The Illinois Republican Primary was won by money, which paid the medias, who convinced the Homosexual/Moderates (that are addicted to those medias) to vote for their latest 'GayBoy'.
That money, did not necessarily come from Non-DemoCraps.
Nowhere, in that fetid political wasteland, was there any Humanity or Goodness at work. It was an act of total Evil. As Evil as the two-faced Rat that claimed the 'win'.
You can not get more proof, even if you have to; that Moderates are queer for the DemoCraps.
HObama tells them to vote Moderate, and choose Mitt (the Rat) Romney; and that is exactly what they do.
Wonder why?
Well, it also proves something else. Whenever you look at the face of a 'Moderate', you are actually looking at the Asshole of a DemoCrap.
This, is now proven permanently.
Yes, I know.
But, it is all 'media'. The Rat is actually uglier than the Super Queer.
And, the Super Queer is as ugly as a meth-injected Tarantula on steroids.
As far as the Rat is concerned, I wouldn't wish that face as the ass of a diarrheic Baboon. It would be an insult to the Baboon.
Talk about jive-ass speeches! The Rat reeks of Rat Superiority over mice everywhere. Which is to be expected, of course. 430,535 mice just voted for their favorite Rat, in Illinois.
But, this is just for Humans to know and realize, of course.
No mouse of the Satan Tube could ever understand such Truths as these, despite how simple and obvious they are.
However, the Truth of how it works must be obvious to all Intelligent Life Forms on the Planet Earth, by now.
The Homosexual/Moderates (aside from their queerness for the DemoCraps) are also addicts of the Satanic Medias that they were raised on -- raped by -- as children. That Satan Tube Addiction, and the 'Tiny-Brained Dementia' that it causes, makes their brains tiny and obedient and programmable. THAT means, that anyone or anything that pays the Queer Medias enough money -- will get to control all of the addicts of those Queer Medias.
Does any thinking person see any vestige or trace of 'Democracy' in that transparent Reality?
Speaking for myself -- apart from the accurate descriptions which I share about the Rat -- to me, the thing looks like a creation from a Factory of the Damned. A 'Ratzilla'!
All it needs, are the tail and the fangs.
God Damn, is that thing -- 'In-Your-Face-Dictatorship-For-Hire'!!!!
But, who is funding it?
Who is hiring it?
I'm serious folks -- if you cannot see the huge Bumper Sticker Reality of that Rat's two-faced existence (written across its face) -- then you must watch the Satan Tube! Only the Dulling Death Trance, that all Satan Tubers suffer from, could make anyone blind to the glaringly obvious plasticity of that Rat's appearance. It is the kind of appearance that can only be gotten by decades of flip-flopping, lying, conniving, smiling at victims, and seeing its victims and loser-minions suffer.
Mitt (the Rat) Romney is a monster in Humanoid flesh.
It is also a Blindness Indicator.
If you can look at it, and not see what I mean, you must have the TV Blindness. A blindness that comes from watching the Queer Medias, that strip you of your Common Sense, your Humanity, and your Life's Essence. I say the latter, because anyone with any Natural Instincts left intact, will see immediately that they are looking at a Rat Aberration, and not a Real Human -- when they look at Mitt (the Rat) Romney.
[[I am not saying this for my benefit. I do not have any problems with Perceptions and Perspicacity and Reality.]]
It is always the TV Blinded fools, that have to spend three years suffering from such wrong choices, before they slowly and stupidly start to realize that all they have done is to trade one egomaniac Queer Puppet for another egomaniac Queer Puppet.
It is -- 'Spit-Pathetic'!
The most horrible part about it is, that many innocent children and brainwashed people will die from the Queer's Disease, while the next Queer Puppet prances around 'Wash This Death City', pretending to be a president.
On Planet Sinister -- if it is not Human, it is 'Queer' ...
however ...
the way the Masters look at it is -- if it is not 'Queer Yummy', it is Human ...
and therefore illegal, unacceptable, un-indoctrinated, un-neutered, and dangerous!
The Masters only want 'Residents' in the White House that will guarantee them an endless supply of 'Queer Yummies'.
That used to be your children.
Too bad.
Too bad, you insisted on voting, in the 'President' choice.
Learn To 'Vote Around'!
The same kind of unthinking stupidity, that makes people drive too fast to work in the morning; is what makes fools vote for convenient and quickest solutions to misunderstood problems -- quick and false answers for the wrong questions.
Dumb and uninformed obedience to the propaganda of the Queer Medias, coupled with a false acceleration that omits any consideration of future consequences; is what makes people (who should know better) to vote for Queer Choices. When the sensible response is to 'Vote Around The Cancer'. To 'Vote Around' the choices forces upon us by our Queer Enemies.
Oh, and stop worrying about those threats against me by the HBHZ turds, and the DemoCraps (et all) -- the Truth only hurts the Jackals that tried to hurt the Truth -- and so they deserve everything that the Truth gives them.
Here, is an excerpt from a recent article in Newsmax about the dilemma that is facing the Real Humans.
Despite conservatives’ continued reluctance to embrace GOP front-runner Mitt Romney, key segments of that bloc are more likely to flock to the former Massachusetts governor than allow President Barack Obama to win a second term, political strategist Bradley Blakeman tells Newsmax.
“The fact is that Romney is going to get those voters. They have no place to go once he’s selected,” Blakeman insisted during an exclusive interview following the Illinois primary on Tuesday. “They’re not going to sit on their hands. They dislike Obama a heck of a lot more than they dislike Romney.”
Although Romney won the day in the Land of Lincoln, he failed to win the evangelical vote, tea party voters, and people earning less than $100,000 a year.
Speaking on Fox’s “Hannity” program on Tuesday, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, however, insisted that Romney still can be denied the 1,144 delegates needed to secure his victory.
“Phase 1 has to be stopping Romney because the fact is, if he gets 1,144 votes, he’s the nominee, fair and square, it’s over,” Gingrich acknowledged. “On the other hand, if, as voters look at this — as happened last week for example in Mississippi and in Alabama — as happened the previous week in Kansas — if people say ‘no,’ they don’t want Romney, then I think you get to a situation after June 26 where there’s a 60-day conversation.”
If such a scenario unfolds, Gingrich added that no candidate will emerge as a clear winner of this tempestuous and vitriolic nomination battle.
“Santorum won’t have a majority. I won’t have a majority. Romney won’t. Ron Paul won’t,” he explained. “If that’s what happens, then we’ll have a real conversation.”
Quote from Bradley Blakeman.
[[That 'real conversation' is THE ONLY WAY to assure that the Satanic and Queer Lying-Dead do not install another Abomination into the White House. The last thing that we need are back-to-back Puppets from our worst enemies.
DemoCraps or ModoRats, if it shares the same twisted panties -- it is the same twisted enemy.
And yes, I have no difficulty at all seeing Mitt (the Rat) Romney in twisted panties, at a Queer Rally in the Hideous Boston Horrid Zone. If you have difficulty seeing that, then you have the TV Blindness.
Recall, if you can, that such monsters as Mitt (the Rat) Romney deliberately operate outside of your Comfort Zone of Awareness and Reality. A Comfort Zone that is constantly stifled and compacted and resized and minimized by the Queer Medias; until it only includes what they tell you it includes. That, allows them to commit all sorts of heinous and horrible acts, deeds, crimes and murders against you and your own kind; without any reprisals from you. Ignorant You. Comfortable You.
Inside your comfort zones, all you see is what the Queer Medias want you to see.
Outside your comfort zones, such hideous gargoyles as Mitt (the Rat) Romney are ghastly ugliness, in the disobedience of God and Nature and Decency. Murderers and Fiends.
Elect that turd, and you will find that out the hard way.
New interesting information:
It is amazing, that I can be completely ignored and unseen sometimes.
Today, in Eau Claire Wisconsin (at a roadside store of course) I heard three DemoCraps talking about how Romney was their 'boy', and how Rick Santorum did not have a chance. They mentioned how Romney had been recruited and 'suited' for this, more than a year and a half ago.
They were all grinning and smiling and laughing. I would describe them, but they do not deserve to be described.
[[Today, all of the worst DemoCrap newsrags in Wisconsin are applauding the Illinois Primary 'win' by the Rat.]]
They said (as they gleefully talked out loud with 'Gay Abandon'), that their actions to get "Romney elected" as the RINO against them, began more than a year and a half ago. That it takes that long to get the money together. They chuckled about their foresight and cleverness.
Which, of course, must include orders to the DemoCrap minions for mass infiltrations into the Republican ranks; by 'Queers' and DemoCraps trained for this -- and the application of terror tactics against all Real Humans who might vote against the Rat.
Bang! There goes any flimsy appearance of a Real Victory by the Rat -- anywhere -- at any time! I believe the proper term for Romney is 'bought dog'. But, I prefer 'Wrapped Rat'.
I am not surprised, of course, to hear them admit that they own Mitt (the Rat) Romney. But, the open audacity of their arrogance is nonetheless ugly and venomous. Those things are the True Enemies of God, and all Humans.
They are also the swine that are trying to recall as many Republicans as they can in Wisconsin, to keep Madison in a position of Prominent Brokerage for SQLD death and diseases.
Markel Peters