Waiting for Global Warming????
Waiting for the Global Meltdown????
Welcome to -- ‘Global Piltdown’!!!!
The Perennial Homosexual/Democrat Hoax!!!!
I was recently driving northwards on Interstate 380 in Demo-Iowa, after a snow storm. The carnage which I witnessed there was the talk of the CB networks, as every trucker that had the misfortune of passing through the wreckage, was talking on his radio about how “Double-Dumb-Ass” the drivers in Iowa are.
I am used to seeing Democrat/Homosexuals splattered all over the roadsides after a snow storm in Demo-Iowa.
The Homosexual/Democrats insist that their Global Warming Hoax (Global Meltdown) be accepted as the Gospel from Down Below -- so their Voter/Followers blindly and stupidly drive about during such snow and ice storms as though there was no snow or ice. Have their Queer Masters not told them that Global Warming is here? Is this white stuff coming down from the sky not a travesty? Is it not an affront to their Democrat/Homosexual Gods?!
Of course it is to be ignored! How dare it exist!
Their Homosexual/Democrat Masters have stated that it cannot exist! 'Global Warming' is here!
And, as usual -- the result is a carnival of automobiles and pickup trucks scattered, hither and yon, everywhere except where they should be, on the road.
If it was not so God-Damned Stupid, it would be hilarious!
This was January 8, 2010.
During the late morning hours that day I was driving northwards on I380 from the sewer of Demo-Iowa (Iowa City) to Waterloo, Iowa.
All along that route were strewn the metal dead of the Voter/Followers of the Democrat/Homosexuals.
I survived the debacle on Interstate 80 of February 17-18, 2008. When more than 70 miles of the Interstate was shut down from Iowa City to Des Moines. It was due to typical (and I mean Ho-Hum Typical) incompetency by the Homosexual/Democrats. The amount of disastrous wreckage that I saw then was of World War II proportions.
Since the Democrat/Homosexuals control all of the newsrags and Satan Tube stations, and Filthy Monkey stations in Demo-Iowa, the entire catastrophe was quickly buried in the snow and ignored.
That was then. This time, the ruination was even more startling and dramatic, albeit on a smaller overall scale.
During the ‘Ice-Road-Free-For-All’ of February 2008 on Interstate 80 (brought to you by the Homosexual/Democrats) -- most of the damage was from cars and big trucks skidding off the uncleared highway.
The Democrat/Homosexuals had to pretend that their Global Warming Hoax was real, and the snow and ice did not exist -- so they refused to plow Interstate 80 during that storm.
When the vehicles skidded off the road they landed in various heaps all about the ravines and hillsides that line the Interstate there. However, only a few actually flipped over and landed upside down.
As it was an Interstate, one must deduce that a goodly percentage of the victims were not from Demo-Iowa, and therefore were endowed with THINKING BRAINS, that told them to drive slowly under such conditions.
This time, on Interstate 380, many of the victims were actually flipped over. The result was that about one in every four vehicles was tossed upside-down onto the surrounding slopes and into the ditches of the roadside.
That can only mean one thing. Their Homosexual/Democrat drivers were actually speeding -- in the middle of a heavy snow and ice storm.
That means, they were completely programmed by the propaganda outlets of their Democrat/Homosexual Masters. Programmed to believe (and insist) that such storms are impossible -- not to mention such storm acting against the Decries of their Homosexual/Democrat Masters (Global Meltdown).
I can well believe that even today, those dirt stupid Voter/Followers of the Democrat/Homosexuals are denying that it happened. Even though they have to pay for the tow truck fees, from their hospital beds.
Oh yes! As stupid as a bag of rocks!
Any Human, would send the bills for the Towing Service and Bodywork and Hospital Expenses -- to the Statehouse Homosexual/Democrat Madams, and their Quivering Lilly-Livered Pretend Governor of Demo-Iowa.
That despicable display of absurd lunacy on route I380, after the winter storm had moved on, was something so ridiculous that it could only happen in a Demo-Zone.
A Homo-Zone where everyone is terribly depressed and disconnected from Reality, by having to exist under a Democrat/Homosexual crap-government. A pretend government of vermin that exist to perform ‘Coup d’etat’ Brain Surgeries on the Will of The People -- for profit and great wealth -- bestowed upon them by grateful clientele -- until the idiots are not needed any more.
A Pseudo-government of constant 'do-nothing', 'help-nothing', 'excuse-everything', 'whore-for-anybody', Anuses-for-hire!
Their doped Voter/Followers are so enslaved by the propagandas of the SQLD that such guttural displays of abject stupidity -- such as that of January 8, 2010 -- are merely commonplace and ‘to-be-expected’ exhibitions of the Debauchery of Demo-Iowa.
Lunacy and debauchery, as DICTATED by the crap-brained policies of the Homosexual/Democrats.
Democrat/Homosexuals which all of those idiot Voter/Followers (that went off the road) are too stupid to VOTE OUT OF OFFICE!
Yes! It’s that bad!
In any other state in the Midwest such a nasty and shameful exhibition could only be seen in the sandbox playground antics of retarded children -- certainly not on a 'major highway' and in broad daylight!!!!
And, do the Statehouse Madams and their puppet ‘Quiver-the-Lilly-Liver’ care?
Every other state in the Midwest knows how to handle snowstorms, as their leaders are not constantly obsessed with advancing perversions and political whoring, the way the Democraps of Iowa are.
But in Demo-Iowa ... the only concern is about the dominant level of their Propaganda brainwashing. Anything that threatens that, and could possibly reduce their control over their Voter/Followers, has to be lied about -- lied right out of existence. Otherwise they care nothing for anything, except themselves of course!
Such swine as the Homosexual/Democrats of Demo-Iowa are truly the Animated Hoaxers of this time.
To say, Living Hoaxers would be too much.
Which brings me to the topic of a Dead Hoax.
The Piltdown Man.
Once Upon A Time -- in the putrid and Self-Biting Religion of Science -- there lived a Man named Piltdown.
Only he was not a Man.
But, in the Loony World of Science he was!
Only he never existed!
But, in the greedy and grant-money-starved Religion of Science, he did!
For, forty years!
Piltdown Man - Wikipedia
Piltdown Man
To give you the basics about this typical Pseudo-Science Hoax I will repeat part of the Wikipedia article here:
The "Piltdown Man" is a famous paleontological hoax concerning the finding of the remains of a previously unknown early human. The hoax find consisted of fragments of a skull and jawbone collected in 1912 from a gravel pit at Piltdown, a village near Uckfield, East Sussex, England. The fragments were thought by many experts of the day to be the fossilised remains of a hitherto unknown form of early man. The Latin name Eoanthropus dawsoni ("Dawson's dawn-man", after the collector Charles Dawson) was given to the specimen. The significance of the specimen remained the subject of controversy until it was exposed in 1953 as a forgery, consisting of the lower jawbone of an orangutan that had been deliberately combined with the skull of a fully developed modern human.
The Piltdown hoax is perhaps the most famous paleontological hoax in history. It has been prominent for two reasons: the attention paid to the issue of human evolution, and the length of time (more than 40 years) that elapsed from its discovery to its full exposure as a forgery.
The finding of the Piltdown skull was poorly documented, but at a meeting of the Geological Society of London held on December 18, 1912, Charles Dawson claimed to have been given a fragment of the skull four years earlier by a workman at the Piltdown gravel pit. According to Dawson, workmen at the site had discovered the skull shortly before his visit and had broken it up. Revisiting the site on several occasions, Dawson found further fragments of the skull and took them to Arthur Smith Woodward, keeper of the geological department at the British Museum. Greatly interested by the finds, Woodward accompanied Dawson to the site, where between June and September 1912 they together recovered more fragments of the skull and half of the lower jaw bone.
At the same meeting, Woodward announced that a reconstruction of the fragments had been prepared that indicated that the skull was in many ways similar to that of modern man, except for the occiput (the part of the skull that sits on the spinal column) and for brain size, which was about two-thirds that of modern man. He then went on to indicate that save for the presence of two human-like molar teeth the jaw bone found would be indistinguishable from that of a modern, young chimpanzee. From the British Museum's reconstruction of the skull, Woodward proposed that Piltdown man represented an evolutionary missing link between ape and man, since the combination of a human-like cranium with an ape-like jaw tended to support the notion then prevailing in England that human evolution began with the brain.
Almost from the outset, Woodward's reconstruction of the Piltdown fragments was strongly challenged. At the Royal College of Surgeons copies of the same fragments used by the British Museum in their reconstruction were used to produce an entirely different model, one that in brain size and other features resembled modern man. Despite these differences however, it does not appear that the possibility of outright forgery arose in connection with the skull.
As early as 1915, French paleontologist Marcellin Boule concluded the jaw was from an ape. Similarly, American zoologist Gerrit Smith Miller concluded Piltdown's jaw came from a fossil ape. In 1923, Franz Weidenreich examined the remains and correctly reported that they consisted of a modern human cranium and an orangutan jaw with filed-down teeth. Weidenreich, being an anatomist, had easily exposed the hoax for what it was.
However, it took thirty years for the scientific community to concede that Weidenreich was correct.
In 1915, Dawson claimed to have found fragments of a second skull (Piltdown II) at a site about two miles away from the original finds. So far as is known the site has never been identified and the finds appear to be entirely undocumented. Woodward does not appear ever to have visited the site.
From the outset, there were scientists who expressed scepticism about the Piltdown find. G.S. Miller, for example, observed in 1915 that "deliberate malice could hardly have been more successful than the hazards of deposition in so breaking the fossils as to give free scope to individual judgment in fitting the parts together."
In the decades prior to its exposure as a forgery in 1953, scientists increasingly regarded Piltdown as an enigmatic aberration inconsistent with the path of hominid evolution as demonstrated by fossils found elsewhere. Skeptical scientists only increased in number as more fossils were found.
In November 1953, The Times published evidence gathered variously by Kenneth Page Oakley, Sir Wilfrid Edward Le Gros Clark and Joseph Weiner proving that the Piltdown Man was a forgery and demonstrating that the fossil was a composite of three distinct species. It consisted of a human skull of medieval age, the 500-year-old lower jaw of a Sarawak orangutan and chimpanzee fossil teeth. The appearance of age had been created by staining the bones with an iron solution and chromic acid. Microscopic examination revealed file-marks on the teeth, and it was deduced from this someone had modified the teeth to give them a shape more suited to a human diet.
The Piltdown man hoax had succeeded so well because at the time of its discovery, the scientific establishment had believed that the large modern brain had preceded the modern omnivorous diet, and the forgery had provided exactly that evidence. It has also been thought that nationalism and cultural prejudice also played a role in the less-than-critical acceptance of the fossil as genuine by some British scientists.
It satisfied European expectations that the earliest humans would be found in Eurasia, and the British, it has been claimed, also wanted a first Briton to set against fossil hominids found elsewhere in Europe, including France and Germany.
Piltdown Man and early humans
In 1912, the Piltdown man was believed to be the “missing link” between apes and humans by the majority of the scientific community.
However, over time the Piltdown man lost its validity,
as other discoveries such as Taung Child and Peking Man were found. R.W. Ehrich and G.M. Henderson note, “To those who are not completely disillusioned by the work of their predecessors, the disqualification of the Piltdown skull changes little in the broad evolutionary pattern. The validity of the specimen has always been questioned.” Eventually, in the 1940s and 1950s, more advanced dating technologies, such as the fluorine absorption test, scientifically proved that this skull was actually a fraud.
Relative importance
The Piltdown man fraud had a significant impact on early research on human evolution. Notably, it led scientists down a blind alley in the belief that the human brain expanded in size before the jaw adapted to new types of food. Discoveries of Australopithecine fossils found in the 1920s in South Africa were ignored owing to Piltdown man, and the reconstruction of human evolution was thrown off track for decades. The examination and debate over Piltdown man led to a vast expenditure of time and effort on the fossil, with an estimated 250+ papers written on the topic.
The fossil was sufficiently influential for Clarence Darrow to introduce it as evidence in defense of Scopes during the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial. Darrow died in 1938, more than ten years before Piltdown Man was exposed as a fraud. Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard listed a mammal similar to Piltdown Man as one of the ancestors of humanity, "Man's first real Manhood" in his book Scientology: A History of Man and borrowed the Piltdown moniker. His text states that "it is so named not because it is accurately the real Piltdown Man, but because it has some similarity". Obsessions about biting stem from Piltdown event, according to Hubbard, because the "Piltdown teeth were enormous and he was quite careless as to whom and what he bit and often very much surprised at the resulting damage"; Piltdown Man would be exposed as a hoax just months after the publication of Hubbard's book.
The hoax is still cited by creationists in support of their view that the theory of evolution cannot address the origins of man. Many cite it as evidence of frequent acceptance in the scientific community of viewpoints with very little evidence. (Other fossils cited include Nebraska Man, Homo rudolfensis, Homo cepranensis, Homo antecessor, the Gawis cranium and Rhodesian Man.) Though it has been pointed out that it was science and scientists that discovered it was a fraud, albeit after an extremely long time, the notoriety of the hoax remains strong and in November 2003, the Natural History Museum held an exhibition to mark the fiftieth anniversary of its exposure.
1908: Dawson "discovers" first Piltdown fragments
1912 February: Dawson contacts Woodward about first skull fragments
1912 June: Dawson, Woodward, and Teilhard form digging team
1912 June: Team finds elephant molar, skull fragment
1912 June: Right parietal skull bones and the jaw bone discovered
1912 November: News breaks in the popular press
1912 December: Official presentation of Piltdown man
1914: Talgai (Australia) man found, considered confirming of Piltdown
1923: Weidenreich reports Piltdown remains consist of a human cranium and an orangutan jaw.
1925: Edmonds reports Piltdown geology error. Report ignored.
1943: Fluorine content test is first proposed.
1948: Woodward publishes The Earliest Englishman
1949: Fluorine content test establishes Piltdown man as relatively recent.
1953: Weiner, Le Gros Clark, and Oakley expose the hoax.
2003: Full extent of Dawson's hoaxes exposed.
It took 40+ years for the Piltdown Bones Fraud to be exposed (No Pun Intended). Will it take 40 years for the Global Meltdown Fraud to be replaced by another Homosexual/Democrat Fakery?
Hoaxes in the Science Religion did not get better than this one -- until the Global Warming Hoax of today.
At the end of this message I will give you some links to websites that explain in detail how awful this Global Piltdown Hoax is.
For those of you who have limited time, and limited access to the Internet -- I will explain this hoax in simple terms.
There IS a problem. There IS a variety of problems between Mankind and Nature. ONE of those problems is Man’s Pollution of the Earth itself.
There is NOT anything new or recent about that. If you research the topic -- as the Hoaxers do NOT want you to do -- you will find that this problem has been written about for decades and decades, in scientific journals and publications.
I remember climbing to the top of the Front Range of Colorado from Golden State Park, back in the 70’s, and looking out across the plains of eastern Colorado. Below me somewhere was the city of Denver, but it could not be seen. Instead there was a flat cloud of smog extending from the Front Range eastwards towards Kansas. Underneath it somewhere was Denver. Nothing could be seen of the city. Just a huge, wide and flat cloud of dirty pollution gases. I could see the far eastern portions of Colorado shining in the starlight, but not Denver which was right below me.
This happens often there, due to a ‘Thermal Inversion’ that sweeps off the tops of the Front Range and acts as a cap upon the city of Denver -- trapping all of its pollution underneath it. In that city, the problems of Air Pollution have been known for decades.
In Los Angeles, the rolling oceanic tides of pollution clouds that extend from that city in all directions, utterly consuming mountain ranges as they flow, has been an unmistakable and undeniable problem -- again for decades.
There is nothing new about the message that a cure for Air Pollution is mandatory.
Only NOW is it being POLITICIZED FOR PROFIT by the Democrat/Homosexuals and their Political Revenue Machine.
As I said -- there IS a problem. Pollution!
ANY decrease in Air Pollution is a GOOD THING!
It is good for the Earth!
Not good for Politicians!
Not good for Propagandists!
Not good for Pseudo-Environmentalists!
Not good for Opportunists!
Not good for Con Artists!
If, by some chance, you do not know what damages Air Pollution does to the Earth -- check out this website. It gives you the basics.
Climate--Air pollution - Wikipedia
This is what the Air Pollution problem really is. It existed before any of those lying Homosexual/Democrats existed. It will not go away easily. Its reduction will be hampered or rendered impossible, by the Democrat/Homosexuals that need its Circus Appeal.
It is a problem. NOT A CIRCUS EVENT!
The solutions to this problem have been known for decades and decades -- NOT ONLY RECENTLY IN THE HOMOSEXUAL/DEMOCRAT SALVATION PARADE!
What is happening politically is typical and to-be-expected. The Democrat/Homosexuals want to make every Political Gain of Power they can out of appearing to be the Saviors of our Environment -- and the more they can distort and falsify and amplify the dangers and terrors involved -- the more like Saviors they appear -- to idiots!
And likewise, the more they should be obeyed -- ABOUT EVERYTHING THEY SAY!!!!
Are they not the Saviors of us all?
Meanwhile, the Republicans are desperate to keep that Phony Pony Circus of the Homosexual/Democrats from bankrupting and utterly ruining the entire National Infrastructure! And, that is no joke!
We all know what the Democrat/Homosexuals did to this country during the War in Iraq! How they acted as our worst internal terrorists and traitors -- directly against the best and only interest of the United States of America -- until they had lied and ponied their way into political control. At which time there was an immediate screech from the brakes of their Anti-War and Anti-American propaganda! Because of (and I quote) “They are OUR troops now! It is OUR war now! We have to look GOOD now!”
Of course, the Republicans are desperate to keep those lying-lying-lying bastards and bitches from destroying America from within!
For Excellent Reasons!!!!
How do we know it is a Hoax?
Open you eyes. Look at what creatures are saying it.
Let us watch what Global Meltdown -- or I should say -- what Global Piltdown does this January!
Here are some websites to give you data about the Weather Records of two places in Iowa -- Des Moines and Waterloo. They typify what happens in Iowa.
Climate--Des Moines Temperature Normals
Climate--Waterloo Temperature Normals
Climate--U.S. Climate Records
Climate--Des Moines-Waterloo Climate Data
Here are two charts from those websites.
One shows the Temperature Extremes for Des Moines, the other for Waterloo.
For better renditions go to the websites.
We are told that this coming week will be warm, as though it were a great burst of Indian Summer, come to rescue the purveyors of the Global Piltdown Hoax.
In Reality, you will see that they are just ordinary temperature maximums that do not represent any kind of fireball to the rescue of Global Hoaxers.
This is happening to legitimate Scientists because of several factors -- one of which is that PhDs that are considered to be ‘Nature Experts’, exist in Cocoons of Social Acceptance -- cut off from the Nature that they are supposed to be the experts of -- while standing in it.
Cut off and alienated by the brain cocoons in their heads -- cocoons of socially accepted concepts. And, whoever controls those concepts -- controls them.
Those cocoons of social acceptance and all of the ‘Controlled Expectations’ that come with them (indeed weave them to begin with), pretend to be Naturally Empathic -- fooling them into believing that they are sensing the Real Nature -- when in Reality they are only sensing the social interpretations within the limits of what they are socially allowed to feel, and say they feel.
The perception centers of their brains are so heavily doped and drugged with the Religious Norms of the Science Society they exist in, that all perceptions are instantly twisted and perverted. Their sensory inputs are immediately distorted into accepted formats and expected thought structures -- before the thinking centers of their brains have a chance to receive them.
Another major reason for their infidelity to the Basic Precepts of Science is that they remain dumb and dumber to the practices of Politicians, and the like.
Opportunists, criminals and charlatans always try to exploit and take advantage of any 'lack of action' or vacuum of responsibility, or void of response, on the part of the species.
When a problem or situation is determined, and yet no reparative action is taken to remedy the situation -- a huge gap of ‘reaction to action’ is created. Thus leaving a huge hole in the existence of our species, to be filled up with either species action, or satanic inaction for profit.
Political Whores, drooling for dollars, always look for such gaps in ‘reaction-to-action’, into which they can insert their Pretend Solutions, in order to make themselves appear to be useful and necessary -- while milking it for all the revenues they can possibly choke out of it.
PhDs don’t seem to get that.
Could it be?
Are those Political Whores, their benefactors to begin with?
Dante’s Inferno Anyone?
With a Dead Paradise.
There is yet another factor involved here.
Those who voted for the worst -- deserve the worst!!!!!
This is not a happenstance or cursory topic of discussion. This reveals the depths of the twisted fakery and demented depravity that exists within the Political Prostitution brains of the Homosexual/Democrats.
You need to research this for yourself.
You have already heard all of the lies from the Satan Tube, Filthy Monkeys, newsrags etc. Please, do not turn those things on again, just to hear the filth one more time. Do not do that to yourself.
I have put together a brief selection of websites that tell the Truth about the Global Piltdown Hoax.
From them you can move sideways through the Internet, and find much more.
Don’t miss GreenHellBlog.com
The videos offered at the bottom of their home page are really good. Particularly the ones entitled ‘Hide The Decline’
and ‘Message to the Environmental Movement’.
Climate--World Climate Report
Climate--CO2 Science
Climate--Global Warming Hoax News
Climate--The SPPI Blog
Climate--World Climate Report
Climate--Hobamas Global Warming Hoax response
Climate--Climate Depot
Markel Peters