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Sunday, June 22, 2014

Bad Glenn Beck and the Charts of Hell on Earth:

Hah! Someone thinks it is more important to please the comforts of the Public Masses, than it is to hit the Cult of The Asshole where it hurts! That's funny.

Especially, when you know that to hit the Cult of The Asshole where it hurts --helps the Public Masses immensely. Not that they will appreciate it.


Bad Bad LeRoy Beck -- badder than Old King Kong, lower than a junkyard dog.

I do not want to spend more than two hours about that miserable charlatan on the AM radio stations. I have a hundred other things to do today, and I have to force myself to write this due to the present danger that Bad Beck represents to our Species.


I really cannot remember a time when the Slime Newsrag was not slimy. Of course, decades ago it was called 'Time'; but we all know that it never lived up to that potential whatsoever. Instead, it became the degenerated collective garbage bag for all perversions and insanities that it could find.

And now, Slime has declared that 1.5 million of its pet perverts are -- perverts.


Ah, but Slime says there is a difference now. Slime says, the latest scam for this year is to dress all of the perverts, (that they have been trying to organize, having killed them to begin with), as the opposite sex of what they were born to be.


Butt -- Queers always do that.

Well, you have to realize that (for propaganda value) the Queer Propagandists are trying to put on a switch-and-bait circus, by dressing up some of their cross-dressers as TransSlimes.

TransSlimes: Same faggots -- same lesie-turds -- new scam. Now, they are reading a script that says they are supposed to pretend that they identify as being of the opposite sex.


Butt -- those turds always changed what sex they wanted to pretend to be -- day by day.

Oh, I see. Now, the Queer Masters of the Cult of The Asshole are paying a lot of them (using the millions of profit dollars they are getting from Queer Disney) to have the same faggots and lesie-turds get sex-change operations, and squeal that they always wanted to be whatever shit they think they are now.


They always wanted to be shit?

Butt -- they were shit. They have been shit, ever since they were killed -- and turned into Queers.

So -- what is the new difference? What is the new scam?

Well, it seems that the Queers think (think?) that having their bodies mutilated adds importance to their pretenses and playtimes. Body Mutilation Playtimes called TransSlime.

Follow it so far?

Don't waste you time.

It is Queershit -- as always -- and only happens inside the dead ranks of the Queer Coalitions.

However -- there is a much bigger problem happening at the same time -- about the same TransSlime Queershit.

Bad Glenn Beck, who refuses to address and discuss our worst enemies (or to even acknowledge the danger that they are to all of us), for obvious reasons.

The danger that Bad Glenn Beck represents is not just the obvious complicity that it has with our worst enemies -- it is also the de-humanizing and disarming effect it is having upon anyone who is stupid enough to listen to it on the radio. It is trying to mollify and disarm our Species, at just the time when we should be the most 'At Arms', and ready to fight a War Against Genocide.

Bad Glenn Beck is a Poison Pill.


AM radio is a sleazy and twisted and synthetic and creepy place anyway.

If you are not a 'Radio Head', and you can turn on the AM bands with a clear mind, that has not been channeled and reduced by constant exposure to the tripe and jargons and jives of AM radio, then you will be able to understand what I am writing here.

Listen to AM radio, and you will hear the WAY that advertising is performed; the WAY that programs are structured and pasted together into pre-approved approaches -- formulas. Listen to AM radio, and forget WHAT is being said. Instead, listen to HOW it is being said.

You will notice, over time, that the HOW is a formulaic WAY. It is a set of methods, presentation forms, presumptions, assumptions, sound controls, slights of sound, sound tricks, sound gestures and sound demands. The HOW of AM radio operations, is composed of a greater WAY; that is composed of many 'time approved' methods of fakery and duplicity, and reliability upon the stupidity and gullibility of the listening audience. It is a rolling sound bizarre; a carnival for the immobile people who are unable to get away from it -- either deliberately or unconsciously.

Like many things about this eroding civilization, it has proven itself to be wrong -- improperly done. Partly due to the frenzy that is behind it. Behind all AM radio operations and advertising schemes is a frenzy for attention, and audience addiction, and advertising dollars. Addicted audiences, translate into advertising dollars in the warped world of AM radio.

In such a plasticine and shifting and sleazy environment, that always keeps to the WAY, but is always trying to make it sound different (station by station) -- it is easy to understand how such substandard creatures as Bad Glenn Beck can come to prominence and success -- inside the formulas.

I have had the occasion to listen to AM radio for a week now, with the objective of analysis -- and nothing new has been learned. No changes. No improvements to the WAY.

Bad Glenn Beck is what I was investigating, and the conclusions are simple -- if you are not a Standard Mesmerized Listener -- the ideal audience.


The MO (Modus Operandi) of Bad Glenn Beck is to paint itself in the colors of maximum appeal to the most simple and cowardly and thoughtless shut-ins and helpless people that it can foul with its daily AM radio mind control. It prefers a listening audience that could be (and should be) revolutionaries and fighters for freedom here in America. For the sole purpose of disarming them, and molly-coddling them into a stupor of inactivity and incapacity and immobility. The intention is obvious -- audience building -- into something that will be very awful indeed.


The Bad Glenn Beck Mini-Nation:

Look at it, in its most simple form. Glenn Beck denounces the 'medias' (unable to say or write the word 'Queer'), but accepts reports from the Queer Medias as the Truth -- and then cherrypicks those Queer Media reports for the ones that it wants to repeat. To repeat, in order to denounce Real Humans and any necessary revolution. It smears Humans and revolution constantly by attributing any reports of violence (real or fabricated) as having been perpetuated by Humans and 'revolutionaries' -- both of which it insists are "Bad".

It never proves any of its claims against Humans, and always uses implications of violence and insanity to denounce Humans.

Those, are the same tactics as 'Nation Building'.

Bad Glenn Beck is trying to become the Iconic Leader of a population of duped and fooled idiots (made so, by far too much exposure to AM radio). An Audience Nation of retards, who have been made to think that there is such a thing as 'gays', and have been raised to be crippled mentally -- so they cannot say or write the word 'Queers'.

Bad Glenn Beck is a killer of America, that is trying to feed on this devolving country like a parasite -- to create its own Mini-Nation of losers.

Hannity, is doing the same thing; and that bug in the ointment is trying to create its own population of 'Celebrity Addicts'.

Both Beck and Hannity work to force America into decline, while creating for themselves their own Mini-Nations.

Both, are very shifty and sleazy. The writers for Bad Glenn Beck orchestrate its rhetoric to be -- pasty one day, strong as a phony conservative the next day, apologetic and evangelistic the next day, iconic to its listeners the next day -- but never is it against the SQLD (Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead).

That is not surprising, as both want to get numbers of followers from the SQLD; so that the composition of their new Mini-Nations, will be a leverage against interference by the SQLD.

Meanwhile, the Fox network continues to announce more and more Queer Laws and Queer Regulations are being conjured up against the Human Species; by their Queer Masters of the Cult of The Asshole -- through the present DemoCrap Government, of course. Yet, neither Hannity or Bad Glenn Beck denounce such crimes, or organize against such atrocities.

[[In fact, Bad Glenn Beck has recently announced that its company is planning a new smear campaign, and slight-of-intentions project; to be launched against the Human Species, and any chance for a revolution. Any revolution that might interfere with its own Nation Building.]]

All such Queer Laws and Queer Regulations are being parroted by the HObama; and the HObama is a proven Mega-Liar with everything that comes out of its mouth being an attack against Humans. All of which, is a huge set of 'talking points' for all Humans on any radio and the Internet.

BUT -- Hannity and Bad Glenn Beck are deaf and dumb about all of it -- because, they want it -- because, it will help them to build their own Mini-Nations!

By the way, I just heard Bad Glenn Beck say on the radio "Democrats are good and fair!"

I know that sounds like a lie, but I actually heard it with my own ears. Realize, that such a horrendous propaganda ploy as ("Democrats are good and fair!") comes from the planning rooms of the most vile enemies of the Human Species.

Bad Glenn Beck is too awful to be a traitor. It just called the Species-murdering anus-feeding Democrat/Homosexuals from Hell -- "...good and fair!"

So, what is shit to Bad Glenn Beck?

Wonderful and Squeezy?
Rosy and Huggable?
Clean and Respectable?

Just one morning of hearing the sound spittle of Bad Glenn Beck will reveal to you that it wants to be the Radio Guru of a Mini-Nation of its own; comprised of the dregs of the DemoCraps, RepuCraps, Queers, Idiots that have been Lied To, radio-addicted General Public and so forth.

That Putz, wants to be the King of its own Mini-Nation amidst the falling and dying America that it wants to die -- that it needs to die -- being sure never to mention the worst enemies that are making it die.

Throughout all of its actions against our Species, Bad Glenn Beck and Co. immediately label anyone or anything that might prevent them from creating their own Mini-Nation of radioheads -- as "Bad!" Regardless of what or who they are really talking about. Any perception on their part that anyone might slow down or prevent or sidetrack the building of their own Mini-Nation, is enough for them to denounce that someone as "Bad!"

While they suck in as many defectors from the Queers and the DemoCraps and the RepuCraps and the 'Zombies' and the 'Vampires' as they can at the same time.

Theirs, is Bullshit and Queershit Radio at its worst.

What they want, is a perpetual state of grinding slavery to immorality; with dependence upon Bad Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity for phony salvation. A horrid combination of physical immorality and porno-slavery, with simultaneous mastery and demagoguery by Hannity and Bad Glenn Beck. Both of which, will be telling their Mini-Nations that being queered everyday is good for you; and only what they tell you to hate is what you must oppose; and you must all be one unified and sodomized mass of asses, under their glorious leadership. Idolatry mandatory, of course.


Radio strategy wise -- it is obviously a Moderate/Homosexual trap. Take the radio schedule in Iowa for example. They bracket Rush Limbaugh (who mentions the Truth about the Queers), with Bad Glenn Beck in the morning, and then Liberal Asswipe Sean Hannity afterwards. Then, after a doofus waste of time listening to Liberal Asshole Sean Hannity -- Mark Levine comes on, and also starts to say the Truth about the ludicrous and twisted scumbags called the TransSlime from the Slime newsrag.

However, the radio strategy is that hopefully (for the AM radio producer/pissants) by that time of the day all of the listening audience is so fucked up, after hearing Beck and Hannity ooze Queershit, and also hearing Limbaugh saying it like it really is -- that they will turn off the AM Radio, and commit suicide by watching the TV Turds.


Levin had another very interesting observation recently. He attributed the latest psychotic displays from Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid as yet another manifestation of the creatures increasing dementia. Caused by evil overpressure dementia, an evil multiple of senility. Levin properly attributed the demented acts of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid as due to the thing having fallen victim to the propaganda of its own Dark Side; and mentally dying as a Democrat/Homosexual; and thinking that it is a TransSlime (formerly transsexual) (another completely fake term from the Queers).


The radio strategy is to block Limbaugh's Speech of Truth, by smothering it with two lying punks (Hannity and Beck). The opposite is happening, however. Both charlatans are making Rush Limbaugh look very Real and very Human -- especially every time he tells the Truth about TransSlime.



One of Bad Glenn Beck's radio gimmicks is to verbally stumble, pretend it doesn't know, pretend it is ignorant, disguise its intentions, pretend to care about girls etc.

And yet, about the TransSlime Propaganda on the Slime front cover 06/09/14 -- Bad Glenn Beck has no response.

I have stated that it is planning a project to prevent revolution, and to confine Humans to raising profits for Glenn Beck's benefit -- and under Beck's control -- to be Beck's Stooges.

Thus, Bad Glenn Beck is a 'counter-revolutionary' before the revolution can happen -- for the sake of its own Mini-Nation building.

Ceaselessly, it calls every one and every thing that might ruin Beck's plans for its own Beck's Herd of imbecile followers as "Bad!" According to Beck, they are bad people, who might tell his dupes the Truth.

Bad Glenn Beck advertises that America is rising, but disallows any revolution or event that does not have his moniker on it; while taking every chance to blame violence on revolutionaries.

That, is exactly the kind of two and three-faced bullshitter that turns out to be one of history's worst mass murderers -- excusing the murders as mere corrections and eliminations of non-believers.


Meanwhilst -- what the turds at Slime will never understand is that -- Slime Pussy Is Not Real Pussy!!!!!!!!!!

Of course, to slimers that eat each other's slime -- everything tastes like slime and everything is defined by the Slime Dictionary. We are talking about scum and vermin, to which anything can be a dick-for-a-day; so why would we not expect the things to have holes-for-a-day?

Mutilated and butchered TransSlimes, are just a physical reflection of the kinds of slaughter and butchery that is always taking place inside the skulls of such monsters as the things that work at Slime (long ago 'Time'). The Queers have been creating such putrid puppets in their dirty imaginations for decades -- now, they have enough money (thanks to Queer Disney) to actually pay for enough body mutilations to have their own doll collection of twisted TransSlimes. That too, is thanks to all Commercial Protestors such as Sean Hannity and Bad Glenn Beck.

Cowardice, is the gateway to mutilations of all kinds -- now that the cattle mutilations were successful.


Pay attention -- future slimers!

Heel! Heel to the TransSlime! Heel to the latest creation of the monster makers at the HBHZ!

Heel! Heel to the TransSlime! Cower, kneel, bend over, debase yourself -- the TransSlime things are in your face!!!!

Heel! Heel before the TransSlime on the cover of Slime!!!!


You are not a prisoner in a Queer Coalition?

Well then, never mind.



There was something that Levin said that was indicative of how deliberately confusing this all is -- because of Queer Propaganda. Levin said, that HObama the Magnificent Pervert should be reading teleprompters about matters of international importance. Instead of, following the anus pumps that it has received, and making a queer Executive Order for the Queers to infest all levels of federal employment. Levin said, that such crap should be 412th on the list, and not first.

Two things caught my attention about that.

1. Here in Iowa, the Homosexual/Democrats bleated and screamed that no Republican could make an Executive Order to nullify the Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred that the Queers bought and paid for -- having bribed all of the (less-supreme-than-anyone-else) Monkey Judges, that infest the Cathouse across the street from the Statehouse/Pantyhose Emporium, in Des Moines.

AND NOW -- the same Democrat/Homosexuals have pumped HObama the Magnificent Pervert to make an Executive Order for the Queers, so the things can use Queer Legal excuses to invade all levels of federal employment.
So, apparently that means Homosexual/Democrats can do anything that they want to do -- regardless of legalities or illegalities. AND -- no one else can!

2. No one seems to know what it all really is. No one has the charts.

So, I have decided to update the charts and give them out.


This is a hierarchical chart that is circular, and exists around the center of all of these horrors -- The Cult of The Asshole, based in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone. The Queer Masters, inside the Cult of The Asshole, are where all of the orders are coming from; for how to kill America and turn all of it into AMORGIDA -- 'A Morgue Ideal' -- for their putrid flesh and blobby brains.

This, should put the entire situation into the proper perspective for everyone who is not part of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead (SQLD).

Do not loose these charts. They will print out in six separate pages. I strongly suggest that you print them out, and distribute them as far and as wide as you can. These charts, can create the kind of wall poster that should be seen everywhere that Humans live.

The ratings of these charts range from 1-6; with the closer being the worst, and the farthest being the better. Here, nothing is best.

I -- Queer all of the time. Totally controlled by the Cult of The Asshole.

II -- Controlled by assholes. ~40-50% Queers. Intends to be a (I).

III -- Controlled by assholes. ~ 20-30% Queers. Could become a (II).

IV -- Controlled by opportunists. Could be queered.

V -- Controlled by weak and gullible people.

VI -- Fringe group.



BATSHITCRAZY (BatShitCrazy Network of perverts that create and post attack messages against Human Websites)

BUWIs (Any thing involved in death of Earth by ButtUgly Windmills)

ETERNAL SKEPTICS (Thrive on negativism, and denounce all possibilities of improvements)

HBHZ (Hideous Boston Horrid Zone)

HOLLYQUEER (Formerly Hollywood)

IIIN (Internet Interruption and Intimidation Network of perverts that launch mass web postings of misinformation and lies; about any event that will reveal the Truth of the SQLD, thus hoping to smother the Truth)

Newsrags (Formerly newspapers)

POLITICAL GNOMES (Typically greasy and twisty and non-descriptive creatures, that are seldom shown in videos by Queer Medias. They saturate politics, are overwhelming in numbers, and are the props and the coaches and the controllers of all political whores -- who cannot know what lies to say without them)

POVERTY OF THE SOUTH -- (Formerly Southern Poverty Law Center)

QUEER COALITIONS (All things or creatures in the I-III categories)

QUEERED COMPANIES (Controlled by Queers. Feed Queer Warchest with monies. Homo QueerPot, Ford, Queer Disney, General Mills etc)

SADISTS (Like to see things die. Like to see winners lose. Like to see Good become Bad)

SATAN's FRESCA (Formerly San Francisco)

SLIME (Formerly 'Time')

TECHNOFREAKS (Complete alienation from Reality and Humanity. Only think in terms of numbers and mechanisms and control)

TSN (ThinkShitNetwork of perverts that create specially-designed front groups of false authority websites, on the Internet, about any topic that the Queers want smeared and degraded)


Markel Peters


Saturday, June 14, 2014


The equipment used, is a Nikon D3100. I am still getting used to this camera. It only has a few settings that work for me. As you can imagine, I am not usually a 'manual' photographer. What I need is a DSLR that has excellent automatic modes, so I can move quickly and shoot often -- without thinking about the camera settings. The Nikon is doing a passable job so far, and has two automatic modes. I used the non-flash auto mode for most of these shots. I have decided to take an online course about it anyway, because the results (which I get from different modes) vary widely. The thing to do, is to learn as much as I can about the controls; and then go out into the field and shoot hundreds of frames at the same subject in the same lighting; keeping a written note of which frames are in which modes and settings. Then, to return home and analyze the results.

I suspect that I will end up using an automatic mode, the landscape mode, and the programmed mode -- and nothing more. That is where my technique comes in, of memorizing what the subject matters really look like before I take pictures of them. As long as the camera does a good enough job of capturing the images, I can justify them in photo software to what they really looked like.

The Sony's (which I have not used for months) are just waiting for me to get tired of the Nikon. For some reason, the Sony's have more reliable automatic modes -- more accurate. I will tweak the Nikon until it is at its best, and write down all of the settings for that; and then keep it as the car camera, which is what I am using it for now.

The start of a typical day in Northern Iowa. This dawn shot is taken on a hardtop in Webster County looking east. I am still looking for a place on the Internet to upload all of these pictures to, in their full sizes; so my readers can download them in full size. I was going to use Panoramio, but it takes too long, is map oriented, and does not allow for commentaries of my size. I am still looking, but I expect that I will have to spend money (spend money?) and get a file download site.

Spend money! That camera cost 400 tacos, you know!

Further along the same road going east, still in Webster County. This is a very common site here in the countryside, where there are no city walls or city congestion or city buildings to block your view. All of these pictures were shot in the last days of May and the first days of June. The dawn yesterday looked a lot like this. Today, there are not as many clouds out; so the sky is brighter at this time of day. You will notice, as you see these pictures, that some areas are already green and have crops started, while others like this are still brown. That is not because of a time difference in the pictures. Rather, it is because of the farmers and their reactions to the soil and mud conditions, plus their available equipment.

I can easily understand how anyone who does not live here will not know that different parts of Iowa grow their crops at different times. In the mind of each farmer, that does not have ButtUgly Windmills on his property, there is a 'Window of Planting Opportunity' -- a range of conditions that are ideal for planting the crops that he intends to grow this year. Outside of that range, conditions are unsuitable.

The weather, could not care less about farmers. The weather, also unknown to city people, does not usually operate with huge blanket effects. Instead, Iowa is hit by as many as six different weather patterns daily; in different sections. It is the accumulative effect that the farmers are looking at -- the overall weather effects on their farms.

For a farmer, it is pot-luck and the Weather Casino. For me, it gives me photo opportunities that could not exist if Iowa was always under the same weather.

Going east into Hamilton County. This group of dawn shots is being taken in the tri-county area where Webster, Hamilton and Wright counties meet. These are the kinds of dawns that movie makers used to covet for their western movies. Out here, you drive slower; not due to the dirt roads, they are very hard and graded. I drive slower due to looking for pictures.

In Hamilton County, far northwest section. From the feedback that I have received about my photographs so far, it is clear that many different people find their own favorites amongst them; and some people like the pictures that I do not expect to be liked; and some people want as many pictures as they can get, because they are somehow unable to get out and see these sights for themselves. That presents a problem for me, because I have been eliminating pictures that I did not consider to be good enough for the 'general public' in bulk.
This picture has not been boosted. The colors have not been exaggerated, in fact the Nikon over-stresses the colors and I have to back them down in editing.

This is further north into Wright County, looking eastwards. Those are chicken farms on the right. Hog plants and chicken farms are housed in large rectangular one-story buildings, and it is not the buildings themselves that are ruining Iowa. It is the smell, within a two mile radius, and the quantity. The people who care nothing for anything or anyone (other than themselves) and are building more of those buildings constantly -- would literally pave the Midwest with such buildings until they were fighting over the last few square miles of undestroyed land -- having already covered all towns and cities with their hog and chicken buildings. Truly, they are mindless with greed and disregard for anything and anyone other than themselves.

I am not joking, and I am not exaggerating the matter, when I say that they would plaster over any town or city with their hog and chicken buildings if they could get away with it. Nothing and no one means anything to them. Greed. Greed is their God.

Photographically, I am the kind of person who wants to give as much as he can, to as many Humans as possible, of course; and at the same time I am compelled to do everything that I can for those people who live cloistered or confined lives. So, I have decided to include as many pictures as are good enough to be viewed, by anyone.

By the way, if the people who are putting up those hog and chicken buildings get their way -- every living person in the Midwest will live tightly confined and cramped and cloistered lives -- between hog and chicken buildings. Mark my words!

And, mind you! Anyone and everyone who gets a buck from the hog and chicken industries, will Bullshit You Into Submission when you complain about the ruination of the natural landscapes by the hog and chicken buildings.

Further north in Wright County, looking eastwards. The farming community (in general) thinks that there will be a necessary balance struck between the amount of hog and chicken buildings in the Midwest, and the necessary farms and croplands on which the food for the hogs and chickens is grown. And then, the crowding effect of the hog and chicken buildings will stop. Stop? What they mean is -- stop increasing; but remain at an unacceptable level that the farming community (in general) has agreed upon.


This is not in Wright County at all. My intention is to venture to the northwest, and here I am already in Humboldt County. This lonely horse was curious enough about me to get closer.

A photograph of an intersection out here. Some people like these pictures, besides just me. You don't see this in downtown Cincinnati.

Super typical farm equipment here in Iowa. By now I am just north of Hardy. Unknown to most people, who do not live in farming areas, most of the food that is grown on these lands is not for Human Consumption; nor was it intended so. The livestock come first. Then, ethanol production. Then, general foods for Humans -- which means the production of bulk foods for Humans as dry goods or liquids, to go into the Mass Food Production Industries such as Kellogg's, and Wonder Bread, and Crisco, and Nabisco, Pepperidge Farms and Nestle's. The ingredients for many food products -- starch, flour, oils, meal, grains.

After all of that, comes the Sweet Corn for Humans, and the Soybeans for Humans -- as such.

I saw this waterfall and luckily I got it on the fifth shot. This is the type of photograph that is hard to catch, which is why I ride with the camera on at all times just next to me. This picture has been enhanced with the objective of highlighting the waterfall.

I wander a lot, even when I have a direction to go in. My intention is northwest, but this was taken further northeast; just east of Corwith. This is an indicator, of sufficient rainfall for the wildlife.

Could be anywhere between Corwith and Wesley. There is still enough open spaces out here to allow such scenes of solitude.

I stopped at this intersection, since there was a woodchuck sitting on the irrigation pipe, taking in some rays. He can be seen swimming away in the water.

In Wesley, on the west side of town. Here comes a fuel tanker.

Going north a short ways, I saw this acreage.

Irrigation ditch. Value -- irrigation ditch. Unless, you live there. There is something alive in there.

Looking south, just west of Wesley. This photograph has been deliberately computer enhanced to bring out every possible detail without losing any definition. The big problem with digital photography is the editing process. When I edit a photograph, I try to make it look like it really did when I took the picture, including leveling. That means, I look at the scene several times and memorize what it really was to my eyes, including levels. Then, I take 4-12 shots of the scene at different horizontal rotations. I have to use different rotations, because these cameras have viewfinders that are three times too small for taking good pictures easily. The Nikon has a large viewer on the back, but that is only good for taking quick pictures, or unimportant pictures, or pictures from positions that make looking into the viewfinder impossible. Otherwise, the photos are taken with my eyes to the viewfinder -- and universally, all viewfinders are three times too small for good photography. Invariably, a large amount of off-level photographs result from using the tiny viewfinders on DSLR's. (Digital Single-Lens Reflex)

The only way to surmount that problem is to set up the picture and camera, and then take about a dozen pictures -- slowly and allowing the camera to adjust to the picture electronically each time. The longer you wait for a picture to be computerized by the camera, before you push the button, the better picture you get -- if you have the time and you can hold the camera still. Just because a camera has anti-shaking abilities does not mean that you can take fast pictures that are worth anything.

Anyway, in the editing process the sharpest picture is chosen that looks the most like the way the scene actually looked. Then, it is edited to adjust the picture to the way it really should look.
By doing so, details get lost due to contrast changes and coloration and cropping. With this picture, however, I decided to reverse the process and bring out as many details as I possibly could; without trying to make it look like it really did. This is a kind of computer imaging process that reveals details for the sake of information.

I wanted to show this for the habitat that it really is. I have mentioned this before. Iowa has the reputation of being a huge factory floor for the industries of agriculture, and sadly it is being treated that way. More and more hog plants are being built all over Iowa by greedy people who have zero regards for the beauty of Iowa, and probably do not invest in Iowa itself, or even live here. I can easily see Iowa approaching the wreckage and ruination of a Trash Planet, such as that which is depicted in the Kurt Russell film 'Soldier'.

And, it is no joke. The people that are ruining the state do not give a crap what happens to any state, or any county, or any people, or any culture; they are the ultimate manifestations of greed and avarice and selfishness, and will spend whatever monies are required to generate propaganda campaigns that claim the opposite of what they really are.

One need only walk along one of these canals and check the tracks to realize how many animals rely upon these water corridors for their existence.


Do you remember what I said about the Diaspora of the 1980's here in Iowa? It was a phenomenon in which small farmers by the hundreds gave up their farms to larger farmers, took what they could get for those places, and left for the 'big cities'. Many small farms were consolidated into large ones, leaving behind many empty farmhouses on the overall properties of the new larger farms. Those abandoned houses, and the lands immediately around them, became known as 'acreages'.

Most acreages were sold to 'non-farmers', who were looking for homes in the country, or second homes 'out-in-the-sticks' -- and so the supply of such acreages dwindled, as the available ones were bought up. Those that were not sold or purchased lapsed into ruination; the ruined ones are still being torn down today.

However. There is now a Second Diaspora occurring. It is caused by another sociological problem, errant children. The children of the 80's and the 90's are now leaving farms for the 'big cities' -- having never gained any appreciation of farming as children due to being exposed to the putrid malice and vile lies of the TV Turds.

Thus, the Second Diaspora is a kind of vengeance for the First Diaspora. No matter what the size of the farm, the children who are expected to carry on the farming tradition have their brains filled with Queer Propaganda from the TV Turds; and are now leaving the farms, forever. Thus, farms are being put up for sale in pieces.

And, the Queer TV ruination process continues. The satanic IPTV (Iowa Perverted TV) is now forcing innocent people to see their Queer Programming by duping institutions (such as medical clinics) into allowing IPTV to install Queer TV's (that can only view IPTV Queer Propaganda) in their waiting rooms and public areas. Thus, forcing their brainwashing upon any and all innocent people who happen to go to those places -- purely for reasons having nothing to do with wanting to be Queer.

This is a vertical composite of two photographs. It shows a stream that is literally impossible to see until you are right on it. As you can tell, canals and streams are very similar in size here.

If you were the last person on Earth ...

if you had to walk across Iowa, after everyone else ceased to exist ...

you could not ask for more of a mystery ...

and your life could not be more at chance.

Streams and canals, such as this, seldom reveal themselves at a distance. Your best bet, would be to travel from greenbelt to greenbelt -- if you could see that far. However, in many cases greenbelts are too far apart to be seen from each other.

This is another picture which I enhanced to show as much detail as possible. I left it unleveled deliberately. That is Titonka in the far background.

I am just west of Titonka, in Kossuth County. I still want to go northwest.

I am starting to get into the Union Slough area, which is a small paradise that is partly a National Wildlife Sanctuary.

This is an earthworks being dug right next to the sanctuary. Strange thing is, the road that I am on (shooting this picture from) was in the process of being covered over, by the county trucks, with dark dirt. The trucks were spending hours laying down a thick mat of dark dirt along this road, to be used by the county's road graders later -- but none of it came from here. The trucks would drop a swath of dirt on the road, and then leave to go get some more. Same kind of dirt, but the county was bringing their dirt in from somewhere else.

People in Kansas must look at this picture, and get green with envy. The topsoil in Kansas is six inches deep at best, before hitting the rock layers. Here, you can see that the topsoil is yards deep. Here, there is so much topsoil that they rebuild the roads with it.

I went through Union Slough, and came out on the west side to find this. I took this picture and then returned to the slough, with the intention of walking in and getting some photos of the river itself (Buffalo Creek).

The next eight pictures are from the Union Slough depression. The elevation of it all is below the level of the Great Plains.


Still trying to get west, having gone far enough north, I came across this familiar structure. Most of these are falling down from decades of neglect. This one is still pretty well built.

The Electric Sub-station at the End of the Universe. Or, so it would seem to any city victim that would see all of this as 'out-in-the-middle-of-nowhere'. I know where 'the-middle-of-nowhere-is', and it is far from such places as this. It is commonly known as -- 'Nude Yack'.

This one worked out well. I wanted to catch the impression of 'edge ecology', and the surrounding environment.

Moving on westwards, leaving the Union Slough area behind me. Now the land flattens out again. This is very deceiving. At this ground elevation your horizon is about 6-7 miles, and that is like being in a restricted zone. Of course, the horizon moves with you as you travel; but almost every place in the Midwest is not discernible for what it really is -- until you are right there. At a range of six miles, the most that you can know about any place is its most general characteristics such as greenbelt, flats, or town with elevator.

Hence, you can be looking for places like Union Slough, and if there are two of them that are fifteen miles apart and you travel right between them, you will never know that they are there; because both are beyond your 6-7 mile horizon. Plus, the kinds of places and scenes that I am always looking for are not on the maps.

Case in point, further west I found this place, north of Emmetsburg. Lesson here: take a good look at this scene. The next thirteen photographs come from that line of green that you see on the far horizon behind the farm. If I had not looked for them, I never would have known that they were there.

All of this, is in the West Des Moines River proximity. This is now Palo Alto County. Think Gold.

This is a lazy sidearm of the West Des Moines River. I sat here under a tree for fifteen minutes, waiting for the next shot.

I knew he was there, but he was hidden and on the other side. He likes to come right up to the bank and browse in the mud for delicacies. I took at least twenty frames of him, and only these two came out good enough to view.

I had to computer enhance both of these, to try to make him stand out in the pictures. He was not what I was looking for, though. What I was trying to photograph had been on a rock in the river, sunbathing. But, I woke it up and it dove into the water before I could get a picture.

Case in point. Who would know such a sight exists anywhere as this, unless you are actually there. This is just a small slice of a big area that is all natural and photogenic.

I fired off a dozen attempts to get this guy, one succeeded in getting him to hold still.

I knew what kind of environment I was in, and I knew that no video or photo collection could ever show a trifle of what it looks like. So, I chose another tack. I decided to make desktop backgrounds (wallpapers), instead. In fact, a lot of what follows was done with 'wallpapers' in mind. Of course, they are for all Humans -- so feel free to use them accordingly.

Wallpapers from that area.

The West Des Moines River itself, a mecca for life in a big prairie.

This is taken about 70 miles from there, as the crow flies, back in Wright County.

Now, I am going east towards an objective. I am still looking for a certain kind of animal, which I almost got a picture of over by Emmetsburg. I take photographs like this (as I said), for the shut-ins, and the immobile people, and the confined people -- all of whom I can feel riding with me while I search for pictures to take.

Nonetheless, I still follow my own ideas about what to take pictures of. Usually.

This is a horizontal composite, a melding of two photographs side-by-side. It is, what it is. I see these scenes and realize that I cannot show it all -- but I hope to give enough sense of what is there to make it worth viewing. This canal is usually packed with blackbirds fighting, but I scared them all away when I arrived.

Still in Wright County, close to the last photograph.

I hope a lot of you read this note -- this is the kind of picture that reveals to us that our present technology is so incapable of showing to us what we really need to see.

****We need Panoramic Computer Screens****

As in wrap-around. Smoothly flowing and curved screens that can assume a Cinerama-type curvature, with us in the middle of the foci. Push a button, and they change (physically) from flat screens to Cinerama Screens.

Imagine -- the Truth of it. This is just one frame, in the middle of a screen that should be showing you five frames -- a picture five frames wide, so you can really start to get the idea of what is in front of you. Add sound, and you begin to get the idea.

If Google had the bandwidth, I would start to create video sessions instead of still photographs. That, would give you HD 720P videos (I don't think they have 1080 yet) with sound. I have the cameras for that, and I have my own collections of course.

Alas -- as always -- I am ahead of technology. I have ideas about what is possible, that you have never heard the like of.

So, there I am driving east this time -- heading for the place where I expect to find that elusive animal -- and I see a tractor buzzing along on a road parallel to mine. The town in the background is 'Woolworth'.

I turned north briefly, and took this long shot of Eagle Grove to the east.

Another middle frame of what should be at least three frames wide and curved to proper perspective.

I take these pictures for a sense of completion, and/or they interest me. You can see that in this part of Iowa the planting was done earlier, so the corn is above ground now. Not so in other parts of Iowa.

Further east on the same road. This pond is completely impossible to see until you are there. There is no way of knowing it is there, until you find it. The Midwest has many of these.

I stopped and took about forty pictures of the birds here. They live under the bridge, of course. I enhanced this one to highlight the birds.

I call these the Land of Oz shots. They give you the feeling of distance and unknown horizons.

More wallpapers. I looked around here for that elusive animal, but they were all hiding. I know they are here.

This is a pastoral widescreen view of an elevated area of farms, still inside Wright County.

Getting close to where I expect to find my target. I am now in the Iowa River watershed, still in Wright County.

Still looking. Is he here? Is he there? Is he under there?

Hah! At last!
He was so cleverly disguised as a rock in the road. He almost had me fooled. I was a quarter mile past him, before I realized it was him. If he had been a rock in the grass, on the edge of the road -- he would not be World Famous now.

Only big enough to make a sandwich out of -- and since he was cooperative, and did not give me a lot of trouble -- I sent him toddling off into the tall grasses.

A look at the east, during sunset. The colors here are not computer enhanced. I used a computer enhanced version of this for a website cover recently, which looks quite different from this.


Markel Peters










I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message.
Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.



























Labels Of All Posted Messages--A Way To Search Through Messages By Labels

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed


This blog exists to inform the People, of the 'Real Truth' about the real enemies of the Human Species. These Truths are not objectionable, as they are Truths. Only the telling of them can be objectionable, to those who wish to hide the Truth. If the Truth is something you HATE and therefore object to - go elsewhere!


Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!


The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.