his wife and son. Carrying his field marshal's baton, Rommel went to Burgdorf's Opel, driven by SS Master Sergeant Heinrich Doose, and was driven out of the village. Doose walked away from the car leaving Rommel with Maisel. Five minutes later Burgdorf gestured to the two men to return to the car, and Doose noticed that Rommel was slumped over, after taking the cyanide pill. Doose, while sobbing, replaced Rommel's fallen cap on his head. Ten minutes later the group phoned Rommel's wife to inform her that Rommel was dead.


Rommel's primary antagonists during World War II were the British. So, when it came to portraying Rommel in the 1951 film entitled The Desert Fox, naturally a British actor was chosen to portray him.

James Mason as Erwin Rommel.

Now, there is a group of TV producers in Germany, who specialize in digging up the old graves of World War II, and reopening every wound they can get their documentaries on. They have targeted Rommel for vilification. Right next to Hitler and Goering, and Goebbels and the rest of the Nazi Leadership.

That does not set well with the descendents of Erwin Rommel, as you can read in the following websites.







The Der Spiegel article, which says the same things about a 'new documentary' concerning Rommel, is dated 05/23/2007. The other articles about this controversy are dated 09/20/2011. So, how long has this campaign to smear Rommel been going on?

[[ For those of you who do not know -- Der Spiegel is a sensationalist magazine in Germany that profits from any possible controversy it can find or create, and then exploiting it (Real or Hoax) for profit. Very similar to the Des Moines Rearsniffers of DemoIowa.]]


I did a little basic research about the producers who are trying to claim that Rommel was a Nazi Monster too. Jewish.

Bingo, there goes the Revisionist Applecart!

There is no way between Heaven and Hell that anyone who is Jewish will ever be able to produce anything, not even a 15 second commercial, about any 'Person' who fought on the side of the Third Reich during World War II -- that is not 'Way Over The Top' biased and prejudiced against that 'Person'. For anyone who is Jewish to be reopening old wounds, clearly for commercial purposes, of Europeans AND their own people, is Stereotypical of what Revisionist Historians are. Vultures.

When dealing within the Human Species, about Human Issues, it is always best to have Humans who were as uninvolved as possible write the objective and accurate Histories of Humanity. Using of course, the subjective writings of those Humans who were involved in that History as sources, but with the understanding that the subjectivity has to be filtered out before you can get to any meaningful information.

In the case of our War Against Genocide (by the Democrat/Homosexuals and the Homosexual/Moderates) -- all Human Beings are under attack and subjectively involved. So who are we going to ask for an objective and accurate History of it?

The Martians?


There are object lessons to be learned from this example.

To the SQLD, Perception has to be changed when it derives from Real Perspicacity, and that Perspicacity supports Humans in any way that supports Humanity itself. The success of the Queer Empire depends upon all Perceptions of all aspects of Humanity (including History) to be trashed, fouled and vilified.

Political Correctness and the Queer Medias demand that we accept Revisionist History as direct Perception Feeds into our brains; replacing all of our Original Perceptions -- if indeed we were allowed to have any Original Perceptions to begin with.


The art of trying to depict Real Humans as accurately as possible using Real Human actors (such as James Mason portraying Rommel), is now forbidden by the Masters of the SQLD; who tell HollyQueer what movies they can and cannot make.


These TV documentaries look very suspiciously like the kind of smear job that the Demented White Females (DWC)'s tried to do on George Armstrong Custer and the Seventh Cavalry, a few years ago. The scam that time was to sponsor phony researches that concluded what the Demented White Females (DWC) wanted concluded; and said that Custer and the Seventh Cavalry were only trash that deserved to be slaughtered; thus defecating on what the Demented White Females (DWC) perceived as Icons of the White Male Masculinity -- and pleasing all Man Hating Bitches everywhere.

You will notice that the German documentary topics in question are heavy on Nazi Fanaticism. Is this Fanaticism about Fanaticism?


Also, there is a sickening pseudo-culture of hatred for Germany (on the part of Germans) happening there, still.

It is much like the recent anti-American Hatred of America, sponsored by the SQLD and carried out (gleefully) by the Imitation Socialists of the Homosexual/Moderates and the Democrat/Homosexuals.

This is what I am talking about when I mention Revisionist History.

Many of the links to producers of those documentaries are empty, thus giving them the appearance of 'The Writers Who Were Not There' -- or perhaps secret writers. In looking for information about them I came across many articles that complained about the endless obsession that Europeans have about WWII, and how they are not getting over it. Of course not! With people like TV producers around, that make bug bucks rehashing and regurgitating WWII into every Europeans face, how can Europe close the war and get over it. WWII is big business over there.

For rats.

Oh, just in case you did not notice -- it's all for the Satan Tube.


By the way, all is not dark matter here. There is a pretty good book about Rommel out, called Trail of the Fox by David Irwin, which is not a fanatical hate piece about Rommel.

It is not a deliberate smearing of Rommel, and it asserts that Rommel never took part in the attempt against Hitler's life; which is counter to many other reports. Parts of it were presented at a conference of Revisionist Writers -- so you can see that there is a problem within their ranks. Not all Revisionist Writers are motivated by pure Hatred of the Truth, and the loathing of such things as Honor, Decency, Goodness and Humility.

A Hardcore Revisionist Writer would have written a TV documentary that tries to claim that Rommel was a Nazi Monster too.


One website has an example of Rommel's thinking (from his own writings), which is certainly courageous but not fanatical. It is about one of his experiences during World War I.

"...Once again we rushed the enemy in the bushes ahead of us. A little group of my former recruits came with me through the underbrush. Again the enemy fired madly. Finally, scarcely twenty paces ahead I saw five Frenchmen firing from the standing position. Instantly my gun was at my shoulder. Two Frenchmen, standing one behind the other, dropped to the ground as my rifle cracked. I still was faced by three of them. Apparently my men sought shelter behind me and couldn't help me. I fired again. The rifle misfired. I quickly opened the magazine and found it empty. The nearness of the enemy left no time for reloading, nor was any shelter close at hand. There was no use thinking of escape. The bayonet was my only hope. I had been an enthusiastic bayonet fighter in time of peace and had acquired considerable proficiency. Even with the odds three to one against me, I had complete confidence in the weapon and in my ability. As I rushed forward, the enemy fired. Struck, I went head over heels and wound up a few paces in front of the enemy. A bullet, entering sideways, had shattered my upper left leg; and blood spurted from a wound as large as my fist. At any moment I expected a bullet or bayonet thrust. I tried to close the wound with my right hand and, at the same time, to roll behind an oak. For many minutes I lay there between the two fronts. Finally my men broke through the bushes and the enemy retreated..."

His observation about this event?

In a man to man fight, the winner is he who has one more round in his magazine.

A fanatic would have glorified his actions and portrayed himself as a hero in such a situation.


And, just for fairness's sake; Ancestry.com says this about the name Peters ...

Peters -- English, Scottish, Dutch, and North German: patronymic from the personal name Peter.

1. Irish: Anglicized form (translation) of Gaelic Mac Pheadair ‘son of Peter’.
2. Americanized form of cognate surnames in other languages, for example Dutch and North German Pieters.

Place of Origin -- Peters Immigrants:

Germany 2402
Preussen 814
England 564
Ireland 299
Mecklenburg 225
Russia 127

That equals 4431, and there were more 'Peters' than that who immigrated to America I assure you.

A lot of us came over as Alligators, you know.

However this allows us to look at percentages.

Germany 2402 -- 54.2%
Preussen 814 -- 18.3%
England 564 -- 12.7%
Ireland 299 -- 6.7%
Mecklenburg 225 -- 5.0%
Russia 127 -- 2.8%

And, I wouldn't be surprised if we were all Jewish. That wouldn't mean 'buttkiss' to me.

I only care about 'races' as cultures.


Why destroy a culture's Good Memories and Good Icons?

Who benefits from the destruction of cultures?


Do you need more? Or, do you get the point.


One of the huge problems which this society has, is 'Why?'

Why do liars think they can lie in this society, and get away with it?

Why is this society accommodating to liars?

Why do liars think that lying will bring them success in this society?

What is wrong with this society, that it is so bad that liars think that they can be successful here????

queer newsrags
Monkey Judges
Black Radical Extremists
Killer Queers
Monkey Lawyers
Demented White Females (DWC)
(et all)

They all make money in this society by lying!

They are all allowed to exist in this COWARDLY society, and get rich in this cowardly society; which is SEEN by all liars as being successful in this society.

So, all liars EQUATE lying with SUCCESS in this society.


Microscopic Reality:

Many of my readers wonder why it takes so long for me to put out these messages.

Well, this ain't Cheese Strudel here!

Come to think of it -- if it had anything to do with Cheese at all, the ModeRats would be beating my door down for the recipe; and I would have to be a full-time Strudel Cook for those pieces-of-(bleep).

I do work at a full time job; but I am also doing many things for Humanity at the same time that I write.

I often start on a research path for one of my messages, and end up way far away from the original topic -- researching something which my readers will not learn about for months, or years. It is all relative and relevant.

For instance -- this baby ...

You would not believe the hassle it took to get this microscope. But, before I get into that piece of work; let me tell you about the price.

Price! That should be my middle name already!


I have good reasons to get this microscope, a type which I have always wanted for more than forty years now; but I could never make myself buy one until now.

So's ... I decides to buy the thing. Because the reasons are dancing on my head, and I need to get them off.

I investigate. I search everywhere on the Internet for days, looking at every possible model of 'Stereo Microscopes'.

I make lists. I tear them up. I stop. I give up. I say, it is too frivolous. The reasons start to dance on my head again.

I investigate. I search and search and search. I make a new list. I must decide. The choices are boiling down to just several models, from several sources.

I am frugal. I must not be cheap. I must get a really good one. I decide.

I try to buy the one I have chosen. That site does not take online transactions, except through something called PayPal. I don't like that. That model, I forget.

I investigate. I says to myself -- "Go for the Big One. The expensive one. It's twice as much, but it's going to be worth it."

I try to buy it from the website. They do not deliver to PO Boxes.

I give up. I say unprintable words. I refuse to think. I ignore the whole thing. I go to sleep.

I wake up with reasons dancing on my brain. I investigate. There has to be something I missed.

Wait a minute! I just realized something. I have seen the same picture of the same 'Big and Expensive Stereo Microscope', in two different places (very far apart) -- with two different prices (very far apart).

Whatta mattar with me? I investigate.

The identical picture of the identical Stereo Microscope is shown at two websites -- 1. A famous telescope company for $600. 2. A microscope manufacturer for $360.

I check all specifications and details. They are identical. Every review raves about the one from the famous telescope company. No one reviews the one from the microscope manufacturer. Further identical pictures confirm that they are the same machine, and the website from the microscope company mentions that the machine comes from the same production line, that makes microscopes for many famous name companies.

I learn something. I remember something.

When VCRs were all the rage years ago, I learned that most Video Cassette Recorders were never made by the companies who had their names on them; with the exception of Toshiba which always makes its own machines.

The vast majority of VCRs were made by just a few Japanese factories. Those factories had all of the parts to make any kind of VCR that you wanted. So, big name electronics companies merely specified what they wanted in their VCRs, and the Japanese factories churned them out, with the big name labels on them.

Talk about 'Perception Is Reality'! The vast majority of the consumers never had the faintest idea that the VCRs which they bought with big name labels on them -- all came from the same factories (with the same parts) as the VCRs with the lesser known labels on them -- costing half the price -- and with the same features!


But, to get back to the microscope. So, I decides to buy that one! From the microscope manufacturer. And, save myself $240. This I do. I pay for it online, and they send it -- with free shipping.

UPS. Before I can stop them, it's gone! UPS. To my home address.

It was unclear how they were sending it, and it seemed like they would send it to The House That Justice Wrought by the post office, which would hold it for me at the office.

Now, I have to get UPS to hold it for me at the Fort Dodge UPS office. I call UPS. They do not have that phone number!

What? They say I have to use the new system. For two days I try to use the new system. It always crashes. They say -- "It just launched yesterday, and it is having problems." Still no phone number. They have no way of telling local offices to hold things for customers. Only by using the new system can you do that.

This goes on for three days. Meanwhile the microscope is traveling from California to Iowa. To make a long story short -- I end up coming back and going to the Fort Dodge UPS office myself.

Happy faces. Pleasant people. They all shake their heads in sympathy. They will hold it for me when it arrives. I drive far away. I come back a week later. There is the microscope.

Me happy.

Forty years I wait for this thing.

But. Is it really the one?

Is it really the same as the one from the famous telescope company?

I try it out. WOW !!!!


The only difference between the two machines, is the 10 cent label on the front of the stand. Many customers pay the $240 dollars more, for the Perception that one name on the same microscope makes it better than another name, on the same microscope.


By the way. There is something about video recorders that you should consider. VCRs record the lies of the SQLD, as do modern day Digital Recorders. That is a danger to the Queer Propagandists. If you record their propaganda today, and they are told to change their lies tomorrow -- then you will have a record of Yesterday's Lies as compared to Tomorrow's Lies.

That is why the SQLD try to standardize their Campaigns of Lies, so that all queer TV stations will tell the same lies all of the time; using the Democrat/Homosexual and Moderate/Homosexual playtime agendas; both of which follow the 'Kill All Humans Manual' from the ACLU/Homosexuals. Which is all that the killers are supposed to know about the Homosexual Agenda.

Killer Queers only know what the things are supposed to know. Killer Queers only exist to attack Humans who resist their mental disease, and to scare and intimidate the 80% of the 10-80-10 equation into being so afraid and servile to the 'Queers', that whatever the Queer Propagandists claim is Reality (using the 'Perception Is Reality' Hoax) is accepted as Reality by the cowardly 'General Public'.


I just love it when the minions of the Queer Masters try to follow orders and report everything that I do; to those two SQLD Analysts and their Uncle's Monkeys that read what I write. Whenever I buy a movie at a store and there is a so-called Homosexual around, it always reports what movie I bought, if it can find out.

Now, this 'Stereo Microscope'. What could it be for?

What would he want with a 'Stereo Microscope'?

Answer: It sure isn't to look at their tiny brains with.

Anyway, if they knew, they would tear up their TV stocks with sobs of grief.


Astronomy Resources:

I am including here some websites about Astronomy that should be of interest -- real interest.

I recommend Schombert's Astronomy Courses 121 and 122. They are easy to understand, and they have little of the Science Religion dogma. Course 121 is good until the last chapter, which is about the Science Religion garbage, so it gets an A-. Course 122 has almost no Science Religion in it at all, so it gets an A.

There is a Course 123, but it starts with the standard junk background of the Science Religion, which they think is obligatory before they explain their theories about what the Universe is doing. And, those theories are pretty far out, so their insistence upon the reader accepting their theology beforehand is understandable.

They hope such demands will make them sound more authoritative. Unfortunately, just when they do start to sound sane, they always include the obligatory crap about a Big Bang; so, it gets an B. For our purposes, we do not need Course 123 anyway. I read that stuff just for amusement, but you do not have to.

I am not a Creationist, which is their arch enemies. I know God exists. Period. But, I don't give a Damn how this Universe got started. Period.

It is quite apparent that as long as Science is describing something which is obvious, they do a fairly decent job of it. Beyond the 'obvious' however, they are no more than the guessers and opinionizers that all other Priests are.

The Science Priests will always be at war with all other Priests, even after the Rapture. They will ignore the Rapture entirely, since it will ignore them entirely. They will insist that it was a non-event, and that it is -- "Not really that hot down here." In fact they will demand that you accept the idea that they are having a fine time 'down here'; and that it is the perfect weather 'down here' for good scientific research.

I want to introduce all of you to Science without Religion, as different from Science with Religion. There is no better place to do so than at a Spiral Galaxy. This is where the Stardust meets the Road. This is where 'Stardust Talks and Bullshit Walks'. It is the borderline between Good Science and the Wacko Science Religion.

Cosmology is where the Science Religion got its beginnings, as competition against Christianity and all other Human Religions. As I have indicated, the failures of the other Priests is why this happened. Religious excesses by the other Priests spawned the formation of the Science Religion, which in turn has become just as fanatical.


As for Schombert's Astronomy Guides -- 121 and 122 are excellent. 123 is the obligatory Science Religion viewpoint on Creation; which they call Cosmology.



You have to remember; the Science Priests do not allow anyone, who is not converted to their dogma, to get one of those PhD things; and all writings of Science have been ordered to include Anti-Christian and Anti-God teachings. Science is usually good at observing and explaining the obvious mechanics of the Universe; and Butt-Ugly and Piss-Poor at explaining what it is all about; and Totally-Clueless at explaining why. So, they ban any and all teachings of the 'What' and the 'Why' that might make their own theories seem to be less positive, and all-knowing.

James Schombert -- Field of Specialization: Experimental Astrophysics. Research Interests: Galaxy Surveys, Evolution and Properties of Galaxies. Probably hates my guts, most science types do; but I really like his non-religious tutorials, 121 and 122. This is one of the best online presentations of any subject that I have ever seen - flat out. In fact, I saved 121 and 122 for Human Prosperity. And, check out the colors. The Universe is really full of colors.

I do not think a single Black Child on this planet should graduate from Junior High School without knowing what is in Schombert's Astronomy 121; nor from High School without knowing what is in Schombert's Astronomy 122.

Black Children should always be thinking ahead of their situations, and ahead of the future that society thinks they will have.

This is a great way to get such information -- without being subjected to a Democrat/Homosexual Professional Liar. (professor)

And why?

Reality Baby! Reality!

It's NOT inside the TV tube! It's OUTSIDE the TV tube!

This is one of those -- "Go nuts with Wikipedia." events where anytime you don't get something, look it up in Wikipedia. That makes it even more fun.

Schombert's Astronomy 121 and 122 rival the best Astronomy Textbooks I have ever seen, and are better than most. Add Wikipedia to it, and its own external links, and it becomes Must Reading for understanding the Physical Reality of the Universe itself.

That is, as far as we know so far. In the case of Science, that knowing is very flawed by two things:
1. As soon as something is discovered or learned, the Science Priests smother it with their Mandatory Cosmology Crap. So, what it really means often gets lost or deliberately buried. Like Tutankhamen.
2. There is a fierce and bitter rivalry amongst Scientists all over the World for funding and grant monies. That creates an atmosphere of backstabbing, mistrust, fakery and falsehoods -- which the Science Priests call 'Healthy Competition' -- as the Bullshit gushes out of their ears. It is one of the most 'religious' aspects of the Science Religion. All religions have the same atmosphere.

All About Astronomy - Enchanted Learning

Astronomy - Solar System

Astronomy Websites Listing

Cosmic Elk

Essential Radio Astronomy Course

Galaxy Names

Galaxy Wire

Galaxy Zoo-01

Galaxy Zoo-02

Gene Smith's Astronomy Course

Gene Smith's Galaxies

History Of Telescopes-01

History Of Telescopes-02A

History Of Telescopes-02B

History Of Telescopes-02C

History Of Telescopes-03

History Of Telescopes-04

History Of Telescopes-400 Years



The Cosmonauts

The Mercury Astronaut


Markel Peters

Monday, October 10, 2011


This is not really my next message, which is much larger. I am sending this out to everyone who has the Courage and Humanity to read the Truth, and to know that they are Real Humans; and to realize what it means to be a Human Being in these times.


To my Readers:

I really do appreciate the enormous efforts of anyone who has the strength and stamina to read what I am putting out in these lessons and messages.

I am aware of the many people who want me to go 'public' about all of this. To them, I must say that I am already there. In fact, going 'public' is non-existent compared to the Real Reality of who and what I am -- and I might mention -- who and what You are.

'Movements' are a misnomer. The concept of 'Movements' began as a contrivance of words and a convenient jargon/designation for the god-damned Media Owners and Operators to use; in their daily and never-ending Bullshitting of the Public -- as they pretend to have a handle on everything.

Remember their Tin Plated Rule -- "If It Is Not On Television, It Is Not Real". To achieve that illusion, they stamp everything with Television Terms and Media Sound Bites. The term 'Movement' is one of their contrivances to make anyone (who is stupid enough to allow themselves to be grouped and corralled into a 'Movement Label' from the Medias), have to use those same Medias in an attempt to get their ideas and causes advanced.

THAT locks all ideas and trends and desires and causes into the Mandatory Usage of the Queer Medias. Thus, guaranteeing the dominance of the Queer Medias over a Playing Field of Phony 'Movements'; 'Movements' created and designated by the Queer Medias for just that purpose.

It is like an involuntary shedding of the skin. You arrive before the Medias in your original skin, and they strip off your Originality. Then, they plaster you with their own labels and titles and advertising. After that, you might as well go Home and spend the rest of your life trying to scrape their crap off your hide.

My Readers have been labeled a 'Movement', and are starting to identify themselves as a 'Movement'. If they were that, and it was of their own volition, that would be one thing. But, how is anyone on Planet Sinister going to call themselves a 'Movement', without falling into the media trap of using media labels for themselves? And thus, making themselves manageable by the Medias that are their worst enemies. Which instantly makes them susceptible to being marginalized and even eliminated by those same Horrid Medias!

I Love My Readers, and I do not deny it. However, this is no game that is happening here; and we really are what I say we are -- A Species Under Attack, Threatened By Genocide.

I would love nothing better than to be a part of a Human Movement -- if there could ever be such a thing. But, any association with the Medias of the SQLD prevents that. Prevents a Human Movement, that is.

And, Thank God For That!!!!

A Human Movement (for example 'Human Resistance Movement') would be doomed to failure from the start.

Whenever I use the term 'Human Resistance', I am talking about the Resistance Factor (Value) of the entire Human Species. If you are part of the Human Resistance, you are the living Percentage, Value, Force, Stamina, Endurance, and Instinctual Vigor of our Species against all threats of anihilation.

You are the 'Resistance of the Species' to being exterminated by any means; whether by Replacement or by the Homosexual/Democrats and Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid's Queer and Armed Fart-Forces.


Any 'Movement' that is NOT Authorized by the SQLD Medias is doomed to non-existence, and a deliberate disembowelment by the infusion of Disease Agents into its body, by the sucking arms of the SQLD -- namely the Democrat/Homosexuals and the Homosexual/Moderates.

Any 'Movement' that IS Authorized by the SQLD Medias can exist only as a commercial device for the continued Horror Show called Television.

Those 'Movements' that are Authorized by the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead have to continually pay ever-increasing fees and subservience to the Queer Medias -- until they reach such a point of depletion (by Media leeching) and a state of deliberate alteration, that they are no longer recognizable as what they once were. Not to mention, the fact that they never get close to becoming what their founders once hoped they would become.

My Readers, let us dispense with the word 'Movement', before our worst enemies can use it to leech us and bleed us to death for their own sick-sick-sick purposes.


Do you remember what I told you about my trips to that book store in Atheist Aims (formerly Ames) that was closing down recently?

Well, I bought two really large Thesauruses there. When I look up the word 'Movement' in those books I get the following words:

Movement --

Popular Front


You can call yourselves whatever you want to -- and I will abide by your decision. Make it Intelligent and Media-Proof.

Remember what happened to the 'Civil Rights Movement' here in America. It became the phony front organization for the 'Queers'; and the leadership of the original Civil Rights Movement became so degraded that the NAACP is now under the influence (and exposed to) the deliberate mental diseases of the Queer Propagandists. Using their typical techniques of pay-offs, power brokering, and implanted foreign agents the 'Queers' have gotten into the NAACP to spread their diseases. Soon the NAACP will only stand for -- Neutered Assholes for the Advancement of Crap Propaganda.

That is extremely bad news for Black Humans everywhere. I remember when the 'HObama' became the Black Puppet in the White House; all of the Black Power Idiots were told to think that it was a great step forwards for 'Black Power' -- just because HObama is in tight with the so-called 'New Black Panthers'.

Now, those Black Power Idiots are 14 Trillion Dollars in debt and not one inch closer to the nonexistent Bullshit Freedoms that the Black Slavers promised them.

The defunct and f**ked-up Civil Rights Movement (now operated by SQLD-sucking scum), is a prime example of what happens to any 'Movement' that allows itself to become commercialized and apportioned and rationed like food stamps by the Medias.


As for what you will call yourselves -- I am sure you will come up with something excellent and appropriate. Because, you of all people will see that this is about all Humans, and not just about ourselves.

Our enemies will continue to call you all kinds of very nasty names, anyway.

But, I suggest you drop the 'Movement' label, before it drops you into a pit of forgetfulness. I will always call you the Human Species anyway. And THAT, is exactly what the SQLD do NOT want you to be. Not now. Not ever.


I write to what and where I came from. To where I belong. To what I belong to. The Human Species. All of it.

That means that the shoemakers of Singapore (there are some you know) are my readers. The Eskimos of Nunavut are my readers. The Bullfighters of Pamplona, Spain are my readers. The Kung Fu Masters of Canton are my readers. The Masai Cattle Herders of Kenya are my readers. The Bus Drivers of Santiago, Chile are my readers. The Wine Growers of Bordeaux, France are my readers. The Nuclear Submarine Captains on duty in the North Atlantic are my readers. The Polynesian Chieftains of Oceania are my readers. The Medical Doctors of Brazil are my readers ...

They just do not know it yet.


That cannot stop me. It must not.

I have to write for all of the Humans.

I appreciate (a lot) anyone who supports my writing. AND, if the knowledge which you are gaining from all of this puts my readers together into their own identity and awareness group -- that is perfectly natural. Even unavoidable, and to be expected.

In fact, it cannot be avoided. Truth demands it. Knowledge supports it. And, with the SQLD being so totally false and phony, so constantly, and so horribly -- the difference between their sickness and our goodness just keeps getting deeper and wider.


One of our Major Enemies is the BSCN. It operates in unison with the Queer Medias, and is a prime example of what we do not want to do.

You can easily see how the BatShitCrazy Network tries to sicken the minds of anyone who reads their filth; and then tries to collect that Wreckage of Humanity (caused by them) into political groups. Groups that are filled with like-crazed Voter/Followers. Their intention is to spread a common insanity, and addiction to their lies, as far across society as they can, like a fish net. Then, they reel in anyone and everyone who is stupid enough, or foolish enough, to think that the BatShitCrazy Masters are just funny, clever and interesting.

There is a spider like that. It makes a deep cone-shaped hole in the sand and lies at the bottom of the cone, waiting for innocent victims to stumble into the hole. The sand walls of the sides of the hole prevent any victim from escaping. The more the victim (usually another insect) struggles, the more it descends into the pit. Into the teeth of the spider.

The Horror of such a death is all the more magnified, when you take into account that the BSCN does this to People; and utterly without any regard for the lives and the original values of their victims.

The disease that drives the insanity of the BatShitCrazy Network knows no limits. If allowed, it would literally decimate and exterminate all life on this planet; finally extinguishing itself when the last wretched humanoid slug dies from its cravings and berserk dementias.

We Humans, who represent all Life on the planet, and in this case are the Protecting Life of the Planet Earth, can know no limitations on our efforts to stop the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead.

That requires the entire Species to be alive, aware, and active against the SQLD. Not just a 'Movement' that is labeled, designated, limited, curtailed, and apportioned by the very same Queer Medias, that the SQLD own and operate.


I am not ignoring my readers.

I am doing my best to keep you out of the pit, and up to speed.

Also, since this really is for all Humans -- those Humans who are reading this and improving, must become better for all Humans as well. It is the only way.


What I Am Saying Is -- The Answer Is YES.

And it had better be YES, because there is a very rocky road ahead for all of us.


Markel Peters










I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message.
Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.



























Labels Of All Posted Messages--A Way To Search Through Messages By Labels

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed


This blog exists to inform the People, of the 'Real Truth' about the real enemies of the Human Species. These Truths are not objectionable, as they are Truths. Only the telling of them can be objectionable, to those who wish to hide the Truth. If the Truth is something you HATE and therefore object to - go elsewhere!


Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!


The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.