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Monday, May 31, 2010

The Song of the Homo/Demos -- and Their ‘Queer You‘:

The Song of the Homo/Demos -- and Their ‘Queer You‘:

This is a most simple song.

It has two sentences. The first claims an intention, followed by Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! The second whines in disappointment, followed by Wahh! Wahh! Wahh!

If you can say -- "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!", and then make sounds like a Democrat/Homosexual and say -- "Wahh! Wahh! Wahh!" -- you've got it!

So it goes like this --

"We Want To Queer Everyone - Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!"
"But, We're Not Allowed To - Wahh! Wahh! Wahh!"

It is the 'Song of Intolerance', from the Whiners For Tolerance. Who NEVER plan to give any such Tolerance to anyone else -- not when their entire goal is Domination!

Take the Punk Perverts that stole the Election Signs off my front yard, for example.

While I was out of town, some low-crawling Homosexual/Democrats slithered up onto my lawn, and stole three Election Signs that I had posted there.

Two were for Bob Vander Platts, but they were not the real target. It was the third sign that was the target of the entire slimy theft.

What could that third sign have said?

Slithering and singing their twisted little song -- "We Want To Queer Everyone - Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" "But, We're Not Allowed To - Wahh! Wahh! Wahh!" -- they slimed onto my property and took away that third sign -- with the other two to make it look general.

Why? What was on that third sign that was FORBIDDEN to the Satanic and 'Queer' Lying-Dead?

What did that third sign say, that was so True?

So True, that such Liars as those scum HAD to get rid of it? Especially, during an election!

What meaning could it have had?

What connotation could it have born?

What incredible Truth could it have shown, that had to be destroyed by the SQLD?



Three words. Of those three words, which ones were FORBIDDEN by the Democrat/Homosexuals?

The word 'Vote'?

NO. Not yet.

The word 'Conservative'?

Yes -- if not controlled and dominated by the SQLD.

The word 'Straight'?

Yes -- and for the same reasons!

But, what made those snakes of the Homosexual/Democrats squirm onto my property while chanting -- "We Want To Queer Everyone - Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" "But, We're Not Allowed To - Wahh! Wahh! Wahh!" -- and steal that third sign?

That sign has stood out there on my front yard, in the same place never moving, for months -- possibly an entire year!

And, now in an election cycle -- what did it say or do that was TOTALLY INTOLERABLE to the Democrat/Homosexuals? To such an extent that they would send their gutter snakes onto my property to steal it?


Look at it. What about those three words makes it INTOLERABLE, to the lying whiners of the SQLD?

Not just the 'Conservative'.

Not just the 'Straight'.

Sooooooo ... it must be the -- 'Conservative Straight'!


Hummm. Why would the term 'Conservative Straight' be INTOLERABLE, to the Homosexual/Democrats?

Have you ever heard of Double-Reinforcement?

'Conservative Straight' reinforces itself with the Double-Truth of its meanings.

Conservatives are Straight. Straights are Conservative.

Reality is Really and Truly -- Reality!

'Conservative Straight' is a Double-Reinforced TRUTH!

And, in the stew of sewage called Demo-Iowa -- TRUTH IS FORBIDDEN!

In any place controlled by the SQLD, especially one that is expected to become the Second Boston Horrid Zone -- ANY UNCONTROLLED TRUTH IS FORBIDDEN.


But, how do the SQLD 'Control the Truth'?

Simple -- Never Allow Any Truth To Be Told, Spoken, Heard Or Seen Without Their Controlling Every Aspect Of Its Appearance, And Meanings!!!!

Hence -- putrid Homosexual/Democrat terms (of Mind Control) such as 'Gay-Straight' are demanded. And, 'Financial-Conservative'. And, 'Moderate-Straight'. And, 'Moderate-Conservative' and so on ... are what is ALLOWED ... and all that is ALLOWED!

Never ( by the SQLD Propaganda Rules ), is any single word of Truth to be allowed (spoken, heard, written, or seen), that is not controlled by a 'Queer Demander'!

A 'Queer Demander' is an addition, condition, or precursor that demands that all listeners, or readers, or viewers know and acknowledge -- that any Human word herein is under the Complete Control of the Thought Police and Propaganda Weasels of the Democrat/Homosexuals!

Therefore, each and every Human Word of Truth -- is the mandatory prisoner and abject slave of the words of the Masters and Propagandists, of the Satanic and 'Queer' Lying-Dead.

Total Mind Control -- through Speech Control, Word Control, and Thought Control.

Hence -- such an AWFUL and FORBIDDEN term as --


is punishable by Death, as far as the SQLD are concerned.

However, since they all know -- Puppets and Masters -- that trying to kill me is far from advisable ....

they send snakes onto my property, when I am gone, to steal the Truth off of my Lawn.

To Steal The Truth Off Of My Lawn.

In America.


"The Great Forces For Democracy In Our Land!" -- sending vermin to belly flop onto my lawn, and steal my signs!


And -- ANYONE? Is going to Vote for those things????


You ask, "How does this effect me?"

Well, how QUEER are you?

Are you QUEER enough to pass inspection? By the Homosexual/Democrats?

Do you think THEIR INTOLERANCE will stop at election posters, and Human Words of Truth?

Once they control and dominate those parts of our Human Existence -- do you think they will stop there?

Did you say "Yes"?

If so, you have their crap in your brains!!!!

Nothing is going to keep them from achieving -- THEIR ‘QUEER YOU‘!!!!

Nothing is going to keep them from making Their Disease -- Your Disease!!!!

Such are the demands of the Disease itself.

What seems small and irrelevant one day -- and can be given over to the SQLD to die a horrible death -- but does not immediately effect You today ...

will be the source of your woes and the topics of your own Death Song -- when the time comes for You -- to be THEIR ‘QUEER YOU'.

And, it all starts -- wherever and whenever and whatever -- they can kill first.

Like Human Lawn signs, that say Human and Uncontrolled Truth.



The Democrat/Homosexuals send out their snakes to tear down Human Signs of Truth (for treats and rewards), like they send out Puppets to tear down States. For treats and rewards.


'Straight' is not allowed to exist by the Homo/Masters of Demotopia, just like You will not be allowed to exist, or speak, or read, or listen without being Their ‘Queer You'!

Why do you think HObama the Magnificent Pervert has been ordered to put into the Stooge Court a hideous Demented White Female (DWC), that wants to squash and kill all Human Speech?

Why do you think the Master of the SQLD now have their little HObama Puppet saying the Internet is dangerous?

Answer: It is no longer Their Plaything, and Their Propaganda Tool! They have LOST DOMINANCE over the Internet!

Now, Humans are using it to say and share the Truth about those bags of filth, and to throw off the yokes of SQLD Tyranny!

So ... now the Internet is an enemy to everybody's security! According to the Democrat/Homosexuals.


The mental disease of the Homosexual/Democrats will not stop, until all is perverted and twisted and mutilated into the unnatural filth that pleases it so much. And, serves it so well. And, spreads it so far.

Point in case: The Branstad Puppet was just certified by the Des Moines RearSniffers (once Register). The RearSniffer is arguably the most grotesque and queer newsrag in existence, outside of the Boston Horrid Zone. I say arguably, because there are several others in Demo-Iowa that are equally perverted and demented.

If you are a Human of the Real Iowa, then you already know that the Des Moines RearSniffers is a Reverse Flow Toilet of every kind of scum and pervert imaginable!

Now, the RearSniffers have 'Endorsed' the Puppet Branstad!

Is anyone on this planet surprised?

I wonder.

Why do the Masters of the Des Moines RearSniffers endorse the Branstad Puppet -- after running an article written by the GROSS Master of that Puppet? An article which denounced and defamed all Humans, everywhere.

Can you imagine the answer?
Can it be?
Can the worst enemies of the Human Species, want a Human Governor in Iowa?

You say "NO!" You are Right!

So ... if the worst enemies of all Real Humans in the Real Iowa do not want a Human Governor ... would they endorse a Human Candidate?

An uncontrolled and non-brainwashed Human Candidate?

You say "NO!" You are Right!

Perverts want Puppets!

Perverts want Puppets, to hide behind and manipulate! Until, they can Dominate and Rule Openly!

That makes the Puppet Branstad, the Puppet of Choice for the SQLD!

And, nothing more.

Bob Vander Platts is their sworn enemy. Sworn to oppose all of their evils. Thus -- No Endorsement For Bob!


Clearly, all of the vermin of Demo-Iowa, that already have made a hugely invested effort in killing off the Real Iowa (and adding it to their hideous sewer of Anti-Human Perversions), are desperately trying to get one of Their Puppets elected.

'Quiver, Their Lily-Liver' is politically dead -- and should be.

Bob Vander Platts is Human.

Where is the Perverted Puppet, that they so desperately need?

Which one does the Satanic and 'Queer' Lying-Dead endorse?



Make it Super-Simple for yourself.

Answer these questions:

What does the Des Moines RearSniffers endorse?
Is the Des Moines RearSniffers totally Perverted and SQLD?

Result: The Branstad Puppet serves 'Totally Perverted and SQLD'!

THAT, is how it goes together.




For those of you who live outside of the two Iowas, I will explain matters more widely.

The Villagers here in the two Iowas, act like the oppressed Villagers of Vietnam -- being terrorized by the Viet Cong, during the War in Vietnam.

They are subjected to Psychological Warfare against them by the SQLD, on a daily basis.

With typical Psych Warfare tactics -- the Democrat/Homosexual Terrorists deface Human Properties and threaten Human Security -- while the 'Whining Faces' of the Homosexual/Democrats demand Love!

Love from the Villagers!

Their snakes and terrorists bring fear and oppression -- while their 'Whining Faces' demand Fake Love!

A twisted and Anti-Life Love, which (if given as ordered), is automatically treated by the Democrat/Homosexuals as Obedience!

Their putrid brand of Love, means Control and Servitude over the Villagers, and the permanent expectation of Tolerance -- of This and Worse!

And, nothing else.

Pathetically and horribly -- nothing else.


I was listening to Jan Mickelson again today, talking on WHO Radio. He was complaining vociferously about the indignities and disgraces being met out to the World War II Veterans.

A group of Iowa WWII Vets took a plane to ‘Wash This Death City’ recently, to see the WWII memorial.

At the airport they were treated like low-scuff dirtballs. Instead of being recognized as the Heroes of this Country, they were trashed.

Jan Mickelson is Deep Mad about it.

The kind of Deep Mad, that comes back.


The first caller that he got about this subject, was a Human Resister. I am not surprised by that. Human Resistance is growing constantly -- as Sanity is regained by the population.

The Human Resister essentially asked -- Why be angry?

Why not expect this?

Those WWII Veterans are Real Humans! Real Human Warriors!

The Masters of HObama, and the Homeland Trashland Bimbos have already said that all Humans are threats to the Demotopia Domination and Oppressive Tyranny!

To the Demotopia Puss-Heads, WWII Veterans are Enemies.

World War II Veterans are NOT properly perverted.

They do NOT satisfy that Black Jackal-Puppet's Lust -- for more and more Perversions!

They are NOT considered to be Homosexual/Democrat Voter/Followers!

We already know all of this!

Why get upset? When we already expect such debaucheries! From the horrible 'Horrids'.

Jan Mickelson Podcast: May 31, 2010


In case some of you are still having difficulty using that lump between your ears -- I will go over it again, one more time.

No Puppet of ANY Political Machine will allow Human Beings to vote on a Marriage Amendment!!!!

Instead, you will simply exist as the Living Grease of their Political Machinery.


As for Human Resistance:

Ignore the gossip and chatter that says Human Resistance will leave Iowa, if the Homosexual/Moderate Puppet is made the next Puppet Governor of Demo-Iowa. By their SQLD Machine.

Human Resistance, Conservatives, Humans -- whatever you call us -- we are not going anywhere!


By the way, did you notice?

The Master of the Branstad Puppet said, in that Des Moines RearSniffer’s Article, that 'Conservatives' are Obsolete and must be eliminated for the good of All.

Now, the very same Liar, is making the Branstad Puppet say that IT is a 'Conservative' -- on its Radio Advertisements!

Whatever Lies Works For Them!
Whenever They Need It!
That Is Their Motto.


A Political Machine of Liars, will never give you the Marriage Amendment that Humans need!

It will always remain just one step beyond your reach, until you give up and go their way -- the 'Queer Way'.

Remember what they did in Vermont. They pretended to compromise, and give the Horrids a sanction of 'Civil Unions'. Now, there are two Vermonts!!!!

A Real Vermont, and a sickeningly Queer Vermont.

No Marriage Amendment was allowed.

By the Puppet Masters.


Markel Peters

Monday, May 24, 2010

I Told You So !

For the Human Record:


Well, there it is! The Puppet Branstad has CONFESSED!

It IS -- a Puppet for the HOMOSEXUAL/DEMOCRATS!

Loose Lips Reveal Puppets!

I hate to be right so often -- but now -- IT'S OUT!

The Branstad Puppet admits it is owned and operated by the same Democrat/Homosexuals, that own and operate the Seven Monkey Judges (less-supreme-than-anyone-else), of Demo-Iowa!

We now have it on audio tape! The Branstad Puppet is on audio record, mouthing Homosexual/Democrat lies about the Laws of the States and the Nation, of the United States of America!

As usual -- with almost monotonous regularity -- it is Steve Deace on WHO radio in Des Moines, who has uncovered this 'Forbidden Audio'. Which of course, the Des Moines RearSniffers (and all other newsrags) will insist -- does not exist!

Oh -- that's right! You are not supposed to know!

And after all there is -- No Human News Service -- here in Iowa! So, there are -- No Human Reporters -- taping those Homosexual/Democrat/Moderates!

Steve Deace Podcast of 19 May, 2010
Branstad Surrenders to Court Again


The one thing, which that Puppet HAD TO SAY -- in order for it to be a "Real Boy" -- was that Monkey Judges do not make Laws!

And instead, it said the exact opposite. It mouthed the Homosexual/Democrat line.


Without a Marriage Amendment -- there is No Unified Iowa again -- not ever!

Who knows that better than the creatures which are trying to kill off Iowa -- and turn it into the 'Second Boston Horrid Zone'?

The Homosexual/Democrats, of course.

And, every Political Prostitute they own.


Of course, the other reason for the 'Branstad Confession' is to pretend that the Seven Monkey Judges are "Real Toys". That they are not the Political Prostitutes that we know them to be. This reasoning assumes, therefore, that the Monkeys should be retained -- in their Cathouse across the street from the Statehouse. Instead of being thrown out into the gutter where they belong!

All such lies, have already been paid for with Tim Gill perverted money! Where do you think the money for the ‘Gross’ and Glossy mailings from the Puppet Campaign came from?

This latest move by the Gross Moderates of the Homosexual/Democrats is supposed to be (in their twisted brains) an improvement! This newest Puppet of Theirs has orders to admit that it IS a Puppet!

With the massive and pre-arranged SQLD Media spotlight on the Branstad Puppet -- PLUS -- the deliberate burial of the Human Candidate for Governor, Bob Vander Platts; anything that they put out is supposed to be sucked up and accepted as a legitimate demand.

After all -- what is the fun of being a Voter/Follower, if you can't be a Slave at the same time?

To their vile minds, this Confession is supposed to disable our Truth about the thing -- thus forcing us to accept their latest choice for 'Dictator Mouthpiece'.

Remember, the Democrat/Homosexuals that rule over Demo-Iowa always insist that there is no alternative and no other reality, besides what they tell us can exist. Which means, there is NO REAL REALITY!

Therefore, to their insistence -- there is NO REAL IOWA!

So ... whatever Puppet THEY choose for US next -- WE MUST ACCEPT!

Because WE ARE ‘STUPID’ -- don't you know?


Another thing that is revealed here, is the obvious fact that the Liars of the Satanic and 'Queer' Lying-Dead ARE desperate to force their Phoniness (about Monkey Judges making Law) upon everyone.

It reveals that this One Lie -- is very and extremely important to the SQLD Campaign of 'Genocide by Replacement Against the Human Species'!


Why is this One Lie (about Monkey Judges making Laws), so very important to the Homosexual/Democrats??


Meanwhile, where are all of these free boxes of Tea coming from?
Left on my doorstep, and under my trees?


Steve Deace describes the Branstad Puppet as the "Grumpy Monkey" -- that has been told it does not have to explain anything to anyone. The demands of the Clientele of the Democrat/Homosexuals ARE THE LAW! Paid For! Wrapped in Lies! And, Delivered!

Down every Human's Throat!

No SQLD Puppet has to explain it's motives to any Human. Certainly, not about that 'STUFF' -- (that it has been told does not exist) -- called 'The Will of the People'.

The Branstad Puppet only has to assume 'The Grumpy Monkey Pose' -- crap in place -- and insist that the Homosexual/Democrat Lies, are Laws!

And, it will win the votes of All Cowards Everywhere!


It is the Picture Perfect Puppet, with all of the required egomaniacal traits and penchants for lying in public, that a Fascist Puppet Dictator has to have in order to be a Worthy Puppet for the SQLD!

Personally, I wouldn't let that little stooge be a dog catcher in Hell -- let alone the Next Puppet Governor of Demo-Iowa -- which is the MOST IT CAN EVER BE!!!!


And, unnaturally as usual -- the website that is most Widely Recognized as the most Fake newsrag on the web -- the Iowa Liberal Fakery (pretending to be the Iowa Independent), is snidely brainwashing anyone idiotic enough to believe a word it writes. With such lies as --

(Quote) --
Terry Branstad, the former Terrace Hill resident widely regarded as the front-runner for the Republican nomination for governor ...


Meanwhile, where are all of these free boxes of Tea coming from?
Left on my windshield, and being emailed to me?


Does anyone realize what 'Joy Corning' is? Former Lieutenant-Puppet for the Branstad?

That thing is a Branstad cohort, and one of the worst advocates for perverts in Demo-Iowa. It is a Republican Mole and Putrifier, for the Elitist Homosexual/Democrat Group called 'One Iowa'! Or -- 'One-Day-Will-Be-Homo-Dictators!'

It is a board member of Planned Parenthood of Iowa! It also goes to the most 'queer' church in Des Moines! The church of the only 'openly-queer' legislator in Demo-Iowa!

And, is anyone surprised that its Puppet-for-Hire chum -- (the Branstad Puppet) -- now says that phony opinion-farts are Law?

That the worthless GAS of the Homosexual-Owned Seven Monkeys -- is LAW?

Which is exactly the same LIE that the Democrat/Homosexuals say!

Do the Homosexual/Moderates think EVERYONE IS STUPID?



Why are Homosexual/Democrats like David Vaudt (the Incumbent State Auditor of Demo-Iowa), who was a Board member of the most Homosexual/Democrat/Church in Des Moines -- now endorsing the Branstad Puppet?

An endorsement which the Des Moines RearSniffers say is THE most important of all endorsements!

By the way, what church in Des Moines would be the Favorite/Church of the Des Moines RearSniffers? (known in ancient times as the Des Moines Register)

That SQLD newsrag (totally devoted to Genocide by Replacement of the Human Species), is saying that the David Vaudt endorsement makes the Branstad Puppet the next Puppet/Governor of Demo-Iowa!

Forget YOU!



Amongst Humans, the expectation is that Vaudt is brokering his endorsement for the Lieutenant-Puppet Position, next to Puppet Branstad. If the Puppet Machine wins.


Excuse Me -- why is every Anti-Conservative in Des Moines politics supporting the Branstad Puppet?

Now, the former SQLD Governor of the Boston Horrid Zone (doesn't deserve a Human Name), has endorsed this latest SQLD Ploy -- the Branstad Puppet!





You're not watching the Satan Tube -- are you?
You’re not sending me free boxes of Tea -- are you?


Everything that thinks it can benefit from the planned Homosexual/Iowa Extension of the Boston Horrid Zone -- is trying to get the Branstad Puppet elected.

That means the Mandatory Death Sentence of the Marriage Amendment!!!!

And, the Mandatory Subjugation and Reduction to Servitude of the Real Iowa!!!!



Why is anyone even thinking of voting for a Puppet that needs help from the Human Candidate -- so it can answer questions about the Human Candidate, with lies?

Watch the video of the last GOP Gubernatorial Debate at IPTV.org


Whenever the Branstad Puppet (soon to change party affiliations once it is a successful puppet again), is repeatedly asked to choose between the Will of the People and the Monkey Judges of the Homosexual/Democrats -- it always squirms and says the Seven Monkey Judges are SUPERIOR to the People of Iowa!

In fact, it says All Monkey Judges are SUPERIOR to the People!


This last public debate is one of the most Puppet Revealing displays I have ever seen. If the Italian People had been able to see the National Socialist Puppet, Benito Mussolini, in such a debate back in 1922 -- that rat would never have become the Lying Fascist Dictator it was -- subsequently destroying Italy in the process.

Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini, (29 July 1883,
Predappio, Province of Forlì-Cesena - 28 April 1945) was an Italian politician who led the National Fascist Party and is credited with being one of the key figures in the creation of Fascism.

He became the
40th Prime Minister of Italy in 1922 and began using the title Il Duce by 1925. After 1936, his official title was "His Excellency Benito Mussolini, Head of Government, Duce of Fascism, and Founder of the Empire". Mussolini also created and held the supreme military rank of First Marshal of the Empire along with King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy, which gave him and the King joint supreme control over the military of Italy.

Mussolini remained in power until he was replaced in 1943; for a short period after this until his death, he was the leader of the
Italian Social Republic.

Mussolini was among the founders of
Italian Fascism, which included elements of nationalism, corporatism, national syndicalism, expansionism, social progress and anti-communism in combination with censorship of subversives and state propaganda. In the years following his creation of the fascist ideology, Mussolini influenced, or achieved admiration from, a wide variety of political figures.

Look familiar?

Wikipedia article:

We, the Real People of Iowa, have the chance now to see exactly what kind of punk is being foisted upon us this time!

We can vote against it! AND PREVENT IT!!!!


By the way -- why are the Des Moines RearSniffers and a Satan Tube channel like IPTV being so neutral and nice?

Any ideas?

Why are the sworn enemies of the Human Species, acting nice and neutral during a GOP Primary Debate? In a place that has been SPLIT into their Demo-Iowa sewer, and the Real Iowa of Real Humans? By Their Lies, and Their Deceptions, and Their Anti-Human Attack Strategies?

Any ideas?


When it's too good to be True --

It's too good to be True!


Steve Deace Programs --

What Jen thinks --- 11 May 2010

The Deace Group -- 15 May 2010

Branstad Surrenders to Court Again -- 19 May 2010

GOP Gubernatorial Debate -- 21 May 2010


I would love to give you links to websites of Human Newspapers here in Iowa that are reporting the Truth about these events and SQLD attempts --

but, they do not exist.

Here in the Real Iowa, we only have Jan Mickelson and Steve Deace of WHO radio, to give us the Truth.


Which reminds me. We are hearing complaints from Jan Mickelson at WHO, about Excessive and Unnecessary 'Ardor' and 'Vitriol', in the emails which he receives from Humans!

These are emails from Humans, complaining about the terrible conditions as Slaves, under the Queer Masters in their Statehouse Pantyhose.

Don't ask me what style or fashion they are wearing this year.

Jan Mickelson is a Human!

Jan Mickelson and Steve Deace are destined for the Human Hall of Fame!

What sense is there, to sending angry Human emails to Jan Mickelson?


Vent your Righteous and Vitriolic Dissent at the Homosexual/Democrats !!!!

And, be nice to your Web-footed Humans on WHO -- for a Duck may be somebody's Savior!



Meanwhile, I think I'll go make a cup of tea.


Markel Peters

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Courage, and The Who versus The What

Courage -- and The Who VS The What:



In Arizona -- the worthless promises and deliberate incompetencies of the Homosexual/Democrats is being ignored and thrown down the toilet -- where it belongs!

The Governor of Arizona -- Jan Brewer is taking appropriate Human Steps to protect the People of the State of Arizona, from a plethora of problems and dangers being caused by the influx of Illegal Immigrants across the Mexico/Arizona border.

While every foul and vile pervert with a blogsite, is foaming at the mouth about this direct violation of the MANDATES OF THE SQLD -- which it truly is -- Jan Brewer is defending Her Human Right, and Her Human Duty, to protect the People of Arizona!

Despite what the scum and punks and perverts of the Democrap/Homosexuals Demand -- and Order -- and Intimidate -- and Threaten -- and Gesticulate -- and so on and so forth and more of the same old monkey poo.

I applaud this landmark decision by Governor Brewer. It shows a degree of COURAGE that is -- need I say? --


Or, at least in the hideous Demo-Iowa! Where every crawling political pervert, and attorney general, serves the twisted and psychotic Will of their Masters. Where -- 'The People Be Damned'! And, 'Profits Are Everything!'


The Real Iowa however, is a different matter.

In the Real Iowa, there is a Man With Courage.

A Man, who is already the De facto Governor of the Humans of the Real Iowa.

His name is Bob Vander Platts. The kind of courage and fortitude being shown by Governor Brewer in Arizona, is exactly the kind of courage and fortitude that exists in Bob Vander Platts. Human Courage.


Here are some websites (Human), to give you the briefing on what is happening in Arizona:

Jan Brewer and Arizona VS Homosexual/Democrat Desires - WhoRunsGov:

Jan Brewer and Arizona VS Homosexual/Democrat Demands - Voice of Reason:

Jan Brewer and Arizona VS Homosexual/Democrat Dementia - Solid Principles:

Jan Brewer and Arizona VS Homosexual/Democrat Dirty Lies - News Max:

Jan Brewer and Arizona VS Homosexual/Democrat Falsehood - News Blaze:

Jan Brewer and Arizona VS Homosexual/Democrat Filth - Canada Free Press:

Jan Brewer and Arizona VS Homosexual/Democrat Fakery - The Malcontent:

Jan Brewer and Arizona VS Homosexual/Democrat Foul Fish - The Political Fish:

Jan Brewer and Arizona VS Homosexual/Democrat Fiction - LA says Wahh Wahh Wahh !

Jan Brewer and Arizona VS Homosexual/Democrat Fabrication - ESPN:

Jan Brewer and Arizona VS Homosexual/Democrat Fallacy - Circle The Wagons:

Jan Brewer and Arizona VS Homosexual/Democrat Pretense - Daily Caller:

Jan Brewer and Arizona VS Homosexual/Democrat Perverts - Angry Housewife:

Jan Brewer and Arizona VS Homosexual/Democrat Punks - Art of Facts - Good Explanation:

Jan Brewer and Arizona VS Homosexual/Democrat Propagandists - Anne's Power Surge:

Jan Brewer and Arizona VS Homosexual/Democrat Prostitutes - Free Republic Forums (3):
2. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2499267/posts
3. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2499386/posts

About Jan Brewer Herself:





What Jan Brewer is doing, is what it takes to stop and reverse the terrible plans and evil-doers within any Homosexual/Democrat sewer -- that seek nothing less than the end of Humanity. As gruesome an end as they can arrange.

Here in Iowa -- there is only one candidate for Governor that possesses that quality and level of courage -- Bob Vander Platts.

And because of that, the Satanic and ‘Queer’ Lying-Dead are doing everything they can to stop him.

Including, hiring GROSS scum bags to bring up from the dead an old and worthless Moderate Puppet, to serve their Masters. With orders to prevent the Humans of the Real Iowa from throwing out the filth and perversions of the SQLD that have been forced upon them -- AGAINST THEIR WILL!!!!

Now, that Moderate Puppet is being used to block the efforts of Bob Vander Platts to become the Governor of Iowa -- to Reunite Iowa into One State Again -- and to throw out the hideous plans and perversions of the SQLD and the Socialist Monkeys. Not to mention the Seven Cathouse Monkeys (less-supreme-than-anyone-else). All of which must be blowing the windows out of their Whorehouse right now -- with Opinion-Farts of course!!!!


There is an important distinction involved in the Arizona situation -- which the SQLD Propagandists and the scum behind the pervert websites know all too well -- and do not want the Mexicans to know!!!!

Those websites are saying the most foul filth and lies possible about Jan Brewer. Does anyone wonder why I am so disparaging towards them? It’s competition, and they deserve it.

All of their shouts and screams and threats, are just intended to cover over and bury the Truth about the Arizona situation.

Such monstrosities as the Democrat/Homosexuals never want their victims to know the Truth! They just want their victims to Hate! To Hate the same enemies! Humans!


The DISTINCTION, of which I speak, is what I call ...

The Who versus The What:

I like Mexico.
I have only traveled through Northern Mexico a few times, but I liked what I saw and I liked the People.

Why should I not like Mexico?

So the Propagandists of the Homosexual/Democrats can get Mexicans to Hate me?

Okay -- I do not like Mexico.

Now hate me.


Actually, I like what I know about -- but I know so little of Mexico compared to what I want to know.

I am a student of the Mexican Revolutions, of course.

But the big thing is -- I am a Natural Born Geographer -- so I love all Humans.

The Mexicans are part of what I love -- so I naturally shine that love upon them, as well as all other Humans!

As I live and breath today -- I have no problems with any Mexican Humans (or Hispanic Humans), whatsoever.

At the same time, and with the same breath -- there are ‘Hispanics’ within the awful SQLD that have been trying to kill me for decades. Some of the worst scum and murdering trash in the Boston Horrid Zone are so-called ‘Hispanics’.

This is where the DISTINCTION comes into play.

See in your mind -- a pack of crawling and squirming and hideous ‘Hispanic’ perverts -- dedicated through dementia -- to kill ALL HUMANS. They are in the Boston Horrid Zone.

Can you see them?

Are they alone?

Hell No!

They are almost lost from sight. They are awash within, and surrounded by millions of God-Ghastly, White Caucasian, and Can’t Jump, Killer-Queers!!!!

But, depending upon the Political Moment -- the SQLD Propagandists will have you to believe -- that all Humanity is against just those few so-called ‘Hispanic’ perverts.

When in reality -- it is the entire Boston Horrid Zone that exists to kill Humanity. And, is therefore our worst enemy.

But, when Propagandists speak or write their lies -- you are not allowed to think about, or know, anything else except what they say or write. That is how Propaganda works.


In Arizona the problem is not The Who.

The problem is The What.

It is not Who is causing so many problems and crimes.

It is The What. The problems and the crimes.

Yes -- I can tear the two apart, and look at the DISTINCTION.

It is the problems and the crimes that are at fault here.

It is The What. Not The Who.


It could be anyone and anything else causing those problems and committing those crimes -- and the results would be the same. Thank God for courageous women like Governor Jan Brewer.

Let me illustrate.


Not for fun -- but for emphasis.

We can all visualize the invading tide of Illegal Mexicans coming across the border down in Arizona.
We know that there are many problems and crimes associated with this tide of Illegal Mexicans. Mixed inside of which can be almost anything else -- such as Terrorists.

But, what if it was an invasion of something else?

Such as Bathtubs.

Such as Oil Derricks.

Such as Pink Kangaroos.

Such as Jumbo Jets.

Such as ‘Stop’ Signs.

Such as Waltzing Cellos.

Such as White Vikings.

Such as Used Car Salesmen.

Such as life-sized cutouts of Captain Kirk.

Such as three-banded Armadillos.

Such as Mariachi Bands.

Such as Alaskan Eskimos. (don’t ask)

Such as Running Salmon.

Such as low-flying Pterodactyls.

Such as high self-esteemed Schwarzenegger’s.

Such as left over and ownerless, 2000 model Chevy Trucks.

Such as all the donkeys in Bolivia.

Such as the Ghosts of the Spanish Missionaries, of Old Mexico.

Such as all the Elvis look-alikes in North America.

Such as all the Ocean Liners from Scandinavia.

Such as fast-stepping JackRabbits -- trying to get away from this mess.

Shall I go on?


The point is -- it is NOT The ‘Who’.

It IS The ‘What’.







God Damn the Homosexual/Democrats, and their lies.

All those vermin want, is more slaves to vote for them.


The Democrat/Homosexuals could not care less about ‘What’.

As long as they get more Voter/Followers for their evil causes.


The very same sickness is happening here in Iowa.

All the Homosexual/Democrats care about in Iowa are votes, money, and power -- and ‘The Will Of The People’ be damned!!!!


Only Bob Vander Platts can, and will, change all of that.

Because, only HE knows how to fight them on their own terms!

And, win!


Markel Peters

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Resident HObama--The Repugnant Punk

Resident HObama -- The Repugnant Punk:

Are We glad? That IT is comfortable?

Do We give a Damn? With IT's Puppet Foot, on Our Necks?

I have an Idea!

Let us all have a ‘MODERATE MOMENT’!

Let us all say, we love this Puppet’s Foot on our Necks!!!!


Just as long as IT can be a Punk in a Queer Blue Suit -- it will lap up any offerings for self-glory -- and 'Queer' anyone and anything it can get its Puppet Hands on!

That Thing is not the President of anywhere -- let alone the United States of America.


Now really --- do you think any amount of Liars, operated by the Satanic Medias, can fool the Human Species?

Do you think that all of those media scumbags calling HObama a 'President', amounts to anything more than a pile of dung, being force fed into your ears?

Get real!

Any Real President of any nation, from any part of the planet, of any race, would spit in the face of that Pervert!!!!


Me -- I just urinate on all of the SQLD en masse -- from a great height. A great height called 'Humanity'.

No trick to it. Just stand at ground level.


I was just in a place where they had a Filthy Monkey station for background music, and it put out another hourly Brainwashing Episode from CBS Radio (you don't want to know what that stands for). The pissants on CBS, (loving the idea that another pissant is pretending all the way "Up to the White House") -- were calling IT the 'President'.

That is deliberately intended to make everyone think that IT is a 'President', IT should be the 'President', IT must be a 'President'!!!! After all, wasn't the RIPOFF of 2008 successful?

Now there is a Black Puppet in the White House -- greedily and viciously following every twisted and perverted order that it gets from the Satanic and 'Queer' Lying-Dead -- both here and in Europe (Socialist HellHole of the Planet).

Must we not believe?

Certainly -- WE MUST BELIEVE!!!!

After all, the pissants on the -- RADIO AND TV -- SAID SO!!!!





And die.


By the way, its pronounced -- HO bama -- as in Ala-bama.



Get it straight.

I want a Human President, for a Human People.

And, THIS ain't it!

Do not allow IT to use your HATES against your FUTURE!

Not only is that THING -- NOT A HUMAN PRESIDENT--

IT is doing everything it can --



The fact that such plans destroy your future ...

is of no consequence ...

like your future is of no consequence.


Markel Peters

That is -- Mar-Kel Pee-Ters -- At Ground Level.


If there was a Black Man -- a Real Black Human Male -- serving as a Real President of the United States of America -- I would be singing HIS praises -- and not saying HE is a Repugnant Punk.

Because -- HE would not be.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What Is This? What Is That?





From the Bowels of Hell -- comes another case of ‘The Horrids‘!


I thought only TRAINED MONKEYS could apply to be 'less-supreme-than-anyone-else' -- opinion-farting -- Homosexual/Democrat -- STOOGE COURT JUDGES! (1)

Now -- the Democrat/Homosexuals (desperate to cause as much Death and Damage to America as possible before they get their ASSES KICKED!) ...

are DOPE PUSHING upon America as bad, and as radical and as unqualified a Stooge as they think they can possibly get away with -- for the next empty seat on the Stooge Court Merry-Go-Round, in 'Wash This Death City' (2).

Check out these websites about this ATROCITY --

Newest of Worst Demo-Monkeys wants to Kill Human Speech:

How perverted is newest Demo Hater-of-Humans?

HObama relays orders from below to newest Demo Monkey:

HObama makes latest attack announcement:


To make matters worse -- it is one of those Anti-Humans from ‘Harvard’s Queer’ -- the putrid Inversity of queer Cambridge -- a sewer within the larger sewer of The Boston Horrid Zone.

Any association with that HellHole, is proof positive of membership in the Satanic and ‘Queer’ Lying-Dead!

Do not let the titles, smiles and slights of posture fool you.

‘Harvard’s Queer Inversity’ (3) is a cess-pool of Anti-Human Hatred. It seethes’ and overflows with vile and violent Femi-Nazi Hate and Aggression, against all Human Males. Whites first -- Blacks ‘Sure As Hell Second’!

‘Harvard’s Queer’ is one of the Reverse-Flow Toilets that are the sources of all Satanism, Atheism, Anti-Femininity (4) Femi-Nazis, Man-Hating Dementia, and Homosexual Disease Spreading, on this Continent!

You cannot find a worse place, full of worse scum on this Planet!

I know. I spent more than a decade in the Horrid Zone learning exactly who and what those things are!


Such an attack as this by the Homosexual/Democrats, against Humans everywhere, is just another in a long line of defamations of the Human Existence, torture racks for the Human Soul, and intentional ’Lethal Pills’ for Human Values and Human Virtues everywhere (5).

And, this is not the Bottom of the Barrel yet, folks. The hideous Democrat/Homosexuals still have a lot of grotesque filth and monkey poo to throw at all of US!

Masters aren’t happy -- if YOU don’t have a pervert in the Family!

While they still allow such things as Families.


This is not just another frontal assault against Real Americans everywhere ...

this is also an INDICATOR of the desperation of the Political Correctness Police of the SQLD -- that see Human Resistance as the ‘Deserved Destruction’ of their Mind-Destroying Attacks against the Human Species!

They are starting to lose -- and they know -- This Is To The Death!

Just like they made it that way -- when they decided WE must cease to exist!


I can tell you this instant -- there will never come a day when that thing will be a legitimate and authentic Judge of Human Beings!

Not in this, or any other Universe!

There is going to be a determination soon of which so-called Judges are Human, and which are not.

But already, there are certain undeniable Truths involved in that.

1. The Seven Monkey Judges (less-supreme-than-anyone-else) of Demo-Iowa are at the top of the Anti-Human List.

2. This pathetic parrot of the SQLD, that is now being dredged out of the dung heap called ‘Harvard’s Queer’, and is being thrown at all of us as the next Supreme Monkey -- is NOT -- and NEVER WILL BE -- a Judge of Human Beings!





Look at that THING -- with ‘HObama The Magnificent Pervert’ (White House Resident Only)!


Those are MONSTERS -- Playing A Game With Our Lives!

You are looking at ‘JUST CAUSE’!



By the way -- this attack is what the SQLD have been waiting for. This sets up their next attempt to -- Criminalize All Human Resistance!

This latest Untrained Monkey will follow every order it is given, by the Masters of the SQLD.

WE can soon expect a new barrage of Attacks Against Our Human Freedoms Of Speech, Expression, And Dissent. All disguised as demands for Political Correctness and Equal Time for Satanism!

Look for blogsites such as mine (www.voices-of-iowa.blogspot.com), and AM Radio Stations such as WIND Chicago and WHO Des Moines to be at the top of the SQLD list of Mandatory Killings.

I will tell you, as soon as it is attempted.


But, don’t expect it to be only an attack against Human Resistance.

If YOU are Human -- you will be attacked!

Using this latest ATROCITY!


Now, how can that be?

How did that happen?

I was NOT ‘Politically Correct’!

What must happen to me?

Shall I be, Lied about some more?

Shall I be, Defamed some more?

Shall I be, Brainwashed?

Shall I be, Flogged and turned into a sex-slave for Doubting Feminists?

How about some good old fashioned -- VILIFICATION?

Is there room for more of that?

Of course! Just like Jello -- there is always room for more Vilification of Humans!


For any SQLD that might be reading this -- I give you three words ...




Now repeat those three words --

again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and again -- and 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Of course, I could have said -- “Intimidation Fails!”


Markel Peters



1. The application of the word ‘Supreme’ once meant something in Human Terms.
Those creatures are the devout enemies and Genociders of the Human Species.
How can Human Terms meant for Humans -- apply to them?
Answer - they do not.


2. Once known as Washington District of Columbia -- in Human Terms.
Now the center of Genociders Against Humanity -- not to mention every gutter-licking asswipe that crawls in politics.
Human Term no longer applies.


3. Human Descriptology Applies.
So named after Harvard’s Queer -- once known in Human Terms as Harvard’s Square -- now one of the lowest points in the Boston Horrid Zone, and therefore the center of much of the Inverse Dementia that rules the Horrid Zone. Wall to Wall perverts of the Absolute Most Horrible Types.


4. If it is Feminist -- It is against Femininity!!!!
Feminism exists for the sake of Demented White Female (DWC) control of all societies. To achieve that it must divide the sexes against each other -- thus destroying the bonds of love and affection each sex holds for the other.
That demands the Death of both Femininity and Masculinity!!!!


5. Of course, you have to be stupid enough to take the pill to begin with -- by watching TV, listening to twisted songs made by perverts especially for the Filthy Monkey Band, reading lying drivel printed by SQLD newsrags etc.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

'ButtFace PigFart' the 'Moderate' -- and its sickening Future.

The Sad Case of 'ButtFace PigFart' the 'Moderate' -- and his sickening Future:


What can happen?

If, Deceivers and Liars win again?


I see a lot of the ButtFaced scum of Demo-Iowa, (or should be in Demo-Iowa), these days -- having altogether too much fun with OUR Future.

With big snooty grins, on their lying faces. As they drive their expensive cars and flashy SUVs. So smug and content, with their latest rip-off attempt. Which they have been programmed to think is theirs -- and not from the planners at 'Queer Headquarters', in Wash This Death City.


But, why is the typical 'ButtFace PigFart' so happy?

What is the rip-off this time?

Is it the FACT that there will be -- NO MARRIAGE AMENDMENT IN IOWA -- EVER -- if their Homosexual/Moderate becomes the next Puppet Governor?

And why, is 'ButtFace PigFart' pretending to be Human?

And why, is it expecting to be respected, as though it was Human? When it is glaringly obvious that 'ButtFace PigFart' is being tickled pink, to VOTE AGAINST Humans.

'ButtFace PigFart' knows why!

ButtFace PigFart's Butt, knows why!

But, do WE know why?

Are we smart enough to know why 'ButtFace PigFart' will vote for the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead -- that are calling themselves 'Moderates'?

Who or What, has been telling 'ButtFace PigFart' that it is beautiful, and that it has a beautiful Anus?

Who has been tickling that Anus?

Who will 'ButtFace PigFart' vote for?



And, after the NASTY DEED is done, and the Iowa Republican Party is no more -- and once again there is no Human Governor in Iowa -- what then?

Will anyone DARE to say the words "Marriage Amendment", without being laughed and ridiculed into cowardly silence?


And, what about ButtFace?

In 2011 -- ButtFace will show off (his/her/its) newest pantyhose, in the Annual Statehouse Pantyhose Parade. In front of the Cathouse of the Seven Monkeys (across the street) -- for the first time.

In 2012 -- ButtFace will pretend to be 'Married' -- to another ButtFace PigFart, of course. Same Hole Pattern Mandatory.

By 2014 -- The ‘ButtFaces’ will have hijacked some innocent Human Children -- with the help of the Iowa State Queer Services Department -- and will be brainwashing them to think only in terms of ‘Same Hole Patterns’!

A 'Moderate Marriage' -- to be sure.

Demanding Human Respect, don't you know?

Just as planned by the Homosexual/Democrats, using their Gross/Homosexual/Moderate Puppet.

Puppet Governor, that is.


And, It's Goodbye Iowa -- once again.

Gotta love those ButtFace PigFart's!

At least they know who tickles their nasty!

No matter what it KILLS!


If I was a Republican, as distinct from a Homosexual/Moderate, I would be distraught and depressed right now.

But, I am not.

I am, a Human.

And, wherever there stands a Real Human -- there stands the Real Iowa! And, the reason why the Real Iowa exists to begin with.


So much for the Homosexual/Democrat Lie -- that the Republicans are divided.

The Republicans are being INVADED! By the Homosexual/Democrats!

Of course, they are far too stupid and disorganized to do anything about it, anyway.


You know what this latest Lie (about divided Republicans), is like?

It’s like a Homosexual/Democrat stealing your Wallet, taking all of the money, throwing it back at you -- and then saying -- “Your Fortunes are Divided!”

Between, You and Them.

Not between, You and You.


Markel Peters











I Recently Put Out A Message Entitled 'Pre-Queerapsy Levels', About The Inevitable Brain Leprosy That Happens To All Queer Media Addicts And Idiot Voters. (Same Thing)
Here Is A Web Link To The Original Document Of That Message.
Please Distribute This As Widely As Possible Throughout Our Species. It Will Help Humans Who Have To Deal With Queerapsy Victims.
Thank You
Markel Peters
The original version.



























Labels Of All Posted Messages--A Way To Search Through Messages By Labels

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Fakery and Fake Fakery

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.

Chain of Evil -- still has not changed.
Chain of Evil -- still has not changed


This blog exists to inform the People, of the 'Real Truth' about the real enemies of the Human Species. These Truths are not objectionable, as they are Truths. Only the telling of them can be objectionable, to those who wish to hide the Truth. If the Truth is something you HATE and therefore object to - go elsewhere!


Do not fear being tracked down to your IP. If you are not SQLD and/or malicious -- I will not track you down!


The blogging community is quite aware of the mass cyberattacks (as complaints) which the enemies of all Humans use - to attempt to disable the blogs of anyone who writes the Truth. You tried that with all of the newspapers in Iowa, and that will never be forgiven. Don't waste your time trying that with this blog. Blogspot has already been informed that you will try it.