I heard that. Some local young men,
that I know of, were heard by me several times over several months,
to say “Someday we might find out what the original versions of his
messages are like, if he keeps them. If we can get to them after he
dies before the SQLD do.”
Well -- they need wait no longer.
WARNING: This message contains very
descriptive Appropriate Language that is absolutely mandatory and
realistic if there is to be any true understanding of the enemies of
our Human Species. If Appropriate Language is too good for you, leave
Leave now, or read it all and learn.
First of all I would like to send out a
'Merry Christmas' and a 'Happy New Year' to all of my readers and all
Humans everywhere.
Now to business ...
There appears to be evidence that the
newly elected Trump administration will favor the Satanic and Queer
Lying-Dead over our Human Species in the next four years. A number of
terms apply to this political situation ...
Elite Capture
Ingroup Bias
Interest Groups
Old Boy Network
Social Projection
Feel free to look up the meanings of
these terms. You will be looking up definitions and information that
the PPPP(-) have declared to be forbidden to all Sheeple.
What sets off this alarm and reveals a
possible Political Regime of Traitors and Deviate Terrorists using
Trump as their Puppet, is the assigning of a pervert and media
turd to the office of controlling Medicare.
According to internet reports a
Proudless Prideless Pervert Pretender(-) has been made the Chief of
Medicare by Trump. This is horrendous and gross-tesque news if it is
true. I have been able to confirm that the thing which Trump is
making the head of Medicare IS a TV Turd Terrorist, and is
therefore definitely a Deviate.
Perhaps the so-called public needs a
refresher course about how unspeakably hideous and murderous and vile
and domineering the PPPP(-) actually are.
In December of 2021 I went to a
hospital here in Iowa for six days. I was sent to a Critical Care
Unit for advanced and aggravated Insomnia, on the verge of death. I
was surprised at how modern and organized the facility was. It gave a
very good impression of the hospital to which it was attached. They
immediately succeeded at putting me to sleep for eight hours
-- within an hour of my arrival. That was something that the clinic
doctors elsewhere had failed to achieve with many drugs, for many
weeks. I was an over-drugged basket case when I arrived, and three
days later I was 1,000% improved due to their skills and treatments;
and (I must say) some of the best food I have ever eaten. That
hospital has a kitchen staff and some cooks that rival any restaurant
anywhere. Literally a 5 star cuisine. Two weeks there and you will
put on five pounds guaranteed, and you will not want to leave the
I shall send a 'Shout Out!' to the
nurses of the Critical Care Unit as well. They were very patient,
which I need at all times anyway, and they were very
professional and kind and caring.
Won't they Be -- Won't they Be
-- Won't they be My Neighbors??!!
The Critical Care Unit was used to
repair injured persons like myself, and (unfortunately) it was also a
place to put the 'Functional Lunatics' that would otherwise cause
problems outside in the streets.
So, there was a mixture in there of
sane people and not-so-sane persons. On the third day this was
certified (certifiable) when a raving lunatic was admitted that was a
black male with a beard that thought it was a woman. It insisted upon
being called by a woman's first name and it said it had a husband
(male) but they were separated.
I immediately saw it for what it was --
a drone of the PPPP(-). It was in a hospital for repairs so it could
cause more damage to the Human Species when it got out. And, it found
out who I was. Immediately it wanted me dead. It asked some of the
other not-so-sane persons where I lived. They said I lived in
Eagle Grove. It immediately said that Eagle Grove had to be swamped
by perverts and twisted until it complied with Queer Demands -- or it
must be Destroyed!
It specifically used the term 'twisted
until it complies with our demands'. Then it said, to the
not-so-sane persons, that any town that allows an
opponent of the (Shit Agenda) to have a house in that town must be
destroyed. Quote.
That was three years ago; and since
then a pathetic mob of dykes and twats and lesie-wannabees have
invaded this town and have tried to queer and pervert and torture and
turn Eagle Grove into a bad place to live.
With total failure.
They are mostly all gone now. The
things were nothing but the most low-crawling and lying and putrid
Shit Eaters to ever exist.
****Important Point****1
Just because the things failed here, in
Eagle Grove, does not mean that the scum have not destroyed other
towns (less resilient and independent) in other places and in other
The Queerism Disease has an insatiable
desire for death and disease and mayhem and chaos and insanity. The
Queerism Mental Disease demands worse and worse perversions and
perverts with each political generation.
Now that the next political generation
will NOT be dominated by the horrible {{ForeverLyingDemoQueerLiars}}
the intentions of the Queerism Mental Disease may be thwarted for a
political generation.
And yet, the awful pressure from the
Queerism Mental Disease remains constant. If it cannot create more
phony and queer laws and regulations at the 'Federal' level (to
spread its sickness everywhere) what will it do instead????
This message is an examination of what
Big Queer really is; otherwise known as ...
PPPP(-) -- Proudless Prideless Pervert
Pretenders(Minus the many Humans they have already killed)
SQLD -- Satanic and Queer Lying Dead
Afterwards we will look at a Very
Appropriate Proverb that warns about the social conditions
which can lead up to the creation of such vermin as the SQLD, and
their cronies the BUWIs, and the Big Business White Assholes etc.
You may notice that I am writing often
from verbal notations. I should make a podcast about this and maybe I
There are different kinds of victims of
Queer Propaganda. Here, I am writing about the kind of perverts that
are that way because they were exposed to Queer Propaganda.
But, for some reason they were not raised and trained to be obedient
Deviates. However, because the Queerism Mental Disease was put into
their brains they ended up having Queer Relationships; because of the
Queer Idea, because of the Queer Lies, because of the Filthy Monkey
Horrors on FM and their lies.
Because of the TV Turd Terrorists
(including the Piece of Shit that is soon to head Medicare) and their
lies, those isolated persons were terribly hurt and injured by the
Queer Propaganda; and they were too weak-minded to realize that it
was propaganda. Consequently, they formed perverted relationships
with each other; but it was not trained by the Deviates. It was not
controlled by the Deviates, it was not ordered by the Deviates
specifically, it was not registered by the Deviates and it was not
certified by the Deviates.
Those things are expected -- by the
Hideous Fat Blobs with tiny eyes and huge mouths at the center of the
PPPP(-) -- to obediently join Big Queer Incorporated. They are
expected to obediently join the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead. If they
do not, and they try to remain independent with their 'learned
relationships', which they learned from Queer Propaganda, they will
be attacked per the orders of the Hideous Fat Blobs with tiny
eyes and huge mouths at the center of Queer Propaganda. They will be
attacked by the minions of the Hideous Fat Blogs for not being
card-carrying perverts; for not being perverted according to the
rules and regulations of Big Queer Incorporated.
All of Big Queer Incorporated demands
obedience and subservience to the Shit Agenda of the PPPP(-); and the
Hideous Fat Blobs at the center of Queer Propaganda are just one of
the examples of that. Those most horrible examples, inside the
Hideous Boston Horrid Zone and Big Queer Incorporated, demand
The original
idea of putting out the Queer Propaganda was to kill as many
brains as possible and rope them in. To drag them into the
hideousness and the horrible filth of the Satanic and Queer
Lying-Dead. This is why the Filthy Monkey Horrors demand obedience
and mindless believing from all shitheads that are stupid
enough to listen to the Filthy Monkey Horrors. Or, are unfortunate
enough to be in stores where the loudspeakers are owned and operated
by the Queer Propaganda Machine -- and in such places the Filthy
Monkey Horrors piss and shit upon the heads of all such customers --
because the owners and the operators and the managers of those stores
do not give a shit about their customers.
It is exactly identical to all other
'kill and possess' tactics of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead and
the Lesie-Turd Gangs at the center of All Evil; and all of the Filthy
Monkey Horrors inside of the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone use it
endlessly. It is all exactly (100%) identical. It is not just
identical it is the exact same thing.
Inside of the Hideous Boston Horrid
Zone, and one of the reasons why it is so hideous, are hundreds of
loudspeakers placed where large masses of victims congregate; and
those loudspeakers constantly put out Queer Propaganda without end.
24/7/365 the loudspeakers of the perverts are blaring Queer
Propaganda into the stupefied and brainwashed skulls of the Sheeple
that are lost forever inside that huge shithole. It is a Queer Media
Dictatorship. The little demigods of that Queer Media Dictatorship
come in two forms, two kinds that are forever obedient to the Hideous
Gang of Fat Blobs and The Cult Of The Asshole (is there a
difference?) and that is ...
The Little Charlie Dictators of the
hideous TV stations ...
The Little Lying Turd Faces that talk
shit all day long into microphones inserted up their bulbous anuses
on the Filthy Monkey Horror Stations. The 'Lying Buttfucks of
In fact, many of the worst
monstrosities of the hideous Medias, such as the Filthy Monkey
Horrors and the TV Turd Terrorists and the brainless hack writers at
the queer newsrags (etc), are trained inside of the Hideous Boston
Horrid Zone to the methods of Queer Propaganda that were used to
kill Boston. So, what they were trained to do is what was used by
the Hideous Fat Blobs Gang and The Cult Of The Asshole (is there a
difference?) and all of the monstrosities that now inhabit the
Hideous Boston Horrid Zone, to kill Boston; and to turn it into the
Hideous Boston Horrid Zone.
So, what they are trained to do is to
kill! They are trained to kill using Medias! They are trained to be
Media Killers! They are Media Killers trained by the Media Killers
that killed Boston, and then turned it into the Hideous Boston Horrid
Zone! That is a FACT!
That is it, if you cannot take it, cry
'Momma' and run for your anus!
Getting back to what I was saying about
those independent persons. I mean, the persons who became perverted
because they were exposed to Queer Propaganda -- but they did
it independently without being monitored and controlled by
such vile scum as the Hideous Fat Blobs Gang (with tiny eyes and huge
mouths) and their Queer Medias -- and -- they formed perverted
relationships independently -- and -- they somehow survived the
scourge of the Deviates when all of the Pervert Masters put out
orders that anyone who is perverted must obey Big Queer Incorporated
Foul Orders were issued that anyone who
is perverted must obey the edicts of the 'IT Creature' in Wash This
Death City, which is the Penultimate Puppet of the Deviates. The
Penultimate Puppet of their Queer Leadership is the 'IT Creature'
inside of Wash This Death City; but what really controls the Satanic
and Queer Lying-Dead are the worst possible gross-tesque Lesie-Turds
that have ever existed, and have ever existed in anyone's worst
nightmares. Those things exist to be nightmares!
Those things put out the orders
that anyone who is in a perverted relationship had to be controlled
and registered and certified by Big Queer Incorporated; by the
Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead Machine. That happened decades ago and
many independent persons, who were nonetheless infected by Queer
Propaganda, were attacked and forced to obey the rules and
regulations of the Shit Agenda.
That is how the Lesie-Turds intended to
make sure that the Shit Agenda had no resistance inside of the
twisted world of perversions. But let us think for a moment -- what
if someone escaped that?
What if a thousand or ten thousand or a
hundred thousand persons, who were queered by the awful Queer
Propaganda, escaped the purge; escaped the attacks by the faggots
that were obeying the most hideous Lesie-Turds to ever exist?
What if there are one hundred thousand
of them (or One Million of them) and they are NOT part of the SQLD.
How horrible life must be for those persons. Not only are they the
victims of the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead; not only are their
former lives and identities and possible natural relationships
forever killed by Queer Propaganda; but they are now being hunted
by the SQLD.
Yes! Hunted down by the things that do
obey the Shit Agenda of the Queer Propaganda, that killed them too.
What a terrible predicament that is. You can bet that the Hideous Fat
Blobs Gang (with tiny eyes and huge mouths) and The Cult Of The
Asshole and every one of those Pieces of Shit that talks out of
its ass on the Filthy Monkey Horror stations in the Hideous Boston
Horrid Zone want those persons found and beaten into submission.
Beaten and Maimed and Mutilated until they are submissive, and they
unwillingly obey the Shit Agenda.
Believe It!
This is 100% Real.
Now having read that Truth, it should
be easier for you to understand the predicament of the Human Beings
in Poland that have been invaded by the Queer Forces of the SQLD.
Forces, that are being controlled by and monitored by some of the
most awful vermin in Europe (Warner Buggers); that have recently
ordered and orchestrated and carried out an invasion of all Human
Medias in Poland. Their intention, of course, is to shut off all
Human Resistance against the Shit Agenda in Poland.
The people of the Human Medias in
Poland are in a similar situation to the independent perverted
persons here in America, except for one huge saving grace.
Unlike the independent perverts here in America and worldwide,
that are being hunted down because they refuse to worship the Shit
Agenda, the Humans in Poland were never Deviates to begin with. They
were never Queers, and they openly opposed the Satanic and Queer
Lying-Dead. They openly opposed Warner Buggers which is queer
forever, and they openly opposed all forms of the SQLD; and therefore
they were attacked and shut down. Their situation is very similar to
the independent perverts here in America that are being hunted by the
Killer Queers that obey the world's worst and most God-awful and ugly
Lesie-Turds. What about them?
Do not forget the role of the
Middle-Managers-For-Hire in everything that I am writing about. The
Middle-Managers-For-Hire are expected, by the world's most hideous
Lesie-Turds, to enforce the Queer Lies of Queer Propaganda upon weak
minded and susceptible persons; until those persons think that Queer
Propaganda is real. And for those persons, whatever Queer Propaganda
says must be what really is. And they enforce it with pain and
punishment. So, an independent pervert that tries to live without
obedience to the Shit Agenda will be attacked by the
Middle-Managers-For-Hire and then claimed by them and put on their
list of slaves; which is where they get their money from. The M-M-F-H
get their money from their list, which shows their customers how many
Sheeple and Slaves and Perverts they control.
To get an idea of just how awful the
turds of the Filthy Monkey Horror stations really are in the Hideous
Boston Horrid Zone, and how connected the things are to Queer
Propaganda ...
****Important Calibration****1
We are all aware of the kinds of scum
that inhabit the world of advertising; the kinds of scum that inhabit
the world of Queer Propaganda and Advertising; and you hear their
shitty voices from machines when you least want them. For instance,
if you are pumping gas at a gas station that has been befouled by
Queer Propaganda, while you are pumping gas you are forced to hear
the voice of some pissant trying to get you interested in some whore
product. It is a voice that is trying to whore and get more money
from you.
True Calibration means that you realize
and remain aware of what is really happening.
To begin with, all you wanted was
gasoline; but instead there is a screen on the gas pumps and you have
to see and hear (or just hear) some Queer Propaganda pissant talking
shit to you and trying to interest you in something that you have no
interest in at all. But it is there to sell that 'thing' to you,
because that will make money for the Deviates and it makes money for
the owners of the gas station that do not give a shit about their
customers -- or such crap would not be happening at their pumping
It would not happen at the gas pumps if
the owners cared about the customers, but they do NOT care. So, if
you go to a gas pump at such bad stations and you try to get some
gas, you will have to see or hear some faggot, some advertising
faggot, try to sell you something with a shitty voice and a shitty
face. It is as bad as being exposed to the puke-bag image of any TV
Turd Terrorist.
I just went to a store where I bought
some coffee, and it had an automatic teller where you check yourself
out (instead of having a live teller) and while I was trying to pay
the bill for the coffee the voice of a faggot came from the machine
and tried to sell me something more. The Machine Faggots!
****Important Calibration****2
For now the voices are real (breathing)
but soon they will not be real. For now the voices are actual
faggots, but soon enough it will just be the sounds from robots.
Which in a way is an improvement because who wants to hear a pervert?
Especially, when all you want to do is to buy your coffee. Well, the
turds that shove microphones up their butts at Filthy Monkey Horror
stations in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone are easily 250 times
worse than the faggots that you hear and see on those whore
machines and at the whore gas pumps; that interfere with your life
and try to whore for things you have no need of, that you have no
wanting for, no desire for.
The Machine Faggots try to whore for
products and services that you either do not know anything about (why
would you?) or you have no need for; and even if you did know about
it, you would not want it. But, since the owners of those stores do
not give a shit about their customers and they are greedy (and Queer
Propaganda promises them increased profits) the customers suffer.
To follow this in sequence (as it
sequences), there is still that lunatic idea in Capitalist Government
that each business must show increased profits with each new
financial year. There still exists that absolutely insane law of
Capitalism which says that each new reporting year must show an
increased profit over the previous year. That is driving all of this
insanity, and it is making a lot of Queerism possible. It is making a
lot of psychopathic, horrible and monstrous deviations possible in
the name of increased profits each year.
To get back to the FM turds with the
microphones up their asses in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone -- those
are the things called 'DJs' and 'Radio Personalities' that are
allowed to make anal noises on Filthy Monkey Horror stations inside
the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone. They are easily 250 times worse
than those Machine Faggots that you see and hear on the automated
machines, that are always interrupting you and trying to sell you
some crap that you do not want and could not care less about.
Hence, it is obvious ... whatever comes
out of a Filthy Monkey Horror station in the Hideous Boston Horrid
Zone is 250 times what you do not want, and could not care
less about.
I am using these widely different
examples because everything that the Deviates deal with is dealt with
in the same ways. Attack and intimidate and overcome and destroy!
Attack and enslave.
Queerism is a mental disease that is a
dictatorship. Queerism is a mental disease that is a dictatorship,
and uses the same subversive tactics and the same subversive ideas
and attacks against everything that it opposes. It opposes everything
that it does not approve of, or does not need, but not everything at
the same time. That is one of its weaknesses.
One of the weaknesses of the mental
disease is the fact that it can only attack so many things at the
same time, according to how much it has spread outwards, and with
what strength, and with what means of dictatorship. This weakness is
especially true if everything else ignores the Queer Medias. The only
way it can attack everything in a broad-based manner (at the same
time) is if everyone is addicted to their Queer Medias and is
therefore subjected to the endless lies from the Queer Medias at the
same time.
I should emphasize the business side of
perversion, the unnatural and organized business side of perversion;
whether it is Big Queer or Little Queer. Much of the motivation that
drives Deviates and their perverts to attack Human Beings is economic
and financial.
Read this carefully ...
The business side, is the Big Queer
Pervert or the Little Queer Pervert trying to make money by spreading
deviations and perversions; and thereafter supplying those deviates
and perverts with all kinds of paraphernalia and services and sex
aids and props and puppets and gimmicks that support the results of
what the mental disease has done to them.
Anything Human opposes that and is in
their way. Anything Human is resistant to that and must be destroyed.
Plus, it is very good for Queer Business (Big or Small) to kill
Humans, and to have the deviates and perverts that are your customers
know that you did the killing.
As I said the motives of all Deviates
are the same everywhere. If you look at the motivations of the Big
and Little Queer Business scum to eliminate all Human Beings, and to
therefore improve business, and to eliminate all possible Independent
Perverts and therefore improve business ... wherever it happens the
motives are the same.
Correlate that directly to the Invasion
of Poland by the BBCPETEU Deviates and Warner Buggers; which was done
not only to satisfy the Shit Agenda but also for Big Queer financial
purposes. A lot of the motivation of the invasion of Poland by Warner
Buggers was financial. And of course, there is a lot of hate against
Humans over there. The Big Queer business aspect of that invasion was
very big, and still is I am sure.
****Important History****1
There was a beginning. The original and
sinister and deviated Pieces of Shit that started all of this were
slimy bags of shit with horrid bodies and horrid faces and horrid
little brains and horrid wise-ass lies and horrid dirty tricks and
horrid little schemes to turn the entire world into a pool of shit
that they could stand on and rule Supreme over -- and they were
They carefully chose the worst shills
and pimps and whores and lunatics and teachers and corrupt officials
and perverted monkey judges and most vile and greedy media scum (etc)
to obey them and take their money; and often to kill anyone who was
better than they were for no money at all. Just for the satisfaction
of pleasing their Shit Masters.
At that time, in the 1970's, I called
them S.H.I.T. Sick Hideous Insidious and Terrible. Those things were,
in many cases, so deranged that even the Satanists would have nothing
to do with them. Of course, they killed those Satanists and took
their places.
Those things were controllers and
members of a cult that undoubtedly gave rise to The Cult Of The
Asshole, and the Satanic and Queer Union of International Rabies
Moneys (SQUIRM) that rules over all Queer Monkey Judges worldwide.
But, they themselves are a separate and
sinister and hideous (and I mean twisted) cult that I called S.H.I.T.
They existed at the same time (1970's) that all of this Queerism was
first promoted on the Queer Medias. They instigated a huge amount of
this anti-life warfare against the Human Species and against all of
Nature. They were killers and rapists and criminals and destroyers
and molesters and con-artists and thieves and greedy politicians and
greedy lawyers and opportunistic TV Turds and lolly-pop-brained radio
monkeys and schemers and faggots and lesie-turds. They managed, for
power and profits, the original generation of perverts that were used
as disease spreaders when all of this began.
I haven't actually seen one of those
things in years, but I am sure they still exist as a Secret Society.
S.H.I.T. was one of the first cults
that I encountered when I came back to America in 1972. When I came
back from Germany, one of the first things that attacked me for being
a Human Being was members of S.H.I.T. The second worst thing that I
encountered was the fact that everything Human in the Medias had been
killed, and replaced by Deviates. All of the Humans in the Medias had
been killed or replaced, and everything in the Medias was Queer --
literally Deviates from Hell. But the worst thing in those days, was
Those monsters were doing everything
that they could, at that time, in those years, to kill Human Beings
-- and -- to make the public sheeple believe that killing Human
Beings was a good example of Social Cleansing. And if any things,
anything at all, invented The Cult Of The Asshole and the
Experimentation Farms inside of the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone, it
was S.H.I.T.
****Important Calibration****3
The twisted and warped and distorted
gang of psychotics which we call 'Big Queer', that tries to claim
that it has many different parts to it, is nothing more
than the commercialization of pornography. That is all it is.
I have done the research myself and I
have compared the different types of pornography to the different
types of Big Queer Incorporated, and they are identical.
Every one of those so-called variations
of Big Queer (that they claim to represent) is nothing more than new
twists and dementias from pornographers. They are lunacies,
that have either been imagined and fabricated and invented by
pornographers, or created by the Hideous Fat Blobs Gang and
advertised by the pornographers; who in either case are actually
trying to get retards to believe such insanity can be real. They are
trying to get retards to actually act out those fabrications from
pornography. That is all it is! It is the inventions of pornography
forced upon idiots that the Queers control.
[[I will laugh my ass off at you, if
you deny this fact. I just saw what I am writing about on YouTube,
exactly. Exactamundo! I just saw a fabrication of pornography
being acted out on a YouTube channel as if it was real. I saw this
less than an hour ago.]]
To make it worse, to add insult to
injury, Big Queer advertises itself as representing some things that
are humanoid and some things that have pride; when in Reality it has
killed the nature and killed the pride of every one of its victims!
The hideous and sick and twisted lie of
Deviates having pride is possibly one of the worst three lies that
has ever been perpetrated upon this planet since the planet began.
****Important Point****2
Another one of the most despicable
things about Big Queer is that they always look to recruit any
kind of person who has a grudge or any kind of person who feels that
society has done them wrong, or any kind of person who has a criminal
attitude. These things they use as their promoters and their
advertisers and their sponsors and their references; and as actors
who pretend that Queerism and the sickness of organized dementia and
organized deviation actually has some kind of value. To pretend that
it is all of value somehow, and it has some kind of appeal somehow.
All of which is fabricated, all of which is synthetic. But, they use
those disgruntled persons and angry persons, who are probably angry
for some other totally unrelated reason, as actors and pretenders to
promote and sponsor and advertise Big Queer -- Organized Deviation.
This includes all of the fabrications from pornography that have been
immediately adopted by Queer Propaganda, and thereby have been
ordered to be real actions by real persons. Persons, who cannot be
real people anymore because the reality of those people has been
raped and stripped from them.
I was on the Internet today (that day)
and I saw some of the most ridiculous pictures (of the category that
you never want to see) but you see them because you are browsing
through the Internet; and it was one of those lunatic pretenses gone
mad. It was actually some of the things that had been created by the
Deviates to be pornography inventions turned into real action. Forced
to actually act out pornography inventions in the streets of the
It was some of the things that are
complete victims of pornography and deviation and the schemes of the
Lesie-Turds. Things that were so completely raped of their natural
identities, and so completely devoid of their own Humanity (so
completely taken over by the fabrications of pornography) that they
were actually feeling sad and unhappy that Trump has won the
They were actual fabricated things,
no longer Human. They were so totally possessed by the Satanism of
the pornography items that they had been turned into that they
actually felt that something was wrong because Trump won the
election. That is like watching semi-dead corpses, in a coma, turn
over in their modern live-in coffins, for some reason.
By the way, if you think that this is
not 'Nation Building' by the Lesie-Turds of Big Queer Incorporated
you are completely wrong. They have their phony flag of false colors,
their phony paid-for laws, their phony paid-for regulations, their
phony languages inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders, their
enforcers, their head of Medicare, their slave drivers and slave
masters, and they have their Middle-Managers-For-Hire. It is
literally a Pornography Nation forced upon real people, killing the
real people and turning them into zombies so that now pornography has
a zombie-equivalent in real life. Therefore insuring the future of
And what has always been the worst
Answer: Satanic pornography.
And what has always been the worst
Satanic pornography?
Answer: The Deviates.
Inside of that hideousness, inside
those Queer Coalition Bladders, it is always the most hideous and
awful things that rule. It is always the most hideous and awful
monsters that rule over everything inside of a Queer Coalition
Bladder. So obviously it is the Deviates that rule inside of the
Queer Coalition Bladders, and NOT any Big Business White Assholes
(etc). The Deviates are the worst fabrication of the worst
pornography combined with the worst Satanism.
That is a Fact!
100% Fact.
It includes many many many lunatics
that were made into lunatics by the process of turning weak-minded
idiots into representations of pornography fabrications.
With all of this in mind and
understood, it is easy to realize why lies are the foundation of the
Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead. Otherwise known as the Proudless
Prideless Pervert Pretenders (Minus the many Humans that they have
already killed). It is easy to see why the underlying foundation of
the chickenshit existence of the Deviates is all lies, because it all
began with Fabrication. It all began with satanic fabrications,
imitations, non-reality, and pretending.
It has been a lie since the beginning,
since the very beginning, since the first satanic pornographer
started to invent all of this hideous filth. It has always been a
lie. It has always been the twisted shit inside of hideous
shit-brains. It has never been real or natural and it has never been
true. It is easy to see why it is all lies, and it is easy to see why
the Deviates are dedicated to fooling and forcing retards to act and
pretend in real life like the fabricated freaks and psychopaths that
the liars want to really exist. It must appear (on the
surface) to be true.
Which is to say, it must appear to
Morons and Idiot Voters to be possibly true.
It is easy to see that it is all lies,
and it uses lies and slaves to make itself seem to be real,
constantly. Which brings us back to the topic of -- whatever were the
results of the election that Trump won?
There is no way that there is an
accurate accounting of what happened. You cannot have an accurate
accounting or an accurate measurement of that election. You cannot
have an accurate investigation if there are lies in the formula; if
there are lies in the operation that you are measuring. And, the
DemoQueers are lying constantly and endlessly without end. Because,
they are now Deviates. Their attempt to take over the Deviates and
use them for their own purposes (as weapons against us) failed
completely, and they have been taken over by the Deviates. There is
not a single noise or sound that comes from the DemoQueers that is
not a lie. And you can see why it is so easy to happen because it all
began as a lie.
****Important Perspective****1
Some of the commentators on the
Internet are laughing their asses off about the reactions that are
being shown in the social medias (videos) about the brainwashed dopes
that voted against Trump and lost. There is laughter going on because
of it, and it is almost too much of a reaction. It is almost too much
of a good thing, because they are showing videos of the reactions of
freaks that are the denizens and the monsters that exist inside of
the Queer Coalition Bladders. Mostly dead things, that were
brainwashed to think (dimly) with the only ten brain cells that they
have, that of course the DemoQueers would win.
Then, when they found out somehow (with
their only ten brain cells) that Trump won instead, they had
uncontrolled reactions. The reactions range from pathetic and
ridiculous and ludicrous to absolutely hilarious. I have seen some of
those videos, and they are so psychotic that you have to laugh at it
all. If you just happened upon those videos at random, you would
think that they are videos of persons that are either dying or being
packed off to insane asylums. But when you know the context, you
realize that it is just a bunch of shitheads from inside the Queer
Coalition Bladders that are disappointed that the lies that they were
fed failed. Apparently, they do not mind being fed lies as long as
the lies kill something; but when the lies that they are fed (and
they cannot control that) fail, they have big negative reactions. And
it is really humorous in some cases.
As I was saying, it is easy to see why
some of the commentators on the Internet (that are not Deviates or
deviated) are laughing about the reactions of the Deviates and their
slaves. But when you see the reactions, the first thing you think of
is -- it cannot be real because it is exactly what you expect.
It is classic lunacy. However! You
begin to think to yourself -- this could be fake, this could be
pretended, this could be an ordinary person pretending to be an Idiot
Voter for the DemoQueers having a really bad day. This could be
falsified, this might not be real because the reactions shown are so
totally and classically what you would expect from shitheads. No
innovation, no imagination, no variations, it is just one classic
blob of shithead reactions, but they are perfect. They are exactly
what you would expect them to be. And that makes them suspect.
Before I proceed any further let us
understand what the Independent Perverts really are. Start with what
they are NOT ... they are NOT Humans. They are NOT decent or healthy
or sane or good or godly in any ways. What they are is diseased. They
have been raped and ruined by the effects of Queer Propaganda. They
are NOT Humans and I do not want them anywhere near Humans for any
reason. They are, however, not affiliated with the puke bags of the
Shit Agenda.
The obvious and aggressive tactics of
the SQLD put an end to the enormous lie inside Queer Propaganda
called 'Inclusion'. What they do is never 'Inclusion'. What it is --
is 'Takeover'.
It is 'Conquest'. It is 'Invasion'. It
is forcing anyone who is diseased by their propaganda to follow their
rules and to be part of their Queer Armies; and then insisting that
their Queer Armies swarm over and take over everything else. That! Is
what they call 'Inclusion'. 'Inclusion' is a Big Lie, and you can see
how it works.
Inadvertently, they are making
themselves (and they have made themselves) the worst of all evils --
the Indicator Evil. The evil that makes everything else that is evil
obey it. In doing so they have become the Indicator Evil. That
absolutely fits the occasion and it is absolutely calibrated; their
actions have made them the Indicator Evil of all evils everywhere.
I really do not want to make a diagram
about this, because it is so brain-dead-obvious and so
completely apparent to anyone who can think! The SQLD (aka PPPP(-))
are the Indicator Evil of the Known Universe. It is a direct result
(absolutely and spontaneously) of everything that they do.
Which I have already described, thank
The pleasant part about all of this is
-- quite a few people are thinking, and quite a few people are
understanding, and quite a few people do see and realize that the
SQLD are the Indicator Evil of the Known Universe. And, they are
taking actions against them; currently in France and in Germany and
in Poland and in Hungary and in Italy and in most of Northern Africa
(the Sahel Region).
Meanwhile, Russia and China have shut
down the SQLD; and the minions and slaves and the addicts of the SQLD
are complaining about that bitterly. All Addicts complain when you
take away their poisoned candy.
People around the world are learning
how to think, not necessarily what to think. I do not like to tell
anyone what to think because what is obvious will be seen as such, if
and when you can think. I have great confidence and great faith in
the Truth, and in the power of the Truth and the power of Reality.
What I like to do is to teach people how to think. How to use their
brains for all occasions.
Certainly, that requires clear thinking
-- which requires a huge absence of chaff and clutter and
discord and chaos inside the brain that is trying to think. So, I
pound upon the lies and deceptions and propaganda of our enemies --
to keep that filth out of your brains.
What is a DISAPPOINTMENT to the SQLD is
that all of their play-acting and pretending and their lies and their
skits and their show times and their put-ons and their con-artist
schemes and all of their demonstrations (which are completely crazy
and lunatic) that are supposed to convince the world that they are
Supreme and Superior and equal to everyone else -- even though
they are totally a fabrication and they are completely a fabrication
of the fabrications of pornography -- has failed.
Had to fail.
What they do not understand is that all
of their actions are really demonstrating to everyone, and showing to
everyone, that they are the 'Indicator Evil'. Their Masters and
Controllers think it is proving to all of the victims of their
propaganda that they are Omnipotent, and that they should be obeyed
by everyone who has been victimized by (infested by) their
propaganda. Instead, all it really does is to show that they are the
'Indicator Evil'. The worst of all evils. The most demonstrative
because they are the indicator. The worst, and it shows that as
things get worse and evil gets worse it becomes more demonstrative
and more exhibitionist and more insistent that it must be obeyed;
more insistent that it must be accepted, more insistent that it must
be included in everything. This shows, absolutely, that increased
evil and increased satanism is directly related to (and demonstrated
by) their increased theatrics and false demands for acceptance and
This Truth about it is absolute. It is
a Universal Constant.
'Inclusion' is Dogshit.
****Important Participation****1
About the People and the organizations
whose videos I link you to ...
if you really do realize that you must
fight forever to be free and autonomous from such monsters as the
Deviates Gamers and the Politics Gamers and the DemoQueers etc etc
... if you do realize that you have to fight ...
and remember you are just the first
generation of Humans that has had to defend itself in this way ...
if you really do realize that you have
to fight, then one of the chief ways of fighting is to protect
the People that I link you to!
the People that I link you to, because they are telling you the Truth
and they are part of you!
They are part of
the Family of Human Beings. They are not fakes and phonies like that
trash at the Southern Poverty Deviates; that pretend to be Human. Not
like any pretend organizations created by the DemoQueers, using
public monies, that the DemoQueers claim are the Humans.
They are NOT that! They are YOU.
The days of
choosing your fellow Humans according to your own acquired tastes and
preferences ARE DEAD!!!!
The People that I link you to are the Real Humans, often at the front
lines of war. They will be attacked by such turds as the 'Cunts and
Nasty Neuters' at CNN, and attacked by the forever lying faggot
perverts at Warner Buggers, and attacked by such twisted maniacs as
the Queer Disney hoard (animated things).
If I link you to somebody -- you have to help that somebody!
If I link you to a Human Website -- you have to help that website!
If I link you to a person -- you have to help that person!
It is all YOU.
You have to protect that which is YOU, and protect your natural
resources. You have to protect your natural resources. You have to
protect your natural resources. That includes your Human resources.
Say this one hundred times -- “I have to protect my natural
The People and the Organizations that I link you to are YOU, they are
your natural resources. Fighting means protecting your resources.
Without which you will no longer be able to fight.
Another reason
why the deviates such as Queer Warner Buggers want total control and
total obedience from all of the victims of their propaganda, is so
that there will be no thinking minds alive within their Queer
Coalition Bladders that will be able to tell the difference and
explain the difference and say what the difference is about their
existence before the Deviates -- three years after the Deviates --
and ten years after the Deviates.
If any victim
inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders is allowed to remain with the
capacity of thought and is allowed to remain with the ability to
think and is allowed to remember (using long term memory) (which is
forbidden inside the Queer Coalition Bladders) then they will be able
to discern and realize how awful life is inside of the Queer
Coalition Bladders after three years, and five years, and ten years.
They might tell
someone else, and someone else might tell someone else, and somebody
else might tell somebody else, and some persons might tell some other
persons, and some persons might tell some other persons who might
tell some other persons who might tell some other persons -- and it
might become Common Knowledge that existence inside the Queer
Coalition Bladders after three and five and ten years is just varying
degrees of ...
Worse Shit.
of the things that I wanted to emphasize in this message is that the
minions and the victims inside of the Queer Coalition Bladders do not
'believe' the lies that they have been told -- because that would
mean that they also know something else, anything else. Therefore,
relative to something else
they believe the lies instead.
Butt -- they
don't know nothing else. They are complete slaves. They are
completely brainwashed and programmed. They do not know anything
else. They do not believe Queer Propaganda. Queer Propaganda is all
they know, they know nothing else. They do not have the faintest idea
that there is anything else. Big Queer Incorporated -- incorporated
They do not know
the Truth. They cannot know the Truth. Their brains have been warped
and distorted and putrefied to the point where they do not have the
ability or capacity or capability of understanding the Truth -- or
that the Truth exists.
They do not have
those abilities. Their brains have been rotten, have been rotted,
have been corroded, have been corrupted. They cannot understand the
Truth, period. They do not have such abilities.
A statement that
I heard on the foreign medias, that were not perverted, was that half
of America's population could look at something and believe one thing
about it; and the other half can look at the same thing and believe
something that is totally different from what the other half
believes. Looking at the same thing.
That is
completely wrong! That is absolutely wrong! That is wrong. The Queer
Half, the slaves and the minions and the Idiot Voters do NOT look at
anything. They do not have the ability to analyze anything. They can
only do what they are told to do, they can only repeat what they are
told to repeat. They can only do something with their ten brain cells
according to what they are told to think -- very weakly. If that
passes for 'belief' that is completely erroneous. That is NOT
believing anything. That is just being brainwashed and programmed.
They are not
looking at something and then believing something.
No No No ...
they do not even know what is going on between mealtimes and apple
sauce. They are just told (day-by-day) what shit to repeat. They do
not know what is happening, they are just obeying orders about what
to repeat and what to say and what lies to say. It is not a case that
half of the population believes one thing, about something, and the
other half believes the exact opposite about the same thing --
whatever. It is absolutely NOT that way.
The Deviate
Half, the slave population, has no idea what is going on, and they
believe nothing. They repeat lies! They accept automatically the shit
that they are fed by the Queer Propagandists, and they repeat that
crap; and that is it! They believe nothing, because they do not have
the mental abilities to know anything and believe it.
you start to be sorry for all of the slaves and the minions of the
Deviates, that cannot think and have not the ability to believe
anything; before you start to feel sorry for them remember from
whence they were recruited.
Remember from where they were recruited. A lot of them were
psychopathic video game players. They were already in the psychopathy
of non-reality. They were video game players that could not function
in Reality, so they had to function inside of video games instead. To
such things there is NO value of Human life whatsoever!!!!
Absolutely not.
Absolutely no value to Human life at all, to any 'gamer'. A lot of
those minions of the SQLD were already psychopathic 'gamers', that
held no value for Human life and were raised that way. They were
raised by Assholes who were raised by Assholes to raise Assholes that
would kill the World.
A lot of those
things today, that cannot believe anything because they do not have
the capacity or the ability to believe anything, and they do not have
the capacity to know anything and they do not have the capacity to
think -- they were recruited from the hoards of video gamers and the
psychotic social gamers.
The minions and
the slaves of the SQLD today were in many cases recruited from the
dregs of society. A large percentage came from the gutter trash, and
I do not mean economically, or sociologically; I mean mentally. The
mental scum bags. The mental scum. That is where they came from. That
is where they were recruited from.
Many were also
raised to be the Dead. That is horrible and it is hideous and it is
gross-tesque, it is monstrous, but it is absolutely true. Many of
them were created (spawned deliberately) to be the Dead. To be the
Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead. They never had a choice. Also many were
raped in Public/Political School/Prisons by the horrid NEA. Ruined,
at APA/NEA/ACLU school prisons, and the job was thorough. Their
brains were scrubbed clean of Humanity, and all of that Humanity was
replaced by lunacy, brainwashing, massive dosages of Queer
Propaganda, and endless lies from endless liars -- namely the hideous
{{ForeverLyingNEALiars}}. And the job was thorough and the job was
complete, they are dead.
****Important Question****1
How many of you
go to a cemetery and feel sorry for the dead?
How many of you
go to a cemetery, or when you do go to a cemetery, do you feel sorry
for the dead? Or, do you just feel that they are gone? You may miss
them if they were relatives of yours, you may miss their presence.
You may miss many things about them, but that is Human Sorrow. How
many of you actually feel sorry for the Dead?
The Dead are the
Dead, they are gone. Hopefully to Heaven, hopefully to better worlds.
But you do not feel sorry for the Dead. They are the Dead. What you
really feel, is sorry for yourself.
Some day you
will be 'The Dead' too.
And anyway --
any thing, that sends its child to a Public/Political School/Prison
to be raped and tortured and killed by the NEA has no right
whatsoever to feel sorry about anything.
If you keep this
always in mind, if you keep constant the concept and the reality of a
gobbling and spreading corporate slime that tries to possess anything
that is exposed to its propaganda and to its hideous agents, whether
they think the exposure was effective or not to this plague (this
literal disease) ...
if you keep this
in mind as the background for what the SQLD are ...
you will see why
the things want Ultimate Power.
In fact, they
have to have ultimate power over the entire spread of the disease,
because the Queerism Disease demands worse and worse perversions with
each political generation.
Now Taiwan is
Taiwan is the
third worst Queer Island known to exist, after England and Lesbos.
And Taiwan was destroyed because there was a weakness, Taiwan had a
weakness. It had a hatred of Mainland China. It had a conflict with
Mainland China. It had tensions and a lot of disagreements with
Mainland China. That put it off balance, that made it weak; and it
was already full of corrupt opportunists also feeding on the pain,
also feeding on the arguments and the conflicts. Wherever there is
such opportunism going on, and wherever there is such weakness and
instability going on ...
Like the gobbling monstrosity that
they are. They allow no exceptions and they demand that anyone who is
(or was) exposed to their Queer Propaganda is immediately theirs. So
just to be exposed to the Deviate lies is enough for the Deviates to
claim you and insist that they own you and control you.
For a few
minutes, think about the Law and Families. Think about the Rights of
Human Families as they are expressed by and protected by Human Law.
Humans prize their families and especially White Humans prize their
possessions and their properties; and are literally more
materialistic than the other 'skin colors' of Human Beings. I mean
the White Skin colors are more possessive, about properties and
material goods and more obsessive about the protection of those
properties and material goods by Human Law.
Human Law is
supposed to serve as a shield for the preservation and protection of
Human Families, their values, their properties, their possessions,
and their persons. But, I just named the TARGETS of the DEVIATE
just named the targets of the Deviates. Everything about Humans that
Humans value must die if it has been exposed to Queer Propaganda --
because -- the hideous monsters behind Big Queer and Queer Propaganda
demand that anyone and anything that has been exposed to Queer
Propaganda is now controlled
by them, is now ruled
by them, is now owned
by them!!!!
Like, they now
control Taiwan; they now own Taiwan which is the porno capital of
Asia. Taiwan is one of the worst sinkholes and reverse-flow toilets
of pornography anywhere. Taiwan is a shithole of pornography, because
it has been claimed by the SQLD. It has been claimed by Queer
Propaganda because it has been exposed to Queer Propaganda. We are
seeing now claims from fake news sites at Taiwan and fake news sites
at Hong Kong (both of which hate Mainland China because they are
straight) saying that all Taiwanese People accept control by the
Deviates, and accept all forms of deviation. Literally, I just saw
fake news sites from Taiwan and from Hong Kong that claimed that all
Taiwanese People now accept all forms of perversion. Flat out, that
is exactly what they said.
Of course, they
are deviates that are saying that. They are Queer and Fake news
sites, but it highlights the demands of the Deviates that anyone who
has been exposed to Queer Propaganda is now ruled by Queer Laws, and
Queer Propaganda.
So ... what
about Humans? What about their families, their properties, their
houses, their lands, their values, their virtues -- which mean
nothing to the Deviates! Nothing to the Perverts!
The perverts
literally mean, and absolutely mean, that anyone and any thing that
has been exposed to Queer Propaganda is now ruled by them!!!!
To be exposed to
their lies -- is to be ruled by them and their lies!!!!
And they mean
it, they demand it, they insist upon it. That is the only reason why
the Filthy Monkey Horrors still exist, as a weapon for the Deviates;
to insist and demand that anyone who has been exposed to Queer
Propaganda is now ruled by them.
So ... what
happens to Human Law? What happens to the law that was created to
protect the Human Species? Well, now you know why the legal
profession has been turned into sewage. The legal profession is now
completely inundated with and diseased with and swarmed with Queer
Monkey Judges and Queer Monkey Lawyers.
Take for example
the putrid Monkey Judges and putrid Monkey Lawyers that attacked
Trump (prior to the 2024 election) with many phony and fake claims
against him; in a sickening attempt to prevent Trump from becoming
the President again and uttering one word of Truth against the
Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead. They typify a queered legal profession
that belongs at the feet of the throne of Satan, and not here on
Planet Earth.
The legal
profession is now completely inundated with and diseased with and
swarmed with Queer Monkey Judges and Queer Monkey Lawyers;
deliberately to kill the legal profession and thereby to allow the
killing of Humans Laws. The same Human Laws that were made to protect
the Human Species against this kind of attack. Against this kind of
usurpation of our Rights. Against this kind of degradation and
dementia and disgrace and downgrading into their ... slaves ... their
Say it!
Say it!
Say it with your
As we have
learned from bitter experience here in America, all Deviate Laws made
by queered governments for the Deviates are for themselves too; and
NOT for the People, and NOT for the Human Species. They are therefore
NOT binding upon us. They are NOT laws to us. They are NOT rules and
regulations to us. They are just SCAMS. They are just CON-GAMES; such
as trying to 'legalize' Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred attacks
against the Humans. In which hate teams of Rats and Idiots (one each
per pair) tried to pretend that marriage was for Dung and not for
That was NOT for
us. That was NOT for the Human Species. That was for the Queers
themselves! That was for the Queer Monkey Judges! The Monkey Judges
are Queers! They made a phony law that pretended to legalize Queer
and Phony Marriage-Hatred for themselves and the Deviates, and
against the Human Species. That is what happens everywhere, in every
country, where Queer and Phony Marriage-Hatred is falsely and
deceivingly made 'legal' by Queer Governments. It is always for their
putrid selves and NOT for us.
It is NOT for
the Human Species (it never has been), it is NOT rules to us, it is
NOT laws to us, it is NOT regulations to us; and to us they are NOT
They are NOT
judges over us, they are just trash. They are Queer and Illegal
Monkey Judges. Queer and Illegal Politicians. That is all, that is
it. That is all. They are doing all of that filth for themselves and
their Deviate Masters; and we must REJECT it all. Reject it entirely.
Reject everything having to do with Deviate-sponsored and
Deviate-spawned phony laws and phony regulations and phony rules.
We must reject
everything about it. In doing so we reject all of the Shit Agenda of
Big Queer Incorporated.
In my life I
have seen people kill themselves because they were diseased by the
Queer Propaganda, and they made bad mistakes that favored Queer
Propaganda, and then they were attacked by the SQLD that demanded
obedience and slavery from them. That, they could not live with and
they committed suicide, sometimes very miserably.
Deviates attack
Real Humans by surrounding them with Killer Queers next door and all
over their neighborhood; attacking constantly any Real Humans all day
and every day; to kill any Truth about Big Queer Incorporated and Big
Queer Industries. To kill off all Truth with smothering 'Shit
are NOT anarchists. Rabble-Rousers on YouTube will lie about anyone,
are all degenerates, are all sick sadists, and are all deliberate
killers. Having failed to kill societies in the streets they now try
to kill the social medias like YouTube. They are the spawn of
Now with the
Trump win, profits for the Rabble-Rousers from the DemoQueers are not
as good as before. Many of those foul spawn of S.H.I.T. are using
social medias in an attempt to destroy society, and get paid for it
at the same time.
That is NOT
anarchy. It is total destruction by Incrazies, with Mass Dementia
first, then destruction of brains. Many such spawn of S.H.I.T. are
pretending to be innocent and beneficial to the same society that
they were trying to kill two years ago in the streets. Many
Rabble-Rousers are now running businesses based upon pretenses of
civil service and beneficial practices for the masses. Such twisted
freaks as Jibba-Jabba (a classic punk fabrication) are typical spawn
of S.H.I.T.
100% clones and
cronies of S.H.I.T.
The Bridge:
It occurs to me that there can be a
problem with having two different topics in one message, if some
people think that they are not interrelated. If you talk about two
things in one message, such as Big Queer Incorporated and then you go
on to Proverbs 11, and you talk about the hideous evils like the
ButtUgly Windmill Imperials -- some people will not get the
Some people will miss the connection,
and they will miss what is called 'The Bridge'. They will not
understand the bridge between the two topics because they cannot
think deeply. They do not have the ability for generating deep
thoughts. In this society they were not supposed to have the ability
for deep thoughts, they were not supposed to be able to think. The
mere fact that they are now thinking is itself a miracle.
Shades of 'Logan's Run' to freezing
Any thinking at all that might be
unauthorized or 'deep' or insightful, by anyone who is supposed to be
obedient and perverted and vote, is directly against the wishes of
both Big Queer Incorporated and the ButtUgly Windmill Imperials and
their pet County Coyotes and so forth.
The fact that some people within the
'society' can think enough to be provided a bridge between the two
subjects is of itself an incredible improvement! Really, it is an
incredible improvement over the way things were twenty years ago. So
let us show what the bridge is, let us explain what the bridge is;
and it is the rising commonality of the 'effects' of many
evils. It is the common effect of evils that is rising constantly. It
is the lowest common denominator that results from those evils and it
is killing this society.
If you have a hundred people in a leaky
lifeboat, as the water inside the lifeboat begins to rise people
begin to panic. People begin to freak out. People become strange.
People become very weird and no longer friendly, if they ever were
friendly. That is exactly what is happening to this so-called
society. No matter how many times and how intensely the so-called
officials and authorities lie about the dying planet and the
diminishing resources, the truth about it all keeps filtering through
somehow. Even though there are many and many
{ForeverLyingQueerMediaLiars}} to keep all of the tiny minds off of
this doom (this absolute destruction that we are working ourselves
into) the message still comes through sometimes.
The lifeboat is sinking.
Add to that, the fact that the lifeboat
was only made for twenty people to begin with, and you start to
understand why it is so easy for panic to exist in this lifeboat --
and for all kinds of weird insanities to occur when the level of
water in the lifeboat rises slowly and painfully and no one can bail
it out -- and the certainty of sinking is there for a very long time.
The lifeboat gets lower and lower and lower in the water, slowly, and
the overall situation is excruciating and there is no escape. There
is no escape because of Politics.
There is no escape because Politics
does not want the Human Species to leave this planet. Politics
wants to control everything and everyone. Politics does not want a
Cosmic Species. Politics wants a controlled species here on this
dying planet!!!!
So ... you can easily see why these
pressures are causing so much Mass Insanity. Well, chaos and Mass
Insanity are the perfect feeding grounds for many forms of deliberate
evils. It is Mass Insanity that is the rising
lowest-common-denominator (result) of so many evils.
****Important Point****3
Evil is like Politics and Deviates. It
tries to be self-perpetuating. It tries to create an environment of
Mass Insanity in which it can both exist and it has complete control;
and the Mass Insanity that it spawns has been shaped and formed and
molded; and is operated in such a way that it perpetuates the
insanity that the evil needs to be safe within. This is very
important to understand. The evils need insanity as protection.
They need environments of insanity, therefore they shape their
insanities to be self-perpetuating. Which in turn perpetuates the
evils themselves, allows the evils, condescends to the evils, permits
the evils, makes it easy to be evil in many different ways.
Of course, evils will spread anywhere
and everywhere, in any direction possible. Evil is taught in the
schools by the hideous and queer NEA. Evil is taught in the phony
Inversities (the should-be Universities) by the awful APA. Evil is
spread throughout the queered Legal Profession by the nasty ACLU.
Evil has many proponents that promote it and spread it even further
afield. Evil is indeed insidious.
I told you before that all of this
began in the 50's and 60's and 70's, and back in the seventies I
identified the cult of really sick freaks that were conspiring to
bring all of this horror about in the future -- and I labeled them as
S.H.I.T. Sick. Hideous. Insidious. Terrible.
[[They were all twisted and insane and
scheming and hating and despicable and anti-life and
satan-worshipping and homicidal and genocidal and dedicated to the
lowest possible dementias -- and determined that those lowest
possible dementias should rule the world some day.]]
It was S.H.I.T. that created The Cult
Of The Asshole in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone.
Well, S.H.I.T. has always promoted as
much evil in all directions as possible, to make and create an
environment, a sick and mass insane society, in which S.H.I.T. could
operate. And the spawn of S.H.I.T. such as The Cult Of The Asshole
and the {ForeverLyingDemoQueerLiars}} and the Proudless Prideless
Pervert Pretenders(-) are doing exactly that today; creating smaller
environments of Mass Insanity that are molded and formed and tuned to
their own specific requirements. These are self-perpetuating
environments thereby allowing their associated brand of evil to
continue to exist in comfort; and spread laterally in all directions.
That is exactly what the Hideous Boston
Horrid Zone is. It is a queered environment of Mass Insanity for the
Deviates. In the same way Wash This Death City is a queered
environment of Mass Insanity for Politics.
This explains why the BUWIs are
inherently queer and evil. The BUWIs come from those queered
environments. The BUWIs come from Mass Insanity.
The bridge between these two topics is
actually a high level of common Mass Insanity providing safe zones
and safe environments for evils to exist in and operate in. The Mass
Insanity is taught in the queered schools, the Public/Political
School/Prisons, that are controlled by the horrible NEA; and it is
enforced upon innocent victims wherever the Deviates control any
mechanism of authority. Therefore, it is widespread and pervasive and
it is quite elevated at this time. It is very high and noxious and
lethal at this time. This common Mass Insanity, being used by various
evils, twists and distorts all thinking; if there is any thinking
happening amongst the Sheeple to begin with. It patently disallows
and forbids active thinking ...
To be able to think inside of the Mass
Insanity is forbidden. All that slaves and sheeple inside the Mass
Insanity should be able to do is to follow the acceptable routines
within whatever Mass Insanity they are caught inside of. Thinking is
not allowed, not necessary, not desirable; and is in fact (of course)
against the intentions and the schemes and the plans of whatever evil
vermin are using that Mass Insanity as a safety zone; a pleasing and
commodious environment for their evil.
So what I am saying to you is -- the
bridge is actually the sludge. The bridge is actually the rising
level of crap in the society that is infecting and oozing into every
part of the society and demanding obedience to evil agendas.
Obedience to whatever evil agenda has created that particular Mass
Insanity. The bridge is the common insanity. The bridge is the lack
of sanity. The lack of perspective, the lack of reality, the lack of
truth, the lack of any real information, and something that is
injected into and embedded into all Mass Insanities; and that is
Greed. Greed is a common ingredient in all forms of Mass
Insanity. Big Business Schools and Big Business Colleges teach Greed.
They teach what are called 'Business Models'.
All Business Models are insane.
All Business Models are fueled by an
insatiable Greed. A lunatic and planet-destroying and planet-killing
Greed that is literally Incrazy and Bonkers and Deranged; which
demands that in all businesses there should be increased profits year
after year!
It demands increased profits year after
year after year after year, and any so-called business or business
model that does not generate those increased profits year after year
after year after year is considered to be a failure. Instantly
abandoned by the Parasites. The Parasites being something called
'Investors'. It is a parasitic and insectoid kind of lunacy called
'Business'. Feeding upon it are drones and slaves and freaks and
creeps and slimes that have been terribly bitten by the Greed Bug,
the Greed Virus; and they are called 'Investors'.
Those disease carriers called
'Investors' will literally abandon any business model or any business
entity that does not kill itself in an annual fever to create
increased profits year after year after year.
It is literally a word of lunatics. A
planet-killing world of lunatics. In an ever-rising tide of Mass
Insanity required by ever-increasing evils.
The hideous and mindless vermin that
own and operate Forrid Abominations are a typical example of the
results that are desirable within Mass Insanity; desired by whatever
evil controls that Mass Insanity. In this case, the horrific evils of
Forrid; obeying their hideous and queer god 'Drof'.
Drof the queer god of Forrid, is as
queer and as deviated as can possibly exist. As awful, as any
Lesie-Turd would ever desire it to exist as. To kill Humans with.
Such scum that own and operate Forrid Abominations obey and worship
Drof and the Lesie-Turds that control the BUWIs! And control many and
many Big Business White Assholes! And control the entire
{[ForeverLyingDemoQueerLiars]] and their sewage. All of it.
Those things are a prime example of the
kind of filth that floats on the surface of the Mass Insanity, upon
which stand many other evils. Upon which stand and thrive, the evils
that control that Mass Insanity.
In a way this is saying that the BUWIs
cannot help themselves. Nor can the Termites and the Weevils of the
Construction/Destruction Religion help themselves. They were
inculcated and raised in Mass Insanity. All that they have ever known
is Mass Insanity and Greed and Evil. With absolutely no appreciation
taught to them for the planet that they exist upon. Which is just
some kind of inanimate thing to them that they can kill for profits.
Well, to a very limited extent that is
true. The BUWIs are a case example, because if you have ever seen the
turds that build the ButtUgly Windmills, you will have seen the worst
vermin on Earth! If you have ever seen the turds that transport the
pieces and the parts of the ButtUgly Windmills, on those big and ugly
and terrible road machines on the highways, you will have seen the
worst vermin on Earth! They are literally the bottom of the barrel.
They are the dregs, they are the maggots under the barrel! They are
really the worst monstrosities, the lowest and lowest possible
animated things. And they are directly associated with the BUWIs. The
BUWIs deliberately hire the worst possible scum bags, always.
There you are! The entire horror of
Evil is revealed to you in the terrible and twisted micro world of
the BUWIs ... the ButtUgly Windmill Imperials. Egomania and rampant
greed at the top, and squirming low-life slugs at the bottom.
This is also epitomized by the
upside-down situation of the County Coyotes that lick the feet of the
BUWIs. The theory behind having County Supervisors is that the best
people in the county are the supervisors!
Instead, low-life and low-crawling and
greedy little business bastards are the County Supervisors!
Selling their counties down the drain
for personal profits. And blaming it all on the things that they
worship and emulate called 'The Utility Board'.
Blaming it on the utility boards which
they copy and mimic and toady for as much as they possibly can. While
trying to garner as many profits and perks as possible by selling the
county to its own destruction; while they blame the utility board
swine for everything that they do themselves. So there is no honesty
amongst thieves. Not at all.
The relationship between the Counties
and the Supervisors is inverted, it is upside-down. The County
Coyotes are at the very bottom of the counties that they infest, far
below the real coyotes which sing to every full moon every month.
To get back to what I was saying about
this bridge of insanity between the Big Queer Deviates and the Big
Business Assholes at the BUWIs -- the bridge is actually the high
level of common Mass Insanity that pervades the entire society. It is
actually a dynamic doom for the society. It is dynamic in that it
moves and it is not static. It is definitely the death of the
society, because it will absolutely cause the fall of all of this
phoniness. You cannot call this a 'civilization' any more; it is too
fake, and phony, and fraudulent, and imitation, and deliberately
evil. Deliberately Massively Insane.
If you look across the society as
though you were analyzing it for Dominant Evils -- get this one --
the Dominant Evils; you will see what looks like a mass spectrograph.
I will try to get for you an illustration of a mass spectrograph to
look at. It would have different peaks across it.
What a mass spectrograph does is to
identify individual molecules (elements) of a larger molecular
compound, and their relative strengths. Usually it is done to organic
materials. If an organic compound has twenty components to it, the
mass spectrograph of it will show you twenty different peaks across
the graph, rising from the 'baseline'.
This analogy is extremely accurate to
what we are discussing in this message. Really accurate.
The 'baseline' in the case of what we
are talking about, is the rising and deliberate level of Mass
Insanity controlled by various evils. The peaks of our spectrograph
which rise above the 'baseline' of the Mass Insanity are the evils. I
will try to get a mass spectrograph for you, to show to you, and it
will illustrate what I am writing about. Otherwise I will have to
draw one myself and I have better things to do.
In our way of looking at it, the peaks
that we see (as we analyze this sick society) are the evils, that are
causing the Mass Insanity; nurturing the Mass Insanity and dependent
upon the Mass Insanity. Whereas the Mass Insanity itself is the
'baseline'; the baseline from which the peaks arise in the
illustration. This is exactly the way it looks if you look across
this society thinking about evils and thinking about Mass Insanity.
Proverb 11:
Below each entry I will place
appropriate {{identifiers}} of things or persons which this section
pertains to -- somehow. They are ...
Big Queer Incorporated
ButtUgly Windmill Imperials
County Coyotes
Lost Space Aliens Took Wrong Turn
Medicare Patients in the Future
My Four Parakeets (aka piggies with
Quack Doctors
Queer Government
Queer Medias
Queered Legal Profession
Realtor/Storage Rodents
Sigmund Freud
Your Momma
Your Neighborhood
A false balance is abomination to the
LORD: but a just weight is his delight.
A false balance is an abomination to the LORD; But a perfect
weight is His delight.
False scales are an
abomination to the LORD, but an honest weight, his delight.
[[The word pair “abomination” and “delight” (equal
acceptable) to God is common in Proverbs. Originally the language of
ritual, the words came to be applied to whatever pleases or
displeases God. False weights were a constant problem even though
weights were standardized.]] USCCB
{{Big Queer Incorporated--County Coyotes--Quack Doctors--Queered
Legal Profession--NEA/APA/ACLU--Politics--Opportunists--Queer
Government--------Medicare Patients in the Future}}
When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is
When pride cometh, then cometh shame; But with the lowly is
When pride comes, disgrace comes;
but with the humble is wisdom.
[[Disgrace is the very opposite of what the proud so ardently
want. Those who do not demand their due receive wisdom.]] USCCB
Coyotes--Deviates--NEA/APA/ACLU--Quack Doctors--Queer
Government--Queer Medias--ButtUgly Windmill Imperials}}
The integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the
perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them.
The integrity of the upright shall guide them; But the
perverseness of the faithless shall destroy them.
The honesty of the upright guides
them; the faithless are ruined by their duplicity.
{{Trump--Lost Space Aliens Took Wrong
Turn--Your Momma--------BBCPETEU--Big Queer Incorporated--ButtUgly
Windmill Imperials--Deviates--NEA/APA/ACLU--Politics--Quack
Doctors--Queer Government--Queer Medias}}
Riches profit not in the day of wrath: but righteousness
delivereth from death.
Riches profit not in the day of wrath; But righteousness
delivereth from death.
Wealth is useless on a day of wrath,
but justice saves from death.
[[A day of wrath is an unforeseen disaster (even death). Only
one’s relationship to God, which makes one righteous, is of any
help on such a day.]] USCCB
{{Big Queer Incorporated--ButtUgly
Windmill Imperials--County Coyotes--Mercenaries--Opportunists--Quack
Doctors--Queered Legal Profession--Realtor/Storage
Rodents--------Medicare Patients in the Future--Trump--Your Momma}}
The righteousness of the perfect shall direct his way: but the
wicked shall fall by his own wickedness.
The righteousness of the sincere shall make straight his way;
But the wicked shall fall by his own wickedness.
The justice of the honest makes
their way straight, but by their wickedness the wicked fall.
[[In Hebrew as in English, “way” means the course of one’s
life; similarly, “straight” and “crooked” are metaphors for
morally straightforward and for bad, deviant, perverted.]] USCCB
{{Medicare Patients in the
Future--Trump--Your Momma------Big Queer Incorporated--ButtUgly
Windmill Imperials--County
Coyotes--Deviates--NEA/APA/ACLU--Opportunists--Quack Doctors--Queer
Government--Queer Medias--Queered Legal Profession--Realtor/Storage
The righteousness of the upright shall deliver them: but
transgressors shall be taken in their own naughtiness.
The righteousness of the upright shall deliver them; But the
faithless shall be trapped in their own crafty device.
The justice of the upright saves
them, but the faithless are caught in their own intrigue.
{{Medicare Patients in the Future--Trump--Your
Momma--------BBCPETEU--Big Queer Incorporated--ButtUgly Windmill
Imperials--County Coyotes--Deviates--NEA/APA/ACLU--Quack
Doctors--Queer Medias--Queered Legal Profession}}
When a wicked man dieth, his expectation shall perish: and the
hope of unjust men perisheth.
When a wicked man dieth, his expectation shall perish, And the
hope of strength perisheth.
When a person dies, hope is
destroyed; expectation pinned on wealth is destroyed.
[[An ancient scribe added “wicked” to person, for the
statement that hope ends at death seemed to deny life after death.
The saying, however, is not concerned with life after death but with
the fact that in the face of death all hopes based on one’s own
resources are vain. The aphorism is the climax of the preceding six
verses; human resources cannot overcome mortality.]] USCCB
{{BBCPETEU--Big Queer Incorporated--ButtUgly Windmill
Coyotes--Deviates--NEA/APA/ACLU--Opportunists--Quack Doctors--Queer
Government--Queer Medias--Queered Legal Profession--Realtor/Storage
The righteous is delivered out of trouble, and the wicked cometh
in his stead.
The righteous is delivered out of trouble, And the wicked
cometh in his stead.
The just are rescued from a tight
spot, but the wicked fall into it instead.
{{Medicare Patients in the Future--Trump--Your
Momma--------BBCPETEU--Big Queer Incorporated--ButtUgly Windmill
Coyotes--Deviates--NEA/APA/ACLU--Opportunists--Quack Doctors--Queer
Government--Queer Medias--Queered Legal Profession--Realtor/Storage
An hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbour: but through
knowledge shall the just be delivered.
With his mouth the impious man destroyeth his neighbour; But
through profound knowledge shall the righteous be delivered.
By a word the impious ruin their
neighbors, but through their knowledge the just are rescued.
[[What the wicked express harms others; what the righteous leave
unsaid protects. Verses 9-14 are related in theme: the effect of good
and bad people, especially their words, on their community.]] USCCB
{{BBCPETEU--Big Queer
Government--Queer Medias--Queered Legal Profession--Sigmund
Freud--YouTube--------Medicare Patients in the Future--Trump--Your
When it goeth well with the righteous, the city rejoiceth: and
when the wicked perish, there is shouting.
When it goeth well with the righteous, the city rejoiceth; And
when the wicked perish, there is joy.
When the just prosper, the city
rejoices; when the wicked perish, there is jubilation.
{{Medicare Patients in the Future--Trump--Your
Momma-------BBCPETEU--Big Queer Incorporated--ButtUgly Windmill
Imperials--County Coyotes--Deviates--NEA/APA/ACLU--Quack
Doctors--Queer Government--Queer Medias--Queered Legal
Profession--Realtor/Storage Rodents}}
By the blessing of the upright the city is exalted: but it is
overthrown by the mouth of the wicked.
By the blessing of the upright a city is exalted; But it is
overthrown by the mouth of the wicked.
Through the blessing of the upright
the city is exalted, but through the mouth of the wicked it is
{{My Four Parakeets (aka piggies with wings)--You--Your
Momma--Your Neighborhood--------County Coyotes--Deviates--Politics}}
He that is void of wisdom despiseth his neighbour: but a man of
understanding holdeth his peace.
He that despiseth his neighbour lacketh understanding; But a
man of discernment holdeth his peace.
Whoever reviles a neighbor lacks
sense, but the intelligent keep silent.
{{County Coyotes--Deviates--NEA/APA/ACLU--Queer Medias--Queered
Legal Profession--------Trump}}
A talebearer revealeth secrets: but he that is of a faithful
spirit concealeth the matter.
He that goeth about as a talebearer revealeth secrets; But he
that is of a faithful spirit concealeth a matter.
One who slanders reveals secrets,
but a trustworthy person keeps a confidence.
Medias--YouTube--------Trump--Your Momma}}
Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of
counsellors there is safety.
Where no wise direction is, a people falleth; But in the
multitude of counsellors there is safety.
For lack of guidance a people falls;
security lies in many counselors.
Medias--Queered Legal Profession--------Medicare Patients in the
Future--Trump--Your Neighborhood}}
He that is surety for a stranger shall smart for it: and he that
hateth suretiship is sure.
He that is surety for a stranger shall smart for it; But he
that hateth them that strike hands is secure.
Harm will come to anyone going
surety for another, but whoever hates giving pledges is secure.
[[Proverbs is opposed to providing surety for another’s loan
(see note on 6:1–5) and expresses this view throughout the book.]]
Doctors--Queer Government--Trump--------Medicare Patients in the
Future--Your Momma--Your Neighborhood}}
A gracious woman retaineth honour: and strong men retain riches.
A gracious woman obtaineth honour; And strong men obtain
A gracious woman gains esteem, and
ruthless men gain wealth.
[[Wealth and esteem are good things in Proverbs, but the means for
acquiring them are flawed. As precious gifts, they must be granted,
not taken. The esteem of others that depends on beauty is as fleeting
as beauty itself (cf. 31:30) and the wealth acquired by aggressive
behavior lasts only as long as one has physical strength.]] USCCB
{{Medicare Patients in the
Future--You--Your Momma--Your Neighborhood--------BBCPETEU--Big Queer
Incorporated--ButtUgly Windmill
Imperials--Deviates--NEA/APA/ACLU--Politics--Queer Government}}
The merciful man doeth good to his own soul: but he that is cruel
troubleth his own flesh.
The merciful man doeth good to his own soul; But he that is
cruel troubleth his own flesh.
Kindly people benefit themselves,
but the merciless harm themselves.
{{Medicare Patients in the
Future--Trump--You--Your Momma--------Big Queer
Incorporated--ButtUgly Windmill Imperials--NEA/APA/ACLU--Queer
The wicked worketh a deceitful work: but to him that soweth
righteousness shall be a sure reward.
The wicked earneth deceitful wages; But he that soweth
righteousness hath a sure reward.
The wicked make empty profits,but
those who sow justice have a sure reward.
{{Big Queer Incorporated--ButtUgly
Windmill Imperials--County
Coyotes--Deviates--NEA/APA/ACLU--Politics--Quack Doctors--Queer
Government--Queer Medias--Queered Legal Profession--Sigmund
Freud--------Medicare Patients in the Future--Your Momma}}
As righteousness tendeth to life: so he that pursueth evil
pursueth it to his own death.
Stedfast righteousness tendeth to life; But he that pursueth
evil pursueth it to his own death.
Justice leads toward life, but
pursuit of evil, toward death.
{{Medicare Patients in the
Future--Trump--You--Your Momma--------BBCPETEU--Big Queer
Incorporated--ButtUgly Windmill
Imperials--Deviates--NEA/APA/ACLU--Politics--Quack Doctors--Queer
They that are of a froward heart are abomination to the LORD: but
such as are upright in their way are his delight.
They that are perverse in heart are an abomination to the LORD;
But such as are upright in their way are His delight.
The crooked in heart are an
abomination to the LORD, but those who walk blamelessly are his
[[The terminology of ritual (acceptable and unacceptable
sacrifice, “abomination” and “delight”) is applied to human
conduct as in v. 1. The whole of human life is under divine scrutiny,
not just ritual.]] USCCB
Queer Incorporated--ButtUgly Windmill Imperials--County
Doctors--Queer Government--Queer Medias--Queered Legal
Profession--Realtor/Storage Rodents--Sigmund Freud--------Medicare
Patients in the Future--Trump--Your Momma}}
Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished: but
the seed of the righteous shall be delivered.
My hand upon it! the evil man shall not be unpunished; But the
seed of the righteous shall escape.
Be assured, the wicked shall not go
unpunished, but the offspring of the just shall escape.
{{BBCPETEU--Berserkers--Big Queer
Incorporated--ButtUgly Windmill Imperials--County
Doctors--Queer Government--Queer Medias--Queered Legal
Profession--Realtor/Storage Rodents--Sigmund Freud--------Lost Space
Aliens Took Wrong Turn--Medicare Patients in the Future--My Four
Parakeets (aka piggies with wings)--Trump--You--Your Momma--Your
As a jewel of gold in a swine's snout, so is a fair woman which is
without discretion.
As a ring of gold in a swine’s snout, so is a fair woman that
turneth aside from discretion.
Like a golden ring in a swine’s
snout is a beautiful woman without judgment.
[[Ear and nose rings were common jewelry for women. A humorous
saying on the priority of wisdom over beauty in choosing a wife.]]
{{Forget wisdom, just get me laid.}}
The desire of the righteous is only good: but the expectation of
the wicked is wrath.
The desire of the righteous is only good; But the expectation
of the wicked is wrath.
The desire of the just ends only in
good; the expectation of the wicked is wrath.
{{Bikini Try On Hauls (on YouTube) peak
my desires -- the fakes and phonies on YouTube shall burn in Hell.}}
There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that
withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty.
There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; And there is that
withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth only to want.
One person is lavish yet grows still
richer; another is too sparing, yet is the poorer.
[[A paradox: spending leads to more wealth.]] USCCB
{{This does not justify the prime
insanity of Capitalism. It simply means with expenditure of wealth
more avenues and options are created with which to reap profits from
increased opportunities.}}
The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be
watered also himself.
The beneficent soul shall be made rich, and he that satisfieth
abundantly shall be satisfied also himself.
Whoever confers benefits will be
amply enriched, and whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.
{{Now is the perfect time to raise
standard specifications from 38D's to 40D's. You are welcome.}}
He that withholdeth corn, the people shall curse him: but blessing
shall be upon the head of him that selleth it.
He that withholdeth corn, the people shall curse him; But
blessing shall be upon the head of him that selleth it.
Whoever hoards grain, the people
curse, but blessings are on the head of one who distributes it!
{{Everyone wants a piece of the pie.
Therefore an endless supply of pies is always required. He who slows
down the pie making is cursed. He who sells the pies, that can be
sold, is blessed.}}
He that diligently seeketh good procureth favour: but he that
seeketh mischief, it shall come unto him.
He that diligently seeketh good seeketh favour; But he that
searcheth for evil, it shall come unto him.
Those who seek the good seek favor,
but those who pursue evil will have evil come upon them.
[[The saying is about seeking one thing and finding another.
Striving for good leads to acceptance by God; seeking evil means only
that trouble will come. The same Hebrew word means evil and
trouble.]] USCCB
{{Without endless lies and vast herds
of Sheeple to obey the lies, the DemoQueers would be extinct by
He that trusteth in his riches shall fall: but the righteous shall
flourish as a branch.
He that trusteth in his riches shall fall; But the righteous
shall flourish as foliage.
Those who trust in their riches will
fall, but like green leaves the just will flourish.
{{Eat Green, Drink Green, Think Green,
Dream Green, Be Green.}}
He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind: and the
fool shall be servant to the wise of heart.
He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind; And the
foolish shall be servant to the wise of heart.
Those who trouble their household
inherit the wind, and fools become slaves to the wise of heart.
{{Fools that survive their own
foolishness become the servants of the Wise and Propitious and
The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth
souls is wise.
The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; And he that is
wise winneth souls.
The fruit of justice is a tree of
life, and one who takes lives is a sage.
[[Most translations emend Hebrew “wise person” in colon B on
the basis of the Greek and Syriac translations to “violence”
(similar in spelling), because the verb “to take a life” is a
Hebrew idiom for “to kill” (as also in English). The emendation
is unnecessary, however, for the saying deliberately plays on the odd
meaning: the one who takes lives is not the violent but the wise
person, for the wise have a profound influence upon life. There is a
similar wordplay in 29:10.]]
{{For the righteous the Tree of Life is available, and he who
climbs many branches and frees souls thereby is wise.}}
Behold, the righteous shall be recompensed in the earth: much more
the wicked and the sinner.
Behold, the righteous shall be requited in the earth; How much
more the wicked and the sinner!
If the just are recompensed on the
earth, how much more the wicked and the sinner!
[[The saying is not about life after death; “on the earth”
means life in the present world. The meaning is that divine judgment
is exercised on all human action, even the best. The thought should
strike terror into the hearts of habitual wrongdoers.]] USCCB
{{The righteous shall be rewarded while on Earth, the bad guys
shall gnash teeth and eat dirt.}}
Weblink to USCCB Proverb 11
Markel Peters