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Friday, March 25, 2011


Sorry about the delay:

I have been working up my latest automobile, which I call 'The Cashmere'; so it can go from a standing stop to 100mph, in the time I want. As you probably know, all of the automobiles that I have ever owned have always exceeded design specs, and 'The Cashmere' is no exception.

It's all about Devil Cults.

Which the 'Crackheads And Nasty Neuters' (CNN) say do not exist. Like I do not exist.

Need I mention? The 'Crackheads and Nasty Neuters' ARE a Devil Cult?!


This last weekend, I was browsing around a local department store. That store usually plays music that is meant to denigrate Humans, and openly whines in favor of every piece-of-crap Anti-Human vermin that has ever hired a Media Propaganda Company. Propaganda Cults, that think up for them a front cover deception (to be broadcast by all Satanic Medias).

This time however, the scum that manages that store had turned on a local Filthy Monkey Station. I quickly learned why. As usual, that Filthy Monkey Station was trying to turn every listener into a Schizophrenic. Listeners of Filthy Monkey Stations, are addicted to the deliberate reversals of the meanings of the music, that is played on those sewer stations.

The Station Monkeys will play songs that are twisted away from their original meanings, and present them as support and whines for the worst perverts that are attacking Humanity -- and/or play songs that the Filthy Monkey Band paid for themselves, which openly portray the so-called Homosexuals as innocent little lambs, that would never hurt anyone.

THEN -- after about fifteen minutes of that crap -- they play songs that are supposed to be twisted away from their original meanings, and seem to support Humanity.

Note: In this way, they hope to define just how much support we Humans can have -- and no more. Just how much Humanity we Humans can have -- and no more.

This goes on for another fifteen minutes, and then the Filthy Monkeys revert to supporting the SQLD again. Around and around it goes, and it is designed to make mindless addicts out of anyone who is butt-stupid enough to listen to those dogcrap radio stations.

On this day, however, the fifteen minute segments that were in favor of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead were especially violent and abusive in their messages, using many songs deliberately paid for by the Filthy Monkeys. A 'Mix Lesbian' was in control of the station at the time, and it was putting out warped and ugly music that was filled with defamations and hatreds against anything that was not as queer at that station is.

I browsed about the store, noticing that the lawn ornaments were out on display again, and thinking of the many things that I have to do this summer, at the House That Justice Wrought; and I made mental notes of the hatreds and despicable lies that were contained within the music that was intended to hurt Humans. I listened for two cycles, and then I was done shopping, so I paid for my stuff and left.

Having heard the 'Reversal Cycles' of the Filthy Monkey Stations for decades now, I am quite capable of providing the translation of that noise, which the 'Mix Lesbian' was playing. It comes out as this:

"How dare you?!"
"How dare you, not die?!"
"How dare you, resist our demands for your extermination?!"
"How dare you, not accept our putrid vomit-brains as your Masters?!"
"How dare you, not grovel at our feet, and submit your bodies to our twisted sex-pleasures?!"
"How dare you, not accept our whining lies as the Truth?!"
"Have we not lied enough? To destroy your Resistance?!"
"How dare you, defend your children and keep them away from our Queer Makers, in the Democrap/Homosexual Schools?!"
"How dare you, not worship our insane minds as Gods and Goddesses over you?!"
"You! Are terrible (bleep)!"


I am quite used to hearing their wretched gargles and gurgles and warped records. This time, however, the Filthy Monkeys were especially violent and vicious.

That means -- they are scared.

They are losing.

After all, who would deliberately listen to their audio drivel, for even a few minutes? ... if there were not Queers managing stores ... that put those Filthy Monkeys on the speakers in the stores. Otherwise, no one would ever know they exist. Hence, the Filthy Monkeys are forced to 'make' their own audiences, by whatever brainwashing techniques they can contrive.

Their 'audience' can only consist of the kinds of foaming-at-the-mouth lunatics that I have described before. The Total Rejects that know the Truth (because they read Human Websites), and still watch the lying Bastard and Bitch Heads on the Satan Tube Channels. An audience of deliberate masochists, that love pain and dementia; and are thoroughly insane, from their toes to the hair follicles on their fevered heads.

If it were not for completely greedy and horribly corrupt advertisers, that want the Total Rejects to buy their products, and therefore advertise their sick products and sick services on the Filthy Monkey Bands -- there would be no Filthy Monkey Bands.

That is why the Filthy Monkeys must create an 'audience' of crazed addicts, that are masochistically addicted to the Reversal Cycles of Music that the Filthy Monkeys play. Unless, they can keep an audience of addicts listening to their deliberate perversions and lies, they will have no audiences at all. And, when even the sickest advertisers realize that, they will withdraw their dirty advertisements from the Filthy Monkey Bands. And then -- poof!

No more Filthy Monkeys!


The day will never arrive when I care at all what a pack of Ghouls, such as the Filthy Monkeys, (who have actually planned and attempted the Extermination-by-Replacement of the Human Species) -- say or think about Human Resistance.

Isn't that just too bad!

Don't I just pity the Ghouls?!

Oh -- I get it!

We are supposed to be kind, and take it easy on the poor exposed murderers!

Not in this Universe.


And, if you are saying to yourself, and to each other, that this is old news and this website is really boring -- why are the Filthy Monkeys still doing it? Why are they still killing the brains of unwitting victims?

Why are you not helping people get away from such obvious dangers as the Filthy Monkey Band?

Why are the Filthy Monkeys still making money for the Homosexual Agenda war chest? Money that is used against you!

I am telling you that your efforts to stop the Filthy Monkeys, if you have the courage to fight to begin with, are not enough! As long as there is an audience of Total Retards for the Filthy Monkeys to control for their advertisers -- their deliberate mind-fornications of the 'General Public' will continue.


Let us exercise some of our powers of Awareness here.

Don't you realize what a lot of the zombies on the SQLD side are suffering from? They are suffering from 'Surrender-Phobia'.

Ah yes, Surrender-Phobia -- scourge of their Dogs**t Empire!

The Filthy Monkeys know that, and are trying to keep their idiot audiences schizoid and confused, so they will stay 'Surrender-Phobic'!

And therefore, never surrender to the Humans!

How simple can you get, Dude?

Look at the examples of such deliberate confusion by the SQLD; some of the worst so-called Homosexual sewers on the planet (totally Humanophobic) actually calls themselves Human Collectives, and Human Campaigns, and Human Tribunals. You could not find a worse lie if you spent all month looking for one -- but lies and deceptions and truth-reversals are the stock and trade of the so-called Homosexuals.

You have to keep forever in mind that no pervert ever says the Truth, unless it is going to support one of their lies. At all other times, everything that they do is a lie.

It is all part of the mental disease they suffer from, and inflict upon each other, and want to spread to everyone else.


The only things that accept the lying usages of the word 'Human' (from the perverts that apply the word in reverse), are liars themselves. Liars that seek power with such deceptions and fakeries. They see it as more propaganda tools with which to manipulate the 'General Public'. Manipulations that lead to Profits and Political Power.

Also, the reverse application of the term 'Human', by such bags of propaganda puke, are blatant evidence of their body-snatching, mind-snatching and identity-snatching viciousness and criminality -- absolutely!!!!

I can call the toe jam between my toes the Human Campaign, and be a million times more authentic and true than a million bogus organizations calling themselves the Human (Anything)!

Sounds like an old Boris Karloff movie, doesn't it?

'The Human Anything!'


For instance, I could change my first name to 'Boston', and claim that only Human Beings, and Human Places can have the name 'Boston'. But, that would be a gross lie, because the word 'Boston' in any language means 'CRAP!' And, Human Beings and Human Places are the exact opposite of that (bleep).


THERE ARE NOT -- two, or three, or four Human Species. There is only one.

IT DOES NOT -- include the so-called Homosexuals and the Democraps/LiberalRats/Demented White Females (DWC)/Transhuman 'Wannabe-A-Robot' Wingnuts (et al).

Just one Human Species -- mine.
Just one of Me -- theirs.

All else is flagrant imitation, for propaganda purposes.

It is also a flagrant indicator of something else -- and I do NOT mean that "imitation is the highest form of flattery".

Instead, their fakery is the "lowest form of necessity", because it indicates that the SQLD cannot reach a level of saturation and mind control over the 'General Public', where they think they are powerful enough to come out in the open with all of the hideous atrocities and debaucheries and murders, that they so desperately want to commit against the Real Human Species.

It indicates the failure of the SQLD masters.

It indicates the failure of the SQLD mind-fornicators.

It indicates the failure of the SQLD terror squads.

It indicates the failure of the SQLD devil cults.

It indicates the failure of the SQLD media monsters.

It indicates the failure of the SQLD programmers, in the SQLD schools.

It indicates the failure of the SQLD Death, over Human Life.


Always, there are idiots. I ignore them. Idiots are the ones that should know better, because they have the brains to know better.

Always, there are the mentally handicapped or disabled or limited. Them I listen to, keenly. Planet Sinister, and its 'food-for-the-meat-grinders' Masters, are not the fault of such people. People who are mentally handicapped or disabled or limited, are the easy targets of the Filthy Monkeys and their dirty programming tactics.

To such people I say:

Have you considered the many forms of Human Entertainment?

I do not mean theater plays, that are intended (from before they were written) to be propaganda tripe and spittle for the whines and demands and lies of the Queers. There are many such Human-Bashing demented displays of choreographed lunacy, pretending to be the Humanity we should all be -- namely our Replacements -- since the Real Humanity is far from acceptable to the Anti-Humans of most 'theater companies'.

I mean such entertainments as telling our own Human History to each other; the Real Human History, and not the 'history-on-the-rack' revisionist tortures that the SQLD want all of us to accept as our history. A Reviling History (that hates Our History) which is really just their dirty lies and stories about how weak and stupid and false and wrong and bigoted and terrible we have always been in the past.

Because, we will not lick their Anuses in the present!


You think that is a bad joke? Guess again.


I am a layman's connoisseur of good fried Chicken.

I eat the best fried Chicken, in the 19 states I drive in.

Today, I was shopping for some freshly fried Chicken, at a truckstop in Missouri (famous for its fried Chicken); and I was thinking of all of the yummy and tasty parts of fried Chicken. When suddenly, I thought of the Little Charlie Dictators in their Little Charlie TV Stations of Hell -- and how they would want everyone to be eating the worst and most vile and vulgar parts of any animal.

Would you eat Chicken Anus?

Chicken breasts -- Yes.

Chicken legs -- Yes.

Chicken gizzards -- Yes.

Chicken livers -- Yes.

But, would you eat Chicken Anus?

Well, of course not! That would be Absurd!

Unless ...

Unless, a pack of Satanic Chicken Anuses paid a lot of money to the Little Charlie Dictators (in their Little Charlie TV Stations) to constantly broadcast queer propaganda. Queer propaganda that told anyone, stupid enough to watch the satanic channels, that Chicken Anus is the 'preferred' part of the Chicken -- over all other parts.

Then, you would have a hideous and grotesque situation like there exists today, with all of the so-called Homosexuals. You would have a society of retards and absolute idiots, who think Chicken Anus is a delicacy -- to be preferred over all 'Natural Chicken parts and pieces'.

That is why the Little Charlie Dictators, like the ones in the 'Hideous Boston Horrid Zone', are in business.

That is their 'Anal Business'!!!!


I mean, after all! How dare you?

How dare you refuse the nasty taste and awful smell of Live Chicken Anus? Served up by grinning TV Dictators!

How dare you?!



As far as news is concerned -- there really isn't a hell of a lot going on these days to report.


The Iowa Marriage Amendment was derailed by the Madame Gronstal and her/his/its entourage of cutesy pantyhose customers at the Queer Sex Shop and Boutique in the Statehouse -- as expected.


The move to impeach the other four Monkey Judges, in the Cathouse across the street from the Statehouse, went right up Madams Gronstal's petticoats and stayed there (paying customer or not).

The SQLD media are putting out every phony poll they can contrive, as usual, to make it seem that we (Real Iowans) do not want to get rid of our Persecutors, Tormentors and Worst Enemies on Earth -- the (less-supreme-than-anyone-else) Monkey Judges.

I remember when. When I first sat in the bleachers, inside the Cathouse of the Seven Monkeys, on the day that the 'Legal Arguments' were being made about Q&P MH (Queer and Phony Marriage Hatred). And, I immediately noticed that there was something wrong -- with what was wrong at the Cathouse.

The attorney who was defending the Human Species was weak and hopeless. His arguments just repeated Common Sense, and lacked Force and Hope. He knew.

The Monkey Lawyer for the so-called Homosexuals, acted like a very confident Circus Barker; speaking as though the bowels of Hell had just opened up next to it, and Satan itself had boiled up to the surface to stand by its side. It knew.

Seven Bought-And-Paid-For Monkeys were in the room -- pretending to be Judges. Now, three of those monstrosities are gone. But, the Iowa Liberal Fakery (formerly Independent) says that there is no support 'amongst the people' for our efforts to get rid of the remaining four Monkey Judges.

Amongst the People? Do they mean Us? The Crap Under Their Shoes? The Crap Under Their Word Processors?

How the Hell would those scum know what WE want?

What we want is a CLEAN AND HEALTHY BODY !!!!

How can we have a Clean And Healthy Supreme Court Body Of The State Of Iowa -- when there are still Four Pieces Of Gangrene attached to it????

Four pieces of Festering Rot like them, will quickly infest any three new Judges that 'Il Duce Branstad' puts onto the court.

gangrene -- noun
death of tissue: local death and decay of soft tissues of the body as a result of lack of blood to the area. Microsoft Encarta



Now, shock and surprise, every Real Human in Iowa finally realizes that Humanity is the '(bleep)-under-the-shoes' of all Democrat/Homosexuals of Demo-Iowa.

Now, their focus (finally) is to put Madam Gronstal and its Statehouse Boutique for 'perverts-of-every-kind' out of business.


North Africa is blowing up again -- ho hum.


Fukushima isn't a patch on Chernobyl -- unless it gets out of control. The Tsunami is what did all of the killing, without knowing it of course because Earthquakes are -- just Earthquakes. In Japan, the serious threat is to the children. Save the children.


The so-called 'Democrap Upheaval' (inside DemoTopia) is nothing more than the expected temper-tantrums and macabre expositions, of What and Who belongs inside insane asylums.

Their 'Pissant-Walkouts' and 'Chickens**t- Runaways' (by Queer-Sucking Democrat/Homosexuals) have provided us all with the Realization -- the Realization that such acts of Duffus Playbaby Stupidity are what the Homosexual/Democraps call 'Revolution'.

If you distilled all of that cowardice down to a fuel, it would not have enough octane in it to power a one horsepower lawn mower, the length of one horse, with one horse pulling on it.

It is a non-event of incredibly venal, bent, unprincipled, impotent and worthless Democrapia -- in your face -- demanding that you see it as bravery and undeniable courage!

Now instead, you all see the 'Total Bulls**t' of anything that comes out of a Democraps mouth !!!!

Too Puerile To Be Pathetic.


The animals in the farmyard, up on Spyglass Hill, are so bored that I had to wake them all up (during my most recent visit), and complain about the complete lethargy that is consuming everyone.

They, at least, gave me some honks and grunts and whinnies of greeting, flapping their wings and swishing their tails -- and then went back to sleep.

It's really getting boring around here!


HObama the Magnificent Pervert is performing Puppet Shows down in South American for its Marxist buddies; pretending to promote Democracy, Socialist Style.


It all leaves me with little to report.

I could just sit down, and grow my beard.

I've been thinking of shaving it off though -- something to do!

This vacation is becoming a doldrum of get-nowhere, hear-the-same-old-lies, ignore-the-same-old-retards, wish-the-weather-would-act-up, guess-I'll-just-go-back-to-work -- boredom!


Could paint the barn.

Need to change the chimney.

Saw a dead cow in the snows beyond the back north forty, last January, down in the creek by the old sawmill -- wasn't one of ours -- could go see whose it was --if there's enough left of it.

Thought about taking a day trip to Albert Lea, and get me some of that maple syrup they sell in the truckstop up there.

Could count the Hogs.

Counted the Chickens last week -- up in Madison --was up there to watch the Diaper Rebellion.

Could fix the cracks in the cement floor in the garage.

Could count the Hogs -- again.

Ain't got no Dogs -- so can't give no Dogs a bath.

Could fix that leak in the toilet in the basement, or just get a new one.

Could dust off the lightbulbs in the house.

Gettin warm enough -- could wax the car.

Could count the Hogs -- backwards this time.



Idiot Churches, are like open sores on the flesh of Iowa. Filled with maggots.

The original benefit of the Social-Club Churches, before the perverts took them over, was to reduce the population pressure inside the Insane Asylums.

Now -- the so-called Homosexuals have easily turned the lunatics and 'borderline functionals' in the Social-Club Churches, into zombies of pro-perversion advocacy of any kind, and Anti-Human hatred.


Answer: Because, it is easy to get a lunatic to hate something. Just turn off its soul with lies, and tickle its Social Vanity with ego support and promises -- while whining about being persecuted and abused by the Humans -- that you plan to murder, wholesale!

The beanie-bag brains of the Social-Club Churches will kill anything, if their anuses get tickled, and their egos are told that they are somebody's 'Heroes'!

In short -- they are not Churches -- they are Outhouses, and Out Patient Houses.


Il Duce Branstad has now been ordered to perform for the 'Radio Public' once a month, on its 'Ask the Little Potato Head Show'. The idiot Homosexual/Moderates must have their 'Little-Dictator-Without-A-Clue' support the most recent Moderat line in public; which is to portray themselves as harmless and well meaning benefactors. When everyone, and their monkey's uncle, already knows that the Moderate/Homosexuals are the most greedy and self-serving Bastards and Bitches to come down the pike since the Democraps.

It is designed to turn into a monthly Propaganda Theater for the Moderats, who will do (in that radio show) exactly what the Democraps do at the Town Hall meetings -- namely pack the audience with their own supporters until there is no room left for Real People. If the Homosexual/Democrats can do that at Town Hall meetings, the Moderate/Homosexuals can certainly do it on the radio.

This is exactly the kind of propaganda techniques that the Original Mussolini perpetrated in Italy.
The Original Mussolini was a Media Anus of Horrid Proportions.
The Original Mussolini was the Editor of a Socialist Newsrag.
The Original Mussolini was a Propaganda Expert.
The Original Mussolini was a leader of the Italian 'Republican Fascist Party'. (That means 'Republican Establishment')
Why wouldn't 'Il Duce Branstad' -- the Little Dictator From Hell -- not follow in its predecessors footsteps? It worked for 23 years, for Mussolini!

But, what is the Little Dictator's radio show really all about?

Answer: The SQLD and the Moderats need the Little Dope to "talk the points" of their intended propaganda, on the radio. If that is done properly, it allows them to pretend that whatever (sound bites and catch-phrases) they told the 'Duce' to say on the radio, are the legitimate 'talking points' that everyone should be discussing -- and only they are to be recognized as such. Anything else, which the Little Duce did not say, must be a Non-Topic, a Non-Issue, and a Non-Reality. They are making 'Il Duce Branstad' do precisely what we expected -- play the 'Topics Clown'.

By the way, I hate to think of myself as helping the Moderats at all -- but the Dollar Stores here in Iowa are now selling frozen packages of White Castle Cheeseburgers (6 per package), all ready to go. And we all know, there is nothing that Queer Moderates loves more than their favorite finger foods; which they can use to flap around in the air with their claws, as they try to make discussion points about which dastardly financial idiocy means more to them at this particular fifteen second interval, than any thought of being Human, or defending Human Marriage, or recognizing the existence of Human Virtues etc.

Cheeseburgers are like stilettos or sabers in the claws of Queer Moderates, as they sit across from each other at very small tables in fast food restaurants, and chatter away and snicker and giggle and chortle and cackle about this or that financial nothingness and stupidity and worthless absurdity. Which is all that they can talk about, because they do not know anything else. Because, for all of their wretched lives they have been afraid of knowing anything else; and they do not even know about, what they think they know about.

But that doesn't matter, because the Cheeseburgers are plentiful, and brainless talk about financial absurdities does not make them pee their panties; which always happens if they have to talk about Reality.

If they did talk about Reality, the pee would flow so freely that they would get thrown out of the fast food restaurants, and they would be cut off from their favorite finger foods.

But now! They can go to nearby Dollar Stores, and get their own six-packs of Finger-sized Cheeseburgers!


Now, with these frozen mini-cheeseburgers they can quickly cook up a batch, and twirl them around and stab the empty air and make their lunatic financial points (only to each other), and they can do it at home! They do not have to go to fast food restaurants anymore! They can stand on the street corners and throw Mini-Cheeseburgers at anyone who drives by, and does not bow automatically to their Financial Supremacy and Great Wisdom!

Better however, if they sit in the gutters and wave their little Cheeseburgers at everyone who drives by, and carry signs that say "Honk, if you think I make sense." How appropriate, and how revealing that would be. How quiet the world would be.

Or, they could just sit in the gutters and fight over their precious finger foods with the DemoRats, who will want their share for sure.
It would keep them out of the fast food restaurants.

However! That ignores the fact that there is another reason why the Homosexual/Moderates have their ridiculous Cheeseburger-Financial Parties, in those fast food joints ...


They are all Exhibitionists! They are so stupid, that they think everyone else gives a crap about the lunacies that ramble around in their vacant heads. And thus, everyone else must be amazed and impressed by the degree of their legerdemain and mastery over the pseudo-topics that they are always jabbering worthless volumes of garbage about. To each other, of course.

They think it makes them look -- intelligent.


Steve Deace -- the Man Who Saved Iowa (and probably the entire Conservative Movement) has a report:

The Family Leader and Iowa Family Policy Center organized a pro-marriage rally on the steps of the Capitol building on Tuesday, with over 500 people attending.

Those demanding the senate actually do its job and allow Iowans their God-given right to vote face an uphill battle. Everyone we talked to about that is extremely frustrated, but no one is deterred. As one woman told us, “I sense a dead end coming. But that doesn’t mean I think we should stop fighting for it.”

The line-up of speakers boasted some familiar faces, but some new ones as well. Former State Rep. Danny Carroll opened the rally. Subsequent speakers were Pastor Cary Gordon, Reverend Keith Ratliff, Bob Vander Plaats, and finally Judge Roy Moore. Attendees tell me that all the speakers did a great job, but that Pastor Gordon and Judge Moore got the biggest responses from the crowd. Pastor Gordon has been steadfast in his call that pastors in Iowa must stand in their pulpits and before their congregations and fight for traditional marriage. He has lead by example at his Cornerstone World Outreach church.

One woman told us, “Pastor Cary got the biggest response from the crowd, and I think that might be because many of us know what his church is going through because of his strong stand. We appreciate that he is still willing to speak out.”

Another attendee told us that Reverend Ratliff’s message that marriage “equality” is not a civil rights issue and “he would know” was also well received. On a side note, I remember back to the night of the Iowa House’s open forum on HJR 6—the joint resolution to let a constitutional amendment on marriage be voted on by the people. Several people spoke who represented minorities—and all spoke in defense of traditional marriage. They said, just as Reverend Ratliff did today, that this is not rooted in racism as so many proponents say it is.

Judge Moore spoke last and the theme of his message was the law: who makes it, where it comes from, how it should be upheld. He and Bob Vander Plaats both brought up in their speeches that in Iowa, DOMA is still the law on the books and it should be upheld yet, “we are still hearing the term ‘gay marriage’ and that’s wrong.”

Governor Branstad was asked that very question on his first “Ask the Governor” segment on WHO radio last week. He was asked how the fact that he is not upholding Iowa’s DOMA is any different from President Obama telling his administration that they are not going to uphold the federal DOMA. Apparently Branstad “wiggled” a bit, but eventually said that “his lawyers” tell him his situation is different and that he has to go with what Iowa’s court said. Yet another “pass the buck” moment.

Some folks did try to lobby several legislators on this issue. They know the Republicans in the senate will most likely vote en bloc, so they wanted to speak with some Democrats. On the senate side they asked a runner to deliver a message to Senator Gronstal. They were told the senator majority leader was too busy to speak with them.

They did speak with Republican senators Mark Chelgrin and Brad Zaun, who encouraged them to go speak with Democratic Rep. Kurt Swaim. He was one of two Democrats who voted for passage of the Iowa Marriage Amendment. However, he has since apologized for his vote to One Iowa. When the attendees tried to speak with Rep. Swaim, they were again told that he was “too busy” to speak with them because he was “going to a meeting in five minutes.”

When was the last time you told your employer you were “too busy” to meet with him or her when they asked? We’re guessing if you did it really would be the last time. It’s time to make “the people’s house” live up to its name, which is exactly what the rally was about today.

This is from his website at --


My suggestion:

Get the perverts out of the Human Bloodstream, and into their own isolated cells of sickness and death. Get them out of the Human Institutions and Human Traditions, where they are a deliberate pestilence, replacement and disease.

Do what they do NOT want -- deny them Humanity to feed upon. Keep them from spreading. Isolate them into their cults and coalitions of demonism and disease. That is what they violently do not want, because then they would have to feed upon each other, they would not be able to influence large numbers of voters, and they would not have fresh Humans to pervert; nor would they have access to fresh Human Children to queer into vermin, such as they have been turned into.

Isolate the scourge.
Quarantine the scourge.
Cast out the scourge.
By protecting yourself, your family and your friends from their lies, demands, traps and politicians.


Something interesting, and I am always looking for ways to explain all of this to a wide audience.

As you may know by now, I have a huge video library. Hence, I have absolutely no need to watch 'TV' (and get sick), just to watch movies. I seldom add anything to my library these days, having almost everything already (that is worth having) -- while waiting for the next Ridley Scott or Russel Crowe film to be released.

[[ Hint -- Master and Commander II would rock! According to the Internet trades, Russell Crowe is in favor of a sequel to the original Master and Commander; and based upon the original, if they put a goodly amount of funds into the sequel they could actually create a better film than the first one. The first one is a very well done work, but it needs to be completed. The entire effort and scope and importance of it is undone, unfinished, and unrealized. Stopping now, would be like stopping Michelangelo from finishing the Sistine Ceiling. ]]


[[ Having said that, it needs a Woman! It needs Romance! Blood and Gore Sea Battles AND Intense Romance! Just watch the Gregory Peck and Virginia Mayo version of 'Horatio Hornblower', to get what I mean by this. I speak as a writer -- give it Romance! I would give it more than was shown in Horatio Hornblower. The movie called 'Blackbeard' with Angus Macfadyen, shows an Intense Romance between Mark Umbers and Jessica Chastain. That is what I am talking about. Use the 'Casablanca Technique', and assign a number of writers to the project. ]]




For some time I have been seeing a boxed set of DVDs for sale called 'The Adventures Of Robin Hood' -- the original series with Richard Greene. Having little time for light entertainment, I ignored it for at least a year until I was so bored recently that I bought the set (39 episodes), during a time when I had a lot of nothing to do.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that every episode of The Adventures Of Robin Hood was about political warfare; about political struggles and dirty deeds that are very parallel (and often identical) to the political warfare here -- between the Humans on one side, and the two sucking arms of the SQLD on the other side (the Democraps and the Moderats). It is not childish, as I thought it would be. In fact, the level of acting (real acting and not political puppetry) is very good and honest.

 I recommend this, seemingly benign, video set to any and all Humans.



Freedom from the Filthy Monkeys, and freedom from being propagandized, are akin to our original freedoms which we fought for over the centuries.

Once again we journey back in time, to the days of Serfdom. To the days of the Robin Hood legend.

As you watch those episodes of The Adventures Of Robin Hood, please bear in mind two things ... 1. This is not an exaggeration when it comes to how people were treated under the Feudal Lords. 2. This is a great improvement over how things used to be, before.

Before recorded History. You know what History is, don't you? It is, 'what really happened'. It is, what the SQLD do not want you to know! Which is why they have created an entire industry of False Historians, to churn out Queer Fiction; which they demand we must believe is Our Own History.

But, forget the SQLD for a moment and think of what Human Life was like before recorded History -- let us say -- before the Fourth Millennium B.C.


Recorded history (sometimes called record history) is a part of human history that has been written down or recorded by the use of language. It starts in the 4th millennium BC, with the invention of writing. The period before this is known as prehistory.
Recorded history begins with the accounts of the ancient world by antiquity's own historians. Although it is important to take into account the bias of each ancient author, their accounts are the basis for our understanding of the ancient past. The earliest chronologies date back to Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt, though no historical writers in these early civilizations were known by name. Some of the more notable ancient historians include: Herodotus, Thucydides, Polybius, Manetho (Greek historiography), Zuo Qiuming, Sima Qian (Chinese historiography), Livy, Sallust, Plutarch, Tacitus, Suetonius (Roman historiography).

From Wikipedia.


How bad were the social conditions before Recorded History? That is a matter of debate, for sure, but we are certain that it was made worse than it should have been because of Pre-Politicians -- hungry for riches and power and egotism.

What was the Value of Human Life? Today, Human Life is considered to be the crap under the sandals of all Democraps of DemoTopia. Was it also that way, before Recorded History?

I see 'pre-recorded history' from two viewpoints ...

1. Slavery and Right were at two opposite extremes from each other, and still are. But, 'Right' was decided by Power. Power decided who became Slaves. Power decided who became the Masters. Elections and money did not exist.

2. Personal power was Law. If I was attacked in those days, as I have been attacked by the SQLD in these pissant days, I would simply kill them all. I would chop off their heads, and be done with them. And so would you, if you could. Don't kid yourselves. Don't think like 'pre-dead morons', looking for a place to die. Don't let your enemies determine the Value of Your Life, or its lack of value. You would kill those evils that try to kill you, and then there would be no more attacks. No more murders of friends and relatives. No more disease.

Do not think for a moment that anyone would give a damn about non-existent propaganda like 'Political Correctness'. That raw stupidity would get you slaughtered in Pre-History. We are not talking about 'Modern Ideologies', such as 'violence' and 'non-violence'.

So, one has to ask -- what was considered to be 'Freedom' in those days? In the days of 'Pre-History'?

We are also talking about 'Pre-Movie History''. Before the movies. Before what the movies show you. The only serious effort I have seen, which tries to depict what 'pre-history' might have been like, is a film called 'Quest For Fire'.

Other than this film, which was not about warfare but rather was about survival, I have not seen anything that gives us a realistic window into our own 'pre-history' past.

I would offer all of you Humans this question about our Freedoms, relative to our History. Where, When and How did our present concepts of Freedom begin, develop, and become our Human Values and Human Virtues and Human Principles of today? All of which the Homosexual/Democrats want to take away from us; and the Moderate/Homosexuals want to ignore.

I assure you, there was a lot of 'taking away from us' and 'ignoring us' going on, in what we call pre-history. In those times, Power determined everything.


Is this Time, we are living in Today -- just another 'Pre-History'?


Markel Peters -- who was supposed to be queered to death, fried and then eaten by his tormentors -- long ago.

http://www.voices-of-iowa.blogspot.com/   ...

Where What Is -- Really Is

Saturday, March 12, 2011

What You Can Do To Fight -- And Win Again !!!!

Before I get into anything else, there is going to be a Human Rally for the Human Institution of Marriage next Tuesday, in Des Moines. If you can attend, please by all means do so. They need your support, and the help of every Human from the Real Iowa. This will be an important rally for our Species. It will be worth dropping a few other plans, just to attend this rally and give the message that Human Marriage will not die, and no amount of Senate Madams and Monkey Judges is ever going to make us accept the Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred, of the paying customers of the Democrat/Homosexuals !!!!

Also, it will give you an excellent chance to meet some really important Human leaders here in the Real Iowa.

I will include their latest message, for your benefit.

Message follows:


Let's show our legislators and the rest of Iowa that we care about
preserving marriage between one man and one woman! Come to the Marriage Rally at 11:30 AM on Tuesday, March 15th at the west steps of the Iowa State Capitol.

We'll be there to urge our Senators to "Let Us Vote" on HJR6, the Iowa Marriage Amendment that protects and preserves marriage as between one man and one woman.

Senate Majority Leader Gronstal has prevented the IMA from even going to the Senate floor for a debate, clearly ignoring the wishes of "We the People".
It's time to let him and other Iowans know our voices should be heard.

We are honored to have Judge Roy Moore as one of the featured speakers at
Tuesday's rally. He's the former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of
Alabama, famous for refusing to remove a monument of the Ten Commandments from the state courthouse, despite orders to do so from a federal judge. For these courageous actions, he was later removed from his post on the Supreme Court.

Reverend Keith Ratliff, Senator Kent Sorenson, Pastor Cary Gordon, and I are all committed to make comments at 11:30 AM on Monday, March 15th at the west steps of the Iowa State Capitol. If you are coming to the capitol on March 15th, here's what you will need to know:

* East of the capitol building in front of the Lucas Building
* South of the capitol just east of the monuments and statues
* Further south near the new Supreme Court Building
* West of the capitol along the street
* Northwest of the capitol in the parking ramp

Note: By late morning, most of the nearby locations will be full. Plan to
park in the parking ramp or at the Supreme Court Building.

Iowa State Capitol address: 1007 East Grand Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50319

Volunteers will be wearing white t-shirts with the red LUV Iowa logo, and will be available to answer any questions you may have.

Entering the capitol: Enter at the south or west security entrance. A volunteer will be inside the door to give you a packet that will contain all the information you need to lobby, rally, and pray at the capitol.

The rally will be on the west steps of the capitol at 11:30 AM.

Training on lobbying: Tamara Scott from Concerned Women for America of Iowa is offering a free training on how to lobby from 10:00-11:00 AM in Room #14 (15a) on the ground floor. Volunteers will be available to direct you to the correct room.

Prayer Room: The prayer room will be open from 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM at a room called the Crow's Nest. Ask a volunteer for directions.

Security: The Iowa State Patrol is in charge of security at the capitol. The south and west entrance is similar to airport metal detector type units. Keys, cell phones, computers, etc. will have to be scanned. You do not have to take off your shoes. Pocket knives will be taken and held for you to retrieve when you leave the building.

If you are unable to attend:

Please consider contributing a financial gift to help pay for rally rental
equipment and printed materials. A gift of even $10 will help defray the costs of the rally. Think of it this way...if you can't attend, consider donating
the amount you would have spent on gas getting to the rally!

Click here to give.

Won't you help us stand up for the truth and righteousness? See you at the
Iowa State Capitol on Tuesday, March 15th!


Bob (Vander Platts)

1. http://www.das.iowa.gov/images/pdf/capitol_parking.pdf

2. http://desmoinesia.usl.myareaguide.com/attraction_details.html?detailsListingId=ATTRACTIONS_ff447105cd3cf56b7afa0336dda859ae


End of message.


I do not want to detract from the importance of the Human Rally that is happening in Des Moines, next Tuesday.

However, since this message goes out to all Humans around the World, I will proceed. It is all related together, anyway. Crush the enemy on one side, and you deflate its resolve on all sides.


The terrible hypocrisy of the Satanic Medias: How to handle it, how to keep it out of your life, and how to keep it away from those you love.

The Hypocrisy.

Look at this list of organizations which supported the Westboro Church recently, at the Supreme Court battle over Freedom of Speech.

ALM Media, LLC
American Society of News Editors
Associated Press
Association of American Publishers, Inc.
Bloomberg L.P.
Citizen Media Law Project
Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
E.W. Scripps Company
First Amendment Coalition
First Amendment Project
Hearst Corporation
Media Institute
National Press Club
National Press Photographers Association
New York Times Company
Newspaper Association of America
Newspaper Guild – CWA
NPR, Inc.
Radio Television Digital News Association
Reporters Committee
Society of Professional Journalists
Tribune Company.


Among that list, are the worst enemies of the entire Human Species. Enemies that have wanted to destroy all Human Values, Human Virtues and Human Goodness for decades, and still want to.

The horrendous hypocrisy of their lies, and now their craven and crawling support of the Westboro Church (easily their worst opponents), is mind-staggering -- if you just got a brain.

If you are one of those 'Scarecrow People', who have been saying to yourselves for many years "If I only had a brain!" -- and now you have one (because of Human Resistance) -- the world is scary enough already. Then, to have an enormous hypocrisy such as this take place, by the very scum bags that have been KILLING YOUR BRAINS SINCE YOU WERE BORN ...

must be -- how do we say? -- Enlightening?

Yes, they have been deliberately sucking on, and feeding upon, and twisting to death YOUR BRAIN since you were born !!!!

And now, to save their own filthy skins -- they abandon all of their pretenses and destroy all of the bullshit foundations of their Crap Media Empire -- just to keep on being as putrid, false, and genocidal as they have always been in the past.


At this very moment, as I write this, they expect to pick up where they left off and assume that they still have an official status of any kind. Such as 'vetting' political candidates.

Try this with your new brain. The lowest crawling Liars on Earth, are going to pretend that they have any rights or privileges to question and interrogate political candidates of any kind, anywhere, at any time.

Add to this, the ultimate lunacy of their expectations that some day they will interrogate the Human Resistance.

If any of them knew what kinds of Human Interrogation are waiting for them, any part of them that could possible leave, such as toe nails and finger nails and eyeballs, would leap (screaming for help) from their fetid bodies. An act of pure self-survival, I assure you.

To say that they are not good enough to kiss our Asses, let alone ask us questions, is a gross understatement.

Only the Human Communications Channels can ask us questions, and then they will not be given any confidential answers.

As you can probably now realize, the Satanic Medias are for destroying -- never for talking to -- let alone answering questions to.

Those miserable hypocrites are the hogs we refuse to feed. They will have to find confinement and blood to suck elsewhere. Any commercial protesters who dare to pretend that they can answer for Human Resistance, will be completely ripped open and revealed, just as the Satanic Medias have now been.

I must say, speaking for Human Resistance -- "What the Hell do we care what one pack of pigs says to another pack of pigs, as they pretend to be us?"

Well, it is too absurd to take personally. It is not a matter of angst, or resentment. It is a matter of Truth, and Reality.

The Satanic Media creatures do not have either the right or the validity to 'vet' anyone or anything. All that they have the right to do -- is to confess.

Those things themselves must stand trial for multiple charges of Genocide and Attempted Murder of the Human Species.

The thought of such trash and vermin as them asking questions or trying to interrogate any Humans, is ridiculous and grotesque to an extreme.

It is they who will be interrogated.

It is they who will be given a chance to confess.

It is their little brains, that will be shocked by our much larger and knowing brains -- when they try to pretend before us.

It is they who will reap the bitter harvest that they have sown.


It is very obvious now, why the Satanic Medias wanted the Westboro Church destroyed.

They want all Freedoms of Speech to exist and operate only according to their rules, such as the trash scheme called 'Political Correctness'.

They want a de facto monopoly of, and control over, all forms of Freedom of Speech -- so that their hideous perversions, and queer insanities, and devil cult practices, and harassments against all Humans (and their propaganda campaign of Genocide by Replacement of the Human Species), could not be opposed in any way. Because, they own and operate the only kinds of 'Free Speech' that are allowed in their Pseudo-Socialist Country.

They have already succeeded in doing that, with their Attack Tribunals in the Queer-Canada.


It is easy to see that the Satanic Medias only supported the Westboro Church when it came down to losing the Freedom of Speech 'Legal Mechanisms' that they wanted to dominate and queer to begin with.

Having failed to make Freedom of Speech their own private property, and private domain, under their own private control -- and being faced with any diminishing of the basics of Freedom of Speech, which they still hope to dominate -- they were forced to support anyone who was fighting for the rejuvenation and reinforcement of those Freedoms. Even though, it meant they had to -- DUMP THE 'QUEERS' IN THE DITCH, WHERE THEY BELONG TO BEGIN WITH.

But, will they give back the millions of dollars the so-called Homosexuals have paid them, to kill off all forms of Human Speech?

Of course not! They are pimps and prostitutes! Whores do not give back money!


A more accurate parallel -- the Satanic Medias suck on the First Amendment like sea lampreys suck on fish in the Great Lakes, and leeches suck on anything that is unaware enough to swim in their swamp.

The Satanic Medias are unwanted 'Symbiotic Sucks', that need the First Amendment intact and enforced, if they are to get their 'Daily Suck' -- which they think gives them the right to monopolize and control all forms of speech in America.


Now those 'Suckers' will ignore the actions and benefits that they have gained by the fight of the Westboro Church against the so-called Homosexuals -- and will minimize and marginalize the real meanings of this event as much as possible -- while returning to the screens of their Satan Tube with fakeries of 'nastiness as usual' -- and vilify any Humans that have escaped their muzzles, and blinders, and brain attacks meant to silence all Humanity.


How to handle it, how to keep it out of your life, and how to keep it away from those you love:

Besides knowing what the enemy is, you must go the extra step to withdraw from the enemy. You must extract your life, and your lifestyle, and your very existence away from all of their vile network of liars, and perverters.

If that means relocating, or rejecting evil creatures around you, or changing jobs, or changing the ways you live and operate in society -- do so -- and do it as fast as you can, with security.

It may look like a gauntlet through which you must travel, with rapists and rip-off artists and rancid perverts on either side, wanting to tear the flesh off your bones as you pass by -- but that is all Illusions, and Threat Posturing, and the Disappointment of Leeches.

Step on the Leeches !!!!

For instance ...

NEVER give your money, your time or your obedience to any 'Psych Creature' -- especially anything that belongs to QUAPA (Queer and Ugly Assholes, Perverts and Alchemists) -- (formerly the queer-sucking APA).

NEVER allow those monsters to touch you, or influence you, or suck you, or bleed you in any way, shape, or form!!!!

QUAPA is 100% religious fanatics, up to the ceiling, and from ear to ear. The psych-drivel, and fakeries, and nasty leechings upon innocent and injured Humans, that they have devised and codified into a horrid regime of mental-manipulating tortures and intentional controls (for profit and power of course) -- is their Religion -- their sworn Deity, and that which they revere above all else.

They are religious fanatics and extremely dangerous. They are also Chickens**t from head to foot. They are backstabber's and mind-fornicators that attack Humans with their PsychoReligious Doctrines of pretend healings and false good intentions. They are nothing more than leeches and vultures -- deeply immersed into being parasites upon Humans and vultures of Humans -- without a single neuron in their heads that can still be called Human.

Remember: If it starts with 'Psych' it is 'Shit' -- Murderous 'Shit'.

No wonder -- all queer and evil politicians adore QUAPA, and use that pack of mind maggots as a weapon to keep the Humans mollified, frightened, confused and easier to control !!!!

And, what uses the QUAPA scum as 'Experts' and 'Officials', with which to imprison and harass Humans, which their clients want eliminated?

Answer: Monkey Lawyers and Monkey Judges. Both of which, are amongst the most awful enemies of our species.

What a Queer Triangle they make -- Monkey Lawyers, Monkey Judges, and QUAPA. Well, monkeys always love to throw poop, anyway. Especially, at their enemies.

To all forms of Political Whores, that Triangle of Evil is a perfect money making machine, which they can buy and use in all kinds of hideous, lying and nasty ways to disembowel the Human Will to live and resist.


The more you extract yourself and your family from the SQLD, and their Planet Sinister, the more you will realize that the effort is worth any amount of difficulty. And, the more you will realize the overview and truth about all of this. You will learn, that all of this was never meant to happen, should not happen, and must not be allowed to happen.


As an example of what I am talking about -- I offer you this outlook.

The so-called Homosexuals control their Voter/Followers by consuming them in pre-programmed 'Manias' of hate; strewn with Hate Slogans and embedded with False Assumptions, that seem to the Voter/Followers to be "What everyone is thinking."

Once a Voter/Follower gets the impression that "Everyone else thinks this way." -- they feel that they had better think the same way too. When in Reality, it is all nothing more than the Propaganda Campaigns from the Democrat/Homosexuals, and does not exist outside the confines of DemoTopia. A Hellish Utopia for the Hell-Bound.

When we fight such regimented manias, as those created amongst the Voter/Followers by the Homosexual/Democrats, we are always painted and portrayed to them (the Voter/Followers) as maniacs and bigots for two reasons:

1. The SQLD Propagandists are always afraid that their victims will realize, that they are caught in the grips of a 'seeded' and artificial mania. So, pretending that Human Determination is the real mania, helps them to avoid rebellion and desertion amongst the ranks of their brainwashed followers.

2. They really wish that they were being opposed by a competing mania. They know manias and maniacs very well, seeing as how they create both all the time. If only another horde of programmed idiots, possessed by a competing mania, was working against them -- they expect that they could easily turn it and twist it and purchase it -- thus making it their own or at least allied to themselves -- like the Homosexual/Moderates are allied to the Democrat/Homosexuals.

Unfortunately for them, the Human Resistance is free of manias and maniacs, no matter what twisted pictures are being painted in the depths of the Dark Side about us. No matter how fervently the Masters and Propagandists of the SQLD need -- 'To be opposed, by what they want to be opposed by'.

To be opposed -- by what they want to be opposed by.

Essentially, there are three General Groupings at work in this War:

1. The Democrapic/Liberal Hordes, saturated with manias of hate and selfishness and imagined mutual grievances.

2. The self-serving Moderate Cheeseburger-Squeezers, scared to death that the World is real, and that they really are just part of a hideous evil. But -- snidely, nasty, and viciously selfish about getting as much money and possessions as they can gather (tax free for them, of course), while the War continues. Seeing the War as a 'Great Opportunity'.

3. The Human Species, which is appalled at the sights and sounds and terrible acts of 1 and 2 -- and is only recently coming together into a cohesion and unity of 'Species and Humanity' -- to fight off such horrible enemies and secure the Species. Most importantly, to secure the Future of the Species.

In between those three generalities, there float various Ebb-tide Collections of Gyrating Egotists -- all hopping and skipping and jumping, hither and fro, trying to take advantage of the Tides of War that are being created by the three larger generalities -- while avoiding being crushed by those same transient opportunities.

Also drifting out there, are enthusiastic and vociferous Out-Riders of each General Group -- trying their hardest to get as much attention as they can get from their own greater group -- in the hopes that they can turn the entire number onto their course, and their path of visions and intentions. Each Greater Generality has such orbiting satellite groups, that are starved for attention, recognition and power over the larger body.

Some such Orbital Collections (of driftwood, rocks, mud and moss) actually try to orbit more than one generality at a time, hoping to be considered valuable (and employable), as bridges between the two masses. However, since their own existence is only temporary and transitory to begin with, the bridges they offer are insubstantial, vaporous and unrealistic -- and they know it. They know that they must gain some Real Power over one or the other Greater Number, or be revealed over time as the nothingness that they really are. From whence, come the many Hoaxes.

No one is trying to hide without the War, because there is no place to hide. Instead, there are small cults and special interest groups trying to hide within the War -- putting out yard signs and hanging shingles that proclaim their Specialties.

And, to top it all off are the puddle-jumping Mental Diseases, like the so-called Homosexuals -- that are trying to spread their own insanity everywhere, in the hopes (and schemes) that whatever dementias and lunacies already exist within any Greater Generality will succumb to their own brand of Horridness. Which has already happened to two of those Greater Numbers, the DemoCraps and the ModeRats.

Human Resistance avoids all of that. We are at the Core of Humanity anyway, but instead of trying to be like the 'Masters' of our enemies, and create a Monomania Emporium of fools and mindless drones, around our own skewed and warped desires for power and gluttonous glory -- instead we educate all Humans, to have minds of their own -- and to use those minds in the pursuit of a secure and greatly improved Human Species. Even in the face of awful threats from such grotesque genociders as the Liberal-Screamers with Dying Intentions//Black Radical Gibbering-Extremists with Sharpened Dissensions//Media Twisted-Heads with Smirking Faces//Newsrag-Moles with Demented Hatreds//Moderate Poll-Takers Secretly Tainted (et al).


Search -- Seek -- Find -- and Love.

This Planet of Sinister Evils has tried to strip from us all vestiges of what was ever good about ourselves, and our Species. Things like Friendship and Love of Fellowship, and Love of Family, and Love of Town, and Love of Nation, and Love of Nature, and Love of Species, and Love of God have been deliberately murdered, wherever the hideous so-called Homosexuals could 'Kill, and Get Away With It'.


Search for -- Seek out -- Find wherever -- and Love forever -- as many of your fellow Human Beings as you can during the remainder of your Lifetime.

I am not talking about getting all mushy, all over each other. I am talking about those Human Values which the SQLD want to murder -- such as Mutual Respect, Mutual Attention, Mutual Learning, Mutual Understanding and a Greater Collective Togetherness, that only Human Beings can truly emit and share and combine into a Living and Dynamic Species.

The Secret to protecting those Humans that you love, is to PROTECT ALL HUMANS WITH LOVE !!!!

All Humans -- Protecting All Humans With Love. That means, there must be a definite reduction of such caustic and eroding practices between Humans such as competition, jealousy, envy, resentment, selfishness and anger. A century ago, such a proposed shift in the Attitudes and Behaviors of Humans towards each other would have seemed impossible, and ludicrous. Today, with the SQLD trying to eliminate us in any way possible, we fear it is too late for such Salvation and Resurrection. Particularly, since it must come from ourselves !!!!


In your daily life, do what you can to make this happen, even though other Humans might think at first that you are a 'fruitcake', or a 'hopeless idealist'. DO NOT let that kind of 'Hopelessness', on their part, remain in control of their lives !!!!

Enlighten each other.

The main point of all of these teachings, is just so you can enlighten each other, and learn from each other. Even if you are all new at this, and you are all taking those first faltering baby-steps towards Real Life !!!!

Go ahead, and make mistakes. Fall down, and get back up again. Make fools out of yourselves, until everyone realizes your best intentions. Break down the morass and dullness and feeling of helplessness that you all suffer from -- because of the SQLD !!!!

When the scum of the SQLD try to stop you, and defame you, and make an idiot of you, and keep you apart from each other ---



Markel Peters

Friday, March 4, 2011


Get practical.

Be practical.

See it all for what it really is.


The Westboro Church from Topeka, Kansas is victorious over the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead. At the Monkey Court in 'Wash This Death City', no less.

And, what is the lesson from this?

Answer: Keep the Monkeys scared -- instead of the Monkeys keeping you scared!


It is good to see that these harassments against any Human Group or Organization have come to an end -- with Victory for Humanity of course!

The 'Human Population' has been befouled and swamped and inundated with hate messages and hate propaganda, by the SQLD Medias, against one church in Topeka, Kansas for many years now. It is a church that defies all brainwashing and threats from the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead, and insists upon saying the Truth about the Homosexual/Democrats and the Moderate/Homosexuals.

The typical Queer Attack against them (to silence the Truth) has been two-fold --
1. Smear them in every dirty way possible using all Queer Medias, until everyone who is stupid enough to watch Queer Medias is afraid to support them, or even say out loud that they "could be right". And also, queer as many churches as possible (the weak and insincere social-club churches) to make it appear to the general public that the "church going folks", and Christians of America, are actually opposed to any outward demonstrations against the Homosexual Agenda.
2. Perform a horrible brain surgery operation on the inhabitants of Topeka and Kansas. Turn both into Queer Stys of every dementia and hatred of Humans that can possibly be rammed into their heads, and performed in the streets and churches there. Thus, surrounding any source of Human Opposition and Dissent with a festering moat of bubbling and boiling hatred -- hatred by the numbers -- hatred by the marching orders -- hatred by the Voter/Followers. And, be sure to recruit as many Idiots as possible, into the hoards of the SQLD at the same time.

Now, all of that obscene and vile hatred from the so-called Homosexuals has failed.

This opinion from the Monkey Court in 'Wash This Death City' will reduce the mass hatred caused by the so-called Homosexuals, and diminish the mindless obedience to the Liberals/Democraps/Moderats (et al) in Topeka and Kansas, but it will not eliminate it entirely; because the SQLD always try to neutralize any Human Opposition by surrounding it with the agents of their fakery and pretenses and lies -- until the Humans who are opposing them are no longer visible, readable, and in contact with the rest of the Human Species.

Nonetheless, and despite what anyone has been told to think about the Westboro Church is Topeka, Kansas ...


If you think you are Human and you do not believe that, turn in your Human Membership Card now. We Humans have been explaining all of this to you long enough. If you still do not get the message, it is because you are not getting the message. You must be hopelessly brainwashed and programmed by the Queer Propagandists.


I remember the awful day, here in Iowa, when seven bought-and-paid-for Monkey Judges (less-supreme-than-anyone-else) took the bananas and gave out a unanimous Opinion-Fart that Q&P MH (Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred) was 'legal' in Demo-Iowa. On the scene, at the Cathouse of the Seven Monkeys -- across the street from the Statehouse -- there was only one Human being who was doing anything right. Only one Human being was there to represent the Human Species, as it had to be represented. One Man stood there, outside the Cathouse, and held up a protest sign that urged 'Quiver-the-Lilly-Liver' to oppose and ignore the orchestrated Opinion-Fart, that had just blown the windows out of the Cathouse.

Some Idiot told that Man to put away his protest sign, because it was unseemly and such things are simply not done in Iowa.

I could not believe it.

The only person who did anything right that day -- was told not to do that!


That is when I started to write messages on the Internet in earnest.

On that day, there should have been one hundred thousand angry Humans outside the Cathouse -- with protest signs -- pitchforks -- shotguns -- torches -- railroad rails -- baskets of feathers, and buckets of hot tar!!!!

The Seven Monkeys should have left Iowa the same day, tied to rails, tarred and feathered, and with signs hanging from their mouths which read -- "i tried to kill the human species".


Love them , envy them, think their methods are wrong -- however you slice it -- the Human Species owes a great debt of gratitude to the Westboro Church of Topeka, Kansas -- for opening the doors and taking off our blinders, and showing the Species that it CAN, SHOULD AND MUST protest against its own annihilation.


Bear in mind, the double-talk and hypocrisy of the so-called Homosexuals in all of this. Those things always use the worst possible Queers in the Universe (the scum of the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone) to make the most damaging attacks against Humanity -- such as the latest attempt to kill DOMA, which was begun by the monsters of the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone.


The Liberals/Moderates/Child-Molesters/Black Radical Females/Serial Killers (et al) commit every open and awful public attack possible, against any Human Resistance that opposes their lies and the venomous spreading of their favorite mental diseases ...

while at the same time, trying to paint any Opposition to their own filth and attempted Domination Of The World as the acts of freaks and radicals and hate-mongers ...

when they know perfectly well that if the Westboro Church in Topeka wins any ground against the SQLD -- the entire Human Species will immediately benefit from it ...

so they try to portray the Westboro Church in Topeka as a bunch of horrible radicals and dangerous fanatics ...

WHILE AT THE VERY SAME TIME -- they deliberately use the Worst and most Horrible Queers in the Known Universe to maim, mutilate and kill any and every Human Value, Human Virtue, Human Tradition and Human Decency that exists -- anywhere -- at any time !!!!

The Rules According To The Dead Say: They are supposed to be allowed to utilize and magnify (to absurd proportions) any lies and schemes and deceptions and hoaxes that any Queer anywhere thinks up, to use against the Human Species ...

but at the very same time, the Human Species is NEVER supposed to utilize or take advantage of any defense tactics or techniques which any Humans think of, to protect themselves and the Human Species !!!!

They are supposed to be able to do any amount of any Evil -- while We are never supposed to be able to do anything except lose, despair, diminish, and cease to exist!

I should not have to say this, because it should be glaringly obvious -- but the People at that Westboro Church are Angels on Earth, compared to the unspeakably vile and horrible creatures of the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone !!!!!!!!!!


I urge every Human Being, Human Group and Human Organization to --



Go -- Go -- Go -- Impeachment!

Meanwhile, and Erstwhile ...

Matters are truly improving for our species. Now, the first Human calls for the Impeachment of 'HObama the Magnificent Pervert' have been made, and for the best of reasons -- the deliberate and premeditated attempted-murder of the Human Species, by the execution of the Defense Of Marriage Act (DOMA).


Buy all means -- impeach that Puppet !
Nobody Needs That Hideous Thing -- Except The Monsters That Made It And Worship It !

Impeachment of HObama -- First Call-01

Impeachment of HObama -- First Call-02

Impeachment of HObama -- First Call-03


I have gone as far as I could go into an Internet search for truthful articles about this Westboro Church Victory. All of the Punk Editors in every SQLD newsrag, that has an Internet site, has given the job of reporting this story to their Pet Queer Reporters -- so there are a lot of lying and demeaning articles that have to be ignored.

Westboro Church Victory -- The Human Version-01
This article ends with a lie from an SQLD pervert, that tries to pretend that the Queer Lawyers of the so-called Homosexuals are not doing everything they can to harass, and intimidate, and frighten all Humans into dumb silence, on the job and off the job -- anywhere, anytime.

Westboro Church Victory -- The Human Version-02

Westboro Church Victory -- The Human Version-03

Westboro Church Victory -- The Human Version-04


Westboro Church Victory -- Neutral Views-01

Westboro Church Victory -- Neutral Views-02

Westboro Church Victory -- Neutral Views-03

Westboro Church Victory -- Neutral Views-04-A Report

Westboro Church Victory -- Neutral Views-05-Media DoubleTalk
Notice here, how the lying media scum are forced to support the Westboro Church; but cannot allow themselves, or anyone else, to think that the entire issue is about Speaking The Truth. Therefore, they have to label the statements by the Westboro Church members as 'inexplicable and hateful'.
You want to hear 'inexplicable and hateful'? Just listen to any 'newscast' on any Horrid Channel of the Satan Tube!
On second thought -- do not. I do not want to be responsible for any Queer Crap being put into your brains.


Do you realize why so many Media Commentators call the actions of the Westboro Church 'despicable', and do not apply such language to the hideous acts of the so-called Homosexuals (while still siding with the Westboro Church)?

Answer: Because there are more so-called Homosexuals than there are members of the Westboro Church. So-called Homosexuals have a lot of money, so they can buy Politicians, Satan Tube Channels, Monkey Judges -- and Media Commentators.

Westboro Church Victory -- SQLD Version -01

Westboro Church Victory -- SQLD Version -02

I would include more from SQLD sites, but it is all repetition of the same twisted, biased and slanted 'Yellow Press' schmaltz, from the newsrags of the Democrap/Homosexuals.

Yellow Press.


Irate Liars And Perverts Attack Westboro Church:

All Humans know that the so-called Homosexuals use every terror tactic and intimidation technique against us that they can, to include attacking our websites as often as they can. They are now attacking the Human website of the Westboro Church.


Is it because the people at the Westboro Church are dangerous green-blooded Martians with antennas and three eyes, and pose a danger to all Life on Planet Earth?

No. Of course not. The SQLD Democrat/Homosexuals are pledged to kill and exterminate all natural life forms on Planet Earth, until only Planet Sinister remains.

So ... why are the Queer Hackers of the so-called Homosexuals using the same cyber attacks against the Westboro Church, that they use against ALL HUMANS everywhere?

Could it be, because the Westboro Church is HUMAN?

Could it be?


Every second of every day, Humans are the targets of hate speech, hate propaganda and hate brainwashing by the SQLD scum that own, operate and populate the Horrid Channels of the Satan Tube. But, according to them, they are never supposed to be the targets of our retribution. Never. That would not be 'fair'. Fair and Satanic.

Westboro Church Victory -- SQLD Hackers Attack Website-01

Westboro Church Victory -- SQLD Hackers Attack Website-02



The Queer Propagandists and their 'Internet Interruption and Defecation Network' are surprisingly quiet about this -- GREAT VICTORY AGAINST THEIR MENTAL DISEASE !!!!

All that I can find on the Internet, are the old petrified droppings of their past defamations and hate attacks against the Westboro Church and its members.

As usual.

The SQLD are snakes in the grass when they lose. They always lie low and plot and plan and scheme to kill Humans again -- another day.

They are quiet because they know that at such times as these, they only have lies to tempt you with, because they have run out of Poisoned Apples -- for now.

If this is not an important victory for Humanity -- why are the enemies of Humanity already trying to pretend that it didn't happen?


How many times do I have to explain the Obvious Truth, before everyone sees it too?


P.S. For anyone who wants to know what is really happening in that Hideous Boston Horrid Zone Wannabe called 'Madison, Wisconsin' -- otherwise known as the 'Queer Socialist Empire of Madison' (and many other correct descriptions -- none complimentary) -- here is the skinny on that Democrap/Socialist/Homosexual/Liberal protest against 'HAVING TO FACE THE MUSIC' !!!!

Madison Sewage Boils Over-01

Madison Sewage Boils Over-02
MassInsanity Democrap Wants Bloodshed in Madison
If a Human being said such a thing -- there would be an enormous uproar of Queer Protest about it. But, if a scumbag from MassInsanity says it -- well -- that's just all right.

Madison Sewage Boils Over-03
14 Little Democrap Pissants Run For Mama-HObama Land.

Typical Demented Democraps.
Do you notice? Those punks expect to get away with such twisted and outrageous behaviors. But, if any Humans do any such things! Oh, how terrible!

I know. In their twisted brains, they think they are diverting attention away from the DOMA issue and the necessary Impeachment of HObama -- but that just makes it all the more pathetic.


Markel Peters










I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message.
Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.



























Labels Of All Posted Messages--A Way To Search Through Messages By Labels

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed


This blog exists to inform the People, of the 'Real Truth' about the real enemies of the Human Species. These Truths are not objectionable, as they are Truths. Only the telling of them can be objectionable, to those who wish to hide the Truth. If the Truth is something you HATE and therefore object to - go elsewhere!


Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!


The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.