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Monday, January 3, 2011

I Heard That-02-Appropriate Language Version

This is the 'Appropriate Language' Version of this work.

Dear Little Old Ladies from Church – do not read this one.
Have a Priest explain it to you.
Pray for the Priest.
Or, read the Historical Version above.


This work exists in three formats. The 'Appropriate Language' version, the 'Historical' version, and the 'Bona Fide Moderate' version. All three versions are posted on my website.

The correct reading order is –
Appropriate Language
Bona Fide Moderate

This is the 'Appropriate Language' version.
If you have delicate Human sensitivities by Nature; and you just cannot bring yourself to defend your own life, the lives of your family and friends, and the existence of your Species – stop reading at this point. Just stop. Read the 'Historical' version above, instead.
If you are a Chickenshit Moderate – go to Hell anyway.


I want to make it clear. I am not attempting to advance the cause of foul language in this version. If indeed, there is such a cause.
What I am doing here, is using 'Appropriate Language' to Accurately Describe the Most Foul Vermin On Earth !!!!
There is a huge difference there.
'Foul Language' is its own invention, by indiscriminate application. Perceived as foul, by those that it is used against. However, there has always been a very good reason why such language was created in the first place – that being to more accurately describe the worst and the most guttural of subjects, persons, and deeds. When used for what it was originally designed for, against those things that truly deserve its application – it instantly becomes 'Appropriate Language'.
Perhaps by the time the reader reaches the end of this version – there will no longer be any doubt -- that when I say something – I mean it.


Without the Species – there is no Greatness – just Death.
Creatures such as Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid and Lieberman and Leahy and HObama, and the rest of the DemoNazi Party, will never understand that. Apparently some of our Young Humans do not understand it either.
I am hearing complaints from our Young Male Humans about 'Greatness'. In point, that Human Resisters are 'Great', with the emphasis upon we Are, and they Are Not. There is a large dose of misplaced envy and jealousy involved, sugar coated with appreciation.
I will not speak for the others, even though they all agree with me to varying degrees; but as for myself, I never expected or wanted any 'Greatness'. I was in a War, (I am still in a War). I was concerned with other matters. Such as making sure that someday there would be large numbers of Young Human Men – alive and sane – who would want to be 'Great'.
'Greatness' is a Philosophical Concept, as well as a Relativistic Perception – and it can be debated ad infinitum – ad nauseum. If you have time, you might want to study the topic. Before, you pursue it any further.
I never acknowledged, as in accepted, the social patterns and social vagaries that instill in Young Men the idea that to be successful one has to be 'Great' and 'Demonstrative', and 'Strutting' and "Dominant'. Such terms as -- 'fighting his way to the top', or 'winning at all costs' (socially), or 'getting to the top of the ladder', always turned me off. Completely.
Thus, I am just who and what I am – often mislabeled as 'Great'.
I would be perfectly happy being a mushroom, talking to toadstools beneath an overhanging rock, next to a small creek, in a dark evergreen forest, far from Man and 'Society' -- and living by the patterns and cycles of Deep Nature – if it was not for this God Damned War !!!!
For all of you Young Human Men who are so eager, and almost desperate, to be 'Great' – look to the Human Leaders who exist within your own social settings and structures for advice and counsel. I am sure that they will tell you about the Futility of trying to be 'Great'. Trying is never enough, and seldom knows whence it is going.
Reaching your Native Potential and Achieving Greatness are two very different things. Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid is a typical case of a slime ball that could not stand the fact that its own Native Potential only suited it for working in a Las Vegas car wash.
Foaming at the mouth for 'Greatness', it became as corrupt and as Evil as it possibly could get. Even so, if it had not joined the already diseased and corrupt Democrat/Homosexual Party – it would have been run over in a Las Vegas car wash by now. Trying to steal hubcaps, no doubt.
Herr Goebbels, and Herr Himmler of the Nazi High Command would also have remained unknown, and petty thieves and criminals, had they not joined the National Socialist Party of Germany.


I want to empathize with any of you young men, who feel the need for becoming Great (etc), but I am not the one to help you with that.
In case you do not know, I have written before about the need that Men feel to 'be someone', or to 'carve out your place', or to 'be a success'.
Of course, no one should want to be a Queer or Democrap of any phony or vile description; but Real Young Men do not have that problem. And, I understand that there is a War going on against the Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid's and HObama Rats of DemoTopia, which gives Real Young Men dreams of Great Fighting and Great Deeds and Great Glory.
That can, and is, happening – despite the lying swill and propaganda drool that the SQLD Liars are spitting out at us – about us.
Again, I am the epitome of the 'Unintentional Hero'. So, I can only share with you what I have learned.
Which, by the way, is exactly what Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid and Company do not want me to do.
So, are you going to do what they want? Are you going to pursue jealousy and self-aggrandizement, rather than learn 'What it is all about'?


I have also heard Young Men saying some really stupid things – which all sound like Mad Goony Birds pulling Testosterone Hairballs out of their Asses. Such Great Remarks as "We have already learned enough! Time to get this Show on the Road!" or "We have heard HIM far enough – now we will take it the rest of OUR way!"
Well. Unbeknownst to them – the Time of Lessons is becoming the Time of Legends.
THE AWESOME FOUR will not be like this message, or the Awesome Series that came before it. It will be what I would call IWT – In the War Training.
I am sure that my four readers from the SQLD will appreciate that distinction. Those two SQLD Analysts, and their Uncle's Monkeys. Who, by the way, always read my works while they sit together in a circle – doing horrible things.


The last thing we want here in America, is a Hungarian Revolution. The causes of these Revolutions are very similar, but the American Revolution must not share the fate of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956.
What every queer swine of the SQLD wants most – is a Failed Human Revolution. Why? Because the disease wants more victims! A Human Revolution will wipe out that mental disease, and the monsters that are spreading it!
The demand of that disease, for more victims to spread to and have exposure to and infest, is another reason why such swine as Butt-Fuck Hairy have tried to kill the United States Armed Forces; and turn them into the Queer Armed Forces of the SQLD. I have seen that horrible disease from one side of America to the other, and it is always the same Mind Killing Dementia.


We are fighting a Deliberate Insanity – That Spreads Itself Wherever It Can!!!! Especially, on the back of any Queer Jackass it can get a ride from!!!!
In order that you may understand what I am saying more completely, I am following this posting with another that is simply entitled – 'Lessons Of The Hungarian Revolution Of 1956'.


So, while all of the Young Bucks are rutting about, and butting heads, and having daydreams of Great Things To Come (or was that Great Females To Come) ... I will ask them a question.
Is Your Data Covered????
There is another Dark Lining to this Awesome and Atrocious Christmas of 2010. Here are two websites about it.

"http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=241773" # HYPERLINK "http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=241773"http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=241773

I mean this with all of my Heart – if you Humans want to defeat the Genociders that want us all Dead – or worse – you had better start to save every scrap of Human Information you can – in any way you can.
Print out Human Articles from the Internet.
Save Human Internet webpages in all kinds of external hard drives and media.
Store and hide Human Books from SQLD Searches.
Distribute laterally as much Human Information as you can – in any form that you can.
Copy – Copy – Copy !!!!
Distribute – Distribute – Distribute !!!!
Store – Store – Store !!!!
Hide – Hide – Hide !!!!
The SQLD already expect you to do these things – so do them anyway – in such quantities that they can never break us down.
Not ever.
All you need for motivation, is to keep in mind the unfortunate accident ... I mean face ... of that Totalitarian Bitch, that dominates the Homeland Trashland Department, of the SQLD Government. (Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead)
Read those two websites again, and then look at these.




Did you get to see those last three sites?
I will explain.
What the first two sites are saying is – 'If the Homosexual/Democrats get their way – you will not be able to see any of those five websites!'
They will be forbidden !
THIS – is the warning !!!!
Because of that raving punk Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid, and that Orally Penis-Challenged Puppet 'HObama', we are now on an actual War Footing with the SQLD.


As for the latest imbecilic threat from the SQLD:
You may not know about this one, as most Humans could not care less what the Homosexual/Democraps are blabbering about, day by day.
For Your Information – I will give you the perspective about it.
The latest blithering idiocy from them, proves how pathetic is their insistence upon demanding that obsolescence and discarded filth, such as their Dogshit Empire, must be considered as the newest rage and the most desirable thing in the world. To be consumed by everyone, and thus to be consumed by it. Everyone who is under its mental control, that is.
Think of how inevitable is our Victory over such trash. In this latest flatulation, out behind their collective Outhouse (TV), the hard-core Queer/Democraps have actually been telling themselves that if they declared that Our Armed Forces are going to become their Queer Armed Forces, then we (Humans) would "back off".
I beg your pardon?
"Back – off?"
Backoff what?
Back off?
As in – die?
As in – accept Genocide?
As in – make their Lies into our Laws?
As in – make their Shit Faces into the faces of our Gods?
As in – put their Bigot Faces on our Coins and Postage Stamps?
As in – buy paper plates with their Bigot Faces on them?
As in – buy toilet paper with their Shit Faces printed on it?
(that I would definitely buy)

Do they mean "back off", as in, to put pictures of their Bigot Butt-Faces on our walls?
Oh – Wait! I get it!
They want us to KISS THEIR BUTT – FACES.
Back off?
How about – step forward and KICK SOME ASS !!!!
Now, the SQLD can get their Killer-Queers some Real Military training, and some Real Military hardware – whoopee.
Now, dey gonna kill us all.
And – we's supposed to be scared.


Not in this lifetime.
What are they going to do? Attack me some more, with those slimy diseased Assholes of theirs – that they think are 'Butt-Pussies'????
I can see it now! A million Killer-Queers trying to slap me around with their Butt-Pussies.


The day will never arrive, when I am afraid of a Pack of CockSuckers and Deviants – like all Democrat/Homosexuals, and Heinrich Harry & Company.

Oh! Oh! That's right! I'm supposed to give a shit what those Turds think! I'm not supposed to say the Truth about them, because they might not like it! While they -- KILL MY SPECIES WITH THEIR SHIT!!!!

Not in this lifetime.


Yes, unbeknownst to most Humans, such retarded lunacy has been going on, again, and again, and again. In fact, inside DemoTopia such crap never ends.
Cause It's A Mental Disease.
This illustrates again how Shit Stupid the Democrat/Homosexuals and Homosexual/Moderates are.
It is no wonder, that a Butt-Ugly Turd like Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid is a Master of the Democrat/Homosexuals. It is no wonder that a Butt-Ugly Turd like 'Il Duce Branstad' is a Puppet of the Homosexual/Moderates.
Both 'Establishments' like such Ugliness, because they themselves are ALL -- Ugly and Twisted inside.
And, Feces Stupid.
So Shit Stupid in fact – that if those Turds knew that they were (at last) being properly identified – they would get silly and giddy with joy. They would prance their lame brains about 'Wash This Death City', like Turkeys on their way to a Thanksgivings Day slaughter house. Preening and prissing themselves, all the way to the axe.
And, it makes perfect sense in that way – when you consider that for those Turds there is no Heaven to go to. No continuation. And yet, those Turds are convinced that such Delicious Evil, as themselves, will be rewarded in Hell. They will tell Hell what to do. They will give the orders in Hell. Just as soon as they get there!
Well, maybe we Humans will have a Revolution – and help them get there.


Blithering and blabbering all the way, in an attempt to appear as being "worth-a-shit" to its Feces Masters -- is the Queer Funeral Director -- Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid. (formerly Harry)
Do you think that any Stool Sample such as Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid has any Religious Reservations about killing Humans?
For God's Sake! Of course not! They are the Anti-Life DemoCraps!
Queer Enforcers from the Horrid Zone and other queer areas such as Iowa City, will be amongst the first perverts to join the HH Reid Armed Forces – with orders to QUEER EVERYTHING IN SIGHT – as high as they can get, and as fast as they can suck! Committing any and every hideous and perverted act possible, and DEMANDING that it be venerated and observed by everyone as a MANDATORY RITUAL OF TOLERANCE!!!!
I'd hate to be the barrel of an M16 in that army.


And still, there are always Pancake-Brained Moderates who will whine and whimper and say "it really isn't harming anyone!"
Are they forgetting the stated and public Manifesto of the Killer-Queers of the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone – to have their own Armies of Killer-Queers. It is a Manifesto of Death to all Humans, that I have posted here on my own website for public review.
No, they do not forget. They never had the Human Strength to be able to read the Truth to begin with. Well all, have a good look at what avoiding the Truth gets for you ...

Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid Battle Tank

Of course, Reid's putrid version will have a huge piece of rainbow-colored toilet paper flying over it.
Here is a website which tells you more, about a Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid Douche Bag ... I mean ... Battle Tank.


With mentally diseased and demented Killer-Queers at the controls – as Heinrich Harry wants – one of these meat grinders can destroy an entire town.
And, who is going to stop it? Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid's Queer Armed Forces?

Who can forget the Queer/Democrat statement after the 2008 Rip-off – "Now it is our Armed Forces. So we will let them win!"

The latest version of that being – "Now it is our Queer Army! So let them destroy the Humans!"
The transition from the first statement to the next is so simple. So easy to do. So justified, in their brains full of shit. So orchestrated – with every Butt-Fuck Monkey Judge chattering that the Humans Must Die – and with every Shit Faced Turd on TV making it look like we Humans are a dangerous threat to the New World Order and National Security. How easy can you get?
What I am waiting for is the Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid Division.
If HH Reid gets its own Armored Division, like the original 'HH' operated the Waffen SS Panzer Divisions -- who will the Killer-Pansies of that division be loyal to?
Or, HH Reid?
And, we all have Nevada to thank for it. For re-electing a Killer Turd.


HH Reid is just the kind of Dung/Politician that makes a lot of promises, and then has to make good on those promises. No matter how horrible they are. Now it has to help those Queers that it made promises to, and help them create their own Armed Forces.
In 'Wash This Death City' every two-bit, chiseling, lying Bastard and Bitch of the Political Establishments is looking forward to using the Queer Armed Forces (('Log Cabin' sucked and approved)), to defend their cesspool of Rats and Maggots against the Human Species. Making it so much easier for Fecal Matter Politicians such as HH Reid to scare them into approving the creation of a Queer Armed Forces.
HH Reid has to do this incredible act of Evil against us Humans because ...
1. It has made so many promises to defeat Humans that THERE IS NO GOING BACK for it, after this. Now it is all, or nothing. Kill the Humans, or be killed!
2. It hates the fact that we Humans know just what a Piece-Of-Shit it really is, and we say so out loud!
I am used to having whimps and moderates say that I am a dangerous Man. Yes I am, to them. I exist in the service of the Human Species, of which they are nothing more than enemies, and a genocidal pestilence.
The Real Danger comes from elsewhere though. HH Reid is dangerous. A dangerous and crap-faced pervert, visibly twisted and contorted into gargoyle shapes, by the Evil that seethes and writhes inside of it – wanting to get out and KILL !!!!
As always, with such monsters, it uses its outward ugliness (caused by inwards Evil) to generate sympathy for itself, and to get its stupid Voter/Followers to feel sorry for it. And hence, the brain hook with which it deceives and controls them.


I was observing a Democrap/Homosexual Bitch at an office supply store in Fort Dodge yesterday (Thursday). It was talking about how the latest plan to scare (Human Resisters) had failed. The other Homosexual/Democrat with it agreed, and said it didn't think the plan would work. Both of them, were as crap-ugly and contorted with Hate as their faces and bodies could possibly get – outside of a Human Interrogation Room.
Remember – no Lesbian gives a shit what happens to the Shitheads who believe its lies. Just as long as it satisfies the disease inside.

Of course, the Democrat/Homosexuals want their Queers to have Their Own Armed Forces, because they are so stupid that they think a Queer Armed Force will follow their orders and help them suppress and enslave the Human Opposition.
But what about ...
Liberal Divisions
Communist Divisions
Moderate Divisions
Socialist Divisions
Sheep-Fornicating Divisions
Released Criminals Divisions ...
all feeding out of the same Queer Master Hands.

How will the Homosexual/Democrats control all of that?
How will they control the Queer Divisions that are sworn to Evil and Satan to annihilate the Human Species – and have declared so openly?
Remember, we are talking about Crazy Freaks that have been brainwashed to think that their FILTHY ANUSES are as good as, and better than, VAGINAS for 'sex' – and HH Reid is just the kind of 'Warmed-over Death' to whore to their demands -- and give them an Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force of their own.
And remember, Humans are just Polish Insurrectionists or Hungarian Revolutionaries, to National Socialists like the SQLD.

They are really ugly, folks.
And, they think ugly.


More about Heinrich Himmler:
Adoration for Islam.


Schutzstaffeln (SS)


Waffen SS Panzer


The Camps For Humans.


The End.


Cowards and Moderates: You may fearfully say to yourselves and to each other that the Queers will never have their own Armed Forces, and I must be a Conspiracy Theorist gone mad!
Knock yourselves out. You are only lying to yourselves.
There have not been any Conspiracies involved in all of this since the 1990's. What is happening now is all Post Conspiracy Warfare. What rock have you been hiding under? But fearful you -- you cannot know that – or think about it.
Well, I am here to inform you of what is happening and of your wicked part in all of it – but ultimately this is between Human Leaders and the Military Commanders/Propagandists of the SQLD. Those turds will attempt ANYTHING that they think they can get away with – because –
1. The Humans do not know about it already.
2. The Human Leaders are not ready for it.
For instance, and a perfect example, is this latest atrocity of repealing DADT by a Queer Lame-Duck Congress, that has no business whatsoever making any changes at all.
They did it quickly, without the Humans knowing that they were about to be stabbed in the back. The Commercial Resisters on TV told the Humans that it could not happen, so it happened.
The Commercial Resisters on TV all said that the Queer/Democrats would never have the chance to declare that Our Armed Forces are Their Armed Forces, by defeating DADT – because there was not enough time, and they had just been soundly defeated.
By what? TV?
The point should have been, a Lame and Queer Congress should not be doing anything anyway.


Levels of Humanity and Levels of Insanity:
This society is now layered with levels of 'What You Are'. From Human Sanity to SQLD Slavery.
It is called 'Stratigraphy' and what it means is – as you move through layers in one direction you become more involved with (or more consumed by) what is at the end of the side you are approaching. Naturally, to be at the end of one side automatically means that you are in quite the opposite position, from that of the end of the other side.
That is, if you can reach the end of either side to begin with. Moderates and Slaves are always vacillating and gyrating between sides, crossing many levels time and again, in a frantic and fearful and foolish stupidity. Usually not even realizing that they have already passed through those layers thousands of times before. The Moderates do so, out of Abject Cowardice and Greed. The Slaves do so, out of Obedience to Orders, and a painful inner feeling that they should not be obeying those orders. Thus, they scratch and twist about looking for an escape, for a relief, for a 'Better World'.
The layers that we are involved with in this War are very Real and very dramatic in their effects. One side is Humanity. The other side is Dogshit. (SQLD)
You would think, if you can think, that seeing the layers and understanding their effects would be quite apparent to everyone who exists somewhere between the Human Polarity and the Dogshit Pit.
It is not apparent to many, because they are not supposed to know. They are supposed to suffer and bleed, and spend money.
Nothing more. And yet, they still scratch about looking for a way out. Blindly, stupidly.
And why? Why blindly and stupidly? Because, they cannot see what it is that they are caught in.
Here is the tragedy of their existence. Instead of looking at Reality and the levels that they are humping and swimming and crawling through every day – instead of seeing Reality – they WATCH THE SATAN TUBE.
INSTANTLY – that nails the lid on their coffin. Their Doom!!!!
If they had just a little brains, not much but just enough – they would realize that the Satan Tube, and the watching of it, is in and of itself, a measurement of their Hopeless Plight – and the lack of watching it, is a measurement of their Improving Conditions. Then they would stop being Slaves to the Turds on TV.
The involvement of the Satan Tube in their life operates thusly –


Now, that sounds really simple – and it is!
But, look again at the hideous plight of the fools and brainwashed losers that inhabit the 'Middle Ground Of Dumb and Dumber'. They are so unbelievably programmed and 'Fornicated-Up!' that even something as basic as the Satan Tube Equation is unknown to them:

The Satan Tube Equation:
As Satan Tube Increases, So Increases Lunacy And Living-Death – Simultaneously – As Satan Tube Decreases, So Decreases Lunacy And Living-Death.

IF they knew this most basic equation of Reality Today, they could literally use it to navigate their way out of the horrible Slavery to the SQLD that they are in – all except the Moderates of course – as they are Permanent Cowards.
That Equation works like a Radar Screen, which tells you what direction you are going in; towards Living-Death or towards Humanity.

But, to get to the point for us Humans; there is another Secondary Equation that works equally well. It is the 'Exposure To Dogshit Equation'.
The constant lies and pretenses of the SQLD propagandists have to be heard or suffered, before they can have their desired harmful effect upon the listener. As the Reverse-Flow Toilet for those lies is usually the Satan Tube, the two equations work in a parallel and simultaneous fashion.
Using the 'Exposure To Dogshit Equation', anyone can tell how close to the SQLD or how close to Humanity they are. If you are exposed at all to the lying dogshit of the SQLD and their Slaves, you are on the side of the SQLD. The more things stink and squirm beneath your feet, and the more the lies fly in your face, the closer you are to the SQLD Dogshit Masters themselves.
Likewise, the less you are exposed to those dogshit lies and the ravings of the victims of the SQLD, the further away you are from the SQLD, and so the closer you are to Humanity.
When you can no longer hear, smell or be effected by the endless cascades of propaganda and sewer eruptions from the SQLD ((and their propaganda machine the Satan Tube)) – you have found Humanity. Pursue the music and the wonderment of Human Sanity – and never look back.


There is some good news amidst all of this Evil from the Democrat/Homosexuals.
It has now become the Overriding Truth – or 'Over Truth' – that If You Want To Serve Your Country – Get The Hell Out Of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid's Queer Armed Forces.

A Hero Refuses To Be A Puppet's Punk.


Fabulous Response To HH Reid's Queer Armed Forces.


What this amounts to, and actually is – is CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTORS – Who Are Human And Refuse To Serve In The Queer Armed Forces!!!!


Queer Flags Over Our Armed Forces.


Chaplins Know It Is All A Lie.


This is nothing less than the turning of the American Armed Forces into a sewer, for Queer Dogshits and Liars like HH Reid and Company to play in.
Their intention is to force their Perverted Acts, and Heterophobia, and Homophilic Insanity Down The Throats Of Every Member Of The Armed Forces!!!!

To Literally QUEER The Total Number Of Members In The Armed Forces.

It Is A Golden Opportunity, To Them, To Kill Off A Very Large And Important Contingent Of Their Worst Enemies – The Human Species.

Get out of it – and join the Human Species. We need your expertise. Just knowing that your expertise – Is No Longer Controlled By Their QUEER Insanity -- will cause them big problems when they try to enslave all of us.
Here are a few websites to help you get out of Hell. There are many more. Use your imagination for yourself, and take it out of Their Shit Services.











In the meantime, if you have to stay in, realize that each and every Queer Sack-Of-Shit that INVADES the United States Armed Forces has taken many classes from Queer Radicals and Queer Killers, on how to FUCK OVER everyone in the Armed Forces, who does not SUCK THEIR EVIL, and bow down before their demands.
Educate yourself. Those turds take classes on how to destroy you.
You take classes on how to defend your Species.








I wanted to include websites from places like The Navy Times, The Army Times, and The Air Force Times ...
but, they are nothing more than Internet newsrags for a Queer Media Cesspool of the SQLD called 'GANNETT' – which is the same Pack Of Turds that owns and operates such horrible lying newsrags as the 'Des Moines RearSniffers' – which is the most awful printed toilet paper in Iowa.
Look up this info for yourselves. All four of those QUEER RAGS have GANNETT stamped on their asses.

All GANNETT newsrags, of any description, are lying about this latest attack against Humanity. Their line is, that this latest genocidal attack is just exactly like the Racial Integration of the Armed Forces, and the Feminization of the Armed Forces, that happened before.
THAT is the worst possible INSULT to 'Racial Integration' imaginable!!!!
And, we all know that Feminism was nothing more than the cow-pies of the Femi-Nazi Turds, that thought they were going to RULE THE WORLD.
Now, both the Real Black Humans and the Real Women are opposed to the Hijacked Civil Right Movement. A False Movement, that the Queers are using to get access to as many Victims for their Disease as they can get Heinrich "Himmler' Reid to provide for them.
In no other words, the United States Armed Forces have been SCREWED AND MIND-FUCKED BY THE QUEERS TOTALLY!!!!

With the eager and greedy help of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid, and HObama the Magnificent Pervert.

As the saying used to go in the Human Army – "You are now Screwed, Blued, and Tattooed!" Prisoners in Prison Camps are always Tattooed. However, you can take those tattoos with you to the grave. How nice.
SQLD – by any other name – is always Shit.


More about this attack against us:



Excellence Stands Tall And Says The Truth:
[[Notice how Queer Crazies always pounce on any Truth that is said about them, with pre-arranged whines, demands, and feigned injuries.]]
As reported by Queer 'Iowa Liberal Fakery' (formerly Independent) -- Very Queer Liars

As reported by Queer 'Iowa Repulsiveness' (formerly Republican) – Queer Liars


Clear Channel Licks Queer Anus – Spits Out More Queer Propaganda:
As reported by Queer 'Iowa Liberal Fakery' (formerly Independent) -- Very Queer Liars

As usual, just as soon as Jan Mickelson said the Truth about the Queers, and defied their False Information Campaign, the Internet Interruption and Pollution maggots came out in force (automatic response) -- and Ranted and Raved about a pretended offense. Whereupon, they defamed and denounced him and everything he said.

[[Queers Love To Rant and Rave – its tickles their assholes – which they think are 'vaginas'. You can well imagine what the Queers in the 'Internet Interruption and Pollution Network' are doing – while they discredit and defame anyone who says any Truth about their Dogshit Empire.]]

The intention is always to intimidate any pissants and cowards that (by some act of Satanism) are in any 'positions of power'. Such Punks and 'Wastes-of-Time-and-Space' always squirm and slither and yield to "public outrage" – which is what the Internet Interruption and Pollution Maggots pretend to represent – with the help of such queer newsrags as the 'Des Moines Rear-sniffers' ((AKA Gannet – Army Times – Navy Times – Air Force Times))


Jan Mickelson Stands Tall And Rejects Rebuke.
From American Liberal Fakery (formerly Independent) -- Very Queer Liars


Here it is! A Really Great Radio Show !!!!


This, is definitely going to be part of History.
And, not just because I am writing the History.
This one, is History.


I won't tell you how – but God is telling me that this Heinrich Harry creature, is a 'Beast'.
HE insists.

Any ideas about what that means?


Appropriate Language is – Appropriate.
Appropriate by Nature.
Appropriate by Reality.
Impervious to Lies and Non-Reality.
Forbidden by the SQLD.


When I say some thing is a 'Resident' and not a 'President'; and I say IT is a Perverted Anti-Human Genocider – And Worse – I Mean It.

Now, if anyone thinks that same thing is a 'President' – They Have A Really Big Problem.

And, It's In Their Heads.


Markel Peters

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I Heard That-01

That was good.

Recently, like yesterday evening, in a conversation between four Human Men (in Iowa), who were discussing Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid (otherwise known as Dingy Harry), one of them said something that was very smart. I usually do not report what Humans are saying, and I will only say that it was in Iowa, but this one was extra good.

He said -- (quote) -- " ... but suicide is too good for that Reid! That thing should be sent to the Guillotine!" -- and he meant it. The other Real Men agreed, vociferously.

Very good!

He gets the 'Good Thinking Award' for 2010!

Only THINKING LIKE THAT stops the SQLD, and keeps us alive.


Second Place goes to a general saying that I am hearing in Iowa, wherever I go. It always happens in small groups, which the SQLD will try to outlaw when they attempt to establish Queer Rule over all of Iowa; and therefore suppress Human Freedoms.

Freedom of Assembly is always amongst the first casualties of Tyranny.

Witness Ye: Whenever the Stinking Old Cheese (formerly Harkin), of the Democrat/Homosexuals in DemoIowa, is going to hold a 'Town Hall Meeting' to answer questions from the People; it deliberately fills the Town Halls with its own supporters and cronies, before the doors are opened to the Public. That is a real form of Denying Freedom of Assembly. Not to mention, denying Freedom of Representation.

As I was saying -- someone in the group that I was listening to, has just said (at that moment), that the enemy (the SQLD) and the "Chickens**ts" (the Moderates), are declaring -- that any attempt to defeat them and return this Nation to Sanity and Decency is Impossible.

The immediate response, spoken loudly, from someone else in the group (whoever can say it first) is – "The Impossible – Is Improbable!"

Also very good.

You have my applause.



If for some impossible reason you have not done so already – check out this website. You will use it.

Have A Nice Day.


Markel Peters

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Awesome and Atrocious Christmas of 2010

Who gives you a Merry Christmas of Happiness and Hope?

What gives you a Dismal and Horrible Christmas of Death and Disease?

Answer: Human Heroes, and the Democrap Dead, respectively.


Let us start with my wishing all Human Beings a Merry Christmas. As merry a Christmas as they can enjoy; considering that the Democrap Dead have just started the Official SQLD Army of Killer-Queers -- with which to subjugate, imprison and erase all of us, who do not bow and scrape before their hideous and twisted mental diseases.


Who do we have to thank, for any happiness and merriment that this Christmas will have for us? (which itself is forbidden and illegal in the Satanic DemoTopia)

The answer of course is, all of the leaders of our Human Species who have fought so hard this last year to support and promote our species; and to insure our survival in the face of such atrocious enemies as the Homosexual/Democrats and the Moderate/Homosexuals.


I was thinking last Friday night about the big difference between Good Leaders, and the SQLD Masters.

It is the difference between the forces of, and the effects of, Good and Evil.

Humans who are Good, are motivated from within by the desire and object goal of doing Good. They think of the entire People of Humanity, and not about their own selfish well-beings and promotions.

Demons who are Evil, are motivated by the disease that has infested them, which responds to the demands and forces of Evil, outside of them. They exist to get for themselves all of the goodies and trinkets of power that the SQLD Machinery offers to them, by fulfilling the demands and atrocities of the Masters of the SQLD.

Humans who are Good leaders, continue on and persevere against the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead because they want to -- not because they have to in order to obey a sickness and disease that has possessed them.

Demons who pretend to be leaders, march to the demands of the insanities and dementias that have taken them over; and is forever demanding more and more evils and acts of Anti-Humanity and Anti-Life from them.

It is really a tremendous difference.

The Humans who are Good, are literally the reservoirs of Decency and Sanity and Life.

The Demons who are Evil, are literally the train wrecks and dumping grounds of whatever lunacy and foulness Evil can conjure up, and craze its followers into performing.

I am reminded that many Psych-Creatures ((anything with the letters ‘p s y c h’ in its title or identification)) flatulate the theory that Mankind contains both Good and Evil, and one cannot exist without the other.

That is pissant B.S.

The Truth is, Evil cannot exist without Good, to attack and work against.

Good can do without Evil -- at any time -- at all times.

Being Evil Incarnate, ‘p s y c h’ creatures always try to promote their “Good must have Evil, for balance!” -- lie.

It is just not so.

I am very Good, and believe me -- I do not need Evil for anything. Nothing whatsoever.

Neither does anyone else who is Good. We only fight Evil because of what it is, and does.

Of course, if Evil did not do what it does, and was not what it is -- it would no longer be Evil.

In these days of attempted genocide against us, Humans who want a Merry Christmas can only get whatever our Human Leaders can secure for the Species. Otherwise, the SQLD are constantly attacking Humans, and everything they love, and know is the Truth. Such as Jesus Christ, and Christmas.

Truly, any happiness which this Christmas Season may contain comes only from the Freedoms that we currently possess. Which are, in turn, the result of the successes of our Human Leaders and Human Resistance, including by now all Living and Sentient Humans. The key word there is, ‘Sentient’.

We literally have to Fight For A Merry Christmas; against the Commercial Redistribution Of Wealth which the SQLD want performed at this time every year.

With the SQLD – nothing ever gets better.

Without the SQLD – everything is instantly better.


Acts of Evil Incarnate abound on the Dark Side, where DemoTopia wants to Rule Supreme. Citing a report which the SQLD ordered from their cronies in the Pentagon, which is supposed to approve of the De-Humanizing of the Armed Forces by a massive invasion of killer-queers; the SQLD are about to sewer those forces with every kind of lying, malicious and violent pervert that has been training for this day, for years.

The Democraps and ModeRats in 'Wash This Death City' (about to lose their Dominance there), have voted to begin the queering process of the United States Armed Forces. Now, destined to be the Queered Armed Forces of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead.

In doing so they have pushed us all one step closer to REVOLUTION -- even if we have to fight what used to be our own Armed Forces.

This was done as an act of Desperation, as much as an act of Mental Disease. The recent loses of the Democrat/Homosexuals to the Republicans, and the Tea Party Humans, has them intensely afraid of our Human Species, and our Punishments.

They must be, and will be, punished for their Crimes Against Humanity. They know this. They intend to have THEIR OWN ARMED FORCES to fight Humans with, when the time for Truth and Consequences arrives.

At the same time, the Moderate/Homosexuals are also desperate. They have been ordered by the SQLD to prevent the Human Species from being revived, and allowed to survive. A survival that must be prevented, at all costs. Orders, that most especially include preventing the Humans from keeping their own Armed Forces, with which we might start a REVOLUTION. It also includes preventing the Humans from keeping the Institution of Marriage as it should be -- between One Man and One Woman.

To the very small minds of the Homosexual/ModeRats however, this is best done by giving just enough help to the Democrat/Homosexuals to get these things done -- while making it appear that the Homosexual/Democrats are to blame for all of it. Thus, keeping the ModeRats out of the Blame Spotlight.


Both of these factors are essential to the plans of the SQLD.

1. Warp, pervert and disease the existing Armed Forces until they are controlled by every kind of twisted and hate-soaked pervert imaginable (at all levels) -- thus disabling Human Resistance and the Human Species from having any Organized Military Forces of their own, to carry out a Revolution with. A Revolution which must be, and will be, aimed directly at them.

2. Keep the Human Species disoriented, depressed and defeated emotionally; by killing completely one of the most important and sacred of all Human Institutions -- namely Marriage. By promoting their Queer and Phony Marriage Hatred (Q&P MH) wherever they possibly can, they intend to cause so much chaos and injury within the People of the Human Species that we will all feel unable to Fight for our own Freedoms.

Key to this plan is to crush, and eliminate forever, any and all ideas that the People of the Human Species have a 'Will' -- namely a 'Will Of The People'. The very notion that there can be such a thing as a Will Of The People is hateful and most terrible to the scum of the SQLD, who plan our eventual Genocide By Replacement.

It is So Much Easier to murder and exterminate something that does not have the Will To Fight Back !!!!
Dummies (as they want us to be) are easy to move, remove and replace.


Resistance is not Futile.

But, Resistance is unacceptable. (to the SQLD)
To those swine -- Resistance is illegal. Resistance is undesirable. Resistance is Un-Demo. Resistance is forbidden. Resistance is Un-Patriotic. (to DemoTopia)

And now, the SQLD are beginning to create their own Queered Armed Forces, with which to enforce their demands for Patriotism and Obedience to the WILL OF THE SQLD !!!!

Is anyone surprised?

The Will Of The People -- MUST DIE -- In order that the Will Of The SQLD -- SHALL DOMINATE !!!!

Now you know why, any and all Democraps and ModeRats will do anything they can to exterminate any idea and manifestation of the Will Of The People.

All of which brings us one step closer to Revolution.

I mean, this is REAL folks.

This is no B.S.

This is REAL !

The Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead want us DEAD !!!!

They must have Queered Armed Forces to achieve that with.

We must Resist.

Therefore, we are now one step closer to Armed Revolutionary Warfare.



While all of the SQLD Medias lie about this, as they are ordered to, and say that the Democraps and ModeRats are furthering the cause of Freedom -- which means SQLD CONTROL -- we of the Human Species know exactly what is happening.

Do not be surprised if you are called to action.

Do not be surprised if you are told to train, and prepare yourselves for War. A War for the Human Species -- against the scum of the Homeland DemoDeath, their Queered Armed Forces, the Democrat/Moderates and the Masters of the SQLD.

The Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead have made this happen -- NOT US !!!!

What you need for Christmas -- what every Human Being needs for Christmas -- is MORE WEAPONS AND AMMUNITION !!!!


This is the list of the SQLD Sponsors of the Queer Bill called H.R. 2965, and the Moderate/Homosexuals that were ordered to vote for it.


Act to Establish Queer Armed Forces, To Be Used Against Any And All Human Beings:

H.R. 2965

Voted on Saturday December 18, 2010, in 'Wash This Death City'.

Death List of Sponsors:

Latest Title: Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act of 2010
Sponsor: Rep Altmire, Jason [PA-4] (introduced 6/19/2009) Cosponsors (9)
Related Bills: H.RES.610, H.RES.1764, S.1233, S.4022, S.4023
Latest Major Action: 12/18/2010 Resolving differences -- Senate actions. Status: Senate agreed to House amendment to Senate amendment by Yea-Nay Vote. 65 - 31. Record Vote Number: 281.
Latest Action: 12/18/2010 Message on Senate action sent to the House.
House Reports: 111-190 Part 1, 111-190 Part 2

COSPONSORS(9), ALPHABETICAL [followed by Cosponsors withdrawn]: (Sort: by date)

Rep Biggert, Judy [IL-13] - 6/26/2009
Rep Bright, Bobby [AL-2] - 6/19/2009
Rep Graves, Sam [MO-6] - 6/19/2009
Rep Halvorson, Deborah L. [IL-11] - 6/19/2009
Rep Lujan, Ben Ray [NM-3] - 6/26/2009
Rep Nye, Glenn C. [VA-2] - 6/19/2009
Rep Schock, Aaron [IL-18] - 6/19/2009
Rep Velazquez, Nydia M. [NY-12] - 6/19/2009
Rep Wu, David [OR-1] - 6/19/2009


ModeRat/Homosexuals who voted for this Anti-Human Bill:

Scott Brown of Massachusetts (of course)
Lisa Murkowski of Alaska
Mark Kirk of Illinois
George Voinovich of Ohio
Richard Burr of North Carolina
John Ensign of Nevada
Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine

By the way, according to the SQLD media propaganda, this is supposed to transform 'HObama the Magnificent Pervert' into a REAL BOY -- instead of just a Black Puppet.

What a laugh! I had almost forgotten about their twisted and insane Black Puppet. It is so worthless and putrid.


Step away from their hideous theatre, and see for yourselves that ‘Wash This Death City’ truly is a Cesspool of the Damned and the Dead !!!!


Personally, to me this is disappointing news.

I had a three part version of THE AWESOME FOUR on the drawing boards, which teaches three very important lessons for all Human Beings. However, the lessons were a bit severe. For peace-loving Humans.

I had decided to shelve that set of plans, and present the lessons in a much more ‘classroom-like’ and clerical format.

The intention was to give everyone a break, and a chance. A chance to be Human.

The hideous SQLD have declined to be Human, as I have just explained. Just look at the queer smiles on the faces of the SQLD hacks named ‘Lieberman’, ‘Reid‘, and the other Demo-Maggots inside ‘Wash This Death City’. Reid looks exactly the way Heinrich Himmler (SS Commander and Concentration Camp Master) used to look, for the Nazi-Cameras. Except Reid looks like Himmler, warmed over in Death.

You would think that the 'General Public' would have Real Eyes with which to SEE such Real Demonic Atrocities.

I am sure some of them do, but they are afraid and intimidated.

They are waiting for the Revolution.


I will show you here, some typical pictures of Heinrich Himmler and Harry Reid – a Master of the Democraps.

Heinrich Himmler


Harry Reid


Heinrich Himmler and Company


Harry Reid and Company – of course, the bitches are out front to make it look 'good'.


Heinrich Himmler after Suicide



Harry Reid after Suicide


Here are two websites about this latest atrocious occurrence.

ModeRats vote for Wealth and Status -- screw the Humans.

Lady Gaga and Perverts love it.

Notice, at that last website, the involvement of Heinrich Reid with the worst perverts on the Continent. That Lady Gaga freak actually sticks dildos in itself, during its so-called 'Concerts'.

Shall we now have to watch Heinrich Reid dildo itself, on the floors of 'Congress' ????

Who is going to stop it from doing so? The Queer Army?


The Democrat/Homosexual/Moderates have, in essence, Declared War Upon The Human Species; by starting to officially pervert and disease Our Armed Forces.

So Be It.

I now feel completely at ease in writing what I had intended to.

This means, I am now writing inside an Official War.

What I write now, is done inside an Official War, started by our enemies the Demo-Death.

Remember that.

I did not want it this way, but now I am unleashed.

Anything goes, in my writing.

I doubt if it is fate.


Just in case you live inside a pit filled with queer slime – such as the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone – and you think I am some kind of loner and idiot loser, who just doesn't understand the Magnificence of Demo-Death ...

Here are some comments about this latest attack against us by the Humans.

These are from them, not me.


Morons. The mighty Boa has ALREADY addressed the fact that the so-called "study" was an ESSAY of which the results were "determined" by a group of homosexuals. Who in the world would expect them to come up with any other results? The mighty Boa gave the example of the office who stated the fact that he doesn't want them in, believe it WILL cause serious problems, but isn't going to throw away his pension after serving 20 years. Interpretation? He has no intentions of leaving the service because of the homos.

You people go right on condoning men having sex with men. The mighty Boa can assure you. You'll pay. In this life AND the next.


Unfortunately you are correct. Homosexuality is simply not normal, not religion, simple biology. Amazing how so many "educated" people are so irrational. What does DADT mean? I will put it simply, "Keep it to yourself!" Where is the problem unless one wishes to shove their abnormal behavior upon someone else?

"Rights" work both ways except in the delusional minds of shallow thinkers. I suppose they have a "Dream Act" of another sort in mind.

"Without education, we are in a horrible and deadly danger of taking educated people seriously." G. K. Chesterton


The full impact of this will not be felt for years. They have already started to dictate to the Chaplin Corps on how to pray now they are going to dictate that they must accept what is contrary to their individual religious beliefs. As a retiree and vet of both Viet Nam and Gulf 1, those sitting at their desks in DC who have never faced an enemy on a battlefield, should have listened to those who have and were predominately against repeal. I am aware of the many countries who do allow openly gay personnel to serve but have you also noticed that when trouble falls on them, who do they call for help. I unknowingly had one who worked for me until he outed himself and was discharge. I also had two personnel, whom informed me themselves, they were HIV positive. These two were not gay but worried me more, as their superior I could not inform the others of their medical condition endangering other personnel's health with possible spilled body fluids.


Voting on issues of this magnitude, or any magnitude for that matter should be unconstitutional. The only votes that should be allowed, during lame duck sessions, should be temporary measures ONLY that MUST BE re-ratified after the new congress is seated in January.

As for the two votes in question ... "DREAM Act and DADT" both should have been postponed until at least January 5th, 2011. Although, my preference, table them both and kill them, the bills that is, outright!


They will not be satisfied now until they can act like a married couple. Man and "wife", complete with a marriage license. On base, off base, in a dorm, next door, wherever.

They will force this on the military and then in the usual marxist ratchet logic use that as why it should be allowed everywhere.

Just wait till they legalize animal sex and sex with minors. Some guy will report for duty with a baby and a sheep and they'll have to accommodate him.....think it sounds far fetched? 50 years ago they would have said the same about all this.

Maybe someone that knows can explain exactly what serving openly gay means although I think that you have captured it accurately.
My mind conjures up images of the folsom street parade in san francisco. A visit to san francisco will give anyone a good idea of what normal is in queer town and a glimpse into what our soldiers will be forced to endure in the future.
I believe that a new form of PTSD is just around the corner.


There is no real difference between homosexuality, bestiality and pedophiles -- they are all distorted behaviors. If we are going to force un-distorted people to accept distorted people, I don't see why we should limit it to homosexuals. Let's let the handicapped -- mentally & physically, the old and infirm, etc. into the military as well.

The military is usually chosen from the most fit in their prime years, otherwise the homosexuals might not want to join the military so much.


I suppose it will also be their civil right to wear pink or rainbow colored uniforms.
It should now be the right of all other troops to bash a gay in the mouth when he taps them on the knee three times.
You people are disgustingly sick.


Yes, the MSM, Commies, and the Demo-Commie-Quisling Party have been working in concert to destroy our nation. They are now attacking our nation on this destruction of our military. All this is being accomplished without firing a shot!! The MSM is not bashful about their attack plans. Our citizens should become fully aware of their treacherous and evil tactics!


A sick government . a sick congress, sick white house. And don’t leave out sick judges. That is who.

All “sick in the head”

All sicko’s led by their boss satan.

But so is the liberal side of life.


If ending the ban on sodomites in the military is a step toward "equal rights" as D seems to posit then we must remember that we are now in the unenviable position of having to grant "equal rights" based upon someone's sexual proclivities regardless how unhealthy, disgusting and immoral those choices may be. When will we be forced to accept pedophiles and those that engage in bestiality as normal, healthy members of society ?

What the grossly ignorant choose to ignore is that homosexuality, along with all other unrestrained sexual aggression, was found to have very negative influences on society as a whole. By restricting sexual behavior to a family unit and requiring a commitment to this family unit children were taken care of and the family became the building block for the structural foundation of civilized society.

There is no wisdom among those that choose to be ignorant for the sake of "fitting in." They are condemning the practitioners of sodomy to continued poor health, high suicide and drug use rates that are endemic within their communities. They are also condemning society to destruction in the name of "progress."


We have witnessed our country committing suicide. The Republicans that voted for DADT repeal are just RINOS. that is why I no longer give any financial support to the RNC or the GOP Senatorial committee. I support the candidates and organizations individually. Collins, Snow Brown and Murkowski are prime examples of why. Especially Murkowski who does not belong in the Senate anyway....Wait a minute maybe she does, totally corrupt. As our military disintegrates I can only hope the non existent military is called on to protect our congressional traitors.


The repeal of DADT is a microcosm of a nation that has forsaken its' roots as represented by Judeo-Christian values. Gays have always served in the military. But serving openly isn't about gay rights. It is an extension of the gay community's obsession to turn an entire culture upside down in order to render credibility to a lifestyle choice that so many other find to be a contradiction. It brings to light the question as to why those among us who believe steadfastly in our roots are consistently branded as intolerant bigots by the gay community and its' supporters? Why is it that we are always branded as such, yet they are excused for their intolerance toward our belief system. It is we who must constantly acquiesce to them while they routinely brand us with the scarlet letter for our perceived intolerance. In essence we are involved in a culture war between those with a strong affinity for traditional values and those who see them as an anachronism.


I'm not surprised that they passed it. I'm saddened and disgusted beyond measure though that it did. Slimy Harry had an arsenal of ways to get it passed and he was determined to do so. If it had failed this time, he'd have used some other dirty trick to get it passed by the end of the year - even to holding the Congress in session to the last possible day before the swearing in of the new Congress. I'm just glad I won't be him when he comes face to face with God on Judgment day and has God wipe the triumphant smile off his face as He sends him to hell. Too bad he'll still be a Senator in the next term. ...


Remove the usurper! We certainly did not need another reason to force a show-down on Obummer's legal standing as a natural-born citizen...but here is a real good one! To nullify ALL of Obummer's "laws" by proving he's an illegal Muslim NWO plant in violation of the Constitution and the Laws of the Land would be the greatest Christmas present to the American people in the history of this once great country. In the meantime I offer my sincere sympathy and oath of solidarity to all the brave military people who now have yet another brick in their back-breaking load. May God protect them and give them the strength to endure this outrageous affrontery to their dedication to the protection of the American people and the AMERICAN WAY. If the diseased brains of the gays in this country had any rational thinking ability they wouldn't be celebrating this tragedy, they'd be horrified to realize that the military that they are destroying is the SAME military that is protecting THEM TOO! Wait and see how "homophobic" a Chinese or Russian soldier is! Picture this "girls:" beaten and bleeding on your knees with your hands tied behind your back with a Chinese soldier readying to shoot you in the head and you say to your lover next to you..."Well Sillybuns, do you think maybe we went a wee bit too far this time?" May God forgive us.


I hear cackling demons, the strong smell of sulfur overwhelmed by the fetid stench of moral decay. The forces of darkness have won another battle. Small men who “wouldn’t amount to a pimple on a Marine’s ***” howl with laughter at the thought of another nail in the coffin of our once great nation. The rank, disgusting moral and intellectual corruption continues their advance in the even more corrupt capital despite more noble men’s efforts to confront and defeat it. But fear not. We have read the end of the book. Let the howling banshees have their day. Their victory is hollow and their defeat inevitable. Slime on “Progressives.” Remember, you won at Auschwitz too.


I heard a new name applied today to "Whorehouse Harry" Reid! I think it's entirely appropriate, and in keeping with his character and morality! This has got to be the lowest scum ever to have a seat in government!


You might want to go back and reread the working group report that was done on this. A majority of combat troops didn't support it, and I don't believe that those who were against repeal were allowed to speak because Mullens, Gates, and Obama have an agenda they intend to serve, the rest be damned.

None of the veterans I know, myself included, supported repealing the law against gays serving in the military.

The bottom line is this: you think you have won, but you are mistaken. You haven't won anything.

You haven't accomplished what you seek to accomplish with this legislation, and that is two things:

1. You haven't gained the respect, acceptance, and approval of those who oppose this lifestyle.

2. You haven't silenced those of us who oppose this lifestyle.

You will never convince me, or the millions of Americans who reject the homosexual death style that there is anything healthy about it. You can't force any of us to respect homosexuals or the homosexual lifestyle, and you can't force us to agree with the lifestyle.

Considering the disproportionate rate of disease among homosexuals, how many medics, and anyone else do you think, will want to expose themselves to these diseases on the battlefield if the homosexual in question is injured?

Since homosexual men are 50 times more likely to get HIV and AIDs than straight men, and the disease doesn't show up immediately, how many people do you think will be willing to expose themselves to this deadly disease when treating a wounded homosexual on the battlefield?

This issue is not about civil rights, and it has never been about civil rights. It is about you and the people like you who want to destroy this country, who want us to accept what is unacceptable.

For all of you who want to educate yourself on this issue, read the following:

The Marketing of Evil by David Kupelian

The Agenda by Louis P. Sheldon

Besides, if it will take sensitivity training to make this work, which Gates and Mullens intend to shove down the throats of military service members, and which is a complete waste of time, it won't be long before it becomes obvious that the policy of allowing homosexuals to serve won't work. If this issue really is no big deal, why don't homosexuals just suck it up and shut up?


These Human Comments are from the World Net Daily Forums, which are heavily attacked by SQLD Propaganda Agents who are assigned (by the Masters) to pervert and corrupt World Net Daily – nonetheless many Humans are able to say the Truth in those forums.


There are far too many Human Responses to this Atrocity for me to include here.


Getting back to what I was saying about the three parts of THE AWESOME FOUR -- I really was going to shelve that initial project, and just put out the basic lessons.

It will be better to do it the original way, however. I will be using Fiction to illustrate Non-Fiction, as I have done before. But, since we are now on an Official War Footing, my first force of presentation will be retained.


Markel Peters










I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message.
Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.



























Labels Of All Posted Messages--A Way To Search Through Messages By Labels

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed


This blog exists to inform the People, of the 'Real Truth' about the real enemies of the Human Species. These Truths are not objectionable, as they are Truths. Only the telling of them can be objectionable, to those who wish to hide the Truth. If the Truth is something you HATE and therefore object to - go elsewhere!


Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!


The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.