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Sunday, February 7, 2010

One More For Love!

One more for the Real Women -- before I bring out ‘The Awesome, The Awful, and The Atrocious III‘.


I have been trying to figure out just exactly what the insult “Sexist Misogynist Pig” means.

So far, all I can figure out is:

Sexist -- doing Real Male things in a Real Male way -- and not in a Feminist Pseudo-Manner -- and therefore not being a Feminist Neuter. Therefore, being deemed unfit by the Feminists to appear on CNN (Crackheads and Nasty Neuters) as one of their -- “Look! We cut this one, and it obeys!” dummies.

Misogynist -- Having ‘Steel Testicles’.

Pig -- Not willing to make love to horribly contorted and ‘foaming-at-the-mouth’ Feminists, that are the Universal Anti-Matter to Real Femininity.

Oh My God -- I Must Be -- A Sexist Misogynist Pig!


And what is worse, to the Feminists --



Something nice for the Females -- who really are Females:

You know, I am really glad that you exist.
I mean that.
You are all so pretty, and soft and delicate and nice to be with.
I say that about the Real You -- without the makeup and the fancy clothes.
I am really appreciative of your very feminine minds, and love. They do our species proud!
I am really very happy that our species has two sexes, and you are the opposite sex.
I actually adore a lot of you, but I never say so.
I do not want to shock you, or make you think I am crude like other males.
I am far tougher than most other males, and the things I write can be construed as crude -- but when it comes to you females, I am really quite reserved in person.
But, that does not mean that I do not like you.
In fact, I think that you are really neat, and that you are very good to have in this species.
I am really, and totally, happy to be in the same species with you females.
You really are the flowers of our species.
Indeed, I am so keenly aware of Femininity, and its many wonderful physical and spiritual expressions, that many of you often take my breath away, and shock me with your beauty.
Without you, a great source of beauty and love would cease to exist in this Universe.

Which is what our enemies want.


Let me take this opportunity -- before I return to really grotesque matters -- to say that I am really proud of all Real Women so far.

This is one of those very trying times when readjustments of thinking and realizing of lies has to take place. It is akin to realizing that Awful Traitorous Acts have been committed against you -- and the perpetrators have no intention of stopping their acts against you.

I can guarantee you two things about all of this --

First, I Love You - even as I avoid any ‘Relationship’ --

Secondly, the more you break away from the SQLD and their medias and propagandas - the better you will feel! And, the more you will ‘Feel Like Yourself’ again!

The SQLD can assassinate me tomorrow -- and neither my Love For You, nor Your Freedom Away From The SQLD, will be stopped or prevented!


The term ‘Real Women’ certainly includes Black Real Women. Black Real Women are not some unknown and nebulous grouping of females. They are very Real, quite numerous, and of course ALL BEAUTIFUL!

Don’t get me started about how I see beauty in all Real Women.

This part is for Real Black Women:

I call the Black Human Males -- the Second Ducks in the ‘Femi-Nazi/Demented White Female/Lesbian’ Shooting Gallery. For good reasons.

I, myself, am a First Duck. And, in this instance First is Worst.


Some Second Ducks do not get the message!

Some Second Ducks still believe --

The Demented White Females (Between - Castration Ceremonies)/

The Black Radical Females (Between - 'Ain’t Black Guys Stupid?' Comedy Routines/

The Homosexual/Democrats (Between - Sodomy Festivals in the 'White House')/

The Chicken-Blood-Soaked Satan Worshippers (Between - Rituals)/

Any Media Propagandist (Between - 'Isn't We Magnificent' Circle-Masturbations)/

The Liberal Hoaxers (Between - 'What New Stupid Crap Can We Hoax Those Gorillas With Now?' Strategy Sessions)

and on ...
and on ...
and, I am being mild about it.

Some Second Ducks are so blind and unaware -- they actually want to get to the head of the Shooting Gallery!


Impossible Expectations.

I have seen such Impossible Expectations like this before -- but not from any Human.

None the less -- the level of Impossible Expectations is the same. Impossible Expectation is Impossible Expectation, wherever it occurs.

I had a Siberian Husky once, who had an Impossible Expectation. His name was 'He Who Talks Aplenty' or simply 'Talker'. All of my Siberians were beautiful and he was no exception. He was mostly black, but the tips of his fur were silver/grey, and he had great white flashes on his face, front chest, and tail. He also had white paws. And, very blue eyes.

He was the twin brother of 'He Who Dreams Aplenty', and brother to 'Roho De Rio Nadador' (who was Red from nose to tail).

Both were murdered by the Democrat/Homosexuals, in that little town of death I call 'Dog killers', in Northern New York. Where anyone who didn't like anyone else, killed each others dogs, because they were too gutless to kill each other -- whom they were addicted to anyway. Kind of a mutual, “Go buy a new dog, so I can kill it when it grows up!” society.

‘He Who Talks Aplenty’ did not share their fate however.

Since he was a small puppy he used to sit in the passenger seat of my pickup truck, and intensely watch me drive the truck. He was fascinated by all of the lights and controls and the steering wheel, and gear shifter and radio and so forth. Unlike any other canine I have every owned, this one was keenly focused on what Human Machines were, and did.

It became apparent, as he grew up, that he fully expected me to teach him how to drive the truck.

Serious. He wanted to learn how to drive the truck, and expected me to, somehow, show him how to drive.

While every other Canine was in the back of the truck, barking at deers and cows and other dogs as we passed by -- Talker would be up front with me, watching the dashboard and observing how the truck changed when I changed gears. He could equate speed with the gears I was using.

The time came when he was big enough to sit next to me, and put his paws on the steering wheel and look right into my eyes and growl real low -- which meant “I want to drive!”

I tried to explain that he could not drive. He always refused to believe that. I would throw him through the connecting window into the enclosed truck bed in back, and say “You’re a dog dummy!”

Being a Canine, he finally accepted that. Canines do not argue overly much about things with Humans. If they cannot win an argument with a Human, they just roll with the decision and do something else. There is no ‘ego’ to bruise.

In our parallel however, his wanting to drive the truck would be like wanting to drive the truck on its last trip -- into the side of a Texaco Tanker and the ensuing Inferno!


I can hear it now. Freaks like ‘Jibba Jabba’ shouting that I am equating Black Folks with Canines. Blah-blah-blah!

What I am detailing is, Likewise Examples of Impossible Expectations -- that are impossible because if you only knew the Truth -- you would never have those expectations to begin with!


‘He Who Talks Aplenty’ then decided -- “I must be one of these guys” -- the other seven Siberians -- and snapped right into being a Canine. In fact he loved it, and began to show signs of becoming a ‘Lead Dog‘.

In this parallel, all of the Second Ducks should be flapping their wings as hard as they can, and backpedaling to become Third and Fourth Ducks!


One day after I had buried Roho -- (I never found Dreamer, just his blood splattered all over his sister ‘SilverShy’, who he had been running with and the tracks where he had staggered, wounded, into the Saranac River and disappeared) -- I was stopped at a coffee shop in Saranac Lake.

I had four Siberians in the back of the truck, at the time. The tailgate was up, but the door to the cap was open. While I was inside, I looked out the window at the truck and I saw ‘He Who Talks Aplenty’ running at full speed after something, and then he disappeared around the corner of a building, heading south along the road. I never saw what he was chasing. And, I never saw him again.

I drove all day around town looking for him, but to no avail. Usually, when a Husky would run off, the Human network would find him, and call the dogcatcher, or call me and demand a ransom. But, this time no one saw him again.

He too wanted to get to the front of the line. Found it was better not too. And, took a far different road in life.

I buried Roho on the banks of the Saranac River, near where his brother had disappeared into those cold blue rushing waters.

Soon enough, all six of the males were either murdered or had run away into the Wilderness. I learned the hard way that you cannot keep a male Siberian Husky in captivity, unless you treat them like prisoners. They will take any chance to run free, and disappear forever.

The females are the exact opposite -- and will not leave home for Love nor Money (in this case Milkbones).


Getting back to our current situation of Impossible (“Can’t Touch That“) Expectations ...

Now some of the Second Ducks, in this Shooting Gallery, want to run up to the front, and find out what’s going on up there!

I’ll tell you what is going on up here.

Every God Damned SQLD Sack Of Crap On Two Legs is trying to shoot dead any and every Real Man that lives on this planet!

That is what is going on up here!

Trying to get to the front of this line, is like trying to be the first one into the furnaces, at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp!

Not a wise move.

You Real Black Women need to emphasize this to them.

You do not want that ‘Equality’ stuff here!

Love your Real Black Men. Convince them!

Anything they do to help the ‘Feminists’ will turn against them, when it is their turn to be the ‘Men‘.


So far, I am hearing complaints from Black Men about my saying that they are all part of My Species, and therefore they are My Black Humans.

How can that be? Will Jibba Jabba not shout and flail and gyrate that I am equating Black Folks with Canines????


Forget such freaks.

Back to the lesson.

With their mental walls of color separation, Black Men will always be angered by such words as “They are my Black Humans.”
Until they get the message. My words always jump the walls in their minds.

They are missing the ‘Flip-Side’ of what I am saying.
So I will have to explain it.
Humans are for Humans.
Humans belong to Humans.
Humans want to be Humans.
Humans want to be with Humans.
Humans need to be with Humans.

If there is ANY Human on this planet who does not need other Humans -- HE IS ME!!!!

Incidentally, do you see me far away in Nature right now? Where I know so many places to be completely alone and without Humans?

No! I am here writing this for you.
If anyone can exist and survive without the rest of Humanity -- it is me.

But, I am here writing this for you.

Real Black Men are My Real Black Men.
That is Automatic.
What is also Automatic -- is that I and all other Human Beings are theirs! Not to abuse or take advantage of. However, we all belong to each other.
There is still plenty of room for Individuality -- and that is good because I have heaps and loads and mounds of Individuality.
And yet -- we all belong to each other.
I am a Real White Man who belongs to all Real Black Men. And Vice Versa.
And, I belong to all Real Humans Everywhere!

What those Real Black Men are complaining about, is the ‘Belonging’ part.

They probably equate it with slavery, usury or oppression.

I am ignoring that deliberately, and insisting that we all belong to each other.


I am saying, for the thick of mind, that -- I BELONG TO A SPECIES (emphasis) -- THE SPECIES BELONGS TO ME (emphasis) -- I DO NOT MIND BELONGING TO SIX BILLION HUMANS (emphasis) -- SIX BILLION HUMANS SHOULD NOT MIND BELONGING TO ME (emphasis).

That Automatically means that each of you Humans -- belong to each other -- all six billion.

By the way, Six Billion - Six Billion Ways, equals Thirty-Six Quintillion Ways we belong to each other.

You will realize that, when you look the First Intelligent Alien Species in the face.


Jibba Jabba and Company will screech things like -- “A corse -- yous dont mind -- yous da (high mucky muck) of da SpeeCheese”!

Being ‘Da (high mucky muck)’ has nothing to do with it.

Being the heart -- is everything.


Meanwhile -- ‘Meanwhile’ is happening.

AND -- something is being revealed!


The Homosexual/Democrats are plodding on with the same old lies on all fronts.

If I was any kind of Democrat/Homosexual I would feel like an old and bored-to-death Jackass -- having to haul the same old loads of the same old lies to the front again. On a cart with no wheels, no less.

And then, I would have to listen to my Masters, bitch and complain that the same old crap did not work again. And then, I would have to haul it all back to the dung heap, where they keep it between attacks.


I am still hearing some of the Voter/Followers of the Homosexual/Democrats repeating the ‘Queer Line’ that is intended to keep them in check, and to prevent them from abandoning the Democrat/Homosexuals in droves.

It usually goes "Well, he (me) was a “Queer” himself once! Why should I listen to him, or read what he writes about us? (Homosexual/Democrats)

It is always from the young, impressionable (lie-to-able) teenagers and young adults, who were tortured and violated by the lies of the Democrat/Homosexuals, while they were children. Recruits for the SQLD. Really nasty parallels to ‘Hitler Youths’.

Remember -- the Horrids of the Boston Horrid Zone decided long ago that the best ages to 'Queer and Control' young Humans, is during the Elementary School Ages!

These teenagers and young adults with Homosexual/Democrat propaganda for thoughts -- and only that -- are the awful result of those attacks on Human Children.


Technically, this is called 'Lie Reaping', wherein their lies of the past are used by Liars (Propagandists) as ‘Assumed Background Knowledge’ and ‘Given Reasons’ for their lies of the present.

As Real Women and Real Men now realize everywhere -- I (me) have never been any kind of Queer -- by any means.

What spawned the original lies about (me) was the tremendous fear and guilt of the Queer Orcs of Mordor -- that I was going to expose their hideous world of state-approved perverts, violent murderers and slavering Would-Be-Masters-Of-The-World -- to the Human Populations outside the imaginary Wall of Mordor.

What really had them infuriated, was the fact that I was going to expose their filth, before they were organized enough and ready to strike. Taking advantage of the collapse of America, which they expected and helped bring about.

The reason the lies about me took off like wild fire was because of --

1. The pre-existing SQLD network in 'Misbegotten' (Capital of Mordor), especially at the Inversity there --

2. The tremendous fear of exposure that the Horrids there felt, and their even stronger fear of reprisals from the rest of the country and ---

3. They were stupid enough to think that by burying me under a dung heap of lies they could project for themselves a national image of Holy and Great People -- worthy of being followed and to be proclaimed as “Our Saviors and Our Leaders” when they broke out of Mordor. Demanding that the continent was decadent, collapsed and perverted, and needing their Leadership.

There was never any mention of their gene pool of twisted and demented homicidal maniacs, and the connection to the planned Enforcement Clone Armies of Amorgida (A Morgue Ideal), of which the Boston Horrid Zone is the Mecca. Cloning was a big idea to the SQLD in those days.

All of which was certainly left out of any lies about me, and the ensuing discussions.

Talk about 'filthy buggers' -- they were and are.


((I first applied the term ‘Mordor’ where it belongs. ‘Amorgida’ was thought up by the Horrids, of the Horrid Zone.
I created the term ‘Demotopia’ for obvious reasons.
Demotopia is the playground of the Democrats, who think they will eventually bring such pits of perversion as Mordor and Amorgida under the heel of their ‘Wise Rule‘.
'Planet Sinister' is my term for their entire Social Infrastructure, of avaricious and 'agreeing-for-the-moment' Conspiracies. I also extend the meaning to include their various 'Dominated Worlds', depending upon which
‘Dominator' you are discussing at the moment.))


This latest 'Lie Retaining Lie', that I was one of them to begin with, is nothing more than 'Business As Usual' -- or 'Propaganda-As-Usual'.

You could call it -- Propagandizing the Truth about former Propagandizing.

It is to be expected as long as the SQLD still exist, and brainwash and dominate anyone!

There is no such thing as an Ideal War -- wherein the Liars stop lying!

They will lie about me, to their dying breath.

And surprisingly, I expect them to.

You see, they expect Great Efforts to be spent on crushing their lies -- thus wasting and diverting our resources.

Which will not happen.

So, when you hear such lies -- just look at the Liar and know -- the SQLD do not want that person to read the Truth about them!

Knowing this, you can actually 'backtrack' to find out what perverts told that person not to listen to the Truth, and not to read the Truth. When you find that out -- you have found the -- SQLD RATS IN YOUR KITCHEN!

As for those who are lied to and repeat the lies -- you deal with them. I have no time for them. They have already been told not to ever listen to the lying Democrat/Homosexuals!


Only the 'Lied-About' can release the Liar.

You want me to have mercy on Lie-Repeaters?

Do you know how much that would be appreciated?

ZIP!!!! NADA!!!! NICHTS!!!! NO WAY!!!!


I know it hurts Real Women to hear the same old lies about me repeated. However, learn something from it.

1. How can you hear the same SQLD Propaganda, if you are not a Slave/Viewer of their medias? Or, in some kind of foul contact with someone who is?

2. You know they are Liars anyway, and will never say the Truth!

3. Your allowance of them in any way, is your own worst enemy!

4. That is what the lessons are all about!

Do you remember what I said a few months ago? About the Homosexual/Democrats trying to figure out what
“Game we are going to play about him this time.”?

Well, now you know!

Do you find a lesson in that?


And NO! I will never be on the Satan Tube! I will never use the Satan Tube to ‘Show’ that I am Human.

Those Masters of the Satan Tube Channels just want my attention - like the spoiled Little Charlie Dictators that they are!


Something else occurs to me about this latest Lie Game from the Democrat/Homosexuals.

It is part of a three part Attack, and Confession, from the Homosexual/Democrats.

Part One -- attack Peters and try to reap the lies we said about him before - pretending they are historical fact.

Part Two -- attack all Human Resisters by insinuating that they have all been Democrat/Homosexuals themselves at one time or another.

Part Three -- attack all ‘Former Homosexuals’ as being worthless to anyone. Emphasize that anything that the ‘Former Homosexuals’ write about us (Homosexual/Democrats) is only depraved ravings, and not worth reading anyway, because they are traitors.

THIS could mean, that they literally fear the Truths about them being told by ‘Former Homosexuals’, more than any other accounts of the Truth from Human Resisters!!!!


Meanwhile -- wrapped up in the same Enchilada -- is the obvious technique of “Yes We Are That -- But So Is
Everyone Else!”. Which is an old thread-worn tactic of the most extreme perverts, to admit that they are sick and diseased, while accusing everyone else of the same thing.

It is one of their methods of trying to take the punishment out of their crimes against the Human Species -- while admitting that they are committing crimes against the Human Species -- and will openly continue to commit crimes against the Human Species.


As for the poor dopes that are being duped by the latest Lie Game from the Democrat/Homosexuals ...

This is History I am writing here. This will not be buried or ignored. Sooner or later, they will all have to face this History -- and as the ‘Mad Toad Between Two Ears’ shouts -- “Get Used To It!”


Historically: The SQLD exist because of 'Lie Reaping' and a constant methodology of 'Lie Retaining Lies'. Anyone who does not realize that is either a dummy Voter/Follower, or has not been alive long enough, or is literally not capable of making such decisions -- in which case, they should not be allowed to Vote (thus eliminating them as Voter Targets of the Homosexual/Democrats).

That's a good thing!


We are coming up to Election 2010, and then 2012.

Have you ever caught a thief in the act of robbing you, and instead of admitting its attempt, it lies and stupidly denies its guilt.

You are about to see that from the Democrat/Homosexuals, both this year, and in 2012.

What must be realized here is that the Homosexual/Democrats have already planned out the lies they are going to say for the various possible contingencies they might face -- including the one that is actually happening -- “Everybody knows we are Lying Traitors!”

Are you Real Women going to listen to their lies?

Are you Real Women going to vote for them?

For any reason?

Voting for a Democrat/Homosexual is suicide to any Human.

Every time any Non-SQLD person votes for a Homosexual/Democrat they always regret it, miserably!

Do you want to condemn me, to watching you treat yourselves like Raving Lunatic Masochists?


If you vote for those scum, you will not stop me and my defense of the Human Species.

But, you will stop your own participation in the Human Species.


I have read the preliminary reports on the latest SQLD attempt to defame me, and pretend that I can no longer be a Human Resister -- blah-blah-blah. And frankly, I cannot believe such absolute stupidity can occur on this planet. Not even from the imbecile thieves (dirty tricks monkeys) of the SQLD. We even know what vehicles they drive.

At first I thought I was reading the screenplay for a abysmally demented satanic ritual, to be performed before an audience of crazed zombies, risen from the Death of watching the Satan Tube.

But, all reports say this was actually intended to be serious.
In the Real World, as we Humans call it.

Some Human Resisters are laughing about it, but I think it is too twisted and ridiculous to be lightly discarded.

It is as though the SQLD are trying to "Stupid Us To Death"!

It is worse than depraved make-believe. It is so insane, I am starting to doubt if Insane Asylums are capable of containing and healing such loonies.

I am actually seeing evidence before me of what I would call 'Mandated Concentration Camp Reversal'.

Creatures that are this unbelievably insane cannot be cured by any means known today. They will have to be contained and rendered harmless, to themselves and others. Effectively, ending up in the same concentration camps that they intended to put all of us Humans in.

Planet Sinister should be called the Planet of the Tiny-Brained Dip****s.

When you realize those Democrat/Homosexuals are the 'Party In Power', at Wash This Death City and in Demo-Iowa, their level of absurdity is really serious. It is psycho enough to even alarm their brain-dead Voter/Followers!


We have never been in this position before, except perhaps during the very last days of the Third Reich. But, we are now seeing the kind of really wild craziness that occurs when a mental disease realizes that the host species it intended to kill slowly, feeding off its pain and misery as long as possible, will not allow such a thing to happen -- AND the disease itself has to cease to exist!

I was actually working on a Healing Plan, which I called "Refurbishment and Relocation of Statehouse Madams, and Other Farting Political Objects."

Forget it now.

No decent place would have them.


Markel Peters

Sunday, January 31, 2010

For The Real Women III:


Please see special note at the end.


I have been reading some books.
So I have been too busy to write.

You can bet they are books by Human Resisters -- and not books for the brain-dead masses, about Symbols and Crystals -- written by a pack of Anti-Christs operating behind one phony hack.

Also, I am no parrot of my fellow Human Resisters. I read their works as pure enjoyment.

I have been occupied as well with learning about OUR CONSTITUTION - as an everyday essential element of OUR LIVES. More about that later.


This is the third in a series of messages for Real Women.

To all Males, I recommend a double-dose of Objectivity before continuing! I am writing for Real Women here.


I love to write to Real Women -- almost as much as being with Real Women!

I know these words will reach as many Real Women as possible -- and I will increase the possible. Twenty years or two hundred years from now, these writings will still be read by Real Women whenever and wherever they choose. Because there is No Fear!

No Fear of the SQLD!
No Fear of the Homosexual/Democrats!

No Fear of the Femi-Nazis!

No Fear of the Liberal Imbeciles!

No Fear of the Black Radical Extremists, that want to queer the White Race, in order to dominate them -- with their twisted and dead version of Black Power!

(God Bless and Keep the ‘Best Intentions’ of the Original Black Power! Scattered and confused as they were -- they did not use Puppets -- and were actually seeking Freedom from Persecution -- not Putrefied Dominance basted in a Queer Sauce -- stewed and brewed by Insanely Hate-filled Black Extremists!)

For a brief look into the Mess and Maze, and Good and Bad Intentions that was and is ‘Black Power’:

Black Power:

Incidentally, the Separate Economic Power Structure that is a goal of the Black Separatists, is one of the reasons why the Black Power Idiots (thinking the crap of today is the Original somehow) voted for the Black Puppet.


I am seeing an increase in enthusiasm across the entire spectrum of Real Women -- for learning about the Human Species and what Real Women are!

I am also noticing another wave of amorous interest being directed towards me by the females of my species, all colors. However, as I am constantly on the move -- and since there are no Real Cowgirls around with lassos -- I am safe!

Of course, there is always the slim chance that I may encounter a 'Raving Beauty' who is so feminine and gorgeous -- I might think of hanging around for a while.

However, in this country 'Raving Beauties' are forbidden, by the twisted and hideous Femi-Nazis. That demand we all think of their grotesque gargoyle-like corpses as 'The New Beauty', of the Democrat/Homosexual New World.

So, the chances of my encountering an "Oh, My God!" Sensational Female of the ... “We won't make it from the front door to the bed with this” variety ... is very remote!


Meanwhile ...


This was said by a white sodomist to a black sodomist at a worksite I was at, in Southern Indiana recently. I was supposed to be too busy to hear what the scum were saying - as usual!

The white pervert was telling the black pervert that the Human Species is learning how to fight back -- and blaming me for it. I seem to be identifiable to those (bleeps).
Which is not surprising -- seeing as how any Real Man is FORBIDDEN in Demotopia to begin with! Any Color!

The immediate response of the black pervert was -- “Dats ridiculous! Dey ain’t ever goin to wake up!” (Verbatim).

The white scum went on explaining how I was changing everything against their ‘Movement’!

The same black faggot that had just insisted that such a possibility was ”ridiculous” suddenly shouted --

“Sodomize him, and then he will do what we say!" (Verbatim).

To which the white faggot said --


Does that tell you anything?

To the Homosexual/Democrats the answer to all Human Resistance always has been and remains --


The same old mental sickness still writhes in their perverted Democrat/Homosexual sewer brains!


Or, so insist the Demented White Females (DWC)!

After just saying that Human Resistance was “Ridiculous’ -- the black sodomite (aka termite) said I should be sodomized, so I will stop saying the truth about the SQLD!

Hence, it is obvious that the Black Radical Extremists still cling to the putrid idea that my helping to save the Human Species, is “Ridiculous“. While simultaneously demanding that Human Resisters be made their sex toys, to shut us up!

I remember that when the white scumbag first said I was going to Free the Humans -- the black scumbag laughed loudly like a lunatic screech owl, and shouted “Ridiculous“.

And then, within minutes it was shouting that I should be sodomized -- so I cannot save any Humans from the Democrats!

I heard this with my own ears.

The same SQLD pervert that two minutes before had said it was ridiculous to think that the Human Species can be saved -- then turned right around and said I should be sodomized to stop me from saving any Humans!


This is real! This is no bigoted false report! This is how Black Radical Extremist view the Human Species -- and particularly want to turn all Real White Men into Queered and Whimpering Sex Slaves!
As sure as the 'Sun' will rise in the East and set in the West tomorrow!

They are worse than horrific bigots -- THEY ARE GENOCIDE!

How many former White Men are now dead queers because of this Anti-White Sodomy-Attack Policy on the part of the Black Radical Extremists?

How many isolated, cut off and swarmed over Human Resisters have died under the Queer Knives of the Black Radical (Black Power) Extremists?

Black Radical Extremists are so awful, they actually use the mental disease dementia (about Anuses) that is killing peoples minds everywhere, to manipulate them and control them and dominate them!!!!

Dominating them at their weakest point and time of depression and helplessness. Helplessness in isolation and unknowing.


Attend this closely:

They are so shameful and so monstrous, that I must insist that they are not to be considered ‘Black’ in any traditional or Human way -- as that would constitute an death blow against the Black Race of my Species.

My Human Species -- which includes all of my Black Humans especially! And, profoundly! And, gladly!

The creatures I am describing are Sick, Unnatural, Twisted, and Possessed by Homosexual/Democrat demonism. Possibly deranged from Childhood, turned into Anti-Clay, Anti-Life and Anti-Christ demons.

Look at the abounding evidence. The Boston Horrid Zone is a Mecca of Perversions and Hate for them! What more evidence does anyone in this or any other Universe need?
Oh, by the way. The Boston Horrid Zone is heavily infested with Black Radical Perverts living High on The Queer Hog!

Meanwhile -- in the same Horrid Zone is a Black Ghetto (that I have lived in myself) called Roxbury. It would make you weep to see how the Black People in Roxbury live.

While the Black Radical Perverts play their Highjacked Civil Rights Game uptown.



All in All -- this is very revealing. It shows that the worst elements of the SQLD consider Human Resistance as a real threat to the Homosexual Agenda -- and cannot stop Human Resisters from saving the Human Species. Because there is nothing in their games, or perversions, or Bubble of Lies that any Human Resister would ever value -- let alone betray his or her species for!

The SQLD 'Worst' are seeing the end time of their awfulness and dominance through intimidation and fear, coming straight at them!!!!


The Lessons must be working.



Real Women -- while we are all learning, our worst enemies are taking advantage of our attentions elsewhere, and are acting fast to undermine and queer any chances we have of removing their carcasses from their coffins of political power!

While you are learning what this war is all about -- the Homosexual/Democrats (who already know) are sneaking as many Democrat/Homosexual officials, and Political Whores as they possibly can, into LOCAL positions. And, consolidating their nests of demonism and reinforcing their Demo-Iowa sewers as much as they can.

The push for Election 2010 is already happening!
The Statehouse Madams want their armies of servants and
perverts in place for their huge media war of denials, assaults against Humans, slander campaigns, and smelly bag of tricks!


In response, you Real Women MUST consolidate your own neighborhoods -- make them YOUR neighborhoods -- even while the Homosexual/Democrats are trying to make them THEIR neighborhoods, as we speak!
Deliberately oblivious to the Facts and Truths that are coming out against them -- and a fantastic Line-up of Great Human Resisters -- the Demo-Iowa Machine grinds on --eating as much of Iowa as it can.

Believe me, those red and blue maps of the newsrags are just the ‘general war maps‘. The war maps of the Homosexual/Democrats show every neighborhood and every Human target -- every Human Target in every Human House!!!!


We are fighting monsters -- not People.

‘People’ -- would want us all to have OUR WILL OF THE PEOPLE!

The Democrat/Homosexuals DO NOT!


Right in the middle of it all -- is the striking fact that what the SQLD want to possess -- they have already turned in HellHoles!

I don’t think any amount of Lysol could ever clean up that cesspool called Iowa City.

The Monkey Whorehouse across the street from the Statehouse, is fit only as a test facility for the Real Firefighters of the Real Iowa!

And, the Boston Horrid Zone -- which the SQLD fully intend to replicate in Demo-Iowa (at Iowa City) is an Ordinance Officer’s ‘Dream Come True‘.

And, I do not mean Terrorist Bombs. The only Terrorist Bombs that will be thrown in this Revolution will have Homosexual/Democrat ‘Homeland Security’ Emblems stamped on their casings!!!!


One of the Facts of Life that the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead can never understand, is that the HellHoles they want to possess and rule are already the results of their deliberate degradation tactics and depravity injections to begin with -- like the Boston Horrid Zone.

What they want is dominance over anything and anyone, who is idiotic enough to think there is anything important, about the crap they want to dominate.

By ruling those manure piles, they intend to rule everyone who is simultaneously so stupid as to be brainwashed enough, to consider those dung heaps as important parts of their lives.


Hence, as in all states infested by Democrat/Homosexuals, you have two Iowas -- the twisted and sick-sick-sick Demo-Iowa --
(wherever the Homosexual/Democrats are Masters) --
and the Real Iowa. The Real Iowa literally being wherever there stands a Real Human who knows that Demo-Iowa is just a perverted bag of dirty little Homosexual/Democrat enslaved cities!

Thus making Iowa a diseased body infested by boiling abscesses (Demo-Cities) -- spewing out propaganda puss and dementia.

Instead of one giant open wound which the SQLD want -- so they can pour and inject into it any and every hideous pervert and murderer that they wish -- and also pays enough.

An Iowa Madhouse of the Damned.
But, fragmented and not as awful as the SQLD wish it to be.

Not an SQLD dream come true -- like MassInsanity (once know as Massachusetts).


Outside the borders of their death zones -- they are just demented and satanic vermin!

To be removed like termites and cockroaches from the house!


In their efforts to suppress the Human Species, the SQLD use over-regulation as a weapon against our homes and families -- with LOCAL Homosexual/Democrats in LOCAL offices -- obeying their Masters and demanding obedience, servitude, embracement and Sex (Next)!

They will act to stop and over-regulate any Human effort to enable the Will of the People to Vote, and live in their own Iowa of the People!


It has to be that way with them.

Never expect any Voter/Follower of the Democrat/Homosexuals to change for the better or cease attacking Humans -- the things are complete zombie-droids of the SQLD, and their satanic culture and satanic medias!

The key point here is to CEASE within our own MINDS -- to ever have Human expectations of them -- and to CEASE assuming they have any forms of Human thinking.

Indeed, the Homosexual/Democrats have their own Anus Language -- which shows beyond doubt how utterly Anti-Life and Anti-Human their brains are!



Remember what I said, about their wanting to be a different species?


Real Women -- move your children sideways!

There is a desperate urgency about getting our children out of the queer public schools of the SQLD -- and that is mandatory and never to be forgotten or compromised.

The SQLD can never be trusted! Not ever!

However, home schooling presents another problem -- the problem of shadows. The problem of our children growing up too closely to ourselves and being overshadowed by our own Greatness and Humanity -- and thus not being able to develop their own Greatness and Humanity, to its fullest extent.

As a species we need all Human children to grow up to be as Great as they possibly can be -- because only through individual Human Greatness and Human Courage can we defeat the Genocide War of the SQLD ...

AND -- recapture the Original Future that our species is supposed to be charging into.

To defeat this secondary problem -- move your children sideways!

Share your children with other Human families who can be trusted to share their children with you. Bond family to family, (laterally), with as many other Human families as you can find.

Literally exchange children for sufficient periods of time -- such that the children can 'broaden their horizons' and perceptions, and grow more completely.




Have you noticed that the SQLD are particularly touchy and argumentative about the term -- the ‘Dark Side’ ?

Any Ideas Why?

Besides the reports, I myself have heard Liberal Propagandists denouncing George Lucas (Star Wars) as a no-account writer who should be ignored as a third rate director and meaningless clown -- and all because ... HE NAILED THE DARK SIDE AS THE ‘DARK SIDE’ IT IS!

Likewise, all of the Truth I write about the Dark Side (Satanic and 'Queer' Lying-Dead) is simultaneously denied as happening -- (since any Human Resister as myself cannot be allowed the exist in Demotopia).

And, is dismissed as "Just some of his stories! He is just a crazy would-be writer!"

By the way, to show you how 'Out of Lies' the SQLD are -- that "Just some of his stories!" lie ...




Femi-Nazis say that Real Men are too emotional (about Genocide). What they mean is Real Men are too Masculine! The Femi-Nazis have spent decades using propaganda to kill off the Femininity of Real Women, and turning Real Women into murderers of Masculinity -- but Masculinity will not die!

So now, the Femi-Nazis whine and bitch and sharpen their knives and say Real Men are too emotional about staying Masculine -- and keeping their testicles where they belong -- and not in the Femi-Nazi Collective Jar!



I heard two Killer Queer Middle-Masters at a large truckstop in Demo-Iowa, where they worked, talking in hushed voices about how “He must be stopped -- and IT has to happen this time -- and 'She' will not be hurt because 'She' has been removed from the situation” -- etc.

This was a reference to a recent break-in attempt against my house, by the LOCAL SQLD.

I know their identities, and I have informed the appropriate Humans.


There was not even a glimmer of Human Decency and Human Values and Human Validity in the two monsters.

Not a whisper of Humanity.

Just Cold Blooded Intentions -- fueled by growing fear of Human Awareness.

About such attacks and the attackers --

Expect Me To Have No Mercy.

Expect Now -- And Not Be Surprised Later.



The female sex is far more vulnerable to the influences of our enemies than they realize. And, so terrible and devious are the games and deeds of the SQLD, that females tend to participate in Democrat/Homosexual plans, and become their Dupes without having any idea that it is happening!

This could be described as "Girls just want to have fun!" -- but in the claws of the Homosexual/Democrats the tendencies for females towards happiness, self-beauty, and completion with families is horribly abused, mangled, denatured, and directed as weapons of death against the Nature of the Human Species itself!



There is only One Marriage -- Man and Woman!
All else need not apply!
We know their awful plans!
Such as children’s books in Democrat/Homosexual Public Schools, telling OUR CHILDREN that anything the SQLD want to consider as Marriage, is the Real and Only Acceptable definition of Marriage!!!!



At the same time, in the same breath, as the SQLD attack the houses of Human Resisters, and try to weasel every possible pervert into every LOCAL office possible -- they continue to spit out lies and excuses for ‘Mass Consumption’.

Now the latest Homosexual/Democrap excuse is -- [direct interpretation] -- “Since we didn’t know what we were doing to begin with against you -- we cannot be blamed for what we did do against you!”

“How dare you blame us and penalize us for not knowing what we were doing, when we attacked and killed you before?”

“How dare we be held accountable for our avarice, greed, hatred and genocidal warfare against you -- when it never could have succeeded anyway! Because we never knew who and what our targets were to begin with!”

They try to back this up with angry attitudes and quick displays of aggression towards all Humans.
In the meantime, they are doing everything they can to intimidate their Voter/Followers into staying with the Democrat/Homosexual line. To keep those Voter/Idiots under the heel of their past (failed) lies!

It is the Nasty Attitude that is meant to serve two purposes at the same time!
I know what I am talking about -- I am seeing it whenever I go into the sewers called Demo-Iowa!



I cannot imagine being so dumb, but there are still creatures that idiotically say they “want change“.

If they want change -- they can have change!


I am thinking of a certain type of fool -- the so-called ‘Creative People’ -- stewed and marinated in the horrid sauce of such fake-creativity as that which is dished out daily by the PBS and CBC and NPR (National Perverted Radio) Propaganda Machines.

Those ‘Creative Slaves’ are trained to think that such a change, as what I mentioned above, will take away the queer environment and lying atmosphere in which they worked and created -- what can only be known now as trash! Schmaltz!

They fear change -- not knowing how to ‘Create’ in a Real World of Real Humans -- which is any world where Humans are not the whipping dogs of every joke -- and things to be scorned and ridiculed and enslaved -- while THEY create their decadent trash for the consumption of the SQLD and their Voter/Followers!

THEY fear the loss of their decadent and perverted market -- for their decadent and perverted trash!

You Real Women probably know some of those Decadence-For-Profit types. I am sure you know what I am talking about.
The more able liars amongst them, will decry the renewal of (saving of) the Human Species as a terrible Cultural Change of catastrophic proportions -- the death of artistic freedom -- blah blah blah!!!!

That is just pathetic.

I have more knowledge about Art and more Creative abilities in one of my fingers on my right hand, then all of their lying-carcasses contain -- combined.

The fact that it is the finger next to my ‘Trigger Finger’, is just coincidental.

Of course, it does have other purposes.


Real Women, this presents for you an opportunity to be as Pitiless towards your Genocidal Persecutors as they were towards you!
Shun their bleatings protests. Dismiss their Attitude Displays -- for the Rejected Nastiness it really is. Silence their temper tantrums with GREATER HARSHNESS!




Something you have to understand about Real Men, is their drive to be 'somebody', 'someone', to have 'some purpose', for their lives to mean 'something' -- apart from the crowds and masses and 'great unwashed'. For their lives to be worth something in some way, despite the increasing pressures to make everyone the same and similar and good consumers -- and Voter/Followers and Satan Tube Ratings/Contributors.

With society being so complicated to begin with, (and because of that complexity), every Real Man wants to ‘Amount to Something’.

The alternative is to ‘Amount to Nothing’. In other words, to be swallowed up by the society, abused, smashed, distorted, run-over, dented and contorted into what the society allows, and only what the society allows.

No Real Man wants that. It is Death to any Real Man!

The problem is, in their desperation to make ‘Their Mark in the World’, they are too accepting of what is already going on -- and merely try to reach some kind of position of immunity within it.

If instead, they ‘Made their Mark’ by making the society what it should be, rather than what it is, a whole bunch of this crap would no longer exist.

But, the drive inside all Real Men to ‘Amount to Something’ would still remain.

I understand that, but ironically or paradoxically, I never suffered from it -- probably because from so early an age I was forced to fight to stay alive. In the process, I rejected the entire premise structure of the society(s) in which such urges and feelings and drives are experienced. I bypassed the entire ball of societal sewage, when I leapfrogged the society itself.

Real Women do not feel what I am talking about. Your focus and feelings are on families, procreation, and being socially accepted as successful -- as a female/wife/mother.



The Homosexual/Democrat Masters have ordered their Filthy Monkeys (on the FM band) to play as many songs as can be distorted in meaning -- to demand that their Voter/Followers do not listen to Human Resisters and must not learn anything from us. They especially use the Pink Floyd track ‘Another Brick In The Wall’.

“We don’t need no education!”
That should be -- “We don’t need any education!” -- you brainwashed Satan Tubers!

By the way -- it is US -- who do not need any of THEIR Homosexual/Democrat Public Education!



Having written these warnings -- I want to be able to write to Real Women, words of Real Love.
Instead of always being the Messenger, and the StormCrow.

I am working on it.

There will be a way -- somehow.

I will be able to write to each Real Woman as though she was my own -- and I was her own.

I want the ability to be understood completely, by every Real Woman.

I am working on it.



As I travel and walk through our country, I see in our ‘society’ some most venerable sights -- doomed by the Femi-Nazis to a gruesome death.

I am thinking of the sight of Bloodline Generations.



Together, shopping or going to restaurants, or playing at sporting events, and so forth.

In this ‘society’ it is our most venerated Human sight.


You will notice that the SQLD do not do this -- it is too Human and Natural!

SQLD Spawn grow up to Hate, not Love!

Hate has no Family -- except Hate!



Meanwhile the CNN swine are bemoaning the fact that THEY cannot pretend that THEIR Anuses are ‘married’, in the Great Human State of California.

I had the misfortune of recently standing under a Satan Tube, in a large ‘public’ place. I was talking to an elephant at the time -- inside of which I suspected were four people.

Overhead, the Crackheads and Nasty Neuters were complaining about the Humans in California, and how their Sex Toys in California could not pretend that their Anuses were ‘Married’.

Using all the ‘usual suspect’ queer dummies, to stage their continuing attempts to turn California into an SQLD Sewer -- the Democrat/Homosexuals are trying to keep all of their Idiot Voter/Followers in line -- by staging more putrid displays of ‘disease-in-your-face‘.

And, as the ‘bag of crap between two ears’ screams “Get used to it!”

Meanwhile, in the dead cities of Demo-Iowa all kinds of pretend ‘Anus Arrangements’ are considered legal, by the Democrat/Homosexual Statehouse Madams, and their stable of pay-for-opinion Monkeys in the Whorehouse across the street.

And, are considered nothing of the kind by every Real Human in the Real Iowa -- which is wherever there stands a Real Iowa Human!
Like Me!

Taking you to where we should have been all along!

Which is the Essence of Human Resistance!

That Human-Molesting Anuses can pretend to be married, while attacking and molesting Humans, and committing genocide against Humans, stands as one of the most hideous things that Humanity has ever had to fight.

It is nothing less than the obvious replacement of all former Human Values, with the twisted and hideous imitations of themselves -- hence Genocide by Replacement!

Only in a Queer Demo-sewer can such things happen, and can the black copies of their twisted fakery be thrown up as ‘The Black Puppet For Us All’ -- HObama The Magnificent!!!!

HObama the Magnificent!!!!
The Ultimate Puppet and Magic Tricks Show!!!!



At the Commencement for the my Graduation Class, at the University I attended in New York -- the Hijackers of the Black Power Movement staged an offensive and disgusting Pony-and-Monkey show of Homosexual Agenda Propaganda -- (filth rampant) -- in everyone’s faces.

Making it a requirement to listen to their vile trash, before you could finally graduate.

The main dementia of that Prison Show was a black psychopath of raving and spitting screams, and wildly gyrating gestures, and incomprehensible gibberish about “Poor Lesbians is so tired!” -- which was supposed to make us grieve for our murderers -- and be ‘tolerant’ of our Genocide.

The entire scam was to paint the Homosexual Agenda and the Hijacked Civil Rights Movement as the same demand for Equality.

I have ever since, entitled their main attraction as ‘Jibba-Jabba’ -- the Black Psychotic of Jibber-Jabber Gibberish.

You Real Women will have the stinking displeasure of seeing and hearing such Propaganda Flamers as Jibba-Jabba for yourself.

I fully expect to see the Jibba-Jabba Punk brought to Demo-Iowa, to spew out warnings that the ‘Lesbians’ are mad that their lies and propagandas have not killed the Human Species yet.

It will be one of the most unbelievable spectacles of a creature turned inside-out, to show it is filled with lying propaganda -- that this poor and tired planet has ever seen.

I know. I have seen it.

You will see it.


I keep hearing Black Radical Extremists who are duped enough to worship the Black Puppet HObama -- commenting on their cell phones that the white folks are getting educated now and its “Crazy” -- and can’t happen with Black Power in control.

Black Power in control?

What planet are those imbeciles living on????

Those bozos for the HObama Clown are typical of each and every twisted regime or dictatorship or oligarchy. When their 1000 Year Rule and Reign of Terror starts to unravel -- they always go into immediate denial!!!!

Refusing to believe that their well planned deceptions and deceits and propaganda campaigns, and rule-by-lies, is already failing.

In this case failing like an overcrowded rowboat of liars and fools -- shot through by the USS Iowa. Do you remember the USS Iowa? That Real Battleship of the Real Iowa?

Websites for the USS Iowa:

USS Iowa BB-61

USS Iowa (BB-61) - Wikipedia

USS Iowa, America's first 45,000-ton battleship

Originally, the USS Iowa was going to be berthed at ‘Satan’s Fresca‘. But, all of the Killer Queers at that sewer protested, because the US Navy rejects Human Genocide by Replacement. So, instead it is going to Stockton?
Who knows?



I am sure Aesop must have had a fable about the fear that the SQLD are experiencing. About the awakening of the Humans. Something about the Lie and the Truth -- in which the Lie (once it is told) is always afraid of the Truth -- until it dies from fear or is mercifully replaced by a newer lie -- which then lives in the same fear.

How about:

The One-Eyed Doe:

A Doe had had the misfortune to lose one of her eyes, and could not see any one approaching her on that side. So to avoid any danger she always used to feed on a high cliff near the sea, with her sound eye looking towards the land. By this means she could see whenever the hunters approached her on land, and often escaped by this means. But the hunters found out that she was blind of one eye, and hiring a boat rowed under the cliff where she used to feed and shot her from the sea. "Ah, cried she with her dying voice, you cannot escape your fate."

Motto - You Cannot escape Your Fate.


Some others.

The Ass and the Old Shepherd:

A SHEPHERD, watching his Ass feeding in a meadow, was alarmed all of a sudden by the cries of the enemy. He appealed to the Ass to fly with him, lest they should both be captured, but the animal lazily replied, "Why should I, pray? Do you think it likely the conqueror will place on me two sets of panniers?' "No," rejoined the Shepherd. "Then," said the Ass, "as long as I carry the panniers, what matters it to me whom I serve?'

Motto -- In a change of government the poor change nothing beyond the name of their master.


The Ass and His Masters:

AN ASS, belonging to an herb-seller who gave him too little food and too much work made a petition to Jupiter to be released from his present service and provided with another master. Jupiter, after warning him that he would repent his request, caused him to be sold to a tile-maker. Shortly afterwards, finding that he had heavier loads to carry and harder work in the brick-field, he petitioned for another change of master. Jupiter, telling him that it would be the last time that he could grant his request, ordained that he be sold to a tanner. The Ass found that he had fallen into worse hands, and noting his master's occupation, said, groaning: "It would have been better for me to have been either starved by the one, or to have been overworked by the other of my former masters, than to have been bought by my present owner, who will even after I am dead tan my hide, and make me useful to him."

Motto -- He that finds discontentment in one place is not likely to find happiness in another.



Yes, there are Voter/Followers out there saying that.

Don't ever worry about the SQLD turning me into one of them -- there is nothing they can do that will ever turn me into a Democrat/Homosexual!

That is exactly like the cockroaches in a Boston Horrid Zone hovel, scheming to turn the owner of the dump into a cockroach -- so it won't turn the lights on in the morning anymore.

Besides -- what happened to all of that phony Homosexual/Democrat Pride the scum bags have been parading in our faces -- with their doofus slogans and rancid displays of perverted insanity?

God made them Humans -- and the SQLD decided to make them Democrat/Homosexuals instead. Now the Humanity is gone forever -- and they are drooling and spitting out brain dead slogans of false pride -- nay -- impossible pride!

So, as the ‘bag of crap between two ears shouts’ -- "Get used to it!"

Get used to the lights turning on and the BUG SPRAY coming out!



Murderers with an attitude!
Genociders with an attitude!

And, what is the attitude?

That they should be allowed to kill and eliminate anyone who does not pay to stay alive!

And, they should be respected and revered for the assassins they are -- on any scale!



Offutt Air Force Base - Home

Dems Threaten Nelson In Pursuit of 60 The Weekly Standard

Weasel Zippers -- White House Threatens to Close Offutt Air Force Base

e.thePeople Article White House Threatens to Close Offutt Air Force Base

The Chicago Way (W.H. Threatens Nelson with AFB Closure)

White House Threatens to Close Offutt Air Force Base


The closure of the Nebraska base has nothing to do with political obedience amongst Homosexual/Democrats!

It has everything to do with the queer blue SQLD not wanting the Human Red states to be able to defend themselves, against the tyranny and concentration camp agenda of the Democrat/Homosexuals!

It is very obvious that ‘Lesbian Femi-Nazis’ do not want Real Women to have the defensive protection of an Air Force!

For that matter, they do not want Real Women to exist at all -- except as a dim memory in the brainwashed skulls of their Sex Toys.

Anti-Human Feminism always kills Femininity -- wherever -- whenever -- whoever!!.

I'm glad to say that by now -- no Real Woman is stupid enough to think for one minute that the swine at the Homosexual/Democrat Homeland Trashland will for one second ever try to protect Real Human Women.

Real Women will have to protect themselves. Without an Air Force -- it becomes all the more difficult!

As planned by the SQLD that handle the Black Puppet!



As all Real Women know -- we are not heading for any kind of Dictatorship. Even under the faggy feet of the SQLD there will be no Singular Dictatorship -- as they are all nothing more than a ‘mutual-pillow-biting’ pack of separate and greedy evils, hatreds and perversions -- all biting the same pillow -- all pretending it is their pillow and they are just sharing it.

All temporarily working together to kill off a common enemy -- the Humans. What they have now is a Dictatorship by Oligarchy -- which each element of the Oligarchy intends to be dominated by themselves.

They are not going to get the chance to dominate anything however -- least of all themselves.

When the SQLD are crushed and nothing more than an extremely queer memory -- all of US will be involved in a Democracy. The key word there is involved.

What the scum of the Dark Side do not understand is that by being Genocidal and murderous against US, they have forced all of the Human population to become far more aware of the mechanics and dynamics of Democracy, than we have ever been before in History.

That increased awareness will be Crucial to the Democracy we will have -- after Big SQLD has fallen.



The prophets and scribes of the old texts that explain Heaven and Hell in written terms, can be said to have been totally unaware of the Spiritual Universe as we know it -- and therefore wrote their explanations in the terms of their world -- and therefore their explanations can be discounted today.

Giving room for all sorts of Anti-Christ and Anti-God hacks, to make twisted Anti-Life books, and turn them into movies.

There is a huge problem with that. The Humans of their times knew much more about the Spiritual Universe than we know today. They tried to put it into writing, but not very successfully, and there may have been a common understanding, that writing is not for the discussion of such a Universe.

The problem is US. When we portray the elder wise men of those times, we portray them as US -- thrown back into those years.

It was not US. It was those Humans. Not US. We are so divorced and alienated from our own roots by the deliberate lies and false histories of the SQLD, that we cannot even imagine what Real Humans of those times were like -- except in the most generalist ways.

Thus we depict them in our films as being earlier versions of US. Which is impossible, because their brains were never diseased by the Satan Tube, or by the lies of the Filthy Monkeys, or by the propagandas of the newsrags. Nor, by the Homosexual Agenda of the Democrat/Homosexuals, or the screeching freakshows of the insane Demented White Females (DWC), or the raving jive excuses and hate shows of the Black Radical Females. Not to mention the low-life stupid and drooling throngs of Liberals -- tongue lashing themselves daily for not being smart enough to understand the intentions of their Queer Masters!

The Humans of the times of Jesus Christ we very different from US.

And, much better!

The Spiritual Universe which they knew and understood has not moved or changed. So, why is it WE cannot find it?

And, they could!



Without us Males, you Females would be horribly, unbearably, terribly alone. You would die in agony and awful misery. We are a Species. Not an accident or convenience.




You really NEED emphasis about this topic!

When I first started to put the Truth on the Internet at the SQLD Newsrag websites -- for which I was mutually banned for life -- (and now they are banned for life from US) -- a lot of readers thought my usage of ALL CAPITALS was 'Internet Shouting'.

Not so.

ALL CAPITALS has been used for 'WRITTEN EMPHASIS' since the beginning of written languages -- particularly in the Industrial Environments and Security Environments in which I operate every day.

In my working world -- when someone writes a warning, and they want you to be sure to get the message -- they use ALL CAPITALS.

Such as:







(We should plaster those all over the Whorehouse across the street from the Statehouse!)


(just kidding)

and so on ...


As many Human Resisters have already explained (and for some dumb reason it never translates to the Couch-Potatoes) (who cannot hear anything that is not Satan-Tube Gibberish) --

the doldrums and apathies of the past towards the Structure and 'Intended' Flow Patterns of Democracy are over.

No longer can Humans be casual and relaxed and trusting about THEIR DEMOCRACY!

The BIG SQLD Oligarchy is upon us!

Those freaks have occupied the positions of Democracy that WE are supposed to be in -- through the wicked usage of their Propaganda Machine of lies, liars, and intimidators.

Our worst nightmares cannot be as gross and awful as their everyday intentions towards us.

Believe Me! Their insistence that Anuses can be 'Married' is just the tip of the shaft that they intend to stick to us -- having been stuck up themselves first -- of course!

What WE call unspeakable 'Nasty-Nasty-Nasty' --- is just 'Ho-Humm' and 'As it should be everyday' -- to those Homosexual/Democrats!

With them controlling any part of OUR DEMOCRACY they will use our own government mechanics and dynamics against us -- as far as they can!

Look at the situation in Iowa.
The Democrat/Homosexual Madams are being well paid by the worst elements of the SQLD, to make sure the Real Humans of the Real Iowa can NEVER live Real Human Lives in a Real Iowa!

They NEVER intend to allow Real Iowans to VOTE against THEIR queer phony marriages -- which they have foisted upon all of us like the whoring con-artists that they are!

The 'Will of the PEOPLE' is the EXACT OPPOSITE of THEIR power structure of lies and cheating and twisting -- and their Opinion-Farting Monkey Judges!

THEY are the Direct and Unavoidable Reason why Constitutions were created to begin with!
To Prevent Scum Like The Homosexual/Democrats From Ever Pulling Off Terrible Acts Of Debauchery, Degeneracy, Perversions, And Traitorism -- Against All Of Us --
the Human Population of the country!

A Constitution written by and maintained by Human Beings ...
Is THEIR Worst Enemy!


As I said, the decades of dullness and lethargy (lassitude) towards the workings of OUR GOVERNMENT ARE OVER!

If there was no way to learn what WE must know aside from taking College Courses about Constitutional Government -- taught at SQLD sewers -- by SQLD professors -- we would be in the MOST TERRIBLE DISADVANTAGE POSSIBLE!


Attend this closely Ladies!
There IS a way to know what we MUST know about OUR CONSTITUTION (Their Worst Enemy) -- Which We Desperately Need To Know -- To Defeat Them!

I will give you a list here of Internet Websites that can teach you what OUR CONSTITUTION is all about.

It must start with the Steve Deace Podcast site, where an entire Audio Course about the Constitution is being given to all Humans.
On that website, look for the podcasts entitled 5000 Year Leap.

Right now, they are just over half-way through the course, and you can download the first 18 installments - for free. It is all free.


You know I am always busy. However, I download these podcasts and burn them onto CDs, and then I listen to them as I work and drive. That method works very well.

Not listening to those Podcasts about the Constitution is what the SQLD want!

They do not want you to know ANYTHING, other than what THEY tell you! ALL of which is lies and usury and words of enslavement!

The Homosexual/Democrats in the Statehouse --
with their bimbo 'Quiver-the Puppet Governor' --
and their Quiz Show Farting-Monkeys in the (less-supreme-than-anyone-else) Whorehouse across the street --
AND their Homo/Demo Masters/Clients/Money Bags --

want YOUR life to be destroyed by THEIR lies, pretenses, and schemes!

AND (does it ever end?) -- they Demand that you love it, embrace it, and NEVER KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU -- AND TO ALL FUTURE HUMAN GENERATIONS!


Frankly -- (and I mean this utterly) -- their crimes of Genocide and Oligarchical Dictatorship are so heinous -- that they should be put down and dumpstered like Rabid Hogs!


YOU have an alternative course to take however.


Which is THEIR worst enemy!

YOUR best friend!


Steve Deace Podcast Website:

Everyday America -- Human Constitutions

Citizens for a Constitutional Republic

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It has been reported to me that the SQLD Propagandists are taking advantage of my long absences from bogging (sometimes) to declare on their Propaganda Networks that I am “Quitting”, and “Giving Up”, and “Seeing Reason”, and “Regretting My Lies” etc.

Have you ever seen a mad dog eat feces?
Have you ever seen a mad dog kill and eat a brain-dead dog?

If you have seen one of those SQLD Propagandists say such a lie -- you have.


What I am doing when I am not blogging is -- Fighting For The Human Species! You have to realize that I could go for months or years without blogging to you, and nothing would change me! I am always Fighting For The Humans!

Otherwise -- it is CLASSIFIED!!!!


Markel Peters -- the ‘Hard Ass’.


Next: The Awesome, The Awful, and The Atrocious III.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Global Piltdown !



Waiting for Global Warming????

Waiting for the Global Meltdown????

Welcome to -- ‘Global Piltdown’!!!!

The Perennial Homosexual/Democrat Hoax!!!!


I was recently driving northwards on Interstate 380 in Demo-Iowa, after a snow storm. The carnage which I witnessed there was the talk of the CB networks, as every trucker that had the misfortune of passing through the wreckage, was talking on his radio about how “Double-Dumb-Ass” the drivers in Iowa are.

I am used to seeing Democrat/Homosexuals splattered all over the roadsides after a snow storm in Demo-Iowa.

The Homosexual/Democrats insist that their Global Warming Hoax (Global Meltdown) be accepted as the Gospel from Down Below -- so their Voter/Followers blindly and stupidly drive about during such snow and ice storms as though there was no snow or ice. Have their Queer Masters not told them that Global Warming is here? Is this white stuff coming down from the sky not a travesty? Is it not an affront to their Democrat/Homosexual Gods?!

Of course it is to be ignored! How dare it exist!

Their Homosexual/Democrat Masters have stated that it cannot exist! 'Global Warming' is here!

And, as usual -- the result is a carnival of automobiles and pickup trucks scattered, hither and yon, everywhere except where they should be, on the road.

If it was not so God-Damned Stupid, it would be hilarious!


This was January 8, 2010.

During the late morning hours that day I was driving northwards on I380 from the sewer of Demo-Iowa (Iowa City) to Waterloo, Iowa.

All along that route were strewn the metal dead of the Voter/Followers of the Democrat/Homosexuals.


I survived the debacle on Interstate 80 of February 17-18, 2008. When more than 70 miles of the Interstate was shut down from Iowa City to Des Moines. It was due to typical (and I mean Ho-Hum Typical) incompetency by the Homosexual/Democrats. The amount of disastrous wreckage that I saw then was of World War II proportions.

Since the Democrat/Homosexuals control all of the newsrags and Satan Tube stations, and Filthy Monkey stations in Demo-Iowa, the entire catastrophe was quickly buried in the snow and ignored.

That was then. This time, the ruination was even more startling and dramatic, albeit on a smaller overall scale.

During the ‘Ice-Road-Free-For-All’ of February 2008 on Interstate 80 (brought to you by the Homosexual/Democrats) -- most of the damage was from cars and big trucks skidding off the uncleared highway.

The Democrat/Homosexuals had to pretend that their Global Warming Hoax was real, and the snow and ice did not exist -- so they refused to plow Interstate 80 during that storm.

When the vehicles skidded off the road they landed in various heaps all about the ravines and hillsides that line the Interstate there. However, only a few actually flipped over and landed upside down.

As it was an Interstate, one must deduce that a goodly percentage of the victims were not from Demo-Iowa, and therefore were endowed with THINKING BRAINS, that told them to drive slowly under such conditions.


This time, on Interstate 380, many of the victims were actually flipped over. The result was that about one in every four vehicles was tossed upside-down onto the surrounding slopes and into the ditches of the roadside.

That can only mean one thing. Their Homosexual/Democrat drivers were actually speeding -- in the middle of a heavy snow and ice storm.

That means, they were completely programmed by the propaganda outlets of their Democrat/Homosexual Masters. Programmed to believe (and insist) that such storms are impossible -- not to mention such storm acting against the Decries of their Homosexual/Democrat Masters (Global Meltdown).

I can well believe that even today, those dirt stupid Voter/Followers of the Democrat/Homosexuals are denying that it happened. Even though they have to pay for the tow truck fees, from their hospital beds.

Oh yes! As stupid as a bag of rocks!

Any Human, would send the bills for the Towing Service and Bodywork and Hospital Expenses -- to the Statehouse Homosexual/Democrat Madams, and their Quivering Lilly-Livered Pretend Governor of Demo-Iowa.


That despicable display of absurd lunacy on route I380, after the winter storm had moved on, was something so ridiculous that it could only happen in a Demo-Zone.

A Homo-Zone where everyone is terribly depressed and disconnected from Reality, by having to exist under a Democrat/Homosexual crap-government. A pretend government of vermin that exist to perform ‘Coup d’etat’ Brain Surgeries on the Will of The People -- for profit and great wealth -- bestowed upon them by grateful clientele -- until the idiots are not needed any more.

A Pseudo-government of constant 'do-nothing', 'help-nothing', 'excuse-everything', 'whore-for-anybody', Anuses-for-hire!

Their doped Voter/Followers are so enslaved by the propagandas of the SQLD that such guttural displays of abject stupidity -- such as that of January 8, 2010 -- are merely commonplace and ‘to-be-expected’ exhibitions of the Debauchery of Demo-Iowa.

Lunacy and debauchery, as DICTATED by the crap-brained policies of the Homosexual/Democrats.

Democrat/Homosexuals which all of those idiot Voter/Followers (that went off the road) are too stupid to VOTE OUT OF OFFICE!

Yes! It’s that bad!


In any other state in the Midwest such a nasty and shameful exhibition could only be seen in the sandbox playground antics of retarded children -- certainly not on a 'major highway' and in broad daylight!!!!

And, do the Statehouse Madams and their puppet ‘Quiver-the-Lilly-Liver’ care?


Every other state in the Midwest knows how to handle snowstorms, as their leaders are not constantly obsessed with advancing perversions and political whoring, the way the Democraps of Iowa are.

But in Demo-Iowa ... the only concern is about the dominant level of their Propaganda brainwashing. Anything that threatens that, and could possibly reduce their control over their Voter/Followers, has to be lied about -- lied right out of existence. Otherwise they care nothing for anything, except themselves of course!

Such swine as the Homosexual/Democrats of Demo-Iowa are truly the Animated Hoaxers of this time.

To say, Living Hoaxers would be too much.


Which brings me to the topic of a Dead Hoax.

The Piltdown Man.


Once Upon A Time -- in the putrid and Self-Biting Religion of Science -- there lived a Man named Piltdown.
Only he was not a Man.
But, in the Loony World of Science he was!
Only he never existed!
But, in the greedy and grant-money-starved Religion of Science, he did!
For, forty years!

Piltdown Man - Wikipedia

Piltdown Man

To give you the basics about this typical Pseudo-Science Hoax I will repeat part of the Wikipedia article here:

The "Piltdown Man" is a famous
paleontological hoax concerning the finding of the remains of a previously unknown early human. The hoax find consisted of fragments of a skull and jawbone collected in 1912 from a gravel pit at Piltdown, a village near Uckfield, East Sussex, England. The fragments were thought by many experts of the day to be the fossilised remains of a hitherto unknown form of early man. The Latin name Eoanthropus dawsoni ("Dawson's dawn-man", after the collector Charles Dawson) was given to the specimen. The significance of the specimen remained the subject of controversy until it was exposed in 1953 as a forgery, consisting of the lower jawbone of an orangutan that had been deliberately combined with the skull of a fully developed modern human.

The Piltdown hoax is perhaps the most famous paleontological hoax in history. It has been prominent for two reasons: the attention paid to the issue of human
evolution, and the length of time (more than 40 years) that elapsed from its discovery to its full exposure as a forgery.

The finding of the Piltdown skull was poorly documented, but at a meeting of the
Geological Society of London held on December 18, 1912, Charles Dawson claimed to have been given a fragment of the skull four years earlier by a workman at the Piltdown gravel pit. According to Dawson, workmen at the site had discovered the skull shortly before his visit and had broken it up. Revisiting the site on several occasions, Dawson found further fragments of the skull and took them to Arthur Smith Woodward, keeper of the geological department at the British Museum. Greatly interested by the finds, Woodward accompanied Dawson to the site, where between June and September 1912 they together recovered more fragments of the skull and half of the lower jaw bone.

At the same meeting, Woodward announced that a reconstruction of the fragments had been prepared that indicated that the skull was in many ways similar to that of modern man, except for the
occiput (the part of the skull that sits on the spinal column) and for brain size, which was about two-thirds that of modern man. He then went on to indicate that save for the presence of two human-like molar teeth the jaw bone found would be indistinguishable from that of a modern, young chimpanzee. From the British Museum's reconstruction of the skull, Woodward proposed that Piltdown man represented an evolutionary missing link between ape and man, since the combination of a human-like cranium with an ape-like jaw tended to support the notion then prevailing in England that human evolution began with the brain.

Almost from the outset, Woodward's reconstruction of the Piltdown fragments was strongly challenged. At the
Royal College of Surgeons copies of the same fragments used by the British Museum in their reconstruction were used to produce an entirely different model, one that in brain size and other features resembled modern man. Despite these differences however, it does not appear that the possibility of outright forgery arose in connection with the skull.

As early as 1915, French
paleontologist Marcellin Boule concluded the jaw was from an ape. Similarly, American zoologist Gerrit Smith Miller concluded Piltdown's jaw came from a fossil ape. In 1923, Franz Weidenreich examined the remains and correctly reported that they consisted of a modern human cranium and an orangutan jaw with filed-down teeth. Weidenreich, being an anatomist, had easily exposed the hoax for what it was.

However, it took thirty years for the scientific community to concede that Weidenreich was correct.

In 1915, Dawson claimed to have found fragments of a second skull (Piltdown II) at a site about two miles away from the original finds. So far as is known the site has never been identified and the finds appear to be entirely undocumented. Woodward does not appear ever to have visited the site.

From the outset, there were scientists who expressed scepticism about the Piltdown find.
G.S. Miller, for example, observed in 1915 that "deliberate malice could hardly have been more successful than the hazards of deposition in so breaking the fossils as to give free scope to individual judgment in fitting the parts together."

In the decades prior to its exposure as a forgery in 1953, scientists increasingly regarded Piltdown as an enigmatic aberration inconsistent with the path of hominid evolution as demonstrated by fossils found elsewhere. Skeptical scientists only increased in number as more fossils were found.

In November 1953,
The Times published evidence gathered variously by Kenneth Page Oakley, Sir Wilfrid Edward Le Gros Clark and Joseph Weiner proving that the Piltdown Man was a forgery and demonstrating that the fossil was a composite of three distinct species. It consisted of a human skull of medieval age, the 500-year-old lower jaw of a Sarawak orangutan and chimpanzee fossil teeth. The appearance of age had been created by staining the bones with an iron solution and chromic acid. Microscopic examination revealed file-marks on the teeth, and it was deduced from this someone had modified the teeth to give them a shape more suited to a human diet.

The Piltdown man hoax had succeeded so well because at the time of its discovery, the scientific establishment had believed that the large modern brain had preceded the modern omnivorous diet, and the forgery had provided exactly that evidence. It has also been thought that
nationalism and cultural prejudice also played a role in the less-than-critical acceptance of the fossil as genuine by some British scientists.

It satisfied European expectations that the earliest humans would be found in
Eurasia, and the British, it has been claimed, also wanted a first Briton to set against fossil hominids found elsewhere in Europe, including France and Germany.

Piltdown Man and early humans

In 1912, the Piltdown man was believed to be the “missing link” between apes and humans by the majority of the scientific community.

However, over time the Piltdown man lost its validity,

as other discoveries such as
Taung Child and Peking Man were found. R.W. Ehrich and G.M. Henderson note, “To those who are not completely disillusioned by the work of their predecessors, the disqualification of the Piltdown skull changes little in the broad evolutionary pattern. The validity of the specimen has always been questioned.” Eventually, in the 1940s and 1950s, more advanced dating technologies, such as the fluorine absorption test, scientifically proved that this skull was actually a fraud.

Relative importance
The Piltdown man fraud had a significant impact on early research on human evolution. Notably, it led scientists down a
blind alley in the belief that the human brain expanded in size before the jaw adapted to new types of food. Discoveries of Australopithecine fossils found in the 1920s in South Africa were ignored owing to Piltdown man, and the reconstruction of human evolution was thrown off track for decades. The examination and debate over Piltdown man led to a vast expenditure of time and effort on the fossil, with an estimated 250+ papers written on the topic.

The fossil was sufficiently influential for
Clarence Darrow to introduce it as evidence in defense of Scopes during the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial. Darrow died in 1938, more than ten years before Piltdown Man was exposed as a fraud. Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard listed a mammal similar to Piltdown Man as one of the ancestors of humanity, "Man's first real Manhood" in his book Scientology: A History of Man and borrowed the Piltdown moniker. His text states that "it is so named not because it is accurately the real Piltdown Man, but because it has some similarity". Obsessions about biting stem from Piltdown event, according to Hubbard, because the "Piltdown teeth were enormous and he was quite careless as to whom and what he bit and often very much surprised at the resulting damage"; Piltdown Man would be exposed as a hoax just months after the publication of Hubbard's book.

The hoax is still cited by
creationists in support of their view that the theory of evolution cannot address the origins of man. Many cite it as evidence of frequent acceptance in the scientific community of viewpoints with very little evidence. (Other fossils cited include Nebraska Man, Homo rudolfensis, Homo cepranensis, Homo antecessor, the Gawis cranium and Rhodesian Man.) Though it has been pointed out that it was science and scientists that discovered it was a fraud, albeit after an extremely long time, the notoriety of the hoax remains strong and in November 2003, the Natural History Museum held an exhibition to mark the fiftieth anniversary of its exposure.


1908: Dawson "discovers" first Piltdown fragments
1912 February: Dawson contacts Woodward about first skull fragments
1912 June: Dawson, Woodward, and Teilhard form digging team
1912 June: Team finds elephant molar, skull fragment
1912 June: Right parietal skull bones and the jaw bone discovered
1912 November: News breaks in the popular press
1912 December: Official presentation of Piltdown man
1914: Talgai (Australia) man found, considered confirming of Piltdown
Weidenreich reports Piltdown remains consist of a human cranium and an orangutan jaw.
1925: Edmonds reports Piltdown geology error. Report ignored.
1943: Fluorine content test is first proposed.
1948: Woodward publishes The Earliest Englishman
1949: Fluorine content test establishes Piltdown man as relatively recent.
1953: Weiner,
Le Gros Clark, and Oakley expose the hoax.
2003: Full extent of Dawson's hoaxes exposed.


It took 40+ years for the Piltdown Bones Fraud to be exposed (No Pun Intended). Will it take 40 years for the Global Meltdown Fraud to be replaced by another Homosexual/Democrat Fakery?


Hoaxes in the Science Religion did not get better than this one -- until the Global Warming Hoax of today.
At the end of this message I will give you some links to websites that explain in detail how awful this Global Piltdown Hoax is.

For those of you who have limited time, and limited access to the Internet -- I will explain this hoax in simple terms.


There IS a problem. There IS a variety of problems between Mankind and Nature. ONE of those problems is Man’s Pollution of the Earth itself.

There is NOT anything new or recent about that. If you research the topic -- as the Hoaxers do NOT want you to do -- you will find that this problem has been written about for decades and decades, in scientific journals and publications.


I remember climbing to the top of the Front Range of Colorado from Golden State Park, back in the 70’s, and looking out across the plains of eastern Colorado. Below me somewhere was the city of Denver, but it could not be seen. Instead there was a flat cloud of smog extending from the Front Range eastwards towards Kansas. Underneath it somewhere was Denver. Nothing could be seen of the city. Just a huge, wide and flat cloud of dirty pollution gases. I could see the far eastern portions of Colorado shining in the starlight, but not Denver which was right below me.

This happens often there, due to a ‘Thermal Inversion’ that sweeps off the tops of the Front Range and acts as a cap upon the city of Denver -- trapping all of its pollution underneath it. In that city, the problems of Air Pollution have been known for decades.

In Los Angeles, the rolling oceanic tides of pollution clouds that extend from that city in all directions, utterly consuming mountain ranges as they flow, has been an unmistakable and undeniable problem -- again for decades.

There is nothing new about the message that a cure for Air Pollution is mandatory.


Only NOW is it being POLITICIZED FOR PROFIT by the Democrat/Homosexuals and their Political Revenue Machine.


As I said -- there IS a problem. Pollution!

ANY decrease in Air Pollution is a GOOD THING!


It is good for the Earth!

Not good for Politicians!
Not good for Propagandists!
Not good for Pseudo-Environmentalists!
Not good for Opportunists!
Not good for Con Artists!


If, by some chance, you do not know what damages Air Pollution does to the Earth -- check out this website. It gives you the basics.

Climate--Air pollution - Wikipedia

This is what the Air Pollution problem really is. It existed before any of those lying Homosexual/Democrats existed. It will not go away easily. Its reduction will be hampered or rendered impossible, by the Democrat/Homosexuals that need its Circus Appeal.

It is a problem. NOT A CIRCUS EVENT!

The solutions to this problem have been known for decades and decades -- NOT ONLY RECENTLY IN THE


What is happening politically is typical and to-be-expected. The Democrat/Homosexuals want to make every Political Gain of Power they can out of appearing to be the Saviors of our Environment -- and the more they can distort and falsify and amplify the dangers and terrors involved -- the more like Saviors they appear -- to idiots!

And likewise, the more they should be obeyed -- ABOUT EVERYTHING THEY SAY!!!!

Are they not the Saviors of us all?




Meanwhile, the Republicans are desperate to keep that Phony Pony Circus of the Homosexual/Democrats from bankrupting and utterly ruining the entire National Infrastructure! And, that is no joke!

We all know what the Democrat/Homosexuals did to this country during the War in Iraq! How they acted as our worst internal terrorists and traitors -- directly against the best and only interest of the United States of America -- until they had lied and ponied their way into political control. At which time there was an immediate screech from the brakes of their Anti-War and Anti-American propaganda! Because of (and I quote) “They are OUR troops now! It is OUR war now! We have to look GOOD now!”

Of course, the Republicans are desperate to keep those lying-lying-lying bastards and bitches from destroying America from within!

For Excellent Reasons!!!!


How do we know it is a Hoax?

Open you eyes. Look at what creatures are saying it.


Let us watch what Global Meltdown -- or I should say -- what Global Piltdown does this January!

Here are some websites to give you data about the Weather Records of two places in Iowa -- Des Moines and Waterloo. They typify what happens in Iowa.

Climate--Des Moines Temperature Normals

Climate--Waterloo Temperature Normals

Climate--U.S. Climate Records

Climate--Des Moines-Waterloo Climate Data


Here are two charts from those websites.

One shows the Temperature Extremes for Des Moines, the other for Waterloo.

For better renditions go to the websites.

We are told that this coming week will be warm, as though it were a great burst of Indian Summer, come to rescue the purveyors of the Global Piltdown Hoax.

In Reality, you will see that they are just ordinary temperature maximums that do not represent any kind of fireball to the rescue of Global Hoaxers.



This is happening to legitimate Scientists because of several factors -- one of which is that PhDs that are considered to be ‘Nature Experts’, exist in Cocoons of Social Acceptance -- cut off from the Nature that they are supposed to be the experts of -- while standing in it.

Cut off and alienated by the brain cocoons in their heads -- cocoons of socially accepted concepts. And, whoever controls those concepts -- controls them.

Those cocoons of social acceptance and all of the ‘Controlled Expectations’ that come with them (indeed weave them to begin with), pretend to be Naturally Empathic -- fooling them into believing that they are sensing the Real Nature -- when in Reality they are only sensing the social interpretations within the limits of what they are socially allowed to feel, and say they feel.

The perception centers of their brains are so heavily doped and drugged with the Religious Norms of the Science Society they exist in, that all perceptions are instantly twisted and perverted. Their sensory inputs are immediately distorted into accepted formats and expected thought structures -- before the thinking centers of their brains have a chance to receive them.



Another major reason for their infidelity to the Basic Precepts of Science is that they remain dumb and dumber to the practices of Politicians, and the like.

Opportunists, criminals and charlatans always try to exploit and take advantage of any 'lack of action' or vacuum of responsibility, or void of response, on the part of the species.

When a problem or situation is determined, and yet no reparative action is taken to remedy the situation -- a huge gap of ‘reaction to action’ is created. Thus leaving a huge hole in the existence of our species, to be filled up with either species action, or satanic inaction for profit.

Political Whores, drooling for dollars, always look for such gaps in ‘reaction-to-action’, into which they can insert their Pretend Solutions, in order to make themselves appear to be useful and necessary -- while milking it for all the revenues they can possibly choke out of it.

PhDs don’t seem to get that.

Could it be?

Are those Political Whores, their benefactors to begin with?

Dante’s Inferno Anyone?

With a Dead Paradise.


There is yet another factor involved here.

Those who voted for the worst -- deserve the worst!!!!!


This is not a happenstance or cursory topic of discussion. This reveals the depths of the twisted fakery and demented depravity that exists within the Political Prostitution brains of the Homosexual/Democrats.

You need to research this for yourself.

You have already heard all of the lies from the Satan Tube, Filthy Monkeys, newsrags etc. Please, do not turn those things on again, just to hear the filth one more time. Do not do that to yourself.


I have put together a brief selection of websites that tell the Truth about the Global Piltdown Hoax.

From them you can move sideways through the Internet, and find much more.

Don’t miss GreenHellBlog.com

The videos offered at the bottom of their home page are really good. Particularly the ones entitled ‘Hide The Decline’

and ‘Message to the Environmental Movement’.


Climate--World Climate Report

Climate--CO2 Science

Climate--Global Warming Hoax News

Climate--The SPPI Blog

Climate--World Climate Report

Climate--Hobamas Global Warming Hoax response

Climate--Climate Depot


Markel Peters










I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message.
Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.



























Labels Of All Posted Messages--A Way To Search Through Messages By Labels

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed


This blog exists to inform the People, of the 'Real Truth' about the real enemies of the Human Species. These Truths are not objectionable, as they are Truths. Only the telling of them can be objectionable, to those who wish to hide the Truth. If the Truth is something you HATE and therefore object to - go elsewhere!


Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!


The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.