WHOA! All of a sudden -- who is guilty of what does not matter!
Suddenly, which perverts are guilty of horrendous Crimes against Humanity doesn't matter!!
As long as the Queer Propaganda Machine can make it seem like Humans and Human Resistance are guilty of anything at all -- That Is The Most Important Matter In The Universe!!!
BUT!!!! As soon as the innocence of the Humans and Human Resistance is explained --- SUDDENLY IT DOES NOT MATTER!!!!
Suddenly, The Filthy Monkeys Say -- "Who Is Guilty Of What, Does Not Matter." -- To The Queer Propaganda Machine.
Which means -- translation please -- Stop Thinking About Guilt -- Because All Of The Guilt Is Ours!!!!
Stop Thinking About Guilt Immediately!!!!
We have to live on the same planet with those Pieces-Of-(bleep)????
This message is about those '(bleeps)-in-the Grass', the 'BatShitCrazy Network', of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead. Otherwise, known as the Internet Interruption and Intimidation Network.
I have quite a few websites to show you about that pack of (bleeps) -- but first -- I wish to show you the Truth, about their most recent victim, Michele Bachmann.
The following websites are attempts, by people of various qualities, to say the Truth about Michele Bachmann. Of course, their possession of any quality at all, puts them all above the scum of the BatShitCrazy Network -- simply because they have quality.
As the title of this work suggests, some of the websites about Michele Bachmann have been hijacked by the 'Queers'; and redirect automatically to commercial sites that have nothing to do with her. In these cases, stop your web browser as soon as it reaches the site about Michele. That will prevent it from redirecting.
Whenever I write a message and put it on the Internet, the reaction sequences always make it very obvious that the Voter/Followers of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead are only allowed to read the parts of that message which their Masters and the Queer Propagandists want them to read.
It is as obvious as anything can be. The Idiots and Fools of the SQLD, are only allowed to know whatever parts of my message their Queer Masters think will arouse them to further hatred against myself and the Human Species.
In a similar way, the BatShitCrazy Network (of websites for the Queer Propagandists) does everything it can to block and prevent all of the Idiots and Fools, that are under their control, from knowing any Truth whatsoever about the Human Lady called Michele Bachmann.
These following websites are, therefore, forbidden to the minions and slaves of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead.
For obvious reasons.
Listed in alphabetical order.
As you can see, she is quite beautiful. That is exactly why the eternally ugly Bastards and Bitches of the Homosexual/Democrats and Moderate/Homosexuals are spending so much money and time trying to make every Idiot and Fool think that she is really ugly -- like they are.
Michele Bachmann for President.
Michele Bachmann-And So I Go-with Demo comment.
Michele Bachmann-BrianBrown.
Michele Bachmann-Caffeinated Thoughts.
Michele Bachmann-Caffeinated Thoughts-Search Results.
Michele Bachmann-Capwiz.
Michele Bachmann-Chris Wallace Apology.
Michele Bachmann-Commonsense Action Agenda.
http://books.google.com/books?id=09MPduE_g1AC&pg=PA319&lpg=PA319&dq=michele+bachmann&source=bl&ots=E8V3SWMXRW&sig=yySRJ56OhkcKhnpwGFiC5XaBBkE&hl=en&ei=Nhx1TonjDOPd0QHQmMzuDQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=6&ved=0CF0Q6AEwBTiKBQ#v=onepage&q=michele bachmann&f=false
Michele Bachmann-Drain the Swamp in 2010.
Michele Bachmann-Erick Erickson.
Michele Bachmann-FAIR.
Michele Bachmann-Free Images.
Michele Bachmann-Free Republic.
Michele Bachmann-Gawker.
Michele Bachmann-Global Gallery-Hijacked.
Michele Bachmann-How to Defeat Obama.
http://books.google.com/books?id=OPAQn0AhNIAC&pg=PT54&lpg=PT54&dq=michele+bachmann&source=bl&ots=jFPktphtUO&sig=SzXoPyy2KHya46MWTuVmD5TNDE8&hl=en&ei=ksBzTrGGCsXe0QHJl_mpDQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CF4Q6AEwBjiyBQ#v=onepage&q=michele bachmann&f=false
Michele Bachmann-Intellectual Bubble Gum.
Michele Bachmann-Jackie Chan Facebook-Hijacked.
Michele Bachmann-'Kickin and Screamin'.
Michele Bachmann-Maggie's Notebook.
Michele Bachmann-Melody Scalley.
Michele Bachmann-Newsmax-01.
Michele Bachmann-Newsmax-02.
Michele Bachmann-Newsmax-03.
Michele Bachmann-Photos-01-Hijacked.
Michele Bachmann-Politically Connected.
Michele Bachmann-Red State1.
Michele Bachmann-Red State2.
Michele Bachmann-Red State3.
Michele Bachmann-Red State4.
Michele Bachmann-Red State5.
Michele Bachmann-Road Runner.
Michele Bachmann's America.
Michele Bachmann-The Hill1.
Michele Bachmann-The Hill2.
Michele Bachmann-The Hill3.
Michele Bachmann-The Nation.
Michele Bachmann-The Week.
Michele Bachmann-TheGrindstone.
Michele Bachmann-thehopeforamerica.
Michele Bachmann-thenewsof.
Michele Bachmann-Top News.
Michele Bachmann-Townhall-01.
Michele Bachmann-Townhall-02.
Michele Bachmann-Townhall-03.
Michele Bachmann-Townhall-04.
Michele Bachmann-Trend Buzz.
Michele Bachmann-World On Magazine.
The BatShitCrazy Network:
As you study these links below, you will notice that the BatShitCrazy Network sites have not been sabotaged, or rerouted.
Gee. I wonder why not. Don't saboteurs, sabotage their own sites?
The BSCN has hijacked every website they can, that shows anything positive about Michele Bachmann; and those sites now automatically reroute to commercial sites which the Queers own, or have stock in.
Inside the BatShitCrazy Network, many sites have been created just to smear and defame Michele Bachmann -- for example --
[[Warning -- ALL BSCN sites are over-the-edge and down-the-pit wacko lunatic websites! Read With Extreme Caution!!!!]]
Here is a picture from that website --
Do you see it? The absurd discrepancy?
I don't mean the faggot-drawn image of Michele Bachmann.
I mean the weapon.
What is wrong about the weapon?
Now, here is a much better image --
I call this one -- 'The Right Babe, The Right Weapon'.
I know, it's not really her. But if it was, she could take Basic Training with me any day!!!!
There is no reason why Michele Bachmann has to continue to defend her Human Goodness against the riff-raff-rats of the Queer Medias. She can focus her efforts on explaining to the People that she is quite capable of administering the government, and handling issues such as the DemoCrap Financial Fiasco, and the attacks against the U.S. Constitution. For her to allow those Media Vermin to sidetrack her into all kinds of side show issues, that are mere extensions of their own Circus of the Damned, is both unwise and unnecessary.
Really, I can sympathize with Michele and her photographic perception problems. She has the opposite problem from my own. When she smiles, she gets so sincere about it that she comes off as looking wide-eyed and ecstatic -- literally the Face Of Life In Ecstasy About Being Alive.
Many women are that way, of course. Not everyone is interested in being an egomaniac. Not everyone performs before mirrors all day long, so they can have just the right expression and leveling of the eyebrows at the dance that night.
Therefore, not everyone is Media Acceptable.
Many women just smile as much as they can, and hope that their Human Audience will give them some Milk of Human Kindness; and not be cruel about how their face looks when 'smiling-all-out'.
When fighting the scum of the so-called Homosexual disease however, there is no such kindness. In fact, there is only filth -- in filthy brains. As you will soon find out, when you look at these sites from the BatShitCrazy Network.
The Queer Propagandists always try to cartoonize and twist and pervert anything that they can -- to make their own Anus Faces look a little less Horrible by comparison.
So, they do what those swine at the NewsQueer toilet magazine do, and try to please their completely SQLD readership by trying to insinuate that Michele looks mad.
I have met women who look that way before, and there is no madness involved. In fact, a few women in the Midwest have that wide-eyed expression (Real Women that is), and they are the sweetest souls on the Planet.
Earth, that is. But, the swine of the NewsQueer sty-magazine are the creatures of Planet Sinister; and does it ever show in their dirty little magazine for (bleeps). I haven't wiped my ass with that toilet paper rag for decades -- but I think I will print off a copy of their NewsQueer website and have a good wipe -- just for old time's sake.
Getting back to the topic of Human Faces, a pleasant change from discussing NewsQueer Anus Faces (and their filthy little magazine) -- my own photographic perception problem is ...
drum roll please ...
when I smile, I look like I'm pissed off enough to eat a twelve foot long alligator, alive and unwilling.
Michele needs to learn how to contain her exuberance; because when it shows on her face the Queer Propagandists will always try to queer Her Image -- into the kind of trash that the BatShitCrazy Network can use to amuse the gutter scum that are their audience.
I, on the other hand, have come to grips with my own problem; finding an equitable solution that works for all parties concerned.
I am a twelve foot long alligator.
This weekend, the fear is oozing out of the pores of every lying and nasty DemoCrap Scumbag that I see. Those vicious jackals and liars are really afraid that they will have to pay for their lies and their Attempted Genocide Against The Human Species. They are the same vermin that look at the sites of the BatShitCrazy Network for reinforcement of the twisted mental diseases that have infested their brains.
And, they are right to be afraid. But, that does not depend upon Michele Bachmann.
There is a price to pay for attempting the extermination of the Human Species. Failure, is not payment enough.
We will now see 72 sites from the BatShitCrazy Network. I found these by simply putting the search words 'Michele Bachmann' into Google, and then searching through all of the results from the very last page forwards.
But first --
A salute to the DemoQueen.
Pretty -- ain't it?
Each of these sites have earned for themselves the Eternal Distinction of being part of the BatShitCrazy Network. For as long as they exist. This took considerable effort on their part, as they dutifully obeyed the orders of their Queer Masters, and wrote defaming and really nasty articles about Michele Bachmann.
BSCN-Addicting Info-Vehemently Anti-Human.
BSCN-AmericaBlog-Infamous Queer Lies Site.
BSCN-Andrew_Breitbart-Total Queer Fraud.
BSCN-Atheism Greg Laden's Blog.
BSCN-Balloon Juice-Likes Bats-Is Shit.
BSCN-Big Dan's Big Blog-BIG Ass.
BSCN-Black Jeezus.
BSCN-Brobrubel's Blog.
BSCN-Brobrubel's Blog-Reference Source.
BSCN-Business Pundit-Twisted Misinformation.
BSCN-Cheezburger Memebase.
BSCN-Craig's Missives.
BSCN-Crooks And Liars-Extreme Left Misinformation.
BSCN-Crushed Library Grape.
BSCN-DailyKOS-Information Reversal.
BSCN-Democratic Underwear.
BSCN-Dickipedia by tolerant Huffington Post.
BSCN-DownWithTyranny-unless it is ours!
BSCN-Dump Michele Bachmann--so-called Homosexuals.
BSCN-E Pluribus Moron.
BSCN-Eric Black Ink-Liberal Hate.
BSCN-EzKool-Insane In Your Face.
BSCN-Fake Michele Bachmann Site-Horrids.
BSCN-Gail Collins-Nude Yack Times.
BSCN-Greg Palast.
BSCN-Huffingtonpost-Open Sewer Reservoir.
BSCN-Ian Millhiser-Information Reversal.
BSCN-Jonathan Adler-Left Wing Radical.
BSCN-Little Green Footballs-Arch Romney Liberals.
BSCN-Lori Ziganto-Palin Lover.
BSCN-Mad Kane.
BSCN-Madmonq’s joint.
BSCN-Margaret and Helen-out of batteries.
BSCN-Michele Bachmann Video Toilet.
BSCN-Minnesota Perverted Radio.
BSCN-Nauseating Perverted Radio.
BSCN-Norwegianity-as Norwegian as Mozzarella.
BSCN-Now Public.
BSCN-Perez Hilton-Queer Punk.
BSCN-Politicol News.
BSCN-Positively Harmful-to itself.
BSCN-Que Sera Sara.
BSCN-Rolling Stoned.
BSCN-Salon-Alex Pareene.
BSCN-SFGate-Mark Morford-Flaming Faggot.
BSCN-Silenced Majority-Misinformation Specialist.
BSCN-Steven Hayward-Liberal Comedian.
BSCN-Streiff-Blue Mole.
BSCN-The Bureaucrat's Burden.
BSCN-The Gist.
BSCN-The Mad Fire Insider.
BSCN-the political tramp.
BSCN-The Raw Story.
BSCN-The Reaction.
BSCN-The Reviler.
BSCN-The Widdershins.
BSCN-Treehugger-Global Warming Hoax Now Called Climate Change.
BSCN-UK Guardian-Paul Harris 'Queer'.
BSCN-UM Citypages-Fake Michelle Bachmann Comment.
BSCN-Unbalanced Common Sense.
BSCN-USC Annenberg-Neon Tommy.
BSCN-Wonkette-Rabid Socialist.
As an added treat, I have included some websites about the latest Thought Police Attempt, by the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead, to stifle and crush all Human Dissension on the Internet.
HObama Snitch Site-01.
HObama Snitch Site-02.
HObama Snitch Site-03.
HObama Snitch Site-04.
HObama Snitch Site-05.
Interesting, isn't it? The Democrat/Homosexuals and the Homosexual/Moderates can operate an entire BatShitCrazy Network (of which these are just a few) -- and no one else dare have websites that opposes their Tyranny and Oligarchy of Assholes!!!!
How interesting.
How Un-American.
Markel Peters
(and the complete lack thereof)
Or ...
How to be sane, on a planet that wants you to be insane:
Part I -- Introduction:
This case began with myself following a helicopter across Southern Indiana, on the night of a full moon. I was heading south at the time, along a county highway towards Louisville, Kentucky. It was a route that I have taken often, but never before had I any airborne company along the way.
It was a dark colored helicopter, larger than as Ranger, but not as rectangular as a Huey Iroquois, and it kept dipping. It would fly along for a space on a level flight pattern at about two hundred feet above the forests, and then it would dip down sharply and hug the tops of the trees as it flew. Sometimes it would disappear entirely for a minute and then swoop upwards again to resume its course at two hundred feet. This it did in front and to the left of me, so I had an unusual perspective upon the event.
It was about 0100 hours on a weekday morning, and the only traffic in the area was myself and the helicopter. I was doing 55mph and so was the aircraft. Its distance to me varied from almost overhead to a mile ahead of me, always changing. It shown no search light. Its marker lights were on, otherwise it was so dark and so close to the ground that it might not have been seen by myself. When the forests cleared for a while and you would expect the helicopter to get lower to the ground, and fly along above the fields and horse ranches, it just stayed at two hundred feet.
Whenever the highway changed directions by a few tens of degrees, the pilot would do the same, but then he would inexplicably resume his diving and swooping.
I began to think that he was out joy hopping over the countryside. There seemed to be no sense to his movements, and I mean he changed so often that the helicopter seemed to be flying irrationally.
After half an hour of this, the pilot turned ninety degrees and continued his unusual flight pattern heading due east, soon disappearing from sight.
Then, I thought of Logic.
I thought about how the entire sewer of the SQLD was devoid of Logic. Many correlations and cross references between what the so-called Homosexual disease is, and what Logic is, came and went in my brain that night, as I drove into Kentucky.
Using my brain as a testing board again, for the umpteenth thousandth time, I matched and clashed the many insanities and dementias of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead against the forces and forms of Logic.
Every time, the presumptuous absurdities of the Democrats/Baby Stranglers/ModeRats/Twisted Black Radical Females/Cattle Mutilators/Liberals/Homosexuals/Public Masturbators/Queer Media Scum (et all) perished in a burst of incendiary flames upon impact against the Giant called Logic.
That's how it began.
Being always busy up to my eyeballs, I put the topic aside temporarily.
Along came the Iowa Straw Poll.
I was in Iowa again, on a Saturday afternoon, and in (of all places) the area of the Atheists Headquarters in DemoIowa -- in Atheist Aims (formerly Ames).
Previously known as the campus of Iowa State University, the Atheist Headquarters was being used once again in a fantastic and completely illogical way -- for an exhibition of Republicans and Conservatives. My take on it was -- "Does anyone realize how (screwed) up this all is?" The obvious take of the event's planners was -- "Oh well, it IS the headquarters of the enemy -- but we need the space!"
All over the auditorium area of the campus was spread out the pavilions and stages and concessions of the Republican Party contenders for the next Presidential Election, covering an area of about half a mile on a side.
I had timed it so I would not be accosted by the obnoxious smell and cackle of the vile Moderates, which were to speak first at the central stage. I got there, parked in the very crowded parking areas (spread out everywhere), and walked into the fray (camera in hand).
[[Incidentally -- does everyone now see the SQLD Strategy against the Real Iowa? The intention is to Neuter Iowa!
1. Put gutless and stupid Moderate/Homosexuals into the highest offices of the State, to Pretend that they are the opposition to the entrenched Democrat/Homosexuals; thus blocking any real efforts to get rid of the SQLD in Iowa.
2. Move the entire Republican Party away from and around Iowa, cutting it off from any real importance and making anything that happens politically in Iowa (on the 'Right') meaningless. This is why the RINO Establishment has Mitt Romney and Rick Perry ignoring Iowa, and making maneuvers that are intended to take Iowa out of the spotlight entirely.
3. Thus creating a Neutered Iowa.]]
The bloated ModeRats had finished spitting into the microphone by now, and it was very obvious. The quantities of Republicans (that are warp-brained Moderates) were shuffling out in files.
I would call it the ModeRat Shuffle. It requires a lifeless loping walk, with short steps and frequent trips of the legs while the upper torso tries to pretend it is cross-country skiing. However, the head must be bent downwards at a forty-five degree angle and the shoulders must be slumped, while the arms pretend to pump the ski poles.
Files of these imbeciles were streaming out of the center of the Straw Poll -- and the similarities did not stop with their mutual ModeRat Shuffle (which is on the Opposite Side Of The Universe from the Airborne Shuffle that I was taught in the Real Army).
I should have taken pictures of it, but I was too busy shaking my head in disgust.
They all were wearing similarly dumpy and lifeless apparel, that reminded me of Accountants and File Clerks caught with their outer clothing missing; showing that all Calculator Brains have the same lack of taste in underwear -- Money Drab.
Ironically, they all were wearing disgusted looks too. They all had answered the orders to be there and to clap for 'Il Duce Branstad' (the Little ModeRat Duke From Hell) -- but as always, there was no life in it -- or to it.
They came in hoping for life, in their innermost desires, and left like deflated Pillsbury Dough People, with drooping bodies with ants in their armpits. Disappointed, resolute, hopeless, committed to Calculators -- and thinking only of getting to their cars and getting out of there. Completely illogical.
I stood on the side of this migration towards faintly perceived freedom, and waited for it to pass. After fifteen minutes it was replaced by an opposing flow of incoming Sharpies and Rowdies.
The Sharpies were dressed sharp, the Rowdies were dressed to fight (there were more Rowdies then there were Sharpies) and they all streamed into the Straw Poll to see and hear Michele Bachmann. And, I must say with a special note of appreciation that there were a lot of really hot looking young women -- everywhere -- which I did not take pictures of, because when I see 34DD's (or better) I always forget that I have my camera with me.
The diminishing stream of 'Forever Disappointed' and 'Can't Just Figure Out What Went Wrong With Their Brains' Voter/Followers for the Homosexual/Moderates, ebbed away into the distance -- and a strong tidal wave of Sharpies and Rowdies came washing into the spotlight. However, there were already so many Human Beings still inside the Straw Poll that the Sharpies and Rowdies simply splashed in and spread out -- to become assimilated, absorbed and integrated.
At that point, there should have been only Human Beings left at the Straw Poll -- and to a great extent that was the way of it -- with one glaring and hilarious exception.
I now plunged in. I set about finding the Michele Bachmann headquarters, which I eventually found completely socked in by thousands of fans and well-wishers.
I had been here before, during the last one, and I have pictures of that Straw Poll. I wanted new pictures, but the masses of Humans were so thick that I could not get any distance on any subjects. My shots would have been crowded with heads, hats, flags, banners, babies on shoulders etc.
In the thick of it I explored to find where everything was, being greatly comforted to see that the Mitt Romney Exposition was no where in sight.
I slowed down and began to listen. In the days since the Straw Poll every Queer Propagandist and Queer Media Punk with a microphone has been defaming and down grading this Straw Poll as being meaningless, and invalid, and the real candidates (all of which support the Homosexual Agenda) did not even go to the Straw Poll.
This is typical 'Divide and Conquer' tactics. The Medias of the SQLD always support those traitors amongst the enemy camps who have already been bought off, and are now controlled by the so-called Homosexuals.
At times like these, you can easily know which Talking Heads of the Medias are the worst 'Queers', because they have been assigned to feign goodness and are slurping lies into their microphones; which are aimed at warping and distorting everything that happens in the enemy camps. In the hopes, that they can blind the 'General Public' to what is really happening everywhere. They apply to the 'General Public' a composite layover of blindness’s that will leave visible only candidates that support the Homosexual Agenda -- thus making them look (and sound) like they have a chance to become the President. All others must be ignored, shadowed, down graded and dismissed as not possibly having a chance to become a President.
In this, we see that they are no kind of Human Medias at all, but merely the worm-tongues of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead.
As I walked about and listened to the Real Humans that were all around me, I was quite happy to see and hear so much Obvious Humanity. Everywhere, the speech of Michele Bachmann could be heard, and everyone who was not at the central stage was either listening with one ear, or had already heard enough and was heading upstairs to vote for Michele.
Then -- I saw them.
Bunched together, into a Clump of Stupidity, were five Tortured Atheists. They had taken to a small patch of turf that was slightly above the milling Humans, and separated from them by a simple curb. They were trying to hold up a wide sign, about six feet, that had some kind of anti-religious message on it. But, they could barely stand themselves, looking emaciated by a steady diet of self-destructive atheism. They were at a glance, the misfits of the misfits. The lop-sided and proud of it -- too short, too tall , too dumpy and too boney.
Barely above the threshold of physical dysfunction, the five of them crowded together as though the sign were their shield, and somehow it would protect them from the thick sea of Real Humans which was moving all around them, on all sides.
They looked for all the world like the last five survivors of Custer's Last Stand, with tens of thousands of hostile Indians riding around them, and screaming war whoops.
And yet, there was a resignation in their manner -- as they had somehow realized the utter absurdity of their presence and their message -- but a combination of many fears and stubbornness had nailed them to their little patch of grass -- to which they were resolved.
It was like they were being shot through with arrows repeatedly, but were already too dead to feel it.
Again, I should have taken a picture -- but all I could do was to laugh out loud, shake my head, and head back to the Michele Bachmann headquarters.
As I turned and weaved through the crowds, I thought of how utterly devoid of Logic any Atheist is.
The Atheist Masters, more than most religious people, know that God exists; and are furious at the lack of attention and intimate consultation which God must surely require, from such keen intellectuals as themselves. So ... piqued above and beyond their eyeballs .. they have taken to the Utterly Illogical Habit of denying God's Existence; which they could no more understand than a termite can understand a blow torch.
In another blast of Illogic, The Iowa Repulsiveness (formerly Republican) which is the Internet newsrag and cesspool of the Homosexual/Moderate RINOs, offended everyone's common sense by putting up a tent labeled 'Soap Box' for people to go into -- to watch Moderate Bimbos pretend to make speeches that were in any way, shape, or form supposed to be Human and Conservative -- when everyone already knows that they deliberately stabbed the Real Human Candidate (Bob Vander Plaats) in the back in the last Gubernatorial election -- and deliberately fooled enough of the 'General Masses' to get 'Il Duce Branstad' to be the next Puppet Governor for the SQLD.
[[For the purpose of neutering Iowa, as I just explained.]]
Totally illogical, but they are desperate to pretend.
At the Michele Bachmann area, away from the biggest crowds, I took some photographs.
Here are some pictures of the crowds, and the Humans coming out of the voting places inside the auditorium.
I liked everything that Michele Bachmann said in her speech, but I was in Atheist Aims (formerly Ames) for two reasons. Incidentally, I really liked the fact that no one had to donate money to the Backstabbing Republican Party, in order to vote for Michele Bachmann!
After taking some photographs, I boogied.
[[Which lasted for about four minutes, until everyone started to watch over their sunglasses and clap their hands -- and then I walked away.]]
My target was a bookstore on the other side of town which was going out of business, and usually carried books which I would normally not spend that much money on.
Now, when it comes to buying books -- I am probably the reason why bookstores go out of business -- because I am super selective in what kind of reading material I have anyway, and if there is any way to get a book cheaper on the Internet I will do that. So, the only real books which I buy are those which are not going to be offered through downloads, or are of such a nature as having the real book is much better than having a downloaded PDF of it.
There are such books, you know. Textbooks especially are much better in real life, than they are downloaded as files to be read on your computer. When at University, one must always spend the bread to get the textbooks that will be of lasting interest -- and never let them go. That is, if it is a textbook written by Humans and not by the many-headed blob of Liberal Insanity. The day will come, when you will regret having sold or thrown away that Human Textbook, which you should have kept for a lifetime. [[See Appendix A]]
Conversely, my own books work well either way, but I like them better on a computer; because of the increased clarity, choice of type sizes and illuminations, and the full color illustrations.
The second I got into the bookstore I realized where some of the Moping Moderates had gone to. This was the second week of the closeout sale, and the previous week I had spent a grueling six hours in there grabbing every book that I thought could interest me, and then hauling them over to a chair and slowly going through the pile. I promptly made littler piles of -- 'Too Frivolous', 'Can Get On Internet', 'Not Relevant', and 'Indispensable'.
Of forty some books, I walked out with one -- in six volumes -- 'The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire' by Edward Gibbon. But, that week I had other things brewing that needed my time, so I vowed to return. As it turned out, the bookstore was getting in new books constantly from the warehouses of that book seller chain, so when I went back on Straw Poll Day the shelves were almost filled again, and the selection of books was quite interesting.
Decorum and protocol breaks down in such an environment as a bookstore (with a 'Going out of business sale'), and many people were clutching stacks of books to their chests and fighting for positions, and sometimes tempers flared.
It was all water off a duck's back to me, and I thoroughly enjoyed the atmosphere.
Usually, when I go into a bookstore (especially in Iowa) I hear myself being talked about. Not all of the time, but usually. Sometimes just a few sentences or, as was in this case, entire paragraphs. There was one argument about me, in the center of the store, between what appeared to be a liberal 'academician' (insert 'asshole'), and a conservative business man. It was ended when the conservative told the liberal to "(bleep) off!" -- whereupon he grabbed a book from the liberal and stomped off to the front counter to buy it. The liberal watched with disappointment and drooped away to a far corner, filled with self doubt -- which instead should have been doubt in the dogmas and lies of the Liberals.
The business man was a medium to heavily built man. The academician was a dumpy and stringy washed out paste-with-a-limp-handshake, and a limp brain. Which is so typical of the egomaniac types. I remember when I first went to the Hideous Zone of Boston Horrids (HZBH), to find the Queer Masters. I was shocked by the creatures that were there. I was given the immediate impression that I was in a Pre-Death Camp-Camp, where the prisoners were being prepared by starvation and egomania drugs before they were sent to the real concentration camps. ALL of the so-called Intellectuals there were wimpy and mousy aberrations of Human Life. Not the real thing at all. With ugliness as their fashion and nastiness as their national pastime. They competed at being the most vile, tortured to look at, and most sinister bastards and bitches of all time. At the same time,they demanded obedience to their 'superior intellects', which were no where in sight. I kept saying to myself -- "Someone took a wrong turn on the way to Alice's Wonderland. This must be the compost heap!"
Of course, it is entirely possible that there is a competition amongst Dung Beetles, and the daily winners do have a superiority complex. That would make their kind of twisted sense. Since all others, who are Non-Dung Beetles, must pay homage to and be subservient to all Dung Beetles anyway; why would the daily winners not expect praise and worship from everyone?
So .. when I saw in the bookstore the brief clash between a larger businessman and a feeble ego-carrier (barely able to physically support such a demented skull), I was far from surprised at the outcome.
And sure enough, as History has proven countless times, the rancid and distorted Intellectuals of such screwed-up sewers as the HBHZ (Hideous Boston Horrid Zone), and now Atheist Aims, can only think about that which supports their own egos -- namely Idolatry of Themselves by all others, groveling and cringing inferiors at their feet, and Death to all Humans!!!!
Which -- as the Cosmic Clock ticks along -- is 'Proof Magnum' that a Real and Genuine Revolution of bloody proportions is desperately needed on this continent.
[[In defense of Real Academics and Real Intelligence -- both know no physical bounds, nor should they. There were hundreds of intelligent people at that bookstore during the five times that I went there, and I could have bench pressed most of them. But, I really mean it when I say that Real Academics and Real Intelligence know no physical bounds, nor should they. What IS super-important about having Real Intelligence is to have Real Balance.
Laugh all you want, but I literally write and review these messages while I lift barbells and exercise. I will write, and then exercise while I reread what I just wrote. I also do research on the Internet while I exercise. I would do research and write while I was walking or running if it was possible, because the Integration of Physical Fitness and Intelligent Reasoning and Writing (which I am somewhat of a success at) are super important for both sanity and perspicacity. Otherwise all kinds of really stupid delusions and idiocies can (and do) occur. Which amounts to Life Wasted.
There were many intelligent people at that bookstore whom I would have enjoyed talking to, but they do not have The Balance -- so they perceive me erroneously -- just as erroneously as they perceive themselves.]]
I kept on looking through the books, wishing I had brought ten thousand dollars with me, and then I heard myself referred to again -- this time by a child who wished that one of my books was here for her to buy -- probably the Gronk Bloodline Chronicles. Her parent, a devout Moderate, reacted badly to that suggestion and insisted that I was 'Weird', and therefore not in good taste. I heard the same thing again later, with a different girl and a different ModeRat Minder. Again, I was weird and not in 'good taste'.
I wish they would quit comparing everything to Cheeseburgers!
I did my best not to laugh, and continued my book search while thinking to myself "Oh My God! I Have Been Promoted!"
From 'Dirty Nasty Son-Of A Bitch' -- to -- 'Weird'.
How illogical can you get?
That day I bought about three books, having forced myself to be frugal.
It bothered me all the way home, about seventy miles. There were some really good reference books that I had left behind, but in my struggle between 'free thinking' and 'frugality', I had left them back at the store. Which proved to be an illogical choice, because the second I woke up the next day (Sunday) I knew I had to go back. Again I waged War! I argued for thrift and economy -- as I put on my clothes -- as I locked the House -- as I walked to the garage -- as I drove to the bank and got more money -- as I drove the seventy miles -- as I found the books I had left behind -- as I put them back on the shelves and said it was frivolous to buy them -- as I went back to the shelves and grabbed the better hard bound editions of the same books instead -- as I paid the more money than I thought I would spend -- as I walked back to the car -- as I drove the seventy miles back home.
But, once the books were in the House -- I was extremely pleased.
Logic had won.
All of this brought Logic to the forefront of my thinking about You.
Nowadays, I am hearing conversations from Moderates who are planted amongst Humans to disembowel their determination and fortitude to fight for Humanity. It happens in the form of -- "He Taught Us Too Well! Now, We Do Not Need Him Anymore!"
Well -- that's 'Typical Sabotage' at best. The effort is to make unsuspecting Humans, especially Human Youth, think that the lessons of Humanity are all over now (because the Moderate/Homosexuals intensely hate them); and there is nothing more to learn from elder Humans (because the Moderate/Homosexuals intensely hate them); and therefore Humans should start to listen to other sources of information (Moderates of course) which will sooth their anxieties and make them feel better about life (on Planet Sinister); and eventually twist them completely away from the teaching of their Human Fathers (because the Moderate/Homosexuals intensely hate them).
There is an absence of logic involved in that -- namely -- the 'Moderate Snakes In The Grass' believe their programming experts, and therefore think that the Humans can be fooled.
It is as obvious and as illogical as a song I recently heard in a department store, which was written by Queer Propagandists and sung by some young and greedy anus trying to make money by singing propaganda songs. It pretended to be a song about what to do with your life, if you realize that you are on the wrong course; but to do anything for the better, you must continue to watch the Satan Tube, because Life cannot exist without the Satan Tube; and no one should have to live without being able to watch "Their Favorite TV Shows" (which they were brainwashed to like to begin with). Talk about Tripe! Talk about illogical! Such a song of such stupid lies does more harm to the SQLD than it kills Humans. Only the most mindless two-legged creatures on the planet would consider, for a second, that watching TV is in any way associated with Living Life!!!!!!!!!!
Nonetheless, the Satan Tube Owners and Operators are desperate for continued blood and pain from audiences (which are dwindling), so such trash and noise as that are put out as songs these days.
Despite the fact that there is no Logic to it, or its intentions.
Logic has already shown, for millenniums, that there is no such thing as being taught too well.
What the SQLD songwriters want to prevent, with such lies, is having all Humans becoming 'Dangerous' -- like me.
In celebration of our 'Dangerous Ways', let us do something which all of the Queer Propagandists do not want us to do. Those scum want us to wallow in our grief and anxiety over the latest attempt by the SQLD to reduce America to a whimpering slave; before the Queer Socialist forces that want to subjugate and control this Continent (and all other Continents); by deliberately plunging our country so far into debt that we must become the Queered Slaves of the Socialist and Communist countries elsewhere in the world.
That is an Act Of High Treason Against The United States Of America -- just in case the Democrat/Homosexuals forgot to tell you their real intentions.
Let us do something that they really will not like, and cannot defeat.
As always, I am concerned with stopping the spread of deliberate lies, and the carnage and chaos that such lies cause. Lies such as anything that comes out of the maggots-in-mouth of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid.
There exists a Human Power and capability that is diametrically and automatically opposed to the falsehoods of the Homosexual/Democrats, and the terrible deceptions and pretenses which those anti-Humans use, to get the 'General Masses' to vote for anti-Human attacks against us.
It is called -- Logic.
It is something which all so-called Homosexuals avoid as though it were Final Death, and indeed to the dirty and hideous lies of the SQLD, Logic is a destructive force.
Because, Logic defies lies.
Logic ignores propaganda.
Logic allows thinking, but first, thinking must allow Logic.
If the SQLD can prevent Humans from Thinking, they can prevent Logic. That is why they took over TV, and turned it into the Satan Tube.
The SQLD Masters know that no amount of lies and threats can defeat or subjugate the powers of Human Logic, once Human Logic exists.
Almost as an aside to all of this; I should mention one wee fact about this beastie called Logic. It exists in the Human Brain in such ways that are exactly contrary to, and diametrically opposed to, any and all forms of Queer Lies and Queer Propaganda. As the mental capacity for unnecessary information is limited in the Human Brain to begin with, and since Logic and Queer Evil cannot coexist in the same space -- ergo we see, that the more Pure and Unadulterated Logic and Mathematics that one has in his or her brain -- the less Queer Evil can exist in that brain. Which in turn makes the knowledge of Logic and Mathematics extremely valuable, and therefore no longer unnecessary. Not even to the most 'common' of people.
Of course, there is a side effect to getting rid of all of the Queer Lies and Democrat/Homosexual Tricks and Deceptions that have been committed against you. Without all of that brainwashing killing your brain deliberately -- YOU will start to exist -- perhaps for the first time -- as in Self and Personality.
Some people, such as (me), are naturally immune to the Lies and Mental Tortures of the Homosexual/Democrats and Moderate/ Homosexuals, because we learn from our experiences. For everyone else, this simple technique of eliminating any and all exposure to the Satan Tube, and the Filthy Monkey Band, and the queer newsrags; combined with a recreational and interesting pursuit of any of the Pure forms of Mathematics and Logic; will go far in casting out the effects of the stupid and hideous attacks that have been made against our Species, by the Media Liars of the SQLD.
I just thought I might mention that.
Logic is a natural byproduct of thinking, which is not allowed in DemoTopia. Therefore, Logic grows as a Human's thinking grows, which is not allowed by the so-called Homosexual Agenda.
The more Logic one possesses, the harder it is for politicians to fool and dupe that one (or many) -- therefore Logic and its abilities to immediately discern and disable Lies, is an eternal enemy to the goals and desires of all politicians.
In any country where the Lies and paid-for greeds and avarice's of political clientele are made into Queer Laws -- Logic itself is outlawed and so are any Humans that possess and can utilize Logic -- therefore being able to know that all Democrats/Rat Poison Bartenders/Moderates/Assassins/Homosexuals/Black Radical Females/Sadistic Masochists/Politicists/Slavers (et all) are nothing more than the lowest lying trash in the Known Universe -- which is why this country is 14 Trillion dollars in debt.
Logic would never allow such a bleeding of monies, of any Human country's veins, into the wallets and coffers of the Democrat/Homosexuals; with which they will wage all out Genocide Against The Human Species. Which is why they put that Black Puppet/Freakshow 'HObama the Magnificent Pervert' into the White House to begin with.
Hence, having Logic makes you a total enemy of any and every Homosexual/Democrat, and their 'stimulated' wallets.
Which is just one of the many reasons why either the Human Species must die, or the crap called Democrats must be flushed down a toilet and kept there forever. There is no room in this Universe for both Humans and Democrat/Homosexuals.
That is what Logic reveals, thus tearing down the curtains and blinders of the Homosexual/Democrats and uncovering the Truth of the Matter -- which the SQLD Masters already know.
The Truth that is revealed by Logic is defamed and slurred by all SQLD scumbags that it exposes -- as 'Bigotry', 'Discrimination', 'Prejudice', 'Political Incorrectness', 'Unfairness' and whatever else those creatures (which Hate what Logic does to their lies and playtime schemes) can think up, to keep the 'General Viewing Masses' mollified and mesmerized and satisfied with a steady diet of 'Bullshit'.
Only a nation of duped TV watching potato-heads would allow the DemoCraps to rack up a 14 Trillion dollar debt, and then expect all of the potato heads to pay it back. Logically, there is no reason why any non-Democrat/Homosexual should have to pay a penny of repayment of the Homosexual/Democrat debt.
Let the Democrat/Homosexuals pay it off!
Make the Homosexual/Democrats pay it off! That is the Logical response, based on all manners of common sense and true intelligence.
Every state has an official listing of the swine who are registered Democrats -- make those vermin pay off this horrendous debt!!
That will break and reverse the very goals and reasons why this terrible debt was created to begin with -- namely to put all of us so deeply in debt that we cannot rise up and revolt against the SQLD, and their Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of DemoTopia!!!!
Every Democrat/Homosexual knows that it is Evil. Every Homosexual/Democrat knows that it is part of a hideous plot to kill the Human Species and replace all of us -- with THEM.
Every DemoCrap knows that this is a War.
Every DemoCrap knows that everything it does is meant to exterminate the Human Species.
Every DemoCrap that reads my writing is very angry -- to hear -- that the Bells Of Death Are Tolling For It -- instead of for Humanity as planned.
Every DemoCrap wants to bankrupt the 'General Populace', in order to create a destitute and enslaved 'General Buffer' and 'General Obstacle' between themselves and what they deserve -- namely Final Death.
Every DemoCrap is way overdue for Justice.
And, for them -- Justice means Death.
Would-be Exterminators -- Exterminated.
Only a Complete Idiot, devoid of any Logic, cannot see all of this.
So ... you could call this 'The Complete Idiot's Guide To Logic', unless there already is one.
[[There is a 'Logic for Dummies', a 'Schaum's Outline of Logic', and a 'Logic Made Easy'. But, as I will explain, you have to watch out for the misuse of Logic in such books, for personal or Science Religion purposes. All addicts and adherents of the Science Religion want to misuse Logic and Mathematics for their own demented and nasty purposes. They have the exact same goals as those of all Politicians -- to get Re-elected.]]
Anyone who cannot see all of this, is probably too dead already to ever have a functioning brain again; and therefore cannot have the thinking experiences which create and develop Logic anyway.
Such hopeless creatures will die as the SQLD want them to -- blind, dead and dumb.
However, for decades before Final Death claims them, they will exist in the millions as a Dead Zone between the Human Species (and Human Reprisals) and the anti-Human Horde called the Democrats.
Just as planned.
Thinking logically, why is even one Human Being worried about the 14 Trillion dollar Democrat/Homosexual debt?
Why should any Human being have anything to do with the 14 Trillion dollar Homosexual/Democrat debt?
Why should anyone, who is neither a Chickencrap Moderate or a Rancid DemoCrap have to pay one penny of contributions to this horrible plan against us? The SQLD think they have this population so whipped and unable to think straight, that none of us can realize that not only is this Financial Fiasco Tango a dance to celebrate our own death, but we are supposed to pay for the dance hall, the drinks, the meals, the catering service, the media coverage etc. -- and as soon as it is all paid off -- We Drop Dead!!!!
[[As expected, all of the queer newsrags are putting their worst propaganda lies on the first 2-ply sheet of their toilet paper stacks. And, it says right on the label -- "Safe for all standard sewer and septic systems. Not suitable for individual or retail sale."
In their lying articles, they are claiming that voters (their Voter/Followers) are upset with the Republicans, for standing firm against any more Horrendous Debt!!!!
What worthless and chickencrap drivel are all lies of all queer newsrags! What is worse than pathetic?
Answer: queer newsrags.]]
If any of us can think logically, we are enormously insulted by all of this -- but -- if we are stupid enough to Allow Our Memories To Be Erased By The Liars And Anuses On TV -- we will still be paying off our own genocide in 2012 and 2016 and 2020. That is, if we are allowed to exist in their DemoTopia -- because our own murderers will still be in political offices.
[[Have you noticed that? How Liars and Anuses always go together.]]
Do you know what Logic is about?
Answer: Fallacies, otherwise known as Falsehoods. Fallacies are errors in either judgment or resources or assumptions or temperaments. Logic is a Studied Elimination of Fallacies. Logic is the Mongoose. Fallacies are the Cobras.
A typical example of Fallacious Behavior (done with falsehoods and resulting in a falsehood) are AM Radio Talk Show hosts, when they display very little Logic. This happens far too often when the 'Queers' and Democrat/Homosexuals call them, and lie to them, and say that they are also Conservatives or Republicans (because the Dark Side still wants the two confused with each other).
Then, they start to read from the sheet of Queer Propaganda points (that were emailed to them by the Homosexual/Democrat Headquarters). Instead of cutting them off as the obvious liars that they are, the Human Talk Show hosts allow those enemy saboteurs to waste their valuable air time listening to staged and false callers (calling under false pretenses); when logically they should shut off the Liars and talk to Real Humans instead.
Another Example of a Fallacy, that is easy to spot ...
Dirty-dirty-dirty Liars on the Medias always try to call the HObama Swine by the label -- 'The President'. Whenever that happens, Logic will tell you (if you have any) that you are being set up to swallow and choke on Queer Propaganda as soon as you hear such Trash Talk!
This is always True of the worst and most liberal Medias such as National Perverted Radio (NPR) and their Iowa Entrails -- DemoIowa Perverted Radio.
Logic tells you that any bastard that is so blatantly anti-Human and anti-American is NO PRESIDENT of any kind, and is nothing more than a Media Puppet for hire. The falsehood of calling it a 'President' therefore is a deception and Lie that is easy to spot. Very easy.
Logic tells you that whenever you hear a Liar on TV or Radio, for example ABC Screws (formerly news), call HObama a 'President' -- YOU ARE BEING LIED TO!!!! The falsehood of their lie is very apparent and very easy to spot.
So ... Logic asks -- why do you continue to watch or hear such lies? It is not logical to expose yourself to such anti-Truth! The point is, it is not logical to allow Liars and Propagandists to continue to lie and operate TV and Radio stations. It is enormously NOT Logical to embrace such Liars by being their audience, and to speak with scum in the streets that Parrot such Lies deliberately!
More about Logic vs Deliberate Fallacies:
The Democrat/Homosexual Recruiting Department is planning to stage shutdowns of government buildings in Wash This Death City; to attract the attention of the violent and narrow-minded video gamers and young drones that were raised on Queer Propaganda in the Homosexual/Democrat Schools.
The intention is to reverse the declining numbers of Idiots registered as DemoCraps.
Phony playtime building blockages and takeovers at Wash This Death City, such as those that the Democrat/Homosexual Propagandists are planning; are merely being staged to make themselves appear as Real Revolutionaries to all video game lame-brains under thirty years of age.
That Fallacy-As-Deceptions and its associated Puppet Theater will be a deliberate obstacle to the Common Sense and Intelligence of all people under the age of thirty who are exposed to it; causing some to succumb to its taunts and promises and ridicule. It is meant to divert their mental energies away from any semblance of Logic and Intelligence, and to get them involved in a pretense that there is anything dynamic and exciting about being a Voter/Follower for the SQLD Masters.
It is a Recruiting Tactic of a totally obvious nature, and as such (considering who are the sponsors) it is a Whoring Advertisement to attract Customers; Customers for a Whore House called the Democrat Party.
The punks being paid to carry off this stupid event and pathetic charade are nothing more than Shills and Circus Clowns, dancing about in front of a Whore House (or Horror House) -- trying to fool the most stupid and self-hating of the Youths (that are dumb enough to be watching or listening), into coming into their House of Evils and to join the 'Fun'.
The Queer Fun. The Wicked Fun. The Stupid Fun. And, they will be sure to have the Youths sign their names on the dotted line -- and Sign Up!
Sign Up, for a lifetime of deranged misery and near-brainless slavery, as a Voter/Follower of the Moderates/Homosexuals/Black Radical Females/Democrats/Demented White Females (DWC) etc.
It is a transparent enlistment event by the Dark Side, and of course any and every event that happens during its ridiculous Flatulence-Of-Time will be rehearsed far in advance. Every 'Queer'/DemoCrap/Cheeseburger-Fondling Moderate phony speech and fake protest, and rehearsed statement (that is made during that Wash-This-Death-City-On-Stage playtime) will be right out of the Script for the useless event.
Why useless?
Answer: Because anyone with a little bit of a functioning brain, and a little Logic, will just stay out of it. They will watch all of it (in Panorama) from afar; as the sick DemoCrap Theater-of-the-Macabre that it is. Which, of course, is not what its DemoCrap Planners want anyone to see or realize.
This kind of ludicrous and absurd insult to everyone's intelligence has been a staple item in the Political Bag Of Tricks that all Losing Political Parties have tried to use (for centuries), to get more NUMBERS of Voter/Followers into their control.
It is literally all about NUMBERS OF ATTENDANCE -- PLUS -- NUMBERS RETAINED. Which means, out of the total numbers of DUPES that can be fooled into attending -- how many can be RETAINED as RECRUITS for the Homosexual Agenda?
Their original lives of common sense will be crushed and permanently trashed, so they can become the Fools and Addicts of the Lies from the Homosexual/Democrats. They will become -- the Living-Dead Voter/Followers for the Democrat/Homosexuals -- forever.
Never to see or know their own lives again.
That is what Horrible Monsters like the Homosexual/Democrats do to People. Thus revealing that the 'General Public' is only a source of Idiots to them. Idiots who are stupid enough and foolish enough to become the Trapped Mice of the Machinery of DemoTopia. To become the necessary Minions and Gear Lubricators of the Democrat/Homosexual Propaganda Machine. And, once recruited and captured by the Press-Gangs that always accompany such staged events, they must never Rebel or Revolt and Want Their Own Lives Back!
If they do, they will be thrown into the Gears of the DemoTopia Machinery. All Resisters inside the ranks of the DemoIdiots-For-DemoCraps will be used as Lubricant, for the Machines of DemoCrap Progress.
They might as well brand (with hot irons) all of the new recruits that they capture at such events, as though they were cattle -- because once the Homosexual/Democrats take an Idiot's or a Fool's life away from them (and turn them into obedient and crazed Voter/Followers), there is no turning back and no way out -- except Into The Gears!
Anyone armed with Logic however, will urinate on such Enlistment Fairs-For-Baboons, from a great height as I do.
But, only if you have Logic in its purest forms as part of your basic toolkit. Personalized and subjective Logic is only a weak substitute for the Genuine Article, and as such it is prone to self-doubt. Doubt is something that never happens when Pure Logic is applied. Any kind of Doubt is a weakness which the Recruiting Clowns and Enlistment Agents at such rehearsed events, look for in their intended victims.
Pure Logic is like all other Purely Human Endeavors into Knowledge; as soon as it is developed it becomes fouled and degraded; sometimes by its own discoverers. This is always due to the passions of Hate, Envy, and the lust for Power.
By forcing Logic to maintain its purest forms, we remove it from whatever ill-usage it has been subjected to, and smothered by. We extract from it those elements that we most dearly need, and then protect them from all such future misappropriations and distortions, as it has suffered from in the past. Only in this way, can Logic serve truly as a Basic Artifact in our Human Toolkit for Survival.
In such a pure form you will also find that Logic creates energy, or rather, it removes the obstacles and chains on your energy that were deliberately placed against you by the Queer Propagandists and the Homosexual/Democrat Liars (et all). Thus, it frees that energy (your mental energy) to do its Natural and Human Work. Which, (Surprise-Surprise!) happens to fight and defeat Democrat/Homosexuals and the Homosexual Agenda.
For many people, it is a new experience to feel the solid and clarifying effects of Logic. With Logic -- what is, really IS what it is. There is no second or third illusory possibilities, which are the tools of all Propagandists. Any and all certainty and assurances, gained from the possession of Logic, is like Insecticide against the Propaganda Termites in your brain, and the Propagandists know it.
Their goal is to keep their recruits in such a state of confusion and obedience that they will commit heinous and awful crimes for the Queer Masters. Then, being criminals for the Homosexual Agenda and for DemoTopia, they are told that there is no escape for them -- and they are now permanently part of (and owned by) the Moderates/Queers/Democrats (et all).
With their lives wiped away and replaced by slavery to DemoTopia, they can only exist as Addicts to Democrat/Homosexual Propaganda from then on; managed by the constantly lying Middle-Managers-For-Profit; and threatened by Monkey Lawyers and (less-supreme-than-anyone-else) Monkey Judges.
They literally become the Living-Dead -- for the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead.
And that, is precisely what the phony DemoCrap playtime event that is being prepared for at Wash This Death City is all about.
What I am discussing in this message, and trying to get as many people as possible into, is Logic in a form that cannot fail because of misuse -- like Money has failed due to DemoCrap Criminality.
Money is a total and deliberate failure, because it can be misused by Homosexual/Democrats, and because it is Deified by Moderates.
What I am trying to introduce everyone to, is the basics of Logic as they exist on their own. As with all Human discoveries, Logic was hardly out of the box and had the wrappers off before all kinds of selfish and devious (bleeps) had their hands on it, and wanted to use it for their own purposes.
None-the-less, Fundamental Logic can be (and is) a powerful Antidote to the Poisoned Lies and Propaganda’s of any sucking-arm of the bloated (and now Trillions of dollars richer) SQLD.
Incidentally, just because the Democrat/Homosexuals now have Trillions of dollars to use to get their Most-Profitable-Puppet-To-Date (HObama) re-elected, does not mean that it will happen. The Homosexual/Democrats and Moderate/Homosexuals might easily fail to get HObama The Magnificent Pervert re-elected!
Once again, it is Fundamental. If enough of the 'General Public' (Bloodbags-For-Sucking-By-Democrats) really know the Truth about all of this, then Experiential Logic (Logic derived from Experiences) will easily move the 10-80-10 balance towards Humanity; and a Real Human will become our First President since Ronald Reagan left that office.
No more Residents in Drag.
What the Homosexual/Democrats and Homosexual/Moderates hope to do, is to use those Trillions of dollars to buy so much Media airtime and finance so many circus stunts; like the playtime takeover of government buildings in Wash This Death City (which I would not touch with a one hundred mile long dung pole) by their Hitler Youth equivalents; that the unthinking 80% of the 10-80-10 equation will only have DemoTopia on the brain, and will vote for the SQLD in the 2012 elections.
When I say that Experiential Logic will erase and dilute the awful effects of SQLD Propaganda, I mean ONLY in its purest fundamental forms. The mechanics of it eliminates the dirty contortions and wickedly subliminal demands of propaganda. However, if you abuse Logic and try to personalize it, you lose its benefits as a foundation for proper understanding of your experiences, and the lessons which those experiences bring.
The situation that we Humans are in, is so dire and extreme due to what the SQLD really are, that when we logically evaluate and describe how Logic illuminates and reveals the dastardly acts of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead, it actually sounds and appears like we are using Logic to our own personal ends, and therefore falsely.
However, the opposite is the case. The Democrat/Homosexuals and Cheesy Moderates are so totally sick-sick-sick with personal hatreds and personal perversions and personal greeds that any true analysis of their evils ends up sounding personal. Even the neutral and theoretical 'middle-ground' (which ain't even close to where the Moderate Extremists are), is far far away from the diseased extremism’s of Liberals/'Queers'/ModeRats (et all).
This fact is used by the Queer Propagandists, who will squeal that even the most clinical and neutral evaluation of their grotesque evils is personally biased against them. When in Reality, they themselves are deliberately personally extreme, so they can say that any Truth about them must be personally biased and unfair.
Which is saying that only something as horrible as themselves can evaluate them, which they will never allow to happen anyway. Thus, they intend to be immune to, and prevent, all criticism and Truth about themselves. Which, in their scheming brains, makes them superior to all of the other classes and societies and two-legged creatures inside Planet Sinister.
And THAT was just an example of the kind of Truthful use of Logic about the SQLD, which is claimed to be biased and unfair by the 'Queers' -- but is really just the Reality of it all -- as only Logic can reveal.
A truly developed sense of Logic will be an everlasting aid in your everyday life. Unlike your memories, which are always being changed and distorted by the efforts of thousands of Propagandists.
For instance, do you remember that Nuclear Accident in Japan? Do you remember what the name of the Reactor Site was? What do you remember about the details? What about the Aftermath, what have you heard about that?
Do you remember how the accident happened? What parts of Japan were affected? What was the death toll? How long ago did it happen?
The point is -- with an overcrowded planet like this, huge events come and go with rapidity so fast and have such large effects that are then absorbed into the infrastructure and forgotten -- that Opportunists and Queer Propagandists plan to take advantage of the really short attention span that is given to any event (no matter how large) to kill off all that is Natural and Human in this world; while making sure that no one can remember, for long, just what happened and how.
Before anyone knows what went wrong -- the entire planet is butchered and queered into a sewer of demented scum and freaks, under the control of an Oligarchy of Sadists and Satanists. A sewer called DemoTopia. On a Planet Sinister.
A Prime Example of Memory Loss, due to programming, is the Media coverage of our enemies. For instance, how much longer are we going to have to look up at our own murderers, like the Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid monster? Each and every time the SQLD Medias take a photograph of that bastard the camera angle is always upwards, as though we are obedient and inferior peons and serfs (barely worth allowing a continued existence) -- and 'Zigg-Hiel Reid' is our Superior and our God, whom we should look up to and love and adore -- and unzip our pants for! We should not think of how long the Queer Medias have been making us look up to the slimy bastard. We should just look up, and obey.
Memory of Time, therefore, is not a requirement for obedience in DemoTopia.
And yet, anyone with a working memory is asking -- "How much longer do we have to look at Propaganda Photographs of Faggots, shot by Faggots? Is it Logical? Is it Logical to look at photographs that our worst enemies want us to look at?
Let us go ahead one step in our learning. We now know what rotten liars, murderers, and thieves the enemies of our Species are; so let us become the Real and Aware Humans that the Homosexual/Democrats and ModeRats do not want us to be.
By the way, now is the time to think that I am totally out-of-touch with the world that you live in -- if you have not already done so. Let us get that done, and over with. Thus, firmly convinced that Markel Peters has nothing relevant to say about your own existence in Planet Sinister, and armed with that conviction -- we nonetheless trod forwards into the Jungle of Knowledge -- with yours truly as our dubious and questionable Guide.
Don't stub your toes. Pick up the feet.
Not those feet. Your feet!
Logic is something that few people are born with. Almost everyone is born with the tools and abilities to learn and possess and use (exercise) Logic, but only rarely is it a God-given talent. To make things much more difficult, there are many different types of 'Recognized Logic'. Here is a list of the various kinds of logic that are mentioned in the Wikipedia article on Logic:
Syllogistic Logic
Propositional Logic
Predicate Logic
Modal Logic
Mathematical Logic
Philosophical Logic
Computational Logic
Empirical Logic
Informal Logic
Formal Logic
Symbolic Logic
Aristotelian Logic
Deductive Logic
Temporal Modal Logic
Inductive Logic
Boolean Logic
Term Logic
These are all studies in Logic. What we are going to learn (here) is what you could call Everyday Logic, or Common Sense Logic, or Experience Logic.
Logic to use Everyday. Everyday that the SQLD continue to lie to you, which is truly every day, because everything about the SQLD is based upon and built up from lies -- thus being one ugly and putrid layer cake of lies.
Experiential Logic is what you get when you learn a hard lesson, and decide rather quickly never to do something wrong again. I would like to use Traffic Tickets as an example, but the high level of graft and corruption in the police forces here in America precludes that; as today, many traffic tickets are given out by criminal officers for the sole purpose of generating revenue for their police departments. It used to be that a driver made a mistake while driving, and received a ticket for his error, and learned some Experiential Logic from it all -- namely don't speed like that again. Nowadays, the lesson is -- do not drive at all in that money hungry town, where the Monkey Judge gets paid from the traffic tickets.
I will get back to Experiential Logic (my own invention, or rather perception) later, and we will discuss why I call it that -- plus some relevant examples.
For now however, let us look at what is formally called Logic. This is so we will have some background in Formal Logic. The better to understand Experiential Logic with.
I will use as many excerpts as I can for this section -- just so no one can say I am making all of this up.
Logic (Greek logos, “word,” “speech,” “reason”), science dealing with the principles of valid reasoning and argument.
[[ That statement is too generalized, as Logic is actually a combination of Mathematics and Philosophy, and is only claimed as 'science' by greedy Science Religion types.]]
The study of logic is the effort to determine the conditions under which one is justified in passing from given statements, called premises, to a conclusion that is claimed to follow from them.
Logical validity is a relationship between the premises and the conclusion such that if the premises are true then the conclusion is true.
The validity of an argument should be distinguished from the truth of the conclusion. If one or more of the premises is false, the conclusion of a valid argument may be false. For example, “All mammals are four-footed animals; all people are mammals; therefore, all people are four-footed animals” is a valid argument with a false conclusion. On the other hand, an invalid argument may by chance have a true conclusion. “Some animals are two-footed; all people are animals; therefore, all people are two-footed” happens to have a true conclusion, but the argument is not valid.
[[That, is a very clear example of why Logic is so very important to our everyday lives. Validity is all over Logic, and Logic is all over Validity like they were the only letters in a cup of alphabet soup. For more on Validity see my message of December 24, 2009, entitled JESUS CHRIST -- HATRED -- AND CHARACTER.]]
Logical validity depends on the form of the argument, not on its content. If the argument were valid, some other term could be substituted for all occurrences of any one of those used and validity would not be affected. By substituting “four-footed” for “two-footed,” it can be seen that the premises could both be true and the conclusion false. Thus the argument is invalid, even though it has a true conclusion.
Aristotelian Logic
What is now known as classical or traditional logic was first formulated by Aristotle, who developed rules for correct syllogistic reasoning. A syllogism is an argument made up of statements in one of four forms: “All A's are B's” (universal affirmative), “No A's are B's” (universal negative), “Some A's are B's” (particular affirmative), or “Some A's are not B's” (particular negative).
The letters stand for common nouns, such as “dog,””four-footed animal,””living thing,” which are called the terms of the syllogism. A well-formed syllogism consists of two premises and a conclusion, each premise having one term in common with the conclusion and one in common with the other premise. In classical logic, rules are formulated by which all well-formed syllogisms are identified as valid or invalid forms of argument.
Modern Logic
In the middle of the 19th century, the British mathematicians George Boole and Augustus De Morgan opened a new field of logic, now known as symbolic or modern logic, which was further developed by the German mathematician Gottlob Frege and especially by the British mathematicians Bertrand Russell and Alfred North Whitehead in Principia Mathematica (3 volumes, 1910-13).
The statement “All A's are B's” is rendered in modern logic to mean, “If anything is an A, then it is a B,” which, unlike classical logic, does not assume that any A's exist.
Both classical logic and modern logic are systems of deductive logic. In a sense, the premises of a valid argument contain the conclusion, and the truth of the conclusion follows from the truth of the premises with certainty. Efforts have also been made to develop systems of inductive logic, such that the premises are evidence for the conclusion, but the truth of the conclusion follows from the truth of the evidence only with a certain probability.
The most notable contribution to inductive logic is that of the British philosopher John Stuart Mill, who in his System of Logic (1843) formulated the methods of proof that he believed to characterize empirical science. This inquiry has developed in the 20th century into the field known as philosophy of science. Closely related is the branch of mathematics known as probability theory.
[[It was also the beginning of the Religious edicts of today's Science Religion.]]
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2007.
The Discipline of Logic
Human life is full of decisions, including significant choices about what to believe. Although everyone prefers to believe what is true, we often disagree with each other about what that is in particular instances. It may be that some of our most fundamental convictions in life are acquired by haphazard means rather than by the use of reason, but we all recognize that our beliefs about ourselves and the world often hang together in important ways.
If I believe that whales are mammals and that all mammals are fish, then it would also make sense for me to believe that whales are fish. Even someone who (rightly!) disagreed with my understanding of biological taxonomy could appreciate the consistent, reasonable way in which I used my mistaken beliefs as the foundation upon which to establish a new one. On the other hand, if I decide to believe that Hamlet was Danish because I believe that Hamlet was a character in a play by Shaw and that some Danes are Shavian characters, then even someone who shares my belief in the result could point out that I haven't actually provided good reasons for accepting its truth.
In general, we can respect the directness of a path even when we don't accept the points at which it begins and ends. Thus, it is possible to distinguish correct reasoning from incorrect reasoning independently of our agreement on substantive matters. Logic is the discipline that studies this distinction—both by determining the conditions under which the truth of certain beliefs leads naturally to the truth of some other belief, and by drawing attention to the ways in which we may be led to believe something without respect for its truth. This provides no guarantee that we will always arrive at the truth, since the beliefs with which we begin are sometimes in error. But following the principles of correct reasoning does ensure that no additional mistakes creep in during the course of our progress.
The Structure of Argument
Our fundamental unit of what may be asserted or denied is the proposition (or statement) that is typically expressed by a declarative sentence. Logicians of earlier centuries often identified propositions with the mental acts of affirming them, often called judgments, but we can evade some interesting but thorny philosophical issues by avoiding this locution.
Propositions are distinct from the sentences that convey them.
The chief concern of logic is how the truth of some propositions is connected with the truth of another. Thus, we will usually consider a group of related propositions. An argument is a set of two or more propositions related to each other in such a way that all but one of them (the premises) are supposed to provide support for the remaining one (the conclusion). The transition or movement from premises to conclusion, the logical connection between them, is the inference upon which the argument relies.
Notice that "premise" and "conclusion" are here defined only as they occur in relation to each other within a particular argument. One and the same proposition can (and often does) appear as the conclusion of one line of reasoning but also as one of the premises of another. A number of words and phrases are commonly used in ordinary language to indicate the premises and conclusion of an argument, although their use is never strictly required, since the context can make clear the direction of movement. What distinguishes an argument from a mere collection of propositions is the inference that is supposed to hold between them.
Recognizing Arguments
It's important to be able to identify which proposition is the conclusion of each argument, since that's a necessary step in our evaluation of the inference that is supposed to lead to it. We might even employ a simple diagram to represent the structure of an argument, numbering each of the propositions it comprises and drawing an arrow to indicate the inference that leads from its premise(s) to its conclusion.
Just remember the basic definition of an argument: it includes more than one proposition, and it infers a conclusion from one or more premises. So "If John has already left, then either Jane has arrived or Gail is on the way." can't be an argument, since it is just one big (compound) proposition. But "John has already left, since Jane has arrived." is an argument that proposes an inference from the fact of Jane's arrival to the conclusion, "John has already left." If you find it helpful to draw a diagram, please make good use of that method to your advantage.
Our primary concern is to evaluate the reliability of inferences, the patterns of reasoning that lead from premises to conclusion in a logical argument.
For this complete dissertation and much more go to ...
[[You will notice that in the beginning of this work, the statement is made -- "Although everyone prefers to believe what is true ..." -- this surely places this work as For Humans Only, because no such statement can be made about the so called-Homosexuals/Democrats/Pickpockets/Black Radical Extremists/Demented White Females (DWC)/Super Bowl Ticket Scalpers/Moderates/Baby's Piggy Bank Robbers/Logged Republicans/Dildo Peddlers in the White House (et all). Those Horrids exist for Lies and for the sake of Lies -- and only want to hear Lies, preferably successful Lies that are able to fool and control a stupefied 'General Public'.]]
What is Logic and why Should We Study Logic?
We might begin our answer to this question by observing that everyone naturally desires to know. This self-evident statement simply that a human being is so constituted that he cannot help wanting to know. A human being is a knowing being.
But what kind of knowing? We know in various ways. For example, I know that a dinner is cooking by smelling it. I know that a man is in a chair by looking at him. I know what New York looks like by remembering my visit there a year ago. In a more complex way than in any of the preceding examples, I know that sooner or later I shall die; even more, I know that every man dies and why every man must die.
What kind of knowing do we mean, then, when we say that everyone naturally desires to know? In the sense that every human being is so constituted that he cannot help wanting to know, every kind of knowing is included. But if we take the statement to mean the kind of knowing with which a human being is distinctively concerned, then the statement applies properly to the last kind of knowing. The last kind of knowing is reasoned knowledge.
What do we mean by reasoned knowing? It is that kind of knowing by which we find out why this or that is so. Thus, if someone asks me why every man must die—why every man is mortal—I have to give him some reason for accepting the statement as true. In brief, I have to prove it. This kind of knowing is distinctively human knowing for we do not go about proving to horses or cows or even apes that they too must die, although it is just as true that they die as it is that human beings die.
All human beings, then, in varying degrees want to know why things are so. An evident sign of this is that even as children we frequently ask for the why of things. We are insatiably curious. This universal wonder of human beings is never entirely smothered, although we often disregard its promptings. As the ancient Greeks declared, wonder is the starting point of knowledge, Wonder is the starting point in the sense that we wonder what can be the explanation of cause of the things that we are continually observing. IT is only when we do not know the cause of a thing that our wonder ceases about that thing, for only by knowing the cause is our wonder fully satisfied.
Now logic is nothing else than the art that guides us in coming to know something previously unknown to us. Logic, then, is an instrument for helping us to find out why things are as they are. An axe is an instrument for cutting down a tree. A sharp axe is an efficient instrument for cutting down a tree. The power of thinking is an instrument for knowing the why and wherefore of things, but thinking sharpened by skill in logic is an efficient instrument for scientific knowing. We thus have at least a preliminary answer to what logic is and why we should study it. If every human being wants to know, in some degree, and if logic is an indispensable means of obtaining knowledge more easily, more surely, and more efficiently, then the study of logic is of use to every human being.
Veritas Rerum
Logic Primer 1: What Is Logic?
Logic studies the methods that we use to analyze information and draw valid conclusions. As Norman Geisler and Ronald Brooks put it, “Logic really means putting your thoughts in order.” They offer their formal definition: “Logic is the study of right reason or valid inferences and the attending fallacies, formal and informal.” Their simplified definition: “Logic is a way to think so that we can come to correct conclusions by understanding implications and the mistakes people often make in thinking.”
According to Irving M. Copi and Carl Cohen in their Introduction to Logic, “Logic is the study of the methods and principles used to distinguish correct reasoning from incorrect reasoning.” Christian philosopher Gordon Clark puts it succinctly: “logic is the science of necessary inference.”
[[Great book by the way -- Introduction to Logic, by Copi and Cohen.]]
We can see from these definitions that logic consists of ordering our thoughts so that we can reason correctly. Geisler and Brooks would add: “The next best thing besides godliness for a Christian is logic”
The study of logic incorporates a number of elements. At the most basic level, logic examines propositions, arguments, premises, and conclusions. The focus is the use of right thinking to come to correct conclusions. Logic incorporates the study of proper thinking as well as mistakes in thinking (fallacies). Through processes of deduction and induction, inferences are made with the aim of coming to correct conclusions.
Logic is built upon four undeniable laws:
1. The law of non-contradiction (A is not non-A)
2. The law of identity (A is A)
3. The law of excluded middle (either A or non-A)
4. The law of rational inference
These undeniable laws are foundational to all reason and thinking. One cannot object to the laws of logic without using them in his objection.
Logic Primer 2: The Building Blocks of Logic
Now we will discuss some of the basic building blocks in the study of logic. In general, everything else is built upon these essentials.
The first building block is the proposition. A proposition is something that may be asserted or denied. Propositions can be true or false; hence, they have a truth-value. In other words, a proposition is a true or false statement that says something about reality. Other statements, such as commands, questions, or exclamations are not true or false – they are not propositions.
An argument is “any group of propositions of which one is claimed to follow from the others, which are regarded as providing support or grounds for the truth of that one.” When you have a number of propositions that lead to a conclusion, you have an argument. The conclusion of an argument is the statement that follows from the supporting propositions, which are called premises. To reiterate: an argument is composed of premises that lead to a conclusion. A conclusion without premises is not an argument; it is merely an opinion.
The building blocks of arguments can often be recognized by telltale words. The words that point to the conclusion can be called conclusion-indicators:
“Therefore, hence, thus, so, accordingly, in consequence, consequently, as a result, it follows that, we may infer, which shows that…” These are all words or phrases that often point to the conclusion of an argument.
The telltale words for premises can be called premise-indicators:
“Since, because, for, as, follows from, as shown by, as indicated by, the reason is that…” These are some of the words that can point to premises.
One point should be noted when seeking to identify arguments. There is a difference between an argument and an explanation. As Copi explains:
Many passages, both written and spoken, that appear to be arguments are in fact not arguments but explanations. The occurrence of certain premise- or conclusion-indicators such as “because,” “for,” and “therefore” cannot settle the matter, since those words may be used in both explanations and arguments. What we need to know is the intention of the author of the passage.
So the careful thinker must discern the difference between explanations and arguments by looking closely at context and intention.
Arguments come in two kinds—they are either deductive or inductive. These are important terms to differentiate. When an argument is deductive, it means that the conclusion follows from the premises necessarily and conclusively. When a deductive argument is valid, it means that if the premises are true, the conclusion must be true. An inductive argument, on the other hand, is not a conclusive argument. When an argument is inductive, it simply means that that the conclusion may be true to a certain degree of probability. Copi clarifies:
A deductive argument is one whose conclusion is claimed to follow from its premises with absolute necessity, this necessity not being a matter of degree and not depending in any way on whatever else may be the case. In sharp contrast, an inductive argument is one whose conclusion is claimed to follow from its premises only with probability, this probability being a matter of degree and dependent upon what else may be the case.
When an argument is structured correctly, it is called a valid argument. When an argument is not correctly structured, it is called invalid. An argument cannot be true or false, only valid or invalid. Truth or falsity only applies to statements or propositions. The conclusion of an argument can be true or false (because the conclusion is a statement), but the argument is only either valid or invalid.
Finally, when an argument is valid, and all of its premises are true, it is called a sound argument. This is the kind of argument the good thinker is looking for.
Apologetics 315-02
Logic Primer 3: Thinking Logically
Logical thinking is a process. As long as the rules are not broken, the thought process will bring good conclusions. Now we will look at logical syllogisms.
The most basic logical structure is the syllogism. The syllogism is a deductive argument consisting of premises and a conclusion.
A categorical syllogism is composed of two unconditional statements that lead deductively to an unconditional conclusion. An example of a categorical syllogism is as follows:
1. All cats are mammals.
2. Fuzzy is a cat.
3. Therefore, Fuzzy is a mammal.
The categorical syllogism has various forms and moods, which will not be detailed here, but the basic form simply entails two statements leading to a conclusion.
Hypothetical syllogisms take the form of a hypothetical statement. This syllogism has the word “IF” at its core. The hypothetical proposition uses the word if to make a conditional statement: if one state of affairs is true, then another state of affairs will follow. The first hypothetical syllogism is the Modus Ponens, structured like this:
If P, then Q.
Therefore, Q.
Modus ponens means “way of affirmation” in Latin because it affirms the antecedent of the first proposition. One form of the cosmological argument takes the form of modus ponens:
If a contingent being exists, then a necessary being must exist as its cause.
A contingent being exists.
Therefore, a necessary being must exist as its cause.
The other hypothetical syllogism is called Modus Tollens, which means “the way of denial.” This form of syllogism denies the consequent (the “then Q” part of the first statement). It is structured like this:
If P, then Q.
Not Q.
Therefore, Not P.
Disjunctive Syllogisms are either/or sentences. One statement is made with two alternatives, of which only one can be true. The disjunctive syllogism looks like this:
Either P or Q.
Not Q.
Therefore, P.
The way the disjunctive syllogism works requires for one alternate to be denied for the other one to be true. It is a fallacy to affirm one alternate to eliminate the other, because it is possible for them both to be true. Geisler and Brooks offer an excellent example of this fallacy found in Bertrand Russell’s book Why I am not a Christian:
Life was caused either by evolution or by design.
Life was caused by evolution.
Therefore, it was not caused by design (so there is no reason to posit God).
Geisler and Brooks explain: “This approach commits the formal fallacy of affirming one alternate. Even if the minor premise were true, the conclusion would not follow. For it is possible that both are true; that is, that evolution is designed.”
The conjunctive syllogisms take the form of “both…and” statements. Here is the form:
Both P and Q are true.
Therefore, P.
Therefore, Q.
The conjunctive syllogism is fairly straightforward. Both terms in the first statement are separated and can be affirmed individually.
[[We appreciate the efforts of Russell and Whitehead where Symbolic Logic is concerned, but in those days of intense warfare between the Old Organized Religions and the Nuevo Religion of Science, Logic had no place. It, and Mathematics should have been kept out of the War, as Declared Neutral Topics and Stateless Cognition. Instead, Russell committed a ludicrous fallacy of trying to use Logic as a weapon against God and Creation -- which no one on this planet has the faintest clue about.
Such unthinking and stupid acts had terrible subsequent consequences against all lifeforms everywhere, by setting down a base of fallacies engendered by pure religious hatred; which in turn served as the foundation for that 'ugly and putrid layer cake of lies' that I mentioned; at the top of which are now a hoard of Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead Swine that have never even heard of such things as Symbolic Logic.
Old and Dead Hatreds -- that have spawned generations of Devils.]]
The Dilemma form of syllogism takes two hypothetical syllogisms and weds them with a disjunction. Here is what the dilemma looks like:
(If P, then Q) and (If R, then S).
P or R.
Therefore, Q or S.
The mathematician Pascal presented a dilemma with this syllogism:
If God exists, I have everything to gain by believing in him.
And if God does not exist, I have nothing to lose by believing in him.
Either God does exist or he does not exist.
Therefore, I have everything to gain or nothing to lose by believing in God.
Apologetics 315-03
As you can see, Logic is an attempt to make sense of what is True in the Universe that we know. As in the case of Whitehead's belief that Evolution created Life, and therefore God cannot exist, we see a typical case of blind stupidity being accepted as a truism, and then falsely applied as a weapon (using Logic) against the equally stupid competition.
[[It is all about Money and Power -- where the Money goes, gives Power -- on Planet Sinister.]]
It is also an indication of the failures of Organized Religion to accurately and properly represent God, thus allowing Science to be degraded and prostituted into a Pseudo-Religion of its own, that only has the Lack of Knowledge as its Godhead.
But, before we really get into this subject, take a look at these websites about a little thing called WAR.
Don't be shy. This is the razor's edge we are all living on. If, you want to get out of this with the least amount of Cuts -- you had better -- Study Your Ass Off About This Stuff!!!!
The Internet Interruption and Confusion Network, of the SQLD, are busy at work putting up many pretend websites that claim that the blame for the Class Warfare (which the Socialist Perverts are creating) is, of course, being perpetrated and advanced by their worst enemies -- within the Political Circus that is. Namely, the Republicans which they keep trying to confuse with Conservatives. It is such a botched job at intentionally misleading gibberish (in the form of a very confused bag of worthless websites) that it is obvious the orders from the Masters were not too clear this time. Hence, the Homosexuals/Black Radicals/Moderates/Liberals/Toilet Bowl Licking Fetishist/Democrats have gone astray, and the Idiots that follow such orders cannot get it right that Conservatives and Republicans are far from one and the same.
Of course, such old news in the Real World is probably still unheard of inside the Bubble of Lies, in which all SQLD minions exist.
[[There really are Idiots that could, but do not, read this you know.]]
Well, having read those websites you should now be a little more clear on what the chaos is all about. It is clearly another attack. You should have known something like this was coming from the Democrat/Homosexuals when they attacked America from the inside, during the years from the event of '9/11' until their HObama God Puppet became the Resident in the White House. Whereupon, the Homosexual/Democrats immediately changed faces and said the war must be won because -- "They are our troops now!" (quote)
There is nothing but Absolute Treason in the hearts and minds of every lying Democrat/Homosexual everywhere.
But, as the furor over this latest attack continues -- I want to extricate all of you out of that melee long enough to teach you something about how to understand such terrible events -- and how to keep your sanity, purpose and determination in the process.
That is why I want to talk to you about Logic.
You can see with ease that the 'mechanics' of Logic are not difficult to understand. It is also apparent that as soon as some (bleep) tries to bastardize and plagiarize the assumptions of those 'mechanics', everything becomes twisted and distorted. The Socialist Liberals are infamous for their biased and political misuse and abuse of the 'mechanics' of Logic.
[[ ('bleep') is the sound made by the south end of a north-facing Jackass. ]]
But, I am not starting at any level that can be perverted.
Let us look at the basics again. Do you remember that first example? It said --
“All A's are B's” (universal affirmative)
“No A's are B's” (universal negative)
“Some A's are B's” (particular affirmative)
“Some A's are not B's” (particular negative).
and then there was ...
The law of non-contradiction (A is not non-A)
The law of identity (A is A)
The law of excluded middle (either A or non-A)
The law of rational inference ...
[[There is a lot to be said about inference, and rightfully so because it is something that must be clearly defined, due to its being a point at which any and all creatures of cunning and Evil will attack. Assumptions and inferences and conclusions are all places in Logic where scum such as the so-called Homosexuals always try to kill the original and natural meanings of anything, and substitute their Big Lies into the 'mechanics'.]]
You will notice here that no sooner does Adolph Hitler blame the Jews for inventing the Big Lie, then he immediately uses it to start World War II.
With just these eight statements, let us look for the obvious ways in which the Queer Propagandists will attack and refute Logic.
1. “All A's are B's” (universal affirmative). Let us use a simple statement like "14 Trillion dollars owed by our country to other countries is 'National Debt'." The Queer Moderate response is "Naawww! That is stimulus and improvement money! We need dat!" The unspoken part of which is -- "Trillions of that went to our pockets and Warchest against the Human Species, and to get our HObama God Figure re-elected! And, we will make the Humans pay for it all anyway, so what's the Big Deal?"
Hence, to the scheming brains of anything SQLD, the statement “All A's are B's” (universal affirmative) cannot exist, because that would allow Reality to exist, and Reality is the antithesis of all of the Lies. Or, more simply, anything that comes out of their mouths.
However, we are not asking or caring about what those scum think or want. We are discussing -- “All A's are B's” (universal affirmative) at the level of 'mechanics', free and devoid of the stains of their political prostitution’s.
2. “No A's are B's” (universal negative). We will use for our example -- "No Genocidal Attacks against the Human Species are for the purpose of their Extermination." A typical Homosexual/Democrat response to this would be -- "Whaa? We is just making them do what is 'politically correct'." The unspoken part of which is -- "Until we don't need such people no more!"
Hence, to the scheming brains of anything SQLD, the statement “No A's are B's” (universal negative) cannot exist, because they plan on making all A's (Genocidal Attacks) become B's (Extermination).
However, we are not asking or caring about what those scum think or want. We are discussing -- “No A's are B's” (universal negative) at the level of 'mechanics', free and devoid of the stains of their political prostitution’s.
3. “Some A's are B's” (particular affirmative) We will use for our example -- "Some diseases are disease killers."
A screeching Democrat/Homosexual response to this would be -- "Screech! How dare you realize that we are a mental disease, being killed by AIDs!" The unspoken part of which is -- "Keep sending us money, so we can keep giving you our diseases!"
Hence, to the scheming brains of anything SQLD, the statement “Some A's are B's” (particular affirmative) cannot exist, because we are not supposed to know that their mental disease can be killed by anything.
However, we are not asking or caring about what those scum think or want. We are discussing -- “Some A's are B's” (particular affirmative) at the level of 'mechanics', free and devoid of the stains of their political prostitution’s.
4. “Some A's are not B's” (particular negative) We will use for our example -- "Some ModeRats are not Humans."
A typical Homosexual/Moderate response to this would be -- "Pass the calculator please. Now, what were you saying about us Homosexuals, I mean, Moderates?" The unspoken part of which is -- "Did that terrible Human just say that our disguise is falling down?"
Hence, to the scheming brains of anything SQLD, the statement “Some A's are not B's” (particular negative) cannot exist, because anyone as mathematical as themselves (they think) cannot be guilty of a faulty disguise. Can they?
However, we are not asking or caring about what those scum think or want. We are discussing -- “Some A's are not B's” (particular negative) at the level of 'mechanics', free and devoid of the stains of their political prostitution’s.
5. The law of non-contradiction (A is not non-A) This is very similar to A is not B. We will use for our example -- "Queer Propaganda is not non-Queer Propaganda." A typical so-called Homosexual response to this would be -- "Whaa? Why are you trying to confuse us? Just accept what we say and bow before us -- You Heterosexual Swine!"
The unspoken part of which is -- "Until, we don't need you people no more!"
Hence, to the scheming brains of anything SQLD, the law of non-contradiction (A is not non-A) cannot exist, because they are suspicious that it might somehow reveal that they are all Murdering Propagandists. Which at this time, no one knows. Except themselves.
However, we are not asking or caring about what those scum think or want. We are discussing -- the law of non-contradiction (A is not non-A) at the level of 'mechanics', free and devoid of the stains of their political prostitution’s.
6. The law of identity (A is A) We will use for our example -- "A severed head, is a severed head." A typical Killer Queer response to this would be -- "Whaa? The Abomination of Boston said we should cut off all of their heads! So, of course there are going to be severed heads!" The unspoken part of which is -- "How did they know dat? Why do we have dotted lines on our necks?"
Hence, to the scheming brains of anything SQLD, the law of identity (A is A) cannot exist, because the dotted lines are on the wrong necks!
However, we are not asking or caring about what those scum think or want. We are discussing -- the law of identity (A is A) at the level of 'mechanics', free and devoid of the stains of their political prostitution’s.
7. The law of excluded middle (either A or non-A) We will use for our example -- "A Giraffe is neither a Killer Queer or its intended Human Victim, and therefore cannot exist in this War." A typical Homosexual/Democrat response to this would be -- "Now you're talking about our Animal Fetishes! We haven't made those into Queer Laws yet, so why bring up the topic now!" The unspoken part of which is -- "What if they find out about our Congressional Animal Farms?!"
Hence, to the scheming brains of anything SQLD, the law of excluded middle (either A or non-A) cannot exist, and is a taboo! It might reveal that there is still a long list of horrific evils that the SQLD want to kill America with.
However, we are not asking or caring about what those scum think or want. We are discussing -- the law of excluded middle (either A or non-A) at the level of 'mechanics', free and devoid of the stains of their political prostitution’s.
8. The law of rational inference. We will use for our example a favorite false rationality from our enemies -- "We are Queer! And, we insist that your Children are Queer too! (especially after our schools are done with them) So, bring out those little juicy sex toys for us to play with -- in the streets -- in broad daylight -- in your face!" The unspoken part of which is -- "We paid a lot of money to those Teacher Turds for this. It had better By-Satan work! After all, what are inferences, that lead to demands, for anyway?"
Hence, to the scheming brains of anything SQLD, the law of rational inference cannot exist; because there should not be anything rational or common commonsensical left in the brains of their Voter/Followers. Especially, after all of that mind-killing TV watching. AND, the SQLD always use Fallacies as pseudo-rationalities anyway.
However, we are not asking or caring about what those scum think or want. We are discussing -- the law of rational inference at the level of 'mechanics', free and devoid of the stains of their political prostitution’s.
Do you remember what I said about Pure Logic and Pure Mathematics? They do not coexist with Queer Lies and Queer Propaganda? I mean that.
What we are trying to discern, at this point, is what Pure Logic and Pure Mathematics really are.
If you ever saw a movie called '2001 A Space Odyssey', which was great for special effects and a look at Lunar Exploration, and zippo for the Reality of Man -- there was a scene (early in the movie) in which a tribe of Chimpanzee/Men (supposedly early Humanoids) was in a fight against another such tribe. After the fight, one of them was playing with an old Tapir leg bone, and suddenly realized that it could be used as a weapon. At the next inter-tribal fight that Chimpanzee/Man beat the crap out of his opponents, killing one of them. In jubilation over his victory, he threw the leg bone high into the sky -- and what came down from the sky was a Space Station. This was done to illustrate the technological achievements of the Human Species over Time, due to Man's tool using abilities.
It was also an illustration of Man's search for, and ability to understand, what makes things work in this Universe. That curiosity about our Natural environment, naturally leads to a like-wise curiosity about ourselves. Curiosity leads to Cognition, and how we store and use the information which our Cognition stores can range from Savage Reflexes to Logical Analysis.
Hint: Allow the Logical Analysis to control and time the Savage Reflexes.
Logic is part of Deep Thinking. It uses the information that it gleans from surface-level experiences and feelings, but it ruminates about them. It tears them apart and reverse-engineers them, to understand more than just what the surface impressions and Raw Data describe. It looks for basic meanings and causalities and (given enough data) simulates Causes and Effects, thus learning even more.
However, if all of that is not done with as much Objectivity as is Humanly possible at the time, the false blending of emotions into the analysis will trivialize and ruin the entire effort.
When I say -- "Stay with the basics and build foundations, not opinions." I really mean it.
Logic is a fundamental tool, that does not work well if embellished and personalized with emotional and greedy desires. I am reminded again of the Humble Channel Locks Wrench. Once you have one of those, that has a good grip on it, and is built well and tight (they don't work for beans if the bolt is loose) then you have all that you need. No amount of embellishments is worth a Tinker's Damn when you are actually using the tool. You can have a Channel Locks Wrench that is tethered to the Marine Corps Brass Band, but when it comes to actually using the thing, all they can do is to provide the musical background.
If you do not have an understanding of the pure forms of Mathematics and Logic -- then you do not have a Foundation of Knowledge upon which to base your learning’s of and awareness’s of Experiential Logic. Which, exists to make sense out of a deliberately nonsensical and devious and vicious boiling cesspool of Lies and Liars, which I call 'Planet Sinister'.
This assumes, of course, that you have made the decision.
The decision to know, instead of believe. And, you have resolved yourself to going through the gastronomical screaming reactions which will accompany the increased awareness of just how grotesque, murderous and horrid the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead actually are.
You will get over the problems of anatomy. You will never get over the Liars, and their Lies.
Experiential Logic:
or -- why you do not do really stupid things twice.
or -- fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me.
I was chasing a Jack Rabbit once. I was in the eight grade. It was late at night, in the Mojave desert, and there was a full moon overhead. I was getting frustrated with this Jack Rabbit. I would chase it for about fifty yards and it would jump along in front of me, just out of my reach; bouncing over clumps of sagebrush so I had to swerve around them. And then, about ten yards ahead of me it would stop and wait.
This was unusual Jack Rabbit behavior, and I knew it. I would slow down and begin to creep forwards, sometimes sideways to reduce my profile and seem more harmless. The Jack Rabbit could not have cared less about 'harmless'. As soon as I get within ten feet -- Boing! -- away he went with a leap of ten feet.
This went on for hours. It was a cool night, and all that I was wearing were pants and a white shirt, so I was not getting overheated. The mystery of that Jack Rabbit had left me long ago, and I was just experiencing a stubborn determination to get my hands on him and sell him to the Air Force. They bought rattlesnakes and rabbits for their survival training courses.
Finally, the Jack Rabbit heard something that made it run off across the desert, through the moonlight, at an incredible speed. Never to be seen again.
That really ticked me off. To make matters worse, I did not know where I was any longer. We had been running north, and I was already far west of the town that I lived in when this began, so I reckoned I was now north of the 'New Mill', which was about five miles north of town. That would put me about ten miles away from the town. I had to climb up a Joshua Tree to see the lights of the mill, which is never a pleasant thing to have to do. Once I had my bearings, I began to trudge back to 'civilization', which in this case was the Worst Hell Hole Imaginable.
On the way back, I was cursing that Jack Rabbit and in the moonlight I saw a big cardboard box sitting on the desert floor between clumps of sagebrush. I took my anger out on the cardboard box and gave it a really good kick, while uttering one of my best and most choice curses (for a 13 year old child).
Immediately, I began to curse in ways that I had yet to know could exist, and I fell to the ground holding my right foot and shouting in loud pain and agony.
Weeks later, I found that place again. It took that long to repair my foot. The cardboard box was revealed in the light of day as a large iron I-beam, or part of one, that measured about four feet on a side. I had kicked the flat part of it, smashing the toes of my right foot in the process.
From this I learned never to expect anything under the full moonlight to be what you think it might be; in particular, not out in the Mojave Desert. So ... from then on, whenever I went traveling out into the Mojave Desert at night, which was often, I logically did not go about kicking anything that I was not completely sure was what I thought it was.
I actually began to learn that I could see and hear better out there in the desert at night, then I had thought I could. Previously, my hearing and vision was only acclimatized to such things as school rooms, school buses, a living room, my bedroom and a TV room. I realized that even though I had been out in the desert frequently, I had not opened up my ears and eyes to what was really out there. I had been going out there just to escape Hell. Now, I began to become keenly interested in the Desert at Night, which is when most of the denizens of the desert come to the surface to eat, and hunt and be hunted. My sense of Experiential Logic told me that even though I had been confined to a walled-in lifestyle previously, all I had to do was to adapt to this new environment and I could easily survive in it and enjoy being out there -- between dinner and breakfast, because I was still too young to feed myself -- though I yearned for the day when I could be self sufficient.
Many years later, I was driving through the streets of Montreal with the Queen. We were looking for a shop that sold Eskimo artifacts, which we later found. If you have ever driven inside Montreal you will know that once you are inside the city at ground level, the streets are many and narrow, with buildings everywhere. Study a detailed map of the city before you go, or avoid the inner city entirely as I always do.
On this day, however, we had to go downtown because the shops and churches that we were looking for were all there. Several times I stopped the car and got out to look around. It helped to actually stand amongst the buildings and look at how it was all put together. Then, I would get back into the car and try to find the right address again.
Again, I had to stop and get out. This time, I pulled up to a big building with a large sidewalk in front of it. It looked like a large office complex, and I was going to go inside and ask for directions to where they sold the Eskimo Spears and Eskimo Coats.
I walked around the front of the car and began to step onto the sidewalk, and then stopped cold in my tracks. From out of nowhere a dead bird fell out of the sky onto the sidewalk, right in front of me and directly in my path.
This has happened before, on occasions in which I was walking into terrible Evil and dangers. Each time I have stopped and gone to Red Alert Status. Each time it has proven that something horrible and utterly Satanic was near; and the danger level was enormous, not to mention literally out of Hell itself.
I stopped and stared for a moment at the dead bird, which was grey and white with a light colored beak. Then, I looked above me and at the building into which I was about to enter. It was a building of the Criminals, Buttf**ks and Crackheads (CBC) sucking-arm of the hideous and bloated SQLD monstrosity. It was literally the reverse-flow toilet of all Satanism in Canada.
I experienced a lesson right then and there about traveling abroad in Queer Canada (at the time, still the Original Canada) -- 'Look at the labels on the buildings, before you go in. Do not just assume that everything is Human, just because you are no longer in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone.'
Now, armed with that lesson in Experiential Logic, I always look at the labels and titles of buildings before I even get out of the car.
Needless to say, I did not go through those CBC Gates to Hell.
I did however check out the arrangement of the buildings, and calculated the flight path of a flock of Smart Bombs -- down upon that Horrid Edifice. Logically, of course.
Let's try something which young Human Beings might relate to, if they are allowed to relate without a TV tube that is.
In Germany, there are quite a few railway lines, not all of which are on this map.
While I was stationed in Germany from 1969-1972, I used to ride a triangle of railroad lines as much as I could; between the cities of Wuerzburg (hated by all SQLD because it knows God Exists), Nuremberg, and Ansbach.
In order to achieve this, I specialized in a technique that allowed me to escape from army existence quite often (before the Volunteer Army). Where I was stationed, almost all enlisted men were either dopers or alcoholics. Almost all of the NCO's were alcoholics. All of the Officers lived elsewhere and were both, and were not in the equation except during weekdays, during the daytime.
There was a weekly routine there. Weekday evenings the enlisted alcoholics would go to the local Gasthouses (Taverns), the Officers would go home, the NCO's would go to their own higher class Gasthouses, and the enlisted dopers would wander off in groups to various secretive places to get stoned. Weekends were just an extended version of this local irregularity.
My problem was how to get away entirely, as often as possible, and transform into my German Youth Markel; whereupon I intended to frequent the Nightlife of those three cities, and travel as far as I could across Bavaria.
I was determined.
Under ordinary circumstances, I would be confined to the army barracks, where my unit was stationed, all night long -- unless I had a 'pass' to leave the barracks for the night, or I had a 'leave' permit for several days.
I almost never used either a 'pass' or a 'leave' permit. And yet, at least once a week (dictated by conditions) I would be totally gone from sunset to sunrise. On weekends, depending upon who was on duty as the weekend NCO-CQ and if I was on duty that Saturday, I would be gone from sunset Friday to sunrise Monday. Dressed as a German civilian, and being as German as I could be.
Easy, the routine at that Kasern was far from ordinary. As I described, every type of soldier there was part of a routine of groupings, or was a 'Dayroom Addict'. The US Army radio stations used to give out explanations of how beautiful and interesting Germany was -- to any American Soldier -- IF they had the brains to get out of the barracks 'Dayroom' and go see for themselves. It was the Army's attempt to get our soldiers interested in their new environment, instead of playing foosball all night in the 'Dayroom' and feeling homesick for their home town -- back 'there'.
I used to laugh every time I heard those radio advertisements. Well, I was certainly doing that alright; and the message was true, some soldiers never left the barracks for years, unless in the line of duty.
Meanwhile, the routine for that barracks continued. No one used 'passes' or 'leaves', because almost everyone was always there in the morning where they were supposed to be, including me. I think we had a signout system of some kind, but it was run by the alcoholics and was very casual. No one ever signed back in (at least I never did). So, we would all be back in the morning, unless someone got lost or laid -- with one big difference. With a few sober exceptions (the non-groupies) everyone was either hung over from alcohol or drooped over from drugs -- but not me. I was usually tired, but a noon nap took care of that.
The technique was simplistic. I would tag along with a group of druggies to their favorite smoking place, which was always within a mile of the barracks (so they could tether-up and collectively find their way back to the base by morning). Conversation was always limited because intelligence was not a requirement for getting stoned. When they were all stoned enough, which I would test by getting up several times and moving around to see if anyone noticed that I was gone, I would depart. To the alcoholics, my whereabouts was known and assured -- I was off somewhere with the druggies. In Reality, I was long gone.
The druggies got used to it, if they ever noticed, because they never complained the next morning when they saw me again.
This technique worked with them quite well, but I had tried the same thing with the alcoholics with no success; because they always got Touchy, Clingy, Drunk Buddy, Listen-To-My-Sorrows Possessive. Trying to get away from them was like trying to get out from under a drunk elephant, that had decided to sit its drunk ass down on your ass! A really squeezed situation.
Once I was gone, I always went to My Place where I kept a supply of Asbacher Brandy (powerful stuff) and Coffee Syrup loaded with caffeine. I would take one shot of Asbacher (powerful stuff) and a shot of Coffee Syrup, and then changed into my German civilian clothes.
While the alcohol and caffeine waged war in my system, I would set out for my chosen destination of the evening, or the weekend. Long before I got there, I was 'Hot Stone Sober' as I put it, and ready for action.
Simple -- and it worked -- beyond belief.
Why did I resort to this tactic? When I could have simply used the 'pass' or 'leave' system?
Answer: I did this many more times than either system would allow. I did not want any of the alcoholics to know that I was having so much fun. No one used the 'pass' and 'leave' system anyway, but I did not want my movements traced because my goal, which I knew that no one would possibly understand, was to LIVE MY LIFE!!!!
Which I did very well -- Thank You.
Up to this point in my life, I had basically lived as a Prisoner. A prisoner who was always taking advantage of every weakness and flaw in the Jailers to break out and live Life -- whether it was in the Mojave Desert, or in Germany. Nothing had changed for me, just the locality. In fact, while I was enlisting in the army and choosing to go to Germany, I had it clearly in my mind that I would escape as soon as possible, and as often as possible. Since, I was always back on time for my duties (being careful never to get lost -- laid is another matter) no one had anything to complain about -- because they always thought that I was accounted for in some way.
I did a lot of great things out there on my own. Yes, sometimes I would go on excursions with army friends, just to make it seem like I was adjusted to army life; and I did have a lot of fun on those trips and hikes. But, it was my own trips and sojourns (that were unbeknownst to anyone in the army) that were really special and amazing; and never spoken of by me.
I actually got to a point, several times, where I was gone so much and so often, that I had to make an effort to hang around the barracks sometimes and raise my Barracks Profile; which was a carefully groomed version of 'Weirdo Druggie' (one of the prepackaged options available, such as 'Fried Hippie Freak' and 'Yahoo - I's A Real Redneck Armadillo Wrestler/Alcoholic') -- and "Have You Seen Him Today?"
It was like a special blend of Coffee. I cultivated a Persona that led people to think that it was alright if Peters was not to be found all of the time; because when he was found, he was just one of the many Weirdo Druggies -- to the alcoholics. With my Profile raised back up to a level of 'Boring Presence' again, whereupon I seemed to be 'Ordinary' and 'Around' (and therefore could be ignored again) ... Whammo! I was gone again!!!!
Not to be missed.
I could write a book about all of the great things which I did under those circumstances, very special circumstances, but there is one event which happened often, and can serve to give you a different perspective on what I mean by Experiential Logic.
Mind you, I am not just spinning stories about my past -- I (of all people) do not need to do that.
Back to the Deutsche Bundesbahn Railway system we go.
I did partake in the 'Nightlife' of the three cities, which I constantly traveled to, but only Nuremberg had a bona fide Nightlife as Americans would think of it. I tried to fit in, with my bona fide German Youth Look, which was successful because I always had hair that was longer that GI standards; and I am half German anyway.
But, it was no good. The discotheques just turned me off, and even though there were plenty of hot young German females in such places, they struck me as too loose. Which is a contradictory thing to me, because whenever I did encounter a woman that I really liked, the chemistry between us was always so hot and immediate that it was like we were both set ablaze by each other's presence. We did not always make it to her apartment. I was learning fast that my chemistry was really reactive to the right blend of female. More than one blend as it turned out.
But, most of the time I just ended up alone, out in the cobblestone streets after midnight, staring into a chicken rotisserie. The German cities had 'Fried Chicken Shops' with big windows along the sidewalks that stayed open until the wee hours of the morning, so whenever I tried to sample the Nightlife (which sometimes I did) I usually ended up standing out on the sidewalk watching roasted chickens turn in the window.
Quickly, I decided that the young females would still be there later; this Nightlife stuff was way overrated; I would rather be out in a Forest at night than in one of these towns; and there is an entirely different kind of German People who come out at night, from the daytime versions; and the aberrations caused by World War II were amongst them.
I drifted.
I began to make my weekday plans away from towns and out into the countrysides of Bavaria. Which leads me to other stories that we do not need to get into right now.
On the weekend jaunts, things were different. I really got involved into everything that I could, at whatever of the three cities I would go to on a weekend. To make a long story short, and to get to the point of this, Sunday would roll around and I would be almost broke and worn out in Nuremberg; with just the Cashmere suit on my back, a scarf around my neck, and a train ticket for Wuerzburg left to me. Plus, a lot of great memories.
As soon as Sunday's sunset would occur, I headed for my target Bundesbahnhof (train station). Dressed like a well-off German teenager, I would catch a night train back to Wuerzburg. I always went First Class whenever I was going somewhere in Germany; but on the way back I always went Second Class. This was because of two factors. Going away from Wuerzburg was usually a weekend daytime event, because only seldom did I go to Nuremberg or Ansbach on a weeknight. In those days (Swear to God!) if a German who was boarding a train came to the cabin in which an American was sitting, that German would never go into that cabin; even if it could seat six people and there was only one American in it. It was not a matter of courtesy or respect.
I discovered this as soon as I arrived in Germany, and used the fact to my advantage from then on. Whenever I was going somewhere away from Wuerzburg I would be the first person on the train and make a bee line for an empty First Class cabin. I would then throw off my Cashmere suit coat, and put on an American Baseball Cap. Then I would sit down, and read a copy of the Star and Stripes (the American Armed Forces newspaper in Europe).
It never failed. No matter how many Germans came onto that train, none of them would sit with an American. I always had the cabin to myself. You see, almost no other Americans ever rode the trains that I rode. I cannot remember seeing one.
I liked my privacy, and I still do, so this worked out very well for me.
Returning to Wuerzburg was always a very different affair. It was always at night. It was always a different kind of train, less posh, shorter and more utilitarian. It made many stops, not just a few. It was populated by the very 'plain and ordinary' working folks and farming folk that lived in the farmlands between Nuremberg and Wuerzburg; and were returning from a business trip or a day off at the big city. They all liked to keep together in one or two cars, out of five or six, where they would talk up a great din of conversation and laugh and sing songs. Those cars were at the end of the train, where the Conductor (always a white haired and wise looking gentlemen) sat and acted as Host and Story Teller.
I sat alone in the front passenger car. Completely alone. Usually worn out, and draped across two opposite seats. The Conductor would come up to the front car to check my ticket, and then shake his head and walk back to the party cars. For the rest of the trip I was totally alone. Which I liked.
The first few times this happened, either from Nuremberg back to Wuerzburg or from Ansbach back to Wuerzburg, I just rode along or slept along and I was barely aware of the many stops that the little train would make.
Throughout my trips back to Wuerzburg, I often fell asleep only to be wakened by the Train Cleaners in the early hours of the morning. Like I said, no German would interfere with an American unless it was absolutely necessary.
On one trip from Nuremberg back to Wuerzburg, I was quite awake and still full of energy. I do not remember what I was doing that weekend in Nuremberg, but there could not have been a woman involved because I still had a lot of energy.
We left the Nuremberg area with the usual load of very pleasant and happy German farming folk, the Conductor, and me. After the Conductor came all of the way forward and checked my ticket, he trod back to the festivities and disappeared as usual.
I was thinking about Possibilities versus Impossibilities. I was thinking heavily about why there are limits on our behaviors and why we only do certain things in life; when in Reality we could do so much more; if there were not all of these God-Damned signs everywhere saying you cannot do this or that.
Just in front of the lead passenger car, where I was sitting, was the locomotive that was pulling the train. I think it was electric, with a set of power antennas coming out of its top that made contact with power lines overhead. The front of the passenger car was all glass windows, with vertical steel support columns. This made the locomotive very visible to me. I think it was electric, because I remember that there were many flashes of light that illuminated the otherwise almost completely black machine.
I sat there and looked at the scene, and thought my thoughts about why are people not able to do what they really can do in Life.
At that, I got up and went to the front of the passenger car. I had been sitting in the front bench seat on the left side, and just ahead of me was a door on that side. It was unlocked. I opened it, and a stiff wind smashed it shut again. With effort I opened it and checked to see if it would lock behind me. Being satisfied that it would not, I forced it open and climbed out onto the exterior of the passenger car. It was completely dark outside, of course, and I could not see any approaching trains on my side. I pulled myself forwards to the outer front point of the passenger car, and jumped onto the deck of the locomotive. The flashes of light helped, and I found that the engine was mostly a large square box with another and smaller square box on top of it. There was more to it than that of course, with various wires and tubings and projections coming out of it, but basically that is what it was.


[[This is about as close to what the locomotive was, as I can find on the Internet. Except the ones that I rode were darker colored, and seemed to be smaller to me.]]
With the flashes, I could make out a way to climb up to the top of the lower box, and with great effort I did so. The real intensity of this new environment was very striking and exhilarating. Not only were we doing 40-50 miles per hour, but the engine was very impressively rumbling and vibrating and shaking from side to side like a great mass slipping through an earthquake. The many telephone poles (or were they electricity poles?) and other railroad pillars and signal towers flashed by with slashing sounds, accompanied by great rushes of air that liked to push me sideways off the back of the locomotive.
I was determined to see forwards though, so I kept climbing upwards until I could look over the top of the engine. The view ahead was nothing unusual. It showed a long track illuminated by a single strong beam of light. I realized that somewhere in this engine there was a Human Being driving this thing, but I was sure that there was no way for that person to know what I was doing. I could not get to one side, or the other, enough to see if there was a window open and an engineer driving with his head out the window, so I gave that up and returned to the top surface of the lower box.
Now, I looked back into the train. The first passenger car was still empty, as I expected. It would stay that way all the way to Wuerzburg, and there was no mistaking Wuerzburg when you pulled into it.
I decided to focus my attention on the side views that were now offered to me. From inside a passenger car, you could see similar views, but there was no comparison of that to these sensations and feelings which one got when doing so from the back of a locomotive. This was about as close as you could get to experiencing what the engineer experienced, without being him.
I noticed that everything was more real about the trip; all of the cars that were stopped at crossings waiting for the train to pass, with their headlights trying to blind me but gone so quickly that it could not happen (which is probably why I was never discovered or reported during the half dozen times that I did this), seemed so much more real out there then inside a passenger car. I could smell the land that we were passing through and the odors of the railway itself.
Whenever we stopped, and let a few happy souls off at a landing or small station, I would sit there and get warmer as the heat from the engine would radiate from its entire body. Then we would be off again.
Eventually, two things would drive me back into the Passenger Car; the intensity of the experience would just get to be too much, or we would pass another train and the side effects would almost dislodge me from my purchase on the engine.
The first time I did this, when I got back into the car it was hopeless to try to clean up. I ended up leaving the train, at the Wuerzburg station, with my hands in my pockets because they were soaked in sweat and black dirt from the locomotive. The suit was probably ruined too, but I don't remember what I did about that.
From then on, I came prepared. I wore less expensive clothes, and brought gloves.
This went on during the Autumn of that year, with each trip being colder than the one before. Finally, I just got bored with it. I changed my Returning Modus Operandi. There was usually a half First Class section on those night trains back to Wuerzburg. Which meant that one half of one car was decked out with First Class Compartments, the rest of the car was composed of wide second class bench seats.
I decided to ride in First Class cabins (which had windows you could open) back to home, in an interesting new way. I returned on a Saturday night, instead of a Sunday night. I put the Cashmere suits back on, and bought myself some really warm coats, and a fur hat from Afghanistan. I brought along a flask of Asbacher Brandy with me.
As we rushed along the tracks back to Wuerzburg (with everyone in the last two cars, except me in my cabin) I put down the window of the cabin and rode as far as I could with my upper body hanging out the window, looking everywhere. From time to time I would draw myself back into the car and take a supportive sip of Asbacher Brandy (powerful stuff) and return to my vigilance out the window.
[[Technically, Asbacher is called Asbach Uralt Brandy, a famous German Brandy. But, I always called it 'Asbacher'.]]
This went on all Winter. By February, I was doing a very good upper body impression of Frosty The Snow Man, by the time I was halfway back to Wuerzburg; at which point I would close the window (if it would close) and sit back in a couch and just melt all the way home. Feeling very happy.
Now, at about this point one might want to ask -- "So what is Logical about this?"
Answer: Breaking Illogical Barriers.
At the Inversity Of Mordor, after I left the Wilderness up by the Canadian Border, I decided to attend a 'Writing Course' just to see how other people went about writing, and maybe I could find out what kinds of writing forms were 'acceptable' these days.
It was a class of about fifteen people, and our first assignment by the female instructor was to write a short story of a few pages, to show how we were writing at the time (before the course).
The instructor was a typical Demented White Female (DWC) type, as I was later to realize, that was beyond demented about hating anything and everything of the Male Sex.
My few pages which I turned in for the assignment was just something Science Fiction based, that had a central character of a Man who was -- at this point, whatever he was doing becomes moot and meaningless, because he was a MAN!!!!
At the class where the DWC gave us its critique of our stories, it complimented several writers for their pasty prose, and I started to think I should have slept-in rather than attend. Then it picked up some papers and said that one of us had handed in a horrible and utterly worthless example of Trash, Schmaltz, Garbage, Drivel etc. Its voice was raised in mockery and laced with loathing and hate. The immediate transformation was shocking to the entire class. In the diatribe that spit out from its mouth, it somewhere identified me as the terrible writer who had dared to befoul this Sacred Lesbian Temple with such grotesque filth as was contained on the few pages that I had turned in.
We all just sat there in surprise, and stared at the thing. We were assembled in sort of a semicircle around it, and everyone looked at it or down at their desks and blinked a lot, but said nothing. I sat back in my chair and thought to myself -- "Did I piss in this bitches Petunias, or something equally sporting and amusing? What is with this bitch?"
I had not heard about the Homosexual Agenda yet. Nor had I heard that all writings must be perverted and controlled to support the hideous Feminist Movement and so-called Homosexuals; while any writings by Real Men, however slight or innocent, must be immediately destroyed!!!!
NO Masculine writing is to be allowed on Planet Sinister!!!!
This was my first encounter with a real and actual Academic Lunatic.
It went on for about fifteen minute about how horrible my few pages of writing was, and as it continued, the hatred that seethed in its brain for all Men became more vocal. It ended up by saying crap like any masculine based forms of chicken scratchings must be eliminated from all Literature -- blah blah blah.
The class left in shock, and I began to investigate.
I quickly deduced that the entire 'English' department at the Inversity was saturated with feminist psychopaths. I mean -- 'Quick, lock them up in Rubber Rooms!' psychopaths. The bitch that was pretending to teach that class was just one of more than a dozen intensely vile and Man-Hating freaks of -- 'Scream Down The Pillars Of Civilization Because We Were Not Born With Testicles!' proportions. They were vicious brains that wanted to have Male bodies so they could dominate the World -- but instead they had Female bodies which meant they were supposed to Love the World -- AND THEY HATED THAT -- AND HATED THAT -- AND HATED THAT -- AND HATED THAT!!!!
I made a test. Just to be sure that my conclusions were right.
In the next class the freak, after spitting out some stupid graffiti about how to write worthless and socialist doctrines, told us all to try to write a short story again that was only two pages long.
I wrote a short work about Jesus Christ. In the story there was a Police Guard at the Gates to Civilization, who was charged with verifying that only acceptable pasty-brained Voter/Followers were allowed into Utopia. Then one day Jesus Christ came to the gate. He told the Police Guard that the people inside needed him, because the Time had come for Redemption. The Police Guard refused to let Jesus through the gates, because he did not fit the profile for entrance into (what would now be called DemoTopia). Jesus went away, but he came back twice again to try to get into Utopia and save the people. Each time, the Prison Guard refused and told him to go away. After Jesus left for the third time -- Utopia turned into Hell.
Before I turned in the paper, I spotted where the office was of that Sinister Bitch. We turned in the papers at the next class, and class was dismissed. The DWC instructor took the papers with a sick grin of victory, absolutely sure that whatever I wrote would be just the kind of asswipe which it, and the Homosexual Agenda, liked.
I gave it two hours. I went and got something to eat at the cafeteria, and then I went back to the Devil's English Department. As soon as I got up to the floor where the bitches office was, I could hear the screaming.
I walked over to the office and saw that the door was open. Inside I could see stacks of books, behind which there must have been a desk, and the bitch was stomping and jumping and pacing back and forth across the space of the office screaming "I Hate This Shit! I Hate This Shit! I Hate This Shit!" (quote)
It did not see me. It did not see anything. It only saw hatred and it screamed. I mean it really screamed. There was no one else out in the hallway, and the other bitches of that Indoctrination Camp were hiding in their own offices.
Test Positive.
It was an Indoctrination Camp for Queer Radicals -- nothing more.
I dropped the phony course.
That was when I realized that I was truly attending the Inversity of Mordor, which I named it as such on that day.
So .. how does this teach us about Experiential Logic?
Answer: As a Human Being, the more that your worst attackers foam at the mouth and try to destroy your Life -- the more you should Enjoy It!!!!
Destroy Their Efforts And Them With Impunity -- And Groove On It!!!!!!!!!!
I once had a boat on Lake Champlain. It was red, about twenty feet long, made of fiberglass, wide, expensively built, with two front seats and two back seats next to a housing that sat on the back part of the deck, over an Inboard/Outboard engine. It was a good boat, and fast for its size. The interior of made of silver vinyl to which I added a white canvas top supported by aluminum braces. This made the boat into a place where I could sleep at night, which I did often.
But, when I first got to the lake the boat was without a cover, as it was a boat which had been built to pull multiple water skiers. So, it was built strong and fast, to which I added enough accoutrements to make it possible to live on it as long as it did not rain. When it rained I covered the entire boat with a blue tarp and slept inside.
Well, that worked but not too well, so I decided at last to take the boat to a 'Canvas Shop' that specialized in making life more bearable for boaters. I had already been there and priced a covering for the boat, which actually turned it into a kind of cabin boat. I could either have the canvas up, or down while keeping the aluminum frame intact, and still have plenty of room for movement, and getting on and off the boat. It would cost two thousand dollars, but after living through another storm while anchored out on the middle lake, I decided to get it done.
I had just left the Burlington, Vermont area and I headed for the northwest side of the lake where the Canvas Shop was located. As I was going along the surface I was aware of the fact that I was passing over one of the deepest areas of the lake. It was a bright day, with a few white clouds overhead, and the water below was dark green.
My route was to swing north and pass Colchester Shoals, and then proceed north to Stave and Providence Islands. Then, I would cross the lake to the west side and head for the Peru Docks; which was on the mainland, inland from Valcour Island (one of the Jewels of the Lake).
My boat trailer was at the marina there, and after a shower and some late lunch I would haul the boat overland to the Canvas Shop, north of Peru.
I got about as far as the map indicates when I decided to slow down, tie off the wheel, and eat some breakfast. I was eating a sandwich and standing at the front windshield with the motor running at quarter speed, when the boat suddenly shook everywhere. I was almost knocked off my feet.
The motor started to die and the boat slowed rapidly. I reached for the throttle control and pushed it to half speed, but the boat stopped and began to go backwards in the water. Then, there was a large and unpleasant sound from under the boat. I thought that I had run aground somehow, but that was impossible out there. I shut the engine off and held onto the windshield while the boat began to pick up speed going backwards.
The lake began to smash up against the transom of the boat, louder and louder the further and faster the boat went backwards. By the time I had traveled a hundred yards backwards I was getting really unhappy with the situation, but aside from the waves and the foam all around the boat there was no sign of what was causing this to happen.
I started the engine again, out of gear. It was a Boss Mustang V-8 with a 4-barrel Holley Carburetor and Edelbrock Manifolds, so it was quite powerful for the size of the boat. The engine ran fine, but when I engaged the forward gears the engine stalled. I did this twice again, because there really wasn't anything else to do. The boat kept going backwards, and the engine kept stalling. The fourth time, I started the engine with the forward gears already engaged; but the engine was near idle. As soon as the engine began to run I slowly increase the throttle, more and more. There was a great confusion under the boat like the prop was grinding something, or had become a huge eggbeater; and then suddenly everything changed. The propeller began to beat the water instead of something else. I was still holding onto the windshield and pushing the throttle forwards, and quite rapidly the boat began to take off. I whipped out a knife from my belt and cut the rope that held the steering wheel. I sat down quickly at the controls and pushed the throttle full.
The boat was designed to pull four skiers at high speeds, so on its own it took off like a Scalded Armadillo at a West Texas Cookout. In no time there was a huge wake behind me that was five miles long, and I was cruising at forty miles an hour towards Valcour Island.
It was getting near noon time as I pulled into the channel between Valcour Island and the mainland of New York. The water was only thirty feet deep off the docks of the town called Peru, New York. I dropped the anchor and changed into a bathing suit, and went over the side wearing a good diving mask.
The boat had been in the water for a couple of months, long enough for that green slimy covering to form on it, which has to be washed off by hand. This covering was missing from the hull in large places. It looked like it would, if I had gone underwater with a big brush and had wiped off the slime in random patches, leaving about half of the hull still green. The lower section of the outboard drive was unmarked and unscratched. Being covered in black paint it would have shown any scratches, or damage. The propeller was new. I had changed the propeller when I put the boat into Lake Champlain, choosing a more powerful design. It was still looking like new.
There was something though. The mounting of the drive unit to the boat and the engine mounts were not where they had been. Obviously, the boat had been dragged backwards by the stern drive, and the machinery and housings showed that.
I took the boat to the Canvas Shop that day, and while they had it for about a week I made inquiries into how to tighten up everything that had been shaken loose during the incident. Two weeks later I had shackled the engine to its mountings, and replaced anything that held the engine and transmission together and/or held the drive unit to the boat.
For the rest of that summer I never had a problem, with the boat or the lake or the weather. To this day I still have no idea what happened out there off Colchester Shoals.
So .. what does this have to do with Experiential Logic?
Answer: It defies Experiential Logic, because no one else has had an experience like this, there, or anywhere else on the lake. Have you heard of one?
So, what could be the Logical explanation for it? And remember folks, this is not Rocket Science. Wolves and Dolphins and Elephants (just to name a few species) all have Experiential Logic -- so why can't you?
While I was doing research for this message, the section about the Great Library of Alexandria, I came across Atheist declarations that Edward Gibbon (author of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire) was an Atheist. Knowing that the Duffus Atheists are always declaring that everyone who is not a Screaming-Before-The-Alter-Christian must be an Atheist -- and that they have the criminal audacity to list them as Atheists on Atheist websites ...
My Experiential Logic told me that I should make an Internet Search to see of Gibbon really was an Atheist.
Instead of an Atheist, I found that he was a critic of Christianity. It appears that he was not too impressed by Organized Religion. Where have we heard that before?
Edward Gibbon
Edward Gibbon, 1737-1794, English historian and scholar.
Gibbon was educated at Magdalen College, Oxford, but thought little of it, as his Autobiography reveals. After a brief conversion to Catholicism at the age of sixteen, he was sent to Lausanne, where, under the tuition of a Calvinist pastor, he returned to Protestantism. There he frequented many intellectual salons, and came to know Voltaire. There, too, he became engaged to Suzanne Curchod, later to become wife to Jacques Necker and mother to Madame de Stael.
After he returned to England he began writing, beginning with his Essai sur l'étude de la littérature (1758). But his writing career was interrupted by a four-year stint in the Hampshire militia.
In 1764 Gibbon was in Rome, where he was struck with the idea for what became his greatest work, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. The first volume appeared in 1776, and the series was finished in 1788. The famous chapters 15 and 16 attracted the most attention; in them he criticizes the institutions of early Christianity, and earned for himself the reputation of an atheist, which he hoped to combat in his Vindication of 1779. His Autobiography was published posthumously by his friend John Baker Holroyd, Lord Sheffield, along with other miscellaneous works, in 1796.
University of Pennsylvania
This is really quite laughable. Gibbons gave the Christians, of those times, literary Hell for some of the things that they did; as seen from someone in the midst of an Old English environment of intensely competing Organized Religions; something which I myself have criticized. Such things happen when you are constantly being badgered and ridiculed by Organized Religion, for not acquiescing to their religious demands. Which are totally separate from GOD -- entirely!!!!
But the Anal Atheists do not want anyone to know that, so they have relabeled Gibbon's History of Christianity as 'History of Christianity (The Atheist Viewpoint)', which even Amazon.com has fallaciously adopted. The real title is ...
'History of Christianity': comprising all that relates to the progress of the Christian religion in "The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire," and a vindication of some passages in the 15th and 16th chapters.
That vindication can be found at the following website. And, if you think my prose can have a cutting edge on it, you should read this stuff.
My Experiential Logic told me that this Hoax about Gibbon being an Atheist smells like decaying fish, and sure enough it is.
But, here again the 'Lie Enough Rule' of the SQLD is being applied fully. So, the Atheists firmly believe that they have completely cast Edward Gibbon as 'Our Kind Of Atheist!'
In pool halls and truckstops that kind of crap is called -- "Bullshit."
As if it is not bad enough to have the Atheists pretending that Gibbon was an Atheist, the Religious Fanatics are also screaming that Gibbon was an Atheist.
The poor guy -- I really feel for him.
Experiential Logic tells me that anyone who dares to speak out with the Truth, inside a Firestorm of Hating Competitors (who are all vying for each others constituents); and does not therefore adhere to the already well-established avenues and ballistic trajectories of decades of combat; but rather ignores it all, and just comes out with his own criticisms -- is going to be hard boiled and pickled in alcohol, as whatever each competing side thinks will most benefit themselves. That always happens to 'outsiders', by 'insiders'.
Propaganda is the enemy and nemesis of Logic. It does not want you to think, nor to have the ability to think for yourself, nor the Knowledge with which to think.
The complete absence of any form of Logic, or previous logical training, is a big factor in why so many Humans died such gruesome deaths, and became the various zombie classes of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead. Without any form or sense of Logic to help them realize that the crap they were being told, by the Queer Propagandists, was all lies meant to kill off what they were originally (and to turn them into raving and vicious liberals etc.) -- they had a very weak defense and only a few survived, often by accident.
How bad is Propaganda?
Answer: The queer rag USA QUEERDAY is so intent upon stripping everyone of any ability that they might have to be Logical, or be developing to become Logical -- that they are now saying (immediately after the 'debt crisis' hoax failed to allow further socialization and degradation of America), that the blame falls upon all Conservatives and Tea Party members; but not on HObama and the DemoCraps. That is a typical slice of DemoDung from a putrid DemoCrap; that is writing DemoCrap lies in a DemoCrap newsrag. The clincher to such evidence is that their lies are printed on the front (news) pages, which are supposed to be factual, instead of an opinion section; which is where all of their Lies and worthless Nonsense should be confined to.
Why does USA QUEERDAY still exist, when it is not Logical for anyone to buy such printed toilet paper?
Answer: Because not enough of you are Logical enough yet, to stop buying that DemoDope toilet paper.
Nor, can you be allowed to think of and remember all of the terrible crimes which toilet papers like USA QUEERDAY, and the Des Moines Rearsniffers, have committed against you already.
If you start to wise up and think, which will lead you to making Logical Conclusions about the lies and hate which are put out by such filthy rags (and they realize that you are getting smart) -- they will then try to do to you what the TV Owners and Operators are trying to do -- to tell you that you can have a second life (or your own choices) -- just as long as buying their Lies is included.
You are never supposed to become smart enough, or wise enough, or logical enough to remember all of the horrible things that they have done to you, this country and the Human Species. If you do, you will stop watching their Satan Tube -- you will stop listening to their Filthy Monkey stations -- you will stop buying their queer newsrags -- and you will stop obeying and respecting their twisted Monkey Judges (for hire only, and less-supreme-than-anyone-else).
No folks. There should be no attempts to rehabilitate such perversion outlets as USA QUEERDAY. Those open cesspools have to be closed, and flushed out.
There is a way to know if and when you are being Logical. But, you must also know at the same time -- where you are, what you are, why you are doing what you are doing, when you are where you are, and who you are relative to what you are doing.
At the moment that you realize that the Satan Tube is now, and forever, the permanent enemy of the Human Species -- at that moment you are being Sane and Logical -- and at that moment you must take a 'Snapshot' of all possible parameters of your inner self and the exterior environment around you. With that information, you must make an analysis of all things that could have affected you and brought you to that moment of Truth and Reality.
Memorize it all -- at all levels -- using your long term, intermediate, and short term memories. Once that is done and understood, your task becomes that of recreating the event(s) so you have another moment of Sanity and Logic -- no matter what it takes.
Then another, and another, and another -- no matter what kinds of troubles are incurred in the process -- no matter what kinds of pain occur in the doing of it.
Whatever it is -- Wherever it is -- However it is -- It is Where, When and How you want to be.
Keep doing it. Keep demanding of yourself the efforts and exertions it requires to know the Truth, and to possess Logic. The pains and troubles will give way to your determination.
You will find yourself in a place, and in a State of Being where no Lying Head on TV can reach you, and mistreat you, and use you for votes and product sales.
It will be necessary to repeat the process until neither Filthy Monkey, nor queer 'rag writer', nor Middle Skunk can possess you, or distress you, or confess to you lies meant to bleed you of sympathy and votes.
In that State of Being, you will be in a Personal Paradise -- where no crap can reach you.
A place for Thinking and Logic -- and Knowing.
An Example of Applied Logic:
Do not embarrass yourselves by ever letting the Galaxy know that you were once this stupid -- because you watched a video machine that took your brains away -- and you all existed without Logic because of that.
In the history books, just say that you were all in a voluntary hibernation and vacation from Logic -- and if you ever refer to me at all, just call me 'That Crazy Historian Guy' -- back when.
Believe me, you do not want anyone 'Out There' to know how dismally stupid you were 'In Here'.
If you are a Satan Tuber, with a lot of effort, you can see clearly why Logic is so important to us. I suggest you follow this simple procedure: 1. Place the key to a bear trap in a place that you can get to within five minutes of painful effort; that is far away from any television that shows Satan Tube channels. 2. Go back to the Satan Tube, and snap a bear trap around one of your ankles, and wait.
Soon enough, you will be in that place where there is no television showing any Satan Tube channels. That is the place to be, and stay, where you can see clearly why Logic is so important to us. From there, meditate upon the dirty and nasty sandbox tricks and vile dealings that the DemoCraps in Wisconsin are doing to that state.
The 'Recall Nastiness' there is all about DemoPower and the Conquest of Wisconsin for DemoTopia.
I noticed that the Sunday evening before the recall election on August 16th -- there were a lot of hideous DemoCraps from Minneapolis going back to Minnesota on I94. I know what the traffic on that highway should look like on that weekend, and I know vile DemoCraps driving their nasty little cars when I see them. Easily a third of the traffic on that highway, going west out of Wisconsin and back to Minneapolis/Saint Paul was comprised of DemoCraps, who have been doing nasty tricks and making nasty threats to anyone they could in Wisconsin; in order to Queer the recall election against the Republicans. It is very easy to see who and what is returning from a vacation or a weekend jaunt, and who or what is returning from a mission to intimidate and threaten the People of Wisconsin.
The goals and agendas of the SQLD do not have squat to do with the Welfare of Wisconsin, and are diametrically against any and all Humans that live in the Real Wisconsin.
[[The Homosexual/Radicals/Democrats failed to take control of the Wisconsin State Senate as they had planned.]]
At the same time, the DemoCraps of DemoWisconsin are so desperate and degraded by the greeds and perversions of their Devil Party that they think (and say) that any successful recall election is a great win for their little minds, and their huge egomanias.
They expect all of American politics to be equally low-life and dirty. They expect all of American politics to lick their asses and bow before them -- as the lop-sided rulers of the Devil's Sandbox, that they want to be -- that they want to reduce all politics to -- down to their twisted and sick-sick-sick level, where they are the meanest thugs in the Devil's Sandbox -- where they are sure they can dominate!
Of course, there is no Logic down there in the pit of their perversions and demands and diseases.
There has never been any Logic in Hell.
What makes it even more absurd, is the fact that the DemoDopes of this Wisconsin nastiness are so grotesquely S**t Stupid (and I mean 'they play with their own dung stupid') that they mouth the propaganda idea that they were told to say, by their Masters and Union Bosses -- "This will really impress him! He will be afraid of Wisconsin after this!"
It is too stupid to think about. It is thousands of brain-dead imbeciles shouting "Jump in our S**t! We want to be slaughtered! Make it hurt -- soooo goood!"
Sadistic masochists, demanding attention. It is exactly what I am writing about, when I say that Logic is the enemy of all Stupidity and Absurdity.
Of course, Madison is a cesspool of DemoCraps, Moderates and Logged RINOs; just like Wash This Death City is. So, one expects the same kind of ridiculous and disastrous ruination of the planet from them too. Which is really too bad for Wisconsin as a state, because as a physical state Wisconsin is gorgeous. Madison is just a boiling pustule and cancerous wound in Southern Wisconsin -- spewing out globs of puss in the form of dirty and very malicious DemoCrap Radicals.
Because of them, Wisconsin has had more Recall Absurdities committed against itself in the history of that state than any other DemoCrap-infested state in the Union.
But physically -- the Real Wisconsin is really beautiful and pleasant to be in. I wouldn't mind living there, except the sight of so many DemoFreaks that stick the fingers of one of their hands up their asses, and the fingers of their other hand down their throats -- and then switch hands -- and then switch hands -- and then switch hands -- and then switch hands ...
whereupon they screech "DemoQuap Victoree Foo Uss!" -- and immediately demand a ten dollars admission fee, from anyone who is stupid enough to be watching and not throwing up ...
is too much anti-Life for me to want to live near. Such lunatics belong as a sideshow in a Circus of the Damned and Demented -- and makes of Wisconsin a place where I would not want to live!
It is really an awful sight, and that is what a DemoQuap is. And wherever it is, there is Zero Logic.
Wisconsin, because of the Democrat/Homosexuals, is a land of Zero Logic. Where the temperature of Logic is at Absolute Zero.
It really should be illegal for any vestiges, minions or operatives of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead to have any involvement in Human Affairs whatsoever. Look at what the SQLD did to Massachusetts. I lived for 13 years in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone, which means that for 13 years I lived (alive) in a Mass Grave. And, because the SQLD were allowed to do anything that they wanted by a cowardly population, it is now a festering cancer upon the land; where there is no Logic, just Queer Politics; and where Logic is unknown and unheard of.
Logic says it is pleasant and good to have a full moon over your head at night; and to be able to view Nature in such a light, especially when traveling in the countryside.
But, Horror Freaks and 'Assorted Anuses Incorporated' say that full moon nights are for Dipshits and DemoCrap Retards -- such as 'Vampires', 'APA Psych Creatures', and 'Werewolves'. That is ignorant superstition promoting itself and trying to get money, power and fear as such -- as superstition.
It is typical of Commercialized Anti-Logic.
Another Exercise in Logic, which is a no-brainier. I will keep it simple for this example, but it was quite complicated and insane at the time -- and still is.
I was recently asked by a Human Being, who is very much on the Side of Light and against the Homochistic Democrats, why I was involved in saving the Human Species. I said, that aside from my sulfurous usage of the English Language ...
[[Applying Sulfa Powder (short for Sulfanilamide which was used during WWII as an antibacterial agent on wounds), can help injured Humans and save many a life from gunshot wounds.]]
... I was attacked by the Dark Side many times, and if those scum want a War with me -- they can have it.
I have had a lot of queer enemies in the past. One was a psychopathic lunatic which I have forever called 'The Jackal Turd'. It was on a work crew that I was a part of, in the Northwest, many years ago. At night, it would sneak into the laundry room next to the shower room, at the camp where we were billeted, and watch the men undress and shower. It would look through a small window between the two rooms, which was placed up near the ceiling, thus making the men think that they had an adequate privacy. I caught it doing this one night, while I was passing the small building in which the laundry room and the shower room were located.
At the time, I already knew it was an egomaniac; for one reason because it kept asking the men who bunked in the same room with me if my penis was longer than his. I also knew that it came from a family of insanely Liberal Radical Extremists, and that it wanted to be an Openly Queer Politician in Mordor.
Now, I realized just how sick-sick-sick it was. Somehow, it learned that I had seen it. Possibly, because someone else had seen that I had seen it, and it was not the only pervert in the camp. It realized that I now knew its secret.
Consequently, it tried to smear me with a personal campaign of lies about me -- in the fear that I would tell everyone what I had learned about it. The intention was to invalidate anything which I might say about it. It thought that what I knew about it would ruin all of it's political opportunities, in the newly oozing Mordor.
Two Realities existed counter to that delusion however:
1. Montana was being systematically butchered in its bed by the SQLD, that were based in 'Misbegotten'. And, the Democrat/Homosexual political trash that were taking over Montana, would have adored promoting a total psychopath into state politics -- as their Token Pervert.
2. It was a worthless effort, because I was concerned with the overall dilemma of Montana being killed by Mordor; and I could not have cared less about one twisted little jackal.
[[ Really, I used to write such pleasant and informative stuff. I never would have dreamed of calling a Turd a Turd. Then the 'Queers' at Mordor attacked me. Now -- a Turd is a Turd. ]]
There were many such freaks and scum in Mordor, busy killing Montana. There was also a low grade (as is dirtbag scum) Devil Cult in operation in that area; which was trying to defame me and wanted to portray me as the worst person in the World; because it was obvious that I was one of the best persons in the World; and they were really afraid that I would leave Mordor and tell the World what I had learned about them. Pathetic as they were.
That Devil Cult had its hooks into the Jackal, really deep. What with the area being overrun by extremely vile SQLD, of all the worst descriptions, the Jackal soon had many identical Allies of the Damned helping it. Together, all of the above mentioned swine wanted to denounce me and paint me as the exact kind of freak and monster that they all were. With the simple expectation, that if I was under suspicion and damnation (and therefore discredited), no one would listen to anything which I said about the creatures of Mordor -- them. And, there was plenty to say about the horrible Queer Medias and queer political whores that were taking over Montana -- and the douche bag of radicals and perverts and monsters that always accompanies such an attack, siege and overthrow of a formerly Human Land by the SQLD.
[[Their feeble attempts to discredit the Truth about themselves has continued ever since I left that ghetto. Incidentally, they are the same 'Queers' that are saying lies and falsehoods about Michele Bachmann and the Tea Party today.]]
I sloughed off the Jackal, just like I ignored the Devil Cult, and went about investigating what had really happened to Montana; and why it was becoming the Hideous Mordor. Naturally, I eventually tracked the source of the perversions, that were killing Montana, to the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone; having first determined that Montana was truly dying and being replaced by Mordor; all under the control of one grotesque and savage queer which will forever after be known as 'The Grand Imperial Faggot of Mordor'. A twisted and vicious Master of Perverts that always hid from me, sending out its gangs of Killer Queers to try to intimidate and/or kill me, if they could.
Today, within the bowels and cesspools of the ugliest and most vicious swine of the SQLD -- the Jackal Turd creature is being blamed for antagonizing me and for lying about me. Translation -- "Peters should have been primped and pleased, as though he were a Politician, so he could be bought off -- not antagonized so he is now waging war against us!!!!"
However, Turd is just one of thousands of Faggots that have lied about me since this War began -- and always to hide their own guilt.
The Queer Propagandists want to sacrifice the Turd creature publicly, in a worthless attempt to pretend that there is even a shred of decency about themselves. And by 'publicly', I mean within the putrid sewers of the SQLD -- which is wherever a pervert crawls and lies upon the planet.
But, such public denouncements are meaningless, as Turd was (and is) just a typical Faggot. It was (and is) totally insane, and sick-sick-sick, and vicious and a psychotic liar. However -- THAT is the description of every Faggot in existence!!!!
I have not thought about The Case of the Jackal Turd in decades, of course. Nor, have I thought of the Case of the 300 Pound 'Misbegotten' Faggots for years; and then only by reading reports of their unfortunate continued existence. No one would. I get reports about the continuing Case of the Grand Imperial Faggot, naturally. But so far, that boiling pot of urine and dung has largely escaped mention in these Histories.
That must change.
Now, the Queer Propagandists (having failed to kill me and Human Resistance) need a sacrificial pervert to feed up to the SQLD masses. And, the Turd and the 300 Pounders and the Imperial Faggot have been elected.
However Watson, the fault is not theirs.
No, Watson. The true criminal -- (drum roll please) -- IS THE DISEASE !!!!
Or, as I should say -- "The Diseases."
Logically speaking, the choice in Mordor was mine to make:
1. Should I remain and track down the Devil Cult and the Jackal Turd that were the thugs of the Grand Imperial Faggot, and kill them all? In which case, even though there were no Police in the area of 'Misbegotten', outside mercenaries would be bought by the hundreds and brought in -- and I would die killing them too -- whereupon no one outside of Mordor would ever know what had happened there -- or that Montana had been murdered and replaced by a God-awful monstrosity of Killer Queers, which I call 'Mordor'.
2. Search out the source of the mental disease and the queer agents that had invaded Montana, with the so called-Homosexuality vicious disease (looking for Devil Cults to help them spread the disease of course) -- and in the process achieve two things:
A. Make the entire World aware of the tragedy that had befallen Montana.
B. Become that Best Human Being which the Queers and Devils of Mordor despised, and wanted to prevent at all costs.
I wanted to do the first option very much, because I was completely sure I could kill all of the Killer Queers and the entire Devil Cult and many mercenaries before they got me -- if they got me.
But, in the Wilderness of Northwestern Montana (before I went down to 'Misbegotten') I made a promise to God and Nature. When I saw that the Queer Disease had reached into such remote areas as that, because of the Satan Tube and the Filthy Monkey Band and the queer newsrags; I said to myself that the disease (which it most obviously was -- and is) had to be fought and defeated somehow. Dying a glorious death inside Mordor, no matter how satisfying, would not achieve that promise, nor would it save the Earth and the Human Species from the so-called Homosexuals.
I do not intend to let any of the Vermin of Mordor off the Hook of Justice, and I shan't; however in such matters as the Life or Death of an entire species, one must pursue a Logical Course of Action. Just cutting off the tentacles of a monstrosity does not kill it. Certainly, not with a monster that has so many yapping heads and gesticulating limbs to begin with -- as was clearly illustrated in the Case of the 300 Pound Misbegotten Faggots.
Surely the heads need cutting off, but the nasty brains hiding inside the Corpus Repugnant are the real problem. Yes indeed; it is the overall monster that must be destroyed; and not merely caged and tamed.
So, I chose option B; and I became determined to track down the reverse-flow sewer from whence came the disease, and the agents of death that were promoting it.
Thus it was, that when I met the Queen down in Berkeley, California on a trip to that area, my mind was already made up to go East; as all clues and leads pointed towards the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone.
As Humans, do we care at all about what happens to the Jackal Turd?
No, of course not. It is just one of millions of berserkers, all of who are equally diseased by the same mental insanity called 'Homosexuality'. Whenever I mention all of the creatures of the Dark Side in conjunction -- such as ABC/DEF/GHI/JKL/MNO/PQR/STU (et all) any identity can be exchanged for any other identity -- it is all the same filth and dementia. All are equally perverted and equally demented, and equally genocidal.
Like Australian Wild Dogs, the so-called Homosexual Masters now need a sacrifice to offer to their own fetid masses of slaves and followers -- to show that they are sorry for not killing me and the rest of the Human Species -- and to prove that they are still totally deranged upon the killing of the Human Species -- and will not stop until either they are dead, or the Humans are dead.
What is the Logical Human Response to that situation?
Do we care? Why?
Do we ignore it all? Why?
Does it affect us? How?
Answer: The logical answer is simple. Total War is Total War. The SQLD are the permanent enemies of our Species.
For those of you who are a little slow about things like this, I will explain. Once something (anything) is your worst enemy or enemies, everything becomes a 'Worst Case Scenario'. There are no longer variations of tone, or of intensity or intentions. Everything becomes a 'Kill or be Killed Situation'.
That puts our enemies far away from us, and down a deep pit of death and insanity. Fortunately for us, the creatures of the Dark Side (which includes all of the SQLD) fit very well down inside a pit of Death and Darkness. For our enemies, 'Home' is at the Bottom of the Pit -- naturally.
In that way (that aspect of it all) this is a very Natural War. The SQLD are deranged, debased and diseased and therefore belong in the depths of depravity -- naturally. We Humans, on the other hand, deserve the freedom, and fresh air, and wonderful beauties of Nature that only we (as sane and decent beings) can appreciate and nurture.
Thus, the difference between ourselves and the hordes of the SQLD are enormously vast, and naturally placed.
Nature has a way of putting you where you belong.
Now that the Jackal has been declared a 'sacrifice', every creature inside the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead is wasting its time thinking -- "He is going to Kill the Turd!"
No. They need to be thinking -- "He's Going To Kill US!"
Now, that would be logical thinking.
If you do not know anything about what I am describing, the lesson still applies.
And No. The 'Queers' of Mordor cannot deliver the Jackal's Head to us, in a jar of Alcohol as fake atonement for past attacks and evils.
It would just be another 'Turd in a swimming pool'.
And, we are not into Queer Watersports.
By the way. Is it logical for any Human to be afraid of The Grand Imperial Faggot Of Mordor, and its army of Killer Queers?
Answer: I defeated that entire pack of vermin with a seven inch hunting knife, and a brain that can think.
Expand this example to your own Human Life. Think of the enemies of our Species that are attacking you and your family today. Think of what would be the logical response. Do not waste your time and effort on counterattacking where the SQLD want you to. Never let them have their way.
Don't just 'Exist' with the conditions and travesties that are put upon you by our enemies!
Think about Logic vs Illogic, or the absolute absence of Logic. The 'Queers' (amongst themselves where the rest of you cannot see them) are Insectoid Furious about one of my recent statements of simple fact: Anuses are for waste disposal of the body only!!!!
This has every Freak and Faggot of the SQLD really livid with rage. Which is fine by me. Remember, to those scum (who must exist by their own propaganda) everyone has been 'Queer' at one time or another (which they insist means further that everyone still is 'Queer') -- and therefore no one has the right to say that their demented abuses of their own anuses (and each others) is wrong. Despite the fact that they want it to spread to All Anuses -- For Their Abusing Pleasure!
It is a Prime Example of the total lack of Logic. Every Lie counts as a Truth to the so-called Homosexuals. So, if anyone has ever been lied about, by any Faggot in the past, that Human must be a 'Queer' like themselves. Therefore, (in their Bubble of Lies) that Human cannot say the Truth about them. It is a contorted and self-reducing nonsense, that only 'Queers' can exist with and worship.
In Actuality, they have been beaten down to -- "Should not have the Right to say the Truth". After which will come -- "Should not say the Truth so Loud". After which will come -- "Don't bother us with the Truth". After which will come -- "The Truth is Outlawed!" (etc.)
I have been lied about by thousands of Faggots -- so according to their inverted brains I am not supposed to be able to say the Truth about anything that they do or are -- remember each Lie counts as a Truth to them.
And, here I am -- non-Queer -- un-Queered -- never was Queer -- telling every Truth that I know about those Monsters.
That has the inner nest of 'Queers' (which the 'General Public' are never supposed to see) -- Hopping-Insectoid Mad!!!!
Oh! And Get This!!!! They are hopping around screaming "This is intolerable!!!!" The whiners, and liars and schemers that want our Tolerance of their Genocide of the Human Species, are saying it is Intolerable that the Human Species will not die!!!!!!!!!!
Which is fine by me.
It is also fine with everyone who is, or has ever been, a victim of the so-called Homosexuals.
Another Example of Logic.
I remember an SQLD Master.
I was living in the HBHZ in a section called Waltham. My favorite area of the HBHZ, that is the most Human, was South Boston; which is violently hated and despised by all perverts, politicians, and Black Radical Extremists everywhere -- but I lived in Waltham.
The neighborhood in Waltham where I lived was a seedy collection of low rent apartment buildings and small houses clumped together too closely, with tiny back yards and inhabitants that were so ghastly they scared away every junk yard dog for ten miles -- a real lower/middle class ghetto.
I remember one dark night, when I was studying computers in the top room of our apartment with the window open, an SQLD Master came to look the area over; to see if it could figure out a way that we could be assassinated. It was dressed like a TV Anchor Faggot, and was slim built, about six feet tall, had short blond hair, had a typical New England Death Mask for a face, and was very white. It swaggered as it walked. It was a typical Master of Queers, and it also thought that it was a very highly placed and powerful SQLD Master. If you saw it in the daylight, you would think it was a Dentist, or an Office Manager, or a Vice President of a Corporation. It was groomed for Public Propaganda purposes.
I remember it walked all around the neighborhood several times with a Lesbian Middle-Manager from the neighborhood as a guide, at night. Being a bloated egomaniac, it had no idea that by now I had put down my studies and I was outside on the roofs of the apartment building watching them, and hearing every word; as they casually strolled around all of the houses and up and down all of the side streets and alleyways; supremely confident that they owned Waltham and that they could openly discuss assassinations, and no one would dare report them or interfere.
Most of what it said was typical sado-masochist S&M jargon, mixed with references to its Devil Cult activities. After finishing its walk around the entire neighborhood, it said (as it was passing close by on a side street) that the Assemblage of Masters was very upset with that Peters son-of-a-bitch. I was causing drop outs, and late payments, and droppings of debt, and escapes. The Lesbian Middle-Manager said all of that would change, of course, after that Peters piece-of-shit was dead. Then the Master said "I just can't understand how that piece-of-shit is still alive! With so many of our Demon Brothers and Sisters hating it, and wanting it dead! How can this happen?"
The Lesbian Middle-Manager started to say that it knew of some particularly vicious Killer Lesbians that wanted approval for attacking that Peters son-of-a-bitch as a unit. They turned away from the neighborhood, and their conversations became muted.
I sat there crouched on a subroof, underneath the main roof and covered by deep shadows, and watched them go away. I never forgot what that SQLD Master said that night, nor will I ever forget the total arrogance and assumed superiority which that Turd exuded with every breath and movement. It was sure it was in Hell On Earth, and it was a Master Devil. There was absolutely no doubt about it.
Of course not.
Totally. But, then again the wholesale cowardice and gutless submission, of all two-legged creatures that existed in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone, to those Master Turds had given the things (and all things like it) a feeling of complete Mastery. They owned and operated every TV station, every FM radio station and every newsrag. They broadcast their constant Satanic and 'Queer' messages over every radio and TV speaker; as though the HBHZ was a Communist Chinese Concentration Camp. They openly harassed and defamed and despised every Human Being that was stupid enough or unfortunate enough to be in the HBHZ; to include killing as many of them as they could, given the political conditions of the time.
Human Resistance such as mine was unheard of there, and could not be Tolerated! But, they just could not find a way to kill me off. They killed the Queen, but that was just an attempt to kill my heart, and make me crash and burn in flames.
Would it be Logical to make a True Movie about all of the story of Human Resistance against the SQLD?
Answer: To begin with, who would act the parts of the SQLD? You cannot use Human Actors to portray our enemies, because they would undoubtedly Humanize the depiction of creatures that are totally Inhuman, and the lowest swine yet created.
It would not be Logical to allow a movie to upgrade the roles of our worst enemies (such as Monkey Judges) to the status of Humans, when in Reality they are the most swinish prostitutes in existence.
Nor, would it be Logical to pay the real Monkey Judges to portray themselves in the movie (which they would do for enough money), because that would make them richer and fatter. Also, by appearing in a Human Movie they would be given a false veneer of Humanity, no matter how thin.
How would you depict all of the horrible attacks against Humans that have occurred in the HBHZ? The only movie that I have ever seen that comes remotely close to how horrible the Killer Queers are is called -- 'The Omega Man' -- with Charlton Heston. And still, the enemies in that movie had Human speaking parts, which does not happen in Reality in the HBHZ.
How would you depict all of the lying Democrat/Homosexuals that are brainwashing and killing their own children with lies about Human Resistance and Humanity -- in order to prepare them to become Killer-Queers, and to join the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid? You could never subject Real Human Children to such horrors!
Do you see? You must be logical about how you represent and depict all of this -- and whatever you do it must be True and Realistic from beginning to end.
For instance, how would you depict the Laramie Project Hoax, without the use of Human Actors? Remember, Human Actors must only portray Humans!!!!
What do you do with the base cowards, that lied about the monsters of the SQLD, that existed in the towns and cities that they are in? The cowards that pretended that the War is not really this bad, in order to protect the real estate value of their own properties.
They used to lie that the SQLD really did not exist, or were only transients in their area. Now, that everyone knows the Truth, the same cowards (when confronted by righteous Human Beings) say that the SQLD are now all old and not worth prosecuting.
With hundreds of thousands of DemoCrap Youth being trained for the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid, as You are reading this????
All of it, is nothing more than an effort to save their own reputations and property values -- both of which are and should be non-existent.
What do you do with such scum as they?
What is the Logical thing to do with them?
Answer: Burn them out, and rebuild -- after you have executed the SQLD, the liars that allowed the SQLD to exist to begin with are equally guilty of the atrocities and lies and attacks which the SQLD committed against the Human Species!!!!!!!!!!
By the way, the creatures that I am describing are nothing more than the Chickendung and Cheeseburger-sucking so-called Moderates, of the Moderate sucking-arm of the SQLD. In other words, the SQLD in drag.
Logic reveals all SQLD.
And, such cowards and liars deserve to lose all of the things and positions that were their reasons for committing acts of traitorism, and for being cowards, to begin with. Plus, they can never be trusted inside the Human Species anyway -- not ever! Only politicians would not scourge them of their phony holdings and undeserved places in society. Which is why the Politicians must go down the same toilet with the same flush.
Such dirty Liars and cancers within our society need to be whipped and beaten in the streets, and expelled into the gutters. That would be Logical. Politics, however, is all about staying in office, and kissing the asses of anything that can vote. So, politics shelters and protects the enemies of our Species; while expecting us to feed them and mingle with them and work with them and allow ourselves to be exposed to their hideous attacks, and lies, and back-stabbings and laughter.
Only Politicians (especially Establishment Republican RINOs) would not scourge our enemies; for fear of losing those votes. For instance, two weeks ago I saw an ugly and old fat DemoCrap brainwashing a young female child with lies about Humans and Human Resistance. It happened to possess a large pickup truck that was pulling a large pontoon boat, which it had just stopped driving at a convenience store in Iowa.
Logic in this case is straightforward and clear. The lying Homosexual/Democrat involved, which was committing infanticide and looked like it was about to get hit by Final death anyway, does not deserve to have anything -- nothing. It is a vile and hideous monstrosity that deserve no Human Possessions or trappings of Humanity.
Take everything away from it, including the child.
Two things immediately happen when you do this:
1. You save the child from further brainwashing, and cancel the programming it has been undergoing to become a Killer Lesbian, in the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid.
2. You will see for yourself that the rancid DemoCrap, that was killing the child with lies, will rush to defend its possession of the pickup truck and the pontoon boat. And, completely ignore the fate of the child; which was just a target of its Queer Lies to begin with, and not a part of itself. What it considers as a part of itself, is the truck and the boat.
An Example of the total lack of Applied Logic, and its consequences:
I literally saw a Queer Propagandist last month, at a Walmart in Southern Indiana, that was raving out loud about the loss of new Human Children for 'their pleasures'. It was a typical lying little piece of (bleep), dressed in an outfit of 'Assassin's Dark Blue', with dark hair, a face that was begging to be ignored, and just enough strength to stick a knife between a Human's Ribs or a syringe and needle (filled with AIDs blood) into a Human's back -- that has used its lying mouth and the lessons of the ACLU Handbook (on how to kill the Human Species) to threaten and confuse and cajole and trick and cheat people into giving up their lives, and their children, for the Masters of the SQLD.
Only now, that is all failing, because Human Resistance is tearing apart the curtains of deceptions and stepping on the threats and lies that are taught in the ACLU Handbook on how to kill the Human Species.
Now little liars, like that swine at Walmart, can only stand in the middle of a store and rant and rave about how things are going wrong for Evil -- and here is the clincher! It kept saying (cross my heart) "This is intolerable! This is intolerable! How dare they resist!" Then it started to say "Damn the Resisters!" but the words choked in its mouth, because it was struck by the Truth that it was already damned, itself. For it to say "Damn the Resisters!" would have been the same as saying "To Heaven with all the Resisters!"
I laughed, and went to get some food at the produce section. The entire observation took only thirty seconds, and was as obvious and easy to understand as 2+2=4.
The only things which that Failed Propagandist can blame for its declining fortunes of bloodsucker money and queer dominance over people -- are the scum that deliberately did not warn it of the perils of the mental disease called 'Homosexuality'. All of the Politicians, and Media Bastards and Bitches, and Monkey Lawyers, and Greedy Consumerists that thought they could make a profit out of promoting such a twisted lunacy into a class status, for themselves to use and control -- would not allow the schools to teach about the imminent dangers of that mental disease, not even in their own Private Academies of Death -- many of which are inside the HBHZ. They would not allow Humans to say the Truth about all of it, nor to display warnings about it on billboards, or on TV messages etc.
So, the blithering and very disappointed Little Bastard in the middle of Walmart, which never had any inkling of how Logic could have prevented its terrible fate, is now a ruined 'asshole' for nothing. It's would-be career as a Middle-Manager-For-The-Queers to help them dominate the People, is being reduced to the most stupid and mindless waste of time on the planet. Now, it can only control the pre-existing Voter/Followers, which are the only things left that will ever believe DemoCrap lies to begin with -- AND -- those dead flesh are not what the Queer Masters of the SQLD want!
The Masters want a continual supply of new and innocent Human Flesh -- to touch and pervert and twist and disease and watch die. Which is why they have ordered the latest planned charade of DemoCraps closing government buildings, in Wash This Death City -- to attract and capture New and Innocent Human Flesh.
The Masters do not want anything that has already voted for them, because that is dead flesh.
The Masters want flesh, and skin, and genitals that have never voted for them!!!!
Welcome -- to DemoTopia. Where the Total Lack Of Logic will send you, sooner or later.
Unnatured Idiots with no life experience in the Real World, just existence inside walled in environments, are creating the so-called fore fronts of technology. But, since they are unnatural and warped and twisted, they are sending technology into weird and distorted and unnatural places; which are where their twisted brains wish they could be, and dominate.
Real Life, and Real Nature and Real Humanity are unknown to them, so they just end up perpetuating the terrible tortures, and the terrible environments, and the terrible DemoCraps that made them into the stilted and warped things that they are after such treatments.
They are being used by the sinister maniacs that made them what they are -- to create a world that is advancing into becoming what only sinister creatures of the most hideous descriptions will like -- Planet Sinister.
Have you ever shaken the hand of one of those dweebs? It is like shaking the cuff of an empty shirt hanging on a line. There is barely anything there that can be described as flesh and blood and bone and sinew. And, to the monsters that made those Human Children into such cloth-wearing mounds of mush, there does not have to be -- because:
Strength is unnecessary for what they have been denatured to do.
Vitality is unnecessary for what they have been denatured to do.
Fortitude is unnecessary for what they have been denatured to do.
Substance is unnecessary for what they have been denatured to do.
Nature is unnecessary for what they have been denatured to do.
Humanity is unnecessary for what they have been denatured to do.
All that is required of them is to create more and worse (advanced) Sinister Technologies -- for a Planet Sinister.
Such as the current Cell Phone Hysteria that many White Females are suffering from.
Granted, females talk a lot more than males do -- But Not That Much!!!!
Take away their unlimited minutes, and you will see the beginning Dawn of Logic start to grow in their brains. How?
Answer: Phone bills.
An impending example of Illogic, that is coming up in the future is the idea that we Humans should only vote for whatever candidate can defeat HObama in the next election; as though we had a choice. Remember what the 'Queers' in MassInsanity did during the New Hampshire Primary of 2008? They got McCain (clearly a traitor) elected instead of Huckabee.
The 'Queers' might manipulate the 2012 Primaries, so all we are left with is a Flaming Faggot Punk, or a Retard like Rick Perry for a candidate. There is already a Flaming Faggot Punk pretending to be a President in the White House!!!! It will certainly not be Logical to replace one pervert with another -- so, being logical, we must not allow the Democrat/Homosexuals to queer the selection process of our candidate, like they did the last time.
The extent to which you were surprised to see a real picture of myself, at the last posting, is exactly the extent to which you are already a prisoner of the 'Queers' -- and the extent to which you exist in a concentration camp that is created and operated by the Queer Medias.
The so-called Homosexuals, and their Medias, have thousands of such photos that show what I really look like. Make them show you the real photos of the Real Me, and not their staged and phony pictures.
How Is The Queer Navy Of Nevada Going To Stop This????
Queer DemoNevada re-elected Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid, for the sole purpose of killing the United States Armed Forces and replacing it with the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of DemoTopia -- so how is their Queer Navy going to stop THIS????
If you read the content of these sites you will see that it is all interrelated. I have weeded out the doomsday sites already.
Is it logical to re-elect such demented trash as HObama, and 'Calamity Clinton' and 'Dingy Harry'? When our worst enemies are looking forwards to easy victories over a nation misled by Faggots and Lesbians and deranged Liberal Crackheads; all of which think they are on the same side as our worst enemies anyway????
Answer: Hell No! The Communist Chinese would not even be thinking in these ways, if Real Humans were leading this country.
Instead of Queer Pissants.
Oh, by the way -- is it logical to believe the Hoaxer/Democrats when they say that all of the AIDS money that they raised (out of your pockets) went to help the poor dying perverts?
Read this websites and find out.
And finally, is it logical to trust the DemoTopia Government if you are alive with a functioning brain? Check out this report about the Liberal Extremist FBI organization that supports any and all Socialist takeovers of this country that might be in the planning -- including their own.
Since we are discussing the FBI, which has a long track record of issuing false reports about anyone whom they think threatens the Political Establishment Games upon which they are based, and from which they get paid ...
Is it logical for us to allow ourselves to be provoked and falsely prompted into a premature or wrongly directed Revolution?
There are obviously agitators out there that have been dispatched by the Homosexual/Democrats to infiltrate the 'General Public', and to falsely promote and rally for a Human Revolution by Human Resisters as soon as possible.
That is not a new tactic by any means. For instance, after the Hungarian Revolution was murdered by the Soviets (for doing anything on their own initiative, even though they remained loyal), there was another episode of a murdered Revolution in Czechoslovakia in 1968 (for doing anything on their own initiative, even though they remained loyal).
On August 20th of 1968, just over forty-three years ago, multiple armies and tank divisions of the Soviet Empire invaded Czechoslovakia (for doing anything on their own initiative, even though they remained loyal); to crush what is now known as the Prague Spring.
The decision to invade was made by Leonid Brezhnev and was based on false information given to him by the KGB's Yuri Andropov; who had sent thirty KGB Agents into Czechoslovakia previously to create false reports that the Czech government and Czech people were revolting against Communism. Andropov was a 'Backstabber of Tremendous Proportions', and is a Hero of the SQLD.
Read these websites about the incident, and you will learn why Socialists/Marxists/Communists love puppets like HObama and 'Il Duce Branstad'.
Oh! How Gag-A-Maggot Putrid!
It's 9/11 again, and the horribly fake Liberal Weasels of the Medias are pretending that they did not use 9/11 as a Declaration of War against the United States Of America.
Actually, it was just a Call for Increased Internal Sabotage for them, since they were already at War against the United States Of America.
Those Horribly Intolerant Toads are whining and whimpering and drooling on the TV microphones again for 'Tolerance' and 'Sympathy and 'Collective Love For The DemoCraps' ... and getting none of it. I was driving across Minnesota and Nebraska today (9/11) through many towns, and I did not see anything at all about 9/11 anywhere. In fact, I would not have even known it was 9/11 again, except a store I went into had an old TV on, over in the corner next to the fish bait, and some Nude Yack Faggot was wailing over a TV microphone about how its Proctologist had left it -- in a terrible act of Intolerance.
Good for the Proctologist. So much for 9/11 as QUEER BAIT.
Queer Propagandists think they can lie about and defame a Human Opponent, and that will cause their Human Enemy to start to think 'Queer' like they do -- and they are sure this will work because they have forbidden thinking amongst the Humans (with TV, FM, newsrags etc). Therefore, no Humans have the capacity for, nor the ability of Logic. Logic must not exist, so that Queer Propaganda and psych-attacks against any and all Humans will succeed!
You may wonder, as a Human Being, why the Queer Propagandists always insist upon trying old and totally failed psych-attacks against you. The answer is simple -- they themselves are the queer results of psych-attacks which were committed against them -- which turned them into 'Queers' to begin with.
It really is that simple -- pathetic -- twisted -- and hideous.
Hideous loves company.
The only time when Queer Propagandists say it was a mistake to attack Humans is when they want their following of brain-dead Idiots to think (for a very short time) that they really are beneficial and have everyone's best interests at heart.
Dead hearts, killed and killing. Usually, when the 'Queers' are caught in another Big Lie, all you hear is the stone cold dead silence of their hearts. Only in cases where Final Death might come their way, do they say they made a mistake; which is a case of lying to the bitter end, because every lie that they make is deliberate, premeditated and calculated to kill Humans!!!!
Remember, this info is for you Humans only. The Voter/Followers of the SQLD and their slaves cannot read and comprehend Human words unless they are being shouted at them. Ask Mordor.
Marxist/Socialist HObama Youth:
Homosexual/Democrat Nasty Youth Corps (newly queered and still bleeding), are being deliberately isolated from all Truth and Reality; and are being horribly brainwashed with all forms of DemoTopia Dogma and Propaganda’s. I have no doubt whatsoever that their isolated training will include private military camps, complete with military exercises and maneuvers against Human Resistance, Human Houses, Human Towns and Human Neighborhoods. They are also being trained to be Queer Militants that will enlist in the Queer and Armed Fart-Forces of Heinrich 'Himmler' Reid. Once they have successfully infiltrated the services, the Armed Forces of the United States of America will cease to exist, and the armed perverts of Genocide Against Humanity will have replaced them.
There is no doubt, that is the SQLD plan.
Does anyone remember the Jonesville Massacre? The same kind of fatal mass insanity that possessed the leaders of the Jonesville community is what possesses the hideous Democrat/Homosexuals inside their Bubble of Lies, and forces them to sacrifice their own children to the lunacies and hates of the Homosexual Agenda.
This is one of the most shocking Wikipedia articles that I have ever read. It literally exposes the many intestinal sicknesses of the SQLD blob. Reading about Jim Jones is like reading the standard dossier of all Liberal Extremist and Homochistic Radicals.
[[If you cannot see an enormously good reason in all of this for keeping your children out of the Sado/Demo/Maso/Homochistic Public Schools -- and educate them in Human HomeSchools -- then read no further. Go to your nearest Funeral Home, and buy coffins for your children.]]
I also expect HObama the Magnificent Pervert to be worshiped by the twisted freaks of the queer services -- literally as a Demigod. The place of Queer God, will be reserved for whatever pervert controls the so-called Homosexuals at the time.
By the way, 14 Trillion dollars in unwanted debt amounts to the Forced Suicide of The United States Of America.
What is the reason for all of the recent anger and hatred that is being thrown, like monkey poo, at Human Resistance?
Answer: It is quite simple and apparent -- the hideous Masters of the SQLD are not getting as many new Human Victims for their grotesque rituals of death sex and snuff perversions, as they used to receive on a daily basis.
That is it.
It is all about feeding the Masters of the SQLD.
When the Masters are not happy, the entire twisted tree of the SQLD gets shaken, and all of the Queer Monkeys that fall out get whipped -- and Queer Monkeys do not like the whips of their Masters.
I told you -- if you listen to the lies of the 'Queers' because you watch the Satan tube, and listen to the Filthy Monkeys, and read the queer newsrags, AND you read the Truth from any source of Human Resistance at the same time -- you WILL go insane. It is an act of stupidity and insanity which is as bad as -- any kind of lunatic thinking that anyone or anything that is a Homosexual/Democrat is anything related to a Human Being.
Humans do not have relatives or friends that are Democrat/Homosexuals. The very idea of such a thing is worse than absurd. Any Human which thinks it has a friend or a relative that is 'Queer', is a deranged and lost Human.
And, THAT is what the 'Queers' want!
If you will not support their Genocide Against Humans, then they would rather have you INSANE, then to be a Human and therefore to automatically be against them.
The 'Queers' have thousands of photographs of me that all show how much of a Man I am -- have those liars ever shown you any? Ask yourself why not. Are you allowed to ask yourself questions?
Of course not -- pictures of the Truth are not allowed inside the Bubble of Lies. Inside the Bubble of Lies is where the Queer Youth Corps is being brainwashed. The 'Queers' cannot allow any Truth to interfere with their programming of those Once-Human-Now-Dead Children!
Need I remind you again?
For all of you Humans who are sane and do not watch TV etc -- instead of waiting for news and lessons from Human Resistance, make some of your own. Be Human Resistance!!!!
I repeat -- Anuses are for things going out -- not for things going in.
That is Logic.
HObama the Magnificent Pervert is clearly part of The Revenge Of The Soviet Union -- and represents a Socialist/Marxist (totally mixed up) attempt to castrate and neuter the former enemies of that former Communist Empire.
All of which is such childish nonsense, being played out by supposed adults, on a planet that could never afford such stupidities to begin with.
It's a Planet Sinister!
Moderation says -- let the 'Queers' have everything they pay for, including the Extermination of all Real Humans and Ourselves (our kind) who won't be needed after all of the Real Humans are gone anyway. But, let them only have it in stages and a piece at a time, so we can get fat and happy in Our Own Time and -- "F**k everyone in the Future!"
It is an obvious two-pronged attack against Humanity, by the Democrat/Homosexuals who deliberately instigated this farce and Financial Fiasco Tango to begin with.
In the guise of saving the nation the Homosexual/Democrats are:
1. Attacking and blaming all Republicans, in an effort to reduce what they think is the Republican branch of Humanity.
2. Advance their own deceitful and devious and lying and cowardly sucking-arm of the SQLD, called the Moderates.
Now is a good chance for them to do a Genocide by Replacement upon the Real Republicans, by blaming them for the Democrat/Homosexual caused Fiasco Tango; and to suppress them (hopefully permanently) and replace them with Candy-Assed Moderates, addicted to SQLD finger jobs -- especially if Tiny Cheeseburgers are somewhere in the mix!
We are witnessing an attempted Genocide by Replacement of the Real Republicans by the Homosexual/Democrats -- using the Cheesy Moderates as the Replacements! Who for now, are pleased with the idea.
It is a blame game with a very serious and deadly purpose! It is already happening here in Iowa where the rag-tag Republicans of Iowa have been usurped and dominated by the Gross 'Il Duce Branstad' Puppet -- a totally gutless and brainwashed Monkey (for accounting pleasures); and the fall of WHO which has almost lost all of its former vitality and life's essence by bowing to SQLD demands and becoming a rabble of worthless ModeRats and commercialized clowns; with the exception of Jan Mickelson.
If the 'Queers' do not know that they are 'Queers' then why do you think they have a gutter vocabulary built around being 'bent' and 'twisted' and 'gay' and 'helpless' and 'pitiful'?
It is only when scum like the Satanists/Democrats/Opportunists/Moderates (etc) use the mental disease of the so-called Homosexuals as a tool to kill all Humans with, that you hear propaganda’s such as 'rights' etc. Only then do you get phony Queer Laws like Q&P MH; and see Humans attacked and degraded and diminished. Humans, ridiculed and reduced to cringing slavery and speechlessness; for not accepting such perverted scum as their superiors; and who are ridiculed for not falling for the obvious evils and sicknesses of Democrat/Homosexuals that pretend to be openly 'Queer' for promotional purposes. Whipped Humans, for the Medias to use as some kind of twisted justification for making such Users/Freaks/Liars/Politicians superior to all of us.
To reinforce the Commercialization of their Diseased Victims, the Opportunists that feed upon them have created a False Culture of Psychopathic Freaks that claim they are 'proud' to be demented and depraved and mentally diseased -- thus stifling and burying the sounds of the lamenting and suffering ones. The Masters do not want the 'Queers' to have the 'Cure'.
In many Hollyqueer Movies the assumption and pretense is forced upon the audience that anyone who does not want to see America destroyed by the SQLD, and their prize puppet HObama the Magnificent Pervert, must be a dangerous Right Wing Fanatic! Such movies are typical Socialist Schmaltz, and an insult to any real actor that appears in them.
Hollyqueer Movies were part of the setup to make the 'General Public' believe that what goes wrong with government and what will go wrong after the Democrat/Homosexuals scuttle and bankrupt the economy, must be the fault of Right Wing Extremists --
1. Because they saw it in a Hollyqueer Movie.
2. Because the Homosexual/Democrats promised (everything).
3. Because they are brainwashed to think that only 'Queer' and 'Foreign' (anything) is good.
4. Because they have been brainwashed to think anything or anyone Human and American is bad, and must die!
That means the 'American General Public' has been programmed and reduced to Idiots, who think their own country is the Evil of the World:
A. Because it has already saved the World from the Nazis.
B. Because it has already saved the World from the Communists.
C. Because it has already saved the World from the Socialists.
D. Because it has already saved the World from the Marxists.
E. Because all of the above want America dead.
F. Because all of the above own and operate Little Charlie TV Stations, Filthy Monkeys radio stations, queer newsrags, and Hollyqueer!
To lie for the 'Queers' is to die for the 'Queers' and after all -- if you are going to lie for such scum, you might as well die for such scum -- that's how the Queer Masters see it!
If you are a child trapped in a Queer/DemoCrap house, you desperately need Logic. Your only Logical option is to escape. Suicide is illogical, unless you have no other options and cannot bear to be part of the disease.
Escape will give you options. Take the first and best option of escape, and it will lead to many more options; even though at first they may not seem to be options. In fact, as soon as you escape you may be inundated and surrounded by options, but it might seem to be scary and strange to you.
For instance, many TV addicts that are somehow getting the message that the Satan Tube is killing them, think dimly that all they have to do (to stay mentally healthy) is to only watch the 'nice' channels; instead of the nasty channels.
That which seeks profits from the death of the Human Species by collaborating with the SQLD -- no matter how much they do an about face and pretend to pander to the same Humans that they formerly were involved in murdering -- must be eliminated. That means all TV Stations AND Direct TV AND Dish Network AND the Cable Companies (etc).
It is all horrible death. Nothing that was, can be allowed to continue.
The Future of the Species depends upon that.
It is terrible being a child prisoner in a bad or queer home. I know, because I have been there; but you will soon forget those scum once you have escaped. If the Homosexual/Democrats, that hold you prisoner in a house, will not allow you to know the Truth; perhaps a Human Child that is free will tell you.
Have you noticed that your slavers do not allow you to talk to Human Children? They do not want you to know who and what they really are! Horrids! Here the Logic is simple -- ESCAPE!
The idea is to provide everyone (including children) with a sure-fire way to know that they are dealing with Lying 'Queers'. If they lie about me and defame Human Resistance -- they ARE Queer Propagandists and Voter/Followers for the enemies of Humanity. No matter what level they are at.
Let them lie themselves into their own graves!
It is far too late for any apologies or turn-abouts of constantly greedy intentions, anyway!
The huge laugh of it all is that the Democrat/Homosexuals and especially the Voter/Followers are doing two totally contradictory things at the same time -- which reveals to everyone how stupid they are:
1. They repeat the lies and smear slogans of the Queer Propagandists, even if they are decade's old versions.
2. They blab that they are not 'Queer', and that they are only trying to help the 'Queers' (leaving unsaid that they follow all orders from the 'Queers', and lie for them, and perform queer acts for them; and at the same time they have 'household members' that are openly 'Queer', while they blab that it is not their fault, and that "they are just that way" -- when everybody (including the queer deviate propagandists) knows that ...
When looking for information about Logic on the Internet, one notices that most sites are about very personal ramblings that somehow have the word 'Logic' mixed into them. The few websites that do explain what Logic is, are either academic sites or Catholic. None of them are sites from the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead.
If you study Logic, you will find that a lot of symbology is used throughout the discipline (Principia Mathematica is wall to wall symbolic logic). At first, this will probably throw off your interest in the subject -- however there is something which you should know about Pure Logic and Pure Mathematics in general -- 'Queers' do not go there!
Any pervert that pretends to be Logical or Mathematical is only there to queer and twist and pervert the subject matter, as ordered by the Masters of the SQLD. Logic and Mathematics, in their natural and pure forms, are not conducive to mental diseases of any kind, and are therefore Anti-Queer! Yes, that DOES mean that Pure Logic and Pure Mathematics are a CURE for Queer Propaganda; because where Pure Logic and Pure Mathematics exist -- Queer Propaganda Cannot Exist!!!!
That Means -- you might want to reconsider any idea that you were given about Logic and Mathematics being worthless and uninteresting to you.
Now, since I have revealed this Truth ... to counter the Truth and to stay dominant over all of their dupes, DemoCraps and slaves ... the Queer Propagandists will try to create a Queer Logic which opposes all Real Logic. Using their usual insidious tactics, they will begin to program all of their subjects with the edicts and lies and rules of Queer Logic.
But it won't work, even though the Atheists and Radicals of the Science Religion are trying to queer Logic and use the twisted results of their lies against the Creationists, and all of Organized Religion -- who at the same time are using Theological Logic against them ...
It cannot work.
It is not logical.
Pure Logic and Pure Mathematics (devoid of religious purposes) do not co-exist with mental diseases such as the so-called Homosexuality.
It just doesn't happen.
Anything that you find calling itself Logic and existing in the same proximity as the 'Queers', is not Logic.
With the 'Queers' having thousands of pictures that show how much of a Man I am -- why have so many 'General Public People' not seen one before?
Only prisoners cannot see outside. Only prisoners cannot know what is outside the walls of their prisons. What is the name of their Prison/Concentration Camp?
In a concentration camp you are only allowed to know what your prison guards want you to know about the outside world.
Inside your concentration camp you are only supposed to play video games, watch liars on TV, hear lies on the FM, and read lies in queer newsrags.
But I am curious -- what do they call their prison?
Their bedroom?
Their living room?
The sitting room?
The entertainment room?
Or just plain 'Hell!'
I would bet anything, that a lot of you now wish you had been reading the Truth on my website, and the websites of other Humans.
What good will the Truth do for you in prison?
For decades the 'Queers' have had pictures of me and have never shown them to you!
In those decades, they have become your prison guards -- and you did not know it?
That is too stupid to believe!
You have more problems than you think you have!
Hint: Your cell phone can be your prison guard.
Did you read that right?
Do you need me to say it again?
Your cell phone can be your prison guard -- and your prison!
Some of you are asking -- why show yourself now?
What would they know about now?
They are prisoners!
They are only supposed to know about today's prison routine!
What is this 'now' routine?
In their prison -- 'now' is the time for their applesauce lunch!
Let me tell you something about 'now'. To the vermin that want to control your buying habits, by controlling your brain and society and social conditions (so all three will want to buy their video games and their TVs and their candidates and their consumer products) -- 'now' only exists as long as their latest advertisement or demand is current. As soon as the next ad or demand comes out, what used to be 'now' is obliterated and the new 'now' (your 'now') becomes what they say it is -- now -- the new 'now'.
In reality, now you are dying as food and fodder and money bags for those same programming leeches -- and now generations of Humans that were never turned into stupid bags of money and puss for the SQLD to suck on -- are dying -- and taking with them to their graves enormous amounts of Human Knowledge that you will never know, and will never find in Wikipedia!
And, you 'now idiots' have no idea (not a clue) that it is happening!
Who will replace all of that Lost Human Knowledge?
'Now' you? Video game you? Dead-before-your-time you?
Bloated-sack-for-sucking you?
Another one just died.
While you were reading this.
Another Real Human with an enormous store of Human Knowledge just died.
And, you don't give a (bleep)!
Why should you?
You have been made -- to exist -- in a World Of Shit.
DemoCrap scum do not deserve to govern over their own toilet bowls -- which must be the most foul use of Human Inventions of all time.
A: It cannot be overemphasized how fantastically important Human Libraries and the security of those Libraries from such Queer Organizations as the FBI, HomeQueer Security, the SQLD Thought Police, and the Medias -- are to the health and well-being of the Human Species.
I realize that many people who are reading this, or are having it read to them, or are having it explained to them -- do not know what the Great Library Of Alexandria is all about.
Almost all of you will wonder what a vanished library in Alexandria, Egypt could possibly have to do with you.
Put simply, it is all about You.
You, as part of a Continuum of Humanity that had a beginning, has taken a course (no matter how erratic), is still continuing, and thanks to Human Resistance still has a Future.
The awareness’s that come from the Human Knowledge, which was created and discovered at any point along our Human Timeline, is incredibly important to us -- as is the awareness that we have as much of those awareness’s as we possibly can attain.
Applied Human Knowledge is like having a body that wants to fall apart and decay all of the time (into Chaos), and the only way to keep the pieces together is through Knowing. Knowing all of the Who, What, Where, When and How's of your own existence. The more there are of You, and the larger the body becomes; the more it will tend to fall apart, disassemble and drop into crazy and selfish pieces.
Human Awareness, fueled by Human Knowledge, is the energy reserve that allows thinking and courageous Human Beings to work, and collect, and persuade, and lead all of the Human Body as a togetherness -- as a complete and sane single body, or single and unified and coherent Species.
For instance, you may say that knowing about all of the controversy over Edward Gibbon does not help you in any way. And, you are wrong. Any lies and misinformation that is generated for selfish and hateful purposes about any Human Being diminishes All Human Beings. Even though Edward Gibbon himself had no qualms about being unkind to his fellow Humans, when he thought they were wrong.
If you have no idea what can happen to you, and no idea what kind of enemies you may encounter in your life -- you may very well end up very dead, very quickly; when it could have easily been avoided.
For instance, I had never experienced being attacked by hideous and vicious Lesbians before I went to the Inversity of Mordor. When it happened, I just thought it was because of my After Shave, or my really Handsome and Dashing Appearance; and somehow those 'females' had been trying to get me to turn on to them, and I had missed the suggestions.
However, I had already been through enough warfare, and I had learned enough about how a Human Being handles himself when attacked by vile anti-Humans, that when I was attacked like that (out of nowhere) I was quickly able to react properly and investigate the situation; and to realize just what kind of knuckle-dragging and blimp-brained female freaks inhabited that sewer.
Human Knowledge and Experiential Logic saved the day -- and me!
Markel Peters
I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message. Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OwHSUal4EYVBt2hlDEEdIxNYG3yJ99nx/view?usp=sharingThe original version.
This blog exists to inform the People, of the 'Real Truth' about the real enemies of the Human Species. These Truths are not objectionable, as they are Truths. Only the telling of them can be objectionable, to those who wish to hide the Truth. If the Truth is something you HATE and therefore object to - go elsewhere!
Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!
The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.